Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Allura
CHAPTER 1 Allura woke up. She had been sleeping the hollow of a big misshapen tree's roots. She crawled out slowly and yawned. She looked around her, it was day, the daylight was sparkling through the layers of branches and leaves of the dense forest canopy. Allura stood, and brushed the dirt off herself. She turned left from the tree and walked a while until she came upon a rushing stream. She drank some of the water, and then washed her face and soaked her hair with it. With her hair dripping wet, she stood and started walking south. She walked all day, rarely stopping until, near sundown, she came to a small house nestled between two large trees, in a clearing. A large sign in front of the house read, “BEWARE MONSTER.” Suddenly out of the foliage, a massive beast crashed through and stopped right in front of Allura. It stood a whole head taller than Allura. It had the basic body structure of a centaur, but with notable differences. It's torso was covered in light brown, shaggy hair that ended where its first front legs were. It's head resembled a dog's, and its arms were massive crustacean claws. It's four legs and lower abdomen were reptilian, they were covered in scales, heavily muscular, and almost resembled lizard's legs. The creature's rear end was topped off with a long reptilian tail, complete with spikes on the end. The beast stood in front of Keira panting happily like a dog who sees his master after a long day. It licked Keira's face several times then waited. “Calm down, Alli's home, I bet you want your reward don't you? Well, just let me freshen up a little.” She went inside, peeled off all of her clothing then went back outside again, naked. Her brown nipples hardened from the coolness of the evening air. The monster came over and enthusiastically started licking her large round breasts. Allura felt the temperature rise just a little. She kneeled and crawled under the monster. There she found it's unsheathed cock. She took, and began stroking it lightly. It hardened a little. She rubbed it over, under and between her breasts. She kissed it lightly, and continued kissing down to the head, until she kissed the little slit at the tip. She tasted salty precum on her lips and deemed the cock ready. She licked the entire thing over, then she pushed it slowly into her mouth and down her throat. She applied a strong suction while sliding the massive cock in and out of her throat. She gave head like she worshiped the monster's tool. Back and forth she went, faster and faster, sucking harder and harder, as if starved for the monster's white cream. She felt him shudder, the sign that he was going to shoot. She pulled out quickly and opened her mouth, she begged silently for it to cum. The monster shivered, then it's cock shot a thick stream of cum into Allura's mouth, but it didn't stop there. It kept spraying it's seed all over Allura's face and breasts. When it stopped Allura licked the head clean, she swallowed the cum and rubbed it into her face and skin like it was lotion. “Good boy,” she whispered. She knew that the monster could hear her, as well as understand her pretty well. She crawled out from underneath the monster and stood in front of it. “Since you've been such a good boy while I've been gone for so long, you can have a special treat today.” She got down on all fours and bared her ass at the monster. He barked excitedly. He climbed on and penetrated her with his long monster cock. He supported himself with his large arms. He slowly began thrusting in and out of her. Allura gasped in pleasure. As she loosened up a little, The beast increased his speed. After a few minutes of pumping, Allura cried out from her first orgasm. The monster went all out, and vigorously jammed his cock in and out of Allura's wet sex. She moved in rhythm with the monster, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. Her mouth was open in a small o. She had at least three more explosive orgasms, after that she lost count. The monster only got more excited with each orgasm she had. Finally after what seemed like the hundredth orgasm the monster stopped and sprayed his warm gooey semen deep within Allura. He pulled out finally and stepped back, allowing Allura some room to breathe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Major Steve Jackson stepped through the door carefully, but quickly with his gun drawn. He signaled to his men to fan out behind him. “Search every room!” He shouted over the blaring sirens. His men quickly divided into four groups of three and started searching the rooms thoroughly. Steve went with the first group. They filed into the living room, there was a kid hiding in the closet. Percy arrested, and escorted him outside while Steve, Bill, and Rick moved on. Steve and his team searched the entire building and arrested a total of five kids. Their ages ranged from 13 to 16. They had turned off the sirens and were preparing to take the kids back to the station. “Hey Percy, did you get the owner of the house?” Asked Jackson “Yes Sir, its a women named Keira... that's all the information I got,” replied Percy. “What? No age? No occupation? No-” An earsplitting scream pierced the night. “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Steve and Percy both drew their guns, and were joined by Rick as they rushed into the house again. “It was definitely female, I'd say adult,” commented Rick. They quickly searched the entire house and met up in the kitchen. “I got nothing,” said Steve. “Same.” “Yeah, nothing.” Then another scream racketed through the house. “AAAHHHH-AHHH-UHHHH UHH!” “Sounds like she being muffled by someone.” “Let's go.” They ran in the direction of the noise, and came to a closet. Percy opened the door and went through in one fluid motion. Steve followed, with Rick bringing up the rear. They took out flashlights and inspected the room. It was just an ordinary closet except that the coats were in total disarray, scattered on the floor. A life size mirror also lay on the floor, shattered and broken. At the back was an electronic door which would have been concealed perfectly by the mirror. Steve stepped through the glass to the door, the door opened automatically. Steve stepped through, Percy and Rick followed. The room's walls were white and covered with An assortment of paper media. In the far corner there was a CoNIVR pod, with an automated life support system set up right next to it. There was a desk with consoles set up on top. There were two kids on the floor, not moving. Their clothes were torn and their faces were pale. Percy and Rick both checked a kid over. “What happened?” asked Steve. “Shit, this kid almost doesn't have a pulse, he can't get enough oxygen.” exclaimed Percy. “This kid's gone,” replied Rick. “Damn, what happened here?” Steve muttered to himself. “Sir, we have to get this kid to a hospital.” “Yeah, bring them both.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allura had been riding on her monster's back all day. After a day of traveling they had made it to the edge of the forest. Allura got down from the monster's back and found a suitable tree to sleep in for the night. The monster went off to hunt for food. Allura took off her clothes and climbed the tree and crawled into a small alcove like clearing among the thick branches. The branches in the clearing all had big, bright green flower buds on them, whereas the rest of the tree was quite bare and dry. Allura could see, from the tree, the golden brown desert that stretched endlessly beyond the forest. She fell asleep wondering if she could actually survive the desert. In the middle of the night she was awakened by a touch. She opened her eyes groggily and looked around. There was a bright green vine wrapped around her right breast. She shrugged and lay back down. Something soft and moist started poking her stomach, and another something slithered over her cheek. Startled she opened her eyes and looked again. There were bright green vines everywhere, upon Allura sitting up, they moved faster. Dozens of vines of all sizes curled over her body and caressed her, as if trying to reassure her that there was no danger. Allura knew what was happening, she submitted herself to it. The vines lifted her about three feet into the air. Vines wrapped around her thighs, pulled them up to her stomach and spread them. Vines held her arms down behind her back and arched her back in the process. Vines ensnared her large breasts in round curls. The buds opened and were placed onto her erect nipples. Allura felt something squeeze her nipples tightly, and she felt liquid start dribbling out of her nipples. Allura moaned with pleasure. She adored getting milked. Small, light vines tickled and rubbed Allura wherever she was sensitive. A large vine with the familiar bright green bud on the tip, rose up, and forced its way into Allura's mouth. She opened her mouth wide, and then sucked at it hard. The vines, as if sensing her eagerness, sped themselves up. The vine in her mouth was slid in and out with speedy thrusts. Allura felt it bulge, and a thick, syrupy liquid rushed into her mouth. It was sweet! It was sweet as nectar. The moment Allura tasted the plant's goo, it launched another thick vine into her pussy. It started slithering in and out in a steady rhythm. The plant nectar had something in it, a chemical of some sort, that was sending Allura into euphoria. Not only was the plant giving her intense pleasure with its vines but the delicious nectar it produced had strong drug-like qualities to it. Allura was in such a high state of ecstasy, she wouldn't have been able to move, even if she wanted to. Another vine, even thicker than the one in her pussy, shoved its way up Allura's ass pussy. Allura gasped. She moaned, and the plant, as if knowing her needs, intensified it's attentions. The vines were thrust faster, and harder into her two pussies. Her breasts were squeezed, and milker harder. The thin tendrils found out her ticklish spots, and fluttered about. The more pleasure she felt, the harder she sucked on the vine in her mouth, the more nectar it produced, the more drunken in ecstasy Allura became. It was a never ending cycle. Allura reached a level of pleasure so extreme that she was experiencing at least five orgasms per minute. Her body couldn't take anymore and collapsed under the sensory overload. The last thought she had before she passed out was, “Nooooo, It's not enough. I want more!” It was never enough for Allura. When she woke up she was still in the same place, the cradle of bud covered branches up in an old tree. The buds were all closed and not a single thing stirred. Allura might have dismissed it all for a dream if she wasn't covered in dried yellow plant nectar. She moved a hand down to stroke her breasts, and stopped. Her round globes were not there, her chest was almost flat! The tree had sucked her completely dry! This had never happened to Allura before. She knew that they would grow back very fast, but already she missed their weight. She climbed down from the tree and went to search for water. She didn't find any. She reasoned that the desert was probably too close for a stream to live. She went back to the tree that she spent the night in. She touched the trunk and said, “Establish portal.” At her words, a green circle with an 'X' inside appeared on the tree's trunk. The green symbol burned into the tree and then faded away, leaving an imprint branded on the tree. She kissed the tree, and started digging at its base. After a minute she found what she had buried the day before, a whistle. She brushed some dirt off the instrument and then blew into it. Almost immediately, Allura heard a loud howl, that she knew belonged to her monster. After a minute he came crashing through the forest to meet Allura. She dressed, and got onto the monster's back. Together they started the journey into the desert.
Chapter 3 - Laying with the Lord of Lies
Kat stepped out of the hot shower feeling refreshed, and still inexplicably horny. Despite the growing lake of her juices forming around the base of her computer chair, she hadn't curbed her lust in the slightest. Sighing, she headed downstairs, silently grateful for the fact that she didn't have a roommate and started rummaging through the kitchen for something to eat. Everything she picked up made a brief detour in the "can I fuck this'" section of her brain before landing at the "can I eat this'" section. Sighing, she settled on an orange, peeled it and headed back to her computer. Tiptoeing around the pool of girl-cum she sat down and picked up the loot still sitting on the screen, all of it somehow being an upgrade and unsurprisingly covering less of her character's body than the previous outfit. "Whatever, on to the next quest I guess," she took a bite out of one of the orange slices, letting it dribble down her chin without a care in the world. ***** Aylla stepped across another snake-man's corpse, plucking a dagger from it's chest as she did. Her absurdly long stiletto heels clicking on the stone bridge, she made her way to the Emperor's forum. Leah blasted the door with a burst of magic and collapsed, leaving Aylla to face Belial alone once again. Taking a few brief moments to check and double check her ammo supply, Aylla steeled herself for the coming encounter. She had to admit to herself, perhaps a little grudgingly, that even though she hadn't necessarily won her last two boss fights they certainly hadn't been unpleasant. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she recalled her most recent run-in with Maghda. Snapping back to reality, Aylla cast her red eyes about the room. There were a few snake guards but no sign of– "Welcome Aylla, Maghda has told me all about you." Belial's deep voice crashed through forum and sent the Demon Hunter to her knees panting. She drew in a few deep breaths to steady herself, and in an explosion of action sprung to her feet. She fired off bolt after bolt of demon-purging hatred, shredding the snake guards in moments and forcing the Lord of Lies to face her himself. There was nowhere to hide in the small semi-circular space so she contented herself with waiting until the absolute last possible moment to duck under Belial's sweeping arms to dash away and continue her never-ending stream of fire. For a moment she allowed herself a brief smile, thinking to herself that this time there would be no abuse of her body. This time, she would take down the bastard with her dignity in tact… ***** Kat could feel her reactions slowing down, a look of confusion spreading across her face. This was usually when the flicker happened… where was it' She was surprised at her own reluctance to finish the fight without the now seemingly routine sex fantasies. She bit her lip, felt the sweat beading on her porcelain skin, then brushed a stray lock of her red hair out of her face. Her green eyes focused back on the action and she prepared for phase 3. So intent on noticing the flicker of the screen she never realized that the colors around the edge were starting to shift ever so slightly and her tight little pussy had already begun responding accordingly. ***** With a scream of primal rage, Belial teleported to Aylla. Exhausted, she couldn't muster up enough discipline to cloak herself in shadows once more. Couldn't manage to duck under the swing of his fist. Couldn't manage to pick herself up off the floor before he set upon her again. Couldn't manage to stop a swarm of magical insects from stripping her body of its armor in seconds. She looked up at the Lord of Lies, her glowing red eyes having dimmed to a soft smolder. "Fuck me." "Is that an invitation?" Belial rumbled with a sneer. For several moments Aylla wasn't even sure herself whether she was asking for a literal fucking, or just crying out against her futile situation. Belial however didn't wait to hear her reply. He leaned in close and let his tongue slide down her neck, wrapping itself around one pert breast and flicking the tip of her nipples repeatedly. Aylla flinched with every maddening flick, her body betraying her once again with its growing arousal. Her chest was growing tight, nipples hardening into points and a slow trickle of her juices dribbling from her swollen lips down her ass to pool under her. At last she couldn't hold it in any longer and a low moan escaped from her rebellious mouth. Taking it as permission to continue, Belial lowered his arm and spread her legs wide, her quivering muscles offering no meaningful resistance. She lifted her head to stare down her sweating body at the lewd display. "Well? What are you waiting for?" she growled up at the demon, a haze of lust gripping her mind. Belial stared down into her eyes, pulled his tongue from its ministrations on her nipple and breathed out a noxious gas directly into her own open mouth. She coughed and spluttered but couldn't keep from inhaling several lungfuls of the magic. Aylla felt the spell take effect almost immediately, a tingling growing at the base of her skull and wrapping itself around her brain, exerting the barest amount of pressure. Her thoughts became fuzzy and her legs spread of their own accord, her tongue lolling out and her eyes unfocusing. ***** Kat had now managed to stuff her entire fist inside her cunt, flexing her fingers over and over and spurting girl-cum around her hand with each spasm. Despite being in the never-ending throes of an orgasm her eyes were glued to the screen, had she been capable of coherent thought she would have felt the very same insistent pressure warping her thoughts, the very same tingling at the base of her skull. Instead she just thrust her fist deeper inside her, arching her back and breaking eye contact with the screen for a split second. That split second was all she needed to free herself momentarily from the mesmerizing shifting colors on her monitor, all she needed to regain some semblance of control. Her pussy walls flexed powerfully around her hand one more time and she came crashing back into her body. "Holy fucking hell what the flying fuck is shit fuck fuck FUCK." Gathering her senses, she withdrew her sopping hand from its warm home and stared at it, dumbfounded. "There's just no way…" After a few more moments of disbelief, she could feel the beginnings of an infectious grin perk up the corners of her mouth. She leaned forward, took a long slow lick, and then reached down to continue fisting herself at the incredible scene still going on in her game. Her shimmering green eyes returned to the screen and then she was under its spell again. The tingling at the base of her skull now spreading throughout her body, warping it in some imperceptible way. ***** Aylla had never felt anything like the pleasure that was coursing through her body now. She was still craning her neck to stare at the Lord of Lies working his magic between her legs. Disbelief didn't even cover what was going through the stunning Demon Hunter's head right now. What she saw never even really registered with her sense of reality, it just passed through her brain and straight to her sensory perception. Belial's spell seemed to have rearranged the way the Demon Hunter's physiology. She was currently staring at an impossibly large bulge in her belly, watching it recede, and then shuddering in mind-melting (or it would have been if she'd been possessed of her mind) orgasm as one of the lords of Hell thrust his entire arm inside her. Her stomach would stretch obscenely around his fist, rising up almost to her breasts before retreating again with his exit. "Don't… stop… unghhhh, fucking me!" Belial was ecstatic that the Demon Hunter's form had proven resilient enough to bear the brunt of his magic. He was hoping that she might maintain consciousness long enough for him to use her body in his full form. ***** Kat could feel her own body tingling as the Demon Hunter's had, feel her own physiology changing slightly. She wasn't consciously aware of the changes rampaging through her body however as she didn't have a two foot long arm thrashing its way inside her. She did however notice that with each thrust of her own fist, a little more of her arm was being sucked inside her quivering lips. Her thighs, calves, feet and dainty toes were now coated in her own juices with more flowing freely from her sex. Her jaw hung slack, drool forming in the corner of her mouth and every so often falling from her sweet lips to join the puddle of bodily fluids under her ass. She perhaps should have been wondering why the game was still going on without any input from her end, or maybe she should have been wondering how the game was having a physical effect on her body in the first place. Instead the only thing going through her mind was that she needed more of it. She needed to keep cumming, keep playing, and keep losing herself to the bliss of the game. ***** Finally Belial could restrain himself no longer. He pulled his arm from the Demon Hunter's spasming body and stood up, shrouding himself in magic as he started to morph into his larger, true form. Aylla never stopped cumming, her body still imagining the impossible feeling of her insides reshaping themselves around the demon's arm. It struck her briefly that she should probably have felt quite a bit more than a little pain at the intrusion, but she ignored that thought and continued to focus on the pleasure echoing throughout her. Finally the tingling in her nerves stopped and she realized the spell had done its work, whether permanent or not she didn't know. "Fuck I need to get out of here before anything worse happens." Aylla rolled herself over onto her stomach and pushed herself up to her hands and knees, the effects of her lust finally wearing down a bit. Just as she was reaching for her crossbow, she heard a booming laugh behind her. "Oh fuck…" She tried to crawl away from it as fast as she could, slipping in the puddle of cum she'd squirted during her abuse. Belial reached down and lifted the flailing Demon Hunter into the air. As she stared below her at the floor, she saw Belial's lower half come into view. "Oh fuck no! No, no, no, no, NO! That thing is not going inside me!" "Now now Aylla, what do you think I was preparing you for? Did you think my spell was simply for your own benefit? That I just wanted to shove my arm up to your chest without causing you pain? Don't be naïve." Aylla was squirming wildly, frantic in her attempts to get away. Hanging below her at full mast was Belial's enormous cock. It was a writhing mass of… well it looked to be made up primarily of green magic and buzzing black specks. She was thankful at least that they weren't insects. What was truly terrifying however was that the damn thing looked like it was at least three feet long. There was no way it could fit inside her petite body. Uncaring, Belial lowered the Demon Hunter onto the tip of his massive member, spreading her legs apart as he did. She felt the tip press insistently against her soaked sex, eagerly awaiting admission. With a slow and terrible pressure, the demon lord began to force his way inside her. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she let out a piercing wail as her cunt finally split wide enough to swallow the head of his cock. "Holy fuuuuuck it's huge!" she panted, nearly spiraling into orgasm just at the initial entry. She kept her head thrown back, trying to avoid looking at the massive organ now forcing its way into her womb. ***** Kat meanwhile couldn't stop staring at her beloved character being turned into a fuck-toy of the Lord of Lies. She knew she should probably feel disgusted at it, that she should probably turn off her computer, maybe call up Blizzard and ask what the fuck was going on. There were a lot of things she should be doing. One of things that was most definitely not on that list, and was probably first and foremost on the list of things she shouldn't be doing, was to be ramming her fist as hard and fast into her cunt as was humanly possible. The other thing that was most assuredly not on that list was to feel a deep-seated envy of her Demon Hunter. There was no way that Kat should be jealous of getting speared on a three foot long, demonic cock. The fact of the matter is, she was. ***** Several minutes had passed since Aylla's womb had swallowed the inhuman cock housed between Belial's legs–several excruciatingly pleasurable minutes of endless orgasm. Her mind was rapidly degenerating into a soft putty where the only discernible thought was for the demon to continue hilting himself in her athletic body, stretching her stomach out to insane proportions somehow painlessly. The buzzing black specks running up and down his cock fluttered against Aylla's insides, lighting up centers of pleasure that she hadn't known existed, that probably shouldn't have existed at all. Belial continued to slam himself into Aylla's willing pussy, distending her stomach out past her breasts until his flesh-wrapped cock filled her entire field of vision. Aylla just watched, mesmerized by the sensations inside her and the appearing/disappearing act that was going on before her eyes. Her voice had gone hoarse from her screaming passion and her jaw was slack. Even her arms and legs were limp in the demon's grasp as he used them to pull her body up and down his member. Finally she felt a twitch inside her. Then another. Belial was about to cum. Finding the strength to scream out one more time, Aylla let loose an ear-splitting shriek as she felt her insides roil with the influx of torrent after torrent of demonic cum, triggering another climax. It began pouring out of her used cunt in gallons, squeezing around the tight seal she had on Belial's cock. More and more however remained trapped in her belly, inflating it slowly at first and then faster until finally she flew off the enormous dick. She landed unceremoniously in a pool of warm cum, her mouth open to let it flow in. After a couple of half-hearted swallows she smiled blissfully and began to lose consciousness, her distended stomach somehow oozing Belial's spunk out of her belly-button. Just another one of the spells changes to her body she guessed before blacking out. ***** Kat was now sliding the better part of her forearm into herself over and over again. She wasn't even sure how she was flexible enough to pull the feat off, but she did. With her free hand she pinched her clit roughly, watching as her Demon Hunter's body ballooned impossibly with Belial's seed. Kat joined Aylla with a glass-shattering shriek of her own as she came, her pussy trying to milk her arm for cum of her own. Breathless and slightly disappointed that she wouldn't get to feel what it was like to be pumped full of demonic cum, Kat passed out herself, her arm sliding out of her pussy. Amazingly, her lips closed on themselves in seconds, leaving no trace that she had just had most of her arm splitting them wide. Slumping in her cum-soaked chair, Kat's mind turned back to the events of the past night and replayed them over and over in her dreams. Replaying every last second and image, including the wildly distorted colors that danced around the edges of her vision.
Chapter 0 - Dark To Light
Short. Spent a week recovering my jab and feel like I forgot 90% of my English lessons I've learned in the past 3 months. Send halp. The loud clang of metal crashing down on the marbled floor reverberated through the air as a heavy, scarlet greatsword was deflected and knocked out of the hands of the woman wielding it. The sudden loss of her weapon staggered Yesui for a fraction of a second, but that was more than enough for the sin eater that stood before her to capitalize on. A singular swipe from the sin eater’s stark, white claws saw the already battered and bruised armour completely crumble, scraps of metal shattering and scattering across the marbled floor. The force of the blow was enough to send the warrior of darkness reeling back, bare from the waist up save for an ivory coloured bra that’d do very little to ward off any further blows. As Yesui struggled to rise to her feet she felt a sharp pain course through body, the damage from the earlier strike having finally done enough to keep the elezen woman down for the time being. As she craned her neck up to look at the advancing woman turned sin eater, Yesui couldn’t help but curse herself for foolishly coming alone to fight it. With a loud yowl of pain she’d rise to her feet one last time and cock back a fist to at least try and stun the creature as it neared her.  Alas, in her current physical condition, the blow that connected to the toned abs of the creature was nothing more than a glancing blow. In return for the punch the sin eater easily swatted Norvrandt’s saviour and hero to the floor. A panting and heaving Yesui could do naught else but stare at the blank, emotionless face of the sin eater now looming over her. The creature’s face and complexion looked pristine, almost doll-like, strands of golden hair shimmered under the brilliant light of the sky. For the briefest of moments Yesui almost admired the monster’s figure, from the pale skin adorned with the occasional streaks of gold, to the gleaming circlets that were present on either hand and leg. Compared to the monstrous form of most sin eaters, Yesui couldn’t help but find it curious that some retained such strange forms.  Her wandering state of mind didn’t last long as almost immediately she took notice of something that she was sure didn’t exist mere minutes ago during their battle. A lengthy, thick shaft was now erect, beads of thin, white fluid was already oozing from the tip and down onto the floor next to where her head was. The sudden display of perversion from the sin eater had stunned Yesui into silence, at least until she took notice that the woman was now beginning to kneel down, straddling over her head with a hand on her cock.  Even if the creature couldn’t speak, the intention was clear: that thing was going to use her mouth as a means for relief. As Yesui reached a fist up to attempt another swing, she’d be met with a harsh slap across the face that’d send her vision reeling and head aching. It wasn’t until she felt something warm and wet splatter across her cheek did she come to her senses long enough to see the turgid head of the woman’s cock now mere ilms from her lips. As opened her mouth to utter a series of swear words, she’d feel the warm, aching length jam down past her lips and down into her mouth. The crown of her cock quickly pressing back up against Yesui’s throat as she began to cough and gag around it, hands feebly tapping at the creature’s thigh in a vain attempt to push the sin eater off her.  Try as she might, in her battered and bruised state the great warrior of darkness was helpless to free herself from the situation at hand. Even the frantic kicking of her legs did little to help, as the only effect it seemed to have was to deprive herself of the oxygen in her lungs all that much faster. Ilm by agonizing ilm did the feminine sin eater begin to lower herself down against Yesui’s face, determined to bottom out. And bottom out she did, between the harsh, wet gagging sounds Norvrandt’s hero made and the slick noise of the sin eater’s dick slipping in and out from her Yesui’s mouth and throat, even from a distance one would easily be able to discern just what might be transpiring.   The gentle plapping of balls against a chin echoed through the air as the futile fight Yesui had been giving had finally given way, the lack of oxygen proving her downfall. As what once began in a gentle rhythmic motion had now escalated into a full blown bout of balls deep face fucking, the shlick sounds of dick sliding in and out of a throat joined the chorus of wet, gags and retches. All the while it took every onze of strength Yesui had to not asphyxiate around the invading member, the occasional breath of air she’d receive upon every pull back was enough to allow her to remain barely cognizant of what was happening. After a few minutes of chin battering and face bruising face fucking did Yesui begin to feel a familiar sensation. The occasional twitch of the cock in her throat signified that the sin eater was nearing the end of her fun. As the creature shunted her hips forward down against the trapped Yesui, she could feel the sudden clench of the large, heavy orbs that now rested against her chin. The first wave of nut began pumping directly down into her stomach, the thin, warm fluid was strangely devoid of taste as even despite the fact that nearly the entirety of the sin eater’s cock was lodged down her throat, she had still managed to receive some of it in her mouth. As the seconds ticked by the sin eater’s orgasm seemed to show no signs of stopping or slowing down. A wave of panic had now started to rise anew as she worried whether she might actually pass out. Were it not for the eventual feeling of the sin eater beginning to pull out, she might have begun to fight back once more, as little as that would have done. A gentle pop could be heard as the slick head was now pulled free, the momentary freedom allowed Yesui to turn on her side to cough and spit out portions of the load that had been blasted into her stomach, throat and mouth. It was only when she placed her hand out in front of her did she notice a slight change in her physique. Where once was a perfectly normal, darkened hand was now completely marble white. The shade of it was almost a mirror image of the floor beneath her. As a coughing fit rocked her body she now felt a strange feeling washing over her body, a sensation of warmth emanated from her stomach, as if something was gradually changing her physique. Splotches of milky white fluid was flung onto the floor as what Yesui had originally thought was nothing more than the cum was in all likelihood another form of corrupted aether that was used to turn others into sin eaters. Were she not amidst her current situation she might almost have scooped it up to study it further. A feeling of panic now started to form as Yesui realised just what was happening; the female sin eater was turning her into one of their own. Yesui’s moment of brief freedom was interrupted as she felt two large hands wrap around her midsection, hoisting her up with ease. It wasn’t until she looked down did she notice just what the monster had in store for her. The still turgid cock twitched in the air, ready and eager to plunge inside and violate her fully. To turn the once proud and brave warrior of darkness into another of their ranks. The frantic kicking and hollering began anew as with a simple swipe of the razor-like claws did the lower half of her armour fall away into nothing save for a pair of black panties that would soon be stained white.  Through all the desperate kicks, expletives and occasional swings, not a single attempt bore any fruit. As Yesui turned her head to stare at the still emotionless face of the sin eater, she felt a warm pang in her chest. For a mere moment she felt safe, content. As if there was something inside her that resonated with the one who was about to violate her. A quick shake of her head was enough to clear such ridiculous notions from her head, at least before she felt the crown of the sin eater’s cock begin to push up against the fabric that shielded her pussy.  With one single, merciless upward thrust did the sin eater tear through the flimsy fabric and straight up inside the woman she now had wrapped in a single arm. A guttural groan of what almost sounded like pleasure emanated from Yesui’s mouth, a flash of pleasure rocked her body as even despite the horrific circumstances, something within her felt that it was right. The normally gradual aetheric corruption had instead begun in earnest, perhaps in part due to the fact that she was now having the sin eater’s seed inside the slick, wet walls. The girthy cock stretched and rubbed along the sensitive nerves in just the right way that for the fraction of a second, she almost liked it. Were it not for Yesui looking down at her own body, she might have very well helped the creature to accomplish what she wanted. Instead, to her horror, she saw the telltale sign of corruption rapidly spreading along her lower extremities. The previously pristine, tanned skin was now marble white, the corruption beginning to take hold in a matter of minutes; her entire lower half was stained white, not unlike the one who was currently pounding away inside her.  Try as she might, be it kicks or screams, the protesting voice from Yesui gradually faded. The vision in her eyes had now started to fade over, turning the world white as she felt the familiar feeling of warmth inside her body take over. A feeling of belonging. As the rhythmic pace of thrusts from the sin eater reached a crescendo, the large wave of corrupted aether began to flood Yesui’s womb, ensuring that she would be fully turned into yet another of their numbers. The final few pumps of corrupted aether now saw the transformation complete as Yesui now sat peacefully atop her cock, face as emotionless as the one who had turned her. A steady flow of bleached fluid now trickled down onto the floor as the once dauntless champion of Norvrandt was nothing more than a sin eater, ready to turn both allies and enemies alike into what she had become.  The first victims of conversion would be the people rushing up the stairs on the opposite end of the arena, her former comrades and scions would be the first to be forgiven. From that day forth all of the inhabitants of Norvrandt would come to  fear their previously hailed champion. Where once stood the Warrior of Darkness, now stood a new sin eater. One by the name of Forgiven Ardor
Chapter 6 - Breaking Karlach, Day Five
Still fuming at her pet’s attempted rebellion, Shadowheart clenched her fist, willing long tentacles of inky blackness to coalesce around Karlach’s body, wrapping her tightly and then constricting. She watched with barely simmering rage, the tendrils slithering and coiling, stretching the Tiefling’s body into submission. Two snakes of smoky darkness wrapped around her breasts, trapping the blood, before continuing up to merge with her icy collar. Four more whipped down her legs and arms, twining themselves around her fingers and toes and wrenching her bound limbs behind her body. Her arms held at the small of her back, forearm to forearm, hands pressed against their opposing elbow, her legs folded at the knee and bound thigh to calf. By the time Shadowheart finished, Karlach was wrapped like a fetishized present in an intricate lattice network of rope-thin and pulsating shadow, leaving nothing hidden.   Bound, helpless, and gagged just like the first night, Karlach could do no more than whimper, the impossibly cold collar at her neck draining any heat from her infernal engine before it could be used to fuel her barbarian rage. She watched Shadowheart through shimmering golden eyes, toes curling and fingers twitching, as Shadowheart put the finishing touches on her artwork: a collar not unlike the one around her neck—though much smaller—appeared in the air around the base of Karlach’s cock, now stirring once more with arousal at her plight. Its form wavered for a moment, then clamped down snug on her cock with a sense of finality.   Shadowheart flicked a finger at her trussed up prey and Karlach floated upward until her head was level with Shadowheart’s breasts. She spun slowly in the air, back arched by her bindings, cock forced into erection once more by its collar, stopping with her gaze locked to Shadowheart. An involuntary shudder of fear coursed through Karlach, the dark eyes of her captor having given way once more to her normal viridian green. Her eyes shone like emerald-encased hellfire, glaring down at the traitorous pet.   A long moment of silence passed, then Shadowheart nodded once, seemingly satisfied, and spun on her heel back towards camp.   “Come, Isobel, before we’re missed.”   Isobel, barely conscious, staggered to her feet and trailed after her mistress, Karlach’s silent form bobbing along behind them in the air.   ***   Safely secreted back into the perpetual gloom of her tent, Shadowheart waved a hand over herself and Isobel, a wave of cleansing magic wiping away their exhaustion and cleansing their bodies in a way no amount of time in bathing in a lake would ever manage. Her quiet rage having mostly subsided over the course of the walk back, Shadowheart turned to regard the still bound and floating form of Karlach with disdain. She reached out and tipped the barbarian’s chin upward to capture her gaze.   “I see I’ve been lax in… properly administering your training. We’ll start today.”   The intricate web of shadows wrapping around Karlach’s body pulsed, and she floated higher. Shadowheart trailed her fingers down Karlach’s neck and chest, stopping briefly to pinch one of her nipples before continuing to their goal: her impressive cock.   “This,” Shadowheart squeezed the mostly limp member, stroking it softly as she did, “belongs to me.”   Karlach whimpered around her gag of darkness, her cock still not fully recovered from her milking, overstimulation fraying her nerves.   “It’s time you learned that.”   Shadowheart leaned in and kissed Karlach’s forehead softly, then her cheek, her ear, her neck. Karlach’s eyelids fluttered at the suddenly sweet attention of the domineering Sharran. A moan spilled from her throat and a tiny trickle of drool dripped around the gag from the corner of her mouth. Shadowheart’s smile widened and she pressed her lips to Karlach’s, savoring the heated moan. Lips pressed together, Karlach felt a strange sensation sweep across her body from the point of contact. Her skin flushed in its passing, until the heat centered around her cock, Shadowheart’s delicate ministrations stopping as she palmed the hardening member. Unable to watch, Karlach could only wait in confusion as it suddenly felt like Shadowheart’s hand grew larger and larger, encompassing her entire cock in moments. Her brows creased as finally the sensations stopped… but she couldn’t feel anything down there anymore. Just Shadowheart’s dainty hand pressed against her mound.   Shadowheart released the barbarian from their kiss and pulled away, the familiar shadowy mirror appearing in front of the barbarian as she did. Karlach stared at her reflection in shock: her cock was gone.   “Mmmppphhh!” she tried to scream.   “I told you. It belongs to me now. I’ll give it back to you if you’ve been good.”   Karlach squirmed, trying to break free of her bindings, trying to summon her infernal rage, but the collar kept sapping her heat and the bindings—while flexible—stood firm.   Shadowheart gestured idly as she stepped towards the tent’s entrance, her armor appearing from the shadows and forming itself around her body as she moved. Two thick tentacles of shadow rose from the floor beneath Karlach, one pressing insistently against her cunt and the other teasing her ass.   “Enjoy these while you wait for me tonight.”   The tentacles pushed forward, sliding slowly, torturously, into Karlach’s ass and cunt, spreading them open deliciously. The strange sensations of being fucked with no cock to stimulate left Karlach whining, but Shadowheart had already stepped out into the morning.   ***   The first hour was the worst. The alien sensations kept Karlach just on the edge of release but never quite there. Her brain knew she should have a hard cock raging and twitching but didn’t, Karlach was going crazy trying to hump the air, desperate for even the slightest touch to her phantom-limb cock.   The tentacles plunging into her body alternated, one thrusting in while the other dragged out, achingly slow, never quite enough to bring her to orgasm. Every attempt to push back into them only further frustrated her as they would stop entirely, punishing her for seeking out pleasure on her own.   By the end of the second hour, Karlach was barely able to focus on anything but the slow thrusting of the shadows into her weeping cunt and twitching ass. Her entire body quivered with pent-up release, no stiff member to drip pre-cum to the floor or spew thick ropes of cum.   Three hours in, Karlach was insensate. Her eyes stared forward at the mirror, barely conscious of anything but the unbelievably arousing sight of the bound Tiefling before her. Her brain had almost entirely disassociated herself from her reflection, focusing instead on the slick pumping in her cunt, her juices dribbling to the ground… focusing on her stuffed ass, the pleasant fullness welling up all the way to her chest, swelling and subsiding like waves on the shore. She stared and drooled, body quivering but perpetually left on edge. As soon as she felt an orgasm creeping up the tentacles would stop, waiting for it to subside before picking back up.   After the third hour had passed, time had lost all meaning for her. The hours passed in a lust-filled haze, unfocused eyes fluttering, a veritable waterfall of drool pouring from her mouth to match the one dripping around the shadow slithering in and out of her stretched and swollen pussy. She drifted in and out of consciousness throughout the day, body humming and buzzing with unfulfilled pleasures.   ***   Shadowheart ducked into her tent, pale moonlight silhouetting her against the starry night sky. Karlach’s quaking body hung right where she had been left, eyes staring forward in rapt amazement at her reflection. Sweat-drenched hair plastered to her face, skin flushed and fever-hot despite the cooling effects of the collar around her neck.   “Perfect. Isobel, go fetch a basin of cool water and a waterskin.”   Isobel’s eyes flickered over to her fellow slave and hummed, half in appreciation and half envy.   “Yes mistress.”   Shadowheart stepped across the tent and conjured herself a chair of shadow right next to her prize. She gently tucked a few errant strands of hair behind Karlach’s ear, the extra stimulation eliciting a moan from the barely coherent Tiefling.   “Shhh, my sweet. There there.”   Karlach’s eyes closed, the soft praise soothing the raging inferno of lust inside her, desperate for release. Isobel returned quickly with the waterskin and basin, then stripped naked and knelt by her mistress’s feet, eager and waiting. Shadowheart took the waterskin and willed the gag away, then carefully coaxed a few mouthfuls of water into Karlach’s parched mouth.   “Th-thank you,” Karlach stammered once her overloaded brain could register words again. She continued to stare at the reflection in front of her, barely blinking.   That’s not me… I’m… Karlach… not a helpless slut tied up and needy. That’s… that’s Slave.   Her mind was struggling, trying to find some way to reconcile her sense of self with the image in the mirror. It couldn’t be her. She was a proud, dominant, beautiful woman. She wasn’t a pet to anyone, she made them her pets. She… she continued to stare.   Shadowheart continued to whisper soothing sounds in Karlach’s ear while she drip-fed her water. Nodding her head at Isobel, the naked Selunite picked up a cloth and dampened it in the water basin before beginning to delicately wipe away the half-dried sweat from Karlach’s body.   I’m… Karlach? No… where-where’s my cock? I have a cock… Karlach has a cock.   Faced with the image of a trussed up Tiefling, aching cunt still being slowly fucked by a smoky tentacle, body twitching occasionally, Karlach couldn’t see herself anymore. No evidence remained of her impressive member, the center of her dominant self had been replaced with an uninhibited view of her sopping cunt and swollen clit. She blinked. Swallowed another mouthful of water.   “Have you been a good slave?”   Karlach watched the reflection nod its head. Of course the slave in the mirror had been good! She’d been watching it the whole day. Hadn’t been able to look away!   “Yesss…” her mind didn’t even process the word as her own.   “Good slaves get to cum, do you want to cum?”   “Yessss!” more needy now, breathless in its desperation, Karlach watched Slave reply.   The tentacle plunging into her ass picked up its pace slightly. Isobel continued to wipe her down with gentle caresses. Shadowheart put the waterskin down, leaning in closer and kissing softly at her slave’s neck and ear.   “Who are you?” She whispered.   “Karlach?”   “No.”   A long moment passed. Karlach’s body twitched in tandem with Slave’s.   “S-slave?” Slave breathed, barely audible.   “Good girl.”   Slave moaned, eyes fluttering, the praise washing over her with delicious abandon.   “And who am I?”   Slave knew the answer to this one, it lay deep in her subconscious like a treasure.   “Mistressss…”   “Good girl, cum for me Slave.” Shadowheart husked.   Slave whimpered and came. Her fluids sprayed across Isobel’s naked body, squirting in waves around the tentacle still slowly plumbing her depths. She came, and came, each jet of fluid carrying with it more of the Tiefling Karlach, leaving her body empty for Slave to take over.   Several long minutes passed, the only sound in the room Slave’s haggard breathing. Her head slumped forward, body spasming, Shadowheart held her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she came down. Finally, Karlach lifted her head and stared at her reflection, the merging of Slave and Karlach almost complete.   I’m not that pathetic slave… I can’t be… I’m Karlach, damn it!   But instead of defiance, the reflection stared back at her with lust-filled eyes. She found Shadowheart in the mirror and stared at her doe-eyed.   Shadowheart gave a side-eyed glance at Isobel, with the barest of nods, and the Selunite dropped her damp cloth to lean in and start softly tonguing at Karlach’s weeping sex. Each tantalizing drag of her tongue was met with a fresh gush of girlcum, continuing to wear away at the beleaguered Tiefling’s mind.   Oh… ohhhh godsss.   “What do good little slaves say when they’ve been allowed to cum?”   Slave muttered something just under her breath, each word tumbling from her lips, imperceptible.   “I didn’t hear you, Slave.”   “Th-Thank you M-Mistressss…” Slave mumbled, louder now.   Shadowheart kissed her temple approvingly.   “Very good. Does Slave want a cock?”   Slave nodded her head dumbly, barely aware of her surroundings, her conscious mind floating lazily along, drifting through subspace like a meandering stream. Shadowheart began to unravel her Polymorph spell, allowing the Tiefling’s body to slowly reassert its natural form.   “Whose cock is this?” she whispered sultrily, grasping it with a feather-light touch and starting to stroke.   “M-mine?”   “No, slaves don’t own things.”   Slave tried to think.   “Mistress’s?” Slave whispered.   “No, not yet. Soon. You’re almost there, pet.”   Dumbfounded, Slave stared at her reflection in the mirror, eyes unfocused, mouth drooling, cunt still spasming and squirting her occasional orgasm into Isobel’s eager mouth. The cock wasn’t hers, of course not… it had been gone all day. Mistress doesn’t own it… yet. Who…   Oh.   A lazy smile curled across Slave’s lips as the realization hit her:   “Karlach’s…”   “Very good, Slave.”   With the Polymorph spell having finally fizzled into nothing, Karlach’s raging cock sat proudly jutting forward once more, throbbing and swollen, Shadowheart’s perfectly manicured fingers dancing across the head like ballerinas.   Slave understood now: Mistress owned her body, Slave owned Karlach, Karlach owned her cock. She wanted, no needed Mistress to also own her cock. Karlach needed to give it up to her. Her hips bucked with the realization.   “Does Karlach want to cum with her big…”   Shadowheart squeezed the base of Karlach’s cock and watched a drop of pre-cum ooze from the tip.   “Fat…”   Isobel crawled around to the front of her floating sister, dragging her tongue up the length of the impressive pillar of flesh, swallowing its pearly treasure with glee.   “Cock?”   Slave whimpered, nodding her head in a silent plea.   “Go on, Slave. Let Karlach beg for it.”   Slave whined, but ultimately she gave in, letting Karlach take over.   “Please… no more… let me cum!”   Isobel sank half of Karlach’s cock into the silky confines of her throat, swallowing and massaging it with her tongue. Gulping down pre-cum as fast as it dripped from the tip.   “Look at me, pet. You know who I am now, deep down you know. A part of you has accepted the truth. What. Is. My. Name.”   Karlach looked at the mirror, at Slave staring back at her with pleading, puppy dog eyes. She turned her gaze to Shadowheart, to her perfect porcelain face beaming down at her beatifically.   “Mistress.” She moaned.   With a loving smile from the domineering half-elf, Karlach’s cock came.   Spurt.   Her eyes crossed.   Spurt.   Her tongue lolled.   Spurt.   Her lips twisted into a happy grin. Slave and Karlach both basked in the warmth of their orgasm, each pulse of cum shooting down Isobel’s throat bringing the two closer and closer together.   “Cum for me, Slave. Cum your brains out.”   And she did.   Karlach didn’t even register the encouragement from her mistress, she couldn’t, she was too busy happily shooting every ounce of her meager resistance into Isobel’s greedy gullet. Every squirt of cum took with it her fears, her worries, her self. Isobel did her best to keep up, swallowing frantically, but Karlach’s joyful abandonment of self preservation overflowed. It spilled from her lips, dribbled from her nostrils, and still it gushed. A weak orgasm shuddered through Isobel, the pleasure of servitude bringing a smile to her overtaxed mouth.   Minutes passed as Karlach and Slave quivered in their mistress’s arms, her seductive voice cooing quietly in their ear.   “You’ve been so good. Now it’s time for you to please me.” Shadowheart pet the Tiefling’s head lovingly, a flick of her finger morphing the shadowy mirror once more into her starry throne.   Isobel slumped from Karlach’s cock, hands drifting down to toy with her own neglected cunt and tits. Karlach’s body drifted over to the throne, her bindings wrapping around her still, but allowing her legs to unfurl as she was sat down on the inky surface. Shadowheart kneeled down to straddle her slave’s hips, pressing the still hard cock up between their warm bodies as she pressed repeated kisses to Karlach’s lips. Her feet tucked underneath her, ass resting on her heels as she ground her clit against the underside of the barbarian’s trapped cock.   In a daze, and with her arms still bound behind her in a lattice of shadowy ropes, Karlach—and Slave—relished the attention. She babbled her thanks over and over into her mistress’s insistent lips, her hips lifting to try and eek out every ounce of contact.   “Fuck me, Slave.”   And Shadowheart lifted her hips up, one hand guiding the angry tip of Karlach’s cock to her slick lips. She slowly pressed her hips down, letting her sex kiss the tip of Karlach’s cock like a long-lost lover, before swallowing it to the base in one long stroke. Shadowheart closed her eyes, luxuriating in the fullness in her cunt and moaning into her slave’s mouth.   Karlach lost herself once more and Slave took over, eagerly flexing her ass to give shallow thrusts into her mistress. Each upward clench bulged Shadowheart’s toned stomach ever so slightly outward. For nearly an hour, the harsh, demanding Dark Justiciar was gone, replaced by a soft, sweet half-elf grinding her hips into her mate’s. She rode Karlach slowly, deliberately, savoring every inch of the Tiefling’s enormous red cock. Her sex gripped the infernal cock tight, her walls massaging it, clinging to it with every ounce of her being. At some point Isobel stood up and wrapped her arms around her Mistress, massaging her petite breasts gently as she rode the barbarian. The three of them moved together, all concern for the outside world gone, every inkling of dominance and submission gone, the only thing that remained was a sense of belonging.   Shadowheart came to her senses first, her cunt clenching uncontrollably around the steely rod inside her, drooling her orgasm out around the hot flesh impaling her. Her thighs quaked, toes curling in ecstasy as she rode out her climax, her quivering cunt milking Karlach’s own orgasm from her. Karlach had regained her own mind as well, but did nothing more than continue Slave’s previous slow flexing, fascinated by the change in her captor, lips and tongue returning the slow sensuous kiss they had been locked in. Isobel’s massaging of Shadowheart’s breasts had slowed to a crawl and eventually stopped, seemingly asleep with her own tits pressed against her mistress’s back. Karlach grunted her release into Shadowheart’s mouth, warm splashes of cum bathing Shadowheart’s walls. Shadowheart continued to ride her slowly through the orgasm, milking every last drop of cum from the Tiefling, savoring the feeling of the mighty cock softening inside her.   She pulled away from their kiss panting, her sweet breath like perfume to Karlach’s senses. As she locked her sparkling green eyes to Karlach’s molten pools of gold, she smiled. She cupped the barbarian’s face in her hands and squeezed Karlach’s limp cock once more with her sex before lifting herself off, a river of cum pouring from her.   “That was wonderful, pet. See? You could have this every night as my slave. Think about it, you have one more day before our week is over.” Shadowheart climbed off Karlach’s exhausted body. “Now go clean yourself up, I’ll see you tomorrow for our last night.”   Karlach could barely even sigh, completely drained both mentally and physically. Isobel helped her to her feet and guided her back to her tent, leaving her with the water basin and a cloth before returning to Shadowheart.   The Sharran cleric lay on her bed of satiny black pillows, arms spread wide to welcome her Selunite pet.   “Come to me, my sweet.”   Isobel slid into the welcoming embrace of her mistress and purred in her ear, nestling against her neck before they both drifted off to sleep.   ***   Back in her tent, Karlach mindlessly went through the motions of cleaning herself with the damp cloth, her mind split asunder, head now housing Slave and Karlach both. As soon as she finished her bathing, she collapsed onto her bed, exhaustion swamping her twin minds. Unsure if she had the strength to survive the next night, unsure if she even wanted to, the darkness of a dreamless sleep swallowed Karlach and Slave together.
Chapter 2 - An Old Friend
Nariil’s first meeting with King Varian went miserably. He would simply not listen to him, and so eventually Nariil excused himself for some fresh air and to clear his head. We made his way to the castles courtyard and sat down beneath a tree, and took a moment to regain his composure, closing his eyes for a moment. A second later, his rest was cut short by a familiar voice. “NARIIL!” The shout startled him, and he leapt to his feet, and looked in the direction it came from. “Marcus!” A human, about six foot three, very muscular with short black hair and a neatly trimmed beard ran headlong into him, and embraced him. “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon after we brought the Destroyer down!” Nariil returned the embrace for a moment, and they broke away. “I didn’t either. I expected a return to Darnassus and some relaxation, but it wasn’t to be. The orcs are on the offensive throughout my peoples lands, and the High Priestess send me here to try to convince king Varian to send more help.” “Well, once you can get him to pay attention it shouldn’t be too difficult. Varian hates the Horde with every fiber of his being, so it will boil down to an argument of where to fight them, I’ll wager.” Nariil and Marcus, a paladin, had been friends for ages, since shortly before the fall of the Lich King. They’d been at that battle together, as well. “You know him better than I do, Marcus. I tried to get through to him today, he simply wouldn’t listen.” “You’ll get through to him. Say, have you found a place to stay in the city yet' If not, you’re welcome to stay with me. My place is just outside town, in Goldshire.” Nariil thought about it for a moment. “That would be wonderful. We really haven’t gotten to spend enough time with each other unless we’re busy saving the world.” Marcus grinned. “Well, hopefully you won’t find me too boring without my mace in some bastards face!” The two laughed, and Marcus led Nariil along the canals and through the streets of Stormwind, and out into Elwynn Forest. Marcus’s house in Goldshire was a moderately sized two story building by Crystal Lake. Marcus unlocked the door and showed Nariil inside. “Home sweet home,” Marcus said happily. “It’s not much, but its mine.” “It’s excellent. I would much rather stay out here than in the city. With the park destroyed, Stormwind is simply too far from nature.” “Well,” said Marcus, “You’ll certainly find a lot of nature in Elwynn. If by nature you mean vicious wolves, murlocs and kobolds… But, anyways. I’ll show you upstairs to your room.” Marcus brought Nariil upstairs, and showed him to a small room overlooking the lake. “Here it is. Not very big, but it should do…” “Like I said, your home is excellent. I am grateful that you are willing to let me stay here.” “You’re one of my best friends, Nariil. You can stay as long as you like.” With that, Marcus left Nariil to put his few things in order and look around his room. Nariil noticed plants on the windowsill. Or what had once been plants. Now they were little more than withered stalks and fallen leaves. He used his connection to reach out to them, see if they could be saved, but they were dead. He recalled seeing dead plants around the front of the house too, which he thought was odd. He determined to ask Marcus about it. Nariil walked downstairs to find Marcus sitting at the kitchen table reading a flyer. “What’s that about'” inquired Nariil. “Oh, it’s how they’re getting the word out about Deathwing! Posted it on every door in Stormwind and Elwynn by now, I’ll bet.” “Ah. Well, people are sure to be happy to hear that.” Nariil walked over to the table and sat down next to Marcus. “So, I couldn’t help but notice your house is kind of covered in dead plants'” Marcus sighed and gazed out the window. “Yeah… There are, aren’t there'” “Would you like me to replace them' Being a druid and all, I’m pretty good with plants.” “No! I mean, no… It’s fine.” Marcus fidgeted nervously at the mention of removing the plants. “Is everything alright, Marcus' They’re just plants...” “They’re not just plants, Nariil. They’re… All I have left of… of…” He trailed off. Nariil put his hand on his friends shoulder. “Of who'” Marcus sighed again. “His name was Eric. We were… He was my…” “Oh.” Nariil didn’t know what to say. He’d had no idea his friend had a lover, let alone a male one. Not that Nariil had a problem with that… In fact, he himself had always been attracted to men. After they first met, in fact, he would often imagine himself and Marcus together, but… That always seemed impossible. “Was' I don’t mean to pry, but… what happened'” “It was just before this whole mess with Deathwing started. He was in the army, see, and he was sent up to Southshore when the Alliance got word it might be under threat from the Forsaken. Well, as you know, it turned out they were right… and they bombed the town into oblivion with their damn plague! There wasn’t even a body left to recover…” Nariil moved closer to his friend, and put an arm around his shoulders. “I’m so sorry. I’ve seen what the Horde does, but… I’ve never had it happen to someone close to me. I’m here for you, Marcus. Whatever you need.” Marcus smiled a bit. “You’re such a good friend, Nariil… I’m so glad you’re here.”
Chapter 3 - Breaking Karlach, Day Two
Karlach stumbled into her tent and collapsed on her bedroll, shuddering breaths shaking her shoulders, then slowly subsiding into an almost eerie calm before sleep finally took her. When she woke the next morning, her body ached all over, her muscles sore from her binding and explosive climax the night before. She rose groggily to her feet, an uncomfortable stickiness coating her body promoted her to grab a fresh set of clothes and rush off to bathe in the river.   Karlach stepped into the river’s languid flow, steam hissing and floating up into a cloud around her as she sighed. She let herself soak for a few moments, sinking to her neck in the cool water, her infernal heat temporarily abating. She dunked her head under the surface and screamed into the river, coming up for air feeling infinitely more relaxed. Seeing Tav approaching for her own morning bath, Karlach hastily set to scrubbing the dried evidence of last night’s activities from her body. Morning after mental clarity steeled her mind, and she looked up as Tav stepped into the water to join her, her golden eyes bright and shining like the dawn at her back.   She opened her mouth to expose Shadowheart, and felt her jaw tense up, closing on its own. Shock and frustration lit up her face and she tried again, furious. Her mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish out of water.   “Did you want to tell me something Karlach?”   “Yes, did you?” Shadowheart interrupted, stepping unnoticed from the long morning shadows of a nearby tree.   Karlach glared daggers at the new arrival, her impressive willpower held at bay by the power of the Geas the Sharran had laid over her.   “No, nothing…” she muttered, jaw clenched and teeth gritted angrily, “just stretching my muscles.”   A knowing smirk curled Shadowheart’s lips and she tilted her head mockingly. The oblivious Tav shrugged her slim shoulders, going back to scrubbing her soft haze-grey skin with a chunk of lavender scented soap. The sweet smell wafted across the river surface, soothing Karlach’s expression as she took in a deep breath, her desire for the leader of their camp no secret to anyone. She felt a stirring in her loins and flushed, not wanting to make things awkward she stammered a few nonsensible excuses and grabbed her things, dressing hurriedly and stumbling off in the direction of her tent.   “Well, that was strange,” Tav whispered to Shadowheart, her lilac eyes following the retreating form of the hulking barbarian.   “Indeed,” Shadowheart replied.   ***   All through the day Karlach tried over and over to bring up the danger in their midst, failing every time. Exhausted by her repeated straining against the Geas’ compulsion, Karlach felt the sweet bliss of sleep welcome her with open arms that night. She dreamed strange, feverish dreams of her tormentor, unable to shake the image of her being broken over Karlach’s cock. But just as last night, interspersed amongst the scenes of domination was a faint wisp of a vision. Of her bound by shadow, back arched, cum spewing messily onto the floor below her while she watched Shadowheart wreck Isobel’s body with her own impressive Polymorphed cock. Waking with a start in the middle of the night, sweat drenched and hot, Karlach threw her blanket off and gulped desperate breaths of cool night air. The soft sounds of nocturnal nature drifted in from outside, soothing her emotions, but before she could lay back down to sleep, she felt it.   The iron chains wrapped around her mind dragged her to her feet, naked and flushed with simmering arousal, she felt her feet shuffling towards the tent flap. Her jutting cock swayed ponderously side to side, the pillar of flesh slapping her thighs, its considerable bulk lending weight to the impacts. Karlach’s bowed head kept her staring at her cock as she walked, steaming drops of pre-cum flinging from the drooling tip, a particularly thick strand drooping precariously as she found herself suddenly in front Shadowheart’s tent. Unable to tear her gaze from her traitorous member, she brushed past the tent flap and into her personal shadowy hell.   Familiar bindings of inky night curled around her towering body, rage at her predicament shaking her from head to toe. Shadowheart sat amidst her throne of pillows, legs spread wide to allow an attentive Isobel access to her perpetually dripping cunt. The disgraced Selunite lapping dotingly at the dewy flesh before her, a dreamy expression of bliss plastered across her face. For a split second, Karlach’s rage burned so hot she felt the shadows coiling around her flex and give. She took a step towards the clerics, arms jerking forward before the tentacle bindings snapped back into place, driving her to her knees.   Concern flashed across the porcelain features of the dominant Sharran, dissipating as quickly as it came once her power reasserted itself.   “Tut tut, pet. Know your place.”   Karlach squirmed at the mention of the word ‘pet’, but found no more leeway in her trappings. Shadowheart patted Isobel gently on the head.   “Very good, slave, but your goddess needs to show Karlach her new world order.”   Isobel whined her quiet disapproval but moved out of the way without hesitation, her need to obey greater than her lust. She perched on her knees in the corner, a shadowy chain wrapping around her slender neck to a shiver of delight. She laid her hands delicately in her lap, resisting the urge to finger herself without Mistress’s permission.   Shadowheart slowly, languorously, extricated herself from her throne of cushions, naked and glorious as she walked over to Karlach.   Lick.   Karlach’s tongue flopped from her mouth, breath steaming in puffs, her eyes crossing as they tried to focus on the perfect pussy presented to her. Unable to control her own body, she played passenger in her mind as the Command forced her tongue to bathe Shadowheart’s already sopping cunt with further love.   Shadowheart let out a barely audible moan as the shadowy gifts of Shar drifted from her skin where it was met with Karlach’s fiery heat. She looked down into the eyes of her soon to be slave and delighted in the vacant expression on her face, knowing somewhere deep inside a wild Karlach raged.   “Yesterday I said it wasn’t about you. Tonight however is about you. Only about you, in fact. Tonight we find the limits of your stamina.”   In the recesses of her mind, Karlach’s consciousness railed against its prison, desperate to be free, not wanting to see what the rest of the night held for her. But the Command gripped her like a vice, her lashing tongue rewarding her with a hot spray of Shadowheart’s girlcum, the fluttering cunt drenching the Tiefling’s face as it gushed. Still she continued to lick, not given the approval to stop, each flick of her tongue across the tender nub of Shadowheart’s clit eliciting another shiver from the half-elf’s petite frame. Languishing in the unwilling worship from below, Shadowheart twirled one hand in Karlach’s hair, pressing her even tighter, while her other hand gestured in strange motions, tracing divine symbols in the air and conjuring a massive, ornate oval mirror against one wall of her tent. With a pleased sigh, she released her hold on the bound barbarian, and with a delicate finger turned Karlach’s gaze to the mirror.   As the spellbound haze bled from her brain, Karlach found her eyes coming into focus staring through a mirror at herself, her naked body flush with arousal, Shadowheart’s fluids dripping from her face. She was a mess. She watched, immobile, as Shadowheart crouched down behind her, one slender arm reaching around to grasp her twitching cock at the base, a pearl of pre-cum escaping her cumslit and drooling down the length of flesh to roll over Shadowheart’s fingers.   Her eyes lit up, golden irises shimmering like liquid sunlight, not from rage but arousal. She couldn’t deny the image in front of her was hot. She swallows noisily, trying to temper her emotions, but Shadowheart took that moment to start slowly pumping her cock, coaxing drop after drop from her aching member, so full of blood she could feel her pulse echo back through Shadowheart’s squeezing fingers. She gasped loudly, shaking her head, willing desperately for the unwanted emotions within her to stop.   But the Sharran kept pumping.   A needy moan burst from Karlach’s suddenly dry lips, her tongue running over the plush pillows to apply some kind of moisture. Shadowheart leaned in, her soft lips pressing against Karlach’s ear and whispering in dulcet tones.   “Look at yourself pet. Look at your needy expression, your eyes clouded with lust, body quaking beneath my touch. How can you think you’re anything but mine.”   Karlach blinked slowly, the seductive words slithering into her ear canal and dripping like poison across her brain. She shook her head to clear it, and grunted.   “Never!”   She meant for it to come out with conviction, but it was barely audible above the slick sounds of Shadowheart’s perfectly manicured fingers stroking her, stoking the fires of her lust with expert control.   “You can fight, rage, squirm all you want, but deep down you know that I’m right. You know by the end of the week you’ll be nothing more than my toy.”   Karlach snorted, her breath hot and gasping, at odds with her mental picture of rebuttal. She could feel an orgasm welling up inside her, her toes curling, fists clenching and unclenching, muscles straining against the shadowy chains that held her. She screwed her eyes shut, not wanting to see her reflection when it came.     Open your eyes.   The authoritative husky Command pried them open, pinning her gaze to the pathetic display in the mirror. She barely recognized the needy mess of a woman before her. Shadowheart’s hand was covered in pre-cum, shadowy smoke pouring off it to protect her from the heat. Her pace never sped up, never slowed, just patiently pumping Karlach’s slobbering tool, eroding her willpower stroke by stroke.   “One…”   Karlach blinked again, holding back whimpers and moans. The pumping continued.   “Two…”   Her emotions tied themselves in knots, impending release clouding her mind, denial of her submission ever-present but assaulted by the mirror’s display.   “Three.”   And the floodgates let loose.   Karlach screamed, her vision going blank as the first rope of cum shot from her cock, arcing almost in slow motion it splattered messily across mirror-Karlach’s face. Subconsciously, her tongue snaked out to taste herself before she realized what she was doing and her cheeks bloomed with rosy humiliation. Gulping air like a woman drowning, her spurts continued, trailing off in a sticky mess burbling from the tip and coating Shadowheart’s blessedly still hand.   “A wonderful start pet.”   Karlach could feel the emphasis on the last word, shame hammering in her chest.   “No… I’m not.”   Unsure if she was speaking to Shadowheart, or trying to convince herself, Karlach whispered the words.   “Ready for round two?”   Numb, Karlach didn’t respond, eyes still glued to her reflection she watched passively as her body was spun around and upside down, winding up with her shoulders pressed into the soggy mess coating the floor, her hips in the air, ass resting against Shadowheart’s pert breasts. She could feel the tiny pebbles of her captor’s nipples digging into her voluminous cheeks, egging her on. The Command spell faded for a moment, allowing her to look up between her legs at the slyly grinning face of the cleric, hand still grasped tightly around her flagging cock. Shadowheart squeezed gently, a rush of blood pumping back into the pillar of Tiefling womanhood. Stunned at her body’s betrayal, Karlach leaned her head back as far as she could to look away, but the mirror’s reflection trapped her again.   Watch.   And Shadowheart started again, the pearly, glistening goo from Karlach’s last release dripping slowly down her stomach and pooling in the creases of her upturned breasts. She stared forlornly, but with growing arousal as the slender rivers of cum widened into thick streams, winding their way around the hills and valleys of her body to slide from between her cleavage. She lifted her chin, struggling to keep at least her face clean, the Command keeping her focused on her reflection once more.   Karlach felt a puff of hot breath against her as-of-yet ignored cunt. It rarely saw much attention, enraptured as she usually was with the throbbing dick atop it, but still she felt it clench with sticky wetness in anticipation.   “Your body is truly a delight.”   Shadowheart’s soft words spilled into Karlach’s squirming cunt, followed swiftly by the silken touches of a skilled tongue. Karlach’s eyes tried to roll back, but the spell’s hold over body kept her focused on the new sensations overwhelming her. The slow, steady pumping of her cock, the slippery wetness welling up from inside her cunt as Shadowheart’s expert tongue coaxed a gush of fluid out from inside her. If she could move, her hips would be thrashing, but as it was they twitched and bucked, her motions limited to an inch here, a hair there.   Her need boiled and bubbled inside her, spilling up from her throat in a reedy whine.   “Fuuuuuuck.”   “That’s it, pet, break for me.”   Stars burst behind her eyes at the shameful words, another explosive climax stolen from her body, her cock throbbing mightily as it shot thick ropes of viscous seed down her chest, a few errant strands making their way all the way to her face. Karlach’s tongue once more sought out the delectable morsels, this time finding them on her lips, cheek, and nose. She swallowed, the wet heat coating the inside of her throat. And still, Shadowheart’s relentless fist pumped.   Karlach blinked back tears, her hyper sensitive flesh tender to the touch, but a dark need for more bade her continue. She stared into the mirror, portal to her downfall, and her eyes met the Sharran dominatrix’s. An unspoken plea glimmered between them, unwilling submissive to her queenly dominant:   More.   With a grin, Shadowheart obliged, pressing down on Karlach’s hips, bending her body tighter with a surprising strength, until the tip of Karlach’s cum-weeping cock touched her lips. She pressed her lips together tightly, denying entry, not wanting to give up this last bastion, but Shadowheart would not be denied.   Open your mouth, suck. Then swallow.   The familiar leaden weight of Command crushed Karlach’s resolve like a bug.   Her lips split and her neck craned forward just as Shadowheart pushed her hips the rest of the way down. The mighty Tiefling barbarian coiled like a spring, several inches of her cock enveloped in the warmth of her own mouth. Karlach stared up at Shadowheart, golden eyes dueling with forest green, then her tongue slithered around her cock, slipping into her cumslit and coaxing the barest gush of cum from inside. It trickled out, slowly at first then rushing, pooling inside her mouth and overflowing. The tight seal of her lips around her cock broken by a stream of white. She swallowed again, unable to keep up with the constant flow.   Shadowheart finally sped up, her hand stroking just a hint faster, spurred on by Karlach’s begrudging acceptance. Spellbound or not it was hot. Shadowheart hid her grin in Karlach’s quivering quim, occasional jets of clear fluid spraying up to drip down her chin as she continued her ministrations. Slowly at first, but faster and faster, until her hand was a blur up and down Karlach’s cock. Muffled whimpers and groans floated up from below, the restrained Tiefling having given up all hope of staying quiet during her deliberate milking. The best she could hope for now was an early release so she could slink off back to her tent and curl up in shame. Another gulp of sizzlingly hot cum washed down her throat, half of the load spilling down her cheeks and face, a salty stinging sensation welling up in her sinuses as a tiny drip back-flowed through her nose.   Karlach jerked once, twice, her cock spasming as another powerful orgasm swept over her. This time the gush of accompanying salty treasure was greatly diminished, barely a trickle compared to before but still more than her beleaguered mouth could handle. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled shakily, breath labored and tits shaking like jelly in the throes of her climax.   No more, please… she thought, praying Shadowheart could read her mind, and yet desperately wishing she couldn’t.   Whether unable or unwilling to hear her thoughts, Shadowheart didn’t stop. As the Tiefling’s latest orgasm began to dwindle, Shadowheart jerked her prey’s cock from its hole, letting the last pathetic spurts drip over Karlach’s upturned face, her tongue lolled out, mouth wide open and gasping, throat still swallowing the massive backlog of cum. Her eyes hooded, cheeks flushed, she lay there patiently as Shadowheart painted her face with her own tool.   Karlach blinked lazily, her sightless eyes glazed over, strings of cum linking her eyelashes together and gluing the lids half-shut. With a quiet whimper her softening cock twitched, half-heartedly squeezing a few meager drops of cum, their weight not quite enough to break the strand connecting them to her tip. Her tongue limply quested forward, offering respite for the wayward drops in her waiting mouth. Shadowheart’s soft grip squeezed and twisted, coaxing the last vestiges of cum from Karlach’s achingly dry cock. It had pulsed its last real jet long ago, with nothing left to give Karlach lay wilted and absolutely covered in her gooey white humiliation. Shadowheart giggled softly, releasing Karlach’s limp cock at last. Standing up, she left Karlach’s exhausted hips to slam back to the ground, splashing warm cum across the Sharran’s bare legs.   Shadowheart took a step over the defeated Tiefling, straddling her heaving chest, then lifted one dainty, cum-soaked foot towards Karlach’s mouth.   “Go on then…”   Karlach’s gaze smoldered up at the proffered foot, then past it up to Shadowheart’s face. Her lips compressed, she somehow found the energy to shake her head no.   “Suit yourself.” Open wide and clean me.   Karlach’s already bruised resolve stood no chance against the new Command and her jaw fell open. Shadowheart pressed her toes down into the waiting maw and let Karlach’s tongue wash over her, slurping the mess down greedily, yet unwillingly. The shame of the act burned down Karlach’s spine like wildfire, eliciting another feeble twitch of her flaccid cock, nothing left inside to spew forth. Tender moments passed, Shadowheart staring down at Karlach as her tongue worked over each individual toe. Finally satisfied, she lowered her foot back down into the sodden mess, ruining Karlach’s efforts, before lifting her opposite foot and repeating the act. Another twitch. Another dry jerk of her empty cock.   Shadowheart slowly lowered her hips down, kneeling on either side of Karlach’s head, her steaming cunt inches from Karlach’s panting mouth. She reached down and grabbed hold of Karlach’s horns and tilted her head back ever so slightly, then rubbed her slit once across the waiting lips below. Instinctively, Karlach’s tongue shot out to swipe at her clit as it passed. Shadowheart bucked her hips at the touch and then dropped the rest of the way onto Karlach’s face.   Worship.   Karlach needed no more encouragement, body willing and eager but mind exhausted and stubbornly refusing to give in. Still, with the power of the Command coursing through her, her slithering tongue wormed its way inside the molten honey pot smothering her and was rewarded with a splash of fluid. She swallowed it like water to a woman dying of thirst.   Lick.   Swallow.   Lick.   The minutes dragged by as she repeated the cycle over and over, her hot cum cooling around her, gluing her back to the ground while she washed her face in Shadowheart’s squirting girlcum. Shadowheart let go of Karlach’s horns and leaned back, her hands squishing into the cum soaked blanket covering the tent floor, she looked over to Isobel patiently waiting in the corner and nodded.   Thankful, the Selunite spread her legs and began ramming her fingers inside her drooling cunt with frenzied fervor. Her pale skin practically glowed, shining in the gloom like moonlight. Her thighs quivered and shook, blessed release gushing forth in a growing wet spot around her knees.   Shadowheart bucked her hips once more onto Karlach’s questing mouth, rubbing her clit with her cum-coated fingers and sighing sweetly as she came again. With her legs shaking, she struggled to her feet and willed the shadows to flip Karlach onto her stomach, then pulled her back onto her knees, face first in the pool of cum. Shadowheart’s foot pressed down on the side of Karlach’s face, turning it to force her to look over at Isobel debasing herself in the corner. Karlach absent-mindedly felt her tongue scoop a few morsels of cum into her mouth and she swallowed. She found the taste of her shame and humiliation… intoxicating.   And then release.   No more tentacles binding her, no Command compelling her mind, no domineering, soft foot pressed into her face–just plain exhaustion. Her tongue scooped once more before she shook herself out of her stupor. Hands tremulously planting in the mess, she lifted herself to her feet. She looked over to Shadowheart, head bowed, and felt the familiar weight of her Geas willing her out into the cold night air. This time she headed straight for the river, unwilling to sleep in the evidence of the night’s activities. A few chilling words followed her out into the dark:   “See you tomorrow.”
Chapter 4 - The Changes of Cydenae
When Kat awoke several hours later her eyes were unfocused and her skin was flushed. She straightened herself shakily in her chair, and without even thinking she started to guide her character through the next Act. The shimmering play of colors around the edges of her screen bore deep into her mind, twisting her thoughts as they twisted themselves.[br] "I've got to play more, got to fuck more…"[br] Somewhere deep inside her a small part of her consciousness raged. [br] Fuck more? Are you serious? You're playing a goddamn Demon Hunter, not a whore![br] Rage as it might though, it couldn't take control of her limbs, couldn't stop Kat's fingers from clicking frantically through hordes of hellspawn, couldn't stop her toned legs from spreading themselves lewdly as she passed quest after quest. By the time she finally reached the spire leading down to Azmodan, that small part inside of her wasn't even sure it wanted to.[br] *****[br] Aylla strode through hordes of demons, laying them low with her twin crossbows in seconds. Her sable cloak was torn, her hood thrown back and her glowing red eyes fierce with determination. Her emotions were waging a war within her. Conflicting feelings of hatred for the demons around her, shame for succumbing to the immeasurable pleasure that she'd been shown in her latest encounters and determination to reach her next target. If someone had asked her what she planned to do when she confronted him, they would have been rewarded with a long silence belying her own indecision.[br] Perhaps an even better indication of the turmoil raging within the haughty woman was the change her armor had taken. Slowly twisting from vaunted imitations of angelic wings and shining gold emblems to a dark, buttressed fortress of gothic skulls and smoky metal. Her boots had gone from modest heels to tapered stilettos, keeping her on the very tip of her toes. The spike of the stiletto sharp and cruel. Where previously form fitting leather had encased her thighs, now there was nothing but bare, pale flesh. Her thigh high boots providing sharp contrast to the light skin of her legs. Her large crossbow had been traded for twin handheld contraptions, their handles in the shape of nude women entwined with demon lovers. Even her chest armor had begun to show signs of her corruption; the once modest leather now replaced with skin-tight fabric that seemed to drip from her every curve in sensuous delight.[br] Flicking her hair back over her shoulder, Aylla surveyed the carnage around her.[br] "This is a start."[br] "Mmm, yes, delightful."[br] Aylla whipped her head around in search of the sibilant voice now echoing through the empty chamber.[br] "Up here, lovely."[br] As she arched her head upwards, Aylla couldn't help but shudder. Hanging delicately from a thread of gossamer was a grotesque vision from her nightmares. Soft blue flesh intermingled with glossy black chitin to make up the form of Cydenae, the Maiden of Lust.[br] "I've heard stories of you, traveller, but I had not expected you to be so… enticing."[br] "Who are you?"[br] The creature paused, then lowered herself further to hang upside down right in front of the Demon Hunter's face.[br] "I, am Cydenae. consort to Azmodan."[br] With that the half spider, half woman daemonette leaned in and grabbed Aylla's head, pulled her in close and locked her in a soul-crushing kiss.[br] [/i]*****[br] The screen blacked out for the beginning of the cutscene and Kat's eyes snapped into focus. "What the fuck is going onnnn…"[br] Her last word trailed off into a moan. Startled, she looked down and gasped in shock as her cum-soaked chair came into view. Her right hand was idly playing with her clit while her left was rolling the little pink nub of her nipple between forefinger and thumb. As hard as she tried though, she couldn't will herself to stop. Eventually a second moan was coaxed from her lush lips and her back arched in ecstasy as her orgasm overtook her, sending another wave of her nectar to coat the insides of her thighs.[br] "Oh fuuuuuck!"[br] The last thing she remembered had been the soft tingling at the base of her skull and the bizarre fuck-fest she had witnessed at the hands of Belial. Before she could make any sense of what was happening to her though, the screen came back to life and the cutscene started. Once again swirling colors bled from the monitor straight into her brain and rational thought left her. Her eyes glazed over, her hands picked up their ministrations in renewed frenzy and her jaw slackened.[br] "Mmm, more… need moooore…"[br] The corners of her beautiful mouth turned up in a wicked grin and she lifted one hand up to lick it clean of her cum.[br] *****[br] Aylla stood in shock while the Maiden of Lust sucked on her tongue, barely even registering the twin pricks of the daemonette's fangs as Cydenae bit down on her tongue. Venom pumped into the Demon Hunter's body, overwhelming her senses in a chemical blaze. Her eyes slanted in pleasure and the red glow faded and guttered out like a candle only to be replaced by an eerie green. As the liquid fire of Cydenae's poison wound its way through Aylla's system, she could feel her body undergoing changes. Her petite, firm breasts swelled and her nipples puffed out. Where once had been a small but shapely apple-sized bust was now a pair of gravity defying tits, the size of which were just enough to overflow the Maiden's hands. Her raven hair shimmered once then flowed, lengthening into a beautiful braid that dangled just above her heart-shaped ass.[br] With a soft sigh, Cydenae broke the kiss and watched her work unfold in front of her. Aylla, now no longer held up by the arms of the daemonette, sank to the floor. Her arms reached down to her taut belly where she could feel her insides twisting and rearranging. The poison of the Maiden of Lust effecting changes on her physiology unseen to the outside eye. Where Aylla could only wonder at the changes though, Cydenae grinned inwardly. Inside the proud Demon Hunter her womb was expanding, taking over the majority of her insides. Her ribcage flexed to allow her vital organs to crowd closer to her throat and her nerves growing rapidly, flowing over her womb and intestines in a vast network. Knowingly, Cydenae let her gaze drift down to Aylla's womanhood.[br] "And now for the grand finale…"[br] Aylla bit her lip when she felt her intestines become cradled in new bundles of nerves, pleasure shooting through her system where previously she had felt nothing. The words of the daemonette though had her look up in confusion, and then follow her gaze down to stare at her swelling clit. The little button of flesh poked out from its hood, growing in arousal. Aylla's eyes widened as it continued to grow, lengthening with each convulsion of her body.[br] "Wh–what's happening to me!'"[br] "My dear, sweet Aylla… you're being prepared."[br] "Prepared? Ungh…" Another convulsion wracked her body and her clit shot out several more inches, now resembling more a throbbing cock than anything else. "Prepared for what?!"[br] "Shhhh. There, there my darling. That is for me to know, and you to find out."[br] Aylla's new girl-cock extended over half a foot from her body now, twitching wildly in the air. Slowly the tip opened up and the first drops of pre-cum dribbled out. The Demon Hunter stared in shock, body still quaking in the aftereffects of the poison.[br] "This is wrong… so wrong."[br] Cydenae frowned at the little cock, lowered herself once more and let the swirling golden irises of her eyes envelop the Demon Hunter in their warmth.[br] "Look at me Aylla, can't you feel my love pouring into you'"[br] Aylla could do nothing but nod slowly, the sensation of falling forward into pools of molten gold enveloping her.[br] "Would I do anything to hurt you'"[br] Aylla shook her head tremulously. She leaned forward slowly, lips parting with a gasp and a thin tendril of drool escaping from the corner of her mouth.[br] "Good, come closer my dear… just a little closer…"[br] Aylla was now inches from Cydenae's face.[br] "Now give us a kiss."[br] With that, the Maiden of Lust shot forward the last inch and sank her fangs into the willing Demon Hunter's tongue once more, pleasure radiating through her body as more venom pumped into her tongue. The small cock between her legs reacted instantly, swelling and growing again and again until finally the flow of change-inducing poison stopped and Aylla was left with a massive cock, easily two feet long and as thick as her arm. When she opened her eyes again they were glowing fiercely, a solid green. She reached out tentatively and touched her cock and gasped at the sensation, her cock almost as sensitive as her clit had once been. Wrapping her delicate fingers around the shaft, she stroked it once and then felt it spasm, shooting thick streams of girl-cum straight into the air.[br] "I feel… I feel perfect," Aylla whispered.[br] *****[br] Kat was lost in her own world of lust, the bizarre turn of events sparking wicked thoughts in her head. She had lost count of the number of times she squirted a fountain of her own juices while watching the scene unfold. Her eyes, still glazed from the never-ending maelstrom of colors assaulting her brain, wandered over to the Maiden of Lust on the screen. [br] Her health bar hadn't been touched.[br] *****[br] Aylla felt a whisper in her head, the soft caress of Cydenae's will imploring her to spread her legs wider. Somewhere deep within her she thought she heard a voice begging her not to do it. Pleading for the sake of her sanity. Without a care in the world she squashed that voice beneath her heel, and as she did so she felt something inside her snap. She lifted her legs in the air, pulling them wide in a near split and licking her lips as she did so.[br] "Like this, Mistress'"[br] "Just like that."[br] Cydenae dropped to the ground and swayed sensuously over to the prone figure before her. A soft crack sounded as Cydenae lowered herself between the Demon Hunter's legs and Aylla was treated to a view of her ovipositor. Her lust-addled mind eager for more, Aylla let her tongue loll out to the side and she reached forward to ram the glossy black tube into her cunt. Cydenae smiled down at her and thrust forward, aiding the Demon Hunter in impaling herself on the protrusion. As the thick tube began to disappear deep within Aylla's body her eyes rolled into her head at the pleasure. Her enhanced and overly-sensitive body crashing in wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. With each inch that entered her her cock twitched, sending another spurt of girl cum to splash onto her face and tits. Finally the tip breached her cervix and entered her womb.[br] "You will help me ensure that a new line of demons rushes forth from hell, the likes of which have never been seen before."[br] Aylla's mind swam with the idea, her cunt convulsing around the thick ovipositor now lodged deep within her womb. A wicked thought emerged amidst the chaos and she leaned her head forward, grabbed her pulsing dick and licked the tip of it. The taboo feeling of licking her own cock sent shivers down her spine and she leaned farther forward, enveloping the head of it in her warm mouth. She swirled her tongue delicately around it, swallowing each load of fresh cum as it gushed into her throat. [br] Three mouthfuls later she felt a bulge at the entrance of her pussy and she opened her eyes, lips still wrapped tightly around her the tip of her cock. Several bulges were making their way down Cydenae's ovipositor and the first was now making its way into Aylla's body.[br] "Oh shit," she mumbled, at last releasing her dick while she stared. "Oh shit yes…"[br] With a grunt, Cydenae pushed again and the first egg was swallowed by Aylla's cunt lips. The Demon Hunter was immediately wracked with pleasure as she felt the egg traveling up into her womb. It slid past her cervix, making way for several more to follow.[br] "I can't… take any more… too much…"[br] "Nonsense my dear, you can take them all."[br] Cydenae grunted again and thrust with renewed vigor, several more eggs sliding into Aylla's body alongside the first. By the third egg her stomach could be seen bulging past the ovipositor's outline. By the fourth the Demon Hunter's eyes were crossed and her belly was so swollen it looked like she might give birth at any second. By the fifth she was screaming in pleasure and had stopped caring what her body looked like, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.[br] "Fuck yes! More! More! Fill me to the brim with your eggs!"[br] "Don't worry, Aylla, I will."[br] Cydenae grinned lustily at the depraved shell of a hero beneath her and forced the last egg into her womb.[br] "Aylla, open your eyes."[br] With great difficulty Aylla managed to look up at her Mistress, sweat plastering her hair to her face, a flush spreading across her neck and cum-covered breasts.[br] "Oh god… so full…" she panted.[br] "Oh dear, sweet Aylla. There's one more thing that must be done."[br] Confusion twisted her face and the Demon Hunter opened her mouth.[br] "Wha–"[br] At that second a flood of warm, sticky fluid rushed through the ovipositor still lodged deep in her body. It flowed over the eggs, fertilizing them and sticking them to the walls of her womb. Aylla's eyes rolled up into the back of her head, her cock spurting load after load of cum into her open mouth and across her face.[br] "That."[br] *****[br] Kat had felt a second wave of tingling sensation spread out over her body when her Demon Hunter had been bitten. She hadn't realized the significance of it however until the first egg had been placed in Aylla's body. Now she was sitting in her chair, one hand fingering her ass and the other mauling her breasts as she stared, transfixed, at the unmistakable bulge in her own belly.[br] "This isn't possible…"[br] Her ass squeezed her fingers and she spasmed into another orgasm. When she came to, a second bulge was resting by the first.[br] "No… no fucking way…"[br] A third orgasm wracked her sweating body.[br] "Can't be happening to me."[br] A fourth.[br] "Unghhhh yesssssssssss."[br] A fifth.[br] "Fill me like that whore Demon Hunter! Make me your bitch!"[br] The last egg popped into place and Kat slid bonelessly from her chair.[br] "Feel so, so goooooood," she moaned.[br] Forgetting the last step of the process, Kat tried to stand, tried to make her way over to her bed.[br] Gush[br] The wave of fertilizing slime that seemed to come from nowhere splashed up into her womb, grossly distended by the multiple eggs now lodged within it. It swirled somewhere in her chest before coming to a sloshing stop as Kat collapsed on the floor in a puddle of her own juices and Cydenae's cum. She scooped up handful after handful of the mixture and slurped it down noisily, reveling in the degradation.
Chapter 3 - Success!
Weeks passed. Most days Nariil couldn’t even get an audience with the king, much less try to persuade him to aid the Night Elves. It was beginning to look completely hopeless until one day Marcus decided to go along with him to give it a try. They entered the keep and requested an audience, which was granted. They approached the king and made the necessary courtesies. Before Nariil could begin to talk, however, Marcus began. “Your Highness, You know why my good friend is here. You know what he wants, you know what he NEEDS. His people are fighting the Horde- and unfortunately, they seem to be losing. Without Ashenvale, the Alliance loses a valuable source of lumber, as well as our closest foothold to Durotar and Orgrimmar itself. If you wait any longer to send troops to help the Night Elves, there may not be Night Elves left to help!” Varian stood up. “We are already launching an invasion of the barrens. We’re also fighting the Horde on many other fronts. Why is this one more important than the others'” “Because, my liege, this is the front where a very civilization stands on the brink of destruction!” Nariil exclaimed. “My people were weary from the fight on Hyjal, and with the destruction in Darkshore we were ill prepared to deal with this kind of attack. You didn’t see it, Varian. The butchery- civilians cut down trying to flee for safety, their bodies left out to rot… The goblins are there now, as well as the orcs. They’ve taken over Azshara, and once they move their attention from there and start helping the orcs in Ashenvale, if we don’t have help, we’re doomed.” Varian sighed, and sat back down. “Well you are nothing if not persistent. And you raise good points.” There was a long pause. “Very well. I will send aid to Ashenvale. I shall send word t Tyrande at once. You may go, I have other matters I must turn my attention to.” As they exited the keep, Nariil suddenly gave Marcus a hug. “I cannot possibly repay you for that. I think the only reason he listened to that was because it came from someone that wasn’t me…” Marcus smiled. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I didn’t do that to earn any favors from you; I did it because you’re my friend.” They walked home in mostly silence, but Nariil couldn’t help but stare at his friend. It kept creeping into his mind how handsome Marcus was, with his strong build and smiling face… But then he’d force himself to think of other things. Eventually he noticed Marcus was starting back at him, smirking. “Why do you keep looking at me like that, Nariil'” “I… because…” Nariil trailed off and looked away. There was silence until they got home. Marcus closed the door behind him when they entered, then turned and grabbed Nariil, and pushed him up against the wall, grinning. “I know what you want, Nariil…” Nariil mumbled some more, staring back at Marcus. The next thing he knew, Marcus was kissing him, and then he was kissing him back… Those seconds felt like a lifetime, but then it was over. Nariil dropped to his knees, and quickly undid Marcus’s pants, letting his manhood drop free. He took it in one hand and it immediately began to harden as Nariil stroked it. Once it was fully erect, he took it into his mouth, and began to bob his head back and forth, sucking gently at first, but then harder. Nariil looked up, and locked eyes with Marcus, and stopped. Marcus then grabbed the back of Nariil’s head, and pushed it forward until he was balls deep in his mouth, only letting go when Nariil began to gag. He then got back to work by himself, and a few moments later Marcus came. Nariil managed to swallow most of it, but pulled back for air and got some on his face. Marcus knelt down and licked Nariil’s face clean, then sat down next to him and took him in his arms. Still breathing heavily, Marcus held Nariil close. “That was amazing, Nariil… I’ve wanted this ever since you came here.” Nariil closed his eyes and leaned into Marcus. “I’ve wanted this since we first met… I never thought this day would actually come.” Marcus kissed him, then they both leaned back against the wall, and fell asleep.
Chapter 7 - A Surprise Offer
Things went well the next few weeks. Everyone in the house was happy and full of energy (especially Marcus and Eric, as Nariil could hear every night.) Eric had even begun to spend part of his time in his worgen form. Nariil did find he was spending more time by himself, which he thought was to be expected, at least until things “settled down” a bit between his two friends. One day he was called into Stormwind to speak with the king and a night elf messenger who had just arrived from Darnassus. He arrived at the castle and was ushered into a large room to the side of the throne room, where the king and the messenger were standing around a large table with a map of Ashenvale on it. The king turned to him as he walked up to the table. “Nariil, you’re here. Excellent.” He gestured at the map. It seemed to be divided by color: blue for areas controlled by the Alliance, and red for areas controlled by the Horde. “As you can see, we’re making excellent progress. We’ve retaken Silverwind Refuge, broken the siege on Maestra’s Post, and destroyed Zoram’Gar Outpost. We also expect to take Splintertree Post any day now, barring massive Horde reinforcements, but we’re doing our best to keep them busy in the Barrens to prevent them from sending anyone.” “That’s fantastic news, Your Highness. Is there anything I can do'” The other night elf spoke up. “If I may, King Varian'” The king nodded his assent, and he continued. “To acknowledge your actions against the Scourge in Northrend, and against Deathwing, High Priestess Tyrande and Archdruid Malfurion have decided to allow you some more time to rest. Don’t worry though, they will send for you when they need you.” “Alright. I am rather settled in here, anyways, and would prefer not to leave right away. Thank you for filling me in, it’s wonderful to know we’re taking back Ashenvale. I know we couldn’t have done this without your help, Your Majesty. My people and I are in your debt.” “You and your people are part o the Alliance, Nariil, and the Alliance takes care of its people. I know that your leaders would do the same for us if it was our homeland under attack. Now, I have another meeting that is about to begin, if you wouldn’t mind leaving. Until next time, be well, Nariil.” Nariil bowed and exited, exiting the castle smiling. He left the city and headed back toward home. He entered the house and found Eric and Marcus sitting at the table in the kitchen. Marcus looked a little embarrassed but Eric had a big smile on his face. “Ah, there you are Nariil! Marcus and I have been talking, and we have an… interesting offer for you.” Eric gestured for Nariil to sit down at the table with them. He sat. “Alright… what is it'” “I don’t think you’ll be interested… It’s silly…” Marcus was looking more and more embarrassed. “We’ll let him decide. Nariil, we both know how you feel about Marcus. And I know he still feels the same for you. And to be blunt, I see what he sees in you. I’m becoming pretty attracted to you as well. So… That brings us to the offer. Marcus and I have decided to ask you if you’d like to… become a part of our relationship' A ménage à trois, as it were. I know it’s a bit unorthodox… But the two of us would both like to be with you, and we know at least you would like to be with Marcus.” Nariil was dumbstruck. He wasn’t sure what to say. Yes, he did still want to be with Marcus, and yes, Eric was a wonderful, attractive man that he had felt himself beginning to fall for… But, he’d never considered being non-monogamous. Still… the offer was tempting. “And of course,” Eric said, “There would be other… benefits.” He slipped a hand under the table and touched Nariil on his inner thigh. His cock was almost instantly rock hard. Nariil quickly stood up from the table and started for the door. “I need to… I have to think about it,” he stammered as he exited. Nariil rushed off into the woods and sat down under a tree and caught his breath. He took a moment to clear his thoughts. Taking a deep breath, he began to consider it. I love Marcus… And I could definitely see myself feeling the same for Eric… And when he touched me… He undid his pants, letting his manhood pop free. He began to stroke himself with one hand, while the other found his ass, and he began to finger himself. He was about ready to burst when he heard a twig snap, and the moment was gone. “Huh. I thought you might be out here… I found him, Marcus!” Came the low, growling voice of a worgen. “E-Eric! I was… I was just..” The worgen walked over and pulled Nariil to his feet, and pinned him against the tree. Marcus walked up behind him, grinning. “Now now, there’s no need to explain. We both know you want this.”Eric guided Nariil’s hand to the worgen’s crotch, where he felt a massive bulge through the cloth. “Oh, I see by your face that you’re definitely interested now.” The worgen kissed him, then bit him gently on the neck, although not hard enough to break the skin. The worgen tore off the druid’s clothes, then his own shirt. Nariil saw Marcus taking off his clothes as well. Nariil dropped to his knees and undid the worgen’s pants, letting lose the biggest cock he had ever seen. It was almost as long as his forearm, and about half as thick. Nariil started licking and sucking on his balls, then licked the massive shaft from base to head, then opened wide and took as much of it as he could in his mouth. He only managed to get about a third of it in at once, but the worgen started moaning just the same, placing a hand on the back of the druids head, pushing him down on his cock until he gagged before letting go. Then Marcus was standing there as well. “Come on Eric, I get a turn too.” The human had his cock in hand, which while not nearly as big as the worgen’s, was still impressive. Nariil switched to Marcus, and was able to take his cock in his mouth down to the base. He reached over to rub the worgen’s cock while his mouth was busy elsewhere. He went back and forth between them for a while, when the worgen picked him up off the ground and pressed him against the tree. Nariil wrapped his legs around him, and felt the worgens massive manhood pressing against his hole, oozing precum. “This is gonna hurt at first, Nariil,” growled the worgen, “but if Marcus can take it, I’m sure you can…” Marcus grinned at him. “Don’t worry. It’s amazing, just wait.” Nariil had a brief stab of fear as the worgen began to push, but that was gone the second the tip of the cock was inside him. He cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain, and the worgen slowly slid more of his massive manhood inside him. The sense of pleasure built up more and more as Eric filled him, and by the time it was all the way in he felt almost ready to cum. The worgen began to thrust, slowly at first, then a little faster, then faster. Nariil was soon clinging to the worgens fur, moaning loudly as he was rammed against the tree, his legs wrapped around Eric’s waist. It wasn’t long before the elf came, spraying cum over his own stomach and into the fur of the worgen’s stomach and chest. And not long after that, the worgen sped up, ramming his ass with a reckless abandon that caused Nariil’s mind to go blank except for the amazing feeling of being fucked, his mouth hanging half open. The worgen howled as he came, and Nariil could feel it filling him even further, and as the worgen pulled out he could feel it running down his thigh and dripping to the ground. Eric set him down on his feet, but he stumbled and fell to the ground, landing on his stomach with an “Oomf!” Marcus flipped him onto his back, and knelt with one knee on either side of the druid’s neck, and put a hand on the back of his head. He lifted Nariil’s head up with that hand, and guided his cock into his mouth with the other. Still partially out of it, it took a moment for Nariil to completely register it and began to suck. It didn’t take long at all for the human to cum. Nariil tried to pull his head back but Marcus’s hand prevented him, forcing him to swallow every drop of cum. Then he pulled out and lay down next to Nariil and pulled him into his arms. Then Eric was there as well, lying down the druid’s other side, and wrapped his arms around him as well. “Well… Have you made your decision yet'” The worgen asked slyly. “What do you think'” The druid kissed the worgen, then Marcus. The worgen nuzzled his neck and gave him another soft bite, while Marcus kissed him again and again. They lay there for some time, and Nariil was almost asleep when he felt something poking him. “Well, look at that,” the worgen said. “Looks like my ‘little’ friend is awake.” Then he felt something on the other side as well. “Hey, mine too,” said Marcus. “I guess we’ll just have to do something about that, now won’t we'” The worgen sat up, picked the druid up with one hand, and used the other to wrap his legs around him. Then he felt Marcus behind him. The worgen began to lower him onto his cock. About halfway down, Nariil felt something else poking at his ass… Looking back, he realized what was going on- they meant to both fuck him at once! “Wait, wait a second guys. I can barely take Eric; you won’t both fit at the same time!” “Oh, I’m sure we’ll make it work…” And the worgen did not hesitate. He continued to lower the druid down, and with a pop the second cock was in the druid’s ass. “Ohhhh fuuuuuck….” The druid moaned softly, his hard cock pressing against the worgen’s stomach. He felt like he was going to be torn open, but it felt so damn good… “Mm, you’re so tight…” The worgen began lifting and lowering him faster, closed his teeth around the druid’s neck, almost but not quite breaking the skin. Marcus reached around and started stroking Nariil’s cock, kissing the back of his neck between the worgen’s jaws. None of them lasted as long this time, the three cumming almost simultaneously and collapsing back onto the ground, Nariil sandwiched between worgen and human. He pressed as close to Eric as he could, loving the feel of the worgen’s soft fur, just as Marcus pressed in as close to Nariil on the other side. “Mmm… You two are wonderful…” Nariil quietly muttered. “I love you both,” said Marcus softly. “As do I,” said Eric, in his deep, bestial voice. The three of them slept there tonight, on the forest floor. It was the best any of them had slept for as long as they could remember. And in their sleep, they all had smiles on their faces.
Chapter 9 - Prisoner of War
Nariil stared up at the towering orc, not daring to speak. “So, what would twenty night elves be doing flying around my tent at night' Surely not an attempt on my life' Are you really that stupid to think you could take on the mighty Garrosh Hellscream'” Garrosh and his guards laughed at the notion. “Well, it looks like you were wrong. And, after questioning your friends who didn’t pass out and determined you were the leader, we killed them.” “No… All of them' You son of a bitch, just wait, your day is coming! The Alliance will-“ Garrosh kicked him in the stomach, knocking the breath from him. “The Alliance will fall, worm. None can stand before the Horde. Not the Night Elves, not the humans, no one!” Nariil simply glared at the orc. Garrosh gestured for his guards to leave. “You know, it’s not every day I have a naked tied up Night Elf on my floor,” said Garrosh. “I may just have to take advantage of this situation.” Nariils eyes widened with fear. “No. No, wait. You don’t mean you’re going to…'” Garrosh laughed and pulled out a dagger. He cut the ropes attaching his hands and feet to each other, but still leaving his hands and feet bound. He picked the druid up and propped him up against the wall of the tent. He undid his armor, revealing the most muscled body Nariil had ever seen. Then he removed his leggings, and revealed the most terrifyingly large cock he had ever seen. A bit longer than his forearm, and as thick, the very sight made his ass hurt. “No, you can’t. That will never fit, you’re going to kill me with-“ The orc backhanded him, knocking him to the side. The orc propped him back up. “Stay silent or I’ll cut out your tongue, elf. Now open wide, or you’ll be sorry.” Nariil hesitated a moment, and opened his mouth. The orc shoved his cock inside as far as he could, which wasn’t very far. It got barely a quarter of the way in before Nariil began to choke, and Garrosh began to thrust. He was quickly frustrated by how shallow he had to stay, so he picked the elf up again and bent him over the cot that served as the Warchief’s bed. “Please, no, you’re going to rip me in half!” Nariil begged for mercy. In return, the massive orc smacked his ass so hard Nariil nearly felt like he’d pass out. He decided to stay silent after that. Garrosh pressed his gigantic cock against Nariil’s ass, and thrust inside as quickly as he could, first a quarter of the way, then half, then three quarters, and finally all the way. Nariil screamed out in pain, tears running down his face. This cock was several inches longer than Eric’s, and twice as thick. The orc fucked him mercilessly, giving his ass a hard smack now and then. He grabbed the druid’s ponytail and pulled back hard, causing his back to arch painfully. The pain of it all made Nariil dizzy. “Fuck your ass is so tight… I may not kill you after all, elf. I could certainly use a bitch like you for stress relief now and then.” Nariil simply sobbed as his ass was rammed over and over again for what felt like hours. Eventually, the thrusts came more quickly, and finally Garrosh pushed in as deep as he could and held for a moment, then pulled out. Nariil felt a gush of cum leave his ass, running down his legs and onto the dirt floor. Nariil looked back at his captor. “P…please, no more…” Garrosh laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m done for now. But what kind of Warchief would I be if I didn’t share the spoils of war with my men'” And Garrosh grabbed the druid’s ponytail and dragged him painfully from the tent towards the main camp. He dumped him in front of a campfire where an orc, a troll and a tauren were sitting. “Here. Use him as you’d like, but don’t kill him. He’s mine.” Garrosh walked back to his tent. “’Ey, look at dis. I haven’t fucked a Night Elf in a long time.” The troll grabbed at his crotch.” The tauren chucked. “Don’t get too excited. I’ve seen Garrosh pissing; I doubt he’ll be particularly tight if he just got fucked by him. Although, he’s small for a night elf. He’ll probably still be a good fuck.” The orc just pulled out his dick and stroked until it got hard. The tauren followed suit. Nariil thanked Elune that his cock was smaller than he had expected, about the same size as Eric’s. Then the orc, who was just a bit smaller than the tauren. The orc cut the ropes binding his hands and feet. The tauren picked him up and pulled him onto his lap. “Alright, elf. Ride me. I’m not doing the work here, and if you do a bad job, you bet your ass Garrosh will hear.” Nariil took a deep breath and lowered himself onto the tauren’s cock. After Garrosh, this was far easier. He started riding the tauren, raising himself up and down. “Look at me, bitch. Tell me you want my cock inside you.” Nariil looked away and stayed silent, and the tauren slapped him. “Y…your cock feels so good inside me, sir. Please, don’t hit me again.” The tauren chucked. “You’re a lucky little bitch, aren’t you' Thank me for letting you ride my cock.” “Thank you, sir. I don’t deserve your cock.” Nariil was nearly in tears. The tauren tossed him onto the ground and then pulled him up so he was on his hands and knees. He started fucking him hard now, causing Nariil to grunt with each thrust. The troll then thrust his cock into his mouth, and Nariil had no choice but to suck. The orc walked over and shoved the troll aside and put his in instead. They made him switch between them for a while, then the tauren picked him up and propped him up against the log he had been sitting on. The three stood in front of Nariil, jacking off. The three came almost simultaneously. The tauren caught him straight in the face, the massive amount of cum nearly covering it fully. The troll and orc got him on the stomach and chest. The tauren ran two of his fingers through the cum on Nariil’s face, and held them in front of his mouth. “Clean my fingers, elf. Lick my cum off like the little slut you are.” Nariil complied, licking and sucking the cum off the taurens fingers. The tauren then picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. “Gonna have to get you cleaned up before we bring you back to the Warchief. He won’t want his new slut covered in other men’s cum.” Nariil found himself dumped in a trough of water. The tauren ordered him to clean himself, and he did. Once he was finished, the tauren tied him up again and carried him back to Garrosh’s tent. “Where should I leave him, Warchief'” “Just dump him in the corner. He’ll sleep in the dirt. Druid’s like dirt, don’t they'” Garrosh laughed. The tauren laughed as well, and tossed Nariil roughly to the floor in the corner of the tent and left. Garrosh knelt down and slapped his ass, less painfully this time. “You and I are going to have a great time together, elf. Be a good little bitch, and you won’t get hurt. Disobey, and you’ll be an example for your people.” Garrosh turned away and extinguished the candles in the tent, and went to sleep. Nariil couldn’t sleep that night. He simply lay there, thinking of Marcus and Eric, wondering what they would do when they heard this news. For the first time in a long time, he found himself dreading the morning.
Chapter 4 - Loving by the Lake
It was dark when Nariil awoke, still in Marcus’s arms. He could hear him breathing, and feel it on the back of his neck. He gently released himself from his lover’s arms, stood up and stretched. He looked down at Marcus and smiled. I’ve wanted this for so long now, he thought. I never thought this could happen… Quietly, Nariil exited the house into the night, and walked over to the shore of the lake. The moon was full, giving everything an almost mystical appearance. Reaching the shore, he took of his clothing and piled it in the grass before wading into the water. He continued out until he could no longer stand, and stuck his head under water, and bathed. After a few moments he was done, and climbed onto a rock by the shore and lay down. His mind wandered back to his time with Marcus that afternoon, and before long his hand wandered to his crotch… After all, he thought, I “helped” him, but not myself… Thinking of Marcus, his cock quickly hardened and he began to stroke it. With his other hand he reached down and cupped his balls, and gently massaged them. It didn’t take long for him to climax, squirting cum all over his stomach and chest. He slid his finger across them, gathering some up, then licked it off. “Having fun without me, are you'” came the voice from behind him. Nariil sat up and turned around, and saw Marcus. “Ah… I wanted to go for a swim, and you were still asleep… And I just started thinking about earlier and… I couldn’t help myself.” He shrugged. Marcus walked over and climbed onto the rock, and sat down next to Nariil. He put an arm around him, pulled him close and kissed him. Marcus stopped just long enough to get his shirt off, then pushed his lover onto his back and climbed on top of him, kissing and gently biting his neck. He worked his way down, kissing his chest, biting the elf’s nipples, then down more, kissing his belly button, then worked his way down past his cock and balls where his tongue found its target… Marcus began working Nariils asshole with his tongue, swirling around the rim and pushing just slightly inside. Nariil began to moan softly and his back arched as his cock began to re-harden. “Oh, Marcus… Don’t stop…” “Don’t worry, Nariil. I’m just getting started!” Then he moved his mouth back to his lovers cock, licking it from his balls to the tip, then took It into his mouth, down to the base. Then he took his hand, and slowly slid two fingers into Nariil’s hole. “Mmm, Nariil,” he whispered, stopping his work for a moment, “you’re so tight… This isn’t your first time, is it'” The silence he got in response was all the answer he needed. Marcus got up to his knees, and flipped Nariil over onto his stomach. He climbed on top of him, and positioned himself, pushing the tip of his cock gently against his lover’s virgin hole. He slowly pushed himself in, which brought a long, low moan from the night elf’s throat. Marcus began fucking him slowly at first, but sped up steadily. Nariil couldn’t think straight. His was a world of pleasure, moaning softly as he was filled by his lover. He tried to reach under himself to stroke his cock, but at this point, the steady thrusts of his lover kept him pinned to the rock. Before long, though, he found himself climaxing simply from being fucked, and he closed his eyes and surrendered to the ecstasy of it all. Shortly after, Marcus’s thrusts became shorter and shallower, then he just held for a moment, before collapsing down on Nariil’s back. Nariil managed to turn himself over, though he was still under Marcus. Marcus once more began to kiss and bite at his neck for a few moments, before rolling off onto his back, panting heavily. “Fuck, Nariil… That was amazing…” He paused and looked over at the elf. “I love you, Nariil. And from now on, that amazing ass of yours is going to be all mine…” Nariil closed his eyes and smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way…” Marcus wrapped his arms around Nariil and pulled him close, and the two stared silently up at the moon and stars.
Chapter 5 - Return
About an hour had passed in silence, when it was broken by a loud crack of thunder, and it began to rain. Marcus immediately stood up, and then offered a hand down to Nariil, who looked a bit confused. “Come on, we’re going to get soaked if we stay out here. Let’s go inside.” Nariil just stretched. “A little rain never hurt anyone… It’s so refreshing. I could sleep out here tonight.” Marcus crossed his arms. “Come on now. Don’t make me carry you.” Nariil simply closed his eyes. “Alright, I warned you…” Marcus reached down and picked Nariil up and hung him over his shoulder. “You’re such a spoilsport, Marcus. Come on, put me down!” Marcus just kept walking, though. He carried him back into the house, up the stairs and dropped him on the bed. Before Nariil knew what was happening Marcus was fucking him again, but this time he only lasted about a minute before climaxing, then rolled onto his side and fell asleep almost immediately. Nariil stared out the window at the storm for a bit before falling asleep, and it seemed like just moments later before he jolted awake at a sound. Light was streaming through the window and he could hear birds chirping outside, and then the noise came again. Someone was knocking at the front door. He looked over at Marcus, who looked about as deeply asleep as possible. Sighing, Nariil pulled on some pants and walked downstairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He opened the door, and there was a man. He was about six feet tall, with red hair tied back in a ponytail. He was wearing battered plate armor with the lion of Stormwind emblazoned on the front, and holding his helmet under his arm. He’d tied a horse to the fence by the path in front of the house. The man looked utterly confused to see Nariil there, and just stood there staring at him. “Can I (yawn) help you'” Nariil asked. The man hesitated for a moment before speaking. “It’s been a while, I might have the wrong house… Does Marcus still live here'” “Yes, of course. He’s asleep, though. I didn’t want to wake him up. He had a… late night.” Nariil blushed slightly thinking about it. The man did not look like he understood, but didn’t press the matter. “Well… Do you think you could get him for me' It’s quite important.” “Who shall I tell him wants to see him'” The man simply replied, “Eric.” Nariil’s jaw dropped. “You’re… He… I’ll… I’ll just go get him, then.” And he rushed upstairs. “Marcus!” He shook the sleeping paladin, attempting to wake him up. “Ngh...” Marcus grumbled. “Not… yet… five more minutes…” Sighing, Nariil slapped him sharply. “This is important, damnit. You’ve got a visitor.” Scowling, Marcus sat up, rubbing his cheek where he’d been slapped. “It had better be the damn king himself to warrant that, Nariil.” “Not the king. There’s a man at the door who introduced himself as Eric.” Marcus’s eyes went wide, and he darted out of the bedroom without even bothering to put on clothes. Nariil followed him downstairs and leaned on the stairs railing to see what was going on outside. Eric looked visibly upset to see Marcus. “So… You’ve got a half naked elf in your house, and you run out to greet me naked' Is this what it looks like'” “Eric, they told me you were dead! They told me everyone in Southshore had been killed by the Forsaken! I did wait but… It’s been over a year…” Eric sighed. “I managed to escape into Silverpine, trying to get to Gilneas, but the damn undead captured me. They did preform some terrible experiments on me, and I only barely managed to escape about a month ago. I… suppose I can’t be mad at you for moving on, but this raises the question… What happens now'” At this point, Nariil walked out the door. Barely containing his tears, he spoke. “I’ll tell you what happens now. I’ll go. I was only supposed to stay long enough to secure the kings support for the war in Ashenvale… I just…” His voice broke, and he glanced over at Marcus. “I love you, Marcus, but I can’t come between the two of you.” Nariil turned back inside and started upstairs to gather his things. While packing, he heard footsteps behind him, and turned to the door to see Eric standing there. “I’m sorry about this… I know this can’t be easy for you. You’re Nariil, yes' Marcus spoke of you often after the two of you fought the Lich King together.” Nariil turned back to his packing. “Yes, that’s me. And… don’t worry about it. It was silly for me to think I could be with Marcus to begin with. I’m the one who should be sorry, after all, I slept with your partner…” “Don’t give me that. I know Marcus, and I’d bet all the gold in Booty Bay that he was the one who started the whole thing.” “Well… yes…” Nariil sighed. “You don’t have to go, Nariil. You and Marcus are such good friends; even if you can’t be together romantically it shouldn’t end that. I’m sure he’d let you stay here, if you still wanted to, although I would understand if you wouldn’t be comfortable with that.” Nariil paused for a moment. “You’d be alright having someone who is in love with your partner living in the same house with the two of you'” Eric shrugged. “I think you’ll be able to control yourself. Marcus told me you were a druid. You’re all about balance and calm, aren’t you'” Eric smirked. Nariil couldn’t help but laugh. “Well… I would hate to leave. Lover or no, Marcus is my best friend and I couldn’t stand to lose that.” “Far be it from me to come between friends. If you give your word you won’t try to keep up this… thing… with Marcus, you have my blessing to stay.” Nariil turned and smiled. “Thank you. I’ll start unpacking again. And Eric, I won’t forget this. If you need anything from me, just ask.” Eric smiled back. “Of course. I’ll leave you to it, Marcus and I have about a years worth of catching up to do…”
Chapter 6 - Revelation
Nariil found the next few weeks incredibly awkward. Eric and Marcus were, understandably, inseparable. He was happy for Marcus, but something about Eric just seemed off. There was something odd about his eyes that he couldn’t put his finger on, and just about every night Nariil would wake up to the sound of him leaving the house. He thought about bringing it all up with Marcus, but decided against it. Finally his curiosity got the better of him. One night, when Nariil heard Eric leaving the house, Nariil waited about five minutes, shifted into his cat form, and followed him into the woods. He tracked him by smell- and immediately realized something was very off about it. He simply didn’t smell human, but once again he couldn’t quite say what the smell was. Then, another smell overpowered the one he was tracking- the scent of a wolf. Nariil immediately thought of Eric. One human, alone and unarmed, would have a difficult time fighting off a wolf. He picked up the pace, heading in the direction the scent had been in. Nariil heard the howl. It wasn’t a normal howl, he could tell that at once. Worse, it was coming from where he estimated Eric to be. He began to sprint, and shortly burst into a clearing. And there was Eric. Or what had to be Eric, anyways. Nariil had seen worgen before, so he instantly recognized what it was. Nariil shifted back to his normal elven form, and walked forward slowly. “Eric…' Is that you'” Clearly startled, the worgen quickly spun around to see who was there. In a low, growling voice, he said, “…Nariil. I should have figured it would be you who found me out. Curiosity killed the cat, as they always say. Not that I’m going to kill you…” “Does Marcus know about this, Eric'” “Of course not. Do you really think he’d stay with me if he knew what I am now' I don’t care what the Gilneans say, this is in fact a curse, not a blessing. Besides… I’m still trying to master being able to change at will. That’s why I come out here, it tends to happen at night… Out here I can practice in privacy. Or should I say could'” “Don’t be ridiculous. Once you’ve mastered it, it’s pretty much like being a shapeshifter, like I am. Only with less options. And, I mean, Marcus went for me, didn’t me' I’m sure he’ll stay with you. At any rate, you need to be honest with him and tell him about this. He’ll find out sooner or later, I’m sure.” Eric sighed. “You’re probably right… But I’m not quite ready to tell him yet. I’d like to get this whole transformation thing a bit more under control before revealing it.” Nariil thought for a moment. “Well… I might be able to help you with that. My ability to shapeshift is a natural gift, but one that took much practice to master. It’s possible the techniques my shan’do taught me to help you get the hang of it.” “You really think you can help' I certainly wouldn’t turn it down. You have no idea how frustrating it is, the slightest change in mood can set off the change. I need to get this down.” “The best thing I can think of that would help is simple meditation. You need to let go of your worries about it, and try to maintain a state of calm. It should help you when you feel that you’re about to change, and I believe it should even help you learn to shift at will.” Eric nodded. “I’ll do whatever it takes. Thank you, Nariil. I can see why Marcus values you so much as a friend.” Nariil smiled. “I do what I can. Now, why not begin now'” The next few weeks, Nariil and Eric would head off into the woods at night for Eric’s practice. Nariil thought he was making progress astonishingly quickly, but Eric still thought the process painfully slow, but did not quit. About two months into the training, Eric finally got it down. He could not only keep himself from changing during a mood swings that came so often with being a worgen, but could shift at will. “Nariil, I can’t believe I can finally do this. Thank you so much. I’ll find some way to repay you for this, I swear.” “Really, Eric, don’t worry about it. I consider you a friend now, especially after all this time we’ve spent together, and what are friends for if not helping each other'” “Say what you like, I will find a way to repay you.” Nariil shrugged. “Suit yourself. So, are you ready to tell Marcus'” “I think so. Would you mind being there' I feel like I may need some support doing this.” “Of course I will. Now come on, let’s go home. We’ll tell him in the morning.” Morning came. Nariil was the first one awake. He dressed and made his way downstairs, and decided that this morning he’d cook breakfast for everyone. The smell of food quickly woke up Marcus, and Eric was not far behind. The two sat down at the table and Marcus mumbled a thank you to Nariil for cooking, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. They ate breakfast in silence, although Nariil kept glancing at Eric, who seemed to be avoiding his gaze. Once everyone had finished eating, Nariil decided to break the ice. “So, Eric and I had an interesting conversation last night.” “Oh, really' What about'” Marcus seemed only vaguely interested, still not fully awake. “That’s really up for him to say. Why don’t you tell him, Eric'” Eric sighed, and looked to Nariil, who smiled and nodded encouragingly. “Marcus…” he hesitated, but Nariil patted his shoulder and he seemed to gain some courage. “Marcus I haven’t been honest with you since I’ve been back. There’s a reason that I was able to escape Hillsbrad…” he took a deep breath. “I’m a worgen.” Marcus looked confused for a moment. “What' Why would you keep that from me'” “Because until now, I had no control over it. You probably noticed I disappeared occasionally' Ever since I was turned, I’ve had these terrible mood swings… And until recently, whenever that would happen I would start to change… I couldn’t control it. But, Nariil saw me leaving the house one night a couple of months ago and followed me, and saw what I was. He helped me learn to control it, so now I don’t have to worry about the mood swings, and I can change at will. And… I thought if you knew I was a worgen, you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore…” “Don’t be ridiculous, Eric. I love you. So you’re a worgen' What does it matter' You’re still you!” Marcus got up and embraced Eric. The two began to kiss, and Nariil decided this was probably a good time to excuse himself, so he left the house smiling, feeling that he’d done a good deed.
Chapter 8 - Capture
The following weeks passed in a blur of love and sex. There were days where Nariil could hardly walk, having been fucked many times in one night by his lovers. He had never been as happy in his life as he was now, going to sleep each night between Marcus and Eric, snuggled between the soft fur of the worgen and the muscular form of the human. Everything was going wonderfully. Then came the letter. The envelope identified it as from Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priestess of Elune, and leader of the Night Elf people. Nariil knew what it would mean before he even read it. “What do you mean you have to leave'” Eric demanded. “She can’t force you to go!” “You have to stay. I don’t know what we’d do without you.” Marcus was visibly distraught. Nariil sighed. “She can’t force me, but I’m going. I asked her to call me back if I was needed, and apparently I am. The leader of the group of druids fighting in Ashenvale was killed, and she and Archdruid Malfurion think I’m the best choice to replace her. It’s really just for show, the war in Ashenvale is all but won, according to the reports King Varian has been showing me. I shouldn’t be gone more than a month or two.” “When do you leave'” Eric asked dejectedly. “It says I’m to report to Astranaar as soon as possible, so I suppose today.” Nariil didn’t really have anything he needed to bring with him other than his leather armor, so he just put that on. His lovers walked with him to the docks in silence. When they reached the boat, they both embraced him in turn. “Stay safe,” Eric whispered. “Come back as soon as you can, Nariil.” Marcus hugged him again. “If anything happens to you…” “I’ll be fine, you two. I probably won’t even see combat. And even if I do, I was part of the force that fought its way through Icecrown Citadel to kill the Lich King, and part of the force that broke the siege of Wyrmrest Temple and killed Deathwing. I think I can handle a few orcs.” The three said their final goodbyes, and Nariil boarded the ship. As it departed, he watched his two lovers fade into the distance until he could no longer see them. The voyage took a few days. Upon arriving at Rut’theran village, he hired a hippogryph to take him to astranaar. That journey took a few hours, and he landed at Astranaar. He wound his way to the inn, which was serving as the headquarters for the combined Night Elf and human forces. The Night Elves were being led by Shandris Feathermoon, General of the Sentinel Army. She shook his hand when he arrived. “You must be Nariil. I’ve heard great things about you from Tyrande and Malfurion. Anyone with your experience is a welcome addition to this fight.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Shandris. Tyrande and Malfurion have spoken well of you also. But, we should get down to business. Where am I needed'” Shandris led him over to a table with a map spread over it. She pointed to Splintertree Post. “Yesterday, we received word from our forces besieging Splintertree that a force led by Garrosh Hellscream himself broke the siege and resecured the Post. Our intelligence also tells us he intends to march against Astranaar soon. As druids, you and your team can pose as the local wildlife, and hopefully ambush and kill Hellscream once he leads his forces against us. Without him, leadership should pass to Vol’Jin, who has been a vocal critic of Hellscream and his policies ever since Thrall chose him as his replacement as Warchief. He should be much easier to negotiate with, and hopefully we can end the war without much further bloodshed.” Nariil was surprised. “I was told the war here was all but won. Although I suppose when the son of Grom Hellscream wants something done, he will do it himself. He won’t be an easy kill, I fear. He’ll be surrounded by the Kor’korn, the best soldiers the Horde has. How many druids will I have under my command'” “There will be twenty of you in all. All very experienced and proven in battle. They’re the best we have to offer. And with you leading them, you should be able to take him out and retreat before the rest of the force knows what’s hit them. We’ll need you to leave immediately, since we don’t know exactly when the orcs intend to move.” “Very well. Tell my team to meet me by the bridge, we’ll fly over there as soon as possible.” They bowed to each other and said their goodbyes, and Nariil walked to the bridge out of town and waited a few minutes before his squad appeared. He explained the mission, and they shifted into birds and began to fly. Nariil’s plan was simple. Fly over the horde until they had an opportunity to strike, then shift back into birds and escape. It would be simple, or so he hoped. They hadn’t even arrived at Splintertree when they encountered the Horde host. Nariil spotted Garrosh fairly quickly, but he was in the middle of the army and it would have been impossible to kill him with so many others around. So they waited. Night fell, and the orcs halted and began to set up a camp. Garrosh and the Kor’kron set up a little bit away from the rest of the army, and Nariil and his druids began to circle, waiting for the majority of the activity around the camp to subside. Finally it seemed as if their opportunity had arrived. Nariil chirped the signal to attack. That was when the first druid let out a loud squawk and plummeted from the sky. Suddenly the druids started falling, Nariil felt a blinding pain in his head, and then sensed himself falling. The last thing he felt was a painful crunch as he hit the ground in his elven form. Nariil awoke. Before opening his eyes, he tried to assess the situation. He could feel that he was hogtied, lying on his side in the dirt. His armor was gone, as were his clothes. Then he opened his eyes. He was in a tent. He saw two orcs guarding the entry flap. He turned his head slowly, trying to see what he could before it was noticed that he was awake. But at that moment, one of the guards happened to look his way. The orc said something to his companion in their crude tongue, and left. A few moments later, Garrosh Hellscream, Warchief of the Horde, Son of Grom, entered the tent, with a wide grin on his face. “Now now,” he said. “What do we have here'”
Chapter 11 - A (very) Brief Intermission
Marcus heard a knock at the door. He went to answer it, and found a messenger standing outside. “Letter for you, sir,” the young man said, handing him an envelope. Marcus tipped the boy and sent him off. He was surprised to see the letter had the Darnassian seal on it. “Hey, Eric, come here. I think Nariil’s sent us a letter!” He sat down at the table and waited for Eric to appear. Eric walked down the stairs and sat down by Marcus. “Well, don’t just sit there. Open it.” Marcus broke the seal. The letter was short. This letter is being sent to you because king Wrynn tells me you are incredibly close to Nariil. It is my unfortunate duty to inform you of the circumstances. Nariil was on a mission for us when he was captured by the Horde, and is believed to be the personal prison of Warchief Garrosh Hellscream himself. We are working to secure his release, but so far have met with no success. Nariil is a good friend of mine as well, and I promise you I shall not rest until he is freed. I will keep you updated with any further news. ~Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priestess of Elune Shocked, Marcus dropped the letter. Eric picked it up and read it. “No,” Eric stated simply. “It can’t be true. She’s mistaken, it must be some other druid…” “Damnit, why did we let him go' I knew something like this would happen.”Marcus buried his face in his hands. “This is bad… You know Garrosh’s reputation. What if he kills him' What if-“ “Don’t you dare say that, Marcus!” Eric interrupted. “You read the letter… They’ll free him. They’ll do something. Maybe an exchange of prisoners, maybe they’ll cede some land… maybe... maybe….” “It’s clear what we have to do, you know. We need to get to Darnassus and meet with Tyrande. We have to help somehow; we can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Marcus slammed his palm down on the table. “You’re right. We need to go to the docks and find a ship.” Eric paused. “Get your armor and weapons. I have a feeling we’ll need them once we’re there.” Marcus and Eric gathered their weapons and armor, and a few other possessions, and headed off to the city. They bought passage on a ship headed for Rut’theran village, and set off.
Chapter 14 - Vacation
Nariil woke the next morning before dawn to something poking him sharply in the lower back. He tried to roll over, but Eric had him in a vice grip, and by the sound of the Worgen’s snoring he wouldn’t be waking up any time soon. Waking up fully, he realized what it was. Nariil thought Eric must be having a very good dream, then. He thought about what he could do about it. He didn’t want to wake him up. He couldn’t roll over. Then he had an idea. He reached back and managed to undo the worgen’s pants, freeing his manhood. Then he pulled his own pants down just enough to expose his ass. He took hold of the worgen’s cock and moved it into position. He took a deep breath, and slowly pushed himself back against it, driving it into his hole. The worgen grunted in his sleep, tightened his already nearly crushing grip on the elf, and began to thrust, and gave Nariil’s neck a lick. The worgen started sleep-fucking him, still snoring slightly, but with little grunts in between snores as he thrust. The worgen was being surprisingly gentle. This was the first time he’d fucked Nariil that he hadn’t simply pounded away with reckless abandon. Nariil closed his eyes and moaned softly, and the worgen nuzzled into his neck while fucking him. The elf reached down to his own crotch, and began stroking his cock. Eric sped up, still being much more gentle than usual, and came, filling Nariil’s ass with cum. A few seconds later Nariil came as well. The worgen pulled him even closer, and Nariil was almost having trouble breathing. He decided this was the time to wake him up, before he suffocated. “Uh… Eric' Wake up. Eric!” Eric mumbled in his sleep, but didn’t wake. Nariil sighed, and then shouted. “ERIC!” The worgen woke up startled, sitting straight up. “Huh' What… What’s going on'” He yawned loudly, and looked over at Nariil. “And why is your ass leaking cum'” “Well… You woke me up with that thing, poking me in the back. So, I decided to… help you out. I have to say, as much as I love how you usually fuck me, you’re a lot gentler in your sleep. You should try that when you’re awake.” “Hmf. But Nariil, I’m a worgen. I like it ruff.” He chucked to himself. Nariil swatted him on the nose. “That, my love, was the absolute worst joke I have ever heard.” The worgen laughed. “Ah, come on. Throw a dog a bone!” Nariil got up. “That’s it, I’m leaving. I don’t want to hear this. “Ah, come on. Lighten up.” Eric stood up as well. He walked around the bed and hugged Nariil. “You really liked it being gentler, huh'” Nariil nodded the affirmative. “Well, I guess I can give it a try next time.” He gave his lover a kiss. “Excellent. Now, I love you Eric but you’ve been crushing me all night. I love it when you’re holding me, but I need some breathing room.” Nariil pulled away. The worgen looked a little disappointed. “Alright. It’s not my fault I enjoy holding you. I think it’s because you’re smaller than most night elves. Like a teddy bear. But you know, night elf.” Nariil rolled his eyes. “Come on, I’m not THAT short.” “Honey, you’re like a full head and a half shorter than the average night elf. That’s kinda short.” The druid sighed. “I guess. Still, my whole race can’t be seven feet tall and buff. Some of us have to be short. You know, statistically. Besides, you’re the great one to hug. All that fur. You’re so soft.” Eric laughed. “Well, it does give you something to hold on to when you’re riding my cock, I suppose.” The two dressed and walked downstairs for their first breakfast without Marcus. The two ate in silence. “So, what should we do today'” asked Nariil once they were finished. “Well, we could always go back upstairs…” suggested the ever-horny worgen. “The sun is barely up and you’ve already fucked me once. It’s not entirely my fault you weren’t awake to enjoy it.” “Fine. What do you want to do'” Nariil thought about it. “Well, Marcus will be gone indefinitely. Why don’t we go for a trip as well'” “That could work. Where would you want to go'” “Hmm. Well… I hear Stranglethorn can be nice. If you can stand the goblins, anyways.” “No. I can’t stand the little bastards. You know, we could always just go to Darnassus. The only time I’ve been able to visit was meeting with Tyrande to plan our rescue of you. It’s a beautiful city, I would like to actually be able to enjoy it for a while.” “That actually sounds nice,” said Nariil. “Everywhere on Teldrassil is beautiful, there’s no way a tour could stop in Darnassus.” “Excellent. This should be nice. It’s been forever since I was able to take a trip that wasn’t in response to some kind of crisis. Let’s leave as soon as possible; I want to get my mind off of Marcus not being here. You head down to the docks and see when the next ship will be sailing. I’ll stay back and pack, and write a letter to Marcus, so he’ll know where we are.” Nariil walked into Stormwind and over to the docks. He learned that a ship would be leaving that afternoon, and it would be fairly inexpensive to buy passage. He paid the captain, and returned to the house to tell Eric. “Excellent. I was afraid we’d have to wait a day or two.” Eric was just finishing the packing. “Yeah, this will be nice. I haven’t had a chance to enjoy Darnassus myself since before the Lich King fell. After that, it was straight to fighting the Horde for a month, then defending Hyjal… then taking the fight to Deathwing.” “Well, I can’t boast quite as impressive a resume, but I was fighting the Forsaken for some time. It’s been a long time without a vacation for me as well.” The two headed back to the docks, Eric insisting on carrying their luggage, not that they brought much more than clothes. They boarded the ship and were given a room to share. The trip took a few days. On the rare occasion that Eric would let him leave the room, the crew and other passengers gave him strange looks. Nariil could only suspect that he and Eric were being louder than was appropriate… Arriving at Rut’theran village, the captain and crew did not seem sad to see them go. In fact, Nariil thought they seemed rather relieved. He couldn’t help but blush every time one of them looked at him. Eric, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the situation. Once off the ship, they headed for the portal linking Rut’theran to Darnassus, and took it up. They located the inn, and paid for a room. They paid for a week up front, being unsure how long they would be staying. Once they got settled, it was approaching evening. “Well, should we just head to bed, or is there something you’d like to do before that'” asked Eric, putting away the last of the clothing. “Oh, just follow me.” Nariil led Eric out of the building, across a series of stone bridges towards the edge of the city. A small river ran from the lake Darnassus was situated on towards the edge of the tree, and at the edge a rather beautiful waterfall tumbled down to the ocean below. Nariil sat down on the edge, and Eric did the same. “This city is incredibly beautiful. Did you grow up here'” “No,” replied Nariil. “I grew up in Ashenvale. That seems like so long ago now. It seems like yesterday when my people had no idea the Alliance or Horde even existed.” “Wait, what' How old are you'” “I’m only two hundred… I’m not that old. Tyrande and Malfurion are over ten thousand years old. Although, we’re no longer immortal after the Battle for Mount Hyjal.” “Wow. You don’t look older than twenty.” Eric looked him up and down. “I have to say, it’s kind of odd knowing I’ve been fucking someone about eight times my age.” “Well, I’m essentially twenty. Our ageing process is strange. Do Malfurion or Tyrande look ten thousand to you' To mean, it doesn’t look like they’re more than forty.” “True…” Eric put an arm around Nariil. “Sometime you’ll have to tell me about that battle. Hard to imagine humans fighting alongside orcs.” “Sometime. But not tonight. Let’s just enjoy the sunset…” Nariil leaned against Eric, and gazed over the cliff into the distance. “I love you, Eric. I’m so glad we decided to do this. “So am I, Nariil. You and I have never really had any alone time. It will be wonderful to spend some time with just you. I love you too. Eric pulled Nariil closer, and closed his eyes, breathing in the cool evening air. Nariil soon fell asleep against his lover, and Eric gently picked him up and carried him back to the inn, where he laid him down on the bed. Gazing down at the elf, Eric thought about how lucky he was to have Nariil and Marcus. He lay down next to the elf, and smiled as he put his arms around him. This was going to be a good trip, he thought, and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 2 - Unintentional Attraction chaper 2
Aethas opened his eyes, vaguely remembering the previous night... a memory which was made all the more real by the weight of the elf lying on top of him. He smiled for a moment, remembering how wonderful it had been, although he had never imagined his first time with a man. After a few moments of lying there silently, Naril stirred and opened his amber eyes, and gazed into his own, smiling. “good morning, Naril” the young warlock said softly. “Good morning to you as well, Aethas,” another smile between them and Naril was up, but not before giving Aethas a kiss on the lips. “Would you like something to eat?” “Yes, please, I’m starving”. He didn’t realize it, but he hadn’t eaten since the morning before, it seemed like an eternity ago now… he watched as Naril walked to the small kitchen and lit a fire in the stove, and began to prepare some eggs and some deer meat. His stomach growled loudly at the delicious smell of it. Naril laughed and looked over. “I’m glad someone likes my cooking. My cat won’t come near it.” He gestured out the window, where his nightsaber was eating a freshly killed deer while his horse watched in from a distance. Aethas laughed and walked over to the older man. “Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks for offering, but its actually about done… after breakfast, though, there are some things id like you to help me with if you don’t mind.” “Not at all.” They ate breakfast in silence, smiling at each other through most of it, and when they were done eating, they went outside. “Well, Aethas, as you no doubt know, the orcs to the south are cutting down the forest left and right, they have even enlisted goblins to build monstrous machines to cut down trees at frightening speed.” Aethas nodded. It was common knowledge, even as far away as Stormwind. “What I’d like you to do, is help me sneak in and try to sabotage them a bit. I do it now and again, and it sets them back for a while, and I figure with two of us…” “Of course! I’d be happy to help with that, but… I’m much more effective if I bring Nalham, he’s more of a friend than a slave, and I’m much stronger when he’s with me, so if you’ll met me summon him…” “I see no issue with you bringing the imp along, go ahead,” the elder druid kindly said. “Thank you.” He said a quick incantation and was greeted with a somewhat less irate imp than normal, rather happy to see him. “Aethas! Master! You ok? I was worried when I was banished!” Aethas smiled at the small green creature. “Everything’s fine. The elf turns out to be quite friendly, you know, and we’re going to go help him out with a few things.” The imp nodded happily as Naril watched it closely. “Adorably things, aren’t imps? They almost seem harmless…” the druid said with a wry smile. An hour later, they were sneaking through the woods at the edge of the large logging camp the Warsong orcs had set up. Naril whispered to both Aethas and Nalham, “You can both conjure fire, I want you both to set fire to their stored lumber, the machinery, anything you can, then meet me back here in ten minutes, I’m going after the foreman.” And with those parting words, he swiftly shifted into a panther and slunk into the woods. Aethas and Nalham split up as well, Aethas heading toward the more heavily guarded portion of the encampment. He got to a position where he could aim a spell well, and cast an immolation spell on a pile of logs which quickly spread to the nearby buildings and machinery. To his disappointment, as he watched it burn, a few of what he could only guess were shamans ran over and began to call the power of the elements to extinguish the fire. As he turned to try to leave the area of quickly gathering orcs, a strong arm grabbed him around the neck and grabbed him back into the clearing. The orc that grabbed him yelled something in orcish, then looked at him and grinned, and said in poor common, “You regret real soon,” and punched him square in the jaw, causing him to scream in pain. His mind was a whirlwind. This isn’t happening, no, no, Naril will save me, he thought, he has to, I know it, he won’t let this happen… but even as he thought that, another few orcs walked over, talking excitedly in orcish, grinning happily at the human cowering at their feet. They stared at him almost hungrily, and the one that appeared to be in charge undid his pants, and his cock fell out… which terrified Aethas. An orc cock, as it turned out, was a different thing than a night elf one. For one, it was longer. And another thing, it was more than a bit thicker. “Please,” he said, hoping they could understand, and more importantly, would care, “I can’t do this, don’t make me do this…!” The orcs simply laughed at this, and the one with his cock out had started stroking it, and it quickly got hard, and soon after that it was forced into his mouth. The orc fucking his mouth obviously had never dealt with a smaller creature before, treating him as roughly as he probably would one of his own kind, and as his mouth was violated one of the other orcs bound his hands. This has to be a dream… It isn’t happening, there isn’t a massive orc raping me… but then a sharp slap to his ass made him realize that he was, indeed, awake. Again and again the spanking came, laughter erupting from the orcs each time. Right as the hardest slap yet landed, the orc pulled back, and came all over his face, covering his face with his load, which also amused the orcs greatly. After this, he was shifted unceremoniously onto his hands and knees, as another orc took the leaders spot at his mouth, and the leader moved back to his ass, slapping his ass a few times before forcing his cock in, causing Aethas to try to scream in pain, even with the massive orc cock in his mouth. Tears running down his face as he was fucked ruthlessly in both holes, he prayed for someone- anyone- to rescue him, he didn’t care who. The worst part was that despite the pain… ever since the orc had started fucking his ass, he’d felt his cock starting to harden, which made him feel sick. He didn’t want to like this! His stiffening cock didn’t escape the notice of the orcs, either. One of them pointed it out, and they all laughed at him, and one of kneeled down next to him and started to rub his hard member, and he forced himself to close his eyes… and think of something… anything… else! He thought of Naril…. He felt betrayed, for this, but at the same time, he knew it wasn’t his fault. Not directly, at least. And… he was a nice man… “if I get out of this,” he thought, “I’m never leaving his sight again.”…. but his thoughts were shattered by two consecutive loads, one in his ass, and one all over his face. He was expecting more, but now they just tied him to a pole, and left him. Peons walked by, pointing and laughing sometimes, but mostly he was ignored. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, hands tied to a pole, covered in orc cum, waiting for who knows what. Night fell, and once again, he had that feeling of being watched. He opened his eyes, looked into the forest, praying to the gods he had no faith in for Naril… or anyone who would help him. As he stared, a sleek panther bounded out of the forest toward him, and before he could react, cut the ropes with its claws, and shifted back into its normal form… Naril. “Aethas, I am so sorry! This is all my fault!” he grabbed the tired, beaten, and raped boy, picked him up, and ran. The last thing Aethas remembered was angry shouting in orcish. He hurt. Everywhere. At least he was on a bed, thought the warlock. A…. bed….? His eyes burst open, to find himself back in Naril’s house, but with the elder druid nowhere in sight. He could only manage to sit up, the pain was too much to stand. Looking down, he saw bruises all over himself, and he started to remember what had happened the last time he could remember…. Orcs… rape… beatings… he cleared his mind. That wasn’t important right now, as fantastic as that seemed. He called out the druids name, but all that came out was a hoarse rasp. He forced himself up onto his feet and he stumbled outside, grabbing the small fence outside of the house to stabilize himself. He tried calling out again, but still only rasps came out. Looking, he saw his horse, but not Naril’s nightsaber. Trying to calm himself, he went back inside and got back in bed. “I’m sure he’s just visiting town or something,” he whispered to himself. “he wouldn’t just leave me here alone for long….” And before he knew it, he was asleep. He awoke the next morning feeling much stronger, and able to walk. He was able to search the immediate area around the house for Naril, but found nothing. “This just is not right….” He was really starting to worry now. The hours went by as he sat in front of the house, expecting any second Naril to come through the trees and sweep him off his feet. Eventually he had to eat, so he went inside and had some bread, but that was all he could eat. He spent the rest of the day watching for the druid who had saved his life, but to no avail. Once night fell he was exhausted, and had no choice but to go back to bed. The next few days passed in pretty much the same way, until about four days had passed. Aethas was awake, eating something, when he heard a low grunt and a thud outside the house, so he rushed outside to see Naril lying there, covered in blood and cut up terribly. “NARIL!” he screamed, rushing to his side. “What happened to you?” The druid coughed several times, and after some labored breathing, he responded. “After… what the orcs… did to you…. I couldn’t just let… let them go… I had to get re…. revenge… I killed… so many…. But they… kept coming… there are so many of them… I hardly escaped…” “I can tell that! What can I do for you, you’re badly injured! I….. I can try to bandage you… I don’t know much about healing or first aid…” his voice trailed off into a sob, he was terrified. “There are…. Healing herbs… and bandages… in the house. If you bring them to me… I can tell you what to do… don’t worry, Aethas. It will be ok.” Naril sounded less than sure of this himself, but it helped Aethas feel a bit better anyways. He rushed inside and got the bandages and herbs, and once back outside Naril talked him through applying the herbs and bandages. After that, he carefully picked him up and brought him inside, no easy task for the weaker male. He put the elder druid on the bed on which he had been sleeping, knelt down next to him, put his head down on the bed and started to cry. “I was so scared when you were gone, Naril. After what happened, I… I never wanted to be away from you again… I wanted to tell you…. I love you, Naril…” The druid was silent for a moment, his eyes closed, breathing ragged. “Aethas…” he reached out and touched the younger mans cheek. “I love you as well. It’s amazing. Love isn’t supposed to happen this fast… but I knew, Aethas, I knew…. As soon as we started talking. And then when I saw what those brutes had done to you…” the wounded man shuddered. “I just… snapped. I knew I had to get you out of there, and then I had to kill them. And oh, I killed them. I got all the ones that hurt you, and many, many more…” he paused, and coughed up blood. “Shh. Go to sleep, Naril… you need to rest now…. You can’t dwell on that now…” He kissed the older man on the cheek as tears ran down his face.
Chapter 12 - Rescue
Nariil knew something was up. He had been here for several weeks, servicing his new master. These days his prime concern was pleasing his master. It was his purpose now, after all. He thought he probably had a life before his Warchief, but he couldn’t remember what it was. Not that it mattered. He took care of Garrosh, and Garrosh took care of his Slut. Finally, his master told him what was going on. “Well, Slut. You’ve got visitors coming. Baine Bloodhoof and Vol’jin talked me into allowing emissaries to try to broker some kind of trade. But don’t worry. I won’t give you up. After all, you’re my little pet, aren’t you'” No, he thought. NO, that’s not… not right… The crystal in his new collar flared a bright green, and the doubt was gone. “Yes, master. I never want to leave you, master, please don’t let them take me.” Garrosh patted him on the head. “That’s what I like to hear. You’ve earned a reward. After this meeting, I’m going to give you a nice, hard fucking. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Slut'” NO, Nariil thought desperately. But the magic was too much for him to resist, and the thought of servicing his master was again his deepest desire. “Yes, master. I only live to serve you.” Garrosh led Nariil into the central chamber of Grommash Hold, where his throne was, and where the meeting would be. Nariil took his place by his master’s side. He had finally earned the privilege of not being leashed, as long as he remained on all floors, which he happily complied with. After all, he was no better than an animal. “Alright. Send them in.” Garrosh glared at the door. Flanked by Kor’kron, a Night Elf entered, followed by a worgen and a human. Nariil thought all three looked familiar… but he couldn’t place them. The three newcomers looked shocked when they saw Nariil, nude and collared, smiling happily up at Garrosh. “Ah, welcome to Orgrimmar, Tyrande.” Garrosh grinned at her. “I take it you’re here for my precious pet'” “What the hell have you done to him, you son of a bitch!” The worgen growled furiously, and looked as if he was about to attack, but the human put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him. He appeared to calm down a little. “Garrosh, my friend asks a good question,” the elf Nariil supposed must be Tyrande asked. “What have you done to him'” “Why, I’ve made him my little pet. He took a little breaking in, but you’d be surprised what a little Blood Elf magic can accomplish. That collar was a fantastic idea. Tell them how happy you are here, Slut.” Garrosh put a hand on his pet’s shoulder. “I love it here. Please don’t take me away from my master, I only live to serve him. I’m a good boy, and he treats me well.” “See' He doesn’t want to leave. And I do so enjoy having him here. He’s quite… talented, if you catch my drift.” “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” the worgen drew his sword, and the Kor’kron quickly followed suit. Before more trouble broke out, Tyrande spoke. “Eric, calm yourself! Violence will not aid us now! Put away your sword or wait outside!” For a moment it seemed as if the worgen would not obey, but he let out a low grown and did sheathe his sword. “Now Garrosh. There must be something you’d be willing to trade for him. A prisoner exchange' We have orcs in our custody, you must know that. Wouldn’t several dozen warriors back be worth the freedom of one druid'” Tyrande was calm despite the clear tension in the room. Vol’jin, who Nariil had not noticed was in the room, spoke up. “Warchief, I urge ya to listen to da priestess. What ya be doin’ isn’t right. Messin’ wit minds like dis is dangerous business.” “Silence, troll. No one asked your opinion. Now Tyrande. It’s true, I would like to have my soldiers back. But I’ve come to quite enjoy his company. You’re going to have to offer more than that.” Tyrande looked clearly conflicted. The room was silent for a moment, when Marcus spoke up. “Warchief. Nariil means the world to Eric and I. We live together, the three of us are lovers. Our lives aren’t complete without him. We’ll do whatever it takes to get him back. Please, Garrosh, what do you want for him'” Garrosh looked down at Nariil, then back to Marcus. “That’s quite a touching story. I’m sure we can work something out…” “Wait, master' No, don’t give me up! You told me you wouldn’t give me to them!” “Did I tell you to speak, Slut' Keep your mouth shut. Now. I’ll tell you what… I want to fuck the worgen. Just once. I’d wager he’s never taken anything up that ass of his before. That, and the release of your prisoners. That’s my only offer, take it or leave it.” Eric looked more furious than ever. “What' You’ve got to be kidding me! I won’t… I can’t…” He trailed off, and sighed. “That’s really the only way, you son of a bitch'” Garrosh nodded. “Fine. If it will free Nariil… I’ll do it.” “Why do you want to take me away from master so badly' Who are you' And why do you keep calling me Nariil' My name is Slut. Master says so.” “You really don’t remember us, Nariil' We live together, back in Elwynn forest. You and Marcus and I. We love you, Nariil, and you love us. Don’t you remember'” Nariil simply stared blankly back at him. Eric sighed. “Where and when do you want this, Garrosh'” Eric growled at the warchief. “Why, right here and now, of course. In front of everyone.” “You’ve got to be kidding me! Is your only goal to humiliate me'” “Of course. You’re just getting that' Now, come on. Don’t you want to free your friend' Or are you getting cold feet'” Without another word, Eric walked up to the orc and knelt in front of him. He undid Garrosh’s pants, and hesitated. He’d never done any of this before. Never given a blowjob, never been fucked. He began by licking the massive cock, and then took it in his mouth, being careful not to scrape the cock with his fangs. Garrosh stiffened quickly, “Mmmm,” Garrosh moaned. “Not quite as good as my Slut, but not bad… Now, get on your hands and knees... Time to test that ass of yours.” Eric complied, and Garrosh quickly positioned himself, and thrust himself all the way in with one brutal push. Eric roared out in pain, which drew a laugh from Garrosh. Garrosh fucked him brutally for what felt like hours. The Kor’kron laughed and cheered on their leader, while Marcus and Tyrande looked away. Garrosh pulled out suddenly, then moved in front of the worgen and started jacking off. “Look at me, worgen. Look me right in the eyes while I cum all over your face.” Eric glared up at Garrosh, and shortly after the orc came, covering the worgen’s face in cum. “Ahhh. There we go.” Garrosh pulled his pants back on. “Alright. Take the Slut. He’s yours.” “What' No master, please don’t-“ Garrosh took the collar off. Nariil first looked sad. Then confused. And then furious. “You son of a bitch, I’ll kill you for what you did to me!” The druid lunged at Garrosh, but Eric intercepted him and caught him. “Nariil, calm down. We’re leaving.” Nariil finally recognized him. “Eric' Marcus' You… You came for me'” He wrapped his arms around the worgen and buried his face in his fur, and began to sob. “By Elune, it’s been so awful… thank you for coming…” Eric picked Nariil up. “Shh. It’s alright, we’re taking you home.” The worgen carried Nariil out of the building, and Marcus and Tyrande followed. They exited the city and made their way to where they’d left their mounts, three nightsabers. Eric set Nariil down on his feet, and he wobbled a bit, having not stood up in nearly a month. “Nariil, it is so good to see you again… You have no idea how terrified we were when we heard what had happened.” Marcus embraced him. “I love you, Nariil.” “As do I,” said Eric, wrapping his arms around the both of them. Tyrande smiled at them and waited for them to finish, then mounted her nightsaber. “Come on, now. We have quite a distance to travel before we can get the three of you home. Nariil mounted up behind Eric, and wrapped his arms around him, laying his head against the worgen’s back. “I never want to be away from you two again. You two mean everything to me.” “We feel the same way, trust me,” said Eric softly. And the four of them rode of toward Ashenvale.
Chapter 10 - Garrosh's new Pet
Nariil awoke to Garrosh kicking him in the stomach. “Wake up, elf. It’s time to move.” Garrosh picked him up and slung him over his shoulder and carried him out of the tent. Nariil did not speak. Garrosh carried him over to where the riding wolves were penned in. He tied the druid to the back of one, and mounted another. Looking around, Nariil saw that the camp was mostly packed up. It wasn’t long before the army began to move. Garrosh and his Kor’kron, however, did not follow and instead started back the other way. “Where are we going'” Nariil dared to ask. One of the Kor’kron growled. “You will address him as Warchief, prisoner. If you’re lucky and ask nicely, he may even respond to you.” Without looking back at him, Garosh grunted. “Bringing you back to Orgrimmar. We’ve learned you’re a special favorite of Tyrande and Malfurion. In addition to being my new bitch, you’ll make an excellent political prisoner.” “If you expect they’ll stop fighting just because you have me, you’re wrong.” At least, Nariil hoped so. “We’ll see. Like I said, you’re also my new bitch. Don’t get used to nights like last night, I won’t be sharing anymore. Unless you’re a bad boy. In which case, I’ll leave you out for all of Orgrimmar to fuck.” Nariil did not respond. The thought of being fucked by hundreds or more members of the various Horde races was not a pleasant one. He wished he was home. But, he determined to do nothing to anger the orc- Garrosh was known for his cruelty. The trip back to Orgrimmar took several days. Nariil had never seen the city before, and it seemed to him it was about the ugliest place he had ever seen. Brown and red were the prevailing colors, on the buildings and the landscape, with scarcely a plant to be seen. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of members of the Horde lined the streets to cheer Garrosh on. Nariil noticed it was mostly orcs, very few members of the other races had come out to witness their leader’s return. During the trip through the town Nariil was mocked and taunted more than once by orcs in broken common. They all seemed to find the sight of a nude Night Elf tied to the back of a riding wolf an incredibly funny sight. One orc called out asking Garrosh permission to fuck him. Garrosh laughed and said, “Maybe later.” Finally they reached Grommash Hold, the Warchief’s residence. Garrosh dismounted, cut Nariil’s bindings. Nariil slid off the wolf and stood there. “Come on now, get moving. Or can Night Elves not walk'” Garrosh gave him a hard slap on the ass, nearly knocking Nariil to the ground. Stumbling back to his feet, Nariil walked toward the imposing structure, trying not to look at the throng of orcs around him. One wrong move, he knew, and he’d be a fuck toy for them all. Garrosh followed him inside, and then led the druid to his throne. He whispered something to one of his guards, who rushed outside for a moment, then came back with a leather collar with a short chain leash attatched. “Druids are basically animals, aren’t they' Well, all animals should wear a collar.” Garrosh put the collar on the elf, and attatched the chain to his throne. “And an animal should never be far from his master. I think it’s time to lay down a few basic rules. You will not speak unless spoken to. You are to obey every order I give without hesitation. On the rare occasions that I allow you off of your leash, you will not attempt to run. And under no circumstance will you attempt to shapeshift. The other offenses will result in you being a sex toy for hundreds of orcs. Running away or shapeshifting, however, will win you death. Not a swift one, either. Do you understand'” “Yes, Warchief. I understand.” “Excellent. Follow those simple rules and you’ll be rewarded. I’ll treat you as well as I treat my wolf.” Garrosh sat on his throne. “Now, sit down next to your master like a good pet.” Nariil complied, saying nothing. He would not risk angering the orc. Shortly after, emissaries from the Forsaken entered. They had a long list of requests for the war in Gilneas, each more revolting than the last. Nariil realized that Garrosh had no patience for this part of his job, and sent them on their way after only a few minutes, denying every request. The orc grunted and looked at Nariil. “What is your name, elf'” “Nariil, sir.” “Not anymore. Your name now is Slut. Right now you may only be a bitch, but before long I’ll have you turned into a good slut. You’ll be begging for my cock once I’ve got you broken in.” The Warchief sent his Kor’kron from the room, stood up, and removed his leggings, exposing his cock. It was frightening, even when soft. “Now. You will get me hard, and you will make me cum. You will use your mouth and hands. And when I cum, you will swallow every drop. If so much as one drop escapes your mouth, you will be punished. You will sleep out in the mud with the wolves. But if you’re a good boy and drink up every last bit, I’ll let you sleep in my bed with me. Now begin.” Nariil crawled over to the orc, kneeling between his legs. He could barely get his mouth around the head of the orcs cock, so he began by licking and sucking on his massive balls. He couldn’t fit one hand around the orcs manhood, so he used both to begin to stroke the orc. He moved his mouth from the orcs balls to the tip of his cock, taking in as much as he could and working it with his tongue. “Come on, boy. Get more of that in your mouth, or there will be trouble.” Nariil forced his mouth open as wide as he could, and managed to take in a few more inches. He worked harder at his rather pathetic blowjob while working the rest of the orc’s cock with his hands. His jaw was beginning to ache, and his arms were getting tired, but he was too afraid of the orc to stop. Garrosh began to breathe heavily, and Nariil realized he was going to cum. The orc exploded in his mouth, and the druid gulped down the cum as quickly as he could, praying he could swallow it all. Finally it was gone. He had succeeded in sucking the orc dry, without spilling a drop. “Hmm. Good job, Slut. We’ll have to keep practicing this until you can get more of me in your mouth, though. And don’t worry. Your ass won’t be neglected either. Now, lie down at my feet like a good boy.” Nariil curled up on the orcs feet and remained there for the rest of the day. Petitioner after petitioner came in, asking the Warchief for one thing or another. Garrosh denied them all. It didn’t matter whether they came asking for food to feed their families, justice for a crime committed against them, or anything else. He just seemed not to care. Night fell, and Garrosh detached the leash from his throne and stood up. Nariil made to stand up as well, but Garrosh stopped him. “What kind of animal do you know who walks on two feet' You’ll stay on all fours, I think. Now crawl.” Nariil obeyed. Garrosh led him to another room in the hold, with a large table covered in delicious looking food. Garrosh sat at the table and Nariil sat next to him. Garrosh piled some food in a bowl, and set it before Nariil. “Just for being such a good boy, you get some of the best food on the table. I treat my pets nicely, don’t I, Slut'” “Yes, sir. Thank you, Warchief.” Nariil reached for the bow, but Garrosh smacked him on the back of the head. “Since when do animals have hands' You don’t get to use those to eat, Slut. Use your mouth.” Nariil lowered his face to the bowl and tore off a chunk of meat with his teeth. It was delicious, he had to admit. Garrosh gave him a bowl of water as well, which he drank quickly. He finished eating quickly, and patiently sat by his new master’s side. Every now and then Garrosh would reach down and scratch his head. After dinner, Garrosh led Nariil to his bedchamber. Garrosh lay down, and Nariil sat down next to the bed. “Get up here, druid. You’re going to be a good boy and sleep by my feet.” Still afraid of the orc, he quickly obeyed. He climbed up and settled on the foot of the bed. Exhausted, it didn’t take Nariil long to fall asleep. He dreamt of Marcus and Eric, and woke up in the middle of the night with tears streaming down his face. He wondered if he’d ever see them again. He listened to Garrosh’s heavy snoring, and for a moment considered turning into a cat and ripping his throat out. But what if he failed' Was it worth the risk' Nariil decided against it. He tried to get back to sleep, but couldn’t. He stared at the wall, wishing he were anywhere but where he was. Unfortunately, wishes only work in fiction. Nariil was trapped.
Chapter 13 - Departure
“No way. I won’t allow it, Marcus. You’re not going anywhere.” Eric was adamant. “Yeah, I can’t say I approve of this either. We all just got back home.” Nariil was not a fan either. Marcus was exasperated. He’d received a tempting offer. He and a select few other paladins had received an invitation to travel to Light’s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands to train under some of the best the Argent Dawn had to offer. He’d expected his lovers to be excited at his opportunity. But no. “Come on you two. This is great! I’m not even going to an active war zone. The scourge in the Plaguelands is all but wiped out!” Nariil was not convinced. “Like the war against the Horde in Ashenvale was all but won'” “Look, you two. I’m doing this. This is the kind of opportunity I’ve dreamed about since I was little! I’m going to meet Tirion Fordring, Eligor Dawnbringer… Nariil, think about if you could get the opportunity to meet and learn from Cenarius!” “Well,” Nariil muttered, “In Hyjal I kind of-“ “Exactly! You got to live that dream, now it’s my turn. I’m going, and that’s the end of it.” Defeated, Nariil and Eric looked at each other and sighed. “I swear, Marcus, if you get yourself into trouble, I’m going to find you, find who hurt you, and kill you both. Then I will find a way to bring you back, and then I will lock you in a room for the rest of your life to keep you out of trouble. I’m already considering doing that for Nariil.” Eric sounded serious. “Yeah, I wouldn’t put that past him. He still won’t let me more than five feet away from him.” Nariil rolled his eyes. “Anyways… When do you leave'” “Tomorrow. I need to get there as soon as possible.” “By the Light, what is with you two and having to leave suddenly'” Eric was not happy. “Well… Just because I’m leaving tomorrow doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun tonight…” Marcus said slyly. Eric grunted. “Oh, I thought what we’re doing tonight would be obvious, considering the fact that you’re leaving. But, I think we’re going to do something a little different tonight…” And without warning, the worgen grabbed Marcus, whirled him around and pushed him up against the wall. He undid the human’s belt, and used it to bind his arms behind him. “Eric, what the hell are you doing'” “Oh, shut up and enjoy it, Marcus.” Eric proceeded to tear off the rest of the paladin’s clothes. “Now Nariil, get your clothes off and get your ass over here.” Grinning, Nariil did as he was told. “Alright Nariil. This is going to be a big night for you, and for Marcus too.” “What are you talking about, Eric' Answer m-“ The worgen shoved the tattered remains of the paladins underwear into his mouth and pressed him against the wall again. “That’s enough out of you. Now, as I was saying. Nariil, get your dick hard, because you’re going to be using it. On Marcus.” “Wait, what' Really' I never thought either one of you would let me do that.” “Well, Marcus never had a problem when I was fucking him. Then again, and I mean this in the most loving way possible, Nariil, you’re kind of a little cock whore. I love you, but you’re not the top. However, Marcus is annoying me with his departure, and I think you deserve it at least once, so here’s your chance. You might not get another, so if you wanna know what it feels like, go ahead.” Nariil blushed. What Eric was saying was true, though. He had never really felt the urge to be the one doing the fucking. Still, why not try it once' And so he moved into place, put his hands on Marcus’s hips, and pushed himself inside. He started slowly fucking him, and it didn’t take long for him to realize what the big deal was. This was great. Not quite as great as being on the receiving end, he thought, but still great. Just as he was really starting to enjoy it, Eric moved in behind him, and wrapped his arms around him. “Now now, I said you got to fuck him, I didn’t say I didn’t get to fuck you…” And Eric pushed into him. Now this was something else. Being in the middle like this, his cock in Marcus with Eric fucking him, now THIS was amazing. He thrust into Marcus, and Eric thrust into him, and Nariil was in heaven. In no time at all, he came, filling Marcu’s ass with cum, and shortly after Eric did the same in his. Marcus slid to the floor panting, and Nariil and Eric lay down on either side, with Marcus bound and gagged in the middle. The two put their arms around him. “One hell of a goodbye,” muttered Nariil. “I’ll say. I love you, Marcus. You’d better stay safe.” Eric nuzzled into Marcus. “Mmff, mmf mfff,” Said Marcus. Morning came, and it was time for Marcus to go. Not that his lovers made it easy for him. He was very nearly late, because, sleeping on either side of him they did not wake up as early as Marcus had hoped. He was certain he would be late, and bound and gagged as he was, he could do nothing but “Mmff!” to get their attention. It wasn’t working. But finally Eric woke up, Eric sat up and yawned, and looked down smiling at Marcus, who glared back up at him. “Aww, you’re not angry are you' Don’t worry. You won’t miss your gryphon.” He pulled the cloth out of the human’s mouth, and un did the belt around his wrists. Once Marcus got up, Nariil woke up. “Morning already'” he yawned. “You two. When I return, I will get you back for that. Mark my word.” Marcus turned to the stairs to get his belongings in order. Eric slapped his ass as he turned. “Yeah, yeah. We’re so afraid.” Marcus grumbled as he climbed the stairs. He put on his armor and gathered the belongings he would be taking with him, and then walked with his lovers into Stormwind, who saw him of f as he climbed on a gryphon and was on his way. Once he was gone, Eric turned to Nariil. “Well, it’ll just be the two of us for a while, then. Should be fun.” Nariil was a little worried by how the worgen was grinning at him. It was a look that said something along the lines of, “you won’t be leaving the bedroom for the next three months.” Although, was that really a bad thing'
Chapter 15 - Meanwhile, Elsewhere...
Marcus had not enjoyed lying to his lovers. He hopped off of the gryphon as it landed in Menethil Harbor, and turned his eyes to the docks. His journey was not, as he had told them, to Light’s Hope Chapel and the Argent Dawn for training, but rather to Theramore Isle, to assist his good friend, the powerful mage, and the city’s leader, Lady Jaina Proudmoore. Jaina had written him asking for his help in training the city’s soldiers. With the recent fighting in the Barrens and Ashenvale, she had deemed it prudent to prepare for any eventuality. Jaina was well known amongst the races of the world not only as possibly the most powerful mortal mage, but also as the often sole voice crying out for peace in a sea of angry shouts for war. And so, the fact that his friend asked for his help in such a way, he knew it was serious and could not refuse. The letter had urged him to keep the matter quiet- knowing that Theramore was strengthening its defenses would make it an even bigger target than it already was. He had been directed to the ship The Lady Mehley, and it’s Captain “Stash” Torgoley. Jaina had also included a letter to show the captain. Marcus handed the captain the letter. “I was told to present this to you to secure passage the Theramore. By the orders of Lady Proudmoore herself.” The captain quickly read the letter. “Yes, this seems all in order. Welcome aboard…'” “Marcus. And thank you. How long will the journey take, if I may ask'” “With good weather, it should take no more than three days. Now, allow me to show you to your quarters'” The captain led Marcus to a small room that he suspected was probably usually a storage closet. He thanked him, and then closed the door, put his things down in the corner and lay down on the hammock that had been provided for him. Staring up at the ceiling, he thought of Eric and Nariil, and once more felt a pang of guilt at his deception. As worried as they were at his supposed trip to the Eastern Plaguelands, they would have been beside themselves if they knew he was travelling to just outside an active warzone. He began to doze off, thinking about his two lovers. A loud burst of laughter from nearby woke him up, and he found he could not get back to sleep. His until now innocent thoughts of the worgen and elf he’d left at home had filled his mind, but it wasn’t long before he began to remember other times. He smiled as he remembered the feel of Nariil’s mouth around his cock, or Eric fucking him while gently nipping at his neck. He pulled his clothes off, and started stroking himself with his left hand, and took two fingers on his right and pushed them into his ass. It took what seemed like ages, but finally he could feel himself about to cum. And just when it seemed the moment was there, there was a loud crash, the ship heaved to the side and he was flung from his hammock, slamming hard into the wall. He rose to his feet. He felt the sting of blood dripping into his eye, and tried to wipe it away. The sound of men shouting was followed by the sound of several loud thuds, and the roar of what Marcus knew were orcs. Then came the sound of steel on steel. Pausing only to put on pants and grab his sword, Marcus rushed out of his room. Emerging onto the deck, he saw what he’d suspected- The Lady Mehley was being boarded by a Horde ship. The orcs outnumbered the humans on their ship, but this ship travelled some of the most dangerous waters in the world for Alliance ships. These were no ordinary sailors, but soldiers from Theramore and Stormwind alike stationed on the ship to protect it. They would not go down without a fight. Marcus saw one of the crewmen falter, then fall under an orc’s axe. He took that opportunity to dive into the fray, and quickly cut the orc down. He fought more carefully than he might have otherwise, wearing only cloth pants. He cut through another orc and was about to move on to the next, when he felt a sudden intense pain in his side. He reached blindly with his free hand to where the pain was, and his hand wrapped around the shaft of an arrow. He took a step forward, when another caught him in the shoulder, causing him to drop his sword. He fell to his knees, clutching at his wounds, and looked around. The last thing he saw was a mace rushing towards his face. He woke up lying on something soft. A bed, he told himself. He opened his eyes, but saw nothing. There was something covering them. He tried to reach up to feel what it was, but moving his arm caused him to cry out in pain, and he could feel something warm running off of his arm from his shoulder. He realized he was bleeding. He heard footsteps, and a small gasp. The footsteps hurried away. “H…hello' Who…who’s there' Where am I'” his throat was dry, it hurt to talk. He waited in silence for a few moments, ears straining for any sounds. Finally, he heard footsteps. He thought there were two people, muttering to each other. The footsteps got louder and louder, finally stopping directly in front of him. “Here he is, My Lady. You said to get you as soon as he awoke.” “Yes, doctor VanHowzen. You’ve done well. Is he well enough to speak'” The familiar voice brought Marcus immense relief. “I… I believe so, Jaina. If I could… trouble you for some water'” “Marcus! Of course.” Jaina muttered an incantation, and she held a cup to his lips. He opened, and drank. It felt like it had been years since he had anything to drink. “Thank you. I feel much better…” his mind turned to the events on the ship. “What happened to The Lady Mehley' How did I get here'” Jaina sighed. “Well, she managed to fight off the orc ship, barely. You really took a beating. Two arrows, and a blow to the head to the point I could barely recognize you. You’ve been unconscious for about a week. What were you thinking rushing off to battle without any kind of armor'” “It takes a while to get into plate, Jaina. I had to rush up to help.” Marcus grunted in pain. “Well… What’s the damage'” The other voice, apparently doctor VanHowzen, spoke up. “You’ll make a full recovery, except… Your right eye was damaged very badly, and you went too long without magical healing for it to be able to help. We’re unsure if you’ll ever regain vision in it.” Marcus sighed. “Well… It could be worse, right' At least I’m alive.” “True. Well, there are other patients I need to tend to. If you require me, just call. Lady Jaina. Marcus.” The doctor exited. “Ugh… I am going to be in so much trouble when I get home…” Marcus groaned. “Hm' Why'” Jaina asked politely. “Oh… I haven’t had a chance to write you… Well, Eric’s back. He didn’t actually die in Southshore, he managed to escape to Silverpine… He’s a worgen now, but he’s back home which is the important part. And then there’s…” Marcus trailed off and felt himself blush. “Come on Marcus, out with it. Are you really going to keep me in the dark' What could be so embarrassing that you won’t tell me'” Jaina teased him. “You won’t approve. But fine. While I thought Eric was dead, during the fight against Deathwing, I met this Night Elf named Nariil… He and I became good friends very quickly. We parted after the Destroyer was killed, but he was sent to Stormwind not long after to lobby the king for help for his people. He started living with me, and… One thing led to another…” “Oh, dear. What happened when Eric got back'” “Well… Nariil understood and let me go back to Eric, but we let him keep living with us. He helped Eric out immensely with some of the complications that come with being a worgen, and, well he must have grown on him because…” Marcus paused. “Like I said, you won’t approve. Eric talked me into… inviting Nariil into our relationship.” “That… That is interesting. Are you happy with the arrangement' It’s certainly not… conventional.” “I am, actually. They’re both just incredible; I can’t imagine living without either of them.” He groaned again. “And they’re both going to kill me… Damn you, Jaina, telling me to keep this secret. They don’t even know where I actually am! How am I going to explain that I’m blind in one eye'” Jaina sighed. ‘I guess at this point I can’t really expect you to keep this a secret, at least not from them. Would you like me to send them a letter'” “Yeah, that would be good. Just… tell them what happened and that I’m safe, and that I’ll write them myself as soon as I can.” “Alright. Well, you should keep resting. Do you need anything before I go'” Jaina touched his shoulder. “No, I think I’m fine. Thank you.” Jaina bade him goodnight, and left. Marcus shortly drifted off to sleep. When he woke, he felt a lot better. He slowly tested his shoulder, seeing if he could move it. He slowly sat up, with a few cringes of pain. He reached up to the bandage over his eyes, and pulled it off. He took a deep breath before opening them. The doctor had been right, he had no sight in his right eye. He sighed, and got to his feet. He was a little wobbly after lying down for so long, but he managed not to fall. He walked out of the small room he’d been placed in, and out into the hallway. It was strangely silent, and there was only light from one direction, so he followed it. There were stairs at the end of the hallway, going up. Marcus climbed them slowly, leaning against the railing. At the top of the stairs, he finally recognized where he was. This was Foothold Citadel. From here he could find the tower where Jaina lived. He encountered no one else until he stepped out into the sunlight outside of the Citadel, where he was stopped by a pair of guards. “Hey now, where are you going' Aren’t you one of the doctors patients'” “I’m better. I need to speak to Lady Proudmoore,” Marcus explained. The guards looked at each other. “She did visit him earlier, I think,” said one. “Yeah, but I don’t know who he is, and the Lady is probably busy.” “If she’s busy, I will return another time, but at least let me go and see.” Marcus stumbled a bit, trying to step forward. One of the guards caught him. “Yeah, alright. I’ll escort you there. Be back in a few minutes.” The guard led Marcus to the tower in silence, and helped him up the many flights of stairs to Jaina’s study at the top. Jaina was there, gathered around a table. With her were a surprising group- there was a draenei, two dwarves, several other humans, and a Night Elf that Marcus had met once before- General Shandris Feathermoon. Marcus sighed. Things could never be easy, could they'
Chapter 1 - Unintentional Attraction
Aethas woke up earlier than usual that morning to a crash of thunder. He woke up with a start and looked outside into the gloom, faint light seeping through the heavy clouds and rain, as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He realized there was no use going back to sleep at this point, so he just got up and muttered the quick incantation to summon his imp, Nalham, who appeared with his usual curses and complaints. “Isn’t it a bit early to be summoning me? Demons need sleep too, you know!”. The imp complained bitterly under his breath as he waited for the warlock to get dressed. “Hush, Nalham, not now. It’s not that early. I’ve decided, today’s the day. I’m taking our shards back from the satyr.” The shards. Even as he thought of them, his lust for power grew hot in his chest. He needed them for his more powerful rituals, and the damnable satyrs had stolen them all. “Really? All this time, and you’re choosing TODAY? And NOW? Couldn’t you wait until after breakfast?!” the imp truly was in a foul mood. The warlock sighed and glanced at his demonic friend before putting on his shirt. “After this, I won’t need to use you as much anymore. I’ll be able to summon others, you know that. It’s in your best interest. Now silence, come.’ He finished dressing and walked downstairs, grabbing a small bit of bread and giving some to the ever complaining imp as they walked out of the house he’d rented several months before. He went to the stables and picked up his horse, and was on his way. After a silent ride through the storm, he neared the satyr’s crude village built amongst the ancient night elf ruins. He dismounted and tied his horse to a tree, and started toward it, eyes and ears alert to every sound around him. He suddenly felt the feeling he was being watched, and stopped to look around for a few seconds, but when he saw nothing, and with impatient grumbles from Nalham, he continued on his way. Walking into the eerily silent camp, he immediately noticed something was wrong when he saw nothing around, no guards, nothing moving. He headed towards a crude demonic shrine of some sort. Laughable, really, he thought. The power he had from the demons was so much stronger than theirs. “Watch out!” Screeched Nalham, and Aethas whirled around to see a night elf standing behind him, wearing elaborate leather armor and a staff. For a moment, the two simply stared at each other, the Human warlock staring into the night elf’s eyes. He was nervous, the elf looked strong enough to bash his head in with the staff, and was at least two heads taller than he was. Then the elf spoke. “What are you doing here, human? And why do you travel with…. That?” he said, gesturing at Nalham. “Why I am here is none of your business, elf, and as for my friend here, I should think its obvious. Tell me why you’re here and maybe I’ll tell you why I’m here.’ The night elf grinned. “Very well, I’ll play your game. I’m here to wipe out these demonic creatures. Recently, I’ve been sensing stronger activity than usual... I believe these black shards I’ve found are responsible for it.” The warlock’s heart skipped a beat. His shards! “You found them! My shards!” The elf raised an eyebrow. “Why would you have something like this? These are shards of a powerful demon’s armor, they only have the most sinister of uses…. I wouldn’t be much of a druid if I didn’t hand them over to the Cenarion Circle.” “No!” Aethas began to panic. “Please, they belong to me! I’ll explain anything you need me to, I need those shards back! “Fine, but we can’t talk here. Wait back by the road, where you left your horse. I’ll bring my mount and I’ll take you somewhere we can speak.” “….yes, of course.” So, he walked back to the road, untied his horse and mounted, waiting for the elf to return. He didn’t have to wait long. Soon, the druid returned, riding one of the elegant nightsabers that the night elves were famous for. “Follow me, warlock.” It took a bit over an hour to reach the apparent destination, a small house on a cliff overlooking the Windfury River on the border of Azshara. The druid got off his mount and instructed Aethas to do the same, which he did. The druid spoke in a language he could not understand, and the horse wandered off somewhere. “Inside, please.” It was more of an order than a request, thought the nervous warlock. “First… Your name, human? Mine is Naril, Druid of the Cenarion Circle.” “I… I am Aethas. A warlock, as you know.” “An honor. Now. If you don’t mind telling me all you know of the shards and your plans for them…?” Aethas breathed deeply. “The shards. When I was a child, a demon appeared before me in a dream, and showed me where to find the shards, buried in a chest in the forest near my house… by then, I’d already started learning magic, I could summon Nalham here…. Anyways. I continued with my demonic studies with… others, in Stormwind for a few years, before going out on my own…. I learned that I could harness the shards to summon more powerful demons to do my bidding, but while I was setting up the ritual, I was ambushed by the satyrs and they stole the shards.” He finished the story, and there were a few moments of silence. “I see. May I ask what you were intending to do with these demons? You don’t seem the malevolent type to me…” The young warlock looked into the druids eyes for a moment before answering. “For a while I asked myself the same question, but I realized after a while that what I felt I needed to do with my powers is to fight what is wrong with this world. The scourge, the horde, the black dragonflight and…” his voice trailed off. The older, taller man put his hand on the warlock’s shoulder. “You don’t need these to do that, Aethas. Many people have learned over the years that demonic powers are not to be trifled with.” The younger male was suddenly filled with anger. ‘You don’t understand, you have your powers and I have mine! What if I was to tell you not to use YOUR powers? This is what I can do, why shouldn’t I do it?” He got up and tipped over a table in his anger.” The druid got up and grabbed him, pulled him close and slapped him, looking him in the face. “Calm down, I did not mean to insult you, I merely meant to say you do not need these shards to empower yourself…” The warlock tried to pull away, but the druid held on. “Let go, why are you grabbing me?” He continued struggling, trying to pull away. Naril continued to stare into the younger mans eyes intently as he held him close, trying to contain the younger ones rage. He felt the younger mans pain, he’d had these issues with others when trying to become a druid. “You don’t get it, I do understand… My friends, my family, none of thought I should follow this path.” The warlock slowly calmed down, and stared back into the older mans eyes, starting to feel awkward about being in the arms of another man, for whatever reason. He looked away. “p…please, let me go. I’m calmed down now.” The older man held him tightly for another moment, then let go and sat down. “I apologize… it’s been so long since I’ve held anyone, and you remind me of… someone I used to know. I think it’s your eyes… he had green eyes too. Several minutes of silence followed. Aethas broke the silence by asking, “Where is your family now? Are you alone out here?” Naril sighed sadly. “My family is dead. I was not always alone out here, I lived here with a man, my lover, for many years, but he was killed some time ago. He’s who you remind me of…” “I’m sorry… I know how you feel, my entire family was killed when I was a very small child.” The longest pause yet. During the pause, the older druid moved closer and closer to Aethas, slowly, inch by inch, until, suddenly, as it seemed to the warlock, that he was right next to him. Naril slowly slid his arm around him. Aethas’s eyes widened, and he looked into the older mans eyes. “Wh-“ “Shhh.” The older man shushed him, then kissed him tenderly on the lips, wrapping both arms around him. “You’re so handsome…” he leaned closer against him, kissing his lips and neck. “I… I don’t… I’ve never…oh…” His voice trailed off, starting to enjoy the tender, loving kisses he was receiving from the man, and now that he thought about it, he was rather handsome, wasn’t he? Maybe he should just…. Let this happen? The druid reached his arm down, feeling the young man’s rear, then reached his hand into his pants and gave it a squeeze. This drew a blush and a surprised squeal from the warlock, who looked away, embarrassed, while the Naril merely smiled at him and continued to kiss him. He took his hand out of the back of his pants and moved it to the front, rubbing the front of his pants, and quickly the younger man blushed even more as his cock started to harden. He backed up slightly, then lowered himself down and undid the younger mans pants, releasing the erect member from the confines of his pants and he began to rub it with one hand, and massage his balls with the other. “Oh… that’s…. that’s good….” The warlock moaned slightly, and began thrusting ever so slightly into the mans hand. “I can make it even better,” Naril whispered, and licked his partner’s cock from base to tip, then took it slowly into his mouth. Once in, he moved his head back and forth slowly, licking the head, still gently massaging the balls. “Oh… oh yes… don’t stop, please…” moaning louder, thrusting slightly faster into the older man, and he came, cum spurting out into the druids mouth and face as he pulled back. “Oh, no, I’m sorry!” I didn’t mean to! Licking his lips and smiling, the older man wiped his face with his hand and kissed the warlock tenderly on the lips. “That’s what your supposed to do, Aethas… What else would you be supposed to do?” He shrugged weakly as they stared into each others eyes, and fell asleep in each others arms.
Chapter 1 - Shadows in the Night chaper 1
The rogue stalked through the night, high elven ears keen to any sounds around him. As he approached his target, a semi-large manor, he grinned to himself. He’d been preparing for this for a long, long time. He nimbly climbed the stone wall surrounding the house, landing silently in a garden on the other side. A quick survey of his surroundings and he headed straight for the door he’d picked as his entrance, a small servants entrance on the side. He picked the lock easily; such a crude lock couldn’t have kept out a cat. Dressed in all black, with his raven hair tied back in a ponytail, he would have been an imposing sight… if anyone could even see him. Silently he moved through the manors lower floor, hunting for one thing in particular- a ring. The ring was nothing special, but it had a long history of being stolen by the most skilled thieves from the most well protected vaults. But he wasn’t worried. The owner was a paladin, so sure of the virtue of others he simply slept with it on his bedside table, and didn’t even hire guards to stand outside his mansion. He slowly, quietly, walked up the staircase to the second floor, and walked toward where he knew the paladins’ bedroom was. Upon reaching the door, he opened it slowly, and snuck in and looked around carefully. Something wasn’t right…. The paladin wasn’t in his bed! He knew he was here, what was going on? He moved further in anyways, over to the bed, and looked on the table where he’d learned the ring would be… but it wasn’t there! “Looking for this?” a voice from behind him asked mockingly, and before he could even turn around, he was hit sharply in the back of the head and the next thing he knew everything was darkness. His eyes fluttered open slowly, and had the human paladin grinning smugly to greet him. He tried to move, but found that not only was he bound, but rather almost suspended by his wrists from a beam across the ceiling, and was completely nude. “Good morning, sunshine.” The paladin continued grinning, and circled around him, eyeing him up and down. “I like you. Sexy, fit…” he slapped his ass. “And I bet that ass is nice and tight. The rogue glared at the human. “You’ll never find out, paladin!” The human glared back and slapped the elf hard across the face. “I don’t see you having much choice in the matter, thief. Although, I suppose I COULD just kill you…” And before he knew it, his own dagger was pressed against his throat. “Want to change your stance, elf?” “Y…yes. Don’t kill me. Please.” The human grinned. “That’s better… but its missing something. Please what?” Humiliated, the elf looked away. “Please, sir” he muttered quietly, which earned him another slap. “Say it louder, bitch!” “Please, sir!” he said, trying not to look into his captors eyes. “Better.” The human moved behind the slightly shorter elf, smelling his dark hair and feeling up his muscular body. “I think I’m going to enjoy this… you do want this, don’t you, slut?” “y..yes sir…” he mumbled quietly, which got him a hard slap on the ass. “Louder! You will answer me properly or you will be punished like the little bitch you are!” “Yes sir! I want you to … use my body however… however you want!” Still feeling up his captive, he kissed the elf’s neck a couple times. “Say please, slut.” “Please!” Humiliated, he closed his eyes, trying to ignore the groping hands and his own stiffening penis. The human walked over to a small table and got what looked like a metal penis to the elf, he’d never seen anything like it before. The human saw the surprise on his captive’s eyes. “I had it made special for these kinds of situations. Goblins will do anything for gold, don’t you know?” he moved over behind him again, and kneeled down, and spread the rogues ass cheeks. “Mmm… Looks tight, just like I thought. Have you ever been fucked before, boy?” “No, sir. I’ve never been with a man.” The paladin’s grin widened at the thought of probing the boys virgin ass. “You’re going to enjoy this, boy. Whether you like it or not.” And with that, the dildo was shoved roughly into his ass, causing the young rogue to gasp in pain at the intrusion. He worked it faster and faster, and the rogues pained gasps turned slowly into pleasured moans, which he tried futilely to stifle. “Please sir, s…stop!” “But your cock is so hard elf, you must be enjoying this, whether you like it or not!” he pulled the dildo out of the boys ass and stood up and got in front of him. “Open your mouth, slut.” He did, and the metal was quickly inserted into his mouth. The human kept it there for a few moments before withdrawing and putting it back on the table he’d gotten it from. “Does… that mean you’re done, sir?” He asked nervously, knowing the answer was no. “Of course not, I’m just starting to have fun with you!” The human laughed as he moved back behind his prisoner. He undid his own pants, and his own erect cock, even larger than the piece of metal he’d already been fucked by, was enough to worry and excite the captured rogue. “Tell me you want me to hurt you, slut. Tell me you want me to ravage your tight hole! Beg me for it!” He couldn’t do it. He tried to open his mouth, say the words, but all that came out was a pathetic gargling. For that, he got a hard slap on the face. “Say it! Say it or you’ll pay, slut!” “I can’t, sir, please! Do what you want, just don’t make me say it!” another hard slap, then another. “Say it, or you WILL be sorry!” He was disgusted at himself. “Please… Sir. Fuck me, abuse me, I’m your toy, your little slut… use me however you want, pound my tight hole as hard as you can…” “That’s better.” Even so, he got a hard slap on the ass. Then, faster than he thought possible, the humans dick was inside him, pounding his hole furiously. At first, it was nothing but pain- but as it went on, he started to enjoy it, as detestable as he found the idea of being used like this. Detestable, but, at the same time… No! He thought, it wasn’t hot, it must just be a… a natural reaction. The human reached around and started stroking his captive’s hard cock, which drew a surprised gasp, and then a pleasured moan from the young elf. “Please… Don’t, Sir…” “Shh. Just enjoy it, little elf. This is the nicest thing I’m going to do for you,” he said, and started fucking the rogue even harder, drawing gasps of pain from the smaller man. A few more moments of this was all it took for the elf to climax, cum spurting out of his cock onto the floor in front of him, and just after, the other man moaned loudly, and he felt him explode inside him, cum spilling into his ass. Then, in one fluid motion, the human cut the elf down, and forced him onto his hands and knees. He pointed to the cum on the floor. “Clean it up. Now.” The elf looked for something to wipe it up with, and the paladin laughed. “With your tongue, slut.” “My… tongue?” His head was shoved down to within an inch of his pool of seed, and the paladin slapped his ass hard. “Clean it now, boy!” “Yes…. Sir.” Humiliated, he began licking cum up off the stone floor, until he’d swallowed it all. Then he sat up, looking at the paladin nervously. The paladin pointed to his cock, still hard. “Looks like your ass wasn’t good enough, slut. Open your mouth.” ‘Yes Sir.” He opened his mouth, and the larger man shoved his cock in, and, grabbing the back of his head, began thrusting madly into his mouth, causing him to gag. “Oh, yes, you little slut, you like this don’t you? You like being used and abused by me, don’t you?” with his other hand, he reached up and began to play with one of his own nipples. Eyes watering and nearly starved for air, the young rogue tried to pull his head away so he could gasp for air, but to no avail, and the human showed no signs of relenting. It went on like this for quite some time, until the man suddenly pulled out, only to shoot his load all over the elf’s face, and in his mouth. Roughly the larger man picked up the rogue, carrying him out of the room over his shoulder, up two flights of stairs, and tossed him down on a bed. The human left the room and the elf heard the click of the door locking behind him. He wanted to panic, to try to escape, but he couldn’t he was too tired, and soon he was asleep. He woke up what he assumed was sometime the next morning, he could not be sure, for there were no windows in the room. He sat up and looked around. It was a fairly nice room, with a large bed that he’d slept on, a chest of drawers, a large mirror and a wardrobe. He looked through the chest of drawers and the wardrobe, but they were empty. “Great,” he muttered, “I get to stay naked.” He looked in the mirror, and winced. His face was bruised, as was a good deal of his back. He heard the click of the door unlocking, and turned around to see the paladin entering the room, carrying a tray of food, which he set down on a small table next to the bed. “For you. I figured you’d be hungry by now.” The rogue walked over slowly, and sat down on the bed, and began to eat. It was an awkward silence, while he ate the larger man stared at him. “My name is Tellan, by the way.” The elf looked up curiously. He’d only been expecting more violence from the man. “My…. My name is Althan, Sir.” “You don’t have to call me that now, Althan. Now you can just call me Tellan.” He looked the elf over. “I’m… sorry about the bruises, I guess I didn’t realize how rough I was… I meant to hit you, yeah, but, not that hard… I can probably get something to help the pain, if you’d like.” “I’d be very grateful for that, Si-… Tellan. If it isn’t too much trouble…” “Of course not. I feel bad for hurting you that badly.” The human left the room, and when he returned he not only carried a small container of salve for the bruises, but also some clothes for him. “Thank you, very much,” Althan said with a smile. “I can’t let you leave, Althan,” Tellan said suddenly. Althan looked at the larger man. “Why? I’m sorry I tried to steal from you… the ring, you must… know about it…” “That isn’t it. You belong to me now, Althan, whether you like it or not.” The rogue shook his head. “You can’t do this! You have no right, you can turn me into the guards, but you can’t… you can’t just keep me here!” The human put his hand on the elf’s shoulder. “Hush. You’re staying here, in my house, within the walls. I’ll treat you well, unless you misbehave… in which case, we may need a repeat of last night, which I don’t think you want.” Tears began to run down the young elf’s face, and the paladin sat down next to him and held him close. “Please… let me leave, I can’t stay here…” “I’m sorry, Althan, I just can’t… now please, just put the clothes on, and come with me. He put the clothes on, and was lead by Tellan out of the room. He led him out to the garden. He hadn’t noticed how beautiful it was before, in the dark of night. “You can come out here as much as you like, Althan,” said Tellan, while smiling. Over the next days and weeks, the two grew steadily closer, and the only incident was another bound fuck when he tried to escape the day after, which is when he learned not to try again. Tellan was becoming steadily sweeter to Althan, and Althan was beginning to trust him. “Althan?” Tellan asked the young man sitting next to him, “If I were to take you out somewhere, could I trust you not to run?” “I don’t have any reason to run anymore, Tellan, I’m happy here now...” “Well, I’m about to go to dinner at a restaurant, and I would really like to take you with me… Wait here.” The taller man left the room for a moment, and returned carrying a small leather collar and a leash. “You… you aren’t serious, are you? You’re going to take me out in public… with that?” “Until I’m completely sure I can trust you, I don’t see that I have another choice,” the human said, grinning slightly as he slipped the collar onto the young rogue and attached the leash. “This isn’t necessary, Tellan…” he said softly, trying to be as sweet as possible. The taller man kissed him on the lips, but shook his head. “Behave this time, and we’ll see about next time.” The rogue sighed and nodded, waiting for his master to lead him, but he didn’t move. “Dogs are supposed to walk on all fours, my dear.” Tellan grinned wryly at the look of shock on the elf’s face. “You can’t really expect me to… walk like a dog…” he blushed, angered at how at the same how he hated this, he found it turning him on. “Do you remember what happened last time you disobeyed me?” The paladin was starting to get impatient. The elf sighed softly. “Yes, Sir.” He got down on his hands and knees, and his master led him out the door. Out in the street, the strange appearance of a high elf on a leash drew strange glances and laughter from many. “This is so humiliating, sir….” And yet, he could not ignore his stiffening cock. A small child ran up, and asked the paladin, “Why do you have that man on a leash?” to which Tellan smiled and responded, “I don’t see a man, I just see a dog. And dogs should stay on a leash. Bark, dog!” Humiliated, Althan barked twice for his master, and the child ran away giggling to her mother, tugging on her skirt and pointing back at the strange sight. The mother pulled her child away. Several minutes later, they were at the restaurant. Althan expected to be allowed to sit at a table, but again, he was wrong. Tellan just told the waiter to get the elf a bowl of scraps or leftovers from the kitchen and let him eat it on the floor, while he himself had an elaborate meal. He got several compliments on his ‘dog’, but also several people were critical of why an elf would be kept on a leash. After dinner, he was lead by his master to the park, where he was forced to piss on a tree, before going home. Once home, he was tied up, but gently, and fucked lovingly on his bed, then left there in the darkness overnight, crying.
Chapter 3 - Unintentional Attraction chaper 3
The sun rose on the cold morning. Aethas had not slept in days, as Naril had never woken up. He was exhausted, but he sat diligently by his lovers side, occasionally tipping some water into his mouth, or into his own, praying to the gods he had no faith in for some kind of help. It had been nearly a week, hadn’t it? He couldn’t tell, it felt like a year. Every now and then the druid would stir, mumble in his sleep, but nothing more, so the warlock kept his solemn vigil. Around noon, Aethas had to move. He went outside to breathe some fresh air, just for a minute. While he was out there, he heard a moan from inside, so he rushed back in, and saw Naril trying to take off some of his bandages. “Stop that, you need those!” he rushed over and tried to get him to lay down. “How…. How long was I asleep? I have such a headache…” he rubbed his temples tenderly, wincing a bit. “Nearly a week…. I was so scared I was going to lose you, Naril… you have no idea… I haven’t slept….. I’ve hardly eaten….” Before Aethas could stop him, Naril took of his bandages, and to his surprise, his wounds were completely healed. “That’s…. spectacular… I can’t believe it, how could all those wounds be healed already?” Naril smiled wisely and simply said, “Never doubt the power of nature.” He held the smaller man close to him. “You’re shaking. You need to eat something.” Aethas nodded weakly and got up and turned toward the kitchen when Naril stopped him. “No, let me. I’m better now. YOU’RE the one that needs help now.” He sighed. “I don’t ALWAYS want to be the helpless one, Naril…” he said with a small smile. As if to prove a point, Naril gave a very gentle push, and Aethas easily fell back onto the bed. “See? Let me make you something.” The warlock grumbled an ok. Watching the older man get up and walk, moving as fluidly as a much younger man, let alone an uninjured one, was remarkable. Watched until the man was finished cooking, then ate as if it was his last meal. After he finished, he walked up to his lover and kissed him on the lips, a long, passionate kiss. “I’ve been waiting a week for that,” he said happily as he turned back toward the bed, only to have the older man’s hands wrap around his waist. He looked back, and was met with another kiss. He turned around, into the embrace, as he and his lover kissed for a while, and eventually just stared into each other’s eyes. Eventually the older man reached down and undid both of their pants as they stood there, letting them fall to the ground, and started rubbing both of their cocks together, and they both immediately start stiffening in his hand, and his lover squirming in his other arm. “Mm, my love… the feel of your skin against mine… my cock against yours…” his sentence ended in a long, soft moan. Aethas was too busy moaning himself to respond trying to find something to lean against while simultaneously leaning into his lover, thrusting ever so slightly into his lovers hand, and against his hard member. Naril took his hand that wasn’t busy rubbing their cocks together, and reached it around to finger the younger mans asshole. Aethas was startled at the sudden intrusion, but a quick kiss from his lover calmed him down, and soon he was moaning louder than ever. Another minute or so of this was all it took for the younger man to climax, and Naril wasn’t far behind. After they both came, they lay down on the bed, Naril on top, kissing furiously, his cock pressed against the warlock’s asshole. “Do it, Naril, fuck me, please,” panted Aethas, desperate for more. “Are you sure?” Naril asked, remembered the boys last experience with anal sex. “Yes, please, fuck me!” he gasped, kissing his lover again and again, like a man condemned. Naril slowly entered his young partner, listening to his pleasured gasps and moans as he did. He started gently, fucking him slowly, easing into it, speeding up slowly, but steadily, until he was pounding the smaller man so hard the bed was rocking violently, and he was practically screaming in pleasure. Eventually, they both came again, at which point the druid collapsed on top of the young warlock, and soon they both fell asleep. “Wake up!!! Aethas, Wake up!!!” Aethas jerked his head up, hearing Naril screaming in such a panicked way, he got up quickly, still naked, and rushed outside where he’d heard him. It didn’t take him long to realize the issue- the forest was ablaze! Not a small fire, the entire surrounding area was on fire! “What happened here?! Was it the orcs? The Satyr?” “I don’t know, we have to get out of here though! The only way is off the cliff, into the river!” Grabbing a pair of pants as fast as he could, Aethas quickly joined Naril on the ledge. “Hold my hand!” Naril told him, and grabbed his hand. They jumped. The fall was awful. He kept his eyes closed the whole time. They landed with a painful splash, and for a moment Aethas was sure they were going to drown, but he never let go of Naril’s hand, and before he knew it they were above water again. They quickly swam to the other side of the river and climbed out, collapsing on the side, panting heavily. “Are you ok, Naril?” “I’m more worried about you… Are you ok?” After a while of assure each other that they were indeed alright, they decided to face the issue of where to go next. “We should head to Astranaar,” said Aethas. “They must know what’s going on. “No,” Naril disagreed. “We should head directly for the Cenarion Circle in Moonglade. They will know more than mere sentinels.” “You’re probably right about that,” Conceded Aethas, and they began towards moonglade.
Chapter 2 - Aftermath
Kuroka scrambled out of the bed as fast she could, slightly hurting Kuroka’s feelings. It wasn’t like she actually penetrated her or anything.  “I. HATE. YOU.” Koneko screeched the last three words and they struck Kuroka at her core.  And something snapped.  “NO! No, damn it! You’re not leaving!” She zipped over to the closed bedroom door, almost tripping over herself from the switch from orgasmic bliss to this shit. She grabbed Koneko’s arm harshly. “Kuroka, what are you-” Kuroka leaned in close, inches from Koneko’s face. “I’ll MAKE you love me again!” She snarled, keeping her voice low. “If you try any-” Koneko wrestled her arm away from Kuroka, surprising her. And, in the next moment, slapped her with her opposite hand as hard as she could. Kuroka yelped in pain and stumbled backward. That slap really hurt. She heard Koneko grab the doorknob in the next moment so Kuroka took all her effort to shrug the pain off for a moment to just get her sister again. She surged forward and tackled Koneko to the floor which made the both of them grunt in pain.  “Stop moving,” Kuroka hissed malevolently to Koneko, who was struggling relentlessly. Kuroka wasn’t having a hard time keeping her weak sister under her grasp since it wasn’t some bitch slap from out of nowhere. It was kind of amusing seeing her try to get out of her grasp so hard to no avail. She could see Koneko’s small chest puff up and down so quickly. She must be scared.  Was it bad that Kuroka liked seeing that? It wasn’t like Kuroka was going to actually hurt her. “You have the looks,” Kuroka growled under her breath, “But no brawn. None at all.” Kuroka picked her sister up in a vice grip and took her back to the cum-stained bed but not before turning the bedside lamp on. “What the hell?” Koneko spit out some bits of cum that had made it into her mouth before. Laying her on the bed Kuroka could finally get a decent look at her sister without the darkness. Her face was absolutely covered. A critical hit of a strand forced Koneko to one eye closed too. Fuck, Kuroka was going to get a boner again before she knew it. Koneko once again scrambled off the bed again and gazed down at her ruined nightgown. ”A-All I did was fall asleep in your bed,” she said, at a loss for words. “I-I- What’s wrong with you, Kuroka?!” “I couldn’t even take this off in front of you??” Kuroka didn’t respond but deflated under her sister’s angry gaze. The mood whiplash was real. It didn’t feel right that all…this happened purely because of Kuroka and her selfish “needs”. As if she couldn’t have just masturbated in another room or something. “Well?! Say something!” Koneko screeched.  Kuroka repeated nothing. There wasn’t anything she could say! What, ‘Oh, my bad. I got super horny and just had to bust on you.’? She couldn’t look at Koneko at all. Crippling shame washed over her body - colder than the drying cum. Koneko’s good eye kept rapidly looking at the bed and back on her body. Kuroka was sure Koneko would never ever forgive her. What if she never wants to see me again?! One horrible decision and she’s going to lose her little sister forever! “You freak…” muttered Koneko. “H-huh?!” “YOU FUCKING FREAK!” She hurled her scream at Kuroka. Her face and hands were curled in unbridled rage. “All I wanted,” her voice broke for a second, “All I wanted was to relax with you! Was lying down in a nightgown too much for you, horndog???” Kuroka could feel layers of her being being violently stripped away piece by piece. Her mouth was agape.  Koneko looked down at her cum-covered cloth again disgustedly and looked like she shrinking down. Down down down to get away from her own nightgown and skin. “A shower won’t even begin to be enough to get rid of your FILTH,” she said, “I HATE you, Kuroka!” And with the words she dreaded hearing the most, Koneko resumed leaving the room. Hatehatehatehatehatehate. Her beloved little truly hated her now. Kuroka’s bottom lip trembled until she chanced a look at Koneko’s face.  Koneko wasn’t even looking at her. Just staring straight at the door. That’s when it hit Kuroka, Am I dead to her? That horrible, dreadful realization ground whatever was shattered in Kuroka into dust. Poof.  And when you’re hurt? You get even.  Koneko was at the door and about to leave. If she hates me then it wouldn’t matter if I did this. It was the second time but Kuroka bounded over to Koneko and wrapped her arms from behind her and they crashed to the ground. “Ouch! Get off of me!!” spit out Koneko. They had fallen hard - Kuroka flat on top of Koneko’s back - and Koneko was right back to struggle valiantly to no damn avail. There was no way Kuroka was going to back down now. Not again. Koneko could barely turn her head around to look at Kuroka but judging from her small gasp of terror, what she saw in Kuroka’s face wasn’t good. “G-get off of me!” She said that again with renewed anger. “As if I want to even be around you again! I HATE YOU!” Those FUCKING words. They drilled a hole straight into Kuroka’s heart. She adored and loved her sister so much and yet… Koneko suddenly bucked upward and almost headbutted her. Whether that was intentional or not, it pissed Kuroka off even more.  “NO! NO! NO! You’re NOT leaving!” Kuroka tightened her grip on Koneko’s slim wrists. She cried out but Kuroka couldn’t hear. “I’ll MAKE you love me again!” Kuroka knew that Koneko knew what she meant by that. From Kuroka’s point of view, she was naked on a hot piece of ass who NEEDED to learn how loved she truly was. And as expected, her cock was nearly fully hard again through this full ordeal. Still hard enough to shoot more cum to compliment the white walls. Kuroka didn’t want to hurt Koneko. They were still sisters after all. “You just need to relax,” she cooed in her sister’s ear. Koneko was nothing but a wilting flower right now but Kuroka would have that problem pollinated soon enough. “I stared at your body for so long. Do you know what kind of agony I had to sit through?” Kuroka said. She reached a hand down and rested on Koneko’s used thigh, tiptoeing to the place she’d never dared to be before.  “Someone- someone normal should be able to sleep next to their sibling and not assault them.” Koneko hissed. “I was always afraid of you too,” “Koneko continued, “A girl with a penis?? As if you’d ever turn to be a sister I’d care about.” Kuroka froze. The sincerity in Koneko’s voice. It was killing her. Koneko managed to turn her head to her side, enough for Kuroka to see half of a full, sadistic smile on her little sister’s face. “I will never love a freak like you.” Was this what it felt like? To have zero options left? Koneko still looked at Kuroka with that smile, obviously anticipating to be let go. Well, if that was how Koneko wanted to treat her sister then she was going to get a taste of her own medicine. A BIG taste. “Aw~ What’s wrong, limp dick? Lose your nerve?” Koneko snarled. Rage spiked under Kuroka’s skin but she barely managed to keep her voice steady. “No,” She said calmly, “But I’m going to make you lose yours.” With precisely zero effort, Kuroka turned her sister around onto her back. Kuroka wanted to gaze at Koneko’s shitty attitude. It was unfortunate, but it was going to be ironed out sooner or later. Koneko couldn’t do a damn thing about her being forced to let Kuroka behold her cum-encrusted face and attire and face. Her face was still that perfect shade of tomato red and Kuroka wanted to keep the good times rolling. “I think,” she murmured softly, “This is the best way to start things off. You WILL understand how much I love you.” “!” Koneko couldn’t say anything since Kuroka closed her eyes and kissed her on the lips. Butterflies exploded in her stomach, like the ones you’d get from experiencing your first kiss.  Despite those happy butterflies, she could guess it was all revulsion from Koneko. She tried to jerk her head away but that only fueled Kuroka’s desire for a juicy kiss even more. She snaked her arm behind Koneko’s back enough to embrace her and rub her head a little too! The more Koneko pushed back, the more she had to push! Kuroka pushed her tongue into Koneko’s mouth with an inward giggle. Pushing me away won’t work, my silly little kitten~ thought Kuroka. It was adorable of a fight her little sister was putting up without doing much of anything at all! Koneko was clawing at her back now, but it was nothing but a pleasant backscratch to her lusty mind. Plus, she was making damn sure to ground her hips into her baby sister. “OHVE NOOOML!” Koneko - voice slurred with Kuroka’s tongue in her mouth - rapidly used her head to continually “point” to the window to their right to get Kuroka’s attention. Kuroka rolled her eyes but did so despite her renewed erection threatening to destroy Koneko’s pussy if it got the chance. Kuroka's eyes widened at what she saw and scrambled off of Koneko and rapidly jerked off over her sister’s fear-ridden body. It was only right for her to mark her cum dumpster with her semen right before it all ended. Oppenheimer turned the sex into a threesome as his nuclear bomb-style nut ripped the girls off the planet.  The end.
Chapter 1 - Uno
Camilla hummed without a care in the world as she picked flowers for her beloved big brother, Corrin. Elise was the one who brought up the wonderful idea of picking some in honor of him bringing both their families together. She was wearing her normal attire that showcased her beautifully firm D-cup breasts. No wonder Corrin always averted his eyes when they interacted, she was a knockout. In her humble opinion, of course.   She swung her shapely hips from side to side as she carefully picked each and every flower. Like the color of his Omega Yato and blazing eyes - and the color of the blood of her enemies who dared to hurt her family - she chose the reddest flowers that she could find. She bent over to collect the last flower she needed, unaware of the menacing eyes that followed her every step and perfectly curved ass. It was a shame her garb blocked her salivating viewer from the more sensitive bits. Camilla was still locked away in her fantasy world, unaware of the multiple red eyes boring into her from the trees that surrounded the field of flowers. Humming a little ditty that was quite reminiscent of Azura's favorite song, she began to head back to her siblings in the castle. Well, she tried to, anyway. "H-huh?!" she said as she fell to the hard ground dumbly. She guessed from the heaviness she felt in her limbs at that moment someone must've used a staff to cast Slow on her. Her confusion on who it was ended quickly though, as out of the corner of Camilla's eye from her facedown position she saw a group of nasty goblins quickly moving toward her with what she guessed to be glee. Fear caught in her throat. But in the back of her mind, they were honestly nothing quite like what Camilla imagined them to be. Instead of large, hulking monsters that towered over her, she saw small, grotesque little creatures closing in on her with their tongues out. She struggled to stand but she only successful got up to her knees, which was coincidentally the perfect blowjob-receiving position. Those goblins must've certainly thought they bagged a special kind of girl, one that was apparently already read for their hard cocks. Camilla cringed away from them as the first thing that hit her scents was the stench. Forget a shower once in a while, these fuckers smelled like they'd never even seen a bar of soap. Camilla's beautifully long purple hair glowed with her nice-smelling shampoo and the last thing she wanted was any of them ruining it. One goblin reached for the grand prize already, her prized tits. "Get away from me, you disgusting little gremlin!" she snarled. However, since she couldn't reach for her ax, she opted for a swift headbutt instead. The goblin recoiled in pain before three appeared out of nowhere from Camilla's point-of-view and pulled her hair back, restraining her head. She cried out in pain, hoping someone would hear her. The sun still shined high in the sky, so there was no doubt to Camilla that someone must've heard her scream. ...Right? Even though the effects of that damnable spell was already beginning to wear off, Camilla's head, arms, and legs were restrained so she'd be on her knees like a good girl. The goblin she had headbutted stumbled up to her and painfully slapped her right on the face. Camilla gasped in a mix of anger and pain, but no tears fell. It would take something much more than a wimpy slap to break someone like her. That is until she noticed that every single goblin of the sizable pack had a large erection. It didn't take a genius to understand that the small, beady black eyes the goblins used to look her up and down meant she was about to get fucked whether she wanted to or not. And she kindaaaaa did? It's not like she had much to do in the castle at the moment. Xander and Leo had things pretty much under control and Corrin and Azura was probably still fucking in their throne room day after day. Camilla recoiled as the goblin she had slapped his rock-hard cock across her cheek. Her full, pouty lips also catching the strand of pre-cum that fell from his engorged cock. As much as she wanted to hate it and break away, the pungent smell was invading her senses and making her mind, for the lack of a better word, "woozy". Without warning, the goblin snarled and shoved his dick's full length down her throat. Cut off guard, Camilla's eyes began to water as her gag reflex was tested at the fucking snake that was pulsing deep in her mouth. She didn't exactly want to savor the test, but it just happened. With her tongue laying flat in her mouth and the goblin's desperate thrusts made it obvious that she was going to taste his stinky cum if she liked it or not. The creature popped his cock out of her throat, splattering her tear-stained face with his cum and her spit. As much as Camilla wanted to grab her ax and slice the fuck out of the beast in front of her, she had to admit there was something intoxicating about being used like this. Hell, even her pussy was dripping constantly. There wasn't much time until her sweet bud was a waterfall of nectar. The goblins restraining her were far too strong for her to merely break free of. Instead, they pushed her onto hands and knees and spread her legs. Camilla could now freely turn her head around and saw that the creatures chattered amongst themselves excitedly, seeing the large wet spot on her barely-covered butt. Was it odd that Camilla didn't exactly feel fearful in her situation? The worst thing that was happening was that the goblins were clearly going to use her for their sexual satisfaction but outside of that, she knew they were just going to fuck off after that go back to their little hovels in the forest after emptying their full ballsacks. Without warning, one of the goblins behind her brandished a knife and sliced open her clothes, barely avoiding Camilla's white skin. Her clothes fell to the ground uselessly, and she could hear the grotesque creatures behind her probably arguing who could fuck her first. It felt degrading that she, a princess of Nohr, was going to be used than nothing more than a fuck toy for some gross goblins. Enough of the arguing, one of the goblin shoved his unlubed penis right into Camilla's pretty wet bud. "!!!!" Camilla gasped, and instinctively pushed forward to get the monster's horse out of her but to no avail. Some of the other goblins still had their hands on her and now Camilla noticed that they were equally as hard. The goblin behind thrust into her pussy with his large cock without a care in the word, letting the girl in front of him cry out in pain as the thick rod penetrated her again and again. Camilla could feel the hot liquid drip down her legs from their unwanted meeting. One of the goblins on her side growled and moved in front of her face, pushing his green cock into her face, clashing against her white skin.  Camilla didn't want the goblin to shove it into her mouth as rudely as the goblin did, so she opened her mouth and willingly accepted his cock with her tongue out. Still, even a gesture as nice as that didn't stop him from jackhammering the fuck out of her mouth just as it happened before.  She wished she could've sighed in annoyance, one more goblin pushed his cock into her hand so she jacked him off just so she could hurry up and deliver Corrin her beautiful flowers. ...Speaking of the flowers, they were right under Camilla's spit roasted body as the goblins shoved their cocks in and out of her pussy and ass with wild abandon. Wait a minute, how compatible was goblin semen again? A jolt of fear brought Camilla out of her bored reverie, she didn't want to get pregnant by these assholes! Whenever she offered her body up for money back at the castle she always had the foresight to make the men use a condom.  Trying to speak, Camilla struggled to stand but there was a sudden flash of silver as a blade was pressed against her throat. Their intentions were clear: take their cocks like a good slut or die. Camilla preferred living so she choked back a sob and even more cock while they abused her even more. All three goblins suddenly groaned and shoved their cocks as far forward and deep as they could into her and shot multiple ropes of their hot load inside of her and down her face. Spitting whatever cum she could out of her mouth out, Camilla tried to stand before four more goblins replaced the three she just satisfied and another knife was against her throat.  The gangbangs continued as Camilla's body was used and abused. The second group's fourth goblin's cock was long enough to lay under her and thrust his pre-cum covered cock into the pussy above. Camilla wanted to snarl herself as she felt her asshole invaded by a foreign item. Not even the men she hooked up with were allowed to use precious ass! She groaned while goblin spread her cheeks and relentless slapped them while thrusting without a care in the world. Load after load was blown into her fertile pussy. So much so that Camilla couldn't keep track of how many goblins gripped her tits while orgasming. At this point, with the amount of cum in her pussy, she was sure that her boobs were about to start lactating.  Ooh wouldn't that be wonderful? She'd be able to serenade Corrin to suck from her swollen boobs and she'd jerk off his hard cock... Free of charge, of course. Even becoming pregnant with a couple of goblin babies didn't look so bad in comparison! All she needed to do was shove them And with those thoughts swirling in her head, Camilla's tune changed very quickly. "Yeah! Fuck this cow's pussy you studs!" she yelled at the goblins the moment the second cum-covered cock retreated from her drooling mouth. By now the goblin's trusted her enough to run away so Camilla reached behind her used her finger's to spread her pussy as far her lips could be stretched. Load after load would fill her burning pussy and she didn't feel like there was nearly enough to quench her desires for more cock and cum. The semen on her face, back, and body were nice but she just wanted a neverending stream of potent cum running into her honeypot.  Their appearance no longer bothered her either. If such creatures were willing to share their delicious baby-making seed into her then she could look past their still admittedly ugly bodies. Aside from their low-hanging balls and cocks, of course. In fact, Camilla was willing to kiss and look them in the eyes to max her sexiness factor and get ever-closer to her ultimate fantasy with Corrin. Maybe even Elise would be down to try it? Her adorable baby sister looking up at her as she got drunk on Camilla's precious milk was enough to make her cum right then and there. "Mmm!" she moaned with yet another cock in her mouth. Her pussy flooded with her slick juices as increased her backward humps into the goblin behind her. She rode her orgasm out and made the goblin cum too. Even more cum flooded her pussy and Camilla wasn't even sure if she was definitely filled up yet. Surely the best part of her could and should take more dick? She reached over to any goblin that was close enough for her to play with their churning balls, hoping to face less sex and more baby batter for her begging pussy.  Her vision was filled with so much dick that her movements became almost robotic. A ball tease there, a wink there, and the mass of goblins was putty in her hands. It wasn't that far from her actions with her long list of suitors back at the castle. "Mwah!" Camilla planted a sloppy wet kiss the cockhead of retreating goblin and made a show of licking her lips at the next one in line. The flowers forgotten, her nostrils were filled with the scent of cum, cum, and more cum! Camilla excitedly redoubled her efforts to make each and every goblin cum. The blade against her throat was forgotten long ago. Hell, if anything, there was probably a goblin humping against her the outside of her throat just to get off. That was the kind of mania she was causing among them. If the goblins could whoop and holler as they were serviced by the beauty in front of them, they certainly would have. Camilla could already tell they were tripping over themselves and pushing past each other just for a chance for Camilla to touch their cocks. *Poor things*, Camilla thought. She knew herself that she was going to each and every one of them before the sunset. There was no need to act like uncivilized monsters. Oh, wait. Aside from the frantic thrusting and dick slapping going on, the goblins treated as respectfully they knew. No harm was coming to their precious cumdump and Camilla didn't dare try to change their opinion on that.  Through her cock-covered vision, Camilla saw a slightly shorter goblin with exposed breasts akin to her own size that seemed to be egging the other goblins on. She held a staff and she seemed to be the one who cast Slow on her those hours beforehand. That was a shame. If only she was getting fucked too, Camilla would've enjoyed some competition. At this point, her pussy was making sloshing noises as Camilla was completely full of goblin semen. There was no doubt in her mind that she was pregnant was many many little goblin children. The Deeprealms were about to get many like purple-haired goblins running around, that was for sure. Behind her, the last goblin collapsed as he sent his own contribution into Camilla's boiling melting pot. All around her, Camilla had dazed and knocked-out goblins who couldn't have possibly handled such a perfect body even that short time. Blew their minds she did.  Reaching down, Camilla rubbed the leaking cum from the fresh load into her pussy. It really was a shame Elise wasn't here, she would have loved to have a warm, tasty pie right now. Filled with cream, of course. Camilla stood up and lovingly fingered her pussy, planning on going back to the castle naked to fully cement herself as the personal toy of the forest goblins. There were probably going to be some guys who wanted to fuck on the way too. Her mind filled with nothing but the thoughts of cum, Camilla and her sex-stained body headed back to the castle with a smile on her face.
Chapter 1 - Coming of Age - Keeper of the Grove.
Deep in the Forests of Ahsenvale, their lives a Curious kind of creature, Children of the Demigod Cenarius, the Dryads. With the Lower body of a stag or doe, and the upper body of a Night elf, these Graceful creatures are the guardians and caretakers of nature. Despite this, they can be quite Mischievous and playful at times, then again, what is life worth if you're not enjoying it? Our story begins with one such Dryad, her name is Lynriana, young for her kind, and curious about everything, Her hair long enough to reach her lower back, her skin a soft purple, and her eyes large pellucid and curious, her lips carrying a soft smile, her chest, of a modest size, a handful each. However, there comes a time in every dryads life, just like it does with every other living being, to reproduce, and Lyn was going through that exact phase. Confused about the signals she was getting from her own body she tried to seek help, but all of her sisters simply told her to go see the keeper.  So one day, she gathered the courage and went to see the keeper, dryads being much more numerous than they, so often one keeper looked out for a whole group of dryads. Walking though the grove to his abode, thoughts were racing though her head. But as she stood in front of him, she was stunned, he was magnificent, She had seen him many times before, but never feeling quite like this. She blushed, and almost backed away to run off before he addressed her. “Why have you come before me, Lynriana?” She hesitated, but decided to speak truthfully. “Keeper, Lately I have been experiencing some.. Weird feelings, the other sisters told me to see you.” He'd looked at her. “indeed?” She nodded, He stepped closer, sniffing the air around her. “Oh yes, I think I know what your problem is..” He grinned, something Lyn was quite unnerved about.  ”You are becoming an adult, Lynriana, and a very beautiful one at that.” She blushed further. ”A-adult?” He nodded, ”And what you are feeling, is the natural response. Simply put, you're going into heat for the first time, don't worry, I'll help you, as I've helped all your sisters, it is my duty.””H-heat?” she look at him, circling her, then for the first time, she became aware of her own body, shyly covering up her modest breasts with her hands. ”As nature Dictates it, you are ready to bear offspring, it is my duty to ensure that you carry on our race, Don't worry, I'll try to be as gentle as I can, It'll hurt, but it is necessary. I'll Cast a spell on you that dampens the pain.” She'd nod slowly, afraid of what was to come, but reassured by his words, he had indeed always been kind to her and her sisters. She could feel a tingle between her hind legs as the spell took effect, it tickled her, in a good way. ”Are you ready?” He asked, she nodded, he stepped behind her, before rearing up resting on on her back, she'd grunt and buck slightly from the weight, but keep her ground, he'd wrap his arms around her waist, as he adjusted himself. ”That's it.” Then she felt it, a hard flared object pushing against her sex, She gasped out as he continued to push forward gently, her petals spread slowly with his gentle pushes. With a grunt, he managed to push the tip in, forcing Lyn to cry out in pain, the feeling unlike anything she had ever experienced, He waited, allowed her to accustom. With a nod from her he began to buck into her deeper, grunting softly, the pain was there, but a new feeling was welling up in her, between her legs, it felt good, and she relished it, soon it was drowning the pain, and she began to pant lightly. He praised her with sweet whispers in her ears, she simply giggled in return, nothing mattered anymore but the thick slab of meat deep inside of her, by now her juices were leaking out, making the lovemaking ease along. They kept going like this for several minutes, eventually their stamina was drained, and he roared in Climax, she gasped as she felt how his cock throbbed, before filling her insides with hot sticky sperm, loving it. Groaning as he kept cumming. Eventually the stream would subside and he pulls out, stroking her head. ”You have done well, Lynriana, I am proud of you.” She smiled. ”Will I bear young now?” She asked. perhaps, It is up to the goddess.”  Lyn left with a whole new view on life, not satisfied from the short tryst with the keeper she wanted more, she wanted to taste what life was like, so she set herself a goal, to mate with every creature in Ashenvale.
Chapter 1 - One Kiss Is All It Takes
Darling ♫ Darling ♫ I’m almost home, my darling! ♥ Miia happily hummed to herself and slithered along. Her head moved left and right in a pendulum kind of way - light and without a care in the world. It was almost as if the cloudless sky and empty sidewalk encouraged Miia to return home faster! She had a  peerlessly happy mood like this and it was only natural for her to develop a slight tunnel vision when the house and her beloved darling were the only things on Miia’s mind.  She was wearing a bright yellow sundress that she made sure that darling complimented her before leaving the house earlier that morning. Miia merrily slithered along without intent to stop or slow down for ANYTHING or ANYONE! That is a very precious time that could instead be spent with her darling! That was her plan at least. But life has a funny way of changing quickly and drastically.  While the sidewalk was still evident in front of Miia she only realized at the last moment that a woman was hanging out at the front of an alleyway that somehow still managed to look seedy despite the shining sun overhead.  I hope she didn’t notice me… Miia thought to herself, nearly slithering…sideways to avoid the random woman. She didn’t mind engaging in conversation with others - especially when she could flaunt the yellow sundress that her darling picked out for her - but instead of wasting time talking about her darling Miia wanted to be with her darling. She tried to keep slithering along but the woman addressed her directly just as passed by. “Hey, you!” The woman had a surprisingly energetic vibe to it, if not rude. She held her arm out to prevent Miia from continuing her slither. Miia wanted to leave ASAP but she felt it would’ve been rude of her not to comment on the pretty purple fingernail polish and lipstick the women had on. It complimented her dark skin and blonde hair, even if Miia’s sundress was just a bit better. “Um, what’s your name? I like your lipstick too...” Miia halfheartedly tried to start a conversation and compliment the woman in the same breath but the woman impolitely rolled her eyes at Miia’s words in a “Yes. I KNOW that.” type of way. “I think I’ll let you call me Ayaka since we’re gonna get to know each other right here and right now!” “?!” Miia felt very put off by her words. She didn’t want to mingle with someone who would say such forward things to someone she just met, no way! “I think I’ll be going now…” The sudden attention already weirded Miia out so escalating that to touch made her want to slither away from this strange woman as fast as possible. “I really need to go - sorry!” She tried to slither to the left but that frustratingly took more time to do than for the woman who simply stepped once to her right. “What do you want??” Miia raised her voice, silently hoping that someone - or a certain someone - would come along and get this person away from her. But the last thing she wanted happened instead. The black woman stepped forward close enough that Miia’s internal alarm bells started blaring. “I-!” Miia began to move away but the woman was surprisingly strong given her slender frame, and grabbed Miia’s arm. Miia was shaking like a leaf now as the woman used her other to force their eyes to meet. “Calm down.” The woman spoke calmly but full of force. It scared Miia in a way she’d never felt before. “You’ve just kept talking and talking, jeez. I can’t focus on your best features when the whiniest one keeps blabbering on,” she said. Miia tried to interrupt her but the woman covered her mouth with her hand. The woman kept it firm against her mouth despite Miia’s vigorous head shaking. She barely registered and didn’t care what she meant by “best features” either. That was something that only mattered when her Darlong was around. “Why don’t you just relax you fuc- OUCH!!” The woman yelped in pain, Miia had bitten down on a finger that was sticking out further than the others and finally wrestled the woman’s hand from her face.  Then, her feeling of reassurance was cut short. “I will not let something like you get away from me.” The woman hissed at Miia, her voice low. “I noticed you from a mile away. And how couldn’t I? Thank fuck your body already did the talking for you.” She leered at Miia like some desperate pervert, which scared her. Ayaka - which just came to Miia since her “not giving this woman another thought” plan fell through - moistened her lips like some cliche attacker and the situation would’ve made Miia laugh if she wasn’t terrified to her tail and back. “Let’s go somewhere more private. Now.” Ayaka suddenly wrapped both of her strong arms around Miia and dragged her away from the sunny sidewalk, and over to the right where a dark alleyway was hidden between two tall buildings. Miia was quick to yelp for help but Ayaka was just as fast in steering her into the cramped, dark alleyway where there was barely enough room for her to breathe. Ayaka pushed her through first but just as she was about halfway in, Ayaka yanked her back with her long red hair. Miia yelped in pain but couldn’t even turn around because of how close the walls were. Only Ayaka stood right behind her and a dead end was in front.  Ayaka chuckled venomously. “This is my favorite part. The chase is always fun but I love to see how a monster like you will react to my kisses?” Miia didn’t get what she meant by that but Ayaka giggled the last part like a flytrap that was going to snap. “Get ready,” she whispered, mere centimeters behind Miia’s vulnerable face. “And get used to it.  She planted her thick lips onto Miia’s own so it was expected she’d start resisting again. “No-mpf!” Miia violently shook her head to wrestle he lips away from Ayaka but she was fast - she quickly had a hand on the back of Miia’s head to keep her head as still as she could while their lips were pressed against each other.  Miia hated kissing someone who wasn’t her Darling. Why did someone like Ayaka even single her out in the first palace anyway!? She tried to move or get away or do something but Ayaka tightened her lips and her other arm wrapped around Miia’s lower back. “Mm mm mmm~” Ayaka hummed with a singsongy tune. She was perfectly content at the moment with Miia as long as it was going to take for the monster to change her tune. It was gonna be so hot when they pulled away and Miia’s fair-colored lips stained with the deep purple of her lipstick. Her little mind wasn’t going to need much coaxing either. But considering how much Ayaka could tell her prey was already relaxing her guard since dragging her into the alley. Miia felt Ayaka’s tongue pushing against her teeth. A thousand words there for sure but it scared her. She didn’t feel repulsed anymore which troubled her even more because it felt like she could keep going if their tongues ended up intertwining.  Our tongues are totally gonna intertwine, thought Ayaka. If this thing wasn’t going to give her what she wanted then she was perfectly fine with takin’ from a monster instead.  No more games.  Ayaka pulled her lips away from Miia’s for a second and dived right back on Miia’s cheek.  Mmm mwah! Mwah!!” Ayaka plastered Miia’s soft white cheek with full, thick kisses. Her purple lipstick rings contrasted so nicely with her skin, that it really turned Ayaka on. Miia mumbled or grumbled something but they were ignored because  Ayaka was determined to snap up another potential plaything. She planted her lips on Miia’s opposite cheek, pushing her and smushing her lips as hard as she could so the pop! sounds were nicely exaggerated. “More and more and more and more kisses for you!” Ayaka sloppily attacked Miia’s whole face and neck with an abundance of kisses. So much so that her lipstick was beginning to smear on Miia’s soft skin. The lamia’s head was rapidly shaking left and right to throw the woman off of her but Ayaka’s lips were relentless. She ran her fingers through Miia’s hair to entangle and emerge more new, strange feelings in Miia’s defenseless brain. Once thoughts of her previous Darling were quickly becoming distorted and harder to focus on. Of course, you’re struggling. I’m better than anyone you ever had! Ayaka licked and suckled on Miia’s neck while she played with the monster’s breasts. She wanted to do everything that would overload Miia’s senses for the coming factory reset.  “I..u-um, mm, um? Mm..!?” Miia’s head was rolling on the inside and out. The dizzy feeling made it difficult to remember where she was but she had to support the one person who was there for her right now - Ayaka. She tried to prop her head against Ayaka’s head but did it so poorly that she just ended up nuzzling her as a good girl would.  Miia was panting now. Her tongue unfurled out of her mouth while she saw blinking lights and stars in her vision. Her mind hurt so much but the only thing keeping her steady was if she focused on…Aya! “D-darling?” She could barely say that since Ayaka was even kissing up her tongue now but Miia needed something to latch on to while her mind was being broken into. Anything.  “Yeah yeah yeah…darling this, darling that.” Ayaka mockingly repeated her word with a roll of her eyes and a wave of her hand. She pulled her wet lips away from Miia’s covered face and felt her body pulse vindictively at Miia’s confusion and neediness. She coaxed her new…Darling? No. I’m never calling a monster that. She squeezed Miia’s arm tightly and “coaxed” her new kissing bag into realizing that they were done with the alleyway.  A ‘come here’ motion from her hand was enough for Miia to get the hint and slithered after Ayaka’s every step and hung on every word. She didn’t remember what happened before Aya kissed her and she didn’t care. Darling was going to whisk her away to someplace better!
Chapter 1 - Rank 10
Ren and Morgana stood outside Tae Takemi's clinic, deep in conversation against the chilly winds of December. "Come on Ren! We need to hurry if we're gonna' get to the fatty tuna in time!" Morgana whispered, "I neeeeed it!" Sighing, Ren opened his bag to let the self-proclaimed not-a-cat out.  "Go ask Ann or Ryuji to get you some tuna, I'm busy," he whispered back, hoping Takemi wouldn't notice him talking to a cat. "But I bet Ann is busy modeling and I don't want to go with Ryuji!" "And I need this guts to finally get Iwai to freakin' rank 8! He's my second to last confidant Morgana, I'll buy you extra tuna later!" "Promise?" "Yes!" Grumbling, Morgana left Ren as he entered the clinic, with high hopes for finally getting even closer to that damn platinum trophy. "As if a 'Legendary Phantom Thief' has to babysit a cat every day," Ren muttered. There wasn't much going on outside as Ren settled into his normal spot in the clinic, waiting for Takemi to administer one of her guts-boosting clinical tests. She seemed to be feeling better ever since he and the Phantom Thieves changed the heart of Shoichi Oyamada, though for some reason still getting lost in thought now and again, to Ren's surprise. Maybe he missed something with her confidant? The door opened and Takemi walked in with a dangerous-looking, dark green drink. She handed it to him briskly, a clipboard in hand. "Drink up my little guinea pig, these results are the most important!" she commanded, an equally dangerous gleam in her eyes. Ren, being the gutsy man he was, downed the drink in one clean shot. ...And immediately keeled over. When he came to, Takemi was checking his muscles like normal but Ren felt different this time around. Like his senses were set to overdrive now that she was so close to him. Before he could speak, however, Takemi explained the drug he gave him. "It's an aphrodisiac," she said, "I've been meaning to get into a different market than usual and since you're a reliable guinea pig I thought you'd be the best one to use it on." She winked at him and went back to recording the results on her clipboard. Ren felt his face flush as she talked. He honestly barely heard a word she said and focused on her clothes, now seeing them in a new light. The short black dress she had on did hug her nicely despite her small breasts. There was something incredibly sexy about her wearing a casual dress along with a mature lab coat.  But the thing that attracted Ren the most at that moment was her legs that seemed to go on forever. Toned white legs coupled with cute toes. Ren felt a slight shiver go down his neck. If only there was some way he could get her to take off her restricting attire. His prayers were quickly answered as it wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist for Takemi to notice that her patient's breathing had increased tenfold since the drink and a major tent in his pants had cropped up while looking at her. "My my, what a naughty boy you're being right now. Staring at your doctor while she tests you is bad taste you know~" she winked at him. Still slightly ignoring her words, Ren jumped when Talemi rubbed her hand against his bulge. "Guinea pigs are meant to be at the mercy of their master," she said, her hand slow and deliberate in its movements, "But I suppose I'll take pity on my best tester just this once." Giving him another wink while Ren nodded vacantly under the effects of the aphrodisiac, Takemi unzipped his pants to let out an impressively-sized cock. Takemi gasped, her hand already getting some pre-cum on it as she rubbed the growing erection. "I guessed from your measurements but I never thought you'd be this big." She put her head down to his sex and licked her lips before giving the tip a big kiss. "It's been so long so I had a nice juicy cock all to myself." she moaned. As if she was under the effects of the same drug herself, Takemi's nipples poked out cutely from her dress as she continued to service Ren. Wanting her to feel some pleasure too, Ren reached down and albeit roughly rubbed her breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers. He was a virgin, but there was nothing the leader of the Phantom Thieves couldn't accomplish. Namely, tapping her ass. "Mmm," Takemi hummed, half his engorged cock throbbing deep in her throat. She was obviously savoring his taste as her mouth made loud sucking noises as his cock and her mouth was quickly covered in spit and pre-cum. Ren rolled his head back as Takemi reached down and pulled on his balls, hoping for a hot release in the next coming moments. As if she was a wizard, Ren felt himself tighten up shake rather painfully while Takemi continued to choke all of his inches. She felt his cock swell and looked up at him seductively as he shot load after load down her skilled throat. Takemi stood up with a smirk on her face. From Ren's sitting position he could already tell Takemi was plenty aroused too. Her dress had ridden up during the blowjob and Takemi's pa- "N-no panties?" Ren stuttered, showing his inexperience with sex for the first time. "Well, when you're over here I can't help but a little excited and sometimes I prefer easy access." A mischievous smile on her cum-stained lips, Takemi swung her leg around to straddle Ren's hips, his penis at her leaking entrance. If the blowjob was anything to go by, Ren couldn't wait to see what his sexy doctor had in store in her pussy. "Yesss, finally.." Takemi moaned as she slowly lowered her hips into Ren's own. The tightness and heat overwhelmed immediately. Her slick pussy accommodated his large cock far easier than he thought but it felt like a warm vice was entrapping him. Ren was sure that he'd try his damnedest not to cum for as long as he could. Panting heavily, Takemi used her shapely legs to give him the first and best ride of his life. Her honey dripped down his legs and it took all of Ren's willpower not to just scoop it up like a dehydrated man. Instead, he helped Takemi take off her coat and gripped the hem of her dress to raise it just above her perky and delicious-looking breasts. Rock hard, Ren shifted his hips upward so the both of them could feel as much pleasure as they could. Takemi's long nail gripped into his back and that little pain made for a lifetime of pleasure right then. She locked her legs around him too as her pussy spasmed and tightened down on his cock with joy.  Ren gripped Takemi's perfect ass as he went to town on her breasts, eliciting many moans from her. The aphrodisiac was doing its job, Ren knew his stamina would've certainly run out by now if Takemi hadn't given him the drug. His mind was starting to clear of its haze a little, but all he wanted right then was to plow Takemi's brains out. Picking her up, Takemi gave a short gasp as he laid her down on the floor and fucked her like an animal. Her red skin complimented the short screams of pleasure she gasped as Ren didn't let up on the force of their lovemaking. His pants and her dress were stained and smelled of the mindblowing sex they had as he fucked her raw. Still, all good things must cum to an end and Ren felt a familiar tingling in his balls as Takemi was wrapped around him tighter than the leash Ryuji no doubt had Morgana on as they went to get tuna. Without warning, he unleashed his second and probably not the last load of the day into Takemi's starving pussy. Realizing what he did, she moaned like some common whore and rolled her sweaty hips into him and milked his cock for all it was worth. The blissfully warm feeling he was spread into both of their panting, hot bodies. Collapsing onto Takemi, she continued to squeeze Ren's cock just get one last taste of him down there before they regretfully parted. Takemi looked him over with a dazed expression on her face and Ren wondered if she was going to want him to clean her up. "I think," she said, "the test was a success." -- "Man, I needed that. Thanks for dusting those cobwebs, Amamiya." With a cocky smirk on his face, Ren adjusted his glasses. ?! I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath, Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart Thou hast awakened to the ultimate secret of Death, granting thee infinite power... "Fuck yes! One more rank 10 to go!!" said Ren.
Chapter 1 - Zelda and Urbosa
“So you can what?!” Urbosa instinctively stepped back from Princess Zelda. The both of them were standing naked in Zelda’s room and Urbosa had only just gotten comfortable being unclothed while Zelda was being so unnaturally domming in personality tonight. Whenever they had sex before Zelda was considerably more...meek and this level of feistiness was unexpected! Zelda casually brushed her long blonde hair away from her breasts. She was blushing but she wasn’t avoiding meeting Urbosa’s gaze like she normally did! “So I can FUCK you!” she giggled. Urbosa knew she was talking in a coarser, rough way too but she didn’t say anything in response.  “You’re always on top of me, Urbosa. Pounding the fuck out of your cute little princess as her fat cock shoots so many thick loads onto her own face.” Zelda giggled again as Urbosa looked away in embarrassment. “Yeah! She’d be unable to think of anything since her ass is also struggling to take all of her beloved warrior’s hardness into her too!” “I’ll be gentle, you know?” Her face sobered a little, “I just think it’d be fair for me to have a chance to fuck my love into you since you’ve done it to me so many times already. Don’t you agree?” She lowered her hand and touch her cock, barely able to even wrap her fingers around it to jerk off. “Hehe~ I can’t wait for you to know how it feels to be wholly SPLIT open, Urbosa. Lying on a bed, nearly consciousness. Continuously reminiscing what just happened in your head just moments ago. You’ll beg for me to do you again and again like you’re my bitch!” “Zelda!” Urbosa attempted to chastise her foul mouth but an unbidden image of her sexy princess panting on top of her flashed in her mind. You can’t exactly hide an erection while you’re naked either. Urbosa’s fat cock slowly, arousingly thickened until it was up against her toned stomach. Zelda watched with a growing smirk the whole time.  “Hah! You totally got hard just imagining being on the receiving end of my dick, didn’t you?!” Urbosa froze as Zelda stepped over to her and kissed her in an instant. She wrapped her arms around her lover first, taking the lead for the first time as naturally as she could. Urbosa could feel how much Zelda wanted this role change to be fun and sexy for the both of them and, despite her own misgivings, she gave in to the kiss. Closing her eyes, she slowly craned her head and placed both her hands on the middle of the shorter girl’s back to tighten the hug. Their chocolate and vanilla cocks were sitting straight up in the middle of their muscular bodies and that only added to the passion Zelda was giving off in droves. Before Urbosa could really get into it Zelda pulled away from her. “Let’s make it a reality. On your knees!” Zelda reached up and pushed downward on Urbosa’s shoulders with just enough force to not hurt her. Urbosa found it slightly amusing for a moment that her knee height to Zelda meant her gaze was just below her big breasts. Urbosa looked up and Zelda did a “move along” type of gesture with her hand. “I won’t stay patient for much longer Urbosa,” she warned her. Urbosa nodded and looked back at the big cock right in front of her. Whenever she fucked Zelda before she loved to slam inside of her with wild abandon while leaving her poor cock unattended and instead ordering Zelda to focus on cumming without her hands. She’d grit her teeth and listen to her command and without fail she’d cum just before Urbosa popped off in her ass with an even larger load of hot cum. Urbosa closed her eyes and kissed the tip of Zelda’s dry cock. It was how she assumed Zelda wanted to start things off, anyway. Urbosa kept her hands in her lap since she knew any attempt to masturbate before she coaxed some pre-cum out of Zelda’s cock would be deemed unacceptable.  “More already!” Zelda hissed to her from above. “Do you know how much I would’ve done for you by now?” That was true. Urbosa was getting too lost in her thoughts when she should be giving everything to the princess. She lightly traced her tongue over her blue lipstick, trying to get enough spit in her mouth for a sticky blowjob deserving of Princess Zelda. The blue rings that’ll be around her cock soon enough were just a loving bonus for the both of them! Urbosa opened her mouth and engulfed the first couple of inches with ease. She wasn’t used to giving blowjobs to anyone anymore, much less her beautiful Zelda. No chance in hell she was out of practice but damn, couldn’t she just fuck her ass instead? The taste was an arousing mix of Zelda’s body and… some sort of fruity shampoo she used from her daily bath earlier that night. Urbosa focused on suckling the thickheaded cock, the scent of both her and Zelda getting into her head just a teensy bit already. The inches she swallowed became smoother and slicker to move in her mouth. Urbosa hoped Zelda was enjoying her efforts so far. “Mmk. That’s it,” Zelda said in a sickly-sweet sort of voice. “?!” Two hands quickly gripped the back of Urbosa’s head and plunged her face forward, much further down on Zelda’s dick than she meant to ever engulf. “Zledf! !!” Eyes wide, she coughed and struggled to take in the large amount of Zelda’s length that lewdly bulged in her throat. Like it or not, all of the dick in her mouth and throat was getting a good coating now.  Urbosa expected Zelda to remove her hands so Urbosa could focus on blowing her but her slowness cost her dearly. “What the fuck were you doing? Just mesmerized by the sight?” Both of Zelda’s hands held a tight vice-like grip on Urbosa’s hair. Her throat would be fulllllllll of cock one second and then the next second - which Urbosa used to desperately breathe in life-giving air - she’d see a grotesque penis that could only be sated by her body. “Can’t believe I have to do this myself,” Zelda moaned. “Oh well. You can finally experience what it’s like to be my cocksleeve now, Urbosa! Isn’t that wonderful?” Zelda didn’t care if she could respond and she knew that Urbosa knew it too.  Princess Zelda was already completely dominating her and they hadn’t even gotten to the main course just yet. Urbosa’s eye stung with tears under the merciless pressure her throat was choking through. Her own cock throbbed with need but she didn’t dare make a move to touch it. Instead of pretty blue rings in neat order on Zelda’s cock Urbosa could barely make out a blue smear of spit and pre-cum all the while she could barely fit all of Zelda in her. Her tongue was smashed against the bottom of her lips and lewdly stuck out as the cock constantly fucked against it. Urbosa would cough and pathetically try to push Zelda’s legs away from her but the strength exuded in her dominator’s arms was far too much for her to do anything in a kneeling position. “T-Take it all!” Zelda gasped. She gripped Urbosa’s red ponytail even harder and Urbosa felt thankful as cum forcefully shot inside of her mouth and back out all over Zelda’s cock and balls since Urbosa struggled to swallow it all. Zelda finally - Urbosa thought it wasn’t slightly rude that Zelda wasn’t even thrusting. The nerve of her actually using her just like some nameless fleshlight! - threw Urbosa’s head away from her privates with a pop!  Zelda looked down at Urbosa devilishly. “Get ready, Urbosa. I’m not done with you yet.”
Chapter 1 - Nightmares of Caves and Bugs
Ehrendil blinked, she looked around and found herself in a damp cave. A small hole in the roof was all light she had, luckily she was a night elf who's eyes were accustomed to the dark. She got up, realizing that she was in naught but her sleepwear, a simply silken nightshirt, she suddenly realized how cool the cave was, getting up would not work, the walls were sand, only held in place by the dampness. However on the far wall she saw a tunnel, she decided to follow it, rather than be stuck here.  Walking along the tunnel it twisted and winded, all light had gone and she could only find her way with the help og her low-light vision to see shadows, feeling her way along the wall to be sure. She suddenly felt the tunnel opening up into another cave, dim light shined from the other end, then she heard it, a low chittering, then saw it, several large insectoids, silithids.. She curses and crawled up against the wall, hoping they do not spot her, all but in vain, they knew she was here and went straight for her, several of the creatures surrounded her, she kicked and screamed as they approached in an attempt to keep them at bay and it seemed to work, for a moment. She suddenly felt a stinging pain in her shoulder, turning to look, a lucky silithid had managed to reach her with it's stinger. She began feeling dizzy and nauseous. "I'm gonna die.." she thought, but then everything went black.  She woke up feeling fuzzy all over, she tried moving her arms and legs but she couldn't, up until now she had kept her eyes closed, not wanting to see what was around her, but now she opened them. She was in a very similar cave to the last too, the walls however were covered in a gooey purple substance, and so was she, she realized as she looked down herself, her hand and feet had been swallowed by the stuff, incapacitate her and tendrils had been locked around her thighs, arms, stomach and chest, she also found that she had been stripped of the little clothing she had. Several silithids were skittering across the room with an insectoid hurry, not all that different to that of ants, suddenly four of them closed on her and the grabbed her hands and feet, the goo retracted and they pulled her down and dragged her across the floor to the middle of the room, she tried struggling, but her body felt numb and weak, and the silithid held her in an iron grasp, she cried out for help, it echoed through the cavern, but there were no help to find, she was alone, in the middle of a silithid hive and she was going to die, of that she was sure. As they reached the middle, the silithid pinned her down, more silithid joined them, standing in a ring around them, the suddenly she noticed a shadow looming above her, she closed her eyes and awaited the inevitable. But there was no sudden pain, no life being snuffed, no blood, just the chittering of silithids, then she felt it, a long stiff slickness against her thigh. She whimpered, then there was a sharp pain in her neck, after a moment she started feeling warm all over, and her loins started burning, she whimpered again, feeling weak the slick stiffness moved up along her thigh, reaching her bare sex, it started pushing, Ehrendil began to pant, even the slightest caress of a breeze across her lips sent her into a world of pleasure.she could barely concentrate "What the hell did they drug me with? And what are they doing?" then it entered, filling her with hard slick tube, she cried in ecstasy as it continued pushing deeper and deeper, soon it pushed past her weakened cervix, hilting her utterly. Ehrendil was lost to the aphrodisiac of the drug they gave her, unable to provide any resistance, she clawed helplessly at the sand floor, around her, the silithids twitched and shook their wings excitedly. Then she felt it, something moving along the tube, a round object the size of her fist was pushed past her lips and through her tunnel.  The object filled her, squeezing against her walls as it slowly pushed deeper and deeper, then with a wet plop, it was deposited in her womb, she moaned out, it wasn't long before another followed, the round objects, Eggs, she figured where being pushed forward into her at a steady pace, now Soon she could feel her belly being filled, yet the orbs would continue to fill her, bloating her slowly with ever orb placed within, her belly first looked like she had a decent meal, then slowly expanding further and further.  Once her belly bulged about twice the original size, the eggs stopped coming and she groaned out, the large tube was removed slowly, sealing the eggs in her womb, she whimpered, but her ordeal was far from over yet, the rest of the Silithids chittered loudly, soon another silithid was behind her, mounting her, she looked between her legs, finding a new, smaller shaft pushing forward to her sex, feeling as the cold hardness of it slipped inside, her body shook in euphoria, from the drug still affecting her mind, and soon the silithid begin to mate her in deep slow thrust, sending shivers though Ehrendil each time, her tunnel already soaked beyond wet, juice dripping onto the sand, running down her thighs, pooling beneath her.  The Silithid doesn't take his time, and quickly begins chittering excitedly as a splash of sticky cream is deposited across the eggs, he pulls out, and soon after, she would already be filled by a new silithid. Over and over they mounted her, every time depositing another load of silithid spunk into her womb to fertilize the eggs, the panted and moaned, lost in endless orgasm form the seemingly endless matings. It seems like hours, then finally, the silthids no longer mounted her and she fell on her back, panting for her life, the silthids has released her, and left her on the floor. Then everything went black once more.  She woke up feeling herself wrapped in something fuzzy, remembering the last ordeal, she quickly attempted to sit up, looking around in the dark room, it was smaller, and the buzz of wings were gone, so too was the smell of Silithid and desert, it smelled of home, she then found herself in a bed, placing a hand on her stomach, she found it to be normal sized, but just to make sure, she checked between her legs aswell, no silithis goo, just an extremely wet bedsheet, she looked down to her side, seeing the green hair of a familiar shape, she cuddled down to it and nuzzled into the hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her mates hair before dozing of once again, happy with it all just being a dream.
Chapter 1 - Big Sis Wins
“Tick tock…” “Tick tock...”  Kuroka hummed blissfully and watched her big cock swung left and right between her thighs in time with her hips. Viewing her naked body in all of its glory was a requirement when she indulged in her favorite pastime. It wasn’t even masturbating, no. Just….soaking in her majestic body without making lewd faces and humping the sky while on her back in orgasm was good enough for her. If Kuroka wanted to cum there had better be a good reason to go through all of that effort.  Her thoughts drifted to her sister for a wistful moment. It felt like Koneko had been ignoring her lately and Kuroka wanted nothing more than to see her sister happy and smiling when she was around.  Kuroka gripped her cock lightly, swinging it around as though she was partaking in a swordfight. I could knock out anyone with this thing, she mused to herself. En garde! She lightly chuckled. But jeez, was she so bored? Nobody seemed to be around today so just giving Kuroka time to herself to relax seemed like the best time as any to do it. Again, her thoughts drifted to her pretty, normal, younger sister. Koneko was so adorable and Kuroka knew how much she loved her sister by the jerk in her cock.  There was nothing wrong with loving your sibling like that, right? It was still love! Just, ah, in a different sort of way. Koneko’s lithe body and perfectly white skin invaded her thoughts and not an inkling of shame crossed Kuroka’s mind. It probably wasn’t the best time to be so close to her dick while thinking of her little sister but she was just so cute! Truly, Kuroka thought of her sister as the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen. Hotter than Rias, prettier than Akeno…. Kuroka didn’t give a damn what the others thought of her fantasies about Koneko but it was unfair that someone so perfect just had to be related to her! She refocused her efforts on the mirror but was quickly growing bored. Still, just looking at her cock was nice enough. Just a pinch of dark hair rested above her shaft and completed the whole package in her humble opinion. There was nothing sexier than a landing strip for your genitals. Honestly. “Tick cock…” “Tick cock…” Her sac did hang impressively if Kuroka could say so herself. What she wouldn't give to get the chance to choke - through streaming tears - on her package. Oh! Maybe she’d even be able to fit her balls into her mouth? A faraway challenge, sure, but stranger things have happened! Maybe Kuroka could prop herself against the wall and let Koneko “find” her in such a compromising situation her sister would have no choice but to help her reach climax! As bright and happy as she wanted their relationship to be, Kuroka could still feel some iciness from time to time. Even all her lewd, horny, blood-pumping, crotch-tingling, ball-aching, cum-dripping thoughts aside...Kuroka wanted to be Koneko’s number one. She half wanted the closed door to open but her heart of hearts knew that wasn’t the way to go about the situation. The day was slowly waning away and with nothing to do, Kuroka decided to head to bed early before a quick shower. She hadn’t seen her sister at all the whole day… Her heart and cock ached for her little sister. Koneko was at a perfect height so Kuroka could smoth- hug her baby sister and wrap in her cleavage as long as she could ever want!  Kuroka crossed into the bathroom, still naked. The dim light the bulb did its best to shine gave the small room the perfect atmosphere. She messed around with the hot and cold on the faucets, getting them to that elusive “just right!” temperature. Too hot meant a dick rubbed raw and too cold would shrivel her precious testes up into her body! Neither of those were any good at all. The steam rising off of the water was already so nice. Sex was great, yeah, but have you ever had a dip in a warm bath after a long day?  OR Sex IN a bathtub! It was as if Kuroka’s world opened up just a little bit more. She could see it now, making the water just right for Koneko while complimenting her on her body just to see her blush and look away. The heat and steam that would surely build-up would make her sister’s face a perfect shade of red. Her neatly brushed hair would break apart more and more in the heat for a sexy disheveled look~ All the while Koneko’s pussy would be akin to that of a waterfall because of her sister’s big, swinging cock. She’d be mesmerized perfectly by just how full a ballsack could look. She’d want to run her tongue right across every vein on Kuroka’s penis. <3 Speaking of penis, hers was sticking out like a fucking flagpole just from thoughts and nothing else. It was one of those erections that seemed to require half of your blood just to sustain it with every beat of her heart. Kuroka cautiously dipped her toes into the water and felt it for a second. If her first instinct wasn’t to jolt her foot out of the bath and scream bloody murder then that meant… “Just right.” With those words and a contented sigh, Kuroka sat down in the bathtub. “Ahhh~” she groaned, feeling the relief of the water wash over her body. A day’s worth of sweat was practically melting off her body. There was no need to wash just yet, no. Just soaking in the tub for a while was just what the doctor ordered. Kuroka closed her eyes and figuratively drowned as the water and steam took their blissful hold. * * *  “Kurokaaahn~!”  Huh? Was that Koneko’s voice? She wasn’t in the bathtub anymore obviously but lying on her sister’s bed. Her eyes weren’t adjusting to the darkness at all so she must’ve had a blindfold on. The voice sounded close though so Kuroka attempted to get up. “Ngh! Huh?” Her hands were tied together above her head, what was going on? Her cock wasn’t hard at all either which was the most bizarre part of it all. “Koneko?” she asked, “Are you there?” There was no answer to her words but Kuroka could hear the creaking of a chair, as though someone was getting out of it. Kuroka’s senses were on high alert now as the mysterious person grew closer and closer.” Kone- mph?!” she tried to call out but as soon as her lips parted, another pair kissed hers.  Soft lips. Lips so soft Kuroka could pepper kisses all day and never get bored. The surprise exchange was surprising but not unwanted. Something about the person seemed very...familiar to Kuroka. In no time at all her cock was at full mast and begging to be touched. The person craned their neck and pushed their tongue deeper into Kuroka’s mouth, intertwining their tongues. Kuroka couldn’t remember the last time she’d received such an enthusiastic kiss before and she sure as shit wasn’t going to turn it down! The soft moans the kisser would leak out were feminine so Kuroka didn’t have any doubt that they were a girl. She’d pull back sometimes and go right back to face-mashing so the spit of their combined efforts would sloppily cover their lips and even chin. Though she did have an inkling of who her assailant was, the making-out they were doing seemed too good to be true. As soon as Kuroka tried to pull away to say something to her she felt a hand on her cock. “!!” Kuroka’s hips strongly bucked at the light touch. Embarrassing. The kisser pulled away with a soft chuckle. “Looks like someone’s ready to mate, hm?” Koneko breathed into her ear. Kuroka tried to say something but Koneko sealed the words with a simple kiss. All Kuroka desperately wanted to do was wrap her sister in her arms and never let go. Just...feel Koneko’s arms around her while Kuroka penetrates her. To murmur sweet nothings as her beloved baby sister mewled like a good girl as her first experience with her sister went even better than either of them could have ever thought. But, nope! Kissing Koneko like this was more than she could’ve ever wanted but Kuroka wasn’t one for the submissive route. She wanted her lover to hold on for dear life while she filled them to the brim with her potent seed, calling out her name in pure ecstasy. Great minds thought alike though, Kuroka realized as she felt Koneko grab her cock. Although she couldn’t see her little sister, it felt as though all of her senses were heightened thanks to the blindfold. Koneko’s wonderful scent was at the forefront of her mind. Kuroka was damn near huffing her sister while her neck was being kissed. The rope that bound her hands was now an instrument of torture. As dramatic as that sounded, the only thing in the whole wide world Kuroka wanted at that moment was to embrace her sister. Her cock pulsed and leaked pre-cum in agreement too! She needed Koneko. Kuroka struggled against the rope while Koneko watched on with a bemused smirk. “It must be horrible,” she said, “To be so close to someone you love and can’t release your true feelings,” she said. Kuroka struggled even harder to release herself while Koneko continued, “I would remove your blindfold but I feel like that would ruin the mood, don’t you think?” Koneko placed a finger on Kuroka’s lips to silence the wail of need that was surely building inside of her. As uncharacteristically dominant Koneko was being, Kuroka couldn’t deny how arousing it was. Her dick was in a sad state of affairs too because of Joneko’s light but consistent strokes on her junk. Sweat rolled down her heaving chest, which Koneko was quick to catch with her tongue. “You taste good, Kuroka…” sighed Koneko, “Come on, I think it’s time I tasted something even better.” While those words were music to her ears and Kuroka could even feel Koneko’s hot breath on her cock - tongue lolled out and eyes glazed over, ready to let her big-dicked sister use her large cock on her mouth like a pussy - the heavenly scene before her just….melted. Melted just as the tip of the tongue and penis met each other. “Nooo!” wailed Kuroka and the knot finally fell to her strength and faded. Huh? Faded? Not a second later, Kuroka jolted awake with a start. Water splashed roughly around her and for a moment she was completely confused. Her arms were stretched out desperately to grab her sister.  It took a bit for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. One second she’s gasping and moaning along with the girl she loved and now… Well, Kuroka wouldn’t choose to be in a lonely bathtub by herself. “What a disappointing dream,” she murmured sadly. The lukewarm water reflected her sad gaze. She stood up and shivered from the cold air. “If only Koneko was here,” she sighed. She’d warm up in no time, that was for sure. She dried herself with a towel. Wet hair might’ve looked sexy in a mirror but not when you had to sleep with it. Even worse, her erection hadn’t gone down at all since her abrupt wake-up. Kuroka wanted to masturbate so badly but it didn’t seem like the right time yet. She yawned, ignoring her white-hot poker, and collapsed on her bed. Here, she was free to sleep without waking up with a damn crick in her neck. Or so she thought. Despite the darkness, it was obvious when someone was in your bed beside you. An unknown, noise-making lump? Heh, there was only one way for Kuroka to react under such circumstances. “KYA!” Kuroka squealed out. She ran over to the light switch after her, uh, dignified trip and flipped it upwards and the room lit up. Her bed - usually a flat color of black sheets - had a white-as-freaking-snow head sticking out of the top of her blanket. Oh, duh. It’s Koneko.  Kuroka’s outburst didn’t seem to even budge her sister one bit either. Wrapped snugly under the covers, she could’ve been sleeping there for hours. Kuroka turned the light back off and cautiously tip-toed over and waved a hand in front of her sleeping face. Besides her breath, she gave no response at all.  Her hair was slightly out of place and strands fell in front of her eyes in a disorderly fashion. Her lips were parted too, perfect enough to kiss~ ...Only if she was awake of course. The last thing Kuroka would ever do is violate her precious sister. It was unthinkable. Instead, would it be so bad to just savor the moment? Kuroka slid into her bed with Koneko. She only just noticed that Koneko was wearing her favorite pink nightgown.  It wasn’t unnatural for the two of them to lay together when they were younger. But now? Kuroka had no idea how Koneko felt. She had become so distant lately...it broke Kuroka’s heart. To see her in her bed in the middle of the night was shocking to her, to say the least. She reached out, her hand trembling, to softly push those pesky strands out of Koneko’s beautiful face. It brushed across her nose causing Koneko to scrunch her face up cutely for a second before falling back into a comfortable sleep. Every breath she breathed was so soft it made Kuroka feel a small twinge of jealousy. Koneko always had qualms about her sma- er, flat bust. It wouldn’t be Kuroka’s choice of cup size either but everything else about her sister’s body was perfect or something others should be jealous of! Time felt slower in bed to Kuroka than it ever did while she was in the bathtub. The dead of the night and here she was excitedly awake. Her boner was happily out and about and dangerously close to a certain someone’s mouth-watering thigh. Koneko probably wasn’t going to wake up though so there wasn’t anything with Kuroka deciding to throw caution to the wind and indulge herself! It was difficult, but she managed to slip under the covers and next to her precious sister. Kuroka kept herself as still as she could despite the pure adrenaline that was pulsing in her veins and rapidly toward her cock. A little ravage would be nice but that’d wake Koneko up for sure. So Kuroka simply moistened her lips before taking the plunge. As expected, her good ol’ Pussy Destroyer™ was already slowly dripping watery pre-cum onto the bed without any stimulation at all. Feeling a little devilish - heh - she placed the tip of her finger on her cockhead. It didn’t feel good really but Kuroka was gathering what she needed most.  After a few swirls of her cockhead, Kuroka used her other hand to tactfully push her raging erection between her legs so she didn’t poke Koneko and accidentally wake her up. Now that Kuroka’s finger was soaked in pre-cum, she slowly reached over to Koneko. The hem of her sister’s nightgown just barely covered her pussy. Like, leaning over in any direction would reveal all of her bits kind of short. She moved so slowly that not even the cover was showing any kind of ruffle or movement or whatever. She so wanted to run her finger across Koneko’s chest, ass, and vagina…. But all of that was a no-go so Kuroka settled for the next best thing. Koneko’s thighs. They might not be enough to clean her face but Kuroka knew how to be a damn good washcloth! They were facing each other so Kuroka took extra care in making every movement she made lighter than a ladybug’s footsteps.  Kuroka touched Koneko’s inner thigh but her attention was focused solely on her little sister’s face. Any sudden movement from her meant Kuroka’s “like a bat out of Hell'' plan B would become necessary.  Steady, steadyyyyy, Kuroka thought to herself. Her hand was like a skater on the rink - graceful with heaps of calculated concentration... Her kitten had furrowed a little but otherwise looked okay. The way her finger traced along Koneko’s thigh made Kuroka flashback to her dream suddenly with a shiver. This is how things should be. Submissiveness was a foreign concept to Kuroka, only possible in a long-impossible scenario like the one in her dream. She was the holder of the reins and would go as far as she could.  Kuroka wouldn’t risk moving the blanket so it was impossible to see the fruits of her labor. But the fucking endless amount of masturbatory material she was making right at this moment made any concealment that much more worth it! Kuroka could only imagine what her sister’s cutely skinny thighs looked like with her big sister’s excitement on them. The silent night was so peaceful. Her finger brushed along Koneko’s flesh back and forth with the skill of a trained artist. Cock in pussy instead of a finger on thigh would’ve been more fun but still, she’d take what she could get. “Ngh.” Koneko’s brow furrowed. “!!!” Kuroka froze. She didn’t retract her hand as she planned and now just realized it was much too high. How careless of her to allow her hand to get right below Koneko’s pussy. Her fingernail rested where her thigh ended and orgasms began. Paralyzed, she forced herself to quickly look at Koneko. Nothing. Her eyes were closed and not a disturbed face to be seen.  Kuroka breathed a quiet sigh of relief and resumed her play. It was an idiotic move for sure but what person in her shoes would even consider stopping at that point? She couldn’t! The slow teasing proved to be torture for herself so she allowed herself to be a teensy bit naughtier. “Just a second…” she whispered to herself. This time she pulled her back and brought her finger to her mouth. “Mmm~'' There was nothing better than your pre-mixed with just a hint of Koneko’s skin. Her tongue lightly grazed her fingernail and finished it off. As horny as she was, even coating her finger in her spit was making Kuroka’s thoughts even lewder. Koneko would surely be putty in her arms if she could flex her lovemaking skills on her. Kuroka would never consider her foreplay even close to finished unless her face was covered in every bit of her partner’s cum! The number of kisses she’d shower Koneko with alone was enough to make herself shiver. Kuroka waited a moment to read the air before continuing such a sinful act. Her vision had already long-adjusted to the darkness again and Koneko was back in deep sleep again. Kuroka didn’t want to admit to herself but doing what she was doing was only hot because Koneko was asleep. She loved her sister above all else but it was so devilish to take what she wanted ‘cause her sister couldn’t stop her now. Kuroka only wanted nothing more than for her and Koneko to lose themselves in the purest form of love, together. She resumed and placed her finger on Koneko’s most special place.  Kuroka closed her eyes and with her heart pounding she lightly traced her sister’s vulva with her saliva. A thrill jolted through her.  A vindictive sort of pleasure. I’m getting what I want! Finally! Maybe the thigh skating was what gave Kuroka the impression that Koneko needed what her sister had more than ever. It was just so crystal clear that the poor thing needed a dick in it stat! But Kuroka had to keep her feelings in check at least a little bit. It was a pain, but anything more would probably wake Koneko up. Instead, she trace-rubbed her little sister to the best of her ability without any harsh movements. And despite her cooling bath before, Kuroka was sweating. Koneko still hadn’t reacted to any of the lewd rubbings yet even though her pussy was positively drooling because of Kuroka’s hand. Now that was a fun thought. I’m making my sister’s pussy aroused~ But she pulled away for a meowment and traced Koneko’s hand, and relished in the fact that Koneko’s arousal was literally going down her fingers…  Kuroka so wanted to jerk off with that hand right there and then but she still had something to complete. Instead, she cleaned her fingers clean like after eating a tasty bag of chips. “So good~” she moaned under her breath. Without warning - “Eep!!!” - Koneko shifted in her sleep and her head fell onto Kuroka’s flat arm (the one propping Kuroka up) and turned her cute ass and back away from Kuroka. She muttered something incoherent before sleeping in peace once again. Kuroka was internally screaming the whole time but still took the chance to do her number one favorite thing in the entire world.  No caution to the wind - Kuroka wanted to stick her cock in between Koneko’s cute thighs! Patience was a virtue and Kuroka was virtueless.  It only took a little gentle maneuvering for her to also turn onto her side to spoon with Koneko. Her left arm hung above Koneko’s head so she was careful not to graze her sensitive ears by accident. On the opposite, Koneko’s right hand was holding her cock down between her legs while trying to slide her erection in between Koneko’s thighs. It wasn’t as difficult as Kuroka thought it was going to be actually. She held her breath as she raised her cock a little bit and started pushing through Koneko’s sweet soft thighs. The amount of pre-cum that was consistently coming out of her almost made it easier to push through. It was a miracle that Koneko missed the hot, glowing poker sandwiched between her legs. And the molten lava coming out the tip thought Kuroka.  “Mm…” Kuroka breathed feverishly out her nose. It was only pre-cum but that deep feeling in your balls when you’re going to actually cum was coming up again. Kuroka could only grit her teeth and try to stop her coming orgasm which only made more light semen force itself out of her shaft. It was almost agonizing. Fucking Koneko’s pussy, ass, or mouth. It didn’t matter to Kuroka, it felt like her libido was in full swing. “G-good, good girl,” Kuroka very quietly murmured while burying her face into the Koneko’s hair.  “Mnh.” Kuroka froze up again. Koneko tossed - but didn’t turn - in her sleep and didn’t wake up.  Blasphemous! Kuroka witnessed two miracles back-to-back. Koneko sleepily rearranged herself. Her white hair was sexily sticking to her face. Kuroka would be content gazing at her sleeping sister’s face forev- It happened. “Mmm~!” Koneko lazily stretched her arms out in front of her in her sleepy daze. Her left arm harmlessly flopped back onto the bed. Her right…  “!!!” Kuroka had to bite down on her tongue. Hard. She had to unless she wanted to wake Koneko up with the loudest moan of her entire life. Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit! Koneko’s right hand had fallen perfectly onto the pulsing head of her older sister’s throbbing penis. Kuroka’s patience was nearly depleted so something like that meant she was allowed to simply hump her hand - of course! She was nearly ready to bust a nut anyway so it was fine for her to speed things along. If Koneko could only think of her big sister’s cock she would most definitely… Kuroka groaned under her breath and thrust a little harder. It was so noticeably sticky between Koneko’s thighs now for sure, so damn sexy. Definitely… The bed creaked from the force of her hips. Kuroka had to bite her bottom lip just to keep moaning right in Koneko’s ear. Definitely… Koneko’s hand runneth over. Love her!  “Koneko!!” Kuroka moaned. She’d had enough, and recklessly somehow slid her cock down during the point of no return and used her sex-crazed strength and roughly Koneko onto her other side so she was face to face with her sister, seconds away from cumming. Her cock was numb with pleasure now. At that point it felt like a second heartbeat, It felt SO good. She didn’t care anymore, as she felt her dick rub and push the front of Koneko’s soft body wherever Kuroka’s hips went from her orgasm. Kuroka literally shook with lust but she couldn’t do anything at all to stop her saying her sister’s name and cum ejaculated out steaming mad anyway. Her angry, purple cockhead splattered out so much cum with each hump while Kuroka was lost in her orgasm. They weren’t rolling back, but it was hard for Kuroka to keep her eyes open from her strong cumshots. Her toes were curling ten times over, it was that kind of amazing orgasm.  Kuroka vaguely saw an image of Koneko’s shell-shocked face. Her eyes were wide open and only closed them if they were in danger of being blasted with the cum that was shooting all over her petite body. Thick ropes of Kuroka’s semen covered Koneko from her head to her thighs. It was a guilty dream come true! The bug of lust was a bitch to lose yourself in since Kuroka didn’t even consider stopping the blinding speed she was jerking off. Fully committed to ridding her pent-up balls and swollen cock with every last drop of cum onto the bed and her sister. This was worth it~ Nothing could come to Koneko’s aid. There were no towels both of their nightgowns had long since been soaked in Kuroka’s cum. She could even feel some sticky globs in between in her fingers. I couldn’t have done a better job with my designated cum dumpster. It was a drastic change in Kuroka’s mood but, hey, horny brain did things to her. Koneko was still in shock of course, but in the midst of her post-orgasm, Kuroka thought her sister looked exactly where she belonged. Maybe…just maybe… Koneko liked being absolutely covered in her big sister’s love and would be begging for some more?  Kuroka’s panting was the only sound in the room. But, something in Koneko’s eyes brought Kuroka back to reality.  A shattering, clear look of disgust.
Chapter 1 - The Tantalizing Tentals
“Hm? They haven’t returned?” Mercedes asked and Olivia nodded grimly. That was surprising. Mercedes thought back and, indeed, Camilla and Rhea still hadn’t come back from the expedition they were sent out on around a week ago. “So...we have to go and find them,” Olivia said. She did look ready to pass out from the idea of the possibility of encountering an unknown danger but Mercedes didn’t want to even entertain the fact of leaving them in the forest, all alone. “Dorothea and Hilda are coming along to help, too.” The two girls were already behind Olivia, and Dorothea could immediately tell which one didn’t want to come along. “This ‘rescue mission’ has three people assigned to it ALREADY!” whined Hilda, “I don’t see why I have to go as well!” She was twirling her twin-tail in a particularly annoying fashion, trying to look as disinterested as possible in saving two of their comrades. But, despite her words, she already had her ax strapped to her back and ready to go. Dorothea scoffed, “So we have one girl who looks ready to blow chunks at the thought of leaving and the other one probably doesn’t want to help at all? Awesome.” Mercedes felt that the general mood of the group wasn’t positive in the slightest. “We need to head out as soon as possible anyway, I had heard that the village Camilla and Rhea were dispatched to have some...unpleasant things happen.” “Wh-what kind of things?” asked Olivia in a hushed voice and Dorothea’s slightly green face didn’t exactly give Mercedes a confidence boost. “Just...we really need to find and save them, quickly. I want to confirm the rumors myself anyway,” she said. “Ugh, FINE,” said Hilda. Once everyone was ready to go, the girls set off for the village Dorothea mentioned. It was late in the morning, nearly midday so Mercedes made sure that the two stragglers of their group, Olivia and Hilda, kept a pep in their step. It was cloudy overhead too, with sunshine sometimes breaking through. It made the air around the four of them feel, odd. Mercedes couldn’t put her finger on it. What could be making them feel so apprehensive? They walked in silence until they reached the village. Once they arrived an odd scene met their eyes. Groups of people were scattered throughout, some in front of their homes or outside. None of the villagers seemed to care that they had arrived, moreso worried about what was going on in front of them. “What’s going on?” said Mercedes. Hilda shrugged and Olivia was stepping back ever so slightly before Mercedes kept a firm hand on her shoulder. “Let’s just ask them what’s going on. No use in standing around. “ said Dorothea. Olivia tried to say something but Dorothea was already off to the group nearest to them and the others followed suit. While finding Camilla and Rhea was their first priority, Mercedes - Dorothea too, it seemed - knew the answer was finding out what in the world was going on in the village first. As usual, Hilda and Olivia hung back but kept their ears pricked for any info that would be useful. The group was tending to a girl who was sitting still on the ground, unresponsive. She was breathing so that was enough for Mercedes to tap on an old man’s back lightly, “Hello there, may we ask what’s going on?” The old man turned around and he looked like he was aging the longer he stood there. “Um,” Dorothea started as the old man rubbed his eyes tiredly, “We’re looking for two of our comrades who went missing in this area recently. Could any of you know anything about that?” One middle-aged woman laughed a harsh laugh, scratching her head. “If those girls are even half-decent lookin’ you can forget about helping them. I’m alright as you can see so those monsters won't know what they’re missin’!” she harshly laughed again. Mercedes eyed the collapsed girl again, her veins were turning a different, … purple color. That was terrifying, to say the least, but Mercedes knew nothing but to keep pushing forward for their friends. “Right…” she said, “But what’s happening here, exactly? And where can we find Camilla and Rhea?” “Ahhh, those two girls?” The old man said, “Those were some fine-looking girls, yeah. I remember when they first showed up a couple of days ago. Then this ordeal began.” “What situation?” snarled Hilda, her patience running out. The woman snapped her fingers and pointed at the seated girl, “THIS one.” As if on cue, the girl’s head lolled up from its down position and Olivia forced down a scream. “Is...is that a tentacle on the side of her mouth?” Mercedes finally noticed, but the villager’s stomach was bigger than it should’ve been normally. Her stomach was contorting grotesquely and she was spreading her legs in what she would assume to be a lewd position. The villager looked normal but her brown eyes flashed in pain and her hair was strewn sloppily on her face. “I- '' she croaked out finally but stopped, and her head jerked to the right - to them - unnaturally. The girls stood back apprehensively, The villager wore a crooked smile on her face, it was unnervingly creepy, steadily looking upward as if she was listening to a voice that they could not hear.... Her eyes slowly slid to the four of them.  “Head into the forest, to find what you seek,” she rasped.  Her face jerked again, the veins on her forehead popping, and the girls recoiled in shock. Her eyes were glowing an unnaturally bright purple now. “Nononono I didn’t sign up for this crap!” Hilda groaned with her head in her hands. Mercedes was surprised none of them had to tackle Olivia to keep her there. The villager snickered, “This does feel really good. You can’t even begin to imagine what those two girls are going through right now.” Although she said that her voice didn't match her words at all. Mercedes felt a pang of pity for the villager as she was clearly being made to say such horrible things. Dorothea slowly turned around to the rest of them. “So we give up now, agreed?” “Agreed!” Olivia turned on her heel to scurry away but Mercedes held her arm out to block her, growing more irritated by the moment at their actions. “What if we were the ones in the depths of some forest with no way of knowing if someone was on their way to help?!" Mercedes said commandingly, shocking everyone else. Silence met her words aside from the villager who distractingly couldn't pick between moaning or laughing at their indecision. "Besides," she continued, "We don't have enough time to regroup before the day ends and I know none of us want to leave Camilla, Rhea, or whoever else suffering with this problem any longer than they are forced to. Mercedes knew what they were dealing with here was unlike anything any of them had ever seen before. She didn't want to dwell on the specifics of what was going on unless they got more clear info than some useless snicker-moans. A foreboding feeling in the pit of Mercedes' stomach really made her anxious, teetering on fear. Whatever was possibly affecting Rhea or Camilla was just too naughty to think about. "I-I wish Robin were here," Olivia said suddenly. "He'd know exactly what to do." "Or Byleth," said Hilda almost wistfully. Mercedes couldn't help but imagine Camilla piping up with her "beloved Corrin" too if she was there with them. Dorothea sighed, "We can't leave them alone, I know. Let's just get this over with as soon as possible or at least figure out more of what's going on exactly." she said. Mercedes and Olivia agreed and Hilda, for her part, wordlessly nodded and drew her ax. Mercedes realized that she had her arm outstretched in front of Olivia the whole time and was going to put it down before Olivia clutched it. Mercedes, surprised, looked at her questioningly but Olivia avoided her gaze. "This is scary," she muttered, "This whole thing feels different than being in an army, fighting a war." Olivia's internal radar must've been blaring like the rest of them but they had no other choice but to forge on ahead. But still, Mercedes felt a lot of sympathy for her. “If holding on to me is what you need to do to keep going then so be it. Feel free to use me as support as long as you need,’ she said, hoping to reassure her. "Let’s continue. I can see the entrance to the forest right over there.” She pointed ahead of them and past numerous other homes and women collapsed on their butts outside said homes. Truthfully though, Mercedes was entirely welcome to the feeling of someone holding on to her, especially since that forest was getting closer and closer. “....I appreciate it,” Olivia mumbled her blush as red as flame. But Olivia did finally seem to forget her fear for a moment while the two of them briskly walked together to catch up with Hilda and Dorothea. Although they had the destination now, passing through the rest of the village and the horrors it held made Mercedes want to whimper and run away akin to a stray dog. “?” The other two girls had stopped to look at something ahead, their mouths agape. Mercedes felt the familiar foreboding feeling again and unconsciously tightened Olivia’s arm to her body. One woman had given birth to the creature that was inside her stomach and was aimlessly holding it. The villager noticed them looking and a huge, uncanny smile lit her face. “Girls!” she called and ushered them over with the same eerie, purple light brightening her eyes. Her eyes slowly slid over all of them. They lingered on Olivia just a shade longer than the others but Mercedes quickly brushed that off. She didn’t seem physically threatening so after a hurried and furious chat, Mercedes and the others headed over to the affected villager warily. “Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU so much for coming over here! I already heard you met my sister, hee hee! I’m SO happy for her. I already miss bouncing around with my little one in my stomach,” she petted her thing gently, some...sticky residue stuck to her hand but she made no attempt to rub it off. “She’s so close to having her first Tental, I’m jealous!” She talked in a rushed, almost maniac sort of way as if she was getting ready to pounce with an attack or hug. Fake positivity also flowed out of the woman as smooth as a boat colliding with a chunk of ice. But, the four of them shared a look. Tental. That sounded like the identity of the unknown creature... Speaking of, Mercedes gazed at the one in the villager’s arms. She held it carefully, lovingly as if it was truly her child. Like she would give anything and everything in the world to protect it or make it happy. Mercedes cocked her head, it looked like a wig with very, very thick strands of purple-black hair. Not a very terrifying monster in the slightest at least. The strands of, ah, flesh moved around listlessly like it was following its rhythm. Mercedes could get along with that. Its “mom” spoke so happily, without a care in the world. Mercedes wished she had that… She was desensitized to the women in the village being unclothed and gazing at the woman’s bare, full chest with a tear of milk hanging off her nipple looked so erotic... “!” Mercedes coughed into her hand, breaking her eye contact from the Tental and mom for a much-needed second. “Excuse me,” she said quietly as they all looked at her, “Please continue.” She had to be careful. Baseless eye contact with a creature that she had no idea what it did exactly was quite foolish. “-I really thought you all weren’t going to come over here and I got really bummed about it! But then you did so thank you All of my sisters have had or are going to give birth to their very own Tental very, very soon and there’s definitely for sure more of them to come!” Unlike the other girl who had the creepiness factor turned up to 10, this villager was positively beaming. Her smile reached her shining eyes too. Any normal person would believe she was talking about her newborn despite her nakedness and the hellish Tental she was holding. The Tental was drippy too, disgusting. A surge of revulsion surged in Mercedes. It reminded her of the job that she had set off to complete.  A shiver crept up on Mercedes, perhaps these were signs that the villager in front of them was too far gone? “But…” A drastic change in the villager’s voice tone shook Mercedes out of her thoughts. “None of you beautiful, beautiful girls have made any contact with a Tental yet. I’m so sorry!” She spoke with such force and sounded truly heartbroken. Purple (?!) tears were welling in her eyes and as she quickly swept over the four of them again Mercedes suddenly wanted nothing more than to comfort the villager and accept a Tental as her own - just to see what it was like! She unconsciously tried to remove her arm from Olivia but the dancer stood her ground. “Let go, Olivia!” she hissed, “I need to!” She tried again to rid herself of Olivia but the damn girl wouldn’t let go. “What’s gotten into you, Mercedes?! Snap out of it!” Olivia said and the two struggled with Olivia now having to use both of her laughably weak arms to hold Mercedes back from the Tental and the villager’s now-outstretching arms. Mercedes wanted to accept that hug so much… The feel of her underwhelming chest against the villager’s big, milk-filled tits was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She and the Tental were the keys to eternal happiness, she just knew it! Inappropriate thoughts were filling Mercedes's thoughts as if they were being streamed directly into her brain. She wanted to lap at the villager’s body...every single part of her. She wanted milk to run down her face while the Tental held her down and kept her face against the villager’s pussy while her own was stuffed with those thick breeding tentacles! Wondrous eggs filled her body and Mercedes would be pleasing the Tental and her new sister at once. What could be better?  Mercedes opened her mouth and her spit-slicken tongue hung out lewdly. “I just need one taste, please!” she whined to her dumbass “comrades''. They didn’t get it….they couldn't do it with a Tental just yet...and that made her sad. They all should rejoice in the Tentals together! Hilda and Dorothea had been standing there in shock at Mercedes's actions but now they stepped into action and now the both of them helped in holding Mercedes back from bliss. “Get off!!” Mercedes snarled at them, “I-I need to be with ‘em!” Through them, Mercedes could see that the villager hadn’t moved from her spot with the Tental in her arms. But her eyes were locked on to Mercedes, brighter than ever.  It was as if she was trying to speak to Mercedes without drawing attention from her ruthless attackers. Come hither, child. Come to me!  Her smile deepened on her tear-stained face and Mercedes grinned back happily. The purple fog that was in her vision deepened. She wanted her sister. She needed her sister. She needed her sister. Her immaculate body would comfort her with the initial mating with the Tental, Mercedes knew. Her beautiful eyes tortured Mercedes’ mind. They were directing her toward the Tental. Her ultimate destination.  Mercedes lost it. “I NEED to be with my sister” she screamed out while her emotions ran wild. “Look at her Tental, it also NEEDS another warm body to keep it safe from this harsh environment! Oh, pick me, Tental! Please pick me! Just a few tentacles would be enough!” Her mind went haywire. That wonderful Tental could use her mouth, pussy, even her ass if it needed to help it produce children that would grant Mercedes more sisters. Its slick tentacles were quietly pulsing, knowing her to want for pleasure and kids. Mercedes knew her unworthy body would be made into something desirable if she could just scream her love for the Tental as her pussy clamped down on it in orgasm. She’d even clean him up with her mouth and keep it open all the time! An always open O-face to shoot cum or future Tentals on, just for him!!! Mercedes’ nipples were rock hard and gazing at the villager’s red-tinged pussy from the tentacles only drove her mind even wilder. She’d be right there, buried in it to make her cum again and again too!  Mercedes’ mind turned ravenous. She had no doubt her eyes were glowing that sexy purple as well, just as her sisters did. She tried biting the top of her clothes off so the Tental could have access to her boobs from here but one of the dumb bitches on her kept her in head place to stop her from doing so. “Help me, sister!” Mercedes wailed. “Please help these distraught girls see the light just as I have!” Nothing else mattered. Mercedes had to get a Tental inside of her. What else was a woman than fated to be a breeder for tentacles and for their offspring to guide the future?! Mercedes’ pussy tightened at the thought of it. A wriggling bundle of Tental in her own body and, eventually, her arms. There would be no need for clothes either when she’d be constantly wrapped in tentacles! She would bolster her family’s numbers….the family she never had…. Mercedes’ eyes were locked on her newfound family just ahead of her so she was overjoyed to see her sister’s mouth open. Look how badly he needs you, she spoke softly, motherly, in her head as she kept up the struggle against the other girls. Mercedes was enraptured by the Tental. It sat quietly in his mother’s arms begging for Mercedes to hold him. The tips of his tentacles were getting wetter and wetter by the second so Mercedes could have a happy, painless time of accepting him into her body. So thoughtful… she thought to herself. The tentacles looked so smooth and thick and full~ Only a woman could satisfy all of that GIRTH. Mercedes shuddered erotically. It just wasn’t right for them to go a second without the walls of a pussy coaxing every shot of cum inside of it! The villager’s Tental wrapped and stretched its tentacles around its mom’s arms and legs, teasing Mercedes. Her sister gasped and her eyes sunk even deeper into the mist. Mercedes was so jealous and so horny. Just as she was going to escalate her actions and attack everyone a flash of silver ripped through her hazy vision. “HYA!” Hilda’s ax swung through the air like it was butter and her aim was true. The Tental was sliced in half cleanly, dying instantly and the hypnosis both women were being subjected to was shattered. The villager fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings were cut but Mercedes held it in place. The fog in Mercedes' mind evaporated. “I...what?” She looked back and forth at Olivia - whose eyes were squeezed shut - and Dorothea - who looked as though she needed a sick bucket quickly - and both were still holding on to Mercedes’ arms and head for dear life. “Are you two okay?” she said with a gasp for breath. “Why are you all holding on to... m-me, oh no….” Mercedes’ mind replayed what had just happened to her on fast forward. Feelings of shame and disgust flared within her. She averted the girls’ faces as best as she could. “Please let go of me,” Mercedes said quietly. Now she felt ready to pass out. Dorothea let go immediately but Olivia only lessened her grip and settled for lightly holding on to Mercedes’ forearm. Whether it was for her protection or not, Mercedes appreciated it slightly. She analyzed herself quickly, keenly aware that her vagina’s...excitement was on her legs as if she had actually gotten aroused by one of those nasty creatures.  And the villager - who was most definitely not Mercedes’ sister nor kin - gazed up at them groggily. She seemed unaware that she was covered in Tental blood or the fact that she was naked. “Who...who are all of you?” she managed to rasp out. The poor thing’s voice sounded like it was so far away, so distant. Mercedes knew it wasn’t her fault that the Tental...raped her. She didn’t want to use that word but it was the only one that came to mind. Even Dorothea seemed beyond words to help her out so they simply pointed her to the man and woman they had met before with a promise to save them all. But it was a never-ending nightmare through their continued trek through the infected village. Mercedes felt like village and villager alike were deteriorating faster as they made it closer and closer to their forest destination. As they walked on they all viewed more and more unsightly and lewd behavior from women and girls alike. Young and old, no matter their looks... It was all unclothed females with pregnant stomachs, breasts that leaked milk, pampering their “handsome little Tental” or a combo of it all. The only minuscule comfort to Mercedes was that at least their stomachs looked to be a normal size. There wasn’t any frightening body horror aside from the...tentacles and purple eyes. Still very frightening.   They all had their technique to avoid the infected’s gaze now. Mercedes? She simply looked with tunnel vision, locked forward while she now held on to Olivia’s hand very tightly as she hid a little behind Mercedes. Hilda brandished her ax at anyone that came close and straight up killed any Tentals she could without harming the “mother” that held….or sucked on them. Mercedes wasn’t even sure who was sucking who. Repulsive. But, soon. Soon they would all be free of their nightmare. And, finally, there it was. The entrance to the forest. The sun hung lower in the sky than ever but Mercedes could wager that it was still mid-afternoon. Plenty of time still to save Camilla and Rhea and get the hell out.  They all stood there at the edge of the dark, unflinching aperture apprehensively and waited for another to make the first move while Olivia had snuggled against Mercedes’ arm again. “I-I’ll move when Mercedes does!” she stammered. Hilda rolled her eyes at such a statement but Mercedes really, truly wished that she could confidently lead them into the forest like a leader. But her mind continuously flashed back to the Tental and villager that had afflicted her with all those embarrassing thoughts. Her panties were still drying for God’s sake! So, no. She could not allow herself to take the first step. “The Tental,” she said, “Was horrifying to experience. I don’t want myself or any of you to go through that.” The warmth from Olivia was noted but Mercedes couldn’t help but shudder. “It’s like those slimy tentacles work their way into your mind and force indecent perceptions into your thoughts. It’s sickening.” Mercedes gritted her teeth. “I never want to feel that way again.” Hilda brought her ax closer to her body and clutched it dearly. “We need to go in now,” she snapped uncharacteristically to them. “I’m sorry you went through that but if we don’t forge on now there’s no chance we’ll be able to save them! C’mon, I’ll lead the way with my ax.” Hilda didn’t wait for them to answer and simply started walking but left everyone else flabbergasted. Dorothea, with no hesitation now, followed Hilda’s brisk pace as Olivia and Mercedes were all ears in the back. Mercedes first registered that the forest didn’t look bad at all. She expected to see Tentals hanging from the treetops or on the ground or something but all she could take in was the lush greenery that infested - in a good way! - the ground and trees. Hilda slashed and broke away any vines and the like that got in their way. It felt almost too easy to Mercedes considering what she and the villagers had gone through. Perhaps the Tentals have never made it back here at all? But it wasn’t like someone like Camilla or Rhea to simply not contact them on their status… Dorothea had grown more and more silent as this nightmare unfolded and Mercedes couldn’t blame her. It was as Olivia said, this was unlike anything any of them had ever faced before. Hilda continued ahead but something off to the right of the path made Mercedes freeze.  “Everyone! Look!” she shouted. The other whipped around immediately and Olivia inquisitively looked over to where she was pointing. “?!”  It was Rhea. She was slumped against the tree lifelessly. Mercede’s heart dropped but there didn’t seem to be any tentacles or “purpleness” around or near her. Dorothea ran over to her but Hilda was cautious in her approach and Olivia still stayed by her side.  Dorothea crouched down. “Rhea?! Rhea?!” She shook her fast and hard. Rhea’s head hung low but Dorothea’s quick efforts made her head prick up almost immediately.  “That was anticlimactic,” Hilda muttered but looked relieved all the same. Mercedes shushed her with a finger over her mouth as Rhea spoke. “The last thing I remember was Camilla and I nearing some den. But, why are you all here?” she asked. Mercedes noted that she still had her clothes on and her body seemed unaffected if a bit dirtied up.  “It’s been over a week since anyone has seen either of you! The village back there is a hellscape now… We need to hurry up and find Camilla and regroup to tackle the monstrosities here with more manpower.” said Dorothea. “I don’t think men are what the forest desires though…” Rhea said, “But please let me lead you to where I recall Camilla and I were last. Shall I take the lead?” They were all surprised at her eagerness to get going even though she had just been roused.  “Are you sure? You really should rest for a moment at the very least,” said Dorothea but Rhea waved off their concerns with a hand wave. “As long as you’re sure...I guess.” Dorothea and Mercedes shared a look but allowed Rhea to take the lead. It was still a common sentiment that Camilla needed to be found before sunset so her taking charge wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. The next few minutes passed in silence as the four girls followed Rhea to where Camilla was hopefully. It wasn’t the sort of mission you talk through, to be honest. They continued until Rhea came to a stop in front of a den-like place. ‘Here we were,” she said, “Let’s head in and see if she’s okay.” Mercedes’ alarm bells were starting to ring but Rhea did look completely trustworthy and if Camilla was in there they could make it out like a bat out of hell. It was against her better judgment but, Gods, she wanted this day to be over with already! “I don’t know about this…” Olivia was hanging on to her tighter than ever but all it took was a reassuring squeeze of the hand from Mercedes and she settled down and they continued in like everyone else. The ground here was free of grass and looked akin to a cave more than anything. Hilda still held her dependable ax in a defensive position in case something or someone suddenly attacked like many, many times before. Before they reached the end of the...cavern? Cave? Den? Rhea swung her hips in a more sultry fashion, her clothes were loose on her body, Mercedes duly noted. But just before she voiced her concerns to the rest of the group Rhea spoke up. “Here we are. It’s time to introduce ourselves, everyone!” Rhea called out and Mercedes heard the unmistakable sound of Tentals shuffling around and the den illuminated in that familiar purple light.  In a big circle, five great Tentals that were much bigger than the baby-sized ones that they had been used to came out of the shadows of the den. And, of course, they looked to be about the size of the average human female. Great. Their tentacles were much bigger, thicker, and wetter than the ones before. One could say that they were just big enough to give a female the ultimate pleasure that was shy of tearing them apart~ “Oh no…” Mercedes shook her head violently. Just being there and in such close proximity of these huge Tentals was corrupting her thoughts! She lazily called out to the others, “G-guys, we need to go….” Her head was beginning to hurt…. “Stay close to me, Olivia,” she murmured. Hilda chuckled and snorted in response. “Yeah, sure, we leave now and don’t save Camilla? We have to see this to the end!” she said. Mercedes wasn’t sure if she was saying that because of her stubbornness or if the Tentals were already affecting her so severely. “Yes. Please stay with us, forever. Until the very end.” A voice, much louder than their own, rang above the group’s heads. Camilla, who was standing behind the Tental just in front of them, stepped out from behind him. Tentacles were continually sucking on her breasts, doing as much as they could to take every last drop of motherly milk that dripped out of the tap. Mercedes could see out of the corner of her eye that Olivia was lightly licking her lips. They had to leave right then and there or all would be lost, she knew that. But...wouldn’t it be better for them to hear their missing friend? Her stomach still looked normal like Rhea but Mercedes knew all too well that the tentacle sticking to the side of her mouth was a sign of things to cum~ One of the Tentals slowly shuffled over to Rhea, who accepted the tentacles that wrapped themselves around her legs and into her pussy without so much as a grimace. “There’s no pain, no fear, no worries when you accept the Tental into you, everyone. Can’t you see that? Right now my sister and I are accepting so many brave little Tentals into our bodies. They love their mommies so much from-”  “Conception.” Hilda shivered, her hand trailing to her undergarments. “To birth.” Dorothea flipped her skirt up and rapidly rubbed the front of her panties. “To sex.” Olivia fell into Mercedes like a puppet whose strings were cut, using her as support while her fingers expertly teased her clit. Rhea stood there, smiling with her serene smile, and gazed at the women who’d become her newest set of sisters. She and Camilla nakedly stood side by side with their Tentals who did nothing more than pour more of their sweet, sweet, baby-makers into their fertile wombs.  The axe was their only means of true damage and it had already been tossed to the side because its owner was preoccupied with making her body wet enough for any Tental to slide right in. Mercedes thought of Olivia’s sword but she doubted that any of them would be able to do any real damage with it. Outside of that, Mercedes also didn’t want to endanger the people they were meant to rescue! The exit was blocked and options were running out. “Uhhh, d-dance for them, Olivia!” Hilda cried out. A valiant effort but it was obvious where her true priorities were. She unhooked her bra and her perky breasts popped out. Rhea’s eyes gleamed at the first major act of undressing.  Hungry tentacles ravaged on dangerously close to her now but she wasn’t making any attempt to pick her ax back up. “NO!” Olivia shrieked right back at her but continued to masturbate right next to Mercedes. “If Azura was here she could just sing them a lullaby or whatever!” Hilda huffed, reading her nipples. She licked her hand and was quickly right back to tend to her pussy. Even Mercedes could feel her own will to leave being drained out of her. It was so satisfying just to watch the other girls lose themselves to the Tentals. Camilla’s unnaturally bright eyes shone at the thought of it, “Yesss, my baby sister’s body would be perfect for us,” she laughed. She and Rhea were effectively double-teaming them all now. They went back and forth to each of them as the Tentals whispered in their minds. As quick as a lightning strike, Rhea and her Tental were over to them in a flash and wrapped her arms around Olivia and pushed Mercedes away with some sort of unnatural strength. “Mmm, don’t I smell wonderful my dear?” she said. Just like her eyes, the aroma that filled the whole den was that striking shade of dark purple. It relentlessly attacked Olivia’s senses. She could do nothing but take in Rhea’s wide, blissful smile closer and closer before the hug put her face-first in the woman’s cleavage. Mercedes could only watch on with a dazed look plastered on her face.  “I! I! Ahhh…” Olivia spoke only in heavy, desperate breaths. Hehe, AS IF she was starved for air. The only thing she wanted right then was more Rhea! Her chest heaved for more and more of the scent and the warm touch of Rhea’s hug. Olivia was trying her best to resist through her closed eyes but all Rhea had to do was simply tighten her hug. She looked down on Olivia and was truly happy that her method was finally getting to her.  All of the Tental slime and cum was eroding the girls’ clothes away but none of them noticed nor cared when all that did was help in their new mission. “Beautiful girls like you should be loved just like this, don’t you agree?” Rhea murmured. “Making babies every day for the Tentals. A great big family that loves each other and only wants the best for everyone else too…” She lowered her voice into a whisper. “Your friends are slowly losing their will too. It’s much easier to accept rather than fight.” Olivia didn’t say a word but none were needed when all you wanted to do was suck on a big breast. Rhea could sense Olivia’s intentions but before her tongue could touch Rhea’s nipple she crouched down to Olivia’s crotch. She smirked when Olivia whined an unmistakable moan of need. She wants more. Rhea wanted nothing more than to quicken Olivia’s pace of acceptance of the Tental. Since her clothes had long been disintegrated it made what Rhea had in store all the easier to accomplish. The Tental’s tentacles kept Olivia’s arms and legs in place still even though her arms and legs were slack from Rhea’s assault. As if she had any chance of surviving such a thing in the first place!  And then there was Dorothea who was off in her own little world with Camilla. “May I hurry and obtain Azura for you, pretty please? <3” Dorothea looked up at her expectantly, happily. Any trace of the natural green in her eyes was completely gone and only the purple remained. “It would be much too out-of-the-norm for you to suddenly show up and as you know Azura is very simple-minded. So if I said I knew where you were then she’d come running without a moment’s hesitation!” Before she could answer, Dorothea quickly licked Camilla’s pussy again and again to sweeten the deal~ “Ungh,” Camilla’s throaty moan hit Dorothea’s ears just right. And what was the first thing someone going down on another’s private parts should do? Dive in deeper, of course! It didn’t even matter how she answered as long the pussy-eating skills she possessed were enough to make Camilla orgasm! Meanwhile, Rhea pulled her tongue and thick lips away from Olivia’s pelvis with a satisfying sort of look on her face. Olivia was enamored with something on her own body. “My very own brand…” The spot just above her wet pussy and throbbing clit was a dark purple crest. “Thank you, Rhea” she spoke in a hushed, awestruck voice. “I can’t wait to tell Chrom that I have my own brand now!” Mercedes couldn’t help but grin at such a statement. Olivia was so happy!  And finally, Hilda, not one to disappoint, was taking TWO Tentals on! Mercedes absentmindedly easily stuck two fingers in her pussy. It would’ve been rude of her if she saw that and didn’t masturbate! Hilda’s eyes rolled back in pleasure and Mercedes could even see happy trails of tears rolling down her face as the tentacles completely filled her ass and pussy. “F-F-F-For my new f-family. Fuuuck~ The smooth ridges on the tentacles that ran alongside Hilda’s flower and asshole shocked new feelings of pleasure that she had never even thought were fathomable before! Like, what the fuck even was a dildo at that point? Hilda’s breasts bounced from the sheer force of the tentacles that rap- loved her. “P-Put them in my mouth too~” she called to the Tentals. “I want both of my lips to taste my babies~” All the girls were pleased by the Tentals and Mercedes couldn’t help feeling a little jealous. Surely she should be giving or getting some love by now too? As if on cue, Olivia quickly turned her head unnaturally to where Mercedes was standing with a lonely, drippy pussy. “Ooh, my boobs are getting bigger, Mercedes! Feel them get bigger while you suck on them! Olivia cried out, almost dragging her beloved sister to her. Mercedes hazily noticed that while none of the other girls’ breasts were growing from the milk - not that Camilla needed it - she, Rhea, and Camilla refocused their efforts on Dorothea and Olivia’s milky boobs.  “How,” Mercedes licked, “How does it feel, Olivia?! Your breasts are so soft and supple now.” Mercedes rubbed the tender skin. It was just so arousing to her that she couldn’t believe it. She latched her mouth onto Olivia’s right nipple while Rhea dominated her left. Despite the Tental beginning with Olivia’s small cleavage at first, her chest was already looking to be half a cup size bigger!  “It’s...haaa..oh my Gods.” Olivia’s eyes rolled back just like Hilda’s were. “My stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies. K-keep going, please!” Mercedes didn’t want to disappoint her sister so she did exactly that! It was so amazing, licking and suckling a breast where the skin around the tap just kept growing and growing. More for Mercedes and Rhea to lick and play with~ Mercedes didn’t care to leave anymore. Not at all. The only thing left in her fried mind was for her to give Olivia the most powerful orgasm of her life even if there weren’t any tentacles teasing her at the moment. And while that did make her sad, she knew that there were only many, many more days….weeks….years….decades of pleasing her Tentals and sisters. Mercedes could only hear the girls’ screams, shrieks, and cries of delight. Of joy… Rhea took her mouth off her nipple just for a moment to say, “You’re going to be a mommy, Olivia!” And Olivia could do nothing to hold back the happy tears that fell down her face. Rhea quickly took up the swollen, milk-white nipple again with a renewed fervor. Any new mommy deserved the right to cum through her breasts! After all, wasn’t that the universal sign of a mom in the first place?! Mercedes reached down and already felt Rhea’s hand going nuts feeling up Olivia's pussy wherever she could alongside the Tental’s tentacle that just shooting more and more lovely sperm into his mate.  The least Mercedes could also do was use her other hand to slap Olivia's juicy ass so it could get in on the action since there was no tentacle to speak of back there.  “I am, I’m going to be a mom!” Olivia wept with pure joy plastered all over her face. “My sisters...please take all of my milk!!” Milk-driven insanity, as Mercedes wanted to call it. She and Rhea smoothly swallowed down ALL of the milk that shot, leaked, and bubbled, into their mouths. The sickly sweet drink could double as life-giving nutrients even above water! Mercedes didn’t know why she was so sure of it but all she wanted to do was keep her lips puckered right over Olivia’s nipple forever and ever… This was Mercedes’ life now. No more risking her life in goddamn wars. No more caring about the day-to-day when she can just turn her brain off and be the best sister she can be to her family and the best mother to all the little Tentals that’ll be running around here soon enough. The greatest thing that happened to that dumpy-ass, poor fucking village was the Tentals choosing to mark their territory over it AND its women.  But all too soon, Olivia’s head jerked back as she screamed out her orgasm. Her breasts squirted out so much milk that even Mercedes and Rhea couldn’t swallow it all in time! So much hot milk fell onto their bodies and Tental that the sisters dropped their faces to begin the long and delicious process of cleaning up their delightful family. AND Olivia’s chest was two whole cup sizes bigger now!! Mercedes’ pussy quivered. Her belly and breasts were going to be so full by the end of the day! If only she could remember what they had to do by sunset. * * * * * * * *  “Hm? They haven’t returned?” Cordelia asked and Mint nodded grimly. “That’s surprising, we need to send another team right away!”
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1
The great Elite Four member Nonon Jakuzure was hard at work, bouncing her lithe, sexy body on top of a disgusting, lowlife of a no-star student at the moment. Nonon kept her voice to an absolute minimum, preferring to hear the pathetic grunts and moans from the probably-but-she-wasn't-really-sure virgin under her. She blew a strand of pink hair out of her eyes, keen not to miss the show below her. A deep sense of vindication rushed through her knowing that she was going to be the best lay of this worm's life bar none. The boy's head rolled back in absolute bliss, the wet slapping noise very nearly brought him to orgasm already and was music to his ears.  Nonon wasn't ever going to admit this to anyone but herself, but his cock was hitting her aching pussy juuuust right. She hadn't had a chance to masturbate in a few days, so this is just what she needed. If only she had remembered to bring her Satsuki mask for him to wear...  Unbidden, some less-than-savory images of Satsuki Kiryuin appeared in her mind. Nonon already accepted that those feelings would show up every now and then. Especially now since she's getting dicked really well even by her high standards. God knows she'd do anything for her. "Sat..su..ki.." she murmured dreamily under breath. She sped the rate of their lovemaking up, teasing her pointed nipples and rubbing her smooth skin as her body heated up. Nonon was unaware of how the boy was treating this startling development, but she really didn't care. Satsuki was so strong, wise, and beautiful that it could bring Nonon to tears. "Mmm..." she moaned again, raising her voice. She reached down and teased her neglected clit, having forbidden the boy from touching her aside from laying there with his delicious cock. Er, his disgusting, no-star cock. That's what she meant, yeah... All Nonon wanted was just a taste of Satsuki, was that too much to yearn for? She would do anything she asked her to. On her knees while Satsuki stands over her, bent over while Satsuki fucks her with the biggest, pinkest, dildo Nonon has in her personal collection.  Her hormones felt like they were going crazy at this point.  Still, she didn't want to totally ignore the student under her, who looked like all the blood in his system had drained to his cock, which was happily repeating its journey to Nonon's cunt. Again and again, his lengthy cock would threaten to invade her womb as she raised her hips all the way to the tip of his penis and slowly, agonizingly, back down to reach him. Torturing others sexually like this what she breathed and lived for. No one was around as the two were off in a secluded, empty classroom. As horny as she was, there was no way in Hell she was going to be caught by anyone in such a degrading situation.  Stupidly, selfishly, he began to thrust his hips upward to meet Nonon's own.  Nonon's arm whipped out like a snake and slapped him hard across the face.  "Ah ah ah..." she snickered, "Remember what I said would happen if you DARED try to pleasure yourself during this great honor, shrimp?" The no-star blushed and looked away in shame, fitting for his school status.  Nonon smirked, "This quick little session is for me to get off, not you."  She continued to bounce and clenched down on the poor young man's engorged penis with her extremely wet pussy. Nonon leaned down and teased the young man, just barely letting her modest chest touch his slick one. God, doing this was so much fun for her, watching that pitiful face range from flashes ranging from wanting to anger to a dazed expression. She let her fingertips graze his chest, lightly pulling on his nipples. He would groan and his muscles would flex, unable to put his hands on her hips and fuck her like the sex doll she knew he wanted her to be. Still, even Nonon was stilling to admit that his stamina was impressive, He hadn't shown any signs of cumming this whole time and restrained himself aside from that slip-up. Is he due for a reward?  Nonon thought to herself, looking down at him. She quickly wiped that thought from her mind though, that was crazy talk. Fucking a such a degenerate was bad in itself, but actually considering to use him more than for her own pleasure was outright insanity.  She continued to just barely press any weight on chest and arms with her fingertips. The rate of their lovemaking was still totally controlled by Nonon of course, preferring to keep it as slow and satisfying (for herself, of course) as possible. Nonon pressed her lips against the young man's ear. "Man, my scent must be an aphrodisiac to you right now," she whispered, "Who knew that out of all the lowlifes in this school that you'd be the one get this prize, huh? You're so lucky!" All she received was a slightly strangled groan in response but it did the job. Nonon was so freakin' horny that she even considered letting him touch her. That was impossible, of course. However, she was growing bored with the cowgirl style and decided to change it up. She stood up and with a large pop, the boy's cock literally popped out of her warm cunt. Grabbing him by the collar, she turned around and bent over on one of the school desks and assumed a rather embarrassing position. If only Satsuki was around to see it... "Hey, dummy! You know what this means, right?! Come put your hog in my asshole!" she commanded him. Her head turned so she could get a look at the pathetic boy. "And no touching!" she finished. Relishing the fact that he obeyed her every word, he placed his cockhead at the entrance of her puckered pink hole. "Heh heh, I doubt scum like you could last 5 minutes against my glorious ass!" she taunted. Whether or not he took it as a challenge, she didn't know. Nonon gritted her teeth and pushed back against his cock, feeling her asshole being spread incredibly wide. She hadn't felt this full in a long time. "Mmm, it's pretty big..." Nonon moaned. She wasn't a quitter, so she already began to move her hips against the boy, and made her asshole grip his cock as tight as she possibly could.  Already the cock was making sweet sweet love to her butt. Nonon personally preferred vaginal sex, but there was something about getting it up the butt that was so sexy and naughty to her. Nonon turned her head to look at the boy and noticed through his low, deep moans that he seemed to be glancing at her feet a bit too much to have not wanted something to do with them. Keeping it in mind, she decided to switch tracks hard enough to possibly cause whiplash. "OH YEAH FUCK ME, BIG BOY!" she screamed, shoving her ass back into his cock. Damn near a microsecond later, the no-star gripped her hips with an iron grip and pistoned in and out of her sensitive hole and the force of a thousand suns. The doors of Heaven themselves opened up to Nonon and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. The student's cock was already well-lubed from their recent fuck so she was slightly worried about some dryness. Not anymore. Finally, the boy could have his way with her. SLAM, SLAM, the desk creaked and cracked under the force of their bodies. Incredibly loud smacks and moans from both parties filled the room. A haze hilled Nonon's head, if she had anything to say about using her ass for sex now, it was easily one of the best things she ever felt. Her dildo collection was definitely in for a rude awakening when she returned. The student wouldn't give her a moment to rest, he relentlessly rutted into her round ass. Nonon's knuckles turned white as she laid and took the rough, penis-shaped beating.  "Sososo big, oooh," she said, this time hoping that he had heard her. She felt so erotic at that moment. Her ass was so wet with the mixture of sweat and pre-cum. Even still the boy never broke his stride, aiming to shoot his seed deep into her asshole. The student moaned in a low voice, keeping up his furious pace of fucking Nonon to Hell and back. He even someone how picked up his pace, and as Nonon felt his cock begin to pulse deep in her ass, she knew the end was neat. The rhythm of consistent fucking was beginning to break her, but Nonon knew that she still had a job to do. She wasn't called a member of the Elite Four for nothing. Somehow, she pried that treasured cock from her well-fucked ass and whipped around to face him while sitting on the desk in one fell swoop. The student rushed forward to put his cock into her dripping ass but Nonon held him back with a finger. This moment is what she lived for. "Nono, stand there for me. Now," she commanded. With the first sign of revolt, he did what she told him to do. Although with some grumbling.  His cock stood at attention, slick from their sessions together. Nonon leaned back on the desk and motioned him to come closer. Aiming her feet she placed the cock in between them. "I'll admit, you did well today," she said as pumped the hard penis between her feet. He was thrusting his cock between her feet, desperate to climax. Nonon considered reprimanding him, but this part was her favorite. "Come on cum for me," she whispered. "Cum on the only place benefitting for someone like you." The student's cock twitched once, twice, three times until his cock erupted, splattering hot cum all over Nonon's waiting feet. The warm jizz ran down her foot and Nonon used her toes to rub it into her skin. If she were meaner, she'd probably command the boy to her lick her feet. Oh well, even some people deserved some leniency once in a while. She turned to the face the clock and her face split into a  wide smile. "4 minutes, 50 seconds!" she announced, "Better luck time, huh? Wanna try again?" Unbeknownst to the happy pair, Satsuki leaned back in her chair after witnessing such a scene from a surveillance room of sorts. Two fingers deep in her wet pussy, she climaxed harder than she ever had in her life. "Fuck," Satsuki panted, trying to calm herself down in futile. "That was hot." Of course, she had plans to get the pink vixen to talk to her about her antics in that classroom later. Alone.
Chapter 1 - Ain't No Cock Like Pegasus Cock!
In the big, blue, wide-open sky a girl flew amongst the clouds. She gave her pegasus a much-needed time for him to stretch his glorious wings. Her long chestnut-colored hair ran through the piercing winds as her pegasus gallantly flew through it. Sumia's hand lovingly rubbed the back of the pegasus' neck. They glided through the air so effortlessly, if only she could just ride on his big, strong back day after day... No doubt the power that coursed through his veins and the muscles that rippled with every movement was from being so masterfully cared for and watched over. His coat was so sleek and shiny and Sumia could hear every strong flap of his powerful wings. She shook her head, the last place she needed to get sidetracked was this in the sky. Yes, her fondness for the beast would have to wait until they hit the ground. * * * Sumia guided her pegasus back to the stables and murmured wholly deserved compliments to him the whole time. She remembered the skill he showed when he landed on the ground. His hooves landed in the grass with nary a loud noise, showcasing his restraint. The more Sumia gazed at his perfect white mane the more she was convinced that this pegasus was special. If only she could convey it in some other way than whispers and head rubs... The moon was high in the sky as the pair walked back together. If nothing else, Sumia was sure Chrom would be okay with it if she'd said she'd been training or something.  *I'm sure most girls spend an extra few hours flying in the air anyway,* Sumia thought as the stable finally came into view. "Aw, but you like walking with me don't you?" she nuzzled the pegasus' neck. His scent was certainly different from what she was used to. He had a "gamier" smell that was infused with the strong sunlight he'd been exposed to earlier in the day. The animal snorted and jerked his head into Sumia as if to give her some affection in return. Sumia sighed happily, a kind horse was the best horse. With Sumia's arm around as much of the pegasus as she could they headed to the warmly lit stable. *Mmm!~* Sumia stopped dead in her tracks. Her companion turned back to her in confusion but all her attention was focused on the very alarming yet familiar voice that beat against her eardrums. She could hear a woman's voice leaking out of the cracked doors. *Why is someone in there this late?* Sumia couldn't think of anyone would who do any late-night training - with a pegasus anyway - so no one came to mind. She wanted to grab someone but Sumia knew she could hold her own against another girl. And....there was a scent. Sumia wasn't privy to what was going on in there exactly but she could feel an unmistakable blush rise to her cheeks. "A-actually, I better grab someone," she muttered, averting her eyes from the light. A gentle nudge to her house and the two were on their way until- "More!" That was, no doubt, a moan. Every molecule in Sumia's was screaming at her to leave but all of the very helpful context clues also screamed right back at her to take a look. *Just one look? *I'll look away quickly!* *It couldn't hurt.* Sumia guided her pegasus to the door and with a mix of fear and anticipation, pushed through. As if she was exposed to a bright spotlight, the scene before her eyes blinded her. 1. It was Cordelia. 2. She was naked. 3. She was on her knees. 4. Sh-she had a pegasus' large cock in her hand! Now, Sumia couldn't - and didn't want - to explain why her first thought was how small Cordelia's slick hand looked holding the absolutely huge stallion dick. Her heaving body already had stains smeared into her skin and Cordelia's crazed face shined with the effort she put in and loved every second of it. Sumia was frozen in shock and yet hypersensitive to the mare's heavy breaths that came next to her.  "Wh-wh-what are you doing?!" Sumia could feel her brain shortcircuit at such a lewd scene before her. The nerve of Cordelia, doing something as shameful as this when someone could easily walk in on her! *It's because she wanted to be caught!* Sumia wanted nothing more than those intrusive thoughts to stop. Cordelia smiled, "Just giving my ride his reward for the day, what's up?" She kept the light, teasing smile on her face. As if they were talking about the weather - all the while she fondled and rubbed the long cock. Sumia's embarrassment was through the roof but she wasn't running away screaming. So that must've counted for something. Wait, why would she want it to count?! "C-could you put your clothes on please?" she tried to shield her eyes but there was no denying the charms of Cordelia's own body despite the cock on the right. Cordelia's smile shifted to a lazy one. Her eyes were clouded from either desire or pleasure and Sumia didn't know if she wanted to find out. *I don't know..., I think wearing cum suits me more," she finally stood up and sauntered over to Sumia, "What do you think?" She wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into an unexpected kiss. Even if Sumia wanted to pull away there was surprising strength in the arms that were holding her tight. Cordelia pushed her tongue into Sumia's mouth and *slathered* her tongue in the cum that had been in her mouth. "?!" Sumia instinctively tried to pull away. Cordelia raised her hand from her back and put it on her cheek. Now Sumia could feel her wet hand cover her cheek in....something. She tried to move Cordelia's hand but she kept her there, locked in place. Their tongues danced - or, rather, Cordelia moved Sumia's - and a mixture of shock and spit made Sumia accept what was happening. Cordelia grew rougher. She pushed into Sumia's face and made it her mission to make the kiss as sloppy as possible. One hand across Sumia's back kept her in place while the other drifted to her ass. Their tongues danced together and she could hear nothing but the sound of the deep kiss that wrapped around them. "!" Sumia's hips jolted as Cordelia's hand stopped and slapped her ass. The sting pleasurably stung and the painful tickle made her pussy drip~ Sumia had never had experience with another woman before but this introduction wasn't bad at all. After a few more slaps and squeezes that Sumia's legs wobble, they broke apart with a thick line of spit connecting them. The trail quickly broke apart and hung down Cordelia's lips. Without missing a beat, Cordelia brought a long finger and gingerly trailed it up into her mouth. Sumia couldn't help but look away when Cordelia let the proof of their kiss run down the inside of her throat. "Mmm~" she licked her lips, "That's always my second favorite part," she said. Sumia could feel her blush run deep within her cheeks but she dared herself to ask "Wh-what's the first?"  Cordelia wore a foxlike grin on her face now, as if she caught a particularly juicy bit of prey. "C'mon, how do you think I got this cum on my face in the first place?"  Sumia's heart raced. She traced the wet spot on her cheek and the rush that invaded her pussy was unmistakable. Sure, she loved horses as much as the next girl, but to do *that* was... Not unthinkable. Steeling herself, Sumia asked the only question that was on her weakening mind, "Could you show me?" she said. The words left her now-sensitive lips and hung in the air. Cock was cock, sure, but there was something so deliciously naughty about the territory Sumia was ready to breach into. Cordelia smirked and pointed at her pegasus' undercarriage. "Kneel." Nothing in her body told Sumia to stop, nothing was screaming at her to turn right around, nothing at all. She was at peace with Cordelia telling her to get on her knees in front of an animal's cock. Not what she expected to do today, but sure. While she clumsily knelt next to the pegasus she felt a flash of jealousy as  Cordelia whispered in his ear. *She* should be the one lovingly prepping the pegasus she was about to fuck! The flash was all but forgotten immediately as the pegasus' sheath pulsed. At least, Sumia thought it did. "What are you saying to him?" asked Sumia. Cordelia waved her question aside. "Oh y'know, telling him what a *big* and *strong* pegasus he is. And how much you want to suck his dick." She said it so nonchalantly as if guzzling animal dick was just another normal day. Magic words or not, Cordelia's calm manner of speaking was washing over her and the steed. How long she had been buddy-buddy with her pegasus to be so comfortable at doing something like this was a mystery to Sumia. But...she wanted to learn. *twitch* "!!" Sumia stared, transfixed at the extending length. "Ooh, it looks like our friend wants to get acquainted with you, Sumia." Cordelia watched Sumia's indecisiveness with glee. There was no doubt to anyone in that room that a girl was going to lose her horse dick virginity. "I-I..." Sumia moistened her lips. "Aww!" Cordelia crouched down and playfully ruffled her hair, "Looks like someone needs some help!" Out of the corner of Sumia's eye, she could see her pegasus faithfully waiting near the entrance, waiting for her. A pulse of need throbbed - not unlike the dick in front of her - throughout her body. She *needed* to learn how to do this. Aware of another tomato-red blush flooding her cheeks, Sumia looked away. "Please teach me," her voice sounded weak to her own ears.  Cordelia grinned. "First thing's first," she said, "Remove your clothes. Sumia stayed on her knees rigidly. "Can we skip to step 2?" she asked. "Nope. 'Cause step 1 also involves me touching your pussy." Sumia's face went nuclear and she turned away faster than a Swordsman's swings during Astra.  "Thiiiink about it," Cordelia purred in her ear, "You'll be savoring your first time playing with an animal with clothes on and I'll be here all alone~" she pouted.  Trying feebly once again Sumia pointed to her pegasus. "W-well we both could just have a pegasus to ourselves." Cordelia looked disappointed at her choice of words. "I suppose I didn't make myself clear. I want *you* while you choke on that dick. Every shiver that runs across your body, every drip from your pussy, every moan from your mouth, I want to feel and hear it all." What was she supposed to say? Answer in an equally arousing way and definitely fail because Cordelia had no idea how much she was making her juices flow at that moment. "..." The words stayed unanswered longer than Sumia meant but she knew she'd never reject them. "Um, if you're gentle. I've never been with another girl before," she said. "Don't worry baby, all you'll need to worry about is how to handle the wave of pleasure that I'm going to drown you in," Cordelia answered. * * * And so, Sumia was kneeling naked in front of an aroused pegasus while Cordelia wrapped her arms around Sumia and let her touchy hands help themselves to her body. "Reach out! Touch it!" Cordelia whispered through the smattering of kisses she planted on the back of her lover's neck. As ready as Sumia was to cross the barrier some of her couldn't be any more aware of the beautiful girl that was wholeheartedly trying to make her good and comfortable. Cordelia's ample cleavage was pressed tightly against her bare back. They would occasionally slide up and down and give Sumia the best goosebumps ever because of it. "C'mon, don't keep him waiting. Don't you see how much you need this?" murmured Cordelia. And truer words were never spoken. "I-I don't want to disappoint," Sumia breathed, "Either of you..." Shoving the trepidation down her throat, Sumia reached over and placed a finger on the forbidden fruit. Silence. No reaction from the pegasus or Cordelia. "Ah!" A wet lick on her neck made her jolt. "Yum," Cordelia moaned, "If you taste this good already I can't even imagine what tongue deep in your pussy would be like."  Sumia scoffed but a large part of her enjoyed the attention. "Thank you. It makes doing this easier."  "Don't worry, it's your pleasure~" Cordelia said. Sumia scoffed again but she absentmindedly moved her hand to her breast - where Cordelia was rubbing - and gripped her hand. "Um, I think I'll give it a lick instead." She felt emboldened by Cordelia's support and before she could lose her never, stuck her tongue out and lightly trailed along the pegasus' growing flesh. The hot breaths on her back grow closer and ever so heavier.  Then, Sumia felt her own body start to move back and forth steadily. "Oh yes," Cordelia's lustful voice leaked out. It felt as though her hiss was coiling the two in an aphrodisiac that fueled their every move.  *Wait, is she masturbating*? The gentle rocking of their bodies and soft moaning behind her seemed to indicate so. By now both girls - and pussies - were sufficiently dripping arousal and Cordelia was probably just a lick away from orgasm, Sumia could feel it. Hell, even the pegasus would know of the tsunami brewing within her friend. Even though Sumia was pretty wrapped up in Cordelia there was no way she could forget her newest partner just yet! She licked the hung cock again and this time made sure to cover it in a good coat of saliva. If Sumia wasn’t giving the dick a good ol’ tongue bath, then what was the point? Ooh! Maybe she’d be able to make a cum bubble! “He’s, um,” Sumia felt frazzled, stuck between a rock and a soft place, “He’s tasty.” *Gluck* Gluck*  Wet-smacking noises were emanating from Sumia’s mouth now. The pegasus had been producing pre-cum this whole time but Sumia was focused on serving him finally. Even as her mouth began to tire from the thick pegasus dick she had to work through, she forged on with her tongue and hands as her weapons! Although Sumia did still feel a little embarrassed to admit how good and natural it felt to be in the middle of her two current favorite things in the world. Normal - or boring, rather - sex just couldn’t compare to this. *This* is what she always longed to do. To go flying with a powerful pegasus without a care in the world ...feeling the hot wind on her face… it was perfect. Doubly so now since she had a way to relieve her and her faithful companion’s needs at the end of the day. Sumia’s legs were quivering now. Her pussy begging to be touched...fingered ...rubbed. Just some way to cum! And then, as if on cue, she felt Cordelia’s wet hand drift to her dripping snatch. “Oh! It looks like someone prefers a little trim!” Cordelia's fingers brushed along the short brown hairs above her pussy. There wasn’t much but Sumia still felt self-conscious. “I didn’t think I’d be doing this today. I’m sorry.” Well, the frazzles certainly wasn’t letting up. Her words were ignored, however, as Cordelia simply gave a low whistle. “Beautiful,” she murmured, “You’re beautiful,” Cordelia traced alongside Sumia’s whole mound with delicate grace, teasing Sumia with every brush. Sumia’s head rolled back as she moaned her first true moan of the night. She even felt her butt clench as she ground her hips into Cordelia’s agonizingly slow hand. While the ‘beautiful’ comment did warm her from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet, she wanted to cum! “Hehe~” Cordelia snickered, “And just like that I see a brand-new side of Sumia.”  Gods, was this what her pitiful licks were like for the pegasus? Nothing but a damned tease that held no promise for more. A crying shame. Speaking of… Sumia was disappointing Cordelia’s pegasus right now. Unacceptable. If Sumia wanted to cum then she had better earn it. That’s how she read Cordelia’s teases. “C’mon buddy, you deserve some release before me,” Sumia leaned forward again and assumed her battle stations. “Such a strong, powerful pegasus…” Sumia sighed and put even more effort into jerking his massively pulsing rod off. Pre-cum and spit shined on her lips and hands just as it did for Cordelia. And Sumia never felt sexier at that moment. Cordelia was back to mumbling sweet nothings into her ear and steadily increased the pace of her fingering so Sumia could focus on pleasing the stallion. Mwah! The pop sound caused by Sumia’s lovely kisses on the side of the pegasus’ cock was intoxicating to her own ears. “How- How many mares have you impregnated big guy?” Sumia gasped for breath. She licked her lips, “How many did you fill to the brim huh? How much of your potent seed overfilled their cunts and fell to the ground??” She fiercely smacked her lips. “Gods! I wish I could’ve been there to clean up!” Those naughty words streamed out of her effortlessly…. Words no one would ever expect her to say… How perfect! A fat wad of pre-cum shot out of the pegasus’ flared cockhead and Sumia’s lips immediately went to the hole to make it squeaky clean! The best cleaner was her mouth and hands working in tandem! A little squeeze of the balls here, a long trace along his cock there, and sooner or later Sumia would - hopefully! - drown in thick, dizzying horse cum. She wanted to put her breasts to good use but it was too bad she had such a great rhythm going! *Enough is enough.* Sumia thought and shuffled her way to the tip of the penis and opened her mouth all the way to hopefully take a couple of inches. *Those* were the feelings she felt earlier in the day. She knew it! “Wider, Sumia, he’s a biiiig boy~,” Cordelia moaned sweetly in her ear.  “*And he only wants you*” It was too much. Too much. Sumia’s body recoiled as her pussy hit a critical point and rippled over and over on Cordelia’s slick fingers. Her eyes rolled into the back of her in a glorious orgasm. She could faintly feel Cordelia kissing and nuzzling alongside her back and neck while a supernova went off in her body. All of her pent-up desire finally squirted all over Cordelia’s hand and arm. Some of her pleasure even reached the cock! Oh, how erotic it was to see her excitement drip off what made a male a *male*.  Through her haze Sumia tried to throat some of the dick but as soon as her tender lip nearly wrapped around it a stream of boiling hot cum with the force of a firehouse gummed up her open mouth.  “Mmph?!” Startled, Sumia jerked her head back and watched in amazement as the pegasus’ cock jerked and throbbed all on its own, shooting out what seemed like an endless amount of cum. Sumia could barely swallow the thick batter but simply couldn’t get enough of the texture as it sloshed in her mouth. *So salty*, If her eyes were stars they’d be shining bright right now. “Haa… haa….” Cordelia panted needily behind her. A shock coursed through Sumia. She forgot to make her friend cum! Feeling bolder than ever before, Sumia twisted her body around and used what little strength she had left to move Cordelia from behind her to lay right under her beautifully. In perfect view of the now low-hanging pegasus dick. Cordelia was looking Sumia up and down lustfully. Her face was red and a finger was in her mouth. That unbelievably sexy pose only solidified Sumia’s choice to spread the long, pale legs in front of her and treat herself to some dessert. Sumia grabbed Cordelia’s ass and let her mouth do the talking. Sumia used her tongue to give the pussy a long lick from bottom to top, an act that brought joy to all of her taste buds. “Ooh, oh fuck,” moaned Cordelia. Sumia felt hands on her head as her face was wonderfully submerged in snatch. She dutifully lapped at the shaved pussy so any pre-cum Cordelia produced would most definitely be enjoyed.  Female arousal tasted different than Sumia would’ve guessed but delicious all the same. She’d darted her eyes to look at her lover’s face just in time to see her sexily brush her red hair out of her face and subconsciously tighten her legs around Sumia’s face. There was something about feeling Cordelia’s feet on her bare back with her legs locked in pleasure that was just indescribable to Sumia. She continued for another minute or so, loving every second she could swallow more and more of Cordelia’s sweet honey until she heard her moaning voice reach a pitch. In the same way, Sumia locked up and cummed, Cordelia’s orgasm hit Sumia like a tidal wave. Cordelia humped and ground against her face like a mad woman. She had a hand on her clit and basically drenched a thirsty Sumia in her love. Soon enough though her hips slowed and her frantic movements ceased. Sumia brushed her fingers against Cordelia’s red pussy, giving it small pecks while her face dripped. For her part, Cordelia didn’t seem at all embarrassed by the show she put on. “Fuck, holy shit,” she looked down at Sumia, stroking her brown hair affectionately, “ That was amazing. I didn’t know you could eat pussy.” Sumia blushed. “It’s not pegasus cum but I think I like being covered in, um, you.” Cordelia laughed. “Aw, you’re sweet. The last person I did that to thought it was disgusting,” she said.  Pouting, Sumia slithered up Cordelia’s body so they were face to face. “You can squirt on me anytime you want!!” Her eyes flashed with fierce determination. And with that, that sealed it with a deep kiss. Despite everything that had just happened Sumia’s mind went blank from something as lighthearted and tame as a kiss. Go figure.  They pulled apart, “Say, you ready for round two?” Cordelia asked, “We’ve still got a few hours until daybreak.”  Sumia gasped, she’d forgotten about her pegasus! She leaped up and raced over to her unmoved steed. “Whaddya say, boy?!” Her pupils damn near hearts, “Wanna serve two gorgeous girls a treat?” The pegasus snorted.
Chapter 1 - Lara Croft: Poon Raider
Have you ever had an erection so hard that the sheer power of it formed a wall around every other thought that tried to penetrate your brain? That was the incredibly aggravating situation Lara Croft was in right now. Her erection protruded angrily in her short shorts while she tried to stay focused on her task while the moon hung high above her head. She’d been running away from cultists or whatever the fuck all day and her first chance to rest is being used to set up a very small camp for herself. The only thing Lara wanted to do now found a nice patch of grass and sleep ‘till morning but the bright moon shined on mockingly.  “Yeah, yeah...shine while I have an empty stomach and full balls. Perfect.” She angrily threw more logs into the campfire, which was now finally set up. Lara groaned in hunger and, what, horniess? It was just her luck to have lost all her food beforehand. The decision to brave the night or go hunting hung over her heavily. Although, speaking of hung…. There was no way in hell she’d be able to concentrate on hunting if her cock was gonna’ constantly pulse out pre-cum. Since her makeshift camp was finished Lara ripped her shorts off and leaned against a tree that stood near the bonfire. Nothing but me and a crackling fire. Two testicles hung low from her body. The heaving balls swirled and were filled to the brim with aching girlcum, Lara just knew it. Fuck, if she didn’t adore pussy she’d fellate herself every waking moment if she could. Yep, there was nothing better than a pretty pink slit she could dive cock, finger, or tongue into. She’d hold her partner down dominantly and watch their pussy get redder and redder and their own slick emission run down their ass making Lara’s whole being radiate with need.  Lara pinched and gently scratched her testes. It felt so good to coax her cum to the tip through pain. Every painful jolt reverberated throughout her dick. Her favorite way to warm herself up was to race her fingernails alongside her length. She’d watch and feel it harden in hand, growing and growing and her heartbeat would quicken alongside it~ Her pale cock was the crown jewel of her body. The veins that popped grotesquely against her foreskin mesmerized Lara. Although she could’ve eaten a horse right then, a very long day of no sexual release consumed her even more. First cum, then eat. The swollen purple cockhead oozed pre like snot to a runny nose. ...Gross analogy aside, Lara could already feel the remnants of an orgasm growing in her balls. It was a damned shame she didn’t have her trusty fleshlight on her. The cumshot she could achieve with it would arc so many times in the air~ Lara lifted her shirt just above her ample cleavage and placed a hand on her braless chest. The dark woods around her swam in her vision as Lara lost herself in her own sexy body. She pinched and rolled over her erect nipple, alternating between her breasts. Her mouth hung open slightly as her rapidly slickening hand jerked with a death grip on her cock. Man, she could even see the normally clear fluid turning whiter and whiter. Her dick throbbed. She was so close. It shined an angry red in the moonlight. The sloppy head was a joy for Lara to run her fingertips over to occasionally taste herself.  Lara could feel it. The yearning deep within her loins. There was no mistake. Her toes curled lewdly within her shoes, she was about to cum! Her rapid breathing ran ragged as her clenched fist pumped away with a long stream of pre-cum glistened on her knuckles. Lost in her own little world, surely nothing would stop one of the most body-wracking orgasms of her li- “Grrrrr” Lara froze like a deer caught in the headlights, her womanhood proudly stuck straight up in the cool air. No way a goddamned wolf made that noise, she thought to herself. Half of her was tempted to just keep masturbating and hump the air but, unfortunately, Lara quite liked to live. Gritting her teeth, her eyes slowly scanned the small campground looking for anything that could somehow be deemed more important than her blueing sac. As if that was possible. Her hand still moved up and down slowly and everything seemed okay until Lara’s eyes fell on a large wolf. The fire was large enough that Lara could clearly make out what the wolf looked like. A gorgeous white coat that even in her lust-hazed mind Lara could appreciate as beautiful. It seemed to zero in on her, an almost-naked woman. Human and animal locked eyes and Lara felt unsure of what to do. On one hand, the animal might attack. The other, of course, held her cock. Lust bled into Lara’s brain like poison. She needed release soon and standing there without jackhammering her cock wasn’t going to get her anywhere. Decided, Lara restarted her frantic pace. The wolf growled again but the last feeling she had at that moment was fear. Futanari were thankfully stronger than most so a pissed-off Lara felt confident in her ability to defend herself should the wolf attack her. Even though her gun was stupidly next to her sleeping bag Lara had no intention to kill the animal. God only knows how much of a boner-killer a corpse would make. While Lara still jerked herself off, trying to reach the high she had achieved before, the session was quickly being ruined as the damn wolf was doing nothing else but watching her. Yeah, try anything and you’re gonna get what’s coming, thought Lara darkly. Her temper was slowly but surely growing. Her head and cock were twinnings that day it seemed as if an angry vein pulsed on her forehead. Although, it didn’t look like the wolf was about to attack her or anything. But, as the word “wild” implied, it lunged at the futa the microsecond her eyes shifted away. Awoooool! The wolf was nothing but a streak of white teeth as it bounded toward Lara. Its snarling face must’ve bested many before her but there was no way Lara was going to die with her pants down unless it was a heart attack after cumming in some bitch’s pussy. Ready for it, Lara easily sidestepped the bolting animal. Enough time to spare that her gloriously throbbing appendage could stand out and proud, not tucked between her legs like some sort of coward. The wolf looked confused for a moment. Not having a tasty human to eat when you expected to seemed to do that. The vein on Lara’s head felt ready to burst. “Ohh, so you thought I’d be easy prey, huh? You little shit!” Now it was her turn to lunge at the wolf, tackling it from its side with all of her might. The pair fell onto the dirty ground and tousled for a moment. Lara’s cock unabashedly poked and prodded the wolf with every roll and tumble they had. The very first fucking thing Lara noticed was that the wolf had no penis, but a vagina. “Oh. No cock. How interesting~” Her cock pulsed. The wolf howled low and struggled against Lara’s taught body. Her small but respectable muscles bulged while they kept the cunt in place. Lara’s pre-cum and dirt-stained the she-wolf's once-gorgeous fur. Heh, Lara might’ve felt sorry for it if she wasn’t so dead set on ruining her erection. Or, rather, she was saving it at this point. They struggled for dominance until Lara finally collapsed on top of the animal, her sweaty body about to claim her prize. “Aw, what’s wrong baby?” Lara held an iron grip on her muzzle,” Can’t call for help? Can’t attack the person that was clearly minding her own fucking business?!” The wolf’s returning pitiful whines only strengthened Lara’s resolve to get what was rightfully hers. “Pathetic,” she hissed into the wolf’s ear. “To roll up on me like you’re an alpha coming for your prey. No no no ...we'll see who’s the alpha after this.” As fate would have it, Lara had her new “friend” pinned in a doggy style! Perfect. Lara pushed her legs together more so their crotches lay perfectly against one another. While Lara had lain with many men and women before, this was her first time with an animal. The rational part of Lara’s brain that was telling her to stop had shut up ever since the piece of meat underneath her interrupted her. Using her free hand, Lara reached down and fondled her partner’s pussy roughly to get her into the mood whether she liked it or not. By the end of the night Lara’s cock *will* have met some pussy, so help her. The wolf struggled again but Lara wasn’t going to have any of it. Her fingers brushed along the outer folds of her pussy and relished the fact that she’ll indeed have a not-so-willing cumdump to unload all of her pent-up, boiling better into. Lara shivered, “Mmm, just imagine how nice it’s going to feel baby. All of my sperm leaking out of your pussy, your fur a mess~” By this point, Lara’s fuse was understandably very short, and since she could literally feel the heat coming off of the snatch she didn’t want to waste much more time trying to make her entrance slick enough for the both of them. Once or twice her cock would rub up against the wolf’s pussy and Lara could feel her mouth water and body melt at the prospect of taming another pussy. Not much longer now Lara’s flicked the wolf’s clit and plunged two fingers into her pussy. The honey that drenched her hand was proof that she was ready to be mated. The whole time she was being teased Lara could swear she could feel her balls swell uncomfortably.  “Here goes nothing!” And without further ado, Lara plunged half of her steaming rod into the wolf’s dripping pussy. Lara and the wolf’s bodies both arched erotically as if hit by a cattle prod. It felt like her brain was being rewired to give anything and everything to the mangy mutt’s pussy before she came! She didn’t care how the wolf was adjusting to its first taste of thick human cock as Lara’s hips moved on their own and damn near the same pace it had been minutes ago.  The only sound Lara could hear as her body was bent over completely on the wolf was the slick sound of their private meeting. Wet pussy juice was constantly stimulated by her big, juicy cock, and as much as Lara wanted to look at them the second best part was just *hearing* how happy their crotches were. Remnants of the wolf’s pussy juice were already building up on her own legs, no doubt there was a short amount of time before the tasty honey would be running down her thighs~ Lara moved at a brutal pace, barely making sure to keep her hand tight on the wolf’s muzzle in tandem with her thrusts. One small part of her wondered what the wolf felt at that moment. Mouth closed so she couldn’t say a word, pussy in rippling pleasure by some human she’d just met. What a slut! Lara’s smirked and put her hand down to their special area instead, gathering as much of the cum that fell from their sweating bodies. It didn’t take long for her hand to get covered in the delicious fluid. Instead of tasting it Lara patted and rubbed the wolf’s head wherever she could, covering it in their mess. “Just,” she panted, “Marking my territory,” she gritted her teeth, “You must know how this goes right?” The wolf gave a feeble cry but Lara just kept going. Her long hair kept getting in her face as her animalistic urges overtook her. The hard humps she gave the wolf just wouldn’t stop. It even surprised her how much a day could make a futa’s genitals go into overdrive if you didn’t touch them.  “Unnn~” she allowed herself one moan, toes curling not unlike what happened earlier. Her hips slammed into the wolf again and again. Lara’s body and breasts *constantly* rubbing into the wolf’s dirty fur made her feel so naughty. It felt like she had the whole forest at her disposal. She could tame any beast and make them her whining, personal cumdump just like the bitch below her. Her face sank into the wolf’s neck, losing herself in the pleasure. For as long as they’d been fucking Lara still felt no need to orgasm, which was odd. As fun as breeding a bitch in doggy would’ve been she could feel herself growing bored with the position. So, instead, Lara exited her partner for one brief yet very cold moment and flipped her onto her back. Lara’s prowess at keeping her hand on the muzzle should net her some awards, Jesus. It was annoying keeping her hand there but the last thing she wanted to deal with out in here was a missing hand. Now in missionary, Lara could gaze at her lover fully in the face. Their bodies were still microinches apart but Lara loved that. By now her legs were definitely getting coated in the pair’s excitement and didn’t want the feeling to ever end. Heck, maybe from now on Lara would purposely edge just to have 10/10 experiences like this every day! Well, probably not.But still! The wolf’s eyes read acceptance or fear over what was being done to her and Lara really, really loved that. One of Earth’s mightiest predators was brought down in seconds by a girl with a cock, she thought gleefully. Her cock was surely enjoying the elongated time fucking too. She could hear the mass of meat constantly throbbing and pulsing whatever pre was in her anymore, if any. At this point, the fluid that came out must’ve been pure sperm. If only… “How does that sound baby?” she gasped to the wolf, “Being filled to the brim and having to give birth to some human-wolf babies? Being forced to bear my children? Doesn’t that sound like a delight?!” she said deliriously. Lara used the ground and her feet to her advantage to kind of “propel” herself into the wolf with nothing more than the desire to dick her down good and hard. To make her hers. “No animal dick could POSSIBLY compare to this huh?” she licked her lips, “No knot, but who needs that when I out-cum those useless wolves anyway!”  Oh god. The wet slapping. It was music to her years.  slap slap There was nothing better! Lara could stare into the wolf’s eyes while *knowing* that something so heinous and disgusting to other people was going on just below them. She was drunk on a tight animal pussy!  “Considering how wet you are, you must be enjoying this too!” The wolf’s eyes now had a heavily-lidded look to them and Lara adored that. A primal beast being brought down to nothing. Absolutely nothing more than a recipient for dick. Not even the blondest of bimbos could break Lara away from her partner right now. Lara moved her arm and wrapped it around the wolf’s body for a more personal fuck. She was nearing her orgasm and wanted to make the moment count! It felt like a light had been lit under her balls, lighting her entire being on fire. She could feel them getting closer to her body for the ultimate release into her bitch. Lara’s eyes flickered upward lewdly. This is going to be good. Her mouth now fully hung open and drool fell onto the wolf. She rutted into her without a care in the world, her hips a blur. Fuck, at this point she was probably moving the wolf just from the power that was in her body.  “YES!”  And “YES!” Now“YES!” Her “YES!” Bitch “YES!” Was “YES!” HERS “YESSSSS!” Lara’s eyes rolled into her head as she conquered the beast that held the key to her orgasm all along. The wolf howled out as she felt her pussy being overloaded with thick, hot - boiling hot - semen.If there was anything the bitch could relate to, it was having a hot cunt filled with dripping spunk. …Howled? With a jolt, Lara realized she had let go of the wolf’s muzzle. She reached to grab it again but the wolf actually *nuzzled* her hand. Maybe it was time for Lara to just fuck her enemies into submission? A cock that shot semen was better than any gun! “Ha...ha…. Oh my god.” Lara felt completely drained from this encounter. Which made sense since she probably shot a third of her body weight into the wolf. She sat up on her knees and looked down at deflating cock, which was still in the wolf’s pussy. Both were red raw from the hard fucking but Lara was mesmerized by the cum and bubbles that surrounded their genitals and everything else, including the ground. She fell backward onto her ass, strength rapidly leaving her and the reality of the situation gripped her. I just fucked an animal!  But nobody saw… I just fucked an animal! It felt really good! I JUST FUCKED AN ANIMAL! The wolf stood up very shakily and nuzzled her face one more time before shuffling off into the woods, her pussy streaming semen onto the ground the entire time. But before dwelling on those thoughts any longer, the need to sleep trumped all. Lara staggered over to her sleeping bag and fell asleep. One Week Later Lara Croft exited the shower with a blissful smile on her face. Finally out of that hellish forest and back with human civilization. There was nothing better to her than masturbating while hot water ran over her body. She’d recounted her story - aside from one special part - to her friends time and time again and they couldn’t believe what she had done and put up with. A perfectly pristine bathroom and fresh food every day was reward enough for what she had done. Leaving the bathroom without a care in the world, Lara’s blood ran cold as the same white wolf stood on the hotel bed. How the hell? Her eyes found the window. Open. Figures. But how did it find her? But before she could even begin to think about that, the whole surprised her immensely by turning around with her tail in the air.  A pink pussy greeted her, light shining on the pre-cum that was already on her folds. Head down, ass high in the air, it was clear what she wanted. Lara’s fluffy black bathrobe showed a huge tent in them. Only one question came to her mind. Round two?
Chapter 1 - Angua Meets Gavin.
This is the Discworld. A large round flat disc, resting on the back of four elephants, which in turn stands on the shell of great A'Tuin, the world turtle. Our story begins near the central hub of the disc, known as the Ramtops, which are crowned by Cori Celesti, the Seat of the gods. In Überwald, a forest often known for it's inhabitants, namely Vampires and werewolves. Our story focuses on the later.Angua Von Überwald woke up, she groaned and got out of bed, and proceeded with her usual routine, before walking down the empty halls of the castle, joining her family at the morning table in the large Dining room. Her father Guye, Mother Serafina, Her brothers Wolfgang and Andrei, Who is a yannok, would be eating from a bowl on the floor. and her sister Elsa, who were stuck in human form. The Breakfast proceeded, in Überwald terms, peacefully. Angua decided to leave the castle, unable to stand her brother Wolfgang. She went through a walk in the ancient Überwald forests, at one point, reaching a cliff, overlooking a valley, she decided to stay here for a while, lying down on a patch of moss and rested. Unaware that eyes were watching her. It was a large black wolf, known as Gavin. Not because his name -was- Gavin, but because he once ate a man called Gavin, or atleast enough of him to stop him from laying down wolf traps. Gavin stalked the outskirts of the clearing, fixed on the woman in front of him, A werewolf. He, like any other wolf, hated werewolves, and this one was alone, and had fallen asleep, easy pray, and the world would be better of for it.  Angua opened her eyes, she felt a slight burning sensation between her legs, and she felt feverish, unable to understand what was happening to her, she rolled over and sighed, but the sensation continues, growing stronger, the burning in her loins tenfold, her her breasts began to feel erect as well, she panted pathetically. What was happening to her? She had never experienced anything like this. She decided to undress, hoping that the cold air would help, but the sensation continued to grow, spreading warmth through her body, she whimpered again, unconsciously bringing her hand down between her legs, with closed eyes, she rubbed her clit, moaning, her fingers dug into her sex, stroking along the walls, spreading her open, It helped, but not much, she needed more. She pushed her fingers deep inside herself, pulling them out just as eagerly, building up a rhythm, lying on her back no, panting into the sky, one hand squeezed and teased her breasts, while the other eagerly delved into her sex. He stalked closer, inhaling the air, the scent of werewolf thick indeed, although there were something else, the scent of female in heat. She had not noticed him yet, even as he stood right besides her, her eyes closed, lost in her ecstasy, he sniffed again, she smelled strongly of pheromones, and his instincts kicked in, she was a werewolf, but a female one, in heat. She rolled over, lying on her front, which her ass high in the air, juiced running down her legs as she continued to finger herself, panting now. He sniffed at her ass, growling as he let his tongue flick across her bare ass.  Angua stopped and opened her eyes, looking behind her, she saw the large furred creature. She was certainly doomed for now, wolfs never took kindly to werewolves, yet.. he hesitated, why did he hesitate?  The wolf licked her again, causing Angua to utter a low moan, She was defiantly in heat, and he could not fight instincts anymore, he leapt on her back, and attempted to hilt her, Angua, not expecting this, attempted to push him off, but a warning growl had her lay down passively, he found her sex, and with a growl he pushed inside. Angua's loins were on fire already, now the were a inferno, the wolfcock speared her like her fingers would never, and as the wolf begin rutting her roughly, she moaned put loudly, she loved it, this was exactly what she needed.  Already moaning and panting like the bitch in heat she is. Gavin pumped into her eager cunt furiously, lost completely to his instincts. And so was Angua, So lost infact, that she unwillingly started to transform, her blonde hair started cowering her entire body, and she grew a more canine physique, Gavin didn't seem to care, the only change he could feel ,was her tunnel getting tighter around his throbbing hard Canine cock, and he didn't mind this one bit, it only encourage him to mate her even deeper and harder, and he did, Angua had to dig her claws into the ground, just to keep herself from flying forward has he hammered into her backside. Pants and whimpers escaped her muzzle as Gavin finally pushed his large knot deep within her, and it began to swell, knotting them together firmly. Then with a victorious howl, surely to be heard in all of Überwald, to Angua's misfortune, he started to fill her with his wolfen seed, jet after jet was pumped into her canine body, and it seemed endless, it over flooded and started to run back out, pooling on the ground. Eventually the stream slowed down to a halt, and Gavin fell panting and exhausted on her back, waiting for his knot to shrink enough that he could pull out, Angua had collapsed as well, experiencing a mind blowing orgasm. As Gavin pulled out, a waterfall of cum would gush out, he'd rub his head against hers, once, before he left her, stalking back into the forest. Angua laid there for what felt like hours, eventually returning to her human shape, she got up, and found the nearest river, where she cleaned up and went home to the Castle. But it would not be the last time she stalked back into the forest, She happened to do this quite a lot, whenever her cycle demanded it, and every time, Gavin was there to please her, slowly, after several meetings, an unbreakable bond had formed.
Chapter 1 - Lissa
Crickets chirped in the summer night as a lone tactician had dozed off scouring many countless texts again and again. Robin was working tirelessly to formulate a master plan worthy of Chrom’s army against Mad King Gangrel.  Their personal band of fighters was small but growing. There wasn’t much he could do except hope his plans would work out in the end. His own tent was also small but cozy. Waking up in a field of all things made sure he kept his priorities in check. The luxury of a single bed was enough for him. Robin’s eyes blurred over the small black letters on the page. He wasn’t even close to finishing as much as he wanted but analyzing that text any longer was going to make him pass out. With a weary sigh, he closed the book and turned the lamp off. Oddly enough, he was suddenly reminded of the time he used Fire tome as a source of light and nearly burned the whole camp down. Miriel was the only one trusted to use Fire and Thunder for weeks… Damn near stumbling, Robin headed to his room where Lissa had already laid down to sleep. The night was darker than the most nefarious of mages as Robin sat down on the bed to relax next to his recently-wed wife. The stars were his only source of light as he undressed. The quiet around the two of them wasn’t anything he’d change for the world. Stripping down to his undergarments, Robin laid down in the comfy bed. Even as he relaxed there, weary from the reading, more and more plans formulated in his head. He didn’t want to let Chrom or Lissa or anyone else down, of course. Suddenly, Robin felt a weight on his arm. Assuming it to be Lissa, he reached his free arm over to caress her. The most peculiar feeling returned to him instead. It didn’t feel like the warm hand he was used to. Instead, a slippery or even slimy texture came to him. “What in blazes…” Robin turned his head, only to be face to face with a frog. “Ribbit” The frog croaked.  “ARRRRGH!” Robin yelled and scrambled out of bed faster than a Swordmaster that had Rally Speed used on them. The frog would’ve soared across the room if Lissa hadn’t caught it in time. As always, the peaceful and tranquil silence was broken by his childish wife.  He and Lissa had only been married for a short time now and she already turned her pranks up to eleven.  “Ugh… why did I say you could prank me again?” Robin groaned, rubbing his temples. The whole time his freakout happened, Lissa had been doubled over in hysterical laughter and a tirade of snorts filled the tent. “I-I-In a second, R-Robin.” she gasped for air, her face red. The croaking of the frog and Lissa’s snorts combined for such a perfect maelstrom of Hell that Robin was dead sure that the army was about to come bursting in to be the “Heaven” that quenched it. ...Or something like that, Robin was sure he was delirious from the lack of rest. Through her joyful tears of laughter, she seemed to zero in on Robin’s face. “Heehee!” she giggled, “You did that rubbery thing with your face again!” After another minute or so, Lissa finally calmed down and released the frog outside. Robin could’ve sworn it was rushing outside to taste freedom against the clutches of the blonde devil. “Are you mad at me?” Lissa asked as Robin sat on the bed with a sigh. “Well, I wouldn’t say a joke was what I needed right then,” said Robin. “You’re going to give me a fear of frogs at this rate.” “Aww, I know what’ll cheer you RIGHT up!” she said, who positively channeling Nowi’s energeticness to be this awake this late at night. She strolled over to Robin and positioned herself behind his back. She reached over and placed a surprisingly strong grip on his shoulders. Without any protest from him, she began one of her tent-famous shoulder rubs.  Leaning over, she put her lips to Robin’s ear.  “The beeeest part about being your wife is that I do this special apology whenever. I. Want.” She whispered as she massaged his tense shoulders. Each syllable in her words made for an admittedly satisfied grunt from Robin. She hadn’t given him many rubs so far, but her skill was already reaching a masterful level. “R-right… but, Lissa, I’m pretty tired so the bed might give me an even better massage.” Robin said. Lissa laughed. “Oh, please! Your body is already begging for more Lissa lovin’!” She redoubled her efforts on his back and shoulders. There wasn’t much rebuttal in his voice as Robin would be the first to admit that this felt really damn good. “There, there…” Lissa cooed in his ear. “You’re the only one allowed to have these special moments with me. Doesn’t it feel good?” The only feeling Robin was getting was rapidly moving down into his pants.  Lissa wrapped her arms around Robin and continued with the massage for a few more minutes. Soon, the quiet overtook the tent once more. Robin’s own thoughts were quickly becoming mush even as Lissa doing nothing more than holding on to his body, it was enough to make him think of only one thing: her. “Let me show you how sorry I really am.” Lissa murmured and snaked herself around and into a sitting position on his lap. Facing him, Lissa gave a small moan as she began to slowly grind on her husband’s obvious protrusion. “Aww it looks like someone isn’t ready to sleep yet!” she giggled and pushed her nightgown-clad body against his own. Robin, for his part, was simply putty in his wife’s hands. He felt a greater sense of need that needed to be quenched after Lissa held him tight. He stood up with Lissa still wrapped around him like and bow and laid her down gently on the bed. “Woah! You’re eager to move things along tonight!” Lissa’s cheeks were already blushing crimson, to Robin’s delight. “Who needs sleep when I’m blessed enough to have a wife as gorgeous as you all to myself every night?”  Lissa squirmed under his intense gaze. “Jeez, you can be quite the charmer when you want to be.” Her body was already showing signs of arousal, to Robin’s further delight. With no bra on to speak of, two light pink nipples stood up proudly against the skin-tight fabric of her nightgown. Further down, a clear wet patch from where she grinded had formed. A few shakes of Lissa’s hips in that position were better than Olivia’s best dances. Robin lowered himself and pressed his lips against Lissa’s feverish-feeling own. It felt like they were on their way to their own exclusive Outrealm, oblivious to the outside world.  Robin pulled away from Lissa, who made a little sigh as they separated. “They just keep getting better and better…” she breathed out. He reached down and pulled her nightgown over her head. Time and time again Robin’s breath would catch in his throat as he gazed at his wife’s beautiful body.  Her skin was a pale white that shined in the moonlight. As it comes with being in an army, she showed off some nice muscle too. Her stomach was toning up with a cute belly button and to cap it all of was her nipples. Robin thought they needed a little attention too. “Lissa,” he said softly. He planted his lips on her breast, electing another soft moan from her. He could feel his own cheeks firing up as he devoted himself to her ample chest. Robin nibbled on her nip for a moment before rolling it around with his tongue, a personal favorite of his. There was nothing more arousing to him than playing with her boobs. Lissa let loose another low groan as felt up her other tit with his free hand. Slowly but surely her sweet voice climbed higher and higher as he continued playing with her. He felt a distinct sense of pride knowing he was the cause of her flushed skin and sweet moans. He pulled back and she shivered with a mixture of sweat and his spit on her skin. “Jeez, you looking me over this much is embarrassing even for me y’know.” whined Lissa.  Robin chuckled, “I know, that’s why I keep doing it.” Finally, the time had come for him to begin the main course. He sat up and unceremoniously took Lissa’s panties off. Her pussy shown with wetness that positively begged to be lapped up. Who else but himself would be perfect for this job? Robin lowered his head to savor Lissa’s taste, something he adored above all else. Her clit was standing at attention as he gave his full concentration to it, now that her breasts were pleased. He peppered her second pair of lips with kisses, feeling the lower half of her body jerk with joy. “Ngh… Robiiiin!” Lissa moaned and ran her hands through his hair and grabbed ahold of it pretty sexily in his opinion. Robin licked his lips and attacked away at Lissa’s bud with what felt like an Astra. Good thing he had Tonguefaire equipped of course. He inserted two fingers into her pussy and her walls lovingly clamped down on them as more juices escaped from her. Robin didn’t think he was a master servicing Lissa or anything, but the sweet moans that filled the tent as her body jerked and twisted made him feel like he was. Back and forth his fingers went as his mouth did all the talking and quenched her burning pussy. Lissa desperately thrusting her hips upward to match the speed of his skilled tongue and fingers.  Her sweet voice was the only noise Robin registered in the warm night. “O-ohh, I’m getting close.” Lissa’s legs tightened around Robin and her grip on his head was near rock solid.  Feeling adventurous, Robin brought a finger and gently prodded Lissa’s other secret place. “Robiiin!” whined Lissa, her orgasmic enlightenment halted for a moment, “You know I’m ready for that end yet!” A moment too perfect to lose, Robin looked up at his darling wife with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. “Gotcha,” he laughed, “That was payback for the frog!” Before Lissa could respond however, he quickly redoubled his efforts to make her cum. “Ngh, you jerk…” Her pants and groans returned, the previous moment forgotten. Robin’s mouth and hand working together in harmony to reach the same end. Higher and higher Lissa’s moans soared. There was honestly nothing more arousing to Robin than to hear someone he loved so much respond as sexily as this to his efforts.  Lissa’s breath hitched in her throat. “YEES!” she squealed in pleasure. Her hips rocked back and forth as a wave of juices damn near covered Robin’s whole face. Her breath came in short gasps as she cooled down from her intense orgasm and Robin continued to pump and lick her pussy. “Hah, hah.” Lissa’s chest heaved with every breath as she fell from her high. The intensity of her orgasm made her skin as red as a Valflame.  Robin sat up, savoring the taste of his reward on his face as wife looked at him with dreamy eyes. “It just keeps getting better,” she said, a satisfied smile on her face. “Now, I think it’s about time I calmed down that awfully big bulge in your pants~” Robin’s tongue and Lissa attained support level S+
Chapter 1 - STRAY x SLUT
"Tharja, are you sure this is going to work?" Olivia asked her nervously. It was Halloween night and all she wanted was something simple that loosened her nerves. "Well if you want to die "by accident" I could send you over to Henry to do this instead," she grumbled darkly. Olivia gave a squeak of terror and sat silently while the dark mage worked.  It wasn't her fault she wanted to lose her inhibitions for a night for once. A Halloween where she didn't skirt around in fear would be a welcome one indeed. Laughing and having fun with the others tonight...it was all she wanted. Maybe if she enjoyed it she'll beg Tharja to make it permanent!  "I should be should be seeing what my beloved Robin has dressed up as right now," Tharja muttered, "Instead I'm helping out a scaredy-cat. Great." "Th-thanks again!" The last thing she wanted was being bailed out on. The moon was already high in the sky by this point so the Ylisseans were definitely having fun out in the streets or at parties and whatnot. "Chrom is holding a party for the army so that'll be the perfect place for me to show off!" said Olivia. Tharja nodded absently and wiped her sweat-soaked brow. "Alright, I think this is it," she passed a bubbling red rocket-colored concoction to Olivia. "Drink up." Olivia gingerly held the glass in her hands and took a precarious sniff at the steaming liquid.  "Huh?" The smell wasn't bad, no... but it caused a powerful jolt in Olivia's body that she was unfamiliar with.  "B-bottoms up," she failed what she considered to be a winning smile but glugged the surprisingly thick liquid down in one shot. "Mmm!" Her body flooded with warmth and taste buds danced at the cherry flavor. As deceptive as the drink looked, there denying its delicious taste! But. "I don't feel any different," she said. The very idea of going out in front of the city terrified her. Tharja shrugged, "It probably takes a but for it to take effect. Give it some time." And with that, she kicked her out of the tent before she could even say thank you. The cold night didn't help her shakiness, especially since she was wearing her normal dancer attire.  "'Your costume is already perfect' they said," she groaned, "'Just wear what you already have' they said..." Tharja's tent was a little way off from everyone else and Olivia was already imagining herself in her quarters with a nice, big blanket. Her breath showed in the cold air as she walked. Good thing she was used to dancing in whatever temperature they needed her in, rain or shine.  The streets were illuminated at least but there were far fewer people out and about than Olivia would've guessed or wanted. This night might've scared her, but being alone in the dark scared her even more. "I should've just waited outside her tent," she groaned again. Tharja would've been annoyed but at least she wouldn't be out here alone. "Hm?" Off to her left and at the beginning of some alleyway, Olivia noticed a stray walking on its lonesome. "It looks awfully hungry," she said. She walked over to it and to her great surprise the dog took a liking to her immediately. The dog whined and pawed at her ankles. "Aw, you want some attention?" she cooed, "Poor thing." It was as tall as her knees and despite it being a stray its muscles still looked taut and strong. Olivia kneeled down and patted the dog's head. It affectionately rubbed against her soft hand and touch. "Aw you've just been lonely too huh buddy?" Olivia didn't normally interact with dog but this one tugged at her heartstrings. She was even already forgetting about the cold night that had so brutally enveloped her before. In fact, she was heating up! "Ooh yeah, you're just a sweetie pie aren't you?" she moved her hands and rubbed the dog's sides in tandem with the headpats. No doubt the stray was finally enjoying the love Olivia was pushing onto it.  It rolled over onto its back with clear adoration in its eyes. "You want belly ru- oh!" The stray was, in fact, clearly a male dog. Underneath his deep black fur was a red-purple cock just coming out of its sheath. Olivia's heart did the same pulse she felt earlier when she drank Tharja's concoction. More like concocktion thought Olivia, licking her lips. "Mm, what a gentleman you are! Allowing a lady to become acquainted before you take it out!" Whatever it was made with, the effect of the potion was becumming apparent to Olivia. IF only she could dance for the poor stray. Most men came in their pants because of a single dance from her. Obviously a tacdick like that wasn't going to work. "I still have three holes I can give you, my sweetie pie. ♥"  Olivia didn't want to waste any precious time with a pathetic handjob to get the dog off. No, even though her small hand would look adorable holding such a large piece of cockmeat she needed to use a tight, wet, hole. Surely a cock would really loosen her up for the rest of the night!  The street was still dead to the world aside from Olivia and her new furry friend, who was perfectly happy letting his new pal steel herself with what she was about to do. Olivia lowered her face to the growing dogock ad inhaled deeply, making sure to pant and drool over it like a good bitch would. There was no scent of pre-cum yet to her disappointment. The sheer muskiness of what her senses devoured more than made up for it though. "Oh yesss," she breathed in and out, taking it all in, "You're just perfect for me tonight boy!" His manliness was making Olivia go crazy and she hadn't even started sucking yet! It was very rude of her of course, gobbling down the beast's aroma without even a single show of gratitude.  Yet. Olivia stuck her dripping tongue out and gave the dog's cock a looong lick. From base to tip, it left a long line of saliva from her mouth. Nothing less than what he deserved. Like a blast of Thoron into a large body of water, that lick shocked Olivia to the core. Good thing she was Limit Broken right now, that lick might've dropped her HP to zero! The only points being dropped now was the stray's PP. 'Cause it was full of blood. Courtesy of his big and delicious, cock-swelling balls.  ...Or something. It didn't matter to Olivia, she was horny! "After you lick your master's shaft, you must shower it with loving kisses," recited Olivia, though she wasn't sure where the words came from. She wetted her lips and left large wet marks all over the canine cock. Every single kiss had to leave a trail of spit or it wouldn't have counted! A slathered dick is a happy dick! Even though she just started, Olivia happily lapped up the shot of pre that was spat into her mouth during a kiss from the flared cockhead. "Dogs are really amazing." Olivia moaned, licking and kissing as much dick as she could. The handsome dog himself seemed to be as wrapped up in the haze of lust just as much as his bitch was. His tongue lolled out and looked happy as Olivia was overjoyed to serve him. In her hazy mind, Olivia wished Tharja was there. Seeing her bounce on a dog's magnificent cock, her ass, and breasts shaking from the force of the red piston going in and out... "In and out..." breathed Olivia. As fun as it was, constantly tasting dick with her mouth, her pussy had needs too. She'd never mated with a dog before but somehow she knew about the biiig knot on his cock. Thanks again concocktion she thought. "Hm, should I ride or bend over?" she said to no one in particular.  Heh, as if that was even a question. Olivia wiped and licked the remaining pre-cum off her face and made sure to suck her fingers of every single remnant. She got on her hands and knees next to the dog and he looked at her with his erection high in the sky. Olivia blew a stand of pink hair off of her face and sensually moved her hips left and right. "C'mon baby, you need to come breed me... Come mount me." she moaned. Whether or not the dog understood, she didn't know. But waving her ass seemed to entice him. Or maybe he caught a whiff of her dripping snatch? Regardless, the big-muscled stray shot up and walked over to her backside, sniffing curiously. "You're almost there baby, come on!" Olivia whined. She moved her panties to the side, revealing her cute little silt to her lover. Unable to wait, Olivia stuck a finger in her pussy. She needed to sate her lusty needs, even if it was just a fraction of it. Now that her pussy was uncovered and being stimulated the stray zeroed in on Olivia's two holes.  "OH!!" His long tongue lapped at Olivia's pussy and asshole. Olivia used two fingers to spread her petals, giving the anime as much honey as she could so he indulge as much as he wanted.  It felt so good. The only time Olivia had sex was with a boy. She shuddered at a disgusting thought like that. Why a girl would ever give her virtue to someone who would just brag to his equally slimy friends was beyond her. No human cock could ever compare to the thick lollipop she sucked on earlier. Why it was sweet enough to give her a cavity! Her mind flashed back to the boy who basically just rubbed one out in her vagina and then nutted all over her hair. Disgusting. No, quite unlike that slob the partner she had now was entirely devoted to getting her off. Olivia's ass backed into the dog's snout as she humped as hard as she could. "Yeah, you wanna get me to cum, don't you boy?" she panted. The faster she reached orgasm the faster could get back to worshiping his throbbing dog dick. The poor phallus must be oozing his tasty cum right now and she was missing out a treat! Long gone were her qualms about seeing people out here. God, she could even perform in front of people if she could use a dog! "Is this how Cherche feels towards wyverns?" Olivia mused. Cock, cum, tongue, and musk was all just better on animals. "Ooh, I should ask Nowi and Panne to do me a favor later," she moaned. She and her stray had an orgasm to meet first though. Making an executive decision, Olivia allowed her face to fall to the ground while her hands tended to her needy breasts and clit. Knowing that anyone could see the illustrious and beautiful dancer Olivia being licked by a common stray seriously turned her on.  "I could have anyone I wanted," she huffed and gasped, her hand a blur on her cunt, "and I'm settling for a by-the-numbers dog like you." It felt like her body was reaching feverish temps as Olivia deliriously muttered many more choice statement as she finally reached enlightenment.  "YEES!!" she screamed out. Her shapely hips shook as her juices squirted out of her reddened pussy. Olivia's knees wobbled but the stray seemed to have sensed he did something right since the speed of his licks increased and coated her ass and pussy in his slobber and her excitement. As much as the afterglow of her orgasm would be fun to relish in, it seemed as though her friend had other plans.  "Hmph!" Olivia grunted when the dog laid his heavy body on top of her sweaty own. And without a moment to catch her breath, the dog humped her slick backside, frantically trying to find a hole to bury his bone in. "L-let me help you, sweetie," said Olivia affectionately. She propped herself up and reached around to guide the glowing poker into her slick pussy. Olivia's breath hitched up as she felt the tip making contact with her lips. "BREED ME!" Olivia screamed out, giving in completely to the cocklust. "I don't wanna be a dancer anymore...would people pay me to fuck animals?" she wondered. Since the stray found her most precious place he, simply put, fucked her brains out.  Olivia's modest chest erotically bounced at an insane rate from the rutting of animal cock going in and out of her. Her vision tunneled. If only she could see the stallion that was fucking her way better than any mortal man could ever hope to try. "Dogs dogs dogs... I looove dogs," moaned Olivia. The knot went inside of her without a hitch and Olivia's slender body tightened as another orgasm drenched the dog and herself. The force of the dog's fucking that smashed into her legs was sooo nice. Olivia's pussy and mouth drooled because of the dog and it didn't look like it was going to end anytime soon. Out of the corner of her eye, Olivia laser-focused on another - gray-haired this time - stray with an erect red cock that bounced with every step. And it was coming right for them.  Before Olivia could even greet the beautiful dog it jumped up and shoved his cock down her throat. A welcome change to be sure, but a quick one. "Guh!" Olivia choked on the cock but thanks to the healthy helping of musk that paralyzed her she easily got the dog nice and slick in a matter of seconds. The two perfect beasts spitroasted her with ease. There was nowhere in the world that Olivia would rather be. It didn't look like a third dog was going to show up sadly but at least the most important holes were filled!  Over time both dogs thrusts and pants grew more and more wild and desperate, obviously yearning to cum. Olivia was a good bitch so let her boys cum she shall. She pushed her head and ass as far down the dogs' cocks as she could, all for the reward that she'll get once their yummy cocks stopped swelling. Spurt Spurt Spurt Boiling hot cum shot out of the slick cocks and both dogs howled in unison at the human girl they just knotted into oblivion. If Olivia could speak right now it would surely be screams of passion to her lovers. Shot after shot of sticky cum overloaded her senses and even though Olivia was damn sure she was the best dog cum guzzler in he world at the moment, her best efforts were for naught as cum rushed out of her mouth and fell to the dirty street. Olivia's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she bathed in the glow and scene of the dicks that absolutely flooded her entire being. Cum was leaking out of her and her pussy and mouth was stained with white. Very faintly, she could hear some footsteps. "I finally caught up with you," said Tharja, "Don't go near any do- Oh." she abruptly finished, seeing the cum-soaked scene in front of her. "Helllllooo TharThar!" gurgled Olivia. Cum spilled out of her mouth and and mixed in with the already-wet ground. "Do you have any more cockcocktions? I wannnna~" Olivia pantomimed a cock going in and out of her mouth. "Fuck more dogs!"
Chapter 1 - MMF
"KAZUMAAAAA!" Aqua whined for the umpteenth time that day, "You know I didn't mean toooo!"  Like nails on a chalkboard, she blubbered about how the debt was "something anyone could've racked up" and "he should've really kept an eye on the tab". As far as the crocodile tears went, Kazuma was unfortunately used to her whole spiel by this point. He waved her off and flashed the eviction notice in her face again. "How the hell do you expect us to pay this?! I seriously doubt those party tricks of yours will make us this much money in a week!" Kazuma snapped at her angrily. "Ah, you worry too much Kazuma. I'm sure you have enough crap to sell for us to make uh," she squinted at the notice, "Four zeroes worth of money!" "That's six zeroes!!" "I'm not great at math, sue me!" "THAT'S WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO US REAL SOON!" While they continued to bicker, two large adventures sharing a pint overheard their very loud conversation. Aqua was pretty famous in general and anyone who was anyone wanted a chance to even speak to her. Anything beyond that was a dream come true. And these two men were about to hit the freakin' jackpot. They both got up from their seats and approached the arguing pair.  "Excuse us. We couldn't help but notice that the two of you are in the need for some dire help," the first one said. Kazuma looked them over, a grin already appearing on his face. Aqua tried waving them off. "No thanks! I'm going to support my buddy Kazuma through these tough times, the thick and the thin!" As she said it there was no doubt in Kazuma's mind that wanted him to steal the funds back. Ignoring her, the second man turned to Kazuma and introduced themselves.  "I'm Beefcake and this is Lloyd," he said and Aqua failed to stifle a snort, "Our names don't indicate it, but we've made a ton of money adventuring for the past few years." Already you could see the gears inside Kazuma's head grinding to make the perfect plan. "Does that mean you want Aqua? Take her if that means the debt is paid off!' said Kazuma excitedly. The two men looked at each other shocked for a moment but immediately regained their composure. "Oh goodness yes, that'd be just lovely," Beefcake said. Lloyd nodded. "I love it when a plan comes together!" Aqua looked back and forth between the pairs, a confused expression on her face. "Huh? Why do I need to go with them?" "Uhh, they want you to do some of your most high-leveled party tricks!" said Kazuma quickly. Lloyd chucked, "She'll definitely learn a few tricks while she's with us," he said darkly. In all honesty, Kazuma could not have given less of a crap since it was Aqua's fault in the first place that they were in the situation to begin with. Besides, he always had Megumin and Darkness to fuck while she was gone. "Oh phew, tricks are more my speed! It's not like I look like some sort of cheap slut who salivates at the first dollar or cock she sees!" Aqua laughed. Kazuma looked her over. "Well...you kinda do. No panties and all, y'know." Beefcake and Lloyd couldn't help but agree with him. Besides. the chance to fuck a Goddess like Aqua was intoxicating. "Man, just because I started a slight tab you're suddenly the big bad wolf and I, the precious sheep, am being unfairly mistreated," said Aqua, to the ears of no one. Beefcake looked at Kazuma, "So.... we'll just take her?"  Kazuma rubbed his forehead, "Yeah just get her out of here." He walked off, showing no concern for the fate Aqua had in store with the two rough and tough adventurers. Beefcake and Lloyd took the overly-compliant Aqua, who was excited to show off her "new and improved water snake trick", whatever the hell that meant. The sun was shining high in the sky, as expected since it was just shy of noon.  Making useless small talk with Aqua as they went back to their room at the inn, blood was already rushing to their cocks with the thoughts of all the positions and acts she was gonna do for the next twelve hours, minimum. "...and I defeated that giant frog just by merely flicking it away! finished Aqua with her dumbass story. "Yeah yeah... that's cool," said Beefcake, uninterested.  "That frog's tongue must've gotten all over you at first, huh?" Lloyd asked. Aqua shrugged, an even larger sense of superiority exuded from her, which was somehow possible. "Yeah but I dried up really nicely! Had to walk relax in my room all naked while my clothes dried though..." The men were basically walking with steel bars in their pants by this point. They made it to the room with no odd looks, thankfully. A few people would've gotten suspicious if they noticed two men walking with full-blown erections and a girl oblivious to all of it. Lloyd opened the door and welcomed Aqua inside first. Her first impressions of the room weren't bad. It was certainly better than what she slept in normally. Their beds looked so fluffy and comfy.. Aqua turned around to the pair of men, who still hung around the door, and froze in horror when she noticed that all of their clothes were taken off. "Wh-wh-what the hell is this?!" Aqua stammered, "I thought you guys wanted my amazing party tricks!" Lloyd laughed at her. "Please, someone as beautiful as you who was taken back to a stranger's room at an inn and you didn't expect this to happen? You naviety is so fucking hot." As if their personalities did a 180, Beefcake was already stalking toward her while Lloyd blocked the door. Aqua clumsily back up, stumbling on her own feet and falling on her ass. Coincidentally, this was also a perfect dick sucking height. The men's bodies were battle-scarred and bulging muscles meant they weren't someone you'd want to get on the bad side of. "Rough and tough" would be the exact words Aqua would describe them as. Lloyd approached even closer while Aqua kept scooting backward, her back eventually hitting the wall. His cock, like Beefcake, was enormous. If she had to guess it would the size of a fucking ruler fully hard. "C'mon!" Lloyd snarled, the faster you get this done the faster you can go back to drinking your precious booze. "No! A Goddess like me won't be degraded in such a way!" snapped Aqua. The two men laughed as if she had a choice in the matter. "Your buddy accepted the deal, and you're going to pay for it." Lloyd said and grabbed her head. Ready to snap a tirade of words on him, Aqua's lips parted and Lloyd took the smart man's route and shoved his cock in her mouth. "MPFF!" Aqua struggled to get away from him, but his grip was like iron. Lloyd watched as tears already began to appear on the Goddess' face as she struggled to even take a breath. His cock rose to its full glory while trapped in Aqua's mouth. The Goddess' mouth made sickly sweet sucking noises as her spit fully coated the dick while was brutally face fucked. Lloyd felt vindictive pleasure as her body was already clearing showing signs of arousal as he could see perky nipples poking out from her shirt. It wouldn't be long until they had every orifice of the Goddess' filled and leaking. He still continued to facefuck her while Beefcake sat down on the couch and watched the pair have sweet sweet time together. "God, I couldn't have imaged a Goddess' mouth alone to feel this good. Different scents were already beginning to fill the room as pre-cum dripped down Aqua's face and filled her mouth constantly. Aqua's tear-stained face was struggling to breathe the whole time, she punched Lloyd's legs, feet, anything just to get him to stop. Too bad Lloyd had his own idea of when to cease the glorious blowjob. "Oh God yes!" Lloyd groaned and without warning, cum filled Aqua's mouth to the brim. Wanting to spit it out, she again struggled to avail and had no choice but to swallow it with the danger of the next shots coming out of her nose. As brutal as Lloyd was with her, Aqua's pussy was positively dripping at the harsh treatment she was facing by him alone. What would Darkness say if she could have a percent of what she already experienced... With a large POP, Lloyd's cock exited Aqua's mouth. The slut licked her lips and even tried to suck her clothes for even a little bit of more cum for herself. The two men had to admit, they didn't expect her to change her tune that quickly. "What the fuck?! Your cock is still hard!" gasped Aqua in a mixture of freight and arousal. Indeed it was, his cock throbbed painfully with the thought of fucking every part of Aqua. Beefcake sat up from the couch. "Enough of this, it's my turn to fuck the bitch." Like Aqua, his sex was dripping with pre-cum. Lloyd stepped aside while Aqua stood up. "P-please wait, I nearly fucking choked on his horse just now." A generous puddle of cum, sweat, and spit was on her clothes and floor. Beefcake laughed, damn near hysterically. "As if you're gonna' even get one break today or tomorrow." Before Aqua could say anything, he picked her up dramatically in his arms and flipped her skirt up. "Put me down fucker! That blowjob was just a fluke!" Aqua didn't seem to get that she wasn't getting away, but it was cute nonetheless at her getting her normal wits about her, even if it was just for a moment. Beefcake's 12-inch monster teased the Aqua's pretty pink entrance. He rubbed his cock all around her slit and thighs, their joint excitement coating her legs and pussy.  "Ngh.." Aqua's face was flushed and her hair a mess already, she didn't want these men to get anything else out of her but there wasn't much she could say when she was literally leaking on a stranger's cock. "Here we go!" Lloyd shoved all inches of his cock into Aqua's fragile body. Eyes wide, Aqua froze up and choked at her body being used as nothing more than a common fleshlight. "OWOWOWO!! Take it out!" Aqua could see her stomach bulging from the amount of hard dick inside her body at the moment. Sweat dripped down her creamy tits and her wet pussy struggled to take the length of the man inside of her. Beefcake and Lloyd did nothing more than laugh cruelly at the Goddess' pain. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as Lloyd mercilessly bounced her up and down on his erect penis himself.  Her juice literally coated everything as it did everything in its power to make the experience more pleasurable for Aqua. Too bad there wasn't a sex class or anything to invest points into. "Oooh my god.." Aqua's tongue lolled out of her mouth like the sluttiest of whores as the man's huge cock destroyed her pussy. Getting fucked in the mouth was child's play compared to this. And as a Goddess' she was going to have to meet this challenge dammit. She faced Beefcake as she clenched her pussy around his cock, feeling like her whole body was meant to pleasure these two strangers. She kissed his neck while Lloyd fondled her breasts.. Aqua's pussy was already red from the brutal fucking. Her tits jumped up and down without abandon and more and more of her fluids just came out of her body without concern. "This this this is amaaaazing.." Aqua wrapped her legs around Beefcake's back as Lloyd appeared behind and ripped her clothes off, fully freeing her breasts. Beefcake, in turn, planted his lips and bit and twisted Aqua's nipples as much as he pleased as if trying to get milk out of her in addition to her sweet honey. Lloyd pressed his huge cock against Aqua's tiny asshole. Her heart dropped at the thought of taking such a monster in that end, but if her ass felt even as half as good as her pussy did at that moment, it would be all worth it. "C'mon!!" Aqua panted, "Fuck my ass!" Lloyd quickly obliged, his applied lube teasing of her butt made it easy to his monster cock to fit in almost just as easily as Beefcake's cock. Aqua hopped on the two men's dicks, a euphoric feeling coming over her. Even if only a short time had passed form them fucking her she never wanted to end. Her body contorted around the men's masculinity, her stomach poked out and god only knows what she'll look like when they cum. A proper slut. The wet slapping noises continued while the men's cocks invaded Aqua's ass and pussy. She felt stretched to the limit and the men were just happy to watch her sexy body follow what they said at their every whim. Pulling his cock out of her, Beefcake took his cock out of Aqua's pussy and shoved his cock into her hungry ass, eliciting a joyful scream from Aqua, who at this point was just an open-mouthed whore. No doubt Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness were fucking the shit out each other while she had two strangers getting her off much better instead. Her vision was beginning to swim while the large men tag-teamed her. Cowgirl, missionary, doggy, all of those positions came naturally to Aqua as they demanded it from her. The best thing about it was they would basically cum throughout the session, so over time Aqua would become drunk with salty cum her new friends gave her. Lloyd and Beefcake watched stunned as the Goddess kept up with her antics, despite slowly becoming more and more filled with cum and an insatiable need to be filled with anything phallic. Again and again, their cocks would fill the greedy cum goddess and they'd fulfill their every wish. Aqua even used her best party trick, "Endless Waterfall" to keep her lithe body wet and almost slippery to keep the men wanting to her themselves against her perfect body. She wasn't called a Goddess for nothing, of course. At least she though Endless Waterfall was a party trick. Either way, this was becoming her favorite party of her life. At the end of the day, the two men took their large cocks and came on in and out of Aqua through the rest of the day and night. The new day brought a delirious sleep-deprived, cum and cock-addicted Aqua begging for them to keep fucking her before she passed out. Too bad they still had a job to do. They dumped Aqua's body at the door to their room and left, not before giving her their contact info of course. Aqua, the Goddess of Cum, laid the doorstep of the team's door with an obscene amount of cum swishing in her body and for everyone to see. A fat stack of cash laid in a large bag next to her. Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness opened the door and saw the unconscious Aqua in surprise. It only took a few seconds before they figured out what to do next. "I call cleaning her up!" Darkness moaned.
Chapter 3 - Howls in the night - Wolves, Beastiality
Lyariana was walking amongst the tress, it was only a few hours ago that she had met the large stag, and his seed was still warm in her womb, she shuddered at the recollection. She had not noticed the forest getting darker and darker, and eventually night was upon her, she stopped and looked around, she should have been back by the Grove with the other dryads by now. Suddenly the air was pierced by a howl and she spun around, another followed, she gulped, knowing that the wolves of Ashenvale have a ferocious appetite, she looked around for a hiding place, but found nothing, and began to run, faster and faster it went through the woods, but by now, Lynriana was infact afraid, one of the few rare times in her life, however, after a moment she stopped, “Wolves wouldn't harm her, would they? She's a dryad, afterall, friend of all beasts.” Before she finished her though, she was surrounded by glowing yellow eyes piercing from the darkness all around her. She gulped, looking around, a large white wolf slowly stalked into the clearing, sniffing the air to get her scent, she remained rigid, making no movement that could startle the wolf. However, the wolf did not seem interested in eating her, instead his muzzle slowly delved closer and closer to her kind quarters, which were still quite soaked from her earlier bout. Then she felt it, a warm wetness caressing up across her sex, causing her to shudder, the wolf was licking her! Ofcourse, she should have expected this by now. Another lick make her knees buckle, and she dropped to the ground on all four, looking behind her at the wolf, who continued to lap at her with his tail wagging, beneath him, an engorged red member visible. “Beats eating me, I suppose..” she muttered to herself and spread her hindquarters further for the wolf, who quickly took notice of the gesture and leapt on her back, his hips already thrusting against her, alas in vain. A few moments went by as the wolf adjusted himself, but then she felt it, his long hard prick slipping just past her lips, the wolf felt it too, as he howled with renewed vigor and rutted her even deeper, fully embedding himself in her now. The dryad bit her lip with a moan, the wolf claiming her tunnel and quickly turning it soaking with her juices again, over and over he pumped into her without any notion of slowing down, the already abused dryad unable to resist, moaning and panting in her heat. The wolfs labored grunting bought her back to reality, she felt the large knot at the base of his cock suddenly invade her folds, looking them together, stretched further than she had ever been she shuddered in a climax, her insides tightening up and milking the wolf, who with no objections unleashed his watery seed into her depths, prolonging her climax. Locked in place for some time, the wolf lapped at her naked back, but eventually he left her, not for long, though, because the moment he was gone, a new wolf was already ontop of her, rutting her with the same needy thrusts. He too managed to breach her tunnel and begin to mate her furiously. Pummeling her tunnel full of his hard red cock, causing Lyn to moan out uncontrollably. Panting she looked around herself as she regained some stamina, still with the wolf ontop of her, humping away at her depths, more eyes had appeared, there was now, some thirty pairs in total. This was going to be a long night.
Chapter 4 - Cocky green men - Orcs, Bondage, rape.
Lynriana found herself blinking from the sharp daylight piercing the canopy, she was rather foggy at first, but quickly the memories of last night flooded into her mind, of how she had managed to entertain an entire pack of wolf, several times, before they had left her, she looked around at the small clearing, the evidence obviously clear, you wouldn’t need to be a criminal detective to figure out what happened here, the ground was plastered in cakes of dried pools of lupine cum, caked with patches of grey fur which had been sheared during the passionate bouts. She took a moment to get her bearings, before with a yawn standing up on her four dainty legs. Only to drop right back down, with a groan, her backside throbbing painfully with the memory of the more than thirty wolfs having a go at it last night, she sighed, and moved a hand to stroke her flank, infusing it with some light nature magic, just to dull the pain, before she got up and quietly trotted off into the forest to scavenge some breakfast. She was absentmindedly walked through the forest, peering here and there at bushes to see if they carried berries or not, not paying much attention to where she was going, the images of yesterday still replaying over and over in her head. Eventually she found herself on a road, looking around she couldn’t see anything, but the soft pant of a breath made her cautious. Suddenly out of the blue, before she managed to react a net came flying, easily trapping the surprised dryad, tripping her and bringing her to the ground. She fought her bonds, but in doing so only trapping herself further. Eventually she realised the futility in it all and sighed, laying still. Then she noticed the two burly figures towering above her, recognizing their large jagged tusk, piercing eyes and green skin, orcs, no doubt about it.. And they were grinning at her too. She was just about to cry for help when she reconsidered, they had captured her for a reason, not simply killed her, if she did they might’ve just. She decided to wait it out and see what happened. One of them leaned down to pick her up, net and everything, tossing her across his shoulder, she wasn’t very comfortable in this position, but she managed to stay still enough that the ropes didn’t gnaw too much. She had no clue where the orcs where taking her, because she could not understand what they were saying in their crude orcish tongue, but it was apparently a jolly conversation, judging from the occasional laugh or chuckle. Eventually she was tossed forcefully to the ground, she didn’t know how much time had passed, but it seemed to become darker, then she felt a sharp pain on her flank and looked towards it, seeing one of the orcs having poked her with a sharp needle, after a few moments her head went dizzy and she collapsed, only barely registering what was happening as the net was removed and her four legs was tied together, her arms behind her back as well, then a soft silken blackness enveloped her head. When she woke up she found her legs and arms bound, and her mouth gagged as well. Slung across a log, while an orc were preparing a large fire pit, behind her an orc was broking her flanks, she attempted to kick him, in futility. The orc grinned and spoke on a rough common “Feisty, hmm? Perhaps we need to tenderize you first.” Without more warning her forced a fat finger deep into her still sore hole, twisting it around, he would grin as she whimpered in reaction. “Ooh, Look at this one, She’s eager.” The other orc briefly glances over and grunted, before returning to his work. The first continue to Finger Lynriana for a while longer, pushing a second finger into her, forcing them to the knuckles, before retrieving them, eyeing them as glistening wetness coated them. “Don’t tell me you enjoy being bound up, dryad.” He laughed, before shuffling behind her, flipping his crude loincloth aside to revealing a large throbbing green manhood which he rested against her petals. She moaned out, still so sore from last night, and the orc took advantage of that, despite her attempts to keep herself silent, it as impossible, every touch of her sore hole made her quiver, even though she was disgusted by each and every one of them. Then it happened, she could feel the orc push himself forward, the large green cock sinking into her depths, causing her to shudder and groan out loudly, causing both orcs to chuckle. Once hilted, he began rutting her backside eagerly, hammering into her flanks as the green tool sank in and out of her depths.   She hated it, every time that engorged green shaft desecrated her sensitive wet insides, It wasn’t as if she enjoyed it, but her body could not reject the sparks of pleasure jolting through it, so she settled for biting down on her lip, and ride I out. Every single thrust almost sent her on the verge of a climax, as if the wolfs hadn’t been enough, she was about to reward this orc for ravaging her. The orc thrusting away at her backside eagerly, enjoying every shudder he milked from the dryad. “Come now little doe, show me how much you enjoy being defiled, cum for me.” He was even cruel enough to pick up his pace, almost hammering into her depths with the same ferocity as the wolves. This was what crossed the line, and unable to hold herself any further, she tensed and quivered as her nectar sprayed out around the orcish member buried in her depths, she closes her eyes in defeat and shame, but the orc only laughed “Good girl.” He taunted her, before with a few quick thrusts hilted himself, letting his thick acrid spunk fill her depths. The orc relished in the feeling of her quivering tight warm depths milking him, before he got up, speaking a few lines of orcish to his comrade with a grin. They swapped places, the first taking up the work, while the other moved over to Lynriana, he kneeled down beside her, and roughly grabbed her hair, pulling her face closer to his, growling out. “I think my brother is being too nice to your kind, I’ll show him how to treat prisoners.” He tossed her head away in disgust with a grunt, settling behind her, he wouldn’t even bother with foreplay, simply flicking his loincloth aside to expose his own green throbbing erection, larger even that his comrade, then he positioning himself against her warm petals and forced himself forward. Lynriana cried out, being ravaged the second time did not comfort her one big, especially not when the second time as less considerate, he pummel away with a single goal in mind, filling her depths, her pleasure was irrelevant, she was simply a cocksocket for the orc to enjoy, and he made sure she continued to understand that. After what had been, probably thirty minutes, Lynriana hadn’t bothered paying attention anymore, she had sunk into her mind to find happier memories to comfort herself with. However, the Familiar throbbing of the orcish meatpole bright her back to reality, just in time to feel a second wave of warm orcish seed spill into her. She could almost not keep herself from crying, but she needed to be strong, these orcs could not see how weak she actually was. The second orc got up and returned to his work, without as much as paying the dryad a second glance, it looked like the orcs were done, for now.  
Chapter 5 - Daughters of Elune - Night elves, Incest, Futa.
Lynriana would’ve laid on the ground for at least, two three hours, while the orcs where busy with their own thing. And it seemed like they were once more growing restless, she feared the worst. But the orcs were interrupted as arrows suddenly hailed out from the forest, pinning the orcs full like a pair of needle-cushions, they dropped to the ground dead. Out from the underbush stepped a pair of tall graceful women, Lynriana instantly recognised the sure signs of Kaldorei and flailed in order to get their attention, it worked and they quickly rushed to her rescue. First removing the gag, before setting in work to remove the bonds, “T-thank you.” Stuttered Lynriana, as she was finally freed. The elves nodded “It is good that we found you in time, daughter of Cenarius, I dread to fear what those rocs might have done to you.” Lynriana lowered her head in shame “I fear they already did horrible things to me,” unable to hide the evidence of her abused hindquarter. The elves frowned nodding. “You still live, however, that in itself is a blessing considering what these brutes have done to many other of you and our kin.” Lyn nodded in agreement, “Indeed.” It was a grim thought. She’d think a moment, before eyeing up the two elves properly, both women, both tall and proud, dressed like the warriors of their kind. Their skin was a light purple, which almost glowed in the moonlight, while their hair was a deep emerald, they looked remarkably similar, Lynriana guessed that they might be sisters, and she was right, as the elves introduced themselves. “Kiara Starsword.” “-And Niara Starsword.” They said, almost interrupting each other before they chuckled. “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Lynriana.” The dryad said, as she stood back up on wonky legs, one of the elves were kind enough to lean in and support her, rewarded a thankful nod. “Hmm. So, how can I repay my liberators?” The elves considered this. “Spend the night with us, so that we can make sure that you’re healthy?” Lyn saw no reason to disagree and went with it. “All right, I can do that.” So she went along with the elves to their camp, half an hour’s travel away, nestled in a small secluded glade surrounded by cliffs and trees. The perfect hideout, here she found a large tent, able to hold the two elves, and then some, a fireplace and another tent full of sacks and boxes, supplies, most likely. She looked around, inspecting the campsite. “This is a nice place.” The elves smiled and bowed. Thanking her in unison. Lynriana spend most the next days with the Sisters, getting to know them better and better each day, she would have settled for sleeping a little outside the camp, as she preferred being surrounded by the wild, but she had grown fond of the pair, and one night she decided to sleep just on the outskirts. This one particular night, she wasn’t especially tired, so she simply lied down to enjoy the sounds of the wild, until a strange alien noise filled the air. It originated form the camp, and the curious druid couldn’t keep herself from investigating, it sounded like the growls and moans of mating, but that couldn’t be right, they were sisters. As she reached the tent, the noise grew louder and louder, She’d reach out for the tent’s front flap with a trembling hand, quickly yanking it aside, to find inside, two naked elves, pressed tightly against each other, sweating an moaning, one on her back with her legs spread wide open, while the other as leaned across her, thrusting her hips into the one below, they quickly looked out at the dryad as the tent flew open and froze, the one beneath, Niara, blushed deeply and hid her face in the bear fur blanket, the other Kiara, grinning up at the dryad. “My, my. We seem to have a spectator. Why don’t we put on a show for our quest, Nia?” Grinning she slowly began moving herself again, pushing up into her sister; Lynriana didn’t know what caused Niara to moan like she did, until she noticed the shaft of meat between the girls, moving back and forth. Gasping she stepped back, the tent closing behind her, a giggle sounded form within, before a stark naked Kiara, and a slightly more reluctant naked Niara stepped out. Now Lynriana could see Kiara’s cock in full view, and admittedly she was impressed. “T-that’s. a-.” she managed, Kiara simply nodded. “I was born, like this, in our young years we didn’t care much. But, as we grew older, I started to have, urges, Niara was the first to help me relieve them. As we grew older still, we continue, only growing closer and closer, until we were inseparable, mates, as much against nature as it is.” Lyn could only listen to the tale in wonder “That is.- I don’t know what to..- you must be really close.” The two sisters nodded in Unison. “We’d like to share out bond with you, at least for the night, it’s the least we can do for you, and the company you’ve provided these past few days.” Niara nodded slowly, yet she was a lot more timid than her sister, who was already now moving around to the dryads backside, running her hand along her flanks. “What do you say?” Lynriana did not say anything, simply stared at the two elves for a while and nodded, reaching out for Niara to pull her into her bust, which surprised the timid elf quite a bit. Kiara took advantage of the moment and slipped behind the dryad, running a hand along her cervidae sex. Grinning, she quickly aligned her elven shaft, pushing into the crushing tight warmth with a groan, almost coming instantly. Lyriana let out an equally surprised gasp as her cunt was suddenly full of elf, shuddering she squeezes Niara tighter against her bossom. The timid elf finally overcoming her shyness and began lapping and fondling the dryads fleshy orbs. Eventually the dryad ended up on the ground, with her backside into the air, still being humped, with the smaller elf on her back, legs invitingly spread and the dryad eagerly lapping at her petal, catching droplets of sweet nectar, eventually the elves, in unison climaxed, soaking her in juices from both ends, her face sprayed by the female release, eagerly lapping what she could, while her backside was forced deeply into before a familiar warm began spreading in her depths, causing the dryad to purr, as she was being pumped full of the warm gooey elven seed. Kiara pulled out setting herself besides the pair, licking a patch of her sisters release from Lynriana’s cheek. “Enjoying yourself?” She teased, grinning at the pair. This nodded in unison. ”Good.” Kiara spoke again, and gestured to her shaft, which was soaked in the Dryads juices, she leaned down and eagerly began milking it, while the two sisters began making out above her. Eventually the shaft was clean, and without paying the dryad much attention anymore, the two elves resumed their passionate mating, which was so “rudely” interrupted. After several attempts at making contact, Lynriana gave up. She moved to the supply tent, found a piece of parchment and a piece of coal “I’ll let you two have your fun, I’ll be on my way, but I’ll no doubt visit you again.. just send an owl if you want a visit! The owl will now what to do.” Then she left the clearing, and headed into the woods, the moaning growling lower and lower in the background, and eventually drowned in the nightly ambience of the woods.  
Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: The Agent
  The Spider and the Goddess   Chapter 9: The Agent   -Avenger’s Tower-   Jessica Drew AKA Spider-Woman, the original Spider-Woman that is, she forgot how many others had taken up the name since she started calling herself that. Things has changed for her yet again, which was the story of her life by this point.   Given the whole deal with her father’s work being funded by Hydra so she herself had been recruited into the group (although in her defense she had no way of knowing what Hydra was at that point), after being shown who she was really looking for she had joined SHIELD, then the Avengers,  she had lost her powers, regained them, became a PI for a short time, lost her powers again and when she turned to Hydra of all people to get them back.   That had turned into more of a mistake than she knew it had been, turned out they had all been Skrulls and although they did give her powers back the next thing she knew she had woken up with others on a Skrull ship. Then she had learned something that had really hurt, the bitch Queen of the Skrulls had used her face to get around and do all kinds of things.   It had taken her a lot of time and effort to get people to forget she had been a former Hydra agent and now with this she felt like she was back to square one.   She was walking through the tower in her usual red and yellow costume, she saw a few of her fellow team mates in the lounge. Logan the mutant known as Wolverine was there with the new Captain America, Bucky Barnes as they were talking.   “Hey guys what’s up?” She asked and there it was. The thing she hated, that split second of silence as they looked at her. It didn’t last long but she hated it, he knew what was going through their minds, for a split second they were actually questioning if she was the real her or not.   Of course she was and it never lasted long but she still hated it because she could tell. Hell she swore she saw Logan sniff the air just out of habit to get her scent.   “We were just talking about Logan wanting a bit more time away,” Cap told her.   “Things at the school have been getting busier so I might not have as much time to be here as I used to,” Logan explained.   “Okay then, I won’t bother you then,” Jessica put on a fake smile and walked off as soon as she was out of the room she dropped the act. She frowned as she felt like punching something, she was so sick of this and it was making her frustrated.   She sighed and sat down at the kitchen island as she fumed over things she couldn’t change.   She had no idea how long she had been there before someone was walking in, “Hey Jessica you’ve seen Carol anywhere?”   She turned to see Spider-Man or Peter Parker as he was known to her, she was actually one of the few people that did know who he was. Only a few Avengers did back when they were running from Osborn when he was in charge of the world.   “Sorry she got called away for something,” Jessica told him.   “Well that sucks,” Spider-Man sat down placing a DVD on the table. “I got this to watch with her.”   Jessica looked at the case and raised an eyebrow under her mask, “Ghostbusters?”   “Did you know she’s never seen it?” He asked her.   “Wait what?”   “Yeah kind of my reaction too, apparently she’s been too ‘busy’ to watch it,” He shrugged. “So I wanted to get her to finally watch it but it looks like I’ll have to try again another time.”   To be honest he wanted to make a date out of it with Carol, well he would have to save this for later. Then he noticed Jessica seemed kind of down in the dumps.   “Hey are you okay?”   Spider-Woman glanced at him thinking about if she should just play it off and say she was fine but part of her just wanted to someone to listen to her.   “Hey come on, we spider themed heroes should stick together,” He joked lightly with her. “Besides we’re also teammates and if you got a problem that I can help with you just need to ask.”   Jessica felt a bit better that someone wanted to help her although she wasn’t sure what it was. She looked at him for a moment studying him. It was hard to say if he ever gave her those looks, his mask covered up his entire face and she couldn’t see his eyes. His body language had said that he never did at least but she couldn’t be sure.   She might consider talking to him if only he would take the mask off so she could at least see his face. Then she would be able to tell what he might be truly thinking about. She knew that he would never do that in the Tower, a few of the other heroes didn’t know who he was and he wasn’t ready to let every hero know who he was.   “Tell you what, if you know of a decent place where we can talk without costumes I might consider it.” Jessica told him as maybe getting away from everyone else might help her out too.   Peter thought about it, “You know, I just might know the place.”   -Downtown-   Peter and Jessica walked into the bar, it was a very nice looking place, had the older style stools with now back to them, solid wood bar was sitting against the wall with a large selection of drinks with the mostly squared bar. A few people were working behind it as Peter led her to a spot at the bar with two free chairs.   Both of them weren’t in costume but in plain clothing.   “I got showed this place by Jen once,” Peter explained as She-Hulk had taken him here, in costume and no one blinked once. Apparently it was a place that saw a lot of traffic for those in costume sometimes low level villains showed up now and then, thankfully no one in costume was showing up tonight.   They ordered their drinks from one of the staff as they took a first sip of their drinks.   “So what’s got you so down?” Peter asked her.   She signed thinking about where to start, “I’m just sick of the looks I keep getting.”   “Looks?”   She sighed, “You know that I’m going to turn into a Skrull or something.”   “Ah yeah that,” Peter took another sip. “You shouldn’t take it personally.”   “Now the fuck shouldn’t I take it personally?” She asked with a hint of bitterness to her voice taking a larger drink. “I’ve work with some of these people for years and you would think they would know me better than that.”   “People were really messed up with that whole thing,” Peter told her as he tried to explain it. “You have people you thought you knew turn out to be someone else entirely. That can really mess with you and you know they don’t mean anything by it. It will take time but eventually things will get back to normal.”   “Back to normal?” Jessica nearly sneered at the comment bitterly. “You have any idea what it’s like to be mistrusted by everyone? To have all your actions questioned by everyone?”   “Have you met me?” Peter asked her seriously. “Or did you forget that ever since I’ve worn the mask that I’ve had a major newspaper telling the world that I’m a menace to society?”   Jessica looked away having forgotten that, he had dealt with this kind of thing for years. She felt a bit of an idiot for venting at him like that after all, if anyone knew what she was feeling it was him. She had only been dealing with this for a month and he had been dealing with it for years.   “Sorry about that.” Okay now she felt a bit like a jerk. She shouldn’t have taken her tension on the whole thing out on him. Hell, he had offered to hear her out and try to help her out which did show that he was a pretty nice guy.   “I have to know, what’s your secret?” Jessica asked him seriously. “Most people would get a chip on their shoulder by now with all the crap you’ve had to deal with.”   Peter seemed to think about it taking a drink, “Well mainly because I have these powers and I have a responsibility to use them to help people. At first I wanted nothing more than fame and money but then…” He paused as a small amount of grief flashed over his face.   Jessica actually was surprised he could even look like that, he normally joked all the time and rarely got serious but here he was and the expression was serious.   “I had to learn the hard way that all that doesn’t really mean anything, I learned what was important and that the lives of others are worth a hell of a lot more than either fame or money.” Peter wished in his youth he knew now what he knew back then.   “So in the end I don’t care what they say about me,” Peter told her honestly. “I do what I do and I help people, save lives and even save the world now and then. What I do is more important than what other people think about me.”   “So it never bothers you?” She asked.   “Oh sure it bothers me,” He replied. “But I know that eventually people will see me for who I am by what I do and not what other people say about me. I’m treated a lot better these days then when I first started out, hell most cops don’t even yell at me anymore,” he smiled at her throwing in a joke.   Despite herself she did smile shaking her head, “You really are an odd guy.”   “Yep but that’s my charm,” Peter pushed away from the bar. “If you’ll excuse me I need to take care of something.”   She nodded knowing he was going to the bathroom.   Jessica finished her drink looking at the small remains of the liquids slide on down. She did feel a bit better now talking it out with him. It might take some time but eventually everyone would stop thinking she was going to end up turning green and alien on them. She was wondering if she should order another when someone took her glass.   “Need a refill honey?”   Jessica looked up to see the female bartender across from her and actually was surprised. The woman in front of her barely fit into her uniform in all the places, hell it looked like her top was nearly ready to burst even with the few top buttons undone. Her red hair was tied into a ponytail but it was those light blue eyes that seemed to hold Jessica’s gaze. She had never seen eyes that blue before and for a split moment she was shocked that she felt a small stab of attraction towards the woman.   She got herself back together as she had never thought of another woman in that way and didn’t need another issue in her life.   “Sure thanks,” Jessica told her.   “So where’s your date?” The woman asked as Jessica noticed that the nametag read ‘Rose’ on it.   “He’s not my date,” Jessica said quickly.   “Really?” The woman smirked at her as she passed a new drink, “Didn’t seem that way to me, you seemed really comfortable with him.”   “He’s just…helping me sort some things out,” she quickly took a drink of the glass feeling the liquid burn slightly on the way down. Even though it was the same drink it certainly tasted a bit different, nothing unpleasant but for some reason she felt a heat building up in her more so than what alcohol usually did by this point.   “Too bad,” She then cast a longing look to where Peter walked off to. “He’s kind of cute, is he single?”   “As far as I know,” She took another drink, was this a stronger drink or something? She wondered feeling the drink hit her a bit harder than normal.    “Well what’s the problem then since you obviously don’t have anyone either?”   Jessica cast the woman a glare, “why wouldn’t I have someone?”   The woman smirked, “Because if you did you would be here with him rather than with the one you’re with now. Honey I’ve seen it all and trust me a good partner is hard to find some days, hell maybe you just want a good lay since I can tell it’s been awhile for you.”   Jessica went back to her drink not wanting to answer that one, she really didn’t want to talk about her love life. Hell she worked with Peter on the Avengers having a relationship, well she was going to say it could be bad but thinking about it everyone hooked up with everyone at some point. Hell She-Hulk and Black Widow slept around and Tony wasn’t any better, if not worse than those two. Sometimes it just seemed like the Avengers were for lonely heroes to get together, fuck and then break up and look for someone else on the team.   Plus for some reason she was starting to feel a little horny at the moment, maybe it was the drinks? Sure sometimes she got like that when she drank but only a few times, plus she had never had sex with Peter before and suddenly the thought entered her mind on what it would be like with their spider powers.   ‘What am I thinking?’ She chided herself. ‘He was being a nice guy and what, just ask him back to my place for a thank you fuck? I do feel better talking to him, god now I can’t stop thinking about it thanks to that bartender.’   “You know if you don’t mind then how about I ask him back to my place?” The female bartender said almost echoing Jessica’s thoughts. “I mean I’m getting off my shift soon and I could use a nice man to curl up to tonight.”   Jessica wasn’t sure but she suddenly felt like this woman was walking into her territory and she didn’t like it.   “Well I got to get someone else a drink but give the cutie this for me will you?” She passed a small note to Jessica.   She looked at the note when the woman was gone and found it was a number on it. Jessica again felt a slight twinge of jealousy, sure they weren’t together but he came here with her to help her out not to pick up some strange woman.  He was with her after all, well not ‘with’ her not like that, but still it was a little off putting. She took another sip of her drink.   After all Peter was helping her out listening to her and why couldn’t that woman see that Peter was sitting with her and was spending time with a woman, what kind of person hit on a guy that was already with someone?   “She’s not that pretty anyway,” She muttered under her breath although she knew that wasn’t true but saying it helped make her feel better.   “Hey I miss anything?” Peter asked her as he sat down.   “Nothing much,” Jessica hid her hand with the note in it and balled it up and let it drop to the floor. “Have another drink.”   “Sure why not,” He waved his hand to get another drink.   Jessica was thankful she didn’t see that busty woman anywhere near Peter at the moment. Maybe it was time to get to know Peter a bit more, outside of work that was. He seemed like a nice guy so maybe it was time to see just how nice of a guy he was.   They spent the next hour drinking and talking to each other, finding out what the other had interests in, swapping stories of course those stories had to be edited around civilian people who were in ear shot. Jessica found herself actually relaxing for once, all the tension and stress was just melting away with him. With the more she drank the more she found herself feeling something else as well.   Jessica had been internally debating with herself for some time now and it seemed her instincts were winning out over her reason. She unbuttoned the top of her blouse feeling hot as she was too well aware of her thighs rubbing together to try and ‘scratch that itch’ as it were.   “Hey Peter can I ask you something?” Jessica leaned to the side supporting her head with her hand giving him a slight look at her exposed cleavage. “You want to get out of here?”   ‘Oh boy,’ Peter knew where this was going, ‘Jeez just what the hell is going on with my life? Well she did ask and it’s not like I’m not fucking someone I work with on the Avengers already. Plus she is so damn hot, god why am I so horny right now?’   Peter had no way of knowing that she had been subconsciously using her pheromones not that she needed to but it was already starting to jump his libido.   “Sure, what did you have in mind?”   She only smiled as she grabbed his hand as they quickly paid and left the bar.   ‘Rose’ had been watching the two leave as she smirked to herself.   ‘Mortals are so easy,’ Aphrodite thought to herself. She had seen an opportunity to play around and all it needed was a little kick to that woman’s drink.  It was nothing major just something to put her in the right mood and she would sit back and let nature take its course. Yes she knew the spell on Peter would most likely work the more he got her interested but this was just a short cut in her eyes.   “Hey who are you?”   She turned to face another bar tender who was looking at her suspiciously.   “I’m Rose, I’m here to fill in,” she explained.   “Fill in for who?” He didn’t remember anyone calling in sick tonight.   She smirked as she sensually walked up to him and ran a finger down his chest looking into his eyes with a passionate look. “Why bother wondering who I’m filling in for I’d rather talk about whose going to fill me up in a minute.”   “W-wha?” He gulped as her voice seemed to drip with sexual energy.   “Come on, you’ve never fucked someone in the back room before?” She teased him. “I promise to make it worth your night.”   The man thought about it before calling over his shoulder that he was taking a break to the other bartender.   Aphrodite smirked, mortals were just so easy.   -Jessica’s Apartment Complex-   Jessica led him to him to her apartment as she used her pass code to get through the door. It was a fairly new building thankfully when she returned she found that her imposter had good taste and since it was all in her name, why not move in. Since the Skrull Queen had been being ‘her’ the entire time the place was in Jessica’s own tastes. Hell some of her own stuff that had been in storage since her ‘death’ had been in the place. She got them to the elevator as she felt an excitement build up in her, it had been some time since she got laid and honestly the more she thought about it the more she wanted to try it with Peter.   Hell so many times she heard the questions like ‘are you spider-man’s sister?’ or ‘are you his girlfriend?’ or what was her relationship to him. Honestly it was just a twist of fate that she ended up with spider powers and hers weren’t even the same as his. She wasn’t even aware that she had been pumping out her pheromones the more they got to her place. It was a side effect of her powers, when she got turned on the more pheromones she pumped out from her body.   She noticed it a bit but it was Peter that really seemed to be on edge on the cab ride over here. They had secretly been slowly feeling the other up in the back seat. Peter hand his hand over her exposed thighs going up her skirt as the two kissed lightly on the way. She ran a hand over his own leg going up until she felt the hard length under his jeans and she smiled, this was definitely going to be fun. Both of them felt that the cab had taken too long.   By the time they got out of the cab and paid they didn’t even noticed they overpaid as she quickly got the security door open and they rushed to the elevator. Thankfully they didn’t have to wait long before the elevator doors opened. They rushed in as she hit the bottom for her floor and quickly captured Peter’s lips with her own.   They hungrily clung to each other, passionately kissing each other as their hands roamed over each other. Peter pressed her up against the wall as the elevator seemed to be taking forever as he managed to push her long black hair aside to attack her exposed neck. She moaned wrapping one of her legs around his waist. She couldn’t wait, she needed some kind of release if only to take the edge off.   “Just fuck me right here!” She told him as she kicked out with her foot and actually managed to hit the emergency stop with her flexible and agile body.   “Really?” Elevator sex, that was a new one for Peter.   “I can’t wait, just once before we get to my place,” She told him hiking up her skirt to expose her purple panties. He could already see the wet spot on them and smell the musky scent of her body.   “No foreplay?” He joked undoing his pants.   “Fuck foreplay,” Jessica said her hips already moving as she moved aside her panties. “I’m so horny right now I could just die.”   Peter freed himself as his exposed cock sprang free as his pants and underwear hit the floor. She grabbed it and helped him position himself inside of her. Both groaned after finally being linked together, Jessica didn’t wait humping herself against him locking her legs around his torso as Peter grabbed her nicely shaped ass as he fucked her again the wall.   “Oh god yes! Of you feel so big in me Peter!” She cried out humping him back as hard as she could grunting out with the effort.   “Shit Jessica you’re pussy is so hot right now,” He groaned his hands kneading her ass.   Jessica held him close as she felt all seven inches of him hammering up into her, she panted heavily her hips rolling with his thrusting making him stretch and hit different sensitive areas inside of her. She then noticed the camera in the upper corner. She mentally swore as she forgot that this place had such security. Well it was late, maybe whoever was running the security office wasn’t watching the tape. It wasn’t like they had someone 24-7 on it.   She doubted that the Super was sitting back just watching the cameras but then that thought of being seen fucking Peter by someone she oddly found it kind of a turn on.   “Ugh, god you really just tightened up!” Peter groaned.   “Ugh-oh-god-ah-augh-fuck me-ugh-I’m so close!” She wondered if the camera had sound. God she was really going all out tonight for some reason. Suddenly she felt her orgasm coming closer as she locked up around him nearly whimpering as she wanted it, she wanted to cum so much.   “Jess-I’m close,” He warned her but she didn’t seem to listen as she held on even tighter with her super strength not wanting their mating to end. She cried out suddenly as her pussy tried to milk his cock for everything it was worth. He couldn’t last after that as he slammed her one more into the wall and groaned as he felt his dick pulse several times into her.   The two held each other panting as slowly Peter slipped out of her body as she got her legs back under her.   “Oh wow my legs feel all wobbly,” Jessica muttered as she rearranged her skirt and panties as she pushed the button to stop holding up the elevator.   ‘Fuck I can’t believe I got so lost in it I let him cum inside,’ Jessica thought it was a safe day but she wasn’t sure. It would be just her luck to get knocked up from being stupid like this but it just felt way too good. ‘Well I got some morning after pills.’   Peter had just finished with his pants when the elevator opened up and both were surprised to see an elderly couple waiting.   “Why was the elevator taking so long?” One of them asked.   “Not sure,” Peter said quickly, “might have to get maintenance to take a look at it.”   Both he and Jessica shared a look as they grinned, it wasn’t much longer before they made it to her place. Thankfully the little romp in the elevator helped but as soon as she locked the door behind her she threw herself at Peter kissing him again.   They moved back into her living room as they quickly started taking clothing off each other, nearly ripping them off in some cases. As soon as they were in their underwear she went down to her knees and pulled his boxers down. She saw the seven inch penis in front of her as she licked her lips and engulfed it all in one go.   “Holy shit!” Peter hadn’t expected that so far only Mary Jane and She-Hulk had been able to take all of him but Jessica did it in one go. She greedily sucked on his cock moaning out like it was the favorite thing in her world.   “Damn you’re really good at this,” Peter moaned running his hands through her hair. She was really giving him a full service job, he felt her run her tongue along his shaft, then she would have only the head in swirling it around, even tonguing the small hole at the end slightly.   She took him fully down her mouth again as he felt the tip hitting the back of her throat. She held herself there for a moment sucking the entire thing before pulling back and taking a breath a trail of saliva connecting her open mouth with his cock.   “Jesus girl,” Peter breathed.   “Can I trust you with something?” she asked him.   “Of course,” he replied.   “I actually love sucking cock,” She grinned and took him again she didn’t know why she liked doing this. She remembered the first time she tried with her first boyfriend and maybe it was the rush of it all or maybe it was the power. Here she was with just her mouth having a man under her power. She may have been on her knees at that moment but she was the one in control.   She reached behind her and undid her bra letting it slip as she pulled away and pushed up a little to placed his cock between her round breasts.   “How do these feel?”   “Oh man they feel great,” Peter felt her soft orbs the heat of her skin and body against his penis.   “You ready for another go?” She asked as he nodded his head. She laid back onto her carpet, glad for the nice soft carpeting as she peeled off her panties. She had felt the mixed juices starting to seep into them when she had been giving him a blow job.  Pulling them away and throwing them off somewhere she spread herself grinning up at him.   Peter saw her naked on the ground waiting for him, her nicely round breasts heaved with every breath, seeing her brown nipples already hard and bare pussy glistening as he slowly mounted the woman. He propped himself above her staring down at this lovely woman. Peter eased himself into her as they enjoyed linking up again only this time it wasn’t rushed, they took pleasure in their joining.   Peter reached to cup her face as he bent down to capture her lips in a long slow kiss. She moaned into his kiss cupping his face pulling him close. She felt his strong body on top of hers, those tight muscles she ran her hands over his back feeling the power under that skin. And of course gripping that wonderful ass of his, she broke the kiss to nibble on his ear lobe.   Peter groaned at the sensation of her wet and warm mouth on it he decided to return the favor and attacked her exposed neck. The two started writhing against each other slowly but powerfully moving on the floor. Peter pushed himself up and started to thrust harder into her as their eyes locked both panting out with every move.   Jessica grabbed his face with her hands as she pushed back with his every thrust loving the way he filled her body. They kept it up for a few minutes before Peter wanted to change things up a bit plus he didn’t want to accidentally give her rug burn on the entire backside of her body.   He paused as he got onto his knees holding her hips up making her arch up slightly as now he could thrust into her faster and harder in this position. Jessica rolled her head back loving the new position as he was hitting. Then suddenly he slammed into her g-spot like this making her cry out as she arched her back to the point only her shoulders were touching her carpet.   “Oh so that’s your weak spot,” Peter grinned as he tried to hit that spot again. It took a couple of tries but when she screamed out he knew he got her number now. He thrusts harder and harder into her  as she started to thrash about.   Jessica couldn’t take much more of this, her whole body felt full of electricity and not the kind when she was about to use her venom blasts. She couldn’t stop crying out as she thrusts her hips as fast and as hard as she could but she needed more. She used her hands and placed them behind her head and pushed up so that she was fully arched now but with her arms she was able to keep pushing back to meet him now.   She locked her legs around his hips as with her agility she could be in a position like this for an hour if she wanted to but she couldn’t take anymore.   “I’m going to cum Jessica!” Peter cried out thrusting even faster.   “DO IT!” She screamed as Peter thrust one more time as hard as he could and it was right into her g-spot. She gasped before crying out as her whole body tensed up and started shaking as Peter threw his head back with a cry of his own feeling himself feel like his body was trying to empty his entire balls into this minx.   They fell back onto the carpet in a heap in a tangle of post orgasmic bliss and a tangle of bodies. Both of them needed a much needed breather as their muscles needed time to relax. Peter eventually rolled off her as they lay side by side.   “Oh man that was intense,” Peter sighed.   “I’ve never tried anything like that before,” Jessica admitted as she crawled over. “I think I deserve a treat.”   She placed his flaccid cock back into her mouth now covered in their mixed juices, some women didn’t like the taste but she found out that she didn’t mind it. She pushed her long hair out of the way with one hand as she started sucking him clean but she had no intention of stopping when it was cleaned.   “Wow you really do like that,” He groaned.   She moaned an affirmative as she kept at her work.   Peter laid back and let her work her magic she was really good at this as she closed his eyes and enjoyed her talented mouth. Jessica eventually worked him back up to full length again as she had a wicked idea come to her. She let his cock go giving it a few strokes.   “You know there’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” she smirked at him.   “Do tell,” Peter smiled at her.   She got up and led him to the wall, “I’ve always wanted to see if fucking on surfaces would be interesting.”   Oh this was something Peter had actually done a few times with MJ so he took the lead. He planed his feet onto the wall as he looked to be sitting on it. He held his hands out as she placed her own feet onto the walls, it took a little adjusting as she sat down onto his dick with him holding her hips.   “A little award,” Jessica admitted.   “Lean back,” He told her.   She did holding on to the back of his neck her knees up against the wall. Peter started out slow moving his hips getting her into a rhythm soon she got the handle of it. Jessica was starting to enjoy herself as flung her head back moaning out in pleasure.   “Be sure to hold onto me,” she said.   “Got it.”   With that she flung back all the way supported by his hands on her hips as she let go of her grip around his neck. She was stretched out straight back as they fucked like that, him sitting on the wall and her completely horizontal as she yelled out in cowgirl fashion her hands spread out nearly laughing as she was fucked what felt like in mid air.   “God I wonder if this is what sex in flight feels like,” Jessica laughed.   Now that gave Peter and idea, he wondered if he could work something out with Carol sometime but then she would have to do all the flying, something to think about at least. Still he watched the beautiful woman nearly writhing in pleasure below him, every thrust sent her body jerking, her breasts slightly flattened from her position jiggled with every move, her long raven hair flung wildly about. She just looked so erotic as she started to call his name out.   “Oh Peter, Peter, fuck me Peter, oh god Peter!” She cried out nearly going limp as he thrust into her over and over again.   She never let herself get this crazy during sex before but to hell with it she was enjoying herself. She was reaching another orgasm but it was too soon she was still sensitive after her last one and wanted to make it last.   “Hold on let’s change position,” She told him as she carefully got off him and started crawling up the wall and then onto the ceiling getting onto her hands and knees. “Ever try doggy style upside down?”   “First time for everything,” Peter told her crawling up the wall to join her. He had to place his feet firmly on the ceiling as he bent his knees to get himself lined up with her. He guided himself into her waiting vagina, her lower lips parted for him again as he took hold of her hips and started rocking. She moaned out biting her lower lip slightly rocking back into him, her long hair falling down swaying with every movement.   It was odd being in this position upside down she didn’t mind with her powers she could spend all day upside down like with Peter but the sensation of gravity being completely opposite was unique. She licked her lips at it all, it was all so delicious an experience for her. She had never thought of having sex like this before it was all so new and thrilling experimenting like this.   Peter’s thrusts became harder as his hips slapped against her round ass. It was so weird doing this upside down but he was already starting to wonder if he would talk Julia into this she still had spider powers as well after all.   “Faster Peter, fuck me faster!” She begged him feeling her next orgasm coming.   He increased his pace the slapping sound grew as did their moans as Jessica threw her head around nearly screaming as they fucked quickly. Finally they reached their peak, Jessica screamed out his name as she came after two more thrusts Peter had his own. Calling for her as he emptied himself into her again filling her waiting womb with more of his hot cum.   Peter bent forward feeling her warm smooth skin of her back, they had both worked up a bit of a sweat by this point as his hands caressed her stomach and breasts.   “God…that was…unique to say the least,” Peter groaned out.   “No kidding,” Jessica felt her whole body shiver under his touch. She really wished she had done this years ago with him.   “Got anything else you’d want to try out,” Peter asked her. “Although but I might need a minute or so to recharge.”   “How about we just get into bed for a bit,” she smiled.   “I could go with that,” he agreed as they decided to get off the ceiling as they took it to her bedroom. Both of them got onto her bed cuddling up against each other as they slowly caressed each other.  They slowly kissed enjoying each other’s company spending the rest of the night and a little of the morning in that bed.   Next up Chapter 10: The Virgin   Well please remember to rate and leave a comment, I’m open to any suggestions people might have and maybe even add in certain woman as a one shot if I can swing it.  
Chapter 0 - Defeat of the Sirens
Disclaimer: I don’t own X-Men Evolution or anything about Marvel or make a profit from this. =================================================================== AN: (Important) This is a dark fic and should not be read by anyone under 18 years old. If rape offends you then DON’T read this story just ignore it, don’t complain about it to me either as I warned you about it. This is just an experimental fic I wanted to try and do a fic based on something like this just once. I had this up before but I decided to repost it as someone asked for it. I also edited it slightly. =================================================================== DEFEAT OF THE SIRENS Jean, Kitty, Rogue, Amara were in Lance’s jeep after it was ‘acquired’ and being driven by Tabitha. The girls had been doing their Siren thing for a while now and they all were feeling like nothing could touch them. Using their powers to take down criminals and other scum was making them feel like they were not only doing something worth while but it was a real rush too. “Hey guys check it out!” Amara said to a group that looked like a gang busting up a window of a shop. “Oh yeah it’s party time girls,” Tabitha grinned gunning the jeep to them. The gang itself was named the Reavers, they were just a street gang mostly made up of hard cases. Most were runaways from foster homes or broken homes. They only had each other, and they were also mean and nasty. They made no excuses for what they did, they just figured if like was going to fuck them over then they would fuck it right back. One of the members Davis a nineteen year old who ran off from his home two years back and he never looked back. The gang was his family now, he looked about average blonde hair and grey eyes although what no one knew, not even him was that he was a mutant. His powers were purely impassive and he didn’t even know about them either. He created a field around him that nullified mutant powers. And since no one knew what a mutant was then there was no way to know, or for the Sirens to know what they were going to get into. They noticed a jeep coming at them and they jumped out of the way as five young women dressed to kill stepped out. “Okay you guys are like so totally going to get it now,” Kitty smiled jumping out of the jeep. “Shit are they who I think they are?” One of the gang asked, he heard about some group known as the Sirens. “Fuck it, down the alley fast!” Davis yelled and they ran, the Sirens ran after them. What they didn’t know was that Davis had them run down there for a specific reason. When the Sirens caught up to them they soon found that the alleyway held more member of the gang much more. They were outnumbered but that wasn’t something they were worried about. It was Jean that first noticed something was wrong, she couldn’t feel their minds and when she tried to use her powers to her shock nothing happened. “Guys something is wrong I can’t use my powers.” Tabitha looked to her hands and nothing happened, no energy or anything. Amara tried next and soon enough they figured out something was terribly wrong. The gang members weren’t sure what was going on but they pressed on. The girls however decided to fight back, they weren’t going down easily and powers or no they would fight on. Rogue met Davis and ducked a punch as he rammed a fist into his ribs, the floored him with a haymaker to his face but a sharp pain in the back of her head knocked her to the floor. The others fought on, they managed to hurt the gang, some fell but in the end they were just too many of them. And these were hardened fighters, people who lived on the streets and every day was a fight for survival. In the end through their ruthlessness and sheer numbers they managed to beat the Sirens although it wasn’t an easy fight. Davis wiped his bloody lip feeling the pain there as he looked down at the one that had hit him. His rib hurt and she was slowly getting up, but the last thing he liked was getting smacked around. He had enough of that with his parents and that’s why he left, he hated them and now this little bitch and her friends got into their business, tried to knock them around. Who the hell did they think they were? Well he had enough of this, he was going to teach these bitches you don’t try and take down the Reavers, they all lived on their own because no one wanted them. They had to do what they had to, to survive and he wasn’t going to let this go unpunished. He stepped up behind her and gripped her jacked and pulled it down to pain her arms, “Hold them down guys I’m going to show them what it means to mess with us.” ”What the fuck are you doing?” Rogue yelled out as he dragged her up and threw her over a garbage can. She tried to struggle and he punched her in the kidneys making her grunt in pain. But when she felt him reach for her belt her eyes widen in fear as she thought she knew what he had planned. She started to struggle harder now, trying to kick him in the groin or something. The other girls tried to get up but the gang outnumbered them and held them down. Jean got to her feet trying to run at him but two of his friends grabbed her and punched her in the gut so hard the wind was knocked out of her as she doubled over in pain. Rogue felt him grip the hem of her pants as he pulled them down, now she couldn’t kick but she still struggled. But the fear was on her heart, if her powers had been working she shouldn’t have to worry about this. It like some sick joke on her part the first time she touched someone in years and now she was going to be raped. She had no illusions about any kind of save she knew what was coming, she wanted to cry at this but she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction she felt him rip away her panties. “Leave her alone!” Kitty yelled out. One of the two girls of the gang slapped her face, “Shut it bitch you’ll get yours soon enough!” Kitty didn’t say anything as that thought of her being raped with the others didn’t occur to her she had been thinking too much about Rogue. Davis grinned as he looked at the pale ass as he pulled down his pants this chick had a nice body and he was already hard just thinking about taking her. He freed his erection and he could see that she was putting up a brave face, well he’d see about that. She jumped when he placed the head of his cock at her pussy and then gripping her hips he slammed into her. Rogue screamed out in pain, it was worse then she thought it would be, she was totally dry and he was anything but gentle. He tore through her hymen and buried himself in one thrust. She felt tears in her eyes and tried her best not to cry, but it was hard. When he pulled out it felt like sandpaper against her skin. ”Oh shit I think this fucking bitch was a virgin.” Davis grinned seeing the blood coming out of her. “Well how do you like that?” “Well then give it to her man, show her what it means to fuck with us.” One of the gang members said a few laughing at that. Davis started to thrust without mercy into her body, Rogue whimpered with each thrust it hurt so much. She closed her eyes as she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. The others couldn’t watch as their friend was raped, they heard him grunting and calling her vile things, the slap of his skin on her ass, her pain filled whimpers. Davis couldn’t believe how tight the bitch was, it was a bit easier going with her blood helping to lubricate her body but he knew it was hurting. But that’s the point of this anyway. “Oh yeah feel it! Feel it you fucking whore! Yeah you like that bitch! You like having my cock rape that tight pussy of yours? Come on cry you cum slut, you’re my bitch now!” He cried out, Rogue wasn’t moving now every move made it hurt worse she just wanted it to be over with. She wasn’t listening to him she just kept wanting it to be over with. He raped her for over five minutes and by the end Rogue had tears streaking her face but still she refused to give him the satisfaction of making her cry out or beg. The other girls tried yelling at them or for help but ended up only getting hurt, Amara had nearly her arm broken by one brute. Rogue felt him speeding up and she knew he was close to climax and a part of her was thankful it was nearly over. There was another that wanted to tell him to pull out she didn’t want him to cum inside of her but that was mostly what he wanted. “Argh-argh-fucking bitch-I’m cuming-argh-I’m going-to fucking-cum-oh yeah-right inside you!” Each word was punctuated by a hard thrust and then he finally he sped up and after several short thrust he held himself inside of her as his cock pumped out more and more cum. Rogue wanted the throw up at the feeling of his cum inside of her but at least it was over finally. The other girls were glad as well it was hard to see one of their own brought down like that and they looked with hate at the gang if only they had their powers they would make them pay for this. Davis held himself in until he felt himself getting soft the girl was a nice lay even if she wasn’t into it. He slapped her ass once as he pulled out seeing her try and expel his cum, it was leaking out along with her blood as he pulled his pants back up. “Well this is one hell of a nice fuck, I wonder what the others are like?” “No!” Jean shouted out at them horrified that the rest of them would suffer Rogue’s fate. She hated seeing Rogue there trying not to show any weakness but her shaking body told that she was fighting her tears. “You can’t do this, haven’t you done enough?” A large muscle man in leathers and tattoos gripped the back of her hair making her wince in pain, this was Duke the leader of the Reavers, “Listen bitch you and your friends came into our turf, started some shit you couldn’t finish and now we’re going to make examples out of all of you.” He looked up at the rest of his gang, “Alright tie them up and get them ready. We’ll take them to out home and these girls are going to show us some hell of a time.” “Fuck you, you freak!” Tabitha shouted out at him trying to pull free only getting a punch to her temple making her dizzy. “I think we should gag them just on the safe side,” One of the women with blue dyed hair said. She had a few piercing on her face in various places. “Besides I’m getting annoyed with them bitching.” They forced gags into their mouths from whatever they could find and marched them through the back alleys. Rogue was forced to walk with her pants down as she felt the blood and cum running down her legs. They were marched until they reached a dead end as one of the gang pulled up a large shutter. The girls were forced inside where the gang made their home in the area. It was an old abandoned warehouse they had been converting. There were dirty old mattresses on the floor where they slept, they found that the pluming still worked and there was only one shower and a few toilets. They managed to steel power and cable from a neighbouring building on the roof, no one noticed much of that. The place was home in a way to them, at least those that lived here they were trying to find a better place but this was it at the moment. Each girl was thrust onto a dirty mattress each one knew what would happen to them. “Alright divide up boys,” Duke smiled at his gang, “Something tells me it will take a lot to take the fight out of them to help the others out.” “Which one do you want lover?” Said the other female member of the gang, she went by Shiva, a punk rocker style with blood red hair dye in her hair. She was Duke’s girl and was actually bisexual she loved to help him out with new meet like this. Duke looked them over and grinned, “I’ll take the red head you know I love them.” He grinned at her as they kissed and the warped couple made their way to Jean. By then the gang members took the gags out, no one would hear them here, and they fell upon them as they started to rip off clothing and get to work. Duke had his girl Shiva held her arms down as he went to take her clothing off. Jean kept kicking at him as he tried to take her boots and jeans off. “Hold still you bitch and this will be a lot easier, you don’t want me mad.” Jean just glared back at him. It took some time to get her boots and leather jeans off leaving her in red panties. He took it and just ripped it off of her, Jean wince at the material bit into her skin. He gripped her thighs as he pulled them aside. “Someone take her legs damn it!” Duke yelled and two men did just that. Duke pulled her top up to expose her bra and he ripped that open, “Damn look on the tits in this one,” Shiva said licking her lips. “Oh yeah she’s build for fucking alright,” Duke grinned as Jean knew it was going to happen now no matter what. Duke pulled off his pants and Jean’s eyes looked to the massive penis there he was hung large and long. “Oh yeah he’s going to tare that pussy of yours apart with that thing, trust me on this one,” Shiva whispered into her as she licked her face. She pulled off the gag she wanted to hear her for this. “Oh god please don’t do this,” Jean said softly her heart hammering in her chest already she heard the others screaming or crying or moaning as their rapes started. She couldn’t look she was busy herself. Duke rubbed his cock against her slit and Jean tried to fight him off. Then it happened he thrust into her, “AHHH!” Jean cried out feeling like she was being split open. He thrust again reaching her hymen, “OW! Oh god please take it out! Stop!” Then he gripped her breasts painfully as he thrust in. Jean screamed out loudly, Duke savoured this moment and then he started to pound her. Jean was in more pain then she had ever had, it felt like she was being ripped apart inside and his hands on her chests hurt as well. He went with hard powerful thrusts, “OW! OH GOD! PLEASE! ARRGH! UGH! OWWWW!” Tears were coming out of her eyes as he was slow and methodical with her. He reached down to bite into her breast, nearly breaking the skin, or feeling like he was trying to tare her nipple out. When Jean finally opened her eyes she saw a new horror, there was someone walking around with a camera, they were video taping this. She felt more sick to her stomach and rage then she ever had in that moment but she was too busy with Duke pounding her flesh raw, calling her vile things as he raped her. He raped her for over ten minutes but for Jean if felt a lot longer, then finally with his thrusting became rapid and finally he grunted and slammed his way into her. Jean could feel him pressing up against her cervix as he cam inside of her, his sperm invading her waiting womb. He pulled out panting and Jean got a small moment to relax finally, it didn’t last long. She whimpered as another man took his place and started to rape her as well she just hoped it would hurry and be finished quickly but that thought soured as she knew there would be more men."Oh god I can't wait," one of them said with his pants already off an a hard on showing as he straddled her chest. "I got to fuck these tities." "Go for it man!" one of the men holding her arms down said.He took her breasts and squeezed them together as he started to fuck her breasts. He groaned in pleasure as he used her soft breasts. "Shit guys her tits feel great around my cock." For Jean she couldn't believe she was thinking it but at least it wasn't as bad as the man who was also currently raping her pussy at least her breasts weren't too painful but it was still humiliating as she tried to hold back the sobs and tough it out. She tried to focus on something else, anything else to take her mind away from this hell. "Shit I'm going to cum." A few of the others laughed, "A little quick on the draw huh?" "Shut the fuck up!" he told them angrily. "I'm going to pain this bitch's face with my cum." "Yeah do it, do it!"Jean saw him speed up and closed her eyes and turned her head just in time as he stiffened and groaned. She felt the hot fluids against the side of her face, going into her long red hair, a little landed on her lips and one of her eyes."Yeah that's a good look for you slut," He told her getting off her chest as the other man continued to rape her. At that point Jean broke down and cried, she had been beaten, raped and now humiliated. All the strength went out of her as she just prayed for this night to end soon, to get away for someone to save them. Kitty wasn’t doing much better, a man had her in a full nelson lock with her arm painfully behind her and every time she tried to move he would increase the pressure. But she had to fight back after seeing their plans for her and the others she didn’t want this to happen to her. She tried to kick them as they tried to take her pants off. “Like get the fuck away from me! You’re not touching me you animals!” One of them had enough of this, he punched her hard in her stomach. She groaned out in pain and she loosened up a bit, but then he punched her again, then again, and again. He kept on punching her in the stomach so much she actually threw up after the fifth punch. Her legs had gone week and she felt the tears on her eyes. They had little trouble taking her pants off as others ripped off her top, as soon as they were done stripping her she was thrown onto one of the old mattresses. She tried to crawl away but the pain in her stomach was hard to ignore, she got onto her hands and knees and made for a small crawl but someone gripped her hips the next thing she knew pain exploded inside of her as she screamed out from someone ramming their dick into her once virgin body. Kitty wasn’t like the others she cried freely as she was taken.“Oh yeah like that you little wore, like a big dick in you huh?” her rapist taunted her and she just cried. She never thought anything like this would happen to her. She yelped when someone gripped her hair and pulled her head up seeing a man in front of her sporting an erection. “Open up.” She considered keeping her mouth shut but then the man behind her slapped her ass hard making her cry out, it was silenced as she was gagged by the cock in her mouth, and he was pushing it further down to her throat. She tried to use a hand to push him off but he had a firm grip on her hair as he raped her mouth. She gagged, struggling for breath but he wasn’t satisfied. He thrust in deep cutting off her air supply, “You better start sucking me off bitch, using that tongue of yours or I swear you’ll die with a cock in your mouth.” For a moment Kitty wanted to die, she was stripped, being raped and she hurt so much. But she didn’t want to die like this, she tried to suck and lick the organ with her tongue like he said but she had no idea what she was doing, drool came down her mouth and chin as she kept making gagging noises in time with the man raping her from behind. Kitty tried everything to get him to cum just so she could breath again, eventually she found a way and he held her face to his crotch as she felt the warm liquid shot down her throat. When he pulled free she started coughing up some of his cum that didn’t make it down. Seeing this made the guy behind her speed his thrusts up, she knew what was coming but only sobbed knowing she couldn't stop it. Then she felt him shoot his load into her young body and she cringed feeling the vile warmth fill her pussy. He finally pulled out but by the looks of a few men around her they weren’t finished with her. She screamed as another one flipped her onto her back and took her pussy and it started all over again. He pounded into her this one leaned over and grabbed her breasts so hard it hurt."You don't got much in the tit department bitch but you're a tight one," He said cruelly to her as his cock continued its invasion of her abused cunt. She was more slick now thanks to the cum of her previous rapist and some of her own blood but she was still tight given her small size and once virgin body. Amara had tried fighting back as several men took her and dragged her over to a mat. She swore and clawed at them. Two men grabbed her hands as one slapped her face hard, her vision swam as she saw stars. Then another as someone kicked her stomach, she would have fallen over they hadn’t been holding her up. She looked up and her eyes widen in fear as one came at her with a knife.“Now don’t move unless you want to be cut girl,” He told her trailing the cold metal over her face. She watched in horror as he cut her clothing off, first her top exposing her breasts to the air, he trailed it lightly over them as she flinched in fear. Then he undid her pants and they helped to strip her. She was held up by her arms as two other took her legs.Her deep breathing make her small but perky dark skinned breasts heave with every breath in an erotic display to them. Her dark brown nipples were exposed for the world to see as she looked on with panicked eyes as she prayed for any kind of deliverance. They spread her pussy for them all to see her pink virgin flesh as she started to struggle again, “No stop this! I won’t be raped by the likes of you!” She tried her best to fight them off but they held down her arms as another grabbed one of her legs. “You ain’t got no choice,” the man with the knife told her, he had his pants down and held her hips. She tried to move but she couldn’t she felt the tip of his cock at her virgin entrance and then he shoved it in. She cried out in pain and humility as she was violated she felt the tears running down her face as he painfully shoved himself into her younger and smaller body. It felt like she had a metal pole inside of her that was trying to rip her apart.She screamed out as he started the thrust crudely with powerful thrusts. "Ahhh-Ahhh-Ughh-Ahh!" Her rhythmic screaming matched with every thrust into her tight once virgin body. "God she's so fucking tight boys!" He laughed as his hands covered her naked tits, they easily encompassed them as he painfully squeezed them making her cry out even more as she tried in vain to move. "Not much for tits though." "Try one of the others, that red head, blonde and goth have got great tits." One of the men holding her arms commented looking over at the other rapes. "Can't wait to see what they feel like, been too long since we got to party with some new girls." "Gods please stop! It hurts! It hurts!" Amara screamed out which only caused him to thrust even harder into her sore pussy her insides felt like they were on fire from the dryness. "Of course it hurts you bitch! You thought you would push us around and not take any consequences?" Her rapist snarled at her. "You and your friends are going to learn you don't mess with us!" He continued plowing her until he was at his limit, he threw his head back crying out in joy as he felt his release. Amara wailed in despair as she felt his hot cum flooding her body she went limp as the fight finally was out of her. He had finished and used her up, she felt like she had nothing left to fight for he had taken away her maidenhood and sullied her body. She barely noticed when a new man got between her legs until he entered her and a whole new pain was again upon her.She sobbed to herself hoping that they would just finish with her quickly, she just wanted to curl up and die in that moment. She barely noticed when they played with her breasts, their hands molesting her, mouths on her nipples biting or sucking on the sensitive buds. After a moment her second rapist figured out she had stopped fighting back. He told the others to let go of her arms as he continued on Amara only whimpering as he continued to violate her young body.He grew a bit bored and turned her onto her stomach as his hands groped her tight toned Brazilian ass before pulling her hips up and entering her again. Amara just hid her face under her long hair pressing her forehead into the ground below her hiding her shame and tears from them. Eventually she felt him thrusting harder and faster and knew he was going to cum in her. She didn't care anymore, she was already soiled and more didn't matter. He stiffened as he came filling her with more hot seed as he let her hips fall to the ground.Amara was on her stomach now she had just been raped twice and her crotch leaked out cum and a little blood from her torn innocence as it stained the mattress. She couldn’t take it and started crying as she felt the mattress shift and whimpered knowing she was going to be raped again. ‘Gods please no, why have you abandoned me and my friends?’ She silently prayed to her gods based on the old Roman ones of the past. The man looked at the young Brazilian girl and when he saw her he wanted to fuck her, especially when he saw that ass of hers, he always thought Brazilian girls had the best asses. He ran his dick over her slit getting a little lube he didn’t care for her comfort just wanted to get it in there. He pulled her ass apart and for a moment Amara wondered what he was doing. When she felt the head resting on her rectum her eyes widened. “Oh gods no! Please not that! No-IIIEEEEEHHHHH!” She lifted her head to scream as her virgin ass was penetrated by the head of his cock. “NO! It’s too big! Stop! Please! OWWWW! UUGGHH! AWWWW! S-Stop it!” She cried out feeling him push deeper and deeper. It felt like he was killing her and a part of her hoped she did die from this, at that moment she didn’t want to live. He started to pump her ass as she pegged him to stop as she cried and screamed out. He was in heaven her ass was just perfect, if he could he wondered if he could take her again later in the ass. “Oh yeah bitch here I cum baby, oh yeah!” He shouted in joy and Amara whimpered feeling her ass fill with his warm liquid. It didn’t do anything to stop the burning pain in her ass but when he pulled out she started crying curing up into a ball. She just wanted to be left alone now, she didn't want them to touch her again not after that but she felt someone pulling on her hair."Suck it slut, I want to rape that red head and I need a pick me up or else when I'm hard I'll take it out on your ass." One of the gang members told her. Amara could see that his dick had already cum on it and some traces of blood. She didn't know which of her friends he had already raped but the thought of preparing him to rape Jean made her sick. But she didn't think she could handle another round and she wasn't sure if he meant he was just going to rape her pussy or literally take her ass.Sniffling she closed her eyes and opened her mouth as she felt the disgusting dick thrust into it. He held her head as he violently fucked her mouth like a sex toy making her gag and chock. It would only be a small reprieve as already others were lining up to use her body but with her eyes closed she tried not to think about where she was or what was happening to her.Tabitha was on her knees gritting her teeth as a man held her arms painfully behind her back as he fucked her pussy from behind. Her legs had a small trail of blood coming out of her pussy as she felt the burning pain of his invasion.  “You bastard! I swear I’m going to fucking rip your dick off after this!” She shouted out at him calling him all kinds of names. Her arms hurt from how they were being pulled back by this point and she wasn't sure what hurt more her arms or her pussy.  Suddenly someone gripped her hair forcing her to look at someone’s erection. “Get ready to suck me whore.” The one in front of her said. “You put anything in there and you’ll lose it,” She hissed out trying to block out the pain she was already in. He didn’t think she would and forced her to open up and jammed his cock, but she wasn’t bluffing she bite down hard making him scream out as he pulled out and clutched his dick. “God damn it, you asked for it, hold her down,” The one raping her told them as he stopped. Tabitha wasn’t sure what was going to happen she could deal with this raping she hoped but she got satisfaction from hurting at least one of them. Soon they held her down into a spread eagle as she saw the man come back with a belt and she got a nasty feeling in her gut. “Time for you to learn your place,” He said and used the belt to whip her. First he struck her breast making a red welt on it, Tabitha cried out in pain calling him every vile thing she could, so he just kept whipping her. He struck her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, then he moved to her pussy and that made her scream. Especially when he hit her clit she made a very loud scream that burned her lugs. By the end she couldn’t muster the strength to curse him, she was in too much pain and everyone has a breaking point. After over ten minutes of whipping she had enough, she pegged to stop, tears running freely. By then he did stop and he pulled her upright it was hard since her body hurt so much and she saw a dick in front of her she knew what he wanted. She put aside any pride she had left and opened her mouth and started to give him oral sex, even though she wasn’t sure if she hated them for it, or herself for doing it.He gripped her head hard as he fucked her mouth with brutal thrusts chocking her each time. She kept making gagging noises as he raped her mouth she placed her hands on his abs pounding on him but he didn't stop. She was afraid she might actually chock to death this way, she had to get him off as the lack of air wasn't helping. She ran her tongue, actively sucked him as best she could hoping to get him off quickly. Thankfully her plan worked as he threw his head back with a groan as he forced her face into his crotch.She felt the hot seed being shot into her mouth, it made her want to throw up but he held her there knowing he wanted her to swallow it. She did her best and thankfully he pulled out, she took in a huge gasp of air followed by her chocking from the sperm still in her mouth and throat. She was on her hands and knees coughing and spitting out the cum in her mouth onto the cold floor.Tabitha was thrown onto her back as the next male impaled himself into her body making her hiss in pain. He started to thrust as Tabitha kept making mental plans on all the things she wanted to do to them when she got her powers back. Maybe make some bombs and stuff them up their asses to blow up brought a small smile to her eyes."Hey man flip her over." one of them said. "Why?" Her current rapist asked not stopping. "I think the blonde could use another dick in her." He grinned making the other catch on. He rolled them both over as now Tabitha was on top but she refused to move she wasn't going to give him the pleasure of her helping him rape her. She figured the guy was going to use her mouth and waited but he never came around in fact her eyes widened as he felt her pushing his cock up her ass.She cried out as he started to slowly shove himself deeper, each thrust going in slightly more than the other. "Man you should have seen her fucking face!" The one below her laughed.Tabitha cried despite herself it was too much for her, having two dicks in her at the same time felt like they were going to split her in two. "You mother fuckers!" Tabitha yelled at them feeling the burning sensation as he pushed further and further into her ass. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" "Just shut the fuck up and take it like a slut," The one in her ass told her giving her ass a huge slap making her cry out in pain as a red welt started to show. It took some time but he finally managed to bury himself in her ass.Tabitha cursed them out as they started to fuck her, tears coming down her face as she tried to be defiant but it just hurt so much. It was too much for her, she could feel them both almost against each other in her body as they roughly plowed her young body. When they finally came she actually felt relieved that it was over. They pulled out of her leaving her to lay there on the ground she could feel the cum leaking from both holes.She could hear the cries, moans and screams around her, she felt like she was locked in a nightmare. Suddenly she was turned to her back as yet another male mounted her and shoved himself into her abused pussy. A man sat on her chest as he started to use her breasts to masturbate his dick. Tabitha closed her eyes as her teeth and fists clenched. If only she had her powers, she thought to herself. Davis was already having his second go at Rogue, she had been stripped and now he was between her legs humping her hard and like an animal, he wanted this bitch to pay and he was going to do it. Rogue closed her eyes as grunts and whimpers were forced out of her body. Davis grinned as he gripped her nicely sized breasts he didn’t get to the first time and boy did she have a pair on her. He leaned down to suck hard on the nipple, licking it and biting it as he pumped her body, she was still nice and tight. Rogue felt the pain and no matter the mixed blood and semen didn’t help easing this anymore. She couldn’t believe that she and the others were being raped, it just didn’t seem like something that would ever happen to them but it was. She kept hoping this was some nightmare but she knew she wouldn’t wake up. She just wished that he would end soon, Davis stopped toying with her breasts and gripped her shoulders and he pounded her as hard as he could. He saw her wince and he wanted her to cry out for what she did, “Come on bitch scream like your friends, scream and I’ll cum and stop.” Rogue wanted to he was hurting her badly but he kept on fucking her brutally. ‘Oh god please stop it! It hurts so much! I don’t know how much I can take! Please someone help us, someone end this!’ She screamed in her mind but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Davis got an idea and took hold of her nipples and twisted them very hard, he finally got his scream out of Rogue as she tried to move her arms but they were being pinned down. Her chest moved side to side as she cried out in pain, “God please! Stop it! AGGGHHH!” “Oh yeah that’s what I wanted, and here's my cum bitch!” He groaned as he filled her with more of his sperm, filling up her pussy as it shot into her womb to join his last shot. He climbed off her leaving her there panting in pain. He was replaced by another and once more she felt the pain of a dick entering her body. Thankfully he wasn't as big and the cum already in her made it slid but it didn't help with the humiliation of it all.The boy thrust in with hard thrusts almost like he wanted to thrust all the way through her body, each one making her cry out a little. He didn't seem content with just her pussy as he leaned down and took one of her nipples in his mouth and bit down hard making her cry out in pain. Then he started suckling on it like he was trying to get milk out of it while his other hand went to her free breast. The palm gripped the flesh cruelly his fingers painfully pinching her nipple making blood flow to it.Rogue just closed her eyes trying to think it was Scott fucking her like she had always wanted, she never thought of him as this rough but it helped a little as she tried to lose herself in her fantasy. She felt him thrusting quickly as he groaned and again she felt a man's cum filling her body. She felt someone grab her hair and forced her to her hands and knees. She saw the cock in front of her face and knew what he wanted."Suck it bitch," He told her. She was about to tell him to fuck off but Tabitha's screaming got her attention as she saw the blonde girl being whipped by someone's belt. She swallowed knowing these bastards would do that and most likely worse to her. She opened her mouth closing her eyes as he thrust his cock in, she chocked on it as he roughly fucked her face. Then she felt someone behind her entering her body again, for the first time in her life she wished for her powers back. If only she had her powers than no one would touch her like this again, no one would hurt her again. She felt it was truly a cruel world when the only time she could touch was for this to happen to her. Kitty wasn’t sure what was going on anymore she could barely think through the pain and humiliation. Her stomach felt sick from drinking down more semen then she ever wanted to. Her thighs were sticky from the cum leaking out of her vagina.  Someone picked her up and she only whimpered she didn’t have the strength to fight back. He sat down as he held her legs open as he vagina was wide and leaking out cum, “Well looks like you got pretty stuffed in there, how about we open up that other hole?” Kitty only closed her eyes and wanted to cry she knew what was coming, she had seen Amara raped in the ass several times by this point, she looked to see Amara not moving as two men had her between them one in her pussy the other in her ass. She had passed out from the pain but still they raped her, Kitty envied that she wanted to do that to just pass out. “URRRGGHH!” She grunted out as she felt him lowering her onto his member as it stretched out her ass. He slowly moved her down until she was halfway then letting her rest a bit before he slammed her down, Kitty’s head flew back in a scream. She thrashed around wanting to get the burning pain out of her ass as he held onto her. "STOP! STOP PLEASE!" "Stop we just started," He grinned making her rid his prick only making her small body bounce up and down as Kitty couldn't stop screaming. She had never thought that she could feel so much pain, he felt like he was thrusting a pipe or something up her ass. She wasn't sure but she wouldn't be surprised if he was making rips in her bowls by forcing himself up there so violently. With her body weight working against her it was too easy for him to impale her on his dick. She threw her head side to side screaming with every thrust, she had thought the rapes of them using her pussy were bad but this was even worse."Please stop!" She cried out her face was a twisted mask of pain as the tears were flowing like a river. "You sorry that you bitches tried to fuck with us?" The man grunted as he held her hips forcing the slim girl up and down onto his cock. "Yes! Yes I'm sorry so please stop!" "Stop what?" "Stop raping me and my friends! Please, we'll-we'll never come back there again!" Kitty just wanted to say anything that he would want to hear just to make the pain stop.  He kept thrusting up into her making her cry out with every thrust.  Her face covered in tears as she wailed away as she was anally raped by the young man behind her. The girls went though their rapes each one slowly started to chip away at them. Jean was between two men one in her ass the other in her pussy as she was screaming out from the pain, soon a third man walked in front of her silencing her cries with his own manhood in her mouth. Still she cried out as her body protected the two invaders behind her working together.  Rogue on her hands and knees taking a cock in her pussy as she was sucking on two cocks. She felt like throwing up but one of them grabbed her short hair painfully knowing full well they could get rougher with her if they needed to. Tabitha was on her back with a man between her legs and another on her chest using her tits to fuck her. She kept cursing them out letting them know they could ravage her body but she still wasn't broken, although it was a hollow victory as on the inside she just wanted it all to end.   Amara woke up to more raping as she placed an arm over her eyes and cried as the new male inside of her abused vagina hammered into her young body without pity or remorse. Soon a man pulled her arm away and forced to her suck him off. She was too beaten to defy him at the moment and just limply did as she was told. Kitty was taking a brutally big cock that felt like it was damaging her insides, she had cried her voice nearly horse and just moaned out as the man used her like a sex object. The camera operator filming all of this took it all in, he filmed himself getting a blow job by the goth, then banging the red head. “Hey guys how about we have a little lesbian action for the tape?” “Now that is some thinking,” Duke said with having Kitty suck him off. He pulled out and ejaculated onto her face smiling at how she just took it. “Okay pair them up, girls you get the one left over.” Shiva and Glory grinned they were already undressed like everyone else as they had been masturbating to it all. Now they picked the red head to fuck. Rogue was dragged over to Kitty as Amara was dragged to Tabitha. They forced the girls into a 69 position and the humiliation was just too great. The girls didn’t want to do it, one of them sent a boot to Amara’s ass forcing Tabitha’s face into her crotch as someone took her hair and shoved her into Tabitha’s abused pussy. Rogue didn’t want to do this, but when someone took a belt to her ass she knew she had no choice. All the girls started to lick each other, tasting all the blood and cum, and they couldn’t help the moans that came out of their throats. After so much abuse it was too much to actually feel some pleasure for once. Each girl didn’t think about what they were doing, they had never thought of another woman in that way and it was nearly too much for them but they had to do it. If only for a moment of pleasure. They started to get into it after awhile as they tuned out all the cheers and comments. They just needed some comfort and something to battle all the pain, eventually each one of them actually came to their shame but they didn’t stop, they knew stopping meant only pain. Despite the disgusting taste that filled their mouths of mixtures of various cum and some left over blood.Tabitha did her best to console Amara who was silently trying not to break down and cry. Tabitha gently caressed the girl trying to let her know it would be okay. She felt the Brazilian teen's tongue lightly on her own abused pussy. It was something that took away the throbbing pain as she did her best to help Amara out.Kitty had nearly thrown up in her own task, this was even more disgusting for her than the rapes but it wasn't as physically harmful. She just hoped that as she licked at Rogue's cunt they would let them rest after this. She closed her eyes as she tried to eat out her best friend and not think about what she was actually doing. She concentrated on what Rogue was doing, imagining it was a guy going down on her. Jean was forced onto her back as Glory a blonde with a shaved pussy sat on her face, “Go on Red use that tongue of yours, oh yeah that’s it.” She grinned groping her breasts as she rode Jean’s face. Jean had no idea what she was doing only that she had to do this, she saw what happened when you fought them, it was just easier to give them what they wanted and hoped it would be over soon. Shiva stared to lick Jean’s pussy making the girl shudder, she wanted to clean the red head out and her tongue went to work. If she knew one thing it was how to eat pussy, it wouldn’t take her long to make Jean actually have a climax. When Jean moaned out into Glory’s cunt it sent the other girl into orgasm covering Jean’s face in her juices. “Oh yeah that’s it bitch keep it up.” Shiva meanwhile got out one of her toys it was a very large strap on, it was ribbed but it was hard plastic meaning that it wasn't pleasant to have it inside of you. Shiva got it from a special S&M store that had plenty of painful toys she liked to use. Seeing this Glory turned around so now she was facing the other way knowing what was to come and got ready. After Shiva strapped it on she got between the red head’s legs and hammered it in. Jean’s body stiffened and twisted at the painful entry, the ribs although not tearing the sensitive flesh sure felt that way to her. She screamed out in pain as she found the energy to thrash about. "You ain't going anywhere until you get me off Red," Glory told her getting a hold of Jean's hands and pinning them over Jean's head using her body weight to keep the leverage as she felt Jean's screaming mouth on her pussy.  Shiva quickly grabbed hold of Jean's waist as she held it up and started to fuck the red head as Jean's legs kicks wildly in the air behind her. Jean screamed into Glory’s cunt as the blond cried out in ecstasy, she loved pain being her own or someone else’s and she knew Shiva's toys were the best for giving pain without damaging the body. She rode the red head's face forcing the girl to eat her out, not easy when the girl was screaming and crying but she didn't care about that, this bitch and her friends tried fucking with her and the boys and now they were the ones who were getting fucked.The other girls were already eating each other out with a passion as they tried to escape the pain but it didn’t last. A couple of the members eventually got bored and then started to rape the asses of the girl on top. Making them cry out in pain into the cunt of the one under them. When they were finished they would turn them around and then the other girl would get it. It went on like that for awhile, the girls couldn’t fight back anymore they were just too tired and too abused. Glory and Shiva after they were done with Jean who was then had another man start to rape her again, went around to the other girls. They would make them suck their pussies, or fuck them with dildos. They even fisted the girls, Kitty took one of the fists deep and hard, she passed out screaming after about five minutes. After three hours of torment the gang had finally had enough. All the girls were aching, tired, and humiliated. Some found it just too hard to move or just didn’t want to. Kitty had a blank look on her face as she had retreated into her mind, Tabitha and Rogue had passed out although they had been raped so many times they had passed out to just get some rest. Amara was curled up into a ball shivering and Jean was nearly passed out on her stomach having used up all her tears and strength hours ago. Duke picked himself up looking them over, “Well I think we should get a few drinks, and a break. These whores could really take it.” “Yeah think we can keep them big man?” One of them asked putting on his pants. “Yeah we can make a sequel to our little movie as well,” The guy with the camera was looking at the play back of the gang rape movie. He already was thinking of putting it up on the web, they could make some nice money off of them. “Maybe we can set up a few cameras, we can make a whole movie one of each bitch.” “Oh hell yeah how much you think we can get off them?” Davis asked putting on his shirt. They could live off them at this rate but first they would need some supplies and other things. “Well let’s think of that later,” Shiva stretched out thinking of getting a few new toys for them to use for next time. “But let’s leave a few behind just to make sure they don’t crawl out of here,” She laughed at the site of them. All of them had cum leaking out of their pussies, asses, some stained in blood, bruises all over their bodies. Most of their faces were okay except for the cum over it, in their hair, some had it on their breasts and back. Duke left a few of them behind to look after the Sirens, and said if they were up to it to bang any that gave any trouble. After five minutes with Davis out of range that was when the girls started to feel something, Jean was first to notice. She could hear the thoughts suddenly, she could feel the pain of every one of her friends. ‘My powers…They’re…They’re back,’ She thought, Jean wanted to cry for having them back and cursing for not having them again. She started to get up and a few of the gang walked over to them. “Ready for more Red?” One of them sneered at her. Jean’s eyes turned to them in rage, pain and hate. She took all their pain, all of it and jammed it right into the minds of all the gang members. They were all screaming on the floor clutching their heads, screaming in pain. Some of them started to cry as well and she took satisfaction in that. This roused the other girls as they slowly got up, all the remaining gangs were on the floor twitching as they had to deal with all the pain and suffering they caused. In a way it was perfect justice to feel everything they had gone through, it would be hours before they came out of it and none of them would forget it. The girls slowly helped each other up and put on what clothing they could, they sometimes took time to kick or punch some of them, just to get in their own revenge. They slowly made their way back to the jeep, none of them talked they just wanted to get home. It was late by the time they got home, Tabitha made her way to the brotherhood, like the others they would go directly to the showers and just cry as they tried to wash themselves clean but never really feeling clean again. None of them wanted to talk about it, or for anyone else to know what had happened. Most of their injuries could be hidden under clothing. Jean put in mental shields to hide their pain, she knew Xavier would sense it and they all agreed they didn’t want anyone to know. First off because what happened to them was horrible and they didn’t want the pity, and secondly because of how it happened. Because they were the Sirens, at least they were after last night they put it away. They had thought it all a game and they had paid a heavy price for it, too high a price to them but they just couldn't deal with everyone knowing. It was hard enough for them to deal with it just by themselves. They tried to live their lives but it wasn’t easy. Kitty had a bruise on her face and when the others asked she quickly covered it up saying that she got it in dodge ball in gym and couldn’t phase with all those people. Several of the girls backed it up for her. Others hide anything with makeup or something else. It wasn’t long to notice that the girls were also acting strange, they would flinch when anyone touched them, especially male. Amara flipped out in school when a few boys and accidentally crowded her into a corner. It was like this for a while, Jean was distant with Duncan and when he tried to force her to talk she pushed him away. When he grabbed her arm when she was leaving she punched him. After that her relationship with him was pretty much over as well as a suspension from school. It went on like this for two weeks that is until something new came on, that was when both Amara and Rogue started to throw up in the mornings. When Hank checked them out he found them pregnant. Both girls didn’t know what to say, Amara could have come up with a lie but what could Rogue say given her powers? They had to confess to that night with Xavier in his office with the other adults.  It wasn’t easy and of course there was a lot of yelling with Logan as he threatened to hunt them down and cut them to pieces.  After that Xavier figured to start them on counseling. Something like this needed to be done and so they all were together talking with him and trying to work through it all.It wasn't like they could have gone to the police, although that option had been talked about. If they did it would come out that girls were the Sirens which would lead to the police looking at them for their vigilante activities. Then it would most likely lead into the school and trying to keep mutants from the world would have been impossible. The girls would have had even more attention on them and in the end they didn't want any more attention then they got. It was a long and hard healing process for them all, Tabitha later rejoined the mansion. Being stuck in a house with just boys had been a bit too much for her and the girls had been talking her into therapy as well. Rogue and Amara both decided to keep their babies, they just couldn’t get rid of them and Rogue figured this would be the only way to have children of her own. It was something that lasted for years for them. Rogue and Amara had to take the last few months off from school to deliver their children. Rogue ended up with a girl that she named Irene, and she loved the baby to death. After her pregnancy it turned out her child could touch her without being affected so Rogue held her child whenever she could. After high school she stayed at Xavier’s as a full time mom, Kurt being the uncle was always there to help out. Years later she would find a way to touch everyone. She later married Remy after several years and even though Irene wasn’t his child he loved her. They had one child together but then one day Irene had to ask who her real father was. It was a day that Rogue dreaded and in the end she told the truth. She knew that the father had to have been that first rapist. When Irene learned of this it only made her more determined to join the X-Men later on and help put an end to injustice like this. Rogue stood by her choice and also helped to train her and the other students that came to the mansion to make sure none of them would ever be a victim. For Amara she gave birth to twins, a boy and girl. She named them Adora and Adam, she stayed until the end of high school but in the end went home to Nova Roma. She had a lot of work to do and when she became Queen she started to reform her country into a more modern society. She never took a man to her bed after that night, she couldn’t stand to be touched by them. One day she met a noble woman and soon she found herself a lover and later her mate in life. Jean spent her last year in high school single and she didn’t mind, thankfully Scott her best friend was always by her side. She wasn’t sure that she could have gotten trough that last year without him. After that he asked her out and soon they started to date but it took Jean nearly two years to be intimate with Scott, every time they tried she pulled away. She hated it, she wanted to love the man she was in love with but her experiences kept her from crossing the line. But he waited for her and on the day Jean was finally ready to have sex for the first time she enjoyed it. At first it was good but over time and the years she got more used to it. They eventually married after she got her degree, she was a counsellor at Xavier’s  as helping children with problems helped her deal with her own issues. Eventually she and Scott had children when she was ready, a girl a first that took after her and a boy that was the spitting image of Scott. She loved them both to death and in her later years in life finally felt a peace again. For Tabitha she changed a lot after that night, she was still energetic but wasn’t the party girl she used to be. In fact she later turned to drinking  a lot of the time trying to drown her pain. She nearly destroyed herself but then Sam found her one day and he helped her out of it. He stayed by her side through her battle with both her past and her drinking. Tabitha eventually fell in love with Sam, he was her rock that kept her stable. They married and moved back to his home town where he worked with his family, Tabitha was welcomed into the large family and she was loved more then at any point in her life. Sam and her had four kids of their own, she loved her children and being a mom apparently. She loved having Sam’s babies and she was thinking of having a fifth.  Although some nights she couldn't stand to be alone and some days she felt the need for a drink but thanks to Sam and her children she found the strength not to give in. Kitty grew up in a way, the whole valley girl persona slowly left her soon after that night. She grew up more in the later years, she broke up with Lance because he just couldn’t understand her or what she went through. She no longer wore pink or cute clothing, and let her hair down. After high school she studied in England with Kurt as they started up a new team. Kitty finally managed to let something happen romantically with an older man named Pete Wisdom. They had fun but still that problem of not being able to understand and all his drinking and smoking she couldn’t stand. Later on she actually dated Piotr the former Acolyte and they did fine but eventually they just moved apart. Then when she and Kurt were back together in the X-Men they would hang out and talk about old times. One night something happened and one thing led to another and they slept together. After a lot of talking they decided to maybe give it a try, they dated for three years before they married. Kitty has three children all her own that she loves now and teaches as Xavier's for the next generation. After all the years the former Sirens would either keep in contact with each other, or even have get together it was rare when they were all together. Tabitha and Amara had busy lives but they made the trips now and then. On one of these days Rogue found a news article about the Reavers gang. Apparently there had been some major incident with a vigilante called The Punisher that was on the news these days. Apparently the Reavers had gone from street gang to kidnapping and raping women for illegal videos. That had gotten the attention of the Punisher so he had shut them down with extreme prejudice and killed them all. It was strange for the women to finally get some closure after all these years, none of them felt sorry for what had happened to that gang. Some of them even wished they would have watched secretly although none voiced such thoughts. In the end they all felt that that gang had gotten what they deserved. That night totally changed their lives, it had been a long hard journey, they still carried the emotional scars from that night and they still had nightmares now and then. But they lived on, and they all had lives they loved and no one would be able to take that from them. In the end they were stronger because they refused to let them win to have them control their lives. Yes it was hard sometimes but they had each other and the support of their loved ones. Life was never easy but they struggled to move on and live their lives as best as they could. THE END.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Welcome Aboard
A New Master   Chapter 2: Welcome Aboard   Almec led Oola down the hill and across the hot sands as one of the suns was going down with the other not far behind. He wasn’t parked far, only a ten minute walk away. There were other ships from various other people inside. Finally he came to his home away from home, the Old Hawk.   The ship was a used YT-1930, it was a moderate success but it never really caught on as a ship, one of the reasons he was able to get it for a decent price. It hadn’t been his first ship, the first one had been a smaller one but the problem with that was that it had limited his space for things like transporting his ‘cargo’ to their destination. Like the more famous YT-1300 it had a round center shape with the engines on the back and two prongs up front. This however had the cockpit between those prongs. The back end was slightly redesigned as well.   It had taken him a few years to save up for a decent ship and make the alternations he needed for it. Now it was perfect for him, his own mobile home.   “Well welcome to your new home Oola,” Almec told her as he walked up the ramp.   Oola looked at the ship, it looked to be well used but in all honesty every step away from Jabba’s palace she felt better. She was finally out of there and she would never had to return, she nearly felt like crying when they left the front doors as she had never stepped foot out of that den of evil the day she walked into it.   Going up the ramp she saw the interior was a bit messy, some rust or oil had in a few of the components, some cables hung out the side of one of the walls. But the ship did seem sturdy and well used. The cold metal flooring and hull brought back memories to her one and only travel by ship when she left her home world to come to this planet.   She wouldn’t be sad to leave this planet behind as she looked around, as she guessed this was going to be her new home.   Almec walked to a weapons storage locker as we started to put all his weapons in there. He didn’t need any maintenance on them since he hadn’t used anything other than the disk and that was a simple weapon. He also undid his gauntlets and placed them in the locker since they had their own special equipment.   He motioned for her to come with him as they walked to the cockpit area. An older astromech droid came up giving what sounded like rude bleeps at them.   “Shut it Scrap or I really will sent you to the scrap yard,” Almec never liked the droid it had a major personality glitch or something, but it came with the ship and it knew all the ins and outs so he put up with the attitude at least until he could afford a new one that would be able to handle the Old Hawk.   “Just get the engines primed and this is Oola, she’s under me but above you so keep that in mind.” He ordered the droid. It gave a rude little quip before turning around and getting to work.   “I swear that droid gives me more and more attitude every day.” He shook his head going into the cockpit. He sat down at the pilots station as he pointed to one of the seats behind her. She sat down without a word which was fine by him he didn’t want her wondering around just yet.   Oola watched him perform his flight checks with a strange fascination, she had never seen someone pilot a ship before although from the looks of it, it was very complicated. There seemed to be a lot of things involved as she heard the ship starting up.   If there was one thing Almec liked about these worlds is that you didn’t need to give clearance or flight paths unless you were going in and out of the few cities. Since they were out in the middle of nowhere as soon as his ship was ready he lifted off. He went straight to the stars wanting to get as much distance as he could form that dust ball of a world. As soon as the stars were in view he turned to his nav computer.   The question was where to go from here. He had been thinking about it and he could use a lead on a target and that meant calling up the guild.   Most bounty hunters were part of some guild or another, it helped with people posting bounties and also when help was needed. There used to be just one guild but that guild tore itself apart years ago and fractured to a bunch of different ones. All bounty hunters required an Imperial Peace Keeping Certificate and the guilds helped with that, they did get a cut out of the bounty for admin fees but the guild he belonged to was reasonable with it.   Maybe he could find some decent paydays, someone in Black Sun was always looking for work, then there was the Zann Consortium they were getting pretty big lately hell maybe the empire threw out a few bounties he could track down. The only problem was time and risk, the bigger the bounty the harder it was to track them and also the harder they were to bring in. He leaned back and sighed well first he would set course to Duran IV, it had an outpost of his guild, a place to stuck up on supplies and a few other things where he could hunt down some leads.   He set course and entered hyperspace leaving Tatooine behind. He decided since they had a few days to kill it was time to get Oola settled in and show her the ropes. Standing up he looked at her, and nodded to the door. [Come.]   Oola followed him through the ship as he led her around the curve of the ship.   [Can you clean...cook?] He asked.   She shook her head, “Oola dances and...sex.” She said the last part knowing how lame it sounded.   Almec sighed in frustration he wasn’t expecting a scholar but it looks like this was going to be a lot of work.   “Yes Master Almec,” She replied instantly. She wasn’t sure what to expect but it looked like he wanted her for more than just the two things she knew how to really do. She was a bit nervous as she didn’t want him to get rid of her, she might end up with someone worse than Jabba or he might sell her back to him. She needed to learn everything as best she could, true this wasn’t what she thought her life would be.   She always dreamed that her dancing would catch the eye of some wealthy man and he would take care of her as she only had to dance for him and be with him in bed and live the life of a princess. But then her world had come crashing down, as reality showed her how cruel life could be. She had been the pet of a disgusting gangster slug, forced to do all kinds of humiliating things, raped by the guards once, forced to prostitute herself to those that showed favor to the slug, forced to danced in the most embarrassing thing possible, chained and hardly fed. Her nights were nightmares along with her days.   Perhaps a part of her defiance of Jabba hadn’t just been her wish that someone would be coming that Skywalker was coming as the droid proclaimed but maybe she just wanted death. She wanted something to happen to just let her nightmare end. Now here she was, still a slave but at least he was going to teach her things. Sure they were menial labors from the sound of it but at least it would be something.   Almec showed her the galley and told her as best he could he would teach her how to cook, he would like to have someone cook and clean but he had to make sure she could. If she did well enough he would start teaching her more thing to do, simple maintenance and go up from there. The galley was small just big enough for two people to work in, nothing fancy in it as he was a man of simple tastes.   In fact he had a lot of Imperial field rations, well the good ones at least. You could always buy them from some supply master looking to make a few credits.   Across from the galley was a holotable set up with come couches and a small technical station. Along the way there was one of the escape pods, to the right was a secret compartment that he used to store some of his previous items. Some legal others maybe not so much depending on what system you were in. It was also where he hid his emergency cash the he saved up.   Then was one of the large cargo areas the ship was mirrored and had two, there was a step down to a slightly lower area but this only had half the area ready for cargo (he only hauled cargo when he needed some petty cash) but half of it was modified for other needs. He kept the freezer in the back to hold his food stuffs. But there was a workbench with tools, a few exercise equipment against one of the walls.   One of the few things he had picked up with the Academy that stuck and that was keeping in shape. It would be hard to run down a bounty when you lost your breath within a few minutes.   Next was a small speeder bike, he only needed to use this when he had to haul a bounty a long way. Strapping them to the back prevented him from carrying or dragging them miles back to his ship, it wasn’t anything special, hell it was a used piece old bike that he got cheap. Took him a month of work to get that bike from breaking down all the time, but now it was time to take a look at Oola’s collar and chain.   He motioned for her to join him by the work bench, he had this bench to modify his gear, weapons, tools, work on his ship and the bike. He looked at the collar and saw that it was secure by a simple loop and the chain he just unhooked. Now the loop looked solid so he dug through his tools and found something to snap it off.   “Now hold still,” He muttered taking the cutting tool and cut the ring. “Easy enough, at least it wasn’t locked up tight.”   Oola watched him pull off the collar as she hadn’t had that off since it was put on her. She knew she was still his slave but at least the metal collar was off, she hated how heavy it was and it was uncomfortable to wear. It was too tight on her neck and if she turned her head the wrong way it dug into her flesh. She reached up and gently rubbed the skin there, it was tender but finally her skin could breathe properly.   “Thank you,” She told him honestly one of the Basic phrases that she knew was positive.   “Can’t have you with that crappy thing all the time,” He told her as she only caught a few of the words he said. He looked at the thing, it was cold and the inside didn’t look to have any padding for her, no wonder as he doubted Jabba cared for his slaves comfort.    “Well tour isn’t done yet Oola, come on,” He nodded his head as she dutifully followed him.   The other side of the ship was a mirror of the other side only with the a public small fresher long one of the walls. He had his own in his captain’s cabin it wasn’t standard but apparently the previous owner had made some modifications, one being a larger bed not that he minded it.   The crew quarters were just three rooms, his cabin which was the largest of course and two smaller ones next to his. He hadn’t really used them as it was just him and his droid so maybe he could give her one of them. Hell he would use them just for storage if he didn’t already had enough room for everything.   [Mine] He pointed to his room and then went to the next door. He opened it and showed it to her. [Yours]   Her eyes widened, she hadn’t expected to be given her own room, it wasn’t large but it was still hers. She never had her own room at Jabba’s  she either slept with the Hutt or with the harem of slave girls. Oola couldn’t remember the last time she had been alone, it was a bit scary to think but it was her own bed to sleep in if she wanted it.   She followed her new master as he led her down the hallway, pointing out another escape pod and told her not to touch it. He told her not to touch several things already and she paid attention to that. She didn’t want to get him angry with her or touch something that might hurt her.  She soon found herself in a second cargo hold.   This cargo hold was totally different from the other one, this was for a different kind of cargo as several cages were set up, welded into the ship’s hull and made from reinforced thick bars. There was a simple sink and toilet both of them firmly welded into the wall and floor. Simple bedding with nothing else, the bars nearly reached the ceiling but that was because if he had to hanging by the other wall were various chains and shackles. If he needed to he would have to ‘secure’ his bounties which he had to do sometimes.   The freezer had been modified into a cell for various life forms that might need certain air to breath. That had been a problem he ran into once on his old ship and he had to keep making stops to grab gas considers for his bounty to breathe. All the cages were also controlled by a small control device near the door. It was facing in a way that prevented anyone seeing the code who were in the cages and far enough away to prevent anyone from reaching it. Security was the main thing about this room as the last thing he needed was someone getting out and slitting his throat in the middle of the night.   For a moment she was worried he would stick her into one of these cages but she reminded herself that he had already given her a small room to herself. Her new master was a bounty hunter and this was apparently where he kept his prisoners for transport. He pointed at the controls and told her not to touch it and that she would be the one to clean up the cages, at least she thought that’s what he was getting at. His broken Twi’leki was hard to understand sometimes but it wasn’t too bad.   Still she hesitantly looked at the cages, she still wasn’t sure about her new master, so far he was treating her well but it wasn’t even a day yet. What if he tired of her or she displeased him, then would he throw her into these cages? Would they be empty when he threw her into them was another question. Being Jabba’s slave had shown her cruelty that she had never imagined before in her life so now she was expecting the other shoe to drop.   Her stomach growled as she looked down, Jabba hated it when her body told her it was hungry because he took delight in making her work for whatever scraps he gave her. She hadn’t had a real meal in so long that she couldn’t remember what it was.   Almec heard it and he had to admit that he was getting hungry too, walking up and down that hill had given him a bit of a workout so he told her to come with him. He led her into the galley as he showed her everything in more detail.   “Now I’m going to show you how to cook so pay attention,” He told her and seeing a slight confusion look on her face. This was going to get old soon, he was going to have to see if he had any Basic languages programs in his computers to help teach her, maybe brush up on his Twi’leki as well.   [Me cook, teach...you learn] He had to reach for that given that apparently Twi’leki had three different words for teach and it meant something different depending on how you use it.   “Yes Master,” she nodded her head.   Almec almost wanted to ask if she was going to keep calling him that but whatever, it was kind of fun to have this sexy woman calling him that. He got to work making a simple meal, mainly instant food platter he had since he didn’t feel like trying for anything more complex. He wasn’t a great cook or anything but he had learned how to make a few dishes. Plus he kept it simple so that she could learn how to do it.   Oola watched at the meal was prepared it look simple enough and she felt her hunger grow. When it finally was done he took the two trays and placed them on a table. He pulled off a plastic wrap as the steam from the meal rose up. He toss the plastic away as he pulled out a couple of drinks. He had some stuff in here but he pulled out a couple of bottles of beer he picked up on his last hunt.   He placed the bottle next to her as she looked at the meal like she wanted to attack it but was holding herself back. For a minute he was wondering why she hadn’t touched it then it hit him.   [Eat] he told her testing it out and then she dug into the food. So she was waiting for him to give the okay, well that was interesting as he ate his own meal.   Oola didn’t care if the food was some cheap instant meal to her it was the first real meal she had in so long that to her it was a gourmet meal. She devoured her meal, it was a mix of meat, vegetables , some kind of mash potato with a cream on it. Oola almost didn’t want to chew but she forced herself, the drink wasn’t something she was familiar with. She had never drank much alcohol in her life, she had been sold to the dance ‘school’ as a slave as a child and they forbad this. Jabba once poured alcohol over her and licked it off with that large degusting tongue of his.   It was a strong drink to her but it had bite to it, she took the drink feeling a little light headed when she was finished with it.   Almec shook his head in amusement if he wasn’t careful this woman might eat him out of food, he was surprised she didn’t lick the plate clean. When he was finished he showed her how to clean up and what he expected. Now with all of that out of the way it was time to clean up, they both could use one and when the idea hit him he couldn’t wait for it. Leading her back to his own cabin they both entered.   He really didn’t know who owed this ship before him but he liked the little comforts, carpeted floor (not used a lot on star ships) a larger bed which did eat up a little space but it was that personal refresher that really took it. It was just a shower stall, a sink and a toilet but it did allow him not having to go to the crew one down the hall in the morning.   He started taking off the armor placing them on a table, Oola watched as he worked. She looked around the room, there wasn’t much in the way of personal times. There was a shelf with some items that looked like little things he picked from various worlds. There were no personal pictures around nothing to tell her of where he was from of any family. Her eyes looked back to her new owner as she finished with the metal now worked on the clothing.   When he took off his shirt she noticed that he kept in shape, he wasn’t a hulking brute but he was well developed with a slim but powerful build. There were scars that marked his body, some looked like they could be stab wounds, there was one that looked like a blaster burn from his side. He had some tattoos, something on his arm that looked Imperial, then a small one on his left shoulder and back.   When he was fully naked she got her first look at her new master and she found that she wasn’t displeased by him. He had an average face a bit hardened but his body was nice.   [Strip] he told her.   Oola nodded as she undressed not that it took much as she got all the fishnet material off of her, she even took off her footwear and head dress knowing he was going to ask her to do this. She knew he was going to bed her but he wasn’t rough with her. He hadn’t thrown her onto the bed, ripping her clothing off and just raping her on the bed. He was taking his time and he seemed to enjoy watching her undress.   Almec drank in the image of her naked, her nice tits, hour glass figure, long dancing legs. He couldn’t wait to bury himself in that green pussy but he had some work to do first.  Looking her over now he walked around inspecting her. Damn she sure was one hot piece of ass, not a trace of fat on her, very nice curves, maybe a little feeding for her to gain a couple of pounds as she did seem a little underfed and her reaction to her meal confirmed that.   Well he could work with this, a little training and teaching her a few things to start off and he would see where things led.  He jerked his head to the shower unit as he ran the water, she obediently walked into the water obeying his commands.   Almec was going to scrub her clean making sure that she didn’t have any stink of Hutt on her after this. He took the soap as he got in with her, a tight squeeze, but one they were able to make. He took the soap and ran his hands over her body making sure every part of her body was going to get scrubbed. He was going to wash the stint of Hutt off her so that no part of her would be unclean then she would be all his.   He enjoyed feeling her flesh on his hands, how smooth her hairless skin was, how her dancer’s figure was so lithe and yet powerful, her full breasts felt in his hands as he rubbed and squeezed them. She moaned a bit at his touch glad to see her responding. His hands gently washed over her lekku as she shivered the head tails quivering under his touch.   Oola moaned out slightly as he caressed her lekku, no one had done that to her. Some would pull on them so hard it hurt but he was being gentle with her, she had never had anyone gentle with her before and it felt so nice. It was so much different as he took his time with her she felt his hardening penis poking against her body and wondered when he would take her with it again. But he seemed to be enjoying just washing her. Then one of his hands cupped her sex and slide two fingers insider of her.   She had to use her hands to brace against the wall as she started to breath heavier as her body reacted. He played with her like that for a bit, one of his hands twisting one of her nipples slightly not too hard nut just enough to make her moan. Then she felt that hand leave and her eyes shot open as he stuck a finger up her ass.   [W-wait! Please Master I’ve never done it there!] she was thankful for that as she had seen some of the women fucked there and some hadn’t enjoyed it. Then she realized she hadn’t been speaking Basic and he might not fully understand. “M-master, Oola…no touched…there.” She managed to think despite it.   “Oh an anal virgin now that is something,” he fingered both her pussy and ass now as the young woman shook in both denial and growing passion. He licked one of her lekku making her moan out slightly. “I’ll have to break that in at one point, but not today.”   He pulled out of both holes leaving her panting for breath and still she hadn’t climaxed yet. She looked at him wondering why he stopped when he handed her the soap.   [My turn] he commanded.   She nodded her head wishing he had kept fingering her she had been so close. She took the soap and washed his body, she marveled at how strong he was. He wasn’t out of shape and his body was close to her ideal image of a male, then again against Jabba anything was better. She caressed his body with her slender fingers feeling various scars on his body, running over some of the tattoos. She wondered what they meant as he turned around and she rubbed his backside.   She even used her own body to rub the soap against his flesh using herself as a sponge as it were. Almec loved the feeling of her naked and wet flesh against his own, he couldn’t take it anymore he had to have her but not here. He told her to stop as he rinsed them off and then led her out. He tossed her a towel as they got most of the water off. He led her to the bed and without words she knew what was next.   She crawled onto it giving him a good view of her fine ass, she turned to lay on her back and spread herself inviting him in. He was already hard just watching her and the shower had helped as well as he crawled on top of her feeling her soft skin against his as he kissed her deeply.   Oola reacted instantly kissing him back as she pulled him close rubbing her body against his. She enjoyed his body, it was so much better than the fat Hutt from before. She was also slightly worked up from her fingering her in the shower. Her body needed something after all that, she found that she wanted her master’s touch.   Almec couldn’t take it anymore he sat up looking down at this sexy green twi’lek she looked up at him waiting for him. He guided his cock to her entrance and slipped inside he groaned feeling him around his bare flesh. She sighed feeling him fill her body, Oola felt him lean down as she reached around him feeling his back as she slowly started to thrust.   Normally he liked to have a little fun before he got to the main event but he wanted to fuck this woman since he first saw her. The blowjob had been nice but this was much better he thrust into her with powerful but slow strokes groaning with every thrust. He had tighter women before but she was still very nice inside, she was warm and even a little wet he found. That was good, a dry fuck wouldn’t be any fun as he watched her mouth open and make these little gasps with every thrust.   He leaned even further down kissing her using one hand to take one of her breasts in hand, he could feel the green tinted nipple hardening as his fingers rolled and pinched it. She wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him with every thrust.   “Ohh yeah, you love it don’t you,” He moaned into her coned shaped ear licking it making her shudder. “You like me fucking you.”   “Master,” She moaned when he pushed up and took one of her head tailed and sucked on the tip. She cried out in pleasure, no one had done that to her as she felt the pleasure centers that were literally connected to her brain light up.   [By the spirits I think I’m going to cum!] she cried out the first real orgasm of her life as a slave. If this was her new life then maybe her life was going to get better.   “Oh yeah take it, take my cock you fucking green whore,” he said loving he could talk dirty to this women, she might only understand a fraction of it but still, he could say anything and she would take it and that was turning him on he found.   Oola fucked him back as best she could feeling her body reacting and finding herself nearly there. She wanted to cum so bad after all her time with the Hutt he had never been able to make her cum.   [Do it harder Master] She begged him.   Almec understood as he did just that, he thrust into her harder and harder, “Yeah that’s it, take it, take my human cock inside of you!”   Oola thrust back with her new master feeling his cock invade her body but this time she wanted it. He saved her life and took her away from the Hutt, if he wanted pleasure then she would give it to him. Let him use her body however he wanted it was the lease she could do. Plus although he was rough he wasn’t hurting her, the pleasure she was getting was better than anything she had gotten in her life.   It helped that he wasn’t bad looking and his penis was hitting her fully without hurting her. She only caught bits of what he was saying but she knew enough to know dirty talk when she heard it.   “Yes! Master’s best...fuck Oola great...Master fuck Oola slut!” She used the pieces of dirty talk she had learned in Basic towards him. In Jabba’s harem and the sex slaves he had it was easy to pick up various dirty words and saying in various languages when you heard it enough times. He thrust so hard into her she cried out in a strange mixture of pain and pleasure as he rammed into her cervix but she didn’t care it only seemed to make her want more.   “Oh yeah that’s right, you love your Master’s cock! You love my big human cock ramming into you, say it!” he gripped the bed next to her head feeling himself starting to climax but he wanted to hear her beg for more. He was surprised by how much of a turn on it was for him to hear this woman begging for his cock. Sure he had sex with plenty of women before, some good, some great and some bad, he had them moaning and crying out before but this was different.   He had total dominance over her   “Master’s cock best! Fill slut up!” She cried out locking her legs around him urging him to fill her body with his cum, she was actually starting to look forward to it.   “Uh! Yeah take it! Ugh! Fuck! Take my cum whore! Ahhhhhh!” He threw his head back as she slammed into her one last time releasing his cum into her waiting body.   “Ohhhh!” Oola moaned feeling his release as his warm seed shot into her body as she felt her own climax.   she sighed in contentment.   He lay on top of her gently not crushing her with his weight as she lightly ran her hands over his strong back. She was surprised by how much she had enjoyed that, or maybe it was just him she enjoyed she wasn’t sure. He was so much nicer than the Hutt had been to her. Then he felt her new master kissing her neck and shoulder making her moan in appreciation. Before men used her and then left, no one ever tried to do anything after they had finished. She felt his hand caress her side and a part of her wondered if they could go again.   “Oola do well Master?” She asked him as she found that she actually wanted to please her new master.   “Oh yeah, you did very well Master is very pleased.” He pulled out and smiled down at the beautiful green skinned woman. She actually smiled back up at him as her hands reached up to caress his face. She actually smiled as him as she kissed him gently then soon she was sticking her tongue in his mouth as he kissed back.   “This might work out after all,” He thought to himself and by the gods she was sexy although he would have to get that collar off at some point. Although now he was thinking that maybe he could get her a different collar. Thoughts of putting a new one on around her neck and the things he would do to his new slave struck something deep inside of him that he hadn’t known was there.   He wanted to dominate this woman, he could literally do anything he wanted to her and she would go with it. Well that opened up some very interesting possibilities for the future.   Next up Chapter 3: Duties   Please leave a rating and review, I’m open to things you might want to see in this story so let me know.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 Duties
A New Master Chapter 3: Duties Oola found herself back in Jabba’s palace, she was chained to the Hutt as she danced for him, he licked his tongue at her pulling her close to his bloated and smelly body. She grimaced as his tongue licked the side of her face. She couldn’t take it anymore she couldn’t take this life anymore. She pulled away from him she pulled on the chain as hard as she could yelling at him that she will never be his again. Jabba yelled something she didn’t get until she felt a huge hand wrap around her body. She was pulled up as she turned around to see the Rancor, it opened its mouth as she screamed. Oola suddenly woke up with a gasp as she looked around at the unfamiliar place. She was covered in sweat as she looked around. It took her a moment to remember the small room as her room on the Old Hawk, the ship she lived on now. She was in her single bed naked and now all sweaty. She could hear her heart pounding as she tried to calm down. The only light was the small clock she could see. She saw the time and noticed it was getting close to time to get up she pushed off the cover and hit the light switch. She didn’t have any other clothing so sleeping naked wasn’t much of an issue for her at any rate. There was a robe she was given as she went to the fresher down the hall Master Almec insisted that she say cleaned. She got into the small room and started her daily routine it felt good to shower every day instead of sleeping with that Hutt’s stink all the time. The only thing she wished she had was some makeup, he didn’t have any of course and hers had washed away long ago. Looking at herself in the mirror she felt that after a few days she felt healthier. Oola was given three meals a day, plenty of rest and she wasn’t subjected to the horrors of Jabba’s palace all the time. Either she was the subject of his cruelty or his touch, or having to watch others suffer and die under the Hutt. She had never seen death until she came there and she was surprised by how quickly she had hardened to it. She didn’t like to see death but after so much she had gotten a little used to it. Putting on the robe she got into the cold metal hallway as she saw her master running the corridor. She stayed out of his way as he jogged in shorts and t-shirt. It was a morning routine with him apparently, to exercise in the morning before eating. The couple of times she had spent the night in his cabin in his bed, he had woken up exactly as he changed and started it out. Not that she minded, the fact her master kept himself in shape was good for her, she preferred him like this which was odd as for a Twi’lek being fat was a sign of power and status but after being Jabba’s slave she had grown to dislike it. She would never see as being fat as that anymore, she would always associate it with the Hutt and everything about it. Still he had her own chores to do, she got back to her room and put on her only clothing, at least he had shown her how to clean it. She then went to the kitchen to start breakfast, he had been showing her how to cook simple meals and Oola got the feeling he would teach her more complex meals. She found she liked cooking, it was something she had never done herself and it felt nice knowing how to do it for herself. Her chores in the morning were simple make sure he had his breakfast after his morning workout. Next was her language training, there was a program in the ships computer about how to learn a few languages and Basic was one of them. He seemed to be learning more of her own which was helpful as she managed to learn a few more new words every day. She would practice them in her head throughout the day. Next he slowly started to show her more details about the ship, what not to touch and what to stay away from. He taught her names of things, such as tools in case she had to get something. It was all a lot to take in but she threw herself into it like dancing. She had been the most talented dancer at the school because she learned fast and could mimic and remember things better than the others. Her body had been blessed with being perfect for dancing. She loved dancing, she felt free of everything when she danced. Her master apparently liked her dancing as he let her dance in one of the cargo holds whenever she had free time and also asked her to dance for him. He would play music as she would dance to it, she put everything she could into her dances for him the man that although she was a slave to, was still treating her better than anyone had in memory. She danced gracefully to him, erotically for him, sexually for him, beautifully for him she loved the way he looked at her and drank in her every movement. Sometimes after her more erotic and sexual dances he ordered her to strip as he then told her to dance again naked. She didn’t mind as long as it was just him and usually soon after she would find herself grunting and moaning as he fucked her. The slave girl found she didn’t mind it, he might be a little rough and liked the dirty talk but it was mile better than what she had experienced before. Plus he also liked to explore her body getting her nice and worked up. Oola knew that to survive as a slave she had to learn how to take a lot of things but at least with him she could learn to take pleasure when she could. Almec was just finishing his morning run, there wasn’t much to do on the Old Hawk sometimes and staying in peek shape helped. You never knew when you had to run down a target after all. He did try to set personal bests just to break up the boredom of the same walls all the time, plus he hated running. He would set a normal pace and then when he got to one end he would rush to the other, then back to the normal pace. A thought of maybe having Oola running naked with him entered his mind, he thought of her naked body and all the little fun bits bouncing around. He grinned to himself as he went for his cool down run, later he promised himself. Already she would be cooking his morning meal something he was glad for, it was nice having someone cook and clean for him. But first he needed to find a job, he needed lots of money real fast because he just knew that damn Hutt would start charging interests on what he owed. So he made a mental list, first shower, then dress, then breakfast and then he was going to make a call to the guild and find work. Hopefully there would be something at least in system to avoid travel time. “Welcome to Skar College of Hunters,” the voice over the holo channel spoke up. Almec was in the cockpit of the ship where he had the communications set up. He was currently sitting in the pilots chair looking at the small communications section to the right of where he normally piloting. “This is hunter AK-234-K, requesting conversation with Operations Officer 489-T.” He hoped that Sol was working today he at least was a man he worked with enough time to get a good rapport with the aging Sullustan. The channel paused as a face of a sullustan was shown who was about middle age for his people. His skin wrinkling a little with the small beard under his chin was greying. “Almec, how did that job for Jabba go?” Sol asked him. Almec tried not to wince at that, “Ah…well there was a complication.” There was a moment of silence there as the older sullustan gave him a leveled looked. “What...did...you...do?” “It’s not my fault!” Okay so that was a blatant lie but he wasn’t going to just admit to what happened. “Okay look, there was a bit of an...incident...” “Incident,” Sol repeated in a flat manner. “Yeah look, I had to pay off some ‘damages’ and it ended costing me the bounty,” He knew that the Guild would never pay off his debt. Guilds were very helpful to hunters, they helped broker the deals, set up certain services to help, they did a lot of things but they would not cover the personal costs to the hunters, that was their own problems. Sol sighed heavily looking like he was going to get a headache from this. “Kid you really know how to ruin someone’s day.” “Look I know that the guild takes a ten percent of the hunt as a commission but there was nothing for the commission.” He shrugged. Sol rubbed his large brow, “I know, you have any idea the paperwork you’ve cost me?” “Look I want to make it up, need work anything in system?” Almec asked him. “I promise I’ll bring in the cash, I bet my hunter license on it.” That was a gamble because without that he couldn’t officially hunt anymore, he would be out of the guild and would have to register somewhere else, which was hard if you got a reputation for being kicked out of a guild, there were some that didn’t ask questions but the types of missions they took weren’t the kind that Almec liked to do. Sol looked through the requests, “I got a couple of runners, skipped on bail and hiding out from the law. A total bounty of fifteen hundred for the both of them.” “I need something with a bit more pay...you know to make up for what happened.” He covered with the last bit since he couldn’t mention he was trying to rack up as much cash as fast as possible. Sol glanced at him and looked again, “Miranda is on a hunt and requested backup, I can send you her way but the bounty will be split between you two. The bounty is for ten thousand but if you agree to it then it will be split five for each of you, minus our ten percent of course.” He remembered Miranda she was an Echani, a pale skinned humanoid race that were warriors. He worked with her a few times and he got along well with her so it might not be so bad. Plus 4,500 credits would be a good start. “Alright wend me where to meet her and I’ll do it.” “Good,” Sol started the paperwork. “Don’t screw this up.” “You got it,” the hologram shut off as his computer was given a file with the location of Miranda. -Later- Almec was suited up as he made his way to the meeting place, the area was a more rundown area of one of the larger cities. You could practically smell the crime ridden element, this was the kind of place that the local law didn’t go much often and you wouldn’t find much Imperial patrols unless it was to bomb the hell out of the place and then pave it over. He had noticed that a lot of people here were wearing the same tattoos and colors, this was a gang territory. Well the best way to keep people out of your way was to just walk like you owned the place. Being more confident helped to make people less confident in themselves, if someone cast a look you just made a point of ignoring them, like they didn’t even matter to you. If someone got the nerve to try and give you a dirty look you gave one back even worse. Having his helmet on helped as you couldn’t see the face just the black visor, he had practiced in a mirror to be able to ‘glare’ with just the helmet, it really unsettled people who couldn’t see your face but could still pick up on your mood. “About time you got here,” a silky voice said to him as out of the shadows of the alleyway came Miranda. She was an Echani, a humanoid race that usually were very pale skin, she had this along with a mane of long white hair. Her people were a warrior race although they did like to carry blades, hence the two blades on her back and a knife at her waist and boot. Of course she did carry a blaster pistol strapped to her thigh. Her people also didn’t believe in heavy armor, which was why she only had on a blaster vest along with shin and forearm guards. Personally Almec liked his armor because he enjoyed the added protection plus it allowed to carry more equipment he might need and he had a few modifications that helped even the odds sometimes. “Well this is hardly a good neighborhood, no street signs for blocks.” He only half-joked about that with her. “So what’s the job?” “Follow me,” she walked further down the alley as he followed, he couldn’t help but notice how graceful her movements were. She moved like a cat, not to mention it gave him a good look at that ass of her, now that was an amazing one. Getting his mind back in the game he focused when she stopped near the edge. He did the same as she nodded her head, he took a peek to a building down the street. It was a little different than the others mainly that it looked a lot more lived in. There were speeders lined up outside with two men outside looking like guards. Although they weren’t professionals of any sort, looked more like street thugs with how relaxed they were, their matching colored clothing and how they were trying to look tougher than they most likely were told him all he needed to know. He pulled back looking at her, “Since when is there a bounty this high on simple gang members? Hell the local law should be able to handle these punks.” Miranda nodded. “True but this whole area is under this gang, if the law come down here it will be a blood bath on both sides.” “Thus send in the expendable collectors,” He said as she smirked. The term ‘expendable collectors’ was a bounty hunter joke amongst hunters since hunters you could send in en mass without anyone really worrying. “The contractor also wants this person personally,” She handed him a datapad with an image of an ugly looking man on it. “Turns out this guy and his group was linked to a crime not long ago. Video footage showed him and a few members pulling a couple of girls into an alleyway. They came out but the girls didn’t.” “Father wants revenge type of deal?” He had heard the story before. “Mother actually, she owns a major company and one of the girls was her youngest child a party girl and her friend were club hopping in the more dangerous parts of the city.” She told him. Almec shook his head some people never learn that the increased risk wasn’t just for a rush. “So what’s the plan?” “I get those two back here and we take them out, there’s a back entrance I’ll use to sneak in and make sure that he doesn’t sneak out the back. I’m not equipped for a major fight which is why I put out the call for some help.” He knew where this was going, “I’m the distraction with a heavy assault then.” “You got it, put all that armor to the test,” she joked. “Hey I like my armor thank you very much,” He cast a quick look down the alley to the two story building. “How exactly will you get them down here?” He turned to see her taking off all her weapons, she then took off her jacket and stripped out of her shirt leaving her in a black bra before putting her jacket back on but leaving the front open to show her cleavage. She pulled her panties up just a bit to show it off. “Nuff said,” He told her. Almec got into position hiding in the shadows of the alley. He saw her slink her way up flirting with the men, she opened her jacket a bit as he could already imagine her asking ‘do you boys want to party?’ and they were taking it hook line and sinker. It didn’t seem to take much to get two horny men who were obviously bored to go with a woman offering up free pussy. He stayed as still as a stone trying to become part of the background as she led them back her. “Come on baby isn’t this far enough?” One asked. “Yeah we can’t get too far you know,” the second one kept looking back he was starting to have second thoughts. This wasn’t good if they went back they might have to change the plan but Miranda was ahead of him. She slipped out of her jacket and pulled up her bra and Almec got a good view from the dark of her pale breasts. They weren’t as big as Oola’s but they were close and with smaller grey nipples. That got the males attention as one of them immediately went in, he kissed her as his hand went to feel up one of her breasts the other hung back a bit but still looking. Almec knew now was the time, carefully he silently walked up behind them, he made sure not to step on anything. He got behind the one looking on and quickly grabbed his neck and head in his arms. He made a small sound as he struggled. His partner quickly looked but didn’t get a chance to do anything, Miranda struck out like a viper. She kneed him in the crotch and with one blow to the throat easily broke his trachea he wasn’t going to get up again as he couldn’t breathe anymore. Almec snapped the neck of the man in his arms. “So no one will mind this?” “No, law enforcement will look the other way hell if we take them out I think they would call it a good day. But we just need to get the target,” She pulled down her bra not really caring that she had exposed herself as she went to work getting her gear back from the hiding place. “Time to go to work, I’ll give you an all clear when I have the target.” Almec waited in the alley giving Miranda time to get around back, he waited with the com line open and when he heard her give the go ahead he started walking to the front door. When he got close enough he saw all the windows were covered most likely so any other gang members in a drive by wouldn’t be able to pick out targets, not that gang members were known for any kind of accuracy. He could also hear a party going on, some loud music he couldn’t place and lots of voices. “Here comes the party pooper,” He muttered. “Tell me you didn’t just say that.” Miranda’s voice was heard in his helmet. He had forgotten about the open com, he just decided to ignore her comment plus he didn’t have a good comeback or reasoning to validate the lame joke. He got to the front door as he thought about how best to get the attention of everyone, he didn’t have to be subtle about it and he was to be a distraction so loud and angry most likely seemed the best way. He checked his belt and pulled out a few small metal devices the about an inch in size. They were small dedonite charges, they were s cheap but effective explosive, that is if you knew what you were doing. He placed them on the door and pressed his back against the wall as he hit the remote detonator on one of his gauntlets. There was an explosion was the metal door was flung inward, his helmet protected his ears from the loud explosion as he pulled out his blaster rifle and swung to the side of the door. He saw inside that the door had slammed into a wall nearly smashing through it. The inside of the place was a mess and he doubted it was because of him. A few people were on the ground wearing the same gang colors, others were trying to get up, there were cries and screaming. It was pure chaos but there was always room for more. He made sure that no one seemed to be their target as he took aim and fired several quick shots before crouching down and moving to cover inside. He turned over a table and peeked over it and fired a few more shots, he was just trying to get everyone to scatter but the moment he saw someone pull out or go for a weapon he would take them down. He saw a set of stairs with people trying to go up to get away from the fight and a few others trying to get down to see what was going on downstairs. Almec let loose a few more shots keeping everyone’s heads down, from what he could see no one on the first floor was their target. “Try the second floor,” he said into the com. “Found a second set of stairs, going up now.” Came her reply. “Someone kill that bastard!” Someone yelled out apparently this was one of the higher ups as people were doing what he was saying. Almec saw a large looking guy with a scar on his face and stupid looking tattoos on the other side. He took aim and put a blaster bolt into his chest. He couldn’t get them rally he had to keep them scattered and taking out leadership was an effective method of that. He heard sounds of people running up from behind him from an open doorway directly behind his position. He fired a few more times into the main room and swung to the doorway just was someone ran though. He caught the guy by surprise as he took his arm and twisted him around, standing up the hunter use him as a human shield and fired at the others. Two men and a woman with weapons , he wasn’t sure if all three hits were lethal but they were out of the fight he hoped. He hit the guy in the back of the head with his faceplate and twisted throwing him into the other room. “Here I come!” Almec yelled and just as he hoped the more twitchy and jumpy of the gang fired. Three people shot out taking out their own gang member. Almec got behind the table again as a few blaster bolts came his way. He blindly returned fire with the weapon just poking over the table. He had no way of knowing just how long the fight was going, when you were in a fire fight things like time got muddled. It could have been only a few minutes or twenty, there was no way to tell and he knew his blaster would be running out of energy soon, he had a spare but he hoped he wouldn’t have to reload while in his position. There was some yelling from the room behind him, apparently two of the people in there were still alive. That wasn’t good, sooner or later they would split up and rush him from both sides. Suddenly there was a clicking in the communication unit in his helmet, a double click meaning that Miranda was clear and had the package. Well this had been fun but it was time to go, he dug out a small grenade it was a stun grenade. He had thought about throwing an incendiary but starting a fire in this neighborhood wouldn’t be a good idea. He tossed it as there was a large flash, the visor in his helmet protected him from things like that darkening as he heard lots of yells. He went to the front door hearing more blaster bolts aimed at him. Apparently either some weren’t as blind as he hoped or some might have been immune depending on species. He tossed a smoke grenade behind him hoping it would cover his escape. He ran out into the street and heard a speeder heading his way. He turned and dropped to a knee and raised his weapon but held his fire seeing the pale rider. Miranda pulled up with a modified speeder with their target tied up and on the back like a hunted animal, apparently he was knocked out. “You going to stand there all day?” She yelled at him as people starting making their way out of the smoke. Almec didn’t waste time with a witty retort as he jumped on behind her holding her waist as she sped off. -Old Hawk- Almec felt good as he got up the ramp and closed it behind him, he got paid and he felt like fucking the hell out of a certain beautiful green lady.  Seeing Miranda topless and holding on to her on the ride had been very arousing. He was thankful he had a cod piece or else she would have felt his erection poking into her ass. He really wondered if Miranda knew what she did to men, hell she did he knew it, her people did read people’s body language. “Oola,” He called out undoing his equipment and armor as he placed his weapons in the locker. She came up to him from around one of the corners. “Master?” “Bed.” He simply told her as she nodded. Oola was prepared for this duty to pleasure her master, after the horrors of Jabba’s palace this wasn’t so bad. In fact she was finding herself enjoying it, she walked into his bedroom and stripped out of her clothing. She got onto her knees as she waited for him to enter. She didn’t have to wait long as he came in and stopped in front of her. She smiled up at him as she rubbed his crotch as she opened up the front and fished out his member. She started licking it gently, it was nearly hard already when she pulled it out so it was easy to get him to his full length but still she continued on. Almec pulled off his shirt and threw it aside watching this green skinned beauty nearly worship his cock. He closed his eyes as his head tilted up imagining it was Miranda’s mouth on his cock he moaned feeling the mouth around the head of his cock as she slowly started to take it into her mouth. Her head slowly going back and forth going deeper each time she made moaning sounds around his cock only helped enhance the blowjob. Her talented wet tongue ran along the underside of his cock and switched it up as she had only his head as her tongue swirled around the head. She undid his pants and pulled them down as she started to work on his balls next, sucking on his sack. “Oh fucking hell yes you bitch,” He grunted out. Oola continued her work as she gently started to run her fingers of one of her hands over her slit, she was getting herself wet for her master’s use, although he could just fuck her dry that would hurt and she wanted to enjoy it. Although he normally did take the time to make sure she was wet there had seemed an almost urgency in his tone of voice. She slipped in a finger when she felt she was wet enough rubbing it against her warm and wet walls, she moaned taking his cock again into her mouth bobbing her head back and forth to take the entire length now. Almec couldn’t take it anymore, “Get on the bed, now.” He commanded her. She obediently did so licking her lips from the taste of his cock, although it wasn’t her favorite thing she had far worse tastes in her mouth in her past. She crawled onto the bed and got onto her back watching at her new master quickly stripe his boats and pants off, throwing them aside as he looked at her with a nearly predatory need at her. He grabbed her hips and quickly turned her onto her stomach as he pulled her hips towards the edge of the bed. Oola felt the hard cock against the crack of her ass as she held her breath, hoping he wasn’t going to fuck her ass with it. But he soon guided it to her pussy as he entered her with a powerful thrust feeling her wet pussy, he was thankful she had fingered herself to get ready for this. He thrust away into her remembering Miranda’s fine ass and wondering how it would feel in his hands, he wondered if she did anal? Damn he really would have to break in Oola into that at some point but he would ease her into it, no sense if breaking her on the first go after all. “Yeah take that cock like the whore you are,” He moaned as he slapped her ass, not too hard but it did make Oola jump with a startled cry. His hand kneaded her fleshy ass where he had hit her hitting the spot again. “Ah! Master!” Oola cried out but she didn’t stop as she thrust back into him. Physical pain was something she had learned to take and in some of the things she had suffered through this was light. A spanking was something she could take as others had done this so hard she couldn’t sit afterward. Plus what some of the others girls had to have endured and some of the stories those in Jabba’s palace told of those girls who have been taken by some of the more monstrous members of Jabba’s gang never to return again but said their screams were the last thing anyone heard from them. “Oh yeah fucking take it!” he gripped her hips as he closed her eyes. He imagined it was Miranda he was fucking like this, Oola’s moans helped. He wanted to make that pale hunter scream his name as he plowed her like this. “I’m going to love fucking you and filling you with cum Miranda,” he groaned remembering those nice white tits from before and that nice ass from those tight pants she liked to wear. He slapped Oola’s ass again only this time it was the other side. Hearing the women give a small cry only helped him in his fantasy. He had been so worked up that he decided to pick things up as he gripped her hips and started fucking the woman furiously. Oola just let herself be taken by him, letting him set the pace allowing him to move her body. She had to support herself with one hand as the other went between her legs, she found her clit and started rubbing it quickly. She cried out now but in pleasure as she felt the jolt run through her body from pleasuring her little love button. “Take it, take my cum!” he cried out as he let out a long groan feeling himself starting to fire off his warm seed into her waiting body. “Oh Master,” Oola moaned as she kept rubbing her clit until she felt a climax as well soon after. After a few moments both were now laying on their sides with Almec to her back his arm wrapped around her waist. He was once again thinking having this woman might have been a good thing, if only there hadn’t been such a price tag with her that was the major downside. As Oola rested she had a bit of a mix feeling, she was pretty certain that he had been calling another woman’s name. She knew she was just his slave but still was she not good enough that he had to think of other women? That sent a chill of fear in her that he might get rid of her, she was afraid of who might be her next owner. She had to make sure to please her new master to make him want her and keep her. She turned to face her master running her hand over his bare chest, “Master, Oola do well?” “Oh yeah you did really well.” “Master pleased?” “Of course, why?” He was wondering where this was coming from as she seemed kind of eager for his response. Oola didn’t want him to know she trying to fish for answers so she kissed him sensually, “Oola wants to please Master is all.” She slipped up a little and placed her breasts to his face smiling at him, she knew he loved breasts and planned to use that to entice him. “Lovely little minx,” He grinned taking the offered tit and sucking on the dark green nipple.  Oola moaned stroking his head with his thick hair, she always marveled at the hair humans had. Her people didn’t really have body hair but it felt nice as she ran her fingers through it as he basically seemed to nurse on her breast. He sucked the whole nipple and part of the flesh into his mouth sucking on it making her moan out more. [No milk will come out no matter how hard you keep sucking master.] She spoke then remembered he might not know what she said fully as he looked at her. “No...milk,” she had to struggle to remember the basic word for milk in his language. She was glad she learned that from the breakfast lessons. “Well I’m still going to try,” he joked as he took the other one and started to suck on that one. “Ohhhh,” Oola did feel pleasure but she acted as she was feeling a bit better than she did just to stroke his male ego. In fact on the subject of stroking she slid a hand down his torso and found his softened member. It was slowly getting harder but she felt it could be getting harder a bit faster. She took it in her slender hands as she gently started stoking him. “Oh gods yes,” He groaned into her tit as he started licking the nub. Almec couldn’t take anymore he pulled away from her tits seeing the wet marks he left on them turning her onto her back as he got between her thighs. She pulled her thighs apart and with her dancing body was easily able to do the splits with her legs. She easily held them open for him seeing the surprised but eager look on his face. “Oh you are a prize,” he said out loud he always wanted to fuck someone with some really great flexibility. He was going to see just how flexible she was later but now he wanted that green pussy again. He easily got in as he started thrusting away at her body holding himself up looking down at her. “Oh! Ugh! Master! Master!” She moaned huskily looking at him with her wide eyes. “Oh yeah take it, take all of it you fucking green skinned slut.” He growled at her loving the site of how she shifted with every thrust into her body. The way her mouth opened with a gasp with every thrust into her, the way her large tits moved and even how her lekku twitched. “Oola slut! Oola is Master’s slut! Fuck slutty Oola Master!” “Oh I’ll fuck you, I’ll fuck the green right off you, you filthy fucking cum whore!” He really got off with the dirty talk, hell sometimes when you started with dirty talk the woman could get offended but with a slave she not only took it but encouraged it. Sure it was her duty to do so but so what? It was fucking hot in his mind and a bit cathartic in a way, getting all that pent up emotions out as well as his pent up sperm. “So deep, so deep Master!” She shook her head side to side as it wasn’t a lie, with her legs spread like this he was spearing her right to the end of her love tunnel. She was also still sensitive from her previous orgasm so her pussy was getting more pleasure this time around. She didn’t need to play with her clit she was already starting to feel the orgasm slowly building up. “Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck you! Fuck you, you sex slaved bitch!” She cried out letting him use her, use her to feel pleasure since that was her duty in life now to please him. She knew this but she couldn’t help but feel pleasure herself, maybe this was another reason she didn’t want to give him up. She might never have a master that could give her pleasure as she was giving him pleasure. Oola tired to wait for him to cum but she knew that after a male came they could last longer while her sensitive body was already nearing the second orgasm. “M-master, cumming soon!” she told him. “Cum for me, let me see you cum from my human cock fucking you,” he told her increasing his pace. Oola didn’t catch all of it but she did catch that he was telling her to cum so she did. She threw her head back into the pillow crying out as she came again. Almec felt her pussy tighten up around him as her fluids drenched his cock, she really came this time he grinned. It was also nice to know she hadn’t faked her orgasm sure he didn’t have to care about it but it did feel nice that he could get her to climax from just his own skills in bed. Seeing her large chest he had to do something he had been waiting to do ever since she came onto his ship. “Damn I got to fuck those tits,” He pulled out as she got on top of her, he grabbed her breasts as he placed his cock between them. “Oh yeah these feel great wrapped around my cock.” Oola moaned although she was acting that she was getting pleasure from it she just wanted to make him want her more. She raised a hand to one of her lekku stroking it as she used the other to bring a tip of the other to her mouth as she slightly licked it. She shivered at the sensations her lekku being very much an erogenous zone in some areas. Although his cock was long enough for her to take it in her mouth he wanted to see himself shooting all over her pretty face. He groped her breasts as he fucked them, he was already close from her pussy but now he was going to enjoy this. “Oh yeah, I’m going to paint that face of yours in my cum!” He told her. “Yes! Yes Master!” She tried to think of the basic words but they were failing her at the moment, she resolved to study some more dirty words for later. “Open your mouth!” He ordered as she did, opening wide as he groaned thrusting as he felt his dick throb and shoot his second load all over the woman. He watched the white streams hit her face, into her mouth he grabbed his dick to prevent the last shot going out as he sat a little higher and left go, coming over her tits. “Oh yeah you look good covered in my cum Oola,” He grinned as she seemed to run her hands over her face. She closed her mouth as she made a show of swallowing his seed, her fingers would gather more of it on her body as she licked it off her fingers like chocolate. Damn she looked way too good like that, lying there covered in his cum and her licking it off her own body. Oola had to have taken many different types of cum from many different species but her new master’s seed at least wasn’t too bad. It wouldn’t be her favorite thing to eat if she was honest but at least she wouldn’t have to gag it down and in time she might come to enjoy it. Plus it wasn’t toxic at least, one alien species that had earned favor with Jabba had asked for one of the other twi’lek slaves. Things had gone well until the male came in the poor girl, she had been screaming for hours as her inner walls burned. Jabba hadn’t been pleased that the man hadn’t warned him that his bodily fluids were toxic to several humanoid races.  Again she had to make sure that her new master never tired of her, never wanted to get rid of her. She had to do anything to make him want her no matter what he asked for because in the end she couldn’t be sure she would ever get a master this nice to her ever again. Jabba had been the worse and her life had nearly ended, there were other people out there that could use up slaves like they were nothing. In the dancing school her group had all been told the stories of those that had failed. They were sold off to brothels to pay off the money put into them, for the rest of their lives they were to sell their bodies. Some were sent to those that liked to do the most depraved things to their slaves. Some liked buying slaves because you could do whatever you wanted to do with a slave in some areas of the galaxy and no one would question it. But it was the real horror stories that stuck with her, those that were sold to those that likes to see their slaves raped and humiliated in horrible ways. Inflicting pain on them, forcing them to mate with animals, some were bought purely for sport in some sick games of death. She knew that things could get much worse for her and in all things considered as a slave girl she had it fairly well at the moment. “Get cleaned up.” Almec told her. “Yes master,” She smiled at him as she got up with a dancer’s grace and made sure her movements were enticing as she left for the shower in the hallway. “I’m so going for that ass soon,” Almec swore seeing that fine green ass with his cum leaking down her legs. Next up Chapter 4: Good News and Gifts
Chapter 1 - In Heat
"Are you alright, Koneko?" Akeno asked her with concern etched on her face. The two were in the club room alone and Koneko was trying her hardest to keep her small twitches and shivers at bay while Akeno did her usual around the room.  Was it possible to feel as red-hot as her body did right now? Koneko crossed her arms over her chest since the slightest movement teased her pointed nipples. Being shorter than Akeno had its own set of problems too since she could clearly see into her friend's generous cleavage. That didn't help matters at all. throb Oh nonono! Koneko thought, a drop of sweat clearly trailed down her forehead in front of Akeno. She was succumbing to her mating needs, and fast. Her eyes were glued to the two glorious tits that bounced with every step that Akeno walked. If only she could just wash her feverish face in those cool tits for a moment... "Thanks, but I-I'll just lie down..." she felt another heat flash course through her body and instead of just walking over to the chair she face-planted onto the floor. A humiliating defeat at the hands of her lust. "Oh you poor thing!" Akeno sighed and pulled her up to her feet, unaware of how thin the clothes she wore separated her and a large cock in her pussy. Koneko muttered deliriously but sat down in the chair as Akeno instructed. But instead of helping her, however, she went right back to her task. Koneko flashed in anger. The task had something to do with Issei and instead of Akeno helping her out she had the audacity to just plunk her down in a chair and walk away! Her small body was shaking in lust and anger at this point. There wasn't anything she could do now with someone as sexy as Akeno constantly near her grasp. She wiped her forehead and tried to focus on something, anything else in the room. Unfortunately - or fortunately - right at the moment Koneko risked a quick look at Akeno, the black-haired beauty had reached over to pick up whatever-it-was up. Her chest was perfectly on display in front of her aching body. Koneko wrung her hands and barely restrained herself again. Until it happened. Riip! "Oh damn," Akeno cursed and ran her fingers over her now-torn blouse to survey the damage. "I just bought this to show off to Issei too." As if a choir began to sing and the pearly gates of Heaven opened up, Koneko "mrrowed" and tackled Akeno to the ground. "?!" Akeno was caught off guard and struggled to stand up. "Koneko?! What are you doing??" Koneko's snow-white hair draped over her face like a curtain, darkening her face. "I was struggling for so long to restrain myself against these sweater puppies of yours. The way you bounced around so effortlessly was a constant tease. Yes, pure torture." The want, no, the need to mate had overpowered Koneko and all of her senses. She felt the words spill out of her, which felt quite unlike her. "Get off of me!" Koneko ignored her and against Akeno's will, she felt a pleasurable jolt in her pussy as Akeno uncaringly ripped the rest of blouse off. "S-stop!" Akeno cried out. But it was much too late. Akeno's large breasts were finally free from their prison. Large and creamy...quite unlike Koneko's own pitiful chest. "It must be nice," Koneko roughly rubbed and squeezed the tits with wild abandon, "To be able to seduce any man just by giving him a peek at these beauties."  "Th-that's no- hnn~!" Akeno moaned as Koneko opened her mouth wide and latched onto one of the large tits with her drooling mouth. She suckled on her friend with no intention of ever letting go. Koneko savored the feeling of having Akeno at her mercy already. And they hadn't even started! She rolled her tongue across Akeno's flesh. Just her tongue alone was enough for her to get an idea of how firm and perfect her boobs were. Another pang of jealousy and heat coursed through her. Koneko needed to cum - and soon - but it wasn't worth it if her bitch wasn't sufficiently wet. "Ahh!" Akeno moaned in surprise as Koneko bit down on her erect nipple and going into pleasing back and forth of nibbling on the nip and licking all over her breast. Akeno could feel the heat pulse within her and felt the beginning of a large orgasm. Koneko must've sensed it too because not a second later her hand flashed downward and pulled Akeno's panties down in one fell swoop. No words were needed as Koneko simply indulged herself like a kitten in front of a large bowl of milk. She teased Akeno's pussy for only a moment before shoving three fingers into her friend's warm pussy all at once. "Koneko!" Akeno gasped at the sudden insertion, "Please calm down!"  Oh how powerful Koneko felt in that moment, making Akeno's body spasm and convulse wth pleasure right below her as she ran her fingers in and out of the slick cunt. Whatever reservations Akeno had before this, they were washed away as quickly as pussy juice washed over Akeno's thighs and Koneko's fingers. But, like a dam about to break, Akeno pussy's clenched down and a flood of her sweet honey rushed the two of them and the floor below. Koneko stopped sucking on the reddened breast and brought her hand up to her lips to clean it of the sticky job well done. Akeno tried to push her off but the white-haired girl had other ideas. "Did you seriously think that was it? I didn't tackle you for nothing!" "But-" Akeno froze as Koneko stood up and above her. Protruding from her skirt was the largest cock she'd ever seen! How Akeno went that whole session without being poked by it was nothing short of a miracle. Koneko pulled her own panties down and let her cock bounce up and down impressively above Akeno's head. Her phallus was a throbbing mass of cockmeat that didn't look like it was even close to being sated. Veins popped out against the angry red skin and only seemed to get worse by the moment. "You made my poor girlcock look like this," Koneko groaned and stroked it, "It's your job to finish me off as many times as I need after I so lovingly made you wet and ready."  Akeno stared above, dumbfounded. "There's no way you plan on penetrating me with that th-thing, do you?!" A scowl formed on Koneko's face. "I bet if my cock was attached to Issei you'd be begging on your hands and knees like a little slut to service him." She lowered herself to her knees so she was positioned over Akeno's breasts. The scowl deepened. "Open your mouth. NOW!" Akeno went cross-eyed to focus on the purple head that was centimeters away from her full lips. The smell of it was warping her thoughts too. A drop of pre-cum dripped onto her chin and rolled down her exposed neck. Now fed up, Koneko grabbed Akeno's mouth and forcefully forced it open. "If you don't want to play by the rules then I'll just have to make you play myself!" Koneko rammed some of her cock into Akeno's mouth. Akeno tried to scream out and struggle but to no avail again. In a dark corner of her mind, she could already feel her pussy warming up to the idea of being used as nothing more than Koneko's fleshlight. Pre-cum spilled out of the head of the cock after finally feeling something warm and wet envelope it after so long being dry. Koneko would've cried in happiness if all the fluid in her small body wasn't being redirected to her penis. Akeno's throat parted to accept the cock into her mouth, but not willingly. Despite the difference in their powers, Koneko was easily holding her down and pushed more and more into her mouth. Finally! Koneko thought to herself, now with the appropriate amount of dick lodged in Akeno's throat she could get this party started. She wasn't fully in her mouth yet but that would change soon. The parts of her dick that were in though? All coated in Akeno's spit. If Koneko hadn't already known what a pussy felt like, tightening in an orgasm on her cock, she would've thought she'd peaked. Thankfully though, Koneko was virgin as she expertly held Akeno's head in place as the bulge in her throat began to move rhythmically in time with the futa's hips. Drool dribbled out of Akeno's - and probably Koneko too out of bliss - mouth as spit and pre-cum mixed together and forced the beauty to swallow constantly as to not drown in sex. Koneko wanted more though. She gripped her friend's head for all it was worth and mashed it in and out all over hog as fluid flew everywhere. Loud popping noises and glucks filled the room as Akeno could barely stay conscious during the furious facefucking. Koneko's sweet pre-cum and musk felt like it was doing its best to hypnotize her in its tasty charms. Moving even faster, Koneko smirked at the little puddle of pre-cum she was making around Akeno's head. Served her right, flaunting her tits for her to see like that. As if she didn't want a cock to choke her out! Akeno could feel every pulse and vein of futa cock as it hotly ran over tongue and taste buds again and again. It overloaded her senses. Her sight was a mix of her own tears from the lack of air and a surprisingly bald pubic area from her "friend". So now everything was being dominated by Akeno and her cock. The harsh punishment stung enough but amidst the rough fucking Akeno still felt really turned on. Akeno treating her like this was nothing short of a delight. Degrading her and treating her as the "fault" of her being in heat. Despite the hot cock in her mouth and throat, a small laugh bubbled within her. Maybe all Akeno had to do to be treated like again was maybe "accidentally" drop a pencil in front of Akeno and let her see she wasn't wearing panties that day or unbuttoning her blouse on a warm summer day? The possibilities are endless! To torture the futa until her urged overtook here! While Akeno was lost in a sea of thoughts and pre-cum, Koneko's thrusts were growing desperate and wild, a tell-tale sign she was about to cum. Every beat of her heart she felt her penis pump back in time twofold. She decided to ignore telling Akeno and suddenly thrust forward for all it was worth and cummed. "YEEES!" she screamed and her girlcock swelled and shot out many hot, thick ropes of cum that had been boiling in her balls for who knows how long.  It was too much. Far too much for Akeno to swallow it all. The thick semen ran out of her flooded mouth and spilled out onto her face and floor. It was nothing compared to the one drop of pre-cum before.  Rather than rest in the afterglow of her orgasm, Koneko threw Akeno head off her cock and stood up to survey her work. The top of Akeno's body was, frankly, a mess. Cum rushed out of her sore jaw and the puddle around her head was even more pronounced. Akeno herself looked close to passing out but through her dazed vision, she could still see the outline of an erect cock. If anything, the heat flashes Koneko felt in her were getting worse than ever. The remedy? Pussy. Koneko shivered. Wasting no time, she moved and knelt in front of Akeno's wet pussy. Aside from the attention it received earlier the poor thing hadn't been touched at all. No matter though, Koneko was here to make it all better.  "Open wiiiide~!" Koneko said happily. Akeno had been too occupied with swallowing all the sweet treat in and around her mouth to notice Koneko had the purple head of her cock against her pussy lips. "Wait!" she said. Koneko grinned, "Nope!" she answered. With that nice and concise answer, she pushed into her friend's pussy with no resistance whatsoever. In one move, all of her cock was in a hot and slick vice.  "?!" Akeno threw her head back and released what was something akin between a scream and moan as she orgasmed for the simple penetration. Her body shook as the tendrils of pleasure kept shooting from her pussy to the rest of her body. Without meaning to she rubbed her breasts and frantically rubbed her clit as Koneko kept thrusting to prolong the orgasm as long as possible. "Ah~ ah~ ah~!" Akeno's loud moans filled the room as her heavy breasts bounced in time with the smaller girl's powerful pounding. It felt like her body was continually being shocked by bolts of electricity. There really was no better feeling in the world than having a thick blow your mind and body. If Akeno felt that good, it was nothing compared to what Koneko was going through at the moment. Nothing mattered to her except whatever feelings she felt in her cock. She couldn't even accurately describe it to herself. All the feeling in her body was simply draining to her cock. Her tongue lolled out from the pleasure and mindlessly kept thrusting into Akeno. She fell forward and licked and sucked the whatever she could on the breathtaking body below her. The wet slaps of their lovemaking reverberated throughout the room and maybe the whole world! Was Koneko delirious? Probably!  Mindlessly rutting into her friend like a wild animal meant she was truly alive! "YESS!" Koneko's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she unloaded cum into Akeno. Every single pulse of her girl cock shot more cock into the "fleshlight" than most men did during their whole orgasm. Both Koneko and Akeno's toes curled and legs strained and they worked to get every single drop of baby batter into Akeno's used body.  Cum and sweat were all over the both of them now and even Koneko needed a short break as rolled off of Akeno and onto her back. Her pole of a cock showed no intention of going flaccid as even more cum-shot out in the afterglow. Akeno, probably inspired by the amount of cum in her flat, tight tummy at the moment, licked her lips and attacked the rock hard cock with her boobs. Koneko was only a little dazed now and quickly caught on as Akeno moved her tits up and down on her penis. "I can't even fully cover it..." Akeno marveled at the size of hot meat in between her breasts. It as red and veiny as ever, but now Akeno could control how much love to give it. She peppered the head of Koneko's cock with kisses and sloppily licked up whatever pussy juice or cum was still on it and swallowed.  "Faster!" Koneko groaned and humped upward to get off as fast and as hard as she could. Even though she just came, pre-cum spilled out of the head of her angry member and onto Akeno's breasts.  Akeno let it run down, loving the feeling of the pre drip down her breasts. She was beginning to doubt that even Issei could last as long as a futanari catgirl in heat. She took as much cock into her mouth as she could and sucked on it so her cheeks damn near looked concave. "Yesssss," Koneko slurred her words and pushed upward to get as much of Akeno's mouth as she could. Still, her breasts were still the star of the show as Akeno - with a pop! - took the cock out of her mouth played around with it on her breasts. She looked at Koneko and could tell another orgasm was coming shortly. Without a word, Koneko groaned and another rush cum came out and splashed all over Akeno's breasts and face which she happily took. "God you look so hot covered in my cum," said Koneko. Still, her cock still showed signs of life and she rubbed the hard length on Akeno's face. "Oh yeah, this big cock is all yours now. All day, every day. You can be my little slut who cleans me up after every orgasm!"  Those words were nothing but gospel to Akeno, who only moaned in response to being flipped over to her stomach by Koneko.  "One more spot to fuck!" said Koneko happily. And like all the other times, she shoved her cock into Akeno's virgin ass without warning. "Too much!" Akeno cried out in pain but Koneko went on without a care in the world! "Nonono, you like this, right? You get to be my tight little cocksleeve forever!" Koneko's hips thrust with the skills of a master and Akeno quickly learned to get used to the monster in her ass whether she liked it or not. "Right?!" "Y-yes!" Akeno moaned, "Fuck my ass!" She felt so cheap and good, being used just so Koneko could get off. "Fuck my ass and fill me with your cum!" She thrust backward against Koneko's throbbing monster of a cock cried out in pain and pleasure with every thrust was forced to be acquainted with. Koneko reached forward and pulled Akeno's cum-ridden and dirty ponytail back and kept thrusting without any care in the world. All she wanted to do was to make Akeno squeal with every plunge into her ass. Her hot breath filled the air as she focused on Akeno's face as pulled back even harder while the pretty pink asshole on her cock tightened more and more with every intention to milk many more loads out of her. "More, more, give me more!" Akeno screamed and Koneko used her other hand to slap Akeno's ass, leaving bright marks with a color, not unlike her cock's angry red. "Yes!! Fuck your little slut! Fuck me and make yours!" Akeno's moans and screams mixed together in harmony, peaceful music to Koneko's ears, "Make your sweet cum overfill my ass just like you did to my pussy!!" Akeno was barely coherent in her words and if nothing else only made Koneko even hornier.  "You got it!" she gasped and hammered her long futa dick in and out of her friend with no concern for anyone else. Her precious Akeno who is only useful for being a cum dumpster for her now and forever! For the 4th time that day, Koenko's eyes screwed up as she came inside Akeno's ass. Cum spurted out of her asshole and around her cock as Koneko kept up her wild and frantic thrusts. "YEEES!" With one last word, Akeno screamed her own orgasm up to the heavens and flopped down onto the dirty floor, where she belonged.  Koneko shakily stood up with her cock only at half-mast. She could hear someone on the outside of the room coming, and fast. Probably because of all the screams. Ready or not, I here I come, she grinned. With a twinge in her cock. 
Chapter 0 - Foreword
This is a story that popped into my head after reading the Fifth elephant, and i just couldn't get it out of my head, I decided to write it down, and well, here it is.. I'm not claiming it to be a masterpiece of anything, but some might find it enjoyable. I am aware it seems a little rushed and rough, and i am sure with a little work i could make it better, but i just needed it out of my system. Discworld is invented by Terry Prattchet.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Model
Disclaimer: I don’t own Spider-Man or any Marvel character and I don’t make a profit from this. The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 2: The Model Peter woke up to the sun in his face as he tried to remember what had just happened last night. As the memory of being with that woman came back he suddenly sat up in bed and looked around. “The hell?” He remembered things like candles being all over his room but there wasn’t a single drop of wax anywhere, no smell of candles either. Looking down he saw that he was still in his sleeping clothing as well. The sheets were messy but that could have been just because he had been tossing in his sleep. He didn’t feel like he had spent all nigh having great sex he didn’t even smell like it. He fell back onto his back looking up at the ceiling. “Well Peter it’s official you really got to be lonely to have your own mind make up a sex dream like that.” He sighed rubbing his face. True he had been down since his breakup with Charlie but he didn’t think it had gotten to that point yet. He grumbled as he got up and headed for the shower feeling surprisingly refreshed. It felt like he had one hell of a nice sleep, although he wouldn’t mind waking up to someone else in bed with the aches and pains of sex afterward. Although most people didn’t know it, Peter didn’t like being alone he had enough of that growing up. With no parents and living with his aunt and uncle, plus being kind of a quiet kid who was more into books it had been hard making friends. Then you get high school being labeled the nerd and picked on and you get the picture. It wasn’t until he had his first girlfriend in Gwen did Peter know the joys of sharing a life, then when things got more serious with MJ he had been prepared to live the rest of his life with someone. To wake up next to them, to feel them next to him in the night had been a great comfort and he missed that. In the shower Peter wondered about his life and the relationships in it trying to figure out where he had gone wrong. He had kept his secret from Gwen and in the end she had been killed because of Norman Osborne the first Green Goblin. With Black Cat she was more interested in Spider-Man than the man behind the mask. Mary Jane he had thought she had been the one, hell he nearly married her and for the longest time he thought he had found the one. But then things had just didn’t work out, oh sure they had their ups and downs like any relationship but when it had ended Peter had felt like someone had taken a precious part of him away. Then when Carlie came along he thought that maybe keeping her unaware of him being Spider-Man like with Gwen it would work, MJ had known and it had put her in danger. Carlie already was in danger working with the NYPD even it was with the Crime Scene Unit. But again that hadn’t work out when she had found out he had lied to her, she was still pissed at him. Well pissed at Peter, she could still work with ‘Spider-Man’ apparently which only showed Peter that he had no clue how the female mind worked. Drying off he was about to start breakfast when he got a call, checking the time he saw that thankfully he hadn’t slept in. Sure Horizon Labs didn’t have a nine to five work hours but showing up late all the time from him sleeping in didn’t give him a good reputation. But from the clock it was still early so thankfully it wasn’t work calling. He picked up the phone saying hello and was a bit surprised by the familiar voice on the other line. “Hey hope I wasn’t waking you,” Mary Jane Watson’s voice called out through the phone. “Naw just got up, how are things?” Although MJ was his ex they had gotten to the place where they were still very close friends. Maybe more than friends but less than lovers, it was a really awkward place for them after everything they had been through with each other there would always be something between them. “Actually going kind of well you wouldn’t believe what I just bought,” She happily told him. “Well you wouldn’t be calling about a new dress or shoes this early, you don’t drive so you didn’t get a car did you?” “Something a bit bigger,” she told him. “You know how I’ve been thinking of trying something new with my life other than modeling or acting?” Peter sat down as he nodded even though he knew she couldn’t see him. “Yeah kind of still surprised about that.” “Yeah I know, I’ve done lots of modeling and I’ve been in TV and in a few films but lately my career just kind of has been stalled. Plus I only got a few more good years left as a model and acting jobs aren’t as plentiful in New York as they were in L.A. So I needed something else I mean I’m not going to be one of those people who don’t plan ahead.” “Smart but then you always were.” “Damn right,” She nearly laughed knowing that in intelligence he was way beyond her. “Well I bought myself a club.” “What like a nightstick?” Peter joked not sure if she was serious or not. “Peter,” She chided him, “I mean a real club as in dancing and drinking.” Peter blinked in surprised, “Well…huh that’s good news if a little surprising. You never said anything about wanting to do this before.” “Yeah I know but honestly with everything happening in New York they’re finding it hard to shoot here since the insurance rates have increased. Plus I’m getting a little too old to model as I only got a few years left in that.” “Old? You’re not even thirty.” She only laughed over the phone, “That’s old in the model world Peter. Anyway I found this great place that was up for sale and given all the parties and clubs I went to I wanted to run one of my own once. I think now was the time. But I was wondering if I could get some help from you?” Peter shrugged even though he knew she couldn’t see it, it was just habit to do things like that over the phone. “Sure why not.” “Great, can you swing by after work? And I don’t mean your usual swing by the way,” She told him lightly. -Later that day- Peter hadn’t known what MJ had needed his help for but he found the place she told him that she owned. It looked pretty expensive and he had to guess she had taken a loan to pay for part of this place. She knew she had done a few jobs in LA that had paid well but he hoped this place lasted. He didn’t want to see this place on Bar Rescue or something. So he had shown up regularly after work and since the Avengers of the Foundation didn’t call for him he showed up. She let him in as he quickly found out why she needed him she needed help moving some furniture around.  So there he was picking up a sofa in her new office and carrying it around by himself. “I think this is an abuse of our friendship,” He told her. “Oh please can’t a girl call her friend who just happens to have super human strength to help her out? I mean I’d do it if I still had those spider powers of my own you know.” She teased. “Yeah and you’d be a giant spider monster by now too,” Peter set the sofa down. “Okay that’s true,” She sighed as she picked up a box and set it down. It was full of supplied she would need for the bookkeeping. She hoped that she didn’t need to hire help for that, well only time would tell but she was certain she could manage. “So any world saving today?” She asked him as they got to work. As the two of them were busy they didn’t know that they were being watched by a third entity that was with them unseen and unheard by their mortal senses. Aphrodite had felt the pull of her spell on Peter and she could see the underlying attraction these two had. The woman was tall with lovely long red hair and stunning green eyes. She had a great hourglass figure and long legs, although her breasts weren’t as large as the goddess’ she had to admit by mortal standards the woman was very sexy. She had been listening in and she could tell right away something was going on between them or at least there had been a lot of love between them. She could feel the embers of that flame still there but for some reason it felt muted to her. Which was odd but she just wanted to sit back and enjoy the show as she felt her spell starting to work. Peter went to go through a box of hers when he noticed MJ bending down to pick something up, those tight jeans of hers left nothing to the imagination as he saw her perfect ass. He also could see her long legs and he felt old desires flare up inside of him. He would like nothing better than to take those jeans off and bend her over and have his way with her. He knew just how it felt to be inside of her, the sexy noises she made, how her breasts felt in his hands and mouth. He felt himself getting hard just remembering all the times they had sex when they had been together. He wanted her, he still wanted her maybe he had never stopped but he wasn’t sure if he could cross that line again. He quickly turned around trying to calm himself he blamed that damn dream he had. It must have given him a case of blue balls or something because fantasying about his ex-girlfriend was dangerous territory.     “There how’s that?” Peter asked her putting down her new desk. MJ snapped out of her trance as she had been too busy staring at Peter’s ass and the familiar burning desires she used to have all the time with him couldn’t be stopped. She knew she still felt for him but things had only just become stable between them but here she was with her Ex and checking him out and thinking what it would be like to be lying on that desk naked with his cock thrusting into her body. She missed his touch the feel of him on her body and it was like her desires were kicked into overdrive. “MJ?” Peter asked her as he saw an old look in her eyes it was a look he hadn’t seen in a long time. She really looked good too, hell she always looked good but for some reason today it was like old times. He knew every inch of her body and god how he wanted to rip those clothing off of her. She slowly walked up to him as she ran a hand on the wooden desk. He caught her scent and god did she smell great, she was wearing something new but he liked it. “Have you ever thought about what you could do if you could change a certain moment in time?” Mary Jane asked him as her other hand ran up his chest as their eyes locked. “Like what if you might have made a mistake or even just go back and relive a good moment?” “Yeah I have,” Peter told her locked his brown eyes with her green. Neither of them talked for a moment and then like a damn bursting they grabbed each other and kissed each other deeply. It was a very heated kiss and soon followed by others as their hands roamed each other’s bodies. They felt starved for each other like only the other could satisfy their unending hunger. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” Peter said kissing her neck. “I know,” She told him caressing the back of his neck. “You just had a break up.” “We just became friends,” He said one hand squeezing her ass. “I know it would be weird to suddenly go back,” She hooked a leg around him pulling him closer. “There are a lot of reasons we shouldn’t do this.” “So why don’t I care about those?” He asked her his other hand going for the thigh that was wrapped around his waist. “I know I don’t care either,” Mary Jane moaned at he found that special spot on her neck that drove her wild right below the ear. “Oh god Peter just fuck me, fuck me like you used to I want to feel you inside of me again!” He wasted no time in grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifting if off her head as he threw it aside now he had a perfect view of her magnificent breasts clad in a very sexy black bra. She always did know how to accessorize he thought to himself. She smiled biting her lower lip in excitement as he returned the favor and took off his own shirt. She ran her hands over the slim and yet powerful muscles. She knew that with those muscles he could smash a car up and it was always kind of a turn on. Her hands were soft to the touch as he reached behind her and with years of practice unhooked her bra. MJ took the straps herself and slid it off her now bare chested for him his hands went to those large mounds feeling the softness to them and yet how perky they always were. It was no wonder she had easily become a model with a body like hers. She reached down to his belt and undid it the burning inside of her seemed to grow only more intense as the more clothing was shed. Quickly she undid the belt and pants and she pushed them down, Peter quickly kissed her neck and went lower as she arched her back to give him better access. Peter soon found himself by her tits, her rose colored nipples were already hard but he took one into his mouth, his other hand went to her free breast loving the feel of it in his palm. His free hand went to her lower back to support her weight. Soon that hand on her breast went down to unbutton her jeans as his hand slowly dug down to her panties. He could feel the wet spot in front of them as he gently started to rub her sex making her moan. “Help me get my pants off,” she told him as he pulled away allowing her to stand up as he quickly pulled her pants down helping her to get out of them. “Damn you always have to wear tight jeans,” he complained at how slow it was going. “Hey I work hard for his body so why not show it off?” He finally got her feet out and threw the jeans away as he was now face to face with her crotch her panties were a matching sexy match to the bra she had. He pulled them down as MJ bit her lip she loved the feeling of a guy taking off her panties she wasn’t sure why but it was damn sexy to her. Peter saw the smooth skin seeing that she had recently shaved, he knew her habits so well. In fact he remembered the first time they had sex back then she had kept her bush nicely trimmed and it was when he knew she was a natural red head. Lately she had kept her sex nice and smooth he gave her pussy a few licks smelling her musky scent knowing that she was very turned on from her body’s reaction.  She dug her hands into his hair feeling his tongue probe her sex her mouth hung open as she gave out a happy moan feeling his tongue go to work. By now he knew her body so very well as she felt him use his hands to pull open her puss lips to expose her sensitive pink flesh as he attacked it directly. “Oh god Peter I don’t think I can take it anymore,” Normally she loved it how Peter would take his time with her body hell he sometimes brought her to a small orgasm before they got to the good part. But she couldn’t wait, she needed him now. Peter could tell she was already very ready her pussy was so farm and wet that it was nearly dripping. Plus his raging hard on demanded some kind of release and although he would love to feel her lips around his cock or to feel her breasts wrapped around his cock as she gave him a titty fuck like in the past he wanted to mount her and fuck her to the point she would beg him for either more or she couldn’t take it anymore. Standing up he undid his pants as he quickly tried to get rid of them, his underwear and socks and shoes. MJ bit her lip as she watched him strip, he still had such a nice body and when his cock sprang out she couldn’t wait to feel it inside of her again. Like herself Peter kept himself bare down there, when she started to shave off her hair around her sex she asked Peter to try it out. She actually liked it because it was easier for her to give him head plus it made his cock look even bigger without all the hair in the way. MJ sat herself on her desk and she laid back with her thighs spread as a silent invitation for him. Peter eager knelt down and his mouth latched onto her pussy making her moan as her fingers ran through his hair. He could smell the musky sent already off her and she was already really wet as she ground her hips into his face. “Oh god Peter,” She moaned as she loved the way he did oral sex with her. Peter always was willing to do this, she remembered how at first he had been a little unsure of what to do down there but he had asked her to tell him what worked and what didn’t. Now he was a master at eating her out, she arched her back when she felt him insert two fingers into her vagina as his mouth found her clit. Peter increased the pace of his fingers as MJ’s hips started to buck with them. He knew she was getting close from the way her body was reacting he loved the sexy sounds she made during sex. She would make these heated moaning and cries of passion. She told him that she was cumming and he could feel it as her vagina tightened up around his fingers as he felt her juices spilling out. MJ lay still as she was taking deep breaths as Peter stood up as he got on top of her. She smiled up at him as she embraced him lovingly like old times as Peter silently brought his two fingers up to their mouths. It was an old thing of theirs as Peter licked one finger tasting her and she took the other in her mouth in a very slow and sensual way. “Fuck me Tiger,” She told him her eyes smoldering with lust. “I want you to fuck me.” Peter knew what she meant, she always said ‘make love’ when she wanted the more sensual experience with sex but she only ever would say to ‘fuck her’ when she really wanted a good pounding. Honestly he was so worked up he wanted to, he wanted to hear her scream out his name again to hear her beg for more like she used to. He stood up and lined himself up with her as she took hold of her thighs eager to feel it. Peter grinned as he ran the head over her wet slit. “You sure you want it babe?” “Yes, I want that cock of yours in me Peter, fuck me with it, please don’t tease me,” she honestly told him and then he thrust all the way in making her grunt out in surprise but also loving it. She felt him fill her up completely as he placed his hands on either side of her as he pulled out to only just the head was still in her and thrust hard again. “Yes! Like that Tiger, fuck me, fuck my pussy!” MJ did love it when she and Peter made love but just sometimes a girl liked to be fucked up against the fridge hard. She knew that if Peter thrust as hard as he wanted he would break her hips but she trusted him, he was careful not to go too hard but he also relied on her to tell him if he was hurting her or if it was just right. “Harder Tiger, fuck me harder!” “You got it,” He increased the power of his thrusts as he enjoyed the sight of her on her back as he impaled her on his large cock. One of her arms went above her to hold her in place as she gripped the edge of the desk near her head. He watched at her tits moved with her body with each thrust into her. The moan with each thrust was always some of the sexiest sounds he ever heard coming from her mouth. Mary Jane tried to thrust back as best she could but the way Peter was over her and how each powerful thrust filled her up she was nearly lost in the joy of everything. Her whole body felt alive as he fucked her on her new desk. Soon Peter held her hips bringing them up as she wrapped her long legs around his waist making faster thrusts. She couldn’t even speak as she just cried out constantly wishing for this to never end. He grunted with effort with each time he buried himself into her pussy, it felt amazing just like always. Peter didn’t have much experience with different women but he loved the way Mary Jane felt around his cock it was almost like her pussy was a perfect fit for him. Slowly he increased his pace as she tried to match his pace. Soon they were moving quickly with constant thrusts as Peter knew he wouldn’t be able to stop. He needed his release soon but he was still inside of her and he hadn’t thought to put on a condom. Yes they had sex without it before but that was when they had been a couple and he didn’t know if today it would be safe or not to release it inside of her. The problem being her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist that it was actually preventing him from pulling out. “MJ I’m going to cum I have to pull out!” He warned her. “It’s okay!” She told him so close to her orgasm that she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to feel his dick when it pulsed inside of her filling her with his liquid heat. She had fucked him raw countless times after all. “It’s a safe day and I’m still on the pill, so cum Peter, please cum in me!” “Oh god!” Peter cried out as her begging to cream her insides pushed him over the edge. He buried himself into her, he groaned as he filled her body. MJ cried out his name as that was the final push her body yearned for as she reached her orgasm. She felt his sperm hit her cervix and seep into her womb. Both adults panted as their caught their breaths as MJ ran her fingers through Peter’s hair as he was bent over her his head resting between the valley of her breasts. She hadn’t felt that good in a long time her orgasm was still giving her a nice tingly sensation over her body. That was when she noticed something else, Peter was still hard. She felt him still inside of her and although he was a little soft it didn’t seem to be going down. That was a surprise for her, yes Peter had super human stamina with his powers but normally it took him a couple of minutes to get ready again. Sometimes she would caress his cock or suck him off to get him hard again while her body recovered from the first round but he seemed ready again. She could only remember a few times that had happened but she didn’t about the reasons she was still horny for more and if he was ready she wanted to continue. She pulled his face from her chest and pulled him to her mouth as she kissed him long and deep. He returned it as he grabbed her and suddenly MJ found herself lifted up into the air as she wrapped herself around his body as he easily held her up. “Ready for the bucking bronco?” He asked her as she grinned at him. It was a little move of their own as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. “Kiddy up,” She told him as he lifted her by her ass and let gravity slam her down onto his cock. She cried out as she helped with the thrusting as he fucked her standing up. In this position the down thrust was very powerful and with Peter’s strength it was easy for him to slam her down onto his cock. She rode him as best she could moaning out with each down thrust, sometimes she would lean back grinding her hips against his. Peter eventually walked her over to the wall as he fucked her against it, her back sliding against the wall. Her fingers dug into his back slightly as her moaning turned to cries of passion calling out his name over and over again. His voice matched hers as the sounds of sex filled the room she was so wet by this time he could hear the wet sounds as he entered her body. He felt the mixed juices slowly leaking out of her pussy as it covered his own groin the sweat on their bodies. Eventually they came again as Peter pressed her up against the wall filling her again, after a moment they started again only this time on the couch as MJ was between his legs her head bobbing up and down as she sucked his cock it didn’t take long to get him hard as she relished the taste of both of them on his cock. She eagerly got on top of him as she sat down on his cock as they started up their third time having sex. Harder and harder she rode him sometimes stopping to move her hips around in a circle or rocking back and forth. She would lean in close allowing him for his moth to plant kissing on her upper body, for his mouth to capture a nipple and sucking it into his mouth hard. The two adults kept it up until both of them reached their third orgasms of that night. After that final round of sex both of them needed a moment to rest as they hadn’t had a break since they started. Both of them hadn’t moved from her couch as they were covered in sweat and the office smelled of sex. Mary Jane was sitting on his lap cuddled up against him as he idly ran a hand along her back. They were silent for a long time just enjoying the moment but both of them were wondering where that had come from. “Well that was great,” she finally spoke up. “I mean, wow you were pretty energetic today, I think my toes curled at one point.” “You were pretty into it yourself,” Peter smiled, “God the last time we fucked like that…I think it was back when you came back from that film when we hadn’t seen each other in over a month.” “Oh god I remember that we didn’t leave our place for like two days,” MJ laughed remembering a lot of ordering in and not a lot of clothing involved. They fell silent a moment before she finally spoke what both of them were thinking. “Peter, what was all that really? I mean yeah it was great but we broke up and only just now got to be friends again.” “I know plus I just had a break up I wasn’t exactly looking for a new relationship.” He admitted yeah he felt like crap because of it but he didn’t feel he was ready for another relationship so soon after it. “And there is no way I want to be the rebound girl,” she replied. “Trust me I could never think of you like that,” He assured her. “So what, we were just really horny and just jumped each other?” “I guess,” She shrugged not sure how it happened she just really wanted him for some reason. It wouldn’t be the first time in her life after all but it had seemed kind of odd. “I mean I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t even had a change to even thinking about dating. I haven’t even had sex in like…three months. God I can’t believe it’s been that long and the last time was just okay nothing like now.” “Yeah I haven’t had any since Charlie dumped me.” “But are we even ready for another try Peter?” She looked up at him. “You just got out of a break up, I’m going to be busy as hell with my club for who knows how long in order to get this place going.” She sighed resting her head against Peter’s shoulder. They both just weren’t in the right place to try again but she really liked the sex and having him around, she didn’t want to push him away but she also didn’t want to go back into a full on relationship. Peter was thinking the exact same thing, he liked having MJ in his life, he really enjoyed the sex but he just got out of a relationship and he didn’t want to go back to her so soon as it felt like he was just making her the rebound girl and if he and Mary Jane did want to start again he wanted to be damn sure it would be for the right reasons. “Too bad we can’t keep the friendship and the sex,” Peter sighed as he let his head fall back cursing his luck in life. MJ got quiet as she thought about it, “Well…why not? I mean we’ve been lovers, we’re friends and we can’t go back to being in a relationship like we used to have so why not just have the best of both worlds?” Peter’s head snapped back down to look at her there was no way she was proposing what he thought she was. “You know, friends with benefits at least until say one of us wants to move on or when we’re ready to try again, what do you think?” She asked him she knew it was kind of crazy and a bit of a long shot but honestly what else could they do? They obviously still had a spark between them so why couldn’t they try it out? She sure as hell wouldn’t mind the occasional booty call from him if tonight was anything to go by. Peter was at a loss for words for a moment, “You really want to try that out?” “Couldn’t hurt could it?” “I…don’t think so,” He actually could think of lots of ways but he didn’t care he wanted to at least try if only to see if this could work. “But if we try this if things get weird between us we stop before he screw up our friendship.” “Deal,” She smiled at him. “Now we better get dressed and clean up because now we have more work to do.” Aphrodite blinked in surprise, the hell just happened? The spell was to break down the inhibitions that mortals had. If there was an attraction between Peter and another woman then that attraction would increase the more time they spent with each other. She crossed her arms as she had felt there was some major love between these two and yet even with her spell something was off here. They should be back together again as apparently there was a lot of history between them. If she didn’t know any better she would say something was messing with her spell but it would take some major power to do that and so she just shrugged it off. Maybe it would take some time but at least these two would be sleeping together again. She felt a bit energized from that session, the spell she had placed on him allowed for her to get some power for herself through the link. She was the goddess of love after all so if she could get a little something out of her gift. She wondered what other women he would come across as she watched the two of them putting back on their clothing. “I get the feeling this is going to be some fun,” she said to herself which of course the mortals were totally unaware of her saying that. Next up Chapter 3: The Thief
Chapter 2 - Staggered! - Stag, Beastiality
A few days later, an opportunity arose, she was walking through the woods, in her own thoughts when suddenly she came upon a clearing, inside it, she saw a magnificent stag, He was taller than she was, with antlers that reached majestically to the sky, and she was immediately Dumbstruck, she knew exactly what she had to do She closed in on the stag, it looked up at her, cautious eyeing her, but without running, Dryads had that effect on wildlife. She brought herself beside him, running a hand along his flank. ”Hello there beautiful, how are you doing?” He reared his head in Confirmation, before he nuzzled into her open palm, causing her to giggle. Still she couldn't shake the feeling that kept gripping her tighter, Continuing to look over him, then finally she decided, leaning in to whisper in his ear. ”I have a job for you friend, see, I have a little problem and I need you to help me..” He grunted in Reply, and she continued ”I need you to mount me like a Doe.” He gazed at her with his deep knowing eyes, then he nuzzled her neck before rearing up onto her back, she shifted under the weight but kept her stance, she knew this was not going to be like with the keeper, he'd be rougher and quicker, and she readied herself. Then she felt him, aiming forward to his mark, she helped him by back up against him, he touched her petal, causing a soft gasp from her. She was already getting wet, just by the thought of getting filled up, and then it happened, he grunted and pushed forward, slipping his dick into her, causing her to moan out, he was bigger than the keeper, and longer too, filling her out completely. She closed her eyes and Moaned, louder as he began to thrust into her. Having a hard time to keep standing, Lyn, pulled him along to a nearby tree for support with her hands, the whole way he kept thrusting into her, almost making her trip in pleasure a time or two. Luckily she managed it to the tree, and he used the opportunity to thrust inside even harder. She continued to cry out, this was great, she wanted more, and he granted it, he juices leaking out her cunt, dripping onto the grass, causing him to rut her even faster. With a final cry, she was rocked by an orgasm, crying out, echoing around the woods, as he too climaxed, and began to pump her full of his fertile seed, she accepted it all, not letting a single drop spill, once spent, he leapt of an returned to his grazing, paying her little mind. Lyn kept against the tree as she gasped for air, slowly opening her eyes, she looked back at her recent mate, and smiled to herself, before stepping into the forest once more.
Chapter 0 - Yang's Clock is Ticking
Disclaimer: I don’t own RWBY or anything related to it and make no profit off of this. This was kind of done for someone I know on a Discord server that wanted to see a story like this done.   WARNING: Spoilers for Season 7 (at the time of writing this)   Yang’s Clock is Ticking   Yang was getting tired and not in the physical way, she was getting bored from the constant missions she had been one for Ironwood. It was always the same, training, go out and either it was long stretches of boredom on sentry duty protecting the construction zone and the mine that only got broke up when Grimm showed up. Then there were the long and very boring jobs of riding in the trucks carrying the materials. The patrols on Mantel weren’t so bad thankfully but again, it was just a lot of walking around until Grimm showed up.   When she thought of being a Huntress all those years ago, she never thought she would be bored in her job but it had only been a couple of weeks since Ironwood made them all official Huntresses and Huntsmen and she was starting to get an eye opener on her life now.   She needed a change, something new to do.   Yang yawned as she got into the briefing room with all her friends and the Ace Ops as the usual missions were again on the screen. Time and time again it was just the same old stuff, maybe that’s why she felt so bored. It was the same missions over and over again, she needed a change but what?   Her eyes wondered as she looked at Jaune and how he was going to the board. She had to smirk at how much he had changed since that first day they met over a year ago. He was still the dorky friend they all knew but he had grown a lot since those days. He was a lot more confident now and she had to admit his new look made him seemed like nearly a very different person. Although she did think, he could grow his hair out maybe a little bit more, give him a bit more of a wilder look.   Wait, maybe that was it.   Jaune did those missions with the kids right? Maybe she could join him on those it only to just do something else for once.   Thinking of kids brought back to their time in Argus and meeting some of Jaune’s family, his sister was cool and his sister-in-law was nice although it was Adrian the cute little toddler that made her heart melt. He had been so adorable and she loved spending time with him. It was at the end of the day she realized that she felt a need inside of her, a need to have a little child of her own one day.   She pushed those thoughts aside but it had been planted in her head and now and then she thought about it. Honestly, she wasn’t sure they could beat Salem in her lifetime, what was she going to do just fight on until she got as old as Maria? Sure part of her was worried about being a mom one day as her biological one was the worst example of a mother she knew personally. Summer was the kind of mother she wanted to be like, she wanted to be ‘super mom’ to her kids one day.   The meeting room as she entered was filled with the usual people as she saw Jaune on the board. Smiling she walked up to him. “So what’s on the board today?”   “The usual,” he sighed. “Although again the parents as asking for help again.”   “Man they’ve been doing that every day,” Yang commented.   Jaune nodded. “Yeah but the kids love it and I know given all the Grimm attacks in the city the parents are worried about their kids so I don’t mind.”   Yang smiled at that, Jaune always was someone that wanted to help everyone. It kind of reminded her of Ruby sometimes. “Hey you want some help with that?”   “What?”   “You know some help,” she leaned in to say in a lower tone. “I’m getting bored of the same old stuff, I think something different will help.”   “Well I don’t see why not, sure,” Jaune smiled at her he was thankful for someone else to be with him.   -Later-   Yang had to admit it wasn’t a bad chance of pace, the kids were just so adorable. They looked up at her with this look of wonder when they found out she was a huntress and would be working with Jaune today. Seeing all the cute little kids made her heart warm as the mothers would be checking on them one last time or giving final instructions.   She could still remember Summer being like that when she had been alive and Yang felt that pang of longing again. She also saw Jaune and how he was with the kids, he was so sweet to them and patient as well. Looking at him as he talked with some of the kids that he had gotten to know through their time here she could see him as a great dad one day, in fact she was sure he would be a great dad.   He kind of reminded her of her own father now that she thought about it. A strong male that was kind hearted, a little bit goofy and would do anything for those he cared about.   A growing feeling started to show up in her now, that longing was growing and soon she was finding a desire burning deep inside. She looked at the kids and couldn’t help but wonder, what would she be like as a mother? She pretty much helped raise Ruby as both a sister and pseudo-mother figure after all.   It was the same feeling she had seen when she had seen Saphron and Terra with Adrian.   She wanted a kid she realized.   It was kind of a shock as she helped Jaune lead the kids to their school. She was still very young, hell she only just because a full-on Huntress she couldn’t want a kid this soon could she? She tried to deny it but there it was, it was like her motherly instincts had been awakened full force but the problem was now, what was she going to do with it?   She couldn’t just sleep with some random guy and get knocked up, well she could, but she didn’t want to. She wanted to have a kid with someone decent, someone that could love the kid as much as her. Sure, maybe they wouldn’t be together but she wanted a child with someone that would care about any kid she had and would be there for the kid at least. Unlike Raven she wanted her children to have parents that wanted to be active in their lives.   “Miss are you a real huntress?” A cute little girl asked looking up at her.   Yang’s heart warmed at the sight of her as she knelt down. “You got it.”   “So you fight the monsters like Mr. Jaune does?” the girl asked looking at Yang with a sense of wonder.   “Oh yeah I do, I think we both have taken out a lot of Grimm between the two of us.” Yang told her although she was certain that her count was still way higher if only because she had more chances to fight Grimm. Although she wasn’t sure just how many he might have killed on the journey to Haven with Ruby, Ren and Nora. Still he had come a long way from when he first showed up at the school.   She now considered Jaune a good huntsman and not just in skill, he was a good guy and the kind of guy you could depend on in a fight.   “Come along kids,” A parent said helping the kids off as she looked to Jaune. “Tanks again for doing this. This means a lot to them and to all of us as well, with all the Grimm attacks knowing our kids are in good hands really helps.”   “Oh it’s no problem,” Jaune informed the young mother. “It’s actually nice and protecting people is one of the reasons I wanted to become a huntsman.”   Yang could only smile hearing that, it certainly was a better reason than her original one of just going on adventures and going wild. She had grown too since those days at Beacon, she flexed her mechanical hand as a reminder of just what it cost her to grow up.   “Well you should be proud of it,” the woman went on. “You know my son started drawing pictures of you?”   “Really?”   “Oh yes, he considers you a hero.”   “Well, that’s nice although sometimes I don’t feel like it,” Jaune blushed rubbing the back of his head.   “Hey don’t sell yourself short Jaune,” Yang came over and elbowed him. “You’re a great huntsman.”   “Yeah but I’m still not as good as you,” he replied.   Yang smiled back at him. “You’ll get there.”   With that they continued on leading the kids and she saw how Jaune was with them. Patient with them, talking to them and asking how they were. Apparently, he had gotten to know the kids and she had to admit, he made a good role model for the kids. Yang wished that she could get a man like that as a father for her kids one day.   Then it happened again, the yearning. She thought of what it would be like to have a child in her arms, a little bundle that was part her in this world. She felt that heat in her core again as she looked at the children and thought of having a boy or girl their age and walking them to school on the first day.   The more she spent time here the more and more she wanted a kid of her own. She thought that by the time they left the kids at the school it would go away but it didn’t, it only seemed to get worst as she missed the sounds of children around her.   Yang wasn’t sure she could take this anymore the wanting desire deep in her core was too strong to ignore anymore. She felt warm all over and the ‘itch’ between her legs was demanding attention.   Jaune noticed Yang’s uncomfortable look as they walked back to the airbus station to get a ride back to Atlas. “Hey Yang are you okay?”   Yang jerked at it as she was hoping he might not have noticed. Then again, maybe this was her chance to do something with it. He was single and it wasn’t like he wasn’t unattractive, hell he was actually kind of handsome now. Thinking about how he would be as a father she just knew that he would be a loving and caring one.   “Say Jaune I know this is a strange thing to ask but, you ever thought of having a family?” Yang nervously asked.   Jaune flushed as she scratched the back of his head. “Well yeah, you know I come from a large family and I’d always wanted one of my own.”   “So, you wouldn’t mind being a dad one day?”   “Actually, I kind of would like to be.” Jaune nervously laughed. “I know it’s an odd thing to say but working the kids kind of reminded me of my own family when I was little and how I always looked up to my parents. I wanted to be a great parent like them one day.”   Yang felt that throb inside of her growing at hearing that. “Well to tell you the truth, I’ve felt the same thing.”   “Really?”   “Why are you surprised?” Yang asked maybe a bit more defensively than she thought.   “Well I always thought you would be a great mom but didn’t expect you to want to already is all,” Jaune shrugged.   Yang blinked, “Wait why did you think I would make a great mom?”   “Well,” Jaune thought about it. “Mainly it’s how you’ve kind of are around Ruby. I mean yeah there’s the big sister side of you but I’ve seen the side that seems to have a motherly side to it as well.”   Yang smiled at that this was the first time someone said anything like this to her. “Thanks and I think you’d make a great dad too.”   “Thanks, although with my luck I’m not sure I’ll ever find the right woman,” Jaune sighed he never had any luck with women. Weiss shot him down all the time, he never noticed that Pyrrha was into him until it was too late. Not to mention the failures he had even before going to Beacon. He was worried one day he would never find that special someone for himself.   “Don’t sell yourself short Jaune,” Yang told him seeing this side of him was making her ‘motherly’ side which was growing at the moment, wanting to help him out.   There was a moment of quiet as she made her choice, “Okay I’m going to say something and please don’t judge me for it okay?”   “Uh…sure okay I mean I would never think bad of a friend,” he told her.   “Okay so, I’ve really got a problem right now and I think you’re the perfect guy to fix it.” Yang stopped as they were next to a building at the end of the street. “I want a child.”   “Well yeah you just said you wanted to be a mom.”   “Yeah but I mean…right now.” Yang told him.   Jaune paused as that sunk in. “Oh. Well, okay that’s sudden, what brought this on?”   “I have no idea,” Yang said frustrated. “I mean it started back in Argus when I was playing with your nephew and now with the kids. It just sent my biological clock rocking like crazy.”   “Oh, okay yeah I think my mom once said something about that. So your telling me this because…”   Yang pushed him against the wall gently as she looked up at him with a lustful expression. “Because I want you to put one in me.”   “W-what?” Jaune stammered seeing that look in her eyes. The kind of look he never seen a woman give him before and yet it was a look that he couldn’t break away from.   “You and me, we find a nice little hotel and tare each other’s clothing off and fuck like rabbits.”   “I, well, I mean-“ Jaune was cut off as Yang’s lips crushing into him in a deep and passionate kiss. He was caught off guard but wrapped his hands around her waist as she moaned at the contact loving the feeling of strong hands on her waist. They took a breath as they continued on and deepened the kisses.   Jaune was losing himself in her, the smell of her hair, the taste of her lips. Then her tongue entered his mouth as they fought for dominance in her mouth. Jaune could feel himself getting hard from her and he was wondering if this was it, the day he would have sex and with Yang of all people. He had to admit that Yang was one of the most tempting bodies he knew.   He pulled away as a small amount of reason entered, “Yang are you sure I mean aren’t we kind of young?”   “Oh please I think my parents had me at,” Yang paused as she did mental math and realized that Raven had only been just a bit older than she was now. “Oh god I’ve becoming like Raven…”   “Hey I think you’d be a much better mom than her,” Jaune tried to assure her knowing the kind of complicated relationship she had with her biological mother.   She smiled up at him kissing him again before someone on the street shouted at them.   “Get a room already!”   “Sounds like a plan to me,” Yang took his hand as she led him away.   “W-we’re really doing this?” Jaune asked nervously.   “Hell yeah we are,” She gave him a lustful smile.   “God, I wonder if this is how things started with my parents.” Yang wondered as they quickly left to find a hotel.   -20 plus Years Ago-   Tai couldn’t believe it, they were finally going to graduate in a few days and be fully licensed. He couldn’t wait for him and the others to finally get out there and start working as actual Huntsmen and Huntresses. They were all planning to go out and party with a few other teams as well.   He got into the room to change as Summer and Qrow were off, Summer went into town to get some supplies and Qrow went to get some booze for some fun. As for Raven, well he hadn’t seen her much lately. She had been acting strange around him and he wasn’t sure why. Hell he had only asked her out last year unable to take being on a team with her and not at least trying to see if she was interested.   So far they had been doing well so he was worried after all this time he was worried she was thinking of breaking up.   He got into the room as the door slammed shut behind him, he quickly turned and froze at the sight of Raven in a very short and silky robe leaning up against the door.   “Oh Taiiii, I need your help with something,” Raven said in a husky tone.   “O-Oh?” He swallowed hard.   “Oh yes,” she grinned walking towards him swinging her hips. “I need a bun in my oven.”   “Wait…what?”   -Present-   Yang kicked open the door with a slight back kick pulling Jaune into the room since they were currently engaged in a passionate kiss. Jaune just barely was able to grab the door and throw it close. He honestly couldn’t believe this was happening, he was in a hotel room with Yang of all people. He tried to think but all he could think about was how soft her lips were, how good her body felt in his hands.   Yang pulled him over to the large bed glad that Jaune was a decent kisser she would hate for this to end up being a lame time for them. Eventually she pulled away looking at him with heated bedroom eyes.   “I think we’re both a little overdressed,” She said in a husky tone.   “Y-yeah,” Jaune started to strip off his armor his hands shaking slightly at all of this. He was so nervous and yet excited at the same time. Who knew that his first time would be with one of the hottest women he knew. Then again, he did know a lot of hot girls but that was besides the point. Yang was also just as eager and nervous as Jaune was as she threw aside her coat and starting to strip out of her clothing.   It kind of sucked that they both had to wear so much but Atlas was cold even with aura to help them deal with the cold it still bit into your flesh. Right now, however she was feeling anything but cold, she was burning up inside with the most primal need she could think of. Jaune followed her lead stripping off his armor and then going for the boots.   He nearly fell over trying to get them off as he couldn’t help but look as Yang stripped down to her underwear. He found her wearing yellow matching bra and panties. Yang had to admit as she got a look at his body as well, that Jaune had grown since she first met him. He was still slim but under all that armor and bulk clothing he wore he had developed a nice body over all this time.   “Oh nice, momma like,” Yang bit her lip as she couldn’t wait to feel all those muscles against her body. She noticed that his boxers had that same bunny logo of his old hoodie. Yang walked up to him and her flesh hand ran over his abs and torso.   Jaune shivered a bit as her hand trailed over him. He hand his hands over her shoulders and arms marveling at now soft her skin was and yet he could feel the muscles under it. It was strangely feminine and yet sporty mix to her body that was captivating. Well that and as his hands went down to her hips e could feel those wide naturally birthing hips she held.   Yang pulled him into a kiss as he felt her breasts pressing up against him, he could feel how soft and yet firm they were. He wanted to see them, he wanted to suck on them. So he reached behind her and undid her bra.   Yang pulled up in surprise. “Got it in one go, most guys new to this don’t know how a bra works.”   “Seven sisters,” He smiled. “Trust me I’ve seen more than most guys I bet.”   Yang laughed as she pulled away and slowly stripped her bra free making a show of it all. Jaune couldn’t look away as she saw them. Yang’s breasts bounced as they were free, they were large with pink nipples topping them off. From the bra he guessed she was a DD cup at the very least, again he knew more about bras from all his sisters than he wanted to know growing up.   Yang leaned back on the bed looking at him as she cupped them. “Come and get them stud.”   Jaune didn’t have to be told twice as he crawled over her and taking one of her nipples in his mouth. Yang moaned at the contact. She could feel him licking and sucking on the sensitive nub as his other hand went to her other breast.   “Suck harder Jaune,” she whispered out.   He did so, she gave the nipple a long and hard suck making her cry out as her hand went to the back of his head and pulling him into her breast. She raised a leg as her thigh rubbed his side moaning in pleasure, her nipples always were sensitive for her.   “Suck them Jaune, suck them like there’s milk in them,” She managed to moan out.   He did just that, trying to suck out milk that both knew wasn’t there, at least not yet. He felt the nub get hard in his mouth as he then switched the other one giving it the same attention as Yang writhed and moaned under him. She could feel her panties getting wet now as she wanted more, she wanted him inside of her.   “Jaune I need it, please take off my panties!”   Jaune stopped his work and pulled back to see a flushed and panting Yang, her large breast heaving with every heavy breath with her pink nipples hard and wet from his mouth. He positioned himself lower as he gripped her panties seeing the damp spot there. He was glad to see that he was getting her wet, he was nervous he wasn’t any good but he could smell the musky scene of her arousal now. He pulled them down her long athletic legs.   “Time to show your goods,” Yang smirked getting a good look as Jaune shyly pulled down his boxers. What sprang out got her eyes wide, he had to at least be nearly seven inches long and his girth, oh that was larger than two of her fingers. “Holy shit Jaune, where have you been keeping that monster?”   “I-is it really that big?” He looked down at it.   “Well you’re above average is the videos I’ve seen online say anything about it,” Yang grinned.   Jaune hadn’t known that, mainly because again, growing up in such a house hold it was hard to find time to watch videos he had to make due with naked female pictures since he couldn’t risk any sound being picked up by anyone in the house. As for showering in the boy’s locker room, well he just never looked. Although this explained some looks, he got from some guys and some bullying because of it.   “Time for the main event Jaune,” Yang called him out of his thoughts as she spread her legs for him. She slipped her hand down and opened up her pussy to show the bright pink skin which glistened with her juices for him.   Jaune swallowed he knew he could stop now before things went too far but he couldn’t, he was memorized the sight of Yang Xiao Long of all people, naked on a bed and calling out to him for sex. He crawled on top of her as Yang took hold of his cock, marveling at the size and feel of it.   She was surprised by how soft the skin was around the hardness she felt in her hand as she guided him to her lower opening. She felt the hot tip pressing against her lips as he slowly pushed himself in, pushing the lips apart and her inner muscles.   “Go for it Jaune, make me yours.” She told him.   Jaune pushed himself inside of her burying himself to the hilt.   “AHHH!” Yang’s back arched feeling him go all in, she was stretched more than anything before in her life. She had used her fingers to pleasure herself before but he was so much bigger than her fingers. He stretched her out in ways she never experienced and she felt the tip knocking on the entrance to her womb.   “A-are you okay?” Jaune asked worried.   “Y-yeah…just give me a moment, fuck you’re big Jaune,” Yang breathed out getting used to the size of him. This was much larger than just her fingers to get herself off with. Sharing a room with your little sister both at home and at Beacon didn’t allow her to get any toys to help with her itch now and then. It was a good thing all her training caused her to break her hymen years ago but still, fuck this was stretching her out.   Jaune couldn’t help but want to continue on but he wanted to make this moment good for her. She looked so beautiful in this moment, her long golden hair was laid out about her, her lilac eyes looking up at him in want and desire. He never noticed just how beautiful her eyes were until this moment. Reaching down he placed a hand behind her head pulling her into a kiss. She moaned into it as her thighs started to tighten at his sides.   She felt so warm inside and it felt so tight as well. It felt better than what he imagined what it would be like to have sex with a woman.   After a few moments she pulled away and nodded her head. Jaune pulled back and then thrust forward feeling the tip hit against something as he buried himself fully back inside of her. Yang moaned out as he filled her completely feeling him slam against her cervix. She thrust back with him on the next, it took a few tries but the two of them eventually got into a rhythm together as the bed started to shake with every movement.   Jaune couldn’t stop watching her, the sounds she made, the movements, how her large breasts bounced with every thrust into her. He felt her legs wrap around his hips as she pulled him into her with them urging him to go faster and harder.   “That’s it Jaune!” Yang cried out. “That’s how I want it, fuck me like a beast.”   “You really want it like this?” He grunted with every thrust as his more primitive instincts were being unleashed by her.    “Yes! Yes! Like this!” Yang threw her head back as she cried out. “Fuck me, fuck me like you own me Jaune. I want it so bad!”   “God you’re so beautiful,” Jaune groaned as he gripped the top of the mattress above her for more leverage as he started to fuck her with all his might.   The slapping sound of their hips meeting was in competition with their cries of passion. The room started to smell of the musky scent of Yang’s pussy leaking out as she was more wet and ready for his seed.   “You want to see it Jaune? You want to see my flat belly get nice and big with your child growing in it?” She asked him staring at him in the eyes.   Jaune thought about it, of her toned stomach growing over time with a child, his child, growing inside. He thought she would look great even pregnant. He thought of her large breasts getting even bigger filled with milk.   “Do you Jaune?” She asked.   “Yes,” He breathed out. “I want to see you pregnant Yang, I want to make a child with you, I want to see your breasts filled with milk and suck it out.”   “Oh that sounds wonderful,” Yang moaned at the thought of it. She didn’t even realize that he wanted to stay with her when she was pregnant but later on wouldn’t mind that idea.       She could feel him started to go faster now an urgency with his movements and figured he was getting close she was near her edge too she just needed one last thing.   “Go ahead Jaune, cum in me!” She told him. “Give me your baby, I want your child growing inside of me!”   “Y-Yang, are, are you sure?” Jaune was so close and her legs were not letting go of him. He was pretty sure he couldn’t pull out unless she let him go but some part of him was eager for this. Eager for this sexy young woman who was begging for it, begging to put his child into her was making him eager to shoot everything he had into her waiting womb.   “Yes I am, I want an Arc baby inside of me, give me a child Jaune, give me your child!”   “H-Here is comes then, here comes our baby!” He cried out and thrust one last time burying himself as deep as he could on his last thrust as he released his sperm into her body.   Yang’s back arched as she came from the feeling of that liquid heat hitting her insides. Her cervix opened just right as Jaune’s dick pressed into the small opening as he fired his shots right into her unprotected womb covering it in his cum. Yang felt stars in her eyes as she pulled him to her feeling his masculine body against hers. Both panting for breath as he had just enough strength to keep himself from crushing her with his weight.   “Oh yes, oh yes, please don’t waste a drop, fucking knock me up,” Yang panted softly to herself.   Jaune groaned his hips thrusting in instinct to ensure as much of his sperm got into her body. After a few moments he rolled off of her panting, both of them slightly sweaty from the exertion. Yang could feel his cum slowly leaking out from her pussy as she placed a hand there keeping it in.   “Wow that was amazing,” Jaune breathed.   “No kidding, you’re a natural,” Yang smiled as she looked over at him. His body had gotten a lot better since he started Beacon and she knew it would only get better. She saw his softening dick, it glistened with a mixture of her juices and his. She wanted more of it, she wanted another load inside of her. She moved to position herself to his crotch.   “Yang?” He asked seeing what she was doing.   “I want more and I need to get you hard again Lover,” She opened her mouth and took his member in it. Jaune’s head leaned back into the bed feeling her warm mouth and tongue on his sensitive member.   “Oh god Yang.”   She pulled off for a second as her flesh hand started to jerk him, “That’s it Jaune, get hard and fuck me again.” She put it back in her mouth as her head started to bob up and down on him. A free hand went to her head and for a moment she was worried he was going to force her down onto it but instead he just ran his hand through her long hair.   She normally didn’t like people touching her hair but his touch was different, it was almost loving and he was being careful. She was surprised she liked the feeling of his hand running through her hair as she moaned with his dick in her mouth feeling him starting to get hard again.   Apparently with some motivation Jaune could get hard again fairly soon, which was a good thing to learn. After all she wasn’t sure she was going to get pregnant from just one go, it would be nice to see if he could keep up with her.         Yang positioned herself on her hands and knees. “Fuck me like this Jaune.”   Looking at that amazing ass she couldn’t help but agree with her choice as she got behind her. He gripped his dick as he tried to find the right hole.   “A little lower,” She told him. “If you’re good you can try out that other hole later but first things’ first, my womb needs more Arc cum in it.”   “God Yang you’re insatiable.” He found the right hole and pushed in. Both of them moaning out feeling the other again.  The feel of her wet insides although now he knew part of that wetness was from the left over jizz still inside of her. He gripped her hips pulled her towards him as she grunted from the thrust.   She pushed back with each pull as she felt his dick hit her cervix over and over again. She moaned out as she felt him in control, he was fucking her like an animal now. Like she was his bitch which at this moment she was.   “Oh that’s it, fuck me Jaune,” She moaned. “Fuck me like the bitch in heat that I am. Breed me Jaune, I want you to breed me.”   Jaune was strangely getting turned on by her dirty talk as he pulled and thrust into her harder now hearing his hips slap against her ass. “Fine you want to be breed by me? You want me to put my baby inside of you that much?”   “Yes!”   “Say it, say you want my baby!” “I want it Jaune, I want your baby! Give me your baby please, I want to be a mother so much,” She cried out losing herself to her instincts that demanded she get bred by her chosen mate. Some primitive part of her wanted him to take her, to claim her as his and make her carry his child in her belly.   A part of Jaune so wanted this, he wanted to fuck her like no other, the moans and cries of passion she would make only drove him on. “Take it Yang, take all of it!”   She could only cry out in bliss as she did just that.   For several minutes they continued on like this, sweat forming on their bodies as the room filled with their sounds and the musky scene of sex. The bed creaking with every move as Jaune and Yang fucked like animals. Yang screamed out as she came again, her pussy still sensitive from their first round but Jaune was still far off. He might get ready fast after shooting a load but it still took longer the second time to cum.   By this point Jaune was panting for breath as she started to increase the pace feeling himself getting closer now. Yang’s head was laying on the bed as she had as ass stuck up her fist gripping the sheets. She was getting closer to her third orgasm as she felt him getting closer too.   “Do it Jaune,” She moaned. “Do it again, fill my womb.”   “Yeah I’ll do it, I’ll fill your womb with so much cum you’ll definitely have my child,” He grunted out as he got quicker and quicker. Yang could only moan now as she couldn’t form any sentences anymore.   “It’s coming Yang,” He yelled out. “I’m going to cum again!”   Yang’s grip on the sheets only tightened as her eyes closed too lost in her own pleasure.   “Here it comes, here it comes, get fucking pregnant Yang, get knocked up with my baby!” He yelled at he pulled her close slamming his hips one last time shooing another load into her waiting body. Yang could only cry out feeling one again the warm liquid entering her body.   Yang’s body shuddered in pleasure as she came, picturing his sperm joining the others that had previously been shot inside of her searching her womb for one of her eggs.   Jaune pulled out as she fell to his back panting looking up at the ceiling feeling his heart hammering in his ears, his body covered in sweat. Yang didn’t move at first as some of Jaune’s cum leaked out of her pussy dropping onto the bed or down her thighs. She eventually fell to her side breathing just as heavily as she slowly came down form her orgasm.   After a few minutes of panting and getting their wind back Yang and Jaune ended up changing again as she rested her head on his shoulder as she played with his chest and he with her hair as they just enjoyed the overglow of it all.   “I can’t believe we did that.” Jaune sighed finally.   “Yeah but man that was fun,” she snuggled against his warm body.   “Do…do you think you really got pregnant?” He asked slightly worried.   “Don’t know,” Yang shrugged. “I mean we didn’t use protection and I’m not on any birth control so it’s possible…why? I mean if I am you don’t have to do anything I guess.” She felt a bit disappointed that he might not want to be a part of their child’s life if she was pregnant.   “What!? Yang I wouldn’t abandon you or a child of ours,” Jaune told her. “Family is important to me and even if you don’t want us to be, well you know, together…I still would want to be a part of the kid’s life at the very least. That’s kind of what I was worried about, if I had a child in this world, I want to be a part of that life.”   Yang smiled as she snuggled even closer to him, she did pick the right choice after all. “Well as for being together, we’ll see, there’s potential here, I think. As for the other thing I’m glad to hear it.”   “That strangely makes me happy.” Jaune stated knowing this whole thing was odd but somehow he didn’t mind it.   “Good because in the morning we’re going again.” She told him.   “Huh?” He looked down at her.   “Hey great sex is great sex,” Yang told him. “Besides to really be sure, we’re fucking like that as many times as possible.”   -Two Month Later-   Yang couldn’t help but smile as she had a skip in her step as she went in search of Jaune. They had been going out lately to the surprise of everyone. Turns out that Jaune was actually a pretty good guy since she wanted to get to know the father of her child more. As they hung out more she found she actually started to like Jaune as more than just a friend.   So she asked him if he wanted to try officially going out as a couple. He happily agreed and everyone was happy for them. Now today things would change again as she found Jaune in the armory sharpening his sword and taking care of it. His back was to her as he worked on a workbench as she snuck up behind him and threw her arms around his neck as she pressed up again his back.   “Hey there Lover,” She whispered into his head.   “Yang! Please don’t scare me like that,” Jaune sighed after the jump. “So what’s up? You seem like in a great mood.”   “Oh I am,” She reached down and pulled out of her pocket a small white plastic stick and showed him it. Jaune looked at it as there wasn’t much to it other than the two plus signs on it. “Guess whose going to be a daddy?”     The End  
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: The Mutant
The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 5: The Mutant Peter was currently in his personal lab at Horizon Labs, the past week had been very odd so he had been in his lab all day just trying to relax and not think about sex. Besides at least with science he could focus on that and not think about how much trouble he was going to get into if either MJ or Carol figured out he was dating both of them. Black Cat most likely wouldn’t care as long as she got some sex on the side he knew but at least that wasn’t something he had to worry about. ‘God damn it, here I am thinking about it again,’ he mentally sighed. ‘How did things get like this? I’m not the kind of guy that has a woman in every port. Maybe I should talk to Tony and ask how he does it. Then again maybe I don’t want to know.’ He had been working on some new tech designs for some new gear he would wear as Spider-Man when this happened. He figured that keeping his mind on some work would help get his mind off what was going on.  So far this week he had sex with two ex-girlfriends who were apparently sex friends now, and he could also put in a teammate for that with Ms Marvel one of the most powerful females on the planet. It just seemed kind of odd to Peter but then again his life has never been anything but normal, maybe this was backed up karma with all his train wrecks of relationships coming back. Well he just hoped things didn’t get too crazy, he wasn’t sure how to even deal with the three ladies in his life at the moment. There was a beeping noise from his door, someone wanted to see him so Peter put his equipment down and opened the door. Standing there was his boss Max Modell , the CEO of the company. He was an average size a bit older with red hair and a beard with small glasses framing his face. He was also one of the friendlier people Peter knew, if there was ever someone that was a good soul it was this man. “Peter glad that you’re in, are you busy?” He smiled at him. “Not really just tinkering with something,” Peter shrugged. “Good come with me will you,” He lead the way as Peter followed him. The halls seemed a bit busier than normal than again when you were in a place that was like a collection of mad to eccentric scientist, gave them a budget and told to ‘go nuts’ you’d expect some excitement now and then. “Well you know Peter we’ve been working with the education board to help inspire young students to pick a field in science. They have been going around to various groups and we decided to open the doors today.” Max told Peter. “Uh…I don’t remember anything about that,” Peter tried to think was there something like that going on? “You really should read the company memos more often,” Max told him as they were walking to the large entrance. “Well as you used to be a science teacher I was hoping you wouldn’t mind helping out with today.” “Yeah sign me up,” Peter felt a bit more upbeat although he hadn’t been a teacher long as his old high school he had liked the job change and there was just something satisfying about teaching young minds and opening them to new possibilities. “Although I do have to ask you aren’t against mutants are you?” That question took Peter back, “No I have nothing against mutants, why would you…wait these students that are showing up are they from Xavier’s?” “Actually I believe they renamed their school to the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning.” Max corrected him. “But yes they are showing up today. I’m hoping we can show them that although they may be mutants they still have a future just like everyone else. I’ve certainly never cared about little things like that, I would be a hypocrite if I did after all.” Peter nodded, Max was openly gay and he was one of the least discriminating person Peter had met, then again given his last boss that wasn’t a hard thing to accomplish. When they got to the lobby Peter noticed a group of students some looked like your average students while others were obviously mutants. The girl with the silver skin and red hair for instance was one such person. There were three adults that Peter knew and worked with many times. There was Hank the giant blue catlike person whose mind in Peter’s opinion made him one of the most intelligent men on the planet. There was Kitty there, the small brunette might have passed for a student herself given her small size, the other was another woman. The white and brown hair was a familiar sight of Rogue, from what he remember she had regained the ability to touch but lost those powers she got from Ms. Marvel. He wasn’t sure how Carol currently felt about the woman but he didn’t think they hated each other at least not outwardly, but there was a lot of history there. He was so used to seeing them in costume that seeing them in normal clothing was a bit odd, plus there was that fact that although he had met them as Spider-Man many times they had never really met Peter Parker before. Max made the introduction as Peter played the part of meeting them for the first time shaking their hands, he nearly paused at Rogue’s hand but took it. He had to admit that up close she really was a beautiful woman. Her green eyes were a different shade than MJ’s and the skirt and blouse really complimented her looks. Although he kind of missed that skin tight green and yellow bodysuit she used to wear. ‘Damn it Peter knock it off,’ He mentally chided himself. He had three other women he could look up if he was hard up for some company and he didn’t need to complicate things again. Rogue looked over their guide, he was a decent kind of guy, just a little taller than her if she had to guess maybe an he had an inch on her. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes, he was kind of nice looking the kind of guy that you could bring home to mother as the saying goes. But then again given who her mother was that was something she had no plans on ever doing. Hell she was still pissed at her mother for the last time she had betrayed her and everyone. She pushed those thoughts aside as she had a job here. She really needed to get out more but honestly it wasn’t like she had a lot of experience going out to date. “Hey I’m Peter Parker nice to meet you all.” He greeted them and she didn’t take any notice of any of the usual flags that he might have something against mutants and hiding it. That was good, the whole reason behind this was to show kids that there were great futures for them in places that didn’t have much prejudices against mutants. “Hey I’m Katherine Pryde but you can just call me Kitty,” Kitty spoke up. “This is Hank McCoy.” “Pleasure to meet you my good man,” Beast nodded his head adjusting the glasses he had on. “Well then I think starting with the zero gravity lab might be a good start?” Peter knew it was a safe place and there was some cool things to get the kids attention. That what the most important thing you had to really capture it right off the bat. “Sounds good to me,” Max smiled as Peter led the group on. Peter started with the tour to some of the labs that were safe as he showed off some of the cooler stuff. Like the new holographic technology they were making, then to the anti-gravity experimental lab and a few others. Peter answered any and all questions they had and really got interested with how Peter interacted with the kids. Making the learning fun for them and even joking around with them. What no one could see however was a certain goddess was among them, she had gotten bored and decided to see if her new interesting human was going to find a new woman. So far it had been a couple of days since the last time she felt her spell kick in and she was wondering what was taking so long for him to get with either a new woman or one of the other ones. She was in some kind of lab and she was bored, science was more her husband’s thing really she never could get into this stuff. However the mutants were interesting to her, she was aware of such mortals since their existence and to have so many young people about was always fun for her. There was nothing more easy to get worked up than hormonal teenagers. Although that might have been fun there was one thing that did get her attention. That was the woman with the brown and white hair, taking a closer look at the woman she was like a bottle filled with sexual tension. Taking a closer look into the woman’s being she could see a near lifetime of sexual repression but not of her own choosing. Having spent years without physical contact, all the lonely nights alone having to deal with any urges herself. There were a couple of lovers in her past though, apparently she had regained the ability to touch but hadn’t had any time to really experience it. To Aphrodite that was a true shame, checking the spell on Peter she could feel a subtle pull there like a mutual physical attraction but the spell only amplified emotions and got rid of inhibitions. The goddess smiled as the only thing that was needed here was a little push. She stepped behind Rogue totally silent and invisible to every mortal eye as she reached out and with a finger traced down Rogue’s spine. Rogue gasped slightly feeling her spine tingle, she looked around thankful no one had noticed feeling slightly embarrassed. She felt a little warm but she tried to push it off, she was trying to pay attention and make sure all the kids didn’t get into trouble. Then she felt her breasts started to tingle, she had no way of knowing a goddess was gently rubbing them. Rogue crossed her arms feeling herself warm up as she was wondering what was going on with her. Sure she had been sexually frustrated in the past but this time it felt a lot more potent. They walked into a lab of one of the employees, a large blonde haired man in a Hawaiian shirt named Grady Scraps as Peter did the introductions. Rogue wasn’t paying much attention as her body was driving her crazy. Of all the times she had to get like this, this was the worst moment for her. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t noticed that when she stood near a row of glass canisters that one of them suddenly fell over, the top popping off as a purple liquid splashed onto her arm. “What the-what is this stuff!?” She went to touch it but Grady called out to her to stop suddenly. “Let me see that first!” He rushed over for a large guy as he checked which canister had knocked over. “Please tell meh that this isn’t goin’ ta kill me.” She said now getting a little afraid. Grady sighed, “No worries this is a new ink I’m working on that doesn’t stain. This however is the opposite, it stains too much, it’s most likely on your skin now.” “What!?” Rogue pulled up her sleeve carefully as she now had a large purple stain on her arm. “Damn it, how hard will this wash off?” “Uh…” “Grady?” Peter asked him knowing something was up. “Well it can be washed off but you’ll have to do it right away or else it could be…permanent.” He explained. “Ah am not goin’ around with a purple spot on mah arm for the rest of mah life!” “Hold on, Grady what’s in that stuff?” Peter asked as Grady explained. Rogue couldn’t follow it but Hank seemed to be nodded as he listened in so that was good enough for her. She looked down worried that time was running out. “Okay I got that in my lab,” Peter paused and looked at Rogue and then at the rest. “Hey you think you can take over for a moment?” “Huh, oh sure yeah man least I could do,” Grady looked at the canister. “Man this is weird this thing was sealed the top shouldn’t be able to just pop off like that.” “Just another mystery,” Peter told him gently leading Rogue away. “Come on my lab isn’t far.” -Peter’s Lab- Peter got out the chemicals he would need to remove the stain on Rogue’s skin. He had her roll up her sleeve and placed it under the sink for some running water. He came over and started to apply a mixture to her arm. “Ya think this will work?” Rogue asked hoping her arm wouldn’t have a permanent purple color spot on it now. “It should we got to it soon before it could set in,” Peter assured her as she took a sponge and started rubbing the skin. Rogue was thankful that he was being gentle she was afraid he would have to scrub her skin raw. Looking at her skin the coloring on her skin was slowly coming off. She cast a look at him, he was kind of cute up close. He was also nice and good with the kids which was a plus in her books, normally when she met humans they tended to be a bit more hostile to mutants. He was a lot different than what she was used to, hell given her insane life meeting nice normal people was a rare thing. “Good this seems to be working and it’s not turning bright yellow,” Peter said. “What!?” “Just kidding,” He smiled at her. Rogue let out a breath, “Not funny,” although she was smiling herself. “Nearly done,” He told her as he got nearly all of the coloring off. “You know if you don’t mind me saying you really have nice skin. It’s a good thing it’s not going to get this permanent mark it.” “Ah take good care of it, have for years really since ah had to cover up a lot in the past.” She remembered some of the problems that came with always covering herself all the time. It was the worst in summer. Her skin would dry out sometimes so she had to moisten herself. But it was nice that he noticed. “Ya got nice hands as well,” she replied. “They seem kind of strong and a little rough for a science guy.” “I…used to do a lot of photography, usually action stuff.” Peter tried to explain other than saying that he was a superhero that usually had to punch things or people that could throw cars around like softballs. “Things got a little hairy sometimes, given that we live in New York and you know how things can get here.” “No kiddin’,” Rogue knew full well all the insane things did get in this city. “So now you’re doin’ this?” “Well I was a teacher before for a time but things didn’t work out,” Peter shrugged. “So I know how it is trying to get kids interested in learning for this generation. Well I think I got it all but that blouse will have to be cleaned soon with this or else you might as well throw it out.” Rogue bit her lip she really liked this blouse she didn’t get to wear it much and if she could save it then she would hope to. But the only way to do that would be to take it off but could she just take it off for a total stranger? Well he was a nice guy, plus he was also kind of attractive. She paused at that last thought, she really could use a good lay it had been way too long. She hadn’t had sex in over a year, with things like not being able to touch, then Gambit and her breaking up yet again when she could touch she never had any kind of boyfriend or lover. Okay sure there had kind of been this thing with Magneto for a time but honestly that never went anywhere and looking back on it he was just too old for her. But right here was this cute guy who was just a normal guy that was smart, funny, good with kids and didn’t seem to hate mutants. She felt her spine tingle again almost like someone was gently caressing her nerves as she thought about Peter. “Well…can ah trust ya?” She said feeling herself heat up a little. “Of course,” Peter blinked and then was surprised when she started to unbutton her top. “Whoa you mean you want to do it now?” “Ah know but ah want ta save this, ya said ah could trust ya right?” She saw him nod as she continued feeling slightly nervous. She took off her top as Peter got to wash the garment. He tried not to look but he couldn’t help it as she rubbed her arms feeling exposed as her breasts were bare except for the green bra that she wore. It wasn’t anything special but from her upper body he could tell she kept in shape. No body fat at all on her and she was very gorgeous. But he felt like she was a little exposed. “I feel like I have an unfair advantage here,” Peter said trying to break the silence. “Well I could even things out if you wanted it. Take my shirt off so at least we both will be uncomfortable.” He joked figuring it might be a good ice breaker. “Alright.” Peter paused looking at her to make sure she wasn’t joking. “Hey ah’m here in my bra, tha least you can do is strip yaself.” Peter wasn’t sure but he did offer, with a shrug he got out of his shirt placing it on the table. Well he figured at least both of them were uncomfortable now. Although he couldn’t help but steal glances at her, she really had a fine figure. Rogue licked her lips when Peter took his shirt off, for a science geek he was really built. Not bulked up like Colossus but he was a more slim and athletic form that made her feel even hotter. She really hadn’t been laid in awhile her hormones were driving her nuts. His back was just as nice as she could picture herself running her hands over it. Before she knew it she was right next to him looking at her blouse as he finished. “There we go just let it dry and it should be good,” Peter said showing her the stain was completely gone. Then he paused at looking at her, her lips looked so inviting and those green eyes were so deep and filled with emotion. She was looking back locked into his stare as she liked his kind brown eyes. “So ah know this is sudden but have ya ever thought about mutants before?” “In what way?” He asked. “Well…maybe…sexually?” She blushed she couldn’t believe she was doing this it was like all her inhibitions were gone as her body burned with desire and it only got hotter as time went on. Peter had thought about it, what she said. All the X-women were beauties that wore skin tight costumes some more revealing than others. “Yeah I have and I have to admit, you’re a beautiful women Rogue.” “You’re kind of handsome yourself, Peter.” She leaned in as she kissed him. It was a little light kiss as they pulled back and for a split second they just looked and suddenly they were making out. They pulled each other in close as she felt his tongue on her lips. She opened it and let his tongue invade her mouth, she loved the feel of his skin on hers his hands on hers and her hands on him. Rogue moaned into his kiss while he was above her she pulled up one of her legs and rubbed it against his side. He really was a good kisser and it had been so long since she had any sexual experience. She didn’t think she could stand anymore as she reached down for his shirt and started to pull it up. Peter helped her to get his shirt off and she stared at his chest. She ran her hands over his naked chest liking what she had been seeing and they felt just as good as she hoped it would. “God you must work out a lot,” she said out loud. “I get a good workout most days,” he told her although he wasn’t going to say it was from swinging around the city fighting crime.  He grabbed her ass holding her up as she wrapped her legs around him. Her body was grinding into him as he felt her body against his growing erection. He squeezed her ass it was a nice ass as he quickly used his mouth to attack her neck. “Oh god, ah hope ya don’t think nothin’ bad about me, ah don’t normally do this kind of thing,” she moaned at his mouth found a nice spot on her neck. “Don’t worry, I just hope you don’t think I make it a habit of having beautiful women jumping me at work.” Although that did bring up the memories of MJ, Black Cat and Carol, well at least none of his co-workers here had jumped him but he was really starting to wonder just what was going on with his life lately. Did he start using a new cologne or something? Did he develop some kind of pheromone power like Spider-Woman? Or was his luck finally turning around? He really didn’t know all he knew was that he had this southern sexy mutant in his arms. “You really are strong,” Rogue purred at how he was holding her up without much effort. “Told you I work out,” Peter grinned as he placed her on the table. “But let’s try and get more comfortable.” “Ah know where to start,” she reached behind her as she undid her bra letting it fall as she leaned back sexily. Peter could only eye her large breasts finally free, she had large nipples with large areolas they weren’t too big but they were bigger than any other woman he had seen. He leaned forward to kiss her as she wrapped her arms behind his neck leaning back as Peter was half on top of her. They stayed like that kissing and running their hands over each other. Peter managed to reach up with one hand to fondle one of her breasts, they were very firm as she moaned when he squeezed it. Peter couldn’t take it anymore as he kissed down her neck to the valley between her breasts as she ran her fingers through his brown hair. She moaned as she gently rubbed his head and when he finally got to one of her nipples as he placed it in his mouth she arched her back with a cry. “Oh god yes.” “Like that huh?” “Ah…ah got sensitive nipples,” she told him as it was true whenever she pleasured herself her nipples were always so sensitive. “God you really have a sexy voice you know that?” Peter told her before attacking the hardened nipple again this time licking it and given little tests to it to see what really worked. “Thanks, oh god yes! Just like that!” She cried out as he sucked on her nipple. “Ah love that!” Peter sucked even harder making her squirm with excitement as his other hand went to play with the other hardening pink nub. She cried out holding his head to her breast pulling him in, he took as much of her breasts into his mouth as he could and sucked driving her wild. He started to knead the twin going slightly harder to see what her threshold was and was surprised by how hard she liked her breast groped. Eventually he had to taste more of her as he let go of her breasts and started to move down her body. Rogue wasn’t sure where he was going at first, he had been kissing down her stomach as he pulled off her panties.  They were dripping wet by this point and she was glad to get rid of them. She felt it slip down her legs but then he moved her legs apart and placed his head between her thighs. Peter was surprised to find that there was a little hair down there in a little strip. Not only that but he found a white streak on it as well. “Well haven’t seen one of these in a long time.” Rogue blushed knowing what he was talking about, “It’s less trouble to keep a little trimmed instead of tha whole thing shaved.” She could feel his warm breath on her neither regions she was already getting wet from him working her up but was he wasn’t moving away from there. ‘He can’t be doing that can he?’ she wondered but soon felt his tongue on her slit. She moaned at the contact. She had never had a guy go down on her before, she had only two sexual partners in her life. The first Sentry she had only a few times before he was married and he had been the only hero to be able to touch her. It had only been a few times but it had been her first time with him. Then there was Gambit, he had been a very experienced lover back when she lost her powers for a time. He had ever done this though, sure he used his fingers to pump into her and work her up to an orgasm but never used his mouth. “Oh gawd that feels so good!” Rogue moaned out her hips bucking slightly. Peter was glad she was enjoying this and to tell the truth so was he, her pussy was actually pretty good. There was no nasty after taste to it, plus he noticed that not only did she had large sensitive nipples but she had a large clit to go with it. He saw that it was already enlarged and gave it a like. The way her whole body jerked violently with her gasping told him she liked it. He started to focus on it as Rogue’s moans turned to cries of passion. Rogue was losing her mind, the things Peter was doing to her was driving her crazy as he attacked her clit and just when she though it couldn’t get better he suddenly lightly sucked on her clit. That was it for her as her back arched as she cried out her hands dug into his hair, her thighs gripping his head in place as her hips kept thrusting as she came hard. Peter was surprised by suddenly being drenched by her cum, he lapped it up as best he could as she came so much she was leaking all over. He had never seen a woman cum so much before and wondered if this was the kind of woman she was. He had heard that some woman could squirt and wondered if he could get Rogue to do that. Plus she tasted pretty good too, there wasn’t any kind of nasty after taste, none of that bitterness that sometimes could show up. He dug in again as he continued to eat out her pussy. “Oh god again!?” Rogue looked down wide eyed not sure if she could take another orgasm so soon. He placed her legs over his shoulders making sure she couldn’t move around as she let her head fall back staring at the ceiling moaning as he continued on with his work. She felt him use his fingers this time and it was driving her insane with pleasure. Was this how it was all the time for oral sex or was he just really good at it? She lost her train of thought as her hips started to buck against him. She felt like she was drowning in pleasure if such a thing was possible. Her voice cried out not carrying if anyone heard her, although what she didn’t know was that the labs tended to be sound proofed to protect experiments sensitive to sound. Her voice wailed as Peter dove her to heights of pleasure. Peter would have eaten her out even more but he wanted to see her, he stood up but continued to pump his fingers into her body. She squirmed on the table her skin hot and flushed as her thighs clamped down on his hand her moaning and crying out. “Let it out Rogue, I want to see you cum,” He told her. “Oh god-oh god-oh gawwwd!” She cried out. Then Peter pressed his thumb onto her clit and her eyes widened as her orgasm came crashing down. Her body jerked as his fingers continued pumping and to his surprise she screamed out as her whole body tensed up and liquid squirted out of her pussy drenching his hand and wrist. He pulled out seeing her give a squirt of her own fluids onto his floor as she fell back onto the table. After a moment she relaxed as he mind had actually gone blank for a moment there. She took deep breaths as her body felt completely limp. She had never came that hard in her life and shuddered at the feeling of it. Her whole body tingled as her pussy had this pleasured warmth to it now. Peter stood up looking down at the partially clothed beauty, her breasts heaving like they did was very erotic and his pants were already feeling very constrained. She really had a great body, not an inch of fat on her body most likely all that training the X-Men put themselves through paid off. Although her skit was pushed up to her waist there was so much cum leaking out there was a huge wet spot on his desk now. That was going to take some time to clean up later as he looked at her spread out form almost inviting him. She looked at him and smiled as she spread herself a bit more holding onto her thighs, “Well don’t just wait there sugar, I think ya deserve a little somethin’ yourself.” “I do so love southern hospitality,” Peter undid his pants and pushed them down with his boxers. She got a good look at him and felt her excitement, he was bigger than she thought. He had an inch on Gambit that much was certain although he was a little smaller than Sentry had been from what she remembered a few years back. But it was still a really good size and she couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her. Peter paused as he looked around suddenly, “Damn it I don’t have a condom around here.” He meant to buy some after work and keep a couple in his wallet given how things were going but then this had suddenly happened. Rogue was happy that he was thinking ahead but she really wanted to feel him inside of her, plus she never liked the feel of condoms. Sure she used them a few times in the past when she needed to but it was just something about actually feeling the guy blow his load into her body that felt so intimate to her. Still today might not be a good day, she was sure she was on a safe day but it was getting kind of close to the end of that safe window. “Just pull out when ya cum,” She told him. That was good enough for him as he took hold of his cock and lined it up with her wet sex. He pushed in and as soon as the head was in he then thrust in all the way to the base. Rogue threw her head back with a loud cry he certainly did feel large inside of her, it felt so good as she spread her legs out as far as they would go straightening them and holding them in place to get him in a far as he could go. “Oh gawd Peter, I love how you feel in me!” “Fuck you’re so wet,” Peter had to admit that when Rogue got wet she really got wet. It was very slick in her but she was so tight it was a great combination. He wasn’t sure if she was this tight naturally or just because she didn’t get a chance to have sex all that much in her life. Still he couldn’t help thrusting into her body. He was propped up by his arms as he looked down at her, each thrust made her body shift on the table, those lovely breasts swayed with every movement and those erotic sounds from her. She really did sound sexy with that southern accent of hers. Soon they got into a nice rhythm once he got that down he had to take another taste of those breasts. He leaned down to capture one of her large and now very hard nipples in his mouth. Rogue cried out as the extra sensation sent bolts of electricity though her body. The way he felt inside of her, he felt so much bigger and he was so hard. Filling her core with every thrust, she felt his pelvis hit her clit sending powerful jolt of pleasure through her body. It also didn’t hurt that she was still reeling from her last two orgasms.  She just held on to dear life and let this man fuck her brains out. She called out his name, called out to god, and just called out among her cries of passion. Peter returned that as he continued to fuck the women under him. He was sure there would be a puddle below them with how much fluids she was dipping. He could feel how wet his own groin area was from her as the room filled with the musky scent of sex. Still he continued on thrusting away as his chest crushed her breasts under him her fingers nearly clawing into his back. Rogue’s over stimulated body couldn’t handle it anymore as she came again holding him close as Peter groaned trying not to cum inside of her. It was nearly a losing battle he was hard as rock and the way she gripped him even tighter when she came nearly made him blow his load right then. He was able through will power to hold it off but he was cumming and cumming soon. “I got to cum Rogue,” he warned her. “I got to pull out.” “My turn to return the favor,” She told him as he pulled out. She dropped to her knees noticing how wet the area under her was but soon saw that large prick in her face covered in her own juices. Now this she had experience with as she eagerly took his manhood into her mouth. Gambit used to love this although she was surprised that when she tried to get him all the way she nearly choked. She wasn’t prepared for how long he was but she made due. It didn’t long for him to reach his orgasm. He called her name as he threw his head back wanting to hold her head to his crotch to take every drop but after Carol he remembered not all women liked to swallow so he left it up to her. She didn’t disappoint as she eagerly gulped down his load, feeling the warm fluids flow into her mouth she quickly swallowed. She make sure to drink every last drop of him licking his prick clean in her mouth to ensure he was done. After she removed those lovely lips from his cock he leaned against the table as she got up and wiped her mouth. “Well that was something,” Peter panted. “Yeah, ah really needed that,” Rogue smiled as she hadn’t felt that relaxed in a long time. She had been overly stressed with everything that had happened lately and maybe this was the result of all of it. She saw that he was still lightly hard as she leaned over the table sticking her ass out. “Ya know it might take awhile yet for my shirt to dry, ah wonder what we’ll do until then.” Peter got behind her as he caressed her ass and placed his cock between her ass cheeks rubbing himself slightly between them. “I think we can think of a way to pass the time.” -Much Later- The tour was over by the time Rogue and Peter caught up to everyone. Both had to clean up a little and Peter would have to clean up the lab later on but first things first. Rogue’s top was clean and now dry and they got their clothing as best in order as they could. Rogue’s skirt proved to be a bit of a challenge to get all the wrinkles out of it but if you didn’t look too close it wasn’t noticeable. They finally caught up with the group as the tour was ending. “Finally!” Kitty said seeing the two of them. “I was about to send someone to look for the both of you.” “Yeah sorry about that, took a little longer to get that stain off her skin and shirt than I thought.” Peter made up the apology hoping she would buy it. “Yeah,” Rogue nodded and looked around. “So everything okay and everyone behaved?” “Yep, all the students seem to like all the neat things they got here. Did you know they got these small portal devices like in that game here?” Kitty asked. “Thought that was still experimental,” Peter muttered out loud. “Well it did have the result of turning the object thrown through it inside out,” Hank chuckled joining them. “But it was still a marvelous experiment and I must say it’s so good to see science given the tools needed to further itself here. In my early days I would have loved to have worked at such a place.” Hank looked around the facility as though he had found a second home, for a man of science like himself seeing all these men and women of science coming together and pushing the boundaries of knowledge spoke to him. “Hey if you want to ever consult or drop on by I’m sure there’s a door always open for you.” Peter offered although he was pretty sure his boss would love to have Hank McCoy working here even if it was just now and then. The man was considered one of the world’s leading experts on mutants and who knows what else. Hank considered it, “A promising idea and one I shall think on but first I think it’s time we corral the children and get them home.” “Yep, play time is over.” Kitty said eager to get home and maybe just sit on a tub for awhile. Rogue cast a look to Peter as she leaned in close. “Hey uh…do ya want to get somethin’ ta eat someday?” Rogue asked Peter when they were walking together as she ran a hand through her hair. “Asking me out huh?” Peter smiled at her. She smiled back, “we kind of did things a little out of order back there.” Peter scratched the back of his head, “Yeah that’s for sure.” Looking at her he couldn’t help but see the hope in her eyes. Damn it, he was a sucker for women and he just couldn’t say no to them when they gave him a look like that. “I’d love to whenever you’re free.” He told her and the smile he got from her told him that this meant a lot to her. After exchanging numbers Rogue left with a wink as she returned to her students and Peter went back to his lab. When he got there the place still smelled of sex and he sat down next to a table and suddenly just slammed his head into the table. “I don’t know what’s going on but this is going to get complicated,” Peter moaned as now he was seeing yet another girl. At this rate he was going to get busy trying to juggle all these women and it was starting to worry him. Maybe he really should go ask for advice about this or something but he had no idea who. While Peter sat there, sitting on the table where he had just fucked Rogue a certain goddess sat trailing a finger over the juices left behind. She licked it off the finger and closed her eyes, so much repressed sexual energy in that woman, her released was nearly as potent as a virgin’s first time. Oh she hoped that one showed up again she was a real treat. “Honestly you mortals shouldn’t question things so much,” She sighed at her new favorite mortal. “You wanted help with your love life so don’t complain after when you get your wish. Just you wait my lovely little man, I’m having oh so much fun with this that I can’t wait to see whose next for you.” She got the feeling that this man had plenty of women in this life, some already had feelings, some were interested. Maybe a few might need a little push in the right direction but he really did have a gift if only he knew how to use it correctly. Well that was why she was here now, she couldn’t wait to find out just how many more women orbited his life and who and how many would be pulled down to him. “Something tells me the fun is only beginning,” She smiled. Next up Chapter 6: The Lawyer  
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: A Twist of Fate
Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Wars or make a profit from this, I only own any OC like Almec Derlin   Just so you know I’ll be using [things like this] to show when someone is speaking in another language.   A New Master   Chapter 1: Twist of Fate   The palace of Jabba the Hutt was not the kind of place you would normally think of when you thought of the word ‘palace’. Sure the place was built like one even though apparently it was originally a monastery when Jabba took over it as his palace. A place filled with the most vile and vicious beings found in the Outer Rim Territories.  The place looked worn and the only upkeep was to keep the place a fortress, any paint had long since been peeled away by the desert sands that surrounded the place.   Almec Derlin walked up the hill dragging a man secured and bound holding on to a chain connected to the cuffed wrists.   “Hurry the hell up Lester,” he told his prize. The man might have said something but the mussel on his mouth it made whatever he said unknown.   “Yeah, tell me another one,” Almec pulled on the chain.    He hated the walk up to this place, there was no place to land his ship and the walk always sucked. Didn’t help that this always made his right knee hurt, ever since he took shrapnel to the knee a few years ago on a job it always started to hurt when he over worked it. The heat and the sand wasn’t much better either, he was from a forest world originally so all this dry heat and sand felt just wrong to him. Plus his armor wasn’t helping much in keeping him cool anyway but there was no way he was walking into this den of cut throats without any protection.   It wasn’t anything special for armor either, just a simple chest plate with grieves, the boots has shin guards with a couple of plates on the thighs and arms. They were a dull green on grey clothing all of it having small grim and repaired damages here and there. Each little imperfection told a story.   Almec had been a bounty hunter/mercenary for over eight years now, which was actually not too bad. Most in this business when you first get into it, it was that first year that really made people wonder if you would live or not. The smart ones quit when they realized they weren’t up to it but those were rare. So for doing this for eight years he had managed to learn enough to keep his ass alive, hopefully to the day he got a fat payday and could retire in luxury.   This was not how he imagined his life as he reflected finally getting to the top of the hill, he had left his boring little world on the Rim for the Imperial Academy, it was his way of finally getting out and doing something exciting with his life. His family had been against it of course so when he was old enough he ran off and hadn’t looked back. He didn’t care, his mother ran off years ago and his father was a drunk that liked to use him as a punching bag when it got bad. The rest of the extended family turned a blind eye so in the end he just flipped the whole planet off.   Turns out he had a bit of an attitude problem for the academy, he only made it a couple of years in Imperial service before being dishonorably discharged. So he used what little money had saved up and went into business for himself. That first year had been an eye opener and over the years he had learned that this galaxy didn’t favor the weak. Especially not out here in the Rim where you could earn pay for less than legal or moral ways but the danger was a lot higher too.   “Finally,” He kicked at the door waiting for that damn droid eye to show up. “I swear Lester whatever you did to piss off the Hutt better make this trip worth it.”   After telling the droid in that massive door to let him in he walked past the Gamorrean guards trying not to breath too deeply. He swore those guards never even heard of a bath unlike other Gamorrians he had met.  He knew the way to the throne room as he had been here enough times plus he didn’t really want to be here too long. Although it did have some charm, mainly all the sexy slave girls and having sex with them always was a perk to this job, but the longer you stayed here the more you could see Jabba at his worst. Too many times he had seen people dropped into that damn pit and eaten by that beast he kept down there.   Now he wasn’t squeamish about killing but he was a professional in the business, if you were going to kill someone make it clean. Being eaten was just one of the few things that he actually found morally wrong, which wasn’t many. In his line of work you had to do a lot of crappy things and he didn’t lose any sleep over it. Although he did hate seeing the dancers and sex slaves thrown down there, the screaming they made, one poor had been bitten in half still alive just enough to give a few more cries from her missing legs before the thing finally ate her.    No if you were going to kill someone a clean kill was the least you could do.   He could hear the music going knowing that someone was dancing, he wondered if it was a new girl by this time, Jabba had a way of wearing down his prize girls before he tired of them and then down they went.   In the throne room the dark room filled with smoke, low lighting and the music filled the air. Dancing there in the center of the light was a beautiful and graceful Twi’lek woman, her green skin had a slight scene of sweat as she danced her heart out. Her graceful movements captured the attention of everyone. Her sexy form barely hidden by the fishnet costume she wore as she was able to dance without the chain Jabba was holding her getting in the way.   She was amazing and he had to admit she was one hell of a sexy woman as he drank in the sight of her.   This unfortunate soul was Oola a slave girl, she had been one of the prize dancers of the greatest dancing schools of her home world of Ryloth. She had no real memories of anywhere else than the school before she was sold off. Perhaps she had just been an orphan girl sold to the school or her parents sold her off for some quick cash. It didn’t matter, stories like that were common on her world. She and another girl had been sold here but her friend Sienn'rha had run off with someone that had tried to save them.   It was some human named Luke that had tried to save them, but in her naive foolishness Oola hadn’t gone with them. She thought palace life would have been grand for her, how she had been crushed and placed into this nightmare. Forced to wear this costume and dance for the fat slug on the dais in front of her. She had been humiliated and forced to perform sexual acts with the damn slug and even others that had caught their eye on her. First time she tried to fight off a man that wanted her had earned her a hit to the face as he raped her.   Of course Jabba had fed the man to the beast below, not because he had raped his slave but because of the bruise on Oola’s face. You could do anything to his slaves but if you damaged their looks that was crossing a line with the Hutt.   She had fallen into despair about her life, resigned that she was going to die here. She had seen what happened to the girls that displeased their master.   But now that was not the case, the new droid C-3PO had told her that Luke Skywalker was coming, he was coming for his friend the poor man that was in carbonite over in the corner like some demented trophy. So she danced, she danced like never before.   Almec saw the dancing girl and he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman, she was beautiful and he had never seen anyone dance like that. He hoped he could get some time with her while here she looked the type that would be an amazing fuck. She hadn’t been here last time he had been here it had been a pair of lovely twin sisters although he didn’t seem them around so he had a good guess what happened to them.   Still he couldn’t take his eyes off this lovely creature, he wasn’t normally one for losing himself in a woman but the way she moved seemed to capture everyone’s attention. He didn’t even notice the music, hell he would be surprised if he would even remember if there ever was, all there was is just her. She was obviously professionally trained, no one learned to move with that kind of grace.   He wasn’t the only one that seemed to have gotten under her spell, the Hutt looked every eager as he pulled on her chain commanding her to come to him. To his surprise the woman actually pulled back on the chain as she was actually defying the slug.   ‘This isn’t going to go well,’ Almec knew where this would go. That woman was going to be food for that rancor below. ‘Damn it, what a waste.’   He hated to think that woman going to waste like that, hell it’s not like the Hutt couldn’t get another or had others in the wings to be his favorite new ‘toy’ to play with. He didn’t see other people as people only things for his amusement. He didn’t like Hutts but they paid well provided they weren’t the backstabbing kind.   He could see how pissed that Jabba was getting and he could tell what was going to happen. That’s when one of his bad habits showed up, his impulsive nature he usually could keep under control. It was one of the few things he learned from the Imperial Academy that stuck with him but sometimes he slipped up and this was one of them.   Before he could stop himself his reflexes kicked in, by this thigh on the armor there he had a small disk. It was a unique little item he found on a hunt on another world. The people there had these little disks that when thrown razors shot out, apparently it was for hunting some kind of game but he found it a useful tool when he got the hang of it. Some places had security where energy weapons were detected and so alternate means were sometimes needed.   The disk flew out and the blades which were laser sharpened cut through the chain that was holding the woman. She fell back just as the platform under her opened her feet were in the hole as she quickly pulled them up staring at shock at what had nearly been her death not inches from her.   Jabba roared out scanning the room for whoever did that, he noticed the new arrival and a lot of eyes were trained on him. Jabba noticed the bounty hunter a human he had dealt with a few times.   He pointed him out to the crowd as he spoke and the new golden droid translated.   “The great and powerful Jabba wishes to know why you have personally insulted him in his own home.” The droid spoke up.   Almec really wished he had either been a smarter man or had just arrived a little later. He had to think fast or else it was his ass going down there. He thought about fighting his way out until he noticed the faces in the crowd. Some of them were known to him and not the kind that wouldn’t think twice about shooting him in the back.   ‘Oh all hells in the pit is that Fett?’ he hadn’t noticed the man in the crowd. He knew his skills and they weren’t up to that man. ‘Well cutting and running is out.’   He decided to play it up and hope he could talk his way out of it.   “Sorry for the interruption but I figured that you would like to have the main attraction,” He pulled Lester forward. “As you can see I figured this lot who I believe you hired out a bounty because he stole from the great and mighty Jabba and thought he could get away with it.”   “What did you call Jabba again?” He asked. “A fat slug that would be too stupid to notice a new missing credits?”   Jabba bellowed in rage as his tiny arms slammed into his own fat body. Lester tried to shake his head and deny it but the gag was preventing any words.   “I am sorry for interrupting your fun mighty Jabba,” he bowed knowing that the Hutt loved to be complimented the man’s ego was as big as his body after all. So he would play to the man’s vanity and hope he could focus his rage on someone else. “But since this man personally has insulted you I thought he would make for a better example to others who would dare to steal from you or insult your name.”   Jabba stared at him for a moment and he knew he might have pushed too far the fat slug wasn’t stupid. He said something which Almec caught most of it but the droid still translated.   “The mighty Jabba says that still doesn’t explain your own disrespect.”   ‘Crap,’ Almec thought fast, there was a way out but this was going to hurt his wallet. “Well I’ll admit I’d hate to also see such fine merchandise go to waste.” He pointed to the twi’lek girl. “Since you seem to be done with her I was hoping to buy her from you, I think my bounty for this man here should cover it.”   Jabba laughed in that deep bellowing voice of his and Almec wasn’t sure if the Hutt was going to throw him in with the girl and Lester into the pit or was going for it. Again she spoke and Almec really needed to brush up on his Huttese, a few words he wasn’t sure on.   “The Great Jabba acknowledges your offer and while true that the slave has disappointed him for the last time why should he grant you the sale?” The droid asked.   “Well look at it this way,” Almec shrugged trying not to sweat. “You don’t want the girl anymore and I could use someone to clean up my ship now and then. Plus you get rid of her anyway, you get Lester here free of charge. You lose no money, you don’t really lose anything and you not only gain someone that has been an irritant to you but now you have something to replace the girl for your pet’s next snack.”   Lester of course tried to plead for his life but Almec kicked him in the back of the knee forcing the man to his knees.   “Take it like a man Lester.” He said coldly. “You know what crossing a Hutt would get you.”   Jabba laughed again and said something that Almec did catch this time and he really wished he had mistranslated it.   “The Mighty Jabba says-“   Almec cut him off, “I got that!”   “Why I never, I’m only doing my job!” The droid threw up his arms as best he could.   ‘Gods I never seen such a prissy droid,’ Almec rubbed his face. Jabba had just set the price and it actually cost more than his bounty. This wasn’t good he didn’t need to be in dept to a Hutt. “Jabba you’re asking a lot for merchandise that’s been well used, brand new sure she would cost that but that’s a bit much isn’t it?”   Jabba said the next line with a very clear threat underneath it.   The droid spoke up as Almec didn’t care at that moment, “The Mighty Jabba says while that is true, the price has been raised because of the disrespect you have shown him. In his infinite wisdom he has seen that instead of just punishing you, you will repay him and show him your actions were in error and that you are sorry for your impudence.”   He was sure that Jabba didn’t use some of those words and that the droid was embellishing it but that was it essentially. It was then that he suddenly realized he had fallen into Jabba’s trap. If he refused he would be shown as showing disrespect again as Jabba was giving him an ‘out’ of his earlier mistake. It also meant that Jabba would have a bounty hunter under his thumb he would give him any job at half cost Almec bet.   Not only that but there would most likely be extra costs put in like late fees or interests, that was how these gangsters worked in order to keep you under your thumb and keep getting you to pay out. He knew that this was a bad choice but it wasn’t like he had much of an option here. The only way out was to rack up as many bounties as he could, do odd jobs and anything he could. He was going to have to work his ass off to get this dept paid off.   ‘Damn it I came here to make money got lose it!’ he knew only had to blame himself. He never seemed to have much luck in life. Every time he seemed to get somewhere something like this happened.   “Fine it’s a deal,” Almec told him not too happy but it wasn’t like he had much of an option.   Jabba chuckled having won and now he motioned towards Lester. Almec took off the chain and bindings and the gag. He noticed that pale twi’lek of his writing something down most likely a record of the deal that just happened.   “Please Jabba I can get you more money!” Lester quickly tried to plead for his life getting up as close as he could holding his hands in prayer in front of himself.   Almec however was in no mood for it and kicked the man in the back sending him screaming to his death as Jabba’s platform rolled forward as the crowd started to jockey for good positions as the show started up.   Meanwhile a forgotten slave girl was on the floor looking at the whole scene. Oola wasn’t entirely sure what was going on as she hoped that this human had saved her or was his actions just to delay her fate as well as have him share it? She only caught bits and pieces of the conversation she only knew Twi’leki, Lekku and some of the Huttese she had picked up working here. The man spoke basic which she could only knew a few words, she had picked up various words of several languages living here but mostly they were of the more vulgar types of things.   Then the man who had been in chains had been suddenly kicked into the bit with a scream as everyone gathered around the grating in the floor. She sat there eyes wide as she had seen that man fall to the fate she had nearly fallen into. Then she felt a tug on her arm, the strange human in the armor pulled her up and was leading her over to an isolated booth. He stopped to grab the small disk weapon he used to cut her chain before he sat down with a sigh running his hand through his brown messy hair.   He asked her something she didn’t catch.   “I said you got a name?” Almec asked her again and noticing the blank look on her face mentally groaned.   [You speak basic?] he asked in some broken up Twi’leki.   [No, only little.] she told him.   “Fuck,” He should have known his luck now he was stuck with a slave that didn’t speak basic and his Twi’leki wasn’t that strong. Hell the only reason he learned it was to help him pick up Twi’lek women in bars after he got them into bed he felt he didn’t need to know much more than that.   [You’re name.]   “Oola.”   [Almec] he placed his hand on his chest. [Own you now.]   [Not Jabba?] She asked hopefully as anyone would be better than the Hutt. She had nearly died just now and if she was still to be a slave she was hopeful that at least her new master would be nicer to her.   Almec shook his head pointing to himself as he pulled the young woman onto his lap as he ran his ungloved hands over her exposed flesh testing it out. Her skin was very smooth to the touch and he could feel the dancer’s body under the skin, she had no real body fat on her as he could feel himself starting to get hard just thinking about taking the woman’s body.   She stayed still letting him do what he wanted she knew full well what was happening as she was used to being pawed at but his touch was lighter and not as rough. His hand went to the back of her head pulling her to him as he kissed her deeply. She responded knowing to please your master was important for a slave. She placed her hands on the hard metallic breastplate wondering if he felt just as strong under it. At least he was pleasing to her eye, but then again most other species was better than that slimy and smelly Hutt.   When he was satisfied with the kissing he attacked her neck as he pulled the sides of her outfight in between her breasts his hand going to one of them. He felt how full her breasts felt as he squeezed it in his hand. Maybe this would be worth the money to have access to her body whenever he wanted, it was a lonely life as a Bounty Hunter sometimes. He stopped attacking her neck and bent down to start sucking on the light green nipple into his mouth.   Oola sucked in her breath, he was sucking kind of hard on the sensitive nub as she felt his free hand going between her legs. She gasped feeling his hand rub her pussy most of the people that wanted her body didn’t bother with her own pleasure.   Almec loved the feel of her breasts in his hand and in his mouth, they were full but still perky. He used his other hand on her back to test out her back skin, it was smooth and flawless. He caressed one of her head tails feeling is twitch under his touch. With enough testing of her breasts he attacked her neck again with his mouth. He then used the hand that had been toying with her breasts to reach between her legs and test out her cunt.   Oola started breathing a little hard as his hands were actually getting a reaction out of her body, she knew others were watching but as a dancer she was trained to dance in front of a crowd. Working here she had learned to do other things in front of a crowd. But at least her new master was taking it slow, she expected him to take her roughly but this was a pleasant surprise. Then she felt a finger of his going through the netting and enter her vagina. She gasped at the sudden intrusion but he seemed to be exploring her body.   She ran her hands over his body, she felt the rough armor still warm from the hot sun outside against her skin. She felt his slightly unshaven face rub her skin, it was kind of prickly. She always wondered about how some species like humans with all their hair dealt with it. She started to make little moaning noises as his fingered started to pump in and out of her.   Almec was starting to enjoy himself and soon found the girl starting to get a bit wet as a slight wetness started to coat his finger. That was good, that meant she could still respond to sex, he was a little afraid being Jabba’s personal pet might have ruined her for sex with her associating it with something she didn’t like. A dry fuck was never fun anyway but he also tested her out, she was in decent shape down there.   Not too lose and it felt like she would be a nice fuck when he got around to it. Plus she did have a sexy moan.   He was already hard under his pants and given the day he just had he could use a little stress relief. He pulled away and took his finger out of her. She looked at him panting slightly as she watched him unzip the front of his pants. She knew immediately want he wanted and she got down onto her knees. She reached in feeling the hard flesh and pulled it out.   She bent down looking at the human dick, she had seen plenty of them here of various races but she liked the one in front of her. It wasn’t so big that it would cause nothing but pain and didn’t have anything else, some species that had fucked her was just nothing but painful experience for her because their species weren’t totally compatible. As least with the more humanoid kind she could take without much trouble.   He was about over six inches long and nicely thick as her pouty lips lightly suckled on the head making her new master moan. She had to please him, he was going to take her out of this place and saved her life. She wasn’t sure what kind of person her new master was but it was always safe to stay on their good side. She had gotten on Jabba’s bad side today and it nearly killed her.   [Oola do good?] She asked taking a pause stroking him.   [Yes, more] he told her as she eagerly went back to sucking him down t the base.   Oola tried not to think of the taste the man hadn’t showered yet but she had far more disgusting things shoved into her mouth like Jabba’s tongue. She bobbed her head doing everything she could hear him moan as his hands caressed her head. She shivered as his hands started to caress her lekku, they were a very sensitive part of her species bodies as they twitched under his touch.   Almec had been with enough twi’lek women to know that the head tails were very sensitive as he stroked the girl. She started to squirm knowing he was getting a good reaction out of her. Sure he could have just turned her over the table and just fucked her but where was the fun in that? Besides he could always do that later but he wanted to enjoy his new slave.   He sat back allowing her to do her work, her mouth and tongue were nice and talented. The warmth of her mouth felt good as she took all of him. He wanted to enjoy this but it had been a month since he had a chance like this. He guided her movements making her go faster as she complied. Her hands went to his thighs gripping them as she make gurgling noises as he started to face fuck this beauty.   He really wanted to see what her pussy felt like but first he was going to cum in her mouth.   “Take it, take it you green skinned bitch,” He muttered as he cried out holding her face to his groin.   Oola felt his penis throb as he came, his seed filling her throat as she swallowed everything finally when he was done he let her go. She pulled her head up gasping for air as she had been getting close to her lungs starting to burn for air. She took his softening member licking it clean for him.   [Did I do good Master?]   “Oh yeah you did real good,” He stroked her face as she actually smiled up at him and he had to admit she had a lovely smile.   He was relaxing with the girl’s face in his lap feeling like maybe it was time to test out her other hole just as another commotion stared up, he looked up to see a short hunter come in with a wookie of all things. He knew that brown armor well as he had heard of this guy even seen him a few times.   “Boushh,” Almec felt a little out of his depth at the moment. First Bobba Fett and now him, now that was a mood killer as he put his member back into his pants. The girl looked at him confused as he pulled her up to his lap.   Maybe now was a good idea to get a head start on his work, he did have a lot of money to get now but before he could even move Boushh pulled out a damned thermal detonator. Almec couldn’t believe his luck today, it was like some god or goddess was torturing him. The entire room was so tense that you could cut it with a vibro-knife.   Then just like that after a small stare down between Boushh and Jabba over the price it was over as soon as it began and it was like the entire place let out a sigh, a deal was made and everyone went back to the party like nothing hadn’t happened.   “This place is taking years off my life,” he muttered to himself. He noticed the woman looking at him curiously. “Time to go, before the sith damned Emperor shows up next.”   He got up taking his expensive new prize with him. Then he paused as he looked back and thought about things. Boushh cared about his own life than money and he would never do something as do a trick like that. He would rather just take what was offered and then leave before someone tried to stick a knife in his back. The man was nothing if not paranoid and now that he got a good look at the man he noticed that Boushh didn’t move quite right, the movements were all wrong and was it his imagination or was he slightly shorter?   Something smelt and he had a nose for trouble, there was something going on here. He noticed that Fett hadn’t taken his eyes off him either, well at least he thought so it was hard to tell with that helmet he always wore. Something was in the air and maybe it was the best time to get out of here while the Hutt’s attention was taken off his own actions.   He walked towards the door with the girl in tow, [Got anything to take?]   Oola shook her head the only thing she had were the clothes she was wearing.   “Just as well we don’t linger,” Almec couldn’t wait until this whole planet was a speck in the sky behind him.   Next up Chapter 2: Welcome Aboard Well this is my first ever Star Wars related story so please give a rating and a comment on how you feel about the story
Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Oracle
The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 8: The Oracle Julia Carpenter woke up in her bed sweating with a start, she was breathing heavily as she fell back onto her bed and placed her arm over her eyes. Although she didn’t have to, being physically blind now she didn’t ‘see’ like normal people. She saw the world in a way that her old eye sight couldn’t even imagine. So placing something over her eyes was kind of pointless as she could still See the world. It was just habit forming. “God damn it,” She muttered to herself she pulled the covers to reveal her body. She was wearing just panties and a loose wife beater top. She was still physically fit and she had spent a lot of time and effort getting her stomach back to a nice flat surface after her pregnancy. The only problem she had was the wet spot between her legs, her panties were soaked in her juices and she could see her nipples poking at the thin material of her top. “Why is this happening?” She asked herself not used to not having answers, not when she could see the future. Her long red hair was slightly tangled up as she got up to changed out of her spoiled underwear. She didn’t want her daughter to see her by accident like this. This had been going on for weeks now, every time she went to sleep she kept seeing things in her dreams, or maybe she should say someone in her dreams. She kept seeing Peter in various sexual acts with other women, the first time it had happened she had thought it had been just a dream. It hadn’t stopped and even now when she was awake she saw visions of whenever Peter was with another woman. She had gotten used to having visions and knowing what was going to happen or what was happening in the world around her but this was getting harder and harder to deal with. Mainly because she hadn’t been laid in months and now she was horny and with no way to satisfy her urges. Oh sure she had been able to sate herself somewhat through more personal means when she was alone. But masturbation could only do so much, after some time you started to crave the feel of another person. To feel the warm flesh of someone against your own, all the little touches, the sounds, the words spoken in the intimate act. You couldn’t replace all of that and now she was starting to crave the feel of someone else. She needed something to help push these thoughts away, maybe a cold shower would help. It was still early and her daughter Rachel wouldn’t be up yet. Going to the bathroom she closed the door and started up the shower. She stepped in hissing at the cold as she tried to ease the almost burning desire of her body. The cold water seemed to wash it away until she felt better and slowly turned up the heat so it was mildly warm. She grabbed the soap and started to wash her body. She was still in the shower when more images suddenly showed up into her mind, these visions were so vivid that it almost felt like she was living them. At first it was Peter with the red headed former model and actress Mary Jane, she knew of their past together and of what they had been doing together. The two were currently at Mary Jane’s apartment, Julia could see the scattered clothing all over the bed room as the two were already at it. Julia didn’t know if this was the past, present or future at the moment, it wasn’t always clear but she could see and hear everything. She experienced Mary Jane riding on top of Peter, her hands on his chest as she cried out with her head thrown back as she bucked wildly on him, he was holding her hips as he helped her. Julia’s breathing increased as she could almost feel the sensations, the smell of sweat and sex, hear the sounds. Julia’s hand slowly started to roam over her wet body as she experienced another vision. This time it was Peter with She-Hulk, she had learned in past visions that Jennifer liked her sex a little rough at times, she liked it hard as she could take it. Most likely all that repressed sexuality was unleashed when she was She-Hulk, in her vision she saw them naked. She-Hulk was up against a wall as Peter fucked her into it, her green legs wrapped around him as he held the jade giant by her ass as he hammered her. Jen was bucking back thrashing around. Julia couldn’t remember the last time she had a rough fuck like that. Although she preferred her sex not so rough sometimes a little ‘angry sex’ could make you feel like bliss after doing a marathon. She was rubbing her naked body now under the water, her fingers gliding over her beasts and stomach. The next vision was of Peter was sitting on a couch as Carol was on her knees her head bobbing up and down as she took Peter’s member as far as she could. Peter ran his hand through her hair as she continued to pleasure him. One of her hands was fondling his balls while the other reached down to pleasure herself. Julia’s own fingers went down to her own slit as she slowly rubbed it. Her fingers started to work herself up as she saw the visions, almost as if she were the women in them as Peter fucked her like he was fucking them.  Silver Sable was next, on her hands and knees with Peter behind her fucking her. Up on a roof top of somewhere in New York it was night and now the image was of Peter in costume or at least most of it. His pants were down around his knees as he was pressing up against Black Cat. Her own costume had been opened and pulled down to her ankles.  Because it was a one piece suit she was completely naked except for her mask. She was pressed up against a brick surface as her large tits slightly graded against it. “Do it Spider, fuck my ass like you mean it!” She told him. Julia had never tried anal sex before as she watched the white haired woman take all of Peter inside of her ass. She had no idea something like that could go up all the way inside, she felt if she tried that it would hurt like hell but Black Cat was enjoying it. All these women getting pleasure from the same man, a man she knew as her fingers kept thrusting again her other hand grabbing hold of the wall in front of her as she was bent slightly forward her mouth open as she tried not to cry out not wanting her daughter to find out what she was doing. Suddenly it finally came, she felt herself cum as she shook a trailing moan escaped her mouth as she rested her head against the wall. Letting the water wash away the cum from between her legs as she tried to control her breathing. A knock at the door startled her, which was rare but it did happen when she was distracted. “Mom are you nearly done in there?” Rachel asked through the door. “Just finishing up honey, I’ll be out in a minute,” Julia called out, she quickly finished washing herself as she made sure there would be no evidence no matter how small of what she had been doing. After the shower she made breakfast and saw her daughter off to school. Now that she was alone Julia tried to take her mind off what was happening, these visions didn’t seem normal to her. Why was she seeing all of this?  It was like she had a pornographic channel right in her mind and Peter was the star. She had wondered once what it would be like to date him back when she was Spider-Woman but they never did. Now she was seeing what it would be like to be his lover through the experiences of other women he was currently with. The worst was that she hadn’t felt the touch of a man since her breakup with her last boyfriend after that whole Civil War horror. That had been a time she wished had never happened since all the things that happened to not only her but everyone. Julia was sexually frustrated, all these images weren’t helping with that. It wasn’t easy when you had a young daughter and were blind on top of that. Not that you could tell she was physically blind these days but it wasn’t easy to find guys willing to get with a woman with both. It also wasn’t like she was young enough to hit the clubs, oh sure she had her daughter kind of young so she was still good looking and not even thirty-five yet, but still the longer it became the harder it was to find someone it seemed. Then you get her new role as Madam Web and it was hard to date when you could see things ahead of time. True the few times she had gone out she was able to see if the guy was some kind of scum bag or not worth her time. So that saved her a lot of time but it also meant a lot of lonely nights in her bed. -Peter’s Apartment- Peter was just trying to catch a quick shower before getting back to work, he had snuck out of his lab when he heard the news of trouble downtown from the small TV in his lab he kept on the news at all times for just such a reason. Turned out Rhino had been up to trying to take out an armored car of all things, well it was a classic and his suit would allow him to rib the doors off without trouble. Apparently he hadn’t thought of his escape though since Peter was able to catch up to the guy who was getting away on foot. Still he had finished up, the money would be returned and he hoped to get back to the lab and finish off some work he was in the middle of. He was currently trying to recreate his stealth suit that Kane took when he left town. Not an easy thing to make and honestly Peter didn’t expect to have it returned to him at any rate. So since his place was on the way he needed a quick shower from all the sweat and the fact that Rhino had thrown a damn garbage bin at him to get the smell out. His poor costume however would need a couple of washes, thankfully he kept extra for such emergencies. After Peter was convinced he got the smell off him (and what felt like a layer of skin from scrubbing) he felt better. He was just getting out of his bathroom only in a towel around his waist to find none other than Madam Web there waiting for him. “Jeez! Give a guy a heart attack why don’t you?” Peter jumped he hadn’t even heard her come in although he guessed that was because she used the same window he did to enter and leave without people noticing. “Sorry but I had something I needed to talk to you about in person,” Julia told him taking off her gloves and setting them down on a small dresser along with her dark glasses. This didn’t go unnoticed by Peter, “Hey wait no astral projection this time?” “As I said this had to be in person,” She told him walking up to him noticing his slight nervous and confused look. “So…what can I help you with?” Peter really wasn’t sure what was going on, she could have just used her astral projection to talk to him but here he was alone with a woman nearly naked. He had to admit he had fantasized about her awhile back, back when she was wearing that black and white Spider-Woman outfit. It had hung to her body and had given him a few impressions on what was under it of course. He also remembered back when all the spider powered people were being hunted by Kraven’s psycho family and she made a comment about his joking was why they had never dated. That moment had always made him think that did she have those thoughts as well? He wouldn’t say no, hell lately women were throwing themselves at him and although it took some time he was enjoying it. Of course it was a bit exhausting to keep all these women happy but hell, with all their busy lives it wasn’t like he was seeing them all at the same time, that would kill him. Now before him stood Julia Carpenter and although her blue eyes were blind she was looking right at him with a look he had seen all too often lately. ‘Oh no way, really? Is this really happening?’ Peter thought to himself but put any more thoughts on hold just to be sure. The last thing he needed was to jump the gun and get a slap to the face because he read the situation wrong, well he would see where this was going. “You know as a psychic I see a lot of things right?” She told him walking up to him getting close enough to smell the pine scented soap he had been using. “Yeah see all and know all right?” He joked. “Yes and I’ve been seeing a lot lately,” She placed her bare hands on his chest rubbing them slowly. “Especially what you’ve been doing lately with, let’s see…your ex-girlfriend Mary Jane, Black Cat, She-Hulk, Silver Sable, Carol Danvers and let’s not forget Rogue.” Peter swallowed equally because he was in fact reading the signs correctly and also that she had seen those intimate events. “Ah…so, you’ve seen all of…that huh?” He felt a bit embarrassed like someone had found out he had done porn in college for the cash (which he hadn’t) and she was calling him out on it. “Yes, all of it, all the time lately in fact.” She felt the strong muscles under his frame as she inched closer to him. “I don’t know why but maybe the universe was trying to tell me something. You know you’ve been making my life very difficult lately.” “What, how?” Peter was a little defensive about that, hell if anything she made his life more difficult with her vague prophecies sometimes. He hadn’t done anything to her at least nothing that should make her life difficult. “You know how hard it is to try and be a sexually frustrated single mom, whose blind by the way and how hard it is to find dates let alone find time for any kind of love life?” She told him feeling like some of the frustration was his fault even if it wasn’t intentionally. “Then on top it off I keep seeing you making women, some that I know, moaning and screaming in pleasure that I haven’t known for some time now?” “Oh…uh, sorry about that but I can’t control what you see,” Peter scratched the back of his head. He felt bad for her now, he had dry spells before and suddenly seeing the kinds of things he had been doing without any kind of release would have given him a massive case of blue balls. Not sure what the female equivalent would be but he did feel bad for her predicament. “So since you’re Mr. Powers and Responsibility, do you think you can take the responsibility to help me with this problem?” Peter knew that he should get back to work but on the other hand he felt bad for her and hell she was one of the list of women if he was honest had been on his fantasy list back in the day. He looked at her seriously as he pulled her gently closer to him. “I’m willing to if you want.” “Good answer,” She breathed before capturing his lips with her own, pulling him against her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.  She hungrily kissed him as it felt like all the built up pressure in her body was suddenly released in a torrent of emotions. Peter returned it as best he could as he quickly learned just how much in need she was in. Finally they pulled away for a breath before he commented. “Damn Julia you really do need this, although I feel like I’m a little underdressed in comparison.” “No worries,” She undid her coat and slipped out of it letting if fall giving Peter a good view that she was nothing else on other than some sexy looking red underwear, her scarf and a pair of heeled boots that certainly gave him the impression of being a pair of ‘fuck me’ boots. She pulled off her scarf and wrapped it around the back of his neck pulling him in for another heated round of kissing. Now Peter’s hands could explore her body, her skin felt soft to the touch as he trailed her sides making her give slight moans of appreciation. He caressed her back as soon one hand found her firm butt giving it a gentle squeeze. He had thought that Sue Storm was a MILF but he certainly was going to place Julia in this category now. Soon Julia wasn’t one for just the kissing, she needed more but first she wanted to see feel herself what she had only seen in her mind before now. She kissed him to his collar bone as she slowly went down his chest, het hands rubbing his upper body as she slowly slid down. She knelt down as she licked his abs, they were a great six pack and she always liked that about guys, as she thought they looked sexy to her. She felt his hands running through her red hair as she soon found something poking from the cloth around his waist. She undid the towel letting it fall and freeing his manhood. Looking up close she had to admit he was a great size and he kept himself nicely clean down here. She gently stoked it a few times getting a feel for it before kissing the tip. “It’s nice seeing this in person for a change,” She told him before gently placing the tip in her mouth and started to slowly suckled on it, her tongue rolling around the sensitive head. “Oh god Julia,” Peter watched as she slowly almost painfully took him deeper in her mouth. She only would go in a little before going back to the head to tease before taking him slightly deeper in long slower slides. If he didn’t know any better he swore she was somehow giving him a taste of her own frustrations. Julia soon found that she couldn’t get the entire length down, not without gagging as she hadn’t had many men this long. With a wet pop she took the cock out of her mouth looking up at him with heated eyes as she wanted more, her body burned with need. She got up and with the scarf around his necked pulled him to the bed. She crawled onto it giving Peter a good look at her ass as the thong she was wearing just for this moment was supposed to do. She turned onto her back as she cocked a finger to him with a smile. Peter smiled back as she crawled on top of her and passionately kissed her hard, pressing his body weight down onto her as the two starting kissing each other, their hands roaming over their bodies exploring each other. Peter wasn’t surprised by how well in shape she was in, after all it wasn’t all that long ago she was wore a costume and had been on teams like the Avengers. Although he did admit for someone that was a mother she had a great body still. One of his hands cupped one of her breasts still under her bra, from what he could tell they were still nice to the touch and he couldn’t wait to see what they looked like. For Julia she ran her hands over his body, knowing full well the kind of things he had been through. She felt all the strength in the muscles under his skin. She knew all the injuries he had suffered through with her fingers gliding over the skin. She could almost mentally feel it all through her mind’s eye, she felt the heat of his clean skin against her own, she loved the weight of him pressing down onto her but not crushing her. She gasped when his fingers found the front of her panties as he gently started to rub her through the material. She decided on giving him some of the same treatment as she reached down to touch his member. It was already hard in her hand as she softly stroked him. He gave a half growl into her neck making her shudder slightly, she liked that sound nearly animalistic nature of it. “Take them off,” She told him after some more teasing as the front of her panties were already getting wet. Peter pulled back as he was on his knees grabbing hold of the sides of the garment slowly pulling it down her shapely legs. Throwing the garment aside he could see she had shaved herself, and it looked pretty fresh. He ran his hand along the smooth skin as she shifted wanting more. Peter started to go for his small dresser next to the bed where he kept the condoms before she grabbed his wrist. “Don’t worry about it.” “You sure,” he stopped himself before he saw the look she was giving him. “Right, psychic.” “Now please placed that inside of me, I really need it.” Julia told him as she thought about all the women he had been with lately. Some might have been younger or have better parts like a better ass or bigger tits. But she was sure she could do something she bet those others couldn’t. She took hold of her knees as she stretched out her legs and pulled back. Peter was surprised by how flexible she was at first, she had pulled her legs back all the way. He had never been with a woman as flexible as he was. Then again she was one of the spider themed heroes with the agility to match. He guided himself to her opening as he pushed himself inside, Julia sighed in contentment feeling a man inside of her for the first time in months. He found that although she wasn’t as tight as some women she wasn’t exactly loose either, after having a kid he wasn’t sure what to expect but she did feel good around him as he filled her to the brim. With her legs bent back he could reach all the way, he leaned over as he started thrusting into her warm body. Peter leaned over her supporting himself above her as used his whole body to thrust over and over into her. Julia moaned as he fucked her, she could hold her legs like this for an hour if she had to. She moaned with every thrust into her body, the whole bed was starting to shake with their movements. “Oh god yes, this is what I’ve needed,” Julia moaned finally getting the feel of a man inside of her again. “You like that huh?” Peter told her as he grabbed her hips as he pulled her towards him with every thrust. “Yes! I do like it, oh god Peter you have no idea how much I’ve needed this!” Peter had to admit she looked so sexy there on her back holding her legs wide like a gymnast as he watched her breasts sway around with every movement. “I want to feel more,” she moaned, “Fuck me harder Peter I can take it.” “Alright,” He pulled her onto his crotch with more of his strength knowing she had similar powers as his as her back arched throwing her head back in a cry of passion. “How’s that? How’s that feel?” “It feels great don’t stop!” Peter kept up the work with his physic he could keep this up for some time. Lately it had seemed his stamina in bed had been better or maybe it was just he had never noticed it before. Whatever the reason he was enjoying his time now. Plus it was like living out a fantasy being able to fuck so many beautiful women. He knew it couldn’t last but lately he was going to enjoy however long it did last. “Faster, I’m almost there,” Julia gasped. Peter increased the pace of his thrusts the wet sounds from his dick slamming into her wet pussy increased in tone. He jack hammered into her as he finally let go of her waist to lean over her pounding her pussy as quickly and as powerfully as he could safely. She moaned out as her head rolled around losing herself in her passion. Peter took one hand with his thumb he attacked her clit rubbing it quickly. “Oh god yesssss!” Julia came like a rocket then as she hadn’t been expecting him to do that as it pushed her over the edge. “Cum Peter, I know you want to!” He grunted a few times as he pulled her against him and let out a groan as he filled her body with his cum. His dick pulsed as he felt himself empty into her waiting body. Slowly he pulled out of her as he got on the bed next to her. She rolled against him resting her head on his shoulder. Resting for a bit as they caught their breaths they were enjoying the feeling of their naked flesh against each other. Peter pushed up a little to capture her lips as she eagerly kissed him back. Soon they sat untangled each other as both were eager for another round. She reached behind her and undid her bra throwing it away. Peter got a good look at her topless form, with pale nipples as she sat on his waist kissing him deeply as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her hips as she ground her sex into his, using it to work him back up to a nice hard length against. Peter shifted their kissing as he kissed down her slender neck he got to her collar bone before he shifted his hands to her ass and lifted her up. She was surprised by this for a moment forgetting just how strong he was that he could lift cars over his head, then again had similar strength herself. Then she jolted as though a lightning bolt went down her spine as his lips captured one of her nipples. She cried out quickly pulling his face to her tit, wanting more of it. She felt his tongue run around the nub, gently biting on it and then liking it while in his mouth. He was surprised by how energetic she suddenly became and when he gave the nipple a good long suck she seemed to almost spasm as he suddenly felt her fluids dripping down onto him. He pulled away looking at her panting face, “Did…you just cum?” “A…a little,” Julia panted out and she guessed it was time to admit to it. “Actually I’m really sensitive on my nipples, always have been.” “Oh really?” Peter hadn’t met a woman this sensitive in that area. Then again all women had different areas that where sensitive. Mary Jane had this little spot on her spine, Carol had a spot on her collar bone, Rogue loved her ears being nibbled on and so on. “That must have been awkward with your daughter and breastfeeding.” She gave him a leveled look, “Do you really want to get into that or would you rather just keep fucking me?” “Ah, good point.” He said and took her other nipple as he sucked hard on it making her gasp and then cry out in pleasure. Truth was she really rather fuck than talk about it, she had tried breastfeeding Rachel when she was born but to her eternal embarrassment it had felt too good. It had been a worry for her since she had found out she had been pregnant. In the end she had gotten a breast pump and bottled the milk herself, it still left her with at least one orgasm sometimes but at least she felt less weird about it. She also never once talked about it to anyone and she wasn’t going to start now.  She cried out as Peter gave the nipple a particularly hard suck making her spine shiver. He switched to the other one taking the hard nub into his mouth sucking on it. She cried out as her whole body felt electrified. Every time he sucked on her nipples she felt like orgasming right there. The feel of his body against her skin, his cock in her hand, the way he treated her nipples and the feel of his warm cum inside of her body. It was like she had been dying of thirst and now she was swimming in water. Peter felt himself rock hard listening to her moan and thrash around, her soft hand on his dick had worked it’s magic as he wanted to go back inside of her. He pulled away as he sat down in front of her holding her legs gently. “Want to try something?” Peter asked her. “Just as long as you put that back inside of me,” Julia told him. Peter had wanted to try this before, he had done it a few times with MJ but since Julia was very flexible this should be no problem. He closed her legs together and pulled them up so while she was on her back her legs were sticking straight up. Peter used his free hand to help him find her pussy as he pushed in. “Oh god you feel even better now,” she moaned. It was a trick he had learned to help make a woman feel tighter as he fucked her, letting her legs rest on his shoulder. He grabbed her legs as he started to fuck her like this his hips thrusting in her over and over. He watched her moan out in pleasure as her hands grabbed her tits, playing roughly with them, pulling on her nipples as he buried himself into her. She was still very wet from her own juices and his own cum that he had deposited earlier. Now though it was like her pussy was squeezing him as he rocked them as the bed rocked with them. He was glad that the headboard wasn’t against the wall or else the wall would have been taking some damage by this point. “Oh yes, fuck me Peter, don’t stop fucking me.” She clawed at the bed feeling her next orgasm coming. “Damn it Julia I’ve wanted to fuck you the first moment I saw you in that sexy suit of yours.” Peter told her. “I still have that old suit,” she gasped remembering how she had her old costumes still in a closet somewhere. She was certain she could fit into her old Spider-Woman costume again. “Maybe someday I’ll put it on again.” “I’d like that,” Peter increased his thrusting making her cry out even more so. He used to have a fantasy about her in that suit when they first met, then again he had gone into a relationship at the time and had forgotten about it. Not here he was fucking the beautiful red head and more sexy women at that. Peter had already let out a shot earlier but he could start to feel himself getting ready again after a few minutes. He had total control of her he listened to her sounds of ecstasy as he grunted with the effort. Eventually he couldn’t take it any longer as he felt himself ready to release the next load into her. “Julia I’m going to cum soon.” He told her wondering how close she was. “Do it, cum inside of me again Peter. I want to feel it,” Julia told him feeling her impending orgasm. “Oh god…here…here I cum Julia!” Peter cried out thrusting into her one last time and holding himself as he felt his cum shooting into her body and soon felt her tighten up as she arched her back her fists holding the sheets as she came with him. Peter stayed in that position for a moment as he finished feeling the pleasure course through him from his release. Eventually Peter let go of her legs as he dropped himself gently on top of her his head resting next to hers as their bodies covered in sweat both breathing heavily against each other. Peter turned his head as he managed to push himself up a bit and kissed her hard. She eagerly kissed him back running her hands through his short brown hair. “Should I take the boots off now?” Julia asked between kissing. “Naw leave them on, you look sexier with them on,” He grinned down at her as he kissed her again. “I should have done this a long time ago,” she smiled as she rolled them so she was on top. She adjusted herself as she started to rub her sensitive pussy against his semi-hard cock. “How about we make up for lost time of what could have been?” Peter grinned running his hands up her body, “All in one day or should we spread it out?” She shivered at his touch and of all the things she could do. She did have all day to spend with him before Rachel got home from school so she was going to enjoy it. She had weeks worth of sexual frustration to get out of her system. -Carpenter Home- Julia snapped out of her vision of the future, she had just been thinking about going to Peter and telling him that something strange was going on when her latest vision came to her and this time she had been Peter’s newest co-star of it. She found her mouth had gone dry as she still felt the tingles almost like she had just experienced it all first hand. That vision had been so vivid to her that she could feel her body’s response to it. ‘Damn it really, this had to happen?’ she mentally cursed herself. It wasn’t like she didn’t dislike Peter, hell at times she found his strength to endure everything kind of uplifting. She had never gotten into a relationship with Spider-Man in the past because she hadn’t thought there might have been much to it, plus all the time people asked her if she was his girlfriend or related to him for the first few years of her as Spider-Woman. It didn’t help when he started wearing a black and white costume as well that matched her own. But she had a good working relationship with him, she saw trouble, she told him, he dealt with it. It was a good system and she didn’t want to mess it up. But apparently when she went over there she would become next in line for his sex life. Not that she really cared, she wasn’t really looking for a full time relationship at the moment anyway but damn it, she had needs too. Seeing all these women in the throes of passion hadn’t been helping her with that either, in fact if she wanted to be honest, she had been a bit jealous. Hell some of them she knew personally like Jen and now here she was one of the most powerful psychics in the world horny and she knew that if she went over to his place she would for a fact get enough pleasure to curl her toes. She bit her lip, her daughter was already at school and she knew Peter would be home, there was enough time to get laid, shower and come back before school ended. The fact that she was considering this might have normally put her on guard but damn it, it had been months.  She really needed this and her vision hadn’t shown her anything negative about it. Hell she was fine if he fucked other women as long as she got her needs tended to. “I can’t believe I’m considering this,” Julia said to herself looking through her underwear drawer knowing the type of garments she had on in the vision. She knew she could technically just not go, her visions weren’t absolute but they did show her what was most likely to happen. She had foreseen that she would go over there and that they would have sex, great sex in fact. There was another thought nagging at her, why was she seeing the things she had been seeing lately? Was the Web of Life trying to tell her something, was it sending her these visions to help prepare her to accepting her fate of being one of Spider-Man’s lovers? She got dressed as she thought about it, if this was meant to happen then it was meant to happen. The way to Peter’s was easy to get to, although she had all the powers of Madam Web she still had all her spider related powers as her time as both Spider-Woman and Arachne. Dressed in her usual coat and sunglasses she made her way to his apartment, her body burning with desire the closer she got. She found the window he liked to use because it looked into an alley so no one on the street would notice people going in and out from the fire escape. The room looked just as it had in her vision as she moved to her spot, she had lived this moment in her mind and now here she was repeating everything like a script. She watched Peter come out of the shower with a towel on as she took a moment to appreciate his naked form. She grew hungry in anticipation knowing what was to come she found. “Jeez! Give a guy a heart attack why don’t you?” He said jumping in surprised again, well actually for the first time for him. “Sorry but I had something I needed to talk to you about in person,” She replied knowing she was supposed to say that, removing her gloves knowing she was supposed to leave them on the dresser with her glasses. Knowing full well what was going to happen as she played her part in this scene. Next up Chapter 9: The Agent Well you all asked for it so here comes the Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) one coming up. I think after this I’ll have Spider-Girl (Anya) and then start mixing things up a bit.  
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3
AN: X23 (Now named Laura Logan had joined up a few years ago and is 16/17) and so did Dani Moonstar who is now 18 as well as Alex Summers Chapter 3 CLASS IS IN SESSION Everyone came into the classroom wondering what was going on that day as they took their seats, there was talking all around and everyone was wondering what class they would have this time. Some had been good others had been boring as hell. So the rumours were flying on what was going to be taught today. Most had another lesson in how to use mutant powers properly or something like that. As everyone took their seats they saw Jean and Scott, but where surprised to see Rogue and a few boxes and a bed already in the room. “Hey Kurt you know what’s going on?” Kitty whispered over to him, she figured maybe since her sister was involved he might know even though she and Rogue were best friends but she might had told Kurt. “Nein I have no idea,” He said to her confused on what this was all about, normally he and Kitty and also Rogue being the oldest didn’t have these classes but Xavier had said this was one of those classes everyone should have at least once. Scott cleared his throat and soon everyone was quiet, “Thanks, okay me and Jean got stuck teaching a new class and we also got Rogue here to help us out. But we’re going to do this our way and we want all of you to know everything there is to know.” “What class is this then?” Bobby asked. Jean replied to his questions, “Sex Ed,” Then there was a lot of hooting and hollering and Jean told them to settle down. “Now I want all questions you have and so we can answer them okay?” “What’s the bed for? You going to give examples to the class?” Ray joked. “Yes we are,” Jean said seriously and there was a dead silence to the room as they were all in shock. Did prim and proper Jean Grey just made a joke or was she dead serious? Either answer was enough to shock everyone silent. “We are going to show you later the proper techniques so you know how to have sex with your partner and so you can please both of you as well as other things like safe sex.” “B-b-but you can’t just…like SHOW us I mean…” Kitty stammered trying to form a decent sentence but couldn’t. Maybe they were going to show a video she figured but then why the bed? “Actually…we can.” Jean then used her powers to give everyone a burst of pleasure as the reactions varied from gasps to groans, then she used them to make them a bit more acceptable to all this by increasing their sex drive a little as well as increasing the hormones in their brains. She pretty much put them into an aroused state slightly like she had first tried with Rogue. She knew it was a bit questionable use of her powers but she wasn’t doing any real harm. Besides this would make things a lot easier if they were more accepting. If they didn’t like it, they were free to leave. “Now we’re all going to show you a few things and then we’ll asks for a pair of volunteers,” With that Jean, Scott and Rogue started to slip out of their clothing, everyone there was struck silent seeing the three oldest members strip down. The girls were a bit surprised as seeing how well endowed Scott was and the few that had crushes on him from time to time saw just how lucky Jean was. Plus all the years of the Danger Room had given him a slim but very fit body. They couldn’t help but look over his hard muscles, abs and everything else they could get their eyes one. The boy’s couldn’t help at marvel at Jean and Rogue’s body (with the exception of Kurt who tried not to look at his adopted sister so focused on Jean). Jean and Rogue had similar builds, although Jean had longer legs and slightly larger breasts but Rogue had the better ass and was a bit more fit than Jean. They also noticed how both girls were shaved bald like Scott was around their sex. The  boys couldn’t help but stair at their bodies that many had fantasized about at least once. More so Rogue since most of the time she couldn’t touch she had been this forbidden fruit as it were. “Okay the girls are going to hand some stuff out,” Scott spoke up as everyone was feeling like this was some kind of freaky surreal dream not an actual class, Jean and Rogue went through the rows with boxes and placed items on the desks. They were tissues, condoms, various birth control and paper and pencils as well as images of male and female bodies. “Now who here has had sex and be honest.” He saw only Kurt and Tabitha raise their hands and he looked at Tabitha. “What?” She asked, “Look I had a one time thing with Pietro while I was at the Brotherhood.” “Ewww, Pietro?” Amara said in disgust as she was distracted by that revelation. “Hey it wasn’t so bad, the boy may hammer away at you with no subtly and skill but he can fucking cum and then be ready in a few seconds and thanks to that metabolism he fucked me hard to hours. I lost count of how many times he came.” Although truth was he came more than she had but by the end of the night she had been satisfied so it had worked out. “Well Tabby in this class we’re going to teach you all the finer points. Like how to please your partner and how to improve your sex life as well as communication and how to explore your sexuality,” Scott told her and the thing of it was that surprised many was just how serious this was. He went to the desk and pulled out a condom package. “Now this is a condom and you guys should always carry one, now who here does carry?” Kurt raised his hand, as did Bobby, “Okay Kurt I can see since he’s been going out with Amanda for some time now and I’m guessing she was your first?” Kurt nodded a bit embarrassed, “Nothing to be embarrassed about but what about you Bobby? Why are you carrying?” “Uh…well…” He looked over at Jubilee who he was dating he saw how she was looking questionably at him, “You see…Jubes and me…we’ve talked about sex but haven’t gone that far and…I just wanted to be ready for when she is.” Scott nodded his head, “That’s actually very responsible of you Drake.” Now the girls were finished and came to the front of the class, “Okay Scott and Rogue are going to show you the proper way to how to pleasure each other and I’ll explain a few things,” Jean told them. “Wait! You mean…but aren’t you and Scott in love?” Kurt asked shocked at this, he was trying very hard to get his mind around all of this. Although the erection he had and the feelings of lust boiling up in him was making it hard to keep thinking straight. Jean just smiled at him, “I do love him, Kurt you can love someone and still let them have sex with another  all it requires is the consent of both of us. I trust Scott and he trust me, and I trust Rogue, besides he’s already fucked Rogue and so have I.” That bombshell left the room once again shocked and several jaw dropping. They all couldn’t help but watch as they showed the ways to please each other, as Jean explained what they were doing. They saw Rogue give him a bit of a blowjob running her tongue over his member and taking it into her mouth and then Scott returned the favour as they saw how to eat a girl out. They then showed the few positions as well as techniques on how to manipulate their partner’s erotic zones. They were very into it as well, Rogue would moan out and Scott grunted when he got going. Jean explained it all and also the importance of taking notes, which they did. They all started to take a few notes especially on things they didn’t know.  Plus they were all getting turned on by the show and with Jean subtly making them horny. A few girls were actually touching themselves a bit, a couple of boys stroked themselves through their pants at the sight of Rogue being fucked. They even saw Scott fuck Rogue while on the bed at one point as they both came. Later Jean and Rogue showed them the finer points as she and Rogue then showed the class a few more things together in a lesbian show and when Scott was up to it again, Rogue then took her turn to explain while Jean and Scott then showed the difference between fucking like with Rogue and making love as they had a slow and very passionate time together. Jean then took a vibrator out and showed them a few things like how a woman likes certain movements and how to find the g-spot. She also had to work off her arousal from seeing Scott and Rogue but knew that he would make it up to her later or Rogue she had to admit she had been having some fun with her the past week. At the end of an hour the students knew more about sex then they had with the classes at high school. Rogue knew what was to come next so it was her turn to talk, “Okay for the last few things we’re all going to do a few exercises, now everyone…strip,” Everyone was a bit stunned at that until Jean said that they really should start and not wanting to have her use her powers on her they complied although they all were finding this a bit exciting although none admitted it. A few were very excited at what could be done and quickly took off their clothing as fast as they could. Everyone was taking slight looks at others, having always wondered what someone had looked like naked was now being answered. Soon everyone was naked in the class and a few of the more shy ones were trying to hide certain body parts but after a bit everyone got a bit more comfortable. “Okay we’re going to take two volunteers and they are going to show us what they learned.” Scott said a little sweat still on his body and looked around and picked out two that he knew had an attraction for each other. He had seen them and had heard the rumors himself so he figured that this was the perfect time for them, “Jamie, Rahne please step up here.” The two were nervous as they stepped forward and tried to hide certain parts, Jamie his erection from all of this and Rahne had her arms cross and both were blushing but yet some part of them were excited about this. They both have had crushes on the other and she had to admit. In the two years Jamie had matured and grown a bit, he was even taller than her now. For Jamie he had the biggest crush on Rahne for over a year now, she had grown her hair down to her shoulders and her breasts had grown out a bit too, she looked more like a young woman now than ever. “Okay you two let’s see what you’ve learn,” Jean said with a smile. Both teens looked at each other unsure how to start so Jamie decided to start off and slowly stepped forward and kissed each other, he was surprised that they tasted like strawberries and liked it. It was light kiss but then when he saw her blush and smiled at him and smiled back and slowly kissed her again longer and a little harder. Soon both of them let the world wash away and she took her arms from her chest and wrapped them around his back pull him close. She felt her breasts get compressed against his chest and his erection against her lower stomach and felt aroused by it. Soon she felt his tongue on her lips and open her mouth to let him in and moaned at they started to French kiss and slowly started to run their hands over each other’s bodies. Jamie ran his hands on her back and marvelled at how soft her skin was, she lowered her hands to his ass was and amazed at how good it felt, she gave a squeeze as he started to kiss her neck. As she moaned in pleasure and moved her neck to help him out, he then ran his hand to her front and gently took each breasts on the side making her gasp in surprised, “Yeah like that Jamie a bit more,” She said closing her eyes as he started to massage then causing her to breath a little harder. She had dreamed of him touching her, and although she never told anyone, she touched herself thinking of him. She didn’t care others were watching she just wanted him to continue touching her body. After a moment Rogue coughed and smiled seeing the blushes on their faces as they remembered just where they were, “Okay ah think it’s time to take this to the bed you two.” Both Rahne and Jamie shared a look both a little fear yet both had had dreams of this before and both had been wondering about what it would be really like. They both got on the low bed with Rahne laying down as Jamie was on top, she smiled as she ran her hands over his upper body. Jamie looked into her emerald eyes one of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen really and smiled into them. He kissed her on the mouth as one hand went to her breast feeling the soft flesh and then taking his finger and thumb like he had been shown by pinching and rolling her nipple trying to get it hard. “Ohhhhh,” She couldn’t help but moan out feeling her sex get warmer and wetter from his attention to her body. “Oh yes do it more, I like that.”   Jamie decided to take one of her nipples into his mouth as he started to suck on it. She gave a long moan as he did so. Her body felt so hot against him and the nipple was getting very hard in his mouth. He had dreamed of this for so long as he caressed her body and sucked and licked her nude form. “Are you ready for him Rahne?” Jean asked her. “Yes! Please yes,” She said to her, she needed someone or something inside of her now. She was very wet inside and was aching for him.  Jean handed Jamie a condom that he put on and positioned himself between her legs that she eagerly spread for him. They were both nervous about this first time and he remembered what Scott had told them about being gently the first time and slowly entered her. Both of them moaned out feeling each other in the most intimate of ways. He slowly pushed himself into her until he hit her hymen and stopped. They both readied themselves and Jamie trust forward breaking through it. She whimpered and he stopped for a moment until she nodded her head. To her it was a bit painful as he slid his way into her and when he was in her fully he kissed her lips and gently took on hand from beside her and started to move it on her breast, she knew that he was trying to please her and it was working as she grew used to his size the pleasure he was giving her was helping and soon she started to move her hips as a sign to tell him to start moving. Jamie started to pull out partly and then push back in gently then after some time they got a rhythm going, he placed his hands at her sides and he started to pump into her looking down in those eyes smiling down her beauty, if this was a dream he didn’t want to wake up, she wrapped her legs around his waist urging him one thrusting back into him, the pain was mostly gone now. She healed faster than most girls because of her powers, nothing like Logan or X23 but she did heal fast enough to make this more pleasurable. She moaned feeling his member in her sex, how it stretched around him, how he felt pushing in and out of her wet hole. She was felling pleasure she had never experienced before, she had had ideas but they didn’t compare to the real thing. Jamie grunted and groaned as he increased his pace feeling like he was so close. Jamie threw his head back and groaned as he came in her with a strong trust, he thrusts a few more times into her after but it was too soon for Rahne and she hadn’t cum when he did, she felt a bit cheated at that. Jean noticed this and asked her if she came and she shook her head. Jamie pulled out feeling bad about that, he had hoped to please her and Jean sensed this and told him that if he wanted to bring her to climax. “Yeah but…well…” He was a bit embarrassed that he was no longer hard and he wanted to please her. Rogue just smiled at him, “Well then you got to go down on her and eat her out then boy.” Jamie blinked and then lowered himself to Rahne’s sex and started with a like to it, he could taste her wetness and hear her moan a bit. He started just on the clit while fingering her since he knew she had been close to an orgasm when he shot off before her so when she started to beg for him to go faster he did and a bit harder. Rahne was panting as she was so close to a climax she was glad that Jamie wanted to please her and when he put in a third finger she cried out and thrusts her hips forward as hard and as fast as she could. “Oh god, oh god oh god, oh….GOD! JAMIE!” She cried out as her fist here clutched in his hair and she arched her back as she came with a scream. In fact she came so hard she squired her juices a bit on Jamie’s mouth and chin. He didn’t mind and both young teenagers were tired from their first time. “Okay now everyone I want you all to pair up and girls you’ll give each guy a blow job, spit or swallow your choice but after the boys will eat you out to return the favour.” Scott said with a smirk as Rogue and Jean laid down mats for them all. Everyone was still unsure but with everything that had gone on everyone was fucking horny as hell. Everyone was partnered up with either someone they were seeing or wanted to, or just at random. Bobby couldn’t believe it looking down at Jubilee who actually licked her lips and reached out to touch his dick. She couldn’t believe she was going to do this but technically this wasn’t sex but this was just as intimate. She felt the smoothness of his member and how hard it was and for a moment wondered what it would feel inside of her but then decided to try that later, she opened the mouth and slipped it in and heard him take in a sharp breath and she grinned. She thought this was a submissive post but as she moved her tongue she found out that she had all the power here. Sam however even though he was brought up proper was now looking down and feeling like he was in heaven as Tabitha looked up into his eyes and smiled up at him as she bobbed her head up and down on him taking him to new heights. Sam looked over to see Dani going down on Ray he always knew Ray had this Pocahontas fantasy and it seemed he was getting some of it, in fact from his view he saw a slight trail of liquid falling from her leg and it looked like she was masturbating as well. Laura was sensing so many hormones that it was driving her crazy with lust she couldn’t control herself and when the opportunity came to do something about it she went to the closest boy, Roberto and instantly took him in her mouth. He was a bit too scared of her to say otherwise both being now Logan’s adopted daughter but because he knew she could kill him five times before he hit the ground, but damn she was doing well. He even felt her relax her throat somehow and was actually deep throating him. Kitty was knelling in front of Kurt, she wasn’t sure about this one part of her wanted to but he was her best friend. Kurt was worried that this might ruin things with him and Amanda who was still at her dorm room at college, but he had a crush on Kitty when he first saw her, that later changed to friendship but he needed to feel some release after all of this and he had fantasies about this before. There was a moment of hesitation before she reached down and liked the tip of his head; she had never even seen a real cock before since while dating Lance they had never gotten that far. But she was surprised to see them all here and that Kurt’s was blue like him only without fur. By now all the girls were giving head, Amara was taking on Alex who even though seeing his brother get it on was a bit off putting all these naked girls was like a deal and Amara really knew how to work her tongue. Even Rahne had taken Jamie’s limp dick in her mouth trying to get it hard again as he moaned and ran his hands through her hair. Jean, Scott and Rogue went by giving pointers and tell them things they needed to know. After awhile all the men were nearly their end. Kurt was muttering in German as Kitty was starting to work on her, “Oh Kitty, I’m, I’m-ahhh!” He threw his head back as he shot in her mouth; she tried to take it but wasn’t prepared and coughed it up into her hand. “Sorry,” she said taking a few tissues and cleaning herself up. Tabitha had also were using her breasts on Sam’s dick to get him off and took it all down her throat, for Jubilee she was also jerking off Bobby while giving him head and he warned her he was coming but she stayed and took it. For Amara she felt Alex’s dick throbbing knowing he was coming but at the last minute was sure if she could swallow it or take it and pulled out but Alex still came and his semen shot all over her face. After that and after everyone had cleaned up it was now the boys turn to please the women, they laid down on the mats as the boys were taught how to give them all oral sex, except for Jamie and Rahne who were cuddling next to each other as they just watched in fascination. There were moans and gasps and even screams of pleasure as the boys learned about how to manipulate the clitoris, about how to move their tongue and other tricks. Kitty was in ecstasy writhing on the floor as Kurt used his thick fingers, and ran his fang gently on her clit adding to her arousal to her surprise. He was also using his tail to please the rest of her body, she had no idea that Kurt could be like this, Jubilee was screaming out as Bobby used his ice powers on her pussy with light frost and then having it melt and he would lick it up. He made her climax three times before the end leaving his girlfriend both sweaty, tired but VERY satisfied. At the end everyone was sated and the room was heavy with the smells of sex, that’s when the teachers pulled out one last surprised, they had a box of camcorders. “Okay so now here’s the class project. We’re going to grade you all on how much you’ve learned and with experimentation on your own so in order to do that every sex session you have until the end of the week will be reordered so we can judge how well you’re doing.” “You’ll be graded on partners, originality, performance and you will also be graded at the end by your partners. I want all of you to write down and give your partner a proper grade.” Jean finished and everyone was actually looking forward to that. NEXT UP CHAPTER 4: KURT AND HIS LADIES  
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
CHAPTER 4: KURT AND HIS LADIES Kurt was in his room thinking about a lot. Mainly how much trouble he was in with Amanda now. He let another girl suck him off and then he went down on her! She was going to kill him! He thought about lying but he couldn’t, not to the first girl that looked past his appearance and who he had given his virginity too when they graduated from high school. He loved her he was sure but then what he had done with Kitty was great. Sex with Amanda was good but they only made love and never really ventured to other areas, hell he never knew how boring their sex life was until now. And what he had felt during class…it felt like he was open to a new world of experiences. He had to tell her and that was that. He just hoped she would listen to him although she wouldn’t blame her for hating him. Amanda in the mean time was in her room in the dorm at the school in New York. Her roommate was gone but she wasn’t going home to her parents. They still had a problem with Kurt so until they accepted him she would give them the silent treatment. There was the unmistakable sound and smell of Kurt’s entry and she turned to see him in her room. “Kurt!” She hugged him and then noticed the look on his face. “Kurt what is it?” “Liebe…I got something I should tell you…” After a few minutes there was silence in the building until a very loud sound rang through it that sounded like “YOU WHAT!?” “I know, I know, I don’ know vhat came over me or zhe others.” “Kurt…how could you? I thought we had something?” Amanda was feeling so hurt at this moment. She thought they had a great relationship and that they had a good love life too. “Kurt don’t I pleasure you enough? I thought we were okay?” Kurt scratched the back of his head, “Vell…it is okay but zhat’s the problem. I zhink it could be better…” “How could it be better?” She demanded of him hands on her hips. Now she was getting angry at him. “Vell ve never talk about zhings ve vant to do and we’re so…safe…I mean ve never really done anything new since ve started.” “You think this sex class can teach you to make our sex life better?” She demanded. “Yes I zhink it can.” She turned away from him, feeling like he just said the equivalent that she was bad in bed. And from him that really hurt. Kurt saw this and decided to show her that they could make it better. He grabbed her and spun her around kissing her hard and passionately. Amanda didn’t know what was happening expect that he was kissing her like never before. She felt his tongue sliding alone her lip and opened her mouth. She felt his hands roaming her body and was surprised when he grabbed her ass. He never did that but…it felt nice. She was getting hot at the actions he was taking and she had to break the kiss and gasp for air. Then he started kissing her neck and felt his tail running along her leg as one hand went to fondle a breast. “Kurt…what….” She tried to mutter out feeling the passion coming off of him. “I vant to show you vhat I learned and zhat ve only just started exploring our sex life.” She was pissed at him but this new Kurt wasn’t like the one she normally made love with. Normally they were so gentle with each other but he was being very forceful. She never felt or saw him like this before. He would grab and grope her body in ways he never had before. And she found her body was responding to him. At first she was hesitant but there was the nagging question. Was their sex life boring?    Later they were eventually completely naked on their knees on her bed kissing as his hands started to caressed her pussy. She moaned into his mouth and felt her wetness. He pulled from the kiss both of them panting, “I vant you so bad now Amanda.” “Take me then.” She panted out interested to see what else he had learned. He pushed her on the bed and then to her surprised his face went to her pussy and she felt his hot breath and gasped and slightly jumped from the experience of his tongue caressing her folds. He had never done this before and he was surprisingly good at it, then she remembered why. She remembered her sex ed course in high school but they never covered how to eat a girl out but damn it, he was doing it so well that a part of her wished they had. Despite herself she found herself breathing harder and moaning slightly. Kurt was starting to drive her wild and she wondered why they had never done this before. Her hips bucked as he tongue drove her wild. “Oh yes Kurt, please, more, more.” She lost track of time as for how long he had been doing this to her. “Yes Liebe, I’m going to make you cum. You going to cum for me?” “YES!” She shouted out to him in both answer and from her passions as she came surprising hard. She laid on her back panting as Kurt got up onto his knees and she could see his impressive hard on. She had been a bit surprised that it had been blue but she had liked the size. It was above average but his thickness was what she really liked. He stretched her out to the limits it seemed and he loved it. Then he did something new and turned her over. Her first thought was that he was going to take her anally and she wasn’t ready for that and was ready to panic a bit but then he grabbed her hips and she found herself on all fours. Kurt placed his cock at her slit rubbing it against it feeling her juices starting to cover it. Amanda moans feeling him tease her, he never did that but she found herself wanting his cock in her even more. Then Kurt suddenly plunged himself into her and since he had never done that before she was surprised and gasped at the sudden sensation. He started thrusting in and out of her at a very intense pace. She heard him grunting with the effort and he sounded like an animal, as was how he was doing her. Not the gentle love making before, he was actually fucking her. But she loved it, she loved how wild he was being. She grunted and groaned herself as she slammed back into him. Her fists started to curl up and grabbed hold of the bed sheets. Kurt looked down at her seeing her start to sweat, her dark skin took on a slight glistening to it. He saw her ass banging against his groin and her large rear giggling slightly. He loved her ass, unlike most Americans he liked that on a woman. He was holding her hips and an idea came to him. This was something he had wanted to do deep down for so long. He took one hand and raised it and slapped it against her ass. She yelped out in surprise more then pain. “Kurt!” She yelled at him. “Vhat? You didn’t like it?” “Uh…well…” She tried to think but it was hard to with them slamming into each other like this. He gave her another smack and she jumped again and he kept on doing it. She was surprised at how it only stung for a second since he wasn’t too hard but the strange thing was…she was getting turned on by it. So she thought of trying something out. “Kurt…hard…harder…ohhhhh.” She was having trouble with saying anything now that she was moaning out and on the verge of screaming. She never screamed before during sex and then Kurt started humping her more fiercely and slapped her ass a bit harder and she screamed out throwing her head back. Kurt didn’t know what was coming over him, he was fucking her like a crazed animal but she seemed to be into it. He never knew he had this side to him. He was getting close to cumming and he needed to bring her over the edge. So he moved his tail around her and then used the tip to stimulate her clit.   It was then that he thought of something else he learned. “You like zhis? You like my cock in your pussy?”   She was surprised that he was talking dirty to her. After all, he never did that but there was just something about him with his accent that made it sound sexy to her. “Yes I like it!”   “Tell me you vant it,” He grunted.   “I want it, fuck my black pussy with your blue cock!” She yelled out feeling both dirty and excited at the same time talking like this to him. She shrieked in pleasure as the sensation, she grabbed on to her jiggling breast hard and pinching her nipple on it. She was so close now she felt like she wanted to explode. “Oh god Kurt! Give it to me! Cum in me baby!” She had been on the pill for some time and she knew it wasn’t her cycle yet, besides feeling his dick in her filling her up to the brim and the wet sound of their sex she wanted to feel his cum in her. “Here…I…CUM! AHH!” Kurt grabbed her hips and with a few very solid blows blew his load into her feeling her contract against his dick milking him as moaned out into her pillow as she bent down smoothing her face in it. After a moment Kurt pulled himself out seeing how she had coated him and his legs and hers in her juices. She had never came that hard before and he could see some of his semen leaking out of her as well. They both just laid on their backs panting and looking up at the ceiling. She had to admit that was incredible maybe that there was something to this after all. “Okay…so maybe our sex life could be a bit more interesting…” Kurt smiled and placed one of his hands on her stomach slowly making circles with a finger, he knew she loved that. “Tell me…vhat are you fantasies?” She blushed at that, “I don’t want to say…you’ll think I’m weird or get angry…” “No go on, they said in class zhat ve should discuss zhings like zhis.” “Well…” She bit her lower lip, “I’ve always…wanted you to fuck me with your dick and…you’re tail at the same time…and then…I always wanted to be in a threesome…with two guys…” Kurt was surprised at this but smiled, “Vell to be fair I’ve had dreams vith you me and Kitty together so ve’re even zhere.” Then an idea came to him. “Why don’t ve try it?” “WHAT?” “I mean it, you come to ze mansion for ze week and ve can live out our fantasies.” She looked at him not believing this and yet…she was also slightly excited at the idea. “Where would I sleep?” He grinned at her and she smiled knowing the answer to that and she looked forward to it. “Are you sure you don’t mind I mean…sharing?” “Not if you don’t but do you mind if ve…tape zhese for my project?” He asked a little embarrassed. She thought about that but the idea had an erotic quality to it and it’s not like the world would see it. She agreed if she got to keep a copy. -LATER THAT DAY- Kitty was in a bit of a daze the events of their class kept running in her mind. While dating Lance she had never been comfortable with going all the way with him and he always took things or tried to take them further then she had been ready. That was the final nail in their relationship about a year ago. Then off of a sudden one day she’s in a class and she watches her best friend helping Jean and Scott teach about sex, seeing some of it and then the next thing she knows she on her knees with Kurt’s penis in her mouth sucking on it. She couldn’t get that image out of her mind. Kurt was like one of her closest friends and he was dating Amanda too. But she had, she remembered the feeling of it in her mouth her lips on the hear flesh and feeling it throb and then the taste of his cum in her mouth as she swallowed. She never thought she would do that. But it didn’t end there, she lay on her back and Kurt ate her out. The worst part was she had enjoyed it, hell it had been incredible. She was brought back to reality to see that she was leaning against a wall her hand gently touching her groin and she felt the wetness starting to show up and she immediately went to her room phasing through the door. She saw the camera there that she was supposed to use for their class project but she wondered if she would use this. She never even thought of doing the things she had thought of doing before that day, but what was really surprising was how much she had liked it. Everyone had taken not only a camera but a box of condoms. She saw the box by her bead and sat down wondering if she could go through with this. Sure she could use the extra credit…but was she ready to just fuck anybody she wanted to…not matter how good Kurt had been. “Damn it stop thinking that!” She yelled at herself but she couldn’t help it. She kept thinking back to that and then also she wondered if she could fuck Scott too. He had a great body and was hung well too. “Of god.” She moaned. There was a sound then and the smell of brimstone. She looked up and it was Kurt, she was both happy and confused about seeing him again, they hadn’t talked since the class. “Kurt where were you.” “I vas vith…Amanda…I had to tell her,” Kitty paled at the thought of ruining Kurt’s relationship with her and felt so low. “It’s okay ve vorked something out, in fact she’s going to stay here for zhe veek.” Kitty’s eyes widened at this, “You mean while…while all this is going on?” He laughed at her reaction, “Ja, and ve are going to try and make our sex life a bit more exciting. I mean ve already started and vell…ve’re going to live out our fanatises here.” “And what kind of…fantasies?” Kitty asked him still trying NOT to look at his crotch but she couldn’t help it. Kurt noticed her eye flicker down and he had to admit he smirked a bit. He was thinking it might not be so hard to convince her to try out his fantasy with Amanda. He looked at her remembered her smooth skin and the sight of her small yet perky breasts. Sure she wasn’t as large as Amanda’s but he wasn’t into that really. She did have this nicely compact body that he had once dreamed about, okay so maybe he still did from time to time but he mostly dreamt of Amanda. Kitty and her were like total opposites maybe that was the appeal to that dream with the two of them. Kitty noticed Kurt looking at her and blushed. “Actually,” He said walking up to her wondering how many times he had dreamt of this, “Zhis is vone of zhem.” He kissed her and she was surprised by it. It was strange feeling his soft fur on his face against hers but it felt nice. “Kurt…we can’t I mean….Amanda,” She tried to think about her and now how nice that was when they broke the kiss but not still against each other. “It’s alright, besides we got a project to do remember?” He looked at the camera and her mind was still not too sure about this but then Kurt had to go and kiss her again and when she felt his hands traveling along her body her mind just shut down enjoying the feeling. She ran her hands on his back, this felt great and with Amanda okay with this then there was nothing wrong with it right? If Jean and Scott were comfortable with being so open in their relationship then she didn’t see why Amanda and Kurt couldn’t be either. They started to make out heavily now and soon Kitty undid her top letting it fall to the floor as Kurt cupped her breasts while kissing her neck. Her skin was different then Amanda’s she tasted like cinnamon but she tastes like strawberries. She phased off his shirt with her powers and ran her hands over his chest. It was very athletic and she could feel his strong abs. Kurt was trying to get her bra off, it was always difficult for him because of his two large fingers but thanks to all the practice that Amanda helped him with earlier he had a system and with this tail helped his hands to take off the tiny pink bra. She looked down at her naked chest and saw her two light pink nipples. It was a major difference then with Amanda dark ones. Kitty blushed as he looked at them, she was glad that he seemed to like what he saw and when he bent down and took a nipple into her mouth she moaned feeling his hot tongue work at it. Kurt moved his hands to her lender hips and undid her pants as he used his tail to run alone her spine. Amanda liked this and from Kitty’s breathing she seemed to like it too. He managed to slide her pants down and saw that her tiny pink panties already had a little wet spot on them. He touched her crotch with his hand rubbing it and his mouth trailed kisses to her other breast. Kitty moaned feeling his hand on her pussy and feeling the heat between the legs rising. They had to stop after a minute to set up the camera and she watched from her bed as Kurt set it up and took his pants off. She smiled at the hearts on the white boxers. Her heart was racing as he walked over and climbed on top of her kissing her and his hands caressing her body. She ran her hands though his soft velvet fur as he trailed kissed to her neck. She felt something rub against the front of her panties and then slip in. ‘Oh god it’s his tail!’ She realized as it slipped inside of her. She felt it enter her and it felt so good. “Oh Kurt.” She moaned out wiggling her hips. Kurt groaned, his tail had always been sensitive and he wondered why he never thought of doing this before. Kitty was so warm, wet and tight about his tail, but he noticed that she had no hymen. “Kitty…I zhought you said you vere a virgin?” “Huh? Oh…I broke that in a Danger Room exer-CISE!” She cried out the last part as he hit something sensitive in her. “It happened last-YEAR! OH GOD THAT’S IT!” Kitty felt like she was close to cumming right there. But then he took his tail out of her and she moaned in disappointment. “Kurt.” She whined. “Not yet Kitty. I need to cum too.” His raging hard on demanded to be sated and he wanted to push himself as deep as he could go into his first crush. She realized that as he took her panties off and she was now fully naked before him. He looked down to see her clean shaven pussy all wet now leaking slightly with her juices. Kitty however really wanted something inside of her now she was all worked up and needed released so she grabbed his boxers and phased them off him. She looked at his dick and wondered and hoped it would fit. “Kitty are you on the pill? Cause if you’re not ve may need zhe condoms.” He looked over at the side of the bed. “Oh! Right.” She quickly went to get one and also planned on getting some birth control of some kind. She opened the package and smirked as she saw it was a blue one. She looked at Kurt and had an idea. “Kurt…you mind if I put it on?” “No of course not,” Kurt smiled down seeing her slip it on, he shuddered as he felt her slender fingers on his dick. Kitty laid back down on her back ready for this, she honestly never thought that Kurt would be her first but he was a nice boy, hell he was one the nicest people she knew and at that moment she couldn’t think of anyone else she would rather be within this moment. Kurt smiled down at her. He kissed he thigh and worked his way to her vagina kissing her clit lightly and then to her stomach and her navel. She spread her legs wide for him and he positioned himself and she felt his dick rub against her pussy and her clit. She bit on her lip moaning from it as her hips jerked wanting to have it in her. Kurt smiled at seeing her squirm and slowly entered her feeling him inside of her and enjoying it all. When he was all the way in he held himself in there for a minute allowing her to grow accustom to him. Kitty never felt anything like it before. She had masturbated before but just with her fingers this was a lot larger then her slim fingers. Kurt was stretching her to her maximum and it was giving her a strange pain yet pleasurable sensation. He started to gently rock back and forth as she ran her hands along his arms. Soon she got used to it and started moving with him. She gave out small grunts as he felt him fill her up with each thrust. Their pace picked up and soon Kurt was right against her chest and he felt her hard nipples against him and the soft flesh pressed up against him. Kitty had wrapped her legs around his waist allowing him to go a bit deeper as she was moaning loudly now. Kitty felt the sweat starting to form on her body as she loved the feeling of Kurt’s fur against her skin. “Oh god Kurt this is so good!” “I know! Kitty you are so tight and amazing!” Kurt panted out. Kitty’s hair was undone now as her hair was all over her pillow. She was so close to orgasming but she wanted more, she wanted to cum hard. “Kurt! Fuck me harder please! I’m so close I want to you fuck me!” “Alright,” He said and started to hammer away at her even harder. He was grunting with the effort as he was so close to cumming. The bed was rocking with their movements the headboard banging against the wall. “Kitty…I’m…I’m almost…” “I’m ready! Kurt I want you to cum in me now!” Here…I….CUM!” He howled as he felt himself climax in her only the condom keeping all of his hot liquid seed from entering her. Kitty moaned out his name as her back arched as she came too as her inner walls clenched down on him trying to milk him. She felt his dick pulsing but not the sperm. She wondered what that would feel like the next time she had sex when she took something to allow her to have sex without a condom more safely. But right now she just enjoyed Kurt still inside of her and him on top of her and he was using his tail to caress her leg and she released her fingernails that she hadn’t know where digging into his shoulders slightly. After they were enjoying the afterglow of sex laying down next to each other Kurt figured this would be a good time to ask her. “Kitty do you mind if you join Amanda and me in this fantasy I alvays wanted to do?” Kitty thought about it for a moment. She had to admit it would be strange but she felt a bit curious. Besides they would be graded on what they did too and Kitty was kind of tempted to see what exactly she could learn more about her sexuality with this. “Well okay…but not today okay?” “Sure thing.” Kurt smiled at her, after her and Amanda he was tired anyway. NEXT UP CHAPTER 5: THE MORE THE MERRIER Rahne/Jamie and his multiples  & Ray/Tabitha/Roberto  
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Goddess
Disclaimer: I don’t own Spider-Man or any Marvel character and I don’t make a profit from this. The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 1: The Goddess Peter Parker was not your average person, although he thought himself just an average guy some times who just tried to do the right thing, in the end he knew he was anything but average. He was the hero Spider-Man, well hero to some and not so much to others. Such as the new mayor of New York his old boss Jameson. Peter was currently just swinging through the city in his Spider-Man suit just trying to relax a bit, the city never slept just like how people said, it was one of the reasons Peter liked this city there was always something happening. Kind of like his life now that he thought about it. He now had a great job at Horizon Labs where he could make new Spider gear and as a cover he was like the ‘Q’ for Spider-Man at least that’s what everyone at work thought. Plus where else could he get to play around with the kind of equipment that they had? Well okay there was the stuff Mr. Fantastic had that Peter also got to see as he was also part of the Future Foundation. It felt weird replacing his friend Johnny, hell sometimes he didn’t feel right taking his place after his death. Plus there was the fact that he was on not one but two Avenger teams. When you added in that he still swung around the city fighting street crime or one of his usual villains he came across it was no wonder he had no social life at the moment. Of course the fact that his last girlfriend had broken up with him two weeks ago after he saved the city from turning into giant spider monsters didn’t help either. Things with him and Charlie had been tensed but then she figured out that he had kept his secret of being Spider-Man from her and that had been the last straw with her. Peter knew that part of him was keeping busy so he wouldn’t think about it but honestly he just was feeling kind of like crap on the inside. He never showed it of course he kept up the jokes but he hated it when relationships ended. Okay sure it wasn’t the worst breakup he had, hell that wasn’t so bad considering his track record. The first love of his life Gwen had been killed and died in his arms. That was something that still haunted him although it was thanks to MJ that he was able to move on. Then came Mary Jane the other great love of his life, he even asked her to marry him and sometimes wished she had said yes. Of course they had lived for years together but at least now they had worked things out to where they were friends again. Of course a part of him would always love her, then there was his very complicated relationship with Black Cat. He didn’t even know where they stood now, maybe sex friends was the only thing that came to mind as there was certainly chemistry with them but she always wanted to have sex with his mask on so any kind of relationship with her was out of the question. “Man Peter you’re luck really isn’t great with women,” He muttered to himself. “I swear every time I get a girl I seem to lose her at the worst ways. Sometimes I think I should just give up on the whole dating thing but then again I’m not a monk either. I wonder if Iron Fist has this kind of problem he’s kind of a monk right?” “Great now I’m asking myself questions not a good sign,” he sighed as he landed on a building. Looking around it didn’t look to be anything going on tonight. He continued on for twenty minutes not finding anything not even a Jaywalker, it rarely was this quiet either that or he was just looking in the wrong places. He was currently getting close to Hell’s Kitchen area which was Daredevil’s territory and he didn’t think he wanted to get close to there. He was about to call it quits for the night before he heard a woman yelling. It was followed by several male voices and years of experience told Peter that something was up. He quickly moved to the rooftop of where he was hearing the noise and found it coming from an alleyway. Looking down he couldn’t get a good look but there were three men forcing a woman around and he could tell something was wrong with this picture. He jumped down to land on the wall above them from behind. “You know sometimes it amazes me that criminals still operate in this city.” Spider-Man said suddenly making the three men jump and turn around and then look up in shock and surprise. “I mean do you know how many heroes work in this city? How many hero teams there are?” “It’s Spider-Man get him!” One of them yelled out most likely the leader of this batch by Peter’s guess. They pulled out guns which he easily shot web lines that engulfed their guns and hands in webbing. “Seriously guys I’ve gone up against a lot scarier things than just two losers with guns, hell the kind of weeks I have this is relaxing.” At this point both men ran off in two different directions. “And…off they go,” Peter leap down and fired two web lines one at each of them and he pulled them back. They were yanked off their feet as he took a step back and let them slam into each other. The webbing on their backs stuck to each other as the wind was knocked out of them. He webbed their legs together to make sure they wouldn’t run off. He was about to make another joke when his spider sense kicked in and he dodged a knife attack by the last one most likely it was what they had used the threaten the woman into the alleyway. Peter with pure reflexes from his new training disarmed the man and then with a palm strike sent the man into the wall, he webbed him there to keep him from taking off before the police arrived. “Thank you Spider-Fu lessons, maybe I should wear one of those karate belts I think I deserve black but then again red does go better with my costume.” Spider-Man said mainly to himself. “Thank you for the help,” a woman’s voice from behind got his attention. He had nearly forgotten she was still there which was odd as sometimes the people he saved had a tendency to run off when they saw an opening to get away. “No problem ma’am you should…whoa,” Peter turned around to finally get a good look at the woman and damn he wasn’t prepared for what he saw.  In front of him was possibly one of if not the most sexy woman he had ever seen in his life. She had long strawberry blonde hair that went down to her shoulder blades, her eyes were the most light blue he had ever seen and seemed to look right into you when she locked her eyes onto Peter. A pair of full lips and a striking face, looking with flawless skin he did notice a little beauty mark below her lip just above the right of her chin but on her it didn’t seem to take anything away in fact it gave her more character. Her body which he could see from the skin tight jeans and the pink top with a very exposed v-neck line to it almost looked painted on in some places. She had an hourglass figure, her hips were wide enough to give her some decent curves to her body not to mention in other places. Long legs that looked very toned of course she also had the biggest pair of breasts he had ever seen. They didn’t look artificial, they weren’t that perfectly round that you saw in those with enhancements but they were large but had a more natural shape to them. She smiled at him as Peter’s mind stalled for a bit as she walked forward her hips swaying slightly as Peter slowly came back. He couldn’t believe such a woman existed hell he worked with plenty of the most beautiful women in the world sometimes, hell he had lived with a real life model/actress but this woman before him was like someone had made her to be the living incarnate of sexy. “Well I must thank you,” the mystery woman spoke and her voice was full of joy something he noticed as kind of odd as she didn’t seem scared at all before she got within his personal space before he was captivated by her eyes. Her eyes seemed to hold all kinds of promises the kind that would make any man feel warm under the collar. “Uh…it’s no problems do this all the time,” Spider-Man told her. “Oh I get a feeling you do that a lot,” She traced a well manicured hand over his spider symbol on his chest. “You know I have a good feeling about you, a good man but for some reason I feel like you’re missing something in your life almost like there is a hole there.” “Well…that’s a first,” He really didn’t know what to think of this odd woman. She smirked at him as she looked into those white ‘eyes’ of his mask almost as if she was looking right into his eyes. “Is there anything I could do to help you? Anything you need?” Peter felt like something washed over his mind feeling slightly lightheaded he shook his head wondering what the hell was going on. “Not really, not unless you can fix a broken love life,” he joked before thinking that maybe it was time to get out of here. The thugs were tied up and the woman saved and honestly he wanted to move on just in case something else was happening. “So see you and make sure you be careful where you go late at night from now on, oh and be sure to call the cops for them will you?” He told her before swinging off. She smirked as she looked down at the men she didn’t want to deal with this but these men deserved punishment for their crimes. “Well I think I know the perfect punishment for your crime,” she smirked as she snapped her fingers as a glow happened around the men. “Good luck getting it up boys because from now on you’ll never be able to get an erection ever again.” The woman only laughed as she suddenly vanished. She reappeared on a building top as she watched the costume hero swing off. The woman wasn’t just any woman she was the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, she had just been minding her own business when those men had attacked her thinking she was some helpless woman. She had been about to do something nastier to them then what she had just did to them but then one the heroes of his city showed up. Of course she knew about these heroes and the world she didn’t live under a rock like some she could name. The Greek gods might not be as powerful as they used to be, hell Ares had been working in construction of all places the thought still made her laugh, the god of war working like some blue collar mortal. She sighed knowing times were tough all around. You needed money to live in this world and it wasn’t like the old temples were around with worshipers literally throwing down all kinds of offerings. The fact that her powers were from love which was still plentiful in this world was the only reason she had as much powers as she did. Back when she had all kinds of people worshiping her she could gain power from it, now was a little harder but she still had enough power to still call herself a goddess. So she had been in no real danger but still she did appreciate the help of the mortal hero that and she always did have a weakness for heroes she thought to herself as she followed the red and blue dressed mortal. She remained invisible to human senses as she floated close by to him. She was more aware of the more subtle arts of being a god, unlike those more muscle bound ones like Ares or that Norse one Thor that ran around these days, her powers were more delicate in nature. When he had landed in that alley she had sensed something about him and when she had stepped closer she could feel it. He had lost a great love and not just once, she could feel the loss of love in his life but there had been something else. She had felt a mystical connection inside of him as she used her powers to get a deeper feeling for this hero she felt the spirit inside. The more she got closer to this mortal the more she felt her interests peeked. She could feel that he had a noble spirit, a kind man with a good heart. He had a great will and yet carried great pain and responsibility on his shoulders. But then she felt that mystical connection and she frown as she felt the presence of one of the Primals, one of the animal gods and given the spider theme of him she had to guess it had to be Anansi. That could complicate things as normally gods didn’t try to step on the toes of others but she had never really been much for the rules. Besides she wasn’t going to do anything major so she figured that maybe what she was planning wouldn’t be seen as a violation of the agreements. Plus there was something else bothering her there was a lingering of another’s influence something more darker and sinister had done something to his life. The love in his soul had been tampered with and as the Goddess of love that was something she couldn’t stand. Plus the mystical connection he had, well it was giving her ideas that maybe she could help him while helping herself. -Peter’s Apartment- Peter had gotten home and had nice long shower after stripping out of his costume and putting it with the dirty laundry. Tonight had been a fairly slow night, a few small crimes but then again he wasn’t looking for the major villain to stop or alien invasion and given that he’s on the Avengers full time now that is a possibility. Hell things seemed a lot different now when he first joined up all those years ago. He was in a lot of major battles that normally he would figure were way above his pay grade. Still it made his usual things that he got into more mundane in comparison. He stretched out feeling his joints give a little ache but nothing major he had much worse in the past. Walking out of his bathroom in only some boxers and a t-shirt he fell onto his bed. Keeping busy like he had there was just one drawback and that was at the end of the day he could really end up tired. Closing his eyes he was quickly asleep although he didn’t know it he wasn’t alone. The entire time he had been home he had been watched. Aphrodite stood there at the doorway to the bedroom unseen by any mortal perception as she looked him over. She had been thinking about this young man and the more she learned the more she found him interesting. Plus looking him over he wasn’t bad, he was no Hercules or Adonis but then those men were more muscle than brains not that there was anything wrong with that but sometimes she liked her men more complex. Looking around his place she would expect him to be your average man but then he puts on a costume and goes out to help others. She grinned as she looked down at him as her mind started to work out a few possibilities with him. She hadn’t been interested like this in awhile and she was a sucker for two things in this life. Heroes and hard luck cases in love and from what she could tell this man was both, well she was hoping to give him a special gift that would help with the second part. It was time for her to work her magic and the ritual for what she had planned was one of her favorite things to do. Was he going to be surprised she giggled as she worked her magic on the room. Peter slowly came around as he felt something was off he couldn’t tell at first but a smell was rousing him from his sleep. He groaned as he blinked awake as something was off, it took him a moment to realize that there was a lot of light in his room, not light from a lamp or something this was more soft. He rolled onto his back as he looked around but paused all around his room there were red candles and flower peddles. “The hell…okay is New York getting people who break into homes to redecorate it now?” Peter asked himself wondering if he was dreaming or if something really strange was going on. “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m on the cover of one of those romance novels?” “Well I always prefer the real thing than fiction myself,” a female voice got his attention to the doorway which he was certain that no one had been standing there a second ago. Peter blinked away the sleep away from his eyes as it was the woman that he had seen earlier that night only now she was in a white gown of some kind in fact it looked like some kind of Roman or Greek toga. He wasn’t sure as science was more his thing than history in school but he figured that he had to be dreaming. Of course it had been awhile since he had a dream like this usually it was with MJ or even Black Cat, sometimes others he knew. Hell he hoped no one ever found out about that one he had of She-Hulk and Emma Frost where that had come from he had no idea. “Like what you see?” the woman told him as she walked towards him in a slow sexy walk with the swaying of her hips and her whole body language told him that she was going to make this a night to remember. “Uh…yeah although the whole set up makes me wonder if I was watching Arabian Nights or something before bed,” Peter couldn’t take his eyes off her. She smiled as she crawled towards him when she reached his bed her blue eyes seemed to match the smile on her lips. “Very good I hate to think my beauty went to waste.” “Don’t see that happening any time soon,” Peter felt his mouth dry up as she crawled on top of him. If this was a dream it seemed to be one hell of a real one he could smell her and god she smelled great not to mention he could feel her body pressing against him. “So…what do I call you dream girl?” She paused to think for a second before answering.  “You can call me Cypris tonight.” It was one of the names she had gone by in the past figuring it was good enough. “Now enough talk.” “Talking is kind of one of the things I do I-“ He was cut off by her lips attacking his mouth and it felt like lightning was going through his body. He was surprised by the kiss as he suddenly felt her tongue enter his mouth. He mentally shrugged if this was a dream he was going to enjoy it as he kissed her back his arms gripping her waist. She kissed him long and hard enjoying every moment of it as she lightly nibbled on his lower lip before sitting up looking down at him. She smiled as she took the shoulder straps and slowly pushed them down as her top fell down and Peter got a view of those magnificent breasts of hers. They looked perfect like they were crafted to perfection they were full and bountiful with pink large areola around thick nipples. She gently caressed her breasts showing them off. “Go ahead and take a taste,” She purred at him. Peter shifted her slightly for him to bend his head to take one of her nipples into his mouth gently sucking on it. She moaned caressing his hair as she felt his hands roam her back trailing up her spine. His caresses were soft and loving a much liked changed from certain men she had slept with that just rutted like animals. “You please me,” She told grinding herself on his lap as Peter took the other breast into his mouth making her moan slightly as one of his hands reached forward to knead the other one. Peter couldn’t believe how amazing they felt, they were large but in no way seemed artificial. They felt full and yet had just enough firmness to them that they kept a perky shape. Kneading the one in his left hand he felt the wet nipple where he had his mouth just moments ago. The nipple in his mouth was hardening as he ran his tongue over it exploring what she seemed to like. He felt his dick hardening as she was grinding her own sex against it, he wasn’t sure but it felt like she had nothing on under those robes. The hand on her back slowly went down to cup her ass which again wasn’t too big and yet again had a seemingly perfect firmness to it. This was another reason why Peter felt this was just a really vivid sex dream, no woman could feel this perfect. Her skin was flawless and smooth without a trace of hair anywhere. There wasn’t a blemish, mole or anything from what he could see her skin was perfectly flawless. She suddenly pulled his face to hers kissing him deeply before pushing him onto his back. She smirked seductively at him as she reached for the hem of her clothing and pulled it all over her head the simple single piece of cloth was pulled off and thrown casually to the side as Peter got a full look at her naked form as the candle light danced off her body. She was completely naked now as he drank in her form that most men would kill to see. “My turn to see your body now,” She slowly rolled the top of his shirt up as he helped her to get it off him. She smiled as she ran delicate hands over his body, he wasn’t built like someone like Captain America that was for sure but he was more slim and athletic form like a gymnast. She licked her lips as she ran her hands over his chest feeling the powerful muscles behind the skin. It was a bit of a turn on for her to know that despite their size those muscles were powerful and stronger than any normal human could attain. “Now the real fun begins,” She leaned down to press her naked body against his bare chest making him moan feeling those large soft orbs pressing against him. She teasingly and slowly pulled herself down his body as he felt her slide down. He looked to see her stop as the waist band as she slowly pulled them down. He shifted a little to help eager to finally free his erection as he was losing himself in their act. Aphrodite wasn’t disappointed after she pulled his boxers free she had to guess that he was a good seven inches long and nicely thick too. She licked her lips as her soft hand took hold of the member as Peter moaned. She leaned up and slowly took his member into her mouth. “Oh god,” Peter moaned it had been some time since he had gotten a blow job. Charlie had done it now and again but she had never really gotten into it. Soon the woman was taking his entire length down her throat like a professional. That surprised him the only woman to do that was Mary Jane and only after several months of her trying. Black Cat came a close second as she just couldn’t get the last couple of inches down but this woman took him all in without a problem. For a moment Peter wondered if his dream had suddenly turned into a professional porn video. Then he felt her tongue going to work on his dick and he nearly lost it there as she took him all the way her tongue dragged along the shaft as she did so. He ran a hand through her long hair moving his hips slightly with her movements. “Oh shit that feels great,” Peter moaned. She giggled as she moved her head up and down she didn’t want him to cum in her mouth just yet she wanted to feel this thing inside of her as one of her hands moved to her pussy lips slowly teasing herself. She was already slightly wet but now she was soon getting herself dripping wet as her fingers danced over her sensitive flesh. Eventually she took the dick out of her mouth taking in a deep breath licking her lips. “Tell me do you enjoy my body?” “I don’t think there is a man alive that would say no,” Peter told her. “You may be right about that,” She replied as she shifted up slightly and took her massive breasts and placed Peter’s dick between them as she slowly started to tit-fuck him. “Are you pleased?” “Oh hell yes,” Peter tried to control himself if he couldn’t he was going to cum all over her face if she kept this up. “Then worship me, worship my body as my temple,” She took his head into her mouth as her breast were used to jerk the rest of his member off. She increased the pace suckling on the head of his cock making Peter moan out. “If you keep that up I’m going to cum!” Peter warned her she only did it harder and Peter couldn’t take it anymore. He let his head drop as he felt his balls tighten as he groaned out as his cum ejaculated out of him. She greedily took all of it centuries of sex made her love the taste of a man’s essence plus with his essence now inside of her she could get ready what she needed. She made sure to drink every last drop and as she pulled away she was surprised to find him still half hard, most men deflated after they came. “Well what do we have here?” Peter looked up to see her hand gliding over his sensitive prick after just cumming his dick was really sensitive at the moment as she was slowly giving him a hand job to get him hard again. “Well let’s just say I love having enhanced stamina,” he smiled at her. “Oh you are a treat,” The dream woman told him as she breathed onto his cock which was weird to Peter but he didn’t noticed the slight blue aura that came out of her mouth and wrapped around his cock before quickly disappearing. Suddenly his dick was hard again as she shifted further up setting herself just over his hips one hand guiding his cock to her entrance. She paused as she rubbed the tip of his cock along her wet folds. “Do you worship me?” She asked him again. “Anything you say,” Peter told her wanting nothing more than to put his dick inside of her in that moment. “Do you accept my gifts?” She asked. “Sure thing.” She smiled at him as the bargain was struck, “Then let us join and with us make the pack whole. “ She sat down and groaned out feeling him fill her up the entire way the head of his penis pushing up against her cervix. “Oh yes!” She shouted out rolling her hips, “That’s it, that’s what I’ve missed now fuck me and fill me with your essence!” Peter didn’t reply as he grabbed her hips and started to thrust up into her. She was incredibly wet as he slid right in but on the inside she was so warm and soft as she lightly gripped him with her pussy. Her internal muscles were doing things he had never had a woman do with him before. She was able to perfectly squeeze him as he went in and lightly release as he pulled out of her. She started moaning as she rode him switching her style from going up and down on him, to grinding her hips into him making circle patterns with her waist. She leaned back as he watched her perform moves that would make a belly dancer blush. All the while Peter did everything he could to keep up with this vixen. He could smell the musky scent of sex in the air as their bodies started to gain a thin sheet of sweat. Peter wanted to change positions, to do all kinds of things to her but he was so transfixed by this woman, the way her slowly dampening hair clung to her face and body, the cries of pleasure that came from her mouth were like music to his ears making him want to hear more. The way her body moved with the grace of a dancer or how her large breasts swayed and bounced with her every movement. She leaned forward as she started fucking him with long deep thrusts her tits swinging with each thrust that he had to reach up from her hips to hold them. He groped them as he matched her thrusts with this own. “Ugh, god yes you feel so fucking good!” Peter called out as the bed started creaking from the pace and force of their fucking. “And you feel so good inside of me!” the woman cried out as she felt him hitting her just right at this angle not that she needed it. Her body was perfection after all she could get herself off from most things but she preferred for her partners to actually try and make her get off. Her current lover below her was very good so far, yes she had better, she’d had many men from history some of them even famous. But considering how things were going she would place him among the better ones. He kept moving around trying to find and hit her pleasure centers inside of her sex, it was so nice to get lovers that actually tried to please her instead of just using her for their own pleasure. She could feel it building up between them now as their bodies rocked in unison. She felt the delicious sensations of both of their pleasures building up and the peek was in sight now. She moaned out with each thrust of theirs as she felt that blissful sensation inside of her womb as her orgasm was nearing. Peter wasn’t sure just how much longer he could take this with this beautiful woman riding him for all it was worth. He reached down to her hips guiding her to thrust down faster as the two of them increased their pace. It wasn’t much longer t their frantic pace before the two of them had finally reached their final moments. “I’m cumming!” Peter yelled out as he held her hips feeling himself shoot his load into her waiting body. “Yes, do it!” She cried out gripping her breasts tightly as she came herself feeling his seed enter her. She loved this part the time when both lovers came together. She placed her palms quickly onto his chest as blue energy left her palms and quickly into his chest without his noticing. The power she had gained from having sex had been enough to power the spell she wanted to give him. It was a little trick but her powers came from sex it was a source of power for her. After she was sure the spell was held in place she allowed herself to slump onto Peter’s body to catch a small rest. Peter tried to catch his breath staring up at the ceiling he had no idea how long they had been fucking but he felt drained but in a good way. He felt the woman on top of him taking deep breaths as she moaned happily against him as she slowly raised herself up by her hands. Her hair hung down around her in a messy but very sexy way. “Oh you are a treasure,” Aphrodite could feel his seed inside of her and she wanted more. At her climax she had sealed their bargain. She kissed him lightly, “It’s a shame that I can’t keep you for myself but we had a deal and I always keep my deals.” “Wait what deal?” Peter was starting to get confused now. “I asked what I could do for you and you said you needed help with your love life,” She explained. “So trust me you’ll soon have a very lucky love life ahead of you.” Peter nearly laughed at that, “Yeah that will be the day.” “Well the day is still far away and I’m still not fully satisfied,” The goddess said kissing him. Peter was in for a very long and pleasurable night. Next up Chapter 2: The Model I decided that I wanted to base Aphrodite’s looks off Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach as I felt if anyone would look like a goddess of love would be her lol. But she only looks like that she isn’t that character. As a reminder Spelling/grammar was always my hardest subject in school I have gotten better but I still make a few mistakes and from past experiences I don't trust Betas anymore so please just give it a chance as I try to make up for any shot comings with a good story.
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Soldier
The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 4: The Soldier “You know when back when Cap asked me to join up with the Avengers I thought, hey neat, I haven’t been a full time member in years,” Spider-Man said. “I forgot all the crazy crap that the Avengers usually had to deal with on a near daily basis.” Currently the Avengers were battling some kind of creature from either an alternate dimension or from space. He wasn’t sure which given that he got there late and missed the start of the fun. He had just been swinging through the city when the alert went out on his little communication card. He arrived in Central Park to already see the thing. It was a huge blue thing with lots of limbs and nearly as many eyes, oh and teeth, he couldn’t forget the teeth as they had nearly taken a few bites out of him. “Tell me about it,” Luke Cage said holding onto one of the limbs. “I was going to have a nice day with my wife and daughter.” “Where is the missus anyway?” He asked their team leader. “She was out with Squirrel Girl and Danielle shopping since Jessica wanted to get some new baby stuff and wanted to make sure Danielle liked it.” “She’s like a few months old, she likes it when I dangle my keys over her head,” Spider-Man told him. “Tell that to my wife,” Cage slammed his fist into the limb hoping to hurt the thing. Mockingbird jumped over an attack to retaliate with her own. “You know to me it was only yesterday I was an Avenger then the next thing I know I wake up in a Skrull ship finding out I was kidnapped and replaced. It’s been what, three years and still nothing has changed.” “Guess that old saying about how the more things change stay the same huh?” Spider-Man asked her webbing up a few of the limbs. “Our lives do seem to have a pattern to them at times,” Iron Fist said slamming a fist into the eye of the creature making it scream out. “I get the feeling this is going to be a long day.” Luke commented to himself as his massive fists kept slamming into the center mass of the creature. He was hoping that an onslaught of hits might put it down for a bit. -Avengers Mansion, Later that Day- “Well that was interesting,” Cage said as everyone walked back into the large mansion that was their base. At least for this team of Avengers, Tony had given Cage both the leadership of this team but this place as well to run. Well there was that Ms. Hand woman who was representing SHIELD, why Steven put her here on the job no one knew. Hell Spider-Man kept making jokes about her and her old boss Norman. “Interesting doesn’t seem to capture what we just went through,” Iron Fist said flexing his shoulder. In the battle he had nearly had his shoulder dislocated and he was looking forward to putting some ice on it and then some nice meditation. “How about another freaking bizarre day that is our lives?” Spider-Man told him checking one of his web shooters. “Man I hope this isn’t busted they are a pain in the ass to fix when the web fluid gets broken inside like this.” He muttered to himself. “All I know is that I just want to strip out of this and take a nice long hot shower,” Mockingbird stretched out. “I know wearing skin tight uniforms seems to be the norm for people like us but they really keep in heat and sweat. I didn’t used to deal with as much in my old uniform and that was wasn’t leather.”  “Try a full on body suit sometimes,” Spider-Man joked to her. “You really don’t want to be near me when I take this off especially on a hot day. Granted it is nice in winter but I have to make a special thin version in summer or else I would get heat stroke like you wouldn’t believe.” “Well then you might want to shower yourself then,” Ms Marvel smiled at him. “You do have a room you could use here you know.” “Yeah I just don’t trust that whatever room I pick wouldn’t be bugged by a certain woman. Hell she wouldn’t even let me have a pay check unless I gave her my real name,” He was not going to go through that again. Revealing his identity had been a huge mistake and if it wasn’t thanks for Dr. Strange’s spell there was no telling how much trouble his life would be in right now. Although a few did still know his real identity, mainly the original Avenger team he was put on and when he was with this group when they were basically enemies of the state. “You really are paranoid about that person aren’t you?” Luke asked him. “Trust me when it comes to Norman Osborn I don’t take any chances,” he replied as everyone split up to change and get refreshed. Peter managed to pull out the webbing cartridges he had been fooling with, looking inside he saw that the device would be able to be fixed. He might have to either take it to work if he couldn’t get it fixed at home with his own tools. Carol looked around and saw that they were alone now she had the oddest sensations when she was with Peter lately she knew she was attracted to him but at the moment it was like it was on overdrive. Looking at him now she kept thinking what it would be like to do nothing more than the peel that costume off of him. She felt herself heat up at the image of it as she wondered what he looked like naked under that suit as his slim yet athletic build might make him look like a swimmer’s body. ‘God this is insane,’ She thought to herself as she felt her uniform getting slightly uncomfortable. ‘Why can’t I stop thinking about him lately? Yeah I’ve thought about him, hell last time I used my vibrator I was thinking about him. God I need to get laid.’ She squirmed as she felt her leotard rubbing against her sex and looking at Peter she felt that she had the man that could help her out. They had gone on a date and it had been nice, hell she got along really well with him lately and she wanted more but the timing never seemed right. Well here he was and a plan formed in her military mind as she thought out her battle plan. “Well you can use mine if you’re that paranoid,” She offered him. Peter did a double take as he was put on guard immediately, nothing bad it was just that normally women didn’t go around inviting to use his shower. Well actually every time Mary Jane had it had ended up with them both using it when they had been together hence why he was a bit surprised by Carol’s offer. “Trust me I’m former intelligence agent if anyone bugged my room I would have known about it,” she told him confidently.  Which was true given her training in the Air Force and in SHIELD she had picked up a few things and it was habit of hers to check out any new place she moved into. It also was just something she wanted to put his mind at ease with. “Uh..well that does sound nice,” Peter really wasn’t sure if he should go or not but then again she did offer. Plus it wasn’t like she would jump him well he thought she might not. Although he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not, looking at the blonde woman in front of him with her long blonde hair and black leotard costume she looked very sexy to him. Hell she always looked good to him it might have been why he had asked her out on a date. He had wanted to ask for more but then this life kind of got complicated. So here he was her offering her shower, well it was all innocent right? -Not long Later- Okay Peter was jealous and it was from the oddest thing to be jealous of and that were the showers in this building. As soon as he walked into her bathroom he already was starting to rethink taking one of the rooms for his own when he needed to crash after a battle. The main bedroom was half the size of his apartment but you could fit the small kitchen he had in the bathroom. Hell maybe his bedroom, there was a long mirror and he noticed the female products. He was familiar with how many hair care, perfume and other little things women kept in order to look and smell good. But it was the fact that there was room for not only a large square tub but also a walk in shower in the corner that could hold four people, five if Mr. Fantastic joined in. He chose the shower as he really didn’t want to fill the tub, stripping off his costume he ran the water and it felt great on his skin. Outside in the bedroom Carol couldn’t believe what she was thinking but damn it she felt extremely horny at the moment. She hadn’t had sex in months and she always did feel a little worked up after a battle sometimes. Slowly she stripped out of her own black costume, first her boots and gloves, then she placed her small mask on her vanity. How people didn’t know it was her with such a small mask she wasn’t sure but looking at her blonde bombshell figure in the mirror maybe her face was the least that people looked at. She finished undressing as she heard the water going and her mind thought to what he looked like naked, he was only in the other room as warm water was going down his body. She felt her body heat up at the mental image of it and felt a need growing between her legs. ‘God I really do need to get laid, I haven’t felt like this in a long time,’ She took a few breaths. Either things would go really well or she was about to do something really embarrassing that might really ruin her friendship with Peter. “Hey Peter you okay in there?” She called out as she opened the door just a crack. “Yeah, damn this shower feels great.” She smiled, “I know it’s some fancy pressure head I think.” “I got to get me one of these.” “Hey Peter did you bring a tower with you?” There was a pause as she thought she heard the sound of him smacking his head slightly. “Damn…yeah I think so.” “Don’t worry about it, I’ll leave one for you okay?” “Thanks Carol.” She took the tower from its place in a small linen closet in her room. She opened the door and as silently as she could she walked into the room. She could see Peter’s naked back as he showered she drank in how his slim but muscular body moved. Plus she looked down to see that he really did have a nice ass. She remembered She-Hulk saying that once in a girl’s night out with other female heroes. But it was what was dangling between those legs that got her more eager. ‘Good lord is that it? It’s not even hard and I can see it from here, wow I wonder how big he gets,’ She enjoyed the image a little longer before walking up to the shower and opened the glass door. “Here’s your towel.” Peter jumped at the sound of the voice and turned out of instinct, he hadn’t expected Carol to actually bring it to him let alone standing there naked. He couldn’t help but look at her in her naked glory, her costume really didn’t hide much with her figure. He could see her toned body more clearly as she kept in shape but still had a very feminine look to it. Her breasts were tipped by a pair of small light pink nipples, he also noticed she kept herself very smooth between her legs. “Uh…you’re naked,” Peter mentally slapped himself for saying something so stupid and obvious. She only smiled at him feeling a little uneasy but noticed how he looked at her, almost like he was drinking in her naked body and she was just as eagerly looking him over. She also noticed that his penis was getting harder as he looked on. Peter seemed to notice where she was looking and quickly turned around. ‘Damn it can’t you stay down just once?’ He couldn’t believe he was berating his own dick although he really was getting turned on for some reason. It couldn’t be because he hadn’t have sex in awhile, hell this entire week he had already had sex with two of his ex-girlfriends. He felt slender hands rubbing his shoulders that was soon followed by a very feminine body pressing up against him. He had to suppress a groan as he felt her pressing against his back, he could feel her breasts and they felt great. “Sorry if this is fast,” She told him as she wrapped her arms around the front of his torso. “It’s just that, for the longest time I’ve liked you and every time things seem to go somewhere, well things get in the way. We never even got to finish our only date and never got to go on another one.” “You wanted to go on more?” Peter really was having a hard time thinking straight. He was so hard now that if this dragged on any longer he might just blow his load from her touching him. “I do, I even thought of asking you out a few times,” she sighed as she started to caress his body. “But then things get busy for us and I’ve never had good luck with relationships, especially lately.” “I know that feeling,” he replied. “And honestly I always wanted to go on more dates with you. You’re fun to go out with…plus you’re one of the most beautiful women I know.” That last part wasn’t a lie, if he had a top ten, she would be on there with room to spare. She smiled as one her hands went down lower, “You’re also a very handsome man, you know we never did get to dessert on our date.” She lightly gripped his member making him groan as her soft hand wrapped around it and lightly started to stroke him. “I do like dessert,” Peter groaned from her hand job. He reached behind himself to feel her thighs and hip one of his hands managed to find her firm ass and gave it a squeeze. She moaned a little as she ground her hips against him. She had enough of the teasing as she turned him around and gave him a deep kiss. He kissed her back holding her close against himself as their tongues started to duel each other in their mouths. Soon he pulled her in fully into the shower as both of them were now being belted by the hot water. Their hands caressing each other, exploring each other’s bodies. Peter felt his dick being pressed between himself and her body, one of his hands went down to test one of her breasts. They certainly felt full and very firm. He kissed her neck as his hand went lower to get his fingers run along her slit. “Oh Peter,” She moaned from the attention on her neck then she felt his fingers teasing her pussy lips as her hips moved wanting more. Then after a few seconds Peter pushed them into her body as her inner walls wrapped around the digits. Peter could feel how hot and warm she was and although she was already in the shower he had a feeling the wetness he was feeling wasn’t from the water. He experimented as he explored her insides, trying to see what worked and what didn’t. He spread his fingers making her inner walls spread out making her moan in appreciation as she caressed his back a bit more roughly. He slowly used his fingers to stroke her inner walls in different areas and given how her hips were responding he was finding some good spots. She gently pushed him back a little as she smiled at him with her eyes filled with passion. She kissed his collarbone and slowly went down caressing his front and kissing her way down until she was on her knees. Now she was faced with his erection as one hand took the base and slowly put the tip in her mouth. “Oh yes that feels good Carol.” Peter sighed feeling the warmth of her mouth and tongue. She got at least most of him inside of her as he felt it reach the back of her mouth, the tip pressing against it. Carol couldn’t get him all the way in but she did her best anyway, she moved her head back and forth as she felt his hands in her hair helping to gently guided her actions. Her hand matched her movements as she jerked off what she couldn’t swallow. She felt his dick pulsing but she didn’t want him to cum just yet, she let it out of her mouth and gave it a long lick from base to tip. “I’m glad you’re shaved down here,” She told him looking up at him. “Nothing really gets in the way then pubic hair.” “Well I’ve been told something like that plus it’s kind of the style these days.” He admitted although he did sometimes allow a little growth just nothing that would get in the way of a woman giving him a blow job. “Yeah I remember when it was I didn’t have to shave at all, then I trimmed it, but now I keep it all smooth,” She got up and caressed the smooth skin around her pussy. “Although with my new costume I really got to keep it shaved down I really don’t want anything to show.” She rested against the wall as she spread her legs looking eager at him. “But enough small talk, I want you in me and I don’t think I can wait.” “I don’t think I can wait either,” he gripped his dick and lined it up with her pussy, she helped to get the head in and when he pushed himself in she moaned at the feeling of him going inside of her. She rested the back of her head against the smooth surface as Peter adjusted himself and started slow strokes. “Oh god that feels so good in me,” She moaned holding on to him. Peter took hold of one her legs raising it up and hooked an arm under her knee as he lined himself up. She helped to guild him as she groaned feeling him fill her up for the first time. It had been awhile since she had a cock in her and Peter filled her completely. She placed her arms on his shoulders and wrapped them around the back of his head as Peter made slow movements. She just had to use just a bit of her flight powers to keep her steady but Peter seemed to holding her just right. She moaned as she felt his warm prick inside of her body pushing her inner walls with every delicious thrust into her. She held him close as she moaned his name and started to kiss his wet neck. Peter really had no idea why all of a sudden his love life had taken a giant upsurge but at the moment he wanted nothing more than to continue having sex with the blonde bombshell he was with. He didn’t know why but wet women were always so damn sexy to him. He could feel her becoming lighter and knew she had to be using her powers to keep her stable. This certainly would be helpful, the times he had had sex in the shower in the past it wasn’t like in the movies. You had to be careful not to slip and sometimes it could be cramped but thankfully these showers were built large enough and his feet were sticking to the ground despite how wet it was. He could feel her breasts pressing against him as he heard her moan with every thrust. Carol couldn’t believe she hadn’t done this before with him, it was like a scene out of a movie having sex in the shower. She remembered trying it once before long ago before she got her powers with an old boyfriend in university. He had slipped and both of them fell hard, which pretty much killed the mood for both of them. This time however it was working, the way she was raised up by him only to let gravity take her down as she was impaled onto his cock. The feel of his hot and hard flesh rubbing against her inner walls, how she stretched her out how he hit all the way to the depths of her core. Every thrust made her moan out as she gripped him hard but still tried to not crush him, it was a thing she had to learn about her strength in the thralls of passion she could literally crush a normal man. Thankfully Peter was a bit more sturdy than the average man but she still controlled herself somewhat. But it was so tempting to just let go, she felt her back sliding against the smooth surface of the shower listening to Peter’s grunts as the warm water and steam filled the small chamber. “Oh god Peter you feel so good in me,” she moaned. “I can’t believe we never tried this before,” Peter grunted. “God you feel so tight, I never had sex with someone with powers before now.” “Really?” She flexed her inner muscles making him groaned out as he stopped for a moment. “Hey don’t stop just yet I’m almost there.” “Sorry but if you keep doing that I’ll cum inside of you.” “Oh sorry,” She did have the morning after pill but those things weren’t fool proof. “Go ahead, just warn me when you’re going to cum.” “Got it,” he started up against thrusting a bit harder into her making her moan out even louder. By this point Peter got the idea that Carol was what you would call a ‘moaner’ she wasn’t one to yell out or grunt just moaned as she had sex. He kept it up until she started to make these high pitched sounds he thrust up at just the right angle and found the spot that really set her off. “Oh god, oh fuck, right there, just a bit more right there!” she moaned out and after a few more she gave a quick gasp as her mouth hung open silently for a moment before letting out a long drawn out moan. Peter felt her tighten up and knew she had cum in that moment. He still kept thrusting but he wasn’t going to last any longer. “Carol I’m close,” he told her. “Pull out and let me finish you off,” she told him as he did so she got to her knees and using her breasts she wrapped them up around his penis as it was so very warm now. She sucked on the tip and it only took a few seconds for Peter to cry out as he felt himself release. Carol felt little of his cum in her mouth as she kept it. She took as much as she could and then pulled it out letting one shot of his sperm hit her chest. She turned her head to spit out the cum into the water. ‘Guess she doesn’t swallow,’ Peter figured since not all women liked to have cum in their mouths let alone swallow. After that they spent the time cleaning up, rubbing each other with soap to help clean each other as they spent the time enjoying the feel of each other’s bodies again only this time it was a longer more in-depth examination. Carol made sure her mouth was rinsed out and that any cum on her body was washed off. By the end they turned off the shower as the room was already very steamy. Carol took his  hand as they dried each other off Peter held her close kissing her as she eagerly kissed back when they had finished drying off. She felt something very familiar poking into her and looked down to see him hard again. “Ready for another round I see.” “With such a sexy women in front of me I can’t really help myself,” Peter told her. “This time let’s try somewhere more comfortable,” She took his hand and let him to the bedroom. She let go as she went to her drawer and pulled out a condom as she placed the tip of the package in her mouth grinning at him as she sat on her bed and crawled backwards using her body to entice him to join her. Peter wasn’t one to let an opportunity like this pass up as he crawled on top of her taking the package with one hand and then kissing her. With his free hand he caressed one of her breasts squeezing it just hard enough to make her moan in his mouth. She reached down as she caressed his dick she couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her again. She then felt his hand leave her breast and although she would have liked him to keep at it when she felt his fingers caress her slit she forgot all about her breast. Peter slipped his fingers in as he started to pump them in and out of her body, he felt that she was still very slick as her warm folds seemed to swallow his fingers up. The wet sucking sounds her pussy made was only drowned out by the sounds of her moaning. He groaned as he sucked on her neck as her stroking started to increase, if she kept this up he was going to cum all over her. “Carol are you ready?” “God yes,” She smiled at him as she watched him get to his knees as he opened the package. She saw him starting to slip it on as she turned away from him getting on her hands and knees. “I love it in this position.” “Got it,” Peter lined himself up as he felt his condom clad dick slid against her opening. She reached back under herself to help guide him inside of her body as both enjoyed the sensation of him filling her up once again. Peter had to admit that sex with a condom didn’t feel as good as it did without it but he also knew that it was necessary. The only times he came inside of his old girlfriends such as Mary Jane, Black Cat or Charlie when they said it was a safe day or when it was only blowjobs or anal sex. Still even with the condom on he could feel her pussy gripping him as he pushed himself all the way in. He gripped her hips as he started with slow thrusts as she pushed back to meet him but she started to notice something. “Peter I’m not made of glass you can go all out if you want.” She told him looking back at him as she noticed that he didn’t seem to be going as hard as he might could. She guessed that he had never had sex with someone with super strength before. She had done it with men who were super strong such as Simon so she knew how hard she could take it. Peter was used to holding back in sex, given that hurting his partner was kind of a major turn off, even at his most rough he always had to hold back. But he suddenly realized that with Carol he didn’t have to, he hadn’t been able to go all out in sex since, well ever. He had gotten his powers before he had sex so this was going to be a new experience for himself. He gripped her hips a bit more sturdy as he stared to fuck her with stronger and stronger thrusts. “Oh yes just like that Peter, fuck me, you don’t have to hold back just fuck me.” Carol moaned out as she was starting to enjoy Peter fucking her. He was starting to let go as she felt his hips slapping against her shapely ass harder and harder making her moan out even more as his dick pushed against her inner walls. “Oh god you feel so good,” Peter said as he started to let loose more and more until he was thrusting as hard as he could into her. The slap of his hips against her ass filled the room with their moaning and the rocking of the bed. With their strength the bed was soon banging against the wall, normally Peter might be worried about breaking the headboard or the wall but at the moment he didn’t care. For the first time in his life he would fuck a woman without worrying about breaking her hip or something. He groaned as he thrust in eagerly as he watched her rocked against him. Her fists gripping her bed sheets as they twisted in her hands as she rocked back against him. Peter used one hand to grope her ass feeling the firmness of it as he ran his hand up her spine her long mane of blonde hair was all messy along her back as it was still slightly damp. He leaned forward to reach under her and grab one of her large swaying breasts loving the feel of it as they continued on to have sex. Carol was really enjoying herself as she thrust her hips back to meet Peter, she hadn’t had a good time like this for awhile. She was really wondering why she had never done this before, Peter felt great inside of her and he kept on caressing her body, like he was trying to find all of her erotic spots on her body. That was a good sign to her as Peter really was trying to give her as much pleasure as he could. She reached down between her legs as her fingers found her smooth mound, she soon found her clit as she started to rub it fiercely. It sent a jolt of pleasure through her as she moaned out loudly as she was getting close to cumming again. Her hips increased as she was getting closer and closer to her climax. “Oh god Carol I think I’m close!” Peter cried out. “I’m almost there, just hold on, please hold on for just one more second!” Carol was rubbing her clit even faster now wanting to cum before him. She ached to cum, she wanted to cum so much that she felt like she might break if she didn’t but suddenly she felt it, she felt her orgasm finally reaching her. “OHHH GOOOOD!” Carol cried out as she tensed up from her orgasm. Peter couldn’t take it anymore as he gave a few more thrusts into her before groaning out himself as he felt himself cum into the condom. She went limp as her ass was still stuck up in the air as Peter took a few panting breaths before pulling out of her. She moaned a bit feeling him leave and twisted to rest on her side as Peter fell onto his back next to her. “God that felt good,” Carol sighed in contentment. Why hasn’t she done this before now? It seemed silly but that had been great sex, plus it had been awhile for her as well. The last time had been with Wonder Man back during that whole Registry Act and the split in the hero community. That hadn’t lasted long and although fun it hadn’t been what she needed. She felt Peter shift as he draped an arm around her body pressing into her back, she could feel his slim but strong frame and also the wetness of the used condom pressing against her ass. She didn’t care as she just sighed in enjoyment, amazing how when she first met him she thought he was nothing but annoying but as she got to know him she saw the real side of him. How no matter what he wanted to do the right thing, despite what some people said or thought about him. He worked hard as a hero and that was something she came to admire about him, that and his humor started to grow on her. After all the crap she had to deal with in her life which had actually drove her to become an alcoholic for a time, Peter was someone that could brighten her day. “We should do this more often,” Carol told him feeling content as they were just there naked and together. “The sex or something else?” Peter asked her as he was wondering where she wanted to take this. Carol thought about it for a moment, “How about we take it one step at a time then.” She wanted to really build something up and not just have mindless sex with a teammate now and then. But given her wreck of relationships lately she just wanted to really take her time with this. “I can live with that.” Peter said wondering how in the hell he had gotten himself into this. He really wasn’t sure how it was that women kept throwing themselves at him and him just diving right in, it didn’t used to be like this, hell it was never like this. Maybe it was karma? All the good thing she did and all the crap he dealt with was making up for it all with an increased in his sex life? He felt himself starting to get slightly hard again as he pressed up against the naked beauty, well whatever was going on he would think of it after to see if he could get Carol to start that sexy moaning again. -Somewhere in the Tropics- In a tropical paradise a certain red headed goddess had been sun bathing, naked of course as she didn’t like tan lines. She was currently sitting on a sun chair shades on her eyes although her eyes were closed she had been watching from a distance her new favorite human. The area was a beach as she had wanted to get some relaxing done, when she noticed her spell kicking in. She felt the sexual energy started to feed her from the spell as she was curious as to who it was that Peter was with now. Using her Sight to look to where the spell was she had caught the little shower scene and later the bed. The sexual energy had been delicious and she was wondering if maybe a little bit more power into the spell might help. She had ‘feed’ off sexual energy in the past like this but it had been awhile since she had enchanted someone with a mystical link. It made the sexual energy transfer oh so ripe with power. She smiled as when she was done here she might take a bit of a visit back to New York and see what trouble she could stir. She reached over and grabbed a bottle of sun tan lotion as she slowly started to put it on her naked body. Although she didn’t burn like mortals the feel of it being pressed into her skin was what she was getting at. The energy she could feel coming from Peter and the blonde woman as they started up a third time came to her as she started to rub the lotion into her large breast. She lathered them up sensually and slowly, taking time to roll her fingers across her erect nipples. Looking down she lightly ran her hand through the short dark hair of the woman currently between her legs eating her out. She didn’t know the mortal’s name, honestly she didn’t really care about most of who they were. She had taken a little look into the woman’s soul, she was here on vacation to loosen up, she had led a boring life, not very adventurous and had been a cold fish in bed unsure of herself or her sexuality. Well Aphrodite was always up for a challenge although it didn’t take much to unleash the hidden desires of the woman. Her fantasies of being with men, woman even multiple partners but always too scare to dive into it. “You have a talented tongue there you should really enjoy yourself more.” The woman looked up blushing, “I have no idea why I’m doing this…I never do things like this…” She felt the heat all over her body begging her for release. She caringly stroked the woman’s face. “Now no need for that, it’s only natural to follow your desires.” The goddess looked to her left as she saw two young and viral men approaching they hadn’t seen the lesbian show yet but the goddess licked her lips. “Now how about we really put on a show for those men and see if they want to join us?” The woman looked to see them and she wanted them, she had images of both of them using her body as she felt her pussy dampen. “Okay.” Aphrodite would laugh if it didn’t break the mood, sometimes being a goddess of love was a lot more work then what you thought as one of those men would end up dating the woman and opening her up to future relationships. It was a job however that she really enjoyed and threw herself into. Next up Chapter 5: The Mutant
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5
CHAPTER 5: THE MORE THE MERRIER Rahne was laying on her bed thinking back to their class earlier. She couldn’t believe no matter how many times she played it over in her mind. She had had sex right in front of everyone; she and Jamie lost their virginity to each in front of everyone. Then not only had he made her orgasm by eating her out but she gave him a blowjob too…and she liked it. She remembered Jamie’s hands, his lips his flesh against hers. The heat of their bodies it had been great. Exactly what she wanted her first time to feel like. Without knowing it as she had her eyes closed remembering it all she had her hand gently caressing one of her breasts as the other was lightly rubbing her pussy. She started panting as she remembered his hands on her, caressing her. His lips taking in a nipple and his tongue playing with it. How his dick had been inside of her and thrusting over and over again. The pressure building up inside of her. She moaned out on her bed and opened her eyes to see that her hand had gone under her pants and she had been fingering herself. She pulled out her hand and saw her fingertips glistening with the juices of her body. “What am I doing?” She asked herself. She was a good nice girl and here she was moaning on her bed like a slut. She felt like she should be ashamed but in that class they were told that pleasuring yourself was perfectly normal when you needed sexual release. She did admit that she needed release. Jamie hadn’t stopped thinking about that glass at all. He couldn’t believe that his first time had been with the girl he had had a crush on for the last year or so…or that everyone had seen it. He couldn’t believe he had done that but then again everyone else had been naked. He had seen every girl at the Institute naked…that was like the dream of most of the boys here. Some of those girls he had a few wet dreams in the past and fantasized about it. But being with Rahne had been the best. Her lips against his, her small yet nice breasts against his chest, her smooth legs against him. The feeling of him inside of her and her lips on his member. ‘Oh God that was incredible,’ He thought as he walked on. ‘I always wondered what it would be like and boy…it was like nothing I’ve ever felt before…I wish we had cum at the same time, that sucked I shot off first but at least I got her off.’ He wanted to please Rahne he wanted to ravage her, take her to the edge and then over it, he wanted to bring her to ecstasy. But the thing was how? Sure he wanted to go on and on but it wasn’t physically possible for one man to just keep going and going…then it hit him…he wasn’t just one man. Sure he had always wanted to try it…but he wondered if Rahne would be interested in it? He quickly ran to her room anxious to see if she would go for it. Rahne was thinking of either taking a cold shower, or trying to get this urge out of her the old fashioned way when there was a knock on her door. She sighed and got up and went to it, she was pleased to see Jamie there and she felt herself getting a little warm from the sight of her recent thoughts of him. “Hey Rahne,” Jamie said blushing a bit at the sight of her. He couldn’t help but look at her face, then to her body. She was just so amazing and the she had really matured over the last few years too. “Can I come in?” “Sure,” She said a little rushed and let him in and closed the door. She also checked out his back side and shook her head just wondering what had gotten into her? She wasn’t like this…was she? Why was it all of a sudden she felt like jumping on him and tearing all this clothing off and having her way with him them? “Rahne you know this project we got going right?” Jamie started off a bit nervous although he wasn’t sure why they already had sex so he kept telling himself that this wasn’t supposed to be a big deal. She nodded her head so he went on, “Well I was wondering if you were interested in…something I’ve kind of…thought of doing with my powers.” “Oh? What?” She asked him interested to know what he had in mind. He told her and she was kind of interested in that. She wondered what it would be like and it would see what her limit was. Truth was she had never wanted that first time to end and this way it would last for a very long time depending on how many copies he made. The thought of it made her a little wet already from just thinking about it. “I think we could try it.” She grinned at him and Jamie was all smiles. They set up the camera since they would only need hers since they got points for how many times they were in a video and not just on their tape so it was more fair for everyone. Rahne also got out the other supplies. Jean, Scott and Rogue had gotten certain types of supplies for them to start off with and if they needed anything else they were told to come to them. Rahne only had the condoms, morning after pills, some kind of jelly stuff for lubrication and a small vibrator. She had been tempted to use that last one before Jamie showed up. When the camera started up, both young teens started to kiss and fondle the other, slowly taking off each other’s clothing. The heat building up between them as they started to feel each other’s skin against the other. Soon Rahne found herself on her bed as Jamie was taking off her panties the last piece of clothing she had left. He saw how wet they were and her pussy too. “Okay, now things will get interesting.” Jamie said and started creating clones of him. Rahne watched in fascination as there were now about fifteen Jamies in the room with her. Her heart was pounding with excitement as she bit her lower lip slightly wondering what would happen next. One of the Jamies took the camera and started to tape it all from a moving perspective. Rahne watch as a few of the Jamies moved to her. One of them started kissing her and so she kissed back and soon after she felt a pair of lips on each breasts, one kissing her navel and stomach and another was eating her out. It was mind-blowing experience to feel all of that on her young body. She moaned into one of the Jamies mouth as they started to French kiss, they felt each other’s tongues in their mouths tasting each other. There were so many lips and hands gently going over her body, it was intense and she had no problem of reaching orgasm. She cried out in the mouth of this Jamie and she had her hands on the heads of the two suckling on her breasts. They continued this until it was unbearable for her to take. She pulled her mouth from a kiss and cried out, “Oh god! Please take me now, I cannae take it. Please I need ye inside me.” She moaned out, begging for them all to finish. All the Jamies got off her and she looked up at one that was spreading her dripping wet pussy and they smiled at each other. She saw him put on a condom and guide the head of his shaft to her cunt. She moaned when he put it in her filling her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he sat there thrusting into her again and again. Two Jamies were playing with her breasts as she moaned out. Then she felt something against her face and looked to see one of the clones with his hardened dick near it. “Go on, and take it Rahne.” He said gently and she opened her mouth as he put it in. She started giving him a nice blowjob then as the other fucked her. When the one fucking her came, another immediately replaced him as did the one that shot his load in her mouth. Soon though they changed things up, she was on all four getting fucked by behind doggie style. This time it was more rougher, she wanted it to be and kept begging for him to go faster and harder. Soon another one kneeled in front of her and she took his cock in her mouth too, she grabbed his ass as he humped her face. “Oh god Rahne,” That one said feeling her tongue work his member she was just so good at this, but then again she was the only girl to do this but still it was great. After her latest orgasm causing the currently Jamie to call out her name as she felt him pulse and cum inside of her they took a small break and get into a new position. She had one Jamie on his back and put on the condom herself. She teased him a little and licked his shaft causing a groan from him. She was ready to sit done onto his erection when one of the Jamies spoke up. “Hey Rahne do you think we could also try…anal?” She thought that over, they had said it wasn’t for everyone but she was curious. “I got some stuff in that drawer to use. But let’s take this first one slow okay boys?” They all agreed none of them wanted to hurt her so one of them grabbed the jell as Rahne started ridding the current Jamie. She kind of liked this new position as she poisoned herself up and down on him feeling him in side of her. “Oh god this is incredible! Oh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” She panted out through her breaths as her body had taken up a layer of sweat and as her breasts being played with by the Jamie under her. She gasped in surprised she felt someone placing a finger with gel on it into her virgin anus. She saw so surprised she orgasmed right there, “Oh shit!” Both she and Jamie clone cried out he was so surprised by how tightly her pussy clamped down it was all it took for him to come. They took a break as Rahne rested to catch her breath while a Jamie started to lube her ass up. It was a strange sensation as the cool gel was worked into her. “Okay do you want me to stretch you out a little?” Jamie asked her. “Um…yeah sure.” She remembered during the class that you should try to stretch it out before you try that to lessen the discomfort. “I got a vibrator in that drawer.” One Jamie got it and covered it in gel and then very slowly worked it into her. She moaned at first at the discomfort as it filled her. Over the next five minutes it was replaced as she got used to it. When she was ready again she went back into that last position and got on top of another Jamie and bent down, she kissed this one as she felt another gently move into her anus. She cried out in pain and pleasure into the mouth of the Jamie she was kissing and was thankful he was going in slowly. After she got used to it she started a slow rhythm, they let her control it so they didn’t hurt her by accident, after awhile Rahne got use to it and it was incredible being filled by both ends like that. “OH GOD OH FUCK! AH! AH! UGH! OH JAMIE, DON’T STOP AH PLEASE DON’T OH GOD! STOOOOP! FUCCCCK!” She felt the one in her ass shoot his load into her feeling the warm fluids enter her. That Jamie had never felt anything so tight as he had just finished fucking her ass. They continued on, changing positions and the number of partners. Rahne had been fucked up against her wall, on her floor, she rode one on a chair and had three of them at once several times in various positions. One in her pussy, ass and mouth a few times, once she was sitting on the lap of one that was in her ass while one ate her out and the one behind her was massaging her breasts. After a couple of hours though she was warn out, she had one Jamie pumping into her while she was on her back on her bed again. “Jamie, please I…I can’t take anymore…I can’t…” it was true her pussy was so red ached as well as her ass and it was leaking some of his fluids, as well as her own inner thighs were covered in her own. She had swallowed so much cum that she had a lot in her stomach and she knew if they hadn’t used condoms her pussy would be drenched and her womb would have been filled. Jamie was pounding into her hot and very wet and slick tunnel. He was sweating on top of her grunting with the effort, “I’m…almost….done….Rahne….Just a…few….more….ARRRGH!” He cried out cumming in her. Rahne’s head leaned back as she groaned feeling it. He pulled out of the red head and Rahne was just limp. She couldn’t do anything and couldn’t move but damn she never had so many orgasms or felt like this. Jamie pulled all his clones together then and just shut off the camera and cradled her in his arms. She smiled as she rested her head against him. “Rahne…when this is all over…do…do you want to got out and stuff?” He asked her blushing. She smiled at him, “Aye, I’d like that.” She also wondered if she would be up to another one of these sex marathons. One thing was for sure their sex life would never be boring and the other girls would never believe this…well…unless Jamie showed them. She wondered about that, after all this she could just stick with Jamie but they both could explore all their sexual fantasies. She’d talk to him later about this, maybe in a few hours. Right now she just fell asleep in his arms as she cuddled up to him. ---Tabitha--- Tabitha was wondering the halls thinking up what to do for her own little video. This was actually kind of exciting for her, she always did like to have a fun time and wasn’t shy about her sexuality. But while living here she tried to ‘behave’ at least for her it was behaving. But this was just so mind blowing, she had a whole new outlook on Jean and Scott. Hell they managed to loosen Rogue up and that was an accomplishment in itself. Now she just thought of what to do with her own little fantasy. She had a few, she always wanted Kurt to make love to her for one, not sex but real love making. He was just so nice to her all the time she still had a little feeling for the blue dude but knew his heart was with someone else. But this was a chance, she’d just have to talk with Amanda who she heard was moving in for the week. But she also wanted to know what Scott was like in bed and a few other things. She was in the living room seeing both Ray and Roberto there talking about and comparing who gave the better blow job from class and how they couldn’t believe it happened to them. She grinned knowing full well she could get one fantasy out of the way. She walked up to them in her most sultry walk, swaying her hips. “Hey boys.” She smiled at them. They were both surprised to see Tabitha. “Oh hey, uh…we were just…uh…” Roberto wondered what to say to her. “Don’t worry about it boys. I think everyone is still talking about that.” She laughed and sat on Ray’s lap to his surprised and pleasure. Tabitha was one of the most sexy girls at the mansion but so far no one had gotten much past making out or a feeling each other up. Tabitha just didn’t want to add ‘easy’ to her already long list of things she was known for. But now she didn’t have to worry about that. “You know…I”ve always wondered what a three way is like…would you two like to help me out?” “Whoa I ain’t kissing a dude.” Ray said. “Never said you had to, I just want both of you boys at once, or back to back whatever is comfortable.” She told them. They both shrugged, both had always wondered if she lived up to her name of Boom-Boom in bed. They both agreed to it. “Great meet me in my room in half an hour.” “What? Why?” Ray asked as she got off. “A girl has to make herself presentable.” She smirked at them over her shoulder and walked off to her room. When she got to her room she immediately stripped off her clothing to get something more interesting. She grinned as she got just what she needed. She set up her camera and decided to get herself a little ready with the little gel in certain areas and get a CD ready for the guys. Ray and Roberto waited impatiently for the time and both couldn’t wait. Ray knocked on the door and looked in. “Hey Tabby? You ready?” They both entered as Roberto closed the door but no Tabitha. “The hell?” Roberto asked out loud then the door to the bathroom opened and out walked Tabitha only in a skirt and white short sleeve shirt tied up around her chest. “Hey boys just take a seat, I want to have a little fun first.” She said in a sultry tone. She started the camera and then walked to her stereo. Tabitha started to bump and grind to the music and both boys realized that they were in for their own personal strip show. Tabitha slowly danced in front of the boys running her hands over her body, touching her breasts and swaying her hips to the music. She slowly and teasingly untied the not in the front of her shirt and slowly striped it off to show them a black lacy bra that she got a Victoria’s secret. It also pushed up her breasts slightly giving her a bit more cleavage than normal, both boys looked over her slim and trim body both sporting erections in their pants. Tabby then turned around and slowly slipped her skirt down her long legs and both boys were greeted with the sight of a matching black thong that really showed off her ass to them. She bent over and both boys swallowed at the sight of her like that. Ray felt like his pants might rip open at all of this and Roberto was straining not to touching himself or he might cum in his pants. Tabitha saw the bugles in their pants and smirked, “Say boys why don’t you two get more comfortable and release those guys, I bet they would like to stand up and say high.” Both of them didn’t need to be told twice as they undid their pants and pulled them down and she saw both of their erections. They were about the same but Ray might have been slightly longer but Roberto was slightly thicker. She continued on with her stripping and unhooked her bra and slowly took it off for the boys as they watched her free her breasts. Tabitha was one of the more well developed out of the institute about in the same class as Jean and Rogue and now they could see she really did stack up to those two. They continued on watching, their dicks burned to be inside of her but they controlled themselves this was too good a show not to miss out on. Tabitha had always loved dancing and she was really good at moving her body to the music. When she slipped her thong off and they saw her pussy with a trim blond hair both boys felt like just blowing their load. She just looked so sexy, she started rubbing herself and caressing her body, she was really getting turned on by the power she had over them. They were hanging on every movement of her body and she loved it. She slipped a few fingers inside of her pussy and used her thumb on her clit. They watched as Tabitha’s strip became a live sex show as they watched her getting herself ready. Both boys were slightly stoking their shafts at the sight but slowly not wanting to cum just yet. After the music died she stood in front of them. “Okay boy let’s start this thing off shall we?” “So…how do you want to do this?” Roberto asked and he got his shirt off. “Well…I could do one of you at a time but I want always wanted to be fucked by two boys at one. So one of you can have my pussy but I hope one of you would like to fuck my ass.” She had only done anal with Pietro but she had gotten used to it that night and earlier before they came she had already placed gel in her ass hoping they would say yes. “Well I’ll take that pussy of yours.” Ray spoke up having to wanted to fuck the blond for so long. Roberto shrugged, “Hey I don’t mind a piece of ass.” Truth was he was a bit interested to see how that felt. Tabitha smiled and as Ray lay back on the bed she got over him and slowly lowered herself onto his member placing her hands on his chest. “Oh yeah baby,” She said smiling and wiggled her hips a bit. “Oh god Tabitha, you’re so tight.” Ray had never felt anything tighter. Her wet pussy was like heaven, soft and yet gripped him really nicely. She bent forward a little as Roberto kneeled behind her and parted her ass and placed the tip of his cock against her small opening. He grunted as he slowly placed himself inside of her. “Ohhhh ffffuck!” Tabitha groaned out feeling him enter her, even with the lubrication she had put inside of her it was a tight squeeze and she wasn’t sure if he would split her open with that. She breathing became a little hitched and she was wondering when the hell he would be done. Soon though he finished and as they waited for her to get used to it the burning sensation in her ass faded and she felt much better. “Okay boys let’s get a rocking.” She said. Both boys started off and after a minute they got a nice movement going, when Ray thrust in Roberto pulled out so that she was filled with at least one of their dicks at all time. Ray played with her pouncing tits as they fucked her and she was glad to the extra stimulant. “Uh uh uh uh! Oh yes! Oh fuck yes! Ngh uh oh! God! fuck fuck fuck! yes fuck me boys! Ugh! Ohhh! Shit!” Tabitha was lost in her own world from this it was even better fucking then she had thought. “Talk dirty to me boys, uh. Oh please, ah!” Roberto who was grabbing her hips smiled as he hummed the blond mutant, “Oh yeah you want it? You want out dicks in you don’t you Tabby!” “Fuck yes!” She screamed out. “You like me pounding your white ass huh bitch.” “Uhhhh, yessss.” Ray smiled feeling his orgasm coming closer, they had learned that talking dirty helped at times to heightened the mood and hearing that was getting him off faster so he going in. “You love getting fucked don’t you? You fucking love it. You’re like a bitch in heat tonight aren’t you?” “Yes, yes I am.” She said. “Whose bitch are you?” “I’m yours I’m all yours-OH Shit!” Tabitha felt her orgasm coming closer now and it was the most powerful she ever felt. “I’m…I’m…CUUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!” She screamed out and Ray felt his dick in a vise like grip and it was too much for him. He exploded inside of her filling her with his cum. They hadn’t used a condom this time but Tabitha had a dew pills and she knew her cycle well enough to know she couldn’t get pregnant for a few days. Roberto felt her super tight ass get even tighter and he managed a few more trusts until he spent himself inside of her filling her bowls with his hot cum. After they were done Roberto got off of her and she got off of Ray. “Damn that was great,” Ray said with a huge smile on his face. “I’ll say, that was defiantly a moment to remember.” Roberto agreed. “Well boys it doesn’t have to end you know.” She smiled at their looks, “Let’s take a little break and try it again, only this time let’s mix it up.” Both boys grinned at that and it wasn’t long until they had Tabitha in a new position, this time Ray was leaning back up against the head slightly with Tabitha facing away from him and he thrusting up into her tight ass as Roberto hammered away at her from her front. She Was screaming out in pleasure her nails racking his back as she enjoyed the ride. And she just wondered how much stamina these boys had? Well she was determined to find out. NEXT UP: 6 DRESS UP FUN Next is some nice role playing fun with costumes with Jubilee and Bobby (those of you familiar with the Marvel vs DC comics will get the in joke implied in this) and Dani and Sam play a little Cowboy and Indians.  
Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: The Lawyer
The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 6: The Lawyer Peter was starting to consider that either something was off with his life or that maybe the universe was playing with him. It would stand to reason that the moment he suddenly gets all these women interested in him, that something will happen and he would be back to being single again. That’s usually how it was with his life. It had been a few days since he and Rogue had had sex in his lab at work and already he had been kept busy. He had ran into MJ and he had lunch with her, things had gone on well enough as they caught up, Peter made no mention of the other women just yet, kind of hard to breach that topic. When the next thing he knew they had ended up back at her place, clothing thrown all over the place and them going at it like crazy, they had been so into it he had nearly taken her right there in her elevator on the way up. Thankfully they got inside before things had gotten out of hand as the way they had been at it, they might have just fucked there or in the hallway and not had bothered to stop if anyone caught them. Peter had to leave later that night as an Avenger call went out, MJ had a nice big smile on her face in bed wishing him luck and to be safe. Then after the mission as soon as he was in his little shower in the Avenger’s Mansion, Carol had jumped him. Thankfully he trusted her to remove any and all devices that he was afraid that Maria Hand person might have placed. There hadn’t been any but it had put Peter’s mind at ease, then just when he was relaxed he felt those breasts push into his back and her hand gently grabbing his dick slowly stroking it. Apparently she wanted a repeat of the shower moment they had earlier only this time in his. Well he had been feeling tired but something about the blonde bombshell being naked with him caused him to feel more energized. So he spent the night in his room and so did Carol, he nearly slept in as they had gone at it until one in the morning. A day after that Peter had tried to keep his distance physically from everyone, he got a call from both MJ and Carol and talked to them, then the next day Rogue called him up. She wanted to get together and Peter set up to meet her. She had worn this really nice summer green dress that really pulled off the southern bell look. He had barely taken his eyes off her as they went on the date, he took out to Central Park were they talked, laughed and had a good time, then he took her to a nice place to eat. It all ended with them back at his place and her riding him like a stallion. There were a few other positions they had tried out too, apparently Rogue was a very sexually starved women. The day after that he ran into Black Cat and well…things eventually led to shed clothing and lots of sweat and grunting. Honestly Peter was lucky he wasn’t walking with a limp or tenderly from all the sex he had been up to lately. Not to mention juggling things around so none of the women might feel he was ignoring them. So he decided to change things up and in his new white and black Future Foundation costume design he was headed towards the FF tower to check in there and help out. Maybe working with the kids or something would give him a little piece of mind. While Peter was putting on his new Spider-Man suit and switched the colors to his FF mode there was someone else on her way to the FF building. Not far away from the Baxter building walking the streets in a business suit and skirt a woman walked the streets and also turning heads. It wasn’t just because she was a very sexual woman but it was also the fact that she was 6’7” on bare feet so in heels she was even taller, a long mane of hair and said hair, skin and eyes were a unique shade of gamma green.  This was Jennifer Walters or as most people knew her was the sensational She-Hulk. Currently she was looking to have a talk with Sue mostly for some help. Jen was currently taking care of her niece, a young teenaged gamma powered girl was currently living with Jennifer and honestly Jen could use the advice of a mother. Hence why she needed to talk with Sue, she was the only mother figure she knew personally who knew how to handle super powered kids. Jen had been a ghost in high school, the shy bookworm that was hard to make friends or go out. It got worse in college when she was getting her law degree, by becoming She-Hulk she had finally got the freedom to really break out of her shell. But how do you handle a girl raised in a possible future where man and women were at war, you were green skinned and could rip apart a building with your bare hands? Add in teenage hormones and drama and Jen wasn’t sure she could deal sometimes. She just hoped that Sue was home and had a moment to talk as she found herself in the front lobby of the Baxter building. Her time standing in for The Thing on the team had given her full access card to the building as she wasn’t stopped (not that many would even dare to try) by security as she headed for the personal elevators. At this point Peter was already on the top floors in his white and black FF outfit looking around. Personally he was hoping that he wouldn’t run into anymore women lately, he just didn’t want to run the risk of someone else and him jumping each other so maybe this was a safe place. Plus he didn’t have to worry about that kind of thing with all the kids around, well he hoped. “Oh there you are, Reed said that the security system pick you up.” Sue Richards came around a corner and saw Spider-Man walking the halls. “Sue!” Peter jumped as she had nearly walked into him. He took a step back as he really hoped something didn’t happen. Although he had a lot of respect for her, she was the pure definition of a MILF, blonde, beautiful and the fact that her figure didn’t show one bit of having two kids. The skin tight uniform didn’t help matters either. “Are you okay?” Sue looked at him wondering about the reaction. “Uh…yeah you just surprised me is all,” Peter really hoped nothing happened, she was a married women with kids after all. What either could see was the third individual standing there, the goddess Aphrodite had been following him today. The past week had been nothing if not entertaining for her although the spell she used on Peter did make any attraction pull the individuals together there were limits. Looking at the blonde woman before her she could see that the woman was already bound by true love. So even if there was an attraction from either of them the spell would not activate as her love made her immune to the effects of the spell. Besides she would never interfere with actual love, it went against her nature. Although if the woman did seem like she could use a bit of fire in her life as a naughty smile got on the goddess’ face. She followed the two as they walked and talked about mortal things that honestly she wasn’t interested in. She was about to act when her senses pick up on something. She paused as she could just feel raw sexual energy coming closer. As the two entered a large living room they found a large green skinned woman there. “Oh what’s this?” Aphrodite smiled widely as she looked at the new mortal. She could sense the power of the woman but also the untapped sexual energy, people like this were just like chocolate to her. This woman was someone that just loved sex and her eyes lit up as she felt her spell slightly starting to pull on Peter and the new woman. “Oh this is just precious,” The goddess nearly laughed as she was planning on getting Peter and the woman alone. “Hey there Sue,” Jennifer waved to the blonde and noticed Spider-Man there in his Foundation uniform. “Hey there web slinger, I like the new look.” “Hey you know me, I like to change things up every few years.” Peter joked. “I always liked you in that white and black suit,” She-Hulk told him although she didn’t say that she liked it because his ass looked great in that suit. “Yeah can’t really wear that anymore,” Spider-Man scratched the back of his head, “Kind of hard to wear that when there is a villain out there with the same costume. I get blamed for enough as it is, I don’t need to complicate things by being blamed for more stuff that isn’t my fault.” “So what’s the visit for?” Sue asked. “I was hoping to get some advice from you to be honest,” She-Hulk admitted to the older woman. “I need some advice on kids.” The Goddess was getting a bit impatient so she got behind the blonde woman and gently started to caress Sue’s body. The blonde woman was barely able to hold back a gasp as she felt her body heating up with desires. She was trying to focus on what Jen was telling her but she was finding it hard. Aphrodite’s fingers gently stroked the area between Sue’s legs as the woman nearly buckled at the sudden pleasure. Sue had no idea what was happening to her only that for some reason she was getting very turned on. She-Hulk noticed her friend’s flushed face and was wondering if something was wrong. “You okay?” Jen asked. “F-fine,” Sue tried to control herself but then her neck felt like when Reed started kissing her there. It almost felt like phantom hands were caressing her body but she didn’t actually feel anything. Her clothing wasn’t moving and although for a moment she swore it was like someone caressed her breast nothing moved. Was she losing her mind? Sue only knew that she felt more and more hot and it was getting harder to focus. She already felt her panties slightly getting wet as she hoped her nipples weren’t showing as she could feel them starting to harden. She crossed her arms over her chest just in case but as they brushed against the sensitive nubs that only made things worse. It was then that she suddenly realized that She-Hulk had been talking but she hadn’t heard a thing. She had to deal with this now, she only knew one way to do it but it felt like if she didn’t get her release soon she was going to lose her mind. “S-sorry Jen I just realized something important I have to take care of. Tell you what can you meet me back here in a couple of hours?” Sue asked quickly. “I have to take care of something and then we can talk all we can.” Sue hurriedly left the room almost running leaving the two heroes perplexed. “Well that was strange,” Spider-Man said first wondering what was going on. “No kidding,” She-Hulk crossed her arms a little disappointed and frustrated. “Damn and I really needed to talk with her.” “Well I know a few things about teenagers, I used to be a high school science teacher,” then noticed the look he was getting from her. “What?” “Nothing just…you didn’t seem the type,” she said honestly with a shrug. “Hey I do have a life under this mask,” Peter felt a little offended by that. “I just meant that all my teachers were all the serious types,” she defended herself. “Well I preferred to get my students interested in my lessons, it worked too. When I was a teacher I had a nice class average going and everyone came in with smiles and asked questions.” He explained. “Tell you what; if you want I can help out if you help me with one of the classrooms. I need to help set things up for a new lesson in the afternoon for all the kids here and it would go along faster with some help.” Jen thought about it, she apparently had some time to kill now so with a shrug she decided to help out. “Alright, lead the way.” She told him watching where he was going. She knew the layout of the building as she used to be a member for the Fantastic Four awhile back but the thing she learned was that this place kept getting modified and rebuilt. She also noticed that as he was walking in front of her that in this new white and black costume did show his nice ass still. She grinned to herself, she had never really thought of Spider-Man too much sexually but she had wondered. -Reed’s Lab- Sue found her husband right where she knew he was, the main lab he used was a huge area filled with more machinery than she could count. She swore that every time she walked into this room something had changed but she couldn’t figure out what some days. She took a quick look around and noticed that no one was inside the lab. That was good as she locked the door behind her, she had no idea why she was feeling so horny but she knew if she couldn’t get to Reed she would have to get to their bedroom and deal with it herself. “Sue is everything alright?” Reed asked he was currently standing on a small platform with several holographic images danced around him showing him various things he had been working on. “Just fine Reed.” She told him as he looked back to his work. “Ah just wondering normally you’re making rounds looking in on all the children students.” “They’re busy at the moment so I wanted to see you.” Reed smiled as he looked at one screen. “Thank you dear, you know it’s good you showed up I think I just found a possible new artificial element that could be created. It’s still only theory but if this works out…” Sue didn’t pay attention to what he was saying all she wanted was for her husband to turn his attention to her. She undid the front of her costume letting it fall to the ground and undid her pants next. Taking off her boots and pants left her only in a pair of blue underwear, she removed those next as now she was standing naked behind him. Despite her age she was still young enough to turn heads, and after giving birth twice she took care of her body. She might have been a little curvier than when she was younger but she knew men still found her desirable. She walked up behind Reed and spun him around she nearly laughed at the surprised expression on his face when she turned him around but then the shocked look when he noticed her nudity was even better. Before he could say anything she captured his lips with her own in a deep passionate kiss. Her fingers slightly ranking the back of his head, she pulled away slowly and with a smirk pushed him back into the chair behind him. “Sue…what…” Reed tried to speak but seeing his wife there naked the kiss and the smoking look in her eyes had all of his attention. “I need you now Reed,” She told him grinding herself against him breathing heavily. “Please fuck me Reed I really need it.” He could feel her hot and wet sex grinding against his own manhood. His mind was racing with all kinds of reasons she would do this, this wasn’t normally like Sue. Of course there had been moments when they had been a little more spontaneous earlier in their marriage but they hadn’t been like that for a few years now. His wife continued to nearly hump herself on him making little moaning sounds as she kissed his neck. For a split second he was considering that this was a Skrull but he put that aside. He could already feel his body reacting to her as she captured his lips and all other thoughts left his mind. It had been a few days since the last time they had a chance to have sex with his wife and Sue seemed to really want it badly. He really didn’t want to disappoint her as a loving husband after all as he kissed her back even more. She clawed as the front of his shirt and if it wasn’t made out of unstable molecules she might have ripped it. Sue finally got the shirt off as she ran her hands lovingly over his chest. Reed might not be build like some men she knew and lord knows that Namor had tried to get her into bed countless times but Reed might have been a bit slim but there wasn’t any fat or his body showing much age. Plus she knew the secrets to some of the amazing things he could do to her body. She pulled her husband’s face to her chest as his mouth latched onto one of her hardened nipples she cried out feeling him suck on it. “More Reed take it all.” She told him as he knew what she meant. His mouth stretched out as soon she found her entire right breast engulfed into his mouth. She cried out even more feeling the wet and warm mouth lavish her entire breast, she felt his tongue larger now as it lathered all over the sensitive part of her chest. She gripped his hair as no man could pull this off as she felt her entire breast being sucked on and played with. Then she felt his hands those wonderful hands as they stretched and grew around her body. Feeling his fingers move around her body like snakes. She tried to keep track of where they went but it was hard to focus. She felt them wrap around her body almost encasing her as her soft skin was being caressed all over. She felt one of them wrap around her free breast gently squeezing it as the tip played with her nipple. Sue then felt one going behind her back down the crack of her ass and dive into her pussy. “Oh god yes Reed!” She threw her head back rocking her hips feeling the digit fucking her. Reed knew how to really push her buttons as she felt the finger inside of her growing and stretching out almost to the shape of a dick inside of her. Only he was using it to rub against her G-spot this only drove her nearly out of her mind. All the sensations of Reed working her entire body both outside and inside nearly was making her mind go blank. She knew some people might wonder why she stayed with Reed sometimes when she had men like Namor and others wanting her. Well this was her answer to them, quite literally no man on Earth or beyond could touch her the way Reed was touching her. With a scream she came hard soaking his finger and crotch area her whole body shaking as she felt her orgasm through her entire body. Reed slowly retracted everything letting go of her breast from his mouth as his wife looked very sated breathing heavily. Her entire tit was wet with saliva as her crotch area for both of them was wet now and he could really feel it as his own hard on was pressing against her slit now. She took a few breaths as she locked eyes with him and licked her lips, “My turn to make you feel good.” She slipped off him and started to pull down his pants. She worked it and his boxers down exposing him as Sue gently grabbed his hardened member. She took a few long licks making Reed moan out as she slowly teased him. “Oh god Sue,” Reed breathed. Sue only smiled at him as she took the tip into her mouth and slowly started to bob her head up and down. She would slowly take him down deeper and deeper an inch at a time as she got used to it. She had to work up to taking him entirely into her mouth as her hand gently stroked his balls. She heard him grunt knowing he was trying not to cum which was fine by her although she wouldn’t mind taking a load from him she wanted this dick inside of her. After giving Reed a decent blowjob she pulled out and with her hand started to jerk him off, “Well you want to shoot your load into your wife’s mouth or would you rather stick this thing into your slutty wife’s pussy?” “In your pussy,” He told her. “Good answer,” She stood up and holding the dick she sat herself down onto it as both moaned as she felt him enter her and he felt her warm flesh surround him. “Oh yes, fuck me darling. Fuck my pussy.” Ever since her time as Malice, Reed had noticed a slight change in Sue. She was normal on most times but when she really got worked up in sex she had this whole other side to her. He never told her but he found it kind of sexy. She started to rock herself onto him holding onto the back of his neck as she grunted with the effort riding him hard. He held onto her waist helping her to fuck herself onto him as both of them started to work up a slight sweat from the effort they were putting into it. “That’s it, fuck me, fuck me with that huge cock of yours. Ram it all the way up into my womb darling, you really know how to fuck your slut of a wife!” She cried out as she rode him hard and fast in his chair. “Oh god you always feel so amazing Sue,” Reed moaned as he matched her pace. “Oh yes! Yes, make it bigger Reed! Fucking split me in two, make me not want another man than you!” She cried out. Reed did that and more as he grew in size slowly feeling her stretch out around him. She screamed out as her body shook knowing she was having a slight orgasm but he wasn’t done as he grew and grew inside of her. “Stop!” Sue told him. “Please stop right there I…I can’t take anymore,” she told him gritting her teeth if he grew any bigger she knew that he might actually start to do actual damage to her body. She groaned as she rode it though and then she felt something else. Reed did this sometimes to surprise her as a bump grew on Reed’s dick, right where her G-spot was located. “Oh fuck me!” Sue screamed as Reed fucked her hard her head bouncing around. “Sue,” He groaned out as his pace only quickened. She knew when her husband was going to cum, “Do it, fill me with your cum Reed!” “Sue!” He called out her name and held her down as she cried out grabbing hold of him as she felt him let loose inside of her. The warmth of his cum setting her off as she knew that he was shooting directly into her womb. The two of them stayed like that as she felt him softening a little as she rested her head on his shoulder. “God Sue what got into you?” Reed breathed out trying to catch his breath. “I honestly have no idea I was just talking with Jen and suddenly I got so horny,” Sue started to lightly grind against his body. “God I haven’t felt like this in years.” “Well it’s nice to know our marriage isn’t going stale,” Reed smiled at her running his hands over her bare back. She moaned in appreciation of his touch as she got off him and went down to her knees. “Sue?” “Well I might not know what got into me but let’s not waste it,” She told him before taking his cum covered cock into her mouth licking and tasting their juices on it. Reed’s head feel back as his hands went to run through her blonde hair. He wasn’t sure what was going on but he wasn’t going to tell her to stop. He could always get back to work another time right now he wanted to enjoy his wife’s mouth around his dick. -Peter and Jen- “It’s nice you’re able to help out with the kids and with Reed and Sue.” She-Hulk told Spider-Man as they walked into one of the smaller labs. This was mainly used as a classroom for the kids as they were setting up for a new class experiment later that day. “I know how hard things had to be for them after Johnny.” “Yeah,” Peter still felt the loss of Johnny it was odd walking around this place and not having him around making jokes. He could see how hard it hit the kids as he was the kind of fun uncle that any kid would want. “I’m just glad I could help out in some way, I know I can’t fill the gap he left but I know how hard it is to lose family.” “Oh, sorry I didn’t know that,” Jen didn’t really know much about Spider-Man personally in fact now that she thought about it she really didn’t know much of anything other than the times they worked together. She hadn’t seen this serious side to him and it was odd, she was too used to him joking around all the time. “It’s alright,” He waved it off. “Actually it was that loss that got me into using my powers to help others.” “Better than my reason,” She muttered to herself when she got her powers she just wanted to have fun originally. She later learned that with her powers she had to use them for a purpose, she still had fun with it but over the years she had matured in the reasons why she used her powers. She looked over at him as he was setting things up over at one of the desks. The room was large and metallic with more science stuff around than she could identify, she was mainly just helping to tidy up and also placed things where he directed them. She was a trained lawyer not a scientist. She left things like that to her cousin Bruce he had been the genius in the family after all even as kids he was always so smart. She caught herself looking at him again how the suit clung to his entire body, he was very fit not overly muscular like a few heroes she could list but still not bad. Peter tried to focus but he couldn’t help but notice She-Hulk’s form and how that power suit of hers really showed her off, especially those long green legs of hers. He saw her bend over and her ass looked great in that skirt. Peter felt himself getting hard just looking at her and he quickly looked away. ‘Damn it, you’ve already in dangerous territory with four other women do you really need this?’ He mentally yelled at himself. Then again She-Hulk was on his list of women that if he could fuck he would do so. He never told anyone his list but everyone had it, of course he never once tried anything with her. She was kind of intimidating given that she was over six feet tall and he at five ten there was a bit of a gap there. Plus the fact she could bend him like a pretzel was another reason but man there was just something captivating about that green Amazon. Jen thought that she caught him checking her out and she kind of liked it, she always liked how she got attention from men. Before she was She-Hulk and plain old Jennifer most people just walked by her like she wasn’t even there. She loved the way men looked at her and desired her and she walked right into their desires. All those years of no one looking at her she just couldn’t help herself. Looking at him she began to wonder what he was like in bed, she never had him before and the fact that she hadn’t had sex in a long time. She had lost her job as a lawyer and then bounced around as a bounty hunter, and was now taking care of a teenaged girl from a future where men and women were at war with each other. In all of that she just didn’t have the time to go out to a club and pick some young stud.  Hell the last time she had sex was with Tony which had been nice but again that had been months ago. The more she thought about it the more she couldn’t stop herself from feeling warm at the thought of sex and with someone new and that was always exciting. She smirked as she unbuttoned her suit and placed it on one of the tables and sat on another crossing her legs and leaning back in as she undid a little of the top of her blouse. “You know I always had this fantasy about having sex in a classroom in school. You know that cute guy in math class or even that young hot teacher.” “Well I’ll admit that I never had fantasies of a guy in math class,” Peter joked trying not to stare too much, since just one more button and he could great view of her cleavage. Although he had to admit he had those kinds of thoughts in high school as well what young man wouldn’t after all. She smiled seeing that he was trying not to look at least too hard, so at least he was a good guy at heart or maybe he was shy? Well she got off the desk and moved towards him slowly, “You know I’ve known you for years but I don’t know much about her personally. I know you joke a lot maybe a bit too much but other than the times we’ve worked together I don’t know the first thing about you.” “Well what can I say, I’m a man of mystery,” Peter told her and he was very aware of her presence now with her right in front of him. He had to look up a bit to meet her eyes. “Well I can think of a way to get to know you more if you’re interested,” She said in a sultry tone as she ran a finger over his chest. “Okay…I think I can see where this is going,” He started to say as he felt his mouth drying up. He really can’t believe this was happening but damn it this was a fantasy of his own right now that he thought he would never get the chance at. “Is there a problem?” She asked wondering if maybe he was already with someone. If he was she was going to feel like such an idiot. “You’re not…with someone are you?” “Well…no not really I had this breakup and th-“ He didn’t get to finished as she pulled up his mask and suddenly locked her lips with his. God they felt great although it was odd as he wasn’t used to the height difference. But he suddenly got more used to it as she got a bit more aggressive pressing up against him, he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Damn you are a good kisser there Spider,” She told him running a hand over his chest and she could feel the muscles there. He did have a great body, they weren’t big like some men she had been with but they were still impressive than your average man. “So how do you want to do this?” “Huh?” “With or without the mask,” She clarified. “Oh right,” Peter knew that Black Cat preferred to do it with the mask on as she didn’t really care who he was under it. It did sting a bit that she wanted sex like that but then again he would have to show her who he really was and he had always been careful about who he let in on his secret. Although his breakup made him rethink things, he had kept it secret from Gwen and she had died. He told MJ and although they had been happy for a long time it hadn’t ended well and she had been put into danger countless times. So he went back to not telling Charlie and that blew up in his face when she found out. It just seemed that no matter what choice he made it didn’t work out. She ran a finger over his mouth, “You know for years I’ve always been curious. If you want to keep it on I’ll understand, it might be a bit weird but I’ll respect your choice. Although if you want I can promise I’ll keep any secret.” Peter debated it but it was kind of hard not to think clearly when he was so close to living out a long time fantasy. He really did think about it and in the end he knew that he could trust her, they had fought alongside each other and he felt that he could trust her. He had been learning to give out his secret to those that deserved it, like with some of the Avengers. “Okay but just don’t tell anyone,” He smiled as he pulled off his mask. She looked at him and although he looked like your average guy although he did have a cute side to him but then something was nagging at her. She knew that face if she could just place it...her eyes widened. “Parker! You’re Peter Parker!?”  her jaw dropped as now it suddenly hit her where she knew him from. “The guy that takes pictures of Spider-Man? But how?” She blinked trying to figure it out. “Place a camera on auto shoot before a battle,” Peter shrugged with a grin. “But…but I put you on trail!” She remembered how she had represented Spider-Man in a civil suit against J. Jonah and the Daily Bugle for all the years of bad press. She had put Peter Parker on the stand and was tearing him a new one on the stand as well. Then suddenly Spider-Man called it all off with only Jonah and Parker having to humiliate themselves. “Oh…my…god, it all makes sense now,” She was nearly floored at the revelation. “Do you know how long I’ve been wondering why you threw the suit out the window?” “Yeah well I couldn’t have you both have me win the trail and then throw me under a bus at the same time.” He told her and then she suddenly burst out laughing. “It is kind of funny.” “No not that, well yes that but the chicken outfits?” She nearly had tears in her eyes. “You put yourself through all that just to humiliate him?” “Hey he had it coming and it was a small price to pay,” Peter told her honestly. Jen just shook her head out of everything that had happened the fact that Peter Parker was Spider-Man was something she knew she would be thinking about for days to come. Still she was getting side tracked and she started to unbutton her blouse. “You know I think we’re getting off track here,” She undid the garment and tossed it aside giving him a good look at her purple bra as it held her rather impressive chest. “Well don’t just stand there staring at my tits, give a girl a show Spider-Stud.” That snapped Peter from looking at the nice looking purple bra a nice looking one that seemed to somehow hold and lift her assets. He took hold of his top and pulled it off. “Slowly,” She grinned at him sitting back. “I feel like we need some strip club music going,” Peter slowly took off his shirt trying to make a show of it. He pulled off the gloves and the web shooters next as she took a look over his form. She-Hulk walked forward as she ran her hands over his chest, “Very nice.” “No kidding,” He replied as he was basically looking right at her breasts from his height. She knew that most guys couldn’t help themselves as she wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him in into her cleavage. She felt his hands running over her spine as he was kissing the area between her large mounds. She liked what he was doing as she ran her own hands through his short brown hair. Peter could feel the large tits next to each side of his face, she smelled great too. They felt very firm with very little give to them not totally hard but there was a bit of a solid feel to them. He couldn’t help it he had to test that ass of hers as his hands went down as he kissed her sternum he reached down and cupped her ass. It was the firmest ass he had ever felt in his entire life as he gave it a few squeezes. Although great he had to see them now, he had to see the pair of gamma twins on her chest and once and for all see how she looked topless. He used one hand and with skilled practice unhooked her bra, given all the times he had done that with MJ alone he had gotten pretty skilled. Jen felt him undo her bra and decided she really needed to free her assets, she needed to feel his hands on her. She pulled him back as she smiled and removed the garment as his eyes went right to her chest. “I know what you’re thinking, green a real shocker,” She smirked commenting on her nipples. “Figured but I always wondered what color,” Peter told her as her nipples were actual a dark green standing out among her bright green skin. “Now I want to know how they taste.” He leaned in and took one of the hardening nubs into his mouth.” Jen laughed at first before humming her appreciation for his energetic response as his mouth went to work hardening her nipple in his mouth. Peter made sure that it was hard before switching to the next one his hands going up to caress both breasts. They certainly were the most firm pair of tits he had ever felt but there was a softness and give to them. “Do that harder I can take it,” She told him caressing his shoulders. He slowly fondled them harder with his hands slowly increasing his strength, one reason to make sure he did it the way she liked and also he was used to slowly using his strength as most of his sexual experiences were with people with more normal bodies. It was only with Carol that he didn’t have to worry about hurting her but he was still used to controlling himself. “Oh yeah squeeze my tits hard that’s how I like it, bite my nipple,” Jen instructed him feeling herself getting worked up. Because her body could take so much punishment she found that she enjoyed herself when things got rough.  She moaned feeling his teeth dig into her nipple as he pulled on it slightly she even felt his tongue running over the nub as well. She wasn’t sure how much more teasing she could take at the moment as she undid her skirt and let it fall to the ground. She stepped out of it and kicked it away. She pulled him away from her chest wanting to see what he had to work with. “Let me have some fun now,” She told him as she sunk to her knees and judging from the bulge in his pants she was in for a treat. She licked her lips as she slowly pulled off the belt and then slowly pulled down his pants. She saw the boxers and pulled them down and out popped his erection. “Oh very nice.” She ran her hand over it as she couldn’t wait to feel that inside of her but first a bit of a taste. Jen took the tip into her mouth slightly suckling on it. Peter moaned feeling her play with the tip as she was basically suckling on it and running her tongue over it. He leaned his head back to enjoy the sensation of the sensational She-Hulk starting to give him head. Then to his surprise she suddenly took him all the way into her mouth and slightly into her throat. He looked down in surprise as she looked up with him and winked. Only MJ had been able to take him all in like that before. Then she started humming and good god that felt amazing. “Oh shit that feels so good,” He told her running his hands through her long hair. She kept moaning as she slowly bobbed her head back and forth. One of her hands went to her panties as she started rubbing the front of her pussy. Already a small damp spot was there as she starting rubbing it faster as she starting going faster with her head. Then she decided to give him a special surprise as she grabbed his ass and it felt as good as it looked enjoying kneading it and then took his entire cock. She sucked the entire thing and kept it there Peter grabbed her head and she was glad he didn’t cum, some guys did when she pulled this move off as even her throat started working it a little. Eventually she had to stop as she pulled out and gasped for breath a long trail of saliva connected his cock to her open mouth as she wiped her mouth clean. She-Hulk grinned as she laid on her back pulling him on top of her and kissed him deeply. Peter returned it as their tongues battled it out as her hands gripped his ass as his body pressed into her boobs. “Take my panties off,” Jen told him. “I love the feeling of a man taking them off me.” Peter got to his knees as he grabbed the purple garments and pulled them off her long and very toned legs.  He took a moment to run his hands over them, they were very smooth and he could feel the power of the muscles there. Looking down at the green skinned goddess below him she was the perfect blend of muscles and sexuality. She had a perfect sex of abs on her and he couldn’t help but watched her green breasts rise and fall with the dark green tips. Her completely shaved pussy slightly open and wet waiting for his arrival, her face had the kind of movie star quality most women would want. Suddenly he remembered something before they started. “Shit hold on I think I got a condom in my belt,” Peter had started carrying those around given what was going on with him lately he just hoped when he went to get a spare web cartridge he never pulled one of those out. She-Hulk pulled him back down onto her by using her long legs to grab hold of him around his waist, “Don’t worry about it. I had Reed make me a special implant.” “Special?” “My body is filled with gamma radiation and my body can regenerate from damage. Found that a normal one burns up quickly when inside my body so I had to have Reed made me a special one. Now enough science talk and fuck me with that nice cock of yours.” She told him. Although it had been funny how she had to talk to Reed about it, he had been so flustered. She could have tried normal methods but most drugs didn’t affect her unless they were in the kind of quantity that would make a normal woman sick or kill them. Peter adjusted himself and lined himself up with her opening and pushed in. “Oh god you’re tight,” Peter was surprised by the strength of her inner walls as he pushed them apart with his hard rod. Plus she was so much warmer inside than any other woman he had ever felt before. “Oh yeeessss,” She-Hulk moaned feeling him slowly entering her body. “God there is nothing better than a nice hard and big dick inside of me. Push it all in Peter, I want you to fuck me with that thing.” Peter thrust down as hard as he could knowing she could take it and the practice with Carol got him more confident in letting go. She cried out as she spread her legs her hands going to his ass as she helped him to slam into her with nice slow but hard thrusts. “God yes! Fuck me! Fuck me through the god damn floor!” She cried out. Peter had to grunt with effort as he slammed into her as hard as he could, he was thankful that the floors of the building were all reinforced given all the villains that tended to attack the place. He really did try to fuck her through the floor his face was leveled with her chest as he could see her twins bounce with every thrust. He couldn’t help it as he grabbed them again with both hands. “Yes, harder! Grip them harder Peter!” She cried out as she could take his full weight on her chest if she had to without much problem. His hands dug into the firm flesh and gripped them using them as leverage to help him move making her scream out even more. “Talk dirty to me,” She told him as she loved dirty talk it really got her going. “Come on, call me a bitch, tell me to take your huge cock, split me in two with that fucker!” Peter wasn’t used to dirty talk like she most likely wanted but he gave it a try. “Take it, take all my cock in that green pussy of yours!” “Yes, I’ll take it all!” “I’m going to pound your pussy into the shape of my cock!” “Oh god yes! Do it, fuck me hard you Spider-Stud you!” She-Hulk lost herself in her lust as she could feel her orgasm coming. She couldn’t wait to feel that pulsing sensation of his dick as it shot his load all over her insides. “I think I’ve about to cum,” Peter warned her. “Not yet, I’m almost there, just hold out a little longer please!” Peter tried to hold it off but damn it was just so hot and tight around him that it was hard. He tried to think of something else, he thought of baseball then he remembered that game he went to with Carol, that only got him thinking of Carol naked and the sex with her. That was not helping as he tried everything he could think of to get her off. Finally just when he thought he couldn’t hold out any longer she screamed out as her back arched up her legs wrapped around him and pulled him into her all the way as their groins touched. Peter couldn’t take it as he groaned out as he finally let loose the cum he had been building up to until this moment. They stayed in that position as Peter felt himself finally empty himself and her legs let go of him and he was able to sit back. He pulled out as his semi-hard cock was slick with both of their fluids as he looked down to see a trail of cum slowly seeping out of her body. Jen took in long breaths as she felt the warmth inside of her she reached down between her legs feeling the liquid rubbing if over her sensitive flesh knowing that much more of it was already inside of her. “That was great,” She purred and looked to see his cock hadn’t totally deflated she also took in his appearance as he was all sweaty but it looked good on him with his slim muscular form. She wanted more from him and repositioned herself to be in front of him now her face looking at his cock. She licked her lips and started to lick his member. “Jeez Jen give a guy a little breather,” Peter told her feeling her tongue work its magic. “Oh does the little spider need a break? I thought you were made of more sterner stuff. “How about I help give you something I know most men would kill for?” “What’s that?” Then he saw he shift up slightly and placed his cock between her green orbs he couldn’t believe it he was getting a titty-fuck by She-Hulk. He moaned as his sensitive sick felt the firm mounds wrap around it. Just the tip was able to poke out between the tops of her mounds and she licked his hot tip. For Peter it didn’t take long for him to get hard from the sensations and the view of one of the most desirable heroic women in the world was doing for him. As soon he was hard she turned around to show her ass to him. “Time for one more round there Stud, now fuck me from behind.” “With that kind of ass who can argue,” Peter told her as he ran his hands over her tone green ass. “You better believe that’s one hell of an ass. Now stick that cock in my pussy and let’s get this party started.” He lined his dick up to her glistening cunt as he thrust himself deep inside of his green lover. He grabbed her hips as he fucked her hard with pulling out nearly all the way and then slamming home filling her up completely. She-Hulk cried out in pleasure matching his pace rocking her large body with him. Peter could see her muscular backside flex up with each thrust as he loved seeing her body as sweat started to coat it. She was loving this, she was a woman that either liked to be in control or liked it when the man took control. So many times men were too intimidated to try and take control in sex but he was doing fairly well so far. He was definitely going into her Top Ten maybe even the Top Five eventually but sometimes she liked it a little rougher. She just needed one more thing to really get off. “Pull my fucking hair, do it!” She-Hulk cried out. “Like this?” Peter asked grabbing her long mane of green hair with his fist pulling it back. “Pull back with every thrust!” “Like that?” Peter said as he thrust forward his hips slapping her ass and pulling back making her head jerk back. “Yes! Just like that, fuck me like that!” She cried out loving the sensation. She always was one for hard sex since her body could really take a pounding. His hips slapped against her ass with enough force the fill the room with the loud slapping noises. The only louder sound was Jen’s screaming as she thrust back as hard as she could in that position feeling him slamming his cock filling her up with every thrust. Peter then got from his knees to his feet and he started to slightly rise himself up changing the position of where he was thrusting into her. He was trying to find her sweet spot as he pulled on her hair with every thrust. “AWWWW!” She suddenly screamed out. “Do that again, fuck me right there!” He tried to find the spot as it took him a couple of thrust but he found it. He found the spot that made her scream out as he kept hitting it over and over again. He was surprised her voice hadn’t gone horse with the amount of screaming she was doing. He was thankful the walls were thick the last thing he needed was someone coming inside thinking she was being attacked. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming so fucking hard!” “Do it, cum on my cock,” Peter told her. She suddenly stiffened as her mouth opened in a silent scream for a few seconds before she found her voice and finally screamed out her orgasm. Peter didn’t slow down as he kept the pace. It took her a moment to realize that he hadn’t finished yet and had an idea of how she wanted it to end. “Finish in my mouth, I want to taste your cum.” “Alright,” He had already filled her pussy with his cum before as he pulled out. “Stand up and grab my hair again,” She told him as he did so. He held her long hair up almost like she was nothing more than a slave girl as she worship his cock with her mouth. He thrust his hips into her mouth so close to cumming himself. “Drink it all you sexy slut, drink it all,” Peter moaned out as she pulled his ass forward as his crotch slammed into her face. She felt his dick pulse and hear him cry her name out as she felt the hot liquid shoot down her throat. She moaned out as she kept swallowing his load, for a guy that just came not too long ago he had a lot left over. She had taken more before but he was getting close to reaching her limit until it ran dry. She pulled out and gave his softening cock a few more sucks taking all of the mixed juices still on it into her mouth and swallowing that too. At first she hadn’t liked the taste of cum all that much for she found that for herself it was an acquired taste. Peter left go of her hair as both of them felt the need to rest up and laid on the floor next to each other. As the two relaxed on the floor next to each other, Jen with a very pleased expression on her face Peter got a more worried look. He looked over at the green amazon and it had been amazing sex like he had always fantasized about although he had been surprised by how she liked it a bit rough. Then he felt the guilt starting to kick in, here he was again with a woman after sex and there were still the others. Jen saw the look on his face it wasn’t one normally she saw after someone had sex with her. “Hey what’s wrong?” Peter cast her a look and thought about what to tell her but when he thought about it she slept with quite a number of people in the past. Maybe she could help him deal with the issues he had been having trouble with. “Well it’s just that,” Peter wasn’t sure where to start so he just picked a spot. “Normally I don’t get much in the sex and relationships. Usually I get a girlfriend and stick with just that.” “Wait you’re not in a relationship are you?” Jen really hoped he wasn’t there was a lot of things she did and she liked sex but there was no way she wanted to get involved with a man that already was spoken for. That was a line she would never want to cross as to her that would be to her instead of being just a sexual person to a full on slut. “No, no nothing like that,” he assured her. “I broke up with my girlfriend and soon after, well I’ve been having more sex with women than ever for some reason.” She arched an eyebrow as she turned to her side and rested herself on an elbow. “So you’re saying I’m another in a long line?” “Well I wouldn’t say long,” he told her. “It’s just that, although I’m not in a real relationship with any of them I’m worried about this. I feel like I’m cheating on them in a way but I’m not. I just feel really confused and what happens when one of them wants something more exclusive?” “Well you better be honest with her and tell her either you’re not ready or if she’s the one you got to break it off with the other girls.” She told him sternly. “I will at least that’s the plan.” She shrugged, “Then what’s the problem? Look that’s all you have to do, if they can’t handle sharing you outside of a relationship then so what? They can sleep around as well too but if they want more from you, either they get it or they have to break it off with you.” “Kind of a liberal attitude to the whole thing isn’t it?” He asked. She fixed him with a look, “Peter growing up I was a lonely and very introverted girl. While everyone was partying in high school and in college I was hitting the books to become a lawyer. I didn’t have sex until my senior year when my dorm mates finally got me out to a party. I’ll be honest I got drunk and slept with some random guy and I felt like such a whore afterward.” “It took me months to get over it and I even heard after the fact that guy was looking for me and wanted to get together. If I had just stayed and talked to him I could have had a decent relationship for my final year. Instead I blew it and it wasn’t until I got my job in a law office someone asked me out and I finally started to come out of my shell.” She sighed as she laid back onto her back. “I spent so many years wasted because I was afraid or thought of what was ‘proper’ for me. It wasn’t until I became She-Hulk that I suddenly felt free for the first time in my life. I suddenly didn’t care what other people thought about me and I realized that I wanted to enjoy my life. So yeah I sleep around but I sleep around because I want to enjoy my life.” “I don’t go seducing every single guy I meet and I do have my standards and things I won’t do. One of them being I won’t get involved with anyone with a wife or girlfriend. Those men are off limits and it has to be a guy I like for some reason. Whenever I do get into an actual relationship then I get serious about them. I don’t sleep around anymore and they get all my attention.” “Sounds like a simple creed to live by.” He told her listening to everything she sounded like she and him were a lot alike back in the day, both introverted people almost shut out from the world. “It is, life doesn’t have to be complicated,” She turned her head to smile at him. “Look you can sleep around as long as it’s something you want to do and when the time to get serious comes then you get serious. That’s all there is to it and you should really enjoy what life gives you, you said that this has never happened to you so might as well not look the gift horse in the mouth since you don’t know how long this will last.” He had to admit she had a point there, knowing his luck this might just end too soon before he could enjoy it or blow up in his face.  Maybe she was right and he had to enjoy it while it lasted, his life usually had a way of screwing with him maybe this was all the years of all the crap he had to put up with that karma was finally giving him his payoff. “So just out of curiosity…how many women are we talking about?” She asked slyly greeting interested in who else he was seeing. “Well…there’s my ex-girlfriend, not sure if the name Mary Jane Watson means anything but-“ He was cut off by her suddenly. “Wait the red head from Secret Hospital, god I used to love that show it went downhill after she left,” She couldn’t believe that he was with that woman. Thinking back on it she did hear something about her with a long time boyfriend who worked for the Daily Bugle. “Think you can get me her autograph? I loved her on that show.” Peter gave a small laugh, “Yeah sure I don’t see that a problem she’s got this new nightclub she’s opening so if you ever want to meet her I could work in something.” “Oh that sounds really nice, okay whose next?” She said getting excited at the juicy details. “Well my other ex-girlfriend Black Cat.” “Wait the thief or is it former thief?” “I’m thinking it’s former but with her it’s kind of hard to tell, plus she only knows me as Spider-Man. She doesn’t care about the man under the mask only Spider-Man.” “Well that’s stupid.” She told him as he seemed like a really nice guy. “Then there’s Ms. Marvel. We went out on a date before but then things just got busy. We never really officially dated but lately things got sexual between us. After her I hooked up with Rogue.” “Wait, Rogue from the X-Men?” She saw him nod as she winced. “Good god you better hope they don’t find out you do know those two have a long and kind of nasty history between them right?” “Yeah I know.” Peter moaned as he really hoped they never met up. “Plus Rogue doesn’t know I’m Spider-Man I think she’s just looking for a nice normal guy and…I kind of don’t want to spoil that for her.” “Dangerous walk there,” She shook her head. “So anyone else?” “Besides you? ” “Besides me,” she smirked. “Nope.” As the two heroes stared up at the ceiling She-Hulk couldn’t help but feel like she had forgotten something, why had she come here before? She suddenly slapped her forehead as she had completely forgot about asking Sue for advice. “What?” Peter asked. “You wouldn’t happen to know how to deal with a super powered teenager do you?” “Not as such no, I was a high school teacher if that helps?” She paused, “Maybe I’ll hit you up on it for later. First I think I need to track down Sue and ask her for some mom advice. Although I’ll have to get dressed first,” She got up and started shorting out her clothing but paused when she felt eyes on her. “See something you like?” She flirted with him. “Quite a lot actually,” Peter said looking at her firm ass and naked back as she was starting to bend over. She grinned at him, “Later there Webs, let a girl get some work out of the way, we can play again later.” “Sure thing,” Peter told her as she found her panties and passed them to her as he then next found his boxers. “Thanks for the advice by the way.” “No problem just remember life is so short, I wasted a lot of opportunities and I don’t like to waste them anymore. So just enjoy yourself.” “I think I will,” Peter started to feel a bit better, yeah sure he wasn’t some kind of gigolo or Tony Stark but after talking with her she started to feel a bit better about what was going on. Next up Chapter 7: The Mercenary  
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 It felt so strange to Rogue to feel Jean’s tongue in her mouth dancing with her own, but it also felt so nice especially feeling her body pressing and rubbing against her own. Their breasts were rubbing against each other, their hard nipples being pressed into the flesh of each other. She couldn’t believe she was getting into this but after Scott she was still on a nice orgasmic high and she felt herself working herself up again. The soft skin of another girl was not like the hard body of Scott’s, it was different but not all together unpleasant. Jean slowly started to caress Rogue’s breasts under her, it was a unique feeling groping another woman’s breasts but kind of nice, she would prefer this was Scott but this was still nice. Jean had been wondering what it would be like with the girl. She had seen the porn that Scott thought he had hidden in his laptop. She had found it by accident and was not surprised that he had it, or a few that showed girl on girl action or threesomes. It was that, that got Jean thinking about what it would be like, and Rogue was an attractive woman and who seemed to be willing to experiment as well.    Jean placed one of her legs between Rogue’s legs and started to rub it against her pussy. She moaned into her mouth at that and Rogue decided to take the next action as she positioned themselves on their sides with Jean’s leg still between her legs but now Rogue shifted herself and took one of Jean’s breasts in her mouth. “Oh that feels nice Rogue.” Jean said as she leaned her head back as the slightly younger woman started to suck her nipple.  Rogue wasn’t sure how to please another woman but she DID know how to please herself and since they shared the same ‘equipment’ , Rogue figured she could do this. She sucked on Jean’s nipple playing with it with her tongue, as she felt up her other breast and used her other hand on Jean’s ass. Jean moaned in pleasure as she ran her hands through Rogue’s hair arching her back to press her breast more into Rogue’s mouth and tried to concentrate on rubbing her leg against Rogue’s cunt. Rogue then bit the nipple a little and pulled on it gently, she heard Jean gasped and cry out a bit and while still pulling on it slightly ran her tongue against it then let go of it. She kissed it gently and Jean moaned again. Rogue had to admit she was actually starting to enjoy this and then Jean’s leg was removed. She whimpered in protest but then felt two of the red head’s slender fingers enter her and started to simulate her. “Oh yes.” Rogue said in a husky tone as she went to work on Jean’s other breast. She felt Jean’s fingers probe her inner depths and also slowly expanding the fingertips stretching her inner walls causing the sweaty Goth to moan on the breast she was pleasuring which was just fine with Jean since the moaning increased the pleasure she was getting from it. Slowly Jean removed her fingertips after a moment that made a slight protest from Rogue but Jean just smiled and placed Rogue on her back. “Now we get to the more interesting part,” She told her and then Jean turned around and placed her pussy over Rogue’s mouth as Jean started to eat Rogue out. She gasped when she felt Jean’s tongue enter her nether lips. It felt just as good as with Scott had done it to her. “Oh god Jean,” She panted out and decided to returned the favour. She started to caress Jean’s ass with her pale hands and then timidly licked her slit. She heard a slight moan form Jean and decided to go deeper as she felt Jean going into her more. Scott was on the edge of the bed seeing his girlfriend and friend in the 69 position eating each other out. It was incredibly erotic and couldn’t help but stare at the scene as the two women were going at it like love started lesbians as they were really starting to enjoy it. Jean had pulled Rogue’s lips apart with her fingers as she nibbled in her clit and started to finger Rogue with two fingers. Rogue was now grabbing Jean’s ass as she tried to swirl her tongue around Jean’s pussy on the pinkish flesh, sometimes going for the clit and other times probing deep inside her with her tongue. She started sucking on the clit and by now both women were grinding and humping their hips into the faces of the others as each one was moaning. Then Jean took her head off Rogue’s pussy and started to cry out in passion as she was close to an orgasm. “Oh god, oh god, yes, yes, I’m, I’m almost….OH GOOOOODDDDD!” Jean shouted out as she came while still using her fingers inside Rogue.   Jean could hear the slick and wet slurping sound her fingers made inside of Rogue. She was wet from arousal and from the previous orgasm. Rogue’s face was then covered in Jean’s juices as they flowed out of her, she was surprised by this and suddenly her own orgasm hit her as her walls closed around Jean’s fingers, as she cried out a guttural sound into Jean’s pussy.  Both girls were panting for breath and Jean took out her fingers and tasted Rogue’s juices. She slowly got off the panting Rogue who was kind of in a haze at the moment, she had just had two powerful orgasms and she was still processing what just happened. A part of her couldn’t believe Scott and then Jean had just fucked her. She wasn’t sure if this was just some kind of erotic dream. She put a hand to her face and wiped some of the juices on her face. The room smelled heavily of sex and arousal now, the musky scent would be in here for some time she bet. Rogue looked around and she came to the conclusion that she wasn’t dreaming, it looked too real to be one. She could feel the juices on her lips she decided to see what it was like and ran her tongue over her lips. It was kind of strange but noting she couldn’t get used to she guessed.   Jean was laying next to her catching her breath and letting her heart rate slow down some. “Well that…was different…but nice.” Jean said as Rogue just nodded her head slightly. For some reason it had been nice although she think she enjoyed Scott more, sure she got pleasure from Jean but it was no substitute for her for a nice big dick in her, fucking her but she could see herself with a woman she trusted if only to get off. It had been fun, and she was wondering what else would happen today. Jean looked over at Scott and saw that the show they had put on had excited him to the point that he had an erection again and she felt like one more fuck in her. “Hey Rogue…want to make one of Scott’s fantasies come true?” Rogue looked at Scott and grinned. “Okay but who gets what?” “You want to fuck him again or have him eat you out?” Jean asked and Rogue thought about it. “Do you mind if…if I fuck him again?” She asked a bit shyly despite everything she had just done. “I mean you get it all the time and well…” Jean smiled and nodded her head, she should let her get it at least once more. She knew that the girl still had a thing for her boyfriend and after all, Jean knew what it was lick to crave to have Scott fucking her. “Okay Scott go on your back.” The red head said and he was all too eager to replay. Jean sat down gently on his face now facing Rogue. Rogue gently took the large member in her hands as Scott had put on another condom before he got into position. Rogue could feel it throb with his heartbeat as she gently touched it to guide it into her body. She was already pretty wet with what Jean had just done so she didn’t need any foreplay this time. “Ohhhh Scotttt.” Rogue moaned out as she guided the member up into her tunnel inch by inch and moved her hips so it hit different places. She heard him groan into Jean’s pussy as Jean was starting to hump his face, panting a bit form his mouth doing its work on her pussy. Scott knew Jean’s body very well and knew exactly what got her off. A little playing with his tongue to work her up and then she liked to have the tongue thrust in. When she was ready he just needed to suck on her clit and that was all it would take to have her cumming. Rogue was slowly riding him, and felt him go even deeper inside of her banging against her cervix.   “Oh God Scott…I can feel you inside me, you’re so deep, it’s so good.”  She enjoyed him being inside of her, she started to play with her breasts and using her finger tips to roll and pitch her nipples. She moaned softly as she did so wanting to enjoy this and opening her eyes and seeing Jean being eaten out by Scott her body glistening with sweat from their own sex just a few moments before like herself and seeing Jean’s impressive breasts bounce slightly was turning her on. It was strange she never considered herself a very sexual person, she’d seen a porno once with the girls and of course she masturbated, there had been no other way for her to get rid of all the pent up sexual tension she had. This was something different, the real thing was so much better and that it was Scott, it made it perfect. She continued her riding Scott’s member for all it was worth squeezing it as best she could with her inner walls. She would move her hips, grind against him, she experimented with all the different ways his dick could be made to hit her inner flesh. Some things were okay, other things she tried felt really, really nice. Jean arched her back and placed her hands on the headboard behind her as Scott’s tongue was doing its job as it always did. She was panting now heavily and looked at Rogue seeing her she got an idea and with her telekinesis made it seem like many hands were now running all over the goth’s body. Rogue gasped as her eyes went wide in surprise but started to moan as Jean saw Rogue’s hands go to Scott’s chest but could see the slightly younger woman’s body move with her ‘invisible hands’. Rogue felt the ‘hands’ all over her and knew it was Jean, it felt so great. She was tossing her head from side to side starting to ride Scott harder and was no longer moaning as she was grunting with the effort. Scott felt Rogue starting to increase in tempo and kept up with her thrusting up into her as fast and as hard as he could while still pleasuring Jean. He started on her legs and then her ass but how he moved up her stomach and was now on Jean’s breasts. Rogue was so tight and he was trying not to cum until she did. Rogue felt the raising heat inside of her wanting to burst free but it just kept on growing and growing and by now alone with Jean they were shouting out in rapture as they were both building to their release.   “Oh god Scott, I’m nearly there, I’m cumming, I’m cumming…I…I’m-OHHHH GOD! AHHHHH!” Rogue threw her head back feeling herself explode, Scott felt her tighten in a vice like grip trying to milk him for all he was worth and it just then he heard Jean cry out too and her juices flooding his face and tasting her nectar was more then he could handled and grunted out as he released himself into Rogue for the second time. Both women were there just panting, Jean got off Scott’s face and licked up some of her juices from his face and then laid down next to him resting her head on his shoulder. Rogue felt Scott’s dick start to become soft and shrink down inside of her and managed to get her shaking and sweating body off his and laid down next to him on the other side. “Oh god that was…that was so good.” She said in panting breath. “I know,” Jean said she had felt all three of them cum and it was a great new experience. “But I think we had enough for today. So…you in?” She thought about it for a moment, she could back out of it but then again she just had her first ever erotic and sexual experiences of her life thanks to them. And he had really enjoyed it, even though her pussy and inner thighs were sore she still felt great. “Well…Okay I guess. I mean since this happened and all it might be more interesting after all.” Scott grinned, “That a girl, now I think we should rest. We’ll continue on tomorrow in Jean’s room with a few other lessons.” Rogue managed to lift her head, “What do ya mean by that? I just had sex with you, then with Jean and then a fucking three way? What more is there?” Jean grinned as she was slowly running her finger over Scott’s chest. “You’ll find out, you need to experience a lot of different sexual experiences so when they ask questions or need help you can draw on from what you’ve learned,” Rogue was about to ask what when Jean just placed her fingers on her lips. “Don’t worry you’ll find out tomorrow.” -==THE NEXT DAY==- Rogue was in the shower still trying to comprehend yesterday. She sometimes thought it was a dream but she had to clean the covers to her bed from the mess of it as proof. Plus she wasn’t a virgin anymore as she had felt the soreness kick in. And not just in her pussy, her hips, stomach, back and all kinds of muscles felt strained. She left the hot water wash over her skin as she rubbed the soap over her naked form to help relax her muscles. Her body was a bit pale yet after years of training she was lean and had just the right about of muscles on her as most of her baby fat was gone. Her flat stomach now had a little athletic tone to it and her impressive legs looked better now than they had in years. She rubbed the soap over her breasts thinking back to yesterday, thinking of Scott and even Jean’s slender fingers dancing over her flesh. She saw the love bite marks that Scott had put on one of them. She took her right hand and slipped it down to her vagina and then slipped in a couple of fingers. She felt that her hymen was gone, further proof that yesterday did happen. She started to finger herself feeling herself getting wet inside and started to masturbate herself and started to go faster, harder and as deep as she could. She had dropped the soap as she let go of it and used that free hand to caress her neck and slowly work her way down to her round perfect breasts, kneading them and then rolling her nipples. She started to moan and bit her lip not wanting anyone to hear her. She started to finger herself faster and faster, her hips thrusting to meet her fingers thinking of yesterdays. Scott pounding into her, Jean eating her out and also of riding Scott, her moaning increased and she tried her best to keep quiet.   “Oh, oh…AHH!” She allowed herself a small shout of pleasure as she came down off her sexual high and let the warm water relax her. She looked around for her soap and decided to finish up quickly and go and see what her next lesson would be. Later Rogue went to Jean’s room, she knocked on the door and walked in seeing Jean and Scott already there. “Good, so you ready for the next lesson?” Jean asked her. Rogue just nodded feeling herself getting a bit warm with what they had planned next. They told her to take all her clothing off and they followed suit. Scott sat on the bed and already he was getting an erection from seeing them both naked.   “Okay Rogue, next up is oral sex.” Jean explained to her. “You mean…” Rogue looked at Scott’s dick and wondered if she could take it all. Rogue rubbed her shoulders, “Don’t worry just do your best. Besides with guys it’s easy to get them off.” “Hey!” Scott protested hearing her say that. Jean looked at him and tilted her head. “Sorry but it’s true, now let’s get started.” Jean guided Rogue to Scott and the goth girl knelt down a little unsure where to begin. Jean gave her some advice so she started by touching it and stroking it a bit. She saw Scott react and felt the throbbing of the penis in her hands. It was strange as it grew in size and harness. “Lick it.” He told her and he started under it at the base and worked her way to the tip. He grown as she did it, she worked around it licking it and even used a hand on his balls playing with them.. “Now kiss the tip and just go as far as you can, while Jean gets you ready for the next step.” He gave him a questioning look but figured she would know sooner or later. She placed the tip of his cock in her mouth sucking on it lightly. She got up the courage and slowly started to work it more and more in her mouth. Jean got out a small box and sat behind Rogue, she would see that Rogue was getting wet already as a small trail of her juices trailed down one of her legs. Jean couldn’t help but smirked seeing that Rogue was liking this. She opened the box and put on a surgical glove on one hand and then some gel on it.   “Now Rogue after this we’re going to do at least one more sexual position with you and that’s anal.” Rogue nearly jerked her head off Scott’s cock but he held her head there. “Don’t worry we’ll prepare you for it just like I did to myself when Scott asked if we could try it out.” Jean told her gently. “Now I know it hurts at first just like regular sex but a bit more,” Jean told her as she pulled open Rogue’s ass cheeks and then skirted some of the gel on her asshole. Rogue wasn’t sure about this, the gel was cold and she was worried about how it would feel. “Keep going Rogue,” Scott urged her and she did, she started to suck on it as her cheeks hollowed out as he did it and started to bob her head up and down. “Use your tongue.”  He suggested as she tried licking it also, snaking it around and trying all sorts of things and he groaned with pleasure. Scott never knew that she could give such a good blowjob, she was almost as good as Jean but she couldn’t deep throat him it seemed. Jean worked the gel around and then inside Rogue’s ass with just one finger. She heard Rogue gasp with Scott’s dick in her mouth still working it and Jean continued on and then after a moment added another finger. Rogue moaned but wasn’t sure if it was in pain or pleasure. It was too strange a sensation plus she was also trying to get Scott’s member as far as she could but whenever she got to the back of her mouth her gag reflex kicked in and she had to stop. She tried a few more times but still couldn’t control it so she did the best she could. Jean worked Rogue’s ass until it was nice and gelled then pulled out her finger tips and pulled off the glove and placed it in a waste paper basket in her room and when back to the box. She pulled out a small slender dildo next and worked it into her mouth getting it all lubed up. She then gently inserted it into Rogue as she heard a muffled cry. “Don’t worry you need to be stretched or it will hurt a lot more Rogue, but I’ll help you out with this.” Jean then started to rub Rogue’s pussy with her free hand. Rogue wasn’t sure if the slight pain in her ass or the pleasure she felt from her pussy was what was driving her crazy but she increased her rhythm oh Scott’s dick and after a few more moments and Scott’s moaning as he started to hump her face slightly and she felt the pre-cum coming and then the dick throbbing and shuttering and before she knew it he exploded in her mouth. She tried her best to shallow but it was her first time and some of it dribbled out of her mouth. She pulled out and coughed a bit and Jean handed her a tissue to clean up after removing the dildo. Rogue wiped her mouth and looked to see Jean cleaning up Scott’s member with her own mouth. She swallowed a few more times with the salty tastes of the white cream. After a moment Jean and Scott were finished and looked to Rogue. “Okay get on the bed.” He told her, “Flat on your stomach.” She hesitated for a bit, “Are you sure we have to do this?” “Rogue you need to know everything I know I wasn’t sure at first,” Jean said to her, “But truth is I learned to like it.” Rogue took a breath and got up and on the bed, Scott placed a pillow under her stomach and then he started to work her pussy, Rogue had been close to an orgasm before Scott came in her mouth and now she was getting that great feeling again, she knew he was just working her up and getting her to loosen up and she was glad for it. Then he suddenly stopped and felt him spread her ass cheeks and tensed up. “Rogue, relax.” He told her as he placed the head of his cock against her virgin asshole but he still could tell she was tensed, “Jean?” He looked to her and Jean nodded and she sent Rogue a relaxing sensation as she got less tense and then Scott slowly entered her again. “Uhhh.” Rogue tried to bit her lip as he entered her like that and shut her eyes. It was painful at first but Scott was gentle as he eased his way into her. Scott tried to go as easy as possible even though the tightness of her ass made him want to hump her silly but he had better control then to go on impulse. After slowly getting himself all in and Rogue had a fist full of the bed covers in her hands he solely pulled out and then back in again. He massaged her back as he did so trying to relax her as best he could. She had to admit it helped and after a while the pain started to lessen and Scott lain down on top of her. He snaked a hand under her and stared to finger her cunt as he slowly started to hump her. Jean had gotten so turned on by seeing Rogue give Scott head, that she needed some relief. She sat there as she gently put her fingers into her pussy, as she masturbated as she watched the two of them. As a telepath she could feel their pleasure and it was really hard to ignore this. She opened her mind to Scott and suddenly she could feel everything he felt. She had never felt Scott fuck another girl, Jean had opened the link between them while having sex with each other. But with another girl it was so different, it gave her an idea that some time later she would have to see if she could link all three of their minds together. After a moment Scott started to hump her harder and Rogue found she was starting to get into it. Scott grunted with each trust as his hips pounded into her ass and something in her just gave in and decided to get into this. “Yes. Fuck me. Fuck my ass. Fuck me hard! Fuck me until I bleed!” She shouted out to him and this was a major turn on to him, he loved it when Jean talked dirty and Rogue was getting good at this. “Okay then you asked for it.” He got off her and grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her fast and hard. She flung her head back and screamed out in a mixture of pain and pleasure and he nearly stopped until she shouted at him not to stop. Scott was working on Rogue so much that he was starting to work up a sweat as was she as she thrusted back into him. “Oh god Rogue you feel so good, I’m going to cum in your ass.” He said to her since he hadn’t bothered with a condom this time since she couldn’t get pregnant this way. “Yes! Do it, cum inside me!” She begged him and she felt his thrusts becoming less uniform and a bit more wild and then he did a few more thrusts and slammed hard one last time and he called out her name and she felt him cum inside her. The sensation got her off too and she yelled out in pleasure. Panting Scott pulled out as Jean helped him to clean off and then saw to Rogue. Her ass was killing her but she was amazed she still got off on that and wondered just what more could they do? -=A FEW DAYS LATER=- The next few days Scott and Jean taught Rogue everything they had found out about sex with each other, they did bondage, using blindfolds, role playing, spanking which Rogue was surprised that she really enjoyed and a few other things. Rogue had experienced more erotica sexual behaviour then she had known was possible and to her surprise she loved it. She had a lot of lost time to catch up with and with Jean and Scott she lived out every fantasy she ever had.  They had told her that they were surprised that she turned out to have a very willing sexual side to herself and she was surprised just like them. She never knew she had this side and at first she felt like a slut but a talk with Jean made her feel better about this. That it was totally natural to let your sexual side out and now she revelled in her new found sexual side and couldn’t wait to teach the others. They were now in the room reserved for teaching, it had the usual stuff like desks, chalk board and stuff but they also moved in a portable bed and a few boxes of ‘teaching supplies’ also. “You sure this is a good idea?” Rogue asked a bit nervously. “Trust us Rogue,” Scott said with a smile, “Everyone will enjoy this and it will just take a little ‘help’ from Jean for them to get in the right state of mind for this too.” “Like with me.” She stated although to be fair she wouldn’t have changed a thing. Jean walked in and smiled, “Well class is about to begin.” TO BE CONTINUED Next up Class is in session
Chapter 0 - Sena and Suzuna
Disclaimer: I don’t own Eyeshield 21 or any of the characters and I don’t make a profit from this.  Sena and Suzuna  A young boy was on the field of Deimon Private Senior High School, he was in the red football uniform with the number 21 and an eyeshield in his helmet. This was Sena Kobayakawa; at first glance you wouldn’t think much of the short boy with dark spiky hair. For the longest time he had done odd jobs and tried to run away from bullies, at least he had before a year earlier. A year ago he had joined the American Football Club of this school, the Devil Bats.  That was when his life had changed and for the best. He had known great fear, pain, hardship and tears but he had also known great rivals, great heights and he knew that he would not change a thing. All the accomplishments he had with winning at the Christmas Bowl to tying with the American league, last year had been simply amazing.  He was now known as Eyeshield 21, a title for the strongest that was once a lie but now he had made it his own. He was also now the captain for the Devil Bats, although he missed those members of the team that had gone on he would never forget them or all the others he played with or against.  “Alright let’s run the practice one more time,” Sena told his team, they were currently making practice games to help the new members get a handle of them so they could use them at any point.  The ball was snapped to the new quarterback and was thrown. Sena caught it and easily moved through the entire wall of bodies and opposition.  “Yaaaa Sena!” Cried out the cheerleader captain, it was a bit funny how the captain of the cheerleaders not only did not go to their school but was the opposite of the rest. All of them were average height, good looks and well endowed they were the type of girls men dreamed of. The captain however, well she was short, flat chested but she was very cute girl with short black hair. She was also the most energetic and could rally the crowd at any time.  This was Suzuna Taki, in her cheering outfit, the red two piece uniform that showed off a lot of skin, with working devil wings and a tail. She also kept on her rollerblade something she ever rarely took off. She cheered as Sena got to the goal. She had been cheering for him ever since she had met him in America as she had been looking for her idiot brother, who was also now a member of this team.  She looked on fondly as Sena looked at her as their eyes locked. He would only look at her and she was pleased by that, ever since they first met she had felt that there was something about him. When she had seen him run for the first time in an American tryout she had known that there was something special about this boy. For over a year she had watched him grow and become the strongest running back in all of Japan if not the world. She was proud of him and something else even though she had tried to hid it.  “Oh the captain is making love eyes at the football captain again,” one of the girls teased. “They would make such a cute couple no?” Another giggled. “Aya, it would be the perfect high school romance,” a dark skinned cheerleader sighed. “Cheerleading captain and football captain together.” “Enough of that, Sena is my friend!” Suzuna blushed as she scolded her teammates. “Oh? Then how come he hasn’t gone out with another girl? He’s been confessed to by a few by now right?” The blonde cheerleader asked innocently.   “He’s just really busy is all,” she defended although there was a part of her that was glad for that. She knew it was a bit selfish but she enjoyed the time she got to spend with Sena. If Sena got a girlfriend she might not see him as much. Practice eventually ended as Sena put away his gear, he was putting away all the items from training so he was the last to leave and lock up. He didn’t mind, after all he liked helping other people plus as Captain and in charge of the club he felt it was his responsibility now. He was now back in his school uniform with his backpack after locking up. “I knew you’d still be here,” Suzuna said making the boy jump in surprise. She was in her own school uniform although since she was from another school it was more the sailor school girl uniform unlike at this school which had a more modern take on uniforms. “You scared me,” Sena told her seeing her just smile at him. He smile back, she was one of those people he found that you just couldn’t be mad at, well he was never really mad at anyone really. “How come you’re always waiting for me after school?” “What, you’re tired of my company already?” She asked placing her hands on her hips. “No! Nothing like that I was just curious.” He said quickly he actually didn’t mind her company in fact he enjoyed it. She quickly smiled at him, “good, come on I’ll race you!” She took off on her rollerblades before he could reply. Normally people might think that racing a person on foot with rollerblades was cheating but given how fast he could run, it was the only way she could keep up. Plus the lead she had wouldn’t last long. She soon found him by her side running with her, she smiled at that. As they moved together quickly she enjoyed these moments with him. They moved through crowds, obstacles and everything else in their way with practiced ease. She loved these moments together with him, rushing through the world together it felt right. She cast a look and their faces met, both smiled at each other. They had made it halfway to his place, as it was closer, when she felt something hit her face. She paused and felt something else. She placed her hand on her face and felt the wet drops. Looking up she noticed the dark clouds that were quickly moving in. “Suzuna?” Sena asked as he had stopped when she had. Then he felt a few drops himself as he looked up. “That doesn’t look good.” And then it started quickly, a flash rainfall had started. Both teenagers suddenly found themselves like a lot of others, without an umbrella in the rain fall. They tried to make their way but even as fast as they could move they were getting soaked. Suzuna saw a place they could get out of the rain and pulled him into it. They ended up in front of some kind of hotel by the looks of the outside. “Oh man I’m drenched,” Suzuna groaned looking at her school bag she doubted the cheerleading clothing escaped either. Well they were going to get washed anyway. “Yeah same here,” Sena said shaking out the water from his clothing as best he could. He looked out at the rain, it was really coming down. “I don’t think it’s going to stop anytime soon.” Suzuna had to agree, “So we’re stuck here then? This could last an hour or so, and if we stay out here like this we’re going to get really sick.” “Well...should we go inside?” He asked her. “Maybe they’ll let us stay in the lobby?” She looked and it was a pretty small lobby and doubted it. “We might have to get a room.” “That might be expensive,” he sighed wondering if they had enough for one night if they had to. Suzuna nodded and then noticed a sign on the wall just inside the lobby. It looked to be prices for the rooms and for some odd reason they were priced by the hour, several hours or a full night. She pointed it out to Sena as he took a look. “I wonder what kind of hotel has these kinds of rates?” He wondered outloud. “Who cares we can at least wait out the storm and get dry,” she told him grabbing his hand and going to the glass doors and to the front desk. The man behind it took one look at them, “Sorry but I can’t let middle schoolers in here.” “Hey, we’re high schoolers!” Suzuna said slightly angry as she dug out her student identification. She elbowed Sena as he did the same. The man took a careful look at them and they seemed legitimate. He shrugged as they seemed real enough. After asking for how long they wanted to stay he gave them a room key and told them were to go. Eventually they found the room, walking in the place seemed a little odd. There was a central bed and everything was neat and tidy like all hotel rooms but there was just something that seemed different for some reason they couldn’t put into words. There seemed to be a TV in the wall and a few large drawers. Sena noticed one of the odd things, “Hey I don’t think there are any closets here.” Suzuna looked and noticed it, “maybe it’s because we booked a three hour room only.” “That might be it,” he agreed that was what was odd about the room. The place didn’t look like the kind of place you stay for long periods of time. “We better do something about our clothing.” Suzuna looked into a small room and round the bathroom, “Well we can shower and hang our clothing to dry.” “Well what do we wear then?” He asked. She went in and came back out with two white fluffy robes, “Here we go, you should go in first.” “Huh...why me?” “Because I’m going to have to hang my underwear in the shower and do you want to see them?” She asked him blushing a bit. He turned bright red at the thought. -Later- Sena was in a robe sitting on the bed feeling a little nervous, just in the next room Suzuna was showering. The image of her naked under the water quickly entered his mind he shook his head quickly trying to get rid of the image. He hadn’t thought of her like that since that day at the public baths. He thought of her naked then too. He sighed to himself the truth was that she had been the only girl he had ever thought of in that way. Ever since he had ran into her in America, he and Suzuna had pretty much been together. He smiled at all the times they had together and honestly, he didn’t want them to end. She was so full of life and energy that it was hard not to feel the same with her. Plus there was something else, for awhile now he knew that his feelings for her were more than just friendship. They were very close and he felt comfortable around her. Plus she was very cute as well he thought blushing slightly. But she only saw him as a friend and he didn’t want to ruin anything between them. Suzuna was drying off as she looked at herself in the mirror and signed at her image. Looking down she could see that she had the body of a child in her mind. Would any boy find her desirable? At least those that weren’t lolicons she added to herself. Looking at the door she felt a longing that a certain someone would see her as more of a woman. She knew it was a silly idea but a part of her did want it. Sena was the most interesting, kind and amazing boy she had ever met. She knew there was something special about him and all this time she couldn’t help it. She had agonized over it after the American tournament but she had finally come to terms with it. She had fallen for Sena, she knew it but she never acted on it. Their friendship meant more to her, but it would be so nice if they could be more. She put on her robe and entered into the other room, she smiled seeing him look around the room like a kid. Sometimes he could be like that and it only made him seem so cute to her. She sat down next to him and sighed. “That feels better.” “Yeah it does,” he agreed it felt better to get out of those wet clothing. He cast a sideways look and noticed how cute she looked with damp hair and for just a moment he caught her robe slightly open and he got a small peek at her chest. He quickly averted his eyes but he knew that under that robe she was naked. He was sitting next to a girl that only had one piece of clothing on. He felt an erection starting to happen and quickly tried to think of something else that was the last thing he needed to happen and for her to see it. He noticed a book and got it, “hey I wonder what this is.” She looked curiously as he took the book and opened it to a random page. It looked like some kind of journal with different entries. In fact they were all in different hand writings. “We’re a teacher and student, this is so wrong but so right,” He read out one confused. “We just eloped, wish us the best of luck,” Suzuna read another and then caught the attention of another line. “We’re cheating on our spouses together, please forgive us but we can’t help it.” “What are these?” Sena asked seeing all the different entries. Suzuna suddenly had a feeling she knew and had to check, she opened a small cabinet and found bottles and a box. She pulled out the both and set them on the top. The box she saw held condoms and reading the label of the lotion it was obviously sex lotion. She turned bright red as she turned to look at Sena shyly. “Oops.” “What do you mean oops?” “We’ll...we seem to be in a love hotel...” She said scratching the back of her head. “W-what?!” He looked at the book and blushed bright red as he realized what the entries were for. She quickly put the book back and looked down at his lap. He really tried not to think about their situation but he couldn’t help it. He was in a love hotel with Suzuna and she only had on a robe. He gulped as he tried not to think about what they could do here. Suzuna sat down next to him silently as she fiddled with her robe, she never thought she would get into a place like this before. She hadn’t noticed because of the rain what kind of hotel this was but sitting here with him now, it was giving her ideas. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking it but when would she ever have a chance like this? She knew it was stupid but even if it was just one moment she wanted to at least try. She would never know unless she tried something but how to breach the subject? Sena wanting to get something else on their minds saw a remote for the TV. “H-How about something to watch?” The TV came on and what they didn’t know was that the hotel had its own special programming. “Oh yes, fuck me like that!” a naked woman said as an equally naked man fucked her from behind, as the camera was showing the two teens everything that they were doing to each other. “Yeah you like it like that don’t you!” He shouted out to her. The two red faced teens could only watch in silence as the two adults continued to fuck on the porno that was showing. “I-I-I didn’t know!” He quickly changed the channel. Only to have one with two women having sex, he tried again to a scene with a man on her hands and knees sucking off a man while another fucked her from behind. Another channel showed a guy with two women. Eventually he turned off the TV and placed the remote on the table. Both of them couldn’t face the other and Sena was trying hard not to show that he had been getting an erection. This was horrible he thought, he figured she might think him some kind of pervert or something. Not that it was his fault those had been on but this was just not helping matters. Suzuna shifted as she tried to calm down, she wasn’t angry, she was actually slightly turned on. Watching those scenes hadn’t helped her with her own thoughts, now she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if he did things like that to her. She couldn’t take it anymore, she had to do something or she might go crazy. She knew it was stupid but she didn’t care anymore. “Hey Sena...you want to...do it?” She asked him shyly. “W-what?” He wasn’t sure if he had heard her right. “Y-you heard me!” she said forcefully. “I wanted to know if you wanted to do...that...with me...” He was silent as he tried to process things, she wanted to have sex with him? He was honestly just having a hard time believing that any of this was actually happening to him. Although a part of him could see her naked flesh a bit from under the robe. He could feel the temptation there but should he and that was what was making him pause. She looked dejected as he didn’t say anything, “You don’t then...I’m not good enough? Or do you not find me sexy? I know I look like a child compared to other girls, I can’t help that but if you don’t like me like that then forget it.” She quickly turned away a bit surprised by how much his rejection hurt. She felt tears in her eyes but fought against them. Seeing her like this snapped him out of it, “That’s not it! It’s just sudden is all, I always thought you were pretty!” He shut up realizing that he had thought she had always been pretty. She looked back at him feeling her heart starting to race, “Really? You’re not just saying that?” “No I’m not, I always thought that about you Suzuna but I thought...well that you only saw me as a friend...” he blushed feeling very self conscious at the moment. She smiled at him as she leaned forward surprising him. “Then maybe this will help tell you how I really feel about you.” She leaned in and kissed him. This wasn’t a kiss to the cheek or anything friendly, this was a kiss on the lips. A very heated and passionate kiss as her arms slowly wrapped around his head pulling him in. He was shocked at first but her lips were so soft and felt so nice and his body was still slightly ‘excited’ from those movies. He kissed back as his hands wrapped around her waist. The two kissed each other losing track of time, they were just enjoying it as they let out all kinds of hidden and suppressed emotions for each other. Some they knew had been there, others came as surprises as they went deeper and deeper until they had to pull back for air. Both looked into each other’s eyes, breathing hard and looking deep into the soul of the other. In that moment, in that one small and perfect moment, they knew. They knew that they had made the right choice, that this was something between them that would have always happened in one way or another. She licked her lips as she smiled at him. “That was great.” He nodded in agreement. Although the kissing was good she wanted more, she slowly pulled back as her hands undid the not in the sash of at her waist. Sena could only stare as she slowly undid it and then she paused as if to reconsider her actions but then she pulled open her robe. For the first time he saw a naked woman in the flesh before him. Although she wasn’t like those women on the TV a moment ago he wanted her. Her breasts although small were cute to him and fit her, he saw that she had very small nipples that stuck out. He swallowed hard at the sight, feeling his own excitement building as he was finding it hard to think straight. She leaned forward and undid his own robe as she exposed his top. Suzuna ran her hands over his front, although he had a slim build his football experience really made him surprisingly muscular. She leaned in and started to kiss his neck as she pressed her naked chest to his. He could feel the soft breasts pressing and rubbing against his chest as his arms wrapped around her waist.“Suzuna,” He moaned out as he ran his hands over her smooth back. Her skin was so soft and smooth that he wanted to touch every part of her. He felt her hot breath against his neck as she placed small kisses there. She took a hand and led it to her chest, “I know it’s not much but you can play with them too.” “They feel so soft,” He told her as he used the palm of his free hand to rub over the small breast. It was small but it was a real breast. He could feel the nipple harden slightly under his palm.  She moaned out slightly against him. She reached down with one hand as there was something she was really interested in touching. She reached inside the robe and found his dick. It was so hard in her hands as she gently ran her hand over it. “Ah!” He jumped feeling her soft hand gently caressing the shaft. “Does it feel good?” “Yes it does,” he told her as he kissed her own neck this time. She moaned out as she pulled him into her neck. Slowly she lowered herself onto her back as he got on top of her, they shifted slightly to get more comfortable before going on. He kissed his way down her neck as he got to the spot between her breasts. “Oh god that feels so nice Sena,” she told him as she ran her hands through his hair. Her skin was very fresh from the shower and he slowly moved his kisses to her breast. He took the nipple into his mouth sucking on it slightly. “Ah!” she felt like a small jolt of electricity go through her body. It felt really good what he was doing to her body. For the next few minutes they continued to play around with each other, exploring their bodies together. Suzuna couldn’t take it much longer she wanted to feel him inside of her. “Hey go grab one of those condoms will you.” “Uh, oh right,” He realized that they would need one just in case. He found the box full of them they had found earlier. He got rid of the robe and quickly took one of them out. Sena wasn’t sure how to open one of them. He saw the jagged part and figured it was like a chip bag. He managed to rip it open and pulled it out. It was kind of slick, which he was surprised by. He looked at it slightly confused. “What is it?” Suzuna asked. “I’m not sure which way this goes,” he asked. “Well I wouldn’t know either.” Suzuna told him. Seeing the tip part he managed to figure it out as he tried to put the thing on. No one ever told about how hard this could be when you weren’t sure about them. Sena got it on and was thankful he kept his erection. He turned and saw that Suzuna had thrown her own robe away. She was now completely naked and he could see her in all her glory. He also saw that she was totally shaved between her legs. “W-what? Don’t stare it’s embarrassing,” she told him. “S-sorry,” he muttered although he really did like the sight of her naked. He moved towards her as he got on the bed with her. She laid herself on top as he got in front of her on his knees. He had his penis in one hand as he placed it at her entrance. “I’m, I’m going to put it in okay?” He asked her. She nodded her head and gasped as she felt the tip slowly entering her it felt so much bigger than it looked, well it did look big to her at least but she closed her eyes as she felt like it wouldn’t fit. She bit her lip feeling pain of being stretched out for the first time she was grateful that from all the rollerblading and cheering she had already torn her hymen most of the way. It was painful enough for her already. She took a breath as she felt him pushing further in. She knew there might be a bit of blood but she didn’t want to look. She held him close to stop him from moving. “Just a second, give me a minute to adjust,” she told him. She took a few deep breaths as she felt her insides sting from his entry. Slowly it started to fade a bit so when she felt she was ready she nodded her head. He pulled back gently and slowly go back in. Sena couldn’t believe how tight she felt even with the condom on he could feel a sense of warmth around his member. Her body was gripping him in a way that he had never felt before, although it was an amazing feeling. “Suzuna, you feel so good,” He told her as he slowly started to fuck gently. “Oh god...Oh god Sena I feel so full! She cried out feeling him hit the back. When she had seen his penis she felt he was nearly six inches in length but he felt bigger inside of her. She held him close as he slowly rocked back and forth. Soon the stinging sensation was starting to lessen. Eventually she started to feel some pleasure. Sena couldn’t believe he was actually having sex with Suzuna, but he was and it felt great. Her body was so warm, she felt so good inside as he thrust over and over into her body. He felt the need to go faster but he did his best to control himself. He wanted to enjoy this as long as possible. So he went a bit faster as he felt her thrust back as best she could. Suzuna moaned out with each thrust, he was feeling even better as time went on she thrust back with her hips. She ran her hands along his back as she felt his muscles move under her finger tips. It was the most incredible thing she had ever felt. She wanted more she wanted him to do more. “Go harder Sena, faster too,” she said. “Are...are you sure?” “Yes!” “Okay, ugh!” He thrust even harder into her small body as she cried out in joy at the sensation. “Oh yes!, Yes that feels great! Don’t stop Sena!” They continued on as one of her hands went to the bed sheets and balled it up into her first as she cried out with each thrust. She loved this moment, she loved him and now she could show him how she felt. She felt like she was reaching her own little heaven with him in this moment in time. “Suzuna-I think...I think I’m about to...” Sena couldn’t finish as he felt his body thrusting faster and faster as it got ready to finish. “It’s okay Sena, I’m ready! Please cum, make me cum with you!” She cried out to him. “I’m...I’m...I’m cumming Suzuna!” He cried out as his hips thrust three last times, each thrust he could feel himself shooting some of his semen as it tried to get into her body. The condom held as he felt her tighten up around him both her arms and legs as they wrapped around him and how her pussy also wrapped tightly around him. If he thought she was tight before she was really tight when she came. She called out as she came for the first time, her first real orgasm from sex as it rushed through her body. She grabbed hold of him out of pure instinct wanting to feel his body pressed against hers as hard as she could. She could feel him pulse inside of her as she knew he had came. They stayed like that for a moment before she let go of him, he gently pulled out and rolled to his side. They both panted resting next to each other, both feeling the afterglow of having sex with each other. Sena looked over at her and she looked so sexy as she panted with a bit of sweat on her body. He knew that he would never see her body the same way again. He smiled as he just wanted to watch her, maybe what they had done was rushed but in a way they were always going to end up here. They had been close for years that really, dating first couldn’t have really made them all that much closer. “So...does this mean we’re together then?” He asked. She looked at him, “Of course it does, at least it better, I didn’t give my virginity to you for you to go out with other girls.” She poked him in the ribs. “Okay-okay, Suzuna, I don’t want any other girls just you.” She blushed at his words feeling really happy he had said that. “Good because I am not giving you up to anyone else.” She signed in contentment. “I’m glad that you’re not as fast in bed as you are on the field.” He could only grin blushing at bit at her. She thought he looked so cute in that moment she leaned over to kiss him. After a break they had to clean up, Sena was a little freaked out by the blood on the condom on his dick. Then he noticed the blood slightly on her vagina. “Are you okay!?” She looked down and shrugged, “A little sore and I think I’ll be sore tomorrow but it was worth it. Don’t worry it stopped bleeding it happens for a girl’s first time. Now we better clean up, looks like the rain stopped and we better get home before our families wonder where we are.” “Oh, okay then,” He felt a bit better that she was okay but it was still a little hard to see. He took the condom off and flushed it. They both took a quick shower, together. It was a bit awkward but she said it would be faster. Although Sena was dangerously to getting another erection but given that she said she was sore, he didn’t want to hurt her too much. Plus it was enjoyable when she asked him to help rub soap over her body. They cleaned up and dressed and were about to leave when Suzuna suddenly stopped. “Hey I got an idea,” She said and got the black book as she took a pen that was next to it and started writing, she quickly but it down when they were done and took his arm in hers. “What did you write down?” He asked curious. “Maybe we should come back here again and you can see,” she teased him seeing him blush. We just had sex for the first time, we are best friends who became lovers and it was the best thing we could have done. S & S The End  I always thought these two would make for a cute couple so after finishing reading it I just felt I had to make this.
Chapter 8 - Chapter 8
CHAPTER 8: EXTRA LESSONS Kitty was in her room trying to think of what she had just done. She had sex with Kurt and the thing was it had been great. She never thought Kurt would have been so good but then again he and Amanda had a sexually active relationship for like over a year so she guessed she shouldn’t be surprised. The only thing was she felt like a ‘rookie’ compared to them. She wasn’t sure if she had enough experience for trying Kurt’s fantasy of her and Amanda together and Kitty had never been with a woman yet either. She sighed looking up at her ceiling from her bed. ‘If I don’t want to feel like I don’t know what I’m doing then maybe I should get some advice.’ She remembered how Jean, Scott and even Rogue were there for any questions or needed help with anything. She really did want to know what to do and maybe Jean and Scott would know they were the most experienced here after all. So she went out of her room and down the halls to the room they shared with each other. She hoped they were there although on the way she could hear something going on in a couple of rooms and she was pretty sure she knew what it was. Kitty blushed at the thought of what was going on but if that moment with Kurt was any indication maybe she shouldn’t care that much. Everyone was having a nice time. She came to their door and knocked. “Guys? You in there?” She heard something but could make it out. So she just phased herself through the door, and stopped dead as she gasped in surprised. There on their bed was a very naked Jean and Scott. Jean was on her hands and knees on the head with Scott behind her fucking her as they were watching a TV. Kitty looked and saw a recording to themselves. In it Jean was riding Scott with a look of pure ecstasy on her face as his hands were kneading her breasts. Kitty was too shocked to move as the scene unfolded, she had seen them naked like this before in class for that she had been prepared this she wasn’t. She gulped as she watched on as they continued on. There was just something about watching them with them not knowing she was there. Like she was also looking in on their most private of moments. “oh-oh god-uh-oh Scott-oh god Scott, oh,” Jean moaned as she Scott had her hips thrusting into her from behind over and over again. He knew how to really work her body by now and was hitting all the spots in her pussy and of course she was clenching her pussy now and then timed to his thrusts making herself feels tighter going in and loose going out. “OH fuck Jean-you’re-so-beautiful-oh yeah,” He moaned out as well as the two of them were watching the small TV with the video of them in the Danger Room. Kitty was just stuck watching Scott’s muscular and well defined body go into Jean in perfect rhythm with Jean. Jean’s large breasts swayed and moved with her body which was still very athletic and trim build and yet very feminine and erotic looking. Kitty didn’t even notice a hand reach for one of her breasts as she started to feel it there teasing herself. She felt herself get hot at the sight of this as another gently went to her crotch. She could feel herself get aroused and wet at the sight of this. Sure a few times she had fantasized about Scott, how could you not? He was good looking, tall and very well shaped. The room was filled with a musky scent that came from heated sex and both Jean and Scott were lost in their own little world, both linked so that they felt each other’s pleasure as they reached the height of their moment. Jean feeling his dick enter her innermost area as he entered her, Scott loved just how tight and warm she was and how she closed her muscles on him went he entered her making her seem even tighter and then loosened up as he withdrew. He also made sure to try and hit all the spots in her that she loved to feel being hit. They knew each other’s bodies so well and they were so very close. Then Scott slowed down and in a few rougher thrust his head tilted back as he yelled out, his semen filling Jean. Jean felt him climax and her fists clenched the sheets as she bit her lip and moaned out loudly as her body began to milk him for what it was worth. Both of them caught their breath and it was then that they had noticed that they had an audience. “Kitty, how long have you been there?” Scott asked pulling out of Jean’s soaking wet pussy. “Uh…well…not…too long,” Although at the moment she couldn’t remember how long, all she could do was blush and look at Scott’s half-erect member covered in Jean and his cum. “So Kitty,” Jean laid down on the bed feeling the need to rest up a bit, “What do we own the surprise? Or did you find out that you like to watch?” They had never had anyone just watch until they started teaching Rogue and that day in class both of them had been very surprised just how into it they got out of them all watching them. Maybe it was the fact that they always just thought of them as so ‘perfect’ and ‘proper’ that they never once thought they could be so free spirited. Well they knew that from this point on she and Scott would never be looked at the same and maybe that was for the best anyway. “Uh…Well you see…” She started to explain why she wanted to come for a little advice although she was blushing the entire time part of her feeling strange about talking about this with them naked and another couldn’t help feel somewhat aroused at it all. Jean smiled and nodded, “Okay then, well I’m glad you came to us and I think we can help you out.” “Really? You can like, give me some pointers or something?” Jean’s smile only grew, “Actually I think the best way would be for you to learn it firsthand.” Jean walked over to the younger and shorter girl and Kitty felt slightly nervous. She could still see some liquids around the red head’s pussy lips from her fuck with Scott. “Tell me have you ever thought of being with another woman or had any experience with it?” “Uh…no…” She admitted. “Well then neither did Rogue or I until not too long ago and I can tell you this you may want to get comfortable with the idea of that if you want to be on a bed with both Kurt and Amanda naked.” That did make sense to her, she knew that Kurt was no problem but then again how do you have sex with a girl? She never really thought about it until now. “So…You want me to…uh…” “It’s okay Kitty we’ll take it nice and slow but if you really want to learn this you might as well start by getting out of your clothing.” Jean said gently to her and Kitty took a breath trying to calm her heart down. She wanted to learn and not act like such a child because of this. The older ones like Scott, Jean and even Rogue the most isolated person she knew seemed to be more open to their sexuality then she was and she didn’t want to be left behind. So she phased right out of her clothing as they landed in a pile around her feet. It was a little trick she learned years ago for help her change faster. Both Jean and Scott took in Kitty young body, she was a petit girl, and a slim figure. Her breasts were smaller then Jean’s but not too bad, she had nice lean legs, a nice flat stomach and neatly trimmed brown batch of pussy hair. “Now then let’s start with the simple things,” Jean then started to slowly run her hands over the young girl’s body. It felt weird but nice for Kitty, then she felt Jean untying her hair and letting it loose. “You know Kitty you should let you hair down more it’s very nice like that.” Scott said looking at the sight before him. She smiled at the comment as Jean’s hand gently roamed over her body. She felt Jean’s hands caress her body, as Jean stood behind her. Jean cupped Kitty’s breasts as her hands started to lightly grip them and massaging them. Kitty whimpered at the touch starting to get a bit more aroused. Jean then started to trail kisses on Kitty’s cheek and down to her neck. Kitty let out a small mew as she leaned her head to the side offering Jean better room. Jean started to lick, kiss and suck a bit on her neck. She hadn’t felt someone like this since the last time she made out with a boy. Kitty was starting to breath heavier as one of Jean’s hands started to roam on down past her stomach and lightly brushed over her pussy hair. She gasped when Jean’s fingers started to caress the folds of her pussy. “Well aren’t we a wet one,” She whispered into her ear and Kitty blushed at the statement.  Scott could only watch as the two girls started to get into it. Jean started to enter Kitty’s pussy with two fingers as Kitty’s free hand went back and touched Jean’s thigh. Kitty’s hand slowly went up until she was cupping Jean’s wet pussy making the older girl sigh in contentment feeling her small delicate fingers there. Kitty felt Jean exploring her with her fingers, feeling them trial trail along her inner walls and when Jean’s finger met her g-spot Kitty gasped deeply and closed her eyes letting out a small moan. Jean turned her around taking their fingers out of each other as Jean kissed Kitty full on the lips. At first she didn’t really respond but she got into it gripped Jean’s ass slightly. The sight was starting to get Scott hard again seeing this and he couldn’t wait for his chance to jump on in. The two women continued to make out a bit, Jean taking in one of Kitty’s breasts swirling her tongue over her nipples making the younger girl even hotter as she felt the warmth in her crotch grow. “I think you’re ready for the next part now Kitty,” Jean smiled both girls a bit flushed and very aroused. Jean walked to the bed and lay on her back spreading her legs for Kitty as an invitation, and the brunette didn’t need to be told what to do next. Kitty crawled over Jean’s sweaty body as she captured the older girl’s mouth with her lips kissing her deeply, she let her hands go over Jean’s body feeling the larger breasts against her, Jean’s erect nipples against her tender flesh as she felt her own erect and sensitive ones on Jean’s skin. Kitty slowly moved down kissing her and caressing her the entire way, taking time to take one of her breasts into her mouth suckling on the tit like a new born for a minute. Jean moaned from Kitty’s attention but then felt a bit disappointment when Kitty let it go and moved on down. Kitty trailed past Jean’s well toned stomach and then to Jean’s pussy. She used her fingers to pull open Jean’s pussy and started to lick around it. “Oh yes Kitty like that. That’s much better…Fuck that’s good, right there.” Kitty stuck her tongue in as far as she could and she still could taste some of Jean’s pussy juice mixed in with Scott’s sperm but she continued on. Scott saw Kitty’s upright ass as a nice invitation and he had always wondered about the girl. So while Kitty was busy eating out Jean, Scott took a condom and put one on. He sat behind Kitty and ran his hands along her back and over her nice little ass. Kitty felt a shiver down her spine feeling Scott’s hands on her body. She couldn’t believe it but she knew what he was going to do and she wanted it. She kind of had a crush on him when she first showed up. She felt his dick at her wet entrance as she really wanted him in her, to feel him inside of her. Scott was teasing her as Kitty moved her ass back trying to get him in. After a little playing he felt she was ready and then slowly started to enter her. Kitty moaned into Jean’s pussy as her hands gripped Jean’s thighs. “I think she likes it Scott,” Jean laughed feeling Kitty tongue and mouth in her pussy. Kitty felt Scott enter and stretch her out, he was very nicely large, a bit bitter then Kurt but Kurt was a bit thicker. She moaned out in Jean’s pussy as she continued to eat the other girl out feeling Scott thrust into her slowly going deeper and deeper with each thrust until she felt his hips hit her ass. Scott gripped her ass as he kept on going into her over and over again. Scott groaned as he felt her around him, “God Kitty… you’re so fucking…tight…” She could only moan in respond feeling him inside of her hitting her g-spot as her hot, tight and wet pussy was gripping him. Jean let out a moan as she reached for her breasts kneading them, taking her nipples and pinch and pull on them slightly. She saw Scott starting to really pound into Kitty and felt the emotions in the room the lust, the excitement and the passion of it all. She was breathing hard as Kitty started to suck on her clit. That was it for Jean as she arched her back and cried out cuming. Kitty tasted her juices as she came lapping it up, then she raised her head, her eyes closed tightly as she grunted alone with Scott as she was so close. She wanted him so badly at that moment, “Oh god Scott…uh…oh please…uhg...god! Ah, I’m ready…oh god am I ready!” She started to whimper a bit and it just turned him on even more. His thrusts became more urgent and then he bent over and fondled her small breasts as he started to hump her erratically until he gave a cry and slammed his hips into her ass hard. Kitty moaned out as she climaxed from Scott’s final thrust and feeling his pulsing member inside of her. Scott’s hips jerked a few times until he pulled out of her. “Damn…well how was that lesson Kitty?” “Oh god…” She moaned out laying down on Jean her head resting on her stomach. “I think she learned a few new tricks,” Jean grinned feeling very satisfied as did the others. ----Bayville---- Rogue was just going to a walk at the moment she wanted to get some air all that sex in the mansion was starting to get to her. Oh hell who was she kidding it was making her fucking horny with hearing moans, groans and cried of passion in certain areas from the less then subtle ones. The thing was she was kind of looking forward to her next experience but she wanted to take a break at least. At the rate the hormones were flying back there she wanted to enjoy the day given that she was most likely to just spend the rest of the week at the mansion getting very sore between her legs but damn it she deserved it. All those fucking years not being able to touch anyone and now she could. She was actually very thankful to both Jean and Scott something she never expected to be. Thanks to them they gave her, her first sexual experiences and boy she wasn’t disappointed. She still had a tape of a few of their ‘lessons’ together in her room. She would watch the tape and masturbate to it imagining Scott’s dick pounding into her body or Jean’s smooth skin against hers. ‘Oh god I got to stop thinking about that,’ She thought to herself trying not to think about all of that stuff that she had done lately, it was starting to turn her on. She felt her body get a bit warmer and that feeling of need started to rise but she pushed it away now was not the time. Although she was starting to consider going back home and seeing if anyone needed any ‘help’ with the project but she could control herself now. ‘God either I’m REALLY just a horny girl inside after all those fucking years without contact or Jean’s been messing with everyone’s mind.’ Now there was a thought, what if by either accident or design Jean had been increasing the parts of the brain that control sexual impulses? Well either way by the end of this she knew everyone would be pretty much fucked out. What she didn’t know was that there was someone shadowing her. For the past few blocks Gambit had been following her, for the past couple of years they had been playing this little game. The one where they flirt/fight with each other and he had to admit it was enjoyable but he also knew one day she would crack. And he had just learned that she now had control over her mutation well he was eager to see where things could lead now that they didn’t have to worry about that little barrier. He grinned to himself as he watched her, she wore a usual green top but stopped with that lose top since she didn’t need it. Although he did like that black miniskirt and fishnets she wore, they really showed up her legs and ass to him. And he had to admit she had a great pair of both among other features as well. He slipped across and alley and quickly moved on ahead of her to cut her off with a surprise. For Rogue she had no idea she was being tailed, one minute she was just enjoying the day and the next a gloved covered hand goes over her mouth and she’s pulled into an alley very quickly. She’s spun around into a wall only to face the familiar red and black eyes of someone that made her both furious and weak in the knees, sometimes at the same time. “What tha hell are ya doing?!” He only grinned at her, “Well Gambit was just wanting to surprise you chere.” She rolled her eyes, his definition of ‘surprise’ should have been redefined by her books. She started to walk off down the alley but she wasn’t surprised when he followed her. “Come on Rogue, Remy was just having some fun.” “Ya call scaring me fun?” She crossed her arms as she turned to face him. He just gave her an impish grin and shrugged. She hated it when he did things like that, but then he moved in close to her and caressed her cheek lightly, “You know Remy heard about dat little bracelet of yours and what it does and Remy was just wondering if you wanted to test it out with him?” She felt like laughing at that but didn’t. If he only knew just how much ‘testing’ she had done so far. But the thing what really irritated her was just how he was always chasing her and she always felt like she was the prey never in control and she was tired of it. ‘Well maybe it’s time I turned the tables on this Swamp rat.’ She grinned at the thought. She suddenly changed her mood and became less tense and seductively moved up against him and started to trail a finger over his face. This was a surprise to him, normally she would have either blushed or insulted him by now not this. “Well then maybe you could but I got to know if you’re man enough for me sugar.” She burred and pushed him back. His back hit a small indentation in the alley a design of the building that went back so he was hidden from anyone just passing by on the street on either end of the alley. He was totally stunned and speechless as Rogue aggressively kissed him, but he wasn’t one to complain. He kissed her back with equal force as they felt their hands caressing and groping each other roughly. He felt her breasts and marvelled at their feel. Rogue felt her tongue dance with his and she was desperate for something now. He broke off the kiss but when he made a move to go forward she pushed him back hard against the wall and smiled at him. “Just wait Remy and I’ll make it worth it but first…I need to test YOU out.” She knelt down and he was wondering what she was doing but then she started to unzip his pants. This wasn’t the first time he had sex in an alleyway but it always added a bit of flair to it with the prospect of being caught. Rogue pulled open his pants and let them drop as she then pulled down his satin boxers to see a partially erect dick in front of her. She smiled at the nice size of it, “Well so far so good but let’s see if we can ‘wake him up’ shall we?” She gently took it in her hand and slowly licked it from tip to base. Remy groaned as he started to wonder just where the hell all this came from and where she learned to do THAT! Rogue started with slow licks over his member feeling it start to grow with his excitement. He was a very nice size when he was finally fully erect. Then she kissed the tips of the dick before slowly and teasingly taking it into her mouth. Remy groaned feeling her take him into her mouth, he started to run his hands through her hair gently as she started to slowly move her head back and forth. She really did know a lot more then he would have figured as she started to suck as her head went back and then ran her tongue along his shaft as she went in farther in. Rogue was glad for the lessons she learned it made this so much easier as she continued on, she smiled at hearing him groan trying to control himself so no one came looking. She kept on taking more and more of him in letting his dick go deeper into her mouth. Then she started to deep throat him, it had taken her time but with Scott to practice on and with Jean’s advice she learned to control her gag reflex as she took him right up to the base. Gambit swore and closed his eyes tightly, he never knew she could do that. As she kept on going Rogue reached up and cupped his balls and started to lightly play with them. Remy was lost for a moment in pleasure that she was giving him, he didn’t notice when his hips started to buck as he started to gently fuck her face. Soon he was breathing a bit hard and felt himself close to an orgasm. Rogue felt the throbbing of his dick and the increased pace and with the taste of precum in her mouth she knew he was close. She picked up the pace herself and then his grip on her head tightened a bit as his hips jerked forward and he let out a long groan as his dick exploded in her mouth. She swallowed his dick all the way letting his sperm shot down her throat taking it all down. Remy stood there a moment catching his breath as she slowly slid the slightly softening member out of her mouth as it was covered in her salvia. She licked her lips as she stood up, “That was nice sugar…and you definitely stand up,” she said with a smile and wiped her mouth. “But if you want more you’ll have to learn how to treat a lady.” Remy grinned at her, “How about I take you to dinner?” Rogue nodded her head, “Now that’s a start.” “See you at seven den?” He asked as he pulled his pants back up. “Sure but not tonight I may be busy…but tomorrow I’m all yours.” She winked at him as she walked off. She felt a bit better about herself now to be honest. All her life she had been reserved and the lonely one. But now she could touch and with Jean and Scott’s help she was now finally opening up. Things were definitely looking more interesting in her life now as she walked home wondering if she should plan out her clothing for the date tomorrow night…Or just find a nice fuck. She mentally shrugged there was time enough for both. NEXT UP CHAPTER 9: HONEYMOON SURPRISE Next up we look at Logan and Ororo but they get an uninvited guest named Mystique.
Chapter 10 - Chapter 10
CHAPTER 10: COUPLES’ FUN Jean was walking through the mansion horny as hell. It wasn’t easy not to be with all the sexual activity around her. It was affecting her the most since she tried shielding her mind but she still felt it around her like Scott’s hands caressing ever inch of her body. While studying mutations she came across something about a theory that mutants had higher sexuality then humans. It had something to do with ensuring the survival of mutants passing on their genes to the next generation and making sure that the mutant species survived. So that would explain a bit about this, when she gave everyone a little ‘nudge’ in that class to shed their inhibitions a bit she guessed that there wasn’t much control at all in that. Another thing was that she was bombarded by sexual dreams and thoughts, and for all she knew her mind was also sending subconsciously those impressions over the mansion. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that last one but it sure seemed that no one really minded. She admitted this to Scott and he just said that they would stop things if they ever got out of control. But like she thought earlier there seemed to be no complaints. In fact things were going more and more sexual lately. It was like everyone was starting to live out their fantasies and explore their sexuality. She even noticed how a few people were actually becoming closer and more trusting as well. She smirked when she thought back to a small competition a few had, they tried to out do the other couple. She had seen Amara naked and sweaty just now riding Ray on the couch as hard and fast as she could. There was also Roberto there naked on a seat with Danielle between his legs sucking him off both looking at the scene. Apparently they were having an endurance challenge since Roberto had a stop watch. She had to shake her head at that with amusement that was something she never thought of. She decided to get rid of some of this sexual energy before she exploded and went to Scott’s room. He found him there but not alone. Just upon entering the room she heard the familiar sounds of sex. She looked in to see Scott giving Rogue the fuck of a life time. Both bodies were naked and covered in sweat, Scott was over Rogue with her legs moved up so her knees were toughing her own breasts and Scott hammering away. Jean grew a bit wet from that as she knew that position allowed for deeper penetration. And from Rogue’s frantic squeals, grunts and moans she was loving it. Rogue was getting some sexual frustration out at the moment she could have gone to anyone else but the truth was she knew Scott could give her the fucking she needed and she didn’t want to waste time experimenting. Plus she did used to have that huge crush and it wasn’t everything you get to fuck with your first major crush anytime you wanted to with the girlfriend not minding or even joining in. “Oh yes Scott! Fuck meh there, right there! Oh yes!” Scott only grunted as he positioned his condom glad dick in and out of her hitting her g-spot. Unfortunately for Jean looking in was only making her hotter and she could feel herself getting wet from this. ‘Damn it, looks like I missed the fun…Well…Maybe I can find someone else to help me out,’ Jean thought leaving the two of them to finish up. Jean however was wondering where to go and who she could try to help her out. ‘Kurt? He might be busy and maybe later, I do wonder what he can do with that tail of his. Bobby? No I think he had been thinking of something special with one of the girls. Jamie? Okay sure he’s a big young but all those clones do have possibilities. Hmmm…Should I try maybe find one of the girls? No I feel the need for someone with a dick at the moment. Fuck! All these damn dirty thoughts and feelings are REALLY stressing on me.’ She sighed, knowing she if she didn’t find relief soon she might blow. Then she got hit by inspiration and a small smile lit her face. She went to a certain room and thought it could be an interesting thing. She was heading for Alex’s room, since she was hoping to marry Scott one day so that would mean he would be her brother in law. So if she ever wanted to see just how well he stacked up to Scott and see if there are certain Summers traits that are genetic. She knocked on his door and when it opened it looked like he had gotten out of the shower, he was in sweats and a towel over his neck. She could also smell the musky scent of sex still in the air, although it was kind of fading. She noticed the camera already set up at the bed and the sheets gone from it as well. “Hey Alex, been busy with the project I see,” Jean smiled. Alex blushed a bit scratching the back of his neck, “Uh, yeah…Laura was here earlier and well…That girl nearly broke me I think.” He chuckled. That girl had one hell of a sexual apatite, more then what he thought anyway. He had rested up for an hour after that and taken a nice long hot shower. “So what’s up?” Jean smiled at him and walked past him to his bed, he could help but notice the extra sway in her hips and his eyes were drawn to that ass of hers. ‘Damn bro you lucked out. Brains, a great rack, legs that go on forever and what an ass,’ He thought to himself before shaking that out of his head. Jean sat down on his bed crossing her legs and leaning a bit back on his head, she smirked seeing his eyes go to her breasts for a split second, ‘Looks like this might be easier then I thought.’ “You know…With all the experimentation going on…it’s kind of left me feeling a little of the psychic spill over.” She told him. “Oh?” Alex never thought what it was like to be a telepath and a few of the side effects of it as well. “Yes, you see Alex it’s left me pretty much…well I guess horny all the time.” Alex gulped a bit, sure he had recovered from Laura but if she was talking about what he thought she was talking about then there was a god. Jean was just perfect and if he was about to get the chance to screw her it would make his week. Although he did worry about what Scott would say to this. Jean, most likely picking up his thoughts smiled at him, “Oh don’t worry. Scott and me have an understanding. Together we’ve already as you seen fucked Rogue and even Kitty.” She nearly laughed seeing Alex’s surprise at that. “She wanted a little girl on girl experience for later.” “Anyways…We figure as long as safety is used…we can sleep with other people,” She explained. She brought up a hand and suggestively started to have it run over the top of her yellow top. “In fact he was giving Rogue the fucking of a life time.” “So…So I guess you’re here because…” She got up off his bed and she was still taller then him but he didn’t mind that one bit. “Yes you got it right. See I wanted to compare you to your brother. See just how close you boys are, physically at least. So what do you say? You ever wanted to try a red head?” “Oh you have no idea…” Alex breathed out. “Go make yourself comfortable…I think you’ll want to savour this moment,” She told him. Alex threw the towel aside and sat down on his bed. Jean used her powers to point the camera at them and she stood in front of Alex. She started to sway her hips to some none existent music as he watched on all grins. She untied the front of her shirt and slowly opened it. Alex’s heart was racing as he saw her large breasts in red lace push up bra that gave her breasts more ‘bounce’ and lift to them. Jean rolled her head as she let the top slip off. She hands her hands over her chest and front her hips moving. “Like what you see?” “Oh yeah, and I would love to see more,” He said enthralled by this. “Well you’re wish is my command then,” Jean unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid the zipped down. She did a small spin as facing away from him. She hooked her thumbs into her jeans and slowly slid them down. She bent down and Alex smiled seeing the matching thong she had on her, and also a nice view of that killer ass it showed off. Jean’s pants hit the floor and she stepped out of them. She looked over her shoulder giving him a wink. She continued to move as her arms went behind her back to the clasp of her bra and undid it. He watch as the bra came off and hit the floor. Jean slowly turned around with her hands over her breasts. Alex couldn’t wait for what was next as she teased him a bit but then she ran her hands down her stomach and he saw her beautiful breasts, they were the best looking ones he had ever seen. They were large, with thick dark pink nipples on them. “I see you liked the little show,” Jean said seeing the pop tent in his pants. She knelt down between his legs and looked up into his face smiling as she moved the waist band of it down. He helped her out and soon she had freed his member. It was a very nice size, “Wow…looks like you and Scott really are alike.” “I guess that means it’s now you’re turn to like what you see,” He grinned. Jean took his member in her hand and slowly trailed her tongue alone the shaft. Alex moaned out feeling this, when she started to work it into her mouth he knew that she had experience. She really knew how to give head, he runs his hands through her long silky hair. Jean slipped a hand down to her crotch slipping it under her panties. While she started to help herself along with this Alex then also used one hand and reached under to one of her breasts. Now she moaned and that only causing him even more pleasure from the vibrations. He moaned as she continued to work her magic although this was nice he didn’t want to blow his load in her mouth. “Jean…If you keep this up…I’m going to cum, I want your pussy…not your mouth when I do…” he gasped out. She stopped and took her mouth off of his member and stood up. Alex gripped her hips and started to place kisses on her flat stomach. Jean moaned out feeling his kisses there as she ran her hands though his thick blond hair. Alex’s hands went to her ass gripping it for a moment, he took the edges of her panties and slipped them off of her. He moved up her body as he took one of those great breasts of hers into his mouth, causing a gasp of pleasure out of her. He used his one hand to cup her pussy feeling around the area and stimulating it. “Jean…I want you…Now…” He told her. “Then how do you want me?” She breathed out. “Get on your hands and knees,” He told her. They disengaged themselves and she got onto his bed her ass sticking out to him. Alex grinned seeing that great ass and ran his hands over it, “Damn…I swear you got one of the best asses Jean.” “Thank you, Scott said the same thing,” She smiled feeling his hands knead the flesh. Alex just had to take her, but first there was one thing he always wanted to do with her. He raised his palm and smacked her ass. “Ah!” Jean jerked with the blow but the slight sting was actually welcomed to her. “Again Alex do it again.” Alex could only grin in lust as he smack her ass again and again. SMACK! “AH!” SMACK! “OH!” SMACK! “Uhhh!” SMACK! “Oh yes!” He kept on spanking her until her ass was red but now he wanted some of that pussy, he could already see a small trail of her juices going down her leg. He placed the head of his cock against her pussy but Jean tensed up, “Wait! Alex put on a condom first,” He warmed him. “Damn, sorry I got caught up.” Alex hurried to his bedside were he kept them and pull one of them out. He hurried to get it open and gave a few curses when he couldn’t get it opened. Jean giggled a bit seeing that and he gave her a mock glare, “That’s one more spank for you missy.” Jean just grinned at him with her green eyes looking like she was looking forward to it. Alex managed to get it open and slip on the condom. He stood behind Jean from the edge of the bed and after giving her that one last smack placed the head of his cock against her slit. He started to rub and tease her there, rubbing it over it and yet not going inside of her. Jean was starting to breath as bit more harder now feeling the pleasure build up but she could never get off like this. After was seemed like an eternity to her she had to have him inside of her, “God please Alex! Just put it in me, I need it.” He gripped her hips and with one smooth motion thrust forward with all his might burying himself up to the hilt in one go. “Awww gawwwd!” Jean cried out at the sudden intrusion but she didn’t mind, after a second she liked it. Alex started to rock himself back and forth entering her incredible pussy, it was to warm, wet and tight. Not as tight as X23 had been but he wasn’t complaining that’s for sure. Jean knew how to work it, and moved her hips as she moved back against him. “You know…I’ve never…seen this…side of you…before.” He said between thrusts. “Thank…Scott…Together we kind of…opened up…to our sexual…side after we started…” Alex nodded as he continued as they found a nice rhythm together. The longer it went the more intense it got, he now had one leg up on the bed hammering away at her. Both now working up a sweat as he bent over gripping her breasts. Jean was moaning out feeling her orgasm coming soon, “Oh yes, oh god, oh Fuck! Alex! I’m cumming!” “Do it, cum for me Jean!” He told her not sure how much longer he could hold off. “Ohhh…uhhhh…ahh…ahhhh…AHHHH!” Jean shut her eyes feeling her climax hit her, her body tightened and Alex managed only a few more thrusts into her. The tightness of her vagina was too much and after three more he stiffened and slammed his hips into her and keeping them locked as close to her as he could as his member pumped out all the sperm it could. Both were panting for a moment until he got up and pulled out of her and laid on his bed. “God Jean…My brother is on lucky bastard…” “I know the feeling, I feel lucky to have him.” She smiled and ran a hand over his chest, “But trust me with a bit more experience and you’ll be just as amazing as he is. You’ll make some girl very lucky.” Alex smiled at that, “Thanks…and thanks for this Jean. This is definitely something I’ll remember for a long time.” ----Later that day---- Amanda had driven up to the mansion in the car her parents had gotten her for graduation. It wasn’t much but she liked it, it was reliable and worked well. She was nervous about spending the rest of the break here but truth was that time with Kurt had been the most intense their lovemaking had ever been. Maybe it was time to try and experiment a little, wasn’t that what college was for? She had to admit the thought of her and Kurt just letting them go at letting their fantasies out was sent a thrill down her. Normally she had just been this shy girl, sweat and all that. Maybe it was time to see what else was there. She had just gotten her suit case out of the trunk when she heard a sound and that familiar scent of brimstone. She smiled as she turned around only to have Kurt wrap her up into his arms and give her a deep passionate kiss. ‘Wow…if this is the kind of greeting I’ll be getting from now on I could really like this,’ Amanda thought to herself before she embraced him and kissed him back with just as much passion. Kurt’s tail wrapped around her suitcase and they were teleported to his room. When they came in she broke free and took a deep breath. “Wow…What was that about?” “You don’t like?” Kurt said with a grin still having her wrapped up in his arms. She smiled and ran her hands over his chest, “No I liked it…I liked it a lot.” “I’m glad you came,” He said stroking her face and looking into those brown eyes of hers. How he loved to looking into them. Amanda smiled staring back into his yellow ones, she could see the love in them. But she also saw something else, after a bit she knew what it was, lust. Truth was she kind of liked being able to bring that out in him. “So want to help me unpack?” She asked him. “Sure,” he told her helping her to unpack. They spent the time talking about things, like how school was going and how life was going. It was pretty pleasant and truth was she never really got to see this place, she had only been able to get over here a few times and she was always amazed at the size of the place. “So you vant ze tour?” He asked her holding out his hand to her. He couldn’t help but smile at her lovely face, framed by her long brown hair. “I’d love that, and I don’t want to get lost either.” She giggled as he lead her through the mansion. It was big but she got that there was a logic to it all. As they made their way through it however she did notice a few of the activities going on. It was like the entire mansion had this sexual charge to it, she could hear moans and groans coming from some of the bed rooms. In the living room they found Tabitha sleeping naked on top of Ray who and both had smiled on their faces. Amanda was shocked and surprised but she didn’t make a sound. They looked pretty peaceful there, it wasn’t the last sight she saw either. There was kind of a unique ‘pool party’ going on in the backyard. There were a few multiples of Jamie around, naked of course with cameras. They were taping a few people in a few sexual moments. One was Rahne on all fours on a towel with Jamie behind her, Rahne letting it go and screaming out for more. Then in the pool was Amara pressed up against the edge with Roberto between her legs squealing in pleasure as her legs were locked around his waist. Amanda had never thought of herself as a voyeur but seeing all of this, the pleasure they were getting out of this it was really starting to get to her. She felt her throat drying up as her breathing increased. Kurt noticed this, and wrapped an arm around her waist, “You vant to go back to my room?” He whispered, she nodded her head feeling the familiar feeling of desire warming up. He ported them back to the room and she quickly captured his lips with her own, feeling his soft fur against her face. “Hey Amanda…do you vant to try zhat idea I asked you about?” Kurt said between kisses. She thought about it, she knew it was something that Kurt really wanted to try out. She was a bit scared to tell the truth she never once tried something like this before. But at the moment she felt like she needed release as well. “Well…I guess…I could try it…” She said shyly. Kurt smiled and kissed her once more before disappearing, a few minutes later he popped back into the room with Kitty there. She had met the girl a few times and she liked her, she was nice, friendly and easy to get along with. “Hey,” Kitty said sitting down next to her on the bed, “Look I know how nervous you must be, I totally was and if you want out of this just like say the word.” Amanda smiled thankful she was understanding, but if she and Kurt wanted to take their relationship to a new level of intimacy and trust she wanted to do this. “Yeah I do want to at least try it out.” Amanda admitted. “Good…why don’t we start small,” Kitty said and leaning in and gently pressed her lips against her. Amanda was nervous she had never kissed another girl before. It took her a moment to get used to it, but Kitty was going slow with her. Then she felt Kitty’s tongue on her lips so she opened them as the other girl slipped her tongue inside of hers. After about five minutes of kissing Kitty reached up and cupped both of Amanda’s breasts. She was surprised by this at first but she felt Kurt behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and him kissing her neck. Soon Amanda was lost and didn’t know whose hands were where and whose lips were on whose. Amanda reached up and felt Kitty’s smaller breasts, it was strange feeling up another girl but she got used to it. All three of them would kiss, fondle and caress each other as they helped each other out of the clothes. It took her this long to see a camera with the on light on and wondered when Kurt put that on. It was kind of a turn on to know that this would be recorded. Maybe they could watch it later. Soon all three of them were naked with Amanda on her back, Kurt taking one of her nipples into his mouth as Kitty took the other, she also was slipping a few fingers inside of her pussy. Amanda decided to return the favour and with one hand started to gently masturbate Kurt’s penis as she slipped in two fingers into Kitty’s pussy. After a little warm up Kurt went to put on a condom and laid down, “So…Who gets what?” Amanda asked. “Well…you mind if I get his dick? I haven’t had it as much as you have.” Kitty asked blushing. Amanda felt a small pang of jealously of Kurt being in another woman but she got over it. She trusted Kitty and nodded to her. Kitty positioned herself over Kurt and guided his member into her. She let out a long moan feeling him inside of her again.   Kurt looked up to see his girlfriend’s pussy hovering over his head. She sat down and felt a shudder run through her feeling his tongue start to work on her. It was different but felt nice as well, she looked over to see Kitty rolling her hips as she started to ride Kurt. She saw the woman’s small breasts bounce with the movement and decided to try tasting those herself. Amanda leaned forward and took one of Kitty’s breasts to her mouth, Kitty threw her head back as she also felt Kurt’s hands on her small ass. Kitty gripped Amanda’s head running her hands through the brown hair. “Oh that feels so good you two,” Kitty moaned out. She swore this was better then with Jean and Scott, maybe because she was more comfortable with these two. Later Kitty pulled Amanda’s head up to hers as she French kissed the other girl, this time Amanda didn’t hesitate as she moved her hips feeling Kurt’s tongue start to fuck her. Both girls reached up to fondled each other’s breasts, kneading the flesh and playing with each other’s nipples. Soon both girls were holding each other as they got close to orgasm. Kurt moved his hips and tongue faster and faster until Amanda shrieked out, Kurt could taste the cum from her pussy as he started to lick it clean. Amanda leaned back enjoying the feel as she watched Kitty’s face tighten up as she started to cry out her stomach muscles were really working. Then she saw Kurt’s hips shot straight up and stop, Kitty took a major gasp as her mouth opened then let out a long moan as her head fell back and her back arched. Amanda smiled seeing them both cum at that moment. She had never seen another girl orgasm before it was truly a unique sight to see for her. After that Kurt was breathing a bit hard as both girls looked at him adoringly, “He looks so cute when he’s like this,” Kitty giggled. “Yes he is, but I wish he could go again. I know that with his hyper metabolism he can get it back up easier them most guys I bet.” Amanda said remembering how many times Kurt could go at it one night at a time. “Well…let’s help him along then,” Kitty grinned and Amanda raised and eyebrow wondering what he was getting to. She watched as Kitty moved to his lap and took off the condom and threw it aside. Then Amanda got what she was going for as she started to lick his dick clean. “Hey save some of that for me,” Amanda smiled and together both worked on his cock. Kurt got hold of his sense and stared in surprise seeing both girls lick his penis, they even would kiss each other with his dick between their mouths. Each took turns giving him blow jobs for a bit and he watched as they made out until his dick was nice and hard again. “Okay I’m up…so…vhat next?” He asked them. Both girls shared a look and a smile. Kitty laid on her back as Amanda got on top of her kissing her deeply. Kitty moaned as she reached up to grab the dark skinned larger breasts there. Amanda liked the feel and lowered herself so that their breasts were rubbing against each other, their hand nipples rubbing against each others soft skin. Kurt put on a new condom as he positioned himself behind them, he never thought this would happen. Dreamed of it yes, but never did he get the change for both his girlfriend and his first crush together like this. Kurt was on his knees as he guides the head of his cock into Amanda’s pussy. Both groaned a bit at the familiar sensation but he wasn’t done yet. He slipped his tail between his legs and used it to enter Kitty’s as well. Both girls were squirming now, Amanda feeling Kurt’s dick inside of her and Kitty feeling Kurt’s tail moving up into her. “Oh god Kurt,” Amanda panted as she moved with him. Kitty kept her hands on Amanda as she felt Kurt’s tail reaching all the way up to her cervix and pushing beyond it. She felt the tip go into her womb and started to feel it trace the walls of her womb hitting nerves no man should have been able to reach. “AHHH! Oh yes! Oh god Kurt you can really work that tail!” Both girls rubbed against each other, taking the time to kiss the other deeply, sometimes moaning into each other’s mouth as Kurt pleasured both of them. Kurt moaned out feeling that he could die happy right here and right now. All three of them moved with each other, their moans, pants and cries of pleasure mixed in with each other’s. Kitty felt Kurt’s tail reach places she never knew existed and the soft skin of Amanda and her kisses were very nice. Amanda loved the feel of her lover inside of her, Kurt always did know how to hit the right spots with her and in this position it was much easier for him. Kitty was also very nice as well, her lips had a nice taste to them as well. Both girls would kiss and fondle as Kurt worked them both. But they couldn’t last forever, “Oh god…guys…I’m…I’m going…to…UGHHHH! CUMMM!” Kitty cried out digging her nails into Amanda’s shoulders as Kurt felt her tighten up around his tail and feeling her juices wet it. Kurt shouted out in German as he leaned forward and slammed his hips quickly and then he cried out as he came. Amanda felt him slam his hips with each time his dick pulse sending ropy cum with each shot. “Ohhhh Kurt!” Amanda cried out throwing her head back, feeling him cum was all it took to finally get her off as she climaxed. After that all three just decided to cuddle for the moment. Kurt was in the middle all grins as Amanda was on his shoulder her leg over one of his slightly rubbing her hand over his spent member. Kitty was on the other just like her only running her hand over his chest. “You know…This whole thing maybe not as bad as I thought,” Amanda said out loud, she had never had a sexual experience even close to that. “Kitty nodded her head, “Yeah it was like so totally awesome,” She smiled. ”Ja, no kidding,” Kurt sighed feeling Amanda’s hand slightly stroking him gently. “So you guys want to…I don’t know…do this again some time?” Kitty blushed. Kurt looked at Amanda and she just smiled and nodded. “Sure thing, but right now…I think we all deserve a little rest,” Amanda said snuggling up to Kurt making her self comfortable on his soft fur. Kitty agreed as she did the same, while Kurt positioned his arms around the shoulders of both girls. All his life Kurt had felt like an outsider, like Amanda would be his only chance, he did love her but for the first time he felt ‘normal’. That he had a chance to live out all the fantasies that he always had but never thought he’d get the change to do it like normal looking person. As her looked to each girl for a moment he smiled. For the first time in a very long time he hadn’t felt like a ‘freak’ because of his appearance. He kissed the heads of each girl before he allowed himself to drift off to sleep. UP NEXT CHAPTER 11: DEEPER FRIENDSHIPS Okay next up is Tabitha/Amara and Kitty/Dani. So please review people the more I get the more the faster I’ll write.  
Chapter 6 - Chapter 6
CHAPTER 6 DRESS UP FUN Jubilee was looking at her dresser mirror adjusting her blond wig, it was stuck to her head with these little clips inside and it took a few tries to get them working without hurting. “Jubes are you sure you want to do this?” Bobby’s voice came from her bathroom. “Well yeah, I know it’s odd but well since in class were are supposed to be open about our fantasies I always had a thing for role playing.” She said over her shoulder adjusting her costume. “Where did you even get these anyway?” “Costume shop in town, I went there right after class to prepare. Besides when you agreed to this I let you pick my look.” “I know but this is…” “What?” She asked him looking at the door. “It’s just that mine is a little tight around the crotch,” Bobby said a little lightly. Jubilee grinned, “Oh really? Well you won’t be wearing it for long anyway. Aren’t you done yet?” “…Yeah…” Bobby stepped out and he was wearing a Robin costume. He had on a green mask that was held on by the same stuff they usually used in the movies only lighter and it was that of the latest Robin. With the boots, and green tights to it and the black and gold cape. “Why did you pick Robin anyway?” Jubilee shrugged, “I don’t know I just always thought he was kind of hot. You know for a fictitious characters and all. So how do I look?” She spun around for him as she was wearing a costume that made her look like Wonder Girl from the current Teen Titans comics. It was all red except for the two gold Ws on her chest and silver bracelets and black boots.  She was even wearing a blonde wig for the role. “What no lasso?” Bobby grinned at her. Jubilee shrugged, “Didn’t come with one and I couldn’t find a good substitute but we can play that game later.” “So how do we start?” He asked his girlfriend not exactly sure how to start something like this. She smiled at him, “I will just remember to keep in character.” She then walked up to him swaying her hips and he’d only seen her move like that only to entice him and then she put her arms around his neck. “Oh Robin I’m so glad that you told me how you feel, I’ve felt the same way about you for so long.” Bobby gave a mental shrug, hey if it got her off then who was he to argue. He placed his gloved hands on her hips pulling her close, “I couldn’t take it anymore. Seeing you all the time, being next to you. You are a beautiful woman…Cassie.” He nearly called her Jubilee but he had caught himself. “I know I’ve felt the same way,” She kissed him on the lips running her hands through his hair as ‘Robin’ ran his hands over her back. He reached down and with one hand grabbed her ass gently. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues started to explore each other’s mouth. Their hands also started to explore each other’s bodies. She reached up and unfastened the cape letting it fall to the floor, she then ran her hands on his chest feeling the muscles under the fabric. Bobby started to trail kisses along her neck even ran his tongue along it. She shivered in pleasure at that, she felt herself getting all hot especially in her groin area, this was more of a turn on then she thought. Bobby lifted her up by her ass and carried her to the bed. He trailed the kisses on her neck to her collar bone as he started to lift the red top off her. She eagerly helped him to get it off and he smiled down seeing her white laced bra. Jubilee looked down, she had grown a bit in that area since she first got here but not much. “Of all the things to share with Wonder Woman, why not her breasts too?” She muttered. ‘Robin’ smirked, “I like your breasts, not too big yet still just more than a handful,” He reached with one hand cupping and kneading one of them causing her to moan. “Ohhhh…yes…like…like that please.” She shut her eyes feeling his hands on both mounds manipulating them through the bra. She looked up and she wanted to see his chest, “Robin please…take your top off I…I want to see you.” He smiled at her and sat up and pulled the top off. She smiled seeing his nice body. She crawled forward and started to lick and kiss his abs then moved up while running her hands over his back. Bobby let his head tilt back, this was amazing she felt so good again his skin. He wanted nothing more then to just tare that uniform off her and claim her but he wanted this to last more. “Oh god Cass…you’re good.” “Thank you Tim,” Said ‘Wonder Girl’ smirking glad that her boyfriend was getting into the role playing. She unbuckled his pants and pulled down the zipper. She release his nearly fully erect cock out, “Oh I want your dick, please…can I suck it?” “Yes, anything you want.” He said stroking her face and she smiled kissed him once on the lips before putting his meat inside of her mouth. “Oh damn.” Bobby moaned she really was good at his but then they both had practice. They both haven’t had sex but before now they had been working up to it. Bobby had eaten and brought his girlfriend off with his tongue or hands and she returned the favour by giving him blow jobs. So they both knew how to orally please the other. He grabbed her head and felt her starting to work up a stronger rhythm that’s when he started to buck his hips feeling her tongue play over his cock was heaven. “Oh god Cassie…you’re so…fucking good at this…I’m going to cum in your mouth, I want you to swallow it all!” She increased her job and felt him buck a bit more wildly, she knew he was close and when she felt his cock pulse she greedily took his sperm down her throat taking his dick as far as it would go down as he released himself into her mouth. She made sure to get it all and pulled out laying on her back and licked her lips clean. “Now it’s your turn.” She grinned at him. He smiled down at her and slipped his pants off she took off her bra as well. He climbed over her and kissed her between her breasts. She smiled as she arched her back feeling his lips on her flesh. Bobby then took one of her breasts in his mouth suckling on the tip of it. “Mmmmm…that’s feels nice,” She told him. If she thought that was nice then he couldn’t wait to see her reaction to what was next. He snaked one of his green gloved hands down and slipped it under her pants. She started to breath harder as she felt his hand on her sex manipulating it and teasing it. He heard her moan and moved her hips and smiled to himself as he slipped his fingers under her panties and into her. “Oh!” She really arched her back at that feeling his fingers inside of her once again. “Damn that feels so good.” She moaned out as she started to move under him. Moving her hips to his fingers pleasuring her. Bobby had enough of that after a few minutes and pulled down her red pants and the underwear with them. She still had on those silver bracelet things and the blond wig while he still had on his mask and gloves. His head went to her pussy and she could literally smell her arousal, “Please I’m so close, make me cum.” She told him, he really knew how to work up her body and right now she wanted to feel release. She smiled and kissed her inner thighs. She moaned in frustration until he kissed her slit then she moaned in pleasure. He gently sent a breath of cold air to her pussy and she jumped and gasped at the sensation and moaned when he used his warm tongue on it right after. She grabbed his head feeling him start to eat her out like only Bobby knew how to, he licked her just right and bite her enlarged clit. “Oh god Robin you’re so good…I’m…cummminng!” She grunted out as she climaxed after Bobby ate her out for three minute using his powers to make frost on her sensitive flesh and then licking it off. It gave her a very unique pleasure that she doubted any other girl ever had. Bobby continued on though and she wasn’t aware of it till she realized that she was still wasn’t coming down from her sexual high like normal. Then she felt him slip in a couple of fingers as he kissed her clit and she moaned out. She grabbed the bed sheets as her hips bucked. But she wanted more she wanted him to take her. Bobby continued to eat her out and at the point she couldn’t take it anymore she told him just what she wanted, “Oh god Robin take me! Take me now! Please.” “You got it Wonder Girl,” He smiled and pushed himself inside of her. He couldn’t believe just how warm, tight and wet she was. He slowly pushed in, he knew Jubes lost her hymen to all the gymnastics she liked to do so he was glad that she wouldn’t have to go through that pain. Both young teens took a moment to take in the pleasure of each other. “God you’re so fucking tight,” Bobby moaned his head in the crook of her neck. She wrapped her legs around him to give him deeper access to her body. Bobby started a slow thrusting motion. Jubilee gave out small groans and grunts as she felt him exit and enter her body. She started to move her hips alone with him and Bobby kept trying new angles to thrust into her body trying to find the best spot to hit her. “Ah!” She cried out, “Oh yeah that’s the spot! Right there!” Bobby grinned and continued on hitting that same spot as best he could hearing her cry out in pleasure. He felt her nails on his back racking it a bit, it was kind of a turn on. “Yeah, I’m going to fuck you so good Cassie, so fucking good!” “Do it! Fuck me Robin, I’ve always wanted you to fuck me!” She cried out getting back into character. She grabbed his ass helping him to thrust into her harder. They continued on, Bobby grabbed her shoulders as he could gain a bit more leverage and power into his thrusting. The two continued on calling each other by their costumed names as they worked up a bit of a sweat, the wet sounds of Jubilee’s snatch could be heard over their bodies colliding. But they couldn’t keep it up and eventually Bobby was too close to finishing. She felt him change in this thrusts and knew that he was about to cum, she was close herself. With one final grunt and thrust Bobby came inside of his girlfriend, once she felt his warm liquid hit her inner walls it was enough to push her over the edge as she came soon after him. Bobby and Jubilee now laid in the bed sweaty, tired but feeling very satisfied. “God Jubes that was great.” She smiled and poked him, “See I told you role playing would get you off more.” “Okay I admit you were right…so…who should we be next?” He asked her grinning. She purred at him, “How about Batman and Catwoman?” “Hey I’m game, how about a little villain captures the helpless heroine later?” She smiled at that idea, “Only if you take me roughly I want the full experience.” She cuddled up against him and rested her head on his chest. So far this was proving very ‘educational’ for them and couldn’t wait to play out all the other fantasies she had. She wondered what Bobby’s were as well? Well she hoped that some would involved her. -Sam and Dani- In the woods of the mansion a very special little costume fun was being done as well. There was a camera set up for the little show about to be but on. Dani had asked Sam to try something she always fanaticized as long as Sam got to do one as well. She liked it and now here she was walking through the woods bare foot in a tradition Native American dress. He was a dress with one shoulder bare and her hair with a feather in it. “Hey there pretty.” She acted shocked to see Sam there, acting her part. “You know you really shouldn’t be walking alone like this you never know what kind of person you’ll come across.” He said to her stepping closer, he looked more like a cowboy, he had the vest, had and rope by his side as well as boots with spurs on them. “I…I didn’t know…I-I’ll go now.” She acted scared they had planned this out a bit since they were taping it they decided to put on a little show for the ‘teachers’. Sam grinned and stepped closer to her grabbing her shoulders, “Oh I think it’s a bit late for that.” “Please don’t hurt me, I-I’m just walking through I don’t mean you any harm let me go!” Sam was impressed with her ability to act scared he nearly did let go of her but she winked at him with the eye not shown to the camera. She must have been able to read his expression and was letting him know it was okay. “Well then you got to learn not to go down certain paths little lady.” “W-what are you going to do to me?” Sam grinned at her, “Simple I’m going to fuck you silly.” “No! Please I’m untouched by a man I don’t want to lose my virtue.” Dani pleaded with him getting into the role of ‘helpless victim.’. Sam took off his bandana he had around his neck and turned it into a gag as Dani tried to ‘struggle’ out of his grasps. She only looked like she was and let him gag her. Sam then took his rope and tied her wrists above her head to a branch, her top was pulled down to expose her tanned skin and bare breasts with their dark nipples that were starting to stick out. She was slightly suspended off the ground it just took her to be on her tip toes to support her weight. “Well looks like you’re slightly turned on.” Sam smiled and caressed her breasts she moaned through her gag and closed her eyes and turned her head. She acted ashamed by being turned on when in reality she could feel herself getting wet from this little game. Sam took one of her breasts into his mouth his warm tongue dancing over her sensitive skin. When he bit her nipple hard she cried out as a she felt s jolt of electricity run down her spin. His other hand went to her other one and kneaded it. Even though this little game was to have him ‘ravage’ her he was being gently like his true nature with her. After a few minutes of this and of him kissing her exposed chest all over and licking it she was breathing hard. Her legs were slightly weak and so the strain on her body increased slightly. Sam’s hand went to her skirt and reached under it, Dani hadn’t worn any underwear and felt his hand over her wet snatch. In fact by now she could feel a slim trail of liquid along one of her thighs. “Well are you wet. I never knew just how slutty you Indians were. I bet you’re aching for a good fuck too, you want me to stick my dick in your pussy?” He pressed two fingers into her and she groaned feeling something inside of her. The heat and tension in her loins were increasing with his manipulation, thanks to that class Sam knew a lot more about the female body and where the g-spot was usually located. He curled his fingers and kept probing her. Dani’s head was sweating a little and resting on Sam’s shoulder then she cried out from her gag as he hit a very sensitive area. Sam smiled finding her g-spot and played with it. Dani was so close to an orgasm she knew it, her hips started to thrust automatically. But then Sam pulled out, she cried out in frustration she was so close but he had stopped. She wanted, no she needed something anything to finish her off it was maddening to be so close. Sam just caressed her body and she whimpered in frustration. “God you’re really a slut aren’t you? You want me to finish you off?” She nodded her head furiously, “Good gal, but boy you are really wet down there, and I’m kind of thirsty maybe I’ll need a little refreshment.” She saw him kneel down and hike up her skirt. Then she felt his tongue on her lapping up her juices along her legs and then her pussy. She wrapped her legs around his head his shoulders supporting in weight as he continued on his hands caressing her ass. She was getting back to her climax now working it back up. Sam worked on her tasking her, she was leaking out a lot he never knew she was one of those girls that creamed easily. They had learned how some girls were different than others and some could get very wet very easily and it seemed Dani was one of them. Or the bondage was really turning her on, maybe a bit of both. He heard her grunting and she started moving against him he knew she was close again but she smiled as he stopped. When he tried to pull off her she tried to get him to finish but he slipped out and she screamed out in frustration not cumming again. He knew that he was pushing her to her sexual limit but he wanted to he wanted to make this last and get her to orgasm like none before. Scott had said how teasing a woman can heighten the experience of an orgasm so this was what he was doing. Dani was near tears by now, she wanted to cum so badly she needed it, craved it. In fact she started to feel a few tears of frustration now. She kept on groaning and trying to tell Sam to finish it, she wasn’t sure she could take this anymore it felt like she was going to die from this. “So you want me to fuck you proper now?” He asked her and she furious nodded her head and cried out yes to him through the gag. She tried to plead with him to finish it. Sam smiled and undid his pants and let them fall to his knees she watched him put on a condom and him gripping her hips. Her breathing was hitched and she was sweating from the heat of her body, Sam had worked her up so hot and horny that she would have done anything he said if it got her off. As soon as he was close she wrapped her legs around his waist with no intention of letting go this time. Sam rubbed his dick over her entrance and she groan both in pleasure and frustration. “Do you want me to fuck you?” She nodded and cried out yes from behind the gag. “As you wish,” and in one solid movement he slammed himself into her fully and slammed against her cervix. She threw her head back and screamed out as the sudden move sent both pain and pleasure through her, she orgasmed right then and he felt her clench. Dani had lost her hymen at fifteen with masturbating with a sex toy. She had been young and after a sex ed class in her old high school she wanted to try it out. It had hurt and she hadn’t tried that till weeks later with her fingers. But this was so much better, Sam had taken a moment to take pleasure in her pussy clenching him and the juices spilling out of her but then he started humping her and thrusting into the Native girl over and over again. Dani didn’t notice it at first but when her climax ended she did notice it wasn’t going down as usually in fact she felt it building up again. Then she noticed Sam fucking her and heard him grunt with each thrust. She was building up to another orgasm fast she never had two this close before it was so good that it almost seemed to hurt in a way. She grunted as well with each of his thrusts and soon started to grin her hips into him. “Oh yeah I’m cumming, you hear me I’m cumming so get ready for it!” With few more powerful thrusts he did on last powerful lunge into her and came in her. She felt his member pulse and throb and she screamed again as her second orgasm hit her more powerful than her first one. She saw spots in her eyes and when the euphonium passed she passed out from the pleasure slumped against him. Sam panted out feeling her unconscious body and with one had on her ass he supported her as with the other he untied her wrists. He sat down on the grass cradling her in his arms, “Hey Dani you okay?” He asked her gently rousing her and taking off the gag. “Ohhhh…that…was…unbelievable.” She whispered out. She had never came that hard before in fact she could feel her juices all alone her inner thighs. She made a mental note to take a shower as soon as her legs felt strong enough to walk. “You know I never would have thought that a girl who had been trapped in a mine for years like to be tied up.” He smirked. She smiled and rested her head on his chest. “I never knew you always had that cowboys and Indian fantasy. So how was it to finally fuck one?” “I like it.” He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, “How are your wrists?” “They’re okay I’m glad we tested out what rope to use before this, nice thing with the gag though, I never thought of that.” Sam just shrugged, “I just got caught up in the spur of the moment.” “And was teasing me all that time part of it?” She grinned she still felt a pleasant tingling sensation in her loins. “No that was planned.” “You’re an evil man you know that?” She joked. “You didn’t like it?” “Fuck yes I did, god Sam I’ve never got off like that, you’re going to make some woman very happy one day you know that?” Sam just blushed at her comment and the two just sat there in the grass holding each other for a little longer. NEXT UP CHAPTER 7: BONDAGE PRINCESS AND WILD CHILD Amara and X23 take are the focus next up….I hope, if I don’t get enough reviews I’m not sure I can be motivated to go on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN: For those of you that didn’t know in the Marvel vs DC comics Jubilee and Robin had a small romantic fling with each other hence why I had bobby dressed at Robin III. I had her as Wonder Girl (Cassie from Teen Tiants comics) to even it out and to have like two different couples in one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1
This is one of my earliest works so it might be a bit rough in some areas I have gone back to fix a few things before but I might have missed a few things so please be patient at times. Also I don't trust beta readers as I had bad experiences with them in the past. Disclaimer: I don’t own X-Men Evolution or anything relating to it and I make no profit from this at all. This takes place about 2 years after the show all the X-Men members are in collage while the New Mutants are still in high school and the ages are. Scott & Jean (21) Rogue (20) Kurt, Kitty & Tabitha (19) Bobby, Ray, Amara (18) Jubilee, Roberto (17) Rahne (16) Jamie (15) Any other characters that might show up are also older too. This is just for fun so if anyone seems OOC then that’s okay since I’m not going for accuracy here. Chapter 1 Jean was on her desk, pants pulled down as Scott was thrusting his manhood into her from behind. Her shirt was still on so she couldn’t fully feel the desk as her chest was rubbing against it with each thrust. But she could still feel enough of the pressure rubbing her breasts to make her feel good. Her hands gripped in the edge as moans were coming out of her mouth from the sexual act. Scott had just come in and had told her to bend over and she did feeling the emotions coming off him. So she did as he asked, first he moved her long hair away and kissed her neck as his hands went to work on her sexy body as he called it. She loved how his strong hands rubbed her breasts over her shirt, how his fingers dung into her pussy and played around with it. He made sure she was good and wet before he plunged into her with his member.    Ever since they started having sex they had started to explore various things and they both were pleased to find out that each other had no real hang-ups on sex as they went on.   Most would think them repressed, but in sex they finally found the true release they needed. They role-played, had sex in private and even public areas for a quick rush. She loved to be dominated by him though and sometimes she dominated him. Sometime they had sex, other times they made love but right now she was just being fucked. Every once and awhile one of them would go to the other to relief themselves of tension either sexual or just the frustrations of life. At the moment she felt like Scott was trying fuck her into unconsciousness, and she was loving it. His dick was large enough that it stretched her walls just enough to give her the right amount of pleasure/pain and his length was long enough so his head kept going through her cervix entering her womb, he always felt so deep inside of her. First time that happened it hurt, but her body was used to such penetrations by now. Scott was just getting out some frustrations with Jean, she always felt so tight and he loved it. He grunted with each thrust slamming into her rear end, he grabbed her lovely long silky hair and turned it into a rough ponytail while riding her. Jean’s head was forced back with it as he pulled on it. “OH-GOD-YES-UH-OH-DON’T STOP-ARG-FUCK-UGH!-ME-SCOTT!” She yelled out in passion through her own grunts of pleasure. Scott slapped her ass making her jump a bit. “MORE!” She begged and Scott grinned as he continued to slap her ass until it was red. He made sure it wasn’t hard enough to hurt her much. Jean felt herself coming closer to a climax and could feel Scott’s member starting to throb as his thrusting lessened a little but became more forceful. “I…I’m going to cum!” Scott told her. “Do it, fill me with your cum!” Jean cried out and felt him thrust one last time and felt his semen filling her womb. It was all she needed to orgasm and cried out his name as her inner walls clenched him, milking him for everything he had. They didn’t bother with condoms, if she did get pregnant they both agreed to be there for each other and raise the kid as their own. Even though they were still in collage they both wanted to get married one day. Besides she was also on the pill and kept track of her fertility cycle, and when it was high Scott wouldn’t cum in her pussy on those days. Plus Jean had learned this simple trick by using her powers to create a telekinetic bobble inside of her womb. She would capture all his semen and later force it out of her body. He leaned over on her back both panting and sweating a bit. Jean felt her hair being moved and Scott lightly kissing her neck, she smiled at the contact. Even during moments like this he was a caring lover. “I love you.” He told her and she knew it was true. “I love you too.” She responded in kind as his hand roamed over her body. He straightened up and pulled out of her and Jean felt a little sense of loss at that. She stood up and turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close to a deep kiss. She felt a slight wetness at her crotch from Scott’s member, still all wet from their fucking. She smiled and knelt down on her knees. Scott grinned, at first Jean hadn’t been sure about oral sex but after he ate Jean out for the first time she wanted to return the favour and to both their enjoyments they found that they liked pleasing each other in that way too. She took his nearly limp member in her mouth and slowly started to suck and move her head back and forth. Using her tongue to clean up all the juices on it. Scott groaned and placed a hand on her head guiding her rhythm. She always could do this so great. After his penis was hard again he led her over to the bed and placed himself down on it. She was about to take him again when he stopped her. “Why should I get all the pleasure?” Scott said with a grin and she got the message. Kicking off her pants and panties she placed herself over him only so her pussy was in his face and she began sucking him off again as he ate her pussy out. Jean took him deep down her throat, it had taken time but she had learned how. Scott also learned what Jean liked him to do. He first ran his tongue over the slit and teased her clit, licking it and then biting it slightly. She moaned and Scott felt it in his member and caused a groan of pleasure from him too. He used his hands the part her folds rolling his tongue around her hot flesh. Jean pressed her sex against his face more wanting him in her again, but Scott was dragging this out. She started to suck, and lick his dick with her long as it went into her mouth and down her throat. She rolled her tongue around his shaft and did all the things she knew he loved. Scott was now placing his tongue as deep as it would go inside of her licking her g-spot as a thumb caressed her clit, he also knew what she liked and soon Scott was thrusting his hips up and Jean hers down both getting off on the action. One of the perks to dating a telepath was that through their link they could feel what the other was feeling and knew exactly what the other needed and wanted. The feeling of not only their pleasure but of their partner made this even more intimate and they felt closer in these moments than any other. Soon Jean felt his dick start to throb in her mouth and from Scott and knew he was about to come, she wasn’t far behind with Scott playing with her lower regions like he was. Soon Jean came groaning with Scott’s dick still in her mouth and the sensation of her getting off carried through the link and Scott came too. Jean swallowed it all like every other time, it took some getting used to and some girls claimed it was an ‘acquired taste’ but Jean didn’t mind. She sucked him off making sure she got it all and nothing was left behind. Both young adults were sweating a little now and panting as Jean pulled herself off Scott and laid down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Everyone knew not to bother them when they had the doors closed, in fact the first time they made love it had been so intense Jean had accidentally sent the pleasure they felt to everyone in the mansion. That was something she wish never happened or would happen again, and not exactly a great way for everyone to find out about them either. After a moment of just blissful sleep they decided to put on their pants again and just as they were finishing up Xavier called out to them. ‘Jean, Scott. Can I see you two in my office?’ “Do you know what this is about?” Scott asked Jean who only shook her head. After a little cleaning themselves up and they entered the Professor’s study. “Ah good, as you two know since mutants have been band for the extra credit courses and clubs we’ve had to make our own.” Everyone knew about that, mostly it had been because of the parents fearing for their kids. So Xavier came to an agreement with the schools that if his students had proper ones here it would go to their education. Of course they agreed mainly because it would get the mutants out faster. “Anyway Beast and I need to leave for Muir Island and I was hoping that you would teach one of the extra classes.” Both Jean and Scott had done this just before they got out of High School, Scott was going for a teaching degree and this would help him out, Jean who was studying genetics could add this to extra credit work. “We’ll…we might need some help.” Jean said biting her lower lip. “I mean for starters we both have a lot more work now in collage.” Xavier nodded his head in understanding. “Yes I know, so you can take a teaching assistance from the students to help you with the work.” “Alright then…so…what will be teaching?” -==Later==- “Sex Ed? Why that?!” Scott said again once they reached their room. “Well…why not make the best of it?” Jean offered and Scott looked a bit confused until she told him what she had planned. He had to admit it was tempting to some degree and with the adults gone, not to mention Ororo and Logan were on their honeymoon, since they had FINALLY gotten married, it was just them. “Okay…but who would be our ‘assistant?’ Scott asked. -==An hour Later==- Rogue was walking to her room. It was the study week in March so she had the week off not sure what to do. She was wearing her usual outfit minus the green see though top. It had been a few months since they had found a way to control her powers. It turned out to all be in her mind, that she had put up some kind of mental barrier after her powers manifested. Thanks to Xavier and Jean she was able to take that down and finally could touch. She still dressed as a goth, but lately she didn’t wear gloves anymore and liked to show more skin.  Even though she was really happy with this, she still felt empty inside. All those wasted years gone, she could never get them back. Plus she couldn’t help but wonder how her life could have changed. She got into her room and noticed Jean and Scott were waiting for her. “What’s going on?” She asked. They never normally both saw her at the same time and why were they in her room of all places? “Well you know how the Professor is leaving with Hank to Muir Island for a little research there?” Jean asked her and Rogue nodded. “Well he wants Scott and me to teach a class again.” Rogue hated those extra credit classes but then again with the way mutants were treated in school he had got them to agree that these extra credit classes would count to some degree. Rogue just thought it was an excuse for them to get rid of the mutant students quicker in a more legal way. “Well the next class he felt should be a Sex Ed course since those classes are extra in a few schools and he felt that everyone would talk to us more since we’re younger than the other adults here.” Scott went on. “Well what are ya doin’ here then?” Rogue asked walking over to her bed sitting down. “We need a teaching assistant to help out with all of this, since both Scott and I also need to use this week to finish up on a few projects for collage.” Jean explained. Rogue laughed out loud and fell on her back. “You’re kiddin’? Right? I mean for starters I’ve never slept with a guy yet and why would I help out with this anyway?” “Because you’ll get an automatic pass, you’ll learn something and…you get to fuck Scott if you do.” Jean told her and Rogue stopped laughing right there as her face was in pure shock not sure if she had heard right. “I know you’ve fantasized about him, and you know what…he’s though of you too in that way. If we’re going to teach this course we’re going need to be flexible in our relationship and we’re going to teach it our way and to make sure they learn everything there is to know about sex.” Jean closed the door with her TK and looked back to Rogue. “But first we need to give you an introduction course to the class.” To Rogue this was getting freaky weird and looked to Scott to see a small grin on his face looking at her. She felt a flutter in her stomach with that look. How she had wished he had looked at her like that before. She still had a thing for him, even after all this time. “I-I-I don’t know about this, I mean-“ Scott placed a finger against her lips. “Don’t worry…you said you haven’t fucked a guy yet so why not now? I’ve always wanted you Rogue, I do love Jean but you’re a very attractive, and a sexy woman too and I can’t ignore that.” Rogue didn’t know what to say, sure she had dreams like this but she had accepted the fact that she would never have Scott and moved on years ago, but here she was with the chance to live out that fantasy. She was about to say no, when she suddenly screamed out as her body was rocked by something. She fell to her knees since her legs had given out, when it was over she realized she just had an orgasm. She knew from what those were, she may be a virgin but that didn’t mean she didn’t masturbate from time to time. Hell when you’re a girl who can’t touch it’s the only way to get rid of all the sexual tension. She looked over to Jean and saw a smile on her face. The girl had gone into her head and did something to trigger one. She cried out again as another hit her and was left panting. “You want more I know it.” Jean told her. “Trust us Rogue, you were cut off from all this pleasure for so long without just cause. I can promise you that you’ll make up for ALL the lost time…besides I know you want a cock in you right now, I can feel it, the heat between your legs. Just say yes and we can begin.”   Little did Rogue know that Jean was pressing all her sexual spots in her brain, keeping her sexually stimulated and horny like hell. Jean knew that Rogue would need a little push, and to be honest Rogue didn’t mind the idea anyway. Jean could feel how starved Rogue was for any kind of sexual release and not just from this moment. Years of pent up frustration lay in the girl. Scott picker her up and placed her on her bed and was now on top of her inching closer to her face his warm breath she could feel now. “Just say it Rogue.” He whispered to her. She blushed as she felt his body pressing against hers and she knew she wanted him, and despite herself…she wanted to give in. “Yes.” She whispered out. “What was that?” Scott teased. “I didn’t hear that and yes what?” “Fuck me! Do me now, please!” The words came out of her mouth on instinct without rational thought but it was what she wanted the empty aching feeling needed to be filled and this was a moment she had longed for so long. Scott grinned and kissed her deeply placing his tongue in her mouth, and then ran his hands up the side of her body and then gently caressed one of her impressive breasts. She moaned in his mouth at the touch. They were almost as large as Jean’s but they were firmer as he could tell. She ran her hands though his hair and down his back. Scott started to trace light kisses down her chin and then her neck. She moved her head to allow him better access to it and moaned out from the wet feeling of his lips on her skin. After ten minutes of kissing and running their hands over each other, Scott pulled off her top leaving her black bra exposed. She pulled of his shirt and marvelled at his body. All those years of training really did their work on him. She kissed his chest and down his abdomen. She unzipped his pants and pulled them off and grinned at the white boxers he had on, and then eyed the large bulge in them. Scott then moved them to have her lay on her back. He started to place kisses down her neck right down the center of her body like she had done with him. He placed kisses on her breasts, she moaned at the contact and arced her back up to him for more. He also ran his hands over her well formed body, gliding them over her exposed skin and she never thought anything felt so wonderful. He made a trail of kisses down to the stomach and pulled off the black leather skirt. She felt so hot even though she had nothing on but her bra, panties and stockings at this point, especially between her legs were she was aching to be filled. Scott saw that her panties were already wet from the two orgasms. Scott took off her bra and marvelled at her great set of tits and the nipples on them. The nipples were larger then Jean’s and already they were hard. He gently took one of them in his mouth sucking on it. Rogue gasped and then moaned and grabbed his head in her hands. It felt better than anything she had imagined. Scott teased the nipple with his tongue and with his other hand started on Rogue’s other nipple, rolling it and pinching it until it was hard. Jean watched as her boyfriend and lover was getting Rogue all hot, she hadn’t been sure about this at first but this was really turning her on. She took a chair and started to strip off her own clothing. She sat down and watched as Scott continued his foreplay and felt herself getting hot so she started to pinch her own nipples and pull on them slightly. This was really getting good, there was something really erotic about seeing Scott about to fuck one of her friends, and it was Rogue’s first time too. Scott bit her nipple a bit and she jumped at that but it wasn’t hard and as soon as he was finished with getting her nipples he then moved his mouth to the other breast as his hand moved down her stomach and then under her panties. She felt his fingers brush past her slightly shaved hair, she just kept a small patch there and when his fingers started to rub over the slit, she gasped and jumped a bit once more. “Oh god.” She moaned out as she started to nipple of his earlobe. She felt his fingers then enter her two at a time gently propping her snatch like she had so many times. So many times she had fingered herself in the shower or bathtub thinking of someone like Scott fucking her and here he was. His thumb then went to her clit and she started to work her hips against his finger. “Scott…please…I…I need you…now.” She pleaded with him, she was so hot and panting now. “As you wish.” He said as he pulled his mouth off her breast and withdrew his fingers wet with her juices. He traced them up her front and then positioned them to her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to but she opened her mouth as he placed them in and she tasted her own juices for the first time. It was kind of erotic and another turn on for the both of them. Scott positioned himself between her legs and pulled off her panties but leaving on the fishnet stockings. He then pulled off his boxers and Rogue’s eyed her first cock, and it was larger than she thought it had been. A bit more than seven inches at least and thick too, she wasn’t sure if it would fit in her since the vibrator she used was slender so it wouldn’t break her hymen. He then looked for his pants and pulled out a condom, he saw her looking at it as the opened it and started to place it on. “Wouldn’t do for you to get pregnant on your first time would it?” “N-no.” She simply said but truth was at that moment she didn’t care, in fact she wanted to feel his seed enter her and have nothing in the way, after years of nothing she didn’t want something to get in the way but this was WAY better than nothing. He positioned himself over her and placed the head of his cock at her entrance. “You ready?” She nodded her head at his question and he slowly entered her. “Oh god Jean…she’s really tight.” He said as he moaned while entering her. She moaned as well feeling herself being stretched for the first time. It was kind of painful but in a strange good way. He slowly eased his way into her until he felt her barrier. “Get ready, this is going to hurt but I’ll stop after and let you get used to it. Just tell me when you’re ready again and I’ll start moving.” She nodded her head and held her breath knowing what was to come. He pushed past her barrier and she cried out from the sudden pain. He stopped as she laid there breathing deeply and after a few second the pain was gone and she nodded her head. He slowly began to continue. She whimpered a bit until he hit her cervix gently as he buried himself up to the hilt in her. “Oh god Scott…you’re so deep in me.” Rogue said at the feeling of being so filled. “Just wait the good stuff is coming.” He said as he pulled out a quarter of the way before sliding back into her. “Uh.” She grunted out as he felt him come back in. It hurt a bit but she felt her body was slowly starting to get used to it. She was so wet that she was nearly flooding, with Jean putting pressure on the pleasure centers of her brain, and what Scott was doing, her body wanted this. He pulled out and in and started a rhythm she moved her own hips as her body started to feel pleasure in a way she had never thought possible before. Then he pulled out halfway and then their movements picked up and soon he was pulling out most of the way and slamming into her. “Uh-uh-god Rogue-uh-you’re-uh-so-fucking-uh-good!” Scott said out between grunts as he worked her moving his hips to try and find her g-spot. “Oh-uh-yes-uh-oh god!” She was grunting back as he started to really fuck her now. Then she heard other moaning and both turned to see Jean fingering herself with three fingers deep inside her as her hips moved with them. Rogue then noticed that while Scott was fucking her he was looking at Jean who was looking back at her. ‘Damn it, he’s thinking of fucking her while he’s fucking me!’ She thought angrily, this was HER first time and she was going to give Scott a fuck he wouldn’t forget. She grabbed his head and turned it to her and forced a nice deep kiss as she started fucking him back with as much energy as she could. “Come on Summers, show me what you got, fuck me so I can’t walk!” She said as she tried to clench her inner walls around his dick. It had the desired effect as he groaned and then looked into her eyes and he fucked her to the best of his abilities putting all his weight and force into it. Rogue started to scream out in ecstasy and pain as he did, she felt like he was going to tear her in half but she was loving it. She bucked back lifting her ass off the bed as she continued to fuck him. She started tossing her head side to side from it all still crying out she felt herself building up until it happened. She came. Her eyes popped open and she gasped right before shouted out as her back arched and she clamped down on Scott’s dick her body trying to milk it for what it’s worth. The sudden tightness was too much and Scott came into her thrusting one last time. She could feel the pulsing of his penis inside of her and wished she could feel his hot liquid enter her but she was too lost in her orgasm to care. After a few tiny thrusts with his hips he collapsed on top of her both of them were covered in sweet from the episode and he pulled out of her and then rolled onto his back. “Damn…that was good Rogue.” He said as he pulled off the condom careful not to spill the contents and trying not to get her virgin blood on his fingers. Jean had came too when they had finished and was wiping down her snatch with a few tissues from a box and handed a few to Scott as she then cleaned up Rogue’s vagina cleaning up a little blood coming out of it. It was only a little end remembered how she too had done so her first time with Scott. She also saw Rogue’s pussy slightly red from it and that her pussy hair also had a slight white strip on it. She grinned to herself as she had never seen that part of her before and had kind of wondered as did a lot of the boys as she picked up if she also had white hair down there. Rogue was panting and let out a moan at the tough not sure who it was since her eyes were closed. “So…how was it Rogue?” Jean asked her. “It was…fantastic.” She managed to say. “You know…I’ve had a fantasy too I’ve been wanting to try out.” Jean said as she put the tissue box away and crawled over Rogue. “What do you say of a little ‘experimentation?” Rogue opened her eyes wide as she felt Jean’s naked body against hers. She didn’t know what to say, she had never thought of a girl in that way before but before she could say anything Jean kissed her and lightly caressed her and soon Rogue found Jean’s tongue in her mouth as she moaned. Rogue was surprised by herself she didn’t consider herself gay but here she was enjoying frenching a naked Jean. “Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with two people exploring their sexuality and besides I think Scott could use the rest…and a nice show.” She grinned over her shoulder at Scott who was watching the scene with great interest. Then she turned back to Rogue, “Besides…I say we still need to explore more of your sexuality and if we’re going to help teach the others about sex we might as well get some first hand experience about certain things.” Jean kissed her again and then felt Rogue start to get into it and started to caress her back and then grab her ass. Scott meanwhile was grinning at the sight and hoped that when he was ready he would join in later. Seeing as this was another fantasy of his he wanted to try out. TO BE CONTINUED Up next Jean/Rogue and then Jean/Scott/Rogue and the class begins.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The Thief
  The Spider and the Goddess Chapter 3: The Thief It had been a couple of days since that incident with Mary Jane and Peter was still unsure how they would make it work but so far things hadn't gotten weird between them. They still seemed to have that closeness of what they had but also the side benefits of sex. They were taking things slow a step at a time of course they also had worked out several issues. Them being that they would still see others if they wanted to but if either of them found someone serious then it would have to end as it wouldn't be fair to keep going on. So Peter did his usual thing, went to work at Horizon which he was really getting to like. He was finally able to play around with the kinds of equipment and work on things he had only dreamed of. He remembered in high school that a place like Horizon would be his dream job. Plus the people were all crazy smart (sometimes a bit more crazy than smart) but it made things interesting at work. At least he didn't have to deal with a boss that yelled at everyone all the time. Of course that old boss of his was now the mayor of New York who also used funds to create an anti-Spider-Man taskforce. “I have officially lost all faith in politics and voting,” Spider-Man sighed not for the first time. How had they elected Jameson given he had created the Scorpion one of his worst villains and all the crap that was shown he had made up. “Then again if Bush Jr. can get elected twice why not have Jameson elected once? Although I’m pretty sure the tax payers are going to get him at re-election for that task force.” If he was a bit more immature he would seriously consider painting anti-Jameson slogans all over those billboards of his. Well one good thing being an Avenger is that he had Captain America who was in charge of SHIELD had his back. It sure did paid off being an Avenger to help his reputation he had noticed. So far Spider-Man had some free time at the moment and decided to patrol the city. It always was helpful plus there was always something to see, of course not all of it good, he still felt awkward that one time he had caught a couple in an alleyway in a very embarrassing and intimate moment. Or the time he had been having a snack to suddenly realizing a homeless guy below him was using a street corner as a bathroom. Or that smell that came from that little deli on the Westside, he had been in the sewers of this city and whatever they put in their back alley was just toxic. As Spider-Man swung over the streets of the city he couldn’t notice that he had been watched the entire time by a certain red haired goddess. Aphrodite had been keeping an eye on her new mortal as she would pop in now and again to check in on him. So far her spell hadn't gone off since that day with the red head ex-girlfriend of his. She floated around watching him now and again he really did seem to work himself too hard. That job of his reminded her a bit too much of her husband or ex-husband really, she never did love Hephaestus since she had been forced into that loveless marriage. Was it any wonder she had an affair with Ares or a few others she could name? Then again her Ex had his own little affairs not that she minded as it meant his attention was elsewhere. Plus when they had been married he had been so busy with work she got bored a lot. So seeing Peter like this brought on a few memories she didn't want to remember of her old marriage. Plus apparently no one in that workplace of his was either attracted to him or him attracted to them. She also recently found that he was also worked with other of these mortal heroes as well, although she had to be careful of that Dr. Strange fellow, his mystical abilities might be able to pick her up if she did anything that might be noticed. Sorcerers always did make things more difficult than they had to be, it was one of the reasons she never liked to get involved with them on a personal level. Then there was that tall building Peter worked at when he somehow changed that costume he wore into a black and white to match the others. Again he worked but this time he was helping out with children which was kind of endearing to her.  She always loved children after all part of her job was procreation as well as love. She also had also sensed the love between the husband and wife there, a strong bond of love that had seen its strain and tests but still seemed to last. If she didn't know any better she would have sworn that had been her work. But still nothing, she was getting bored again and the spell she placed on him hadn't gone off for two whole days. She was starting to form a plan of getting the overworked mortal out there into the world, maybe pretend to be a neighbor and ask him out? She could easily take the form of a different looking mortal and take him to a club and see what happened. That was then she noticed something, someone was stalking her mortal. At first she thought of getting defensive but she felt no hostility against this mortal in fact...she grinned as she felt the familiar emotions of lust coming off the mortal. Having a closer look it was a female but dressed in black leather with long white hair. She could feel the woman's eyes on her mortal and also not only the lust coming from the woman but apparently she felt the echo of past times with him on her as well. 'Oh ho another ex-lover Peter?' She thought to herself grinning as things were about to get good. 'Maybe I won't be so bored after all.' Peter had no idea that the Black Cat was currently on the prowl and had spotted him two blocks back and slowly making her way towards him like a cat playing with its prey. The white haired former thief had seen Spider-Man a few blocks back and she thought it would be fun to play a little game with him. After all it had been ages since she had some fun and started to ‘stalk’ him, she knew that as long as she meant no harm his spider-sense shouldn’t pick up on her. Slowly she got closer and closer to him and just when he stopped and was reloading his web shooters she bounced. She had just meant to jump on his back but that damn spider-sense of his ruined the moment as he quickly turned around caught her arms and pinned her to the ground with himself on top. He had moved a bit more fluid than normal and apparently he had picked up a few new tricks. “Cat!?” Spider-Man was surprised when he looked down at the woman, there was enough light from the surrounding buildings to get a good look at her. He could see her long white hair spread out around her, her slim black mask covering her face as he could see that beautiful face with the alluring blue eyes. She licked her red lips in a sensual way. “Hey there Spider…so you going to get off or are you just enjoying my body?” She told him as he suddenly realized that he was pressed up against her. He could feel her large breasts pressing against his chest and it was giving him all kinds of naughty thoughts especially since he had seen her naked plenty of times. He got off her offering her a hand as she smiled and accepted it, she got up with a kind of cat like grace that just seemed natural for her. Peter really had a hard time with this woman, she was sexy as hell and not only did she know it, and she reveled in it. This was a woman that wasn’t afraid to use her sexuality to her advantage. “So why the tackle?” Peter asked trying to not look her over and it was oh so hard. She had those long legs, a great waist, her entire body looked to have no fat at all on it as she was trained gymnast body. The fact that her black leather cat-suit (pun intended he thought) didn’t hide anything. Then there was that plunging v-neck line showing her impressive cleavage. Plus it was that attitude of hers all that confidence and sexuality. You put that all that wrapped up in one package and it was trouble on two very long and great looking legs. Maybe that was why it was so hard for him to think straight with this woman and she caused a lot of problems. Hell he never knew where he stood with her, why did she have to play the bad girl and be so hot on top of it. “I just wanted to say hi,” She nearly purred out. She walked to the side of the building swaying her hips sexually and posed like a cat in heat with her hands behind her and her back slightly arched. He was sure she was teasing him on purpose she always did like to play little games like these. “Next time you could just come up and say it instead of jumping me,” he joked trying to regain some control of the conversation. “Maybe I did want to jump you, you seemed to have enjoyed that when we were together a few months back.” She smirked and licked her lips. And there he lost his composure again remembering the sex they had before Charlie, he wondered if she was wearing that black panties and bra again, from the neckline on this version of her costume he could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. He tried not to look but he couldn’t help it, he felt himself wanting to feel her body against his again. ‘God when did I become a sex maniac? I just had sex with MJ not too long ago and now I want to jump the bones of my…what other ex? God I never knew where we stood really, maybe fuck buddy?’ Peter really didn’t know but all he knew was that for some reason he was horny as hell and she looked oh so good to him. For Felicia the Black Cat, her little game was taking a different turn. She looked him over and knew that body under the uniform. She didn’t know the face she preferred it like that, the mystery of who he was made it kind of hot for her. But for some reason she was feeling very horny staring at him, she remembered all the fun times they had and it made her feel slightly wet. God how she wanted him in that moment but one of the reasons they had stopped was because apparently he was off the market. She felt annoyed that she would most likely have to go home and masturbate to sate her body’s huger. “So I guess you’ll want to get back to that girlfriend of yours,” she said a bit bitterly. “Actually…we broke up,” he told her as he walked closer to her and saw her eyes widened a bit in surprise before she smirked and walked towards him to meet him. “So…no one home waiting for you?” She asked. “Nope not at the moment,” Although he didn’t bring up Mary Jane, well they had said that they could see other people. He couldn’t believe he was doing this but he hadn’t felt like this since he had seen MJ in her club. Was his breakup effecting him that badly that he had to get laid by all his ex-girlfriends? Although at the moment he really didn’t care as he felt this aching need to have her. What neither of them knew what that Aphrodite’s spell was working on the both of them and the mutual attraction they already had was easily making things a lot easier as any barriers they had were broken down and the need they had for each other was fed. The goddess herself prepared herself for the show as the two mortals were so sexually energized that her little spell barely had to do anything. Black Cat didn’t wait for another moment as she nearly launched herself at the man pulling up the mask and capturing his lips with her own soft ones. Peter immediately wrapped his arms wound her one on the back of her head pulling her closer to him and the other on her ass. He had always had trouble thinking on who was better physically MJ or Black Cat but there was thing that Black Cat over MJ and that was her ass. It was an amazing ass as his hand squeezed it hard just the way she liked it. She moaned into his mouth in approval as she returned the favor. Eventually they had to pull away for oxygen as she looked at him with hungry blue eyes, “Spider I know usually we go for a little more flirting but I’m feeling like a cat in heat. If we don’t fuck soon I think I might just push you down and rip that costume off of you.” She held up her hand showing the little claws on her gloved hand of her costume to prove the point. ‘Fuck I can’t have her rip this up this is my new suit and it’s expensive to repair,’ Peter thought quickly ever since he upgraded his uniforms from work to change and use unstable molecules he got from Mr. Fantastic they weren’t cheap to replace like the old cloth ones he used to wear. He knew that he couldn’t take her to his place as he looked around and blinked in surprise. “Well…there’s one place we could try out if we got some cash on hand.” Spider-Man pointed with his chin. -Hotel- Working the late shift at the front desk wasn’t something Emilia enjoyed, it was usually just people coming in for the night for some quick and dirty sex, illicit affairs, or just wanted a quick place to hide from the cops for the night. Well at least the pay was decent and she wasn’t on the cleanup crew, the things some of them found from the stories she heard from the cleaning staff, well front desk duty wasn’t that bad in retrospect. Still she would hope for something new to happen as she signed and looked at the register, mostly it held Mr. & Mrs Smith as the couples, at least there were a few that were more original than that but this place wasn’t in the upscale area of Manhattan where you had to use your ID and credit card checks. Still the people that did pay with their credit card should have known that their real name was on it when they used it. Still as she flipped the pages she wished for something exciting. “Uh…hey we need a room for the night,” a male voice spoke up and from the sounds of it, it was a first timer using this place. She could hear the nervousness in his voice and wondered if this was yet another affair. “Names please?” She nearly sighed out still not looking up as she turned to her right to find which rooms were free on the computer. “Spider-Man and Black Cat,” a female with a lot more confidence spoke up. ‘Wow really? At least that’s original,’ Emilia sighed as she looked up and did a double take. She couldn’t believe her eyes at the sight of a man in a Spider-Man costume with a gorgeous woman literally almost hanging off him in a Black Cat costume. “uh…you two…” “Cosplay convention is in town,” Spider-Man told her. “You know how it goes we met up and hooked up so…a room?” “Uh-oh right just a second,” She quickly gave them a room as they paid in cash for the night. She watched them go and they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Well it took all types lord knows she had role played a few times in her life but dressing up as actual famous heroes? Well it did give her a few ideas but then she stopped. “Wait…what cosplay convention!?” She knew there wasn’t anything near them that could hold anything like that. -Room 504- The door burst open as Spider-Man had barley gotten it opened while Black Cat had attacked him in the elevator and hadn’t stopped. She had her arms around his neck and her legs locked around his waist as he was using his super human strength to keep her up with one hand on her ass as he used the other to take the key and slam the door closed. He threw the key on a table not really taking notice of the room as he guided them to the large bed. They went down kissing and pawning at each other hungry for each other. “Oh god Spider it’s been forever,” she moaned as he kissed her long elegant neck. Peter slipped a hand under her clothing through the v-neckline to caress one of her breasts squeezing it a little roughly just the way she liked it. “Oh you really remember how to turn me on,” she purred caressing his back she pulled his face to hers kissing him as she used her long legs to turn them over so now that she was on top of him. She grinned down at him like a cat that caught her prey as she gently ran her fingers over his costumed top. “Oh we’re going to enjoy tonight.” “Damn why do the bad girls have to be so sexy?” He asked out loud looking up at the vixen on top of him. “Because bad girls have the most fun,” she told him as she slowly started to strip out of her top. She was making it painfully long as she slowly opened up the v-neck and pulled it down to her belly before slipping out an arm freeing part of her chest. He could see one of her breasts now the large fleshy globe topped by a light pink nipple. She pulled down the other side pushing it all to her waist as she took one of her gloved fingers in her teeth and pulled it off, throwing it away when she got it off. She did the same with the other glove now the only thing on her was a collar and her small mask. “Oh Spider let me see you,” She pulled on the bottom of his top as he helped her to get it off, she helped to remove his gloves and web shooters. His mask would stay on though, it was the little unspoken rule between them that the masks always stayed on. She looked over his chest and ran her hands over it, she loved how his muscles felt under her touch. She started to lean down and place gentle kisses along his chest and stomach as she slowly crawled down his body and got to his belt. Peter watched the sexy woman take off the belt, he was glad that he had started to carry cash in that that thing too many times he had been caught without it. Then she undressed the rest of him first his pants, then his boots leaving him in his boxers with a very noticeable bulge in them. She grinned at him as she stood up and very slowly stripped out of her clothing. It was like watching a personal strip show as she cupped her impressive breasts and pushing one up licked one of her own nipples moaning loudly for him. Then she turned around and slowly took off her own boots after her hands glided over her body as she leaned down and took off her pants and he could now see her ass perfectly framed by a very sexy set of black slick panties that showed off a lot of her ass. She turned around and hooking her thumbs into the sides of her pants she slipped out of them. Now he could see her in all her naked glory, she used to have a small patch of white hair above her crotch but now she kept it very clean and shaven. “Hope you enjoyed the show,” she teased him. “Oh you bet, you always did know how to show off your assets.” “Can you blame a girl?” “Hell no they’re amazing assets.” “I know one other thing that’s pretty amazing,” She told him as she reached for his boxers and finally freed his dick. She licked her lips as she immediately started to give him head, first just the tip and slowly she kept going down on him making Peter moan as he ran his hands through her hair. She managed to get most of it down before taking a breath. “God that’s still great, hope you don’t mind me having that in me right away. I’m already so wet that I’m dripping here.” “Go for it Cat, I want to feel you.” She smiled as she sat over his crotch taking hold of his large cock and placed it at her entrance he noticed that she wasn’t kidding bout dripping. He could see the liquid slowly leaking from her pussy as she placed it right against her slit and then suddenly sat down on it. “Oh God I needed this!” She cried out feeling herself being filled up fully like only a few other lovers had been able to do. She rolled her hips enjoying the feel of him inside of her, stretching her insides in the way she missed so much. Peter gripped her hips as he helped her to rid his cock she rode him fast and hard as she had been horny since the rooftop and needed this. She looked down at him as only his mask protecting his upper face was the only thing on him. She rode him like a stallion, sometimes she would grind her hips against his and then move her hips in a figure eight pattern to really get a feeling of his dick pressing against different areas inside of her. He reached up and cupped her breasts as he played with them making her purr as he would twist her nipples in that way she loved. He could feel them hardening under his touch as her breathing increased. It was like old times with them, like they hadn’t stopped having sex with them it was always a bit animalistic and energetic. Black Cat was like sensuality and sex all wrapped together into a tight package that could drive men wild with passion. “Time to switch it up Spider,” she told him getting off his now wet cock as she turned around to show her ass to him shaking it a little. “I really want you to give it to me now.” He got behind her as he made sure to place his cock to the right hole and thrust forward into her from behind. “You really have the world’s best ass you know that,” he told her his hands kneading her rump. “Got that right,” she pushed back against him feeling him enter her like this at this new angle brought her even more pleasure. Soon the small rocking starting to get more intense as he started fucking her. “Oh god-fuck yes-fuck me Spider!” Black Cat yelled out as she rocked against him as hard as she could feeling how his dick nearly pulled out and then slammed back in. Peter held onto her hips as he slammed against her ass he couldn’t help but admire how much of a perfect ass she had. The slapping sounds were heard as they met mixed in with the sounds of the bed and their own voices. Her large tits swayed with each thrust as her nipples sometimes would rub against the sheets as she balled her fists. By this time the heat of the room had increased as the musky scent of sex filled the air, both of their bodies were now starting to be covered in sweat as Spider-Man continued to fuck her doggie style on the large bed. The bed itself shook from their passion as their groans and moans of sexual bliss filled the room. Black Cat reached her orgasm first as she cried out unable to hold herself up anymore her top half fell onto the bed as her ass was still raised up as Peter continued to fuck her with strong thrusts. She shuddered with every thrust as she rode out her orgasm feeling her inner walls still being pushed aside by every thrust of his cock only extended her orgasm. “Cat I’m going to cum!” He warned her it since he wasn’t sure if she was safe like MJ had been to cum inside of her. “Pull out and stand up,” She told him as he did so she quickly got on her knees placing his cock between her breasts. “Kitty wants her milk today,” she smirked at him squeezing his hard and hot cock between her tits as she moved them along his shaft a few times before taking the head that poked out of her fleshy orbs into her warm mouth. “Oh god Cat,” he moaned as he couldn’t take anymore and fired his cum into her mouth. She greedily took all of his cum. She gulped it down as fast as it came feeling it slid down her throat and into her stomach. Peter took a few breaths looking down at the sexy woman who still have his cock in her mouth trying to suck him dry. He moaned as he felt her head going back and forth trying to take his entire length in, now that he had softened a bit she could take it all down her mouth but he soon found himself starting to harden again. He was a bit surprised this was another time he was getting hard quickly again, well whatever the reason he was on a roll with that so he wasn’t going to question it now when he had Black Cat’s mouth all over his penis. She was pleasantly surprised to find him hard already, she took it as a compliment as she got up and pushed him onto the bed in a sitting position. “Still one more hole to go Spider,” She grinned at him. She turned away from him as she sat over his lap as she used her hand to guide his cock. She held her breath as she felt the tip slide past her ass cheeks and hit her asshole. She grunted as she slowly lowered herself down onto his prick feeling it invade her body. Looking at the mirror in the room she watched herself being impaled onto his cock the feel of it stretching her ass out to the maximum. “Oh fuck yes you always fill me up so nicely Spider,” She told him as she watched him move his hands to her large tits and started to play with them making her moan a bit more. Slowly she kept going down until finally she was sitting on his lap all the way down. She moaned out feeling him in her ass right now she sat still letting her body get used to him again. She was glad that his cock was so nicely lubed up at the moment because she didn’t think she could have fit that monster up her ass without it. Peter groaned behind his mask, Black Cat had been the one to introduce him into anal sex and he had to admit it was different than fucking a woman’s vagina. It wasn’t as wet or warm as a vagina but it was a lot tighter. He had done it a few times with Mary Jane, it took some effort but she could do it although they only did that now and again plus she couldn’t fit it all the way in like Black Cat could. Black Cat however seemed to really get off on it for some reason but Peter didn’t care at the moment as she had just started to bounce herself on his lap and his mind went back to the white haired sexy woman currently riding him. She threw her head back crying out in passion as he bounced her ass onto his cock. Peter could see their reflection and especially her reflection. There she was this sexy woman her large breasts bouncing with every move, sweat glistening on her fine toned body, he would see her pussy lips covered in her juices as his dick would disappear into her ass. His hands couldn’t help but grip her breasts feeling how firm they were in his hands. She pulled his face towards her as they shared an awkward kiss as she ground her ass into his hips. He groaned before holding onto her hips and stared to help her along with riding him again. She cried out with a laugh as she reached behind with one arm to hold onto his neck her other hand went to her pussy. She felt her enlarged clit and started to play with it making her cry out even more the only thing she wished she could do was to have two of him at that moment to fill both of her holes at the same time. Still the two of them continued on in this position as Black Cat lost herself in sexual bliss she came a little bit from how she was playing with her clit but she wanted more, she wanted to feel him cum inside of her ass that would really get her off. “Spider you fuck my ass like no one else,” she cried out. “I can’t help it, like I said you have the best ass ever Cat, I love fucking you there, you feel so tight.” He grunted out as he felt her grip around his cock tighten slightly. “I want you to cum now Cat, I want to hear you cum.” “Cum in my ass then! I want to feel Spider-Man cum in my ass, fill me with your cum Spider.” She told him as she increased her pace trying to get him off. She was close to another orgasm but wanted them both to cum together. Peter wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out, he held onto her as he started to groaning as he felt himself reaching his climax. “Cat I’m cumming!” “Do it, do it now, I want it!” Spider-Man cried out as he held her down onto his lap as he felt himself empty his cum into her bowels. He felt like he shot off several loads into her waiting body holding her very still onto him with his powerful hands on her hips. “Oh god yes!” She screamed out feeling him shoot his load into her had been what she wanted to feel. She finally reached a large orgasm from feeling that hot liquid enter her ass. She came so hard that her whole body  shuddered as her pussy leaked out even more fluids, even squirting a little as her vaginal fluids shot out of her pussy and onto the rug of the room. She was sure it wasn’t the only bodily fluids that had ever been on that floor either. She always got off the best when she had her ass fucked and having Spider-Man’s cock in her ass was always the best. She leaned her back against him as she felt his hands caressing her naked flesh that was another reason she liked having sex with him, he always so loving even in moments like this. She closed her eyes feeling his hands go to town on her body as she gave small moans of approval. That’s when she noticed it was still hard. Before she could ask him something she was flipped face first onto the bed as he was fucking her again. “Oh my god again so soon!?” She yelled out as he humped her ass. “Yeah don’t know what’s gotten into me lately but it’s like I’ve gotten super charged.” He told her. “Well a lady like me won’t complain, oh god that feels good, fuck me Spider, fuck my ass, fuck me through the bed.” She moaned as he started to do just that as her body sunk into the mattress with each thrust as he grunted with the effort. “Ugh, you’re like an animal!” she screamed out in pleasure. Aphrodite had been sitting in a chair the entire time enjoying the show, she was currently sitting in a chair one hand lightly rubbing one of her breasts as another was playing with herself watching the show. The energy of their sex and her close proximity felt electric to the goddess. If this kept up she might have to pop back in once and awhile to feel a little recharge. Since her powers came from love and sex this whole spell was starting to turn out for her benefit given all the sexual energy in the room was feeding her, it was a lot more potent with him though. She found that interesting plus it seemed her little spell had enhanced his libido. She watched as her new favorite mortal fucked the woman’s ass but there was a problem now. The goddess was starting to get turned on, she could join in but the sudden appearance might spoil the mood. Maybe another little ‘dream’ romp with Peter would be nice but she couldn’t wait. Well she had a few nice studs and women back home waiting for her so she left the two mortals to sate her own needs. Next up Chapter 4: The Soldier
Chapter 9 - Chapter 9
CHAPTER 9: HONEYMOON SURPRISE Up in Canada in a hotel room of Ororo and Logan the two newlyweds were of course doing what all newlyweds would do. After all the years Logan and Ororo had finally admitted to their attraction and of course had married not that long ago. Logan having found his real name a year ago had decided to use the name James Logan as his official name so no Storm was officially Miss. Ororo Logan. Their honeymoon suit was like most, large and spacious. They had been there for a few days and the two had spent most of that time in their room enjoying their quiet time alone. Back at the mansion it was harder to find a nice quiet place and time to enjoy each other not to mention with all the work they did also they were too tired at times to enjoy the night together. So they were taking advantage of this to the fullest. Thanks to Charles paying for this trip as his gift to the two they had a very good time. They ordered their food and the room itself was a bit of a mess with clothing all over the place, currently they were on the bed but the sheets had been placed in a pile on the floor. Ororo was facing the foot of the bed on her hands and knees, her long white hair was slick with sweet and clung to her face and body in an erotic sight as her dark skin had a sheen of sweat all over it. She was moaning out in pleasure as her husband was behind her ridding her hard. Logan had her hips held tightly as he hammered away inside of his new wife. His hairy muscular body was sweaty as well from all the exertion. He was growling as his instincts kicked in and his hips slamming against her nice round ass making a smacking sound. Ororo had lost count of all her orgasms or how many times they had done so, with Logan’s healing abilities he could go on and on for hours much to her bliss. She lowered her head seeing her large dark breasts swing with the force of Logan slamming into her body. Logan also had a nice long and very thick member that stretched her out nicely all the time. “Oh goddess! Oh Logan! Please…hurry…I’m…I’m so close my dear! Oh yes, ah, ah, uh, ohhh!” Logan only continued his assault grunting with the effort as he picked up the pace speeding up causing her to cry out but in pleasure. He still couldn’t believe that this goddess of a woman was now his wife, it was like the world had finally given him a break in life. Plus she was just amazing. Her rice round ass was perfect, long luscious legs, large darks breasts with darker tips, and that mane of white hair, but most of all were her beautiful sky blue eyes. They held the most beauty of her, her inner beauty. Also the fact she was the greatest fuck of his life as well. She was nice and tight as he rammed into her, he felt himself close to another climax and leaned down feeling her soft skin of her back against his chest. He reached under her and gripped her breasts as he did quick and short thrusts into her hot tunnel. It was already slick with their mixed juices. Ororo knew the moment was close at hand, “Oh Logan darling, yes! Please! Cum in me, I want to feel it! I need to feel you inside of me! Yes! Cum in me Logan!” “Oh I will darlin’ ya know it!” he finally spoke as he continued. Oh Logan I want your baby!” She shouted out, this wasn’t an actual surprise to either of them. Ororo’s biological clock was starting to go off and all through her engagement she felt like she wanted to start her own family. It all started when her sister had Evan but now with her own husband and step-daughter she wanted her own. She wanted Logan’s child and she had talked to him about this. He didn’t mind, in fact both agreed that this would be the perfect time to try and conceive a child because they were alone. Sure it might not happen but at least they could try. “Yeah you know it darlin’, I’m going to fucking knock you up!” He growled out as his instincts kicked in even more with a willing female mate that wanted his offspring. “Logan…I…Don’t want to…leave here…without…a baby inside of me!” She strained to get out as she then felt the explosion of her orgasm hit. She pulled her head back and cried out as her body tensed and her pussy clenched down on Logan’s dick trying to milk it for every drop that she could get. This just pushed Logan over the edge as he slammed in all the way his hips bucking as he flooded her womb with his seed trying to impregnate his wife. Ororo took nice long panting breaths feeling him shoot himself into her again. She really did hope for a child with things as they were it would be just so hard back at the mansion and also because she really wanted to hold a small child that was both hers and Logan’s. She did love her step-daughter, Laura as her own. But she still wanted a child with Logan, someone they could raise from a baby and not as a trouble young woman. Plus it might help Laura as well with being a big sister. After a moment of enjoying the afterglow of orgasm the two untangled themselves and laid out on the bed as Ororo cuddled up to her new husband. Her hand tracing lightly against his hairy chest her long leg rubbing up against his with her head on his shoulder. “That was nice as always.” She said closing her eyes enjoying this moment. He smiled and ran his hand through her hair. She truly was a goddess to him, it had taken so long to just admit his feelings for her but he was glad that he had. He hoped for a very long and happy life with her. For a moment as they relaxed he got a bit worried about the kids back home. “You sure it was good ta leave them all back there by themselves?” Ororo nearly laughed, “Logan, Jean and Scott are in charge. What’s the worst that can happen? Magneto or anyone else hasn’t been heard of lately and they can take care of themselves.” Logan sighed, “Yeah you’re right.” He brought her lips up to his as he gave her a nice deep kiss. By the end of it she could feel Logan regaining his erection, “Still Logan? I need to take a shower.” “Hey I can’t help it if this healing factor keeps kicking in.” He grinned at her. She thought it over at the moment her pussy was a bit sore from all the fucking and could use a break. But then she could still give him a little help in ‘relaxing’ at least long enough to keep him happy long enough for her to take a shower. “Well then Logan let me help you with that then,” She purred as her slender hand gently gripped his dick making him moan out. She continued to lightly stroke his member feeling it get harder and harder. She then started to kiss his chest and work her way down his body. Logan rested his head on the pillow feeling her gentle ministrations until she reached his crotch. Ororo continued to stroke him but then started to lick around his balls. Logan nearly cried out feeling her warm tongue against the sensitive flesh. Ororo smiled as she had Logan at her mercy now, some thought that the male was the dominant in this type of oral sex but if the female knew better then she could take control. She slowly and teasingly licked about his balls hearing him start to breath a bit deeper, “’Ro come on I don’t know how much I can take.” He asked her. She looked up at him smiling, “Do what Logan? And you got to ask nicely too.” “Please Ororo…I…I need you to…Suck me off,” He panted out feeling her slow down and he didn’t want that at all, “Please Goddess.” She smiled broadly at him, “There now that wasn’t so hard was it?” She smirked and then ran her tongue along his shaft that still had a slight mixture of their fluids on it. She heard him give a loud groan as she tasted the juices on her tongue. After giving him a nice cleaning she kissed the tip of it and then engulfed his member. Ororo started to slowly move her mouth up and down along the piece of meat in her mouth running her tongue all over it just like she knew how he liked it. Logan gently gripped her head slowly starting to guide her movements. She was just to incredible at this type of thing as his hips started to jerk a bit. He felt her going deeper and deeper until with one last movement she took him all the way down and her sucking him hard, then pulling back slowly sucking the entire time and her tongue trailing along the bottom of his shaft. “Oh fuck!” Logan moaned out as she did that. They started to work up to a faster and faster movements, her head bobbing quickly as one hand was working the bottom of the shaft and the other working his balls. “’Ro…I’m close baby…so…close…” She knew it too she could feel his dick pulsing and throbbing but just as he was about to release she gripped his dick hard cutting off the flow of sperm. “Oh fuck! Ororo! Come on! That’s…not fair! Oh God please I need to cum!” It was like a pleasurable agony as he wanted to cum but he couldn’t. “You want to cum then? Well you know what I need to hear,” She knew that in a moment like this any man would do anything and it was kind of one of their little games. Besides it wasn’t often she got to be in a position of total dominance. “Please my goddess! Let me cum, let me worship you my beautiful wife!” He yelled out gripping the sheets as it was like being in total agony yet prolonging the orgasm a bit more. She simply let go as he shouted out in release as a flood of sperm flew out coating Ororo’s face and breasts even. She ran her hands over the fluids sucking it off her fingers and seeing Logan totally blown away by it. One of the ways she had found out to keep him down was to deny him orgasm for a long period and he was totally exhausted after it. She smiled as she stood up and let him rest. She felt his warm fluid on her flesh and with one hand worked it into her mouth her skin. Even taking some of it and sticking it into her vagina, ‘Every little bit helps,’ She thought to herself. Ororo went to the shower to clean up, she scrubbed her body good to get the smell of sweat and sex off of her body and hair. She ran her hands over her skin seeing a few bite marks and bruising from all the sex but she didn’t mind. Sex with Logan was always very passionate and thrilling, something she craved she had found out. Her hand went to her vaginal lips and felt how tender they were at the moment, not so much as it was painful but she sure would be swore later on. It was times like this she wished for Logan’s healing abilities. Then a hand rested to her stomach hoping that she would be with child one day soon. She felt time catching up to her and she wanted her very own little child one day soon. After finishing the shower she noticed that Logan was still out and sleeping. She knew that he might ‘punish’ her later for that dirty trick and she was looking forward to it as she pulled out some clothing that hadn’t been worn yet and put it on. When Ororo left the hotel and went out to do a bit of looking around and maybe some shopping. Maybe to see if there was anything she could use or even as a nice reminder of their time here, there was someone else in the crowd of people. A women with blond hair had been watching her but soon went off down an alley way. The woman started to shift into the blue skinned and red haired woman known mainly as Mystique. She had just been in the city talking to a few old contacts, since Magneto had been holding himself up she had decided to do a little freelance work again and was currently just taking a rest from it all. Then out of all the people she had to see Ororo wasn’t one of them. What she was doing in this city she had no idea. She had seen Storm walk out of that hotel so she figured that maybe she was here on a mission, if there was a new mutant around then maybe it might be useful information for Magneto to learn about. She could follow the woman but Mystique had other plans. She easily shifted her form to that of Ororo’s looks and walked back to the hotel. To everyone else she was just an African American woman in a nice grey sun dress as she walked through the lobby. She walked up to the front desk and saw a woman there that looked a bit younger then she would have thought. ‘Most likely just a student working here part time to earn some money,’ she thought to herself as she put on her best smile. “Hello there I lost the key to my room, I don’t suppose there is a spare I can use is there?” Mystique said as Ororo. The young lady behind the counter remembered her, she was a hard one to forget to be honest. She had looks that she would kill for plus that husband of hers wasn’t someone she would have expected her to marry but they seemed to have been in love. “Very well then ma’am just a moment,” She looked behind the desk and found one of the spare room keys as she pulled up the names. It was another thing that she remembered the name Ororo since she had never heard that before. ‘Now where is it?’ She wondered as she looked through the computer then she found it, “Oh yes Ororo Logan and James Logan, that’s the last name.” The first name was unique but the last one was more common so she had a harder time with that. She checked the room number and then went to where the keys were and picked out the right on. She walked to the tall woman and handed her the key with a smile, “There you go ma’am.” Mystique smiled and saw the room number of 314 on the key, that would help with where it was and so she wouldn’t have to ask. After she was on the third floor since the number started with a three, it took her nearly ten minutes to find the room. She didn’t bother to look around that would only cause suspicion in anyone that saw her so she just walked up to it like she was supposed to be there. The trick with how she was so good at what she did was not only take just the shape, that was the easy thing. The hard part of it all was to ‘play the part’, to be so good at being who she was supposed to be that no one could tell who she was. Over the years she perfected this skill, and with how long she had known Ororo she had more than enough knowledge to pull it off. She opened the door and closed it behind her it was then that she noticed the scent. The heavy musky one she knew from sex and she was worried that she wasn’t here alone. Either that or she picked someone up in the hotel bar but she didn’t think Storm was the kind of woman to do that. Mystique on the other hand wasn’t above that. Hell without her one night stands she’d hardly have any sex life at all. She looked around but suddenly someone had her pressed up face first against a wall, “What the hell?” “You know darlin’ that wasn’t very nice of you leaving me like that,” Logan said to her sniffing her neck as he held her in place. ‘Fuck! Logan, of all people she had to be screwing,’ She thought to herself. Some nameless man she could handle but she had to be careful not to blow her cover with him. She was just glad that her powers let her change her scent now to match the other forms she took. Although at the moment she wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or not, because now she had to wonder just how far she was going to let this go. It would have been easier if he hadn’t have pinned her to the wall. Then she felt him use on hand to pull up the hem of the long skirt and when a bundle was pressed up between his stomach and the small of her back she felt his hand caressing her ass, him smelling her neck in a savage way. It didn’t help matters that the last good fuck she had, had been months ago and she was pretty sexually frustrated as it were. He felt him pull the underwear down as it slipped down her legs as he started to kiss her neck. She felt one of his hands on her breasts kneading it and despite herself a moaned escaped her mouth. ‘I can’t believe I got myself into this, damn it either I fuck him or try to talk him out of it…god damn it why dose this have to feel so fucking good?’ She asked herself as his free hand went to her pussy under the dress and she clenched her teeth trying not to enjoy this. “Logan…wait…I…” She tried to think of something anything but she couldn’t think clearly at the moment. She should have taken care of her urges sooner but the only available man to fuck had been Sabertooth and she only did him as a last resort. She wanted to get fucked not raped and with his violent sex it was how he liked it. Very rough and usually painful. At least Logan was prepping her as she felt herself getting wet from this. “Sorry ‘Ro but you knew this was coming,” He said huskily into her ear, something in his tone sent a shiver down her spine. “Logan…Wh-AHHH!” She cried out as he just thrust his dick into her pussy from behind, he got about half of it in as he worked in the rest of it. Mystique leaned her face against the wall and Logan proceeded to give her one hard screw up against it. She felt him inside of her and thanks to her shifting abilities she could alter the size of her inner walls making herself as tight as she wanted but still loose enough to really enjoy this. After about five minutes any resistance left her, she figured she could have some fun and no one would be the wiser. And why not? He seemed very good at this, and if Ororo was too busy to take care of him then why couldn’t she enjoy some fun as well? Mystique was moaning and panting, by now Logan had let go of her arm as she held the wall as Logan hammered into her. The front of the buttoned dress was open and with the bra pushed he could feel her breasts and teased the nipples there adding to her pleasure. She knew that she shouldn’t be enjoying this so much but damn it, it had been so long for her and this felt so good. When Logan climaxed inside of her she had her first orgasm in months. She was left panting and breathing heavily, her legs shaking a bit. Logan pulled out of her with a wet plop sound and gently carried her to the bed. Now things were different, he gently undressed her kissing her and caressing her body gently. For the first time being shown such tenderness and love she felt the first hint of regret for this. This wasn’t for her, it was for Ororo, this was also what she had and for a bit Mystique felt a little envy for the wind rider. Logan after finishing undressing her again, gently rolled her onto her stomach as he started to massage the muscles out of her body. She moaned as his hands worked their magic, starting from her shoulders and moving on down to her back, ass and legs. She had never felt so good in such a long time she felt him behind her and wanted more, “Logan…take me…take me now, and take me in the ass lover…” Logan grinned at his wife’s offer and prepared her for it, he spread her cheeks and slowly entered her. She groaned out as her face pulled a pillow to her and buried her face into it and gripped it for all its worth. She loosened herself up a bit but not too much. To Logan it felt a bit stranger than normal, but he just thought that her body was just adjusting to anal sex more or something. When he had his hips pressed up against her ass and buried as he could he started to move. He was propped up by his outstretched arms by Ororo’s side as he began to ride his wife’s ass. Mystique moan and groaned both in pain and pleasure it had been so long anything felt good. She felt his powerful movements and his dick going into her, stretching her out. When she started to get used to it she moved with him moving her ass against him and wiggling her hips causing the stretching feeling to intense as she did. After a while her face came out from the pillow, “Oh god yes! Fuck that ass! Fuck me Logan! Fuck me hard!” His only replay was to do what she asked took her shoulders pulled back on her causing her to arch up her breasts swinging with their movement as her shut eyes and mouth open in passionate screams. Logan was lost in the passion of the moment although he did feel like something was off, this just felt different then it usually did but he pushed it aside. Mystique didn’t last long as she screamed out in orgasm, Logan felt her tighten up and shot his load into. She felt him cum deep into her bowels as he let go of her and she just dropped to the bed sweating and panting. He pulled out of her and she thought that was it but then he pulled her naked form over onto her back and she looked up into that mountain man of a mutant. “Again?” She weakly asked. He smiled at her, “You know me darling, always ready ta go.” He kissed her full on the mouth and she eagerly kissed back thinking that maybe just one more time and then she’d sneak out. After all just how long could he keep this up? Later that day, Ororo walked into the room after doing a little shopping and dropped her bags, “Oh god yes Logan yes!” She froze at that sound, not only because she now heard Logan and the sounds of people having sex but the fact that was her voice calling out to her husband. She rushed into the bed room to see Logan and…her. Logan was on his knees holding the other Ororo’s hips slamming into her. He gave one final thrust and roared out as he orgasmic causing the other Ororo to scream out as her back arched off the bed slightly feeling him cum inside of her yet again. Mystique had lost the track of time as the two had just been fucking and kept on fucking each other. Each time she said it was the last but he kept on coming back for more and she still craved more. Although at the moment she had passed her threshold and felt herself falling asleep from all the activity. “Logan!” The real Ororo cried out causing him to look at her and from the surprise on his face she knew that he had no idea what was going on either. They heard a moan and looked to see the other her starting to turn blue. Slowly she started to shift from that of Ororo into Mystique as she looked like that last orgasm had knocked her out for a bit. Now the blue skinned shape shifter was there naked on the bed, her nipples a deeper darker blue, her pussy now bald but the evidence of multiple shots of sperm to her were evident as Logan’s latest shot of cum was leaking out of her pussy that looked a shade darker then her skin. Logan pulled out of the blue skinned woman in surprise and jumped off the bed. He looked at his wife, “’Ro I’m sorry I didn’t…” She raised her hand, “I know Logan even you can’t tell who is who with her and I know you’d never willingly cheat on me…but now we have another problem.” She walked over to the blue skinned woman who had pretended to not only be her but had tricked her husband into fucking her. “Logan…go get me those special toys we used last night, I think it’s time this woman answered a few questions and I think a little punishment might be in order given what she just did.” Logan only grinned as he went to get what she was talking about. Ororo was actually looking forward to this, if Mystique wanted to screw around with her life well it was only fare that Ororo returned the favour. NEXT UP CHAPTER 10: COUPLES’ FUN Well you’ll see a little Rogue/Scott, but mainly Kurt/Amanda/Kitty and Jean/Alex, but don’t worry I’ll get back to Logan/Ororo/Mystique later on in Honeymoon Part 2 later on. Oh and if anyone says how OOC Ororo was just keep in mind I know and this is supposed to be all in fun so of course you’ll see some of that now and then.
Chapter 11 - Chapter 10: The Virgin
The Spider and the Goddess   Chapter 10: The Virgin   Peter turned as he woke up and stretched out in his bed as he felt the bed shift slightly to his left. He turned to see the long red hair and the shapely side of Mary Jane sleeping there. He missed this, waking up to her so waking up next to her again felt a bit like things were back to how they were. But he knew that wasn’t the case, they were in a weird place that was for sure. Maybe they wouldn’t get back together or maybe they would, he had no idea.   Although he did miss her in his life and these moments together were nice.   He sighed staring up at the ceiling well if things didn’t work out he had a hell of a group to chose from. He mentally counted off that he was currently seeing Mary Jane, Black Cat (although that was more like seeing, fucking then her running off), Carol and Rogue he had a few dates and he had already had a date with Jessica taking her after that night at the bar and some of the kinkiest sex he had in a long time. Well next to She-Hulk, that woman had very unique tastes not to mention then there was Madam Web and even Silver Sable showed up last week. She had shown a lot of patience in him about his identity and honestly maybe it was time to show her who he was.   He was starting to trust the white haired mercenary and the trust games of hers she could have taken his mask off at any time but she didn’t.   MJ shifted as she woke up and Peter’s thoughts turned to the red head next to him. “Morning beautiful.”   “Mmmm, morning Tiger,” She stretched out on her back giving him a great view of those amazing breasts of hers. He could see the mark on one of them his mouth made and for a moment he wondered if a little morning roll in bed could be in order but checking the clock and he knew that they both had things to do. Plus although he had a great boss now, he didn’t want to push his luck with being late. Knowing how things went he would get caught up in a super villain battle or his Avenger’s card would go off on the way to work.   He rolled out of bed as Mary Jane got a good look at his back, it was a very strong back and she loved running her hands on it while he was fucking her. She also noticed a few red marks and guessed she was a little too into it last night. Whatever was going on but Peter seemed more energetic in bed lately, not that she had anything to complain about before, he was just giving her more of what she had gotten in the past.   ‘God did I screw up with the breakup?’ she asked herself getting out of bed.   “You want the shower first?” Peter asked knowing if they went in together that would be the last of his will power, he looked over at her as she was picking up her clothing and got a look of her fine ass and long legs. How he wanted to bend her over and right then and there but stopped himself.   “I’ll take it thanks,” she told him looking for her bra, she swore it was around here somewhere but she hadn’t looked to where she had thrown it. Then she noticed something sticking out from under his bed and pulled on it. Out came a bra in her hand but it wasn’t hers, this was a purple sports bra but it was a big one. Not just in cup size which was bigger than her own but made for a woman far larger.   “Uh…Peter, what’s this?” She showed him the bra wondering about who in the world that bra could be from. She was starting to worry that maybe he was into heavier type of women.   “Oh that,” Peter knew that bra just from the size of it and that color or purple. It belonged to Jen Walters the She-Hulk, she had told him she had forgotten her bra at his place and he meant to look for it. But then MJ called about getting drinks and well, one thing led to another.   “That belongs to Jen,” he said feeling more exposed even though they were both naked.   “Jen?” MJ asked him.   “Yeah…you know, She-Hulk?” He grinned with a shrug.   “Oh…okay…that’s uh…” She was a bit relieved that Peter’s taste in women hadn’t changed but when did that happen. “So you two are…”   “We have pretty much the same arrangement that you and I have is all, she and I kind of got together one day and felt that a full time thing wouldn’t be practical.” Peter told her the truth, as they just had way too much history between them to lie to her.   “Oh, well okay then,” She tossed it onto the bed. “I’m going to take that shower now.”   Peter knew something was eating at her but this whole arrangement they had was her idea but he knew she wasn’t totally happy. He signed, all the women in his life and he still didn’t seem to know how any of them really thought.   MJ stepped into the shower as she let the water glide down her nude body, she knew she had no right to feel jealous she really didn’t but she couldn’t help that some part of her did. She got the soap and ran if over her body trying to sort out her feelings. She knew that she and Peter weren’t together like in the past and they were both free to sleep with other people.   It was just…She-Hulk of all people? Mary Jane had never really been one to worry about her looks since hitting puberty but that woman was in a class all her own. Was she worried that she would lose Peter again or was it that she only wanted him to herself? She had no idea but she needed to sort things out, maybe going into work and putting her mind into something constructive would help.   -That night-   Spider-Girl: You know this blog can be a bit therapedic at times. Plus since no one knows who I really am I can vent all I want.   Anya Corazon who once went by the name Arana, now known as Spider-Girl swung over the streets looking for trouble. It was Friday night and while normal high school girls were most likely out on dates or hanging out with their friends, she was out looking for crimes to stop.   Spider-Girl: Sure I spend my free time fighting crime because I like using my powers to help people but it doesn’t really give a girl time to date. Not that I’m complaining but kind of hard to date and keep the secrets I have from someone.   Spider-Girl had already stopped one mugging and now was heading to downtown, usually that was a hot spot plus she could get something to eat as nothing closed down there. At least that was the plan until she heard some kind of commotion to her left. Some kind of large crashing sound so she changed direction in mid swing and left to see what was going on, it didn’t take too long to find herself arriving at what looked like some kind of tech lab or company.   What she hadn’t expected were all the AIM agents all over the place, the guys in the yellow bee keeper looking guys were from an offshoot of Hydra that were all about world domination through science. They looked to have been trying to steal something with the crate they were guarding and trying to load into a truck. Trying being the operative word as she noticed a familiar sight of Spider-Man already there fighting the men.   “Well might as well be neighborly and help out,” She grinned as she jumped into the fight. She landed behind someone and swept their legs under them firing her webbing at the guy on the ground.   “Need a little help Spider-Man?” She asked jumping as someone fired some kind of energy bolt at her from some kind of sci-fi looking gun.   “Spider-Girl nice of you to join me,” He said punching one man out. “What brings you here?”   “Just doing the usual when I heard there was a party going on over here, how did this party get started anyway?” She asked him jumping onto the truck.   “Well these geniuses actually managed to set off the alarm,” he told her. “You know for a group of supposedly super smart group they can be a bit dumb.”   Spider-Girl paused to listen. “I don’t hear an alarm.”   “I was nearby and only heard it for a second, they most likely shot it out as soon as they figured out what they did. But it was just long enough for me to take a look and then they started shooting.” He ducked under one energy blast to back flip over the one that shot at him before attacking.   Spider-Girl only grinned as she fought alongside him, he was one of it not the biggest influence in her life as a hero. He had always been there to help her out, to teach her what it meant to be a hero and there for her in some of her darker times. She watched how fluid he moved and she couldn’t help but check him out.   ‘No, no, no, no,’ She mentally thought as they were finishing up. ‘Do not go there girl.’   It was bad enough how all the people on her blog that kept asking if she had a crush on Spider-Man.  Sure she talked about him a lot, had pictures on him on her blog but she had pictures of other heroes too…okay so maybe he had a few more than others. He was like…like a father figure to her, or maybe an older brother, a mentor something like that.   Plus she was still in high school it would be like having a crush on a teacher, which she did admit did happen to some students with the younger teachers. Okay she wasn’t helping her case just because she remembered how strong his arms felt a few times when he saved her, okay that really wasn’t helping.   Peter for his part was enjoying fighting with Spider-Girl as well, it wasn’t often that he got to fight with someone that was like him. At times he wished that he had a mentor when he was her age, all those mistakes he made could have been avoided for instance.   She was still a little rough but she had some moves, he couldn’t help but watch her lithe form move with a grace that most gymnasts would be jealous of, how the form fitting suit showed off her youthful but growing body, his eyes found her ass which was kind of cute.   ‘Whoa there! Bad thoughts, bad thoughts!’ Peter had no idea where the hell that was coming from but he sure as hell didn’t expect that to happen. ‘Okay she’s a little too young for you Peter, don’t you got enough women in your life?’   As they finished up both of them were unaware of what was going on between them, now they were slowly being drawn together not only in the fight but also how they were casting looks to the other then they were sure the other wasn’t looking. The thoughts they were trying to push away and not even think about the things they were thinking about, although no matter how hard they pushed the thoughts seemed to invade their minds.   Spider-Girl really had no idea what was wrong with her, okay maybe she had thought about him as a fantasy but those were just jokes, she never had this issue before. Things like how it would feel in his arms, how it would feel to kiss his lips under his mask, the feel of his hands on her body. She got distracted at that point, she hadn’t noticed the last of the AIM agents throw a device near her. It was a small silver grenade like device as it went off instead of an explosion it emitted a sound wave.   Anya cried out putting her hands to her ears as she fell to the ground, her inner ear being assaulted to the point that even her enhanced agility couldn’t let her stay standing.   “Spider-Girl!” Peter felt more worried for her than he normally would but he didn’t care. He webbed the small device and using his webbing throwing it against the wall of the building. He knocked out the last AIM agent before webbing him to the ground along with the rest. He quickly went over to her checking her out.   “Are you okay?” He asked.   “Everything’s spinning,” she moaned feeling like she had gotten on one of the spinning rides at Coney Island, fives times in a row. She felt herself being picked up into Spider-Man’s arms.   “Don’t worry I hear the cop sirens we can leave them for the cops,” Peter swung away hoping she might not need to be taken to Avenger’s tower for treatment. He also tried not to think about how he could feel her young body pressed up against him. Spider-Girl was having similar thoughts, it felt really good in his arms, she felt safe here and they were nice strong arms. She could see herself falling asleep in these arms.   Peter landed on a rooftop holding her in both his arms, “How are you feeling?”   Part of her wanted to lie just so she could stay where she was but knew this wasn’t right. “I think I can stand.”   He let her down gently as she got her feet back under her. She still felt a bit uneven but she was getting better. She looked around to see that they were now alone together on a rooftop and Anya felt her heart skipping a beat, she wasn’t sure how much was from the adrenalin or her own feelings.   “You okay?” Spider-Man asked her.   “Yeah, man what in the world was AIM doing out in the street like that? Do you know what they were trying to steal? ” She asked him.   “No idea but I can ask the Avengers I’m sure they’ll either know or love to find out,” He told her looking down at her. “Feeling better?” He asked gently placing his hand on her face making her look up at him as both were starting to be very aware of just how close they were.   Anya couldn’t take it anymore she had always been a bit impulsive but she was a teenager after all. She reached up to pull his mask over his mouth and pushing up on her toes kissed him. She didn’t know what got into her or why she was doing this only that she needed to do it. Although when he kissed her back she melted into his kiss feeling his hands at her waist.   Peter had been taken off guard by hr actions and her kiss but still he didn’t stop, when her soft young lips hit his he felt compelled to kiss her back. It wasn’t until a maybe a minute passed before they both broke away.   “Okay whoa!” Spider-Man said taking his hands off her.   “Oh god I’m so sorry!” Spider-Girl said at the same time as she placed her hands on her face wanting to die from embarrassment. Why did she kiss him, and why did it have to feel so good. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…I…I have no idea why I did that.”   “I-it’s okay.”   “It’s really not!” she told him looking at him again. “Why did I do that, I’m such an idiot!”   “No you’re not,” he told her trying to calm her down taking hold of her shoulders.   “I kissed you,” she said lamely looking down. “I shouldn’t have done that.”   “Well…it’s not like anyone saw it this can stay just between us if you want it.”   She really didn’t want this getting out but there was something else she wanted to know. “Why…why did you kiss me back?”   “Uh…” Peter was really stuck on that one why had he done that?   “I guess…it just felt right?” He really didn’t like how that sounded but damn why did it feel right?   She bit her lip lightly as she had a small smile on her face, “It, kind of did feel right didn’t it? Can…can we do it again?”   “I…” Peter knew that mentally he should say no that whatever happened was it but it was like he felt a pull towards the girl. She ran her hand over his chest as he felt his hands pulling her in close before he knew it they were kissing again only deeper this time.   Anya moaned into his kiss as she felt his tongue glide over her lips, she opened them allowing his tongue inside. She didn’t care if this was right or wrong she just wanted this, she wanted him. All those silly fantasies were being realized and she wanted to see how far this would go. She felt his hands run along her back as she pulled him in kissing him more passionately than anyone, not that she had much experience but she had kissed boys before, just not like this.   She wanted him she realized and not just kissing but more, she was burning for him in a way she had never felt before, was this lust or something more? Then she felt it, she felt something hardening under his suit pressing into her and that really got her excited.   For Peter this was something he hadn’t expected to happen tonight it caught him totally by surprise as he made out with Spider-Girl. He felt how soft she felt against him, how her petit body pressed up against him, the way she felt, tasted the little moans she made of course he started to get an erection. Then she pulled back looking down as she noticed what was growing, he really wasn’t sure how to explain that.   “Is…that for me?” She asked in such a cute way that made Peter want her even more.   “Yeah.” He admitted although he really wished it wasn’t.   She bit her lip again as she considered something, normally she wouldn’t even consider this. Hell later when she thought back to it she wouldn’t understand why she did it, but she did when she asked him a question. “Okay I know this is weird but…is there somewhere we can go?”    Peter’s eyes widened behind his mask as he knew what she was asking but could he really do it? She ran her hands over him and as she pressed her body up against him again and against his erection the battle of wills was losing in favor of getting laid.   “You sure?” He finally asked.   “Yeah.” She replied.   -Peter’s Apartment-   Spider-Girl wasn’t sure what to expect when she followed him home only that she was getting more excited and nervous with every minute. She couldn’t believe this was happening but damn it she wanted it to happen. Finally he got into a window and she followed him inside. He turned on the lights as she looked at his apartment, it wasn’t much bigger than her own but it was definitely a guy’s place, you could just tell.   “So here we are my secret lair, AKA my apartment,” he joked.   “Yeah got one of my own too,” She joked back at least here there weren’t any roommates like for herself.   He looked at her for a moment before walking up to her and with his finger under her chin tilted her head up. “You really sure about this?”   “Every time you ask I’ll just say the same thing,” She told him. “Um…I should tell you that I’m not very ‘experienced’.”   “That’s not an issue I wasn’t expecting you to be, although how much are we talking because you can’t have much.” Given her age he didn’t expect much most kids her age seemed to be getting laid if the media was to believe. Then again given what the media said about him then maybe they weren’t after all.   “Like…none at all.” She told him.   “Oh.” Peter couldn’t believe it, she was asking him to be her first, talk about pressure. He remembered his first time, hell everyone did and now he was going to have to really make this good for her.    Then she did something that Anya felt that she had to do. She pulled down her mask showing him her face. “But if we’re going to do this, I want to do it right. I’m Anya, Anya Corazon.”   Peter was a bit surprised she did this and it really spoke about how much she was trusting him with her identity. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to do this without giving her the same courtesy and they had been through a lot. He never had anyone to look up to when he was her age starting out plus she deserved to have this moment her way.   So he pulled back his mask, “Hello Anya, I’m Peter Parker.”   “Peter,” She tested the name out on her lips and she liked it, he was actually kind of cute with his brown hair and she liked his eyes. She reached up and kissed him looping her arms around his neck as she felt his hands on her hips. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted him in that moment the whole thing was crazy but it strangely felt good too.   Peter felt her young body under his hands as they slowly trailed from her very slim waist to her cute little ass that he had been watching. He gave them a small squeeze earning a cute squeak of surprise in their kiss but as he kneaded her butt she moaned into his kiss. She felt so eager in his hands was he ever that young?   She ran her hands over his body feeling the muscles under his costume and it only drove her on. He eventually broke their kissing until he attacked her neck. She turned her head to give him access as she moaned his name out. Peter had to reach down because of the height difference and pulled her up by her ass to his level. She was surprised but quickly wrapped her slim legs around his waist holding on to him.   Then she felt it, his erection rubbing against her pussy, she couldn’t stop her hips from rubbing against it moaning as she felt it against her own sex.  Peter groaned into her next as he walked them both into his bedroom. She felt him grinding against her as the arousal in him grew with every moment. When they were by his bed he set her down both of them looking at each other with a burning passion. He reached down to his shirt and pulled it off as Anya eagerly looked at his bare chest, he didn’t have much hair on his torso but it was so good looking, especially those abs.   She took her gloves off as she ran her bare hands over the six pack. Peter took of his own cloves and web shooters letting them fall to the floor. Anya knew that she should start getting undressed but a bit she was still a little nervous. What she really was worried about was that he might not like her body, she was still a teenager and not exactly fully filled out yet. She slowly slipped out of the top of her costume letting it slid to her waist, it was all one piece for the most part as she pushed it down to pool at her feet.   She stood there feeling exposed in just her bra and panties, they were a simple green pair she had on. She wasn’t sure what to do other than step out of her uniform and when she looked up he was already in his boxers. Her heart was beating so fast from nervous energy that she couldn’t take her eyes off the bulge there, was that really for her?   Peter stepped forward and kissed her gently running his hands over her soft skin feeling her against his own. He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, then he pulled back and gently pushed the straps off as the garment fell to the floor. Anya covered herself feeling a little self conscious about her size.   “I know they’re not that big,” She told him as she was more of a B-cup at the moment, hell she wasn’t even sure if she would ever get bigger.   “Don’t worry about that,” He told her honestly pulling her arms away to take a look at her topless form. Her cute little breasts with the dark nipples against her tanned skin, he reached up with one hand and gently caressed one of them. “Anya you’re a beautiful young woman, never let anyone tell you different.”   She couldn’t believe she was here nearly naked as she was letting a man feel her up but she no longer cared. She wanted him more than ever now, she pressed herself against him kissing him. “Take me then, please make love to me.”   Peter nodded as he laid her on his bed kissing her and caressing her body, Anya was lost in a swarm of new sensations. The feeling of his hands along her skin, how he caressed her body only got her more worked up. She could feel the dampness of her pussy making a wet spot on her panties by this point. Peter worked his way down her body kissing between her breasts before taking one of them into his mouth. Anya’s back arched at the unfamiliar contact as she grabbed his head.   She thought it couldn’t get any better as she squirmed under his talents when his free hand went to rub the front of her panties. She cried out suddenly as her hips jerked on their own at the touch, she wanted him so badly now, her body burned for it.   “Peter please I don’t know how much more I can take,” she begged him.   “I know but first I have to make you cum,” He kissed down her toned stomach and pulled down her panties. He found a small trimmed patch of hair, apparently she didn’t completely shave herself.   “Sorry,” she said looking down at him. “I wanted to shave it all but I figured since I wasn’t dating…”   He smiled at her, “It’s okay it’s cute,” he then licked her wet slit making Anya feel like a jolt had just rushed through her body. He worked his mouth on the girl because as for her first time he wanted to make sure she came at least once. Later it might hurt too much for her to cum, at least that’s what he heard a few times before. He remembered one story about how someone had only just stared to feel good when the guy came.   Anya was lost in a world of lust and passion as she felt for the first time a guy eating her out, it was so much better than fingering herself. The way his tongue moved, the wet and warm part of Peter’s body did things to her she wasn’t aware could happen. Then she felt him pull apart her lips and stick his tongue even deeper. She cried out then as her back left the bed her hips jerking in pleasure she had never known before. Sure she had masturbated but this was so much better than anything she had ever done to herself.   Peter soon found her clit was ready as he sucked on it lightly making the young girl cry out he then started flicking his tongue across the sensitive bud.   “I think…I think I’m going to cum!” Anya told him her body wanting to thrash about.   “Then cum,” he told her as with that Anya’s whole body seemed to tense up as she cried out. Her hips jerking as she came harder than she had ever had in her young inexperienced life. She was left nearly lifeless as her body fell back onto the bed.   “Oh god that was good.” She sighed.   “And we haven’t even gotten to the good point yet,” Peter told her getting up on the bed next to her kissing her shoulder his hand caressing her stomach as he slowly went down to her very wet pussy. “I might need to get you ready.”   “Do it, I trust you.” She told him.   Peter nodded as his fingers slowly entered her body she tensed up as she gasped at the intrusion. Peter was using his two fingers to help stretch her out in preparation, he wasn’t going to break her hymen just yet although he was debating that. He wasn’t sure how much to do this but he felt he had helped to loosen her up a little, she felt very tight with just his fingers.   He stood up as she slipped out of his boxers and went to the night stand, in one of the drawers he pulled out a condom package as he put it on. Anya watched eagerly as he did so, watching every inch of his naked form and especially his manhood. That was the first real dick that she had seen in person and it was going inside of her.   She watched as he got around to the base of the bed now in front of her as she spread herself for him in a wordless invitation to him.   Anya Corazon lay there naked breathing heavily as she watched him sit in front of her spread legs. She was really going to do this, she was really going to lose her virginity. She as she had watched him put on the condom and she was still wondered if she would be able to take all of him inside of her, he looked so big to her not that she had much experience other than a slight curious look on the internet a few times.   He placed the tip at her entrance making her hold her breath.   “You sure?” Peter asked her one last time.   “Yes,” she swallowed.   Peter eased himself as he watched the head push past her lower lips. The half-Mexican/Puerto Rican girl held her breath as he eased himself in until he felt the barrier of her hymen. He stopped himself giving her a look as she nodded her head. Peter pushed as she gasped as her fists clenched the bed sheets as she hissed out.   “You okay?”   “I…yeah I think so, damn that stings,” she groaned as it felt him inside. “Are you in?”   “Not all the way.”   “Keep going, please I want it all,” she looked up at him as he leaned over her and slowly eased his way in. Anya groaned it did hurt but she was so very wet from her orgasm that he gave her that he was slipping in easily. She had never felt so full in her life, she had only used her fingers before to masturbate and never had something this big in her. She felt him stretch herself out unlike anything before she groaned as he slowly pushed himself deep into her body.   Finally he reached the end of the line as the head pressed up against her cervix although he found he wasn’t fully in, there was still a bit left but he knew he couldn’t go any further. God she was so tight around him, he had never had a pussy this tight in his life. He briefly wondered if it was because of her slim build compared to his, her age, the fact she was a virgin until now or a combination of all three.   “Need a minute?” He asked her.   “Just a bit,” She breathed, god how she felt so stretched out. It hurt a bit but it wasn’t too bad she had gotten hurt a lot more as Spider-Girl this was nothing compared to some of those times. Peter kissed her gently as they stayed there gently caressing each other. She wanted more she wanted him to make love to her.   “I’m ready, please go slowly,” she told him.   “Okay,” He gently pulled out a little and pushed back in as she groaned in a mixture of discomfort and some pleasure. Peter couldn’t believe how tight this girl felt around him, if he was a young man he might have blown his load into this girl within thirty seconds she was so tight.   “Me encanta, Me encanta!” She cried out.   “What?”   “I love it!” Anya told him she had slipped into Spanish by accident.   To Peter it sounded very sexy as he plowed the young woman below him, “Say more.”   Anya tried to think but it was hard while he was giving her the most pleasurable experience of her young life.   “Me pones muy caliente,” she told him. “You get me very horny!”   “Oh god that sounds so sexy coming from you,” Peter told her as he continued to fuck the young woman.   “Ai Papi! Si! Si! Si!” she cried out as he hit spots in her she didn’t even know existed until tonight. “Go faster please!”   “As you wish,” he complied going faster in and out of her once virgin pussy. Again he couldn’t believe how tight her pussy was around his cock, he almost wished he didn’t have the condom on just so he could feel those tight walls wrapped around his bare cock. But he knew that was too far and the small part of his mind that was still rational at least had that much influence.   As Peter rocked himself into the girl she instinctually wrapped her legs around him pulling him in close. Anya soon found herself getting more and more pleasure out of Peter and any doubts were momentarily lost to her. If this was how she was going to lose her virginity than she couldn’t have done better. She held him close as she whimpered and groan with every thrust into her, she felt her hips thrusting back.   She felt the coil inside of her tightening again, she felt he orgasm coming, she wanted this to last forever to feel this great longer but her body was at it’s limit. She couldn’t even tell him she was coming as she could only cry out until suddenly her mouth opened in a silent scream as her eyes widened as her entire body tensed and spasm as she reached her second climate of the night.   “Oh god!” Peter felt her tight pussy already tighten even more as her body tried to milk him for everything he was worth as he thrust one last time as his dick throbbed and burst his cum into the condom. When he was done he gently pulled out of her and rolled to his side seeing the condom with her juices and some of her blood on it.   Both lay there panting coming down from their mutual orgasms.   “Ha sido el mejor sexo de mi vida,” She sighed.   “What did that mean?” He asked curious as he watched her young sweaty body as she lay there nearly boneless and trying to catch her breath.   “That was the best sex of my life basically,” Anya translated as she looked down to see the slight blood on her pussy. She remembered from health class that with first times that could happen. “Uh…sorry about the mess.”   “No worries it was going to get messy no matter what,” Peter pulled off the condom with its contents, it was slick from the lube, her own juices and the slight blood on it. He had never fucked a virgin before so this was a unique treat for him and he was glad that he could make her first time really good. He threw it away in the waste bin next to the bed as he pulled a few tissues on the night stand.   “Here let me help,” He took the tissues and handed them to her.   “Thanks,” She blushed out of embracement taking them and cleaning up. “Sorry about the sheet though.”   “Don’t worry about it, trust me sex usually leaves the sheets having to be put into the laundry.” He explained.   ‘Oh, didn’t know that, damn how much did they miss out on health class?’ She thought to herself as Peter got back onto the bed next to her. She threw the tissues away as she looked at him and she smiled, she had really done it. She had lost her virginity and what a way, going with an experienced guy was the way to go.   She didn’t want any awkward moment so she slide up next to him resting her head on his chest cuddling up to him. “Thanks for this.”   “Well I admit that this isn’t how I pictured my night going but you’re welcome.” He told her stroking her back gently along her spine.   “You think I expected to lose my virginity tonight?” She joked back at him loving what he was doing to her back. She felt like she could just melt into him like this. “God I have no idea what got into me but I’m glad it was you. That was the best I’ve even had, not that I got much to compare to.”   “So I’m going to be the measuring bar?”   “Oh yeah and you set it pretty high Spid-sorry Peter. That’s going to get some getting use to.” She laughed as she knew him as Spider-Man longer than Peter. “No problem Anya, I always wondered why did you decide to go with Spider-Girl and not keep the Araña name you started with?” He asked. She shrugged, "New costume, new powers, new chapter in my life. Plus everyone kept alling me Spider-Girl anyway." But she didn’t want to think about that now, she’d rather think about something else. She ran her hand down his abs (god how she loved those) and after a bit hesitation she slowly stroked his member, it was still a bit greasy from the condom.   “You don’t mind do you?” She asked him a little shyly.   “Nope just don’t be too hard,” she had spider strength like him and he didn’t want to know what her hand could do to him if she wasn’t careful down there.   She nodded as she explored it the skin was so soft as she gently starting stroking it, soon she could feel it hardening as her eyes locked onto it. She couldn’t believe she was giving a hand job but here she was and at least a part of him was enjoying it. Soon he was fully erect as she marveled at his dick, the skin was so soft and yet she could feel the heat of it, the pulsing of his heart could be felt in her hand.   Anya had to try something as she got on top of him.   “Anya what are you doing?” He asked a little worried.   “Don’t worry just something I want to try out first,” She lined up her slit and pressed herself down so instead of having him enter her his dick was pressed against him with her pussy on the other side, sandwiching his cock between Peter’s own flesh and her own. She moaned as she moved her hips rubbing his cock with her wet slid.   “Anya,” he moaned her named taking hold of her hips.   “Oh that feels so good,” she starting rubbing him faster losing track of herself until she accidentally went too far forward so when she came back his cock entered her pussy slightly. Both of them tensed up feeling them together again only this time without the condom. She could feel everything now, it felt even better as she rocked a few times feeling his bare cock inside.   Peter for a moment lost himself in the tight wet pussy that was slowly sucking in his cock before he snapped out of it. He quickly held her hips to stop her movements. “Anya!”   “What?” She asked a little frustrated he had stopped her.   “Condom.”   She blinked before getting off him, “Oh shit, sorry.”   “Just be careful, you don’t want to be a teen mother do you?” He asked her reaching over to get into the drawer and pull out another condom.   “Yeah no kidding,” She mentally cursed herself to her stupidity that was too close. “Can I try putting it on?”   “Alright,” He tore the package and gave it to her. He watched as she found out how to roll the condom on. She smiled at him as she retook her position and slowly lowered herself onto him. She couldn’t get him all the way but she was totally filled so she used her legs to start riding him rubbing his abs and chest as Peter ran his hands along her thighs and sides.   As the two were soon getting into the next round with Anya riding Peter to the best of her ability they had an invisible guest in the room. Sitting naked on a chair facing them was an out of breath but blissful love goddess. She was still rubbing her sex after the huge jolt of energy she just got from those two thanks to her spell on Peter.   ‘Virgins are always the best,’ she sighed at the thought. All that sexual potential just waiting to be released that was the reason she wished she had more virgin priestess that worked at her temples. They were like fine wine just waiting to be uncorked. Sometimes she would have the priests and priestesses pick two young virgins and have them perform love on her temple altar. Nothing was forced of course and it wasn’t like the young couple didn’t want to do it. All that energy that got released in the act was like being supercharged.   She missed those days, it was hard to find virgins these days  but that girl’s orgasms had been like drinking the best drink after being thirsty. Looking at the two of them she couldn’t help but smile, she felt more charged from that than she had felt in a long time and also maybe it was time to give her new favorite mortal another taste of things to come.   She licked her lips waiting for them to fall asleep as she planned out her next phase of her little game.   From the Blog of Spider-Girl   Spider-Girl: Well guess who just got her V-Card punched? Yep, and no I’m not telling who it is besides if I post the entire thing my account my get banned for putting in what might account for pornography.   Spider-Girl: Seriously stop guessing and to whoever posted Hobgoblin, eww, get help you sicko, it was NOT a villain so get those sick fantasies out of your heads.   Spider-Girl: Okay YES it was a hero and NO for the final time I’m not telling!   Spider-Girl: Okay finally a decent question, yeah it hurt a bit but honestly he really knew what he was doing. Experienced guys really know how to make you feel great and he was gentle and caring, I swear both times were amazing.   Spider-Girl: No I wasn’t kidding we did it two times no fooling, although what health class doesn’t tell you is how sore you get the next morning. I ache in places I didn’t know existed.   Spider-Girl: I don’t know how big he was I didn’t measure it! Look it was big to me but I have no idea what’s big or small it’s not like I have a lot of experience with this thing. But after getting used to it, it felt great for all I know he was average or slightly bigger it certainly what’s small.   Spider-Girl: Okay some of these guesses are just plain weird.   Spider-Girl: Yes he was very good, great even like I said experience really counts I can’t wait to do it again. Damn, I got to go, he’s going to wake up and I don’t think he wants to see me blogging about us while I’m still in his bed.     Next up chapter 11: Morning After    Well that's the last girl I think at least main girl, so please rate and review and I am open to suggestions for the story. Also if it helps think of her as 18 and a senior in high school.
Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: The Mercenary
The Spider and the Goddess  Chapter 7: The Mercenary  The first thing that Peter felt was the annoying light in his eyes, he blinked open to see that the sun was up. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He had never been much of a morning person usually because he was out late saving the day or something. Well it had been a bit of a late night but for better reasons. He felt the shift in his bed as he looked over to see the naked form on her side. The bed sheet had gone down to her hips as he got a good look at her bare back.   He smiled as she slid up against her wrapping an arm around her waist. She stirred as she sighed pressing herself against him. “Morning.” Peter said kissing her shoulder. “Mornin’ sugar,” Rogue sighed happily feeling him against her bare skin felt so good. She pressed her ass against him feeling his member against it. She wanted to feel him all over her skin as a woman who had been denied skin to skin contact since puberty she liked to enjoy it since given her life it could only be a matter of time because this gift was taken from her.  It had happened before so she enjoyed herself in these moments plus it was so nice to have a nice and normal relationship for once. No more suave honey tongued men who broke her heart multiple times and flirted with other women, or students or even a student that turned out to be her adopted mother in disguise (it was a wonder she didn’t have more issues with her life given that) so being here with Peter was a nice break from it all. She turned around to kiss him not caring for any kind of morning breath. “Last night was fun,” she told him playing with his brown hair smiling. “The date or after the date?” Peter asked her caressing her side. “Both,” she kissed him again, pulling away she stretched up and got out of bed. “Well ah’m goin’ take a shower, if ya feel up to it don’t be afraid ta join me.” She winked at him giving him a good look at her backside walking away, she had a slight sway with her hips as her ass and nice legs was starting to make a certain part of his body react. He gave a quick look, if they were quick he could make it into work no problem. Pulling off the covers he was going to join this southern bell before he noticed something in his closet. There on the ground was one of his Spider-Man gloves, he paused picking it up as she hadn’t seen it. He felt a bit guilty not telling her who he was and that they had met a few times before only in costume. But she seemed to set on the idea of having a normal guy in her life. “Hey Rogue…you ever wish I wasn’t a normal guy?” He asked her through the door hearing the water starting to turn on. “What brought this on?” she replied as she felt the water for the right temperature. Peter had to think of something, “Well you hang out with superheroes all the time so I was wondering if you just liked that kind of thing. You know someone that could relate to the kinds of things you have to deal with all the time. Villains, battles and the crap that goes with that kind of life.” Rogue paused thinking on it, “Ah guess…but honestly Ah like what Ah got with ya.  It’s just so nice not ta have ta deal with that kind of life. Don’t worry yaself about that sugar, ah’m perfectly happy with how things are.” Peter sighed as he threw the glove into a deeper place of the closet where it couldn’t be seen. So much for telling her that, he didn’t want to crush her thoughts on what they had. Well if things got more serious he would tell her, boy he hoped she wouldn’t be as pissed as Carlie had been. Thinking of his Ex-Girlfriend made him wonder how she was doing. Yeah she had ended things pretty solidly as she could work with Spider-Man…just not with Peter Parker, if that made sense but then if he could totally understand women he’d make a book and live off the royalties. Well at the moment he had a very naked and wet mutant woman in his shower might as well enjoy things while they lasted. He walked into his bathroom to find Rogue soaping up through the curtain. He gently pulled it open as her green eyes locked with his as a smile grew on her face. He smiled back getting inside and closing the curtain. “Wash a gale’s back?” She asked him handing him the soap. “My pleasure,” Peter started rubbing it along her back and shoulders. Kissing her shoulder before applying the soap as she pressed back into him, her ass found his erecting manhood. Peter moaned as his hands cupped her breasts kneading them. “Oh god,” Rogue moaned as she felt his dick slide into the crack of her ass. Peter gently rocked himself against her. “Be careful where ya stick that guy. Ah’ve never had anyone do meh there and ah don’t think ah’m ready ta try that.” “Say no more, I know not everyone likes that kind of thing,” Peter had one hand caress her stomach with the soap kissing her neck as his other still at work with one of her breasts. “Although it is a great ass and feels nice.” He rubbed his dick between her ass cheeks being careful not to pull too far back or he might give her a surprise anal sex and she was the last kind of woman you want to be suddenly pissed at you. Especially when you were naked with her and she suddenly activated her powers. His hand with the soap slowly went further down as he gently cupped her sex making her gasp and then moan in appreciation. “Don’t stop,” She moaned as she leaned her head back giving him better access at her neck. Slowly he sucked on the exposed skin as she loved how he enveloped her whole body as much as possible. Plus she kind of liked the feeling of his dick rubbing between her ass like this although she was in no way she wanted to try anal sex. Gambit had tried to talk her into that that had ended with neither of them having any kind of sex that night. She felt Peter’s fingers slip into her slit finally as two of them worked themselves into her body. “Make sure ta wash that really good,” Rogue moaned out as she started to grind her ass against his cock. “That’s a very dirty spot.” “Didn’t taste dirty last night,” he nibbled on her ear knowing she loved that. She moaned as she felt her legs starting to weaken. That spot on her ear and him stimulating two other areas of her body was getting to be too much. If this kept up she would fall, she pulled away and turned herself to face him throwing her arms around his shoulders and kissing him passionately. He dropped the soap as he wrapped his hands around her back pulling her in. “Fuck meh now,” She told him huskily as she pressed herself against the wall spreading her legs for him slightly. “Just don’t cum in me sugar, let meh know when you’re about ta cum.” “Got ya,” he took one of her legs as he by the knee raising it and helping her to steady herself as she looped her hands around his neck. He used his other hand to help get his dick into her pussy. She moaned at the feel of him. Although they had used condoms last night, she loved the feeling of a bare cock inside of her body. She could feel every vein around him now, she could feel the heat of his dick as he started to thrust into her wet pussy. Resting her head on his shoulder she moaned with every thrust as his chest pressed against her breasts. The hot water on their skin and the feeling of him bare against her skin and her insides only helped her with the amount of pleasure she was getting. Peter kept thrusting up into her by now he knew she had a little spot inside of her that he only he could just find. “OH GOD!” She suddenly screamed. ‘Got it,’ Peter smirked finding that spot as his mouth got her ear lobe and sucked on it driving her wild. “Oh god! Oh God, oh fuck meh! Oh Fuckin’ hell, fuck meh!” She cried out rocking her hips as best she could as he quickly fucked her. They had to make this quick given that they both had places to be and although the thought of just staying here all day and fucking each other’s brains out sounded great, it wasn’t in the cards today. Still the way she felt he tried to concentrate on getting her off first because when she got like this she could be a bit wild and the way she felt against him and around his cock he might just blow his load soon into her and he didn’t want that. Her breathing and cried kept increasing in pitch and frequency until she shook all over as she squeezed him tightly as she came first nearly biting into his shoulder. Rogue was coming down from her orgasm panting hard  as she still felt Peter thrusting inside of her. “I’m going to cum,” he warned her as she had asked her orgasm nearly caused her pussy to squeeze his own orgasm out of him and he was nearly there. “Pull out,” she told him as he did so, she got an idea that she always wanted to try out but hadn’t because she was always afraid of getting a mess on her. Well she was in the shower as she knelt down her hand gently stroking him. “Let it all out sugar, cum all over meh,” she told him looking up. It didn’t take much he had been so close to releasing his load as he grunted as his body stiffened. He watched as his white cum shot out over her nicely shaped tits, a shot landed on her cheek as she continued to jerk him off to make sure everything was out. Rogue felt the warm liquid on her body, she took her free hand to rub it into her skin. It felt so dirty doing it but it also kind of turned her on, it was like he was marking her as his woman. Plus the hot cum on her skin felt strangely nice along with the hot water. ‘God this feels good,’ Rogue thought as she ran her hands over her cum stained body. It was washing out but she might get addicted to this if she wasn’t careful. She didn’t want to get back the mansion smelling of cum, even if it was his. There were some people who would be able to smell that on her body. Peter looked down at the wet southern bell on her knees with his cum washing over her chest. He really wished they had more time now as he really wanted to do nothing more than take her back to his bed. She smiled up at him taking some of his cum off her breast with a finger and placed it into her mouth looking at him with a sultry look. “How long do you have to get back to the school?” He asked. She laughed getting up and found the soap and took it. “Not long enough sugar, turn around, now it’s my turn.” ‘Today is a good day,’ Peter thought turning around. -Later that Day- ‘Today sucks!’ Peter mentally groaned he was on the clock, literally. He was in costume going all over the city like a mad man.  Something was going to happen at ten after three today and it would end up destroying all of New York city, maybe more. It had started out to be such a good day too, he muttered to himself. When he got into work he had been pulled aside by Grady. The heavyweight genius wasn’t your thinking in the box type of guy so he had to figure that whatever he was going to show him it would be interesting. It started easily enough, Grady had shown him this teched out doorway to the break room. The doorway was actually a doorway to literally tomorrow.  Grady had gone in to get a paper to show it, but when Peter tried it, all he saw was a destroyed New York. So here he was suited up as Spider-Man running around looking for something that could cause it, he had Grady in his ear on a two way communicator to help out. The only clue was a smashed up watch at the time of when it was supposed to happen. He had been stopping every little and major crime just to be safe but still no sign of anything that could wipe out the entire city. He even had a run in with Madam Web or at least her astral projection of Julia Carpenter, as usual it had been a unique talk with her. -Flashback to 15 minutes ago- Peter had been quickly changing when Julia had appeared out of nowhere sharing the crap out of him. He hated it when that happened having a spider-sense kind of spoiled surprises for him. “Julia Carpenter!? Wait where’s the Madam Web look? You know trench coat, glasses and all that? Wait is it casual day and no one told me?” Peter asked as he was in the middle of changing. Julia was there in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with her red hair tied back into a ponytail. He had to admit that she was still hot outside of a skintight costume. Why the hell hadn’t he ever asked her out before? He didn’t care that she had a kid, hell she was in amazing shape for a mother. Especially since her t-shirt showed off a nice toned and flat stomach with a great figure. Well despite good view of the red head he had things to do, mainly making sure they all survived. “I’m still at home, my kid got a cold,” Julia told him in her astral projectile form crossing her arms. “I told her to take a coat for the rain, but why listen to me?  I’m only her mom who can also see the future.” “Peter I have to tell you…” Julia paused and then looked around. “What?” Peter looked as well but he couldn’t see anything then again he knew that although she was now blind she could see a lot more of the world than most people. “I thought I…I thought there was someone else here,” Julia looked around even more as if studying the area more intently. “Maybe it’s nothing.” “Getting paranoid?” She gave him a dirty look. “I don’t get paranoid when I can see things coming.” “Must be nice,” he muttered as he finished dressing. -Present- It was times like this Peter felt that psychics and psychic powers were way overrated. Why the hell couldn’t you get a straight answer for once? She couldn’t just say what caused the world to blow up and how to stop it, oh no, she had to be all mystical about it. Plus she had said that he had to be the one to fix this, no Avengers, no FF or anyone else. He couldn’t even warn anyone about it, not his friends or family. He just wished that Julia would give him straight answers when he needed it. Although she had said that she did trust him and that she was not only putting her life on the line but also her daughter’s as well. So she had faith in him so he couldn’t be too angry with her, he was just annoyed by the whole thing. Peter really had no clue where to start only that there had to be something, maybe if he swung around something would trigger his spider-sense. Just as he completed the thought he felt that familiar buzzing in his head, something was wrong and he looked around. “Oh good it’s my all time favorite mayor,” Spider-Man said to himself seeing Jameson leading a parade of some kind. Something was really wrong here as he quickly decided to take in a closer look. “Do we really have time for this?” Grady’s voice was heard in his ear. “Yeah I know time’s a wasting.” Spider-Man said out loud so communicator in his ear would pick it up. That’s when his spider-sense kicked in. “Hold on, getting a hit on this area. Something’s about to go down, I’m going to take a look around the area.” “Sure thing.” Spider-Man swung around the area trying to let his spider-sense lead him in the right direction. It took a couple of minutes but he narrowed it down to an alley near the parade. That was when he noticed them, guys in all white uniforms and it looked like one was setting up a bomb he was about to make his move when someone else joined the party as Silver Sable rushed into the alley. He had no idea she was working security, man he wondered how much tax payer money Jameson threw her way to get her for this gig, she wasn’t cheap. He watched her from a safe distance above as she moved with speed and grace taking down some group, she heard the word terrorist being thrown out there, not the usual kind as they were all in those matching uniforms. She looked like she had everything well in hand but then a big guy in a cape and costume got up behind her. ‘Oh crap, watch out Sable!’ He mentally shouted seeing some costume goon he didn’t recognize but had some kind of mace for a hand snuck up behind her.  He raised the weapon and he managed to catch it just in time. “You almost messed up Silver’s hair. She hates that.” He joked holding it still he could feel a strain the guy was stronger than a normal human but Peter was far from a normal human. Silver looked over surprised and slightly mentally chided herself for allowing someone to sneak up on her but thankfully she had someone watching her back. “Thank you, Spider-Man I’m glad that I spotted you earlier. I’ve learned wherever you go trouble is soon to follow.” “That’s me all over,” He remarked, maybe this was why she was here now because she saw him they stopped the bomb together. Well whatever he hoped this would end the event that would destroy the city. He never noticed before but she really had a sexy European accent, well yeah he had noticed before but it was really sexy. Okay, focus time he told himself not the time to ogle the sexy mercenary woman. “How-how are you doing this!?” The costumed villain said trying to get his arm free. “My robot arm has the strength of a hundred men!” “What this knockoff? It says right here ‘made in China’, next time buy American,” Spider-Man easily tore off the cyborg limb and then smashed him in the face with his own mace for good measure. He wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon. “Stop laying with him I have work to do,” Silver Sable chided him as she was working on the bomb. “These fools have no idea what they are doing, this bomb could level all of Manhattan.” “Grady you catch that?” Spider-Man asked him on the other line. “Yeah. But that makes no sense, we still have eleven hours before the blast. This can’t be it.” “Quiet,” Silver snapped as she was trying to focus. “This bomb is very amateurish, either of these leads could set it off. I just have to pick the right one…” She looked at the mess of wires. Either these men were truly incompetent themselves or they hired someone equally as incompetent for the bomb. It was a real mess of an explosive. “Ah this should be it,” She found the wire and was about to pull it out. “Don’t!” Peter yelled at her as his spider-sense range like a gong in his head. “Oh really?” She was surprised by his yell but she had years of experience with bombs. She told him as much not liking someone questioning her skills. “Yeah well if it’s a fifty-fifty choice I’d go with the guy with the spider-sense.” He told her getting to the bomb and picking the opposite wire she had chosen. They looked to see the bomb deactivate it. “Ha! And the day is saved by your friendly…” “Nobody!” Jameson barged in, he had seen his expensive bodyguard run off and he wasn’t one to just let her out of his sight. It was a good thing too as he had just seen would have ruined him if it got out. “This is all classified, no one will know that a nuke got smuggled into my city like this.” “Aw, so no parade or me then?” Spider-Man didn’t really mean it he just wanted to get under J.J.’s skin which of course it did work but it would be nice to get a reward at least some time. Not all the time but just a ‘thanks’ now and again would perk up his day. Oh well he had a much bigger problem to face that he really should be getting back to. That was when he noticed Silver Sable walking up to him. “Spider…” She moved up to him and pulled up his mask. “Sable?” He asked not sure where this was going but she wasn’t pulling it all the way up. He had been here before and “On behalf of the people of Symkaria, please take this reward.” She pulled him into a kiss. Normally Peter might have been put off his game when a sexy woman suddenly did this but from what he had been experiencing lately and his talk with She-Hulk, he figured why the hell not. He pulled her deeper into the kiss holding her waist as he placed his tongue into her mouth. Sable was surprised by his intense response but soon fought back with her own tongue. He had just saved her life twice and all of the city. She had been wrong with the bomb they must have altered it so if anyone tampered with it, it would go off.  She owed him her life again, she felt the urge to thank him in a much more intimate way. She whispered into his ear, “Tonight, Imperial Hotel, the presidential suit. I’ll be waiting for you at Eleven. Do not keep me waiting.” “Uh…yeah sure,” He felt a bit light headed from that kiss as he swung off. “The hell…dude did she just ask you out?” Grady’s voice was heard in his ear. Damn, he had forgotten about that she had spoken right into the ear with that communication device. “Uh…I’m sure it’s just to thank me.” He told him. “Come on we got a disaster to avoid.” “Sure thing Casanova.” He could hear Grady smirking through the communication line.   -Later that Night- Peter was on a rooftop overlooking the Imperial Hotel, it was getting close to eleven. He had thought about not showing up but that might have been rude to ignore her offer and honestly with the whole talk with She-Hulk he decided that maybe it was time to just go with the flow.  He had a pretty good idea where this night might lead to and in all honestly he was kind of looking forward to it. Sable had always been this mysterious woman that he didn’t know much about although she was a very sexy woman. The day had ended on kind of an anti-climatic note, he had talked with Mary Jane in a café. He hadn’t told her everything but damn did she give him advice that really saved the day. He would have to thank her later for that. In the end all they had to do was just turn the damn thing off, the time doorway had been the cause of it all. Because they left it on it had basically overloaded and blown up. Sometimes it was the simple things you overlooked. So when all of that calmed down he knew that he had a date to keep. He decided not to keep the lady waiting as he jumped off the building and swung up to the top suit. He saw that the door on the balcony was wide open and he was kind of afraid he might have picked the wrong place. It was the only open door and the lights were on. He walked into the place and looked around, it was very much the kind of five star hotel room that he couldn’t afford, yes his new job paid much better than when he did freelance work or as a teacher but still, this place made him feel like he was wasting money just standing here. “Hello?” He called out. “I’m not a robber just your friendly superhero just checking in.” He really hoped he got the right room, then a door opened and out walked Silver Sable. She came in wearing a pure white silk robe, her hair all undone as she smiled at him. Damn that woman could really make an entrance. “Oh good for a moment I thought I got the wrong room.” He joked. “I’m glad you didn’t, please join me,” He turned around and walked into the other room. Peter mentally shrugged as he walked in and it apparently led from the living room area into what looked like a dining room. On the table there was a meal already there with candles and everything. “Why do I suddenly feel like Julia Roberts?” He muttered to himself. “I would like to think I’m better looking than either her or Richard Greer,” Sable told him sitting down. “Ah, so you know that one,” Peter told her sitting down across from her. He could have made a Roberts joke about her getting paid but given she had been a whore in that movie then the comparison might have been offensive. He decided on a safer line of conversation. “Got to admit you do look a lot better than either of them.” He told her. “I hope you don’t mind a little food,” Silver told him sitting down as he sat across from her. “It was a busy day and a very trying one with your new mayor.” “Hey I’ve had to deal with him for years.” Peter told her looking at the food it wasn’t a full meal but it did look good. “You truly are a hero to deal with that man on a constant basis,” She smirked since the man got on her nerves all day long. She was thinking of putting the man on her black list, the clients she refused to do business with just to avoid that unpleasant man. But she did this work for her people the money she earned went to her small country. “It helps if you tune out what he’s saying and replace it with that sound adults make in the Peanuts cartoons.” Spider-Man joked. He was surprised to see her actually smile at that, he couldn’t really remember seeing the woman smile all that often, if at all. She was usually so serious and business like when they had worked together in the past. “What is it?” She asked seeing him stare at her. “Nothing, just that I think you got a pretty smile. You should do it more often,” He noticed her lips tugging into a smile again. “There, see right there.” “In my line of work I’ve had to keep myself professional,” she started to slowly eat the food. “But I’ve always smiled around you.” “Wait, when?” Peter paused trying to think about it. “Not on the outside but on the inside,” she told him honestly as it was one of the reasons she found herself drawn to this man. He could make her smile and that was a rare thing in her life, it was full of violence and happy moments were few some days. He always seemed to find the lighter side of things or tied to even in the direst of circumstances. "You also despite any odd go into any battle, especially if friends are at stake. If a stranger is in danger you risk yourself every time to ensure their safety.” “Well, kind of goes with the territory,” he shrugged. “No, for you it’s something more than that. You truly are a good man,” She swirled the wine glass as she took a sip her eyes never leaving him. The rest of the small meal was eaten up as they made some small talk he even got to ask her a few things he always wanted to. Little things, stuff that she liked to do favorite things like music and film. Even asked a bit about her homeland, he didn’t know much of the small European country. She answered everything and even did the same. The time flew by as they got to know each other better and soon the meal was all finished. “Well that was good,” Peter wasn’t sure what everything he ate was but he felt it was pretty expensive and elaborate stuff that he would never normally eat. “Too bad there is no dessert.” “If it is a dessert you crave,” She stood up and walked over to him taking his hand. He stood up as she led him to another room. “I believe I have something appropriate.” Peter felt his heart rate pick up as he got a good idea where this was leading. She led him to a large bedroom, it was stylist like everything else and a very large bed.  She wrapped her arms around his necked as she pulled him into a deep and sensual kiss. Peter returned it feeling his hands glide over her sides of the silk robe. He lost himself in her kiss, enjoying it without any regret. When he was finished with her lips he moved down to her exposed neck. She moaned in appreciation pulling him in close feeling his mouth, his lips, his tongue and even his teeth lightly over her soft neck. After a little fun she pushed him away with a smile as she undid the robe making it fall. Peter got an eyeful of her now. She had been wearing a white silk lingerie, the top was a corset looking top that looked to zip down from the front and pushing up her breasts just a bit to give a bit more cleavage. A garter belt attacked to long white stockings and a thong completed it all. “Wow, you really know how to accessorize,” Peter told her. “I do pride myself on how to set up for a mission,” she told him as she took the hem of his shirt. “So, uh…about the mask…” Peter had told She-Hulk who he was since they had a lot of history together. He had only known Silver for awhile and they only met a few times but she did seem like the trustworthy type but he would make it her choice. Hell it wasn’t like the FF or some of the Avengers didn’t know who he was. “You can keep it for now,” she told him taking off his shirt as she ran her hands along his strong frame. “Trust needs to be built and tonight we shall build it together.” She started to kiss and lick his chest slowly. Peter felt her exploring his exposed chest as he figured to get rid of the gloves and his webshooters. Pulling them off and dropping them to the floor he shivered as her tongue trailed along his abs. He was thankful he showered before coming over here and put on a spare suit. He really doubted she would want him smelling of sweat and grim from a full day. She got to his waist band and belt, slowly she took off the belt as he watched her slowly pulled down his pants for his boxers. He stepped out of his pants as he only had the feet parts of the costume on as she was now faced with his crotch. “Oh this looks very interesting,” she smirked as she ran her hand over his bulge. “Why don’t you go lay down and make yourself comfortable?” Peter didn’t want to argue with the lady as he got onto the large bed. He could feel the comfort of it, he was considering after the fun to check out what kind of bed this was but then thought if it was in this place, he most likely couldn’t afford something this good. He watched as the European beauty took the sash from her robe and then crawled on top of him. “Do you know something I highly respect?” “White matching clothing?” “Control,” She took his hands and slowly started to tie them to the bed post, it was one of those types that looked like a gate instead of one solid piece. “You do know I could break these like tissue paper right?” “Oh I know,” She finished with one wrist as she tied it not very tight as this was more symbolic to her. She started on the second hand. “But this is all about building trust, I know you can get out of this but you won’t. You’re trusting me by giving me total control and with that trust I plan to give you a very good experience.” “I’ll admit, I’m usually the one tying people up,” Peter remembered a few times with MJ he had some fun with tying her up with his webbing. A couple of times suspending her from the ceiling as he enjoyed himself before the hour was up and the wedding dissolved. So for him being tied up like this was a new experience so maybe it was karma coming back on him. After she was finished she kissed down his chest and took his boxers and slowly pulled them down. She was pleased by what she saw, he certainly was gifted. She pulled the boxers off and threw them aside as she took his cock and licked it, teasing him slightly. Peter breathing grew deeper as he felt her warm and wt tongue on his shaft. Soon she took the head of his cock into her mouth her hands caressing his thighs. He was a bit too long for her to take all the way at the moment but she swirled her tongue around the head playing with it before slowly taking him deep. Her bobbing head going down an inch at a time. Peter threw his head back with a groan as he had this sexy white haired mercenary sucking him off. Her hand went to his balls gently cupping them in her hand. She pulled out with a slight pop from her mouth. “Ready for more?” She asked huskily. “God yes,” He breathed as his erect cock felt like it might explode at this moment. She reached over to the little table and opened a drawer. She pulled out a small condom as she opened the package throwing it away and took the rubber material in her mouth. Peter was going to ask her what she was doing before she went back to his dick and using her mouth put the condom onto his penis. “Whoa, that’s a new trick.” He told her. “Something I picked up,” she told him as she sat over him and pulled aside the panties with one hand giving him a good look. She had a small patch of very trimmed hair there and apparently her white hair was natural. With her other hand she took his condom clad dick and started to rub the head against her slit slowly, teasing him. “Jeez, don’t keep a guy waiting.” He begged as he wanted her, she had railed him up and he would like nothing more than to bury himself inside of her. He felt the silk around his wrists and was reminded that this was her game and her rules. Sable was eager to feel his member inside of her but she was disciplined and she knew it would be worth the wait. Feeling the head against her slit she eased herself down sighing feeling him fill out her insides. She slowly sat down until he was firmly inside of her body, taking a moment to enjoy it she ran her hands over his strong muscles. Slowly she rocked her hips loving the way he pressed against her inner walls. “Oh god Sable,” Peter felt her move her hips in circular motions as he could feel the heat against the condom. “Just wait,” she told him as her hands slowly went over her front as she lazily caressed her body, then her hand went to the small zipper as she slowly undid the front of her garment. Pulling it open and slowly letting it fall off Peter could now see her bare breasts. She had small but erect pale nipples with a large areolas surrounding it. He really wished he had his free hands to feel up those lovely looking breasts. They weren’t the biggest ones he had seen but they were round, perfect and firm looking. God he wanted to touch her body so much that he felt like he was torn between torture and bliss as she moved her hips. He could feel how the palms of her hands weren’t soft but had a bit of a rough feel to them. It wasn’t unpleasant but he could tell her hands had worked a lot. The rest of her body looked soft and inviting, he could help but take her in, her body was physically fit with no fat on her at all yet she still kept a very feminine look to her body. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed this slow rocking of her hips as he responded in kind. She was glad he wasn’t impatient, she wanted to enjoy this for as long as she wanted. Thinking he deserved a bit of a treat she leaned down rubbing her breasts against his bare chest. “How does that feel?” She asked him. “Damn you feel really nice,” Peter told her honestly as he got a good whiff of her perfume. Her breasts felt great against his skin. He really wanted to feel them with his hands now, to take them into his mouth but that wasn’t part of the rules. She kissed him slowly against as her tongue ran around his lips, he opened his mouth as their tongues battled for dominance. She then nibbled on his lip sucking on it slightly, she sat up feeling her arousal peeking. She had teased him long enough she wanted to ride her spider, bracing herself on his chest she started to bounce herself on him. Peter nearly thanked god that she started to move, he wasn’t sure how much teasing he could take as she started to ride him slowly. Rising and lowering herself onto his dick, her slick inner walls eagerly gripped him as the smooth condom helped him to glide into her waiting body. She moaned in pleasure gripping his chest slightly as the wet sounds of their lovemaking grew louder and louder. Peter moaned as he matched her falls, thrusting up into her. Her pace was slow and deliberate as she seemed to be drawing this out. Silver moaned with each thrust rocking her hips as she went her waist moved like a snake as she would make circles or rock back and forth. She could put belly dancers to shame with how she was moving, she leaned down to lick his chest, looking at his masked face the entire time. “Do you like the feel of me Spider?” She asked him. “God yes,” Peter groaned. “I love the feel of a good man,” She told him sitting back up and now she was riding him harder. “I love a strong man, a good man, an honest man and god yes, you have such a nice manhood to go along with it.” She closed her eyes as she started to ride him harder and faster now finding that her peek was starting to be reached. She slammed herself harder as their hips started a smacking sound as her voice grew in tone. “God you’re so beautiful,” He told her which made her eyes snap open and look down at him. She leaned in and kissed him riding him just as hard. “I appreciate that,” She gripped the small metal bars of the headboard her mouth open as she shut her eyes her hips thrusting rabidly. “I’m cumming! Cum with me, cum with me!” She cried out. “Fuck…fuck I’m going to cum!” “Do it, cum for me!” She screamed out as she threw her head back letting out a primordial scream. Peter joined her finally getting his release as he felt his cum fill the condom. She fell onto him both of them sweating from the effort as she shuddered rubbing her body against his chest. She needed a bit of a rest after that orgasm to catch her breath before kissing him slowly, almost lovingly caressing the side of his face. He returned it but he still had to control himself from getting out of the silk bindings. “You truly do have skill as a lover as I had hoped,” she got off him as she took the condom off his penis. She put the used material in a waist basket by the bed. “Well I do aim to please.” “Oh you did,” She got back on top of him slowly releasing his hands from their bindings. “However I hope that is not all you have for the night.” “If that’s you asking if I can go another round trust me, I don’t have spider enhanced stamina for nothing.” He flexed his hands and arms finally free as now he used them to travel up her naked form. “Oh that’s good,” She told him both that he could go again and from his hands. She placed the silk belt out in front of her. “Now I believe it’s your turn to take control.” Peter grinned as he took the silk material as she got off him and onto her back, placing her hands in the same position Peter’s had been. Now it was Peter’s turn to tie her up, he made sure they weren’t too tie as he now had the famous Silver Sable tied to the bed and all his to enjoy. He looked down at her slightly sweaty body her breathing deep making her breasts rise and fall as she nearly writhed under him in anticipation. “This is going to be fun,” He said as he captured her lips with his own his hands slowly exploring her mostly nude form. He was going to take these panties off but he might leave the garter and stockings on, she looked pretty hot with them on. “There are more condoms in the drawer,” She told him helping him slip off her panties. “How many?” he asked. She grinned at him, “Enough for the night and into the morning if you’re up for it.” “I do so love a challenge,” He kissed her inner thigh moving up to her glistening pussy. While this was going on, sitting on a chair unseen or unheard by the couple in the room was the Greek Goddess of Love herself fully naked as she had two of her fingers thrusting slowly into her soaking wet pussy. Her large nipples were already hard as she was toying with one of them. She had been enjoying the show as this Silver Sable really knew how to take control and give it in reutrn, she liked her already and the spell didn’t have to do much work. Apparently the woman already had feelings for the man and it only made her take a little extra push to things beyond that kiss earlier today. Aphrodite had been watching her new favorite mortal run around the entire city, he had ignored that red headed friend of his, poor woman most likely had to go home and take care of that urge herself. But this white haired warrior woman had been a pleasant surprise. The only downside had been that damn Seer. She had nearly exposed her, she had felt a mystical eye on her mortal from time to time but now she had a good idea it was this Julia woman. Normally she liked to sit back and enjoy the show but this woman might cause her trouble later on, she would have to be dealt with. A smile grew on her face as she thought of just the way to deal with this woman. Perhaps if she could be brought into this little fun she would be too busy to notice things going on.  Aphrodite had a way to do it as well, all it would take would be to direct a few images to the woman’s mind, it shouldn’t be too hard as the Seer was already keeping tabs on Peter. Oh yes, this was going to be so much fun she smiled to herself as she continued to pleasure herself to the show in front of her. Maybe she could also visit Peter again soon as another ‘dream’ as she was starting to want what these women were getting. Next up Chapter 8: The Oracle Please rememberr to leave a comment if you like it or have any ideas you wish to share. Also could anyone tell me how to post on this damn site without having to put my paragraphs in manually as the site keeps taking out all the spacing.
Chapter 7 - Chapter 7
CHAPTER 7: BONDAGE PRINCESS AND WILD CHILD X23 now known as Laura Logan was having difficulties, all the sex and hormones going all over the mansion was playing havoc with her. She heard the sounds of sex as well and it was getting to her, she hadn’t really had any real sexual feelings until this now and right now she felt like she was going into overdrive. Her heart was hammering in her head and she felt all hot all over. She had gone to her room to relieve herself like how they had taught in the glass. She pulled off her T-shirt and threw it onto a chair and then unclasped her black sports bra. She threw that down too as her small yet nicely shaped breasts were free, her tanned skin felt all warm and she saw her dark nipples were already erect. She gently touched them and had a sharp intake of breath from the sensation. She had never touched herself before but as she slowly ran her hands over her breasts that were over a handful it started to feel good. ‘Why didn’t I ever try this before?’ She wondered. She still remembered that sex course, seeing the older three explain, the live sex demonstrations, having a dick in her mouth and then that boy eating her out. She felt even warmer and she started to quickly unbutton the front of her jeans and pulled them down and stepped out of them. She looked at her dark panties seeing the wet spot on them, she knew she must be turned on, she was ready getting wet. She slipped them off and lay back on her bed as she ran her hands over her slim and yet athletic form. She had grown a bit in the last few years her breasts had grown a bit larger in that time not much but nothing to be ashamed of. She felt her hands run over them and she took in a breath feeling the arousal continue to grow and the small pleasure. She started to rub her hands on the soft mounds enjoying the sensations. Laura took her nipples between her finger and thumb and pinched them, “Ugh!” She felt a stab of pleasure course through her so she did it again, she rolled them hard and stretched them out all the while moaning from it. The pain mixed in with the pleasure and she felt her breathing increase. Laura felt her groin grow hotter and hotter and a need for it to be filled. She snaked one hand down her body sending small shivers down her spin at it and gently rubbed her pussy. Her hips seemed to jerk once on their own as she let out a small moan. She placed a finger inside of her and bit her lower lip as she explored herself. She felt around her small opening testing to see what was more pleasurable or not. It wasn’t long until she had her rind and middle finger inside of her as she was pumping them in and out of her as fast and as hard as she could. She rubbed her clit with her palm as well as she was frantically trying to find an orgasm. She was panting heavily with a little sweat on her, then she suddenly got it. “ARRRGGHH!” She roared out as she came for the second time in her life her hips bucked up in the air her head thrown back as she felt herself close up in her fingers and a warm fluid hitting them. After a moment she slipped her fingers out seeing them wet and covered in something. She sniffed it and gently licked it, she found it wasn’t that bad and cleaned off her fingers. But there was a problem she may have came but she was still horny. In fact she felt more worked up now, she knew that this wouldn’t do it, she needed a partner someone to help her get off. She got up off her bed and put on a robe that Ororo had given her, she didn’t bother with anything underneath she wouldn’t be wearing it long anyway. She walked out and sniffed around, it seemed many of the others were already starting their little ‘project’ and all the sex she was smelling was only making what she was feeling worse. Then she came to a room that had only one person inside of it. Alex was setting up the camera on a tripod aimed at his bed, he had the side panel opened and flipped so he could see what it saw. It looked good and he was doing a test recording and it all worked out fine it seemed. Now he just needed to think of something or more accurately someone, one of the things about living here were all the pretty girls that at one time or another he had always wondered what it would be like to be with and now he had his chance. But what he didn’t expect was X23 busting through the door and slamming it shut behind her. Alex jumped at the noise and turned to her, “What the fuck!? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” He stared at her for a moment as she just walked up to him and undid her robe and let it drop. He was frozen there for a moment at the sight of her naked body. Next thing he knew she threw her arms around the back of his neck kissing him deeply and roughly. She was pulling on the bottom on his shirt and lifted it off over his head as she then pushed him back onto his back and pounced on him. She had this predatory look in her eyes as she looked over his exposed chest running her hands over it. He had no idea what had gotten into her but at the moment he was torn between being very aroused and scared. She started to kiss and even bite his chest making small growling noises. Alex wasn’t sure what to do but he had the feeling that she was in control here and it would be best to let her stay that way. X23 was hot all over she ached to much to have a dick in her and to mate. She quickly undid his pants and pulled them off of him roughly and then saw his dick raise up at attention. She licked her lips remembering her first blow job and wanted to try it again. So she crawled over his legs and quickly engulfed his member. Alex let out a gasp as she eagerly went to work. She was really working him too, he reached out and stroked her hair as she gave a small moan/growl but she didn’t seem to mind so he worked his hand into her long hair. He felt her going strong and using her tongue to lick him up as well, it was very aggressive but the animal intensity of it was kind of a turn on. She felt some precum in her mouth and a twitch from her cock told her that he was getting close but she didn’t want him to cum in her mouth. She pulled her head clear and sat up and sat over top of him grabbing his cock in her hand guiding it to her wet pussy. In fact she was dripping wet already from the last orgasm and all of this. “Wait shouldn’t we use a condom?” Alex told her seeing what was happening. “It’s not my time and I want to feel it inside of me,” She told him, she had a very good sense of her periods and wit her nose she could tell when the other girls were too. Although over the years it seemed all the women were pretty much in synch by now. With that she sat down and impaled herself onto his cock. She cried out feeling him go into her, this was her first cock inside of her and the pain/pleasure was great. She took a moment to take it in just moving her hips a little forward and back feeling his dick stretch her out little by little. Laura then grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts and Alex knew where to take it from here. He started to play with them for a bit before she spoke, “Harder.” So he did, he guessed she liked it rough and really started to put some pressure into it, a normal girl would get all bruised up later from it but he suddenly remembered that her healing powers would take care of that. Soon she started to ride him, slowly at first every time she dropped down she grunted with pleasure. Alex soon started to match her thrusting upwards into her and she was surprised by how better it felt. Soon the two had set a very fast and rough pace with each other and both were covering in sweat from the frantic fury of their act, Alex had to hold her hips as they slammed into each other now both of them moaning out, “Oh God! I…I don’t know…how much more…I can take…I’m going to cum soon!” She leaned down pressing up against his chest feeling her hard nipples graze against his flesh as she humped him faster he reached behind her and gripped her tight ass and tried his best to keep up with her. “This is it…I…I’m fucking cumming!” His head bent back as he groaned out while she gripped the bed covers and gave what sounded like a cross between a scream and a roar as her muscles contracted and started milking the cum coming out of him. She felt him release into her, the hot cum hitting her walls and cervix as her orgasm triggered at that. She felt strangely complete at that moment panting from the rough sex they just had. She felt his warm cum inside of her and touched her pussy feeling the mixed juices there and smiled a sated smile. Alex was out of breath as she got off of him and fell to his side panting heavily both of them sweaty and tired. He had to admit she was a wild one in bed although he wasn’t that surprised really. He had just closed his eyes when she spoke again. “We’re going again in 5 minutes.” His eye opened wide at that and he knew once again she was telling him not asking. He stared up at the ceiling just wondering if he could survive this and if he did would he be able to walk after? --In the Den--- Bobby and Jubilee were cuddled up on the couch, after a bit of rest they had both put away the toys and decided to enjoy the day. That and the huge smiles they both wore were an indication that both of them were still thinking about what they had just done. Bobby still couldn’t believe it, it had been something to remember that was for sure. He never knew his girlfriend had such a kinky side to her and the fact he enjoyed it he guessed he did too. He already had this fantasy of her dressed up as Wonder Woman but tied up on the bed. Just thinking of her like that kind of gave him a hard on. Well that and her kissing and nibbling his neck also. Then they weren’t alone as Amara walked in looking for a book to read. He looked at the girl, she was slim, nice legs a great ass and a very exotic look. Sure he had always fantasized about her and he had felt a bit guilty about that when he was with Jubilee. Of course the fantasies she stared in were pretty much most of his nowadays. Jubilee noticed that he seemed a bit lost in thought and noticed he was looking at something or someone as she turned her head. She wondered why he was looking at Amara and then it clicked. He must find her attractive well he had to admit Amara was a pretty girl but she never figured she was Bobby’s type. She leaned in closer to his ear, “See someone you like or would like?” She whispered playfully. “What?” He asked shocked. She knew he was going to deny it despite his childish nature at times he really was a sweet boyfriend, “Bobby remember what he talked about?” He nodded with a sigh, they promised to share in each other’s fantasies and he knew that if they were going to have a very open and honest relationship they needed to. He looked at Amara and then to Jubilee, “Well…see I’ve always had this thing I’ve wanted to try called if my ‘Fire and Ice’ Fantasy.” He admitted. She listened in on it as Amara left the room and she had to admit she never thought Bobby into the that kind of thing. “Well we did promise to explore each others fantasies so if she goes for it then okay but under one condition.” Bobby wasn’t sure but he guessed that this was going to be a week he would remember forever at this rate, “And that is?” “I get to watch.” Amara was in the library thinking on that class. She just couldn’t get it out of her mind, she was supposed to be a princess born to be noble and uphold certain status. So then why had she just so willingly went to her knees and went to work on Alex’s prick like some back alley wore? But the thing was she had liked it, and she even loved it when he went down on her. That night while in the shower she could only think on his tongue working her, she had masturbated herself in the shower thinking of that and other thoughts like what it would have been like to have been fucked by him as well. Then other boys got into her mind as well. It hadn’t been until the water got cold that she had stopped and gotten out. Now she was wondering just what was going on with not only her but everyone. It just seemed like ever since that class everyone’s inhibitions had been turned off and the truth was she felt a kind of freedom she hadn’t before. All her life she had been raised in a strict environment and it just felt so liberating to suddenly just put that all aside. “Hey Amara?” She looked to see bobby standing there looking like a little lost. “I uh…don’t know how to ask this but…well…I had this idea for the project I wanted to do.” “So why are you coming to me?” She wondered, “I mean what about Jubilee?” “Well we kind of did that already but truthfully…I…I always had kind of a thing for you and I was wondering if you wanted to try out this little…Fantasy I’ve always had of you.” Amara didn’t know what to say, her heart was racing a bit sure Bobby was cute but she had never really thought of doing it with him. Well okay maybe a few times but then she thought of his girlfriend, “What about Jubilee?” “She actually wants to…Watch…” He said blushing a bit. That caused her cheeks to go red as well and her heart rate picked up. Sure in her homeland same sex relationships or even bisexual ones were open so she had no problem with a woman being involved but this was his girlfriend. It seemed kind of weird…But it also made her feel kind of hot to know that she would be watching her boyfriend fuck her. “W-well…What did you have in mind?” She gulped. They were in Bobby’s room later on as Bobby was getting things ready. Amara’s heart rate was going up as Jubilee set up a camera. She couldn’t believe this was happening but it was just so incredible. Before they started they asked if she was on anything and she had a morning after pills in her room. Amara sat down on Bobby’s bed as he was in the closet. “So…What do you want me to do?” “Well…You’ll have to strip down I mean I can’t take your clothing off otherwise.” Bobby pulled out a box with a few things that he could use. After that first class he had gotten this stuff ready for Jubilee but given that Amara was doing this made it better. “Cool I think I’ll work the camera,” Jubilee said smiling holding it, “Get some nice action shots.” Amara watched as the others started to take their clothing off. So she took a breath and started by pulling off her top. She reached behind her and unfastened her white lace bra and let it fold. Bobby noticed that she had a slightly better breasts then Jubilee they were a bit fuller and her nipples were darker although smaller. He saw her zip down her fly and get out of her pants and soon her matching panties. She really did have a nice small compact body as he also saw that she shaved the hair off her pussy as well. “Okay that’s done.” She said and Bobby nodded. “Okay lay down,” She did and she watched as he took out small lengths of rope and start to bind her wrists up against the headboard he also placed in pieces of cloth over her skin so the robe couldn’t burn or chafe her skin. She still couldn’t believe this but she always had to be the one in control having someone just totally dominate her seemed to be turning her on as she felt her pussy started to get wet at this. She saw Jubilee also naked walking around the bed getting good shots. “Okay then now for the final part,” Bobby told her as he finished with her legs so that she was spread eagle on the bed. He placed on a sleeping mask over her eyes so she was blind, “This makes it more interesting.” She couldn’t see a thing it was all black and all she could do was hear Jubilee walking and Bobby doing something. She hear something pop open and then she jumped as she felt some type of liquid hit her chest. “What is that?!” She noticed that the liquid was very warm. “Just a little some liquid heat for you, just lay back and enjoy Amara,” Bobby said gently. Then she felt his hands on her chest rubbing in the liquid slowly and sensually onto her skin. She started to breath a bit harder as the warm of the liquid seemed to be very pleasant to her. His hands started to cover her breasts massaging the liquid onto them as he slowly worked them. She moaned out feeling his hands there and then his thumbs began working the nipples rolling over them. After about five minutes of this and a few other does of the liquid he moved to her stomach and made slow circles with his hands and a few minutes after that he was at her cunt. As soon as he pour the liquid onto her pussy she cried out. “Oh gods! Oh Bobby! AHHH!” “I think she likes it Bobby,” Jubilee snickered as she caught it all on camera. And damn she was getting wet from this. She had started to finger herself as she watch Bobby work and wondered if later he would do the same to her. Amara really seemed to be enjoying herself. Bobby rubbed it into her thighs and pussy hearing Amara whimper and moan in pleasure as she tried to move but couldn’t. Then he slipped in two of his fingers into her and then she really started to squirm as her hips tried to buck and get him to go deeper. He just explored her inner depths getting a feel for them. “Oh please Bobby I want to cum so badly,” She pleaded with him. Her arousal had just been growing and growing the entire time and she was aching for a release. Bobby saw that she was soaking wet now. He pulled out his fingers and she moaned in protest wanting to get off. Then he started to rub her pussy, “Not yet first the fire…then the ice…” She wasn’t sure what he meant then she felt his weight shift on the bed and felt his body next to hers. Then all of a sudden she felt a cold breeze like winter hit one of her nipples. She cried out in shock mainly as she jumped at the sudden change from hot to cold. Then she realized what he meant he was going to use his ice powers on her. She was right, she felt him take the breast with frost on it and started to suck and lick it. His other hand went up to her other one and again she jumped, “Bobby that’s cold!” His entire hand was cold it wasn’t ice but he must have lowered his body temperature. She didn’t get an answer as his cold hand worked on her warm flesh. The alternating between hot and cold was both torturous and took her to a level of bliss she hadn’t known. Then his final hand the one at her pussy suddenly became really cold and she screamed out as she orgasmed from the shock of it. Bobby’s hand was actually covered in her cum from her squirting her juices out of her. He stopped and looked at his hand some of the liquids were nearly freezing on his hand. He noticed Jubilee was now in a chair with three fingers in her and her pussy dripping wet she was also panting heavily. He wondered if she came yet herself. He took this hand with her juices on it to the panting Amara and traced around her lips. Amara felt it not knowing what it was and opened her mouth. Then she felt something slip in and she guessed they were fingers but covered in something. She just sucked them for the cool liquid to help her slightly parched throat. “Thirsty?” Bobby asked as she finished and she nodded her head too tires to talk at the moment. Bobby got grin on his face. He turned to Jubilee, “Hey Jubes set that up on a tripod I’m going to need your help to give her something to drink.” He winked at her and she knew what he meant. It didn’t take long to set up the camera. Amara had no idea what was going on now but she felt Bobby now between her legs and knew he was going to take her now. She felt him at her entrance and he gently started to push his dick inside of her. “Ohhhh yesssss, that feels so good Bobby.” “Oh God she’s as tight as you are Jubes,” Bobby moaned out pushing himself inside of her and then felt her barrier. He held her hips as he allowed her to take a breath before pushing in. She whimpered but it wasn’t that bad in fact after that it started to feel good again. “Oh God this feels so good!” He shouted out rocking back and forth while rubbing his hands over her legs. “Ohhh Bobbby please don’t stop, whatever you do don’t stop.” Amara pegged for him feeling him fuck her was a very nice. Then she felt someone over her face and slowly felt something against her face, it was flesh and she could feel a wetness around it as it settled on her mouth. “Go on Mara drink up,” Jubilee said as she was on her face. Amara realized what was going on but she started to lick the folds tasking the juices there. Lapping it up and drinking the fluids. As she felt Bobby’s dick fucking her cunt as she ate out Jubilee’s pussy. Her tongue licking and moving around exploring her inside of the other girl. “Oh damn she’s almost as good at you Bobby!” Jubilee squealed out as Amara’s warm tongue entered her and teased her. She placed her hands on Amara’s breasts playing with them. This caused more moaning from Amara that only furthered the pleasure she got from her eating her out. “Okay I think it’s time for the finally,” Bobby said and with that concentrated. Suddenly Amara screamed out and her hips were jerking like crazy as a muffled cry of ‘that’s cold’ came out. “Bobby…What…Ugh, what are you, oh shit…doing to her?” Jubilee said through her gasps. Bobby pulled out far enough and her eyes widened at his dick it was completely iced up. ‘Oh shit Amara must be going nuts with that inside of her.’ She thought as Bobby slammed it back into her and the Nova Roma woman screamed out again only it wasn’t in pain. ‘OH-GODS-OH-GODS-OH-GODS-OH-GODS! ARRRGGHH! SHIT! FUCK! OH DAMN IT BOBBY!’ She cried out in her mind feeling the icey prick inside of her. ‘Ugh! Ah! Oh Fuck! AHHHH! I can’t take this! It’s too much! Oh by the Gods let him cum soon!’ Although a part of Amara was getting off like nothing before the sensation was one she knew she couldn’t get with anyone but Bobby. Bobby wasn’t far off he was only iced up when he knew he was close, “Ugh! Oh yeah! That’s right princess, who’s the man, who’s the fucking man! Ugh-ugh-fuck-get-fucking-ready-Amara! Cause-ugh-here-I-fucking-CUM!” With that he slammed himself into her and she felt the icy spray of his cum hit her and she screamed out as she climaxed so much she was leaking sperm and her own fluids getting Bobby’s crotch all covered. The final scream was all it took to get Jubilee off as she came onto top of Amara and the princess greedily ate up the fluids. After that Bobby de-iced himself and pulled out as they untied her together and took off her blindfold. Amara was completely and utterly spent but had on a smile on her face of nearly pure bliss. The couple lay down to both sides. Bobby to her right and Jubilee to her left as the two cuddled up to her with her in the center. “By all the gods…That…That was so…” She tried to search for the words but couldn’t find it. “Wow that was fun Bobby, although do you think next time you can tie me up?” Jubilee asked him her head on Amara’s shoulder her hand idly stroking the other woman’s stomach. “Sure thing,” Bobby smiled at her from across Amara’s heaving chest. “Although not now, I’m kind of spent.” “Yeah I think we all are…what say we take a nap and then talk about it later?” Jubilee then noticed that Amara was already fast asleep and smiled. “Looks like she’s already out.” Soon the other two were fast asleep all three cuddled up against each other Amara’s pussy still leaking out liquids of Bobby’s sperm melting inside of her body. CHAPTER 8: EXTRA LESSONS  
Chapter 11 - Chapter 11
CHAPTER 11: DEEPER FRIENDSHIPS ----Tabitha and Amara’s Room---- Amara was in the shower having a nice long relaxing moment. After all the sex this day she needed it, after that very intense moment with Bobby and Jubilee she had rested up and went one more round with Bobby when Jubilee was out. She had to admit Bobby was very good and she would have to tell Jubilee she was a lucky girl. Then there had been a little fun by the pool and another time with Ray in his room. It was an active day to say the least and she was looking forward to tomorrow. Her hands moved over her slim tanned skinned body feeling it. She was still a little on the short side but she had grown a bit like all the other girls, her breasts a bit fuller and her body more toned from the years of exercise and training. She smiled feeling her neck where she knew there was a love bite there, not to mention one on her left breast and on one as cheek. She looked down to her pussy and it was slightly red and ached a bit but not too bad. She finished up and dried herself off wrapping her long hair up into one and had another wrapped around her body. She reached the door knob when she could hear something. She listened in and it sounded like moaning. That got her curious and so Amara opened the door a bit and looked inside. She saw Tabitha on her bed in her wife beater top and loose cotton pants, she had a video camera and was looking at the picture window as something was playing. Amara noticed that the blond had her hand down the front of her pants and knew that Tabitha was masturbating to something. Tabitha was watching one of the ‘movies’ she made that day. She was watching as both Ray and Roberto were fucking her, at the moment she was on her hands and knees her mouth stuffed with Ray’s prick while Roberto was hammering into her ass with his. On it Tabitha could see the sweat and the drool on her mouth as Ray grabbed her head and was humping her face. Tabitha had just been watching it but the dam thing was making her all hot. She figured that she would be done by the time Amara got out of the shower and to be fair there was no way she would be able to sleep now unless she got rid of the pressure. So while her friend was in the shower she was looking at the start of her little film of her being taken by Ray and Roberto. Her fingers dug in deep inside of her as her breathing was hard and ragged as she felt her body warm. Her nipples were rough against her shirt and her fingers were all wet with her juices. “Oh god,” She whispered out, sure she was getting her rocks off but masturbation and sex were two different things. It wasn’t as good by herself then with a partner but she didn’t have much choice. Amara just smiled seeing her as she wondered what to do at this moment. She got a grin on her face as an idea came to her mind, “Having fun?” “Shit!” Tabitha jumped taking her hand out of her pants and nearly dropping the camera. “Fuck Amara you nearly scared me shitless.” Amara had to laugh, her expression was priceless. “Sorry couldn’t resist.” She looked at the screen and she was surprised to see both Ray and Roberto on there, banging away at a screaming Tabby, only she wasn’t screaming in pain. “Wow…I never thought of trying that…” Tabitha just grinned, “Yeah well I wanted to show I can do this. Although I feel a bit embarrassed you finding me getting my rocks off.” Amara just shrugged, “It’s not the first time I accidentally caught someone.” That got the blonde’s attention, “Really you did you walk in on?” Amara saw down on her bed, “It wasn’t here it was back home.” She explained and then looked as Tabitha was urging her to go on, sure she hadn’t gotten off but maybe this would help take her mind off things. “Well…Okay it all started back just before I left home…” -Flashback- Young Amara was in her usual royal robes as she walked through the city. She was on her way to the baths to wash up before heading back to the palace. The streets of her home were stone and all the buildings were done in the old Roman tradition of her people. She was crossing the main market place where many had their shops set up. It was pretty normal day only when there was a major event happening. It was a bit warmer than usual in the jungle climate so she needed to clean off all the sweat that had gathered. She walked into the very large building that was the public baths. Inside it was all marble and delicate patterns carved into the pillars as well as paintings on the walls and ceilings. She moved to the woman’s changing room nodding to a few of the nobles and others that acknowledged her presence after she paid the cover charge. It wasn’t much since it was public and open to everyone. Now even thought at first woman would use in from morning to noon and then the men for the rest of the day things had changed. There were always woman and men trying to have sex while there together and for over a century and even back in the old Empire the Emperors tired to stop that. But eventually her kingdom kind of gave up on trying. Now the ‘proper’ men and woman still used those times but the majority liked to just lounge around or use the exercise rooms. Of course there were also more ‘intimate’ rooms added for those that wanted to have sex. Since not everyone liked to see a couple go at it in public they was a silent understanding that they would do it away from everyone and not disrupt things. After Amara took off her clothing and let her hair down she walked through the heated rooms feeling the warm air caress her young naked flesh. She went for a swim and for a time was in the heated water just feeling it work into her body. She always loved the heat but never knew why, this was of course before her powers manifested. She was only fifteen although she showed no problem with being among naked men and woman of all ages. Some where her own age, some were kids, others full adults or even a few of the more elderly that liked to soak their bones. She also had to spend some time talking to the senators and nobles there and their families when they approached her. It was her royal duty of course. But then while walking she noticed one of the doors in the corridors were open, she didn’t think much of it until the she heard the soft moaning coming from behind it. Amara just figured two people were just careless and thought to just turn around. But the moaning did catch her curiosity so she took a quick look around and silently looked through the crack. Her eyes widened at the sight, there were two adult women in there both naked, one of them was against the marble wall as the other was kissing and fondling her lover. Now same sex relationships were nothing new in Nova Roma but this was the first time she saw sex in any form. Both women had the usual tanned skin and dark hair of her people. Only one turned away from her had long legs and a tight ass as the other gripped that ass. Both moved against the other and as one went to capture the other’s breast Amara saw that the one against the wall had a pretty decent size too with large dark nipples it seemed. Amara watched as the two woman in their act. She knew that she shouldn’t watch but the growing wetness in her groin and secretly watching this was turning her on. Amara slipped one of her hands to her pussy and started to stroke her opening, she bit back a whimper as she watched on. Soon the girl in front was on her knees eating out the other girl while she gripped her lover’s head. Just then she opened her eyes and saw Amara there. The Princess froze wondering what to do now, if this got out it would be really embarrassing to her and her status. But then to her surprise the woman just smiled as her and leaned her head back and went back to moaning out the name of her lover. Amara was shocked but she guessed being watched was a turn on for the woman. Amara pumped her fingers back into her using the other hand to steady herself as she panted out. She matched her thrusts with that of the woman’s hips jerking to her lover’s face. When the woman came Amara leaned her head on the wall and did her best to stifle the moan of her own orgasm. She stood there panting as she hear the woman start up again, most likely it was the other woman’s turn. But Amara had enough and walked back to the pool area to wash up, she just hoped no one noticed the slight trail of liquids from her pussy starting to go down one of her thighs. -Present- Tabitha was speechless for a moment after hearing this tale. “God damn girl…That was hot, and you or those two were never caught?” Amara smiled at the memory and shook her head, “No, I saw the other woman now and then but I never saw the face of the other one. Plus since she only saw a bit of my face in the doorway she didn’t know it was me.” “Man I’ve got to check that place out next time you visit home,” Tabitha said although the story didn’t do well to stop her from feeling horny, hell she was worst than ever. Then she noticed something from Amara, her legs were a bit open and she could see her pussy a bit and a little wetness there. She smirked at her friend, “Looks like that story got you all hot too,” she pointed and Amara blushed a bit. She had felt herself getting wet but had hoped that she didn’t notice it. “Say…Have you ever, you know…been with another girl?” “Not really…I have thought about it but well…” The princess trailed off. Tabitha got a look on her face, she had been doing a lot of experimenting lately and right now she had one thing she hadn’t tried yet. Plus she wanted to get an A on this project as well. “Amara we’re pretty close right? I mean you’re my best friend and I really trust you.” “Well I trust you as well and I feel the same,” Amara wondered where this was going honestly. Tabitha walked over to her, she had to admit that Amara did have this exotic beauty to her and she was wondering what it would be like with another girl. “Just so you know that I’ve been thinking about trying it out…And…Well I want my first time with another girl to be with someone I trust and know.” “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?” “…Yeah is that a problem?” Tabitha asked hoping it wasn’t. Amara smiled since this blond was her best friend, she was honoured that Tabitha trusted her this much. Amara took off the towel around her head letting her hair fall down. She placed her hands on either side of Tabitha’s head kissing her softly and gently. Tabitha kissed her back running one hand up the girl’s thigh. Soon both girls have Tabitha’s clothing scattered over the floor as Amara’s towel. Amara was on her back as she looked over to smile at the camera that was taping. Tabitha was exploring the smaller girl’s body with her hands and lips. Amara’s breathing was a bit more laboured with Tabitha’s hands roaming over her skin, feeling her hands take her breasts. Tabitha never knew it could feel like this, her skin was so soft and smooth. She licked over one of her small dark tipped nipples on her tanned skin. With the other hand she pinched and rolled the other. Feeling her squirm under her was nice as her own breasts ran over the girl’s stomach. Eventually she moved down to her neatly trimmed pussy. She used her thumbs to pull open the red swollen lips, like herself she had a workout this morning with all the sex so her pussy would be very sensitive like hers was. Tabitha slowly licked around the pink flesh causing the other girl to jump a bit. “Oh yes…please more…” Amara moaned out softly. She felt Tabitha’s tongue start to dart in and out of her, she gripped the edges of the cover as her back arched out. Tabitha heard the girl start to moan and so she sucked on her clit, it really got a reaction as Amara cried out. “More, I need more!” The blond grinned so as she was sucking on the clit, biting it gently and teasing it she put two of her fingers inside or Amara’s vagina. Amara moved her hips with Tabby’s fingers as she started to finger fuck her. She was warm all over and was feeling the pressure build up in her belly. “Oh Tabby, oh gods I think…I think I’m close…” She threw her head back and started to say something in Latin, Tabby didn’t catch it but when her pussy gripped her fingers hard and the juices started to flow she knew that the other girl had climaxed. She pulled her fingers out tasting the juices there as Amara tried to catch her breath. She stood up to look down at the panting girl looking at her body, as her breasts heaved with each breath. She couldn’t wait for her turn. She didn’t have to wait long as soon it was now Amara pleasuring her. At the moment Tabby had her legs over her bed as Amara was using two of her fingers to please the blond. Tabitha was breathing a little harder now, it wasn’t as good as a dick but it was still good. “I need more Mara.” The princess nodded and added a third finger causing the blond the moan out. Amara searched for the g-spot and Tabitha started to thrust her hips out against her but still she asked for more. By now Amara had all four fingers inside of her and it was amazing how much Tabitha could be stretched out. Tabitha moaned in pleasure and it was great. Then an idea came to her head, Amara had small hands and a slender wrist and while for this class she looked up a few sexual things. There was one thing she wanted to try, “Hey Amara…you ever heard of…Fisting?” “What?” The other girl asked stopping not sure what she meant. “Basically you put your entire hand up in there.” “That’s nuts! You can’t possibly fit it up there!” The girl withdrew her fingers, there was no way plus it would hurt like hell wouldn’t it? “Mara a woman can squeeze out a small body of a baby through that, trust me you can do this just be careful and go nice and slow okay?” “You’re nuts you know that?” She looked down at her, “Just do it, if it’s too much I’ll tell you to stop okay?” Amara took a moment and shrugged she had no idea how to do this so she got all her fingers together and tried to move her hand into the smallest position she could get it in. She started to put them all into Tabitha’s vagina and slowly pushed in. “Urgh!” Tabby grunted feeling her self being stretched more then ever. She was taking large breaths and gripped the edges of the bed really tightly. “Oh fuck! God damn it!” “Okay if this is hurting them I’ll pull out,” Amara told her. “No! I can do this…Just…keep going like that…” She said through gritted teeth. She felt Amara’s hand slowly going in. It was unlike anything it hurt like hell but she had never been so full in her life. She grunted and cried out with every movement Amara made as sweat started to show up on her brow. “Ahhh! Fuck! God! Uuurrghh!” By now Tabby could feel Amara slip her hand all the way in right up to the wrist and her fingers against her cervix. “OH SHIT! FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!” Tabitha then gripped Amara’s wrist and slowly jerked her hips, she nearly cam right there and then. She started to jerk her hips against her hand and already she could tell it wouldn’t take much to get her off, hell it almost felt like she might get split in two with this. Amara for her part couldn’t believe that she had done this, or now Tabitha felt inside it was all soft, warm and wet in there. Then she got the idea of maybe heating herself up a bit, she slightly turned up her body heat and Tabitha was grunting loudly felt the sudden warmth. “OH FUCK! AAARRGGHHHH!” She screamed out throwing her sweat slicked head back her back arching as he breasts giggled from the movements. She fell on her back as Amara felt the girl cum hard. She slowly and gently slid her hand out of her friend hearing a few whimpers from Tabitha and hoped she didn’t hurt her. Her entire hand was all drenched. So she just used the towel to clean it off, “Are you okay?” “Un…Fucking…believable…” Tabitha sighed her pussy had this throbbing in it that didn’t stop but boy she didn’t mind. That was mind blowing orgasm she had at the moment and so all was good with her. Amara laid on the bed with her cuddling the blond, Tabitha didn’t mind and held her too. “You’re nuts you know that?” She said to the blond. Tabby just smiled back at her, “Hey it took you this long to figure that out?” ----Kitty and Dani’s Room---- Danielle was changing as well although at the moment she was just in black panties and a bra, she reached into her dresser for a long shirt to put on her. Kitty was at the vanity mirror letting her hair down low while she was in her usual pink pyjamas. “So how was your day?” She asked her roommate and close friend from her seat. “Very…Stimulating,” The Native American girl giggled at the joke and Kitty joined in. “Oh I know what you mean,” Kitty sighed and stretched out, “God first Kurt, then Scott and Jean and then Kurt with Amanda.” That got the other girl’s attention, “Wait…two three ways?” Kitty nodded her head she had to admit she never once thought herself capable of such a thing but it had been amazing. “And did you…you know…with Jean or Amanda?” Dani hadn’t tried another girl yet so far it had just been the boys this day. Although she was surprised by Kitty’s actions. She never thought of Kitty as being the kind of girl for that type of thing. Hell who was she to judge? She played that little game with Sam and got off on being tied up and ‘forced’ to have sex. Dani always got turned on by the thought of being bound and helpless but she had never said such things. She had been afraid she would be seen as freaky or something. But with everyone opening up to their sexual desires she finally managed to get off on it. Truth was she was really liking this, she felt a sense of freedom not since she was rescued by Kitty and Kurt. Although she hadn’t seen Kitty as the type to have sex in a three way, no one knew Dani’s desires either. She guessed it just goes to show that you never really know a person sometimes. “With both actually,” Kitty blushed a bit at that, “And at first it was strange…But it got kind of…Nice.” Dani sat on her bed thinking about that, she had been curious but never had the guts to go through with it. “How so?” Now the Native American girl was all ears as she listened in to Kitty. Kitty had to smile at the memory, it had been an eventual day to say the least. She went on in very intimate detail as how Scott felt inside of her and how it was to eat another girl out. To have another woman’s hands on her body and the things she did with them. She was getting a little worked up as she went along though. By the time she got to describing how she and Amanda were face to face Kurt was fucking both of them with his dick and his tail. “He used his tail!? I…I never thought of that…” Dani was surprised by that and the image of her on a bed with her hands bound behind her back bent face down with her ass raised up. Then with Kurt behind her gripping her hips as he thrust in and out of her ass as his tail snaked up into her was making her wet. She tried to push the image aside but it was very nice image and wondered if she could ask Amanda to borrow Kurt for tomorrow. She felt a tingle in her loins at just the thought of it. “Oh yeah he did,” Kitty giggled, “And let me tell you, it may not be that thick but god is it long. I mean he went to places I didn’t know existed.” Both girls fell into a fit of laughter at that. Dani was silent a moment after that, all of this had gotten her really turned on she could feel her panties all wet with excitement. Unfortunately all the boys would most likely be sleeping or busy. But then she looked at Kitty, she was the closest friend she had and a thought struck her. Maybe Kitty could help her with this, after all she trusted no one more then her. “Hey Kitty…Uh…I don’t know how to ask this…” Kitty smiled as she looked at her shy expression, she had an idea. “Let me guess…You got a little turned on and now you don’t know how to get rid of it?” “Kind of…” Kitty walked over to her and sat down on her bed facing the other girl, “So…Do you trust me?” Dani nodded her head and Kitty gently stroked the side of her face. She slowly leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips lightly. It took a moment for Moonstar to get used to the idea of kissing another woman when she started to kiss her back. Soon Dani got into it and reached down to touch Kitty’s breast through her pink top. The other girl moaned into her mouth as Kitty ran her hands up the other girl’s thighs. She had to admit Kitty’s hands felt nice there on her cotton pants. Kitty slowly ran on hand to cup the mound of the other girl’s crotch. Moonstar pulled away and gasped feeling Kitty’s fingers on her lower lips as she slowly moved two fingers over them. “Oh that feels nice.” “I’m like glad you think so,” Kitty giggled as she touched her shirt. “But lets get a bit more ready.” Then Kitty phased her top off and Danielle watched in fascination as Kitty did the same to her bra releasing her pale mounds with the small light pink tips on them. She decided to take the first step this time and leaned down to lick one of them. She heard Kitty give a small sound that sounds like a ‘mew’ in a way. Then she started to suck on it turning it into a moan. She reached with her hand to cup the other one as well. Kitty had a shiver run through her spine at this. She wasn’t bad but Kitty wanted to see the other girl naked now, besides she could feel the wet spot on Dani at the moment with her fingers. With one hand on Dani’s head running it through her dark hair, she moved the other hand to the girl’s top. There was a disappointing moan from her as she removed her fingers from her sex but Kitty had to phase off the other girl’s top. When she was finished Danielle Moonstar was totally topless as her larger breasts were shown. Kitty had seen the other girl naked before all this, when you share a bathroom and the showers down in the lower levels or at gym at school you can’t help but notice. But this time it was different, this time she was going to touch that tanned skin. As Kitty started to caressed the other girl’s breasts Dani started to trail her kissed up to Kitty’s neck. Kitty moved her head to give the girl more room. Soon Kitty was sitting on the other girl’s lap as they kissed and caressed each other’s skin. It was very slow and sensual experience, for Danielle it was certainly something new, she liked it a bit rougher but this was very nice and prolonged the pleasure. Dani laid on her back as Kitty kissed her way down the girl’s body, taking a few moments at her breasts to make sure the nipples were nice and hard and to make sure she was very pleasured. Danielle felt like her body was on fire, she wanted it so badly as Kitty made her way to her pants and slid them off. Kitty took her pants and panties off at once to save time and looked at the naked Native American girl there breathing hard on the bed. “Hey I got something we totally have to try.” She grinned. Danielle wondered what she had in store and watched at Kitty went to her night stand. She pulled down her bottoms and panties and Danielle got a good look at Kitty’s backside. Her long slim legs and her nice tight ass. She had to admit she wouldn’t mind a slender and tighter ass like that. Kitty came back to the bed with what looked like a double headed dildo, “I got this from Jean since she and Scott made sure there were…uh…other ‘supplies’ for all of us to try out.” She sat on the bed facing her friend and looked at her, “I was saving this for maybe Amanda but I think I’d like, prefer to try it out with a good friend first.” Danielle smiled at that as she watched Kitty starting to lick it up to prepare it. She leaned over and took the other end and soon both girls were doing ‘blow jobs’ on each end. After it was finished both of them sat facing each other with their hips close to the other. Kitty placed in hers first gently and when it was fully inside of her and resting against her cervix she stopped. “Okay you’re turn.” She nodded and moved forward taking hold of the dildo to place it inside of her. It wasn’t like a real cock, there was no heat off of it and harder then a real one but it would do. She moved until her pussy was right up against Kitty’s. Both of their legs crisscrossed the other as they found a nice position, Dani rubbed around and both girls felt pleasure as their clits found each other’s. “Oh yeah I think that’s the spot,” Dani moaned out lightly as she moved her hips to rub them together more and feeling the dildo inside of her move her inner walls around too. Kitty moaned as she moved her hips with her feeling the large dildo in her move. It took a bit but both girls found a rhythm as both started to grind their hips. Then they started to thrust against each other both of them feeling the dildo hit against their cervix and by now both were thrusting their hips harder and faster. Both of them had a light work up of sweat on their skin, for Dani her skin seemed to shine in the lighting as Kitty more glowed. Kitty watched as Dani laid her head back moaning out as she gripped the bed sheets, her larger breasts with the dark tips moving with every thrust. Kitty was a bit envious of how well Dani was developing. Sure Kitty was one size bigger then when she used to be but still felt a little too small compared to all the other girls. “Oh god Kitty…don’t stop…please don’t stop…” The darker skinned girl panted out. “Only…if you don’t…ohhhhh…I don’t know…how much more…I can take…” Kitty whimpered as she kept on going. “Oh god I think…I think I’m going…to cum soon!” Dani wanted to cum with her so she used one hand and stared to rub her own clit, feeling the extra jolt of pleasure run through her body. “Oh god, oh god, oh…GOOOODDDDD!” Danielle cried out thrust one last time as hard as she could onto the dildo. Kitty squealed out feeling the dildo on her end slam into her and it was her final push she needed as her inner walls gripped the plastic device as her body orgasmed. Both girls just well onto their backs panting and trying to enjoy the rush that came with an orgasm. “Oh god that was nice,” Dani said as she gently pulled the dildo out of her. She helped Kitty with her end and just cuddled up next to her roommate and friend. She felt her soft skin against her and the warm and sweat on it too. Her hand went to one of Kitty’s breasts gently stroking it. “Mmmmhhh, that feels nice,” The other girl said smiling and looked over and kissed her on the mouth. Both girls tasted each other’s lips as they slowly kissed. “Well how was your first experience with another girl?” Dani smiled as she snuggled up against Kitty, “Not bad, thanks for this too.” Kitty smiled and ran her hand over Dani’s back gently as the two spent the night in the bed together. It certainly put a new spin on things with their friendship that was for sure. But maybe this would make them closer friends in the long run as well. NEXT UP CHAPTER 12: DATE NIGHT Rogue goes on her date with Gambit as well a little more action as well. Remember to REVIEW people, PLEASE I need more of them to know that people are actually reading this and want me to go on.
Chapter 12 - Chapter 12
CHAPTER 12: DATE NIGHT Rogue was getting ready for her night out, that little rump with Scott had just been what she needed to feel relaxed. Now before she dressed she was wondering how far to go with Gambit, she did want to go all the way but then again she didn’t want to seem like a slut. ‘A little late for that, you were the one that took him into an alley and sucked his cock,’ She reminded herself. So with that she knew what Gambit would be expecting but in all honestly she had always wondered what a night with him would have been like. Now that she could finally touch she wanted to experience that. Thanks to Jean and Scott she was now realizing just how good sex was and how being sexual was really nice. So she just forget about worrying what he may think, if they wanted to take it all the way by the end of the date then so be it, but she was going to be prepared. She looked through her stuff looking at the more sexy stuff she recently bought to help make her feel sexier when with a guy. She found a nice deep green thong that helped to show off her ass nicely, then a garter belt and put on long stockings that were hooked onto to it. She also got this bra that has small straps and slightly see-through material. It also lifted her breasts and pushed them together a bit for added cleavage. She looked at herself in the mirror she was still surprised in how…well…sexy she looked. She never thought of herself in this way before and it was really nice. She put on a long grey skirt with a slit on it and put on black blouse that had a v-neck line on it so it showed off her cleavage. She looked at herself wondering if she should do more, so she put on a few rings, gold ear rings, and a small chocker around her neck. She wanted to make a lasting impression and so Rogue hoped this would definitely leave him with one. Rogue noticed the time and picked up her purse as she left her room. She was in heeled boots that went up to her knees and passed Jean on the way out. Jean looked surprised at Rogue’s appearance, “Wow, Rogue what’s the occasion?” “Just…A date with a guy,” She said with a shrug. “Why? How do ah look?” Jean looked her up and down, “Like a walking human heart attack,” She smiled at her and Rogue gave a small smile. “Well whoever it is, defiantly is a lucky man tonight.” “Thanks,” Rogue blushed at the compliment and brushed some of her hair out of the face. Jean was glad that Rogue was coming out of her shell she was a beautiful woman and it was time she embraced that idea. In fact Jean was glad about this too, for too long Rogue had been so depressed and sad in her life it was time for the goth to start living it. “Well I wish you a great time, I’m going to Scott’s room…I just hope you left me something to play with.” Rogue flushed at that, “O-oh, s-sorry…Ah was just…well…Ah needed a guy and well ah know Scott can get the job done and all…you’re not mad are ya?” Jean smiled at her and stroked her shoulder gently, “Of course not. Scott and I came to an understanding about this when we started. We can sleep with others but in the end our hearts belong to each other, we love and trust each other.” Rogue had to admit she wouldn’t mind having what Jean and Scott had. Sure she could have Scott physically but never his heart. That was only for Jean and Jean alone, ‘Well maybe it’s time ah went and found someone like that…Ah got no excuses now…’ ‘You’re right you don’t,’ Jean sent her, “Don’t worry and have a great time.” Jean leaned in and kissed her on the cheek and Rogue smiled a little. It was nice to have others show affection to her for once and Jean was becoming very close to her. Strange she once didn’t like her much but after all of this she felt a closer bond of friendship with the red head. “Thanks, don’t wait up,” She smiled back at Jean as she left for the front door. She walked to the front door and left the mansion, it was already dark out as she made her way past the fountain and to the main gates. Rogue walked through them and waited, she just hoped that Gambit didn’t either stand her up or was late. Either way she could kick his Cajun ass for either after all the work she did on herself. A few minutes later a roar of a motor cycle was hears. She looked over and saw one coming up to the mansion when it stopped the rider had that familiar brown duster and even before he pulled off the helmet she knew who it was. She smiled seeing Remy there with the helmet pulled off looking her up and down, “You really went all out chere, Remy thinkin’ dat he one lucky man tonight to have such a lovely lady.” ‘Play your cards right and you’ll get ‘lucky’ tonight alright,’ She thought to herself with a smile. “So where are ya takin’ meh?” “Well Gambit thought a nice dinner, followed by dis nice club for some dancin’.” He gave her that grin of his that was one part flirting and one part cocky. “Sounds nice,” She said and it did sound nice. So she hopped up onto his bike and gripped her arms around him as they rode of. It was a nice night and the feel of the wind on her was nice. She was wondering where he was going to take her and they came up to a nice looking restaurant. It was a nice place, not too up class like you would need a reservation. Rogue stepped off the bike and looked at the place and she was impressed with his style. The place had wood paneling and a serving girl took them to a nice booth to sit in. “Okay ah’m impressed.” Remy just smirked, “Oh trust me chere dis is nothing. In fact I like dis place, took me a week to find a decent place to get some nice southern food.” “Any good?” She asked since she loved southern food after all she was raised on it. “Not as good as down south but it’s close,” Remy told her. This was actually the first time they could really talk with each other since that little ‘kidnapping’ business years ago. Despite his arrogance he was a nice guy to get along with. They had shared some nice similarities given that they grew up in roughly similar part of the States. By the time the food got there she found that he was right about it, it was delicious. “Wow you weren’t kiddin’ this is pretty great.” “Remy is glad that you like it, so Gambit has been meaning to ask you why de sudden change?” That was the truth he really did wonder although personally he kind of like this more out going Rogue he was seeing. Rogue just shrugged, “Well…A couple of friends got me to open up and start to see that ah should enjoy mah life.” Remy grinned at the woman remembering the alley where she took him into for some fun. “Sounds like friends dat Gambit would like to meet and thank. Dis is nice for you, lettin’ yourself go like dis, you seem happier now and it’s nice to see.” Rogue smiled a bit at him, “Well thank ya and ah kind of like this.” Remy nodded to her, “Well den to your happiness,” He raised his glass to her and they toasted it. After the great meal he took her for a bike ride around the city it was pretty good as they just rode the streets for a bit. Then he took her to a really nice dance club just outside of town, the place was packed and full of life. She didn’t know that Remy could be such a great dancer either, and thanks to some private lessons with Kitty which Rogue would deny till the day she died, she had gotten better herself. The two of them danced the night away together, Rogue even noticed a few guys checking her out and it felt strange but nice as well. When Remy gave a few guys who were staring a little too hard a glare she felt like she wanted to giggle but stopped herself. It was really nice to feel like not just a normal woman but a sexy one at that. All these years of hiding herself from the world she thought that she wasn’t good looking like other girls but apparently it had been all in her mind. After some time the two of them had worked up a little sweat from the dancing and Rogue had the time of her life. She couldn’t remember the last time she just went out and let loose like this it was really nice. Gambit sat down on a chair at a table and she was about to take another seat when an idea popped into her head and sat on his lap as well. Gambit was surprised but it was a pleasant one at that. He wrapped his arms around her and she looked great at the moment, smiling at him and her green eyes had a lot of life in them at this moment. She was one hell of a woman he had a feeling about her when they first met and when they had gone to his home once he got to really know her. He really liked this girl that was for sure, she was one of a kind and if there was anything he knew. It was when he spotted something valuable and something that was one of a kind was really valuable. “So den what next?” Rogue thought about it and she was tired but not too tired. Truth was Remy turned out to be a half way decent guy and the fact that she had a crush on him since she met him. She had fantasized about being with him, hell she had a few sex dreams with him, her and Scott. ‘Hmmm…maybe another time now…I think since ah got to live one out with Scott ah can finally do the other one.’ She leaned in to his ear, “Well…How about we go ta your place?” Gambit took her hand and kissed it as he led her back to the bike. Rogue’s heart was racing as they rode to the motel he was staying at the moment. She was excited since this had been something she had always dreamed off and the fact that he might still be an ‘enemy’ still there was a sense of danger to it. By then time they got into his room she didn’t waste any time she knew it was impulsive but so what? She wanted to be for once. As soon as the door was closed she grabbed him by this shirt and pulled him into a kiss, he kissed her back just as aggressively and pulled her close to him. They were in a heated passionate kisses as they ran their hands over each other. It was something that Rogue had been missing all her life, pure untamed passion. The next thing she knew was that she was up against a wall with him kissing her mouth their tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. Remy moved his hands over her body something he had wanted to do for years and it was worth the wait. He ran a hand over her breasts gently feeling it and felt the moan in his mouth from Rogue. His other hand went behind her and gripped her ass and it was just as nice. He started to trail kisses down her neck as she moved her head to give him a better angle. He started speaking a few words in French to her as he continued on. He also felt her own hands exploring his body. His hands eventually found the front of her shirt and started to undo it. He soon managed to get her top off and grinned at the sight of her sexy bra. Rogue grinned seeing his reaction and started to undo his pants, “You got protection right?” “Oui, Gambit is always prepared Chere,” He told her as he pulled her into another kiss. Rogue managed to get the belt undone and his pants and pulled them down. She then started to grip the bottom of his shirt as she pulled it up. He started to trail kisses down her pale skin stopping at her breasts for a moment as his shirt came up over his head. Then he continued on to her stomach. She gripped his head as he went to her skirt and took it off. When he did he could see the green thong panty and also see it was slightly damp already. He inhaled her sweat aroma and started to use his hands to caress her thighs as his mouth went to work over it. Rogue took in a deep breath feeling him tease her there as her hips started to moved, she wanted him inside of her so much at that moment. “Remy ah can’t wait.” She told him her face slightly flushed. They removed the rest of their clothing as Remy dug into his pants for his wallet and put it next to the bed as he was looking for a condom. He had a few in there and picked out one. Rogue was on her back rubbing her erogenous zones she couldn’t wait to finally have Gambit in bed. Remy placed the open package next to the bed as he got up on Rogue, he took a moment to just look into her eyes and marvel at her beauty. Rogue did the same for his red and black eyes she also could help but grin at his physic he definitely kept in shape. They started again with kissing and running their hands over each other, he placed his hands under her back and unclasped her bra and together they slowly got the garment off. He grinned seeing her topless for the first time he always wondered what she would look like and it was just as he imagined. He bent down to take on of them into this mouth making the goth woman moan in pleasure as she felt his warm mouth take one of them in. One of his hands went down and under her panties to stroke her pussy lips. “Oh god Remy,” She moaned feeling his hand there, he really knew how to use those fingers of his. After a few minutes of this Gambit and Rogue couldn’t take anymore. He stopped as he sat up and took off her panties. Rogue reached over for the condom and when she looked back she smiled at seeing Remy naked for the first time as he had taken off his boxers. Sure she had seen his dick before but seeing him in his naked glory was even better. She placed the condom on and she noticed that it was a ribbed one, she never tried that before and looked forward to it. Gambit groaned feeling her hands on his manhood it was a struggle to just not cum at that moment. After it was on she laid back on the bed spreading herself and smiling up at him in a wordless invitation. He grinned as he gently guided himself into her she was very nice and very tight. Rogue smiled even more and moaned out as she felt him inside of her and the ribs of the condom felt nice as well. She made a mental note to see if they could get these at the mansion. Remy once after he was fully imbedded inside of her took a moment to just revel in the experience. He had waited so long for this moment and now it was finally here. He placed his hands on either side of Rogue keeping himself propped up as he pulled back and thrust in. At first he only pulled out slightly and then went back in, but as she started to move her hips with him they got a rhythm going with each other. Then he would pull back out more and more as his thrusts got more powerful. Rogue clutched the bed sheets and arched her back felling the sensations of the ribbed condom against her inner walls. “Oh god, oh Remy ah want ya harder! Ah want ya deeper sugar!” She cried out as she wrapped her legs around the small of his back allowing him to go a bit deeper into her body. Remy smirked she felt great, nice and tight but he knew that she wasn’t a virgin but that wasn’t a problem for him, he hadn’t been one for years. “Oh god chere, you feel so good. Remy wants to do this all night long,” He moaned out feeling her grip his dick when it went in making it tighter and then loosening it up as he pulled out. It was sure no trick any virgin would know and it really made this all the more intense. He kept thrusting into her body watching as the sweat started to show up on her pale skin and how it glistened, how her large breasts would move with her body how she had her eyes closed moaning out and how she looked as she thrust back. It was a great site and one he wanted to see again and again. But all things came to an end and Remy felt himself speed up as his body was ready to fire into her waiting body. “Oh god Rogue, Remy is going to cum soon!” “Oh yes, do it! Ah’m ready Remy! Cum in me!” She cried out as she felt him slam a few more times into her body and then he buried himself into her and grunted. She felt his dick throb and knew he was cuming and that was all that took her to reach her own orgasm. She moaned out his name as she tightened up around him her back arching so much she was nearly off the bed. He collapsed onto her and the two held each other for a moment just caressing each other and giving light kisses. Eventually he rolled off of her and smiled up at the ceiling, “Dat…Was great.” She purred as she cuddled up against him, “It was…But do you have it in you for some more?” Gambit smirked at her and then looked at his limp tool, “Well de spirit is willing…” “I can fix that,” She smiled at him and then turned herself around and took the condom off and threw it into a wastepaper basket next to the bed. She grinned to herself as she started to lick all the semen off of his tool making Gambit shudder. She had gotten used to the taste thanks to Scott and after she licked it all up then she put it into her mouth and started to give him some oral attention. Remy lay back enjoying this, she was really good at this not the best that he had but she had talent. He knew that she could get him nice and hard soon, but he felt a bit bad about him betting all the pleasure. Then he saw that great ass of hers and smiled. He reached to her hips and guided her to him. She stopped and looked back at him, “Hey what are ya up ta?” “Gambit just wants to return the favor,” He smiled then took his hands and pulled open her pussy lips, she moaned out feeling him there and he saw all her juices there. He ran his tongue slowly over the hot pink flesh tasting her honey there and she tasted really good too. Rogue felt his tongue there and he defiantly knew his way around there, he was a bit better at this then Scott was so she then went back to giving him head as they started to give each other pleasure in a 69 position. After several minutes Rogue managed to get him nice and hard again as he started to grew in her mouth. She was getting close to another orgasm but wanted that dick on his inside of her one more time. She pulled off of his dick panting a bit and also a little sore in the jaw, “Okay sugar, get another condom ready.” She crawled off of him and he was all too happy to get another one ready he was glad he had a few on him. After muttering a few French curses at how hard it was to open the damn things he got one out and turned around to see her on her hands and knees looking over her shoulder her ass inviting him over it seemed. Remy got onto his knees and guided his dick inside of her, she was already extremely wet now even her inner thighs were starting to drip, he placed his head in her and gripped her hips and thrust in all the way. “Uhg! God yes!” Rogue grunted as he started to fuck her, last time it was more gentle but this time they were just going to fuck each other. She pushed back as hard as she could and then she wanted one more thing, something she found out she liked, “Remy…uh…ah…oh god…ah want…oh…ya ta…ugh…spank meh…oh!” “Ah so you like dat type of thing huh?” Gambit took one hand and rubbed it over her ass, “Has someone been a bad girl?” “Oh yes…Please…” Remy didn’t know she had this kind of a kinky side to her he kind of liked it. So he drew back his hand and let it land on her ass, “Harder swamp rat!” She said to him and he this time he did as there was a loud smack sound, “Ah! Yes like that!” SMACK! “AH!” SMACK! “OH!” SMACK! “FUCK YES!” SMACK! “OH GOD!” SMACK! “UGH!” SMACK! “SHIT THAT’S IT!” SMACK! “AH! OH YES! FUCK MEH REMY!” Remy kept on fucking her and spanking her ass until it was red. After that he stopped as he wasn’t sure her body cold take much more and he was getting close to finishing. He leaned down over her as their pace had picked up. He used one hand to fondled one of her tits as the other snaked it’s way to her pussy and he found her clit. Rogue had her head up panting and grunting like an animal as they fucked each other like beasts. When she felt his fingers reach for her clit that was it for her and started to move as fast as she could, then she suddenly moaned out loudly as she came. She came so much that her fluids were leaking out around his cock that was still moving. She fell down unable to hold herself up as Remy held her hips and he used her body to finish off his own pleasure. She felt him hammer into her and smiled still riding her own orgasm, it didn’t take long until Gambit gave a few last thrust panting heavily as he held himself inside of her letting himself cum. After a moment of riding out his orgasm he pulled out of her and flopped onto his back next to her he turned to see her smiling at him and he smiled back. This was definitely the start of a very unique and very pleasurable thing that could be between them. -Back at the Mansion- Laura was getting ready for bed at least she was trying to. The day had gone fairly well as she had stopped most of the urges that were raising up in her. Although unlike the other girls here with her healing abilities her body quickly healed over and was ready for more sex. But then it was hard to also find men that would keep her satisfied, she rode out Alex for what he was worth several times and left satisfied but later she got all hot again. So far she had Ray, Roberto and even used this vibrator she got from the sexual equipment back it the classroom to help ease the feelings rising up in her loins all the time. But now as she was in her black cotton pants and grey tank-top shirt she was feeling it all over again. All the hormones and sexual smells didn’t help. She was going to go to the kitchen and either get something nice and cold like ice cream which she loved or put ice cubes in her pants. She already had two cold showers but they only took the edge off. She sighed to herself realizing if her father had to deal with this kind of thing? But then again he was off on his honeymoon with Ororo. ‘I guess I should start thinking of her as mom soon.’ She thought to herself as she reached the first level of the mansion. She never really had a mother and Ororo had been like one to her when she first got here. By the time she got to the kitchen she noticed that she wasn’t the only one with the idea of a snack. She saw Rahne there as well in her green sleeping clothing which were slink pants and a buttoned top. Rahne heard someone and looked to her right and smiled. “Oh hey how are you doin’? I was just goin’ ta make me some tea.” Rahne said as a pot was boiling. “Is that supposed to help you relax?” Laura asked with a sigh as she sat down at the table. Rahne kind of blushed a bit, “Nay tis actually…huh…something that helps give ye more energy.” “Why would you want that…” Then she notice the red head girl’s look on her face and put it together. “Oh, you mean that’s for sex.” Rahne blushed even further, “Uh…aye…Me and Jamie like ta spend th’ nights together.” “Well aren’t you lucky,” She muttered to herself. She didn’t mean to be jealous but the fact was that everyone was too tired, sleeping or busy. Rahne did pick up on that given that she had enhanced abilities and healing like X23 and Logan only hers weren’t as strong as theirs. At least while in her human form they weren’t as potent. But she could pick up things in the air and at the moment she could smell X23’s scent and it was a lot more potent than normal. There was also a hint of something else as well and it took her a moment to place it. “Uh…I don’t mean ta pry but…are you feeling all warm all over and well…having many urges?” Laura blinked in surprise at the other girl, “Yeah, how did you know that?” “Um…well I go through the same thing but you must be going through a really bad phase of it.” Laura’s eyes narrowed, “Phase of what?” Rahne took a moment and guess it was just something to just come out and say, “You’re in heat. I get it too and until now I just…well…I had to manually release the tension.” “You mean masturbation,” Laura came right out saying it. Rahne winced and wished that she was less direct sure she was finally letting go herself but it was a bit harder for her to just come out and say things like that. And unfortunately she did, she had to since being part wolf meant that at times she went into heat and had to find some way to sate it. But now she had someone that could take care of that in spades. Seeing Laura there she felt some sympathy for the other girl, she noticed how she wasn’t holding still and the scent she was giving off told her enough, she had it bad. Suddenly she had an idea, and she just knew that he would be up to it. “Say…how about ye join me for some tea and I can give you a proposition?” The red head asked her, the other girl raised an eyebrow wondering what the other girl had in mind. Not long Jamie was on his bed waiting for Rahne although he was staring up at the ceiling he had a smirk on his face. He was reliving all the memories of the day with Rahne and a few of the other girls. Also given this when he took a clone back he got all their memories he remembered things like taking Rahne in her mouth, her giving him hand jobs, fucking her pussy and taking her in the ass. All of them multiple times and for the first time he loved his mutation. There were a few items already in his room, that he got from Scott. A box of condoms given that he went through them pretty fast, tissues, and he emptied out the garbage pail. He also found something for lubrication as well he remember that lesson well in the class about how important it was to make sure the girl was nice and lubricated. He was eagerly awaiting Rahne, his crush for the last few years now pretty much his solid girlfriend. How many times had he dreamed of having her? Too many for him to count when he heard the door opened he was eager to see her but he was surprised by Laura who was walking in with her. “Uh…Rahne what’s going on?” She smiled sweetly at him, “Well Jamie remember what I told ye about me going into heat sometimes?” Jamie nodded remembering it well. “Well looks like Laura is too given how our mutations are similar. And given how last time you out lasted me I figured that ye would like a little more company to help.” “So…you mean…” Jamie looked at Laura she was the same age as Rahne but had longer silky hair, a more athletic build to her but still really cute. There was a hint of a predator in her but there was also a thrill he kind of got as his mind started to wrap around the idea of having sex with her too. Bedding the daughter of the famous Wolverine kind of had a hint of danger to it given how Mr. Logan was and it kind of turned him on thinking about doing it with his daughter while he was out. “So what do ye say?” Rahne asked him already smiling seeing his face. He looked at her as he got off his bed, “That I got the best girlfriend in the world.” “Aye and ye better remember that too,” She smiled at him. Jamie was about to kiss her but then he just remembered something, “Oh wait I nearly forgot,” He started to strip off his clothing. “A little anxious?” Rahne asked him. “No I just don’t want a whole bunch of copies of my clothing all over the place,” He grinned back at her and Rahne had forgotten that. Since she loved having Jamie’s multiples during their time together but even though the thought of all those hands over her and dicks inside of her really got her wet she only really could see them all as Jamie. And it wasn’t just because of his powers, Jamie was a really great guy she realized and the fact there could always be more of him was just a bonus to her. Sarah just watched as she felt her heart rate go up at the prospect of sex. Her body wanted it and she had to admit in the years not only did Jamie get a bit taller after his growth spurt happened but he was starting to fill out nicely as well. When Jamie was finished he grinned as he started to make more and more clones of him. There was now a gang of Jamies before the girls and Rahne was giddy with excitement. One of them which she assumed was the original came up to her and kissed her gently on the lips. She held him close to her enjoying the feel of him. Laura meanwhile had a few clones around her and she was eager to see what they would do. One of them got down onto his knees and pulled down her pants, “Wow guys she’s really wet already,” That one said taking in her scent of her sex seeing the wet panties. “Then I guess she’s really horny then,” Another agreed and helped her out of her top she wasn’t wearing a bra and then she had a Jamie go to each of her breasts and start to caress them. She moaned at the contact then they started to lick and suck all over them. She reached out to each head pushing them closer to her own flesh. The one between her legs started to rub her pussy through the panties making her head fall back as her eyes shut tight. She really needed this badly and his little teasing was driving her up the wall she wanted to be filled to feel that explosion of passion inside of her. Another Jamie got behind her and was caressing her nice tight ass as his mouth found her neck. “Oh god…” She moaned out feeling others started to lay kisses over her body, caressing it, it was like her skin was on fire and she loved it. ‘Now I see what Rahne sees in him.’ Rhane was still with the original Jamie as by now she was on the bed only in her bra and panties as they were making out, caressing each others bodies. Jamie reached behind her and managed to unclasp the bra he was glad that he had Rahne show him how to get them off. He pulled it off and saw those light pink tips there on her breasts. He smiled as he bent down taking one of them into his mouth. Rahne gasped and arched her back feeling his mouth on her sensitive flesh. She moaned moving her body against him and turned her head to look a Laura. One of them was taking off her panties and was now eating the other girl out. She was still standing with a gang of Jamies surrounding her but she didn’t mind at all. She lifted a leg and placed it on the shoulder of the one eating her out. Her face screwed up as her mouth made an O shape as she gripped the head of the one between her legs and started to thrust her pelvis against his face. She finally came in a cry that was part roar it seemed she just went a little limp feeling that Jamie lick up her juices as the other worked on her body. It was very pleasant sensation then they started to untangle and she was wondering what was going on until they led her to the bed. She grinned as she knew that was only the opener, her body was still burning up her heart was hammering in her head as she smelled all the hormones in the room. She looked to see that Rahne was still with just one Jamie only by now he was taking her pants off leaving her naked as he started to eat her out like she had just been. Seeing the Scottish girl biting her lower lip and squirming she knew that she was enjoying the attention. Laura got onto her hands and knees as she felt a new Jamie come up behind her, she looked to see a few of them taking out condoms and getting it ready as the one behind her started to tease her. His dick would just rub the outside of her wet lower lips and it was frustrating. “Get on with it!” She ordered him actually causing the clone to jump. “Don’t argue with her man she could kick all our asses,” One of the clones said to that one and he nodded. So the clone gripped her hips and thrusts himself inside of her. X23 groan in pleasure and started to hump back against him. Two clones went under her and took each of her breasts and would started to caress them, taking in the nipples into their mouths or play with them. Her mouth was wide open panting at this, she never thought she could experience so much pleasure before. Then she noticed one of them in front of her expecting something and she remembered that first day of the sex ed class. She opened her mouth up wider and he gently placed it inside of her mouth. Back over with Rahne Jamie had already made her cum once already from eating her out, he actually really liked the smell and taste of her when she came. He was just finishing licking up her now shaved pussy, she had shaved it for him now since it was easier to lick up all that juices without the hair in the way. She would quiver a few times and he sat up to look down at her smiling. She was just so beautiful, her red hair, green eyes that sparkled, that sexy accent of hers. And she was nice to be with as well, she was perfect. He looked at here flushed face and crawled over to her and gave her a nice long kiss. She moaned tasting herself in his mouth as she pulled him closer. This was a more intimate type of kiss then anything else. Jamie eventually pulled back and looked to one of his clones, “Hey hand me one will you?” He pointed to a condom and the clone nodded opening it for him. Jamie thanked…well himself really, and put it on. Rahne grinned as much as she loved it when he ate her out this was better. She spread herself and waited as Jamie guided himself into her. “Oh god Rahne,” Jamie moaned as he felt her, “You are so fucking tight, god I love it.” It was true after all the little gang bang sessions of theirs she was still tight. “Oh yes, I love feelin’ ye inside ‘o me,” She moaned feeling that familiar sensation of him entering her. Jamie wasn’t too long or big and in fact he fit just perfectly inside of her. He was a perfect fit and she wondered if they were made for each other as he started to pulled back. Laura by now was on her third orgasm, the one screwing her had already came and now was replaced by another as she was still sucking the cock of one of the clones although this one had to be close to cumming. He was humping her and his breathing was ragged, she started to feel some pre-cum on the tip of his dick and started to hum hoping to bring him off faster. It worked he jerked his hips forward and she took him as deep as she could go feeling his liquid shot into her mouth and throat. She swallowed it all down as she was getting used to the taste of it, it was still a little strange taste to it but she still managed to get it all out. The one screwing her pussy suddenly got an idea, “Hey you ever taken it in the ass yet?” Laura shook her head, “No, why? I mean I know you can but is it any good?” “It’s…It’s hard at first…” Rahne panted close to her as she and Jamie were still screwing each other, “Ye need…to get ready first…it kind of hurt…for me first time…but after a bit…it’s…oh god that’s the spot! It’s…good…once ye get used…to it! OH FUCK!” “So…you want to try it?” The clone asked her and she nodded her head she might as well. Then another clone went in front and she was sucking another cock as another clone when to get the lube. He gave it to the one still screwing X23 from behind as she slowed down. He started to work the cold liquid around her hole and then with a finger slowly started to put it inside of her. X23 jumped a bit feeling it, it was cold and it was strange what he was doing. She felt him coat her insides and it brought her to another orgasm, the one behind her wasn’t ready for the sudden pressure on his dick. He grunted as he came inside of her to his surprise, also the moaning in her mouth was enough for the vibrations to make him cum as well. He pulled out as she felt another one behind her she didn’t see him put on a condom with a lot of lube on it. “Okay get ready this may hurt for a bit.” She nodded still swallowing the cum in her mouth when the clone pulled out of it. She then felt the tip of it started to go inside of her and it did hurt at first like her first time with sex only more so. But she could take pain, this was nothing to the pain she suffered in Hydra in fact she was having a strange reaction to the pain. It was kind of enjoyable for her. This confused her since pain was supposed to be unpleasant so why was she feeling both pain and pleasure? She would have to talk to her ‘teachers’ about this later on. “Oh god guys you have got to try this ass when you get the chance,” The clone said as he eased his way into her ass. Jamie and Rahne were already close to another orgasm at this point. They were panting as they moved with each other at a high pace. Jamie could feel himself so close but he wanted to make sure she got off as well. “Oh god Rahne…I’m going to cum…” “I’m almost there…Almost…Just…hold on…Oh yes!....More! More!” She cried out her nails started to dig into his shoulders holding him closer to her their sweaty bodies moving against each other his chest on her modest chest and him hitting her clit with each thrust. Jamie couldn’t hold out any more he had to cum or he felt like he would die holding it back, “Oh God Rahne…Here I cum…I can’t hold it…oh god!” He grunted as he came, each powerful thrust his dick would throb and fire off a shot of cum into the condom. “Ohhh! God Jamie!” Rahne came on his last thrust thankfully feeling the small explosion in her body as she tightened up around him trying in vain to milk his member. They took a small breather the only sounds were the grunts and groans and the sound of flesh on flesh with Laura and the other clones. Jamie rested on her body for a moment but pushed himself up taking his weight off of her and smiled down. She smiled up at him and they stared for a moment as they kisses one another one more time, sure they liked to screw around but for some reason it was always the best with each other. Rahne was thinking that maybe the wolf side of her was telling her that Jamie was her mate, her alpha male. Well she would think of that later as he pulled back and she grinned seeing a few clones with rock hard erections that were smiling waiting for their turn. Rahne put those thoughts on hold as it was ‘play time’ with Jamie’s clones. Rahne and Laura continued on as their respected healing powers making sure that they could last longer than a normal woman as they both were taken over and over again by Jamie and his clones in various positions. Rahne was a bit more used to it by now and she wondered if they should try to set a record one day she giggled at the idea although from seeing Laura she knew she had competition. By now she was riding one Jamie with sucking off another. Rhane herself was on her side between two of her lovers at the moment each one taking both of her lower holes. By the end of it all the room was filled with the smells of sex and sweat. Jamie was on the bed and to either side of him a sated Rahne and X23 lay on each shoulder all their legs intertwined with each other. Jamie was still grinning ear from ear as all the memories of his clones were in his mind it was pretty much a blur of pleasure but boy what a rush. He had to admit that this was defiantly the best day of his young life so far, ‘Although how am I going to top this I have no idea.’ He thought to himself feeling the two girls shift to get a bit more comfortable. But at this point he didn’t care he just wanted to sleep although he wondered if Rahne would be willing for a little more with Laura later? Well that was an idea for another day but now it was time to rest up. NEXT UP CHAPTER 13: HONEYMOON SURPRISE PART 2
Chapter 14 - Chapter 14
CHAPTER 14: NEW LESSONS Jean and Scott were in their room looking over the videos that the others had sent in at the moment. So far they were impressed with the creativity they were seeing. Just straight up sex was what they were expecting but they were seeing a lot of experimentation. There was role playing, light bondage at times (mainly from Danielle who they figured was a true submissive) three ways, same sex, and some very creative uses for mutant powers that marked a few of them up a few points. It was good to see that everyone had been taking this very seriously and were having a lot of fun in the process. They truly were impressed by what they were seeing and it was hard to not get turned on as well. At the moment they were watching a tape of Amara and Roberto she was riding him on top of her bed with Roberto running his hands all over her body. While watching Jean and Scott were naked their clothing all around the room as they were on the edge of his bed, the both of them were watching this as Jean was on Scott’s lap. Both of them were sweaty and panting as she rode him in reverse with his hands on her hips helping to bounce her up and down as they watched. Amara seemed to be a screamer as well as she look to be really enjoying it. Jean could relate as she had an arm behind her head gripping Scott’s neck, she was also was using one hand to grip her right breast. When she rammed herself onto Scott’s member she would squeeze him as tight as she could and then loosen up as she rode up. She loved Scott and his cock she had been having more sex lately with other partners as had Scott but he was still the one for her. She felt Scott pick up the pace and she went with him. “Oh god, oh fuck, uh-uh-augh-oh Scott! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck you’re so good!” “Yes! Fuck Jean I love it when you do that thing with your pussy! God I want to cum so badly!” “Then do it Scott!” Scott gripped her hips jack hammering her so hard Jean threw her head back crying out in pleasure feeling like Scott wanted to tare her up inside and she was loving it. Scott kept it up as the video played on and just as the couple on the screen came so did they. Scott felt his dick pulse and shot up into her waiting body. He held her down as he shot robes of his sperm into her pussy. Jean screamed out his name as she clamped down milking his cock feeling his sperm hit her and go right into her waiting womb. After that the two just sat panting covered in sweat as Jean took her hand from her impressive chest and down to her pussy. She felt the juices that were a mixture of her own and Scott’s leaking out of her. She raised her fingers up to her mouth sucking on them lightly relishing the taste. Scott kissed her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her caressing her skin, “You know I know taping our sex and then watching ourselves as we have sex was something. But it adds a bit of spice watching all the others.” Jean smirked rubbing a hand over his thigh, “Maybe we should put all the takes together and keep them?” “What if the adults find it?” Jean shrugged, “They didn’t find out about our own so I think we can get away with this.” He grinned at that reached up and squeezing both breasts a bit, “Well it would make a nice little collection we got enough for at least two or three tapes.” He said nibbling in her ear. She grinned as he did so and she’d like nothing more then to just enjoy another round with him but something had her thinking. “You know they are getting pretty open, you think we should show them another world?” Scott stopped what he was doing looking at her, “What do you mean?” “Well…I was thinking maybe another class only this a special one. Remember that special program we secretly made six months ago?” He thought about it for a moment they actually had made a few around that time to help with their sex life and they could only use it at certain times and to clean up the Danger Room right after as well. The last thing they needed was Logan to catch the smell of sex in there although they got the feeling he and Storm used if themselves as well. “Can you be more specific?” ”The Dungeon.” “Oh THAT one…You want to teach them the whole Master and Mistress roles then?” He asked her thinking he knew where this was going. And it might be pretty interesting actually. Jean grinned at him sensing his thoughts as she got off him slowly loving the feel of his dick sliding out of her. She went over and shut off the tape and TV, “I think it might be time to expand their lesson plan with a very special class.” She said in a sultry voice looking at him as she turned around. Scott grinned normally he might not consider it but hell you only live once and they were the only adult here. “Well we’re never going to get another chance at this I bet…We better get Rogue here since we’ll need a little help and then after a little planning get everyone in the Danger Room.” “Yes sir Mr. Leader,” She said to him with laughter in her voice as she walked up to him and knelt down, “But first there is a little something I want first.” She then started to lick all the juices off his dick slowly making him groan. ---Danger Room--- Everyone was gathered up into the Danger Room they weren’t sure why exactly. All they heard was Jean’s telepathic call to have everyone there for new lessons. After the last class everyone was eager to see what happened this time. Even Amanda was curious and asked if she could sit in, Kurt shrugged and said if it was okay with Jean and Scott it was okay with him. The two of them were holding hands and all smiles this new exploration had actually seemed to make their relationship stronger. They showed just how much they trusted the other and it sure spiced up their sex live sure it hadn’t been boring but it also hadn’t been this exciting. Kurt had never ate her out before this and the things he did now how innovative he was turned out to be a major plus in their sex lives. She was learning a lot too, she learned how to really suck Kurt off and her tongue did things to him he hadn’t know he could feel. Everyone was waiting and chatting amongst themselves a few with grins on their faces and slightly messed up clothing. A few had already been in the process of having some fun when Jean’s call went out. After a few minutes the large metal doors opened and Jean, Scott and Rogue came out with robes on. Rogue was carrying a bag with them. “Well then glad you’re all here,” Scott said and looked around and spotted Amanda, “And one extra I see.” “Yeah sorry I was just wondering if it was okay if I sit in on this?” Amanda blushed a bit shyly. Jean and Scott shared a look and you can tell they were talking about something and there was a small smile on their faces. Jean looked to the dark skinned girl and nodded, “Okay but there will be a few rules. One everyone participates in this, two if you’re not comfortable with something then speak up, three the safety word will be Orange, you all remember what a safety word is right?” They remembered that from the first lessons on sex how important it was to have a word that when spoken the act will stop if it was too much for the one partner. It was stressed how when trying something new out that may be painful or harmful to have one of those. “Good then, another thing is you can leave at any time but once you leave you can’t come back in until class is over. You aren’t prisoners here,” She stopped and smirked to herself at that, “No matter what it looks like.” Tabitha raised a hand a little confused, “Okay so just what is going on here Red? I mean what’s with the robes?” “You’ll find out soon Tabitha,” Scott said to her and then in a loud voice to activate the DR vocal commands, “Computer access program Scott and Jean number 8, password; Dark side.” The room changed as holograms kick in and now they all seemed to be in a dark stone dungeon of sorts. There were shackles everywhere, tables with restraints, on the one wall there was a rack full of sexual equipment. Dildos, whips, ridding crops, blind folds, hand cuffs just to name a few. Everyone was surprised by this sure they now saw Jean and Scott in a new light but this was defiantly different. “Rogue,” Scott said in a command and she opened the bad and laid it out, inside of it were many different types of things like leather clothing of the erotic kind and collars and stuff. “Damn who knew you two had it in you,” Tabitha whistled at the sight. “Thank you Tabitha but on this point on we’re going to teach you all the true Master and Submissive/Slave relationship. So if you want to leave now then do it,” Scott looked and no one moved so he nodded. “Okay then first off Jean and myself you’ll only be addressed as Mistress and Master anything else will result in a punishment of our choosing.” With that all three took their robes off, Jean was wearing thigh length black leather boots that were attacked to the matching garter belt around her waist. She had nothing else on and her pussy was bare to all to see, she was also wearing a black corset with the cups parts missing so her breasts were exposed but they were also being pushed higher up as well. There were matching long length gloves and a cocker on her. Rogue was in fishnet stockings with a pair of thong panties with a hole cut out over her pussy. She also wore a tight bra that pressed up against her breasts and pressed them together making them seem fuller. There were holes in the bra that allowed her nipples to pop out. She had on a collar and she reached into the bag and put on a leash to everyone’s surprise and knelt down next to Scott. Offering him the leash, he took it as they saw him in dark boots, leather gloves a leather tank top shirt with that exposed his lower torso and shorts with a cot piece on it. “As you see Rogue here is our Slave for this, she will be totally submissive in this since she hasn’t learned to be a Mistress yet under Jean. You all will take turns being a dominant and submissive, you will be experiencing the S&M in this. That means pain with pleasure, you will be whipped but not hard, using a riding crop on you, bound, gagged blind folded and other such things. Now this is you’re very last change anyone want to leave?” No one moved and Jean could sense them a bit curious although Dani she sensed was wet already at the mental image of being bound and gagged. That girl really likes bondage apparently Jean smiled a bit. “Alright first order…STRIP!” She yelled out and everyone jumped and started to take their clothing off. Once naked Jean handed out various collars and a few clothing for them mainly in the style of Jean and Scott mostly or sometimes even less then what their teachers were wearing. “Slave Rogue come here,” Jean ordered and Rogue went to her on her hands and knees with Scott holding the leash. “Show your respect to your mistress.” Rogue then bent down and gave a long lick up Jean’s leather boat several times in fact. “Is Mistress pleased?” She smiled down and caressed Rogue’s face, “Yes and now class when you’re a slave you must be obedient unless you like to be punished so let’s show you some of the punishments that you can get.” Jean and Scott led Rogue to where there were chains on the ceiling with shackles they tied up her writs above her head. Scott went to a level and with the control raised the chair a little higher making Rogue to stand on her toes. Rogue had been given a crash course as well as Jean giving her some of her own memories on what Jean and Scott did. Given that she likes her spankings apparently she liked the sensation of pain mixing in with her skin. She figured from so many years of having to stay totally covered with no physical contact even pain felt good to her since it was on her skin. “Now then you can give small punishments like this,” Jean swatted Rogue’s butt slightly with the crop making the goth give a small cry in pain/pleasure. “Or you can increase it,” Scott said as he went to the wall of equipment. He brought back several items and Rogue’s breath increased in anticipation. Scott brought up to her view a nipple clamp and he slowly trailed if down her body making Rogue wait for what was coming. Then he placed one on the nipple and she moaned out loudly, he placed another on the other one and then Rogue whimpered. Her nipples felt like they were on fire and yet under the pain was a strange sensation. “Now remember just because she’s a slave treat her with respect after all she’s allowing this to happen. If they ask to stop you have to stop, this is S & M if they want to stop and you keep going it’s abuse.” He was looking over them giving how important this lesson was, “Also don’t take things too far because you don’t want to permanently hurt them. Also if you’re having intercourse and they want to stop you will stop that too, if you don’t that’s rape.” Everyone got a bit uneasy at that, trying to remember that. The last thing they wanted was to be charged with that. “You alright?” Scott asked Rogue a hand trailing her face. “Yes Master.” Rogue had never thought herself a submissive but with Jean and Scott she trusted them. But that didn’t mean at some point she wouldn’t like to be the Mistress at some point. She grinned in her mind at the image of her in Jean’s roll and Gambit as her own personal slave. “Now we give the slave a bit more pleasure,” He said trailing his hand slowly down her face to her neck. She felt his strong hand going to her collarbone caressing the flesh. She gave a soft moan when he cupped one of her breasts and kept on moving down. He started to caress her flat stomach and she rolled her head he was very good with his hands. “Now then as you may have guessed pain and pleasure can mix in well if you know how to do it right.” Jean told the class as they watched on many of them getting fully aroused at the right. “It’s part of the brain really, sometimes it can confused pain with pleasure or pleasure with pain. If you looked at the tapes we saw so far of you several of you looked like you were in pain but were loving it.” “This is an example of that,” Jean tugged on the nipple clamps making Rogue give out a sharp intake of breath. “In fact if you pleasure the other while in pain the conflicting sensations can give you an experience you’ve never known.” Tabitha smirked at that remembering how Amara fisting her had been that certainly was true and Amara for her part remembered Bobby and his ice-cock. That had been a bit painful at first as her body adjusted to the cold but it worked well. Jean floated over a chain and connected it to each nipple clamp as Scott’s hand found Rogue’s pussy lips. She was moving her hips with his hand feeling his fingers caress her hot folds. Jean gave Scott a look and he nodded moving his fingers inside of her. “Oh god Master…” She groaned feeling his fingers prop her insides. Then Jean looked at the chain as it moved tugging on both nipples. Rogue threw her head back as she clenched her teeth with a loud groan. “As you see here Rogue is now feeling the mixed sensation. Notice her reaction.” Rogue could feel the chain being moved in different directions tugging and pulling on her swelling nipples and Scott’s fingers found her g-spot it was such a strange mix but she was starting to enjoy it. She moaned like a whore feeling all of this. Then without warning she came, she threw her head back as an orgasm hit her. Rogue lowered her head breathing deeply. “Well now it seems our slave came without permission.” Jean said sternly to Rogue tugging on the chain harder. This made Rogue give out a yelp of pain, “Ah’m sorry Mistress! Ah didn’t mean it!” “Well now class, you must learn to control your slave they should only cum when you tell them do and they should ask first.” Scott wiped Rogue’s juices off on her. “Now we’ll show you how Jean and I will punish her.” Scott walked over and grabbed a ball gag and placed it in Rogue’s mouth. Rogue felt her hart hammering in her chest as she felt her bra undo itself and she felt ghostly fingers that she knew had to be Jean’s TK abilities. She looked at Scott as he was walking in front of her not sure what he planned on doing. Scott adjusted the cot piece and she saw that it was removable as he unleashed his penis the first penis she ever had really. She was already wet as he lifted her legs by the thighs she was breathing more seeing that dick being slowly placed into her vagina stretching her out she moan behind the gag. Scott started to slowly move inside of her feeling that warmth of her flesh she had a great body outside and inside. He slowly started a rhythm trying to hit those sensitive areas in her pussy that drove her nuts. Jean however picked up an item that Scott left it was a small multi-whip. This was designed not to break the skin unlike how whips were supposed to be at the most it would leave red marks on Rogue’s body. “Now then here’s another pain/pleasure students.” The red head said and drew her arm back and there was the crack sounds of the whip hitting Rogue’s flesh. Rogue’s eyes bulge out screaming into the gag, feeling the burning sensation on her back now she knew what was going on. She was going to be whipped but the stinging seemed to be ending. There was a dully throbbing sensation but it was overtaken from Scott’s member fucking her. Scott watched as he bounced Rogue’s bound body up in the hair her hair flying as sweat was forming her large breasts moving with each thrust. Then there was the crack of the whip making her scream out but soon her screams were blended together from pain, passion and pleasure. It was an erotic sightseeing drool coming out from behind the gag as Rogue’s eyes were rolling back a bit. Jean cracked the whip against Rogue’s pale back and butt leaving angry red welt that she used her TK to massaged them gently to help ease away the pain. Rogue threw her head side to side feeling everything the red hot marks on her back side, Jean’s ‘fingers’ working her back, Scott’s prick fucking her so well. Scott was one of the best lovers she had, Remy was right up there although it was hard to choose the thought about maybe trying to see if she could compare them in the future. The thought of being taken but both Scott her first major crush and Remy who replaced that crush sent her over the edge making her scream louder than ever. Scott felt her pussy clamp down hard onto his prick Scott grunted as he came as well thrusting into her hard and holding himself there as he groaned out loud. Jean smiled seeing them take a moment to relax she was feeling very horny after seeing that and by the looks so was everyone else. “Okay then…now it’s time for the real fun. I’ll break you into pairs and let’s see what you’ve all have learned.” She smiled at the students and licked her lips a bit. This was going to be a very fun class and now it was time to chose who would go with who. She could see a forest of erections and some girls with hands over their vaginas some of them were even fingering themselves. She walked by them noticing the juices running down a couple of them who had fingered themselves into cumming. She smiled as those two would be punished as well as one of the boys that seems to have came as well most likely stroking himself. Those impatient three she was going to see to their punishment personally for not being able to wait and was selfish and took their own pleasure while everyone else waited. “Roberto, Tabitha and Dani I want you three to step forward.” She commanded and each of them looked around and took a step forward. “Since you three seem couldn’t wait like the others to get off you three I have decided to punish for that.” “Oh come on how was I-AHHH!” Roberto jumped as Jean gave his ass a slap with the riding crop she had. “Silence!” Jean yelled out. “You three I’m going to punish you and you will learn to like it…Do you three understand?” “Yeah.” “Okay.” “Sure.” Jean gave each of them a smack on the ass again, “That’s yes MISTRESS. Now do you understand?” ”Yes Mistress.” All three shouted out as one and Jean grinned. Oh this was going to be so much fun. NEXT UP CHAPTER 15: NEW LESSONS PART 2
Chapter 17 - Chapter 17
CHAPTER 17: SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY Back in a familiar motel room a couple was just finishing up something was becoming of a regular thing between them. The place had scattered clothing around the floor and even on a few bits of furniture the couple of the bed which was rocking with the intensity that the couple was making. “Uh-uh-oh god yes! Harder! Do it harder! Oh god yes Remy like that! Oh yes!” Screamed out Rogue she was on her back with her legs locked around Gambit’s waist as he was thrusting his way in and out of her with vigour. They had just another little date and came back for some fun she could have brought him back to the mansion but they had more privacy here and besides there was something kind of a turn on of screwing someone you weren’t supposed to. They already had gone at it a few times and Remy was nearly his final climax. This was one hell of a girl, great body, nice to hang out with, a southern gal that had similar tastes and best of all one hell of a lay. “Almost there chere just a little bit more!” He grunted out gripping the sheets feeling her finger nails scratching up his back slightly. He hissed out and slammed into her making her cry out in passion. It wasn’t long until the frantic fucking caused them to orgasm, Rogue had it first arching her back and clamping down on the member inside of her trying to milk it dry as she cried out. Remy lasted a little longer taking a few more seconds of thrusting before he buried his face in her neck and stiffened, he felt himself released and groaned as he came. After a little panting by both Remy pulled out and rolled onto his back content on how things had gone. Rogue smirked as she rolled to her side and ran a hand over his well maintained body. “That was great sugar.” “Gambit aims to please.” He grinned at her. She smiled back and ran a hand down to the crotch and started to pull off the used up condom. She let it fall into the small waste basket near the head of the bead on the floor and reaching over his body as well. She took a moment to look at the bracelet she wore the power dampener that allowed her to feel. There was a small power meter and she frowned she would have to charge the damn thing that was the only drawback to it. Having to make sure it had a decent charge she usually left it off at night although since she started to sleep around she liked having a warm body pressed up against hers. Oh well she had a few more hours that was good enough to get back the mansion later. That was another thing ever since the last lessons things seemed to have gotten more erotic around there, couples were having fun together for instance she noticed Kurt and Amanda coming out of Jubilee’s room with Bobby and the smiles and the their appearance told her all she needed to know. Then there were a few games being played there had been a strip poker match and even a few playing naked twister she had actually joined in and found it very fun. Especially how the others tried to get someone to lose their footing that certain made it more interesting to play but now she was here with Gambit again and she couldn’t complain. Rogue smiled as she moved herself lower and started to lick his dick clean making him moan. She really had learned to like the taste of cum recently sure some girls didn’t like it, some could take it or leave it but she really was starting to get into it. It was just something that got her excited like how she learned she loved to be spanked or taken in the ass. Some people just got off in different ways and she was just now starting to learn what she really liked in her sex life. Remy laid back as she went to work he wasn’t surprised lately she had taken to cleaning him off as it were. He just hoped that he could keep up at this rate he would be shooting nothing but air. Although he wasn’t sure that was exactly possible at this rate he’d have nothing left. He had to admit this was the good life a nice girl on the side was what he was missing working with Magneto hell ever since working for that guy he had to wonder just often any of the others got laid. That would explain Sabertooth and his perpetual bad mood if he never got any. Pyro…well he didn’t want to know what that guy got off on. Then he thought of Piotr the only decent on in the bunch hell he was working for Magneto just to help his family out back home that made him even a better man then himself since Gambit was just there for the money and maybe to use this skills as a thief. As Rogue continued her ‘cleaning’ he was wondering when was the last time the only person he could call a friend even got lucky? He grinned looking at his girl maybe there was a way to help out with that. “Hey chere Remy has an idea he wants you to hear.” She pulled her mouth from his slightly erect penis licking her lips, “What is it?” She tilted her head interested in what he was thinking. “You got any girls you trust at de mansion? Cause I got dis nice friend Piotr that could use some ‘attention’ if you know what Remy means.” He gave her a lecherous grin and she smiled back knowing full well what he was talking about. “That’s Colossus the big guy right?” She asked him and he nodded. She thought about it he didn’t seem so bad in fact he was practically the ‘nice guy’ out of the Acolytes so finding a girl to do him might not be so hard especially how open things were getting back at the mansion. She’d need someone maybe single and she could trust. Kitty came to mind and Kitty did seem to like the older boys that were larger then her so she may like the idea. “Ah think ah know of someone, what’s the plan?” Later on Kitty herself was in her shared room after getting out of a shower. It had been an interesting morning that was for sure since Dani had chosen to wake her up in a very creative way mainly with an orgasm from her Dani’s face buried into her crotch. It was kind of nice sleeping with someone close to you at nice it was just a comfort thing well that and as close friends it was really nice. Made them feel a bit closer although they were in no way a ‘couple’ it was just for fun and comfort. They did like each other but last night they had a talk about what was going on and they agreed to not let things get too serious between them. Then there was a few more things she tried later on she had gone swimming that day and a thought hit her of something she always wanted to try. She always wanted to swim naked so she took off her bathing suit hell everyone had seen everyone naked anyway. Tabitha had said she was going the entire day without clothing wanting to try it out. She had been later joined by Sam who decided to try it out as well, then one thing led to another and she had to admit Dani was right he was a nice fuck. Then while going into the rec room there had been a few couples and she decided to join in hence the shower. She needed a little rest now anyway as she dried her hair feeling a bit more refreshed. There was a knock at her door, “Come in.” Rogue looked in and then entered the room closing the door, “Hey there Kit.” ”Like hi, where have you’ve been all morning?” Kitty asked her former roommate and one of her closest friends. “You got some guy stashed away?” She joked. “Actually yeah ah do,” She grinned at the look of surprise on Kitty’s face. “Remember Gambit? Well let’s just say that him and meh are kind of seein’ each other on the side.” “No way!” She was surprised but by the look on Rogue’s face she must like him, “How is he?” “Very good in fact ah was wondering if you will like to help us out.” “Three way?” Kitty tilted her head and she didn’t mind Gambit was kind of handsome after all and it was kind of nice with the whole bad boy thing. ”Not exactly we were wondering if you would like to go on a double date with us and his friend Piotr, you know Colossus?” Kitty thought about it and she hadn’t been on a real date in a long time plus from the few times she had met Piotr he seemed like a really good man. There was this gentleness about him despite his size and strength. Plus he sure was build like Conan built and she had always wondered two things if he was hung as well endowed as his size and just how much of his body turned to metal. She giggled a bit at that last part and to tell the truth it might be interesting. “I think I could go for it, I haven’t really dated since Lance and I broke up,” She sighed remembering that it hadn’t been nice since she had been going to college and he couldn’t see her as much. It just put a major strain on things with them and then all they did was fight. “Good ah’ll go tell Remy,” Rogue smiled as she went to find her phone and give him a call. Kitty now was looking at her closet hands on her hips looking at the assortment of clothing. “God…It’s been like a year…Just what am I going to wear? I don’t want to look slutty or too easy but she did want to look good and inviting after all if things went well she may find out those things about him that she was wondering about. ---That Night--- It had taken some convincing on his part but Gambit managed to talk Piotr into this the large man had been hesitant even shy actually and it wasn’t until Remy had to blackmail him into it given that Piotr owned him a favour and Remy was calling it in. The girls would pick them up apparently Rogue was borrowing Jean’s SUV for the night. They were waiting around in the mall parking lot they were going to see a nice film and were waiting for their dates. Remy still in his duster although he was in a nice red silk shirt and black leather pants while his taller friend was in jeans and a black t-shirt that even thought it was an XL still showed off his physical built and the fact Remy hadn’t told him who he was taking on this date only that Rogue had set this up. “I am not sure this is a good idea,” Piotr said worried. “Just give it a rest dis girls are nice and you’ll like’em just give it a chance. When was de last time you went out on a date?” Remy asked and when he didn’t answer right away he grinned, “Remy rests his case we’ll here dey are.” A white SUV pulled up and Rogue got out she was in a nice skirt with stockings but with a green top that was backless and connected to the back of her neck. She really liked showing off her skin now that she could touch. Kitty came out with a skirt of her own only this had a slit on it and she was wearing a pink blouse. Her hair wasn’t in the ponytail as it hung free down her back. Piotr had to admit she looked very cute, better then the last time he saw her. He remembered that day they were fighting Apocalypse she was very cute girl and seemed really nice. Now she was a bit more grown up and after a closer look she was a bit more then just cute. They went to the movies together and at one point both girls were cuddled up to their dates, Rogue and Remy were having a small make out session by the end of the film. After that they hit a club as Remy and Rogue tore up the floor, Piotr was a little self conscious at first but Kitty helped him out with that. She started slow and taught him some moves until he loosened up a bit and they had a great time. By the time they stopped Rogue and Remy were in the front of the SUV while Kitty and Piotr were in the back talking they found out that they really liked each other’s company. When Rogue stopped the SUV they were outside of the motel and the front couple got out Piotr was a little confused as to why they were here. “Remy why are we here?” He asked him as Kitty walked up beside him with a small smile. “De date is just going to be interesting,” He said back with an arm around Rogue’s waist and kissing her neck as he opened the room. Piotr eyes widened as he realized what this was and would have taken a step back before Kitty took his hand. “You don’t have to go you know, I liked my time tonight and to tell the truth you’re a really cute and sweet guy.” “T-thank you Katya but you don’t have to do this.” “Oh I know…I want to,” She reached up and kissed him on the mouth wrapping her arms around his large neck. “Don’t you find me attractive?” ”Of course I do but should we be doing this so soon?” He was pretty nervous about this he had never been that good with women like Gambit was it was one of the few things he was envious of about the other man he made it look so easy. ”Well we’re both adults right? Why can’t we have some fun and let me tell you that I really like you and I want us to spend the night in there.” She took his hand and gently led him into the room. He wasn’t sure why he was doing this maybe it was because he hadn’t had a woman in years hell he had only had sex a few times. When they got in there Remy and Rogue were already on the bed making out and he could see his hand up Rogue’s skirt most likely feeling her up there. His heart was hammering from both nervousness and from what was going on. Then he felt his pants go undone and looked down to see Kitty on her knees. “Why don’t I help you get into the mood a little?” She giggled and he had never had a girl do this before. Kitty looked so innocent but maybe she wasn’t as innocent as he thought. Kitty gently pulled down his boxers and she nearly gasped at the sight he sure was large and he wasn’t even hard yet. Kitty gently ran her hand over it making him jump a bit then she gently started to lick her tongue over it. She started to work on it until she saw it start to grow and grow by the time it was fully grown it was defiantly the largest penis she had ever seen. Kitty opened up wide as she slowly started to work it into her mouth making Piotr moan in pleasure. Kitty had to work hard just to get part of it into her mouth it would take some time to get it further in or deep throat it so she used one hand to cup his balls as her other hand worked on the shaft. On the bed Remy was already had taken off Rogue’s skirt and her panties but he left on her stocking and garter belt she looked sexy in that. His shirt was off as he kissed her inner thighs and worked his way to her lower lips. He grinned as his hands caressed her thighs as his mouth went to work on her vagina. Rogue gasped and arched her back running her hands thought his hair. “Oh god yes…That feels so god sugar that’s the spot. Oh! Yes right there! Ohhhh god that tongue of yours it so nice.” She felt his tongut probe her labia lips and into her body. He would run it over the sensitive flesh, suck on her clit, send his tongue deep inside of her and changed it up he also would put a lot of passion into it as well. The only person she knew who how to eat a woman out so good was another woman but Remy was damn good most likely the best man she knew who could eat a woman out. Soon her pants turned to gasps she gripped her hands tighter onto his head forcing him deeper into her. She thrusts her hips into his face her body getting hot as she was nearly her orgasm. She felt herself peaking and when she did she arched her back crying out his name as Remy started to lap up her juices. Kitty meanwhile was working Piotr close to his own orgasm, his hands on her head his hips moving slightly his eyes closer muttering in Russian. He had never felt anything like this and was totally lost in her mouth he didn’t notice that Kitty had a hand under her skirt now pleasuring herself as she sucked on his long, thick and hard cock. She pulled out of him and looked up as he looked down at her. She smiled as she got up and pushed him against the bed. “You go and put something on that while I get ready for the main event,” She smiled as she slowly started to strip off her clothing for him. He pulled off his shirt and was wondering what she meant when a condom wrapper hit his leg and he suddenly knew what she had meant. He looked over to see that Gambit threw it to him as Rogue who was on her hands on knees on the bed was opening one for him. He was naked now behind her kissing up her back and caressing the pale flesh his hands went to her very generous breasts making Rogue moan a bit. He took the package and while opening it watched as Kitty started a little strip tease for him. She moved with grace as her hands would run over her petite body and Piotr was never one for lush but at the moment Kitty was making him feel that and perhaps it wasn’t so bad after all. She gently slipped off her top by actually phasing it through her body and he could see her frilly hot pink bra she had on. He slipped on the condom which was a tight fit and didn’t go down all the way but it should still work at least he hoped it would. She pulled down her skirt showing a nice little panty as well that matched the bra. She smiled as she placed her hands over her chest and she phased her body so the bra to the floor and she slowly lowered her hands. “Do you like what you see?” “Da…You are…very beautiful,” He said looking at her form. She pulled down her panties and walked over to him sitting on his lap his dick resting between the slit of her vagina. “Really? I know I’m not as…Full figured as some girls.” She looked at Rogue. “Oh god yes you know how to fuck meh so right,” Rogue moaned as Remy was screwing her from behind his hands on her hips her breasts swaying with each thrust. Remy grinned as he thrust himself into his girl she always felt great and he had to admit she really was into sex. “I prefer my women to be more…well more like you honestly,” Piotr told her and that pulled her back to him and she smiled. She kissed him fully on the lips as his hands went to caress her back he then started to attack her neck muttering words in Russian she had no idea what he was saying but it sounded very nice. She ran her hands over his chest and he was hard as steel just as the thick member she was riding and it was making her very hot. She always had this fantasy of being taken by one of those barbarian types, large muscular men that would ravage her body. She shivered as she thought of herself under Piotr with him hammering that monster inside of her. “Oh god I need you now.” She whispered into his ear. He needed her as well he gripped her nice tight little ass and lifted her up and lined her up with his dick, Kitty prepared herself as she was slowly lowered onto it. She gripped his shoulders as she eased herself onto it. “Oh god Rogue you gotta try this! He’s stretching me out like you wouldn’t believe-Oh god yes!” “Oh Katya…you are so tight!” He felt himself slowly pushing into her tight body and it was amazing she was just incredible. He just kept pushing himself into her body and he leaned forward to start sucking on one of her little nipples making her moan and gasp some more. Rogue looked over from where she was and she had to admit maybe a little switching around may be good but first she wanted to feel Gambit cum in her pussy and make her orgasm he was learning fast just want drove her nuts like those kissing up her spine and how his hands massaged her breast, playing with her nipples as another hand went to her clit and played with that as well. She looked over and saw Kitty crying out as she was riding his lap and from the looks of it she was really enjoying herself. Kitty felt more stretched then ever as she felt she was close to the maximum her body could take. It was exactly like how Jean and Scott said about how pleasure and pain could mix together. Kitty sank all the way down taking him directly into her womb it seemed to her feeling this was making her eyes roll up in the back of her head. She kept riding him until she arched back with a scream, Piotr thought he hurt her but then he felt her tighten up even more he didn’t think it was possible. He was nearly stuck as her body tried to milk him and he leaned forward burying himself into her chest crying out her name as he felt himself cum. He fell back onto the bed Kitty fell forward planting her hands on his chest breathing hard. “Oh god…that was intense.” “AWWWW!” Kitty turned to see Rogue had just orgasmed with Gambit thrusting hard with a loud groan guessing he just cam as well. For a moment they all took a breather as Rogue looked at Piotr and then to Remy as she got an idea, “Hey there sugar you want to switch a little?” Remy looked at Kitty little body and he had to admit there was just something about her tight little form that was appealing. “Remy is game if you are? What about you two?” Piotr was surprised by this but Kitty kissed his cheek and smiled at him, “Hey we got all night to have fun and besides I think it’s only fair you share that gift you got between your legs there.” She giggled as she got off him and to Gambit. He watched as Kitty started to kiss along Remy’s athletic form but then Rogue got on top of him and smiled with a lustful look in her eyes as she kissed him. It was different then Kitty’s kiss and as he reached up feeling her full breasts he could tell it was going to be a different experience then with Kitty. The four of them spent the rest of the night playing around with each other. Sometimes switching partners as well again, Rogue actually managed to take Piotr up her ass once although she was in both pleasure and pain thankfully they had been in a sitting position and Kitty had been eating her pussy out as Gambit bad been fucking her from behind. Kitty had been on her back with her legs over Gambit’s shoulders and he plowed into her body making her moan with lust. Rogue used her breasts to give Piotr a nice little tit fuck sucking on the head as she did it. Rogue and Kitty gave a little girl on girl show for the boys, they even had a little game on who could suck their man off the fastest and the boys to who could eat out the girl to orgasm first as well. Rogue and Gambit won those games but even the losers had nothing to complain about. Rogue was on her side watching Kitty ride Piotr one last time as she was crying out and she could believe it Colossus was defiantly a name worth of him. That dick of his could break a girl if he wasn’t careful and she also couldn’t believe Kitty had asked him to turn all metal not only did that increase his size but she just knew that his dick was even bigger. Hence Kitty’s screaming although not totally in pain more in pleasure and lust. Rogue felt lips on her shoulder as Remy was behind her she could feel his hard body behind her, sure Piotr had a largest dick but Gambit sure knew how to use his and it wasn’t like he was lacking in the size department either. She smirked as he reached her neck. “How long do you think they can go?” “Hmmmm…This is their last time hands down.” She moaned a little as he reached her neck a hand caressing her stomach. “God you’re not wanting another round are ya? I can’t take another one.” Her ass and pussy were aching now in a pleasant way though but still her pussy lips were all red. “Non just want to enjoy you close to me,” He said to her making her smile. “Oh god-oh god-oh GOD! Oh Piotr you’re…You’re so deep…stretching me out so much…Oh God I love this!” She cried out feeling his metal dick inside of her it was all the way in going into her inner depths further than any man’s penis has gone before. “Oh Katya! I…I’m going to cum!” He grunted as he shot his load up into her. Kitty arched her back letter her small breasts pock out as she cried out feeling him actually pulse inside of her was the last thing she needed as she came herself. “Oh-oh god-oh god that was-that was…” She said gasping. Piotr groaned turning back into his normal form as Kitty felt him shrink a bit inside of her. She slowly pulled out she knew she’d be sore tomorrow hell she was sore now but damn it was worth it. She fell down onto him gasping too tired to really move. “Oh my god Piotr…” He knew exactly what she meant this was a night he would remember for the rest of his life. He had never been involved in anything like this but he wasn’t complaining at all. “You think we can do this again?” He smiled down as she cuddled up to him resting herself on his massive chest. “I would love that.” NEXT UP CHAPTER 18: FINAL EXAM
Chapter 15 - Chapter 15
CHAPTER 15: NEW LESSONS PART 2 Danielle was lead to a wooden stock by Jean tugging on her collar, “Now Dani I sense that you love being bound and used is that correct?” ”Yes Mistress,” Dani said to her starting to feel a bit turned on. She never knew she had this side to her but she found out she loved this kind of stuff. There was just something about it that spoke to her and she couldn’t wait until what would happen. “Then you’ll get your wish,” Jean tugged on the lease and made her walk forward, “Get into place slave.” Danielle placed her head and wrists into the grooves and Jean placed the other piece of wood down locking her in place. “But to add to this I think a little mystery is in order.” Jean placed a blind fold over her eyes and now Dani was in complete darkness. She could hear the sounds of the others going through various sexual acts, the cool air on her naked flesh she had no idea how long they were making her wait. And she knew they were making her wait as well then she jumped as someone rubbed her ass gently caressing it. Then there was a hot and wet sensation on her pussy lips that she soon realized was a tongue. She moaned a bit feeling whoever it was very good. She enjoyed whoever was preparing her and after a few moment her breathing was increasing and she felt ready to cum. But then whoever it was stopped and Dani gave a small whimper in protest. She felt a hand caress her back as she felt a new pressure at her lips knowing it was s dick being pushed inside of her. She groaned feeling whoever it was slowly going inside of her and moving it around trying to hit and find her sensitive areas. When it was all in there the man stayed still running his hands over her back gently and then her ass. She tried to get him to move but her motion was limited by the stocks she was in. Thankfully whoever it was started a nice and slow fuck feeling her out. She moaned feeling whoever it was move inside of her she let her head drop enjoying the sensation without moving or seeing she focused a bit more on the sensations she was feeling. When he hit that certain spot she gasped and then he hit it again making her cry out slightly as he nailed her right where she liked it. Her mysterious partner was very methodical as he moved into her body feeling the hands knead her ass. Then a hand went under her and touched her clit making her gasp. Whoever this was still wasn’t talking but she heard him grunt and moan but she couldn’t place it and it might even be someone she hadn’t taken into her body yet. But then that hand reached down to her clit again and started to massage it, twist it, stroke it and do all sorts of things to the sensitive flesh. Dani was now trying her best to buck her hips back closing her eyes moaning as her phantom lover used her body in an almost loving way. Then a hand left her hips and she felt the flesh of an arm pass her ribs as another hand gripped one of her dangling breasts kneading it. “Oh yes,” She muttered out feeling the hand caress it and the fingers moving over it. She felt those fingers on one of her dark nipples and trailing around the areola teasing it and then taking her nipple and started to play with that her mysterious sex partner was really playing with her body well she felt the heat inside of her rising up and the tightening inside of her as she was getting close to her orgasm. “Ohhh…Oh god…ughhhh…almost…oh dear spirits…I’m…I’m going to…Ahhhh!” She moaned out as her body shook from her orgasm she felt herself tightening up around the member inside of her body and the man behind her grunted as he thrust his hips into her as he came. Dani was panting a bit as he pulled out and gave her ass a playful smack on her ass. Scott grinned down at Dani and then picked another boy to take his place he wanted to see how mush she could take and maybe a little later she could start using that mouth of hers on the boys and the girls that wanted her to eat them out. Jean was now leading both Tabitha and Roberto on leashes and led them to the center of the room. By now Scott was teaching a few others as they were experimenting. X23 was there and she looked like she was enjoying the pain part of it no surprise given her healing powers made anything heal over quickly. Others seemed to be getting off on the control or being controlled. The red head smiled as she led the two to a table, “I want you both to bend over it now and don’t move.” Tabby and did as they were told as Jean got leather spanking paddle from the wall. She remembered Scott using this on her the first time it was perfect for what she had in mind she also saw one item she hadn’t had the chance to use yet. They had added a few new ‘toys’ to this program given how many people were in this and a wicked smile crossed her lips. She took that down and set it aside for later, “Now then it’s time for your punishment I want you to count off and say ‘For Mistress’ after each one.” Then Jean waited a bit letting them tense up waiting for whatever the blow would be. She brought it down on Roberto’s ass first he gave a small yelp before speaking, “One for Mistress!” She did the same for Tabitha as she jumped a bit saying the same words. Jean had a bit of fun making it random sometimes giving one of them two swats before going to the other to give them one, two or even three blows. She didn’t want them to know what was coming. By the time they got to twenty their asses were red but the skin wasn’t broken. Jean was already feeling her wetness between her legs from everything that was going on with all the sexual energy and thoughts in this room it was hard not to pick up certain things. So it was understandable that she was horny as hell at the moment and needed a way to satisfy it. “Tabitha sit on the ground.” Tabby stood up and tried to sit it was a bit hard as her ass was red and sore so but the coldness of the floor was helping a little. Jean told Roberto to lay down and he nearly hesitated for the same reasons as how it was hard for Tabby to sit still on her ass. But given that he knew Jean would offer another punishment he got onto his back on the cold metal table they had been on. All around them where the sounds or cries of sex and the smell of it was starting to hit the air as well. He guessed the Danger Room would smell of sex for a few days after this. “Now then I think it’s time I got some release but you seemed to be a little limp,” Jean traced her hand over his sex organ and smiled at him. “But I can fix that.” She pent down and too his partially erect dick into her mouth and he groaned. Every guy at the mansion at one time or another had fantasized about either fucking Jean or having her go down on them like this. Now he was going to get both he hoped and boy was she ever good. Her tongue would dance around the skin as she would lick and suck him in different ways. Damn she was really good at this and it didn’t take him long to get hard from her mouth. Jean gave him a lustful look giving him one final slow lick up the shaft to the tip and then licked her lips. He watched as she got on top of him and he was eager the pain in his ass was well worth this as he felt her sheath herself into him. ‘Damn she’s got a great pussy.’ “Why thank you Roberto,” She smiled at him hearing that thought. She started up slow moving her hands over his chest. He wasn’t a bad fit although she still preferred Scott since he also knew her body better then anyone but this was still nice. Roberto moaned as he ran his hands over her thighs she had great legs and the outfit she wore really showed that. But his eyes were drawn up to her big breasts with the dark pink tips, they bounced and moved so well with her body that he couldn’t help but reach up and start to fondle and knead the flesh. And boy they felt just as great as he had thought they would. He knew that Scott was lucky to get this girl in bed all the time as Jean started to ride him. She ran her hands over his chest and started to drag her nails over his flesh just enough to leave small red marks not enough to break the skin. Roberto hissed as she did it but was strangely turned on by it as he continued to pump up into her with a bit more vigour as she did this. After awhile Jean smirked as she felt he was about to cum but he would find that wouldn’t be as easy as he thought. She used her powers just a little to make a block in his body mainly where the sperm traveled through his dick. He wouldn’t be able to feel it until he was climaxing and from the way he was thrusting he wasn’t far off. “Uh-uh-oh yeah-I’m going to cum-I can’ wait to fucking cum in you-uh-argh-here it comes,” He said thrusting up as she continued to ride his prick. He felt himself cum but something was wrong the pressure was only building in his dick. “What the fuck!?” “Sorry slave but I didn’t give you permission to cum yet,” She told him riding him harder now getting closer to her own release. Roberto however cried out in mixed pleasure and pain his dick felt like it was going to explode he wanted to cum so badly that it was nearly painful. He tried to get his release but he was stuck. “Oh god please Jean -I mean please Mistress…Let me cum…I need to cum!” He begged her but she just kept on riding him when she was both close to her climax and when she was sure he couldn’t take anymore she felt he had enough. “Then cum slave!” She cried out and released her powers, his sperm shot out of his body as he gave a long and loud moan as his balls emptied themselves out. He was totally drained after that it felt like all the sperm and energy in his body had been sucked right out. After all of that he just laid back nearly passing out from finally being able to release. He felt drained, his dick was a little sore but he had this feeling of totally bliss after words from it. Unfortunately he wasn’t sure he would be able to walk soon as he was too tired to move. Jean got off him leaving him to recover and walked over to Tabitha she had been sitting watching this was kind of exciting. “Eat me out,” Jean commanded her and Tabitha got onto her knees and started to lick tasting the mixed juices there. Jean smiled and held her face there to her crotch she had been holding back all of Roberto’s sperm with her powers making a small shield in her body to hold it all and when Tabitha opened up wide Jean pushed it all out. Tabitha suddenly had a lot of sperm sent into her mouth she was so surprised she nearly coughed but Jean held her in place and swallowed it up. Jean made the blond clean her up nicely and then let her head go. “Good now I want to try something out with you Tabby I’m going to break in a new toy will you like that?” “Yes Mistress,” Tabitha said licking her lips eager to take up the challenge. She watched and Jean reached out with an arm and a strap on dildo floated to her. This would be something new Tabitha thought as she watched the red head put on the device. “Now suck it Tabitha I want you to coat it up nicely.” Boom-Boom got to her knees and started to suck it off like it was real. Tabitha was a bit more aggressive when it came to this but Jean didn’t mind although she did get a slight shiver of pleasure as this seemed to be designed to press up against her clit when it was pushed. Tabitha worked her mouth all over the plastic dick coating it in her saliva. Jean decided to held Tabitha out in getting ready and with her powers made it feel like hands were caressing all over the blonde’s body. Tabby moaned onto the fake cock feeling her muscles being massaged, her breasts being kneaded, her clit and nipples being played with and her vaginal lips caressed. It was a very surreal and intense experience for her and she only worked the cock in her mouth with more force as she gripped Jean’s ass kneading it with her hands. When Jean was satisfied she commanded Tabitha to stop she gave a small whimper of disappointment but Jean told her to get on all fours. Tabitha waited and felt the tip of the dick slid over her slit she gave a soft moan lowering her head feeling it rub there. It left and then she winced feeling Jean part her ass cheeks and before she knew it the fake dick was placed on the sphincter of her ass. She tried to relax after all she had it in the ass a few times and the strap on wasn’t too big. Tabitha groaned feeling it enter her ass stretching the flesh. Jean held her hips as she slowly worked the cock in and then pulled out and then back in. She started off slow seeing the red flesh there by her hands and when Jean felt that Tabby was ready she thrust a bit more forcefully. Tabitha gave a small whimper as Jean’s hips smacked into the tender flesh of her ass. Now Tabitha got what her full punishment was as the stinging pain of Jean’s hips against her sensitive flesh mixed in with the anal penetration. “Uh-ugh-uh-ah-fuck!-uh,” Tabitha grunted with each stinging thrust into her body. Jean smirked as an idea came into her mind again she was starting to think up some very interesting uses for her powers lately and al this experimenting might have been a good idea. She was really getting a lot more practice in with them and still getting off sexually. Jean closed her eyes as she started to link her mind with Tabitha’s for a moment she felt nothing and then the filling sensation in her ass with the slight pain was felt. Tabitha wasn’t sure what was happening at first it was like she became more sensitive like everything just suddenly became twice as potent. It took a bit when she felt a moan I her mind that Jean was in her head. She grinned as was feeling Jean’s pleasure as well as her own. But Jean didn’t stop there with her mind she started to caress Tabitha’s body and her own with her powers making invisible ‘hands’ massage muscles, breasts, clits and shoulders. Both girls were moaning out loudly feeling each other’s pleasure getting lost in their own world. Jean had linked up minds with Scott and it always made their pleasure increase ten fold but she hadn’t tried it with another woman before. It was strange feeling how Tabitha got pleasure in different ways and yet it still felt great. Jean tried to keep her focus shutting out the entire world as their bodies became slick with sweat. She closed her eyes and made a TK shaped phallic that entered into Tabitha, the blonde’s head snapped up as she cried out in rapture. Jean experimented with the width stretching the girl out in the inside she knew that Tabby had Amara’s hand up in her so she was really flexible in there. She would probe all the different areas hitting spots there weren’t possible normally. Tabitha thrust back wildly crying out as Jean was hitting all her sensitive areas plus the pleasure she got form Jean was a unique experience. “Oh god Jean-Mistress, whatever the fuck you want me to call you! Oh shit! Don’t stop! Fuck! Fuck me uhhh! Ohhhh! Fuck meeeee goooodddd! OH!” Boom-Boom cried out closing her eyes. Jean was moaning loudly holding onto Tabitha’s waist tightly bucking her hips in a near frantic pace. It was nearly a stimulus overload when the two girls climaxed each one feeling the other’s orgasm on top of their own. Tabitha tensed up as she came so hard the juices actually squirted out of her vagina onto the floor. She fell face down her ass still up gasping for breath. Jean was also wiped out from the backlash of pleasure her mane of hair was slick and plastered over her face and body. She gently pulled out of Tabitha to catch her own breath like the other girl laying there in front of her. Jean laid down on her back just trying to slow her heart rate down it was hammering like it did after god sex. She looked and smiled seeing the others starting to really get into things. Meanwhile a few of the others were starting to get into things one of them Amara was in a thong, high heel boots and nothing else but a riding crop walked up to Bobby with a grin on her face. It was time for to give Bobby some payback for that little ice trick of his on her. “On your knees slave,” She told him and there was a moment he was contemplating not doing it but after seeing the punishments the others got maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. So he went on his knees and she smile sticking out a boot to him, “Lick it until it shines slave.” She was really getting off on the power trip she hadn’t felt like this since she was back home. She watched as Bobby started to like her boots and she was wondering on how to properly pay him back when she spotted a few of the candles that were decorating the room and she got a large grin on her face. “That’s enough go lay down,” She told him pointing to a table with straps on it and went to get a couple of them lighting them with her powers and bringing them back. Bobby saw them and wasn’t sure what the hell she was going to do with those. She grinned as she set them down and slowly started to put on shackles onto this writs and ankles. She never really noticed but Bobby had a nice body as she glided her hands over it. Years of training had really done him well as she caressed his body she was starting to see why Jubilee liked him that and the nice dick that was growing to erection too but she knew that first hand. Bobby groaned a bit as she was feeling around his body he had never thought of this kind of stuff for sex but he had to admit she looked damn sexy in that gear and he was took a look a Jubilee. She was in stocking with a leather garter belt and corset that pushed up on her beast and he kind of hoped she could keep that for later. She felt Amara grab his dick a little too tightly causing him to hiss out in pain as he looked up at her disapproving face, “Eyes on me and no one else understand?” “Yes.” He nodded but then she squeezed a bit tighter, “Yes Mistress.” He quickly covered up. She smiled and let it go as she started to gently caress it now feeling it twitch and pulse with his hart rate. Bobby was surprised when she actually stared to lick over his body she stared with his thigh and slowly moved around it and continued to caress his muscles. He groaned feeling her tongue it was really hot but then again he learned that her body heated up a bit. How her skin was always warm most likely because of her powers. Amara crawled on top of him licking up his abs and to his chest, she was glad that he didn’t have much body hair she didn’t like a lot of that. She preferred smooth skin as she made her way up to his neck. She grinned as it was nice having the power this time around with him helpless below her. Amara moved on down as she stared to lick his erect dick slowly moving her tongue over the shaft hearing him groan. She took the tip into her mouth and sucked it gently as she slowly started to bob her head up and down it taking it deeper an inch at a time. She felt him move wanting to jerk his hips but she didn’t want him to cum this way. She stopped letting him rest up a bit as she got off him. She grinned as she slowly removed the thong as it was now time for her own fun. Amara got onto the table again and took hold of his dick as she lined it up and slowly sank onto it she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of him entering her. Bobby too was enjoying it as she had a nice hot and tight cunt but Jubilee was tighter although Amara did have an exotic beauty to her as he watched her sink down. He looked over her tanned skin, her slim figure and firm breasts with the dark brown tips. He saw her grin as she wasn’t moving yet and wondered why. Then he saw her moving her hips but reaching for a candle he had a confused look but then she tipped it as the hot wax fell onto his chest. “Ow! Shit that’s hot!” “It’s supposed to be you have me that ice prink of yours so now it’s my turn.” Amara grinned as she flexed the muscles inside of her body to tighten up around his dick and started moving. Slowly rising up and gripping him and then releasing as she sat down only to tighten again. Amara would pour hot wax onto his flesh at random times. It was an odd mix for Bobby feeling her ride him was great as he tried to jerk his hips up to meet her as much as he could lift off the table and then there was the hot wax making him cry out. It was hot but quickly cooled off, Amara was timing the wax when she would grip his dick mixing the intense pleasure with the short pain of the wax. He started out curing and groaning as she started to pick up the pace. Amara was fully turned on as she was really liking this she was used to having people obey her and having total control was like fitting on an old glove to her. Not to mention that Bobby was a nice fuck as well she had already slept with a few of the other boys and they weren’t bad although that experience with Bobby with his ice powers had been something that she hadn’t duplicated. She was wondering if she could talk to Jubilee into letting her fuck him now and then and if she wanted her as well. The though was kind of a turn on remembering how well the first time was but maybe next time Jubilee could be the one tied to the bed. She started to ride him more harder now feeling his dick starting to hit her g-spot as she moved her hips to hit it just the right way. She kept up with the wax as much as she could but soon put the candles down and placed her hands on his chest as she started to cry out as she was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. “Oh yes! Ahhhh! Fuck me slave! Fuck your Princess! Fill me with that cock of yours, fuck me harder!” She cried out at him hearing her flesh smack against his. Bobby only grunted as she thrust up as hard as he was able to do. He saw her hair flying all over the place her breasts moving with each bounce her hands on his chest were heating up and the wax was starting to heat up again and melt. She gritted his teeth caught between the heat and the pleasure. Soon Amara was frantically riding him throwing her head back screaming out as she was nearing her climax. “Oh yes! Oh gods yes! I’m almost there! Oh by the gods this feels…so…fucking…AHHHHHH!” She screamed out as her body started to shake from her orgasm. Bobby felt her tighten up around him and that was it for him as he blew his load. He took a breather as Amara was sitting on him panting and sweating from the heat of her body with a satisfied smile on her face. Now they were even. The rest of the class was very enjoyable as everyone took turns in the roles. Jean and Scott were taking a break watching the others. Dani was still in the stocks not wanting out right now there were an army of Jamies all lined up one of them fucking her from behind alternating with her pussy or ass while others went to her mouth. She got a break now and then for water and a rest but she was back up for it although with all the fucking she would most likely pass out soon. Jean was keeping on eye on that just in case that happened. The others were in high spirits as Laura loved the mixed pain/pleasure sensations she was getting. Her body healed fast enough to take any kind of abuse they could dish out. Currently she was on her back with Ray blowing into her while he pinched and tugged on her nipples giving them electrical charges at various amps. Kurt was in the role of slave as he was on his knees servicing Amanda who had Kitty behind her massaging the dark girl’s larger breasts. There were other such scenes going on and both of them felt that this class was a success. NEXT UP CHAPTER 16: HONEYMOON SURPRISE FINALLY It’s the final part of the honeymoon this time it’s fully Logan/Ororo/Mystique.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The New Suit
Disclaimer: I don’t own Ultimate Spider-Man or anything about it or the characters. This is an adult fic that should not be read by anyone under 18. Just so you know this is just a unique twist to things and no I don’t condone rape. Also remember that the chemicals have an effect on the human body when you read this as I try to explain certain things as to why it happens. (You’ll see I didn’t want to spoil things) I also try to spell check but I do tend to miss a few things.   This story contains consensual sex, non-soncensual, mind control (to a degree), M/F, M/M/F, M/F/F, F/F, oral, anal, Preg.   Spider-Man: Dark Urges   Chapter 1: The New Suit   Peter never felt better in his entire life; he was jumping over buildings like they were nothing. His entire body felt alive and stronger than ever before. After he had found that tape of his family and of the Brocks he had looked up Eddie Brock an older boy that he had apparently been friends with. Well he met him to catch up and to bring him the tape with their parents on it. It was then that while getting their old friendship off the ground Eddie showed him something that would change his life.   It was a living bio suit that their fathers made to be the cure for cancer. Peter had snuck back in and taken a bit of it to study himself but a small piece touched his skin. He had freaked out at first as it grew over him and the next thing he knew he was in a totally black suit.   That had been a few hours ago and now he had learned that the suit was responding to his mental commands. He made a white spider design on his chest and he found it made its own type of webbing. It was amazing stuff and best yet it seemed to be making him stronger and faster too. He always knew his dad was a genius but this went beyond anything he expected. Peter felt free as a bird as he fell from the sky letting the wind pass him by, through the suit he could feel it all like it was against his skin. Then he fired a web line and soared back up through the air.   Nothing seemed to bring him down, not how the city was against him, or how Gwen thought that Spider-Man killed her father, not MJ breaking up with him. For once all his problems seemed to be miles away and he was glad for the peace. Peter took his new suit for a test drive to see what it could really do.   That was when he found heard the gun shots and the scream. He grinned under his mask as he quickly got to the area of the shooting and saw a group of masked men taking a limo. He thought he heard some woman screaming too. Well this was just what the doctor ordered as she swung on down and landed right on the hood of the car staring into the window.   “Can I see your license and registration please?” He asked them, he saw a few of them and then he noticed the woman. It was this pop singer he had seen, she was okay music wise but damn she was hot, hell he couldn’t help but notice that now for some reason. Spider sense kicked in and he moved to avoid the rapid fire of one of the kidnappers weapons.   “Oh so that’s how you want to play is it?” He flipped himself around and with his hands sticking to the car he dropped kicked the driver and took over the wheel. He heard them yelling at him and trying to shoot him. Why they wanted to shoot the only driver he didn’t understand, but then again these guys just didn’t seem to be the smartest guys around. He dodged another shot and web snagged a couple of the weapons very easily.   “Now if you can’t play nice with those then you can’t play at all.” He yanked the weapons out of their hand while still trying to drive. Which was hard given he had never drove anything in his life, oh well he figured that there was a first time for anything. It didn’t last much longer after that, he fought off the kidnappers, and had to web that woman’s mouth up, she sure had a pair of strong lungs on her. Plus one hell of a rack to go with it.   He avoided colliding the limo into a school bus and not just any bus but his own of all things. He also thought he caught a glimpse of MJ there. Well anyway he save the day and the bad guys were beaten, he apologized for the webbing her mouth up as he removed it although she didn’t seem to mind. In fact she was grateful for him saving her life.   He still had trouble taking his eyes off her, he felt his blood pumping for some reason but before it could go any further some cop tried to arrest him...again. He was so fed up with this kind of stuff that he just took off. He had a few other run ins, Shocker again and he caught some guy that shot some poor guy in front of his family. He kicked the hell out of him but left him alive for the cops, he felt a bit better about that at least the guy wouldn’t be in intensive care although he knew the guy most likely would have deserved that.   -Parker Home-   It was getting late at this time although Peter was still having troubles. Ever since he saved that hot pop star he couldn’t get relaxed it was like he was in a near constant state of being half aroused or something. Like he had just watched part of a porno or something and not finished. He had even gone into the bathroom and started to imagine things like that pop star naked, then other girls too. Black Widow, the X-Men women, Sue Storm, MJ and even Gwen. He easily got hard as he started to jerk himself off into the toilet, eventually he came but he felt unfulfilled.   Hell he was still hard for some reason and that never usually happened, he took his dick and started to stroke again to see if he could cum again and maybe that would get rid of it. He thought of things like Black Cat on her knees with those large breasts exposed and his dick in her mouth with her moaning around it. He thought of Gwen and MJ totally naked and fondling each other and kissing each other, he even though of Liz with only socks and a very short skirt that allowed him to see her pussy.   He closed his eyes wondering what it would be like to push into those girls, to feel his dick inside of them. He grunted feeling his cum shoot out again into the toilet and he looked down and was dismayed to see that he was still hard. He couldn’t believe this, it was like he was super backed up with cum and just couldn’t get rid of it. “I swore those were aspirin we had and not Viagra.” He muttered to himself.   “Hey Peter you in there?” Gwen’s voice called out as she banged on the door.   “Fuck!” He hissed out and quickly pulled up his pants and cleaned up any evidence. “Just a second!” He flushed the toilet and washed his hands before opening the door.   There stood Gwen in only a large t-shirt, the sexy young blonde was the kind of girl most boys dream about. Peter’s aunt took her in when Gwen’s mother ditched her and they had been close, almost like a family since then, maybe even like a sister. But at that moment Peter didn’t see Gwen as a ‘sister’, he suddenly saw him bending her over the sink and sinking his dick into her from behind.   He quickly shoved that aside, ‘What the fuck is happening to me?’ he wondered he never had thoughts like that.   “So you done with the bathroom?” Gwen asked him.   “Huh? Oh yeah sure it’s all yours.” He stepped out as she got inside of it. Peter watched her as the door closed and wished he had taken a cold shower. He went to his room and changed, putting on a pair of sweat pants and a wife beater shirt but he couldn’t get to sleep. It didn’t help that he had a hard on and imaged of Gwen in that shirt, her legs bare and the fact her room was only a few feet away.   “Fuck!” He muttered putting the pillow over his face. “What the hell is going on? I mean sure every guy has gotten like this before but this is nuts. It’s like I’ve been injected with freaking testosterone or something. And why can’t I stop thinking of Gwen?”   He sighed and tried to sleep but he was totally restless. He looked at his hand and thought of the suit, the black substance grew, he had learned that he could somehow call back the suit. Was this what was causing him to act like this? He never did run any tests on this thing yet and he should have known that there had to be something wrong with it. It was just his luck if the suit was doing this to him.   He got off his bed and to his desk, he pulled out a drawer and took out a dish for specimens. He mentally commanded a piece of it to fill the glass disk. He placed it away and sealed it up, he would look at it tomorrow morning. He thought about going to the kitchen to get something to drink or eat, maybe that would take his mind off it. He got into the hall and noticed Gwen’s door was slightly open, he shrugged and moved on when he heard some whimpering from the room.   He stopped and took a look inside, he could make out Gwen’s form on her bed twisting around but he couldn’t make out what she was saying but it was obvious she was having a nightmare. He got into her room and closed her door not to wake his aunt up. He crossed over to her and gently shook Gwen.   “Gwen it’s me are you okay?”   Gwen bolted up looking around frantic, not knowing where she was at first. “Gwen it’s me Peter, you were having a nightmare.”   Gwen could make out Peter now and then the nightmare came back, it was her father dying. She had watched as her father was shot and he died in her arms and she tried everything but she couldn’t do anything to save him. “P-Peter?” She slightly chocked out and just threw her arms around him hugging him.   Peter was caught off guard and hugged her back, he knew what she was going through better than anyone. He held her as she cried a bit at first but after a bit she just wanted to be held. Just for someone to be there for her and Peter was the nicest guy she ever met. She felt safe in his arms at this moment and she could see what MJ had seen in him, too bad she didn’t understand why she would just dump a guy like Peter for no real reason. It just didn’t make any sense to her and she knew that there had to be something they weren’t speaking about.   Peter on the other hand was trying to control himself. At first it was good but holding her here like this, feeling her breasts press up against him, the smell of her hair, the feel of her soft skin. He had to have her, it was like a hammering in his skull of ‘taker her, taker her, take her’ over and over. The thing was he felt he could, he was single she was single and what was to stop them?   Gwen eventually pulled back a little smiling feeling a little embarrassed. “Thanks Peter I...I guess I just needed someone.”   Peter looked into her eyes and for a moment he didn’t know why but he leaned in and kissed her. Gwen was surprised by this and didn’t know what to do. She should push him away, after all he had only just broke up with MJ but she was still somewhat vulnerable and this felt so good. She didn’t know why but she kissed him back, she knew it was wrong but it felt right.   She ended up on her back with Peter on top of her as they tasted each other and she ran her hands over his body, she was so surprised by how muscled he was. His own hands went to her body, first her sides and even caressed her bare leg. She couldn’t help but give a small moan at that, Peter was a very good kisser and the needed to feel compassion. To feel like she mattered to someone still, that someone cared for her, with her parent gone she didn’t have any of that.   As they made out Gwen felt herself getting hot and she felt the press of something hard it wasn’t until a few minutes that she figured out it was Peter’s erection. He was freaking hard as steel under there and she was surprised by it. Then Peter reached down and cupped one of her breasts through her shirt, now she knew that they had crossed the line. She wouldn’t let Eddie even though at first a good enough guy to get that much out of her, but not even Peter would get that much.   She wasn’t some tramp or slut and pushed him away, “Peter that’s enough, I’m not going any further then kissing.” She told him flat out.   Gwen couldn’t believe what was happening, Peter was so much stronger then he looked, he had his hand over her mouth as he pulled off her panties and got on top of her. She tried to fight him off but she couldn’t, then he seemed to adjust his pants and pulled them down and got over her.   Was this the reason MJ broke up with him? Did he do the same thing to her? Gwen wasn’t sure as Peter got between her legs and with his other hand gripped one of her wrists and then the other and pinned them over her head. He looked down at her and she swore she could see that he felt ashamed of what he was doing.   “I-I’m sorry Gwen I...I can’t stop myself. I’m so sorry...” He said to her and despite things she actually believed him. Something was wrong with Peter, she knew this wasn’t him it wasn’t him at all but she jumped when she felt what she feared pressed up against her cunt. His penis was pressing there and she shifted her hips tried to move to delay it as best she could.   Peter found her opening and thrust into her, she screamed into his hand and arched her back. She couldn’t believe that she was going to be raped by her friend. Peter felt both incredible and felt sickened by what he was doing. He shouldn’t be doing this he knew it but he couldn’t stop, no matter how hard he fought he just couldn’t stop. And he felt huge to her, although in reality Peter was a bit over average but to Gwen and her inexperience it felt like something huge was being pushed into her.   Gwen was so tight and so warm, he pushed more inside of her and he felt her cheery, without thinking he broke through it giving Gwen another reasons to cry out against his hand. Peter started to pump her with his cock, it felt great and the more he got into it the more any shame he felt was driven out by his lust.   Gwen shut her eyes, a few tears feel from the pain of it all, she was totally dry and it hurt. She grunted as he thrust into her and she wanted this to be another nightmare. She wanted the real Peter back the one that she cared for like a brother. Not the one that was fucking her against her will, thankfully the bit of blood from her once virgin pussy was helping a bit but not much, it still burned at he rubbed her raw. She wanted him to stop to tell him to get off of her but his hand was in the way.   Peter was lost to his lust, he kept on thrusting into her it just felt so good. Her struggling and moving around was only serving to entice him more. Then he felt it happening he was getting closer to the end, he sped up his thrusts, moving faster and faster now. Gwen shook her head side to side knowing what was coming next. Peter thrust a few more times before he pushed himself all the way in and held himself there, he groaned as her came inside of her and it felt great. Unlike before he finally felt relieve as his hot cum splattered her insides.   Gwen’s eyes widened as she felt the hot cum ender her and she gasped. She groaned as a feeling came over her and at first she was confused but thinking about it she knew what had happened. She came, she couldn’t believe it, it shouldn’t have been possible but she did. As soon as his cum had hit her it was like someone set off a bomb in her loins. Little did either teenager knew was that the suit had altered Peter’s cum, it was laced with special pheromones and chemicals.   Gwen felt the hot cum inside of her as the chemicals were being absorbed into her body, she should have been angry then, but for some reason she wasn’t. The pain was fading now and soon something else was replacing it, at first she felt warm in her pussy and thought it was just the cum in there. But it grew warmer and warmer and suddenly she was starting to get a little wet. Gwen wasn’t sure what was happening to her, surely she wasn’t getting off being raped what she?   She knew that was impossible but something was going on, her body was getting all hot and she could feel his dick still inside of her partially still hard. The thing that really was getting to her was that she wanted to have it hard and to fuck her some more.   ‘Oh god what’s happening to me? I should be screaming my head off, I should be going to the police not wanting him to...to...to fuck me again.’ And it was true she wanted him now, she wanted him to take her again but this time she wanted to do it willingly.   Peter after catching his breath finally had his mind clear enough to realize what he had done, he found that Gwen wasn’t struggling anymore. “Oh god Gwen...Gwen I’m sorry, I...Oh god what did I do?” Peter knew that he would go to jail for this and he knew he deserved it. After that he deserved to be put away and maybe it would be safer for everyone if he was locked up.   He felt sick at his act and he pulled his hands away and he couldn’t even look at her.   “Peter.” Gwen said his name but strangely it was in a soft voice and he slowly turned his face to hers trying to look her in the eye. When he did she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. Peter was freaking out at this, a girl wasn’t supposed to be like this after what he just did.   “Gwen what?” He asked breaking out of the kiss.   “I...I don’t know all I know is that I need you again Peter. Please fuck me again I...I need you to do it I’m all hot and I can’t stop feeling this way.” Gwen wrapped her legs around his waist as she grinded her pelvis to his, she even tried to squeeze his dick in her by contracting her muscles. Peter moaned feeling what she was doing and he was enjoying it.   Gwen was doing everything she could think of to entice him to continue on, and she could feel his member actually getting hard again. She had no idea what was going on but the more she went with it the more she didn’t care, she just wanted to be fucked again but this time she wanted to fully enjoy it. Gwen got a wicked smile on her as she had an idea, with Peter releasing his grip on her she pushed off with a leg and turned them over making her the one on top.   She sat up on top of him looking down with lust filled eyes as she ran her hands over his chest and damn he sure had muscles on him. She started to rub them feeling the power they must have had and it only served to get her more excited, she started to grind her hips and moved them slightly, “How’s that feel Peter?”   “Oh god Gwen...I...I don’t know what’s going on but god it feels good.” He ran his hands over her thighs exploring the soft flesh.   Gwen liked it, Peter was being more gentle this time maybe because she wasn’t fighting him off. She liked this way, with her on top and in control. She took the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. Peter could now see in the dim light through the window Gwen’s naked body, she wasn’t wearing a bra and he could now see her breasts. They were great, they weren’t large like some women’s but given that she was still a teen they were perfect for her body. She had thick nipples with small areola and they were pretty dark too.   Peter reached up to touch them and Gwen signed in pleasure at his touch. She continued to caress his body as her head fell back her body gently rocking him, feeling him getting harder and bigger as he was slowly stretching out her pussy again. Although this time the pain was gone and it was only pleasure soon Gwen started to rise up and then fall down onto his prick as she started to gently ride him. Her whole body was hot now and it felt like a furnace inside of her privates, sweat started to bead off her soft skin as she started to breath in heavy pants.   Peter fondled her breasts feeling them for the first real time. They felt magnificent to him, but then again this was the first time he felt a girl’s breasts, he cupped and fondled the soft flesh and when he started to play with the nipples that started to get her moaning in pleasure. He also noticed that her clit was visible as she was riding him.   He had heard that it was very sensitive on a girl and took on hand to gently stroke it.   “oh God!” Gwen shook as the jolt of pleasure hit her she looked down to see Peter stroking her enlarged clit. “Fuck that’s good Peter keep it up and you’ll make me cum in no time.”   Peter could only smile as he tried to match her movements, thrusting up as she came down onto him. The two kept on fucking each other for over ten minutes, both of them covered in sweat , Gwen’s hair was plastered to her scalp and skin but she was lost in her own world of pleasure. The room was hot and smelt of sex but they didn’t mind. Then she felt it, Peter started to thrust faster and harder and she knew he was cumming.   Gwen moved even faster and faster panting hard and giving soft moans and then she felt it, she felt his dick throb and blast her insides once more with his sperm. She orgasmed as it hit her inner walls just like last time, only this time she wanted it and it was even more powerful then the first time. She had to quickly lean down and kiss Peter hard as she screamed into his mouth, he held her tightly as he moaned into her own mouth.   After that she broke the kiss feeling both great and more tired than she had been. She rested her head on Peter’s shoulder unable to move and she didn’t want to. She just wanted to rest now and after a moment she left herself drift off. Peter was trying to make sense of the entire thing, how does one guy go from comforting his friend, to kissing her, then raping her and finally have her end up fucking him like that? He did finally feel sated after this but he knew it had to be the suit, something had caused all of this and he would find out.   He yawned feeling very tired. ‘Well...I’ll do it in the morning and then Gwen and I will have a very long talk ahead of us too.’   Next Up Chapter 2: Tests
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Tests
Spider-Man: Dark Urges Chapter 2: Tests   Peter felt a bit groggy as he tried to wake up, he felt like he should get up but for some reason he was perfectly comfortable right here. He shifted a bit and felt a strange warmth against his body and then there was a slight moan but not from him. He managed to open his eyes and at first he knew that he wasn’t in his room and then he felt the body pressed against him, a female body. He looked down to see Gwen snuggled up to him and last night came rushing back to him. He opened his eyes wide as he remembered it all.   ‘Oh god...Oh god what did I do?’ He thought he had been comforting her, then he kissing her and they were both enjoying it. Then he started to go further and she tried to stop him and then...Then he pinned her down, pulled off her panties and...and he raped her. He just took her like some mad man and he couldn’t stop himself and the worst part was that a part of him enjoyed it. Peter wanted to throw up at that point, he was supposed to be a hero and yet he just did something horrible.   But then he remembered how after it Gwen had kissed him, not only that she had told him to fuck her hell she got on top and road him for all he was worth. She shifted again and he could feel her young breasts against his body, he tried not to think on it but already he could feel his erection growing again, it was pressing up against her sex and Gwen moaned as she wiggled her body, her own sex rubbing up against him. Peter bit back a moan this was torture and he the sounds of her soft breathing, the feel of her body rubbing up against his and her pussy against his growing erection he just couldn’t stop getting hard.   “What the fuck is happening to me?” He muttered softly to himself he needed to get relief but how to do it? It didn’t help that Gwen kept grinding up against him, at this rate he felt like he was going to pop, then he remembered that Gwen didn’t seem to mind him fucking her that second time and maybe she might not mind again. He could wake her but he was kind of afraid of that, plus Gwen was a heavy sleeper he had to wake her up to make sure she got ready for school lots of times.   ‘To hell with it I’m already damned,’ He thought to himself and he gently reached down and tried to guide his way to Gwen’s pussy. It was difficult with her on him but he managed to slip in the head she moaned and shifted herself actually onto it a bit more. Peter was gentle as he slowly stroked his way deeper and deeper into her, he made small thrusts that would go in a little bit further then the last. She was starting to react now, he could feel her getting wet and she was giving off light moans. Peter caressed her back and she nearly purred at the touch. He gripped her ass gently kneading it and damn she had a great ass.   MJ had great lips and breasts and nice legs but Gwen had a much nicer ass and legs. He slowly started to fuck her and even asleep she was getting into it. Peter slowly fucked her since it was Saturday there was no school so he had plenty of time. He slowly fucked the blonde enjoying the warmth of her wet sex, Gwen would even start to thrust back slightly and he wondered what kind of sex dream she was having. After about ten minutes of slowly fucking her he felt his balls starting to tighten as he was getting ready to cum. He thrust a bit harder making her grunt a bit and then he held her ass tightly as he thrust up one last time holding himself there as he filled her pussy again with his semen.   Gwen had been having a great dream and then she tensed as an orgasm hit her, she woke up to the feel of it as Peter’s chemically induced cum made her climax as soon as it hit her body. She moaned feeling the rush and then took a moment to steady herself, she realized that she was awake and someone was gripping her ass tightly. She looked up to see Peter there with an uncertain look on his face and she knew why, last night had been...strange to say the least. She suddenly realized that she could feel Peter’s penis still inside of her and guessed he must have fucked her again while she was asleep but yet she wasn’t angry again.   “Hey...Uh...God Gwen what do I say?” Peter asked.   Gwen pushed off and sat up holding herself up looking down at his naked chest, she thought about it. “I...I don’t know...I mean you came in here and comforted me and all and then we kissed, which was really nice.”   “Really?” He asked.   “Really,” She smiled.   “You were great too.”   “Thanks,” She said honestly and then she thought about the rest of it. “In fact it was too good I mean you break up with MJ and with me and my problems we were both vulnerable and then...Well then you took me.”   “I’m sorry...”   “I know and I believe you, you weren’t yourself. Although I wasn’t myself either,” She signed remembering how she had literally asked him to fuck her. And it had felt great, hell even now she felt really good and she didn’t mind waking up to an orgasm that was for sure. “I did ask you to fuck me that one time and...God Peter I should be screaming at you, calling the police but...”   “But?” Peter asked trying to ignore how good she felt on top of him like this, how her young tits were swaying just above him and how her golden hair draped down her. She looked so sexy at that moment but he had to focus here.   “I just want to fuck you, over and over again. I want you bad for some reason...God what kind of girl am I? I know some girls get off on being overpowered and stuff but fuck...I never thought it was me. But the fact is I liked being fucked by you Peter and well...I wouldn’t mind you doing me again, but next time wake me up so I can enjoy it.” She told him with a small playful grin.   “Are you serious? I mean last night...”   “It was bizarre and yet...Peter why did you kiss me? Are you attracted to me? Do you want me?” She leaned a bit down wondering why exactly he wanted her.   “I...I...Yeah I find you sexy as hell and I do.” Peter admitted and Gwen seemed pleased by that and leaned down for a gentle kiss. He kissed her back gently taking the back of her head, they broke the kiss and Gwen got off Peter she rolled to her back next to him smiling up at the ceiling.   “This is going to change things between us you know...” She told him.   Peter nodded his head, “Yeah I know...But is that a bad thing?”   She shook her head, “No I don’t think so.” She looked down between her legs to see her pussy, she rubbed it a bit, it was slightly sore but still good. She even saw a bit of cum and a bit of her blood stuck from last night on her skin. “God I need a shower, and we better clean up before May gets up.”   Peter nodded as he quickly got dressed and helped her to clean up, they would have to clean her sheets since one of them were stained with blood and cum. He couldn’t believe how much she had bleed for her first time but he had taken her rather violently.   Later that day Peter was in the little lab in his basement he was trying to figure out what was going on with him, he was studying the piece of the suit under the microscope. It was amazing stuff, it looked to him that it bonded with the cells of the host and acted like a symbiote of some kind. He was testing out how it reacted with certain chemicals he knew that the suit was doing something to him but he couldn’t figure out what. He felt stronger and faster than ever and it seemed that his sexual abilities were also increased. He had jerked off before but never had he kept a hard on for so long and so easily like that.   Peter rubbed his eyes as he tried to think on what could cause the different in Gwen too. She had acted like she had taken ecstasy or something, well that was a guess he knew the effects of the drug but never taken them himself.   ‘Okay think, if there was a chemical in you then how could it be transferred? Air born? No it was more instant like it was absorbed into her system. Think Peter, think...Okay go back it happened just as you finished and then you came in her and then...’ Peter thought about it that had been when it had changed hadn’t it? What the hell was the suit doing to him then?   Plus what if there were other factors too, he would need to take samples and then tests them out. He collected in a few different test tubes several fluids. He made a small cut on his thumb for blood, then his spit, he went out web swinging as Spider-Man for a few hours to get himself some sweet, the last sample he needed to get he put off until last. But now he didn’t really have much of a choice and he tried to figure out how to collect the sample.   By this time Gwen had spent the day thinking about things, she had gone out to the mall, for a long walk but she just couldn’t get Peter out of her mind. She knew what had happened but she just didn’t know why she just accepted it, normally that wouldn’t make sense but she knew how Peter made her feel. Even before tonight Peter had always been there for her and he was such a nice guy, the fact is she did like Peter she didn’t love him at least she didn’t think so but damn the sex was getting pretty good.   Even thinking about it caused a little excitement for some reason and Gwen thought about their new little relationship mainly how would MJ see this? She was friends with her and how would it look to show up at school with Peter hand in hand? She knew that there was something going on with MJ and Peter that she had no clue about but she did dump him, and no matter what that was just the most bone headed thing Gwen could think of. Well whatever her problem Gwen came to the conclusion that Peter was single and was fair game.   She came back home, a word that felt strange her father and mother weren’t here but yet the place was becoming like a real home to her. She looked for Peter in his room but he wasn’t there so she went down the basement. “Hey Peter are you here?”   “Yeah I am Gwen.”   “Cool,” She said to herself and looked to see Peter over a bench with test tubes or liquids. She stopped and stared at one. “Peter...Is that blood?”   “Huh? Oh yeah but it’s mine.” He said like it was perfectly normal.   Gwen gave him a weird look at the samples there, “Okay why do you have your own blood in a tube? Please tell me you’re not going into that vampire fetish thing with the kids all dressed up as vampires now.”   “No it’s just that...” Peter paused wondering what to say. So he told her the truth, at least part of it. He told her that he had been exposed to an old experiment of his father’s and that he felt it was the reason for his behaviour. He told her of his new found stamina in sex apparently and something like a craving for it. He told her he was getting samples for a friend that would run some tests that he couldn’t. “The only sample left is...well...you know...” Peter said embarrassed and Gwen smirked knowing what he was doing.   She walked over and sat on his lap. “So then Mr. Scientist, you really think this can explain why we both have been...weird?” Peter nodded feeling her slightly sway her hips against him sensually. “Well how about a little help?”   “H-how?” He asked trying to think but she wasn’t making it easier.   She laughed and straddled him wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him, he kissed her back feeling the taste of her lips. She was slowly grinding herself into him as she got a wicked smile on her face, “Ever wanted a lap dance?”   Peter was all grins as she started to move her body, Gwen was slowly rubbing her crotch against his and moving her body in sexy movements. Truth was she was getting turned on too, there was something about the image of Peter fucking her that made her like this. Peter gripped her hips as he started to move too, his dick was already starting to get hard. Gwen wasn’t sure if this whole things Peter told her was true or not but did that mean she couldn’t have her fun? She kissed him deeply feeling his hands run over her body she gently took them and pulled them aside slowly.   “Uh-uh Peter no touching, let’s make this interesting.” She winked at him and she continued on moving in sexual ways only she reached down and pulled off her top slowly. Peter was groaning in need for her, he gripped the sides of the seat, careful not to shatter the chair with his strength as he watched the erotic display. He watches as she rolled her head hanging onto his shoulders, her breasts in a black bra moving with her body. Gwen then reached behind her and unclasped the bra she very slowly took one strap down and then the other, putting an arm around her chest she took the bra off but keeping herself covered.   “Oh that’s cheating.” Peter muttered.   Gwen laughed and slowly dropped her arm, she slowly got off him and went to her knees, he watched as she unbuttoned his pants and zipped him down. Gwen was having her own fun with Peter making him wait as she took her time to take off his pants and then she took the top of his boxers and pulled them down and his dick sprang up. Peter sighed at it no longer being constricted. Gwen took a good look at it, Peter sure was a great size not overly large but above average.   “So then let’s get that sample shall we?” She had never done anything like this before but she figured if Peter had inadvertently turned her libido into overdrive she was going to enjoy it and she was. She licked his member earning a groan from him. She kissed the tip of it and she liked the power she had over him at this point. She continued to like it as she worked herself up for trying something she had never tried before. She took the tip in her mouth and sucked slightly.   “Oh fuck,” Peter said through gritted teeth.   She smiled as she took him a bit deeper, she could only work in a little at a time and not even half of him in her mouth she just didn’t have the experience for it. But she tried, she sucked his dick and tried to experiment, she would lick it, roll her tongue along it as she bobbed her head. Her jaws were getting a little tired and pulled out. She took hold of her breasts and pushed them together.   She leaned forward and started to tit fuck his cock, she was thankful she had just enough of a good chest to do this. “How’s that feel Peter?”   “oh god Gwen you’re amazing.” He told her as his hips jerked in time with it. It wasn’t too long that he felt himself ready to cum. “I...I’m nearly there Gwen.”   “Then go for it Peter, cum all over me and my tits, you know you want to so just do it.” She enticed him she sucked on the head a couple of more times she tasted the little drops of precum on it making her moan. That vibration set him off and he erupted, it caught Gwen off by surprise and she coughed a bit pulling out as his cum hit her breasts, a little of her neck and cheek, she would even taste a bit in her mouth. Gwen thought it would taste nasty and yet it tasted great hell her skin felt like it was on fire where he hit her and if she didn’t know any better she was even wetter than before now.   ‘Damn maybe he was right about all of this after all, I feel like I need to be fucked again really badly.’ She thought to herself standing up.   Peter took a few breaths and Gwen took a dish and started to scoop his cum off her chest and put in on there. She saw a small cloth and wiped herself down. She had enjoyed herself but now she was wet and horny, Gwen wondered if Peter really had increased his sexual abilities because waiting around for him to get hard again might be a bit much. She yelped when a pair of hands came from behind and squeezed her breasts. She felt Peter behind her and her eyes widened at his already hard cock pressing into her ass.   ‘Oh god he wasn’t exaggerating, holy fuck this would be great. I got a guy that is well hung and can fuck like the Energizer Bunny.’ She thought as Peter kissed her shoulder and up to her neck. She moaned in appreciation.   “Tell me what you want.” He whispered into her ear.   The trust was she wanted him to just take her, she was ready and willing. “I want you to bend me over this table and fuck my brains out how’s that?”   Peter grinned as he quickly took her belt off and then loosened her jeans and pulled them down, he took hold of her shoulder and forced her down her tits smashed up against the cold wood. Thankfully it was a polished surface so she wouldn’t have to worry about splitters. “Here it is Gwen, and if you want a fucking I can give you what you want.”   A shiver was sent through her spine at his words, she never knew Peter could be so dominant and she kind of liked it. “Urgh!” She threw her head back as he thrust into her in one massive stroke at this angle he got deeper penetration and she felt the head of his cock just kiss her cervix. “Oh god you’re so deep in me Peter.”   “And you’re so fucking tight Gwen,” He told her before his hips pulled back and he slammed into her. She grunted as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Peter gripped one hip and he used the other to grip her shoulder and started to thrust into her, he could tell she was already wet and so it was easy to fuck her.   Gwen gripped the edge of the table she couldn’t believe how good she was feeling, she panted and gave small groans and grunts as he fucked her. “Peter...a...a little more down...”   Peter changed the direction of his thrusts slightly and Gwen gave out a loud outcry as he started to hit her g-spot full on. “Oh yes! That’s it, that’s the spot, don’t lose it! Oh god, oh fuck meeeeee.” She moaned out.   “That’s the plan,” Peter said as he thrust into her feeling her tight pussy over his cock, he felt like he would never tire of this. At the moment he didn’t care what was causing this he was enjoying himself too much and Gwen seemed to be enjoying herself as well so maybe it wasn’t all bad. The two kept on humping each other, sweat forming on their bodies.   For fifteen minutes Peter fucked his blonde friend, there had been times he had imagine what it would be like, but it was better than anything he had thought of. But he couldn’t take it anymore, his thrusts sped up as he was nearing his climax.   “Here I cum Gwen! I’m going to cum right in you!” He shouted.   “Oh yes! Do it Peter! I want it so bad!” Gwen cried out and then she felt him cum, his sperm blasting her insides making her have another great orgasm from it. She was panting resting her sweat slick body against the table taking a moment to enjoy it all. Then she was suddenly flipped onto her back and Peter re-entered her making her gasp.   “I’m not done with you yet Gwen, that is if you can’t handle it.” He challenged her.   She knew she was being sent a challenge and she never was the type of girl to back down. She locked her legs around his waist, “Give me the best you got then and it better be good mister.” She smirked. For the next hour the two sexually charged teens fucked each other multiples times in his room and Gwen was determined to show Peter what she was really made of.   Next Up Chapter 3: The New Couple on Campus Remember to please rate and review
Chapter 18 - Chapter 18
CHAPTER 18: FINAL EXAM Jean and Scott were in their room thinking about what to do now they had two days left before Xavier and Hank came back and they were wondering on what to do next? So far they had run out of things to teach the others as well. They were discussing things in their bed dressing up for the morning, “So then you have any ideas?” Jean asked him as she slipped on some pants. Scott thought about it, “Well we’ve pretty much taught them everything…How about we put that to use?” Jean gave him a curious look as he smiled back at her, “How about for the final exam we have the entire day as a free for all?” That got Jean to smile a bit, “So you mean just one big blow out?” “Exactly,” He grinned as they hammered out the details. After breakfast they gathered everyone up in the living room and everyone wondered what was next. Jean and Scott were there and Scott cleared his throat everyone took notice. “Okay everyone we’re all proud of how you all turned out and I must say that so far you’re all getting As for this.” There were a few claps and grins at that and Scott let them have their moment. He raised a hand and they turned their attention back to him. “So we’re going to have a very special final exam today, but tomorrow we’re going to clean up the mansion and make sure that everything was just as it was, understood?” “Yeah so if you don’t mind what exactly do you have planned?” Tabitha asked grinning from ear to ear. After all of this week she would never see Jean and Scott the same way again hell they got her respect for life after all of this. Jean took it from there, “First off this Final Exam will take place for the entire day until tomorrow morning. There are only a few rules, first is that you’ll stay on the grounds. Secondly there will be no clothing at all we’re all going ‘natural’ for the rest of the day, although you care put on sexy clothing if you want to for the fun of getting out of it.” “Since we’ve all seen each other naked that shouldn’t be too much of a problem, lastly…Have fun, use everything you’ve learned and spend the rest of today just using your new skills.” “After all isn’t that why we’re all here?” Scott grinned, “To learn how to use our abilities to their fullest?” That got laughs at that so when Jean and Scott started to take their clothing off the others took it as their time to do the same. As Jean and Scott went to put their clothing away Rogue and Kitty caught up to them, “Hey can we talk ta ya two?” Rogue asked them. “Sure what is it?” Jean asked them. Kitty and Rogue shared a look as they turned to them, “We were wondering if we could invite a couple of guys over for this.” Kitty said to them and both Jean and Scott weren’t sure who they could mean. “Who is it?” Scott asked and so Kitty and Rogue went into the long story about Remy and Piotr, Scott wasn’t too amused at first sure sex with the teams was safe since he knew them all. But these were Magneto’s people. “So you two have been seeing two of Magneto’s people during this time?” They could see Scott wasn’t too happy about it but Rogue stood up to him, “Scott come on it’s not like we’re doin’ Sabertooth, and these two are actually not that bad. Hell they’re only working for Magneto cause they need the money cause Gambit has no home and Piotr is supporting his family. They don’t even like workin’ for him.” “Logan did say that Colossus never seemed to like his job and kept holding back,” Jean said out loud. ‘Jean what are you thinking?’ Scott sent over their bond. ‘You know that old saying about I destroy my enemy when I make them my friend?’ She asked him and he nodded his head, ‘Well maybe we can work this to our advantage. If they are like that then maybe we can give them an offer better then Magneto could. And it would take away two of his members and give us two more.’ Scott thought about that he didn’t care for Gambit just something about the guy always bugged him. But Colossus he had seen pulled his punches when they fought the few times. Lately they hadn’t been around causing any trouble and if the girls were right then it couldn’t hurt could it? He looked at the two of them, “Okay but if they do they are not allowed into the lower levels at all, and if they cause any trouble or anything they’re gone understood?” “Perfectly,” Kitty said smiling. =Later= Gambit and Piotr walked up to the mansion they had been called up to spend the day there and it was a surprise to hear from the girls but not unpleasant. It was strange walking up to the front doors and Piotr pressed the buzzer by the door. They saw through the glass both Kitty and Rogue walking towards them in just robes, short ones in fact that only ended just at the thigh. Rogue opened it up first, “Hey guys glad y’all could come over.” “Remy wouldn’t miss out on dis,” He said walking in with his friend behind him as Kitty took his arm to lead him through the mansion. There was a small moan they heard with a groan as well, “What’s dat?” “Let’s see then,” Rogue said leading them into the living room. There on the couch they found Amara with Scott on top of her he had just entered her body his dick feeling the tightness of her love canal. She was amazingly tight like Kitty but her body was always so warm. “Oh gods Scott yes! Please make love to me, show me what you do with Jean,” She called out to him at one point all the girls had a small crush on Scott but eventually they moved on however everyone had to admit that Scott had one hell of a body. In the past few years he had gained more muscles and was more defined. And the dick that was spreading out her insides was nice and thick with great length. “Oh yeah princess let me show you exactly how I can make Jean cum hard,” He said thrusting into her making the Nova Roma princess cry out in pleasure. Kitty and Rogue were already getting a little excited at the sex show they were watching. Amara hooked her legs behind Scott as she thrust back at him, she liked the passionate sex and was begging Scott to go as hard and as deep as he could go. “Uh…W-What is going on?” Piotr stuttered at the site he wasn’t sure what was going on. Kitty giggled as she led him away and up to her room as she untied the not in her robe. “Come on and I’ll totally tell you about it. Oh and I want to introduce you to my friend Danielle. I’ve told her about you and she’s dying to meet you.” Remy looked at Rogue who took off her robe as she was walking up the stairs giving him a look at her naked backside and winked at him. “Well don’t just stand there sugar. Come up to mah room so ah can get you out of those clothing and we can start the real fun.” He didn’t have to be told twice as he ran up the stairs chasing her to her room as she laughed and ran off ahead of him. Down in the hanger a nude Bobby was being led by just an equally naked Tabitha, “Come on Bobby I’ve always wanted to do it in the X-Jet.” “Yeah tell me about it I took Jubilee down here yesterday,” He snickered back as they walked into it. They went right up into the cockpit and Tabitha shivered a bit. It was a little chilly down here with no clothing on and Bobby took notice especially since her nipples were already erect and hard from it. He walked up behind her and cupped his hands over her generous breasts out of all the New Mutants she had the best ones hands down. “Cold?” He asked her as he made his hands slightly chilly making her gasp. “Oh yeah, but I think I know how to fix that,” She smirked and turned around and pushed him into a seat. She straddled his hip and placed her hands behind his neck as she kissed him deeply. He kissed her back having his hands run along her back. Feeling her breasts pressed up against his chest as her pussy was right on his penis. Both groaned as she started to grind her lower lips against the organ feeling it swell up. Bobby gripped her ass as he ground his hips with hers, he lowered his head as he started to suck on one of her nipples. He was sucking hard on it making Tabby moan as she took his head and pressed it to her breast. She started to breathe more heavily as she felt herself getting hotter as his organ rubbed up against her. “Oh yeah Bobby suck away baby!” She laughed throwing her head back. “God you know even though I love Jubilee, you have the best breasts on our team,” He told her as he switched to the other one. His tongue would slightly freeze over it as he then sucked up the water. “You better believe it!” She cried out as he went to work it felt amazing. “Oh fuck me now Bobby, I really want it now!” He gripped her hips as she got up and lined herself up and then impaled herself onto his organ, “Oh god yesssss! Oh fuck! Yeah fuck me Bobby, you know you wanted to do this. Ugh!” “Oh shit you’re a real sex bomb you know that,” He told her as they started to fuck each other. The two started up slow and eventually moved faster and faster. Tabitha moaning out as she rode Bobby feeling his dick thrusting into her, both of them moaning in pleasure. By the end she was nearly lifting herself off him until only the head was still inside as she came back down. Then she started to thrust harder and harder until she slammed onto him one last time her back arching as she cried out. Her body coaxing Bobby’s into shooting his hot seed into her waiting body, by then both were sweating and panting and no longer chilly. Rahne and Dani couldn’t believe what they were doing they had thought of having some fun and took Sam with them to Xaiver’s office. They sat him down in a chair as they decided to put on a bit of a show for him. They were both in a bra and panties, Rahne in red while Dani was in white. Sam watched as the erotic strip tease started. Both girls dancing in close and seductive way, each one caressing and touching each other. Kissing the other as they slowly took off each other’s underwear. By the time they were naked Sam was sporting a strong erection and it was getting a little painful just watching. The two of them were kissing each other as they were rubbing their pussies up against the other’s thigh as they were groping the other. Rahne looked to Sam, “Aww, he looks so lonely. Want tae help him out?” “Yes let’s,” Dani smiled as the two girls went to their knees and started to play with his dick. They would lick around it and then start taking turns sucking him off while the other would suck on his balls. Sam was groaning loudly feeling like he was in heaven with these two. “Oh god ah think I’m going to cum!” He told them and they could feel his dick starting to pulse. Dani started to jerk him off and then he cried out as she felt his penis pulse as he shot several strands of white liquid out. She made it land on both her and Rahne’s face. “Oh god,” Sam moaned and took a rest as the two girls started to clean each other up licking up all of Sam’s cum off their faces. By now both girls were very hot and they hadn’t had their orgasm yet. Rahne took the initiative and lay on the ground with her legs wide. Danielle smiled as she got on top only reversed so the girls were in a 69 position. Dani started to lick on Rahne’s pussy her tongue going in lazy circles, Rahne was using her fingers and her tongue to probe and taste the other girl. Sam watched as the two girls started to eat each other out, and it wasn’t long until they brought each other to an orgasm but they didn’t seem to stop they kept on going. By the time the moaning of the second round started he was already for some more action but didn’t want to get in the way but he also wanted to join in. Then he saw Dani’s fine ass there and he got off the chair. His dick was still slick with the girl’s tongue bath and blowjobs as he rubbed Dani’s ass. She looked behind her and saw Sam with a questioning look and she smiled and nodded. He gently pushed himself into her ass making the Native girl grunt into Rahne’s cunt loudly as now Dani was getting fucked up the ass and getting eaten out by Rahne. The three of them continued on and all three had a great time in Xavier’s office. Jean was walking through the rooms feeling a little sore. She had just been fucked in the showers by Roberto and when walking the halls she saw Alex and Amara going at it. She had turned a corner when someone came up behind her and gripped her breasts. She didn’t know who it was as they silently kissed her neck and felt the mysterious hands over her body. She knew it wasn’t Scott but there was something hot about not knowing who it was. Apparently it was a type of game as they gently pressed her against the wall and the mystery man started to eat her out from behind. When she was ready he pressed his dick into her and she was fucked by behind, he hadn’t said a word he just fucked her and then left while she was coming down from her orgasm. It was a bit fun to wonder who that was, after that she had slept with Kurt as Scott was next to her doing the same with Amanda. She had taken a break when she came across an open door and looked inside to the familiar sounds of sex. There was Rogue on her bed with Remy his strong back was to Jean as she watched the two, Gambit was saying something in French as he thrust into Rogue waiting body making her cry out in passion. Then Rogue gave one more cry as she came. Gambit thrust a few more times before he stiffened, Jean could see the part of his dick throb as it was shooting out his cum. Remy pulled out still slightly hard and Jean had to admit he had a nice body, the sweat over his body made him very sexy. “Hey guys,” She smiled walking in on the two. “Hey Jean,” Rogue panted looking fairly well fucked. Jean walked over to Gambit and then looked to Rogue, “Well looks like he’s still ready to go, you mind sharing him?” Rogue laughed and waved her on she could use the break. Jean smirked at Gambit and started to kiss his jaw and work her way down his strong muscular body. When she got down to her knees and was staring at his penis she started to lick it. She tasted all the juices on it from both Rogue and Remy as she slowly licked it clean. Remy moaned saying a few things in broken English and French. When Jean was done she licked the tip before starting to swallow it down her mouth. Remy took her long red hair in his hands as she worked him deeper and deeper. Pretty soon Jean was actually deep throating him taking it down her throat she had learned this from experience with Scott as she controlled her gag reflex. In fact she started to sucked and lick at the same time. It wasn’t long after that when Remy groaned as he shot his semen down her throat. Jean swallowed it all as Rogue applauded from her place on the bed, Jean smirked as she stood up and looked to Rogue, “You think he can handle both of us?” “Only one way ta find out,” Rogue smirked at a grinning Gambit. In the recreation room Ray had Laura on the pool table thrusting into her body they were already working up a small sweat from fucking each other. She had her legs wrapped around his waist feeling his dick inside of her body feeling him as she clenched her muscles gripping his penis as it went in and let it go as it left. It was a new skill she had picked up and the boys seemed to love it. “Ugh! Yeah fucking little tight cunt!” Ray groaned out as he rammed himself into her tight young body. “Harder! Fuck me harder!” She growled out and Ray wasn’t sure how much harder he could do but he placed his hands on her breasts and gave her a small shock. She yelped and jumped up a bit as she looked at him not stopping her own thrust. “Do it again…Only give me more.” Ray shook his head giving her a slightly more of a shock and was pinching her nipples and sent the voltage there. She screamed out as her fingers tried to dig into the table. “Oh god yes! Fuck me Ray! Shock me! Oh god I love sex!” They continued to fuck each other as he kept up the shocks now and then the slight pain merged with the pleasure making her head swim. Then when he shocked her clit she screamed out loudly as she came from it. Her body tightened up and Ray grunted as he shot himself into her body. As the two caught their breath Ray looked over his shoulder to the couch. There on his back was Jamie with Jubilee riding his cock he looked to be really enjoying herself as she rode him his hands on her breasts as she ran her hands over his body. She looked to be doing well too then one of Jamie’s clones came up behind her and she slowed down as she bent forward as he worked his way gently into her ass. She had taken it up there before but this was the first time she had taken two cocks at once and it was an amazing feeling. Twin dicks were working inside of her, when one pulled out the other pushed in so she was filled up all the time. Now she saw what Rahne liked about Jamie having a boy that could fuck you multiple times defiantly had its advantages. By late evening everyone was enjoying being in the living room together, it was a full blow orgy at this point. Scott was on his back with Dani riding him and Jubilee sitting on his face as he ate her out. Jean was on the floor on her back with her legs over Bobby’s shoulders, he was giving her his ice dick fuck making her scream out from the cold. Piotr was bouncing Amanda on his lap as he was sucking on her tits and Amanda had an expression of pain and pleasure on her face taking the large dick in her cunt. Kurt was already busy fucking Rahne he was ploughing into her ass while she was on all fours with his tail that he speared into her pussy giving her a nice double fucking. Rahne was currently eating out Kitty as well, Kitty was propped up on her elbows giving Jamie a blow job as well as he lightly gripped her hair. He used to have a crush in Kitty and after he blew his load into her mouth he planned to fuck her later on. Ray had Rogue up against a wall with her legs wrapped around his waist as he was hammering into the goth woman giving it his all, Roberto was with Sam and they were giving Tabby another double penetration only this time they were on their sides with Sam facing her and Roberto lifting one of her legs into the air. Gambit was resting on a chair as X23 was working his dick in her mouth so he was just sitting there with his head laid back smiling stroking the young girl’s long hair. Normally he didn’t touch girls this young but she had a way about her. Alex was busy with Dani as he had her bent over a table holding her wrists at the small of her back fucking her from behind. At one point someone said for all the girls to get in the center with the men around them, at that point all the girls were in one giant twisted mass of flesh as they were all either fingering each other, caressing, kissing, stroking. The site of the large lesbian action had all the guys jerking off and one after another they started to cum all over the girls. At the end of it all the girls were covered in semen as they started to lick it off each other’s bodies. Leaving the guys tired and worn out for the moment as they enjoyed the show. =The Next Day= They had spent the entire day cleaning up after them selves which was good they had cleaned the mansion from top to bottom and now all traces were gone but the memories would live on that was for sure. Xavier and Beast were soon to come back from their trip and Logan and Ororo were still busy with their honeymoon so by the time they got back any lingering smells of sex that even Logan could pick up would be gone. Everyone had gone back to normal well sort of. They all made a vow to keep it to the bedrooms from now on although a few planned to use the woods, Danger Room, the X-Jet, the hanger and anything and any other place if they could get away with it. It also led to a few people who got into relationships or into more open ones. Kitty was thinking of seeing Piotr on a more permanent bases from now on, Jamie was dating not only Rahne but the two of them decided to keep X23 as part of it. They would keep it quiet from the adults especially from Logan the last thing he needed to know what how his daughter was in a relationship with a boy and a girl. Although the three of them still liked to see another on the side but they wanted to go out dating together. Plus Jamie got a little ego boost from when he went to the movies with two girls and the looks he got. Rogue was still planning on seeing Remy as well. Plus they didn’t have to worry about any thoughts leaking out about this since most likely anything stray thoughts that Xavier would pick up on accident would be put off as just a fantasy. After all who would expect what went on here for the past week had actually happened? Plus everyone was a bit happier lately after all when you free your sex life up things got a bit more relaxed. Kurt and Amanda were back at her dorm for the rest of the day. They were going to enjoy some alone time and try to see if they could convince Amanda’s roommate into a threesome. Xavier was in his office as Jean and Scott came in with a file of papers. “Ah so how did things go here?” He smiled wondering how they went while he was gone. Scott smiled placing the file on the desk, “Very well everyone passed the course and I think they really enjoyed themselves as well.” Jean had to fight herself to not laugh at that keeping a straight face. Xavier took the folder surprised, “Well that certainly is an improvement, I must say you two seem to be very good teachers. Perhaps one day you’ll be teachers full time with all the students we are getting we could use some more able bodied teachers.” Scott’s mouth twitched that the ‘able bodied’ part, “Well it was certainly a lot more fun then I thought it would be at the start.” Xavier smiled pleased to hear that, “Well then do you think you two could teach more subjects, when you get the time of course but I do hope that one day you two are more full time.” Jean and Scott looked at each other and shrugged with a shared smile. Jean turned to him, “I think we could learn to like teaching, I think we just needed to find a way to reach out to them and to get them interested in learning.” “Exactly,” Scott nodded smiling. Xavier nodded putting the file folder away for later study, “Well then good work you two.” They nodded and were about to leave when Xavier called to them. “By the way can either of you care to explain why I found this in my office?” They both looked to and were shocked to see Xavier with a raised eyebrow with an amused reaction on his face as he held up a pair of red silk panties there looked a bit damp at the crotch and both Jean and Scott shared a look. This was going to be a very LONG talk with Xavier. THE END Well that’s it the fic is over but I do plan on revisiting this universe now and again so don’t worry about that. Plus I'll have plenty of other things to write it will just be a matter of finding the time to do it.
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Inner Darkness
Just to put an emphasis on things, I don’t own Ultimate Marvel and rape is not something I support and there will be some slightly things that will make the characters act a bit differently as well.   Spider-Man: Dark Urges   Chapter 5: Inner Darkness   As the next couple of weeks moved on things had been slowly changing for Peter. He didn’t know it but the suit was slowly altering him and Gwen in subtle ways. For Peter since it was the host it wanted to have him mate more often and with other females. The Symbiote saw Gwen as a fine mate for its host but he knew that the Host wanted another the red haired one named Mary Jane. Over the weeks the symbiote was actually learning from the Host, it was gaining new insights to the world but it still had its base urges mainly to mate.   And coupled with the Host’s natural need to mate it was only amplified, and since humans have a need to pass on their genetic information and for men, a deep rooted part of the brain knew that the best way was to have multiple partners. It was the best change to ensure that the genes would carry over into the next generation and more after. So the symbiote went to work slowly finding those parts of the Host’s brain and slowly amplifying them. The suit did many things, but one of them was ensure that the host didn’t get Gwen pregnant at least not yet, the sperm was too laced with chemicals now to be used for fertilization but that would change.   First the symbiote felt the need to gain more and more females, then after they were ‘bonded’ to the Host thanks to the special chemicals it was putting into the Host’s sperm, it would then do what the burning instinctual need to do was telling it.    To mate and then spawn.   The symbiote could feel the Host’s ancient need for this and it would do it, after all it was the Host and the needs of the Host came first. The symbiote helped to make the Host stronger and better as well as it fought to protect his territory. Even though it was learning it still have no real intelligence other than a basic understanding of basic level things. So the reasons why Peter did what he did was beyond its understanding, it only knew that Peter protected his city and those around him and so it would help him with it.   Gwen was also changing a bit too, she was getting more and more attached to Peter and more deviant in some ways. Even though she wore sexy clothing she liked to flaunt a bit more, such as having thong underwear showing, and have lots of skin too. She was also starting to fantasise about sexual encounters such as what it would be like to walk into the football team’s locker room after practice naked and let them all fuck her. She of course was loyal to Peter but her sexual cravings were starting to get bigger and more powerful. Gwen even found herself one day looking at a girl who was pretty attractive and then thought of that girl naked. Then the thoughts turned to her and the girl having sex and then Peter joining in. When Gwen snapped out of her day dreaming she found her panties already wet with excitement.   That had led her to go straight home after school, strip down and masturbate until Peter came home and when he did she had the fucking of a lifetime as she took out all her sexual frustrations out on Peter and of course his on her. But lately she had been feeling this a lot, she wasn’t sure but it was like some deep and dark park of her was released lately. It was like her inner sexual demon was let loose and the scary part was for Gwen was that she was liking it. She felt liberated, totally free like all those restraints she had put on herself were just silly looking back on it.   Plus she was really starting to enjoy experimenting with Peter as well. She bought herself some sexy underwear lately, even a few night gowns that were transparent. She also thought of buying some more exotic things but she wasn’t even eighteen yet so going into adult stores wasn’t a good idea. Someone who might actually call the cops on her, she wasn’t sure if she could actually get arrested but they would call in May and how would she explain that? So she had to make due with what they had.   Well at any rate things certainly weren’t getting too boring, although lately she had wanted to recapture that night when she first had sex with Peter. It sounded crazy but she liked it when the guy dominated her, took total control of things. Hell she never thought it but she thought she was a submissive at heart, which surprised her since she thought herself as a more dominant personality. Or maybe it was just with Peter that she wanted him to take her. Well whatever the reason when she got home she knew that Peter would be out late so she decided to write him a little note.   ‘Peter come to my room tonight, and wear ‘the suit’. I also want you to take me by force like the first time, don’t worry I want it like this. Plus I think it would be a nice little game, the big bad spider takes the innocent little girl in her room. See you tonight Peter, love Gwen.’   She actually was surprised when she wrote the ‘love’ part it just came out of her. Did she really love him? In all honestly she had never been in love before, but her thoughts were of Peter, her world revolved around him basically, maybe she was in love with him. She didn’t think about it much all that she waited for was for tonight. She got herself ready when it was time for bed, Peter had called in saying he had to ‘work late’ although Gwen knew what he was really doing at night. But she couldn’t wait for him to show up, she slipped on a long nightgown with spaghetti straps, a v-neck line and totally transparent. She was totally naked under it as well except for a pair of thong underwear. She laid on the covers in the dark wondering when he would show up to ‘ravage’ her. It sent chills up her spine at the thought of it.   She waited and lost track of time, then she heard it her window opening. She pretended to be asleep but she heard the sounds of someone silently walking to her bed. She felt her heart speed up as the bed shifted but she remained on her back as though asleep. Then she felt it a hand slowly caressing her skin, she tried not to shiver at the warm touch she could feel the costume on her flesh. She felt Peter slowly caressing her entire body, he legs and her arms, and then over her stomach. She made a small moan and then felt him as he slowly massaged her young breasts.   Peter hadn’t been sure about this, but he had to admit there was a thrill to it all. It was like the excitement of the first time with no guilt to it all. He had a feeling she was actually awake but was playing her little game, well that suited him just fine. He continued to gently run his hands over that young body that he knew so well now. He traced the curves of her body all the way down to her legs. He gripped the hem of the nightgown and slowly started to pull it up to her chest just above her breasts. He did it slowly, teasingly hearing her breath slightly faster.   Then he got an idea and gently pulled up the nightgown, Gwen didn’t ‘wake’ up enjoying the fun as well. He slowly peeled it back until it rested just over her breasts. He took her wrists and gently placed them up and spread out. With the costume he webbed her wrists to the bed making sure she was now ‘trapped’ by him. He formed a small hole over the mouth as he started to lick on suck on her nipples.   Gwen tried to control her breathing but it was hard, she felt him playing with her breasts and his hands roaming over her young body. She felt like she was burning up with desire and wondered when would be the time to ‘wake up’ to this little ‘intruder’ in her room. She moaned as she felt his fingers gently probe her pussy, he was being very slow and methodical driving her body nuts with desire. After a few more minutes of this teasing she wanted to let the game move on to the next point. She started to move and make it look like she was waking up. She looked at Peter and let out a loud gasp, he clamped a hand over her mouth at that point.   “Quite.” He commanded her and he continued to play with her pussy a bit more rougher now. “My aren’t you the horny one? You’re wet already guess that means you’re wanting a nice little fuck too.”   She tried to shake her head like she was saying no, although she wanted him to take her. Her heart was racing as she felt him against her bare skin. She tried to speak against his hand, while trying to hold back her moans as he played with her body. “What was that?” He teased.   He pulled back his hand slightly allowing her to talk. “Oh god please don’t do this. Please don’t rape me, I-I’ll do anything but please don’t.”   “Anything?” He asked her smirking.   “Yes anything. Please I-I don’t want to be raped.” She pleaded with him although she did want him. She didn’t want to be really raped but she wanted to play the game out. It was kind of thrilling, she knew she was safe with Peter so she could act out.   “Well too bad, I’m going to rape you’re blond ass and guess what? You’re going to love it.”   Peter grinned as his hand went to her panties and with his strength literally tore them off her. Gwen jumped at the unexpected move, although she would make him pay for a new pair it was exciting. Then she saw him mount her and felt his cock brush up against her pussy. “Oh please don’t do this.” She whimpered although inside she was waiting for him to push inside of her.   “I think I’ll do whatever I want to you anyway,” He said and pushed himself in, he grunted feeling her nice and tight walls. “God you’re a tight one.”   “Oh god please don’t do this to me!” She arced her back feeling him move inside of her. “You’re too big, it won’t fit!” Although he was a bit larger then a normal man at least as far as she knew, he wasn’t big enough to hurt her unless the costume increased his size while covered. That was an idea for another day but she wanted to stroke his ego a bit. “Ugggghhhhh! Oh my god! Ohhhhh! Please stop you’re destroying meeeeee.” She moaned out.   Peter never knew Gwen was such an actress, he was actually getting kind of turned on a bit more by this. He pushed himself into her in one whole thrust feeling himself fill her up to the hilt. She gave a cry that he guessed was supposed to be one of pain but the pleasure he heard through it said otherwise. He started to savagely thrusts in and out of her, making her moan and cry out. She shook her head, asked him to stop tried half-heartedly to pulled her arms free. Her struggling however only made it slightly more erotic, Peter was kind of worried being turned on by this.   But then again his first time with her had been pretty violent but it could have been worse, and strangely after it they were okay. Then when Gwen started to grip his dick with her pussy his thoughts went back to fucking the beautiful blond beneath him. “Oh you’re loving this aren’t you?”   “No! No I’m not.”   “Then why are you so fucking wet? Why is your pussy gripping me? Admit it you love this, you love being fucked like this.” He increased his pace a bit making her moan out loud now. “See? Your moaning like a whore now, just a slut that wants a nice big dick in her aren’t you?”   “Ugh, oh...oh...y-yes.”   “What was that?”   “Yes! Oh fuck I can’t take it anymore.” She tried to make like she was crying in shame but she was feeling fantastic. She was so close to cumming now and by now she was thrusting back against him as he rode her. This wasn’t simple love making this was more carnal, more primal and she felt the power of it all right down into her veins.   “Then I’m going to cum right into that hot pussy of yours,” Peter sat up and gripped her waist as she started to power fuck her now.   She cried out feeling like he was going to rip her apart on the inside but she was enjoying it too much. “Oh please don’t cum in me! I don’t want to get pregnant, cum on my face, my tits anything but inside of me. Oh god I think...I think I’m going to cum!”   “Too bad I’m cumming in that nice pussy of yours and there isn’t anything you can do about it!” He grunted with the effort and closed his eyes feeling his cum swelling up inside of him. He wanted so badly to cum in her now, he pulled her hard against his hips five times with five large thrust and in the last one he pulled her to him and held her there. He blasted his cum into her waiting pussy and Gwen arced her back feeling the familiar orgasm rock her body.   It was a bit after their little sexual romp, Gwen laying on his chest listening to him breath as he stroked her hair. Peter had recalled the costume now and was just as naked as Gwen was. She had thrown the night gown onto the floor as it was covered in her sweat anyway. It was a good moment and she looked up to see him with a faraway look in his eyes. “Peter what are you thinking about?”   “Hmmm?”   “Come on what is it?”   “I don’t want to say you’d just get mad.”   Gwen wondered what it was and then she thought to all that she knew about Peter. Eventually she knew what he had to be thinking of. “It’s MJ isn’t it? Peter you can talk about her I won’t get mad, she’s the first girl you loved right? Well then what is it? I mean aren’t you over her by now?”   Peter sighed not knowing what the hell was wrong with him, he had a beautiful naked girl that he was pretty sure he was starting to love in his bed and here he was still thinking about MJ. Hell he had been having dreams about her at night, and the things he wanted to do to her, a few interesting ones with him, MJ and Gwen too. “That’s the thing I’m not...I know I should be but fuck I just can’t...I’m sorry you deserve better than this...”   Gwen knew he wanted to be loyal to her after all she was his new girlfriend but she found that she would do anything to keep Peter happy. She had done things with Peter that she never thought she’d try with any other man, and it made her feel alive in ways she never experienced before. She had never been happier when she was with him the past few weeks and the fact was she kind of missed MJ as well. They could have been really good friends but then this came up and she hadn’t talked to MJ in over a month. “Peter would you having MJ make you happy?”   “What? I’m not dumping you Gwen I care about you.” He reassured her.   She smiled at that thought, that he still wanted her but he also wanted MJ too. “I’m not saying that, just that if you had MJ like you had me would you be happy and be honest.”   Peter wasn’t sure what to say, he thought of lying but actually thinking about it he still loved MJ. It was totally insane but he did and every time he saw her it hurt knowing what he had and couldn’t have again. “It doesn’t matter sure it would be really nice but I’m with you and she doesn’t want to be a part of my life anymore.”   “Well what if you could make her a part of your life again?” She asked him and now he looked down at her confused. “If you want her then just take her like you did with me. I don’t mind sharing you Peter, maybe I should but for some reason whatever makes you happy makes me happy and if having both MJ and myself in your life makes you happy then I say we go for it.”   Peter was floored by this, “Wait are you telling me to just...well...”   “Well why not you didn’t have any problems when you did it to me.” She said and gave him a little scowl.   “Uh...yeah...Yeah okay I see your point but how do you know it will even work?” He had dodged the bullet with Gwen that first time but he didn’t want to do it again. What if it didn’t worked and MJ called the cops on him? Then everything would fall apart but he couldn’t help that the thought of him between MJ’s legs was something that he had been wanting to do for a long time.   “Aren’t you giving off something with your body now like you told me?” She asked him and he had to admit there was that. “Well think of this as an experiment then to see just how effective those chemicals are. Besides if you want her why not just take her? I’m sure she will thank you later Peter just like I do.” She smiled at him trailing her fingernails over his chest.   The thought of actually taking MJ was starting to arouse him, he was surprised by this he wasn’t sure who he was at times. It was like a more primitive side of him was waking up, his thoughts were suddenly filled of MJ laying naked screaming his name as he hammered into her young body. The thought started to give him an erection as some part of him was screaming to take her. It was like with Gwen all over again, the need for MJ was rising up in him and he knew it would drive him insane until he snapped and just did it anyway.   “But what if she doesn’t?” He asked her.   Gwen smiled at him seeing his penis enlarging, she licked her lips hungrily. “Then you keep on fucking her until she gives in.” With that Gwen moved down and started to suck his cock, Peter sighed as the blond started to do her thing. He stroked her hair and thought about it, he wanted MJ and he wanted Gwen too, he already took Gwen and that worked out great. So then if he did the same to MJ then he’d have both women that were important to him in his life and the things they could do together only helped Gwen’s job as his dick was throbbing at the ideas.   The old Peter would never have considered this but he was slowly changing and this new Peter would soon be above such things.   ---Elsewhere--- In another country where it was sunny and beautiful a large man sat looking at the scenery and yet not really looking. This was Wilson Fisk the Kingpin of crime a man in exile from his own empire all thanks to the efforts of Spider-Man. He should have killed that boy when he had the chance he knew that now, he had dismissed the boy and it had cost him. Plans were in motion to have him return to New York, his lawyers if they wanted to keep their jobs and their lives would see to it.   All it would take is time and in that time Wilson planned, he planned to take back his territories from those that were fighting over the power vacuum. He would deal with them and solidify his empire once more but then there was the personal matter. That was Spider-Man; he was going to have to set an example of that boy. He already had agents trying to figure out who the boy was, he gave them a vague description of the boy’s face but he wanted a name to go with it. He would crush that boy; he would see those close to him punished as well.   It wasn’t just that the boy had beaten him at his own game it was the fact that he had been beaten by a child no less. Some nobody that was barely into puberty had hurt him where the DEA, FBI, ATF and many other agencies, police officers and lawyers had tried for years to do. In just one moment that boy had done more to hurt him then all his enemies put together. So it wasn’t just revenge, although that was a large part of it, it was also that this boy was a threat to him. If he could do this much then he needed to be taken out for the future.   Wilson sat there not looking at the sun lower into the ocean, he would find out who he was, attack those close to him, ruin him, break him and then...He would kill Spider-Man.   Chapter 6: Mary Jane’s Ordeal
Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: Breaking Mary Jane
Spider-Man: Dark Urges   Chapter 7: Breaking Mary Jane   Mary Jane just lay there on the mat panting, just staring up at the ceiling. Her mind was filled with so much confliction it was getting hard to focus; she felt the throbbing between her legs, and the taste of Peter’s cum in her mouth and the slight heat of it in her mouth and throat. She felt the warm liquids on her face as well as her face was mixed with that, her sweat and dried up tears. She literally didn’t have the strength to fight and what was worse some part of her just didn’t want to fight anymore.   ‘What’s wrong with me? I should be horrified but why do I feel so hot? Why am I enjoying this for God’s sake? I shouldn’t but...I know that I am...’ A part of MJ still wanted to cry at that revelation that she was starting to enjoy this, she hadn’t at first that much she knew but after it she was just getting more and hotter and she wanted it. God help her she wanted more and she just didn’t understand it was the new chemicals that was running into her system from Peter that was making her feel this way.   She looked to her left as the two were starting to get it on, she didn’t want to look but for some reason she couldn’t turn away. She shouldn’t watch this, but seeing the two naked lovers there was somehow alluring.   Peter smiled as he got between Gwen’s legs, he leaned down to kiss her deeply and slowly letting the passion build up in them. Soon he felt her tongue trailing over his lips asking permission to enter, he opened his mouth feeling her tongue enter and he met it with his own. They wrestled inside of his mouth as his hands caressed her sides feeling the warm and soft flesh of his lover. His hard erection was rubbing up against her pussy and he knew it was driving her wild. He would tease her a bit making her want it more and more until she couldn’t stand it anymore.   He could taste her in his mouth and he felt the wetness on her pussy against his dick, he nearly lost control and just wanted to bury himself inside of her and feel that now familiar sensation of her hot and tight walls around him, gripping him as she would moan and move her hips against his. But he wanted to drag this out a bit and let the sperm inside of MJ do its work. By now he figured it was working into her blood stream and she would be getting very hot and horny soon. Plus seeing him fuck Gwen would only add to that, he wasn’t sure but he wouldn’t be surprised if he was giving off stronger pheromones lately as well, and the more sweat the more of that and there was one way to work up a great sweat.   He stopped kissing her as the need for air filled him and quickly went to attack one of her nipples, he latched onto it with his mouth sucking and licking it hard as his hands massaged her young full breasts. He could feel her hands in his hair as she moaned out loud. He bit her nipple and held it as he pulled up slightly and let it go, she made a small outcry of pain/pleasure and he went to her other one. He could feel her nails lightly clawing on his back as her hips were thrusting against him.   “Peter please I need it,” she wined.   “Need what?” Peter smirked kissing her neck.   “You know what.”   “Say it.” He told her.   “Fuck me, put that large dick in me and fuck my brains out, treat me like a whore, cum in my pussy just stick it in me and make me scream already what more to you want me to say?” She begged him feeling the tip of his cock against her clit making her want him even more.   “I meant please, but I think that will do,” Peter grinned and then when he felt himself at the right place he thrust in hard. She cried out at the sudden penetration but in lust as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Peter felt how wet she was but since she was so tight anyway she still had a nice grip on his member as he started with slow and deliberate thrusts. Gwen squirmed under him trying to move her hips to make him fuck her faster but he was enjoying making her moan, she begged him to fuck her harder and faster and he held out on that for as long as he could.   Gwen was dying inside or at least that’s what it felt like to her, she felt his dick inside of her but she wanted it to bound her insides so hard they would bruise she wanted him so badly and he was teasing her this entire time. Finally after what seemed like a long time for her Peter started to thrust faster and harder, she cried out in joy as she felt him starting to pick up the pace and she eagerly joined him. They made the usual sounds, grunts, outcries of passion as the sweat glistened on their young bodies, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh, the wet sounds from Gwen’s pussy as she was wet and slippery but still very tight for Peter.   MJ watched in morbid fascination at the two of them, unlike her time with Peter this wasn’t brutal or horrid this was something that two people enjoyed and she was ashamed that she wanted to experience that. They looked so happy and feeling so much pleasure and it wasn’t fair that she wasn’t getting any of that. Her groin was already heating up and she was getting wet from this already, she tried to pull her legs together and with her thighs rub her pussy trying to feel some sort of stimulation.   She knew that if she had only one hand free she would be using it not to get away like a normal person would be but to masturbate herself to an orgasm from seeing two people she knew fuck right in front of her. She wanted it, God help her she wanted it again and she had to bit her lip from whimpering in frustration not wanting them to know. She couldn’t understand why she was feeling like this, it was like a switch had been flipped inside of her head and all she could think about was having an orgasm again.   Gwen could feel herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm now, she loved how Peter’s cock moved inside of her how he learned to hit her just in the right way and how big and hard it was. She loved how his chest would push up against her breasts and her nipples would rub against his strong chest the hot breath on her neck the feel of his hands on her body. She closed her eyes enjoying the moment like she had countless times and knew as soon as he came she would experience that wonderful orgasm that only he seemed to be able to give her.   “Oh god...just a bit more...oh Peter I’m so close...oh cum in me please Peter...oh god yes, don’t stop please...I need it...I need to feel your cum in me again,” She moaned out.   “Okay Gwen...since you asked so nicely,” he panted and started to thrust with urgency as he felt his balls swell up in preparation and with a cry of passion he thrust himself deep into her young body flooding her with his hot sperm. She gripped him tightly and moaned out as she climaxed with him and as soon as he was done her limbs fell limp and she was panting up at the ceiling.   Peter was kneeling in front of Gwen panting and then looked to MJ, she had been looking at them and quickly turned her head but she saw what she had been doing and he smiled, it seemed that she was already being effected by his sperm and was getting all hot and horny. He crawled over to her and gently ran a hand over her body and she seemed to flinch from both being afraid and in desire for more. “See MJ it can be so good and I can make you feel very good as well if you want me to.”   “No please don’t do this,” MJ whimpered but she had no force in her voice like she didn’t really mean it and she wasn’t sure if she meant it or not. Then she gasped feeling Peter’s hand start to caress her pussy and the moan escaped her lips before she could stop it. She felt him gently rub her lips and she was ashamed to feel her hips jerk to meet his fingers.   “See you want this, at least your body is telling you that so just go with it MJ please. I want us to be together again and the three of us can have so much fun together,” He whispered into her ear licking it as he gently started to insert two of his fingers into her pussy. He could feel how wet she was getting and the way she was squirming told him that her body wanted more, she was making small moaning sounds and she was biting her lip trying to fight it but he knew that she couldn’t.   MJ tried so very hard to fight her body but it felt just so good, she wanted him to take her again and this time she didn’t want to fight it, she wanted to experience what Gwen looked like have been a great moment. She wanted more as she felt Peter’s body on hers, how his chest was pressing up against her breasts and the feel of his cock inside of her. It was so good this time around there wasn’t any pain like the first time for some reason and she wanted more.   Mary Jane felt tears of shame falling as she was enjoying this, “Oh god...I’m a slut, nothing more than just some whore.”   “No you’re not,” Peter said firmly as he stopped moving and looked at her, “You’re nothing like that, you’re a beautiful and wonderful girl why do you think I still want you after all this time? I fell in love with you a long time ago MJ and I know that you still care for me as well but I also care for Gwen as well. I want us all to just be happy and is there anything wrong with us being happy?”   “Think about our lives, your asshole of a dad-sorry but he is-Gwen’s dad dying and her mother not caring, my parents dead and now Uncle Ben not to mention all the other shit I have to deal with now as Spider-Man. Don’t we deserve to have some happiness in our lives to enjoy life?” He asked her and she looked into those brown eyes and she saw the same eyes that she fell in love with. She did still want him and even now her body was aching for his touch for his movements.   Yes the first time had been against her will but she still wanted him, god help her she still even loved him and she didn’t know why she should. She should hate him for violating her like that but she just couldn’t do it. And he had a point all three of them had so much pain in their lives, her father was such a horrible person to her and her mother all the time and she wished he would just go and never come back. How many times had Peter been there for her when she had broken down crying to him about some fight her father had, how many times had he cheered her up and helped her out?   She felt a soft hand caress her face and looked to see Gwen there smiling a sad and yet knowing smile at her as she wiped the tears away with a gentle hand of a lover. She knew pain as well and she leaned down and gently kissed MJ on the lips, at first she didn’t do anything but the kiss was so soft and gentle she couldn’t do anything but respond back and she was so surprised how good it felt.   Gwen pulled back and smiled at her, “Is this so wrong to be there for one another MJ? Can’t we just get along together and be together?”   Mary Jane was at a loss for words and she looked up at Peter again and she found them, “Peter...please take the webbing off, I want to make love to you without them.”   Peter smiled as he gently pulled them off and MJ wrapped her arms around his shoulders, Peter felt her wrap her legs around his waist and with a wanting look at him nodded to him. He smiled and kissed her gently on the lips and then started to thrust again. He loved the feeling of fucking a woman, and now he was doing it to MJ something he had dreamed about for so long, he felt how her inner walls were so warm and hot and slick. He heard her making soft moaning sounds as she thrusts back against him, her nails raking his back as enjoyed it.   There was another soft moaning and Peter looked to see Gwen fondling one of her breast and her other hand stroking her pussy as she was masturbating to the sight of it. He smiled at her and looked down at MJ, her red hair was around her head like a halo and she was slightly covered in sweat but she looked so beautiful to him. He loved the sounds she made as they were making love to each other and he buried his face into her neck as he kissed it and sucked on it.   “Oh god that feels so good Peter,” MJ panted feeling him work on her neck. “Peter...please, you can go faster now.”   He responded by doing just that, she felt him thrust so hard it slammed into her cervix so hard it made her grunt in pleasure, he would pull out halfway and then slam himself back into her but he would slowly pull out further and further until he had to sit up holding her legs as he pulled out until just the tip was still in and thrust back in with a bit of his strength behind it.   Mary Jane screamed out in pleasure at this as she clawed the mattress, “Oh god! Oh Peter! Oh-oh-ugh! You, you keep this up-argh-I’m going to cum again!”   “Damn I’m not far myself,” Peter groaned feeling her fuck him quickly.   “Oh god-oh god-oh god-oh....gawwwwd!” MJ arched her back as she had her orgasm feeling great. Peter felt her body convulse under him and the grip she had on his dick inside of her was increased he couldn’t last anymore with that kind of pressure and he felt his dick throb as he fired several squirts of cum into her waiting body. Mary Jane had thought she had finished but as soon as Peter’s chemically induced sperm hit her insides she was rocked with a second orgasm again.   She cried out holding Peter close feeling his hot cum inside of her, she felt how a bit of it was leaking out and it was so warm against her skin. Gwen smirked at the sight and gave a small clap of applause to the two of them. “Well that was a nice show but I hope you didn’t wear him out MJ, now I’m all hot and horny and I could use that dick of his to help me out with that.”   MJ was panting on the mattress too tired for the moment to say anything, Peter kissed her forehead and slowly slid out of her hearing her sigh as she felt him move. He was surprised to see himself still partially hard but ever since that suit got on him his sexual stamina was getting better all the time. He grinned at Gwen who was chewing on her finger nail and spread her legs looking very sexy and obviously ready for some more action. To Peter life was finally starting to look up and the three of them didn’t leave the old warehouse until three hours later.     -Elsewhere in New York- Over the streets of New York a black clad figure was running over the building leaping from rooftop to rooftop as she was moving through the city. The figure was a woman with a very athletic build to her and yet she was also very sensual at the same time. Her mane of white hair was a wig that she wore to help hide the short black hair she had as a way to throw off anyone that tried to look for a woman with white hair, she had on a mask with large reflective glass over her eyes. She was Felecia Hardy also known as the Black Cat.   She had spent several months healing after that sai to the chest that bitch Electra and thrown into her, she literally had thought that she had died but had been saved by a fisherman boat that had literally pulled her out of the water and had given her first aid. She had been sent to a hospital and as soon as she was well escaped in the dead of night. She had gone to ground and had took the time to heal and get her affairs in order such as a new place to live and a false identity as well.   But now she was back but the one thing she wanted was no longer around, the Kingpin had fled the country and was avoiding a murder trail for that video of him crushing a man’s head. She knew who had to be the one who had done that and she had to admit for a kid he did good work, although she liked the fact that he was away from his throne of power she still wanted to see that man dead. He had took her father away from her and placed him in prison to die and she swore she would take everything the Kingpin had from him. There was another though as well and that was Spider-Man, she still couldn’t believe she had come on to a kid of all things, she thought that he had just been a little short and slim but a high school student?   It still made her feel a little sick to think of all the fantasies she had of him and other things, she felt horrible that she had thought that she had been attracted to him, well that’s a lie and she knew it. She had been but there was no way she could allow herself to be with a boy, that was just wrong on so many levels to her. She had to smirk at that thought, here she was a thief thinking on how something was wrong the irony wasn’t lost on her.   At any rate since the Kingpin wasn’t in New York anymore the sharks were circling now smelling blood in the water and she was going to help with that. She was going to find every shady deal, business and enterprise and expose it to the world. She would take his empire apart piece by piece and steal as much loot as she could in the meantime to help fund her little revenge as well.   She smiled as she ran over the rooftops making acrobatic flips and leaps in the air, she always loved this part of her life she never felt more alive in these moments feeling the wind rush over her face and body from her movements knowing that a slip here or there could end with her taking a fall to her death. It was exhilarating and her heart was always pounding in her chest. She came to a rest looking at a company that Fisk owned, she smiled seeing the a few ways in already. She had planned on sneaking in and breaking into the safe in the CEO room and hacking the computer there was bound to be a lot of interesting information that she could use to show that this company dealt with illegal goods.   It would be a good night of that she was sure.   Next up Chapter 8: Friendships        
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Big Secret
Spider-Man: Dark Urges Chapter 4: The Big Secret Despite the usual things going on in his life, like work, being a young hero and of course the MJ thing not to mention this whole suit, there were upsides. One such upside was the beautiful teen blonde that was riding his cock at this very moment. It was early in the morning and Gwen had snuck over to his room for a little early morning fuck. She had found him sleeping in his bed on his back with only a pair of pj pants on. She had nothing but a buttoned up shirt on, and she smiled seeing him sleep. Gwen slipped off her panties and placed them next to him as she crawled onto his bed, she had started by licking his chest and that started him moaning.   She rubbing herself up against him feeling his body against hers making her horny for him. She started to lower his pants until his penis was free, it didn’t take much for him to get erect. She just gently stroked the organ watching it as it grew to its size. She still marvelled at how big he was, and she started to lick it. That was what woke Peter up from his sleep feeling something nice on his dick, he looked down and smiled seeing the blonde teen licking him up.   She grinned at him and gave him a wink as she straddled him when he got hard. She lowered herself down and sighed feeling him once more inside of her. She started to ride him gently not wanting to wake up May in case she got up. Peter held her hips as she moved herself up and down, with swaying her hips side to side now and then. He wanted to see her tits though, and reached up and unbuttoned her shirt.   And so here he was with this blond vixen panting as her body worked up a slight sweat with her shirt opened up. He held onto her breasts feeling them as they bounced with her body, her slight moans and pants turning him on. The feel of her soft but firm tits felt great, he rubbed his hands over the nipples feeling them getting hard under his palms. He jerked his hips up to meet her thrust for thrust, he had to fight from moaning out too loudly.   Gwen ran her hands over his chest feeling the strong body under her as she rode Peter’s prick. God it felt great to her, and she was slowly starting to feel like she couldn’t do without it. These moments with Peter were turning out to be high points in her day, and the great thing was he had great stamina. Sometimes they would have a quick fuck in the morning, sometimes they could sneak another one in during the day if they could. Last time they had gone to the roof on the lunch hour and he fucked her there, then at night either in their rooms or in the basement they could do it again.   For the past few days Gwen had gotten more fucking then she thought someone could take, her body was getting a bit sore in some areas but she wanted at least one a day. Although Peter however seemed to need more and more. At one point she felt that Peter would fuck her until she passed out and would keep on going. But it wasn’t like she could say no to him, or that she had a headache. Sure it might work for a bit but when Peter needed release he had to get it and Gwen wanted to be willing unlike their first time together.   But her thoughts were torn away from that as Peter started to rub her clit with one of his hands, she groaned out and bit her lip stopping herself from making too much noise. It felt great how he was toying with her clit and she felt herself getting closer and closer. She started to slam herself down harder and faster and then she tensed as she came, her inner walls started to grip his dick wanted to take his seed, she ground her hips into him trying to get him to blow his load. It worked, the intense grip and her moving around with just her hips was all Peter needed to cum.   He shot his load into her and she seemed to have a second orgasm, she shook as it racked her body. Then she opened her mouth letting out pants as she placed herself on Peter’s body and kissed him passionately. He returned it feeling her hot naked flesh against his. ‘God I can’t believe this, it’s been over a week and we’re still going at it like rabbits.’ Peter thought as Gwen got off him and put her panties on. He just laid back smiling as he watched her go to get a shower and then change.   Things were going well for them, so then why was it he kept seeing MJ’s hurt face in his mind sometimes? She dumped him after all but then why couldn’t he let her go? He knew that he loved her but he was with Gwen now and so he should focus on her shouldn’t he? He sighed as he pulled up his pants, no matter what happened it just seemed like nothing went his way. All he did was try and be the good guy and what did it get him? Most of his family dead, major guilt, people hating him for no real reason, getting hurt trying to help people...The list went on.   It just didn’t seem fair to him but when he got this new suit things were going better for him. Hell he was talking to Eddie again and although he was an older boy he never treated Peter badly. It was nice having another friend and part of him kept debating on telling Eddie everything, especially the suit. He had been doing some testing on it lately, and Dr. Connors told him that he was still working on things too. Although the good Doc sounded a bit more happier lately for some reason as well. Well at any rate things were improving it seemed if only slowly and with Gwen he had a hot girlfriend who loved to be fucked all the time, and he was only too happy to do it.   Maybe he could think of some way to make sure that MJ would at least talk to him again, that would be a move in the right direction wouldn’t it? -Later- Gwen had gotten back home, said hello to Aunt May and went to her room. She threw her stuff on the bed and went to see if Peter was home. She looked into his room but so far nothing was in there, most likely he went off to work again. She sighed as she lay herself on his bed, it felt nice not for any particular reason mainly that it was Peter’s bed. She smiled remembering early that morning, just thinking about fucking Peter was enough at times to get her feeling nice. She wasn’t sure just what was going on.   Most of the times he was normal Peter but sometimes he just became this animal, maybe even a bit more. After her first time with anal sex she started to make sure she was prepared, stretching herself out a bit more to make it easier. That was another thing some times she should be pissed at him but she just couldn’t think of him like that. It was confusing as hell but then there was the mind blowing sex that went with it.   She sighed and decided to go and check the basement to see if he was down there just in case. She walked into his little basement lab, half the stuff she wasn’t sure what he used for down here. But then again he was an overachiever so she thought he ran extra credit science experiments. She didn’t see him however and turned to leave that is until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. It was red and so it stood out. She looked at a trunk and saw a piece of red cloth sticking out.   “What’s this?” She looked at it and she saw black lines on it. For a moment she froze thinking she knew that pattern. “No...It’s not possible...It can’t be.” She was shaking a bit but she had to know. So she pulled open the top and she stared at the sight. She just felt cold inside now, as she reaching in her hand shaking as she pulled out a Spider-Man mask. It was one of Peter’s spare costumes that he put away since he had the black suit now but Gwen had no way of knowing it.   Gwen just looked at the mask, the same type of mask the person who killed her father had worn. She fell to her knees as she just cried out, all her pain of her father’s death and her anger was let out, and not only that. She felt hurt as a truth hit her, that Peter was Spider-Man. She was torn up inside as everything about him made sense, his surprising strength, the bruises he sometimes had, all the strange things about him.   “That bastard...” She said angrily as she dried away her tears.   Later that night Peter came home, it had been a slightly rougher night. Dealing with JJ and also somehow Shocker got out...again. Well this time he made sure he was staying in jail at least until that jaw healed. Honestly how did they do it? They must have some very high priced lawyer or something that or New York prisons just weren’t the same as they used to be. He landed in the backyard and called back the black costume. Lately he had learned that it could actually mimic clothing, as he was wearing now. It sure helped to change suddenly that was for sure.   He walked into the basement first, he wanted to sneak back in and it was better this way then the front door. He made it down and noticed how dark it seemed. He clicked on a light and there was a sudden metallic clicking sound, it was one he had heard before of that of a gun being cocked. He turned around and saw a very angry looking Gwen.   In Peter’s mind he thought that whatever effect was on her was off and she was going to shoot him for that first night together. Although he really didn’t blame her, hell he still felt guilty over that, for his first time that was not the kind of memory he wanted to have. “Gwen look if this is about that night...”   “You bastard...You’ve been lying to me all this time!” She shouted out with tears in her face.   Peter wasn’t sure what she was getting at, what had he been lying to her about? Well beside the obvious and...then he knew it. And she could see it in his face, in his eyes that he suddenly knew what she was talking about. She used one hand to pull out the mask from her back pocket and flung it at him. “You killed him, you killed my father!”   “Gwen you know that’s not true,” Peter said calmly he knew that she blamed Spider-Man for her father’s death. Even though the real killer had been caught she still blamed Spider-Man and now him. “Gwen I was there with you don’t you remember? When you heard I was there holding you as you cried in my arms. There was no way I could be in two places at once and you know it, you know it was a fake.”   She had tears flowing freely and her hand was shaking, she had hated Spider-Man for so long and now Peter was Spider-Man. All this time he had been screwing her and being her friend and he never told her, she felt betrayed and hurt by that. “You lied to me all this time...Why? Did you just want me as some fuck toy or something?”   “God Gwen no, I care about you. That’s why I asked Aunt May to take you in, that’s why I’ve been by your side all through this. Can’t you see that?” He told her and it was the truth he did care for Gwen. He slowly started to walk towards her as his spider sense wasn’t kicking in, so there was no real danger. She kept the gun on him but from the looks of things she wasn’t sure what to do. “Gwen...Don’t do this, this isn’t you. You’re a good person that has a lot of shit happen to her. Trust me I know what that’s like when the world keeps taking those you love from you.”   That had managed to really reach her, she knew about his parents and his uncle. That was one of the reasons she found comfort in Peter, that he understood her pain better than anyone. She thought about all the times he had been there for her, the passion they had shared. She watched as he gently took the gun from her hands and she just lost it. All of her pain that she had bottled up came out and she fell into him. She cried her heart out feeling all the pain and loss just slam into her.   Peter hugged her close as he just let her cry, he had never seen her like this before and so he just held her. He put the gun on the table next to them and held her glad this was over. He took her up to her room and she was pretty quiet for a long time, he guessed she was just trying to rack her brain around all of this. Eventually she spoke, “Peter...”   “Yeah?”   “I’m...I’m sorry...” She looked away from him and he sat down next to her putting an arm around her.   “It’s okay trust me you’ve been through a lot and although the gun-which by the way where the hell did you even get one?- Was a bit much.” He said.   “It was my dad’s...So...So just how did you get to be him?” She asked him. He sighed as he stared with the whole story. He told her about the spider bite, about Norman Osborn, about how his Uncle had died and how he blamed himself for it. He spent a long time both telling her and just letting all the secrets he kept bottled up inside of himself out, it felt good to be finally able to tell her everything about him. He told her that MJ knew as well and that was the real reason she had left him. She couldn’t stand to see him hurt all those times and she was scared that he would end up dead.   Gwen listened to it all not saying a word, as she listened she got to know a side of Peter that she hadn’t seen before, and she saw the man behind the mask. Listening to this she also saw Spider-Man in a different light, she knew that her anger at her father’s death was misplaced but she needed someone to blame but after all this she couldn’t bring herself to hate Peter. It just wasn’t in her and when he had talked about his Uncle she took his hand seeing the pain in him. By the end of things it was getting late but neither of them cared.   “Wow....just...God Peter that’s a lot to deal with,” She said shaking her head hearing some of the stories he had told her.   “Yeah tell me about it.” He sighed rubbing the back of his head.   “So then there is something I’ve been wondering...I found the old costume but what of that new black one that I’ve seen Spider-Man, you wearing?” She asked.   He smirked and stood up, he concentrated as the ‘clothing’ around him turned black and the new Spider-Man suit appeared. Gwen nearly fell off the bed at her surprise at that and Peter laughed, “Yeah see the new ‘suit’ is this thing my dad made with a friend of his. It was supposed to be a cure for cancer and all that but he never finished it. I took a bit of it and well...as far as I can tell I’m physically better now and well...the other strange things with me as well.”   “Oh so that’s where this new you came from.” She stood up and walked over to him. She touched it and she could have sworn that it moved a bit under her touch. “It feels...alive.”   “I think it is in a way.” He admitted. “I don’t think its got a mind of its own more like...like basic instincts. It’s kind of like a symbiote in a way, I’m the host to it that it needs to live off of and in return it makes me better. I think it’s feeding on my sex drive but I still need to hear back from a friend of mine I gave some samples to but after everything I think it’s a good possibility.”   “Cool,” She said feeling him with the suit on, it was getting a bit warm to her touch almost like flesh in a way. “Can you feel my hands?”   “Uh...yeah actually the suit seems to have gotten kind of...sensitive...” Peter felt a shiver go through him, it was like his sense of touch was being heightened by it all. He was also feeling a bit warm himself as he felt a familiar urge rising up in him. “Shit...I think the suit is getting kind of...”   “Horny?” Gwen giggled and she watched at when her hand caressed his chest the suit actually seemed to touch her hand back. “I think he likes me...Peter...You think that you could have sex with it on?” She felt herself getting a bit turned on although she wasn’t sure why. But after everything that Peter had shared with her and the fact she did point a gun on him, she should make it up to him.   “I...I’m not...” before he could finish however she noticed Peter’s growing erection, the suit was instead of forming around like a cup around his privates was pulling back making his cock and balls shape and form.   “Well you like to run experiments right? Think of this as one of them,” Gwen slid herself down and started to lightly tough his penis. He groaned the sensations being amplified by the suit, she watched as he grew in shape and size. She leaned a bit closer starting to lick it and it felt smooth and warm, not like real flesh but it was pretty close. She soon got him fully erect and then kissed the tip of the cock, Gwen started to suckle the tip of the head and Peter lightly gripped her head. She smirked as she slowly started to take him into her mouth.   “Oh god...” He moaned feeling her tongue wrap around his member was like nothing he had felt. She had gave him blowjobs before but with the suit it was like he could feel every inch of detail on her tongue. Soon he couldn’t stand her teasing him and he started to thrust into her mouth, he wanted to fuck those lips of hers. Gwen nearly gagged when he started to fuck her, holding her head and making her bob her head back and forth. He went in but she managed to control it, she breathed in time with his motions.   Peter kept fucking her mouth faster and faster, he kept in control just enough not to hurt her so she kept on licking and sucking the member in her mouth. Her jaw was starting to get tired though and tried to make moaning and humming noises she heard that it helped. And it did, a normal hum for a guy with a dick in a girl’s mouth felt great, for Peter it felt amazing.   “Oh shit!” He cried out in surprise holding her head as he felt his balls tighten and his cum shot out into her mouth. Gwen was surprised by it and started to swallow it all, it felt almost like alcohol with how it felt hot going down her throat. She had snuck a drink here and there when her dad had been out last year. When it hit her belly it was like someone had lit her fire, she felt all hot in her stomach area and the familiar need for sex was only more intensified for her.   She slowly took his still hard cock out of her mouth, trailing her tongue along the shaft all the way. She looked up at Peter with a smirk and lust in her eyes. “So you going to take me now or do I need to give you an invitation?” She smiled as he pulled her up to him. The mask parted around his mouth just enough for him to kiss her solidly.   Peter then threw Gwen onto the bed lightly as they started to get her out of her clothing. She was excited to know how it would feel like to have that black cock inside of her, plus the cum she had swallowed left her feeling even more horny than ever, she hadn’t came but she was fully excited. Hell when they got to her panties they were soaked already. She wondered if Peter’s cum would always have this effect on her? Well she didn’t care as she threw the last of her clothing away, she lay herself down onto the bed with her legs opened wide inviting him to her.   “Come on and fuck me you two.” She grinned at Peter and his suit. She wasn’t sure if the suit knew anything or even understood her but she wanted to just say it. After all her new found sex life was here because of it. “Come and fuck me like never before boys.”   “Careful what you ask for,” Peter said to her as he got on top of the blonde. He pressed his dick to her lips and then shoved it into her all the way in one push.   Gwen threw her head back with gritted teeth as she felt him fill her in a second. Then he started bucking his hips and she locked her legs around him as he rode her hard and fast. This wasn’t love making it was pure sex. She felt the suit along her body and it felt weird at first but also nice, and the dick in her was so smooth it moved with no friction at all really. Peter felt great, his entire body seemed super sensitive and he could feel everything on her body, even her heart beat through her chest. Then he thought what else the suit could do so he experimented.   Gwen gasped when she first started to feel it, the suit was actually moving over her body, she felt it starting to gently caress her skin. It was like many hands were on her body, she felt her breasts being pushed against his chest and yet also being fondled. She felt something move over her nipples like fingers playing with them. “Oh god Peter what are you doing?”   “Experimenting.” He panted out to her.   She held onto him for dear life feeling things she was sure no woman had, and just when she thought that was it, she was wrong it was only the start. She felt the costume expand and cover her crotch as it started to play with her pussy while it was being fucked, she felt what felt like tiny fingers playing with her, and most of all her clit. “Oh god Peter this is amazing! Oh fuck! Fuck! Holly shit!” she screamed out never feeling anything remotely like it.   Then it really got interesting, she felt the suit covered dick now covering her inner walls all over the place. Every part was covered and feeling like she was being fucked and fingered at the same time. She came screaming at that point, he felt her cum, her cunt tightening up around his dick but he still kept on fucking her. It was just too amazing, he had the suit feel her all over as he either rubbed up against her naked body or her insides as he fucked her.   “Oh god Gwen this feels so fucking great, I can feel everything. Shit I may always have to fuck you like this from now on!” He cried out as he sped up his thrusts and he nearly growled when he came, he shot a major load of his cum into her body. Gwen cried out as she was racked for another orgasm, she felt dizzy for a moment and after a minute she realized that even though he had came he hadn’t stopped fucking her and he was still hard. For the next hour Peter fucked her like a madman, he turned her onto her stomached and fucked her ass again, thankfully this time Gwen was more used to it, and then he fucked her doggy style.   Gwen lost count of her orgasm after she passed out by the end of it. At this point Peter was fucking her one last time, he lost count of his own orgasms the suit was making sex like a drug to him and one he didn’t mind. He gave a few final thrusts before he stayed still as the last of his cum was sent into her body, she shivered as she came even though she wasn’t awake. Peter was panting hard now the suit retracted from him leaving him naked. He was covered in sweat and looking down at the spent form of Gwen so was she. The room reeked of sweat and sex, and Peter didn’t have the strength to go on, he just pulled out gently seeing his cum leaking out of her cunt.   He then just lay next to her and soon fell asleep, he was glad that she knew his secret it made things so simple. As he fell asleep he wondered what else he would find out about the suit, little did he know that the suit itself...was more intelligent than he had thought...   Next Up: Inner Darkness
Chapter 10 - Chapter 9: Silver Haired Merc
Spider-Man: Dark Urges   Chapter 9: Silver Haired Merc   Peter knew that his life wasn’t ever going to be normal but he could hope that he could go a week without something crazy happening. So far it hadn’t been so bad, he had been getting to know Eddie better and was helping him out with the research. He had been giving little hints and stuff to him from his ‘experiments’ to at least lead him in the right direction. The girls had been a great as usual too, Gwen started to sleep in just a t-shirt lately at night and said if he ever needed a midnight fuck she was okay with it. MJ hadn’t like it because it meant she got more time with him but he worked it out that as long as she kept her window unlocked and they kept it down he could visit her in the middle of the night as well.   Which just seemed to work out for them, although there had been a few other details lately that he had been thinking about, there were rumors of a mutant at school. He didn’t have anything against mutants but he had heard that the guy was causing some trouble so he would have to work look into that when he could. But at the moment he had some bigger problems facing him, mainly a group of mercenaries of all things seemed to be after him. As if guys like the cops, Feds and sometimes SHIELD wasn’t enough now he had hired guns coming after him? Peter wasn’t sure what kind of fucked up life he had but whatever it was it just seemed to be nothing more than moments of extremes.   His love life and his life as Spider-Man was always hectic. He sighed as he was trying to get rid of the helicopter that was chasing him. And the worst thing was he didn’t know who or why. It was obviously not the regular guys after him as these guys where professionals but defiantly not SHIELD. So far he had been trying to get rid of these guys for thirty minutes now and he was getting annoyed.   So if running wasn’t an option he was going to take these guys down, he swung through the city looking for the perfect area and found it. He took a tight corner and stuck to the wall, he had made sure the helicopter wasn’t too far behind him and as soon as it turned the corner he fired his webbing at the rear rotor blades. The webbing took hold and the helicopter now was struggling to maintain altitude, he knew he couldn’t let them crash. He webbed up the top blades and swung it onto the roof of a smaller but study building. The helicopter came to a rough landing crashing itself into the roof.   He landed on the roof to make sure that no one was going to die when the hatch opened up suddenly. They came out of the ruined vehicle with weapons balzing, some kind of nonlethal type from what he could see but that didn’t matter to him. They may be good but he wasn’t the normal kind of guy they fought. He was faster, stronger and more agile then a normal human and with the suit those abilities were only enhanced. Plus the weapons fire only stung a bit anyway with the suit protecting him. Within  five minutes he had managed to web up the entire group.   “You know you guys just suck,” Spider-Man said to them, “I mean really, you suck. I don’t know what you’re problem is but you guys certainly aren’t in my league and I hope that you’ve learned this. Just who the hell are you guys anyway?”   A beautiful woman with snow white hair spoke up, “I’m Silver Sable, commander of this unit. We’re mercenaries .”   “Great just great,” Peter said throwing his hands up, he couldn’t believe someone was now hiring mercenaries to go after him of all things. If it wasn’t one thing it was another and he was getting sick and tired of stuff like this happening. Sure super villains went with the territory but this was just something he really didn’t want to deal with.   “Look we were just hired to bring you to someone for a talk that’s it.” Silver Sable told him.   “Wait, you chased my ass all over just to get me to talk to someone?” Peter asked them. “Then why the hell didn’t you just try and ask me!”   “Because if you said no we would have had to do this anyway and we can’t afford that.” Sable told him.   Peter sighed as she was right, most likely he would have just ignored it but damn it did they really need to do what they did? “Okay that’s it I’m going to leave you guys for the cops to deal with.”   “Wait,” Sable shouted at him. “Even if the cops do take us you think it will end with us? There will be others and they won’t be as nice about it as we are.”   Peter stopped in his steps giving the woman a glare behind his mask, he got the feeling that she was telling the truth. And if these were the ‘nice’ ones then what would the ones that weren’t so nice do? How many innocent people could get hurt by all of this just because some asshole wanted o talk to him for who knows what reason and what if his family and others close to him got involved as well. He really didn’t like this kind of thing, as any choice he made could be bad.   Sable saw him thinking and decided that maybe she could make it easier for him. “Look my employer just wants to talk maybe we could come to an agreement?”   Peter looked at her, he was worked up and needed some kind of way out of this. But what could she give him that he would take? Well he supposed money could be a good option but then he took a better look at her. He had to admit that she was very sexy, the long white hair, the athletic and yet sexy body in the skin tight uniform was alluring.   ‘Damn it not now,’ Peter thought to himself feeling the familiar sensations rising up in him. The damn suit put his libido into overdrive and now it was acting up. He knew that he needed to get laid and soon but he had to deal with all of this first and he was sure he wouldn’t last that long. Then an idea hit him as he looked at Sable’s body again.   “Anything you said?”   “Yes, anything you want.” She told him.   “Alright then,” he cut her down as well as the others and looked at her.   “So what is it you want?” Sable said trying to get the last few strands of webbing out of her suit.   “You.” He said and she looked at him in shock as did the other mercenaries. “Hey you said anything and that’s my price, and considering all the crap you’ve put me through it’s a fair trade.”   --=Later=--   After Sable told her people to get out of the area and clean up, she reluctantly took Spider-Man to her penthouse that she rented in downtown Manhattan. He carried her there through the air and landed on the large balcony. They walked into the place in silence as she turned on the lights.   Peter looked around the area and he had to admit for a mercenary she picked the best rooms. Silver Sable had led him to one of New York’s best hotels and in the penthouse suit of all things, he wasn’t sure how much she was being paid to bring him to her employer for a talk but he was starting to think being a mercenary paid really well. The place was very roomy, there was what looked like a flat screen plasma TV on the wall, trunks and luggage cases were all over the place opened up. He could see various clothing and weapons too.   He followed her into what was the bedroom and already he was feeling his desire for his woman rise up, he watched her walk the way her full hips swung slightly. She wasn’t like Mary Jane or Gwen, he loved the girls but he lusted for this beautiful woman. Her legs were long and her body was slim, athletic and yet remained very sexy. Her ass was very well toned as well, and he had to admit he was wondering if her hair was naturally that white.   Silver Sable couldn’t believe she was going to take a teenage to her bed, of course she had done a lot worse in her time. She had used her body to get into places where normally she couldn’t have before. Offering sex to a guard to get pass security, a few times she had taken the place of a hooker sent to pleasure her target in order to get access to him and then kill him. They had been not the best memories and she quickly forgot them, but as she started to take off her equipment the thought of having sex with an underage boy was a little unsettling.   Then again maybe it was just because it was something new for her, a new line she would cross for her work. She mentally sighed at the lengths she would go but perhaps it wouldn’t be all bad, after all boys that age weren’t exactly known for lasting that long. She would just have to lay there and let him rut himself to cumming and then they could get on with things. It was a small price to pay and would avoid a lot more trouble in the long run in trying to capture him. Having him willingly go with her would make things so much easier.     Peter couldn’t help but admire her body as she stripped out of her clothing, she was nothing like the other girls. She got onto the bed and he pulled back the costume so he was naked as well. He got on the bed next to her and reached to touch those large breasts of hers. Her breasts were much bigger and as he reached to touch them they were a lot firmer too. Still her skin was nice and soft but these tits were more than a handful for him. That and there was something else we well, her nipples were huge too, like eraser heads bit. They stuck out and were thicker then the girls too, he played with them with his fingers and was slightly disappointed that they weren’t even hard yet.   He was hoping that she would get into this, ‘Oh well just let me cum in her pussy and she’ll be begging me to fuck her all night long.’ He thought as he bent down to suck on those huge nipples of her. He had to admit he really liked them as his mouth played with them. He ran a hand down her abs and he had to admit not only were they flat but the muscle on them was kind of hot, not too much and not too little. His hand went down further to her pussy past the small triangle of white hair to her lower lips.   He felt her react to his tough as he started to rub them but she wasn’t even really wet yet. It was obvious that she wasn’t getting into it, but if thought that would make him lose interest he didn’t know that he actually raped his girlfriends the first time. Okay sure he wasn’t proud of that and he sure as hell would never tell another living soul, he never even brought it up with them out of shame. But he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.   His hand went to her mount and called up the suit, it started to slighter onto her skin and start to fill her pussy.   Sable had been trying not to enjoy this too much, but the boy seemed to have more experience with women then she expected. Then something strange was going on with his hand, something warm was flowing over her pussy and then into it!   “What the hell is that!?” she shouted out trying to move but he held her in place since he was a lot stronger than he looked.   “Just relax and enjoy,” Peter smirked at her before going back to her breasts. The suit slowly entered inside of her as he could feel it as well as the sensations were carried back to him. He could feel everything about her cunt and the soft, warm flesh inside of it. He stretched it out coving everything and started to gently massage it. He could hear her breathing picking up and when he found her g-spot a moan escaped her lips. She was trying to be professional and not trying to enjoy this, well he was going to make it really hard for her now.  He could feel every inch inside of her now right up to the cervix. Now he slowly started to expand her sex walls.   Sable was biting her lip trying to ignore the pleasure she was feeling. She wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing but she never felt anything like it. Her entire pussy was heating up from what he was doing and the burning desire for something to fill it was getting harder and harder to ignore. Her hips wanted to thrust against his hand. She was getting wet now and Peter thought she was ready enough.   He got on top of her and pushed his cock into her pussy, she gave a small grunt as he did so. She was surprised by his size he was a bit above average, and he thrust into her. She wasn’t as tight as Gwen or Mary Jane but then she was older and had more experience but she was still a nice tight fuck. He fucked her deep as he could go and did his best to hit her g-spot as well. She was trying not to enjoy it but from her panting and the slight moans that escaped he knew that a part of her was. He decided not to drag out the first time and started humping her quickly, because he was feeling backed up and needed a quick release.   He made a few last thrusts before a torrent of cum was shot into her body and Sable was surprised by how she suddenly orgasmed. She hadn’t been close and she couldn’t figure out why she just climaxed like that. Before she could think on it she found Spider-Man was fucking her again, he was still hard and this time she felt her body wanting him more. After ten minutes of him fucking her again she lost any inhibitions as his cum worked its way into her system.   “Oh yes! Yes!” Sable yelled out not carrying about her pride anymore. She never felt like this and she wanted him to take her. She always loved strong men and although young the boy was obviously stronger than she was and knew how to pleasure a woman. She had only met a handful of men that could get her off like this.   “Tell me what you want,” Peter said thrusting into her some more.   “Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Treat me like a slut!” She cried out. It was a secret shame of hers, she liked to be treated like a piece of meat, to only be fucked like a whore. Yes she was a strong woman but she had to be in order to do her job. Only a few lovers that she had taken to her bed were worthy enough for her to drop everything and let them ravish her.   Peter was surprised by this but if that is what she wanted, he mentally shrugged and pulled out of her. She gave a small moan of disappointment but he flipped her over onto her stomach easily enough. He slapped her ass hard making a red mark and making her flinch and yelp. “Get your ass up here.” He commanded.   She did so bracing herself up on her forearms. She felt another smack and she moaned with the slight pain it gave her. Peter placed his dick at the entrance to her sex and slammed himself home all the way up inside of her hard and fast. She cried out in pain and pleasure as Peter started to fuck her hard. He reached with his hands to her shoulders and pulled her back to him, helping her to fuck him faster and harder.   “Oh god yes! Fuck me like a bitch!” Sable cried out.   Peter figured out that she must want him to verbally assault her as well, Gwen sometimes liked to talk dirty too although Sable seemed to be on another level. Hell she was fucking him back eagerly and the he could feel that she was contracting her pussy as he thrust into her making her tight with each fuck. She also was swaying her hips in a way that he liked, maybe he could find a way to get her to give the girls lessons? Hell her blow job had been amazing.   “You want to be fucked like a whore don’t you!” Peter yelled at her giving it to her hard and rough.   “Yes I do! Fuck me like a whore, make me your bitch please! I want a strong man to dominate me. I’m sick of weak dicked men, I want a warrior, I want a real man!” Sable cried out feeling Peter giving her a fucking that she craved. Peter’s dick was slamming into her so hard it hurt and yet she loved it, she was used to pain in her life and she liked to feel some pain having sex it just made it so much more powerful to her. “I want you to ravage me Spider-Man! Tare my pussy apart! I want it hard!”   “Fine you asked for it!” Peter used the suit to cover his dick and then expand it making it larger. Sable threw her head back and cried out feeling herself being stretched out even more. Then he decided to try something he was experimenting with. He had the new cock had ridges to them with small bumps to it. He heard her moaning out and then made the bumps end in small points, nothing that could cut her but it would scrape her pussy.   “AHHHHHH!” Sable screamed out as the pain went through her pussy. For a second he was afraid he might had went to far until she was thrusting back against him. “MORE! OH GOD! AHHHHHH-UGGGGHHH! I’M CUMMMIINNGG!”   Peter felt her pussy convulse on his cock and it was all he needed to blast more of his cum inside of her body. Sable was covered in sweat as she was coming down from the most explosive orgasm she had been given. She had a dildo that felt like the cock that was inside of her and that was the only thing that could get her off like that before. Before she knew it Peter’s hands went to her large breasts and were squeezing them hard and pulling on the nipples just as hard. She grunted as he hammered into her again without stopping. She didn’t know how he could cum like he had and was still hard on his third go.   Peter continued to fuck her calling her things like slut and cum whore and she begged for more. He reached to grip her hair and pulled it back making her head lean back as she cried out.     By the end of it Sable was tired, sore as hell but in total bliss. She was surprised that her pussy wasn’t in agony, it normally was when she used her special dildos but not this time. She reached a finger to her lower lips feeling the mass of cum still inside of it. Maybe the boy’s cum was different, it certain wasn’t normal. The boy had larger amounts then was possible for a normal human his size almost like his body was mass producing the stuff. Normally the amount of sperm a man shoots dwindle each time he ejaculates in a row but with Peter she didn’t see or feel any difference. Plus every time he came in her she orgasmed and what were the odds of that? Plus when he started fucking her with that ‘special’ cock of his it had hurt but as soon as he came the pain left. She had plenty of his cum so she resolved to save a bit and see a friend about analysing what it was exactly.   But now her mind was on something else. Never had she been fucked like that and by a teenager of all things. Sure she had some fantastic lovers but this had been the best night of her life and a part of her was sad that she couldn’t make this into something more. If he was old enough she would offer him a job with her, with his abilities they could do a lot and the nights in her bed would amazing. But he was still underage and how could things work between them?   She sighed as she tried to push those thoughts away, no matter how good the night was she had a job to do. The boy agreed to meet the man that hired her out to find him but after that they would have to move on again. She looked at the boy, “Can I ask...what’s your real name?”   Peter was surprised by this, he turned to look at the beautiful woman, “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smirked.   She smiled back at him, “It’s Silver Sablinova, but you can just call me Silver or Sable.”   Peter nodded his head, “Peter Parker, nice to meet you Silver.”   She nodded her head and sighed as she rested back onto her large bed. “Tell me if I ever enter New York again would you mind us spending some more, time together?”   Peter shouldn’t have been surprised, after all the chemicals that his sperm was shooting out seemed to make the women he fucked imprint on him. Plus there was the fact that it gave them instant orgasms. He thought about it and he guessed that it would give MJ and Gwen a break now and then they could only take so much sex and he seemed to need a bit more than they could give at times. So why not? He would have to tell them about this but he got the feeling they wouldn’t mind him sleeping around as long as he loved them and nothing could stop him from loving those girls. It was just that with the suit he now had urges that needed to be satisfied or else he might go out and start raping women again.   With Gwen and MJ he had been lucky but what would happen if he was so pent up that he lost total control? What if he just started to attack women in broad day light on the street? Even if they didn’t press charges his reputation would be ruined...well...even more so.  He had come to the realization that he needed to give the suit what it needed or else he might be in big trouble. Plus was it really so bad having sex with someone like Sable now and again? Plus who else could he nail? The possibilities were very interesting but he needed to be careful, he couldn’t just rape a girl and then let his chemically altered cum just turn them into his sex servants.   No he needed to be a lot smarter than that, like with Sable. She agreed to this and there was no problem, sure she had some freaky tastes in sex wanting to be totally dominated like that. But hey why rock the boat? He turned to Silver Sable and even after the rounds of sex making her all sweat covered, her hair matted to her face and body she was still one hell of a knock out.   “Sure thing, I’d like that.” Peter said and he could see that the large smile on her face said that this was only just the beginning with her.   Up Next Chapter 10: Mutant troubles
Chapter 14 - Chapter 13: Joys of Sharing
  Chapter 13: Joys of Sharing   Peter was in the basement as he was getting some samples ready to give to Curt Connors, the man was working on the biological changes that were happening in his body, since Peter couldn’t actually do it himself. Although he had to admit that he could use the help, there was only so much he could do on his own. This was one of the reasons he was thinking of bringing Eddie into the whole secret. There was only so much time he could spend working on this, between being a high school student, working at the Bugle, being Spider-Man, and having a major sex life on top of it.   Honestly he needed the help if only to just give him some breathing room.   “Peter you okay?” Gwen asked him. She was currently kneeling between his legs, her mouth had been trying to milk his cock for more cum as she liked the taste. Honestly it did help ease off his hormones to get off now and then. Plus with Gwen around all the time he got the perfect girl to get rid of those urges. Then again he had more than one girl as well, if Gwen was too tired or not available there was always MJ, then Silver Sable if she was in town and Kitty when they visited.   “Just thinking is all,” he told her as she continued on sucking his cock. “There is still a lot about this suit I don’t know about plus Eddie keeps wanting to experiment but I keep trying to slow him down. I don’t want him to try it out like I did, at least not until I know more about the suit. I mean what if what happened to me has the opposite reaction, or if it reacts differently with other people? Can’t take that chance not yet, but I also want to have his trust just in case he doesn’t believe me.”   Gwen hadn’t thought that things would get so complicated, maybe if there was a way to give Eddie something else to think about. A plan started to form in her mind as she relaxed her gag reflex and took him deeper into her mouth. She heard him groan in appreciation, she liked giving him pleasure and she was getting really good at this part lately. Maybe if she got good enough she could take him all the way, for far she only had one inch left to take.   “Oh god you’re getting good at this Gwen,” Peter moaned out as he took her head in his hands. The warm and wet sensations of her mouth and tongue were causing him to lose his concentration. His hips slightly started to thrust forward as he slowly fucked her mouth. He felt her hum and the sensations ran through his dick.   “Oh...shiiiiit,” Peter held her face to his crotch as his dick pulsed with his cum. Gwen eagerly swallowed it all. It made her tingle all over and get even more hot, she could already feel her panties were already damp with her own juices.   After she was sure that he was finished she licked his dick clean and was happy to see him still hard. She stood up as she placed he her hands around his neck smiling.   “You up for a little more?” She asked.   Peter grinned as he slipped her out of her pants, seeing how damp her panties were as she kicked out of the jeans. She got over him and guided his member to her waiting sex, she moaned feeling the hard slick shaft going into her waiting body.   =Later= Peter was swinging through the air on his way to Connors’ lab, he thought about his conversation with Gwen and she seemed to go for the idea. Well that was good, he needed to keep Eddie as a friend plus the girls were getting a little horny lately. Maybe all that cum he pumped them with was having another effect other then euphoria during sex. If that the case then he had to wonder how safe it was to keep fucking them unprotected.   Hell, he hadn’t even thought of that, the fact that the girls hadn’t gotten pregnant once was leaving him worried. Given all the times they had gone at it, he was wondering if the suit had made him sterile. So he hoped that Dr. Connors had been able to come up with some answers. As he was swinging there something caught his attention or rather someone. There standing on one of the building looking right at him was none other than the Black Cat. He had to admit he had been a little surprised to see her alive given she had taken some pretty bad wounds and fell into some water.   But since her body hadn’t been found he had a feeling she had survived. She actually grinned at him as she jumped off a tall building and with a line of her own, this one made of steel rather than web, swung herself over to him. Peter debated talking to her or just blowing her off but he had a feeling there was a reason she was coming to him. He honestly wasn’t sure he wanted to know but maybe he could at least ask how the hell she had survived, if just to satisfy his curiosity.   So he landed on one of the buildings and waited for her to land near him. He had to admit she looked just as sexy as she had before but he quickly put that away. He was still kind of pissed at her, especially for how she reacted when she found out his age. Throwing up after kissing him was not the best way to get into his good books. She walked towards him, just radiating sexuality in every move she made. It was so hard to keep his mind on the matter at hand, and not on how skin tight that suit was on her, making her look almost naked.   He quickly got rid of that thought before it was too late.   “I see you’ve changed your clothing since we last met,” Black Cat said as she looked him over, she had to admit the new black and white look suited him. Then again she was partial to those colors herself. “Did you like what you see when we last met you changed colors to match mine?”   “What the hell do you want?” Peter demanded from her. Now he was getting a bit annoyed, he didn’t choose the colors of the costume, well he could alter it, but he liked the new look.   “Do I really deserve that kind of treatment,” She smiled at him as she sat on the edge of the building. She was making  a show of herself thinking it couldn’t hurt. Besides now that she knew how old he was she knew that a sexy woman was a teenager’s weakness.   Peter did notice but what she didn’t know was that he had several girls he could use to take care of any urges. Plus he was still kind of pissed at her for the whole throwing up thing and given he was thinking with a clear head, he had an idea that she wanted something. Peter wasn’t sure he was in the mood to play her games.   “What do you want Blackcat, not that I’m also wondering how you’re still alive the last time we met, but I also know that you don’t think much of me now that you know how old I am, or did you forgot the whole throwing up thing?”   Felicia had hoped that he wouldn’t bring that up, while true she couldn’t believe the thoughts she had had about some high school kid was gross. She had thought he had been a man not a boy, but she needed his help more than ever.   “Okay I’ll be blunt, I need your help with taking down the Kingpin’s operations.”   “Did that, it’s over with,” Peter said back to her. “He skipped the country in case you forgot.”   “Don’t be naive,” She said harshly to him. “Just because he’s not here physically doesn’t mean that he’s not still in control or haven’t you noticed that crime still hasn’t changed? Look around you, the king is gone but he’s still running his kingdom even in exile. He won’t be gone forever either, one day he’ll be back, but I’m not waiting for that.”   She sighed as she went one feeling a bit more drained, “Ever since I could get up and move on my own I’ve been working to bring down all his operations. I’ve hit many of them but it just seems that every time one goes down, another or two more spring up. It’s like an uphill battle and in all honesty, I need help. I need help from someone that won’t stab me in the back, who will not betray me to the Kingpin.”   “And that’s me.” Peter stated.   Felicia nodded her head, “He wants you dead for that video and he’ll find out who you are and not only kill you but your whole family.”   Peter remembered his first encounter with the Kingpin, he had been way over his head and just charged in like an idiot. He ended up beaten and his mask pulled off, Kingpin might not know his name but he knew his face. The thought of that monster getting his hands on Aunt May or Gwen and MJ he didn’t like.   “So what’s good it taking down his businesses here then?” Peter asked a bit more eager to know now that got his attention.   “It will weaken him,” Felecia told him, “There are others waiting to take over his operations and if they smell blood they’ll go after him. The only reason they haven’t is because they fear him, but if they think he’s too weak to protect himself they’ll turn on him. Then he won’t have time to deal with us, he’ll be dealing with everyone out to get him.”   Peter thought about it, it made a kind of sense, he got the evidence of that man crushing a man’s skull but he was still free. He worked within the law as best he could and at the most all he could do was just make a small inconvenience for him. Where was the justice? The man most likely has bodies buried all over the city and he was still untouchable. Peter was starting to think that maybe it was time to really put a hurt to the guy.   “What else can you tell me?” He asked.   “You got anywhere with a laptop?” She pulled a disk, from where she had been hiding it he had no idea.   “I have just the place.” Peter grinned.   =Eddie’s Dorm Room=   Eddie Brock had to admit that things were going well for him. Ever since he met up with his old friend Peter things were looking up. Peter was a help with his research with the suit that their fathers made together, in a little more time they might be able to continue on with animal testing. If that worked out well who knows what else they could do. But they had to be careful, after all he still firmly believe that both their parents had been killed by the people that tired to take their fathers work. It was only luck and chance that Eddie found the only sample left in existence.   But now he had other things on his mind, and that was the hot blonde on his bed reading a magazine. Okay so she was underage technically and a high school student but damn she was still hot to him. She had long legs, nice ass, narrow hips and a decent pairs of tits on her that who knows what they would look like in a few years down the line. He also knew that this was one of Peter’s girlfriends, that still blew his mind. How the hell did Peter of all people hook up with two girls that were okay with it?   He just had to ask because it was killing him wondering what Peter’s secret was.   “So you liked the tour of the campus?” Eddie asked her. He had been surprised when Gwen came up to him and asked for a tour of the place saying she was thinking of going here when she graduated. Eddie figured it was okay plus there was just something about the girl that drew him towards her.   “Oh yeah,” Gwen smiled as she put away the magazine. “I really do think that I would like to come here, plus it is in the city and I can’t really see myself leaving New York. Plus I think Peter and MJ would like to stay as well.”   “Man you three are really close huh?” Eddie asked seeing a spot to try and seeing how this relationship came to be.   “Yeah we’re all as close as you can get really,” Gwen smirked as her own memories of the things they did rose up. She had to admit that before all this she had done things she never would have tried. Like anal sex which she was used to now, not to mention all the things she did with MJ. She never liked girls like that before but with MJ things were different, and lately other girls as well. That Sable woman was a wild one, wanting Peter to degrade and dominate her and for such a proud woman it was an odd mix.   She was looking forward to meeting that Kitty girl, it would be interesting to fuck a mutant plus that new trick of Peter he learned with her was interesting. After that day when Peter used that suit with her and MJ, Gwen had gone to look up a few hentai sites. It was amazing the types of things that Japanese came up for sex. That rope thing she was learning in secret as a little surprise.   She had noticed how Eddie had been stealing looks at her young supple body and honestly it was kind of thrilling to have an older boy lusting after her. Sure Peter came first, but if he could sleep around they could too, it was just that they hadn’t found anyone worth it. Well maybe if she gave Eddie some sex on the side it would slow him down some, after all a man would drop anything for some sex. Plus this would also get her to trust Peter more, and if this helped ease the stress on Peter she was all for it. She slowly took off her jacket as she crawled into a sexy pose onto his bed. “You know there is one college experience I do wonder about.”   Eddie couldn’t help but feel his mouth go a bit dry at how she was laying down. Sure she was under age but hell she had a great body, but she was his friend’s girl and despite everything he would never try anything against Peter. He had been too much help recently on their fathers’ work. But man he was so tempted.   “What experience is that?” He asked.   “College sex,” Gwen smirked at him. “I want to see if its any different than normal sex, and I think you can help me out with that.”   “Gwen, what about Peter?”   “Oh we have an open relationship remember? But don’t get me wrong, Peter will always be first with me, but I can explore with others as well. After all it’s only fair with him fucking other girls.”   “Wait, he’s fucking other girls?” Eddie hadn’t heard of this, but just how the hell was he doing this. He had two girlfriends and yet he was still going out and banging others? He was so busy that a regular sex life had been a thing of the past. Ever since he had found their dads’ work he had been too busy but he was still a healthy male and had urges.   “Besides, Peter trusts you and he wouldn’t mind,” Gwen said as she slowly started to unbutton her black top. She took it off showing him that she had no bra on, something she had planned ahead of time. She lay back showing her bare breasts to him. Eddie had been on the fence until he saw her tits, now it was all his urges to fuck her that were in control. He quickly started to strip his own shirt off as he crawled on top of her and kissed her deeply. Gwen kissed back eagerly, loving the large warm body pressed up against hers, the way his chest was rubbing against her breasts.   Eddie couldn’t control himself, it had been so long since he had a woman, and here was this hot high school girl literally asking him to fuck her. He started to kiss her neck and move on down as his hands roamed her soft skin. One hand went to one of her breasts and for a young woman they felt great. They were better than some of the breasts he had felt before, and he had a feeling Gwen’s tits would get even better with age.  He sucked eagerly on the nipple of her other one, tasting her skin and playing with the nub in his mouth. She had such a sexy moan as well and he could listen to her all day.   Gwen hand her hands over his body, he was a bit more built than Peter was but she was looking forward to this. She was curious how fucking another guy would be like. Eventually they striped each other down, she used all the new tricks she had learned from her experience with Peter. Ranking her nails over his body, kissing and licking certain areas as she very slowly took hold of his member and jerked him off, but not to release. Just enough to give him pleasure but not enough to get too close to finishing.   Eddie she found was a rough type of lover but she preferred that, his hands would grip her hard and his fingers would rank her own flesh as they pressed into it. He would grab her ass and knead it hard and slow as his mouth took her nipples into it and then played with them. It was soon getting very hot in the room and both of them were too horny to think of nothing else but fucking the other. Eddie crawled on top of her as he prepared to enter her body.   “Wait you got a condom?” Gwen asked as she remembered. She only let Peter cum in her, she didn’t know why but she didn’t feel like having Eddie fuck her bareback.   “Damn, yeah hold on.” He reached over to a drawer near his bed as he quickly looked for one. He pulled it out and tore open the package. He slipped it on as he once against got ready to penetrate her, he felt his dick at her entrance and pushed in getting used to her body.   “Oh yeah that’s good,” Gwen moaned out although it felt odd with the condom. Not as good as it did with bare skin but it still felt great. “Fuck me hard, I like it like that.”   “Oh man why couldn’t I have met you before Peter,” He grinned as she slammed himself into her. She cried out in passion feeling his large dick fill her body roughly. He pulled back and slammed into her again and again.   “Oh fuck me!” Gwen shouted out as she felt Eddie’s dick bottom out in her. He was larger and thicker than Peter but only by a bit, plus with his suit Peter could do so much more than Eddie. Eddie seemed to like it hard and that’s just what Gwen liked as well. He had his arms under her knees as he forced her legs up getting a deeper penetration as the head of his cock pressed up against her cervix. She cried out each time he hit it but she enjoyed the sensation. Some women found that painful but she liked it.   Eddie grunted with each thrust, even with the condom on he could feel how tight she was. Then again she was just a high school girl, which made it all the more hot for him since she wasn’t even legal and here they were fucking. He couldn’t believe that Peter actually said it was okay to fuck Gwen as long as she wanted it. It was a messed up relationship but he wasn’t complaining, hell he still had that red head as well. Although with this, Peter moved to the top of the short friends list he had. Anyone that would let him fuck a girl like this was a good friend.   “Oh fuck you’re one hot little bitch you know that?” Eddie grunted out as he slammed into her. He could hear the flesh smacking against each other and the sucking sound from her wet pussy as well.   “Ohhh fuck, just keep fucking me stud, oh god! Uh! Oh!” Gwen tried to thrust back but it wasn’t easy in this position.   They continued to fuck like that, their bodies getting sweaty as the room filled with their heat and the smell of sex. Eddie was lost in his lust, this girl was just too damn hot and it had been awhile since he got a decent lay like this. He was too busy with the research into the suit technology to go out much, but here he was, fucking an underage, high school girl. The way how her tight pussy gripped his cock, how he loved sucking in those nipples on her perky breasts, the way she moaned and moved against him.   “Oh god yes, fuck me just like that!” Gwen shouted out to him. “You’re almost as good as Peter!”   “He’s that good huh?”Eddie was a little put off by that but hey, a guy that can get two girls like this maybe it was a compliment after all.   “Oh god I think I’m cumming,” Eddie groaned into her neck as he held her close pumping his hips faster and harder.   “I’m almost there, I’m almost there!”   “Well fucking hurry I can’t hold it off for too long.” Eddie gasped as he tried to stop the flow of cum out of his cock. It was getting too much pressure he would have to blow his load soon or else there was nothing else he could do. He wanted to fill her up with his cum so badly, hell most girls would ask to pull out but she was filling for him to fill her up and that was such a turn on.   “Just a bit more, ohhhhh!” Gwen held him close as her orgasm hit her body.   “Oh fuck!” Eddie froze as his dick pulsed as he shot three ropes of cum into her waiting body. He collapsed onto her, feeling the heat of her body against his before rolling off her and looking at his ceiling as he caught his breath. That had been one of the greatest sexual experiences of his life, for a high school girl she really knew how to fuck. He was just starting to have his heart rate go down when Gwen crawled up onto him resting herself.   “That was pretty good, Eddie.”   “As good as Peter?” He just had to ask just how good he really was.   “Almost, but that’s just because he can do things that no man can.” She giggled as she ran a hand over his sweaty chest. “So, after a little breather you want to go again?”   Eddie wasn’t sure how to feel that Peter was better than him in bed, but then again a man that had more than one girl had to have some kind of tricks. Maybe he should ask for advice, well whatever he couldn’t wait to get his second wind and fuck the blonde again, it had been good before and he didn’t want to stop until she was screaming for him to stop because she couldn’t take it anymore. Or just had her screaming his name, that he would settle for as well.   Next up chapter 14: Curiosity and the Cat
Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: Kitty's Secret Fantasy
  Chapter 12: Kitty’s Secret Fantasy Kitty sighed happily as she lay on her bed all sweaty and feeling very happy. She had just had not only lost her virginity to her all time crush but it had been amazing. She was taking a small break as Peter was in the bathroom. She couldn’t help but giggle at the things she had done, she couldn’t believe that she had just did all that. Her mother would be appalled at the things they had done together but Kitty was tired of trying to be the good girl.   Plus Peter had been right, everyone was getting some except her and it wasn’t fair.   Peter had just finishing taking a piss feeling refreshed from that and the sex. He had to admit that Kitty could turn out to be a very good sex partner in the future. Although he’d have to clear it with the girls first but given how open minded they were he had a feeling it wouldn’t be an issue. Although the fact that she was an X-Men would complicate matters, maybe they could work out a weekend thing at his new place in Manhattan. He grinned as that place was really starting to pay off, a place to get away and relax and for him to have his sexual fun.   He stretched as he looked at himself in the mirror and paused for a moment, he hadn’t really checked but he thought he looked a bit more in shape then the last time he looked. Then again sex was very engaging exercise and he had been going at it more than any normal person would. He knew that the suit was what that was giving him, also he was starting to thank that the girls were so open as with his growing libido it would give them a rest now and then. He walked back into the room to see Kitty there and he had to admit she looked very sexy laying there like that only in her skirt.   Peter looked around at all the pictures of him and he had to admit it felt nice to have a fan base, plus some dark corner of his mind was thinking of how many other girls would want to get laid by him and thought about it. He then noticed something that was poking under her bed and bent down to get a look. It looked like a Japanese manga collection and some DVDs, he picked a few up but the covers were anything but ordinary.   “What the hell?” Peter said surprised.   Kitty who had her eyes closed looked up and she paled when he had found her secret collection. “Oh god don’t look!”   “Kitty what is all of this?” Peter was flipping through the first issue. It was some kind of adult comic with women getting their clothing ripped off by some kind of tentacle monster and being violated in ways he was sure wasn’t physically possible.   “Oh god,” Kitty moaned as she hide her face in her hands. This was the last thing she wanted anyone to see and for Spider-Man to see it was the worst thing ever. She never told anyone of her secret fetish, she was just too embarrassed to admit it since she knew it was weird.   Peter flipped through all the issues and they all had the same theme, “So you’re into this stuff then?”   Kitty moaned as she flopped onto her bed, Peter put the magna aside and sat down as Kitty still held her face in her hands. “Hey everyone has some kind of kink they’re into. I should tell you about this one girl I know, she’s all into being dominated and likes to be called names and pain and stuff.”   “Wait, you’re seeing another girl?” Kitty asked shocked out of her embarrassment.   Peter scratched the back of his head, “Yeah, well sort of. She left town and I have no way of knowing the next time I’ll ever see her. Well I guess the thing I’m into is a lot of stuff but I like multiple partners, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it.”   “So you’re cheating with me,” Kitty’s heart dropped as the whole thing with Rogue and Bobby got into her head as she tried to get him to notice her. It was stupid she knew but how was it that this time she did it again but not even on purpose?   “Not really, see the girls and us have an open relationship.” Peter then explained the whole thing to her as she listened to him. To think that Spider-Man himself was sleeping with multiple women and had multiple girlfriends.   “So I’m just another notch on your belt then,” Kitty said angrily as she turned away from him and covering her breasts. She felt too exposed at the moment with him.   “Hell no,” Peter said as he turned her to face him. “Kitty I do like you, I don’t sleep with just anyone only those that I find attractive and interesting. I’m very picky about who I have sex with and you are anything but some notch. Hell you’re amazing and I was hoping that you wouldn’t want to stop this.”   Kitty felt herself heat up as he held her close, she should be pissed at him for using her for sex like that. She thought she was the only one and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it. But what she didn’t know was that chemicals that Peter had been shooting into her body with his sperm was starting to affect her mind as well as her body. The touch of his body was making her feel the urge for more sex but she tried to fight that, she wanted to stay pissed at him not to listen to her body.   Peter kissed her shoulder as he felt her shudder at it, “How about I make it up to you?”   “How?” Kitty said despite herself.   “How about I try and made your fantasies a reality?” He asked and Kitty got wet just thinking about it. She knew she was a major geek and was embarrassed about her fetish. He started by kissing her neck and his hands went to her shoulders. He slowly caressed her arms and soon he put his hands under her arms and moved to her breasts slowly massaging them. Kitty tried to bite back the moan but his touch was too good. Then she felt something strange and looked down to see the suit was coming back onto his hands. She was wondering what was going on when it slowly started to spread over her breasts. She moaned as suddenly it felt like her breasts were being kneaded by a dozen fingers all pleasuring her.   “Oh god,” Kitty moaned.   “Do you want me to take you again?” Peter whispered into her ear. “Do you want me to take you like in those books you read?”   Kitty wanted to say no just to spit him but she was already getting wet at the idea. She was still horny from their last sex session and she was recovered enough for another. Plus the fact that he was going to make her darkest fantasy come true made her even more wet. She wasn’t sure how he could pull it off but the thought of tentacles wrapped around her body, molesting her and ravaging every hole. She shuddered at the thought.   “Yes,” She whispered out.   That was all he needed, although he wasn’t sure this would even work he didn’t want her mad at him.  He had tried something similar but not on the scale that he was thinking of, he turned Kitty around and placed her on her back as she looked down with wide eyes. The crotch area was slowly growing and he soon had a black clad dick but then it started to shift, it seemed to split into several shafts.   Kitty’s heart rate increased as she saw this, never in her dreams did she expect it to actually happen. Then the shafts shot out and stretched as she felt them move over her body. She felt them curling around her legs like snakes. They felt strange, they were smooth, but they weren’t cold. They had a soft surface but she could feel how solid they were as well. It was a strange sensation but it was better than her fantasies.   More went over her body and chest at that point, a few started to rub over her belly as two curled around her breasts squeezing them slightly making her moan out. They were spiralling around her breasts rubbing and squeezing them in ways that were totally alien to her. The tips started to play with her nipples, she felt her nipples getting harder just from these ‘tentacles’ playing with them. Then they lacked onto the nipples and she cried out as it felt like two small mouths on them. They massaged the small nubs and even lightly pulled on them. The sensations made her feel she was going to cum right then and there.   She left her mouth open to moan and suddenly a shaft was put into her mouth, she started to suck on it immediately. It had no real taste to it but it was like a cock in her mouth, she rang her tongue over the shaft. Her hands came up to stroke the long shaft to jerk it off as it fucked her mouth. The alien feeling to it all was even more of a turn on for Kitty, it was just like in those hentai comics and even the couple of DVDs she had burned off the internet. Now she knew why the girls in those stories ending up begging for more. It was just amazing to be fucked like this all her body was being stimulated.   Kitty was getting into it when she felt her pussy being penetrated. Her hips thrust back against the tentacle although it wasn’t as big as Peter’s dick. She soon found out why though, another soon joined the first in her pussy and Kitty cried out in orgasm as the felt the two shafts in her, they were thrusting at different times making her go crazy. It was unbelievable how when one thrust in the other thrust out and her entire pussy was in constant stimulation in different directions. She would have screamed out if she didn’t have the tentacle in her mouth gagging her.   When Peter added in the third she felt like she was going to die happy, she let out muffled screams of pleasure as she felt all three fucking her now. They reached up so far inside of her, each one touching her cervix and then she felt them move around.  She never felt anything like this in her life, she then noticed that a thin one was moving between the cheeks of her ass and suddenly it was pushed into her asshole. She lasted only a few minutes before the largest orgasm in her life racked her body. She came so hard she actually squirted her juices out of her pussy which surprised Peter.   Peter finally added in a small one that kept on touching her clit and Kitty nearly lost her mind.   Peter continued to fuck her as he groaned with the sensations. He could feel each appendage all over her body and in it. She could feel him sucking him, her pussy and ass, her breasts and hands. It was so much that when he came he felt every appendage cum at once. He cried out as Kitty eagerly gulped down the cum in her mouth and felt the shots of his cum inside of her pussy and ass. Three shots in her pussy at once, one in her ass and the others on her body, it was just so much she orgasmed like never before at that point. The cum was so hot on her body, in it and going down her throat. Peter then slowly retracted them all as he fell to his side panting for breath like Kitty was.   He couldn’t believe how intense that had been, he was totally wiped out and he looked to see Kitty’s moaning form as she slowly slid all the cum on her body all over herself. Normally it would be a very erotic sight but he was too tired to get an erection at the moment. Although when he got back home he was going to experiment with this with the girls. He also would have to see if Kitty could visit on the weekend at some time too. He turned onto his back smiling to himself as he listened to his newest girl enjoying her afterglow of sex.     Peter smiled wondering just how much longer he had before he had to go, well he was going to make sure that Kitty and he showered off first and that she got his contact information. The address for the secret apartment in Manhattan would be included for that as well, since people might ask questions of an X-woman showing up at his home now and again when he shouldn’t have known her in the first place.     =-A Few Days Later-=     Peter was once more back home, much to the enjoyment of MJ and Gwen, he had spent all last night making things up to them which led to them smiling the next day. He told them about Kitty and they were actually interested in meeting her. After all they rarely got to meet other super heroes and in a way so was Peter. He couldn’t wait for the girls to get together plus he wanted to surprised them all with what he learned with Kitty. Speaking of the mutant girl, he kept in touch with her through e-mails and phone calls.     He smirked at a few of the erotic photos she sent him, her naked or in various states of undress with a final line in the e-mails stating something like ‘I’m waiting for you’ or ‘Can’t wait to see you again’ in them. The pictures he saved to a password folder and he liked to look at them from time to time. Although usually that started to get him hard and then he needed to track down Gwen or MJ to help him ease it off before he got a serious case of blue balls. The last thing he needed was to lose control like he had that night with Gwen with some stranger. He had to be careful with these urges or he could get in real trouble.     After he was back things went back to normal, he fought crime, he went out with Gwen and MJ, he fucked their brains out also. He also went to Doc Connors to do some checking up on his physical side from wearing the suit for so long. He had begun to notice chances, he was getting stronger and more fit, he was also producing more sperm then a normal person should, his endurance and stamina was also getting better.     He also noticed a few things about the girls as well, they seemed more willing for sex the more they had him, hell he had caught them screwing each other a few times when they couldn’t wait.     He knew of all the chemicals his sperm had in it now, but he was wondering what the effects of long term exposure would be. Unfortunately the good doc didn’t know, he would have to experiment and see if any chances happened. Peter wasn’t sure how he would experiment although he did notice that the man was a lot happier lately. He also had noticed that bombshell of an assistant that was hanging around a lot more.     Another thing came to Peter one day he seemed to be mentally changing as well. There was a time when he would have worried about the things he was doing. Raping or seducing women into a harem had been unthinkable but lately he had been thinking of who to add next. The fact that he could with the suit get any women he wanted was a very hard temptation for a teenager. He thought about people like that Black Widow, she had been hot and if he got the chance he would want to peel that black suit off her body himself. Speaking of black suit babes, he hadn’t seen Black Cat in awhile either.     He was kind of looking forward to seeing what he could do with her. Sure she had reacted badly to finding out his age but man she had a sexy body. Those large breasts, the long toned legs and abs, that ass too. He couldn’t wait to tare that costume off and fuck her in every hole and make her beg for more. But he had to be patience and careful, he’s have to plan in order to seduce her.     Then there was another matter and that was Eddie Brock, Peter liked Eddie and hanging out with him as well. Eddie was working hard on the suit technology that their parents had developed and he was feeling a bit guilty keeping all of this from him. The more time he spent, the more he felt he could trust Eddie with what was going on. Although would Eddie want to try the suit if he knew what was going on? That was a thought he was wondering about lately as well. Would it really be that bad for Eddie to also use the suit, since it was just as much as Eddie’s birthright as it was Peter’s.     The only issue was that how would Eddie cope with that, after all the urges Peter had been getting seemed to only increase at times. But with Peter he had an outlet for that, what would Eddie do for a release though. It was then that Peter started to think of a plan to use, both to get Eddie’s trust and to also set things up so he could have an outlet for things if or when Eddie would try the suit himself. Peter thought it was time that he and Gwen had that talk about just how open their relationship was.     Next up Chapter 13: Joys of Sharing
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The New Couple on Campus
Spider-Man: Dark Urges Chapter 3: The New Couple on Campus Peter had dropped off the samples to Dr. Connors hoping that he would be able to figure out what was going on with him. At the moment he was in the new black suit doing his usual Spider-Man duties, that was another problem that he was facing. If he and Gwen were going to be a couple then he would have to tell her sooner or later and the problem was the long her put it off the worse it would get. ‘I swear if it’s not one thing it’s another,’ Peter sighed hearing a crash not too far away. “Oh come on I’m going to be late for class!” He yelled out to no one in particular. He swung to the scene and Peter was still amazed at the speed he could travel, he felt great as usual but when the suit was ‘on’ it was even more potent. He arrived to see that someone had been in an accident, a car had smashed into another and by the looks had taken off. Peter might be able to find the hit and run car but he had to make sure that the people in the car were okay. He leapt down and there was a crying sound and he saw a little kid there in tears. He tried the door but it was bent inward and had to rip it off. The kid was scared at first at the sight and Peter didn’t blame her. “Hey there it’s okay, are you okay?” He gently asked as he undid the belt. She sniffed a couple of times, “My mom.” She told him and he saw the driver was a woman and he quickly went to the other side and opened the door. He heard her moan and was glad that she was still alive. He got her out of the car and put her gently on the street, she opened her eyes and so that was a good thing. “What? Where?” She asked. “Hey there don’t move okay, you might have something hurt.” He gently pushed her back down. “Where’s Amy?” “Mommy!” The young girl ran over to her mother. Peter heard the sirens and knew that help would be on the way, there wasn’t much else for him to do other then try and find that guy that hit the family. Stuff like this really pissed him off and so he took off when he saw the cop car and thankfully an ambulance. Someone must had hit 911 for both of those and that left them in good care. A little bit later Gwen was waiting outside of the school wondering where Peter was, she sighed checking her watch at this rate he was going to be late. Not that she really cared she hated English but it was the first class that she and Peter had together and she wanted everyone to know what was going on. She looked to her right and then to her left and caught Peter running up to her. “Where were you? You didn’t leave that far ahead of me.” “Yeah sorry about that, had to drop something off at the Bugle,” Peter told her scratching the back of his head. At least that’s his cover he had been trying to find that driver but so far had no luck, you’d be amazed how many cars had damage on them in New York, he never noticed that before. He should have asked what the car had looked like from a witness or something. “So then...You ready?” He asked her a little nervous actually. “Oh yeah,” She grinned and took his hand as they walked up to the doors. As they made their way through the halls no one really noticed at least not at first. Gwen noticed a few looks to their hands and some people suddenly started to look away talking to the others. She had to smirk to herself trust high school to get the word out fast. Gwen saw that Peter was a little nervous about the whole thing, which was kind of odd in a way. But she guessed it was the meeting with MJ that he was really worried about although some day soon she was going to have to get the real story of why they broke up. Besides what was MJ’s loss was her gain and he had no right to be pissed or anything since she was the one to let him go. “What the hell is this?” They turned to face Flash Thomson and his group of friends. “Don’t tell me that you’re going out with him now?” “Ha see I knew it,” Kong said gloating, “ I knew those two were dating on the side I bet that’s why MJ broke up with him, she found out about it.” “That’s not true I never cheated on MJ!” Peter was pissed that someone would say that to his face, he would never have cheated on MJ, she had broke his heart after all. “God Kong that is the dumbest things you’ve ever said and that’s saying something,” Gwen rolled her eyes. “But for your information yeah I’m seeing Peter now, MJ broke things off and he’s fair game and so here we are.” “I don’t buy it, what if this is just some trick to make Parker look like less of a dork?” One of Flash’s friends commented. “I mean if MJ did dump Parker for another reason then wouldn’t Gwen pretend to be his girl for him?” Flash looked interested in that one, “You know you might be on to something there I mean MJ had to be a fluke for him.” Now both Peter and Gwen were getting pissed off at this, Peter however was used to this kind of treatment but for Gwen she never backed down or took crap from nobody. “Oh yeah well I’m here to set the record straight then. Peter is more of a man than any of you jocks, he really knows what to do with a woman and if you assholes what proof here it is.” Gwen turned Peter to face her and they locked lips, she wasn’t going for the pleasant gentle kind either, she was hungry for him. Peter needed a second to know what was going on but when he felt her tongue asking to go into his mouth, he kissed her back with force. Hell he ran his hands over her back and everyone actually stopped for a second. Peter got a kind of perverse pleasure in everyone watching him make out with a girl like Gwen. He dropped his hands to her ass giving them a little squeeze, Gwen moaned into his mouth her hands running through his hair. By the time they came up for air Flash and his friends were pretty much dumbfounded by the show, they had no doubt that wasn’t any friendly kiss. Peter smiled at their faces but then he dropped the smile when he saw someone else there in the halls. Gwen caught it and looked where he was facing and then she saw her. Mary Jane looking like someone had just run over her puppy. Peter started to say something but she just turned and ran off. “Great...That was not the way I wanted her to find out.” Gwen just couldn’t get it, he got his heart torn out and he was worried about what she felt? Peter was just very strange guy, there was so much more to him than anyone knew about it was like there was so many hidden things about him. She wondered what else was buried under that surface. -Dr. Connors’s lab- Dr. Curt Connors was working in his lab but that was mainly what he did these days just work. After the Lizard thing he had realized just how close he was to losing his humanity, and how dangerous he could be. There was always the fear that he would turn back into that monster and it haunted his days and more importantly his nights. It cost him his family too, his wife was gone and had taken their son but he was actually glad about that. He didn’t want to hurt them anymore then he had and he could still see them both but his life only consisted of his work now. He was working on an analysis of the samples that Peter Parker had given him, it was still amazing that such a young boy was really Spider-Man but he also owed his life to Peter, he owned that boy more then he could repay in a lifetime. Plus working with the material was proving very interesting, Peter’s blood although amazing now held what looked like some foreign substance. There were more chemicals in his sweat and other fluids too. This sweat turned out to have larger than normal amounts of pheromones then what a normal human produced. Then there was a slightly higher testosterone count, not much at the moment but it was a bit higher. The sperm however turned out to be filled with even more chemicals that you wouldn’t find there. There was one chemical that would release Oestogen in the female body, there was also dopamine, norephinephrine, serotonin and oxytocin. It was an odd mix, since dopamine is linked to the pleasure center of the brain it could give off a lot of bliss to a person that took this. Nerophinephrine was used to control alertness but also arousal as well. But this was in a low grade so that it wouldn’t cause any of the other nastier effects like attention -deficite disorder. Serotonin regulated a lot of functions but given what he was seeing this would most likely be linked to sexuality. Then there was the oxytocin which was supposed to be released by the female during orgasm was thought to help bond two people. This with everything else just seemed to be tailored made to be a powerful sex drug in a way. Connor sat bad rubbing his eyes it had been a long day and he still wondered what some of this other stuff he was seeing was, and the effects this was having on Peter. He heard the door opened and thought it was Ben again although he had the day off. “Oh hello Dr. Connors.” Came a sweet voice, it was another assistance that he had she was new and all in all she held a lot of promise and wouldn’t be surprised if an offer came soon for her to work with someone else and she took it. He knew that her name was Amy but not much else. She was a bit younger then he was, about twenty-two and still a student at NYU and here for real life experience going for her degree. She also was beautiful, she wore small glasses and her brown hair was tied into a small bun with two bangs falling in the front of her face, she had large doe like green eyes and a cute smile. She also had a perfect figure that she had to work at to keep that trim. She also had very long legs and slightly larger than normal breasts too, she was basically a walking wet dream but she didn’t like to show it. She liked to keep her lab coat on and didn’t wear anything particularity sexy in fact if he had to guess she might have been plain as a child and grew into her looks making her a bit shy and unused to the attention. She did wear skirts a lot like she was now and a blouse from her opened lab coat. “Hello Amy working hard as usual huh?” He smiled at her. She smiled back, “Of course but like you’re one to talk. What are you working on now doctor?” “Oh just something for a friend, do you mind helping me out and getting the samples out of that centrifuge?” “Of course.” She smiled and went to work. She stopped the machine and took out the samples it was some white substance by the looks of it. She was walking to a desk to put it into a safe place when of all things the heel on one of her older shoes snapped. She had been meaning to get a new pair but she had kept putting it off, she fell and there was a smashing sound with some pain. “Amy are you okay?” Curt rushed over to her, he helped her up but one of the glass tubes has smashed open and small glass cut into her skin. He helped her over to a seat and started to clean the wound, not easy when you only had one arm but he she helped out. He picked out the pieces of glass and it didn’t look too bad thankfully. Although when he was wrapping her hand up she felt flushed and warmer. What she didn’t know was that some of the sample had gotten into her blood stream and was slowly effecting her. ‘What’s going on with me? God I don’t usually get like this.’ She blushed as he brushed up against her and she wondered what it would be like to kiss him. She had always had a crush on him, he was an older man that was in a way something of an idol to her, she knew he was brilliant and she had a few fantasies about him. ‘Stop it! I can’t think like that it’s...it’s not right.’ But she couldn’t stop it, she could feel herself actually getting aroused. She tried to ignore it but Dr. Connors was being so kind to her, and she knew about how his family left him for some reason. He had to be so along and she had thought of what she could do, before she knew that he would never cheat on his wife but now things were different. “Amy are you okay you look a little flustered.” Curt asked seeing her face was a bit red and she was breathing a bit more heavily. She looked at him and for a moment any control just seemed to snap, she reached over and kissed him. He was so surprised that he honestly didn’t know what to do, then when she tried to deepen it. He pulled back and found himself against a counter. “Amy what are you doing?” “Just...Just what I always wanted to, I don’t know why.” She told him getting up and pressing up against him. “Please I’ve wanted you for so long, and I know you haven’t been with a woman in so very long. Let me please you please.” She told him kissing his neck. Truth was it had been a long time, too long in fact and her was an attractive younger woman throwing herself at him. He knew that some of that sample must have gotten into her system and she wasn’t totally herself but she smelt so good, her skin was so soft and he could feel her breasts up against his chest. God it had been so long since he felt the gentle touch of a woman. “A-Amy I...I don’t know if we should...I mean...oh god...” “Please just let me do this,” She whispered out running her hands over him. She reached for his belt and undid that, then his pants. She went to her knees and reaching in pulled out his dick, she kissed the tip of it and started to gently lick it, she wasn’t a virgin or anything she had a few sexual experiences before just not as much as you would think. Curt held onto the table with his hand feeling her lips there, he felt her licking his shaft as she worked his pants and boxers down to his ankles. When she started to take him into her mouth he groaned, it only reminded him of just how long it had been and what he had been missing all this time. “Oh god Amy.” He groaned out wishing he still had his other hand to place on her head. She moaned with him in her mouth and she could feel him getting hard quickly. But she didn’t want him to cum in her mouth so after he was nice and hard and stopped. He looked at her confused until she took off her coat and jumped onto a table with her skirt pulled up, he could see the white panties there and they already had a wet spot on them. She was taking off her blouse and when she opened it he could see her tits, and they were great looking. He came over and pushed the bra up, letting them slip out. They were perfect to him and she had large pinkish nipples on her. He started to suck on one of them making her groan out loudly. “Oh god Dr. Connors that’s so good!” Her nipples had always been very sensitive to her and he was doing very well with it. Curt would have liked to have dragged this out but honestly he was just too excited, he used his one hand to pull aside her panties and then felt the tip of his cock against her pussy. He pushed in making her head fall back as she called out his name again. She wrapped her long legs around him as he started the fuck her. She fucked him back eagerly, she couldn’t believe she was doing this but it felt just so good. “Oh god Dr. Connors! Fuck me! Fuck me please, oh god I want you so much. I can’t control myself!” She cried out feeling his dick thrust inside of her. She never felt so turned on in her life and a part of her was growing to like it. Curt grunted out with each thrust, he was fucking her like a man possessed, she was so warm and inviting. He stopped playing with her tits and gripped the edge of the table above her head. He used that leverage to thrust even harder into her. She screamed out as he fucked her even harder and begged for more. She kept telling him to go harder and faster and he tried his best to keep up with her. “Oh god you’re like an animal! Oh fuck-fuck- I’m...oh yes-YES!” She cried out one last time her spine arching as she orgasmed, her tight young pussy clamed down on him trying to milk his member for all it was worth. He grunted out with one last thrust spilling his seed into her. He lay on top of her both of them breathing hard. “Oh god...that...that was amazing Dr. Connors...” she sighed. “I think Amy after this you can call me Curt.” He told her. -Peter and Gwen- Peter hadn’t been able to talk to MJ although she had been avoiding him before now it was worse. But then again how just do you explain what was going on with him? It just seemed so bizarre how things had happened, he hoped to check in with Curt later on to know what was going on. Although he was finding it a bit hard to focus but then again this was math and he could literally teach this stuff. He didn’t really have to study for the tests for this class they were just a joke to him, however he did catch Gwen looking at him and she would wink at him making him grin back at her. He thought back to the times they had been together, the thought of her naked flesh against his, the smell of her hair, the sounds she made when she was getting close to orgasm. Hell it was starting to give him a hard on remembering those moments. He tried to push those aside and tried to think on something else. Gwen was just bored, at least when she asked Peter to help her with this subject he at least made it so she could understand what was going on. She swore that Peter was a better teacher at this kind of stuff. She shared a few looks with Peter and she went to thinking back on the more pleasurable moments with him. His surprisingly strong body over hers, his dick thrusting into her over and over again. She got hot just thinking about it, she shifted a little in her seat as she rubbed her thighs together. It was a little known fact that some women could stimulate themselves like this, and she was one of them. She rubbed her own sex with her thighs thinking about Peter, she was just getting close to getting off at least a tiny bit when the bell rang. She cursed her timing and got her stuff, it was a gym class next for the end of the day. For today it was a mix class with them going through these stations. Mainly you went from one station, did something and then ran to the other and did a different type of exercise. It was one of those things that were supposed to work a lot of different things. Gwen was sweating like mostly everyone else except for Peter she noticed. He was working hard but it was like it was easy for him, she also couldn’t help but look at him in his gym clothing. Once more she got the urge for another round of sex with him, if she didn’t know any better she swore she was getting addicted to it. Peter always tried to tone it down during gym, although his mind was elsewhere. Of all days to have a mixed gender class, all these girls in short clothing, sweating, breathing hard. He was trying not to get an erection but it was getting kind of hard not to. By the end of it all the teacher got them together, said something about team work and stuff, he wasn’t paying attention. When the teacher asked for a couple of people to stay behind to pack things up he was surprised when Gwen stepped up and volunteered them both. When everyone was walking away he looked at her, “What was that for?” “Easy Peter,” she grinned at him and he knew that look in her eye. “We put this away and we get the change rooms to ourselves.” She leaned in to whisper to him, “I don’t know about you but I hope that when I’m in the shower I’m not alone for long.” Now Peter got a erection at that, here he was with his new girl and she was already asking for a fucking and in the school shower room of all things. Well it was the last class of the day and no one else would be in there. He wasn’t sure but they must have set a record for putting that stuff away. He went to the male change room to get his stuff and found it empty already, he just hoped the girls room would be, but he would give Gwen a bit of a head start. A little later Gwen had stripped off her sweaty clothing and was in the nice hot shower. The warm water felt great against her naked flesh, her long blond hair plastered against her skin as she soaped up her young slim body. She rubbed her breasts a bit and then down to her stomach, then to her legs and her crotch. She wished Peter would hurry up, she really wanted him again and it was so exciting too knowing they could get caught. She ran her hands through her hair with her eyes closed, she didn’t hear the foot steps and didn’t know someone was there until a pair of hands grabbed her breasts from behind. She felt a male body pressing up behind her and a dick that was resting between the crack of her ass. “Well don’t you look lonely here all by yourself.” Peter whispered into her ear. “Took you long enough,” She said back feeling him massage her breasts. “Wanted to make sure you were alone,” He started to kiss her neck making her shiver in anticipation. She could feel his dick against her skin as she rubbed her ass up against it. He reached down between her legs and started to rub her pussy, she moaned as her hips moved with his hand. It felt really nice and then he pushed in a finger and she gasped. Peter went searching around inside of her, he was learning all about her body and what she liked and what worked for her. Then he found a spot that made her back arch into him. “Oh god that’s the spot.” She hissed out through her teeth as he touched her g-spot. Peter grinned as he played with her pussy with one hand and her breast with the other, she was really getting worked up and he slowly moved his hips as his dick was squeezed by her ass cheeks. Pretty soon though he couldn’t take much more of it. He took his hands off her and took her shoulders and spun her around to face him and quickly kissed her hard. He felt his heart racing as the urge to mate took him over again. Gwen eagerly kissed him back, and felt the wall of the shower hit her back. “Oh god Peter take me now please.” He didn’t answer her just gripped her ass and lifted her up, she didn’t notice how easy it was for him, all she cared was for that dick to get back into her body. She wrapped her legs around him as he lowered her onto his prick. She moaned out feeling him enter her body again. He always felt so large to her, he lifted her up and then slammed her down making her cry out. “Augh! Oh god! Huh! Ah! Oh! Fuck! Me! God! Ohhh! Peter!” She hung unto him as he pounded her pussy with his thick meat. He grunted with the effort of slamming her onto his stiff cock. The sounds of their wet flesh hitting each other echoed in the room as did their moans and out cries of pleasure. Gwen lost track of time as she only could feel that dick inside of her pounding her insides, she lost herself to the pleasure of it all. It wasn’t until Peter started to pick up the pace that she knew he was getting close to cumming. She humped him back as best she could, he felt like he was trying to fuck her through the wall at this point. She gritted her teeth and then Peter gave a few more good pounding thrusts before she felt his hot seed shoot into her young cunt. She cried out feeling it hit her cervix and she came herself. She was lost in a daze and didn’t notice Peter lowering her to the floor. She was laid out on the bathroom floor on her stomach breathing hard and feeling some of the water across her back. Peter was breathing heavily like she was but he still had a hard on, it was a good first start but he wanted more. He looked at that fine ass of her and he wanted to try something new, he looked around and saw the body wash she had been using, it was one of those gel types. He opened it up and kneeled behind her. He put some of the gel on his fingers and then with one hand spread her ass and then slowly put the gel into her anus. Gwen’s eyes opened up at the unfamiliar intrusion, “Peter! I-I don’t think I can do that!” Now she was worried she had been worried that Peter would try this and it would hurt. But looking at Peter she knew that this wasn’t the good Peter, this was the one that had raped her that first night. It wasn’t the Peter that had just fucked her senseless it was his more darker nature. And she knew against this version she couldn’t do anything about it. “I want to try this at least once Gwen,” He told her and after making sure she was well lubricated be put more on his dick. “I’m not going to fuck you dry but I am going to fuck you.” She knew that he was right and prepared herself, she felt him shift behind her and lay on top of her. She felt the tip of his dick press up against her virgin anus and she jumped. Then he pushed, and it was even more painful than her first time with him. “Oh god Peter it hurts...please stop it hurts.” She moaned out. “Just try and relax,” he told her, normally he would have stopped but this felt too damn good. Her pussy was a tight fuck but this was even better. He went slowly in, he didn’t want to hurt her more than he had to. He heard he whimper but it felt just so good, all the water and the gel sure helped lube her up nicely. Gwen shut her eyes not sure if she was feeling tears or not with the water spraying on her, she felt like she was being split in two with him going in her like that. He was stretching her out in a painful way but as she tried to relax it wasn’t as bad as when he raped her. The pain was still there but it wasn’t as hard or as brutal as before. He was taking things slow thankfully and she kept on whimpering and moaning as she slowly pushed himself inside of her. At every inch she wished for him to be done, and by the time she felt his hips touch her ass she sighed. Peter lay there letting her body slowly adjust, he would move his hips from side to side stretching her out. Then he pulled back, just a bit and thrust back in. She gave a loud whimper as her fists balled up into fists. Peter pulled back a bit further and then thrust back into her, she was so fucking tight it felt great. He soon lost himself as he humped her ass, his hips slapping her ass. Gwen tried to block out the pain but it hurt more than it was pleasurable, but she was loosening up a bit. The pain was slowly going away but it wasn’t leaving her. She just lay there motionless as Peter fucked her ass. He fucked her like that for ten minutes straight and she thought it would never end, it was strange how she went from bliss to pain in one evening. She felt him rushing now and she got the idea to clench her ass, trying to squeeze him when he thrust into her and release when he pulled out. It hurt a bit more but Peter groaned out and she felt him cum, although when his cum hit her body she gasped feeling that same orgasm. She couldn’t understand why, she hadn’t been close to getting one but then again neither had she when he first took her. The pain also seemed to go away as well, little did she know as one of the effects of Peter’s cum on her body was to reduce pain. Peter pulled out seeing a bit of blood from it, he washed off his prick and then gently helped to clean up her ass. It wasn’t bleeding much thankfully it seemed although she would be a bit sore back there .He gently turned her over and saw the look on her face the same confusion he had seen that first time. He got on top of her and gently started to kiss away what he felt were the tears in her face. She didn’t respond at first but she gently started to caress his body, Peter was still hard amazingly enough and gently put himself back in only this time to her pussy. She sighed as he slowly slid back in and this time the two slowly made love to each other, it was his way of making it up to her. By the time they had finished both were lucky to leave the school just as it was being locked up. Despite the anal sex both of them had a good time that day, and Gwen made plans that if Peter was going to try that again she would have to get her body ready for it. Next up Chapter 4: The Big Secret
Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Mary Jane's Ordeal
Spider-Man: Dark Urges   Chapter 6: Mary Jane’s Ordeal Mary Jane Watson was walking through the halls of school trying hard to just make it through the day. She had been depressed for weeks now, and she knew why. It was because Peter was dating Gwen, she didn’t hate them but it just...hurt. The thing with Peter had gotten ugly and she should have tried to be more supportive and understanding, but seeing him injured all those times made her worry so much. She couldn’t stand to see him in pain and if he had gotten killed she didn’t think she could handle things. It just sucked because she still loved Peter, and this time apart just made it obvious how much she did.   She made her way to her locker trying to just ignore everyone around her she mechanically opened her locker and looked inside for her books. She just wanted to get home and try to forget all about this for another day. It didn’t help matters that Flash had been bugging her lately as well she just wanted him to leave her alone.   When MJ closed the locker she turned to suddenly face the one person she really didn’t want to see, she gasped and nearly dropped her books when she was face to face with Gwen who had on a serious face. “Hey...Look MJ we really need to talk.”   “No we don’t,” MJ tried to move around her but the blonde was quick enough to block her.   “Look...I know things suck right now but you got nothing to be angry about since you’re the one that dropped Peter...And I know why you did and not the stupid reason you came up with,” Gwen leaned in to whisper to her. “I know about Peter and the ‘mask’ he wears when he goes out there.”   Mary Jane’s eyes widened as she looked at Gwen’s serious face and could tell that she knew. She should have known that Gwen would know sooner or later, a part of MJ actually felt a bit hurt that Peter told someone else but it was his secret she just felt special knowing who Spider-Man was and all that. But Gwen knew and she seemed to be coping with it.   “Okay...So you know, so what is it you want to talk about then?” MJ asked her.   “Not here there are too many ears...You know that place that you and Peter have?” Gwen asked and now MJ really felt hurt, that place was something that only she and Peter knew about and he had told Gwen about it. She felt a little betrayed at that but she nodded her head.   “Well come there after school at seven, we can all talk there. MJ I don’t want to hate you and I don’t want you to hate me and Peter really hates this whole thing...especially since he still loves you.” Gwen turned at that leaving a shocked Mary Jane there. The last words echoing in her head that Peter still loved her and the fact that he must have told Gwen that left her totally confused.   For the rest of the day Mary Jane was so preoccupied that she could barely focus in class. When the bell rang when went home and put her school stuff away and tried to do her homework to kill some time. It just dragged on, she went out for diner as her parents were fighting again. She hated how her parents fought and always tried to not be home when it did, she loved her mother but her father was an asshole a lot of the time. She had no idea what to do with her life, sometimes she figured she would be better off if she just ran away and never came back.   Sometimes she just wanted to run away from her problems and never once look back. But she had a problem now that she had been running from but it was time to face it. She walked to the abandoned building that she and Peter used to get away from it all at times. It was run down but no one ever went there plus there was an old mattress that she had slept on at times just to rest after a really bad episode with her parents.   She walked in to see a few laps, the kind that were filled with gas and made those hissing noises had been set up to give off some light. She saw Gwen there sitting on a crate but no Peter was in sight. She walked up to the blonde and nodded her head and got one in return. She wasn’t sure how to go about this but the silence was nerve racking.   “So where’s Peter?” MJ finally asked.   Gwen shrugged her shoulders, “he said he would be here but knowing him something most likely came up.”   MJ nodded her head at that and there was silence for another moment before she asked her, “how do you handled it? Him going out all the time getting hurt or might even be killed?”   Gwen’s face took a solemn look to it, “honestly? I have no idea the thought of him hurt makes me scared and the thought of him dying...I think I’d rather die myself then live with that.”   That surprised MJ to no end, obviously Gwen’s relationship with Peter was very strong for the other girl to say such a thing, it made her feel a bit worried for Gwen and also a bit jealous that her relationship hadn’t been that strong. Then there was the fact that Gwen had said that Peter still loved her and now she felt horrible, here was a girl that would rather die than lose her boyfriend and he loved another girl.   “You know Gwen I don’t want to become you and Peter,” Mary Jane told her honestly. “If you two are happy then it’s for the best I don’t want to ruin that.”   Gwen smiled at her and walked over to her, “thanks that means a lot to me but I also want Peter to be happy. But we’ll get into that when he finally gets his cute butt back here, but still...thanks MJ, that really means a lot to me.”   It wasn’t long until a black shape jumped down among them, Peter stood up seeing the surprised girls, “sorry about that stupid punks were joyriding around in a stolen car and were causing a lot of crap. They nearly clipped a few people too but I think they learned the errors of their ways.”   MJ looked at the new suit it was certainly darker than then last one but she couldn’t see any seams in it. “So I see you did change the costume, what’s with the new look?”   Peter grinned as he recalled the mask to move away from his head making MJ jump back in shock, “well let’s just say there have been a few new developments thanks to this neat little thing.” Peter explained a bit about Eddie, their parents and the research. He didn’t go into major detail like how he learned about a few of the chemical changes to himself, that would come later.   MJ walked up and slightly toughed the suit, “God...it feels like skin or something.”   “Oh yeah and trust me it feels great against bare skin,” Gwen said coming up next to Peter and trailing a finger over his body. MJ’s eyes widened as she gathered the meaning of that, she hadn’t been sure but now she was. They had sex maybe even more than just once too by the way they looked at each other. MJ wasn’t sure how to take it, sure she and Peter had talked and even joked or teased the other about sex but it had never gone beyond heavy kissing and some light fondling.   MJ took a step back from the couple, “uh yeah, anyway as I already told Gwen I don’t want to become between the two of you.”   Peter smiled at her and it was the smile she had missed seeing, he walked up to her and cupped her chin. “I know you’re that kind of person but I still can’t help my feelings I still love you MJ.”   “What about Gwen? God Peter she’s standing right there and you’re telling me you love me but what about Gwen?”   Peter smiled a bit more, “Well...That’s the thing I love her too, sure it’s different but I do love her. And she makes me happy it’s just that lately...well...”   “We both want a little more,” Gwen said smiling as she walked up behind MJ and the redhead was starting to get a bad feeling about this. She wasn’t sure why after all Peter and Gwen were her friends so nothing should happen that she was afraid of would happen to her but something about them seemed different. She was just getting a really bad vibe from the two of them and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.   “What do you mean?” Mary Jane asked suddenly feeling Gwen pressed up against her back.   “Easy we both want to be happy, I wanted you and Gwen...well...” Peter smirked at the blonde.   “I’ve been wanting to try something out,” she whispered into MJ’s ear and she suddenly felt Gwen’s hands on her hips.   Suddenly she knew exactly what was going on and she felt disgust at it, she would love to have Peter again but the fact that they wanted what she was thinking was not something she felt comfortable with. Hell she didn’t even like girls in that way and the thought of sharing Peter with Gwen and most likely what Gwen wanted to do with her made her feel a little sick.   “No way in hell, I’m sorry guys but that’s just not me.” She told them.   Peter’s face got a slight sad like look on it almost like he was sorry for something but not what for MJ had said. Then Gwen grabbed her wrists and suddenly MJ felt something terribly wrong was going to happen now.   “Sorry MJ but you don’t get a choice in this,” Peter’s voice was more even and she looked at him, it was slow but it was like he was slowly changing, his eyes lost their normal bright and cheery self and was replaced with something more cold, more carnal in them.   “Let me go! Stop it you two! Whatever you got planned stop it!” MJ shouted at them but she felt herself being dragged to the mattress and was thrown on to it, she tried to get back up but one of her wrists were suddenly engulfed in a bit of the black substance by Peter and suddenly he was on top of her, she tried to fight him off knowing that he was a hell of a lot stronger than she was but he eventually grabbed her other wrist and stuck it to the mattress too.   “This isn’t funny anymore! Let me go, please stop this you two,” MJ pegged them, a part of her refused to believe that this was happening, this wasn’t like them but the fear of what was going to happen was too much.   Peter looked down on her form and a part of him was raging to just take her, she was so beautiful, so perfect he wanted to see what she looked like, felt like and tasted like. He was already getting hard with just the thought of it, “Sorry MJ but you’ll understand soon, I need to be able to let off some steam now and then or else I might get really out of control. The suit has a hunger and it needs to feed now and then but don’t worry, it’ll hurt at first but you’ll come to love it.”   He stroked her face lovingly but she twisted her head away from his touch, his face grew darker again. He looked at her clothing and figured that getting her clothing could be troubling but only if he wanted them intact. So he grabbed the front of her shirt and in one motion ripped the front of the clothing to shreds, she screamed out of fear from it but he couldn’t stop. He tore off her bra and saw the sight of her naked breasts; they were magnificent to him better than his fantasies.   Then he ripped her pants apart, that was a bit more effort and then he ripped her panties off and threw them aside.   MJ was helpless looking up at Peter with frightened eyes, she had no idea why this was happening, what had gotten into Peter but she knew this wasn’t like him or Gwen. She saw Gwen there slipping out of her own clothing as Peter forced her legs apart; she jumped feeling the head of his cock against her virgin hole.   “Oh god don’t do this Peter please! This isn’t you! Please stop!” She told him with large freighted eyes, and for a moment he stopped almost as if he was struggling with the idea. For minute she had some hope that he was about to stop.   Then Gwen now naked pressed her back against Peter and he stiffed a bit at the feel of her naked flesh against his, she rubbed her young body against his seductively. “Go on you know you want to and she’ll thank you later just like I did.” She whispered.   She put her bodyweight against him and this pushed him down onto MJ and his penis into her body. He went all the way in, ripping through her hymen making her cry out in pain at the sensation. Peter feeling her virgin pussy around his dick felt incredible and any second thoughts were pushed away. He groaned feeling that hot and tight pussy wrapped around him, making him even more aroused and he wanted her, he wanted her badly that it hurt. He pulled out and thrust back into her making her cry out in pain.   For MJ it was anything but pleasurable, it hurt a lot. It felt like someone was rubbing her raw and it ached too, the stinging sensation from every thrust sent new pain into her. She cried out with each thrust wondering how this happened and what was wrong with them. This wasn’t how they were she knew that much so she knew something was horribly wrong. She begged and pleaded for them to stop but it never did.   She felt the tears on her face as she moaned out in pain, she just started to sob feeling as she stopped struggling after ten minutes. Although for her it was like a lifetime, he kept thrusting into her and she felt like she was being torn apart on the inside. She wondered if she was or if Peter was killing her with his dick, she felt the blood from her pussy leaking out it helped a bit to lubricate but not much and she was still very dry.   Five more minutes and Peter felt himself starting to cum, he had been enjoying the feel of her pussy it was different then Gwen’s, while Gwen was still amazing, MJ’s was just a bit tighter and he wasn’t sure it was because she was trying to keep him out with her muscles or it was just naturally this tight. All Peter knew was that he felt incredible, it was like sex was a drug for him now and he needed more of it. He wasn’t aware of just how much the enzymes in his body were effecting him, he knew of certain changes but he wasn’t aware of just how far they had gotten.   A small part of him knew that he would never rape anyone let along Gwen and MJ but here he was, he had raped Gwen that first night unable to control himself and here he was raping the girl he still was in love with the same lust as that night. All reason was taken out of it and he just felt this huge need, that he needed to have her and by any means. Plus the fact Gwen had gone along with her idea and her naked flesh on his back only enhanced the feeling.   As soon as he was done with MJ he was going to fuck his blond girlfriend as well and the idea of having both girls in his bed just sent him over the edge. He thrust one last time and came inside of MJ, filling her pussy with his altered semen.   Mary Jane wanted to scream knowing he had just came in her and she did but not for the reasons she thought. Her back arched and she gasped after her scream as suddenly the pain was gone. Peter’s semen covered her internal walls and with the added chemicals nullified her pain sensors there, add to the small tare from her hymen meant the chemicals would leak into her blood stream a bit too but would take longer to be effective.   It also caused her sex to become hyper sensitive and of course give her an orgasm. MJ’s mind was reeling with the realisation that she climaxed, she shouldn’t have since it hadn’t been pleasurable at all but then why did she? She felt overwhelming shame that she did and started to cry feeling like some cheap whore at that moment.   “Peter let me have her for a bit,” Gwen asked licking his ear, “I think it’s time for her and me to bond and I want you to watch the show for a bit.”   Peter slowly pulled himself out and saw his dick covered in a mixture of her blood, his semen and her own juices. He felt bad looking at her as she cried softly in shame and he started to wonder what the hell was wrong with him. That was until Gwen’s naked form slithered up to MJ.   Gwen caressed MJ’s face, “Shhhh, it’s okay I know how it is, the same thing happened to me the first time but you know what? The first time’s always the hardest but after that it’s amazing. You feel soooo good and you want it more and more. But let me show you just what I mean.”   Gwen’s hand slowly slid over MJ’s body and she jerked at the touch, Gwen gently caressed one of MJ’s breasts giving it a gentle squeeze like one would a lover as her hand trailed down the flat perfect stomach and past the small patch of red hair at her groin and gently started to caress her pussy.   MJ whimpered at the touch but it felt nice, there was no pain and for some reason she felt herself actually starting to get aroused. She couldn’t understand it, she never thought of another woman in that way and yet she was enjoying Gwen’s slim and slender fingers gliding over her sex, she gasped when Gwen took one of MJ’s nipples into her mouth and started to lightly suck on it.   Gwen had to admit that MJ’s soft skin was a different change to things, it was strange but knowing Peter was watching made her grin she knew what she was doing to him making him watch. She could hardly wait until he had enough but first she wanted to play a little and experiment. Gwen sucked on MJ’s breasts which were about the same size as her although slightly softer. Hers were more harder and firmer but MJ’s had a very nice shape to them and the large nipples she had seemed to be very sensitive as well. She knew that the red head was fighting the urges building up in her but didn’t care, Gwen was getting wet herself just knowing that she was turning the other girl on.   Gwen figured that she had enough of teasing and slowly started to kiss down to her red patch of hair on her public mound. She could smell the sweat, the musky smell of sex, a little blood and of Peter’s cum as well. She started to gently lick up MJ’s pussy making the other girl moan out despite herself. Gwen could taste it all although she didn’t like the blood in there, she lapped up Peter’s cum and she thought that MJ tasted a bit different then she did.   After all she had socked Peter off after fucking her so she knew how his cum tasted when it was mixed with her own juices. This was a slightly different taste to it and started to wonder if all girls tasted differently. At any rate she went back to cleaning up the mess with her tongue making MJ pant as her body seemed to burn up. Peter had enough of this and walked over to them and sat gently on MJ’s head and took her head gently and lifted it up, he put his slightly soft dick to her mouth.   “Open up MJ,” it was a command and she knew it, she held her mouth shut that it until Gwen bit her clit to get her to open her mouth. She gave a sharp outcry and Peter plunged his cock into her mouth. She started to gag from it at first, the taste was something she couldn’t describe as Peter held her head and started to rape her mouth. She kept her eyes closed trying to blot it all out but Gwen had gone back to pleasuring her and Peter wasn’t being overly aggressive this time.   “I want you to start sucking MJ,” Peter grunted out as his dick game to life in her mouth, “Go on or I’ll tell Gwen to bite you even harder this time.”   MJ felt Gwen’s teeth on her clit preparing to bite so with sobbing breath she started to suck his cock. She started to lick her tongue over it trying to just get him off as fast as she could so it would be over quickly. She was caught between feeling dirty and violated and pleasured, she was confused what was going on but soon she managed to get her sobs under control. Peter moaned feeling her use her tongue without being told, he wanted to shot a wad of cum right down that throat of hers and he experimented to see how far he could get his dick.   He found that if he pushed his cock all the way in she started to gag but it felt nice, so he alternated between slowly moving in and then burying himself all the way inside of her mouth and nearly going into the throat. After ten minutes of this MJ found that her hips were moving with Gwen’s teasing and she wanted to cum, then Peter suddenly pulled out and she gasped for air, coughing a bit.   Peter sat down on her chest just lightly, not enough to hurt her but he gripped her breasts and pressed them together, “I always wanted to do this with you MJ, first time I ever saw how well you developed last summer when I saw you in that bikini.”   He started to thrust his dick between her breasts as he titty fucked the red head, MJ just lay there as she felt herself almost ready to cum. Gwen was now digging her tongue as deep as it would go into MJ’s pussy and using her fingers to stimulate her folds and clit. Gwen knew that MJ must be getting close and using her thumb started to rub the girl’s clit harder and faster. MJ bit her lip but whimpers kept getting out she tried to fight it, but she couldn’t do it anymore. Then Peter started to massage her breasts and play with her now hard nipples and it was it for her.   MJ cried out as she came, her face contorted in the pleasure and seeing her face like that was all Peter could take, his dick throbbing he ejaculated all over her face, several streams of cum landed on her face, into her mouth and onto her neck. He stood up looking down at her, there was Mary Jane Watson, bound to the mattress, her clothing ripped to shreds, panting harder, covered in sweat and her face covered in his cum. He looked to see Gwen kneeling up with a grin on her face as she was licking the juices from her mouth.   Peter could only grin, if Mary Jane thought it was over well she was wrong, this was only the start.   Next up Chapter 7: Breaking Mary Jane.      
Chapter 15 - Chapter 14: Curiosity and the Cat
  Spider-Man Dark Urges   chapter 14: Curiosity and the Cat   Peter decided to bring the Black Cat to his apartment, he figured it would be the best place to talk things out with her and he had a few things set up. He had a computer and a few other things when he got the place and it sure was helpful with his work. Now it seemed it had one more use, meeting people like Black Cat. They entered through the French doors that led from a small balcony. It wasn’t like they could just walk through the front door with her, as he doubted she had a change of clothing on her. Once again Peter was thankful he made that deal for this place, it was having all sorts of uses.   Felecia looked around a bit surprised at the place, she was wondering how a kid his age could afford a place like this. Then again, what did she really know about him other than his age and his real face? Nothing really, maybe he was the son of some rich absent parents or something. At any rate the place wasn’t too bad, spacious and plenty of room. She pulled out the disk where she had all the information on Kingpin that she had found.   “So Spidey, got a computer for me to download this onto?” She asked him trying to make nice.   “Yeah in that room over there, you want anything to drink or eat or something?” Peter asked not sure what to say at a moment like this.   “If you got a coffee that would be nice, two cream in it.” She told him looking into the room he pointed to. The place looked like some kind of modified workshop. There was a bench with all kinds of stuff, some pieces looked like a wrist device. Spare costume pieces were on another with a working sewing kit, she smirked at that wondering when he learned that skill. Although what she didn’t know was that MJ used that to help make repairs to his old costumes although Peter hadn’t needed to wear one since he got the suit. MJ just kept the old suits in shape just in case they were ever needed.   Felecia found the computer and turned it on, thankfully it wasn’t locked out and so she went to download all the data she had.   Peter did have a coffee machine, all those late nights he needed it. As he went to make both of them a cup he opened the fridge for the milk but stopped. He saw the small container he kept in there, it was filled with samples of his blood and semen for Doctor Connors. An idea hit him as he reached in an opened it up. He took a vile of his semen and smirked under the suit’s mask. He knew the effects this had on people, especially females. Once the coffee was done he poured a cup for her and poured the contents of the vile into it. He stirred it around for good measure.   It would be interesting to see the effects on someone, he was already making mental notes on her average age, height and weight or at least his best guess. He wanted to see what effect a slightly diluted sample mixed in with a drink will have on someone. He walked in and handed her the coffee which she took without question.   Felecia took a drink, she needed a pick me up after everything. From the first taste she could tell this wasn’t some bland coffee. There was obviously something in it but it wasn’t bad, she couldn’t place it but she felt a bit warmer and a bit more alert. Whatever it was she started to drink more of it. She watched the files as she took Spider-Man through everything she had, drinking her coffee the entire time without even thinking about it. By the end of it all she had finished her coffee and she did feel more energetic and alert but also warm. Too warm to be honest, she felt hot in her black leather suit, not only that but she started to feel a certain itch forming between her legs.   She tried to ignore the growing sensation all throughout her little presentation on the Kingpin’s holdings in New York. All the while it got harder and harder to ignore, the heat had been slowly building up and she had tried to move her thighs and rub them together to try and get rid of it. But that only made it worse, it was like her skin was slightly more sensitive. She found it harder and harder to concentrate as she told him everything.   Peter had to admit that she had gotten a lot of good information, he would look through it in more detail later. What really got his attention was on Black Cat’s physical responses. She was breathing a little harder now, there was a slightly flushed color on her cleavage, he couldn’t see her eyes, but from the way she was squirming now and then he had an idea she was getting hornier by the minute. He also tried to experiment with placing a hand on her shoulder while he pointed at something on the screen with the other hand. The hand that touched her always got a response out of her body, a slight shiver or she seemed to breath even more heavier than before.   Looking down he could see that her nipples were hard enough to slightly poke the leather out a bit on her costume. Truth was, watching her getting all hot was making him hot, already he could feel an erection from all the waiting but he wanted to enjoy this. Now he figured was time to act as he placed his hands on her shoulders.   “Is something wrong?” Peter asked her looking down at her sitting form. “You look a little flushed.”   “I-I’m fine,” she told him although truth was she wasn’t. She couldn’t understand what was going on with her.   “Oh, well how about now?” Peter reached down and did something he had been wanting to do since he first met her. He reached down and grabbed her breasts and they were natural and amazing.   “What the fuck!?” She yelled at him but he was holding her in a way that prevented her from slipping out of the chair. Although the feel of his hands did feel good for her body, this was still a kid to her. “Get your hands off of me!”   “Oh and why is that?” Peter asked holding her close as his hands with all the experience he had gained moved over her body. “I can feel your nipples starting to poke out of the suit.” He said into her ear.   She knew he was telling the truth, she could feel her body getting excited but why the hell was she? So she hadn’t had any time to get laid in a long time, so what. She tried to fight off the urges of her body cursing what was going on in her mind.   “I know you’re pretty horny,” he told her as his hands went to work. “Trust me I know, I have a lot of experience with women.”   “I doubt that,” she told him angrily.   “How about I prove it?” He reached down and cupped her pussy making her gasp as her hands went to stop him. “Come on, you’re horny and so am I, tell you what. If you let me fuck you, then I’ll help you with all of this. Simple as that, one night is all I ask. Is that too much to take the Fat Man down?”   ‘Damn him,’ she cursed in her mind. The truth was that she would do anything to bring down that man, although it did make her feel a little sick inside, she would go that far. Well her body was hot and she needed release, but god help her.   “Fine but just one night you little bastard,” she told him as she finally managed to get out of his grasp. She couldn’t believe she would do this but she would do anything for her goals. She just wanted to get this over with quickly. So they went into the bed room to get things out of the way.   She had to admit the bed was nice but she just hoped she could keep her stomach down. Still, her body really needed this so maybe she could at least get some of that taken care of. Although she wasn’t holding out hope that he would be able to satisfy her needs.   Felecia straddled Peter as she sat on his lap, he pulled open her top as she slipped her arms out of it leaving her bare chested to him. She marvelled at how the mask he has on slowly pulled away from his entire face as it seemed to melt into the rest of his costume.   “How the hell...” Black Cat wondered as she felt his costume with her bare hands. If certainly didn’t feel like any clothing, in fact she swore she could feel slight movements under her fingers.   “The suit is special,” Peter said as he pulled off her mask and fake wig, leaving the beautiful woman’s face with short dark hair there. He smirked as he kissed her neck, hearing her moan as she ground her hips against his crotch. He could feel the outline of her cunt against his penis, her black leather suit was skin tight so he could almost feel it through the material.   He kissed his way down to her large breasts, he placed his mouth onto one of the nipples as he started to suck on it. It was smaller than he thought it would be but still, her breasts were full, supple and even better than Silver Sable’s.   By this time she was starting to get into it, despite herself. She just imagined it was someone else and not some teenager she was screwing. She couldn’t believe she was doing this but the kid did seem to have some talents after all. Her body was getting warmer and more railed up as he continued to pleasure her body.   ‘Maybe this won’t be all bad at least,’ she told herself.   “I think it’s time to get you out of the rest of that,” Peter told her as she smirked and got up. She slowly began to strip off the rest of her suit. He saw that she kept a slim patch of dark hair over her pussy. When she was done and he had admired the view he pulled her towards him.   Peter grabbed her and placed her over his knees as a suitable punishment entered into his mind.   “W-What are you doing?!” Felicia asked, she soon found out when his hand slapped her ass hard. She cried out in shock and pain as the sting of his blow was heard in the room.   “I think you deserve a little punishment for a few things first,” Peter told her as he slapped her ass again. He heard her shout out again and he kept on spanking her. She had such a fine ass that he just had to do this. To his surprise he saw that her pussy was actually getting a little wet from it. Apparently she was getting off on this. He kept it up until her ass was getting red and then flipped her onto her back onto the bed.   He crawled over on top of her as he placed a hand on her pussy rubbing making her moan. “Well looks like you enjoyed that.”   “Brat,” She said to him.   He didn’t like that as he spread her legs and she saw the suit seemingly to melt away into her skin. She was about to comment on that when Peter shoved himself into her. She gasped as she hadn’t been ready for that.   “Hey there, calm down,” she said as he started to fuck her.   “Then don’t call me a brat,” Peter grunted as he thrust into her body. Her pussy was amazing, even as an older woman she felt as tight as Gwen and MJ. Maybe she was naturally like that or she just didn’t get much sex. He wasn’t sure but he was enjoying it at any rate and from the sounds she was making she was enjoying it too.   Felecia couldn’t understand why she was doing this but she really wanted to know why it felt so good. He was obviously a very nice size and he did seem to know a way around a woman’s body. He moved his hips just the right way that it was exploring her insides. Then she gave a particular loud moan as he hit her g-spot, then he kept on hitting it.   “Holly fuck where did you learn that shit?” She yelled out as she thrust back at him.   “Experience with my girlfriends,” Peter smiled as he kissed her neck.   “How many did you possible have, oh fuck that feels so good,” she moaned into his ear as she nibbled on his ear lobe.   “Depends on how you look at it, two for sure, two more have been one time things but if we meet again I’m sure they’ll go for another round.” Peter said as he sped up feeling the familiar feeling of getting closer and closer to his climax. Thankfully he knew that he didn’t have to get her off, she would as soon as the chemicals in his cum hit her body from the inside.   What she didn’t know what that he meant currently, she was thinking that he was talking about past experiences. She moaned out more and more as their thrusts got faster and harder. It was obvious that he could fuck her harder than any lover she had ever had, the tip of his cock was kissing her cervix every time that it was filling her up totally when he was totally inside of her. She felt him thrust faster and faster until he groaned out loudly and she felt him ejaculate.   For some reason she felt her own sexual explosion as she held him close.   “Oh shit...fuck get out now,” she said weakly as her mind was getting back to normal. “Come on I’m not on any birth control.”   She couldn’t believe that she let him cum inside of her, what the hell was wrong with her? How long had it been since her last cycle? She couldn’t remember as she felt his warm cum inside of her fearing what it could be doing inside of her.   “Oh don’t worry, I’ve been screwing my girlfriends for awhile now like this and nothing,” he told her.   “Wait you have two girlfriends as in right now?”   “Yep,” he grinned.   “Damn...so you’re sure about this?” she asked him still worried.   “Definitely .”   “Fuck you better be right about this, not like I got a damn choice now,” she sighed as she noticed something else. “Are you still hard?” She could feel him inside and he hadn’t even gone soft on her.   “Nope, time for round two,” Peter said as he started up again to her surprise.   After a few more rounds Peter caught his breath as he laid against her bare back. They had just done it doggystyle and they were taking a small break. She was breathing hard like she had just run a mile. But he wasn’t done yet, she still deserved a bit more punishment. He pulled out of her cunt, which was already leaking from her juices and the large amount he had to have put into her by now. Peter already estimated that his ejaculation had increased in volume for some reason lately. Just another change he had been observing. He took her red ass and pulled her checks apart as he got ready for the next part.   Felicia was still a little dazed from her last orgasm, she had no idea a boy could give her such a thrill. Maybe she had been wrong to dismiss him because of his age, hell she had just had great sex with him but for some reasons she couldn’t understand why this all started. She let him do things to her she had never let any man do. She was usually the dominant one in bed, but she had totally been submissive to him eventually. She just couldn’t understand it, she moaned when he pulled out hoping for a breather. Then she felt what he was doing to her ass and she got scared.   “W-Wait you’re not doing what I think you’re doing are you!?” She yelled out.   “I think so.” Peter smirked.   Felicia started to move but he held her down, she was still weak from her orgasms and his super strength wasn’t helping her out. “I’ve never done it there! Please don’t do this, I’ll suck your cock again, titty fuck, hell you can spank me again but I don’t do anal!”   “You do now,” Peter grinned as he shoved it in slowly.   “AWWWWWW-GOD IT HURTS, STOP IT!” Felicia then screamed as he thrust it into her. It felt like her insides were being pushed into her throat. Peter got about halfway in before stopping, he didn’t want to hurt her permanently so he waited for her body to adjust. He felt her body shake and a small sob, he figured she was trying not to cry from the pain. He had given her pleasure but her punishment was still to come.   “I told you, that I would punish you for being a total tease to me. Just relax, trust me by the end you’ll feel good and if you want I’ll give you a few more orgasms after I break in your ass,” Peter said to her. “Now, I’m going to push it in more so don’t tense up it will only hurt more.”   Although if he did cause some bleeding it would actually help her more, he knew the effect his altered sperm had on the female body. If it got into her blood stream the effect would be even more potent. It would numb any pain as her body would get more sensitive all over, not to mention orgasm on contact. Plus she had on hell of a tight ass, he could help himself he just felt the need to hammer into it. It was like his base instincts were taking over as he slammed himself all the way into her.   Felecia bit the pillow as she screamed in pain, she tried to struggle but the boy was too strong for her. She felt him pull out as she slammed back into her making her grunt out in pain again and again as he started to thrust repeatedly. She tried to move away but he grabbed her hips and forced her body to go with him. She then tried to swing a punch but he grabbed it and forced it behind her back as he basically started to rape her ass. She couldn’t believe how much it hurt, she could only grunt in pain with each thrust into her as she went nearly limp in his hold.   Peter couldn’t believe how good this felt, he no longer cared about her only about his own pleasure. He felt her ass grip him as tight as the Gwen and MJ’s. It was still thrilling that he was breaking her ass in for the first time a woman of this age, it felt great for some reason. A small part of his mind knew that before the suit he would never do anything like this. It was just another small change that had slowly been adding to his personality. He took the one hand on her hip and grabbed her shoulder as he forced her back into him making her cry out in shock and pain. He picked up speed as he was nearing blowing his load into her.   Felecia felt him speed up and although it hurt more, she was thankful that it was finally going to be over with. He thrust faster and then with several deep thrusts he finally came, to her surprised she gasped at the sensation. If she could see her face it would be a mix of pain, confusion and pleasure. It didn’t make sense, she was feeling nothing but pain so how, how did she just orgasm!? She panted as she felt the pain in her ass slowly going away, like it was just melting away from her body as a pleasurable sensation was slowly takings its place.     After that she didn’t care anymore, she let him fuck her over and over again. Any way he wanted, any how he wanted. He gave her a small break as he went to the bathroom. After cleaning his cock after where it had been he came back to her. He got behind her as he pulled her ass up and buried himself against into her pussy, it was dripping wet from the mixture of their juices but she was still tight. He lost himself as he fucked her like that. At first she felt like she shouldn’t let him, but soon the pleasure was rising up and she just couldn’t resist. She lay there enjoying it as he fucked her senseless. She managed to grip the sheets of the bed as she started to make little moaning sounds.   When he blasted another stream of cum into her body she stiffened as her body responded to it. After that she needed a moment to collect her thoughts.   She was resting on her stomach as he rolled her over and watched her naked athletic body. The way her breasts were raising and falling with her breathing. It was an erotic sight that got him hard again. He gently sat on her chest as he used her breasts in a titty fuck, he hadn’t had been able to do this since Silver Sable. Sure the other girls were good sizes but nothing like this, the breasts he was using now were amazing.   Felecia smiled as without a word she grabbed her breasts and helped him, the soreness she was feeling was starting to finally leave her. She knew it was odd how fast her body seemed to be recovering but she didn’t care. When Peter’s cum blasted onto her skin and face the warm feeling felt nice.   “I think I need a cleaning,” Felecia smirked at him.   “Me first,” Peter said as his cock got to her mouth, she opened it as she took it in.   For the rest of the night Peter used her any way he wanted and she didn’t complain again after that.   -NYU- Gwen Stacy was taking a nice long shower in Eddie’s room, she felt the water run over her young slender body as her hands slowly worked the soap over it. Eddie had left for a class that he needed to take so she could let herself out. His door locked like all the dorm doors did when closed automatically, so there was no need to worry about locking his door behind her. She needed a shower since she had worked up a lot of sweat. She defiantly felt a lot more sated that her sexual urges had been satisfied, sure it hadn’t been as good as Peter, but it had still been good. Eddie liked to be rough and she liked it like that.   Looking around she saw that the room was empty, drying off herself she walked over nude to his computer. It was kind of thrilling to walk around naked knowing that someone could see her through the window. Kind of titillating actually, too bad with Aunt May around she couldn’t do that at home, maybe when she was at Peter’s secret place she could. Of course that might cause Peter to ravish her at first sight, okay that was a plus for her.   But now it was time for business, she found that Eddie didn’t lock up his computer, something he really should have done thinking his room was safe. After getting it on while sitting on the tower she had placed on the chair, she looked for anything related to the work on the suit. She wasn’t as good at this techno stuff as Peter was but she knew enough. Soon enough after looking through the files for twenty minutes she found what she was looking for.   Apparently Eddie was smart enough to not label the file what it really was, she found it under a file marked ‘Home Work’ but this was anything but home work. She copied all the files as she pulled up the e-mail and attached them. Sending everything to Peter’s address this would make sure that he would know exactly how far Eddie was with the suit. This was all kind of fun, she felt like a female spy in a film at the moment. She used her feminine ways to seduce the target and get the information. Sure Eddie was a nice guy but Peter came first and she would do anything for him.   She paused for a minute thinking about that, when did she start to think like that? Sure Peter was a great guy and she did like him from before. But ever since ‘that night’ in her room, things had slowly been changing. She allowed him to fuck her at any time, anyway without protection even, and although she had never had sex before Peter, it shouldn’t have been that good every time. Then what happened next? She helps him to rape another girl that he had loved, and not only that she had participated. She had basically raped another girl and instead of feeling sham and self loathing like she knew she should. She actually felt turned on remembering that night with MJ.   Hell, normally MJ should hate her and Peter for what they did but she was now ‘one of them’ in a way. Here she was fucking a boy, and another girl. Even that night with that Sable woman had been something she wouldn’t have done normally. But now she looked back on it as just a good time. Slowly over time she, MJ and maybe even Sable had been changing along with Peter? Peter did say that his body was being altered by the suit to produce a lot of chemicals, which explained the ‘high’ she got from sex and her increased sexual appetites, but was there more to it?   She had just had sex with another man and she had not only enjoyed it, she wanted to try it again. She still loved Peter and wanted him but she was getting more open to different sexual situations. At any rate it was something she might have to talk with MJ about next time she saw her, to confirm with the red head.     Next up Chapter 15: Internet sensation
Chapter 19 - Chapter 18: Kingpin's return
  Spider-Man Dark Urges   Chapter 18: Kingpin’s return   Wilson Fisk looked out of the blackened limo as he was driven in New York city. He had arrived in secret just this night and he was going to one of his more secure holdings. With the warrant for his arrest still out he needed to be careful but this was too good an opportunity to just let others handle things. For weeks he had his men staking out high schools with the hopes of finding Spider-Man.   Ever since that annoying boy teamed up with Black Cat and had been hitting all of his businesses in New York, he couldn’t let him get away with it anymore. There were already rumors in New York about his power slipping and others were getting ideas on taking over the city themselves. Weakness was a sure way for others to rise up against you and he needed to show that he was still in control and in power. So he would find this Spider-Man, kill him, all those that he cared for and put his head on a spike for the world to see.   Finally his men had found him, he told them to look for a boy around 15 to 17, slim build, brown hair and white. It took time and they sent him hundreds of photos to his place in the Caribbean, then finally he had found the picture he recognized. When they first met he should have killed the boy instead of just taking off his mask. Now he was going to correct that mistake, the photo had him with a blonde and red head his own age. He told his people to follow the boy and find out everything they could.   Now he had a name, Peter Parker. Turns out his parents were dead, so was his uncle, lived with his aunt who he help to support, took in that blond girl. Gwen Stacy whose father was a police officer killed in the line of duty. The other girl was named Mary Jane Watson, lived with just a mother, apparently the parents were going through a separation of some kind. His men also mentioned that they had seen the boy over at the red head’s a lot sometimes with the blonde. So all three were close and most likely knew the boy’s secret.   At any rate he knew who Spider-Man was, where he lived, his only living relatives, two that were close to him. He was going to enjoy this and he would make sure that they got what they needed.   The woman sitting across from him was silent as ever as he looked over at the Greek woman.   “I want you to handle this personally Electra,” He told her. “I want you to go there with some of my men, get the two girls in case he’s not there. If he’s not I want a message to be left, we’ll use them to find out where he might go but as for anyone else, no witnesses. Besides after that coma I bet you’re going to welcome some work.”   She nodded her head understanding his orders. She had woken up from her coma only two weeks ago, her body wasn’t up to what it used to be from so long of inactivity. Still some part of her told her that this was wrong, but she had stopped listening to that part as long as she had started to work for the Kingpin. She had done things like this and worse in her life for him.   Fisk sat back as he thought about what was going to happen soon Spider-Man would know pain. He would find those close to him dead and gone. He would be worried for those missing and he would be right in worrying, Fisk had people that would get any information out of anyone given enough time.   -Elsewhere in New York-   Peter looked around the place, he was currently in the rafters of some kind of warehouse. The place was alive with activity though. For the past few months he and Black Cat had been hitting all of the Kingpin’s places and after shutting them down, they would take any and all information they could get on other places as well as her stealing anything of importance. Normally he would be against stealing but this was the Kingpin’s money and they could put it to better use.   He was thankful he went with the black and white style of outfit he hid in the shadows a lot better this way. Looking to his right he saw Felicia on the other side of the building. Looking down he saw rows and rows of tables with tools and items, most notably the white powder that was most likely cocaine or something similar. He was looking forward to shutting this place down.   “What do you think?” Black Cat asked him looking around. “I think I can handle the ones in the floor.” Peter said looking around below him.   “I can take the boss in that office over there,” She pointed to a small office across the area. It was just two walls built into the side of the building with no ceiling on it. “I can take out a few other there when you start things. Plus I can look around the office and see what they have lying around.”   “Sounds good to me.” Peter grinned.   Black Cat kissed his cheek and smirked at him, “Let’s do this.”   Spider-Man grinned under his mask as he went to work. He was right over a few men that were loading some boxes, they were his first target. He fired his webbing and grabbed two of them and pulled them up. They yelled out which got everyone’s attention as he left them hanging off the ground. Peter jumped down to take out the final man of the group.   By this time others were moving for weapons, normally Peter would be worried but with the suit he didn’t have to anymore. He found out the hard way that bullets although stung when they hit, the suit would just absorb most of the force of the bullets. So he quickly started to attack the mobsters. He saw Black Cat going for the office but he had work to do. With the suit enhancing his physical abilities this kind of fight went by a lot quicker.   A punch to the face would knock someone out easily enough with his normal strength, his kicks would sent people flying. With his new faster reflexes and speed, he moved through them easily.   Some guy came at him with an uzi spraying the area with bullets, it was damn stupid too as Peter had to make sure no one else got hit. It was times like this that he sometimes hated being a good guy, trying to keep idiots like this from killing each other by accident. “Hey you want you be careful where you shoot that thing? I don’t think you’re buddies will enjoy the new holes you might give them.”   “Fuck you bug!”   “Oh real mature and spiders aren’t bugs, oh screw it, no one listens to that anyway,” Peter managed to fire his webbing to the webbing and pulled it out of the man’s hand. “If you can’t play nice with your toys then I’m going to take them away.”   Spider-Man followed it up by kicking the man in the chest slamming him into a wall, he quickly webbed him up to the wall and went on to the next guy. There weren’t that many people from the start, although when you got into a fight like this, time was a funny thing. It could seem like forever or like a few seconds. You really couldn’t tell how long you were in a fight sometimes. He was sure that it was only a few minutes but it had all just been so fast. Looking around he couldn’t see anyone else that wasn’t a threat and his spider sense wasn’t going off either.   “Well looks like my fun is over, time to see what Cat is up to.” Peter mused to himself.   Peter made his way to the office as he noticed a few men were already down, he webbed them up to make sure they couldn’t get away when they regained consciousness. Looking around the simple office he saw what he assumed was the leader, tied up with his own tie as a gag. He saw Black Cat bending over slightly as she was working on cracking a large safe. He took a moment to enjoy the view of her perfect ass as she worked.   “You know I could just rip the door off that thing.” Peter offered.   She actually turned to glare at him, “This is my thing and if you even think of doing that I’ll take the girls on vacation on summer break and not take you with us.”   It was pretty much an empty threat but Peter had to admit that the thought of all three gone would be hard. With his enhanced needs thanks to his suit and the need for sex it had, he wasn’t sure he would last a week before looking for women to ravage.  The really sick thing was that he wouldn’t feel as bad about it normally, one of the side effects of this suit he was finding was his morals lessening. At least with certain things, he was glad to know that he felt that there were still lines he wouldn’t cross but it was a worry for him that if it was only time or until something to happen to push him over those lines.   “Got it!” Black Cat was always happiest when she was using her thief skills well that or a good fuck that is. She pulled out several stacks of money, either from sales of the drugs or for buying more to sell. Either way they wouldn’t be using it. Felicia looked through some files, just flipping through them looking for anything interesting. She was looking for suppliers, dealers or other locations. But a lot of it either didn’t make much sense as it was most likely in a code or it was just junk information.   Peter was already looking through a laptop, the security was a joke just a simple off the shelf product. It would stop someone normal but Peter knew computers and how to get around them. Once he got around the security he pulled a flash drive and downloaded the contents, he would go over it later just in case. Peter turned to the tied up man giving him angry looks.   “Well looks like you’re about to have a really bad day. Hope you got a good lawyer when the cops show up. In fact,” Peter started to look through the man’s jacket and pulled out a cell phone. “Cool, thanks for giving me a way to make a phone call.”   After grabbing all the cash and anything they found useful they got to the top of a building across the street as Peter started to make some calls. First he called a few news stations, and reporters. Having done work for the Bugle did have a few upsides as he learned all kinds of contact numbers. Next up was the cops. It was a system that he and Felicia worked out, take a cell phone from the criminals to use to make the calls. The reporters were sent in first mainly because neither of them knew just how much influence the Kingpin still had in New York. There was no way to tell if the cops were okay or if they were on the take, so with the reporters first no one could cover anything up.   When they saw the cars and vans pull up with the sirens in the distance it was time to go.   -Peter’s Place- Currently Felicia was in the shower as Peter was counting the money that she had grabbed. It was turning out to be a lot and he could only imagine how much this would hurt not only was the money gone but they lost the drugs when the cops took it. He grinned as he continued to count the stacks of money, this was certainly a better way of fighting crime.   He noticed that the shower stopped and it wasn’t long until Felicia came walking in, with a towel drying off her short dark hair and nothing else. His eyes couldn’t help but look over her wet naked body, the way her fair skin glistened slightly with it still being wet, how her stacked breasts bounced with every movement slightly and the curves of her body.   He felt a stirring in his loins and also his costume’s urging for some sex. He got the feeling she came out like this for just this purpose but he needed to learn some self control.   “So what’s the profit this time?” She said leaning behind him looking over his shoulder.   “About ten grand so far,” Peter said trying to ignore the feel of her naked skin against him. The suit allowed him to feel like it was skin to skin contact and right now he was having trouble on concentrating on anything but her.   She moaned into his ear, “That’s a very sexy number, in fact I feel like celebrating,” her hand that was rubbing his chest went down to his groin. “I think you might like to as well from the size of this bulge that’s growing here. I can help with that.”   Peter really didn’t have much of a choice, she was a very intoxicating sexy woman and with his increased sex drive he needed more release. He recalled the suit as he sat there totally naked as he pulled her around to him. They passionately kissed each other, she felt her pussy rubbing against his hardening member, she wanted to feel that thing deep inside but first she wanted to taste him. Kissing down his body she got to her knees as she took a hand and started to lightly stroke the base of his cock.   Peter groaned feeling her gentle touch he looked down as she smirked up at him, keeping eye contact she placed the head of his cock into her mouth, giving a slight moan around it as she started her blowjob.   Peter grabbed her head as he stared to fuck her mouth, forcing his cock deep into her mouth. She tried her best to keep up, although she was choking on his cock as he nearly raped her mouth. But she had given herself to him, body and soul. He was helping her with taking down the Kingpin’s operations and gave her the best sex of her life. If he wanted to fuck her in any way she was glad for it.   Peter’s hips nearly jumped off the chair as he heard her sucking and choking sounds as she tried to take him. He felt drool coming out of her mouth on his crotch but he wanted to try being the dominant in this. He saw a porno online like this and wanted to try it out. He grunted with the effort as she forced himself all the way in, feeling his dick hit her throat.   “Oh fuck yeah, I want you to take it all,” Peter groaned feeling her humming against his cock now. It was amazing what he was feeling. She was really good at this and it wasn’t long until he felt himself getting ready to finish. He held her head against his crotch as he groaned feeling himself empty down her throat.   She felt the warm semen going down her throat, normally she wouldn’t like it that much, but for some reason Peter’s cum tasted different. Plus when it hit her belly it always left her feeling warm and turned on. She gasped for air as she pulled off him when he finished. Licking her lips she started to clean off his cock, she wanted all of it. She grinned as he moaned, his dick slowly getting harder as she licked it all over.   Felicia stood up as she used a hand to spread her pussy lips, she was already wet for him as she placed herself over his erection. “Time for the main event Spider.” She purred as she gently eased herself onto him. Moaning as she felt him spread her insides, the warmth of his cock and the feel of his veins against her sensitive walls. She placed her hands on her breasts presenting them to Peter.   “Go on, suck them,” Black Cat told him.   Peter eagerly attacked her nipple on her right as she sighed in pleasure. Her hips slightly moving as she grinded against him feeling his mouth and tongue working on her nipple, she would hiss when he would bite it a bit. Then he would lick the hard nub and around it, sucking on it slightly then hard almost like he was trying to get milk out of it. He would alter what he did so keep her guessing. Then he would attack the other nipple and go back and forth.   Soon she was ridding him, his strong hands on her ass as he gripped it tightly.   “Slap my ass, give it a good one,” She breathed into his ear letting her large breasts rub up against him.   Peter slapped her hard making her cry out, he was sure not to hit too hard, as he could really hurt her if he did. But after some experience he had figured out the right amount of force for this. He continued to slap her well toned ass leaving red marks and her begging for more. Her nails would slightly scratch his shoulders making Peter hiss out. He thrust up into her harder and harder making her scream now as she started to ride him even harder.   “Oh fuck, fuck me, yes fuck me. Oh you feel so fucking hard in me Spider.” Felicia cried out feeling herself getting close to her orgasm.   “You ready for my cum yet?” Peter asked her although he knew that as soon as he did any woman would have no choice but to orgasm. It sure was an ego boost, he knew that without the enhanced sperm he would have had a problem with cumming too soon sometimes. Still, he did like to at least put in the effort to make it last.   Felicia was moaning loudly trying to get herself off on the hard member thrusting inside of her. She really went at it, rolling her hips, doing everything. She was fucking him like an animal as she lost herself in her lust.   “I’m cumming, oh fuck me I’m cumming!” she yelled out as she started to make quick thrusts down.   “Here I cum!” Peter grabbed her hips as he started to fire a load of cum into her body.   She bent backwards, her hands resting on Peter’s knees to balance herself as she cried out feeling her orgasm rocking her body. Peter couldn’t help but look at her sexy body, her breasts heaving with her deep breaths, her skin having a slight sheen of sweat on her athletic form. It was always an erotic sight as he grabbed her ass and stood up. She fell foreword holding on as he dropped her onto the bed.   “Again?” She asked him still getting down from her orgasm.   “Hey you know that ever since I got this suit I have needs,” Peter grinned as he started thrusting into her body. “Don’t worry I still have to give MJ and Gwen their time as well so just this once then I got to get back to them.”   Felicia laughed as he started to fuck her body, “Poor you, having to pleasure all these women.”   Truth was it wasn’t always easy, he had to take time to spend with each of them in order to make them not feel neglected and with his studies and Spider-Man it wasn’t easy. That was one of the reasons he took some of the money they got from Kingpin. Webbing was expensive and he needed to help his Aunt still. But he wasn’t thinking of that now, just fucking the beautiful woman under him and then the two hot teenage girlfriends later that night.   Next up Chapter 19: Attacked
Chapter 12 - Chapter 11: Seducing Shadowcat
Spider-Man: Dark Urges   Chapter 11: Seducing Shadowcat   The first thing Peter noticed was the feeling of being on a comfortable bed, it wasn’t his bed that was for sure. He slowly opened his eyes to see what was going on and a bright light was overhead. He blinked a few times, the last thing he remembered was fighting that mutant guy at the party, there had been an explosion and then he blacked out. He sat up too see that he was in a medical room of some kind and that he wasn’t alone. “Ah good you’re awake then,” Hank smiled at him. “I have to say we weren’t sure what to do as we couldn’t get that suit off of you.” “Uh yeah it’s kind of attached to me,” Peter told the man in front of him. “So if I remember right you’re one of those X-Men guys right?” Hank nodded, “Yes we were on our way to deal with a mutant and found you involved as well. You were injured and we felt you didn’t want to be left behind for the police to find you.” “Yeah that was good of you guys, thanks,” Peter told him sitting up but then something hit him. “Oh shit! How long have I been out?” Henry blinked at the question, “Well it’s been at least twelve hours.” “Damn it!” Peter almost literally jumped off the bed. “Oh man tell me you got a phone near here, I need to phone home and make up some kind of excuse to my family.” Henry knew what the boy was talking about, apparently the boy didn’t tell his family about his identity. Xavier had commented that he had tried to scan the boy’s mind but had encountered a piece of resistance. The suit that he was wearing apparently was a living organism of some kind. Xavier had never felt anything like it and had asked Hank to see if he could at least remove it. The X-Men had been worried that Spider-Man had been injured but the suit prevented them from checking it out. Jean had tried to use her powers to separate it but Hank had remembered the sounds of pain that came from Spider-Man so they had stopped. Hank did managed to scrap a few pieces off to study for later but at the moment that was being kept safe as Xavier had wanted to make sure that the suit was safe for Spider-Man. Hank was still fascinated by whatever it was that Spider-Man was wearing. As Hank led him to a phone he had tried to ask him what he could about the suit. He was impressed that Spider-Man was able to answer him in scientific terms that most wouldn’t even use. Although he did seem a bit evasive about going into too much detail, the thought of a symbiotic suit was truly an amazing. He left him alone to phone in private as he had to go inform Xavier that he was up. Peter however had no idea what to tell his Aunt, plus what could he tell her. At first he was going to phone home right away but decided to call up MJ first. She would be the most worried and he was right. He managed to catch her at home and boy was she worried sick about him. After calming her down he had told her what had happened and then asked her if she was okay. Other then worried sick about him she said she was fine. Peter was glad to hear that and asked her to relay it to Gwen too for him since he knew she was just as worried. MJ told him that she would take care of things and to hurry back. He said that he would be back as soon as they could arrange a trip back home. After that and a small meeting with Xavier he found that he was in fact stuck here for a couple of hours. Turns out that fancy jet they used needed to be looked at after and before take off when it wasn’t an emergency and it needed a refuel. They were also wondering on what to do with the mutant people had been fighting. Even though Xavier seemed like a nice guy Peter wished it wouldn’t take so long. So he ended up looking around the place. All in all it was a pretty cool place to live and work out of, it was like the playboy mansion except for all the beautiful women all over the place. ‘Damn I really shouldn’t have thought of that,’ Peter thought to himself. Now he couldn’t help but wonder at the kinds of things he could do at a place like that. All those beautiful women, and all he would need would be to slip a little of his personal ‘aphrodisiac’ into the drinks and he would never want to leave. But then again he was getting his own little harem built. “Hey there.” He turned to face the female voice and saw a cute brunette girl in a uniform that held a skit showing some nice legs. “Hey there.” She smiled at Peter in a way that he hadn’t seen many people, she looked genuinely interested in seeing him. “I’m Kitty also known as Shadowcat,” Kitty Pryde told him. “I heard you were around and I wanted to know if you wanted someone to show you around.” Peter smiled under his mask, “Yeah thanks, I swear you could get lost in this place.” Kitty laughed as she showed him around the place. He had to admit she was a nice girl to hang out with, she asked him all kinds of things and they seemed to have some similar tastes as well. Peter also noticed how everyone here seemed to have been paired up. He saw Jean with Scott being like couples do, then the ones Rogue and Iceman were watching a movie together with her resting her head on his shoulder. Then he noticed Logan of all people with Storm, who was way too young for him in his opinion. He began to wonder if Kitty was just a little lonely, all these couples and still single? He knew what that felt like before he and MJ hooked up for the first time. Eventually she showed him her room and boy was he surprised. It looked more like a museum to him, rather than someone’s room. He guessed she was a major fan by the looks of things. ‘So this is what it’s like being a rock star,’ Peter thought. ‘If she’s this into me then it shouldn’t be a problem to get some relief.’ “I...hope you don’t mind,” Kitty said to her room. “It’s fine with me,” Peter said to her. “Can I ask you a few questions?” Kitty asked him. “I mean there are a few things I’ve always wanted to know about you.” Peter chuckled, “Sure thing.” She asked him about his powers, and he told her the honest truth. She looked a bit disappointed that he wasn’t a mutant but she got over it. She asked about his suit, like why he changed it from the red and blue to the black and white. He wasn’t sure how to answer at first but he decided that she seemed like a good person to trust. So he told her that it was a man made suit, it could shift and reshape itself. She was very interested in that, which surprised him really. Peter expected her to be freaked out but instead she asked if she could touch it. He nodded and she ran her hands over the black material. He could feel the suit reacting to her touch, it could feel a new mate and now Peter felt the rising urge to have her. To fuck her and cum inside of her as many times as he could. “Wow,” Kitty said feeling it. “I can’t believe it’s actually alive in a way.” Peter smirked at how she was running her hand over his chest, “Feel something you like?” Kitty suddenly realized what she was doing and tried to jerk her hand back while blushing. Peter managed to catch her hand and moved a bit closer to her. “You know you look really cute when you blush.” “I-I-I...thanks?” Kitty felt giddy that Spider-Man of all people said she looked cute. “Can you keep a secret?” He whispered and she nodded her head. “I kind of like you.” Kitty felt her knees weaken, the man she admired most in the world said that he liked her. “T-Thanks, Spider-Man.” Kitty said and then she was surprised when the costume pulled back from his face. “Call me Peter,” He said and then he pressed the girl up against the wall of her room kissing her deeply his hands on her hips. Kitty was surprised by how much passion he was throwing into it, but this was something he had dreamed of. Ever since she saw him she had the biggest crush on Spider-Man and now here he was on her room and she knew his face and name. He was just as cute as she had hoped and he was an amazing kisser too. She couldn’t help but moan as he kissed her like no one had ever kissed her before. He was so commanding and in charge, she felt his tongue trailing her lips and she opened her mouth letting his tongue into her mouth. Kitty and Peter’s tongues wrestled with each other as her hands trailed over his body. Ever since Peter got the suit he noticed that his body had slowly been changing, mainly he had grew an inch and his muscles had increased slightly but mainly they were more defined. No one could really tell normally since his clothing was intentionally baggy to hide it but with the costume on it was like being naked. Kitty was enjoying this as her hands felt the hard as steel muscles; she couldn’t believe how his body felt through the costume. She knew it was alive but it felt more like skin in a way, she could literally feel the heat of Peter’s body. Then she noticed the costume shift under her fingers and slightly curled around them. She gasped and pulled out of the kiss seeing the suit with small tendrils slightly touching her fingers almost caressing them. Peter chuckled as he looked at it, “Looks like he likes you.” “He does?” Kitty said eyeing the suit as the tendrils became a bit larger and was making slow caressing movements over her hands. She was a bit freaked out that it was alive and it had feelings of its own but there was a secret that she had hid from everyone, afraid people would think her very strange. She felt him kissing her neck with his knee between her legs rubbing against her pussy. She couldn’t believe she was letting it go this far but the fact was she had laid awake at night fantasising about this moment. She had wanted him for a long time and here he was in her room doing all the things she had dreamed of him doing. A part of her wasn’t sure what to do but the more Peter was pleasuring her the more she wanted it to keep going. Besides he would most likely be leaving soon and when would she ever get a chance at this again? Then she thought about how everyone else was having sex but her and she felt how unfair it was. ‘To hell with it,’ Kitty said as she leaned in and kissed him hard. ‘I’ve been nearly killed, fight guys that would want to see me dead there is no way I’m dying a virgin and if I can have it with Spider-Man-with Peter- then that’s a great bonus.’ Peter was really getting turned on by this girl, she really seemed to have a thing for him and at the moment if he didn’t shoot a load off he was going to get a serious case of blue balls. But he didn’t want to rush it too much in case she changed her mind. Plus he might as well enjoy this, how many times do you get to sleep with an X-Man, or X-Woman in this case. His right hand went to her thigh stroking it, he heard her give out a pleasured sound and slowly starting moving on up. He got to her hip without incident and the grinding she was doing with her pussy against his knee was increasing. So he went to her hip and when she didn’t do anything he reached around and gently grabbed her ass. She moaned into his mouth in surprise and he felt her tense a bit but she soon got over it. She took off her gloves as her hands ran over his chest and body. Kitty couldn’t believe a boy was letting her do this normally she had a hard time in the boyfriend department. She had always been too shy to start things off or things just didn’t work out. But now her idol was in her room and she was going to give herself to him. The feel of his hands on her body was starting to make her all hot. Already she could feel herself getting wet from the grinding against her sex. The more it went on the more doubt left her about what she was doing. Soon she felt him cup her breasts and it felt really good. He wasn’t too hard and yet not too gentle either as he kneaded her breasts. Then she felt him unzip the front of her uniform, her breathing increased as she felt excited about this. One of his hands went to her bra covered breast as the other started to caress her thigh. She could feel herself getting wet now as her hips grinded against his hard on. She could feel Peter pulling up her skirt and now her panties were pressed up against a hard organ. And hard it was, and thick apparently. “How do I get this off?” She asked him since it was hardly any fair she was getting undressed. “You just have to ask,” Peter grinned as the suit literally seemed to melt away. There he was, totally naked, she drank in the sight of her hero totally naked. He had a very good body and she saw the first male dick in her life too. She wasn’t disappointed by it either. Peter cupped her sex suddenly making her gasp. He could feel the wet spot on her panties there and he grinned, she really was turned on at the moment. Kitty groaned feeling his hand starting to work on her sex, it seemed a little unfair he was doing all the work. She reached down with one hand and grasped his dick. She marvelled at how hard it was and yet the skin was so soft. She could feel the heat and the throbbing of it as well her hand ran over it. She heard him groan as he pressed himself up against her. “I don’t know how much more I can take,” Peter groaned into her ear. “Same here,” Kitty breathed. She felt him pull aside her panties and the head of the cock was now up against her pussy. She held her breath, she knew it would most likely hurt but she didn’t care anymore. She wanted this so badly, her body burned for his. He raised one of her legs for better access holding on to it and then he started to push it in. She gasped feeling it go past her sex and into her body, he paused for a bit when she felt him at her hymen. They shared a look and she nodded as she held onto to him. He pushed past it and Kitty whimpered feeling the stinging pain. She felt his body against hers and she held onto to him. Peter stayed still while her body got used to it. Then Peter lifted her up slightly, she groaned feeling his dick sliding along her inner walls. Peter had to admit the girl had a nice pussy, warm, tight and he got to break it in. He was gentle with her as he slowly started to fuck her against her own wall. He wanted to hammer into her but not just yet, first he would cum inside of her and it would lessen the pain she would feel, while also increasing her arousal. Eventually he heard her whimpers turn to moans and she even started to move her hips. Peter gripped her ass as she hooked her legs and arms around him. Kitty had her head resting on his shoulder making cute little sounds as he started to fuck her faster. Kitty moaned feeling him fuck her body. “Oh god Kitty you feel great,” Peter grunted out as he thrust in and out of her. “Oh Peter, please be gentle,” Kitty moaned out. “It still hurts.” “It will get better soon trust me,” Peter told her as he kissed her shoulder. He could feel himself getting near the end. He thrusts a bit faster as she whimpered a bit but he knew as soon as he came things could get a lot better. He kept thrusting faster and then he held her close as he groaned into her shoulder. “I’m going to cum now!” He told her. Suddenly Kitty remembered that he wasn’t using a condom, or that she was on any birth control. “W-wait! Don’t cum inside of-“ But it was too late to give her warning. Kitty felt the first shot of hot cum enter into her body and all thoughts of getting pregnant left her mind. The mind blowing orgasm from the chemicals in Peter’s cum saw to that. “Arrrrghh!” Kitty threw her head back as her whole body shook from the surprise. Kitty went limp in his arms as she had her first orgasm. He placed her onto her bed, as she got her second wind. He smirked as he took off her top and later her bra, he finally got a look at her bare breasts now. They were very nice, and had nice brown nipples on her as well. He bent down and started to lick and suck on them. Kitty’s back arched feeling him play with her nipples. She moaned as she gripped his head, running her fingers through his hair. “Oh god that feels great,” Kitty sighed out. Peter groped her other breast, she had a nice set on her. Not the best, so far that was reserved for Silver Sable but that was only because she was a full grown woman. But Kitty had some nice ones on her that was for sure. He kissed the valley between them and started to work his way down her body. Kitty would moan and squirm under him as he made his way to her sex. He could see a bit of cum and blood there on her lips. He sat up with his still erect penis there resting on her pussy. Kitty’s hips moved slightly as she felt it resting on her clitoris. “Want some more?” Peter asked her teasing her with his cock. “Please, more,” She moaned out, she spread her legs and he smirked down at her. He pushed himself into her body once more and this time it was different. It was more lubricated this time around, plus Kitty felt no pain, just the feeling of being stretched out. “Oh god yes, fuck me Peter!” Kitty begged him. “Oh yeah I’m going to fuck you through your bed,” Peter told her as he started to hammer into her body. The bed started to move and the sounds of the bed springs could barely be heard over the sounds of sex. The grunts of Peter and Kitty’s moaning was louder than the bed, as was the sound of his flesh slapping against hers. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh god it’s so good, fuck me more please. Oh god you’re so deep!” Kitty cried out as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She could feel him going even deeper now with her legs like this. She felt warm all over and a thin sheet of sweet was starting to cover her body. “You feel great Kitty,” Peter told her as he fucked her. “You want me to cum again in you or on you this time?” Kitty wasn’t sure, she was getting close to another orgasm but she had a few things she always wanted to try. The thought of his hot cum, splashing onto her body was just such a hot idea. “Do it, cum on me!” Kitty cried out as she gripped her breasts working on making herself cum faster. Peter kept on fucking her, getting near his climax. Then he felt Kitty arch her back as her pussy gripped him even tighter. He knew she was cumming but if he was still inside of her then it would make him cum, he quickly pulled out and griped his shaft giving it a few pumps. He threw his head back as he groaned out, several shots of cum threw out of his penis. Kitty felt the hot cum hit her chest and belly, it was a lot more than she thought would come out. She used a hand to feel it, it was sticky but still warm. “Go ahead give it a taste,” Peter told her. “Trust me.” She wasn’t sure, after all it was sperm. But she wanted to trust him and took a little bit on her finger and put it in her mouth. It was a bit bitter at first but in a few seconds she felt sensations running through her body. The chemicals interacted with her taste buds, not only did it send signals to her brain that it was good it also increased her sex drive. “Ready for more?” Peter asked knowing the answer. Kitty turned around to get on her hands and knees, she raised her ass to him with her skirt just barely over it. She grinned at him as she was totally ready for another round again. “What do you think?” Next up chapter 12: Kitty’s Secret Fantasy
Chapter 16 - Chapter 16
CHAPTER 16: HONEYMOON SURPRISE FINALE Logan never really considered himself a ‘lucky’ man most of his life at least that which he could remember anyway. But when he started living at Xavier’s things seemed to have picked up for him, sure the kids sometimes drove him nuts and it was hard listening to them and their complaints and problems. But after a few years he managed to get used to it. Then when X23 came into his life his life slowly started to change and he felt like he was building up his life. Having a teenage daughter had opened his eyes a bit and helping her deal and adjust to life gave him a sense of peace that he had been missing. Then there was what he had with Ororo, at first they were just friends working together. But given that she was the only woman at the mansion had to be a bit tough on her and then one day he took her out to get away from the kids and all the problems it all started out innocent enough. They had a nice time and soon they would make it weekly thing where they would just be adults and have a good time. Of course the rumors of them dating were around and he really didn’t like that. Then one day they had been coming back from a little bar he knew watching a hockey game there. Sure she was athletic and liked sports and at first she wasn’t sure about the game but she got into it after a bit, she wasn’t a major fan but she liked being with him watching. She had a few beers and was a little tipsy nothing major she wasn’t drunk but when he walked her to her room she surprised the both of them by kissing him. After that they kind of avoided each other for a week until Xavier told them they had to work out their problem whatever it was. So they did talk she had no idea why she had done it and eventually they came to admit that they both had liked it. They started to talk and wondered if there was anything more than just friends between them. The next few times they went out they decided to try as real dates. It was a little awkward at the start but eventually it became something they really enjoyed on their fourth date she offered him to spend the night. He ravaged her body in her room for hours after that loving the sounds of her screaming in bliss as they had passionate sex for the first time. Now here he was married to the beautiful goddess and not only that she wanted to start a family, she felt that in her mid thirties she wasn’t getting any younger and unlike him she didn’t age as gracefully. Before that he felt he was now luckier in life then he ever thought but boy life just kept on wanting to surprise him. He looked down as he gripped his wife’s hips seeing her naked and great ass pounce off his hips him driving his dick into her pussy slick with her cum as she had her head buried into Mystique’s crotch eating her out. The blue woman had her back against the headboard her hands buried into Ororo’s slick white hair thrusting her hips up to her face. “Yes! That’s it wind rider lick my cunt, do it! Oh fuck me with that tongue you bitch!” She yelled at her sweat on her body as she looked at Logan and grinned, “Can’t you fuck her any harder? I swear at least Sabertooth knew how to really fuck a girl.” Logan gritted his teeth and he slammed a bit harder into Ororo making her cry out as her hands gripped Mystique’s thighs the nails going slightly into the flesh and making her face hit her blue pussy even harder. Mystique gritted her teeth in a hiss. Logan was now not only fucking a woman who had a true body of a goddess and the love of his life but also one of their enemy’s Mystique. He had to admit that Kurt’s mother had a strange and yet exotic beauty to her and the fact he was taking both of them tonight for a once in a life time moment of sex well…Now he knew what it was like to be truly lucky. He grunted as he slammed into her hips hearing the moans of the two beautiful women the wet sounds of her pussy sucking in his dick as he felt her warm and tight walls gripping him, the slaps as he hit her great ass. In fact he really liked that part of her and got a grin on his face, he raised a hand and smacked her ass seeing the flesh move with the strike and her crying out. Logan knew if she didn’t like something she would tell him but when he got no disagreement he hit her ass again and again making it a little red. Ororo was going nuts one Mystique’s cunt lips, she was digging her tongue into the other woman’s body, sucking and biting the clit driving the other woman nuts. The pounding that Logan was giving her with the spankings was driving her closer and closer to her orgasm. She pushed her ass back harder and clenching her inner muscles loving the feel of his dick stretching her out and slamming into her cervix, hitting her g-spot it was always great given how much passion the threw into their sex. She cried out into Mystique’s blue pussy the vibrations getting the blue skinned woman off as she climaxed herself. Logan felt her tighten up and seeing Mystique get off was nearly done, he kept on grunting and after about six more thrusts he roared out holding her hips to his feeling his dick throb and pulse shooting his seed into her waiting body. He held himself inside of her letting her body take it deeper and further into her. With her ass raised and her upper body down on the bed it helped his sperm slowly move into her womb. Ororo was panting feeling the warmth flow into the core of her body. Logan after a few moments pulled out and sat back letting Ororo and Mystique a little breathing. “That wasn’t bad at all Weather Witch,” Mystique said with a smile. Ororo grinned at her licking her lips from the honey that was on them, “Well then maybe we should see if we can improve that.” Ororo grabbed her legs and stared to pull Mystique downward onto the bed as the blue shape shifter was now on her back. “Care to help Logan?” He grinned at his wife, “Not at all.” She watched as the two took different sides of her body their hands starting at her legs caressing the smooth skin as they were slowly making their way up her body She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of their hands and then their kisses as they reached her thighs. She moved her hips giving a soft groan as they worked their way up her body. One hand was now rubbing her stomach as the other caressed her vagina making her arch her back slightly sighing in pleasure. They continued to go up kissing and caressing along the way. One of them took over pleasuring her between her legs as they got to her chest. She felt lips trailing up her sides as they then they started on her breasts. She felt the stubble on her left and knew it was Logan there. She opened her eyes and saw she was right, Mystique smiled as she reached with both of her hands to the backs of their heads. She felt their mouths on her nipples each one with a different style. Ororo would flick her tongue over it, trail it around the areola with her fingers entering her vagina gently probing her insides. Logan was rougher his facial hair rubbing against her tender flesh as he was more aggressive. A hand groping her breast as his mouth seemed to feed on it his mouth sucking and biting her nipple. “Ohhhh yessssss,” She hissed out feeling their team work onto her body. “Oh God this feels so good.” Ororo kissed up her neck to her ear, “Well then seems your body is all ready then,” She pulled out wet fingers and brought them to her mouth tasting it. “Logan I think it’s time I’ll have her head you can have her lower half.” “No problem there,” He grinned as he moved to straddle her waist. Ororo got up and placed herself over the blue woman’s face as she slowly sat down. She took hold of Mystique’s breasts massaging the flesh there as she felt the woman’s tongue on her slit. Logan gripped her hips lining up his hard on to her opening he pushed the head in slowly feeling how tight Mystique was. He knew that she could change the size of her love canal to anything she wished making her always one hell of a tight fuck. Once he had the head in and he thrust in hard making the woman moan out and arched her back. Soon Logan was grunting as he thrust in hard into the blue pussy feeling her tightness. Mystique always did like it rough and Logan’s more animal side was very nice she could see why Ororo married him. She went to work on the Storm’s pussy going at it like an expert. She could taste the mixed juices of both Ororo and Logan on her tongue as she lapped it up. Ororo was riding Mystique’s tongue feeling it start to probe her further and further inside just like last time. That woman’s tongue had more talents then anything she ever thought it could. “Oh yes, oh Goddess yes. Ohhhh…That feels so good Mystique…yes right there…ahhh! That’s the spot!” She threw her head back moaning as Mystique attacked her g-spot. Logan grunted hearing his wife call out like that was driving him nuts, he reached out with a hand and took hold of the back of her neck and bending her towards him he leaned in forward capturing his lips with his own. They kissed passionately their tongues battling the other in each other’s mouths. Ororo biting his lip slightly it became a wild three way with them going at it like animals, Mystique wrapped her legs around Logan’s waist humping him back as fast and furious as she could while her hands were in Ororo’s ass kneading them hard. Logan went to Ororo’s neck and bit down on it not enough to draw blood but enough to leave a mark for later. Ororo knew that it was his way of ‘marking his territory’ that the animal side of him was marking her as his and no one else’s. That she was his alpha female, his mate and she screamed out in pain and pleasure it triggered her orgasm and Mystique got a mouth full of Ororo’s fluids as they ran out of her body. Ororo panting leaned back as Logan and Mystique weren’t don’t yet. She could feel Mystique crying out in her pussy and it was still sensitive from her orgasm. Logan gripped the blue skinned hips and really started to get to work hammering into her like a man possessed. Her pussy was slick and smooth on the inside. After a minute of this frantic fucking he felt her stiffen moaning loudly into his wife’s pussy her back arching and he felt her close tightly around his member. “Arrrggh!” He roared out slamming his hips several times each time shooting a shot of sperm into the woman’s body. Both of the women needed a breather after that as Logan went to get a drink. Both of them lay there on the bed sweaty but feeling very fulfilled. Mystique looked at the dark skinned woman with a smile on her face and she had to admit these two made better lovers then enemies but she quickly pushed the thought aside. Even now she wasn’t sure how this happened but she knew it couldn’t last. She sighed looking up at the ceiling nothing good ever seemed to last in her life she had accepted that a long time ago. ‘Well what are you going to do? You can’t stay like this think woman, this is a one time deal so stop dwelling on what ifs.’ She looked as Logan came in with a drink and a cup of water giving that to Ororo. Logan took a swallow of his and passed it to Mystique who drank it greedily. She looked to Ororo and had a thought that gave her a smile. “Say there, have you ever wanted to have sex with two men at once?” Ororo looked surprised at her, “Well…A few times,” She noticed Logan looking at her a bit but she just smiled at him. “But it’s impossible to find two men that are as good as Logan not to mention as well endowed.” That got Logan to grin at her as she grinned back. Mystique smiled and turned Ororo onto side, “Well then maybe we could help with that fantasy.” She said and before Ororo could ask what Mystique was doing she shifted into a copy of Logan. Ororo’s eyes widened in surprise and then quickly turned into lust as she thought about having sex with not one Logan but two. She looked to her husband, “Well are you up for it?” Logan only grinned back at the challenge he was never one to back down from one, “Well it will be a little weird for me seeing ‘me’ fuck you as I am but I’m game.” “Well then how about I take the backdoor then.” Mystique in Logan’s voice purred and moved her dick into Ororo’s ass. Storm hissed a bit thankfully Logan had taken her there plenty of times and had once already so she should still be a little ‘lubed’ up from it. Mystique had changed her dick to a smaller size wanting to put it in and get comfortable she was really tight back in there. She turned onto her back with Ororo on top of her as she started to moved her hips slightly she slowly started to increase the size of the dick as well. “Yeah you like that don’t you, you love having my dick shoved up there don’t cha?” Ororo moaned feeling the organ inside of her grow in size as the movements started to increase. Mystique was obviously one into talking dirty as they found out. But hearing it in Logan’s voice was defiantly new for her. “Oh yesss…Fuck me there, fuck my ass good…Oh Logan I want you in me too!” She had her legs spread and Logan could see Ororo’s hot pink flesh being exposed and that it was getting nice and wet for him as well. Logan shifted a bit it was a little odd trying to find a position so on his knees he gripped her thighs and pushed himself into her body. Ororo cried out in pleasure at him entering her, she could feel both members inside of her stretching her out as they nearly rubbed up against each other as both were very close inside of her body separated only by a thing wall of flesh. She started to breath harder already as this was something she had never experienced before. “Oh Goddess yes!” “Yeah that’s it,” Mystique groaned under her placing her hands on Ororo’s hips thrusting into her with grunts, “Take it all, you love having two dicks in you don’t you? I bet you love it! Go on and take our dicks deep inside you!” “Come on Logan fuck her raw!” Mystique shouted at him. He had to smile at how worked up Mystique got while into sex as he leaned down taking one of Ororo’s large dark breasts into his mouth causing her to cry out in passion. Soon the two found a rhythm one of them going in and then when they pulled out the other would push in this way Ororo always had something filling her up inside. She was gripping the sheets in a near death grip eyes closed as he head was back. Mystique sucking on her neck as Logan attacked her chest it was an intense sexual experience for her. They had been hammering into her body for over ten minutes now and she just couldn’t take anymore she had tried to draw it out but she felt that familiar building pressure inside of stomach knowing that her orgasm was close at hand. “Oh yes! Oh goddess yes! I’m cumming! Oh yes! Oh! Oh! AH! AUGH!” Storm gripped her Logan’s shoulders as her climax hit tensing her whole body up, making both her pussy and ass grip the two dicks inside of her body. Both the Logan’s soon cried out as she was now filled in both ends by the two of them. She had never felt anything like it being filled like that, Logan pulled out of her first as Mystique in his form rolled onto the side slipping his penis out of Storm’s ass even though it looked like sperm it was just a recreation of her body. She then shifted back into her natural form and sighed from her own orgasm. It was strange having sex as a man since she rarely did that but she had to admit she knew why men tended to think with a dick, they gave off lots of pleasure very easily. But she still preferred her natural female form. “Well then the day isn’t over yet, are you two up for making it more interesting?” Logan raised an eyebrow as her as Ororo caught her breath looking over at the other woman. “How much more interesting can it get?” Ororo asked. “Yeah I got to admit she’s got a point.” Logan said to her breathing heavily. Mystique gave a bit of a laugh, “Oh come now haven’t you both had certain fantasies that you’ve always wanted to do?” She turned herself into a naked Jean looking lustfully at Logan, “Haven’t you always wanted to bang that little red head?” Then she shifted into Rogue, “How about my daughter? Don’t tell me you never noticed just how good a body she hid under all those clothes?” Then she turned into Kitty and smile sweetly, “Or do you two prefer a little younger and innocent looking?” Logan grinned as he looked to Ororo who had that same look of lush I his eyes that he had as he turned to face ‘Kitty’ again. “Why not them all, let’s start with Jean and work out way down then.” As they finally finished a couple of hours later with the sun having set and the cool night air entering the room. It was full of the scent of sex and sweat in the room not surprising given what went on there and on the bed on his back was Logan catching his breath with Ororo nuzzled up next to him and even Mystique was on the other side. It felt strange to just being held normally a man just took what they wanted out of her and that was it, it had been years since someone just held her after sex. But she knew she couldn’t let it touch her, “This can’t change things you know…I don’t believe in Xavier or that humans will ever see us as equals.” “Doesn’t matter,” Logan said to her closing his eyes. “I don’t know where this will lead later but we’ll just take it as it comes,” Ororo said and reached out to caress her blue arm gently. “But whatever comes, if tomorrow we’re enemies again at least tonight let’s just put it aside.” Mystique thought about it, she was too tired and sore to think on tomorrow. Besides tomorrow she would most likely just leave and go off and leave them both to themselves. It had been fun, really, really fun but she wasn’t an X-Man and doubt she could be. But at least for one night she had shared a moment that she would never regret and would always be a nice memory. The three of them slipped into a blissful sleep tonight they were lovers tomorrow they most likely wouldn’t be but then again that it how sometimes things happen in life. The next morning Ororo woke up to an empty bed as she tried to move she groaned. It was times like this she wished for a healing factor, her body was one big ache, her legs were stiff and by the looks of the slightly red lips of her vagina she guessed she had reached her limit. She hoped Logan wouldn’t mind them not having sex today and then looked around for not only her husband but Mystique. She slowly got to her feet and heard a shower going but there were no sounds of sex so she figured whoever was in there was alone. Then she saw a note on the table, Ororo picked it up and looked at it. ~Sorry but I was never one for goodbyes, last night was great but I figured this was the best way. Have a nice honeymoon…And give my children and hug for me even if you don’t tell them why. -Raven~ Ororo gave a small but sad smile sure she was an enemy but from now on she felt that she would never fully label her that. Then she turned it over and saw a small addition. ~PS maybe I’ll see you next year on your anniversary.~ Ororo actually laughed at that putting the note down, a part of her actually hoped she would make good on that. She heard the shower turn off and guess Logan was free well a shower was nice but at the moment she just wanted to soak her body in that large tub with the air jets. That was something that she was looking forward too as she stroke nude across the room to the bathroom. NEXT UP CHAPTER 17: SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY
Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: Black Widow
  Spider-Man Dark Urges   Chapter 17: Black Widow   Natasha had been staking out Peter’s apparently secret place, she had looked the place up and found that a company was paying for it. She wasn’t sure why but it gave her something to do while she waited for Parker to be alone. Unfortunately that was harder than she thought as at least one of the women were always with him. After a week she was starting to get annoyed and all the sex was she was watching was starting to get to her.   She gave Fury a basic report saying she was following him but nothing about this place yet. She made notes on the women she had seen coming and going. There was the red head and blonde teenager, the dark haired one with the black leather cat suit, apparently that mutant girl had came to him on as well as they shared a couple of days together. She cursed her luck as she had wanted to approach the boy at that point but the girl beat her too it.   Then of all things she saw Silver Sable for a night, apparently she was close by on a job and wanted to see him. She knew that woman from past missions in her life, she never thought that she of all people would be involved with a boy like Parker. Something strange was going on here although Sable did seem to be having a great time. Honestly what was the boy’s secret?   Finally after a week of watching him, placing bugs in the apartment, and hacking into his computer when no one was around she finally managed to get him alone. He looked to be working again in that small room he set up for his life as Spider-Man. Although she had gotten copies of his files, she had no idea what they were. She was going to have to give them to Fury at some point, that is before she copied them all for herself. She wanted to know what was going on here for other reasons and if a certain other party might want the information.   After all Fury trusted his top spy for this mission for this exact reason, no one else could have gotten this much information but her.   She easily slipped into the place, it really did have lousy security but then she doubted that he thought anyone would be looking for him. She heard him moving around and decided to play around a bit. She laid on her side on his bed knowing that she was looking every bit as sexy as she could be.   Peter stepped into the bedroom looking for an extra disk, he needed a new one and there was a pile here (mostly for the homemade movies he was making with his women) and stopped dead in his tracks as the sight of that sexy spy from Fury that he met before. Her body was perfectly curvy, her breasts large but not too big and she wore a black leather outfit similar to Black Cat. Honestly at this rate he was going to get a black leather fetish at this point.   “Whoa...uh...hey. What are you doing here?” Peter’s mind went into shut down mode as he looked over her body. She was so hot, one of the top hottest women in the world and here she was. His dick throbbed at just the thought of maybe fucking her. Already he was hoping he could somehow get her to drink some of his cum like with Black Cat, then he could get one dream he had been having ever since he first met this woman.   She smiled at him as she slowly got off his bed letting his eyes take the full view of her body. “I was wondering if you could help me with something.”   “If it’s another web shooter forget it, those things are expensive you know,” Peter told her wondering if he should hide them just in case.   She smiled at him as she reached for the zipper in the front of her uniform. She figured this would be the best way to get a sample of DNA to see if he had any chances. Plus she would work herself up to maybe seeing if she could get him to bring out that costume and getting a piece of that as well. “I have something else you can help me with.” She said in a husky tone that made Peter’s dick just twitch at the sound of it.   He watched as his throat started to go dry as she slowly unzipped the front of her uniform. She slowly slipped out of it leaving herself in a very sexy black bra and matching thong. He really had no idea how lucky he was lately to have so many hot women in his life but even this was a bit too easy. This was strange, why was she here, how did she find him? Normally he would have asked but the blood was being drained from his brain and going lower. He felt the suit’s urges for sex as it enhanced his own need for it.   He could always ask her later he figured as she slowly walked over to him, swaying her hips as she slowly knelt down in front of him. She gently ran her hand over his crotch feeling him getting hard just from looking at her. She smiled up at him as she slowly unzipped the fly. “Oh my I think this can help me out just fine.”   Peter watched as she reached in and slowly pulled out his member, god how he wanted her at that moment. He was dying inside of wanting to fuck her all kinds of ways. She made a show of licking her lips as she slowly in a near agonizing way took his member into her mouth. She made large moaning noises not from pleasure but in order to make the experience more erotic for him. Natalia worked his fully erect dick in her mouth, using her skilled tongue to work her magic on him.   Peter gripped her red haired head as she started to fuck her mouth, he was wondering if he could get her to teach the others her tricks because she was really good at this. He fucked her mouth like a pussy as he tried not to cum too fast but it was really hard. Her tongue would flick over his dick, running along it, and nearly curling around it even.   He couldn’t believe that this hot woman was giving him the mother of all blow jobs, he only lasted a few more minute as he groaned feeling his dick pulse as his release erupted out of him and into her mouth.   Natasha gulped down Peter’s cum as he gripped her head and forced his dick as far as it could go. Thankfully she was very skilled and managed to take it all the way. Peter had never had anyone that could deep throat him like this. She swallowed it and she felt that it tasted slightly strange. Normally it would taste kind of salty and bitter to her but she found that she actually was enjoying it.   She pulled off his dick and tilted her head back, making a large show of swallowing it as she grinned up at the boy with a sexy look on her face. At first this was just another way to get what she wanted but as the cum settled in her stomach she felt a heat rising inside of her. She was finding herself being turned on, which was strange she hadn’t been attracted to the boy before now. Although he was very fit for his age and who knew what he would be like in a few more years.   Peter had enjoyed the blow job but he was ready for more. He could feel the ‘other’ as he was starting to call it now, he could feel it needing the release as much as Peter did. And to be honest he really wanted to fuck this woman. Firstly because she was one of the hottest women on the planet and he felt that he deserved some back pay for her stealing a web shooter.   “Time for the real show,” Peter said his dick still hard and throbbing. He stood her up and quickly turned her around before pushing her onto the bed. He took hold of her black thong and ripped it right off her.   Natasha was surprised by this sudden thing and mentally cursed for losing those. Before she could say anything he gripped her hips and thrust his member into her body. “Ughn! What’s the rush!” She hissed out feeling him thrusting hard into her body. She was only a little wet so it was uncomfortable for her.   “I’ve waited a long time to fuck you and I’m through waiting,” Peter told her as he enjoyed the feel of her pussy wrapped around his cock. He thrust away enjoying it all as she was half on his bed. He watched as her legs supported her as her upper torso was on the sheets. Her fists gripping them as she started to use them to thrust herself back against him. He felt her body start to respond, getting wetter as they continued on.   He gripped the back of her bra as he used that to pull her against him, hearing her cry out was very erotic to him.   Natasha hissed when he grabbed her bra, she felt her breasts being pressed into her body as he fucked her like an animal. Truth was she actually liked to fuck like this, she wasn’t into that gentle stuff, she wanted it hard and fast. She was glad that the boy was learning that fact. By now her pussy was well lubricated as he took her, and take her he did. She moaned as he fucked her from behind, she yelped when he started to smack her ass with his hand.   “You like that?” Peter asked her.   “Yes!” She shouted out as her hands balled into fists. “Fuck me! Fuck me harder!”   “Harder huh?” Peter grinned as he pulled out as she moaned in protest. He turned her around as he ripped her bra off her body, freeing her large breasts. He entered her again as he picked her up, gripping her ass as he now picked her up and dropped her onto his dick. She howled in delight feeling her own body weight dropping her onto his shaft.   “Oh god! Oh god!” Natasha screamed out holding on to him as he fucked her. “Oh fuck, fuck me, tear that pussy apart!”   “Oh fuck yeah, you bet I will,” Peter grunted as he fucked this hot red head. She wrapped her arms and legs around him holding on tight as he fucked her. Once again he couldn’t believe his luck.   “Ugh! Oh fuck! Ugh-uh-ah-argh-fuck-ugh-me!” She cried out feeling his dick slammed again and again into her cervix. It was like being fucked by a jackhammer inside and she loved it all.   “Oh fuck, I think...I think I’m going to cum soon,” Peter moaned feeling his balls tightening. He felt the building pressure as he was about to erupt. “I’m gonna cum right inside of you!”   Normally she didn’t let men juts cum inside bareback but she was prepared for this kind of stuff. She took special birth control that was a small implant under her skin, it helped to prevent her from conceiving. After all in her line of work, seduction was a very important part of it. Plus she knew how a man really got off on the thought of cumming inside of a woman. Some really got off on the idea of knocking a woman up even. “Do it, cum inside of me, fucking fill me up!”   “Oh shit, here I cum!” Peter said holding her close to him as he felt himself shooting load after load into her pussy.   When Peter came she felt like an electric bolt ran through her entire body as she came with him. She couldn’t believe that some teenager had fucked her to orgasm like this. She slowly detached herself from him as he lay her down on his bed. Slowly pulling out of her she moaned at how sensitive her pussy was now. Every motion of his dick felt better now for some reason.   Peter grinned down looking at her she looked so erotic there, laying there on his bed her large breasts heaving with her laboured breathing. His cum was slightly leaking out of her pussy as well. “How was that?”   “That was great,” she grinned and looked up at him. “Although I know you’ve been holding out as well.”   “Oh?”   She grinned at him as she propped herself up on her elbows. “I’ve been watching and I know that new suit of yours allows you to do all kinds of kinky things. That mutant girl really is something, I mean dressing like a little school girl as you basically rape her little ass with all those tentacles.”   Peter flushed at that, he hadn’t known he had been watched then it turned to worry. That meant this place was no longer safe if she knew.   “Don’t worry, Fury doesn’t know...yet.”   “Yet?” Peter asked her not sure he liked the sound of that.     “I may not tell him what I’ve found, if you can satisfy my.” She knew that he had the ability to do what she always wanted.   “Okay so what do you want?”   “I want you to fuck me with the biggest dick you have, I mean to the point I’m going to break. I want to be filled like nothing else.” She told him seriously she really liked them big. She had fucked a few men that didn’t look like much but had huge dicks. She loved the feeling of them inside of her.   ‘Damn she’s really into that,’ Peter thought as he willed the black costume to form around his penis. He made it grow into a large nine inch long penis but she didn’t look satisfied.   “Thicker,” She said looking at it.   Peter was surprised the other girls couldn’t handle much more than this but if that’s what it took to get her off his back. He shrugged and made it thicker like she wanted. It had the dimensions of nearly a baseball bat at this point and she shivered at the sight of it. She spread herself, knowing it would hurt like hell but she wanted it, she wanted the pain and knew the pleasure would come later.    Peter placed the tip to her wet entrance and grabbed her hips as she slowly forced himself inside of her.   “UGH! FUCK!” she grunted through bared teeth. She was taking short breaths as it felt like he was pushing a telephone pole into her. “ARGH! FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!” She threw her head back  as he continued to push himself in. Inch by inch brought what she wanted, she felt her insides being pushed and trying to make room.   Peter grunted as he ploughed the hot woman under him, he decided to try and see just how much she could take. He slowly grew his dick again and again, just slightly to see if she would notice.   Suddenly her eyes widened as her back arched up, her whole body started shaking and jerking as her mouth was open in a silent scream. She was coming hard now, so hard in fact that she was literally squirting out her juices from her pussy.  Peter looked down in surprise as her female juices mixed in with some of his own cum ejaculated from her.   “FUUUUUUCKKKK!” She screamed out. She had never came so hard in her life, she had never felt so full in her life, she had never felt anything like this in her life. “You’re ruining me! You’re ruining my pussy!” “You love it don’t you?” Peter asked her even if it was just to be sure.   “Yes! Oh god-oh god-I’m going to break! You’re breaking my body! I can feel you in my fucking womb!” She screamed out as another orgasm hit her. His dick had long since gone past her cervix and had been bounding the top of her womb for awhile now. She knew she would be sore as hell from this, maybe even bruised but god how she loved it.   “Pull my breast, be rough with them!” She yelled at him.   Peter gripped them and they felt great, he had felt a lot of great breasts lately but damn was hers fine. He gripped them so hard that they he was sure they would be bruised as she screamed out again. He couldn’t believe she came hard again, it was insane but he couldn’t take it anymore. He blasted his own load directly into her womb as she shook violently again.   She felt the hot cum fill her and it was so intense of an orgasm that she her vision started to go dark for a bit. When she regained her senses Peter was still fucking her, she couldn’t believe it. She felt the large member fucking her, the wet sounds as her tunnel was filled with their combined cum. If this kept up this boy just might kill her, but damn what a way to go.   Peter’s hands covered her breasts in the black material as she felt what felt like tiny teeth or fingers as they bite, chewed, pulled and all kinds of things to her breasts. She lost the ability to think as she just moaned like a whore, letting him do what he wanted with her body. She had never been so dominated in her life she wanted to fuck him for the rest of her life.   Peter kept fucking the red haired vixen until she was so limp she couldn’t move. He pulled out as he stroked his shaft, the final blast of cum came out as he groaned in pleasure. His hot semen fell onto her breasts, her face and even her stomach.   By the end of it all Natasha was left breathing hard, covered in cum and sweat and she couldn’t even move at the moment. But she had never felt so sexually fulfilled in all her life, who would have thought this boy could fuck her like this? She knew she had a mission but if Fury knew about what Peter could do, he might lock up the boy. The odds of her having more of this seemed pretty low, plus there were other things to think about as well.   She still hadn’t sent a report back yet, at least nothing much. She could offer Fury something, at least some kind of explanation that would make him back off, for a little while anyways. There were other issues that he was focusing on and he couldn’t let her be here much longer. Normally she wouldn’t even think of doing this but she didn’t want to lose Peter.     Next up chapter 18: Kingpin’s return
Chapter 23 - Chapter 22: Recovery
Spider-Man Dark Urges Chapter 22: Recovery Mary Jane had no idea where she was or what was happening, her whole body felt stiff like she hadn’t moved in a long time. Her mind felt muddy and her thoughts swam, sometimes she felt like she was half asleep, other times half awake as she slipped from state to state. She had no idea how long she had been like that but slowly her mind started to focus again. She opened her eyes as she noticed the ceiling, it was the secret apartment that Peter had from that company. She knew it well having seen it many times, although usually that was with Peter on top of her thrusting into her as she cried out in joy, or when she woke up to the sight of it. She was confused because she couldn’t remember how she had gotten here. She could remember a horrible dream of her mother being murdered, her and Gwen being kidnapped and the terrible torture they had endured. It seemed like a nightmare but it had seemed so real. Groaning she swing her legs off the side of the bed as she held her head in her hands, she felt really stiff and she had no idea why. Then as her mind started to focus more she noticed something odd, her body not only felt stiff but different. She ran her hand over her face and instead of her face there was something in front of it. “What is...” She pulled her hand away and noticed her hand covered in a red and black material. Looking down she was covered in it. In fact it looked like the same suit Peter had on now. “What is going on?” MJ was starting to panic a bit as he found the light switch as the room had been dark. She noticed the clock by the bed and it was near midnight. She ran to the mirror by a vanity desk that the girls used for makeup and other things. “Oh god!” MJ covered her mouth or at least where her mouth should have been. She was covered in a red and black version of Peter’s suit, there was no real design to it but she was really confused and had no idea what was going on. “What is going on?” She yelled out. “MJ?” She could hear Peter calling out to her from the other room. “Peter!” MJ saw him run into the room in civilian clothing as he looked worried, she noticed the bags under his eyes but his face lit up as he ran to her and hugged her tightly. “Oh god you’re okay, I was worried about you and Gwen,” Peter told her and MJ could hear the fear and relief in his voice. “Peter,” She asked in a shaky voice, “What happened to me, why am I covered in this?” Peter pulled back and looked at her gently, “I’m sorry MJ it was the only way to save you and Gwen, you two were hurt really bad by the time we got to you.” “Got to us...” MJ’s eyes widened behind the mask as she remembered her nightmare or at least what she had hoped had been a nightmare but she knew it had happened. The pain and horror came flooding back to her as her knees lost their strength. He caught her as he eased her onto the bed. “Oh god it really happened didn’t it?” “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry this is all my fault,” Peter said angrily. “Because you were with me you got targeted by the Kingpin.” “My mom...” MJ sobbed a bit as Peter held her and rocked her gently. “I’m sorry MJ she didn’t make it, same with aunt May...” Peter had heard the news about it all, he hadn’t left the apartment since he wanted to make sure they were okay first. Black Widow had left as she couldn’t have stayed, most likely since Fury would want to know what happened with Peter and what was going on. She promised to help out as much as she could but eventually they would have to deal with Fury. Peter didn’t care about that for the moment, one of the people he loved most was crying in his arms and he felt totally powerless for the first time in a long time. Eventually MJ pulled herself together, a good cry was what she needed but when she went to wipe her face she paused. She wanted to touch her face and to her surprise the suit pulled back. She wiped her tears and noticed Peter’s surprise look. “What?” She asked. “Well you and Gwen have been out for three days but you look better than ever,” Peter was astonished by how healed she looked. MJ on shaky legs got up and looked at herself in the mirror and was surprised to see her face looking healed, she didn’t even have one pimple on her skin or any kind of blemish. She looked at her body and wondered about the rest of her. “Oh god I feel like a wreck,” Gwen moaned finally coming too. Both of them looked to the yellow and black suited Gwen as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. She noticed her hands right away and then looked at her body. “What the fuck!?” For the next hour Peter spent the time explaining everything to them. How they had been taken, how he found them and how he had tried to save them. They had been a little freaked out by how but they couldn’t really complain at the moment. Sometimes they would just huddle together for warmth and support, crying over what happened to them or their losses. Peter said that officially they were listed as missing. Apparently the police thought that both the Parker and Watson homes were the victims of home invasions gone wrong. After a moment Gwen had to break from them as she went to look at herself in the mirror. She looked herself over and then thought to the suit to pull back all the way. She stood there naked looking at herself, all her injuries were gone now as she ran her hands over her young body. She was amazed, it was almost like it hadn’t happened at all, but she knew it had, she still remembered most of it. “Was your ass always like that?” MJ asked out of curiosity. “Huh?” Gwen turned and looking at it in the mirror she ran her hand over it. It was a bit more toned, in fact, as she ran her hands over her body and her breasts everything seemed to be a bit better. There was no baby fat on her and she looked a bit more athletic, kind of like how Felicia’s body was like she figured. “MJ, get over here I want to see you naked.” “What?” “Not like that,” Gwen rolled her eyes as MJ stood up and pulled back the suit. Gwen looked over the red head and could see the same changes were starting to happen. “Huh, we look like we’ve been working out slightly instead of being in a coma.” MJ looked at her body and noticed it too. “Peter?” “I think the suits enhance people, we haven’t seen it on normal people so maybe...” Peter looked them over as he really tried not to get a bonner, they didn’t need that kind of thing right now not after everything but they did look great. “So where is everyone else?” Gwen asked still looking at herself in the mirror. “Eddie went out to get used to the suit more,” Peter told them. “Felicia went out to get some food she should be back soon.” “She’ll be in for a surprise,” Gwen smirked. “Kitty actually has been coming by to visit after school,” Peter continued. “She’s been worried sick.” “I want to give her a call to see how things are,” MJ said and then paused. “Do you think that’s safe? I mean we don’t know how they found us...” “Well...she’ll visit tomorrow so we can tell her then.” Peter had to admit that he didn’t like this paranoia but they had to stay under the radar. There was no telling how Kingpin tracked them all down but he was going to make sure that man couldn’t. Peter was going to find where the Kingpin was hiding and then they would all put an end to this, once and for all. 3 Weeks Later Peter and the girls were still laying low, they spent the time secretly breaking into their homes and getting any and all personal items, Peter was also helping them out with the symbiotes, Eddie also joined in as they soon were getting it down. They were also personalizing their suits lately, Eddie hadn’t changed much although he was using a giant white spider design. They all found that the suits allowed them to mimic Peter’s spider powers, even making fake webbing of their own. Gwen’s costume changed to a strange ink plot like pattern all over her body with it mostly being yellow, she grew a mouth of sharp teeth like Eddie’s form had and had added in long hair. She even added a little red into it, when MJ commented on that Gwen had just shrugged saying that she always wanted to try being a bit of a red head for once. Gwen had taken things pretty hard and kept it bottled up a lot, she had become a bit more darker now after the experience but they all felt that way. Peter reflected how all of them had changed and how the world seemed like a darker place. MJ hadn’t even been able to go to her mother’s funeral but had visited the grave late at night to say her goodbyes. They didn’t care much about school since they felt they had more important matters at hand. Besides, Peter knew he could graduate at any time and he could repeat a year anyway. Peter was currently looking in a full length mirror as he used his suit to change, first was the black version and then his red and blue version of his Spider-Man persona. “What’s wrong?” MJ asked from the doorway in casual clothing although he knew it was just her mind telling the suit to change into it. Peter looked at her and then frowned at his image, “I just don’t feel right wearing these versions of my costume anymore. I mean Eddie already has that black look down but after what’s happened...I just don’t feel like I can wear the red and blue anymore. I’m thinking of a change.” She walked over to him resting her head on his shoulder, she had been more physical lately, although none of them actually had sex (longest period ever they could all agree) she still needed some kind of human contact. “Why do you say that?” He thought about it for a moment, “I’m not the same person when I first started out. The old me wouldn’t have done half the things I’ve done, or killed someone.” MJ’s grip on his arm tightened at the mention of that man. “I’m glad you did.” She said darkly after what they had gone through she didn’t care that man had been killed, and she hoped Black Widow had killed the men that killed her mother but she might never know. “I guess we both have changed.” “I wish you didn’t have to go through that, you or Gwen, your mom or aunt May...” “I don’t blame you and neither does Gwen, we both know it’s all the Kingpin’s fault. He was the one that did it so when we find him we’ll deal with it.” MJ had also changed a bit, she wasn’t shy about her voice for killing the Kingpin. That man had ruined the lives of so many and theirs, the only ones she had left were the ones that lived in this apartment or visited. This was her family now and she wouldn’t let anything happen to it again. Peter gave her a smile as he looked at the image, maybe he could find a balance. He brought up the red and blue version again but this time he told the suit to change the coloring. The blue turned grey, the black webbing turned white as the red turned black. It was kind of odd but in a way it kind of fit, the black would be perfect for those that had died, the grey fitting for that his life that once was white and black had turned into a world of grey. “Oh I like it,” MJ smiled. “Really?” “Yeah, in fact check this out,” She took a step back as a red costume like his formed only there was a large black spider design on her front that had the legs move over her body and mirrored onto the back. “You moving in on my name?” Peter joked for what seemed like the first time in weeks. “Maybe, I just don’t know what to call myself,” She looked at the mirror standing next to him. “Spider-Girl seems  little too young, Spider-Woman could be nice...” “How about Scarlet Spider?” She gave him a look. “What? It sounds kind of cool.” “I’ll think about it,” She told him looking at them again, in a way they were closer now than ever. Now she could help him out as Spider-Man, in fact she couldn’t wait to get out there and punish the criminals of the world. -Roof- Gwen looked out over the city, so much had changed but she was getting used to it. She was having less nightmares now as she knew MJ and Peter were too but they all still needed one last piece of closure. To deal with the Kingpin once and for all and Gwen personally wanted to deal with that ninja bitch that killed May. The woman hadn’t deserved to die like that and Gwen couldn’t avenger her father’s murder but May, oh she would get it this time. “Nice view,” Eddie said coming up behind her. “You mean the city or my ass?” Gwen smirked. “A bit of both,” He said leaning on the rail next to her. “This is all so new but you know, in a way maybe this is also kind of like destiny.” “Oh?” “Yeah, I mean Peter’s dad and mine work on the suit and are killed because of it.” He said darkly remembering that day and it also reminded Gwen that he too knew what it was to loose important people. “Then I find the suit, Peter finds me and we work on it. He wears it and now I have it, now you and MJ have it, it’s like everything has been leading up to this point. We’ve been hurt by the world, we’ve come together and soon we’re going to hurt the world back.” Gwen looked at the city, it looked lovely and yet she knew down there people were either being cheated, robbed, raped, murdered. There was a darkness down there that people didn’t think about but now she could do something about it. Her father was a cop who died doing just that, Peter was a super hero, maybe Eddie had a point, maybe everything was leading up to this. “Now I just need to pick a name.” Gwen mused to herself. “I’ve picked Venom for myself,” Eddie told her. “I’m going to be poison for the criminals of the world.” “Nice and dark...I like it,” Gwen said as she could feel herself warming up to Eddie. Yes he was older than her but he had been a good lay and he was cute, plus now that he was a part of things she felt that she could like him more, maybe more than just a fuck buddy. She still loved Peter but maybe she could open her heart a bit more. She turned to face him, “Kiss me.” “What?” he was caught off guard by that, Gwen and MJ hadn’t done anything sexual for awhile, mainly because of everything they had been going through. “I want you to kiss me, then I want you to fuck me Eddie,” she told him running her hands over his chest. “I’m tired of feeling pain, I want to feel something else I want to feel alive again. Plus I haven’t been laid in three weeks so I’m fucking horny like hell so please.” Eddie leaned down and kissed her hard, she eagerly kissed him back holding onto to him pulling him in. They continued to heatedly kiss each other, both of them had their suits retract leaving them naked. She ran her hands over his hard muscles, the suit had obviously been making Eddie stronger with slightly better muscles, she was enjoying running her hands over his body. Eddie found her own body better than he remembered, her skin seemed softer and yet firmer. His hand grabbed her ass as she moaned into his mouth. Her own hand went down to grip his dick as she could feel it getting bigger in her hand as she slightly started to jerk him. He pulled her head away to attack her neck with his mouth making her cry out. It had been so long for her, she needed a dick right now more than anything. She quickly went to her knees as she ran her mouth along his tool making him moan. “I wonder how you kept sated all this time?” “Felicia helped,” Eddie admitted to sleeping with the woman, that had been one hell of an experience. She too needed something now and then so they were eager to help satisfy each other. “I’m going to have the thank her later then,” Gwen was going to personally do that herself when she could. She took the large member into her mouth bobbing her head back and forth. “Oh god this feels better than ever,” Eddie gripped her hair. What they hadn’t known was that the women’s bodies had been enhanced but not just physically, like the boys, their bodies now secreted the same chemicals the men did during sex. As Gwen’s saliva covered his dick, the chemicals went to work on Eddie. His penis felt more sensitive than ever as it enhanced the oral sex he was getting. In fact he was getting a mind blowing blow job from her at the moment. He gripped her hair as he thrust his hips, her eyes widened as the member went down her mouth and throat, if she hadn’t had the experience for this she would have choked on the choke, as is, she just barely managed to keep from gagging as he fucked her mouth. “Fuck...fuck this feels good...fuck!” Eddie fucked her mouth hard and fast, he couldn’t help it, her mouth just felt incredible. “oh god!” He threw his head back as she thrust his dick as far down her throat as she could take it. She nearly did choke from the cock and the cum shooting down her throat at this point. She gulped it down as best she could feeling the warm feeling that normally she only got from Peter. She could feel herself getting very wet now from the altered cum. She pulled out with a gasp, “Fuck Eddie you nearly killed me there!” She coughed a few times tasting his cum in her mouth as she spat some of it out. “Oh man I have no idea what happened there,” Eddie was breathing hard as he couldn’t remember cumming that hard before. “I don’t know why but that was the best head I ever got.” “Really? That was pretty standard for me,” She rose up feeling the nice cold air on her naked body. Her nipples were already hard from the sex but they were very sensitive now. She turned around to grip the railing as she spread her legs for him. She tossed her hair aside giving him a sultry look. “So you going to look or fuck me with that thing?” She asked him. Eddie could feel his dick twitching already, the suit giving him more sexual prowess than normally. It used to take him fifteen minutes to get ready for sex after he came but he was getting ready now. He gripped his dick giving it a few pumps getting it harder as he placed the tip of the head to her hot wet lower lips. Gwen moaned feeling him rub against her sex. “Don’t tease me Eddie, not now.” “You got it babe,” he took his dick with one hand as he helped to push it inside of her. Her insides felt as good as ever, hell they felt better for some reason. Again, Gwen’s juices were coating his dick with chemicals that were making it feel even better than normal. He took her hips as he gave her slow but powerful thrust. She grunted out with each thrust, feeling the large dick spreading her insides was just what she needed. She didn’t need to think about her pain, her loss or anything else. She could focus her mind on something else, on something great. For the first time in weeks she felt at ease with herself as she lost herself in the sensations. Eddie ran one of his hands over her young and fit body, up her spine, her side, he even gave her ass a small spank. “Ah!” Gwen jumped at the sudden hit to her ass, “Nothing that rough, just not yet.” She told him. “Oh, sorry I wasn’t thinking,” He paused in his thrusting realizing that pain she had gone through she might not like it too rough. “It’s okay, but don’t stop thrusting.” He gripped her hips as she ploughed her body again. “Oh yes...yes Eddie yes, fuck me, fuck me with that huge dick. Take me with that dick Eddie, I want something, make me forget, make me feel something!” Gwen cried out as her whole body rocked with from Eddie, her breasts swinging with her as she gripped the railing as hard as she could. “Oh I’ll give it to you, you little slut,” Eddie fucked her harder making Gwen cry out louder. “Oh god I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”  She threw her head back as she screamed out as her body shuddered, from so long of being denied anything sexual she was starved. Her pussy clamped down on Eddie’s penis as her own juices started flowing. Suddenly Eddie felt his own orgasm from out of nowhere, Gwen’s releasing of her juices had the same effect as Eddie’s cum hitting her, which it did. Gwen’s eyes widened as she had a second orgasm on top of hers as Eddie was lost in the pleasure. Both had the most intense orgasms of their lives, Eddie pulled out of her as they both fell to the ground panting hard. “What the hell was that?” Gwen asked after a moment feeling the sweat drying off her body. “I don’t know...” Eddie leaned his back against the cold metal of the wall. “Fuck me that was something, I mean with the suit it’s felt different but maybe that was because you got a suit yourself.” “You mean I’m not a sex goddess?” Gwen joked. “Well I think that already but it’s the only thing I can think of, not that I can think much at the moment,” he sighed leaning his head back. Gwen smirked as she went to sit on his lap holing him close to her, it was cold and he was warm plus she was in no way totally satisfied just yet. “Well how about some experimenting?” Eddie grinned, “Sounds like a plan.” He kissed her as she rubbed her naked body against his, tasting each other’s mouths as his hands ran along her back. She felt one of his hands going for a breast and sighed feeling his nice strong hands caress and grope it. His palm was rubbing the hard nipple as she shifted slightly. She placed her pussy against his semi-hard dick as she started to rub it with her dripping snatch. Her vagina was still pretty sensitive so the feeling of his penis rubbing it felt great. He grabbed her ass as he helped guide her along his shaft. He groaned feeling her grind against him like that as they ground against each other. She pulled away from his mouth as she pulled his head to one of her breast. He eagerly took her nipple into his mouth as he started sucking on it. “Oh yes, like that, I like it when someone sucks on them.” She told him holding his head there feeling his warm mouth on the sensitive nub as he licked, bit it gently and sucked on it. They continued like that as she felt him getting harder, when she felt that he was ready she took his hard shaft in her hand as she rose up slightly, placing it at her entrance as she came down on it, feeling him enter her once again as she was slick from their combined juices still inside of her body. She started to ride him as he gripped her his, as she held his shoulders as they fucked like that on the ground. “Ugh-ugh-ah-fuck-me-ugh-oh fuck!” Gwen grunted with each downward thrust feeling the head of his cock slam against her cervix with each hit. She loved how deep he was going. Eddie grunted with each thrust as he slammed the blonde haired vixen down onto his shaft over and over again. The girl was like a real sex freak not that he was complaining, he knew that fucking a girl that wasn’t even eighteen yet was wrong and could get him arrested if it got out. But he didn’t care, like he hadn’t cared that first time they had fucked in his dorm room. She was a great fuck, she was hot and he wanted her. “Oh yeah you ride that cock!” He shouted at her. “Oh god you’re so fucking deep in me Eddie!” “Damn right I am!” He could feel his balls getting ready to cum but he tried to hold off, this was just feeling too good he wanted to make it last as much as he could. The two continued to fuck for ten minutes of pure animal sex. But Eddie was at his limit he couldn’t hold back anymore. “Oh fuck I’m going to cum!” He told her. “Oh god, oh god, god yes! Fucking cum in me now, please!” Gwen wailed as she rode him as fast as she could as she was ready herself, she wanted to feel his sperm flooding her body, filling her womb to the brim. “Arrrggh!” Eddie held her firmly in his lap as he shoot his next blast of cum into her waiting body. She screamed as she came hard, arching her back while holding onto his shoulders so hard he felt her nails digging into his flesh slightly. He hissed in pain but it was lost in the orgasm as he filled the young woman with his sperm. Gwen fell forward still staying connected to him as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Wow didn’t know you could be such a screamer,” Eddie said running his hands gently along her bare back. “It was just fucking good, I can’t wait to see if this works with Peter as well as the girls,” Gwen sighed nuzzling against his warm body. “Still we might have to sound proof if you scream like that again.” He joked. She paused for a moment as something hit her, she smirked at the thought of something. “Scream huh...you know I kind of like the sound of that.” “What, scream?” He asked confused. “Yeah, I think I like that for a name,” She smiled at the thoughts of the screams criminals would make at her appearance it sounded perfect for her. She wiggled her hips looking at him hungrily. “You up for more stud?” “Jeez don’t you get enough?” “Oh we haven’t even started yet lover,” She told him kissing him. “What to try it with the suits on?” Next up Chapter 23: Symbiote Fun I'm not sure just yet what to call MJ when in the suit, I put out three options but if you the readers have an idea let me know or what you think works for her more.  
Chapter 5 - Chapter 5
Here it is the final chapter, hope you enjoy it. Marvellous Spider-Man   Chapter 5   Spider-Man sighed at the table in the Avenger’s mansion as he looked through the morning papers. He was with the rest of his team as they ate breakfast together. He actually did enjoy the meals they had together, it was like being part of a large family, well okay, maybe one of those weird comedy ones like the Addams Family or the Munsters. “So what’s got you all Mr. Gloom?” Jessica Jones Cage asked as she was feeding her daughter. “And knowing you when you get like this something must be wrong.” “Yeah got to agree with her on this one,” her husband Luke asked as his wife brought it up. “Normally you’d be making jokes or at least acting like a kid at the table.” “Just having to look for a new place to live,” Peter explained as he looked through the morning paper. “My roommate is moving out of the city and I can’t afford the place on my own, so I’m trying to find someplace that’s decent.” “Really?” Bobbi asked hearing this. “Is it really that much for you?” “Yeah well you know I can’t accept payments since Victoria Hand said I have to tell her who I am,” Peter sighed as he sat back in his chair. “I mean she was working for Norman Osborn my nemesis, my Lex Luthor to my Superman, my Plankton to my SpongeBob.” “SpongeBob?” Luke asked him giving him a weird look. “Hey, it was your kid that likes that show and I didn’t have the heart to change the channel when it was on. For some reason she really likes it, not that I understand why.” Peter shrugged. “So why not move in here?” Ben the ever loving Thing asked. “Well that could be cool,” Peter said honestly. “But small problem, one being that this place it prime target for villains, I mean how long were we here before we got attacked?” “Yeah I didn’t enjoy that either,” Jessica muttered to herself. “Plus there is the fact that how would I explain things like why I’m living here, why my mail gets set to this address. Even if I used a mailbox, I can’t use that as a living address. Plus I bet Ms. Hand wouldn’t let me live full time without the whole real name thing.” “So I’m looking for a decent place that I can afford,” Peter went back to looking. New York was expensive to live on your own, especially on his budget. He really didn’t want to move back in with his Aunt, especially now. He really needed his own place, even if it was just a dump it would be something. The problem was that a lot of places he was looking at where slightly a bit more than what he usually paid for a place. Carol heard his trouble and it got her thinking. They had been going out for a few months now and honestly, she really liked him. He was a stable type of guy that she needed in her life, plus he was fun to hang out with and treated  her well. He was such a nice and lovable guy when you got to know him, strange how when they first met, she couldn’t stand him. Plus her place was kind of lonely ever since she started dating him. She actually had an idea but she wanted to run it by him when they were alone, she wasn’t sure she could do it in front of everyone. So she waited until breakfast was over with and saw him leaving, so she ran up to him and called out. “Hey beautiful, what’s up?” Spider-Man asked smiling behind his mask. “I have a thought about your housing problems,” Ms. Marvel told him. She was glad no one was in the hallway so she decided to just get right to it. “You know we’ve been dating for awhile now and since we know each other I thought that, well, you can move in with me if you want.” “Seriously?” Peter was surprised she would offer this, yes they were pretty close in their relationship but this was a pretty big step. He had only done this once before and maybe that’s why he felt some hesitation. MJ had been a big part of his life for a long time, but they had both moved on or at least he had tried. Maybe this was the final step in moving on with his life? He had to admit that it was an attractive idea, he had lived with a woman before so he knew what to expect and all. “You sure you want me living with you Carol? I mean this is kind of big and stuff.” Carol nodded, “Yeah, I feel that we can do this, that is, if you want to?” Peter only smiled as his hands went to her hips and pulled her close, “Actually I think I’d like to move in with you.” -A Week Later- Peter had to admit he hadn’t lived with a woman since Mary Jane (well he meant lived within a romantic way of course so his last roommate didn’t count) but so far the move had gone well. He didn’t have much stuff anyway and anything they couldn’t fit in her place, was moved to the Avenger’s mansion. It was a lot cheaper than putting it into storage and easier for him to get to as well. Carol for her part had to place some of her own clothing at the mansion just to make room for Peter’s clothing. She was surprised by how much less he had but at least it was a decent amount. She was a little nervous about all of this, it was a big step for her. She hadn’t been this serious in a relationship in years. But it felt strangely right to her. She was also planning on a night with just the two of them as well. It was late by the time the last piece was put away. Peter was hanging up his costume and the spares next to hers in the closet, placing the web shooters on the shelf over it in a special box for his gear. It was finally done and in all honesty it could be nice sharing a place with someone who he didn’t have to keep hiding his secrets from. He could be himself and keep nothing back or worry about his hero life getting involved since Carol dealt with that kind of stuff as well. “You know I’ve been meaning to tell you this but I’ve been telling my aunt May about you and she wants to meet you if you’re up for it.” He asked Carol. She smiled at that, “Sure, you talk about her a lot so it’s only fair I meet her as well.” She wished she could show him off to her family but ever since she woke up from her coma she hadn’t been close with her family anymore. All the memories of before her coma just held no emotional attachments, she knew that she once loved her family dearly but now, they were just names of people she knew. It had been hard and awkward the last time she saw them, she hadn’t even talked to them in a long time, normally a person would miss them or be sad but, there was nothing. She didn’t like it but she couldn’t do anything about it. So meeting new people and forming emotional attachments to them was one of the things she treasured given all that she lost. She smiled as she looped her arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. “You know, why don’t you get comfortable on the bed, I have something special I’ve been saving and this is a special night.” Peter smiled as his hands caressed her sides. “I think I’m going to enjoy this surprise. ” “You better,” She laughed as she went into her bathroom, well theirs now. Looking around she could already see the men products around the place, but only a few. She undressed as she got into the shower, letting the warm water run over her nude body as she quickly got a little clean. Carol opened the hamper she kept and pulled out the black silk nighty that she had hid there. She slipped it on as it ended at her thighs, showed her impressive cleavage and was backless. It was a bit see through as well. She smirked as she saw herself in the mirror and could only imagine his reaction. Last step was for preparation, she didn’t want to be interrupted once things got going so pulling open the medicine cabinet she pulled out the small tube of spermicide. Placing the substance on her fingers she gently worked it around her pussy, then inside of herself. After she was done she put it away, washed her hand and it was finally time. Peter heard the shower and everything and was wondering what was going on. But he undressed to his boxers and got on the bed and waited. When she finally stepped out it was sure worth it. There she was looking like some blonde model, or playmate in that item. Already he could feel himself reacting to the sight of her. She smiled as she sultry walked to the bed, then she got on her hands and knees as she slowly crawled up to him. He watched as she ran her hands over his thighs as she rubbed her chests against his crotch as she slowly moved up his body. He felt the soft fabric against his bare skin as she started to trail kisses up his body. He could smell the perfume she was wearing by now. Carol moved up to his neck as she started kissing him there, her hands running over his body. Peter ran his hands over her own body in return, feeling the soft skin of her arms and her body under her simple garment. She got up higher, making a point to rub her front against his body as she captured his lips with her own luscious ones. Peter’s hands ran over her sides, her back, gripping her finely toned ass finding out that she had no panties on. Carol’s body was rubbing against him, she could feel the ache for him, to want to feel him fill her body, to touch her naked flesh. She had to force herself to take it a bit slowly as she took one of his ear lobes into her mouth. She lightly nibbled and licked it, making Peter shiver slightly from it. He never thought his ear could be that sensitive but she really knew how to do it. Soon Peter managed to turn her to her side, he kissed her neck and working his way down but one of his hands also ran over her thigh. Slowly he worked it up to her crotch under the nighty and he could feel the heat of her pussy as his hand gently starting rubbing it. He heard her moaning as her hips moved with his hand. Her breathing slowly got heavier as her started to work her body up. After a minute of this he slowly put on finger inside of her, feeling her warm and wet insides. She held him closer now as her body moved with his finger. “God, where did you learn to use your fingers like that?” She panted out feeling him reach just right inside of her. “Practice and natural talent?” He grinned hearing the wet sounds now coming out of her pussy. She was getting very wet now and he could feel her pressing against his erection. He really wanted to just bury himself into her but he wanted to make this last. She pushed him onto his back as she pressed herself up against him. She ran her crotch against his hard length, moaning as she felt it rub against her sensitive lips. Peter’s own hips moved with hers and he could slowly feel his boxers getting a damp spot on them from her sex getting wet. She suddenly sat up as she moved her hips, almost mimicking having sex with him as she gripped the hem of her nighty and pulled it up slowly. She smiled down at him as she pulled it over her head freeing her massive breasts. Peter’s hands ran up her body feeling her warm up as he lightly caressed the two mounds. Carol sighed in pleasure as she let her head fall back as they continued on. “God you’re so beautiful,” Peter said to her. “You’re so good at this, I need it now Peter,” Carol helped him out of his boxers as she freed his erection. She took it with one hand as she placed it in her mouth. She wanted to make sure he had enough ‘lube’ before entering her. She was wet but she wanted to be sure it was enough. She slowly bobbed her head up and down as Peter groaned. She tried to take it all down her own throat but she couldn’t get it fully down. She pulled out and slowly licked it over every inch as she looked at him sexily. “Fuck, you keep that up I’m going to cum,” Peter groaned. “Not just yet,” Carol breathed heavily as she sat over him, positing him and slowly lowering herself onto him. Both groaned as she impaled herself onto him, feeling him stretch out her insides as she felt filled to the brim. She started to lightly ride him as his hands explored her sexy body, she let out moans of pleasure as she closed her eyes and lost herself in the sensations. Soon she was riding him faster and harder, she leaned forward placing her hands on the bed as her ass bounced off his hips the room filling with the sounds and scent of sex. “Oh god, oh god you’re so deep in me, you’re so big Peter,” Carol moaned as she rode him her hands balling into fists into the bed sheets as she moved her ass up and down, moving her hips side to side now and then to hit those hard to reach areas inside of her. But he was so big it was easy for her to get him to those places. She felt his hands helping her to move with him as he thrust up into her with her down thrust. She sped up her pace feeling herself reaching closer and closer to her orgasm, she was so close to an orgasm. “Oh god, oh god, fuck me, oh fuck, fuck, uh, oh, god yes! Yes! YES! Peter!” She cried out as she came. Peter saw her throw her head back as she screamed out his name, her body tensing, her abs contracting as he felt her inner walls trying to milk him for everything he was worth. It was all he needed to call out her name as he felt himself release. He fired several shots of cum into her waiting body. Carol collapsed onto him panting as she felt the warm cum seeping into her body. She sighed in contentment, having Peter as a lover was something she loved. He wasn’t demanding in bed, he wasn’t too intimidated by her, so they could just either make love or just fuck without any real hang ups. She rolled off him as she wanted to catch her breath, she could feel some of his cum slowly leaking out of her not that she cared about the sheets at this point. She was feeling too good to care, besides she planned to clean them tomorrow anyway. Peter looked over at her form, her body had some sweat on it and her mighty breasts were heaving with each breath. He couldn’t wait for long and needed her, although it might take a minute for him to recover but he had a plan for that. He ran his hand over her stomach sensually as she moaned happily. “God don’t you ever get enough?” She smiled as she closed her eyes feeling his palm caress her body. “You complaining?” “Hell no.” “Good,” Peter started to kiss her stomach as he work his way up her body, his hand moving down to her pussy as his fingers played with her folds lightly. She was still pretty sensitive down there from her orgasm. He found her clit still erect and started playing with it. Carol’s hips moved as she moaned out loudly. She just wanted to lie there and let him do whatever he wanted to her body, she loved the things he did to her. Peter took one of her nipples in his mouth slightly licking it at first as he sent his middle finger inside of her. He could feel her insides were still very hot and also the wet fluids from both her orgasm and his, the mixed liquids oozed out of her even faster with him pumping his finger inside of her. Soon he started to suck on her nipple, he felt her hand reach around to the back of his head, pulling him in as he tried to take more of her breast into his mouth. Peter moved his ring finger inside along with his other one so now he had two fingers working into her. “Oh fuck! Fuck that’s good!” Carol cried out as her back arched up in pleasure. “Fuck me, oh god Peter...fuck! Ohhh!” Peter continued sucking on her nipples only harder now, he could feel the hard nub in his mouth as he tried to bite down on it, pulling it back making her hiss in pain and pleasure. His fingers worked even faster as her voice went louder. He could feel her inner walls contracting now and again and he found her g-spot. Now she was screaming out as her hips moved, he saw her powerful abs contract with along with her inner muscles around his finger. “Oh god Peter, I’m cumming, I’m cumming again!” He only sucked harder on her nipple, she swore that it was like he was trying to force milk out of her tit with how hard he was sucking but she liked it. Her nipples always were sensitive, her whole body started to move now, in every direction she had lost control as she just cried out constantly lost in her pleasure. Then she felt the orgasm as her body stiffened, her hips jerking as she came. Her mouth open in a silent scream as she leaked out lots of her fluids and Peter’s out of her pussy. She had nearly squirted it out as she fell limp on her bed panting. “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” She only panted slightly over and over again. Peter was nice and hard again as all her moaning and sexy noises only got him even more hard now. He pulled out his fingers, they were covered in juices now. He got into position as he turned her over, pulling her hips up he rubbed his cock against her vagina making her moan. “If you’re not up for this just tell me,” Peter said although he hoped she would tell him to go on. He knew this was her favorite position after all. “Do me,” She moaned moving her hips back. She sighed feeling him enter her again. He could push his way even deeper like this as she felt him thrust into her, slowly at first letting her slowly get into it. He fucked her from behind hearing her moans, she really did have a sexy voice and when she moaned in bed it was even more sexy. He gripped her hips helping her to move with him as his dick thrust against her cervix with each thrust. Peter eventually grabbed her arms pulling them back as he held onto them as he rode her, this only made her moans turn into cries of passion. “Oh god yes! Fuck me just like that! Oh! Uh, god, ugh, oh fuck!” Carol was in heaven feeling him so commanding in that moment. Feeling his hips slap against her ass with each thrust it was amazing to her, she never knew why she loved being fucked from behind she just did. Maybe in her way it was the only way she felt she could really show that she accepted a man, to let him take total control over her. She had issues with letting others have control, especially after her own will had been stolen as she had been forced into sex and then to give birth to that same entity. But she pushed that horrible experience away, with Peter she didn’t have to worry about him harming her. She could freely let loose and enjoy their sex together, and she really did enjoy the sex together with him. “Ugh, I’m...I’m going to cum!” Peter cried out thrusting even faster now feeling his build up nearly reaching to the end by this point. “Do it! Fill me up, I want to feel your cum shooting all the way into me Peter!” “Here it comes Carol!” He thrust one more time with a grunt as he held her against his hips, he felt his dick pulse as he filled her body once again with his sperm. She cried out feeling the hot liquid coating her insides. When he was done he let her go as she fell limply to the bed. Peter wasn’t far behind as he lay down next to her staring up at the ceiling as he caught his breath. For awhile Peter and Carol lay in their bed, covered in sweat. The sheets also covered in sweat and other fluids from them as well. They would definitely have to be cleaned the next day, and maybe air out the room, it was filled with the musky scent of sex. Both heroes were just enjoying the moment after sex. Carol moved over to rest her head on his shoulder as her arm wrapped around his torso. Peter shifted slightly so they were both comfortable. “This I could get used to,” she sighed happily against his body. “Yeah, living with you is looking up,” Peter said as he placed an arm around her waist, his hand lightly caressing her spine. “I should hope so,” she said. “God I’m going to be swore if we keep this up.” “Tell me about it, I don’t think I could get it up even if I wanted to,” Peter grinned at her as he ran a hand through her hair. You could hear the night life of New York outside as Peter looked down at the beautiful woman against him. He chuckled a bit making her look up at him. “What?” “Just thinking, how just a year ago we hardly knew each other, then you didn’t like me for a time as well.” “I didn’t really know you all that well at first,” She admitted. “Didn’t stop you from asking me out later on.” “You didn’t say no either,” Peter grinned at her as she smiled. “Personally I like how things ended up with you.” “Same here,” She snuggled against him letting herself relax with him. She had no idea where this relationship was going or how long it would last. Both of them had very little in the ways of stable relationships. She hadn’t had one in years, the few relationships she had, they hadn’t lasted very long. While he on the other hand had gotten out of a major one, hell he had nearly been married. She never got that close. Could their relationship go that far? Could she see herself with him for the rest of her life? Maybe, she wasn’t sure but she was hoping to find out because right now in this moment, she felt better now personally than she had in a long time. Maybe he was the one for her and she hoped that she was the one for him as well. The End There I think I ran out of ideas for this, so I hope you’ve all enjoyed this and the ending.  
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I don’t own Ms. Marvel or Spider-Man or anything Marvel related and I make no profit from this. I got this idea from a few things that have happened in Marvel comics lately. This is was originally a one shot but I extended it from the amount of feedback I got. Marvellous Spider-Man Chapter 1 Carol Danvers sighed to herself as she lay on her bed in her apartment. She could have been at that new mansion for the Avenger’s but she felt more at home here. At least she guessed they were the Avengers, there were so many teams now with that name that she was starting to think that people had no imagination these days. Well Osborn had called his team that just to rub it in their faces. She personally had been on several line-ups of the Avengers and she missed the early days, the days when things were so simple, when you could tell who were the bad guys and the good guys, and the world knew it too. The Civil War pretty much screwed that all up, looking back she wasn’t sure she had made the right choice. She felt that following the will of the government had been right but looking at how things got, she started to have regrets. The image of what she did to Julia Carpenter, beating her down in front of her own daughter and then taking said mother to jail. That was one of the hardest things she had ever done and it was the one thing Carol felt sick about doing. Plus it had been the Government that had placed Norman in power to being with. Now at least things were different and she felt like things were getting back on track. She felt more sure who the enemy was again. Now that Cap was back, the real one this time, things were starting to feel right again for the first time in a long time. The new team was a bit of the old with the new, but overall she was enjoying this version of the team. One person in particular had been slowly crawling into her mind. She smirked at her choice of words there crawling was one of the things he was known for after all. She wasn’t sure how it happened normally she went after a certain type of man. The over muscles macho types sometimes, hell one of her last lovers had been Wonder Man. He had been nice but in the end not what she needed. She wasn’t sure what she really needed, Captain Marvel had been a huge part of her life that she had compared a lot of men to his memory. Then Mystique had killed her lover after that, something she still would never forgive the woman for. But then something she never thought about happen, she started to like another teammate, you’d think she’d learn by now how that went. But Spider-Man was different he wasn’t like most of the others. He was more down to earth, he was funny too although she never said it she liked his jokes. He was light hearted like Clint was. Those two got alone really well as they tried to one up the other. Plus although not the most powerful hero he tried his best. Plus there was more to strength than just power the Avengers had a few members over the years with no powers. Spider-Man however had a nearly unbreakable spirit at times, he never seemed to give up and he took the weight of the world on his shoulders. Plus there was a lot of mystery about him, sure he had shown his face and name when Clint made him unmask but what did she know about the man himself? She knew what kind of man he was but not much personal. No one really seemed to know much about him, she had asked. They could tell all kinds of stories on missions with him or encounters but nothing about the man. For some strange reason that curiosity had grown in her and made him seem even more attractive. She grunted as she pulled a pillow over her face, that wasn’t a good thought. Yes she thought he was handsome, not overly so but more like the perfect nice guy that you saw yourself with. Of course they did have their odd run ins, like that time she tried to arrest him for not being registered but they ended up teaming up. She smirked remembering that note he left about telling Wolverine he got to Third Base with her. Sure she had been angry although a part of her knew he was just joking. Then there was that time she went for him to help and he did ask for a date. And so she went on a date with him, despite the whole mess that interrupted it, she found that she enjoyed her time with him. They had the same love for junk food, baseball, they seemed to share a lot of the same pain she thought. After being taken over by that venom symbiote he had saved her from who knows what that thing would have used her body for. She shivered at what could have happened. Venom did have this thing for eating people, if that had happened to her she wouldn’t have taken it well. Plus the damn thing had told him that she had feelings for him. That was embarrassing. She sighed as she got up out of bed, she was too wound up to really sleep so she might as well suit up and go out into New York. Maybe busting some low level criminals might take her mind off things. ====Later==== Peter was currently trying to make up some good PR for himself as usual. After was Venom (or Venom 3.0 as he thought or was it four at this point? He lost count how many times that symbiote jumped around) he had a lot to do. Why was it that he always got the short end of the stick? After years he trying to do the right thing, his image was still all over the place. People thought he should be in jail, others thought he was a hero others weren’t sure what to think of him. It didn’t help that people kept using his costume to undo all the good he did, or a certain moustache wearing owner of a newspaper (who was now mayor and how the hell that happened he had no idea, he sure didn’t vote for the guy) that seemed to make it his life mission to make Spider-Man’s life a living hell. So what did he find? Well so far he stopped two muggings, a purse snatcher, a hold up and now a group was trying to steal from a jewel store. Honestly why did criminals think they could get away with this stuff in New York? How many heroes were around here? Sure they couldn’t catch them all but the odds of them finding themselves up against Peter or someone like Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, or god forbid the Punisher, was it really worth it? Apparently these guys thought they were lucky enough to now come across any heroes. What Peter didn’t know was that he had a viewer watching him. Carol hadn’t meant to actually look for or even find Spider-Man, hell she was trying to clear her mind out of the whole thing. So what does life do? She finds him stopping a crime of all things, she was tempted to go in but she figured he could handle things. If this got too intense she would step in but he seemed to have everything under control. She remembered how he once told her that he felt he didn’t belong in the sky with the others that he was more to be on the ground. She thought he had earned his right to fly with the other heroes and he earned his place on the Avengers. She smirked seeing him dance around the criminals with a grace she only seen a few able to hold off. Hell he was way more agile then she was, even in peek shape as she was she wasn’t that flexible. He made those jokes of his while in a fight and it always reminded her of Clint and how he did the same. Soon he had everything all well in hand with them all webbed up hanging in a giant cocoon. She felt that it was time to go talk to him, maybe she could figure out her own feelings on the matter as well. “Now what have you all learned?” Peter said to the group of criminals although none of them and their mouths free to talk as they made muffled noises. “That’s right, not to do crimes in the first place and why? Because New York is crawling with heroes, seriously what if I had been the Punisher? You should be thankful that it was me and not someone like him or Ghost Rider.” “Think they’ll learn their lesson?” A female voice said. “Most likely not but...huh?” Peter looked up surprised to see Ms. Marvel there floating. He hadn’t seen her in awhile, not since the Asguard thing. That had left him slightly confused, mainly with how she might actually like him. Not that he had a problem with that, he did ask her out once...why he had done that he still didn’t know, but the point is she didn’t turn him down exactly. Plus she was hot, hell she was really hot not to mention most likely the most powerful female on the face of the planet and could break him in half without trying. Strangely that didn’t scare him off...maybe he should set up an appointment with Doc Samson at some point. “Hey what’s up Ms. Marvel, other than you that is.” Spider-Man said to her. She smiled down at him and Peter had to admit, she really had a nice smile. “Just out flying to clear my head.” “Ah say no more, I know how it goes,” Peter nodded and it was true he did know. Then the mood was ruined as sirens were heard. “Crap, here come the cops and good old JJ will most likely have his anti-Spider-Man squad on my case again. Man it’s going to take an hour to shake them I bet.” Carol never liked how his life was being constantly pulled through the mud while most heroes didn’t have to deal with stuff like that. Oh sure there were the tabloids and the occasional scandal but he had to put up with it day in and day out. She would have lost her mind and taken that men (even if he was the mayor now) and ring his neck. “Well if you want you can crash at my place and lay low,” Carol said the words before she even realized what she had said. How could she say that? She was actually worried for a moment that she might have overstepped herself. Peter wasn’t sure what got into his head to take her up on the offer but honestly why not? After all he needed a place to lay low to avoid the cops and honestly he was curious to what her place looked like. That and who was he to turn down an offer like this? ***Ms Marvel’s Apartment*** Peter had to admit, he was jealous. Her place was nicer than his and he had to share with a roommate as well. Apparently being an Air Force officer paid well although it was nice to see a pile of clothing she was trying to push into a closet muttering about cleaning more often. He thought it was kind of cute how she could act so ‘girly’ he had never seen this side to her. “Nice place,” Peter felt he needed to say something. “Thanks,” Carol said as she pulled off her mask and placed it on a table. “Feel free to take that off, I only wear this little thing but that has to be nasty sometimes.” “Yeah you have no idea,” Since everyone knew that Carol Danvers was Ms Marvel and he had told the Avengers who he was. He did feel a little weird about the whole thing, he wasn’t used to being in someone else’s place with his mask off. Thankfully all the curtains were drawn closed. “Would you like something to drink, not sure what I got,” Carol hated how nervous she sounded. She was Ms. Freaking Marvel and here she was feeling like she was back in her freshmen year of college all over again. God that night she had invited that boy Toby back had been a disaster. “Uh sure anything you have would be nice.” Peter said mentally kicking himself for stumbling. How was it he had ever gotten a girlfriend sometimes mystified him. Carol ended up with a couple of bottles of water, she wasn’t a drinker anymore and Peter took it. Peter had once heard that she stopped drinking, he wasn’t in on all the details but apparently it had gotten bad at one point. He hated to think what she had gone through to start drinking so much that she needed to quit. So they sat together as they caught up since the last time they talked. She had to admit that after a bit they were both kind of relaxed now. He was kind of an interesting guy as they talked she had no idea that it was a radioactive spider bite that actually gave him his powers. Well that did explain a few things but certainly no crazier than having alien DNA of a Kree bonded to her. It was strange, you work with someone for years on and off but she never really got to know the man. Time seemed to pass and well over an hour had gone by as did a few more beers. Peter had to admit that he was learning a bit more about Carol-they chose to stick with their real names as calling each other by their hero names seemed too formal to them- and she really was sharp. He sometimes got a bit loss in her baby blue eyes and that full set of lips as she talked about her own past. Things like a coma from Rogue, to losing emotional attachments to her older memories, even her battle with drinking. Peter had been surprised by her opening up like this she actually looked pretty vulnerable at that point. He actually decided to open up a bit as well he told her how he actually got into this hero thing. How he had been a stupid kid that tried to gain money to help his family and how it had cost his uncle his life. Carol had never known this part, looking at him now she felt her heart reach out to him. Suddenly a few things about him made a bit more sense to her. He took her hand in his smiling at her, “Hey we all go through rough patches I mean all the things we see and do? I’m amazed most of us don’t go crazy.” Carol thought back to Scarlet Witch and tried not to shudder at that, she hadn’t been there but that hadn’t gone well at all. Had there been signs to a mental breakdown and not one just noticed? That didn’t go well at all. She had nearly broken down as well with her drinking, after all she had captured before her powers and tortured before being saved. Actually twice when you counted the Brood experimented on her. She still had nightmares about that. Then there was how she had been kidnapped by that entity Marcus. That made her feel sick inside, the bastard had basically raped her, impregnated her and in a few days she gave ‘birth’ to him. The bastard had admitted that he had used mind control on Carol and when Carol had said she was going back to Limbo with him, did her team get suspicious? No they let her go thinking it was her idea, it hadn’t. He had been messing with her mind, again! They knew he did it once before and they didn’t think it had been strange or stopped it either. Thankfully he was dead and when she got back, she had ripped her team a new one. She left the Avengers after that not trusting them anymore. Thankfully she no longer felt emotional connection about that whole thing. It felt like a weight was gone in her life now in a strange way. Sure she was angry about what happened but it was less than what it should have been. Although she felt nothing for her family, she knew she should but it was like her own family were strangers to her now. So it wasn’t all good not feeling connected to her old life before the coma from Rogue. “But you’ve bounced back and if you ask me that takes real strength the kind that doesn’t allow you to bend steel either. You’ve done a lot to be proud of and you are an amazing person to keep doing this.” Peter said honestly taking her out of her thoughts. “I don’t know all the details about your life and the things you had to deal with. But you’re a real hero and you should be proud of what you’ve managed to do in your life.” Carol tried to say something but it felt like her heart was in her throat. No one had really said such kind words to her before or at least it had been a long time since she had heard them. For so long she had to be Ms. Marvel the woman that was unbeatable and solid like a rock. But she was a woman first and sometimes she wanted to be tender and let someone hold her. She looked into his brown eyes as she felt a pull to him. Before she knew it she was kissing him both of them were surprised but neither of them pulled away. Peter felt her kissing him and on instinct he kissed back, he wasn’t sure why but he did it anyway. Peter never really considered himself all that lucky, after all he could count the relationships he had pretty much on one hand. At least the ones that were close to real relationships. All of them had ended kind of badly. So what does a single guy do when one of the most powerful and hottest women on the world is kissing you? Well you kiss back, after all it’s not like hot women do this all the time. Sure he got lucky now and then but what were the odds of this happening again? He returned her kiss putting more passion into it, despite her hard body her lips were very soft. He wasn’t sure how long it went on, only that at some point they were on his bed. They sat there kissing deeply as he leaned back and pulled the mask from her face. She really was a beautiful woman, his hand want to caress the side of her face as she smiled at him. Carol felt he would be a gentle lover she hadn’t had that in awhile. She leaned in and kissed him again as she untied her red sash on her waist and threw it aside. They made out on her couch for who knows how long feeling each other’s hands slowly gaining more confidence as they explored each other. But eventually Carol wanted something more she might be making a mistake but she didn’t care. She stood up and grabbing his hand led him into her bedroom. She pushed Peter onto the bed as he sat down as she straddled his waist kissing him again. She felt his hands roaming her back searching for something. “So how do you get that thing off?” Peter joked. “Zipper in the back start at the neck,” Carol told him as she reached behind her neck and felt for it. She pulled down shifting slightly to get it down her back. “That has to be hard some days,” he commented. “Oh you have no idea,” Carol sighed knowing full well how hard this costume was to get in and out of at times. Unlike some of her previous costumes, her first one was easier to pull on for example. She pulled the shoulder parts of her costume aside as she started to slip it out of her. It eventually ended up around her waist and Peter got a good look at her. “No bra?” Peter looked at her perfect naked chest. And boy was it perfect, full and perky with large dark nipples on them. Her flat stomach was shown and very athletic like the rest of her but yet she was still very feminine. “I chaff sometimes if I’m not wearing the right one in this thing,” Carol told him. “I was in a bit of a rush today and couldn’t find the ones I use for the costume.” “Ah I know how that goes,” Peter smirked as his hands cupped both breasts. Carol moaned slightly feeling his hands caress and knead her breasts, most men went to them because of how big they were but honestly she like her breasts played with so it paid off. Hell she was very proud of them, they were totally natural like the rest of her. Peter leaned in and took one of her nipples into his mouth and she gasped. Her groin started to rub against his as she felt something hardening there. She couldn’t tell the size but he was getting very hard, he did seem nice and thick though which was important for a woman. His mouth went over one of her hardening nipples as she moaned letting her head fall back. “Oh yes that feels so good.” Peter ran his tongue over the small nub, alternating between sucking, licking and even biting on it. “Oh shit...you can do it harder if you want.” Carol told him running her fingers through his hair. Her body was built to withstand a lot of punishment after all. She hissed feeling his teeth bite down harder this time as she held his face to her breast. He later switched to the next giving it some work as he felt the nipple in his mouth start to harden. Eventually she stood up smiling as she slipped off the rest of her costume. First her top, then came the gloves and the leg parts. She was in her panties only now as Peter slipped out of his pants watching her disrobe. He could see that her costume didn’t hide anything. He watched with a grin as she slipped out of her panties and saw that she shaved which seemed to be the style for women these days. Carol noticed that Peter did have a good body under that costume as well. She crawled up on top of him as she kissed him passionately. They both fell back onto the bed as Carol enjoyed the feel of his hard muscles against her own bare flesh. She kissed down his body as she got to the waist band, peeling it down his legs she got a good look at his cock. She was surprised, it was a nice thickness but it was the length she was surprised by, it was at least eight inches. She was going to enjoy this, she thought to herself smiling. She moved her hair out of the way and started to lick his member, she didn’t mind blowjobs actually as long as she got in charge. She hated it when a guy gripped her head and tried to force their entire cock down her throat. She started with the head of this cock with popping it in and out her mouth using her tongue on the head. Peter groaned with that as he looked to see the blonde beauty started to suck him off. Never had he ever thought he would see Ms. Marvel herself not only naked but doing this, okay sure he might have fantasized about it but actually happen? But he didn’t want to be the only one getting anything out of this. “Hey Carol turn around a bit, I want to give as good as I’m getting.” Carol stopped and it took a second before she figured out what he meant. She smiled as she twisted herself around to get into a 69 position. She was glad he would do this, not ever guy liked to go down on a girl. She felt his hands on her ass as his mouth met her pussy lips. Feeling his warm and wet tongue slid over her lower lips made a slight shudder run down her spine as she got back to work herself. Peter seemed to know what he was doing as she sucked him off. After a moment Peter got an idea to take it up a notch, he used his fingers to pull apart her pussy lips and started to attack the pink flesh there. He noticed she was really wet already as his mouth and tongue went to work. She started making pleasurable noises as she sucked his cock like a pro. He started to attack her clit at that point with his thumb she seemed to like that. Carol felt her arousal rising from Peter’s work but decided if he could take it up then she could as well. She pulled out and started to use her large breasts to give Peter a nice titty fuck. His lubricated cock slipped between her massive breasts as her fingers played with her nipples. She was thankful he was this long as she bent her head down and would suck on the top of his cock and then a bit more as she went down on him. Peter was in heaven, he hadn’t felt breasts that amazing on his cock since his ex-girlfriend Mary Jane. After a few minutes of this she couldn’t take it any longer she needed this cock inside of her now and not just her mouth. Getting up she turned around and got into position holding his cock with one hand as she placed the tip to her pussy. Peter’s hands went to her hips as she impaled herself onto the male organ. Peter never had felt something so tight before, maybe it was her super strength but her pussy was hot, wet and extremely tight. It was almost gripping his cock. Carol loved the cock inside of her, she could feel it pressing against her cervix not many men can get that far into her like this plus she could feel everything about his dick. Every vain seemed to press against her inner walls. She started to slowly rise and fall onto his organ feeling his hands go to her waist helping to set up a nice rhythm together. Peter’s hand roamed over her sexy figure, trailing over her flat stomach, rubbing up between her breasts. Then his hands would rub up to her neck and then down to her breasts. He was caressing her entire front and she was liking it a lot. Peter looked up as she ran her hands through her long blonde hair, her head falling back slightly with a moan as she rode him as his hands caressed her body. She looked like a sex goddess at that point as he thrust up into her tight snatch. She was so wet now that there was a slurping sound as they continued to fuck each other. Carol lost herself in this, she was really enjoying herself more than she thought she would, which was a major plus. She really should have fucked him sooner, at the very least they could have had some great times together during all the craziness that had been happening. She felt the tightening sensation inside of her winding up and knew she wanted more. She started to ride him faster and harder, making the bed start to moved slightly. She was thankful for getting one with great strength as all too often beds could break with those with super human strength. Although thankfully She-Hulk held the record with last time she checked. Peter felt himself getting ready to cum as he thrust harder up into the woman, he was so used having to hold back but Carol was actually stronger than him so he could finally let loose and not worry about hurting the woman he was with. He didn’t mind it but it was kind of hard to remember all the time when you were having sex. “God Carol I’m about to cum.” Peter warned her. “I know me too,” She moaned leaning down her hands gripped the top of her mattress to get more leverage. “Cum with me!” “Carol I’m not wearing any protection,” He told her worried that he might get her pregnant. It could happen after all. “It’s okay I’m on the pill and I’m not ready to have an ovulation for over a week.” She told him and started to flex her inner muscles to start squeezing his cock inside of her. “Oh shit!” Peter gritted his teeth trying not to cum from that sudden trick but he wasn’t going to hold out too long. “Oh god Peter!” Carol cried out as she felt herself cumming. “I’m cumming! I’m cummmmming!” She threw her head back screaming this out as her pussy started to try and milk Peter for all he was worth. That was it for him as he grunted as he felt his penis spasm several times shooting several robes of hot cum into her body. Carol fell onto Peter’s body as she felt his hot sperm covering her inner walls and feeling her orgasm slowly falling away. That had been very good she mused happily, it was nice to know that she might have made a good choice this time around. She felt his arms wrap around her naked back as he caressed the bare flesh. She moaned in appreciation, not many men knew that after an orgasm a woman liked to be touched and caressed after it. “I might need to catch my breath.” Carol nearly laughed. “Yeah it usually takes me a few minutes to get ready for another round.” He said feeling the naked beauty against him. Carol looked up with a glint in her eye, “Oh? So you can go another round?” ** 30 Mintues later** Carol was on her hands and knees as Peter fucked her from behind. The sounds of is flesh slapping against her bare ass was heard as he rammed home into her. Peter was holding her hips as he fucked her for all it was worth. Both of them were starting to sweat as the heat in the room increased from their exertion. Carol moaned out as she felt how deep he was going inside of her, if he was deep before this was making him threaten to push past her cervix and enter her womb but it also made another thing possible. Peter now had a perfect angle to hit her g-spot, with down ward thrusts he was going in while hitting that spot and then dragging his cock against it. If the first time had been great this was even better. She moaned out like a whore as he made her feel better than she had ever been in nearly a year. It had been so very long since she had been fucked so well. If she had known he was like this she would have fucked him years ago after all. “If you can fuck me harder!” Carol nearly cried out wanting to feel him pounding her insides. “I want to feel you all the way in me. Don’t worry about harming me it takes more than this.” “Alright, I’m never one to argue with a woman,” Peter smirked as he grabbed her arms and using them as leverage hammered even more into her. Her tunnel was so slick from their mixed juices but she was getting so wet she was leaking. He could see his cum and hers leaking out of her pussy and down both thighs. It was then that Carol felt his head go past her cervix she cried out in pain/pleasure given her body she could take this more than a normal woman could. He fucked her deeply as Carol loved every moment of it. “Oh fuck I’m cumming again Peter! Fuck me! Fuck me like that! Oh god now I know why they call you amazing!” Carol cried out as she felt herself orgasm at that moment. She gripped him so tightly with her inner walls that Peter couldn’t even pull out. “Oh fuck Carol!” Peter cried out feeling the head of his cock resting in her womb as her tunnel closed around him. He felt himself fill her womb with his cum pulling her arms back as he held himself inside of her. Carol moaned feeling herself being filled up from Peter. He dropped her arms as she used them to rest holding herself in that position. Peter laid on her back his hands roaming over her naked chest caressing her stomach and breasts and even her pussy slightly. She shuddered as he was still half hard inside of her she was going to look forward to round three. *** 20 minutes after that*** Carol was on her back feeling Peter slam his cock into her over and over again. She had given him a blow job until he had been hard but Peter put her on her back as he climb on top of her and mounted her. She had eagerly spread her legs for him and then wrapped her long toned legs around him as she felt him fuck her again for a third time. Not many of her lovers could go three times in one night at the most the average guy only lasted two or one. So for the past ten minutes Peter had been nearly fucking her through her own mattress. She felt the bed shake violently as she reached up and gripped the metal headboard with hands. She really wished the night would end. Peter fucked this golden haired goddess for all he was worth, it had been so long since he had a night like this and he wanted to give it another go. Although he was finding it troubling to keep himself hard, he could feel his dick slightly warn out but he was thankfully mostly hard. It was just that two shots had taken a lot out of him but he wouldn’t stop. He would make Carol cum again on his cock, he loved the sexy noises she made, her sexy body too. He wasn’t sure if this was a one night thing but at that moment he hoped they had more of these nights together. “Oh fuck Carol, I’m nearly at my limit,” Peter grunted as he buried his face into her neck. “Do it, cum in me again Peter, please I want to feel you cumming in me again!” Carol held him close as she tried to make him cum with every little trick she knew. “Oh fuck, fuck...fuck! God I’m cumming again!” Peter called out. “Do it! Oh god cum in me!” Carol cried out feeling her own orgasm. “Here I cum!” Peter thrust in several times feeling what was left of the cum he had dumped into her waiting body. Carol shuddered as she felt her own release, it wasn’t as good as the second time but it was still a good orgasm as she felt him finish inside of her. The two lay there, covered in sweat, tired, feeling the aches of sex but both of them feeling great. Carol had no idea that Peter was such a good lover. He was easily in her top five, maybe top three actually as she looked up at her ceiling with a plastered smile on her face. She could feel how aching her sex was and knew she would be sore the next morning. Most thought that invulnerability and super strength meant you didn’t feel any of that. Well muscles can be overused no matter what, sure she didn’t get any ‘friction burns’ but that didn’t stop her muscles from being strained. She looked at Peter’s face and his smile that she guessed matched her own. She rolled over to lay against him feeling his warm body against hers. She wasn’t sure if this was just a one night thing or the start of something. Honestly at the moment she didn’t care they could deal with it tomorrow morning, for the moment she just wanted to enjoy the moment. TBC...
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 It had been a couple of months since Peter and Carol had started dating and thing had been going well, at least as well as two heroes could be. Sometimes they couldn’t make it for dates because something came up, Peter’s busy life didn’t help, or that after a major mission in the Avengers both of them just were too tired to go out. Although there were the good moments, sometimes after a mission they would just retire to one of the two rooms they had at the mansion. They would lock the door, unmask and just sit back and enjoy a movie or something. When they did have time together they spent it out on dates, both in and out of costume. Of course by this time everyone knew they were dating, it was kind of hard not to notice with the way they were around each other. Thankfully for the most part the team was fine with it, although Hawkeye did seem to enjoy rubbing it in with Peter. Currently Peter was out on top of a high building in Manhattan as he was just waiting around for Carol to show up, they were supposed to meet up in downtown given that she wanted to learn a bit more about the kind of work he did as Spider-Man. She had never really done the whole patrol for small criminal thing, so for the past few days he was showing her what he learned over the years. Plus with an Avenger like her around, he didn’t have to worry about cops or that Spider-Man task force, they wouldn’t dare mess with her and he was glad for the change of pace. So here he was sitting on a building in costume waiting around for her. So far it looked like it might be a nice night out. Hardly any crime and no major super villains out causing all kinds of trouble, if he had known this was going to happen he would have instead asked Carol to go out. Calm nights like this were sometimes a rare thing. Oh well, at least they could spend some time together. “You look like someone that got stood up for a date,” a sensual voice from behind him suddenly said. ‘Oh man...not her, not now,’ Peter thought as he looked around to see Black Cat behind him, looking just as sexual and alluring as she always did. He hadn’t seen her for some time in fact the last time had been in a hotel that didn’t ask questions. At least he assumed they didn’t unless she led him to just an abandoned room for that. Ever since his breakup with Mary Jane, he and Black Cat would sometimes get together and it would sometimes lead to sex. Of course she always insisted on the mask staying on, which was kind of hurtful. She wanted Spider-Man, not the man under it. Of course sex with her was mind blowing and it wasn’t like the women beat down his door. But things were different now and he would have to tell her. “Actually I’m waiting for someone,” Peter said standing up to face her. “Oh? Did you and Red get back together or are you waiting for someone else?” Black Cat smirked slinking her way over to him, making sure to sway her hips to make him look. She ran a hand over his chest grinning at him. “He’s waiting for me,” A cold female voice said startling both of them. Felicia looked around and then up, she was shocked to see none other than Ms. Marvel floating there in the air, with her arms crossed and a not too pleased look on her face. The mighty woman floated on down to their level, giving Black Cat a not too kind glare of annoyance. Felicia had never met the woman in person, looking her over. She was every bit as sexy as the photos, more so in person which slightly irritated the former thief. She had hoped that the new woman in Spider’s life would have been someone she could compete with. Oh sure in looks they were pretty much even, but in a fight she knew that the woman before her would rip her head off if she wanted to. Carol looked at the black leather clad woman, she had already met her and already she didn’t like this woman. Her figure was too much of a close match, actually maybe she was a little less muscle and more curves. Well she just figured that the woman also had implants, at least that’s what Carol figured as much. No way were those natural, okay she knew she was one to talk but she didn’t like the woman so she could think what she wanted. Carol also bet that the woman at least dyed her hair that color. Oh yeah, she didn’t like this woman at all and they had already met. Felicia turned to Peter and gave him a sultry look, “I see you still have a thing for blondes, I thought you had turned your taste for red heads or is it something else that you look for in your women?” She asked making sure her cleavage was in plain sight. Peter may not have had his spider-sense going off but that didn’t mean he didn’t sense the danger of the situation. He could just feel Carol fuming, MJ got like this at times with Felicia as well, thankfully those two managed to work thing out but that took years. This was quickly turning into a major problem if he didn’t do something. “Anyways, Ms. Marvel and myself have plans for the night so...” Black Cat sighed and walked off, “Say no more. Lucky girl that she is to get you all to herself, unless she’s willing to share?” She saw the murderous look Ms. Marvel was throwing her way. “Doesn’t look it, oh well, call me when your single again Spider.” She blew him a kiss before jumping off the building, firing a grapple line as she swung away. Carol shifted her glare to Peter, “What was that all about?” “She’s...sort of an ex-girlfriend of mind,” Peter admitted to her. “She left awhile ago and I moved on, she came back and well, okay, we did have a fling now and then after my last breakup but nothing solid. She actually prefers me as Spider-Man and not the guy under it. So it never worked out.” “Seems a bit ‘friendly’ for an ex.” Carol told him crossing her arms looking away from him. She knew that Peter was a nice guy, but him seeing woman that looked like that, and the way she was over him, she didn’t like it. “Yeah...she kind of is like that,” Peter really wished these two hadn’t met. Felicia liked to play her little games a bit too much at times. Carol thought about something, something that had been on her mind for awhile now. “Peter...what am I to you?” “What?” “What am I to you? Am I just someone you have a fling with now and then like with that woman?” “Of course not,” Peter went to her and turned her around to face him. “Carol, you mean a lot to me. I mean I got out of very long relationship, hell I was nearly married but it didn’t end well. You are the first woman I felt that I could honestly have a real relationship after that.” “You’re an amazing woman, you’re strong, fierce, you don’t show any fear, not to mention you’re one of the most beautiful women on the planet. I’d have to be crazy to over look a great thing when I got it.” He pulled her close to him wrapping his arms around her waist. “Carol, when I’m with you, the world seems better. I feel like things could finally go right in my life and I love having you as my girlfriend.” Carol always tried to keep the strong outward appearance but on the inside she wasn’t as strong as people gave her credit to. She had suffered so much, lost loved ones, been tortured, hurt, put into a coma, lost her powers once. She had even been mentally controlled and basically raped and impregnated and her friends had just let her go off with that person. That had been one of the worst experiences of her life and it took a long time to get over it to the point she could have relationships. Maybe that was why Peter meant so much to her, with him she felt safe, she felt that he would never harm her in any way. She pulled him close, it had been so long since she felt like anything like this. She felt closer to him than anyone in so long that it ached at times. A lot of the memories of her life she had lost emotional attachments too but with this thing with Peter was different. It was real and it was right now. Without really thinking about it she pulled up his mask and kissed him. It was a deep heated kiss, one of longing and passion. Peter pulled her closer to him as she gripped the front of his costume. Together they kissed each other over and over, almost like they were fighting each other with their mouths. Carol had a crazy idea but she couldn’t wait until after they were done. She wanted to feel loved and to show him how she felt. Slowly she pulled away and got to her knees. “Uh, Carol?” Peter asked her. “Sorry, can’t wait,” She told him as she pulled down his pants and then his boxers. His dick was now in plain view as he started to panic and look around in case they were caught. “Carol we can’t do that here, someone might see us.” Peter really didn’t want to get caught but now she was holding his dick in one hand and giving it kisses with her luscious mouth. “We’re too high up, besides just keep calling me Ms. Marvel then if you’re worried someone might hear us,” she told him and then went to place his dick in her mouth. She started with the head slowly running her warm tongue over the sensitive tip. “Oh fuck...” Peter tried to think what to say but honestly having his girlfriend giving him head at the moment, he was trying to find a reason to get her to stop. “Hell with it, knowing our luck who knows when we’ll have a moment together.” “There’s the spirit,” She told him before going back to work. In no time he was already hard so she ran her tongue along the outside before bobbing her head back and forth. She could get half of it down her mouth but it was just too long for her. If she tried to go all the way she would only choke, one day she would learn to work it all. She used her hand to help jerk him off as she continued her blowjob. Peter had to admit, getting a bareback blowjob by Ms. Marvel herself was one the best things in his life. His hands ran through her long blonde hair as he moaned feeling her go to work. She was actually pretty good at this, her teeth never came close to the skin. Ms. Marvel pulled off him as she looked up sexily as she reached behind her neck. She undid the back as she slowly pulled her top down just past her breasts. She gripped both large breasts as she started to give him a tit fuck. “How does this feel?” “Great, just perfect,” Peter groaned feeling the large soft breasts rubbing against his erect and wet member. She smiled as she rubbed his hard member between her large tits, she opened her mouth to take in the head as she used her breasts on his shaft. She could feel herself heating up as she was surprisingly getting turned on. The fact that she could get such reactions out of him made her happy, it gave her more confidence that she was the one he thought about and not that Black Cat woman. Peter ran his hands through her hair as she started to suck him deeper, using her tongue to the best of her ability as her soft breasts practically engulfed his dick. He moaned out as he felt himself getting so hard from her work.  God how he loved this woman, and that was when it really hit home. Did he just think that? Did he really love her or was that just a word being thrown around. He still wasn’t sure, he knew he liked her, that he found her attractive, that he deeply cared for her. Was it love? He wasn’t sure but he felt that it was soon getting to that point. “Stand up, I want to taste you,” Peter told her as he didn’t want to cum, not just yet. She slowly got away from him as she pressed her back against a wall as Peter knelt down. She shivered feeling the cold night air on her naked breasts as Peter pulled the crotch piece of her costume to the side. She felt his hot breath on her pussy and then he slowly licked it. She gasped as she felt his fingers spread her pussy lips as his tongue began to work around the sensitive flesh. She felt his tongue trace over it, flicking her opening and going inside. He would alternate things to she would never know what he was going to do. “Oh god, Spider-Man, you’re tongue is magic at times,” Ms. Marvel moaned as her hands went to her breasts. She started to fondle them, running her fingers around her nipples, pinching and rolling the nubs gently. She could get used to having him eat her out every day, although she much preferred his cock inside of her, well, a little longer for this first. Peter started to stick a couple of fingers inside of her warm tunnel as his mouth found her clip. She yelled out as he saw her abs starting to clench, by now he knew her body well enough to know he was working her up. His prick was still hard and hearing her moans he couldn’t wait to stick in into her. But he wanted to hear the words, he wanted her to ask him. “Just say the word,” Peter said before going back to her clit. “Fuck me, fuck me now please!” Carol needed him her body was aching for him. Peter took a leg and raised it as he lined himself up she took one hand to help guide him as he entered her. They both moaned feeling themselves connect; he pushed himself in as far as he could, filling her up completely. They soon started to move gently, getting used to each other. Peter kissed her passionately as they did, she kissed him in return, savouring the sensations. The feel of him thrusting inside of her walls, of his costume rubbing against her bare breasts, the taste of his mouth, Ms. Marvel let herself go as she felt the pleasure coursing through her body. Carol couldn’t believe she was doing this, she was having sex, in costume on a building. Someone could find them, okay it was a tall building and they kept the masks on but still. But her body was giving her too much pleasure to really care. Plus it was kind of turning her on, the danger of it all. She loved riding Peter’s cock, the way it stretched and filler her out, how deep he could penetrate her. She felt his mouth on her neck as his hands gripped her ass, the way her breasts were rubbing up against his costume. The costume was actually giving her sensitive nipples pleasure as the rougher material was rubbing against them. “Oh god, oh god fuck me Spider-Man, I want you to fuck me!” Ms. Marvel shouted out in pleasure. “You feel so good,” Spider-Man grunted out as he squeezed her ass some more, she really had one fine ass on her. He walked over and slammed her into the wall making her cry out in pleasure. “You want it rough today?” “Yes! Give it to me, pound me hard, please!” Carol felt him increase his pace. She started out wanting to make love but it ended up as a hard fucking, not that she minded. She was loving this and the whole part that they could be seen was adding a sense of adrenaline rush to the whole thing. “You go it, I love fucking your pussy Ms. Marvel,” Peter said calling her hero name in case anyone might be watching, even if it was remote but still, it was kind of fun to call her by that name. Sweat was starting to form on their bodies as they continued to screw each other, even in the cool night air the heat of their bodies was more than enough for them. Their moans and cries of pleasure filled the night air around them, the wet sounds of his dick sliding through her slick pussy, of their flesh slapping against each other. Eventually though all things had to reach their ending. “I’m coming, I’m coming, oh god I’m coming!” Ms. Marvel yelled out as she gripped the wall, her fingers digging into the structure easily enough from her super strength. She gasped as she felt her orgasm run through her body. Her body shook several times as it was rocked by the pleasure. Peter felt her already tight vagina clamp down onto his cock, he nearly came right then and there. But somehow he managed to hold off if only for a little bit. He thrust into her feeling he was at his own limit. “I’m going to cum...inside or out?” He quickly asked. “Out,” she told him feeling him withdrawing. She fell to her knees, they were a bit weak at the moment to stand anyway. She took his dick as she jerked off his shaft and once again placing the rest in her mouth. It didn’t take long to hear him groan as she felt the familiar pulsing of his dick, it was quickly followed by the warm fluids of his cum. She swallowed every drop, she didn’t want to get any on her uniform after all. When he was done she sat back against the wall still panting. That had been fun, the whole danger of it all was kind of kinky for her. Peter took a moment to rest as well. “Okay, that was a bit different,” Peter said as the two rested a bit and were now fixing their uniforms. “Yes, I...I don’t know what came over me,” Carol said blushing as she made sure her breasts were fully covered. She still couldn’t believe what came over her, but the thought of maybe losing Peter, especially to that leather clad bimbo, was not something she was going to let happen. “Well I’m not totally complaining if my girlfriend wants to get frisky,” Peter joked. “Although I hope no one was taping that.” Peter looked around to make sure, you never know. The last thing they needed was them fucking to be found online. “I doubt it,” although that didn’t stop her from taking a look. The girls would never let her live it down, especially some of the more liberated ones like She-Hulk and Tigra, those two got flack for being very sexually active, they wouldn’t think twice before calling her up about it. “Although next time for being spontaneous let’s at least make sure the place is comfortable,” Peter said to her adjusting his mask. Carol nodded, she had impressions of the wall still on her ass, hopefully it wouldn’t last long and no one would notice. “Shall we go?” She asked him as she floated up. “Yes, let me show you my New York and all the nasty things that happen to the more normal people.” “You sure know how to show a girl a good time,” she smiled. “You seemed to think so five minutes ago,” he shot back as he swung off. She smiled as she flew after him. TBC I think the final chapter will be the next one.
Chapter 0 - Punishment of Perverts
Disclaimer: I don’t own X-Men or any Marvel comic book character. This story is based on the 616 universe but with a few changes. Timeline wise it’s after M-day but you might see a few faces still around as this is just a one shot that I got challenged to do so I did it in the best way I could. Punishment of Perverts The Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters had been through some rough times lately. After Xavier left Scott was the one to take up the leadership role of the entire school and he had been doing his best. Although things weren’t easy for him either. First there came M-Day where most mutants lost their powers, many people were devastated to find their powers gone, and some had even lost their lives without them. People had left the school, and after attacks by William Striker and his fanatics many innocent children had been killed. There was also the loss of several other X-Men as well, Jean had died (again) and now Gambit was lost to them. He had left to join Apocalypse of all people. Things were definitely darker now and now with the giant sentinels that now guarded them, although they were practically useless in that regards. Yes it had been a rough time and thankfully there was now a brief moment of rest. At the moment two of the members of the New X-Men were silently stalking the hallways. They were Josh Foley AKA Elixir, a golden skinned boy with the power to heal or kill. He was being led by a handsome dark haired boy named Julian Keller AKA Hellion. They were currently sneaking in the lower levels, mainly Julian had heard how there was a place where you could look into the woman’s shower and he was eager to find out if it was true or not. Josh was going along pretty much for the same reason. They were working their way through a maintenance work way that ran along the woman’s shower and change room. They had heard that there was a Danger Room session today that the female staff was using it today. It was the perfect time to see if they could find a way to look inside. “You have any idea where this is supposed to be?” Josh asked as they worked their way through the small passage. “Look I’m just following the pipes, they got to lead to the shower rooms right?” Julian said as they continued on. They walked on until they could hear something echoing in the passage. It sounded like a mixture of water and talking. Female voices could be heard and Julian smirked knowing that they must be close. It wasn’t easy to move, there wasn’t much room and there were pipes, webs and a lot of other stuff. The webs he just used his powers to move away until the voices were ringing all around them. Julian looked but he noticed that if there had been a hole it must have been covered up. He swore in his head thinking of what do to now. He didn’t come all this way for nothing after all, so he gently used his powers to make a few small holes for them. He had to be careful not to make them too big. When he was done four holes were made with light coming through them. Both boys went to look and they were not disappointed with what they were seeing. And then there they were some of the most beautiful women in the mansion, totally naked and washing themselves in the shower. There was Ororo who was there on a break from a mission with her new husband, she was a tall woman with a mane or white hair. It was a stark contrast to her black skin, she had long legs that were well toned as well as most of her body too. They could see she had a shapely ass and large tits with small dark nipples on them. You could see why many had thought of her as a goddess back in Africa. Next to her was Kitty Pryde, she was a bit on the short side as she was the shortest one there. She had a slim figure, almost childlike in a way with small breast, not too small but like her height she had the smallest ones out of them. She had a nice compact body though and there was a bit of baby fat but in an attractive way that didn’t make her look like she was short and too skinny. There was also Rachel Grey, the young red head had short hair and they could see the large tattoo on her back now. She too was one of the slimmer girls, breasts just slightly bigger than Kitty’s but wasn’t in the same league as the other women present. They watched that the women turned and they could see a slim patch of red hair over her pussy making it known she was in fact a real red head. Polaris was also there, as the green haired woman was washing her long hair at the moment, she was shaven so the couldn’t tell if her hair was green down there as well. She was beautiful with a nice handful size of breasts on her, so that put her on the average compared to the others but she did have great set of legs on her too. The other blonde was someone they had known of course and it was the co-headmistress Emma Frost. She had the body of a porn star, hour glass figure with the biggest breasts they had to have seen. She was clean shaven around her pussy so they didn’t know if the rumor of her not being a natural blonde was true or not. She had long dancer’s legs, perfect features as well. It wasn’t difficult to see why most of the boys fantasied about them and Hellion and Elixir were both guilty of that. The only other woman that came close to matching Emma’s breasts was the last woman there mostly known as Rogue. She had an interesting look with that streak of white in her hair and they were surprised to see that the small patch of hair over her pussy was brown with that same stripe in it. She looked like Emma only more athletic build to her, her stomach wasn’t just flat but had some muscle to it as well. It was hard to say if her tits were bigger or smaller than Emma’s as they were pretty close. The only different was in the nipples. Emma’s were light pink and about half the size of a quarter. Rogue’s were easily larger than that and stuck out, they looks like the heads of erasers although they were a darker pink color than that. “That was a good workout,” Rachel said rubbing the soap onto her arms. “Yes it was,” Storm said washing her hair, “I’m glad that I stopped by on my way back.” “So how is married life?” Kitty asked the older woman. “Has it’s ups and downs but so far it’s been very good,” Storm smiled. “Give it a year and then you’ll see that marriage isn’t as good as you’d think,” Emma told her. “Yeah you never know when some trap will try and seduce your husband,” Rachel muttered under her breath taking a jab at Emma and Scott’s relationship. She maybe have accepted that her mother was gone (again) and that Scott and Emma were a couple but that didn’t mean she had to like it. Rogue was just able to hear it, although everyone was keeping their distance from her. She didn’t take it personally, it was just a safety thing in case her powers hurt one of them. But it still hurt knowing that she couldn’t touch. There had been only a few times when she could touch, the first hadn’t been a pleasant experience while in Genosha. The others were much better, and there was that time her powers had been gone for a bit and she and Remy had gone off together for a bit. Those were the only moments in her life she had even had sex, but her powers were back and Remy had betrayed them and her again. How many times did he have to break her heart she wondered. It just seemed that life was always torturing her, and it had been so long since she felt the touch of a man. Her fingers were a poor substitute for the real thing. She looked at the other women and she envied them, they could love and made love with anyone they wanted to but she couldn’t feel anything. It made her angry at times as well. Meanwhile the boys were trying to control themselves seeing the naked women, it was even better than they had thought. Julian wished he had a camera for all of this, the male population would pay anything to see this. He grinned as he put that thought aside for later. He placed his hands on the wall seeing Rachel washing her groin area and he wished he was that hand at the moment. He was so unfocused that he didn’t notice the slight build up in power in his hands, it wasn’t much but it was enough for the wall to break apart and the boys falling through it into the shower. There were shots of surprise as many of the women went to get something to cover their bodies with. With the exception of Storm and Emma, Storm didn’t have problems with nudity in fact once she stripped after a workout with Jean and was perfectly fine to walk to her room naked. Emma didn’t have anything to feel ashamed with her body and of course being in the Hellfire Club modesty went out the window along with morals, ethics and many other things. She stood there like a teacher with her hands on her hips glaring at the young boys. “What the hell do you two think you’re doing?” She asked in a calm and cold voice. “It was all his idea,” Josh said. “You asshole!” Julian shouted. “Silence!” Emma snapped and both boys shut up. “First thing I’m going to do is get that wall fixed up and make sure this doesn’t happen again. Next you two are going to be punished.” “You got that right!” Kitty said with a towel on coming back into the room with the other women who fled. “You two think it’s okay to just peep on women like this? I think the two perverts here should be really punished for this.” Rogue had an idea for a punishment, if the boys were perverts then maybe she could give them a real lesson. “I’ll do it.” Everyone looked at the Southern Belle, “I want to do it and I think I got the perfect one in mind, besides I got nothing to do for the afternoon and I’m sure you all got work.” Rogue said looking at them. The other woman looked at each other, Storm had to get ready to go soon, Emma had her plate full, Kitty had a class, Rachel was also helping some of the kids too. Polaris actually had a date planned and she wanted to get ready for it. “Alright they’re all yours then,” Emma stated walking off with her head high. Rogue looked at the two boys, “You two will get to my room in an hour and you better not be late.” ==Later== Rogue had dried off in her room and now she was going to put her plan into action. She was always a fan of let the punishment fit the crime. Plus why should she be the only sexually frustrated one in the mansion? So she decided to give the boys what they wanted but would make them also scared of it as well. She started out with putting on a black garter belt with stockings on them. She used a black lace push up bra that gave her even more cleavage, not that she really needed it. A slim g-string was put on as it showed off her ass and yet just managed to hide her pussy and the small patch of trimmed hair she kept down there. Next she went with a low green skirt and a matching t-shirt that showed off her stomach line. She also put on long green gloves that went up to her elbows. She went to her closet and put on her green and white cloak that would hide what she had planned. She decided to add in makeup as well, red lipstick with some eyeliner and mascara. She placed two chairs in front of the bed and waited for the boys to show up. When they did they had no idea what was in store for them. “Ah miss Anna we’re really sorry about-“ Josh started but Rogue cut him off. “Shut it, you two sit down and keep quiet. You both will not leave this room until I’m finished and I don’t want to hear anything out of you two got it?” She told them. Julian sighed, he figured that Josh’s plea for forgiveness wouldn’t work. So he sat down on the chair wondering what was going on. Rogue smirked looking at the boys, “Well you two seem to have trouble controlling your inhibitions. I’ve got the cure for that so you two are going to learn just how dangerous it is to let your impulses control you.” With that she went to her stereo and pressed the play button, music started to pump into the room and they watched shocked as she threw her cloak aside. Now she was in those sexy clothing she put on and the boys couldn’t take their eyes off her. She swayed with the music in an almost hypnotic fashion as she danced for the boys. She teased them a little with a few posses before she gently took the hem of her top and slowly pulled it off her body. She continued to do it as she turned her back to them and bent down and took the skirt off as they got a good view of her ass with the thong on it. She threw the articles aside as she walked towards them swaying her hips. “Well now I think you boys should learn your lesson now. Remember boys look but don’t touch.” With that she sat on Josh’s lap as she started to grind herself into him. He grunted feeling his penis get more aroused as the feel of her groin against his. He knew that he couldn’t touch her bare skin so he kept his hands to his sides but it sure wasn’t easy. She breathed on his skin which was both erotic and dangerous. He wasn’t sure what was getting his heart pounding more, the fact she was doing this or the fact with any mistake could lead him unconscious. Rogue only smirked at the boy, she could feel his erection growing but she knew that he couldn’t do anything about it. She rent her hands down over his body as she lightly rose up and down on him almost riding him softly as she swirled her hips against his lap. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra and threw it away, she stood up and cupping her breasts she pushed them together close to his face. “So you wanted to see a woman naked huh? You wanted to see these?” She teased getting as close as she could. He couldn’t stop staring at the perfect orbs but he had to make his face wasn’t close to them. “What’s a matter you don’t like them?” Rogue said as she got off the boy. She started more erotic dancing with the music, her hands trailing over her body as the boys sat captivated and frustrated by it. She got onto her bed and took off the panties so she was just in gloves, stockings and her garter at the moment. She spread her legs and with her fingers started to caress and finger her pussy. She pulled back the lips showing the pink flesh to them, she would roll her head and moan sexily for them. Rogue then got up and sat on Julian’s lap as she worked him up much in the same way as Josh. “So what do you think little man?” Rogue whispered to his ear, she was pressed up against him her body was rubbing all over his. Her breasts mashed up against his chest to hard he could feel her nipples through his shirt. “Do you want me? You want to kiss me, to fuck me little man? Well you can try but it’s touch at your own risk.” She laughed a little as she teased him by breathing slowly on his face as she moved her mouth just over his skin. Not touching but he could feel the heat of her body almost. Julian couldn’t take it anymore, those lips were so close to his face. He knew what would happen if he acted but damn it, it was worth it. So he quickly moved forward and kissed her. Rogue was so shocked by it that she didn’t even move, but when her senses came back she jumped back in shock. She touched her lips as something unexpected had happened, she had kissed him and nothing happened. Julian also knew this and he got up to the teacher and before she could say anything he grabbed her and kissed her hard. Rogue tried to fight it, but it felt so good. She was just about to push him off her when his hand reached down to her sex and started to caress her mound. A moan escaped her mouth before she could stop it, she couldn’t understand why her powers were suddenly not working. What no one knew was that under her bed the mutant boy Leech was hiding, he had been put up to a prank by one of the other kids that he couldn’t steal the panties of at least four of the women on the X-Men without getting caught. He had just got a pair of green panties from Rogue’s room when he heard someone coming. He panicked and ducked under the bed and wishing he had never taken up the stupid bet. Although he nearly had a heart attack when Rogue came in and his young eyes widened when she started to change right in front of him. He peeked to see her strip totally naked and put on a sexy number that gave the young boy a hard on. He had just started to notice girls and this was his first look at a naked woman. Then the boys came in and he watched Rogue’s strip tease of the boys, then Julian couldn’t take it anymore and that’s when things got interesting. Julian’s tongue explored hers as his hand was caressing her sex, she couldn’t stop the moan in her mouth. She was screaming how wrong this was, this wasn’t what she wanted. But her body ached for his touch, for a man’s touch. She needed it so bad for so long. She tried to fight him slightly but he grabbed one of her wrists and then his fingers started to probe her insides. She did moan this time as Julian fingered her pussy. Finally he pulled his mouth away from her, “Stop this, it’s wrong.” “Oh then why are you so wet?” Julian said slipping out his fingers and showing her. Her eyes widened seeing her own juices on his fingers. She tried to say a denial but her mouth just worked open and closed. She couldn’t say anything, all she could do was stare at his fingers in surprised. “I think you really want this,” Julian said kissing her neck and collarbone. “How long has it been teach?” “Oh god,” Rogue whispered feeling his kisses on her body. She could feel her body betraying her as she was getting hot. She cursed him, her powers and everything else she could think of. She wanted to teach them a lesson and here she was moaning like some slut just because she couldn’t get what others had. It made her angry every time she looked around to see men and women together. It was a constant reminded of what she once had but never might have again. She wasn’t sure why she could touch, or why her powers didn’t seem to be working but damn it she needed this. There were two boys with hard ones for her, they wanted her and she could get what she wanted. She pushed him away seeing the lust in his eyes and Rogue had to make a decision, her breathing was hard but she still had enough control to think. She knew this was wrong but so was the fact that she couldn’t touch. So she made her choice. “Alright boys I don’t know what’s going on but here’s the deal,” She told them. “You don’t speak of this at all, anything that happens in this room stays and if you don’t keep your mouths shut then they will never find the bodies, got it?” “Uh-yeah,” Josh said from this seat. “So we’re going to...” Julian smirked at her. She looked at them with a lustful look as she crawled onto her bed and got on her back, her elbows propping her up as she spread her legs for them to see the wet pussy almost inviting them in. “So whose first?” Julian didn’t waste any time, he quickly started to strip off his clothing, there was no way he was going to pass up having sex with this woman. She was built in ways that most men dream of and he couldn’t wait to fuck her. Rogue watched the young boy so eager to get it on with her. She had to admit there was something stimulating that she was so desirable to him. When he pulled off his boxers and she saw the 7 inch long cock she was impressed. That was larger than Gambit had been by a few inches. Already she was wondering how he would feel inside of her. The boy climbed on top of her as he used his hands to grip her breasts testing out how they felt and they felt great. He couldn’t believe these were natural but given her powers there was no way she could have had surgery like Emma did with her breasts. He had to suck on the massive breasts, they just called to him. He bent down and took one of her nipples into his mouth as he ran his tongue over it. It was easy to get it hard as she was already pretty excited as it was. Rogue moaned in pleasure feeling him do that. But she wasn’t into foreplay at the moment, her body demanded some kind of gratification. “Come on and put it in me already,” She told him in a husky voice. Hellion did just that, he felt the tip of his cock at her entrance and thrust himself into her warm and tight body. He grunted as he felt her tight inner walls around his member as Rogue threw her head back with a cry of pleasure. It had been so long since she felt a man in her, she didn’t care it was a student. It was a man’s cock in her for the first time in so very long, so many frustrated nights alone had caught up to her. She thrusts her hips back against him trying to get him as deep as he could get into her body. “Oh yes, ugh, fuck yes, do me, oh god, ugh, ugh, ugh!” Rogue cried out feeling his cock work its way in and out of her. “Fuck you’re tight,” Hellion said as he fucked the southern teacher. He tried to hold off but that strip tease of hers was too much for him. He held out for as long as he could, but after seven minutes his thrusting picked up. “Oh god I’m going to cum!” “Just hold it, just a little bit longer!” Rogue cried out. Julian gritted his teeth as he massaged her breasts trying to get her off, then he gripped them hard as he bucked against her a few more times until he thrust himself deep into her body. He cried out as his cock pulsed and several ropes of cum blasted into her body. Rogue didn’t care that she was fucking them bareback, or that she could get pregnant from this. She was so caught up she had forgotten, but the minute that first shot of liquid heat hit her sensitive walls was enough for her. She cried out as she came on his cock, her inner walls tightening around his member. After they caught their breath Julian pulled out of her, his cock only half limp as he looked to Josh who was naked and sporting an impressive hard on as well. “You’re up.” Julian said. “Great,” Josh smiled as he got onto the bed, he started with making out with Rogue. He tasted her lips as their tongues battled it out, their hands started to roam over each other’s bodies. He felt her soft hands trailing over his young frame as his own hands found her breasts, her ass and anything else he could do. Rogue rolled them so that she was on top of him looking down with a lustful look as he gave one equally back to her. As Rogue was straddling the young golden skinned boy, she had lost any reservations about this after all it had been nearly a year since she felt a person’s touch, had felt a man inside of her. She ached so much for a male’s touch and she didn’t care if she was fucking the two young boys. She felt his hard cock in her hands and guided it inside of her body, she let out a sexy moan. The two of them started a slow fucking motion both enjoying the moment. Seeing the two of them like this was starting to give Hellion a new hard on as well. He watched that perfect ass of her and he just had to have it. As Julian went over to the bed behind her, he bent Rogue forward as she rode Josh. Hellion gripped that fine ass of hers and placed his cock at the entrance to her sphincter. Rogue jumped at the sensation and quickly looked back at him with a panicked expression, “Julian no! Please I’ve never had sex there before!” “Oh really?” He smirked, “Well I don’t want your mouth and your pussy is busy and I really want a piece of that ass.” He started to push himself into her. Rogue cried out in pain, it wasn’t pleasant. “Oh god it hurts! Pull it out, pull it out!” Rogue said feeling tears starting to form from the cock invading her body. “Dude you’re hurting her knock it off!” Elixir yelled at him. Julian sighed and pulled out, “Fuck! Come on I know we can do this, do you got anything that can at least lub you up? I mean it would make it a lot easier and I am not leaving until I get the nail that ass at least once.” Rogue bit her lip not sure what to do, she wanted more sex but was she ready for anal sex? She thought about it, she had heard that a few of the other women had anal sex before. Some said they didn’t like it but others said they did like it. But given that Hellion was so set on it she knew that he wouldn’t leave until he at least tried it out. So she might as well get it over with besides for whatever reason she had no idea how long her powers would be turned off. If this was just some fluke it could be her only chance to experience sex for who knows how long again. “In my drawer I got some hand lotion,” she told him. Although she used that for masturbation mainly she didn’t need to tell him that. While Julian was getting the lotion Elixir was starting slow movements with his hips getting her attention back to the golden boy. While Julian was rough he was gentle and it made for an interesting experience. Gambit the few times they could fuck had used foreplay but then he just fucked her roughly to end things. She kind of liked this new approach. The boy couldn’t believe how good this women felt, although she was still slick from Julian’s cum in her and her own she was still nice and tight. All that time without sex had left her pussy not really broken in all that much. He could only stare at those large and beautiful breasts swaying over him. He used his hands to grab them and knead them gently feeling their softness and yet they had this firm center to them. She moaned a bit and he leaned up and started to suck on one of her large nipples. Rogue moaned out even louder as she swayed her hips with his grinding their pelvic areas together. Jullian had come back and was putting the lotion on his hard cock, when that was done he squirted a bit on the crack of her ass. He saw her tense up and he started to work it into her asshole. Rogue gasped as a finger wasn’t all that big so it didn’t hurt as much. She felt the slick feeling of the lube being put inside of her body. She grinded against Josh’s cock as he was playing with her large breasts, sucking on the nipples. Then Julian pulled out his finger and that’s when she tensed up feeling the head of his cock pushing into her virgin ass. “Jeez don’t tense up just relax,” Julian told her as he started to rub her back. Rogue nodded her head and gritted her teeth as his cock pushed itself into her body. “Ugh, oh god...ah.” “You alright?” Josh asked her. “Just...go easy and keep it up Josh,” Rogue told him. Josh nodded and went back to pleasuring her body as best he could. It helped to distract her as Julian pushed his cock into her. Thankfully he was taking his time and finally he managed to fit his cock into her, he stopped giving her time to relax and to adjust to it. He couldn’t believe just how tight this woman was, both her holes were amazing but then again he knew that her sex life was nearly none existent. Finally he started to move gently in and out of her body letting her get used to it. Rogue felt the aching in her ass starting to slowly go away as her body started to get used to the presence inside of her. But something was happening she didn’t expect, she could feel both dicks inside of her, they were pressing up against each other with only a thin piece of her body that separated them. They were grinding against each other and with Josh sucking on her tits and now that Julian was kneading her ass she was really starting to get into it. Slowly they started to move a bit faster as they found a rhythm wish each other. Soon Josh was pushing into her as Julian pulled out and then when he pushed in, Josh would pull out. “Oh god I’m starting to like this,” Rogue moaned out as she fucked the two boys. “Do me harder boys, please fuck me harder.” “You got it,” Julian smirked as he stared to slam himself into her ass, his hips making a smacking sound as they hit. “Oh god dude you got to try her ass next, it’s fucking awesome!” “Just let me finish here,” Josh grunted out as he gripped her waist and started to fuck himself up into her as fast and as hard as he could. Rogue was soon crying out instead of moaning feeling the dicks hammer into her. “Oh fuck me, fuck me, fuck ME! OH FUCK! AWW-I’M CUMMING BOYS!” Rogue yelled out feeling the pressure inside of her ready to burst. “Ugh, fuck! Yeah take that! Take that, you like that huh?” Julian said gripping her ass as he was fucking her as hard as he could. “Yeah I’m going to fucking cum in your ass!” “Oh shit I’m cumming!” Josh said as he cried out and felt himself shot his load into the older woman. Rogue felt the hot sperm hit her cervix and she threw her head back shouting out as her body tensed up. It was the biggest orgasm she had ever had. Julian felt her get even tighter as he grunted out as he held himself in her ass filling it up with his sperm. Rogue shivered at the sensation getting a mini-orgasm from the strange feeling so soon after getting her orgasm. Julian held himself inside of her until he felt himself over his release and pulled out. He could see the cum leaking from Rogue’s pussy as it was overstuffed with both their cum. Rogue slowly got off Josh and fell to her back onto her bed gasping for breath. She felt a bit tired, her body was covered in sweat, she could feel the cum inside of her body as a bit of it leaked out of her. A part of her mind made a mental note to clean her sheets and carpet after she could. She lay there just enjoying the afterglow of the sex she had, god how she had missed it. She felt the bed shift and suddenly a mouth was back onto her tit. She looked to see Julian sucking on one of her large breasts again as his hand trailed down her stomach to her pussy, he started to rub it lightly making her moan a bit. “What are ya doing?” Rogue asked. “Hey I’ve got no idea why we can do this but I’m foe one taking full advantage of this,” Julian said fingering her pussy. “Besides I’ve always wanted to fuck one of the teachers ever since Josh made out with Rahne.” Rogue sucked in her breath when Josh started to lick her nipple on her other breast as his hand made slow circle motions on her toned stomach. She closed her eyes enjoying the two young studs pleasuring her body, she knew it was wrong but she was a woman with needs. She needed this a lot more than her morals at the moment. So the three of them continued on fucking each other, sometimes one of the boys would take a rest while the other fucked Rogue and then they would switch, sometimes they would both go at her. Rogue wanted to try every single sexual thing she could think of. She didn’t want to waste this anymore than the boys, she got on her knees to suck the boys’ cocks to get them hard. A couple of times she got them to cum in her mouth as she tried to swallow it all. She would use her large breasts to give them the most amazing tity fucks in their young lives. One time she was on her hands as knees as she Julian was holding her head fucking her mouth, she managed to swallow him up to the end of his shaft. Josh finally took his turn at screwing her ass and although it wasn’t his thing it was something he would remember. Julian had her up against her wall at one point, her legs hooked around his waist as he tried to fuck her through the wall, Josh was a bit more gentler than he was. He had her legs over his shoulders as he fucked her deeply. One time as she was on her back, Julian was screwing her pussy while Josh was on her chest fucking her breasts. He had always fantasised about this and couldn’t hold himself as he came all over her face. The trio continued to fuck until Rogue couldn’t go on. At one point she cried out as she arched her back with one of the boys inside of her and collapsed. She passed out too tired to continue. Julian who was inside of her kept on fucking her, he was getting pretty tired himself plus he wasn’t sure how much he had left in him. He was getting aching feelings in his gut and groin and so this would have to be the last time. He could see Josh jerking himself over Rogue’s body and he had to admit he wanted to try that as well. He pulled out feeling himself getting close and started to jerk his cock. Both boys were pumping themselves until they came, although it wasn’t much. Josh managed one squirt onto her chest and Julian less that on her stomach as both boys were pretty much empty for sperm at the moment. “Holy fuck dude,” Josh said breathing hard, “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk straight tomorrow.” “Yeah but totally worth it,” Julian grinned, “Too bad we can’t say we fucked the unfuckable. Why the hell did her powers go out anyway, in fact I can’t use mine either.” Josh tried to use his on himself but couldn’t seem to activate it either. It was strange and both boys didn’t know what was going on. But they just shrugged, they needed to change and get out of there before someone came looking for Rogue. They would be in major trouble if someone came in seeing them like this. With the amount of trouble Josh got into for just kissing a teacher, fucking one would be even worse. So they quickly dressed and wanted to get to a shower quickly to wash all the sex off of them. After the boys had left Leech crawled out of the bed and looked to see Rogue’s passed out body. She was totally naked, covered in sweat and sperm in some areas. Her pussy was leaking a bit of the white fluids and he was wondering what to do. He heard a moan and jumped looking back to see Rogue, he couldn’t believe his eyes. She seemed to be slightly moving and we thighs were rubbing each other. He wasn’t sure but he guessed that she was having an erotic dream. He knew that he should most likely go but all that time under the bed listening and watching gave him a huge hard on. Now there was a naked woman right there. He knew that he shouldn’t do what he was thinking but she already fucked two boys already and she was passed out and when would be the next time he would ever get a chance for something like this? He couldn’t help but look at her, even in her current state she was beautiful, sexy and he wanted her. He looked at the door knowing that anyone could come in so he had to hurry up and chose. So he pulled down his pants, opened up her legs and pushed in his cock into her waiting pussy. It was so warm and tight, plus very slick from all the boys’ cum and her own. It was easy to move his cock in and out of her. He thrust his young hard cock into her pussy and heard her moan out, he froze wondering if she would wake up. She didn’t and he was surprised when her hips started to grind against his. She was trying to fuck him back in her sleep! He grabbed her hips and started thrusting even more and faster. He heard her moaning out and moving her hips in her sleep, but being young and his first time he didn’t last very long and grunted as he felt himself cum inside of a woman for the first time. He panted thinking that maybe it was best that he got out of there before someone came looking. He quickly put himself in order and ran out making sure the door was closed behind him. He got halfway down the hall before he realized he forgot the panties under her bed. He thought about going back for it but decided that seeing her naked and then getting the first fuck of his life was better than trying to win a bet. But then again there were still other women around he could try and take their panties and he was wondering what Emma Frost wore under her clothing as a perverted grin got hold of his face. The End
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3
AN: I haven’t kept up with Spider-Man much since One More Day so I’m not sure if Peter is still rooming with Michelle Gonzales and I honestly couldn’t find any information about it. So I’m working with the best info I have a the moment. Marvellous Spider-Man. Also remember to review if you have any suggestions on what you would like to see Spider-Man and Ms Marvel get up to. Chapter 3 If there was one thing Peter hated it was how things kept getting in the way of his personal life. He was on his way back to his place to change and get ready for the date with Carol when of course something had to happen. And it just had to be one of the more annoying people he usually ran into. The new Stilt-Man, Peter wasn’t sure who the new guy was although he had heard that last guy was blown away by the Punisher. This guy seemed just as annoying as the first, honestly, who thinks that just because you got a suit that makes longer legs makes you a good villain? Currently the guy was running down a street, crushing a few cars and running from the cops, but from the traffic the cop cars weren’t able to follow him. How the police could get to anywhere at times in New York traffic was a miracle to Peter. “Alright buddy, pull over the legs and just surrender so we don’t have to do all this. I got a hot date and I don’t want to keep her busy because she can be scary when mad,” Spider-Man said to him swinging next to the would-be villain. Honestly he was a bit scared of what would happen if Carol really lost her temper, she could kick his ass easily and he didn’t want to figure out just how she got when pissed. “Think again, with this suit I’m invisible!” “Yeah...leg powers make you invincible,” Peter said dryly. “Okay you know what I can’t drag this out so no jokes, with the exception of you that is, and a quick beat down for you.” He gave a quick kick to the man’s chest knocking him back, thankfully it seems the guy was really not used to the suit yet. He fired a web lined to the feet and pulled making the man fall onto his back. He quickly as could webbed the legs onto the buildings on either side, making the man’s legs stuck in the splits position. Peter ignored the man’s protests, he really didn’t have the time for this he was just thankful it was one of the D-rank villains. He just hoped that his roommate Michelle Gonzales wasn’t home, ever since the Chameleon posed as him and fucked her, well things were awkward between them. He really needed to find a new place to live and soon or else get sucked into more drama he didn’t need. Plus with Carol in his life, well he knew full well two women were always a bad thing. That whole thing with MJ and Black Cat was a sore reminder and it’s not like he could have gotten both to go with it...although...he pushed those thoughts aside. MJ was gone off in LA and Black Cat, well that was something that would have to stay professional now. Besides with Carol he needed to focus his time on her, she really was a great woman and if things worked out maybe something more long term. It might get a bit dicey while being on the same team and all as he had never dated anyone while on the Avengers. He just hoped that didn’t ruin things. -Ms. Marvel’s Apartment- Carol was busy herself, mainly trying to figure out what to wear. This was just a regular date but she always got like this. What was appropriate for this kind of date? She wanted to look good but not too good, something simple but also something that Peter would like to look at. It was of course at that moment that her phone rang. She sighed going over to the small table that had it. “Hello?” Carol said in maybe a bit too much irritation in her voice. “Is this a bad time?” “Jessica, sorry just stressing a bit,” Carol smiled at the voice on the other end. Jessica Drew the original and now current Spider-Woman had become a good friend when they had been Avengers and trying to take down Norman Osborn. She couldn’t blame the other woman for wanting a good friend at that time either. She had only just woke up to a world gone nuts, plus having that Skrull Queen of all people impersonate you, well many were still a little guarded around her. “So talk, I was just going to see if you were busy but I guess you are,” Jessica smirked on the other line. “Yeah I have a date and I’m trying to make a good impression but still casual.” “I thought you and Wonder Man were history?” Carol rolled her eyes, “We’re still just friends now, I’m seeing someone else.” “Anyone I know?” Carol paused at that, was it okay to say who she was dating? Jessica knew Peter too plus it wasn’t the first time team members dated. Although it was only a second date and they weren’t exclusive or anything, not yet anyway. Deciding that it was okay she told her. “I’m going to a ball game with Peter.” “Peter?” Jessica thought of a few Peter’s she knew but there was one that she thought only she and Carol knew. “Peter Parker?” “Yep.” “Wow really? I didn’t think you two were seeing each other, when did this start?” “Not long actually, this is only our second official date. But I’ll admit he’s a really nice guy, most likely why I started to like him. I mean I know we got off on the wrong foot at first, with the whole civil war thing and me trying to arrest him in that.” “Glad I missed that to tell the truth,” Jessica said honestly. “God, all the things I missed. I’m still trying to catch up you know. Although sometimes those jokes of his do get a bit tiresome.” “I like his jokes,” She told her friend. “I mean it lightens the mood and given all the crap that’s happened and what who knows will show up, we could use something to lighten the mood. Plus he’s a really nice guy and he really tries to pull his own weight. I can’t help but respect him, even after all the bad press and some of the worst things he just keeps getting back up and keeps going out there.” “Wow...sounds like you really fallen for the guy.” Jessica said hearing Carol talk about him. “So...how is he in bed then or have you gotten that far?” Carol could only smirk, “Oh trust me it’s no wonder he’s sometimes called the Amazing Spider-Man.” “Serious?” “Yeah, he’s very attentive and he fucks like a machine, I mean talk about stamina.” “How big?” When Carol told her she didn’t believe it. “Bullshit.” “I kid you not,” Carol laid out several pieces of clothing on her bed with the phone held between her ear and shoulder. “Jeez...Maybe I should have asked him out when I had a chance.” Jessica joked. “Hands off he’s mine,” Carol warned her. Jessica just laughed on the other end, “Don’t worry I’m not the type to sleep with a friend’s guy just like that you know. Anyways sounds like this could be something special, I hope things work out.” “Yeah same here...so...can you help me pick something out?” Carol sighed looking at what she had to choose from. -Later- Peter was glad that he had arrived on time, given his life getting on time for a date was a hard thing as usually something always seemed to come up. He knocked and waited, hoping that he wasn’t too late. He really had to bust his ass here just in case he was running late. It was one of the curses of being Spider-Man, it always got into his personal life at times. When the door opened there stood Carol, in jeans, a t-shirt and a sports jacket. Her hair was in a pony tail in a ball cap and she looked good even in normal wear. Especially since the jeans really showed off her hips and legs as they hugged her body just right. She must have caught him looking as she gave him a coy smile, slightly shifting her hips. “Hey.” “Hey, you look great,” Peter said bringing his eyes to her face which was still something that could turn heads. Honestly she really was a knockout blond, that mask really did hide her face. Carol was glad that he liked her outfit given what she went through to get it. Looking him over she had to admit he looked nice too. He really was the cute looking normal guy that girls found attractive. Plus his warm and open personality really drew you in, at least it did to her. It was so nice to finally meet a really nice guy that made her at ease, someone she could also respect on the battlefield...and was a great fuck that didn’t hurt. She tried to fight down those memories, she wanted an actual date and not for them to get each other’s clothing off and for her to feel him against her. “You look nice, so we better get there before things get too crowded.” “Yeah no kidding, plus we might want to hit the food stands first before we sit or it will take forever with the lines.” Peter said as she locked up and they were off on their way. “Yeah that can get insane, I once stood in line for over half an hour and missed a great triple play. I swear I nearly ripped the seat out of the stand,” She told him as they shared a bit of a laugh. “Yeah but you’d think with ticket prices they could at least knock down the food bills,” Peter sighed. “I mean with how much I can eat with a slightly higher metabolism it can get expensive.” “Oh god that is too much,” Carol agreed with him she was in the same boat. She could eat all she wanted and not really gain weight, since her body burned it up really fast. Something a few female friends had claimed was totally unfair. “Doesn’t help that the food can be really good too.” “I think it’s part of a sinister plot,” Peter told her. “I mean I think they put something in junk food that compels people to eat it, so they keep buying it. I’m sure there is someone out there that makes this stuff and sells it as some plot to take over the world.” He saw the odd look she was giving him. “Hey I’ve seen and heard weirder stuff.” She thought about it for a moment and decided not to comment on that, she had seen a lot of strange stuff too and what he said wasn’t the strangest. What that said about her life she really didn’t want to think about. So they went on their date to the ball game. They rode the subway there, got their food and finally got in their seats just after the game started. Of course it was a bit of fun to root for their own teams, especially what was at stake of which team won. By the time the fifth inning the score was pretty close and looked like it could still go either way. That is until the first drops of rain fell on them. At first Peter thought it was nothing but when he felt something wet hit his face again he looked up to see dark clouds. “Oh come on,” Peter groaned he swore that there the news said there wasn’t going to be any rain. Then again he knew first hand thanks to J.J. that the news wasn’t accurate so why should weather forecast. “Are you fucking me?” Carol said in obvious anger at the sky. “This is my first real day off in weeks.” “Is it just me or do your dates also get something to interrupt them?” Peter asked remembering how their dinner date had been interrupted. “I wish the X-Men were still near here, didn’t they have someone that can control the weather?” “Yeah Storm, never a weather controller around when you need one,” Peter felt more rain falling now. “Oh man we are so going to get soaked. -Carol’s Apartment- Carol opened the door as two very wet adults entered. The game had been called off on account of a freak rain storm, of course they had to take the long way home. She could in theory have just flown them but both agreed that if anyone saw her fly off with someone and knew him it wouldn’t be good for Peter. People would ask questions, even in a city like New York with all the people that showed up here with powers. Luckily the subway had been close to the game and also to her place, that didn’t mean they didn’t get wet, they did. “I can’t believe that happened,” Peter said feeling like he just swam in the Hudson river only cleaner. “I know and my team was winning too,” Carol pouted she hated it when games were called off plus she had been enjoying herself. “Well we better get out of these clothes, come on I’ll put them in the dryer.” “You got a dryer in your apartment?” Peter knew that a lot of apartments had their own laundry room. Having your own really sent the price up because it was a luxury. “Do I want to know how much that increases the rent on his place?” “About as high as you might think but it’s worth it,” She said as she pulled open what Peter thought was a linen closet only to see a washer and dryer inside. “Whenever I have to clean my uniform I prefer them not to be seen or stolen. Had that happen before and I had to wear one of my older ones until I got a replacement.” “I thought you didn’t really have a secret identity?” Peter watched as she started to strip and throw them into the dryer. At this point they already had sex so being naked wasn’t that big an issue. He followed along being glad to get out of the things. Although he was careful not to throw anything like his camera and wallet in there, he lost over fifty bucks in bills the last time he had mistakenly left his wallet in the wash. “I don’t really,” Carol explained clad only in wet black bra and panties. She unclipped her bra feeing her large breasts as she went to pull down her panties. “But when people think of Ms. Marvel they think of the black leotard and the mask, they don’t really look at my face.” It made sense to Peter as she took a moment to enjoy the view of her bending over to take her panties off. Those long toned legs and that perfect ass, yeah, people wouldn’t really look at her face all that much. He finished with his own clothing putting them in last. He closed the door and was about to ask her what setting when he felt her naked body pressing up against him. “Uh...Carol?” “I was cold and needed to warm up,” She said hugging him close, it was partially true, she was cold but it was also an excuse to pressed up against his naked body. Her hands were slowly ran over his body feeling the hard muscles. Slowly her hands went lower and suddenly found something else that was hard. “Well looks like you’re getting eager.” “I have a sexy woman naked woman pressing against my back, if I wasn’t then I would be worried.” Peter told her loving the sensation of her pressed against him. He quickly turned around to capture her soft lips with his own, feeling his body pressing against hers. His hands roamed over her back as their kiss deepened and intensified. One hand slowly stroked her spine working its way down to her ass and grabbed it. She moaned into his mouth pressing up against him more. Peter quickly picked her up and placed her on the dryer. He started to kiss his way down her body as her hands ran though his head. There wasn’t much head room but she could just fit without hitting her head. “Oh fuck this feels nice,” She sighed feeling him kiss down the front of her body. “Then let me see if I can make it better,” Peter said as he pushed her legs open. He kissed her thighs and started to tease her pussy before he started to eat her out. The sensations of his mouth and tongue with the vibrations were an unexpected bonus for her. She started to breathe deeply as Peter worked her body up. “Ohhh that feels so nice,” Carol told him. “Come on, I want to feel you inside of me.” Peter stood up and lined his cock with her pussy slowly inserting it inside of her waiting body. Her skin was warming up but her insides were already warmed up and he could feel she was wet. He grabbed her ass as he started to thrust up into her. Carol eagerly wrapped her strong legs around him as he entered her, pulling him close as she felt his dick fill her up completely, the vibrations of the dryer added to the sensations as she cried out in joy at it. She loved how he filled her up and the shaking of the dryer was like having a live vibrator inside of her. Granted with Peter she may have to place that device away as her nights were getting less lonely. She moaned feeling him kissing her neck as she grinded against him. Peter thrust as deep as he could into her, she really was wet and the way she was shaking was strange but felt great. He felt her breasts pressing up against him as his hands roamed over her back. He traced her spine feeling her react to his touches. Her skin was slightly damp but she was getting a lot warmer now. His hands went to her ass as he squeezed them, hearing her moan into his ear in pleasure. She started to nibble on his ear lobe as he felt her hands lightly running her nails over his back. They lost themselves as they fucked each other to their hearts content. “Oh god fuck me, fuck me hard!” She screamed out holding on to him. “You feel so big inside of me Peter!” “You feel so good,” Peter moaned into her neck. “Oh fuck you’re just so hot.” “Keep fucking me like that! Ah! Oh god yes! Yes! This feels so good!” Carol cried out humping him for all she was worth. The vibrations with his dick were nearly too much. She had never had sex in a position like this on her laundry machine before but she was starting to think maybe she should do it again. She felt the orgasm building up inside of her. “I’m cuming, I’m cumming, oh god Peter, I’m...CUMMMING!” She started to jerk slightly as her body was rocked with her orgasm and Peter was still thrusting into her body. “Oh god I’m going to cum,” Peter told her after a moment, he felt her juices from her orgasm along his shaft and she felt so incredible he couldn’t stand it anymore. “Pull out,” Carol told him pushing him away. She felt down in front of him as she placed his dick between her breasts. “Sorry but this is a bad time for you to cum in me.” “Oh, no problem then,” Peter sighed feeling those massive tits against his member. “Ugh, fuck I think I’m at my limit Carol!” She took his dick in one hand and took most of it in her mouth, she jerked him off with the hand and using the other she placed it on his balls. She gently rubbed them and then moved behind that gently pressing the area there. For some reason this brought Peter off as he shoot his load into her warm and wet mouth. Carol could feel the pulsing in both hands as his warm fluids entered her mouth. She swallowed it all making sure to take it all. When he was done she started to lick him as clean as she could. “Fuck, what was that thing with the hand?” Peter asked. “Something I heard from Natasha,” Carol told him with a smirk. “Apparently it can be great if done right.” “Damn what else does she know?” Peter laughed as he could help but watched the beautiful blonde cleaning his dick. She really did look really sexy doing that at the moment, he could already feel himself getting ready again. It was a good thing he had enhanced stamina at moments like this. “I honestly not sure,” Carol said gently stroking his dick. “Maybe I should give her a call sometime. So, you ready to take this to the bedroom?” “Oh you bet,” Peter smiled at her as she got up. He followed behind her as they entered, then he grabbed her in his arms and started to kiss her neck, he felt his slightly erect member pressed in between her perfect ass. His hands went to caress the front of her body. He loved the sound of her moans as he went to work on the beautiful body of hers. His hands caressed and squeezed her breasts, he could feel her still hard nipples against his hands, her body still warm from the sex they had finished up. Slowly he moved her to the bed, his fingers starting to stroke her mound, this caused her to gasp slightly as her hips jerked. She was still a bit sensitive from her last orgasm there and his fingers worked their magic on her. Her hips would move with his hand as she moaned out her body nearly shivering with anticipation. She couldn’t take it anymore as she turned around and kissed him leading them both onto the bed. Carol broke the kiss as she crawled onto her bed, she pulled open the drawer of her nightstand looking for a condom. She kept them around just in case, after all sometimes the guy would forget and there was no way she was going to slow down now. She got one out and easily ripped open the package, turning around she was facing Peter’s crotch as she gently placed it on his dick. It was still hard and she gave it a few jerks to be sure before turning around. “Come and stick that in me,” she told him. He grinned as she got on the bed behind her, a little positioning and he had his cock slowly moving inside of her pussy. Even through the condom he could feel how warm she was on the inside. Peter gripped her hips as he started at a slow pace to get things started. “Uhhhhhh,” Carol moaned as she felt him reach right up to her cervix, she loved how he filled her out in his position. She moved her body with his, thrusting back as he thrust all the way inside of her. “Oh god that cock feels so good in me,” She moaned. “You’re, uh, very tight, uh, as well, urg,” Peter grunted as he started to slam his thick cock into her tight hole. He ran his hand over her spine, massaging the area. She moaned at his touch as she felt it along the nerves in the area stimulated. “There...anything you’d like.” He asked her holding her hips. Carol usually was very reserved and controlled person but with sex she could finally let herself go a bit. With Peter, she felt like she could finally let herself go all the way, it was thrilling to just let her passions and sexual cravings out. She trusted him and she wanted to feel all the things she had fantasized about but had only let a few men in on them. “Spank me.” She said in a husky voice. “Spank my ass as you fuck me.” Peter always wanted to try that, plus she had an amazing ass. “like this?” he swatted it as the loud smack was heard. “Harder,” Carol told him. He did so again and she felt a bit of a sting. “Harder! I like it hard!” So Peter put more into it, a very loud smack was hears as Carol screamed out at the feeling of it. Although she was stronger than him and built more solid, Peter’s enhanced strength let him give her the kind of pleasured pain she wanted. “Yes! Like that!” So Peter went on to smack her ass as he fucked her doggy style, each time his hand landed small red marks would slowly started to appear on her ass. Carol would cry out with each one but she also tightened up in her pussy with each time. If Peter thought she was tight before, it was certainly different when she flexed from the spanks. When his right hand started to get tired he used his left. “I”m cumin again, oh fuck Peter you’re amazing!” Carol told him feeling herself on the brink. Peter wasn’t too far either and he bent forward and held her shoulders, using them as leverage he pulled her against his cock as he thrust as hard as he could. Carol threw her head back and cried out as he did this feeling herself starting to get off. “Oh fuck!” Peter said as he couldn’t hold it anymore. He thrust as hard as he could burying himself inside of her as his dick pulsed out, the condom being filled with his hot seed. “Awwww,” Carol felt his cock pulsing and the slight feel of the condom being filled. She only needed to thrust back a few times before she reached her final orgasm. She collapsed forward her ass still sticking up as Peter held her waist. She was breathing hard and sweating from the heat of their bodies made. She moaned well she felt him slip out of her and heard him go to the bathroom to flush away the condom. She just lay there breathing heavy and enjoying herself. That had been incredible, her body tingled slightly. Despite the rain and the game being called off she would call this a good day. Peter came back and slipped next to her on the bed. They shifted so her back was to him with his arm holding her close. Carol smiled feeling him kiss her neck and shoulder. “Hmmm, don’t tell me you’re up for another round?” “Sorry but I need a bit of a break,” Peter told her honestly. “I could use a breather too,” Carol said as she shifted around to face him smiling at his face. “You really are a catch you know that?” “I could say the same,” Peter said looking into that beautiful face and eyes. She snuggled in as close as she good, “That’s good to hear,” She kissed him. “Because if this keeps up I might just keep you.” She kissed him again and again. They spent the next ten minutes simply kissing and caressing each other. Even when their clothing was dry they had decided to stay in bed for the next few hours exploring each other’s bodies and just holding each other into the night. TBC...
Chapter 0 - A Spider and a She-Elf
Disclaimer: I don’t own Marvel or make a profit from this. This one-shot takes place in X-Men Forever universe during the event after Rogue took Kurt’s powers and appearance permanently when she met Spider-Man and nearly shared a kiss with him. This is what if they hadn't been interrupted like in the comics. A  Spider and a She-Elf It had been a long night for Rogue and it certainly hadn’t turned out like she had wanted. All this night was supposed to be was her testing out her new powers ever since she had swapped out her powers for Kurt’s she had been trying to get used to it. Teleportation seemed to be a lot harder than Kurt had made it seem. Thankfully she had found a friendly person this night that helped out. She looked to see Spider-Man webbing up the last of the group that tried to rob a store. Currently she was on a building watching him work. She didn’t know much about him other than what she had heard in the news but knowing what they said about mutants at times she couldn’t totally trust them. But he had been there when she had accidentally teleported out of the mansion and so far he had been nothing but nice to her. He was actually fun to hang out with and spending time him fighting crime was very therapeutic for her. Watching him made her wonder more about him, he seemed pretty fit under that costume as her mind started to go into other areas. She had never felt the touch of another person let alone a man so maybe she could try something. He landed next to her when he had finished as she stood up to go next to him. “Well that should hold them for the cops but we should get out of here before they show up.” “Fine by meh,” she held onto him and teleported them a few blocks away. “Nice that really comes in handy,” Spider-Man joked looking around. “I could really use that in the past.” “Nice to know this whole thing has got some kind of upside,” Rogue sighed as she looked down at herself. She still didn’t like her new look, the blue skin she might be able to work with but the three fingered hands and feet, the tail was one of the worst things as it was just freaky to feel like it she would never get used to it. She also had to wear a new black and red costume with long white gloves that looked a lot like Kurt’s old uniform. “Hey I told you I like the new look,” Spider-Man told her. She looked up at him remembering him saying that which was nice. Looking like this she wasn’t sure if she could ever hear a man say that to her again. She smiled at him thankful for the compliment. “Ya sure about that?” Spider-Man was honest she did look nice the whole blue skin thing was an exotic look, plus she had this sexy southern voice. The pointed elf like ears looked kind of cute but he also noticed her figure. She was slim and yet a bit athletic, a flat stomach and slim waist and nice sized breasts. Nothing overly large at best he would guess them at C cups but a nice handful. He had also gotten a look at her ass in the night and it looked very nice. Okay so he had been checking her out when he could, he hadn’t had a date in awhile and meeting an exotic beauty in a skin tight clothing wasn’t easy to ignore. “Ya know there is somethin’ ah’ve been wanting to try.” Rogue knew this was crazy but honestly she felt something with him. She felt a sense of safety with him that she hadn’t gotten before. He didn’t judge her as either a mutant or how she looked. “What’s that?” “Trust me for a bit,” She closed the distance as she gently took hold of the mask and slowly raised it to above his lips. “With tha switch ah haven’t been able ta know if ah can touch another person and ah wanted to try somethin’ if that’s okay.” He couldn’t believe his luck she was going to do what he thought and honestly he was okay with it. “Well I’m all for experiments believe it or not.”  She smiled a little as she placed her lips on his she wasn’t sure what to do as she didn’t have much experience, hell her first and only kissed put a boy into a coma. But she was glad when he seemed to take the lead as he gently started to kiss her back. She felt his hands on her hips as she placed hers on his chest feeling the slim yet muscular build under it. She couldn’t believe she was kissing someone and able to enjoy it. She didn’t want it to ever end, after everything that had happened in her life this felt like the first real break she had. Spider-Man felt her slid her arms around his neck as she pulled herself closer, she bit his lip lightly as she started sucking on it. It had been a long time since the last time he had a woman in his arms and the feel of her skin tight uniform pressing against him he could feel her body almost as if there was nothing there. Without thinking his hands started to caress her sides and later he wouldn’t know why but one of his hands went down to her ass. Honestly he didn’t think of going this far but being swept up in the moment he couldn’t help it. His hand cupped her finely toned ass and gave it a little squeeze this got her moaning into her mouth as his other hand started to trail slowly up and down her spine. He could feel her slim build through the clothing even with his gloves on. Rogue was surprised when he grabbed her ass but she didn’t want to stop. She kept on kissing him breaking only for a breath now and then before attacking his lips again. She felt his fingers trailing her spine and was surprised at how she liked it. Another surprised happened, he trailed his fingers down slightly and it hit the base of her tail she jumped with a gasp at the sensation. “Are you okay?” “Y-yes ah think so...can ya do that again?” “What this?” He lightly stroked the base of her tail and noticed her shuddering. “Is that sensitive for you?” “Yeah ah didn’t know about that, oh god that feels good,” Rogue moaned as the sensitive nerves she didn’t even know she had. Her tail shuddered even more as it wrapped around her leg as she started breathing harder now. Before she knew it she was really getting worked up as her hips started to grind against him starting to whimper in need. She couldn’t take it anymore she needed him she needed him right now. Hormones that had long since been denied were roaring at her to do what she had only fantasised about. Whenever she had gotten horny she had only had to use cold showered or her own fingers on her bed now she had a man before her and she hoped he would be up for it. After all he had gotten her all worked up he should take responsibility for it. “Can we continue this somewhere private?” She breathed out. “Somewhere close by?” He wasn’t sure if she meant what he thought but the way she was pressing against him and even with the yellow eyes he felt he could see the passion and the need in them. There were reasons not to do this, he didn’t know her all that well, they had just been making out not exactly dating or anything plus she didn’t know who he was. Then on that other hand she was in need and from what he remembered she couldn’t touch until now. Then there was the part of him that reminded him that he hadn’t gotten laid in awhile and was hurting himself for some kind of female companionship. “I do have an apartment close by,” he said carefully. She kissed him hard nearly sucking the breath of him as he got his answer. Maybe it was a bad idea but at the moment they were two horny adults that needed some kind of passion. He quickly took her to his place, he swung most of the way as she teleported them into his place. She was surprised by the apartment she wasn’t sure what to expect but it looked so normal. You would never think a super hero lived here but then maybe that was the idea. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and her tail wrapped around his waist. “So...where’s the bedroom?” she said in a husky tone. “Right this way,” He surprised her by picking her up bridal style as she actually let out a cute little yelp but hung on.  He placed her on the bed as she stretched out her heart beating very fast in anticipation. He got on top of her as he paused for a bit when he reached for hi mask. She knew what he might be thinking. “Ya can keep is on if ya want ah know that ya got secrets.” He really thought about it yes he did have a secret identity but this was a special moment for her and she seemed like a special woman. Plus having sex with a mask on was kind of weird and could get in a the way. She was trusting him with this so he felt he owed her as he pulled off the mask. She looked up at him he was kind of cute with short brown hair as he smiled down at her. “You can call me Peter if you want.” He told her. “Okay then Peter,” She couldn’t help but smile as he leaned down to kiss her. Soon she felt him on top as they continued on what they had started on the rooftops. After a few minutes Peter moved aside her hair as he licked her pointed ears. She sighed as his mouth sucked slightly on her earlobe. If she had enjoyed that she definitely enjoyed it when he went down to her neck which was ever better. She moaned as she ran her hands over his body and rubbing her thigh against his leg. She could feel herself starting to get wet from the excitement then she started to feel something hard pressing against her. It took her a moment to realize he was getting a hard on then when it pressed against her pussy lips she moaned feeling it against her folds. She moved her hips trying to grind into it as she felt him respond. “Oh god ah don’t know how much more ah can wait,” she told him. “I know what you mean,” He felt around her costume. “Uh...how does this come off?” “Zipper in the back, here let meh.” Peter sat back as he took off his own top watching her unzip the back of her uniform as she started to slip out of it. Slowly she got out of the top of the one piece uniform feeling a little embarrassed. She wasn’t used to showing her body especially after her change. Peter smiled as he watched her cover her bare breasts as he slowly took her hands and pulled them away. “You don’t have to hide anything from me,” He told her as he looked at the blue orbs and saw that her nipples were small and very dark blue in color. He leaned down and took one of her breasts in her mouth as he gave a small moan in the back of her throat. He reached up with one hand to caress her other one his fingers rolling over or playing with the nipple on the one not in his mouth. “Oh god,” she moaned feeling his warm and wet mouth on her nipple, she felt his teeth lightly over it, his tongue exploring the nub and sucking lightly on it. She could feel it starting to get hard as was the one in his hand as he caressed her whole breasts with his thumb playing with the nipple on her right breast. Her hands roamed over his naked top feeling another man’s skin for the first time . Soon they had shifted to be side by side facing each other kissing as they slowly stripped the other of their clothing. Peter stroked the based of her tail as she moaned out as her uniform got to her thighs. She tried desperately to pull off the uniform from her legs and kick out of them. She pulled Peter’s pants down and finally saw a real penis. He was already mostly hard as her hand gripped it lightly as she experimented. She skin was so soft and yet he felt so hard in her hand. Peter grunted as he attacked her neck again feeling her hand on him, it was an odd sensation given her hands only had a thumb and three large fingers but she was slowly stroking him as his hips moved with her strokes. Finally he got out of his uniform and put Rogue onto her back as he was now over her again looking down at the blue skinned beauty. Her body was warm to the touch as she was breathing hard, her long hair pooled around her head as her yellow eyes looked up at him asking for more. He could see her breasts rise and fall with each breath she was an exotic beauty and he was going to make sure she enjoyed herself today. Rogue’s heart was beating a mile a minute as part of her couldn’t believe that this was really happening finally she was going to know what it was like to be a woman. Peter-she was still finding it funny thinking of him with that name-seemed to know what he was doing up to this point. His hands roamed over her naked flesh making her nerves sing making her body want more of him. Peter had to admit he never expected his night to end like this but he wasn’t complaining. Yeah it was impulsive but maybe you needed to be impulsive from time to time. Plus he hadn’t gotten laid in, well it was kind of depressing thinking about that. His life as Spider-Man hadn’t done wonders for his love life as he explored Rogue’s body. He reached down between her legs and could feel the warmth of her pussy as he ran his hand over it. Rogue gave this sexy mewing noise as her hips moved trying to grind into it. He slipped in two fingers as she gasped at the sudden intrusion she tensed up but when he felt him stop at her barrier she started to relax. “I’m going to loosen you up a little it should make it better okay?” He asked her as she nodded her head trusting him. Peter started with slightly movements going in and out as he felt her getting wet with excitement. Then he spread out his fingers in different directions trying to make the passage a little less tight for later. Rogue moaned as she felt him stretching her out slightly she was moaning out as she brought up one of her hands to her mouth slightly biting on it as she closed her eyes. Then Peter shifted and started to take one of her nipples back into his mouth as gently sucked and ran his tongue around the nipple and areola. “Oh god,” she moaned out using a hand to run through his short brown hair as she took deep sighs. “You’re drivin’ meh nuts,” she moaned out. “Oh I haven’t started yet,” He grinned as he moved down her body peppering her front with kisses as he went. “W-what are ya doin’?” “Just want to make sure you cum at least once,” Peter wasn’t sure if she would once they start he knew enough that not all first times with a woman they could climax. He moved down pulling out his fingers as they were now covered with a slick wetness to them. He was now facing her pussy and he could smell the musk from it. “Y-ya don’t have ta do that, ah mean isn’t that dirty?” “I don’t mind,” He ran his tongue over the wet slit as she jumped from the new sensation. Peter started running his tongue up and down it making her groan as her hips started to roll almost on their own to her. She couldn’t believe what she was feeling it felt so much different than her fingers and now that her fingers we so much wider she wondered how that felt now. He licked deeper into her vagina as her hips jumped up as she moaned out gripping his hair. She moaned with every move his tongue made to thrust into her body as her abs contracted with each moan. Then he changed it up on her, when he felt her clit he cupped his mouth around the area and sucked gently. That made her yell out as her back arched she was crying out now moving her hips as he sucked and started to push in a finger trying to find the sweat spot. Rogue was going crazy as Peter felt her pussy getting to wet now that she was leaking. His finger was covered in her juices as it fell down between her ass cheeks and he could smell her musky odor so much now he knew she was close. “Ahhh, uhhhhh,oh god,uhhhh-ohhhh-aaaahhhh-please-ugghhhh-don’t-uhhhh-STOP! AHHHHH!” She cried out as her back arched as she came her entire nervous system felt the shock as her body shook in delight. Peter pulled away as her saw her pussy flexing alone with her abs as her body road out the orgasm. He was glad that he learned a few tricks in his life about pleasuring a woman, after all being a geek growing up he didn’t know when he would get laid and did whatever research he could on the subject. Catching her breath Peter took the moment to move up and started to reach for his night stand. She was wondering what he was looking for when he opened the drawer and looked to be searching for something. Then she saw the little packets and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what they were. She reached out to stop his arm. “Wait.” “What?” He asked confused. “I was just getting ready.” “Don’t use it.” “What? You do know what could happen right?” “Ah know but it’s a safe day but I don’t want a barrier between us.” She knew it was a risk and she was pretty sure it was a safe day. Making a few mental calculations she was sure of it. “All my life ah thought that ah would never have this happen to meh, please just this once. Ah want to know what it’s like.” Peter was really torn on the one hand it was better to be safe but looking down at her pleading face was making it hard for him to say no. Then she reached down and started stroking his hard on slightly. She begged him to put it inside of her and he was having a hard time trying to focus. She was playing dirty begging him in that sexy voice and if she kept stroking him he might blow his load all over her. “Alright but this was your idea,” He shifted down slightly as he had to be careful of her tail as he got between her legs. She spread herself easily for him as she watched him she couldn’t take her eyes off as part of her wanted this and another was a bit scared. It was her first time and he looked so large to her now as he placed the tip at her entrance. She held her breath as he pushed himself slowly into her body thanks to being stretched out slightly by him it fit in easily but he stopped as he hit her hymen. She nervously gripped his sheets fully aware that she was holding her breath now and let it out slowly. He told her that he was going to go in one push and hold himself she just nodded her head. When he thrust in she cried out from the pain of it, the shock was the worst of it but then soon she felt the pain as she groaned shutting her eyes. Peter had thrust all the way inside in one go as he felt the tip of his penis hitting the back of her tunnel as he kept still. He felt how warm, wet and yet still very tight she was and now he was the first man inside of this lovely woman. Peter leaned down and placed small kisses on her neck whispering encouraging and loving words to her holding himself up by one arm. He used his other hand to stroke her side gently as he waited for her. She could feel a little blood leaking out but it didn’t seem bad to her but that was expected. She was no longer a virgin she was a woman now and she wanted to shout out for joy. For so many years she had been afraid she would never know the touch of a man but here she was. Rogue’s breathing was coming in pants but soon she started to feel the pain go away she ran her hands over his back as she experimented by rolling her hips. She groan in a little discomfort but her body was getting used to it. After a little working her body started to get used to it and pleasure was starting to swell up in her. “Please move,” She urged him. Peter gently started to pull out of her watching her face was in a mix of pain and pleasure as he pushed back in. “Ughnn.” She bit her lip slightly at the slight sting she felt. She felt him stop but she didn’t want it to stop. Her tail wrapped around his waist pulling him. He started again with short slow movements and although she felt pain it wasn’t too bad. After a dozen thrusts the pain was starting to go away and she was starting to feel pleasure. She tried to experiment by thrusting back and groaned now more in pleasure instead of pain. Soon she wasn’t feeling pain at all as his penis went into her over and over as her body started to get used to it and started to invite it deeper into her. Slowly Peter started to pull out farther and go in deeper into her body which only made her feel more pleasure. “Oh god you’re so tight,” Peter moaned as their movements started to increase. “Well y’all feel so big!” she told him thrusting her hips back as much as possible. She had never had anything like this inside of her feeling him hit all the way to the back and stretching her virgin pussy out for the first time. She wasn’t sure how large he was he could be normal for all she knew but he felt huge to her and perhaps he was. It would explain why some called him the ‘amazing’ Spider-Man as she smiled at the mental joke. Soon sweat started to form on their bodies as the bed started to rock with the effort of the two adults. Peter held himself up by his arms looking down at the sexy expressions that crossed her face, her nice breasts bouncing with each thrust as she ran her hands over his arms and body. She spread her legs to allow him deeper access to her as she cried out throwing her head back as she felt the tip of his cock kiss her cervix. Wet sounds of their joining were mixed with the sounds of their pleasure and the bed moving. The place was filled with the musky scent of both of them and a slight taste of sweat on them. Both of them were fucking each other now, covered in sweat as they wanted release. Peter starting thrusting faster now not sure just how much longer he could last she was so warm and tight and yet he moved in smoothly. She was about as perfect a fit around his cock as he had ever felt, he had been trying to hold back his climax but even he had his limits. “Fuck...uh...I think I’m going-ugh- to cum!” He warned her in case she had second thoughts about fucking bareback like they were. Although the thought of filling this sexy woman with his cum did appeal to some caveman part of his mind but it was her choice in the end. She pulled him close, “Please hold meh! Hold meh tight when ya cum! Cum in me please!” She buried her head into his shoulder she was so close she could feel it then suddenly Peter’s thrust finally brought her to her climax. “OH GOD! YES! PLEASE YES” She screamed wanting to feel the first orgasm through sex in her life happen.  She tightened up around him holding him as close as she could whimpering as she felt herself climax. Peter groaned as he thrust one last time as he couldn’t take it anymore. Rogue gasped as she felt it, she felt his dick swell up and something warm shooting into her waiting womb. She felt him shudder as he finished shooting his seed into her welcoming body. The two of them stayed there until he rolled off her to take a breather. Rogue had her eyes closed enjoying the sensation as her body felt all warm all over, she could feel his cum inside of her body. She rolled over as she lay against Peter wrapping her arm around his waist resting her head on his shoulder and found her tail resting on his leg. “That was amazing.” She breathed out. “Oh god ah can’t believe ah finally had sex. Was...was I any good? Ah mean ah wasn’t sure what ah was doin’.” Peter smiled at her as he started to run his hand through her sweat soaked long hair, “Oh trust me you were great. How are you feeling?” She thought about it, “Ah feel a little sore in some areas and my pussy feels both great and like it’s going to be hell tomorrow.” She laughed but she didn’t care it was all well worth it. She just cuddled up against him feeling his warm and slightly wet body against her naked flesh. When she woke up this morning the last thing she expected was to meet Peter and to lose her virginity but she wasn’t complaining. “Thanks for tonight,” she told him honestly. “Ah really needed this.” “No problem, you know...if you want this doesn’t have to be a onetime thing,” he asked a little nervous hoping she wasn’t just looking for a one night stand if so he really might punch himself in the head for running the moment by making it weird. Rogue thought about it and she kind of liked the idea he was a good guy and a part of her wanted to get to know him more. “Ah’ll look forward to that then.” She smirked closing her eyes wondering where this would lead her, wherever it was she felt she was going to enjoy exploring all kinds of things with him. The End Well hope you all enjoyed that when I saw that part of X-Men Forever this idea just came to me.