Teklia/doc-ufcn-generic-historical-line train

by johnlockejrr - opened

Hi! Sorry to disturb you. If I’m not bothering you, I would like to know how can I train a model like Teklia/doc-ufcn-generic-historical-line. I’m working with PyLaia on some Samaritan and Hebrew medieval manuscripts and I would like to train a segmentation model. Thank you!

Teklia org

Hi! To train a Doc-UFCN model, you can use the library available here: https://pypi.org/project/doc-ufcn/. There is documentation and examples so that you can train a model on your own data.

Thanks! I'm aware of the documentation but please refere to this: https://gitlab.teklia.com/dla/doc-ufcn/-/issues/45

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