what are these (pips from instructions)

by Mirroxx - opened

pip install transformers accelerate protobuf sentencepiece

There's no description of each of these, nor how to install to custom location.

It doesn't say if there is a UI (I know nothing about this or the best ui). If you get a ui is the pips needed?

The Pips mentioned are commonly needed for most AI programs. They shouldnt need a description to be honest. " nor how to install to custom location."<<<i take it this is your first time? No worries at all :) Just make a python environment>activate it>install the r- requirement.txt file (which includes all required PIP for the program to run.)

As for the UI, no, this is a foundational model not a finished application. You can run it VIA Diffusers with code or Comfyui for GUI but otherwise youll need to run it through HuggingFace Spaces or through GUI you make (or someone makes in general)

"If you get a ui is the pips needed?" Always. The PIPs are the packages your environment needs to run it correctly. The UI would use the environments packages (normally they come with a UI as a fully finished programbut in this case it auto installs those same exact PIPs and as a such you would just get "Requirements Already Satisfied"

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