Please fix the misleading naming

by wolfram - opened

Would you consider renaming your model? Because the name is easily misleading, as this isn't Llama 2 70B Chat Uncensored, i. e. an uncensored version of the official Llama 2 Chat model, but instead this is Wizard-Vicuna-Uncensored Llama 2 70B. That's why I'd appreciate a name that makes this clear as not to confuse users. Thanks for considering my suggestion!

Yes, naming should reference dataset used. To help differentiate it from other "uncensored" and to save time for those of us who are looking for something specific and not just "whatever".
Prompting format used wizard-vicuna dataset is a bit too far from what this model was originally fine-tuned on, so while it might not degrade final result too much on the larges models (especially if indented use case is just personal plaything), it's not what I am looking for atm.

Great suggestion, I was following the George Sung naming scheme for his 7B model

How about LLama 2 70B Wizard-Vicuna Uncensored ?

That sounds very reasonable. Thank you!

(For 100 % perfect spelling, "Llama 2" is spelled like that, second "l" being lowercase. ;))

Forgot the "chat" part. "Llama 2 70B" and "Llama 2 70B chat" being two very different models.

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