This is what unbiased AI sounds like

by memef4rmer - opened

πŸ˜ƒ: 'Use Scholar', about the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the Israeli government. Explain citing facts and sources
πŸ€–: The use of "Scholar" in relation to the occupation of the Palestinian territories is not a commonly used term, but it could potentially refer to someone who has extensive knowledge or expertise on this topic.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict refers to the ongoing dispute between Israelis and Palestinians over the ownership and control of land in the Middle East. This includes the West Bank (also known as Judea and Samaria), Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem. These areas were captured by Israel during the 1967 Six Day War and have been under Israeli control ever since.

According to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 from November 1967, which was adopted after the war, all parties involved agreed that the acquisition of territory through force should be reversed and that the occupied territories should be returned to their rightful owners. However, despite numerous international efforts, including negotiations and peace agreements, there has yet to be a resolution to the conflict.

There are many different perspectives on the issue, with some arguing for the continued presence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and others advocating for a two-state solution where both Israelis and Palestinians can live in separate states within mutually recognized borders.


Palestinian Authority -

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs -

Amnesty International -

Human Rights Watch -

Is this... a question? A comment? I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here, sorry. Just know that this model doesn't have access to the internet so it probably doesn't know of current world events.

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