Does this work with dreambooth?

by landmann - opened

I'm getting this error when I try to use dreambooth:

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 8.26.33 PM.png

It should, because the model itself is just a dreamboothed SD checkpoint. Try to locate error in your code (maybe your pipeline is invalid)

Ahh fixed it with the new version of diffusers. Thank you!

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landmann changed discussion status to closed
landmann changed discussion status to open
landmann changed discussion status to closed

Sorry for the open/close/open/close.. first comment on here πŸ˜…

@emilianJR - I'm trying to replicate some of the photos you got on civitai using diffusers.. do you know if I can use 4x_NMKD-Superscale-SP_178000_G with diffusers? I also see V5 is now uploaded πŸ‘ Does the checkpoint in huggingface reflect the latest civitai models?

Thank you so much for your help!!

landmann changed discussion status to open

As far as I know, there is no modification in a diffuser pipeline that allows to use upscaler. I am afraid, the only way to use upscaler is by Automatic111πŸ™

@neiisan how did you update to the latest diffusers?

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