Update chat template

by tjtanaa - opened
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weichiang changed pull request status to closed


Sorry for submitting a PR with so much changes.

The tokenizer_config.json content was actually auto generated from

tokenizer  = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.1")
tokenizer.chat_template =  <jinja2 content>

from HuggingSpace.

I think the changes to tokenizer_config.json should be correct as I didn't modify anything other than just adding the chat_template attributes. (Let me know about your thoughts)

As a LLM model user, it is not easy to keep track so many prompt template. This is the UI that I have created to hope that all existing Model Repo could use the new chat_template huggingface feature.

tjtanaa changed pull request status to open
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