Upload qlora files separately to merged weights.

by adamo1139 - opened


Would it be possible for you to upload qlora adapter files in the main model repos or in separate model repo to make it more accessible for people with poor internet to try out your models? Someone could download base model and merge your qloras on their own to save on bandwidth. I specifically would like to check out this model and the airoboros 2.2 mistral qlora but waiting for 26GB download to finish would be a day long undertaking, while I could download and merge those qloras in half an hour.


Would it be possible for you to upload qlora adapter files in the main model repos or in separate model repo to make it more accessible for people with poor internet to try out your models? Someone could download base model and merge your qloras on their own to save on bandwidth. I specifically would like to check out this model and the airoboros 2.2 mistral qlora but waiting for 26GB download to finish would be a day long undertaking, while I could download and merge those qloras in half an hour.

I will try to soon thank you

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