Chapter 9 - Chapter 9
One of Angela's hands held onto her suitcase's handle and the other held her phone as she trundled through the jet bridge that led into the airport. Night had fallen while she had been on the plane though it might be more accurate to say the plane had arrived in a place where it was already night after taking off in the morning. A pair of messages had arrived during that time period. She flipped to the first one. F: Not sure what time you're getting in but feel free to drop by my place if you feel like it. A smile crossed Angela's lips at the invitation and she stepped to the side so that she wasn't in the way of the other passengers disembarking from the plane. A: I'll do that. I'm going to stop by the store on the way. Any treats you've been craving that I can get? F: The only treat I want to eat is you. Angela's face started to turn red and she quickly flipped to the conversation with Cedric. Any more of that and people might notice something was amiss. C: I've been keeping an eye on the media and there's been a leak. It hasn't picked up steam yet but word that the negotiations failed is starting to get out. I want us to get out ahead of this so I've arranged for reporters from the BBC, Associated Press, and Al Jazeera to meet you at the airport. Your statement doesn't have to be long. Just say that both sides weren't able to come to a satisfactory arrangement but that you don't intend to forget about the American people. Her cheek started to twitch as she read the message. If there was a profession she had reason to detest it was reporters. She hadn't had a problem with them for most of her life but then she had invented nano-biotics. An unexpected consequence of that act had seen a swarm of reporters arriving in Switzerland to get to her. For the entirety of the next two weeks it had been nearly impossible for her to do anything in private. Go to work and there were cameras photographing her. Make a run to the grocery store and there were cameras photographing her. Try to spend some time with some of her friends and there were cameras photographing her. Not to mention the endless interviews requests. It had eventually died down as the world moved onto the latest and greatest story, but the experience had left a bad taste in her mouth. A: Fine. Angela let out a sigh and put her phone back into her pocket before grabbing her suitcase and trudging her way towards the exit. The terminals of the airport went unnoticed as she walked through them. She stopped before heading into the arrivals area and looked down at herself. A red shirt and khaki pants. Hardly the kind of thing suitable for a short interview with international media outlets. Angela turned and headed to the nearest bathroom, taking advantage of a stall in it to change into a black pencil skirt, a white dress shirt with long sleeves and a pair of black dress shoes. After changing she stopped in front of the mirror and pulled a makeup kit out of her bag. It took her a few minutes but soon enough her face was covered in makeup meant for the cameras and their audiences. Lastly she gathered her hair up and bound it up into a ponytail with an elastic band. Once she was finished Angela headed back out in the airport towards where the reporters were. As she moved through the arrivals area they began making a beeline through the crowd towards her. There were six of them that she could see. Three of them were carrying cameras and the other three held microphones in their hands. She glanced towards the crowd around them. "It's pretty busy here. Is there a spot you'd recommend setting up?" One of the cameramen pointed down the terminal next to a couple of restaurants that only had a few people in line. "Over there is pretty quiet and we can use the windows as a backdrop." When they were in position Angela turned her back to the wall and straightened her back as she steepled her fingers in front of her stomach. She looked at the reporter from Al Jazeera. "Once the cameras are rolling you can ask me about the meeting in Washington. I'll give you an answer and then we're done. Is that satisfactory?" The reporters murmured in assent and stepped forward, holding their microphones up to make sure they could clearly record her upcoming dialogue. The cameramen fiddled with their cameras and Angela could see three red lights staring at her. "Do you have any comment on the leak claiming negotiations between you and the American government have broken down, Doctor Ziegler?" "Yes I do. I am sorry to say that the news is true. I met with Senator Brown and Senator Miller yesterday in Washington. I'm not at liberty to reveal what was discussed but we were unable to come to an arrangement that would satisfy both sides involved. However I would like to stress that the Ziegler Foundation has not forgotten that there are Americans who would benefit from Nano-Biotics and we are currently exploring our options at this time." Angela fell silent and waited several seconds before slashing her hand across her throat. "Did you get it?" It took a moment for the camera men to check and she could hear her voice speaking out from all three cameras as they reviewed the footage before approving it. "All right, thank you for meeting me on such short notice." Angela grabbed her suitcase and began walking away from the reporters. Hopefully she wouldn't have to deal with their ilk again anytime soon. As Angela's car pulled up in front of Fareeha's place she was in the middle of sending a text from her phone. A: I'm out in front now. Is the door locked? F: Nope. Come on in. Angela hopped out of her car and inside the house. Fareeha was seated on the couch in the living room, a video game controller in her hands. She was wearing a pair of baggy gray sweatpants, a shirt that had been dyed every color of the rainbow and her feet were bare. Fareeha glanced up as Angela entered and she eyed the doctor's outfit for a moment. "I think I might be underdressed. Were you thinking of going out somewhere?" "Huh?" Angela blurted before looking down at herself. "Oh right. I had to do an interview at the airport so I got dressed up." She reached up and pulled the band off of her ponytail. She ran her fingers through her hair, tossing it up before letting it settle down onto her shoulders. "I'll take it off if you want." "Ummm not just yet. Turn around. I want to get a good look at that butt." Angela laughed and turned around so that Fareeha could see her rear end. "Do you like it?" "Holy shit, yes." Fareeha breathed as she gazed at Angela's posterior. "There's nothing quite like a strong confident woman wearing a pencil skirt that hugs her hips. Get over here." Fareeha patted a spot on the couch beside her. Before Angela could sit down a furry creature bounded into the room and up to her. Jonesy meowed and rubbed her head and side against Angela's ankles. The cat walked away then stopped and looked back at Angela before meowing again. "What is it, Jonesy?" "She wants f-o-o-d. Don't let her fool you though, Angela. She already had breakfast." "Are you trying to trick me, Jonesy?" Angela cooed. "Come here." She lifted the cat up and cradled it in her arms as she sat down on the couch next to Fareeha. "So what have you been up to, Fareeha? I want to hear everything." "What? You just went to America for a big meeting. That's more exciting than anything I've been doing the last few days. Don't you want to talk about that?" Fareeha asked. Angela shook her head as she slowly began petting Jonesy. "Honestly I just want to forget all about that trip. I've never liked politics and now it's all I do. Days like these make me regret ever inventing nano-biotics in the first place." "You don'tactually mean that, do you?" "No, not really I suppose. I guess I miss the days when I was working as a surgeon. Everything was simpler back then and I think I was happier back then." Fareeha shifted her legs on the couch as she glanced down at the floor and Angela was quick to explain what she had meant. "I mean with my job. I was happier in the operating room. Dealing with politicians is just... aggravating.” She abruptly shook her head and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. “Sorry I shouldn't be so whiny.” Fareeha set her controller aside and took Angela by the shoulders drawing the doctor's head down onto her lap. “Nonsense, you're just venting about your job. The only one of us whose been whiny about your job is me back when we went grocery shopping after I arrived at your vacation house.” “I remember that. You said you were having problems seeing me as something other than Doctor Ziegler. Was it really that hard? We had already done a session by then.” Angela asked as she moved her hips so that she was lying down on her back and that Jonesy was resting on her stomach. “Well... yes. The first time I heard of you was when all the news reports and interviews started popping up. The media couldn't get enough of you and it wasn't hard to see why. I had a celebrity crush on you and then one day you walked into my... 'office'. At first I thought I was dreaming but you were really there. If I had to pick a word for how I felt right then it'd be intimidated.” “I'm not intimidating!” Angela exclaimed. “How am I intimidating?” “Look at yourself, Angela. You're brilliant, confident, kind, beautiful, extremely successful, rich and you've done more to help others than most people ever could. Honestly you're basically a goddess in every way. At least that's how I saw you until the last couple of weeks. Now I know that you're all of that plus you're kinky and you like me for some strange reason.” “Like.” Angela slowly drew the word out and she looked to the side for a split second. “May I ask you something, Fareeha?” “What is it?” “When I said 'I love you' it seemed to make you nervous. Is there something wrong with me saying that to you?” Fareeha bit her bottom lip and she slowly exhaled. “There's nothing wrong with you saying that. The thing is that my mother raised me not to use that word lightly. If I tell another person that I love them I really mean it. I know not everyone sees it the same way but it's always a little disconcerting to hear it just tossed around.” “Okay well I'll say something else then.” Angela said as she began to rub her chin. “Question is what. Really like? Admire? Care for? Adore? I like adore.” The doctor grabbed a hold of Fareeha's hand and entwined their fingers together. “I adore you just so you know.” “Well I already knew that and I adore you too.” Fareeha said with a gentle smile as she squeezed Angela's hand. “So now what?” “I want to hear what you've been doing while I've been gone. It'll help get my mind off things.” “All right... well today is laundry day which is why I'm wearing this.” Fareeha pointed at the horribly clashing outfit she was wearing. “Mostly I've just been playing with the cat, video games and watching movies. I don't have to go back to work for another couple weeks since you booked me for a month.” Just as Fareeha finished speaking a buzzing sound came from one of her pockets. She reached down with her free hand and pulled it out. “Hang on a second, Angela.” She tapped her thumb against the screen and put it up to her ear. “Hey mum. Nothing much really, just some laundry. Tonight? I mean I could but I have company right now so I don't know... bring her? I don't... okay okay I'll ask her.” Fareeha lowered the phone to her shoulder as she looked back down at Angela. “My mum's inviting me to dinner and she wants to know if you'd come. It'd be the two of us, her and Jack.” “Whose Jack?” “He's my mum's... boyfriend I guess? I don't really know what to call him. He and mum have been together for a long time but they've never gotten married. I don't really know why.” “So he's not your father?” “No, no, no. My father's a man named Sam from the First Nations in Canada. Jack's from the States.” “The First Nations? What does that mean?” Angela asked, her brow furrowed. “First Nations is what some of the indigenous tribes in Canada. ” “So your father is from Canada and Jack is from America. Where is your mother from if I may ask?” “Egypt.” Fareeha's phone started buzzing again and she quickly answered it. “Sorry about that mum, Angela was asking some questions. Hang on. Do you want to go, Angela?” Angela hesitated as she considered the question. Meeting the parents, or possibly parent in this case, was always a big moment. In her case there was an extra little tidbit that Ana Amari knew about Angela's relationship with her daughter Fareeha. A little tidbit that involved ropes and handcuffs. “...Sure, I'll go.” If only Angela felt as confident as she sounded.  
Chapter 0 - Prologue
Angela Ziegler stared at the building through the window of her car. There was nothing on the outside of the building. No windows or murals, nothing that even hinted at the name of this place. The whole thing was plain, unassuming and completely non-indicative of the things that happened here which is exactly how Overwatch patrons would want it. The entrance also made more sense if total anonymity was the case. There wasn't much to see out front, just a call-box, camera and a short curving driveway in front of a pair of doors. The first looked like it had been made of solid steel and was presumably for pedestrians and the other was a corrugated metal door for vehicles.   She pressed down on the switch that controlled her door's window and reached out to hit the small black button on the call-box. After a few seconds Angela watched as the camera mounted out front turned and lowered itself to point directly at her face. The website had explained what was happening now that she had requested permission to come inside. At this moment a picture of her had been taken and their computers inside were using it to scan public, and private if the gossip rags were to believed, records to form a dossier on her. And once it was completed those same computers would use said dossier to decide whether or not to let her inside. Whether or not she could be trusted to keep her mouth shut about what and and more importantly who she might see in there. Privacy was paramount.   Nothing happened and Angela drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited to see if she was accepted or not. A sinking feeling started to form as the seconds slowly dragged by and nothing continued to happen. After another couple of minutes she reached down to hit the ignition but then the garage door began to open up. Angela pressed the ignition and her car moved forward up to a second door identical to the first which was now closing behind her. Past the second door was the actual parking lot and full of expensive luxury vehicles. Her car was only a couple of years old and in good condition but it was painfully apparent to Angela that her vehicle was the one of the cheaper ones in here. Even the cars with diplomatic plates on them were on the higher end of the spectrum.   After parking her vehicle she made her way to the only other door besides the two connecting to the outside. This one opened up to a foyer with a pair of people in it already. The first was an Omnic seated behind a desk and the other had a face she had seen on the television screens more often than she would have liked. Angela flicked her eyes away from him though as she pretended not to notice the presence of the National Councillor until he disappeared through one of the elevators off to the sides of this room.   Once he was gone the Omnic turned her attention towards her. “Greetings Doctor Ziegler, it is a pleasure to see such a noteworthy surgeon visit us. My name is Aphrodite.” It, or perhaps her was more fitting since Aphrodite was wearing a dress and had a woman's voice, reached down to open a drawer and set a tablet down on the desk in front of her. “Now then since this is your first time here we require you to sign our non-disclosure agreement and a release of liability form. I'm sure I don't need to explain why these are required but I am obligated to remind you that Overwatch takes the privacy of its customers quite seriously and any breaches of the NDA will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” Angela picked up the tablet and scanned through it briefly before crudely signing her name at the bottom of each with a finger and handed it back. Aphrodite double checked each before doing pulling out another tablet and handing it over. “Now then if you would be so kind as to specify the details of what you're interested in.”   Angela knew that this place claimed to serve all kinds of fetishes and kinks but the sheer number of entries on the list was intimidating to put it mildly. Her cheeks began to burn as she skimmed through them out of curiosity more than anything else. She recognized the more common ones, could guess what others entailed from the name but there were more than a few that Angela hadn't heard of or had any idea what it actually involved. After a bit more time-wasting she scrolled back to what she actually wanted and started deciding on all its sub-options and choices available to her. Once she was done Angela handed the tablet back to the mechanical receptionist and waited as she examined it briefly. “Very good Doctor Ziegler. We can certainly accommodate this for you but you didn't specify a gender. Would you prefer a man or a woman?”   She hesitated a second and glanced around the room to check if anyone else might be there but it was just her and Aphrodite. “A woman please if it's not too much trouble.”   “Of course Doctor. Take the elevators on that side to the second floor.” Aphrodite gestured to her left with one hand “Here is your keycard. Your room will be the first on the left. I hope you will enjoy your visit today and that you'll be coming here again in the future.”   On the way down Angela ran that last sentence through her head again. If a human had said that to her she would have seen it as a cheeky, and more than a little cheesy, bit of innuendo but Aphrodite was an Omnic. Then again given the nature of this place it was entirely possible that robot was more than just an ordinary Omnic... she had been named after the Greek goddess of love after all.   Finding the room was easy enough and she waved the card at the reader on the door's right side to gain entry. Ever since she had made the decision to come here Angela had been wondering what she would find inside, what this room would look like. Walls of cold cement and a wooden floor, a medley of furniture, boxes of toys maybe. Instead there was just a pair of chairs facing each other across a small round table along with a sink and counter in a room barely large enough to accommodate them. There was yet another door but Angela was paying more attention to the woman in the room. She was taller than Ziegler and her lean muscles probably meant she was stronger as well. The woman's olive skin, jet black hair and dark eyes spoke of of a middle eastern heritage as well. She eyed Angela before tilting her head at one of the chairs in the room. “Come be seated and share a drink with me.”   There was a clear accent to her English but it wasn't overpowering by any means, just enough to make her seem that extra little bit more exotic. Angela wasn't familiar enough with the Middle East to place it however. As she sat herself down the Arabic woman set a pair of porcelain cups and steaming kettle down on the table. “Please forgive me if the tea tastes weak, I only had a minute to boil the water before you arrived. It's times like these that I wish Aphrodite wasn't so efficient at her job. If I had more notice that someone was on the way then I would be better prepared.”   Angela watched her pour water into each of the cups and add tea leaves before she asked the questions on her mind. “Are you the dominatrix I'm supposed to meet? Am I in the right room? This isn't exactly what I was expecting...”   That drew a soft laugh from the other woman. “Dominatrix. It's such an ugly word don't you think? Most people in the scene don't care about the term one way or the other but I've never enjoyed the way it rolls off the tongue. So harsh and acidic sounding... but to answer your question Doctor Ziegler, yes you are in the right room and I am the dominatrix, if you must use that word, Aphrodite assigned you to. And my apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Fareeha Amari.”   “Oh.” said Angela, her confusion at what was going on growing even further. “Then what are we doing here? I was expecting to... to... get submitted or whatever you call it.”   Fareeha stifled a giggle behind her hand at the seeming consternation in Angela's voice. “Get submitted?”   “Oh for crying out loud, you know what I mean. Tie me up, grope me, hit me with whips, that sort of thing.” Angela folded her arms across her chest and huffed at Fareeha's amusement at her ignorance on the subject.   “I know quite well what you meant. I'm not trying to insult you but it's a trifle amusing to hear someone call it 'get submitted'. Please forgive me if I offended you in any way.'” said the dominatrix who didn't like being called that.   “I... okay fine. I don't know the terminology for bondage. What I do know is that sitting around waiting for tea to steep isn't what I came here for.” said Angela. “What's going on?”   Amari picked up her cup of tea and took a sip before answering. “Overwatch has a very advanced AI running things here. You met her physical avatar upstairs when you entered the lobby. One of Aphrodite's jobs is compiling information on the people come here. Education, profession, social connections and recently Winston has programmed her to try and form a psychological profile from all the information she has access to. However it's still a work in progress and even if it wasn't, I prefer my own judgment to that of a machine when it comes to what you're here for.”   Angela couldn't believe what she was hearing. “A psychological profile? For a sex club? No offense but that sounds awfully Orwellian to me. Why would your company even consider something like that in the first place?”   “I know Doctor Ziegler, it sounds awful but it makes sense when you think it through. How many important organizations call Geneva their home? The United Nations, the Red Cross, Care International, not to mention all of the financial institutions in the city. Maintaining the privacy of our clients is of vital importance so we need to know who could be a potential leak. A breach of that privacy could have massive socioeconomic consequences plus we wouldn't be able to keep our doors open.”   She had known that already, at least in the back of her head, but the potential ramifications had never really sunk in for Angela until Fareeha had pointed them out to her. “So that's what we're doing right now? You're trying to decide if I could be a potential leak?”   Fareeha gestured at Ziegler's cup of tea. “Tell me what you think of the tea. It's a new brand I picked up recently and I can't decide whether or not I want to buy more yet. And that's not correct. The machine decides whether or not it considers you trustworthy and I'm not about to argue with a computer. I'm interested in knowing more about the woman who is responsible for inventing nano-biotics. I won't pretend to understand the technology involved but all of the news sites and TV shows are calling it the biggest breakthrough in medicine since the polio vaccine.”   Angela picked her cup up off its plate and tentatively took a tiny sip then a bigger one immediately afterwards. “Wow that's actually really good. What do you want to know? I'm not that interesting of a person really...”   That drew a small smile from the other woman. “Oh I'll be the judge of that. How about telling me why you got into medicine. What made you decide to be a surgeon?”   Angela shrugged dismissively and took another drink of tea. “I don't think there was any question what field I would go into even as a child. Whenever my parents bought me stuffed animals or dolls I would always pretend I was checking them for health problems or listening to their heartbeat. After a couple of years of that my father bought me a real stethoscope and I started listening to the heartbeat of anyone who would let me. As for becoming a surgeon, well surgery just came naturally to me and it never really felt like a question of what field I would end up specializing in when I was in med school.”   “Okay then, next question. Why nano-biotics?” asked Fareeha. “What were the reasons behind inventing those? What made you go from the operating room to developing new medical technology?”   The doctor glanced up at the ceiling for for a second as she considered the question and how best to answer it. “Have you ever heard of the Red Queen Hypothesis?” Fareeha shook her head and Angela continued on “It comes from a book written back in the nineteenth century. 'It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else then you have to run twice as fast.' Working in surgery was rewarding but it's stressful and there's a lot of pressure on everyone there. After a while you start to realize that you're seeing the same health issues and in some cases the same people over and over. No matter how well you do your job there's never any end to it. There's always another liver transplant to do or another inflamed appendix to remove. After a few years I decided that there had to be something better than just running in place, that I had to run twice as fast and come up with something new. And I did. It took me years of experimentation and research but I succeeded. And the result was nano-biotics.”   Fareeha set her tea down and she rested her chin on her hands as she looked across the table at the doctor in silence. After a minute she reached over and took the doctor's hand as she stood up. “Come with me Doctor Ziegler.” For a second Ziegler was about to ask why but there was a smoldering look in the other woman's eyes that been there until now and she realized what her intention was. Angela stood up and let herself be led through the second door and into the room that lay beyond.   There weren't any cold cement walls but other than that this room was exactly what she had been imagining earlier this morning in the shower. The furniture, drawers of toys and a bronze goddess who was about to make it a reality. Amari let go of Angela's hand and turned to face her. “Let me ask you something. What makes you interested in bondage?”   “Oh well I was watching some... videos online and a bondage video came up in the recommended section...”   That was as far as she got before Fareeha cut Angela off and the dominatrix began to slowly circle her. “No no no. That may be how you came across it in the first place but what interests you in it?”   Angela shivered and she fidgeted as those dark brown eyes burned into her. “I like the whole ropes and...” she started to say.   “No!” Fareeha cut her off again with a yell. “There's something more to it than that. If all you cared about was being tied up then you could have done that at home or another bondage club. But you came to Overwatch and there's a reason why. Now what could it be...” Her voice trailed off as she looked the other woman's body up and down. “I've always had a preference for blondes but you'd be a lovely woman no matter what your hair color is. You were an acclaimed surgeon even before you invented nano-biotics and right now you might be the most famous doctor in the world, so you're quite far from being a fool. Lovely, famous and highly intelligent... men, women, perhaps even an Omnic or two must be lining up to bed or wed someone such as yourself and yet you're here with me.” She stopped circling the doctor and leaned in close from behind to whisper into an ear. “So why are you here?”   Angela could feel the warm air of each breath tickling her ear as she tried to think of an answer that would satisfy this woman. A lie would be easier but somehow Angela had the feeling that nothing less than the truth would be an acceptable answer. “I graduated early from university with honors. I was the class's valedictorian and I gave speech at graduation. My entire career... no my entire life people have been pointing me out as someone who would do great things. I've saved the lives of more people than I can remember, I've transplanted hearts, lungs, kidneys. My greatest achievement was the invention of nano-biotics and it's gotten plenty of press but the entire time it was always 'Doctor Ziegler' this or 'Doctor Ziegler' that. It's like I'm another Florence Nightingale or Clara Burton, that I'm already another entry in some history book already. It feels like no one remembers that I'm also a sexual being too, I have needs and desires like everybody else. That's why I came here, because I thought this place wouldn't care about who I was on the outside. That they'd be willing to treat me like...”   That was all Fareeha needed to hear. She took a step closer squishing her breasts into the other woman's back and her lips were just on the utmost edge of brushing the ear in front of them. “I can certainly do that but we have to go over your safe-words first. 'Red' means that I stop immediately and we're done. 'Yellow' means that you need a break but you want to keep going. 'Green' means go or keep going. What do you say to that?”   “Green.”   Fareeha took two steps back and put a hand on her hip while giving her first order. “Okay then. Your clothes. Take them off.”   Angela looked like she was about to hesitate for a second but then she was undoing the zipper on her pants with trembling fingers as she disrobed. Once finished she turned around to face Fareeha and dropped her hands to her sides putting the entirety of her body on display. Faintly tanned skin, pale golden hair and the curves of her hips and torso combined to form the shape of an hourglass. Amari stepped forward to dig her fingers into one of those breasts. “Nice. Very nice. Too nice for a doctor but perfect for a slut.”   Angela blinked in confusion before she realized what the dominatrix was doing. Humiliation hadn't been one of the options she had selected earlier but the idea of pretending she wasn't a doctor was one she had inadvertently provided... and one she wasn't going to stop. The hand squeezing her breast let go and it dropped down between her legs. Ziegler's lips parted and she let out a quiet gasp as those fingertips started pinching and pulling on her most sensitive parts.   Fareeha chuckled and redoubled her efforts, encouraged by Angela's response. “All that nonsense about being a doctor is just you lying to everyone but you can't lie to me. I know what you really are, what you really want.” She pulled her hand away and grabbed a fistful of blonde locks, pulling on them just enough to make Angela follow her to a Saint Andrews cross. “Face inwards, hands up, and legs spread slut. Time to teach you not to tell lies.”   Once she was facing the cross Angela positioned herself so that her arms and legs were mirroring the shape of the wooden X in front of her. Fareeha gave her a look over and shook her head in disapproval at what she saw. “Don't move slut, your lesson is coming.” She stepped behind the cross and started undoing the nuts holding the wooden beams in place. Once they had come off she pushed the beams inwards so that they were better aligned with the current occupant's body size and fastened them in place again. After that she fastened the padded cuffs on each end of the cross around Angela's wrists and ankles to lock her in place. “Okay that should keep you where you belong. So where were we? Ah I remember now, I'm teaching you a lesson. What do you want? Belt or whip?”   “Whip.”   “Belt it is. You think I'd let someone being punished choose what they get hit with? You're not very bright are you? How do you convince people you're a doctor? Never mind it doesn't matter. You're going to count how many times I hit you and thank me when I'm done.”   There was a soft hissing sound behind Angela and she turned her head to look over her shoulder to see Fareeha pulling her belt out of the loops on her jeans. Amari pushed the belt in on itself forming a misshapen circle before snapping it taut between her fists. The leather came together with a loud crack that echoed off the walls and made Angela shiver involuntarily at what came next. Fareeha's first strike was a lazy backhand landing on her left cheek just hard enough to sting. Angela jumped away or would have but the leather cuffs kept her from going very far. “One.” Then a forehand to the other cheek. “Two.”   At first the blows were soft slaps but they didn't stay that way for very long, each being a little bit harder than the ones before. “Nine. Ten.” Back and forth between the cheeks but soon down to the backs of her thighs and hips. “Fifteen. Sixteen.” Fareeha's next hit was hard enough to leave a faint red mark on one cheek but not enough to break the skin. Angela cried out at that one, a brew of satisfaction and agony but she didn't let it from keeping the count up. “Seventeen.”   “I didn't hear you, what number was that again?” asked Fareeha.   “Seventeen!” Again on the same spot then to the other cheek. “Eighteen!” Her voice was beginning to quaver now. These blows still felt sweet but Fareeha had never said how many times she was going to hit her and Angela could tell that her legs would be sore tomorrow at the very least and if this continued then... back down to the thighs again. “Nineteen! Twenty!”   And then nothing. She kept tense, her arms pulling against their cuffs as she waited for the next blow but it never came. Angela glanced back over her shoulder again to see Fareeha was putting the belt back on. She sagged against her restraints feeling both relieved that it was over and disappointed no more were coming. Amari stepped up behind her and one hand reached around to grab a breast and tighten down on it. “Now what do you say to that?”   “Thank you... for hitting me.” said Angela, finding it odd that she actually meant it.   Fareeha let go of Angela's breast and started to undo the cuffs binding her to the cross. “That'll teach you not to tell lies about being a doctor but now you need a lesson to remind you of what you really are.” Ziegler tentatively rubbed at one butt cheek but Fareeha didn't give her any respite and was quickly pushing her towards one of those equipment drawers on the side of the room. Amari rummaged inside for a moment before pulling a few items out. A wooden rod perhaps half a meter in length, an aubergine colored dildo, a roll of black tape, leather handcuffs and lastly a metal bar with a padded ring on each end of it. After she taped the dildo to the rod Fareeha pointed at a foam mat resting on the floor near the cross. “Down on your knees, hands behind your back.”   Angela knelt down on the mat, the foam giving way beneath her some as she folded her arms behind her. Fareeha tangled her fingers in the hair on the back of Angela's head and gently but imperiously pushed forward until Angela's forehead was resting on the floor. “Stay.” Next she snapped the padded handcuffs shut around Ziegler's wrists and cinched the cuffs on the spreader bar around the blonde's ankles. Amari lightly bumped the dildo against Ziegler's lips “Open up.” Angela opened her mouth and the dildo grazed her teeth with a feathery light tap. “Come on slut, you can do better than that. This is going in your pussy so you'd better lube it up if you don't want it to be dry.”   Ziegler opened her mouth wider and her tongue poked out as she started licking every part of the dildo she was able to reach. She had thought it was smooth at first sight but her tongue could feel dozens of bumps and ridges all about the outside of the device as she got it as wet as she was able to manage in this position. Once satisfied Fareeha walked around to crouch behind the blonde woman's lifted rear end. She lifted the stick up, positioning it just right and began to gradually slide it in.   Angela shuddered as she felt the rounded tip of the rubber sex toy pushing into her sex. As it got deeper Fareeha began twisting the stick in circles and all those bumps and ridges were rubbing against her insides making her moan wantonly. The dominatrix laughed and the dildo started to move faster until it was almost all the way inside. Fareeha adjusted her grip so that her palm was on the end of the stick and she started slowly wiggling the the end around in a small circle. The blonde woman moaned yet again as she felt the dildo pressing against the walls of her vagina as it was rotated over and over. Amari smiled at the sound and she lightly slapped one of Angela's reddened cheeks “Now that's more like it. What are you?”   “W-what?”   “I want to hear you say it. What are you? You're not a doctor remember? Say it!”   Angela squirmed a bit before answering the question. “I'm a slut.”   Amari leaned down and put her ear next to the restrained woman's mouth. “What was that? It sounded like you were trying to say something.”   In the world outside she was a doctor. A surgeon who transplanted organs and saved lives but only on the outside. Angela closed her eyes as she pushed her identity to the world at large out of her mind as she embraced the role that she had come for even if she hadn't known it until now. “I'm a slut! You're right, I'm not a doctor. I'm just a good for nothing slut who wants to get fucked!”   “Well if that's really what you want...” Fareeha switched her grip once again and pulled the dildo halfway out then pushed it back in. Her strokes were slow at first but steadily increased in speed until it was thrusting in and out at a brisk pace. Angela's lower body remained still as Fareeha fucked her with the toy, not only because she was tied up but because she didn't want to do anything that might interrupt what was happening to her. Her mouth on the other hand was exceedingly active as she panted and moaned in ecstasy every time it pushed back into her. At the height of it her body began convulsing and in those moments the world around her faded away. The only things that remained were the piece of rubber pounding away at the pussy of a slut and the orgasm wracking her body.   When the haze passed Angela found herself sitting upright on the floor, a blanket draped over her shoulders and a bottle of water on the floor in front of her. Fareeha was seated just opposite her and she was watching Ziegler with a careful eye. “There you are Doctor Ziegler. I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't come out of it. How do you feel?”   How did she feel? Angela started to say that she was fine when her body abruptly shook as all of her energy vanished in an instant and her stomach growled at her. Fareeha must have recognized what was happening as she picked the bottle up and was holding it to Angela's lips “Drink. We don't want you getting dehydrated Doctor Ziegler. If you're hungry let me know, I have some chocolate bars here if you want them.”   Angela frowned as the realization of how Fareeha was addressing her pierced through the haze still blanketing her mind “You're calling me Doctor Ziegler? That doesn't sound right... I'm a slut aren't I?”   A look of deepening concern passed over the dominatrix's face and she tilted the bottle up prompting the doctor to start drinking. “No, you're not a slut in any way shape or form. You're an incredible, brilliant and lovely woman whose accomplished great things. Right now you're experiencing a sub-drop so you're out of sorts but it'll pass. Until then I need you to stay here with me all right?”   Angela gazed blankly at Fareeha for a moment, the words only barely managing to register with her. “Okay.” Somewhere in the back of her mind an image of an article headline appeared. Something about nano-biotics. “You said you have chocolate?” Amari stood up and headed towards the drawers opposite the ones where the dildo had been stored and pulled one open before grabbing a few candy bars out of it. She handed them to the doctor while sitting down and Angela tore one open devouring it in a few large bites.   Ziegler tossed the wrapper aside and the next bar disappeared as quickly as the first had. She suddenly looked up, chocolate stain on the side of her mouth and all, at Fareeha. “What's happening to me?” she asked, a hint of alarm present in her voice.   “You're going through what's known as a drop. Endorphin's, hormones, adrenaline and so on. It's something that can happen to people after a session is over. Subs having a drop isn't uncommon but I'm surprised it happened from our session. I didn't think I was pushing you hard enough to cause one but it seems I was mistaken. Next time, assuming there is a next time, I'll have a better idea of what your limits are. Of course that begs the question of whether you plan to come back or not.”   Doctor Ziegler smiled at that and reached out to squeeze the other woman's hand in a show of gratitude. “Most definitely. I wanted to pretend I wasn't a doctor even if only for a short while and you did an amazing job of it. I just hope you're willing to treat me like a slut in the future.”   A small smile lifted the corners of Fareeha's lips. “Of course. It'll be my pleasure Doctor Ziegler.”
Chapter 6 - Demonstration
“I can take that off if you want you know.”   The two of them were sitting in the kitchen as Fareeha set the ingredients for dinner on the counter. Angela had put on a pair of boyshorts but she wasn't wearing anything else except for the karada harness that Fareeha had tied on her.   “No thank you.” said Angela as she rubbed her fingers against the ropes running along the middle of her chest. “This is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and it's pretty.” She leaned forward on her chair to look at the ingredients. Lentils, salt, macaroni, rice, chickpeas among others. “What are you making?”   “Koushari. Have you tried it? Well it's an Egyptian staple. Come give me a hand. I need one of those pots for the lentils.” Fareeha pointed at the rack hanging from the ceiling before starting to open the bag of lentils with a pair of scissors. “While the lentils are simmering we can boil the rice, macaroni noodles and chickpeas. So please get more pots Angela.”   As Angela started grabbing the additional pots required her phone began vibrating on the kitchen counter. She set one of the pots down on the stove before answering it. “Hello?” A moment later she started speaking in what sounded like German to Fareeha, her voice speeding up as the conversation went along before hanging up. Angela grabbed at the locks on her forehead. “Shit, shit, shit.”   “What's wrong?” Fareeha nervously set the measuring cup of lentils down as she took in the alarmed expression on Angela's face.   “It's the plumber. He had an opening on his schedule so he decided to come by and take a look at my shower. He's standing out there on the porch right now.” The doorbell rang as if to further confirm what she was saying. Angela looked down at herself, the blue ropes on her almost naked body somehow managing to spell the word harlot in red letters now. “Get this off me.”   “Are you sure Angela? It'd be faster if you just got dressed than it would be for me to undo all the knots. Just put some clothes on and he won't be able to tell.”   Angela ground her teeth together then hurried to the stairs. “Give me a minute before you let him in. I gotta get some clothes then change in your room. Just take him to my shower.”   Once Angela had headed upstairs Fareeha glanced at the clock on her phone. The doorbell rang a second time before the minute digit finally ticked over. When she opened the front door the plumber, a portly looking man in his forties or so, was on the verge of hitting it a third time. His hand stopped short and he said something incomprehensible. “What?”   More German words.   “I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do you speak English?”   “No English. Ziegler?” He hefted up his toolbox and pointed past her, apparently asking to come inside.   Fareeha shut the door behind him then waved her hand to say 'follow me' as she headed towards the stairs, taking them as slowly as she reasonably could. When she was almost to the topmost step a still mostly naked Angela dashed across the hallway, a bundle of clothes in her arms. Fareeha came to a halt, the plumber bumping into her from behind. Once Angela closed the door she started walking again then pointed emphatically at the door Angela had come from once they were in the hall. “In there.”   Posters of old British musicians hung on the walls and there was a vinyl record player on one side of the road. Next to it stood a wooden record cabinet with dozens of black discs neatly tucked into their sleeves. Opposite was a bed decidedly larger than the one in the guest room and the door to the master shower hung open. Fareeha pointed at the door. “In there.” It was nearly pointless trying to talk to the man since he didn't speak English but it was better than nothing at least.   To Fareeha's surprise it wasn't just a shower in here. The toilet was hidden behind a small door in one corner of the room and a very large circular tub took up almost the rest of the entire room.   Thankfully that was all she needed to do, show him where the shower was. Angela must have already discussed the issue with him prior since he got to work right away, turning on the water in the shower and feeling the temperature with his fingers. She backed up into Angela's room until she was standing where she could see the plumber and the guest bedroom door at the same time. The guest bedroom's door was still closed and Fareeha glanced back at the plumber. By now he had pulled out a screwdriver and was undoing the temperature controls. Once it came loose he was turning it over in his hands before approaching Fareeha and saying something to her.   “I don't understand.” Fareeha repeated, feeling frustrated that the only woman in this house who spoke German was still busy. He jabbed a finger at the device and said the same thing again.   “He's telling you that there's something wrong with what he called a mixing valve.” Angela had entered the room, having thrown on a pair of gray sweat pants and an equally gray sweater. “I don't know what that is but I guess that's the problem if he says it is.” She said something in German to the plumber and the two of them went back and forth for a bit, leaving an uncomprehending Fareeha to fidget in the meantime. The plumber sat down on the side of the tub as he began fiddling with the shower component once the talking stopped.   Angela walked over to Fareeha and turned so that her mouth couldn't be seen as she started to whisper. The man supposedly couldn't understand English but she wasn't taking any chances. “By the way part of the deal for fixing my shower was making him something to eat. Julian likes food. A lot.”   Making him food. So not only had his unexpected arrival forced Angela to panic and throw clothes on, he wasn't leaving anytime soon. And for the duration of his stay the doctor had to be dripping buckets of sweat over the fact that she was wearing a rope harness beneath those gray clothes. At least she had had the awareness to remove her collar which the sweatshirt wouldn't have hidden from the plumber. “Do you want to go into my room and take the harness off while he's working?” asked Fareeha in an equally hushed whisper.   The doctor turned her head, sneaking a surreptitious glance at Julian before shaking her head much to Fareeha's surprise. “I... no. I can wait.”   “You're playing with fire Angela. I don't think this is a good idea but it's your decision.”   “Would you mind getting started on dinner again if it's not too much trouble?” asked Angela. “I can stay up here with Julian until he's done then I'll come help you.”   Boiling pots water, dicing onions, mincing garlic then pouring rice, noodles, chickpeas and lentils into said pots. Nothing that she normally would have any trouble with or hadn't done before there was an extra factor making this the most stressful meal she had cooked in a very long time, if not ever. Time. Every second and minute this meal took to prepare was another second and minute that Julian was still in the house. And so long as he was here there was a chance that Angela could get found out, that her ropes would be spotted and questions would start getting asked. Fareeha drummed her fingers on the countertop as she stared at the pots, silently urging their contents to soften faster so that they could eat and get Julian to leave sooner.   In the meantime Julian had set himself down at the dining table where he could see and talk to the both of them. Angela was standing next to her, idly stirring the pasta, as she translated for Fareeha. 'I met Doctor Ziegler when I was installing that tub of hers but I haven't seen you around before. What brings you to these parts?'   Fareeha glanced at her shadowy reflection in the window above the sink where she was washing dishes. Julian almost certainly wasn't able to tell that her English still bore a noticeable accent but her olive skin and dark hair were clear indicators that Fareeha was almost certainly a foreigner. “I'm here on business.”   Out of the corner of her eye Fareeha could see Angela's arm come to a halt as she stopped stirring. “I run a website where I post articles about old movies and television shows. Doctor Ziegler has been approached by studios from Hollywood about making a movie or documentary about her career and work on nano-biotics already. She hired me to show her old medical movies and TV shows and explain what to expect if she agreed to it. Of course this is all confidential and she's signed an NDA so I shouldn't even be talking about this. You understand right?”   The plastic spaghetti spoon started moving again and Angela began to translate but not before giving Fareeha a sidelong look. At the word 'Hollywood' Julian's head perked up and he said something with a hearty laugh. 'Well try to remember who installed that tub of yours when all that Hollywood money starts rolling in Doctor Ziegler.' He started to say something more but an alarm klaxon cut him off and Julian started patting at his shirt and pants as he tried to find the pocket his phone was in.   'I'm really sorry about this but I've got to go. Someone's water main just burst and their house is flooding. I'll be back tomorrow to pick up that meal though Doctor Ziegler.' Julian was out the front door before Angela had finished translating for Fareeha.   As soon as he was gone Angela brushed her hand against her forehead and turned away from the stove, leaning on the counter with both hands. “Mein gott!”   “What is it? Is something wrong?” asked Fareeha with a dubious look at the stove. The only thing coming out of the pots was steam, there wasn't any smoke and nothing smelled off to her.   “No... yes... I don't know. I'm just really confused right now. You know that I want to keep this whole bondage business private and yet...” Angela took a deep breath and let it out, clearly frustrated with something. “That picture we posted. I can't stop thinking about it. There's a picture of my breasts online. People are looking at it right now, some of them are probably masturbating to it. To me. And what I just did with Julian. When you asked me if I wanted to take the ropes off I should have said yes. It was the logical thing to do, the smart thing, but I said no.”   Angela turned towards Fareeha, a pleading look on her face. “The moment I entered the bathroom all I wanted to do was tear my clothes off. To let him see me wearing nothing but rope. I've been doing some searches online and I know exhibitionism is a thing but I'd be ruined if I had done that. I don't get it. I'm not attracted to Julian but I still wanted him to see me naked. What the hell is wrong with me!?”   “There's nothing wrong with you Angela. Part of what we're doing here is exploring, finding out what you're into. I don't think either of us could have guessed that you'd be into exhibitionism but it's not the end of the world. My recommendation would be to stick to posting pictures of yourself or finding someone who wouldn't betray your trust.”   The moment those words came out Angela's eyes lit up and the doctor excitedly grabbed Fareeha's biceps pulling her closer. “That's it! You could look at me!”   “Me? But I've already seen you naked several times and it didn't seem to do anything for you then Angela.”   Angela's grip loosened as her eyes flicked up towards the ceiling. “You're right...That picture we posted, have you checked to see if there's any comments on it?”   Fareeha turned her head to look at the still simmering pots. “I left my pad in my bedroom. Keep an eye on these until they are done then come join me okay?”   The doctor let go of Fareeha's arms turning back towards the oven and started stirring the pasta again. “Okay.”   Fareeha squeezed Angela's shoulder before leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs. She plopped her bottom on the mattress before lying down on her back as she picked the pad up. A few swipes of her finger and she had navigated to the forum where she had posted that picture of Angela. A woman as lovely as the doctor would collect a healthy amount of messages praising her body and the ropework on this site, that had never been a concern for Fareeha. What did concern her were the messages that wouldn't be positive, quite the opposite in fact. The cruelty spawned by the anonymity of the Internet was an ugly truth she had long since become inured to, but one that she could hopefully spare Angela from, at least for now. She scanned through the public comments before flipping over to the private messages. Two pictures of someone's dick, a run of the mill sexist prick or troll trying to shame her and some imbecile trying to boss her around as if Angela was a bottom for anyone who fancied themselves a domme.   Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete.   Twenty minutes or so later, Angela was knocking on the doorway. “May I come in?”   Fareeha pushed herself up then scooted forward so that she was sitting on the base of the mattresslying on it. “Of course, have a seat.” She patted on the bed next to her.   Angela brushed a lock of hair behind her ear as she took a seat. “So what did they say?”   “Let's see. This person here says he likes the color of the rope, that post asks what kind of rope this is, someone's asking how long the tie-”   Angela started punching Fareeha on the shoulder with both fists though it didn't stop the other woman from grinning. “Stop that. What did they say about me?”   “Okay, okay. The top comment says you have an amazing chest and they'd love to see more of you. Second one is someone asking for you to take the same picture but with whipped cream on your breasts. Number three is someone asking if there's any more pictures of you. After that is a few more comments all saying they liked the picture in some form or another.”   Angela leaned in closer to see the comments for herself before twisting her head to look at Fareeha. “What about you? Pretend that we hadn't met and all you had to go on was this picture. Would you want to see more?”   The pad in Fareeha's grasp quivered as her fingers trembled and she coughed nervously into her elbow but Angela's gaze was unrelenting while waiting for an answer. “...Yes I would.”   Angela stood, taking Fareeha's hand in hers and pulled the other woman to her feet. “Come with me.” The doctor headed out of the guest bedroom, never letting go of that grip, as she entered the master bathroom. She led Fareeha to the tub before relinquishing her grasp and climbing over the lip to stand in the tub's middle. Her top went flying first followed by her sweatpants and underwear in order, leaving her in nothing but a karada made of ropes that did nothing to hide any part of her. Angela waved at the seat directly in front of her. “Please.”   Her response should have been to say yellow in order to pause this before it got any further so they could discuss what was about to happen but Fareeha's mouth remained shut. Her legs moved of their own accord and she found herself sitting in front of the nude blonde, her throat dry as those breasts drew her gaze to them.   Angela's chest rose then fell as she took a deep breath before getting started. Her fingertips lightly brushed up and down against the nubs on each breast until they had hardened. She took a ragged breath and her eyes flicked back to Fareeha's face and was rewarded by the sight of flushed cheeks. Angela squeezed a breast in one hand and she sank downwards so her rear end was resting on the bottom of the tub while scooting backwards until she was leaning against its side. Her knees opened wider and the other hand creeped lower until it found its way between the ropes at her middle.   Fareeha felt a miniature shudder run through her as she watched the doctor's fingers tease and rub her folds, gradually progressing inwards from the edges. When Angela's first moan drifted through the air she could feel her palms growing sweaty. Then the first finger pressed its way into Angela and another lewd sound floated into the air but not from the doctor. “Red!”   Angela looked up in surprise, the finger inside her coming to a stop. Her brow furrowed in confusion. “What's wrong?” The doctor was too slow however, Fareeha was already out of the tub and halfway to the door before she had even finished her sentence. Angela stared at the door a moment longer then looked down at herself. Something must have been terribly wrong if Fareeha had used that particular safeword but exactly what the problem was she had no idea.  
Chapter 10 - Chapter 10
"Have the car park over there." Fareeha pointed at a spot marked by white lines on the edge of the street." Angela tapped on her console and her car began moving towards the spot Fareeha had indicated. As it did so she looked out the window at their destination. The two story house had white walls and a peaked roof covered in weathered russett tiles. It had a green lawn split into two different levels with one of them standing half a meter above the other. There was a moderately long driveway with a sedan car tucked away in an open garage carport. "What's wrong with parking in the driveway, Fareeha?" Fareeha didn't answer right away, instead opting to get out of the car and pointed at a metal circle covered in orange paint that was beginning to chip off and a wooden backboard that had been bolted to the garage roof. "Jack is a die-hard basketball fan. You park in the driveway and there's a very good chance of your car getting hit by a basketball. Safer to park in the street." Angela eyed the hoop for a second before looking down at herself. She had changed back into the wrinkled khaki pants and red shirt that she had worn on her flight back to Switzerland. "I should have stayed in the pencil skirt. This is too casual." She said while trying to brush some of the wrinkles in her shirt away. "You're fine, Angela. This isn't a black tie event, it's just dinner with my mum and Jack. Come on." That was easy for Fareeha to say since she had had the opportunity to change at home. The sweatpants and tye shirt were gone, replaced by a loose fitting forest green sweater and slim black pants. Fareeha started heading up the driveway and towards the front door. She pressed the bell and took a step back to wait. After several seconds the door opened and a person that could only be Jack was standing on the other side. He was near two meters tall, leanly built and had spiky tufts of white hair covering up a receding hairline. His bright blue eyes peered out of a craggy face that had seen its fair share of decades. "You must be Doctor Ziegler." He held his hand out. "Just Angela is fine. No need to be so formal." The doctor said as she took his hand and shook it. "Well then you can call me Jack." He let go of her hand and turned towards the other woman present. "Hey 'Reeha, gonna give me a hug?" Fareeha bit back a scowl as she hugged the other man then headed past him into the house. "It's Fareeha, Jack." She called back at them. "Reeha?" Angela asked. "It's what everyone called her when she was a kid. She started going by Fareeha when she was a teenager but I still call her Reeha every now and then to bug her." Jack said with a lopsided grin. "Come on in." Angela slipped out of her shoes and left them next to the doorway as she headed in. Past the entryway the house opened up to a large and airy living room. A charcoal gray fabric sofa and black wing chairs sat in a semi circle around a television hanging on the wall. Behind the furniture was a row of portraits. Most of them featured Jack, Ana, and Fareeha in them but there were a couple of a man she didn't recognize. The TV was currently displaying an American news channel but the volume had been muted. "Hello, Angela." Ana said from the kitchen doorway. She was holding a bowl full of a chocolately looking mix in one hand while the other was stirring it with a whisk. "Thanks for coming by. Jack made too much pork tenderloin so I'm glad there's another person here to eat it. I'll get fat if you don't take your share." "There's no such thing as too much pork tenderloin." Jack answered. "If we don't eat it all then that just means we'll have leftovers." "Pfaw, you always say whenever you make too much food." Ana said with a shake of her head but she sounded amused rather than annoyed. "Would you mind giving me a hand, Fareeha?" "Sure." Fareeha said before making a beeline towards her mother. Once inside the kitchen she looked around for whatever it was she was supposed to be helping with. The oven was turned on but there was nothing inside yet. Used bowls, kitchen utensils and silverware had been loaded into the dishwasher and it had even had detergent in the dispenser. The one thing that looked incomplete was the bowl in Ana's arms. "Ummm what exactly do you need help with?" "I don't." Ana stated as she began pouring the mix into a waiting pan. "I wanted to talk to you." She glanced past Fareeha towards the living room where Angela and Jack were. "I want to make sure you're doing all right." Ana said with a pensive look on her face as she returned her attention to her daughter. "Why wouldn't I be?" Fareeha asked, baffled at her mother's sudden display of concern. "You and I have never spoken very much about your job. It's not because I disapprove but because I don't want to know the details of what you're doing. However I do happen to recall you telling me that you've always kept a strict line with your clients to avoid things getting messy emotionally. From what I've been able to tell you've never had any issues but now I don't know want to think." "I know, but it's not a problem. I wouldn't have brought her here if my feelings for her weren't genuine. I can tell the difference between emotions that are real and those that only happen because I top for her." Ana rapped her whisk against the pan to get some of the mix off it before picking up a spatula and beginning to scrape the insides of the bowl. "I understand that and I'm not questioning you. I'm not sure about her. I mean – that's Angela Ziegler sitting in my living room. You're a wonderful woman but someone like her could be with just about anyone she chooses. I just want to know that she's with you because of who you are and not what you do for her is all." She set the bowl down and opened the oven up, sliding the pan inside then closed the door and set the timer. "That'll take about half an hour or so. Do you mind helping me set the table?" "Ummm... sure." Fareeha hesitantly said, still trying to process the anvil her mother had just dumped on her. Ana pushed four plates into her hands and Fareeha slowly turned to head towards the table sitting between the kitchen door and the living room. As she was setting the plates down she could hear Jack's voice from the living room. "North Carolina, Duke, Kentucky, UCLA, Kansas and Indiana. Those are the blue bloods, but Indiana is the best of course." "But why do you call them blue bloods? Why not purple? It's the color most often associated with royalty going all the way back to the Roman Empire." Angela asked. "I don't know, actually. Alliteration maybe?" Jack said with a shrug. As he started to open his mouth again the television changed from an anchor talking into the camera to the clip that Angela had recorded at the airport earlier that day. "How's that for timing? You're on my TV and couch at the same time." Jack started to look around for something before yelling towards the kitchen. "Hey, Ana. Where's the remote?" "How should I know? You were the last one to touch it." Jack started digging between the cushions next to him before his hand came up with remote in hand. His thumb pressed down on it and Angela's voice came out of the television. "We are currently exploring our options at this time.” Jack's head turned towards the doctor as the version of her on the TV finished speaking. “What's that about?” “Uhm....” Before Angela could say anything further the anchor from before began speaking once again. “There's been no official statement from Senator Brown and Senator Miller, but an anonymous source online claiming to be from Senator Miller's office has stated that approval of nano-biotics for use in the US was contingent on Doctor Ziegler agreeing to the weaponization of her invention. The doctor's statement indicated nothing of the sort, but would explain why she returned to Switzerland.” Angela shifted uneasily on the couch as the announcer spoke. Well that cat was out of the bag now but it hadn't come from her. It was possible Brown's office had been the source of the leak but there had been another person in that meeting besides her and the Senators. Schiff certainly had a reason to want nano-biotics to be approved and a leak of this nature was sure to put pressure on the US government. “Is that true?” Jack asked as he muted the TV. “I can't answer that.” Angela replied as she avoided meeting his eyes. “I signed an NDA before the meeting.” Jack snorted at that. “I'll take that as a 'yes' then. I'm not surprised they would try but they definitely went about it all wrong. They should have accepted your application and used that to get their hands on nano-bots to work with.” “Wait, wait, wait.” Angela couldn't believe what she was hearing. “You... approve of this? I invented nano-biotics to save lives and they wanted to turn it into a weapon! How could you possibly think this is a good idea?” “It's no different than MAD and nukes. Eventually everyone will have nano-biotic bombs or some such and things will balance themselves out. Don't use them on us and we won't use them on you. Keeps the nuclear powers from getting into a real war with each other."   Angela rubbed at one of her temples, vainly hoping to avert the headache she knew was already on its way. “Nuclear weapons, another thing that never should have been invented. Every time I think about those I want to go back so I can slap Oppenheimer and Truman in the face.” “Why?” “Why? Why?” Angela sputtered. “Because they invented and used the most horrific weapon ever invented? Twice! That's a pretty good reason to me.” “You're right. We used the bomb twice. but doing so saved more lives then it took.” “What?” Angela started to laugh at what Jack had said. “How-, what? Okay fine explain this to me.” She said disdainfully. “How did dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan save lives?” “I know it sounds strange at first, but you have to consider the circumstances the Allies were encountering in its war with Imperial Japan. The Japanese Army didn’t believe in surrendering and their troops would fight to the death or kill themselves to avoid being captured. Some of those Pacific islands would have garrisons of ten or twenty thousand troops and the Allies would take maybe a hundred prisoners after a month of fighting. When the Japanese began to lose the air battle they started having some of their pilots crash their planes into American ships to try and kill as many people as possible. Those were the people we were fighting.” “So how does that justify using atomic bombs?” Angela said, “Because the Japanese didn't believe in surrender. They would rather die than be shamed in that manner. Japan had millions of soldiers and conscripts ready to fight any invasion the Allies could mount. There would have been a lot more deaths if an invasion had taken place instead of using the atomic bomb to try and end the war.” “Are you a historian or something?” Angela asked with a raised eyebrow. “You seem to know an awful lot about World War Two.” “No, I'm not. I learned about this when I was training at a military academy. It was covered as part of our ethics education.” Jack explained. “You were a soldier?” “I was. Special Forces, actually. It's how I met Ana as a matter of fact.” Angela turned to look towards the kitchen only to see Fareeha and Ana standing there watching in silence. “So... you were Special Forces too, Ana?” “I was, dear, but not in the US Military. I served in the Egyptian Army.” “I'm starting to sense a story-” Angela began but Ana shook her head as she cut the doctor off. “There is dear, but... let's just say that you're not the only one with secrets here.” Ana said with a kindly smile that somehow failed to make Angela feel any better. “Ummm... okay... you know what, I think this evening got off the wrong foot. I wasn't expecting... this.” She turned back towards Jack. “Let's start over. Hi, I'm Angela Ziegler.” “I'm Jack Morrison. Do you like basketball?” “.... yes.” Angela said in a small voice, knowing she was likely going to learn more about the sport than she had ever wanted to know.
Chapter 14 - Chapter 14
Fareeha grabbed hold of a pale white wrist and shoved it into a half circle carved out of a wood plank that was padded with rubber. A second later she dragged another wrist into an identical slot on the opposite side of an even larger half circle in the middle. Lastly Fareeha seized a fistful of blonde hair and pushed forward until the largest circle had a neck in it. With both hands she lifted a second plank, aligned it with the bottom part and pushed it down until the two halves were once again in contact. Fareeha picked a padlock up from the floor and fed its shackle through a pair of rings located on the side of the pillory. “It's been a while since you've seen me and it seems you've forgotten the lessons I taught you. Well now you're stuck so I think it's a good time to remind you of your place.” She sauntered over to the wall and grabbed a slender black rod with a rectangular loop of leather attached to one end. Fareeha spun the crop in her hand so that its edges were vertical and she placed one of them against the neck in front of her. Bit by bit she slowly traced a path along the spine, getting ever lower before raising it into the air and hesitating. As Fareeha stood there, crop held in the air, her eyes began to wander the room around her. This room had been her 'office', so to speak, for the last several years. During that period she had participated in hundreds, maybe thousands, of sessions. Fareeha had lost track long ago. The plain white walls, the furniture scattered throughout the room, the drawers containing every kind of toy she could conceivably need for her job. All of them were things she had become intimately familiar with and yet now that she was looking at them, it all seemed completely alien. As if she had never been here before. The crop wavered then sank lower and lower until it was pointed at the ground. “Red.” The man in the pillory fidgeted and turned his head as much as he was able to do. “Huh?” Fareeha shook her head and set the crop aside before pulling a key from her pocket and undoing the padlock and removing the top half of the pillory. “Sorry, Noah. I... I can't do this.” She said while sitting down and dropping her head back against the wall. Noah removed his head and hands from the device before standing and heading over to where had left his clothes. As he pulled on his underwear he turned towards her. “Did I do something wrong without realizing it?” “No, no, nothing like that, Noah. If you'll pardon the cliché, it's not you, it's me. It's... the thing is that I've met someone and it's gotten pretty serious between us.” “Really? That's great!” Noah said, shirt over his head as he tried to push an arm through one of its sleeves. After his arms and head had emerged from within the shirt Noah cast a look around the room they were in along with of all its contents. “Does this person know where you are and what you're doing right now?” He asked, a note of trepidation present in his voice. “Yes to both. Don't worry, you're not homewrecking or anything. We discussed me coming back to work here and they're okay with it. I thought I was too, but now I'm not so sure.” “That sounds like you're thinking of quitting.” Noah said as he picked his pants up the ground. “I guess I am.” Fareeha said with a rueful twist to her lips. “The thought's been on my mind for a while, but the money's good and I've never really had a reason to go through with quitting this job.” “Well, whether you keep working here or not is your choice. That said, if you're really done, then let me say I'm going to miss you, Fareeha.” Fareeha chuckled as she looked at up her client. “Oh? There are other dominatrixes in Geneva. If you want a recommendation then I'm happy to provide one. I'm sure you'll forget about in me no time.” To Fareeha's surprise, Noah almost looked hurt at her comment. “Now that's not true. I know you do this for the money, but you had more of an impact on me than you realize. When I came here I was... ashamed of what I was doing. Ashamed of being a man who was submissive. You helped me through the guilt and taught me that I wasn't abnormal.” She started to open her mouth to ask whether or not that had been the case before stopping herself. Fareeha paused as she tried to think back to when Noah had first visited her. It had been years ago so her memories of those early sessions were more than a little fuzzy, but if Noah said that's how he had felt then she wasn't going to argue with him. “I remember that now. It has been a while hasn't it? Anyways, since I canceled the session I'll refund your money before I leave.” “No, there's no need for that. If you are quitting then consider this a going away present.” By now Noah had finished dressing. “Thanks for... well all of this.” He broadly gestured at the room before turning and heading out the door into the front room. Fareeha picked the crop up and carried it over to the drawer where the other impact toys were kept and put it away. She gazed at the door for a minute, waiting long enough to be sure Noah was gone, before exiting the play room herself. Her phone was where she had left it and it didn't take long for her to type out a message. F: Can you come by my place tonight? A: Sure, what time? F: Six? A: Sure, see you then. Fareeha let out a deep breath as she grabbed her keys and headed for the exit. There was plenty of time until Angela would be at her house, but she had a sneaking suspicion she would need all of it to figure out what to say. Jonesy was there at the front door almost the second Angela came through it. She meowed once then began to rub herself against Angela's ankles while purring loudly. Angela bent over as she reached for her shoelaces and the cat started bumping her head into the doctor's fingers. She giggled and scratched the cat's ears for a moment. “Are you going to let me take my shoes off, Jonesy?” “C'mere kitty.” Fareeha said as she walked into the living room. “Do you want a treat?” The cat's head swiveled towards Fareeha and her ears quivered. Fareeha repeated her question and Jonesy immediately trotted over and meowed at her. After Angela had gotten her shoes off she followed the pair into the kitchen to find Fareeha holding something in her fingers for the cat. Jonesy took it and wandered off to a corner, her tail held straight up in the air. “So, how are you, Fareeha?” “I quit my job.” “What!?” It was a good thing Angela wasn't holding anything in her hands because it would have fallen to the floor. “Maybe we should sit down for this, Angela.” Once they were both seated on the couch in the living Fareeha inhaled through her nose before exhaling through her mouth. “I went back to work today like I said I was going to. I only had one client since it was such short notice and all. It was one of my regulars though, generally pretty easy to work with and always tips well. The negotiations went fine and we didn't have any issues with the new limitations I had. Once we got to the actual play portion of the session... well I had the crop in my hand and all, but I couldn't go through with it. As I was standing there, looking at them, I realized something. I couldn't go through with the session because the wrong person was in the pillory in front of me. The only person I want to top for is you.” Angela covered her mouth with one hand and pressed her lips together, but a tiny snort still came out of them. “Are you laughing at me?” Fareeha exclaimed. “I'm being serious over here!” “I know you are and I'm not laughing at you.” Angela quickly explained, hoping to soothe her partner's ruffled feathers. “What you said at the end is just so cheesy I couldn't help myself. 'The only person I want to top for is you.' It's cheesy, but it's also super sweet. I have to ask a question, however. What does this mean for us?” “It means I'm committing to you, Angela.” Fareeha put a hand on the couch and she rose off it before making her way towards Angela. She placed a hand on the couch on either side of the doctor's head and pulled herself forward so that she was straddling the doctor's lap. “I'm still a dominatrix, but now I don't have any clients. Just a partner who I... who I...” Fareeha quietly grumbled to herself before screwing her courage up and spitting the word out. “love.” Angela froze.”Did you just say the L word?” A red-faced Fareeha looked down and away and muttered something under her breath. Angela reached up, putting her hand on Fareeha's cheek and turned it back towards her. “I love you too.” She whispered. As Angela looked up at Fareeha she could feel herself becoming increasingly aware of the other woman. The dark eyes nervously staring back at her, the smell of cinnamon and myrrh, breasts in front of her face, Fareeha's weight pushing down on Angela's lap and their pelvises only kept from touching each by a few thin layers of fabric. Angela wasn't sure who moved first, but their lips were quickly locked together and her hands were on her lovers back. After a moment Fareeha pulled away. “I want to make love to you, Angela. But...” “Yes?” Angela breathed softly, afraid to ruin the moment. Fareeha hesitated, looking away for a second, before returning her gaze to Angela. “Give me some rope or a hairbrush and I'm in my element. I've learned a lot of things over the years, but they all involve toys of some sort. Without any toys I don't really know what I'm doing in bed.” “Well, I'll just have to show you what to do then won't I?” Angela murmured as she began to pull the back of Fareeha's upwards. Fareeha raised her arms up and the shirt came up over her head and she tossed it aside. Angela lowered her hands back down to the couch. “Do you want to do it here or in your bedroom?” “We should do it on my bed just in case we make a mess.” Fareeha started to disentangle herself from the doctor, but Angela grabbed a hold of her hips and pulled her back down. The doctor's hands snaked towards the zipper on Fareeha's pants and undid it then grabbed the garment and began to pull on it. Fareeha turned to the side and lowered her back to the couch before raising her legs in the air. Angela eagerly finished taking the pants off before grabbing Fareeha's socks and sliding them off as well. Fareeha looked down at her sheer black bra trimmed with lace and panties that were tied together on her hips for a moment before looking up at Angela with a playful smile on her lips. “If you want to get these off then you have to catch me.” Before Angela could react Fareeha was on her feet and scurrying towards the hallway while laughing. Angela blinked once then she was up on her feet as well and scrambling after the other woman. “Get back here!” By the time made it into the bedroom Fareeha was sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands behind her back as she unhooked her bra. She took hold of the straps and pulled them forward and dropped the garment on the floor. “You can touch me wherever you want, Angela. There's no part of me that's off-limits to you.” Angela took a single step forward as she began taking off her shirt. The next step saw her undoing her skirt and letting it fall away from her. The one after that saw her bra fall away and the final step up to stand in front of Fareeha was accompanied by her panties so that she was only left in her socks. Angela sat down on the bed and scooted towards the pillows at its head before wiggling her feet at Fareeha. “Take these off and we'll get started.” “Where do you want me?” Fareeha asked as she threw the socks towards the trail of Angela's clothing. “Lie down on your front.” Angela said while patting the middle of the bed. Once Fareeha was prone Angela placed both hands on the other woman's lower back and she slid them upwards. When she reached Fareeha's shoulders Angela kneaded at the sides of her neck before running her hands all the way down to one of Fareeha's ankles. Fareeha murmured as Angela began a second pass. It was almost identical to the first, but ended on the opposite leg. As the passes continued Angela's hands gradually drifted towards the outsides on Fareeha's back while slipping ever lower towards the insides of Fareeha's legs. After a few minutes Angela's hands stopped on Fareeha's knees and she pushed them apart. Her right hand reached towards the last remaining article Fareeha was wearing and brushed her fingertip against the fabric from top to bottom then bottom to top. A tremble ran through Fareeha and she let out a gentle whine. Angela licked at her lips, encouraged by the side and she continued to stroke up then down in an even cadence, content to take her time. Further whines came out of Fareeha, each a little louder than the one before. Eventually Fareeha turned her head to the side and raised her rear end into the air. Fareeha grabbed one of the thick pillows and cradled it against her chest to brace herself. “I'm ready for what's next, but I don't know how many fingers I can take so go slow, please.” She said, voice thick with anticipation. “I'll only do one finger then.” Angela said before planting a light kiss to one of the cheeks swaying in front of her. She positioned herself behind her lover, off to one side, and undid one of the knots and tugged the fabric away. Angela curled all of her fingers, save one, her middle finger. She eased it against Fareeha's slick folds then gradually pushed it in to the first knuckle. Fareeha shuddered, but she didn't move. Angela pressed in deeper to her second digit before slowly pulling it out and repeating her action. “Is that all right?” Angela asked. “It's wonderful. Keep going.” Angela reinserted then withdrew her finger at the same pace as before, but the next time was slightly faster, as was the one after that. Bit by bit she began to speed up until she was steadily thrusting in and out and soft moans were filling the air. Fareeha squeezed the pillow even tighter as she closed her eyes, letting everything, but the doctor's touches drift away. This wasn't the first time the two of them had been in this position nor was it the first time she had let Angela penetrate her. However last time she had been manipulating the situation to make it happen, a way of staying in control. This time there wasn't anything of the sort happening. For the first time in their relationship the two of them were equals in bed, partners. As Angela's finger continued to move Fareeha could feel herself growing warmer. Each stroke lending itself to the knot of heat at her center. It was steadily growing larger and expanding throughout the rest of her until all she could feel was warmth brought on by the woman she had just said she loved. Fareeha began to shudder and, all at once, the heat intensified and it seemed she was going to burn away right there as she writhed and cried out wordlessly. When it had passed and Fareeha's body began to cool her eyes opened to see Angela lying beside her. A blissful smile spread across Fareeha's lips. “Hey, you.” She murmured. “Hey, you. How was that?” Angela asked as she returned the smile. “That was wonderful. Your fingers are as amazing as the rest of you. Do you want me to try and do that for you now?” To Fareeha's surprise Angela shook her head. “Not at the moment. I'd love to get off right now, but if you're unsure what to do then I'd rather wait until you're more confident. I know just the video on oral sex for you to watch and when you're ready I'll happily sit on your face.” “O-okay. Well I need to go pee. I'll be right back.” When Fareeha came back into the bedroom she found Angela had company on the bed. Jonesy had jumped onto the bed and was currently sprawling across Angela's neck and face. “Help.” Angela's voice was muffled, as if afraid of opening her mouth too much while the cat was covering it. Fareeha managed to keep herself from laughing, but she couldn't stop a grin from appearing on her face at the sight. “Jonesy, is that how you cuddle with your new mom? You're a silly kitty.” Jonesy's ears swiveled and she turned her head to look at Fareeha before meowing once. Fareeha lay down on the bed next to Angela and she lifted the cat off of Angela and set it down between the two of them. Jonesy wriggled around until she was on her side and touching Fareeha with a single paw. “I'm her new mom? That's news to me.” Angela said with a raised eyebrow as she looked down at the cat. “Well, you don't have to be if you don't want to. She's part of the package though so being with me means you have to deal with this chubby-butt every now and then.” Fareeha stated affectionately as she ruffled the cat's fur. “That's a price I'm willing to pay. Jonesy is definitely silly, but I don't really mind. You're the one getting the short end of the stick if anything. Having to put up with me while I'm going crazy dealing with politics is way worse than your cat having no sense of personal space.” “How did your meeting yesterday go?” Angela folded her hands and rested them on her chest as she stared up at the ceiling. “It went all right. Spencer told me that he was the source of the leak and that he did it to attack the Senators I met with. There's still a lot to be done when it comes to the Americans, but my part is done for now anyways.” “Well that's good to hear. Means the insanity is over, doesn't it?” Angela slowly shook her head. “No. The worst is yet to come. There were some hurdles about legalese when I was dealing with the European Union, but those only took a couple of weeks for the lawyers to clear it up. It was pretty painless overall so I think I needed a wake-up call. This thing with the US was stressful, but it's just a roadbump compared to what's ahead. South America, parts of Asia, Africa. Those are all going to be much harder than what I just went through. Corruption, cartels, dictators, people who are superstitious or don't trust modern medicine, warlords. It has to be done, but I'm not looking forward to it.” “Well, you don't have to do any of that right now do you?” Fareeha inquired as she brushed her fingers against Angela's cheeks. “No... why?” “Well, I just quit my job so I have some free time on my hands and you don't have anything going on for a while I'm guessing. You might have forgotten, but you paid me to live in your house and be your mistress for a whole month and we only managed to get through two weeks. How about we pack up our things, head back and finish the remainder. After that, we'll face whatever comes next together.” Angela's cheeks flushed scarlet and she swallowed once as she considered the suggestion. What Fareeha had said was true. Their original arrangement had been for Fareeha to stay in Angela's house for a month. However that deal had been made between a professional and her client, which the two of them no longer were. It hadn't even been a month since their arrangement had begun, but their relationship had rapidly grown to the point where Angela wasn't sure what to call it. Girlfriends was the best she could come up with, but that term felt like it came up short. What she was sure about was that they didn't have to restrict themselves to just two weeks. The only restraints on how long they spent at her vacation house were ones they put on themselves and Angela had a sneaking suspicion she'd never get tired of the woman lying in bed with her and vice versa. “It's a deal, mistress.”  
Chapter 2 - Details
Angela started as the phone in her pocket buzzed once indicating a text message had been received. She set her grater down on the cutting board next to the pile of shredded potatoes before fishing the phone out. The number wasn't familiar but it was easy to guess who was messaging her.   'I'm interested in your proposal Doctor Ziegler but I would like to meet and discuss the matter before agreeing to anything. Do you have somewhere we can talk in private or do I need to rent an office?'   Angela read the message a second then a third time before the words began to sink in. Fareeha hadn't technically said yes but that most definitely wasn't an outright rejection. She tapped her thumbs on the screen as she typed out a reply. 'You can come by my house sometime today if you're available. Here's the address for you.' Angela paused before sending a followup message. 'What exactly do we need to talk about?'   'How this whole affair would work. I don't want to get into it over texts so I'll explain when I get there. How does 13:00 sound?'   A glance up at the clock hanging above the sink showed the current time as half past eleven. Angela looked down at her potatoes, the amount of tubers suddenly now looking inadequate.   '13:00 works for me. I'll see you then.'   An hour and a half. She needed to grate more potatoes if she wanted to make enough rosti for another person but it would have gotten cold by the time Fareeha arrived. Angela pulled some more potatoes out and started shredding them. Get everything ready then wait for an hour or so before she started actually frying things would be best.   The potatoes had just finished frying and Angela was scooping them onto a plate when the doorbell rang. She spooned the last few stray pieces out before dropping the frying pan back onto the stove and hurrying to the door. Fareeha was waiting outside, a computer tablet and manila folder in her arms, as Angela opened the door. "Hello Doctor Ziegler."   Angela stood there staring at the woman standing on her porch, her thoughts suddenly nowhere to be found. Fareeha shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she waited in vain for Angela to say something. After an uncomfortable pause she cleared her throat. "May I come in?"   "Oh I'm sorry! Yes, come in, come in." Angela pivoted to one side beckoning Fareeha into the house. "Are you hungry? I made rosti if you want some."   Fareeha shut the door behind her before shaking her head. "Thank you but no. I'm not hungry right now. I don't mean to be rude but we have a lot to talk about so do you mind if we get started?"   Angela's face fell more than a little but she was quick to cover her disappointment and pointed to her right with one arm. "My living room's over there." There was a thin TV hanging on one wall surrounded by a large sofa flanked on either side by a pair of overstuffed armchairs. The carpet in the room had vacuum tracks all over it and the scent of air freshener lingered in the room. Angela plopped herself down on one end of the couch and waited until Fareeha had sat down on the far end of it. "So what did you want to talk about?"   "It's like I said in the text message. How all of this would work if I agree to do it. Rules, boundaries, what you want me to do to you and so on." explained Fareeha.   That drew a frown from the Swiss doctor. "What I want? I thought I explained that already. I want you to treat me like a slut for a month."   Fareeha closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. This was going to be harder than she had been hoping for. "Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think you understand what you're asking for Doctor Ziegler. How much do you actually know about bondage?"   Angela's frown faded somewhat and Fareeha could almost see the gears spinning in her head. "Ummm I've watched some videos..."   "Porn. Is that all? You didn't read up on it or anything, just watched a bit of porn and decided to make an appointment with me?"   "So what if I did?" said Angela as she tucked her hands into her armpits. "What you did to me was pretty much the same as the video I watched."   "You're not wrong." Fareeha freely admitted. "But that's because it's what you were expecting. My job isn't to educate people on bondage, it's to give them what they're looking for. It's not something I'm particularly happy about but in this town that's how I pay my bills. You're like the majority of my clients, they get introduced to bondage through mainstream media or come across it accidentally and end up getting the wrong impression about the whole thing."   "And what exactly am I getting wrong?"   "There's several components to making a session happen. Negotiations, testing equipment to make sure it's ready, the session itself, then aftercare. The problem with porn is that you only see one of those, the fun part. The other problem is that generally people don't understand the dynamic between a top and their bottom."   "Top and bottom? I don't know what you mean by that." Angela pointed out, looking quizzical as she did so.   "Oh, that's jargon in the scene. Top refers to the dominant partner and bottom refers to the submissive partner. During our session I was the top and you were the bottom for example." explained Fareeha.   "And what do you mean by dynamic?"   "People not in the scene almost always misunderstand the nature of a bondage relationship. Seeing whips or chains makes them think of slavery and that tends to influence their perception. If you ever watch movies or read popular books with bondage in them the relationships are typically one-sided and in some cases abusive but that's not how it really is. In actuality it's a more of a partnership between two people based on trust."   "Trust." The world slowly rolled off Angela's tongue and her shoulders slumped as she sighed. "You're turning me down aren't you?"   "I haven't decided yet but this request of yours is quite... perplexing. We had a single session together six months ago and then you suddenly showed up asking me to live with you for a month as a full-time mistress. I'm still trying to understand how you would think asking an almost complete stranger to do this is a good idea. Why do you want to do this?"   "Because... because..." Angela rubbed at her forehead as she tried to find the right words to explain this request of hers. "I've been in relationships before. Good ones with people I cared about but the sex was always lackluster at best for me. It wasn't until I saw that bondage video that I realized what was missing. I wanted to be the woman in that video, to have someone do those kind of things to me. Which you did but it was over so quickly and I was left wanting more." She gave Fareeha a defiant look as if challenging her to laugh.   "But if you wanted more then you could have just scheduled more sessions. Asking me to live with you for a month is an incredible risk Doctor Ziegler."   Angela's brow furrowed and she shook her head. "When a surgeon has a patient on the table they have another person's life in their hands. One of the things that got drummed into me back in med school was how easy it is for things to go wrong when operating. It was a lesson that I took to heart and I've tried to be as careful as I could my whole career. I'm tired of always playing it safe and not taking any risks." Angela said emphatically, her exasperation beginning to show. "You're right, we don't know each other but I have a good feeling about you and I want to take a chance on this."   Nothing happened for an uncomfortably long few seconds as Fareeha gazed at the Swiss doctor, making her fidget. Then she was scooting her way down the couch until she was close enough to the other woman that their knees were almost touching and Fareeha could smell a touch of cypress and cedar wafting from the doctor. "Very well then. I have a few things I need from you before I agree to do this." Fareeha held the manila folder up in front of her for Angela to see. "First is this. These are legal documents you need to sign for this to happen. An injury waiver, a personal consultant contract and payment details-."   Angela took the folder and opened it as she interrupted Fareeha. "Personal consultant?"   "Yes. You want to hire me for a month but your reputation depends on keeping what we'll be doing secret. I doubt anyone will be looking but having a paper trail will keep reporters or anyone else from learning the actual nature of our arrangement. But you don't have to look through these right now Doctor Ziegler, I'll leave them here with you." Fareeha waited until Angela set the folder down before continuing in as tactful a tone as she could muster, not wanting to offend the doctor. "The second thing I need to ask about is more personal so please try not to be offended. It's about your period. How much of a flow do you have? Where are you in your cycle?" Is there anything I should know about it? I'm asking because your cycle could affect how you're able to cope in a session. Pain tolerance, hormones, and so on." Fareeha's last few words came out in a rush and she made a show of not looking at the other woman when she was done.   "I suppose I should be bothered by that and if it didn't make sense I would be." Ziegler said, an almost amused look on her face. "But to answer your question I use an IUD so that my period doesn't affect my work. Having to worry about cramps, mood swings or needing to change a tampon when I'm making incisions into someone's chest isn't something any surgeon or their assistants want to deal with. As for my flow you don't have to worry about that either, it took about six months but I've only bled two or three times in the last ten years. Anything else you need to know?"   Fareeha started to shake her head then stopped as she looked the doctor up and down. "Possibly. If you give your measurements then I could buy some specialty clothes for you to wear during scenes if you want. Corsets, gloves, that sort of thing. Are you allergic to latex?"   "No... I don't have any allergies." said Angela. "I'll send you my measurements later. Surprise me."   "As you wish." replied Fareeha. "The next thing is figuring out what kind of things you want me to do to you." She extended the computer pad out towards Angela, wiggling it to prompt her to take a hold of the other end. Fareeha swiped the screen and a few dozen boxes, each with a name in the middle, popped up on the display. "Take a look at these and tell me what sounds interesting to you."   Angela lightly bit her lip as she stared at the screen. "I'm not sure... there's so many options to pick from and there's no order to any of them."   "Hang on..." Fareeha tapped a button on the top right and the boxes rearranged themselves alphabetically.   Angela looked at the first one on the list and froze in surprise after she read it out loud. "Anal." Fareeha gave her a quick glance and tapped on the screen to select that particular box, misinterpreting the doctor's reaction. The boxes disappeared as a few pictures popped up in their place. "What the hell is that!?" yelled Angela.   A silicone plug, one bottle of lube, a string of beads and then there was the picture Angela was staring in shock with wide eyes. A length of metal that curved on one end forming the shape of of a hook with a metal ball welded onto the end. Fareeha shrugged her shoulders nonplussed. "That's an anal hook. They're a little strange looking but a fairly common toy."   "That's... people... people actually put that thing in their ass!?" asked Angela in a horrified whisper.   Fareeha lifted an eyebrow at Angela's reaction to seeing the hook. "Are you really that surprised? Anal isn't that uncommon of a fetish outside of the Scene. I thought most people knew about it in some form or another."   "I know what anal is." said Angela, sounding a bit irked at getting called ignorant. "And I know that people stick things in their anal sphincter. My first job out of med school was working in the emergency room so trust me when I say that I've seen some weird things up there but this hook? I don't see how anyone could enjoy sticking one of those in there, it looks like a torture device. And for the record I'm not interested in anal of any kind. " Angela started pushing at random buttons on the screen making the image zoom in then switch over to a short description of the toy. "How do I go back?" A quick swipe from Fareeha in the top left sent them back to the list of fetishes from before. The doctor stared at the list before shaking her head. "Do I really have to go through all of these? You're the expert on this stuff, not me. You should be the one picking things to do."   "Absolutely not." declared Fareeha, her voice louder than before. "I can't tell you what you would or wouldn't enjoy. Only you can answer that question." Her voice trailed off for a moment as she took a moment to think. "But I can help you narrow this down by eliminating items that I'm not willing to do with you."   As Angela watched, Fareeha pressed down on one box after another and swiped each off to one side removing them from the list. "Edge play, piercings, suspension." Angela read the label on each box in turn before it was vanished from the screen. "What is edge play?" she asked.   "Edge play is a catch-all term for the really dangerous kinks out there in the Scene. Electrocution, asphyxiation, knives, fire. Stuff that can and has resulted in injuries or in some cases people dying, usually because they were choking themselves without anyone else around to keep an eye on them." explained Fareeha. "As for the other two I just got rid of, those I'm not opposed to but I would strongly recommend against you doing them at this time since you're new to bondage. Why I'm removing piercings should be obvious but suspension is something I wouldn't recommend you try until you're more experienced and have a better understanding of your limits. Does that make sense?"   Angela rubbed at her chin before nodding her agreement and Fareeha let go of the pad. "All right then, there's one other thing I want to bring up right now. Living with you for a month is pushing one of my boundaries. I've always tried to leave my work at well, work but this is going to make that harder so I want to make something clear. You're hiring me for this which makes you a client just like last time. With that in mind I want to explain some of my rules for this arrangement. You're going to be my bottom when we have sessions together. I'm going to see you naked, I'm going to be touching almost every part of you at one time or another. You're going to get tied up, spanked and whatever else you ask me to do to you, but this is a physical arrangement only. I respect you as a person and admire you for the things you've done for modern medicine but it stops there. I don't have romantic feelings for you Doctor Ziegler and as such kissing is strictly off limits. That might sound odd considering some of the things I've already done, and will do again, to you but that's one of my most important rules. Are we clear?"   The doctor's face paled a tad and she swallowed nervously. "Yes, perfectly."   "Good. Now I believe you were selecting things that you wanted me to do." said Fareeha, shaking the pad in order to draw the doctor's attention back to it. Her lecture had sounded convincing and it was certainly true enough. She had always maintained a strict boundary with her clients, especially the rule about kissing. Now if only she could make herself believe that what she had said was true in this case.  
Chapter 7 - Hold the line
She dashed across the hall and into the spare bathroom, pausing just long enough to shut and lock the door behind her. Fareeha shoved the shower curtain to one side and stepped inside, not even bothering to undress before turning the lever.   Water burst from the faucet, seeping through Fareeha's clothes until they were clinging to her skin. Her legs trembled beneath her and she braced herself with both hands on the walls next to her as she panted. The lever was twisted to its lowest setting and couldn't get any colder but it scarcely served to dampen the burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. Even with her eyes open she could still see a blonde woman touching her most intimate parts in front of her.   Fareeha shook her head from side to side trying to banish that image from her mind, lovely as it was. Not to mention that sound Angela had made, carnal in nature yet somehow still managing to seem celestially divine. As she stood there one of her hands, seemingly of its own accord, was creeping down towards the waistband of her pants. Fareeha growled in frustration as she yanked it back and firmly set it back against the wall. “No!”   “She's a client. She might be more fun than the rest of them but she's still just a client and you're a professional. You just have to enforce your boundaries, you made them for a reason. This is a business arrangement, nothing more.”   Fareeha turned the lever once again to shut the water off before getting out, her socks squishing with each step. Unfortunately for her the bar next to the shower stood empty and there was no towel in the bathroom for her to us. Fareeha hit her forehead with the heel of her hand, now remembering she had taken it to her room earlier that day. There was nothing for it, she would just have to drip water for a little bit until she could change. She opened the bathroom door only to find her way blocked.   A woman wearing a fluffy white bathrobe was standing on the other side of the door, her hand raised as if to knock. The doctor's fist hung in the air before lowering as she took in Fareeha's impression of a drowned rat. “Oh! Let me get a towel!”   “That's not -” Fareeha was too slow as Angela was already darting to what was apparently her linen closet and pulling out a towel and an identical bathrobe to hers. “-necessary.” Her words passed by seemingly without notice as Angela was already patting her down, soaking up as much water as she could.   “You must be freezing! Let's get you of those, they're dripping on the carpet.”   Angela shooed her back into the bathroom where the floor was tile, which could be mopped up. Fareeha shivered but didn't react as Angela pulled the wet shirt off and dropped it to the floor. Everything she had just told herself in the shower flew out the window and it wasn't until Angela was reaching around to undo her bra that Fareeha responded. “Hey... stop that, I don't need your help to take that off.”   “Sorry, I wasn't thinking.” Angela pulled her hands back and turned around to give Fareeha some privacy. Fareeha pulled her bra off and dropped it on the floor as she stripped naked, acutely aware of Angela's presence the entire time before she pulled on the bathrobe.   “So.” began Fareeha, as she turned to face Angela. “I have some things I need to say. Can we go to the living room? This isn't a good place for a serious conversation.”   Angela swallowed, seeing the all too serious look on Fareeha's face and she fidgeted with the belt holding her robe shut. “O-okay.” She headed back into the hallway then down the stairs, Fareeha dogging her heels until they were seated on opposite ends of the couch. “So what did I do wrong? You ran out of my bathroom awfully quickly not to mention you used a safeword.”   “I think we need to go over the rules of our arrangement here again. We're here because you hired me because I'm a dominatrix and you wanted to be my bottom for a month. This whole scenario is about your gratification and I'm willing to work with you to make sure that happens. Tying you up, using dildos or vibrators on you, spanking you with things and so on. I'm happy to do all of that. To you. This is about you, not me. I'd prefer it if we not bring me or my personal life into this again and kept the focus on you. Any nude pictures from now on should be yours and we should be trying to make you orgasm, not me. ”   “I can understand wanting to keep sessions focused on me.” said Angela. “But we're going to be living together for the rest of the month. I'll try not to pry if that's what you want but it's not reasonable to expect that we won't ever talk about you at all during the coming weeks.”   Fareeha closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine, how about this, you can ask me one question per day and I'll decide whether it's too personal or not.”   “Okay...” Angela glanced away for a few seconds while deciding what a good first question would be. “When you were talking to Julian you said you run a website where you talked about old movies and shows. Were you making that up or is that something you actually do?”   “Actually yes, though I was lying about Hollywood contacting you obviously but it's only a matter of time until they actually do Angela. If I had to guess I'd say there's already screenplays about you floating around right now.”   “You're changing the subject back to me.” Angela pointed out. “What interests you about old movies?”   “The history aspect of it I guess, the way cinema evolved over the years until it became what it is today. My site is basically just a place for me to geek out about them. It doesn't make me any money but it's still one of my favorite hobbies.”   “So as someone who watches old movies what would you say is the best film ever made?” asked Angela.   “Citizen Kane.”   “Citizen Kane? That sounds a little familiar but I'm not sure why to be honest.” Angela tapped on her chin as she tried to recall where she had heard that title before.   “Well we can watch it if you want to. I just have to connect my pad to your TV. Would you mind?”   “No, go ahead. I've tried to connect my phone to the TV but it has never worked for me.” Angela gave the television a glare as if it was purposefully trying to spite her.   A few seconds later and the television turned on, its screen a mirror of Fareeha's pad. “Okay I'm going to ask you something and please try not to be offended. How did you invent nano-biotics if you're so bad with computers? The things are basically miniature robots if I understand it correctly.”   Angela looked away for a moment before answering. “I didn't invent nanotechnology obviously. What I did was adapt them for medical purposes. I had to modify their designs so they could perform surgery or other medical functions then program them to be able to do it autonomously.”   “Programmed them? Like computer programming? You can program nano-bots to operate on people but you can't connect a phone to your television?” Tears started leaking from Fareeha's eyes as she doubled over laughing, arms holding her stomach.   The doctor's face turned so red that Fareeha half expected steam to come out of her ears but all Angela did was huff and cross her arms. “I'm sorry, I'm not trying to call you stupid. It's just really, really funny. Anyways, Citizen Kane.” Fareeha tapped on her pad and the movie began playing on the screen.   “It's all gray? There must be something wrong with my TV, let me try to find the remote.”   “There isn't anything wrong Angela, Citizen Kane was filmed in black and white. They had Technicolor back then but serious dramas didn't use it.”   “Orson Welles?” Angela read the name off the screen. “Just how old is this movie exactly?”   “Well it was filmed in nineteen-forty-one so it's pretty old. Anyways no talking during the movie okay?”   Angela glanced towards the kitchen. “Actually do you want some brunsli first?”   Fareeha's brow furrowed as she tried to remember what that word meant. “Brunsli... those are brownies right? I thought they were a Christmas thing.”   “Traditionally yes, but I don't think anyone will care too much if we eat them today.” Angela hopped up to her feet and headed to the kitchen momentarily before returning with a plate of chocolate confections and two glasses of milk. She set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch before plopping down next to Fareeha. “Okay. What makes this movie so good that you're calling it the best ever after all these decades?”   “There's a bunch of stuff Welles did that was really innovative at the time. The movie wasn't chronological, they planned out all of the shots weeks ahead of time instead of a few days, Welles used camera lenses that kept everything in focus, the lightning, all the prosthetics Seiderman made. Honestly I could talk about this for hours if you let me. You should just watch and see for yourself.” Fareeha pressed a button on her tablet and the movie began to play again.   Two hours later and the camera was slowly zooming in on a group of men hurling wooden objects into an open furnace roaring with flame. One lifted a sled, tossing it into the furnace and the camera's focus changed once again. The paint on the sled's top was swiftly melting away in the scorching heat but the word 'Rosebud' could still be clearly seen before the film cut away to the ending shot. Fareeha turned her head to see Angela's reaction but the doctor must have fallen asleep earlier without Fareeha noticing. The blonde's head wasn't resting on her shoulder but it had still gotten rather close and she was leaning in Fareeha's direction. Fareeha tapped on her pad once more, ending the movie's playback before turning towards the doctor.   She painstakingly eased Angela's head down to the couch while standing up herself, hoping not to interrupt her slumber. Fareeha grabbed the empty plate and glasses, depositing them in the kitchen sink before heading upstairs to Angela's room. She grabbed the blankets and pillow off Angela's bed then headed back to where the doctor lay. Fareeha draped the blanket over the doctor and slowly eased the pillow beneath her head. “Sleep well Angela, you're going to have an interesting day tomorrow.”  
Chapter 5 - Presentations
If it had been up to her then Angela would have headed straight for the bunker in the basement after putting the groceries away but Fareeha brought her into the living room instead. Once the two of them were seated on the couch Fareeha got the ball rolling as she opened up the kinks app she had gone through with Angela prior. “Since this is our first session here I don't want to do anything too intense, let's make this one something of a warmup, something light. What do you think of just doing rope-work today Angela?”   “I'm not quite sure I know what you mean by saying rope-work. Does that mean you're just going to be tying me up or is there more to it than that?”   “There are some other things you can do with ropes but we won't be getting into those today. This is mainly about the visual appeal of it.”   Angela pursed her lips at that. “Visual appeal? But the only person who'll see what you're doing is you. If there was a mirror in the bunker then I could see myself in that but there isn't.”   “Well my pad has a pretty good camera so I could take pictures with it and show them to you. That brings up a followup question though. If I did take pictures would you want them to just be for you or would you be interesting in posting them online?” Fareeha pointed at a small glass circle on the back of the computer pad for reference.   The doctor's face soured almost immediately at that notion. “Post pictures...online? You mean the Internet right? Why would I do that? I'm not exactly ashamed of what we're doing but it's not something I want the world to know about me.”   “No, no, no I didn't explain that right or at all really.” exclaimed Fareeha, quickly trying to pull foot from mouth. “If you decided to post pictures I would make sure the pictures would be anonymous so that no one could tell they're of you. You could hide your face from the camera or black it out in photoshop for example. Personally I'd just keep your head out of frame so that people would only be able to see -.” She waved one hand from her shoulders towards her feet.   “But couldn't hackers trace the... I... the internet number, whatever that's called. They could trace it back to my house and people would know it's me.”   “You mean the IP address? I have a VPN app from my employer that lets me connect to their proxy server remotely. Doing that will keep anyone from being able to run a RIPE whois or traceroute command to find you.”   Angela stared at Fareeha, her eyes glazing over. “I don't understand anything you just said. That was a bunch of IT gobbledygook.”   “It means no one would be able to track down your IP address since they would never see it in the first place.” explained Fareeha.   “Oh. Are you sure that means they would be anonymous? Is there any other way they could figure out it's me?.”   “There's also Exif info in the pictures that I would have to remove but I have a program for that too.” said Fareeha.   “How do you know so much about computer stuff? Is it a hobby of yours?”   “No, not really. You wouldn't be the first person I've posted pictures of and it was something I had to learn to protect my identity.”   Now that caught Angela off-guard. “Wait your identity? You've posted pictures of yourself?” She fell silent for a moment before asking yet another question. “Would you be interested in a trade? I'll let you post a picture of me, anonymously of course, if you let me see one of the pictures you posted.”   If someone had told Fareeha that she would be having this conversation when she had woken up this morning then she would have laughed in their face. Yet here she was, considering the notion of trading nudes with a woman who had hired her as a dominatrix. In a way it was fair, she had accidentally seen the other woman naked earlier that day. Fareeha navigated her way to the photo app on her pad and flipped through a pass-worded album before picking one of the pictures on it. She turned the pad so that Angela could see it, her cheeks warming as she did so. Fareeha's face was concealed beneath a morass of dark black hair and she was wearing a very short purple satin dress. She was sprawled out on a bed, hips turned towards the camera and her skirt teased just enough of her pelvis and chest to put it on the cusp of indecency.   “Oh come on, you gotta give me something better than that.” Angela declared emphatically though she was still blushing at the shadowy area between Fareeha's legs in the photo. “I'm letting you post a nude picture of me online. Try again!”   Fareeha scrolled through her pictures again before selecting another one and turned the pad back to Angela. She was on the same bed and her face was hidden like before but now she was sitting with her back up against the headboard. The dress from before was missing and there wasn't any underwear to be found in this shot. Fareeha's feet and knees were spread wide, giving a full on frontal look at the immaculately trimmed hair on her crotch along with her breasts. Angela's eyes opened so wide that Fareeha could almost see more white than pupil and her gaze locked on the screen instead of looking at the real thing next to her. “Mein gott.”   The picture winked out much to Angela's disappointment and Fareeha set the pad down on her lap. “So that makes us even. I saw you naked this morning and now you've seen me. So back to this session we're planning. We'll be doing a bunch of rope-work, you already know the health risks and what to watch out for. I'll be taking pictures of you throughout and I'll be posting one of those online but you get to choose which one. You showed me that you remember your safe-words in the car so I don't need to go over those.” She stood up and waved in the direction of the stairs leading to the basement. “Let's go.”   The mattress was still in the same spot as before but the toy collection had been cleared off it and put back in the boxes they had come out of. Fareeha went to the box labeled clothes and opened it before pulling something out and holding it up for Angela to see.   A black collar with fleece lining the inside and a metal ring attached to the front of it. “So now that our shopping trip is done there isn't any reason for you to go anywhere in public for a couple of weeks. You can take this off when you're taking a shower or a bath but other than that I want you wearing this at all times unless I tell you otherwise.”   Angela walked up to Fareeha leaning in closer to get a better look and she brushed her fingers against the collar. “Is this leather? I don't really feel comfortable wearing leather...”   Fareeha shook her head. “No it's actually synthetic. It feels the same as real leather and it's a lot easier to take care of. Is that okay with you?”   “I can handle that but I have a plumber coming in a couple of days to fix my shower. Could I take this off then?” asked Angela.   “Of course. I'm not going to make you wear this when there's a chance someone could see it.”   “Will you do the honors?” Angela took a hold of her hair with both hands, lifting it up so that it wasn't resting against her neck and shoulders.   Fareeha took one step then a second closer to Angela so that mere finger widths separated the two of them. Her head dipped forward until it was almost brushing against the doctor's ear as she wrapped the collar around that slender white neck. “You're mine now.” breathed Fareeha in a husky whisper. Angela shivered at the hot breath tickling her ear and then the collar was cinched shut. She had been dreaming about this during the months since their first session but now it wasn't a dream anymore. This was really happening. Angela's lips parted ever so slightly and her face turned towards Fareeha but the dominatrix was already heading for another box. Fareeha started pulling out bundles of rope and she pointed with her chin at the mattress. “Green... wait, yellow. Do you have any tattoos or birthmarks?” Angela shook her head and Fareeha nodded in response. “Okay then green. Take off your clothes and kneel on the mattress, hands in front of you.”   For the second time that day Angela was naked in Fareeha's presence but her top didn't seem at all fazed this time. She knelt on the mattress and held her hands up, unsure exactly what Fareeha wanted her to do with them. “Not like that, here.” Fareeha pressed Angela's palms and fingers together. “Like this. Kinda obvious why this is called the prayer position isn't it?”   As Fareeha began weaving rope between her fingers Angela glanced around the room. “So what am I supposed to do during this exactly? Just sit here?”   “More or less. If you're squirming then it makes it harder for me to tie you up, but that doesn't mean you're not doing anything. Focus on the rope. Feel the way the fibers rub against you, how the rope bites into your skin, the pressure it puts on your body, but most importantly just relax and remember to breath.” Fareeha finished winding the brown rope around Angela's wrists and cinched it shut. “So this is a pretty simple tie. Hold your hands up higher and I'll take a photo. No, a little lower than that, we don't want to block your br– yes that's perfect.” Fareeha grabbed her computer pad and flipped to the camera, zooming in so that Angela's head wasn't in the shot.   After the picture had been taken Angela glanced up at the bunker's lightbulbs and the harsh light they threw out. “How will the pictures taken in here come out? I don't think the lighting in here isn't good for pictures.”   Fareeha shrugged dismissively as she undid the rope on Angela's wrists. “My camera auto adjusts light and stuff. It won't be as good as a professional photographer but good enough for our purposes. Now the next one is a harness and I'll be using a blue rope since it matches your hair. Oh don't give me that look, no one's going to see your face, well no one but me that is. You can get off your knees now if you want.”   Angela wiggled her fingers as they were freed and she gratefully uncurled her legs from beneath her and leaned back on her hands. Fareeha waited until she had stopped moving before getting started on the harness. Angela closed her eyes and focused on trying to feel the rope like Fareeha had suggested. The fiber wasn't entirely smooth, minuscule fuzzy strands poked into her wherever the rope was laid but nothing she couldn't tolerate. Soon enough the pattern became apparent to her as the harness took shape. Across her upper chest in one direction then the other and then the same thing again but underneath her breasts. Between the breasts next and up over her collarbone on both sides before joining the growing bight in the back. Then Fareeha pulled on the rope and the entire harness constricted everywhere at once, the strands compressing her breasts from above and below while making it harder, but not uncomfortably so, to take deep breaths. A quiet gasp forced its way out and Fareeha was suddenly in front of her, an alert expression on her face. “Are you okay? Do you need me to loosen it?”   “Green.” Angela said with a smile. “Let's take the picture and move on.”   After this picture was taken Fareeha once again started undoing the bight on her back. “So this next one is called a karada. Some people call it a rope dress but I prefer karada, it sounds more exotic. Stand up for me please.” Once Angela rose to her feet Fareeha made a short loop and draped the rope around her neck. She tied several knots at regular intervals along the center of her torso then gently nudged Angela's calf with her foot. “Spread your legs for me please.”   Once Angela obliged her request Fareeha crouched so that she could run the rope between the blonde's legs along her crotch. As she started to pull the rope through Angela made a face and something invisible but not noiseless slipped out. Fareeha grimaced and shook her head in annoyance as she wrinkled her nose. “Really, you couldn't hold that back?”   It was juvenile, crass and in poor taste but Angela's lips quivered as she fought to hold it back though it was a futile effort and a single giggle broke free. A look down at Fareeha's face only served to add colleagues to it and she grabbed at her ribs as her shoulders soon began to shake.   “What are you doing? Stop laughing! You're going to undo the knots.” It was a flimsy excuse but the only thing Fareeha could think of in the moment.   In the back of her head Angela knew she should be trying to settle herself down but for whatever reason Fareeha's comment made her laugh even harder and she sank to her knees, tears now streaming down her face.   Fareeha's eyes flickered toward the box containing her toys for spanking but she shook her head, dismissing the idea. It probably would make Angela stop laughing, but it wasn't something they had agreed to during this session. The only acceptable choice was to sit and wait for the giggles to stop, which eventually they did.   Angela wiped some of the tears off her cheeks as she finally settled down. “Sorry about that. I don't know why that was so funny.” She took a deep breath and stood up back, resuming her former stance. ”Green.”   Picking up where she had left off, Fareeha grabbed the rope and started twisting a knot that was much thicker than the others into it before running it through Angela's legs again. As she pulled upwards the this knot pressed right against Angela's clitoris eliciting a gasp as the rope grew more and more taut. Her head turned to see a devilish grin on Fareeha's face. “Sorry, I think I got that angle wrong. Let me try again.” Fareeha said, convincing no one of her sincerity, and she tugged on the cords once again. Angela shuddered as the rope not only nudged against her clit but also rubbed against her folds Then Fareeha was letting it slacken as pulled it through a loop at the top. The two cords split apart and Fareeha started wrapping them around Angela's chest and stomach, combining with the knots up front to form diamond shapes on her torso. The remaining slack was wrapped around her waist and tied off in the back before Fareeha snapped another picture. “Comfortable?”   “I feel fine. Are you going to undo this now?” Angela waved downwards at the blue rope covering her.   “Not at the moment. I want you to wear this a while longer, say an hour before I take it off. I think for now you should decide what picture you want to post online. And what handle you want to put on it.” Fareeha plopped herself down on the mattress and pulled up the three photos she had taken.   “Handle?” asked Angela as she sat down next to Fareeha.   “Well we can't use your real name for this obviously so we have to come up with an alias. How about... an anagram?” Fareeha typed both of her names out on the screen and stared at them for a moment. “...Regal Lezie?”   “I don't feel comfortable with using an anagram. I know I'm being paranoid but I can just see someone reversing it and somehow arriving at Angela Ziegler. You should use something that people couldn't connect to me.”   Thoughts and ideas ran through her head before something came to mind. “How about something like Slutty Canary? A bird that's yellow like your hair and you wanted to pretend you were a slut during our first session together.”   “Why a bird?”   “What?”   “Why did you go to bird? There's other yellow animals out there. Golden retrievers, yellow labs, cheetahs. Why a bird?” Fareeha glanced away for a moment before muttering something that Angela couldn't hear. “What?”   “Because I used a bird when I picked my handle.” exclaimed Fareeha.   “Well what if we changed the slutty bit to something else? What's a different word we could use?”   Fareeha typed away on the pad as she pulled up a thesaurus. “Tramp, whore, bimbo, minx. I like minx. Canary Minx?”   “Hmmm no. How about that one? Jezebel. Jezebel Canary. That'll work. Only thing anyone can get from that is I'm a blonde and there's millions of those.”   “All right, Jezebel Canary it is.” Fareeha pulled up her internet browser and started navigating to her site of choice. “Now before we pick a picture I want to make sure you're okay with posting something online. You don't have to do this just because I showed you a nude picture of me. I don't want you to feel pressured into doing something you're not comfortable with.”   Angela shook her head emphatically to dismiss Fareeha's concerns. “No, it's fine. I don't feel uncomfortable with this, I'm actually kinda excited to see what people say about me though I am nervous they won't like it.”   “Trust me that won't be a problem.” Fareeha opened the upload box. “Which picture do you want to post Angela?”   “Uhhh... I've never done anything like this before so... let's just post the prayer one. I can handle people looking at my breasts but I don't want to put my vagina online if that's okay with you.”   “Angela, I'm not the one who has to be okay with it. This is your body we're uploading a picture of. If you don't want to post the karada then we won't post the karada. You don't have to justify yourself to me.” Fareeha held the pad out to Angela. “Everything's set up, all you have to do is push enter if you're sure about this.”   The doctor's finger descended towards the enter key on the pad, wavered in the air then firmly pushed the last input needed. “Now what?”   “Now we wait and see what kind of a response you get. It could take minutes, it could take hours.” Fareeha set the pad down and stretched her arms above her head. “I don't know about you, but I could use a drink.”   “Can I take this off and put my clothes back on now?” Angela gestured at the rope harness she was still wearing.   “Nope, I said you have to keep it on for an hour and you can't put your clothes on either. I feel like admiring my handiwork.”   Angela's face reddened as she looked down at herself, naked except for ropes that did nothing to conceal any of her privates. As she started heading up the stairs, Fareeha behind her, a part of her brain started to float a question. Was Fareeha really admiring her rope-work or was she looking at something else?  
Chapter 1 - Request
The face staring back at her grimaced as she dragged a brush through the damp tangled mess that passed for her hair at the moment. Angela set the brush down and took a stray lock in hand, leaning towards the mirror as she did so. Split ends. She yanked a drawer open, her hand digging through it to grab a pair of scissors but Angela stopped short just before closing the metal blades on said lock of hair. The scissors wavered for a brief moment before she set them down next to the sink. Of all the things to worry about today.   Angela laughed, more of a quiet snort really, and shook her head before making eye contact with her twin in the mirror again. “Come on Angela, you've performed open heart surgeries before. This is nothing compared to that.” she muttered. Yet her twin didn't appear convinced by the argument. She had ruminated over this dozens of times and yet a sizable portion of her was bearing the opinion that forceps and reddened pieces of gauze would be less stressful than the task she had set for herself this day.   Her hair was still damp by the time she set foot outside, but the sun was shining overhead and the drive was long enough for her hair to dry by the time she arrived. Angela shoved the last few bits of zopf into her mouth as she opened the door to her car and got inside. The engine hummed briefly then her car was lifting off the ground and gliding down the road. Thirty minutes later and Angela's car had pulled up to her destination's entrance, a plain unmarked corrugated steel door. A red LED on the wall mounted camera lit up for a moment before blinking off and the door rumbled upwards as it opened.   Afterwards she wouldn't quite remember what happened next. Parking in the garage, speaking to the Omnic stationed behind the front desk, descending in the elevator. It all blurred into a near indecipherable haze. One moment she was outside the building, the next she was in its depths standing outside the door where she was waiting. They had only met once before, and just for a short period of time, but that brief span of time still had managed to sear itself onto her frontal lobe. It had regularly visited her dreams during both night and day over the past six months. At times Angela had found herself with one hand drifting between her legs while taking a shower as the memory had resurfaced without her intentionally summoning it. Now she was here once again, just meters away from the one person who had been able to see past her title and all the accolades, to see what Angela really wanted.   She swiped the keycard in her hand and stepped inside.   The woman in question was sitting at the small table in the room like she had been the last time. There was a kettle sitting atop a cloth pot holder in the middle of the table and two steaming cups of tea completed the ensemble. Fareeha rose from her seat and she pulled the other chair away from the table. “Please have a seat Doctor Ziegler.” Angela lowered herself to sit on the chair and Fareeha moved it back towards the table before returning to her own chair. Fareeha pushed one of the cups towards Angela. “Tell me what you think of this. It's a popular tea from Egypt known as Koshary.”   Small green leaves floated on a rosy liquid and there was a minuscule cube of sugar gradually dissolving at the bottom. Angela lifted the cup from its saucer and sniffed at the aroma wafting from it. Mint. She took a small sip before setting it back down. “This tastes good to me but I don't know much about tea really. I usually drink wine or rivella, sometimes coffee if I'm in the mood for caffeine.” said Angela.   Fareeha wrinkled her nose and she was only partially successful at suppressing a gag of revulsion. “Rivella? That's the soda made from milk whey, isn't it? I tried that once but I couldn't finish the bottle. But that's not why you're here is it? I was actually surprised to see your name on the schedule today. After six months I didn't think you were going to come back for another session. Do you have anything in mind that you want me to do to you?”   Angela slowly shook her head and took another gulp of tea to buy her a few extra seconds before having to respond. “I'm not actually here for that, at least not right now anyways.” She set the cup back down and reached into her jacket for a piece of paper tucked into an inner pocket. “I actually have something of a proposal for you.” She laid it down on the table before continuing, though not without a noticeable waver to her voice. “I've been thinking about what we did last time and I'd like to do it again but for more than an hour.”   “What do you mean Doctor Ziegler? An all-day or an overnight session?” asked Fareeha after taking another sip. “That's possible but you would have to schedule another appointment to book me for that long and it would cost a lot more.”   “No, that's not what I mean.” Angela said with a vigorous shake of her head. “I own a villa in east Switzerland, that's a picture of it there.”   Fareeha picked up the photograph when Angela pushed it towards her and glanced at it briefly before setting it back down. “I'm sorry Doctor Ziegler but I'm not following you. What are you asking of me?”   Angela took a deep breath and smoothed out some wrinkles in her jacket that weren't there. She had been planning this for months but now that the moment had arrived her words were lodging themselves in her throat. She swallowed once and began blurting out what she had come here to ask. “I want you to come stay with me there. My session with you was fantastic but it was too short so I want to do it for longer. One month of being a slut instead of one hour.”   Fareeha's eyebrows raised as high as they physically could and she started to interject but Angela cut her off before she could get a word out. “I know this is a weird request but I'm willing to pay for it. I don't know what you earn here in a month but I'll double it. Triple if I have to.”   “Can you? I know you're a renowned surgeon but... ah I see. Nano-biotics.” Fareeha realized mid-sentence. “I didn't know you were making any money from those. The news sites said the United Nations was paying for the manufacturing costs.”   “They are but I own the patents on nano-biotics so every hospital that uses them pays me five euros and there's thousands of hospitals in the world.” explained Angela. “I give most of the money to charities and medical research but there's still more than enough left over for me so being able to pay you isn't an issue.”   Angela pushed her chair away from the table as she stood up. “I know it's an unusual request but I'm quite serious about this. Take as long as you need to think about this and when you make a decision you can call or text me at the number on the back of this photo.”   Then she was gone in the blink of an eye leaving Fareeha alone in the room with the cups of tea and a decision she hadn't expected when waking up that morning.   **   People who visited the club did so through a garage up on the surface but that wasn't where the workers entered and left. Several buildings in the immediate area had points of access where Fareeha and the others could discreetly gain entry to say nothing of the supplies and equipment that this place needed. It was one of these buildings that Fareeha exited to find the clouds had opened up and were dripping water on the city below. She shivered at the touch of the chilly air on her face as she pulled the hood of her jacket up while heading for her car. The inside of her vehicle wasn't much warmer than the air outside but it was dry at the very least. Fareeha pulled her phone out and tapped on its screen several times until a ringing sound was coming out of it. “Hello?” said an older woman's voice.   “Hi mother, it's me. Just got off work and wanted to see if you minded me coming over for a visit right now.” said Fareeha as she hit the ignition switch.   There was a brief pause from her mother accompanied by the sound of water running from a faucet. “That's fine dear. I'll have some tea ready by the time you get here. See you in a bit.” said Ana before hanging up.   Fareeha tapped on the dashboard console with her other hand to select a destination before settling back to wait as the self-driving car took off. Typically she would be reading a novel or looking out the windows at the city rushing by but this time all she could see was a golden haze blocking everything else out.   Her mother must have spotted Fareeha's car pulling up because she had opened the front door and embraced Fareeha before her daughter even had a chance to ring the bell. “Hello dear, it's good to see you. Come in, come in.” The white haired woman let go and beckoned her inside while closing the door behind her.   “Is Jack not around?” asked Fareeha, not seeing the grizzled American veteran there to greet her.   “Oh he's sleeping right now.” said Ana with a meaningful glance at the ceiling as Fareeha seated herself on the living room's couch. “You know how he gets when March comes around Fareeha.”   “Right. Indiana basketball.” Fareeha said with a chuckle. “Has Jack managed to convert you into a fan yet? It's been a few years since he moved in with you.”   “No but I watch Indiana's... what did he call it... postseason games simply because he loves it so much. Though he has been even more excited this year than usual. Something about playing a school called Kentucky, in the elite four or something like that.” Ana disappeared into the kitchen briefly before coming back out with a tray laden with teacups and kettle. She set it on the coffee table before settling next to her daughter. “So tell me dear, what brings you here today? You look... troubled.”   Fareeha picked one of the cups up and took a drink before answering. “I am kinda. It's a client from work.”   “Let me guess. Yet another client was so impressed by your handiwork that they've fallen head over heels for you.” said Ana, though not unkindly, more vaguely amused at the thought of that happening again.   “Not exactly. This client visited me a few months ago and everything went about as well as it could for a first-timer. They expressed an interest in coming back for more and showed up again today. I thought it was for a session when I saw the appointment had been scheduled but I was wrong.” Fareeha sighed as she set the cup of tea down and rested her elbows on her thighs. “This person wanted to hire me. To live with them for a month and you can guess what we'd be doing that whole time.”   Ana's cup stopped halfway en route to her mouth and she stared at her daughter for a moment. “Surely you said no. I know you do unusual stuff for that job but that's far too much for someone to ask of you.”   “That's just it. I don't know if I want to say no. Most of my clients are politicians or bankers and if it had been any one of them then I would have turned them down. I'd try to be nice about it but I'd say no. But this person... is different. You know I can't tell you who it is of course but they've done more to help people than all the others combined, and they offered to pay me triple my monthly salary so there's that too.”   “Does this client of yours know how much you make in a month?” asked Ana, her implication obvious.   “No they don't... I don't want to take advantage of them by doing that though.”   Ana took another drink before setting her own cup down and turning towards her daughter. “I'm not sure what to tell you that you don't already know. This client of yours might be a fantastic person but they're still a client. You can make a lot of money off this but the question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you can keep things professional in this sort of situation. Ultimately though you're a grown woman and I support whatever you decide dear.”   Fareeha frowned to herself as she weighed her mother's words. “I guess I'll have to figure it out when I get home. How are you and Jack doing?”   Her mother gave a small smile and visibly relaxed at the change of subject. “Where to start?”  
Chapter 4 - Encounters
Fareeha's eyes fluttered open and she groggily rolled over to look for her phone. For a split second she felt a spike of alarm before realizing why the room didn't look familiar. She was hundreds of kilometers from Geneva in another woman's vacation home. Fareeha picked up her phone to check the time, almost nine in the morning, before getting out of the bed. She had picked out an outfit for today but the rest of her clothes were still in her boxes and unpacking them was a chore for later. Fareeha stifled a yawn as she shuffled out into the hall towards the shower, pushing it open with one hand and coming to a dead stop.   The other woman in the house was standing in front of the sink, a tube of lipstick in her fingers and a towel was wrapped around her head but that was it. Everything beneath Angela's shoulders was bare skin softened from just getting out of the shower. Fareeha's mouth hung in the air and her clothes fell to the floor from her suddenly slack fingers. Color rushed to her face and suddenly her heart was accelerating as the sight in front of her burned itself onto her retinas. The proper thing to do would be to shut the door and walk away but somehow Fareeha couldn't muster the willpower to lift her feet, to turn her head or even something as simple as closing her eyes.   After what only could have been a few seconds that felt far longer Fareeha was dashing back to her room, a belated ''Oh my god, I'm so sorry!” drifting in her wake as she shut the door behind her. She sank to the floor, burying her hands in her face, mortified at what had just transpired. The first morning of this affair and she had already walked in on a naked Angela. What a fantastic way to kick things off.   There was a soft knock on the door and Angela's voice came through. “I'm sorry about what just happened. This is my fault, not yours. My shower wasn't getting any hot water for some reason and you weren't awake so I thought it'd be okay if I used it real quick while you were sleeping. I could've sworn that I locked the door though. May I come in? I'm decent now.”   Fareeha wordlessly pulled on the door handle and it swung open letting the doctor inside. The towel was still wrapped around her hair and she had slipped into a heavy cotton bathrobe. Fareeha looked up from the carpet to see how much damage she had done but Angela looked... amused? “You're not mad?” she asked incredulously.   Angela shook her head, a hint of a smile on her face. “No I'm not mad though I am confused about why you're being so bashful. You're a professional dominatrix, being around naked people is literally part of your job not to mention you've already seen naked before and we basically had sex, at least I did I guess...”   “As part of a session.”   “So what, you're saying that it doesn't count?” asked Angela. “That doesn't make any sense to me. You used a dildo on me, that's penetration. How is that not sex?”   “This is going to sound weird but I don't consider what I do to actually be sex, at least not for me since there's no emotion involved on my part. You were one of my clients so you have an idea of how it works. My time slots get booked, someone shows up – I never know who it's going to be. They tell me what they want, I do it, they leave and I wait until the next client shows up. It's not all that different from how other people see their jobs but mine involves bending people over a table or some such.”   “So you don't care about your clients? But I'm one of them so where does that leave me?” asked Angela, her smile fading.   “You're not the first client of mine to proposition me and as a rule I've always turned them down. Mainly it's to keep things professional but it didn't hurt that I was never attracted to most of them. Then you showed up Angela. Our session was the most fun I've had in a long time and when you came back with this request of yours I was floored. Normally I would have said no but you left so fast that I didn't have the chance so I started thinking about it and well... I'm here.”   In a way there was a sort of logic to Fareeha's reasoning but it didn't hold up particularly well in Angela's opinion. The dominatrix may not have enjoyed most of her work or been attracted to her clients for that matter however that didn't change the physical aspect of those sessions. The other takeaway for her from this was that something had made Fareeha change her mind, though Angela could only guess at what for the time being. She could ask of course, however Fareeha was looking decidedly uneasy so Angela decided to change the subject. “It's too early in the day to have such a serious conversation. Let's get some breakfast before we head to the grocery store, you don't want to shop hungry.”   There wasn't a whole lot in the pantry, just some oats and rice that had been left over from Angela's last trip here. As the rice simmered in its pot Angela set pen and paper on the table in front of Fareeha. “If we were still in Geneva then shopping would be easy but in this area the people mostly speak German. Make a list of what you want to get and I'll write down the German words for you so you know what you're looking for.”   After they had finished eating Angela grabbed half a dozen tote bags hanging from a hook in the pantry before heading for the garage. Fareeha followed her through the door, her attention focused on shoving her wallet into a pocket that was almost too small to hold it. Then she looked up from her jeans and Fareeha came to an abrupt halt at the sight of Angela's car, all sleek lines and she could see her reflection in the polished side of the silver vehicle. “What kind of car is that? A Porsche?”   “Aston Martin. Porsche's are more popular these days but I've always liked Aston interiors more.” Angela unlocked the doors with the remote and tossed the tote bags into the rear seats as she sat herself down.   Following a moment of hesitation Fareeha got in on the other side. The outside may have been eye catching but the interior was even more so. The dashboard and seats were covered by a mix of black and gray covers all stitched together and the center console was a medley of silver buttons and plugins for whatever devices needed to be plugged in. Fareeha rubbed a finger against her seat's cushion. “Is this leather?”   Angela shook her head as she started punching in the address of their destination. “Nope, it's all carbon fiber. Leather is what this model normally comes with but I had them change it when they were customizing this car for me. There's a remote that controls your seat's settings on your right and this dial here is the AC for your side of the car.”   As the car left the garage Fareeha found the remote Angela had mentioned. Seat back up and down, moving the seat forward and backwards, heating coils, there was even a pair of buttons for a massage unit. She curiously pushed the plus sign once and immediately her chair went to work, lightly vibrating against her back. Angela glanced over at her for a second but didn't say anything as she lowered her seat and closed her eyes as the car zoomed along. Several minutes later it was pulling into a small parking lot and setting itself down in the middle of a square made of white lines.   Angela paused in the lot, bags in hand as she peered at the name of the grocery store. “Oh shoot, I screwed up Fareeha. That's not German, it's Romansh. It's been a couple of years since I've been out here, I guess I remembered wrong. Can you give me your list? We might as well stick together now, it'll be quicker than writing everything down again.”   “Just how many languages do you speak?” asked Fareeha as she looked at the incomprehensible, to her, store name.   “Well Switzerland has several official languages and my parents insisted I learn all of them when I was a little girl.” Angela counted them off on her fingers as she went along. “French, Italian, Romansh, two dialects of German and English. My Italian and Romansh are a little rusty but we'll be fine. Come on.”   All of the aisle signs and labels on all the food were little more than gibberish to her but a head of romaine lettuce looked pretty much the same no matter where you went at least. Angela had grabbed a cart and was pushing it through the store, translating for Fareeha as they moved through the store. As they navigated the produce section Fareeha noticed a dumpy looking woman with white hair giving Angela some not so furtive glances, an odd look on her face. The woman pulled out a phone, her thumbs tapped away at it and then she started moving towards them.   She stopped a meter or so away and said something that Fareeha couldn't understand. Angela looked up from the cucumbers and replied in what had to be the same language. The woman waved her hand as she said something equally impossible to understand but Fareeha caught the name 'Ziegler' in the middle of it. Angela smiled slightly and said a couple of words in response.   Without warning the woman stepped closer clasping Angela's hands in hers as a torrent of words exploded outwards and her eyes began to leak. After a minute or so she let go and turned her phone around showing Angela then Fareeha a picture of an old man as she repeated the same phrase over and over. Angela said something as she gave the woman a hug and another smile before the old woman left them to go back to where she had left her own cart.   “What was that all about?” asked Fareeha, trying to understand what had just happened.   Angela watched the old woman for a moment longer before turning to Fareeha, her eyes almost looking misty. “She was telling me about her husband, the man in the picture. Apparently he was diagnosed with cancer several years ago and the tumors were already malignant and enough of his organs had metastasized to the point that traditional surgery and chemotherapy wouldn't be effective. They were starting to give up hope when one of their doctors told them about nano-biotics. This was when we were just starting human trials and the technology hadn't proven itself yet. They didn't have anything to lose so they decided to try it and well... the nanobots eliminated enough of the tumors that another surgeon was able to remove the rest. I had forgotten about it but now I remember that there were a number of medical journals that talked about this case. Ah well Switzerland is a small country, I was bound to come across someone like her sooner or later.”   Fareeha's eyes dropped back to the display of cucumbers and she fidgeted a bit before picking a pair out and moving on. The rest of the shopping trip was something of a blur and it wasn't until they were on the way back to Angela's house that she was snapped out of it.   “Hello? Earth to Fareeha? Do you read me?”   “Huh? What? I'm here. What is it?”   “I asked if something was wrong. You've been awfully quiet since we ran into that woman at the store.”   Once Angela finished speaking the thought of lying forced its way to the front of Fareeha's thoughts but she quickly shook it off. It might make this ride less awkward but would only create problems down the road. “I'm just feeling really self-conscious right now. I know you don't want me to see you as Doctor Ziegler but I'm having a hard time with that at the moment. You're an internationally renowned surgeon, you're rich – your houses are gorgeous, I'd bet this car costs more than everything I own. You speak five languages, people come up to you in the grocery store and thank you for saving someone's life. Who am I against all of that? I'm an expat that gets paid to sodomize people.”   “Stop that. Self pity never helped anyone and this isn't a competition. I might be everything you said but there's more to life than having stuff. You have problems with your job? Well you aren't the only one. Do you remember what I said to you six months ago? No? Well let me refresh your memory. What I said was that all people saw when they looked at me was a doctor, even people that wanted to date me. They looked at me like some kind of statue with a sign saying 'Do not touch' on it but you didn't. You saw me as a person in a way nobody else had before. That's why I came back to you, because you were willing to see me as Angela and I hope today doesn't change that.”   Fareeha took a moment to compose herself as she looked out through the passenger door window. “Sorry I'm not usually this whiny, today's just been one surprise after another and it just got a little overwhelming.”   “But they weren't all bad were they? I mean someone thanking me for saving her husband is a good thing.” said Angela.   “No I guess it isn't. Speaking that many languages is impressive and I shouldn't be jealous of your houses either, you earned them by saving lives after all. Even the accident in the shower was pretty nice for that matter.”   The second the words slipped out an embarrassed Fareeha turned red, a look Angela imitated at the same time and both of them looked away from each other. “You're seeing me naked again aren't you?” Angela eventually asked.   “Yep.”   “Well, I suppose I should be getting used to that...” Angela tapped a button on the center console and all of the windows darkened themselves until they were opaque. “My car is as good a place as any for this. Green.”   She gave Fareeha a nervous smile as she started to undo her seatbelt but Fareeha reached over to stop her. “Yellow.” Angela's hands stopped what they were doing as Fareeha used the safe-word that meant pause and Fareeha buckled Angela's seatbelt back in. “I love that you're taking the initiative but taking your belt off is foolhardy even if this is a self driving car. We'll do a session when we get back but not before we decide exactly what we'll be doing okay?”   “Yes... what do I call you during a session by the way? Master? Mistress?”   “Mistress is fine with me Angela.”   “Yes Mistress.”   Angela looked at the center console to check the distance remaining. The display read four point three followed by the letters km. Only a few more minutes and it would begin.
Chapter 1 - Ideas
A man with slicked back brown hair dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and a gray tie reached into his pocket. His hand withdrew a a dark colored top made of pewter. He flicked it with his fingers and dropped it onto the table. The top traced circles across the wooden surface, but the man was no longer looking at it. Instead his attention was drawn towards another man with hair that had turned to gray in his age.   A pair of young children, one boy and one girl, were looking at something in the grass outside. Their long hair was a darkening blonde, the same that his had been at their age.   “James, Philippa, look who’s here.” The older man said, gesturing back inside the house.   The children both turned their heads as they sat up to see what Miles was talking about. After a few seconds, they sprang to their feet and began running to the house. “Dad! Daddy!” They cried as they ran to embrace him. Cobb lifted his son into his arms while his daughter excitedly hugged her father's leg.   Behind them, forgotten in the commotion was the pewter top. It was still spinning, but now on a fixed point. The top began to wobble.   The television screen cut to black and the music stopped playing.   “That's it? That's how the movie ends!?” Angela sputtered in disbelief.   Fareeha suppressed a grin as the credits began rolling. “You don't like it?”   “That didn't explain anything! If they had shown the top fall over then we'd know they were in the real world and not a dream.”   “Would they? Remember that the top wasn't Cobb's totem, it was Mal's. Him spinning it doesn't necessarily accomplish anything,” Fareeha pointed out. “You have any theories on the movie? It's always fun to hear what people think after watching Inception.”   Angela sank back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. “I don't think Mal actually killed herself. She was right about her and Leo being stuck in a dream after the train thing.”   “What makes you say that, Angela?” Fareeha asked.   “The whole power company thing. That doesn't make sense to me. Power companies are regulated by governments and they'd never let a single company control the entire world's power supply. How would that even work? Solar, hydro, wind, petroleum, nuclear, natural gas. There's no way two companies could control all of that. Saito was lying to Cobb, but it made sense to Cobb because he's still in a dream.”   Fareeha raised an eyebrow and took a sip of wine from the cup next to her before responding. “So if Cobb's being lied to then what's actually going on in the movie?”   “Cobb and Mal got lost in the dream worlds together. We saw they had gotten old, like Saito, so that means they were a few levels down. Getting run over by the train only pushes them one level up. Mal realizes it's not real so she jumps out of the window to return to the real world. Cobb is still stuck, and Mal is trying to get him out. It's why she keeps showing up, she's trying to convince him he's in a dream so he'll come back to her.”   Angela paused for a moment as a thought occurred to her. “I think Saito was real, too. She must have hired him to help her. He's the one making Cobb do the mission plus he's too convenient. Him buying an entire airline just so they can be in the cabin with Fischer? Things like that take months of negotiations, yet he does it just like that. Then again, Mal started trying to talk Cobb into staying with her near the end which doesn't make sense if she's trying to get him back to the real world...”   The doctor's voice trailed off and she gave Fareeha an inscrutable sidelong look. “You picked this movie because you knew it'd drive me crazy, didn't you? I could keep going, but I'd just end going round and round in circles.”   “You think so?” Fareeha's face was the picture of complete innocence and an utterly unconvincing one at that. “Inception's one of those movies that doesn't really have a real answer to what's going on. Forget talking about theories, what did you think of the rest of the movie?”   Angela drummed her fingers on her leg as she looked at the credits still scrolling by. “The actors were good, the music was good, but there was far too much CGI and green screens."   Fareeha barely suppressed a smile as she tapped on her trusty computer pad and sent them back to the main menu. “You're talking about the hallway scene aren't you?”   “That's one of them, yes.” Angela replied.   Her fingers continued to push buttons on the pad as Fareeha navigated through the menus. “That scene wasn't done with CGI or green screens. It's real.”   “What?” Angela asked, disbelief plain  on her face.   The image on the screen changed as Fareeha found the behind the scenes clip she was looking for. Three dimensional renderings, miniature models, blueprints, and a few short interviews played before the centerpiece of the clip appeared. A series of massive metal rings with struts spanning their interiors spun in circles atop a foundation of triangular braces. In the center of those struts was the exterior of the hallway in question from the movie.   Angela's jaw dropped as the photographers began talking about the difficulties involved in shooting this. Cameras fixed to the floor, another mounted on the end of a boom moved into the center of the hallway as the structure rotated around it. A voice-over from one of the actors involved in the scene began to play while he and the person he was perfoming the scene with were on the screen. The two actors were slowly walking forward, the surface beneath their feet changing from floor to wall to ceiling as the rings continued to spin.   “They actually built that?” The doctor sputtered.   “Yes. Christopher Nolan was famous for using practical effects in his movies and Inception was no different. Here, look at this one.” Fareeha flipped to another one of the behind the scenes clips.   The scene in question this time was from a restaurant. The set had triangular braces, but these were thinner and supported something else entirely. Atop the triangles was a grid like set of metal boxes that had been welded together to form a base. As they watched, hydraulic arms were raising and lowering causing the base to tilt upwards on one side and downwards on the other. The next shot showed an entire restaurant, albeit a non-functioning one, had been constructed on top of said base as it tilted. Further clips showed various people standing or sitting inside the structure as they tried to maintain their balance due to the room's shifting. Lamps hanging from the ceiling swayed while water obeyed the laws of gravity inside of cups fixed to various surfaces as the hydraulic arms did their job.   Angela shook her head when the clip ended. “What's next, are you going to tell me that the train was real? Wait, no, I already know what you're going to say. I won't lie, it's visually stunning, but it's hard for me to fathom people going that far for a movie.”   “Directors and production crews go that far because they're trying to make the best films they can. They wouldn't do that if people weren't willing to pay for it,” Fareeha pointed out.   “That's true I suppose,” Angela said, not wanting to get into an argument about this. She picked up her own glass of wine and finished the last bit remaining in it. The doctor set the glass down and leaned towards Fareeha as she put her white hand on an olive knee. “So... now that the movie is over, how you would feel if I said green? There's plenty of time before it starts getting late.”   Fareeha blinked in surprise as she sat up straighter. Angela asking her for a session wasn't out of the ordinary. It waswhy the Swiss doctor had hired Fareeha in the first place, and why they were all the way out here in Switzerland's countryside. The thing that caught her off guard was the hand on her leg. The nimble, almost acrobatic, fingers of a surgeon placed precisely where their owner wanted them to be.   “What, you want to go down into the basement right now?” Fareeha swallowed as she fought back the desire to spread her knees apart.   Angela nodded as her fingers moved up along Fareeha's thigh a few centimeters towards softer, more sensitive regions. “Sorry,” Fareeha began with a slight breathlessness to her voice that hadn't been there before, “but not today. We did the sybian yesterday and I think we should take a few days before doing another session.”   Angela pulled her hand back, crestfallen at being turned down. “May I ask why? It was intense, but I'm not that sore. I could handle something light like ropework.”   Fareeha reached out to grab Angela's hand in hers, partly to reassure the doctor, but mostly to keep those fingers from going even further and changing her mind. “That's not it. Well, not all of it. I'm worried about burning you out on BDSM. I'm not trying to criticize you, but we've been going faster than I was expecting. Yesterday's session is normally the kind of thing people build up to and I wasn't expecting to do it in the first week, but it's what you wanted.”   The dominatrix squeezed her bottom's hand a little tighter. “We'll do something in a couple of days, I promise. Let's just take it a little slower from now on, okay?”   Angela gave a soft smile that made Fareeha's heart skip a beat and she leaned forward to kiss the Egyptian woman on the cheek. “All right, it's a deal. If we're not going to do a session, then we should do something else.”   “Like what?” Fareeha cautiously asked.   “We should go get dinner. There's a couple of good restaurants nearby. Come on, it'll be fun.”   Dinner. With the doctor. The doctor she had kissed the previous day to show that she didn't see Angela as just as a client anymore. This was a date. Angela was asking her out on a date. Spots appeared on Fareeha's cheeks and she just stupidly gazed at the blonde woman in silence.   Angela tilted her head to one side as she looked back at Fareeha. “So... is that a yes or a no? You're not saying anything...”   Fareeha looked down at her computer pad to see the time. Midnight was still five hours away. “Okay, when do you want to leave?”   The doctor tapped her finger on her chin. “If I remember right, they tend to close around ten out here so fifteen minutes? I should take a quick shower and put on something more presentable than this.” Angela glanced down at the sweatpants and baggy shirt she had thrown on that morning since she hadn't planned on leaving the house until now.   “Okay, that's a good idea.”   A date. They were going on an actual date. Their first date. As Angela left the living room, Fareeha suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to scream into a pillow.
Chapter 3 - Arrival
Fareeha opened her eyes as a beeping from the car's navigation system woke her from her slumber. Outside her car window was more of the seemingly endless green fields that dominated the landscape in the eastern reaches of Switzerland. Ahead of her the road rose steadily as it climbed up a hill a few kilometers ahead. A grove of trees crowned the hill's peak and she could see what looked like a gravel road leading into them off the motorway.   Once her car automatically turned onto the unpaved road Fareeha could see two buildings up ahead among the trees. The smaller of the two appeared to be a storage shed, utilitarian in nature if the lack of paint or any other decoration was any indication. The other building was a two story structure with ample windows and a white coat not yet faded by time. Several large and meticulously kept bushes covered in white flowers and beds of purple lupines surrounded the house and the grass was only just reaching the point where it needed to be cut.   As Fareeha pulled up in front of the house a blonde woman stood up and waved in her direction as she hopped over the veranda's rail and approached the vehicle. Fareeha pulled the switch to pop her car's trunk open before getting out, only for Angela to practically jump on her with a hug. “There you are! I was starting to get worried that something had happened to you.” exclaimed the Swiss woman.   Fareeha's hands hung in the air for a moment before she stiffly patted her on the back. “Sorry I'm so late. I was taking a nap on the way other here and my car ended up heading north towards Zurich instead of going south like it was supposed to for some reason.” She frowned at the troublesome vehicle as if it had wronged her on purpose. “Anyways, here I am. Do you mind helping me carry my boxes in Doctor Ziegler? I was able to bring some extra stuff since you said you had a spare bed I could use.”   “Of course, that's not a problem Fareeha. Just one thing okay?”   “What is it?”   “Please don't call me Doctor. I don't mean to be rude but I'm not at work, I'm on vacation. Angela is just fine.” Angela looked down at her feet as she went on. “Or if you want to you could just call me slut since that's why we're here...”   “Okay Angela it is.” said Fareeha as she pulled a box labeled clothes out of the car's trunk and handed it to Angela. “As for calling you slut, that's a name I only would use during a session and only if you wanted me to do it. Right now we're just carrying stuff inside which is about as far from a scene as you can get.” She gave a smile to try and make it seem like a joke but Angela just blinked at her. Fareeha pulled out a second box, this one with the name Angela scrawled on it, and began heading towards the front door.   “Oh just a moment, let me get that for you.” stated Angela as she hurried onto the veranda, setting her box down and opening the door. As Fareeha stepped past her Angela spotted her name on the box. “What's in there?”   Fareeha stopped in the doorway as she looked at the box in her arms. “If I remember right this one holds some of the toys I brought with me. It might be the clothes I got for you to wear during some of our sessions but I'm pretty sure they're toys.”   “Oh.” Angela was still looking at the box but her expression had changed, a blend of anxiousness and excitement as she bit her lip. “Are there any more boxes with my name on them? I'll show you where to take them.”   “There's two more boxes of toys and one of clothes but one of the boxes is kinda heavy so be careful okay?”   Once the boxes in question were all inside Angela led Fareeha down into the basement and up to where a heavy concrete door stood open. “I don't know if you're familiar with Swiss law but there's a requirement that all Swiss houses and apartments have access to a fallout shelter in the event of a nuclear attack.”   Angela stepped inside, Fareeha joining her a few seconds later. Empty shelves once meant to hold emergency rations stood next to bunks that had never been slept in and there were vents in the ceiling. There was a doorway at the far side of the room but other than that the walls were unbroken slabs of gray concrete. “These walls might be old and ugly but they were built to withstand a twelve megaton explosion.” Angela gestured at her only only contribution to the bomb shelter, a queen sized mattress wearing a white fitted sheet lying in the middle of the room. “I figure if this room is good enough to withstand a nuclear bomb then it's good enough for us to do our... sessions is the word I believe?”   Fareeha looked around at the walls, each looking as impenetrable as the next. “I think this will be perfect. There's no chance any of your neighbors will be able to hear us if we're down here so I'll be able to make you shriek as loud as I want without having to worry about someone calling the police.”   “Someone calling the police? Has that actually happened?” asked Angela, suddenly looking worried.   “It's rare but it's been known to happen if people aren't discreet about what they're doing. Houses typically aren't soundproof and the sound of someone getting whipped or screaming has been known to make neighbors call their emergency number.” explained Fareeha. “But there's no chance of that happening here with these walls.”   Angela looked down at her feet as she changed the subject. “So I've been thinking about what you said when we talked in Geneva. You were asking me about how much I knew about bondage and then you were explaining that I had it all wrong. After you left I realized you were right. I don't actually know that much about all of this but I want to learn so... please teach me.”   Teach me. Fareeha had been working as a dominatrix for years but none of her clients had ever said anything of the sort to her. Almost all of her clients had either believed themselves knowledgeable of bondage and disinterested or perhaps unwilling to let go of their poorly conceived fantasies. A few of her clients had hired her, knowing full well the reality of their kink versus the veneer that the outside world painted them with but that minority didn't keep her in business. And now finally one of her clients, by far the most intelligent among them, was asking to be taught. Fareeha stepped forward, lifted Angela's chin up so that she was looking back at her. “I'd love to. Our contract doesn't start until tomorrow but I think I can make bit of an exception right now. Bring the boxes with your name on them in here and I'll give you a lesson.”   A smile slowly grew on Angela's face until she was practically beaming at Fareeha. “Okay!” She eagerly left the room, her footsteps fading as she practically ran up the steps to the front door. In a few minutes she had set all four boxes with Angela written on them down in the shelter.   “Can you go outside for a bit while I unpack these Angela? I'll tell you when to come back in.” Angela gave her a questioning look but Fareeha tilted her head towards the door. “It'll be worth it I promise.” Once Angela had vacated the room Fareeha pulled on the door's handle until it was almost closed, just enough to make sure the doctor couldn't peek and ruin her surprise. She popped the lid off the first box and started unloading its contents. Several minutes later Fareeha pushed the door back open and waved to Angela. “Okay I'm ready.”   Angela stepped back into the room before coming up short when she saw what was waiting for her. “Oh! That's... a lot of stuff.”   The mattress had only been covered by a sheet when Angela had left the room but now a multitude of items of all shapes and sizes were neatly arranged by type on top of it. The purpose of some items were immediately obvious to Angela but a few of them were alien enough to her that she had no idea. Fareeha waved at them with one hand, feeling more than a little proud at seeing her private collection on display. “So these are the toys I brought with me. There's another one in that box but I'm saving it for later. Let's get started.”   Fareeha picked up an item and held it so that Angela could get a closer look. “This is your classic ball gag. Not much to it, just a pair of straps that go around the back of your head like this.” She held the red ball in front of her lips and wrapped the straps around her cheeks as if she was putting it on. “There's a few different kind of gags but they all basically do the same thing: making sure you can't really talk though you might drool a little. I'm not sure how big of a ball is right for you so I brought a few different sizes to be on the safe side.” Fareeha waved at the other gags sitting on the mattress, each with a different sized and colored ball in the middle. “Another thing are these holes in the balls. Some people can have trouble breathing through their nose so these help with that.” She set the gag back down and picked up a tangle of straps. “This one goes over your whole head instead of just around the cheeks but I'd have to remove a ball from one of the others if you decide you want to use it.”   She put the harness back down and moved on to the next section, neatly tied rope bundles of various colors, lengths and materials. “What these are used for is obvious but there's still some stuff to talk about when it comes to ropes. The biggest thing is safety. If the ropes are too tight then -”   “Ischemia?”   Fareeha's mouth opened then shut after Angela interrupted her. “I'm sorry what? In-shem-ah?”   “Ischemia. It means there's a restriction in blood supply which causes a shortage of the oxygen and glucose required for cellular metabolism. I suppose there's also risks of nerve damage if the ropes are in the wrong areas and now that I think about it asphyxiation is possible if...” Angela's voice trailed off when she noticed the deer in the headlights look on Fareeha's face. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.”   “No it's my fault.” Fareeha responded, her lips twisting in amusement. “I'm used to having to explain health risks to politicians or bankers, not doctors who know more about the human body than I ever will. But just to be on the safe side, if you feel any numbness, pain, tingling then let me know and I'll use my scissors to cut you loose.” She pointed at a pair of scissors sitting next to the bundle of ropes.   “Those look like the scissors that... what's the English word for it? Ambulance workers who respond to emergencies.”   “Paramedics.” answered Fareeha. “That's exactly what those are. Safety isn't something you can cut corners on. Anyways last thing to know about these is the different types of materials the ropes are made from. This brown one here is hemp, it's pretty great for hitches but it's not good for knots and it can be scratchy at times. Typically people use it for Shibari, that's a Japanese style of rope-work.” Fareeha pointed at a blue bundle. “That's jute rope. It's a natural fiber like hemp but it's much firmer than hemp is and it holds knots a lot better but it doesn't stay in place as well. Now this red one over here is nylon. Nylon is great for dying and it's pretty much perfect for knots but it doesn't have as much grip as jute or hemp which makes it harder to work with.”   Fareeha moved to the other side of the mattress as she switched to the next section. “So here's all the impact toys.” She picked the topmost item up, a heavy wooden hairbrush, and showed both sides to Angela. “I wouldn't use this cheap piece of junk to brush my hair but it works great as a paddle. Dull, thumpy and only for the thighs and butt. You want to avoid hitting the kidneys or other organs with something like this.” Fareeha set the brush down and picked up a slender wooden rod. “This one not so much. It'll sting a lot more and you have to worry about breaking the skin. The plus side is that you can hit a lot more of the body with a cane so long as you keep it light. The same is true for this flogger here, I like using it because all these tails hit a bunch of different spots. That one there is a riding crop and I think you're already familiar with this one.”   Fareeha put the cane back in its place and she tapped on the belt she had used on Angela during their first session with a playful smile. Angela's face turned beet red at the memory and she pointed at the next section. “So how about these?”   “Dildos are pretty easy to understand but there's a few things to talk about here. All of them are made from silicone which is non porous and I clean them after they get used and occasionally I boil them just to be on the safe side so you don't have to worry about bacteria or anything else.” The first one Fareeha picked up was silver and shaped like a large caliber bullet. “This is the most rigid one I brought with me. The others are more flexible so you'll have to try them out to see which one you like the most.” She tossed the silver dildo to Angela before pointing at an over-sized silicone penis, balls and all. “This one is different than the others though. Take a look at the bottom here, suction cups. You can stick this one wherever you want and it'll stay in place. Wall, floor, in the shower or anywhere else you feel like putting it.”   As Angela put the silver dildo back in its place after examining it Fareeha moved on yet again. “Over here are all the restraints. Handcuffs, leather cuffs, these straps here go underneath a mattress in case you don't have posts you can use, some belts, and a spreader bar.”   “You know, I expected this stuff to be more complicated. These all seem pretty basic to me.” commented Angela, looking almost disappointed.   “My stuff is fairly simple sure but it's enough to get the job done and being more complicated doesn't mean it's better. There's some very unusual stuff out there if you go looking for it, things I wouldn't recommend to someone new to bondage. It's better to start out small and work your way up to more intricate setups until you figure out what you're comfortable with and what you're not.”   “That makes sense. What you're saying kinda sounds like residency in a way.” Angela turned to the last section and selected what looked like an uneven horseshoe with bulbous ends. “What is this? I've been trying to figure it out since I came back into the room but I still don't have a clue.”   “That's a vibrator specially designed for women. You're holding it wrong, turn it so that – yes like that. It's made so that it stimulates all the key spots at once. This longer bit here goes inside you and that part there goes on the clit.” Fareeha picked a second vibrator up, this one shaped almost like an old fashioned computer mouse but with a notch in the middle on one side. “Now this is my second favorite vibrator though the one you're holding is a close third since it does everything at once. This notch here lets you do a lot more with your parts than other vibes do. You can trap your folds or clit in the middle and leave it there or you could slide the vibe up and down, whatever you feel like it.” She set the purple vibrator down and pointed at another, a pink stem that ended in a thick lump. “I haven't had the chance to use this one yet but it's operated by remote control so when we use that one I'll be controlling the settings from my phone, should be fun. However when it comes to vibrators this device here is king.”   Fareeha tapped the last and largest of them for emphasis, a white wand with a thick rounded bulb on the end. “The hitachi is your best friend even if you don't know it yet. It's kinda noisy but no other vibrator comes close to being as good. But I'm a jealous woman and I don't think I want to share. You can change my mind but you'll have to come up with something very convincing to take a ride on it.”   “Uhm okay, I'll have to think of something I guess. So you said something about having clothes for me? I'm guessing they're in one of these other boxes here.” Angela pointed at the two boxes that hadn't been opened yet.   “I did but there's gotta be some mystery here. It'd be boring if I let you see everything right now and you wouldn't have as much to look forward to.” Fareeha moved closer to Angela, taking the misshapen vibrator she was holding away and putting it back on the mattress. “How about for now you give me a tour of the house and we can unload the rest of my stuff?”   “Oh sure, follow me.” Angela headed out of the shelter and aimlessly waved at nothing in particular. “So this is the basement, nothing down here really though I've been thinking of installing a wine rack.” She headed up the stairs back to the house's foyer. Angela stopped there. “Let's go bring your boxes in before going inside, I have a no shoes in the house rule.”   Afterwards Angela led her through the door that separated the foyer from the house itself and into the living room. A flat television hung on the wall and a number of couches and armchairs sat draped in plastic. “Sorry about this.” Angela apologized as she started pulling the covers off. “I should have taken care of these before you got here. The TV is hooked up to the internet and I'm subscribed to a number of streaming sites so you can check those out whenever you feel like it.” She pulled open a closet door and shoved the covers inside. “Anyways, the kitchen's at the end of this hallway.”   Pots and pans dangled from a rack mounted to the ceiling and there was an island in the middle of the kitchen. Angela pointed at each appliance in turn as she named them off. “So dishwasher there, microwave, oven, fridge doesn't have much in it so we'll have to go shopping tomorrow.”   Fareeha turned one of the pans so she could look at its bottom then gave a quick look at the stove-top. “Induction? I haven't used one of those before. That'll be interesting for me to try. What's next?”   “The laundry room is through there, first door on the right.” Angela pointed back at the hall they had just come from. “Downstairs water closet is second on the right and the stairs are over there obviously.”   Up the stairs were a trio of bedrooms. “So I know the term usually used for women is mistress but it seems fitting to put you in the master bedroom.” said Angela as she pointed to the room in question.   “What? No. This is your house Angela. I might be here on business so to speak but I'm still your guest. You should take that room, not me.” Angela opened her mouth, looking as if she wanted to press the matter but Fareeha shook her head. “I insist. A guest room is fine for me.”   “Okay okay you win. So pick a room and I'll help you with the other boxes then I'm going to call it a night. I spent all day on the phone getting all the utilities turned back on.” Angela said with a roll of her eyes. “I hate the music they play when you're on hold.”   Fareeha set the last box down on the floor of her chosen room and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Thank you for helping me carry these Angela, you really didn't have to you know.”   “It's the least I could do and I'm the one who should be thanking you for agreeing to do all of this. I'll see you tomorrow okay?”   “Good night Angela.” Fareeha fell backwards onto the bed and she stared at the ceiling's white plaster. One month, beginning tomorrow.  
Chapter 9 - Excursion
“So shall we consult my all knowing pad to see what we're going to be doing today?”   Angela shook her head. “No, I don't think so. I want to take the day off from bondage and do something else.”   Fareeha raised an eyebrow, taken aback at Angela's decision. “Did I do something wrong? I know yesterday was frustrating for you but I didn't think you were actually angry or anything.”   “No, no, no. Well sorta. My nerves still feel frayed at getting denied over and and over so I need to unwind. Do you like hiking?” asked Angela.   “I guess. Are there actually places to hike around here? I thought this whole area was farmland.”   Angela shrugged her shoulders and pointed towards the westward facing side of the house. “There's some nice hills about fifty kilometers that way. We can bring some food and make a day of it. What do you say?”   “Well if we're going hiking then we're watching another movie tonight Angela.”   Angela opened the fridge door and started pulling various pieces of food out to make a lunch for them. “Okay that sounds fair. There's a couple of coats in the living room closet and a spare set of boots too. Check the size to see if they'll fit you. The shoes you brought with you won't keep your feet warm at higher elevations.”   Fareeha headed into the living room and opened the closet in question. A pair of hooded jackets were hanging inside just like Angela had said. She glanced between them before grabbing one off the hangar and sliding her arms through one sleeve. Her hand came out the other end with about four or five centimeters or so between the heel of her palm and the end of the jacket's arm. Fareeha pulled her arm out and stuck the coat back on the hangar before checking the size on the boots tongue. Also too small. “Neither of these are going to fit me Angela.”   “All right, we'll stop on the store on the way and I'll buy a coat and some boots for you.” Angela yelled back.   Fareeha closed the closet and headed over to stand in the kitchen archway. “That's not necessary Angela. Buying me a jacket and boots would just be a waste of your money, especially for something I'd probably only use once.”   “Don't say that. Spending money on you isn't a waste. It's the least I can do after the trouble I've put you through with... this.” Angela waved a hand in front of her, a blanket gesture indicating their arrangement and everything involved therein.   “But you're already paying me for that. This is just... unnecessary.” Fareeha finished lamely.   “I'm trying to say thank you Fareeha. Asking you to come all the way out here and be my mistress for a month was... a huge overstep on my part but you did it anyway. And frankly you've been incredible at it so far. You've constantly gone out of your way to explain things to me and make sure I'm comfortable with everything before we do it. Buying you stuff isn't the best way of showing gratitude but I can't think of anything better that you wouldn't object to so... we're going shopping.”   All kinds of outdoor clothing hung from racks and circular stands throughout the store and a myriad of display shoes sat on shelves mounted to the wall. Angela gave Fareeha a glance as she flipped through a set of jackets. “How tall are you? Most of the women's clothes here don't look like they're your size.”   “One point eight meters.” Fareeha lifted the largest jacket on the rack up and held it against her chest. “I have a hard time shopping at most places unless they have a tall section and even if they do there's a chance that they won't fit my bust. It's a pain.”   “You buy men's clothes don't you?”   Fareeha gave Angela a blank look which the doctor tried to stoically meet but her lips began to widen and in seconds Angela was giggling. After a moment Fareeha chuckled and shook her head. “Guilty as charged. Pants or jeans from the men's section fit me about half the time but their shirts are usually just fine.”   “Well let's go take a look at the men's section then. There's bound to be some jackets that fit you over there.” Angela didn't wait for a response as she started heading towards the aforementioned section, Fareeha following after a moment's hesitation. She picked one out at random and held it up. “How about this one?”   “That's about the right size but that's an awfully garish shade of yellow.” Fareeha pointed out.   “I know, it's hideous but it's for visibility not fashion. Bright colors stand out which makes people easier to find if they get lost. And if you're concerned about fashion this jacket is reversible.” Angela pulled the zipper down enough to show Fareeha the interior, a uniform carbon black. “So you can flip it around and voila you're wearing a nice looking black coat.”   Fareeha grabbed the jacket with finger and thumb, rubbing the fabric between them. “This doesn't feel thick enough to keep me warm in the mountains or wherever we're going.”   “Oh this is to keep you dry. The weather out here can be unpredictable so you should wear multiple layers so you can put things on or take them off as needs be. Sweaters are… over there.” Angela pointed and she was on the move once again.   By the time Angela had finished dragging her around Fareeha was carrying a bona fide full outfit and then some. Jacket, fleece sweater, waterproof pants, hiking boots, wool socks, even a pair of gloves. “This is too much Angela. Really.”   “You'll thank me when we get up there. The Alps are cold this time of year.” Angela handed her card to the cashier to pay for everything and he handed it back along with a paper receipt. Fareeha leaned in trying to see the amount but Angela quickly stuffed it in her pocket. “Nope. This is my treat, come on.”   Once their car was underway again Angela lowered the back of her chair until it was almost fully reclined. “So I have a question for you. You told me that I could ask you one thing per day and you'd decide whether or not it was too personal.”   “Yes.”   “I didn't ask you anything yesterday so does that mean I get two questions today or does it not roll over?”   Fareeha turned her head so that she was looking out the window at the green farmland rolling on by. “No, that's fine. I don't get why you want to ask me questions about myself though.”   “I'm asking questions because there's a fascinating stranger staying in my home with me. Who is Fareeha Amari? I know you like old movies, you're a dominatrix and an expat but there's more to you than that.”   If Fareeha hadn't kept her head turned away then Angela would be able to see the blush on her face but the wringing of her hands didn't escape the doctor's notice. Her voice was still composed despite her other signs of nervousness. “What do you want to ask me today?”   “You said you were an expat so that means you moved here from another country. What brought you to Switzerland?”   Silence filled the car as Fareeha's hands stopped moving as she continued to stare out the window, her shoulders rigid. Eventually she broke it but didn't stop looking away from Angela. “My mother brought me here. I was only a teenager when it happened and she's never explained why. All I know is that she showed up in the middle of the night after returning from being deployed with an American soldier in tow and we left for Switzerland the next day. That's your first question, what's your second?”   “I'm not sure yet.” admitted Angela. “I'll keep thinking about it though.” Fareeha didn't reply and the silence returned, this time remaining until they arrived at their destination. Angela adjusted a dial on the dashboard console and the window tint darkened until they were opaque.   Fareeha finally turned away from the window to see the doctor climbing into the back of the vehicle where she had stowed a pair of bags. Without hesitation or warning she unabashedly pulled her shirt off revealing a sports bra underneath it. Fareeha's gaze lingered for a second then she hurriedly turned back around, the sight of Angela in a bra somehow more erotic than the other things they had done together . “You know I don't mind if you look at me Fareeha.”   The doctor's voice was soft but the words still hit her like a sock filled with bars of soap. Fareeha turned around again just as Angela was pulling on her boots. “You mean during a scene right?.”   “No.”   Her cheeks flamed red and Fareeha turned back around, not wanting to respond to that. “Do you mind stepping outside while I change? It'll only take me a minute or two.”   Behind her a miniature smile flashed across Angela's face and she opened the door on her side, cold air forcing its way in. “As you wish. Bring the food with you okay?”   A fleece sweater, hiking jacket, pants, socks, boots, gloves. All purchased today just so they could go hiking by a woman who had just admitted she enjoyed Fareeha looking at her. 'What are you doing Fareeha? This woman is a client. What happened to enforcing your boundaries?' She had had this conversation with herself before but each time the argument that the doctor was just a client sounded less convincing than the time prior. She grabbed the backpack of food and stepped outside, where Angela was waiting.   “Isn't it beautiful? This is one of the things I love about coming out here. Geneva is great but sometimes I need to just get away from it all.” Angela swung her arm out in a grand flourish towards the area around them. Fields of green grass dotted with bushes bearing violet flowers extended out from the end of the road in every direction. Beyond them rose towering peaks covered with trees and their peaks were capped in white.   “It is.” Fareeha agreed. “I used to look up pictures of other countries on the internet when I was a girl but I always had a hard time believing places like this really existed when all I knew was hot wind and sand.”   “Makes you glad you came to Switzerland doesn't it?”   “I just wish it wasn't so damn cold. This is why I stay in the city.” Fareeha shivered and she tucked her hands into her armpits.   “Well, let's get moving. That'll warm you up.” said Angela, practically skipping as she headed for a nearby trail.   “You're enjoying me freezing my butt off aren't you?” complained Fareeha as she reluctantly followed along. “I'm moving to the nearest desert when this is over just so you know.” For all of her grousing, the place really was quite lovely. If the air was twenty degrees or so warmer then this would be pretty much perfect for her.   Fareeha wasn't exactly someone who went to the gyms but she still felt like she was in okay shape or at least that's what she had thought before this walk. For every step she took it seemed like Angela took three or four as she was continually doubling back whenever Fareeha fell behind only to take off for the sake of taking a photograph from just the right angle or smelling some flowers. Angela doubled back once again, a freshly picked flower with narrow white petals held delicately in her fingers. She held it up for Fareeha to see. “Look, Edelweiss!”   Fareeha came to a halt as Angela stopped right in front of her. “Edelweiss only grows at high altitudes in the Alps. Soldiers used to believe it was a symbol of courage and would climb the mountains to find one.” said Angela.   The doctor reached forward with one hand, intending to grab the hood of Fareeha's hood but she took a step back. “What are you doing Angela?”   “Come here.” Angela took a step forward and pulled Fareeha's hood to the side so she could reach in and slide the white flower's stem into the black hair above Fareeha's ear. “There we go.” The doctor turned around and started walking up the hill again. Fareeha hesitantly touched the flower as she stared at the doctor's back, not understanding what was happening on this trip anymore. She pulled her hood back up and started walking again, at least she tried to.   The moment she took a step half a dozen knots began to form all along her leg. Fareeha grimaced and she ground her teeth together as she sank to the ground, unable to put any weight on that limb. “Angela!”   The doctor spun on a dime and her eyes widened when she saw Fareeha sitting on the ground. She came hurrying back and knelt down at Fareeha's side. “What is it?”   “My right leg just cramped up really badly.”   “Okay, I was afraid you'd broken or sprained something.” Angela pulled her backpack off and started digging through it until she came out with a container and a bottle. “Here's some dried bananas. You need potassium and water right now. Eat those while I deal with this.”   As Fareeha took the banana slices Angela slid her gloves off before she started unlacing Fareeha's boot, pulling it off. The doctor elevated the leg into the air and her bare fingers squeezed the bridge of Fareeha's foot. “Tell me where the knots are and I'll work them out.”   Fareeha squeezed her eyes shut but she didn't complain about the touch. “A little to the right, yes that's the spot.” Under Fareeha's guidance, Angela's hands gradually moved their way higher and higher up her leg, the surgeon's nimble fingers massaging each knot out in turn until they were working on Fareeha's outer thigh.   Once that one was gone Angela looked up from the leg. The amplified rise and fall of the other woman's chest was evident even beneath the layers covering it and the look in her eyes was the same as when they had been in the tub together. Angela's spread fingers slid over the swell of Fareeha's hip and down to its inner side. “Are there any knots over here?” asked Angela, her voice as soft as Fareeha had ever heard it.   Neither woman dared to breathe as Fareeha looked up at Angela. Those fingers were just a few centimeters away and the only thing keeping them from her skin was a few layers of fabric. She knew it was still freezing out here but Fareeha wasn't cold anymore. Her body had found itself infused with warmth and there was no need to ask where, and who, the source was. Fareeha squeezed her eyes shut and slowly shook her head as she gulped a lungful of air down her dry throat. “No... that was the last one. I think I can make it back to the car now.”   As Fareeha pulled her boot back on she didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed by that fact.  
Chapter 10 - Concotion
Ordinarily having a car that drove itself was a tremendous luxury but it left Angela in something of a bind in this particular case. If she had been driving the car then she could have used that as an excuse to not pay attention to Fareeha. But as it was both women were left to sit in silence as the vehicle drove the fifty kilometers back to Angela's vacation home. From time to time one of them would glance at the other out of the corner of an eye only to look away before being noticed.   The car turned onto the gravel road leading to Angela's house and soon came to a halt. Neither of them moved for a minute and then Angela took a deep breath to ready herself for this conversation. “So about what just happened-”   Fareeha shook her head as she cut Angela off. “Can we not? It'd be easier if we pretend nothing happened up on that hill today.”   Angela reached out towards the other woman as she spoke but Fareeha drew back as she hugged her arms to her chest. “No. I'm not going to do that. Sweeping things under the rug doesn't make them go away. What I tried to do today... I thought I was seeing signs that you would have been interested but I guess I misread things so that's my fault. I'm sorry I did something you weren't comfortable with and it won't happen again.”   The awkward silence from earlier returned as Angela waited for Fareeha to react. To say or do something, anything. Fareeha opened her eyes and unfolded her arms. “Have you figured out what the second question you want to ask is yet?”   “We haven't talked about it but I've always gotten the impression you don't like your job very much whenever you mention it. I understand needing money but there's a lot of things you could do other than being a dominatrix if you hate it so much.”   “I don't hate being a dominatrix, I hate the place where I work.” Fareeha finally turned to look at Angela as she continued speaking. “You live in Geneva so you know what kind of companies are headquartered here. All the banks, a bunch of international organizations... the UN. When I got hired I thought my job would be a golden ticket. It pays well and I thought there was a chance I would meet someone who shared my kinks, maybe even someone I could settle down with. Then my clients started coming in. Some of them were obese, many of them were old, quite a few are corrupt and all of them rich. At first topping for them was exhilarating, I had powerful men in the palm of my hand but it didn't last and I had to learn how to hide that it had become boring.”   Fareeha let out a bitter laugh. “It sounds dumb when I say it out loud but there it is. I was getting paid to be a dominatrix and I got bored. I kept telling myself that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and that was enough to keep me there. That and the money they paid me.”   “What if I hired you?” asked Angela. “I'm rich and I'm sure I could match or beat whatever your salary there is. You've already said I'm the most fun you've had in a long time and you hate your job. No more disgusting old men that you despise and you could use all the free time you'd get to work on your website or whatever else you feel like doing.”   To say that she was stunned would have been a vast understatement. Fareeha had done and seen some very bizarre things in her life as a result of becoming a dominatrix but this arrangement had turned into the most unexpected by far. She had come out here to be Angela's top for a month and things had quickly gotten out of hand. She had shown a nude photograph of herself, orgasmed just from watching the doctor masturbate, very nearly given into being fingered less than an hour before and now Angela was offering to hire her permanently!   “I honestly don't know how to answer that Angela... but I'll think about it.” Fareeha got out of the car and headed inside without waiting for a response.   Angela grabbed the food that hadn't been touched, along with the clothes they had changed out of earlier that day before heading to the house. Putting the food away didn't take long and soon she was heading upstairs to her room. She paused in the hallway at the sight of Fareeha's closed door before sighing and heading into her own room.   She double checked that the door was still shut before heading over to the turntable and the collection of black discs next to it. Angela flipped through them for a bit before pulling one out and setting it on the player. The turntable's arm swung out to rest above the disc before dropping its needle into one of the discs grooves. The psychedelic twanging of a guitar and beats of a drum filled the room after Angela pressed play.   'Strange brew, kill what's inside of you.'   Angela sank to her floor and wrapped her arms about her knees. This wasn't how today was supposed to go. Fareeha was still here, but that could change any moment after what she had tried to do.   'She's a witch of trouble in electric blue, In her own mad mind she's in love with you. With you. Now what you gonna do? Strange brew, kill what's inside of you.'   What she had told Fareeha had been true. All the signs Angela had been reading said that the dominatrix was attracted to her but Fareeha had flat out denied it. Was she really mistaken or was there something else she didn't know about making the other woman turn her down.   'She's some kind of demon messing in the glue. If you don't watch out it'll stick to you. To you. What kind of fool are you? Strange brew, kill what's inside of you.'   Maybe it was somehow related to her job? Fareeha was a professional dominatrix who spent her time fulfilling other people's sexual desires. How long had it been since someone had tried taking care of her needs? Months? Years?   'On a boat in the middle of a raging sea, She would make a scene for it all to be Ignored. And wouldn't you be bored? Strange brew, kill what's inside of you.'   She had tried doing that today though and Fareeha had rejected her offer, though reluctantly it seemed. Maybe the best course of action was to do nothing. Sit back and let Fareeha decide how this was going to play out. Push too hard and she might alienate the woman even more than she already had.   'Strange brew, strange brew, strange brew, strange brew. Strange brew, kill what's inside of you.'   The rest of the day passed Angela by to the tune of one vinyl disc after another until it was evening and the light coming through her window was fading away. A knock came from the door and Angela hurried over to open it, already knowing who was on the other side. The two women gazed at each other in silence then Fareeha was stepping forward, pulling Angela's head closer with a a hand on each cheek. Fareeha brushed her mouth against Angela's soft lips for only a moment, barely more than a delicate peck but a kiss nonetheless. She let her hands fall from Angela's face and stepped back despite the urge to remain close. “Do you understand?”   Angela gave a gentle smile, the size of Fareeha's gesture belying its magnitude. “Of course.” Fareeha took her by the hand and began to walk, the doctor not needing any words to know where they were going or about to do.   The mattress was right where they had left it, ready to serve this latest session. As soon as they entered Fareeha's hands were on the move, pulling Angela's fleece sweater up. Angela waited for her bra to come off before she sat down on the mattress, allowing her mistress to divest her of everything below the waist. Fareeha made her way over to one of the boxes that hadn't been touched yet and opened it up, pulling out several items. She tossed the first onto the mattress, a shiny corset made of black latex, next to Angela's side. “Put this on.”   The doctor grabbed the mini dress as she sat up, turning it over in her hands as she examined it. It wasn't large enough to cover her breasts and laces hung limply from its backside. She pressed its front against her stomach and with one hand and reached behind her to draw the laces together as much as she could with only a single hand. Fareeha knelt down on the mattress behind her and pulled the remaining ones tight before tying the laces off. Her arms and legs also had their own black latex articles of clothing waiting for them as well. A pair of black gloves with sleeves stretching up past her elbows and leggings that encased everything below mid thigh in an identical shade of black to the gloves and corset.   Angela wiggled her fingers and toes as she examined the outfit Fareeha had chosen for her. There was a smell of rubber wafting off them but not strong enough to be repulsive and Angela had a sneaking suspicion she would quickly forget about it. The biggest thing was the way the latex clung to her however. It squeezed against her limbs and stomach from every direction, not content to be just articles of clothing, instead seemingly trying to become a part of her. Then Fareeha approaching her with another item, a mess of straps that she recognized as one of her mistress's gags but without a ball in it at the moment. One of the straps hugged her chin, a second ran between her eyes and the last crossed her cheekbones to meet behind her head with the others.   “Open your mouth, we need to find the right ball size.” Angela opened wide and Fareeha pushed a sphere inside. “Bite down on it... okay that one's too big. Try this one... there we go.” Fareeha hooked the ball gag's strap onto the harness before cinching it shut. “Try saying something. I don't know how well you can talk with this in yet.”   “Smting.”   “Wise ass.”   Fareeha pulled out a single final piece to complete the ensemble, a a thick black blindfold with an elastic band to hold it in place. Angela trembled in trepidation yet couldn't help getting more excited as the blindfold descended over her eyes and the room was replaced by darkness. “Wat ow?”   The only response was the sounds of Fareeha's footsteps, the rustle of cardboard and the sounds of things being placed onto the mattress. “Arms behind your back.” Angela reached backwards as ordered and was rewarded with the feel of rope winding around them. A minute later and her arms were bound together at wrist and elbow, uncomfortably so but not tight enough to pinch or be dangerous. Fareeha double checked the knots and then she was on the move again. Angela turned her head one way then the other as she tried to follow the sounds in order to track where Fareeha was at any given moment. Her mistress's voice popped up from a direction Angela wasn't looking at. “Move forward a bit.”   Angela scooted forward on her knees until Fareeha said stop. One arm found its way under Angela's armpit and lifted her up into the air then nudged her forward before gently lowering her back down. Fareeha pulled one knee to the side to spread Angela's legs and the doctor found herself sitting on some sort of dome, her groin pressed against a smooth pad made of rubber with a rounded bump protruding upwards from the middle.“Stay right there, no moving.”   More ropes were coming, two coils snaking around both thighs in order to bind her calves to them. Another bit of rustling and then she could feel Fareeha tying what she assumed were more ropes onto the ones trapping her thighs. Once it was done her knees were resting on the mattress and she could just barely touch it with her toes “Okay Angela. See if you can stand up.”   Angela tried to straighten her legs and get off whatever kind of toy this was but her mistress's ropework was impeccable and her knees remained bent, the knots refusing to yield. After giving up on that effort Fareeha pushed on one shoulder as if to make Angela fall over but she only tilted somewhere between ten and twenty degrees before one of the ropes drew taut, holding her in place against the pad. It wasn't until then that the entirety of her situation sank in for the doctor. Unable to see anything but darkness, barely able to be understood when she spoke and tied down so that she couldn't get away from this dome not that she actually wanted to.   Fareeha pulled Angela so that she was sitting up right again before picking up the remote that controlled the sybian. Her fingers started to turn the dial but she hesitated as she looked at the doctor, latex clothing hugging her and all. “Do you want me to take a picture of you right now?”   “-es.” Angela growled in frustration and she pressed her tongue against the gag, trying unsuccessfully to push it out of her mouth. “Ys. Upid ting. Ake poto. Tae pictre.”   “Okay, I'll take some pictures then I'm turning the machine on.” Fareeha brushed her palm against the top of Angela's head as she headed out of the room and up the basement stairs in order to fetch her computer pad. When she returned to the bunker Angela's head turned towards the doorway, clearly listening and waiting for Fareeha's return. Fareeha slowly walked around the mattress, the pad in her hands as she captured the image of the doctor from every angle in one photo after another. When she was satisfied Fareeha set the pad aside and picked up the remote again. “Here we go.” Her fingers twisted the dial to its lowest setting.   The pad between Angela's legs began to vibrate along its entire length, the rounded ends of the rubber rectangle flexing upwards to teasingly brush against her folds. Angela jumped as high she could, the awakening of the machine taking her by surprise. After a moment she giggled and a tiny smile stretched at the corners of her lips while Angela settled back down onto the pad, accepting its touch. So far this was kinda similar to the vibrator Fareeha had tormented her with but this machine was clearly on another level. The intensity felt rather low but the waves were still traveling further than the vibrator ever had. A moment later the machine began to rumble and Angela moaned through the gag as the speed increased.   Fareeha smiled to herself at the lewd sound, music to her ears, and she turned the dial up to its third notch. Angela moaned even louder and a minute later her head dipped forward as the sybian gently coaxed the doctor's first climax out. Fareeha twisted the dial back down to one and sat back to wait. It was impossible to guess how many more orgasms Angela could have during this session and Fareeha had to be mindful of the doctor's parts. Even though her vagina was clearly wet to Fareeha's eyes, there were still risks. Too much stimulation would mean rawness and/or irritation could become an issue. Turn the dial up during orgasms then down in-between them to give the bottom some time to recover, simple enough on paper but it was like walking a tightrope in practice. Fareeha twisted the dial back to two.   A second orgasm followed shortly by a third, each taking longer than the one before it. Angela leaned forward, sweat dripping out of her hair and onto the blindfold as she tried to gather herself. Her breathing was erratic, drool was dangling off of the gag and she had inadvertently lubricated the parts of the toy in direct contact with her crotch. Rumbling inevitably returned to the room as she felt the pad beginning to shake against her and she started mumbling against her gag. The vibrations disappeared at once and fingers brushed against her cheeks as they undid the straps holding the gag in place. Angela groaned once the ball was pulled out and she started speaking words that made no sense to the only person listening.   “What? I don't understand, what are you saying? I don't know what you're saying Angela. You have to speak to me in English.”   Fareeha's words dimly pierced the haze that had begun to cover her mind and Angela raised her head to look at where she thought Fareeha was. It took a moment to remember what language she needed to speak but the words came to her once she concentrated on it. “I... keep going.”   Fareeha picked up the sybian's controls and she turned the dial up once again, not bothering to replace the gag.   As the machine began to vibrate once again Angela to shriek and groan once more. Her muscles were still burning but the pain had passed and now it was a strange sort of enjoyable pain. The gears of the toy were spinning faster and louder than before, a mechanical roar fighting with her cries to be the loudest sound in the room. It was a constant source of resonance emanating from a single point but passing through her only to be amplified when it rebounded and melded with other waves. The doctor's torso twisted one way then another and her hair flew about she tossed her head in all though her center remained fixed to the machine, forced to endure an unrelenting ecstasy.   While the doctor writhed on the sybian Fareeha could feel her underwear beginning to stick to her inner thighs. She hadn't orgasmed like in the bathtub but just the act of watching this was making her hands twitch. The desire to slide a finger or two down the front of her pants and eventually inside herself almost too much to resist. Another time she promised herself, probably tonight, but not right now. Not when she was topping for the doctor.   The time the doctor's previous orgasms had taken had been longer than the one before it but this one broke the cycle, happening perhaps in half the time. Angela reared back upright and she screamed from the bottom of her lungs. “Shiesse, shiesse, shiesse, oh mein gott!” Her body quivered again and then came the unmistakable sound of sobbing as she slumped off to one side. Fareeha turned the machine off then scrambled forward, pulling the blindfold off only to see tears beginning to streak down Angela's face. “Red, yellow, whatever! I want to stop. Please let me stop!”   Her fingers shook as she hurriedly untied the knots on Angela's arms and legs. The moment the last one was undone the doctor practically launched herself at her mistress. Fareeha wrapped her arms around Angela, holding her tightly as the doctor continued to cry. “Was that okay mistress? I'm sorry I couldn't keep going any longer.”   Fareeha pulled Angela's cheek into her shoulder as she tried to reassure her bottom.“You were amazing Angela. I'm proud of you.” She pressed a kiss to that yellow crown, the hair damp with sweat. “You never have to apologize about having limits or wanting to stop a session.”   Angela squeezed even tighter with her arms as if holding on for dear life. “Do you have chocolate? I want chocolate. And cheese. And wine.”   “Chocolate and cheese yes. Wine no but I'll get you some water. Can you walk?” Fareeha started gently rubbing Angela's back with one hand.   “Not yet and I don't want to go anywhere right now. Keep holding me please.” Angela scooted even closer until there was no more space left between them, trying to leech off as much warmth as she could.   Eventually Angela could feel the strength returning to her legs though she was still unsteady as they headed up the stairs, latex outfit and all. Fareeha pulled a small wheel of cheese out of the fridge and set it down on the dining room table next to a box of chocolate bars. Angela snatched a bar up, ravenously devouring it before grabbing another. “Sooooo... I have a question. You said you don't kiss your clients but you've kissed me twice today. If I'm not a client then what am I?”   “I don't know.” admitted Fareeha. “I'm not going to lie and say I love you but I am interested in seeing where whatever this is goes. I don't know if I want to work for you exclusively either but I will think about it okay?”   Angela threw the wrapper aside as she picked up the wheel of cheese, savagely tearing a chunk of it off with her bare hands. She gave Fareeha a warm smile that somehow managed to be unmarred by her wet cheeks and chocolate stained mouth. “That sounds perfect to me. And who knows, you might change your mind. After all we still have three weeks to go before our month is over.”   Fareeha smiled back as her brain started screaming internally. This had all happened in the first week and there were three more weeks to go.   Sheisse.  
Chapter 4 - Fiasco
A slender stream of hot water poured from the sink's faucet onto the soapy plate Fareeha was holding with one hand. In the other was a blue sponge that she was using to scrub away the residue left over from her breakfast that morning. After a moment she set the sponge aside and rotated the plate beneath the water, rinsing soap off the dish and her fingers as well. Fareeha placed the dish in the drying rack adjacent to the sink and started to reach for her fork when a pair of pale arms wrapped themselves around her waist. Angela pressed herself into Fareeha's back and she dropped one cheek onto the taller woman's shoulder. “Good morning.” Angela said in a cheery voice. Fareeha turned the faucet off before placing her wet hands on top of the doctor's. “Good morning. I think this is the first time I've gotten up before you did since I got here.” Angela leaned more of her weight on Fareeha as she huffed and shook her head. “I've been on the phone for the last thirty minutes with my property management company. They're supposed to look after the place for me, but my shower didn't have any hot water when I got here. If they weren't checking the faucets then they could have missed other stuff too so I called to complain. Got a refund for a month and they agreed to send someone over to check everything. So we have to hide all your toys so their person doesn't find it. Do you have space in your closet? Your bedroom is the one place that they don't have a reason to check so they'll be out of the way in there.” “We could do that, but we'll have to move them back down to the bunker later. I know your neighbors are pretty far away, but I'd feel more comfortable doing sessions down there, especially if I know it's going to be a noisy one.” Fareeha stated, a small grin appearing near the end of her explanation. The blush of the doctor's cheeks may have been hidden from Fareeha's view, but there was no disguising the higher pitch of Angela's voice. “That's fine, I'll help you move them of course. One more thing, are you interested in doing the walk-around with me? I'll translate if I need to.” Fareeha turned around until she was facing Angela and raised her arms so she could clasp her hands behind the blonde's neck. “I would just slow you down if you had to translate everything for me. I'll just hide in my room and watch cat videos until you're done.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Angela's forehead. “But thank you for offering.” Most of her boxes were actually pretty light considering the amount of stuff in them. Even the one with the sybian in it wasn't too bad. The thing that made moving them tedious was going up the stairs from the basement to the first floor, down a hallway, then up a second flight of stairs to where Fareeha's temporary closet was waiting. What made it even worse was the fact they were going to be moving them back down to the bunker before the day was done. Once all of the boxes had been put away in Fareeha's closet Angela headed downstairs to wait for the person being sent to do this walk-around. Fareeha closed her bedroom door and flopped down on her bed, computer pad in hand. She stuck her earbuds in and opened her internet browser. Watching videos of cats was hardly the most productive thing she could be doing, but it was as good a way of passing the time as any. A couple of minutes later and a chime came from the house's first floor. Fareeha looked up for a moment before returning her attention to her pad. Angela would let her know when the representative was gone. From time to time she could hear water flowing through the pipes in the house and at one point she could hear Angela and the voice of another woman speaking German as they walked past her doorway. Around an hour later there was a knock on Fareeha's door. Angela's voice, slightly muffled, came through. “She's gone now. May I come in?” Fareeha closed the browser on her window and pulled her earbuds out before getting up off the bed. She crossed the room in a few strides and pulled the door open. She gestured towards the room with one hand. “Come on in. How’d it go, Angela?” “Pretty good actually. Turns out the mixing valve was the only thing they had missed. They should have spotted it when they tested the showers last time, but they only checked the cold water, not the hot.” “Mmm, that's good.” Fareeha said as she looked at Angela's outfit. The doctor had been wearing pajamas earlier in the kitchen, but she had changed since then. Her top was a plain red tee shirt and Angela was wearing tan pants beneath them, but that wasn't what Fareeha was interested in at the moment. She shut the door and locked it behind her. Angela gave her a questioning look as Fareeha closed the distance between them. Fareeha slid her arms around Angela's waist as she took up a position behind the doctor. “I think it's time we checked to see if you're following the rule I gave you yesterday.” Angela's breath caught in her throat as Fareeha pulled their bodies together and her heart began to beat faster as one of those hands flattened against her stomach. It slowly descended lower and lower, pausing at the top of her pants but she didn't pull away, instead opting to keep still. After waiting a few seconds longer those fingers were pushing into her pants and then they stopped. “My, my, my.” Fareeha said, her voice split between amusement and feigned outrage. “You couldn't even go a full day without disobeying me could you?” She pulled her hand out and lightly pushed the doctor towards her bed. “We'll just have to do something about this won't we?” Once they got to the side of the bed Fareeha pressed forward on Angela's shoulders so she leaned forward, her outstretched hands on the bed. Fareeha lowered her hands to the front of Angela's pants. One hand grabbed the zipper and pulled it down while the other deftly undid the button above it. Angela let out a quiet murmur as her pants were pulled down to her ankles and off her feet, revealing a pair of boxer briefs, an article of clothing she had been ordered not to wear. A moment later and Fareeha was holding the briefs in her hand as she stood back up. She opened them up as she inspected the interior of the black garment. “Hmm. Nice and clean, this will do nicely. Take off your shirt and bra if you're wearing one. You can leave your socks on.” Angela pulled her shirt off and threw it onto the bed. Seconds later her bra joined it and Angela put her hands back on the mattress as she leaned forward again. Then without any warning her vision was suddenly obscured by dark cloth pulled over her head. The underwear that had so recently been confiscated by her mistress. “Since you wanted to wear these, even though I told you not to, I'll let you do just that, Angela.” Fareeha grabbed the blankets on her bed and pulled them off, throwing them to the floor so only a white sheet and her computer tablet remained. She weakly slapped one bare cheek in front of her. “Get up there.” Fareeha barked, though she still helped the other woman blindly clamber onto the bed. “Now then, how should I punish you for breaking the rule I gave you yesterday? All my boxes are up here so I have, oh so many choices...” Without waiting for a response Fareeha made her way into the closet where the aforementioned boxes were. She tapped her chin for a moment before opening one, then another, and pulling out an item from each. On her way back into the bedroom Fareeha stopped short at the view in front of her. That black article of clothing may have been obscuring Angela's vision, but that hadn't stopped her from pointing her feet towards the closet, and spreading her bent knees apart. Her fingers started to slacken and she very nearly dropped the items in her hands before shaking her head and taking a deep breath to try and steady her nerves. Fareeha climbed up onto the bed and set one item down. She pulled a cap off the other and leaned forward with the marker. The soft tip of the marker pressed against the skin of Angela's stomach and began to move as it drew some sort of shape and then words above it. She suppressed a shiver and remained still as Fareeha continued to write on her. Above her breasts, the insides of her thighs then Fareeha was rolling her over so that she was lying face down. A much longer word than the others going from the base of her neck all the way to the small of her back and then a shorter one beneath it. That was the last of it. “I could write something on your ass, but I have other plans for it. Face down, ass up.” Fareeha said. Angela pulled her knees forward and spread them wider for support as she presented her rear end as ordered. A thin cylindrical object gently rapped against the sole of one foot, making her squirm, then the other. She giggled despite herself and turned her head to one side. “I thought you were going to punish me. That doesn't hurt at all.” Fareeha bemusedly shook her head as she started tapping the rattan cane against Angela's calves. “It doesn't hurt yet, but it will.” Fareeha promised. The cane moved to the outside of the doctor's legs as it continued to climb upwards with taps as mild as the first. When it finally reached Angela's rear Fareeha trailed the tip up and down one cheek then the other before pulling away. The first strike was harder than the taps had been, but not enough to bruise flesh. Angela still rocked forward on her knees, a gasp coming from her as the cane's impact left her cheek stinging. She slowly lowered herself back into position and waited. Just as the sensation from the first was beginning to fade Fareeha struck again, but on the other cheek this time. The rhythm soon settled into a pattern. Strike, waiting a few seconds for the mild sting to lose its edge before hitting the opposite side. With her eyes covered there wasn't any way for Angela to check the time but it had to have been several minutes before the blows stopped. A moment passed and then Fareeha was rolling her over to lie on her back once again and shortly after that the briefs came off her face and she could see once again. “So...” Fareeha began as she turned the computer pad around in her hands so Angela could see the screen, “which of these pictures should I post to let everyone know how obedient you are?” Angela sat up, half-expecting her bottom to be sore but quickly finding out that wasn't the case, as she took the pad. Thumbnails of pictures taken just now filled the screen and she tapped on the first one. Her face was covered by the underwear but the rest of her was plainly visible as was the black text Fareeha had written by her breasts. 'Tramp.' She scrolled to the next one. An arrow pointing down towards her crotch. 'Insert here.' On her thighs were more. 'Pussy – free. Anal – three francs.' Lastly was the message scrawled in large letters on her back. 'Disobedient Slut.' Her face was obscured so no one could identify her from these pictures but Angela could easily recognize her naked body. Even so, she didn't recognize the person in these images. Whoever these things were written on... it wasn't her. That pale bottom and the hint of redness marring its cheeks belonged to someone else. A stranger with the same breasts, the same legs and fingers and everything. This wasn't her, this wasn't her life... and yet it was. The pad fell from Angela's fingers and her lips quivered as tears began running down her cheeks and she began to sob. Fareeha's arms were around Angela at once and she was pulling the doctor close. Angela pressed her forehead into her mistress's shoulder as she began to blubber while her body shook uncontrollably. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Angela sputtered between sobs. Fareeha closed her eyes and she dropped her cheek against Angela's head. “No... you don't have anything to be sorry about. I'm the one who screwed up here. I've been working as a dominatrix for years and the second I end up in a relationship all of my experience goes right out the window. I shouldn't have taken your underwear like I did, I should have discussed this scene ahead of time, I didn't ask your permission to take pictures. This isn't your fault. It's mine.” Angela sniffled and pulled her head back far enough for her to wipe some of the tears from her cheeks. “Now that's not fair. I could have used my safe word but I didn't. I liked what you were doing... but when I saw those pictures you took... I don't know. Something just felt horribly wrong and I don't even know why. We've already done stuff like this before so I don't know why this time was different.” “Well you were fine until you looked at the pictures and saw what I had written on you.” Fareeha pointed out. “Maybe having things like that written down is what bothered you but that's just me guessing. If you want me to help you figure out then I will, but you know yourself better than I do. Also I won't post those online if you don't want me to.” Fareeha let go of Angela with one arm and reached down to pick the stray piece of underwear up along with the other pieces of Angela's outfit. “Let's get you cleaned up then you can put these on again if you want if you want. I have some chocolate bars downstairs if you need them afterwards.” Angela hesitantly took her clothes back from Fareeha. “You have chocolate? Where? I thought I had raided your stash already.” Fareeha politely smiled and shook her head. “Nope. I went out and got more at the store when I realized you were sneaking some. I hid these ones to make sure I had some for our sessions.” The doctor eyed Fareeha with mock suspicion for a moment, her damp cheeks ruining the effect, as she got up from the bed. “You think I won't be able to find them? This is my house after all and I have a lot of free time to look.” “You're welcome to try.” Fareeha said as she held a hand out to the blonde woman. Angela gratefully took it and the two headed out into the hallway, their hands dangling between them.  
Chapter 7 - Disposition
Fareeha covered her mouth with one hand as she yawned then rubbed at her eyes as she trudged down the hall. It wasn't that early in the morning, but she had stayed up later than usual the previous evening in order to finish writing her latest article and upload it to her site. She pushed the door to her bathroom open and stepped inside before closing the door behind her and locking it. Fareeha dropped her clothes on the counter next to the sink before pulling her pajamas off. A moment later and she was standing in the shower and reaching for the handle that controlled the water. The showerhead sputtered for a second and then water began spraying onto her. Cold water.   “Shit!” Fareeha shrieked as her hand latched onto the metal handle and turned it back to its original position, bringing the frigid spray to a halt. She looked at the showerhead for a moment before reaching up to adjust a lever that controlled whether water came out of the fixed showerhead or the head attached to the end of a flexible metal hose. Fareeha turned the water back on but aimed the handheld unit at the wall as she played with the temperature controls. Despite pushing it all the way up to the hottest setting the water remained a constant and almost icy cold.   Her hand holding the showerhead slowly lowered towards her side as she cut the water off again and stared at the controls. This shower had been working just fine since she had arrived at Angela's house. It had been the doctor's shower that had been malfunctioning and needed to be repaired by a plumber. Angela's property management company had sent someone by to go over the house the previous day and they hadn't found anything wrong. The odds of this shower breaking between then and now were... well she didn't have any idea what they were aside from being extremely low. Unless it wasn't a malfunction or some sort of accident...   “I'm going to get you back for this you know.”   The showerhead slipped out of Fareeha's fingers and bumped against the wall as the doctor's promise from the previous day came to mind. Fareeha yanked the curtain to the side as she stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a bathrobe hanging off a hook on the bathroom door and pulled it on and cinched it shut before storming out into the hallway. “Angela!”   The pajama-clad woman in question was sitting up in bed, sheets and blankets covering her legs while her back rested against the headboard. She raised her eyes from the paperback novel in her hands as Fareeha burst into her bedroom. Angela looked Fareeha up and down for a moment, seemingly unsurprised at the abrupt entrance, before setting her book down on the bed next to her. “Good morning, Fareeha. How was your shower?”   “Oh, for the love of... you know exactly how it went.” Fareeha snapped as she folded her arms across her chest. “What did you do?”   “Do you remember the problem my shower had when we got here?” Angela asked.   Fareeha frowned as she tried to recall what exactly it was that Julian had replaced to fix the doctor's shower the previous week. “The... mixing valve?”   Angela nodded in approval. “That's right. I was watching Julian when he was putting my temperature controls back together so I know how to take them apart now. All I had to do was sneak into your bathroom and adjust the valve so you wouldn't get any hot water this morning.”   “And why would you do that?” Fareeha demanded. “Sure I made a stupid pun yesterday, but that doesn't mean turning off my hot water is okay, Angela.”   Angela grabbed a wad of her bedding in one hand and pulled them aside until her bare legs and a pair of black briefs were visible. She pulled her knees closer to her chest and spread her feet apart. “Is that so? I guess that's two things I've done wrong now. Why don't you come over here and show me what you do to naughty girls?”   Fareeha's shoulders slowly sagged and her head slowly tilted to one side as she stared at the doctor before putting a hand on her forehead. “I must be dreaming because this feels like the start of a really cliche porno.” She walked forward and sat on the bed near the doctors feet. “What are you doing, Angela?” Fareeha softly asked.   The impish look on Angela's face faltered then vanished. “I was trying to start a session...”   “By turning off my hot water? I don't see what that has to do with...” Fareeha's voice trailed off as she realized what Angela had been trying to accomplish. “You were trying to provoke me.”   “Well... yes. You said that since we were in a relationship the way we handled bondage would be different. Our last session happened because I broke the rule you gave me. I figured if I did something like that again then you would punish me or something like that...” Angela explained.   Fareeha sighed as she put a hand on one of Angela's ankles and slowly began to caress her shin. “I should have explained that. What I meant when I said that is that we have to figure out what our dynamic is now that we're starting a romantic relationship. Last week things were pretty straightforward between the two of us. You told me the kinds of things you wanted to experience and I made them happen because you were my client. But now things are more complicated since we have feelings for each other. I ordered you not to wear underwear because I wanted to see how you'd respond to it. Not talking it over was a mistake that led to our session going bad plus this shower thing just now and it's a mistake I don't want to repeat.”   Fareeha's hand came to a halt and she gave Angela's ankle an affectionate squeeze. “If you want to do sessions then all you have to do is ask me. You don't have to go this far to get me to top for you, Angela. To be honest this was a really bad way to go about it since it actually made me angry. If I tried to top for you when I was angry then it would be really easy for me to accidentally cross the line and hurt you and I really don't want that to happen.”   Angela sagged backwards against the headboard and she turned her head to the side as she looked down at the bed they were sitting on. “I'm sorry, Fareeha. I wasn't trying to hurt you or make you angry or anything like that. I know turning your water off is a lousy thing to do and that I shouldn't have done it. I guess I'm just as confused as you about how this is supposed to work between us.” She glanced at her discarded book for a moment then back up at Fareeha. “So now what?”   As she considered the question Fareeha's gaze began to wander. This wasn't the first time she had been in this room, but she had been too preoccupied with pointing Julian towards the bathroom to really look around. Posters of various musical groups from the previous century hung on the walls. A few of their names were vaguely familiar, but the majority of them weren't. An oak record cabinet filled with black discs tucked away in their sleeves stood on one side of the room. Photographs, a few figurines, and several miniature instruments stood on top of the cabinet and there was a record player sitting on a set of drawers next to the cabinet. Fareeha cast a curious glance towards Angela. “What is that?”   “It's a record player.” Angela said as she stood up from the bed and walked over to the record cabinet. She squatted down and pulled out one of the sleeves before standing back up and withdrawing the black disc it held. “Do you want to listen to one with me?”   Fareeha blinked as she looked at the object Angela was holding. “Listen? You mean that's music? I've never seen one of these before.”   Angela placed the disc onto the player before setting the sleeve down next to the device. “That's not surprising, they're not very common since everything is recorded digitally these days. But computers weren't really around in the mid twentieth century so musicians recorded their stuff on these.” She pressed a button on the player and the disc began to spin. Angela moved back towards the bed and held a hand out to Fareeha. “Dance with me.”   “W-what?”   The doctor took Fareeha's hand in her own, pulling Fareeha up off the bed. She drew Fareeha in close together and clasped her hands behind Fareeha's neck. As Angela began to sway and circle a man's voice came from the record player.   Hey Jude, don't make it bad.   Words continued to float out of the record player's speakers but Fareeha didn't hear anything past the first line. Her world was narrowing until the only thing was the woman in front of her. That blonde hair, those blue eyes gazing back at her. The fingers resting on her neck, the fine cotton of Angela's pajamas beneath her hands, and the way her heart was hammering at how close the doctor's body was to hers. Fareeha's head dipped forward towards Angela until their foreheads were touching. “Do you want to do a session tonight, Angela?”   “Yes. But right now I just want to stay here with you. Is that all right?”   Fareeha gave a gentle smile as they continued to circle around each other. “That sounds wonderful."
Chapter 10 - Sharing
Fareeha yawned a bit while stretching her fingers out in front of her as she made her way into the kitchen. Preparing and eating dinner together had become something of a routine for the two of them but the kitchen was empty when Fareeha arrived. She glanced to the side only to see that the dining room was unoccupied but there was a crumb covered plate still on the table. Angela must have already eaten but hadn't stuck around long enough to clean up after herself like she usually did. She picked the plate up and rinsed it off before placing it in the dishwasher. Guess I'm eating alone tonight.   After she had finished eating then loading her plate and silverware in the dishwasher Fareeha trudged up the stairs. The sun had already set but there was still light in the hallway. A sliver spilling outwards beneath the doctor's bedroom door. Fareeha hesitated in front of the door before raising her hand and knocking. "Can I come in, Angela?"   There was a brief silence before Angela's voice came through the door. "Uh, sure." Fareeha opened the door and stepped inside. Angela was lying on her bed just like the last time Fareeha had come into this room. She was wearing the same pajamas and she even had the same book in her hands as last time. Fareeha's head cocked to one side at the all too familiar sight and she pulled out her phone for a few seconds before putting it away before pinching herself. Angela lifted an eyebrow. "What are you doing, Fareeha?"   "Um... just getting deja vu. Had to check the date and make sure I wasn't dreaming or something. Anyways, I was just checking to see if you were all right. You bolted pretty quickly earlier when we were talking earlier so I wanted to make sure there isn't anything wrong."   Angela set her book off to one side and patted the bed."Come sit down." She waited until Fareeha was seated on the edge before continuing. "You haven't offended me or anything if that's what you're worried about, Fareeha. Something occurred to me at the end of our conversation and I ended up getting really flustered."   The last topic in their conversation had been fucking machines, a type of device that Angela had shown a distinct lack of interest in using. Instead the doctor had stated that the only penetration she was interested in was from Fareeha. "Do you mean the idea of me using a strap-on, Angela? Doing that isn't a problem for me at all if that's what's bothering you."   "I know." Angela said in a quiet voice. "When I was looking at that bench all I could see was me being strapped to it and you standing behind me with a strapon. I got really flustered which is why I ran off but I realized something else when I got to my room. You wouldn't have any problems doing that with me precisely because you've done it before."   Fareeha tilted her head to the side, curious as to what Angela was getting at. "Well, yes. I use strap-on's as part of my job from time to time but you already know what I do for a living. It's why you came to me in the first place after all."   "I know." Angela said again. "You're a professional dominatrix. I don't have an issue with your profession itself especially since it's how we met but now..." She and her hands squeezed the sheet covering her legs. "But now you're not just someone I visited for a session six months ago. Now you're someone I have feelings for and am in a relationship with. We still have a little over two weeks before our month is up but I can't help but look forward. When we leave here you'll go back to working at that place and to be honest it bothers me. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do."   "It's fine, honestly." Fareeha leaned backwards until she was lying on Angela's legs and reached up with one hand to entangle their fingers together. "I've been wondering about this too. Working as a dominatrix makes relationships complicated even with the most understanding of people. Personally speaking I don't consider what I do to be sex, but I will admit that it is sexual in nature. The most important thing, to me, is that I don't have any attachments to my clients. At the end of the day they show up, I do my thing and then they leave."   "I don't know, Fareeha. I get that you don't have feelings for your clients and all. It still feels weird to know that when my girlfriend goes to work she's spanking random people or doing... more invasive things to them."   Fareeha squeezed Angela's hand, hoping to reassure the doctor. "I know you don't like this but what do you expect me to do? Quit my job?" Angela hesitated and and she looked away from Fareeha, a blank patch of the wall suddenly very interesting to her. Fareeha grimaced and pushed herself up until she was sitting upright. "Trust me when I say that I've thought about quitting before but what would I do? I studied film in university and I have my website but I don't make any money off that. I like to think I'm a good dominatrix but tying people up and spanking them isn't exactly a marketable skill."   Angela turned her gaze from the wall back towards Fareeha. "If you're worried about money then I could pull some strings and get you a job somewhere." Her voice faltered before she plunged on ahead. "There's also the offer I made last week too. Your job wouldn't really change except for the fact I'd be your only client."   "Those are tempting offers," Fareeha admitted, "and it would let me stop working at that place. I like you, Angela. A lot. The thing is that I've always believed in being able to provide for myself. Letting you get me a job or working for you would take that away since I'd be relying on you for money and I feel like it'd hurt our relationship in the long run if I accepted your offer."   "All right then." Angela conceded. "Is there anything else I could do to help you figure things out? I could speak to my university and ask them to set up an appointment with one of their career counselors."   "That's not a bad idea." Fareeha stated as she rubbed at her chin. "I'll think about it. In the meantime I can make some adjustments to how I handle sessions when I do end up going back if that'll make you more comfortable with it. I'll stick to wearing jeans and a tee shirt. No more going naked or wearing latex outfits or anything like that. Another thing is that I won't use strap-on's anymore and I'll stop doing penetration altogether with my male clients."   I guess that could work..." Angela mused. "But wouldn't doing that mean you'd make less money? I don't know how you get paid now that I think about it."   "It's not a problem. Taking pegging off the table will make me lose a couple of clients, but most of my clients have other things in mind when they schedule an appointment with me. Restraints, waxplay, sensory deprivation and a bunch of other stuff. What matters is making sure you're comfortable with what I do when I'm at work. I don't want you to feel like I'm being unfaithful." Fareeha explained, hoping that the compromise would be enough.   Angela gave half of a smile and this time she was the one squeezing a hand. "Thank you. That means a lot. Our relationship is about as unorthodox as it gets but knowing you're willing to compromise to make it work makes me feel a lot better about all of this." The doctor put her other hand onto Fareeha's knee as she continued to speak. "But a relationship is a two way street. Is there anything you'd like me to do for you?"   Fareeha slowly shook her head. "Nothing comes to mind at the moment but I'll think about it. For now I'd say you should just keep being so amazing."   The smile on Angela's face widened and she glanced around the room for a second. "Would... would you like to stay the night with me?"   Spots of red instantly appeared on Fareeha's cheeks. "D-does that mean what I think it means?" She stammered.   "No-not like that. I mean like sleeping in the same bed. Nothing more, nothing less." Angela's face turned an even brighter shade than the one on Fareeha's cheeks as she looked down at the sheets. "I just want to see how sleeping in the same bed as you goes... Though I can't promise I won't try to grab your butt."   Fareeha laughed once and she rose to her feet. Her hands grabbed the bottom of her shirt and a moment later the garment had been tossed to the floor. Fareeha faced away from Angela and leaned forward as she undid her jeans and pushed them down to her ankles. She paused long enough to make sure that Angela had gotten an eyeful before turning back around now that she was clad only in plain black briefs and a bra to match them. "Well I won't complain about that as long as you don't wake me up. I'm sure it'll give me some pleasant dreams."   Silence ensued but the way Angela's cheeks were flushing and the doctor yanking her sheet to one side was response enough. Fareeha put her hands on the bed before crawling forward on all four's as she laid down next to Angela. She grabbed one of Angela's hands and moved it down to the curve of her hip while kissing the doctor's lips at the same time. "I hope you have sweet dreams, Angela. I know I will."   Angela swallowed nervously and she resisted the impulse to move her hand though it felt like it was going to burn away, along with the rest of her, if she kept it there. Her intentions were chaste, mostly, but now that Fareeha was actually in her bed Angela was almost beginning to regret this. Having her partner so close at hand and barely wearing anything at that. Even if she could touch Fareeha's bottom this was going to be a long and frustrating night.   She tensed her fingers ever so slightly and Fareeha murmured ever so softly at the touch. Frustrating but worth it.
Chapter 3 - Details
Fareeha grabbed the bag of styrofoam containers before getting out of the car. The garage in Angela's house wasn't as cold as it was outside, but she was still hurrying to get into the house where there was warm air. Angela, however, was closer and moving even faster than Fareeha so she made it inside first. Fareeha sat the bag down on the kitchen counter before turning to look at Angela. “So why did you want to come back here? That place seemed like it was a good a restaurant.” Angela started talking with her back to Fareeha as she was opening one of the kitchen cupboards. “It is, but our conversation was making me a little paranoid. I know we were skirting around saying bondage or BDSM, but it's not something I'm comfortable talking about in public.” The doctor pulled out a pair of plates before opening a drawer near her waist and grabbing some silverware. “I know bringing you back here during our first date is a bad move, but we can speak freely here.” Angela handed one of the plates along with a fork and knife to Fareeha before opening the bag. She pulled the containers out and set them down on the counter before lifting the top of one. “Oh, this one's the nusstorte. The kalberwurst should be in that one then.” Angela pointed her fork at the one in the middle. Fareeha opened up the last container and irritably scooped some of the capuns onto her plate. “So I'm guessing I know what you want to talk about, but I'm a little surprised you relocated our date for this.” The doctor set her plate and silverware next to the containers of food. She turned towards the other woman and took Fareeha's hands in hers. “That's only part of it. I have this sexy, beautiful, and amazing woman staying with me here. You've done some incredible things for me so far but there's more to you than just being a dominatrix. I know you like movies, but I want to know more than that.” She turned her head to one side, her cheeks flushing. “Who is Fareeha Amari?” Fareeha let her hands linger in Angela's fingers for a moment before gently pulling away and picking her fork up and stabbing it into one of the kalberwurst sausages. “Okay... what do you want to know?” “Well… why do you like movies so much?” Angela asked as she began serving herself. In the meantime Fareeha had pulled out a chair and sat at the nearby table. “There’s always been something kinda romantic about seeing a movie in a theater to me. A giant silver screen in a large dark room, speakers you can feel in your chest, people all around you to see the same thing. My mother took me to a movie once when I was young and ever since then I’ve been hooked. As I got older I started learning more about how they were made and what not. It’s been a lifelong hobby of mine.” Angela picked her plate up and moved to sit on the other side of the table from Fareeha. “So what’s a fact about movies that most people don’t know?” She asked before taking a bite. “A little known fact...okay, here’s one. Almost all of the sounds you hear in a movie aren’t recorded during filming. Dialogue is recorded during shooting, but everything else is typically added during post production.” Fareeha scooped some of the capun into her mouth and waited until she had finished chewing and swallowing it before continuing. “Sound designers do effects like monster roars or gunshots, but ambient sounds are done by foley artists.” “Ambient sounds?” asked Angela with a raised eyebrow. “Footsteps are the most common one. A lot of takes are shot on green screens, but the scene itself could be on a mountain or a beach or even just walking down some sidewalk in a city. All of those sound different so the foley artist has to do different things for each locations.” Fareeha explained. Angela frowned down at her plate for a moment. “So the foley artist... watches the actors walking around and tries to make their footstep sounds for them?” “Not quite. After filming is done they send the video to the foley artist so they work on it. For footsteps the artist uses what's called a foley pit. It's basically a square of different materials. Tile, gravel, concrete, grass, hay, whatever they need for a particular scene. The hard part is timing though. Everyone has a different stride and they have to time the sounds they make to each actor's footsteps.” “Huh. I never knew that was a thing.” Angela admitted. “I guess things like that are the reason movies cost so much to make. I have a question though. Have you ever considered getting involved with making movies? I don't know what you'd want to do, but you know an awful lot about the business and everything.” Fareeha just slowly shook her head and took a drink of water. “No. Don't get me wrong, I love movies, but getting involved with production? I'll pass. The industry is incredibly competitive in pretty much every aspect. There's an old joke that kinda sums it up. Two people are talking at a party and one of them says that he's an actor and the other person asks what restaurant he works at. So there's that and if I was working in the industry then it'd be a job and I'd rather keep it as a hobby I can do for fun.” “I can understand that.” The doctor said as she nervously rotated her fork between her fingers. “But if that's your approach to things then how did you become a dominatrix if you don't mind me asking? Watching porn is how I came across it. Is that how you discovered bondage as well?” A dry chuckle came from the dominatrix and she bemusedly shook her head at the memories the doctor's question had dredged up. “Ironically enough it came from a movie. It wasn't long after I had gotten my first period. I was at the theater, I don't even remember the name of the movie anymore, but there was a scene in it that I've never forgotten. It wasn't sexual, at least it wasn't supposed to be. The main character had just gotten captured by the people he was fighting and they had tied him to a chair and taped his mouth shut. When I saw him restrained like that I was so turned on that I had to leave the theater and hide in the bathroom until my cheeks weren't so red. I was still just a teenager so I couldn't exactly act on what that had awakened in me. I did learn how to cover my tracks on a computer so my mother never knew I was watching bondage porn during those years. It wasn't until my early twenties that I started going to clubs. One thing led to another and I ended up doing it for a living which is where you found me.” Fareeha closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them there was a markedly hungering look in her eyes, one that made Angela suddenly shiver knowing she was the cause. “So if our relationship has changed then I think the way we handle bondage could use an update as well. Stand up.” Angela hesitantly rose from her chair, smoothing out her skirt as she did so, not quite sure what was about to happen. Fareeha stood as well, but she was kneeling in front of the doctor within seconds. “Lift up your skirt.” Angela's hands reached down at once to grab bunches of the fabric in both hands and she pulled upwards until the gray briefs she was wearing were visible. Fareeha ran her tongue along her upper lip and she was grabbing the garment in her hands and pulling it down to the doctor's ankles. An olive hand lifted one foot then the other off the ground and the briefs disappeared into one of Fareeha's back pockets. “I'm making a rule for you. From now on you aren't allowed to wear underwear unless I say you can. You can still wear bras, but nothing down here. How does that sound?” Neither of them had said green, the word that they had used to start all of their previous sessions and Fareeha had slipped into her domme voice, but Angela found she didn't mind in this case. She was even still holding her skirt up and her nether regions were exposed as a result. “Yes mistress.” Fareeha slowly leaned forward, her lips drawing ever close towards Angela's groin. The doctor closed her eyes, anticipating, welcoming what came next. At the last second Fareeha turned her head to the side and gently pressed her lips to one thigh. “All right then. Remember, I will be checking and I'll have to teach you a lesson if you disobey me.” Fareeha rose back to her feet and the predatory look was suddenly gone. “Well then. I don't know about you but I'm still hungry so I won't be talking much until I fix that.” A soft smile crossed Angela's lips as she let the skirt fall back down to cover her now bare pelvis. “I know what you mean.” She sat back down at the table and picked up her fork. At least she could satiate one of her appetites tonight. The other would have to wait until tomorrow or the day after that.
Chapter 6 - Questions
Her worn tennis shoes drummed against the paved surface of the sidewalk as Angela rushed towards a circular stone building whose domed roof was supported by stone pillars. She pushed one of its wooden doors opens and hurried inside. Moments later she was skidding into a classroom full of other people, many of whom looked up at her undignified entrance. Angela slung her backpack off of her shoulder and took a seat in the front row. By the time she finished getting a mechanical pencil out there was a tall stack of tests sitting on her desk. She took one off the top and handed the rest to the person sitting directly to her right then took a look at the question at the top of the first page.   'What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?'   Angela frowned at the paper and squeezed her eyes shut then opened them again. Despite her attempt the question on the paper remained exactly the same. She skipped past it to the questions below it.   'What do the Knights of Ni want? Explain the differences between monarchies and anarcho-syndicalist communes. How high you have to count in order to throw the Holy Hand Grenade?'   Angela's forehead furrowed as she stared at the test. This was supposed to be the final exam for her biostatistics class but none of these questions had anything to do with survival analysis's or probability theory. She tilted her head back as if looking at the ceiling, but really she was looking to her side to gauge the other student's reactions. All of them were bent over their papers and writing things down as they answered the questions as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The fire alarm fixed on the wall of the classroom began to beep as it warned them of danger. Angela set her pencil down and started to stand but everyone else remained where they were as if the sound were of no consequence.   Her eyes opened and Angela found herself staring at a half open doorway. The beeping that had woken her was coming from somewhere down below. She blew a stray lock of hair off of her face and pushed herself back up to her feet. By the time she made it downstairs Fareeha was dumping the contents of a pot into a colander sitting in the sink. Plumes of steam rose up in front of her face until the pot was empty and she was setting it back onto the stove. As she watched Fareeha picked up the colander and shook it from side to side to get those last few drops out before emptying the colander into a bowl waiting next to the sink. “What are you making, Fareeha?” Angela asked.   Fareeha turned to look back at Angela and lifted an eyebrow. “Didn't feel like getting dressed or did you forget you were naked?”   Angela glanced down at herself for a moment. She had forgotten, but getting dressed meant walking back all the way upstairs. She shrugged and put a hand on a hip. “Don't tell me you're complaining. What are you making?” She asked again.   “Ful medames. It's fava beans with some stuff added in. Here, come give me a hand.”   The doctor moved up to the counter and took a look at the ingredients Fareeha has assembled. Crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and a small measuring cup of a dark yellow grounds. “What kind of spice is this, Fareeha?”   “It's cumin. Just add it to the beans along with everything else and mix it all up.” Fareeha explained as she stepped out of the way. Angela walked forward and picked up the bottle of olive oil to pour over the beans first. A moment later and she was grabbing the large wooden salad fork and using it to stir the bowl's contents together. “Anything else, Fareeha?” The other woman shook her head and Angela picked the bowl up before hesitating. “Wait, I don't see any plates or silverware. Do you want me to get those out?”   “I already got some plates out but we don't need silverware, Angela.” Fareeha pointed towards the table in the dining room. Another bowl filled to the brim with small rectangles of flatbread sat in the middle of the table and a pair of plates flanked it on either side. “You use the pita bread to scoop beans out instead of using spoons.” Angela set the bowl of beans down next to the bowl of bread and moved to the other side of the table and sat down so she was facing towards Fareeha. The other woman pulled out a chair and she took a seat. “It's not much, but you've done all of the cooking so far, Angela and I thought I'd take a turn for once.” Fareeha grabbed a piece of bread from the bowl and dipped it into the beans before continuing in a smaller voice. “And.. I hope you're not mad about everything that happened today.”   Angela slowly shook her head as she grabbed several pieces of bread and put them on her plate. “I'm not mad really. Still a bit horny, but not mad. I suppose it was inevitable one of our sessions wouldn't go well, but not all of them can be perfect can they? Making mistakes isn't bad either, it's how you learn after all and I'm sure our next session will be better because of it.” Angela smiled softly at Fareeha as she started to scoop out some of the beans.   Fareeha took a moment to finish chewing her food and swallow before responding. “How are you always so optimistic, Angela? Is is something you learn as part of becoming a doctor?”   The corners of Angela's lips began to droop as her smile waned until only there wasn't any trace of it remaining. “You could say that. After I graduated from medical school I started working as a surgeon trainee in the emergency room. Most doctors and nurses have something of a rude awakening when they actually start practicing medicine. It's one thing to study medicine, but it's quite another to actually start doing it in the real world. I was ready for that, mostly. I knew I wouldn't be able to save everyone and that eventually someone would die no matter what I did. My first death was still really rough on me, but that's not the most shocking thing. The thing no one tells you is how many people don't actually need your help when they come to the emergency room. That's what really gets to most of my colleagues and why they get so jaded. I didn't want to end up like that so I learned how to stay positive no matter what I was dealing with.”   Angela shook her head abruptly. “Sorry, I don't mean to be depressing. I had a dream just now.” The doctor said as she changed the conversation. “I was back at school and I was almost late for a test that I was taking. But all of the questions were from that movie we watched before Inception. Monty something... and the Holy Grail.”   “Monty Python.”   “Right.” Angela replied as she looked down at the table, chin resting on one hand. “I'm still trying to figure out what you meant when you said there was a hidden message at the end of the movie. I've been thinking about it and I can't come up with anything. Arthur and his army are trying to storm the castle but then the police show up and arrest him. After that the movie just stops.”   Fareeha gave herself enough time to eat another serving before rubbing her hands together. “The ending's a cop out. Literally.”   Angela slowly raised her eyes from the table to look up at Fareeha, a blank look on her face. After a moment she groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger. “Oh my god.” Fareeha leaned back in her chair and started to laugh at the sheer disgust in the doctor's voice. Angela began to shake her head from side to side and the laughter grew louder. “Just how long have you been waiting to spring that on someone, Fareeha?”   “It's been a while now.” Fareeha admitted, between further chuckles. “I saw the movie a few years ago and the person who recommended it used that same pun on me after I had watched it. I'm just paying it forward.”   Angela pursed her lips and let out a huff as she got herself some more beans. “I'm going to get you back for this you know.”   Fareeha leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table as she put her chin on her hands. “Mmmm... I'm looking forward to it. Do your worst.”   “Well once I think of something anyways.” Angela quietly whispered to herself. The only question was when. Certainly not today, but possibly tomorrow.
Chapter 2 - Outing
Fareeha grabbed the metal lever in front of her and turned it to one side. The hot water spraying out of the shower-head trailed off and she pushed the curtain open enough to grab hold of the thick cotton towel waiting for her. She rubbed herself down for a few seconds before wrapping it around her body and stepping out of the shower. She had showered that morning and hadn't done anything that would make her need another since, so this was a bit of a waste under ordinary circumstances. However, this particular situation was anything but. Fareeha rubbed her hand on the mirror, cleared out a circular patch and leaned forward to get a better look at her face. There weren't any zits or hairs that needed plucking, but there was a little bit of soap still clinging to one cheek. She wiped it away and headed out of the shower to her own room. Fareeha slid the closet door to one side and let out a sigh as she stared at its contents. Some of the clothes were dangling from hangers while others were neatly folded and stacked onto a shelf up above. There was no shortage of options to pick from since she had brought enough clothes to last her a full month, but that wasn't the problem. When she had been packing for this affair, her focus had been strictly utilitarian. Fareeha might have been going further than she had for any of her other clients, but this was still a professional arrangement and one she was being paid for, no less. All of her clothes had been chosen for her ability to work in them, not for how they looked. Jeans, shorts, tee shirts, a couple of sweaters since it was winter, and some more specialized fetish-wear just in case. No dresses or skirts or anything that looked remotely fashionable. She muttered wordlessly to herself and grabbed the least faded pair of blue jeans from the closet and a black sweater to go with it. Angela had said to leave in fifteen minutes, but Fareeha was waiting in the living room another five minutes once those were up. “Sorry I took so long.” Fareeha looked up at the sound of Angela's voice and she had to make a conscious effort to keep her jaw from dropping. The doctor hadn't just taken a quick shower to clean up, she had done much more than that. Her hair had clearly just been washed, dried, brushed and was now dangling nearly to her shoulder blades. A white shirt with a dipping neckline sat loosely on her shoulders and a pale blue skirt with stripes of a darker blue hung down to the middle of her ankles. The doctor had even taken the time to do something she hadn't bothered with since getting here. Makeup. Foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick with gloss on top of it. Angela had put all of it on while Fareeha had only thought to bring a small tube of chapstick with her when coming here. It wasn't that obvious an effect and Fareeha probably wouldn't even have noticed under different circumstances. They had been in close proximity to each other for the past week and she had gotten used to the doctor sans makeup. Now that it had been applied, the doctor's blue eyes seemed sharper, her smile brighter and her skin actually looked softer than before. “You look really nice, Angela.” Fareeha said, feeling more than a little brutish in comparison as she stood up from the couch. Jeans and a sweater against all that. “Thanks. Shall we?” Angela asked. The doctor's silver Aston Martin was waiting for them, tinted windows and all, in the garage. Fareeha opened the near side door and got in while Angela made her way around the vehicle before joining her. Once Angela had punched in their destination, Fareeha looked over. “How did you do all of that so fast? It can take hours just for my hair to dry.” “Lots of practice.” Angela said with a faint smile. “Once word began to spread about the nano-bots, a lot of TV shows and websites wanted to interview me. I was still working at the hospital and I didn't have a lot of free time to make myself look presentable so I ended up getting pretty good at putting makeup on in a hurry.” “Well, you look nice, Angela.” The doctor may have put makeup on her face for this date, but her blush was still visible through it. She didn't reply however, instead opting to look out her window at the dark fields rolling past them. After a few minutes, the car slowed and turned onto a road leading them to one of the towns in the nearby area. Geneva wasn't anywhere close to being a large city by international standards, but compared to this place it might as well be Tokyo or Shanghai. It only took them a minute more to arrive at their destination after passing within city limits. White windows with red shutters looked out from a chocolate colored building made of logs that bore snow atop its peaked roof. A few trucks and beat up looking cars made during a previous decade were already parked out front so Angela's luxury sports car positioned itself near the edge of the parking lot. As she got out of the car, Fareeha found herself thankful that she had put a sweater on. It wasn't enough to completely ward off the cold, but it took a bit of the bite off at least. Angela, on the other hand, was rubbing her bare arms as soon as she closed her door and was quickly hurrying towards the front entrance. The inside of the logs hadn't been painted like the outside had been. Instead, their natural patterns of yellowish grains and swirls lent themselves to a more rustic vibe than Fareeha was accustomed to. Globe shaped lamps hung from the ceiling above square wooden tables and a row of booths that lined one wall. Directly in front of the door was a sign, but the words on it were past Fareeha's grasp of foreign languages. Angela, on the other hand, had no trouble reading what it said. “Come on, we're supposed to seat ourselves.” The doctor stated. She headed deeper into the restaurant towards a booth in the far corner, but not without drawing the attention of the waiter. By the time Fareeha had sat herself on the other side of the booth from Angela, a man was there with a pair of menus in hand. Fareeha knew a little bit of German from the years she had spent in Geneva, but the ensuing conversation between him and Angela was too quick for her to follow whatsoever. “I asked him to bring us some water. Is that alright with you, Fareeha?” “That's fine.” Fareeha said as she frowned at the menu the man had given her before heading off, flipping it over to look at the back. Just like the sign, it was almost totally incomprehensible. There were a couple of words that she recognized, but aside from those the only things she understood were the prices. She looked up at Angela. “I can't read this... little help?” “Huh? Oh right, it's all in German. Hang on.” Angela got up from her side of the booth and moved to join Fareeha's side of the table. “Scoot over, please.” Fareeha pushed herself closer to the wall and Angela sat down, trapping Fareeha in place. As the doctor set her menu down and leaned in, Fareeha noticed there was a gentle scent in the air now that Angela was so close. Sandalwood perfume. For a fleeting moment, she felt the urge to lean in herself to get a better whiff, but Angela's next words stopped that unrefined impulse. “Is there something you're in the mood for, Fareeha? If I know what you want to eat then I could find something similar for you.” Fareeha stared at the small black letters printed on the menu for a moment. If she was back in Geneva then there would have been multiple offerings meant to take advantage of the large number of expats living there. As it was, she had no idea what she actually felt like eating and asking Angela to read the menu off to her was out of the question. “How about you decide what you want and I'll get the same thing.” Fareeha said as she slid her menu towards the end of the table. As if on cue their waiter appeared with two glasses of water, each with a straw in it, in hand. He set them down and said something to which Angela replied. A minute later and he was sweeping the menus off the table and heading off towards the kitchen. “So... what did we order?” Fareeha asked. “I got us a couple of things.” Angela started tapping her fingers as she rattled off the dishes she had ordered as well as their ingredients. “Kalberwurst is a sausage made with veal, pork, and milk. Some people grind up crackers, but not this place. There's some spices in it too, but I'm not sure what they are. Then we have some capuns. They leave beef out to dry then put it in spatzle, those are egg noodles, before wrapping it in chard leaves and pouring gravy on it then grating cheese on top of that. For dessert, I ordered a bundner nusstorte. That's a pastry filled with cream, walnuts, some sugar, and a bit of honey.” Fareeha started to open her mouth then stopped. Angela likely hadn't meant to do it, but she had gone through their upcoming meal so methodically that Fareeha couldn't think of anything to say in response. Seconds of silence turned into a minute and then another as they just sat there without speaking. From time to time one of them would give the other a sidelong glance only to look away just on the verge of them actually making eye contact. The first time Fareeha had seen Angela Ziegler's face had been one of those interviews mentioned earlier. Those nano-bots of hers had just concluded human trials in Switzerland and the Swiss doctor's achievement, and portrait, had been plastered over the front page of a hundred different websites from just as many countries. The second time had been after the media furor had died down. Angela, by her own admission, had grown frustrated over the way people had started to treat her and that frustration had pushed herself to make a leap that had ended with her declaring herself a slut while handcuffed. Their third meeting had led the two of them to the eastern regions of Switzerland where the past week, including the kiss from yesterday, had transpired. A kiss that had said that her feelings towards Angela weren't platonic anymore. It wasn't until this moment, however, that Fareeha realized just how little the two of them actually knew about each other. Angela drummed her fingers on the table and fidgeted before breaking the silence. “This is awkward, isn't it?” Fareeha let out a dry chuckle and shook her head a little. “Yeah it is. I suppose that's what happens when you start a relationship completely backwards. People usually go on dates before getting to where ours began. I'll admit I'm pretty rusty when it comes to dating for what it's worth.” The doctor picked up her glass and took a drink before responding. “You and me both. I haven't been on a good date since I graduated from university.” Fareeha frowned as she rubbed at her chin. “Didn't you say something about people chasing you during our first meeting? None of those were any good?” “Nope, not a one.” Angela grimaced at the memory, but didn't let it stop her. “After all the media attention, I started having to deal with a bunch of gold diggers or people who saw sleeping with me as some sort of trophy. Assholes. Before that I was working four tens in the emergency room, longer if there was a transplant scheduled. Don't get me wrong. the work is rewarding but it's draining. Emotionally. Strokes, cardiac arrests, burns, gunshots, stabbings. When you spend all day dealing with that, you just want to go home and decompress, not deal with all the hassles of trying to find a date.” Angela shook her head and forced something of a smile onto her face. “Ah, I'm sorry. This is our first date and all and here I am whining about the past.” “No, no it's fine.” Fareeha quickly said, hoping to reassure the other woman. “I've had the same problem myself. I'm not going to try and say what I did was as stressful as working in the emergency room but it could be pretty draining at times.” “Well you mostly worked with men so I would expect it to be draining.” Angela said with an impish twinkle in her eye. Fareeha had just taken a sip, but the water hadn't yet begun to make its way down her throat and she had to clamp her lips together while clapping a hand over her mouth to avoid spraying water all over the table. She swallowed and grimaced. “Oh my god, I didn't mean like that.” “I know, you just set it up so well that I couldn't resist. Was it just your job that gave you problems or were there other factors?” Fareeha put her hands on the table and stood up just enough so she could see the other booths and tables in the restaurant. There weren't many people here and they were sitting on the far side of the room, but even so she still lowered her voice to be on the safe side as she sat back down. “Dating sucks in general, but when you add in my... interests it gets a lotharder. Plus it's my job so when a date asks me what I do for a living… lying about it doesn’t work and the truth pretty much always scared people off. A few were afraid of diseases, but a couple of people gave it a try but decided it wasn’t for them and broke things off.” Angela's face slowly dropped as Fareeha's words sank in. “I hadn't thought of that. You're right, that does make things harder. Look on the bright side though. We've found each other so that's something.” Fareeha raised an eyebrow and Angela hastily started trying to explain herself. “I know we haven't known each other very long, but there's something here. I don't even know where this will go but I want to find out.” “Are you sure about that? Is that ‘something’ actually feelings for me or is it what I’m doing for you, Angela? Our shared interest has a way of playing with people’s emotions. If you’re actually serious about this then I’m not going to say no, but I want to be sure this is real first.” Angela slowly stirred the water in her glass with the straw before responding. “I won’t lie. What you’ve done so far for me has been amazing and without it I never would have met you. As for my feelings, those are real. I’m not going to say that I’m in love with you, but I do like you and I want to give us a chance.” Just as Fareeha started to reply, the waiter returned with a tray in his hands and the food they had ordered. He set the tray down on the end of the table and began unloading the dishes in front of them before leaving. After he had left,  Fareeha looked down at her food much too intently. “All right then.” “Okay.” Angela replied, an amused look on her face. She started to pick up a fork then set it down and turned towards Fareeha. “Do you want to get out of here?” “What? We just got our food and now you want to leave?” Fareeha asked, flabbergasted by the suggestion. “Yeah. We can talk about anything we want at home.” Angela reached down to her side and slid her fingers beneath a seam that Fareeha hadn’t noticed until now. When her hand came out, an electronic fob was in it. “I’ll go ask the waiter to box everything up and settle the bill. Do you mind getting the car started and turning on the heat?” Fareeha waited until Angela began making a beeline towards the waiter at the far end of the room before reluctantly trudging outside. It was already too cold for her and a light pattering of snow was falling from the gray sky above. She pressed the fob’s button and the doors clunked as they unlocked themselves. Fareeha opened the door furthest from the restaurant and closed it behind her. She leaned forward and started tapping on the dashboard console. It took her a bit to navigate through the unfamiliar menus, but before long the vents were beginning to blow hot air into the vehicle’s cold interior. After a couple of minutes Angela emerged from the restaurant with styrofoam containers wrapped in a plastic bag. The snow had now thickened into a flurry of white and the doctor was hurrying as quickly as she safely could across the parking lot. By the time the doctor made it to the car, her hair was whiter than it was blonde. Angela opened the door and hurriedly climbed in then set the food down in the rear seats before shutting her door. “Brrr, I should have brought a jacket.” Angela looked over at the other car’s occupant for a moment and then she was climbing out of her seat and over onto Fareeha’s lap. Fareeha opened her mouth to speak, but Angela stopped her with a single finger. Angela curled her legs to the side and she leaned against Fareeha’s shoulder while putting one hand on a bronze cheek and turning it to the side. A pair of lips that seemed too gentle to be real pressed themselves against Fareeha’s mouth. All she could smell was sandalwood, the only thing she could see was hair covered in melting snow, soft parts were pressing into her body, and Fareeha couldn’t tell if it was the vents or if it something else that was warming her body. One of her hands found its way onto a curved hip while the other entangled itself in those golden locks as the kiss led into a second and then a third. Fareeha’s lower hand moved to the hem of Angela’s skirt and beneath it to the bare flesh it concealed. And just like that Angela was pulling away. A soft groan, Fareeha didn’t know which of them had made it, hung in the car’s interior for a moment. Angela’s face was red again, but her voice was only a little shaky as she spoke. “You seem to be fond of kisses so there’s one of mine to make sure you know I’m serious about giving us a chance.” As the doctor made her way back to her seat, Fareeha just stared at the tinted windshield and the snow piling up on it. It was just as well that she didn’t know what to say, because if she had tried the only thing coming out would have been pure gibberish. Angela pressed on her dashboard’s console and the car backed up before heading towards the road and back to the doctor’s house.
Chapter 5 - Experiment
They may have been holding hands when leaving Fareeha's room, but it only lasted a few short meters. As soon as they reached the door to the master bedroom Angela pulled her fingers free to open the door since her other hand was occupied with holding her clothing. The doctor headed inside and immediately made a beeline through her room. It wasn't until she had gotten into her bathroom that she realized she wasn't alone. Angela turned towards the woman plodding along behind her and raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing, Fareeha?”   Fareeha came to an abrupt halt and looked down at the ground as she rubbed one of her arms. “I'm keeping an eye on you. I screwed up our session, but I don't plan on messing up the aftercare as well. You're stuck with me until I'm sure that you're okay.”   “Is that so...” Angela's eyes flicked to one side as her voice trailed off.   Fareeha slowly turned her head to follow the direction of Angela's gaze only to find the doctor was looking at the tub. Her cheeks began to heat up as she recalled the last time she had been in this room. Angela had been wearing nothing but blue ropes as she sat in that tub, Fareeha opposite her on the tub's other side. The doctor's white skin was flushing red, her lips parted as her fingers teased her folds until one of them pushed inside until only its third knuckle was visible.   “If I'm stuck with you then maybe we should pick up where we left off from last time.” Angela said, her lips spreading into an impish grin.   “Well we do have to clean that writing off so maybe it's time for your sponge bath.” Fareeha retorted as she folded her arms. “I'm not a nurse but I'm pretty sure I can figure something out Doctor Ziegler.”   “All right, all right,” Angela said while holding her hands up in surrender “I'll just go take a shower then.” She dropped her head to look down at her stomach. “This will come off right? You didn't use permanent marker did you?”   “No, the markers I use are made for writing on skin. The website I buy from advertises them for sports and stuff but they work just as well for bondage. You can clean it off with soap and water.” Fareeha explained as she took a seat on the edge of the ledge surrounding the tub.   Angela nodded and flicked a switch near the bathroom door to turn on the bathroom's exhaust fan. She set her clothes down by the sink before heading to the shower. The doctor paused before stepping inside and looked over at Fareeha. “You could join me if you want.” Angela hopefully offered but Fareeha merely shook her head.   A few minutes later and Angela was stepping out of the shower. The ink was gone but Fareeha could see narrow streaks of a slightly reddish hue marring the doctor's bottom. Angela grabbed a fluffy white cotton towel and began drying herself off. Once she had finished she wrapped the towel around herself then walked over to sit down on Fareeha's lap without so much as a wince. Fareeha looked down at their legs before returning her gaze to the doctor's face. “Does sitting hurt at all, Angela? I wasn't trying to hit you very hard but we haven't done canes before so I want to be sure I didn't use too much force.”   The blonde woman just shook her head as she leaned into Fareeha. “I'm a little sore, but it's not bad at all. The cane did sting, but in a good way. I might bruise a little, but nothing more than that and I'm willing to let you use canes on me again. I have a question though. How did you know I was bothered by being written on?”   Fareeha shrugged her shoulders as one hand idly began to run up and down the doctor's back. “Educated guess I suppose. What we did today was similar to our first session where we met. We did impact play that time but I used a belt instead of a cane. There was some humiliation too since I was telling you that you were a slut and I made you call yourself a slut as well but that was all verbal. You're a really brilliant woman so maybe the fact that I wrote it down this time was what bothered you. I am just guessing though and I don't want to tell you how you feel.”   Angela was silent for a moment before she brushed her lips against the crown of Fareeha's head and stood up. “I appreciate that but I think you might be right. Come on, we're not done with aftercare just yet.”   The doctor grabbed Fareeha's hand and pulled her up to her feet, much to the other woman's surprise. “Okay. Do you want me to go get some of my chocolate bars then?”   “Nope. I want to try something else for recovering instead. Follow me.” Without waiting for an answer Angela was on the move, heading back into her bedroom and towards the master closet. She pulled the closet doors open and reached up to the top shelf to pull out a pair of cylinders, one green and one blue. Angela tucked them under one arm and turned to look at Fareeha. “How flexible are those jeans?” The doctor asked.   Fareeha glanced down at the piece of clothing in question then back up at Angela with a shrug. “They’re okay I guess. Why?”   Angela set both of the cylinders down on the ground and unrolled the green one. The mat was over two meters in length and perhaps two thirds of a meter wide. Angela did the same with the other before turning back to her closet. “Well if we're going to do yoga then you need something more flexible than a pair of jeans. They're good for every day stuff but jean crotches are usually too restricting for yoga.”   “Yoga?” Fareeha asked in disbelief.   “Yep. It's something I started doing to deal with getting stressed out at the hospital. Have you ever tried it, Fareeha?” Fareeha shook her head and Angela turned back towards her closet to pull out a pair of black leggings then tossed them to Fareeha. “Here we go. Try these on.”   Fareeha caught the garment and stared at it wordlessly. Yoga. There were some practitioners who advocated yoga as a way of increasing flexibility for bondage sessions, but she had never tried it, let alone as a form of aftercare. If it had solely been her decision then she would have stuck to the methods that had been effective for her in the past, but it wasn't just her decision. Angela might be her bottom, but she had an equal say in how they handled their sessions. The more pressing concern was how these pants would fit her. Fareeha turned and disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Angela lifted an eyebrow and shook her head in amusement at the dominatrix's sudden bashfulness. Several seconds later and Fareeha returned to the bedroom.   As her mistress approached the yoga mats Angela whistled softly at the sight. They fit Angela just fine, but they way they snugly clung to Fareeha's wider hips seemed almost provocative, not that the doctor was going to complain. Fareeha stopped moving next to one of the mats and looked down at it dubiously. “I don't know any poses or whatever they're called.”   Angela simply smiled as she begin to unwind the towel around her and casually tossed it aside, seemingly oblivious to the fact she was now naked. “That's fine. Just watch me and try to do what I'm doing. I'll correct you if I see something wrong.”   Fareeha rubbed at the back of her neck as she kept an eye on the doctor while trying to figure out if she had been set up. Angela had made a joke about picking up where they had left off earlier and now the doctor was telling Fareeha to watch her do a yoga pose. While wearing her birthday suit no less.   Angela stepped onto the green mat as she reached up into the air and pressed her palms against each other while keeping her back straight and feet together. Her chest rose and fell as she deeply inhaled and exhaled several before turning her head towards Fareeha. “So this is Mountain. Give it a try.” Angela urged.   Fareeha held back a grimace as she stepped one sock covered foot then the other onto the remaining mat. She lifted her arms like Angela had, feeling more than a little foolish in the process and stood there with her arms in the air. There was a bit of pressure on her shoulders, but nothing she would have considered a form of stretching.   “Sorry I didn't explain what you're supposed to do next. I guess it's just second nature to me by now. Press down with your legs, squeeze your abs and pull your shoulders down while keeping your hands up if you can then hold it for five breaths or so.” Angela said.   Fareeha tensed her muscles like Angela had said and took a few breaths before shaking her head. “I don't feel any different. That didn't seem to do much for me.”   “That's all right, Fareeha. Even basic yoga poses can be a bit tricky when you're doing them for the first time. Let's do a different one.” Angela brought her hands up to just in front of her chest and pushed them together while raising one leg off the ground and pressing one foot into her other leg's thigh. “This is Tree. It looks easy, but keeping your balance can take some practice.”   She hesitantly raised one foot and moved to put it against her other leg but then her sole remaining pillar of support wobbled and Fareeha was stumbling off to the side. Angela stepped off the mat and into Fareeha's path to keep her from falling any further with an outstretched hand. “Okay, maybe we'll try something where you don't have to worry about falling down, Fareeha.” Angela stepped back onto her mat and lowered herself down until she was resting her weight on her forearms and knees. Then she thrust her hips upwards and smoothly walked her hands forward until she resembled a triangle with her bare bottom at its peak.   A few long breathes later and it was Fareeha's turn again. Once she had raised her hips she felt a hand pressing down on her back. “Try to keep your back straight, Fareeha.” The hand moved away only to touch her again, but on the outside of her thigh this time. “Spread your legs a little further apart for me.” After moving her feet a few centimeters to the outside that hand moved once again, up to the curve of her bottom.   Her blood was already flowing down towards Fareeha's face, but even more made its way to her cheeks as those fingers lingered very near the center of her rear end, their intent unmistakable. Angela's other hand touched the small of her back and slowly began to make its way downward while drifting sideways at the same time. Just as it was making its way along her ribs Fareeha lowered herself to the ground and turned to her side so that she was looking up at the naked woman. “Angela...” She began before stopping momentarily.   “I like you, Angela, I do. You're brilliant, you're beautiful, and I've never met anyone as amazingly fantastic as you. I want this relationship of ours to work and I don't want to hurt your feelings by rejecting your advances over and over but I'm not ready to do anything vanilla with you. I know that sounds dumb coming considering what I do for a living plus the stuff we've already done, but it's true.”   Angela smiled softly and reached down to hold one of Fareeha's hands. “That's fine. I know I'm being forward and I'm not trying to put pressure on you. It's just our sessions have been incredible. I've never had anyone make me feel that much pleasure before.” Angela looked away for a moment as she continued to speak. “And it makes me feel a little guilty. You've done so much for me already and I feel like all I'm doing is taking and I want to repay you as best as I can.”   “You don't...” Fareeha began but Angela cut her off.   “Of course I do. You might be a professional, but you still deserve pleasure. Now with that said if you're not ready then I won't push the issue anymore. If you decide to change your mind then all you have to do is let me know and I'll do whatever you want me to.” She leaned down and brushed her lips against Fareeha's mouth. “Are you okay with just holding me right now? I can go put on some clothes if me being naked bothers you.”   Fareeha slowly shook her head and gently pulled Angela closer until the other woman's back was pressed into her torso. She nestled her chin onto Angela's shoulder and closed her eyes while resting her hands on the doctor's stomach. Neither of them moved for a long time after that, content to bask in each others warmth.
Chapter 8 - Gyrations
Fareeha's finger rose into the air then dropped back downwards as she tapped it against her arm, only to repeat itself again and again in harmony with a ticking sound. Her eyes remained fixed on the source of the noise, a round object hanging on the wall of her bedroom much like they had been for the last ten minutes. A slender metal rod moved from one black dash to the next as it revolved around in a full circle. Tick tick tick. In her years of working as a dominatrix Fareeha had serviced dozens or possibly hundreds of clients, both men and women, though the majority of said clients had been men. During those years she had become proficient in using a myriad of tools in the course of her work. Ropes, strap-ons, whips, candles, paddles, and many others. There were plenty of tools that she hadn't used and kinks she hadn't participated in, but she was more than familiar with all the common ones. And yet for all of her experience here she was nervously counting down the seconds to the time she and Angela had agreed upon. The reason why she was nervous was obvious to Fareeha, not that knowing made this wait any easier to bear. All of those clients in the past had been just that. The people who had booked her would walk into her 'office' as strangers, the session would happen and afterwards they would leave once in the right state of mind. Over time she had developed a small pool of regulars but even those few individuals weren't anything more than clients whose faces she recognized and whose kinks she actually remembered. She had never actually cared about any of her clients outside the confines of her work. Until a certain doctor had walked through the door and into her life. This wasn't the first session the two of them had done together. It wasn't even their first session since she had admitted her feelings for Angela but the last one had been a spur of the moment thing and had gone poorly. This time would be different. Fareeha had already gone over Angela's list of kinks and made several different plans for the doctor to pick between when the time came. But for now the only thing to do was try and not to fidget as she waited. Tick tick tick. Fareeha's tapping came to a halt as her arms jerked as a knock intruded into the almost silent room. There was no need to ask who it was and she stood up to open the door. Angela stood on the other side, her blonde hair spilling down onto her white bathrobe. The doctor gave a warm smile that added even more butterflies to the ones already present. “So, are you ready, Fareeha?” “I think so.” Fareeha began as she held her computer pad up for Angela to peruse. “How do you want to do this?” Angela rubbed at the back of her neck with one hand. “Well, I've been thinking about that. I know you said the way we handle bondage was going to change and maybe it will, but I don't think we need to rush things. The way you handled our sessions last week was great. You explained everything to me before we began and there wasn't a single time I was actually nervous or scared about what we were going to do. I think we should keep doing it like that and let things progress naturally as we get to know each other better.” Fareeha blinked several times before brandishing the pad again. “All right, well I had a few ideas for this session but it's your decision. Which one looks good to you?” Angela leaned forward to look at the pad before pointing with one finger. “Tickling. We haven't done that yet. Anything I need to do for that one?” “There is actually. You should go use the bathroom right now.” Fareeha said as she stepped into the hallway. “I don't want to imply you can't control your bladder but I also don't want to risk getting peed on.” Fareeha planted a quick kiss onto Angela's cheek. “I'll meet you in the bunker okay?” By the time Angela made it down to the bunker Fareeha had already gotten the equipment and toys she needed for this session and laid them out in a row. She waved Angela over and waited until the doctor had knelt on the mattress before pointing at the first item, a pair. “So here are the restraints. This strap here goes under the mattress and hooks onto these cuffs which go on your wrists. I thought about putting them on your ankles too, but you'll be able to squirm around more without them. Instead I'm going to use this to tie your ankles together.” Fareeha gestured towards a small coil of blue rope before moving on down the row. The first item was a feather around fifteen centimeters with a stiff bright red vane and the pointed end of its quill had been sanded down so that the tip was smooth to the touch. “I don't think I need to explain a feather to you but I'm not sure if you're familiar with this next toy or not.” “That's a Wartenberg wheel.” Angela said, recognizing the device immediately. The tool was made entirely of stainless steel but its handle had been wrapped in a narrow black tape. At the end of the device a wheel with pointed spikes lining the whole length of its perimeter spun freely as Fareeha picked it up and brushed her finger against it. “You recognize it?” Fareeha asked, taken by surprise at how quickly Angela had responded. “I didn't think these were still used in medicine anymore.” “They're not, but I studied medical history in university and I remember reading about these. They were invented to test nerve sensitivity in patients. I've never used one though. Should be interesting to see how it feels when you use it on me.” She glanced about briefly before looking back to Fareeha. “Is that all? I figured there would be more toys for tickling than that.” Fareeha glanced at the two toys she had pulled out for this. “There are, but most of the toys used for tickling weren't made with that purpose in mind. Paintbrushes, tooth brushes, feather dusters are common.” She held her hands up and wiggled her fingers at Angela. “The main thing people use are these. So for this session I was thinking...” Her voice trailed off as she looked down at the toys on the mattress and she abruptly stood up. “Hang on.” Fareeha darted over to one of her boxes and reached inside to pull something out. A vibrator with a large bulbous head at the end of it. “Okay so I was thinking that we'll do this one in stages. I'll tie you up then start with my fingers then when you're ready you can ask me to switch to the feather. After that I'll switch to the wheel and when you're ready I'll use the vibrator to make you orgasm. Does that sound okay?” Angela reached down to her waist and undid the belt holding her bathrobe together revealing a distinct lack of any clothing beneath it. She pulled her arms out of the sleeves and shrugged the garment off before lying down in the middle of the mattress. “That sounds wonderful, Fareeha.” Fareeha grabbed the strap and moved to one end of the mattress, lifting one corner up and shoving part of the restraint underneath. She moved her way to the other side until the entire strap was in place then pulled one end and soon the other up to the mattress's top side. Fareeha took the cuffs and secured them onto Angela's wrists before fastening the strap's carabiners to a hook on the outside of both cuffs. “Okay, pull on these for me, Angela.” Fareeha requested. Angela forcibly tugged against one cuff then the other, but neither gave way to her yanks. Fareeha turned away to grab the blue rope and began to wind it around Angela's ankles. Once satisfied she hitched the ends together and looked back at the doctor. “Does that feel okay? It's not too tight is it?” “No, it feels fine.” Angela took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she looked up at her mistress. “Green.” “Let's see how many ribs you have.” Fareeha began drumming her fingers along both of Angela's sides as she started to count out loud. “One.. two... three...” The doctor pressed her mouth together, determined to not make any noise but she couldn't stop herself from twitching from side to side as Fareeha alternated which hand she was counting with. “...wait I lost count. I'll have to start over. One... two...” A soft snort forced its way out of the doctor's lips and the crack quickly widened as Angela began to giggle. Her hands tugged against the restraints and her bound ankles flailed from side to side as she tried to squirm away, but to no avail. Every time she moved Fareeha would reposition herself next to Angela and continue counting. “Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four. Wait does that sound right? You're the doctor. Do people really have twenty-four ribs?” “Yes.” Angela replied as Fareeha's fingers came to a halt, giving her some respite though she knew it wasn't going to last very long. “Are you sure?” Fareeha asked as she tapped her chin with a mock inquisitive look settling onto her features. “No, that doesn't sound right. I think I need to double check to make sure.” “No, no, no!” The doctor gleefully shrieked as she started trying to wriggle away again as Fareeha started counting from one. By the time Fareeha got back to twenty-four Angela found herself torn between thinking humans did have too many ribs while another part of her wished there were more. “Yellow.” She said as Fareeha's hands drifted back towards the bottom of her rib cage. “Okay, feather now. Please. Green.” Fareeha's fingers stopped at once and she got up to retrieve said item before returning to Angela. This time she wasn't content to sit at the doctor's side. Instead she swung a leg over Angela's stomach, trapping her between Fareeha's knees. The dominatrix swam one of her arms underneath Angela's knees and raised the doctor's legs up towards Fareeha's chest. She cupped Angela's thigh with one hand to keep those legs from being able to go anywhere before the feather began to move. This time it wasn't a snort or a giggle, but an outright laugh escaping Angela as the feather brushed against her toes. Her hands were free to pull at will against her cuffs, a fact she was readily taking advantage of, but Fareeha's grip on her legs felt unbreakable. Furthermore Fareeha's knees were pressing against her sides and somehow she was generating a surprising amount of pressure to ensure that Angela's bottom remained pinned to the mattress. The only other thing Angela could do was to endure. To laugh and enjoy the moment. The feather left her toes behind and dipped lower. Angela's hips bucked as the stiff barbs traced a line connecting the ball of her foot down along her sole to her heel. Unperturbed by the motion Fareeha drew an identical line on Angela's other foot before returning up to her feet. Another bout of laughs emerged from Angela as the very tip of the feather began worming its way into the crevice between her big and index toes. Fareeha slowly pushed the feather almost all the way through then slowly drew it back opposite the way it had gone in. Then she moved onto the next gap to do it again. By the time Fareeha had finished the pattern on her other foot Angela could feel something other than laughter present in her stomach. “Let's do the wheel now, mistress.” “As you wish.” Fareeha said before setting the feather down and picking the metal implement up. She rose up off of Angela's lap and moved so that she was kneeling at the doctor's side. “Let me know if it hurts, even if it's just a little, and try to stay still. I don't want to break your skin but if that happens then I have some band-aids and anti-septic ready.” Angela swallowed once but didn't move when the points of the wheel made contact with her skin. As the cold steel begin to leisurely roll across her she could see why Fareeha was being cautious. Each of the spikes easily felt sharp enough to draw blood if they were pushed too hard but there was barely any downward pressure from her mistress's practiced hand. Instead the wheel easily rolled along her skin as it made its way through the space between her breasts up towards her neck. It stopped at the hollow at the base of her throat before withdrawing. Fareeha lifted up one of Angela's feet and the wheel pressed into the ball of the foot with even less pressure than it had used on her torso. It slowly traced a circle along her sole before moving to the the outside of her leg. The spikes continued to spin as it climbed upwards along the edge of her thigh and back onto Angela's stomach. Fareeha's hand slowed but continued to move as she drew near one breast. She inhaled sharply and held it as the wheel ran along the side of her breast before climbing up to levy a gentle metal kiss to her nipple. Angela winced and the tool was gone before she even finished speaking one of her safe words. “Yellow.” Fareeha set the tool down and she leaned in closer as her eyes scoured Angela's chest for any red or a puncture wound that hadn't yet begun to bleed. “Are you all right, Angela? We can stop now if you want.” Angela shook her head and gave the Wartenberg wheel a pensive look. “I was alright until just then. Let's not use that on my nipples the next time we use it.” Her eyes left the tool behind as they found their way to Fareeha's face, a hungering look appearing on her face. “I want the vibrator now please. Green.” A tremor ran through Angela as the vibrator pressed into the gap between her thighs and an even stronger tremor shook her when Fareeha flipped the switch to turn it on. Fingers on her ribs, a feather on her feet, those fine spikes roaming over her skin had all combined to leave her nerves strangely heightened. The cuffs clinging to her wrists, the grain of the ropes on her ankles, the smooth sheet beneath her body, the toy vibrating against her most sensitive parts, the way Fareeha's eyes were watching her as the dominatrix concentrated on her task. On Angela. She murmured softly and Angela's eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered to the sensation. No more squirming or pulling. Just pleasure. The feather was just a tool. The Wartenberg wheel was just a tool as was the vibrator sending ripples into her. Her chest began to rise and fall as her breathing deepened and her fingers curled into a fist as the ripples continued. Angela's eyes opened and they found their way to Fareeha's face as she drew closer and closer. The tools themselves were inanimate objects and it was only in the hands of a person that they could accomplish anything. Fareeha's hands. Angela's gaze remained fixed as her muscles grew taut and a soft cry exited her lips as she fell over the edge to a place where bliss was waiting for. When the moment passed Angela found that her wrists had been freed and Fareeha was in the middle of undoing the knot she had tied earlier. Angela put a hand on Fareeha's cheek as she sat up and turned the other woman's face towards her. She leaned in and pressed her lips to Fareeha's. After a brief moment of surprise Fareeha started to return the kiss and then they were lying down, their arms around each other as it deepened. Angela reluctantly broke away after a long moment and she brushed her fingers through Fareeha's hair. “Thank you.” She whispered. Fareeha looked to the side where a paper bag was waiting next to a thick blanket. “Do you want some chocolate? Or maybe a blanket if you feel cold.” Angela shook her head before dropping it onto Fareeha's shoulder as she snuggled even closer to the other woman. “In a bit, right now I just want you to hold me.” Fareeha softly kissed the top of Angela's head and moved one of her hands to rest on Angela's hip. “As you wish. Do you have any thoughts about our session? Things you did or didn't like or suggestions on what I could do better.” “I do have a question.” Angela said as she wound a lock of Fareeha's hair around her finger. “When you were tickling my feet you were holding me down but it didn't feel like you were really doing anything. What was that?” “I once had a client who wanted me to wrestle him into submission. Wrestling's not exactly rare but he wanted me to actually be able to hold him down until he surrendered. I had to go take classes from sort of grappling instructor to learn how to do what he was asking for. It was a weird request but he paid for the classes and everything so I know a simple takedown and how to sit on someone so they can't get up.” Angela's brow furrowed as she took in that little tidbit. “Huh. Well it definitely worked on me. I didn't have any problems this session except when you used that wheel on my nipple. That was too much for me. Maybe if you had one that was duller then it'd be okay but not the one you have over there.” “Anything else other than that, Angela?” “Hmm... I suppose I could go for some chocolate now. Aside from that nothing comes to mind...” She raised her head up higher and pressed her lips against Fareeha's jawline. “Nothing aside from saying thank you again.”
Chapter 8 - Denial
Angela's eyes slowly fluttered open as the dream she had been immersed in vanished, replaced by the sight of a black television screen. She blinked once as she looked around the living room then down at herself. The last thing she remembered was seeing a woman forced to perform, and quite miserably at that, opera at venues across the country. The pillow beneath her head and the blanket covering her were new though. Her lips tugged upwards for a moment at what clearly must have been Fareeha tucking her in last night. She tossed the blanket aside and stood up, stretching her arms towards the ceiling as she headed for the kitchen.   By the time Fareeha appeared in the kitchen, a small kettle of tea was boiling on the stove and Angela was frying potatoes in a pan next to the tea. "Good morning! Do you mind shredding some cheese? There's a wheel of it in the fridge."   Fareeha pulled the door open and looked about until she found what she was looking for. "There's three wheels of cheese in here. Which one do you want?"   "Get the gruyere. It'll be good for this."   "Didn't you try making this for me before? Back in Geneva?" asked Fareeha as she peeked over Angela's shoulder at the shredded potatoes.   "I did, but you didn't eat it. You're not getting away from my rosti this time though." Angela set her spatula down and grabbed the kettle's handle as it started to whistle. "Excuse me." Once Fareeha had stepped back Angela set the kettle down onto a cloth pad before heading the pantry. "Can you please get some cups? There's some ceramic ones in the cupboard to the left of the sink."   Fareeha opened the cupboard, pulling out a pair of yellow mugs and set them down next to the kettle. Angela came scurrying back, a bag of dried leaves in her hand. Angela dropped the bag on the counter before pouring the water. "I forget to get mint from the store but I have some honey if you want it Fareeha."   "Wait is this... Koshary? How did you know I liked Koshary?"   "Don't you remember?" responded Angela. "The last time I visited you at work, you had me drink this and asked me what I thought. I said I wasn't a tea person but it tasted alright to me but I remembered that you enjoy it so I figured I'd bring some for you to drink while you're here."   "You actually remember what kind of tea I said I was drinking during a conversation we had almost two weeks ago? Do you have a photographic memory or something?"   "No, I'm a mnemonist." said Angela.   "A what?"   "A mnemonist. I use a technique called the method of loci to remember things."   It may not have been intentional but Fareeha couldn't help but be reminded once again just how much smarter than her the doctor was. She internally shrugged it off and took one of the cups and a few leaves. "Thank you Angela." She dropped the leaves in the mug and set it back down to steep. "So I'd like to talk to you about our session today. I went over the kinks you selected but I got to thinking that you should pick what we do today but I'm only giving you two options. Edging or forced orgasms?"   Angela frowned and she pulled on one of her earlobes. "Uhh... what? Edging and forced orgasms? What are you talking about?"   "You remember what kind of tea I drank two weeks ago but you don't remember this? It was when we were going over what kinks you wanted to do, you saw them on the list and asked me what they were. Do we need to have this conversation again?" Angela nodded and Fareeha shook her head, partially amused but a tad annoyed nonetheless.   "Okay, edging is just another way of saying orgasm denial. The idea is to stimulate the sub until they get close to an orgasm then stop. It's kinda tricky to do especially with a beginner who hasn't learned how to help hold them back. Plus I'm not very familiar with your body so I don't know how to tell when you're getting close to climaxing. Now forced orgasms is basically over-stimulation. Typically people will orgasm once or twice and then they're done but if you're forcing orgasms out of them then you don't stop there. Instead you keep going until you get as many orgasms out of the sub as you can. It's one of the more challenging kinks for a sub and there's a chance you won't be able to do this. Some people can multiple have orgasms but others have to stop after one. Do you know if you're multi-orgasmic?"   Angela shook her head as she turned the stove off and moved the frying pan to another hot pad on the counter. "I don't know. I once had a partner who made me orgasm twice but it sounds like you're talking about a lot more than two."   "Then I can't guarantee anything. It could work out for us but it's also possible your body might stop responding and we'll have to stop."   "How would you describe the health risk? You said you don't stop but how exactly are you doing this? If you're fingering me non-stop then it seems like cuts could be an issue. Chafing, irritation and what not..." Angela's voice trailed off as she started running through potential issues this could pose in her head while shredding the gruyere cheese on a stainless steel grater.   "Well, I'm not quite sure what I would be would using yet but it'd most likely be one of my vibrators and occasionally my fingers on you. I wouldn't call this especially risky but it would definitely feel intense for you. If everything goes right then it shouldn't be too painful and it'll kinda feel like exercise if that makes sense. You'll probably be sore afterwards and you'd have to take a break from anything sexual for a few days." explained Fareeha.   Angela rubbed the side of her neck as she considered Fareeha's explanations. "Honestly the whole forced orgasms thing sounds interesting and I do want to try it... but it also sounds kinda scary so do you mind if we wait until I'm ready?"   "Of course. You don't have to keeping asking me questions like that Angela. If you want to wait then we'll wait. If you don't want to do something then we won't do it. You have the final say on all of our sessions. Does that mean you want to do edging today?" Angela gave a quick nod as she kept shredding the cheese. "All right then give me a minute to go get some things."   Fareeha took a drink of her tea before heading out the room, the staircase into the basement creaking as she headed downstairs. By the time she returned Angela had finished with the grater and was now dumping the cheese onto the rosti. Fareeha held up the misshapen vibrator from before in one hand and a roll of tape in the other. "So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to put this vibrator in you and tape it in place." Angela cringed inwardly when looking at the roll of white tape but Fareeha seemingly read her thoughts. "Don't worry, this kind of tape won't pull any hairs out. You're not allowed to take the vibrator out until I say so. You can go about your day however you want but I'm going to be turning the vibrator on and off at random. Say green when you're ready."   "Let me get our food to the table first." Angela scooped the potatoes and cheese onto two plates before hurrying them over to the dining room table and set them down along with a pair of forks. She turned towards Fareeha and took a deep breath. "Green."   "Open your mouth." Angela lifted an eyebrow but Fareeha ignored it and repeated herself, this time sounding more commanding. "Open your mouth." As soon as Angela obeyed the command Fareeha slid one end of the vibrator in and rubbed it against the doctor's tongue "Get it wet." Angela closed her lips around the toy and she started licking the toy on all sides to lubricate it. After a bit Fareeha pulled it out and knelt on one knee. "Pull your bathrobe up."   Angela grabbed the robe and hiked it upwards to give Fareeha access to her legs and other more intimate parts. She squirmed and whimpered just a little as she felt those hands carefully adjusting her folds and then the rubber implement was sliding into her. A second later she heard the sharp hiss of tape ripping and that was pressed against the part of the vibrator still outside. "Okay that should be good. Now then, I think it's time you see what this can do Angela."   Fareeha stood back up and went over to where she had left her pad on the counter. She swiped her finger across it and pushed on a button to open the app that controlled this particular vibrator. "This is a particularly nifty gadget. Let me show you why." She tapped on the screen once.   The doctor started as the vibrator came to life, its entire length both inside and outside of her lightly buzzing. "Oh!"   "Eat your breakfast. You can still do that, I haven't even turned the vibrator up yet."   Angela lowered herself to sit down on her chair and picked up one of the forks. As soon as she started trying to lift some of the rosti Fareeha started running her finger back and forth across her pad's screen. The vibrator stopped shaking except for a particular spot that she could feel moving along the vibrator in one direction and then the other in harmony with Fareeha's finger. "How much control do you have over that thing Mistress?"   Fareeha slid two of her fingers upwards and both ends of the vibrator began shaking much harder than before while the middle went still. "Oh quite a bit. You haven't taken a bite though. I'm not sure I feel comfortable eating food if its cook doesn't like it."   Angela gritted her teeth together and started moving her fork again, trying to ignore the toy buzzing away down below. A soft murmur escaped her lips as she opened them to take a bite. Once the fork left her mouth the vibrator started shaking even harder than before. Angela gasped at the increase in tempo and she set the fork down before it slipped from her fingers. Any thought of eating further slipped from her mind and she leaned forward putting her hands flat on the table. Now that the vibrator was in full swing she realized how meticulous Fareeha had been at positioning the vibrator. The end inside of her was resting against her g-spot and the one remaining outside had been taped down so that it was fixed against the side of her clit. Angela's eyes started to close and her shoulders began to rise and fall as the buzzing did its work.   "Yellow." Angela looked up in surprise to see Fareeha had left the pad behind and was starting to sit down on a chair next to her. "I think that's enough for now. How close would you say you were to an orgasm?"   Angela tapped her finger against her chin as she tried to put a number on it. "I'm not quite sure really. Maybe a third of the way? I was just starting to get into it."   "Okay that's not too bad. Gives me something I can work with." Fareeha took a bite of the rosti. "Mmm, this is pretty good. Green. I think I'll make you cook all our meals from now on. How does that sound?"   "Yes Mistress."   After that it became painfully obvious that Fareeha was waiting for her to do something, anything before she started touching her computer pad. Washing dishes, vacuuming the carpet, trying to watch TV. Each time that vibrator was left on until her knees were almost knocking together then getting switched off before she could get any release, leaving her panting harder than the time before. She tried going upstairs and listening to music in her room but to no avail. Evidently the range of this thing reached throughout the house and there wasn't anywhere she could escape without getting in her car and going somewhere.   The doorbell rang.   Angela froze then scurried over to her closet pulling out a black sundress she could throw on and hurried downstairs after changing. She pulled the door open to find Julian standing on the other side.   'Good day Doctor Ziegler. Sorry for not calling but I had some time before my next job so I thought I'd drop by and pick up that meal I never got to eat.' He held up a container. 'I even brought my own dish for you to fill up.' 'Oh it's not a problem. Do you mind waiting in the living room?'   Angela stepped away from the door to let him in and then she saw that Fareeha was seated on the living room couch, pad on her lap. Fareeha looked at Julian then her dark eyes slowly meandered back to Angela, practically shining with a barely contained glee, as the plumber came inside. One of Fareeha's hands moved to hover above the pad and her fingers wiggled suggestively in the air as she nibbled her bottom lip.   Angela turned so that Julian couldn't see her face and she glared at Fareeha while mouthing the word 'No'. Fareeha's grin widened and she hid it beneath her other hand before Julian could notice it. Angela scowled then hurried away to the kitchen with Julian's container in hand. She had barely gotten the fridge open when the vibrator turned on for a few seconds before going inactive again, a little reminder that Fareeha could still flip it on even if there was someone else in the house besides the two of them.   Angela scooped enough food to fill the dish then headed back out to the living room and handed it to Julian. 'How much time do you have? You're welcome to stay if you'd like.'   'Not enough I'm afraid. I'd like to stay and visit with two women as lovely as you but plumbing issues wait for no one. Thanks for the meal Doctor Ziegler.'   After he had left Angela's forehead thumped against the door. "You're know you're awful right?"   "Oh trust me, you haven't seen me being awful yet." Fareeha activated the vibrator again.   Angela moaned and she pressed her hands against the wall, feeling the vibrator beginning to work on her once more. The times before had been frustrating but rather mundane but now Fareeha was using the vibrator's abilities to their full potential. The spots and tempo of the vibrator were constantly shifting. Back and forth, up and down, barely giving her time to acclimate before it was moving on as ordered by those damnable fingers dancing on the computer pad. Despite the teasing she found herself inexorably approaching the ledge as she had repeatedly done earlier.   Fareeha tapped on her pad to shut the vibrator off and Angela banged her fist against the door as she let out a cry of frustration. She had been so close and it had been snatched away from her yet again.   "Damn it! Don't leave me like this!" begged Angela as she turned to face her tormentor on a pair of unsteady legs. She staggered forward and fell to her knees in front of Fareeha. "The forced orgasms you talked about, let's do that. I'm ready!"   Fareeha slowly shook her head. "Red. You're only saying that because you're really aroused right now. What you need is a cold shower. Come on." She set the pad aside and stood, pulling Angela to her feet. The doctor dropped her head and groaned in frustration but didn't resist as she was led upstairs and to the shower. Fareeha pulled Angela's dress off and tossed it to the floor before kneeling down.   Angela trembled and a spark ran through her from those fingers brushing against her crotch as they undid the tape and pulled the vibrator out. Then Fareeha was helping her into the shower and turning the showerhead on. Her legs bowed beneath her and she sank to the bottom of the shower, the cold water soaking her from head to toe as Fareeha waited outside to keep an eye on her.  
Chapter 9 - Furnishings
Fareeha reached up with both hands towards the ceiling to stretch her arms as she headed down the stairs. As she trudged into the kitchen Angela was already there. The doctor was leaning over in front of an open oven as she pulled out a pan full of bread rolls. As she straightened back up she turned towards Fareeha. "Good morning!" Angela said cheerfully as she carried the pan to the dining room table. "Did you sleep well, Fareeha? I already made breakfast if you're hungry."   Next to the pan were jars of dark jam and a small plate holding a large square of butter. Fareeha sat down in one of the chairs before responding to the question. "I slept all right. Thanks for making breakfast."   "You're welcome." Angela started to sit down but stopped before her butt was in the seat and she hurried back into the kitchen. "Oh shoot, I forgot to pour the tea." She grabbed a kettle off the top of the oven and removed a few tea bags before emptying its contents into a pitcher that had been waiting nearby.   Fareeha picked up the pitcher and poured some into her cup before glancing at Angela. "What kind of tea is this?"   "It's Koshary. That's your favorite isn't it?" Angela asked.   "I don't know if I would call it my favorite, but I do enjoy it a great deal and it's a very popular drink in Egypt. Thank you for making it though." Fareeha lifted the cup to her lips and took a small sip before giving Angela a small smile.   Angela smiled back before reaching for the rolls. As she started spreading jam onto one of them she cleared her throat. "Do you have plans for today? I have something that I wanted to ask you about after we finish eating breakfast if you don't mind."   "Not at all." Fareeha replied as she cut off a piece of butter and began to scrape it onto a roll of her own. "I'll have to use the bathroom first though."   After breakfast Fareeha returned back downstairs to find Angela sitting on the couch in the living room as she waited. Fareeha plopped herself down next to Angela. "So, what did you want to ask me?"   The doctor rubbed at the side of her neck before responding. "So yesterday before our session began I was looking around at the bunker and I realized something. It's pretty empty down there. We got the mattress and those bunks but there's still plenty of room for... stuff."   "Stuff... like what?" Fareeha prompted, not sure what Angela was getting at.   "Well during our first session you tied me to that wooden cross thing. I was thinking we could get something like that for the bunker. I was also thinking about buying a frame for the mattress so it isn't just lying there on the ground." Angela said.   "Oh okay, you're talking about furniture." Fareeha replied. "I can definitely help you with that. The first question is whether you want to build something yourself or buy something online. If you do it yourself then you can choose your own materials and customize things however you see fit. Of course you need the tools and you have to know what you're doing. Doing it yourself means there's a chance you could get hurt if you screw something up though. Buying something online will cost more but the construction will be reliable if you order from a reputable website."   Fareeha put her hands on her knees as she stood up abruptly. "Let me go get my pad. I'll be right back, Angela." A minute later and she was back on the couch next to Angela. "I've had to order stuff occasionally for work and this is the site I use. Do you want me to go through it with you, Angela?"   "Yes, please."   "All right so there's a few common types of furniture that you'll see on most good sites. The design varies from one site to the other, but the basic idea is always the same." Fareeha clicked on one of the page's links and images began to load up. "So here's their most popular chair."   The chair in question had a reclined back and its arms were extended out to the sides. Small rings lined the edge of its wooden frame and black pads covered all the areas where a person's body would come into contact with it. Angela tilted her head to the side as she looked at it. "It says adjustable but I don't see how." Fareeha swiped her finger to the left until a picture taken of the chair from one side appeared. Beneath the chair's back were a pair of boards held together by wingnuts. One was supporting the chair back and the other was connected to the base by a pair of hinges.   Fareeha tapped on the pad and the screen shifted to a different kind of furniture. "Tables are pretty straightforward and there's not a whole lot to them. Some people prefer to get a massage table since those are cheaper and add rings or cuffs to them themselves."   She changed the page again and Angela frowned when she saw what popped up. "Those look like... dog cages."   "Pretty much yes. Pet play is a thing." Fareeha said with a shrug. "And for some people that's why they buy them. There's also the prisoner and slave dynamic. Other people just like being locked in cages though."   Angela shook her head for a bit then stopped. "I guess there are all kinds out there. I like being spanked though so who am I to judge? What else is there?"   "Well there's benches. Those come in a lot of different shapes and sizes and they're used for a few different things. Spanking is probably the most common but take a look at this one." Fareeha pointed with her finger at one of the pictures before pressing on it to enlarge the image. A pair of leather legs extended outwards from a slanted block and multiple straps for restraining the user's limbs were affixed on each side. "Look at how these legs are angled. That spreads a person's feet apart which makes penetration easier."   Angela's head slowly craned to one side and her ears began to burn as she looked at the screen. She wasn't just seeing a bench, she was seeing herself on it. Her chest pressing into the top of the bench, her arms and legs secured in place by those straps, the woman at her side standing behind Angela's bare bottom-   "Hello? Angela?"   Fareeha's voice cut into her reverie and Angela started in surprise. "What? Oh uhm, sorry what were you saying?" Angela asked, her face growing even warmer.   Fareeha tilted her head to one side as she looked back and forth between the doctor and the bench that had ensnared her attention. "That bench seemed to get your attention. Would you be interested in buying it?"   "Umm maybe. It looks really... neat. How much does it cost?" Angela's voice trailed off as Fareeha exited the enlarged image and navigated to the item's listing. "Three thousand euros!" Angela yelped in surprise.   "Yeah, it's pretty pricey but that's what you get when you you're shopping for BDSM furniture online. It's a niche market and there's not a ton of competitors to drive prices down. There are cheaper sites out there but from what I've seen this site makes the best stuff so it costs more but for good reason."   "So this is where you get your furniture for work?" Angela asked, the price she had just seen still shocking her.   "I've bought a couple of niche items from them but to be honest I prefer using regular furniture for my sessions. It lets me be more creative and it costs a lot less too."   Angela rubbed her chin as she considered that. "How much of the furniture in this house would you be able to use in a session?"   "Let's see." Fareeha replied as she looked around the room for a moment. "We could do stuff on this couch but nothing with the couch itself. The legs are too short to tie ropes to." She pointed at the coffee table in front of them. "Now that I could do a lot with if we took the glass out. Coffee tables can be fantastic for bondage if the wood is strong enough. What else... your dining room table is big to work with the right restraints. Beds are good of course but I think my favorite piece of furniture to work with is a chair. You can do a lot with a chair but even it really depends on the chair. The most versatile chair is one where you can remove the back or the seat."   "Why would you want to remove the sea... " Angela's eyes widened as some of the possibilities that created dawned on her. "Oh. Oh!" She fidgeted for a moment then pointed at the screen. "So there's a miscellanous section. What's in there?"   Fareeha's finger hesitated before clicking the link and she gave Angela a sidelong look. "If you really want to look at these then we will, but some of the stuff in there is weird even by bondage standards. Are you sure?" Angela paused for a moment before nodding and Fareeha tapped on the tablet.   Almost immediately Angela's eyes were drawn to the topmost picture. A sheet of shiny black material with a woman tightly encased from head to toe in the middle of it. The sole exception was a small hole where the woman's mouth was and a black tube protruding from the hole itself. "What... is that?"   "That is a vacbed." Fareeha replied before enlarging the image they were looking at for a better view. "In a way a vacbed is like a sleeping bag. There's a zipper on this side here that lets whoever is using it to get in and out. There's two holes in a vacbed. The first one is where people position their mouth so they can breath. The other is down here and that's where the vacuum is attached. When you're ready you turn the vaccuum on and it sucks all the air out and pulls the material tight against the user's body."   Angela's mouth opened then closed almost immediately. "Huh." She grunted. "I don't see what people get out of this. It actually looks kinda boring to me."   "There's a few things going on, Angela. You remember what it was like to wear latex? Well this whole thing is made out of latex but your entire body is being squeezed by it instead of just parts of you. There's also sensory deprivation going on here since you can't see anything so it's like wearing a blindfold which you've done. And if the top wants to then they can use a vibrator on the person in the bed. You've done all of that before already. A vacbed just takes it further."   As Fareeha explained the bed to her Angela's gaze swung back and forth between her mistress and the tablet screen. Once Fareeha had finished Angela squeezed her tongue between her teeth before shaking her head a little. "I guess so. I don't think I'm interested in that. It just looks too weird to me, no offense."   "None taken. I'm familiar with vacbeds but I've never actually used one in a session. They seem interesting but I don't care much for toys where there's a risk of death, even if it's a risk that can be avoided."   "Death?" Angela frowned at the word and took another look at the tablet. "Oh I see. Asphixation if the person's mouth is in the wrong position. Yeah I'll definitely pass on vacbeds. What else is there on this page?" Fareeha ran her finger down the screen and the next image came into view.   A pair of T shaped legs made of steel painted black stood opposite each other and a slat bolted onto each connected them together. A remote dangled from one side beneath a long power cable that was wrapped into circles. On the opposite side a thin metal rod was connected to a spinning lever on one end and a bar with a rounded tip not unlike an arrow on the other end. Angela frowned again as she studied the device. "Okay I'm confused. This part here-" She pointed at the rounded tip. "-looks like it can move but I don't see what the point of that would be."   "It's a fucking machine, Angela." Fareeha explained. "You get a dildo adapter and slide it onto the end here. These bolts here let you adjust how high you want the dildo to be. After you've got that set all you have to do is plug it in, flip a switch, and the machine does the rest. Once you've had enough you turn it off and you're done."   "A machine that fucks people." Angela said, enunciating each word more than normal. "I suppose I can kinda get it. A machine will never get tired and penetration is fun. But it seems so impersonal, there's no emotion or intimacy with a machine. If I felt like being penetrated then I wouldn't want anything or anyone but you to do it."   Angela's face instantly turned a bright shade of red as soon as she stopped speaking. She started to open her mouth to speak again, stopped, then jumped to her feet and scurried out of the room. Fareeha blinked once at the abrupt exit before chuckling quietly to herself and hiding a smile beneath her hand. Now there was an idea for their next session.
Chapter 14 - Bounty
Angela lost each of the three games and only the third game had been close. Not that it mattered since the wager had been decided by then. Angela didn't really mind though. The game had been fun and she had something to look forward to. Being able to touch the other woman sitting in the car since she now owed Fareeha a massage as well as letting her use the hot tub in Angela's bathroom.   "So about this favor I owe you. When do you want to do it?" Angela asked.   Fareeha had been staring out of the window and for a moment Angela began to think that her question hadn't been heard. "Hmm... I'll let you know. Right now I feel like getting in that hot tub of yours. How about you fill it up for me as soon as we get back?"   "Sure, if that's what you want. But how hot do you want the water to be, Fareeha?"   Fareeha turned her head away from the windows towards Angela and it almost seemed like she was considering something before answering. "Umm, how about you make it as hot as you want it to be and I'll tell you if its too much."   That wasn't much of an answer but it did seem to indicate Fareeha had some faith in Angela's judgement at the very least. When she finished parking her car in the garage Angela started heading towards the stairs heading up but instead of following her Fareeha disappeared towards the front door. Angela hesitated on the first step before shrugging and heading up to her bathroom.   She sat down next to the tub and turned the levers controlling the quantity of hot and cold water pouring out of the faucet. From time to time she ran her fingers under the faucet or dipped a finger in the water steadily rising up the walls of the tub. It wasn't quite as warm as she normally would have made it but it was better for the water to be on the colder side instead of being too hot when Fareeha got in. When the water was three fourths of the way full she turned the levers to shut the faucet off. Just as Angela began to stand up she heard the sound of a door shutting and she turned to look over her shoulder.   A white bathrobe clad Fareeha was standing in front of the now closed bathroom door, towel in hand. She glanced at the tub and gave Angela a smile that almost seemed... shaky. “So how's the water?”   “I think it's fine, but you'll have to try it yourself.” Angela stood up and began heading for the door, intending to leave the rest for Fareeha. Before she got halfway to the door Fareeha was moving towards her and grabbing a hold of her wrist.   “Don't go.”   Angela looked down at their hands then up to meet Fareeha's gaze. “What?”   Fareeha tossed the towel onto the ledge next to the counter and she took two steps back while letting go of Angela's arm. She undid the loose knot holding her bathrobe closed and slipped her arms free of the sleeves, the garment falling down around her feet. “I want you to stay. With me.”   Angela had seen a picture of Fareeha not wearing any clothes once before but that had only been pixels on a screen. The real thing was entirely something else altogether. Tresses of jet black hair cascading down over olive shoulders, generous round breasts, a neatly trimmed rectangle of hair down there, and dark brown eyes that were undeniably anxious. Angela glanced over her shoulder at the tub behind them before she realized what was going on here.   Fareeha had suggested they go bowling plus she had been the one to suggest a wager along with its terms. A dip in the hot tub... and a massage. She had asked Angela to fill the tub and set the temperature to what she wanted. Angela looked back at the waiting Fareeha before grabbing her shirt and pulling it off. A split second later and Fareeha was there, her hands reaching behind Angela's back to undo her bra. Pulling off the rest of her clothes couldn't have taken more than a few seconds but even that felt too long for Angela.   Once her clothes were finally off Angela slowly lowered one foot into the tub as she took her time adjusting to the warmth before bringing her other leg to join it. She moved to the far side of the tub and lowered herself until she was seated and the water was almost at shoulder height. Fareeha then stepped forward and entered the tub without any hesitation, the water seeming not to affect her in the slightest “Are you sure about this, Fareeha?” Angela asked softly. “I'm willing to do this but only if you say you're okay with it.”   Fareeha moved forward across the tub until she was standing just in front of Angela. She turned around and sat down on the other woman's lap. Fareeha leaned back until she was resting against Angela's chest and she dropped her head back onto one white shoulder. “Yes.” She softly breathed, as if speaking too loudly would somehow make Angela change her mind.   The last two weeks had been about Angela. The ropes, the vibrators, her ride on the sybian and everything else had been activities for her pleasure. Until now. Now she was being given the chance to repay the favor for all that Fareeha had given her.   Angela's hands rose up almost to the surface of the water and settled themselves on either side of Fareeha's neck. Her fingers began pressing into the muscles around the collarbone, gradually making their way outwards towards the shoulders. Fareeha murmured softly and she pressed herself back a little harder against Angela then before. Angela giggled and shook her head. “You keep doing that and I won't be able to massage your back.”   Fareeha shrugged as in dismissal but her words betrayed her intention. “Well then you'll just have to massage my front instead.”   “Oh? And where might that be?” Angela asked. Her hands left Fareeha's shoulders and dived lower to take a breast in each hand and squeezed. “Here?” A soft moan was her answer and Angela smiled. During their sessions together it had always been Angela crying out, her voice filling the air with lewd noises. Now it was Fareeha's turn to utter wordless exclamations and the very first one Angela had elicited was a sweeter sound than she had ever heard. A shiver of excitement ran through Angela and she began to nibble the soft skin of Fareeha's neck while squeezing those breasts a second time wanting to hear it again.   More moans followed the first as Angela eagerly continued her ministrations and soon enough Fareeha was reaching up to grab one hand and pull it away. Angela's other hand came to a halt as she waited to see what Fareeha had in mind. Their hands sank even lower beneath the water until Angela found her hand brushing against a slick strip of hair as Fareeha carefully positioned the doctor's fingertips. “There.”   Angela's mouth descended onto Fareeha's shoulder as her hands started to move again. The fingers on her left hand continued to squeeze and release Fareeha's breast while Angela's other hand slowly moved in circles over Fareeha's clit. Fareeha's hands tightened on Angela's wrists and her head turned to the side as her moans grew more ragged. Encouraged by the change in tempo both of Angela's hands started to move faster which in turn only made Fareeha's groans even louder.   The two continued to spur each other on until Fareeha began trembling. Angela wrapped her arms around Fareeha's waist and chest, tightly holding her close as the woman orgasmed. As Fareeha shuddered ripples appeared on the water's surface, racing out to the far side and rebounding back towards the two women. When Fareeha's shudders came to a halt she turned around so she was face to face with Angela. She cupped the blonde's cheeks in her hands as she rained kisses all over Angela's lips and every other spot on Angela's face that she could reach.   “Thank you.” Fareeha eventually murmured. “This was a good part one.”   Angela slid her arms behind Fareeha, one hand cupping a hip and the other pressing against the middle of Fareeha's back. “Part one? Does that mean there's a part two?”   Fareeha's eyes flicked towards the bathroom door. “There's a strapon waiting on your bed.” Angela started to open her mouth but Fareeha put a finger to Angela's lips. “It's not for you, at least not today. It's for me but I need to explain something first so you understand what this means to me. When I first got into bondage it only took part of a session for me to realize that I'm a top. Ever since then I've been doing things to other people. Occasionally my bottoms were willing to try and pleasure me back but I had limits to what I would let them do. Some petting or maybe a vibrator but never any further than that.” Fareeha closed her eyes and shook her head suddenly. “What I'm trying to say is that I've never let another person penetrate me in any way. I've never felt comfortable with letting someone do that to me until now.”   “So...” Angela began but Fareeha cut her off.   “So I want you to use that strapon to fuck me.” Fareeha stated emphatically but her eyes flicked away and her shoulders hunched as the moment of bravado passed. “That is... if you're willing to.”   For a moment Angela didn't respond as a whirlwind of thoughts raced through her mind. During their sessions Fareeha had always seemed utterly confident in herself. Whether it was tying Angela up or using a Wartenberg wheel, Fareeha had been composed and shown a skilled and practiced hand. But now? Now Angela wasn't seeing the dominatrix who had honed her craft over years of experience on paying customers. In front of Angela was a woman who was opening up to someone she cared for and worried about it backfiring. Afraid of being rejected now that it was a possibility.   Angela reached up to put a hand on Fareeha's cheek and immediately Fareeha was leaning into it. “I'd love to do that for you, Fareeha. Just promise me that you'll return the favor sometime. Maybe with some ropes too.” Angela added with a tiny grin.   Getting out of the tub and toweling each other off didn't take very long though their hair was still sticking to their necks and shoulders as they entered the bedroom. A thin round length of purple silicone jutted out from a black harness made of leather straps and metal rings lay in the middle of the bed. Next to it was a small jar of lubricant. Angela grabbed the harness and fiddled with the straps for a moment before figuring out how to put it on. She cinched it down onto her hips and turned to give Fareeha an encouraging smile.   Fareeha handed the jar to Angela before lying down on her back and spreading her knees. Angela crawled forward on the bed so that she was in the middle of those legs. Fareeha swallowed as she watched the doctor's approach. They hadn't even gotten to the interesting part yet but the sight of Angela wearing a harness was making Fareeha's body even warmer than the hot tub had. She smiled nervously while running one finger along a leather strap. “I don't know what the best position for us will be but I want to be looking at you when you put it in me the first time, Angela.”   Angela unscrewed the jar's lid bottle and scooped some of its contents out before smearing it onto the dildo. Her hand ran up and down its length until it was evenly coated and looked ready for use. Angela grabbed another scoop but this time her hand went to the center of Fareeha's legs. She wiped it off in the middle then came back with a single finger. She was tempted to rush through this part but Angela forced herself to take her time and make sure the lubricant was applied correctly. In fact she was unnecessarily careful about it, her finger double and triple checking that every bit of Fareeha's sex had been covered. “Are you ready, Fareeha?”   “Yes... just go slow. It's my first time with a strap-on after all.” Angela lifted an eyebrow and Fareeha looked back at her with a stern look. Then Fareeha's lips were twitching and in seconds the mask had cracked and she was laughing. Angela just shook her head though she was beginning to giggle as well. The doctor dropped her head onto Fareeha's shoulder as the two of them continued to laugh. It took a minute or so for them to stop and Angela looked up to see a look of resolve in Fareeha's eyes.   She pushed herself up with one hand while using the other to aim the dildo. It paused at Fareeha’s entrance before Angela's hips pressed forward and the rounded tip slid inside. Progress was slow going as Angela only moved her hips forward a few millimeters at a time. She kept her eyes locked on Fareeha's face, looking for any signs of pain or discomfort that would tell her to stop. At the same time Fareeha was looking back up at her with lips parting ever so slightly as the toy went deeper into her.   When the toy was halfway into her Fareeha reached up to brush her fingers against Angela's face. “You're doing wonderful, Angela. It doesn't hurt at all and you can go faster if you want to.” Fareeha said as she wrapped her legs around Angela and crossed her ankles.   Feeling encouraged by Fareeha's words Angela increased the pace. She continued to push this time and soon enough their hips were pressing against each other. Fareeha's lips parted even further and she shivered. So many years being on the opposite side of a strapon and now she was the one being penetrated. She could feel every centimeter of the toy inside of her. Its inner core was firm but the outer parts of it were flexible and soft against her canal. While thin it still had enough girth to stretch her although just barely. Fareeha took a deep breath and grinned up at Angela. “This is nice, but I think it can be better. Pull it out and let me get into a different position.”   Once Angela had obliged her Fareeha rolled over and pushed herself up onto her hands and knees. Behind her she could hear the sheets rustling as Angela positioned herself. A pair of warm hands grabbed a hold of her hips for leverage. At the same time the dildo pressed against her lips before pushing between them and all the way into her once again. An involuntary groan left Fareeha's mouth as part of it was withdrawn then pushed back in as Angela began to settle into a rhythm.”Is this all right, Fareeha? Do you want me to go faster?”   “Ahhh... no... this is... good.” Fareeha forced out between thrusts. They weren't fast but each thrust ended with the dildo completely inside her before being pulled almost all the way back out. As they continued Fareeha pushed everything else out of her mind. Nothing outside of this room was of any concern. The only things that mattered was the here and now. This woman kneeling behind her, those hands on her hips, and the silicone toy connecting the two of them. As the doctor's methodical thrusts continued a heat was raging outwards from a place deep inside of her that she hadn't been aware of until now. It was beyond anything she had felt before. None of her nights at home with a pair of fingers and a glass of wine or those rare days at work where she let someone use a tongue on the hole now occupied by Angela's dildo could compare. Fareeha's head sank towards the mattress and she began panting. Her eyes squeezed shut of their own accord as her head tipped backed and her back arched. She thrust herself back against Angela's latest thrust, her entire body tensing for an instant and then she slowly lowered herself towards the mattress with unsteady limbs. The strapon slipped out of her and Fareeha lay still for several long seconds before slowly rolling over. Her chest rose and fell as she took deep breaths and liquid began rolling down her cheeks.   “Are you all right, Fareeha?” Angela anxiously asked, a little alarmed by the sight of those tears.   Fareeha brushed at her cheek and turned her hand over to see dampness on her fingertips. “I'm okay, Angela. I'm not crying because I'm sad or in pain. I'm happy. It's been so long since I've had a partner who cared about me that I'd forgotten what it was like.” She pushed herself up with a still shaky arm and grabbed a hold of Angela's neck. Fareeha kissed Angela on the lips then sagged back down to the mattress, bringing Angela with her. She ensnared the doctor's torso in her arms while burying her cheek against a white shoulder.   During her years working as a dominatrix Fareeha had 'serviced' hundreds of clients. Said service varied from one client to the next but there had always been a common element in every single session she had been involved with. The boundaries that she set to avoid becoming entangled with the men and women who came to see her. From time to time one of her clients would get ideas and attempt to challenge those boundaries but they had remained resolute all these years. Until now.   It had only taken Angela Ziegler a mere week to seemingly effortlessly pierce through those boundaries and into her heart. A second week was all they needed to become lovers. She had no idea what was going to happen in the two weeks they still had remaining in their oasis but Fareeha Amari was ready to find out.
Chapter 12 - Systems
A familiar discordant buzz jolted Angela out of her slumber and she sat up with a groan. Angela's hand started to make its way towards the alarm clock purely out of habit but it hesitated halfway there. Her head turned as she looked down at the woman sleeping next to her. Fareeha was bundled up in her blanket just like the previous night and was still sound asleep. Angela's hand fell back to her side as she watched the other woman, curious to see how long it would take for the clock to rouse her.   At first nothing happened. Fareeha remained flat on her back, the sound seeming like it wasn't even reaching her ears. After an almost painful minute of shrill noises Fareeha sleepily muttered a single word. ''Noisy.” She turned onto her side and pulled the blankets up over her head. Angela raised one eyebrow and she poked the misshapen mass roughly where she figured Fareeha's shoulder would be. Fareeha didn't react at all so Angela poked her again with the same outcome. The third time resulted in Fareeha rolling away from the doctor. “Stop it mom. I'm not gonna be late.”   Angela smirked as she slid closer to Fareeha and began using both hands now. It was hard to tell exactly where she was poking Fareeha at first but after a bit she could feel ribs through the layers of fabric. Fareeha squirmed for a few seconds before sitting bolt upright. “Mom! I'm...” Her voice slowly trailed off as her surroundings began to sink in. “What is that noise? I was having such a weird dream.”   “It's the alarm clock.” Angela said as she reached over to turn it off.   “An alarm clock? Why are you using an alarm clock?” Fareeha asked incredulously. “We're basically on vacation. It's not like we have to get up at a certain time.” She tossed the blanket aside and eased her way off the bed before rubbing the side of her leg. “I probably should have stretched after our hike yesterday or something. My legs feel pretty stiff.”   “Oh? We could do some more yoga or I could give you a massage if you want, Fareeha.” Angela offered.   Fareeha glanced back at Angela and the small hopeful smile on the doctor's lips before shaking her head. “Thank you but no, I think I just need to relax for the day and I should be fine tomorrow.” She stretched her arms into the air as she headed towards the door.   “Okay I guess no plans for today...” Angela rubbed at her biceps and elbow as she looked around the room, suddenly looking as if she was lost.   Fareeha frowned at the change in the doctor's voice and she turned back around. “All right, I'll bite. What's bothering you, Angela?”   “Ever since we got here we've always had a plan for each day, something that we were going to do. It feels a little weird not having one now.” Angela hesitated a moment as she looked at her record player. “I suppose I could read or listen to music but now I'm curious. What do you do during your free time? I know you like movies and you have your website but what else do you do?”   “I do watch a lot of movies.” Fareeha admitted. “But other than that I've mostly been playing games since I got here to pass the time.”   “What games? I've been playing chess against myself but it's always more interesting to play with other people.”   “Oh no, not board games. Video games.” Fareeha said while wiggling her thumbs as if using a controller. “I brought a gaming console with me and I've been playing them in my room when I'm not watching movies or doing something with you. If you want something to do then I could hook it up to your TV and we could play together.”   “I'm not sure...” Angela began. “I've never bothered with video games before but you've gone hiking and geocaching with me because that's I wanted to do so I guess it's only far if I return the favor. You'll have to set it up though but not until we both get some food in us and take showers.”   When Angela made it back downstairs Fareeha had already hooked her console up and the television was currently displaying the game's main menu. Once Angela had taken a seat on the couch Fareeha handed her a controller identical to the one she was holding. “So what kind of game is this?” Angela asked as she looked at the joysticks and all the different buttons on her controller.   “It's a puzzle platformer.” Fareeha replied. “Every level in this game has keys that you need to collect in order to unlock some doors. Every level has a different layout and different obstacles that require you to use specific items to get to the end.”   Angela's face brightened at that. “Oh that sounds fun. I was afraid you were going to make me play one of those shooting games and I don't like guns.” She fiddled with the joysticks and pressed a few of her buttons. “How do we get started? Nothing's happening.”   “That's because I'm player one.” Fareeha said as she navigated through the game's opening menus. The screen transitioned from the lines of text to a large gallery of mugshots and a pair of models standing on pedestals beneath the gallery. “So here's all the different characters you can choose from. It doesn't matter what you pick since they all have the same hitbox. It's just a question of what your favorite skin is.”   The models on display began changing as their cursors moved over the different thumbnails. Within seconds Fareeha had locked in a robot with an oversized rectangle for a head, a short torso, and stubby metal arms and legs. Angela took longer as she studiously looked at each of the characters in turn. “Ooh this one is cute.” She had stopped on a creature with black fur on its back, white fur on its belly, a pair of legs barely discernible from its body and a pair of flippers.   “Do you like penguins, Angela?”   Angela bit her lip as she looked down at her controller. “How do I confirm this is the character I want to play? Penguins are cute, yes. The way they waddle around is adorable.”   “Press X.” Fareeha pointed at her controller to indicate which button she was referring to. Angela pressed the button and the television briefly displayed a loading screen before transitioning to the first level.   Fareeha's character began to move but came to a halt as the woman controlling it looked over at Angela. The doctor was mashing all the buttons on her controller and fiddling with her joysticks causing her penguin to move erratically in response. “Little help over here, Fareeha. I don't know what I'm doing.” Angela said.   “Okay, here. That joystick is how you walk around. This button jumps, that button crouches, this button switches between items and that button lets you use the item you're holding.”   “Do any of the other buttons do anything?” Angela asked as she looked at the ones Fareeha hadn't mentioned.   “Uhm, that one opens the emote menu.”   Angela pressed the button in question and a wheel appeared on the screen with multiple options in it. She selected one out of curiosity and the penguin started waving. “Oh, he's waving hello. What other options are there?” Angela hit another one and her character began drumming his feet on the ground and waving his arms around. “Aww! He's doing a little dance!” Fareeha's robot moved closer to the penguin and started stiffly moving its arms up and down while rotating at the waist. Angela let out a snort. “Your robot is doing the robot.”   “Yep. So I mentioned that you have to collect keys to beat a level.” Fareeha pointed at the screen and the red key floating in the air. “There's two others but we can't see them yet. So you have to figure out how to get the red key before we can progress further through the level.”   “Me!? Angela exclaimed. “What about you? You can help figure it out too.”   “Ehhh... if you want me to give you hints then I will but I have all the levels in the campaign memorized so I know all the solutions already.”   “Wait, what?” Angela frowned at Fareeha's answer. “If you already know how to beat the game then why do you still play it?”   “My goal isn't to beat the game, it's to beat it as quickly as possible. It's called speed-running.”   “Speed-running? I've never heard of that before. Then again I don't play video games since I guess it's not really a surprise.” Angela mused, almost to herself more than to Fareeha. “So do you just try to not make mistakes when you're playing the game or is there more to it than that?”   “Well the particulars vary from game to game but the gist of it is being able to find and exploit the game's programming to save time. Sometimes that means exploiting physics to gain speed or it might mean understanding enemy patterns and their weaknesses so you can beat them faster. Take a look at this.” Fareeha's robot jumped up onto a platform above its head and moved over to stand next to where the wall joined with the roof forming a corner. It walked left towards the wall until it couldn't move any further before turning around and dropping a bomb to its right. The bomb flickered for a moment then exploded as Fareeha's character jumped into the ceiling and the robot shimmered before reappearing on the other side of the wall.   “Huh? What did you just do?” Angela asked as she stared at the television screen in confusion.   “It's kinda hard for me to explain since I don't fully understand the code that makes this happen. I just know that this trick works.” Fareeha admitted. “When the bomb explodes it has a knockback effect. But I'm already against the wall and jumping into the ceiling so I don't have anywhere to go. The game tries to move me anyways which sends me inside the wall itself which is somewhere I'm not supposed to be so the game ends up putting me on the other side of the wall. At least that's how I understand it.”     “So that's how you speedrun this game? By using bombs to move through walls?”   “Some of the time yes. That's just one trick though and there's a lot of others. I'm not trying to speedrun right now, I'm trying to play with you. Give me a second to reset the level and we can start over.” Fareeha paused the game before selecting the restart option.   “How long do you think it'll take us to beat this game, Fareeha?”   “Hard to say. It takes me a couple of hours to run the game but there's no rush this time. We have all day, Angela.” Fareeha gave the doctor an easy going smile before turning back towards the screen. “And I have more games in my library for when we get through this one if you're interested.”   “Hmm, we'll see.” Angela said as she started studying the level's layout. At least this would kill a few hours if nothing else.
Chapter 11 - Search
Angela's eyes gradually fluttered open to a room covered in shadows. Her head slowly turned as she looked at the clock sitting on a dresser next to her bed. The first number on the clock was a one followed by a colon and the number twenty-three. There were several hours before her alarm was set to go off and it was far too early to get up to boot. Angela's head turned the other way to see if Fareeha might have woken her but the Egyptian woman was sound asleep. Fareeha had all the blankets and sheets pulled tight around her. Angela scowled at the sight and she grabbed a hold of the blanket's nearest corner and began wiggling it, as lightly as she could to avoid waking Fareeha, out from beneath one bronze arm. The blanket had just started to slip free when Fareeha incoherently mumbled something and she rolled onto her side, trapping the blanket beneath her. She started to grab the blanket again but this time Fareeha lazily swatted at Angela's hand. "Stop, too cold." Angela froze with her hand outstretched as she stared at her partner. Was Fareeha actually awake? A minute slowly passed and Fareeha didn't move or say anything further. "Parasomnia.” Angela whispered under her breath to herself. Fareeha was still asleep, but apparently aware of Angela's actions on some level. She grumbled as she swung her legs off the end of the bed and stood up before heading out into the hallway. Moments later and she was unfolding another blanket and a thin sheet to go beneath it. Angela laid down on the bed before settling them over her and closing her eyes. The next time her eyes opened shrill buzzes were coming from the alarm clock. Angela groaned and slapped the button on top to make it stop. She rolled over to look at Fareeha but the other woman was still asleep despite the alarm. Angela put a hand on Fareeha's shoulder and shook it. “Rise and shine.” Fareeha sleepily muttered in response and she disappeared beneath the blanket as she pulled it up and over her head. Angela bemusedly shook her head and got off the bed. Not only was Fareeha a blanket stealer, she also slept like a log apparently. She would wake up sooner or later Angela mused. Having breakfast ready for when that happened would be a good way to start her lover's day she decided. When Fareeha finally came downstairs half an hour later a pan full of eggs was waiting on the next to a stack of toast along with butter and jam. Angela looked up from her plate, forkful of eggs in her mouth, and waved hello with her free hand. Fareeha sat down in the opposite chair and began shoveling eggs onto her own plate. “Good morning Angela, sleep well?” “You hogged the blanket.” “What?” “Last night.” Angela said while setting her fork down on her plate. “You pulled the blanket off me. I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go get my own. Is that something you have a tendency to do?” “I don't know.” Fareeha admitted as she reached for the toast. “I've always had my own bed ever since I was a little girl. This is the first time I've actually shared a bed with anyone else. I guess I might. I didn't steal your other blanket did I?” “No... I suppose not. I guess that's what we'll have to do if we sleep in the same bed again.” Angela picked her fork back up but hesitated before going for more of her eggs. “Are you doing anything today? I was thinking we could spend the day together doing something.” Angela said hopefully. “No, not really. What did you have in mind, Angela?” “Geocaching.” Fareeha frowned for a moment before shaking her head. “Never heard of it. What's geocaching?” “It's like treasure hunting.” Angela excitedly leaned forward as she began to explain. “People go out and hide caches for others to find. A cache could be anything. Sometimes they're big like an old ammo box or a tackle box. Sometimes they're small like a plastic container or a pill bottle.” “Hide them where?” Angela pulled out her phone and started pushing buttons on it. “A rule of thumb is that you stay off private property unless you have permission from the owner. There's some places that are strictly off limits like airports for example. Common spots are along hiking trails or somewhere in a forest. If you're in a city then it's trickier but you can usually find caches in parks.” “Huh. How many... caches are there around here? I don't think you could spend an entire day searching for them.” Fareeha commented before taking another bite. The doctor turned her phone around and reached across the table so it was easier to see. Fareeha's jaw fell a few centimeters as she looked at the phone. Dozens, no hundreds of green dots decorated the screen.. “There's that many around here?” She blurted out in disbelief. “Yep, and these are all ones I haven't found yet. Feel like looking for some with me?” Angela asked as she set her phone down on the table next to her plate. “Sure I guess. Just give me time to finish eating then take a shower.” Fareeha stabbed her fork into the eggs once again. “Hopefully I won't cramp up like the last time we went hiking.” “Well if you do then I can just rub them away like I did last time.” Angela said with a teasing smile on her lips. Fareeha reddened and hurriedly shoved her fork into her mouth to spare herself having to respond. Angela chuckled once as she got back to eating her own breakfast. After they had finished Angela was up and bustling about at her usual hectic pace while Fareeha started cleaning their dishes. By the time Fareeha was done Angela had assembled a small pile of bags and boxes near the door to the garage. Fareeha flicked water into the sink before grabbing towel and gave the pile a questioning look as she dried her hands off. “What's all of this?” “Stuff we'll need for today.” Angela said as she lifted the backpack up to double-check its contents. “Backup battery for my phone and a GPS unit just in case. Some snacks for when we're out and about. Spare clothes if we get wet, canteens, tick repellent.” She pointed at a cooler still on the ground. “Would you rather I make some food to take with us or go out to eat after we're done looking for caches?” Fareeha rubbed the back of her neck as she eyed the cooler. “Well if we're going to be running around in a forest or something then I guess we should bring some food with us to eat. I'll probably be all sweaty and gross by the time we're done. Let me go shower then I'll come help you make some stuff or did you already get some things ready?” “I don't have anything yet but I was thinking about sandwiches.” Angela said. “We can just throw the stuff we want into the cooler and make them when we get hungry. Is that all right with you, Fareeha?” “Sure, that sounds fine. I'm going to go shower if you don't need any help then.” Fareeha set the towel down before heading towards the stairs. When she got out of the shower Fareeha found the outfit Angela had bought for her last week neatly stacked outside of the bedroom door. Sweater, jacket, gloves, wool socks, pants. Everything but the boots. No doubt those were waiting down by the garage door. As Fareeha entered the kitchen Angela stood up from the table and headed over to her pile of stuff and grabbed the cooler. “All right, let's load it up and get going!” Fareeha grabbed the backpack with one hand and a clear plastic container in the other. The latter item had a sticker reading 'Geocaching Container' slapped onto its side. “Are you placing a container of your own, Angela?” “Sure am. First time I've done this so I'm a little nervous. I have to find a good hiding spot, figure out what to name it, write a description and all that.” Angela headed into the garage and opened her car door and set the cooler on the backseat. She took the backpack and container from Fareeha before putting them next to the cooler. “Okay let's go.” Once they were both in the car Angela toggled her garage door opener and in short order they were heading away from her house. “So where are we going?” Fareeha asked as she lowered the back of her chair. “There's a hiking trail about forty kilometers from here. There's several caches already on it but its got a few paths without a cache on them. We'll have to check them out and see if they're any good.” Angela leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes as the car zoomed along towards the destination she had entered. Twenty minutes later and the car pulled off of the motorway before ending up in a decent sized parking lot already occupied by several other cars. Angela frowned a bit as she looked around. “More people here than I was expecting. Guess we have to keep an eye out for Muggles.” “Muggles? What does Harry Potter have to do with this?” Fareeha asked with a puzzled looking expression. “Oh. Muggles is a term for people who don't do geocaching. One of the things about geocaching is that it can look pretty suspicious. People leaving mysterious objects in random places for no apparent reason." "Like someone planting a bomb?" "Exactly. There's a really old story about a cache left on the edge of an airport in Los Angeles. I couldn't find out if anyone was ever arrested but at least one geocacher was detained by the police. Other times the bomb squad gets called in and they blow the cache up So one of the really big rules is that you have to keep an eye out for muggles who don't know what you're doing and could get the wrong idea.” Angela turned and grabbed the backpack and container before getting out of the car. Fareeha hesitated before joining her. “So we could get in trouble for this? Is leaving a cache here okay?” “It's fine. The people who maintain this trail actually have a couple of their own caches on it. They don't mind people leaving their own as long as they know about it. I sent them an email while you were in the shower to tell them I was going to put a cache out here.” Angela tightened one of the straps on her backpack before she headed for the nearest trail. The worn dirt path was lined on both sides by spindly white beech trees with branches turning green as the first leaves of spring were beginning to appear. The clouds that had covered the sky for the last few days had vanished and patches of blue were visible through the tree canopy. The doctor was a few steps ahead of Fareeha, her attention split between the phone in her hand and keeping an eye on the trail for any loose rocks or roots that could pose a hazard. After several minutes she stopped and turned to her right before pointing straight ahead.. “So this cache is somewhere around here. The hint doesn't make any sense to me. It says look in the spot where Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin hid. Do you have any idea what that means?” Fareeha put a finger over her lips as she tried to keep herself from laughing as she looked around. The ground was flat on the trail's left side but it sloped downwards on its right towards a stream below where they were standing. “I do actually. It's a reference to a movie called Fellowship of the Ring.” “Okay then... give me a couple of minutes to look around before telling me.” Angela said as she tucked her phone into her pocket. She moved to the edge of the trail and painstakingly descended the slope before sweeping her gaze back and forth in search of the cache. After several long minutes she muttered to herself and waved Fareeha down. “Okay give me a clue if you can.” “So in Fellowship of the Ring those characters are traveling through a forest and Frodo realizes a monster is coming so he tells them to hide. They get off the road and take shelter beneath a tree.” Fareeha explained. “Beneath a tree...” Angela repeated as she gave the area another look. “But they're hiding so they needed somewhere to stay out of sight... there!” She pointed at a depression beneath where some tree roots were poking out of the hillside. It was hard to spot but Fareeha could see an ammo canister that had been painted to mimic its surroundings tucked away beneath the roots so that people on the trail wouldn't be able to see it. Angela excitedly pulled it out and opened it up. “Let's see what we got.” She pulled out a plastic bag containing a few round objects as well as a small notepad and pencil. Angela opened the bag and pulled the pencil, notepad, and one of the coins out. Angela scrawled something on the notepad while Fareeha picked the baggy up and looked at its contents. “What are these?” Fareeha asked. “It's a trackable.” Angela replied as she turned her coin over. “People put them into a cache then later someone takes it out and carries it to another cache. The idea is to see where, and how far, it goes.” She tapped on her phone briefly before holding her coin up higher. “This one started in Scotland, made its way into France before someone dropped it off here. Let's look at the others.” The second coin appeared relatively new and hadn't yet made it very far from where it had been dropped off. Fareeha's eyes widened when Angela giggled and held her phone up for Fareeha to see. A blue line connecting multiple dots came to a halt at their present location and it began in... “Australia!?” Fareeha blurted out. “Yep. All the way from Sydney. Person who placed it says they're hoping that it makes a full transit of the planet.” Angela tucked the coin into her pocket and stood up. “I'm not going that far but I can take it back to Geneva.” The doctor put the bag back into the container and placed it back where she had found it. “Ready for the next one?” “After you, Angela.” That was one down, but Fareeha had a hunch there would be plenty more before the day was done.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1
Asami sighed as she glanced around the room she was seated in. The walls were made of brick, but they were covered for the most part. Mirrors surrounded by light-bulbs ran the lengths of the wall in front of her as well as the wall behind her. Each mirror had a wooden chair positioned in front of it and at the moment only one of them was occupied as Asami sat alone in the dressing room, a bouquet of pink roses in front of her. Asami's attention drifted back to her mirror and the face looking back at her. It was hers though it certainly didn't feel like it with all the makeup she was currently wearing. Primer all over her face, a sheer foundation, even more primer on her eyelids, contouring meant to emphasize her cheekbones. There was concealer below Asami's eyes and her lashes had mascara on them and as well was being curled to the side as well. A bit of liner had been added to even her lips then she had applied a dark red lipstick which in turn was covered in gloss. After finishing the work on her face she had spritzed it with a setting spray so that it would last through the night. She still wasn't done, however. Asami gathered a few strands of hair on the left side of her head in her fingers and began twisting them together into a braid. Once the braid was finished she let the end fall back down to hang by her shoulder blades as she started another braid on the right side. When Asami finished the second one she took both of them together and began wrapping them into a bun at the back of her head. She held it secure in one hand while the other fetched a long bejeweled pin and slid it into the mass of hair to keep the bun together. Once she finished her hair Asami's gaze dipped lower in the mirror as she took a look at the outfit she was wearing. The dress was made of satin and completely white from top to bottom. Her shoulders were bare though its bust came up high enough that there wasn't any cleavage to be seen. The dress hugged her, though not unmodestly so, above her waist, but the rest of it was a different story. Starting at the waist the material flared outwards well past the width of her shoulders and it hung low enough to hide the satin shoes she was wearing. Lastly she was wearing a simple necklace made of silver chain-links and a pair of white gloves extending up past her elbows. A knock on the door made Asami jump, startled, and she twisted in her seat to look towards the door. “Yes?” She asked, her voice sounding too loud for the almost empty room. “May I come in, Asami?” The voice was that of her father, Hiroshi Sato, the president of Future Industries. Asami gave the mirror another glance to double check her appearance before turning back towards the door. “Come in.” The door opened and her father stepped inside before closing it behind him. He was as dressed up as his daughter though his outfit stood at the opposite end of the color spectrum. The back of his black dress coat hung all the way to his knees. It was shorter in the front and hung open in the middle. His pants and shoes were black as well though there were two pieces that were white. A stiffly ironed dress shirt and the white bow-tie at the base of his neck. “ She watched in the mirror as he moved to stand behind her chair. “It's almost time, Asami. Are you ready?” Asami turned her head to the side, unable to meet her father's gaze even if it was only a reflection, as she started to fidget with one of her gloves. “Do I really have to go through with this? This whole thing is so degrading.” Hiroshi wearily sighed as took his glasses off and began to wipe the lenses with a handkerchief from his front pocket. “I know you've never been comfortable with this, Asami. That's why I never pushed the matter on previous occasions, but I was always hoping that you would come around on the matter. I wasn't so lucky and unfortunately your absence has been noted each time and people have been talking.” “About what? That I didn't attend one of these ridiculous balls? The original point of these things is matchmaking and that doesn't really happen these days. I'd have better luck with people online then I would at this event anyways. Do you know what the people out there will see?” Asami waved her hand downwards at her dress. “All of this. They won't see my mind or who I actually am as a person.” “I understand and I actually agree with you as a matter of fact. I doubt you'd find someone you'd be interested in if you were actually looking.” Hiroshi's voice remained soft but there was a firmness to it now. “However, this ball is still important for other reasons. The people attending tonight are some of the biggest movers and shakers in Republic City. Future Industries has done well so far, but some of the contracts we're in the running for depend on not offending anyone out there, which you will if you refuse to participate again. You might not like it, but you're almost twenty one years now and that means you're old enough to understand that sometimes you have to do things you don't enjoy.” Asami stared at the desk for several seconds before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “Yes, father.” She said dejectedly, resigning herself to the fact this was unavoidable before standing up and grabbing the bouquet off the table. Hiroshi took his daughters hand and helped her stand from the chair. Before opening the door he paused and gave her a second glance. “This is supposed to be a happy occasion so remember to smile.” Asami scowled at him and a frown creased his face in response. Her shoulders sagged and she grudgingly feigned a small smile. Hiroshi waited a moment and the smile grew a little wider before he pushed on the door and stepped out into the hallway. A short walk later and the two of them arrived at their destination. Several girls were already lined up along one of the walls. Each of them was holding a bouquet of pink roses and they all were wearing similar dresses to Asami's. Most telling, however, was the fact they were all noticeably younger than she was. Past them was a pair of open doors leading to a large ballroom filled with round tables covered in tablecloths. Asami let get of her fathers hand and moved to stand at the end of the line. Hiroshi gave her a nod then headed towards the girl next to Asami. The two of them began to speak though Asami didn't have the chance to listen in. At the same time a couple approached her. One was a serious looking man with a shaved head and a beard that narrowed to a fine point a few centimeters below his chin. At his side was a shorter woman with a plain and kindly looking face. “Councilman Tenzin, Pema. I didn't think I'd see either of you here. How are you and your children doing?” Asami eagerly asked. “They're doing well. Rohan's been easier to handle than his brother was.”Tenzin stated, a bit of relief poking through his normally stoic exterior. “We weren't planning to come tonight, but Jinora's almost old enough for one of these events so Pema and I decided to see what all the fuss is about. It's good to see you, Asami. We'll save a seat for you and your father if you want.” Pema gave Asami a smile and then they were moving down the line to greet the other debutantes. Right behind them was an older man whose stout build was still defying the fact he was past his prime. The breast of his red officers jacket was covered in medals and his black hair shined in the light, giving a hint at how much pomade it had taken to tame it. “Commander Bumi? This is a nice surprise. I didn't expect to see you tonight.” The commander shrugged dismissively. “I'm retired, but some of the bigwig generals asked me to be here so the military had someone representing them. I wasn't going to come then Tenzin told me there's a dinner and I'm not gonna say no to some free grub. If you'll excuse me that dinner isn't gonna eat itself.” After Bumi started heading down the line Asami turned her attention to the next person in line and her smile froze on her face when she saw who it was. “Look. At. You, Asami! Never thought I'd ever see you wearing one a dress like that! How do you even walk in that thing? I'd be tripping all over myself if I tried. Isn't that right, Zhu Li!?” “Hello, Varrick.” Asami said when the man paused to take a breather. It didn't seem like he had been told that this was a white tie event. Varrick was wearing a dark blue jacket with white fur running along the edge of its lapels and a garish pale blue tie. The person in front of him hadn't been wearing a tuxedo either except Bumi was a military officer who could get around the dress code by wearing a dress uniform. On second thought Varrick probably knew, but didn't care, and being the richest man in the world was enough to deter anyone from questioning his improper choice of attire. “What brings you here tonight? I'd never have guessed that you'd be interested in a debutante ball.” “Debutante ball? What in the world is that? Zhu Li, do the thing!” “Sir, it means-” “Never mind that right now! There's an election coming up and I gotta decide whose gonna win so I'm here to shake some hands and grease some wheels! Tell your father I said hi.” Asami blinked, more than once, as Varrick took off in the wrong direction. Zhu Li and Asami exchanged a confused glance before Zhu Li went after him. A moment later and Varrick was heading the correction direction this time as Zhu Li shepherded him towards the dinner tables. Asami couldn't help but notice he didn't talk to any of the other girls standing in line. She didn't have time to reflect on it further as another guest approached. It wasn't someone whose face she recognized, but that wasn't surprising since there were a few hundred invitees attending. Some of them would be people whose faces or names she recognized, but strangers being among them was an inevitably. The other side-effect was that greeting all of them would take a while. Once all the guests were inside a small group of young men with an older woman at their head approached. The men were all dressed much like her father had been with the addition of white gloves of their own. “Excuse me, ladies.” The woman said. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Buttercup Raiko and I'm the organizer of this ball tonight. Thank you all for coming and if you don't mind I'll introduce your escorts tonight.” She started at the head of the line eventually ending up in front of Asami. “Miss Sato, your escort tonight is Tahno here. Tahno, this is Miss Asami Sato.” Tahno was a pale skinned man with a narrow face and long black curls that had been slicked back. He held his arm out to her and Asami linked their elbows together. “So... Tahno, how did you end up being chosen as an escort for this ball?” “I compete on the fencing team at Republic City University and I recently took first at an international competition in the under twenty age group. Guess someone decided I have talent because I got an invitation to this ball not long after.” Tahno explained, a touch of cockiness now present in his voice. “If I remember right there aren't degrees in fencing at RCU so what are you studying there?” Asami inquired as they entered the ballroom. Tables occupied most of the room, but there was a pathway running from one end of the room to the other. At the far end of the path was a rectangular area that had been kept mostly clear and past that was a stage that had been elevated several centimeters off the floor. A band was set up on the back portion of the stage and at the moment bows were being dragged back and forth across various kinds of strings. “Music.” Tahno said as he cast a glance towards the band. “I'm hoping to go pro as a fencer, but there's not a lot of money in the sport unless I relocated to the Fire Nation. There's enough jazz clubs in Republic City that could use a good trombonist so I have something to fall back on if fencing doesn't work out for me.” “That's very practical of you.” Asami stated as they arrived at the table her father was seated at. She let go of Tahno's arm. “If you'll excuse me.” Asami didn't wait for a response as she took a seat next to her father and leaned in towards him so she could speak quietly. “I spoke to Varrick earlier. He said he's looking for someone to back in the upcoming elections.” Hiroshi was silent for a few moments and he took a drink of water before responding. “Varrick's going to back someone for a seat on the council... that kind of bankroll will be impossible to compete with. We'll have to keep an eye on him and see who he approaches tonight. Did you see anyone else tonight?” “Buttercup Raiko organizes this event so we have to assume her husband is present. I spoke to Tenzin earlier, but he doesn't accept campaign contributions from businesses and he's popular with the masses so he'll hold onto his spot anyways. Tarrlok is here as well though I don't like some of his policies.” Asami said before getting a drink of water. “Maybe so, but he acts as a counterweight to Tenzin's more... radical ideas so we can't dismiss him just yet. We also can't outspend Varrick though we can outmaneuver him if we have more councilman on our side. I'll have to think about it before deciding what to do.” Hiroshi added, almost as an afterthought before sitting up straight in his chair. She was spared the need to reply as waiters were beginning to navigate their way between all the tables as they brought the food out. It didn't take long before there was a plate in front of her. Bloody looking filet mignon, mashed potatoes covered in brown gravy. It certainly smelled good though Asami eyed the food with more than a little wariness. White gloves and a white dress weren't exactly optimal for eating this kind of meal. Asami glanced from side to side before pulling her gloves off and hiding them beneath her seat. She then gingerly lifted her fork up and painstakingly stabbed a piece of the beef. The fact that she wasn't really hungry would help in avoiding a faux pas, but it didn't help any to pass the time. Tahno was seated to her right, but he had started talking to the pretty woman on his right side and the two of them looked completely engrossed in the conversation they were having. To her left Hiroshi was talking to a man she vaguely recognized. His last name was Keum though Asami couldn't remember much else about him other than the fact he ran a business of his own. She suppressed the urge to sigh and carefully took another bite as she began to count the seconds as they slowly drifted by. There was still plenty of meat and potatoes left on her plate, but her glass was empty when the woman from earlier came around again. She tapped Tahno on the shoulder and waited until she had his attention before speaking to him and Asami. “It's time for the presentation. Please come with me.” Asami grabbed her gloves and pulled them back on before following Tahno and Buttercup towards the door they had entered the room through. They were the last ones to arrive, Asami dryly noted. All of the girls, as well as their escorts, were waiting there. Buttercup didn't waste any time shepherding all of them into a line like before except this time Asami was at the front. She held her arm out for Tahno to take while holding the bouquet in the other. By now it had become apparent what was going on to the rest of the attendees and people turning in their seats to watch them. Asami started to walk forward, the girls behind her, as she made her down the path and towards the stage, stopping in front of it. When she came to a halt the band stopped the song they were in the middle of and the musicians started turning the pages in front of them. Overhead a speaker came to life and Buttercup's voice came out of it. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to thank all of you for coming and I hope you've been enjoying yourselves so far. It's time for the main event so let's get to it.” The band started playing once again and the notes to the United Republic's anthem began drifting through the room. Asami walked forward onto the stage, Tahno staying at her side as they turned around to face the crowd. She wasn't sure how many people were there, but there had to be at least two hundred, perhaps three of Republic City's most elite social circle and they were all looking at her. Buttercup's voice came through the speaker once again. “Introducing Asami Sato, daughter of Hiroshi Sato. At eighteen she graduated from Republic City Tech summa cum laude with a doctorate in mechanical engineering. Since then she's been working as the vice president of engineering at Future Industries. Asami also currently holds the rank of brown belt in Judo, but she's still single so don't let her brains and brawn scare you off boys!” Asami removed her arm from Tahno's elbow, but she held onto his hand. For several painful seconds it seemed as though her legs wouldn't respond to what her brain was saying. The lights shining seemed too bright, she could hear a phone ringing from somewhere, the music continued to play, all those people sitting at the tables out there were looking at her. After what seemed like an eternity Asami's knees bent beneath her as she curtsied. After a brief pause Asami stood back up and she moved out of the way for the girl who had been standing behind her. Buttercup continued speaking to the crowd, but Asami wasn't listening to what Butter was saying anymore. Instead the introduction that Buttercuphad given her was looping through her brain over and over as a cold fury broiled in the depths of her stomach. Asami had provided Buttercup a list of things to say during her introduction, but the older woman had chosen to make a few additions of her own. The smile on her face never wavered though Asami's cheeks were beginning to ache and it was hard to resist grinding her teeth together. One by one the other girls were introduced, to the crowd at least since Asami wasn't listening, until there were none remaining. Once all of the other debutantes had been introduced an equal number of men were making their way up towards the stage. Hiroshi was among them and he made a beeline straight towards Asami while the others were headed for their daughters. Asami handed her bouquet over to Tahno before letting her father take her hand. Once again the band stopped playing as Hiroshi and the other fathers brought the debutantes towards the empty space in front of the stage. Hiroshi put a hand on her waist and waited for the musicians to start playing before leading her in the first steps of a slow waltz. “I know you don't want to be here, but your mother would be proud if she could see you now.” “Don't do that. If I start thinking about mom then I'm going to cry and it'll ruin my makeup.” Asami was silent for a moment before speaking again. “Why did you tell Buttercup I was single?” For a moment Hiroshi looked like he was about to deny it then he shook his head, realizing there was no point. “Because I'm concerned about you. You turn twenty one tomorrow and you've never been in a relationship. I'm not sure if you've even gone on a single date for that matter.” “That's-” Asami's voice started to rise, but she quickly caught herself before it got too loud and she started speaking in a heated whisper. “I've never had the opportunity and you know it. I started attending RCT when I was thirteen and I was so much younger than everyone else there that romantic relationships were out of the question. I'll get to it when I'm ready and not before. Changing the subject, how long do I have to stay? The presentation is over.” “You'll have to dance with your escort, but after that you can leave. I'd suggest staying though. Having a good social network is an important part of business and rubbing shoulders at events like this is something you'll have to do when you succeed me as CEO of Future Industries.” “There'll be plenty of time for that later. Right now I have my hands full just running the engineering department. Besides you still have at least a decade left in you so me taking over won't happen for a long time.” Asami pointed out. Hiroshi gave her a dubious look, but he didn't say anything and the rest of their dance passed without further comment. Hiroshi stepped away and began heading off the dance floor and almost immediately Tahno was there to take her father's place, a sardonic grin on his face. “Judo, huh? Think I've heard of that. Some kind of martial art isn't it?” “It's a grappling style from the Fire Nation.” Asami said as the two of them started into the same waltz that she had been doing with her father. “It's mostly takedowns, but there are some submission holds as well.” “Oh right, I know what you're talking about now. Judo's that sport where people wear those ridiculous white pajamas and try to trip each other.” The grin on his face widened and there was more than a little smugness in it now. “What would you do if someone came at you with a knife?” In another time or place that question might have bothered Asami, but her time on the mats had taught her the answer a long time ago. “I'd run away. It doesn't matter how good a person is at unarmed combat if there's a knife involved.” Tahno started to look even more smug and Asami hastened to add one last bit. “It also doesn't matter how good someone is with toy swords if there's a gun involved.” Tahno's face started to redden and for a moment it looked like he was choked with rage. “Toy swords? Fencing as a sport that dates back hundreds of years and we do not use toy swords.” Asami glanced to her left and right, but thankfully Tahno's voice hadn't risen and no one had taken note of their conversation thus far. “Aren't they, though? I'm not an expert on fencing, but I've seen a couple of matches and the blades and tip are all dull. Sounds like a toy to me.” Tahno glared at her for several seconds before irritably shaking his head. “Gotta say I was planning to take you out for dinner sometime, but now I see why you're single. Here's a bit of advice since you need it. Insulting someone's passion isn't a good way to attract guys.” Asami rolled her eyes. “So you're saying that it's wrong for me to make fun of fencing, but it's okay for you to put down Judo? That's hypocritical of you.” “Whatever.” Tahno muttered before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Look, we can bicker all night, but that's not why I'm here. I figured being an escort at this event would help me get laid and when I saw you I thought I had hit the jackpot. Then you opened your mouth and started talking. Are you going to keep annoying me or can you get out of the way?” Asami shook her head in disbelief as the song came to an end and she quickly pulled her hands away from Tahno. “Don't worry about it.” As she started to make her way off the dance floor Asami slowed down and came to a halt. Several members of the people in the crowd were beginning to rise, but others were still in their seats, watching her and the other debutantes. She put a hand over her mouth and exaggerated a shrug of the shoulders as if heaving something up before hurrying towards the exit. A few heads turned as she passed by, but no one made any effort to stop her. When she got back to the dressing room it was empty. Asami shut the door behind her and locked it before heading towards the chair she had been sitting in earlier. Stashed underneath the counter was a large leather handbag. She pulled it out and set it on the counter before rummaging around until she found a small round container. Asami took it with her to one of two sinks at the very back of the room and she unscrewed the lid after yanking her gloves off. Inside was a beige cream that she dipped her fingers into before rubbing it on her cheeks then over the rest of her face. Once she was finished Asami turned one of the faucets and began splashing the warm water onto her face. After all the makeup had been rinsed down the sink Asami went back to her handbag and pulled out another item. A pair of scissors. She grabbed at the fabric near her shoulders and positioned it between the scissor blades before squeezing the handles together. Once she had made several cuts in the fabric Asami grabbed two handfuls of fabric and one of her hands yanked upwards while the other pulled down. The weakened fabric resisted for a moment before coming apart with a ripping sound. The tear now ran down to her waist, brought to a halt by the mass of fabric surrounding her legs. Asami grabbed the fabric again and shoved it downwards, not willing to wear the ruined garment any longer. Once she was free she kicked off her satin shoes. She balefully stared down at the pile for a moment longer before lifting her gaze to look at herself in the mirror. Now that the dress was gone the only things she was wearing was a pair of blue briefs that had been discolored in spots and a white bra roughly the same shade as that accursed dress. Asami's thick black hair hung halfway down to her shoulder blades, her pale skin shone in the light coming out of all those bulbs and her sharp cheekbones only served to further emphasize her green eyes. After a moment she shook her head before going to her handbag a third time and pulling out the clothes she had been wearing before arriving at this place. Blue jeans, sneakers, and a plain black tee shirt didn't exactly meet this event's dress code, but Asami wasn't going to stay any longer. She stuffed her ruined dress, shoes and the gloves into the bag along with her jar of makeup remover before heading for the door. There wasn't anyone outside in the hall aside from a couple of waiters whose attention was split between talking to each other and peering into the auditorium. One of them glanced in her direction as she came out, but paid her no more mind than that. Asami adjusted the strap of her handbag as she started heading for the front door. Her car was waiting out there in the parking lot, but Asami didn't head in that direction. Instead she headed along the front of the building until she got to the alleyway between it and its neighbor. Asami walked down it until she got to the first of the several dumpsters that she could see. She reached into her bag and yanked the destroyed dress out before raising the dumpster lid and tossing said garment into it. The shoes and gloves quickly followed then Asami was heading for her car. Asami's hand paused before turning the keys in the ignition as she stared at the steering wheel. This night had gone as she had expected it would, but with one surprise. Tahno had wanted to sleep with her. The idea of sex with him turned her stomach, but someone had shown a measure of interest, even if it was only in her body and that meant others could do the same. Maybe her father was right after all, Asami decided. If she kept putting this aspect of her life off then it was only going to get harder as she got older. She turned the keys and shifted her car into reverse as she began making her way out of the parking lot. Now that her mind was made up she had to figure out the best way to go about this. That meant research. A lot of it.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 3
It had been a few hours since Asami had realized the goal of signing up on a dating website. She wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment. That would happen eventually, but that day wasn't today. She was after something more immediate. Fucking. That was a crass way to phrase it, Asami knew, but describing it with more flowery language was a pointless exercise in her opinion. Making love, intercourse, coitus, or copulating just to name a few. None of the terms changed the nature of the act itself. Bare flesh pressed against bare flesh, hands roaming, filling the air with sweet sounds. She wanted to fuck. There was an obstacle in front of Asami before she could fulfill that desire, however. She needed a partner. Truth be told, that task was actually easily achieved. She had read about sites dedicated specifically for hooking up with other people. There was also the possibility of going to the nearest dive bar and asking someone there to take her home for the night. Neither of those appealed to her however. If she tried a hookup site or app then she would have to deal with more creeps like the ones from earlier today. If she went to a bar she could easily face the same problem, but without the safety of communicating from behind a computer monitor. Add in the penchant alcohol had for turning people into their worse selves and that option could easily go badly for her. Not to mention that sleeping with a random person from a random bar carried risks of its own, disease chief among them. It was likely that she could find a good partner through either method, but doing so would take time and continue to expose her to more unsavory individuals like the ones from earlier today. The question that naturally followed was whether or not she was willing to do both of those things. Asami stared out the window at the building directly across from her as she mulled the question over. There wasn't a deadline on this unless she put one there so taking time wouldn't necessarily be a negative. Furthermore, it wasn't anyone's business but hers when she chose to lose her virginity. On the other hand, there was no guarantee that she would be successful should she choose to take her time. It was entirely possible that she could spend weeks or even months searching for the right person and not find them. She might even think she had found the right person and be wrong about it. They might lie about what they look like or who they really were as a person. That was easily accomplished on the Internet and it was possible to hide their actual personality during a face to face meeting. Another thing to consider was the chance that the person could end up being bad in bed. If she was looking for a serious relationship then that would be a shallow thing to take into consideration Asami knew. However, she wasn't looking for that. Asami just wanted to fuck and she wanted the person to be good at it. How did you screen for something like that? She could try asking, but who would willingly admit to being bad in bed? Particularly on a hookup site of all places. So there was no way to be sure that she would be able to find the right person through a dating site or in a bar or club. Even if she could find that person, there was no telling how long it would take. Last of all there was no guarantee that said person would be able to fuck her like she wanted. The more she thought about it, the less those two options appealed to her. What was the alternative, however? Asami frowned as she rubbed her chin while considering the latest question to arise. She glanced at her laptop as a thought occurred to her. Maybe she was going about this the wrong way. If your car broke down then you would take it to a mechanic. Well, not her since she would just fix it herself. Most other people would go to a professional. Why wouldn't she do the same thing here instead of searching for a needle in a haystack of amateurs? There was one very good reason not to go down that road. It was illegal. Another that it would cost money plus she would still have to search for the right person. However in this scenario the haystack would be considerably smaller. There would be less sex workers in Republic City than people on dating sites after all. It didn't hurt to look at the very least. It might be illegal to hire a prostitute, but it wasn't illegal to just look. Asami leaned forward momentarily to grab her laptop and set it on her legs. She went to her start menu and opened up a different browser than the one she had been using previously. The first browser was sufficient for all of her usual activities online. Browsing the web, watching videos or streams, porn and so on. There were times, like this one, when she switched to this second browser and that was when she wanted to conceal her identity. It took longer to load pages, but that was a small cost to pay in order to cover her tracks. Once the home page had finished loading Asami started typing in the search box. 'Best escort sites .' After the search results popped up, Asami began to scroll down the page as she scanned them. The top hit was a top ten list, but the ones after that all appeared to be actual escort sites according to the descriptions. She kept scrolling until she found a result from a forum. No doubt there were more lists or articles talking about this, but Asami had a hunch that people who had hired an escort or were an escort themselves would be a more reliable source of information. Asami clicked on it and began to read the thread that popped up. There were only a couple of responses, but one of them included a link. It wasn't a site that had shown up in the search results either and Asami typed it into her address bar. The page had barely finished loading before a disclaimer asking her to confirm that she was over eighteen years old and that viewing explicit content was legal in her region. Asami clicked agree without thinking about it. The disclaimer vanished and the next page was asking her to choose a region. Asami paused as she stared at the options. United Republic, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, North and South Poles. She opened her mouth a tad before opening them in multiple tabs and skimming through all of the sub-locations that followed. Republic City, Yu Dao, Omashu, Zaofu, Garsai, Kyoshi Island, Ba Sing Se, Chung-Ling, Ember Island plus dozens of small towns she had never heard of. This site had listings all across the planet, Asami realized, and there could very well be tens of thousands of sex workers on this site. Luckily for her she didn't have to go through all of those locations and she started closing all of the tabs except the one for Republic City. As she began to scan the listings, she noticed a key detail about them. All of the names were ones traditionally given to women. There didn't seem to be any men on the first page. Asami opened up the second, then the third, fourth, and fifth page. All women. She considered the site before shrugging. She was still just browsing though the idea of her first partner being a woman was starting to grow on her. There were dozens of pages so filtering it down wouldn't hurt. Asami clicked on a blue button marked filters and her jaw promptly fell open. Has picture, pictures accurate, age, build, eye color, hair color, skin color, hair type and length, breast cup, breast implants, pubic hair, piercings, tattoos, ethnicity, transsexual, and that didn't even get into services or kinks provided. “Feels more like searching for a new microwave than a person with this many options.” Asami muttered in disbelief. Despite her reservations over the system she began to set options. Picture required, eighteen to twenty-five, no implants, no piercings. Asami clicked modify and a new set of listings appeared and she clicked on one of the columns to sort by total reviews. Asami skimmed the list for several seconds before a name with around twenty reviews jumped out at her. A 'Miss Turquoise.' She clicked on it and began to read the information provided. Twenty years old, one point seven meters tall, sixty-three kilograms, short dark brown hair, cyan eyes. Cupsize thirty-two D. Open to men, women, non-binary and couples. Three hundred and fifty roses per hour. Once she got to the bottom Asami began to read some of the reviews other people had left for this escort. 'Somewhat pricey, but well worth it. LT is one of the best escorts in the city and well worth the visit. Don't miss out!' 'Gorgeous woman whose pictures don't do her justice. Willing to do greek, but charges extra for it. Lfk, dfk, gfe. Adamantly refuses to do bbbj, cim or bb. Cfs only. Positions include ds, mish, cg, rcg and pretty much anything else you can think of. Daty for established regulars only.' 'Great at vanilla and owns several toys, but isn't too kinky. Asked her to tie me up, but she got angry and almost threw me out before I stopped asking. Still worth the visit, but if you're looking for bdsm find someone else.' There were more, but they were blocked behind a paywall. Asami scrolled back up to the top and noticed a few thumbnails that she had missed earlier. She clicked on one and it expanded outwards, running from the top all the way to the bottom of her monitor. Almost immediately she felt a warm feeling emerging in her chest as a result. A tight round bottom, clad in a pair of tight fitting black briefs was pointed almost directly at the camera as she knelt on a bed. Her face was hidden, but Asami could see a short mane of dark brown hair. The woman's skin was a light brown that betrayed her ancestry as Water Tribe, but it was what was beneath her skin that caught Asami's attention. Despite the difficulty of looking away from that delicious rear end, Asami could see powerful muscles at rest in her thighs and arms. She reluctantly clicked away and enlarged one of the other images. Turquoise was wearing the same briefs as the other image, but nothing else besides that. Her back was completely bare without even so much as a tan line on it. She was standing tall, once again facing away from the camera and her elbows were bent and fists held in line with her head as she flexed. All the muscles in her back were pulled tight as were her biceps. Asami right clicked on the image and opened it up in a new tab so she could view it at its full resolution. As she scrolled through the larger image, her eyes tracing every curve and ridge. That warm feeling began to spread through her chest and Asami could feel her heart beating faster as she pictured those arms wrapped around her naked body. She glanced down towards her legs before moving the laptop to the side, but turned it so that she could still look sideways at the monitor. Asami stood up and her hands went straight to her short's zipper, undoing it before pushing the garment down towards her knees. Right on the front of her gray boxer shorts was a single dark wet spot and all the evidence she needed. Miss Turquoise was the partner she was looking for, legal or not. Asami closed out of the images and returned back to the profile page. After a bit of searching she found an email address, but not from a domain she recognized. The page that popped up was an anonymous email service according to the description. She clicked on the sign up button and after a moment typed in several letters. 'qzmp0. Completely meaningless and non identifying, but something she would easily be able to remember. Once the site had accepted her registration Asami began to type out a letter. 'Hi, Miss Turquoise. I came across your profile and I'm interested in setting up a time for us to hang out. Are there any times or days that would work for you? Weekends are the best time for me so Sunday tomorrow would be good though that might be short notice. Friday nights also work for me. Let me know.' Once she had finished Asami hit send and now it was time to wait. Waiting wasn't exactly an accurate description though. Asami was puttering about an apartment, that was cleaned weekly by a housekeeping service, with a duster but she was stopping by her laptop every couple of minutes, anxious to see if she had gotten a response. After an hour of needless fretting there was a response in her inbox. 'Hello there, love. The weekends are fine for me and we can certainly spend some time together then. There's something we need to take care of before we get to that, however. Do you have two or more references, preferably within the last six months, who can vouch for you?' Asami paused for a moment as she read the paragraph before opening another tab. 'Escort references.' It took a moment for the search to load and another for Asami to get to an article titled 'Hiring an escort – Screening.' The article was rather short, but it explained what Turquoise was doing. She had no clue who was behind the email Asami had sent her and was being cautious. She didn't know who had emailed her and was doing her due diligence to make sure Asami wasn't a cop trying to bust her. 'Unfortunately no. I've never done anything like this before so I don't have anyone who can act as a reference. Do you have any other ways of screening me?' The response came a few minutes later. 'In that case then I would need you to send me a picture of your driver's license and/or passport and links to your social media accounts along with telling me where you work.' Asami bit her lip as she considered the message before typing out her response. 'I'm not really comfortable putting a picture of my license (not to mention the other information) online even if this service is encrypted. Is there another way for me to provide those to you?' 'This service is perfectly safe, but if you're not willing then the only other option would be for us to meet for coffee and you give them to me there. Coffee dates aren't free however. It'd be a minimum charge of one hour if you wanted to meet in person for screening.' “How much is one one hour?” Asami wondered out loud rubbed at her chin for a few seconds then went back to Miss Turquoise's profile. She did a quick search, but the words yuan didn't appear anywhere. Searching for hour brought up one result however. Three hundred and fifty roses per hour. Asami stared blankly at the sentence for a few seconds before it clicked in her head. “Oh. They say roses instead of yuans. Not exactly a hard code to crack. Maybe it's because this site is international or something. Three hundred and fifty yuans... that's one expensive cup of coffee...” The money didn't matter though. Asami could easily make that back in a few hours just from her hourly wage or much sooner if her stock options went up. 'Okay. Where and when? I assume you have a location in mind.' 'There's a coffee shop right by the west end of the Silk Road bridge. Be there in an hour and get a cup of coffee. Write MT on the side with a marker so I know who you are and wait for me at one of the tables outside.' 'Okay.' Asami glanced at the time on her computer before hastily setting it aside. There was enough time to get there, but it was always better to be early than late. She hurried to her closet and pulled out a jacket and a pair of sneakers, pulling them on as quick as she could. Asami grabbed her phone, wallet and keys before heading out the door. The last task before leaving the hotel was to stop by the ATM in the lobby downstairs. When the machine asked her for a withdrawal amount her finger hesitated over the keypad before punching in '1400.' Three fifty was how much this meeting would cost, but a thousand and fifty yuans more should be enough to cover any time they might spend together in the future. Asami glanced over her shoulder, but there wasn't anyone else in the lobby save the receptionist and the doorman and neither of them were paying attention to her. As she headed outside the afternoon doorman did tip his hat towards her. “Take care, Miss Sato.” “You too, Lee.” She replied warmly to the older man's greeting before stepping outside. The fog from earlier had dissipated, but the gray clouds hanging overhead hadn't. There was a chill in the air that was exacerbated by a cool breeze that Asami could feel imminent rain in. Hopefully it waited until after her meeting with Miss Turquoise was done to dump its contents onto the city below. It wasn't until she was seated on a cold and uncomfortable metal chair that Asami's situation really began to dawn on her. She had come here by herself and none of her friends or family knew where she was. Nobody else was sitting outside due to the weather as well. Furthermore, this seemed like a sketchy area if the fact that all of the chairs out here were locked to their respective tables via steel cables was any indicator. Lastly she was here to meet a sex worker for something that could get her arrested, fined and maybe even imprisoned. Her head turned in one direction and then the other as she nervously eyed all the cars nearby, parked and moving alike. Any one of them could be an undercover police vehicle and its driver an undercover officer waiting to bust her. She picked the cup up and took a sip, a decision she immediately regretted. This place had roasted its beans for too long and burnt them as a result. At least it was hot and helped to stave off the chill she felt. Asami set the cup back down then rotated it so that the letters written on it were pointed towards the street. After a few minutes of nervous fidgeting Asami started to push her chair back when a voice stopped her. “Mind if I join you?” Asami froze and she turned towards the speaker. She hadn't seen the front of this person before, but that short dark brown hair and those arms were still a dead give away. As she looked at the other woman Asami could quickly see what the reviewer meant by her pictures not doing her justice. There was a fluidity in the way she moved that no still pixels could ever capture. Even the mere act of just standing there carried a sort of self-assured confidence that Asami had seen in few other people, a trait that was only further reinforced by her choice of outfit. Miss Turquoise was wearing a purple woolen sweater and she had a brown purse slung over her shoulder. The sweater was thick, but it didn't manage to hide the woman's biceps and for the first time Asami could see a pair of large round breasts as well. The lower half of her body was clad in black leggings that revealed enough of her form to be enticing while still leaving just enough to the imagination. None of that was what drew her attention, however. Asami was staring at the source of the escort's alias, bright and cheerful cyan eyes looking down at her along with a small crooked grin. “Please, f-feel free.” Asami stammered as she gestured towards one of the other chairs. Miss Turquoise set her purse on the table as she sat herself in the chair across from Asami. “Gotta say, I wasn't expecting to see a woman waiting for me.” “Why not?” Asami asked, her curiosity piqued by the comment. “Your profile said you accepted women didn't it?” “It does, and I am attracted to women before you ask, but I've never met a woman who wanted to play with me on their own before. All of the other women I've played with were part of a hetero couple who wanted a unicorn.” Miss Turquoise looked Asami up and down for a few seconds before laughing suddenly. “I guess you're the unicorn in this case aren't you?” Asami hesitated a moment, before shrugging uneasily, unsure of what that meant. “I guess so?” “Right. Well you know why we're here. ID please.” Miss Turquoise's voice was still cheerful, but there was a business like quality in it now that Asami hadn't been expecting to hear. She reached into a pocket on the inside of her jacket and pulled her license out of her wallet and slid it across the table. Miss Turquoise picked it up and carefully examined it for several moments, a surprised look appearing as she did so. She looked up at Asami, down at the card, then back at Asami again. “Sato? Like Future Industries Sato?” Asami nodded mutely and the other woman continued speaking. “I thought you seemed familiar, but I couldn't place it. I remember seeing an article about you a few years ago. Youngest person to ever get a PhD from RC-Tech.” She handed the card back to Asami. “Well then, I think that's all I need to know. How does next Saturday at ten sound?” “That works for me.” Asami replied as she put her license back into her wallet. “All right then. Do you have a burner phone?” Asami shook her head, a gesture that prompted a shrug from Miss Turquoise. “Okay then I'll email you directions in a couple of days so you know where to go. Before I go I think you have something for me.” Miss Turquoise said with a meaningful look towards where Asami kept her wallet. Asami reached into another pocket and pulled out a handful of yuans, quickly counting them up and handing them over to Miss Turquoise. “So that takes care of that. Is there anything you want to ask while we're here?” “I do have one question. What do I call you? Miss T? Turquoise?” The other woman gazed at Asami for a bit as she contemplatively rubbed her chin. Eventually she came to a decision and dropped her hand back to her side. “Korra.” “Korra it is. Thank you for agreeing to do all this.” Asami said as she stood up and Korra did the same a moment later. She reached her hand out and Korra shook it briefly before heading off. Asami watched her walk away for a moment before throwing the cup of burnt coffee into the nearest trash can. One week until this happened. Seven days until that magnificent looking woman was going to make Asami’s wish come true. One hundred and sixty-odd hours until Korra was going to fuck her. Asami could hardly wait.
Chapter 13 - Stakes
When Fareeha's eyes fluttered open there was only a single sound in the room, the muted rumble of warm air exiting a duct. She turned her head to the side to see Angela lying on her side as she gazed at Fareeha. "Hey you." Fareeha murmured. The corners of Angela's lips curled upwards and she leaned forward to kiss Fareeha's forehead. "Good morning. Do you want me to make breakfast today?" Fareeha looked up for a moment before shaking her head a bit. "No, not yet." She lifted up the edge of her blanket and beckoned with one finger. "Come here, I want to cuddle." The doctor's smile widened and she scooted out from under her blanket to join Fareeha beneath the other blanket. She dropped her head onto a bronze shoulder and wrapped her arms around Fareeha's waist. "You know, I don't think I've ever told you how beautiful you are, Fareeha." Angela said as one of her hands drifted lower. Fareeha shivered involuntarily as Angela's hand settled down on the small of her back. They had been sharing a bed for a few nights now but both of them had kept to their side of the bed until now. She reached back and put one hand on that wrist and moved it lower until it was squarely resting on one of her cheeks. Angela's face immediately turned a bright shade of red but she didn't pull her hand away. "Oh? And how beautiful am I?" Fareeha asked as she gazed into a pair of blue eyes that were looking back at her. A long moment passed as they continued to gaze at each other before Angela looked away briefly before meeting Fareeha's eyes again. "I don't really know how to describe you, Fareeha. If I was a poet or a writer then I'd know the right words to use but I'm not. When I walked into that room for my first session I thought I was lucky to see such a gorgeous person waiting for me. You're just... perfect. Your hair, your eyes, everything. I keep looking at you trying to find a flaw and I've never seen one. But it's not just your looks. At first I thought you were incredibly sexy but now that I'm getting to know you I realized I was wrong." Fareeha's brow started to furrow but Angela was quick to explain what she had meant. "You're intelligent, kind, caring, and incredibly sexy. I thought I was lucky then but now I know I've hit the jackpot, Fareeha Amari." She stretched her head up and gently brushed her lips against the underside of Fareeha's chin. "You also have a great butt." A dry chuckle came from Fareeha as Angela's fingers squeezed her cheek to drive the point home. "Mmmm... good to know you like it. I think I need to take my great butt to the shower though. How about you make breakfast and I'll make lunch for us." "It's a deal." Angela said before giving another squeeze and reluctantly letting go. "Do you feel like doing a session today, Fareeha?" "I'll think about it." Fareeha said as she pushed her sheets aside and stood up. "I actually want to go out today. Have you ever gone bowling Angela?" Angela pushed herself up onto her elbow as she looked up at Fareeha. "Bowling? I have but it's been a few years and I was never very good at it. You want to go bowling?" Fareeha nodded and Angela rubbed her chin for a moment. "I guess we can do that. When would you want to leave?" "Hmm, I'll have to find a good place but I guess sometime in the evening? I'll let you know." With that Fareeha was heading out the door and towards her bathroom to take that shower. Afterwards Fareeha unzipped a small container that she hadn't needed until now and pulled several items out and set them on the counter in front of her. Fareeha unscrewed the lid of a round container and swirled her shaving brush in it until it had gathered enough of the container's contents. She dragged the brush up and down along her leg until it was covered in the white cream before setting the brush aside. Next Fareeha took a steel safety razor and carefully drew it along her leg from ankle to knee in several short strokes. Every couple of passes she would dunk the razor in a cup of water and swish it around until it was clean. Once she had finished shaving her first leg she moved onto the other followed by the back of her neck along with some stray hairs on her stomach as well. Fareeha set the razor down and stood up as she slid her briefs off before looking at herself in the mirror. It had been several months since she had felt the need to do anything with this particular area though it wasn't as bad as it could have been. It still needed some work however. Fareeha took a deep breath before picking up a pair of scissors. "This better be worth it." Fareeha muttered to herself as she got started. By the time Fareeha made it downstairs Angela was standing in front of the sink as she scrubbed a thin layer of grease off a plate in her hands. She turned and waved at the dining room table. "There's some rosti for you on the table but it might be a bit cold by now." Fareeha pulled her chair out from the table and sat down. "I did some searching and there's a place with good ratings about twenty kilometers from here. Is that all right with you?" "Sure, that sounds fine with me." Angela replied as she started scrubbing the plate again. "What time do you want to leave?" "Mmmm... how about at eleven?" Fareeha asked while picking up her fork. "This alley has a small kitchen so we can order some snacks and drinks while we're there. Nothing fancy but it's good enough for lunch." "That soon?" "Yep. I figure if we go earlier in the game then we'll avoid the evening rush and we won't have to worry about being able to get a lane." Eleven. That would give Angela plenty of time time to take a shower, but not enough to do the laundry she had accumulated over the last two weeks. "All right, I'll see you at eleven then." Angela said as she began to dry off the plate in her hands. When the time to leave came around Angela trudged down the stairs to find Fareeha waiting downstairs for her. Fareeha raised an eyebrow at the sight of what Angela was holding. "What's with the socks?" "Well we have to rent shoes that other people have used and I don't know how well this place cleans their shoes. Bringing an extra pair of socks will help keep any germs from getting into my shoes." Angela explained as she wrapped the socks into a small bag and shoved the bag into one of her coat pockets. "All right then..." Fareeha said before heading out into the garage, Angela a few steps behind her. Fifteen minutes later and Angela's car was pulling into the parking lot of the bowling alley. A man and woman had just exited the building's front doors as the vehicle came to a halt in one of the parking spots. The couple didn't give the car a second glance but the woman came to a halt and did a double-take as the car's owner walked by and into the bowling alley. Fareeha covered her mouth to hide a slight grin and she leaned towards Angela to whisper into her ear. "I think she recognized the famous Doctor Ziegler." "Quiet you." Angela said half-heartedly as she pulled out her maestro card before approaching the counter. A minute later and they were heading for a bowling lane at the far side of the building, shoes and menu in hand. Fareeha set her shoes down as she headed for a nearby rack holding spheres of various colors. "You know, I've never understood why bowling balls don't use the metric system." Angela said as she looked for a ball whose holes weren't too large or too small for her fingers. "I should look it up sometime." After a minute the two of them had found a bowling ball that suited them and another passed as they put the bowling shoes on, Angela taking longer since she was putting on the other pair of socks. Fareeha tapped their names in and the first game began. "So we got three games. How about we make this a little more interesting?" Fareeha suggested with an almost mischievous twinkle in her eye. "How?" Fareeha leaned closer to Angela to make sure no one could overhear her whispering. "If you win two of three then we'll do a session where I use a strapon tonight. If I win then you let me use that hot tub of yours tonight." Angela nervously glanced over her shoulder but the next lane over was empty and the group past that looked too occupied with their game, and too far away, to overhear what Fareeha had just said. "If you want to use my tub then all you have to do is ask. Maybe there's something else you'd want if you win?" "Hmm..." Fareeha tapped her finger on her chin as she considered what else to ask for. "How about you also give me a massage if I win then?" "Sounds like I get a good deal win or lose." Angela pointed out. "Too bad I don't own that bench we were looking at but I'm sure you'll figure something out after I beat you." Angela stood up and walked to the first arrows before rolling her ball down the lane towards the pins at the other end. It struck a few on one side and ended up knocking half of them over. Her next roll only hit one pin this time and it was Fareeha's turn. Instead of getting up Fareeha was looking at the menu. "What do you say to nachos, Angela?"   "That sounds fine with me." Angela said as she sat down next to Fareeha. "Bowling and nachos here then... you know what later." Fareeha didn't respond as she got up and lifted her bowling ball in front of her before drawing her arm back and sending it hurtling straight down the middle of the lane. All ten pins fell down and Fareeha grinned at Angela as she returned to her seat. "Your turn." The doctor knocked down seven pins with her next two rules and then Fareeha was up again. This time she knocked down eight pins with her first roll then two more the second time for a spare. "You're definitely off to a good start. I think I might be in trouble now." Angela remarked as she headed to collect her bowling ball. "Maybe, but you're going to come out ahead win or lose." Fareeha replied as she watched Angela send the ball down the lane once more. As Angela returned to her seat she couldn't help but agree. Win and Fareeha would be using a strapon on her. Lose and she got to give her girlfriend a massage. Either way she had something to look forward to tonight. The only question was which one it would be.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2
Asami yawned as she plodded towards her kitchen. She pulled the fridge door open and grabbed a pitcher from the top shelf along with a half empty container of vanilla almond milk. Asami set them down on the counter before grabbing a glass from a nearby cabinet. Black liquid poured out of the pitcher when she tilted it until the glass was half full. The milk took the other half and Asami mixed them together with a spoon before taking a sip of the coffee. With cup in hand she ambled over towards a heavy gray curtain and drew it to the side so she could peek out the window. On a clear day she could see all the way to the ocean from her highrise condo, but today her view was obscured by a heavy blanket of gray clouds that had rolled in from the harbor. Asami could see other skyscrapers rising out of the fog, but nothing of the cars and pedestrians on the streets below. After a moment Asami let the curtain fall back into place and she turned around. A short distance away was a clear glass coffee table with two laptops atop it, one of which had a blue ethernet cord plugged into it. She took another drink before setting the cup down on the table and grabbing one of the laptops while sitting down. Asami unplugged the cord from the second laptop and plugged it into the one resting on her legs. She tapped once on the computer's touchpad and the machine's fans began whirring as she took another drink. Once it had finished booting up and she had logged in Asami opened up her internet browser and began typing into the search box. 'Best dating site.' The page turned white for a split second then text filled the screen as the results were displayed. Asami gnawed on her lip as she scrolled down the page, her eyes scanning each entry in the list as it popped up on the screen. Once she got to the bottom Asami shook her head and went back up to the top and changed her search query. 'Dating site reviews.' The page went white a second time before displaying a different set of results. Asami clicked on the top hit and the page changed once again. This time it didn't load as quickly as before and the loading bar took its sweet time before finishing the loading process. The search results had been clean, but this page was anything but. Animated ads were all over the page, each more intrusive than the last and at the center of the page was a picture of a man and woman vapidly smiling at each other. Below the picture was a pair of buttons with the words 'next' and 'previous' written on them and between the two buttons was a page count. "God damn slideshows." Asami grumbled as she hit her backspace key to take her back to the search results. She opened the second hit up in a new tab and let out a sigh of relief upon seeing a proper article. That feeling didn't last long as she began reading. The article wasn't bad by all means. It was well written and got into the pros and cons of each site it listed along with a picture to give a further sense of what the website was like. The issue was just how many of those listings there were. At the top were multiple sites a general user could use to look for casual dates along with a few more sites whose goal was getting married. The list grew more specific as it went on. Sites aimed at college graduates or business professionals, sites focusing on older individuals and there were multiple sites solely for hooking up with others as well. At the end of the article were more niche listings. Most of those were aimed at some part of the LGBTQ spectrum, but the ones after them were aimed at various kinds of kinks such as swinging, bondage or cam sites to name a few. The pictures on those were decidedly tame, but it was still enough for her imagination to fill in the blanks and leave her red-faced. Asami scrolled back up towards the top and her mouse pointer hovered for a moment as she considered her options. "This one has more users so let's try that." Asami muttered as she clicked on it. Next she clicked on the link saying register in the top right of the screen and a box popped up asking for a username, email address and password. Asami typed her name in along with a password only for red text to appear next to the box. 'Username already taken.' "What!?" Asami exclaimed as she stared at the message in disbelief. "Someone took my name on this site?" She shook her head in annoyance before beginning to type again. "Let's see. How about... RC...MechnicalGirl." The red notification text changed to green and she re-entered her password and email before clicking on the button that said next. A series of questions meant for crafting her profile came up next and Asami took another drink as she began to answer them. I am a woman looking for men and women. Age, twenty-one. Height, one hundred and seventy-seven. Body type, athletic. Never married. Children, no, but someday maybe. Education, PhD in mechanical engineering. Smoker no, drinking maybe. Fire Nation ancestry. Religion, agnostic. Interests, Judo, hiking, cars and motorcycles, reading, cats. The last thing was asking if she wanted to upload a picture. There was an option not to, but with a notice that profiles with a picture got more hits and messages than one without. Asami leaned to one side as she dug her phone out of her pocket before plugging it into the computer. She opened up her file browser and navigated to the phone's picture folder before beginning to browse through them. "What to pick..." Asami muttered as she flicked from one to the next. "Well I named this account RCMechnicalGirl so how about..." Asami came to a halt on a picture of her wearing a pair of blue jeans with plenty of stains from years of working on engines and a tee shirt whose black color concealed even more stains. Her hair was tightly bound up on top of her head and the back of her neck. There was grease on her hands, picked up at point while working on the sleek race car located directly behind her. It wasn't exactly the most alluring of photos, but hopefully it conveyed something about who she was, Asami decided as she uploaded the picture. Once it had finished uploading Asami clicked on the done button and she was sent to the site's homepage. Asami gave the site a brief glance before picking up her phone and checking the time. Almost Half past ten. Way too late to attend the early morning class, but there would be another starting at eleven-thirty which left her enough time to head over and warm up before class began. Asami closed her laptop and set it back on the table before heading towards her spare bedroom. It was mostly empty save for a clothing rack made of aluminum pipes and a box fan. A pair of blue gi jacket and matching pants hung off the top bar. In addition there were two white tee-shirts and the sports bra and compression shorts she wore beneath her gi. Asami grabbed the gym bag she carried her equipment in from the topmost rack and began pulling things off the rack and unceremoniously stuffed them into the bag. She threw it over her shoulder before grabbing her keys and wallet and heading out the door. When Asami got to the dojo there were already a few people stretching on the mats already. In previous years this place had been a warehouse, but then her sensei had started renting the place. Not too much had changed really. It was still a long and somewhat narrow concrete room, but with a couple of additions. A spring floor had been installed and blue tatami mats laid down on top of it. Rows of further mats two meters high lined the walls on both sides as well to protect anyone who got pushed into them. She adjusted the bag hanging on her shoulder before heading into the women's locker room to change into her gi. By the time she got out a few more people, including the grizzled old dojo owner Yenamros were on the mats now. Yenamros waved a gnarled hand in her direction as she bowed onto the mat. "Over here, Asami." "What is it, sensei?" Asami asked once she had closed the distance between them. "We have someone doing a trial class today. Show him some basic ukemi and O Soto Gari if you think he's up for it." Once he finished speaking Yenamros pointed at a man standing by himself in the corner. He was a little taller than Asami and had a decidedly solid build though it looked to be more muscle than fat. Weightlifter seemed the most likely possibility if Asami had to guess. Asami bowed to her sensei before heading over towards the guy and holding out her hand. "Hey, I'm Asami. What's your name?" He awkwardly shook her hand before glancing down at her waist and the brown belt tied around it. "Lee." "Have you trained any kind of grappling or martial art before? Karate, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, maybe?" Lee shook his head. "No, nothing like that. I lift weights, but that's it. I've always wanted to try picking up a martial art though." "Okay, that's cool." Asami said as Yenamros began to line the other students up for a drill. "Well, let's get started. Are you familiar with the term ukemi?" Lee just shook his head. "So ukemi basically just means break-fall. Asami moved a couple of meters towards the edge of the mat so she and Lee had enough space from the other students. "Let's start with a forward roll." She got down on her knees and planted her hands on the mat side, one several centimeters past the other so that they were staggered diagonally. "So we'll start like this. Take one hand and reach back towards your ankles like you're going to grab one of them. Then tuck your chin, drive off the mat with the same side leg and roll over the shoulder that you're reaching with. Like this." Asami rolled forward and came up to her feet and turned around to watch Lee. He put his hands down and rolled forward, although his movements were stiff and less fluid than hers had been. "Okay, not bad, but you made one of the common mistakes. You want to roll over your shoulder, not your head. When you go over your head there's a chance you can spike it into the ground and that can hurt your neck. You don't have to go so fast either. It's better to go slow until you get the hang of it. Okay that one was better. Let me show you another one." "How many break-falls are there?" Lee asked after he came back to his feet, though he looked somewhat dizzy and had to take a wide step to steady himself. "There's four common ones. Forward break-fall, sideways break-fall, and backward breakfall." "When do I actually start doing Judo?" Lee asked as he looked at the other students practicing a footsweep. "You are doing Judo." Asami said once he was looking back at her. "You can't practice any throws or randori until you've learned how to break-fall. Otherwise you could get injured and then you wouldn't be able to train at all. We'll get to a throw later, but for right now let's keep working on these break-falls." That seemed to mollify Lee and the next fifteen minutes went by with the occasional question as she continued to walk him through the break-falls. At that point she moved on. "Okay, so now we're going to do a basic throw, O Soto Gari. That means Major Outside Reaping." Asami grabbed the back of his collar with her right hand, gripped his sleeve by the blow with her left. "So these are the grips you want to get for this move. Next thing is where, and how, you're standing. I don't want to be square with you because that'll make the next part harder." Asami took a step to the side so that that she could walk by him were it not for the arm blocking her way. "Now you're going to pull down on the elbow while pushing upward with your other hand, kinda like a steering wheel." One of Lee's feet came off the ground and he started leaning to his right as she demonstrated what she was talking about. "Once you get their weight planted on one foot then you take a step forward so that your outside foot is parallel to theirs. Finally you bring your inside foot forward and kick back with your leg like this." Asami kept her leg straight as she swung it back towards Lee's calf and a split second later he was falling down onto the mats. "Don't forget to slap the mats when you do a break-fall." Asami reminded him as she helped him up. "Now you give it a try." After a few minutes of Lee working on the throw Yenamros clapped his hands and all of the other students stopped what they were doing and headed towards the edge of the mat. A few grabbed their water bottles and took a drink while others pulled mouthguards out of containers and put them on. Lee glanced at Asami, curious and a little confused. "What's going on?" "Randori. That means sparring. We drill for the first half of class then spar for the second half. It's your first class though and we don't allow people to do randori until they can fall correctly. We don't want anyone to get injured, least of all people who are just trying a class or starting out. You're free to watch if you want though." Lee frowned and he gave the other students a quick glance as the sparring round began. "Well, that's disappointing. I guess that makes sense, but I was hoping to try sparring." He said, not looking thrilled by their policy. "Well, those are the rules at our dojo. You might have better luck at another club or even a different martial art. Jiu-jitsu's been getting more popular recently and there's plenty of good striking gyms in Republic City or so I've been told." "I'll I have to do that I suppose. What should I do with this gi?" Lee asked as he started heading for the edge of the mat. Asami followed along as he sat down and grabbed the water bottle that he had brought with him. "That's one of our loaners so you can just leave it here and someone will take it home and wash it. Are you going to stay and watch?" "I'm not sure." Lee slowly said as he watched the other students sparring with each other. After a moment he turned back towards her and his voice losing the thread of dejection it had held. "Actually I was wondering if I could get your phone number. Maybe coffee or even lunch some time?" Asami's thoughts came crashing to a sudden halt and she stared at Lee blankly for a few seconds before laughing nervously. "My phone number? I'm flattered, but that's not such a good idea." "What? Why not?" "It's not a good idea for people who train together to date each other. If things go badly the fallout can affect other people at the dojo. Martial arts schools aren't really a good place to go looking for romantic relationships anyways. What we do here requires us to have a certain level of trust and respect for each other. Bringing those kind of relationships onto the mats is-" "Ah, forget it." Lee grumbled with a sour expression as he yanked his belt loose and dropped it on the mat before storming off in a huff towards the men's locker room. Asami grimaced. The class had been going well up until just now and then this. "You had handled that well." Asami looked up to see Yenamros standing close by. "He was at fault there. It's good this happened though since it showed us his character. If his ego can't handle being rejected then it wouldn't have been able to handle training here. Better to find out now then six months from now." "I don't know about that." Asami protested, albeit half-heartedly. "He was doing good for his first day. If I had handled him with more tact-" "Don't do that, Asami. Your job isn't to make excuses for his bad attitude. Your job was to teach him Judo and you were doing a fine job of it by the way. He crossed a line he shouldn't have and that's his fault, not yours. Anyways, forget about him. Would you care to work on some newaza?” Asami paused as she considered the question then shook her head. “No... I know I should, but honestly I'm not in the mood for it. I think I'm just going to head home.” Yenamros glanced towards the other students briefly before looking back down at Asami. “I've been speaking to the coaches and they've been saying it's time you took your shodan exam. After watching you today, I agree with them.” Asami stared blankly at her teacher, his words bouncing around inside her head for several seconds before they clicked and she was able to process what he had just said. “You want me to take the black belt exam?” She blurted out, unable to mask her surprise. A faint smile crossed the old man's lips and he patted her on the shoulder. “I do, yes. You've been at ikkyu long enough to be eligible for shodan. If it were up to me I'd skip the formality of a test and just give you the belt like I did the others, but the rules change at shodan. Email me when you figure out a date that works for you.” Yenamros started to walk off, but stopped after a couple of steps and turned back towards her. “Oh, happy birthday by the way, Asami.”' A wide smile of her own settled onto Asami's face as she looked down at the thin piece of cloth holding her gi together. The fabric was brown, but that would change before too long. The timer sitting at the corner of the mat let out a buzzing sound and the duos began to break up and look for a new partner to spar with. Asami got to her feet and she made her way further onto the mat, her conversation with Lee forgotten. A few rounds of randori and then she'd head home to celebrate the gift her sensei had technically given her. When Asami got back to her condo, she paused halfway across the living room as something drew her attention. The laptop sitting on her coffee table was still on. “Great, I forgot to turn it off.” Asami muttered as she headed towards her bathroom to take a shower. After she finished cleaning herself Asami dumped her gi and sweaty clothes into the washing machine before going to wash her hands. She poured some detergent in and started the cycle then headed to her kitchen to get something to eat. Once she had finished putting together a plate of chicken sandwiches Asami set them down on the coffee table, but not before taking a big bite from one. She grabbed her computer and set it on her lap. The screen showed the homepage of the dating site she had been browsing through earlier that day, but with one difference. A yellow exclamation point was blinking near the top of the page next to the navigation tabs. She eyed it for a moment before clicking on the icon, unsure where it would take her. A split second later and a smaller window popped up. Someone had texted her while she was gone. Jayden Crypt: Just saw your picture, girl. Looking sexy af. Hit me up, yo. -Message sent 2 hours ago. Jayden Crypt: Hello? -Message sent 1 hour, 55 minutes ago. Jayden Crypt: I know you're there, stop ignoring me -Message sent 1 hour, 53 minutes ago. Jayden Crypt: Skank -Message sent 1 hour, 40 minutes ago. Jayden Crypt: You ugly as fuck mechanic girl? bitch please go make me a sandwich fatty -Message sent 1 hour, 20 minutes ago. Asami clenched her jaw as she scowled at the messages, an icy ball forming in her stomach as she read them a second time. She moved her cursor to the bottom left of the window and clicked on the red button labeled as Block. A second later she clicked on the smaller text that said 'Report' located beneath it. Another window popped up, this one asking the reason for report. Asami clicked on the dropdown menu and selected harassment after a second's consideration. The third window disappeared once she clicked 'Submit' and the window with the texts in it quickly followed suit. Once she was back to the home page Asami noticed the number one in parentheses on a tab that said inbox. “Wait, what? This site has chat and messaging functions? The review didn't say anything about that.” She clicked on the tab and the page that loaded was reminiscent of an email inbox in design. There was a single message on the screen and Asami moved her cursor to it and clicked. The body of the message had a single sentence in it. 'What you do to me.' Beneath the only line an image was loading. A few seconds later and she was able to see what it was. A man's dick, it's rigid pink shaft sticking out of a mess of unruly black hair. The image hadn't finished loading before Asami was hammering on her backspace key and the browser jumped back all the way to the search engine. Her computer was no longer displaying the picture, but even that brief glimpse had been enough to sear it into her memory as well as bringing a little bit of vomit up into her mouth. Asami jumped to her feet and hurried to the kitchen sink, spitting it out before rinsing her mouth with water As Asami moved back towards her computer she began to weigh her options. It had only been a few hours and this was the response she had gotten. Trying another site was a possibility, but any other site would draw from the same user-base, namely people in Republic City and would most likely yield similar results. There was also the burden of having to make another profile should she decide to try another site. Therefore the decision in front of her was whether to leave this profile up or not. Answering that depended on figuring out what she wanted out of this endeavor and where the idea had come from. The latter of those two wasn't hard to figure out. It had come from the debutante ball, specifically her conversations with her father and Tahno. Her father had spoken about her not dating anyone before, but she had quickly shut that down. Tahno had just wanted to sleep with her, an idea as repulsive as the dick picture she had been sent. Asami sat back down on the couch and gazed off into the distance at nothing in particular, a realization dawning on her. It was the idea of sleeping with Tahno that repelled her, not the idea of sleeping with someone. What she wanted was for someone to take her clothes off, to lay her down on a bed, spread her legs wide, to... “I want to get fucked.” Asami whispered, her voice carrying through the empty room nonetheless. A smile began to grow on her face and the tension in her shoulders quickly dissipated. Now all she had to do was find the right person for the job. Easier said than done however.
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Asami sighed as she rolled to the side and looked at her alarm clock. Four in the morning. Six hours remaining until the meeting she had spent the last six days anticipating was upon her. She had gone to bed at her usual time, but only managed to sleep for a few hours. The rest of the night had been spent tossing and turning from side to side, a case of jittery nerves keeping her awake. Asami threw her sheets and blankets to the side as she hopped out of bed. She trundled into her living room and sat down on the couch before grabbing her laptop. Once it had woken up she pulled up the email she had received from Korra. 'Hey there, love. Since you don't have a phone I can text we'll have to do directions a little differently. Head to the southeast corner of the Harmony Tower parking lot at ten and you can follow me from there.' Harmony Tower. A tall metal structure covered in lights that were turned on at night and a popular spot for couples to go on dates. Korra was not without a certain sense of irony Asami dryly noted. They weren't a couple, but they would be coupling today. She set the computer aside and headed to her kitchen. Sleep wasn't a possibility so she might as well get some coffee and breakfast to help her cope with that fact. Afterwards she wandered back through her bedroom and into her walk-in closet. She bit her lip as she considered all the possibilities before her. Picking an outfit was normally a trivial, but today she had an extra factor to consider. Whatever she was putting on would be coming off later and the more clothes she wore the longer getting undressed would take and the longer she would have to wait to be naked for Korra. After a few moments of looking around her closet she grabbed a black high cut tank top with wide shoulder straps, faded blue jeans, a side-tie bikini bottom and a pair of flip flops. On a normal day Asami's showers would only take a few minutes, but this time she lingered underneath the warm water. Her hands made their way up and down her body as she covered herself in suds before rinsing them off multiple times. The only place untouched by the suds was between her legs, water was the only liquid she used in that region. Once she was satisfied Asami grabbed a can of shaving cream and sprayed it onto her legs and armpits before picking up a razor. When she was done with that onerous task Asami dried herself off, pulled her clothes on then wrapped her towel around her head before staring at herself in the mirror. After a moment's consideration she opened a drawer and pulled out a tube of dark red lipstick, the one piece of makeup she felt comfortable wearing on an average day. Upon exiting the bathroom, Asami paused as she looked at the clock. It was only a few minutes after five and still dark outside. She had four hours and change to go before it was time to leave. Asami let out a long-suffering sigh and headed to her living room and flopped sideways onto the couch. She grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned the TV on. Asami paused as she considered what streaming site to load and her eyes flicked towards the porn app she used. After a brief spell Asami shook her head and moved to a different one instead. If she went for porn then Asami knew she wouldn't be able to resist putting a hand down her pants and going at it like she usually did. On most days that wouldn't be a problem, but today it would be best to save her stamina for later. She pulled up her favorite comedy show and settled in for the long haul. Each episode was only twenty or so minutes long, but today they all seemed interminable to her, the conclusion of each marking a near half hour passed. Twelve episodes later and it was time to go. Asami grabbed her wallet and opened it up before starting to pull things out. Credit cards, rewards cards from the stores she frequented, her Future Industries ID badge, insurance information. By the time she was done the only things left were her drivers license, which Korra had already seen, and a thousand yuans in cash. She tucked the wallet into her pocket, grabbed her keys while leaving her phone behind and headed out the door. Maybe it was paranoia, but if she got robbed then she wouldn't lose anything of consequence save a bit of money Asami could easily replace. Like last week there was a doorman down in the lobby, but it was still in the morning so John was there instead of Lee. He waved at her as she went by. “Hope you have a good day, Miss Sato.” “Oh, believe me I'm going to.” Asami replied with a small smile. A short walk later and she was in her car and heading onto the road. Twenty minutes after that and she was at the parking lot. As Asami began navigating her way towards the southeast corner she found herself wishing this meeting had been scheduled for a weekday. The lot was full and there were dozens of people walking in every direction as they had just arrived or were leaving the tourist destination. Eventually she got the edge and then she saw Korra standing near a red jeep that had racks mounted on the roof and rear of the vehicle though they were currently empty. She was wearing a pair of black gym shorts and a gray tee-shirt despite the chill in the air. Asami lightly tapped on her horn and Korra looked up from her phone, her head swiveling from side to side until her eyes found their way to Asami. She gave a smile and waved before getting into her car and backing out. Once Korra had gotten underway Asami moved her car forward as she began to follow the other woman out of the parking lot. When they hit red stop lights, Asami's gaze wandered the rear of the jeep out of idle curiosity. There were a few spots of dried sand and mud on the bumper and rear mounted tire. Definitely not the kind of grime you'd pick up in the city so Korra must go off-roading Asami mused. As they continued to drive the skyscrapers of downtown began to grow smaller behind them and soon they vanished from sight as trees took their place. Eventually Korra turned into a driveway in front of a white house with a green lawn and a tree with smooth gray bark and yellowing leaves that hadn't fallen off yet. The garage door at the end of the driveway opened up and Korra drove forward, parking on one side before waving her hand at Asami to come forward. As she eased her vehicle forward Asami could see a mountain bike standing next to a kayak that was leaning upright against the wall. After Asami had parked her car Korra shut the garage door and waited for Asami to join her before they headed into the house. “You can leave your shoes here.” Korra pointed at a black shoe shelf just past the garage door. Asami stepped out of her flipflops as Korra pulled her sneakers off without untying them and opened a second door that led into the rest of the house. They hadn't gotten more than a few steps inside when Asami heard a whining sound and an animal came rushing into the room. It stood half a meter tall, was covered in a thick and entirely white coat of fur and its triangular ears pointed straight up. The dog rushed up to Korra, thick tail excitedly wagging from side to side. She rubbed its head for a moment before pointing at Asami. “Achtung.” The dog looked at Asami and it moved closer, sniffing at her hand before woofing once. Asami glanced at Korra for a moment, unsure of herself. “What did you just say?” Korra waved dismissively and she pointed again, but not at Asami this time. “Go to your spot, Naga.” Naga woofed again and happily trotted away. “Okay, come on love. This way.” Korra took a hold of Asami's hand and began leading her towards a door not far from where Naga was lying down on a mattress. When Korra got to the door she pushed it open and stepped inside. Directly in front of them was a flat-screen TV hanging on the wall and past it was a closet with sliding doors. Adjacent to the door they had come through was a desk covered in cardboard boxes. An identical looking desk was on the far side of the room and it was holding several glass display cases though Asami couldn't make out their contents from here. The main feature of the room was a bed that had been neatly made and had a black blanket over white sheets and there were several white pillows that looked like they had been fluffed up recently. Asami swallowed nervously as she looked at the bed. She had been dreaming of this, day and night, at work and at home alike, since scheduling this appointment. Now that the moment had come and that she was finally here, looking at the actual spot where she was going to get fucked, she couldn't move. Her feet felt as heavy as lead ingots, countless butterflies were fluttering in her stomach and her mouth had gone dry. “Are you all right, love? You're looking a little pale.” Korra said with a concerned look on her face. Asami raised her gaze, ever so slowly, from the bed to the woman she was going to share it with. “I'm scared.” She admitted in a quiet voice. “I haven't done this before.” “At all?” Asami nodded quickly and Korra shrugged. “Nothing wrong with that, at least not to me. I've never agreed with how society treats virginity and sex in general for that matter. It shames people for not getting laid, but then attacks them for having sex before marriage at the same time and god forbid if you enjoy sex because then you must be a slut.” Korra laughed, but it was more sardonic than humorous. “I don't care if you're a virgin. It doesn't make you less worthwhile or diminish the things you've accomplished or who you are as a person. All being a virgin really means is that you haven't learned what to do in bed yet, but don't worry. I know enough for both of us and you'll learn as we go. First things first though. An hour is three-fifty.” Asami pulled her wallet out and grabbed several bills between her fingers, counted it out then held the money towards Korra. The other woman took it, double checked the amount before placing it in one of the desk drawers before heading back up to Asami. She took a hold of Asami's hands and gently led her over to the bed and yanked the blanket off with her free hand. She then laid herself down on her side and patted the bed beside her. When Asami had joined her on the bed Korra scooted a little closer. “Have you ever kissed someone before?” Asami quickly shook her head. “May I be the first?” Asami gave a shaky nod and Korra leaned in and brushed her lips against Asami's. The other woman remained stiff and didn't react. “Everyone kisses differently, but there's a few general rules to keep in mind.” Korra murmured before continuing, each fleeting touch barely applying any pressure. After several more she pulled back just enough to continue speaking. “The first part of kissing is all about the lips and tongue so try not to open your mouth too much because then you're dealing with teeth and spit.” Asami parted her lips a tad and this time she was the one to make contact and Korra murmured softly in approval before pulling back a few centimeters and smiling encouragingly. “That's it, love. Now the second part is the tongue. The most important thing is not to go fast. You don't want to just jam it into my mouth. Take your time, maybe tease me a little by brushing it against my lips. When you go in, stay slow and rub your tongue against mine. Like this.” Korra opened her lips, and when Asami did the same, she pressed their lips together once again and her tongue eased its way in before brushing against Asami's. A low murmur came from Asami's throat while a thrill of excitement ran down her spine as she mimicked the gesture. This time Korra made no attempt to pull back and the kisses continued and grew more intense as Asami found herself starting to relax and even gaining some measure of confidence in what she was doing. After a few minutes Korra pulled away again and she placed her hand on Asami's cheek. “May I undress you, love?” Both of her cheeks began to grow warmer, but the cheek that Korra was touching felt definitively hotter than the other one. As Asami lay there, looking at Korra, the full implication of the question hit her. It wasn't just a question of taking her clothes off, Korra was asking permission for what came after that. She sat up. “Yes.” Korra's hands dipped to the sides of Asami's tank top and pulled upwards on it, revealing a pale pair of breasts. Next she unfastened the button on Asami's jeans, undid the zipper then pulled them off, albeit not without Asami having to lift her rear off the bed. Once the knots holding Asami's bikini had been undone, and the garment tossed aside with the rest of her clothes, every part of her was exposed to the other woman's eyes and eventually her touch. Asami shivered as she looked at Korra, her nerves beginning to get the better of her once again. Korra smiled softly as she looked back at Asami, eyes bright with desire as they roamed her body. “You are so, so beautiful, love. Your hair is incredible and so are your eyes. Your skin is flawless and I love how long your legs are. Your breasts are nice and perky and this-” She reached down to gently nudge Asami's knees to the side so she could get a better look at what was between them “-is the most perfect pussy I've ever seen. Honestly I should be paying you so I can get at it.” Deep down Asami had a hunch that Korra would compliment all of her clients like this, but it didn't matter to her. Hearing someone gush, and convincingly so at that, over her body had the effect of making her cheeks redden and her body grow warmer at the notion of being desired by another person. “Are you going to take your clothes off too, Korra?” Korra's answer to that question was to take her shirt off and playfully toss it at Asami's face. She grabbed the shirt and removed it from her face and was promptly rewarded by the sight of Korra's bare breasts. Her hands twitched at the sight and Asami swallowed as she stared. Korra gave a knowing smile at the look on Asami's face and she stood up off the bed, facing away from Asami. Her fingers hooked into the elastic band of those shorts and Korra began to push down, bending forward at the waist as she did so and staying like that even after the shorts had come off. “Now if anything in this is perfect, it's that butt.” Asami said admiringly as she stared at the rear end that had convinced her Korra was the right person for this. “I wish my butt looked that good. You're a lucky woman.” A laugh filled the room as Korra turned her head to look back at Asami. “Luck had nothing to do with it. I worked hard in the weight room for this ass. Glad to hear it was worth it.” She straightened up, much to Asami's regret, and re-joined her on the bed. “How much do you squat?” Asami asked, having a hunch what exercise was responsible for said ass. “I've been thinking of lifting weights, but I've never gotten around to it.” “Right now my one rep max is about a hundred and twenty kilograms. I might be able to go higher, but I'm pretty happy with where I'm at. I don't know if you'll like lifting weights, but you should definitely try it out at least once. Getting stronger is good for your body's health.” Korra put a hand on Asami's shoulder and her eyes made their way down along Asami's body towards her hips as she spoke. “Now then, would you like a massage? It'll help you relax and when you're ready I can eat you out.” Asami looked down towards her groin then to the beautiful woman lying at her side. “Thank you, but no.” She said after a bit. “Right now I want to touch as much of you as I can so how about we just caress each other for a few then you eat me out.” Korra scooted closer towards Asami before throwing one of her legs over so that she was seated on on her lap. She leaned down and planted a light kiss on Asami's lips then grabbed Asami's hands and placed them on her sides. “By all means, love. Feel free to touch me wherever you'd like.” Feeling emboldened by Korra's words, Asami's hands began to move. They slowly glided downwards along those glorious hips, enjoying the way the smooth skin felt against her fingertips whilst savoring the muscles beneath them even more. When she made it to Korra's calves Asami let go and she started to run her hands along Korra's arms, along her shoulders then up her neck. When Asami got to her face Korra tilted her head to the side, further pressing her cheek against a palm. Asami let her hands linger then she started to trace a path down to Korra's breasts, taking one in each hand, and gently squeezing with her fingers. Korra gave an encouraging smile and she leaned forward so that their faces were close together. “I'd say it's my turn now, but I don't want you to stop so I guess I'll get started.” Korra kissed Asami again, but this one was different than the ones earlier. Those had been quick and light pecks. This kiss was longer, deeper and fueled by a lustful intensity that Asami quickly found infecting her until she was responding in kind. Each kiss led to another at the same time the hands of both women started to roam. Once again Asami was exploring all those wonderful curves, feeling softness squish beneath her fingers while firmer areas were less yielding, but just as fun to touch. At the same time Asami could feel her excitement growing from being touched back at the same time and knowing that her body was being enjoyed in the same manner. Eventually Asami drew her head back and she took a moment to gaze up into those gorgeous eyes. “I'm ready.” Korra planted a kiss on Asami's cheek and she climbed off Asami's lap and crawled towards the end of the bed. “Scoot back a little will you, love? I need some room over here.” Asami half-shuffled-half shoved herself towards the headboard and laid down flat on her back. Korra knelt in front of Asami, positioning herself so that the two of them formed a straight line. Asami spread her feet wide apart and her breathing began to quicken with anticipation as she waited for what came next. To Asami's surprise Korra didn't go for her groin right away. Instead she crawled forward a step and raised her head higher, pressing her lips to the inside of one knee. Asami shivered, but didn't complain as the kisses continued, each one lower on the inside of her inner thigh than its predecessor. When she got within a few centimeters of the very center Korra withdrew and started the same march, but on the other leg, much to Asami's frustration. When she got to the center Korra didn't retreat and her tongue came out and ran along those wet folds from bottom to top. A guttural moan burst from Asami's mouth and her whole body tensed up at once as she clawed at the sheets, trying to find purchase in the taut fabric. She had masturbated hundreds of times in the past, but none of those sessions came anywhere close to the sensation of having another person's tongue, Korra's tongue, lick her. Jolts of electricity began firing at random as a second and then a third lick came. Asami raised her head to look down at what was happening only to see Korra's eyes intently looking back at her as that tongue started to climb higher. It found its way to her clit and began to focus on that area while fingers began to brush against her thighs. Asami began panting as they took their time in journeying towards her center, and then they were at her folds. They grazed the outsides of her labia with their tips and all the while that tongue never ceased its flat caresses. Asami gasped when the first finger made its way inside and she moaned unabashedly when a second one joined it and they started to swirl against her walls. “Oh my god.” Asami groaned. Korra didn't respond, her mouth otherwise preoccupied, but her wrist rotated until her palm was facing up and the fingers inside Asami began to curl inwards over and over, each stroke rubbing against her g-spot. The jolts inside of her began firing even faster and traveled further than earlier and her whole body began writhing as those licks and curls took turns in assailing her senses. Asami began to moan wantonly as Korra's pace never changed, not even for an instant, and then all those jolts all melded into a single paroxysm of electricity everywhere at once and Asami shrieked as ecstasy overwhelmed her. “Oh my god.” Asami murmured again with a satisfied smile on her face once her body had ceased moving of its own accord. “That was amazing.” After a moment she sat up and her gaze hungrily fixed itself on Korra. “Can I do that to you? It's only fair if I repay the favor.” “I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to pass.” Korra stated gently as she moved to lay down next to Asami once again. “One of my rules is not to let new clients go down on me. If you end up becoming one of my regulars then I'd teach you how to eat me out, but for right now I'm going to say no.” “Ah, that bites, but I understand.” Asami said, disappointed that she wouldn't get the opportunity to see what another woman would taste like today. “So, how does it feel now that you're not a virgin anymore?” Korra asked as she rolled onto her side to face Asami. “Honestly...” Asami said after staring up at the ceiling as she muddled through all of the emotions running through her at the moment. “I feel exactly the same. Don't get me wrong, I still feel really good from what you just did... but I don't feel any different.” “Right?” Korra laughed and shook her head. “People make such a big deal out of losing your virginity and it doesn't change anything when you do. Makes you wonder why people care so much in the first place. So, do you think you're satisfied with your visit or is there something else I can do for you, love?” Asami turned her head to the side to look at Korra once again and after a minute of psyching herself up she spoke. “Your reviews mentioned you have some toys. Do you have a strap-on?” “I do. Would you like me to use it on you?” “Yes. Not just here though.” Asami gestured towards her crotch. “I want to... see what's it's like to take it in the ass.” Asami finished in a suddenly timid voice. Korra's eyebrows curved upwards and her eyes flicked towards and then away from Asami's bottom. “You want to try anal do you... props for being willing to give it a shot, but I'm gonna have to pass on this as well.” Her voice was gentle as she continued to speak. “Don't get me wrong, I think anal is a lot of fun and it's why a lot of my clients come see me. The reason I'm saying no is because you're not ready for anal since this is your first time and all that. When you do anal you're pushing things in the opposite direction of what your body is used to. Getting to the point where you can comfortably, and safely, do anal takes time and effort. I'm willing to help you with that if you'd like, but not during this visit.” “Okay so no anal today. Are you willing to use a strap-on on my vagina at the very least, Korra?” The escort nodded quickly, looking a little relieved at the change of topic. “Yup. Not just yet though. Your vagina's probably still sensitive so we have to wait a few minutes before it's ready for more.” Asami glanced down towards her crotch and after a second's consideration she reached her hand towards. The second she made contact Asami's face contorted into a grimace and her fingers jumped away as if she had just burned them. “Okay yeah, that feels a little tender. I see what you mean.” Korra abruptly sat up and she swung her legs off the side of the bed before heading towards the desk opposite the bedroom door. The first thing she did was press down on the spigot of a square bottle labeled hand sanitizer and rub it all over her hands. She picked up a decently sized cloth that and one of the glass cases from the table and carried them back over to the bed. Asami's attention shifted to the glass case and she sat up to get a better view as Korra hopped back onto the bed and held the case on her lap. The rectangular case was full of objects shaped like rocks, but these were so translucent and bright that they looked more like sugary sweets than a stone. What's more is that she could make out tiny pits all over the pieces she could see, the pockmarks combining to lend a frosted patina to all of the pieces. “What are these?” “Sea glass. Basically whenever glass gets dumped in the ocean it gets rolled around and after a few decades the edges get smoothed away. Eventually it'll wash up on a beach somewhere. Collecting it is one of my hobbies.” Korra lifted the lid and picked a couple of pieces up and held them out towards Asami. “White and brown are the most common kinds of glass, but occasionally you'll find some pretty pieces worth keeping like these.” Asami carefully took the pieces Korra was offering her and she turned the piece of glass over in her hand. There were no sharp edges to either one, but she could feel a small measure of grain remaining in their surfaces as she rubbed both with her fingertips. “I've never heard of sea glass before. These are really pretty actually.” Asami placed the pieces back into the case and she started looking at the other colors present. “What's the rarest one you've found?” Korra scanned the case for a moment before she pointed at a roughly triangular teal piece. “The greens are fairly common, but this shade of green is pretty rare. That cobalt blue is rare and so is this lavender one here. The rarest ones are orange or red, but I haven't found either yet. Here's hoping though.” She closed the case and set it aside in favor of the bag she had brought. “So this is my other collection. I haven't been doing it for very long so it's pretty small right now.” She pulled the mouth of the bag opened and pulled out a chunk of rock and handed it to Asami. “This is some Alamandine Garnet I found a dig site about twenty kilometers from outside the city.” The rock wasn't much to look at until Asami turned it around to check out the other side. A large part of it was unremarkable to look at, but the remainder was covered with multi-faced dark red garnets growing in all directions. After a moment Korra held her hand out and Asami handed the stone back only to receive another in return. “This one is magnetite.” Half of the stone was merely a porous rock but the other half consisted of a jagged mess of silvery triangles and cubes that glinted in the light as Asami turned the rock one way than the other. “I really like this one.” Asami stated as she kept admiring the mineral. “Kinda looks like something you'd see on a sci-fi show. It's name even sounds futuristic. Mag-ne-tite.” Asami lingered on each of the syllables out as she said them. “Do you have any others, Korra?” Korra shook her head as she took the magnetite back from Asami and returned it to the bag. “No, I'm afraid not. These are the only two I've gotten so far. I want to go digging again, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe next month.” Korra picked the bag and case up and took them back over to the desk they had been on. “Okay, can you check your vagina again for me to see if you're ready?” Asami slid one hand down between her legs and she gingerly slid a finger along the part of her in question. “Getting better, but I'm not there yet so we have a few minutes still. Can I ask you something while we're waiting?” “Sure, what it is it?” “How did you end up becoming an escort?” For a split second Korra was pursing her lips then she shrugged and sat on the corner of the bed and turned so she was facing Asami. “Well, I suppose I can't blame you for being curious, but the answer is kinda boring to be honest. I don't drink or do drugs. I don't have any kind of debt and none of the other cliches about sex workers apply to me. Hell, I don't even need the money, but I can't say that I mind it. Ultimately though I got into this because it's fun.” “It's fun?” Asami repeated dumbly, the words swirling around in her head. “Yup. Once you cut past all the bullshit ideas people have about sex then it's just another part of life. It also happens to be something that I'm good at and people are willing to pay me money to have sex with them so it's a win-win.” Korra gave Asami a knowing look during the last bit and Asami blushed and looked away. “Point taken. I guess I've watched too many movies because what you're talking about is how they always portray escorts. I don't know why I thought that was accurate because the studios always portray other stuff wrong for the sake of being more dramatic.” “Right? “ Korra said as she chuckled dryly at Asami's comment. “Anyone who does sex work in the movies always needs someone to save them or they hate the career they've gotten into. I don't think I've seen a movie where the sex worker enjoys what they're doing. Maybe if you really dug into the indie stuff you would, but not in a mainstream movie.” “That might be true, but I don't need to look. I got the real thing right here and even if it tried I don't there's a movie that could do you justice.” Asami said as while gazing admiringly at the other woman. As she sat there, it suddenly occurred to her that Korra was naked and so was she. They had been naked for some time now, but their nudity hadn't registered in her brain since her orgasm. Asami swallowed and she could feel her pulse beginning to quicken as she stared at Korra's muscles. “I think someone's ready now.” Korra commented in a mock-serious tone of voice as she noted the change of expression on Asami's face. She stood up and headed over to one of her desks, opening a drawer and pulling two things out of it. One was a set of black straps and the other was a length of black silicone with a rounded tip. Korra closed the drawer and opened another one and when her hand came out of this one it had several small red square packets and a white dispenser bottle in it. She walked back to the bed and dumped everything but the harness onto the bed. “Okay so a couple of things here. This is the smallest dildo I own. It should be fine for this, but we can go bigger if it's not working for you. The second is that I don't know how deep I can go without hurting you so we'll have to figure that out first.” Korra rotated the harness so that its triangular shaped section was facing forward before putting her legs through the gaps and cinching it tight against her legs. She sat down on the bed and ripped open one of the packets she had been carrying. Inside was a transparent piece of latex which she unrolled into a tube and squeezed the dildo into it. “You're putting a condom on the dildo?” Asami blurted out. “Why? You can't get me pregnant.” “Pregnant no, but toys can spread STD's or STI's so I wrap them whenever they get used. Safe sex and all that.” Korra pressed down on the bottle's plunger and a viscous fluid dropped into her waiting palm which she then smeared all over the latex covering the toy. “Lay down on your back and spread your legs for me... yes that's good. I'm going to put this into you now. Tell me when you want me to stop.” Asami shivered when the tip of the toy grazed her folds and she gasped as Korra eased it in, taking her breath away. As it got deeper she could feel herself stretching around the dildo and at the same time it was satisfying an ache she hadn't known was there before now while creating another one. After several seconds it came to a halt and Asami looked up at Korra, questioningly. “Why did you stop?” “Take a look. It's almost all the way in you. I can't actually go any deeper because I'd lose my grip.” Korra pointed out. Asami pushed herself up on one elbow and she glanced down at her groin only to see Korra was right. Korra's fingers were holding onto the base of the toy and they were right next to her entrance. Korra adjusted her grip a fraction to make sure she was holding onto the condom and she slowly pulled the toy all the way out of Asami. She loosened a strap on the front of the harness and slid the toy into an o-ring before tightening the strap again to hold it in place. Korra shuffled forward on her knees until she was positioned between Asami's legs. She reached down with one hand and grasped the toy, carefully aiming it and pushing her hips forward until it was partway inside Asami once again. “I'm going to start thrusting now, love. I don't know how fast to go for you so you have to let me know if you want me to speed up or slow down.” When the dildo entered her for the second time Asami murmured in satisfaction and she waited breathlessly for it to start moving. Korra didn't take long to oblige Asami's desire as she placed a hand on each pale thigh and began to rock her own hips forwards. After a few painstakingly slow strokes Asami took a hold of Korra's wrists and pulled them up towards her shoulders. “I want you to hold me while you fuck me, Korra.” Asami said in a husky whisper. Korra slipped her hands beneath Asami, one finding its way to the back of her neck while the other pressed between her shoulder blades. Once her hands were in position Korra began moving her hips again, but this time she was pushing down more than forward thanks to the change in angles. Asami groaned softly and she wrapped her arms around Korra. Each stroke was deliciously slow, but it seemed as if the energy from each was still pouring through her. Her nerves were lighting up all throughout her body and every part of her seemed that much more sensitive because of it. The feel of Korra's breasts pressed against hers, the strong arms holding her, those hands helping to keep her in place, but most of all the toy moving back and forth inside of her until it came to an abrupt pause and Asami frowned at Korra only to be surprised with a question. "Is this fast enough, love?" "I like the pace, but go deeper and a little harder please." The next thrust saw Korra push her hips even further until the dildo was completely buried inside of Asami. "Ooooh yes! Just like that!" Asami gasped in ecstasy as her fingers dug into the other woman's back. Korra smiled, clearly enjoying the results that her actions were eliciting and she quickly got back to what she had been doing before. The thrusts were as slow as before, but during each one Asami was sliding back and forth along the bed as she clung to Korra to keep the other woman's body pressed tight against hers. During the next minute the pleasure kept growing and soon Asami was shamelessly panting and squeezing Korra even tighter, but after that it leveled off. The pleasure didn't falter, but it wasn't growing any further and she wasn't getting any closer to anything resembling an explosion like earlier or any kind of finale for that matter. Sweat began dripping out of Asami's hairline and she had to wipe it away with one hand before it got into her eyes. Eventually Korra sat up and reached down to squeeze her fingers against the end of the condom before pulling the toy out. Korra didn't give Asami time to react as she immediately rolled to her left so that she was lying on her side and her fingers, still slick with lube, dipped between Asami's legs and found their way to an area already wet from earlier. Asami gasped as they began rubbing up and down much like Korra's tongue had been doing earlier and her right hand flailed through the air before landing on Korra's hip. Korra's fingers came to a halt and she took hold of Asami's wrist and brought it upwards and positioned it so that Asami was cradling Korra's head and neck in the crook of her elbow. A shiver ran down Asami's spine as those fingers resumed rubbing her clit. The jolts of pleasure from earlier began firing once again and Asami squeezed her eyes shut as her grip on Korra tightened. Asami began to shudder a few moments later and her quivering hips rose towards the ceiling as the sweet bliss of release overtook her. Once it had passed Asami frowned at the ceiling as she rested her hands on her stomach. “That was weird. I liked what you were doing with the strap-on and it felt really good, but I wasn't getting off. Was I doing something wrong?” “No, absolutely not.” Korra declared emphatically. “You weren't doing anything wrong and there isn't anything wrong with you either for that matter. Every woman's body is different. Some women can get off from just vaginal penetration, but a lot of women can't. You might be one of the latter group, same as me.” Asami's brow furrowed as she turned her head to look at Korra. “Huh. I didn't know that... I guess there's a lot about sex that I've never learned. Suppose I should do some research when I get back home.” Korra leaned in to give Asami a quick peck on the cheek. “You definitely should. Educating yourself can go a long way, but at the end of the day you still need to practice what you learned. If you want I can provide you a reference for another provider or you could come visit me again. But before you go home or do any of that that my water closet is just across the hall. If you don't pee after sex then you could get a UTI.” Asami hadn't managed to catch her breath yet. She was still naked in another persons home. She hadn't gone to the bathroom yet, let alone get off of this bed. Even so, she was still certain of one thing. Korra was going to fuck her again and when that day arrived Asami was going to fuck her right back.  
Chapter 2 - Chapter I
It was a few days later. Evelina had not been allowed out of the room, had not seen anyone, neither from the team nor native. She had been fed via a little slot in the bottom of the door to the room, where food had been slipped in on a tray. She had been very afraid. She nearly screamed when the door was unlocked on the morning of the fifth day. She curled up in the bed, trying frantically and ineffectually to make herself invisible. A muscular Novian man entered, carrying a large tub of steaming water. He was followed by the woman who had welcomed them in English on that terrible first day. The woman looked down on Evelina, her face impassive, and said: “Make yourself ready.” She indicated the tub of water. Then, as Evelina made no move, only staring wide-eyed, the woman’s expression softened somewhat. “You will not be harmed,” she assured, and something in the woman’s tone made Evelina believe her. The Novians left her alone, and slowly, she left the bed, stripped down naked and sat down gingerly in the tub. After five days, the bath was actually very comfortable. She sat back, soaking for a few minutes, before starting to clean herself. She felt better than she had in days as she stepped out of the tub, and she dried herself with a flannel and picked out new clothes from her bag – jeans and a t-shirt, simple and comfortable. As she rummaged in her bag, her hands happened on her make-up kit, and she shrugged and painted her face. Soon enough, the Novian woman returned, again accompanied by the muscular man, who now grasped Evelina around the arm with the same gentle but firm grip as the first day, and led her out of the room. This time, she was shoved into a gloomy space, and before her eyes had time to adjust someone squealed her name. It was May, Evelina realized with a great leap of her heart. As the geologist threw herself over Evelina, Evelina hugged back, laughing and – she realized suddenly – crying. As May finally released her hold, Evelina saw that there was another person in the room – Weronika, the Polish sociologist. Evelina laughed out loud and spread her arms towards her too, and it was a testament to how relieved Weronika was to see some of her teammates alive that the arch woman actually allowed for a short hug. That was all they had time for; the door opened, and the Novian woman entered, this time alone. She spoke softly, but with unquestionable authority: “Stand in a line.” As they obeyed, she continued: “You will be inspected. I recommend that you remain obedient... for your own sake.” With that, the woman began the inspection. She stood first in front of Evelina, gazing intently at her face, looking into her green eyes and running a thumb across her red-painted lips, running a hand through her short black hair, examining her black-framed glasses. Next, she continued downwards, her hand sliding gently along the pale flesh of Evelina’s neck, down to her collarbone. When the woman’s hand grasped her generous left tit as matter-of-factly as if she were checking out the merchandise in a store, Evelina’s hands flew up, but a single look from the woman was enough to make her lower them slowly again and submit to the treatment. The woman ran her hands down the sides of Evelina’s ribcage, down over her stomach and around her broad hips, squeezing experimentally in places. Evelina was a tall girl and there was much to inspect, but eventually, after squeezing her ass and running her hands down her calves, the woman finally turned to the next woman in line – May. May was shorter than Evelina, though not by much, and much more curvaceous. The Novian woman unashamedly ran her hands up and down the geologist’s curves, over her wide hips and across her soft belly, and Evelina saw with pity that May disliked the treatment strongly. The Novian woman walked around May, grasping one of her asscheeks briefly, feeling her arms and her face. She lifted May’s red hair and asked, “This is your own? You have not colored?” May simply shook her head in response, silently. The woman gave a small, non-committal hum and turned away from May, facing the last woman in line – Weronika. Weronika was eyeing the Novian woman with cold contempt, though she did not move as the woman ran fingers through her golden curls and over her unpainted face. It was not until the Novian woman reached the Polish sociologist’s chest that Weronika slapped the hands away, hissing furiously: “Keep your hands off me.” For the first time, the Novian woman’s impassive face was touched by emotion: a spasm of anger passed over her features. “You—” she said, pausing menacingly, pointing with her whole hand at Weronika. “You wear no face paint. In this land, all people – men and women – paint their faces. If you have no paint, it is a sign that you are” – she spoke a word in the sinuous tongue of the New Country, and continued in English – “a street-walker. That’s what you shall be, then.” Weronika had no time to speak – two Novian men entered the room and grasped her about the arms, almost lifting her off her feet as they led her out of the room. Next, the Novian woman turned to May. “You are very beautiful,” she said, and May lowered her gaze, shy and frightened. “A strange beauty. Exotic. Here, when a girl is born who has red hair, she is given to the” – another word in that beautiful language, which sounded something like ‘nee-ang.’ “She is a doctor, of sorts. But she is also a spirit, a deity. You will be given to her – it is a great honor.” May was filled with fear and uncertainty as two Novian men again entered the room, this time to take her away. But she went with them willingly enough – the woman had not been angry with her like with Weronika, had in fact spoken kindly. Lastly, it was Evelina’s turn. She waited, her mouth dry with fear as the Novian woman who had inspected the three of them watched May go, and then turned back to face her. “You will go before the Queen,” the woman simply said. - - - May was brought to a room where she was left alone until night fell and the moon rose ghostly outside the window. She’d dozed off, almost fallen asleep, when the door slammed open and she was dragged out again, disoriented, into the night. She had taken her shoes and socks off and she felt the ground underneath her feet change from cobbled street to soft, wet grass. Suddenly, they came into firelight. May blinked and looked around, and as her eyes adjusted to the light she saw that a crowd of Novians were gathered around. She was held between two men in the middle of a half-circle of Novians, all watching her with expressions which were expectant – somehow hungry. Directly in front of her was a still pond, black in the warm night air, glimmering seductively orange with the torchlight. A woman strode up to her, and May stared. The woman was naked, dressed only in strange decorations, animal bones and wooden coins on strings. May couldn’t help but marvel at the woman’s otherworldly beauty. The woman had fiery red hair, and a hot blush spread all across her beautiful face, over her forehead and her cheeks and down across her neck towards her tits. Her exposed nipples were rock-hard, her tongue hanging out and her eyes foggy. She seemed to be in a trance – she seemed to be so horny that she was hardly conscious. May’s fascination was soon turned into fear as the woman brandished a sharp knife. She struggled ineffectually against the men’s iron grip around her wrists. The men both took a step away from her, so that her arms were stretched out to her sides; she couldn’t try to kick them and the woman had no obstructions, May’s whole body easily accessible even as she struggled frantically. May gibbered with fear, but the woman set to work with the knife and it soon became apparent that she did not mean to do harm. Instead, panting heavily, she cut up the outlander’s clothes with efficient gusto, letting them fall in tatters to the ground and leaving May naked. Again, May’s feelings transformed rapidly; now she went from terrified to mortified, suddenly standing naked in front of a crowd of people, completely exposed, her hands held fast so she couldn’t cover herself. There was an odd sound at this, a sort of gentle cheer from the crowd. May was acutely aware of their eyes roaming her body. “No,” she whispered piteously. “No!” she repeated, louder. “Please don’t look! Please don’t look at me!” But it was no use; there was nothing she could do to stop the assembled crowd watching her hungrily. The woman with the knife – a priestess, May thought – picked up a slow, breathy, rhythmic chant. It flowed hypnotically – sometimes May thought she heard words in Novian, sometimes she was sure it was just random syllables. Over the minutes, the chant slowly picked up, not in volume but in intensity. And then… something strange happened to May. She became aware of a tingling all through her body, like a low-level electric current, a tension which made her vibrate. Her breathing grew slowly heavier, huskier, for no apparent reason; her eyes unfocused. The sensations seemed to come from outside, and May couldn’t make sense of them until she felt something run down the inside of her leg. The realization hit home: she was soaking wet, and hornier by far than she had ever been in her entire life. She shuddered and moaned, and at the sound, the priestess turned to her, a smile on her red face. The priestess went down on her knees in front of her, and May moaned desperately. “Please, please,” she gibbered, vaguely aware that the woman probably didn’t speak English but babbling anyway. “Please… touch me, let me… unngh!” She bucked her hips, hoping for, wanting, needing to be touched, her pussy screaming out for the priestess’s fingers and mouth. But the touch didn’t come. Instead, the priestess stood on her knees, her hands outstretched as if in supplication, forming a bowl that caught the juices flowing generously from May’s pussy. When she deemed she had enough, she stood up, keeping her hands carefully cupped, and turned to the dark pond. With a flourish, the priestess spread her hands, allowing May’s juices to splash down into the dark waters. At the exact same moment as the small splash, the crowd’s chant broke off with a final, soft, soughing syllable. There was silence; the only sound was the priestess’s panting and May’s piteous moaning as she begged someone, anyone to touch her. And then… and then… And then, with a splash, the Nieyang broke the surface. - - - May was barely conscious. The sensations coursing through her were too much; it was a feeling more intense than she had thought possible. She wasn’t aware of the terror of being trapped in the New Country. She didn’t worry about what was going to happen to her. If asked, she might have trouble even remembering her own name. Her whole world was her body, burning with need that went unfulfilled. She sobbed and moaned, thrashing weakly, rubbing her thighs together in an attempt to relieve her burning pussy somewhat, all to no use. She didn’t notice as the Nieyang emerged from the pool; her eyes were shut tight, her own desperate moans drowned out the sound of the water. She did notice, however, as her body was suddenly covered in the Nieyang’s sinuously writhing appendages. She gasped, her eyes flying open; there were slimy tentacles all over her, caressing her, sliding over her and leaving wet trails. The men who had held her had released her; instead, she was held around the wrists and ankles by four strong black limbs which shone wetly in the firelight. Heavy girl though she was, she was lifted into the air by these four tentacles as easily as if she weighed nothing. She squealed piteously as she was spreadeagled in the air, her limbs pulled out in an X, her desperate pussy exposed to the gentle breezes of the night. May moaned desperately, tears rolling down her face – though there were tentacles all over her, overloading her with sensation, snaking around her tits and squeezing them, rubbing against her nipples, nuzzling in her armpits and in the crack of her ass (a touch which she found dirty and uncomfortable but which she was powerless to stop), they were all studiously ignoring her pussy. “Please, please,” she moaned, fighting impotently against the restraining limbs. “Please,” she repeated again and again, unable to articulate anything else but the vague, pitiful begging. Then, suddenly, she felt something pressing against her back. It was a warm body, slick with water but definitely human. She felt heavy tits pressing against her shoulderblades, and something big and hard against her ass. May gasped, pressing herself backwards, desperate to feel that hard thing inside her, when there was a voice in her ear. Or, rather, the voice was in her ear, but the words appeared inside her head, in perfect English: “What do you beg for, outlander?” “Please, please,” May sobbed, trying to think of the words for what she wanted. It was incredibly hard. Her head was a roiling furious sea of horniness, her hips bucked of their own accord, her pussy screamed to be touched. “Please touch me,” she managed finally. “Touch my pussy!” There was a smirk in the voice now: “I shall.” And at that, May felt one of the tentacles writhe gently over her pussy, rubbing its snaking length between her lips, and she cried out in incredible pleasure. Even this gentle touch felt better than she could ever have imagined, more overwhelming… She threw her head back, her hair flying, and let out a huge groan. As she was touched, she became aware that the chant had picked up again – she became aware of the crowd below. She sobbed with sudden humiliation. “No, no,” she moaned, bucking her hips as her pussy was assaulted by the snaking tentacle. “Don’t look, don’t look…” But it was no use. She was exposed, completely exposed, naked and shameful and begging and horny. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. “They’ll look, outlander. A libation was made of your fluids. You are mine now – the body of a Nieyang-slut is not hidden.” May squealed out as waves of pleasure rolled through her. The tentacles all over her body, exploring every inch of her skin, were almost too much. She could hardly speak, but she railed against the Nieyang’s words; she gritted her teeth and said: “I’m not a slut.” “Oh?” came the Nieyang’s voice, amused, and the tentacle rubbing up and down between May’s pussy lips now reared back and plunged deeply into her pussy. As unnaturally wet and horny as she was, it slipped deeper into her than any cock had ever reached; May’s back arched, her eyes rolled back in her head and a guttural moan of animal pleasure wrenched from deep in her throat. “Then why is it that you drip with lust? Why is it that you beg to have your slutty pussy touched? Why is it that you enjoy being fucked even as you are watched by this crowd?” “That’s not truueeeAAAHH!” May spoke, her futile denial turned into a cry of pleasure as the tentacle writhed inside her. The other tentacles were still playing with the rest of her body, two of them wrapped tightly around her considerable tits and pumping gently, as if they were milking her. In her lust-clouded mind, May realized that what the Nieyang said made sense. To her utter shame, she was horny. She was deriving pleasure from the dirty treatment, and that, if anything, was slutty. The chant continued, growing in intensity as the Nieyang’s treatment of May did. May shuddered and bucked and thrashed, involuntary movements brought on by the intense pleasure wracking her body. Slowly, she felt the pleasure climbing inexorably towards a peak: she realized that soon, she was going to cum. She was mortified, sobbing at the prospect of the Novian crowd below seeing this final surrender, but she realized that she needed it. If she didn’t cum now, she felt like she might die. And the pleasure rose and rose in intensity, until May was aware of nothing but all the incredible sensations from all over her body, she was nothing but a slutty animal centered around her dirty pussy, wanting nothing else but to be fucked. She was moaning continuously now, helplessly, her pussy constricting and relaxing in expectation of the huge orgasm about to come. The pleasure reached an unbearable level, poised at the brink of cumming… … and stayed there. May thought she might go insane. She hardly knew that she was speaking when she babbled: “Please no please I gotta you please let me cum you gotta…” The Nieyang laughed gently, delightedly, in her ear and purred: “You are unique, outlander. The rest of my sluts, the ones born here, they are groomed from the cradle to become my servants. They know what is coming to them. But you… for you it is all new.” Still at the maddening, teasing brink of a mind-shattering orgasm, and orgasm that she needed more than she’d ever needed anything in her life, May shouldn’t have been able to understand the Nieyang. But the words in her head, by some magic, rang clear as the water-spirit continued: “My native sluts have never been allowed that… luxury. But you have. You know what it is you’re missing out on.” May thrashed, her eyes slowly widening in horror as she realized what the Nieyang was saying. “A Nieyang-slut is never allowed to come.” “No,” May moaned piteously. “NO!” she screamed, in horror, sobbing at the prospect, still kept on that maddening edge, still denied her orgasm, and now being told that that orgasm would never come. “Yes,” the Nieyang whispered as she slowly retreated back to the pond, still holding May up, and the two of them were submerged in the dark, warm waters, and the priestess-slut who lived her life in service of the Nieyang and had never once come, her eyes cloudy and her breath ragged with constant arousal, finished the chant. - - - Weronika was dragged roughly out of the building where she’d been inspected. The two Novian men who led her along were tall and strode quickly; she stumbled and had to jog to keep up. They spoke to each other in Novian, in low voices, and laughed quietly every now and again. Weronika was sure they were talking about her, and this, along with their disrespectful treatment of her, infuriated her. She kept her silence, seething quietly, as they led her through winding streets which confused her. Novian men and women would turn to look at her, sometimes with small smiles on their faces, and Weronika thought about what the Novian woman who had inspected her (the thought of being inspected, like a horse which was to be sold, made her grit her teeth in anger) had said about make-up. Street-walker, she’d said. Weronika had an inkling what that might mean, and it scared her, and the fact that it scared her only made her angrier. Soon, she was brought to a brick house which had no door, but only a dark cloth covering the entrance. She was brought inside, into a perfume-smelling gloaming, and as she blinked rapidly, willing her eyes to adjust, one of the men left her side, disappearing deeper into the house. She could hear him mumbling to someone, but of course she could not understand what was being said. Soon, a curtain in a doorway before her was drawn aside, and a tall woman emerged, followed by the man who had dragged Weronika here. The woman was severe-looking, her blonde hair drawn into a bun, and – Weronika noted dryly – her lips and eyes were heavily painted. The woman spoke to her in Novian, and Weronika stared silently at her, meeting her gaze coldly. When it became clear to the woman that Weronika was not about to respond, her hand shot out lightning-fast, the ringing slap on Weronika’s cheek resounding in the little room. The men chuckled at this, and one of them murmured something to the woman. ‘Now they explain that I don’t speak their language,’ Weronika thought bitterly, gritting her teeth and blinking away the pain-tears in her eyes. “You are… outsider?” the woman spoke, after a while, in faltering, accented English. “You… cannot be” – she seemed to search for words for a moment, and then settled for saying a word in Novian, a word that Weronika recognized as the one that had been translated into ‘street-walker’ a quarter of an hour earlier – “without speaking right language. Repeat this.” She said a word in Novian, and Weronika only watched her, her mouth closed tight. Again, there was a harsh slap and Weronika let out a small gasp. Overtaken by fury, she attempted to lunge at the woman, but the man behind her restrained her easily and she could only struggle against his grip. The woman repeated the word again, and again, Weronika was slapped. The third time, her teeth gritted with humiliation and fury, the Polish woman repeated the word grudgingly, and the woman nodded, unsmiling. “Good enough. Word means … service. You must ask this.” The lesson continued. The woman taught Weronika a number of words and phrases – besides ‘service,’ there was ‘cheap,’ ‘ten’ (her cost, the woman explained with a demeaning smile which could only mean that ten was insultingly cheap), and a phrase which the woman said meant ‘thank you for using me.’ Weronika repeated them, so angry and humiliated now that hot tears were running down her cheeks. Weronika’s parents had been Catholics, and Weronika had been brought up believing in God; she had never allowed her scientific mindset to interfere with that deeply held faith. And now, she had been enslaved, was going to be forced to sell her body in the street, and there was nothing she could do about it. “Show me that you understand,” the woman said, and Weronika glared down at the floor, her fists tightly clenched, sobbing quietly. She yelped as the woman grabbed her golden hair, pulling her head sharply back and slapping her again. “Show me!” the woman yelled, pointing at the Novian men. Weronika glared at one of the men through tear-filled eyes, and said in halting, amateurish Novian: “Service.” The men sniggered mockingly at this. “Smile,” the woman said in a commanding tone. “Again.” Forcing a rictus-like smile, Weronika repeated, “service” to the man, who chuckled and asked a question. Thinking quickly, Weronika said, “cheap. Ten.” The man laughed now, throwing his head back, and then nodded at her. “Now, undress,” the woman commanded, and Weronika slowly, defeatedly, obeyed. She shed her strict skirt and her blouse, standing in front of the men in only her underwear. Hesitantly, a sob like a bark escaping her, she removed these articles too, and stood naked, covering herself as best she could with her hands. At this, the severe woman reached out and roughly pulled her hands away. “You cannot hide yourself. You must let them see,” she berated, and as she let go of Weronika’s wrists, Weronika’s hands stayed at her sides, and she stood fully naked before a man for the first time. She fought down the impulse to cover herself as the men regarded her. Mortified, she saw that twin bulges were appearing in their pants. Soon, the next command came from the Novian woman. “Now, use your fingers and your mouth on them.” Fearful, Weronika walked the short distance over to the men – they were tall, a head or more taller than her, and she hardly had to bend down to pull their pants down. She gasped as their erections sprang free – she’d never touched a penis before, and (she thought as tears ran down her face) this wasn’t the way she’d imagined it would be. She felt one of the men’s hands on shoulder, and she was inexorably forced down on her knees. The stone floor was chilly against her naked legs. She now had the men’s dicks in her face, and, afraid of more reprimands, she gingerly gripped them both with the tips of her fingers. Slowly, unsure of what to do, she began stroking the men, listening in utter shame to their quiet groans, tears and snot running unchecked down her face; she didn’t dare to let go of the dicks even for a second to wipe her face. Every now and then, one of the men reached down and corrected her grip on their dick, and she obeyed without fuss, hoping that she could finish this quickly. She was uncomfortably aware that the Novian woman had said to use both her fingers and her mouth, but she balked at the thought of putting these dirty things in her mouth. Just as she thought that, one of the men grabbed his dick with one hand, and the back of her head with the other, and thrust deep into her mouth. She was completely unprepared and had no time to shut her mouth – suddenly she had a throatful of dick, and she gagged violently, fighting against the man, pushing against his thighs to no avail. He held her head fast, his dick deep inside her mouth, a huge and painful presence. She couldn’t breathe. She began to thrash ineffectually, afraid that she’d choke, and still the man kept his dick inside her mouth. Then, the man suddenly drew out of her mouth, to her immense relief; but she hardly had time to draw the slightest breath before her mouth was once again crammed full, this time by the other man’s cock. Weronika began clawing against him, but he grabbed her wrists easily and held them, pulling her against him. Her nose rested against his stomach; his cock neatly blocked her throat, cutting of her airflow. Her eyes rolled back in her head, tears spraying from them; her face began to change color, growing slowly redder. Again and again she was allowed the slightest breath as the men switched places. The one who did not currently have his dick inside her mouth would watch, stroking his length as the young Polish scientist struggled helplessly. Weronika was hardly conscious, on the brink of fainting. Then, finally, after too long, the man inside her grunted, his body growing taut as his dick spasmed. A hot torrent of cum shot down Weronika’s throat, which she hardly noticed; in any case, there was nothing she could do but take it. At long last, after the man’s orgasm had subsided, he let her go and she drew a single, short, shuddery breath before the other man pushed his hard cock inside her violated mouth. Thankfully, it took only seconds before this one came; he must’ve been on the brink even before he thrust inside her. He groaned as he shot another hot load down Weronika’s throat. When it was over, the man let go of Weronika’s wrists and she sagged to the floor, completely powerless, drawing greedy breaths and coughing and sobbing. She cried like a little girl, tears flowing, snot running down her face and into her mouth. She hardly registered as the woman spoke to her. Another slap, this time on her left tit, brought her back to reality enough to hear the Novian woman’s words: “Say the thanks!” Weronika moaned with terror, sure that she had forgotten and afraid of what would happen then, but somehow she found the Novian phrase again, and she uttered it, her voice thick with her crying. As she said it, the men laughed. They both spat at her, and one threw a measly handful of small coins at her where she lay. - - - And while May waited to be offered to the Nieyang, and Weronika turned her first trick as a street-walker, Evelina was brought before the Queen of the New Country.
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
"Jamez Pegasus, Jak Hikaru, and Kiari Yamanaka. Squad 5." Iruka finally called the last three students to graduate the ninja academy. "Yes I knew we would be on the same squad. And look even you're little crush got on the team as well." Jak cheered happily. Jamez wasn't really listening to Jak because he was too busy starring at the girl across the room whose cherry blossom pink eyes and hair, along with her smarts and personality had captivated him the entire time they were at the academy. However because of his shyness Jamez had hardly talked to her, but now there was a ray of hope for him since they would be spending quite a bit of time together. "Ay Jamez are you even listening to me?" Jak asked waving his hand in front of Jamez's face. "Yeah yeah I heard ya. I wonder who are sensei will be." Jamez replied. "I don't know but I hope he knows a lot of cool jutsu that he can teach us." Jak said his eyes as white as snow, showing that he was happy. Jamez laughed,"You mean jutsu you can copy, anyways you might want to get your eyes under control." Jak closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. When he opened them they were their normal blood red. "Thanks," he whispered,"I forgot about them changing for a moment. But hey be a little quieter about my Kekkei Genkai. You're the only one I've trusted with that info." After she heard her name Kiari looked over at the unlikely pair, that were her team mates. First off Jak was a bit of a wild one. He had blood red hair and eyes that were usually blood red but sometimes changed to plain black or plain white. Also he was short, very outgoing, and acted crazy and kinda stupid, however he must have been pretty smart. Jamez on the other hand was quiet and calm. He had electric blue hair and eyes the color of aqua, his eyes didn't change color. Also he was tall, smart, and only seemed to act himself when around Jak, otherwise he was shy and hardly talked. There was one thing weird about him though, sometimes he seemed to doze off, and not hear what people said to him yet he still got most of his work done the right way, even if Jak wasn't around to tell him what was said. 'Oh well.' she thought to herself,'maybe I'll be able to learn their secrets besides Jamez is kinda cute. I wonder if they'll end up finding out my secrets.' She got up and decided to sit by Jak and Jamez until their sensei came. She sat down next to Jamez and said,"Hi." "Hey." Jak replied smoothly. Jamez on the other hand stuttered,"Um he-hello Kiari. Ha-how are yo-you?" Jak laughed and Kiari smiled,"I'm fine, thanks for asking." "Hey you want to know a little secret about Jamez?" Jak asked her. "Sure." She replied. "Jamez has a..." Jak was interrupted by someone saying,"Jak, Jamez, Kiari. Come with me I'm your new sensei." When they looked over they saw a man in his mid-thirties with black eyes and dark purple hair, he was a little taller than Jamez. 'Thank goodness,' Jamez thought to himself, as the new trio got up and followed their sensei into the forest. "Uncle Bargo? I can't believe you're our sensei." Kiari remarked. "Yes I am, and for you two my name is Bargo Yamanaka." Bargo said,"I have a question for you three. Why do you want to be ninjas? I wanted to be a ninja because I wanted to be able to protect those closest to me." Jak was the first to answer,"I want to be a ninja because I have nothing better to do with my time. Also because Jamez here wanted to be one." Then Kiari answered,"I too want to protect those close to me especially since my parents were killed on a mission." Finally Jamez answered,"Well my reason is because my parents were ninja. I want to be just like them." Bargo thought for a moment and then said,"Well, Kiari your reason is the best. Jamez yours comes in second place. Finally Jak your reasoning comes last because it's good to want to be with friends but, being a ninja is serious. You don't just become one because you have nothing better to do. Anyway there is one more thing you have to do before I allow you three to be ninjas you have to climb a tree of my choosing and learn to walk on water by nightfall." Jamez leaned towards Jak and whispered,"Man we got this one in the bag." "I know. I sure am glad that your parents taught us this stuff." Jak replied. At the same time Kiari was talking to Bargo,"Isn't this kinda cheating? You already taught me to do those things." "I know, but I want to see if those two can do it. If I'm correct then they won't have any problems with it, same as you." Bargo answered. Bargo then lead them to the tallest tree he could find and said,"Climb this tree. Also, in case I forgot, you're not aloud to use your hands. You have to walk or run up the tree." "Fine by me" Jak and Jamez said at the same time. Then the three new teammates ran to the top of the tree. After they got to the top Jamez and Jak jumped straight to the ground and Jamez asked,"Where's the water you want us to walk on?" Bargo chuckled to himself and said,"You have to wait for Kiari first. Her bones may not be as strong as yours." Just then Kiari landed beside her teammates and said,"You might be right. I don't think my bones are that strong, that's why I climbed down a little before I jumped. Now where's the water?" Bargo chuckled again and replied,"Well well. I guess it's time to get to the water." He then led them to the river running alongside the Leaf Village. "You have to walk out 50 paces and then come back. Now go!" Bargo instructed. After the three finished Bargo said,"You three can now wear those headbands with pride. Tomorrow we will start doing missions and I'll teach you some decent moves. We will meet at the village gates. Now go spend the rest of the day however you wish." Bargo then left them and went to see the third hokage. "Hello Bargo, what has brought you here?" The Hokage asked. "I wanted to talk about the students you have given me." He answered. "Well then go ahead and speak." The Third replied. "Well they are all pretty advanced, not just Kiari, but it seems Jamez's parents taught him and Jak already. They both can walk on water and climb trees but, not only that, they can also jump from the top of a 100 meter tree without injury. I only know a few Jonin that can do that. Also I can sense something about Jamez and Jak, it's kinda the same feeling I get when I'm near Naruto. The main difference is that the aura coming off of them isn't as frightening, yet it feels like their aura is more powerful. As if the ones that Jak and Jamez seem to have are more powerful than the Nine-Tailed Fox, yet they aren't as evil or bent on destruction." Bargo stated. Hiruzen Sarutobi listened patiently and then said,"That's quit an accusation to be making of two boys. You have no proof except for a feeling, you could be right, however there is an even greater chance that you're wrong." "Okay, I'm sorry for disturbing you, I just thought you might like to know what I thought. Good bye." Bargo said and then went home. Meanwhile the trio went to a sweet shop and bought 100 ryo worth of candy each and then found a table to eat it at. "Ay Jak you never did finish telling me Jamez's secret." Kiari said. "Oh yeah the secret is that Jamez has a crush on you." Jak said smiling. Jamez blushed and asked,"Now why did you have to go and tell her that Jak? I would have got around to telling her myself, sooner or latter." Kiari smiled and said,"Don't worry Jamez, I have a little crush on you as well. Also I think the more time you and I spend together the bigger that crush will get." Jamez's blush decreased a little as he asked,"Then would you mind um.. being my girlfriend?" Kiari scooted closer to Jamez and said,"Sure but first we have to get to know each other a little better." Jamez smiled and said cheerfully,"Fire away, I'll answer any question you ask." "Well I guess it's my turn to leave." Jak said as he got up,"I'll be seeing you two love birds latter." Then he left, Kiari and Jamez then spent the next half-hour asking and answering questions. "Well I guess we've covered all the basics. Now I would be happy to be your girlfriend." Kiari said. Jamez smiled and said,"It's getting late, maybe I should walk you home." "I'd like that." Kiari answered. So Jamez walked her home and when they got to her door her gave her a kiss on the forehead and said,"Good night and sweet dreams." Kiari blushed and said,"You too." Then she went inside, to her bedroom, and had a naughty dream about Jamez and her in the future. Jamez wasn't so lucky however, when he got home and to sleep he found himself in a room with many beautiful decorations. The one that stuck out the most was a giant picture of Kiari. When he turned around he saw a man with aqua colored fur and black stripes covering his body, he also had a cat tail and ears. His eyes were the same color as Jamez's. "So when did you put that picture up, Sub-Zero?" Jamez asked while he walked towards the tiger-like person. When he got there a table with a chess board set up on it and two chairs appeared. "Not that long ago actually. I know you would rather be dreaming about her, but we need to talk. Also would you like to play a game?" Sub-Zero answered. "Sure I'll play you, but why couldn't this talk have waited?" Jamez asked as he sat down. "Well Jak's Shadow Wolf followed your sensei and it would seem that he is onto you guys. Now that could mean bad things, however the hokage at least acted like he didn't believe Bargo." Sub-Zero replied. "In other words me and Jak have to be carefuller in how we act." Jamez said. Sub-Zero moved his rook and said,"Yes, also check." Jamez laughed and said,"Ah, nice move but checkmate." "Well well, you sure are getting better. Also the reason I hung that picture was more of a way to thank you for taking down that seal and releasing me." Sub-Zero said as the chess board was replaced by Jamez's favorite meal, terriyaki chicken. Jamez licked his lips and replied,"It was nothing, I already knew you weren't evil. I still don't get why you didn't leave my body but, I'm glad, after all you've helped me with quite a few things." Sub-Zero took a bite of his food and said,"Where was I supposed to go? I couldn't have gone back to the Hidden Mist Village, also this village was already attacked by a spirit so I don't think they would have liked me too well. Besides you're my friend so why should I leave." Jamez and Sub-Zero chatted as they ate their food, when Jamez left the room he finally had his dream about Kiari. However just as it was getting naughty his mom woke him up. "Jamez come down here for breakfast or you won't have time to eat anything." His mother, Claudia, called to him. Jamez got up and went down stairs, when he got there his dad, Grim, who had electric blue hair and leaf green eyes, and Jak were already eating their eggs. His mom, who had electric blue hair and pink eyes, was at the stove cooking her breakfast. It seemed his older sister had already left for her mission. Jamez filled his dog's food dish and called,"Snowball come here, I filled your bowl." A dalmatian came into the room and said,"Sheesh it's about time Jamez. I was about to ask your mom to fill my bowl." "Snowball be nice. If Jamez hadn't asked then I wouldn't have taught you to talk." Claudia snapped. The dog whimpered a little as he said,"Sorry ma'am." "Mum why'd you have to snap at him you now he was just playing." Jamez said as he pet his dog. Finally Jamez sat down to eat. "So did you dream about your new girlfriend?" Jak asked. "Yeah but not till after Sub-Zero relayed your message." Jamez answered. "So you have a girlfriend now. What's her name? What does she look like? Is she nice?" His mom started asking. "Well her name is Kiari Yamanaka, she has cherry blossom pink hair and eyes, and yes she is nice. Also she's really smart and just a little shorter than me." Jamez answered happily. "Well I hope you two stay together as long as your mother and I have been."His dad said. "I have a question, do you two think it would be alright if I told her about your secret." Jamez asked his parents. "Not yet, my pup. I think you should wait about a year to give her information that valuable." His mum answered. "Okay." Jamez replied. After Jak and Jamez were done eating they went to the village gates to meet up with the rest of their team. "Kiari it's time to get up." Bargo called to her. When Kiari woke up she felt a warmth between her legs. Then she remembered what she had dreamt about and realized what it was that had made a wet spot on her pants. She quickly got up and hoped in the shower, thinking to herself,'I wonder if that dream will ever come true? Ugh.. probably not if my boobs don't start growing sometime soon. Then again maybe Jamez doesn't care about the size of my breast.' She looked down at her size A's and sighed,"Whether he cares a lot about it or not, he'll still probably want them bigger than this." When she was done with her shower and put on a fresh pair of panties, she decided to write her dream in her diary, which she kept well hidden from her uncle. After she finished writing down the dream, she put on a tank top and jeans, and went into the kitchen and fixed herself a bowl of cereal. "After you finish we need to get to the village gates. Jamez and Jak may already be there." Bargo informed her. "Okay." she replied. As soon as she was done they headed to the village gates, Jak and Jamez were already there. "Today's mission is a B-ranked one. That is why Team 8 and another jonin will be joining us. The goal of the mission is to take out a gang of thieves. If you three do very well then I will teach you a jutsu that only one other person, alive, knows." Bargo told them. "Hey wait you didn't tell us to pack anything. How are we supposed to take on a mission like that without any supplies of our choosing?" Jak asked. "Well that's why I'm giving you 20 minutes to pack whatever you need. Now go." Bargo ordered. The only thing Kiari grabbed that wasn't necessary was her diary, Jamez on the other hand stuffed his bag with soda and water. They all got done with 10 minutes to spare, after 5 minutes Team 8 showed up and told them that the other jonin had already left. Then they headed out, Jak, Jamez, and Kiba got in a little group at the front while Hinata and Kiari made their own in the middle. Shino, Kurenai, and Bargo brought up the rear. "Man, Kiari and me are going out now. I guess I have to thank Jak, but not entirely. So have you asked Hinata to be your girlfriend yet?" Jamez asked Kiba quietly. Kiba frowned and said,"Congrats but no. I think she already likes someone else. I think it's that Uzamaki kid." "You should ask her anyway. You will never know the answer if you don't ask." Jak said. "I know but I'm afraid she may say yes just because of her caring nature." Kiba replied. Meanwhile Kiari and Hinata were talking about similar things. "Finally Jamez asked me to be his girlfriend. I knew he liked me but, I was starting to give up on him. Actually I have to thank Jak cuz he's the one that got Jamez to talk. How about you? I know that Kiba likes you but, you like Naruto right?" Kiari asked Hinata. "Ye.. yeah. Wa.. wait Ki.. Kiba likes me?" Hinata stammered. "Yeah, you were probably too busy watching Naruto to notice. So have you asked Naruto if he likes you?" Kiari replied. "No I.. I haven't. I.. I think he likes Sa.. Sakura Haruno." Hinata said. "Naruto seems like a good match with you. However if he does like Sakura then it might mean heartbreak for you. You should at least consider Kiba. Also I think Kiba is a better match for you than Naruto." Kiari told her. About 5 hours later Bargo said,"Hey everyone, we're close to the enemies lair. It's time to cut the chit-chat and go on full alert." After that was said Jamez pointed at Jak and made a circular motion with his other hand, Jak nodded and did what Jamez had asked. The veins by his eyes pushed out and he started scanning the area until he noticed that Hinata was doing the same thing, so he stopped using his byakugon and pointed back at Hinata, Jamez got what he meant right away. So for the next two hours they traveled without sound, then Jamez heard people talking up ahead, so he put up a hand to stop everyone. "What is it Jamez?" Kurenai asked quietly. "Voices up ahead." He whispered back. "I don't hear anything." Kiba replied. "Just shut up, all of you. Jamez's hearing is ten thousand times better than a normal humans. And that's without applying chakra to them." Jak butted in. So they took a battle formation and proceeded cautiously onward. Just as they saw the people speaking, they also saw them be taken out. The person that had taken them out came up to the group. She was around Jak's age and height, and she was developing quite nicely. She had light brown hair and red eyes, Jak fell in love at once, and asked,"What's your name pretty lady. Mine's Jak, I would like to get to know you better and maybe go out." The girl looked Jak over, then she said,"Nice to meet you Jak, my name's Kokuaro. and sure after the mission I wouldn't mind getting to know you better as well. As for the rest of you follow me, I know where the entrance is." A little while after they got in they were ambushed by about 200 people. "Well, well look what we got here men. Some fresh meat, if you want some fun tonight then don't kill the girls." One of the thieves said. They then started to attack, each of the jonin took out 30 of them at nearly the same. Shino took on 20 himself. Kiba, Akumaru and Hinata took on 15 together. Jak and Jamez took out 25 each. And Kiari took out 17. Every one except Jamez and Kiari chased after the remaining 8. After they were out of site someone grabbed Kiari from behind, he put one hand over her mouth and used the other to fondle her tiny breast. When Jamez turned around and saw this he used his foot to get a sword in the air and then with the other he kicked it at the man, who was violating his girl. The sword hit the man in the leg. Jamez then ran up to the man and ripped the arm that had been feeling on Kiari, off. Fur was starting to sprout on Jamez's body. He then proceeded to attack the man, when Jamez was done the man was not recognizable as a humane and neither was Jamez, Jamez looked like Sub-Zero. Kiari put a shaky hand on Jamez's shoulder and said,"Ja-Jamez you.. you got him. You ca-can calm down no-now." With hearing Kiari's voice and feeling her touch Jamez turned back into his normal self. "Thank you for protecting me." Kiari said as she gave Jamez a kiss. "What's that thing?" Bargo asked, when he and the rest got back. "Some fool who tried to rape Kiari." Jamez replied. "Well then he got what he deserved." Bargo said as he spit on the man,"The mission's over by a show of hands who wants to search the place for valuables?" Everyone raised their hand. "Okay you have 6 hours." Everyone searched and everyone got a ton of gold, jewelry, and gems. When the six hours were up they went back to the Leaf Village. Squad 8 went to give the report, Jak and Kokauro went off somewhere, and Bargo lead Jamez and Kiari to the training grounds. "I'm going to teach you two the Rasengan. Also unless you two learn it within 2 weeks, I'm not going to sign you up for the Chunin Exams. Now let's begin." Bargo told them. He then told them everything they needed to know. On the last day they had Jamez and Kiari mastered the Rasengan, Jak mastered it the next day after Jamez showed it to him. "Cheater you're not supposed to use the Sharingan." Jamez scolded him. "Don't worry I'll teach you some moves I learned using the Sharingan." Jak told him. They then went home and went to bed.
Chapter 2 - The Bad Day Continues
Bowser wasted no time; he didn’t allow Peach any rest. He hoisted her up, again causing her soft titflesh to become impaled on two of his wicked shell-spikes. This time, the pain was a thousand times worse – her already badly tortured tits screamed with agony, causing her entire body to convulse as she uttered a strangled yell. Tears ran down her face and the small part of her mind which wasn’t consumed by the pain was terrified at what might come next. Bowser carried her out of the throne room, every heavy step of his causing her poor mammaries intense pain. She wailed and howled incessantly, wordless, childish cries of terrible pain, and her shrieks echoed through the corridors of Bowser’s castle. After an indeterminate time, Peach was lifted off the hateful spikes, her vision blurred with tears, gasping piteously as every small motion set her aching breasts shaking, sending shocks of hurt coursing through her entire being. Bowser threw her down, rudely but with careful precision, making sure that her breasts took the impact of her entire weight on the rough stone floor. She screamed like an animal, a thin keening, for a moment caught in a terrible hell where, with her breasts squeezed flat underneath her, her every struggle caused her breasts immense pain. Finally, after an agonizing few seconds, she finally managed to flop over on her back, groaning and shuddering with the pain of her poor tortured breasts. The figure of Bowser, standing over her, blurred into view through the tears in her eyes. Waking up in the cell before, she had been cocky, cool. She regretted it now – what if her attitude made him torture her more? She wailed at the thought and began babbling – “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please, I’m sorry…” Bowser barked humorless laughter. “Sorry? For what? You think I’m doing this as some sort of revenge?” His voice was quiet, dangerous. “No. I’m doing this because I want to. Because I love to see you like this, Peach. In pain. Helpless.” Her gabbling broke up into wordless sobs and wails as the meaning of the words sank in. There was nothing she could do to stop this treatment – nothing to offer, no bargains to strike. The hateful barbarian king was doing this for his own amusement! Tears streamed down her face as she heard him say: “You may begin.” Her body tensed up in fear – she whimpered and drew her knees up, and rolled over on her side. That was a mistake, since it sent her tit dropping down on the stone floor. It wasn’t a hard fall, or long, but it was enough to make her moan piteously. She was acutely aware of footsteps approaching her, and stopping right behind her. She waited for something to happen, but nothing did – finally, she rolled back onto her back, very gently, and opened her eyes, blinking to clear them of the tears, and was faced with a terrible sight. Standing over her, dangerous grins on their faces, were two Hammer Bros, hefting their heavy weapons. She whimpered and began to beg, but she was unheeded. The Hammer Bros grabbed her by her upper arms, and together they dragged her uncomfortably across the cold hard floor, the minute imperfections in the stone making her breasts judder painfully. She was hoisted bodily up and strapped efficiently to the wall. Small, pathetic moans escaped her and her heart beat like a jackhammer in her chest. She was sweating profusely with fear and her wild eyes jumped from one Hammer Bro to the next, to the large, impassive figure of Bowser, watching her from the doorway. The two Hammer Bros stood back, gazing at her in silence. She shook her head, trying to will them away, but to no avail. They were as real and present as she was, and so, unfortunately, were the hammers they carried. They turned to each other with cruel smiles, raising their hammers high and bringing them down at the same moment. They were professionals, soldiers trained in their weapon of choice; their hammers were like extensions of their bodies. They knew what they were doing. The hammers struck Peach’s tortured titflesh with sickening whacks, and Peach screamed silently in horrible agony. She’d never known such pain could exist. She’d rather die than feel it. And then … and then … horribly, unacceptably, impossibly… their faces aglow with malice, the Hammer Bros lifted their hammers again and brought them down in tandem. The same pain exploded through her tits again, the same unreal hurt. Her body convulsed in paroxysms of torment, but her bonds held her securely and there was nothing she could do to get away. Peach’s mind was aflame with the pain, her only, animal thought was that she had to get away. But she couldn’t. She was trapped, trapped with the pain. Again and again the hammers came down, and every time the pain was as overwhelming, as impossible. This was no pain you could get used to. Peach bucked and screamed and howled, her poor ravaged titflesh bouncing under the savage blows of the Hammer Bros, tears streaming down her face and splashing against her brutalized chest. The Hammer Bros worked with fervent precision, striking for maximum pain, and they succeeded. After a while, one of them tapped the other on the shoulder and, instead of striking the princess’s poor tits again, he lifted it up in his free hand. Peach cried out weakly and writhed against the wall. Holding her breast in a firm grip, the Hammer Bro took his hammer and dug the claw part savagely into Peach’s soft flesh. Peach’s scream was deafening. The other Hammer Bro grinned evilly, grabbing the princess’s other breast and giving it the same treatment with his own hammer. The constant, cruel, biting pain of this was more than Peach could bear. She screamed and screamed, begging mercy that she knew wouldn’t come, jerking and shuddering, losing control of her body and mind at this onslaught of horrific, impossible pain. She wasn’t even aware that she was screaming words, but what came out of her mouth sounded like: “NONONONOHELPNOPLEASENONONONOOO…” After a while of this, Bowser lazily lifted a hand and said, “stop.” He stepped forward, standing in front of the shuddering princess, her tits beginning to turn from red to an ugly bruised purple – it was a testament to the severity of her torture that she was bruising despite Kamek’s spell. He grabbed one of her boobs roughly in his clawed hand, hefting it experimentally, and Peach howled, throwing her head back like a wolf, her golden hair flying. “A fine effort,” Bowser rumbled to his soldiers, a cruel smile twisting his features. “You will be commended.” The Hammer Bros smiled back at him and high-fived each other. Peach lolled against the straps holding her to the wall. The Hammer Bros unstrapped her as efficiently as they’d bound her to begin with, and she collapsed to the floor, her battered tits once again taking her full weight as she went down. She keened painfully and flopped over on her back, her head lolling, her hair plastered to her sweaty forehead. “I don’t think she can take much more,” one of the Hammer Bros opined, though his voice was mostly amused. Bowser growled as he looked down at the pitiful princess. “Oh, I’ll make her take it, don’t worry. Fetch the Spinies.” The Hammer Bros hurried out. Peach lay on the floor, her eyes unfocused. Time had lost its meaning – she didn’t know how long she lay there. All she knew was that her tits were screaming, howling with pain, and she could do nothing to alleviate it, and more was to come. She was entirely at Bowser’s mercy. The Hammer Bros brutal treatment made every beat of her pulse feel as if someone was stepping on her poor tits. They throbbed and ached and she sobbed piteously, tears and snot running down the sides of her face. After a while, she became aware of the returning steps of the Hammer Bros. Her sobs redoubled as she realized that more torture was probably about to come. She was right. Bowser grabbed her under her arms and lifted her easily to her feet. She moaned shrilly as her battered tits bounced. Through the tears and the pain, she became aware of two red blurs. Her mind screamed with horror as her eyes slowly focused and the meaning of Bowser’s words occurred to her. The Spinies. Fetch the Spinies. The two wickedly spiked Koopas stared at her with their usual menace and Peach sobbed and begged Bowser not to do this as he forced her forward step by step. As she came inexorably closer, the two Spinies turned around to face the door and took up position right next to each other. “Please, please, no, please,” Peach wailed as Bowser silently forced her down. “Please, don’t—AAAAAAAGH!!” Bowser, with savage strength, forced her poor mammaries down on the Spinies’ shells. The cruel spikes pressed agonizingly into Peach’s soft titflesh, causing her breasts two scream and her mind to go blank except for the utter, utter pain. The angled spikes on the sides of the Spinies’ shells poked wickedly into the flesh on the sides of Peach’s boobs, but most painful of all were the central spikes, which pointed straight up. Peach’s weight pressed her down mercilessly on these half-foot spikes, which speared her poor, tender nipples. She screamed and screamed, crying and gibbering half-words mindlessly, praying for mercy. In her addled mind, Bowser appeared – the one who had the power to liberate her, to save her. She screamed his name again and again, her voice garbled with shattering pain. Bowser just grinned cruelly and, his voice little more than a growl, commanded the Spinies: “Forward march.” In tandem, the two spiked Koopas began trooping forwards, dragging the helpless princess along by her tortured tits. Bowser followed along behind them at their torturously sedate pace, marvelling quietly at how well Peach screamed, even after a good while of merciless torture. For Peach, the pain suddenly reached a new level of impossible intensity as the Spinies began moving. She hardly understand what was happening – she only knew that her poor mammaries were not only speared by the Spinies now, but that they were also pulling her weight, causing the brutalized tissue to howl with agony and making the spikes press even harder into them. The Spinies walked slowly through the corridors. Guards stationed throughout the castle leered at the princess and mocked her loudly, but she couldn’t hear them. All she could focus on was the screaming agony of her tits. And then, Bowser hunkered down behind the sedately marching Spinies and grabbed the princess by the ankles. He held her in place while the Spinies continued forward – as a result, her bruised tits, snagged by the cruel spikes, stretched out even further, and the spines dug into them brutally. Peach’s reaction was immediate – a terrible, ululating wailing issued from her lips and her raw throat, a wounded banshee scream. Tears sprayed down her cheeks. Bowser chuckled deep in his throat, his eyes aglow with cruelty as he watched the struggling, tortured princess struggle and shake her head from side to side. After a while he let go. He let the princess get dragged along a few feet, babbling and yelping pathetically, before repeating the process again, and again. Every time he’d let the Spinies stretch Peach’s tits out a little farther, their sharp spines hooking her hurt titflesh, and Peach’s wails would grow more and more wounded, more and more deafening and terrible for every time. At long last, the Spinies had made their leisurely way through a maze-like succession of black corridors, reaching their destination. They stopped at a heavy door, made of wood hardened over the years into the color and resilience of stone. In the door, at eye height, was an iron hatch, closed. Below it, a plaque hung. It said: GREENHOUSE OF PAIN. Bowser smiled toothily, reaching down and gently lifting Peach from the Spinies. The princess gave a sob of relief as the brutal spines finally left her savaged tits, nonetheless tempered by the immense pain that shocked her with every little juddering movement of her pliant boobs. Slowly, slowly, her head lolling, the princess came to, her eyes slowly focusing on the sign on the door. She read it again and again, trying to make sense of it, but she was distracted by the huge, dull pain in her tits every time her pulse beat, and her poor wounded mind couldn’t make any sense of the words. After a while, when Bowser judged that she was aware enough, he reached over her and pushed the heavy door open. He turned to the Spinies and the Hammer Bros, who had followed to watch the princess’s agony, and dismissed them with a wave. Then he jostled Peach into the room. Peach moaned and sobbed with every step as her poor tits bobbed, sending shocks of pain through her system. “Please, please, stop this, stop this,” she moaned piteously. She was taken by sudden panic and her voice rose jarringly. “STOP!! PLEASE, PLEASE, STOP!!” And, absurdly: “HELP!! HELP!!” Bowser, a huge presence behind her, laughed hugely and mockingly. “Nobody is here to help you, your royal sluttiness,” he growled into her ear. “And nobody will be coming. Your precious plumbers are dead.” That shut her up. Peach’s mind reeled, and she was filled by a black chill. It couldn’t be true. She went into denial – it had to be a lie. It had to. She didn’t have much time to reflect on the veracity of Bowser’s statement, however. Bowser quickly jostled her over to a wooden rack by the wall of the room, undid her manacles and strapped her spreadeagled to the hard wooden surface. Then he stepped back, and let her get her bearings. She looked around the room. It was not very big, for Bowser’s castle – perhaps ten, twelve feet from floor to ceiling, and perfectly cubical. It was very bare, lit by torches spaced around the walls, and apart from the rack, contained only one thing: a large, green pipe in the center of the floor. Bowser, seeing her attention fixed on the pipe, grinned his predator’s grin and rang a bell by the door. Then, hurriedly, he stepped out of the room and shut the door. Peach heard the sound of the iron hatch sliding open and lifted her head tiredly – she could see Bowser’s burning eyes staring at her from the door across the room. When Bowser rang the bell, at first, nothing happened. Then, as Peach waited fearfully and Bowser watched her, there was a sound from deep in the pipe. Something was rising out of it. Peach realized with a jolt of horror what it was even as the red, white-spotted head rose from the pipe. GREENHOUSE OF PAIN … it was a piranha plant. The carnivorous plant rose slowly, hissing menacingly. It had many stalks, all ending in spotted, toothy heads. The central head was huge; the stalks were a verdant green and covered in wicked thorns. Peach struggled against the bonds, yelling, “NONONONO…” but the bonds held. She was at the thing’s mercy. She was terrified of more of that crushing, murderous pain, of course… but there was something else, a terrible realization through the fear that only deepened it. Piranha plants weren’t intelligent. How could this thing know that only her tits were impervious to damage? She would be mauled to death by it, eaten alive. Her wild eyes flickered to Bowser, but he was only standing there, calmly watching. He must not have realized the danger. She was just about to scream out to him, warn him of his mistake, when the piranha plant lunged. It was one of the smaller heads which whipped out, baring its cruel fangs even as it rushed towards her. Her scream of terror became one of terrible pain as the thing’s wicked teeth closed about her left tit. It was a short bite – instead of digging its fangs as deep into her titflesh as it could, the thing only bit down halfway, scraping its sharp teeth horribly along her brutalized boob, ending with the teeth clamped, for an insane, maddening, hellish second, around her nipple. She hardly had time to draw breath for a second scream before another head was on her. It pounced on her other tit, repeating the scraping motion of its sibling and ending at her other nipple. Peach was in hell, struggling against her bonds, praying for mercy, praying for death, none of them coming, her tits screaming in agony that had no end. As a third of the heads lunged at her, she lost sense of time, lost sense of the individual bites of the small piranha plants, only knew a second or an eternity of horrible anguish. She became aware, gradually, that she was slumping in the rack, and that the bites had stopped… though not the pain. The pain was still fresh, and her tits screamed from it – looking down at her brutalized mammaries she could see individual stripes, angry red streaks where a piranha plant fang had ripped her impervious tits as best it could. She moaned and shuddered and eventually gathered enough strength to lift her head weakly and look up at the plant. It seemed to be regarding her eyelessly, stems gently snaking about each other, the central head bearing a wicked grin. As she watched, sick with horror, a huge, pink tongue licked about its white lips and over its cruel fangs. It had waited for her to regain her senses, it seemed, and now it advanced on her. As she writhed, moaning and whining, unable to gather enough strength even to scream, the two biggest heads aside from the huge central head advanced on her. She could not get away. She could not escape. The two heads stopped just an inch from her brutalized tits, which were rising and falling rapidly as she hyperventilated in abject terror. And then, instead of baring their fangs and biting her tits, they snaked forward, coiling their sinuous stalks around each of her tits. Peach howled as the plants’ hooked thorns dug into her tender, tortured flesh. Soon, the stems had coiled fully around the bases of her tits, the barbs deforming the soft flesh, spearing her titflesh with brutal pricking points. She struggled impotently against the dual bonds of the rack and the snaking plants, howling wordlessly, her eyes rolling back into her head. And then, suddenly, at some unknown signal, the dual stems snaked around her tits began to constrict. The pain was shattering, incredible. The barbs dug into Peach’s tortured flesh, nearly meeting in the middle as the alien strength of the coiling stems compressed her tits at the base. As she thrashed and bucked, screaming bloody murder, the huge, impassive central head of the piranha plant suddenly made its move. It advanced on her, unseen, and she didn’t become aware of its presence until it clamped down with its huge mouth on both her tits at once. It was too much. Her voice shut down – it hurt too much to scream. All she could do was wheeze, half-mad with pain, as the massive teeth of the plant savaged her poor titties. She thrashed, shaking her head back and forth, her tousled blonde princess hair whipping. Time stretched out – every second was an eternity – she couldn’t take it anymore – and yet, and yet, impossibly, she was still conscious, still in agony, and it kept escalating. She was in hell. Until the mad savaging fangs about her breasts disappeared, and the coils of wickedly thorned stem around her tits gradually loosened and snaked away (causing her to jerk spastically and cry out as the barbs dragged across her skin). She hung limply, her eyes eventually focusing on her breasts. They were nearly purple, now, and she felt the blood rushing back into them, sending them prickling with discomfort that was agony in her current state. She moaned piteously, jerking half-heartedly at her bonds, unable to get away, unable to do anything, willing everything to just stop. She heard the piranha plant descending into the pipe again. There was a moment of silence, and then, the click of the door opening. Dimly, Peach registered that this meant that the torment was about to begin anew.
Chapter 2 - Chunin Exams
"Jamez get up, if you don't then you're going to be late for the Chunin Exams." Jamez's dad called up to him. Jamez woke up and quickly got dressed then he ran downstairs to grab a piece of toast. His sister was home today, she looked like a mini-version of their mom. "You'd better do good enough to become a chunin. Make that my 18th birthday present." Aria said. "Don't worry. I shouldn't have any trouble. Did Jak already leave?" Jamez asked. "Yeah. Now go make us proud." His dad answered. So Jamez grabbed his toast and ran to the academy. When he got there he kissed Kiari on the cheek, then Bargo said,"Good all of you are finally here. Now go inside and get to room 301. Also good luck." "Jak why did you let me over sleep?" Jamez asked as they were walking through the doors, he had an arm wrapped around Kiari. "Well I thought you might need the rest." Jak answered sarcastically. When they got to the third floor Kiari started heading to the group of kid's standing out side room 301, but Jamez and Jak started walking up the next flight of stairs. "Where are you two going?" She asked. "Well follow us and I'll tell you." Jamez said. "But we're on the third floor already. The room is right there." Kiari argued. "Please just trust me. You should know that I wouldn't lie to you." Jamez said. Kiari nodded as she started to follow her teammates, Uchiha Sasuke saw this and decided that their might be a genjutsu at work. Once they were on the next floor Jamez turned to Kiari and said,"That wasn't the third floor down there. See that double door at the end of the hall?" Kiari nodded so he continued,"That's room 301. Me and Jak use to explore the academy. They were using a genjutsu to make you think you were on the third floor." "But how did you two know?" Kiari asked. "Well I'll let Jak decided if he wants to tell you his reason, but I know because I have two spirits in me. Remember when that guy was messy with you?" Jamez asked. When she nodded he continued,"Remember how I had fur sprout and kinda looked like a tiger? Well that's what the spirit looks like when I talk him. Those times back in the academy, when I seemed asleep but still got my work done, those were times when I was talking to him. Also his name is Sub-Zero." Kiari looked shocked as she said,"Well it's kinda creepy but since you're still you I can live with it." "Come on love birds we should get in the room so we can get good seats." Jak said. So the three went in and noticed that they wouldn't be choosing seats. Out of every one there only four stuck out in Jamez's mind. Three of them, Mitsuki, Leyhia, and Mesuda he remembered from the academy. The fourth only stuck out because of her hair color, which was electric blue like his parents. So the three took their seats, Kiari was by Mitsuki and a girl from The Hidden Mist Village named Riley, Jak was between Mesuda and some weak looking guy from The Village Hidden in the Mist whose name was Vince, and Jamez had to sit between Leyhia and the girl who had the same color hair as his parents, he learned that her name was Ichigo and that she was from The Hidden Mist Village. "Hello Mitsuki." Kiari said. "Hey Kiari it's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?" Mitsuki asked. "Well Jamez asked me to be his girlfriend." Kiari replied. "That's cool. I haven't asked Shikamaru to be my boyfriend yet. I'm not sure what he'll say." Mitsuki told her. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll like you. You should ask him after the exams." Kiari said. Meanwhile Jamez was talking to Sub-Zero,"You mean there's a person in here that's like Naruto, one like me and Jak, and one with a spirit that's totally good?" "Yes, the one like Naruto is the little guy with red hair and a gourd on his back, the one like you and Jak is Mitsuki, and the other one is the girl sitting next to you. I don't mean Leyhia." Sub-Zero replied. "I wonder if either of them will pose a threat anytime soon." Jamez said. "Quite everyone. It's time to begin the First Exam." A man at the front of the room said,"My name is Ibiki and I am the proctor of this part of the exam." He then went on to relay the rules after he was done everyone started the test. Jamez and Jak flew through the test with the help of their spirits. Kiari had a little harder time but, since she was above Jamez she used Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu to copy his answers, and she got to visit Sub-Zero's room. "Kiari what a surprise." Jamez said. "Whoa what is this place?" She asked. "This would be my room in Jamez's body. Hello my name is be Sub-Zero." S-Z answered. Kiari looked at the giant picture of herself. "Who put this up?" She asked. "I did, as a way to thank Jamez. You see without his help this room would be dark with a cage in the middle that would contain me. Also that picture can be changed, and I will change it every year on your Birthday, or taken down without anyone having to touch it. This is the main room of Jamez's mind but I am the only one who can change it." S-Z answered again. "Hey you want to know some cool things about having two spirits in one body?" Jamez asked Kiari. "Sure" She replied. "Well first off Sub-Zero has taught me to make my own room like this, so I have a room in my mind where I can retreat to do anything. Second, time goes a lot slower in here so if you read a book in 5 hours it will have been 5 minutes in the real world. I can gain knowledge this way. By scanning something it gets put in here and I can read it whenever I want. Also I'm able to search my mind which means I can remember things just like that." Jamez said. "Wow do you think you could teach me how to make a room like this in my own mind?" Kiari asked. "Maybe but since I don't know how to use your mind transfer jutsu it will be hard. Also I could just let you create one in my mind. You won't have to worry about me going in and seeing what you have. Sub-Zero himself has a room that I'm not able to get into. If you make a lock for it then I won't be able to get in it. And unless you tell me I won't know about anything that you do in your room." Jamez told her. "Well how about you help me make one here in your mind and then I'll try to make one in my mind. If it doesn't work I'll tell you, teach you my jutsu, and then you can help me. Even if I do make a room I'll still teach you my jutsu." Kiari said. "Okay." Jamez replied. So they made Kiari a room, which she locked, then she decided to stay in it for a while after asking Jamez to not be near the door. What she did was put a picture of Jamez up and imaged what he would look like naked, making the picture nude, she then started fingering herself, thinking about the dream that she had written in her diary. She did this for about 10 hours, or 10 minutes in the real world, and cumed about 17 times. She then went back to her own body and, to her immense surprise, found out that her body had cummed, so her pants and panties were soaked. "Wow you must have had some dream during that little nap." Mitsuki whispered to her, and of coarse Kiari blushed a really deep shade of red. "Okay time for the finial question. But first who does not want to take the question. If you quite now then you can try again later, but if you try and fail you will never be able to take the Chunin Exams again!" Ibiki told them. A few people raised their hands until, Naruto made a giant outburst, then Ibiki said,"You all have passed." After that someone burst in through the window and said,"I'm the proctor of the 2nd Exam. Get with your teammates and follow me." When Jamez caught up to Kiari he saw that she was trying to pull her shirt down over the top of her jeans. Then he caught whiff of a smell that was similar to one he had smelled from his sister after she got out of the bathroom just 2 days ago. "Kiari what are you doing and what's that smell?" Jamez asked and Kiari gave a little yelp of surprise and blushed even redder. "Um... nothing. Nothing at all." Kiari replied. Then Jak caught up to them and said,"Wow Kiari why..." Kiari covered his mouth and said anxiously,"It's nothing Jak." Jak moved her hand and didn't say anything else about it. So they quietly followed the proctor to their destination. "Okay everyone this is The Forest of Death. Your goal is to collect 2 scrolls and take them to the tower without looking at them, within 5 days. Also my name is Anko Mitarashi." She said as she showed them 2 scrolls, "These are the Heaven and Earth scrolls. Each team will be given one and have to attain the other. Now each team needs to come over here and receive their scroll and the gate you will be starting at." Jamez, Kiari, and Jak were the first ones at the stand and got the Heaven scroll and gate 1. The team decided to have Jamez hold the scroll. "So who do you think we should go after?" Kiari asked while they waited for the gates to be opened. "Well we'll have to leave that up to Jak. He has an ability that will allow him to see what scroll the other teams have. But I say we should just attack anyone we don't know or like." Jamez replied. "So you're saying that only Teams 13 and 8 are safe?" Jak asked. "Pretty much. After all it's better to get rid of as many teams as possible, that way we don't have to worry about them later." Jamez replied. "Well I'm up for it, how about you Kiari?" Jak said. "I guess." Kiari replied with a grin. Jamez hugged Kiari as the gate opened. "I guess it's time to go." Jak said. Then they went inside. They travailed for about 10 minutes before Jamez held up a hand and they all stopped. Jak turned in a circle and shrugged, so as to say where, and Jamez pointed East then made a 5 and a 0 with his fingers. Jak activated his byakugon and checked out the team that was 50 meters to the East, then he nodded his head so the trio planned their attack as they followed their prey. Their enemies stopped so Jamez listened to the voices. "Okay there are 2 guys and a girl, also they're going to split up. The girl going straight, one guy going to the right, and the other to the left." Jamez said. Then he asked Kiari,"Who do you want?" "I guess I'll take the girl." She replied. "And I'll take the one on the left." Jak said. He then told them the best plan he could think of,"Okay then it's everyone for themselves but, if you do need help just call for it. If someone calls then everyone else is to go help." They then split up and went after their target. Jamez sneaked up behind his opponent, who had brown hair, and tapped him on the shoulder. The guy tried to hit Jamez while he was turning around but Jamez caught his arm and said with a laugh,"Tell me would you rather fight with taijutsu, ninjutsu, or weapons?" The person didn't say anything as he twisted out of Jamez's grip and tried to attack again. This time Jamez jumped back, looked around and then asked,"You don't mind if I try a new fighting style on you? I've practiced with it but never used it in battle and I'll probably need it soon." He then moved his headband down over his eyes. "Are you serious? I can't believe I got stuck with a moron. Oh well your lose." The stranger said as he tried once again to attack Jamez. Jamez ducked and attacked with his own move punching the man's elbow and then delivering a series of blows to his midsection. "Actually this is a smarter move for me. My ears are millions of times better than a regular person's and this way I don't have to worry about making bad decisions based on what I see." Jamez said. He then delivered more blows before connecting a roundhouse kick to the man's head. "Now tell me are you going to continue fighting. If you are I will kill you, don't worry though I will make sure you get a proper burial." Jamez told him. "What's your name *cough*. I would *cough* like to remember this if I live. Mine is Austin and *cough* as you can tell I'm from the Village Hidden among the Rocks." The man said as he stood up. "I take it that you won't give up Austin. *sigh* Well my name is Jamez but if you don't give up soon then I'll have to kill you." Jamez said sadly. "I'm not out yet." Austin replied. He then preformed some hand seals before saying,"Fire Style: Flames of Hell" As soon as Jamez heard it he also heard flames and felt very hot. Sub-Zero knew that Jamez didn't know any Water Style Jutsu so he took over, took off the headband, and preformed Water Style: Water Wall. As soon as the flames were gone he preformed Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu and killed Austin. He then let Jamez have control again. "Thanks Zero. I think you may need to teach me those 2 Water Style jutsus." Jamez said as he searched Austin's body for valuables. He then put his headband back on, picked up Austin's body, and took him to the closest gate where he left him. Then he went to find his teammates. Meanwhile Kiari was in her own battle, she had not been as straight forward as Jamez however. She used Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu to get a jump on her opponent. When she got in her opponents body she went through all of the pockets she could find, removing the girl's weapons and money, also she found out that the girl was carrying the scroll. She then tied the girls hands and legs together by making a shadow clone to help. Then Kiari went back to her own body and collected the girl's money and the scroll. Then she went to find Jak and Jamez, they actually ended up finding her. "Who got the scroll?" Jak asked. "I do." Kiari replied. "Okay then I guess we can go to the tower now." Jak said. "Actually this would be a fine time to get in a little training and if we stay here close to the gates we won't have to worry about attracting too much attention." Jamez said. "No we should go to the tower and train there." Jak said. "Fine but, only if you'll teach me 2 jutsu before the fifth day." Jamez replied. They then headed to the tower, avoiding everyone they could and made it by dawn on the second day. When they got there and opened the scrolls Bargo appeared. "Congratulations. You have passed the second part of the exams. I'm very proud of you three. Now you should know that there will be a third part however, there may have to be some preliminaries first. If more than six teams make it then the preliminaries will be held. Now till the fifth day you are aloud to roam the tower and train but, you can't fight other teams." He said. "Okay sensei see you later." The trio said at the same time. Then they walked around till they found a map, they then followed it to a training area and started training. First Jamez made a clone that S-Z took over in order to teach them the water wall and water dragon. Then Jak taught them the Flames of Hell move which his enemy had also used. After they learned that Mitsuki's team came into the training area. It just happened that Kiari was bending over to pick up something and Jamez was standing behind her, when Mitsuki saw that she got a dirty thought and decided to let Jamez see it. So she used Thought Transfer Jutsu, a jutsu she had invented, on him. When Jamez saw it, an image of him and Kiari having some "fun" right there, he got a hard on and so backed away from Kiari a little. Then he noticed Mitsuki, went up to her, and asked,"Was that your thought?" She acted confused saying,"I have no clue what you're talking about." "C'mon I know that you have a perverted jutsu up your sleeve. Do you think you could teach it to me? It might come in handy later on." Jamez said. "I guess but, you have to bring Kiari along when I teach it to you. Also you'll have to wait till tonight." She said. "Jamez get over here if you want me to teach you another jutsu!" Jak yelled. "Okay." Jamez said to both of them. "What were you and Mitsuki whispering about?" Kiari asked him. "You'll find out tonight." He told her. Jak then taught them Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. "Cheater. That one was easy." Jamez said. "Oh well. You didn't say that they had to be hard." Jak retorted. Jak then went to the room that they had there. "Well I guess now would be the best time to teach you my jutsus." Kiari told Jamez. She then spent the last hours of the day to teach him Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu and Ninja Art: Mind Destruction Jutsu. "Hey love birds over here." Mitsuki called,"It's night time now. Are you ready to learn?" "Learn what?" Kiari asked. In reply Mitsuki sent Kiari a naughty that. "What are you teaching us?" She asked. "I call it Thought Transfer Jutsu, and I invented it. It doesn't have to be used for naughty purposes but it can be. Also it's not very hard so it shouldn't take long for you two to learn." Mitsuki replied. She then taught it to them and they were finished within the hour. Kiari quietly asked Mitsuki,"Can you take the blame for sending Jamez a thought? I had this dream and I want to show it to him but, I don't want him to know that I thought of it." "Sure but, only if I can see it." She replied. "Please no. I don't want anyone to know about it except Jamez. I'm begging you, Jamez and I haven't been going out long enough for me to just tell him about it but, I feel like I need to tell him somehow." Kiari pleaded. "Okay but you're going to owe me for this." Mitsuki replied. Kiari then sent Jamez the dream and watched as he stopped in his tracks. "Which one of you sent that?" He asked. "Sent what?" Kiari asked. "It was me. Did you like it?" Mitsuki answered. "I guess it was a nice thought but, shouldn't you be thinking about yourself instead of other people?" Jamez replied. "What was the thought?" Kiari asked secretly smiling to herself. "Nothing. I'm going to bed. Goodnight you two and sweet dreams Kiari." Jamez said as he left. Once he was gone Kiari smiled real big and said,"Hear that he likes the dream. Maybe I should go tell him that it was from me." "No you should probably wait till this is all over. That way it doesn't distract him. After all if he thinks I sent it then it won't matter as much." Mitsuki replied. "Okay and goodnight Mitsuki." Kiari said and then went to bed. Since the next day was the last they decided to just relax. When it was over they were all called to a room that had been blocked off. "Hello my name is Hayate Gekko and I'm the proctor for the 3rd exam. Well I'm kinda sorry to say this but, we have to hold preliminaries before the 3rd Exam because there are so many of you." Hayate said,"We will use this board to randomly decide who will fight who." Letters came up on the board and started whirling by. The first set was Sasuke Vs. Yoroi, Sauke won but was pretty beat up and Kakashi took him away.
Chapter 5 - Epilogue: A Bad Life Begins
Queen Peach sat on her knees on a rich, soft, cushion. She was in her usual spot, on the right-hand side of the king’s throne as he finished that day’s usual business. She was wearing the same clothes as always: stockings held up on her thighs with garters, long, matching gloves, a corset. All bridal white. On her head was a veil, thrown back over her head. Her position was studiously perfect (she knew all too well the punishments for sloppy posture): hands on her knees, her back straight, chest thrust out. Offered. As always, the guards and court, everyone in the room, were all ogling her naked chest and stealing glances between her legs at her well-kept pubic hair. She had gotten used to the looks. That didn’t mean she liked it. Her tits throbbed with a deep, dull pain every time her heart beat. They were battered and brutalized, as always. Peach could hardly remember how her tits had looked without the angry red welts and purple bruises. She couldn’t remember an existance without pain. This morning, Bowser had tied her up, tying piano wire cruelly tight about her nipples and stretching her tits out, and had placed a lit torch under each breast, grilling them for close to an hour before taking her out into court. It had been months since that terrible first day, months since the wedding and the feast afterwards where Peach had been the night’s entertainment. She hadn’t been outside the castle walls once. Bowser said she’d never leave, and she believed him. The first few days, she’d had desperate, furious, hopeless hope that Mario and Luigi were still coming to rescue her, that everything Bowser had said had been a lie, but as time went on, a dull, terrible certainty took the place of that hope: it had all been true. Mario and Luigi were dead. She wondered how the Mushroom Kingdom looked these days. It was a heartbreaking thought and she turned away from it, focusing willingly on the pain in her tits, blocking out everything else. That’s why she didn’t hear Bowser rising from his throne and bidding her come with him. He had to repeat his request. She’d have to be severely disciplined for that.
Chapter 1 - The Bad Day Begins
Peach awoke, every part of her body aching. Her head in particular was throbbing with pain, and she clutched it feebly and groaned. She rolled over on her side. The surface she was lying on was hard and rough and she chanced opening one of her eyes despite the pain in her head. It could’ve been worse. She looked around – the entire room was made of a dark stone, the only light cast by a flickering torch. She yelped when she realized all at once where she was. With a burst of adrenaline, she staggered to her feet, but was immediately struck by an overwhelming dizziness. She tottered, bent over and vomited on the floor. As she stood bent, hands on her knees, struggling to stay conscious, there was a noisy clank as the huge lock on the prison cell’s door was unlocked. Remaining bent over, Peach lifted her head and saw, through the strands of golden hair adhering to hear sweaty forehead, a huge figure silhouetted by the candlelight in the corridor. “It seems our charge is awake,” said a reedy voice from somewhere behind it. “Yes,” responded the huge figure in a guttural voice. Peach glowered at it with fierce hatred as it crouched to fit through the doorway. It was followed by a much slighter figure. “Bowser,” Peach muttered, struggling to maintain her dignity despite the situation. The Koopa King inclined his head at the mention of his name. “Princess,” he rumbled, his crude voice clashing against his perfect diction. “I can understand your discomfort. You must be dehydrated.” He waved at the smaller figure, who bowed and hurried forward, offering a waterskin to the princess. At close quarters, she recognized the narrow-chested figure of Kamek the Magikoopa. She eyed the waterskin balefully. After a moment of silence, Bowser said, “It’s no object to me either way. You can continue vomiting if you wish.” There was a pause where Peach could almost smell the infuriating smugness radiating out from Bowser, before she grudgingly snatched the waterskin from Kamek and drank deeply. She wasn’t afraid of poison – she’d learned long ago that she was worth more to Bowser alive than dead. “Small gulps, princess, or you’ll just throw up again,” Kamek said nervously, retreating back to stand at his master’s side. After a few minutes, with Bowser and his majordomo watching impassively, she began to feel better. Her head still throbbed but she wasn’t dizzy anymore. She stood straight, imperiously holding the waterskin out, and Kamek scurried forward and accepted it. Peach didn’t spare him a second glance, instead staring contemptuously at King Bowser. “So,” she said. “Another bout of waiting before Mario and Luigi come and beat you silly?” Bowser ignored her. “And you’re certain the spell will hold?” He was addressing Kamek, who bowed deeply, his every gesture communicating servility. “Yes, my lord. There is no question,” the Magikoopa responded. The Koopa King leered. “Great,” he growled. “Leave us.” With a bow, the Magikoopa scurried out of the cell. Not taking his eyes off Peach, Bowser swung the door shut. “Spell?” Peach asked nervously and watched the dragon’s grin widen. “Spell,” he breathed in response, steam issuing from his nostrils. “I could explain, but I think I’d have a better time showing you.” And with that, he covered the distance between them with a singe huge step, towering over her and raising his clawed hand. With expert precision he had torn Peach’s dress open before she had time to react. She yelped and tried to cover herself up, but he easily grasped both her hands in one of his, using the other to liberate her of the few remaining shreds of her dress. She struggled against him, dressed only in high heels, long stockings, panties, a corset and a bra. Bowser hissed as he paused a moment to take her body in. She was tantalisingly curvaceous, an hourglass figure, with wide hips and a plump, perfectly smooth ass. But the feature that captivated him the most was her tits. They were huge and firm, mostly hidden by her conservative dress and even now straining against the fabric of her constraining bra. With an almost gentle swipe of his claw, the bra fell in tatters and Peach’s breasts hung free. Perfect twin globes, pale and smooth, each ending in a beautiful pink nipple. “Unhand me!” Peach was screaming, mortified, kicking ineffectually against the tree-trunk legs of the Koopa King. He ignored her. “Let me show you what the spell does. Guards!” he boomed, and two Koopa guards, carrying spears and leering, came into the cell. Bowser swung Peach around so that he was behind her, holding her arms in an iron grip behind her back. She was facing the Koopa guards, crying hot tears of shame at being exposed like this. “Give our little whore princess here a little taste of your spears,” Bowser growled. Peach screamed in terror and redoubled her struggles, but there was nothing she could do. Bowser dropped down on his knees and placed one beefy arm around her legs, immobilizing her entirely. One of the guards, with a cruel smile, took his spear and drove it into the soft flesh on the underside of Peach’s right tit. She screamed in agony, writhing and trying in vain to get away from the sharp point of the spear. It was no use – she was trapped. Leering, the other guard assaulted her remaining tit with his spear, and the pain doubled. Peach howled, her entire body spasming with pain, and the guards laughed as they terrorized her poor titflesh. After a minute that seemed like an eternity, the spears disappeared from her breasts and she hung limp in the Koopa King’s grasp, her head lolling. “And that is how the spell works,” Bowser spoke behind her, though it took a few seconds for her to register what he’d said. When she did, she raised her head, confused. Bowser released her hands, placed them on her tits, and she touched them, at first gingerly, then with increasing wonder. She was unharmed. There were still two points of throbbing pain on the undersides of her boobs, but there were no wounds, no blood. “Power star essence,” Bowser explained. “It was a bitch to get hold of, but definitely worth it. You see, princess, while you were out, I had Kamek rub your tits with the stuff. They’re impervious to harm… though not to pain.” Suddenly, she felt his hands on her arms and she gasped as he pulled them behind her, trapping them in one of his huge fists again. He waved at the guards, and they saluted smartly and exited, coming back after a minute carrying two pairs of heavy iron manacles. One pair went around Peach’s wrists, locking her arms behind her back. The other went around her ankles, rendering her unable to run or kick, or even to walk properly. She was entirely at Bowser’s mercy. Bowser grabbed her around the neck roughly and forced her out into the corridor. She was more terrified than she had ever been. Bowser was going to torture her, and there was nothing she could do about it. When they were out in the corridor, Bowser hoisted her bodily up on his shoulder. Peach’s tender tits thumped brutally down on Bowser’s spiked shell – two of the shard spikes pressed into their tender flesh, and Peach shrieked with blinding pain. Bowser set off at a brisk pace, causing the spikes to jam into Peach’s breasts again and again and making her gibber with pain. Disjointed images of black walls flashed in the princess’s pain-addled mind, until finally she was lifted off the hateful spikes and placed on her feet. There was a huge roar. Her legs wouldn’t hold her – she fell down on her knees and looked around groggily, at first unable to make sense of what she was seeing. She realized after a while what she was looking at: ranks upon ranks of Bowser’s soldiers, amassed in his throne room, cheering at the sight of her defeated form. Suddenly, they quieted, and Peach didn’t understand why until she saw that Bowser had stepped out in the middle of the room. They were staring at him expectantly, the air buzzing with excitement. “Loyal servants of the Koopa Kingdom,” boomed Bowser, “we’ve got company.” There were some jeers at this. “The royal bitch” – the jeers grew louder – “has graced us with her presence. Bring her to the rack.” With this, Bowser walked over to his throne and sat down. A squad of four beefy Koopas jogged over, lifting Peach up over their heads and carrying her to the middle of the chamber, where a wooden construction stood. It was a stocks. Peach looked at the two big round holes in the wooden rack and knew exactly, horribly, what they were for. She struggled weakly, but chained as she was, she had no chance of escaping. The Koopas put her down and made her kneel, lifting the heavy upper half of the stocks and – just as she had feared – placing her heavy tits in the depressions of the lower half. “Please!” she screamed, panicked. “Please don’t do this!” Her frantic plea was met with gales of crude, derisive laughter. One of the Koopas closest to her spat in her face. “Please!” she continued hopelessly. “I’ll do anything, anything, please!” It was hopeless. Nobody heard her over the mocking laughter, and Bowser sat on his throne, impassive, a cruel grin on his reptilian face. He waved languorously to the Koopa squad, and one of them nodded and closed the stocks. He didn’t lower the heavy wooden slat gently – he gave it a push and let it fall. Peach’s tits were slightly too big for the holes and had spilled out over the sides, and the excess flesh was now brutally crushed. She howled in agony, her entire body going taut, her mouth gibbering nonsense at the incredible pain. The assembled troops only laughed derisively, jeering and mocking her. One of the four Koopas who had carried her to the stocks now locked it with a heavy padlock, trapping her pinched tits in their painful position. “Please, please,” Peach gabbled, tears running down her face. “Please, no.” As the laughter quieted, her piteous moaning was the only sound in the cavernous room. Then came Bowser’s voice. “Begin.” At the signal, the troops surged towards her hungrily. They leered. They were all Koopas, guards carrying spears, and they used them to great effect. At first, there was only a chaotic throng when everybody in the room tried to get to her at the same time – spears came at her from every direction, stabbing and poking her poor tits, and she screamed bloody murder. The sharp tips tortured her tender titflesh like a million beestings. At every terrible little prick, she struggled against the rack, which sent stinging jolts of pain from her pinched flesh coursing through her body. After a moment, though, some order asserted itself – an informal line formed, and every one of her tormentors got a moment alone with her. Most used their sharp spears to poke her yielding boobs, while still others used the shafts to smack them harshly. Peach was in hell, shrieking herself hoarse with every terrible offense against her poor breasts, the pinched flesh trapped by the heavy stocks always making itself known with every move she made. Images of leering Koopas flashed by, cruel smiles and spears glinting in the firelight. The pain made everything disjointed – the only thing real was the torture her poor tits were being subjected to. The Koopas who took too long with her were shouted at by the impatient crowd. After a while, she understood, with a flash of terrible realization, that the Koopas which had just smacked or speared her tortured tits must be going to the back of the line. There was no relief when everybody had had their turn – it just began anew. She had no sense of how much time had passed when Bowser stood up and said, “enough.” The frenzied crowd muttered, disgruntled, but their discipline was undeniable, and the Koopa currently sticking his spear into the side of Peach’s tit, twisting it cruelly, stepped back immediately. Peach hung limply, crying weakly, tears and snot running down her face. Her throat was raw from screaming. Her tits were throbbing, every beat of her heart sending a tremendous dull pain coursing through her twin globes. She hardly registered the sounds of Bowser slowly lumbering down the steps in front of his throne. “We can’t risk wearing our guest out, after all,” Bowser rumbled in the silence, and a ripple of laughter went through the assorted troops. “Unlock the stocks.” One of the Koopas hurried forward at his king’s command, unlocking the heavy padlock and removing it. Peach gasped with relief when her pinched flesh was finally released by the heavy wood. She wished she could just curl into a ball and cradle her tits for a week, but as soon as she made the slightest move, a Koopa approached her from behind and held her in place with a rough grip around her neck. Bowser sauntered slowly over to her, relishing the sight of her hurt tits. There would be no permanent damage, no skin would break and no scars would mar those perfect globes, Kamek had assured him, but the rough treatment had nonetheless caused her tits to turn a bruised red shade. He smiled at the princess, who looked up at him groggily, the pain she felt apparent in her red-rimmed eyes. As he reached her, he reached out with a hand and tenderly stroked that golden-haired head from which the crown had long since fallen. “Please,” Peach whispered, her voice thick, as he reached down to gently cradle her tits. Even the slight touch caused the princess to yelp with pain as his scales scratched roughly against her bruised mammaries. “Please stop hurting me.” Her voice broke, and she broke out in fresh sobs, tears running down her face as Bowser gently lifted her tits. “Oh, don’t worry, princess,” Bowser spoke quietly. Peach moaned as he pulled her tits gently sideways, coaxing her, and she inched on her bruised knees, just a bit to her left. She shuddered with pain as he gently put her tits down, her left tit now resting against the flat wood beside the holes, her right lying uncomfortably on the small nub of wood which protruded between them. “I won’t hurt you any more.” And with that, he grabbed the upper slat of the stocks and slammed it down with all his might. The heavy wood crushed Peach’s breasts. She screamed with animal pain, thrashing against her bonds, but a Koopa had grabbed her roughly, holding her in place and pulling her head back by the hair so she wouldn’t be struck on the head by the stocks. She had nowhere to go. Her left tit was squeezed almost flat by the immense force of Bowser’s blow, which was painful enough to blot out her vision and fill her mind with screaming, red pain; her right tit was almost worse, brutally pinched as it was by two cruel fingers of wood until the stocks almost closed completely. The crowd cheered at their king’s impressive show of strength and at Peach’s mindless agony, as her entire body shuddered and spasmed and an ululating cry issued from her raw throat. Bowser lifted the heavy wooden board again, watching Peach closely, letting her regain her senses and go back from wordless screaming to pitiful crying. “Oh no,” she sobbed. “Oh no, no, please, no…” His eyes flashing, the Koopa King hissed, “oh, yes,” and slammed the stocks closed again. And again. Peach’s mind shattered, turning into red-hot screaming shards of pain. She was hardly aware of the crowd’s jeers, Bowser’s low, cruel laughter, the Koopa holding her… She was only aware of her cruelly tormented breasts. The heavy upper wooden board pressed down remorselessly on her beaten mammaries, squashing them almost flat at the base. She’d never known that sort of pain before. And then, that terrible hellish pressure disappeared. Her body, which had been taut and shaking, now slumped in the Koopa’s grip. She was sweating all over, and her breasts were a cacophony of terrible pain. She gave a little yelp and drew a few terrified breaths before erupting in a frantic scream. “PLEASE DON’T HURT ME ANY MORE!” Her body tensed and she awaited that brutal, crushing pain again, that terrible murderous pressure. But it didn’t come. After a minute she chanced opening her eyes. Bowser was standing over her, a cruel grin on his face, but his hand wasn’t on the upper slat of the stocks, at least. “Oh, I think I won’t hurt you for a while now.” He turned to his assembled troops and roared, “go on, clear out, all of you!” The troops made some sounds of disappointment, but their obedience was immediate and unquestionable. The Koopa holding Peach in place let go of her and left with his comrades, and she slumped, unable to support herself. For an agonizing second, her battered tits were the only thing supporting her, and she gave a wounded shriek before falling to the floor. Bound as she was, she couldn’t catch herself, and she keeled over, her right breast smacking into the rough stone floor. She curled up as best she could, wishing she was anywhere else, tears of pain and fear running down her face as she sobbed piteously. The throne room was empty now, except for them both, the king and the princess. Bowser watched her impassively. “I think I won’t hurt you for a while now,” he repeated quietly, “but I know some people who would love to.” Peach wailed in abject terror. Nobody was there to rescue her from the torture…
Chapter 4 - Chapter III
May came to and became aware that her pussy was burning with need. She moaned, her hands reflexively flying towards her pussy – but stopping short. She was restrained. As she groaned in frustration, she heard that she was not alone. She opened her eyes and gasped, her own arousal momentarily forgotten. She was in a large, circular room, seated on a pillow with her back to the wall. All around the room, on similar pillows, there were women on their knees, moaning and panting. They all had varying shades of red hair; they were all restrained by organic-looking limbs that protruded from the walls themselves. Other tentacles, translucent and hollow, hung down from the darkness above, and attached themselves with mouth-like ends to the women’s nipples, pussies and— Again, May gasped, eyes wide as the noted the strange addition to some of the women’s anatomy. In the place of their clits, protruding from between their swollen labia, were huge, engorged penises. The translucent mouth-tentacles were attached to these, too, and May could see the suction they exerted, sucking hard on the women’s dicks and pussies and nipples, distending them. A steady flow of liquids could be seen travelling upwards through the snaking tubes – pussy juice and precum and breast milk. As the shock of the scene slowly wore off, May once again became uncomfortably aware of her own unnatural arousal. She moaned and writhed, rubbing her thighs together, but it was no good. “Ah, you’re awake,” said a voice in her head, and out of the corner of her eye, May got her first glimpse of the Nieyang. She was breath-taking – the pinnacle of sexuality. The Nieyang took the form of a woman, strangely colorless, monochrome, with pure white skin and white hair. Her eyes were blank whites, shining with otherworldly light. She had incredible curves, motherly and fertile, with a huge chest and wide hips, but at the same time she was strong – her thighs and calves flexed with powerful muscles as she walked. Her nipples were erect, her pussy flowing, and from her pussy lips, like some of the women in the room, a huge penis stood, throbbing and priapic. From behind her back, spreading like wings, a number of black, shiny tentacles sprouted, waving sinuously about her. She was huge, at least seven feet tall. At the sight of the Nieyang, May’s arousal suddenly lurched to a new, even higher plateau, and she remembered the Nieyang’s words about never cumming again. She gave a panicked little hiccup, her hips bucking helplessly. “How is my little outlander-slut today?” the deity said, standing in front of May, hands planted on her hips. The Nieyang’s clit-dick waved in her face, and May moaned, subconsciously parting her lips and straining to reach the wonderful thing. There was a sudden, flashing pain as one of the Nieyang’s tentacles whipped savagely across May’s tits, making her shriek and jerk, her restrained hands desperately trying to cover her tits. “I asked you a question,” the calm voice of the Nieyang said in her head. “I-I’m fine,” she gasped, desperate to please, but she was only rewarded with another painful snap, this time over her left tit. She cried out and writhed on the pillow as the sex deity’s voice said in her head: “No, you’re not. You’re more aroused than you’ve ever been. You need to cum. Is this not right?” Breathlessly, terrified for her poor tits, May nodded. “Then beg me to let you cum,” the Nieyang said. “Let me cum,” May sobbed, humiliated and distressed, her slutty pussy crying out for succor. “Please, let me cum, you have to let me cum or I’ll go insane.” She yanked on the restraints, but it was no use; they held fast. “Keep begging,” the Nieyang said, as she began whipping May’s tits in earnest. May arched her back with pain, shrieking, as the Nieyang’s tentacles came down again and again, snapping painfully against her tits, focusing on her poor tender nipples. “Aaaiieee!! PLEASE!” she screamed. “Please let me cum, please, no, don’t, you’ve got to let me cum, I can’t take it anymore!!” “I like you – you beg as if you mean it,” the Nieyang laughed in her head, assaulting her tits relentlessly, the whip-like appendages coming down again and again, smacking against May’s every inch of exposed titflesh. May begged desperately, her pleas punctuated with pained shrieks, until she became uncertain of what she was begging for: the chance to orgasm or mercy from the savage whipping. “Please, god, no, please, please,” she moaned incoherently, her hair plastered to her sweaty forehead. When, finally, the Nieyang stopped, May’s tits were a mass of angry red welts, and she sobbed helplessly. Still, her pussy throbbed with maddening need, undiminished by the pain of her tortured tits. “Have you forgotten?” the Nieyang asked, amused. “My sluts are not allowed to come.” May broke out in desperate sobs as she realized it had all been for nought – the Nieyang had simply been playing with her. She had begged and begged in vain, for a thing which she would never have. The voluptuous sex-deity grinned at her reaction and kneeled before her. Wordlessly, the Nieyang placed her large hands on May’s temple, and with a sudden, shocking surge of energy, something changed in May’s mind. It took her a moment to realize that the English, the language she had spoken since she was a baby, her mother tongue, had been burned away and replaced with the flowing syllables of Alanthean. “You are taken into my fold,” the Nieyang intoned, her voice hypnotic; the words in May’s head were no longer in English. “You are mine, a priestess-slut. You will walk the streets, healing in my name; and when you do not, you will hold vigil here, in my sanctum sanctorum, my abode, in physical worship, giving up the fluids of your whorish body and the frustration of your denial as a libation to me.” The Nieyang swept her hand about the room, indicating the women hooked up to the suctioning tentacles, moaning mindlessly. Slowly, fastidiously, the Nieyang conjured up strange objects on strings out of thin air and fastened them, with a ceremonial air, about May’s body. There were small bones of indefinite origin; coins of old copper and wood, round and octagonal and square; the paw of a hare; scraps of paper and fabric. The doctor-deity fastened these about May’s neck and shoulders, around her waist, about her thigh and ankle. Foggily, through her tears of frustration, May saw the likeness to the gewgaws the priestess who had led the ritual which had given her to the Nieyang had worn. “These shall be the only things you ever wear,” the Nieyang spoke at length. “They are charmed. They can not be taken off. They will not allow you to cum.” May sobbed defeatedly, hopelessly, brokenly. It was done. She would never have an orgasm again. “Please,” she moaned, but she was ignored save for a small smile from the Nieyang. There was a pause. “I think there’s something missing, though,” the Nieyang mused, a grin on her face. “Oh, yes.” And with a flick of her wrist, she placed her hand on May’s needy pussy and drew it slowly away. May gasped, her head thrown back and her tongue hanging out as she felt the most incredible sensations from her clit – and incredibly frustrating, because it only made her hornier. Tears poured from her eyes as her clitty was drawn out, following the Nieyang’s hand, taking the shape of a foot-long, erect cock. Her hips shuddered and jerked and her new cock lurched and throbbed. “Perfect,” the Nieyang said, drawing her hand away and contemplating the growth like a satisfied craftsman. “Denied not only one orgasm, but two…” “Please, please, you can’t do this!!” May burst out frantically, her voice thick. “You have to let me cum, I’m dying, I’m going to die!” Her eyes were shut tight, spilling tears, but they opened at the sound of the Nieyang’s retreating footsteps. “Please,” May whimpered weakly as her eyes were drawn upwards, towards the hungry translucent tubes coming down towards her, organic mouth-ends working expectantly. She was given her first taste of the Nieyang’s charms; suckled into a mindless trance, she bucked and moaned helplessly, stimulated to the edge of that incredible, elusive orgasm and then just stopping, as if she’d hit a wall, assailed by waves of pleasure but completely unable to go that final inch. - - - Evelina awoke on the floor, covered in her own cum. She opened her eyes and was met with the sight of her hard cock, swaying proudly. She groaned at her stiff back as the memories from last night returned. She’d lost count of the times she’d come – the women had tortured her for an hour or more, taking turns bringing her to unwanted orgasm after unwanted orgasm. At the end, she lolled mindlessly in their grip, her balls completely dry, she and her room coated with her semen. She sat up, just as the door opened. She looked up and started as the woman who had spoken to her in English yesterday entered, the first one who had forced her to cum, flicking her blonde hair back. Terrified, Evelina began to crawl backward, but there was nowhere she could do. The woman closed the door behind her, her own cock proudly asway and a superior smile on her face. “Guess what, slut?” she asked. “I’m the tutor who’s going to teach you Alanthean. Jaide, at your service.” She looked around the cum-slick floor with disdain. “But first, you’re going to clean this place up. With your mouth.” Powerless to do anything but obey, Evelina was soon on her hands and knees, messily licking up gallons of her own cum from the tiles. Jaide, gleefully stroking her own cock at the sight, stood over her, brutally and energetically spanking her generous ass with her free hand. Evelina whimpered and yelped at the harsh, stinging slaps, but knowing that it was within Jaide’s power to make her life a whole lot worse than it already was, she obediently stayed on all fours, dutifully licking cum. Soon, Jaide began instructing her in the basics of Alanthean. Evelina was still cleaning the floor with her tongue and lips, her mouth thick with her sperm, and still being spanked. She listened as intently as she could, and when Jaide asked her to repeat some word or phrase, she dutifully did the best she could. When Jaide was not satisfied – which was often, given Evelina’s cum-thick speech and the woman’s predisposed dislike of her – she would redirect her slaps to Evelina’s heavy balls, and Evelina would writhe and squeal, her stomach churning. After a while, Jaide began panting and moaning. Gutturally, she moaned in English: “You’ve got a pretty ass.” She finally came from masturbating, rope after thick rope of cum shooting from her throbbing cock and onto the floor. As she relaxed, her orgasm subsiding, the Alanthean woman redoubled her spanking, and Evelina squealed piteously. “Clean that up, you bitch, clean it up!” Jaide yelled, indicating her freshly shot load. After too long, the floor was clean enough for Jaide to be satisfied, and Evelina was allowed to rise – her ass stinging and her balls throbbing dully, her belly heavy and her mouth full of the taste of her own stale cum. The lesson continued. - - - Evelina stood in front of the mirror in her room, considering her clothes. At long last, Jaide had considered the day’s lesson over and allowed Evelina a bath. As Evelina lay soaking in the warm water, panting and sore and throbbing, her tutor had disappeared from the room and come back bearing a dress like her own, and which all of the Queen’s handmaidens wore. It was made of thin, slinky material, a strapless one-piece which stretched down about halfway along her thighs. This was not nearly enough to cover her thick cock, of course, which hung down to her knees, the head and top part of the shaft lewdly exposed. Evelina thought she looked very slutty in it, which was obviously the general idea. Jaide led her back to the throne room, telling her in no uncertain terms that if the Queen was told of what happened on their lessons, things would be very bad for Evelina. As they entered the court, the Queen looked up from where she sat on her throne. She smiled at the sight of them and shouted a greeting. Evelina stopped dead as she realized that the greeting had been in Alanthean, and that she had understood it. Her cock filled rapidly at the sight of the perfect Queen, straining against the flimsy material of her dress. The Queen giggled at this and spoke to the assembled court. Evelina didn’t understand what was said, but there was a snigger from the handmaidens and Jaide gave a laugh that boded ill. “Her Highness says that your eagerness shall not go unnoticed. You will be… broken in.” Before Evelina had time to make sense of this enigmatic proclamation, Jaide had grabbed her by the neck and bent her over. Evelina gasped, bucking against the blonde woman’s grip, but Jaide simply asked loudly: “You’d disobey the Queen’s command?” That stilled the outlander, and as Jaide’s dick swelled expectantly before her eyes, she had no recourse but to accept the huge organ in her mouth. Evelina was well aware of all eyes in the room on her, and she shut her own tightly, face reddening with shame as she strained to fit even the head of Jaide’s penis in her mouth. “Get it wet, honey,” Jaide hissed in Alanthean, and although Evelina didn’t know all the words she understood the meaning well enough. As she slobbered on Jaide’s cockhead, coating it thickly in her saliva, Evelina became aware of steps behind her. As they stopped right behind her, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise, but she dutifully continued fellating the woman who stood over her. Then, she squealed and recoiled as she felt a finger between her asscheeks. During her youth in Sweden, she’d never had much luck with boys. She’d only had one with whom she’d gotten so far along that they’d had sex. That one boyfriend had once, while licking her pussy, begun touching her anus. She’d yelled, crawled away, he’d gone home, and after that night he’d never touched her there again. It was just… so dirty. So disgusting. And here she was, leaning forward with a huge cock in her mouth and one of her own between her legs, and someone was touching her ass and she hated it. She shook her head frantically, pulling away from the exploring hands. And then Jaide hissed: “Stay still, bitch. Queen’s orders, remember?” and she was still, again. The fingers returned, and she steeled herself as she felt the handmaiden behind her spread her ass and gently began stroking her tight hole. Fighting down every impulse to move, to escape, to slap the intrusive hands away, she shut her eyes tightly and focused instead on Jaide’s dick, trying and failing to pretend that it wasn’t happening. Her face was hot with shame she didn’t quite understand. And then… and then… both of those presumptuous hands planted themselves on either cheek of her ass, still sore from Jaide’s spanking, spreading her open, and she felt the anonymous handmaiden’s tongue flick out and insinuate itself into her anus. It was too much. Her hands flew back, but were easily intercepted and gathered up by Jaide; she was suddenly restrained, helpless. The cockhead popped out of her mouth with a wet plop, and she cried: “No, no, not there, it’s sick, it’s wrong, please!” The wet tongue writhing in her ass didn’t stop, and she remembered herself and cried the only word she could currently remember in Alanthean: “No!” Still, the tongue inside her was unrelenting; it wormed its way steadily deeper into her and she gasped as her ass was opened, tears running from her eyes. Jaide slapped Evelina’s face with her heavy cock. “Don’t forget, girl,” she crooned, her voice mockingly gentle, and after a moment where the outlander seemed to assess the situation and realize that there was no way out, Jaide’s cockhead was once again engulfed by that inviting mouth. Little by little, with ruthless expertise, the handmaiden behind Evelina worked on her ass with mouth and fingers, Evelina’s skin crawling, her eyes running with shame and disgust. Meanwhile, Jaide guided the outlander slut until every inch of her sizeable cock was slick and shining with her saliva. After a few minutes, Jaide asked in Alanthean: “Is she ready?” “As ready as she’ll ever be,” the handmaiden lied, smirking. She was one of those whom the Queen still had not blessed with a Gift. Evelina was manhandled by Jaide until the blonde woman stood behind her, the two of them facing the Queen’s throne. The breathtaking girl was watching the scene with rapt attention, leaning forward in her seat. Evelina cried out weakly in horror when she understood what was to come; when she felt the swollen glans of Jaide’s penis pressing against her saliva-lubricated anus. “Oh no, please,” she beseeched, and nobody listened. Wasting no time, Jaide began to push forward, grunting, and Evelina squealed and arched her back as she felt her anus begin to yield horribly. Her arms were still held firmly behind her back, and she was helpless to prevent what happened next. Her eyes popped and her breath caught raggedly in her throat as, slowly, millimeter by millimeter, second by breathless second, Jaide pushed inside her virgin ass. Evelina’s mouth opened in a silent scream. She felt like she was being ripped apart – the monster cock in her ass kept forcing her wider and wider. And then – Jaide stopped, the huge, inexorable mass inside her ass stopped. ‘Is it over?’ Evelina thought, her mind addled; ‘is it all inside me? Is it finally over?’ And Jaide leaned forward and whispered behind her, to her infinite horror: “That’s the head in, girl.” And the pushing began again. Evelina lost track of the seconds, the minutes, the hours. It was all just one terrible endless moment: of pain as her virgin ass was stretched insanely by Jaide’s huge cock, of disgust at having her ass used like this, of shame as the entire court looked on, leering at her. She wanted to beg them to stop, to look away, but she couldn’t articulate any words. Her brain was fried. And then, slowly, she became aware that her ass had bumped against Jaide’s hips, and that the court of the Queen were tittering amongst themselves. ‘It’s really inside me,’ Evelina thought, whining piteously like a wounded dog. ‘It’s all inside me. All that cock…’ Jaide had changed her grip on Evelina’s arms, grabbing her about the elbows and using her arms as handles to pull her onto the huge cock; Evelina had no strength of her own left and hung shuddering, suspended only by those holds and the huge mass inside her. She hung her head and saw, to her shock and horror and amazement, beyond her heavy tits, a huge bulge distending her stomach. ‘All that cock,’ she thought again, amazed. And then, Jaide began fucking her, slowly at first but picking up speed much too fast. Still gripping her roughly by the arms, the Alanthean woman manhandled her weakly struggling form. Evelina wanted to beg her to stop, tell her that it was going to tear her in half, but all she could do was moan weakly – at least, until another Gifted member of the court came forward and plugged her mouth with her cock. Spit-roasted by the two dicks, Evelina felt like her mind was breaking. Deliriously, she imagined the dicks meeting inside her, their heads rubbing against each other as their owners thrusted into her. In time, the Queen climbed off her throne and approached the trio, which was now surrounded by the other handmaidens of the court – both those Gifted, their stiff cocks swaying freely, and those not, who just wanted a better view of Evelina’s pain and humiliation. The little crowd opened to allow the Queen to pass, and the beautiful young girl walked over to the trio which was the center of attention. She spoke in Evelina’s ear, and Evelina, eyes rolled back in her head and mind not at the top of its game, vaguely registered the melodic voice, speaking words that she didn’t understand. Jaide translated swiftly, her voice broken by harsh pants and groans. “The Queen – says you have to – learn to – control yourself.” And then the Queen was under Evelina, one gentle hand on her heavy cock, and Evelina jerked helplessly, spastically, as another note was added to the symphony of pain in her body – but this time it was a clear note of pleasure, as the Queen began to gently jerk her off, counter-point to the rough spitroasting the handmaidens were giving her. Her cock jerked, stiffening fully in a matter of seconds at the Queen’s electric touch. And… and… despite the whole situation… at the Queen’s gentle, insistent stroking… she was going to cum. It had only been a few seconds, half a minute at most, but still, she was about to shoot her load. She moaned throatily around the cock in her mouth, her hips shuddering as best they could, impaled on Jaide’s monster cock as they were. She felt her balls churning, almost forgot the pain of her ravaged ass as she reached that peak— And she was blocked off again. The Queen had pinched off her cock again, cutting of her orgasm. She moaned in protest, helpless, shaking, and the Queen’s voice coming from beneath her was amused; Jaide sounded exasperated as she translated, however. “The Queen – unngh – told you to – aah! – control yourself, stupid bitch!” With that, she pulled violently on Evelina’s arms, impaling the outlander once again fully on her cock, and Evelina shrieked, muffled by the dick in her mouth, tears running down her face. And her mind went, again, and she lost track of time; after an indeterminate time, the cock in her mouth was replaced by another, and soon after that, Jaide pulled fully out of her ass, leaving a shocking, gaping emptiness behind, which was immediately filled by an eager new cock. Evelina couldn’t see the faces of the women fucking her – they were just cocks. Underneath her, the Queen sat daintily on her knees, blocking her cock and stroking it at the same time, driving her to madness, keeping her at an unbearable high without allowing her release, tutting quietly in Alanthean all the while. The women fucking her all pulled out before they came; that way, women who had already fucked her once or twice could return, with renewed vigor, having had time to calm down. And Evelina, her mind almost entirely reduced to the level of a rutting animal, became slowly aware of a shameful fact: she was beginning to like it. She had always hated ass-play, and she still did – didn’t she? It was so dirty, so disgusting… but still… The cocks in her ass stretched her out more than she had ever thought possible, and with time she found herself meeting their thrusts ever so slightly, willing them to thrust deeper into her, stretch her out more. Her face flushed with the shame of it, with the degradation. It was dirty – but she realized, slowly, denying it at first and then accepting it defeatedly, that that was the reason it turned her on. She was enjoying being ass-raped. “I sense a change in our newcomer,” the Queen spoke amusedly to her assembled court; the addled Evelina didn’t even register her voice, only moaned whorishly. “She is ashamed, and her shame arouses her, and her arousal shames her.” Speaking calmly, the Queen gave quiet orders to her handmaidens, who grinned and moaned at her words. Evelina gasped suddenly as the cock in her ass withdrew, leaving a void which felt huge… only this time it was not filled with a cock. She gasped as her ass flexed around thin air, unaccustomed to this sudden emptiness… she could feel the cool air of the throne room in her ass… and she realized, through the fog of sensation, that everyone could see into her open anus. Her arms had been held securely the whole time – the woman now fucking her mouth held her now, and she could do nothing but struggle desperately. She tried to jerk her head back, beg the small crowd not to look, but the dick was lodged firmly in her mouth. No, she wanted to scream; no, don’t look! Don’t look into my gaping ass! (It mortified her that the crowd shamelessly watching her exposed insides aroused her beyond belief.) And then – the Queen, still stroking her gently, released her hold on her penis, and she came instantly. A huge, hot load shot from her dick, splattering messily on the stone floor; the Queen slipped mercurially out of the way, neatly avoiding getting even one drop on her. Evelina moaned mindlessly and bucked her hips, thrusting into thin air, her cock bobbing freely – the instant she’d started cumming, the Queen had let go of her dick, and she now moaned as much in frustration as in mindless pleasure. Her much-needed orgasm had been ruined. Moaning piteously, still pumping out spurts of hot cum, Evelina sank nervelessly to her knees as the woman in front of her pulled out of her mouth and lowered down. She did not let go of the outlander’s hands – after all, that would let the slut touch herself and might make her orgasm bearable! Evelina slowly came to, sweat-matted and exhausted, lying belly-down in a pool of her own thick cum. Her piteous moans were unheeded; the Queen spoke gently in Alanthean, and Jaide translated. “The Queen told you to control yourself. A handmaiden of the Queen’s court does not cum frivolously, you stupid bitch. Notice that none of us came inside you, or bathed your worthless slut body with our seed. You will learn to control your impulses.” Evelina, barely in control of her own mind, wondered if the epithets had been part of the Queen’s original Alanthean statements.
Chapter 3 - Chapter II
It was the Novian woman who had inspected the three scientists who led Evelina to the Queen’s court. A guard escorted them, but kept a respectful distance, not leading Evelina hands-on like her fellow outlanders had been led. As they walked, the Novian woman talked unceasingly. Despite herself, Evelina found herself interested in what the woman had to say. Her name sounded something like “Thiaga” – she worked closely under the Queen. She didn’t have a good translation for her position, but Evelina understood that much. Thiaga proceeded to tell her that the New Country, or “Alanthes” as it was called in her tongue, had been matriarchal since the dawn of time. Always, Alanthes had been ruled by a queen and worshipped the ancient Nieyang. They reached a great palace, and Thiaga brought Evelina inside. She brought her to a room which was dominated by two huge double doors inlaid with strange patterns – the antechamber to the Queen’s court. Thiaga spoke rapidly of conduct, telling Evelina how to act. Evelina’s head spun with the information and she struggled frantically to memorize it all. Evelina stood waiting, heart pounding, as Thiaga pounded on the doors. They were opened from within by two muscular female guards and Evelina’s breath caught as she saw a glimpse of the splendor within. Then the doors closed, and she was alone again. Within minutes, the doors opened again, and Thiaga came out and bade Evelina come with her. She complied, following the Novian woman into a great circular room, where a great granite mound, like a mountain in miniature, rose in the middle. It was ordered chaos, sculpted as beautiful and random as nature, strewn with plateaus and wellsprings; water was everywhere, running in channels and rivulets down the little mountain, into great pools scattered around the room. The dark stone of this central mountain was counterpoint to the splendid marble which made up the rest of the room. At the very top of the huge granite mound was the throne, made out of the same dark granite, inlaid with pearls and padded with plus cushions. Evelina marvelled at the beauty of the room, mouth agape. Thiaga nudged her arm, hissing: “kneel!” and she obeyed immediately, afraid to do wrong, dropping to her knees, bowing low so her forehead touched the cool stone floor. There was quiet as leisurely steps meandered closer, like the padding of a great cat. The steps stopped close to her, and Evelina remained stooped until a smooth, melodious voice spoke in Alanthean. “Rise,” Thiaga translated, and Evelina stood up, lifting her head, and was dumbstruck at the Queen’s beauty. Everyone in the New Country was beautiful, and young, but the Queen was the most perfect creature Evelina had ever seen. She looked younger than anyone Evelina had seen so far in Alanthes – if she had to guess her apparent age, Evelina would probably have said fifteen. Her hair was perfectly straight and extremely long, hanging down to the small of her back, and a pale blue. Her nose was small and slightly upturned, her lips full and sensuous, her eyes huge and innocent and a deep blue like the sea. Although it felt vaguely wrong to feel that way about such a young-looking girl, Evelina found herself suddenly aroused by the Queen’s body. The Queen wore a tight-fitting, short dress, which left nothing to the imagination: the curve of her hips, her slim waist, her full, firm breasts, smaller than Evelina’s but, like every other part of her, a perfect part of the breathtaking whole, were all easily visible; her small nipples stood out clearly and Evelina found her gaze helplessly drawn to them. The Queen spoke in her beautiful voice, and Thiaga immediately began translating. “Welcome to my court, outlander,” the Queen said, Thiaga’s brow furrowed in concentration as she repeated the words in English. “It is very strange to see a woman whose hair is naturally black. It is very beautiful.” Evelina felt herself blushing, felt a sudden joy at being called beautiful by such a perfect creature. She inclined her head humbly in thanks, and when she lifted it again she saw that there were other women, lounging about the granite rock, watching her; none of them had dark hair. “You will join my court. You will be my handmaiden.” Evelina’s eyes widened: could this be? It had to be a trick – she’d never have expected anything like that, ever. To serve this beautiful creature… The Queen continued. “You will learn the language. I will assign a tutor to teach you.” Thiaga had been translating rapidly up until that point, but now, when the Queen spoke again, she merely gasped, and there was a sudden disbelieving outburst from the women on the rock, the Queen’s handmaidens. The Queen merely raised her hand and the silence was restored; Thiaga finally translated, in hushed, awed tones: “Now… you will be given… the Queen’s Gift.” Evelina glanced at Thiaga, who was watching her wide-eyed. What was going on? She looked back at the Queen, confused and nervous, as the beautiful girl grabbed her about the shoulders and gazed deep in her eyes. God, but those eyes were pretty… she almost felt she could drown in them… The Queen went to work on the entranced outlander woman, channelling the mystical puissance that came with her station; as the assembled court of the Queen watched on, the beautiful girl planted one energy-crackling hand firmly on the woman’s chest, just above her breasts, and – with a final burst of light – grabbed the woman’s jeans about the crotch with her free hand. Evelina doubled over, suddenly filled with sensation so overpowering that she couldn’t even tell if it was pleasure or pain; it made her sight go dim, it made her deaf to everything but the blood rushing in her ears. She fell forward, and the Queen caught her easily with strength that belied her petite body, lowering the Swedish scientist gently onto the ground so that she rested on her knees and hands. The sensation coursing through Evelina culminated in a feeling of sucking and pulling around her crotch and deep in her stomach, so intense that she thought she might faint. As, slowly, the powerful energies abated, she gasped at the sudden presence between her legs. The Queen hoisted her to her feet, smiling, and Evelina looked down and moaned helplessly at the huge bulge in her jeans. Her heart raced; she couldn’t make sense of what she was seeing. All she knew was that this strange growth was part of her, and that her now constricting jeans, the sensation of her panties rubbing against it, was all too much. She felt she might go insane. And that was before the Queen grabbed the waistband of her jeans and pulled, hard. Evelina shrieked, her eyes rolling back in her head at the maddening tightness and friction. Her hands flew to her crotch, but the Queen caught them easily in her one free hand, still pulling with the other. She began to speak, and through the fog, Evelina heard Thiaga, still translating faithfully. “Your fashion is different from ours. These pants must be very tight, too tight… It must be maddening.” It is, Evelina thought, nodding dumbly, rendered unable to articulate even those two short syllables by the incredible sensations coming from her crotch. It was completely new, completely strange, and she didn’t know how to handle it. She thought she might break into a million pieces if the feelings continued. “P… please,” she managed finally, her voice wavery and thin, and she heard Thiaga translate the single word. “Please, what?” came the response, and, driven by desperation, with a burst of incredible willpower, Evelina managed to make herself speak loudly and frantically, almost babbling: “Please stop pulling, please stop pulling on my jeans, it feels so good, it feels too good!!” That was all she managed, and again, she fell into a fugue of piteous cries. The Queen continued pulling, and it took many seconds before Thiaga translated Evelina’s begging. Then, mercifully, the Queen stopped, and though the tightness was still intense it was nowhere near as maddening. Evelina’s wrists were still held securely in the Queen’s hand, and she began to sob helplessly. “Please, you have to open my jeans, it’s too much,” she moaned, and again it took Thiaga several seconds to translate. As Evelina looked over desperately, she saw why: the Alanthean woman was on her knees, her dress hoisted up to her waist and the fingers of one hand working furiously on her cunt, the other squeezing her breast. What was happening to Evelina turned her on! She was deliberately holding on the translation, prolonging Evelina’s suffering and unbearable pleasure as much as she could! Then, finally, after a few incredibly long seconds more, Thiaga translated her plea, and the Queen smiled. “Very well,” she said, and this time, Evelina noted, Thiaga translated quickly enough. “See your Gift!” With swift fingers, the Queen used her free hand to unbutton Evelina’s jeans and undo her zipper, pulling the jeans down, and Evelina gazed down in shock and disbelief. Free from the tight confines of her jeans, a huge meaty cock hung from her crotch, a pair of heavy balls hanging below it. In response to its sudden freedom, the cock sprung to attention suddenly with a lurch that made Evelina gasp helplessly. She still had her panties, but the thin, elastic cloth posed no problem to her new body part; it simply stretched them out to the breaking point. To the woman to whom it was attached, however, the friction of the head rubbing against the panties was enough to send her doubling up and moaning violently. “Oh my god,” Evelina moaned, still held up by the Queen’s grip around her wrists. “Oh, fuck!” The Queen reached down and easily tore Evelina’s panties off her. The newly endowed woman gasped as her cock sprang free. In other circumstances, she might have been appalled and horrified at this new change to her anatomy, but here and now, she was completely preoccupied with how sensitive it was. As it bobbed free in the air, even that motion was enough to make her moan and buck her hips helplessly. Through eyes that could barely see, she looked down at the beautiful Queen, who wore a beatific smile. The girl took her free hand and gently grasped the pillar of vascular flesh. That grip was enough to send Evelina throwing her head back and moaning spastically; and then, the Queen began stroking her. It was probably the gentlest touch Evelina had ever felt, and still it was enough to nearly drive her mad. She moaned throatily, her eyes rolling back in her head. Her legs shook. She was caught in an undignified pose, kept standing only by the Queen’s firm grip around her wrists, her feet close together but her knees spread as her legs gave out. She was vaguely aware that everyone was watching her lewdly display herself, and found to her surprise that she didn’t care. The Queen spoke, and again Thiaga translated, her voice now punctuated with moans and gasps as she masturbated to the scene: “Do you – uunngh – like your new – ah! – Gift, outlander?” Evelina tried to stay above the surface, tried not to drown in the roiling sea of pleasure as she burst out: “Yes, yes! God, yes, it’s so fucking good!” She let out a huge moan and bucked her hips. The Queen had only been stroking her for a minute and still she could feel something huge approaching, the biggest orgasm she’d ever felt. The Queen chuckled; Thiaga didn’t even need to translate her frantic words. The meaning came across loud and clear anyway. The perfect young girl spoke, and Thiaga translated: “You… oooOH...! – a-are about to come, aren’t – uuhh – you?” Evelina could only nod, her tongue hanging out. The Queen’s soft fingers were driving her crazy! She tried to brace herself against the orgasm which threatened to tear her mind apart and found that she didn’t want to. The Queen didn’t slow up or slow down, didn’t change her pace; she simply continued with that gentle stroking, and the pleasure in Evelina’s incredibly sensitive dick was unbearable. She tried to speak, tried to warn the Queen that she was about to come, but all that came out was a desperate moan. The Queen seemed to get the message loud and clear however, because she smiled and, just as Evelina’s balls churned and her cock spasmed, ready to release a torrent of cum, she stopped her stroking and instead clamped down, with uncanny strength, around the base of Evelina’s cock with the fingertips of that hand. She effectively cut Evelina’s orgasm short. The outlander woman’s moan of release became a moan of pure frustration. “Oooh, no, oh my god, please,” she moaned helplessly. As it became clear that her orgasm was off-limits, she began to sob helplessly. It was too much! She needed to cum! “Please,” she begged again, pitifully. Thiaga moaned hugely to her right. The Queen spoke, and Thiaga translated: “Uh… ooOH! MasturbaAH! – b-bate, outlander!” Evelina groaned and slowly obeyed; she was almost afraid to touch her dick, as sensitive as it was. She grasped it gingerly with her fingertips, moaning, and began stroking herself. She didn’t have much experience with penises at all, but this one was attached to her, after all. She was still sobbing, and the Queen still held that iron grip around the base of her cock, cutting of her orgasm completely. She was covered in sweat, her whole body shaking feverishly. Soon, she was babbling, begging continually to be allowed to cum. “Please, please let me cum, it’s too much, I’m gonna die, please!” Thiaga didn’t even bother to translate anymore, but the Queen, judging by her smile, seemed to understand anyway. After a few hellish minutes of frustration and intense pleasure, she had been reduced to a quivering, begging, nearly mindless piece of flesh. The only part of her still clearly defined in her mind was her cock; big and hard and throbbing, denied the orgasm that it needed, that she needed more than anything. She didn’t even know what she was saying anymore; she was begging in mixed English and Swedish, sometimes not even saying words, her head shaking desperately back and forth. “I think the outlander has reached her limit,” the Queen spoke in Alanthean to her translator, who only nodded mutely, still lewdly touching herself. “I think I shall let her come. And you, Thiaga, will have the honor of taking her first load.” Thiaga’s eyes widened in shock, and were drawn to the huge Gift the Queen had bestowed on the outlander. She looked again at the Queen, who only nodded. Suddenly nervous, but knowing that she had no choice but to obey, Thiaga crawled forward towards the huge cock. Evelina became aware of two things at once – a hot, wet tightness enveloping the head of her penis, and the Queen’s torturous grip around its base disappearing. She moaned loudly in thankful relief, thrusting forward into that tightness and finally cumming. A huge, hot torrent of seed shot down Thiaga’s throat, and she coughed, recoiling, but suddenly felt the Queen’s hand on the back of her head, forcing her to swallow the orgasming cock deeper. Evelina was in heaven. The orgasm wiped out all rational thought; her only wish was to push her cock deeper into that inviting tightness. She obeyed the impulse, pushing forward with her hips while the Queen’s hand forced Thiaga to swallow the cock deeper. More and more cum kept coming; the cock disappeared deeper into Thiaga’s throat; soon enough the Alanthean woman felt her breath run out, and she began thrashing, afraid to choke. There was nothing for it – the Queen’s Gift was lodged deeply in her throat and all she could do was wait for the outlander’s orgasm to subside. Finally, Evelina’s cock began to soften, and ever so slowly it slipped out of Thiaga’s violated throat. The Alanthean woman keeled over backwards, drawing huge desperate breaths and sobbing pitifully; Evelina sagged down on her knees as the Queen finally released her wrists, her cock still shooting its final jets of cum, coating the recumbent form of Thiaga with spunk. - - - Weronika Marek walked the streets of the New Country in a state of increasing desperation. It was the day after the inspection (which still made her seethe, though she put it out of her mind for now). She’d slept uncomfortably in the bordello where she’d been brought. In the morning, she’d been given a set of clothes to wear (her old clothes were gone) – a pair of flimsy pants and a matching top, made of the thinnest fabric Weronika had ever seen, almost translucent. She’d donned the outfit and despaired at herself in the mirror. She looked like a cheap slut – which she now was, an unwanted voice in her mind supplied, and she gritted her teeth. The madam of the bordello, the woman who had taught her the necessary Novian words to be a street-walker, explained to Weronika in her thickly accented English that she was to go out on the street and make commission, and that if she returned at the end of the day without any money the punishment would be severe. So Weronika had gone out on the streets, sickened but perversely determined to do a good job and show the madam. Fighting down the shame at wearing such revealing clothes, she approached the Novian men she came across, asking them if they wanted service, telling them she was cheap, only ten of whatever their currency was. But as the day dragged on and the sun climbed across the sky, it became increasingly apparent that this loathsome job would be harder than Weronika had thought. The Novians she approached all seemed to have her marked out as the outlander slut she was. She forced her smile and asked to service them, and they laughed, mocked her in their aqueous tongue and spat in her face. So it was that, in the late afternoon, when a Novian man finally picked up on her offer, Weronika was relieved despite herself. The man led her into a nearby alley, where he stood, watching her expectantly, and she realized what was expected of her. Grudgingly, ashamedly, she undressed slowly, not that it made much difference considering her dress; naked, she held her hands at her sides, displaying herself to her customer. The man leered at her, and she felt a furious blush creep over her face. She gritted her teeth and didn’t look away as he eagerly undid his pants, pulling them down to reveal a tumescent, half-erect penis. Unbidden, hoping to get this over with as soon as possible, Weronika stepped over to him, gently grasping his dick, looking up at him and forcing another smile. She started gently stroking him, and was rewarded with a hard slap across the face. She looked up at him with cold anger in her eyes, and he just laughed and said something in Novian. Then he forced her into an awkward position – legs straight and upper body bent forward at a ninety-degree angle, so his dick was in her face. Hesitantly, she opened her mouth and took in the head of the man’s penis. She tried to keep her tongue out of the way, tried not to feel his taste, but it was no use. His dick grew in her mouth and she almost gagged; tears ran down her face, hot with humiliation. He reached over her head. He was taller than her and easily reached behind her ass and between her legs even while she sucked his dick; as his fingers grazed her pussy, she squealed angrily, her thighs clenching together, blocking him off. She shook her head in panic, the man’s dick still in her mouth. The man’s reaction was instantaneous. He reached instead under her torso with both hands, finding her tits. Brutally, he grabbed both her nipples and squeezed as hard as he could. Weronika threw her head back, keening in helpless pain. The man’s dick slid from her mouth; it bobbed free, shining with saliva, rock-hard. The man spoke to her rapidly and angrily in Novian as he pinched her nipples, and she screamed. When he finally let go after ten terrible seconds, her whole body sagged and she gasped and sobbed. This time, with one of the man’s hands still keeping a gentle, warning hold around her nipple, she didn’t resist (however much she wanted to) when he touched her pussy. She moaned, tears running down her cheeks, sickened by herself and by the man and this whole situation. She tried to find her rigid self-control again, but it was gone; as the man fondled her most private parts she broke down, sobbing throatily. Soon, the man’s dick was in her mouth again. She suckled it obediently, swallowing it deeper as the man gently ground his hips against her face. Despite herself, with the man’s constant ministrations, Weronika felt herself become wet, opening to his fingers. She couldn’t believe it. She felt she might vomit. This was too much. And then the man pulled out of her mouth, removed his fingers, and she had time for one wonderful second to believe that it was finally over, and then he lifted her easily off the ground, lining his hard cock up with her reluctantly wet pussy. She hiccupped with terror, and began begging him no. It was pointless, of course; he probably spoke no English and wouldn’t have cared even if he did. Still, she had to try. She had never had sex, and this wasn’t the way she wanted to lose her virginity. He was too big, he’d never fit inside her! “Please, please,” she begged throatily, shaking with sobs. “Please, no, not that, not there.” But her pleas fell on deaf ears, and he thrust into her with one powerful thrust. She arched her back, trying to scream, but nothing came out except for a high-pitched, pathetic whining. She felt as if she was being ripped in two – she felt more filled up than she’d ever imagined it was possible to be. She finally found her voice after a breathless, endless second and screamed with pain. The man, unheeding of her agony, started thrusting inside her, moaning at her tightness. He held her easily with Novian strength, pounding her ravaged pussy without mercy, and there was nothing she could do but take it. She moaned and begged, her words garbled and in a language the man didn’t speak, and her pain seemed to turn him on. He leered at her, moaning heartily as she cried. Holding her with one arm, he took his other hand and started pinching her nipples harshly and slapping her face. Weronika shrieked with the terrible treatment. She was going out of her mind. She couldn’t think clearly – her whole world was centered around the pain, the terror. Finally, after too many minutes, the Novian man’s moaning reached a fever pitch, and finally, with one last cruel twist of Weronika’s nipple, he pulled out of the street-whore, letting her drop carelessly into the dirt, jerking himself the last few inches to the finish line and unloading on Weronika’s helpless body. He moaned, thick ropes of cum shooting out of his dick and draping the shuddering woman. Weronika closed her eyes, sobbing helplessly and cursing herself for being so weak. A trickle of blood ran from her ravished pussy and tears and snot sullied her face. She dimly registered the hot spurts hitting her body, the final degradation – lying on the ground and taking the man’s cum. Her eyes still shut tight, her voice thick with her tears, she mumbled the Novian phrase that the madam had taught her, thanking the man for his use of her. This was met with crude laughter, and she heard the man doing up his pants and starting to leave. Her eyes flew open. She hadn’t been paid! She staggered to her feet, gasping with the pain in her pussy. Slowly, arduously, but with desperate willpower, she followed the man … but it was no use. He was gone already. She came to the mouth of the alley, where it abutted the larger street, and couldn’t see the man anywhere. There were other Novians though, who leered at her and called out mockingly, and she realized that she was still naked, covered in cum and with blood down the inside of her leg. She staggered back into the alley, her face deeply red with humiliation and shame, and realized that the man had taken her clothes with him when he went. She sat in the alley, alternately raging and crying helplessly, until dusk fell and she made her way back to the bordello, defeated, to accept her punishment. - - - Evelina was shown down a number of corridors and indicated a door (Thiaga had been dismissed after taking her cum, so there was no translator now and Evelina had to get by on sign language). She entered and found a small, pretty room, with a comfortable-looking bed, a table with a mirror and various cosmetics, and a pool of water where she could bathe. It was not a room for living in; it was a room for sleeping in, and for getting ready to serve the Queen in the day. (Thinking of the beautiful girl’s treatment of her, her cock lurching, Evelina thought that suited her just fine.) She was still wearing her sweat-soaked t-shirt and her jeans, though her jeans were open, hanging low on her ass and allowing her cock to bob free. She decided that she definitely needed a bath, and had just undressed when the door clicked open. She turned, covering herself (her tits covered easily enough – her cock, not so much), and saw the other handmaidens of the Queen’s court. Confused, she inclined her head in greeting as the beautiful Alanthean women entered the room, all dressed in skimpy white dresses. Some of them had cocks which made the dresses bulge; others did not. Uncertainly, Evelina noticed the look which all of them had on their faces – anger and contempt. Suddenly, one of them spoke, in choppy but passable English. “So, outlander slut, enjoying your Gift?” “I-I’m sorry?” Evelina asked uncertainly, eyes roaming over the assembled hard-faced women. “You see, slut, the Queen’s Gift is a great honor. Some of us have waited years for it. And here comes an outlander slut who is granted the Gift on her first meeting with the Queen.” “I… I don’t…” Evelina stuttered, frightened by this sudden turn of events, uncertain what to say. The Alanthean woman interrupted her. “Well, we wanted to welcome you to court by making sure that you really enjoy your Gift.” At that, several of the women surged forward, grabbing Evelina by the arms and legs, restraining her. She struggled ineffectually, eyes wide with fear as the English-speaking woman closed in on her. She ran one finger along the shaft of Evelina’s penis, and the tumescent growth reacted immediately, lurching to attention. “Eager, I see,” the woman mocked, and grabbed the cock and began jerking it. The woman’s touch was nowhere near as electric as the Queen’s – Evelina had wondered how a people who never died chose their Queen; did that touch come with the position? Or was the touch the reason she had that position in the first place? – but the woman was not as gentle as the Queen had been, and Evelina’s cock was still very sensitive. She bucked her hips, gasping helplessly, held by strong arms as the woman jerked her off. “Oh my god,” she moaned, eyes rolling back as she rapidly felt herself approach orgasm. The woman made no attempt to cut of her cum like the Queen had done, and soon enough a jet of sticky white fluid shot from her cock. The woman sidestepped swiftly, avoiding the ejaculate. Evelina moaned throatily, her mouth hanging open, and the woman saw this and lifted the ejaculating cock so that Evelina’s own cum sprayed over her face and into her mouth. All through Evelina’s fierce orgasm, the Alanthean woman kept jerking her steadily, and Evelina gasped as the orgasm subsided and the woman still kept up her strokes. The treatment sent shocks through Evelina’s post-orgasmically sensitive cock, and she moaned and shook, held up by the Alanthean women of the court. “God, please,” Evelina moaned, her own cum dribbling unheeded from her mouth. “Please, stop, it’s too good.” “Too good?!” the woman exclaimed furiously. “Do you think the women who have served the Queen for years waiting for their Gift would say that it was too good? That they would beg me to stop?” Evelina thought that anyone who felt what she was feeling was bound to beg for it to stop. It was too much, she felt that she was going insane. But there was nothing she could do but take it, and the woman didn’t seem keen to stop. “Please,” she sobbed desperately, hips jerking spastically, as she felt the woman’s ruthless treatment bring her closer to a second orgasm. “Please, please, god, no! I can’t take it! I CAN’T TAKE IT!” And with that she came again, spraying a second load as big as the first, her balls churning maddeningly, her dick spasming, her mind blasted into incoherence by the incredible sensations coursing through her. And still, the Alanthean woman didn’t stop stroking her cock. Evelina realized with horror that only minutes had passed, minutes that felt endless, and that the women who outnumbered her ten to one had the whole night to do whatever they wanted with her…
Chapter 4 - The Bad Day Ends
The Koopa King took his time, sitting back and relaxing as Peach slowly, slowly surfaced from her reverie of pain. In time, her eyes focused on his huge face, and fresh tears began spilling down her cheeks. Her mouth worked, and he fully expected her to begin begging for mercy again, but she didn’t seem to be able to find the words. He disregarded her after a moment of silent mouthing, instead directing his gaze again to her discolored twin globes, marvelling proudly at his brutal work. After a minute, he looked back up at her face. In her eyes, he saw none of the haughty princess that had that morning woken up in his dungeon. She was broken. She was his. He grinned maliciously. In one lightning-fast reptilian movement, he was on his feet and looming over her. As she gave a little shriek of fear, he undid the manacles that held her and said, his voice dangerous and filled with barely-controlled excitement: “Stay here, princess.” She sat against the hard stone of the wall, heart fluttering with terror as the heavy door swung shut, leaving her alone in the room. Her eyes darted from the door to the lava pit to the dark slit in the wall, fully expecting some new, inventive way to torture her to appear, but nothing happened. She was not bound, but she was too hurt and tired to try to escape. Eventually, she heard the Koopa King’s heavy steps returning outside in the corridor, but there was something else, too. A chinking, as if of a chain. And something else… slavering. Dog-sounds. The door opened heavily, and the excited slavering reached a new intensity. Through the doorway leapt the thing making the sounds – a heavy black orb, featureless except for two idiot eyes and a huge, fanged maw. Peach stared in absolute horror at the razor-sharp teeth in the Chain Chomp’s mouth. She shook her head slowly, in desperate denial. There was no way that Bowser… he couldn’t… Bowser came through the doorway, a smile on his face. The Chomp wasn’t very big and he held onto its leash without much trouble, but she still saw that he had to make minute corrections in his grip as the Chomp struggled to break free. It had caught sight of her now and barked idiotically, spittle flying from its maw, straining against its chain. She suddenly feared for her safety. What if Bowser lost his grip…? Bowser saw her fear, she knew, and loved it. “Sparky is a bit enthusiastic, dear princess. I should warn you. Either you give him your titties to gnaw on, keep him happy, or I’m going to set him free and who knows what’ll happen them.” Peach stared at him in hopeless disbelief. This couldn’t be true – it couldn’t – but she knew it was, of course. Why shouldn’t it be? Only recently Bowser had dipped her tits in lava, for god’s sake. But she … she didn’t want to! Suddenly, the terror, the pain, it all welled up in her and she began crying, childishly, like a girl, even as she thrust her chest out, broken and hurt, offering it to Bowser’s terrible pet. Bowser didn’t waste a moment – he carefully but quickly let the leash slip through his fingers until the Chomp reached Peach’s bruised tits and bit down, hard. Peach screamed until she coughed blood from her ragged throat. Bowser gleefully pulled on the leash, dragging the princess along with him. The Chomp gnawed happily on Peach’s meaty tits, grinding the flesh between its huge dagger teeth, never letting go, never letting up. Through the corridors they went, Peach’s poor boobs caught in the bear trap jaws of the Chain Chomp, her body dragging helplessly along by her tortured mammaries, her mind washed away by a relentless, crashing, crushing tidal wave of pain and anguish. Through the corridors they went, dragon, Chomp and screaming princess. It was a long way along the identical, labyrinthine corridors of Bowser’s castle to their next destination. When they finally got there, Bowser dragged the chewing Chomp and the princess to him with a mighty haul on the chain, grabbing the Chomp by its jaws and prying it loose from the ruined tits, their cacophony of bruises now joined by a ring of deep purple teeth marks along the base. The princess fell to the floor nervelessly, yammering and gibbering. Handing the Chain Chomp to a waiting squad of Koopas, who had been tasked with bringing it back to the kennels and seemed mightily nervous in the face of this task, Bowser reached down and grabbed Peach firmly about one of her boobs with one large hand, hauling her unceremoniously into a room off the corridor. She shrieked mindlessly. In the room, he dragged her over to a stone podium, chiselled especially for the purpose of holding a pair of royal tits – when she stood on her knees, her mammaries would rest neatly on the flat stone top of the podium, and that was the position Bowser placed her in now. He used one hand to hold her arms firmly behind her back (as if she could fight back now), and the other to grab her about the throat, pulling her head back brusquely. The groggy Peach didn’t have time to get her bearings before the Thwomp slammed down heavily on her tits from above. And again. And again. The pain was indescribable, unreal. The stone creature was heavy and fell at breakneck speed, flattening her tits completely for a hellish second. Peach thrashed. Her senses gave out. She heard nothing, saw nothing. The only sensation left was the pain – as big as the world, as big as the universe. Bigger. It was an endless roiling, screaming mass. Peach hadn’t known such pain could exist, had never wanted to find out. She’d never have wished this sort of pain on anyone, ever – not even Bowser, after all he’d put her through. This was too much. Nobody deserved this. Eventually her wordless, mindless screams resolved themselves into intelligible words. “FUUUCK,” Peach screamed. “GODSHITFUCKPLEASENOPLEASEPLEAAAAAAAH!!” She gibbered deafeningly, insane with pain, her eyes rolling. She screamed for a long time after the Thwomp had resumed its position up against the ceiling. She begged to nobody in particular, howled gross profanities and yelled wordlessly for long periods of time. Eventually, she started to calm down, a bit at a time, falling at last into a helpless, hopeless whimpering. Bowser whispered in her ear. “You know, princess, even now my armies march on the Mushroom Kingdom.” Peach gasped as if struck, and a haggard sob wrenched free of her ragged throat. She began crying in huge, ugly gulps of air, moaning denial. He continued. “There will be no mercy. With their princess missing and their hero plumbers” – he spat the words out with contempt – “dead, the resistance will be weak.” He laughed, a cruel, cruel sound. There was no compassion in that laugh. “I really shouldn’t be calling you princess at all. The Mushroom Kingdom no longer exists. You’re nothing, nobody, lower than the lowest slave. But soon, you’ll be queen.” In Peach’s addled state, and overwhelmed by grief at the news about her kingdom, it took a long time before she registered Bowser’s words, and even longer before she fully grasped their meaning. “No,” she whispered, broken. “No, I don’t want to.” “I don’t care what you want, slut,” Bowser sneered. “You’re going to be my bride. You’re going to be the Koopa Queen.” “I don’t want to,” Peach moaned, voice thick with grief. “I don’t—please, I don’t want to. Let me. Instead. Let me die.” She felt Bowser’s hot breath in her ear as he chuckled at her words. And then, to her astonishment, he rumbled: “I was going to give you that alternative.” She twisted, trying to see his face, and howled as her tenderized tits scraped ever so gently a fraction of an inch against the stone of the pedestal. “Are you—” she began, trying to find the words. “Are you serious?” Death felt like a wild hope, more than she could have wished for. But Bowser didn’t laugh at her, only hissing “yes” quietly. He pulled her gently, gently to her feet, turning her slowly to face him, avoiding any sudden movements that would jiggle her tits. He seemed suddenly, absurdly, kind. “Follow me,” he told her. “In your own time.” She walked gingerly – however small her steps, it was like someone was driving a hundred swords into her tits for every pace. She gasped and moaned, tears running down her face as she followed the patient dragon out into the corridors. This time, there was no long trek to the next room. It was right across the hall. The door was heavy, wrought of iron, and Bowser wrenched it open, showing her inside. The room was tiny, only five feet or so square. It was completely bare, except for the thing on the floor. “You get to choose yourself, Peach,” Bowser rumbled – her given name sounded strange coming from the vulgar mouth that had always, paradoxically formally, referred to her as “princess.” He pointed to the small black Bob-omb on the floor. “Remember, it’s only your tits that are impervious to damage. You choose. Either you let you tits take the blast… or the rest of you.” And with that, he closed the door, leaving her alone with the bomb. Outside the heavy iron door, which effectively blocked both sounds and blasts, Bowser turned to Kamek, who was waiting in the corridor. “You’re ready?” Kamek nodded silently and bowed, his wand at the ready. As the door shut with a clang, inside the small room, the Bob-omb came suddenly alive, its fuse lighting. It stood up, regarding her with tiny white eyes. She stared back. She was sitting back against the wall, the bomb between her splayed legs. She was so tired, so weary… she felt a dull contentment steal over her. It was over. It was done. Now, even if everything she’d ever loved had been ruined, even if she’d been hurt worse than she’d imagined possible, at least there’d be rest. Of a sort. Still, she kept her eyes locked on the Bob-omb’s burning fuse. Her tits hurt so badly, so badly. Every beat of her heart sent a shock of unbearable pain through them, dull, huge, throbbing aches, the underground tombstone teeth of a giant grinding her poor mammaries. Every successive torture had made the pain worse – it was as if they were added on, escalating the pain to ever higher plateaus, creating a new, worse hell with every digging barb, every biting tooth, every hammer and bullet and clamp. She willed the fuse to burn faster, to end her torment. And yet… and yet… as she watched the fuse burn down, her death coming closer with every second, there was a new feeling. The same feeling which had kept her strong every other time she’d been kidnapped, when – her breath caught – Mario and Luigi were still alive. The same trait which had kept her fighting in the go-kart tournaments, the sports events, which had made her popular among her people for being such a firebrand. Her fighting spirit. She thought about the torture and wanted it to end… but then she thought about Bowser’s cruel grin, and her blood boiled. She wanted to live. As the fuse burned down to a quarter of an inch from detonation, her weary body acted of its own accord with a burst of adrenaline. In an instinctive animal motion, she leapt up into a crouch and pounced on the bomb, smothering it with her tits just as it blew. Her agony at the explosion was cosmic, vast and endless, but it was short. As she was lifted into the air by the force of the blast, her mind slipped, at long last, into blessed, merciful nothingness. … What she became aware of first was the terrible, awful, burning pain. The agony. She moaned, still only half-conscious, her body jerking spastically as she came slowly to, met by a world of shocking pain. As, eventually, her eyes flew open, she saw, blurred by the white-hot shocks of agony suffusing her, the figure of Bowser. She was tied to a rack, and the dragon was on her, his huge, serrated teeth clamped over on of her tits. He was growling deep in his throat, predatory, and jerking his head – like a wolf trying to tear a piece of flesh from its prey. Her breasts were distending grotesquely, pulled by his fearful neck muscles and the savage jerks of his head. Tendons stood out in his neck; he was savaging her, mauling her mercilessly. Her cries grew in volume as she came to full, terrible consciousness, until finally they were, again, full-throated screams, ululating primal calls of deepest anguish. Finally, after far too long, Bowser let her tit go, and stepped back, a toothy, blood-thirsty grin on his face. “You didn’t disappoint, slut,” he boomed jovially, spreading his arms hugely. “I knew that Toadstool fighting spirit would still be in you. Well done, what the fuck did it get you?” He began gently pinching her nipples as she spoke, and she broke out in new screams. She probably didn’t catch everything he said, but that was alright – she’d have more than enough time to find out later. “I had Kamek lift the spell that was keeping you conscious. I thought you deserved a rest. It’s your first day, after all. But that was the last time. In the future you’re going to be wide awake.” He stepped back, regarding her quietly as she sobbed, trying to catch her breath, every inhalation sending her chest bobbing minutely and extremely painfully, causing her to gasp and lose her breath all over again. Her tits, even with the power star salve working its magic, were brutalized, purple and swelled up. No wonder; they’d been at it from early in the morning to now. It added up to many, many hours of torture. Bowser smiled cruelly and licked his lips at her delicious breasts – his, to do whatever he wanted with, forever. After a minute of regarding her, he extinguished the candle lighting the room, and turned to leave. In the doorway, he turned back to her, talking over her small piteous moans. “You made your choice. Death is no longer an option. This is your life now.” He paused. “We marry tomorrow. You should rest for the ceremony… and the celebration afterwards. It’s going to be… taxing for you.” Rumbling laughter, he lumbered out into the corridor, swinging the door shut behind him, leaving Peach hanging limply from the rack, shuddering feverishly in the pitch darkness, alone with the hell of her ruined tits.
Chapter 3 - The Bad Day Continues Further
Bowser came lumbering into the room and undid her bonds. There was no way she was going to stand on her own, with the kind of pain she was in, so she just lolled in his grip while he fastened her manacles again and manhandled her out of the room, kicking the heavy door shut behind him with one clawed foot. He carried her through the corridors of the castle with a weird gentleness, cradling her to his chest, allowing her to recuperate a bit before her next hurdle. She seemed to be close to losing consciousness, and he didn’t like it – Kamek had assured him that the spell would also keep Peach from fainting, but this stupor she was in was almost like that, and Bowser wanted her to feel every little prick on her beautifully bruised tits. He carried her to another room, its ceiling lost in darkness, the only source of light a pool of lava at the far end of the room. Two Lakitus, looking expectant, where hovering about the room; when Bowser entered, carrying the stupefied princess, their expressions turned into malicious leers. Peach, who had regained her senses on the way there, looked up at them and felt black fear gnawing at her stomach. They were carrying fishing rods, which they now cast out, dangling some heavy, shiny objects on strong lines. As they came closer, Peach realized what the objects were. She struggled weakly, her eyes round and terrified, her gaze fixed on the heavy-duty clamps in the shape of Chain Chomps. “No, god, please, no…” she whispered, straining to get away from the things. Bowser held her securely, relishing her terror as the Lakitus drifted eagerly nearer. He freed one of his hands, grasping one of the clamps out of the air and clipping it unceremoniously on Peach’s nipple. The princess’s reaction was instantaneous. She screamed silently for a moment before the sound came – a raw, ragged cry of primal hurt. Her entire body tensed, her eyes opened huge and round. The teeth of the Chomp clamp dug brutally into the tender helpless flesh of her nipples. It was designed not to let go. It bit deep. Bowser grabbed the other one dangling in front of him, clipping it on Peach’s remaining nipple, eliciting a new burst of tortured howling from the princess, connecting each of the princess’s tits to one of the floating Lakitus. And then, he let go. The Lakitus were strong and sat securely in their clouds, holding on to their rods with firm grips. The clamps bit and didn’t let go, even lifting Peach’s entire weight between them. Peach was suspended a foot above the floor, her tits stretched out by the nipples, unfathomable, impossible pain bursting through her tits and making stars explode inside her eyes. She was in shards, in tatters, she was breaking, she was dying… and still, she was so horribly aware, so mercilessly there. Not even her mind could escape for a few minutes. She was trapped in her body – trapped in hell. As Bowser stood back to watch, the Lakitus slowly circled about each other, turning the princess one hundred and eighty degrees until she was facing the lava pool on the other side of the room. Bowser marvelled at her in the burning light – her body was drenched in sweat and seemed to glow, and every tensed muscle in her body stood out in sharp relief. She was quite beautiful, and her pain made her even more so. A burst of excited steam hissed from Bowser’s nostrils as he growled, “Begin.” At his command, a Podoboo – a lava bubble – burst from the burning pool. It was a strange half-creature, composed entirely of the red-hot substance it lived in, but intelligent enough to obey the Koopa King’s commands. With impeccable aim, it arced through the air and burst on Princess Peach’s right tit. Peach shook spasmodically and gave an abyssal howl that echoed long after the lava had splashed off her. The second her scream trailed off, a second Podoboo came jumping out of the pool, splashing straight into her cleavage and dripping off onto the floor. Their jumps were controlled, careful; only Peach’s tits were splashed with the molten liquid. The rest of her vulnerable body was left quite unharmed. Not that Peach felt unharmed. The lava was searing, molten, terrible. It was beyond pain – her nerves screamed at her, telling her to get away, to flee. Of course, she couldn’t. She had to hang there immobile by her tits, hanging by the cruel metal teeth mauling her nipples as the Podoboos showered her mammaries with awful, bottomless anguish. She couldn’t even hear if she was screaming anymore (she was, of course) – she only heard her blood rushing in her ears, only felt the searing, sizzling heat that by all means should have cooked her tits, and felt like it was. She twisted in midair as more and more of the lava bubbles burst from the pool, dousing her tits. She tried to free her hands, tried to do something, anything… but it was no use. Finally, after a long while, Bowser stepped in, raising his hand and cutting the treatment short. The Lakitus, at his command, obediently lifted the tortured princess away from the pool, setting her down at a safe distance so she wouldn’t collapse and fall into the molten lava. Trying to make the most of the few seconds they had left torturing her, the Lakitus cruelly jerked their fishing rods, sending Peach dangling nervelessly by her nipples. She moaned feebly, scarcely having enough energy to make a sound but consumed by agony nonetheless. Bowser brought her down onto the floor and undid the clamps, once again letting her collapse onto her tits. This was the third time, and her tits were ever more brutally tortured for each time he did it; this time, it took Peach five minutes to recover enough to focus her eyes. Bowser was watching her impassively. “Stand up,” he commanded her. She whimpered, shaking her head. “Stand up,” he repeated, forcibly but not angrily. Sobbing, Peach realized again that there was nothing she could do. Her helplessness struck her as hard every time. Her best bet was still obeying Bowser; there was the chance, however slim, that he might be merciful. She struggled to stand. It was hard, in her current state and with her arms manacled behind her back. She got to her knees, sobbing piteously, her every move sending her tits jostling, sending bolts of terrible pain through her entire system. She laboriously got to her feet, only for her knees to give out. She fell forward, realizing with bottomless black horror that there was nothing she could do – she was going to hit the floor again, tits first, at full force. Only, suddenly, there were strong hands on her shoulders, breaking her fall. Her tits still bounced painfully, but it was nothing against having them crushed beneath her weight. She looked up through tearful eyes, saw Bowser looking down at her, holding her up, and she flooded with sudden, absurd, but very real gratitude. “Th-thank you,” she whispered, breaking down in anguished sobs at the situation, at the terrible crazy turn her life had taken. Was it true? Were Mario and Luigi dead? What would happen to her then? The answer was terribly clear, even as the question passed through her mind. This was what would happen to her, forever. She would be entirely at Bowser’s mercy, and no end in sight. Bowser lifted her up gently, setting her on her feet and holding her shoulders for many minutes, until he was certain that she could stand by herself. Then he bade her come, gently, and turned, opening the door of the room and exiting out into the corridor. Peach followed him mutely, crying quietly. She should have been suspicious at his sudden gentle treatment of her, but she was so addled, so hurt – her every step, however careful she was, was terrible – so confused and lost and terrified. She simply followed obediently. Some of the castle guards jeered at her, but she ignored them. She was just so tired. Perhaps it was over now? Perhaps that was why Bowser was so kind to her? Perhaps she had passed some kind of test? That must be it. She asked him. “Is it over?” her voice was childish, and she looked at him with huge, round, blue eyes. “Did I do good?” The dragon turned to her with a paternal smile on his huge features. “You did great, princess. It’s over now.” She broke down crying from the relief. It was really over. No more pain. He motioned her to him. “You can rest in here.” He indicated a heavy door like any other in the castle, then asked her to turn around. She did, gingerly, moving as little as possible to spare her breasts, and he undid her manacles, first around her wrists and then, bending down low, around her ankles. He opened the door and ushered her through it, following after her. This new room was bare, like the others, and quite small. There was a small pit, about a square foot, filled with bubbling lava. Around it, there were four manacles – two against the wall, whose chains were short, and two on its other side, out towards the room, with chains a few feet long. In the opposite wall, there was a horizontal slit about a foot wide a couple of feet up from the floor, which opened into a shadowy space. Peach looked at the lava and knew. Her stomach dropped what felt like several feet, horror and panic blacked out her vision, her gorge threatened to rise. There would be no rest, no mercy, only more pain. She had been tricked. She turned blindly to flee, but achieved only smacking into Bowser’s wall-like belly, tits first. She shrieked in sudden agony and staggered backwards, and would have fallen backwards over the lava pit had Bowser not darted forward and grabbed her around the waist. As Bowser held her firmly, she broke down, sobbing, head against his stomach. “Please, please,” she cried, her voice thick. “Don’t, please don’t!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!” Bowser didn’t respond, only gently twisting her around so she was standing against the wall, the lava pit a couple of feet in front of her, the slit in the wall opposite of her. He bent down and clapped the manacles with the short chains around her ankles. Then, he lifted up the manacles with the longer chains and fastened them around her wrists. She would be able to move her hands, but she could not lift them higher than about to her waist. Peach didn’t struggle. She seemed broken; she only cried weakly, silently, tears running down her face in a steady stream. Then he stood back in the corner by the door, roaring, “SNIFITS!” in his best drill sergeant’s voice. Out of the shadows beyond the slit in the wall, five masked Snifits emerged and stood in a line. They regarded the princess silently out of dark eyeholes. Bowser turned to Peach, whose shoulders were heaving with silent sobs. “Now, princess, you are going to be of service to my kingdom.” Peach didn’t react, didn’t give any sign that she’d heard. Bowser went on, “these Snifits are in need of some target practice, and I judge your tits are just the right size.” Now Peach reacted, turning to him wide-eyed, shaking her head pleadingly, but he just responded with a cruel smile. “You don’t like it? Well, luckily for you, princess, I’m going to give you an alternative.” He saw, laughably, a sudden hope well up in the princess’s eyes. Stifling a laugh, he continued, “if you want target practice to end, all you’ve got to do … is to dip your titties in the lava.” Peach sagged and exhaled as if she’d been struck in the stomach. She gave a hopeless, horrified little wail and looked up at him again, her blue eyes wide and tearful, as if she might see that he was joking. He met her gaze coolly, a small smile twisting his lips. There was no joke. He was serious. “It’s up to you, princess. Either you let the Snifits use you for target practice or you dunk your tits in there.” Peach was silent for a few moments more, and then opened her mouth to beg: “no, please—” “Snifits,” Bowser interrupted her forcefully, grabbing her by the hair and holding her firmly upright. “Fire at will.” The Snifits fired immediately, with cruel precision. A heavy black bullet shot out of each of the mouth holes of their masks and travelled through the room with enough speed to nearly be invisible. By all rights, the projectiles should have pierced the princess’s body and exited through her back. Instead, impervious as her tits were, the bullets hit them all at once with a chorus of resounding cracks, deforming the pliant flesh and bouncing off, rolling across the floor or sinking into the lava. Peach howled in animal pain and struggled against the manacles and Bowser’s grip, pulling painfully at her hair, shaking her brutalized tits and sending all-new jolts of pain through them. After the first, concentrated barrage, the Snifits began firing randomly, always with impeccable aim, launching the heavy slugs at brutal speeds at Peach’s target titties. Peach didn’t, couldn’t think, it was all too much – she was caught up in a huge, roiling sea of agony, which washed away every conscious thought and left only a wordless, frantic, primal thought ringing in her mind: make it stop. Make it stop. Please, god, please, anyone, make it stop. But it didn’t, not until much later, when she heard a deep voice speak. She couldn’t make sense of its words: “Cease fire.” But the constant, torturing barrage finally, mercifully, stopped. Blessed silence filled the room as the sharp cracks of the bullets hitting her poor tortured mammaries echoed away into nothingness. She hung in Bowser’s grip, the pain of her pulled hair lost in the insane throbbing agony of her tits. She came to slowly, over the span of minutes, eventually becoming aware of her surroundings… and her predicament. As she began struggling weakly again, she heard Bowser’s voice in her ear. “The deal still stands.” He said nothing more, and gazing down at the bubbling lava she understood what he meant. Her bowels contracted with fear – not that, please, not that. It was too much. She’d wanted the Snifits to stop their target practice at any cost, but this… no. She shook her head weakly, knowing what she was condemning herself to, crying silently, hot tears running down her face. Bowser’s voice made her sob loudly with terror as he commanded: “Snifits – fire at will.” It was twice as bad, ten times, a hundred times this time around. The bullets hailed down on her, sending incessant, white-hot lances of pain into her tits and throughout her entire system. Again, her mind shut down, that tortured animal voice gibbering in her mind again: please, no, please, stop. She couldn’t hear herself screaming obscenities as the endless barrage of slugs rained down on her boobs, sending her abused titflesh into a frenzied, crazy dance which didn’t end as more and more of the projectiles kept coming. After many minutes, Bowser once again commanded the Snifits to stop firing, and held the princess until he deemed her conscious enough to speak. “Have you come to your senses yet, my dear princess?” he asked smoothly, his voice scarcely more than a rumble. Once again, Peach slowly understood what he was saying as her eyes wearily focused on the lava pit. She whimpered piteously, closing her eyes and willing the whole situation away. It was just a terrible nightmare, it had to be. These sorts of things couldn’t happen in reality. It was unreal. Except it wasn’t. It was still there when she opened her eyes. She whimpered, weakly, shaking her head as best she could, suspended as she was by her hair. But when Bowser once again spoke up in his commanding voice, saying: “Snifits—” … something within her snapped. “NO!” she screamed in panic, her whole body tense and shaking. Droplets of sweat stood out on her skin. “NO, I’LL DO IT, I’LL DO IT!” Bowser, grinning manically, released her immediately, causing her to fall down painfully (though the pain in her jiggling tits was far, far worse) on her knees on the stone floor. Peach became aware of the heat radiating from the lava, and the black terror seized her again. She thought of the Snifits hailing bullets on her poor tits, placed her hands on the raised rim around the lava pit and, without giving herself time to think, plunged her tits down into the molten liquid. Instantly, an agony bigger than the world consumed her. She recoiled, and would’ve pulled her tits out of the lava pit in a second if it weren’t for the huge, scaled hand between her shoulder blades, holding her down firmly. She thrashed, screaming wordlessly, howling in a pain worse than death which never seemed to end. Seconds stretched out into eternities as she was held down, her tits submerged in the molten lava. It was like the Podoboos splashing on her boobs, but at least then she’d been allowed some short second of mercy between each red-hot burst on her titflesh. This was all-encompassing and ceaseless. Bowser sat over her, holding her down with one hand, the other scooping her hair out of the way so it wouldn’t catch fire. The lava reflected in his mad burning eyes and he licked his lips as he watched the anguished princess writhing and screaming. Her screams were music to his ears – he didn’t think he’d ever tire of this. Nonetheless, after some minutes he felt compelled to ease his hold, allowing the princess, howling like a wounded animal, to jerk herself out of the red-hot pit. He held her a second more, allowing the last of the lava to drip off her tits before he let her fall over backwards on her ass, sputtering and hyperventilating. There were blisters around her chest area where Kamek had smeared the power star salve, but the impervious area itself was miraculously unharmed, unmarred except for the piebald, purplish bruisescape across Princess Toadstool’s tits, which would’ve been sickening to behold if it hadn’t been so beautiful. Peach gibbered wordlessly where she sat, her arms limp at her sides, her head slowly shaking back and forth. Bowser sat back on the floor and watched her, smiling slightly. He decided to give her a few moments’ rest before continuing with the torture. It was no fun if she wasn’t there, after all.
Chapter 0 - Piltover's Finest
Piltover’s Finest Vi= Pinkie4000 Caitlyn= Ahri9softails Pinkie4000: The night was cold, Vi could see her breath transforming into little white clouds. Lost in her thoughts, she had no particular idea where she was walking, she just didn´t wanted to go home yet. Lonely snowflakes began to fall and quickly it escalated into a snow storm. Vi looked around to find some cover from the storm, just to recognize she was in front of the Piltover’s police department. As usual there was still light in Cait’s office. Vi smirked *Lets pay Cait a Visit*, with that she entered the department and went upstairs towards Cait’s office. Ahri9softails: Caitlyn sat in the dimly light office, a fire burned in the hearth but the light was obscured by the stack of paper work in front of her. As she worked away she was distracted when she saw a gentle flurry of snow outside, she grimaced, her uniform did not lend itself to winter. She heard a loud knock on her door and somewhat surprised given the hour she respond, 'Come in Vi'. Pinkie4000: Vi stepped into the office. "How d’you know it is me?" she said with a huge grin in her face. She shook off the rest of the snow from her hair and jacket. And took the seat on the other side from Cait’s heavy oak desk. "Are you gonna be done here soon?" Ahri9softails: Cait's gaze fell back down to her work before responding, 'well Vi you are not the quietest creature to walk the earth’ she sealed several documents before continuing, ‘and will not be done soon’ she indicated the pile of paper work on her desk. 'You need to learn that collateral damage is BAD' Cait finished. Pinkie4000: "You are never going to stop bitching about collateral damage. After all everything went well, and I got this bastard." Vi said with confidence. "It is fucking Friday and you are sitting her all alone. I´m sure the paper work will forgive you when you will go out on a date with me today." Ahri9softails: Cait stopped signing a paper midway and looked up, she looked at Vi. Her expression was probably colder than the snow outside. 'you are not in a gang anymore Vi, you represent the city of progress and I am your officer. Please avoid such language’ whilst she said this Cait couldn't help acknowledge that Vi was right, she did get the 'bastard'. 'As to it being Friday, Friday is the same as any other day and I have work to do' she finished, the fire was running low Caitlyn's chest certainly noticed the cold. Pinkie4000: Vi stood up from her chair and walked behind Cait’s desk and put more fire wood into the old stone fire place. "So how about you let me help you with this paperwork?" With that she lend over and placed her chin on Cait’s shoulders, and took a deep breath of Cait’s perfume, it gave her a chill down the spine. Ahri9softails: Cait looked up, hiding a slight feeling of shock as she felt Vi’s skin touch her own, she could not quite tell but she thought for a moment that Vi was sniffing her, it must have been the long hours. She shrugged the woman off, 'no thank you Vi if it is anything like how you do your actual job, my office will burn down'. Cait returned to her work. Pinkie4000: "Burn the office down?" Vi smiled. She will not let Cait go that easy. With ease she turned Cait’s chair around to her, and directly stared into Cait’s wonderful eyes. Vi was breathing heavy she could feel that Cait was unsure about all this, hell even she was confused about it. But it felt so right for her. She slowly came closer to Cait’s face and holding the sheriffs chin in her right hand. "Caitlyn" she whispered almost inaudible. Ahri9softails: Vi was larger than her so she locked up slightly. She was totally shocked, to make matters worse she felt a slight blush creep up on her, her reddening face was not the heat. As she found Vi holding her small face and they eyes locked, Caitlyn stammered 'umm...V-Vi I do not know what all of this is about but a date is what you do to find a husband, and I certainly don't want to settle down with a family yet and I can't imagine you do either'. Pinkie4000: "Since when you think so old school Cait?" Vi was still holding the other chin and slowly came closer to Cait’s face. Her throat got dry, this was something different than the others girls. Something about Cait was fascinating her, even if Vi would try to explain it she wouldn't find any words. The enforcer closed her eyes and closed the distance between her and Cait’s lips. Ahri9softails: Cait was hypnotized and as Vi’s hand was on her chin she loosened her jaw, making room for Vi’s tongue, just as Vi was about to enter Cait's mouth, she kicked her chair back breaking the trance, 'Y-Y-You know I think you may have been right, even going out for a walk would do us good, I'll just go to the bathroom quickly 'Cait managed. As she made her way to the toilet she couldn't help but notice that her panties could do with a wipe. Pinkie4000: "Sure take your time" Vi expected a slap or something else, but not that Cait would react like that. Vi still had Cait’s taste in her mouth when Cait left the office. She sat down into Cait’s chair and felt that just from this single kiss she got pretty wet. *A short touch downthere will do me good.* The Enforcer opened her pants and slowly but gently touching herself, she let a out a quite moan. Ahri9softails: Cait looked in the mirror adjusting her uniform, things had gotten very strange very quickly. She knew Vi didn't have a boyfriend, and she always acted kind of assertive but.... Cait was imagining things. She looked at herself, she was always embarrassed about her body. She was shorter than Vi and instead of an athletic crime fighting body like Vi had, she had curves. Her bust and butt were too big for her height and waist as were her thighs to thick for her. She tried to look taller, her boots had high heels and she wore her hair very long, not to mention the top hat, but when Vi joined the force people stated to notice her silly proportions. As she was leaving the bathroom she heard a gentle moan and peaked her head around to see Vi at her desk, touching herself, eyes closed. Cait had to stifle a yell, she didn't know what was happening. She moved back into the toilet and flushed loudly, hoping Vi would stop when she had walked out. Pinkie4000: Vi was just about to lose control above herself until she heard the flush from the restrooms. *Fuck! I’m not home* She quickly stand up and managed to close her pants as fast as she could. When Cait entered the room again she blushed, of course Cait didn´t see it but she still felt like a child got caught stealing a candy. With fast steps she moved to Cait and offered her officers jacket, "It is cold outside you gonna need this." she hold the jacket so Cait just have to slip her amrs into it. "So may I ask you out again for this evening?" Ahri9softails: Cait was pleased with the offer of a jacket, she would stay warm and she could hide her body from any disapproving stares. 'It's getting late so I do not know where we could go, or what two friends could do but I'll leave it up to you' she said. Pinkie4000: "Cait did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" When Vi helped Cait into her jacket she noticed once again how hot her sheriff is. After Cait was in her jacket, Vi took Cait’s hand into hers. A horribly comfortable feeling was spreading in Vis body. Ahri9softails: Cait found herself rapidly losing control of the situation, as they left the office she felt Vi grab her hand and pull Cait close to her. Vi was now a good bit taller as Cait did not trust her heels in the snow. The larger woman seemed to keep pulling her close into her. 'Umm no you haven't' was the best she could manage. Cait wouldn't have known how to react even if it were true. Pinkie4000: The enforcer could feel the insecurity of the sheriff. "Cait relax." She gifted Cait her most honest smile, she wrapped her arm around the shorter woman’s hip. Vi knew snow and high heels are never a good combination. "Want to have a drink at a bar or do you want to go to my place?" Ahri9softails: Cait needed to know someone was in control of the situation and she could not give this up to Vi, and she wasn't, she couldn't drop her tensed shoulders. She felt Vi’s hand slide down to her hip an pull her close in, as they walked she noticed Vi’s hand dropped down a little... 'you probably don't know this because you have never been invited to an official event at the town hall, for fairly obvious reason, and I am not good with my drink so the bar would have something less alcoholic'. Pinkie4000: Vi simply couldn’t resist to grab Cait’s sweet and well shaped ass, Vi always had a thing for ladies with curves. Especially she had a thing for Cait’s curves, just thinking about her boobs made Vi horny. But now was not the time to think about Cait’s wonderful body. "Well I think I just have the perfect place for a lady like you! It is not even far from here. Normally I don´t go there it is a bit fancy." The rest of the way the spend quite enjoying each other company. The bar was next to the Piltover’s harbour, it was one of the oldest bar in town and also one of the most expensive ones, but for Cait the best was just about to be good enough. Vi helped Cait out of her jacket and leaded her to the bar. After they took place Vi asked: " is this place alright for you? they have a awesome burlesque show!" Vi opened her hand so Cait could lay hers into it. Ahri9softails: Cait took Vi’s hand as she lead her into the bar, she had never been. She was pleased that she had taken her hat and heels off in case she was recognised. As she was lead into a booth with Vi she sat down. She realised then that she had left her wallet in her hat. Pinkie4000: "I will be right back I will get us a drink, and tonight all drinks are going on me" she said with a wink. Vi returned with a scotch for herself and a lady like red-pink cocktail for Cait. "I hope you like this kind of stuff, I ordered it with a bit less booze then it would be normal, Since u said u not drinking that much and I don´t want u to get drunk to fast." Vi didn´t think she would feel that comfortable on a date with Cait. She looked into Cait’s eyes and couldn´t lower her gaze. Ahri9softails: Cait took the drink and tried to look away from Vi, she desperately looked around for something to talk about, the problem was that she was on the inner side of the booth and Vi had trapped her. She was almost all she could see. She started to panic and she took a sip of her drink, it was sweet and she hoped Vi had put almost no alcohol in. She finally found her distraction. A group of women were moving towards the stage dressed in a corset which remained her of her uniform.... Oh my god she thought. That’s why nobody bat an eye at her, they thought she was a performer. And Vi being a regular must have just gotten chatting to one of the dancers. She looked down and away, embarrassed. Pinkie4000: "Cait? Are u feeling alright?" Vi asked worried. She took a big slug of her drink. She felt that Cait felt uncomfortable, Cait’s body language told her that. "Let me tell you one thing Cait, you are a amazing woman with amazing abilities. And there is nothing you should feel uncomfortable about." The enforcer came close to Cait and laid a arm around her sheriff’s shoulders and pulled her close to herself. Ahri9softails: Cait started to feel that Vi was very much the commanding officer now...maybe it was the drink but she felt a slight warmth as Vi pulled her in. Pinkie4000: "You know Cait, I really like you a lot. And I gonna tell you how things are, because I´m not a person mess around. I want you to come home and spend the night with me!" Ahri9softails: Cait by now had almost finished her drink and she found herself leaning on Vi’s chest looking up at the taller woman. 'No... Vi you don’t' she whispered Pinkie4000: "you leave me no other choice then to show you how much I want this!" And with that she kissed Cait and forced her tongue in to the sheriffs mouth. Her left hand grabbed Cait’s boobs and she squeezed the well formed breast of the sheriff. Ahri9softails: Cait let Vi have full control over her mouth, their tongues runnign rampant in her mouth. When she felt Vi move her hand to her breasts Cait knew she couldn't hide it any longer, she pushed Vi away. 'I-I'm sorry Vi but you don't want someone like me' Caitlyn faced her and moved the candle to the breast Vi had just grabbed. There was a patch of liquid soaked material there. 'B-Before you joined the force, when I was younger 'Cait struggled to continue 'I was busting a criminal when he ran into a chemical plant, there was a spill, and it did this....my body used to be better but then it made my breasts... start...uuuh work'. Cait turned away hiding the patch, she hated that Vi would think of her as nothing but a cow now. Pinkie4000: "Cait...do you think I care about things like that? You disappoint me. I want you do you understand what I´m saying?" Vi hated to thought she discomforted Cait. She wanted to make Cait feel awesome and special tonight, because this was Caitlyn to her. "I want you and remember one thing we all carry scars from life. Even the strongest has them." Vi wanted to kiss Cait again, but she was scared it would discomfort Cait more then make her feel good Ahri9softails: Cait turned her head around to look at Vi, she didn't want to upset Vi, she had looked after her all night, Cait slid back towards Vi until her back was touching the woman, she felt a bit better with the contact. She moved her arms up trying to cover her breasts ,'a-another dink please.....' she whispered. Pinkie4000: "Everything you wish" Before Vi left to bring another round of drinks. She kissed Cait on the forehead. "I will be right back". At the bare she order the same round, with less booze for Cait again. "Isn´t that the sheriff of Piltover?" A fat guy pointed at Caitlyn’s direction:"I’m gonna fuck her tonight" he said to his drinking companion. Anger was building in Vi, she don´t want to get into a bar fight again. But they are crossing a line. "Don´t u dare your fat finger pointing on that wonderful lady" Vi said. "Shout up u stupid bitch, if I’m done with her I’m gonna have your ass as well!" This was enough for Vi, she punched him hard in the face. As a respond to that he took the beer bottle in front of him and smashed it on Vis head. Blood was dripping from her forehead. In the blink of an eye the drunk yards head meet the bar table in front of him. "You want more come at me! I DARE U ONCE AGAIN TO TALK LIKE THIS ABOUT HER!" Vi grabbed her drinks and walked back to Cait and hers tabel. Ahri9softails: Caitlyn turned around as she heard Vi approaching, she was shocked to see her head was bleeding, she quickly moved her arms around Vi’s back as she sat down looking up at her she said' what happened to you?' Pinkie4000: "It is nothing Cait. I just had a small fight with a guy, he was saying rude things about you. And I can´t just stay there and listen to it. No worries he still lives!" Cait’s arms felt so warm and good around her. "Here is your drink." she offered Cait the cocktail and emptied her glass at once. Ahri9softails: Cait pulled herself into Vi, as her breasts pushed up the patches around her nipple grew larger, she looked up and whispered 'If you want a cow like me, then..... I won't say no, but I have never thought about girls and never really done anything with another person so... please be gently' she breathe into Vi’s ear. She offered her lips to Vi, knowing her nipples were not all that was wet. 'By the way I saw you at my desk' she said before waiting for Vi. Pinkie4000: Vi grinned when she heard that Cait saw her at the office."Cait can you do me one favor? Please stop calling yourself a cow, ok? You are so pretty, and I admire every inch of your body. Maybe we go to my place, where we are a bit more private." The enforcer closed her eyes and kissed Caitlyn with passion. Ahri9softails: Caitlyn savoured the moment, she started to shift her legs awkwardly, she tried to scratch and itch. Caitlyn broke their kiss and said 'I don't know how far your house is but your head needs some care and I need some new clothes' pointing to her soaked breasts, she was concerned of them freezing. A smile crept across her face as she had an idea... 'I'll go and slip back stage and borrow some clothes... I think there will be something to fit, you go and fix your head and well will meet outside'. Pinkie4000: "sounds good to me!" She kissed Cait on the cheek and giggled like a little child. Vi made her way to the bar and asked the barkeeper for some patches, after patching herself up and rewarding herself with another drink she went outside. The wind got really cold but it stopped snowing and the sky was clear. *what a night* Vi thought to herself. She light up a cigarette and inhaled a deep breath full of smoke. This was one of the rare moments she is finding peace with herself. Ahri9softails: Caitlyn had to be stealthy, the performs seemed to have a theme of dressing like her, maybe Vi could explain. She got past the bouncer to the changing room by pointing at 'the spilled drink' a client had had on her. She opened a wardrobe 'O-Oh my.....'. Caitlyn had never seen clothes like these, but she didn't have much of a choice. She hid behind the door while she changed. trying to hide her dripping breasts. She was annoyed that Vi caused her breasts to start like this, some work would have to be done before tomorrow to get back to normal, but she didn't know.... Caitlyn slipped out a window and made her way out front where she saw Vi. 'Do you like it she said, hugging the woman from behind' Caitlyn hoped she did, because she felt like a harlot. Pinkie4000: "I would even like you in a potato sack! But wow Cait you look wonderful in these clothes! And now let’s go to my place it is not far away from here" Vi got a bit in her knees and offered Cait a piggyback. Ahri9softails: Caitlyn blushed 'Thanks' she said. She was pleased with the lift, these heels did not make it easy and she was cold, very cold. She had at best a thong, a small bra and stockings on..... and the huge feathers coming out the back. Pinkie4000: "wait a second, please have my jacket!" After Cait but on her Vis jacket she lifted Cait back on her back and started to run to her way home. Vi laughed almost all the way there, since Caitlyn yelled that she was running to fast. Caitlyn was not heavy at all for Vi. "there we are! I know it is not the best part of the city but i still hope you like it." She opened the door and with Cait still on her back she went upstairs and opened the door to her apartment. The door opened with a horrible sound, which made Vi clear it wants to be oiled again. "Please feel like home Cait!" Ahri9softails: Cait thought that Vi had a messy office....'Wow' she gasped. There were tools, devices, robot part everywhere, clothes all over the place, Cait was pretty sure some of them weren't Vi’s. 'Do you, ummm live here' she asked. Pinkie4000: "Yeah. I know it is not the cleanest place on the earth. But " She remembered that she needed to clean the mess in the bed room "Can u do me a favor and make yourself comfortable for a bit? I need to fix something in the bed room! I be right back!" Soon after returning the enforcer turned around the sheriff and lifted her up with ease. Caitlyn’s boobs where right into Vis face and Vi started to kiss them with an unknown passion! Ahri9softails: Caitlyn gently mewled, her breasts were very sensitive but she could never bring herself to play with them because of the mess. She removed the clasp on her bra to give Vi better access, she then put her right hand on the back of Vi’s head, she was beginning to love it. Her left hand went down to her moistening slit. Pinkie4000: Vi couldn´t hold her passion back for Cait’s body. She pressed her against a wall and holds Cait by her ass. "I want you Cait" she whisper sedately in the others ear. She began to suck Cait’s nipples and sucked up all the stuff which came out of it. In fact it made her even hornier then she was. Ahri9softails: Cait moaned, she knew Vi was the commanding officer here. As her breasts started to pour milk out she removed her panties, leaving her in nothing but the stockings. With her free hand she pulled her free breast to her mouth and began to suck in time with Vi. In between mouthfuls of her milk she was moaning through the tit 'more.....more' Pinkie4000: "you want more? Then say it I want you to say it!" Vi removed her shirt and opened her bra. Vis boobs where not big but more than a handful, but Vis body was the one of a god. She picked Cait up and carried her to the bed room. Where she throw Cait on it like she weight nothing. Ahri9softails: As Vi threw her onto the bed Cait was wondering how much experience Vi had with women, and what she would to. 'p-please Vi, I want more, her you are in charge, but don't forget my girls' she purred while pointing to her tits .She lay back waiting. Pinkie4000: "I will not forget them." with that she laid over Caitlyn. Her nipples where touching each other, and Cait’s milk made Vi’s nipples wet and itchy. Vis hands slowly began to find the way to Cait’s clit and she began to rub it softly. After all she knows Cait was not experienced like she was! Ahri9softails: Caitlyn's head started to swim as Vi reach her clit, her pussy started to drip. In her gentle mewling she knew she had to help Vi... She moved her hands to Vi’s tits and began to massage them. She leaned her head forward to try and kiss her teacher. Pinkie4000: Vi responded to Cait’s kiss, it was a forceful kiss. Slowly Vi started to move her head to Cait’s boos kissing every part of Cait’s body till she reached her aim. she kneeled in front of Caitlyn’s wet pussy and started to kiss it and lick it. Yet her hands still massaged Cait’s milk filled breasts! Ahri9softails: As Vi moved down Cait started to squirm, she was sad to lose her touch on Vi’s perky tits, her now free hands needed something to do. Her left and moved on top of Vi’s as she massaged the milk from her full breasts, it hard leaked down onto her upper thighs at this point. Her right went down to help Vi but in her moaning she missed her target and poked her butt hole. Pinkie4000: Vi sucked every drop of Cait’s juices with great pleasure. she went even more horny when she felt that Cait is fucking herself in the ass. " you like it in the ass Cait? let me get something for it" Vi stood up and came back with a medium sized dildo, she spit on it to make it wet. And before Cait could say anything she felt the tip of the dildo in her ass hole. Ahri9softails: Cait's body jumped as Vi stuck the dildo up her ass. She had never touched there before, until now, and now she had a dildo up her butt. She loved it, she took hold of the base moving it in and out begging for more' Please, Vi.. I love it', in her pleasure she pulled Vi closer to her pussy with her legs, the silk stockings rubbed against her things which made her smile. Pinkie4000: Vi loved to see how much Cait enjoyed the dildo, and also the way Cait wants to get her pussy licked. "I will make u go insane", With the tip of her fingers she played around Cait’s cunt hole while she was giving her clit a good rub with her tongue. Cait was so wet she easy could enter her pussy with three fingers. Her pussy was wet and tight. The enforcer started to move her fingers to Cait’s g-spot, the fact that Cait got tighter made Vi sure seh hit the right spot! Ahri9softails: Cait had lost control over her body, her hand moved the dildo in and out of her ass crack faster and faster, while her leaking milk drenched Vi’s face as she drove her pussy nuts. She could see her juices mixing. Vi had more control over Cait's body than she did, and it made her more excited. Pinkie4000: "Tell me u want to come Cait?" Vi was fucking Cait with almost brutal force in her tight pussy. She was sucking all the juices of out of her pussy she loves how Cait taste. The fact that Caitlyn’s tits losing so much milk made it look like already 5 men cum on Cait. It turned Vi so on, she fucked Cait even harder and faster Ahri9softails: Cait's body was soaked and all of her didn't show signs of drying up. 'Please Vi' she cried 'Please, please, please..... I want to come I'll do anything'. Caitlyn seemed to match the outfit she had just worn, as her hand Violently fucked her ass. She was slightly afraid of what came next, Vi was bad at gentle, but she knew if Vi gave the order, she had to follow. Pinkie4000: Vi could feel that the orgasm was building up in Cait and she pulled out her fingers. She didn´t want Cait to cum now. She had bigger plans. Vi walked away just to come back with a big strap on around her hip. "Turn around Cait! So I can fuck you like you deserve”. Ahri9softails: Cait moved to the middle of the bed, where she got onto all fours and stuck her ass in the air, she stuck her head down into a pillow. This would be her first time, she didn't want to ruin Vi’s fun so she waited, while continuing to move the slippery dildo in and out. After a few seconds of this, Cait knew what she had to do, she raised her head, and begged 'Vi take me like I deserve, let this whore pay you for the drinks from earlier'. Pinkie4000: "Are you my whore Cait?" Vi asked harsh. She slowly pushed the dildo into Cait’s tight pussy and pushed it all the way in. Vi felt how Cait is reacting to it. and she slowly went faster and faster. Cait’s boobs moved to the rhythm of Vis movements. Ahri9softails: 'Yes, yes, I'm a whore, fuck me' Ahri9softails: her hand moved faster and faster on the dildo, Vi’s bed was going to be ruined after Cait was done. Pinkie4000: For Vi it was getting harder to push the strap into Cait’s dripping pussy. Vi griped both arms of Caitlyn and pulled her back. Vi struck harder into Cait’s cunt Pinkie4000: Vi started to sweat and moaned with each strike she did into Cait. Ahri9softails: Cait's dildo was buried deep into her ass when Vi took her arms, she was strong, really strong and she was making her into her bitch. Cait started to truly moan, a loud female moan of a bitch in heat.. 'More, more' she begged Pinkie4000: "I will give you more!" Vi force full pushed her finger into Cait’s mouth " Suck it bitch! Make me clean!" With the other hand she grabbed Cait’s boob so hard that the milk squirt all over Ahri9softails: Cait serviced Vi’s finger with her tongue, as best she could. Her tongue would have made any man cum all over her. As her milk shot out she tried to say more.... but with the moaning and the finger in her mouth all that came out was a deep, loud 'Moooooo', and she didn't care. Pinkie4000: Vi pushed her fingers out of her bitch mouth, and pushed her back on all forth. "I gonna make you cum, my LITTEL BITCH!" with each word she said she struck harder into Cait’s cunt hole. With her left hand she started to rub Cait’s dripping clit and she could feel Cait got really close to cum. Ahri9softails: Cait's body exploded like it never had, all the time she masturbated alone was nothing compared to this, she had never squirted until now. She covered Vi’s strap on and lower body with her cum and screamed out like and animal. Pinkie4000: "Look what a mess you made Cait! Do you want to leave it like that after I fucked you so good?" She pulled the strap out of Cait’s still pulsing pussy. and lied down on the bed ready to be cleaned from Cait’s juices. Ahri9softails: When Vi let go of her arms she fell face down onto the bed totally drained, the pressure made her tits squirt out a little. After a few seconds she heard Vi, and looked around, to see Vi waiting. Vi hated waiting and she knew she was going to be here little whore for quite awhile. Caitlyn returned to all fours as she crawled over to Vi, her face bright red now that she had regained her sense. She was a messy girl. She looked up at Vi pleadingly when her head was about Vi’s pussy. She wanted to kiss the woman but now she had to be a little whore and kiss her cunt. She set to work burying her face in Vi’s cunt trying to mimic her mistress, she failed. As she did she found the dildo from before and inserted it into her gaping ass hole. Pinkie4000: Vi loved to see Cait’s face at her pussy. She loves to dominate Cait. She felt a stronge feeling at her ass. Then she realized Cait is pushing the dildo in. Within a second she was up to Cait’s face and whispered "Don´t try to make me your bitch". Vi once again showed Cait how strong she was. She turned Cait around and inspected Cait’s asshole, it was horribly wet. And Vi started to lick it. Ahri9softails: Cait was forced onto all fours again, she now lived there. As Vi forced her down she begged' Vi please, let me be Caitlyn again, I need a break from being a bitch in heat......' her sentence was cut short as her head was forced down. Pinkie4000: "I can´t hear what u say? Did you said anything Cait?" Vi fingered Cait now in her asshole. She loved that little bitch in front of her. But even more she loves to fuck her. Ahri9softails: 'Please, let me be Caitlyn again, I can't be your little bitch anymore'. While she spoke Pinkie4000: Vi realized she might have gone too far with Cait. She pulled herself out of Cait. "You made a pretty mess here," she spoke softly into Cait’s ears. Cait was still on all fours and Vis tits touched her back softly, with one hand Vi started to milk softly out more of Cait’s huge boobs. "I want you to give it to me" Ahri9softails: Caitlyn's cunt gushed out with her cum when Vi’s soft voice massaged her ears, she turned around and kissed her, she desperately tried to tease Vi’s tongue into her mouth, she wanted that warm feeling again of being face to face with her love. 'I love you Vi, I'll be whatever you want me to be just please don't leave me' Caitlyn's milk and come marked this as her space, her space with Vi. Pinkie4000: "Cait, I will not leave you." She kissed Cait with passion and she gently wrapped her arms around her love. She could feel a warm feeling around her chest and it was not only Cait’s milk. She took Cait’s hand and slowly lend it between her legs. " Just do it like you would do it to yourself!" Ahri9softails: Vi had broken the old Caitlyn, Cait was so happy to be able to return the favour to Vi. She lent forwards and sniffed Vi’s pussy, she loved it. She dipped her right hand in her milk and began to tease around the Vi’s lower lips, circling around and slightly inward each time. As she traced the whirlpool shape she breathed in again and gently licked Vi’s ass hole. It tasted good. Her free hand moved to Vi’s erect clit and she gently tugged on it. Pinkie4000: Vi was feeling the sensation of her ass hole and her clit at once. it is rarely Vi let someone take her or return a favour, in fact she is more a giving person. "Take me Cait I want you to take me, my love. I want to feel you inside me." Ahri9softails: Caitlyn smiled, she loved seeing Vi like this now, she wasn't her bitch anymore, they were lovers. Her fingers slowly started to penetrate deep in to Vi’s soaked cunt. Her ass started to open up more as well letting Cait fit her tongue inside. Vi’s clit had become hard, very hard now. Cait pulled her tongue and murmured 'You taste great' before switching her tongue to Vi’s shinning womanhood. Pinkie4000: "Mhhh just right there keep on doing it!" Vi grasped Cait’s hair to give her some lead down there. The enforcer could let go, she was so relaxed. She wanted to cum all over Cait’s face. "Do it Cait I’m close to cum. Can i cum over your face?" Ahri9softails: Cait wanted Vi’s cum badly now, she had an idea. She pulled her head away from her mewling partner and flipped onto her back. She reached onto Vi’s muscular thighs and pulled herself into the small space under Vi. She could feel the pressure of Vi sitting if her face as she got to work, her hands very free for her own cunt and breasts now. Pinkie4000: Vi was feeling all the pleasure the other woman was giving her. " Oh god Cait!" She yelled out when she fucked herself in her dripping pussy. "I’m going to cum. Be ready for it!" All the juice dripped into Cait’s mouth and her orgasm was more intense then it usually is. She collapsed on Caitlyn chest. Ahri9softails: Cait smiled at how cute Vi was, her face dripped with her come and she loved it. She was in control now and she knew what to do. She used her hands to pull Vi’s butt cheeks apart for better access to her cunt and ass. As she began her assault again she hooked her legs around Vi’s head and pulled it down to her own needs. Pinkie4000: Vi smelled the sweet scent of Cait’s dripping cunt, she will do it gently now. She want to make Cait feel very special. The enforcer started to eat out her sheriff, slowly but with well thought moves she pleasured Cait’s pussy again. Ahri9softails: Sensing Vi’s tongue Caitlyn match her, she wanted to do this as a couple. As her tongue delved into the depths of Vi’s womanhood Cait left her ass alone for now, she blindly searched for one of the toys, she grasped the strap on Vi had earlier, and began to force it deeply into Vi’s ass. Pinkie4000: Vi let out a loud grown. She enjoyed the feeling of the strap on in her ass, it was not only the thing in her ass, but more because Cait was doing it to her. And for Vi this feeling was new and it felt right to give Cait everything she has. She wanted to be Cait’s girl, she offered her ass more to Cait so she can take her better and deeper. Ahri9softails: Cait enjoyed how Vi opened up for her and increased the speed of her tongue and the strap on. She moaned loudly while kick the dildo by her foot. She had a need as well. Pinkie4000: Vi didn´t let off from Cait’s cunt she wants to make her come now, as her girlfriend. She wanted this all much more then just fucking Cait. She wanted to make Cait feel good about herself. While she liked Cait’s clit she pushed two fingers into her pussy and started to penetrate her g-spot again. Ahri9softails: Cait could feel her girlfriends plan and she wouldn't lose. She worked the strap on faster and now started to pinch Vi’s clit. She knew they were both reaching their limit but Vi, would come first. Pinkie4000: Vi felt her pussy is getting tight and is about to spasm from the upcoming orgasm. She got a real thrill down her spine. The enforcer couldn´t help it but to squirt again over Cait. "Don´t stop now, I want to come again!" Ahri9softails: Cait devoured Vi’s pussy now, struggling for breath through the puddle of cum on her face. She could feel her own orgasm building. Pinkie4000: Vi felt that Cait’s pussy is getting tighter and tighter. "Do you want to squirt in my face too? I would love if you would allow me to have your cum on my face." Ahri9softails: Cait could hardly speak now, so she forced Vi’s head deep into her groin with her legs. This was their life together now, she gave everything to Vi. Her breasts had began to stop their leaking, Cait missed the sensation but right now she was focused and Vi, she wanted her to keep cumming over and over. Pinkie4000: The enforcer could hardly catch some breath in Cait’s womanhood. But she could care less. she wanted to come from Cait and her sensation is real. She felt how the next orgasm is building up. Ahri9softails: Cait's body quivered as it came, a loud moan was sent deep into Vi’s pussy, as she did the cum on her face leaked inter her mouth, she tried to catch as much as she could on her tongue and swirled it around. she could feel the hot slimy liquid squirt out onto Vi’s face. This continued for longer than usual until Cait jumped in horror she had had finished cumming a few seconds ago but the liquid didn't stop. She almost burst into tears then at what she had done to her new girlfriend. Pinkie4000: "what is wrong Cait?" Vi cleaned her face fast with the blanked and came closer to Cait and she just wanted to hold the other woman in her arms. "Everything is ok honey. Don´t cry please." Ahri9softails: The mixture of milk and Cum made Cait look like she had been drenched in semen. She buried her face into Vi’s chest trying to stop the tears. She hugged her love as hard as she could. 'I-I'm s-s-s-sorry' she sobbed 'I peed in your face, I’m so sorry'. As she cried she hugged Vi as hard as she could. She just wanted to be with her, but after all Vi had done for her she then did something awful to her. Cait's sobbing continued as she cuddled with Vi. Pinkie4000: "It is just pee, not acid. In fact it shows how much u let yourself go. I´m not mad at you. I love you Cait and I´m not gonna leave u for a bit piss in my face." Vi pulled the other woman close to her. *This is how eternity feels*. She took Cait’s face into her hands and kissed her. "I want to be with you Cait!" Ahri9softails: This kiss was everything to her, all their juices mixed together and now were swirling around her mouth. She loved it. As she broke of the kiss she rested her head on Vi’s body and hugged her tightly, she closed her eyes and began to dose of, exhausted. As she was drifting off, she looked at Vi once more and said 'So if I'm I’m your girlfriend now, will you stop breaking everything, otherwise we can't be here. Also remember I'm still your boss....'She dozed off now, in love. Pinkie4000: "You are such a cutie! I love you and I will try to stop breaking everything around me." With Cait in her arms she slowly falls asleep.
Chapter 0 - Jennifer and Chloe submit to Mark
Author's Note Converted from a RP on F-list that I did with a user called Zinkova several years ago as this was just collecting dust. Anyways here goes. --------------- The afternoon was growing late and Mark would be home at any moment. The girls were putting the finishing touches on their surprise for Mark. They had prepared a nice dinner for him. They were each dressed in his favorite outfit, a see through nightgown Jennifer's was purple, while her daughter had gone with a black one to complement her pale skin. The girls dragged out the final touches: A large chopping block, a few lengths of rope, and a razor sharp scimitar polished to a mirror shine. They knelt on either side of the block, facing the door. Mother and daughter held hands, sharing a sweet smile and a tender kiss. Mark is 33 years old. He works a 6-3 job at a smelting factory. It is Friday and at the end of his shift. Mark leaves the processing facility, takes off his dark blue jumpsuit and yellow hardhat and stuffs it inside his locker. He shuts his locker door and picks up his weekly pay check. He soon leaves the factory in his silver mustang where he drives home where he will come home to his two lovers, a widowed mother and her daughter. Mark was dating Jennifer for five years. Chloe, when she was eighteen, caught them having sex three years ago and since them, their three way relationship has blossomed into a very loving relationship. Today is the third anniversary when the daughter came onto the scene. Mark gets out of his silver Mustang and locks the door to his car. He walks to the front door and closes it behind him, tired from a long day at work and needing some R and R on a Friday. He spots his two girlfriends in the front hallway kneeling at either side of a stone made block, wearing see through nightgowns, his favorite, kissing each other. He jumps in surprise at the sudden erotic display in front of him. “What's going on here?” he asked in surprise The girls looked over to him and smiled. "Welcome home, Mark," said the younger woman. "Welcome home, my love," purred the older. They rose and walked over to him. They each took his hand and gave him a kiss. "Tonight is a very special night," cooed Jennifer. Chloe smiled up at him. "Yup! Three years ago today, I found you and mom together in bed, and you two let me join you." She blushed, remembering the way her mother's lips had tasted that night, when Mark had taken her virginity in her mother's own bed. Jennifer nodded. "Ever since, you two have made me the happiest I've ever felt. I love you both very much, and I love you more than anything in the world, Mark." She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. her breasts pancaked against his chest, soft and heavy. "I love you too, Mark," chimed Chloe. She stood on her toes and kissed him. So tonight, we're going to show you just how much we love you. We made you your favorite meal, and then after you eat, we want you to chop our heads off." Jennifer blushed. "It's the least we could do for such a wonderful man." Mark stood in awe in what stood in front of him. A chopping block, a shiny scimitar, some rope and a block. "Oh Chloe and Jennifer. I love you both so very much. I always wanted to collect your pretty heads someday. Oh Thank you so much for giving me this gift. You have my eternal love" he said as he kissed and hugged Chloe and then went to Jennifer and hugged and kissed her too. The girls giggled and snuggled up to him. Their bodies were soft and warm against his. They each took one of his hands and led him to the dining table. As he ate dinner they knelt beneath the table. They weren't going to have dinner with him, for obvious reasons, so instead they unzipped his fly and pulled down his boxers to reveal his cock. They purred and stroked its length with their fingertips. He would feel their warm breaths as they inhaled his scent and lapped at his length with their tongues. Mark sat at the dinner table, on the table in front of him were plates of his favorite foods, French Fries and Pizza. In a clear glass was carbonated orange juice. He took a Slice of Pizza and ate, enjoying the cheese and tomato goodness on his tongue. “Mmm Fuck that's good. I'm gonna miss your cooking you two,” he complemented As he was eating his favorite meal, he feels two hands on his crotch. His cock starts getting bigger and harder as his pants gets unzipped by the two women servicing him, feeling his cock leave his boxers. He feels two warm, wet sensations over his cock as the girls underneath the table service his cock. “Ohh”, he moans as he feels the pleasure of two warm tongues moving across his shaft Each of them had spent enough time with Mark to know just how to please him properly. Together, however, they were a force to be reckoned with. Jennifer took his glans in her warm, wet mouth, letting her tongue swirl over the swollen head. Chloe kissed her way down his shaft to his balls, which she began to kiss and suckle. The young redhead moaned with delight from under the bale. "Mmm, Mark, your cock is so good..." She nuzzled her mother out of the way and began to suck on Mark's head, while Jenny took up her daughter's position sucking gently on his balls. "Oh God, baby, I'm gonna miss your cock in Euphoria," she moaned. They each slipped a hand under the others nightgown. Beneath their sheer gowns they only wore stockings, exposing their sexes. As they sucked his cock they played with each others' pussies, moaning against his hard shaft. "Oh if the rumors are true, you two won't be missing my cock in Euphoria since the pleasure there cannot be experienced here in the living world. Oh that is fucking good you two. Just the way I like it. Keep it up," he moaned as he sat on his chair with his naked butt on the chair taking another bite of Pizza while reveling in the sexual pleasure the mother and daughter duo is providing. They moaned out a response and kept going at him. They had coated his head in saliva and now they shared it, kissing the sides of it, their lips just barely touching around his tip. Their tongues flicked over his head, tasting him, pleasuring his thick cock. Chloe's fingers slipped deep into her mother's sex, making the older woman squeal in delight. Jenny was rubbing her daughter's pale pink clit in tight circles, making Chloe's legs shake slightly. Nectar dripped from their fingertips onto the floor. "Cum for us, baby," moaned the mother. Chloe groaned, "yes, daddy, cum for us, please!" Mark took some fries and dipped them into some hot gravy and put the gravy dipped fries into his mouth He then lifted a glass took a sip out of a a straw taking in a thirst quenching orange carbonated drink, his favorite drink on the planet. Mark looked down and took a look at under the dinner table, watching the mother and daughter pair working on his cock and working on each other. "Keep going you two and make sure to make me cum," he commanded, precum dripping out of his urethra The girls looked up at him and nodded their assent. They lapped eagerly at his slit, hungry for his salty, musky precum. They began to tease each other harder, each of them squirming on her knees as the other girl brought her closer. Jenny was the first to com. She squealed with delight as she squirted her warm nectar onto the floor. She wrapped her lips around her lover's cock and sucked voraciously. Chloe came soon after, squeezing her thighs together around Jenny's hand. "Mommy!" she whimpered as she came, her nectar dripping out of her pale cunt. He felt Jenny sucking voraciously. He arched his back and closed his eyes, moaning as er blowjob felt like his dick was inside a warm and wet vacuum cleaner. Her mouth on his cock made loud popping sounds which aroused him even further, getting him closer to climax. Soon Mark breathed rapidly moaning "I'm about to cum soon. Get ready to take my warm love you two." as he pulled out of Jenny's warm mouth and stood up out his chairs, his eyes filled with lust as he looked down at the submissives faces. Jenny moaned around her lover's cock, her tongue slurping over his slit. Her daughter gently pulled her back and the two shared a sweet, sloppy kiss. Mother and daughter put their cheeks together and opened their mouths an inch from his throbbing member. They stroked his length together. "Cum for me, baby," purred the older woman, her eyes glittering with lust. "Mmm, cum on my face, daddy, I want it," Chloe added. "Ahhh, I'm Gonna Cum! Take it you two," he grunted as his cock throbs, turning his cock to Chloe to shoot a couple of spurts onto her face. He then moves his cock to aim at Jenny's sultry face, continue shooting his sticky substance onto Jenny's face. He then turns his cock over to the middle of their faces to finish shooting his load, his sperm going left and right equally on their cum covered pretty faces. After Mark finishes shooting his load, he drops back onto his chair, his butt hitting the hair hard, rapidly breathing. "Ohh that was fucking good you two", he said, catching his breath, his cock still rock hard. They moaned in delight as he painted their faces with his hot, sticky cum, and stuck out their tongues to catch some of his rich, musky taste. Chloe closed her eyes in delight, but Jenny kept hers open. A bit of cum in the eyes was nothing now, not compared to what they were about to do. They never stopped stroking him as he came, making sure to milk out every last drop of the stuff onto their tongues. When eh collapsed back they made sure to lick his head clean, then turned to face each other. Tenderly, Chloe and Jennifer kissed one another, their lips glazed with his cum. They swapped a load of the stuff between their mouths, reveling in the taste of him. Jennifer held her daughter's head and began to clean up her only child. Chloe returned the favor, and soon their faces were mostly clean of his cum. They knelt on either side of him, resting their heads in his lap. Thank you, my love," purred Jennifer. Chloe nodded, nuzzling his thigh. "You tasted especially good tonight, Mark." The mother-daughter duo rested on his lap. Their heads felt warm. He took his right hand and patted Jenny's smooth brunette hair and he took his left hand and patted Chloe's red hair, moving both hands simultaneously. Mark sitting on the chair, bent his body downwards towards his left and kissed Chloe's Hair, taking in the sweet scent of her hair and then turned to his right to kiss and smell Jenny's Hair, which she always remembered to take care of really well. "Oh don't you worry. I will fill you both up before I send you to Euphoria," he said. "Now why don't you help me carry the equipment in the hallway and into the bedroom you two," he instructed. Mark got up out of his chair and put back his pants on. "Yes, sir," said Chloe with a smile. "Of course, my love," Jenny added. The girls offered him the scimitar. As their executioner, it was only proper he be the one to hold the curved blade. The girls each took a side of the block and lifted it. It was a well-designed thing, mostly stone with a wooden top so that blades wouldn't become dull when they struck it. On the sides of it were a pair of manacles, designed to lock a girl's wrists in place and keep her body in position for her lopping. The notch on the top for the neck was already faintly stained with blood. "This was my mother's. I was there the day she gave her head to my father.” Jenny smiled, her face red as he blushes. “She was so beautiful after he sent her to Euphoria." She looked back to him."After we're gone, my love, I want you to keep it." They hauled everything upstairs and into the bedroom. Chloe wiped her brow. "Do you guys want me to get a tarp for the carpet?" Mark holds out both hands as they hand over the blade to the one important person in their life that will send them off to Euphoria. Mark holds out both hands as they hand over the blade to the one important person in their life that will send them off to Euphoria. "I bet you your mom is calling for you two to enjoy Euphoria together," he predicts to Jenny, wondering what goes on in that dimension. Mark with the scimitar in hand, turned to Chloe answers, "Yes, Chloe, get a tarp for the carpet. I wouldn't want to clean up a big mess out of the carpet all by myself while you two are enjoying Euphoria," he says as he walks up the stairs into their bedroom. Chloe smiled and left the room to go fetch a covering for the floor. Jennifer guided him to sit on the edge of the bed. She knelt before him and slipped the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders. It fell away from her body to reveal her breasts, huge and soft and pale as ivory. She wrapped her considerable breasts around his cock and pressed them together. "I hope you've still got enough to fuck us both one last time," she said as she began to massage his cock. Mark, sitting on the bed with Jenny, pulls down his pants to reveal his brown skinned, hairy muscular legs. As Jenny slip the straps of her transparent nightgown off her shoulders, he raised his eyebrows as her huge naked pale breasts were revealed in front of him. As Jenny was massaging his cock, he arched his head back, making an O shape with his mouth as he began to moan. "Don't you worry about that Jenny. Your You and your daughter are going to be filled up before your heads are mine" he grunted, moaning in pleasure. As Jenny was massaging his cock, he closed his eyes to daydream of Chloe's severed head impaled through the back of her neckhole on his cock with Jenny's head facing her, his cock impaling her mouth. The older woman blushed and smiled. "It makes me happy to hear that, Mark," she said as she continued to let him titfuck her. Her body rose and fell, his cock sliding in her cleavage. "If I had met you earlier, I might have put this off until I could have given you children . . . But, I'm so happy that you're going to kill us both." She daydreamed about what would become of them afterwards: preserved sex toys, kept around for his pleasure. She dreamed of her head mounted on his wall and felt her sex get wet again. Chloe returned with the tarp and pouted playfully. "Hey, no fair mom! I want more cock too!" She set down the tarp and went behind her mother. She got onto her back and put her face under her mother's hips. Chloe began to lick her mother's dripping sex, making the older woman moan with delight. "Have you thought about which one of us will get executed first, my love?" His cock between Jenny's breasts, he continued making humping motions with his hips, moving his cock up and down between her soft big breasts. "You have a great rack Jenny," he moaned in delight as he complimented her. As Chloe entered the room and pouting, Mark responded "Don't worry Chloe. There is plenty of Cock and my warm love to go around," he responded. “Hmm. I Haven't thought of that. You two can decide which one of you both gets to lay their head on my chopping block," he responded, continually moaning and grunting at the titfuck he was receiving from Jenny. Chloe's tongue slipped into her mother's slit, lapping up her sweet nectars. Jenny shivered and moaned like a whore. She arched her back, thrusting out her ample breasts. She turned her head down. Mark's cock was big enough that it cleared her cleavage, and by craning her neck just so she could kiss and suck the tip while he fucked her breasts. Chloe was touching herself as she ate her mom's pussy, moaning and writhing. Jennifer came suddenly, throwing back her head and wailing. She squirted hot nectar all over her daughter's face, making Chloe squeal. Jennifer's body shook with the force of her orgasm, her eyes wide with delight. As she came down she released her breasts from around Mark's cock and sat back on her daughter's body, panting and flushed. Chloe looked up to her mother, smiling, and then up to her lover. "Mark, is there anything special we can do for you?" Mark moved back on the bed and lay down on the bed, his head resting on the middle pillow, with two pillows on either side as the three lovers sleep together in the same bed every night. Mark smiles at the pair and taps both sides of the bed to invite Chloe and Jenny to lay with him. "Chloe and Jennifer my two loves. Come here and together, we shall make make sweet love to each other." said, inviting the pair for one last love making session between the three of them. The girls got into bed with him, smiling and giggling. Chloe followed her mother's example and shed her clothes. Like her mother she had pale skin, perhaps even lighter than Jennifer's. A tuft of soft, bright red hair decorated her pubic mound. Her breasts, while not quite as large as her mother's, were just as soft and shapely. They crawled into bed, Jenny on his right, Chloe on his left. They undressed him and laid together with him. They ran their fingers over his body, kissing his cheeks, his neck, his collarbone. Chloe moved to straddle him. Her wet pussy ground against his cock, the length of his shaft parting her lips without penetrating her. She ground her hips against him. "Mark?" she asked. "I heard that, when a girl gets lopped, her ass sometimes squeezes up really tight. Is that true?" Mark wrapped his muscular arms around Chloe's tender back and kissed Chloe on the lips, taking in the scent of her breath. His tongue was moving Chloe's warm mouth, their tongues flicking against each other. "A friend of mine told me once that he was fucking a girl in the ass and when he cut her head off, her ass squeezed his cock so much, it felt so good and he immediately came," he said, remembering what his friend told him about the experience. . "I have no idea if that is true though since I have not done research on that topic, but If you want, we can try." Chloe shuddered as she ground against his cock and listened to his story. Her wet pussy juices slicked up his cock and left a tasty trail against his stomach. Jennifer smiled, running her fingers along her daughter's spine. She got up behind her daughter, groping Chloe's breasts and grinding her hips to the young girl's round, bubbly ass. She wished right now that they had time to pull out her strap-on and give Chloe one last double penetration. "Here, let me give you something, Chloe," Jenny purred. She gave Chloe a potion and the young redhead drank it down eagerly. "That will help keep your head alive for a little bit longer, so we can please Mark together before we go to our final rest." Chloe moaned and smiled. As Mark was thrusting inside Chloe's warm and wet pussy, gritting his teeth, his cock was hitting her cervix moving inside her tight vaginal walls, his cock inside glistening with her warm honey. He was fucking her hard and fast as he was grunting and moaning loudly, the smell of sex and sweat filled the room as their bodies were glisten with sweat from the sexual activity. Drops of nectar dripped onto Mark's abdomen as squishy sounds were being echoed in the air "Oh You sex goddess, your pussy is so tight like always. I can't wait to get your head over to the block and fuck your asshole," he loudly grunted as he was holding onto Chloe with his arms and ramming her slippery wet pussy with his hard length. Chloe moaned like a bitch in heat. "Oh God, Daddy!" she wailed with delight, riding him hard. Jennifer couldn't restrain herself any longer. She quickly fetched her strap-on and some lube. She slipped one end of the thick plastic cock into her own sex and fastened the straps. She pushed Chloe forward so she was on top of Mark, her large breasts swaying back and forth as they rutted. Jennifer leaned over her daughter, her large breasts pressed to Chloe's back. She laid one hand on top of Chloe's and the other slid between the lovers to play with her daughter's clit. She slipped her thick strap-on into Chloe's tight pucker, making her daughter squeal and cum almost instantly. Chloe's nectars gushed out onto Mark's abdomen. "Oh Daddy! Mommy! Oh God, I love you both!" she screamed. Mark felt a splash of warm liquid splash onto his abdomen causing his balls to tingle. He rapidly thrusted inside her vagina "Ooohhh I love you Chloe," he moaned deeply like an animal as he looked into her red, flushed and sweating face as he deeply screamed as his thrusting sped up rapidly until it slowed down, feeling a pleasure crash throughout his core, his thrust matching each shot of warm baby juice inside her vagina. He felt his warm cum covering her vaginal walls and his cock as some leaked out of her cunt. Breathing heavily from his orgasm, he moved his lips over to Chloe's and gave a soft french kiss. Jennifer kept up fucking her daughter's tight pink asshole until she felt Mark fill Jenny's womb with his cum. The older woman collapsed onto her daughter's sweat-beaded back, kissing and licking her skin. Chloe moaned into the kiss with her lover. Her nipples were rock-hard against his chest. She stroked his cheek lovingly. "I'm ready," Chloe purred. Jenny slid out of her ass with a wet schlorp and took off her strap-on She gathered the rope and bound her daughter's wrists behind her back. Chloe smiled at Mark. "I know it isn't necessary, but ever since I saw my first lopping I always wanted to go out like this." Jennifer secured the knot and Chloe tugged at her bonds to make sure they would hold. "Are you ready, my love?" Mark gave a devilishly smile as he got up from the bed. He picked up Chloe and carried her, bridal style as both Chloe and Mark shared a passionate kiss as Mark carried Chloe in his arms to the block. Mark gently sets Chloe onto her knees on the tarp covering the carpet, her knees kneeling on the tarp. He gently pushed Chloe's head onto the bloodstained stone with his palm. "Are you ready Chloe," he asked smiling, looking down on Chloe's blushing face on the bloodstained block. Chloe turned her head to look up at him and smiled. "I've never felt more sure of anything," she said in a soft, dreamy voice. "Just a moment, my love," chimed Jenny. She laid a towel between Chloe's legs. "After I chop you, your body will thrash around a lot. Without your brain it won't know where to go. Inevitably, most girls piss themselves." She laid a cushioned basket on the other side of the block. "Your head will stay alive for a while. It might hurt a bit, but I hear you'll be in so much pleasure you won't even care." She kissed her daughter's forehead, then leaned in to give Chloe a deep french kiss. "Any final words, Chloe?” The redheaded girl wiggled her fingers and looked up to them. "I really meant it when I said I love you both. Mark . . . I kind of wish I could stay around and have your babies . . . but I want you to have my head more than anything. I love you, my strong sexy daddy." She turned to her mother. "Mommy . . . I'll see you in Euphoria. I'm gonna spend every waking minute pleasuring you." Jenny smiled sweetly at her daughter's remark. Mark moved over to Chloe's backside, stroking his cock, look at her butt cheeks. He squatted behind and positioned his hard cock closer to her crack and started grinding up and down. He eventually positioned his cock over her tight asshole and slowly inserted his cock inside her tight rectum, still wet from Jenny's lubricated dildo. As he managed to get the entire length of his hard cock inside her asshole, he grunted "Oooohhh. That's so tight Chloe. I can't wait when your sphincter convulses around my cock as your head is chopped off," he loudly deeply grunted. He put palms on her hips slowly thrusted his cock up and down her rectal cavity. Her ass was already lubed up from her mother's toy, so his huge cock sank into her backside easily. Her toes curled and she groaned against the bloodstained wood. Her back arched and a shiver went up her spine. Jennifer hefted the heavy scimitar. She laid it gently against Chloe's neck. It was so sharp and so heavy, even that was enough to leave a thin red line on the girl's alabaster neck. Chloe moaned and quivered at the teasing sensation of the cold steel massaging her neck. Jenny lifted it up, her aim prepared. Chloe was not the first girl she'd sent to Euphoria, though she'd certainly be the last. She looked to Mark. "Tell me when, my love." Loud popping noses can be heard as Mark thrusted his abdomen into Chloe's soft buttcheeks. Mark began increasing his pace as he is fucking her wet asshole from the lubrication from her mother's dildo, he took his right hand and softly spanked her right buttcheek. Her buttcheek jiggled, reacting to the slap. "Oh Yeah! Mmm Mmm! Who's my snuffslut?" Mark loudly whispered into Chloe's ear, continually fucking her tight rectum, and giving her ass another spank. Chloe gasped and moaned. Her bubbly ass jiggled, the red handprint standing out easily against her alabaster skin. Her chin rested in the divot, her head forced to look forward and down into the basket. "I am!" she moaned, "I'm your sweet little snuffslut! I'm your fucking deathcunt! Oh god, I love it!" she moaned. Jennifer bit her lip. Her thighs squeezed together and her knees trembled. It was always hot to snuff a girl, but her own daughter? Just the sight of it made her want to fall to her knees and bring herself to climax. She held steady though. She had an important job to do. Chloe's thighs were coated in her nectars. She came again, squealing and writhing. "Oh yes you are Chloe. And your mother will soon join you after. When you get to Euphoria, say hello to your grandmother for me," as Mark continued to pound harder and faster on her jiggly backside. As he was pounding Chloe, his thighs hitting her jiggly ass cheeks hard, he looked up and Jenny and her legs glistening with her warm honey, hearing her squealing, "Well Well, looks like someone cannot wait to cut off their pretty daughters head," he grunted out loudly as he assfucked Chloe. Mark felt his balls tingle and his cock getting bigger and harder, knowing the time is close. "Oh yes yes! Looks like this is it, are you ready to be seperated from your body", Mark said to Chloe in a deep grunting voice as her buttcheeks jiggled against his thighs. Chloe felt his cock swelling up in her ass. He was close, and she was going to die soon. She whimpered and shivered. Her ass jiggled as he pounded her roughly. "I'm ready, daddy! I wanna die! I'm gonna die! Oh god, cum in my ass, Mark!" Jennifer exhaled sharply. This was the moment. She raised the curved blade over her head and brought it down sharply. Chloe came again, spraying the towel with her honey. She screamed, "I love-!" just as the blade sliced through her neck in one swift motion. Chloe's pretty head tumbled from her shoulders and into the basket, landing softly. Her body arched and thrashed. Her fingers curled and her hands tugged at their bindings. Twin streams of crimson blood sprayed like a fountain from the stump of her neck. It shook and tried in vain to escape. Chloe watched her headless body spasm and thrash around, fascinated. “That's me,” she thought. Her asshole clenched down tight around Mark's cock, tighter even than the first time he'd taken her ass. Her body slowly went limp, it's rapid, panicked breathing slowing. There was a warm trickle as her bladder relieved itself. Mark continued to fuck her dying rectum as her sphincter clenched around his hard cock. "Oh YES! FUCK that's tight. It Feels so fucking good, There is nothing like like the asshole of a girl that had her head cut off," he loudly screamed as he looked at Chloe's severed head inside the basket. Some blood managed to splash upwards from her neck stump onto his face. He continue thrusted as he felt a sensation in his cock and scrotum and later his cock unloaded and unloaded spurts of warm hot semen up her rectum, grunting and moaning loudly as he tensed his grip on her buttocks and arched his head back. He later pulled out, watching her butthole leaking a stream of white cum slowly leaking onto the towel. "Oh Chloe. That was so fucking good Just the way to spend my final momets with you," he said, looking down at Chloe in the basket. Chloe's head gasped and blinked. It felt so strange being separated from her shoulders. She felt a little dizzy as her head tried to adjust. Jennifer's knees buckled. The sword fell to the carpet. The older woman slipped her hand between her legs and began to masturbate vigorously. She lifted her daughter's head by her red hair and they shared a deep, hungry kiss. Chloe could taste her own blood on her mom's lips. She would have moaned if she still could. Jennifer broke the kiss, cradling her daughter's severed, still-living head. She moved behind Chloe's slumped-over body and pressed the younger girl's face to her own pussy and ass. “Oh my God, my pussy smells amazing,” thought Chloe. She began to lap at her own sex and slurp up the cum oozing from her asshole. Jenny guided Mark's hands to support her daughter's head, and once he had it in his grip she laid down between his thighs and began to suck her lover's cock clean. As Jenny was kneeling to lick his cock clean, Mark held Chloe with both hands by her red hair. He took one of his hands off her head and began to fondle her smooth cheeks slowly, looking deep into her eyes and moves her head closer to his face. He moves in to share a passionate kiss with the still alive head, tasting some of her blood and dripping small droplets of blood onto his chest. Mark moves Chloe down over to his crotch onto his left side as her mother, still in one piece was sucking on his cock on his right. "Now why don't you two team up and make me cum again," he looked down at the two, arching his head back and closing his eyes shut as his cock was enjoying Jenny's warm mouth. The severed head of the 21 year old girl was still warm and soft as they kissed. Her lips buzzed with frenzied excitement as they kissed. She was in heaven now, and she hadn't even begun to see Euphoria. Jenny took her daughter's head and together they teased his cock. Jenny would suck his head for a moment while her daughter kissed his shaft and licked his balls, then they would switch, and Jenny would make Chloe's head bob on their lover's cock while she pleased his balls. Jenny pulled her daughter's head back and they shared a kiss before enacting one of his greatest fantasies. Chloe's head was lowered, facing away from Mark, so that his massive cock slid up her throat hole and out her lips. Jenny kissed her daughter deeply, her lover's cock sliding into her mouth. Mark, standing on his two feet, looks up onto the ceiling, clenching his fists tightly and closing his eyes as he was overwhelmed by his two lovers as they teamed up on him. He felt his cock being sucked by a mouth, sucking like a warm wet vacuum cleaner, while another mouth, was licking his balls and shaft, feeling the intense pleasure of two warm and wet tongues. "Ohhhh Chloe and Jenny, I love you both so much," he moaned deeply. He felt the pleasure stop as he looked down as his greatest fantasy was going to be fulfilled. Jenny held her daughter's severed head and impaled her daughter's severed head onto his cock, feeling his cock going through the back and his tip protruding out of her lips facing away from him. He watched intently as Chloe's head, hanging from his cock and Jenny kneeling down on the floor, shared a kiss with her daughter impaled on his cock while at the same time, his cock was being warmly fondled and pleasured by two tongues, his cock beginning to throb. Jennifer looked up to her man, smiling around his cock. Her eyes twinkled with her hunger. "That's it, my love, let it out. Give your little snuff sluts a final taste of your cum." Chloe's throat tightened around his shaft. “He was going to cum again?” She pouted silently. It would all go to her mother. Jenny seemed to sense her daughter's thoughts. "Don't worry, baby, I'll share his cum with you." They bobbed back and forth, locked in their incestuous kiss. He moaned and moaned loudly as the two bobbed back and forth, their warm mouths bobbing up and down his length. "Ahh Ahh Ahh AHHH! I'm Gonna come again," He grunted loudly as as he moved his hand clutched onto Jenny, squishing her head tightly onto Chloe as his cock pulsated as his cock began shooting spurts and spurts of thick white fluid into Jenny's mouth "Ahhh yes yes yes! Take it Jenny and share my love with your daughter before she goes to Euphoria," he cried deeply out while his cock was pumping Jenny's mouth full of semen. Jenny braced herself as she felt his cock throb in her mouth. She positioned her tongue so that his thick, tasty seed went into her mouth instead of down her throat. She bobbed their heads as best as she could, milking his seed into her wet, warm, eager mouth. When he released her she pulled back and began to swap his cum with her daughter. Jennifer took Chloe off Mark's cock and held her severed head close to her face as they began cumswapping. They moaned as they passed it back and forth, tasting his rich, musky seed. Some of it drooled out the back of Chloe's neck. Finally, Jennifer took the rest of it and swallowed the entire thick, creamy load. She licked her lips and beamed up at Mark. "My love, we don't have long before Chloe goes to Euphoria. Is there any final thing I can do for you before I get chopped?" Mark squatted his butt downwards as he moved in to kiss Jenny's shining beautiful lips. He closed his eyes as both of them shared a passionate loving kiss, moaning and feeling each others warm breaths. Jenny I want to make love with you one last time before you go," he said, looking deeply into her beautiful pretty face. He then stood up and carried Jenny in his arms, kissing her while carrying her to their bed and laying her back onto the bed. He then got a chair and put Chloe's still alive head onto the chair, her face face away from and puts the chair in front of the bed so Chloe can watch Mark and Jenny make love. He steps up to the bed, looking down at Jenny's blushing pretty feminine figure laying on the bed, his erect cock ready to eject more white fluid. Chloe watched eagerly, wishing she still had a pussy to touch, wishing she could do so much more than just observe. Jennifer laid back on the bed and spread her thighs. her clean-shaven pussy was wet and ready for him, her lips glistening with nectar. Her large breasts were pushed up when she folded her arms underneath them. She reached up to stroke his face and kissed him. "Cum inside me, please, Mark. I want to die with your cum filling my womb." The smell of Jenny's sweet love juices filled the air in the room. Mark kneeled onto the soft sheets of the bed and moved Jenny close to him and lifted her legs over his shoulders. His hard cock over Jenny's clean shaven, pussy which was wet with desire. He grinded his cock up and down between her pussy lips, teasing her before finally impaling his length through her labia. Both of his arms wrapped around Jenny's neck, hugging her warmly and looking at her red blushing face intently as he began thrusting his hips against her thighs and burying his hard cock into her warm and wet vaginal walls. The older woman groaned and squirmed under him. She threw her arms around him. Her toes curled in the air as he pounded into her tight, wet, sopping pussy. She locked eyes with her daughter's head and Chloe felt like she could cum just from the sight. She felt his cock slip through her cervix and her hands clutched at his back. "Oh, God, Oh God!" She squealed with delight and came against him, her nectar's soaking the bed. "Now, do it now, please, my love!" she begged him. Mark moaned and panted deeply as their two hot sweating bodies were locked in sweetly lovely embrace, thrusting their sexes against each other. Mark felt his cock tingle as her vaginal walls squeezed his cock. His eyes locked into Jenny's fully flushed face. "Ohh Jenny. I'm gonna Cum! I LOVE YOU BABY!," he growled as he arched his head back tightly and his penis ejecting load upon load into her pussy, filling her womb with his hot love, grunting and thrusting at each spurt. The older woman clung to him as she felt his cock swell up inside her. She moaned and arched her back as she felt him cum, straight into her womb. He never slowed as he kept pumping into her. "I love you, baby, oh God I love you," she moaned into his ear as he filled her to bursting with cum. She rolled him onto his back, still inside her, and rolled her hips to milk out the rest of his cum. She rode him, her hands behind her head, letting him watch her hips undulate. Mark lying on his sweaty back on the bed, his head lying at the edge of the bed as his red, flushed and sweaty face as he stepped back and watched Jenny's hips bounce up and down his cock, his eyes filled with erotic intent. He looked up at Jenny and took a hand and moves it to her huge breast which as soft and pillowy and feeling the soft and smooth texture before moving his index finger and thumb over to her pink nipple and begins softly twisting while Jenny was riding his cock, panting loudly. The older woman slowed her pace, groaning softly as he fondled her. She looked over to Chloe and noticed that her daughter's eyes were beginning to glaze over. The busty older woman took his hand and kissed it sensually. "I love you so much, Mark," she purred down at him. She kissed Mark on the lips and dismounted him and went to fetch her daughter's head. She lifted it up and revitalized Chloe with a kiss. Mark stroked his cock watching intently as Jenny kissed her daughter's still alive severed head as Jenny carried Chloe to the block with her. Just a little longer, baby," she cooed. She carried the head over to the block with her. The older woman knelt before it and leaned down to run her tongue through her daughter's blood. She placed Chloe's head between her thighs and the dying girl eagerly began to lap at her mother's messy cunt. Mark got up and off the bed and grabbed the rope bonds walked towards the block, the cold blood stained stone being occupied by Jenny kneeling with her daughters severed head tonguing her pussy. He went behind Jenny and went down to Jenny's level as Mark moved both hands behind her back as he began tying a tight knot with the leather bonds to lock Jenny into her fate. He then puts his hands over Jenny's cheeks and moves his head closer to Jenny's face to kiss her while she was being pleasure by her daughter. "Well now honey, Are you ready?" he asked, giving a sweet smile. Jenny moaned and arched her back as her daughter's probing tongue teased her clit and her dripping, cum-stained lips. Chloe's tongue was fading; where it had been so energetic before now she was moving slowly, her head beginning to lose the last of its life. Jennifer, at least, would not last as long as Chloe had, so together they could enter Euphoria. She whimpered. "I'm close, baby . . . When I cum I want you to lop me . . . Oh God, I can see it now, I want my head mounted on your wall beside my daughter's . . . I want our bodies to be your fucktoys . . ." She gasped and moaned like a whore. Mark gets up walks over to the block and picks up the heavy scimitar laying flat on the floor by the block, the silver razor sharp steel still stained from Chloe's blood. He lifts the sword in the air with both hands to admire the beautiful shining steel stained with his lover's blood, now soon to be stained with another. He moves it closer to Jenny's neck, her head resting on the stone block. He moves the sharp blade touching Jenny's exposed neck and teases Jenny's beautiful neck with the cold steel. He then positions the heavy blade with both hands on the hilt straight over Jenny's neck, getting ready to make a clean cut that will send Jenny into Euphoria along with her daughter Chloe. The touch of the cold, sharp edge, and the feel of a trickle of blood running along her neck, was what drove it home for the older woman. She was born for this, to die and become a pleasure toy for the man she loved. She squealed, her toes curling, and came hard. She writhed in her bonds, screaming in delight. Chloe's tongue continued to lash at her mother's swollen clit, and the younger girl was rewarded for her efforts with a gush of hot, fragrant nectar. "Now! Lop me, lop me now!" screamed Jenny. Mark watched as Jenny sprayed her warm honey over Chloe's face, his cock getting even hotter as he breathed heavily, resisting the temptation to stroke his cock and lose focus on his job as Jenny's executioner. "Jenny I love you so much baby!" Mark cried out as he lifted the heavy blade over his head and with both hands, he swung the blade downwards onto the exposed neck of Jenny resting on the block. "Oh Fuck, I love you Mark, kill me, kill me ple-" she was decapitated mid-sentence. Her head tumbled into the blood-stained basket. Her body seemed so much more energetic than her daughter's. It went into full-o spasms, her finger's clutching and shaking, her legs giving out and kicking. Her neck spurted blood onto the tarp as her whole body shivered. She seemed to cum again, her nectar arcing out of her her pussy. Her breathing was rapid but quickly slowed. her body began to calm down, and then a hot torrent of piss released itself onto Chloe's upturned face. Chloe, by now, could see the bright light of Euphoria beckoning her, but the piss of her face gave her a hot final reminder of the pleasures of the earthly realm. In the basket Jennifer gasped and looked around wildly. Mark gently put the heavy blade lying down on the tarp as he walked into the basket and reached in and grabbed Jenny's still alive head out of the basket. He holds her head with both hands and looks into the still shining eyes of Jenny and reaches down to kiss her, tasting her saliva mixed in with her blood. He walks over to Jenny's headless body and picked up Chloe's head between Jenny's legs covered in Jenny's sweet nectar and her tangy hot piss and kissed the younger woman's lips, tasting some of Jenny's tangy but salty piss along with Jenny's nectar. He moves both heads down, cock level and turned both heads around to face each other so they can share one last kiss with each other before phasing into Euphoria. The girls kissed languidly, each of them fading quickly. Their lips were warm against each others. Tears streamed from their eyes as life left their decapitated heads. “We're going to be his sex toys,” thought Jenny. “Daddy will mount my head on his wall,” Chloe thought to herself. They went still and silent. The bright, inviting light of Euphoria overwhelmed their senses and Suddenly they were in a large, warm bed together. Mother and daughter were naked, rolling around with each other, kissing, touching, tasting. An older woman appeared; Jennifer's mother, who didn't look a day older than when her father had beheaded her. Mother, daughter, and grandmother slipped into bed together, in a moaning pile of smooth flesh and pale skin. Mark watched the spark of life disappear out of both Chloe and Jenny's eyes. Their eyelids, now empty, their tongues stopping suddenly in each others warm mouths. Their eyelids, now empty, their tongues stopping suddenly in each others warm mouths. He separated the lifeless severed heads from their final kiss as Mark kissed both of them on the lips, saying his final farewells to their souls now departed to Euphoria. He would not miss their sexy heads and bodies, in which he would fuck for the rest of his life. He then took Jenny and Chloe and moved them closer to his shaft and began sliding their hanging tongues onto his cock, their tongues still warm. He moves both heads up and down his cock, moaning and panting deeply with pleasure. Their tongues were still warm and wet and soft against his cock. In Euphoria, Chloe and Jenny suddenly moaned. "Oh, mommy, I can taste Mark's cock!" Chloe squealed as her grandmother lapped at her cunt. Jennifer moaned and bit down on her daughter's nipple. "I can taste him too, baby, he tastes so good!" Mark continued sliding both severed heads up and down his cock until he felt his balls ready to erupt. He quickly and gently put both heads onto the floor as he kneed on to the floor and aimed his cock at Jenny and Chloe's heads. He quickly strokes his cock, moaning “Oh Jenny and Chloe, I'm gonna cum,” as he shoots warm white fluid over Chloe and Jenny's pretty lifeless faces. The heads how no reaction as Mark paints the lifeless faces with his hot cum, their lifeless eyes staring into nothing. “Oh my beautiful daughter Chloe, I can taste his cum in his mouth,” moaned Jenny as she was enjoying her mother licking her cunt in Euphoria “Mommy. I can taste his musky cum too,” cried Chloe as she was licking her mother's pussy. After Mark had some nice hot sex with both the headless bodies and severed heads of Chloe and Jenny, he puts the two heads back into the basket. He takes the basket containing the heads down into the basement where two huge tubs and smaller sized capsules resided. The containers contained a turquoise colored liquid. Mark dunked the heads into the smaller containers to fit the heads. The heads, dunked in the liquids will absorb the liquids, replacing the natural fluids for three days in which the bodies and heads are fully preserved. Mark then goes back upstairs into the bedroom and takes the headless body, one under each arm as he moves the bodies into the basement so they can be dunked into the larger tubs to be preserved. Three days later and the heads and bodies are preserved. Mark takes both of the heads and mounts the heads onto a wooden crest with a material so the heads can be taken and be put back onto the crests on and off. The wooden crests are screwed into the walls of his bedroom. The headless bodies lie on Marks bed, as Mark sleeps with the headless bodies in between him every night and pleasuring himself with the remains of Chloe and Jenny, his two lovers who are enjoying Euphoria.
Chapter 0 - Chapter 1: Angela's introruction
Author's Note This is a series I have been roleplaying with Blau Sturm on F-List since 2015 I believe. I am only posting it now. Enjoy -------------------------- Angela, twenty years old of age smiled as she stepped through the door, taking a look at the main room of the Employees Only section of the Kut Throte Brothel/Strip Club. She'd just finished a Job Interview with the Manager, and was now the newest stripper/prostitute the club had hired. And because she'd been living in a small, dingy apartment, she'd chosen the live-in option, meaning that the club was her home, now. She would only leave for short errands, or when she went on to Euphoria. She simply stood there for a few moments, getting a look at her new home. The employees only area contained many luxury things. The floor was made from marble, and it was covered in a red carpet. There were many female employees mingling together, discussing various matters. A golden chandelier, made from crystals, containing candles that lit the room, hung from the ceiling, located in the center. To the left of the entrance was the trophy room, where the heads and bodies of the strippers who were chosen to perform on that fated friday night resided. The heads were impaled through a pole, impaling their throats, while their headless body was mounted on a pole as well through their pussies. The picture of the deceased stripper was present by their remains, posted on the wall, which was taken during their photoshoot when they first arrived at the club. Two spiral staircases, flanked by a fountain, led to the living quarters of the strippers as well as the administrative offices. Each living quarter contained enough space for two beds, a bathroom, Each living quarter contained enough space for two roommates to live in. Often times, roommates would sleep in separate beds, but after a few weeks or so, they usually traded in their two beds for one big bed to sleep in. To the right of the entrance was the staff room, where staff would enjoy their breaks. It contained luxurious kitchens, and was usually where the employees would eat their meals when they were not working. To the south west portion of the room was a doorway that led to the dressing rooms and the backstage area of the main floor. The dressing rooms were also where meetings were held as well as the drawing for the final performance to the club on the Friday. Angela smiled as she took in her new home. She was going to enjoy living here. Moving into the room from the doorway, she waved as she called out, "Hello there, everyone!!!" One of the women, a dark skinned woman, with purple hair, wearing an orange dress, hanging out by the railing on the upper floor, noticed the redhead woman, wearing a dark red polo shirt with it being unbuttoned, and waved back. She also noticed her carrying luggage in her hand. "Hey there" said the dark skinned woman. "You must be new here" she shouted down to the newcomer. "I am, yeah!" Angela replied, shouting up to the dark-skinned woman. "Name's Angela Asuno, just got hired today! Chose the live-in option, so I'll be here full-time!" "Well, congratulations," said the dark skinned woman. "My name is Meena. You should check in with the secretary over in administration. She can assign you a new dorm room to live in," advised Meena. "Thanks, Meena!" Angela said, as she left her things at the foot of the stairs before heading up to the administrative offices. "Looking forward to working with you!" She smiled somewhat sultrily. "And possibly having some fun with you, too…" she added in a seductive purr. "I look forward to working with you, too, Angela," replied Meena. "I know you'll do great here," she said to her. As Angela left the main lobby of the employee only area, a similar looking dark skinned woman came up beside Meena. "Hey, sis. Who's that you were talking to?" asked the long haired woman. "Hey there, Maya. We have a newcomer today," said Meena. Meena and Maya were twin sisters who were employed at the club for four years. Meena had shorter hair while Maya had longer hair which ran all the way down to her butt. Angela smiled as she entered the administrative offices. She'd seen the other dark-skinned woman come to Meena's side, and knew they were twins. She looked forward to having fun with both of them… First things, first, though - room assignment. She walked up to the secretary's desk, and said, "Hello, Meena said you'd be able to help me get a dorm room assignment? I'm a new live-in hire, just moving in today - Angela Asuno." The secretary looked on her computer as she noticed the redhead walking up to her. "Just one moment" said the secretary as she typed on her computer, looking for the newcomer's file. "Ah here we are, Angela Asuno. Welcome to our establishment. The boss told me that you passed your test with flying colors" she said to Angela "I knew I got the job, just didn't know how well I'd passed his test… wow," Angela commented. "Still, glad to be working and living here, regardless. My previous apartment was tiny and not a place I wanted to stay in for long." "Then it is a good thing you decided to move in once you got the job" said the secretary. One of the perks of working at the Kut Throte was the access to luxury facilities on the club. "Anyways let's get you all set up here. Wait one moment." The secretary got up to her seat and got into a room, picking up a key. She returned to the main office where she sat back down on her chair, handing Angela the key. "Here." "That's fine," Angela replied. "Looking forward to having a roommate." She pocketed the key for the moment. "That all you need me for, or should I go introduce myself to my roommate?" "You should go introduce yourself to Olivia," said the secretary. "She's a nice woman but very shy. She gets ogled by most of our patrons" "Right," Angela replied, smiling. "Might see about helping her… relieve some stress, too…" she added. "Well, thanks for the help, and I look forward to working with you!" "You're welcome" said the secretary. "Anyways, if you need anything, be sure to let us know," the secretary added as she returned to working on her computer. "I will," Angela replied, as she left the Administrative offices, descended back to the main floor, then carried her luggage up the other spiral staircase to the dormitories. Entering the dorms, she made her way to Room 233, before getting her key out of her pocket and using it to open the door, then proceeding to carry her luggage into her new room. Olivia, wearing her black tights and a grey sweater, was lying on her bed, looking at the ceiling. The door was locked when she heard it suddenly unlock. She alarmingly got up, nervous at who it was. "Wh-Who is it," she shyly said quietly as the door was being unlocked. "Hey," Angela said as she came in, looking at her pink-haired roommate. "You must be Olivia. I'm Angela, just hired today. Looks like we're going to be roommates." She smiled. "Nice to meet you!" Olivia's pink haired was tied. into a ponytail and her hair was braided into two braids. which hung out from the front. She looked up at her new roommate who introduced herself. "uh… I-… S-ee… H-Hi. My name is… Olivia" she said in a very quiet tone which was hard to hear. Angela heard it, but just barely. "I heard the secretary mention you were shy, but if anything, I think she was understating it," she said. "It's okay, I don't bite… unless you want me to, anyway…" She smiled seductively at Olivia. Olivia stared shyly at Angela. She trembled in nervousness, wrapping her arms around her body as she put on an aura of defense, looking at her new roommate who just gave a seductive smile. "U-Um…" she quietly muttered "Wow, you need a lot more self-confidence," Angela remarked. "I know some guys like the shy type, but you're not just shy, you're timid." Setting her bag down, she smiled, as she began to pull off her shirt. "Let me… help you with that…" she purred. "U-uh… What are you d-ddoing?" she stuttered, obviously shocked at Angela suddenly removing her top off. She put both palms flat on the bed. As Angela finished pulling off her shirt, exposing her above average breasts because she didn't wear a bra, she said, "You're very beautiful, Olivia. And to be honest, when I had a roommate in college, the first thing I did after meeting her was… getting to know her." She smiled seductively again. "And I don't mean in the way of asking questions and learning her personality and history - that happened naturally, over time. I mean it in a more… intimate sense… and I would like to get to know you the same way… see if I can help you become a bit more confident, even if you're still fairly shy…" Olivia had a good look of Angela's exposed breasts, which caused blood to run up to her face. "Uh.. t-thank you," mumbled Olivia who responded to Angela's compliment. "Well… Okay" she mumbled at Angela. "That’s… why I'm exactly at this club," she said. Olivia joined the Kut Throte in order to help her self confidence, wanting to meet new kinds of people with different personalities, learning to interact with them in various ways. "Glad to hear I'm helping with your goals," Angela replied, as she began dropping her pants, revealing a pair of dark red panties. "Would you… like me to help you out of your own clothes?" "Y-yes please," she said nervously as her face blushed bright red. She scooched over to the side of the bed and sat down, putting her hands on her thighs. Sliding her panties down to her ankles before stepping out of them, Angela slowly walked over to Olivia, swaying her hips seductively, before taking hold of the waistline of Olivia's sweater and beginning to pull it up and off of Olivia's body… Olivia stretched her arms out in the air, letting the grey sweater slide off her shoulders. Olivia was wearing a pink lacy bra which covered her B-cup breasts. Her nervousness caused her to cross her right arm over her pink bar laden breasts. Angela gently pried the arm away from Olivia's breasts. "No need to hide them," she said. "They may be small, but some girls and guys love smaller breasts." She then reached down to Olivia's waist again, taking hold of Olivia's tights. "Mind lifting up a bit so I can pull these off?" she asked. Olivia hesitated "O-Okay" she said as she got off the bed, standing up so Angela had some room to take off her tights. "Y-you can… go ahead…. if you want" she stuttered. Angela did so, pulling Olivia's tights down far enough that she could let them just drop the rest of the way to the floor, noticing Olivia had a pair of panties the same shade as her bra. "Wow… you're really beautiful, Olivia…" Angela said, before pulling her roommate into a kiss. Olivia's eyes shot wide open as she was suddenly pulled, feeling Angela's warm lips touch her own. She calmed her surprised emotions down, and moved her tongue inside Angela's mouth. Angela moaned into the kiss as her tongue explored Olivia's mouth, dancing with Olivia's tongue, even as her hands undid the clasp on Olivia's bra, dropping it to the floor before moving to slide Olivia's panties down… She felt Angela undoing her bra as she felt the cotton fall across the body and onto the floor. She moaned back, as she continued flicking her tongue against Angela's. She then felt her panties being tugged at, feeling the piece of stringy material slide slowly across her bare legs, exposing her pussy with a strip of pink pubic hair above her clit. As Angela let Olivia's panties drop the rest of the way to the floor, her left hand embraced Olivia again as her right went down to her pussy, and began rubbing a finger along her slit… Olivia cried as she felt her slit being played with. "Ahhh… Nooooo! N… not there," she moaned. A coil began to build up as her clitoris was hardening. "Relax, Olivia," Angela cooed. "Let me give you pleasure…" She continued rubbing Olivia's slit before pushing a finger into her depths, even as she felt her own arousal building… Olivia continued her squealing as her sweet nectar started leaking out of her aroused pussy. She squealed louder as she felt her warm fingers penetrate inside her Angela moaned out, before guiding one of Olivia's hands to her own dampening pussy, placing a finger up against her slit. She moaned louder, even as she slipped a second finger into Olivia's pussy… Olivia's hands followed Angela as they were guided to her pussy. Olivia began stroking Angela's vulva with her finger, which was damp with Angela's sweet nectars. Olivia kept moaning and moaning as Angela's two fingers were working inside of her. "Oh… ahn… Olivia… it's so good…" Angela moaned out as her pleasure continued rising, as the pace of her fingers in Olivia's pussy grew faster… "Ahhn… Angela… What are you… doing" she moaned out as she felt the increased pace of her stimulation. "You're… gonna… make me…scream, if… you… ahgn… don't stop." she squealed out in bliss. Her finger entered Angela's pussy, moving her finger round and round inside her vaginal opening "Yes… Oh… that's it…" Angela moaned, feeling her pleasure rising, greatly enjoying what Olivia was doing. "S… Scream for me… let me hear your passion and pleasure…" She added a third finger to Olivia's pussy, even as her own moans increased… As Angela put a third finger into her pussy, thrusting faster, Olivia could feel the sensation of her bladder filling. "N… no. I'll pee …if you don't… stop" she cried, obviously enjoying Angela's handiwork. Olivia began thustting her finger upwards inside her slick vaginal tunnel. "Go ahead…" Angela moaned. "I… I don't mind your cum… being mixed with urine - AH!" Her moans turned into a gasp as Olivia hit a sensitive spot, and her pleasure spiked. She wasn't cumming yet, but she was getting very close… Olivia was moaning at her own pleasure, her vaginal secretions flowing out of her pussy even more as her arousal peaked. Olivia knew she hit her g-spot as she continued stimulating that area her her fingers, now soaked in vaginal juices "Olivia…" Angela moaned out. "Olivia… OliviaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she came, her love juices flooding out of her pussy over Olivia's hand, even as she added a fourth finger to bring Olivia to orgasm… "Angela… I'm… gonna… gonna. P… pp… pPEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She screamed out loud as she arched her back and bucked her hips as clear, vaginal fluids sprayed warmly onto Angela's hands. The two held onto each other as they rode out their orgasms, before dropping to their knees in exhaustion. "S… so…" Angela panted. "H… how… was that…?" "Hah… hah… hahhhh…" Olivia panted. "That… felt… amazing." she added. "How… did ……I do…" Olivia asked. "You did… great…" Angela replied. "I'm… going to enjoy… having you as… a roommate…" she said. Soon, though, there was a knocking at the door. Olivia continued panting as she heard the knocking. "L..let me get that" Olivia panted as she slowly got up, put a towel over her body and slowly walked to the door and opened it. On the other side of the door was an older woman with VERY impressive breasts, likely F-cups or larger, with black hair falling to her waistline and amber eyes, and clad in a dark blue dress with short sleeves. "Hello, Olivia," she said in a motherly voice. "I hope I didn't catch you coming out of the shower." At the same time, Angela began slowly returning to her own feet as she regained her own strength… "Uh… H-hello Sophia. W-what brings you H-h… ere?" Olivia asked Sophia nervously .The person at the door created an aura of respect and nervousness around Olivia as she was the oldest employee working at the age of fifty seven and still looking very fine and in her prime, at the club. "I just wanted to check in on you," Sophia replied. "Well, that and I heard you got the latest newbie as a roommate, so I wanted to say hi to her." "Y-yeah, sure. C-come… in" she said as the sweat of nervousness rolled down her face as her heart rate increased. Obviously Olivia admired and respected the club veteran. Olivia steps out of the doorway, allowing the older woman access. As Sophia stepped aside, Angela turned to see the newcomer, and gave a slight wave. "Yo," she said, not really worried about her current state of dress. Sophia's face flushed as she beheld Angela's nude form, and the clothes strewn about, not to mention the puddles on the floor. "Oh… I see what I came in on now…" After a moment, she smiled teasingly at Olivia. "How was it?" she asked. "W… w… what?" She asked, knowing that Sophia was teasing Olivia."I… it appears that I spilled a couple of buckets of water on the floor," Olivia said, obviously embarrassed and lying through her teeth "That doesn't look like water, Olivia," Sophia said, smiling. She turned to Angela. "I'm Sophia. I'm pretty much the oldest one here, so I'm sort of the mother figure among our group." "I'm Angela," the redhead replied. "Nice to meet you." She grinned. "And Olivia's really skilled, if a bit timid - if she got a bit more self-confidence, she could have patrons eating out of the palm of her hand." "T-thank you," Olivia said with a tone of shyness and gratitude. "E-ven though you just got here… you… really helped me a lot. T-Thank you" she said to Angela, the newcomer "You're welcome," Angela replied, smiling at Olivia. "I really enjoyed the sex. I'm looking forward to being your roommate, and getting to know you… becoming your friend… and perhaps more," she admitted. "I'm glad to see you two getting along so well already," Sophia said with a smile, though it was somewhat bittersweet. "What's up?" Angela asked. "Well…" Sophia began, "I haven't told this to anyone else yet, and don't intend to tell anyone else, but I feel you two should know… I plan on retiring next year if I don't get picked to ride the guillotine before then…" "W-wh… WHAT?" Olivia exclaimed in surprise. Olivia was impressed and astonished on how Sophia managed to survive for decades, avoiding drawing guillotine duty. "You’re l-leaving u-u… us," she shyly said. Of course every female employee was going to leave the club at some point. "Yes…" Sophia replied. "I've spent some good times with you and all the rest, Olivia, and definitely consider you one of my daughters, even if I didn't give birth to you…" She sighed. "But, I've lived a good long life. I'm ready to finally rest, and go on to the eternal pleasures of Euphoria…" She turned to Angela. "Angela, I know you only just joined us, and I'd imagine this is a pretty serious request, but please… take care of Olivia for me once I'm gone." Angela nodded. "I will," she said, smiling gently at her roommate. "I promise." "T-Thank you. That… m-means a lot to me. Like the others, we always… looked up… to you as a mother… and a person of g-great respect," she said, smiling at the experienced older woman. "I know, and I thank you," Sophia replied. "And I'm glad that you'll personally be in good hands, if what I can see of Angela is any indication…" Angela nodded. "She is," she replied. "I'll take good care of her." And so ended Angela's first day at the Club - because she was moving in full-time, she was given the first night off so she could settle in. And with the already developing connections to her roommate, Olivia, it looked to be the start of a long and interesting career…
Chapter 1 - Compassion
1 Compassion           Obi-Wan swiftly approached the doors of the Council chamber. Since he was now a Council member, he didn't actually need permission to enter, but he decided to wait at the doors. He used this brief period to calm, collect himself, and prepare for the unpleasant, if not heated argument to follow. The floor of ancient hardwood was as polished and smooth as usual. It's ornate design of alternating light and dark woods were placed to depict an impression of the sun. The circle, of light wood, and the rays, of alternating light and dark wood in a zig-zag covered the floor, each of the large rays ended at the feet of a Council seat. As Obi-Wan entered, he noticed several of the Masters were present in those seats. Very unusual in a time of war.   "Morning, Master Kenobi. A request for us, you have, hmm?" Master Yoda stated in a knowing tone as he glanced upwards at the man standing before him. Instead of heading to his chair as usual, Obi-Wan chose to stand in the exact centre of the room, all eyes on him as he answered the question. "Yes masters, now you mention it." He had decided to be as relaxed as possible about his request. Standing before the assembled Jedi Masters, Kenobi's demeanour was relaxed, his right arm folded under the left, which absent-mindedly stroked his beard. His trademark stance employed to keep the pretence of a casual conversation as if among friends. "Interesting this is-casual you are, but concern I sense in you." Yoda clearly wasn't buying the relaxed approach. "Hmm, very well master," Obi-Wan replied slowly. Glancing around at the masters seated immediately in front of him, he began explaining why he was really there.      "You behave casually, as though relaxed, but we know you are here for something important. I suggest you tell us quickly as we are all busy," Master Windu ordered maliciously, his mouth tightened and staring eyes widened at Kenobi. "I believe this Council has recently made very grave errors, both in practice and in judgement, concerning important matters to our future. Therefore I request you-" "And of what errors do you speak?" Windu suddenly interrupted, rather contumaciously, his eyes and nostrils flaring in defense. "I am referring to the errors and unfortunate events surrounding Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Tano," clearly disgruntled at the earlier interruption, Obi-Wan answered as he continued. "Masters, I'm sure you are all aware of the psychological pain he is in over her departure-" "It was her decision to leave, Obi-Wan," interjected Shaak Ti this time. In truth, she was deeply disappointed and angered by the whole affair, having considered Ahsoka as her Togrutan successor, representing her people on the Council. It had even shaken her beliefs in the Jedi Code so deeply she had thought of leaving to care for and protect Ahsoka. "I know Master Ti, but it was this Council that drove her to that decision. And now Anakin is paying the price; because of our decision he cannot perform his duties." Obi-Wan was starting to get a bit more forceful in his words, determined to fight for Ahsoka as he should have before. "But we did not drive her to anything," protested Master Mundi. Shaking his head and waving his left arm to dismiss Kenobi's words as he spoke. It was obvious he felt their original decisions had been correct. "Oh, didn't we?" Replied Obi-Wan with obvious sarcasm. He was making sure to include himself in this one, he was a Council member after all. "We didn't trust her enough to listen to her. We expelled her and turned her over to a corrupt government so people think we work for the senate!" Exasperated, he continued, "It's obvious to me the girl lost her faith in us after that. I don't blame her either," he added, looking at the appalled faces sitting before him. "You know the reasons why we had to do that Obi-Wan," spat Windu in an irate tone. Clearly he wanted to pass through the topic as quickly and without as much detail as possible. "What I know is that it was convenient. It was wrong and you all know it! Not only have we lost a most promising padawan, Anakin has lost faith in the Council and in the Code." He paused for a moment, before adding, "As have I." "Qui-Gon's attitude, I sense in you. Need that, you do not," Yoda responded, facing  the floor to hide his rising emotions. Oh I don't, do I? Obi-Wan thought to himself before responding, "Qui-Gon Jinn was considered one of the great Jedi of our time." Thinking of his former master, muscles around his eyes spasming wildly as his body functions became erratic. "Would he have stood idly by whilst Ahsoka was put through a nightmare like that? No, he would have stood right by her-knowing her innocence. No matter what the consequences were, he would have defended her......as I now know I should have." Turning slightly, Obi-Wan directed his next statement directly at Master Windu, "I myself am beginning to see that is the most important part-the single most important duty of a Jedi...to show compassion." He finished quietly, considering its meaning. "Not placating the senate's progress to improve your own standings!" He burst out. His entire life had been dedicated to serving the Republic and the Jedi Order, yet here were his comrades, trying to undermine everything he had worked for. "You bring our entire mandate in the Republic into question, Obi-Wan?" Barked Windu. "No. I am merely pointing out we have lost compassion, an important aspect of being a Jedi." In truth, he was questioning the Jedi's role in the war. Bariss Offee had been correct about that at least; even Obi-Wan could see it. "We are at war, Master Kenobi!" Exclaimed Master Ti. "I have not forgotten. I simply wonder what we are willing to do for that war," Obi-Wan let out that response before he could help it. "Hmm, sounding like Padawan Offee, you are Obi-Wan. Troubling that may prove." Yoda stated, furrowing his brow. Shaking his head, Obi-Wan responded, "No, Master Yoda. What she did was wrong. All I'm proposing is we do something about the situation we created through our own mistakes-not anyone else's. For us to pull-back from the direction we are heading. It is a deep, dark hole I see for us if we continue." "And what do you propose?" Master Windu replied cantankerously with the venom and condescension apparent in his voice. "First, we need to do something to allay Anakin's fears, masters. He cannot properly serve the Jedi nor the Republic in his present state." "Hmm, in turmoil young Skywalker is. Teach another he shall. Help take his mind off his former student, it will." Yoda said. He hoped a new padawan would help Skywalker recover from his sudden loss, but he was too old and too smart to think that. He knew something else needed doing. Something revolutionary. Oh no. He's not really going down that route is he? Surely not a new padawan? Obi-Wan asked himself in horror. "Are you sure that's the best idea master? Anakin won't be happy to replace Ahsoka. It may affect how he teaches a new padawan." "It will help him cut his attachment to Padawan Tano," Windu agreed with Yoda. To him, anything bar agreeing with Kenobi was alright at the moment. Sighing, Master Plo added his opinion. Having meditated, mentally focussing himself the entire time, he had considered everything said and ensured his voice was reserved for a stronger argument. "I agree. Whilst I am saddened Little 'Soka decided to forge her own path, Skywalker must concentrate on someone new. His staying in the past does not help anyone and cannot continue forever." The other Council members either nodded or murmured agreement, all except Windu who glared at the floor as Yoda stated, "Decided, it is. Choose for himself, a new student Skywalker will. Inform him you shall, Obi-Wan." Oh yes, that's going to be fun. But maybe now I can finally get what I came for, Obi-Wan thought with a slight smirk. He paused for a second, then replied, "Yes masters. But, may I suggest their first mission?" He added, a faint glimmer of hope on his face. "Interesting, Master Kenobi. Seems you played us, it does,' the little green man gave a slight chuckle. He seemed to know what Obi-Wan would suggest. "And what mission would this be?" Enquired Master Mundi. "I suggest we allow Anakin to finally put this matter to rest." He glanced around at their quizzical expressions, or in the case of Master Yoda, a small smile. "What I suggest is; we send Anakin, and whoever his new apprentice may be, to find her and assure her well being and safety. This I believe, may restore  some of his faith in the Council and will help him get past the apparent depression he is struggling with." "Share his fears for young Ms Tano, you do Obi-Wan? Good it is to see such loyalty and friendship, especially in these times." Yoda was sure some of the other Council members knew, as he had, that they had been duped. "I admit I do, masters-for Ahsoka is still a young child. One with precious little credits and no ability to earn more or to provide for herself." Now he turned to address this next statement to Master Ti. "The Jedi Order was all she ever knew. Ever since Master Plo found her as a youngling and brought her back her, she has never needed to, or indeed learnt to provide housing and food for herself on any kind of expected basis. She doesn't even have the skills to find employment, because at the very least, she would have been part of the Service Corps," he turned back to Yoda as he finished, "But surely we owe it to Ahsoka to make sure she's still alive. If we hadn't taken her to become a Jedi, she would've learnt these skills with her family. Because of us and what we have done, she is in danger." The Council members looked at each other before nodding slowly. "The Council agrees to this, but I request it be on the condition you accompany them, if only to keep an eye on Skywalker and prevent anything we wouldn't authorise," stated Master Windu. "Understood," he replied. Considering Windu's last few words, everyone in the room knew he didn't agree with the ruling he had declared. "A compelling argument you have presented, Master Kenobi." Yoda said, cutting Windu off from further remarks. "Agree with you on this, I do. Dismissed you are." Yoda said, moving his hand toward the doorway. Yoda was anticipating their finding Ahsoka. He always disliked the Order losing a single youngling, let alone a padawan if knight and was hoping to gain a particularly talented padawan back soon. After losing twenty Jedi over the previous years, many of whom were revered and some who held the title of Master, Yoda wanted nothing over than to keep those he still had, and to do everything to protect them from the Dark. Obi-Wan bowed and headed from the chamber, his mind working frantically on how to inform Anakin. The part about a new apprentice was going to be difficult to explain, he knew, let alone actually finding one. But I can't go back now, can I? He thought with a sigh. I've already started on this path and should see it through.   ***   A place overlooking billions of Republic citizens. The only place to do so safely in these troubled times. He came here often to think, occasionally with another Jedi Master. The ancient stone surrounded the spire's tip. Here, just above the Council chambers was the highest anyone could get, and only few ever got there. He stood alone on the balcony of the central spire of the Jedi Temple. It circled completely around the tower, only one opening the size of a single doorway connected it to the inside. The railing, coming to one-third the wall's height, was a detailed artwork of metal depicting the figures and faces of various Jedi from the course of history. The floor was one-metre wide, allowing only one to comfortably walk abreast. Parallel to the floor was the roof. On a slight angle, it deflected light during the day, affording anyone on the balcony to look without being seen. The Jedi Temple was created millennia ago. It was meant to demonstrate they worked together; one massively tall tower amid four slightly shorter ones-that their common goals raised them to new heights. But he knew that was no longer the case. For months now, he had felt tremors in the Force. In fact, they started when Master Kenobi, Knight Skywalker and padawan Tano journeyed to Mortis. He knew then that something was wrong-an imbalance he had never known before. And from their reports they had encountered the Three: the Father; sense, reason and balance in the Force: the Daughter; Light side of the Force-selflessness, care and compassion for others: and the Son; Dark side of the Force-selfishness, destruction and hatred. He had thought all three were beyond anyone's ability to reach, but- Now he sensed a new presence with him atop the tower. Dark, angered, troubled. It was quickly moving toward him from the second tier of the Council chambers.   "Master Windu, something to discuss have you?" Yoda enquired, concerned for his fellow Jedi Master. His patience was beginning to wear thin as he reluctantly began the seemingly pointless conversation. Stopping just behind the Grand Master, he looked over the balcony, away from Yoda towards the skyline of brightly lit towers and air-speeders; an iconic slice of Coruscant. "Why did we let him win like that? Why must we do what he wants us to?" Windu shot almost immediately. With his hooded robe on, his fury was unseeable, yet easily sensed by nearby Jedi. "Concerned you are, but for the wrong reasons. Redeem ourselves, we must. Correct mistakes, prevent future ones, and help others is what must be done. Let Obi-Wan win, I did not." Yoda answered. "We shouldn't have let him fool us like that. You should have let me put a stop to it. It's going to destroy the Jedi if we disobey the Code like that again." Windu continued ferociously, pounding his fist into the ancient, now shaking, railing. "Destroy us, it will not. Tighten us, draw us closer it will. To forgive Padawan Tano, and trust her friends you need. Understand you shall, some day." Lowering his head, Yoda began reminiscing about the better days for the Jedi and the Republic. He recalled when there was peace, when the Sith were thought extinct, when he was sure of the Code, and of the values it instilled. But no longer. He no longer believed as he once had. He no longer trusted the old ways completely, knowing something was wrong. That something was missing in the Jedi that needed to be found. "Master Windu: to stop this attack on Master Obi-Wan you are and forgive Ms. Tano completely we shall." Yoda commanded. "But-" "That is all," croaked the old Jedi, interrupting Mace to do so.   As Windu swiftly left him alone on the balcony overlooking Coruscant, Yoda went back into meditation, focusing on the Three, the Sith threat and, most importantly, on Ahsoka. Master Plo, he called through the Force and almost as if a spirit, he appeared, walking around the tower from where he had listened to the conversation. "Walk with me, please." "You have made your decision, Master Yoda?" Enquired Koon, as he followed Yoda thought the opening back into the second tier balcony inside the Council chambers, his voice distorted as usual from his face mask. "Follow Master Kenobi's progress, you are to. To be found, young Ms. Tano is, look after her we need to." And there it was. He'd finally made the final decision, one that would either restore the old Jedi ways or bring about its eventual downfall. Knowing the possible consequences, he decided bringing Master Plo into the hunt was wise, no one had a stronger desire to protect Ahsoka than the man who found her and brought her to the Temple. "Master Yoda," Koon began, "What if she is not well? If we were to find her unable to continue by herself of otherwise incapacitated; should she be left where she is, or be brought back and cared for?" "Already know the answer, hmmm-care for her. Master Obi-Wan, right he was. Compassion is a Jedi's call, not the Senate. Trust you to care for Ahsoka I do. Accompany you, Master Ti you shall." With that, Yoda began his long, slow walk back through the temple, leaving Koon in the chambers to think about Ahsoka.   Little 'Soka, the most promising padawan in years. One of the most talented dual-wielding Jedi, and one of the nicest, most caring, moral and compassionate Jedi he had ever known. She was definitely one of the best Jedi in history...But just how had she gotten into this position? How does anyone have this happen to them? And why her? Why not someone else? Koon's mind was going over the same thoughts over and over again, trying to comprehend the events and reasons that had brought the young Jedi to her current predicament. It was worse than the Clone Wars, the Sith threat, even the wars of millennia past. Because of what had happened to 'Soka, the Jedi were being torn apart, the revolutionary and free-thinkers were opposing the old and traditionalist Jedi. Circling back to Ahsoka, he tried to reach her through the Force as he had tried for weeks now, ever since she left. At the same time Koon was reaching through the Force, Master Yoda did the exact same, yet both failed in the attempt. Somehow, they both sensed it. She was lost, gone forever.
Chapter 6 - 6
6             The sky above Rattagul was grey earlier, but now it was turning a rich shade of purple. Dark patches marched across the sky, with small latches of light occasionally breaking through the thick shield. Throughout the area, people had finished their business and work, returning home to their families. As it was early evening, everyone was inside, enjoying the company of their family and friends, completely careless about the impending storm.   ***   After having found Ahsoka's body lying on the dirty floor, Obi-Wan had thought to bury her here on Shilli, but reconsidered for a state funeral or at the very least a Jedi service back at the Temple. He knew they would face the wrath of Shaak Ti and Plo Koon if they wouldn't in attendance. It wasn't until Anakin had examined Ahsoka's body that any plan arose. Master, he had said, as he pointed out Kenobi's mistake. There's still a pulse. And in that moment, they each knew she was alive, and their hope rekindled with newfound energy. Calling Katooni to tell her to prepare the speeder, Anakin ensured she wouldn't see Ahsoka for now, it wasn't right. Obi-Wan had already told him Katooni would find out at some point and they couldn't keep her from Ahsoka the entire trip. Obi-Wan decided she would be in charge of looking over Ahsoka. Still kneeled beside Ahsoka, Obi-Wan was using the limited medical equipment he had to check her vital-signs. Since they had first arrived, Ahsoka had been woken by a small dose of stimulants, but didn't have the strength to speak with them and had eventually fallen into sleep. Her heart was barely pulsing, her lungs inhaling and exhaled intermittently and infrequently every few seconds. Visibly, she wasn't right either. Her lips were a dull blue, her veins were visible through her seemingly translucent skin and her bones were obvious angles and protrusions from her body. Clearly, she wasn't up to walking from the house back to the speeder. After being called into the old house, Katooni slowly wandered her way in, glancing around fervently at the walls and furniture. She knew they had found Ahsoka, but didn't know anything else apart from that Ahsoka needed stimulants and intravenous fluids. Approaching a large wooden table, she could see Anakin and Obi-Wan's torsos, but they were facing away from her, hiding their emotions. Finally coming up next to them, Katooni saw what they were doing: Anakin held a small satchel of fluids attached to Ahsoka's arm by a long, thin transparent medical-tube. She could tell Ahsoka wasn't in a good condition by their faces, and by the malnourished state of Ahsoka's body. Looking up, Kenobi saw the padawan and beckoned for her to join at his side. "Now, Katooni, Ahsoka isn't well. I'm not sure what's been going on her, but we need to get her back to the Temple." Pausing slightly at the expression on Anakin's face, he continued, "The Council will allow us to have Ahsoka treated there for as long as she needs. In the meantime, I'm relying on you to look after her. Anakin will be flying the ship back to Coruscant and I'll be sending and receiving a lot of communiqués about this. "They wouldn't want her condition to deteriorate any more than it already has. And please keep in mind she doesn't have to come back with us, I'll be satisfied even if we have to leave her at a local hospital, but only if she specifically asks not to be taken back. Understood? Good." Kenobi finished to their nods of agreement. Rising from his squat, Obi-Wan directed Anakin and Katooni as they raised Ahsoka; Anakin lifting her shoulders, and Katooni lifting the legs. Tenderly, they led her out of the house and through the village toward their speeder. Obi-Wan walked ahead and opened the side door so they could easily walk up the ramp. "Anakin, take her into the back area. Prepare to take us back to Rattagul, I'm going to have a final look around the house before we leave."   ***   "Um...Katooni? Could you come here for a minute?" Anakin asked nervously of his padawan. She was sitting in the back area looking after Ahsoka as they made they way back to Courscant and the Jedi Temple. "Yes, master?" Katooni responded almost immediately as she made her way to the cockpit. Staring down into his face, her exuberance at finding Ahsoka was evident. "I, uh....I feel we need to start making arrangements for when we do get back. I don't know whether Ahsoka's going to want to stay somewhere else after she gets out of hospital, but I don't know if she might want to stay I our quarters. She's used to them and they're familiar to her, so I think it might be best. If she does want to stay there, you get my room and Ahsoka goes back to her old one. I'll just stay somewhere else, okay?" "This doesn't mean you're not my padawan anymore-you still are. It's just, I think its best for Ahsoka to go back to things she was used to and is comfortable with. Having her old room back might be something that'll remind her how much she enjoyed being a Jedi and how much she misses it. But more importantly, she won't feel likes he's been dropped somewhere completely new. It's pretty much the same as when she left, so I think it'll be a comfortable place for her." "I understand why you'd want to tell me, but I'm happy as long as Ahsoka gets the care she needs. As long as she's healthy again, I'm fine with living anywhere." "Well Katooni, that's a good attitude to have, it's just is wanted to run this by you before anything happened. Its good you feel that way, it's very mature. No doubt Master Kenobi would say something sensitive about your character, but I think it's more important you know that you're going to become a great Jedi one day. At the moment you're a great padawan, but someday, you'll be a master on the council-I'm sure of it." Giggling, Katooni rebuked him quickly, "I'm only a padawan at the moment, master! Keep in mind I've got to become a knight first." Laughing along with her as though all his worries had been lifted that day, Anakin replied, "We both know you're going to become a knight-it's just a matter of when. Honestly Katooni, you're one of the best padawans I've ever seen. Keep up the good work and you'll be a knight within a couple of years." "Master, you know I don't like it when you talk like that. You make me feel all self conscious and like I've got to be the best," she said shyly. "Come on, Katooni. It's only a bit of fun and the truth," Anakin said. He knew she wasn't he most confident, nor was she the outright best, but she did have the necessary qualities and drive to become the best. "Anyway, now you know what's happening, could you continue looking after Ahsoka for me?" He asked. "Ok. If you need me, just call," she said. Walking back to where Ahsoka was sleeping on the bunk, Katooni sat back onto her chair and resumed reading the magazine she had been enjoying. Before diving back into the current article, she remembered how much Ahsoka had helped her on Ilum, and especially on Florrum. She truly hoped Ahsoka would get better soon.   ***   "Yes, I know Master Yoda, but it's past that point now. I feel Ahsoka should come back to the Temple, you feel Master Windu has to apologise: it's obvious, isn't it? I bring Ahsoka back, provided she doesn't object, and then Mace can apologise in person without having to travel out here. I'm sure Ahsoka would appreciate an apology. She might not want it, nor may she believe it, or accept it, but it's just that the apology needs to come sometime and it's probably best coming from him." Nodding his head, Yoda physically showed his consent long before he verbally agreed. He was going over everything he knew of the young Togrutan padawan: her behaviour, character, ethics, morals and mindset. Adding everything together, he still couldn't be sure for certain on how she might react to an apology, let alone one coming from Mace, the man who had chiefly led the prosecution case against her. Finally, he came to a conclusion. "Bring her here, if you must. The best option, this may prove. Leave her alone, you will if she asks; but bring her here you will, otherwise." "Whilst I appreciate your agreement with me on this, master, I won't allow her to come back to the Temple only for her to get hurt even more. She didn't deserve what has happened to her already, and I will not allow the council to hurt her any further. If this in any way hurts her, I promise you now I will never forget it." "Being reasonable, you are not. Your demands, reasonable they are." "It's not that I want to a antagonise any of the other councillors; it's just I can't allow anything else to happen to her. If she sees this as a joke, or feels you aren't being genuine, she won't give you the time to explain or change her mind. She spent over a month in the wilderness fending for herself. And what did she get for it? She almost died of starvation. "Please, I implore you to consider how you approach this very carefully.  You know we can't afford to alienate Ahsoka; she's the Jedi's future as far as the masters are concerned. But we don't need to consider that far into the future if she won't even rejoin us. "Please, make sure you do this carefully," Kenobi finished. "Worry, you do not need. My best intentions and fullest attention, I give to Padawan Tano." Yoda replied. He had been considering how to bring Ahsoka back into the Jedi since just after she left, and now he knew it was almost to fruition. Being so close though, he was still patient enough to keep his cards hidden, making sure his plan didn't fail. "Contact you later, I will. May the Force be with you, Master Kenobi." Yoda closed off the communication channel on the panel in front of him. He was standing in a situation room high up in the Jedi Temple. It wasn't the largest, nor the best furnished, of these rooms, but it did have the best communication consoles there were. Without adjusting settings, they were able to reach their forces out in the Outer Rim without even linking comms along the way. But he wasn't still in the room just to look around and marvel at technology, he had another communication to make. Inputting a long combination of characters, he cleared the lockouts and opened the encoding. Using a Jedi-only wavelength, Master Yoda began the transmission: the holo image inf don't of him reassembled into into the form of Plo Koon's upper body. "Ahh...Master Yoda, you got back to us I see. Do you have something to report?" He asked through the heavy muffling effect of his respirator. "Not to report, only to inform," Yoda answered. "Bring Ahsoka to the Temple, imperative it is. Whether here or not, speak to her, communicate and console her, I must." "Understood, master. We will ensure she arrives safely. But, what of Kenobi?" "Unsure, he is. Obi-Wan doubts which is the right course, I sense. Conflicted internally, he is. Wants to bring her back, he does, yet he won't go against her will. A strong constitution they both have, but I the end, only one can win...padawan Tano will be that winner,' Yoda supplied. "Yes, Master Yoda," was Shaak Ti's response. She had been listening in from just a metre apart from Koon. "But I wonder, if he doesn't want to bring her back and takes her to a local hospital, are we authorised to retrieve her and exercise extreme prejudice in doing so?" Shaak asked this genuinely concerned. She knew that if Yoda said "yes," it would mean the Jedi were taking a serious turn for the worst. If they were ordered, or even allowed, to do so, then the Jedi would lost their moral and ethical standing. Yoda, meanwhile, was standing perfectly still, his face a scrunched expression showing his inner turmoil between himself and the darkness that always followed him around. Finally coming to a decision after almost five minutes, he spoke, "No. If padawan Tano consents not to returning, nothing you can do about it. Travel to Shilli myself, I will, in such a circumstance." "Understood," both Shaak and Plo said in unison. "Speak with you later, I will. Regrettable this whole affair is, yet, at least attempt to salvage it we must. Thank you," Yoda finished. "Goodbye, master," was Koon's simple farewell. "Thank you, master. I appreciate your candor and openness in this matter. It is important to all of us that Ahsoka is looked after-we won't let her down," came Shaak's emotional closing. "Aware, I am. Thankful, I am also." Closing off the comm-link, Yoda couldn't look up. He knew he had let Ahsoka down during the trial and regretted he had left it this long to make amends. Since the trial, the shadow in his heart had forced itself upon him. Weighing him down, it had kept him from his usual teaching and instruction for padawans in the Temple. It had also stopped him from his regular study and writing in the Temple archives and library. This left him feeling empty and directionless during the days he spent meditating, occasionally wandering around  the Temple to connect with others. That's it, he decided. No longer, sorry for myself will I feel.   ***     "Aayla, Aayla," Fisto said affectionately, bringing her back from her own quiet musings. "Hmm...yes?" She replied, lifting her head to see a wide grin. "Why don't we give her something to cheer her up?" Master Fisto suggested in his thick accent. It was mid-morning and Aayla had been with the Nautolan master for hours. He had already come up with several unlikely ideas for gifts the High Council could give Ahsoka. Aayla and Kit often spent time together, and, in an ideal week, they would spent at least one morning and evening together. They enjoyed each other's company and spent the time discussing current events for the Jedi, the war against the Separatists, and occasionally, gossip from around the Temple. "I was thinking: Ahsoka was Skywalker's padawan, right? Well, we all know how much he likes his ships, so I'm thinking he might have passed that on to her. Can't you see? A ship is the perfect thing to get her; she'll love if and can use it whenever she wants," he implored, clearly smug about his radical idea. "You know that's never going to happen. A lot of the masters might be inclined to get her something, but never that expensive. I doubt Master Yoda or Ki-Adi would give you enough time to finish explaining it," came Aayla Secura's droning reply. This whole thing Fisto seemed obsessed with was beginning to annoy her. She understood that nothing would compensate for what they had done to Ahsoka, and while she did believe that they should try everything they could to help her, she couldn't see the High Council giving her a free starship. It was a nice gesture, she had to admit, but it wasn't practical for a Jedi to have a personal starship. If they ever needed to go to another system during a mission, they could use a cruiser, or at the every least, their own starfighter. "Kit, if you really think it worth it, then being it up with the Council," Aayla suggested. Knowing they probably wouldn't listen, but that Fisto would try nonetheless, she had decided to support him, and by extent, Ahsoka, in this.
Chapter 3 - Planning Through the Night
3 Planning Through the Night           "Uh...Katooni could you come in here please?" Anakin asked, standing just outside his padawans room, anxious to begin their discussion. He had  agreed with Obi-Wan is was best that Katooni be informed of their mission that night, and that they form a bond, but he was concerned about how he might impact her. He obviously wanted to best the best teacher possible, and to help her as much as possible, but he just didn't know whether his feelings about Ahsoka would interrupt with Katooni's training. Opening her door, Katooni came bounding through and joined him at the kitchen table. "Yes, master? Is there something you need?" She asked, her voice and expression belying naïveté. "Uh, sit down please." He said, gesturing to the chair across from the one he took. "We need to have a talk about the mission and what it means that you're a padawan now." "Ok. When I was only a youngling they taught us how a padawan is meant to behave and how we're meant to follow your orders and learn through what you do." Katooni contributed happily. "Yeah, that's great and all, but I like to take a different approach," he said, almost laughed as he did. "You see, Katooni, I like to go about it where you're my padawan, but you can make decisions for yourself, where I trust you to lead men on your own and where I know I can always rely on you for different ideas. I like to think of my padawans as equals almost, the only different being our experience. If you have spent a long time on aqua-planets with, say, the Quarren or with the Gungans, I would trust your knowledge over mine in those situations kinds of situations. Ok?" "Ok, master. I understand; you treat me like an equal, but you try showing me how you do things and I just have to learn and help where I can." She answered brightly, sure she had understood everything. "Yeah, something like that. I just want you to know I think we'll be a great team while we're together, and that I really want to see you become a Jedi Master when you're older, but only if you want to, of course: I just want you to do well." He finished, smiling across at her. She returned the smile of course, but hers was full of hope and optimism, whereas his was confidence and wisdom.   ***   "Master Ti, I hope you remembered I was coming?" Enquired Plo Koon as he walked into her spacious quarters. "Of course, you know me. I'm always anxious to meet people for whatever the reason. Now did you get that information from Commander Brax?" She asked in turn as they sat together at the long wooden table in her kitchen. "Yes, I did. He says Ahsoka left Coruscant twenty-five days ago for Onderon. He also says she bought herself a top-class fare. Clearly she knows someone with a lot of credits." At hearing Ahsoka travelled to Onderon and not Shilli as they had thought, Shaak was overly surprised, but curious at the unexpected news. "No doubt, no doubt. She does know a lot of senators and politicians, maybe they gave her a loan or repeated a favour. But what I'm interested in is why she went to Onderon. I was convinced she'd go to Shilli or at least a Torgrutan colony, if not the Outer Rim. It doesn't seem like her to go to all the trouble of getting that many credits and going to Onderon-who does she even know there?" "I do remember months before her trial, she was sent to Onderon with Kenobi and Skywalker to train and oversee rebels. She may have met someone then who is now sheltering her, perhaps a group of people who feel indebted to her," he supplied. "Ok then. I think one of us should follow that up with Master Yoda. He has unrestricted access to mission files and logs, he should be able to shed some light on what happened. Oh, and before  I forget, here's that tea you wanted," Ti said, handing him a cupful she had just poured from a full kettle. "Thank you, Shaak, you are always most kind to me," Koon replied as he drank the bitter fluid from the hot cup. "Don't worry about thanking me, we have a mission to work on," she scolded him playfully with a fake coy smile across her face. "And I think I'll talk to Master Yoda in the morning. I haven't spoken with him in private for quite a while now, he might be missing me," she said as they both started laughing. "You always were one to see the best of a situation." He reminisced. "Well, now that's settled, let's talk about Ahsoka. I found her, you cared for her, talking will allow us both to understand her mind that much better," Koon suggested. "Agreed. Now where to begin..." Ti agreed, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she went as far back in her memory of Ahsoka as she could.   ***   'Why help me earlier, did you not? Ask your guidance, thankful for you everyday I am, yet misled me, you have. Help me understand, I implore you. What to do, you tell me, now I need you most. Tell me, I beg of you.' No matter how much Master Yoda asks for the Force's guidance over the matter, he never got anywhere. It seemed to him that the Force didn't want him to be able to sense her, or even to know if she was still alive. This all troubled him greatly. Never before had he been unable to sense someone who was alive, unless they were a powerful Sith Lord bent on counteracting his intentional  probings. It was all very distressing to the old man, a padawan lost, unable to return until someone found her, and yet it seemed the Force was steering him down a difficult path. He couldn't just find her himself, it seemed he needed someone else to be about to do it. He truly cared about Ahsoka's well being, and wanted to see her happy again, once more in the a halls of the Jedi Temple. 'But what could accomplish that?' He repeatedly thought. Shifting slightly on his meditation pouf, he decided to instead concentrate on those who probably knew Ahsoka best: Masters Ti and Koon.   ***   Discussing her role as his padawan was very relaxing for Katooni. She had worried he might change his mind about her or consider her a child, only telling her what she needed to know, not developing a deeper relationship with her. But now she saw him differently-not the Jedi Knight idol many of her male friends thought he was, but as more of a wise father figure who was guiding her into a larger world, her new role and her future life as a Jedi. Knowing him better now, Katooni considered herself lucky to be his padawan, and she would often have the chance to learn from Master Kenobi, something she saw as a great bonus. Her only issue was that this was at the expense of Ahsoka. Ahsoka could no longer be trained under Anakin whilst he still had Katooni, and she was sure he wouldn't let her go until she faced the Trials. "...Form III and IV in about a month," he said, explaining her training regimen. "Really, master? I'm going to be learning Form IV in a month?" She asked, excited as always. "Yeah, I think you can handle it. This morning when I watched you training with the other initiates, you were the best there. That Petro boy was just showing off-you have the real talent and I want you to live up to your full potential. Ok Katooni?" He asked, making sure she was onboard. After receiving her confirmatory nod, he continued, "And stop calling me 'master', I never really liked it too much. Just call me 'Anakin' or whatever you feel ok with. I want this to be less formal and more how it is. Friends. So we get to know each other as friends, not people who work together or something like that, ok?" "Sure, master-I mean, sure, Anakin," she answered, quickly picking up his preferred name. "I'll call you Anakin from now on then, but what do you call me?" Katooni asked happily. "Do you have any other name I don't know about?" "No." "Would you prefer being called 'padawan' or 'padawan Katooni'?" "No, not really." "Then you're Katooni," he's aid with a grin. "Simple, easy to remember, and perfect. Now could you pop your lightsaber onto the table for me? I wanna have a look and get to know your style so I can personalise our lessons together to suit you." "Ok. I'll just of get it now," she responded. She was loving her master. He was so nice and considerate to her. Getting to know her first, made her comfortable around him and at ease in his presence; like nothing had could happen while she's with him, because he's always there to watch over her and protect her.   ***   Walking slowly and cautiously into the High Council's chambers, Shaak looked around in the dim lighting. She couldn't see anyone, but her extremely sensitive montrals felt his heartbeat on the level above her. Clearly he was on the second tier. 'Lucky,' she thought. 'Good I'm one of the few with access to it.' She walked to her left and rounded up the staircase delved deep into the stone wall. It was solid marble, the same as the rest of the walls. On each side, the walls had small alcoves carved into them, with a small stone figure in each one. "Master Ti," Yoda began, sensing her as she made her way up the wise stairs, "your assistance I need. My assistance, you need. Mutually beneficial, it is." He was perched atop the stone carving on the second tier. A large semicircular area with four life sized marble statues carved into recesses in the walls. Just like the floor not he tier below, it was a rich, dark wood from Kashyyyk, oiled and darkened to a uniform color and texture. "Master Yoda, how may I help you?" Ti responded as she finished climbing the stairs. "Give my time and services to help you; that will help me. Through the Force, sense Ahsoka I cannot. Assist you in any way, I can; enough for me, that will be." He answered, still troubled by his inability to sense the young padawan. "That would help me too, master; Master Plo and I need your help in tracking Ahsoka's movements. What we need is to find her birthplace. Master Plo doesn't remember exactly where as he was lost at the time and it was so long ago." "Get to that information, we will. First; these statues, to you, what do they mean?" He asked cryptically, pointing around them at each of the five statues in turn. "The are statues of the Grand Masters, of course. From left to right, each in order of when they held the title, and you in the middle," she finished, pouting a long crimson finger at the centre statue. "Indeed, correct you are. Preserve the history of our greatest leaders, they do. Only five have there been over millennia. Honoured, I was to be among them, but to leave the position, I wish to. Considering it I am, but only if Ms. Tano cannot become one of us again." "No, master. You can't leave the leadership-we need your guidance and wisdom to help us through the war." Shaak responded, completely shocked by the news. "Feel it must be done, I do. If I cannot convince padawan Tano, over my time will be. To hand leadership solely to Master Windu, I do not yet want, but you, hand leadership to you, I feel I can." "Whilst I thank you master, I cannot live up to such an expectation. There is no way I could be the leader while you're still here! Can't Kenobi or Plo or Ki-Adi lead us?" She pleaded, desperate to remain only a Master, nothing more. "Honest and humble you are. Makes you perfect as a Jedi, it does. Made me decision I have, and live with it you must; when we find padawan Tano, ask her to join us again, I will. If she refuses, then pass on my duties I will. To serve the Force completely and not participate in the war, I would devote myself." "I understand master, but I would need time to adjust, to learn from you. I couldn't do it without your help." Ti rebuked. She was overcome at the chance to be Master of the Council, even Grand Master, but knew she wasn't ready. "If Ahsoka joins us, I would consider leading the Council, but unless she did, I couldn't possible believe in myself enough." "A powerful and remarkable Jedi you are, Shaak Ti. Remembered as one of the greatest ever, you will be. Thankful to have you, I am. Now, to Master Plo, we must go."   ***   "...III, IV and V are probably the best to teach you, so I'll focus on those. No-one really uses II these days, but I'll give you a little instruction on that I case you ever need it." Anakin explained. "Ok. But I think I'll focus on Form III for the moment. I don't really see myself using V very much." Katooni responded, explaining her preferences. "Alright then, so you're more of a defensive fighter?" "Well yeah. I want to be able to fight back, but I think I should be able to defend myself well first." She explained. "Ok, ok. I'll out more emphasis on III than on the others. But first we have to go through Form II. To get to the next one you have to do the ones before it, you can't skip through them. Once you get good at I and II we'll start on III and seeing how fast you go, we might start IV and V in a couple of months." "Anakin?" She asked. "Yes?" "Can I learn Form VII like Master Windu?" Katooni asked nervously. "No, I don't think the Council would approve. They'd only let you go to Form VI for now. Master Yoda doesn't approve of anyone learning it unless they're on the Council. Even then, he still prefers to oversee them learning it." "But isn't Master Windu the one who created it?" She asked, confused. "Yes." "So why doesn't he teach it to them instead of Master Yoda?" "He does. It's just Yoda likes to monitor their progress and behaviour," he answered, rolling his eyes. "It's a dangerous style; anyone who uses it risks turning to the dark side." "Oh, so that's why they don't talk about it when you're a youngling." "Exactly. And I don't think you're suited for it. You're a defensive person from what you've told me, and Form VII needs strong emotions like anger and hate. It's really not something I'd want you using, anyway. Handing her lightsaber back to her, Anakin added, "Put this away for now. We'll talk about tomorrow when you get back," he said. Katooni promptly got to her feet, took back her lightsaber and went back into her room to out it away. She was wondering about all the possibilities being with Anakin could give her. He could take her on a mission to the Outer Rim, or to Felucia, Mon Cala, even Christophsis. And she new being around Anakin meant being around Master Kenobi and the High Council. That was another of her dreams, getting to know the Jedi Masters, and maybe, eventually she would become one of them.   ***   "Master Plo? I forgot my key. Could you let us in?" Shaak asked, standing with Master Yoda outside the door to her quarters. "Sorry," Koon responded as he opened the door, a glowing golden beam of light illuminating the floor and walls of the dark corridor.   It was warmer inside than the chilly Jedi Temple corridors at night. Everyone knew unless they came from an ice planet they would need to have their rooms heated at night when the corridors and halls, especially the library and archives were bone chillingly cold. But the worst of all was the Room of a Thousand Fountains. During the night, the cold air in addition to the icy water mist was enough to chill anyone foolish enough to linger in it.   "Master Yoda," began Koon as he saw the wizened Jedi Master. "I was not expecting your presence tonight. Are you here to visit or take part in our preparations," he asked, looking down at Yoda. "Here to help, I am. Feel all the help you can get, is needed." As he walked over the threshold into Ti's quarters, he noticed they weren't standard issue. She had skins and ornaments on her walls, with various spears, knives and axes. "See you are quite the hunter, I do Shaak. Must be well respected among Togruta, hmmm?" He asked, knowing their customs. "Yes, of course. These are from my hunts. I'd be called a skilled hunter among my people, but it's nothing I brag about, I just enjoy the hunt as we all do," Shaak replied. It was true she was highly respected among Togruta. Many saw her hunting skills as legendary and almost unmatched throughout their history. "Would you like a tour?" She asked of both the masters. At their nods, she continued, "These are my hunting spears," she said, walking over to the left wall and pointing to the thick, long wooden poles, tied at one end with rope and a large pointed stone. "My knives, and my axes," she continued. The knives were as long as her calves, with thick handles bound in leather and a wide, curved blade with a slight notch just behind the tip. The axes varied in size from single-sided hatchets used for throwing at medium distances to heavy, wide two-sided war axes for close quarter neck crushing of wild Akul and decapitation of anything smaller. As they came to the right wall, Shaak pointed to each of the skins and furs in turn, naming the animal each came from and describing how she attained them. Last, she asked them both to wait in the lounge area next to the kitchen as she went into her room. Walking out, she was carrying a large, old wooden box with a heavy lock. "This gentlemen," she said, "is my pride possession." As she unlocked and unbolted the lock, she slowly pulled out a thick string cord. Once it was taken out, she showed it to them. It was an Akul-tooth necklace with at least fifty of the largest Akul-teeth they had ever seen. The teeth themselves were dull and worn with extreme age. They were shaded with yellow, white and brown from the years of use they had seen. "But Shaak," began Plo. "Those have got to be almost twice the size of the ones you're wearing. Where did you find an Akul that size?" He asked incredulously. "It was an old one I found in a reserve on Shilli. I found its tracks in the forest and traced them back to its den inside a cave. There were bones everywhere. I knew it was an old one, probably a cannibal I thought, and eventually found it about a hundred metres from the entrance, sleeping behind a boulder." "Killed an Akul while asleep, did you?" Asked Yoda, knowing such a thing was highly dishonourable in Togrutan society "No, of course not. She wouldn't do something like that," responded Koon. He too knew Togrutan customs and traditional beliefs from his time among them and learning from both Shaak and Ahsoka. "Exactly," Ti agreed. "I woke it up by prodding its maw and once it started running after me I threw a spear into its eye." She explained. "Now it was half blind-using that to my advantage, I got a few good slices into its neck and the final blow was me shooting a few arrows into its face. It fell into a few trees in the surrounding shrub. That's when I took the teeth," she finished, passing the necklace to the others. "I'm thinking about giving it to Ahsoka if we find her," she said before explains her motives further. "I know Ahsoka would like them and I planned on giving them when she become a knight. She wouldn't be able to wear them because she didn't take them, but I'm sure it'd cheer her up. I've never seen them this size before, and that Akul was almost three times the size of what's considered a large one." "That would be the last of the ancient Akul, it seems," said Koon. "Their likes will never be seen again sadly." Nodding, Yoda added, "Remember one of the old Akul, I do. Monstrous it was. Fit inside it's eye, I could have." Plo was impressed by both their stories. Akul of any impressive size were extremely hard to find on Shilli these days due to their being hunted for millennia. The few there were all hid away in reserves where only select people could hunt them. "Come to the table," said Yoda, pointing his walking stick at the kitchen bench where Shaak and Plo were having their tea. "Many things to discuss, there are. Here to tell you everything I know about Ahsoka, I am."   ***   Standing outside fellow Master Agen Kolar's personal quarters, Mace Windu waited to enter. His mind was whirring with thoughts and plans, covering multiple possibilities and events. Soon the door was opened and a dim golden light streamed through. Entereding at his hosts beckoning, Windu saw numerous pouffes of varying sizes on the floor to his right; a table, bench and kitchen forward and to his left; and on thin wooden planks, suspended from the roof by delicate metal chains, were short candles. Each were lit and emitted a strong aromatic scent throughout the room. "Thank you for having me," Windu began in his deep, monotonous voice. "I have been told in confidence by another master that you feel as I do regarding Padawan Tano." After seeing a small nod from the Zabrak master, Mace continued. "We need to act fast if we're going to stop them before they find her. Skywalker will have no doubt dragged his padawan and Kenobi through the galaxy already. Plo and Master Ti are likely not far behind-therefore, we must make a motion to stop them from continuing." Joining the Zabrak, Windu sat on a pouffe as he continued. "I will call a meeting of the masters on Coruscant and make the motion as soon as I can. What? Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked, noticing the Zabrak had been silent the entire time. "...I agree...that Skywalker shouldn't have been allowed to lead the search." Kolar explained, finally breaking his silence and Windu at the same time. "But, I trust Masters Kenobi, Plo and Ti to act in a way I, and the Council, would condone." His face dropping to the ground, Kolar delivered his final piece of news, "I agreed to this meeting to hear your opinions in further detail, and to hear what you wanted done. But I'm sorry, I cannot support these actions. I am sorry, Master Windu," he finished, gesturing to the door and ending the conversation at once. The candlelight seemed to flicker slightly. There was a sudden coldness throughout the room as Windu got to his feet. Lowering his hood, Kolar witnessed a troubling sight the Councilw ould need to hear of. His eyelids spasming with anger and rage, Windu barked back before leaving. "You'll regret this later on once she's back. I'll be here in the morning to see if you've changed your mind. Just remember, you agreed to expel her too, not just me." And with that, Windu stormed from the door and back into the darkness of night.   ***   "Master Obi-Wan and I both agree it'd be best to start in the morning, that's why I'm telling you this now and not tomorrow. We need to make up for as much time as possible, Ahsoka's got a massive lead on us," he said. "Ok. But does that mean you're going to tell me what actually happened to make Ahsoka want to leave?" Katooni responded to Anakin, hoping to finally know just why her friend had left. "If you haven't been told already, then it's probably not my place to tell you. I'm sure it would be more appropriate for Master Yoda to tell you. Maybe if we find Ahsoka, she'll tell you from her point of view." He answered, trying not to get either of their hopes up. "Ok. Could you at least tell me what the accusations were?" She persisted, determined to know more about the situation. "You're persists, young one. As I said, it's not my place to tell you, but I'm sure I can get away with saying its because Ahsoka felt she couldn't trust the Council anymore." "Why, master?" "They did some really bad things to her, things I wouldn't want done to anybody, let alone my apprentice.  And they said some mean things as well. I don't know which made Ahsoka want to leave, may be both, but please Katooni, let it go for now. We have to finish briefing you about the mission ahead before we can actually start it. Afterwards I promise you'll know everything, ok?" "Sure. I'm sorry, it's just I want to know why Ahsoka left; she was like an older sister to me. Whenever I needed someone to talk to or something to help me or if I had a problem, I'd go straight to her. I really kiss her," Katooni finished as tears started welling in both their eyes. "Don't worry, don't worry Katooni. For now, I'm the person you talk to, ok? I'm always going to be nearby if you need something, and you know I'm always happy to help," he said, smiling across the table at his new friend. "And Katooni, I'm sure that over time, you'll see me as an older brother. I already see you as a friend and you, like Ahsoka, are sort of like a daughter to me-I don't want anything bad to ever happen to either of you, I just want to protect you and know you're both happy and well." "I know. I'd like to get to know you better. All the initiates and younglings looked up to you and Ahsoka. She was so young and you were so brave. I just find it hard to realise I'm where I am now and not with the other initiates trying to be selected in a few years time. I just don't want to disappoint you or Ahsoka or anyone else," she admitted, honest and blushing. She had finally revealed one of peer fears. The other was, of course, Ahsoka's condition. But Katooni knew she couldn't do anything about that tonight and was determined to solve her fear with Anakin. "It ok. You're getting to know me now, what do you think I think about you?" He asked, keen to help her overcome her mental barriers. "You'd probably tell me you're proud of me and want to me stay as your padawan as long as I'm learning from you?" She half asked in response. "Exactly. Just like Ahsoka, I'm going to try my best to teach you everything I know and to help you pursue whatever role you want in the Order. And as you said, no matter what you choose, I'll always remember how you are now and I'll be proud of that. Katooni," he said, holding her small brown hands in his large white ones, "nothing could make me prouder than my padawan doing her best and doing whatever she wants to do. Whatever makes you happy-whatever you want to do-I promise right now that I'll support you and help you get there." He finished. Anakin was being completely honest; besides Padmé, his entire life was now focused on Ahsoka, his old padawan, and Katooni, his new one. Both were going to be important well into his future as he would watch them grow, mature and learn for themselves where they fit into Jedi society. Nothing would make him happier than living to see them both serve on the High Council. He knew it was a high goal, but was sure that if any two Jedi could do it at the moment, it was Ahsoka and Katooni.  
Chapter 2 - Remembrance
2                       Remembrance           "THEY WANT ME TO DO WHAT, MASTER?" Anakin was irate. Pacing throughout his quarters, the rage he released could be felt emanating from his person. Obi-Wan had just told him about the Council's decision, but had left out parts of the story. "THERE IS NOW WAY I'M GETTING ANOTHER PADAWAN. How dare they try and replace Ahsoka!" He screamed himself hoarse. His face was red and his heart visibly pounded through the popping veins on his neck, his shallow breathing making him light-headed. Obi-Wan sighed; this really wasn't one of Master Yoda's best ideas, rather the opposite. He honestly agreed with everything Anakin was saying, but he knew he had to convince him anyway. "Anakin, calm down, calm-" "MASTER, I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! How can I?" Anakin was really breaking down, Obi-Wan noticed, much worse than any other time. "I failed Ahsoka, and now they want me to fail someone else!" With a steely determination, he decided what to do, "I gonna leave-I can't do it again, master. I just can't." Obi-Wan was glad he'd found Anakin here, in his quarters and not in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. "You can't leave Anakin, you need to stay here." He was really beginning to panic now; he knew Anakin would leave whilst in this mind frame and after everything that had happened recently. "Anakin! Listen to me. If you left, you'd be doing to me what Ahsoka did to you." "Ahsoka didn't do that master. She was my friend-she was always there, so nice and helpful and caring, and I don't blame her for leaving-it wasn't her fault. How could she possibly stay after what the Council did to her? They didn't have a proper investigation because they didn't believe her. Hell master, even Plo Koon didn't support her." "Ahh," sighing, Obi-Wan answered in a depressed tone, "you'll get no arguments from me on that Anakin. I'm a member of the Council and they wouldn't listen to me." "That settles it then, I'm leaving." Anakin grabbed the duffel-bag at his feet and started for the door. "They went too far with Ahsoka." "ANAKIN WAIT, PLEASE!" Obi-Wan grabbed Anakin's arm just above his elbow. "You're breaking my heart, Anakin." He really was distraught. "Don't do this. Qui-Gon wouldn't have wanted this. You belong here, Anakin." "It's not some quick decision, master. I've wanted to leave for a while now." Anakin finally revealed. "Wait. You've wanted to leave for a while now? What do you mean by that?" Obi-Wan was confused and sensed a massive conflict in Anakin. "What are you hiding, Anakin?" "I don't want to talk about it master," Anakin said, placing his head in his hands and beginning to cry again. "Anakin, if you're going to leave why not tell me? Please Anakin, you can trust me. Whatever it is, I won't tell the Council." He promised, sitting beside Anakin, trying to console the knight. "It's Padmé, master," Anakin replied between heaving sobs. "Senator Amidala? What about her, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked, completely surprised by Anakin's words. "Actually, master...,"Anakin gulped, "...it's Senator Skywalker." Obi-Wan's eyes widened enormously at the realisation. Planting his face into his right palm, he asked, muffled through his beard, "When did this happen?" He tried remaining impartial, but this was agitating. To have been left out of something this big in his padawans life was inflaming. "We married at the start of the war-just after the First Battle of Geonosis." Anakin looked up, expecting to see Obi-Wan bristling with anger as he slowly recounted his story. "Artoo and Threepio were there. It was a private ceremony on Naboo;  just us and the droids." Obi-Wan should have known this would be the path for Anakin. 'How did I miss this for so long.' He asked himself. Taking a moment to watch Anakin before replying, "So that's why you were so happy," sighing, he continued. "Alright, I won't say anything, but you need to stay Anakin-you can't walk away." "If I stay, they'll force me to replace Ahsoka...I can't do that. I love Padmé and Ahsoka; she's like my daughter. I can't lose her." "I know Anakin, but right now I need you, the Republic needs you. Anakin, I'll...I'll do whist I can about the Code; I might lose my place on the High Council, but I'll try," he promised. Obi-Wan was sincere. He understood where Anakin was coming from; he had his own feelings for Duchess Satine of Mandalore before her untimely death. "This all hit me too, Anakin. Ahsoka was, and still is, someone I consider a close friend. Now come on, we need to find you a new apprentice." "I can't. You know I can't. I'll just fail again," he replied, looking at the floor. "Anakin, you didn't fail Ahsoka-she flourished and grew under your instruction. That's why the Council is giving you another padawan. They believe in your ability, that's why you choose this time. It proves they trust you. That you'll make the rig decision." "I don't know who to pick, master. I don't know what to-" "Don't worry, Anakin. You'll pick a girl you connect with." "Why would I choose a girl?" Anakin asked, wondering who was actually going to choose his padawan. "You'll choose a girl in remembrance of Ahsoka. I know you too well, Anakin." He finished with a faint chuckle. "Am I really that predictable?" Anakin laughed. "Oh yes, you are. Now let's go meet some younglings," he answered, deciding to keep the mission secret for now. Anakin sighed and nodded in agreement. Walking towards the youngling classes beside Anakin, Obi-Wan couldn't hide his mirth and satisfaction. Meanwhile, a youngling had just begun Form I training with her class and Master Secura.   ***   Obi-Wan and Anakin had been wandering around the youngling classes for a couple of hours now, occasionally stopping to ask questions of particular younglings, when they came across a group who had only just completed their initiate trials. They had been watching the group during their lightsaber training when Anakin noticed a small Tholothian girl at the back of the room. She was up to Anakin's rib age in height, with soft brown skin, a traditional brown Tholothian headdress and a blue lightsaber. Overall, she was in his opinion, the perfect candidate: shy, but confident and a thirst to improve. Obi-Wan noticed who Anakin was looking at and couldn't help smiling. He had met her after Ahsoka took this youngling group to the Gathering on Ilum, but decided to keep quiet. Trust Anakin to find a girl Ahsoka taught, he thought to himself. Anakin waited for a break in the saber lesson before he approached the girl with a smile on his face. "Er, hello youngling," he awkwardly began as he squatted next to her at eye level. He had never been good with talking to the younglings. "Master Skywalker," the girl responded nervously as she bowed with respect. She then bit her lower lip before continuing, "I'm sorry about padawan Tano. I really miss her; she was my favourite teacher and took care of me and my friends. I really hope she comes back soon." Anakin was surprised-Ahsoka had taught her? Of course! The Gathering trip. He smiled, knowing Ahsoka was a connection between the two made this easier. It must be the will of the Force, he decided. "May I ask your name, young one?" "I'm Katooni, Master Skywalker," she replied, looking up at him with a smile the size of a banana. "I'm delighted to meet you in person, master." "I see you've passed your initiate trials. My congratulations on that! And from what I've seen, you're progressing through Form II very well. You should be proud of yourself, Ms. Katooni." "Yes, Master Skywalker. But I only just passed the trials. I honestly don't think I'm quite good enough to be someone's padawan yet." "If you weren't good enough, you wouldn't have passed," Anakin replied. Obi-Wan smiled at Anakin's response. Having only just joined them, he hadn't heard the whole conversation, but Anakin seemed to really connect with Katooni. He was again proving to be a natural teacher, despite how much he believed otherwise. "Thank you, Master Skywalker," Katooni replied, blushing brightly. "But...I do think I need more practice and to improve," she finished modestly. Her confidence needs working on, Anakin thought. "Well, it's been great meeting you, Katooni. I'll leave you to practice now, but I'll be very interested in your progress. No doubt I'll look into your training again. And always remember Katooni; you are talented and will make Ahsoka proud, no matter what you choose to do," he said wisely, tearing starting to roll down his cheeks as he embraced the young Tholothian. "Thank you," she replied, tearing welling in her own eyes as she, herself, started crying into his shoulder. Lifting herself off and stepping back, she finished, "Goodbye Masters Skywalker, Kenobi," she said, bowing to each in turn. Anakin smiled again, then rose and turned to join Obi-Wan, who had started walking over when Katooni said her goodbye. Even his stoic face was cracking with emotion. "I think she's the one, Master. Part of Ahsoka's spirit is in her." "Well, Anakin, Ahsoka did teach her. Are you sure she's the one?" Anakin nodded, then replied slowly, "Yeah, I'm sure master, she's the one. I'm sure I can help her." "Ok, Anakin. You go to the Council, I'll sort things here and bring Katooni." Although her would never tell Anakin, he had steered him in this direction. He had a feeling the Force would draw Anakin towards someone with a connection to Ahsoka. "Yeah, ok master," he responded. For some reason, Anakin found himself feeling happier about his new padawan than he ever thought. He knew Katooni would never replace Ahsoka: she was just special; but Ahsoka's situation wasn't Katooni's fault, he reminded himself. Anakin walked out the doorway, collected himself, then headed through a wide, carpeted corridor toward ps the Council chambers. That was an intense few hours, Obi-Wan thought. I really hope Master Yoda knows what he's doing. Still, the mission should cheer Anakin up. Obi-Wan approached Master Secura, who was overseeing the practice. "Anakin has chosen her, hasn't he?" Asked the blue-skinned Twi'lek. She always had mixed feelings toward Anakin, but hearing about the manner Ahsoka left in had deeply upset her. "Yes, but as you know, it was Master Yoda's idea." "I'm not sure it was his best," Aayla replied in her accented voice. "No, neither do I," Obi-Wan continued, scratching his beard worriedly, considering the implications. "Anakin was furious when I told him, but I think he's happier now he's found Katooni to keep him company." "Let us hope this works out then, Kenobi," she agreed, turning hher body to face him as she walked to the younglings. "Initiate Katoni," Aayla said, squatting next to Katooni. "Could you go with Master Kenobi please. The High Council wishes to speak with you." At her teachers words, Katooni's eyes immediately expanded.  "Yes, Master Secura." She followed Obi-Wan out of the room, the colour in her face draining with each step. "Do you know what this is about, Master Kenobi? Have I done something wrong? Am I in trouble?" She asked, increasingly worried and keen to know what she had done as possibilities formulated inside her head. "You'll see young one," he answered cryptically, looking down into her distraught face.   ***   Obi-Wan and Katooni entered the Council chamber. Katooni looked around herself in wonder: stone pillars the circumference of her body, four on each side, supporting the roof over deep recesses in the stone walls with a balcony overhanging behind and to the sides of them; and in front of them was a high vaulted ceiling, below which we the twelve seats of the Jedi High Council. In the centre of their circle stood Master Skywalker. Obi-Wan stooped to whisper a word of encouragement into Katooni's ear, then went to his seat and nodded to Master Yoda. "Made your choice, you have Master Skywalker?" Asked the wizened Jedi Grand Master, beginning the of Skywalker and Katooni's consultation. This puzzled Katooni; 'Why did Master Skywalker just talk to me and now we're both here? Did I do something wrong? Is he deciding my punishment?' She was beginning to panic. 'Remember Katooni, focus on the Force. You are a stone.' Her meditation was suddenly broken by Skywalker. "Yes Masters, I have made my decision." "Interesting that found a youngling Ms. Tano taught, you have," replied Yoda. That had better not focus on that, or Katooni will have to leave while I have some words with them. It's Yoda's foolish idea after all, Kenobi thought to himself. "I felt a connection, Master,' Anakin responded. And he wasn't lying. "Very well," began Master Windu, "Initiate Katooni, please stand in front of Knight Skywalker. "Yes, Master," she replied, still completely confused by what was going on. As soon as she stood in front, Anakin placed a hand on her shoulder. A reassuring feeling. "Knight Skywalker," Windu started, "do you wish initiate Katooni to become your padawan?" "I do, Master." "And do you, initiate Katooni," Windu continued, "swear you will follow your Master's commands, to uphold the Jedi way, and to serve the Galactic Republic, peace and the will of the Force?" "Yes, Master Windu," she replied in a high-pitched squeak. Her emotions were beginning to overwhelm her. 'Me, a padawan already? Ahsoka would be so proud; padawan the same day I was made initiate.' Master Windu's deep voice brought her back to the Council chambers. "Knight Skywalker, we have decided to send your padawan with you on an urgent mission that has only recently arisen." Pausing for a moment, he continued albeit sounding slightly angered. "Master Kenobi will be filling you in on the details. It has been decided he will lead the mission." "Yes, master," Anakin replied. "You are dismissed, Master Kenobi, Knight Skywalker, padawan," he announced, nodding to each in turn. With that, all three left the voluminous Council chambers and headed for Anakin's quarters. Katooni was ecstatic, Anakin was curious about the mission, and Kenobi was beginning to appreciate Master Yoda's idea; these two were clearly a good match, and they would both appreciate the mission. He just hoped Anakin would be alright.   ***   Back in the Council chambers, the present masters continued the conversation. "I feel it's a mistake to allow Knight Skywalker to participate in this mission. You all know I disapprove of it overall, but if it must be done, Skywalker should not participate, he is too reckless." Windu finished as he glanced around at the others, trying to imprint his opinion into them. "You forget, Master Windu," came Ki-Adi Mundi's voce from halfway across the room, "that Master Kenobi will be joining him. He is dependable. I trust Kenobi will express and act according to our wishes during this mission. He has always upheld our decisions and the Code." "Kenobi is dependable," Master Secura agreed. "He will act as we have instructed. If he were to feel otherwise, he would contact us first for our approval." Adding his voice, Master Fisto said, "I think Obi-Wan is perfect to lead the mission-he has extensive experience with tracking criminals and has worked with Skywalker for years many years now. We would be hard pressed to find a pair with their efficiency." "Because they have worked together so long, Obi-Wan will be swayed by Skywalker into making reckless decisions." Windu retorted, becoming annoyed with the other councillors. "Know that, we cannot. But trust in Obi-Wan we will. Earned it many times has he." Master Yoda weighed in, his head bowed and eyes closed as he spoke. He was exerting his influence in the Force to keep Windu and the other from sensing his plot with Plo and Shaak. "Fine then, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. But I want to noted that I object to this whole mission, not just them." "It is noted, Windu," Master Plo agreed with malice. "It seems to me you have some grudge against either them...or Little 'Soka," he finished, his displeasure evident in his voice. "I hold no grudge against Kenobi or Skywalker. I even have no qualms against former padawan Tano," Windu added, anger obvious in his voice too. "Then you would know; Ahsoka Tano is a padawan. She has never had her title and rank retracted, nor will she ever," Koon responded, his voice rising with each word. "She has dedicated her life to the Jedi Order and to the service of others, something we all strive to do. I learnt many things from her; one being we of the Council must change our ways and trust each other. You, Master Windu, are the one standing in the way." He finished, raising a long finger to point at Windu. Every one of the masters present agreed. Windu was the one holding them back with the strictest and harshest interpretations of the Jedi Code. Not even Master Yoda was as inflexible. "Stop arguing, we must. Master Windu, join me on the balcony," he said, resolving the issue with a small sentence. As he rose, all eyes on him, he jumped straight to the interior balcony's nearest railing. Windu slowly arose from his chair, following the Grand Master with all eyes burning into his body, everyone watching him for reactions and movements, judging him and anticipating his argument.   "Already told you, I have Master Windu. Trust in Kenobi and Skywalker you must." Yoda began as Windu joined him outside on the exclusive balcony. "I remember our conversation, but I will not forget my feelings. I sense something is wrong and I won't allow the darkness to penetrate the temple." He raged, forgetting his place with the Grand Master. "No need for such a loud voice, there is. Ms. Tano bears none of the dark side, of that I am sure. Trust completely in the Force on this matter, I do. Return she shall, and apologise again you will." Yoda finished, turning atop the railing he stood on to glare at Windu, almost as if daring him to challenge. Dropping his eyes, unable to meet the Grand Master's gaze, Mace Windu agreed, breaking his resolve. "Yes, Master." Watching the younger Jedi master walk back into the tower, Yoda decided it was time Windu forgave Ahsoka. "Forgetting his actions, difficult it will be for them both," he said aloud. "But imperative, it is...for all of us."   ***   'Knock...knock...knock,' Hearing and sensing another master was at her door, Shaak Ti quickly rushed to it. She had been expecting a visitor for some time now. Opening the door, she found her visitor standing right behind it. "Master Plo," she said, bowing slightly to acknowledge the master. "Master Ti," he replied, returning the gesture. "Please come inside, Master Yoda told me to expect you." She offered his entrance with a small horizontal sweep of her hand. "Thank you, Shaak. Master Yoda told me his plans for Little 'Soka. He believes as do I that Master Kenobi and Skywalker cannot find her themselves and convince her to rejoin. My opinion is; they may find her, but they won't be able to convince you, that's where we come in." He said from atop one of her chairs. "Master Yoda has already told me about the plan, but why can we not go with Kenobi? I don't see why we can't work with him?" Ti questioned. "We cannot go with Kenobi. Skywalker must not know we're working to find Ahsoka. He doesn't trust the Council already, and would see our presence as demonstrating we have no faith in him or his abilities. You know as well as I do that he is hard to predict." Koon added, seeing Ti's expression. Walking over to the kitchen in the corner of the room, she responded, opening a cabinet door, "May I interest you in a cup of tea? It would help me concentrate on this task we have." Ti explained. "I shall, thank you." He replied, his thanks evident even through his face mask. "Are you available later today. I feel we need to decide where to start tonight and begin in the morning." Koon explained. "Sure, sure. Well, knowing Ahsoka, I think we should start on Shilli. It's where I would go in her situation. And it's almost the only place in the galaxy a Togruta can blend in." "Hmm...agreed," Plo responded after a long pause. "Shilli is a good place to start, I agree. I will pull up travel records for the last month." Koon rose rose the chair having finished the conversation and his tea. "Thank you for the tea, Shaak, I will be back tonight. Please, if you're able, have more of this "tea" ready, I find it's strangely pleasant." Walking to the door, he heard a 'goodbye master, and good luck' from behind him. He half lifted his right arm, palm forward in acknowledgement. "Goodbye. I will be back in twelve hours."   ***   Katooni was utterly shocked when she first saw the quarters she would be sharing with her new master-various droid parts and other electrical components were littered everywhere. "I thought Jedi were meant to be organized, but this is way bigger than my old room," Katooni said, still looking around her new home. "Ahh, yeah, it's probably a lot bigger than your old room. Sorry about the mess," he said, swiping a battery off a nearby shelf. "That's your room, Katooni," Anakin said, pointing towards a doorway off to the side of the room. "Settle yourself in. Obi-Wan said Master Sexura already had your stuff moved in, so just organise it how you want. If you need anything I'll be with Master Kenobi," Anakin finished with a smile as he turned and started to- "Master Skywalker?" "Yes, Katooni?" "Umm...was this Ahsoka's room?" She asked nervously. With a tear in his glistening eyes, Anakin nodded just as his chin started trembling. "I'm so sorry, master," she said, hugging him before she entered her new room.   Leaning against the wall, Obi-Wan had watched the conversation from behind. The current situation broke his heart. 'Anakin forced to find a new padawan right before we go looking for Ahsoka. I just hope he can handle it,' he thought to himself. "I'm proud of how you kept yourself together there Anakin. That was a difficult question she asked you." Obi-Wan knew that Anakin needed praise and needed his emotions recognised rather than covered. "Yeah, I knew she'd ask it eventually. Anyway, what's this new mission about, Obi-Wan?" Smiling, he answered knowing Anakin would like the news. "The Council are concerned about their mistakes regarding Ahsoka. They've realised the pain they've caused and want to correct the mistakes." "How did you do that, master?" Anakin asked, surprised. "I told them some truths about themselves. Mostly ones they didn't want to hear." "So what's the mission? Are we bringing her back? Is she in trouble? Has something happened?" He asked, more and more worried and concerned with each passing second. "The Council agreed with me and have granted us permission to find where Ahsoka is, and to ensure her health and safety. They feel it will put you at ease, and that they owe it to Ahsoka to ensure her continued well being." "This was your idea, wasn't it master?" Anakin asked with a massive grin. "Yes, this one was actually my idea. It's the price they paid for Master Yoda's plan." Anakin was stunned. 'Obi-Wan pulling one over on the Council. Never!' He thought. "But how did you get them to agree to that?" "By pulling a Qui-Gon on then, Anakin," he replied with a slight smile. "We'll leave in the morning. I think Katooni needs to settle, all the excitement and emotion today are probably confusing her and its best she's well-rested." "Alright, master. I'll try and get to know her better tonight. I'll talk to her about being a padawan and responsibilities and the mission tomorrow." Anakin ranted on, listing the discussion topics on his fingers. "Good, good. I'll leave you to it," Obi-Wan said walking to the door, "Just teach her like you did with Ahsoka and she'll turn out fine. Goodnight, Anakin." He finished, turning and walking back to the High Council's chambers, feeling confident in Anakin's natural instincts. "Night, master," Anakin replied, thinking about the days events. He was going to see Snips again and he had a new padawan. She wasn't Ahsoka, but he felt he could make a good friendship with her. He knew that getting to know Katooni would fill part of the hole in his heart, and that he would have a major impact on her life from now on.   ***   Commander Brax was a veteran trooper of the Coruscant Guard, second in rank only to Commander Fox. He had a highly distinguished service record and was a survivor of numerous key battles throughout the war; Saleucami, Ryloth, Kamino, Geonosis, Scipio. Today, he was needed by Plo Koon to trace records of a particular Jedi who was believed to have travelled from Coruscant to Shilli roughly a month earlier. Not impossible, he thought, just improbable. The room he was in was a standard security centre at his base of operations; the largest transport terminal and trade hub on Coruscant, located near the Jedi Temple and Senate buildings. Located on an overhanging reach above the incoming terminals, it was a large room. One side was glass windows, looking out over the travellers and the three others were walls of dark grey and green-notices, alerts and briefs were tagged and pinned across them. Scarcely furnished, the room was full of sharp angles with clinical precision on each surface. Dark green carpet, naked grey metal and dim overhead lighting; just the way he liked it. Standing in the room's centre, he was in control of the situation, in command of his men, and prepared to work overtime for the Jedi General he was about to contact.   At the same time, in one of the Jedi Temple's control centres, Master Plo Koon was awaiting a communique from Commander Brax, the clone trooper in charge of security for arrivals and departures from Coruscant. It was his job to ensure criminals, smugglers and rogues wouldn't enter or leave the planet without approval, the legal right to, or if they were suspected of currently being involved in criminal activity, detaining them. Brax was well known throughout the Clone commanders on Coruscant for being rough with law-breakers and sympathetic to the people they affected. Commanders Fox, his immediate superior, and Wolffe, a clone he graduated with, were often in contact with him, discussing events, strategic meetings and hunting criminals in tandem. "General, Commander Brax has contacted us; he says he has information regarding Commander Tano." "Very well, sergeant. Patch him through," replied Koon to the young clone. "Ah, hello again commander. I trust you are reporting your success in finding Ms. Tano's travel route?" "Yes general. But there is a slight problem." "And what would that be, commander?" "Pushed didn't purchase travel to Shilli. She went to Onderon." "Thank you, commander, you have been most helpful; and remember Wolffe likes sherbet lemons and Fox wants a new left-arm pauldron-his old one was damaged yesterday in an accident. Just get him a plain replacement and some red paint." "Thank you, sir. That'll help me alright, but is there anything else I can do for you?" "No thank you, commander. That is all for now." Koon quickly swiped his hand across his neck, signalling to shut off the signal to the sergeant across from him.
Chapter 0 - Prologue - Long Overdue
Prologue Long Overdue           And the bomb went off.   The Jedi Temple, symbol of peace and hope for centuries was in an uproar. Allegedly, Ahsoka Tano, padawan learner of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, had bombed the temple hangar in an act of terrorism and asymmetric warfare against the Republic.   But that wasn't true.     In the ensuing investigation by Skywalker, it was revealed that Padawan Bariss Offee was the true mastermind of the plot.   But Ahsoka was already expelled from the Order, and after Knight Skywalker's evidence, she was invited to rejoin, but her faith in them and in herself was gone. She left her master and friends that day to search within herself.                                         The Jedi Temple was a different place. Over the time since Ahsoka left, it was duller, grey with sadness and despair. Seldom did anyone smile. And it was far and between that good news came-the war had truly taken its toll on everyone spirits and emotions; be they youngling, padawan, knight or even master.   The younglings were desperate to avoid fighting in the war. They tried their best in every way, as usual, yet dreaded the call-up to the front lines. Each knew the risks involved and had seen the wounded Jedi return to the Temple's infirmary. Beaten, scarred, battered, bruised, many even dead, the Jedi that returned were always different to when they had left. Even the brightest faced came back ashen and crestfallen, their hearts broken and their spirits crushed. The Jedi knights and masters knew the younglings were afraid, as were the padawans. They tried to comfort them, but it never worked. It was well known many of them had mental troubles when they returned. Jedi consulars had even been reassigned from other duties just to help counsel them.   The Jedi High Council, even more do than the other four Jedi Councils, was quickly losing itself. Over the past few months their constant appeasement of the Republic Senate had fractured their cooperation and damaged their resolve. Large splits were forming between them; of trust, beliefs, ideas and goals.                                                 'I know,' she said. Those words continued to burn through the heart and soul of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.   It had been just over a month since his friend and faithful padawan, Ahsoka Tano, had left the Jedi Order after wrongly being accused of murder and terrorism. What hurt him most was the fact the council did nothing to help her: they just expelled her and handed her over to the Republic Senate because it was convenient-no proper investigation, no support-nothing. And if he hadn't discovered the truth, Ahsoka, his precious Snips, would have been executed by now. "Thank the Force she's still alive," he muttered.   Anakin would have burst out with laughter when Mace Windu had said this was Ahsoka's 'big trial' if it wasn't so serious. A big trial? He really though that nightmare Ahsoka went through, and what he, Anakin, went through, was just some big trial? What planet; no, wait; what universe was he in when he said that? Then how he tried to support his actions by saying it showed what kind of a Jedi Ahsoka was and how the Force wanted to prove it and show her abilities. No wonder she walked out and left-he almost did it himself! In fact, even after a month, he still didn't know why he hadn't just walked out with her. At least then he could publicly be with Padmé: at least he could sleep at night, knowing Ahsoka was safe.   Anakin shook his head. He had been trying to find some peace in the Room of a Thousand Fountains for over three hours now; but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't escape thinking about Ahsoka, vulnerable and alone in an unsafe galaxy. Every day, he expected a clone trooper to report he'd found Ahsoka's body on some distant planet, beaten and violated. It was tearing him apart-they just kept repeating he selves in his head: You should have been there. I should have been there for her. I should have helped her, trusted her. It's my fault she's gone. He kept thinking the same thing, over and over again.   ***   Meditating as he had now for hours, Jedi Grand Master Yoda was concentrating all his efforts and energy into three people; Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano. The last of the three was the one that concerned him most. He wanted to see her again, to talk to her, learn from her experience and share his knowledge and his wisdom with her. To console her, and to care for her. Opening his eyes, he was met with the sight of his statue. It was life sized and made of the rarest marbles known. Perfect in design, the statue was made of a single piece with the podium it stood on. The marbling throughout had been cleverly used as contours for his face and cloak, streaking across the shadowed areas. The podium was one foot tall and three in diameter, located in the middle of a large semicircle on the second tier of the High Council's chambers. His statue on top was the same as his height, making the whole thing slightly below the average Jedi's elbows. Behind his, in recessed alcoves stood four other statues and a thin doorway. Two statues were on the left of the door, two on the right. All five statues were made of the same marble, each with the same impeccable carving and design. They were the five Jedi Grand Masters, the only five ever to be given the honorary title. Yoda could still remember when he was given the title and how proud he had been in his accomplishments. One of his teachers, Fae Coven, was also a Grand Master of the Jedi Order. And his hero, Satele Shan, was also a grand master during the Galactic war a millennia ago. Whilst his relationship to Fae Coven was well known to the line of his apprentice: Count Dooku (members of this line were: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano), few knew how much it meant to him to be the grand master. The wasn't always one at any given time, the Order could go centuries without one. But when a grand master did rise for their achievements and contributions, they were always an especially remarkable Jedi; they had lived their entire lives obeying the Code, serving the Order and the Republic. They would have seen battle throughout their life, leading troops and Jedi into battle. A grand master would also have to demonstrate extreme sensitivity to the Force, especially in the abilities of foresight, projective telepathy, post cognition and precognition. Other abilities needed include; telekinesis, affect mind, alter environment, battle meditation, combustion, Art of the Small, doppelgänger, and the Force Storm. Grand Masters need an understanding of Force abilities such as; force grip, for insanity, deadly sight, morichro, and green lightning. Also, advanced and obscure lighsaber combat techniques such as; Form VII, saber throw, trakata, solan, and mounted combat. And there was one final challenge in every Jedi's way to even being considered as a candidate for a grand master. It involves the Muuntuur Stones from the Temple's Kuddaka chamber. The stones each weigh several tons, therefore, just lifting one is considered a great achievement. Grand Master Fae Coven was able to lift all six at once using the Force, Yoda could recall. But ever since he passed seven-hundred years of age, he had only been able to lift five. This he saw as a sign. For close to two-hundred years now, Yoda had been unable to master the Force as he once had. He was losing himself. Considering these things, he was looking for a suitable candidate. No longer could he hold the title. He was considering who was the greatest, the wisest, and the most responsible of the Jedi alive. Was it Ki-Adi Mundi? Plo Koon? Shaak Ti? Aayla Secura? Obi-Wan Kenobi? Mace Windu? He had no idea which was the best candidate, but he had narrowed it down to those six. Yoda finally stopped his meditation and began walking down the stairs to the Council floor. "Preparations to be made. Cannot leave this any longer," he said aloud, trying to collate his thoughts, thinking that hearing them would help in his struggle.   ***   Ahsoka Tano was seen as the next Jedi to alter history. Aayla Secura was made the youngest Master of the High Council ever, at age fifteen. Ahsoka was likely to come close. All Jedi knew she was impossibly mature, had great control over the Force, and was a master combatant, both armed and unarmed. Those who had served alongside her also knew her to be a keen strategist, shrewd commander and compassionate Republic servant. The younglings looked up to her, the masters respected her, and the other padawans adored her.   Little 'Soka, as he knew her, was all these things, and more. Having rescued her from the ruin of Rattagul village on Shilli, Master Plo Koon had developed a close bond and relationship with the young girl as she steadily grew into a young woman. That was when their mutual friend, Master Shaak Ti, had become more active in her life. As a woman, Ti was able to communicate and relate to Ahsoka's problems and concerns better than Koon, especially as another of Ahsoka's race. But both stayed close to her, right until the end. At the end, they had let her down. They didn't trust her when she needed them most. And for that, they could never forgive themselves. It wasn't Ahsoka's fault she left, it was theirs. All they wanted now was her to come back, to see her again, hear her soft voice, and remember the better times when they were united as Jedi, not apart. The same day Ahsoka left, Plo had travelled to Kamino, where, he met with Shaak and discussed Ahsoka. Both vowed that day that if Ahsoka ever needed them, they would help. If she ever needed assistance, counsel or a friend, they would be there for her. They agreed never to give up on trying to find her again, and were awaiting the time to act. They just needed Kenobi first.   ***   Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had stood in the Room of a Thousand Fountains for almost an hour now, watching his former padawan, barely moving as he did so. Obi-Wan was well aware of what Ahsoka's departure had done to Anakin; he could see the despair, the frustration, the anger and self-doubt all etched into his worn young face-it also emanated to anyone within eyeshot. Truthfully, Ahsoka's departure had hit Obi-Wan like a wild nerf. He was always fond of the little Togruta and was involved with Master Yoda's assigning her training to Anakin.   His fellow Council members had incensed him with their cold indifference towards Ahsoka and her trial. Master Windu's joke of a statement about it being her big trial had hurt her deeply. He felt strong emotions coming from her at that point, but he attributed it to the trial and being framed. 'How did we lose our way like this,' he thought. 'Ahsoka was a good padawan. She was a better Jedi than some members of the Council! I'm a member of the Council, yet they ignored my opinions and input-and look what it's done, the damage it's done, and what it's led to.'   And that Bariss Offee, he thought. She was a real piece of work during that trial. Master Luminara should have noticed her shift towards the dark side, indeed, how did the Council miss her becoming a murderer. I wonder how bad her condition is at the moment, after what she put Ahsoka through, she needs constant support otherwise the self-loathing will turn her further towards the dark side.   Obi-Wan realised he was thinking like his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn. What of the Code? If it could lead to such bitter coldness and lack of compassion, that someone as good and pure as Ahsoka was forced to leave because of lack of trust, then the Code needed changing. Thinking more about the two former padawans, Kenobi decided someone from the Council should visit Bariss in her prison.   Looking at Anakin again, Obi-Wan knew something had to be done, but what? He considered going to Anakin, but what more could be said? Anakin's belief that this was the Council's fault was right after all! Even Obi-Wan had to agree with that. Why did Master Plo hold me back when Ahsoka walked out? Why? Surely if I went with Anakin there would have been a greater chance to bring her back. What concerned Obi-Wan most was that the Council as a whole hadn't learned from their mistake, in particular, Masters Windu and Yoda.   Obi-Wan realised it was no good comforting Anakin. Only the Council could rectify the situation. If they had the inclination that is. He sighed when thinking about Anakin or himself bringing up the issue with the Council. They would point out the Jedi way and use the Code to defend themselves, especially if he brought up Anakin's feelings. But he had realised in the past month that Anakin couldn't function without his feelings. Indeed, it got him thinking about the Code and whether anyone, himself included, could live and function without feelings.   Obi-Wan started to slowly shake his head as he watched Anakin bend over in his seat, and begin to cry into his hands again. He'd noticed that Anakin had been breaking down emotionally all too often recently. He feels too much, but that's just who he is.   Obi-Wan decided to stop trying to change Anakin, and focus on helping him. With that, he knew what had to be done, even if it did cost him his seat on the High Council. He would make sure they heard him and agreed, one way or another. This is long overdue, he thought. With that he collected himself and strode with confident determination out of the voluminous room, and towards the Jedi Council's chambers.
Chapter 1 - Chapter One
Hey, You. Short Story Erotica By Anna Hollis “Hey you, out there on your own, sitting naked by the phone, would you touch me?” – Hey You, Pink Floyd There’s something about burning bridges with toxic people that refreshes your very soul. It feels like I’m breaking free of the bondage ropes that secured me in my old, unhappy life. I’ve given myself a second chance, a chance to be better, happier than I was. A chance to succeed.  I feel myself smile as I watch the runway speed past the small plane window of first class. London would soon be gone. My ‘to be’ husband would be left down the isle at the church, embarrassed and angry in exactly ten minutes. People knew this would happen, anyway. He was known for his violent and owning tendencies. He likes to own women as property, and I was stupid enough to have fallen into that ugly trap.  I was lucky enough to receive a large sum of money just two weeks before the wedding. The wedding I wouldn’t attend. The money had come from my mother, pleading me to get myself out of the sour situation and to join her in her Spanish villa. Of course, I agreed. I didn’t want to marry that possessive cunt, never in a million years.  England was under a light spreading of clouds now. I could see the landscape every so often through a cloud separation. The view was beautiful. It felt good knowing I was no longer tying the knot with someone that had forced me to marry. I could finally breathe.  “Good evening, miss. Can I get you anything?” The stewardess broke the silence of my private pod. I look across to her and I’m greeted by a friendly smile and bright eyes. Cabin Crew always looked so happy and full of joy.  “Can I get some water please? Thank you.”  “No problem.”  “Love your necklace, by the way. Looks really cute.” I compliment her as she hands me a bottle of cool water. It was cute. The dainty silver carefully hugged a single jewel in the centre of her chest. It sparkled in the white light of the aircraft.  “Oh, thank you!” She smiles even more brightly and instinctively reaches for the necklace to touch it. “If you need anything else, let me know.” She saunters away to tend to someone else.  The flight to Spain was calm and easy. First class is so much nicer than economy, obviously. There’s so much comfort and space that I hardly wanted to leave when we landed.  Mother met me at the airport, her arms wide open and tears streaming down her face.  “Oh my darling!” She coos lightly and hugs me close to her body. “I’m so glad you came, I was so worried for you.”  “And if it wasn’t for you, I’d be married with that arse by now.” I rubbed my mothers back lightly and parted from her vice-like hug.  “Anything for my baby girl.” She smiles and rubs a thumb across my cheek. “How was the flight?” I love my mother, the way she’s so incredibly open and loving. You wouldn’t put her a day over forty years old, the Spanish sun has done her good. Today she’s wearing a cute yellow sunflower playsuit, something you’d see the younger generation wear, but she pulls it off better than any underweight teenager. Her sunhat is so huge it manages to cover her entire body with shade.  “The flight was very comfortable. I need to travel first class more often.” I follow mother through the airport and across to the car that was parked up.   “I’m so glad. And I’m glad you got away from Paul when you could. That man was bad news, Fiona. There’s plenty of nice guys here. “ Mother hauls my bag into the boot of the fancy car. “Is that why you like it here so much?” I smile. “Is it ever, sweetie! English men have nothing on the locals here, you’ll see.”  I laugh to myself at her honest reply.  “Now, let’s get you home and settled, shall we? There’s a pool and beach with your name on it.” She winks at me and slides herself into the drivers seat.  Beach and pool? Bring it on, Spain!    
Chapter 5 - The Search Continues
5 The Search Continues           "Thank you for joining me, masters," he began, his eyes scanning the expressions in their faces for any noticeable change: Mundi, reserved as usual; Kolar, dishevelled; Luminara, unreadable as always; Secura, easily read; Fisto, just as easy as Secura; and immediately to his right, Master Yoda, impossible to read or judge, no matter when you tried. "A motion, for us to consider, have you?" The green Jedi asked, clearly assuming what he would bring up. "Yes. As you all know, I objected to sending Skywalker and Padawan Katooni to look for Padawan Tano. When it was decided Master Kenobi would join them, I agreed conditionally. When Masters Plo and Ti were sent to follow Kenobi, I had no say. None of us really did." Getting to his feet, Windu prepared for his great speech. "It was decided by Master Yoda, behind our backs, I might add." Turning on his heel, he placed his hands behind his back and began pacing. "I wasn't aware that council-members made standard practice of making such deals without the approval of the Council majority. Especially-" "No. But Master Yoda has special dispensation as Grand Master," Mundi interrupted. "His experience and position allows him to make such decisions without our express approval. He knows we shall support any decisions he makes, and because he is Grand Master, he has the ability to make decisions on behalf of the Council by himself, without limitation or restriction." His dark eyes flashing dangerously at Mundi, Mace continued as though he was never interrupted. "Especially on such trivial and decisive matters. The Council vote was in heavy agreement against her continuing in the Order, and so she was expelled from us." Pausing for a deep inhalation, he continued, "I felt hat was the right decision at the time. When new evidence came to light and we offered she rejoin us, she refused. That is as far as we are obligated to her. From then on, she was no longer one of us." "Yes, she was no longer an active Jedi, but she is still a padawan. She spent her entire life with us. According to our own Code and beliefs, we must render her any support she needs as she is now a Republic citizen, equal as any," Aayla said in Ahsoka's defence. "Perhaps you feel that way, Master Secura, but she choose to distance herself from us. And as you well know, we can only render assistance to someone in her circumstance if we have evidence she needs it, or, if she requests help and proves she is in need of it. Have we evidence of such? Has she requested our help?" He asked, trying his best to quash Secura's defence. "We have a moral duty to help her. We trained her, housed her, fed her and clothed her. Because of our actions, she cannot properly function in society. Until she has such training, we need to assist her in any way possible. Because she lived here and wasn't a Republic citizen until she left, Ahsoka doesn't qualify for any social benefits under Republic law," Aayla said, continuing her point. "I agree. We owe the assistance to Ahsoka. If she is well, then good. If not, then we will know and be able to help," Kit agreed. Turning slightly to face the green Nautolan, Windu replied viciously, "And what if we're not wanted? Why should we pry into her affairs when we're meant to be fighting a war? Ms. Tano is one citizen. Why should we prioritise one over trillions we could save from the Separatist army? Our Code also defines what we should do in these circumstances," he said to Secura. "We must serve the many over the one. It's the best and fairest use of our resources." Luminara opened her eyes. Having listened attentively to the conversation thus far, Windu seemed to be losing. She leant her opinion in her usual emotionless tone. "Master Windu, they simply mean to convey we have a duty to Ahsoka as our actions have shaped her entire life thus far. And as an extension of our actions, she cannot function in society as she was focused entirely on becoming a Jedi and never learnt skills she could use in employment or other setting. It seems the majority of the Council still agrees that because of this, we must render assistance to her, even if she hasn't contacted us. Master Windu, have you ever considered Ahsoka is unable to communicate or alert us to any problems?" Unduli asked, completely derailing his argument. Exhaling loudly and inhaling deeply, he thought over his points before replying. "I am certain that a talented Jedi, even one as young as Ms. Tano, is capable of protecting themselves. From a younglings first classes to the Knighting Trials, all Jedi learn to protect themselves and others from danger and threats in all forms. You all agree, I am sure, that Ms. Tano was an exceptionally talented Jedi, and can easily-" "Ahsoka is a Jedi. Her rank of padawan has never, and will never, be rescinded." Mundi interrupted. "Padawan Tano always upheld our teachings to the fullest extent. She has proved on multiple occasions that she is capable of defending herself and others in varying situations to an exceptional degree. However, we cannot simply assume she in in any condition to do so now," Unduli pointed out. Knowing he was clearly outnumbered and overwhelmed by their responses, Mace Windu silently began his long, slow walk back to his chair. His face dropped, his eyes unfocused, he was the sight of a defeated man. The antonym to his regular self. And they all watched. Either thinking about the reconnaissance mission, Windu's argument, or Ahsoka. They all knew the risk the secret mission entailed, but considered it worth the trouble. All agreed Ahsoka was key to the Jedi Order's continued existence. The Clone War had deflated and stretched the Jedi so far many of them were either dead or traumatised in some form by what they had seen and done over the previous years. As Windu dropped into the chair beside him, Yoda announced, "Over, this meeting is, unless someone else wish to speak, they do." He offered to the councillors. "Actually, I do wish to voice something," Agen Kolar said from his seat in the corner. Lifting his bald head from his hands, Windu glared at the Zabrak. His eyes were suddenly focused again and were burning into the other man's face as he waited for him to explain further. "This, what may it be?" Yoda enquired, seeking to know what Kolar had kept hidden. Raising himself slowly from his chair, Kolar stood silently, his eyes closed. "I, after much meditation on the matter, have come to the belief that caring for- and re-inviting Ahsoka to join us isn't enough. Through members of this councils words, we have caused significant emotional and psychological trauma to a young padawan. What we said may have impacted her since we last saw Ahsoka. Who knows how she may be now because of what some of us did? Were those words appropriate? Would we have said those things to another Jedi, let alone a padawan?" Pausing to catch his breath, he continued his argument, eyes still closed as if drawing his words from the Force. Opening his eyes, Kolar looked around at the others, willing them into action. "Were the things we said necessary? The actions we took against her? Would we have done the same for any other alleged criminal, especially a Jedi? Settling his eyes on Master Yoda, Kolar began his summation. "I don't think we would have acted the same way if it were someone else. I believe what we have done irreparably damaged a young lady's trust, confidence, beliefs, friendships and sense of belonging. How can we ever redeem ourselves?" He asked rhetorically, settling back into his chair. Bar Windu, he was met with a beating round of applause from the other masters as they considered the meaning of his words.   ***   Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and padawan Katooni had just landed on the home world of the Togrutan people, Shilli. Having landing on a smaller pad set just off the side from the main one, they began the long slow walk hundreds of metres to the transit building where they had to register their arrival. The town around them was a highly urbanised one, set in a large valley, surrounded by small, wooded mountains with the occasional precipitous cliff scattered around the city. Over the last few years, it had become increasingly industrialised with mining operations taking place in the mineral and crystal rich mountains. To the north, east and south were the mountains and cliffs. To the west, through a narrow gap in the mountainside was a flat plain of woodland roughly three times the size of the Rattagul-valley. No-one lived there, so nature was abundant throughout the region. Unhindered by Togruta, the wild animals were becoming increasingly predacious, the larger carnivores ran wild through the wilderness, scaring off or eating any escaped domestic pets. Off slightly north of the plain's centre was a small grey lake, fed with fresh water from the surrounding mountains through innumerable small streams and springs. Throughout Shilli, there were many places like this. However, it differed from most planets by having multiple topographical features; one could arrive in a forest on Shilli, someone else could be in a desert, another on a mountain, in a valley, or even a swamp. It was full of every kind of environment seen on a planet, making it a popular travel destination as it offered many more experiences than other planets.   Obi-Wan had hoped that his interpretation of the small clue they wheedled from Lux Bonteri, senator for Onderon, was the right one. He logically deduced that her home world was the ideal place for her to go, yet so was Onderon. She did love Lux after all, but hadn't stayed there. Over all this, he decided she would have gone to Shilli, not to visit those she loved and missed, but to blend in and remain hidden. He struggled with his concerns over her. In fact, he was much more worried about her than Anakin was. He constantly worried about everything that may have happened to Ahsoka in the previous weeks. The concerns that only came with age and having seen so many terrible things throughout the Republic, Obi-Wan felt for her, knowing in his mind it was likely she had been subjected to any number of them. Whilst Anakin too was in a state of mental turmoil, he wasn't quite as attuned to the myriad of possibilities surrounding Ahsoka. But he still didn't like the feelings the Force was giving him about Ahsoka. He also sensed the concern in his former master, Obi-Wan. He knew Kenobi was never the type to worry too much, the fact that he was made Anakin feel even worse about what they may find. Right now, Anakin was glad the Council made him take on another apprentice; Katooni's calmness and innocence rubbed off onto him. He was even appreciating her lack of confidence at the moment. It made him feel needed. There was no doubt in his mind that Katooni was what kept him together, that and Obi-Wan's change in attitude, he had to admit.   Katooni though, was somewhat confused. To her, Ahsoka's actions didn't really seem to make any sense; why would Ahsoka leave the Order and then walk away from Senator Bonteri when she clearly had feelings for him? In addition to this, she too was starting to get ominous feelings from the Force. Maybe, she thought, I need to get closer to Ahsoka. Maybe she's here on Shilli. "Anakin?" Katooni asked, looking at him. "I feel uncomfortable. I'm getting unusual feelings from the Force-I...I don't like them," she finished, clearly troubled and confused. "Don't worry. Just try to get some meaning from them, Katooni," answered Anakin. Thinking back to his days as a padawan, he recalled how Obi-Wan always had logic and sayings and expressions ready for any situation. But the fact Katooni now shared his and Obi-Wan's feelings didn't escape him. He too also began wondering if they were getting closer. "Your master is right, you know," began Obi-Wan, "the Force can tell us far more than anything else, but only if we listen and find the meaning inside. It's all about interpreting the messages the Force sends you." "Yes, master. What's our next move," Katooni asked. "Couldn't we just ask someone like a transport official or an immigration officer?" "A good idea, Katooni," Obi-Wan agreed. "That may well be our best option, we need to find one. Ah," he said, clapping his left hand to his forehead, having just noticed the transit building right across from them. It was a wide grey building. Whilst it didn't look like much, it was clearly cared for on a regular basis. Walking through the open doorway and out of the tropical heat, they came to a long desk, covered in papers, files and a black pair of boots. Connected to them, on the other side sat what they were looking for: an official. He was a tall Togrutan male, with dull red skin and thin white markings. The advanced size of both his montrals and lekku clearly showed he was fully mature. The officer was wearing a fawn/brown uniform consisting of brown trousers, a thin black belt, with a heavy metal buckle, and a beige collared shirt, neatly tucked in. "Can I help you, Master Jedi?" He asked in a clipped Galactic Basic. Evidently it wasn't his first language. "Yes, actually," replied Obi-Wan, taking the lead. "My associates and I are looking for someone. We believe she may have passed through here as she used to reside in the area." "I see. So she must be in some kind of trouble?" Pulling a datpad into his hands as he dropped his boots to the floor, he asked, "What's her name then?" "No, no, no. You misunderstand us. She isn't in any trouble; we just want to speak with her. Oh right, her name is Ahsoka Tano," he added, looking at the official's impatient expression. "Ah, yes. The Jedi padawan that was charged for bombing your temple. All of Shilli was relieved when she was found innocent, but it has left a bad taste for Jedi among many of us. If it weren't for Shaak Ti being on your High Council, none of you would be welcome here," he explained. "But, thankfully for you, she is, so I'll look into the records, see if she's come here," he finished. "We think she came here on a ship from Onderon," Anakin cut-in. "Alright, then. I'll check flights from there first." After several minutes of searching through his desktop terminal, his occasional shuffling around and a sigh or two, he finally stated, "Yes, I've found her. She came here just under three weeks ago onboard a passenger ship. It also says she was the only passenger," he added, scratching his chin thoughtfully as he described the unusual circumstances. "Is there any record of her leaving? Or of her arriving anywhere else on Shilli?" Katooni asked, pleased with herself for taking the initiative. "Good questions, Katooni," Anakin said in conjunction with Obi-Wan's smiling nod. Turning back to the official, he asked, "Is there?" After a couple more minutes of searching, the red-skinned official answered, "No, Master Jedi. If she left, there's no record of it. But there are other ways to leave Rattagul. And a lot of the remote and harsher areas would be fairly easy to get into unknown if you know what to do," he added. "Alright then. Do you have any idea where she might have gone after arriving?" Asked Obi-Wan. "No. Sorry, but that isn't my job; I only make sure people are cleared to arrive and leave. Where they go on Shilli, it really isn't my concern-that would be invading their privacy, something we regard and highly respect in my culture. I'm sorry, but I have no idea, I only need to know why they are here; be it business, family and so forth." "We thank you for your time and help, regardless." Obi-Wan bowed and led the other two Jedi back outside the building. Shaking his head as he returned to the jumble, he official muttered, "Damn Jedi. Second group today; something's up."   "At least she's been here," said Katooni. She was thoroughly enjoying her first mission; it was much more entertaining than training and more relaxed than fighting in the war. "Yeah, now we just need to find where,"Anakin agreed weakly, rather reserved in his hopes. "Well, concentrate then, Anakin," chided Obi-Wan. "If any of us is going to sense her, it'll be you. You had the best connection with Ahsoka, after all." Sighing, Anakin took his time and reluctantly began focusing through the Force. Thinking of Ahsoka, he reminisced about her; how she behaved, what she did, how she thought. Drawing images of her into his mind, he thought of Ahsoka after the trial-her actions, emotions and behaviour. How she had felt unbalanced and...different somehow. Screwing his face and racking his mind with concentration, Anakin finally felt her presence. But she felt far away. Distant. Weak. "Yes...yes, I can feel it," Anakin replied, slowly and forcefully, the exuberance evident in his voice. "Good, good," Kenobi replied, encouraging Anakin. "Can you tell where? Or a direction, perhaps?" "No..." He answered, the happiness draining as he said it. "The feelings are weak and distant." Opening his tears eyes, Anakin finished gravely, "I think she's hurt or sick." Hearing this, Katooni couldn't help but stagger slightly before half-falling, half-sitting onto the ground. With tears streaming down her face, Katooni hoped and trusted in the Force that Ahsoka was alright, despite what they thought. Noticing the padawan's clear distress, Obi-Wan sat himself next to her, wrapping his right arm around her shoulders as he did so. Still comforting Katooni, Obi-Wan asked Anakin, "Which way do you feel it from? We need to find her as soon as possible." Closing his eyes a second time, Anakin frowned as he concentrated his efforts on which direction Ahsoka was in. The Force was leading him far-off, but still nearby. Raising his arm, Anakin pointed out to the western end of the valley. "I think it's somewhere over there," he said. Sighing as he looked around  in the direction Anakin was pointing, Obi-Wan agreed, "We need a speeder. It's too far tow all if we're going into the next valley. Come on," he finished, pulling Katooni to her feet. "There's just a little while left Katooni; we've almost found her now-come in, just stay strong a little longer," he said, trying to console and comfort Katooni. As the youngling stood up and wiped away her tears, Kenobi spoke to Anakin. "You two wait here-I'll go find us a land speeder. I'll just get something spacey and comfortable; nothing to flashy, we won't need it for long." Walking back over to Katooni, he finished, "I'll be finding us a speeder. Just stay here with your master, he'll look after you." Holding her small brown hands in his large calloused ones, he vowed, "I'll be back soon. You've done well on this mission, Katooni. When we get back to Coruscant, I'll be recommending you for a commendation." With a final smile to the young girl, and a wave to Anakin, Obi-Wan walked off looking for a speeder-rental.   ***   "...but that's all I know. I'm sorry, but I haven't been told much about this. Yoda's keeping it to the older members," Aayla Secura finished. She was explaining the Council's current feelings toward their covert mission. From what she said, the vast majority were still in agreement supporting them, but again, Master Windu was proving a foolhardy bulwark against them. As Aayla had already said, Windu moved a motion for their mission to be terminated, and all records of it to be destroyed. Once that failed with out support, he had apparently lectured them on the history, morals and meaning of the Jedi Code and how it should be upheld. And once again, the other masters shot him down, but surprisingly, it wasn't only Masters Mundi and Yoda who silenced him. "It is good to hear they still care for 'Soka," Plo said, "but how Master Windu acted is troubling. I wonder if the Council will keep him as a master much longer-if he keeps acting like this, Master Yoda should intervene." "I agree-something will have to be done about Mace, but at the moment we can't afford to focus on him. You and Kenobi's team are still looking for Ahsoka, and the sooner we find her, the sooner Windu will be silenced. Master Yoda has requested you return as soon as possible after your mission, apparently there's going to be an important meeting. He wants all the masters there except Kenobi," she elaborated, clearly contemplating the upcoming meeting. "If that's all, we'll have to be going now: Kenobi's always on the move....Skywalker," Ti sighed, shaking her head. "I understand. I'll be seeing you two again when you return, make sure she's found, I don't think the Order can hold together much longer like this," she said with a troubled expression, a feint smile on her lips. "Farewell, Master Secura," Plo said, ending the conversation and disconnecting the link. "Windu had better not argue about this anymore. He's only doing it now when his main opposition is unable to respond," he growled angrily, appalled at his fellow's devious and cowardly behaviour. "Don't worry, the other masters are fighting him like we would. Aayla just told us how they've all banded together to defend Ahsoka," Shaak said, petting his back in an attempt to calm the raging spirit inside him. "It is touching," admitted Koon. "But I just don't think the support will last indefinitely. Unless we find Ahsoka soon, the council will see this as resources wasted. I want to find her as much as you do, but others in the Order will campaign against us." He explained, resigning himself to the fact infighting and friction was building constantly within the Jedi Order. "Well then, we had best keep going, hadn't we?" Shaak responded, eager to continue the chase. She was already pacing around the small room they had rented. It was in a quieter area of Rattagul, used primarily by visitors and tourists to the region. Having arrived hours before Kenobi and co., Ti and Koon decided it was best they planned the rest of their mission before continuing. Kenobi was always meant to reach Ahsoka first, and at this rate he would, but they were both ready and on standby in case he failed his mission. "Ahh...." Koon sighed in response. Getting to his feet from the soft old sofa he was on, he wrapped himself in his discarded cloak and prepared to continue on Ahsoka's trail. "Alright, Shaak. Let's go then."   ***   Shortly after Kenobi had left to look for a land speeder, he had returned with a relatively new, dull crimson speeder. It was of a close-cockpit design, with five seats and a small cargo area in the back section. Judging by the two large outboard motors at the back, it would likely cover he distance to the adjoining valley within hours. And indeed, within three hours, they had travelled through the city of Rattagul and almost to the center of the next valley, when Obi-Wan suddenly sensed Ahsoka. "Slow down, Anakin. I can feel she's nearby." "I can sense Ahsoka too, masters," Karooni piped up, surprised by her ability and trying to stay informed from the conversation. Anakin slowed the speeder to a reasonable pace as they each used their macro-binoculars to scan the area. "I think I've got her, Obi-Wan," Anakin said, pointing towards a lake slightly north of them, just below the feet of the mountains. "Then bring us around and get us there," Obi-Wan responded immediately. Remembering his private conversation with Master Yoda, Kenobi recalled he was to block Anakin and Katooni from clearly sensing Ahsoka through the Force. Immediately, he reached through the Force-his consciousness travelling through the air towards he lake at a blistering speed. Passing through the foliage and overhanging canopy, he flew straight across the plain surrounding the lake, and eventually over it, buffeting the water into massive tides in his wake. And there he saw it. A small island in roughly the center of the lake, with short, dilapidated stone buildings, mostly destroyed or otherwise damaged, but some with a few walls intact. The one building left hardly damaged was just off the middle of the old village. Passing through a grime-covered window into it, he saw rustic wooden furniture; cupboards, benches and a heavy wooden table. Glancing around, he noticed there were also three beds, a small kitchen, and two inches of dust on most surfaces. But one thing caught his attention. It didn't have any dust, nor was it destroyed. And it didn't really look as though it belonged in the house anymore. There was a small orange person lying on the ground.   And he was back in the speeder. "Obi-Wan, what do you think that is?" Anakin asked, lifting one hand from the controls to point in an overhand arc at the outline of the buildings. "Its clearly an old settlement. It looks to have been abandoned for some time, though," he answered simply. "Perhaps it may still me occasioned by tourists to Rattagul, or visitors from across the area," he said, clutching at straws in an attempt to lead them there. "Ok, we might as well they it. It seems Ahsoka's somewhere there," was the reply. They sped across the lake, never touching the rippling blue waves, but definitely coming close. The spray and mist coating the speeder in a thin veil of water as the small island and the buildings became clearer. Reaching the rough-hewn shore, they stepped-off the speeder onto a damp, muddy ground littered with old pieces of wood and rubble, water-damaged from years of being uncared for. It definitely wasn't like Rattagul, nowhere near as developed, much more rural, and a lot older. "Follow me," Kenobi ordered, setting off at a brisk pace up a narrow side-path into the heart of the village. His robes billowing behind him in a rapidly rising icy wind off the northern mountains, he continued in his rapid movement towards his target. Glancing around slightly, he remembered it was only another row over and he'd be there. Comings round a final corner, he saw it: the least dilapidated house of the island, it stood solemn and alone, the only one with four walls and most of its roof still intact. A rickety, thin wooden door and grimy glass windows completed its front. It must have once been beautiful, small terracotta pot shards were littered on the ground as where overgrown bushes and hedges. Having choked out the delicate flowers years earlier, lichen and ivy had crept from garden beds throughout he village to cover many of the remaining walls. But now the house was unwelcoming, hiding secrets both within and without.   "Wait here, I'll call you if I find something," he said, Anakin and Katooni's faces showing their uncertainty about why he sped to this particular house. Walking up the small steps, pushing aside the door and crossing the threshold, Kenobi looked around him, he hadn't come this way, but he knew the rough layout and superimposed his position into his mind. Approaching the kitchen, he remembered to look past the counter, and there she was, just lying on the floor.   ***   He was Obi-Wan Kenobi, High General of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi Master of the High Council of the Jedi Order. Yet here he knelt, utterly lost. Staring blankly down at the orange body in front of him, he wondered where it had all started-where it had all gone wrong and why. He wanted answers. To know why there was a skin-and-bones body lying in front of him. To know why it was there. To know why he hadn't been there also. And how it might have been him. The bombing was meant to implicate Jedi complicity, he reasoned. Why couldn't it have been he that was framed? Why not? He was a Jedi. Who gets to decide they want to ruin someone's life? Who deserves that kind of power over anyone? Or anything? Still gazing down at Ahsoka's body, he decided never again to allow such a. Thing to occur. No matter who it was, or why, he would defend anyone he felt wrongly accused. If he came across sentient life on a planet that requested his help, no longer would he refuse on ethical grounds, he would accept on moral principles that he knew were more important. No-one should be forced into living and dying like this, continually appeared in his mind. No-one. Everyone should be able to live with dignity and respect, not squalor and loneliness. As a Jedi, and as a moral and ethical man, he knew his future must help as many as possible, not to be bound and hindered by the Jedi Code.
Chapter 4 - The Search Begins
4 The Search Begins           It was early in the morning of an average Coruscant day, the sky stained crimson and yellow with the barely rising sun poking through the smog on the horizon. Obi-Wan Kenobi was waiting at the main docking bay of the Jedi Temple-a large area used to transport whatever the Jedi needed but couldn't grow or make for themselves. Today, it was busy as usual. Several transports arrived and departed every hour. He was waiting for Anakin Skywalker and his new padawan, Katooni. He wasn't surprised; Anakin was almost always late and today was no exception. It was something Anakin would almost certainly pass on to Katooni, after all, Ahsoka was always late having spent three years with him. Obi-Wan was taking the time to think about he mission ahead of him; they were off to find Ahsoka. But he couldn't seem to shake the feeling something was wrong. Ahsoka's decision to leave had been so unexpected, and her feelings when she walked out of the Council chambers, well, they were worrying him. He knew there was something Ahsoka hadn't told them; something he hoped to learn during the mission. Therefore, he was quite happy when Master Windu ordered him to go with Anakin. Just then, Anakin and Katooni came in through the doors of the docking bay. They were obviously discussing something and eventually Obi-Wan managed to hear it. "...trapped inside a chamber of ice, master," Katooni was explaining, "but Petro came and helped me break the ice with the a Force so I could get out." Obi-Wan realised they were talking about her Gathering experience. 'Inevitable,' he thought. 'That was why he chose her.' "Okay. Ahsoka never told me about that," Anakin responded. Noticing Obi-Wan was looking at them, he added, "Morning Master. Katooni's got some interesting stories to tell." He responded with a smile; the mission was working already-Anakin seemed happier with himself and Katooni. A good sign, he thought. "Late as usual, I see," he added playfully. "Don't tell me you're teaching Katooni how to be late already?" Anakin's head dropped noticeably. "Sorry Master, it was my fault. I've been thinking about Ahsoka." Looking at the floor, he added, "I didn't notice the time." "It's okay, Anakin. I understand." And he truly did. Since Ahsoka's departure, he had realised why friendships were so important. "Where do we start, masters?" Came Katooni's high pitched voice. The whole mission seemed to be against the Code in her opinion, even after her master explained it the night before. But, she did notice how important it was to him, so she decided to just go with it. "Good question, young one," began Obi-Wan. "I suggest we start with Ahsoka's friends. Anakin," he said, turning to his former padawan, "who were her friends here on Coruscant?" "Only really Senator Amidala." He was going to say 'my wife,' but remembered Katooni didn't know that yet. "Oh, she does know Senator Chuchi, but I think she's home on Pantora at the moment." Obi-Wan nodded thoughtfully. "She talked to Master Ti and Master Plo often, but I don't think they'd be willing to tell us about it. We'd better start with Padmé then, I suppose." With that, he led the other two into a land speeder and headed off to Padme's apartment, beginning the search for Ahsoka Tano.   ***   "Master Kenobi," Plo Koon started. "How may I be of assistance to you?" "Ahh, yes, thank you for answering, Master Plo. It seems Master Ti is unavailable." He replied, stroking his beard slowly. 'Yes,' Koon considered answering. He knew where Shaak Ti was. And she was still asleep on her bed under the deep, heavy covers. Having spent the night discussing Ahsoka and then Akul hunting with both him and Yoda until he himself had to sleep, he knew she must have become tired eventually. As it turns out, she had even outlasted Yoda's legendary stamina, spending the night looking over her old hunting trophies she had accumulated: Akul teeth and bones; ceremonial, tribal and traditional spears, knives and axes; as well as skins and furs from various beasts she had slain. "I see," he finally answered. "Anyway," Kenobi continued. "I've been considering the mission the Council gave us. Right now we're on course to visit Senator Amidala to pursue a lead we've found, but I don't think Ahsoka will be there. And at best, I am of the opinion she would have last been there weeks ago. That's why I'm thinking about taking the investigation to Shilli and search for her there. But to do that, I need to know where to find Ahsoka's village. The place where you first met her. Is there any way you could point us in the general direction?" "Yes, of course, I'll see what I can do," he responded. They three of them had discussed this the previous night an decided to tell them if they asked. But only if. And only if it was Kenobi asking. "I have already spoken with Masters Ti and Yoda. They both believe as I do, that Ahsoka's village was Rattagul, now an industrial city in the Southern Hemisphere of Shilli." That was as far as they had agreed the information needed to go. All Kenobi needed was where it was. They decided to withhold the climate, terrain and specific area and location in which Ahsoka's family has raised her.   The previous night, Yoda had told them disturbing news about Ahsoka's village. Both Shaak and Plo knew where she was born and where she was raised, but neither knew it had previously been destroyed by a hurricane. Roughly four years after Ahsoka left them, the villagers had almost all perished from the hurricane which had ripped up almost all the vegetation in the valley. It since been flattened by successive earthquakes not long after the hurricane. It was known and appreciated by all the people now living in Rattagul that the villagers wouldn't have survived for long after the hurricane if precious gems, stones and mineral deposits hadn't been found in the valley adjacent to the village. Now, the villagers all lived in the new industrial city of Rattagul, their lives changed dramatically from years previous. They knew Kenobi would eventually sense Ahsoka presence and location, but hoped their ruse would delay him long enough for Ti and Koon to be nearby and monitor what happened. The Council felt this would be the last test of Skywalker's character. If he could get past this and the weeks afterwards, then he would definitely be ready for consideration as a master.   "Thank you for the help, master. I believe if all goes well we may have located Ahsoka within the next day or two." Kenobi added, grateful for the assistance. "You are welcome, Master Kenobi. Now if you don't mind, I must report to Master Yoda. Shaak and I are going on a mission for the next few days," he said. This was the next part of their plan; Plo's task now was to lay the seeds as to why he and Master Ti would be unavailable for days. This was to keep suspicious Council members and Kenobi's party from getting suspicious, especially if he and Shaak were contacted again by Kenobi.   ***   Senator Padmé Amidala opened the door, but was not wholly surprised to see Jedi on the other side. She had been expecting them to visit ever since Ahsoka left the Order. There was Anakin, who she always expected of course, but not Obi-Wan and the youngling she had never seen before. "Master Jedi, it's good to se you. Please come in." "As it is to see you, Senator," Anakin replied with a smile. Obi-Wan was doing his best not to roll his eyes; how had he missed it for so long? "And who are you, young one?" Asked Padmé, smiling warmly at Katooni. "I'm padawan Katooni ma'am. I'm Master Skywalker's new padawan." Padmé was surprised by that; she thought Anakin would never replace Ahsoka. "May I ask what brings you all in here?" Obi-Wan decided to answer before Anakin could dig them into a hole they couldn't get out of. "We have been sent to check on Ahsoka. There are people in the Temple, myself, Anakin and Katooni included, who are concerned for her health and safety. We wondered if she has visited you recently." "A bit late too show concern, isn't it Master Kenobi? I didn't agree with the Council during that trial. I'm not surprised she left the Jedi." Padmé answered with anger and venom apparent in her tone. Katooni's eyes widened and she pricked her ears; she was never told why Ahsoka left, only that it was something to do with false accusations. Katooni decided not to speak, but to listen. "Yes, well, I would have to agree, Senator," Obi-Wan stated, "and that is why Anakin, Katooni and I are looking for her. The Order fells it is responsible for her safety. Therefore we want to find Ahsoka, ensure her well being, and again offer her old position in the Order again." "Well, Master Jedi; I'm surprised any of you care, but yes, Ahsoka did visit me after she left." "Did she tell you where she was going?" Anakin asked, his heart pinning furiously in his rib cage. "I gave her some credits to pay for her travel, but no, she didn't say where. She gave me the impression she wanted to disappear and I didn't want to pry. She can do what she wants now." Padme's statement hit Anakin hard. Obi-Wan could sense his distress. "What is it, Anakin?" He asked. "That doesn't sound like her, Master. When was the last time Ahsoka wanted to disappear?" Knowing he had to agree with Anakin, rather than telling him not to worry, he said, "You're right, that is troubling. Padmé, just how far could she get with those credits you gave her?" Shaking her head, Padmé guessed an answer. "Maybe to the Outer Rim and a comfortable living for a few years. Look, I know Ahsoka enough to guess she'll want to visit Lux at some point. She told me about those feelings before she left. That's where I would look." "Lux Bonteri? The senator?" Anakin asked shrewdly. Then as it dawned on him, he suddenly realised, "Of course! I had a talk with her about him on Onderon." "Ahsoka had romantic feelings, master?" Asked Katooni. "But isn't that against the Code?" Again, Obi-Wan decided to answer first. "Young one, the Jedi Code is the beginning of wisdom. You will find out int he real world that it is by no means the end of it, despite what the Council says. We are all real people with real feelings. You must remember that." Anakin smiled massively at Obi-Wan's response: he really has changed. Adding to his master, he said, "You will have those feelings yourself at some point, Katooni. Everyone does. When you do, don't bury them, they're a source of happiness. You can always come to me about it, Katooni." She looked shocked, but as she herself was more emotional than most Jedi, she smiled and responded, "Yes, master." Obi-Wan wrapped up the conversation. "Well, I guess that means we're off to Onderon. Thank you Senator Amidala; you have been most helpful." With that, the three Jedi bowed and exited the apartment. They would need a ship from the temple now they knew Ahsoka was off world.   *** Walking intently, his dark brown robes billowed behind him in the cool morning air. After having made a plan the previous night to block and cancel the two missions to find Ahsoka, he was making his way to the quarters of Jedi Master Agen Kolar. Kolar, the previous night, had listened to part of Windu's argument and plans before telling Windu he had little intention of helping him. Agen Kolar was an honest man who spoke his mind. Whilst interested by what Mace Windu had to say, he decided the best thing to do was trust in the Council's decisions to find Ahsoka. That however, was what send Windu off. Having left his fellow master after some heated words, Windu had stalked off back into the night, thinking about his decisions and regretting the threats he had given. But after much deliberation, he had decided to stick with his original idea; to prevent the Jedi from finding Ahsoka, and in turn, upholding his own decisions.   The wooden door opened and the strange smell of Kolar's candles and slices reached Windu's nose. "How may I help you, master?" Kolar questioned, his face unreadable as he stared to the floor. Assuming an apologetic stance, he replied, "I just want to apologise for my behaviour last night. I still intend in presenting my motion, but I fully understand if you choose not to support it." "As I said then, I say now; I'm sorry, Master Windu, but I cannot support your ideals. I find them counter-productive to the Council, and as such, I will have no part in them. I am sorry," Kolar finished. Waiting a few seconds until Mace had comprehended his words, Kolar closed the door and returned to meditating on a pouffe.   ***   "Come on, we need to get going. Kenobi's already asked about Little 'Soka's village-he's already on the trail," came Plo Koon's pleading voice, distorted as usual from his face mask. He was irritable, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Dropping the peeling knife from her hand to the chopping board, Shaak lifted her head and replied, "You have heard the tales about how Togruta has venomous teeth, right?" She asked, intentionally baring her fang-like incisors. "Yes?" He answered uncertainly. "You forget I have spent much of my time on Shilli? I have heard about suchlike things." "Well then, let me finish otherwise you'll find out for yourself." She said viciously. As she resumed the peeling of her apples, she added, "You've probably also heard how angry we are when hungry." Leaving her to finish cutting the apples and adding them to her lunch pack, Koon decided to sit on her longer sofa and began reading an old magazine. It was rather thick, had a title of: 'Republic Time' and it had a cover splash that was mainly taken by Aayla Secura in an upwards jump, her lightsaber ignited beside her, with small headlines for articles down the side. Flicking to the section Aayla was in, he found it strange as it had a list of 'Top Ten Sexiest Jedi Alive,' and yet he hadn't made the cut. Ignoring the bio- section of the article, he looked over at the right-side column. He list stood at: 1-Aayla Secura, 2-Shaak Ti, 3-Ahsoka Tano, 4-Kit Fisto, 5-Anakin Skywalker, 6-Quinlan Vos, 7-Mace Windu, 8- "Shaak?" He asked. "Why do you have list of 'Top Ten Sexiest Jedi Alive.' " "Oh that," she said, barely looking up from packaging her food. "I buy it to keep up with the news and what's going on around Coruscant. That ones an old issue from just before Ahsoka left." Shaak finished packing her food, slung it in a duffel bag over her boulder and added, "And no, I don't have it just to look at that list! but I was curious about Aayla being on top. She's always there, it's like she's rigged the voting." Shaak finished with a smile as she walked around the counter, taking a seat beside Plo. "I don't believe Aayla has rigged the competition, I've always noticed she's very popular with civilians," Koon replied. "Yeah, but with those outfits she wears, she asking for the attention. I mean come on! Crop tops and tight leather pants are only ever gonna get noticed," Shaak said. "I know what you're mean. She does dress provocatively, but that is her choice. No one can stop her doing that, but if you want to be on top next time, you should start acting more like her," he said, pointing at the article. "Well, she's been number one since she was a master, and that was  years ago. I guess doing that would make me number one, in theory." She replied shrewdly, tapping her chin with a long crimson finger. "I'll get onto it straight after we come back." Standing up, Koon addressed her, "Come on then. I'll help you in that once we're back, but we need to get going, Kenobi has probably started hours ago. You know he's like that," he added, looking at her frown. "Fine then, let's go. You're so impatient," Ti said, readjusting the bag on her shoulder and walking behind him to the door. Closing it and using the Force to lock the bolt, together they began the walk down the long, dark corridor towards the Temple dock. The sun was in their faces, glaring through the tall, wide windows of the Temple.   ***   Obi-Wan, Anakin and Katooni were in hyperspace onboard a Jedi shuttle, heading for Onderon. It was clear to all three Jedi that finding Ahsoka wasn't going to be easy; it seemed she just didn't want to be found. But why? She wasn't a fugitive anymore. It didn't make sense. "I hope Senator Bonteri knows where she is, master," stated Anakin. Since their conversation with Senator Amidala, he couldn't seem to hide his growing concerns fro Ahsoka. "It is possible, Anakin. But it's also possible Ahsoka is there with him." He replied, stroking his beard, deep in thought as he had been for hours. Anakin's frowned, he hoped that was true, but his feelings told him otherwise. Every passing second brought more danger to Ahsoka; every second she could be alone was one he worried about. "I don't know, master. I don't like what I'm sensing in the Force. "You sense it too then, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked, dearly hoping Anakin couldn't sense too much. "Yes, master. The Force is unreadable whenever I focus on Ahsoka." "Master, I can't sense anything," Katooni said. However, she was glad she couldn't if it was as bad as they made it to be. "It comes with practice over time," Anakin replied, "but for the moment, I'd rather be you." Katooni nodded. Glancing at the navigation controls in front of her, she said, "We're coming up on Onderon, masters." "Dropping out of hyperspace." Anakin began to fiddle with his controls. He was noticeably more one edge than usual. "Now we just need to find the spaceport." "Senator Bonteri's residence is by the main palace; try landing somewhere near there-but first ask permission from their control centre. We don't want to upset them before we even land." "Yeah, that's probably not a bad idea."   Standing inside his main study, he looked out from the large glass window. Framed by two heavy crimson curtains with thick golden rope ties, it was the perfect place to see out, but not to be easily seen. He was looking out over his garden and lawn, watching flocks of birds flying over his hedges and fountains, he noticed a ship landing across from the main pond. "Lorraine, is that a Jedi shuttle on the landing pad?" "Yes, sir. They requested to land a few minutes ago-the operators allowed them to. Strictly, as members of the Republic, we can't refuse them," she said, joining him at the window. "Shall I go meet them and request they leave?" Asked Lorraine from beside her boss. "No...just leave them waiting. Take your time. Jedi don't like people who don't appear when they want them to." Lux Bonteri wanted to keep them waiting, to annoy them, to disrupt their lives for a brief period-just like they did to others.   Having walked through the brightly coloured garden, the trio arrived at the entrance. As Katooni, under her heavy travel-cloak leant forward, reached up and knocked the door, they each looked back at the garden, the likes of which was rarely seen, and matched only at the Temple. The hedges were toweringly high, immensely thick and dense and perfectly manicured into walls of uniform green. The lawns below them were manicured with precision, levelled flat, with each blade having been cut individually and watered that morning as was their custom. And the main fountain they passed was even more impressive than the garden. A seven-tiered stone feature, it depicted important and pivotal moments in Onderon's history through minuscule pictures carved onto its surface. Also, there were the albino peacocks strutting through the area. Their wide tail feathers on full display, their prominence and friendliness to humanoids was obvious as the Jedi had passed close by without them even flinching.   The three Jedi waited patiently after knocking on the door. It was soon opened by one of the senator's aides. She was slightly taller than Katooni, with long, curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Master Jedi," she said, smiling, "How may I assist you?" "We are here to speak to the senator about a private and personal matter to him, if of course, he is available," answered Kenobi, immediately turning into his diplomatic self. He tried being as polite as possible, knowing Lux Bonteri wasn't a keen fan of Jedi. "Come in. I'm sure he's near and will happily see to you." She led them inside to a massive hall with two large, wide staircases leading to a wide, white marble balcony below the tall ceiling, fine marble and stone carvings, ornate wood furniture and large mirrors framed with gold lined the walls and covered the floor. "If you will please wait here," she said, gesturing to a plush sofa off to the side of the room. It was below a portrait of an ancient Onderon politician whom they had never seen and who's name few could recall. The three Jedi did as they were asked and waited patiently on the sofa, looking around them, absorbing as much detail from the opulent state-room as possible.   "Senator, they're waiting on you in the main hall. I told them to sit there until you were ready." The maid reported, pleased someone had come to speak to the senator who had hidden away in his home for almost a month now. "Thank you Lorraine, I will be there momentarily." "Is there anything else I can do, senator?" She asked, keen to help. "Just leave!" Lux raged. "I..I'm sorry. Go, just go...I'll call on you later."   A few minutes later, Lux Bonteri came into the room; it was clear from the look on his face and his crossed arms, that although he was a friend, he wasn't exactly excited to see them. "I am sorry to keep you waiting, Master Jedi. The king has kept me busy since we joined the Republic. I get precious little time to myself these days." "We thank you for seeing us, senator." Obi-Wan decided to do most of the talking; Anakin would get them into trouble and Katooni had no experience with politicians. "We are here to ask if you have seen, or heard from, padawan Ahsoka Tano recently." "And why are you looking for her now? I was told she was cleared of all changes." "Oh, dear no. It's nothing like that, senator, I assure you. It's just the Jedi Council feels obligated to check on her. Her situation is our fault after all," Obi-Wan replied. "Big of you to admit such a thing, Master Jedi. You lot almost destroyed her; she was crying I my arms for hours when she came." Lux was clearly agitated; he wasn't the Jedi's biggest fan at the  best of times, but what eh had done to Ahsoka pushed him over he edge. Jew as getting louder with each word, drilling his anger and blame straight into Obi-Wan and the others. "So she did come here?" Asked Anakin. "Yes, about three and a half weeks ago. As I said, she cried all night as she told me about the trial and how nobody but her master believed her. She also talked about the Council's pathetic words after she was proven innocent. Honestly, I considered bombing your temple myself." "Understandable. Many no doubt felt that way. But is that all she told you?" Pressed Kenobi. "Pretty much. I did get the feeling she was hiding something else. It took me a while to convince her to let me hug her. She didn't seem to want anyone touching her, especially her left arm. I found all that odd, as you know, Ahsoka's usually very open to expressing herself around me and others." Those statements worried Obi-Wan immensely: it confirmed his suspicion-Ahsoka was hiding something worse than the trial. And that part about her arm reminded him of the past. "Senator, did she stay with you?" "No. I wanted her to of course. I pleaded with her. I wanted to protect her, to..." The senator faltered, tears brimming in his eyes. "I wanted to keep her safe. I...well, I...ah...I love her," he finally revealed, his face breaking into tears as his emotions ran rampant throughout his body. Turning away from the Jedi to hide his emotions, he continued' "She told me that she had somewhere to go and that she had to be alone. It...it was devastating." Katooni had been silent he entire time, absorbing the wealth of information presented to her. She couldn't quite believe what she was hearing: her friend, Ahsoka Tano, and Senator Lux Bonteri loved each other? Her Jedi training definitely hadn't prepared her for this. Anakin looked upset by the senator's admission, but let it pass, asking, "Did she say where she was going?" "No, she didn't. Even if she did, I wouldn't tell you. The Jedi Order has already caused her enough pain." Still with his back to them. lux ascended the staircase, his erratic emotions visibly manifested, shaking his body. "Did she say anything else, senator? Anything at all?" Begged Obi-Wan. "We only want to help her. We aren't going to drag her back with us or anything like that-we just want to check on her." Stopping as the balcony railing, Bonteri sighed before turning and responding. "She mentioned something about a 'birthplace,' but that was when she was here over three weeks ago. She left soon after; that's all I know. Now, Master Jedi, please leave my home," he finished, the tears still running down his cheeks as he pointed out toward his front door. "We thank you for your time today, senator." Kenobi finished. As the three Jedi bowed and turned, the senator continued the conversation briefly. "Make sure you understand Kenobi: I only let you into my home and told you those things because I believe if any of the Jedi want to help Ahsoka, and could, it would be the two of you. I still remember how close you are from when you helped us against the Separatists." Waving his right hand horizontally, Lux turned and walked into the next room, the tears streaming from his eyes. His breathing ragged and sharp, his heart pounding veraciously. He knew Ahsoka would forgive him for this, eventually, someday. Returning to his study window, he watched the Jedi leaving his house. As they got back into their shuttle, his emotions became too much to handle. As Lorraine and another maid entered the room, he slumped to the floor behind his desk, crying, his chest heaving as his heart pounded through his ribs. All he could recall of that moment later on was the pain in his chest, the tingling in his left arm and the feelings of loss, despair and betrayal that circled his mind.   The three Jedi left the house and made their way through the garden back to the ship. Once inside the cockpit, they continued their next move. "I can't believe it, master; well never find her now," Anakin said, tears beginning to coat his own eyes. "What do you think 'birthplace' means, master?" Asked Katooni. "I'm not quite sure on that, young one," began Obi-Wan, "but it might refer to her birthplace, which is probably Shilli. "I think that's probably there best idea," Anakin agreed. "But do you know where on Shilli Ahsoka was born?" "No. We never discussed where it actually was. But the Force will help guide us once we reach Shilli, that and I'll send a communique to Masters Koon and Ti once we're in hyperspace." Anakin fired the ships engines up. "Let's get going then."   ***   Standing aboard a Republic gunship, no clones with them, they held onto the hand bars high above theirs heads. The whirring, whining and whistling of the craft's engines, the air slapping its amour as they sped through the bleak Coruscant morning. Though the blast-doors were closed, they could still picture the environment outside by using the Force. This morning, unlike any other time on Coruscant, there was almost no traffic. Speeders and other craft passed by on their own business, almost no-one awake to see them. Masters Ti and Koon stood silently in the gunship, both contemplating the day ahead and how best to deal with the problems they knew would inevitably apprise. "Ssstt," came the fuzz at the beginning of a transmission from the clone pilot. "Generals, we're coming up on the site now. Shall I drop you there or am I needed to wait for you after your business is done?" He asked. Looking around him at the towering buildings, his mind going over the descent and landing as he waited for the Jedi's answer. He knew it would be an easy descent. Whilst the buildings surrounding the area were even taller than usual on Coruscant, the place he was to land was a massive expanse of grey with only a small building in roughly the centre of it. Considering the descent, he was thinking about how long he would need to wait-he was needed elsewhere later on. "This is Master Koon. You are to set us down, after that, you may leave for your next task." His voice came through the transmitter even more distorted and artificial than usual. Pulling the control yokes, lowering the main engines power, and firing the manoeuvring thrusters, the pilot replied, "Understood, general. And good luck," he added, touching down on the vast grey field near the lone building.   It was in fact a secret Republic facility, used primarily by the Jedi. It housed prototype weapons and armour for clones and various new battleships and cruisers used by Republic forces. In an especially classified section, there were star fighter and civilian-lookalike ships fitted with prototype technology for Jedi use. Walking to a Nubian-lookalike, they noticed how much like a standard ship it was, the hidden technology and weapons were perfectly hidden. If they hadn't seen it here, they were sure it could have passed as a genuine civilian craft. "You know Plo," began Shaak, breaking the silence first, "I don't think we could ever be caught in this, I mean look at it-it looks perfect." Grabbing a data pad from the clone trooper beside her, she continued, rambling from the tech specs on the screen. "It's got four cloaks, two torpedo launchers and six turrets." She exclaimed, truly impressed by its armaments. "And what of its engines?" Koon asked, concerned for getaways and unexpected problems. "It's got six cruising engines, eight hyperdrive engines-Force! Look at this," she's aid, shoving the pad under his face. "Look-it can outrun a Venator-class cruiser, and it's almost four times faster than a Jedi star fighter at cruising and combat speeds," she finished. Looking around at the ship, she was impressed by its secret abilities, and no doubt they would be needed. Who knows what can happen these days, she thought to herself. Even Skywalker can't have dreamt of something of this calibre hidden away under Coruscant. "Come on Shaak. We can't stay here thinking about Skywalker piloting it," Plo scolded her, having intercepted her thoughts through the Force. As the landing ramp dropped from the ship's back, Shaak followed Koon into the vessel. They both noticed immediately it wasn't anywhere near military. Koon was sure the control panels and furnishings were perfect replications of the Nubian designs. It had wood paneling surmounting the glass displays. There was deep carpet on the floors, luxurious Ithorian leather trimmed chairs and there was even carpet on the roof. But that really surprised Koon. "Why is there carpet on the roof? I wasn't aware Nubian ships had that?" He asked as he reached upwards to touch it. "It's there to dampen noises, general," replied the nervous clone trooper they had as a guide. Speaking for the first time since the Jedi had entered the ship, he was nervous to assist them in any way he could. Generally only Master Windu visited the facility, and as a newer intern there and a worker on this particular ship he knew impressions with superiors would mean a fast-tracked career. "We added it as an extra precaution. Also, Nubian offers carpet ceilings, so it fits perfectly with the look we're trying to accomplish, sir," he finished. "Thank you trooper. I find it very refreshing to see someone working on anything not to do directly with the war. I think that's all we'll need from you for now, but if you could please tell the controllers to open the roof, we'd be most appreciative," Ti said with a smile to the trooper. She found his commitment to their well being and his work to be extraordinary for a trooper. Usually, they only cared about getting the job done, and knowing from her time overseeing Kamino, she knew only ARC troopers, specialists and general officers were capable of such thinking. "If that's all generals, I'll go tell them now," he said, turning on his heels and walking back down the ramp. "You shouldn't get so involved with troopers, you know," Koon said as soon as he was sure the trooper was well out of earshot. "I'm not tying myself down, I just wanted to be appreciative-he's clearly out a lot of time and effort into this ship. What if we didn't bring it back? How do you think he would feel?" She retorted. "Just like any other clone. He might be dissuaded for a time, but soon after he would move on. And anyway, I don't intend on losing this ship. It's a surveillance mission, not a battlefront" Came his reply. Pointing her finger at the troopers back as he entered the lift to the command module, Ti responded passionately, "He's not just any trooper. He's officer grade at least. Didn't you notice his commitment and individualistic thinking? Don't you notice those things from Commander Wolffe?  That trooper will become a fine leader among his brothers some day, I'll make sure of that," she finished, resigning herself to a chair as Plo thought about it. "He does have qualities Commander Wolffe possesses, but I hardly think that means he's officer material." Koon said, drumming his fingers on a panel. "Although, I could be mistaken," he added swiftly, noticing Shaak's deadly glare. "Let's just get going, ok?" She asked. "I'll retract the ramp, you can pilot us out. I was never good at it, anyway."   As the roof parted and they fired the ship's engines, they invariably thought of how perfect it was for the mission. What they needed was stealth and transparency, to blend in, yet be able to get through anything they came across. Its quad-cloaking technology allowed its operators to drop the cloak on any of the ships quadrants and it repelled most scans, masking their energy emissions in the process. There were weapons turrets hidden under specially designed body armour designed to confuse scans and appear perfectly standard. Koon thought it was extravagant as it was unlikely they would need the enormously powerful engines or advanced weapons during a surveillance mission. At most, he expected them to need half the power it had. Shaak on the other hand thought it was perfect for the mission; all they needed were the engines to catch up to their target, and the cloaks would mask them perfectly from  any scans Skywalker might perform.   "You know, Plo, this will be an enjoyable mission," Ti said, having sensed her partners trepidation all morning. "I'm sure it will be. I am just concerned about what me might find. Master Yoda and I haven't been able to sense her through the Force for quite some time now." Turning across from his silver control panel, he looked at Shaak. "Have you been able to sense Little 'Soka recently?" "No," she replied rather bluntly. "I've been concerned about that too, but I've never brought it up before. It's concerned me since I was so close to her and suddenly, it was like she disappeared from the galaxy," Shaak said, her face dropping with despair. "It's alright, Shaak. Yoda and I both agree its nothing to fear for. Because we haven't seen her recently and because she may not want to be found, Ahsoka may be blocking her Force signature from us. She knows we are the closest to her, but because of that, she knows we can think from her view better than others," he explained. "We can see what she would do, and likely predict where she would go. I believe we can sense her to some degree, anyway. Whilst she is rather gifted with the Force, she can't hold us both off if we focus together." He finished, revealing his hopes. "I agree. She probably is using the Force to hide herself. At least, that's the conclusion I came to after meditating on it for days. I was hoping on meditating together on it, but until now I didn't know you were having problems too." Shaak responded, hoping they could begin the meditation soon.
Chapter 2 - Chapter Two
This is the first time I’ve seen my mothers villa, and I have to say, I’m completely overwhelmed. The property is huge and situated on the seafront. The pool and sun loungers overlooked the vast blue of the clear ocean.   The building is mainly white concrete with wide windows to overlook the ocean. Palm trees either side of the mosaic path. I can imagine Tony Stark living here.   “So, what do you think?” Mother asks, looking from me and across to her pride and joy.    “I.. uh… Wow… “ I stammer over my words, my jaw agape. I’m impressed.   “Ten bedrooms, all with their own hot tub spa system and forty-five-inch tv’s. Cinema room, films every night. Bar with our own waiter, drinks are on the house for you my dear. Our own chef, breakfast and dinner also. All down here is semi-private, people can come for food and drinks but everything upstairs is private. We also have a tennis court, a bowling alley…”   “I get it, you have everything. I never realised you were this rich.”   “Well, my acting career paid incredibly well, and father was richer than we all imagined. A lot of people owed him huge amounts of money which all got handed to me when he died, rest his soul.”   “Well, what are we waiting for? Show me around!” I bounce on the spot. The clean air fills my lungs with hope and warmth.   Mother showed me around the entire complex. At the end of the grand tour, we settled at the bar with a bright pink cocktail with salt-rimmed on the edge of the glass. The alcohol hit me the second I swallowed it.   “Gavi is taking your bags to your room. You’re in number three, just across from me. Unfortunately, it’s not a beach view, but who needs the view when the beach is on your doorstep?”   “Thanks for all this mum. Thanks for listening to my cry of help.”   “Darlin, I raised you for sixteen years. It’s a mother’s nature to listen to their child’s cries of help. Every time you broke up with a boyfriend or spilt a drink, I was there, honey.”   “Yeah, I know. Thank you.”   “Now, on Friday evenings we host an event here, this room specifically.”   I look around the huge room. The floor a shining white marble and the walls plain white but a pale blue neon light lit the wall with a calm atmosphere.   “Oh yeah, what kind of event?”   I watch mother shift with embarrassment.   “People pay to come here to have sex openly in public. To exchange partners or to find someone to hook up with. Sometimes it gets messy but it’s very open.”   “Right. Remind me to not come down on Friday afternoons.”   Mother went a little tight-lipped as if to say that was probably best.   “You’ll find your own path eventually, Fiona. But the past year has been horrific for you, so take this time to find yourself and heal yourself.”   I nod.   “I have some clothes for you. They’re in your wardrobe, in your room. I think they will suit you.” She stood, stretched and smiled. “Sorry babe, but I’ve got to run some errands. You’ll know how to find me if you need me. Have fun, sweetie.”   I smile and stand to give her a quick cuddle before she leaves.   My mother runs sex events every Friday in her million-dollar Spanish mansion. Who could have thought?   I make my way through the wide, glamorous halls and up the shiny marble stairs to my room. It’s the size of my entire apartment back home in London. I instantly fall in love with the clean, relaxed, romantic feel of the room. Inside the walk-in wardrobe, I find maybe two dozen brand new outfits ready for me. I feel like I’m a princess. I inspect them, one by one till I finally settle on a white summery dress. I put it on and look at myself in the full-length mirror. I look fucking fantastic and totally edible!   I nibble my bottom lip gently. The world was mine, and I needed to take it!   I showered to freshen myself up and extinguish the remaining scent of Paul from my skin. Once out, I blow dry my long blonde hair and set it into soft curls that fall over my shoulders and halfway down my back. I do my make-up, mainly mascara and lipstick, not overdoing things too much and replace that beautiful floaty white dress.   Oh yes. Now we’re talking.   I don’t want to be biased, but I totally look like a super-hot model.   I’m ready. Ready to take on Spain.
Chapter 3 - Chapter Three
Down the walkway of San Antonio Bay, people float on by without a care in the world. Spain is calm and relaxed, no one worries or shouts , or so it seems. I’m so used to the hustle and bustle of London, it’s nice to take in a breath of air that’s not heavily polluted.  I walk past rows of shops, resturants, bars. People sat under huge parisoles eating delicious smelling food. No one looks at me. Spanish people are glamorous in their own way, I don’t draw anyones attention. Maybe I would have back in London, but here I blended in.  Click I hear a click of a camera and spin around to pinpoint to sound, how dare anyone take a photo of me without my consent. I was angry.  I see a quality camera in large, tanned hands with fingers feathered with dark hair. I look upward, to study a mans face. This man has a square jaw dotted with stubble and his blue eyes gleam under his thick, angular eyebrows.  “Hola Senorita.” His voice low and gruff but silky like melted chocolate. Suddenly, I’m not mad anymore.  “Hello,” I smile and give him an awkward wave.  “Espero que no te importe, pero te veias tan hermosa. Mira.”  I blink stupidly at his native tongue. I have no idea what he just said, but he fiddles with his camera before extending it over to me. I’m shocked to discover the photo he took was so professional looking and beautifully composed. The right place, the right time.  I’m walking, silhouetted with the palm trees either side of me, the setting sun in the background.  “Oh wow. That’s really good.” I smile and nod. I needed to get that printed. No, I needed to learn to speak Spanish, and quick.  “Te empapas de espanol?” I can tell it’s a question by the tone of his voice. I so wish I paid attention in my Spanish lesson at school.  All I can so is smile stupidly and shrug.  “Mi nombre es Christian.” He dotted two fingers into his chest. Then, as if he had a bright idea, grabbed his phone from his pocket.  After some typing, he shows me his phone. It was google translate.  ‘I’m sorry, it seems we have encountered a language barrier. I’m Cristian.’ I smile, ear to ear. He was adorable.  “I’m Fiona. It’s nice to meet you. And thanks for the photo, it looks really good. May I get a copy?” I talk into the translator, letting it put my words into Spanish.  “Finoa…” He says and smiles rolling my name over his tongue as if he had to lavish the experience.  I nod slowly, heat rises in my belly.  Christian rubs a hand through his shoulder length black hair after he passes me back his phone with another typed message.  ‘Your name matches your aura. Beautiful. Can I take you for a drink and some food, I saw you look at some menus.’ I bite my bottom lip and nod to him.  “I’d love to. Can you recommend anywhere?” The translator got the message across.  Christian smiles and nods his head forward. I already know what restaurant he meant, the outsides lit up with pink neon tube lights and glass tables with comfortable chairs. He begins to walk, looking over his shoulder to check if I’m following.  Duh, of course I’m going to follow. This man is an absolute snack, and he takes gorgeous photos. Plus, take a look at those wide muscular shoulders and small waist. I shiver.  We sat outside, accompanied by a gentle, cooling breeze. He points to something on the menu, then rubs his stomach. I laugh at his little game of charades. He pointed to Spanish omelette, of course I’d have chosen that regardless of his recommendations. I point to his phone and pretend to text. He smiles, his eyes alight with joy as he slides across his phone.  ‘I would have chosen that anyway. You have good taste in food.’ I type.  He reads the translated version and smiles and types back.  ‘So do you, Fiona. Tell me more about you, but talk, don’t type. I am fascinated with your language.’ I read.  “Well, I’m Fiona, I’m twenty-eight and I work as a journalist. I was in a bad, abusive relationship for a year, so I have come here to find a better life.” The translator turns my words into Spanish. His face crumples into a deep frown.  He texts a message in reply.  ‘I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you find it here. You deserve to find happy.’ I laugh at the translation and nod, looking over my shoulder toward the docks and boats. The setting sun is painting deep red across the sky and reflecting over the calm ocean.  My attention gets drawn back to Christian as he speaks fluently to a waitor. He’s ordering for us, I hope he’s paying too, I left my money back at mothers villa.  * Dinner was awesome. Probably the best fucking omelette I’ve ever tasted, all the while sitting opposite to Christian. He has a dark look in his eyes. His face is partially highlighted by the neon tube lights which made him look even more sexy and indulgent.  It’s dark now, and the cool air is mixing with the hot air.  Christian clears his throat and pushes his phone toward me with another message.  ‘Let me walk you home. It’s dark and danger.’  I smile to myself and nod.  “Ok.” I say, without the translator and he seems to understand.  We walk down the harbour in silence. The gentle whispers of the calm ocean wafts around us with the subtle scent of seaweed. Our footsteps synchronise together. He is a whole head taller than me and as large as a body guard.  I capture his attention with a soft poke in the ribs and gesture for the phone.  ‘I told you about me. It’s your turn to tell me about you.’ I hand the phone back to him and he smiles, stopping beside a post to lean on. We are under the orange glow of a street lamp and I can see the mischief run across his handsome face.  He lifts the phone to his lips and talks fluently into it.  The translation was just as sexy as his voice.  ‘I’m Christian, I’m a photographer, club owner and businessman. I know everyone, and everyone knows me. I am very wealthy, very respected. I want to pursue my career and expand my club to more countries.”  Money means nothing, but I admire his love for his work. I speak into the phone to let google translate do its work for me.  “Sounds like you’re a busy man.” He listens and nods. We begin walking again. The pace is slow and calm, side by side like old time lovers.  My stomach swells with nerves as I think about telling him why I came here. Chances are I’m not going to see him after today, so I go ahead. “I was supposed to be getting married today.” I say into the phone.  He looks across to me and tilts his head curiously. He speaks his natural tongue elegantly, softly.  ‘The abusive one?’  “Yes, the abusive one. I took the opportunity to leave when I could, I knew I’d never get another chance.”  He sighs and closes his eyes for a few seconds. He speaks into the phone again. ‘I am glad you escaped it. You don’t deserve it. A woman like you needs to be loved deeply.’ As I read his reply, I can’t help but smile and feel my stomach swirl with excitement.  He speaks again and smiles.  ‘You should smile more, it suits you.’
Chapter 4 - Chapter Four
We reach the villa after a ten minute walk along the beach. The villa is lit up like a night club and music was thudding from within its walls. Christian taps my shoulder to get my attention and shows me a new message on his phone.   ‘I know this place. Is Babs your mother?’   Don’t tell me he comes here on Friday nights to fuck strangers. I nod in answer to his question.   “How do you know her?” I ask google translate.   ‘I fitted her speakers when she was doing this place up. I also helped with the cinema room, fitting the surround sound and screen. She payed me with unlimited access to the bar.’   Thank god.   As we walk into the Villa, mother greets us at the door with open arms and a wide smile. She hugs us one at a time before she turns to Christian to talk with him. Their conversation was in fluent Spanish, my mother spoke it so elegantly like she was born and raised here. I felt like the third wheel, like the odd one out.   “I’m glad you met my good friend Christian, Fiona. He’s a good man, he will take good care of you.”   “Tu hija es hermosa. Me pregunto si sabe tan bien como se ve…” Christian growls like a hungry lion, and my mother bursts out laughing.   “Christian! That’s my daughter! It’s a good job she couldn’t understand that, she would be blushing as red as a berry!”   Christian chuckles, a deep, throaty chuckle that vibrates in his ribs.   I can only imagine what he just said to my mother without me knowing.   “I think Christian wants some alone time with you, you lucky, lucky girl. Have a drink and enjoy yourself.” Mother whispers to me and saunters off to talk to someone else.   Oh lord help me. Was i about to have sex with a ravishing Spanish man? I certainly hope so. I sit at the bar, the waiter passes me a drink without me asking. But I’m pleasantly surprised at its light, icy refreshing taste. It tasted like crushed strawberries blended with ice and syrup with a dash of vanilla gin. Christian had the same and was also pleasantly surprised. Unlike the drink earlier, the alcohol was subtle and not overpowering.   We end up in my bedroom.   Christian dimmed the lights above the large bed and hooked a fake rose from its vase and held it between his teeth. His scruffy black fair ruffled in front of his eyes. He’s so sexy, but I need to get ready for this shit. I want to wear clothes that look sexy on me so I can impress him. I want to….   “Hermosa senorita…” He growls gently and slips a large hand around my waist, pulling my body closer to him. His hips press against mine. I can already feel a heat rising in the pit of my stomach. I have no idea what he just said, but I know how he feels.   He runs one of his big hands along my bare thigh and under my dress. I forget to breathe. His touch is so welcoming and comforting that I just sink into his gentle touch filled with desire.   He takes the rose from his teeth and throws it to the floor. His mouth now free, he dives his lips into my neck, kissing deeply along the sensitive skin. The air gets sucked from my lungs and my knees buckle from the sensation. I cling onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck to keep him close.   He sucks the skin over my collarbone and drags his teeth up my neck to settle on my ear, suckling the lobe softly.  His hand moves from my thighs to in between my legs. His fingers press against my clitoris and hums against my neck when he finds my panties already wet.   I am at his whim. I need this.   “Ya estas tan mojado…” He purs, slipping his fingers past my panties.   The touch of his bare fingers against my slippery pussy was enough to make us both moan. We are both overtaken by a deep, hot arousal. Our instincts are begging us to fuck.   I’ve never had a one-night stand before, and yet he touches me like he has been my lover for years.   He pressed me against the wall, sandwiching me between the cool concrete and his body. His fingers slip and graze over my clit and down. A simple change of angle, and his fingers are inside me.   I feel my entire body flush with heat, yet I shiver with excitement at the same time.   He starts working his fingers into my core, pressing against delicious sweet spots which edge me into pleasure. His fingers a skilled, that’s for sure.   He tugs my panties down and I kick them off, suddenly we are on the bed, his huge body on top of me. He replaces his fingers and works into me with a fierce rhythm. Quick, powerful. I holler out loud, no longer able to keep quiet about it.   I feel a bubbling pleasure curl my toes and tense through my hips. An orgasm, a fiery hot, quick orgasm. I don’t think I’ve ever came so quickly in my life. He didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop. He wanted more.   At this point, my pussy was making wet, sloppy sounds.   He takes his fingers back and sucks my juices from them.   Standing, he removes his trousers and boxers, revealing a rather handsome cock. It wasn’t huge, or maybe it was compared to an ‘average’ cock, his body is so well built, it overshadowed his cock.   As he clambers on top of me and began to press the head of his cock against me, I could tell he was in fact, much larger than any ‘average’ male.   He pushes his hips forward, his cock sinking into me in one slick movement.   I hardly had time to compensate his size, he was soon fucking me so hard the bed began to rock and knock against the wall with his hard thrusts. (To be continued)
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Sweet Dreams
The stormy night caused a city-wide power outage so the usually lively city of Jump City turned dim and heartless. The only light in the city came from the gentle moonlight above, and the numerous stars in the sky. Understandably, this caused plenty of outrage among the citizens, but there was nothing to be done but to hold out until the storm relented. Watching this scene from her floor-to-ceiling windows, Raven was strangely at ease in the darkness. Sure, the Titan Tower had backup generators in case of emergencies, but she elected to turn the lights in her room off anyway. She did not do this to show solidarity with the people of Jump City, but because she had been afflicted with a rather painful condition when she had defied Trigon and refused to let him use her as a portal. The half-demon teen had been more than happy to see that she, along with the help of her precious friends, had been able to send Trigon back to where he belonged, and she could now rest easy. However, Trigon, not wanting to go down without a final jab at Raven for her betrayal, sent her one final farewell gift. Just before Trigon was banished, Raven was hit with a massive amount of demonic energy which clung to her power and attempted to consume her. Unlike his other attacks, this clump of energy could not be stopped or countered, so Raven had been learning to control the flow of the power to a certain extent. Her power was different, and in some ways, inferior to that of Trigon’s so she had little luck assimilating the power into herself. The rest of the Titans had been worried about her since she was not able to do much with her current condition, even her powers felt sluggish and weak as they had to fight through Trigon’s energy every time she tried to use them. Still, she spent over a month wondering how to fix her condition until she found a spellbook with a ritual to excise foreign energy from the body and convert it into a familiar that would be bound to her soul. It was a risky ritual, as it did not have clear instructions so Raven had to fill in the blanks as much as she could, but it could definitely help her out. The familiar could take any shape, but she hoped it would be something small that she could keep as a pet. Additionally, since the familiar would be bound to her soul, it would not be able to die until she died so she would be stuck with whatever she created for the rest of her life. The book said it was possible to produce familiars that were unfriendly to their host and would act out, but they were not able to seriously harm their host so they best they could do is be a nuisance. Either way, it was better than having Trigon’s energy cling to her being while it tried to destroy her. She had been waiting for a full moon, as instructed in the book, and the rest of the Titans were waiting for her to finish the ritual in the common area. They had offered to be with her for the process, but Raven refused them as she wanted to be able to concentrate without distractions. If she messed up the ritual and her friends got hurt, she would never be able to forgive herself. She needed to do this alone. Besides, aside from providing emotional support, the rest of the Titans could not be of much help in the matters of the arcane anyway. Focusing back on the ritual, Raven took a deep breath as she readied for the final step, fueling the process with Trigon’s energy. Clearing her mind of all thoughts, Raven felt a tremendous strain on her body and energy as the foreign energy was ripped away from her and sucked into the book before her. The powerful pull of energy brought her down to her knees as she had already been weak from having to deal with Trigon’s power for over a month, but she ignored that as she suddenly felt like a million pounds had been taken off her shoulders. At the same time, she felt a slight burn on the lower area of her belly, so she quickly lifted her shirt and discovered a strange black hear-like symbol etched into her skin. The familiar bond, she realized. The book did say that she would receive a symbol that signified the bond between a host and a familiar, but it did not go into much detail. The symbol was not too big, but more importantly, it was in a part of her body that would not usually be seen so she was alright with it. It could have been worse, she thought. The link to Trigon’s energy still existed, but the oppressive feeling it brought was gone so Raven could only sigh in relief now that the ritual had done its job. A quiet hiss called for her attention so she looked up to see a young man around her age standing before her. It was her familiar, she correctly surmised, so she understood why the man was naked and tried not to look at any sensitive spots. She was disheartened not to get something small like a cat or a crow, but she could not complain now that she was more or less free from Trigon’s curse. Taking a better look at the man who was staring at her silently, she noted that he possessed pale, grayish-white skin like her own, but that was where the similarities ended. His athletic build was prominent so she could not help but stare a little longer than necessary at his bulging muscles. Unlike the bodies of Robin, and Beastboy, who were indeed fit, her familiar had a build that was more similar to someone like Superman. Trying her best not to look at his private parts, she instead focused on his head and was shocked to see two large bull-like black horns protruding from his mop of short black hair. It was clear that her familiar was a demon of some kind, though that was at odds with his surprisingly innocent charming face. She was not too surprised at this result however as she doubted that Trigon’s energy would have created something as simple as a cat in the first place. Producing a demon was to be expected, or rather, she was happy that his demon was at least human-like, aside from his horns that is. But after what felt like a few tense seconds of them staring at each other, the demon broke the silence as he gave Raven a kind smile, “Master, what are you doing on the floor?” Instantly, Raven felt something strike her psyche as the demon’s voice was unusually soothing to her ears, and his smile a pleasant sight. She wondered why she suddenly felt like that, but the thought was cleared away when the nameless demon extended his open hand to her. She stared at the demon’s gesture for a second before she realized it was offering to help her get back on her feet, so she hastily took his hand and let him pull her back up. Her legs were wobbly, so his help was definitely appreciated. The ritual had taken quite a toll on her, and she doubted she would have been able to get up by herself, at least for a while. More importantly, the familiar she had summoned, while clearly being a demon, had a pleasant demeanor and showed some care for her. Raven, as the daughter of Trigon, was well aware of how demons behaved so she was taken aback by the kind disposition her familiar had. If she did not have the familiar bond linking to him, she would have believed that he was trying to get her to lower her guard, but she sensed that he had no ill will. A very useful tool in the familiar bonding process, she thought. Without a word, the nameless demon helped her onto her bed where she sat down and finally felt like she was done with Trigon. The feeling of freedom was almost overwhelming, so she could not stop a smile from gracing her lips. “Are you that happy to be free from your father, Master?” The demon spoke with a smile that matched Raven’s. He was now leaning against the wall next to her bed as he stared at his master in glee. Feeling like her mind had been read, Raven felt slightly uncomfortable, but the demon was quick to catch on to her shift in attitude and moved to reassure her. “Master, I’m not reading your mind or anything like that. I was created to be your familiar so I was given all the information from your memories up until this point. I just figured you were happy to be finally free from your father’s control,” he explained. Sensing that he was not lying, she relaxed again as her smile returned. “That’s right, if you saw my memories then you should know how much I have hoped for this day to come. I can’t even begin to explain how happy I am right now.” Her familiar approached her and kneeled down on one knee and took her hands into his, a gesture that Raven would not allow anyone to do under normal circumstances, much less someone who was essentially a stranger, but perhaps because he was her familiar, she did not feel uncomfortable at the contact. “I am happy to see your dreams come true master, but I think you should go tell your friends the good news now. I am sure that they are anxiously waiting to hear about the ritual,” the demon said with a sweet voice. Not surprised that the demon knew about her friends, Raven realized that she had forgotten about them in her moment of excitement. They were surely worrying about her by now, so without thinking she tried to get up but found herself still too weak to stand and began to fall over. Before she fell to the ground, she found herself in the extremely toned arms of her familiar. Her head rested on his chiseled chest as her body pressed up against his warm hard muscles. The physical contact was unusually pleasant, but Raven managed to push herself out of his arms as she recalled that he was still not wearing clothes. “Thanks for catching me,” she said with ears red from embarrassment. She doubted she had ever reacted like this to another man before, but she didn’t dwell on the thought and instead focused on getting her familiar clothes, “I will need your help in moving for now, but do you think you can put on some clothes before we leave my room? I don’t think my friends will be happy to see you naked.” Without a word, the demon manifested black pants and a black t-shirt. The attire was plain, but it was more than enough to walk outside so Raven clung to her familiar as she allowed him to lead her outside. As soon as her door hissed open, she heard the discussion down the hall in the common room stop. A few seconds later, she entered the living room with the assistance of her familiar. Her friends, Robin, Beastboy, and Cyborg in particular, stood up and entered combat stances, much to Raven’s surprise, but realizing what was happening she was quick to dismiss their concerns with a smile. “Guys, the ritual worked,” she said as she drew the attention from her familiar, “I managed to convert Trigon’s energy into a familiar, and now I’m free, though a bit exhausted.” Robin, the leader of the group, was the first to speak up, “Raven, it’s good that things worked out, but is this…?” Robin’s question was clear, and while he looked happy that Raven had managed to free herself from Trigon’s curse, he was now concerned with the demon at his friend’s side. “Oh yes, this is my familiar, his name is…” Raven began to introduce him but suddenly realized that she had not introduced herself to him much less him to her, but her implied question was answered by the kind demon. “I don’t have a name, though you are free to give me one if you like,” he explained without dropping his ever-present smile. “A new friend? Oh, this is most wonderful, Raven! I have several names for you to choose from!” Starfire, being her usual happy-go-lucky self was quick to accept the new addition to the Tower and beamed at the thought of making a new friend. She jumped forward and was quick to hug both Raven and her familiar, uncaring that the young man was a demon. Raven was happy to see Starfire be so accepting, but she had come to expect that from her so she was not surprised and returned the hug. “Well, I suppose I could use your help in coming up with a name, but we should also take my familiar’s input, I don’t want him stuck with a name he doesn’t like,” Raven admitted, as she realized that she had not even thought about having to name her familiar. Though Starfire’s naming sense was not ideal either so she would likely get the opinions of the others as well. “I think that perhaps we should talk about this matter more privately,” the voice of Robin called out from the other side of the room, Raven turned to face him and the rest of the group and saw that both Beastboy and Cyborg seemed to be in agreement with their leader. She wasn’t sure what the big deal was but she understood what they wanted to say so she quickly asked her familiar to set her down on a nearby couch and asked him to wait in her room. “Of course, please call out to me if you need anything,” he responded as he turned on his heel and went back to Raven’s room. He had been very cordial with the rest of the Titans, and Raven personally thought that her familiar was quite easy to get along with, and that was coming from someone who was against social interactions. She couldn’t understand why some of the Titans were looking at him with distrust, but she was ready to explain the situation to them. As soon as the group was sure that the demon was completely out of earshot, Beastboy was the first to speak up, “We are not letting that dude stay with us, are we?” “Huh?” Raven’s confused voice was let out involuntarily. However, to her surprise, Robin did not immediately rebuke Beastboy and instead turned to Raven, “So he’s your familiar? I have to agree with Beastboy on this one, Raven. We can’t just allow a stranger to roam the Titan Tower.” “Wait a minute, I had already explained that the ritual would result in a familiar and there were no problems at that point, so where is this coming from? Is this because he’s a demon?” She asked with a hint of annoyance. Cyborg then stepped in, “Don’t get too worked up about this Raven, it’s just that when you said a familiar we were expecting a small animal that we could keep as a pet, not a strange man.” Not appreciating where the conversation was going, Raven spoke up for her still unnamed familiar, “He’s not some strange man I found in the streets, he’s someone I created by using Trigon’s power. Besides, with the familiar bond I have, I can sense his intentions and I know he has no malice towards me.” “Well, maybe not to you, but he could be dangerous to others,” Beastboy interrupted, “Besides everyone should have an opinion on this since we all live here.” She could not fault him on that take, but she still did not like how they were so wary of her familiar. He had done nothing but be polite to everyone, even when the boys had been hostile from the get-go. “Raven, I’m not saying that we should just get rid of him, but I think we should keep him somewhere safe where we can get to know him better before he just starts living in the tower,” Robin explained, trying to ease the tension of the situation. “Well, he’s linked to me so he can’t get very far from me in the first place so wherever you plan to put him, I will go with him,” Raven said, completely ready to leave her room for the time being. “Wait you can’t be away from him? Like at all?” Beastboy suddenly shouted out in a panicked voice before he quickly reigned himself in, “Then we’ll be stuck with him for how long exactly?” “I already explained this before I performed the ritual,” Raven said as she reminded them of what she had explained on the ritual, “I’ll be stuck with whatever I summon until I die so there’s nothing I can do about that, and he also can’t stay away from me for too long, and even if I could send him away he does not have a home because he didn’t exist until he was created from Trigon’s energy.” Raven was starting to grow exasperated with the boys, it was like they were being obtuse on purpose for some unknown reason. “I basically gave him life, so I can’t just turn around and abandon him, even if it was possible to do so,” she said with strong resolve. No matter what her friends said, she was not going to leave her familiar behind for no reason. Robin frowned at her, behind his domino mask he was deep in thought, “Well, what do you girls think? I would like to hear from everyone.” It was clear that Beastboy and Cyborg were on Robin’s side, but there were still three other Titans to hear from. Starfire was quick to chime in on the matter, “I don’t have any problems with our new friend! I am excited to get to know them better, and I already doubted the list of names! Is Neortwas still a popular name? Besides, I am sure that enjoying some time with our new friend will be enough for everyone to get to know each other better and start trusting each other.” Robin shook his head at her response, but he had been expecting that, so he turned to face Terra, who had not gotten up from the couch at all. Noticing Robin’s look, she decided it was her time to speak, “Personally I think that things will be fine, he doesn’t seem like a bad person to me and It’s a moot point since we would have to get rid of Raven if we want to get rid of him so I don’t mind living with him.” True to her laidback nature, she really had no qualms with the situation, not to mention that Robin was forced to agree with her on her second point. “You too, Terra!?” Beastboy whined at her answer. She merely shrugged in response. “And you Jinx?” The newest addition to the team, Jinx, a former member of H.I.V.E, was still finding her place among the team, but the rest of the Titans were already treating her like a true member and respecting her opinion. Being put on the spot was never nice, and Jinx, although she put on a veil of confidence, was rather shy under too much attention. Still, she had already made her decision in advance so that she could easily get the pressure off herself. “Isn’t it fine to let him stay? You might not trust him, but I trust Raven, and if she says that it’s fine, then I will believe her.” Her answer was short, but surprisingly effective, not to mention that four out of the seven Titans were alright with him staying. He had to concede on the matter. “Well, I can’t say that you’re wrong,” Robin spoke as he came to a decision, “Then he can stay in the tower, but Raven, you will need to watch over him until we get to know him better.” That was the only compromise he had on the matter. “Of course,” Raven said, clearly happy that the discussion was over. Beastboy on the other hand was far from convinced, “Wait, that’s it? We are just okay with having some demon living here with us, I mean the guy has horns!” “I didn’t know you felt that way about demons,” the half-demon uncharacteristically snapped at her teammate, an action that surprised even her, “I mean for a guy that uses horns in every other attack.” Understanding he had said the wrong thing, Beastboy was quick to apologize, “That’s not what I meant Raven, I just don’t trust some guy that I don’t know, I’m sorry.” “It’s fine, Beastboy,” Raven spoke in a much softer tone, “Everyone is just tired, I get it. We can talk more about this tomorrow morning, for now, I need to rest to recover my strength.” The team agreed with her, it had been a long day after all, and they too had their share of stress. It would certainly be better to discuss the matter after everyone had some sleep, but as Raven made her way back to her room, Beastboy was struck with a realization. “Wait, Raven!” He ran after the girl who was already halfway down the hallway while the rest of the Titans went off to their own quarters. Turning back, Raven looked at Beastboy, unsure as to what he wanted to talk about. “Beastboy? We can continue the discussion tomorrow-" “No, that’s not it,” he interrupted with an awkward face, he was clearly concerned about something but Raven could not figure it out, so she instead waited for him to continue. After a second or two of Beastboy thinking about how exactly to ask what was on his mind, Beastboy finally spoke up, “Where is this guy going to sleep?” Raven raised her eye at the question. “In my room, obviously. Can’t exactly keep an eye on him if we stay in separate rooms anyway,” she explained. In her mind, it was never even a consideration she had pondered, she just assumed that he would sleep in her room. Perhaps it was the bond she shared with her familiar or the surprising comfort his voice and appearance brought her, but she was not concerned with the prospect of sharing a room with the man. Beastboy’s eyes widened at this. He was clearly taken aback and at a loss for words, as the Raven, he had known until now would never have agreed to share her room with another person, much less a man she had just met. There was something clearly off in her behavior, but it was clear that she was firm in her decision to house the demon she had created. “Raven, suppose I understand wanting to take care of your… familiar but are you really okay with sharing your room with a man?” Beastboy finally asked what had been on his mind the entire time, but instead of getting defensive as she had before, her expression turned into relief. “Oh, that’s what you guys were worried about?” She asked in slight amusement, “I see why we were having issues; I don’t really see him as a man in the same sense you are thinking, but almost like an extension of myself. There’s nothing to worry about, you guys do come up with the strangest ideas sometimes.” “Oh… I think I understand what you are saying,” Beastboy said, still not entirely convinced, “I guess it’s hard to get that from an outsider’s perspective. Also, Raven, about the demon comment, I don’t want you to misunderstand what I was trying to say about-“ “Beastboy, it’s alright,” Raven interrupted her teammate, “I know you didn’t mean anything by it, so let’s talk more about this tomorrow." Bidding her friend goodnight, Raven tired to her room for the night. Inside her room, she was greeted by the sight of her familiar sitting on her bed. He was sitting in a relaxed pose and seemed to be deep in thought but the hiss from the door alerted him to her presence. Turning to face her, his face, which had been devoid of emotion until that moment, returned back to its infectious smile. “Master, it seems that my presence is causing you some trouble,” he stated plainly, as though he was not upset about the situation. “Did you hear us from here?” She asked as she approached her bed and sat next to her familiar, “Sorry about that, but my friends are just worried about me. They don’t have anything against you, and I guess the boys are particularly worried about the situation for some reason. They are usually more laid back about this type of thing.” She recalled how welcoming the team had been to both Terra and Jinx, people that had both betrayed them and been their enemies in the past. Compared to them, her familiar had not done anything wrong so she was unsure as to what the big deal was. Thankfully she had been able to sort things out so she did not have to worry about the issue for now, she thought. “Hear you? No, I felt you becoming stressed from our link, and I figured things out from there,” he explained while pointing to Raven’s belly. She had already forgotten that her familiar bond had a physical representation on her body, but she was strangely not concerned with the tattoo-like image. She was more interested in the bond itself, it seemed that she did not know everything about the bond. The book had not been very helpful in that matter so she made a mental note to study more about the subject at a later time. “I see, well we can talk more about this tomorrow, but for now we should get to sleep,” she said as she removed her cloak and readied herself for bed. “Master, where should I sleep?” Her familiar’s question caught her off-guard. She had not been thinking about the details of the sleeping situation when she said her familiar would stay in her room. Taking a closer look at the room, she was reminded that she was not very ready to receive guests. Aside from her, admittedly large, bed, there was no decoration or furniture in her room aside from her bookshelves. There was a small reading table in the corner of her room, but it was not something that could be used as a bed, and even the floor was out of the question as she did not have extra pillows or blankets. Realizing that there was really only one option, she decided to get her familiar a bed at a later date when she had the time. “You can sleep in my bed for now, but don’t worry I’ll get you a bed of your own soon, alright?” she explained with an embarrassed look in her eyes. It was bad enough that she could not offer her guest a proper bed, but he even had to sleep with her. Raven would never admit it out loud, but there was a very strange allure her familiar possessed, and the thought of being in close proximity with him during the night was rather pleasant. But she did not imagine her familiar would feel the same, as she had never been a pretty girl, not like some of the women she knew anyway. Appearance was just not something she cared about, but she had never been conscious of that until now. Though she was thankful when her familiar made no comment and instead headed to the other side of the bed, instantly his black shirt and pants disappeared and were replaced with black boxers. Seeing his body exposed again made the half-demon sneak a peek, but she quickly pulled her blanket over herself and turned in the opposite direction. Changing his clothes like that was some type of magic to be sure, but now that she was thinking about it, she was not sure what kind of abilities her familiar possessed. The book said that depending on what she created, her familiar would have different powers. That had not been a focus for her, but now that everything was over, she wondered if he had any combat abilities and if he would be willing to aid her in battle. Seeing as how he was made from Trigon’s power, she knew for certain that he must be an extremely powerful being or at least one with useful abilities. That too would have to wait for tomorrow as the instant she closed her eyes she felt a strong pull into the land of dreams. Her eyelids grew extremely heavy, and losing her will to stay awake, Raven fell deep into slumber. Seeing that his power had placed Raven to sleep, her familiar’s smile turned feral as he closed the distance between himself and his master. Even as he shook his master while putting his hand inside her clothes to find the familiar bond over her womb, Raven did not stir in the slightest. Tracing his finger over the tattoo, the demon could not help but feel a surge of power enter his body, it was extremely difficult for him not to assault his master at that moment, but his cunning prevented him from doing so. It was too soon, he thought. Turning his attention to his master’s sleeping face, he hovered over her and dug his face into her neck, and took several deep breaths of her scent, it was the sickly sweet scent of a pure maiden that was hard for any Incubus like himself to resist. He could not stop himself from answering his primary purpose as an Incubus, so he prepared a spell to enter his master’s dreams. As he molded magic in his hand, he recalled the rest of the Titans he had met and seen in Raven’s memories. Starfire, Terra, and Jinx were all ideal targets as well, and from their corruption, he would certainly gain tremendous power. He would have to develop strategies for them but it should not be all that difficult to corrupt them as even his master was unable to fend off his Incubus charm from working on her. She held the most defenses against arcane and demonic powers, but she was completely unable to stop his advances. Yes, the rest of the girls would not be too much of an issue. He just needed to take things slow for now. The other problem was the males of the tower. Robin, Beastboy, and Cyborg. While he could, and would not harm his master, he could lie to her, and he had already done so. The familiar link did work two ways and he was able to pick up what his master was feeling from it, but he actually had spied on the conversation from his master’s eyes. The boys were right to be suspicious of the newcomer, or rather the girls were unusually eager to allow a demon into their home, but that was not exactly their fault. As an Incubus he exuded a veil of allure that disarmed women’s caution and increased his sexual appeal. For those without defense against such attacks, the effect was nearly impossible to combat. Not to mention that he was created with Trigon’s energy, a fact that greatly boosted the effects of his power. Women were not only extremely vulnerable to his power, but they were the only ones affected by them. The boys were free from such effects, and therefore were the only ones to bring up concerns about him. They would be the biggest problem for him, and that was why he was not able to push too much for now. Pushing those problems to the side for now, he turned back to his sleeping master and used his spell to create and enter her dreams. Feeling all sense of fatigue wash away instantly, Raven’s eyes shot open but instead of seeing her grey ceiling, she was shocked to see her completely naked familiar over her. Out of instinct, she tried to get up but quickly found that her hands were being held above her head by her familiar. Holding both her hands with his left hand, his right hand was gently tracing the soft skin on her neck as his eyes bore into her with an insatiable hunger. The feeling those eyes gave her made Raven freeze in place and stop trying to get free. It was unusual, she doubted that anyone had ever looked at her with such an expression, and it somehow made her feel wanted. Not in the gentle, kind, and respectful way that her friends wanted her, but in a selfish, rough, and uncompromised desire that would not take no for an answer. But her trance was broken when her familiar brought his hand down from her neck and began to fondle her still-covered chest. Unfortunately, her thin leotard offered no protection against his ministrations, and she felt her face grow red when she saw her nipples harden and poke through the clothes. Seeing this, her familiar was quick to target them and with a slight pinch and a tug Raven was unable to stop her body from spasming as a jolt of pleasure ran through her spine. “What the hell are you doing!?” She finally managed to ask barely above a whisper. She wasn’t sure why she was being quiet, as though she was afraid of being discovered, or why she didn’t use her powers, but the thought didn’t strike her mind. Her familiar only gave Raven a cocky grin as he lowered his face into her neck and began to plant kisses on her skin. “You don’t need to pretend master, I could feel your desire from the bond. I am just giving you what you want but are too afraid to ask for. Just relax master.” Was that true? She recalled being conscious of his body, but was she really wanting something like this? She wasn’t sure, but it was possible her familiar had gotten that impression and was acting on her subconscious feelings. His kisses made her body begin to heat up in anticipation, and Raven, a person without experience, was unable to mount a proper defense against this type of attack. Even as he kissed her more and more, his hand never stopped exploring her chest. His touch made her skin burn with a frustrating amount of desire. For some reason, her body could not get enough of the feeling she received from his hands. When his hand found itself under her leotard and directly attacked her nipples, Raven’s embarrassment reached critical levels when she felt herself become uncomfortable thanks to the wetness on her thighs. Raven, like most people, was not a stranger to self-pleasure, but this feeling was painfully different from what she felt when she played with herself. She only became too keenly aware of how her body was submitting to her familiar when she noticed that her familiar was now using two hands on her instead of just one. Lost in the euphoria, she was unsure how long her hands had been free, but she couldn’t care about that when her familiar’s kisses moved from her neck onto her soft lips. The kiss started innocent enough, but as soon as she lowered her guard, she felt his tongue enter her mouth and push against hers. The kisses that Raven had seen in the romance movies that Starfire watched were nothing like this. Her familiar ran his tongue through every inch of her mouth, as though he was searching for something, and her tongue could only meekly go along with his. The thought of having someone’s tongue in her mouth was undoubtedly gross, but for some reason, Raven was enamored with the feeling. When her familiar’s hand moved her leotard to the side of her crotch and exposed her dripping slit, Raven felt a moment of clarity arise in her mind so she pulled away from her familiar’s kiss and took notice of how strange her body was reacting to the situation. “Stop this right away! You’ve gotten the wrong impression, I don’t want-” but her words were cut short as a moan escaped her mouth. Her familiar had plunged one of his rough thick fingers into her wet walls while his thumb gently rubbed her throbbing clit. The jolt of pleasure she received from each movement was almost unbearable as she felt a pressure grow within her. Her breathing grew rough and heavy as her familiar spread her legs to get a better angle, and instead of trying to stop him, Raven was only able to cling onto his muscled back like a newborn baby. The pressure continued to grow with each second until it cumulated into a burst of ecstasy. Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to avoid letting out a guttural moan as her hips buckled and get limp. Her body burned under the waves of pleasure, and she was unable to do anything other than simply lay there, motionless, as she immersed herself in the afterglow. Thinking that the worst was over, Raven tried to get up from her position but was quickly shoved back down into the bed as her familiar let all his weight press onto her body. Raven was not particularly physically strong, or rather she was the weakest titan when it came to physical strength, but surprisingly, despite her familiar being quite heavy compared to her, she did not seem to mind being held down like this. And when her familiar began to spread her legs as he once again pushed his tongue into her mouth, Raven became aware of how sensitive her body had become after her orgasm. Every sensation had been amplified, and she started to moan into her familiar’s mouth. She was just beginning to think that perhaps it was alright to have this type of interaction with her familiar when her body froze in shock and anticipation as she felt a rock-hard poke at the entrance of her folds. Because her familiar was completely covering her body, she was not able to look down to see what exactly was poking her, but she was smart enough to realize that it was way bigger and thicker than the finger he had used on her earlier. Not wanting to take things so far, Raven was quick to tap her familiar on his back to get his attention. Releasing her from his kisses, her familiar looked at her with the same eyes he had before, something that made it hard for Raven to voice her thoughts, but she fought through it, “Maybe you were right about what you said before, but I don’t want to take things this far.” Her voice was a plead, and a far cry of what she should be like as the master in the relationship, but it was the best she could muster at the moment. Still, her familiar paused for a moment, and Raven felt momentarily relieved to see her familiar listen to her. Which is why she was not at all prepared when the pressure she felt in her entrance finally gave away and was replaced by a feeling of tightness inside her. He was big and her muscles quickly stopped trying to resist as the walls enveloping her familiar’s cock wettened. The rough pounding of the demon’s hips caused a sloppy wet sound each time he pushed further into her pussy, and Raven could no longer deny her desire for this. Closing her slender legs around the waist of the demon, Raven held on with all her lingering strength, not caring when she felt her nails dig into her familiar’s toned back. His rhythmic pounding made her feel an unbelievable amount of pleasure, even as she felt his head start knocking against her cervix, she had heard that this type of thing could hurt, but surprisingly, she felt no pain despite the tightness of her walls. The room was filled only with the sounds of slapping flesh and Raven’s whimpers. It was too much, and for the second time in the night, Raven knew her orgasm was coming again. As if reading her mind, her familiar spoke directly into her ear between panting, “Take my seed deep into your womb, master. I want to fill you up with my cum.” “Do it outside,” she responded with a moan. She had never bought contraceptives, but she knew it would be extremely awkward to have to buy a pill in the morning. Having people know that she had sex with her familiar on the first night she created him, what would her team think of her? It was out of the question so she pleaded with her familiar once again, “Don’t cum inside me, please.” However, her familiar made no efforts to slow down, even as his cock began to throb as a sign of its incoming release. Instead, he doubled down on his efforts and continued to pound Raven’s tight pussy. “Master, just be honest with yourself. If you really didn’t want any of this, then you should have done more to stop me. You could have used your powers to push me off, or you could have even called for help, but you didn’t even try to push me off. Your mouth isn’t being honest with me, but at least your body doesn’t lie. You spread your legs for me and wrapped them around me because you want to feel like a woman. Well, I am more than happy to turn you into a real woman, master, so just be honest.” Each of his words stung because deep down, Raven knew that they were true. Forget pleading with him not to cum inside her, she could have prevented him from entering her in the first place, but she made no efforts to stop him because, in some part of her mind, she wanted this to happen. Her familiar was not lying. Giving up her false resistance, Raven stopped gritting her teeth and let out one final moan as she orgasmed on her familiar’s cock. The euphoria from her release was accompanied by the feeling of hot thick ropes of cum entering her womb directly. Feeling the thick seed leak out her pussy and drip down her crotch she could not help but feel completely at ease in her familiar’s arms. The way her skin seemed to radiate from the pleasure, and the feeling of having fulfilled her purpose as a woman created a strange but compulsive emotion within her. The appreciation of being a woman. Then the world began to blur, and squinting to get her vision back to normal, Raven was surprised when her familiar, who was directly on top of her, suddenly disappeared and reappeared back where he had been sleeping on the side of the bed. Her body was still feeling the pleasure from before, and her breathing was labored, but something was clearly different. With a shaking hand, she reached down to touch her, still-aching, slit and found that the cum that had filled her to the brim was nowhere to be found. Her slit was still very wet, but there were no signs that she had been having sex. Realizing that it had all been a dream, she felt her face flare up in embarrassment as she quickly jumped out of her bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. Pretending to be asleep, her Incubus familiar smirked as his first step in corrupting Raven had gone off perfectly. The Incubus was just getting started.
Chapter 1 - Breeze
It was an eventful day and I was really glad when I finally got in bed. I lied there, walking the thin line between dreams and fantasy. The lights were off - same as always. I heard the door open, then two slow steps scratching on the carpet. Motionless, I waited, still unsure whether it was a dream or reality. Sounds of window blinds and then creaking of insect coming from outside. "Hi honey..." I murmured, still half asleep. "Why don't you ever open the window before you go to sleep?" "Because I love the way you do it - you always try not to wake me up." She giggled. Three more steps, creak of a loose floor board and she vanished in the bathroom. I listened to the sound of running water with my eyes closed, smiling absently. I always hear little hints of half-sung melodies. Could be her, singing while she lets the dirt of the day sink down the drain. It could be all those little droplets of water, hitting her naked body, sliding down, falling. If I were a drop of water like that, I would sing, too. I never asked her about the song of the shower - and I don't intent to. Lost in my thoughts, I missed her coming back. She lied down next to me, still warm from the water. Her soft breath touched my ear as she whispered her half of the conversation. We talked in soft voices, caressing each other in our arms. I smelled her aroma and she smelled mine. When we ran out of words, we just lied there, in the inky blackness that was the eternal night. "I couldn't live without you," I said, gently caressing her hair. "Oh I am sure someone would take care of you," she laughed softly. "No, I mean I couldn't live without moments like this." I rolled on my back. She shifted, resting her leg on my thigh, hand on my chest, breeze of her breath in my ear. I continued. "I couldn't bear falling asleep without you, not being able to touch you, smell you, feel you, hear you." Silence. Then I heard two drops hitting the pillow next to my head. She was crying, not making a sound. I knew her too much to be worried. These tears were not shed because of anger or sadness. Her reply confirmed my thoughts, as she whispered: "I love you. You bring me to the pinnacle of happiness with things like this." She got up a little and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. I turned my head and kissed her back. Our mouths touched for a brief moment that felt like an eternity. I sampled her scent, tasted her. My hand moved on its own, touching her behind her shoulder. I felt her skin burning up as she planted a dozen tiny kisses on my mouth. I accepted her lips with the passion of a dehydrated man drinking water. Soon, we embraced each other, the kissing getting more wild. I explored her upper lip with the tip of my tongue. She repaid me in the same manner - our tongues met and a surge passed through my body like lightning. I moved my head to the side and gently bit her neck. I felt her shudder of ecstasy as I moved up, tracing the path to her earlobe with my tongue. When I reached it, nibbled on it. Her body was shaking a little, her hands rubbing my bare back. She moaned in pleasure. I moved down again, sampling her collar bone for a change. By this time, she was lying on hear back and I was lying on her, feeling every trebling motion that passed through her. My tongue moved up her throat and jaw. She took my hand in her hands and kissed me again... with passion that would wake up a dead man. My hand clutched her sides as her tongue fought a loosing battle in which everyone is a winner. When my palms finally found her breasts, she released me from kiss - she threw her head back and moaned when my thumbs brushed against her nipples. Her hands locked behind my back and she moved me towards her. I couldn't resist even if I wanted to. I entered her with a feeling of satisfaction spreading through my body. Her legs followed the example given by her hands and crossed. I pulled up a bit and entered her even deeper. She let out a soft groan of pleasure as I slowly slid inside the warm, inviting universe. I stopped, teasing her. She growled, playfully, and bit my ear. I slided inside her again, with agonizing slowness. She tried to hurry it up by clenching her legs, but I would not yield. I slopped when I filled her completely - only to pull back and push in again. These slow thrusts made us both wild and I finally lost control. I hammered her, filling her, exiting and returning again in matter of seconds. I moved like a piston, every thrust making tiny gasps exit her lips. What sweet music to my ears. When she clenched my shaft and ripped my back with her nails, I groaned with lust and finished, too. My seed filled those few places in her my tool didn't. She shook and came again and I felt her juices mixed with mine, leaving her now satisfied body. I remained in her for some time, enjoying the ultimate feeling of closeness and comfort. Then I pulled out and moved behind her, hugging her. I felt a trickle of our love juices leaking out of her. I found a tissue and gently cleaned her up, leaving only what was still inside her. We drifted to sleep together and woke up together. Still naked, birds chirping outside the window, I felt the warm glow of sun. "You are right," I whispered in her ear, "I should open the blinds from time to time." "Or I could just open them for you." "Do you see the sun?" "I do." "How does it look?" "It is beautiful..." I smiled and tears of joy rolled out of my blind eyes.
Chapter 3 - Eye of the Spider
"Right. So, the first thing you need to know is that you can't just copy what I do exactly," Ariadne pointed out, grinning encouragingly at Bandit. They were in the so-called back yard of the inn they were staying at, really nothing more than a square pit of dust, dirt and rocks surrounded by a rather shoddy and run-down fence. In roughly the middle of the yard, Ariadne had stuck a wooden post and padded it with a cocoon of silk. All in all, it was a pretty poor imitation of a real training yard, but it was all they had. "You're taller than I am, and heavier, and your muscles aren't as strong compared to your body mass. Also I've got armor in places you don't," she added, nodding down at the chitin that covered her arms, legs and spine. "Well if you don't think you can teach me, then why did you say-" Bandit started to ask, but Ariadne put a finger on her lips and the rogue fell obediently quiet. "I never said I couldn't teach you. I just said that you couldn't parrot everything that I do, the way that I fight. It just wouldn't work for you. But at the same time, you've got advantages that I don't have. You're heavier, for one, so in a straight-on fight, if you managed to hit me, I'd go flying. That tail of yours is also really useful, aside from being soft and warm and fluffy and adorable and so much fun to hug to my chest," she added with a wide grin, watching in a near-trance as Bandit's fluffy tail twitched in irritation. "Ahem. Because you've got a heavy tail, it'll act like a counterbalance, right? So you can throw your weight around a bit more without worrying about falling over as much, because your tail will help redistribute your weight some." Bandit crossed her arms. "Well yeah, I already know that, I'm inexperienced not stupid. I still don't see how this is helping me fight better," she pointed out, and the spider-girl let out a sigh. "Fine, if you want to skip the whole lecture I spent a whole week preparing, then I guess we can!" Bandit's eyes softened, and she tilted her head. "Wait, you really spent a week preparing that? Um, I guess you can continue, then..." Ariadne shook her head with a small smile and a roll of her eyes, gesturing for Bandit to get into a fighting stance. "Of course I didn't, who has time for that! You really need to figure out when you're being teased, Bandit. Now come on. Attack me, and I'll kick your ass, and then you can tell me how I kicked your ass and how to stop me next time." "Is this really the only way for you to train me? Can't you just show me the moves on a training dummy or something?" Bandit whined, until Ariadne flicked a bolus of web at her face, forcing her to duck out of the way. Irritated, the young rogue charged forwards, swinging one fist forwards in a powerful haymaker, only for Ariadne to step forwards, slam one arm straight up and into the crook of Bandit's moving elbow, before swinging her own arm up to grab the rogue by the armpit, keeping her moving forwards as the Shadowdancer slid her feet around, one leg advancing to sweep Bandit off her feet. As the raccoon-girl's feet left the ground, Ariadne's arms shifted position slightly, her arachnid limbs reaching out to help stabilize Bandit in her arms and stop her just before she hit the ground. "And when you're on the ground," Ariadne murmured with a wickedly suggestive grin, murmuring directly into Bandit's ear, "There are lotsof things that I can do to you." As the rogue flushed crimson and started to stammer, Ariadne stood up and lifted Bandit to her feet, putting her hands on her hips. "Right. Now, Bandit. What did you do wrong?" The Raccoon glared at being put on the spot like that, and crossed her arms. "Well, I didn't overextend or aim badly or do anything really wrong, you're just faster and have more experience at fighting than me and that's why I lost." At her answer, Ariadne let out a sigh. "Look. I'm trying to help you," she started irritably. "The first thing you need to learn is that you're not a perfect fighter. I'm not a perfect fighter. Nobody is! Everyone has some moments of weakness or carelessness, or some things that they aren't so good at. For me, it's straight up strength. If you had hit me with that, I'm out. So you didn't hit me. I didn't let you. You saw that, right? Looping punches are easy to avoid, you just step forwards. Then you're inside their arm, and they're screwed. Straight punches, you step to their side and sweep their arm across their chest, that way it's blocking them from being able to do anything. Same with armed fighting. Every weapon has a certain reach, and if you can get inside that reach then you've already won. Now me, I avoid attacks, I move around them. I'm small and fast and it's just easier for me. You're bigger and stronger, and you've got that parrying dagger of yours, so it'll probably be easier for you to make the attack move around you instead. You're definitely skilled enough to finish them off once you've got them at that point where they've missed and are helpless." "That's fine, and I never said you were a perfect fighter," Bandit replied with clearly forced patience, "but that still doesn't help me hit you! If every attack is as easy to dodge as you said, how is anyone ever supposed to connect unless they just use feints all the time?" She blinked then as she realized. "Wait..." Ariadne merely shrugged. "You've got it exactly. When you attack, never put your all into one attack. Always hide something else behind that first attack. If you're stabbing at them, make sure you can turn it into a slash the second they go to step out of the way. If you're swinging vertically down at them, be ready to stab them in the face with that dagger when they block high. You've got the reflexes and the coordination to use two weapons at once. A lot of people don't. Use that, Bandit." The raccoon-girl nodded her understanding, and dropped back into a fighting stance. "Alright, come at me!" Bandit let a straight punch fly at Ariadne's head, which the spider-girl ducked easily, only to see Bandit's foot coming up at her nose. Her eyes wide, she did the only thing she could do: launched herself forwards, taking Bandit's knee in the stomach in return for slamming her head against the rogue's chest, knocking them both to the ground in a pile.  "Hahaha, that was awesome," Ariadne complimented her with a grin, taking advantage of her faceful of cleavage to hug Bandit and nuzzle further into the girl's generous breasts. "Stop iiiiit," Bandit moaned, pushing Ariadne off her and glaring at the girl, her cheeks dusted with a light blush at the insatiably lecherous spider-girl's actions. "I'm serious, Aria," she continued, using Pea's pet name for the Shadowdancer, "you can't just keep on doing that to me! Especially not in public like this, it's just wrong!" Ariadne merely rolled here eyes, skipping back to her feet and beckoning for Bandit to get up before completely ignoring her complaints. "Right, you've got attacking down pat I guess. But you should always remember that the instant you attack, Bandit, you're creating an opening. Your enemy might not know how to exploit it, or you might be able to keep them off-guard long enough that it doesn't matter, but every time you attack there is a moment of vulnerability. My..." Her face twisted in a slight grimace before she continued, "my motheronce told me a quote when I was learning how to fight. When you defend, you're invincible, but you can only win when you attack. The trick is to learn how to do both at the same time. Now. Block this!" she exclaimed, springing forwards at Bandit, her right fist leading in a vicious straight-punch that hit Bandit right in the shoulder, spinning her around and knocking her to the ground. Ariadne blinked once, twice, then rushed over to grab the raccoon's shoulder.  "I'm sorry, I thought you'd be ready for it," she apologized, before smirking briefly and taking the chance to kiss the soon-to-be bruise before Bandit could object. Bandit flapped her arm wildly to try and shake off the perverted Shadowdancer, but Ariadne easily skipped back out of range of the flailing limb, gesturing for Bandit to get up. Only when she had settled back into her stance and given her erstwhile mentor a nod that she was ready did Ariadne launch herself forwards, holding herself back just enough that Bandit could watch her movements and judge where she was going to hit her. Stepping back out of the range of Ariadne's uppercut, Bandit ducked down, slapping her wrist over across her face before putting one hand beneath Ariadne's elbow as she had seen done, and pushing upwards. The result was Ariadne effectively running into her own arm, falling backwards and landing - for a split second - hard on her back, before she curled her back and turned the fall into a backwards somersault, getting to her feet with a wide grin. "Excellent, Bandit! That was really good! You got the concept quickly," she praised, before glancing at the ground. "Now," she said as she picked up a pair of wooden rods, one much shorter then the other, and tossed them one-by-one to Bandit, then picking up another rod, "we see if you can apply those sorts of ideas with a sword. I mean, of course, these are just sticks, but the principles are the same," she added as an afterthought. "Just less chance of an accident. Now," she shook her head, breaking that line of thought and holding her sword in both hands, leveling it at Bandit. "Remember, when you block you also want to try and prevent me from taking any action to counter you. Deflect my attacks across my body, not away from it." At Bandit's nod, Ariadne stepped forwards, thrusting her weapon straight at the rogue's chest. Moving only a fraction of a second too slow, Bandit used her larger stick to push the Shadowdancer's 'weapon' away, the tip of the wood catching in the strings of her bikini top and pulling it up, before Ariadne stepped back into a ready position, nodding. "Good, I didn't even touch you that time. You've definitely got that concept covered. Now, we're going to spar, and... What are you doing?" Bandit was busily ignoring Ariadne and trying to pull her top back down around her breasts with one hand, her cheeks glowing red as her other arm tried to cover the exposed orbs. "I'm trying to train you, and you're more focused on what you look like?" Ariadne mock-complained. "Come on, Bandit, pick up the training swords again and get ready, you've got two seconds before I start attacking," she warned the raccoon, masking her enjoyment of the other girl's wardrobe malfunction as impatience. Ariadne took her 'sword' by both ends, lifting it up to bring it down over her knee with a loud crack of snapping wood, and then she was holding two dagger-length wooden rods. Flipping them into a reverse-grip and covering the jagged ends with a layer of silk, Ariadne grinned fiercely up at Bandit, launching herself at the girl who was still trying to pull her top down. As the Shadowdancer approached her, Bandit let out a surprised yelp, her hands flashing down to grab her wooden rods, swinging them up to block Ariadne's sudden rush. There was a clack of wood against wood as their rods smacked together, and then Ariadne withdrew her 'weapons,' crouching low and swinging one leg out to try and sweep Bandit to the ground, but the rogue saw it coming in time to jump over Ariadne's leg and bring her longer stick down on top of her head. Continuing her spin, Ariadne's left hand moved up to block Bandit's down-swing, her back to the raccoon-girl for a split second before she spun again, facing Bandit and inside her guard, her face at the level of Bandit's still-exposed breasts as the spider-girl glanced up at the raccoon-girl with a wide and sultry smirk. "Hi Bandit," she purred, her arachnid limbs stroking along the rogue’s back, causing Bandit to let out a strangled yelp and leap directly back, tripping over a stone and falling to the ground. Ariadne pouted at that reaction, tossing her dagger-sticks aside and stepping closer to the raccoon-girl. "That's really a serious problem," she sighed, sitting down on Bandit's lap and disarming her, before lying down on her stomach and wrapping an arm around her neck. "You're far too shy for such a cute girl. Come on, Bandit, we're going to fix that!" she chirped happily, her other hand sliding down her flanks towards the hem of her skirt as the raccoon-girl's eyes widened in shock. "What? No way, you're insane!" Bandit exclaimed, scrambling backwards and trying to push Ariadne off her, but the spider-girl's limbs were wrapped around her larger friend and she was not going to allow herself to be dislodged. "Oh come on, Bandit," Ariadne continued in a sultry purr, turning so she was straddling the rogue's waist, her hands cupping and caressing Bandit's breasts as she leaned down, pressing her body against Bandit's, "it'll be fun. You'll like it, really. You know you will." "N-no, stop it, get off me, what are you doing?" Bandit squirmed beneath Ariadne, the raccoon-girl's body contorting in a lot of interesting ways as Ariadne's wicked grin merely widened. "Just relax, Bandit. I'm not going to hurt you," she murmured, planting a lingering kiss on the rogue's collarbone and letting out a giggle when Bandit's blush deepened. "Then again," she murmured in a sultry tone, "I doubt pain is what you're worried about from me, is it Bandit?" "Ariadne... Please... At least not out here," Bandit whined quietly and hopelessly, knowing that it was hardly going to dissuade the lecherous spider-girl laying on her stomach, as Ariadne's hand reached inexorably downward, her fingers slipping easily under the hem of Bandit's miniskirt. "Don't... Ah!" Even embarrassed as she was, the raccoon-girl was unable to keep a small sound of surprise from escaping past her lips, as Ariadne's questing fingers probed deeper, slipping gently in to her snatch. “You see?” Ariadne murmured quietly, flashing the raccoon-girl a wicked grin, “this is exactly what I’m talking about, you’re far too shy. You’ve got some serious assets here,” she continued, her index and middle fingers pumping gently in and out of Bandit’s already-moistening slit, to the raccoon-girl’s embarrassment and gradually-rising enjoyment. As Ariadne’s thumb reached upwards to caress her clit, Bandit couldn’t suppress a moan of pleasure, before covering her mouth and glaring at Ariadne. “Why are you always picking on me?” she pouted, her composure broken as Ariadne’s thumb ran over her clit again, the rogue biting her lower lip to try and muffle yet another moan. “You never do any of this stuff to Pea, it’s only me you try to embarrass like this!” Ariadne shrugged, her other hand finally coming into play as it slipped down to undo the fastenings of Bandit’s miniskirt, much to the rogue’s chagrin. “Pea,” Ariadne reasoned, “already knows that she has an amazing body. I don’t need to teach her how to use it as a weapon, because she’s at least as good as I am at that.” With a few sure tugs, the spider-girl pulled Bandit’s miniskirt and panties off, leaving the raccoon-girl in nude in the inn’s back yard. Bandit flushed crimson at that, and glanced up at Ariadne, wanting to be furious with the spider-girl but unable to hold onto her anger through the slowly deepening haze of pleasure radiating through her from her pussy. “S-so…  You’re doing this to- ah! To teach me? To help me? But...” Ariadne nodded, her hand rising up to gently squeeze one of Bandit’s large breasts, kissing the nipple of her other breast with a teasing smile, even as her other hand continued to pleasure the raccoon-girl, causing her to arch her back up off the dirt and let out a loud moan of pleasure. “Of course I’m doing this to help you,” Ariadne stated with an encouraging smile, slipping her fingers out of Bandit’s cunny and pressing them against the rogue’s lips with a wink, getting up as Bandit took the juice-covered fingers into her mouth, before the spider-girl reached down to help the raccoon-girl to her feet. “I like you, Bandit. Helping you is something I really actually enjoy,” she murmured, slipping around behind the raccoon-girl and sliding her hands across her stomach, one falling to caress her pubis, the other rising to trace circled around and between her breasts, as Ariadne gently guided Bandit out of the yard towards the main street. “Stop it, that tickles,” Bandit murmured, letting out an inoluntary sigh of pleasure at the hand caressing her mons as she allowed Ariadne to lead her obediently forwards. “Wait… Where are we going?” Ariadne smirked wickedly at the question as they reached the main street, slipping around to Bandit’s front and pushing her gently backwards and sideways, pressing the raccoon-girl’s back against the wooden slats of the wall surrounding the inn’s yard, before leaning up on the tips of her toes and tilting Bandit’s head down into a deep, passionate kiss in full view of anyone who cared to take a look. “We’re going right here,” she explained in a bright chirp, her arachnid limbs sliding down her lithe body to tear off the wispy scraps of silk that barely covered her, until the spider-girl was as naked as Bandit herself. “Now,” she added in a sultry tone, sinking slowly to her knees in front of the raccoon-girl, “just relax, Bandit, and enjoy this.” Leaning forwards, Ariadne kissed Bandit’s belly button, giving it a quick flick of her tongue to a giggle from the girl above her, before trailing a series of kisses, licks and nibbles down Bandit’s lower stomach and pubis, reaching her clit and taking a few seconds to kiss and suckle on it, tongue tracing delicate circles around the sensitive button. Spreading Bandit’s legs slightly open, Ariadne’s head travelled slightly lower down, her mouth reaching its ultimate goal and slipping her tongue gently into Bandit’s waiting cunny. As the raccoon-girl above her gave a soft moan at the feeling, Ariadne hummed happily, her hands reaching around to grope and fondle Bandit’s shapely ass, her tongue slipping deep into the girl’s slit, tasting and exploring her insides. “Mmah,” Bandit let out, her hands reaching down to stroke and grab hold of Ariadne’s hair, pressing the spider-girl’s face closer against her dripping-wet pussy, following the moan with a series of soft gasps as Ariadne tilted her head upwards and back slightly, to kiss and nibble on her clit, before returning her attention to Bandit’s slit. Ariadne’s hands started to get really into their given task, going from simply cupping the raccoon-girl’s butt to massaging it, and then to outright groping it, one of her spider-arms reaching behind Bandit’s back as Ariadne spread the raccoon-girl’s cheeks open, pressing the chitinous limb-tip against her tight pucker. Taking a slight break from her oral exploration of Bandit’s depths, Ariadne glanced up at the lusty raccoon-girl, a satisfied smirk on her face. “You like this, don’t you Bandit?” she asked, lightly teasing the girl as she stroked her ass with both hands. “Don’t bother trying to lie to yourself, I can tell you’re enjoying this. See how easy it is to have fun? All you need to do is want it… Speaking of which,” she added, her spider-limb pushing against the star of Bandit’s ass again. “You want me to continue, don’t you?” she continued. “You want to feel better than this, to feel good, right? Just say yes…” At Bandit’s hesitation, Ariadne grinned, laying a little kiss against her stomach again. “Don't worry, Bandit! We can still get started…” “Y-you mean we didn’t already start? That wasn't it?” Bandit asked in surprise, flushing at the next part of her confession. “But it felt good…” Ariadne let out a little laugh, standing back up and stepping closer to Bandit, pressing the raccoon-girl harder against the wooden wall of the inn-yard, tilting her head upwards to place a second deep kiss on the raccoon-girl’s lips. “Oh my sweet little Bandit. That was just foreplay,” she murmured wickedly, “and now the true fun can begin. Tell me if you would, my adorable little rogue, what you feel here?” she asked her with a wide grin, the spider-girl guiding one of Bandit’s hands down her stomach to the slit of her pussy. More accurately, to her clit. And more accurately yet, to the long, chitinous organ that was slowly sliding out of Ariadne’s clitoral hood. As her questing fingers reached the shaft, Bandit’s eyes widened in shock, and she started to blurt something out, only to be interrupted by another passionate lip-lock from the spider-girl. “Are you a… I mean… That was a co-“ Ariadne cut her off by putting a finger against Bandit’s lips, shaking her head. “Not quite, my dear,” she shrugged. “I’m as female as you or Pea, really. But!” she added, interrupting Bandit who was about to point out the obvious again, “But I’m a female spider. We lay eggs. Now, why don’t we stop asking silly questions, Bandit, and just let me put my ovipositor to work, hmm?” "W-wait," Bandit said, shaking her head to try and clear it from Ariadne's constant stimulation and teasing. "You're g-going to lay... Eggs?Inside me? I don't want to have babi-" Ariadne shushed her with her lips, before shaking her head with a small smile. "They're not fertile, Bandit. I wouldn't do that to a friend, not unless they asked me first," she shrugged, kissing her deeply again, smirking when Bandit started to return the kiss, to much wolf-whistling from the small crowd that had gathered to watch the two women in their public make-out session. But as Ariadne deepened the kiss and brought her fingers back down to Bandit's pussy, stroking the sensitive flesh to drown out the sound of the crowd with sheer lust, she smirked to herself at the thought that they would be getting much more than merely a show... Once she was done with her Bandit, of course. Forgetting about the crowd watching them - hardly a small feat, given the raccoon-girl's usual shyness - Bandit held the diminutive spider-girl close, her head tilted down while Ariadne's tilted up in a long kiss, Bandit idly lifting a leg up and wrapping it around Ariadne's waist and down her thigh, pressing their crotches together. Ariadne grinned wickedly up at Bandit, not that the rogue could see it with her eyes closed, as her hand left the raccoon-girl's slit, slipping over to guide her own ovipositor towards the waiting opening, sliding the chitinous organ gently along Bandit's lower lips. "Ahh... Ariadne?" Bandit mewled quietly, her breath coming out in quick pants as the spider-girl mercilessly teased her to the brink and back. Her cheeks blushed crimson as she started to moan, trying to resist giving in to what her instincts and Ariadne's touches had been telling her ever since she left the yard. "I... No, don't... Please," she murmured, to Ariadne's grin and shake of her head. "It's cute, how you think you have a choice," Ariadne murmured wickedly, kissing Bandit gently as she slid herself upwards, her hand guiding the chitinous organ gently but insistently into Bandit's slit, the raccoon-girl's wet lower lips parting for it as Ariadne's ovipositor slid deep inside her. "Well, Bandit? It's in," she commented with a grin, kissing the rogue on the lips as Bandit let out a soft sound of pleasure. "Wait," the raccoon-girl moaned, "no, don't, stop... Ariadne, please..!" With a grin, the spider-girl slid back out, slipping easily around to Bandit's back as the raccoon-girl mewled her disapproval, before letting out another moan as Ariadne slid herself back in, taking Bandit's wrists and pulling her arms back, the raccoon-girl arching her back to push out her breasts, giving the entire street an eyeful of the sexy spectacle, one that caused even passing carriages to stop and watch as Ariadne started to move her long, curved ovipositor in and out of Bandit's dripping pussy, the rogue giving a series of moans and gasps of pleasure when the spider-girl reached forwards, her nimble fingers easily finding the raccoon-girl's clit and starting to toy with the sensitive nub. "A-ah!" Bandit let out, her tongue slipping out of her mouth as she begged for more despite herself. "Yes, deeper, harder, give me more Ariadne!" As the spider-girl continued her twinned assault on Bandit's erogenous organs, she smirked wickedly, remembering a piece of advice she had managed to get from Pea... As it turns out, the deliciously curvy mage was rather talkative when... Well, in general, really. And when it came to pillow-talk about past lovers, she was even more pliant. So when Ariadne's other hand slid sensuously over her own breast and down her taut stomach before slipping over to the generous curves of Bandits ass, groping the swell of her cheeks as a single finger reached into her ass, probing gently into Bandit's tight hole, getting a moan louder than any of her others from the ecstatic raccoon-girl. "Ariadne," Bandit moaned, "It... It feels good... Why does it feel so good!?" And as Ariadne slid her ovipositor out and then slowly back into Bandit's slit, the raccoon-girl proved exactly how close she had been letting out another loud moan, panting heavily as she came loudly, her cunny flooding with juice that dripped all too soon down her legs, Ariadne sliding out as Bandit's legs buckled and she collapsed to all fours. Stepping around to her front, Ariadne grinned at the crowd, making a spectacle of lifting Bandit's head up and slipping the organ into her mouth. Letting out a moan, the raccoon-girl obediently and subconsciously sucked on Ariadne's shaft, cleaning it off in short measure before Ariadne slipped back out of her mouth with a smirk, patting the raccoon-girl on the head, before turning back to the crowd, gesturing at her lust-addled friend. "Bandit's all nice and ready and receptive to some fun," she announced proudly, "and if anyone here wants her, it'll be just ten gold coins!" Most of the crowd stepped back, to shocked mutters of "ten gold? That's ridiculous!" but at least a few members stepped forwards, reaching down into their coin purses as Ariadne rapidly spun a large bag out of spider-silk, the spider-girl giving them all a wide grin as she counted the gold coins into the bag before gesturing theatrically over towards Bandit. "Um... Ariadne, what... Wait, no, I don't... Mmf!" The spider-girl shushed her friend by sliding a finger into her mouth, Bandit's eyes going wide as the first three men stepped forwards and out of their pants, their cocks hardening as they approached the two nude girls, one of them actually heading towards Ariadne before a sharp talon turned him rather pointedly towards Bandit's mouth, the other two men getting behind her, one of them sliding down to get beneath her with a grin. "Right, give me that," Ariadne smirked at the man next to her, guiding his cock into Bandit's lips, patting the rogue on the head as her mouth was filled with a stranger's meat, the raccoon-girl's eyes widening even further, shaking her head desperately around the man's shaft, to no avail save for his pleasure. "That's a good girl, move those sexy lips. Now, gentlemen," Ariadne added, flitting over to the other end of her friend and favoring the two men with a sultry grin. "I hope you boys can play nice together," she chirped, as the first man slipped his cock into Bandit's pussy, the raccoon-girl whining in ineffectual protest around the shaft in her mouth, before Ariadne guided the second man into the same hole, glaring at them when they tried to complain. "You want my friend, you're taking her my way. This is happening," the spider-girl warned them in a voice dripping with honey wrapped over a steel blade. With a sigh, the second man shrugged and allowed Ariadne to guide his cock into Bandit's pussy, double-stuffing the rogue as she moaned in shock, the reaction muffled as the man in her mouth started to move, followed all too soon by the two men in her pussy, stretching her out almost painfully as she started to gag on the cock in her mouth. It wasn't long before the three had settled into a rhythm, the two in Bandit's pussy sliding in and out together, the one in her mouth thrusting in and out of the raccoon-girl's throat as a counterpoint, Ariadne waving over more and more men as they came forwards with the money to stand, naked from the waist down, in a circle around her to await their turns. As the first man tensed up and finished off in Bandit's mouth, to much cheering and grins from the crowd gathered around, he pulled out and was almost immediately replaced by another man, waved forwards by Ariadne with a smirk. Bandit let out a despairing moan as she took in all the men around her, waiting to use her for themselves. Before too long, the first man came in Bandit's pussy, pulling out with a tired grin and stepping away to pull his pants back up, another man eagerly taking his place, this time sliding his cock into Bandit's tight ass, to a disappointed roll of Ariadne's eyes and a muffled gasp from Bandit herself as the raccoon-girl was made airtight, the three men starting to pump into her for a few more minutes before her cunny was again filled with sperm, the last of the three original men crawling out from under her and giving the rogue a satisfied swat on the rump as he, too, was replaced by another man, this one taking the opportunity of Bandit's position on top of him as a chance to start playing with her breasts, groping one and suckling on the other. Unable to complain, Bandit merely sent Ariadne a glare which the spider-girl ignored, confident in the fact that it was for the raccoon-girl's own good. Noticing the men around them getting frisky and impatient, Ariadne waved two more forwards, winking salaciously at Bandit as she gestured for the man using her mouth to get a grip of her torso, right next to her breasts, holding Bandit's head up as Ariadne grabbed one of the raccoon-girl's wrists, lifting it up and wrapping her empty hand around the nearest cock, helping Bandit out with the first few explanatory hand-pumps before guiding a second man around to the rogue's other side and repeating the process. "Don't worry, boys," Ariadne smirked as the crowd swelled, even more men stepping up and depositing their fee of ten gold coins in the silk bag, "you'll all get a turn with my friend here. Believe me," she giggled wickedly as the man in Bandit's mouth came and was replaced by two more, working together for a rarity to slide their cocks together into Bandit's drooling and leaking lips. Just as they started sliding into Bandit's saliva- and cum-slicked mouth, the raccoon-girl moaned as her ass was filled with its first load of spunk, the man who had been using it pulling out and wiping his shaft off on her ass-cheeks, giving a high-five to the next man who headed in to take his place. As he stepped forwards for his turn, however, the man inside Bandit's pussy came, and Ariadne stepped forwards to stop the next men in their tracks. "I think she deserves a break, boys," Ariadne chirped, getting a relieved glance from Bandit and a bewildered one from most of the men there, before the spider-girl grinned widely and wickedly, continuing, "from this position. Flip her over, I'm sure she'd love a spit-roast!" Bandit's hopes of a reprieve shattered almost audibly, one of the men in her mouth pulling out in order to help flip Bandit onto her back in mid-air, her hips held by a man who wasted no time in driving his cock deep into her pussy, even as the man from her mouth finished himself off with a few fast and frantic strokes of his hand, splattering Bandit's upturned face and upper chest with his seed, before stepping back away. While the crowd waited, Ariadne closed up her bag - almost half-full of gold coins - to groans of disappointment from the crowd of men standing around. Glancing into the bag, towards Bandit, and then back at the veritable sea of men gathered around with coin-purses out and ready, Ariadne shrugged. "Alright, after everyone who's already paid is done with her, I'll take another... Twenty? No, make it thirty, that should do it. The first thirty in line when these gentlemen are done with Bandit get to have the second round, she'll just need a bit of a breather in between," she pointed out apologetically, before turning back as the crowd cheered at an especially impressive spurt of cum from one of the men receiving a hand-job from the raccoon-girl. As he grinned and sauntered off, another man took his place, reducing the crowd of men waiting for a turn, while still doing his part to keep Bandit completely busy. A fifth man walked up to her, taking a few seconds to explain his idea to the four already using Bandit, and getting nods of agreement from them before he straddled the rogue's waist, sliding his cock forwards and into the valley of Bandit's breasts, pressing the large mounds together to create even more cleavage for him to use, and then beginning to really thrust hard into the raccoon-girl's breasts. A few more minutes of the rough group-sex, and the man inside bandit's mouth finished, pulling out and cleaning himself on the raccoon-girl's cheek, gesturing another man over as the circle began to thin, giving the crowd in the street a much better view of the proceedings. The new man grinned, his hand reaching down as if to slap his cock against Bandit's face, only to stop as Ariadne draped herself over his back, one of her spider-limbs reaching between his legs to press a sharp chitinous claw into his sack. "Treat her," Ariadne flashed him a smile showing all her teeth, biting her words off clearly so that the idiot wouldn't mistake her threat for anything else, "with respect." As the man gulped and nodded, pressing his shaft gingerly into Bandit's mouth. As Ariadne smiled much more warmly at him, he breathed a sigh of relief and started to force himself deep into the raccoon-girl's throat, grimacing slightly as a spurt of cum from the man fucking Bandit's breasts splattered up the rogue's chest and face, almost reaching the crotch of the man in her mouth. As the man straddling Bandit's chest swung his leg over and stepped off, the third-last man took his place with a grin, a soft groan of pleasure escaping his lips as his hard cock was finally enveloped by Bandit's soft breasts, pulling back slightly as one of the men getting a hand-job came across her bust, followed shortly by the other one, the two who had just finished stepping away from Bandit to make room for the final two men waiting for their turn, their shafts throbbing with anticipation. As the man inside Bandit's pussy finally came, Ariadne stepped forwards again, gesturing for the last three men to stop and pull out of Bandit, turning the raccoon-girl around once more so that she could rest on her knees again, sucking off one man while giving the other two hand-jobs in a much more comfortable position. Given the sort of incentive and skills that Bandit was finally putting to use, it wasn't long before they, too, came all over her upper body, rivulets of cum running down Bandit's front, back and sides, leaving the raccoon-girl sitting in the middle of an ever-growing puddle of cum as the last three men from the first group stepped away with satisfied grins. Breathing heavily as she wiped a string of cum and drool from her lips, Bandit did her best to glare at Ariadne, managing only a lusty gaze, her tongue hanging out as she panted from the pleasure that had just been coursing through her entire body. “I… Ariadne, that was… I can’t believe… I can’t believe I did that. It was… wrong… very, very wrong… but… I can’t believe it felt so amazi- no! I shouldn’t… we shouldn’t ha-" "Do you see all this money?" Ariadne cut off the raccoon-girl's lust-hazed ramblings, placing one finger on her lips and ignoring the droplet of cum that rolled down right next to it. "That's how beautiful you are. Actually, no, you're far more beautiful, the people here are just poor. You see? You need to stop being so shy and repressed, Bandit! If you did that, you'd get ALL the cute guys!" "I... But..." "Hush, Bandit. It's for your own good. Now come on, you've got more fans to see to, lots more. We're not even halfway done! Boys, it's time for round two, so you there, you two, you and you, step right up and get your cocks ready!" ***** A naked Ariadne guided a tired and equally nude Bandit through the doors of the inn, grinning with satisfaction as she lugged a couple of heavy silk sacks behind her, each of them filled nearly to the brim with hundreds of gold coins, the two girls making a beeline through the common room to the stairs leading to the private rooms upstairs, ignoring the appreciative glances the two of them were getting from the inn's clientele in favor of heading up the stairs, Ariadne knocking on Pea's door to get the attention of the peacock-girl as Bandit slumped against the wall, breathing heavily from her earlier exertions. Just as Pea popped her head out of the room, curious as to who was pounding on her door "You are under arrest for public indecency, six counts of adultery, twenty-six or twenty-seven counts of unlicensed prostitution, and unlawful castration of a nobleman!" "So, Ariadne, what did you get up to this time?" Pea asked, a wry smirk dancing around her lips. "Well, you might want to take a seat," Ariadne shrugged, "because it's a long story. So I took Bandit out to the main street and screwed her senseless, right? To try and get her to become a bit less shy, more confident, you know what I mean. So once she's sitting there all happy and basking in the afterglow, I start selling her body, so that when she comes back to her senses I've got some way of pointing out to her that she really is beautiful.Now, if you'll excuse me..." she cut herself off, turning to face a nearby guard who had just climbed to the top of the stairs and was trying to arrest her. "I'm busy talking, and you're being rude. Kindly shove off," the spider-girl frowned at him, reaching out with one chitin-armored arm to push him far off the landing and down the stairs, sending him tumbling into a group of other guards and landing in a heap of limbs and bruises at the feet of the stairs. "Much better." "So, I was saying that I selling Bandit's body to make her feel beautiful, right? Because she is," Ariadne shrugged, opening one of the silk bags full of golden coins and grinning at Pea. "So anyhow, a lot of guys want to buy her - and I mean a lot - and some of them have the money for it, so Bandit gets really rich over the course of, what, a couple hours of nonstop mind-blowing sex? Well, nonstop sex at least, but I'd like to think that her mind was at least a little blown. And then the whole shebang gets ruined when this fat, greedy douchebag comes up, and orders me to suck him off with Bandit. Now, I mean, I like the occasional tasty little blowjob as much as the next girl, you know that, but... Just a second, these guys are starting to irritate me." Cutting herself off again, Ariadne reached out to grasp the nearest of the two guards by the throat, lifting him bodily off the floor and thrusting her four sharp spider-limbs into his chest, before tossing the body down at his friends. "Right. I like blowjobs, but this guy was fat and disgusting, and his cock was tiny, limp, and it looked like a cauliflower. I hate cauliflowers, and when a cock looks like one then it can't be healthy to eat," Ariadne commented. "And let's be fair, I probably did him a favor by lopping it off before it could infect the rest of him. But as it turns out, the fat freak is local nobility, and suddenly all the guards are after my head. Speaking of..." Interrupting herself for the third time, Ariadne paused only to rip a lamp off the wall, smashing it on the nearest guard's face, before shoving the spiky metal into the next guard's chest, turning away as the two corpses fell lifeless down the stairs. "Right. Anyhow, long story short, some limp-dicked bastard got what he richly deserved, and now we need to get out of here unless we want to get what we don't deserve. You coming, Pea?"
Chapter 2 - Me Against Me Again
Ariadne glanced up at the gaping entrance to the cave, streamers of spiderweb stretching across the top and the bottom, trailing down to the ground like a curtain of colorless silk strands, setting her torch aside in a fork on a nearby tree, a couple strands of webbing preventing it from moving or burning anything down: she knew that the light and fire would hardly be welcomed where she was about to go. Narrowing her eyes in a frown, she gave one last longing glance at the clearing where Bandit and Pea were camped out, still sleeping, before shaking her head and taking the last step forwards, brushing the web aside and entering the cave. She couldn't involve her friends in this - and the small spider-girl gave a slight grin at the thought that she had friends now, friends who had all but demanded that she take them along on this quasi-quest of hers. But it was her family, and her burden, and as much as she liked the pair and enjoyed being with them... They were nowhere near strong enough to risk their lives, not here. As shadowy figures surrounded her, Ariadne took a shaky breath, forcing her muscles to relax and smiling at the shapes. "Hi. I'm back," she greeted her siblings. The last answer she had expected to get came in the form of webs, surrounding her and latching tight not to her chitin, that she could easily wipe them off, but instead sticking to each other, forming almost a solid sheet of silk around her. Ariadne's eyes widened, and she started to struggle before a chitin-covered fist slammed into her head from behind. ***** "So. You came back, at last," a voice cut through the blackness of Ariadne's unconsciousness, the room coming into focus as she blinked her eyes. She was free of the sheet now, sitting on the ground in front of a massive woman, her arms and legs covered in particularly unattractive chitin, covered with patches of stinging hairs, oozing boils and gaping cracks. Two pairs of long spider-legs stretched out from her back, long enough to drag along the floor. The woman's body was unclothed, and unlike her daughter's that was hardly a boon, for she was almost morbidly obese, her skin sagging unnaturally down from the rolls of fat that cushioned her. Her face could once have been attractive, but now it was jowly and stretched, the only thing unchanged from the woman she had once been were the two blood-red eyes that burned with a baleful glare down at Ariadne. "Why are you here, girl? You made your stance very clear last time," the spider-matriarch spat out, her human limbs crossed over her chest, her arachnid legs tapping disconcertingly on the ground and plucking every so often at one of the many strands of web in the chamber. "You didn't want to associate with us. You disagreed with our entire way of life, and you never stopped telling us that! Now what? You've come crawling back to us, begging and pleading to be taken back in, that you were wrong?" "Hardly," Ariadne replied, her voice trembling with anger. Just listening to the woman's voice, to the absolute disdain she held for her children - no, not even disdain, that would imply that she cared in the first place. It reminded her of all the reasons she had left her family, left this place in the first place. "I'm here to tell you to stop what you're doing. It's unnecessary, unhealthy, wasteful and cruel. And most of all, it's just plain wrong. You can't just eat people!" The matriarch snarled at her wayward daughter, surging forwards with a vicious backhand that sent her sprawling back on the floor. "You don't give the orders around here, girl! I think you need more lessons in obeying your elders and betters! Maybe I should force your friends to watch as your brothers teach you the meaning of obedience, girl." She stepped forwards again, one of her legs resting painfully on Ariadne's breast, cutting the spider-girl's shout of anger short as the mother gave the daughter a cruel smirk. "Oh, yes, you didn't think I knew about them? You little idiot, I know everything that goes on in my domain. Everything! Even what you and that feathered little slut did to the furry bitch last night..." A string of spittle splattered against Ariadne's cheek as her mother raged on top of her, before bending over and picking her up, one chitin-covered claw tightening around Ariadne's throat. "Maybe I should have your brothers punish them for trespassing. Yes, I think I will. They'll rape all of their holes until your little friends are bleeding and ruined. And then I'll feed them to youbit by bit UNTIL YOU CHOKE ON THEM!" As her mother's rant picked up power and volume, Ariadne stopped struggling, her face and body acquiring an ominous calm as the massive matriarch stopped speaking, her monumental chest heaving in anger as she glared furiously at her daughter, saliva dripping from her lips in her rage. A study in contrasts, Ariadne's eyes were cold and almost lifeless despite their blood-red glow, her small chest rising and falling calmly as she reached for her mother's wrist, gripping it in one hand and dragging the steel-shod talons of the other into the chitin, tearing apart the matriarch's chitin, flesh and tendons without a word. As Ariadne dropped to the ground, she called her magic to her, wreathing herself in a cloak of shadows and illusory tendrils, lashing and snapping at anything that dared approach her with fangs that were somehow all too real. "You will not harm my friends, mother," Ariadne pronounced quietly, closing her eyes and letting out a small breath. "Neither will my brothers. Nor my sisters. I won't allow you the chance. Any of you." Reaching out with the only real offensive magic she had any sort of proficiency in - and she would owe Pea some very enthusiastic thanks for teaching her how to use illusions for more than disappearing acts - Ariadne cast the Phantasmal Killer at her mother, illusory claws tearing into her psyche and causing very real wounds to appear on her flaccid flesh, before the spell cut off with the matriarch's roar of rage, pain and horror. "That wasn't enough," Ariadne muttered, clenching her fist as her mother stormed forwards, "but I'm hardly done." She launched her own fist forwards, fingers pointed into a claw with the steel tips leading, the improvised weapons piercing easily enough into the spider-matron's flesh, goring their way through layers and layers of fat before Ariadne wrenched her arm sideways, ripping a massive gash into her stomach and stepping back as blood and entrails slipped out. Raising her arm up to the level of her mother's head, she didn't say anything. There was no need, she had already said everything she had to. Burying her sorrow at this outcome in cold fury at the only other potential outcome, Ariadne's arm launched forwards, her entire body twisting into a single spear-hand attack aimed directly at her mother's throat, her fingers piercing almost entirely through the matriarch's neck and glancing off her spinal cord. As the spider-woman's blood gurgled out of her throat, her fat fingers grasped forwards, pawing and clutching at Ariadne's clothes in one last attempt to drag her close enough to hurt, but the Shadowdancer simply stepped back, not even blinking as the loose spider-silk garments tore and fell off her body, watching coldly as her mother writhed on the floor, gasping for breath as she eventually succumbed to her wounds. As Ariadne turned away from the piteous mound of flesh that had once been her mother, her eyes saw a crowd of her siblings gathered in the doorway, watching the scene with horror that was slowly turning to rage. "I'm not going to get much of a break," she commented, before her siblings charged as one, and the time for words was over. Ariadne ducked under one of her sister's fists, springing into a forwards roll to avoid a round-kick from one of her brothers, before she leaped up and spun around, driving her elbow into the sister's breasts, winding her just long enough to tear out a large chunk of her throat. She shrugged a shoulder up to deflect a punch aimed at her throat, causing it to glance off with a screech of chitin on chitin, but leaving her unharmed. As she countered with a vicious knee into his groin, stunning him with a screech of agony, Ariadne had just enough time to stab two of her spider-legs into his eyes, kicking off his corpse to buy some time and space from the rest of the mob. As they spun around, a general scrum arising in the middle where they couldn't turn without running into each other, Ariadne took the opportunity to cast about half a dozen webs around the tunnel entrance, missing the outer edges of the mass of spider-people but only entangling the center even more. As the fastest few caught up with her, racing along the edges of the tunnel, the Shadowdancer grinned fiercely, leaping straight up and flipping her body one hundred and eighty degrees, crouching on the ceiling before pushing off, gravity and momentum forcing her fists into the clavicle of one of her brothers and the skull of one of her sisters. Chitin met flesh and bone, and the flesh and bone gave way with a sickening crack, the brother clutching his shoulder with a scream as his arm was rendered useless, while the sister collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut, her brains leaking out of her broken skull. Her next nearest sibling was met with a rapid headbutt to the cheek, Ariadne's chelicerae slicing open her sister's neck with a spurt of blood before she was forced to jump back to avoid a swing from one of her largest brothers. As she idly stepped on her crippled brother's neck, her talons clawing his flesh open, she ducked under another haymaker and ran forwards inside the range of his windmilling arms. Leaning forwards, Ariadne's mouth opened wide as she snapped her teeth at his member, tearing off a large chunk of the spider-man's pride and joy to a scream of pain and blubbering. Spitting the flesh out at his face in scorn, Ariadne reached out and forced her hand into his relatively unprotected chest, her claws closing around his heart and squeezing. Pulling her hand out of his chest, the Shadowdancer turned to regard the rest of her siblings. They cowered away from her. "I can't let this continue," Ariadne murmured quietly, her eyes as dead as her mother's corpse as she strode purposefully towards the cluster of spider-people, carefully herding them back into the dead-end room that had been her mother's. As the rearmost members of the group hit the wall behind them and started looking desperately around for exits, a shudder of fear passed through the mob. With a shout, one of them charged at Ariadne, perhaps hoping to distract her long enough for the others to escape, perhaps thinking he could win, perhaps tired of running and ready to give everything up. As Ariadne's hands dove into hie chest fingertip first and ripped, it no longer mattered. One of her sisters ran next, this time dashing to the side in the hopes of making it past Ariadne. With a single fluid movement, the blood-stained spider-girl was in front of her sister, her hands closing on the other girl's breasts as she drew her forwards for a horrifying mockery of a kiss, their lips touching even as Ariadne's chelicerae gouged out the other girl's throat. "I'm sorry," she murmured as she let her former sister fall to the ground. "I can't let any of you live." ***** It had been a harder fight than she had expected, Ariadne admitted to herself as she stood at the entrance to the cave, one hand on her shoulder where one of her youngest sisters had gotten a lucky bite in while the Shadowdancer had been busy with her older brothers. She wasn't even certain that she had managed to get her entire family, for that matter: the cave in which they had made their home was old and labyrinthine, and none of them save for their mother truly knew the full extent of the cavern system. Still, Ariadne sighed in relief as she saw that her torch was still there on the tree, still alight and most importantly hadn't caught anything else on fire, that wouldn't matter for long. She had sworn to break the back of her family, to stop their predations on the innocent. And she had, for the most part. Now, as she stumbled out into the light of day - she must have been in there longer than she expected - and grabbed the torch, all that was left were the funerary rites. "This isn't going to be particularly faithful to what funerals should be," she muttered, "but then again, you monsters were never particularly faithful to what decent people should be either." She returned to the cave, touching the torch down to the dry spiderweb curtain, leaping backwards as the silk immolated almost immediately, a firestorm rushing into the caverns. "Burn, all of you. And let there be nothing left but ashes, forever." As she turned away from the raging fire that was busily purifying what was once her home and family, Ariadne glanced down and took a good look at herself for the first time since leaving Bandit and Pea at their campfire. Clothes disintegrated, blood everywhere, dripping from her talons and her chelicerae and the gash on her shoulder, assorted viscera caught on the protrusions of her chitin and draped over her body like garish streamers, the odd splinter of bone or two stuck to her hands and forearms... She couldn't help it. Ariadne let out a subdued bark of quiet but amused laughter at the thought. "Bandit and Pea would lose it completely if they saw... Me... Like this..." she trailed off as her gaze returned towards the trail back to camp, and she saw the two figures staring back at her. Of course.
Chapter 1 - Meeting of the Fates
Ariadne hummed quietly to herself as she inspected the small inn. She was hardly a first-level adventurer, of course, so she'd already taken the liberty of scouting the place out... The hound was very firmly asleep, would stay that way for some time, and even if it woke up her web wouldn't let it bark or get free very soon. The various doors were covered by even more webs to keep them from opening, she really didn't want any interruptions. Now... How better to pay that superficial bitch back for stealing the Spider Queen's Robe than by stealing her most prized possession? And all the better if she didn't even realize what that prized possession was? Stifling an evil snicker, the spider-girl stalked up to the only door left un-webbed in the entire inn, reaching up to twist the handle and pull it silently open. There they were, two girls, sleeping there, all cute and defenseless and unaware of the evil that now stalked them... Only Ariadne wasn't evil, and she didn't stalk them! She performed reconnaissance on her targets! Except for cute guys. Them she stalked. A muffled sound from one of the sleeping figures on the bed shook Ariadne from her stream of thought, and the spider-girl looked right into the sleep-heavy eyes of a slowly-awakening raccoon-girl. Their eyes widened in concert, but the Shadowdancer's reflexes were faster, and she cast a web across Bandit's mouth before the rogue could as much as yell, more strands of silk rapidly following until she could no longer move except for to squirm. With a dull thump, Bandit squirmed herself to the floor, and there were the sounds of Pea waking as well. Quick as a flash, Ariadne leaped up to the ceiling, the steel talons on her hands and feet digging easily into the wood of the inn, as she enveloped the Mage in spider-silk, taking the opportunity to gloat at the peacock-girl's misfortune. "You took something that was precious to me, so I'm returning the favor. Bye!" With a small grunt of exertion, she hoisted Bandit up onto one shoulder, gave Lady Pea an arrogant grin, and sauntered out of the room. ***** It had been surprisingly difficult, really, finding an alley that was dark enough to hide what would soon be going on from the streets on either side, while also being light enough that Ariadne could have a good view of the proceedings. Still, she had found it and now Bandit was bent backwards over a barrel, webs binding her wrists and ankles to the ground as Ariadne stalked circles around her, before stopping at her head and peeling the cobwebs off her mouth. "Why are you do-" Bandit started to ask piteously, but she was cut off as Ariadne forced a couple of fingers into her mouth. "Do be quiet, I'm trying to think," the diminutive Shadowdancer chastised the Rogue, patting her on the cheek. "I've never had to create a ring gag before out of spiderweb, you know? Most of the time I tie up guys, and they don't need their mouths for what I've got in mind," she grinned lecherously, before glancing down at Bandit again. "Yeah, I'm going to need an actual ring. Don't worry, I can fix these later," she shrugged, slipping Bandit's goggles off her head and popping the brass ring off of one side, slipping it into Bandit's mouth to hold it open before stretching strands of web around her neck to hold it in place. "Yeah, that's much better. You like it too, don't you?" she smirked, stepping back to admire her handiwork as Bandit started to moan and whine past the ring in her mouth. "Hmm. I thought so too, you're right. Those clothes have got to go," she mock-agreed, trailing her fingers up Bandit's stomach before slipping them under her bra, pushing the cloth undergarment up underneath the Rogue's scarf to reveal her shapely orbs, and then walking her fingers teasingly down her chest and stomach once more, to slide Bandit's skirt and panties down around her ankles. "Yeah, much better. You look so cute like this, I could totally eat you right up," the spider-girl grinned wickedly, clacking her chelicerae in front of Bandit's face. "Buuuuuuut instead I think I'll make you eat some other things," she announced with a grandiose gesture as she tore off what passed for her own clothes, tossing the loose scraps of silk over Bandit's stomach with a small grin. "Now just wait right here, I'm going to go get you a party you won't soon forget," she chirped brightly, ignoring the complaints that Bandit was moaning past the ring. ***** It had been all too easy, really, to lure a small group of guys into the alleyway. Then again, she had walked out, naked save for her chitin, onto the street and made some rather suggestive gestures at the men. It was hardly any surprise that they'd followed her in there, and were now getting ready to have some fun with Bandit, as Ariadne squatted on top of a wall watching them. "Heh, she looks kinda cute all tied up like this," one of the man smirked, reaching out to grab a rough handful of Bandit's breast, his other hand fumbling with his belt. One of his more coordinated friends laughed his agreement, his pants around his ankles as he pumped his shaft in the direction of the helplessly bound rogue. The third and largest of them was already stepping up to the barrel, sliding his thick member across her lower lips with a wide grin. "Hey Janus," the leader remarked, "she looks like she's hungry. Why don't you stuff her mouth with that cock of yours?" he suggested with a wicked chuckle, obeyed by Janus who regretfully let go of Bandit's breast and walked around her to take a place at her head, slapping his member against her cheeks a couple times before sliding it into her mouth, slowly at first and then with increasing vigor as it became clear that the girl could take it. Soon enough all that escaped Bandit's lips were gagging sounds interspersed with an occasional moan as she slowly began to accept her rough treatment. As the leader moved further up between the Rogue's legs, Ariadne's smirk widened and her hand crept down to her own lower lips, her fingers sliding gently along her slit as she watched Bandit's plight, the bound girl's wide eyes and helpless moans serving only to drive her excitement higher. And then, almost as if it had been carefully orchestrated, the leader plunged his shaft into Bandit's snatch, his thick member sliding almost entirely inside of her as the girl tensed up, her mouth opening in an 'O' of shock that was quickly refilled by Janus' manhood bulging out into her throat. The third member of the gang straddled the bound rogue's stomach with a grin, his hands reaching down to press her breasts together, sliding his manhood slowly into the cleavage he had created, grinning as he felt her mounds pressed up against his shaft. "Oh yeah, this is awesome," he groaned, hammering himself between her breasts now, enjoying the feel of the pliant flesh in his hands and around his member, his head popping out to point directly at her chin each time he forced himself forwards. "Hey Janus, watch out," the leader warned, pulling out of Bandit's pussy with a wet 'schlick' and tapping her mons teasingly, his other hand guiding his member downwards. "I'm swapping holes, and she might not like it as much as I will..." At Bandit's wide-eyed panic and the raucous laughter of the other men, the leader slipped his member into the rogue's backdoor, her juices already on his shaft making the tight hole much more penetrable. "Oh, fuck yeah, this is fucking perfect," he grinned as his cock slid home inside Bandit's ass, her tight rear squeezing ever inch of him that he could fit inside her. Watching them from the rooftop, Ariadne bit her lower lip and slid a finger inside herself as they got in gear and really started to use Bandit, Janus and the leader plunging themselves into her two extremities, while the third man made use of the helpless rogue's bouncing breasts, before eventually slowing down with a grunt. "So... Close," he murmured, thrusting forwards twice more before backing up, his hand closing around his cock and stroking it rapidly up and down, before his eyes closed and he shot a stream of thick cum over Bandit's exposed stomach and the lower half of her boobs, a few stray strands reaching up her collarbone to her chin. A similar groan came from Janus, but his frenzied fucking of Bandit's mouth didn't slow down one bit, instead speeding up until he, too, tensed up and let out a sigh of relief, Bandit's eyes going wide like saucers as she felt his seed filling her throat and spilling out of her lips when he pulled out. Ariadne slipped her fingers out of herself and crouched further down, her climbing-claws digging into the crumbling building as she leaned out over the alleyway, winking at Bandit as the leader started to thrust powerfully into her backside. With his own grunt of pleasure, he finished inside her, pulling out and wiping his member off against Bandit's legs before starting to pull his pants back up, snarling at the others as he did so. "Get your clothes on, morons, this was a lot of fun but don't forget we've got work to do!" Turning back to Bandit, he grinned at her with a nod. "If you ever want a hand with anything, girlie, you can come over yourself or send your little friend, we don't mind either way. Take care now, girlie!" he finished, patting her on the cheek before sauntering off back to the main street, followed by his cronies. As they faded out of earshot, Ariadne dropped lightly to the ground, sashaying towards Bandit with a self-satisfied smirk on her face. "Well? Memorable, wasn't it?" Her voice dropped lower and she draped herself over Bandit's chest, extending a long tongue to lick a thick white droplet that was drooling down the rogue's still-gagged lips. She blinked then, straightening up and idly stroking Bandit's hair as she glanced around. "Hmm. Do you hear that? It looks like your friend is a bit more resourceful than I thought she would be. Well, I guess you needed more company anyhow! Now, how am I going to do this... Ah! Just stay right there and don't worry your cute little head about it," Ariadne smirked, patting Bandit on the top of her head right between her ears, before leaping back to the wall and climbing easily up to the roof once more, disappearing into the twilight gloom. *****“That was entirely unnecessary of her,” Pea complained once more, picking out another sticky strand of spidersilk from her hair and shaking it off her fingers and onto the ground. Her heels clicked quietly on the cobblestone as she briskly walked down the moon and lamp-lit street of Starter Town, heading in the direction some passers-by said they saw a spider-girl soliciting. Pea had just passed three men, all oddly happy for having to work through the evening, when she finally spotted the alleyway they claimed to have left. That was when she found Bandit, bent over a barrel with a fresh coating of cum. “Bandit! What have you gotten yourself into?” Pea asked as she approached her bound and gagged friend, her voice conveying more curiosity (and less concern) than the situation probably deserved. “Where did that Adri-who girl go-mmmmf!” *****Ariadne grimaced as she looped a web easily around Pea's mouth, spinning even more strands around the mage's arms and legs until she lost her balance and tumbled to the ground. "It's Ariadne, you brain-dead blue-bottle bimbo," she sighed, before her talons traced a gentle path between then beneath Pea's breasts, easily freeing the bountiful globes from the "confinement" of her deep purple dress. "Will you walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly," she whispered into her ears, her spider-legs unfolding from their usual position beneath Ariadne's own breasts to slide along the mage's flanks, pulling the dress down along Pea's smooth skin until it had reached her waist, when the spider-limbs poked and tapped their way back up to continue toying with the peacock's boobs. Instead, Ariadne's hands took up the burden, lifting up the split sides of the dress until it resembled nothing more than a rather voluminous sash around Pea's waist, before slipping it down her long legs and tossing it carelessly over the broken slat of a nearby window-shutter. "Yours are rather big, aren't they," Ariadne commented, hefting her own A-cups in one hand and pouting down at Pea, before standing up and lifting the Mage with her. "It makes me a bit jealous, actually," she added even as she walked Pea over to stand her at the side of Bandit's barrel, before sweeping her legs out from under her so Pea fell on top of Bandit, their breasts squashing together with a muffled cry of pain from both girls. "Now lets get you all nice and tied up... We'll need to get that tail of yours out of the way too," she mused to herself, pulling Pea's head back and lifting up her tail so that the tip was overlapping with the ends of her hair, and then tying an over-sized bow of spider-silk to lash the two together. "That'll do just nicely," she chirped happily, her spider-limbs starting to pull apart the webs cocooning Pea, looping webs around Pea's ankles and wrists to bind her limbs to the floor as well, before stepping back to observe her handiwork. Pea and Bandit were both bent over the same barrel in a cross-shape, Bandit facing up and Pea downwards, their wrists and ankles secured carefully to the floor. Most importantly, all their important holes were on display and easily accessible to anyone with the right equipment. Speaking of which... "Just sit tight there, my pretties," Ariadne smirked, giving Pea a playful spank and a squeeze of her admittedly shapely ass, then striking a mock-dramatic pose. "I'm going to go find a group of nice cute guys to fuck all of your holes until you're begging for mercy! Or more, either way," she shrugged, "I mean, I'm not going to judge you for being a bit slutty. Although it's weird if you get off to being tied up, I really prefer to be the one tying people up." She blinked, interrupting her own monologue, before leaning on Pea's back and poking Bandit on the nose. "And if you promise to be a good girl I'll even take the gag out for you! When I get back. Later!" She gave Pea another slap on the rear as she rose off the girls, heading out to the street to find another group of guys. Preferably more than three this time, but where would she find that many lonely guys at this time of night... ***** "Sorry it took me so long," Ariadne grinned widely at the bound girls, one of her arachnid limbs waving hello to them as she gestured at the group of men she had dragged with her out of the tavern they were about to start getting drunk at. "But I'm sure you'll be quite pleased with this group I scrounged up for you. You get ten guys, all to yourselves! Now, boys, remember. No fighting each other, if you get frustrated these lovely ladies are perfectly willing to help. They're just pretending to not like it, really," Ariadne said with sadistic glee and a salacious wink at Bandit, as she stalked up to the raccoon-girl and patted her on the cheek, working on the spiderwebs holding Pea's mouth closed then. "I'm feeling generous tonight, I'm going to let you keep the gag in," she told Bandit cheerily, her hands running idly across Pea's exposed ass as the mage's impromptu gag finally gave way. "You know, if it's all the same to you this isn't really the best time for us..." Pea pointed out to which Ariadne shrugged. "Aww, I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. I've got a busy busy schedule though, so it's now or never and the second one really isn't an option," she grinned. "Now, you there, with the nice meaty cock. I'm getting kinda tired of this banter so I'd really like it if you could shut her up. As for the rest of you boys... Well, I guess it's time to get the party started!" As the group of men slowly moved towards the two girls, surrounding them, Ariadne sprang up the nearest wall, stretching webs between the two buildings on either side of the alleyway to form an improvised hammock-seat from which she could watch the lovely little scene she had cooked up. And what a scene it promised to be: with ten men for two girls, neither Bandit nor Pea looked like they would be getting much of a break until this was all done. And if Ariadne could figure out a way to get even more guys coming into the alley... She felt herself moisten a bit just thinking about the possibilities. And that was about when the man she had talked to slid his shaft into Pea's lips, his member filling her mouth and throat with meat as he forced it deep inside her, pressing her face against his stomach. "Damn, she's good at this," he grinned, and his endorsement was soon followed by agreeing grunts as the other men pressed into the girls' various holes, filling up both mouths, Pea's ass and Bandit's cunny with cock, the guys left out due to the lack of available orifices waiting on the sidelines for their turn at the girls. Her fingers slowing down as the gently stroked her labia, Ariadne frowned as she saw the problem they were facing: short of a display of hitherto unknown acrobatic skill by the men, each of the girls had at least one hole sitting unfilled, and there were six guys around them with their dicks in their hands for lack of anything else to do. "I guess I've gotta do all the thinking around here, don't I?" Ariadne murmured to herself with an eye-roll, dropping down from her makeshift throne and crawling through the legs of the man hammering himself into Pea's butt. With a glance upwards, Ariadne smirked and allowed one of her arachnid arms to slip gently into the mage's neglected pussy, the segmented limb thrusting gently in and out as she snipped away at the wrist-webs of the two girls, instead binding their shoulders directly to the barrel. Judging from the quality of Pea's moans, her limb was doing a rather good job of exciting the poor peacock, but like all good things it came to an end as Ariadne climbed back out of the tangle of legs, idly sucking Pea's juices off her spider-leg as she gestured to the girls' newly-freed arms. "Well? You've got the use of your hands back, so get going with those jobs girls!" As she lifted herself back up to her suspended seat, Ariadne was treated to the sight of the men crowding around the girls, grabbing at wrists and closing Bandit and Pea's slender hands around their shafts, leaving only two men sitting there high and dry. As she settled back in her webbed seat, spider limbs fondling her breasts as her hand descended to slip a pair of fingers into her cunt, Ariadne smirked at the sight of a job well-done. As cocks slid against flesh below her, the spider-girl grinned wickedly, watching eagerly as the first man came inside of Pea's tight ass, pulling his shaft out soon enough only for one of the men on the sidelines to take his place, plunging his own hard member into Pea's waiting lower lips with a groan of lust and pleasure. Ariadne raised an eyebrow as the now-satiated man pulled up his pants and left, a grin on his face as he headed straight back towards the tavern she had found him at, and then a truly wonderful idea came to her mind, and she slipped to the floor, easily catching up to the man and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "Hey, why don't you tell all the guys at the bar about this little party of mine?" she purred into his ear, her talons tracing circles on his chest as she pressed her breasts up against his back. "After all, the more guys here the more fun we can have," she added, the word 'fun' dripping suggestively from her lips as her hand reached into his pants and idly stroked his flaccid member. "And when you're ready," she added as his knees buckled slightly, "you can come back for round two..." The diminutive spider-girl sucked on her middle finger with a sultry wink as the man nodded desperately and stammered out his agreement, before continuing on his way as she dismissed him from her mind and turned back to the lovely little gangbang she had organized for the two adventurers. Another of the men was busily cumming into Pea's mouth by now, and Ariadne placed one spider-limb in the middle of the chest of the next one to step up, pausing him in his tracks just long enough for her to bend down and plant a long, lusty kiss on Pea's lips. Ariadne's tongue slipped easily into the bound mage's mouth to steal some of the white juice into her own lips, before she stepped back and patted the peacock-girl on the cheek as the man, no longer kept back by the threat of needle-sharp spider-talon, shoved his member into Pea's mouth in turn. Another of the men was finishing with Bandit's cunt, driving his shaft home with frenzied thrusts until he let out a slow moan of release, his seed flooding Bandit's depths as he pulled out, grinning at Ariadne but going to lean against a wall, watching the girls and their coterie of cocks with a grin. Glancing around, Ariadne noticed that all the men had a hole or hand to use, or else were out of it, and Bandit's lower holes were unfilled. "Now that just won't do," she sighed, moving closer to the barrel and dropping to her knees to plant a kiss on Bandit's clit. "Don't worry, I won't leave you untended to, I'd be a pretty poor host if I let that happen," she grinned wickedly, her tongue slipping into Bandit's labia to get a good taste of the mixed fluids, before she replaced her tongue with a finger, then two, then three as one of her arachnid limbs slowly teased its way into Bandit's ass. She glanced up as a cock thrust itself into her field of view, frowning as she saw Bandit's hand empty and putting one and one together to make two. "Down, boy," she sighed, pushing the man back towards Bandit's hand before favoring him with a teasing smirk. "If you're good I might play with you later..." But it wasn't long before even more men entered the alley, removing their clothes and joining the party, a fresh member replacing each shaft that came. With a grin, Ariadne pulled her fingers out of the raccoon-girl's pussy, sucking each one of them clean as a rather large and well-endowed man approached her. "She's all yours," the spider-girl grinned, before clacking her chelicerae in a shrug. "Okay, maybe not only yours because that man's fucking her mouth, but you get what I mean," she corrected herself with a wink, skipping off to where Pea's second man was busily cumming into the mage's ass, pulling out only for Ariadne to take his cock into her mouth and "clean" it with a few swirls of her tongue. "Tasty," she grinned at him, before putting the man out of her mind as she beckoned two other guys over, freeing one of Pea's ankles from the ground and lifting it into the air, tilting her entire waist sideways before fixing the web high up against the wall, forcing the peacock-girl's legs wide open and nearly vertical. "Alright boys, I want you to play nice," Ariadne chirped, draping one arm around each of their waists as she guided them closer to Pea's holes, before finally taking their cocks and guiding them into the mage, fitting both members into her quivering cunt. "Now remember," she teased them, "you're fine as long as you don't make eye contact!" Pea let out a loud moan at the penetration, the sound forcing its way past the cock buried balls-deep in her throat even as the two men started to move inside her, only managing two shaky thrusts before one of them cursed and pulled out, stepping sideways to shove his shaft into her ass instead, accompanied by another moan from Pea and a sigh of annoyance from Ariadne. Eventually she'd find two guys willing to do that to a girl, she was certain! But apparently it wouldn't be today. As yet another wave of men appeared at the end of the alley and made their way towards the two girls who were today's center of attention, Ariadne grinned at them, stepping out of the crowd and sashaying towards them, picking out three lovely-looking boys and beckoning them towards her with one crook of a finger. "The rest of you go have fun," she dismissed the others, gesturing nonchalantly at the gangbang behind her as Bandit's hand brought one of the men to his limit, his cock splattering its load up her arm and onto her and Pea's breasts where the bouncy globes were being squashed together. "You three belong to me," she finished with a wicked smirk, stepping closer and beginning to undress the men, her arachnid limbs ripping apart shirts and belts as her hands slid pants down to their ankles, stepping backwards and causing the men to step forwards out of their clothes. "And I don't like my toys doing anything I don't tell them to," she added as an afterthought, looping strands of web around their upper and lower arms and legs, immobilizing the men with the minimum amount of coverage. "Don't worry, though, I'm sure you'll have as much fun as I will," she added with a bright grin, lifting each of the men up onto the rooftop, before examining her seat. "Hmm. This might not be entirely the most comfortable thing you've ever done," she shrugged, "but I'll enjoy it anyhow, don't worry." With that and a sinister giggle, she slung the first man across her shoulders, walking out to her seat and setting him face-up onto the web, his head hanging out over the gangbang beneath him, filling his ears with the wet slap of flesh against flesh and groans of pleasure. As soon as he was fixed tight to the seat, Ariadne went for the second man, setting him up on top of the first man's legs, their shafts rather close but not touching, and bound him in place too, before spinning another seat of web between their hips, leaving their two cocks sticking through the silk. With a lick of her lips, Ariadne dragged the third man out to her newly-refurbished throne, placing him down next to her for the few seconds it took her to position herself over her man-throne, find a comfortable position and then sink slowly down onto the silk cushion, letting out a low moan as she filled her holes up with cock. It was a simple matter to grab the third man and place his ass firmly on her lap then, her hand reaching down to stroke and toy with his shaft while the spider-girl leaned to one side to get a good eyeful of what was going on below, idly rocking her hips back and forth against the cocks buried in her ass and pussy. The man fucking Pea's ass had just pulled out, his hand frantically stroking himself before he let out a groan, releasing his seed to spurt along her back and across Bandit's stomach, his place taken soon enough by another fresh man. Ariadne watched the mass of writhing bodies for a while, grinning widely enough that her jaw started to hurt after a while, and she realized that she'd been neglecting her "throne" while she watched Bandit and Pea. With a small sigh at her own absent-mindedness, Ariadne leaned back against the more upright of her two seats, her hips rising and falling rhythmically as she started to really impale herself on their shafts, letting out soft gasps each time she sank down fully onto them, her hand slipping down to gently caress her clit, biting her lower lip as her other hand grasped her small breasts with a moan. Below her, a man finished in Pea's mouth and pulled out, letting the peacock-mage get a few breaths and loud moans of pleasure out of her before she tilted her head to take another shaft into her mouth, her hands working almost feverishly to jerk off a pair of cocks onto her back, Bandit copying her friend's motions at long last, finally giving in to the pleasure Ariadne had heaped upon her as she pleasured four men at once, and then five as her ass, too, was filled. As her lap-man started to let out grunts of pleasure behind the web over his mouth, Ariadne favored him with a smile, slipping a finger teasingly into his rear and bending over to slurp his shaft into her lips, bobbing up and down until his head was deep in her throat, and then he shuddered and all but exploded inside her her, filling the spider-girl's throat and mouth with sticky fluids. She carefully eased his member out of herself, her lips leaving hardly a drop of cum on his shaft as she idly swallowed, her climbing-claws already starting to tear apart his bonds and lower him back to the ground, dropping him the last couple of feet as Ariadne sat back on her throne, licking her lips at the taste that still filled her mouth, and rocking her hips since her other holes still needed pleasing. So it went on for almost half an hour, Pea and Bandit's holes being used by a procession of men, Ariadne surveying it all like a barbarian queen on her throne of men, until at last her seats were unable to hold themselves back, filling her holes with their spunk as Ariadne let out a pleased moan, lifting herself off and releasing them with a few rapid snicks of her talons, before dropping to the ground herself with a wide grin splitting her face. As she stepped slowly and lazily closer to the cum-covered girls, she shooed off the men waiting around for their next turn, ignoring their disappointed frowns and binding the more troublesome ones in place with her webs. Caressing a talon along Pea's jaw, she waited until the last of the men had finished with the mage's mouth before kissing her again to steal even more of the clear-white mixture in her mouth, swallowing with evident delight and patting her on the head. "How was that, my dear little thief? I was rather pleased with how it all went down, really," she smirked, her fingers running over Pea's stomach now with a smirk, waving a cocky little 'goodbye' as the last of the man got themselves off, made themselves presentable, and finally left her alone with the two girls. “N-Not sure what we did... to deserve that,” Pea panted shakily, her voice uneven as she swallowed the last of the cum in her mouth and steadily begun to catch her breath. The frankly mind-numbing pleasure of the gangbang had finally begun to simmer down, slowly clearing her head while still leaving the peacock-mage with a pleasantly hazy, lust-tipsy buzz. Drenched in the semen of an unreasonable number of men, Pea had clearly lost this encounter with Ariadne… yet oddly, as she tried her best to stretch her muscles and get more comfortable within her silky restraints, Pea didn’t seem overly broken up about it. She still frowned at Ariadne though, looking up at her with an expression that begged some sort of explanation for their ordeal as Bandit weakly squirmed underneath her. “But... I must admit… I do feel sufficiently punished, whatever it was.” Ariadne frowned at Pea, crossing her arms and tapping a talon against her chitin-covered elbow. "The Robe of the Spider Queen," she hissed angrily, having actually forgotten the why of her actions during the heat of the moment, and irate at being reminded of it. "I spent a year tracking it down, and when I finally discover that it's in the Cave of Whispers, I arrive just in time to find you leaving it, and the Cave is empty of any actual loot! You stole it before I even had a chance to find it!" "Wait, what? The Robe of... Oh! It wasn't there," Pea commented, shaking the fuzz out of her head somewhat and looking up at Ariadne. "It was a Cloak of Mimicry. Not even a decent one, it just a +1 at most!" Ariadne blinked at that, before glancing around at the droplets of cum splattered everywhere and covering the two girls, to the webs binding them down and preventing their escape - or, as it turned out, the truth from coming out. "Oh. Oops?" She laughed sheepishly as she undid the bindings around Bandit and Pea's feet and shoulders, massaging the joints - and lingering on Pea's shoulders, for that matter - before turning to Bandit and slipping the ring gag out of her mouth, deftly stripping the brass ring of spiderweb before screwing it back onto the goggles. “O-Oops?! D-Did you just say o-oops?” Bandit asked incredulously, sitting up as soon as Pea’s weight was lifted off of her… only for her wobbly legs to almost give out under her, the raccoon-girl only just able to catch herself on the barrel, arms hugging the cum-slickened surface. Finally free of the impromptu gag-ring, she used the back of her hand to wipe the slobber of saliva and other fluids from dripping off her chin and shot a flustered look at Ariadne. It was almost hard to tell how much of it was from her understandable anger at the spider-girl, and how much were blushes brought on by the embarrassing number of orgasms she had just involuntarily suffered at the whim of Ariadne’s game. “You h-have a lot more e-explaining to do, and a l-lot more-" “Now now, Bandit,” Pea interrupted, reassuringly running her fingers through the rogue’s sticky hair. “I think it’s clear this was all a misunderstanding. Right, Ariadne?” The spider-girl nodded before giving Bandit a smile and a sheepish shrug. "Yeah, hehe. I honestly thought you two had stolen an artifact that I really wanted, needed and deserved from the dungeon before I could get to it. So I needed to punish you!" she finished with a bright grin, before glancing at the two girls' pussy-lips, and the fluids still occasionally dripping down their legs with a sultry wink. "Besides. It's not like the two of you didn't enjoy yourselves, am I right?"Noticing the direction of Ariadne’s gaze, Bandit immediately crossed her legs and hurriedly fumbled to pull her miniskirt back up, the blush on her cheeks deepening even further at the insinuation. Pea, on the other hand, only offered a small smile and an admitting shrug. “Perhaps, but it was still wrong of you, Ariadne. You kidnapped Bandit, lured me into a trap, covered us in what’s frankly an excessive amount of cum. And our clothes,” she continued, gesturing over to her discarded dress off to the side. Although put aside before any of the ‘fun’ began, it still managed to be soiled by dirt and ejaculate sometime during their gangbang -- not too surprising, considering the amount of men who had shuffled in and out of the alleyway during that time. “I think you might owe me a new dress.”Ariadne glanced over at the dress, giving a small tilt of her head. “I guess that’s fair,” she admitted. “I mean, as long as you don’t force me to find you some sort of +6 Dress of Divine Opulence or something,” the Shadowdancer shrugged. “Heck, I could even make you a dress if it came to that,” she added, tilting her head as she considered Pea, before stepping forwards and wrapping a loop of silk around her breasts, waist and hips. “Now that I think about it, you’d look good in white,” she commented idly, looping more strands of web around Pea like some sort of measuring tapes, muttering to herself as she did so. “It’ll be fun, making a dress for someone,” she chirped at last, lifting Pea to her feet and spinning her around with a wide grin. “It’d be nice to have a dress tailored for me, instead of having to fix the one-size-fits-alls you always find in those dungeons,” Pea mused as she twirled, putting some obvious thought into the proposition before giving Ariadne a confirming nod. “You know, I think that would put as fairly even, don’t you?” “Lady, you can’t be serio--” Pea put a finger to Bandit’s lips.“Shall we head back to the inn and talk accessories then, Ariadne?” "Yes, let's," Ariadne replied with a wide grin, looping her arm around Pea's waist as they headed back towards where the night's adventures had begun.
Chapter 1 - (Not) The First Time
Verris looked around and sighed. This cold, damp place wasn't good for his health. And to make it worse, Western Plaguelands were infested with the Scourge as much as a rotten apple is crawling with worms. A deep voice behind him muttered. "I don' like this place, Norton. Gives me the creeps. And the powder's all wet." The dwarf pointed at his gun. Norton shrugged. "Well, Randal, I was just thinking of some simple spell to get rid of that..." "So do yer bloody finger wiggling and dry us up! Don't want to catch a cold. Or the plague, for that matter." Norton mumbled a few words and drew few symbols with his glowing fingers. The two adventurers were momentarily covered with faint golden aura. Their clothes dried up a bit and the cold went away. "Now that's why I travel with ya, Nort!" The dwarf smiled. "Don't get too excited. We better find some kind of shelter while the spell lasts." "Let's go, then! The ruins of Andorhal shold be pretty close." The mage sighed again. And now they must creep around Scourge-filled city. Great. - - - A few minutes later, Norton wasn't sighing - he was gasping and panting, running as fast as he could. "Damn, Nort! Told ya to watch yer step!" "It's - " another gasp " - not my fault! I didn't know the floor woudn't hold!" "Even I saw that!" Dwarf ran under a fallen beam. His human coleague jumped over it - or tried to. With a curse, he landed in a mud pool. Randal turned around, seeing two things: The first one, the mage in the mud, was hilarious. The second, a group of undead running towards them, was not that funny. The dwarf didn't hesitate - he quickly grabbed small smoke bomb from his waist and threw it between them and the Scourge. As it flew, he was already helping confused mage to his feet. "Ya ought to learn that hiding spell." Norton didn't respond, because the bomb exploded loudly. It certainly made a large hole for a smoke bomb. - - - The Andorhal inn had seen better days. The roof was full of holes, the floor creaked and most doors were just a fading memories of their former glory. The duo stumbled across an empty room with dust-covered furniture. "What the hell do you put in those smoke bombs?" Mage hissed. "Thorium." Dwarf shrugged. "Why?" "It's a bomb, ain't it? So it should do some damage!" They heard some racked outside and quickly ran up the stairs. Randal took out a small periscope and checked the entrance door. "There's an abomination there." He gulped, but then he smiled. "Too bad for the Scourge. It can't get in - he's too big. Ya see? It's better to have yer men with the free will and not - " His monologue was interrupted by the sound of door locking up behind him. He turned around and saw footprints leading to one of the rooms. This one had it's door whole. The dwarf got up, walked to the door and found out it was indeed locked. "Damn, why does he always get the better room?" He mumbled as he walked to find some other place lay his head. - - - It was just too strange. As soon as he ran up that stair, he thought something was wrong. He looked around and scanned for magic. It was there - a strong, permanent field around one of the rooms. When he tried to use his spells to look inside, he saw nothing - literally. So, foolish as he was, he tried the door handle. The door didn't open, but suddenly he was on the other side. He was looking around a small room quite different from rest of the inn. The ceiling had no holes in it, the floor was covered with thick carpet and he didn't hear any rain outside. His observation was brought to an abrupt end. Small yellowish object flew across the room and hit him in the chest. Norton fell down and tried to catch his breath. On his chest stood a small gnome female with a broad smile on her face. Her green eyes were filled with mischief and her bronze hair was glimmering in the light. "Oh, Norton! Long time no see!" Before Verris could speak, she touched his lips and said, giggling: "Shush!" She snapped her fingers and Norton's legs and hands were forced apart. He tried to speak, but the spell took care of that too. He pondered on the gnome's intentions, but they were clear in a moment. She waved her tiny hands like a conductress. Norton's pants flew across the room, the rest of his clothes followed. Gnome girl made a quick gesture with her hand and her clothes simply disappeared. "Now that's more like it," she said. Norton still wasn't able to speak, but his mind raced as he tried to break the binding spell. A few seconds later, this was pushed down his priority list with the speed of a falling boulder. The gnome was caressing his member with one of her bare feet. She stopped, kneeling slowly, sliding over his growing manhood. She passionately kissed his lips, then saw the look in his eyes. She suddenly stopped and waved her hand a little. "I screwed up, right?" She asked with a frown. Norton tried to speak and - to his great relief - could. "Who are you?" "Shit, I screwed up a big time..." She snapped her fingers and her clothes were back. She rolled over and then sat on the floor. She waved both hands and Norton felt he was free again. "My name is Chronormu, or Chromie to my friends." She explained as Norton covered himself and began to dress up again. "I am one of the bronze dragonflight. I take care of most of the problems with time-space continuum." He looked at her, puzzled. "I go where - and when - time was damaged and try to undo that." She continued, hastily: "Look, I'm sorry! I just travel too much, I'm all around the timeline... I know you already! I didn't know this was the first time you met me - it certainly isn't the first time for me. We were lovers for a long time and -" "Well, it certainly is nice to meet you..." Norton said, looking for his pants. "Since when are we lovers?" "Almost six years of my time." "And objectively?" She shrugged, scratching her head, looking in a distance. "Anyway, since we know each other... I wouldn't like to make a mess in things." Norton smiled. "Chromie." She looked up at him again, staring directly at the tip of his penis. "Didn't you forget something?" As she opened her mouth to speak, he forced himself between her lips and down her throat. Her eyes widened with surprise, but the glitter of lust returned too. It was what he had expected - if she was his lover, she must like his ways. This is what she gets for surprising him like that. This he thought as his shaft slid in and out of her mouth. He didn't care about her gurgles. He took her by her hair and turned her around. When she was between him and the door, he quickly thrusted forward. She instinctively tried to escape him, but she was pressed to the door. She made few muffled sounds. He took his rod out of her mouth to let her catch her breath. She gasped and looked at him. "You should never let the work unfinished, Chromie." She smiled, coquettishly. "You always say that." He forced his dick in her throat again, giving her pauses to breathe. She hang on to him, his dick in her mouth, her fingernails burrowing deep in his back as he fucked her throat without mercy. She was getting wet and wanted him like always when he was this rough. He turned her around again, raising her. As he did, he ripped her clothes. He pushed her against the door again, her legs in the air. It was as if she weighed nothing. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear. "If I'm your lover, you must like it rough, right?" She nodded. He grabbed her by her lap and felt her moist pussy. She moaned in pleasure as he sank his shaft in her. She grabbed the carvings on the door and moved her pelvis towards him. His dick reached the bottom of her small cunt. The little ensuing pain only made her like it more. It was always like this with Norton - he knew her. Or, his body knew hers. As he moved inside her, she screamed in ecstasy. It was like this since the first time. What was strange was normal for him. What was a taboo was a challenge. He pressed her harder against the surface. His dick was dashing against her insides like a piston. His hand found her tiny breasts and squeezed her nipples. This was the last straw. She came with a loud shout. When she came to her senses again, she was on the floor, her bottom raised in the air, the rest forced to the ground by an unknown power. He whispered in her ear again, excited. "Do you like it? I learned this spell from you..." She smiled. He was a prodigy of sorts - he could be given any spell and he would just disassemble it and learn it in minutes - most of the time, he even made it more efficient. He created new spells with the grace of master painter. Her stream of thoughts was interrupted by the touch of his penis. It moved across her clitoris, up her cunt, stretched her lips a little. A drip of her juice fell on the floor. She was still hot, moaning as he caressed her little pussy. "Come on, Norton, just put it in already!" She managed to hiss. Laughing, he said: "All right." The tip moved up a bit. "No, not there, not there!" She tried to resist, but the spell held her tight. His dick burst into her tight asshole. The pain was overwhelming. She clenched her teeth. He didn't even slow down - he just pushed as far as he could, then took his dick out again. Her ass closed up again and he pushed his dick in again. This was the most painful way to do it - and for Chromie, it was the most exciting one. The pain and the pleasure mixed in one immense feeling - a cocktail of hurt and ecstasy, of hate and need. Then he grabbed her neck and strangled her a little. With each burst, he gripped her with more force. She loved it. This made her whole body aware of the incredible fuck she was just part of. It made her hearth race, made her love him. He would never hurt her - even if he could. His firm hand on her neck was a symbol of trust. She soon screamed his name as he fucked her tight ass, yelling for more, for him to go deeper, to be even more rough with her. And he always managed it. He slapped her butt, then grabbed her by her ass cheeks and thrusted even further. "Yes! Yes! Fuck my brains out, Norton!" She screamed, as she neared her next and even mightier orgasm. "I will!" She came, and before she could gather herself, the spell pinning her down broke. He took her by the hair again, sticking his penis down her throat. She was still riding high on her orgasm, not even noticing the taste - or the brutal throat fucking he just gave her. Chromie closed her eyes, raised her head to let his dick fuck her deep. And he did. It was as if her throat was another pussy. He wildly thrusted inside, not letting her take a breath until she couldn't see. The lack of air, the penis in her throat, the orgasms before. And now her own swift hands, taking care of her cunt and ass with modified forcefield spells, made her come again. As she did, as her ass and pussy clenched around the spells, he burst forward, screaming like an animal. He filled her with her cum. Most of it ended right in her stomach, but as he pulled his penis out and she gasped for breath, it filled her mouth. She swallowed. "Nice one for the first try!" Norton was still out of breath, but managed to say: "You're no rookie yourself, Chromie." "So," she turned around, waving her hand to fix her clothing, "when we had fun, we could do some work. What brings you here?" "Oh, that's a long story. I could use some rest, you know? And Randal will be probably looking for me by now." "You're talking to a time-lady. I can make it so you get out of this room five minutes after you entered." She snickered. "Or five minutes before, for that matter. But that would make things confusing, right?" "You know, I just had an idea..." He laughed. "Well," Chromie said, giggling, "we did that already. You'll see... one day."
Chapter 2 - Life is a lich.
Sun sends its beams through mist, blackish leaves and spider webs. When the light reaches ground, it is but a pale shadow - no joy, no warmth. Ruins of Andorhal are also covered in haze, but there are no trees. Light loses just a small portion of its power and it almost makes the morning livable. Too bad the city's occupants are mostly undead Scourge. But wait - two shadows move through cold morning with more vitality than the other shambling silhouettes. One larger, crouching, covering, the other smaller and wider. Should the observer be equipped with top goblin eavesdropping equipment, he would hear their quiet voices. "Did I say I hate you, Norton?" "Yes. You did." "Did I tell you why?" "Because I left you sleep in a cellar?" "And?" "Because I spent the night with young hot gnome?" "And...?" "I don't know. Why?" "Because she told us where the bloddy lich is!" Norton Verris, a mid-aged mage, stopped and frowned. "I thought we were here to kill the lich." The dwarf, Randal, also halted. He looked at Norton, then rolled his eyes. "How can ya not know, Nort? When they ask ya to 'kill a lich' you go to where he's supposed to be, walk around for a few days and return. You tell 'em - 'Sorry, I didn't find tha lich; but I could use some money in advance so I can go look again.' Then ye run with the gold and never come back." Even an uninterested observer would notice the dwarf hasn't slept well. "So what is the problem? We'll kill him and get all the gold!" "If we kill him." "Look." Verris sat on remnants of a small wall. "We went through it a dozen times. We have the dampeners - two of those. That will make its un-life a bit harder." Norton gestured to the highest tower - maybe town hall or a church. "You'll get on the top of that tower - you'll keep your distance and he'll focus on me. I'll use the dampener, shield myself and you'll shoot his freaking head off." "Well, at least I'll be alright. I'm worried about you, though." "Don't worry." Norton smirked. "I'm pretty sure I'll survive this." - - - Norton looked at the little pocket watch Chromie gave him. He smiled - yes, he definitely earned that. The watch was interesting - its front and back was made out of glass. Its frame held a complicated clockwork mechanism which was clearly visible through the back. The interesting thing was that parts of the mechanism were missing, disappearing from sight as the wheels turned and returning to existence not quite where they used to be. Plus, it looked as if the watch was bigger inside. The front was quite normal - it showed the time. The watch looked incredibly old, yet not a mark on it. It told Norton the time to act has come. Norton put the watch in his pocket and stood up, shaking off the rubble he was covering under. Araj the Summoner - the lich they were after - floated only fifty yards away. He was looking away from Verris. Norton looked to his right and saw a glimmer of light reflected from the scope of Randal's rifle. He was ready, too. Norton coughed. Araj turned in mid air and stared at him with his cold, empty eye sockets. "So." Norton smiled. "What's a lich like you doing in a place like this?" - - - Araj smiled. Probably. It's hard to tell when you're just bones. He open his mouth. Steam of cold air went out followed by a shriek that could freeze souls. And is probably used in that way few times a week, Norton thought. The lich raised its skeletal hand. From deep within its bony body shot a blue ray of icy air. When it passed skeleton's fingers, the magical field concentrated moisture from all around and changed it to a piercing ice arrow. It darted right at Norton. The mage loved to see a new spell. And the way Araj made that frostbolt showed he had years of practice. Wonderful. It was almost a shame to waste it. The frost arrow hit an invisible barrier five feet from Norton and instantly evaporated. Norton shrugged. "Sorry for that. Really nice spell, though." He waved his left hand behind his back. In his right, he held the little dampening charm Chromie gave him. He concentrated his magic. He convinced heat from all around that the best place to be is right between his clenched fingers. Then the magic talked to the water and also centered it in his hand. What Norton didn't know was that the spell managed to persuade hydrogen and oxygen from water to separate. As the semipermeable forcefield surrounded it - letting more water in Norton's palm but no gas out, the mixture got more dense - and warm. In only a few moments, small fireball burned in Norton's hand. The field didn't let it out - not even the heat. That was all the magic - small field that lets something in and nothing out. And the fission, of course. Norton - and no other mage for that matter - didn't really understand the science of magic. Mages didn't even know it was there. But he knew damned well how to make a pyroblast. White hot glowing ball of fire flew through air, hit the dampener Norton threw with his right hand and hit the lich in its chest. It almost looked surprised. Then a fast projectile hit it in the skull. The gunshot was heard after the bullet hit. More surprise. And bullets. Through the holes in Araj's skull, a blue cold core could have been seen. The lich waved its hand and made a barrier that stopped the bullets. Not only that, it made them orbit Araj in fast circles. Meanwhile, Norton was casting another pyroblast. As it hit the shield, the pellets melted down. Araj stumbled back with the force of the attack. He waved its left hand again and the shield bent. The molten lead quickly sprung out and hit the base of the tower Randal was in. Norton couldn't see it, but clearly heard the bricks collapsing. "Ok, enough games." Verris said angrily and began to prepare another ball of fire. "Indeed." The lich spoke for the first time, with a voice as cold as the winds of Northrend. It spread its hands and suddenly an army of ghouls raised from the ground. They slowly shambled towards Norton. "Die, human!" Araj raised his hands. The mist condensed in tiny droplets and lich froze it into long, sharp edgy hailstones. Norton saw the blizzard falling of his head and knew no shield could protect him from that. But he was still full of hot rage. He too raised his hands. The lines of gravitational force bent in face of magic. They suddenly realized the best shape to have was a parabola with its focus in the middle of Araj's skull. Hailstones smoothly slid on the newly found lines of force and pierced astonished lich's skull. The undead looked around and turned to dust as the magic holding them together vanished. Norton lowered his hands, walked to the remains of Araj and saw his phylactery. He crushed it with his boot. A faint echo of anger as the soul disappeared. Norton took a piece of destroyed phylactery and went to help his dwarven friend. - - - "Did I say I hate you, Norton?" "You did, Randal." "Did I tell you why?" "Because I let the lich collapse a building on you?" "And?" "Because I saved your soul so you owe me one?" "And...?" Norton sighed. "Because I put it in my pocket watch." "Yeah. That's why I hate you." Randal said, his voice formed by clicking clockwork.
Chapter 2 - The Bus Driver
In my country, English is not primary language. Hell, it's not even second or any other official language. You'd be surprised how many people can't use it at all. That's why I found it kinda strange when I boarded a bus and found out our driver only spoke English and Japanese. What was even more strange was that our driver was a breathtakingly hot Asian girl. Long black hair in a tight bun, eyes the colour of hot morning coffee, her skin as smooth as silk. My sight ventured further down, along her neck and collar bones, her uniform's neckline revealing even more of her bronze skin... I quickly looked up and concealed my glance by shifting my backpack. She was rather young for a bus driver - was she in her twenties? It would certainly explain her alarmed look. Since I was the first one in line and the first one on bus, I quickly understood her pleading look. I told her where I was going so she could sell me a ticket and she didn't understand me at all. I got it in seconds. I looked behind me and saw a line of thirty or so old people. Well, since I'm here... "Do you speak English?" Her face shown a true delight and she nodded. "OK. Well, these people don't, so I'll help you with the tickets, right?" She nodded again, blushing slightly. I averted my eyes. The tickets went smoothly, not counting the initial lag when I looked for the chart with bus stop distances. When we were done, I sat down to the navigator chair - I earned it. I wiped few drops of sweat from my forehead. Was it the heat of the summer day or the unusual task? I don't know. When I looked at our driver again - we were leaving the bus stop - I made up my mind. It must have been the weather. She undone one more button of her shirt, and since her attention was focused on driving, I took a better look this time. Looking from the side I saw she wore no bra. I also noted that if the were to undo one more button, I'd clearly see her left nipple. She removed her jacket and rolled up her sleeves. I admired her arms, looking so fragile, yet so firm on the wheel of large bus. I almost gulped when I saw the way she changed gears. She almost played with the stick! I looked up and saw her amused smile, eyes still focused on the road. She meant her clothing, her movements, her looks - all as a tease. I smiled too. During the long trip to nowhere, between stops, we talked. I found out she's an exchange student, but she can't go home for summer vacation because her home town was hit by the tsunami. Her family was alright, but one more person to take care of... So she stayed here, working as a bus driver, learning new language and sending most of her resources to her family in Japan. After a few hours - I was going all the way to the bus terminal - when two people just exited the bus, she looked back and nodded. "There are only three people and I'm already ahead of the schedule. We should get some fuel." I looked back and saw our passengers - one sleeping man and a young couple, not paying much attention to anything but themselves. I nodded. I used the intercom to announce the stop, but the man was still sleeping and the couple looked as if they didn't care about anything anyway. "I'll fill the tank, could you get something to drink?" I went inside and wanted to buy a bottle of soda. I would have, if some idiot didn't put it on the top of the highest shelf, just by a can of paint. When the clerk, a wizened old man, heard the noise, he almost came running. He apologised and explained how he repaired the gas pumps today, painted part of the ceiling and probably forgot the paint on the shelf. I waved him off, angrily, and went for the bathroom. I came back even angrier - no water. The old guy apologised again, saying that plumbing was on the list for tomorrow's repairs. I couldn't be angry at the old fool anymore. I asked him if there's a shower somewhere. He pointed at the back. I made for the door with the guy smiling at me. I entered the bathroom door and quickly stripped down. I was angry - I could have been chatting with my new driver friend, maybe getting her number... I turned the corner to where the shower was and I froze up. She was there, naked, looking at me. Soap on her skin, just reaching for the faucet to turn the water on again. She didn't scream, that was a plus. I covered my most vulnerable parts, she looked like she didn't care to cover hers. "I asked the old man if I could take a shower, since it's so hot. He said I could," she explained nervously, turning around. I turned around too. "Well, I was splattered with paint. So I wanted to take a shower before it dries." Something grabbed me from behind. I felt the hot grip of the bus driver. "You should have said that! We must get you cleaned up before the paint dries!" She shoved me under the running water and began to scrub my back. I was astonished. Her hands lifted of my beck. I turned around and she grabbed my head, forcing it into the stream of water. "Hey!" I reached out automatically and grabbed her head. I realized what I was doing and instead soaked her hair playfully. She squeaked. I changed the motion and began to rub my fingers, gently massaging her hair roots. She came a step closer and one more, touching me with her breasts. I suddenly touched her too, with my shaft standing up and hitting her sex. She smiled at me, I replied with a grin. One of her hands touched my back again, the other shifted down and slid along my member. I gasped in excitement and kissed her. She repaid with a kiss I never felt - aggressive, passionate. I placed my hands on her buttocks and squeezed. She let go of my instrument and placed her second hand on my beck, coming closer. She leaned to me. I spread her butt cheeks a bit and my penis rubbed against her moist pussy. She let out a moan and rubbed her small breasts against me. I shifted my weight, did a half-spin and a step forward. She yelped as her naked back touched the cold tiles on the wall. Her hands were still rubbing my back, her head darted forward and she nibbled on my ear. "I want you," she whispered. I heard her even through the sound of water. "I'll be happy to oblige," I replied, lifting her perfect bronze legs, placing her ankles on my shoulders. She kissed me again, with thee same passion as the last time. I slipped inside her tight pussy, letting out a moan, only to be surpassed by her own scream of excitement. I dipped in her deep. "It's too -" I trusted forward, making sure she had nowhere to run. She gasped in pain and pleasure, her eyes opening wide. "Oh gods!" I almost slipped out again, then thrust in. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes again. Her hips aided me in my attempts to get as deep as I could. By this time, she was regularly screaming with pleasure. I, however, was quickly running out of breath. "Come on!" she yelled when I slowed down to catch my breath. "Come on!" She opened her eyes and saw me panting. She frowned and said: "I said come on!" She slid down, her legs gripping my hips. Then she tripped me up. I ended up on the floor, still dick-deep inside of her. As we landed, I went all the way inside her. She moaned. "That's more like it!" She bounced up, impaling on my shaft again and again, doing the work herself now. I only thrust my hips up so my shaft could meet her tight pussy head-on, so to speak. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she yelled and I felt her pussy tightening even more, if possible. She bounced one more and impaled the last time, then went rigid. Her cunt was trying to expel my dick out by this time. Her orgasm ended, she fell on my chest and breathed heavily. Her pussy was still almost making my dick slid out. "The best defence is a good offense," I murmured, quickly rolling her on her back again. She opened her eyes, still full of the orgasm she just felt. I thrust my member inside her ever-more tightening pussy. She moaned as she came again, I made a few thrusts ass she almost crushed my manhood and finally, I came. I filled her with my seed with the feeling of utmost satisfaction. We lied there, the water still flowing, me caressing her hair. She got up and said: "Let's go, you'll be late! We can meet again later!" Then I woke up. ----------------------------------------------------------- As always, any comments are much appreciated.
Chapter 4 - Sera's spells
“Sera, don't you think this is too much?” “Why? It's not like she's on our side!” “Yeah, but she did served her purpose already! We know you can resurrect someone with just his soul.” “Well, as you wish” Sera said, finally. Then her face brightened: “But I'll definitely give it a go!” Norton sighed. “Make it fast...” “You can't rush those things!” Sera said, almost dancing as she removed her clothes again. “Aren't you enjoying this a bit too much?” “Nort, come on! She's my first blood elf!” Norton shook his head. What strange goals some people had in life. “So where's the list?” “Oh, it's on the table!” “I was joking.” “Take a look, I'll just do some more magic – as they say: There's an affliction for every occasion.” Norton went to look for the list. He found it soon. It was a small black notebook with a crude heart painted on it. The heart was sickly green. As Sera's chanting filled the room, he read of her accomplishments. It was quite a handful - everything from '2 guys at once', through 'a member of opposing faction' to 'minion'. There were some notes to certain things. 'Stretch first, get potions' near 'tauren'. 'Falls asleep afterwards' by 'druid'. Things like that. Norton closed the book and turned around. He missed the start - Sera was already on her knees, fingering the blood elf. What was interesting was that the red-haired horde girl didn't try to resist. Her green eyes shun as if she was ill and her pussy was dripping wet as Sera's fingers rammed it. Yes, she was definitely a willing participant. Or was she? Verris examined the duo in magical sense. Sera was glowing light green - with considerable power, as Norton noticed - with a residue of his own red. The elf had no glow of her own. That meant she was a martial artist of some sort. Her head, however, was engulfed in a thick green cloud that tied to Sera. As the elf got more excited, the spell around her head gave some portion of its energy to the witch. Norton blinked and returned to normal vision. As he suspected, Sera was getting pretty hot too. “Nice spell!” Norton commented on what he just saw. “So you balance the level of excitement between you two?” “Yeah,” Sera said, already panting. “Good eye. Sure you don't wanna join in? Maybe we could manage a -” short groan as her (or the elf's) fingers came around a sensitive spot “- a quick tuneup?” “Maybe later; go on...” The witch took this quite literally and began working with her mouth. The elf was breathing heavily, squeezing her breasts. When Sera hit her more delicate places, both women shared a shiver of joy. Norton half enjoyed the show, and half studied the spell. When the girls shifted to lick each others pussies, he said: “It's nice how you managed to make this spell - I mean, it has parts of drains, something out of curse of tongues...” “That's -” both women moaned “- just to start it all up... get her in the mood.” Their tongues didn't seem cursed at all. “Does it work on men?” “No-oh, oh, yes!” she again lowered her head and caressed the tiny elven clit. The elf, on the other hand, was making swift circles around Sera's pussy with her tongue and used her fingers to drill inside the witch. Both women were equally close to cumming. “You know, you could use what you know about inequality in the spell that converts your life force into mana...” Norton theorized, his eyes pinned on the two beautiful girls sharing this unusual experience before him. He noticed that spell earlier when encountering warlocks - their old wounds opened for no apparent reason, but that sacrifice made their shadowbolts even juicier. Sera raised her head again, closed her eyes and focused for an instant. Then she said: “Done!” Then suddenly, both women went rigid as a massive orgasm washed over them. The blood-elf screamed something in what must have been her native tongue and Sera's body twitched and thrashed about as she came again and again. “Oh - my - god!” She managed to scream as she got the spell in control again “You're a genius, Norton!” Then the spell did one more exchange of power and she fainted for a brief moment, juices squirting from her contracting pussy. The blood elf did something unexpected - she rose, still shaking from the experience. She looked around, puzzled, and saw Verris. Her eyes widened as she remembered and understood the situation. She made two quick steps over Sera's unconscious body and jumped through the window into the narrow alley. Norton was so baffled he had no time to react. He got up, looked out of the window and noticed the girl has vanished. Well, good for her. At least they won't waste any more time. “You know, Nort,” said the pocket watch on the table, “this show was worth the wait.” - - - “Argh, my head...” Sera got up, slowly. “That's the two things I never really solved - the horrible aftertaste of this spell and the fact it breaks if I faint. She stood up, leaned against a wall for a while and then moved to the table, dressing on the way. She took the notebook and scribbled in a few things. “At least I also got my 'Let a friend watch' achievement...” “Come on, you never did it when someone was watching?” She laughed. “It doesn't count when that certain someone joins in. And hey, thanks for the tip on that spell... Too bad about the girl, though.” “She's better off trying to return home.” “Let's get to business, shall we?” “Yes please. It is getting rather late... - - - “Are you ready for this, Randal?” A slight pause as the dwarf's spirit in the pocket watch pondered. “As ready as I'll ever be, Nort.” Then he added: “Hurry up, will ya? I think I lost something in here already...” That was unfortunate, Norton thought to himself and frowned. The artifact was even more complex than he thought. Well, what would you expect – it was a gift from a dragon. “Okay, Randy!” Sera stepped in taking the watch. “I'll begin.” She put the watch in the middle of a large pentagram they were preparing for the passed hour. Its lines were actually tiny scribblings taken from Sera's spellbook. “It might hurt like someone's trying to...” Sera shrugged “...well, tear your soul out of your body.” “Let's do this, I can take some pain!” Norton sat down on a chair and channeled a portion of his energy to Sera. Every drop counts. The witch stood at the edge of carved symbols and began her chant. Purple light with threads of green slowly flew from her hands and down to the ground. The symbols began to shine brighter and brighter. When the light intensity was nearly unbearable, Sera clapped her hands and all energy hit the pocket watch. Verris not only heard the voice of his friend, shrouded in pain. He also saw the agony forming a bubble in the air. It expanded, passed through the stiffened Sera, through Norton and through the wall. Then, the scream ended in a loud PLOP. And they were somewhere else.
Chapter 3 - The Specialist
“I can make portal anywhere you want!” a tall, thin wizard was yelling. “Everything money can buy!” little goblin hooker screamed in thin voice. “Armour, weapon, staff or sword - everything to crush the Horde!” a dwarven blacksmith. None of these were what Norton Verris looked for. So he ventured deeper in Stormwind city. The things he heard weren't screams anymore - they were whispers carefully aimed to reach his ear only. “Traps, poisons, sir. Anything.” “Who do you hate? I can put a hex on him...” and more reliable, “Who do you want me to kill? Just five gold, my lord...” When the only place darker were the Stockades, an infamous jail, he saw what he wanted. A thin, dark haired woman standing in a shadow cast by nearby building. She wasn't yelling or whispering. Her only advertisement was a little skinny figure - not larger than one foot - creeping behind her. It was translucent, it was vile and it most certainly was an imp. Norton didn't pause in his stride. He knew he would only call attention to himself if he did. He passed the woman and winked, twice. She gave him a half nod. He continued his walk and reached an inn. He knew the witch would be there in a matter of minutes. He helped himself to a beer, keeping a thin membrane of shield up to protect himself from daggers and nimble hands of rogues. “So that's it? That's how you'll give me my body back?” a soft clicking whisper from his pocket. He answered: “Yes, Randal. She'll know. And a warlock is only one able to manipulate souls precisely enough. So shut it.” Murmur. He really didn't wait for long. He was soon joined by the black-haired woman. Only here, where the candle light broke the shadows he saw she was truly beautiful. Long, sleek legs, alabaster hands, raven hair, tiny, almost cute nose. Her milky skin would be a true sign of beauty - if it wasn't the sign of fel corruption. Norton knew he could end like her - powerful, yes, but still hungry for more. She was an addict. And he needed her right now. The witch was dressed as a prostitute - short, provocative dress, tight bodice, stockings. Yet no-one approached her, no one patted her buttocks - though they were more uncovered than hidden - and no man admired her cleavage - although it was indeed a nice sight. Her tiny imp scurried after her, half invisible and marked her as more than a whore. And yet it was the best disguise she could choose. She sat on a chair next to Norton. As she spoke, the conversation nearby halted for a few moments and then went on as if nothing has happened. Everybody knew the witch had another customer - and yet, if a guard wandered so deep into this lawless part of Stormwind, they would say only “Yes, she's a whore. But too high-priced for my taste.” That's how things were - a total cover. “So.” she said, “ What do you need?” “I need you to... liberate one soul.” She licked her lips as if she just heard an offer to a night of pleasure. She was truly good at pretending to be a streetwalker. “It'll cost you.” “How much?” “Fifty.” That was more than he earned for killing the lich. They haggled for a while and then settled on forty. It was normal - it helped the illusion. Every hooker haggled with her customer. “All right then,” she said. She rose and walked towards the stair. “My room is just up those stair, sir.” Norton followed her. This way, everyone could pretend they didn't see her imp, didn't hear him saying what he said. It was another whore and it was one less thing to worry about. “I'm Sera, by the way.” “Norton.” The problem was Norton got turned on by her role-play. It was as if he just bought a woman for one night and she was leading him - a paying customer - to her room. He shook his head, getting rid of the feeling. In your dreams, he told himself. - - - “Oh yes!” she screamed as Norton stuffed her pussy full with his cock. “Now this is the side of business I always loved!” she yelled. Her tiny imp was watching them from the top of a bookshelf. It seemed as if it wanted to join and feared to at the same time. “I must tell you,” Norton gasped, “You are one fine witch!” “Nort, you're no slouch yourself!” She clenched her teeth as he thrust as far as he could. “And it helps the business to be relaxed!” Sure, she was no Chromie, but she was warm, moist, and beautiful. They didn't even have the time to move to bed - she was all over him as soon as the door shut. So he was screwing her on the floor. He grabbed her ankles and grabbed them in one hand. With her legs crossed, she was even tighter. Every move he made was accompanied by her groans - she loved it as much as he did. He felt her pussy tighten around his cock - the witch screamed with pleasure as she came. Suddenly she shoved him, getting on top of him. She rode him, slowly, enjoying her fading orgasm. Her pale, alabaster skin glistened in the light that shun through the window. Her long, black hair caressed her naked back and shook from side to side as she shifted her pace. She was speeding up, her firm ass raising and falling, impaling on his swollen member. Her breasts juggled in the rhythm, her rosy nipples followed tiny circles. He reached out and grabbed her hips, helping her in her motions. “What -” Norton paused to catch his breath “- what's with the imp? He looks scared...” The witch gave him a smile and explained as she rode his rod: “Once, he tried to join in... And let's say minions are not really my thing. I explained to him that he'd better behave.” As if remembering this turned her on even more, she bent backwards, working even harder on Norton's shaft. He saw Sera's beautiful hair flowing across her chest like water. He heard her moans as she went through yet another orgasm. This one was even stronger than the one before. Her dripping pussy squeezed his penis and he couldn't take any more. “I'll...” “Go - “ she gasped “- on!” Norton held himself back no longer - as she contracted around him, he shoved his dick far and hard, cumming. He screamed, his muscles straining and twitching. She answered in the same way, hugging him. His seed filled her up as their orgasms slowly drifted to oblivion. They stayed this way for a while, enjoying each others warmth. Then she got up, stroke her hair dreamily, looking out of the window. As she cleaned herself, he sat up and dressed up. When she came back from the other room, she had her alluring dress on and she smelled of perfume. “By the way,” she said as she sat down on a chair by the window, “I broke my record disciplining that imp.” She pointed at the little creature crawling towards her with fear in its eyes. “Tell him, Nokwok!” The little imp stopped and then said in a rasping voice: “Mistress kept her curses up for a whole night!” Norton was appalled, but then he shrugged. Never a good idea to preach to a warlock. “Quite a score. I'm sure you can keep doing other things through the night.” “If my partner can keep up, “ she smiled. - - - “And that's the problem,” Norton finished. “So, you just... put his soul in the watch?” Sera was astonished. “It sucks, if you ask me,” said the clockwork voice. The watch that held Randal's soul was laying in the middle of a tiny table. The witch was examining it with a great curiosity. “Are you sure you didn't use fel or divine magic?” “Look, I don't do stuff like that. It was just that... the clock is larger inside, you see?” “Yeah, it is. Doesn't look like much, but that's just outside.” “Right. But it is not just big, its vast - it's like a... pocket universe. Ever seen one?” “Nah, they kicked me out of Dalaran before I could graduate.” she shook her beautiful black hair. “Anyway. I put Randal in, but I can't really pull him out.” He paused, thinking. “Well, maybe I could. But I fear I don't have a vessel for it.” She glanced at him. “We can always put your friend in a soul shard...” “Then go on with that! This gizmo's too weird for my taste...” “The problem is, can he be resurrected afterward?” “Well...” she scratched her chin, “I never tried that. See, I use those as fuel.” She shrugged, then her face brightened - “but we can try that!” She opened her bag and took out one of the violet crystals. Norton felt the tiny field of fel magic surrounding it, keeping the soul from escaping. “Did you know,” Sera told Norton in a conversational voice, “that I make the whole shard out of my own blood?” Verris smirked and replied: “So that's why warlocks tend to be pale! I thought all those speeches about 'fel magic destroying your youth and beauty' were full of crap!” She smiled at him, leaned closer and whispered in his ear: “But we already know I am young and beautiful, right?” Norton gulped. “AHEM.” The pocket watch again. “It was impolite to throw me in a corner. It was very impolite to fuck while I'm in the room and can't do anything. And it is even more impolite to talk about such things now! Get to work and get me out of this thing!” “All right!” Norton raised his hands in a gesture of apology. Come to think of it, he wasn't sure if Randal could see out of that watch, but it was as if he could. “We'll get right on it.” Meanwhile, Sera finished setting up her ritual. A five point star in circle was painted on the ground with what seemed as... “Is that blood?” She smiled: “Glad you noticed! It's actually blood with arcane dust. Imported from Dreanor.” She noticed his gaze. “Oh, it's not my blood! Not all of it anyway. It's demonic. Helps the spell.” Norton shook his head. So much they didn't tell them at school. It's not like this was something tempting. Crawling around, painting symbols in blood... He liked his way more. “Why not just bend the ley-lines?” She looked at him, amazed. “But I do! I just don't use my mind for that. Never passed the exams, you know?” It was true. You couldn't be a mage if you couldn't touch the lines and shift them. “I'm ready.” The witch interrupted his memories. He focused on the magic circle. The blood, dust and fel magic started their work. The shard inside glowed for a while, then slowly reshaped. In just a few moments it was round, about the size of a fist. The ritual stopped. Sera took the ball and tossed it in the air, catching it playfully. “That's it?” Norton asked. “Yep.” She showed him the ball. “It's a soulstone. It's usually like this: you crush it, it releases it's energy and heals you. Can even help you escape death. But this one's special. It should resurrect the soul that was in that soul shard I used.” “Should?” “That's why we're trying, Norton!” She laughed, then threw the soulstone on the ground. Puff of air as a body materialized and a flash of green light as the residual fel energy escaped. When Norton opened his eyes, a young, beautiful blood-elven woman was laying where the ball landed. She was gasping for air. She looked very worried and very naked. Or as naked as a twenty years old blood-elf could be. Sera looked surprised. “Well, I thought it was the boar I killed earlier. I should really label those shards...” she added, absorbed in thought. The blood elf looked around her, then jumped up with great agility. She took a ceremonial dagger from the table and attacked Sera with a shout. “Oh, right!” The witch waved her hand and blood-elf's muscles froze in mid-stride. Her body continued the motion and landed on the ground at Sera's feet. “That's more like it,” Sera said and then faced the amazed Norton and asked: “Wanna play?”
Chapter 6 - Welcome to the Soldier Side
It was already getting dark when they caught up with the moving army. The darkness helped – they noticed the company before the soldiers noticed them. They dismounted, Norton sighed and looked at their undead horses again. “Well, we better take care of them now,” he said. Sera nodded, smiling. “On it!” She approached the animals, put her hands on their bare skulls and closed her eyes. With a flicker of blue light, she drained all the magic energy that was holding them together. Bones crumbled to dust and had gone with the wind. “So! Let's go meet the commander!” Sera chuckled with a vacant smile. Norton frowned. “Are you alright?” “Sure! “ she let out a short burst of laughter. “I've never been better!” Verris recalled the sweet thrilling high of arcane magic as he tasted it for the first time. He saw some blood elves getting addicted to the draining of magic energy, but never a human. Well, at least she didn't snuff any arcane dust... yet. While he was immersed in thoughts, Sera walked towards the army. He had to take a quick sprint to catch up with her. She was whistling and even skipped once or twice. Great. We don't know where we are and she's high. “Halt! Who goes there?” “Friendlies!” Sera said with a giggle and scurried towards the guarding footman. He looked her over and relaxed. “You don't look infected. Are you the reinforcements?” he added, with a hint of surprise in his voice. A second soldier got up from nearby bonfire and approached. “Sure! We're only two, but man, we can help you so much!” Sera giggled again, stopped by the soldier and quietly said: “Whoa, you are a big one...” The footman was visibly confused. “Just the two of you?” Then he saw Norton strolling towards him. He raised his sword again. Norton frowned. He had to solve this situation – and he had to solve it quickly. “I,” he said in a tone the senior magi used, “am Norton Verris, agent of the Kirin-Tor. We have come to your aid. Take me to your commander at once.” “Aye, sir!” Then he hesitantly added: “What about her, sir?” “That's my apprentice.” Sera gave him a puzzled look. He frowned, hoping she would fit in her new role. “Do take care of her – she might be a bit... strange, but she's still a level five sorceress.” The guard gulped and Norton nearly sighed in relief. The military haven't used level rating since the third war, but they were apparently still in their blood. “Might I ask...?” “Eight.” The soldier nearly fainted. In the old system, level ten was the top – such power was weilded only by Khadgar himself – and a few archmages. But they were mostly dead by now. “We'll -” the footman cleared his throat “- we'll take care of you. Please follow me, I'll take you to the Prince.” The Prince? What?! Lordaeron haven't had a prince since - “What's the time, Norton?” a whisper of mechanical voice from his pocket. He took his watch out and whispered back: “What are you talking about? Are you alright in there?” “The time, Norton. What's the time? Ask your girlfriend...” The guard was either too scared or he didn't notice, but Norton didn't want to take any risks. “Hush. We'll talk later.” “What's the time, anyway?” Randal's voice said once more and then went silent. “Here we are, mylord,” the guard said as they approached a large white tent. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go take care of your... apprentice.” Norton waved his hand and entered. - - - This was getting good. First they led her into a tent and gave her some warm clothes and now she was in their tent, looking around. The soldiers woke up when she came and now they couldn't take their eyes of her. She felt flattered. She smiled. “So, is it lonely to be a soldier like you?” She asked a tall blonde with a moustache. “Sure is, mylady.” “Hey, call me Sera! We're all friends here, aren't we?” She stood up, took a few steps towards him. Her head was still buzzing a little, but she was in a great mood. She came to the soldier, who stood there wearing nothing but his waistcloth. Damn, he was one piece of muscle! She licked her lips and touched his chest. “Do you want to be friends, soldier?” Her hand played with his chest hair and then moved a bit lower. “I'm sure we'll all be friend here, right?” she said and slipped out of her cloak. “We -” one strap “- can -” the other strap “- all -” her clothes fell to the ground “- be -” she unlaced her panties “ - friends...” and the last piece of cloth left her body. She looked around. There were six men in that tent. All had that twinkle in their eyes. Yes, they would become friends soon enough. - - - Norton heard the muffled voice and saw the person bending over the table, but he couldn't believe it. He just stood there, unable to move. It was him! “Damn it, Uther! We have to move fast if we want to catch that demon! I tell you, that little village right there is perfect for an expansion base! We can use it to our advantage and then destroy Mal'Ganis before he can attack the city from the south!” “Use it! Are you out of your mind, boy? These are the lives of the people you serve! It's not a mere resource to exploit! We can't just give each villager a sword and send him to face those beasts!” “We have to station our soldier somewhere. Alright, I won't send those men to their deaths – it would just bolster the enemy. I'll lead a small strike force through here -” the man pointed to something on the desk “- and attack the heart of the beast.” “That is madness, Arthas! You can never survive that, you know that!” Norton finally managed to make a noise. “Perhaps I can help with that, your majesty?” The man turned around, his golden hair glistening in the torchlight. “Well -” “- fuck me!” Sera moaned as the blonde penetrated her. She haven't had the time to give in to the rhythm and she saw three cocks right next to her face. She smilled and took two of them in her hands. She jerked the two soldiers and worked her lips around the shaft of the third one. She soon changed – there's plenty for everyone, she thought. She vigorously attacked their manhoods with her lips. She circled their glans with her tongue, bit them more or less gently and then took the whole thing in her mouth until she felt the tip in her throat. She even let two of them mouth-fuck her at the same time. All of this while she was riding 'Stache. She impaled herself on his long stick with pleasure she didn't feel for a long time. Was it the mana draining she did today? Maybe, but 'Stache there sure had both the tools and the craftsman's hand. Or a dick. She smiled as she felt another penis forcing its way in her ass. Sera was quite used to this. Then she heard something that sent chills running through her body. “Ye think ye'll forget tha small one? Well who's small now, ey?” A dwarf. A fucking dwarf. Those guys had it like a third leg. She relaxed her muscles and continued sucking. The pleasure of multiple penetration filled her body with the dwarf's cock. He was really good at what he did – and knew that. “This is how ye like it, lady?” Of course she couldn't respond – she was currently trying to fit three cocks in her mouth. So she smiled to herself and squeezed the dwarf. “Oi! She's a foxy one!” The dwarf took another violent thrust and its sheer power made her come at last. Her ass and pussy tightened around the members of army's members. She felt the dwarf''s and 'Stache's cock rubbing against each other through the thin layer of muscles between them. The Dwarf felt it too and laughed: “Hey, Luc, let's bet who can go deeper!” “I -” Luc was apparently nearing his conclusion “- don't bet, Randal!” Sera nearly choked. The fact that the trio she stimulated just came didn't help either. One in her mouth, the second jizzed all over her face, the third targeted her breasts. “Okay, better get out of here before something drips in my eye!” Luc said and climaxed. Sera felt his seed filling her and she came again, his cum running down her thigh. Randal pushed his dick as far as he could and joined the finisher's club. As he left her, Sera felt her powers diminishing. The high of mana was gone. Here comes the withdrawal, she thought. Before she lost her consciousness, she saw a young blonde woman standing in the tent entrance with a look of disbelief on her face. “What did you do, you pigs!” - - - “I will go with you, my Prince, if you allow me. We should take my apprentice, Sera. We can find some more soldiers - I would recommend a healer and one more warrior. But we shouldn't take more than five or six people, tops. That way, we won't get noticed so soon.” Arthas nodded. “A sound plan. You said your name is Verris?” “Yes sire.” “I met one man called Verris. When I was in Dalaran.” “I may have some relatives there, sire.” “Well, he's not a terribly interesting figure. I remembered him because he nearly blew up a part of the school.” “That sounds like him.” Norton smiled, took out his watch and whispered: “It is the year 20 since the First War and we're about to partake in a historic battle for Stratholme.”
Chapter 0 - Enchant
Donna Travers groaned as the hot spray of her shower began to wash away the smell of the teenage whores she was forced to teach. "Only another year, and then I can retire," the older woman thought. She fully immersed her gray hair into the water and then pulled it back. Her day had seemingly been nothing but scolding those high school senior tarts about the proper way to dress in public. Sure, it was their senior year and they were entitled to a little bit of fun, but the idea of bouncing around with their 18th-birthday-gift enhanced breasts contained in nothing but tube tops was... inexcusable! Little did Donna know that while the "senior tarts" were giving her fits, the juniors who sought to become next year's top sluts were assigned a top secret mission to change the old bat's attitude on dress code. The girls were eager, but clumsy. Donna had found her back door opened and shrugged off the mysterious scent in her bedroom, but what she noticed in her shower was just too much to go unnoticed. There, among her soap and shampoo was a bright pink bottle labeled "Enchant". Donna sighed at this horribly thought out practical joke. The incoming senior girls were always trying to prank her as a rite of initiation. Her house had been broken into a number of times, and it got to the point where she didn't even call the police. A week of strict detention usually did the trick nicely. She thought back to last year's prank, which went horribly awry after the vibrator the girls left under her pillow was accidentally turned on. Donna had come into her bedroom and found the disgusting purple vibe buzzing on the floor. She rolled her eyes while she reminisced, then picked up the pink bottle. "Enchant, hmm? I'll bet it's just glue," she muttered as she popped the cap open. A rush of lovely, fresh smelling bliss instantly hit her nostrils. It smelled of wonderful berries and the slightest bit of vanilla and maybe cocoa. Donna found herself cooing at the mere scent of Enchant. Going against her better judgment, she turned the bottle over and felt the shampoo ease out onto her hand. The wonderful scent got perhaps more powerful, filling the entire bathroom with the pleasing fruity aroma. With a smile, Donna rubbed her hands together and began massaging the wonderful Enchant into her scalp. Her eyes closed; the mere action of working it into her scalp made her feel so at ease that she couldn't even notice the tingling sensation it caused. For countless blissful minutes, Donna continued to rub the shampoo into her hair. Finally, with a breathy sigh, she stopped. The smell had seemingly grown stronger as it continued its assault on her nose. She tilted her head forward and began to wash Enchant out of her hair. If she had opened her eyes, she would see the long mat of gray hair begin to take on a more youthful, vibrant blonde color while it grew longer and longer over her bent over form. With another deep breath, Donna snapped up, the hair flying to her back and landing on her bare behind with a thwack! Donna's eyes bolted open. She attempted to look behind her, but, unable to see anything out of the ordinary, she reached to her back and pulled on the... hair? She grabbed a firmer hold and brought the soaking wet locks to her eyes. Long, honey blonde, and looking like it was just styled a few days ago. She let out an audible gasp. This wasn't proper at all! And how... how did this Enchant do that? She looked at the bottle and turned it over. "ENCHANT Shampoo and Body Wash... Just use for a simple half hour in the shower and you'll feel like a brand new woman! ENCHANT uses only the best organic and natural ingredients to bring out your body's natural beauty. Through our patented blending process, we are able to change your body into that of your wildest dreams. Don't fear it, embrace the you that you deserve to be. Let our wonderful product help you ENCHANT the world." Donna felt a shiver run through her spine. She would love to Enchant the world... but no! She couldn't possibly do that. That's what those little strumpets would want! But the smell... the feel of her scalp was so lovely... She turned to the small mirror inside the shower and ran her hand over it to clear the fog. She quickly stopped as she watched her hand, which had suddenly become more interesting than the mirror. Before her very eyes, Donna's hands were losing the nasty veins, wrinkles, and lines of a long-time school teacher. Instead, they looked slightly more youthful, more healthy, and complete with gorgeous two-inch, red nails. Another gasp escaped her lips. "What th-... eek!" The sound of her own voice took her by surprise. Her once harsh, raspy voice had been replaced by the sultry, melodic tones of a most sensual woman. "Oh my goodness..." Donna finally found the courage to bring her gaze to the mirror, intent to look at her hair. She did indeed see the gorgeous honey blonde mane that had replaced her drab gray bun, but also bore witness to a luscious bubbling in her lips. She let out a gasp, which quickly turned into a moan as her lips began to pucker and plump into a gorgeous pair of soft pillows, coated in the most decadent of reds. A quick moan escaped her brand new lips, which started a brand new chain reaction in her face. Her wrinkles began to fade while her face tightened. Though she wasn't a teenager by any stretch of the imagination, her face began to look like that of a woman who knew just how to please and be pleased. Her once dull, steel colored eyes were now a bright baby blue, while her large beak of a nose became more and more slender; a perfect fit on her soon to be Enchanting body. Donna felt Enchant continue its assault, but refused to waver in her belief that the girls that did this needed to be severely punished. What was this poison that was changing her body? She had just enough time to think of this conundrum when another one sprang forth... well, two conundrums, that is. Her tiny old nipples had suddenly sprung to life, growing slightly larger and much rounder. Her aureole quickly followed suit, becoming darker and much rounder. Her old, flabby tummy slowly tucked, leaving her with a smooth, flat belly that any woman would be proud to show off. Her hips, once bony and brittle, began to flare outward, wider and wider until it showed that she was a perfect mate for any male. She let out a low groan and bent over, her manicured hands pressed against the wall. A slight pain had built in her ankles, and she watched from behind as her now dainty feet rose to their tiptoes, unable to stand completely down on the floor of the tub. From her vantage point, she could also see her flat bottom begin to bubble and jiggle upward and outward, leaving her with a very delicious bubblebutt that would surely bounce around if smacked. Just like those awful senior girls that she had just scolded today! But again, her thoughts were cut off by more wonderful sensations. Her back, which had been a problem area for her since she turned 45, was not only ache-free, but also incredibly fit, as if preparing for some sort of... weight?!?! Donna's eyes went wide as she shook her head. No, no, no! This cannot happen to her! How would anybody take her seriously if she had giant-...... Rumble, rumble, rumble... The gurgling sensation began to build in her chest. Donna found herself in full out panic mode as her chest started gurgling like an empty stomach... but it wasn't her stomach that was empty... it was her bust. And Enchant would know just how to fill her bust's appetite. She watched in horror as her breasts began to push outward, slowly at first, but then quickening to a nice steady pace. She watched as the mounds easily shot past any of the bras she owned, and into the territories of some of the senior girls she had to lecture. But these weren't fake like the other girls'... no, these were very real. She could feel the weight of the glorious flesh as her melons doubled, tripled, and quadrupled in size, until she was left with a gorgeous rack that would make any pornstar jealous. Plus, thanks to her newly mended back and tummy, the gigantic juggs perched high atop her chest. The woman on the outside looked positively gorgeous, but inside, a battle still waged. Donna refused to accept this devious body, but soon felt a nagging voice in the back of her head, which was growing louder and louder by the minute. This Enchantress, though definitely reminiscent of the little sluts at the school, began to make more and more sense. "Everyone wants to be beautiful, Donna... Don't worry. Together, we can make sure that you're as beautiful as you can be, and that the world will be as beautiful as it should be... We'll be making a real difference to these kids... That's what you want, to make a difference with the children, right?" Donna felt herself nodding to this invisible voice. "Yes... you want to be a lovely role model for everyone. And guess what, Donna? Enchant is letting us do that... Enchant is letting us help everyone be beautiful, one step at a time... We're not meanies... We're helpers... Good helpers with great bodies... Don't you want to be a good helper?" Donna moaned and opened her eyes. "I want to be a good helper..." With those final words, Donna Travers ceased to exist, and in her place was a good helper... an Enchantress.
Chapter 5 - Of mounts and men
”I'll be damned,” Norton said, looking around. They weren't at the inn anymore. Nor were there in Stormwind – or any city for that matter. They were standing knee-deep in mud. A farm, he decided. ” What the hell was that, Norton? Why did you teleport us? You broke the damned spell!“ Sera was standing up, brushing dirt from her clothes. ” And you ruined my dress, by the way.” ”Sera!” ”What!” ”I didn't do this.” ”Then who did?” Verris silently pointed at the pocketwatch. Sera droped to her knees and grabbed it. Her face paled – a thing Norton deemed impossible. ”Listen!” Norton stopped moving through the mud and then he heard it. ”So? It's ticking...” ”That's not ticking. It's Randal's voice.” He took a leap towards her, grabbed the watch and put it next to his ear. His stomach turned. ”Light, grant me strength. Light, guide my steps. Light, help me in this time of darkness.” Randal was praying. - - - ”So, where are we?” ”How should I know?” ”Aren't you a mage?” ”Sure, but I don't really have a sextant – not that it's night, anyway.” They walked through the farms. They didn't meet a single person since they got here. They made their slow progress through fields of weed, peaking in abandoned houses, heading north. ”Well, we're definitely in the Eastern Kingdoms. And not too south, too. The architecture,” he added to her puzzled gaze. ”What are we going to do with Randal?” Northon sighed and shrugged. ”Well, we don't have much equipment -” he sized up the wet ground around them and frowned ”- nor any real place to make any more rituals, so I guess we'll head for the nearest city.” She nodded. - - - ”This is new.” They were in a small town. It looked as if it was razed only moments ago. Smoke was still coming out of smoldering ashes and there were even fires. Not much corpses were laying around, but those that were bore the colors of alliance. ”Damn, it looks like the Horde made its move!” Sera said with fear in her voice. ”This wasn't the Horde.” Norton pointed to a ruined watchtower. A familiar odor, patches of green fungus spreading from within. ”It was the Scourge.” They looked around for suplies, but the city was mostly burned to the ground. But, as it sometimes is, luck smiled on them. ”I found a rune I can use for my teleport spell,” Norton shouted. Sera came to him with her hands crossed on her chest. ”Too bad you can't make a portal.” ”Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll come back for you,” he added and began casting the spell. He closed his eyes and looked for the receiver. He needed to go to Stormwind. His mind drifted through the empty space, looking for the portal mage. Nothing. It usualy shined like a lighthouse, but now it was pitch black. He exhaled and opened his eyes. Sera still stood her, now with an amused look on her face. ”It looks as if the arcane magic is on a strike,” she said with laughter. ”What can we do?” ”Well, I already tried to summon my felsteed, but no luck either.” Norton sighed and sat on a fallen beam. He put his head in his hands and mumbled. Then he got up and said, grimly: ”They will totally revoke my licence for this.” - - - They had to warn someone, and they had to do it fast. Randal wasn't praying anymore, but he didn't talk either. Notron wondered wheather it was a good or a bad sign. ”What's taking so long, Nort?” ”You know, they don't really teach you this stuff. I have to improvise...” ”Meh.” Finding all he needed wasn't hard. The place was riddled with bodies. The question was choosing the best possible. They will be so angry, Norton thought. 'Playing around with necromancy, were we? You are tainted, you know? It's forbidden!' All of that shit. They had to move and they had to do it fast. He and Sera finaly found two horse carcasses. He drew a few diagrams in the ground around. He didn't know which one to use, so he settled for a bit of conjuration, part of a scheme he remembered from the 'Summoning an elemental' lessons and a bit of curse removal. Sera did her part, too – she basicly inverted the curse removal part, added some of her summoning magic and added some fel to that. Fel energy. Another thing on my permanent record. Verris got up and looked at their work. The lines were crooked, the circle was more of an elipse... But the runes were pretty much what he wanted. He shrugged. ”Let's give it some juice, shall we?” He concentrated, then slowly filled the inscriptions with energy. He felt Sera's mind touch his, he added some of her powers. The lines began to glow with a color he'd never seen – not the usual blue of arcane, but not the fel green either. It was something in between. It shifted as the two magics came in contact. Then he snapped his fingers and gave it a good kick. The meat around the bones dried up, giving its energy to the skeleton. It seemed as if the dead horses were aging in front of them. Cartilage has swollen up, engulfing the now bared bones of the dead. Green light filled horses' ribcages and skulls. Smell of rotten flesh and burning meat. Then, after a long pause, horses stood up. Norton felt their minds, twisted beyond recognition. He gave a silent command and they aproached him. ”Damn,” Sera said with awe. ”Yeah. This will definitely piss council off.” - - - Riding the horses posed no problems. That is, if you didn't count the fact that their instincts were mostly dead. And the severe roughness of their backs. They moved through the razed countryside. ”Norton, I hate these horses. They smell, they're uncomfortable and... they smell.” ”You know, the Forsaken ride these all the time.” ”Yeah, but they're dead too.” What was there to say. - - - When they saw the road sign, Verris was out of breath. Even Sera couldn't say a word. ”Ok, now what?” ”It is a city,” Norton said and then added: ”At least we know where we are.” ”Doesn't look like it.” ”Well, what can I say. Either the druids did a wonderful job with their restoration project, or we're seriously screwed.” ”We're seriously screwed. These are not the plaguelands.” ”That's good, because what we're headed for isn't Stratholme then.”
Chapter 1 - Bimboton High
The explosion rocked through the halls of Bellsview High School. Amber Max coughed in the chemistry lab as pink plumes rose and spread throughout the immediate area. Billowing and spreading throughout the halls, the pink chemicals invaded every square inch of the Bellsview High School property. Back in the chemistry lab, Amber coughed and sputtered, running to the girls' bathroom. Once inside, she ripped her glasses off and began to wash her eyes out in the sink. After thoroughly cleansing them, she looked up in the mirror to notice... that she could actually see! What once was vision so poor that she couldn't see two inches in front of her face had remarkably cleared into perfect 20/15! She decided to try her new vision out on the toilet paper dispenser from the toilet several feet away. Sure enough, she could make out the "CALDWELL" logo on the dispenser. Out of curiosity, she donned her coke-bottle frames, but found that it was impossible to see out of them. With a broad smile she took the glasses off for a final time and threw them into the wastepaper basket. After another quick glance in the mirror, she gasped, noticing that instead of brown eyes, baby blue doe eyes stared back at her. Another shock came in the form of her face, which had cleared of its acne and became more feminine and softer, her eyebrows thinning while her braces melted off her mouth. As she smiled, she saw a set of perfectly white teeth, framed by puffed out lips that turned a beautiful pink hue. She touched her nose as it became perfectly straight, when her hair began to fall in her face. At first thinking of this as just an annoyance, Amber soon realized that her hair was GROWING! Not only that, but it was turning blonde, too! The mane travelled down her back, until it finally stopped at her waist, a beautiful platinum blond. "Oh my god..." she muttered, but then yelped out, feeling her vocal chords tightening. She tried speaking again, but was momentarily mute, until a high-pitched squeak came out. "My... my voice!!!" She pressed a hand up to her throat, completely shocked at her new voice. As she glared in the mirror, she watched her fingernails growing longer. The formerly chewed-off nails became long, French-tipped pink ones, delicately tickling her chin. Amber admired her new look and moaned when she felt a tingle in her pussy. She gently lifted her plaid skirt up to see her panties wedged deep within a huge cameltoe. An itching then took over her pubic area. With her free hand, she reached into her panties, and gave a disgusted grimace as she lifted out a huge tuft of pubic hair. Quickly tossing it into the trash with a gag, Amber then examined her new pussy. Delicately sliding off her panties, she noticed a perfectly shaved pussy with huge lips. Before she could touch it, her pussy started to gush juices out, practically dripping down her leg. A long moan escaped her lips as her ass slowly bloated out in her skirt. Her hips grew outward as well, stretching her poor skirt to the limits before finally stopping. She lifted the skirt gently to show off her newly engorged ass, rubbing it. She giggled, knowing that she could put J-Lo to shame. Amber started to feel uncomfortable in her shoes. She couldn't help but stand on her tip-toes, but luckily her flat shoes began to morph, with 5 inch heels sprouting from the bottoms, and the shoes becoming open-toed sexy heels. She began to strut around the bathroom as if she had done this all her life. Her tummy flattened and her waist sucked in. Amber smiled. Just when Amber thought it was all over, she gasped as her nipples became hard with audible POPS! She let out another long moan as her titflesh began to burst forth. Her white buttondown shirt stretched to the extreme until it reshaped, buttons disappearing as the shirt fused together into a black lowcut baby-tee. Her tits kept growing and growing, as her bra seemed to reshape with every spurt. She looked down to her skirt to notice that it became a black microminiskirt that barely covered her ass. Amber gave her now DDD cups a big squeeze and then gasped. She looked in the mirror one more time. She started to feel the brain-draining effects of her transformation and began to panic. In her new clothes, she clutched the sink with both hands and shouted into the mirror... "My name is Amber Max! My name is Amber Max! MY NAME IS AMBER MAXX! MY NAME IS AMBER MAXXX! MY NAME IS AMBI MAXXX!!!!!! *giggle*" As the last of her thoughts emptied into her tits, Ambi let out a long giggle moan, blowing her reflection a kiss and then strutting out of the bathroom. Around the school, things have changed dramatically. New decorations and the name Bimboton High School appeared all over the hallways of the high school. Ambi giggled to herself and looked for the first girl she could find. She just HAD to show off her new body, and help another girl be just as happy as she was. She strutted about, looking for her first "victim"...
Chapter 0 - Lonely Night
She could still see the scene vividly in her head.   “Hey, are you still there?” Emeryl remarked with a faint smile, watching his little sister with arms wrapped behind his head.  He knew he caught her daydreaming as they stood outside their home, discussing what chores remained for the day.  Usually it was such a monotonous task to him that he rose with the sun and let her sleep in, but he did promise to help her around the house first before he set out to do what men do best, she felt.  Fetching dinner for them was hardly a task meant for her.   It was in the middle of the day when she realised she was staring off into the distance for too long, thinking about things that would have made maids blush, especially her.  “Oh, was it that obvious?” she squeaked meekly before her brother as she felt her cheeks glow red with embarrassment.   “Sometimes I wonder just how much sleep you get of late,” Emeryl sighed, giving the hint of a yawn.  Were she in a better mood she might have pulled him up on that, but the writing was on the wall as far as he was concerned.  “By the way, you kept me awake last night, what with all the rummaging about I heard from your room.  Didn’t think those books you read made you that restless.” he said.   She nearly lost it at those words.  “Were you spying on me?!” she gasped, eyes wide.   Emeryl blinked like a startled deer at the thought.  “I… what?  I don’t think--wait, what?  Spying?”   She was quick enough to realise he really had no idea.  “Oh, nevermind…” she whispered to herself with an unsaid prayer of thanks, nervously patting away at her skirt.  “You know what the say, right?  The early worm--”   “Can’t set aside a good book if it’s a feast for the eyes?” he shrugged, “Sometimes I wonder if you spend too much time with them.  I mean, I don’t think even mother was so concerned with them.”   “That’s because she--” Emilya paused, realising the near slip.  “I… I just happen to like them, ‘is all.  Is that so bad?” she smiled innocently to him.  Guilt crept into her mind at the thought that even after all these years her precious brother still had a pure perception of her, trying his best to be the warrior in shining armour she dreamed about when she was a little girl.  Growing up with that image in her head made him more charming than he ever ought to be to any sibling, trying to be what she came to realise years ago was a silly delusion… at least in a world where they did not belong.   Still, he was indeed a fine warrior in her own mind.  A little clueless at times, true, but--   “So… I suppose I’ll head off then?” he asked, as if he needed her approval.   “Do bring back something scrumptious,” she said, her smile lingering.   “Right, no fish, then…” he said dejectedly.  For all the years they spent together it was his favourite meat to hunt.  Only problem was they ate it almost every day and she developed a certain loathing for having to cook it, no matter how many different recipes she used to try and spice the flavour with, usually with something favourably exotic.  “Hmm… in that case, I’ll fetch the axe and--”   “Oh, no you don’t!” she insisted, waving her hands at him.  “You leave the chickens alone!”   “Hey, I like their eggs as much as you do but--”   “Then go shoot something in the forest!” she said with a glare that did little to hide the amusement bubbling in her voice.  “Go, on, off with you!” she giggled, “You could use the practice anyway.”   “Yeah, yeah…” he rolled his eyes at her, fetching his spear where he laid it next to a tree earlier.  Emilya imagined his bow and quiver were nearby, but they were hardly what rarely left his side.  With eyes like his, she did not doubt he could pluck a hawk from the air with an instrument that was designed to catch fish, but he was smarter than that.  He really did have an answer for everything.   “Don’t suppose you could catch us some rabbit?” Emilya asked with hope in her eyes.   Emeryl frowned at that as he checked the old hunting dagger at his belt.  “Emilya…”   “I know… I know…” she pouted, “Too fluffy and cute for my dear brother to hunt…”   “It’s not that.” he insisted gravely, “Weren’t you listening the other night?  I haven’t seen any near the homestead in ages… or anywhere really.  Something must have them spooked.”   “Foxes, perhaps?” she asked timidly, feeling the weight of her brother’s words trouble her.   “No.  Can’t you feel it?” Emeryl replied, putting his hand out between them., as if he were trying to read the wind.  “I don’t know what it is exactly but something’s amiss.  I think I’ll scout around and, don’t worry, I’ll be back by nightfall.  Stay close to the house and… you know the rest.”   She nodded with reluctance.  “Be careful.”   The night was young yet Emilya could not help but fret.  After remembering her brother’s words earlier that day she paced within their home, looking for things to do.  There was no sign of him, nothing to ease her mind.  She did what he always told her and fastened the windows and doors, sealing herself within a bastion of commonplace.  By Emeryl’s own admission it was not exactly the most defensible position yet it was still the safest place in all Havenwood.  No common beast could enter where she stood and she had everything she needed at her side to deter the lowliest of swine.   Not that she ever imagined herself splitting heads with a lumbering axe, it was there just in case.   Still, she could not help but fret.  “Where are you, Ryl…” she whispered to herself, doing one last round about the house, making sure all the windows were shut tight.  She had gathered plenty of wood by the fireplace, too, but dared not to light it.  Though the evening had brought with it a chill she knew what it’s real use was for in troubled times.  Its warmth would have to wait.   She stood before it for what felt like an eternity, cupping her hands together, head bowed.  “Please…” she whispered, eyes closed for the Creator.  “Bring my brother back home safe.”   That was when a revelation made her hairs stand on end to a nip in the air, an unfamiliar breeze mocking everything she worked towards that night.  She gasped as she raced toward her bedroom, pushing aside her door to reveal her foolishness wide open before her, catching the cotton drapes that framed the only window in the house she forgot to check.  Fear crept up her spine as she searched around for any intruder, desperate to end the horrible thoughts assaulting her mind.   She climbed onto her bed to reach the window and closed it with a resounding thud, sighing at her own stupidity as she put her back to it, hand on heart as it continued to race.  The breeze she felt was gone now but her fears had only begun as it dawned on her that although nothing was in her room she let out a squeak, seeing her door wide open.  What if an intruder sneaked past her?   She scrambled off her bed and hurried over to close it, fetching a simple bronze key from her dresser with the kind of franticness that made her fumble it more than once.  By the time she found the lock and twisted the key within she worked up a nervous flush before putting it aside, biting her lip softly in fear of who could be listening now, now inside her home.  Now where she could no longer go.   Like it or not she knew she was trapped.  The situation, however, was not entirely unpleasant.   Her eyes widened at the thought.  With a timid hand she wanted to confirm her strangest of fears, her guiltiest of pleasures.  She was all too familiar with the excitement that greeted her in the pit of her stomach as she clutched at her evening dress around her taut belly and held back a murmur that to any onlooker would have raised an eyebrow.  A murmur she would want to scold herself for.   “Creator’s Breath, why now?!” she thought, even if she already knew the answer.     She sighed frustration at her imagination running wild again.  A thousand intimate stories competed for her attention yet her thoughts settled on one that rewarded her with an unmistakable warmth, made her hug her bosom tightly with folded arms.  The excitement of being trapped in a confined space reminded her of Ayresar and Rihena, the star-crossed lovers of a heated romance long ago.  Guardian of the Garden, sworn protector of the exiled Princess of Asur.  When her father’s kingdom fell to her deranged half brother, Raiju, Rihena was rescued from his clutches as Ayresar took her into the farthest reaches of Zerran’s Dune Sea.  Even with Raiju’s sordid influence sweeping across the desert continent Ayresar kept Rihena safe, kept her hidden from evil itself while their love bloomed.   Ayresar was the perfect specimen of manhood.  With the body of a warrior, his skill without equal.  Honourable, too, and women adored him despite his heart belonging to Rihena.  He never strayed, he was a wonderful embodiment of valour in a time when blood was spilt greedily across the land.  His deep knowledge of the arcane gave him insight into some of their land’s greatest mysteries and uncovered much buried history.  No other in his time was capable of what he accomplished.   He was also a wonderful lover.   She sighed.  If only she knew a man like him, she would have lead him to her bed by now and had her way with him… if he hadn’t already taken her where they stood.  Rihena would have done the same as they hid from her brother’s men, trying to keep her voice low as her lover brought her to heights of pleasure Emilya could only dream of, wishing she could trade places with her just once.  Oh how she dreamt night and day for her very own Ayresar, to take her away from this place.   Her gaze darted around her room with a desperate gleam.  She needed to find release.   Her mother once warned her of the curse she had to bear now.  Ever since their ancestor bore the name of their House, the Red Lion of Thaeilon was a debauched creature, who knew all too well the pleasures of the flesh.  He had many lovers, many of whom bore him children.  Only his offspring to the Lioness of Nezheros were legitimate in the eyes of nobles and she was no different than him.  Their children were cursed with their wild desires and so was this the same for their descendants.   Emilya moaned at the thought.  She was a true daughter of Merion and it vexed her to no end.   She turned her attention back to her bed, laid herself upon it as she tried to steady her breath.  Hand on heart she felt it race, not for the earlier fears she had but what those fears were turning into.  She craved excitement, anything to pull her away from a life that truly bored her.  Even if there was an intruder in the house she wondered how she would react to him as she squirmed in frustration, digging her nails into the silky sheets beneath her that were a gift from her brother last spring.   Wild eyed, she looked around before she gave in to her desires and slid a hand over a firm breast, rubbing it through the simple cloth of her white evening dress.  She let out a quiet murmur as she tried to imagine that she was in bed with the legendary Ayresar, feeling his breath on the hollow of her neck with a hand on one of her feminine mounds, his touch soft yet yearning as he tried to keep his own needs in check.  They were on the run, surrounded by enemies.  Too much stimulation would have earned more than quaint gasps, enough to attract a thousand swords toward them.   She could feel his hesitation, sense that he was holding back.  Yet he was her love, her guardian.  What a nightmare it must have been for him.   She had a pleading gaze, though, taunted him to bury his frustrations with her, melt his unease away.  So what if they were found, he was the greatest warrior of all!  Her flesh was his, bound by honour, bound by secret matrimony.  Yet she knew his heart, knew he wanted her not to be in harm’s way.   Nevertheless she wanted him inside her, encouraged him with little more than a wishful purr.   He would have stubbornly grunted at her request, climbed on top of her with the heat between them making her head swim.  He would kiss her flesh, drive his lips around a breast and tease it well, barely entertaining it for long before she was gasping for more, hinting her greater needs below.   There was hesitation.  She knew she was ready, wriggling beneath him at the sight of her lover’s manhood leaping at the chance to fulfil her expectations for it.  Yet concern grew across his face.  Even now he questioned if the timing was right, sliding a hand from kneading a breast to trailing fingers to her intimate place, teasing her pubic mound, playing softly with the fiery hairs there.   It earned a frustrated whimper.  She buckled into his hand, arched her back in delight and torture, wondering when the intercourse would begin proper.  All she could do was close her eyes and let his gentle touch temper her passion, urge it out quietly, knowing anything more would condemn them.     He wanted to ignore it, wanted to keep going.  Usually he was a man of few words around her, too, but when he spoke she listened.  “You know this isn’t the place for this, no matter how much I--”   She gripped his wrist, not wanting to hear the rest.  She knew the risk.   Ayresar resigned with a warm sigh.  There was no more hesitation on his part as he probed a finger between the folds of her womanhood, already slick with desire.  For her husband it always was.   His touch was exquisite.  It would have been easy for him to bring her to orgasm with the deftness of his hands alone, her moans for them each more vocal than the last.  She had to stifle one as a wave of pleasure hit her, her hips moving involuntarily against him with excitement building in her stomach.  For a moment she felt she was over the edge but her lover knew the signs, knew when to pause.   She was breathless at the thought, her chest heaving desperation.  She bit softly into her bottom lip, feeling her body quivering with lust by the time she let a gasp escape her, feeling her lover move his body with hers, his own needs finally brought to the surface.  His hands were back to her breasts, thumbs rubbing at the erect nubs of their areolae.  She felt the tip of his erection probe for her moistened place as she opened her legs to take it in, smiling ravenously to herself at his clumsiness, that last step she had been waiting for.  He was no longer himself but an ordinary man.  Her man, she knew.  She only hoped no one would come looking for them when she began to scream for him.      She almost did when she felt the bulbous head of his erection push between her folds for within.   Mouth agape, their loins became one.  Mixed with pain and pleasure, her passage was tight but his determination prevailed, a strong thrust that joined them to the hilt.  She would have yelped if it weren’t for his own lips finding hers, swallowing her moans to spare her from their surroundings.   Tongues entwined, bodies writhed.  She could feel every inch of him inside her, throbbing in unison with her walls constricting around him, still with a virgin’s tightness but as wet as a lady of the night’s.  The latter was a mercy, too, letting her enjoy the heated moment far more than she had any right to as their long kiss ended when he allowed her breath, only for them to gaze warmly at each other.  Her jade green eyes searched his enchanting violet own with flecks of lilac and silver yet her loins ached impatiently and gave him a squeeze, reminding him of the task at hand.  He reciprocated in kind and brought his hands to her hips, pulling the length of his erection out from her with needless tedium she dared to question before his tip nearly popped out, only for it to plunge in deep again.     She moaned louder at him for it.  This was not going to end well.   Her eyes widened in shock as her hands went to her mouth, trying to silence her tongue as her lover began to passionately tame her sex.  The strong thrusts of his thick bare erection made her lose focus as her innocence waned, letting the moment catch her off guard, remove all doubt that he was bringing her to the unwanted verge of climax so early in their lovemaking, so early for her to believe.   She tried to warn him, tried voicing her concern, but her body screamed for more with each thrust raising her voice only in pleasure, letting the wet sounds of their bonding carry her closer to paradise.  There was no turning back now as she moaned deeply each time she felt his engorged balls slap into her with the strongest of thrusts and they were many, each as wonderful as the last.  Her limbs were barely hers anymore as her elegant hands gripped tighter to his lean wrists and her legs spread more and more to allow as much of him in.  It barely dawned on her that she was drawing blood from her partner as her nails dug into his flesh while she rode his passion, letting his rhythm become hers.   She cried out in ecstasy against his powerful, broad chest, professing her love to him between breaths.  To hell with staying silent anymore she felt as her moans began to echo around them.   Her lover grew bolder, matching her fervour.  His grace was lost to the primal tide between them and she loved it, knowing she would be sore in the morning, letting the pain remind her of their bond.  At least she would have the satisfaction knowing she would be carrying his seed.  Not a drop would be spared if she had her way, it was far too precious to let seep into the barren desert sands below where she would eagerly lap from if he dared to deny her what her body was begging for now.   It eventually sent her over the edge, her drenched sex tingling with an intensity that earned a squeak, a revelation her eyes widened in surprise for.  Soon her body was tight, her intimates convulsing.  Like that of a cat in heat her back arched and brought her to sharp gasps as she hanged onto her lover, riding the sudden orgasm he rewarded her as she held onto him like a vice, to milk what was to come.  Soon his eyes were rolling into his head, too, letting every muscle in his body tense to the heat of his seed spurting liberally into her fertile womb without a care for the consequences it would bring.  Nothing would please her more than to see their passion give birth to House Ayresar once more.   Lost in bliss, lost in exquisite sensation.  Nothing else mattered as her body still tingled while she struggled to catch her breath.  “I love you…” she whispered as she reached out to him for a kiss, knowing he was everything she ever wanted, now and forever.  She would never settle for less.   Reality had a way of ruining her imagination, though.   Emilya remained motionless in bed, blinking towards the pine ceiling, frowning at it as her heartbeat slowed while her breath returned.  Oh how she wanted to see her dear Ayresar watching over her, still with his weakening erection inside her.  She knew he would have lent down and kissed her before holding her in an intimate embrace… even if Raiju’s men had begun to swarm around them.  Their deaths would be known before the setting sun for Ayresar was not fond of interruptions.   It earned a heated grin.  She would not have been opposed to seeing her lover fight naked, too.   Still, no matter how hard she wanted to believe she would someday meet a man like Ayresar for real, she would suddenly remember the depressing world she lived in and felt like screaming into one of her silk pillows for relief.  Bad enough she would have to change the sheets again just for another wild bout with her imagination.  She only hoped her brother wouldn’t pry about it later on.   At least the wetness between her legs left her with content.  “Looks like I’ll need fresh underwear, too…” she lamented quietly, lifting a hand to inspect.  Like her poor panties that clung wetly to her, her hand was practically soaked with her love juices, letting curiosity stretch thin strands of viscous fluid between her fingers before her eyes.  Though it was all a blur to her now she could recall how they worked feverishly in bringing her to climax as her mind escaped to that other world she often found inside her tomes, ignoring her current situation that made her sigh the more she thought on it.   If there were any intruders inside the house, they would have known where she was now.   Sometimes she wanted to strangle fate for its timing as the window behind her earned a few raps.   She jumped out of bed like she was exorcised from it.  “Ry-Ryl?!” she squealed, holding a pillow close to her chest while squeezing her thighs together, trying to hold herself from going mad.  Suddenly, she wished she was alone again.   “Who do you think it is?!” a familiar voice answered from outside, clearly vexed.  “Let me in!”   She smiled embarrassment at his poor choice of words before climbing back on her bed to undo the latch to her window.  In the past he always told her that if she wasn’t sure of her surroundings that she should always light a small fire and retreat into her bedroom.  Even if her brother was far from the homestead he would spot the smoke from the chimney and come running back to aid her.   Fortunately, he remembered not to wait outside on the veranda like last time.   “Is everything alright?” he asked as the window swung open to reveal his handsome, welcomed face.  “I couldn’t find the key so I assumed you must have hidden it?  … not that I see smoke or anything.”   “Oh… about that,” she stammered, “It’s… it’s nothing, really.  Just my imagination playing tricks.”   “I see…” his voice trailed off as he looked around curiously.  It was a rare sight for her brother to be in her bedroom, knowing how he liked to give her privacy.  Not that she minded him being there but after what happened earlier in the night she wanted nothing more than to push him out the door after seeing him climb through the window to stand beside her, doing his best to not leave any dirt on her bed as he left his old boots outside where they belonged with spiders and other creepy crawlies.   Truly, their mother would have been proud, given how she always berated him about it in his youth.   “Ahem…” she insisted, folding her arms around the pillow she still held.   “Oh, uhh…” he lifted a hand to scratch his head, smiling apologetically.  “Sorry for taking so long.”   “... that’s fine,” she smiled back, feeling sheepish all of a sudden.  She never could stay mad at him.   “So… I guess dinner is off the menu?” he queried.   “That depends…” she said, turning her back to him.  “Did you catch anything?”   “As if I wouldn’t?” he boasted, “C’mon, Emi… have a little faith in your poor brother.”   She spun around to meet his tease with a frown.  “Oh, don’t you even think about that time when--” she paused, eyes wide at what stared at her.  In a heartbeat she wanted to hide, wanted to scream.  Emeryl was fortunately too surprised at her silly expression to follow her gaze before she immediately went to sit back on her bed, legs crossed, face red.  At least she hoped he was too slow to notice.   He blinked at what he saw before he dared to ask.  “Did… did I miss something?”   “NO!” she blurted, trying not to let the cold damp spot on her bed irritate her too much.  It was not exactly a pleasant feeling to hide as a shiver ran through her, making her hug the pillow in her arms even tighter with dismay.  “I… can you please… please give me a little privacy?  It’s all I ask.”   Emeryl raised an eyebrow at that.  “Uhh… sure thing… I guess?” he accepted with a reluctant nod.  She knew he wanted to know what got her all flustered but the pleading look in her gaze told him everything he needed to know as he turned toward the door, reaching out for the knob to turn.  Fate, sadly, wanted the last laugh as he tried to wriggle it open, only to look back at her with that same apologetic smile that made her want to drown a puppy.  It was far too innocent to ignore.   “Oh for heaven’s sake…” she sighed in defeat.  She forgot where she put the key.
Chapter 0 - Oral...Sex on the beach?
                 "Seriously, what the hell do you have to be nervous about? I know she likes you and I know you like her, so what's the big deal?" Chloe adjusted her beanie to her head. She adjusted her blue hair and brushed her purple frosted bangs away from her brow and tucked them away into her cap.                 Warren tugged at his shirt sleeve nervously, he stuttered and could not muster the words to answer Chloe just yet. He stared up into the setting sun as he dug his trembling hands into the warm sand beneath them. Chloe turned away from the horizon line and watched as his silence told her everything she needed to know.                     "I get it, this is a new thing for you, Max is a good girl. I know she means a lot to you and I'd do anything for her too. Her and I, well we have been through so much shit together." Chloe said patting Warren on the back.                "Of course, that's why I don't want to mess this up. Last thing I want is for her to think I am some sort of goof ball or something." Warren let out a chuckle as he turned to look at Chloe.                "Trust me, Max thinking you are a goof ball wouldn't be the end of the world, not in the slightest. In fact that might be good for you. She can be a bit of a goof ball herself." Just as Chloe finished speaking she felt a vibrating coming from her pocket. Warren paused as he watched and waited as Chloe dug her hand into her pocket to answer her phone.                 "Oh fuck." Chloe immediately began to type into the touch pad as she pressed send and put her phone away.                        "What happened?"                   "Speaking of the devil herself, that was max, she's not going to make it out here. Something came up." Chloe said.                 "Oh, well next time I guess." Warren solemnly said.                 "Hey, don't be so glum, we are still going to see her today, just not right at this moment. Once she gets free she is still going to come hang." Chloe said reassuring him.               "Of course, yeah, no I'm still looking forward to it." he admitted.                             "Plus, I'm excited for you, the first date between you two will be great I'm sure. Better than mine, it has to be." Chloe said.               "You think so?" he asked.              "Hell yeah, just watch, knowing Max she is probably going to pull one of these during the movie you guys are going to go see." Chloe inched herself closer to Warren so that their arms were touching side by side. Chloe then reached her arm out and caressed Warren's thigh. He immediately tensed up as Chloe suddenly withdrew her palm from his jeans.              "Whoa, why so jumpy?" Chloe asked.             "Nothing, just nervous."              "Has any girl ever touch you below the belt?" Chloe said with a chuckle. Warren said nothing as he struggled to find the words once again.             "No need to answer, your silence says it all." Chloe laughed as she remained close to him. She nudged him with her arm and began to watch the sun slowly drift down into the horizon.             "You know that when my girl starts to get fresh with you...you just might blow your load a bit too soon." Chloe said teasing him.            "Well what do you want me to do? I am nervous what can I say?" Warren said as he blushed and clawed at the sand. Chloe dimmed her eyes. she leaned backwards and then forwards taking a good glance on either sides of the beach. There was not a soul around.            "Eh, we got to fix that problem. I'm not going to let you butter max before she even has a bite." Chloe reached down and began to undo Warren's zipper. He froze up and suddenly began to look around to see if anyone was nearby.           "Wait, what the heck are you doing? Are you crazy!" Warren shouted as he watched Chloe lean her head close to his lap and fiddle with his belt and zipper.           "Crazy is one word used to describe me, but yes this is crazy but fuck it, I am in the mood for it." Chloe unbuckled his belt as Warren took a deep breath.           "What the heck are we going to tell Max?" Warren asked.           "Tell Max? Please she will kill me. We are not telling her anything, okay, I am doing this to help you. Do you want to blow it with her?" Chloe said only inches away from his flaccid cock.            "No, I don't want to blow it." He admitted.           "Then we just won't tell her I blew you." Chloe laughed as she then rested her head down on his lap and slipped his limp cock in between her thin pale lips.          "Blow me?! Oh god!" Warren froze up the moment her mouth made contact with him.           "Mmmhmmm." Chloe said with her mouth full. She shut her eyes in ecstasy and licked her tongue up and down his shaft. Chloe rested her hand on his thigh as she gently bounced her head up and down his ever growing shaft.           "How is it, not too bad, huh?" Chloe said removing him from her mouth for a second. She stroked him in her palm.          "It feels really good."           "Of course it does, come on, it's me." Chloe chuckled as she went back down and enthusiastically slurped on him. She made noises, grunts and drooled saliva up and down his shaft. Warren clutched the sand and rested his left hand along her arched back.          "Oh jeez, what if someone walks onto the beach?" Warren asked. Chloe lifted her head back up and wiped her lips free of saliva.                "Just make it look like we are just watching the sunset. I'm not exaggerating my movements. So just put your right hand on my head ike as if you are caressing my hair, no one is going to approach us and they sure won't think anything else." Chloe said with a wink. She went back down and opened her mouth wide again.          "So put my hand right here?" Warren placed his hand onto her head.                  "Mmmhmmm."            "Do I press down on you, you know, like in porn movies?"          "Warren, you have been studying, hah, yes please force me down." Chloe laughed as Warren held her head down. Chloe gagged as she licked up and down his shaft with a slippery coat of thick saliva and spit.        Chloe continued to bounced on her discreetly onto his cock. She moaned and smacked her lips against it. She gripped his  shaft and jerked him into her mouth as her lips clamped onto his head. She sucked his head tightly as she felt his dick throbbing in her hands and in her mouth.         "Oh man, this feels so good." Warren said gripping Chloe's head. He clutched her head tightly enough to pull her beanie off letting her short blue hair loose.         "Shit, I'd better be after all this time." Chloe mumbled as she spit him out and put him back in her mouth. She adjusted her head and went as deep as she possibly could. Her lips touched down on his base as Warren's eyes rolled into his head. Chloe felt him push her down as he thrust into her throat at the same time. Chloe gagged as she felt ropes of cum suddenly squirt into her mouth. Chloe's eyes widened as she felt warren hold her head down. Chloe squirmed for a split second. She slowly inched her head up and sucked everything including the saliva from his shaft. She released a popping sound the moment her lips left contact with his head. Chloe wiped the spit off of her chin as she looked at him.        "You learn that from those pornos?" Chloe asked. Warren nodded exhausted as Chloe laughed.        "Good, you'll do just fine." Chloe winked.              Chloe began to clean up. She stood up with her bare feet in the sand as she dusted herself off and used a dirty napkin from her past fast food meal. She wiped the excess saliva and sperm from her wrist and shirt sleeve. She bent over to pick up her beanie. Warren sat there with his dick hanging out and limp. The sun was finally halfway down the horizon line as The golden rays illuminated the pair with a dim light just before sinking into darkness. Chloe adjusted herself. Her cheeks were flush and her neck was red as roses. Warren was looking up at her all the while trying to muster the energy he needed to cover up. Chloe was visibly flustered, she obviously got into the moment and wanted some satisfaction herself.           "Hey Chloe..."              "Yeah?" She said turning away and buttoning up her cardigan.            "Thanks, that felt great." Warren said looking up to her.           "Oh yeah, or sure, anytime. Uh, maybe you should put that thing away. Someone might walk by and see your dong, okay?" Chloe said biting onto her shirt sleeve nervously batting her eyes from side to side. Warren smiled and began to put himself away.            "See, not so bad, you think you can last  little longer now once Max begins to put the moves on you?" Chloe asked turning back around to Warren.            "I guess I'll have to see." he chuckled.           "Great, then let's go see where out girl is at!" Chloe reached her hand out to help Warren off of the sand and onto his feet.            An hour later, Max was buttoning up her shirt as she her a knocking on her bedroom door. Max turned around and finished buttoning her last button. The door to her room swung open as Chloe entered and shut it behind her.            "Hey Chloe! What's up! Sorry I couldn't make it to the beach today. I hope you and Warren still had fun." Max said turning back to her bed and arranging the sheets neatly. Chloe scratched the back of her head and chuckled.           "Fun, yeah we had a good time, nothing crazy."Chloe said leaning her back up against Max's dresser.           "Awesome, well yeah I can't wait to see this movie!"            "About that..." Chloe paused.           "We're not seeing it anymore?" Max replied bewildered.           "No, no, we are it's just..."            "Just...what?" Max stopped what she was doing and stared Chloe down.           "Warren thinks you're going to blow him tonight." Chloe admitted with a laugh.           "WHAT? Blow him?!"            "Yeah, no big deal really?!" Chloe answered.           "How, I never even done that before!?"            "The guy has been watching a lot of pornos must have gotten it into his mind somehow." Chloe said hiding behind a half smile.            "Oh jeez, how much time we have until the movie starts?" Max asked.           "Thirty minutes, Warren is waiting in my truck out front, why?"            "You're going to have to teach me." Max demanded.            "Teach you? What gives you that idea?" Max said nothing except dim her eyes and place her hands on her hips. Chloe nodded and agreed.            "Oh fine,I'll show you a thing or two."
Chapter 3 - The Darkness and the Wolf
Emilya’s nightmares refused to let her go.   In her nightgown she stood, trembling at the full moon peering above the shadows of the forest.   A beast answered her fears with a blood-curdling howl.  It echoed in the distance yet Emilya knew it was only a matter of time till it was upon her like the last.  Only this time the dread she felt from it was for a different reason.  A reason that was matched by one after the next, howling in unison.   A pack was on the move.    Even in the distance she could hear their advance.  The dark forest mocked her as she ran from them, reaching for her flesh, feasting over her dress.  Part of her simply wanted to let them have their way, accept this realm was never hers to flee.  Like times before she knew not one tree from the next, which vine would come to life, which monsters would reach her first and claim their prize.       Another howl came from behind.  They were getting close.   Instead of freezing she pushed on, reaching for the dead branch of a haunted pine.  With a prayer and shriek she threw her weight against it till a crack greeted her ears.  Thankfulness entered her heart at the sound of it separating from its kin, awarding her an extra limb.  That was what her brother always called his spear.  Not that her stick was anywhere near as long, it would do.   She waved it out in front of her with the skill of a child playing make believe.  The forest knew no difference as it recoiled in fear.  Was it because of her, though?  Suddenly she wondered if the beasts were already leering over her but all that met her gaze back toward the dark was more dark.  Perhaps they were further away than she thought?   She did not dare to linger any longer.  The forest seemed to open a path for her after giving it reason to let her pass, urging her onward as she felt a sudden sense of euphoria wash over her beating heart.  Could she escape this nightmare, truly?  That was unless the path she chose was another trap?   Her hands gripped ever tighter to the branch in her grasp.  Was it really all for naught?   She learned her answer soon enough.  Darkness found her horizon like a mountain coming into view, blotting out the moon and the shadows of the forest that surrendered to it.  Fear returned in turn, kissing her flesh like a cold breeze aching to feel her shiver, to make her suddenly long for what she turned her back to if this was the alternative.  Their howls from afar certainly despised the latter.   The shadow that fell upon her soon after turned the world to black, taking her with it.   She did not want to wake.  All she could muster was a weary whimper, curling up into a ball as the tapestries of rest were pulled aside, revealing… heat?  It was strangely pleasant, relaxing her nerves as it kissed her flesh where it was not covered still by her modesty.  That was until her shoulder felt a hand that made her eyes flinch open and her body squirm as it quickly went to hush her lips.   She wanted to scream but the visage of her shadowy captor was one she was familiar with.     “Quiet,” Jherah urged, letting her collect her wits before he gave her a chance to breathe.   “The cat boy from before?” Emilya wondered, rubbing her eyes in disbelief.   “If by that you mean the one you saw make a fool of himself in your sight, then yes.” Jherah sighed, falling back on his haunches.  Here though he was completely naked, letting his long black mane fall wild over faultless, pale flesh.  For gone was the exquisite sable cloak and women’s lingerie that concealed his true nature when they first met, when she mistook him for a lady of the night.   Still, as much as she hated to admit it… he was prettier than most girls. Jherah rolled his eyes.  “Must you stare?”   Emilya swallowed at the thought.  “Sorry.  A cat’s curiosity can be a worry at times.”   “And yet you are not a cat, unless I’m missing something?” Jherah said, looking her over for any sign that she was more like him than he imagined.  But the only one with a tail was asking questions, freely moving behind him instead of being unhappily concealed like it was at the Wanderlust.   Emilya gasped.  “So it’s true then… you’re a half-siji?”          “Are you always one to change the subject?” he asked.   “Oh, sorry.” she awkwardly smiled.  “This all seems so strange to me.”   “How so?” Jherah blinked.  “There are many half-siji on the island.  True, many are slaves to the carnal pursuits of others, but in my line of work it’s a choice, not something I am bound by.”   “Your line of work…?”   “I would have assumed Alyx told you?”   Emilya slowly nodded.  “Enough to know you’re good at it.”   “Ah, once you learn how to sate one cock you’re gifted with the rest.” Jherah flashed a weary grin, revealing dominate fangs that looked like they could spell pain for anyone who wronged him.   “But you’re not… you’re not a…”   “You’d be surprised how so few seem to care about that.” Jherah said.  “Some find it strange, especially the prudes, but Garlen is much kinder to such tastes than the city.  See, you can keep secrets better where there’s fewer people.  Something that lets me sleep better at nights.”   “I would have thought it would be the opposite.” Emilya frowned.  “Last I knew, Garlen had a close-knit community where every face is known.  Would they not know yours, too?”   Jherah tilted his head at the thought.  His sharp jade eyes were truly beautiful and his catlike nose seemed to insinuate their alien nature.  His full human lips almost made her jealous, though, appearing more lovely than her own.  Something his many patrons would certainly not mind at all.  “In my experience, if you provide a great service, there is no need to worry about being shamed.” Jherah said.   “Why?  Would that not spread your fame faster?”   “You forget what’s between my legs.” he smiled, spreading his thighs to let her get a good look at what made him truly alien to her.  Cute and pink yet hardly something any woman would desire.  Even his balls were feminine, barely the size of cherries.  “I’m not sure where you come from but…” Jherah said as he playfully flicked at his flaccid penis, as if he was secretly mocking his own genitalia.  “Men… they generally prefer girls and an odd creature like me isn’t welcome in the city’s cathouses.”   Emilya blushed at the thought.  “So your patrons…”   “Like to keep things to their chest.” Jherah argued.  Again, the men of the land are better at keeping secrets when said land makes you harder than most.  They don’t much care for socialising.”   “But…” Emilya paused, choosing her words carefully.  Everything else about him was female, including his perky breasts that had some weight to them.  Something she had to learn more about.   “So how did you get those?” she asked sheepishly.   “Oh, these?” Jherah said as he lifted one gingerly in his hand.  “Alchemy, I think?  It’s been so long since I’ve had them that I doubt I was ever flat chested.  It certainly helps with finding patrons.”   Emilya blinked.  “But men… generally don’t have them… do they?”   “Unless you’re a noble who likes his food.” Jherah jested, finding his nimble feet with an effortless stretch that reminded her how catlike he was as he stood with one hand rested on his ample hip.  “Again, alchemy played a part in my life so one can only assume such is true at this point.”   “Do you mind it?”   “Mind being treated like I have a cunt?” Jherah giggled.  “It’s nice when I get to pretend I do have one and let real men fight my battles… yet that’s not exactly something one can rely on here.”   He was not wrong.  Something that only raised further questions.   “Where are we?” Emilya asked.   “Safe, for now.” Jherah insisted, looking around them.  They were in a cave that looked separated from the horrible forest she ran from, large enough for a couple of weary travellers to take refuge in.   “Speaking of… that’s new for me, too.” Emilya said, sitting up.  “Usually the beasts get to me first.”   “Sorry to disappoint.” Jherah mocked, turning his back to her.  While she usually tried comparing her beauty to a creature of lust like Alyxandrite, who often made her feel like she was lacking something, she was rarely happy with her body like most girls her age.  So it only made things worse to witness the proportions of such an abnormality in life that had an unfairly perfect, pear-shaped posterior, mocking her gaze as his feline tail swayed seductively above it.  Was he enjoying the thought?        Wait a moment.  Since when could a male make her jealous?!     “Well, thank you anyway.” Emilya said, hiding her feelings with a faint smile.   “You thank me while we’re still in the monster’s realm?  What makes you think I’ll stand between you and them anyway?” Jherah said as he started to pace.  It never occurred to Emilya till then that what sheltered them had an open fire her strange companion must have started.  A revelation that earned a frown when she saw how the branch she used to defend herself was now crackling on it.   “So… umm… about that…”     He ignored her.  “Fuck.  Why did it have to take so long to get what I need…”   Emilya blinked.  “What you need?”   “You do know where we are, right?”   “... should I?”   “And here I thought we had a chance to escape this mess…” Jherah sighed.   “... enlighten me?” Emilya asked.   He almost did not want to tell her, pacing quietly around the fire as his tail had a mind of its own, thrashing left and right, right and left.  It was captivating to witness but when he caught sight of her gaze watching him again he faced her, scowling.  “What do you know of The Mother?” he asked.   That sent a shiver down her spine.  “Admittedly… very little.” she confessed.   “She used to be a tale, to put naughty children to rest.  A tale my own mother warned me about.  Sleep, little one, sleep, I kind of remember her saying?  Sleep with dreams of fun, of splendour and… love?  Sleep before you cannot, before The Mother finds your heart… where true nightmares start?”   “I do hope that wasn’t a nursery rhyme?” Emilya nervously said.     Jherah shrugged.  “Feel free to remember something better.”      “I… I didn’t mean it like that…”   “You’re a woman.  Of course you did.” Jherah smiled before resting back on his haunches.   “What does being a woman have to do with telling nursery rhymes?” Emilya frowned.   He ignored her.  “They say The Mother exists on another plain of existence.  Like she’s a spirit that never found a way to cross over, keeping her bound to this island?  At least that’s what one of my lovers told me.  Not sure why… but pillow talk can be quite peculiar with me.  It’s rarely dull.”   “He seemed so… knowledgeable?” Emilya politely added.     “Sure, if you think a quarry worker has more brains than brawn.” he said, offering a tired groan.  “Still, he seemed to think her spirit can communicate with us mere mortals by summoning us… here.”   “... and where is here?”   “The Dream Realm?  If it has a better name, let me know.”   The Dream Realm.  If it truly did have a more fascinating name Emilya doubted she would learn it from her whoring companion.  “So… why do you think The Mother wants us here in the first place?”   “I don’t think it’s as simple as that.” Jherah said as he clutched at his throat, almost as if something should have belonged where only taut flesh greeted his touch.  “Ever since I was a kitten I was told that it has something to do with magic.  That the only way she can find you is if you have a link to it.”   Emilya blinked.  “But… I’m no mage?”   “And I make a living sheathing cocks.  Doesn’t matter.” Jherah frowned.  “All I know is even if you have an inkling of mana in your blood… she will find you.  After all, it’s how I ended up here.”   “How can you be so sure?”   “Because the fucking noble who wanted me quiet took something dear to me!” Jherah shouted, springing back to life.  “It’s because of HER that ancient bitch has me now, because of… of…”   “… her?” Emilya asked, tilting her head.   “It’s not what you think.” Jherah sighed, closing his eyes.  He never looked more vulnerable.   “You can tell me?” Emilya wondered.  “I promise I’ll keep it to myself.”   “Not that it matters anymore.” Jherah said, throwing his head back.  “I already know I’m dead.”   “That’s not true!” she asserted.  “How can it be when… when this place isn’t even real?”   “You still don’t get it, do you?” he said, staring down at her from the corner of his eye.  “Think.  When you came here, what did you expect to happen?  That’ll you get a good fuck by one of the beasts of this realm before letting you wake confused by it all?  Is that all there really is to it?”   “So it’s happened to you…” Emilya uttered.  It shouldn’t have been a surprise to her but it was.   “It doesn’t matter what wants me anymore…” Jherah nearly laughed out loud, staring up at the roof of their dark haven, as if it was ready to collapse upon them, to end his seemingly endless misery.  “All I know is the more times it happens, the less you remember what matters… what life you left behind before this one becomes your reality.  A reality more real than anything… anything…”   “What do you mean?” she said, rising to her feet.  “How could this place become our reality?”   “I… I had hoped Alyx could help with that but…”   “Wait, that’s why you were in her store the other day?”   He looked back at her, eyes weeping.  “I don’t want to die here.” he blurted, “I don’t--”     She did not give him time to finish.  It was strange for her to embrace his unnatural form but all he could do was fall into her arms and cry, letting his tears finish his story.  It would take some time.   An eternity passed before he found his wits again.   He never said a word after that, sitting opposite of her by the fire as it continued to warm their bones against the cold trying to creep into their lives.  Gone was the irritable composure he had before her silent counsel, too, replaced by a solemn aura that threatened to turn her own nerves against her.   Sadly, he was as much a victim as her in this terrible place.  Nothing more.   “So… what was she like?” Emilya asked, wondering if he would even entertain it.   “The noble?  She was no lover of mine.” he insisted, his gaze still fixated on the fire.  “Far from it.”   “Yet she seemed to know you well enough?”   “Enough to scare me.” he admitted.  “She couldn’t live with the thought of me existing.”   “Why?”   “... it’s complicated.”   “I like complicated.” Emilya smiled.  She had plenty of experience with her brother’s own woes.   Jherah stared back at her.  “Do you?  When I was barely grown I had a crush on someone.”   “A man, I take?” Emilya cocked an eyebrow at him.   “Yes.” Jherah blushed.  “He was only a few years older than me but I was one of the only constants in his life.” he said as his voice softened, absentmindedly brushing a strand of hair from his face.  “When he was burdened by something it was usually me he spoke with about it.  Oh, he could talk for hours but I’d always be there by his side, listening intently.  I was hooked on his every word.”   “Then one day… we did it.  I was his first.  He was mine.  Of course, back then he thought I was a girl but it didn’t seem to bother him after I sucked him dry one lonely night before he knew the truth.  He convinced me that the heavens were cruel so we often escaped into the woods so no one knew.  But, as is the way nobles, you’re expected to find a wife and breed if you want your house to survive.”   “It was because of fucking Amonrah,” Jherah sneered.  “They were a big family but he lost all his sisters and mother during the massacre.  His brothers, too, who were foolish thinking they could challenge the dark lord in the north… well, they never returned.  My mate was only spared because he was only a child when it happened… so he never knew any of them.  Not like he ought to.”   “Wait.” Emilya paused him.  “Shouldn’t he have perished with his mother?”     Jherah smiled.  “He was a troublemaker even back then.  They say when the dragon started torching places like Sunset’s Edge, he got scared and hid.  Everyone, and I mean literally everyone, tried to find him but because of the hour his father told his girls to go without them, that he would find their youngest while they went ahead.  That was how even he survived that day.”   “Sounds like he never changed…” Emilya surmised.   Jherah frowned.  “We all have to change sometime.  Even those we love.”   “Do you still think about him?”   “Every time one of those lowly Garlen guards is hilt deep in me.” he smirked.  “They like to think I enjoy the heat they bring me but there’s only ever one man who could make me whole.”   Emilya blushed.  There was no denying what that meant.  “So you loved him.” she said.   Jherah looked regretful.  “... more than he knew.”   “You never told him…”   “Ah, it’s in the past.  I hear he has children now… so I’m happy for him.”   “But…”   “But it’s his wife that lead me to this.” he said, digging the dirt at his feet with a twig that somehow did not end up as kindling.  “She didn’t like how I had a nicer ass than hers so she confronted me alone one night and … she took what belonged here.” he pointed at his throat, hating the thought.  “A gift from my mate, her eventual husband.  The one thing I still had that reminded me of him.”   “A necklace?”   “A leather collar.  Matched my hair.” Jherah lamented as he twirled a strand through his fingers.  “Not sure why but after she took that I’ve been finding myself here.  Almost like it was the one thing that kept me grounded to reality.  But now I feel this is where I belong, where the beasts prowl.”   “And they… do they… you know…?”   “Fuck me?” he rolled her eyes at her.  “Only one.”   “... only one?”   “Pray you never meet him.” he said, turning his attention back to the fire.  “He’s mine.”   Emilya frowned.  “You sound as though you want it…”   “Do you?  Is that why you end up here, too?”   She wasn’t sure why that cut so deep but it did, feeling the hairs prickle on the back of her neck.  “What?!  No!!  Why-why would I want to be tamed by some… some monster?!  Have you no--”   And just like that her anger was rewarded with a growl, greeting her from the opening of the cave.  She dared to not offer it anything more than a horrified squeak.   Jherah was quickest to this feet, spinning around to confront the beast.  The concerned look on his face told him all she needed to know as his tail fell to submission between his legs, ready for defeat.   She was much less accepting of it.  “Oh, Jherah…”   “Quiet.” he whispered back.  “It’s him.”   Sure enough the beast came into view, letting the dying fire of their world highlight its barbarity, chest heaving, muscles bulging.  They were immense, giving him the air of a predator who never knew defeat as his crimson hide drank in the light like he was some demon from another world.   Yet unlike the dark ones that feasted for her flesh before, this one was much different.   He was not them.  He was a werewolf.   Emilya gasped at the horror as her body began to tremble.  Its haunting grey eyes stared at what waited for him like an unwilling sacrifice, baring its dagger-like teeth while offering a long growl that stirred dread in her soul.  It’s body, many times her size, was covered in fur, supported by inhuman hind legs that met the earth with grotesque, elongated feet.  It’s arms were freakishly powerful, too, supported by an upper body that made quarry workers look weak.  Yet what she saw truly terrifying was the claws its human-esque paws brandished, flexing earnestly to cover themselves with gore as its shaggy tail followed closely by, raised with authority.  Raised with the need to dominate.         “Run.” Jherah whispered, keeping his gaze locked with the beast.   Emilya could scarcely believe his sudden courage.  “But--”   “RUN!” he screamed, abandoning calm for a prey’s fate.  The way it pounced on him gave Emilya flight as she glimpsed for a second how it effortlessly pinned the half-siji beneath it, letting her fear drive her body past them for the exit, not once looking back to see if the beast even noticed.   It did not pursue.   In her breath she apologised, resting her back against a fallen pine.  It pained her to think she was no better than a fleeing deer, catching her breath after running back into the forest’s scheming embrace.  The darkness that was the shadow of the mountain was gone yet so too was her only ally no more.   It horrified her to think the werewolf was still out there, celebrating its kill with another howl.   No.  “That…. that wasn’t… him…” she gasped between breaths.  The worst was yet to come.   From the shadows they wandered out behind the trees that surrounded them like silent witnesses.  Her eyes went wide as she counted them, feeling her heart thump like a slave galley’s drummer as it prepared to ram the innocent of the sea.  Now she was confronted by six beasts, all as menacing as the one that claimed Jherah, only worse.  Instead of their hides covered in scarlet hair they were dark like the night itself, keenly circling her as she stood in a clearing strangely staged for it.   She could feel their eyes on her, all as red as the hell that awakened them.   One in particular growled at her from the dead pine she rested her back against, earning her attention as it stood triumphant on the moss covered, rotting trunk.  It knew she had no where else to go.   She could not believe her luck.  “Oh, Creator…” she cried, falling to her knees.   One by one they approached.  Black as the next, salivating.  The one above her crouched as it grinned at where her gaze fell to, noting the bright red appendage that grew out from its groin.  There was no denying what it wanted, seeing its veins and knot develop into a scarily large erection.  Was it really meant for her?  She shuddered to even consider being a mate to its inhuman lust.   It was a cruel revelation to know she had the same effect on the others as she looked around and saw them all now as erect as him, exchanging glances that told her what she already knew.     They were deciding who deserved to go first.   They wasted no time.  They salivated over her flesh, growled eagerly as their claws stripped her of whatever modesty remained, casting it aside.  She was as naked as they when she closed her eyes… only to panic when she felt one curiously brush her sex with its cold, damp nose.   She gasped at the sensation, tried to prevent it.  All it earned was a violent growl.   This was it, she feared.  They were going to share her all at once.   They did not.  The growl wasn’t meant for her as she opened her eyes again to see the pack withdraw to the urging of one, their alpha.  He was larger than the others in more ways than one, championing an erection the length and width of her forearm.  Where he intended it was anyone’s guess but she knew how impossible it was for her.  Women weren’t made for that!   He would try regardless, no matter the cost.   He cared not for her pleas, pushed between her thighs to see what awaited him, flush with arousal.  She hated herself for reading too many stories, ones that explored the depravity of beasts like him.  Was she to be his Eir and him her Denrir?  It was not the first time she fantasised about being the birth mother of mankind in the New World, imagining what it must have been like for Eir to give herself so freely to an Ishian shapeshifter, whose seed begot the northern kingdoms of man.   Unlike Eir, though, she had no intention of becoming the bitch of one of his descendants.   “NO!” Emilya cried.  She was a daughter of the Red Lion!  All wolves were beneath her!   His answer was final, snarling only inches from her face.  Here only wolves reigned.   He resumed his interest in her sex, sniffing at it slightly before rewarding her compliance one long, overpowering lick.  The sensation was oddly pleasant yet felt so wrong as her legs opened to him with her own instincts taking over.  Werewolf or not he was a male and an incredible one at that...   Her eyes leapt wide at the thought.  What was she thinking?!       She could only tense up at the tip of its gargantuan member prodding between her folds.   Somehow, it went no further.   In the blink of an eye he was no more.  None saw his killer till it was towering over them like a shadow from the forest.  At first she mistook it for one of its own, jealous for what its alpha claimed.  Yet when she saw the beast lifted effortlessly from her by the scruff of its neck she could only squeak as it flailed in disbelief, snapping at the shadow with nowhere to go.  It almost seemed strange now that it once demanded obedience from its pack like nothing would ever challenge his will.   Now it was feebly clawing at where its throat used to be, before the shadow tore it out.   She wondered why his pack didn’t make a move as it gargled its last, stunned by his quick execution.  As their alpha was lifelessly tossed aside they began circling around the one who challenged them, holding his ground over her with a possessive growl, which only made them all the more hostile.   It made her blink to think how popular she became to so many in this godforsaken place.   Unlike them, though, he was a man.  Her heart continued to race as she witnessed his powerful physique and how it glistened in the otherworldly moonlight.  Something about that took her breath away like it would have done so for many women.  She was lost for words as her gaze met his wild, golden own, peering over his shoulder toward her for any sign of trouble while his beautiful crimson mane flowed down the rippled contours of his naked back, clinging to it with heat and sweat.     He was not there to harm her.  The werebeasts were his prey as they lunged toward him.   Emilya could only watch on and witness the slaughter.   One by one, they fell to him.  For a hulking mass of muscle their single foe was incredibly dexterous, not allowing their combined might overwhelm him as he dodged their worst, deduced who earned his attention first even when it seemed they came for him all at once.  Their claws would have made short work of her soft flesh yet only their blood seemed to bathe her so-called protector after he claimed his third victim with a barbarous yell, ignoring how the second still writhed in agony after having its engorged testicles torn from him.  He certainly had hands large enough for the deed.   The third knew not how a knife-like hand could burst through his chest like a well-honed blade.   The fourth knew not how fragile its skull was before it popped like a grape between his grasp.   The remaining werebeasts snarled with trepidation before running away.  Even the neutered one, scrambling away with its tail between its legs.  It’s yellow eyes spoke of pain she’d never know.      She almost left with them.  She knew not who their slayer was, only that she was now alone with him as he stood silently with the gore he created, dripping profusely from his clenched fists.   She wanted to faint.   “Are you hurt?” he spoke, still looking out into the darkness where the remaining beasts fled.   She wanted to say something, anything, yet her lips were trembling, her body shivering as he turned his attention to her and quietly knelt beside her, touching her gently along the arm with a frown.  She must have seemed like a mess to him as she looked away, ashamed of what the beasts did to her.   “You’ll survive.” he said, tilting her chin back to meet him as her wanning gaze met his fiery own.  Something about it made her feel welcome yet for what reason she could not understand.   “Can you walk?” he asked.   “I--I don’t think--”   He scooped her up in his arms, assuring she was safe with him.  She wanted to believe it yet the darkness around them grew bolder as her sight faded, feeling a numbness set through her that made her moan with weakness.  He seemed to notice it as the coppery smell of his blood drenched chest made her think of the beasts he slew and how they still howled for her, unwilling to let her go.   Whatever fate awaited her, the darkness was the last thing she saw that night.
Chapter 1 - Blue Valentine
           A red silhouette in the evening. Quickly lunging over the high stone mansion walls. Her graceful hands suspended her over the marble and into the courtyard. Taki gripped her short swords behind her back and darted her eyes up one side of the mansion. She moved with absolute silence. Her tight red body suit pressed against her tight abdomen, large breasts and tone ass. Taki’s back to the moon, she climbed herself up the vines that wrapped a marble pillar. She had stopped herself mid climb as she heard a crashing noise from inside the mansion’s bedroom just above her. Taki turned her eyes to the moon, her black ponytail twisted in that same motion as she furrowed her brow and immediately began to climb up the pillar faster.             Finally reaching the top, she pulled herself up the balcony. Taki tip toed into the room and silently shut the balcony doors behind her. She let out a slight panting under her breath. She placed her right red nylon covered hand on her Kris Naga and inched herself toward the interior balcony that over looked the extravagant bedroom. Taki turned to her right, there was a single spiral staircase that led up to where she was. She had this vantage point and was out of sight to any inhabitant of the mansion. Yet that crashing sound from within this room was now muffled. The frantic sounds of someone trying desperately to cover it up.             Taki darted her eyes around the room. There was the regal queen sized bed in the center, an elaborate chest of drawers and a table holding vases that was knocked over. Taki pressed her soft face against the bannister and stared down into the bedroom. There was another intruder other than herself.             “Impossible!” Taki muttered under her breath. She kept her hand firmly gripped on the short sword and watched. A tall, dark skinned man with short purple and slate colored hair had stumbled into the table. He was wearing a leather vest with no undergarment and was carrying a tripled handled broadsword.             “Zwei?! You fool, you came alone to face the alchemist?” Taki said as she prepared herself to strike.             Zwei clutched the handle of his sword and turned his attention to the large double doors acting as the only entrance to the bedroom. He stopped himself as both he and Taki heard a set of heels clicking loudly past the doors. The doors swung open as the beautiful alchemist herself faced her solitary intruder.             Isabelle Valentine, or Ivy was staring down her intruder. The double doors shut behind her and echoed into the bedroom. Taki was watching intently from the bannister as Zwei’s head on approached had already proved to be futile. Ivy stood facing him. She had a grin upon her flawless pale skin, her silver hair was short and flowing in the slight breeze of the room. She was tall, full figured and dominating. Her gorgeous looks could stop a knight in his tracks and leave an entire pub speechless. Ivy was wearing her tight alchemist suit. In her revealing attire, with purple and white accents. She stood facing he male intruder. Her inner thighs exposed up to her tight swimsuit-esque waist garment that was the only item of clothing shielding her crouch to Zwei. She stood with her hands on her hips. Her massive gauntlet on her left arm was tapping its armored finger against her waist. The lapels on her torso were being forced open. The gilded buttons were straining at the threads under the pressure of her massive DDDD breasts that pleaded to be free. Zwei was her for a reason but that reason was almost forgotten the moment his eyes gazed upon her cleavage. Ivy pressed her rose colored lips together and took a few steps toward Zwei. She did not have her snake sword with her. Her eyes were gauging Zwei, calculating exactly what he was capable of. She ran her blue eyes up against his exposed chest and abs. Ivy seductively began to saunter over to him. He gripped his sword and prepared himself for an attack.             Taki on the other hand relaxed herself. There was no need for immediate action just yet. She was still peeking her head through the bannister and carefully watching Ivy and Zwei’s confrontation.             “Just what is it you think you’re doing?!” Ivy interrogated. She still managed to keep her seductive grin upon her face as she came closer to him.             “I’m here to settle score! The villagers claim that you are the reason for this malevolent presence around here! It’s time to see if you actually are behind it.” Zwei said about to raise his sword.             “No, you fool!” Taki muttered to herself.             “Is this just rumors and hearsay, what on earth gave you that hint you filthy cur?” Ivy said mocking him.             “That is why I am here to find out for myself! There is talks about only one female alchemist around these parts and that can only be you!” Zwei challenged.             “My, my, you are feisty.” Ivy crossed her arms just under her massive breasts and smiled.             “Enough talk!” Zwei lifted his sword and closed the gap between himself and Ivy. Taki felt her heart nearly leap out of her chest. She was ready to lunge over the balcony and intervene. Suddenly she stopped herself. Taki sat back down and peered her head through the bannister once again. Ivy had stopped Zwei mid dash. She had grabbed his overextended wrist and gently placed her pale hand against his exposed abdomen. Ivy was staring into his perplexed eyes. She grinned seductively and scoffed. She blew her silver bangs from her brow and puckered her lips. Ivy’s right hand was caressing his stomach. Up and down her hand gently grazing his muscle. She made his sword wielding hand go limp. He dropped it on the marble floor and stare into her eyes.             “Oh my, I seemed to have stopped you in your tracks.” Ivy laughed as she drew her lips closer to his.             “What sort of trickery is this?!” Taki asked to herself. She was not sure what to make of this. It was all very unprecedented.             “What else have the villagers told you, what other lies have they spread about me?!” Ivy said speaking just in front of his lips.             “They mentioned that you had a vow of chastity, so I know I cannot be tempted.” Zwei answered.             “That happens to be true…but I am more than willing to break that vow!” Ivy yanked his raised hand down and forced his hand onto her waist. Ivy pressed her rose lips against his as they engage each other intimately rather than with swords. Zwei could not control himself. She ran his hands up against her exposed thighs and waist. Ivy kissed him on the lips and tore off his leather vest.             “What on earth?” Taki felt herself get flustered. She felt her body temperature rising as she intently watched the two of them grasping each other.             “Get on the bed!” Ivy ordered. Zwei felt her hands push him back. He fell back onto the bed. Ivy sauntered over to the end of the bed, she unzipped her torso’s tight leather jacket. The strained buttons were put at ease the moment her DDDD breasts popped out into the air. Her perfectly pink and round nipples were being obscured by her straps. Zwei laid himself out on the bed as Ivy crawled on with him. She dug her leather bound knee between his thighs and placed her hands over both of his shoulders. Zwei reached his hands up and firmly grasped her perfectly perky yet massive breasts. He clutched them in his hand and began to pinch her erect nipples with his index finger and thumb.             Ivy sat up on his legs. She began to bounce herself up and down on his waist. She placed her armored index finger just against her lips and tapped it against her teeth. The more she bounced on his waist the more she felt his penis getting harder from within his pants. Zwei turned his attention from her large breasts and up to her face. She winked and smiled. Ivy laughed and lowered her gauntlet hand down to his leather belt. Zwei panicked. Ivy stopped herself just before crushing his penis through his pants.             “I will try and be gentle!” Ivy smiled as she reached her right hand across from her exposed chest and undid the straps holding her gauntlet to her left arm. She undid the four straps and watched as her left arm was freed from her armor. Ivy let it fall off the bed as she leaned in over Zwei and kissed him. Ivy began to press her lips against his chest and then gradually progressed herself down to his belly button. Her rose colored lips teased him as she actively bit down on his belt and pried it up through the belt loop. Zwei reached his hand out and caressed her cheek. Ivy scoffed and pressed her lips down onto his erect penis. The only thing blocking her was his pants. Ivy laughed as she rubbed her face into his crouch. Her nose against his dick, her silver hair bobbing up and down as she puckered her lips against the indented line of his penis tip through his pants. Ivy brought her head up off his lap and grinned. Zwei reached out and was about to undo his belt for her. Ivy grabbed his hands and pressed them back down on his own abdomen. She shook her head and right index finger.             “Now, now, I go first and then you can have some fun.” Ivy said in a soothing breathy tone.             “Remarkable.” Taki muttered. She could not help herself. Her nipples were erect through her red nylon suit. It was all instinctual. Before she even knew it herself, Taki was running her own hands against her supple body. She was stroking her short sword, her Kris Naga, she was stroking it behind her back. She bit her lower lip and watched from up upon the indoor balcony. She was on her knees, her head was pressed against the bannister. Her eyes focusing in on Ivy and Zwei. Taki had gradually moved her right hand down her belly and into her crouch. Gently pressing her fingers against her clit and rubbing just hard enough for her to moan under her breath. Her free hand was teasing her own nipples. Taki made herself comfortable. She opened her legs and freely rubbed her hands on her pussy lips and against her own large breasts. The sight of Ivy on her back, her own thick, ample legs pushed up against herself and her exposed breasts gently pulsating with the motion of his actions. Ivy was gripping the white sheets, her toes curled in her heels as Zwei was forcing her legs up. Taki was fixated on her, on the both of them. Her hand perfectly timed with the gentle bouncing motion of Ivy’s breasts. Zwei had pushed aside her tight leather thong and was running his tongue and finger against her clit. Ivy’s eyes lit up with ecstasy as she openly moaned and flailed her wrist. She pressed her head against the headboard and fought the urge to grab onto his hair. Ivy thrust her waist into his face. Zwei bobbed with her as she stared up from between her thighs to see her pleasure filled face.             “Squirm! That’s right, squirm all you want!” Ivy shouted as she shut her eyes and clutched her own soft breasts. Zwei kept licking her clit, swirling his tongue around her pussy he teased her inner thighs and softly bit her flush skin. Ivy cackled in pleasure. She felt a wave of pleasure ripple through her body. She could not fight the temptation and grasped his hair. Ivy lifted her pelvis up into his face. Zwei grabbed her ass cheeks. With aloud slap of skin, he left a hand print on her right cheek and kept her pelvis suspended just inches off the bed.             “Oh that’s right, you got it! Don’t you stop!” Ivy shouted as she furrowed her brow and dropped her waist back down on the bed sheets. Zwei brought his head up from between her legs and stuck his two fingers into her pussy. Ivy bit her bottom lip and let her silver hair obscure her blue eyes.             “You like that, huh!?” Zwei shouted back as he thrust his two fingers in and out of her vagina. He could feel her getting tighter, her thighs jiggled as her breasts bounced from between her suit. Zwei began to go faster and faster, his hands pumping into her legs as he locked eyes with her. Ivy was resting her head on the headboard. She puckered her lips and played with her nipples. Zwei stopped and removed his hand. Ivy felt a sudden rush of pleasure, a shot of ecstasy as she tossed her head back, her neck over the pillow and her limbs flailing. Zwei wipe his fingers on the sheets. Ivy had whipped herself back up and sat up on the bed. Ivy clasped onto his face and pressed her lips against his. They shared sloppy kisses as she pushed him back onto the bed. Ivy ran her hands down his chest and ultimately tugged on his belt.             “You did good, now it is my turn! Please tell me you know how to handle your weapon.” Ivy said panting as she quickly began to undo his belt and unzipped his pants.             “I was going to ask you the same thing. You think you can handle my cock?” Zwei asked overly confident. Ivy snickered. She raised her right eyebrow and pulled down his pants. There she was faced with five inches of Zwei. Ivy grinned and then firmly grasped his hard shaft with her right hand. Ivy stared up into his eyes as she gradually brought her head down to his lap. He was on his back as Ivy took the dominant position. She stroked his cock, up and down on the shaft added with a twisting motion at the tip of his dick. She dropped her head down and began to tease him. She placed her lips just near his tip and kept her eyes locked on him. She gently blew some air out just tingling his senses. Zwei sat up on his elbows only hoping that she would then engulf his dick with her mouth. The sight of her rose lips around his shaft was something he never thought would ever happen to him, especially not from the illusive Ivy Valentine.             Taki had cut her fingers loose from her nylon suit. She was sucking on her fingers and rubbing her clit against the rigid bannister. She was thrusting her pelvis into the railing. Her thighs hugging the railing as she held herself up. Taki’s legs were dangling down from the balcony. She had cut a vertical line in her nylon just between her breasts. Her saliva covered fingers were twisting her nipples left and right as Taki shut her eyes and listened to the sounds of the bed moving and Ivy’s lips slurping on Zwei’s penis.               Taki let go of the railing above her and lay herself flat on the carpeted balcony. She kicked her legs through the bannisters and vigorously rubbed her left hand against her clit. She was panting in pleasure, her lips wrapping around her fingers as she ran her damp fingers down her chin and to her neck. Small spit lines trickled down from her lips to her chin as she twisted her grip against her nipples. Her toes curled in over her sandals. She pushed her pussy against the rigid pillar and began to grind herself against it. Taki reveled in ecstasy. She found herself balancing herself as she panted and breathed heavily. She swirled her hips between the bannister and then started grinding it up and down the shaft. Her red nylon suit was damp, the more she stimulated herself on the pillar the more she felt her body quaking.             Ivy had already kicked off her heels and left her leather stockings firmly fitting along her legs. Her garter belt was bending as Ivy found herself bent over Zwei. Her head was bobbing up and down on his lap. Her silver hair quickly moving up and down as he stared up from the bed to lock glances with Ivy. Her hand was stroking his shaft as she made it in one fluid motion. She touched the base of his dick with her rose lips marking a faded pink ring smeared around his cock. She gently brought her lips up to the tip of his penis. Her eyes staring at him seductively as her silver hair revealed a smiling face. She clasped her lips around his tip and then a sudden pop! Ivy laughed as she let the saliva drip from her lips and onto her chin. She continued to stroke his cock as she stared at him with her blue eyes.             She placed both her hands on his thighs and began to suck his cock as deep and as hard as she could. Zwei felt helpless. The feeling of sheer wetness and tingling was enough to make him cum just at the thought. He fought against it as Ivy had been working up to that moment. She was bobbing her head down and up as she let out slurping sounds that chimed throughout the bedroom. She gagged each time she reached the bottom. Her lipstick still smearing on his shaft.             “Oh my, I was right, you are a feisty one!” Ivy swirled her tongue around his penis tip and then all the way down his hard shaft. She breathed heavily and moaned. It was exciting her, she was feeling overly aroused as she bounced her ass up in the air and continued to blow him.             “That’s right, I love the way you squirm!” Ivy shouted as she dragged her tongue up his shaft and then put her lips back on his dick. She continued to suck down as her cheeks condensed and inflated as Zwei’s dick entered and left her plump and luscious lips.   Ivy lifted her head up from his lap and pulled her torso up to his penis. Her hand was still stroking his cock, as she draped her breasts against his erect penis. Ivy smiled as she bounced her tits against his tips. Zwei squeezed her breasts and thrust his penis into the grip of her hand. She kept a firm grip on his wet dick and continued to stroke it from tip to base. Ivy leaned in over his waist. She pressed her breasts together and sandwiched his penis. She grinned from ear to ear as she bounced her breasts up and down on his penis. She went harder and faster as she slipped his wet dick in and out. Her breasts were so massive that his dick was vanishing every time it slipped between her soft tits. Each time his pelvis thrust into her torso her boobs rippled every time he stuck it deeper, and deeper into her cleavage.             “That’s right, I GOT YOU!” Ivy shouted with glee as Ivy bat her silver hair away from her face and raised her eyebrows. Her entire torso was bobbing up and down with Zwei as he forced his dick into her cleavage. Zwei felt his legs tighten, he stopped himself to the point where his deep breaths were met with a joyous laugh of Ivy. She released her breasts from around his penis and straddled him. Zwei looked up, his dick was throbbing but never the less it was yearning for the warm embrace of Ivy’s pussy. She sat herself down steering his penis into herself. The moment they made contact was the moment her face lit up with jubilation. She could not suppress her grin, she planted her hands down onto his chest and bounced her pelvis up and down as vigorously as she could. She moaned with each passing thrust. Her fat ass cheeks clapping down against his thighs. Only the sounds of flesh smacking against each other could be heard along with their moans and cries of ecstasy. Zwei lifted his face up into her breasts and began to suck on her nipples. Her clutched her ass cheeks firmly and guided her downward motion as fast as she wanted down onto his cock. Zwei thrust into her as he reveled in the sight of her massive jugs drooping in his face. Ivy reached her hand out and grabbed the end of the bed. She used it as leverage and sat up on him. She began to grind her hips into his waist as she yelled out in sheer pleasure.             “Oh my, you are quite good!” Ivy shouted as she bounced up on the bed using him as a spring.             Taki was watching intently, she was dangling her legs through the bannister and vigorously grinding her clit against the pillar. She did this nonstop, just thrusting her hips into the rigid, phallic post as she bit her lips, sucked on her own nipples and moaned just under her breath. Taki was watching, her black bangs in her view, she moved them away as she licked her lips and watched Ivy lift Zwei up off the bed. He had gotten off the bed and placed her back up against the chest of drawers. Ivy kicked her left leg up and placed it over his shoulder. Zwei caught her by the waist and stuck his dick back into her pussy. Her firmly clasped on her ass once more and began to bounce her back off the chest of drawers and into his thrusting motion. Zwei was staring into her face. Ivy moved her hair aside from her face. She still had that same grin as she kept her left leg stretched out over his shoulder.             “She’s flexible.” Taki muttered as she was impressed with Ivy’s movement.             “Give me all you got, come on! What are you waiting for?!” Ivy shouted. Zwei squint his eyes and began to thrust harder into her. Ivy felt her ass being bounced off the drawers. Zwei’s hand print was already left on her cheeks. He opened his eyes and felt something about to burst. He pulled out of her pussy and began to stroke his dick himself.             “I don’t think so!” Ivy smiled and shoved him back on the bed. She jumped on with him and laid herself down between his straining legs. Zwei could not hold on much longer. Ivy pressed her massive breasts up against his thighs and gripped the shaft of his dick with both hands. She pressed her lips down on the head and began to slowly suck, lick and slurp on it until he climaxed. Zwei laid back in disbelief as he watched Ivy’s plump lips drip saliva down from the tip to the shaft.             “Aaaahhh!” Zwei writhed in place. He grabbed the sheets and shut his eyes. Ivy opened her mouth and felt the warmth of his sperm shoot up against the roof of her mouth and drip out onto her lips and down to her chin. Ivy remained there on his lap. She grinned and continued to play with his cum as she dripped it down from her rose colored lips and onto her hands and back down onto his penis. She smiled at him. She licked her lips and swallowed whatever sperm was left in her mouth. The rest was spilled out over her chin. It was dripping down as she caught it just before touching her sheets. Zwei was seemingly unconscious. His eyes were shut as Ivy snickered. She sat up on the bed and scoffed. Her mouth was full but after one quick gargle she was free of that annoyance. Ivy stared her eyes up toward the indoor balcony. She locked glances with Taki. Ivy smiled as she plucked a strand of cum from her chin and played with it between her fingers.             “No!” Taki was turned off. She felt uneasy. She sat herself up and pulled away from the balcony. She clasped her nylon suit shut and lunged out the balcony window just as quickly as she entered.             “I hope you enjoyed the show.” Ivy said with a wink. She wiped her cum covered hand on Zwei’s leg and then stepped off the bed. She sauntered away letting her heels click against the marble. She left herself as is, the mansion was all to herself there was no one around beside her.   
Chapter 4 - Max and Warren's long night
            Max and Warren restrained their laughter. Max fumbled while trying to unlock the door to her bedroom. Warren playfully teased her to hurry up and open the door. "Stop, I can't find my keys!" Max giggled. Warren laughed. He began to pester Max into finding her keys quicker.  "Okay, okay I got it! Where did all this energy come from?" Max quietly said. They snuck into Max's room without detection. Warren shut the door behind the both of them. Warren took a deep breath. He walked further into the room. He took a seat on Max's bed. Max pressed her back against her door making sure it shut and latched as quietly as possible. She put her hand on the door knob and gently turned the latch into the locking position. Max smiled the moment the door shut. Warren turned to her and noticed the coy smile on her face.  "Kind of funny of you think about it." Max pondered. She approached her bed and placed her knee on the sheets beside Warren. Warren took another deep breath. "What is kind of funny?" Warren asked. "It seems like Chloe really went out of her way to make sure we had our alone time, huh?" Max wondered. "Yes, she is a good friend. isn't she?" Warren smiled. Max blushed.  "Did you like the movie?" Max asked smiling. "What movie, I don't think I was able to focus on it." Warren admitted. "I cannot believe Chloe ate the popcorn after! I didn't have the heart to tell her." Max laughed. "I know, i don't think she will like that very much." Warren feigned. He did his best not to let Max know that Chloe was the driving force behind his newfound sexual confidence.           There was a sudden silence between the two of them. Max now fully seated on her bed beside Warren. Warren awkwardly looking around the room. "Did you like it? You know, me putting your dick in my mouth? Did it feel good?" Max asked turning to stare at Warren and watching for his reaction. "Huh, what? oh yes I liked it a lot! it was really good." Warren said smiling. "Really, I can tell you were really excited!" Max replied. "You were really good, did you practice before?" Warren asked. "Uh, sort of. On some vegetables. Chloe also was a huge help. That girl is not shy about how much dicks she has sucked." Max casually said. "Well, she is certainly some friend, huh?" Warren blushed. "We can fool around some more, if you are up for it? I'm still pretty exited from the theater!" Max suggested. "Oh really?! Yeah, I would really like to!" Warren lit up with excitement.  "Okay, but this time I want you to fuck me too." Max said. she excitedly angled herself on her bed sheets to face Warren. Her face was lit up with excitement. She reached her hand out and firmly grabbed Warren's thigh. "Wow, I would not expect you to say that. Have you been watching some porno's too?" Warren asked. Max leaned in and began to kiss Warren heavily. Warren stopped mid-sentence. "Just go with it." Max smiled. She pinned Warren to her bed. Max straddled Warren. She pressed her lips against his. Warren ran his fingers through Max's short brown hair. Max began to grind her hips into his thigh. Her jeans pressing up against him. Max let out a light moan of pleasure. warren nervously began to kiss her neck. Max began to undo his belt buckle. She fully intended to have as much fun as she could tonight.        Max withdrew her lips from Warren's. She sat up on top of Warren. Max quickly removed her grey zip up hoodie and tossed it aside. Warren lay on his back. Max stared into Warren's eyes while she quickly unbuckled his belt and began to unzip his pants. Max left his pants unzipped. Her fingers gently brushing up against his dick through his boxers. Warren blushed. He maintained direct eye contact. Max bat her eyes. Her gentle glide of her fingers then turned into a sudden grip that made sure Warren was hard enough. "You're excited." Max muttered. Warren nods his head. Max began to unbutton her pants. Max lifted up warrens shirt. She began to gently kiss her lips against warren's chest. She worked her lips down towards his stomach, then his belly button and then to his crotch. Max smiled. she placed her fingers on his boxers elastic waste band. Max pulled warren's boxers down. His hard dick was presented under his boxers. Max giggled. warren took a deep breath. Max stuck out her tongue. She licked her tongue against warren's dick. Her tongue left a glistening streak from the base of his balls to his head. warren twitched. he shut his eyes in pleasure. He felt Max's tongue caressing his penis. warren began to remove his shirt being sure not to move so much while Max played with his throbbing cock. Max flicked her tongue against his penis' tip. she firmly gripped his shaft and left her saliva trickle down his head and onto her fingers. Max smiled. She opened her mouth about to press her succulent lips around his cock.         Max suddenly stopped. She released his dick from her grip and with drew herself. Warren opened his eyes.  "Why did you stop, that was feeling great?!" Warren asked. "You had enough of my mouth. It is my turn." Max laughed.  "I guess that is fair." Warren playfully contested. "Come on, I want you you eat me out." max teased.               Max switched places with Warren. Her head rested on the various pillows on her bed. Max lifted her shirt over her breasts. Max let out a deep breath and moaned in pleasure. She pinched her nipples and ran her hands against her stomach and chest. Warren had his head down between her thighs. Max twitched at the sudden spikes in pleasure. Warren was finding his way. Not the most experienced but Max was going to get the most out of her night.              Max writhed in pure pleasure. Her slender body contorted with each lick and suck of her clit. Max put on a large grin. Her fingers clamped her nipple with her free hand caressing her bare stomach. Warren kept his head buried in Max's pelvis. Warren held onto her thighs while he switched from soft and gentle concentric swirls of his tongue into a much more swift suction and light penetration with his tongue.  Max grabbed his hair and let his head bob slightly in place below her belt line. Max's eyes rolled into their sockets. With a soft moan she let out a sigh. Her head rested on her pillow. Warren let his hands roam up on her body. Max grabbed warren's free hand and guided him up to her bare chest. Warren firmly grabbed his tits and played with them. Max let out a louder moan. In a brief moment of embarrassment Max quickly burrowed her face into the closest pillow she could find. Warren continued to lick and swirl his tongue on her clit and vagina. Warren stopped. He looked up to her. Max opened her eyes. "Are you enjoying it?" Warren shyly asked. "Yes, I am. Have you been practicing?" Max asked. Warren shook his head. "It feels great." Max softly said.  "Oh good, I'm glad." Warren answered. He dug his face back down into her pussy. He gently pressed his lips against hers and licked and flicked his tongue against Max.  "I want you to fuck me." Max plead. Warren nodded in agreement. He sat up from his position. Warren removed his pants and knelt down before her. Max kept her legs spread apart waiting for Warren to guide his way into her. Warren grippe his semi-hard cock and stuck it into her pussy. Only sticking the tip into her. He rubbed his head against her clit. Max instantly felt a rush of sensation embrace her. She felt herself writhe with pleasure at the feeling of Warren's dick entering her. Max reached her arms out beside her and gripped the bed sheets. Warren began to inch himself in. He started to get harder and harder. Her wet pussy now fully engulfing him. Warren felt himself enter. Max let out a louder moan. Warren began to thrust himself into her. He held onto her legs and continued to thrust away more and more. Max kept her head rested on her pillow. Her breasts began to bounce more and more with each pump. The bed began to creak with each thrust. the sound of skin clapping against one another was now the only thing to be heard. Warren tried to slow himself to stave off the noise but his arousal was causing him to thrust further into Max.  "Ugh, god, keep going!" Max began to plea. "Don't you stop!" Max shouted. Her eyes began to roll in her head. she began to twist and pinch her nipples more. Her breathing now becoming heavy and her chest turning red. Warren kept his eyes on her. He was careful to keep his pace to her requests.          Max's pulled her bed sheets loose from their tuck. She flailed her arms yanking the bed sheet over her slender naked body. Warren stopped mid thrust. Max immediately emerged from the sheets. warren grabbed Max by the waist and spun her around. Max was now on her hands and knees. She brace herself against the headboard of her bed. Warren stuck his hard cock back into her pussy. Max let out a shriek. He felt her body quiver the moment he entered her once more. Warren grabbed her by the waist and began to pound away. Max braced herself with each thrust forward. She bit her lower lip. Her eyes fluttered. She stared up at the ceiling in pleasure. a smile growing upon her face. Max's hair billowed wildly. Warren was fixated on her ass. With each thrust he watch her tight ass bouncing against his thighs. The back of her head bobbed back and forth.  "Keep going, don't stop!" Max shouted once again in their new position. "This feels so good, Max!" Warren blurted out. Max moaned with each thorough and rough thrust of his hips.  "You're going to make me cum." Max said. Warren continued to thrust himself. Max shut her eyes and burrowed her face into the pillow. With another couple of rhythmic thrusts she felt a rush a pure pleasure and muscle spasms course through her body. Max let out a scream of pleasure. Warren stopped for a moment in utter shock by what had happened. Max opened her eyes and stared at her ceiling. Her vision was blurry and her head felt light. "That was...incredible." Max muttered. "My turn!" warren removed his cock from her pussy. Max turned to Warren She bent down and put her mouth onto his hard and slippery cock. Max placed her hands on his shaft and began to jerk him vigorously. She clamped her lips on his swollen tip and licked and swirled her tongue around his penis. Warren smiled and felt himself relax. Max stared up to him while she played with his tip and jerked his shaft.  "Mmmmmhmmmm." Max said with pleasure. She felt his body twitch and turn. "That is so good!" Warren let out a bellow. Max opened her eyes wide with each pulsating twitch let out by his cock. Max stopped jerking. She removed her lips catching all his loose strings of cum trailing from his cock. Max laughed with satisfaction. Warren collapse on the bed. Max struggled to find a place to put his cum. She looked around for a place to dispose of it. Warren turned to her. Max shrugged her shoulders and then just swallowed it.  "Wow, you are good." Warren said. "So, does that mean we get to have fun with each other now?" Max asked with a wink.  "You mean like 'fuck buddies'? is that what you're asking?" Warren asked. "Yeah, right? is that what this is?" Max pondered. "I was thinking more like we would get together?" Warren suggests. Max paused. A small smile crept onto her face. She continued to wipe the left over sperm residue from her lips. Warren gauged her response.  "Is that why Chloe was so insistent that we had our date night?" Max shyly asked. "She kind of did the most, huh?" Warren said. Before Max and Warren could express anything further a notification bell sounded on Max's desktop. Max turned to look. She quickly grabbed her sweater and draped it over herself. Warren lay back and began to think. Max approached her desk stop. She moved her cursor and saw something in her inbox. It was an email from Chloe. "Hmmm?" Max furrowed her brow. Max turned her head to see where Warren was seated. He could not get a view of her screen. Max clicked on the message from Chloe. To: [email protected] Subject: Is this enough to start our amateur series?        Max's eyes glossed over four video files. Max turned her head once more to ensure that Warren could not see what she was viewing. Max bit her lower lip. She stuck her hand into her sweater and began to pinch her still erect nipples. The first video clip was a far away shot of Chloe and Warren on the beach. The image was obscure slightly. Max hovered the curser over the mute and pressed it. She then pressed play. The video began to play with chloe and warren on the beach. Warren was looking around his surroundings nervously while chloe fished his cock form his pants and began to suck. Max watched. She began to blush. Watching Chloe's lips wrapped around Warren. Max paused and moved to the next video. She pressed play. In the dark theater she could see herself sucking on Warren only hours prior in the evening. Max scrolled down to the next. It was of Chloe and david. Chloe had just finished spitting out david's cum and was walking toward the camera with the money she earned in hand. Max scrolled down to the fourth attachment. The header for the next one read "You're going to be a star."       Max watched as the video was taken from outside her bedroom window. Max watched herself getting fucked by Warren. Max paused the video with her locking eyes with herself. Her face locked in ecstasy. Max hit reply and began to type. "I like it but we are going to need a little more ;P" Max hit send and shut off her monitor. "Want anything to drink, Warren?" Max got up for her chair and walked away.
Chapter 2 - The Dragon's Hair
Emilya rarely had time for the vale town of Garlen.  Her chores usually kept her busy even when she begged for any excuse to venture out from her family’s Havenwood home.  Yet even her brother, obsessed with keeping her safe, saw her nightmares were getting worse.  Something had to change.   Sleep was her escape.  In the past she never passed up a good nap.  Her summers welcomed it as she could lie naked in the afternoon sun without a care in the world, enjoying her secret nook in the woods where her ever beloved waterfall was flowing.  The winters, too, held her affection when she fell asleep in front of an open fire after sating her wild imagination with a tantalising romance.     She dreaded to think even they weren’t safe from her nightmares, twisting in her mind as her sleeping body contorted with disgust at the horrors craving her flesh.  While some would have considered said horrors appealing in a dangerous light she only despised them.  Her dreams once invited the warmth of valiant men eager to please her, compel her to sate them.  Each were handsome, unmistakable heroes to her heart yet they seemed so distant when she truly needed them…   She sighed at the thought.  Where were her heroes now?   They certainly weren’t where she was going.  Only playful mockery awaited her there.   Her brother knew when not to stick around, pardoning himself as they reached a quiet area of town.  Those familiar with its rich history remembered how it once was a noble district without walls, merged with the homes of well-off merchants and professions that could afford to live there.   Now it was none of that.  Manors that housed noble families for generations were abandoned when the town’s militia admitted concern for their safety.  The merchants, too, ventured to safer corners of the island when it dawned on them that the militia was hardly concerned with defending their investments amidst the surrounding farmlands.  They were quick to admit cowardice when it came to confronting Amonrah’s pets, who had the perchance to cause trouble where they did not belong.       Yet in their absence rose sleepy business for exotic needs, long separated from demanded trades in the town’s square.  Here one could find the oldest profession where abandoned manors were quietly converted into dens of lust, attracting clients all the way from Stormhaven to Westward.  Others were occupied by adventure guilds, still operating in the vale for the sake of keeping peace, bolstering the militia with those starved for treasure but not the kind that awaited them in the north.  They were guilds renowned for toothless warriors, more interested in claiming taxes than heads.     Emilya frowned at the thought as she noticed two young men standing outside the gates of a manor claimed by one of the smaller guilds.  They were no older than her as they watched on with interest before she turned her attention back to a smaller house her brother brought her to before he made his way back to the town square for supplies.  They knew him well there for his fishing escapades.   She nearly jumped out of her skin when one of the men whistled at her.  She wanted to look back, smile with a curtsey.  After all, she was not opposed to it.  It actually made her feel wanted but--   Not now, she told herself as she bit her bottom lip.  She was here for a reason.   The name behind Alyx’s store was a curious thing.  It dragged her through its doors long ago when she jumped excitedly at the notion of there being a book store in town.  Of course, she didn’t know her best friend at the time yet she soon learned their mutual love for literature made her cherish the half-nel’s company more than her brother’s.  He had little curiosity for the outside world, after all, cared less for novels and diaries, ancient tomes from long lost civilisations.  He cared not for songs, romantic poems or love letters exchanged between lords and ladies, princes and princesses.   Alyx really was his opposite in every way, which only made her store so enthralling to visit.  Wanderlust was etched not only on the store’s identity but the passion in her friend’s heart.   Emilya made sure to enter without triggering the door bell, preferring a moment’s quietness to peruse isles of curious trinkets, items from the outside world.  That was Alyx’s contribution to the store when she entered a partnership with a wizened old man who had until then only dealt with literature when the town still required it.  The Exodus Massacre scared his former patrons away behind the walls of Amberden and Stormhaven, leaving only the illiterate for him to entertain.   It truly was a death sentence for his business.     Still, he kept his store alive, giving some the peace of mind that not all scholars abandoned Garlen with the arrival of the Dark Lord and his minions.  His dream was to teach the less fortunate to read and it only emboldened him to dig his heels in where his rivals were none and the local establishment had need of his knowledge… even when he was going senile and was blind enough to need others to handle his paperwork.  He certainly wasn’t able to make personal deliveries anymore.     His successor handled everything, with a price.  Alyx turned his store into a haven for the forgotten, where antiques and rare alchemical potions alike adorned shelves, all of which sparkled an array of colours that glowed with the candlelight.  Precious jewels were there, too, kept safely behind glass cases that thwarted prying, little fingers.  But then this place was never meant for children.   It was one of the only places in the world Emilya loved to visit.  She could get lost in it for days.   “So when do you suppose you can get it in?” someone spoke near where the reception counter hid, dwarfed behind rows of books in the back of the main room where her dear friend usually worked at.   “Erovare is illegal, Jherah,” she insisted.  “We’ve been over this before.”   “I know.” Jherah sighed.  “But what about your connections?”   “Hmmmmm… no.” she nearly sang.  “As I’ve already told you, they’re turning over a new leaf.”   “Like that helps me!” Jherah exclaimed.  “Please, Alyx… you know how much I need it.”   There was a pause before Jherah’s concern was answered.  “Have you ever thought about changing your line of work?  Maybe become a bard?  A thief, perhaps?” Alyx asked with a hint of mischief.   Emilya grinned to herself as she made her way over to her friend, pausing only to marvel at a shiny ornament on a shelf beside her.  It glowed with the candlelight as she caught her reflection in it, brushing a stray hair from her visage while blinking profusely at how well it showed her freckles.   Yet her curiosity was not easily mislead.  She wanted to see who was at a loss with her friend.   “... you’re not making this easy for me, are you?” Jherah said.   “Shush.” Alyx insisted.  “You know this is for the best.”   “And you know I can’t always get my patrons up without it.”   “Mmmhmm.” Alyx hummed.  No doubt she wished she was somewhere else now.   Emilya could not help but blush.  Though the store was nothing large the shelves certainly were and made it feel like she was wandering through a maze to reach the two before she caught a glimpse of the patron and held her breath in disbelief.  It was hardly uncommon for a lady of the night to seek her friend’s help but what she saw was something else, garbed in a long sable robe to hide whatever flesh might have been on display for later hours.  Yet that was hardly what made her blink, rather it was what tried to wriggle out from behind, only to remain hidden beneath the heavy garb around her.   There was no denying what it was as Emilya tried to keep her presence unannounced.   “Oh, Emi!” Alyx raised her voice, spotting her behind a stack of books.   Emilya froze in horror at the reveal.  So much for eavesdropping.   The patron by the counter nearly jumped at the realisation that she was being watched but quickly tugged at her cloak, to make sure her cover was still good.  “You told me no one comes at this hour!” Jherah scolded.   “I don’t count folks I rarely see in months.” Alyx grinned, turning her attention back to her.   “So, about the…”   “Come back in a few days.” Alyx slyly winked.   “And what of the other item we spoke of?”   “Tomorrow.  That’s the best I can manage at short notice.” Alyx said apologetically.   “But--”   “Tomorrow.” Alyx frowned.  “Don’t ask the impossible.”   Jherah nodded reluctantly before taking her leave, avoiding eye contact on the way.  Yet for all her grace the store was not kind to the unobservant.  Emilya learned that the hard way moons ago when she was too immersed with a very good book, completely unaware that her path was impeded below.   Jherah’s fall was certainly not graceful either as she stumped her foot against what might have been a brick for all the harm it did to her character.  Alyx was never one to keep her store’s floors tidy.   Emilya went to the fallen woman, almost apologetic for the misfortune.  Yet she could not deny her curiosity for what hid behind the cloak, now hissing at the inconvenience.  “Are you…” Emilya said as she timidly reached out to help.  Yet her hand was swatted away with an urgency that betrayed what secrecy it had hoped to keep, revealing a face that looked at her with sudden disbelief.   Emilya’s heart stopped.  He was nothing what she imagined.   There was no denying what he was but she still couldn’t believe it.  Jherah had the figure of a woman and perky breasts, no less.  Perhaps it was a fault of his to not properly dress beneath his cloak but there was no denying what was between his legs and how he tried to hide it with a timid hand that subtly addressed the wardrobe mishap that revealed a cute little penis and a hairless scrotum as pink as his face when he realised they were being stared at like something was amiss.   He probably thought she saw him as some degenerate, tucking it back into frilly black lingerie.   Even his voice was strangely feminine.  “Fuck it.” Jherah sighed as he looked away, casting his gaze to the floor between them.  He was incredibly beautiful for a male, his face heart-shaped with his features moulded like a nelri’s, even his elongated ears.  Yet it was his cat-like jade green eyes that attracted her most, revealing the iris of his species that, for the longest time, was seemingly forgotten in this world.  Though his long black mane probably helped in keeping them hidden from it.   “Emi, meet Jherah.” Alyx chimed in the background.   “She already knows.” Jherah frowned at the thought.   Emilya offered an apologetic smile.  “I may have overheard a little…”   “Then keep it to yourself.” he snapped.  “That is unless you’re no friend of hers.”   “Your secret is safe with us.” Alyx implored.  It was strange to suddenly hear her act like she was running a business, even when she was probably too busy laughing on the inside at the scene.   “Then may the moons preserve you.” Jherah nodded to Emilya before picking himself off the floor.  Though his earlier composure was shattered he was quick to find it again and so too did the gentleness in his voice return like he was tapping into another side of himself.  A stranger side.   Emilya could only watch on as he escaped outside with the quietness of a church mouse.   “Cat got your tongue?” Alyx purred while giving her a hug from behind, somehow finding time past the counter just so she could embrace her friend like an old flame that had longed for the moment.  Yet like always she could not keep her hands to herself and went straight for Emilya’s chest.   She was never one for personal space.   “Alyx!” Emilya squealed, wincing at the half-nel’s fingers getting a little too friendly with her breasts.  “Manners!”   “Ooo!  I think they’re a little bigger!” Alyx professed, squeezing them some more as her own pressed up behind her like two full pillows covered in black linen.  It was admittedly a pleasant feeling but--   “Is this really necessary?!” Emilya asked.   “Yes.” Alyx seductively whispered in her ear before taking a playful nibble of the lobe.   Emilya’s eyes shot open at the sensation before she broke free from her lecherous grasp.  “What--what has gotten into you?!” she shouted, wincing at how high-pitched her voice must have been as it echoed around them, reminding her what it was like to be angry again in such a place.   “It’s been months, dear.” Alyx grinned, gazing at her with those sapphire eyes of hers, flecked pink, hinting her mixed bloodline.  It was her dark cobalt hair that robbed many of coherent thought, though, for legend said only one ancient line boasted it after receiving blessings from the Creator.  Something she likely had nothing to do with.  “How’s my great big cat?” she said.   She was asking about her brother.  Good.  “He’s fine.” Emilya glared.   “Only fine?  That poor man.” Alyx feigned distress.  “I keep telling him he needs to come visit me.”   “And I keep telling him you’re too busy building diplomatic relations with the oroks in the north.” Emilya chastised.   “Thank you for lying for me.” Alyx winked.  “Yet I can’t help but notice my kitten is a little… upset?”   “You think?!” Emilya blurted.   “Oh, shush.  If you haven’t got used to it by now you never will.”   Emilya’s blush must have truly been noticeable by then.  “Must you always be so awkward?”   “Try telling that to poor Jherah.” Alyx smirked.  “Never knew you had it in you, truly.”   “... knew what?” Emilya blinked.   “Oh, don’t feign innocence with me.” Alyx said as she raised her arms above her for a stretch.  “Either I’m seeing things or I dare say you tripped the poor soul.”   “... you’re seeing things.” Emilya assured.   “No, I do believe I saw a foot go out in front of him…”   “It most certainly did not!”   “So you’re saying you’re blaming my untidy store?”   “I am!”   “Fine!”   “Fine!”   “Want some tea?” Alyx asked with a wry smile.   “... yes.” Emilya agreed.  It had indeed been a long time.   They had a lot of catching up to do.  Normally there wasn’t much to tell but the last month was painful to go through without a friend’s ear.  While she did indeed love her brother he was still a man and only a woman could truly comprehend what plagued the young lady of Havenwood.   Alyx was very much a woman.  She was not particularly voluptuous but that was in part because of her nelri side.  As a race they were incredibly athletic, nimble of foot and very few of their females could compete with human curves.  Yet they had incredible legs and were naturally toned all over… so it was a rarity to see any among them as overweight.  A blessing if Emilya ever saw one.   Fortunately Alyx shared the best of both worlds and her choice of wardrobe flaunted it like an extra skin that helped insinuate what did lure the male gaze.  It was no fault of theirs when she gave a clear window into the crevasse of her bosom and wore only a hint of jewellery to pretend she was someone’s expensive mistress.  Her long, black linen dress was beautiful, albeit simple, and part of Emilya wanted to learn who the tailor was that fashioned it… just so she could get one for herself.     But there was a more pressing question on her mind as they sat in the back room of many silks and pillows that looked like something out of a Zerranish romance, all the while Alyx’s kettle was boiling the leaves of the levureli bush, native to their land.  Alyx knew a farmer who grew it so she was never short of supply.  A fact that made Emilya incredibly happy whenever she visited.   Alyx could tell when something was on her mind, though.  “Go on.  Out with it.” she said.   Emilya swallowed before asking.  “Was that really a… a…”   “A half-siji?  Even Garlen has its resident cat boy.” Alyx mentioned like it was nothing.   “A cat boy?” Emilya questioned.  “Why does that sound so… dirty?”   “Ask the guards, who gladly take him to bed over the girls.” Alyx said as she reached over toward the kettle between them, checking whether it was time to serve.  It was not.  “Yet good luck with that.” she added.  “Jherah has this habit of sealing men’s lips and, yes, he’s that good at his work.”   “That’s disgusting!” Emilya said.   “Nothing worse than what you’ve read, I’d wager.” Alyx playfully mocked.   She was not wrong.  “But… here!  In… in Garlen!”   “Oh, stop it.” Alyx rolled her eyes at her this time.  “Even the farmers have their little secrets.  What’s yours?”   “... mine?” Emilya blinked.   Alyx sighed.  “I know you, Emi.  You never show up unless you have a juicy story to tell.”   She knew her too well.  “Fine.” Emilya said reluctantly.  It was not an easy one to remember.   She gave her all the details.  At least the ones she wanted her to know.   Some were just too private to reveal.  After the last nightmare Emilya guarded herself all day, ignoring how moments in the dream continued to dwell in her mind.  If it wasn’t the tentacles making her feel icky, it was how the beast impaled her that made her instinctively clench her poor, misused bottom at the thought, like she was expecting it to happen again even where she sat.   The worst thing?  She wasn’t completely against the notion.   Not that Alyx would ever hear of that.  She was bad enough to deal with already.   “So what you’re telling me is you somehow got lost in the north and ended up as some incredibly horny dark one’s cock sleeve… before you were simply tossed aside to be eaten by… a snake lady?” Alyx asked as she took a sip from her tea, mulling over the details like a horny little demon herself.   “Your thoughts?” Emilya timidly asked, already dreading the answer.   “Well… aside from the snake lady, I wish I was you.” Alyx surmised.   Emilya could now help but sigh.  “Why am I not surprised…”   “Knowing you, you hid the juicier details, too, which means it was far more heated than you’re willing to admit and the big boy that was fucking you mercilessly was one you wish you could meet again.”   “What?!  No!” Emilya blurted.   “And I bet it wasn’t even your kitten it was pleasing but rather your--”   “What makes you think I would even like it to go there?!”   “Because sometimes the things we least expect to enjoy turn out to be oh, so good?”   “...”   “...”   “...”   “I KNEW IT!” Alyx clapped her hands together merrily.   “Must you make my life miserable?!” Emilya squealed.   “Give me more!” Alyx purred.  “I want details.  Copious details.”   “And I want to know if you have anything that could save me from this!”   “Me?” Alyx blinked.  “Why would I want to stop the best time of your life?”   “Because I’m afraid!” Emilya burst into tears, cowering into her hands.  “I’m afraid that each time this happens to me I lose part of myself!  That every time these beasts claim me… I…”   It all came flooding back to her then.  The way the monsters made her wish they never stopped, pounding her mercilessly as she screamed lust for their inhuman treatment of her.  And if she wasn’t horrified at their violations, what hope was there for her If the real thing happened and they had the wits to bring her back to their den?  What would become of her?  Who would come to rescue her?   She wanted to be sick.   It took her by surprise to feel her friend’s hand on her shoulder, to look up and see worry.   “Alyx…?” she sniffled.   “There’s something I want you to see.” Alyx implored.   She lead her back into the store, by the counter where her friend usually argued with her patrons.  There she bent down beneath it and fumbled among hidden shelves Emilya only knew about because it was there Alyx held items back for one reason or another.  “I know what you must be thinking.” she said as she rummaged amongst them.  “If the remedy to your woes is here why haven’t I spoke of it sooner instead of having you worry, dear?  Short answer?  It’s not here nor will it ever be.”   Emilya was certainly confused at the thought.  “Then why are--”   “Ah-ha!  Found it!” Alyx cheered as her hands went around an unseen object and brought it to light.   Emilya wasn’t sure what she was looking at but it was certainly ornate, no doubt of Zerranish make.  A rectangular pinewood item, painted red, with gold trimming that hinted excellent craftsmanship as it weaved an artistic flair that seemed to represent fire, giving the impression it was a magical box, passed down from generation to generation, protecting the finest of enchanted family heirlooms.     “What is it?” Emilya said, tilting her head like something else could be gleamed from it.   “It’s a box.” Alyx rolled her eyes at her.  “You put things in it, but I digress.  It was probably made by some arty whore in her spare time when she wasn’t busy earning her coin on some satiated prick.  Otherwise… I would have hoped they put more time into making that gold look like the real thing.  Finding good craftsmen can be an effort these days.” she sighed.   Emilya’s blush returned at the thought.  “I… see…”   “Just open it.” Alyx smirked.   Emilya pondered on what was inside, but Alyx made it sound like some disease was awaiting them.   She dared to find out anyway, accepting the small key her friend gave without an ounce of majesty.  Maybe that was just her expecting something more, though?  She knew Alyx was good at hiding her emotions when it came to bargaining with her patrons yet was she hiding something from a friend?   The look she gave her seemed the opposite.  A look on the verge of boredom.   Emilya swallowed her anticipation and turned the key, hearing a faint click.   What awaited her as she lifted the lid only raised further questions.   “... what… what am I supposed to see?” Emilya asked.   Silent, she stared into the box for what felt like an eternity, trying to find value where there was none.  She wanted to say Alyx was wrong about the box and that was truly the prize all along, but it really was nothing much on the inside and gave her splinters just looking at it.  But all that seemed far more precious than what it sheltered, unmoving, undisturbed.  For within there was only…   A bright lock of crimson hair.   “Oh, Alyx.  I mean, it looks lovely… yet If this is your way of cheering me up…”   Alyx smiled.  “That’s dragon hair, just so you know.”   Emilya eyes bulged at the revelation.  “Creator’s breath…”   “They say it has magical properties,” Alyx noted, shifting her weight onto the counter as she leaned her head onto one shoulder, staring amusedly into the box.  “Magical properties that are said to cure all manners of illness, mental and physical.  Of course, I never believed in such drivel but…”     “You’re--you’re giving this… to me?” Emilya stammered.   “I knew you would like it.” Alyx smiled.   “Like it?  I love it!” Emilya exclaimed.   “Trust you to find value in something no one else saw any interest in.” Alyx pondered before pushing the box ever so subtly toward her friend.  “Not sure if it’ll help but might as well place it next to your bed and hope for the best.  Who knows?  Give it a kiss and see your nightmares fade?”   She almost did when she returned home later that night, yawning along the way.   It had indeed been a long day.  Of all the things she witnessed it was strange seeing her friend in such a giving mood.  Then again, she never gave anything away for free, even a whore’s trinket box.   Part of Emilya suddenly wondered if she was duped.  It cost two romance novels she kept close to her heart yet Alyx made a fair point.  She knew them word for word and the local noblewoman who craved them had been tracking them down for years.  What right did she have hoarding them all to herself when it was Alyx who acquired them for her in the first place?  Anyone who knew the tales of the noble captain, Valandrus the Brave, and the romantic adventures of Raziel the Oathbreaker were truly blessed.  It was not her place to deny others from learning of their heroic exploits.   Now she had something neither of them had as she placed it on the side table by her bed before reaching in to fondle the hair within her hands.  It was incredibly silky to the touch but the one thing she could not explain was the sudden need to smell it, feeling her senses tingle at the musky scent.   A wave of pleasure washed over her before she placed it in the box again.  Now she could rest.
Chapter 1 - Night at the Movies
"What am I supposed to do, ugh! Warren thinks I'm going to suck on him! This is bad Chloe!" Max clutched her own hair as she paced around her bed. Chloe flipped through a few photographs Max had laying around her desk. She tossed them aside and gave Max her full attention.  "Well first of all, its called a blowjob, or sucking someone off not sucking on him. SECOND, you know this is a long time coming so why not just get it over with, the kid obviously likes you enough, why not show him you like him back?" Chloe stood up, adjusted her beanie and approached a frantic max. She placed her hands on both of her shoulders and stopped Max dead in her tracks.  "It is sort of hard to relax knowing full well what he is going to be expecting. Chloe, why did you have to go and tell him something like that?" Max said looking at Chloe.  She was re-framing from laughter as she watched Max struggling to cope with this situation.  "Because it is high time that you got some action in your life and what better place then the movie theater. Come on, its dark, quiet, no one will see you guys plus it can be kind of exciting! trust me it is, really, really exciting." Chloe trailed off in thought remembering fondly about a time where she had her sexual escapade in a theater. "Chloe, focus!" "Right, right, sorry. I'm telling you, you're going to enjoy yourself." Chloe stepped away for a moment and approached the window. She could see out into the drive way. Warren was sitting in Chloe's truck on his phone patiently waiting for them to come down.  "Damn it, we are running out of time." Chloe muttered. "Chloe, to be honest, I don't know how to do it." Max admitted. "Is that what you are afraid of, not doing a good job?" Chloe asked. "A little bit." "Well I'm going to be honest with you, there's no real wrong way to do, most guys would just kill to put their dick in our mouths so I doubt Warren of all guys is going to complain. To be fair, you just so happen to be friends with yours truly, and yours truly is great at sucking dick." Chloe boasted. "Not sure that's something you want to be bragging about?" Max hesitantly interjected. "Do you want me to teach you or not?" Chloe said with a dry tone.            Max sat patiently at her desk as Chloe entered her room again and quickly shut the door behind her. Max swung around in her desk chair and watched as Chloe approached the desk in a hurry. In both hands she carried vegetables. Chloe placed both of them on the desk before Max and then looked at the clock. Time was running out as Warren was still waiting for them in the truck.  "Are those from my refrigerator?" Max asked. "Of course, it was all I could find...it should work." before them was a carrot and a small cucumber. "My family actually eats these you know." Max added. "Well you can put them back if you want, that's on you, okay?" Chloe grabbed the carrot and gripped it with both hands. "So we got to make this a quick lesson because we are going to miss the movie but pick up the cucumber like this." Chloe watched as Max grabbed the green vegetable with both her hands. She had wrapped her hands around the center. "A  little lower please." Chloe ordered. Max quickly fixed her hand placement and rested them at the base of the cucumber.  "Okay so watch me." Chloe fit the carrot into her mouth, her mouth opened wide and then her plump lips shut down and around the mid point of the carrot. She lightly moaned and swirled her hands around the base. Her cheeks indented as she entered the carrot in and out of her mouth. She slid it out slowly from her lips as she let out a quick and loud pop from the suction and wetness of her technique. Max watched as she saw Chloe envelope the entirely of the carrot in strings of saliva. Chloe took of the carrot and let out a breath. "Probably would be better if I had something bigger but there, you try." Chloe insisted as she set the shiny wet carrot down and waited for Max to insert the cucumber into her mouth. Max stared directly into the vegetable as she attempted to open her mouth and fit around it. Chloe watched in awe as she watched Max attempt something she thought she never would.  "Yes, there you go, good girl!" Chloe said. Max fit her lips as she hesitantly pushed the cucumber into her mouth. Only about and inch was in her mouth as she just moved her lips around over it trying her best to mimic what she saw Chloe.  "Perfect, okay,now just put it in and out using your hands but a little faster." Chloe said.  "Like this?" Max said muffled as she barely inserted the tip in and out of her mouth. "My god, you really never have done this before, here hold on a second." Chloe grabbed the cucumber from her and held her back of Max's head. "Okay, now just relax, but this is going to be the normal speed at which you should administer a proper blowjob." Chloe held the cucumber a few inches away from Max's lips. Before Chloe was to attempt Max cleared her throat. "You know, if you put this much effort into schooling I'm sure you can really bring up your test scores?" Max interjected. "Girl, if I was as good at school as I am at this I would graduate valedictorian, promise you that." Chloe without warning slid the cucumber into Max's mouth and held the back of her head. Max gagged slightly as Chloe put in three to four inches into Max's mouth. Her lips opening and closing as Chloe watched the saliva forming around the exterior of the vegetable. Max coughed up as Chloe removed the vegetable from her mouth. "Jeez, you're trying to choke me or what?" Max shouted. "You're going to be fine okay, that's about the worst it is going to be, but I also doubt Warren is that big or that rough." Chloe gave her a thumbs up and cocky grin.  "Sorry Warren, Max forgot something so I had to help her find it." Chloe said entering the driver's side of her truck.  "Hey, Warren, sorry we made you wait!" Max said as she slid into the truck to sit in between Warren and Chloe.  "Oh no, it's fine, no worries at all. We  aren't late for the movie are we?" Warren asked. "No, we have about...fifteen minutes, fuck me we have to go." Chloe said turning the key in the ignition. Max bent over for a quick second as she began to fix her shoe. Warren and Chloe locked eyes as Warren met her with a concerned look. Chloe smiled and mimed oral sex as well as pointing toward Max and finishing with a thumbs up. Warren blushed as he sat straight trying not to get too excited.  "Off we go! Chloe shouted as she reversed out of the driveway and down the street away from Max's house.            Shuffling into the dismal movie theater, the crowd was scattered all about as Chloe spotted an open lonesome row of seats at the very top of the auditorium. Max begrudgingly followed behind her as Warren walked as the third with a sort of subdued excitement and nervous beginning to exude from him. Max's eyes counted the seats as Chloe beat them to the perfect seats away from anyone. Chloe turned around to face them still halfway up the row, she bit her lower lip and waved her arms showing them what she found. "Perfect, huh?" Chloe said staring directly at Warren. Warren gulped as he watched Max walking in front of him, oblivious to what Chloe and Warren were cooking up. He began to think about what Chloe had told him before they had entered the auditorium.  "Okay Cassanova, Max is in the bathroom so we got to make this quick. I'm confident she is going to make the move on you but not when I'm there. I am going to step out for a bit, fake a phone call or something I don't know, but I am going to leave you guys alone and that should be perfect enough for you guys to do your thing, you follow?" Chloe said pinning Warren up against the poorly lit theater hallway. Warren just nodded and agreed, his eyes beginning to fixate on Chloe's lips as she spoke to him, also remembering what she had done for him on the beach. He began to blush and cough as he became noticeably uncomfortable.  "Warren, what's the matter? You following this?" Chloe asked confused. "Yeah, yeah, just a little nervous is all." He answered. "Nothing to be nervous about, you'll be fine." Chloe smiled as Max walked out none the wiser.              Warren sat down, Max was on his right and Chloe was on the left. No one else was piling into the theater as other could be heard chewing on popcorn and drinking soda. Chloe immediately put her feet up on the seat in front of her as Warren and Max sat awkwardly awaiting for the previews to finish. The lights fully dimmed and the only illumination coming into view was that of the silver screen. The projector overhead could be heard switching reels. Chloe took a quick look around to see the row directly behind them was also entirely empty as well. She retrieved a cell phone from her interior pocket and set it down in the cup holder facing in the direction of Max and Warren. The three of them sat facing the silver screen as Chloe sunk into her seat with a huge smile on her face. Warren was twiddling his fingers together while Max sat anxiously waiting for the movie to begin.               Moments later and the movie has now begun. Chloe sat there gnashing her teeth on popcorn while Max anxiously reached over for the popcorn Warren had bought for the both of them. Their hands even touching for a bit and Max withdrawing, shying away from him. Warren blushing as he watched her lips engulf the popcorn she lifted to her mouth.  Before he had even knew it the time had passed. Chloe fidgeted with her phone once more and then left it back in the exact same position, facing Warren and Max. Chloe lifted herself out of her seat and turned toward them both.  "Be right back, got to run out for a bit." Chloe said. Max nodded and so did Warren. Chloe slunk by as she gave him a wink. Chloe disappeared into the darkness of the theater and was out of sight. Warren and Max sat in awkward silence as Max finally turned to him.  Max did not say a word, she just reached her hand over after lifting the arm rest of his seat. Warren sat frozen as Max just reach down and undid his zipper. He stared at her as she dropped her head down onto his lap and fished out his dick from his jeans. Warren placed his hands on her head as Max began to suck on his flaccid cock. Her lips wrapping fully around as she played and toyed with his dick between her lips.           Warren sat back, his words muffled and reduced to nothing more than whimpered moans and slight body jerks reacting to her soft lips and wet mouth slurping him him. Max's mouth was getting surprisingly wet as she said nothing. kept her eyes shut and just continued to bob her head up and down on his lap. Warren took a look around the theater. He saw everyone scattered around looking toward the screen. Max paused for a second as she watched his cock becoming harder before her very eyes. Max's hand clutched his shaft as his average sized penis only let her lips wrap around his head only. Warren squirmed in his seat as Max began to let out moans and breathy gasps as she took a break from her job. "Max, it feels good." Warren said under his breath. Max did not say a word as she just muttered the word "Thank you" and proceeded to suck. Her cheeks depressing and inflating as she bounced her mouth up and down on him. Warren clutched her hair and began to force her head down on his lap. Max let her hand go from the base of his cock as she engulfed his entire dick into her throat.            Max opened her eyes wide as she felt his average sized cock enter into her untrained throat. Warren thrust his hips until he felt the base of his cock brush up against her throat. He shut his eyes in ecstasy as he remembered back to when Chloe offered to go down on him. He remembered feeling his dick slipping in and out deep into her throat without any restraint. Max felt good but she began to choke and gag as she tried to lift her head up off of his lap to catch a breath of fresh air.  "Jeez, Warren, what got into you?" Max asked as she wiped the saliva from her cheek.  "I don't know, it just feels so good!" Warren grabbed the back of her hair and forced her back down. Max resisted for a second as she slid her lips over his cock once more feeling Warren pulsate and squirm at the very touch of her warm and inexperienced mouth. Warren groaned as he grabbed on tightly to the back of Max's head. One hand clutched her bicep as he thrust his pelvis into her mouth. Max began to spit up as she felt his cock getting harder and harder with each push. He stopped suddenly as he nearly collapsed out of his seat. Max was being held down in place as Warren shut his eyes and silently moaned. Max opened her eyes wide as she felt the warmth and salty taste of his sperm filling her mouth. Trying to back away Warren held her in place until he felt his cock empty into her wet mouth. Warren went limp as Max finally broke free from him and sat up. She looked at him as she had sperm trailing from her lips to her chin. Warren smiled as Max could not help but crack a smile as well. There was a look of lust in her eyes. Max spit the cum out into her hand and looked down at it. Warren watched as Max hovered it over her popcorn bucket and tilted her palm over it allowing the cum to spill into the popcorn. Warren said nothing as Max reached over and zipped Warren back up and wet back to watching the movie as she casually began to eat away at the popcorn. Warren sat satisfied as Chloe finally re-entered the auditorium a few minutes after the deed had been done.  "Sorry guys, something came up." Chloe immediately got to her seat and retrieved her phone she had left in the cup holder. She fiddled with something on the screen, smiled and then put it away in her pocket. Warren and Max said nothing except smile awkwardly and nod.  "So, what did I miss?" Chloe asked as she reached over to Max's lap and grabbed a handful of popcorn. Warren's eyes lit up as he watched Chloe clutch the popcorn. Max's cheeks were flush red as she opened her mouth trying to utter a single word. Chloe withdrew her hand and sat back down in her seat. She began to much on the popcorn as Warren and Max said nothing to her.  "Nothing, movie is just getting good." Max finally said as she laughed awkwardly.          The auditorium let out, Max, Chloe and Warren piled out of the theater. Max was quick to drop the bucket of popcorn into the trash as Warren was still red as a cherry. Watching Max speak to Chloe was making him hard again, watching her lips move as he caught certain well timed glances she would send his way.  "Ready to go, spaz?" Chloe asked as she nudged Warren in the side.  "Uh, yeah, I just have to run to the bathroom." Warren said as he then locked eyes with Chloe's lips as well, there was a distinct gleam on her lips as he just knew that it was from a mixture from the butter and his sperm.  "Same, We will meet you outside, okay Chloe?" Max answered. "See you love birds in a bit!" Chloe waved and turned away to step out the front door. Max and Warren separated as Chloe immediately dug her hands into her pocket and retrieved her phone from her pocket. Chloe looked from side to side and pulled up her video gallery. She pressed play as it was the view from her chair. In perfect frame, It was the well lit theater with Max suddenly leaning over to go down on Warren. Chloe grinned as she felt herself becoming more excited. She began to speed through the video as she watched her best friend using what she taught her to go down on Warren.  "Nice! Way to go, girl!" Chloe said under her breath.  "Wait, what?" Chloe stopped at a certain point as she watched Max pour Warren's Sperm into the popcorn and began to eat. Chloe paused for a moment as reached her finger up to her lip and felt them.  "Oh, what the fuck!?" Chloe shouted as she shut her phone off and put her hands on her hips.  
Chapter 4 - Waking to Paradise
Plink.   Emilya struggled to wake.   Plink.   She wanted to believe it was only a dream.   Plink.   Was Jherah right?  Could the dream realm become one’s reality?   Plink.   ‘That’s stupid.’ she thought, curling into a ball.  Such was madness!   Plink.   … or was it?  After all she witnessed she just wanted to go back to living a lonely, bored existence.  Yet what if it was her imagination to blame?  Maybe if she read less she might--   Plink.   She scrunched her nose at the thought, nuzzling furs.  Their smell was oddly comforting as she gripped them tighter around her, not wanting to wake.  Her chores could wait a little longer…   Plink.   Strange.  Why did it sound like she was in a cave?   Plink.   ‘Oh, no…’   She was not in her own bed, that much she knew.  Fear kept her in it, hiding deeper in the furs that kept her warm, in a place that smelt damp and reminded her of her brother’s dirty clothes.  Yuck.   Plink.   Wait.  Her brother’s dirty clothes?   Plink.   She nestled her nose deeper into the furs, taking a cautious sniff of them.   Plink.   Her eyes opened wide.  These furs belonged to a man!   She discarded them as quickly as she could, fumbling out of their warmth.  The treacherous cold that kissed her naked flesh, however, made her instantly regret her decision as she fell to her knees, scrambling for modesty.  Just where in the Creator’s name was she and who took her clothes?!   Plink.   Reality was hardly her friend anymore, that much she knew.   She did not want to remember the night before.  A timid hand slipped down between her thighs as she slipped two fingers between her nether lips, biting her bottom lip with worrisome anticipation.  Any other day she would have welcomed the sensation yet she had to confirm her darkest suspicions, know if the beasts truly did have their way with her.  The mere thought of their knotted members claiming her made her squirm, imaginging herself panting like a bitch each time her loins tied with one after another, waiting for the swelling to go down as the rest of the pack waited their turn.     … or did she only imagine it?  Was she miraculously still a virgin?   She cursed under her breath.  It might have been easier to tell, moons ago.  Such was so for all girls who still had their cherries yet she ruined hers by accident when she got a little too passionate with a good book and too much probing.  So much blood was her reward and the insistence of her friend that everything was fine, that it was natural.  Didn’t help that it was her fault in the first place!   Didn’t help that she was naturally damp at any given hour.   She sighed.  At least she didn’t smell like sex.  Maybe that was her answer?   Plink.   “Oh, shush!” she hissed at… whatever that was.  Where was it coming from?   She frowned, nervously searching for what might have told her something of her new environment.  It was especially dark yet that was no surprise when her eyes adjusted to what was very much a cave, albeit one that seemed to share multiple areas.  The one she was in was small yet had a tall ceiling and was home to a variety of life, all moss.  It might have been pretty to look at in a certain light yet the camp fire in the centre of the room held her attention as she noted fresh wood burning upon it.   Wait.  Fresh wood?  That meant whoever brought her here was near?   She tried to remember his face, the one who protected her against the werebeasts.  She felt he was easy on the eyes, at least what her grief-stricken self remembered.  One moment she was with him, the next she woke in what she hoped was his home.  Of all the times to faint…       Her attention lead her back near the bed where a wooden table had a variety of items on display.  Carpenter tools littered it, some more loved than others.  The item that caught her attention first though was a knife she only imagined was for woodcraft… judging by its curiously short blade and the wood shavings nearby.  It would make a poor weapon otherwise yet did she have much choice?   Wherever she was, at least she had something to keep her mind at ease.  Barely.   There was little else around her, save for some barrels that were storing what this realm called food.  The first was empty yet there was no denying its earthly smell that reminded her of potatoes ripped straight from the dirt.  The second was half filled with a strange purple fruit, soft and shiny with the familiar size of apples she fetched from her family’s small orchard.  They looked incredibly sweet.   The third barrel was filled to the brim with water and live… fish?   She scrunched her nose at it.  Why was it always fish?   Plink.   Knife in hand, she followed a steady stream down a burrow that was barely supportive of her height, let alone a man’s.  The air was strangely fresh there, welcoming a faint breeze that journeyed along the direction of the stream.  A breeze that tickled her flesh as she avoided waters that looked ready to submerge her past the waist.  It was far too cold for anything more than her feet to get wet!   She shivered at the thought.  Part of her just wanted to crawl back under the furs.   The flow of water grew louder the further she explored, echoing off the cavern walls as her hearing adjusted to something familiar, something great.  She knew she was close, smoothing her hand along a wall of moss and stone that seemed to vibrate with the rush of a cascading fall.   When she saw it her heart lifted.  It puzzled her to see such deep within a world shy to the heavens yet even their radiance reached where a waterfall glistened, where vegetation was lush and colourful.  Here there was barely a ceiling, welcoming a morning she never thought she would live to see.       She sighed wistfully at the sight.  If this was still the dream realm then she truly found paradise.   She had to get closer, drink from the blessing before her.  Others must have thought the same as she descended down an overgrown path of rock and earth, crudely shaped into rows of steps as ancient as the caves themselves.  She almost slipped on her bottom when she realised how slimy the moss was covering them, forcing her to take things slowly if she wanted this day to not be one of regrets.   It was a long descent.  She was barely a third of the way when she came to question her destination, wondering if she could return to the furs when nightfall came.  Fear made her want to turn back, settle on drinking from the stream that lead her here.  It seemed pure enough for her lips?   No.  That waterfall had her name on it, she argued with herself.  That and she needed to bathe.   The rest of the way was far less conniving against her footing.  The steps were easier to take and when she found the edge of the waterhole she plopped before it with a heavy sigh.  She made it!    Was she truly fortunate to be the only one there?  As she caught her reflection in the cool waters she dared to let her guard down, plunge her face into it with reckless abandon.  It looked so inviting, tempting her baser instincts to feel clean.  After all she endured wasn’t that owed to her at least?   She did not spare it another thought, scooping a handful to her mouth.  Her mother’s etiquette would have told her to sip from it first yet her thirst was real, longing.  She was not disappointed.   Her eyes bulged at how pure it was.  It was nothing like her home’s spring at all!   She dived in.   Though her body initially rebelled to its cold embrace it was more than refreshing after bursting through the surface for air as fresh as it, throwing her head back with a silent gasp of relief.     She was foolish to think her newfound paradise was only hers to enjoy.   She almost didn’t see him,emerging amidst the waterfall’s curtain.  Was he there the whole time?  She almost screamed yet took her surprise with her back underwater, panicking at her predicament.  She didn’t have the lungs of a pearl diver to stay hidden for long and even then what if he saw her?  What if he was waiting for her to give up so he could molest her like everything else in this world?     If only she worked more on holding her breath.  Why did she have to be so weak?!   She found the surface again soon enough, sheepishly looking where her latest worry materialised.  Yet if he was the one who saved her from the night before…   If he was the one who carried her here and covered in furs…      ‘... he saw everything.’ she glared.   It stunned her to realise how gorgeous he truly was.  Last time they met he was covered in gore and somehow was oblivious to her right now, bathing in plain sight as his naked flesh made her loins ache.  He was all muscle, his olive skin strangely without blemish, honed from past conflicts that tempered him into the perfect specimen of manhood.  His abdomen alone was worthy of song and his chest spoke of virility only quarry workers could boast.  To not lust over him would be a sin in itself.   Yet all that seemed insignificant to what was below, hung like a horse and just as thick as one.   ‘Creator’s breath…’ she blinked as she bit again into her bottom lip.   She could not look away.   He was a hairless being, save for his crimson mane, which reached the small of his back, and a nether thicket that did little to hide the truly impressive, dangling freely above gonads the size of lush pears.  Her knowledge of such things was limited only to her brother when he let his guard down and the erotica she read that could not help but paint heroes of old as beings of incredible girth and length.   They, too, paled in comparison to what made her cheeks flush now.   She closed her eyes at the sight.  Her imagination was going to get her into trouble again.   Her heart jumped when she heard him call out to her, only he wasn’t by the waterfall anymore.   “Are you alright?” he asked from behind.  Somehow he was in two places at once!   Her eyes deceived her as she looked to the waterfall and found him not, spinning around with him just standing there in all his glory, barely few meters from her looking up at him in the pool.   “Oh!” she gasped.  Yet all she could focus on was what dangled between his legs.   She wondered if he faulted her for it.  “Woman.” he said curtly.  “Are you well?”   She blinked profusely before she found the will to look further up.  Every inch was a treat.   “I… umm…” she hesitated, trying to keep her head above the water.   He did not give it mind, crouching with his muscled legs that looked like they could scale a thousand mountains before they needed rest.  That only made things worse when his manhood now meet her at eye level while she stared blankly at it like a startled deer, wondering if that was his intent.   Either that or it was a clever distraction that prevented her from noting his sudden interest in the blade she took from his home, left at the edge of the waterhole.  The look he gave it was nothing short of concern before he held it curiously between them.  “Your intention with this?” he asked.   She looked away, blushing.  “It… it wasn’t meant for you.”   “Good.” he said.  “Because you look as though you want to breed.”   [size] Her eyes bulged at the thought.  “Bree--breed?!”   “Am I wrong?” He frowned, sinking the blade into the wet soil beside him.   Was she about to tell him a lie?  “Of--of course you’re wrong!”   “Good.” he noted.  “That means you’re still a dreamer.”   “A--a dreamer?”   “Later.” he said, turning his attention toward the stairs.  “Bathe a little while longer, if you wish.  Return to me when you’re done and I’ll… try to answer whatever questions you may have.”   No.  There was something far more pressing on her mind now that she thought about it.   She wasn’t the only dreamer.   “Jherah…” she lamented.   “Jherah?” her present company questioned.   “She… he.  He was with me not long before you found me.” she said.  “You have to save him!”   “Him?  Were you lovers?”   “Eww, no!” Emilya blurted.  “We… we just happen to know each other.”   “Then honour his memory.  The beasts would have had their way with him by now.”   “All the more reason to help him!  He could be hurt!”   “I would imagine being hurt would be the lesser of his concerns.”   What was he trying to say?  Was there really no point in thinking Jherah was still alive?   She refused to believe it.  “What if I lead you to him?”   “Do you even know where you are?”   … that she couldn’t ignore.  “… no.” she reluctantly replied.   “And yet you still wish to see if he survived?  Even if all that remains is a corpse?”   “Better than letting some--some monster defile him any further!” she glared at him.   Her companion only raised an eyebrow at that.  “... are you sure you two weren’t lovers?”   “Stop thinking that!”   He frowned.  “So you would risk everything to save someone who is not your mate?”   “... isn’t that why you saved me?”   He paused at the revelation before he gave her a weary sigh.  “Very well.  We will search for… Jherah.”   She blinked.  Was it really that easy to convince him?  “You--you mean it?”   He gave her a curt nod before rising to his feet again.  “Come, then.  We don’t have long.”   All she could offer was a polite nod before he turned away, giving a good view of his shapely buttocks.  She doubted he was trying to tease her but, front or back, his genitalia was impossible to hide as it swayed with his every step, making her wish she wasn’t such a pervert at times like this.   She blushed knowing he did not seem to care that all she could do was stare.   By the time she returned to him he was at the wooden table by the bed, pretending she wasn’t there.   “Here.” he said with his gaze elsewhere, presenting her something she could scarcely believe.   “You--you made this?” she asked as she took from him a rather revealing loincloth.     “From your former modesty.” he frowned, still avoiding eye contact.  “There wasn’t much left.”   “I--thank you.” she blinked, trying it on.   It was a little snug yet it was better than nothing.  The feeling of it riding into her groin made her squirm at first yet it wasn’t his fault, she hoped.  He certainly didn’t have the look of someone who took pleasure in making her feel uncomfortable, granted his gaze was trying hard to be elsewhere.   Wait.  Was he embarassed?   “Why?” she asked.   “You are a woman.  I am a man.” he said.  “I do not care how I look.”   That made her instinctly look to see if he was still naked.  He was.   “Umm…”   “Give me time.” he said, holding up more cloth from her former modesty.  “For your chest.”   “Oh…” she blinked, scarcely believing how kind he was as she instinctively covered herself.   “For now, rest.” he said as he turned his attention back to his work.  “You will need it.”   “Wait, whatever happened to finding Jherah?” she asked wearily.   “Soon.” he said.  “When I am done with this we will look for him.”   She rolled her eyes before snatching the cloth from him.  If he really thought she was going to wait for him to worry about how she looked, he had another think coming.  “No.  No rest.” she insisted.  “Just… lead on?  I can handle this as we make our way back through the forest.  To Jherah.”   He looked at her curiously before giving that suddenly familiar, curt nod of his.   It was time to go. [/size]
Chapter 1 - Monsters in the Dark
There was no escape.   When the sun drowned beneath the world dread found Emilya.  Dread that gave her gooseflesh as she stumbled through an unfamiliar forest, pausing only to free herself of a low-lying branch that snagged the tail of her dress, as if her modesty was an affront to seemingly everything around her.   ‘Why?’ the young maiden thought to herself, easing her back against an old pine among many.  Where did she come from to end up out here?  The moon was out as she tried steadying herself, hand on heart, her chest heaving with fear for what remained beyond her sight.  A primal evil.   That was when her eyes went wide at the sound of a blood-curdling howl, reaching into her soul.  Never did it belong to some simple beast, making the sound of a lonely wolf almost endearing.   The Beast was close.  It had her scent.   She gave a startled squeak before pressing on, enduing the pain her fears cost her.   The wild pulled and tugged and marked her flesh as she made her descent down an overgrown path, frantically praying to the Creator with her every breath the shore would rush up to greet her soon.  Then and only then she would be free, free of the nightmare stalking her.   She searched for something familiar, something to show her the way.  Confusion spun in her mind, made her frantic green eyes dart left and right, right and left.  Was she so blind to her surroundings when she wandered into this wretched place that she remembered nothing?  She liked to think she had an eye for details, like how moss grew in the shade of the morning sun and how the trees leaned away from the shore.  If only she knew maps like her brother, he always knew where he was.   It all seemed pointless now as another bestial howl rang in her short, pointed ears.     She had to think, had to hide.  Only a fool would dare to outrun it barefooted, bloodied and bruised.  The realisation earned a tired whimper as she struggled to outsmart the approaching darkness, stumbling to the ground, succumbing to the reality she had little strength left in her to move.  Desperation said otherwise, though, dragging her off the beaten track beneath an exposed tree.   She dared to believe it was enough, crawling through dirt and entangling roots.  She dared to forfeit her modesty to nature’s embrace, feeling her dress tear more to phantom hands.  It sent her into a panic before realising she only snagged herself on another lifeless branch, jutting up from muddy ground reeking of the damp stench of rot and death.  All she could do was hold her breath as she bent her knees up and cradled them within her arms, futilely rocking her anxiety away with a prayer that everything was going to be alright, that she going to be safe there from the predator beyond.      She was wrong.   It was as if the same darkness that stalked her summoned its will through the earth beneath her, where tendrils made of vines and root reached out, starved for her flesh.  She barely had time to realise they were there, that the phantom hands became real through them as they pulled and tugged and ripped her dress apart till her legs were hidden no more from the possessed.   She could not cry, could not scream.  If it was the will of her predator to hear her dismay then it was one step closer to finding her.  Yet as the vines continued to weave around her the panic in her heart grew bolder as she felt her world tighten, rob her of breath.  For a moment she tried to ignore how they were getting larger, thicker, like the bodies of coiling snakes.  Nothing prepared her for them as they pinned her to the cursed earth, feeling their tips brush her inner thighs with an eerie sense of longing that made her want to retch, that made her want to fly.  Fly from this wretched place.   Yet her enslavers were quick to constrain such an urge.  What evil gave them life?   That was when she caught sight of what only belonged in the darkest corners of her addled mind, slimy and thick like the lower appendage of some monster that made her eyes widen when it slowly weaved up between her legs, stopping shy of her womanhood, still guarded by a simple layer of silk that had already begun to dampen from nervous sweat.  She held her breath at the possibility that was the probing tentacle’s destination yet with nothing more than an inquisitive prod it continued to worm its way up past there, sliding beneath her dress toward her horrified gaze.   As if on command the other vines around her limbs tightened as the lone tentacle squirmed between her breasts and poked up through them, revealing truth to her dread.  Were it another vine she may have suspended her disbelief a little, but what stared at her was something she had no knowledge for.  There was no other way to explain it; that thing was more than a plant, almost looking like the tip of an inhuman phallus, swollen and of a purple hue, excreting a strange thick substance that had no right to exist like this.  It’s smell was something peculiar, too, something incredibly potent and yet…      She squirmed, shaking her head.  “No!  This isn’t right!  I don’t--”   She came to regret opening her mouth as the tentacle saw the opening and took it as an offering.  Little by little, its length worked down her throat as she vainly protested, minding its smooth texture as her saliva coated its passage.  She wanted to plead, beg for it to leave, but the more she struggled the tighter the vines constricted around her, aiding the twisted abomination’s violations.   Little by little, she felt her insecurities wither.  The tentacle was sliding in and out with a rhythm that told her this was not the first time it found prey like her.  It was sickingly masterful in its ability to control the moment, preventing her from gagging on its thick girth working deeper down her throat.  Every time she felt like she was losing consciousness it pulled out to reward her the desperate air she needed to survive but the moment she had it the thing thrust back in, continuing its vicious cycle.   Little by little, she grew quieter in its domain.  Her muscles somehow desired to relax and with it the vines receded into the darkness around her, letting her limbs flop freely.  She wondered if that was her reward for giving in while barely noticing a silent family of glow bugs hovering over her poor body, giving her glimpses of her despair.  They shone how the tentacle still writhed between her breasts till it violently burst through what remained of her modesty, ripping what was left in two.   Not that it mattered now when she was squirming almost pleasurably.  Something was changing inside her but she knew not how.  She did not want to confirm the growing wetness between her legs as she tried focusing her breaths with the timing of the tentacle’s will, knowing what was happening could not last forever, that sooner or later it had to meet its limit, just like her.   It came sooner than she thought as it made one last fluid motion within.  Her eyes went wide, caught in dread as the tentacle pulsated, growing twice its size and nearly dislodging her jaw before greeting her belly a warmth that made her long to be anywhere but where it wanted her now.  There was no telling what it was pumping into her, only that she feared there was no end to it, spewing forth like a broken dam that had waited years for this moment of release.   She winced and murmured, choked and flayed.  Her vision wanned, lolling her tongue obscenely as she gagged around the engorged thing pumping load after load after load of its essence within her, this time with no customary reprieve, no reason for it to withdraw.  She wasn’t going anywhere.       She felt her belly swell before she could taste the forbidden contents rising slowly back up her throat from the depths it was bequeathed.  A sickly sweetness was her reward as it began to seep out from the edges of her lips, still wide around the now depleted thing.  All she could do was weep but there was something about its taste that clouded her mind, dull the pain.  It was not enough, however.  Nothing helped her desperate lungs before the entity slid out with an abusive pop that ended with her retching forward on all fours, trying to rid herself of what was in her as it begun to pool out.   It was neverending.   She could not stop.  She could not find the breath she needed.  With a tired whimper she collapsed and winced at how her belly full of seed slushed about from the impact.  It barely registered in her mind either that apart from her lacy silk panties she was naked now; her full breasts flopping freely to the vice of gravity without her once beautiful dress.  Not that it mattered how she looked anymore.  The deed was done.   She was wrong.   The thing was not finished with her.  Not in the slightest.  That revelation dawned on her as she realised what it put her through was only a preparation, a need to fuel her need.  Her tears came readily as she felt her womanhood probed again, only this time she knew it was not the same that violated her before.  That one was at least done with her for the time being but its friend had only just joined in on the fun.  Worse, her body was expecting more with a shiver of excitement washing over her at the thought of it claiming her virginity as she laid face down in the mud like the sullied wench she became in such short time.  The deep moan she gave it was hardly unpleasant…   “No…” she told herself, rising slowly back on her hands and knees.  At least that’s what she wanted to believe but her body knew her defiance was a lie.  Her hands confirmed that as they slid down to her waist and undid the ties of her last inkling of innocence left, letting them reveal her tantalising sex, plump with need that earned another moan far too heated than she would have liked toward this…  This…   She squirmed.  “NO!  I’m not--”   The thing that silenced her before found her mouth again, only this time it met a gate of gritted teeth.   Her stubbornness was paid in kind.  Something larger was coming alive, prodding her firm backside.  There wasn’t just a second looking to defile her from behind but a third, and it had mind to go where that made her truly alert.  With the way she was positioned, too, nothing was denying that prize.   She closed her eyes at the thought.  They knew what they sought but they were mindless, ecstatic.  They were grinding against her, slippery appendages writhing in a mix of their own secretions and a touch of her own as one licked slowly up between her sex, getting a taste for what was to come.  She wanted to hate herself for rewarding it a needy whimper, barely held back between her fight with her first abuser.  Yet did they all belong to the same being?   Was it really just a mess of tentacles?   The thought that it was beginning to separate her folds and poke her tightest orifice made her squirm, ready for nothing yet everything.  She could not cry any longer when nothing was sacred anymore.  Not here.  Not like this.  To her this was her new life now, lost in the pleasures of this nook in Hell.   She slackened her jaw, opened the gate.  The thing that began all this made its victory march within, pleased with her acceptance.  Yet what it did not count on was a sudden revelation she had.   She bit down on it.  Hard.   Without warning her ears were filled with a piercing, inhuman cry, so alien and so very much in pain.  There was no other way to describe it as she tasted its blood on her tongue, savouring its bitter taste only to save herself, inspire one last act of defiance as the tentacles continued to writhe like cut snakes around her, unable to comprehend what just happened as they were so close to ruining her.   She gave it no further thought as she picked herself up and ran.   The tendrils of darkness lashed out at her one last time but she was quick to escape their burrow, feeling only a slight brush against her ankle, one last kiss of the flesh they would know from her.  There was no looking back as she weaved through the forest, her heart set toward the sea again, ignoring her belly still full of seed.  If all she had to worry about was explaining that to her brother than she considered herself fortunate.  Now she was free!  Free to escape this nightmare!   If only her plans were ever so simple.  In truth they rarely were.   She was careless.  There was no answer to be had for misplacing one frantic step against the ever cursable existence of an exposed root.  Her fall was graceless, too, much like a cat not being able to land on its blessed feet.  At least that was the impression she felt from the ordeal as she rose back on her haunches to knead her poor breasts, working out the pain they took headlong for her.   “... so much for the grace of a--” she paused when her ears twitched cautiously to an inhuman sound, lurking not far from behind her, like a deep snarl caught between heavy breathing, unlike hers.   Her heart sank.  All she could muster was a breathless moan, shuddering at the reality that the contents in her belly were still at work, strangling her body of the common sense she needed to escape this next horror.  Instead her mind wandered for the excitement that was about to unfold, her reward for fighting off lesser beasts to be one with a true sire of the wild.   She did not want to look back.  She knew what was there, leering over her with gnashing teeth, salivating at her naked form, quivering with lust.  The sea seemed so far away now as she closed her gaze to it with a heady sigh, feeling her darkened world now belonged purely to her baser instincts.  She wanted to say no but her body screamed yes as she leaned forward with timid hands that felt ahead for some kind of leverage before raising her rear invitingly to the air, ready to be claimed.   She did not want to look back but she did.  Over her shoulder she spotted the amused creature, larger than any man.  A hulking mass of muscle, blackened by foul means.  The moonlight kissed it like a forbidden lover, leaving a sheen of sweat that encouraged her gaze to admire the overpowering masculinity on display.  Its powerful upper body heaved with growing anticipation, too great in size to be masked by the beast’s untamed, pitch black mane, which draped like a veil over its hidden visage and lent a lustful spark of curiosity for what lied beyond it, wondering what its eyes were devouring about her if they weren’t already lingering on the sight of her glistening sex.   Her eyes continued to linger on him, feasting on its godlike abdomen that, for a creature as imperfect as a Dark One, she ached to feel her hands over it, touch the kind of strength she only dreamt about.  That was before her lust dragged her attention down to what was rising between his powerful thighs, inhuman only for its size.  Unlike the horror-induced things that molested her earlier she felt her sex gasp at what was throbbing for it, long and thick, inching closer to her.  And as it rose so too did two impressive orbs come into view, like apples dangling from a branch, ripe and juicy just for her.   The sight earned another lustful moan, pleading from her depths.  No more running she assured it before urging her bottom toward him like an eager whore, realising this was what she was born for.   He knew it, too, falling on all fours over her like a stallion on top his mare, with his monstrous cock already pushing against her gates.  Its flared tip was like a battering ram as he grunted and snarled, frustratingly aware that he was much too large, prodding between her folds, only to go no further.  Did he really think it was just going to slide in with a creature not even a third his size?  And a virgin?  She shuddered at the realisation, part in fear, part in morbid delight that he was trying anyway.   Yet as its clawed hands wrapped around her waist, others oddly as elegant as hers cusped her face, inviting her gaze elsewhere, inviting it to what had seemingly been waiting for her longer than the shadows around them.  Before she even saw them sweet lips wrapped around hers more eagerly than the monster craved to impale her, entwining its tongue with hers in a dance that made her heart leap and her loins throb harder in kind.  Even as she felt the engorged head of the monster’s thick member position itself proper for entry she could not help but crave more from her unseen lover.   A spider’s web is never preferable, though, no matter how sensual it seemed.   She wondered why she had that thought as their kiss deepened till her world darkened around it.  What once was gratifying became horrifying as the creature’s luscious lips refused to let her go, wanting something she did not have, could not give.  Her lungs screamed as conscious thought whittled away to desperation again, fear returning where it should have always belonged.   Somehow it was sensed and the kiss was soon abandoned.  Yet that hardly seemed like a reprieve when she got to see what belonged to a malicious smile that looked ready to devour her when she realised what was before her was no Dark One but a sensual woman balanced well on her haunches, naked as her and undeniably more beautiful than she had any right to be.  Her features were perfect, her hair blacker than a starless night.  So too was this the case for her skin that seemed to drink in the moonlight while the shadows caressed her, almost teasingly like a lover lost between worlds.   Emilya wanted to say something but the dark woman’s white eyes spoke for them.   “You can run.  You can hide.” she purred, grasping her face once more in her hands.  “Trust me, though, little thing.  Out here the beasts are mine and they are always hungry for the likes of you.”   It was as if the beast behind Emilya agreed and took over, lifting her off the ground with his arms around her thighs before forcing her down, right upon his lap where she found a new kind of pain.   She howled.  Nothing prepared her for his crown as it forced its way within.  Was it always his intention to plunge first into her bowels?  Her eyes went wide at the sensation, knowing there was no greater miscreation.  Her tears came readily as she felt every inch, every vein work its way inside, stretching her beyond measure.  Yet she was truly only a little thing and little things had limits as he met hers with a discontented growl, grabbing again at her waist to force his lust even deeper.   “Ungh!  Ple-please…” she begged.  “ I--I can’t--aah!”   The beast growled at her protest.  He lifted her effortlessly up and down, burrowing his member further within with each powerful thrust.  He barely moved on his haunches while she bounced madly to his will, her limbs flailing like a doll in another’s grasp as he pumped her along his shaft while the dark woman watched on with morbid delight, marvelling at how much could be sheathed within.   “Embrace it.  Sustain it.  This is what you were born for, little thing.” she whispered in her mind.  Yet the pain was blinding.  All she could do was not faint while the beast continued his pounding.   She almost did.  “Wake up.” the dark woman slapped her gently on the cheek, welcoming her back with that same malicious smile that made her heart stop.  “Did you really think I would let you miss this and what’s to come?  This is your reward for wandering into my domain, little thing.”   “No!  I don’t--mmmmahh!” Emilya shuddered, feeling like she was about to be split in two.      The dark woman simply shushed her with a kiss upon her brow, running her hands through her hair with a faint inkling of affection.  She knelt again so they were face to face yet her eyes were more transfixed on Emilya’s breasts as they bounced freely to the beast’s increasing rhythm.  “Lovely.” she purred, tilting her head.  “I think you might actually be enjoying this, little thing.”   Emilya threw back her head with a exhausted moan, knowing what she meant.  A numbness by then had set in as the beast continued to pound her for what felt like an eternity, earning dim waves of pleasure that slowly replaced the pain she endured.  Again she could no longer see the sea through the trees and went limp in her predator’s grasp, knowing any further struggle was a pointless farce.   She began to pant.  Fear became lust, lust became pleasure.  She couldn’t say why it was so but she felt like she could fly.  “Mmmuh!” she replied, feeling the beast’s clawed hands reach for her chest.  “Ahh!  Yessss…” she lowly hissed, enjoying his touch suddenly.  Even when he handled her breasts violently she did not mind, squeezing and stretching and pinching them to his enjoyment as she continued bouncing on his engorged meat.  And there was no sign of that ending soon either.     He gave a growl of approval.  Part of her wondered if he even knew how to talk.   She did not mind that about him either.  “Aah!” she answered him, her voice getting higher and higher with each thrust.  As she felt herself nearing orgasm she gave the dark woman a quick look of satisfaction that mirrored her own.  It was enough of a sign that she was indeed enjoying herself.   “Mmm… good girl.” she said in that sensual purr of hers.  “Wetter than a feline in heat, too, I bet.”   Emilya paid it no mind, her voice reaching a higher octave.  She knew her juices were indeed flowing, teasing the beast on.  Now their bodies were working together, proving the impossible as she found herself gasping at his balls slapping against her drenched sex.  Now he was buried in her to the hilt!          “And you doubted me?” the dark woman snickered before giving her vile pet a commanding glare.  “Beast.  Come.”   The beast obeyed.  With a final thrust he released a magnificent howl, squeezing his powerful arms around his mindless prey as he pumped wave after wave of his inhuman seed deep within her.   Emilya rewarded it with an ear-piercing shriek.  She felt every inch of him convulsing inside her, every vein pulsing with heat that finally sent her over the edge.  There was no more denying what she became as the fresh warmth in her belly began a chain reaction that spared her sanity no more.  Every muscle in her body surrendered to the moment, feeling her stretched innards ravenously milk the beast’s member as she arched against him.  Wave after wave of pleasure crippled her mind, shuddered her loins till every fibre of her being was convulsing, lost in perpetual bliss.   Her eyes continued to flicker, her legs twitching without end.  There was not enough air in the world to sate her lungs anymore, gasping at the intensity of her release.  Nothing before came close to it.   Nothing before made her wish she was anywhere else.   If this was her life now she welcomed it.   Yet the beast was only mortal.  She almost sighed wistfully at the feeling of his member leaving her body after all was said and done.  But all she could muster was a tired gasp when it popped out with a trail of his seed still joining their dying passion together.  Her anus certainly felt relief but remained distended like an abused lover begging for more.  Begging for his immediate return to fill it again.   Instead the beast pushed her off of him, discarding her flesh like it never mattered to him.   And there she was on all fours again, looking lost in the presence of the dark woman.   “Lovely.” she murmured, cusping her face again.  “I think you truly needed it, little thing.”   Emilya could only agree with a little nod, still trying to reclaim her senses with short gasps.    The dark woman grinned.  “Oh, how I enjoy seeing fools admit that their bodies belong to me.  Yet do you deserve it?  Are you truly worthy to sate my children’s lusts any further?”   Emilya had no words for that.  Only another polite, little nod.   The dark woman simply licked her lips before taking on a nightmarish visage, abandoning beauty for the guise of a ghastly snake.  Her body twisted in union with shadow, looking down with hungry anticipation as she rose higher and higher on the tail her legs became till she was as tall as the trees.  There she was truly herself, moaning pleasure at what she became and what she was about to do.   There she outstretched her arms, proud of her transformation and the terrified look it received, drinking in her fear like it could sustain her more than the meat Emilya wanted to impale her again.   Sadly, it was hardly the limit of her madness.   It was as if the monster was revealing her true power, hissing an ancient tongue that turned the moon black and withered the leaves of every tree, sapping life from all and more, even devouring the wind to leave nothing but the frantic heartbeat of her prey to break the unnatural silence she brought out.   The notion did not entertain her for long.  She circled around Emilya with fleeting amusement, transfixed on her frightened guest before making her decision, striking down as the shadows that called her mother sought to devour all.  Yet there was no mistaking it was her who sought a meal, dislodging her jaw for it, hissing louder than ever what her prey heard like a death bell.   “YOU'RE MINE!”   Emilya screamed as she rose in bed, her heartbeat thundering loudly in her trembling chest.   Emeryl was not far away.  “EMI?!” he blurted as he broke into her room, his face lost in worry.   It did not matter to her that her gown was utterly saturated, her flesh covered in a sheen of sweat.  She just wanted to fall into her brother’s arms and weep till the tears stopped coming.   At least an hour passed before he managed to disentangle from her, holding at arms length with that same troubled expression he greeted her with.  Yet unlike their parents he never knew what to say and felt his presence alone would be enough to curb what haunted her in the night.   Yet even he had his limits.  “… tell me everything.” he implored.   “... I can’t.”   “Emi…” he sighed, “This has gone on long enough.  Mom and dad thought it was the books but you and I both know something else is going on.  You have to let me in if we’re to get through this.”   Emilya crossed her legs at the thought, hiding her shame with timid hands.  “… I can’t.”   “Then tell me who can.” he said.  He was too naive to think his words had any innuendo at all.   If only he weren’t her brother she might have confided with him the nature of her dreams of late.  Yet she feared what things haunted her would only haunt him and that was the last thing she wanted.   Unfortunately, the only person she could honestly turn to was going to make light of it but she nevertheless gave her brother a reassuring smile, even if she was very much still petrified inside.   She only hoped she could solve it.  She was done with merely surviving.   “Oh...” she suddenly remembered as she looked past him and to the constant casualty in their life.  “I… I think you broke the door again.”   “Nothing I can’t fix.” he smiled wearily.  “Come.  I’ll make you some hot cocoa by the fire.”   She poked her tongue at him in return.  “Bleh, no thanks.”   He raised an eyebrow at that.  “I thought you liked my brews?”   “Only if I want to remind myself how much better I am at making them.” she quipped.   “Fine.  But you’re making one for me, too.” he said, ruffling her hair before giving her peace.
Chapter 3 - Blowing your money
          Chloe gripped  the steering wheel of her truck as she watched the road. She smacked her lips together and made a funny face to herself as she stared at her reflection in the driver's side mirror. Warren was squished quite uncomfortably between Chloe and Max as they all sat there silently listening to the strained hum of Chloe's truck. Max had a smirk on her face, she gave a side eye to Warren as she stared him up and down. She then looked to Chloe, who to her knowledge, was none to the wiser to their movie theater escapade. Chloe was about to say something as her cell phone suddenly broke the sexual tension in the air.  "Damn, who the hell is that?" Chloe asked aloud as she kept on hand on the wheel and began to blindly rummage  for her phone. She accidentally bumped  into Warren's thigh as she let out a yelp as did Warren. "Sorry." He weakly replied.  "No worries." Chloe answered as she found her phone and peaked down to see the caller Identification. "David calling..." "Fuck me running, David that asshole." Chloe said as she jammed her phone back inside her jacket right beside the secondary phone.  "It's a good thing you dropping me off then, huh? I'm sure he wants the truck back." Max mentioned. "You're probably right, Hey gay boy, you mind if I leave you at Max's and you find your way home from there?" Chloe suggested. Max began to blush as did Warren. He stammered as Chloe cleared her throat insisting on taking her offer. "Yeah, sure thing Chloe. That works for me." Warren Agreed. "Perfect, you just saved me an ass chewing. I mean I am probably going to get one either way but you saved me from an even harsher one that king David the 'dick head' is going to give me." Chloe chuckled as she pulled up to Max's house.  "Hey Warren, you don't have to go home yet, we can still hang out if you like?" Max asked. Warren was flush red as he was side swiped by her offer.  "Uh, yeah, sure I'm game!" He answered with restrained enthusiasm.  "See ya guys, try not to blow each other all night, alright!" Chloe waved them off as she began to laugh hysterically. She peeled out of the curbside where she had dropped them off at. Max and Warren waved her off awkwardly, the moment her truck was out of sight they both turned to each other with the same shocked expression on their faces. "There's no way she..." Max left unfinished. "Nuh uh, no way!" Warren denied with a nervous chuckle.              Chloe  shut the driver's side door as she sped into through the front door of her house. Her eyes were set on the stairs up to her room. She saw David sitting on the couch in the living room as his eyes locked with her.  "Chloe, hey, where the fuck have you been all night?" He fired out. "Out with friends, bye!" Chloe said as she raced up through the stairs leaving David no chance to fire more accusations at her. Chloe raced up to her room as she shut her door behind her and pressed her back up against the door. She placed her hands into her pocket and removed her phone that captured Max blowing Warren on it. Chloe smiled as her cheeks turned red at the thought of it.         Chloe removed her sweater and walked over to her desk, she sat down on her desk chair and placed the phone on the mouse pad. Chloe began to silently run a cable from her desktop to her phone as she booted up her computer. It was loaded up as Chloe opened up the explorer on her computer and located the cell phone she had just hooked up to her desktop.  She found the recently taken video file and made a copy from the phone and then pasted it onto her desktop. Chloe smirked as she clicked on the file to open it. Just as it happened only about an hour ago, there it was before her. Chloe standing up to go run her errand leaving Max and Warren alone. Chloe watched as only moments after she left is when she could see them getting down to business. Chloe sat back in her chair as she began to run her fingers down her stomach and into her jeans. As she felt herself entering under the pressure of her belt, she reach over into her top drawer with her free hand and retrieved a cigar box. The angle was perfect, Max's face was dead center as she could be seen eating Warren's cock from flaccid to fully erect in only a few bobs of her head and slurps of her lips.          Reaching into the cigar box she blindly searched through its contents while vigorously fingering herself to Max Blowing Warren. Chloe's eyes intently locked onto the screen. Her chair creaking with every movement she made, trying to keep herself subdued trying not to draw any attention over to her. Chloe was fixated on the screen to the point where she continued to miss what she was reaching for within the cigar box. Chloe watched as she felt herself sinking further into her chair. Her right leg propped up on her desk as she vigorously rubbed the tip of her fingers against her own lips. Chloe suddenly stopped herself. She paused the phone recording on the moment Max lifted her head up from Warren's lap. Chloe looked into her cigar box and found that all she had left were rolling papers and an empty container where her weed used to be.  "Fuuuuck!" Chloe set the box back down and slouched in her chair. She planted her face into her palms and then looked up. She could hear the television on while David took notice of Chloe's expletives and commented on it.  "Stop fuckin' cussing up there!" David yelled.  "Asshole." Chloe muttered as she suddenly sat back up and then turned her head out her room and into the hallway. Her way out of this weed-less predicament was sitting down stairs watching game show re-runs.            Chloe inched down the staircase as she spotted David sitting in the arm chair, his back slightly angled away from her. Chloe quietly placed her phone down on the stair case aimed and filming the entire living room. Chloe then adjusted herself, she lifted her pants up high, fixed her beanie so that her blue hair was neatly poking out from the sides as well as leaving just a preview of her bangs out from the front. She licked her lips in preparation for what may come.  "David! Hey, how has your night been?" Chloe asked as she made her way towards the bottom step. She casually leaned her upper body on the railing as she gazed over to what he was watching. He turned his head over, his right arm nearly knocking over the half bottle of beer he had next to him.  "Long as fuck, but what do you care?"  He answered. "Well you work hard, you look annoyed today, jus thought I'd ask?" Chloe replied as she walked over toward his arm chair.  "When I have to wait for you to come home after hanging out with those two dorks you call friends, yeah, I'd be annoyed too." David stared straight ahead at the television set. Chloe strut by him as she picked up her jeans as she walked by. Chloe was making her way to the door as she tucked her hands into her pockets. "Oh, shit!" Chloe muttered. "The cussing!" David said. "Hey, you think you can lend me thirty bucks?" Chloe nonchalantly asked as she turned back to face him with a smile on his face. "Thirty bucks? For what?" He asked taking his eyes off the television. "I need to go pick up some food, you keep forgetting to pack our fridge." Chloe mentioned. "What, I just bought groceries?!"  "If you call what you bought edible, then yes, but I'm not touching that slop."  Chloe said approaching him again. David was sizing up and down as Chloe knelt down beside his chair.  "I work hard every day and I have to lend you money, where is yours?" He asked. "It gets spent, what can I say, come on, pretty please!" Chloe said mocking him.  "You're not the type to beg me?" David mentioned. "Listen, I'm going to shoot you straight, I want to buy some weed, I can pay you back I promise." Chloe said furrowing her brow.  "Pay me back, how about I clean that dirty mouth of of yours?" David said reaching over and grabbing the back of her head. "Ooooh, tough guy, is this the part where I tell you how gross you are and how much I don't want you to do this?" Chloe mocked. "You bitch, you watch you mouth." David said quickly undoing his zipper with his free right hand.  "NO, you watch it." Chloe raised her right brow taunting him as he dipped her head down on her lap and stuck David's semi-hard cock in between her lips. Chloe felt her perfectly fit beanie now being wrinkled atop her head as she felt David's grip tighten the more she engulfed his cock slide in and out of her slippery wet mouth. Chloe shut her eyes and mumbled as she felt him getting increasingly harder the more she bobbed her head on his lap. Chloe was bent over the arm rest as she stuck her ass in the air. David released her head as he reached over to her back and raked his hands down lifting her shirt up. He peeked over her arch to see her underwear peeking out from her jeans.  "You know how to make me feel good after a long day, huh?" David said as he sunk into his seat. Chloe inched over the arm rest more as she tugged on his jeans.  "Your day does not match your cock, sorry to say." Chloe winked as she let out a chuckle.  "Fuck you!" David pulled her beanie down over her eyes and down to her nose, he then forced her head down on his dick and thrust into her throat.  "Atta boy, come on, give it to me good!" Chloe said as she lifted her head up for a moment. The ropes of saliva stuck from the tip of his dick to her glistening lips. She reached her hand over and lifted her beanie up from her eyes. She scowled at David as she re-positioned herself. Chloe fit herself between his legs. Her head now too far for David to reach her. He was too far sunk into his chair as Chloe twisted her right hand around his cock while she sucked on his head, down to his shaft and towards the base of his dick. Chloe's eyes staring straight up to him as she shifted her eyes over to his wallet on the table beside the left arm rest.  "I never knew you could work it so good!" David said. "All this time under this roof, huh?" Chloe laughed as David suddenly reached his head forward and moderately slapped Chloe on the cheek as she was about to stick it in her mouth again. Chloe flinched as she scowled at David once again.  "What the fuck?" Chloe said as she stroked his cock. "Less talking more suckin', okay?" David said with a smirk. "Treat all the ladies like this, when was the last time you got a blowjob?" Chloe said sticking the tip in her mouth and rolling her tongue against his tip and pressing it against her lips.  David leaned forward again and pulled her beanie down to her nose and thrust his pelvis into her mouth again. Chloe gagged as David held onto her head tightly. Chloe began to gag furiously. She failed her arms and began to pound against his back. David released as Chloe let out a large split trail that snapped from her lips and pooled onto his jeans. Chloe gasped as she furrowed her brow and flared her nostrils. "Making me work for that thirty bucks, aren't you?" Chloe said mocking him. "I'll make it an even sixty if you let me nut in your mouth?" He offered. "Tempting, is it going to taste like cigarettes and booze?" Chloe fired back. David remained silent. "That's fine, I can always chew a mint." Chloe as she stuck his throbbing cock back into her wet, tight mouth.           Chloe continued to keep her eye contact with David, her lips wrapped tightly around his shaft all the while her hands working up and down the very limited space she had on his cock. Chloe turned her eyes briefly over toward the camera she left filming them atop the stairs. David was shaking in his seat while he gripped the armrest tightly as he shut his eyes. Chloe maintained the very precise suction on his head while she felt his cock beginning to quiver between her lips. Chloe began to moan as she felt the thick ropes of cum oozing out of his throbbing cock. David let out a restrained grunt as Chloe kept her lips set in place so that she may not spill a drop.                       Chloe carefully removed her lips, she carried her palm under her mouth catching loose saliva and sperm from falling out. Chloe smiled as she let out a muffled giggle. David was breathing heavily as he chuckled.  "Good job, money well earned." David said with a smile. "Easiest money I've earned." Chloe suddenly let the cum in her mouth drip out onto his jeans. "Hey, what the fuck?!" David shouted. "The deal was, let you 'nut' in my mouth, not swallow it." Chloe winked as she reached for his wallet and removed the money she was promised.  "And I have to clean this up?"  "I'm sure as hell not going to." Chloe shot a smirk toward the camera atop the stair case. She waved the money in her hands as she silently cheered.  Chapter 4 soon to come.
Chapter 5 - Finale. Something to get behind
[font="Times] [/font]             “Please, feel free to leave your horse with mine, my caretakers will ensure that she will be secure.” Ivy offered as she stepped down from her horse and handed the reigns to a nearby caretaker. Mitsurugi nodded as he hopped off his horse as well. He handed the reigns to the same caretaker as he began to follow Ivy as she strolled through the courtyard of her mansion.             “You live quite lavishly, you take pride in the resources you take from the villagers?”             “Pride no, I take pleasure in knowing that my services and my quest has provided them with jobs and prosperity. Whether they see me in a dark light or not plays no part in how I feel let alone how fast I sleep.” Ivy replied as Mitsurugi strolled side by side with her.             “Before you arrived at the bar they villagers were filling me in with darker stories of what you have done.” Ivy halted in her stride and turned to him. She smiled and let out a sadistic chuckle. Her silver hair billowing in the breeze, she fixed her bangs and continued to walk.             “Before I arrived as well I remember your cock also being un-sucked but then again I didn’t see you complain about that either, did I?” she said walking a bit faster.             “You’re point is?”             “Some people complain some people do not, either way when it came down to it the moment I begun to put the villagers to work we found gold, silver, precious metals, steel, copper, this land is prosperous and the villager does benefit from it. Let me show you something.” Ivy waved Mistsurui over as she showed him over to a massive cliff side just along the back end of her towering mansion.             Ivy and Mitsurugi approached the cliff side. Ivy relaxed herself as she peered over into the gorge. Her skin tight battle suit stretching against her exposed hips and thighs. She arched her back as she leaned herself over and watched the work being done before her eyes. Mitsurugi took his eyes off of her for a second to look over to look over the edge where she showed him the mining operation she had the village working on.             “There are hundreds of them?” he gasped. Ivy rolled her eyes.             “Of course there are. Like I said before, they all complained when I came around but no one started to complain when they realized all the gifts I can give them, whether they be physical or just…pleasure.” Ivy licked her lips as she looked Mitsurugi up and down once more.             “What do you gain from this?”             “I have been searching for a sword, or a fragment of this sword. It is a cursed sword said to grant immense power and I want to study it.”             “Soul edge?”             “Yes, precisely, that is the famed cursed object I have been trying to locate.”             “All this for that sword?”             “All this to complete the sword, you see, I already have a piece in my possession.” She replied.             “You do?”             “Yes, and I think my possessing it might have something to do with the red ninja coming after me. That is where you come in isn’t it?” Ivy           got up off the rail and smiled she began to strut toward the back entrance of the mansion.             “Where are you going?”             “I’m going to show you my work.” Ivy continued as Mitaurugi followed close behind, as he could not take his eyes off her mesmerizing ass                each time she strut forward.             Entering into the massive laboratory Mitsurugi was shown large beakers, coils that reach into the ceiling and table after table housing                various gadgets and devices. Ivy stopped as she pointed her eyes in the direction of the sword fragment in the center of the room under a             thick glass            case. It was the chipped and badly damaged handle of the cursed sword. There was a large eye on the handle that was staring directly at them            both.             “I can’t believe it, that’s a piece of it?”             “It sure is and in time hopefully I can uncover more of it.” Ivy added.             “I have heard many stories about this object.”             “Oh yeah, please share, I am such a fan of tall tales?” Ivy answered sarcastically.             “It begins to influence you, it can alter your behavior, make you act on your base instincts. It changes who you are.” Mitsurugi said.             “That I can agree with.” Ivy approached Mitsurugi as she placed her hands on his shoulders and guided him over to an armchair just off to                the side and a few feet in front of the lab entrance. Mitsurugi sat down on the chair as Ivy knelt down between his legs.             “I thought we had been through this already?”             “I know, but I hardly get a chance to taste some real cock and knowing that there is one so close to me, well I cannot resist. The moment the villagers who opposed me sent a mercenary to deal with me, I just couldn’t resist that either. In a matter of moments he was in my domain.” Ivy reached her hand into his pants and began to fish for his flaccid penis. She felt it reach her grip. Ivy began to stroke as she felt it twitch. Staring into her hypnotic eyes and watching her tongue lick her lips was more than enough to get him erect. He could not longer resist her. He was staring at her the entire time she was speaking to him and even though they had just fooled around only hours earlier it was too much. Ivy was irresistible and he wanted to feel the inside of her mouth once more. She pulled his cock out of his pants. Ivy had undone his belt and let his tasset hit the laboratory floor. His Damuscus steel sword fell down as well. Ivy dangled her lips just inches away from the tip of his cock. Her fingers running sensually against his shaft as she brought her tongue down and licked from the bass all the way up to head. Ivy met his gaze with a stunning grin and a chuckle. she watched as his sword was off his person and on the floor.               "No weapons, my kind of fun." Ivy darted her eyes from his dick to the encased soul edge just behind them. She winked and then engulfed his cock into her moist, warm and swirling mouth. She grunted each time she bobbed her head down onto his pelvis. Spit dripped down his cock as she opened her lips to eat up every inch she could before reaching back and taking a deep breath. Ivy fixed her bangs as she took a quick moment to undo her gilded gauntlet. She undid the strap and let her left arm breath freely. Now staring with both hands gripping his cock she began to slurp his cock with both hands stroking, twisting and pulling all at the same time.               "You are insatiable!" Mitsurugi said as he winced in pleasure. His legs relaxed as he placed his right hand on the back of her head aiding her descent down on his cock. Ivy's lips rubbed against his tip as she winked and gave him a smile.               "Exactly why I cannot stop, I have a rather large appetite to fill." Ivy laughed as she suddenly removed her hands from his penis. Her mouth was still sucking on the head of his cock all the while maintaining eye contact with him. She whipped open her skin tight body suit from the cleavage only to expose her massive breasts and let her nipples free in the air.               "Exactly why I need to be fucked!" Ivy said with jubilation as she stroked his cock and pulled on her nipples at the same time.               "Put it between your breasts." He managed to utter as he could not once again believe what was going on before him.               "Demanding, I love it!" Ivy slapped his cock against her face and then propped it between her massive tits. She bounced them up and down on his cock as his dick disappeared and reappeared with each movement.               "Oh dear, I can tell that you like this very much don't you? Please allow me to further soothe you." Ivy began to rub her breasts against both sides of his cock. Mitsurugi clutched the arms of the leather armchair and shut his eyes in sheer pleasure and ecstasy. Ivy licked her lips, swayed her hips and popped her ass in the air as she danced her tits on his cock.               "I am very certain that this is where she performs all of her alchemy. There is still a lot I have yet to find out, I have only spent my time in her bedroom but once while she was...handling my sword, she mentioned something about her lab." Zwei crept through the corridor with Taki right behind him.                "I need you to be very certain, I don't want to fall into some sort of trap." Taki replied as she carried a dagger in her grip and stared down the marble hallways to keep her coast clear.               "Let us find out." Zwei took hold of the massive door handles and was about to pull them apart.               "Please do, I didn't put your thing in mouth for no reason, nor did I let you shoot, shoot that goo of yours on my suit either." Taki said with a semi-disgusted smirk. Zwei shrugged his shoulders and then slowly cracked open the doors to the lab. The moment he pulled apart the doors he froze up. He crouched down and immediately and blindly reached over to grab for Taki's attention. Taki looked down at his reaching hand as all he grabbed was her breast.               "Zwei, what do you want?" Taki cleared her throat as she then looked through the door crack as well. She was instantly stricken and shut her mouth.              "Oh my." Taki muttered as she felt that same feeling she did when she first set foot in the mansion on the balcony.              "I know, that whore, I thought I was her guy. Looks like I really don't owe her shit." Zwei said in anger.               "She is really giving it to him." Taki said focusing in on Ivy's body, her movements, her perfectly tone and round ass and her silver hair bouncing up on the guest.              "Yes, she really is." Zwei said also staring intently at Ivy. Taki was too distracted to pay any attention to the man she was performing on.                Taki could not resist the urge any longer as well. The sight of Ivy in the throws of ecstasy sent her into a blind fit of eroticism. She felt her nipples begin to stiffen as she guided her own hand down between her thighs and against the lips of her vagina. She pressed her fingers against the skin tight red suit and began to eagerly play with herself all the while staring at Ivy between the very slight crack in the door.               "What sort of sorcery is this, never before have I felt this sort of pleasure?" Taki said aloud.              "I know, there is something about that woman that just seems to drive me crazy." Zwei agreed as he crept closer to the crack in the door. He felt Taki's soft breasts brushing up against his back.               "You see samurai, I have experienced the pleasures that the human body can offer me, no amount of alchemy in this world of the next can                 Quench my lust for it, my lust for power is matched by it but that sword is key, and your sword is very much needed in me at the moment                 as well." Ivy stood up, her fingers gently grazing the long shaft and his tip as she hopped up on his lap. Mitsurugi was speechless as he was inches away from her exposed breasts dangling and bouncing in his face. He could no longer resist the urge to suck on her nipples and began to vigorously fondle her tits and suck on her left nipple, then moving to the right one after a few seconds.               "Now fuck me in my own lab!" Ivy shouted as she grinded her hips and thighs into his lap feeling his throbbing cock brush against her leg. She reach her hand down and guided his member into her eager vagina. She clenched her ass as she felt it enter her. Ivy shut her eyes in ecstasy and ran her hands around her quivering body. She bit her lower lip and then grabbed onto his shoulders. She began to thrust herself up and down on his cock feeling him enter and exit her with ease. She was very moist and the sucking she had done to him provided a much needed slobber and lubricant for her easy access. Mitsurugi grabbed onto her hips as he held onto her gyrating body. Ivy did not notice the door open behind her or the two souls watching them but when she did open her eyes she could only stare straight ahead at the encased fragment of soul edge she held on display. Her eyes staring lustfully at the piece. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she licked her lips and began to thrust herself on his lap harder and faster.               Taki reach around Zwei as they both continue to watch Ivy and Mitsurugi fuck in the middle of the lab. She fumbled for the zipper of his pants until she finally caught it and began to slowly unzip him down. Zwei's eyes slowly crept down, Taki was knelt directly behind him as her right arm was extended over his thigh and now grasping his hard cock in her hands once again. Taki watched over his shoulder as he stared down at her hand. Taki watched intently as she pressed her tits against his back and jerked his shaft. The nylon of her gloves brushing up against his member along with her exposed fingers catching a new grip each time she opened her hand to get a better grip on him.              Ivy spun herself around on Mitsurugi's lap. She bent over forward off the arm chair while she continued to bounce her ass up and down on his lap. Her silver hair obstructed her view of the door as she caressed herself while being fucked on the chair. She felt her hips being propelled harder and faster down as he guided his waist onto him. She quivered in pleasure as she felt him enter deeper and deeper.              She began to squeeze her breasts together, pinch her own nipples and lick her lips as she felt herself in the throws of pure pleasure. She let out moans and yells that echoed throughout the lab. "Oh yes, fuck me!" Ivy shouted in glee as she finally opened her eyes to stare straight ahead through her obscuring silver bangs and toward the slightly cracked lab door. Ivy's demeanor suddenly began to shift. Her eyes began to focus on the two souls clearly hiding behind the door. Her eyes widened as she felt herself becoming enrage and confused at the same time. Zwei and Taki instantly knew that they had been caught. Zwei panicked and lost his footing. They both came tumbling through the lab door and into the room where Ivy and Mitsurugi were fucking. Ivy immediately hopped off of him and stood to full attention. Her nipples were out and she was flustered. Her hair was a mess as she managed to muster the sudden strength to shout "What is the meaning of this?" Taki hopped to her feet and drew her blade. Zwei fought to tuck his now deflating erection back into his pants. Mitsurugi finally caught a glimpse of the red ninja herself, Taki. He too hopped off the chair and drew his sword against them.              "It was only a matter of time." Taki muttered as she could not take her eyes off of Ivy and the cursed fragment of soul edge behind her.                "i thought we had ourselves a deal, what are you doing with him?" Zwei interjected with a tone of jealousy lingering in his voice.              "Oh please, you were just a cock that I wanted to suck and toy with, nothing more you worthless dog." Ivy answered back at him with such cold precision and heat. Her chest was expanding with each labored breath she fought to hide. They had surely caught her off guard and was trying to catch her breath as fast as she could. Her sword was away from her, she turned her head to see it lying beside the armchair.               "We finally meet, Taki, we have unfinished business to settle." Mitsurugi said walking before Ivy and drawing his sword toward the both of the intruders.               "Please, make quick use of our unwanted guests,  they have over stayed their welcome." Ivy turned her back to them. She strut passed Mitsurugi as she clenched perfectly tight and pale ass for all to watch.                "Gladly." He said taking a stance. Taki matched him with her own stance as Zwei looked frightened.              "Well now would be the time to stick with me, she used you and she is using you as well." Taki said directing her words to Zwei and Mitsurugi. Zwei cracked a smile as he suddenly did not feel left out anymore. He could at least exact his revenge on Ivy.               "That is easy to say coming from the woman who stole and disgraced my village in her wake."               "You are correct about that but I do still have most of the gold that I took and I will be willing to give it back one we are done here               But I needed it to gain information, information about her, information about that cursed sword fragment that she is housing." Taki plead.              "Save it, dear, no one is buying it." Ivy said confidently.               "She needs to be stopped, that sword does things to people and it needs to be stopped as well. It is a great evil that cannot get out of               these lands. I am truly sorry for the torment and disrespect I have laid to your people and to your village but I promise that I will make it up to you, I will pay you back what I took and what I owe." Taki swallowed as she saw the look in the samurai's face. Taki was speaking with genuine sincerity. His sword began to lower and his stance began to falter. Ivy slowly turned back to see the damage that ninja had done with her words. Her eyes were wide as she could not believe what she was seeing.               "You can't possibly be considering her proposition, are you?" Ivy shouted. He said nothing. Zwei smiled as he watched Ivy's relaxed posture tense up. Her beautiful eyes darted back to the handle of her sword and then over to the encased fragment of soul edge.               "Help us stop her and it will be worth while I promise you that." Taki said one last time.              "Samurai?" Ivy asked.              "Do you know my name?" Mitsurugi asked.              "Of course I...I was too busy riding your cock to remember." Ivy admitted with a scowl. Her hand grabbed onto her sword as she stepped backwards toward the glass case.              "Quickly, she's going for the fragment!" Zwei shouted as he began to run for her. Taki, Zwei, and Mitsurugi all darted for Ivy. She withdrew her whip sword and hurled it in their direction. Mitsurugi's samurai sword was caught on the end and whipped away from his grip. Zwei ducked but fumbled under her strike. His sword slipped away as Taki lunged under her swipe and tackled Ivy into the pedestal holding the shard. One of Taki's hands caught a handful of Ivy's left breast as her back collided into the glass. The shard spilled out onto the floor beside her whipe sword. Taki was sitting atop Ivy's chest. She was pinned with the dagger against her throat. Ivy was staring straight up at the ninja. Her heart was pounding. She grasped the floor beside her in anticipation. She grit her teeth and whipped her silver hair from her face. Taki had her hand clasping onto her now exposed breasts. She was flustered as she stared deeply into her eyes.              "Go on, what are you waiting for?" Ivy said eagerly awaiting whatever came next. Mitsurugi and Zwei got to their feet and inched closer. Taki's ass was in the air as her muscular thighs held Ivy to the ground.              "That sword really does do strange things to you." Taki muttered. Ivy grinned and let out a laugh.             "It really does." Ivy agreed. Taki tossed her sword aside as she suddenly puckered her eager lips against Ivy's pillowy lips. Ivy's eyes widened as she felt Taki's hands beginning to squeeze against Ivy's soft and massive tits. Taki began to grind her hips against Ivy's chest as her free hand reached down to Ivy's open legs and reached in between her thighs. Taki began to swirl and rub her fingers against Ivy's dripping pussy. Mitsurugi and Zwei both looked over to the two lusting women. They were straddling each other and grabbing at skin and breasts. Ivy peeked her head out from under Taki and looked in their direction.              "Are you two going to join in or what?" Ivy asked with a lustful grin.              Before anyone knew it the four warriors were strewn about the lab floor only feet away from the fragment of soul edge. Ivy was jerking Mitsurugi's cock against her cheek as she swirled her tongue around the tip of his penis. Ivy's played with her magnificent breasts as Taki was laying right beside her with Zwei rubbing her pussy and ramming his erect dick in between her breasts.              Ivy got on her hands and knees facing Taki. Mitsurugi latched his hands around her waist and inserted his throbbing cock into her dripping vagina. Ivy shut her eyes and moaned in pleasure. Taki reached up and began to lock her lips against Ivy's plump lips. Zwei reached over and fondled her tits as he thrust himself into her tight ass. Her ninja suit was torn for Zwei to access her. Both women were being taken from behind. Ivy stared into Taki's eyes as thy were both being rammed into with extreme hunger and an eagerness for satisfaction.             "Fuck me like you fuck your peasant girls!" Ivy shouted as she reached out for Taki's shoulder to maintain her balance.             "Give me that cock, faster!" Taki shouted as she shouted in a moan. Her lips quivered, she planted her face down on the lab as Zwei slapped her ass. Taki furrowed her bro with each thrust. Her fingers curled as she opened her eyes to see Ivy being mounted. Mitsurugi pinned her back onto the armchair. Her legs pulled over his shoulders as he thrust himself harder and harder. Ivy's eyes staring straight into his face. Her breast jiggling and dripping with sweat and saliva. Ivy's eyes radiated with hunger and a lust for his juice.             In the midst of being fucked from behind, Taki reached out for teh fragment. She clasped it in her hands and quickly stuffed it away into her shin guard. Zwei suddenly spun her over and angled himself over her chest. His legs pinned her against the floor as he grabbed onto her head with both hands. Taki was surprised as she was met with his hard cock suddenly entering her mouth. Her thick lips wrapping around him before she knew it his grip grew tighter as he inserted and removed it over and over again. He grabbed onto the back of her pony tail and began to force feed himself to her.            Mitsurugi removed his eyes from Ivy for a brief moment. Her legs tightened around him as she saw his attention being taken away from her. He saw Taki's face being fucked only feet away as he began to thrust into Ivy harder and faster than before. Ivy reached her pale hand up and grabbed onto his face. She leaned herself closer to his face. Her lips quivering as she let out breathy groans and sudden spasms that rocked her entire body.           "You've been the only man to fully satisfy my needs, you fucking dog!" Ivy shouted as she suddenly and uncharacteristically kissed him on the lips. Mitsurugi was shocked as she withdrew from his locked lips. He was speechless. Ivy's eyes were staring at him. It was as if there was a sudden shift in her personality the moment the fragment of soul edge was put int the possession of another soul. Taki looked up to see Zwei hungrily ramming his cock into her mouth. She could see it in her eyes, he was close. He removed his cock the moment she turned away from the tip of it. Zwei let out a loud grunt as ropes of creamy white sperm spewed out and against the left side of her face, ear and hair. He continued to stroke as droplets fell along her neck and tits. He felt his strength dwindle as he toppled over to the side. Taki turned over to see Zwei breathing heavily on the ground. His own erect penis now slowly going flaccid. Taki felt the warm fluid running against her face. She began to wipe it off as she reached over and began to jerk his flaccid cock with the cum covered fingers she had been trying to rid herself of. Zwei twitched as Taki wiped whatever was left on her face to her hands and then on him. Taki strolled over to the armchair. Mitsurugi was vigorously fucking Ivy's perfect pale breast till completion. Ivy's face read that of sheer frustration, pleasure and determination. Taki strolled over and knelt down alongside Ivy. She bumped her aside and began to suck on his penis. Ivy watched in shock as Taki simply shoved her aside as if it were no big deal.           "You whore, how dare you!" Ivy playfully nudged her head aside with her own and began to lick and suck Mitsurugi's dripping penis. Taki and Ivy began to sandwhich his cock between their lips and kiss, lick and slobber on it and each other. He watched in pure satisfaction as both women were on their knees fighting for his cock. They were making out with each other and at the same time rubbing their lips on each side of his shaft.           "Do not deprive me of what I earned, I want every drop." Ivy said hungrily.          "Where do you want it?" Taki said grabbing onto his cock and slowly began to stroke it in her direction.           "I want to...I want to eat it." Ivy admitted as she licked her lips and stared at Taki.          "very well." Taki began to swiftly stroke him as Ivy simply planted her plump lips firmly down on the tip of his cock. Her eyes staring straight up at his while Taki knelt by his side and furiously beat him off into her mouth. Taki felt him throbbing. Suddenly he let out a gasp as Taki felt it emptying out in her hands. Ivy's eyes lit up as her lips stayed on his head. She moaned and laughed as she felt each drop hit the walls of her mouth and her tongue. Taki popped his head out of her mouth as Ivy quickly sealed her lips and smiled. In one satisfied gulp she opened her mouth and it was all gone. Mitsurugi felt his legs buckle as Taki pat him on the back. Ivy sat with them as she chuckled.           "Congratulations, we did it." Taki said.          "We did, I'd say it was worth while, you still need to return the money that you stole."          "Of course I will." Taki replied.          "That was a great deal of fun, we should do this more often. I am afraid that you are the best I have ever had, dear. It would be a shame to see you go." Ivy said looking to Mitsurugi.          "I can always come and go, if my presence is requested."           "It shall be, my lust for power and knowledge is endless and so is my appetite for men...and women alike." Ivy turned to Taki and winked. Taki blushed.          "I can honestly say I have no idea what came over me."           "Like you said, that cursed sword changes us, it influences us to do the things we do not normally do." Ivy smiled and stood up before them both. She adjusted herself, pulled her suit back in order and covered her breasts back up with the stained and wrinkled leather bra attached to her suit.           "Take the sword and dispose of it if you like. I on the other hand will enjoy this newfound self I have discovered."Ivy winked and began to strut her way toward the lab door.           "You are always welcome to come back here if you want to have fun, I would not be opposed to that." Ivy cackled as she strolled out of the door, she licked her lips away of whatever cum residue she had plastered on her lips.                                                    [font="Times] [/font]
Chapter 0 - 0
Leon and Ada rode the dimly lit tram car in silence, on their not so merry way to NEST and an uncertain future.   “You know what I was thinking?” The rookie cop spoke, turning to face his companion. “I can’t wait for the FBI to raid Umbrella headquarters and take those bastards to justice!”   “I agree…” Ada gave him a faint reassuring smile, shifting to a more comfortable position on the cold metal bench she occupied. “But to be clear, you’re not working in official capacity. This is a federal case. Once we get the G-virus, I’m back on my own.”   Leon pressed his lips into a thin line, turning away, bracing his palms against the operating console. Poor fool, so eager to help. Ada almost felt sorry for him. She sensed she had to act fast and throw him a bone or else she risk losing him.   “Hey, Leon…” She called out softly, watchful not to give away her true intensions. “Trust me?”   He looked over his shoulder, for a second unsure what he wanted to do. But like most idealists he acted without thinking, reaching Ada’s bench in a few quick steps.   “You trust me?” He asked, and Ada knew he was sincere. Poor boy.   “Honestly…” she began, cracking a confident smile, opting to tease him a bit. “If I didn’t you’d probably be dead.”   “Right…” Leon frowned, the way rookies do when they realize they were not in charge.   He paced around the tram car agitated, itching to do something. The woman could see clearly that he didn’t like the thought of just being along for the ride, only to be cut loose once their business concludes. But he was not in this mess for glory or any reward. Aside from his desperate struggle to survive, he pressed on out of pure need for justice. Ada knew he still believed she was with the FBI, but she needed to reassure Leon that his role was important in the grand scheme of this.   “If you can secure the G-Virus, I can make sure what happened in Raccoon City never happens again.” She swore, looking at him imploringly.   He halted. His face softened, reassured by her words. Damn, he had a nice smile. And such wide, innocent eyes.   “Ada…” Leon sighed, sitting next to her on the bench. “You said it yourself – it’s a federal case.”   “Leon, look at me.” Ada’s eyes dropped, staring down at her wounded leg, trying to ignore the constant pulsating pain radiating throughout her thigh. “I’m a liability now. If I’m gonna finish this case, you’re the last hope I’ve got.” And for once, she was speaking the truth. She messed up and was in no condition to carry out her mission. She needed Leon and had to keep him on her side by any means necessary.     “I’m not just gonna leave you here!” Leon protested. “What if you’re attacked, what if you need help?”   Talk was cheap. Ada had to act. She leaned towards him, her hand rested gently on his grimy cheek as she tilted her head and closed her eyes.   “That kindness is going to be the death of you one day.” She thought, kissing him deeply.   Leon took in a surprised breath, his eyes wide. And yet, after a brief moment of hesitation, his hand slung around Ada’s waist. He kissed her back, not so shily and innocently as Ada would have expected. His hold on her waist tightened, pulling her closer as if his life depended on it. He made a cute noise, something between a moan and laugh.   Hook, line, and sinker. Ada knew she had him. She patted Leon on the shoulder, signaling fun times were over. He pulled away visibly disappointed. He coughed awkwardly, looking away before Ada could have a chance to see the blush on his face. Too late, she saw it all.   “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” She assured, certain she had him wrapped around her finger with this little bit of intimacy. “I gotta see this through…” She said, placing her hand on his thigh. “… and I want to see you again. I got plenty to live for. Trust me.”   Wait, hold on. What was that hard protrusion she felt under her palm?   The both of them stared down at Leon’s crotch where a blatant bulge was ready to burst through his left pantleg, the outline of his obscenely huge dick firmly pressed to his thigh.   “Jesus, Ada, I’m sorry!” The rookie apologized in full panic mode, crossing his legs, covering his hopeless erection with his palms like a teenager caught wanking off.   Ada blinked, a smile creeping to the corner of her mouth. Of course he had a big dick, what else should she expect from a guy with such a big heart. And wow, he was so flustered! Quickly, Ada glanced at the console at the front of the tram car. The neon green display showed they still had some time before reaching their destination. Thy not have some fun?   “Stand up.” She ordered, deciding to go with the sudden impulse that popped into her head.   “Yeah, s-sure!” Leon stuttered, practically jumping up from the seat. “I’m… I’m gonna go stand over there.” He said embarrassed, pointing at the distant corner of the car.   “Oh, no.” Ada interrupted, leaning forward on the bench and tilting her head back. “You’re going to stand right in front of me.”   “What? Why?”   “Because you’re going to let me undo your pants blow you.” Ada explained, holding herself from rolling her eyes. “Now please don’t make it awkward and come to me like a good boy.”   “Um… okay.” Leon meekly agreed, getting into position.   Ada shifted her focus from his red face to his erection restrained under his tactical pants. She reached to grab a handful of Leon’s nicely firm ass, pulling him closer so she could grope the outline of his cock with her other hand. Leon gasped awkwardly, clenching his ass tight. Ada gave him a playful spank, rubbing the length of his cock through the material.   Teasing was fun but she wanted to see it. Now. Skillfully, she got to unbuckling Leon’s belt and before he knew it the rookie cop stood before her with his pants and underwear dangling around his ankles.   He was hung. His cock was heavy and straight, equally girthy and veiny from base to tip with a slick, blunt head pointing down. How did he manage to not trip over that thing when running  from zombies and G-mutants was a mystery.   “Well, well…” Ada purred, taking his equally impressive sack into her palm and giving each heavy ball a gentle squeeze and tug. “You must have been a very popular boy back home, huh?”   Leon was only able to utter an awkward ‘uh-huh’, not sure what to do with his hands while Ada knew exactly what she wanted to do with hers. Continuing playing with his sack, she lifted his impressive rod, aligning the already leaking cockhead with her lips. She looked up at him confidently with a proud smirk. Leon bit his lip and gulped. Stretching the moment, Ada jerked him slowly, her dainty hand barely able to wrap entirely around his cock.   Her tongue stuck from between her lips, almost touching his glans. Leon breathed in sharply as the woman’s warm breath caressed his sensitive skin.   “You’re not going to blow your load the moment I take you in my mouth?” Ada made sure with a firm grip on his base.   “N-no.” Leon swore, hips impatiently wiggling and rutting into Ada’s palm.   “Promise?”   “O-on my honor as a b-boyscout!” He blurted, his cock already doing all the thinking.   She snorted and laughed. What a dumbass! Guess it was part of his charm. Shifting her attention to the throbbing cockhead, Ada puckered up and pressed her red lips against it, suckling at the musky precome. He tasted fine; young and horny.   She didn’t feel like playing out some fancy foreplay, so she lowered her head down the entire thing, to the base. Leon’s cockhead glided smoothly the length of her tongue and palate, hitting the back of her throat. It took her some effort, her jaw opened uncomfortably wide to accommodate him, but she was not about to lose against this challenge. Her delicate choker stretched and snapped. Ignoring this, and the tears glimmering in the corners of her eyes, she curved her tongue, hollowed her cheeks and sucked hard, bobbing her head back and forth generously coating the veiny dick with her spit and smears of lipstick. And she did not forget about the sack resting in her palm, gently rolling it in her hand in sync with her head.   Leon tensed and gasped, his breathing irregular and loud, openly displaying his enjoyment like a, well, rookie. Ada looked up at him and almost choked seeing the look on his face. Jesus, was this his first time getting head or something?   The way he panted and bit down on his lower lip proved she was right. Ada would snicker if her mouth wasn’t stuffed full of junior cop cock. Good… more the chance he’d feel obliged to carry out her plans for her. Still, if this was really his first time she had to put her heart into it. Common courtesy and all.   She paused to pull his rod out from between her lips, playfully smacking it against her cheek with a wet plop. Licking his sweaty, rich flavor off her lips, Ada lifted his cock up to place a few sloppy kisses on his sack, leaving a few faint impressions of the rest of her lipstick on his skin. She then buried her face between his fuzzy balls, taking a deep whiff of his aroma.   “S-sorry!” Leon immediately apologized. “Between all the running and dodging zombies I got a little sweaty.”   “Leon…” Ada muttered, not bothered to look at him, too preoccupied with jerking his shaft and licking his balls. “You’re alright. Just forget about it and have fun. You’re so nervous…” Her voice dropped and so did his shaft, once again right in front of her face. “You’ve been twiddling your fingers ever since we started. If you don’t know what to do with your hands then put them on my shoulders.”   Leon laughed embarrassed, placing his sweaty palms on Ada. His hold tightened slightly once she took him in her mouth again, the warmth of her tongue and cheeks a pleasant contrast to the cool air in the tram car.   Ada tilted her head to the side, forming her lips into a tight, firm ring. She sensed every vein, every ridge of that cock, swallowing mouthfuls of her own saliva mixed with Leon’s sweat and precome. She could bet he would feel amazing stretching and pounding away at her cunt. Too bad she didn’t have time to play with him longer. She better get a bonus fir this job.   “Ada, listen, um, I-“ Leon grunted, gently cupping the back of her head. He wanted to tell her something, but somehow he just couldn’t form words all of a sudden.   The woman withdrew, ready to tell him to spit it out already. That was her mistake. His cock pulsated while the muscles of his nicely chiseled abdomen tensed. He ejaculated rapidly, painting Ada’s face with viscous, thick ropes of his young load. Ada quickly caught on, sealing her lips tight around his tip, but the damage has already been done as his first unexpected eruption streamed down her face and neckline, forming a puddle between her thighs, soiling her evening dress even further. Meanwhile, more and more of his hot load shoot into her mouth and Ada had some real difficulty swallowing it all on time, more and more streams of cum spurting out of her mouth. She gagged and choked, deciding to just take him all the way down so he could keep coming directly down her throat. Leon welcomed this with another grunt, on impulse twisting his fingers into her hair and keeping Ada in place until he was done filling her up. Guess he wasn’t so innocent after all.   Leon rested his sweaty forehead against the soothingly cool metal wall. Ada waited another moment until she was sure he wasn’t going to surprise her further. She gave his ass a light slap, signaling fun time was over. The rookie withdrew instantly, giving her room to catch her breath.   “I wanted to tell you I was just about to come.” Leon cleared his throat, fishing out some clean bandages from one of his tactical pockets. He handled them over to Ada and pulled his pants up while she sorted herself out.   “Normally I’d be mad…” She summed up, flicking the soiled bandages into a corner. “But that’s not the worst thing I got on myself today.”   Leon snickered, fastening his belt. They shared a look and Ada almost felt sorry for him. Cute little dumbass. She decided she’s going to avoid terminating him unless absolutely necessary. Though judging by the puppy eyes he was giving her that wasn’t going to be a problem.   “Now arriving at NEST.” An artificial voice announced as the tram slowed down, halting before a dimly lit catwalk. This was their stop.   “Go.” Ada ushered, growing anxious. “Please, we don’t have much time. You’re gonna need this.” She said, taking off and handing him her bracelet with an imbedded microchip, the only way to access NEST.   Leon stared at the faintly growing microchip, then lifted his gaze. Their eyes met. The soft look in his eye was replaced with that full of purpose. Ada smiled, knowing she had him properly motivated to carry out her mission.   “Ok.” Was all he said, as he headed to the dimly lit exit, ready face the dangers of NEST alone.   “Leon…” Ada called out when he was inches from the automated doors. “I’m counting on you.”   “I know.” He nodded, leaving before they both got too sappy.   Ada exhaled heavily, alone in the damned car. She crossed her arms, realizing her nipples were hard under her dress, demanding instant attention. Just like her itching twat.   “Ugh. Fuck it, I might as well.” She grunted, reaching down between her legs to take care of herself.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1
[font="Times]It was a beautiful day in the city of Konoha and a boy was sitting in his room in a two storey house. This boy's name is Haruno Sakuro. He is 16 years of age currently studying in Konoha Academy. He has straight pink hair that reaches till his shoulder blades, green eyes and tan skin complexion. He was wearing black pants and a red shirt. He was in his room doing his regular work of spying on his super hot neighbour through his window.[/font] [font="Times]The woman being watched was 28 year old, she had fair complexion, and long sun kissed blonde hair that reached her thighs with two chest length bangs framing her beautiful heart shaped face that complimented her blue eyes perfectly. She had a voluptuous body that the ladies would kill to have. She had huge DD cup breasts that were firm and not saggy. She had all the right curves at the right places. Her name was Uzumaki Uchiha Natsumi.[/font] [font="Times]She lived there with her husband Uchiha Sasuke who worked in a MNC. Sakuro had developed a crush on Natsumi when they first moved here 2 years ago. He had hit puberty at the time and always thought of fucking his sexy neighbour Natsumi. He had decided to spy on her to see if he could find something against her and use it to blackmail Natsumi into becoming his slut.[/font] [font="Times]In these two years he had captured some photographs of her changing her dress including some nude photos. Today he was planning to start blackmailing her. He got off the window and switched on his computer. He quickly printed some of the photos and put them in an envelope. He got ready and made his way to Natsumi's house. On reaching the doorsteps, he rang the bell and waited for some time for Natsumi to open the door. He knew it would be Natsumi as Sasuke had gone for a one month business tour yesterday.[/font] [font="Times]Soon Natsumi opened the door. She was wearing a blue frock that ended just above her knees and her hair was tied in a bun behind her head with two chest length bangs framing her face. She was looking gorgeous and Sakuro was having problems keeping himself from pouncing on her then and there. She greeted Sakuro "Hello Sakuro-kun, how are you? Come inside", she said gesturing him to follow her. "I am fine Natsumi-san. I came here to give you this envelope" Sakuro replied following Natsumi to her living room.[/font] [font="Times]He handed the envelope to Natsumi. Natsumi opened the envelope and was shocked to see the photos that were in it. She eyed Sakuro angrily, "Where did you get these" she hissed out referring to the photographs. Sakuro smirked evilly which sent shivers down Natsumi's spine. "I clicked them. Aren't they good?" he replied. "Are you trying to blackmail me? What do you want from me?" asked Natsumi. "Yes, as a matter of fact I am" replied Sakuro "I want you" he added. "What do you mean?" asked Natsumi. "I want to fuck you, make you my slut" replied Sakuro with lust. "I will release these photos on the internet if you do not comply with my request or tell anyone about this" Sakuro threatened her.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi's eyes teared up at the prospect of becoming someone's slut but she had no other choice. "Okay, you won, I will do as you say, just don't release those photos online" she pleaded to Sakuro. Sakuro smirked. His plan had worked. He unbuttoned his pants and removed them along with his boxers revealing his huge 12 inches long and 2.5 inches thick cock. Natsumi gasped. She had never seen a cock this big. Her husband's cock was only 4.5 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter and this one was way bigger than her husband's.[/font] [font="Times]She drooled slightly at the sight forgetting about the conversation that took place a couple minutes before. "Get on your knees and suck my dick slut" Sakuro ordered her. This brought Natsumi out of her thoughts and she noticed that Sakuro had taken a seat on the couch and his huge cock was pointing up at the ceiling. "And call me Sakuro-sama from now on" he added. "Yes Sakuro-sama" replied Natsumi walking up to him and kneeling before him grabbing his tool with one hand. She stroked it a few times before kissing its head once and licking along the length of the shaft sending a jolt of pleasure down Sakuro's spine causing him to moan. She then took the head of the dick into her warm mouth blowing on it once before taking more of him into her mouth. She couldn't take more than 5 inches though and started to bob her head up and down sucking and licking his dick.[/font] [font="Times]Since it was Sakuro's first time, he didn't last very long and soon reached his climax. "I am cumming slut" he warned Natsumi before grabbing her head and thrusting his whole dick into her mouth causing Natsumi's eye to widen by surprise and exploded in her mouth making her gag. He took his dick out and ordered her to swallow every drop of his cum which she complied reluctantly.[/font] [font="Times]Seeing her swallow his cum made him hard again. He made her stand on all fours before raising her frock up to her hips and lowering her black panties till her ankles and removing them completely. He too got down on his knees and spread her pussy lips with his fingers before licking it once and inserting his tongue into her pussy. Natsumi couldn't stop herself from getting wet. Her body was betraying her mind. Soon she climaxed and Sakuro happily drank all her juices.[/font] [font="Times]He then positioned himself behind her and rubbed the head of his dick onto her pussy lips before making a powerful thrust and sheathing himself completely in her warm pussy folds. Natsumi moaned loudly from him just entering her and almost climaxed from the pleasure. She only had sex with her husband before now and that too was a rare event as her husband was always busy whenever he was home. She did not have sex for a long time and now this monster of a dick of her neighbour's son was plunged deep into her love canal. It was spreading her and reaching areas which her husband's dick never reached.[/font] [font="Times]She couldn't help but moan from the pleasure. Her moaning signified that she had submitted to the 16 year old boy. Both she and he knew that. There was no escaping for Natsumi now. She knew that but she didn't care about that anymore. All she wanted now was to get fucked by the huge dick that was currently plunging her pussy. If it meant becoming a slut for a 16 year old boy then so be it; she was now ready for it.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro was happy when Natsumi moaned. Her moan meant she was now enjoying the treatment her pussy was receiving and that meant he had gained a slut for himself. He slowly took his dick out of her love canal leaving only the head in and slammed it in again causing her to moan more loudly than before. He repeated the process again and again each time increasing the speed and force with which he was pushing his cock in.[/font] [font="Times]Soon he was fucking her hard and fast. "Yes Sakuro-sama, fuck me, fuck me hard and fast, make me your personal slut, I am now all yours Sakuro-sama" Natsumi moaned out. Sakuro did not need any more pursuing. He increased his fucking speed even more and started fucking her like a jack hammer. His dick was hitting the entrance of Natsumi's womb every time Sakuro thrust in. It was a first time for Natsumi when someone reached the entrance of her womb with his dick. Natsumi soon reached her climax. Her moans increased in intensity as Sakuro kept on fucking her from behind doggy style. Her hair bun loosened from the rocking and the bun came undone resulting in her long smooth hair to flow down her back to the sides.[/font] [font="Times]Soon Sakuro reached his climax. "I am cumming slut, brace yourself" he warned Natsumi. "Cum inside me Sakuro-sama, make me your personal cum dump" exclaimed Natsumi. Sakuro decided to do just that. With a final thrust Sakuro penetrated her womb causing Natsumi to moan loudly and climax again. He ejaculated inside her womb painting the walls white with his huge load. He pulled out of her pussy and helped her lay on the floor, her face facing the ceiling.[/font] [font="Times]She had a dazed but satisfied look on her face, her hair was all dishevelled and her tongue hung limply from her mouth. Her pussy was leaking both his and her juices. Sakuro then helped her stand up and made her sit on the couch and he too sat beside her. He decided to allow to her some rest before resuming to fuck her. He too was tired and allowed himself to doze off for some time.[/font] [font="Times]He woke up after an hour of sleep to someone massaging his head. He found that his head was on Natsumi's lap and she was the one massaging his scalp. "How did you sleep Sakuro-sama" she asked her new master. "Well, it was the one of the best sleeps I ever had" Sakuro replied getting up and sitting beside her. He took in her appearance. She was in the same state that he had left her in. She was looking sexy as hell and Sakuro couldn't stop himself.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro held her cheeks in his hands and smashed his lips to hers in very passionate kiss. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and played with her tongue.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro French kissed her for few more minutes and pulled apart when air was needed. After catching his breath, he latched his mouth onto her neck sucking and kissing on her smooth skin. Natsumi was moaning from his kissing and sucking. He was roaming his hands on her back and grabbed the zipper of her dress and pulled it down.[/font] [font="Times]He then held the sleeves of her dress and pulled them down. Her black bra was now showing. He moved his mouth downwards trailing kisses on her collarbone leaving red love bites in between. He reached her breast and kissed on the soft flesh a few times before undoing the clasp of the bra and throwing it aside and latching his mouth on her left breast while massaging the right one.[/font] [font="Times]He took her nipple in between his fingers and pinched and twisted it which caused her to moan loudly. He bit slightly on her left nipple eliciting another moan and chewed on it sending jolts of pleasure up Natsumi's spine. He then took her other boob in his mouth and played with other nipple twisting it with his finger as well. After some sucking, he stopped and made her stand up which resulted in her frock falling to floor around her ankles. She was now completely nude. Sakuro kept on staring at her nude form. It was his first time seeing her naked up close.[/font] [font="Times]He too stood up, his once limp cock now once again hard and erect. "Get down on your knees and suck my cock slut" he ordered Natsumi. She obeyed the order like an obedient slut and got down on her knees and engulfed his cock in her warm mouth and started to bob her head on his huge dick. It was a heavenly feeling for him. This time he wasn't satisfied by her taking just 5 inches in her mouth.[/font] [font="Times]He grabbed her head fisting on her blonde locks and forced her to take in his entire length. She gagged but he ignored her as he was nearing his climax. He fucked her mouth moving his hips at high speeds. She quickly got adjusted to the length and was moaning from pleasure in no time. Her moans were muffled by his monster dick but the vibrations increased his pleasure. He soon reached his climax and emptied his load into her mouth. "Swallow it slut" Sakuro ordered her and she did that obediently and it seemed she was happy to do that this time unlike last one.[/font] [font="Times]He made her stand up before making her lay on the couch. He caught her legs and parted them away revealing her shaven pussy lips. He started trailing kisses on her thighs moving towards her womanhood. He kissed her clit, licking it once which caused Natsumi to moan. He penetrated her pussy lips with his tongue and tongue fucked her for a few minutes until the buxom blonde could not hold long and climaxed. He drank her juices as it tasted good and pulled himself away when he had drank all of it.[/font] [font="Times]He made her sit on the couch and sat beside her. "You are very delicious slut" Sakuro complimented his slut. Natsumi blushed from the compliment and said "Thank you Sakuro-sama, you taste good too". Sakuro captured her lips again in another passionate kiss pushing his tongue into her mouth making her taste herself. He could taste his own juices from her mouth. Natsumi started moaning into the kiss.[/font] [font="Times]He pulled away from the kiss and ordered her "Take my dick into your pussy slut". Natsumi sat on his lap facing him. She grabbed his tool and guided it into her wet warm pussy folds. She moaned as Sakuro's dick penetrated her pussy bit by bit. Soon she had sheathed his entire 12 inch cock completely into her vagina. "Now fuck yourself on my dick slut" Sakuro said to her. "Yesssss Sakuro-samaaaa" Natsumi moaned out as she started to bounce up and down on his cock.[/font] [font="Times]The buxom blonde could not stop herself from moaning as Sakuro's cock penetrated her womb each time she came back down to be impaled by his huge cock. Her moans were like music to his ears making him even more excited. The blondes DD-cup tits were bouncing up and down as she was bouncing on her master's cock. Seeing the blonde's boobs bouncing up and down and listening to her moans, Sakuro got even harder if it was possible.[/font] [font="Times]After some time Sakuro made her stop bouncing and made her stand on all fours on the couch. Then he resumed fucking her hard and fast. Her tits were rocking back and forth due to hard thrusts Sakuro was making. He entered one finger into her asshole making her moan even louder than before "Yes Sakuro-sama, fuck my slutty pussy, I am your personal cumdump, fill me with your cum" she moaned. Sakuro got even more excited hearing this and he increased his tempo of fucking her. Sakuro fucked her doggy style for several minutes while fucking her butthole with his finger.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi had multiple orgasms by the time Sakuro neared his climax. "I am Cumming slut" he warned her before emptying his load inside her. She too climaxed again from him Cumming inside her. He pulled his finger out of her butthole and his dick out of her dripping pussy and let her fall face first into the couch from exhaustion.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro got an idea and he asked Natsumi to wait for him in her bedroom and said that he will be back in a few minutes. Saying this he got dressed and ran from her house to his house. Natsumi stood up from the couch and made her way to her bedroom upstairs as she was ordered to too. She lay on the king sized bed and waited for her new master to return.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro soon returned but he was not alone this time. He had brought his pet dog along with him now. It was of the Great Pyrenees breed and was quite large. Natsumi was confused seeing the dog. Seeing the confusion Sakuro decided to ease her confusion. He pointed to the dog and explained "This is Akamaru, my pet. He was gifted to me by my father's friend Inazuka Kiba. You have to please him too slut" and then he got rid of his clothes completely.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi looked towards Akamaru with an unreadable expression on her face. She then looked down towards his massive cock which was fully erect and standing at a length of 13 inches with a knot at the base. She then looked towards Sakuro. She smiled at him and replied "If my master wants me to fuck his pet dog, then I will do just as he wants". Hearing the last part made Sakuro very happy as this meant that she will never go against his wishes if she was ready to be fucked by a dog on his command. He climbed on the bed along with Akamaru and reached her and took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, a kiss which she responded to with equal passion. He broke the kiss and ordered Natsumi to suck his dick to which she complied happily.[/font] [font="Times]She got on all fours in front of him and leaned down to take his cock in her mouth. Sakuro signalled to Akamaru that he could join them. Akamaru barked happily and started licking Natsumi's pussy. Natsumi couldn't help but moan from pleasure. Her moans were muffled by Sakuro's dick. She was excited by the thought of her being treated like a slut whose only purpose was to please her master any way he wanted.[/font] [font="Times]She soon orgasmed and Akamaru happily slurped up all her pussy juices. He then climbed on to Natsumi bringing his dick near her wet pussy. Keeping her in place with his paws he plunged his monster of a dick in her tight pussy. Natsumi almost orgasmed again just by Akamaru entering her. At the same time Sakuro held her head in place with his hands and started to throat fuck Natsumi.[/font] [font="Times]"I now understand what Uncle Kiba meant when he said that Akamaru is very smart and knows how to please women" Sakuro thought out loud.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi was moaning with pleasure from having both her mouth and pussy being fucked by the huge cocks. Sakuro and Akamaru soon formed a rhythm while fucking her. While Sakuro went in, Akamaru pulled out and when Akamaru pushed in, Sakuro pulled out. They were fucking Natsumi in perfect synchronization. Natsumi soon entered another orgasmic bliss by having her mouth and pussy fucked very hard and Akamaru's huge dog cock entering her womb every time he thrusted in.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro and Akamaru increased their pace when they neared climax. With a final thrust Akamaru plunged his knot into her pussy and released his load in her womb painting her womb with his dog seed. Natsumi too couldn't hold off her orgasm anymore and climaxed when Akamaru plunged the knot in her pussy. Sakuro too climaxed at the same time emptying his load into the blonde's mouth. Natsumi drank all his cum like it was the tastiest drink she ever had.[/font] [font="Times]It was her new favourite drink. Sakuro and Akamaru pulled out of her holes letting her fall on the bed face first. She was exhausted from the several orgasms. Being fucked from both front and behind was exhausting for her.[/font] [font="Times]"Don't go to sleep yet slut, we aren't done yet" Sakuro said to her. Natsumi looked up from her position to see the still erect cock of Sakuro and turned around to see Akamaru, his cock hadn't gone down as well. Sakuro and Akamaru changed positions. Sakuro helped Natsumi stand on all fours again. They again filled her holes, this time Sakuro fucking her pussy and Akamaru her mouth.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi was left a moaning mess and had another body shattering orgasm. They continued to fuck her like that. Just on the verge of cumming, Sakuro pulled out of her and asked Akamaru to do the same causing Natsumi to whine due to her pleasure being denied. Sakuro then laid on the bed his face towards the ceiling. He grabbed Natsumi by the waist and brought her asshole near his cock and plunged his massive appendage inside her causing Natsumi's eyes to widen in surprise and pain.[/font] [font="Times]She screamed in pain; it was her first time doing anal and Sakuro's cock was very big for a first time. But she didn't ask him to stop. She was his now, he could do as he wanted. Soon pain gave way to pleasure and she started moaning from pleasure. Sakuro laid her on top of himself continuing to fuck her asshole. Akamaru climbed on top of her and entered his cock in her pussy. Natsumi couldn't believe it, she was having her pussy and asshole filled with massive cocks at the same time by her new master and lover and his best buddy, which was a dog. She couldn't stop herself from moaning.[/font] [font="Times]Akamaru entered his tongue into Natsumi's open mouth causing her to widen her eyes and caught her tongue in between his own. When the shock died down, she closed her eyes and sucked on his tongue. He roamed his tongue into her mouth exploring it. He continued to explore her mouth with his tongue for few minutes before taking it out and licking her across the cheek. Sakuro then turned her face towards him and kissed her. French kissing her for a few minutes they broke apart when they neared climax.[/font] [font="Times]The trio soon reached their climax at the same time. "Not inside this time Akamaru" Sakuro ordered Akamaru . Akamaru complied with the order and took his dick out of her just before reaching his orgasm and sprayed his cum all over her body. Sakuro came inside her ass and pulled out. He rolled Natsumi off him and stood up. Natsumi by now was sent into a state of daze. Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head and her tongue was hanging limply out of her mouth, drool forming on below her.[/font] [font="Times]But Sakuro and Akamaro were still hot and hard. Sakuro held her by her head and inserted his huge dick into her mouth up to the base and started rocking his hips fucking Natsumi's mouth again like an engine. Akamaru too inserted his dog cock into her pussy eliciting a moan from Natsumi. Her dripping pussy made it easy for Akamaru to enter his dick into her in one go. Akamaru again started moving his hips thrusting his huge cock in and out of Natsumi's pussy.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi's breasts were rocking back and forth from the hard fucking her mouth and pussy were receiving. Akamaru licked her breasts with his tongue causing Natsumi to moan even louder onto Sakuro's dick. The vibrations caused by her moans were sending jolts of pleasure up Sakuro's spine causing him to moan as well.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi had lost the count of how many orgasms she had received by the duo. Soon she reached another orgasm but the duo kept on fucking her mouth and pussy. "I am near slut" Sakuro warned her. Akamaru howled in agreement. Sakuro ejaculated his load into her mouth forcing her swallow the cum as he kept his dick into her mouth.[/font] [font="Times]After he was finished he took out his dick. "Akamaru, pull yourself out of her and Natsumi, suck him till he orgasms" ordered Sakuro taking a seat beside them on the bed. Akamaru pulled his dick out of her pussy as he was ordered to do and brought it in front of the blonde's face.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi to complied with the order and took Akamaru's dick in her mouth. First she took the head in blowing on it making Akamaru howl with pleasure. She then moved her head forward taking more of his dog shaft in her warm mouth. She could not take more than 5 inches though and then she started bobbing her head back and forth sucking the huge dick like a pro.[/font] [font="Times]But Akamaru was smart too; he grabbed the back of Natsumi's head with his paws surprising Natsumi and pushed his whole length except the knot down her throat and started fucking the blonde's throat and mouth like an engine. Natsumi gagged in the beginning but soon got adjusted to the size. She started fingering her pussy to climax as Akamaru was fucking her mouth.[/font] [font="Times]Soon Akamaru too reached his climax. He pulled out his dick till only the head was in her mouth and emptied his load into her mouth and took his dick out her mouth. Natsumi climaxed at the same time; her pussy juices increasing the size of stains that already marked the bedsheets. "Swallow it as well slut" Sakuro ordered her from behind and Natsumi followed his order like the obedient slut she was.[/font] [font="Times]She was too tired and lay on the bed. She soon became unconscious, the evening events taking a toll on her. [i]'I got a personal slut who is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Today was the best day of my life till now. Life is good.' [/i]Thought Sakuro staring at his new slut; she lay on the bed, her long golden blonde hair all dishevelled, her blue eyes rolled to the back of her head, her tongue limping from her mouth, her body was covered in sweat and Akamaru's cum with some sticking in her hair.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro seeing her new slut already asleep followed her lead and he too went to sleep. Akamaru too lied down beside them and dozed off. It was a tiring morning for all three of them and they were going to sleep till the late afternoon it seemed.[/font]
Chapter 0 - Hole in the Sun
The bandage comes off easier after she soaks it for a few seconds. Dripping tepid water, V steps out of the shower on uneasy feet, approaching her bathroom mirror.   She looks like shit. Like a miserable, scared piece of shit.   Braving her own reflection, she pinches the edge of the bandage and begins unwrapping her head. As more and more ruddy layers are peeled away from her skin, her pulse becomes elevated. Fucking Christ, what is she afraid of? She knows exactly what is underneath, so let’s just have it over with! She scoffs, sharply pulling off the last few inches of bandage, expecting to see the bullet wound all messed up.   There is nothing. Her skin and hairline are the same as they have always been. Dirty, sure, but there is not even a slight discoloration where Dex had shot her. Vik is a true miracle worker.   “Lucky me.” She says to herself, tossing the wet bandages on the floor. She’ll bother with them later.   She transfers what little funds she has left to the vending machine in her living room. A few moments pass before there is the characteristic wet thud of a vending machine burrito falling onto the tray below. She retrieves it and tears off the wrapping with her teeth, having no time and patience to heat it up in the microwave first.   V chews on her food, struggling to gather her thoughts after the night she just had. Fucking Johnny Silverhand woke her up, hovering over her like a sleep paralysis demon, demanding smokes. When she told him to ghost off, he…   She swallows and almost chokes on the bite, lifting her gaze to look at the long, narrow window where there is dried-out blood splattered all over the glass, proof that what happened last night was not just a bad dream.   She lost her appetite. The half-eaten burrito lands in the trash. For a moment V stares at it with a blank look on her face. Five eddies down the drain, and she is almost out of money. Her car has been towed, rent is past due, and she still owes Vik…   “Fuck me.” She whimpers, sitting on the bare floor, hugging her knees and rocking herself back and forth.   So this was what rock bottom felt like. Helpless, miserable and pathetic.   Her eyes snap open as she remembers something. She springs up, stumbling over her feet. Cursing, she gets up again and ignoring her bruised knee she rushes to the couch where her old jacket rests draped over the edge. With shaky hands she rummages through her pockets until she finds it – the data shard from that Militech suit, Meredith Stout.   For the first time in weeks V feels hope. The shard is encrypted, but there are eddies, lots of them, just waiting for her if she manages to break the code. Her palms feel cold, yet are sweating as she jacks in. Strings of numbers and letters dance before her eyes and she is trying to make sense of them, to find a pattern, but her time runs out before she can even guess where she should start. The shard ejects her, sending a jolt of pain down her arm.   “FUCK!”   Glaring daggers at the flat piece of polymer, she takes both edges between her fingers on an angry, frustrated impulse. But before she can snap the damned thing in half, her phone comes to life, filling the otherwise silent apartment with a sharp ring.   “Fuck you.” She whispers, setting the shard aside. She approaches her coffee table and leans in to take a look at the screen. An unknown caller. Did the megabuilding admin already send repo men after her? She wouldn’t be surprised if they did…   Fuck it, how worse can her situation get?   “What?” She simply asks, pressing the phone to her ear.   “I’m surprised you didn’t try to decrypt the shard sooner.” A familiar voice taunts.   Stout. V bites down hard on the inside of her cheek. Of course, the shard had countermeasures installed, why should she be surprised there was also a tracker?   “Called to gloat?” She responds before the silence stretches for long enough to give Meredith the upper hand in whatever she was pulling her into.   “Hard on cash?” The woman responds with a question, her tone casual.   “Know anyone in this city who isn’t?” V grinds her teeth forgetting to let go of her cheek first. It hurts, but the surge of pain is exactly what she needs.   “Me.” Meredith is content like only a high ranking corpo can be when they know the other party is in no position to negotiate. “I never properly thanked you for taking our Royce and helping me with my little… internal affair.”   Right. Royce, Maelstrom, the Flathead and the shootout in the abandoned AllFoods factory. How could she forget? The whole biz felt like something that happened in the past, but it’s only been a few weeks. Almost… like in another life. V needs to sit down, dizzy all of the sudden.   “What do you want?” She asks, peering into the window without really registering the neon skyline outside.   “I want to offer you an opportunity.” The woman replies and V can picture the smug look on her face.   “Fucking spit it out already.”   “The No-Tell Motel, first floor. Tonight. Come alone.”   Meredith hangs up before V can respond. She stares at the now dark screen with a bitter grin. Come alone, as if she had anyone to back her up. Motionless for a longer moment, she finally makes up her mind. She will come, after all, what are the odds someone is going to zero her twice in the same dirty motel?   ---   She stays in her car for several minutes, staring at the flicking neon sign above the motel entrance. Her hands grip the steering wheel tight enough to keep them from shaking. Last time she was here, she…   Fuck it, she needs the money. Moping can wait.   The car door slams behind her and she crosses the street, entering the building through the front door this time. Walking fast, she ignores the hollering lowlifes and cheap Joy Toy’s offering their services almost mockingly. She finds the right room and bangs on the scratched metal door, louder than she intended to but she just wants to have this over with.   The door opens with a mechanical hiss. “Get in.” The voice inside the dark room is commanding, calm and self-reassured.   V enters, pushing aside the tacky plastic bead curtain. Her eyes adjust to the neon gloom and she forgets her tongue in her mouth as she lays her eyes on the woman waiting for her in a deep, worn-down leather chair.   Meredith Stout, the blond Militech primadonna with cold blue eyes and big tits. Only this time she is not wearing the constraining bulletproof vest so expertly woven into her neomilitaristic corporate uniform. This time she’s dressed in synleather and spikes, loud and kitschy. Although the room is drowning in blue and pink neon, V can see the impressive tattoo collection marking the corpo’s exposed skin. If her outfit doesn’t say ‘I’m going to fuck you’, then the look in her eye sure does.     Meredith sizes V up without a word, finishing her cigarette, before putting it out on the carpet. “Thought you’d never see me again?” She breaks the silence, uncrossing her legs.   V’s jaw drops in shock. But it’s not because Meredith has a cock… It’s because she has two. Both equal in length, girth and vascularity, already half-erect. Both rest comfortably on her thigh, slowly fattening under V’s uncomfortable gaze, yet the younger woman is unable to pry her eyes away from this display.   And then it dawns upon her why Meredith wanted her to come here alone.   “The fuck is this?” She croaks, forcing herself to look away, her eyes scanning the details of the sleazy room’s ceiling.   “A business meeting, if you will.” Meredith is cool, amused even. “You tried to decrypt the shard, didn’t you? Funny, I forgot to block it after our deal was done, but I still know the passcode. I can give it to you, if you want to make some eddies fast.”   “Call yourself a Joy Toy! Or get a doll!” V grunts, clenching her fists. She has no illusions, she knows how cheap dignity comes in Night city, but to fall this low… Fuck, what happened?! She was supposed to become a NC legend, not… this!   “Oh, I could do that. And I will, but I just got these babies installed and I want to test them out on someone… special.” Stout offhandedly says as her hands snake down her chest and grip both shafts, now fully erect, stroking them. Her voice and pose stay casual, but there is deep hunger in her eyes.   V lets out a stifled breath, wanting to be far away from this place. Her apartment, Vik’s clinic, the landfill she woke up in after the failed heist, anywhere but here.   But she needs those eddies. She has no one else to fall back on and she can’t say no.   “Fuck you.” She grunts with helpless frustration, shaking off her favorite flashy jacket. She throws it on the floor like a brat having a tantrum, but she doesn’t care. She begins to strip with no grace or seductiveness. Sure, yeah, she’ll give the corpo bitch what she wants, but that doesn’t mean she has to put on an act.   Meredith smirks, getting up. Fists on her hips, she approaches with both her cocks gently bobbing from side to side with every step, too girthy and hefty to point up. She halts inches before the merc, one of her slippery cockheads brush against V’s thigh, leaving a glistening trail of precoma and V has to put in some effort to force a cry down her throat before it breaks free.   Meredith is taller, imposing without even trying, but it’s just the heels. Or so V tells herself. Leaning slightly forward, Meredith reaches to grab her by the ass, pulling closer. Her other hand closes around V’s tit, causing the merc to yelp surprised, much to the taller woman’s delight.   “You kiss on the mouth?” She asks, kneading V’s ass and breast without any restraint.   “Don’t push it.” The other woman hisses, shooting her a death glare but Meredith remains unfrazzled.   “Fine. Down to business, then.”   V is then unceremoniously lifted and tossed effortlessly onto the bed, landing on the tacky faux-zebra print covers with a startled cry. What chrome was this icy bitch decked out with?! Reinforced skeleton? Nano muscle-weave? She isn’t given any time to ponder further, being grabbed by the shoulder and rolled over so she rests on all fours on the edge of the bed with Meredith and her pricks standing triumphant in front of her.   V’s eyes cross focusing on the two dripping cockheads peeking from under their thick veiny hoods, demanding her immediate attention. She gulps, looking up at Stout who looks back at her proudly with both hands on her hips. V swallows, refraining from cursing as she knows that will only give the corpo more satisfaction. The deal was sealed and there was no going back now. She knows she’s in no position to demand being treated with dignity, but she’s not going to be Meredith’s passive cocksleave tonight. That’s the last shred of self-respect she’s not going to give up.   “Just focus on the eddies, let her have her fun and leave.” She thinks, breaking eye contact to give the nearest glistening tip a tentative taste.   She slides her tongue under the skin and licks around it, coating it generously with saliva. The taste is familiar, too real. Confused whether she is sucking off a high-grade implant or the real thing, V bows her head, taking the shaft into her mouth. Her jaw aches in protest, but she endures, relaxing to accommodate it as much as she is able.   “You should see yourself from where I’m standing. A preem view, if I do say so myself.” Meredith says, offhandedly slapping V’s cheek with her other dick, leaving a wet stain on the other woman’s skin.   V ignores her, struggling to take the meaty girth down her throat, already gagging. But she’s not even halfway done! Fighting for air, she opts to suck and slurp, making up for her untrained throat. But Meredith is having none of it. The woman twists her fingers into the little punk’s hair, forcefully pulling her head down her cock. V gurgles in protest, sinking her nails into Meredit’s hips, but there’s no point in struggling.   “Cry if it makes you feel better. Fuck, you can scream and beg for all I care, just don’t you dare half-ass this or the deal is off.” V hears Stout’s hoarse grunt from above as the corpo slams her hips into her face, spreading her jaw and throat like no one had ever done before.   Her nails sink deeper into the pale white skin, but Meredith is undeterred, fucking her wet face whilst her second prick rests heavily between V’s neck and shoulder, drooling precome down her back.   Mascara-tinted tears and drool drip down her face, marking the cheap covers. And to V’s horror, she realizes her pussy is dripping as well, making a mess between her legs. But she doesn’t dwell on why she is so unexpectedly enjoying being dehumanized, used and abused, she just rolls with it. After the shit she has been through in these past weeks, she needs an outlet. And if that outlet is whoring herself to this uptight corporate sex-freak then so be it.   She’s lightheaded from lack of air and the sharp angle Meredith is twisting her head to, but before she drifts off to la la land, the cock withdraws allowing her to breathe freely again. Gasping for air, she falls on her stomach with her head over the edge of the bed, coughing up salty spit onto the dirty carpet. Her thighs squish together and she can feel they’re slick, wet. The culprit her itching twat.   Meredith moves somewhere beyond her blurry vision, but V has enough senses to stay alert. Cautiously, she rises on her elbow, watching the woman approach the nightstand. Smiling Meredith takes a few generous pumps of some slippery substance from a handy dispenser, greasing up her twin shafts, leaving them glistening in the neon ambience.   And V realizes she’s going to have to take them both simultaneously: one up the ass and the other in her twat. Despite the thick coat of lube, they’re going to ruin her holes. Ignoring apprehension slowly building up in her stomach she shifts to rest on her back with her ass hanging over the edge and her legs spread full-eagle, so that she is giving a first-class view of the goods to Stout.   “Eager?” The icy blonde asks as she approaches.   “It takes more than some sleazy implants to scare me.” V plays tough, but somehow she can’t look Meredith in the eye, opting to stare at the ceiling fan. Doesn’t matter, they both know she’s bullshitting.   Loudly, she sucks air in through her teeth as the corpo grabs her by the ankles, sharply pulling them up, folding V in half. The slippery cockheads rest against both her openings, hot and prodding, nuzzling against her holes like they have minds of their own. She shuts her eyes giving up her act and trembles. Yet, she is biting her lip, picturing what’s going to happen next. Well, she knows exactly what is going to happen – nothing sweet, gentle or intimate. There’s going to be lots of grunting, cursing and sweating. Possibly some slapping and name-calling, before she is going to be left here with the eddies like a used fleshlight, whilst Meredith goes back to her cushy little life.   And she wants it, needs it. And not just because she has bills to pay.   Having the haughty punk pinned under her is a priceless sight, but Meredith has no patience to tease or savor the moment, falling on V with all her weight, ramming her cocks inside the wannabe merc in one rough push. V gives a pained scream, arching her back and tossing her head wildly, but she can’t do much beside grabbing Meredith by the shoulders and groaning as the blonde withdraws before another thrust.   She stares wide-eyed at Meredith, just as bewildered and helpless as when she was staring down the muzzle of Dex’s gun. But she can’t actually see the woman’s face, overtaken by the sensations of being stretched and penetrated this deep. She feels the massive cocks, every pronounced vein and every inch like white-hot fire, and she can’t make up her mind if it feels good or not. It’s painful, yes, but it’s more than that. It’s release. A sensation she can’t ignore, something to fill her mind with something other than hopelessness or anxiety over her uncertain future.   She didn’t ask for this, but Christi, this exactly what she needs.   “Too rough for you?” Meredith mocks, looming over her, commanding a fast pace, crushing V under her weight, pushing air out of the punk’s lungs with each sawing motion if her hips. “Hey, are you listening to me? Shit, I’m going to be very disappointed if you pass out on me now… But not surprised.”   She bottoms out almost completely, before shoving her meant back in without any subtlety, hitting V hard, to the very limits. The merc sees white, but it’s not the twisted mix of pain, pleasure or humiliation. It’s anger. Ever since embarking on her gonk quest to become a Night City legend, all she did was end up getting fucked. Mostly figuratively, but she’s had enough. Enough of people fucking with her. Enough of always being the one to get screwed over.   Time to take some back.   She gives a feral groan, running her nails the length of Meredith’s shoulders, forcing a surprised hiss form the corpo. Before Stout has a chance to react, V closes her hands around her slender white neck, pulling down so that their faces are even.   “Fuck you.” She breathes through clenched teeth before mashing their mouths together, grazing her teeth against the other woman’s lip. She kisses without feeling, only acting out the raw need to show Meredith she’s not going to take this laying down like a broken doll.   Stout is caught off guard for a change, before regaining her composure and forcefully pulling away from V. They stare each other down; V with determination, Meredith with intrigue. V’s hands are still around the taller woman’s neck, just below the studded synleather collar.   “Guess you’re not all talk, then.” Stout snarks with a smirk.   V’s fingers tighten around Meredith’s neck and her thumbs press down on the front of the throat. She means business. Meredith chokes and grunts, but takes it, fucking the merc fast and shallow, every now and then withdrawing and hilting herself completely in hot, quivering flesh. Sweat beads at the corpo’s temples and runs down he reddened face, but she is not stopping, hissing and coughing, fighting for air, but clearly into it.   Corpos are some sick fucks.   V is stretched to her limits, reduced to just warm, slippery flesh wrapped around massive synthetic cocks, pulsating with now numb pain and disgustingly visceral pleasure. She can’t believe she’s about to come from being used like a cyberwhore, but she has learned a lot of new things about herself in the past weeks. Mostly, that she might not be completely right in the head.   “You’re really going to come from getting choked out by some gutterpunk?” She scoffs, easing her grip around Meredith’s pulsating neck, so the other woman can speak.   A cold, white spark flashes through Stout’s bloodshot eyes as she leans in and a drop of sweat drips from the tip of her nose onto V’s cheek.   “Oh, I’m going to come inside some gutterpunk.” She smiles so naturally, almost like a human being.   V’s face scrunches and she squeezes another breath from the icy bitch, ripping a strained groan of pleasure. Meredith buries herself inside her, syn-balls deep, her muscles going rigid. And although this should be impossible, she ejaculates, flooding V’s holes with hot pressurized cum. The merc yelps surprised, her body reacting with her own violent orgasm, her twat and ass twitching and rhythmically convulsing, taking in a load that’s impossible to come from a normal human being, implants or not.   Her holes squelch, the magnitude of Meredith’s cum pouring out of her, too abundant to quickly seep into the sheets, instead slicking them in a slippery coat of white. She can feel how cold the fluid is deep inside her holes, deep enough that she’s going to be leaking it for at least a few hours. Which means there is no chance of forgetting this after she gathers her senses and leaves.   She lays flat, sweaty and dizzy, too tired to keep squeezing the life out of the corpo bitch.   “You look fine. Maybe this is your calling?” Meredith murmurs through her swollen throat.   “Pay me and fuck off.” V breathes with her eyes closed.   Stout finally peels herself away and withdraws, causing more of whatever she was using to imitate real spunk to pour out of V. The punk grunts, rising on her elbows, sliding on the synthetic fibers, certain the mattress was already soaked. Not her concern, unlike making sure she was going to get paid.   Meredith stands, lighting another cigarette, offhandedly squeezing out the rest of the fake jizz from her cocks. She ignores her one-time plaything, but she does not forget about their deal as a pop-up window containing the passcode shows in center of V’s vision.   “There, try not to spend it all on stupid shit. We’re done here.” Stout sums up, taking one last drag and giving the sore body on the bed a last glance before she reaches for her coat draped over the chair. She flings it on, then brushes back her messy hair, again the picture of cold professionalism.   “Get out.” V grunts, trying to sit up, but the bed is too slippery and she’s too worn out to move.   Meredith turns away with a cheery laugh. As if she was planning to hang around this dump for longer! She flicks the cig and stomps out with her heeled boot and leaves without another word.   The door closes behind her and V is finally alone to handle whatever just happened in any way she pleases. She opts to roll off the bed, ignoring the pulsating discomfort in her abdomen. On all fours, she crawls to her heap of clothes. She curses, finding droplets from Meredith on her beloved jacket, just another insult in this whole affair. But it’s okay, she can wash them off later. After all, she should be able to afford a trip to the laundromat now.   She finds the shard in her pocket, jacks in and transfers the passcode. A few tense seconds fly by with her staring at the slowly filling progress bar like her life depended on it. Finally, the bar reaches to 100 percent and she has access.   She exhales a breath she was holding in apprehension, pressing her sweaty forehead to the floor. She knew there was scratch on the damned thing, just not… that much. She does some quick math in her head and for the first time allows herself to smile. This is more than enough to pay for rent, her car and her debt to Vik. Hell, she’ll even have some funds left to keep her going for a few days. And that’s all she needs, a few days to pursue some leads and hopefully save her from having her brain slowly devoured from the inside by a fifty-year-old ghost.   Finally, she has some hope. And all it took was her pride.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 2
[font="Times]It had been a week since Sakuro had blackmailed his neighbour, Natsumi, into becoming his personal slut. It didn't take much effort on Sakuro's part as Natsumi liked being fucked by his huge dick and she submitted herself to him pretty quickly. Sakuro had ordered her not to have sex with anybody other than him without his permission. "Do not worry Sakuro-sama, you are his master and I am your slut, his body belongs to you only, I would not do anything that you do not like" was her honest reply to the order, she was even happy about the answer.[/font] [font="Times]The sun was setting in Konoha. Sakuro was at the moment sitting on the couch in Natsumi's house while the said owner was down on her knees giving a blowjob to her master. They both were naked and their bodies were covered in sweat and in Natsumi's case Sakuro's cum too. She had the head of his cock in her mouth and was blowing onto it sending jolts of pleasure up Sakuro's spine if his heavy breathing and the moans were any indication.[/font] [font="Times]Sasuke was still out of town on his business trip and Natsumi had requested Sakuro's mother to let Sakuro live with her for the week as her husband was out at his job and she was feeling lonely. Sakuro's mother was happy to help her and agreed to her request instantly. Sakuro was ecstatic at the thought of spending the week with his beautiful slut and captured her lips as soon as they had entered her house. They soon freed each other of their clothes and one thing led to another to the current predicament they were in.[/font] [font="Times]"You are doing wonderful slut" Sakuro complimented Natsumi. Natsumi felt happy at the compliment and went on to deep throat him taking his whole length into her mouth inch by inch. She then started bobbing her head up and down on his shaft slowly so as to give her master as much pleasure as she could. She found herself getting wet at the action she was performing.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi then applied her tongue into the action and licked and sucked on his manhood like a lollipop. Sakuro was having a good time, but his patience was running thin due to her slow movements. He couldn't take it much longer and grabbed the back of Natsumi's head fisting her beautiful golden locks with both his hands and started throat fucking Natsumi.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi was surprised by her master's action and almost reached her orgasm when he started fucking her throat. She couldn't help but moan from having her throat fucked. Sakuro soon neared his climax. "I am cumming slut" Sakuro warned Natsumi before making one final thrust and emptying his load into Natsumi's throat. Natsumi too had an orgasm when he unloaded inside her.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro took his dick out of her mouth shooting a few cum shots that hit her face, hair and open mouth. Natsumi gulped down the cum that fell into her mouth and gave a satisfactory moan.[/font] [font="Times]"Get up slut and get ready, we will be going out to watch a movie tonight" Sakuro ordered Natsumi. "Yes, Sakuro-sama" replied Natsumi with a smile. They went to bath one after the other, first Natsumi and then Sakuro and quickly got dressed afterwards.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro was wearing a pair of blue jeans along with a red shirt and black shoes. Natsumi was wearing a black frock like the one she was wearing when she became Sakuro's slut. Her golden blonde hair was left undone and came down to her thighs.[/font] [font="Times]They soon departed for the theatre in Natsumi's car. They bought the tickets after reaching the theatre and entered the respective hall. It was a romantic movie but judging by the empty seats, the movie was not doing well.[/font] [font="Times]They took their seats and were amazed to find that the whole hall was empty except for one middle aged man sitting a few seats away from them in the same row. Soon the lights started dimming signalling the start of the movie.[/font] [font="Times]Soon it became apparent to Sakuro why the movie was not doing well. It was boring as hell. He glanced towards Natsumi and found that his slut too had similar thoughts about the movie. '[i]I have a better idea' [/i]thought Sakuro and he made Natsumi face him by clapping her cheeks with his hands.[/font] [font="Times]He then pulled Natsumi towards himself and locked lips with her that caused her eyes to widen slightly as it was a public place and there was a stranger not too far away from them. But Sakuro continued to kiss her which caused her to relax and she started responding to the kiss with equal passion.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro then licked her lips asking her to part her lips which she did obediently. He entered his tongue into her mouth exploring every corner of her mouth before catching her tongue with his and playing with it. Natsumi couldn't stop herself from moaning as her master played with her tongue.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro was roaming his hands all over her body while kissing her. He massaged her boobs over the black frock that she was wearing and then he lowered his hand to her nether region and rubbed her pussy lips over her panty.[/font] [font="Times]She moaned into his mouth which effectively muffled the sound. Sakuro then entered his hand into her panty and lowered it to her knees. He then entered a finger into her pussy eliciting another moan from her. After some time he broke the kiss and ordered her "Take out his dick and stroke it slut".[/font] [font="Times]She unzipped his pants and entered her hand into his boxers and started stroking his huge dick with her soft hands. He captured her lips in another kiss and inserted another finger into her pussy moving them in and out at a moderate pace.[/font] [font="Times]This continued for another 15 minutes when Natsumi climaxed and Sakuro decided it was enough and broke the kiss and took his fingers out of her pussy. He asked her to stop stroking him and brought his fingers in front of Natsumi's face.[/font] [font="Times]"Lick it clean slut" he ordered her. Natsumi, like the obedient slut she was obeyed his command immediately. She took his fingers into her mouth and sucked on them drinking every drop of her cum that stick to his fingers and then let go of them.[/font] [font="Times]"Now it is your turn to make me climax slut" Sakuro said. "Yes, Sakuro-sama" exclaimed Natsumi happily and bent down and took the head of Sakuro's dick into her mouth and blew on it making Sakuro groan with pleasure. She then took it out and licked it along the length of the shaft trying to provide her master with as much as pleasure as she could.[/font] [font="Times]She licked his balls and sucked on them before moving upwards again giving Sakuro's dick another lick. She again took the head of the dick into her mouth but this time she didn't stop there. She continued taking Sakuro's dick into her mouth bit by bit until she could not take more.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi was able to take half of his length without choking. She then started to bob her head up and down his length causing Sakuro moan. She too was moaning as she engulfed her master's cock in her warm mouth. The vibrations from her moaning caused Sakuro immense pleasure.[/font] [font="Times]He closed his eyes enjoying the blowjob he was receiving from his slut. After a few minutes of Natsumi deep throating her master, Sakuro neared his climax. "I am about to cum slut" Sakuro warned her which caused Natsumi to double her efforts in bringing him to climax.[/font] [font="Times]Soon Sakuro reached his climax and ejacuated his load into Natsumi's mouth. Natsumi backed up and opened her mouth to show her master the mouthful load he had unloaded just now and then swallowed the cum. "Thank you for the cum Sakuro-sama" she thanked her master.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro got excited again seeing Natsumi swallow his cum without any orders. He then noticed that the middle aged man that was sitting a few seats away was looking towards them. He had his dick out of pants and was stroking it, enjoying the free show he was receiving.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro had another idea. He signalled the man to come near them. The middle aged man complied with the request and got to their seats. When the man reached them, Sakuro noticed he was a very short man, probably in his sixties seeing his greying hair.[/font] [font="Times]He had a triangular beard and a moustache that has angular corners, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head was completely bald though he had long grey hair on the lower-half of his head which was styled in a traditional chonmage hair cut, the back of which was tied with a yellow ribbon into a top knot.[/font] [font="Times]He was wearing a simple pair of black pants and a white shirt along with black boots. Though his pants were rolled down to his knees along with his underwear showing his cock which was seven inches in length and one and a half inches in diameter.[/font] [font="Times]"What is your name old man?" Sakuro asked the short man. "Onoki" was the simple reply of the now identified Onoki, he was too busy ogling Natsumi and raping her with his eyes to add any more detail to his answer.[/font] [font="Times]"Would you like to join us old man" Sakuro asked the old man. This got Onoko's attention off Natsumi and to Sakuro. Said old man was shocked from the request but didn't remain shocked for long. "I would love to join you lad" he replied, lust oozing out of his eyes on seeing Natsumi.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro then turned to Natsumi and ordered her to strip naked. Natsumi complied with her master's orders and took off her frock and bra and panty quickly and was standing naked in front of the two men in no time. Onoki stood up on one of the seats.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro made Natsumi stand on all fours with her hands on the seat adjacent to Onoki's and her knees on the one which was near to his. "Suck his dick slut" Sakuro ordered Natsumi. Natsumi took Onoki's tool in her hands and stroked it a few times before licking it once along its length and then taking his dick into her mouth upto the base sucking on Onoki's dick like a pro.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro meanwhile adjusted himself behind Natsumi. He kept his monster of a dick at the entrance of her pussy. He rubbed his dick at her pussy lips teasing Natsumi who tried to take her master's dick into her love hole by pushing her hips back but was unsuccessful every time.[/font] [font="Times]She stopped sucking Onoki's dick for a moment and pleaded her master "Please Sakuro-sama, I want to feel your cock in my pussy, fuck your personal slut please". Sakuro decided to listen to her honest pleas and stopped teasing her.[/font] [font="Times]He steadied her ass by holding her hips with his hands and made a thrust penetrating his head in to her love canal. He added more pleasure slowly entering his dick into his Natsumi's pussy bit by bit until he reached the entrance of her womb. He took his dick out slowly till only the head remained inside her vagina.[/font] [font="Times]He then made a stronger thrust sheathing his whole length into her pussy folds and penetrating in to her womb. Natsumi moaned from the penetration onto Onoki's cock giving him a jolt of pleasure and climaxed violently. Her juices reducing the friction between her vaginal walls and her master's cock even more.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro again took out his entire length out Natsumi's wet folds till only the head was inside and again made a thrust of same intensity as the last one. He repeated his actions at a slow pace penetrating into Natsumi's womb with each thrust.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi could do nothing but moan from the pleasure she was receiving from her master and suck the dick of the old man as she had been ordered. Her moans were muffled by Onoki's cock but the vibrations from her moans sent jolts of pleasure up Onoki's spine.[/font] [font="Times]Onoki couldn't hold himself back for much long and he grabbed Natsumi's hand fisting on her golden locks and started to fuck her mouth. Sakuro too increased his pace of thrusting in and out of Natsumi's pussy. Soon both Onoki and Sakuro formed a sync in their motions. While one was going in the other was coming out.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi soon reached another orgasm from the intense fucking she was receiving by her master and this strange old man. But the fucking fest continued as neither men were near their climax.[/font] [font="Times]After a few minutes, Onoki neared his climax. "I am going to cum" he said before releasing his load into Natsumi's mouth with one final thrust. He took his limp dick out of her mouth and sat down on the seat; he was exhausted to the core and could not do much now. Natsumi kept the load in to her mouth and didn't swallow it as her master had not ordered her to do so.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro leaned onto Natsumi from behind and grabbed her tits from behind and started massaging them. He brought his lips near her ears and whispered to her "Return the old man's cum back to him my precious slut". He then backed up again and again placed his hands on her hips. Natsumi nodded, well as much as she could with her master still fucking her.[/font] [font="Times]She then reached for Onoki's neck with one hand and pulled the old man down for a kiss. She broke into his mouth by parting his lips apart with her own lips and tongue easily as the old man was tired and had not much strength left in him, so he did not resist.[/font] [font="Times]She then passed the cum from her mouth to the old man's and made him swallow his own cum like her master had asked her to. Once she was done, she broke the kiss found that the old man was unconscious from exhaustion. Another thrust from Sakuro made her moan louder and revert her focus back on the fucking she was receiving. She started moaning freely from the hard fucking her master was giving her.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro seeing his Natsumi break the kiss bent down and grabbed Natsumi's waist making her sit on his lap facing away from him. He lifted her golden traces and let them fall behind his back. He put his hands under her thighs and lifted her up again and then resumed thrusting his cock in and out of her penetrating her womb with each thrust.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi had been reduced into a moaning mess. Her slutty moans fueling Sakuro's desire more and more. Their bodies were covered in sweat even after the air conditioner of the cinema hall.[/font] [font="Times]Natsumi soon reached another orgasm bathing her master's cock with her love juices. But Sakuro was nowhere near his climax and continued fucking Natsumi with vigour. When Natsumi came down from her high, Sakuro decided it was time to change the position again.[/font] [font="Times]He took his cock out of Natsumi's wet folds causing said woman to whine in denial due to removal of her master's cock from inside her. He made her stand up and then took a comfortable position on the seat.[/font] [font="Times]He then asked Natsumi to climb on to his seat but this time facing him. Natsumi did as her master ordered. Sakuro then made Natsumi sit on his lap and take his shaft in to her warm and wet pussy inch by inch. Her moans increasing in loudness as more of her master's cock penetrated her love canal. All her love juices, she released till now, acting as effective lubricant. Soon his entire length was sheathed inside her folds, the top portion being inside her womb.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro then captured Natsumi's lips in another heated kiss. He also started to thrust into her from below slowly. He broke the kiss and increased the speed and strength of his thrusts making Natsumi bounce on his cock. Her tits were jiggling as well with each thrust.[/font] [font="Times]"Fuck me harder Sakuro-sama, dump all your cum inside me. I am your cum dump. Use me as one" exclaimed Natsumi loudly. Her loud moans were making the sound of the film inaudible to Sakuro. Luckily for them, the theatre was empty and Onoki was already asleep by now.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro decided to give his slut what she wanted and increased the speed once more and started fucking Natsumi even harder than before. Natsumi climaxed once more and captured her master's lips in a searing hot kiss.[/font] [font="Times]After a few more thrusts, Sakuro was nearing his climax. He broke the kiss and said to Natsumi "I am close slut". "Me too Sakuro-sama, cum inside me, make me feel special by dumping your cum into my womb" With a few more thrusts, both Sakuro and Natsumi climaxed together with Sakuro penetrating her womb again and painting her womb white with his cum.[/font] [font="Times]Sakuro captured Natsumi's lips again in a small chaste kiss. He then helped Natsumi stand up after removing his cock from her pussy. He then zipped up his pants and helped Natsumi get dressed and set her hair as it was dishevelled from all the fucking she received from him and she was too tired to do anything all by herself. They then relaxed for a bit till the movie got over and then they made their way to Natsumi's house.[/font] [font="Times]'[i]It was the best cinema experience ever'[/i] both Natsumi and Sakuro thought at the same time. They made their way towards Natsumi's bedroom on reaching her house, took off their clothes and lay on the bed cuddling with each other as they were too exhausted in order to do anything else.[/font] [font="Times]They soon fell asleep in the same position.[/font]
Chapter 0 - Chapter 0
It was a beautiful day in the city of Konoha. It was a summer afternoon but the temperature was a bit on the lower side providing relief to the people which they were happy about. But it was not so good for one of the residents of the beautiful city. Said resident was sitting at the couch in the house she shared with her husband. She was 28 year old, had fair complexion, and long sun kissed blonde hair that reached her thighs with two chest length bangs framing her beautiful heart shaped face that complimented her blue eyes perfectly. She had a voluptuous body that the ladies would kill to have. She had huge DD cup breasts that were firm and not saggy. She had all the right curves at the right places. She looked like a Goddess in human form. She was wearing a white sundress that came down to her ankles. Her long hair left loose. Her name was Uzumaki Natsumi. She was frustrated because her husband, Uchiha Sasuke, has been out of the country for some business trip for four months and is not due back for another four. She had no problems with him being out on business trips but it had been four months since she had sex and she was sexually frustrated. It was the first time she had been alone for so long without having her husband to satisfy her desires. The first couple of months were easy to spend alone but by the time the third month started, she started feeling the effects of the long time of sexual inactiveness. Masturbation could help only so much, she needed a real cock inside her pussy. 'Thats it, I cannot take it any longer, the first man that knocks on my door will be my victim' thought Natsumi, clearly out of her mind. A couple of hours passed by, Natsumi was making herself some lunch when she herad the door bells. A smile crept on her beautiful face as she proceeded to open the doors. When she opened the door, she found herself in front of a tall middle aged man with long spiky white hair that came down to his waist and was tied in a ponytail. Two shoulder length bangs framed both sides of his face. He had red lines that ran down from his black eyes. He also had a noticeable wart on the left side of his nose. He wore a plain white shirt with black pants and black boots. When the doors opened, Jiraiya's breath hitched. The doors were opened by the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He stared at her for quite some time before coming back to his senses. "Hello, my name is Jiraiya. I need some help locating this place" he said showing the woman a card of some publisher in the city. Natsumi on the other hand had no plans of letting the man go. So, instead of grabbing the card to see the address, she grabbed the man's collar and pulled him in with strength she didn't knew she had causing Jiraiya to widen his eyes in surprise. She then closed the doors and turned around to meet the coal black eyes of Jiraiya's with her blue ones. She grabbed his cheeks with both her hands and pressed her lips against the older man's. Jiraiya was shocked by what was happening. His eyes showed that shock as they had widened to inappropriate proportions. He could feel the soft lips of the busty blonde on his but was unable to respond to the kiss. The shock soon faded away and he started responding to the kiss. He licked her lips asking her to part them. Natsumi moaned into the kiss when Jiraiya licked her lips and did as she was asked. Jiraiya did not waste any time and entered his tongue in to her mouth captured hers in a battle of dominance. Jiraiya's hands roamed all over Natsumi's body as he felt her godly curves with his hands. He grabbed her boobs and was surprised that she was not wearing any bra under her dress, giving them a firm press before going snaking their way around her waist and pulling her body close to his. The tongue battle soon halted due to the immediate need of air. They both pulled apart panting for air. "You are a good kisser old man" Natsumi said to Jiraiya after gaining enough oxygen to speak properly. "You too are not bad youself miss...erm" Jiraiya replied realising he did not know her name. Natsumi giggled at the fact that she just made out with a stranger without even telling him her name. "My name is Natsumi" She filled him in. "Beautiful name for an even beautiful woman" he complimented. Natsumi blushed from the compliment. "So now that we know each other's name, shall we continue?" Natsumi asked the older man, her voice gaining a slutty tone to it. Jiraiya nodded enthusiastically, not one to deny a woman her pleasure. They both tackled each other pressing their lips against each others. Natsumi grabbed Jiraiya's head from behind deepening the kiss and entering her tongue into the older man's mouth again starting a battle of dominance between their tongues. Jiraiya grabbed Natsumi by the waist and lifted her up to his level. Natsumi folded her legs behind him. He slammed her back against the wall causing Natsumi to gasp and lose the tongue battle. Jiraiya tamed her tongue into submission causing Natsumi to moan into the kiss. Natsumi reached down with one of her hands and unzipped Jiraiya's pants. She felt his cock hardening and she was surprised that it was over 8 inches in length and 2 inches in width. She tried to take out the monster cock out of its confinement but was having problems doing so. Jiraiya understanding what she wanted, helped her in taking out his monster of a dick. As soon as his cock was out, he pushed her sundress upwards to her waist. Another surprise hit Jiraiya when his hands touched her bare butt amd he found that she wasn't wearing any panties either. 'Well it will be easier this way' he thought. He brought his cock near her pussy lips which were already wet from their foreplay and rubbed its head on her nether lips teasing her. Natsumi gasped breaking the kiss and tried to impale herself on the cock but was failing in her attempts as Jiraiya held her firmly. "Please put your cock inside my pussy, its waiting to be impaled" pleaded Natsumi. "As you wish slut" Jiraiya replied before thrusting upwards impaling her pussy and sheathing his entire length into her waiting pussy in one go, the head of the cock had hit the entrance of her womb. The wetness of her pussy helping in the endeavour. 'Damn, she is tight. If she were not already this wet, it would have taken more effort' thought Jiraiya. Natsumi moaned loudly from the pleasure she received from the huge cock entering her womanhood. She also found herself getting even wetter from the stranger calling her a slut. 'Maybe I am a slut, cheating on my husband with a stranger no less' she thought. But it did not bother her even the slightest. After some time relishing in the warmth of Natsumi's vagina, Jiraiya started moving. He pulled out his cock leaving only the head inside her and thrust in harder than before getting out another loud moan from Natsumi. Natsumi had almost cum from the second thrust. She knew it was good decision in inviting the old man to fuck her. Jiriaya repeated the process a third time and this time Natsumi did reach her orgasm moaning even louder than before. But Jiraiya continued fucking her slow hard thrusts. After a few more thrusts, Natsumi climaxed again adding to the pool that had formed below them from her pussy juices. "Harder Jiraiya, fuck me harder and faster, make my tight pussy yours" exclaimed Natsumi. Jiraiya did not need a second invitation. He started fucking her with increase speed and harder thrusts hitting her womb's entrance with each thrust he made. Her boobs jiggling with each thrust he made in. Natsumi couldn't stop herself from moaning. To her, it felt so good, to finally have a cock inside her pussy. Her moans were like music to Jiraiya's ears, fuelling his desire to fuck the busty blonde even more. "That's it slut, moan louder, scream my name" exclaimed Jiraiya with another rhar thrust. Natsumi moaned from the comment and the pleasure she was receiving. Being called a slut was making her pussy gush even more. She moaned even louder when she reached another orgasm. This one bigger than the two she had before. Jiraiya too was nearing his climax as the tight pussy of Natsumi's was making it difficult for him to hold off his orgasm any longer. "I am close to cumming slut" Jiraiya warned her while still fucking her pussy hard and fast. "Cum inside me Jiraiya, fill me with your cum" exclaimed Natsumi. With a final thrust, Jiraiya penetrated Natsumi's womb and emptied his load inside her womb painting its walls white with semen. Natsumi too reached another orgasm when Jiraiya penetrated her womb. It was a first time anyone had penetrated her womb and it felt so good. She could feel the huge load that Jiraiya had just emptied into her womb sloshing around her womb. The cervix preventing even a drop of his semen from flowing out of her womb. After coming down from the high, Jiraiya pulled himself out of her pussy. Natsumi unfolded her legs from behind the older man and stood up still leaning on the wall for support. It had been a dizzying experience being fucked like that but she had enjoyed it. The love juices at her feet proving the point. She slowly helped herself to the couch and ushered Jiraiya to have a seat besides as well. "That was a lot of fun old man" Natsumi stated "We should do it again sometime" she sent him a slutty smile. "How about we have a second round now" Jiraiya asked lecherously pointing to his cock which had again become hard. Natsumi looked at his cock and gave Jiraiya another slutty smile before replying "Only if you promise to live at my place and fuck me for the next four months". Jiraiya was confused from her demand, he would happily fuck a beautiful woman like Natsumi if asked to, but "Why only four months?" he asked her. "Well, my husband returns in four months" Natsumi replied casually as if it was a no big deal telling a man you just fucked about your husband. Jiraiya was shocked again. The angel he just fucked had a husband. "You have a husband?" asked Jiraiya dumbfounded. He could not believe he just fucked a married lady. "He is out on some business trip and won't be back for another four months" she explained "You can still fuck me though, whenever he is not around" Natsumi assured the older man. Jiraiya's face brightened up. He has this super hot blonde all for himself for the next four months and even when her husband is out on other tours. He would not let such an opportunity pass up. He tackled Natsumi and captured her lips once again in another heated kiss, one which she responded to quite enthusiastically. After kissing her for a few minutes, he broke the kiss for some much need oxygen. "I will take the kiss as a yes" stated Natsumi before bending down and kissing the head of Jiraiya's cock causing him to close his eyes and groan in pleasure. She held it with one hand and stroked it a few times before giving it a lick along its length causing a moan to erupt from Jiraiya's mouth. She then licked his balls and continued upwards licking along the huge dick of the older man. She took the head of the cock into her mouth and blew onto it. She then proceeded to take more of his cock into her mouth till she had taken about half of his length in. She then started to bob her head up and down sucking the older man's cock like a pro. She used her tongue to pleasure the older man as much as possible. Jiraiya was enjoying the blowjob the busty blonde was giving him, but he had other plans in mind. He placed both of his hands on the back of her head, fisting on the beautiful blonde locks before pressing her mouth further down on his shaft forcing her to swallow more of his cock than just four inches. Natsumi's eyes widened as she was forced to take more cock into her mouth. Jiraiya continued this till his cock had buried itself into the busty blonde's warm mouth completely. Natsumi was gagging from her mouth being full of the old man's cock, but she found herself getting wetter from being dominated by the white haired man. Jiraiya then started to fuck her mouth and even her throat using his hands to ensure his whole length was buried in her mouth after each thrust he made. It took some time for Natsumi to get used to the face fucking she was receiving but soon she formed a rythm with old man and couldn't stop herself from moaning onto his cock. The vibrations caused due to the busty blonde's moans sent jolts of pleasure to the white haired man. After a few minutes of face fucking the beautiful blonde, Jiraiya reached his climax with a final thrust emptying his load into the waiting mouth of Natsumi. Natsumi drank up all of the older man's cum founding its taste to be delicious. Jiraiya let go of the blonde's hair and she sat up wiping some cum that had come out of her mouth and drinking that as well. "Not bad old man, you taste quite good" Natsumi complimented. "Now it is my turn to eat you slut" Jiraiya exclaimed before picking up Natsumi and again tackling her to a nearby wall. He captured her lips in a chaste kiss before moving down to her neck, kissing and sucking on her soft skin causing Natsumi to moan with pleasure. He gripped the zip of her sundress before lowering it. He then lowered the shoulder straps causing her dress to fall down. He moved his mouth lower trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone. When he reached her breasts, he gave her right boob a kiss and lapped his mouth onto the hardened nipple sucking her right boob. Her left boob wasn't left without attention and Jiraiya's hand massaged it while he sucked her right boob. He chewed her nipple causing Natsumi to orgasm with a shuddering moan. He then repeated this process with her left boob while massaging the right one with his hand. After playing with her DD boobs, he again started moving downwards trailing kisses as he went down. When he reached her shaven pussy, he licked her clitoris causing another moan to erupt from the busty blonde's lips. He placed her legs over her shoulders to grant himself easier access to her pussy. He entered his tongue into her pussy causing Natsumi to moan louder than before. He used his fingers to play with the blonde's clitoris while he ate her out. Soon Natsumi reached another orgasm with a loud moan, releasing her juices into the open mouth of Jiraiya who was all ready to drink her juices. He lapped up every drop of her cum that he could and removed her legs form over his shoulders so that he could stand up. "You are not bad either Natsumi" he said. "Now get on all fours and present your pussy to me slut" ordered Jiraiya. Natsumi felt her pussy getting wetter, if it was possible after all the orgasms she had and decided to obey the old man. She quickly got down on her hands and knees and raised her butt showing her completely shaven but wet pussy to the white haired man. Jiraiya wasted no time in getting behind the beautiful blonde tracing her pussy lips with his erect cock. He grabbed her hips and made a hard thrust penetrating her pussy and sheathed himself completely in her vagina hitting the entrance of her womb with his cock. He then took out his cock leaving only its head inside and made a thrust harder than before sheathing his cock into her warm folds again but this time getting past her womb's entrance and entering her cum filled womb causing the busty blonde to moan in pleasure . He again took his dick out of her folds only leaving the head inside and again thrusting in penetrating her womb again. He continued to fuck her hard but slow penetrating Natsumi's womb each time he thrust in, providing the blonde with as much pleasure as he could. Natsumi soon reached her orgasm. Her boobs jiggling with each thrust he made in. She had lost track of how many orgasms she had in the afternoon. But the white haired man continued to fuck the blonde. The slow but hard thrusts were driving Natsumi insane with the pleasure. Her moans were becoming louder with each thrusts. She was nearing another orgasm. "Fuck me faster Jiraiya, fuck me harder" moaned Natsumi. Jiraiya compled with her request and increased his pace fucking her faster than before. Natsumi was loving this. Her continuous moans were the proof of this. She was loving every second of this old man fucking her pussy. She was being rocked back and forth from the thrusts Jiraiya was becoming addicted to this. It was the first time; a man had penetrated her so deep. The old man had even penetrated her womb with his huge dick. Another orgasm hit Natsumi adding to the ever growing number of orgasms she had received. It was the best sex she ever had till now. After half an hour of fucking her, Jiraiya finally neared his climax. "I am close slut" Jiraiya warned her. "Please cum inside me Jiraiya, I want to feel your cum inside my womb" exclaimed Natsumi. Jiraiya did as asked. After a couple more thrusts, Jiraiya finally reached his climax "I am cumming slut" he exclaimed penetrating into her womb again and emptying his huge load into her womb, adding to the cum that was already there. "I am cumming too Jiraiya" Natsumi exclaimed as well reaching another orgasm. After emptying himself into her womb, Jiraiya then took his cock out of her dripping pussy causing Nastsumi to fall forward, her hands finally giving in from exhaustion. She soon entered the world of dreams, the exhaustion from the fucking finally overtaking her senses. Jiraiya zipped up his pants and looked at the sleeping blonde. She was looking even sexier now with her hair being dishevelled, her tongue limping from her mouth and her pussy dripping wet with her juices. He then picked up his new fuck friend from the floor bridal style and laid her on the couch. He too then lay down on the neighbouring couch and fell asleep.
Chapter 2 - "Headed" to Town
Since zwei would no longer pose as a threat to her ivy found herself free to roam into the village just a few miles out from her manor. She dawned her royal blue garments complete with black corset, gilded gauntlet to cover from finger tip to shoulder of her right arm and strapped her knee high leather boots tightly. Her hair was kept short and neat as she had the time to slick it back and let her silver bangs dance shaking her pale forehead. Ivy tied a medium cape against her royal blue jacket and aligned the golden epaulette to her shoulder. "I'll be back before sun down, I must go see if I can find some more materials for my alchemy." She said to her servant. He bowed his head as ivy jumped up to her horse and began to race down toward the village. Her cape billowing in the wind as she firmly grasped the reins of her horse and with a great big grin she bit her bottom lip and rode into town. Her sword was bouncing against her side as it was firmly locked into her belt.  The town was in sight, as Ivy bounced up on the saddle.She could see the gate, her horse galloped through the dust clouds and villagers gathering material out of the town. The villager halted in their paces as they gawked at Isabella Valentine entering their village. Ivy shot back at them with a seductive gaze. A bat of her eyes, flip of her bangs and smirk, Ivy sat atop of her steed as she sped through the village gate and into the main square of town.  All eyes were on her as she stopped her horse in the center of the village. She could see the men and women straying away as Ivy climbed off her saddle. Her hips swayed with each pace she took away from her horse. There was a silence among the crowd as Ivy approached the very first male villager who was brave enough to make himself known to her.              “Lady Valentine, please, what may I ask are you doing back here?”             “So kind of you to ask my dear, I’m here for some more material, what have you gathered for me?” Ivy cracked a smile as she approached the villager in the ragged clothing. She towered over him as he stood with a hunch and coward in her presence.              “For you, sorry, we only have enough to get by for a bit. But that is for the village and it’s not even so much for us, we need to keep mining for material. We promise, we will gather your share soon.”             “Gather my share, I think I will just take what you have gathered so far. I will not wait any longer than I have already. I found it rather cute that you even managed to send a local hero up to my manor in hopes of retribution…but that didn’t go so well did it?” Ivy grabbed the man’s cheek and snickered. She forcibly turned his head to look at the villagers all cowering in fear.             “Please, lady valentine.”              “I toppled your hero…now gather what you have and load my horse I will taking it back before the sun sets. Do you hear me! Let’s get a move on shall we!” Ivy roared as she turned her gaze to the entire town.              There was a sudden faint pacing as Ivy heard it coming from her left. It was a bit far off but sounded like wooden sandals tapping against hard cobblestone. Ivy turned her attention over to see a man dressed in samurai armor cutting through the crowd. His hair was high and in a ponytail and his face was very gruff and serious. He had stopped once he entered the center of town and faced the alchemist. She could see his scowl through his facial hair.              “And who might you be?” Ivy asked dimming her eyes and taking a step ahead of the ragged villager.             “My name is Mitsurugi, you may have heard of me.”              “Ah yes, the wandering samurai, I have heard your name mentioned before, but what might I ask brings you to these parts?”              “I am in search of the ninja in red, it is only by my luck that I find the alchemist, Ivy Valentine, daughter of Cervantes.”              “I may be famous, yet.”             “Infamous is more like it, I could not help but overhear that you are harassing these people.”             “My business with them is just that, its business between myself and them. You are the outsider to be so kind enough as to stay out of my affairs.” Ivy gave a condescending smile and cackled.             “When you harass these good people then it is my business to defend them, you can get back on your horse and leave or you can stay and face me.”             “Face me, you are quite amusing, samurai. In that case…” Ivy gave no warning and lashed her sword out of her sheath and whipped it over the feet between them in hopes to strike him down with one strike. To her surprise her strike was deflected as Mitsurugi unsheathed his sword faster than she could strike. Ivy’s eyes were open wide as she could not believe what the samurai had done. Her sword was chipped and limp as Ivy felt her silver hair pop from her slick hair do and fall down to her forehead.              “Like I said, you can go or you can stay and face me, what is it going to be?” he tested her.             “My, my.” Ivy let out a nervous smile and her eye lid twitched with frustration.              “I don’t believe it!” Ivy pushed open her doors to her bedroom. Her doors violently shut behind her as she tossed her chipped sword to the ground. Her silver hair was ruffled, she undid her ascot and unbuttoned her royal blue jacket revealing her tight black corset and cleavage. Her breasts were tightly pushed together. She was pacing the marble floor of her bed room as she gazed up to the balcony looking over her room. Zwei got up off her bed and looked to her.              “You are not going to believe the level of embarrassment I just suffered in that wretched little town of yours!” Ivy placed her hands on her hips and stared over to Zwei as he sat up off of her bed.              “What’s the matter with you?” he asked.             “All I needed was some more gold to further my alchemic research, the nerve of that man!” Ivy shouted again as she grit her teeth and let her silver hair dance angrily against her forehead.              “What happened?” Zwei prodded.             “I’m so infuriated, I thought you told me there was no one capable in that village?” Ivy turned to Zwei and began to saunter over to him. Zwei was about to stand up as Ivy pressed her index finger against his chest and sat him down. She stood over him and stared down at him. Zwei turned his attention from her eyes down to her cleavage staring him directly in the face.              “There wasn’t supposed to, the village hired me and only me as far as I know?”              “This samurai made a fool of me and I didn’t get my gold, I need that gold Zwei, you have no idea how angry I am.” Ivy knelt down and placed herself between his thighs. Zwei looked down at her as Ivy furrowed her eye brows and scowled at him.              “I can help you get the gold, if you like?”             “You want to help me?! What will be in it for you?” Ivy asked yanking on his belt toward her jerking his pelvis toward her.             “The pleasure of helping you I suppose.”                   “The pleasure, don’t be cheeky with me, warrior, no one makes a fool of me and gets away with it.” Ivy undid his belt buckle and began to fish for his penis within his pants. Zwei looked over to her snake sword and saw that it was chipped.             “He really did a number on you, didn’t he?” he asked.             “More against my pride than anything, rotten scoundrel!” Ivy firmly gripped his shaft, his cock was still limp as she began to stroke it and unexpectedly slid his head and shaft into her mouth. She shut her eyes and wrapped her plump lips around his penis. She said something but it was muffled. Zwei reveled in ecstasy as she held him in her mouth and stroked him against her luscious lips. She twisted her head from side to side as she drew her head back and left a saliva trail from his penis tip to her bottom lip.              “Now my research will be very behind thanks to that samurai!” Ivy looked up at Zwei as she jerked his penis with fury. She held a scowl on her face and looked at him.             “Like I said, I will be more than willing to you get the gold.”              “Please, you are saying you are willing to turn against the village that hired you?”  Ivy raised her right eyebrow and blew her loose silver bangs aside from her forehead. She slid his cock between her lips again and slid herself down to the very end of his shaft. Her lips touched his stomach as she furrowed her brow and flared her nostrils. She was still very infuriated at the affair in the town and it surely showed. She removed her hands from his shaft and began to slowly bob her head up and down on his lap as she stared intently at him awaiting an answer. Ivy let out a moan as she withdrew up his cock and let her lips linger on his head. She ran her lips over his head in a chewing motion playing with his sensitive penis. She opened her mouth and then began to lick him up and down. Ivy began to undo her corset as her large tits spilled out of the top. The gilded strings sealing her corset tightly flung open as her breasts escaped from her black corset. Her nipples could be felt on Zwei’s legs as she bounced them up on his thighs.              “You can’t answer me? Am I distracting you?” Ivy asked as she let his dick rest against her cheek. She stared at him as she playfully smacked his penis against herself. Ivy bat her eyes and slowly began to stroke him. Still waiting for an answer Ivy opened her mouth and enveloped his cock whole. She let her tongue roll out from her bottom lip as she massaged his shaft as she motioned up and down against his throbbing dick. She could feel him getting harder and harder as she sucked on him. She kept her eyes on him as her lips remained firmly placed around the entire length of him. She squeezed her nipples with her free hand and stroked him with the other.             “No, no, it’s just, you have quite the touch.”             “Are you saying that you will do what I bid because I have you in the palm of my hand?” Ivy asked popping his cock head out from between her plump lips, there was a sudden pop sound of air escaping that vacuum of a mouth. Ivy smiled and stared at him.             “Something like that, you do have a way.” He answered twitching his fingers and toes with each moment Ivy pressed her lips, her tongue and face against his penis.              “I am doing this because I am angry, not because I want to pleasure you!” Ivy grinned as she held his dick by the base and then gave him a hard slap against his head. Zwei cringed in sudden pain and pleasure as Ivy watching his dick swing back and forth only to stand straight back up in perfect alignment with her mouth.              “Yet you are very tasty” Ivy slid her mouth over his cock and felt it pulsating through her warm wet mouth. She made a wet slapping sound each moment she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft.              “It feels great, please don’t you stop.” Zwei said quivering in her grip.             “You going to finish on me?” Ivy asked with his dick still in her mouth.              “If you keep sucking, yes.”             “That samurai was looking for the red ninja….” Ivy said as she inserted his cock in and out of her mouth. She moaned and licked against him as she thought about the event earlier.             “Red ninja?” he asked as he grabbed her sheets and wrinkled them.             “Yes, I saw her the day you came into my room, she was spying on me, well us actually.” Ivy said pulling away and jerking him as she looked up at him.             “Please, allow me to fuck you.” Zwei said staring down at her tits.             “Not today, you want to finish don’t you?” she asked running her tongue against his tip and swirling it around his head.             “Yes I do.”             “Hmmmm.” Ivy sighed as she opened up her corset ad placed his throbbing cock between her great big tits. She pressed them together and let his cock rest and disappear between her bouncing breasts.              “I will get to fuck but you won’t be doing me that pleasure, warrior. I will go back and see the samurai, he might know more about the red ninja” Ivy said as she bounced her soft tits up and down against his thighs and watched his cock emerge and hide from in between her tits. Ivy licked her lips as she felt him hard as a rock against her chest.             “This time I will be battle ready.” Ivy thought as she made her angry face and grinned.             “I will wear my usual suit rather than these royal garbs, how can any man resist me?” Ivy said as she squeezed her tits harder against his cock.             “They can’t.”             “Then finish for me!” Ivy shouted as she pressed her tits down against his thighs and hovered her chin just a few inches above his head. Zwei twitched in pleasure as he could not resist her. He clutched the sheets and let loose. Ivy smiled as she felt his warm load fire out against her chin, it glazed her lips and the tip of her nose. She watched the white strings fling out as they landed against her large soft breasts and her fingers. Zwei fell back on the bed sheets and let out a deep breath. Ivy let his cock fall out of her breasts. His cock was still throbbing. Ivy snickered as she brushed her lips close to his shaft. She breathed gently against him and then slipped his head back into her mouth. She swirling her tongue clockwise against his head as she swallowed up any leftover sperm and let it dangling from her lips and onto her chin.              “Very well, you want to help, I’ll let you help.” Ivy smiled as she stood up. She left Zwei to wallow in his own fluid as she walked away to clean up. 
Chapter 3 - Bent Over A Barstool
On the horse again and riding down the same path toward the village, ivy was fitted with a cloak that billowed in the breeze as she raced on down once again. Her head was shrouded in a hood as her look was nothing but discerning. Her legs were free from her cloak as they were fitted tightly with purple leather. Gold garters and buckles were visible as she also let her snack sword dangle by her side. She felt a wonderful breeze as she rode, her outfit this time around a bit more comfortable. It may be open and shocking for some to witness but for most men to gaze upon it they would be left mouth agape in wonder of her perfectly proportioned body. Ivy entered the town gate and watched as the people once again braced for her arrival. They saw her but this time didn't flinch. They just watched as she stopped her horse at the village center again and step off. Her heel stepping on the cobblestone as she removed her hood to reveal her pale face. Her silver hair billowing in the wind as well as her cloak. She kept the rest of her body shrouded as she did not pay any attention to the town’s people. It was made clear that they were unafraid of her, the samurai must have still been in town. "Good, I didn't miss my chance just yet." She whispered. She walked straight for the pub where the samurai had exited from the last time they shared a confrontation. She could feel the eyes on her as she held a stern smile on her face and walked into the pub. Ivy managed to step and stride with the same esteem as she always did. Given the events of the day prior she kept her pride and stopped at the very entrance of the pub. There were not many people in the bar. Just a few, no more than six. She cracked a smile and pulled her cloak open just a bit to reveal her knee high purple leather boot and garter each time she strut a few paces inward. The eyes on her were of fear and curiosity. She could feel the eyes of the townspeople ogling her just as much as they resented but she was not here to them. She was here for the samurai. Ivy’s blue eyes scanned the single room until she finally spotted someone in the far off snug toward the left end of the bar. She could tell it was him. The same armor, battle scarred and weather, his hair thick and tied up. He was drinking from a glass with his free hand resting on the handle of his sword. His eyes quickly stared up to her and briefly landed on her position in the bar. Ivy flared her nostrils and kept her eyes fixated on him. She strolled through until she finally had her clear line of sight of the samurai.             “Mitusrugi, that’s correct, yes? Did I get your name right?” Ivy commanded. He was silent but lowered his glass and looked over to her.             “Oh, please don’t get up on my account, I’m here to grab a drink just the same not to enslave these people to my every whim.” Ivy approached the bar and leaned herself against it. She further opened her cloak to reveal her large breasts bound by her purple leather body suit only pressing hard against material as if it was about to bust. She raised her right index finger and motioned for the bartender to give her something to drink. Without saying a word he did pour her a glass as Ivy took a drink and then continued looking over to Mitsurugi. The men in the bar did not move or say a word.             “Was our interaction the day previous not enough for you?”             “As a matter of fact, my dear, it was not. I did happen to find myself in a rather inquisitive mood today. I don’t wish to trade swords with you but to simply ask you a few questions?” Ivy mentioned as she inched over the bar in the direction of his snug.             “What is it you want to know?”             “I want to know what a swordsman such as yourself is doing here? What brings you to these parts?” Ivy finished her drink and set the glass gently down. She licked her lips and placed her right hand on her hip.             “I’m here looking for someone, they stole something from me and I’m trying to get it back. Last I heard they were in this area or at least headed in this direction.”             “Who is this person, maybe I can help, maybe I might be of some assistance?” Ivy offered with excitement.             “Are you sure you don’t want to draw swords again so that I may send you running away?”             “Don’t be cheeky with me, swordsman! Now tell me who is it that you are after, I don’t care about what they stole but I might know who it is so that you may be on your way.” Ivy insisted. She strolled off the bar and now stood directly in front of his table. Mitsurugi looked up at her as he stared her up and down.             “I am searching for a ninja, not sure what affiliation or clan but she is quite skilled and very agile.”             “Really, anything else?” Ivy said.             “She wears a red suit and carries two daggers.”             “Everyone, leave us be!” Ivy ordered. The men in the bar quickly stood up and left through the double doors. Mitsurugi looked at her as she pulled off her cloak to reveal to her tight purple leather and gold skin tight suit. She brushed her silver hair and sat herself down in his booth. Although Mitsurugi was a stern man he could not help his eyes from looking her head to toe, not to mention stopping for a brief period on her chest. They were alone in the pub, the bartender kindly left to the backroom while Ivy sat herself down on the bench adjacent to where he was seated. Mitsurugi adjusted himself in his seat and firmed his grip on the handle of his sword.             “I just so happened to have seen this ninja that you seek.” Ivy tapped her armored covered index finger on the wooden table top. She smiled and blew her silver bangs away from her face.             “You did? Where?”             “She was at my mansion, I caught her spying in my bedroom where I chased her off.”             “You have any idea where she went?” he asked.             “No idea, any reason why she was in my manor?” Ivy asked leaning herself over the table. Her breasts were dangling just inches above the table.                    “All I know is that she has something that belongs to me.”             “Does that mean that she is after something I have?”             “I just know that I want to find her.” Mitsurugi answered her. His eyes dropped down to her chest as he gazed into her cleavage. Ivy’s eyes watched his as she did not hide his sight.             “Would you have drawn your sword against me if I came at you dressed in this? This is my usual outfit, my favorite outfit by the way.” Ivy said with a smile.             “That depends, my sword was hungry for a fight.”             “Aren’t we both fortunate in that case, I am hungry for your sword right now.” Ivy licked her lips and dropped her hand under the table. She sat back in the snug and reached her right leg over to Mitsurugi. She began to massage the toe of her boot into his crotch. Mitsurugi cleared his throat and let her massage him. She dropped her right hand down under the table and began to rub her clit through the skin tight leather body suit. Ivy’s body pulsated with each stroking motion her hand on her pussy and her left hand squeezing and rubbing her large breasts. She bit her bottom lip and swirled her tongue in her mouth and around her cheeks. She could feel his cock against her toes as the thought of it was making her drool and making her fingers polished with moisture. She rubbed herself faster and faster and squeezed harder and tighter as Mitsurugi took hold of her thigh and calf and began caressing her as she continued to play with him under the table.             Ivy stared into his eyes as she felt her entire body pulsating with each stimulating touch. She inched herself closer until she was nearly sitting side by side with him. She knelt down on the bench beside him and dropped her head down onto his lap. She undid his pants and fished his penis out of his front pocket. Mitsurugi began to caress her back and run his hands down to her waist. Her ass was in the air as she bobbed her head up and down on his lap. He sat back and shut his eyes and let Ivy work as she pleased.             Ivy opened her mouth and ran her tongue against his head, she swirled it around his tip as she stroked his shaft up and down until she finally began to suck on it. She inserted it into her mouth and began to slobber on it. She grabbed onto his pants as she let out faint moans and sucking sounds with each bob on his shaft. Each time she felt his cock hit the back to her throat she spit out saliva and let it drip down on his shaft. She licked her tongue all the way up until she reached his head and began to tease the tip and let the saliva trails drip from her lips to his cock.             Mitsurugi snapped Ivy’s purple leather thong between her ass cheeks. He firmly gripped her tone butt and began to slap it hard as Ivy moaned and giggled with each hit. She picked her head up and began to stroke him faster and faster as she picked her head up off his lap. Ivy smiled as Mitsurugi grabbed her head and forced her back down onto his lap. Her head was forced back down onto his lap while Ivy opened her mouth quickly as he inserted his penis back into her mouth. He began to thrust his hips into her face as Ivy braced herself using her arms. She used her left leg as a balance as Mitsurugi forced his cock into her mouth over and over again. Spit and saliva began to slosh out of Ivy’s mouth. Her eyes opening wide as she felt his balls and base of his dick slapping against her perfect peach lips. His hands gripped tighter as he ruffled her hair with each furious thrust. Her voice now muffled with each fierce thrust against her tight wet mouth as she grunted and spit out with each release. Ivy gagged once she was finally able to bring her head up off of his cock’s tip. Lines of saliva trailed off and dripped onto her chin as she gasped for air. Her breasts trembled as she coughed and became more and more aroused.             “Don’t get over zealous now, I don’t want you wasting your energy on just my mouth.” Ivy smeared away the saliva from her lips and then dropped her head back down onto his lap. She knelt down before him and propped herself between his legs. She was staring up at him as she twisted and jerked her hands up and down his shaft as she sucked and slobbered on him without breaking eye contact. Her silky hands stroking up and down as she teased his penis with swift licks from her tongue. She felt him twitching with each graceful touch as she inserted it back into her mouth and began to suck deeper and deeper. Each time her index finger and thumb touched against her own lips she forced herself deeper, spitting out more saliva on his shaft and leaving impressions of her peach lipstick on his shaft.             Ivy removed it from her mouth and continued to jerk him as she sat up and hopped onto his lap facing him. Her heels were propped on the bench Mitsurugi sat on. She pressed her breasts in his face, adjusted her tight leather suit to expose her vagina and carefully inserted him into herself. Ivy planted her hands on his shoulders and began to bounce on top of her. She writhed her head in pure pleasure as she felt him enter her pussy, she could feel him growing and staying firm while she felt her thighs quaking with each bounce. Her ass clapping against his legs while she moved her large tits out of their leather chest piece. Mitsurugi grabbed her nipples and began to play with her massive breasts and watched them bounce in his face.             She bit her lower lip and grinned as she felt his hands rubbing up her waist and finding his way down to her clapping ass cheeks. He grabbed her and felt her bouncing up on him.             “I Knew you could not help yourself! Fuck me, FUCK ME, I knew you wanted to the moment I entered this pub!” Ivy shouted through moans of ecstasy.             “A woman of such class yet you suck and fuck like a whore.” Mitsurugi shouted as he let her tits bounce in his face.             “Fuck me on the table then!” Ivy hopped off of him as Mitsurugi pushed her back onto the wooden table. Ivy leaned her head up and stared at him. She furrowed her brow and blew her silver bangs away from her face. Mitsurugi held his dick in his hands and approached Ivy. She spread her legs open wide as he clasped her leg and slunk it over his left shoulder. He let her right leg swing freely as he began to ram into her as hard and as fast as she could. Ivy reached her arms out towards each end of the table. She grabbed onto the hard wood only to brace herself for each pelvic thrust he was sending her way. Her massive tits bounced up and down, side to side and jiggled spinning her nipples in a circular fashion. Her mouth was wide open as she let out load moans of pleasure and joy. Her neck was red because of the sheer adrenaline she got from this. She knew that the townspeople would be able to hear her. It made no difference in fact it only made her enjoy it a lot more. The wooden table moved inch by inch with each movement.             From the back of the bar there was a careful noise made by the sudden opening of the door. Ivy did not notice since her eyes and attention were drawn entirely somewhere else. Same went for Mitsurugi who was fixated on her perfect face and jiggling tits. The door behind the bar was left askew as there was someone peeking through. All that can be seen was the tight red jumpsuit and the pale face of the ninja Taki watching as Ivy and Mitsurugi went at it on the bar table.             “You are a very skilled samurai!” Ivy shouted as she sat up and stared at him.             “I will be cumming very soon!”             “Let me catch it!” Ivy pulled his penis out of her pussy and leaned herself forward on the table. Mitsurugi brought her head down and let Ivy suck on his dick as he grabbed onto her shoulders. Ivy began to suck once more as she felt him twitching between her succulent lips. Ivy played with herself as she continued to suck on him. Mitsurugi let out a yell as he grabbed onto Ivy’s head. He forced her down as her eyes opened wide the moment she felt his cum shoot into her mouth. Ivy spit out cum through her lips as she withdrew from his cock. Ivy let the cum drip down from her lips and down to her tits. Ivy breathed heavily as Mitsurugi sat back own on the wooden bench in front of the table. Ivy let her legs dangle down as she wiped her face with her forearm. The thick white cum rested in between her tits as Ivy played with it between her fingers. Her hair was tossed as she felt her body calming down after all that.             “Satisfied?” Ivy asked.             “Just about, anything else you want to tell me about the red ninja?”             “I told you everything I knew, I just about sucked it out of you.” Ivy snickered.             “Where did you learn to move like that?”             “I know how to handle my swords, dear.” Ivy smiled and slowly began to place her breasts back into her suit. She did not wipe off the cum that was on her chest or chin. She just let it sit as she gathered her things. 
Chapter 0 - Lady's Pet
“Well, that can’t be good.” Alucard stated to no particular person, approaching the tear in reality that so unexpectedly appeared in his childhood room.   The plan was simple – he was to quietly slip away from his new family and old friends to reminisce in these familiar four corners. Perhaps get himself a bottle of wine while he was at it. And maybe, just maybe, do some crying in peace. But his plans were rendered null by the Infinite Corridor suddenly popping up right in the center of his old room, just above the dark red stain where Dracula’s met his demise all those months ago.   Why was the Corridor appearing again? And why here? And why now? Was this some echo of the magic Saint Germain used? Or perhaps somehow the unfathomable magic of the Corridor attuned itself to whatever was left of the castle’s navigation and teleportation systems?   Well, whatever the reason was, it couldn’t happen in the worst possible moment.   “Shit.” He sighed, using his fangs to pull out the cork from the bottle.   He spat it aside and drank, musing what he should do. Should he head downstairs, wake Belmont and have him deal with this thing? Or could this wait until morning? He certainly wouldn’t mind that, he could use a moment of drunk contemplation without any pressing matters of the magical variety getting in the way.   But the swirling prismatic portal just wouldn’t go away, no matter how much he drank and how hard he glared at it, as if was toying with him.   “Oh for fu-” He grunted annoyed before going speechless at the sight of the biggest tits he had ever seen, for the portal ceased it’s swirling and shifting to reveal a pale cleavage draped in a tight white dress.   The bottle dropped to the floor and against his better judgement Alucard approached the portal, staring slack jawed at the display, marveling at the unknown woman’s white skin, the intricate web of delicate veins on her neck, and the heavy tits stretching the fabric, threatening to burst free at any second.   He could not see the face of the mystery woman, but he could hear her laugh – elegant and regal, but also… dangerous. He knew of only one species capable of such seductively sweet, and yet sinister laughter. Vampires.   Now standing right in front of the portal, he swallowed loudly when the woman turned around with a ballerina’s grace, her heavy rack swinging and bouncing with the fluid motion. And like a foolish teen boy he leaned in to catch the last glimpse of her chest, before realizing he was leaning into the Corridor. He gasped, realizing he was losing his footing, getting sucked into the Infinite Corridor. Disoriented, he cried out a surprised curse, swallowed into the rapidly shrinking portal, which closed behind him without a sound, leaving the room once again quiet and still, save for the half-finished bottle steadily dripping wine onto the floor.   For a moment he couldn’t make out which way was up and which way was down, swept up by the Corridor’s dry rapids. It felt like falling… but also being tossed up? Yet, as suddenly as he was thrown into the Corridor he was equally unexpectedly spewed out, landing into some new reality. He fell on a marble floor and remained motionless until his ears stopped ringing and he could focus his vision.   Getting up on uneasy feet and dighting dizziness, he cautiously looked around his surroundings. He was now in a lavishly decorated hall of what could only be a noble’s castle. Compared to his father’s fortress, this place was… cozier. With much more art and furniture, almost to the point of being ostentatious. Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t in any danger. Cursing at himself for forgetting to take his sword on his drinking escapade, he approached a painting prominently displayed on one of the walls.   Three young ladies posed with flirty smiles – a blonde, a redhead and a brunette. All three were draped in pastel satin dresses and wore their hair in tightly curled locks. All three were young, fair and indistinguishable from one another. The plaque below read ‘Three maidens – Bela, Daniela and Cassandra’.   “What is it with castles and maidens?” He muttered to himself, instantly coughing and spitting out an insect that flew into his mouth. Disgusted, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, turning away from the painting, only to find himself walking into a thick, buzzing swarm of more insects.   Flies, to be more exact. They descended upon him, filling his ears with their insistent buzzing and covering him in their writhing mass. He instinctively covered his face, closing his eyes and mouth, and dropped to the floor rolling like a dog with a bad mange. Yet, the tiny beasts persisted, their little legs traversing his body, sending unpleasant chills down his spine wherever they made contact with his bare skin.   With his throat tightened by disgust, he got a grip of himself and focused, dashing away with supernatural speed, leaving the offensive vermin behind. But it seemed those were no ordinary insects, as the flies quickly divided into three swarms and gave chase, cornering him just as he was about to take a sharp turn and dash into one of the side corridors.   He felt someone sharply pull his hair and kick the back of his legs, sending him crashing to the floor. He hit his head against the polished marble and saw white. He also heard… giggling amongst the infernal buzzing.   “Oh, we have a lively one!” A youthful female voice said from above.   Shaking off his initial surprise he looked up to find three pale women standing over him, almost indistinguishable from one another if it weren’t for their hair. A redhead, blonde and brunette. All three were clad in black hooded dresses accentuating their figures. And all three were brandishing sickles, staring at him with hungry eyes and grinning with their bloodied mouths.   Three maidens. In a castle. And he was alone and unarmed. This couldn’t end good.   He scrambled onto his feet, bearing his fangs and gave a warning hiss. The three assailants stared back at him, surprised but unintimidated before letting out a perfectly synched laugh.   “Look at him, kissing like a kitten! Oh, I can tell he’s going to be fun!” One of them said, raising her weapon, her sisters following suit.   Alucard yelled in pain, as the three attacked, burying their sickles into his legs, pulling him onto the floor once again. Only this time, they mounted him, effectively pinning to the floor. And although he possessed strength beyond mere mortal capabilities, they kept him there, laughing and teasing, like this was all a game to them.   A pale face hovered inches away from him as one of the girls (the blonde), reached to lift his hand to her mouth. She smirked, running her sickle the length of his palm, inciting a pained and angry hiss. Before the first droplets of dark blood could drip over his palm, she sealed her lips against the wound and sucked hard. So did the others; one against his thigh and the other against his stomach, both following the blonde girl’s fashion by slicing his skin fist.   Pleased, almost animalistic grunts echoed through the castle halls as the three maidens sucked and gulped mouthfuls of his rich blood. Who knows what would happen to the poor Alucard if it weren’t for a commanding voice that suddenly called out with fury only a displeased mother could have.   “What is the meaning of this?!”   The three ceased their indulgence and quickly scrambled off their victim, standing in a neat line at his right side, whilst a tall, imposing figure stood over him from the left. Alucard’s eyes widened for he recognized that figure. Or rather, he recognized those huge tits constrained under that tight white dress.   God, they were huge. Fat. Heavy. Jiggly… If Belmont were here, he would definitely say something lewd and stupid, like “mommy milkies”.   “Mother, we found a man-thing in our home!” The brunette girl broke the heavy silence wiping fresh blood dripping down her chin.   “No, I found the man-thing! I smelled him first!” The redhead quickly protested.   “Well, I was the one who captured him!” The blonde cried out.   The three continued their squabble, but Alucard couldn’t make out a word of what they were saying, with his eyes locked with the one they called mother. The woman was massive. Tall and regal, carrying herself in a manner that betrayed she was the lady of this castle. She looked down at him with her faintly glowing yellow eyes, her mature face scrunched with disgust. Alucard could tell she was the most dangerous denizen of this castle and he should act quickly or be doomed, yet he was in some sort of revered trance, staring back at her slack-jawed.   The Lady scrutinized every detail of his face before her gaze went lower, down his chest and waist until it caught something that caused her to grunt in repulsion. The three girls’ ceased their argument and followed their mother’s burning stare to a bulge forming under the intruder’s tight pants.   “Mother…” one of them gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “… the man-thing is having an erection!”   “I can see that clearly, Cassandra.” The woman spoke, averting her gaze from the flustered man. “It seemed our unwelcome guest is feeling a bit too comfortable.”   “Shall we then make him pay by devour his flesh and blood? He tastes like nothing I’ve ever had in my mouth before.” The redhead asked hopefully, handling her mother her bloodied sickle, so the woman could taste for herself.   The tall woman ran her tongue the length of the blade, savoring the taste of Alucard’s blood. She let out a low, pleased hum, returning the weapon and accepting a handkerchief from the dark-haired daughter. All the time, she was still staring at him and the look she gave Alucard was now… predatory.   “There will come a time when we can all satisfy our thirst, daughters.” She spoke in a measured tone, wiping her red hips. “But there is no need to rush.”   “Are you going to inform Mother Miranda of our guest’s arrival?” The blonde girl pouted, retrieving the napkin to mockingly wipe nonexistent tears from the corners of her eyes.   The woman’s dark brows crossed, yet after a moment of contemplation her face settled into a self-assured smirk. “No. There will be no need for that.” She grinned, leaning forward and Alucard gulped watching her rack shove in front of her, threatening to rip the thin fabric and break free. “Now, daughters… bring our guest to my chambers. It has been so long since we entertained… foreign visitors.”   ---   Stripped bare and chained up, Alucard writhed on the floor in front of a roaring fireplace, surrounded by the three sisters, whilst their mother watched them from the comfort of her cushioned chair.   “No, his mouth is mine!” The blonde hissed, straddling his face.   Just like the remaining two she was nude, save for her layered necklaces and, of course, her trusty sickle. Her flushed pussy hovered over Alucard’s face before she roughly slammed her shapely ass against his face with a loud smack. Already wet, her juices stained his lips and seeped into his mouth. And although he was the proud son of Dracula, he grunted, turning his face away in disgust.   “Eat it, bastard!” She yelled, twisting her free hand into his hair and rubbing her little cunt all over his face. “Or I’m going to cut your hair off!” She threatened, slashing her blade to cut off a lock of his golden strands.   Alucard’s eyes shut tight, but he knew she was dead serious. Exhaling loudly, he forced himself to stick out his tongue, instantly overtaken by her flavor once she began riding it with a proud smirk.   “Well, then I’m taking the man-thing’s… man-thing!” The redhead huffed, mounting him reverse-cowgirl style.   “Fine with me…” The dark-haired one said pleased, making herself comfortable between his spread legs. “I’ll settle for his backside.”   Alucard let out a muffled moan into the blonde’s slippery twat as the giggling redhead descended his pulsating shaft whilst the brunette slowly but confidently slid her wet fingers into his asshole. The chains rattled with his thrashing which only earned him a few warning slashes from the girls’ blades. The smell of blood and pheromones filled the stuffy chambers, accompanied by giggling and the occasional moan of pleasure.   He was repulsed and shocked, unable to recognize himself. He could sense the girls for what they truly were – ever shifting swarms of blood-hungry flies somehow managing to maintain shapes of frivolous young women. He knew they were equally interested in pleasuring themselves with him as they were by the prospect of devouring him. For them he was meat – warm and juicy, nothing more. Yet, despite the rational side of him telling him he was in grave danger, he was hard and yearning in his restraints. He was humiliated and in pain, but he had no fight in him. He wanted, no, needed more.   But it was not them that he lusted after. It was their mother’s presence that kept him from struggling to break free and retaliate. He had no idea how, but he wanted the Lady to watch him, to be entertained by the sight of him being used in this degrading manner. Hell, he wouldn’t mind her getting up and joining in… perhaps smothering him under her weight or slapping him around a bit… anything, even a dirty look and a hurtful remark would have him satisfied.   He tensed up and groaned, feeling the one fingering his asshole slip him two additional fingers with no extra lubrication. His pucker tensed and quivered around her fingers, but the girl remained adamant, laughing with cruel glee so characteristic for a spoiled young woman.   “Haha, he can pretend he’s not enjoying this, but his prick says otherwise!” The redhead laughed, drawing eight figures with her hips and his cock inside her, letting him feel her from different angles.   “I usually hate it when men flap their tongues, but this one… mmm. I think I’ll keep it as a memento once we’re done with him.” The blonde joined in.   The three cackled carefreely, continuing to use him.   Without warning, their mother got up from her chair, throwing her empty wine-glass into the fireplace. The three squeaked like startled kittens as she approached.   “Enough. The three of you, get off him.” She commanded sternly, taking her hat off to toss on the bed.   “W-was it what I said? I’m sorry mother, I won’t curse ever again, promise!” The redhead cried.   The woman said nothing, only rose here brow. Her daughters quickly scrambled away, leaving the sweat-slicked and disheveled Alucard at the mercy of their mother.   He breathed through his nose, but he couldn’t mask how agitated he was. The tall woman put both gloved hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side, sizing him up like prey.   “You don’t talk much. Good, I like that in a man.” She noted, snapping her fingers and spreading her arms wide apart as her daughters quickly attended to her.   “I doubt you like much about men, madam.” Alucard dared speak, watching her get undressed with both awe and apprehension.   The girls freed her off her dress, revealing she wore no underwear, being his curvaceous entirely due to her own merit. She was a mix of motherly abundance and regal restraint, that struck a chord with him. He couldn’t quite name it and he would sooner die than call it ‘mommy issues’, but Alucard was limp in this woman’s presence. Gazing at her heavy tits adorned with large areolas, her rounded stomach and wide hips with a dark curly bush hidden between her thick thighs, he could only go numb and whimper at her agonizingly slow approach.   “Daughters, you still have much to learn.” The lady sighed, kneeling between Alucard’s trembling thighs. “Now, observe…”   Her gloved hands closed around his ankles, effortlessly lifting them up and folding him in half with his ass exposed to all present company. The three girls gathered around their mother and watched as she lowered her head to the trembling pucker displayed prominently. Ignoring her daughter’s excited whispers the Lady tested the tight ring with just the tip of her tongue, lapping and teasing the taut folds.   Alucard bit the side of his palm, equally humiliated and elated. He had lovers of many genders and preferences, but no one had ever tasted his ass. He had fingers, cocks and toys prodding and stretching his backside, but never a slippery, nimble tongue. He moaned into his palm with both joy and pain, biting down under the Lady’s touch. His eyes rolled to the back of his head when she pressed hard, breaching his pucker’s resistance, and her wet tongue slid inside, twisting and curling to tease his most sensitive parts.   “Look at him, so pathetic.” One of the girls commented.   “His man-part is not getting touched and still he’s enjoying this!” Another joined in.   “Is he really going to come from this? Men are so strange…” The third one said equally amazed and disgusted.   The Lady ignored the comments, letting out a possessive grunt. She released Alucard’s ankles to grab him by the hips and force down on her tongue, sealing her red lips around his hole. He peeled his palm from his mouth and moaned out loud, arching his back. Yes, more, just a little longer… He was almost… oh!   He cried out, free of pride and shame, coming in quick, rough spurts from having his ass eaten out for the first time in his life. His come shot out in thick ropes, marking his face, hair and neck, but he was too far in to realize he was making a mess of himself. Not registering the hot, viscous load he was painting himself with, he kept moaning and crying, until he could cry no longer.   The Lady’s tongue finally ceased its dance inside his still quivering hole and she pulled away with her lipstick smeared, accepting a fresh handkerchief one of her daughters quickly procured. She smirked, finding that most of her makeup was smeared around Alucard’s hole, like a perverted caricature of a mother’s kiss imprinted on a beloved child’s forehead.   She withdrew, resting in her chair, ignoring the fluid-soaked mess laying numb on the carpet. Her daughters attended her, pouring the Lady a fresh drink and offering to help her dress, but she dismissed the offer with a wave.   “You were amazing, mother!” One of them praised, kneeling at the side of the chair and staring at her wide-eyed with almost child-like wonder.   “The way he cried, almost like a baby!” Another joined in, resting her head on the woman’s lap.   “Can we see that again, mother? Please?”   Regaining some semblance of lucidity, Alucard rose on his elbow, only now realizing his own come was dripping down his face. Grunting, he wiped some off with his wrist, catching the women’s attention.   The Lady swirled the crimson liquid in her fresh glass, giving her victim… no, newly found pet a pleased smirk.   “Daughters, our man-flesh feast has just been indefinitely postponed.” She spoke after taking a sip. “For now, I want you to clean and feed the man-thing, then take it downstairs and make it a cot in the kitchens. It will be staying with us for the foreseeable future.”   The room erupted in cheers. The Lady finished her glass, never breaking eye-contact with her new plaything.   “I’m fucked.” Alucard thought, trembling despite the heat in the room.   ---   Despite his fears, things did not turn out so bad. He got a place to sleep, food and even some new clothes that allowed easy access to his veins and (of course) his asshole and prick. Lady Alcina (for she finally revealed her name to him!) was a generous host, but also a harsh mistress. As she was often away on business, she left poor longing Alucard at the mercy of her three daughters. And although the sisters were insatiable in every meaning of the word, he got used to their teasing and the occasional cut or bite.   Though the trio refrained from bullying him when Lady Alcina was around, they showed no restraint when mother was away, descending on him wherever they could find him, demanding he services them, offering a bit of rimming in exchange. They couldn’t hold a candle to their mother, but he took whatever release he could get, anything to help him pass the time waiting until he was called to the Lady’s private chambers.   And so, he played along with the ravenous trio, letting them fuck themselves on his tongue, fingers, and cock in exchange for playing with his asshole a bit. Over time, as he settled into his new role as House Dimitrescu’s pet, the three had gotten better and better with their technique… but still their playful teasing was nothing compared to the Lady’s attention.   On the rare occasion he was allowed to see her in her private chambers (but oh, never in private, as the sisters were as possessive of him as they were possessive of her!), Alucard would succumb to the sweet degradation by Lady Alcina, attending to her every whim in exchange for a sliver of her attention and the following anal gratification. He would draw her baths, massage her back, fetch her wine (and sometimes offer his own essence to quench her thirst!) and attend to her every wish and whim with grace and gratitude, never daring to ask for her attention directly, but eventually always earning it through his careful service.   She owned his ass in the most literal sense and he was happy to be her pathetic man-thing.   “Hey! Are you listening? Ughh… have you gone completely senile?” Bela, the blonde one, snapped him out of a blissful daydream as he was carefully arranging the lady’s hats.   “Was there something you needed?” He asked, carefully laying the precious item in a box lined with paper.”   “Not me, mother! She wants you, now.” The girl huffed, clearly frustrated she was not the one getting the Lady’s attention. “Well? Don’t just gawk, get moving!”   He moved so fast he was only a blur, arriving at Lady Dimitrescu’s private chamber’s doors in seconds. He collected himself, then entered, expecting another list of chores.   She was standing with her back facing him with both Daniela and Cassandra at her sides, adjusting her stockings and garter-belt. Alucard bit his lip. He saw her thick ass so many times before, kneaded it in his hands and had it smother his face and chest. Once, he had it crush his back when she used him as a footrest for the evening! But he never had enough of the sight of it. The way it stretched her dress, especially when she gathered the fabric in her hand before taking a seat. Or how it shone in the warm ambience of the fireplace. Or how blood lazily dripped down it whenever she was in the mood of a bloodbath…   “Well now… My pet, you finally arrived.” She said, looking over her shoulder.   She dismissed her daughters and turned around, so that he could see her full figure and the massive strap-on she had fastened to what he mistook for a garter-belt. Alucard fell to his knees and hung his head, overwhelmed by her generosity.   The Lady walked towards him, his heart racing faster and faster with every thundering clack of her heels. She reached and pulled him up by the wrist, slashing with her long fingernail. Alucard inhaled sharply, watching her drink her fill of him, before releasing to reach for his chin. Her gloved hand was firm, but gentle.   “Shall I bend over, madam?” He dared ask, pointing at his spot before the fireplace (since he was never allowed on the bed or any upholstered furniture).   “No. I shall have you standing.” She replied, pleased by his eagerness. “Hang him up, but no hooks this time, only shackles.” She turned to command her daughters.   And as the three reached to bind Alucard in chains to prepare him for a night of intense pegging, he couldn’t help a happy tear escape the corner of his eye.
Chapter 0 - Mother's Milk
Nora threw her PipBoy on the bed, then abruptly shut the curtains. ‘Curtains’, what a laugh! Same with the bed. Her old house was a run-down dump! The bed was dragged from a ruined house way back in Concord. The curtains? Burlap fabric patched together! Still, the building was in much better condition from when she saw it for first time after 200 years of cryogenic stasis. When she saw what happened to Sanctuary Hills two centuries after the bombs fell, she blacked out for a moment. The shock was too much to handle.   Since then, new people came to settle the long abandoned neighborhood. Houses were patched up with whatever materials were available, new shacks erected, crops planted. Sanctuary was now a blooming settlement. Nora couldn't be more proud of the transition this place went through… even if it was just a shanty town compared to pre-war standards.   She came a long way herself. But this was not the end of her journey. She had to get her baby back. She had to find Virgil in the Glowing Sea. For that she needed Power Armor, to withstand the radiation. Thank god she hauled one set of such armor to Sanctuary when she introduced the first group of settlers from Concord. The matter was being taken care of… progressively. The frame needed an upgrade and the helmet had a cracked visor. Nora sent out all available provisioners to scour the Commonwealth for the components she needed to do the necessary repairs. Just a bit longer and she could be off to find the elusive Virgil and be another step closer to finding Shaun.   The very thought of her baby drew blood to her cheeks and daggers through her heart. Shaun! Where was he now? Was he safe? Did anyone look after him? She had to find him, she was his mother, Shaun's place was with her!   She glanced at the drawer where two wedding rings rested one on top of the other. Nathan… fuck him. She never liked the bastard. And why should she? All he did was get her pregnant and ruin her career! But her late husband was not entirely useless. He gave her a beautiful baby boy (albeit in the most inconvenient moment in her life) and a nice house. So, at least she had that for a short time… before the world ended.   Subconsciously, she walked from her old bedroom to Shaun's room, where her baby's crib stood undisturbed for two centuries. She didn't cry like the first time when she saw it after waking up from cryo, she had no tears left. Only determination.   She knew it was her mind playing tricks on her, but she could have sworn she picked up a faint smell of her son. A barely noticeable aroma only a mother could be attuned to. Nonsense, it was her mind desperately trying to conjure up a memory of Shaun. Her motherly instincts messing with her head. Though she knew it was just an illusion, her body reacted naturally; her still swollen breasts responded hurt. Her sore nipples tingled, followed by wetness.   "Oh fuck…!" She cursed, unzipping her heavy armored jacket - a trophy she took off the mercenary Kellogg. Yep, her shirt and bra underneath had the characteristic wet spots of a nursing mother. "Shit!" Nora continued cursing, retreating to her bedroom, where she stripped waist down and laid on her bed, humiliated and exhausted.   Two hundred years in cryo and several weeks in the Commonwealth without her boy, and her body somehow still fooled itself into thinking baby Shaun was still around and deeded regular nursing. The loss of her child caused her hormones to act up, giving her wild moods swings, her breasts constantly ready to serve milk. She had to regularly squeeze it out and was running out of clean bandages for padding her bra. Her back hurt from the extra weight on her chest. It was a miracle she hadn't caught an infection!   "Good god, just let me get that power armor up and running again so I can get back on track." She pleaded at the ceiling, fighting approaching  tears.   "What?" A slurry, clearly hungover voice called from the hall. "What yer bitching about now?"   "Nothing, Cait. Go back to sleep." She responded, reaching for a clean rag and a bottle of wastelander moonshine, the closest thing to a disinfectant she had. She tore the rag in two and poured the contents onto the scraps before loudly slamming the bottle on the dresser and pressing the soaked rags to her chest. She hissed, the alcohol burning her tender flesh.   “Are you holding out on me?!” Cait called out, catching whiff of the booze, her addict sense of smell inhumanly sharp. Or perhaps the moonshine odor too potent for anyone to ignore.   “Cait, no! Don’t come in here!” Nora yelled panicked, pulling her knees up to her chin, scurrying to the corner of the bed.   But the pit fighter was not listening, boldly stumbling into the bedroom. She reached for the bottle without asking and emptied it in three loud gulps before throwing it out of the room, the glass shattering at the doorframe.   “Cait! Stop acting like a savage! This is my fucking house!!” Nora yelled, springing up from the bed, wincing in pain as her bare tits bounced with the movement.   “What crawled up yer arse?” Cait slurred, eying Nora through half-shut eyes, unbothered by the woman’s nudity.   “Nothing! You had your drink, now leave!” Nora groaned, wanting nothing more than to be left alone to wallow in misery.   “Whatever, vault princess.” Cait grunted, turning around to leave. “Wait…” She quietly whispered, looking over her shoulder.   Nora followed Cait’s guessing stare, looking down at her chest. Shit, shit, shit, her nipples were leaking, thin streams of pale creamy milk were already trailing down her abdomen.   “Well, I’ll be…” Cait said bewildered, taking a step towards Nora. “Mommy dearest misses her boy this much?”   “G-get away from me!” Nora stuttered terrified, not liking the look in the redhead’s eyes and Cait’s sudden lucidity. “Get out! Leave me alone!”   Cait grinned, taking another step forward. Nora took a step back, hitting the back of her calves on the bed’s edge. She toppled, landing flat on the worn-down mattress. Cait instantly got on top of her, pinning Nora by the wrists to the dirty blanket.   “Get off me!” The vault dweller screamed, tossing and thrashing in panic, her breasts bouncing amusingly from her violent moves.   “Shut up, stupid. I don’t want to hurt you.” Cait muttered, bowing her head to look into Nora’s panicked eyes. “I have a hungover and you’re overflowing with milk. How about we help each other, hmm?”   She lowered herself, her own chest rested on Nora’s, the redhead’s erect nipples protruding through the thin fabric of her dirty tank top. Nora bit her lip, staring into Cait’s eyes, realizing she was getting excited and the throbbing sensation in her nipples became suddenly not that unpleasant.   “F-fuck.” She breathed defeated, relaxing in the redhead’s grasp. “You want to suck on my tits that bad?” She teased, trembling when she felt Cait’s nipples align with her own.   “Mhm, yea.” Cait replied, her breath hot on Nora’s face, the smell of alcohol overpowering. “I want to suck you, lick you and bite.”   “Then what are you waiting for?”   Nora groaned when Cait dipped her head to bite her neck, the sensation of the redhead’s teeth sinking into her flesh sending lightning down Nora’s spine. She bent her head back, giving in. This wasn’t gay or anything, just two friends helping each other out, right?   A surprisingly pleased, deep moan that escaped Nora’s mouth when Cait brutally shoved her tongue inside her mouth betrayed that this was gay. Very, very gay. The woman squirmed, the pit fighter’s grip on her wrists unrelenting. Cait tasted like booze and cigarettes, but Jesus she was a good kisser.   Cait withdrew, sitting up on Nora with a proud look on her face. “What a nice voice you have when yer not being an uptight bitch.” She teased, pulling her tanktop up, revealing her bouncy, freckled boobs.   Nora crossed her brows. Now that her hands were free, she acted on impulse reaching for those pale tits, her fingertips closing on Cait’s pale pink nipples. “How do you like that, huh? Uptight?” She grunted, twisting Cait’s nipples.   “Luv, I used to run with raiders. You’d have to do better than that to make me scream.” Cait retorted amused by Nora’s efforts.   “Bitch.” Nora grunted displeased, wiggling from under Cait to make herself comfortable on the patchwork pillows. “Come here and suck me before I change my mind.” She beckoned, pressing her swollen breasts together, her dark nipples tantalizingly thick.   Cait knelt at Nora’s side, taking her time to enjoy the moment. Vault bitches were something else compared to Commonwealth sluts, but Nora with her pre-war body was a one of a kind treat. Cait sucked her lips in, licking them as she reached to cup the woman’s heavy breasts.   “Oh, god!” Nora gasped as her legs involuntarily spread. “Your hands are so cold!” She panted, her hot skin a sharp contrast to Cait’s cool fingers.   The redhead smirked, confidently seizing Nora’s left breast and squeezing firmly. A thin, pressurized stream of milk shoot from between her fingers, falling back on Nora’s skin in tiny, sparkly droplets. Both women gasped; Nora with shock and Cait in awe.   “Jesus!” Nora groaned, clenching the redhead’s shoulder. “Stop fucking around and get to it!” She demanded, hoping Cait assumes the blush on her face was caused by anger, not arousal.   With a nasty yet genuine laugh, Cait bent over Nora’s chest. She stuck out her sharp tongue, lapping the ivory droplets off the vault dweller’s sweaty skin, the two flavors mixing in her mouth into something intoxicating. Her wet, slick tongue drew circles around Nora’s areola, conjuring goosebumps. Finally, her lips sealed tightly around the pulsating nub and she sucked hard, filling her mouth with warm, rich milk. Nora moaned exasperated, raking her fingers into Cait’s hair and forcing her head harder down her tit.   “Greedy bitch.” She said through clenched teeth. “Take it, take all of it!”   A muffled laugh escaped Cait’s mouth, as she eagerly sucked and swallowed the creamy goodness. She shifted her position, laying flat on top of Nora, letting the woman cradle her with almost motherly tenderness. The scene could have been mistaken for nurturing or loving if it weren’t for the dirty words of encouragement that were spilling out of Nora’s mouth.   “Keep going, slut. God, you’re insatiable, aren’t you? Use your teeth. Yeah, now take care of the other one, you sucked this one dry.” She whispered hoarsely, the pain mixing with pleasure making her panties soaking wet.   Cait turned her attention to the other breast, milk shooting into her mouth the moment she pressed her lips to the dripping nipple. Her hungover long gone, she kept taking in the warm mouthfuls from sheer greed, indulging on the intoxicating, rich flavor of a mother’s milk. On a impish whim, she reached down to cup Nora’s crotch, unsurprised to find that it was damp and squishy. She huffed a triumphant laugh, pulling her lips away from Nora’s rack, unceremoniously shoving her tongue down the woman’s throat.   Their tongues intertwined as Nora tasted the flavor of her own milk on Cait’s tongue. She let out an incoherent noise, grinding her swollen, sopping crotch against the pit fighter’s palm, kissing her deep.   “Do you like your own taste?” Cait asked, pulling away, a string of saliva mixed with the ivory fluid dripping from the corner of her mouth.   “Yeah.”   “Dirty bitch.” Cait summed up, going lower again, her warm lips inches from Nora’s swollen, tantalizing nips. “Do you wanna come?”   “Fuck, yesss…!” A low whine escaped Nora’s lips.   “Finger yourself, cause I’m not done with these puppies yet.”   Nora groaned, both her hands diving into her pants. The fingers of her one hand slipped into her slick pussy, the other closed around the hood of her clit, rolling the little hard pearl between them. She rocked her hips into her palms as Cait brutally pressed both her tits together, taking both nipples in her mouth to suck out every last trop.   She inhaled in short, loud breaths, fucking herself whilst the redhead on top of her sent white hot needles of pleasure and pain throughout her entire body. Jesus, she missed someone treating her like this. Not as a nurturer and provider, but as a sexual being, a depraved little whore to play with, no questions asked.   Her mouth slumped open, seconds away from sweet release. She cried, coming with a spasmodic clench of her neglected cunt, her slippery walls pulsating and convulsing on her frantically thrusting fingers. A gleeful ‘Oh fuck!’ rung through the room as she drew out her orgasm, with Cait still suckling and slurping on her until there was nothing left for the redhead to suck.   Exhausted, milked dry and thoroughly satisfied, Nora closed her eyes, waiting for the pounding in her chest to pass.   “Thanks, I needed that. I’m off for a smoke.” Cait casually summed up the entire affair, playfully slapping Nora’s abused tits.     She got out of bed, pulled her top down and headed outside to indulge in a well-deserved death-stick. She reached into her pocket, fishing out a crumpled pack of smokes, but halted at the doorframe, glancing over her shoulder at Nora’s sweaty, panting form.   “You know…” Cait said with a roguish grin, cigarette already between her teeth. “If you need my help again…”   “This won’t become a regular thing.” Nora warned, pulling her wet hands out of her pants. She hoped her tone was stern enough for Cait to realize how serious she was, but she wasn’t fooling anyone.   “Sure.” The redhead smirked, as they both knew that was not true.   She unhurriedly lit her cigarette and left the room, leaving a serpentine trail of smoke behind her.
Chapter 0 - CH0
“Oh God, oh Christ, oh Jesus!” Dwight sniveled with his hand wrapped tightly over his mouth. His heart pounded against his ribs and sweat poured down his spine as he held in his breath, every muscle in his body tensing at the approaching sound.   A chainsaw.   “God, please don’t find me…” He cried, leaning against the back of the locker he was hiding in.   He closed his eyes, taking in a spastic breath, hearing the whirring of the mechanical blade getting closer. And then he froze with a cry creeping at the back of his throat when the dreadful sound and accompanying heavy footsteps were heard just outside of his hiding place. Inches away from him.   Game over, goodnight Dwight.   Ready to meet his end with at least some semblance dignity, he peeled his sweaty hand away from his mouth, standing up straight in his locker with both arms parallel to his sides and fists clenched. He swallowed, opening his eyes. Through the slits in the locker doors and the hot tears that just wouldn’t stop running down his cheeks, he could see the creature (person?) standing outside. This was it. This was how he died.   Yet somehow it seemed that the morbidly deformed killer was unaware of his presence. Rather, he stopped in front of the locker to catch his breath and get a better feel of his surroundings, craning his head to the left and to the right, trying to catch a glimpse (or sound) of any nearby survivors.   <i>“He doesn’t know I’m in here!”</i> A hopeful thought formed in Dwight’s mind.   <i>“Oh God, please don’t hear me!”</i> A second, more panicked thought took over. <i>“Come on, move! Get the fuck out of here!”</i>   Almost like he was reading Dwight’s thoughts, the killer turned his head, peering into the darkness past the locker door slits. Dwight’s eyes widened and he could feel a block of ice in his gut. The killer leaned closer, taking in a loud, raspy whiff and the unfortunate survivor knew he was a goner.   He jumped at the sound of an explosion somewhere in the distance. It was a sound he was well acquainted with – some idiot messed up a generator. The killer roared, instantly agitated by the sound. He spun around, winding his gruesome chainsaw, and took off holding it whirring over his head with next to no effort, leaving behind the smell of motor oil and viscera.   Lucidity came back to Dwight gradually over the next few minutes. He was a lucky bastard, unlike the poor fucker that just alarmed the killer. He hoped they got away in time, but he was not about to go and check.   “Okay. Steady breaths, give yourself a moment to calm down and then you have to move.” He whispered, hugging his goosebump-covered shoulders for some comfort.   And just as he allowed himself a moment of respite, the hairs at the back of his neck stood up when he realized someone’s quick footsteps and loud breathing were getting closer and closer. Before he could go into full panic mode again, the creaky doors swung open revealing a panting, sweaty figure looming outside.   “Party for two, coming through!” The figure announced, squeezing into the locker and shutting the doors behind them.   Only labored breathing spoiled the silence in the dark, cramped space. Dwight trembled uncontrollably, despite a warm forearm pressed to his, too shocked to process what was happening. He wasn’t being eviscerated or carried off to a hook, but that still didn’t explain what was going on.   “You okay there, sport?” The stranger asked, finally managing to catch his breath.   “Y-yeah.” Dwight gulped, finally recognizing that relaxed, yet cocky voice. It was Ash, the new guy with the prosthetic hand.   “First time?”   “No, I’ve… I’ve been doing this for a while.”   “Same here. This isn’t my first rodeo, though…” Ash paused, trying to find the most suitable metaphor. “Well, I’ve been fighting weird evil shit for decades, but I gotta admit, I can still be surprised.”   Dwight just gave a dismissive ‘uh-huh’, glad his heart finally stopped racing. He didn’t like being stuck with this Ash person in the locker, but he wasn’t looking forward to leaving their flimsy hidey hole either.   Someone’s pained cry echoed in the distance.   “Fucking hell…” Dwight whimpered, shaking his head like a child wanting to snap out of a bad dream. But this wasn’t a dream as he learned before on more than one occasion. This was real. Horrible, hopeless and unexplained, but very real.   “You need to relax, bud.” Ash snickered, gently nudging his side with his elbow. “You can’t face off against evil with your butt clenched tight like that.”   “Relax?!” Dwight snapped, sharply turning his head to glare at the faint outline of the man. “How the hell am I supposed to relax in a situation like this?!”   “You ever cranked the old hog while your life is on the line?” The man’s white teeth shone in the dark.   Dwight’s jaw dropped. Before he could process what he just heard from this lecherous old bastard, he felt Ash’s arm move and then the characteristic, almost cartoonish sound of a zipper being pulled down.   “Are you crazy?!” He whispered panicked.   “Kind of a bold claim in a place like this, don’t you think?” Ash replied unbothered, pulling his lucky shorts down to free his junk. “Look, I’m not asking you to jerk me off yourself, I got this bad boy under control. You can leave any time.” He said with a smile in his voice and Dwight could picture Ash giving him a smug grin.   “Hey, this is my locker! I hid here first!” He protested, ignoring how the arm pressing against his started moving in that familiar jerking motion.   “Well, I botched the generator to get that chainsaw wielding palooka off of you. No need to thank me.”   “You did that?” Dwight asked astonished. In a place like this altruism was rare. “I… thanks.”   “Don’t mention it.”   The locker was silent once again. It also somehow got much hotter, stuffier. Dwight loosened his tie and undid the top button if his shirt, but that didn’t help at all. He fumbled with the tie, trying to ignore a pleased sigh Ash made, but he couldn’t focus.   When was the last time he jerked off? Long. He hadn’t masturbated for weeks before ending up in this nightmarish realm, and hadn’t had a thought that was even remotely sexual since, too focused on staying alive. He stretched his back as much as he could in the restrictive space, feeling each individual muscle erupt in numb pain in response. God, he was tense.   “Fucking prick…” He finally whispered, reaching to undo his belt.   “Far be it from me how you’ve nicknamed it.” Ash snickered in response, his arm now moving faster, matching his breathing.   Biting his tongue, Dwight peeled his jeans down to his knees, straddling his legs as much as he could. Bracing his back against the rough plywood, he took his balls in one hand, gently cradling them in his sweaty grasp. His cock though he grabbed into a tight fist, jerking himself into full erection with zero tenderness, like he held a grudge against his own prick.   He never performed well under stress, not even in front of himself, but right now he was pissed off. At all the shitty jobs he had, at whatever force threw him into this nightmarish scenario, at this overconfident Ash motherfucker… His grip tightened and he realized he was hard like he hadn’t been in months, already dripping precome from his flushed tip.   “You’re going to tear it off if you keep it up!” Ash warned, alarmed by how franticly Dwight’s arm moved.   “Shut up!” Dwight hissed, pausing to spit in his palm before resuming. “I need this, you can bail anytime if it bothers you that much!”   Never taking things too personally (well, almost never), Ash exhaled an amusing ‘hah’ through his nose, pausing pampering his own cock. His other hand, the mechanical one, gently closed around Dwight’s furiously jerking wrist, causing the younger man to halt and shoot him a death glare.   “Easy…” Ash quietly whispered, guiding Dwight with a slow, steady hand, much to the other man’s bewilderment. “You’ll pop a blood vessel if you keep letting yourself get wound up like that. I get it, shit’s rough, but stress and anger will eat you alive if you let them. Relax…”   With that, he got back to pleasuring himself, but maintained a gentle grip around Dwight’s wrist, indirectly jerking him off as well. Conflicted at first, Dwight eventually just muttered a quiet ‘fuck it’, letting his hand be guided by Ash, ignoring how his asshole quivered and tightened in response to the situation and how his hips bucked into his wet, tight grip.   Did he just hear someone yell a warning in the distance? Did it matter? Not to Dwight. He desperately needed release after spending what seemed like a lifetime avoiding certain death and cowering in the shadows. Just one small win for Dwighty boy, was it too much to ask? At this point, he didn’t even bother he was getting some with the help of a crazy old bastard with a mechanical hand and a chin that could cut diamonds.   “Not that I’m rushing or anything, but I usually don’t stick around after the deed is done.” Ash grunted, inches away from climax. “So, if you plan to blow your load, right about now would be a good-”   Before he could finish his sentence, Dwight groaned with strain, throwing his head back and hitting the plywood wall with a loud bang. A thick, viscous rope of backed up cum splashed against the door, immediately followed by another. And then some more, until Dwight was panting and exhausted, with his impressive load lazily dripping down the chipped wood, pooling below.   Ash bit down on his lip, impressed by the volume from the unassuming scrawny fucker. Ready to follow suit, he stroked himself faster, quickly reaching climax and painting his side of the locker doors white in one uninterrupted spray. With a pleased ‘hmmm’ he shook off the last drop clinging to the tip of hic cock, releasing Dwight’s limp wrist.   There was nothing more to be said. In silence, they sorted themselves out, listening in on the activity outside.   A loud electronic buzzer caused them both to jump, then hold in their breaths. The doors! Someone was opening them!   “Looks like it’s our lucky night.” Ash grinned in the dark, brushing back his disheveled hair. “Race you to the exit!”   Giving Dwight a confident grin, he kicked the doors open and bolted towards the exit like a man half his age.   “Asshole.” Dwight muttered, yet he was grinning as he followed.
Chapter 0 - 0
The gunshot rang, almost shattering her eardrums. Lara drew a sharp breath, tossing wildly on her bedroll, awakening from her nightmare. She clutched her makeshift knife, surveying the darkness around her, taking in the sounds of the night jungle. Initially confused by her unfamiliar surroundings, it took her a moment to calm down and remember the recent events. She exhaled slowly, recollecting how the day before she and Jonah crashed their plane and escaped death by the skin of their teeth. Again.   Speaking of which, her faithful companion was resting with his back braced against a tree, snoring peacefully with his hands on his stomach, fingers intertwined. The display would have been cute if he wasn’t supposed to be keeping watch.   “Jonah?” Lara whispered, inching towards him. “Are you asleep?”   The only response was a another snore. Lara smiled and shook her head, deciding it was better to let Jonah stay in dreamland. She had no intention of going back to sleep herself. Something inside her was stirring, that familiar rush of adrenaline she felt any time she was close to a major breakthrough. She was close to bringing down Trinity, she knew it!   She sheathed her knife, rolling flat on her back. Peering into the starry sky, Lara inhaled the pungent smell of the freshly skinned pelt of a queen jaguar draped around her shoulders. She killed the beast and crafted it’s pelt into a crude poncho just the day before, though she did not walk away from the fight unscathed. The pain was still fresh in her memory… and on her flesh.   That jaguar was one of the toughest brawls of her life and she emerged victorious at the expense of three slashes on the back of her shoulder. A small price to pay for staying alive and defeating an apex predator, taking it’s very skin as a trophy.   The wound was still stinging, though thanks to Jonah’s efforts it was patched up and disinfected. Absentmindedly, Lara ran her fingertips the length of the exquisite fur. She had no idea why she skinned the cat. Like with many things, she acted on impulse. Though, she had no regrets about her decision. The fur was gorgeous, wearing it made Lara feel strong and fierce, just like a jaguar itself. Though crude, the fur felt almost like a second skin for her. The smell of the massive cat had long mixed with her own sweat, overpowering Lara’s own scent and enveloping her skin like a protective layer. There was something oddly sexy about that.   Lara took another whiff, remembering the feral look the jaguar had in its yellow eyes just before pouncing on her. She realized her nipples thickened under her tanktop, poking through the fabric. Did she just get aroused by reminiscing how she killed, skinned and wore an endangered animal like some sort of  psychopath? Jesus, she did.   “Jonah?” She whispered just to be sure that she wouldn’t get busted.   Thank god there was no answer. Eying Jonah’s sleeping form, Lara cautiously reached under her fur poncho to tug at her top, untucking it from her pants. Struggling to make no sound, she pulled the fabric up, exposing her tender breasts to the rough underside of the pelt. She breathed quick, shallow mouthfuls of air as she pinched and tugged her nipples, her pussy tingling in response.   She needed a moment for herself. Between all the danger and shit she was through in the past months she really needed a moment to catch her breath. And if that meant playing with herself in the middle of the jungle because a piece of fur got her bothered and hot, then so be it.   As quietly as she could, she unbuckled her pants and pulled the zipper down. Her hand slid the length of her toned stomach until it reached the hem of her shorts. Lara muttered a soft ‘mmm’, cupping her rapidly heating up sex through the smooth fabric, rubbing her clit through the material. Her fingers quickly became slick from her wetness, her underwear now completely soaked the entire length of her slit, clinging to her sensitive lips.   She bit down on her lip, deciding she didn’t want it slow and sensual. She wanted to give it to herself rough and good. Like an animal. She squeezed her nipple painfully between her pointer and middle finger, impatiently jerking her underwear to the side, stuffing her wanting little cunt with two fingers.   “God, yes.” She whispered, thrusting them inside her slippery pussy, hoping the moist sounds she make wouldn’t reach Jonah.   She remembered the smell of blood and sweat as she and the cat fought for their lives. Just like the pungent smell of wet mud and fallen leaves when the jaguar overpowered her and pinned to the ground, and went straight for her throat. She screamed, her voice full of purpose and primal rage, striking before it could sink its teeth into her. Her knife went into the beast’s maw, piercing it’s hard palate and brain.   Reminiscing on this gruesome scene Lara gave the dark jungle a wide smile, wishing she could have sunk her teeth into the jaguar. She regretted she didn’t tear it’s fur with her jaws, ripping it to gorge on fresh, hot blood of the predator.   “Why didn’t I eat it’s heart?” She whispered, too deep in her sudden madness to realize how crazy her words and desires were.   Two fingers weren’t enough, she needed more. With a frustrated huff, she stuck two more into herself, fucking herself three digits deep. Yeah, that was more like it. She grunted, pushing her hips against her hand, brutally twisting her nipples with the other. She dipped her chin, licking the rough neckline of her furry poncho. She smacked her lips, savoring the musky taste, but she wanted more. She bit into the pelt, chewing on the rough skin and fur, swallowing the jaguar’s flavor with her saliva.   She was almost there.   Lara breathed sharply through her nose, muffling another grunt, pushing her hand into her quivering cunt until she met with resistance and the pain from her sudden brutal thrust drove her to climax. She wanted to yowl, grunt and roar in ways no human could, but she had to settle with a muffled whimper as her pussy spasmed and clenched around her hand. She rocked her hips, riding out her orgasm, until she  was fully satisfied.   Relaxed and back to her senses, Lara pulled the edge of the furry mantle out of her mouth, spitting the few thick hairs that clung to her tongue. She giggled nervously, pulling her top down and pulling her wet hand out of her sore twat. Staring at the night sky she licked her fingers clean before zipping up her pants and buckling her belt. She shifted to lay on her side, her wet panties squishing between her sweaty thighs in response.   She listened to the sounds of the jungle and crackling of the fire. Jesus, she hadn’t felt this relaxed and good in a long time. She smiled absentmindedly, thinking about her plans for the coming days.   She was the hunter, not prey. And this jungle was her turf now.   “Trinity… Dominguez… I’m coming for you.” She purred as her eyelids got heavy. 
Chapter 3 - Introduction
“I hoped you’d dress in something more alluring for this occasion.” Caye sighed, pouring her guest a glass of Argonian Bloodwine.   “My Guild armor is alluring. And I had it thoroughly cleaned and oiled before coming over.” Brynjolf replied with dignity, swirling the wine in his glass. He took a sip, pleased at how tart it was on his tongue.   “Caye!” Farkas called out from the hall, heavily slamming the door behind him. “I’m home!”   “Treasure!” His wife called back, racing to greet her husband. “By Azura, you’re covered in blood! What happened?” She gasped, noticing fresh splashes of red on his ebony armor and fur coat.   “I ran into some bandits on my way.” Farkas sighed tiredly, putting his sword on the rack and his helmet on a dresser. “Bastards set up shop in the middle of the road, preying on travelers. But don’t worry, I got of every last one of them.”   “Did you go back to the Jarl to get paid?” She asked faster than she could think, making a mental note to later tell Bryn that no action from the Guild was required anymore.   “Caye…” Her love grumbled with disapproval.   “You’re right. If word got out that a Companion was nearby, but did nothing it would not look good for us. Ah!” She squeaked surprised when her husband pinched her side.   “You’re sometimes too clever for your own good… Is he here?” He changed the subject, his tone betraying apprehension.   “Yes. He’s fed and fresh from the bath, already helping himself to our wine. All that is missing is you.” Caye promised sweetly, her eyes glimmering. “But he doesn’t know the twist yet, I wanted to wait for you.”   “Good, good.” He gulped nervously. “Are you… okay with this? You really don’t mind?”   “Of course not! Now stop stalling, you’ll do great. Go get him!”   Farkas cleared his throat, nodded and the two entered the main hall, where their guest was waiting for them in a comfy chair in front of the fireplace, casually sipping on their wine.   “So, you’re the guy.” Farkas said as a hello, towering over Brynjolf, his hand wrapped possessively around his wife’s waist.   Brynjolf held his breath for a second. Nocturnal’s tits, Farkas was huge! The impression was magnified by the fact that Brynjolf was sitting, but it had not been diminished in the slightest once he got up to properly greet his host. How did that beast of a man knock Caye up without crushing her?   “It’s been a while since High Hrothgar, eh lad?” He said with a confident smile that quickly gave into surprise when Farkas unceremoniously closed his hands around his hips and lifted Brynjolf into the air like he were picking up a cat.   “Decent weight.” Farkas assessed with approval, slowly raising and lowering the shocked man. “He’ll do.” With that, he gently lowered their guest to his feet.   “What the…?” The thief uttered bewildered, whilst Farkas sat in the chair opposite to him, Caye standing at his side attentively.   “Sit.” The host instructed in a tone that although calm, demanded obedience. “Kitten, go get me a drink.” He addressed his wife, not taking his light grey eyes off Brynjolf.   “Yes, Daddy!” The lady of the house said obediently, off to get her man some mead.   Wait. What did she just call him? And what did he call her? What was going on here?!   “So, you came here to sleep with my wife.” Farkas said, taking off his heavy ebony gauntlets.   “Well, not exactly. I heard you’re a curios sort and want to taste some rough, manly affection. I’m flattered, really, that the lass asked me to be your mate for tonight.” The thief played coy.   “I’m not the prize you’re after.” Farkas stated bluntly, accepting the bottle from Caye, who quietly sat down on the floor next to his chair. Her head resting on his lap, like a kitten indeed. “I’m just an added bonus.”   “Now hold on, I’m not sure what you were told, but-”   Farkas snapped his fingers loudly, forcing the words back down Brynjolf’s throat. The thief closed his mouth, feeling like he was being silently reprimanded for something. Like a lad. This… was not what he was used to. Usually, people were holding on to his every word, allowing him to play them however he wanted. But not this one.   “I wasn’t finished.” Farkas said quietly, yet the thief felt like he was being scolded. “But you’re our guest and my wife’s friend, so I’ll be nice and patient with you. Kitten, give him the rundown.” Wasting no more words he drank his mead, combing his fingers through Caye’s red hair, sending pleasant shivers down her spine.   “Well… there is a twist.” The Dunmer began outlining, giving Brynjolf a disturbing smile. The thief could not make out if it was more promiscuous or mischievous. “What I told you before was true. Farkas wants to taste a man before our baby comes. And I was more than happy to arrange this meeting. Why, just the prospect of you two…” Her voice fell into a coo as her thoughts trailed off to some lewd place, her black eyes matted, a blush cheeping up her cheeks.   “Kitten.” Farkas chastised without raising his voice. “Keep it short and sweet.”   “Farkas and I are into dominance and submission games and we’d love to have you as our playmate tonight. With Farkas as the dominant one.” She revealed, biting her lower lip with anticipation.   “So, you lured me here all the way from Riften to have me as your bitch tonight?” Brynjolf grunted, figuring out their plans for him.   So this was it. This was why he felt this odd atmosphere ever since Farkas walked into the room. They were already playing their erotic game with him. And Caye planned this from the start, tempting him with the promise of picking up where they left that night he fell asleep in Mercer’s bed like the drunk idiot that he was. Devious little thing, of course she was into some kinky stuff! Almost all Dumner were!   “So rude!” Caye gasped, clutching at her chest.   “No one is going to treat you like a bitch.” Farkas corrected, putting the empty bottle aside. “Some doms do that, but I don’t. I look after my sub. You be good and you’ll be rewarded. You misbehave and I put you back in line. If that’s not your thing, then no hard feelings. Just seeing you out of your element was worth it.” The warrior smirked ever so slightly, tenderly stroking his wife’s hair.   “I’m not out of my element!” Brynjolf protested defensively.   “You’re blushing.” Caye pointed out, having a blast herself. She loved how easily humans with red hair could blush. And how Bryn squirmed when he couldn’t charm or lie his way out of a situation. She had him right where she wanted him – confused and frustrated, but too intrigued to storm out.   “You’re not helping.” Their guest grunted, looking away, reaching to drink his wine and gather his thoughts.   “There’s no pressure, we want you to come willingly. But if this is more than you can handle, then we can spend the evening just drinking and talking. We’re discreet and I promise you that whatever you choose I’ll never hold it against you.” She swore.   “I’m no prude. And I can take it. Now, you needn’t manipulate me further. I’m game. Do I get a collar?”   “Yep.” Farkas confirmed, dead serious.   Brynjolf choked on his wine. He rasped, catching his breath, staring back at Farkas with his mouth agape. The warrior remained calm and still, his face indecipherable.   “Noo! You got blood on my new dress!” Caye broke the awkward silence with a sudden squeak. She jumped up, spreading the lacy white hem to reveal a dark smear of red on the side.   “Take it off, then.” Her husband advised casually. “I’ll get you a new one, promise.”   Pouting, Caye pulled the dress over her head, revealing to all present company that she was wearing nothing underneath. Nothing save for her wedding band on a short chain around her neck, connected by two smaller rings from both sides – perfect to pull at or have a leash attached to it. She was petite and nimble, with a bouncy round butt and small, perky breasts with divinely large areolas and thick nubs just waiting to be sucked and bitten. Her waist was still flat, though, her pregnancy too early to show.   Brynjolf felt a drop of sweat rolling down his temple and his cock already fattening with anticipation. He had a chance to see her like this sooner, and alone. But he blew it. He felt hot, but it wasn’t the fire. Mara’s mercy, when was the last time he slept with someone? He made some quick calculations, but just couldn’t remember if the last time he had sex was this year or the last.   “Your bath is getting cold.” Caye chatted, ignoring their guest, wiping the drying blood off her husband’s armor with her ruined dress. “You could use one.”   “Are you trying to be smart, hm?” Farkas crossed his brows. His heavy palm lightly slapped her behind, conjuring another squeak, her round cheek bouncing from impact.   “I’m sorry, Daddy.” She apologized, but didn’t seem remorseful in the slightest, wantonly wiggling her ass, silently asking for another slap but none came. Disappointed, she knelt between Farkas’ massive laps, her back facing Brynjolf, letting him study how the warm light of the fire played on her ashen-blue skin. She continued cleaning her beloved, knowing well the thief was watching them, growing both aroused from seeing her naked for the first time and frustrated by being denied attention himself.   “Alright, alright, my armor is as clean as it can get.” Farkas protested when she was taking her sweet time, her back arched seductively and her ass sticking out provocatively. “Go fetch the collar.”   “Which one? The black one or the red one?” She inquired, standing up and turning around, stretching lazily, making sure Bryn got a good look of her front this time.   “Black.”   “Should I call you ‘Daddy’ too?” Brynjolf joked when they were left alone.   “Only my Kitten has the privilege of calling me that. You’ll have to work for it.” Farkas said as he got up, gesturing at the thief to do the same.   There was half a foot of height difference between them. The warrior gazed down at Brynjolf, the icy-grey eyes inscrutable, accented by the black warpaint. The thief realized he was holding in his breath, but wasn’t sure if he could exhale in a way that didn’t betray his nervousness. What was this?! He stole trinkets from nobles and framed priests for murder, why was he feeling this bare in front of the warrior?   “Relax.” Farkas said quietly, his voice calm and assuring. He slowly reached up to seize Brynjolf’s chin, his thumb gently rubbing the thief’s lower lip. “The safety word is ‘Goldenglow’, Caye said it has meaning to you, so you won’t forget it in the heat of the moment. Say it if you stop having fun or if you feel you can’t take it any longer. I’ll stop immediately. Nod if you understand.”   Brynjolf nodded, finally exhaling loudly through his nose. Damn it, he felt like a lad, despite being a few years older than the warrior. Farkas made no note, bowing his head for a kiss. He tasted like mead, with some unknown undertone, something feral. Brynjolf welcomed the warrior’s thick tongue in his mouth, not realizing when he grabbed Farkas by the hips, pulling himself closer, gasping as the ebony chestpiece hit against him. He ignored it, tilting his head to the side with his eyes closed. Farkas was a damned fine kisser, was this really his first time with a man?   “I-I got the collar.” Caye’s trembling voice pulled him back to reality. He never heard her voice tremble.   “Good.” Farkas murmured, pulling away much to Brynjolf’s disappointment. “Put it on the table for now and help me undress him.”   Wasting no time, the two worked their guest’s many buckles and fastenings to free him out of the tight set of black leather. The thief trembled, heat on his cheeks unbearable. His heart raced when Farkas pushed his armored jacket off his shoulders. He gasped when instead of unlacing his shirt, the warrior tore it off him as it were made out of paper. Meanwhile, Caye undid his pants from behind, sharply pulling them down, playfully squeezing his ass. The gauntlets he took off himself, managing to keep his hands from shaking.   “I love your tattoo.” Caye made note, brushing her fingers against an old tattoo Brynjolf had on the left side of his ribcage – a key crossed with a dagger.   “You should see Cynric’s. He’s got an impressive collection from all the prisons he’s been to.” He replied, kicking off his boots and pants, remaining only in his underwear.   “Less chatter.” Farkas addressed them both, snapping his fingers again, Brynjolf tensing at the sound. “Now, let’s just get rid of these…”   Deftly, he unlaced the front of the thief’s shorts, letting them fall to the floor. Possessively, he reached to take Brynjolf’s half-erect cock in his hands, giving the flushed shaft a few quick strokes to assess the length and girth. He grunted with approval, releasing to reach for the collar; a simple padded piece of leather with a ring in the front. Brynjolf held his breath in again, seeing the look in Farkas’ eyes – calm confidence coming from being the one in charge.   Gods, this evening was not turning out to be what he expected and he was not in control of the situation. But fuck it, he didn’t care.   The warrior put the piece of leather around his neck, whilst Caye’s arms wrapped around his waist as she pressed herself against Brynjolf’s back, her hard nipples teasing his skin. Her hands wandered his abdomen just below the navel, but daren’t reach lower without Daddy’s permission. Nocturnal, this was torture.   “Are you comfortable?” Farkas asked, sliding his fingers under the collar to make sure he didn’t put it on too tight, his other hand on the thief’s shoulder.   “Yes.” Brynjolf confirmed breathlessly, unsure who’s touch he craved more.   “Good.” Farkas grinned. “I’m going to thoroughly enjoy making you beg.”   “For mercy?”   “For me. Now come along you two, Daddy needs a bath.”   He separated the two without warning, Caye mewling with disappointment. Unbothered by her selfish protest, Daddy hooked his fingers in the rings around their necks. Whistling a tune, he led his pets towards the stairs leading to the washroom.   Caye and Brynjolf’s eyes met. She smiled, biting her lower lip. The thief gulped loudly.
Chapter 2 - Retrospection
“Are you still interested in sleeping with me?” Caye’s words echoed through his head as he rode through the great forest of Falkreath hold.   He was.   He had his chance, but blew it. That night when he came back to the Cistern and found the entire Guild waiting for him. He hadn’t suspected a thing and when he realized her scheme it was too late. The clever little Dunmer got everyone on her side and convinced to view him as the new Guildmaster. She had a whole speech prepared, choking’s Brynjolf’s protest immediately, rallying all of the thieves in support for him. He was left dumbfounded by what happened whilst the entire Guild went to party, celebrating his new position.   “You seem agitated.” She noted, when he finally caught her alone in the training room after his ‘coronation’ ceremony.   “You think?” He grunted, barely able to control his voice. He knew she was not caught off guard and was purposely waiting in the training room to speak with him in private, ever the prepared one. “This was not the plan!”   “This was not your plan.” Caye corrected, unaffected by his ire. “You’re angry with me. And I understand, this is not what you wanted. But you’ll soon realize this is all for the best. For the Guild, for you.”   “And for you.” He grunted, getting dangerously close to her, but the little elf had no intention of backing away.   “Correct.” She confirmed, her black creepy eyes staring back at him without a trace of emotion, so still that he could see his own reflection in them.   “Damn it, have you actually paused to consider my offer? Think about it! You in charge with me at your side. We can build a criminal empire stretching throughout all of Skyrim, maybe even beyond!” Brynjolf envisioned, truly hurt she could reject something this grand.   “Tempting. But I must decline.” Her tone hadn’t shifted the slightest.   “Fine. If you don’t want to be in charge, then don’t. You can take over my place as the third.” He swore, crossing his arms.   “I’m afraid that’s not possible either. I need to leave first thing tomorrow morning. Take Cynric, he’s perfect to join Vex and Delvin. And he looks good in black.”   Brynjolf felt like someone slapped him in the face. He took a step back, turning around to look away from her before he said something brash. He paced around the room frustrated, breathing deep and slow, trying to gather his bearings and calm down, knowing he had no chance against her if he keeps winding himself up.   “What makes you think you can just leave? You’re in too deep to have a way out. And we took an oath, remember?” He said slowly after he’d cooled down enough.   “I remember. If either you or Karliah need me, I’ll come to you. Always. Because,” she finally moved, reaching to touch his shoulder, “despite you making it challenging for me, I’ve grown to think of you as my friend. However,” her hand retreated before his surprise of the unexpected familiarity could last, “if this friendship is to last I need you to realize one thing. I am not your protégé and you were never my mentor. We sought each other out, because you needed some help with your dirty deeds and I needed to get on the Guild’s good side to find Esbern in the Ratway. I was never some poor street urchin you took under your wing, like Rune. We used each other and were civil enough to make that clear.”   “Then why did you come back?” He dared, his pride wounded. He had a personal connection with all of his recruits. Mercer used to say he doted on them too much, but Brynjolf didn’t care. He knew how to spot and nurture talent.   “I needed a distraction. I hoped everything would end once I reunited Esbern with his… friend. But I was wrong. I came back to you, because I knew you’d rope me into some new mess so I could take my mind off my own problems.”   “Don’t act like I didn’t paid you well.”   “Look at me, do I honestly look like someone who needs to steal?” She asked, smoothening her robes fit for a master mage – her favorite disguise. “I like to be up to no good. It’s fun.” She confessed and for the first time that night Brynjolf could see a trace of emotion on her face – mischievous pride.   “So, are you leaving now to be up to no good somewhere else?” He prodded, hoping she discloses more.   “No. It seems I am needed to do something heroic for a change. And I need your help, actually.” She revealed, tensing up ever so slightly, unsure if he’s going to cooperate.   “Oh?” His brow rose, unsure if he was going to like what he was about to hear.   “I need to ask you a favor. First day of the upcoming month, can you please meet me in High Hrothgar?”   “What business would you have there, lass?” He asked, confused. The venerable monastery was the last place he would expect her to end up at.   “I’ll explain everything once you arrive. But trust me when I say it’s important. And you do not want to miss out on what is about to happen. Can I count on you?”   “Sure.” He agreed, knowing resistance was futile.   They stood around awkwardly, each deep in their own thoughts. Now that the agitation was wearing off, both felt the weight of the recent weeks come crushing down on them.   “Would you like to spend the night with me?” She unexpectedly asked with a barely visible smirk, tilting her head to the side.   “What?” He asked unsure if he’d heard right.   “Sex. Would you like to have sex with me?” She explained, snapping back to her perfectly poised self. “The last weeks have been pretty stressful for me. I could use some comfort and so could you. I trust you can be discreet and won’t disappoint me. I can be pretty demanding.”   “Get on the hay, then.” Brynjolf instructed, reaching to undo his armored jacket.   “Not here, you savage!” She hissed, slapping his shoulder. “In a sewer?! Who do you take me for?”   “Then where?” He groaned impatient, yet somewhat amused by her uncanny outburst.   “Riftweald Manor. I want to do it on Mercer’s bed.” Caye demanded with a spiteful spark in her eye.   “You and every other footpad within the last few weeks.” He said with a shrug. “It finally got so bad that I had to have a stern talk with the lads to keep them from breaking in and fucking on his bed. I’m pretty sure that the sheets are so crusty by now, that you could prop them against a wall.”   “Relax. I changed the sheets in the morning.”   “How thoughtful. Did you plan this in advance too?”   “No. I did plan to sleep in the manor tonight, but inviting you over for some fun popped into my head just now. Now come on before I change my mind.”   They slipped out of the Cistern unnoticed, due to the majority of the Guild too drunk to pay them any mind. Minutes later they were entering the abandoned house through the upper story door, Caye picking the lock effortlessly.   He wanted to take it slow, knowing this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get to know this odd woman on a more intimate level. They cracked open Mercer’s finest vintage and talked, slowly relaxing and getting too warm and comfortable to keep their eyes open…   … Brynjolf woke up the next morning on Frey’s bed. Fully clothed, cradling an empty bottle.   “I fell asleep?” He sighed, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head already feeling a headache approaching.   “It would seem so.” Caye noted, picking up her knapsack, ready to hit the road.   “Damn it. What a shame.”   “If it will make you feel any better, I enjoyed your company last night. I like talking to you when you’re not throwing a fit.”   “The pleasure was all mine. Don’t suppose I could convince you to stay for a bit longer?” He dared ask, not expecting much success.   “No. I’ll see you in High Hrothgar.”   His horse halted before a freshly built manor overlooking lake Illinalta. He whistled impressed at the craftsmanship.   “You came!” Caye called out from the upper story balcony, so uncharacteristically cheerfully. “I’ll be down in a moment!”   “You look radiant, lass. Positively blooming.” He praised once she came to greet him. Was she smiling? And since when did she wear white?   “How many times have you actually seen me in the daylight?” She teased, leading him and the horse to the small stable. “How was your trip?” She asked politely, waiting for him to unburden his horse.   “Good. I ran into some freelancers on the road, though. Nice setup they have, a ‘toll gate’ of sorts. Two archer watchpoints between a suspended bridge. They even have a trap with falling boulders! I needed to take the long road to avoid them. ”   “Do they concern you?” She inquired, her business sense already tingling.   “No, of course not.” He smirked, smoothening his hair. “I respect entrepreneurship. But they forgot to pay their tribute to the Guild. I’ll send Thrynn and a few lads to explain the misunderstanding, you needn’t worry. So… is your husband home?”   “He’s on his way. I was all alone here the entire day.” She sighed insincerely, flawlessly mimicking a bored housewife form a cheap novella. “Come, I’m sure you want to freshen up and prepare for the evening. And you must be hungry.” She said in a more matter of fact tone, leading him to the house.
Chapter 1 - Admiring the View
It all started out so innocently. A few drinks in the tavern, a friendly invitation up to the Inquisitor’s private quarters to ‘admire the view’ and before she knew it scout Lace Harding found herself sitting on the edge of a massive bed with Inquisitor Trevelyan trailing kisses down her jaw and neckline.   His scruffy cheek grazed the side of her neck, but it was his teeth nipping at Harding’s fair, freckled skin that sent lightning bolts up her spine. Her cheeks burned as the dwarven scout realized the Inquisitor was working the fastenings of her reinforced coat with this free hand, keeping her close to his side with the other.   Maker this was too good to be true.   Whispering sweet nothings, Trevelyan quickly freed Harding from the pesky jacket and shirt. The dwarven scout bit down on her lower lip as her plain cotton bra was yanked off her with a loud snap. She then took in a loud breath as the Inquisitor pulled her in to close his lips on hers, fondling her breasts with no restraint. Maker, his tongue felt so good in her mouth, Harding couldn’t help but grind hers against it, drunk on his flavor.   “Is this the way you like it?” Trevelyan murmured into her ear, after breaking their kiss apart. “Not too fast?”   “Inquisitor.” Lace panted with her freckled cheeks blooming red and her eyes glazed. “Please, keep going. Whatever you want of me, I…” she paused to mewl when Trevelyan impatiently reached to undo her belt. “I want you to do it to me.”   Trevelyan smirked hearing his favorite scout’s voice stricken with such need. “Good.” He purred into Harding’s ear, sharply pulling her pants down all the way to her ankles. “We’ll go slow. Just relax and have fun.” He assured, tracing the outline of the perky dwarf’s soft pussy under her laced up shorts.   Harding let out a stifled ‘uh-huh’, instinctively parting her legs to allow the Inquisitor as much access as he wanted, rocking her hips into his large palm. She never experienced a human and was both excited and apprehensive at the perspective of being bedded by the Inquisitor, a man who wielded a massive two-handed sword with such ease.   The Inquisitor exhaled slowly, his gaze wandering and catching every delightful bit of Harding’s body language; from the impatiently wiggling hips, her perfectly erect nipples to the parted glossy lips. He didn’t care what would the others think if they found out. Fraternizing or not, Harding was too cute and too full of life to pass up for a night of carefree fun. And by all that was left holy in this world, he was going to give her a lot of fun tonight.   Wasting no time nor words, he got up and began slowly taking off his armor. Piece by piece the set of plated steel fell to the floor with a loud clang until Trevelyan stood before Harding bare and ready with his head cocked to the side and hands on his hips, clearly expecting the scout to take initiative.   Harding swallowed, staring at the heavy shaft presented before her. This was going to be a challenge. She reached to wrap her palm around the base, lifting it up so it was inches from her mouth. She licked her lips, pulling the skin down to uncover the already slick with precoma cockhead. She gave it a few slow strokes, licking the salty tip.   “Yes, very good.” Trevelyan praised, sinking his fingers into her braided red mane. “But that’s enough for foreplay.”   Harding gagged and gave a muffled gasp of protest then her head was slowly, but adamantly pushed down on the Inquisitor’s cock, spreading her lips and throat like no one had ever before. She choked, not used to this new sensation.   “Can you take it?” Trevelyan asked innocently as if he wasn’t keeping Harding firmly in place, showing the entire length of his shaft down her throat.   Harding looked up at him through teary eyes and cradled his heavy balls in her cupped hands, her tongue curving to tease the pronounced vein on the underside of his cock. Yes. Yes she could take it, all of it. For him. Pleased with her resolve, the Inquisitor began rhythmically sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, maintaining a firm grip of Harding’s hair. The dwarven scout whimpered once or twice, but gave in allowing him to fuck her throat however he pleased. Her hands reached down to free herself from her boots and pants. His heavy sack swayed back and forth with his momentum, hitting her drool-soaked chin with a loud smack.   Harding took it as best as she could, realizing she was moaning and rubbing her thighs together and her shorts were hopelessly soaked with both the saliva dripping down her chin and her pussy swelling with excitement. She looked up at Trevelyan with a silent plea in her eyes. ‘Please use that big dick on my pussy and fuck me stupid’, it said.   He preferred to be the one taking firm initiative, but he never liked to tease for too long. So, Trevelyan pulled his spit-polished cock from between Harding’s pouty lips, a trail of glistening slick drool connecting his glans with her lower lip.   The scout needn’t words and to be honest, she wasn’t sure if she was able to say anything coherent at this point. Digging her nails into the edges of the bed, she cocked her head to the side, spreading her thighs wide showing her Inquisitor how wet he got her from just using her mouth as a cocksleeve. In the sunset he could clearly see the tempting, glistening line of her wet folds surrounded by a soft neatly trimmed bush.   Trevelyan leaned forward, obstructing the petite dwarf in his shadow. He reached under her taking a firm grasp at the hem of her shorts. Harding giggled as he pulled them off her, lifting her legs up in the air in the process. Finally free of clothes and any shame, Lace bent her legs and curled her toes ready for Trevelyan to lay on her and claim as his own.   But the Inquisitor shook his head amused by her eagerness. He tossed the soaked smalls aside, wrapping his arms around Harding’s waist. “Hold on” he said, whisking the scout away in his arms. Harding squeaked, holding on to him tight as Trevelian stood up, legs wide apart and her wrapped around him, his cock perfectly aligned with Lace’s melting pussy.   Their eyes met.   “Please.” Harding breathed, her heart drumming against her ribcage. “Pretty please Inquisitor… Fuck me.”   He grinned, at such boldness. Such dirty words coming from such a sweet mouth. Yet, he was a gentleman and would never say no to a lady. Slowly he lowered the perky scout down onto his cock, inch by inch.   “Ahhh!” She moaned, stretched by girth no other man of her own race had ever given her before.   “Good?” The inquisitor made sure, pausing to read her face.   “S-so big!” Harding confessed, digging her nails into his shoulders, yet determined to take him in whole.   “I’m not even halfway in.” Trevelyan revealed with a mischievous spark in his eye.   “Maker!” Harding called out when more and more pushed inside her, filling her tight pussy. She cried, overwhelmed. This was too much! Yet, she wanted, needed more.   “You’re doing great, just a little bit and you’ll take it all inside you.” Trevelyan encouraged, planting a kiss on her forehead.   The last inch sunk into Harding’s sopping wet cunt agonizingly slow and she breathed slow and deep, shaking.   “S-so much!” She groaned strained, resting her cheek on the nook between the Inquisitor’s shoulder and neck. “Ah, but so good…!”   “Let’s get some fresh air.” Trevelyan offered, walking across his bedroom with the petite dwarf in his arms and tightly wrapped around his massive cock as if it were nothing. “I did invite you over to show you the view after all.”   The view was breathtaking, spanning the entirety of Skyhold and the surrounding snowy peaks. The cool breeze outside gave Lace goosebumps on her shoulders. She felt lightheaded but wasn’t sure if it was from the air this high in the mountains or something else.   “Are you ready?”   She could only nod and utter ‘uh-huh’ before Trevelyan straddled his legs, got a better grip under her arse and began thrusting into her, giving Harding no time to adjust to his pace. Lace cried in surprise when his veiny shaft moved in and out of her, his crown rubbing against her cervix. She held on for dear life, calling out the Inquisitor’s name between moans and gasps. His size and the momentum were overwhelming, she would have never believed she could fit this much inside her and that such a massive thing could give her so much burning, numbing pleasure.   She was never going back to dwarves, that she was certain of.   “You look so cute.” Trevelyan praised, sweaty yet showing no signs of fatigue. “Having fun?”   “Yes.” The scout breathed, groaning when he plunged into her exceptionally hard, enough to give her the sensation of heat spilling up all the way to her navel. “Amazing. I-I’ve never! N-no-one had ever!” She paused to giggle embarrassed at her own clumsiness with words. Maker, he was fucking her stupid. “Come inside me, Inquisitor. Please, give me all your seed!” She begged, managing to form her desires clear.   “Gladly.” He said sweetly and Harding realized the veins on his shaft thickened, signalizing he was about to come.   He grunted, possessively holding her to his chest seconds before climax. Tilting her head back she let out a low, ragged groan when the Inquisitor came inside her, coating Harding’s thoroughly pounded pussy with hot, sticky streams of creamy seed. She clasped her reddened lips around his throbbing manhood tight, giving in herself, coming hard. Her convulsing womb took in his sperm deep within her, eager to take every last drop of his divine cum.   Panting and sweaty in the cool mountains sunset, Harding lost her strength. She would surely fall numb onto the stone balcony if her Inquisitor weren’t holding her tight in his arms. Trevelyan muttered an affectionate praise into her ear, heading back to his bedchamber. Gently, he bent over his bed, allowing Lace to fall on the luxurious and soft bedding. His cum immediately spurted out of her, ruining the exquisite fabrics, but he made no comment. Instead, he headed to his heavy desk to pour himself some wine.   “Ah…” Harding cooed, rolling to her side to accept a glass he poured for her as well. “Thank you Inquisitor. I’ll never forget this.”   “Oh, but we’re not done yet.” Trevelyan smirked, sitting on the edge of the bed. “We still have some more… ground to cover. And I’ll be more than happy to explore every inch of it.” He said, reaching to fondle Harding’s pleasantly bouncy ass and not so subtly dig his fingers between her cheeks to test her unexplored rear.   Harding blinked, thankful for the drink to cool down another burning blush that washed over her face. He just stretched and rawed her pussy, but wanted more? She still felt the grazed throbbing heat inside despite him coming in such abundance. Could she manage another round? Well, if he gives her a moment to catch her breath, and with enough salve and some patience she could take him. She hoped.   “Five minutes?” She bargained, already excited at the perspective of taking him up the ass.   “Of course. And another drink?” He offered with a wink.     Maker, she was thankful to be blessed with the affection of someone like the Inquisitor!  
Chapter 0 - CH0
Kevin stared slack-jawed at the petite latina gliding down the pole to the beat of some forgettable, bass-boosted track. She looked familiar, but he knew better than to climb on stage and confront her, like he did last time when he thought he saw a dear face in some other dancer. This couldn’t have been her, she’d gone missing a few years ago!  The very thought of those days made Kevin feel a pit in his stomach. First, his calls went straight to voicemail, and all her socials went dark. To make things worse, she stopped showing up to work. How did he know? He always checked when she clocked in and out. What? Even if they broke up, he was still worried about her safety. The world was a dangerous place for pretty little things like her, especially if those pretty little things worked at dodgy strip clubs!   After a few days of radio silence he stopped by her apartment to check in on her, only to find the place empty. The landlady said some shady people came to move all her stuff. When Kevin pressed the old hag for more info, she threatened to call the cops on him, so he left, heading for the nearest bar to drown his sorrows. He had no more leads to follow, she was never close with her family and her few close friends were as clueless as him. Besides, they all hated his guts.  He thought that was the end of it. Years passed with him thinking he’d moved on, but every now and then he could have sworn he saw her with the corner of his eye. The first time it happened he acted on impulse, grabbing the shoulders of some woman he mistook for her, immediately getting maced. He’d gotten wiser since that embarrassing incident, knowing it was just his mind playing tricks on him.  This must have been just another case of him seeing what he wanted to see. Yeah, that was exactly it! The nightclub was dim, drowning in neon ambience, he was tired after a long week and had a few drinks. He should just go home and call it a night… The dancer gripped the pole tighter and spun around with her legs high in the air, landing on her impressively tall heels and Kevin felt the entire world slow down. There, around her left bicep was a tattoo - a lacy spiderweb band. It was her. “Destiny!” He shouted over the music, reaching to climb onto the stage before she could ghost him again. He yelped surprised, feeling someone’s hand grip his shoulder with brutal strength, abruptly sitting him back in his chair.  “Look but don’t touch, or else I hurt you. Got it?” A rough male voice grunted into his ear. Red flashed before Kevin’s eyes, obscuring the sight of the dancer staring back at him with her big eyes wide in shock. She quickly regained her composure and continued her routine, as he turned to bash in the face of whoever dared stand between them.  The guy was taller and broader than him, late thirties, blonde, with a nasty grin and a style Kevin could only describe as ‘cheesy 80s action hero’. He was weirdly pale in the neon ambience, staring at him unblinkingly.  “Hey, you’re not security!” Kevin yelled, realizing the guy was dressed too casual to be working here.  The man’s grin widened and his grip increased. He shook his head slowly and Kevin felt his initial fury abandon him. This guy was looking for a fight. This guy could take him in a fight. He gulped, staring back at him with dwindling courage, knowing that if he’s about to go down, then he’s not going to give this bastard the satisfaction of making him look away.  Applause broke their staredown and Kevin realized the number was over. He looked over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of Destiny disappearing behind the curtain, followed by whistling and shouting from the captivated audience. He trashed in the unknown man’s grip, but it was no use, he was not going anywhere. “Alright, show’s over. You and I are going outside to have a little chat.” The guy spoke calmly, dragging him towards the exit. Kevin shouted in protest and desperately waved at a nearby bouncer, but the man was busy breaking up a fight between two drunk girls, a common sight in any LA club on a Friday night.  “Let me go, asshole! The fuck do you think you are?!” He grunted, trying to pry the unyielding grip off with both hands, with no success. And he hit the gym regularly! They exited through the back, entering an empty alley. Finally, the bastard let him go, but not without pushing Kevin forward, making him fall to his knees. “You’re on my shitlist!” He said, getting up. “Take a number.” The guy replied casually, pulling a rumpled cigarette pack from under his jacket. He lit a cig and took a long, slow drag, staring Kevin up and down with his icy blue eyes, clearly unimpressed.  “Do we have a problem?” Kevin asked, clenching his fists. He didn’t have time for this! “We do.” The man admitted dispassionately, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke through his nose. “You obviously got a problem with Destiny, so that means you got a problem with me.” “And who the fuck are you?!” He grunted through clenched teeth, making a step forward.  The guy flicked his half-finished cigarette on the ground and stepped forward as well. Who knows what would happen next, if the backdoor hand’t creaked and Destiny herself hadn’t entered the scene. She looked stunning, despite hiding her alluring figure under a baby pink vinyl coat. And she hadn’t aged a day since he last saw her. Her face was the picture of innocence, just like he remembered. “Kevin.” She sighed, crinkling her nose. “Well, the cat is out of the bag, so… Hi.” “Hi?! That’s all you have to say to me after falling off the face of the earth? ‘Hi’, are you fucking kidding me?!” He shouted, wounded by her dismissiveness, like he was some sort of pest that got under her boot. Like he meant nothing to her.  Destiny shook her head, her golden hoop earrings chiming subtly, making no comment of his outburst. He almost forgot how cruel she could be. He imagined this reunion many times, but never, not even in a million years did he expect her to be such a bitch from the get-go.  “Mitch…” She turned to address the other man. “Were you about to hurt him?” “Nah.” The guy denied with a shrug, instantly losing the daunting demeanor he had just a moment ago. “What? Honest to God, I was just going to slap him around a bit if he tried anything, but no permanent damage, you know me.” “Right...” She sighed, flicking her long auburn hair over her shoulder. “I got this, you can join the others inside, I’ll be with you in a moment.”  Kevin expected the big guy to leave with some sort of snide remark or poorly veiled threat, but Destiny’s companion merely nodded and ducked back inside, leaving the two of them alone. She crossed her arms, tilting her head to the side, scrutinizing him. Funny, he wanted to barrage her with questions, tell her how powerless and frustrated he felt when she did her little vanishing act, but his mouth got dry and his throat felt tight.  “You’ve… aged.” She stated flatly after a long silence.  “First thing you do is criticize me. Typical. It’s been a while, you know? I was worried. What happened to you? Where have you been all those years?” He asked, studying her pretty face. “That’s none of your business.” She said bluntly. No anger, no remorse, like she was stating a fact. “None of my- I was worried sick! I thought you were dead!”  “Stop.” Her voice was quiet, yet suddenly and to Kevin’s complete surprise, her manner changed into something dark, something that could quickly become violent. He had uncanny certainty that if he dared move or speak out of line he was going to regret it. “I left everyone and everything behind, regardless if good or bad. I have a new life now and you’re not a part of it.” She continued, making no motion, staring at him with those big golden eyes.  “Destiny… baby, come on.” He felt his knees weak. How could she talk to him like that? After all they’ve been through? “We broke up, sure, but I don’t deserve this. Please, please, don’t be like that. You owe me some closure.” She laughed and it was a cold, cruel laugh.  “I can’t believe I used to fall for that tone!” She said, pretending to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye, careful not to ruin her eyeliner. “I owe you nothing, but you know what? Fine! I’m happy. There, I said it. I’m enjoying myself. My life is great! Satisfied? Now, I have a party to go back to and you’re not invited. But before I go, here’s some advice… leave me alone for good!” The door slammed behind her with a metallic clang, leaving Kevin alone in the hot LA night. But this was far from over. — Destiny rejoined her little group in the vip room, where her brother was bending over a short glass table, lighting birthday candles on the naked body of a Blood Doll splayed on top of it.  “There’s the birthday girl!” Mitch welcomed, offering her the mortal’s wrist. “How do you like your cake?” “You’re the best brother a girl could hope for.” She smiled, accepting the wrist, feeling the Blood Doll shiver with anticipation.  She had to hand it to Mitch, he really went all out to organize this party. He booked her a slot to dance her heart out in front of an audience, hired high-class Dolls for snacks and invited all her friends in the Movement. Truly, he gave her a night to remember.  To be clear, he wasn’t her actual brother and this wasn’t her actual birthday, that occasion was due in a few months. This was the anniversary of the night she died and came back a completely new person. But such technicalities didn’t matter.  “Make a wish and dig in!” He grinned. “I never want this party to end.” She wished, leaning forward to blow out the candles. The guests applauded in unison. Extending her sharp fangs, she quickly bit down, letting the hot, intoxicating blood flow into her mouth, forgetting about the unpleasant interaction she just had. This was her night and no one was going to ruin it.  — Kevin rubbed his tired eyes, reaching for his thermos. The coffee had gone cold, but he didn’t care. He took a sip, scratching his scruffy cheek. He should shower and shave, maybe even get some decent food and sleep, but that could wait. He couldn’t allow himself to lose focus, not now when he was so close.  Of course he didn’t heed Destiny's warning. A few snide remarks and her bitchy attitude were not going to stop him. The longer he thought about their interaction, the more furious he became. How dare she give him attitude after all she subjected him to. Did she really think she could party like there was no tomorrow whilst he suffered in silence for all those years? Did she really think he would tuck his tail between his legs and sheepishly slink back into the shadows? Fat chance.  He greased some palms back at the club and learned that there was indeed a party that night and that the host booked some male and female company from an escort agency. The agency had no name, but after parting with another Benjamin Franklin he was told in a hushed tone where and when the ‘working boys and girls’ had their next major gig. A few nights later he found himself in his beaten up Toyota, staking out one of the historical LA monuments, now converted to an apartment building. He recalled the place used to be a filming location for some cheesy vampire movie that came out when he was a kid. He didn’t dwell on the fact, noticing Destiny walk exiting a fancy limo with some other people, everyone dressed to impress. She looked so carefree, chatting with her companions as they entered the building like they owned the place. The bitch was having the time of her life.  Kevin had to hand it to himself, he contained his fury expertly, patiently waiting for her to leave the building a few hours later and hail a cab. He followed her to West Hollywood, where she entered the back of a two-story brick building housing several small businesses. The door she opened with her key had a big ‘Opening Soon!’ sign. She remained inside the building until the next evening, he slept in his car during the day to make sure. For the next few nights he shadowed her from a safe distance. She was making rounds in some strange circles. He watched her visit dive bars, fancy nightclubs, punk squats and mansions. Kevin couldn’t figure out what she was doing in such drastically clashing places. Why was she one night surrounding herself with punks and gangbangers in some shady bar, then attending an exclusive Hollywood party the next? Regardless, she always returned to that brick commercial building shortly before sunrise and stayed inside until sundown. Something shady was going down, he just knew it! But the more he watched her mingle with those strange people, the more he felt sorry for her. And the more concerned he grew. Destiny was ambitious to a fault, but she was obviously way in over her head. At first he wanted some payback for her so callously abandoning him. He wanted to make her sorry for sicking that thug on him and for how cruelly she acted when he found her. But during those long nights of surveillance he realized she needed his help, even if she didn’t realize it.  He had to save her from herself, even if that meant employing drastic measures. Which was why just before sundown he exited his car, and hid behind a dumpster near the back entrance to her den, patiently waiting for her.  Like clockwork, she exited the building a few moments after the sun had set. Her high heels clacked on the pavement, her hair swung in the balmy night air, her hips swayed from side to side so hypnotizingly. Kevin felt his heart drop, watching her stride so confidently and carefreely, off to another night of mingling with God knows who. He had to act before she could slip away.  In a few long leaps he was behind her, ready to do what he had to do.  “Sorry, babe.” His voice rang hollow as he prodded her lower back with a handgun he produced from under his jacket. “Now, stay calm and everything is going to be okay.” With his free hand he squeezed her shoulder, guiding towards his car, but she remained firmly in place, stiff and oddly cold. Slowly, she looked over her shoulder, staring at him with shock that quickly melted away, giving into burning fury.  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” She grunted, swiftly shrugging his hand off and turning around. Her eyes narrowed and in them Kevin saw something. Something monstrous. He jumped back, taken over by primal fear, releasing the weapon. Destiny leaned in closer, still glaring daggers at him, and with each step she made forward, he took a step back until he met with the brick wall of the building.  “I shouldn’t have been so nice.” She spoke in a dangerously low voice, talking to herself rather than addressing him. “Stupid of me, I guess. But hey, at least I tried.” Shaking her head, she kneeled to carefully pick up the gun. Once she broke off eye contact, Kevin felt he could breathe again. Confused and still shaky, he opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t find the right words. She straightened her back, checked if the safety was on and rested the gun on her hip.  “This was your big plan, Kev?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.  “I… uhhh…” “It’s okay, I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at myself for thinking you would stay away.” She smiled warmly and in that moment a wave of affection washed over Kevin, like she put some sort of spell on him, melting his heart just as easily as she almost made him shit his pants just a moment ago. “I love you Destiny.” He cried, falling to his knees, trembling all over. He looked up at her to find Destiny's angelic face calm and focused. “I know you do. Alright, let’s go back inside and you can tell me all about it.” Keys jingled and the door creaked, revealing a dark corridor. Destiny gestured at him to enter and Kevin obeyed, almost relieved. She led him upstairs to a sparsely furnished room he identified as a dance studio, fitted with stripper poles, mirrors covering an entire wall and a few upholstered benches. She then ordered him to hand over his jacket and went through his pockets. And as she did, she frowned, nearly breaking his heart. Kevin knew damned well what made her upset, so he started frantically apologizing before she told him to shut up and sit down. Remaining silent, she retrieved from the jacket a pair of handcuffs and cuffed his hands behind his back, around one of the chromed poles. “Babe, I know you’re angry, but come on! Let me go and let’s talk!” He pleaded, struggling against his restraints.  “What were you going to do back there, Kev?” She asked, ignoring his plea. “Were you planning to hurt me?” She went on, finding another item in his pockets - a roll of duct tape. “No! I can explain!” He assured her with a nervous smile.  “Explain, then.” She replied, throwing the jacket over one of the benches and carefully laying the weapon on top of it.  “You’re not well!” He cried out, struggling to stand up for effect, but it was not that easy with his hands behind his back and the pole. “W-what have you gotten yourself involved in?! You go to these bougie parties, then hang out with thugs and gangbangers. What happened to you?!” “Oh, so you were stalking me that thoroughly.” She sighed, her tone almost impressed, if it wasn’t dripping with venom. “God, I’m so stupid. Why did I want to be the bigger person and give you a chance? Should have just gotten rid of you. Ah, but it was my birthday and I was in a good mood.” “Your birthday isn’t due in two more months!” He shouted confused. Was she losing her grip on reality? “You know what, I don’t feel like explaining, so let’s get back to you being a creep.” She snarked, twirling the roll around her finger.  “I was worried! Look, whatever this is, I can help! Are they threatening you? Blackmailing? Is this human trafficking? Are they giving you drugs?”  “Oh, so you thought I was in trouble, so you decided to be my dashing savior… by putting a gun to my back and trying to abduct me.” She smirked, ripping off a piece of the silver tape with her teeth. “I’m only doing what’s best for you!” He protested, struggling to get up again, but his legs were too shaky with emotions. “I’m sure you think that. I mean it, I’m certain that in your mind you’re the good guy and this is all my fault. Like always.”  Before Kevin could protest her hurtful accusations, Destiny taped his mouth shut. He yelled through the tape, tossing in his bondage, but he wasn’t going anywhere. She straddled his legs and held them in place, taping his ankles together in case he’d try to kick. Pleased with her work, she got back up and took a step back.  She observed with disgust the stupid little human she was once so deeply in love with. God, she was really a dumb bitch. A pity, she swore she would never allow any violence in her future place of business. Dancing was her true passion, and she dedicated a lot of time, effort and money to fulfill her lifelong dream of owning her own dance studio. She was not going to taint that dream, but apparently she had to make an exception for him. She wondered if she should get some tarp from the basement and use his own gun on him, the place was already soundproofed. But she decided she didn’t feel like it, guns were never her thing. She was more of a knife girl, but knives were messy, and she didn’t want to bother with the cleanup.  She could drain him. He was as good as dead anyway, so why shouldn’t he be of some use to her for a change. And as she thought of it, an idea came into her mind. Yes… she could make some use of him. Get some well-deserved payback and even have some fun. She just needed to make one quick call and hope the stars aligned this night.  She dropped to her knee at Kevin’s side, cupping his face in her hands. He went stiff, staring at her wide-eyed, too agitated to realize how cold her hands were. “Oh, Kev.” Destiny cooed, leaning forward, her face inches away from his. “I’m going to give you a performance you’re never going to forget.” She whispered sweetly, delighted to see fear in his eyes.  — “Fucking great.” Mitch grunted, tracing a dent in his front bumper. “Oh, just fantastic.” He added, circling the car around to find another in the back. This was supposed to be a quick run, but he let his bravado get the better of him and had to play Car Fu again. But hey, they never knew what hit ‘em. He got the job done, the Baron was pleased and he could now pull some serious favors in the Movement. Besides, he had a very good mechanic who never asked too many questions and knew how to work a Plymouth Cuda.  He was about to call him, when his burner phone vibrated. Unknown caller, but only a handful of people knew his constantly changing phone number, a necessary precaution in the modern nights. He picked up with a hoarse ‘mhm’. “Hey!” He heard Destiny’s chipper voice on the other side. “Are you busy tonight?” “Just finished a job, but I fucked up my bumpers, so I thought I’d get them fixed.” “Again?” He could picture her sigh and shake her pretty little head. “Well, if it’s not a big problem, can you swing by my place? I could really use a hand.”  “Can’t it wait ‘till tomorrow?”  “No… I have some trash that needs to be taken out. But I prepared a snack for your trouble!” She promised.  “Is the trash the snack?” He guessed. Destiny was cautious with her feedings, but fuck-ups happened to the best of Kindred. “Yes…” Her tone shifted to that sweet, helpless one that was too on the nose to fool anyone. And yet, he always fell for it.  “I’m on my way.” He sighed defeated. Guess that quick run to the chop shop would have to wait.  — Destiny hung up, gracing the perplexed Kevin with a warm smile. “Good news, Mitch is coming over! We’ll have ourselves a little party, and this time you're invited!”  She giggled, observing Kevin’s wide eyes narrowing. On an impish impulse she reached and sharply pulled the corner of the tape away, letting him speak. “That thug?!” He grunted, after coughing and spitting out some saliva lying in the back of his throat. “Hey, be nice to him.” Destiny scolded lightheartedly, sinking her heel into his thigh. “He’s been nothing but good to me and took care of me when I was at my lowest.”  “Took care of you? W-what does that mean? Is he your pimp? Your dealer? Look, if he’s of any danger to you, I can take you away from him and keep you safe, I swear!” He promised, ignoring the piercing pain in his leg. “He’s my brother! And one of very few people I can honestly say I trust.” She laughed, digging her heel in deeper.  “Why are you calling him your brother? You told me you had no siblings! Oh my God, are you in a cult?!” She stepped away before she fell over from laughter. “Oh, you poor sweet thing. You’re so oblivious, it’s almost cute. Now, I have to get everything ready before he arrives. Ahhh, I'm so excited!” She sealed the tape back, blew him a kiss and got busy rearranging the room.  — “Mister Knox.” She greeted as he parked next to the backdoor. “Fancy seeing you here!”  “Miss Rodriguez.” He played along, slamming the car door behind him. “So, who’s the unlucky fucker you got in there?”  “You remember that guy, who almost jumped on stage on my birthday?” She innocently said, twirling her hair in her fingers. Whenever she did that, Mitch knew she was about to say something he did not want to hear. “The fuckboy? What was his name again, Keith?” “Kevin.” She corrected, bracing herself to deliver the bad news. “And this one is a delicate matter… He was stalking me since he saw me in that club. He saw me go meet my friends, some of my contacts…. And our people in the Movement.” “Well, shit. Persistent fucker. I’ll give him that.“ Mitch whistled. “How do you know him anyway?” “He’s my ex from way, way back… When I was still alive.” She confessed, avoiding his eyes. “Mitch, he knows I’m not dead, he knows where I go and who I’m meeting. He’s a walking Masquerade breach, he has to go!” “That’s a no brainer. Don’t worry, I’ll get rid of the body.” He shook his head in agreement.  “About that…” She halted him just as they were about to enter the building. “I called you here, because I need your help, but not with disposing of him. I’m a big girl, I can clean up my own messes.”  “Then why am I here?” His brows rose. “I need to get stronger, my Potence is lacking.” She confessed, embarrassed.  She could project her personality onto people with devastating efficiency, effortlessly evoking love and terror. She could be swift and graceful when she needed to. But she was barely able to grasp the superhuman strength that came with her Blood. And a Brujah with barely a lick of Potence was the runt of the Rabble litter.  “Ok, that’s pretty easy, you just need to tune into your Blood and feed on a mortal with the right Resonance.”  “I know, I need… angry blood, right?” She recalled.  “Choleric.” He corrected patiently. “But yeah, anger is the broad flavor profile you’re going for.” “So… what about jealousy? Would that do?” She suggested cautiously.  “Oh, that would do pretty fucking nicely.” He agreed, grinning.  Choleric was his personal favorite. There was nothing like sinking his fangs into some freshly laid-off blue-collar dude itching to unload his frustrations onto someone at the bar, a sports fan just after his team lost an important match, an angry husband certain his wife was messing around, a fervent street preacher, an angry protester… Adrenaline, passion, frustration… that was the stuff. “I need you to help me make him very, very jealous. If you know what I mean… I want his jealousy concentrated, I won’t settle for anything less.” She smiled promiscuously, putting her hand on his chest. “Enlighten me.” He nodded, slowly figuring out what she needed, but wanting her to say it out loud.  “I want you to fuck me right in front of him.” Destiny purred, pressing her entire petite body against him. “I want you to take me as he watches and make him see how much I’m enjoying it. Hell, you can even rough me up a bit, I don’t care! But he can’t know what we are until the very end, okay? Can you do this for me?” He cackled, lifting her chin up to meet her eyes. “Cucking your lousy ex before you suck him dry? Count me in.” “You’re the best brother!” She giggled, hugging him tight, for a second dropping the sultry act for genuine affection. “We share the same piece of shit Sire, but you don’t have to call me your brother. Then again, I’m not sure what’s the correct terminology for whatever we have going on.” He sighed, patting her on the head.  “Well, you raised me after our piece of shit Sire was destroyed, so I could just call you ‘daddy’.” She teased. “Absolutely not.” He grumbled, pulling his arm over her waist, heading inside the dance studio. “Now, let’s get this party started.”  She was busy while he was on his way. The mortal was restrained, but not in a way that would prevent him from enjoying the show. And to make sure he got a good view, one of the leather benches was moved against the mirrored wall, with two ring lights illuminating it from the sides. She was even thoughtful enough to leave him an ashtray within arm’s reach. “What do you think?” She asked excitedly, ignoring the mortal’s alert grunting. “Very nice. Makes me feel like I’m back on set.” Mitch joked, adjusting one of the lights. He did stunt work for movies and TV in the 80s. But before that, when he was young, dumb and short on cash he did a few low-budget productions in the 70s… Porn. He did porn. Needless to say, he knew his way around a movie set.   He approached their prey with Destiny wrapped around his arm. Kevin jerked away, but he had nowhere to run to.  “He looks like a screamer, but I want to hear him throughout the entire thing. Now, easy…” Mitch leaned in closer and yanked the tape off without warning, ripping off some facial hair along with it. “You’re going to pay for that!” The mortal threatened, ignoring the pain.  “Oh, we have a biter! Good, I like it when they have some fight in them.” Mitch joked, tossing the hair-covered tape aside. “Fuck you!” Kevin cursed in helpless anger. This was off to a good start. “He can scream all he wants, nobody is in the building this late at night and I got the studio soundproofed already.” Destiny assured, putting both hands on her hips, eager to get started. “So what, you’re going to have him kill me? Look, I’ve made some mistakes, but I never wanted to hurt you! Y-you can’t do this!” Kevin stuttered in sheer panic, noticing the predatory looks in their eyes. Destiny smirked, fixing her hair whilst Mitch positioned himself behind her. This was going to be fun. Cruel, yes, but cathartic. “Relax, He’s not going to lay a finger on you, I promise. He’ll be too busy having them all over me.” She revealed innocently, letting Mitch grope her tits. “Sorry, babe. Now, stay calm and everything is going to be okay.” She mocked, feeling her Blood rush with excitement.  “I’m usually a party for two kind of guy… But I’m going to enjoy every second of this.” Mitch grunted, shoving his hands under her skirt, roughly spreading Destiny's legs, stroking and prodding her through the thin material of her underwear.  “No, you take your hands off of her!” Kevin demanded with horror.  “Or else what?” The bastard teased, taking a whiff of her hair, then tenderly tugging a strand behind her ear, so he could have free access to her neck.  “Destiny please…” Kevin begged, feeling ice setting in his stomach. She let out a quiet moan, tilting her head, letting another man kiss and bite her from ear to shoulder. Even though she wore her stripper heels, he was still towering over her. “Do you remember what I told you that night?” She asked with her eyes half-shut. “I told you that I’m happy. That I’m enjoying myself. That my life is great. But you somehow convinced yourself otherwise. So… let me show you just how much I’m enjoying myself without you, so you can get it through your thick skull.” On that cue, Mitch reached down her neckline and tore her skintight dress like paper, leaving Destiny in only her sheer thong and heels. Kevin let out a pained groan.This was not happening! She was not about to do what he thought she was! No, no, no… For years he longed to see her naked body again, but not like this. Not with some other guy touching her.  “Look at her.” Mitch sighed with barely contained want, taking her by the hand and slowly twirling around. “Just look at those perfect bimbo tits and that firm bouncy ass! I swear to God, any red-blooded man would kill for a night with her.” “You better kiss me now.” She demanded, wrapping her arms around him. He pulled her in possessively and did just that. They kissed loudly, with no regard for subtlety. Running her perfectly manicured nails up and down his back, she let out a pleased groan, bending one leg, like in the movies. Kevin felt sick to his stomach, yet couldn’t look away. She knew exactly what she was doing. The back scratching, tilting her head to the side when kissing, bending her leg back… She used to do that for him.  The bastard broke their sloppy kiss and slapped her behind with a loud crack. Kevin winced, feeling like he was slapped in the face. She yelped and giggled, guiding Mitch to sit on the bench, then quickly got on top of him. Biting her neck, Mitch shook his jacket off, then let Destiny help him out of his t-shirt. Of course he had trashy tough guy tattoos underneath - a scorpion on his left shoulder and a cobra on the left side of the abdomen, it’s forked tongue caressing his navel.  Destiny slid to the floor, quickly relieving him of his boots and socks, then reached for his belt. Despite the nails, she undid it expertly, and wrestled him out of his jeans, huffing in annoyance, like a spoiled brat, impatiently wanting to unpack a Christmas gift. The undershorts were gone the next second and Destiny grabbed his cock with a smug look on her face.  “Look at it!” She exclaimed with a comical look on her face, looking over her shoulder to address Kevin. “Just look at the size of that thing!” Her jaw dropped theatrically as she compared the proportions of Mitch’s cock to her forearm. Feeling heat on his face, Kevin looked away for a second, enticing laughter from them both. That dick was big. Weirdly pale like its owner, with a light pink crown and pronounced veins. It was bound to wreck her.  “Like you've never seen it before.” Mitch teased, patting her affectionately on the head. “I’m just happy to finally have some actual cock.” She huffed, stroking his girthy shaft with both hands. “That bad, huh?” His brow rose. “Poor thing.” “Wanna see it?” She offered half-jokingly. “Sure, why not.” Mitch agreed offhandedly. “What? Hey, no! Stop!” Kevin protested, struggling in his restraints as Destiny kneeled next to him.  She smiled, trapping his ankles between her knees, and quickly undid his belt, yanking his pants and underwear down to his knees. Kevin groaned in protest, struggling to cover himself, but he couldn’t do much in his state. Frustrated, he bucked and tossed on the floor, humiliated like a bullied highschooler. “Huh.” Mitch just said, quickly glancing at his flopping dick and immediately losing interest. “I know, right?” Destiny sighed, standing up. Returning to her brother, she pulled her thong down and kicked it away, managing to plant it perfectly around Kevin’s prick. “She shoots, she scores.” Mitch joked, clearly amused. Destiny kneeled between his thighs, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out without any encouragement. Pleased, Mitch sunk his fingers into her hair, gripping his cock with his other hand. He playfully dragged his cockhead around her glossy lips before pushing her head down and sliding inside, letting out a pleased grunt. She moaned in response, sealing her lips and licking the underside, letting him pleasure herself with her mouth and throat. He grinned, progressively going faster and rougher and her moans followed suit, until he released both her head and his cock, letting her take over.    Leaning back he gave another pleased grunt, locking eyes with Kevin, who couldn’t decide if he wanted to fixate on Destiny’s head frantically bobbing up and down to the tune of her slutty moans, or look at her pussy, prominently displayed as she was on all-fours, wiggling her ass like a bitch in heat. “Look at her go! She’s a natural!” He addressed the distressed mortal, gently patting her on the head. “You’d have to be an idiot to lose a girl like that.” “Fuck you! You don’t know a thing about what happened between us!” Kevin said through clenched teeth. “True. And I don’t care to find out.” The man shrugged, tilting his head back, close to climax.  With her mouth full of cock, Destiny stifled a laugh. She quickly learned that deepthroating required next to no effort after she had lost her gag reflex. Still, swallowing down brother’s girthy dick was no easy feat, but she loved a challenge.    His abdomen tensed and he clenched his jaw, close to ogasm. Funny, for a guy full of one-liners he never had one ready for when he was just about to come. So, he just groaned a strained ‘fuck’, gripping her shoulder tightly, unloading rope after rope of come town her throat. She closed her eyes, taking it all in, feeling a droplet of wetness dripping from her pussy, something Kevin was bound to notice. Good.  “Babe, you could make a dead man come.” Mitch praised once he was done, reaching for his jacket for a post-blowjob smoke.  As he lit his cigarette, Destiny, still on all fours, crawled towards Kevin. Forcefully, she grabbed him by the jaws and opened them wide, spitting her brother’s come into his mouth, finishing with a loud slap. She then quickly crawled onto the couch, resting at her laughing partner’s side. “Nice touch.” He noted, watching the human gag and spit out what little he didn’t swallow.  “Thanks, now when can you go again?” She pouted, wrapping herself around his arm, staring down at his now half-erect cock with anticipation.  “Lemme finish and I’m all yours. How does reverse cowgirl sound? I want him to see your pretty little face while I take you for a ride.” He grinned, flicking ash into the ashtray. “Rough me up, okay? I feel like getting choked tonight.” She batted her eyelashes. “Stop!” Kevin’s sharp demand cut into their cozy exchange. “You’ve made your point, so just stop! I can't take this anymore!” They both glared daggers at him and Keving held his breath, expecting either or both of them to lunge and beat him unconscious, but they merely shared amused looks. “He thinks he has any say in this.” Mitch noted lightheartedly, putting out his cigarette. “I gotta hand it to him, I like his fire, even though he doesn’t look like he has much of a spine.”  “Oh, shut up and fuck me.” Destiny said annoyed, positioning herself so that she was resting comfortably on Mitch’s spread laps, with the length between her dripping pussy and her navel obstructed by his once again hard cock. “And you! Eyes on me! Don’t you dare look away, or I’m-eugh!” She grunted in surprise when Mitch’s palm closed around her throat and his other hand roughly grabbed her tit, painfully twisting her perky nipple. “Honey, I love you. I think the world of you. But you sometimes talk too much.” Her sighed, slowly lowering her onto his shaft, spreading her plump slippery lips with his veined girth. “Harder, you pussy.” She grunted with some effort, squeezing him possessively in response. He snorted, gripping harder. Sure, she didn’t need to breathe in her undead state, but she could put on a convincing performance. And he knew just how much she liked to be degraded every once in a while. To be spat on, choked, slapped, used as a cocksleeve and service him with her entire body. She was just that kind of a girl… weird and fun.   She cried, resting on his balls, filled to the limits by his impressive shaft. She grinded her hips, whining more like an animal than a sentient being, before he bottomed out almost completely, then rammed his entire length back inside her with a loud smack of her ass against his pelvis. Then again, harder. And he continued his fast, hard pace, fucking his not-actually sister like a common whore. Destiny shot Kevin a triumphant look, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she gave in to the heat and friction, unbothered by such burdens like sentience or dignity. At that moment she couldn’t feel more alive. Mitch realized it was oddly quiet in the half-dim room, save for her chaotic cries and moans. Curious, he peeked over Destiny’s shoulder to find Kevin red in the face, glaring at them, with her panties still tangled around his unremarkable prick. His only desire at that moment clearly writtren on his face: murder.  And would you look at that, he was crying. Grinning with satisfaction, Mitch decided it was about time to change the position. Unceremoniously, he threw Destiny off. Her knees hit the floor and she whined angered, reaching behind to spread herself from him, demanding his cock back inside her. Kevin loudly sucked in a shaky breath, seeing the look on her face. No smug malice, only mindless need to be fucked and brutalized. “I don’t think so, honey. On your back.” Mitch ordered, flipping her over like she weighed nothing to him. “And forget about him, eyes on me.”  She whined, outstretching her arms, her legs wide open. Mitch gnashed her a toothy grin, satisfied to see her mascara streaky and not a single thought behind her golden eyes. He fell onto her, smothering under his bulk, pushing her a few inches forward on the glossy floor. Destiny wrapped her petite frame around him, scratching his back and kicking her heels into his lower back. “Fucking! Wreck! Me!” She cried hoarsely, biting down on his shoulder, fangs out.  Mitch grunted in surprise, lifting her a few inches up, then dropping to the floor, ramming himself into her with brutal, inhuman force. Ignoring the mortal in the background, he kept going, ripping cry after cry, laced with throaty demands, until he felt he was going to climax again. “If you feel like coming, better hurry up, ‘cause I don’t feel like waiting for you.” He warned. She hissed into his ear, grabbing him by the hair, yanking his head back, so he would look her in the eyes. Damn, she was pissed, her Brujah Blood simmering. He ought to be proud of himself. She mashed their lips together, kicking him hard with those fucking heels, drawing blood. He came hard, her high-pitched whine echoing through the roof of his mouth and her sweet little twat squeezing him hard, taking his load deep inside her, clenching so not even a drop would spill out, until he was out of ammo and exhaled a tired sigh into the nook of her shoulder.  They remained motionless for a while, until Mitch cautiously peeled himself away. His come poured out onto the cheap grey linoleum, slicking her ass and back. She gave a long, satisfied moan, reaching with both hands down to her thoroughly pounded snatch, sticking them inside with a moist sound. Giving him a mischievous smirk she lifted her glossy fingers to her lips and licked them clean.  God, she looked so beautiful. They never officially declared themselves a couple, but it was fleeting moments like these when he felt like he could truly fall in love with her.  “You back, babe? How was heaven?” He teased, brushing her hair off her face, relieved to see some semblance of lucidity slowly returning to her “Oh… I missed you.” Destiny confessed with a tender look on her face. “You hungry?” She smiled promiscuously.  “Always. But I think you should have this one all for yourself. I’ll grab something to bite on the town, I know a few good places.” He said getting off of her. He remained seated on the floor with his back against the bench, already thinking about one particular sports bar good for a quick dine and dash. Reaching back for yet another smoke he winked at her. “Now go get ‘em.” He encouraged, flicking his lighter.   “That’s so sweet of you.” She sighed dreamily, rolling on all fours, directing her attention to Kevin.  The sweetness on her face instantly shifted into something else, something inhuman and she approached him slowly. Kevin would have trembled if he didn’t feel like snapping her neck right now. Bitch. Fucking slut. Jesus, why did he want her back so badly? She was lucky he was restrained. He gnashed his teeth in disgust as she caressed his sweaty cheek with her wet fingers. He didn’t want that fucking cumrag anywhere near him anymore.  “Was it good for you too?” She teased, taking in the ire in his eyes.  “Why are you doing this to me?!” He hissed through the burning tears, driven to his limits. She could smell his blood seethe with delicious jealousy, concentrated into a powerful concoction. A Dyscrasia, more commonly known by younger kindred as a Clot. She was bound to gain so much power from it. Her base instinct was telling her to claim it, right now, without bothering with words. But she still had a few drops of poison to rub into his wounds as the proverbial cherry on top. “Funny, that’s exactly what I asked when you wouldn’t leave me alone.” She purred, twisting her fingers into Kevin’s hair, staring him down with matching hatred. “You were a really lousy boyfriend, you know that? And when I realized things were never going to get better with you I dumped you before they got worse. And do you remember what you did then?  “You owed me an explanation!” He snapped.  “You kept blowing up my phone, I had to change my number. Twice! Not to mention stalking my socials and sending me messages from all those fake accounts after I blocked you. You constantly showed up at my work, things got so bad I had to change clubs. And I liked my old club, I had friends there! Oh, and remember when you called my school and told them where I worked? They expelled me just as I was about to get my diploma! You kept waiting outside of my place day and night, I had to move before my lease was up! I thought you finally gave up after I got a restraining order against you, but you were still creeping around me, only from afar!” “You bitch, I loved you!” He cried out.  “Fuck you! You loved having me!” She retorted, bending his head to the side, exposing his throat. Her fangs were out in a split-second and she struck, gagging on the overflowing tide of hot emotions pouring on her tongue. Desire, obsession, anger and at the core that sweet, sweet jealousy. She swallowed it all down and kept going, gorging, nourishing herself on it. She could feel the blood reach the deepest recesses of her long-dead body, her undead nerves and muscles flaring up, corresponding to the intoxicatingly powerful emotions.  Kevin panted and whimpered in her grip the entire time she grunted and sucked. But his cries got quieter and quieter, until they finally ceased and he went limp. He was dead, dry, there was nothing more she could gain from him.  Destiny licked the wound clean, released the empty husk and took a long stretch, feeling her body energized. Power flowed through her, calling to be tested out. She grabbed the pole with one hand and squeezed. Back at the bench Mitch grinned with pride, hearing the sound of bending metal.
Chapter 1 - Persuasion
“Y-you’re sure?” Farkas blinked bewildered. “Absolutely?”   “Yes. I brewed the potion twice. And twice it changed color. I’m pregnant.” Caye assured, joy creeping up at her little cruel face.   “I… wow.” Her husband uttered, sitting next to her on a rough wooden bench at Jorrvaskr training grounds. Finally! After over a year of intense (and sometimes kinky) efforts she was pregnant!   “Oh treasure,” she said, shuffling closer, “I am as speechless as you are. It’s still sinking in for me.”   They stared into the distance overtaken by bliss. Farkas said nothing, only gently squeezed her tiny hand. Caye relaxed, returning the gesture, already making plans for the weeks to come. And she had a lot of things to wrap up before she needs to devote all her time to her new family.     “I’m happy.” He finally said. And he needn’t say anything more.   “So am I.”   “Caye?”   “Yes?”   “I’m, uh… really horny right now.” He confessed, embarrassed. The knowledge of their child growing inside her this very moment and her body soon adapting to be a mother got him rock-hard.   “Take me home, then.” She laughed, once again endeared by his bluntness.   --   Nothing disturbed the stillness of their bedroom as they embraced tight, panting and sweaty.   “I still can’t believe we’re going to be parents.” She whispered, stroking his rough cheek. “This… this is everything I wanted. Something… quiet and good. Just for us. I’m a bit nervous, actually.”   “We’re going to be fine.” He assured, lazily running his hand up and down her back. “You’re going to be a great mom. And I won’t leave your side, promise.”   “Where have you been all my life?” Caye sighed.   “You’re something like seventy years older than me.”   She giggled in a way she only allowed herself around him. Carefreely and full of pure joy.   “I’ve been thinking…” She began, sitting up with her legs crossed, her perky breasts resting against her knees. “Before we settle down and become dull old ma and da, is there anything you’d still want to try in bed?”   “Apart from all the kinky things we’ve already done?” He wondered, resting on his propped elbow, his impressive canines exposed in a wide grin.   “Yes, aside from our debauched little games, is there anything you’d still like to taste? Within reason, of course.”   Farkas bit his lip, looking away, struggling whether or not he should reveal before his little wife the one thing he was still curious about, but never had the opportunity to indulge in.   “Um… I’ve never slept with a man.” He confessed, looking her in the eyes, immediately growing red in the face and yet feeling odd relief now that he said it out loud.   “Men!” She exclaimed excitedly, then quickly covered her mouth seeing the horrified look on her husband’s face. She kept forgetting Nords weren’t as sexually liberal as Dunmer. “I’m sorry. But I’m so glad you shared something this personal with me. Tell me, would you prefer to be giving or receiving?”   “I… Damn it, Caye.” He rumbled, his cheeks blooming even redder. She was always so well-mannered and proper but when it came to sex she was everything but prudish. “On top. I want to be on top. Then if I’d like it I’d consider being on the receiving end… maybe. I dunno.”   “Do you have anyone particular in mind?” She purred sweetly, indulging in the moment. This evening was so exciting!   “No. I mean…” Her husband coughed nervously, buying time to gather his thoughts. “I was always a bit curious, but never pulled through with it. Never had the opportunity. There were a few guys that might have been interested, but I’m not really close with them anymore. You know how it is.”   “I know a few people who might be interested.” Caye suggested, mentally going through her list of contacts, growing excited at the very thought of any of them receiving Farkas’ rough and yet loving affection.   “Yea? Like who?” He asked curiously, resting back on the pillows, beckoning her to join him.   “Do you remember my friend Erandur? Perhaps you’d like to taste male Dunmer?” Caye proposed, her cheek nuzzling against her husband’s hairy chest.   “The priest?” Farkas recalled the oddly melancholic priest of Mara as he ruffled her red hair. He couldn’t remember much details past Erandur’s face as the man wore modest monk robes with hoods, hiding his hair and figure from the rest of the world. “Uhhh… no. I don’t really find men of cloth attractive. And can we keep it closer to home? A kinsman?”   “Of course! How about that young lad, Erik? You like red hair and he’s a fighter so you won’t have to worry about harming him.”   “The Slayer?” Farkas rubbed his chin, remembering the aspiring adventurer from Rorikstead. Yeah, the lad had a good posture and was talented with a battleaxe. Strong arms, windswept red hair, blue eyes and that boyish charm. A bit too boyish for his tastes. “I mean… he’s cute, but how old is he?”   “I think he’s twenty or so.” Caye recalled, unsure if twenty was enough for a Nord to be considered an adult. Humans and their short lifespans could get confusing.   “That’s way too young for me.” Farkas shrugged. “Let’s keep it closer to my age.”   “So, a kinsman between their early to late thirties, yes? And red hair is preferable. Oh!” Caye abruptly sat up again, pressing her clenched fists to her cheeks, shaking with exhilaration. Yes, by Azura she found the one! “I think I have just the man!”   “Yeah? Who?”   “My friend from Riften. Brynjolf.”   “The thief?!” He rumbled, accenting the word like a particularly obscene slur.   He met the guy once. In High Hrothgar, where all sorts of people gathered to negotiate a temporary truce in the civil war. The whole meeting was a confusing and boring pain to go through, but somehow a tentative truce was reached. The Companions, with Caye as newly appointed Harbinger, could summon a dragon to Dragonsreach, capture it and then interrogate. Good times.   The thief arrived unexpectedly, lurking in the shadows during the whole affair, pestering Caye whenever she was alone, until she grew tired and asked Farkas to never leave her side. Finally, after she somehow convinced Jarl Ulfric and General Tullius to accept her propositions for new Jarls of Riften and Markarth, she took Brynjolf aside for a long talk, gave him some letters and told him to deliver them to a few people in Riften. He did not look pleased, but took the letters nonetheless and was on his way. Farkas hadn’t seen him since.   He was a criminal. But… not unpleasant to look at, from what Farkas remembered. Nimble, but by no means feeble with dark red hair and striking green eyes. Charming and radiating confidence… a bit too much confidence actually, just enough to be a step from cockiness. Farkas wondered how would the red-haired thief look with his clever mouth full of his cock. At the very thought, his member twitched with anticipation.   “Treasure, that’s so crude of you… He’s also a conman.” Caye said innocently, ending her husband’s musings.   “Still a criminal.” He reprimanded, shooting her a stern look, but his fattening cock betrayed he was already giving into the idea. “I thought you were done with the Guild. You know I don’t like the thought of my wife stealing. Even if you did it just for fun.”   “You asked me to stop taking jobs for my own amusement and I did.” She swore solemnly, remembering the heat of shame she felt when Farkas caught her red-handed on a small job in Windhelm. And the spanking she got afterwards. “But I still have friends in Riften. Friends that I deeply care about.”   “What does that mean, exactly?” He pressed, not getting fooled by his wife’s smooth words.   “I’m the Guild’s fixer.” Caye stated bluntly, deciding to come clean. “If they have a problem I step in and take care of said problem. But please, let’s get back to more pleasant topics.” She tempted, hoping to divert the conversation from her dirty deeds.   “Does he even like men?”   “He likes people in general.” Caye assured.   “Do you think he’d want to sleep with me?” Farkas kept wondering, rubbing his chin. He knew women found his rugged looks appealing, but he was not so sure how men felt about him.   “I’m positive.” She promised, her black eyes glimmering. The speculative glances Bryn kept giving Farkas in High Hrothgar when the warrior was not looking said it all. “I just need to convince him to come over.”   “By adding you into the mix?” Farkas guessed, his brows crossing, a hint of jealousy in his tone.   “Oh, I will be present, of course! As open as I am I will not leave you alone with him.” She possessively wrapped her arms around his much thicker arm. “You’re mine!”   “I am.”   “So… do you want me to introduce you two? I will be heading out to Riften soon, I’ve been meaning to check in with my friends. But first I need to visit Faralda in Winterhold, I’m curious how she’s handling being Arch Mage. And I also need to see a few people in Windhelm.” She enumerated, kicking into full work mode.   “You shouldn’t be travelling in your state.” He sighed concerned, knowing well how stubborn she could be when she had work to do.   “I just need to visit a few friends and break the news to them before I’ll grow so big that I’ll have to settle down. I won’t do anything risky, I promise.”   “I have to stay here and keep an eye on our new whelps. Vilkas will go with you.” He said in a tone that cut any protest short. “Go visit your friends, wrap your things up and come back to me, okay?”   “Promise.”   ---   Papers. Stacks of them. An endless stream of things to do with a deadline for yesterday. Not that he hadn’t had tons of work when Mercer was around, but ever since things turned for the better for the Guild and he was the new Guildmaster, Brynjolf was swamped with work. Well, the Guild was his life, so he did not complain. But he could use a breather.   He looked up to glance at Mercer’s severed head, mounted above the entrance to the treasury. It was missing.   “Nocturnal’s tits!” He jumped when the previous Guildmaster’s head was placed right in front of him by no one other but his former protege. He let out a disgusted choke, having a closer look at the thing, Frey’s dead glassy eyes staring back at him, his face forever frozen in shock and anger.   “Mercer needs care.” Caye said unceremoniously, pulling up a chair to sit opposite to Brynjolf. “You don’t look good.” She stated without blinking, reaching to her heavy travel bag to retrieve embalming potions and instruments which she placed in front of herself in a neat, straight line.   “And I have you to thank.” He grunted, bending back on his chair to be as far away from Mercer’s head as possible. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, regaining his cool, observing the petite Dunmer pour some unknown alchemical solution over a metal comb before turning her attention to the head.   “I wanted to pay you a visit to see how you were doing.” She stated, combing Mercer’s greying hair. “Your recent letters didn’t raise my concerns at first glance, but your shift in penmanship…” she lifted her gaze from her trophy, her black eyes met with his. “It betrays troubles.”   “There are no troubles, the Guild is doing better than ever.” Brynjolf involuntarily made a face, avoiding her unblinking gaze. She always made him a bit uneasy.   “I’m not asking how the Guild is doing. You’re in charge so I’m confident everything is in order. I’m asking about you. You’re my friend and I’m concerned. Do you get your sleep?”   “Are you also this concerned about Karliah?” He snarked. Caye and her perfect undisturbed professionalism could get under his skin.   “Karliah is more cunning and capable than the two of us combined. She does not need my concern. But I did meet her for tea just now. She stole a divine blend from the East Empire company, she has excellent tastes.” She smirked ever so slightly.   “Let’s get down to business.” Brynjolf sighed tiredly, rubbing his face. He did need some sleep. And a shave. “What do you need?”   “Are you still interested in sleeping with me?” Caye struck without warning, now rubbing some odd, slightly glowing ointment into Mercer’s leathery skin. Her face remained perfectly tranquil, as if she was not making a pass on him.   “Lass, are you proposing we have an affair?” He asked shocked. He was one of the few people who knew she was married. And she didn’t strike him as the unfaithful type.   “No, of course not. I’m proposing you join me and my husband in bed. He confided in me that he would like to try sleeping with a man. And you’re just the person. I think you’re experienced enough to please him. How old are you again? Forty?” She teased, the corner of her mouth jerking upward.   “Pushing forty!” He corrected, offended by her insinuations.   “Well, you look great.”   “That is true.” He agreed, tugging a strand of loose hair behind his ear.   “You’re charming.” The elf went on.   “It’s a burden I must bear.” He sighed, his ego stroked but not enough to dull his wits.   “And Farkas really likes red hair.”   “Oh, lass. I’m honored. I’d love to be a sex toy for your man.” He snarked, but he was already entertaining the idea of bedding the two.   He conjured up the memory of Caye’s husband. What a lad! He was in awe the first time he saw him. Tall and broad, even by Nord standards, Farkas was the perfect picture of a Companion. Calm and quiet with a rugged charm so characteristic of experienced warriors. That dark hair and those bright icy-grey eyes, like a husky! Brynjolf had to admit, he was drawn to that odd… feral appeal the warrior seemed to unknowingly radiate.   “You’re not saying no.” Caye noted, giving her trophy a few finishing touches.   “I would need to think about it. And I have work to be done. Give me a few weeks.”   “I’m pregnant and I need your answer now. I want to have some fun before I get all bloated.”   “I…” He blinked, wanting to say something smart but no words came to mind. Pregnant? Her? The woman who decapitated Mercer Frey and was keeping his severed head as a trophy for the entire Guild to see was planning to be a mother?!   “Yes or no?” Caye pressed, waving at one of the nearby footpads to fetch Mercer and put him back at his honorable spot.   “Damn it, you can’t just dump all this information on me and expect me to drop everything to hop into bed with you two!” The Guildmaster grunted when the underling left with Mercer.   “Yes or no?” She repeated, her tone perfectly measured and polite, despite the lewd nature of her offer.   “Yes.” He gave in and although he wanted this, he couldn’t hide his displeasure at being pressed like that. “When?”   “Next week Sundas.” Caye instructed, smiling ever so slightly. “We’ve just finished building our summer house in the Great Forest and I’d love to have you over. Falkreath is beautiful this time of year, you can see the entire stretch of lake Illinalta from the porch.”   They sat in silence for a longer moment, Brynjolf processing what he was just told, Caye reaching over to take a look at the Guild’s business ledger. She read the recent entries, nodding with approval, glad that everything was in order.   “Congratulations on the baby.” He said, realizing congratulations were in order.   “Thank you. Now, I’d love to stay for longer, but I’m getting sleepy and I need to start taking better care of myself. And I don’t think hanging out in a sewer is good for someone in my state. Can you get someone to walk me to the inn? I don’t want to pry you away from your papers.” She said with a barely noticeable jab.   “Sure thing. Vipir!” He called out at the passing by master pickpocket. “Walk her to the inn.”   “I hope to see you soon.” She bid, gathering her tools. “Oh! Just one more thing, what type of wine do you like?”   “Red. Dry. If you serve me sweet wine I’ll leave immediately and never speak to you again.”
Chapter 0 - Detka
"Oh, fuck off!" David cursed, ducking behind a fallen over log, a hatchet missing his head by an inch, cutting the air with a sharp 'whoosh'.   A hum, soft yet sinister, could be heard somewhere nearby. The hum grew louder as his assailant was approaching. It was her, the Huntress. And she was gaining on him. Thinking fast, he reached for a rock and tossed it in the nearby bushes, hoping that she would take the bait. He wasn't stupid enough to peek from behind his cover, listening intently instead. He could still hear the humming, but couldn't pinpoint its exact location and distance. Where was she? Did she fall for the diversion?   An axe brutally assaulting the log proved she did not. David cursed again, dashing forward in a rain of splinters and leaves. His gut told him to take a sharp turn. Thank God he listened, because if he hadn’t he would end up with another hatchet lodged in the back of his skull.   "This bitch!" He thought, half smirking. Terror mixed with excitement pumped through his veins. This wasn't a brawl in some dingy bar - this was a fight for his life against something not entirely human. A battle of wits and will.   What a night! What a lovely night!   The humming grew quieter, then ceased. He lost her… for now. Pausing to catch his breath, he crouched behind a dormant generator. He listened intently - nothing. No humming, no footsteps, only the rain. He had the upper hand for the moment, but he shouldn't dally like a dickhead.   Cautiously, he stepped out of cover, noticing too late a big fat raven sitting on top of the generator. David froze, glaring at the bird. The raven turned its head to the man, the beady black eyes glaring back.   "Don't you dare you foken cu-!"   The feathery fucker flew away with a echoing crow, betraying his position. As if waiting for the signal, a triumphant cry echoed from the distance, followed by a hatchet. And this one found its mark. David grunted in pain, jolting away and into another chase, blood seeping form a cut the blade left on his calf.   "Just a scratch." He assured himself, bursting into full sprint.   He realized the bloody hum did not follow him this time. Did she give up? Bollocks. She would stop only when he's dead. He slowed down to a jog, realizing he ran out of stamina unusually fast. What was going on?   "Poison…" he realized too late, falling into blackness.   ---   He woke up on his own, not by a hook piercing through his back. Score one for him. He was laying on his side on a blanket of furs with his leg bandaged haphazardly. Where was he? It seemed he was in a log cabin, built to withstand the harshest weather. If this was the afterlife, he got royally screwed.   What was that smell? Smelled like food, only more… primitive. Like someone was whipping out a stew with what they could only find in the woods. Damn, the place smelled like a den. The rustic geometrical and floral shapes painted on the walls and handmade toys scattered around his furry bed were cute, but they did little to lighten the atmosphere.   He struggled to get up, still dizzy from whatever shit was on that hatchet. A chain rustled, proving his effort pointless. David traced the length of the chain going from a manacle of his ankle to a heavy screw in the wall. But that did not disturb him as much as noticing an array of other, shorter chains fixed in right next to his. The view of much smaller manacles at the end of each chain and the scattered toys gave him some dark ideas…   Anyway, he was being held prisoner. Great. Maybe ending up at the tip of a hook was not that bad after all?   “Oh shit.” He breathed, hearing humming. She was home.   He squeezed into the corner, glaring at the sheet-covered entryway. An arm pushed the dirty sheet aside and the Huntress entered the small room. She smelled like fresh kill, the observation supported by fresh ruddy stains on her shirt and overalls. She held a steaming wooden bowl, full of whatever mystery substance was stinking up the place. They locked eyes. David could only make out a faint glint of her eyes, hidden under the grimy hare mask. Did she ever take that thing off?   She exhaled a soft sigh, pleased to see he was awake. She approached, her bare feet making no noise on the old wooden floor. She sat at the edge of the furry bedding, her arm extended slowly handing him the bowl. David accepted, wary of what might happen if he refused. He sat with the hot bowl for a longer moment before realizing he will be offered no utensils. The Huntress grew visibly impatient, her upper lip rose, exposing her unnaturally white, sharp teeth.    Hurriedly, David wolfed down the food with his fingers like a savage. It tasted just like it smelled and looked - rough and simple but in no way bland. When he was done eating, he carefully set the bowl aside, as not to make any sudden moves he would instantly regret.   The Huntress observed him the entire time he ate, cocking her head to the side resembling an attentive animal. Despite being in a hazardous situation, he was in awe of her stature. What a lass! She could make a killing fighting in the rings in London.   So, what now? She didn't kill him, bought him home and fed him. That didn't mean he was safe. Jesus… did she plan to fatten him up? Did she fancy human flesh?   Without warning her hand shoot forward, David instinctively put his guard up, tensing up to counter the coming blow. But none came.   "Dorogoy" she said in a hoarse voice, stroking his cheek. "Moy slavnyy kotonok."   Unlike her humming, her speaking voice was rough, unused to human speech. She must have thought she was stroking him gently, but in reality she was just an inch from being abusive, grazing his skin with her rough, dirty palm. David winced, but endured. Getting a dirty palm rubbed across his face was not pleasant, but far better than a fist. Or an axe. Unexpectedly, she rowdily got on top of him, straddling him, her heavy ass pinning his pelvis to the floor.   “W-whoa there, big girl!” He gasped, raising his palms defensively. What the fuck was going on? “Easy! Nice and easy…” He babbled, watching for any sign of the Huntress losing her patience and deciding to just pummel him into a bloody pulp.   She was smiling, though the grimace she made was more predatory than happy. She slowly leaned forward, her huge tits pressing against David’s palms. Through her hoarse shirt he could feel her thick nipples harden. Damn, she was warm, though still smelled like a beast. She took one of his hands and pressed against her rock-hard abdomen.   “Detka.” She said as softly as her hoarse voice would allow. “Detka…” She repeated, rubbing her stomach against his sweaty hand.   David had no idea what was she talking about, he didn’t speak a lick of Russian. But hey, she wasn’t turning violent, so it was best to make sure he didn’t antagonize her for long enough to find a way out of this situation…   “Whoa!” He yelled, when she grew tired of rubbing her stomach and tit into his hands, boldly reaching for his shirt, tearing it off him like it were paper. “Look, I’m flattered, but-”   She cupped his face between her hands and dipped her head for a deep, primal kiss. David’s eyes widened as the Huntress sucked too hard on his lips and her tongue struck too deep inside. She tasted like roasted meat and berries. She was strong and determined. Determined to fuck him apparently, as her groin grinded up and down his pelvis, rubbing against his involuntarily responding prick.   She broke off their kiss, a string of saliva still connecting their lips. David couldn’t see her entire face, still hidden under the eerie mask, but he could have sworn he saw little sparks glinting in her eyes.   “Detka…” She said again, sliding her hands down his chest and stomach, pausing at his pants. “Ty dash' mne.”   “Hey! Take it easy!” David gasped when she grabbed him by the waistband and tugged at it brutally.   But the Huntress was having none of it, sharply pulling down his pants and boxers to his knees, freeing his traitorous cock, which was slowly building up a sizeable erection. She gasped in awe, seizing it like a particularly interesting animal specimen. She examined his flushed cockhead form different angles, whilst her hands jerked the shaft. David clenched his fists, sucking in air through clenched teeth. Was this the first time she had a cock in her hands? She was jerking him off like a jackhammer! He gasped, his feet bucked against the furs, the chain chimed in response. He was fucked.   She looked up at him, surprised to see him in pain. He gulped loudly, forcing himself to remain calm. There was no telling what she would do to him if she’d somehow decide he was not happy with her advances. Against his will, he rocked his hips into her rough hands, keeping his eyes locked with hers. His response must have satisfied the Huntress as she let out a pleased grunt, her palms forming into a tight tunnel for him to thrust into. Would be nice if she’d at least spit in them to give him some lubrication, but he was not about to make any demands.   A bead of sweat rolled down David’s back as he continued to fuck her hands, whilst she observed him with almost child-like fascination. She must have spent many a lonely night in this place, whatever and wherever this place was.   She let go of his now fully erect cock, standing up with a pleased smile, her shadow completely obstructing him. David noticed she was trembling with excitement, barely able to collect herself. She began tearing off her clothes in haste, throwing her grimy garments haphazardly around the room. Fully naked, she laid down on her side next to him. Wow, she was big. She must have grew up in these woods, he couldn’t imagine any civilized girl to have this sort of unique physique. So… robust and strong.   Her eyes and lips glimmered in the faint light. Cautiously, David slowly extended his hand to touch her, sliding his hand down her shoulder and waist, heaving goosebumps on her skin. The Huntress let out a purr, her thighs rubbing together with anticipation. Getting a bit more confident, David cupped her heavy, firm breast, giving it a light squeeze. She was towering and feral, but she was still a woman. And a horny one.   “You like that, huh? I bet you do. It must get pretty lonely in your little hut in the woods… Probably because you keep throwing those bloody hatchets at people.” He murmured, playing with her nipple, his attentive cock rubbing against her thigh.   “Ya khochu tebya seychas!” She groaned, pushing his hand away, laying on him flat, nearly crushing poor David underneath her.   She cooed, rubbing against David, his prick safely tucked between her dripping folds. She wrapped her arms around him, humping him, completely unaware of her own strength. He struggled for air, unable to shake her off. She probably smothered more than one small animal as a child, he could tell. She was going to kill him! If not intentionally then by accident! And yet, despite his situation he was still hard, his tip dripping precome.   The Huntress breathed irregularly, overtaken by primitive lust. She sat up, her weight crushing David’s pelvis and his cock. Impatiently, she reached down between her legs to find his prick, guiding it to meet with her hot, wet hole. Slowly, she descended on his length, her wet slippery flesh enveloping him. She let out an ecstatic cry, her hands closing on David’s shoulders, her nails cutting into his skin. She he rocked her hips, gasping and panting, trying out his cock from different angles whilst the man underneath her was somewhere between pleasure and pain. She was slamming her entire weight against him too hard, but good God she was tight and wet, he could feel her juices leaking out of her, slicking her thighs and his groin.   She was indeed a wild one.   He reached to grab her by the hips to at least steer her to a better angle, but he might as well try to move a wall. She didn’t even notice his struggle, riding him wildly, her tits bouncing with her every move, her hairy pussy making the most outrageous wet sounds as his dick slid in and out of her rhythmically.   And despite the danger, it felt good.   The Huntress let out a sound, David couldn’t determine whether it was a word or some incoherent cry. She rose on her knees, her tender lips wrapped around his cockhead, and impaled herself on his length. Then again. And again, her cries getting wilder and louder, groans mixed with ecstatic wails. She was enjoying him, overtaken by the primal urge to mate instead of kill and against his better judgement, David reached to roughly squeeze her tits whilst pumping into her from below.   He panted and groaned with the wild woman on top of him, both of them sweating like savages, dancing this primitive dance of theirs, forgetting who was the hunter and who was prey.   “Fuck.” He rasped through clenched teeth, realizing he was going to come soon.   She grinded her pelvis into his, burying his cock inside her as deep as possible, to the limits, taking in the whole thing to the very base. David loudly sucked air in, letting out a curse, releasing inside the Huntress, coming in her in short, plentiful streams. She threw her head back, her nails cutting into the flesh on his shoulders. She quivered, her mouth agape, whispering something in Russian.   He wiped sweat off his brow, swallowing loudly and regaining some sense. He fucked her. He came inside her. Now what? She was still on top of him, her hips slowly drawing circles, his now shrinking prick still lodged inside her. She was clenching him tight, not wanting even a drop of seed to escape.   She sighed pleased, still overtaken by the afterglow. She looked down at the man, her face impossible to read under her mask. She eased her iron grip on David’s shoulders, he realized that he was going to bruise if he hadn’t already. Slowly, her hands ran the length of his arms and she took his hands in hers. With surprising gentleness she pressed them to her stomach.   “Ty dal mne tak mnogo.” She spoke hoarsely, rocking back and forth, stroking her flat, muscular stomach with his hands and humming her favorite tune, giving David the familiar chills.   She let go of his hands and stroked her own cheek, like she was rewarding herself with a caress. Her glossy lips parted whilst her hands wandered lower, down her neck and chest. She breathed deep, exhaling in long oddly sensual huffs. David felt odd pride that he fucked her into such a docile state… even if it was completely unplanned and not entirely his idea.   Her eyes glimmered in the mask’s sockets. He wondered what color they were. Carelessly, he reached up to lift the damned thing, to peer underneath and see her face, just a peek. His hands were inches from her face, just a little bit closer…   Sensing his fingers reach for her mask the Huntress immediately snapped out of her blissful daze. She stared down at David, her whole body tensing up. She roared ferally, her fist shoot forward, hitting him square in the jaw. David’s head snapped back from impact and then there was nothing, only darkness.   ---   He woke up with numbing pain radiating throughout his jaw. The sensation was familiar from his boxing days – he got knocked out cold. Carefully, David ran his hand down his face. His teeth were still intact, though he painfully bit down on his lower lip when she punched him. Hard enough to draw blood.   It was raining and he was soaked. He took a look around, the misty trees for the first time giving him some comfort. He was outside of the cabin, laying in the grass tossed away after he served his purpose. His shirt was torn into rags, his pants still pulled down to his knees. His shoulders were bleeding from the Huntress’ nails, his lower back hurt from supporting her weight. Her hairy snatch chafed his groin.   But hey, he was alive.   He looked over his shoulder, half expecting her to burst through the door with an axe. But no such thing happened. For a second he could see her imposing silhouette pass the window. And that hum. That fucking hum. Did she ever grow tired of that melody?   Whatever, he was alive and save for some scratches and bruises he was still in the game. With newly restored resolve David picked himself up from the dirt and pulled his pants up. He shot the window one last dirty look, spat blood on the ground and turned around, marching as far away from the cabin as possible.
Chapter 2 - Over the Table
“Well, this has been interesting, but I do need my beauty sleep.” Eylly excused herself, smoothening her dress. She had her plans for the uptight Dunmer bitch, but she needed to make some preparations first. Besides, the predatory look in the orc’s eyes betrayed Malak already called dibs. “Are you coming Hakin?” She addressed her protégé.   “No, I think I’ll stay for a while. I could use a blowjob to help me sleep better.” The Redguard declined with a unruly smirk. “You go on without me.”   “Unbelievable… Morgan?”   “The night is still young.” The Breton said, sitting back in his chair. “Goodnight, my dear.”   “Animals. All of you.” Eylly huffed, leaving the room.   “You stay away from her ass.” Malak warned as the three men were left alone with their unexpected plaything, who was still trembling on the floor. “Unless you’re not too attached to your teeth.”   “Do with it as you please. It’s her mouth that I want.” Hakin rebuffed, unbothered by the threat.   “Glad we have an understanding. Morgan?” The orc glanced at the Breton. Though lean and physically unimpressive, Morgan could wreak havoc with just a twist of the wrist and a simple incantation.   “Oh, don’t mind me… I like to watch.” The mage assured politely, taking the scene in, his hand wandering close to a bulge forming under his gold-trimmed robe.   Meanwhile, Caye was beginning to collect herself. Still trembling, she analyzed her situation. And the odds were not stacked in her favor. But this whole situation was her fault, the consequence of her own lack of discipline. Her foolish heart and her damned loins.   Hakin gently tilted her chin up to look at him. “You should see the look on your face. It suits you. And I would have never guessed you could moan so sweetly.” He purred softly. A roguish spark danced in his golden eyes. “Now, come here. I want to taste those pouty lips of yours before we put you through your paces.”   He pulled the Dunmer up by the shoulder, possessively drawing her into a deep kiss. Caye let out a muffled moan of protest, but Hakin was having none of it. He held her tightly by the waist, tilting his head to the side and letting his tongue work its magic. Damn him, he was good… smooth. The Dunmer breathed a quiet coo, her fists unclenched and she allowed herself to relax in the arms of the Redguard diplomat, before the orc gets his hands on her.   “Enough of your courtly bullshit Hakin!” Malak groaned, annoyed by the tender display dragging for too long. “This is not a reward for the little bitch! Either fuck her or get out!”   Grunting with disdain, he pulled Caye away by what remained of her shirt, ripping the material off of her. The elf let out a choked cry, being groped from behind by the orc’s large, calloused hands. She tensed, putting one foot behind her and bending forward, but remembered she was not permitted to fight back. Choking on outrage and helplessness, she went limp in the Orsimer’s grasp, closing her eyes tightly.   “You have small tits.” Malak pointed out, brutally rolling her nipples between his fingers. “I’ll shove my cock between them later just for fun!” He promised with an unpleasant laugh. “Both of you, take your belts off. We’ll need them.” He commanded the two remaining men, pushing Caye at the card table and pulling his own belt off. “Yours too, slut. Ulva might have told you to play along, but I don’t trust you.”   The elf looked over her shoulder, her little sharp face betraying no emotion, only her deep and loud breathing gave away how outraged she was.   “I said, give me your belt, bitch!” Malak grunted, approaching her with the three other belts coiled in his hand.   He took a wide swing, hitting Caye’s ass with merciless momentum. She cried humiliated as the leather met with her skin in a loud smack, forcing her cheeks to ripple from impact. She bit her lip, digging her nails into the wood, well aware this was only the beginning of the lashing. The orc whipped her a few more times, each time letting out a triumphant laugh, overjoyed to see her shoulders tense and her head hang low for a change.   “What’s the fun of whipping if she has her pants on?” Morgan commented, his robe now completely undone, exposing his pale, wiry figure. The Breton was unhurriedly jerking off his long, thin cock enjoying every second of the scene.   “Oh, she’s taking them off, aren’t you? Unless you want me to rip them off too…” Malak threatened, running the coil of belts the length of Caye’s back, causing the elf to shrug. “Did you suddenly forget how to speak?” He asked, raising his hand, preparing to strike again.   “No. I’ll do what you say.” She replied quietly. Her voice didn’t tremble, but the tone was uncharacteristically meek and submissive. The three men erupted in laughter.   “Fuck, this is precious!” Malak called out, taking a step back so the others could get a better look at her while she undressed completely.   Caye undid her studded belt, passing it to the orc without looking over her shoulder. She unlaced her tall boots, tossing them to the side, then slid her pants and smalls all the way to her ankles before kicking them off. Her lips pressed firmly into a thin line as she heard a mocking whistle at the sight of her ass being on full display. Laying her hands flat on the wood and sticking her behind out, she waited for whatever they wanted to do with her next. And just as expected, Malak whipped her bare ass, this time adding the studs of her own belt into the mix. Caye hung her head, her cheeks squeezing shut from the stinging sensation.   “Too bad I can’t damage you.” The orc sighed disappointed. “I’d love to take you down to my room, get a real whip and see how much you can take before passing out. Guess I’ll have to be satisfied with just reddening your ass. A real sight, by the way.”   “Turn around, habibi.” Hakin chimed in. “You have a cute behind, but I want to see you up front. Nice and slow.”   Caye spun around a little too abruptly, facing the three with a dare. Hakin already pulled his pants down and unlaced his shirt, stroking his nicely veined, circumcised cock. Morgan was smiling blissfully in the background, pausing pleasuring himself to get a sip of ale, the tip of his prick glistening with precome. The three were devouring her with their lustful gazes. She was petite and nimble, the perfect infiltrator. Although her small frame and agility could be used for other purposes…   “Spread your legs so we can see your cunt. I bet you have an innie.” The orc demanded, the outline of his massive cock practically bursting through his pants.   She obeyed, sliding her legs wide, leaning back against the table for support. The cool, professional side of her was already analyzing possible means of killing the three; grab the stack of coins behind her and throw in the orc’s face, then take the knife at his hip and throw at Morgan’s throat. Roll under the table, avoiding Malak’s retaliation. Once the table is between her and the remaining two she should have enough time for a simple fire spell… No. Ulva said she’s theirs for the taking and Caye had to obey. This was humiliating.   “I’m not sure if I see everything properly. Could you spread it for us, dear?” Morgan requested politely, savoring his drink and the moment.   Muttering a Dunmeri curse, Caye laid back on the table with her legs dangling over it. Her hands wandered down to spread her dark grey outer lips to reveal her pink pussy.   “Beautiful…” Hakin praised, taking a firmer grip of his girth and making a step forward.   “I knew she has an innie! Almost all elves do.” Malak commented, approaching her as well. Caye held her breath, bracing for impact.   The orc’s approached from the right, his rough green palm closed on her throat, pinning to the table. She choked helplessly growing red in the face and lightheaded from lack of air. Meanwhile the Redguard positioned himself to her left, still pampering his cock. He ran his hand alongside her chest and waist, slowing down just below the navel. Their eyes met. Though with her black alien eyes one could never determine where she was looking exactly, Hakin was certain she was piercing right into his soul. It was so satisfying to finally get some reaction from her. He smiled and reached down, cupping her sex.   “You’re already wet.” He acknowledged, massaging her perspiring and slippery mound. “Was it the lashing that got you this bothered and hot? If you like it rough that much you should have come to us sooner instead of wasting your money in a brothel.” He chuckled, slipping a finger inside.   Against her better judgment the Dunmer bucked and kicked. At the last second Hakin dodged her knee directed straight at his balls.   “Bitch!” He cursed, shielding his family jewels with both hands.   “I knew she was going to fight! Help me tie her to the table.” Malak grunted unsurprised, releasing her throat for a quick slap on the face.   The two quickly bound Caye to the table spread eagle, with her legs spread in a perfect split and head dangling over the edge. Malak finally dropped his pants, taking his massive member into his hands, running the swollen head against the elf’s tight pussy.   “Are you going to bite?” Haking asked, positioning himself to the side of her head. He twisted his hand into the elf’s red hair, taking his cock into his other hand, slapping it against her cheek with a wet plop.   “No.” She replied with her throat tight. Perhaps it was the humiliation and apprehension or maybe the choking she got from Malak just a moment ago.   “Good. Now let’s see how deep I can go into that clever mouth. Stick your tongue out. And don’t close your eyes.”   Caye stuck her tongue out flat, meeting with the sleek skin of Hakin’s glans. The head of his cock slid smoothly into her mouth. The Redguard did a few shallow thrusts to test her limits. She could take about half of his length without protest, though her eyes got watery when he forced his dick past her comfort level. He’ll have to train her to deepthroat properly.   “D-do all Dunmer feel so hot from the inside?” The diplomat wondered out loud, biting his lip.   “Oh, yes!” Morgan assured cheerfully, jerking off fast and hard. “And the more they enjoy it the hotter they get! I’ll let you draw your own conclusions…”   “Thought you were more worldly, Hakin.” Malak teased, pushing his bulbous cap inside Caye, delighted by the resistance. “Yeah, this should be wet enough…”   Instead of destroying the Dunmer’s little pussy, he diverted his attention to her asshole. Like a true orc, Malak much preferred anal. He dug his nails into her thighs, pushing inside slowly, but mercilessly. She let out a cry, muffled by Hakin’s cock, her back arched unnaturally. Clenching her fists she tossed and groaned, but it was no use, the bindings were tied professionally and inch by inch the green, vascular shaft was forced inside her. Malak then retreated with the same agonizingly slow pace. He pulled out with a pop, then thrusted, this time burying himself inside her in one powerful motion. Caye screamed full volume, choking on saliva and Redguard cock. Drool poured from the corners of her mouth, tears streamed down her burning cheeks. Still, she kept her soulless gaze on Hakin, taking the two cocks in her.   “Must feel like you’re being fucked by a battering ram.” Malak mocked, narrowing his bloodshot eyes. “Damn, you’re tight. Pounding your ass feels amazing! I can only Imagine what it must feel like for you.”   It hurt. And burned. Her behind was not made to accommodate an orc, Malak was practically tearing his way through her. The only thing keeping her screams form echoing throughout the chamber was Hakin’s dick, sliding in and out of her throat. She gagged on the girth and saliva, whilst the Redguard used her mouth like a fucktoy, holding her by the hair and jaw to keep in place. She drooled and cried, reduced to a collection of hot, wet holes for the two men to play with. And she deserved it. This was fitting punishment for her disobedience. She deserved to be their mindless slut for how she disrespected her mistress.     “Can you take it all the way to the base?” Hakin dared, confident he loosened her throat enough. He grinned, when his cock sunk inside her mouth well past her limit. The elf gurgled and let out a muffled cry, the vibrations of her larynx, massaging Hakin’s shaft. “Yeah, just like that… Don’t hold back, scream some more, it feels great!” He panted, pushing in the final inch, until he couldn’t push inside her mouth any more.   “She’s so damned hot. She must love it.” The orc noted, now going in and out of the elf with much more ease. “It’s always the uptight bitches that like being reduced to cumrags the most.” He laughed.   “Her mouth feels amazing. It’s almost too hot to manage.” Hakin groaned, peering into Caye’s glossy eyes, taking in the desperate, disgraced noises she made. “Ah, f-fu… I’m going to come. Swallow, I want you to take everything in, to the last drop.” He panted, reaching to paw at her breast, twisting the dark nipple painfully.   “Brace your ass too,” Malak cut in, slamming against her with force and momentum. “I’m gonna leave you gaping and gushing my cum!”   They came almost in perfect sync, shooting their loads into Caye, filling up her asshole and throat with their hot, thick cum. She thrashed and groaned almost animal like, as they emptied themselves into her. Her mind went blank, her alien eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body tensed before going limp in their grasp. The only sliver of thought echoing through her head was the perverse certainty that she deserved everything that had just happened to her. And what’s more to come.   “Did she break already?” Malak wondered disappointed, reluctantly pulling out; his sperm shooting out of the elf’s abused hole un a violent spasm, making a mess under her ass, dripping from the table to the floor like an obscene fountain.   “I think we might have went too hard on her.” Hakin assessed, pulling out as well and tilting her head to get a better look at her face.   She looked so vulgar; sweaty and disheveled, her eye makeup running down her face in black streaks, revealing her eyelashes were naturally red. She breathed heavily, barely able to register her surroundings. A streak of hair was sticking to the corner of her mouth. Seeing her fucked to the brink of unconsciousness and soaked in body fluids was a pleasant change from her everyday unemotional, collected self.   “I’ll be… f-fine.” Caye mumbled through half-shut eyes, trying to regain some shred of dignity and composure. “I’ll be fine”, she continued in her thoughts. “I had to endure real torture in the past. I’ll endure whatever punishment I deserve. I… Azura, it’s all pouring out of me, they can all see. I’m disgusting…!” A feverish thought raced through her head.   “We’re just getting started, little whore.” Malak laughed, impressed that she was still conscious. “Now, speaking of whores, I believe you deserve payment.”   Unceremoniously, he pushed Hakin aside. Grinning nastily, he grabbed a fistful of coins that somehow had not fallen off the table. He then pressed his hand against the elf’s stomach to keep her from fidgeting, forcing a last gush of his cum to be forced out of her abused asshole. Chuckling, he stuffed her pussy with the gold, one cold hard coin at a time.   “Sick bastard…!” Caye groaned helplessly, tossing like a wounded critter, forcing the Septims inside her to chime.   “There you go, slut! You’ve earned it.” Malak praised, pulling his pants up. Whistling a tune he retrieved his belt, fastening his pants. He gathered his earnings from the table and floor, bidding his comrades a goodnight with a nod. “I’m still going to fuck your tits!” He reminded before the doors closed behind him.   Caye hissed from pain and strain. Her asshole burned, the cold gold shifted inside her with the slightest move. She coughed up saliva and Redguard cum, her tonsils and throat swelling from Hakin’s deepthroat training.   “Oh, poor thing.” Hakin sighed, untying her from his belt as well. “You’re a mess… I like it. I can’t wait for tomorrow!”   “If I may…” Morgan cut in, getting up from his chair to finally take a more active role in the spectacle. “I would like to have her for myself tomorrow. There’s a… delicate project I’d like her help with. Once she gets some sleep and cleans herself up, of course. Now, don’t pass out yet, dear.” He requested, seeing the Dunmer’s eyelids getting heavy. Gently, he supported the back of her head, so that her face was in line with his throbbing cock. “I need you to endure just a moment longer. Open your mouth and look at me. Yesss, just like that.” He purred, his voice low and husky.   “What project?” Hakin’s brow rose from morbid curiosity. Some things he heard about Morgan… “You know what? I don’t need to know, knock yourself out. In the meantime Eylly and I have some planning to do. I have a few Ideas for our little slut. Though I’d need to run them by the mistress first.”   “Have fun. I know I will.”   With just a few strokes Morgan came all over Caye’s face and hair, soaking her in his warm, sticky seed. She winced, squinting so that none got in her eye, but her mouth remained open, the warm ropes of Breton cum shooting on her tongue. Maintaining eye contact, she let it slide down her throat and swallowed a mouthful. The mage, despite pushing forty, tasted oddly… rich.   “It’s alright, you can pass out now. I’ll take care of everything, don’t you worry…” Morgan assured disturbingly tenderly, wiping the corner of her mouth from jizz and saliva. “Goodnight, dear. Sleep well. You’ll need your strength for tomorrow.”
Chapter 1 - Dibella's Whim
“Ulva does not love me back.” Caye realized bitterly, whilst a high-class harlot was busy eating her pussy.   She took another sip of her wine, staring down at the Bosmer prostitute and her agile tongue sucking on her clit, her slender fingers pushing in and out of her insatiable little cunt. She sighed, adjusting her back on the soft pillows, giving in to the hired affection.   This hopeless affair has been going on for a few months now. She would meet Ulva in their home, force herself to keep her feelings hidden until she couldn’t hold them in anymore, and run out of the house, straight to Dibella’s Whim, the highest-class brothel in the Imperial City. First time she visited the establishment she feverishly booked the first available woman she could find – a Wood Elf apprentice going by the name of Velvet. Putting the unimaginative name aside, Velvet was a true delight. Petite and energetic, with black hair, bronze skin and deep cognac eyes. Her tongue and fingers could do wonders.   She hoped that after a night with the talented prostitute she could go back home and face Ulva without that intrusive, warm feeling washing over her. Oh, how wrong she was! That feeling, which resurfaced slowly over the years she worked for Ulva, was now completely taking over Caye, consuming her every waking thought. And in her line of work losing focus was dangerous.   The client released a soft coo, Velvet could feel she was close. She smirked, looking up to meet with the woman’s black eyes. Pleased to see the so familiar mist set over them, she spread her fingers wide and thrusted with more force. Bowing her head she closed her lips on the perky, pale clit and sucked painfully hard, just like the woman liked it.   Caye tensed, arching her back and tilting her head back. She bit into her palm, reaching down to grab Velvet by the hair and abruptly force her head harder against her clit. The harlot let out a muffled moan, her tongue flattened and grinded against it, Velvet could feel on her tongue that the tender little pearly swell and throbbed, inches away from climax. Caye moaned, coming hard, still firmly holding the whore by the hair. Her legs spread wide, whilst her walls tensed and trembled, before she completely lost control over her body and her mind slipped away.   “Ah… thank you.” Caye exhaled, collecting herself. She let go of the Bosmer’s black hair and brushed her own back, looking down at the delightful whore, who was still sliding her fingers in and out of the tight, hot pussy.   Velvet purred, licking her fingers with a mischievous look on her face. She had to admit, she liked this unusual patron. The Dunmer woman was a regular by now, popping into Dibella’s Whim every week or so, paying generously and never overstaying her welcome. She spoke eloquently and painfully formally, which was a bit funny considering she was in a brothel. Velvet could bet her money she was either a noble’s servant or a high-profile Empire official. Still, she was not unpleasant to work with. She was young, groomed and petite for a Dunmer, but not as short as a Bosmer. Her skin had a pleasant shade of blue, complimenting her red hair. The only thing that took some getting used to were her eyes – entirely black.   “Always a pleasure.” Velvet replied, laying her head on the client’s stomach. “Will you stay the night?” She inquired, though the question was not motivated by lust for coin. This particular client always booked her for the entire night but never stayed over. It would be nice to finally convince her to lay by her side.   “No.” Caye declined politely but firmly, sliding her feet on the floor. She was done and had to get home.   “When will I see you again?” Velvet asked with a pout, embracing the Dunmer form behind.   “When I have need of you.” Caye cut the conversation short, freeing herself from the harlot’s now less than pleasant embrace.   She reached to the chair where she had her clothes neatly folded and got dressed, growing ever frustrated. Velvet was talented and had grown to know her desires and body, but even the most intense orgasm helped dull her suffering only temporarily. It was late, past midnight. She had to get back home, face Ulva in the morning and repeat the poisonous routine all over again.   The Dunmer smoothened her coat and looked over her shoulder. The Bosmer laid shamelessly on the bed, finishing what was left of the wine. She smiled, observing her patron through half-shut eyes. She knew Caye would be back. Her smile was not of the lustful kind, it was triumph.   “You’ll be back.” The whore sang sweetly, licking her lips. “I can’t wait…!”   “Please secure a solid whipping rod.” Caye requested in her normal tone – calm and measured, devoid of all emotion. “I’m going to lash you the next time I come over.”   “Fun!”   The Dunmer knew the teasing was part of the harlot’s erotic game and in the end the words she spoke were utterly worthless. Still, she appreciated the charade. She turned away from the appetizing form displayed on the bed and approached a lifelike statue of Dibella next to the door. The gilded likeliness of the goddess was formed so that Dibella was offering the viewer her cupped hands. It was a subtle reminder about tipping the harlots for their services. Caye reached for her satchel. A few golden coins fell with a pleasant chime into the goddesses hands. And with that, the elf was gone.   She left the lively establishment and entered the night. Adjusting her hood she melted with the shadows, effortlessly making her way from the Talos Plaza district to the Elven Gardens district without alerting a single guard. There was no need for subterfuge, but she liked to move undetected, even if it was just a stroll between her favorite brothel and home. She passed the courtyard of Ulva’s manor with her heart heavy. She sighed, remembering she had a report to present to her mistress in the morning. She feared she will not be able to control her words and actions and will finally give in, letting all that romantic, foolish nonsense pour out of her in front of Ulva, embarrassing them both and ruining their professional relationship.   Utterly miserable, Caye entered her room. Clenching her fists, she conjured all her willpower to get a grip of herself. Under Ulva she received the best training and education money could buy. She was the finest damned spy in Cyrodiil, in service to the woman who closed the Oblivion Gates! She had no right to allow this idiotic sentiment! But… Ulva made her feel alive. Before meeting her Caye felt… nothing, enjoying a temporary rush of adrenaline only when she was on brief thieving outings in the drab town she grew up in. But when she was around Ulva, her cold heart was beating faster and her sharp, focused mind was going numb with idiotic glee.   The Dunmer cried in frustration, slapping herself in the face to snap out of this madness.   “Was that really necessary?” A warm voice asked.   With a panicked choke, Caye turned around. Ulva. In her room. Sitting on her bed. Why was she here? Azura… she knew! Oh no, no, no, no! She had to think fast!   “My lady.” She greeted, straightening up and putting her hands behind her back. “How may I serve?” She inquired, miraculously managing to flush all emotion from her face and tone.   “Dear.” Ulva stood up, smoothening her dress. “Please don’t insult me. We both know where you’ve just been and that I caught you red-handed.”   Caye inhaled deeply, not daring to talk over the mistress. Ulva paced around the room, seemingly unbothered with her servant. Azura… she was divine. Graceful and elegant, her skin was so unusual for a Dumner… powder-blue. She must have had some Breton blood in her.   “You’re young, barely fifty. And I know young Dunmer have their… needs.” Ulva continued, her tone betraying deep disappointment. “I was young once. But you’re losing your edge. You spend all your pay on whores and more than once I caught you drifting off in your thoughts.”   She halted in front of her servant. They were mere inches from each other. Caye had to slightly tilt her head up; Ulva was fairly tall for a Dunmer. Ulva reached out to touch her face, Caye winced as if her mistress was about to slap her. The delicate hand on her face burned.   “What is happening with you, dearest?” Ulva asked, genuinely concerned. “What is bothering you?”   She mustn’t know! If Caye dares to speak the truth, everything will be over. Their relationship will be ruined and her life shattered. She cannot say the truth! For her and Ulva’s sake!   “I… I apologize. I fear I gave in to my carnal desires and have not been the professional you need me to.” She lied.    “Ah… I see.” Ulva sighed, her hand retreated.   “Mistress, I apologize for my disrespect. Please, don’t send me away. Demote me, I deserve it. But please don’t…!” Caye was about to break down and start rambling, but unexpectedly Ulva laughed.   “Send you away?” Ulva repeated, amused by such a ridiculous assumption. “Caye, you are my best agent. I would never allow you to leave my side! But…” A sinister spark danced in her bright red eyes. “I cannot afford you to have your mind clouded by dreams of whores and the carnal pleasures they offer. You need to be punished.”   “Of course. Whatever it is you demand of me, I am yours to command.” The spy assured without hesitation.   “It pleases me to see you know your place.” Ulva said with a warm smile. “Here”, she placed two small vials on the table. “Drink.”   Caye obediently downed contents of both vials, awaiting Ulva to give details of her punishment.   ---   Ulva’s other agents sat in the common room, drinking and playing cards.   “How are you so good at this game?” Hakin, the Redguard diplomat, grunted. “This can’t be sheer luck! Show me your cards!”   “Are you accusing me of cheating?” Malak, the Orc muscle dared. “Either learn to lose or give me some proof.”   Eylly, Ulva’s prized Altmer torturer (as well as medic) and Morgan, the Breton arcane advisor, shared a look. It was time to fold ‘em and call it a night before they’d lose more to the Orc.   “Hakin, drop it.” The torturer advised. “And if I may offer a word of advice… Don’t try to win your gold back.”   “Fine!” The Redguard swallowed his pride and raised his palms to signal defeat. “You’re right. Greater fortunes than mine were lost to cards.” He sighed, helplessly watching Malak gather stacks of coins towards his side of the table   The door made no sound as Ulva and her favorite pet entered the common room. All agents stood up painfully straight, awaiting orders. Whatever business the mistress would have with them must have been urgent if she was paying them a visit herself this late.   “My friends, it pleases me to see you all in good spirits.” The lady of the house greeted jovially. “I see Delan is still in the field… No problem, one of you will have to fill him in when he’s back.”   Gently, she nudged Caye forward. The spy ‘s black eyes darted from one agent to the other. They were her colleagues and as long as they continued to loyally serve Ulva she had no problems with them. Yet, she knew they were also her rivals, waiting for any opportunity to gain the upper hand over hear and each other.   “It pains me to say this, but my dear little Caye has recently been more preoccupied with brothels and whores than her duties.” Ulva revealed with a pained frown.   Unexpectedly, she groped her most trusted agent form behind; her deft hands grabbing her shirt’s neckline, pulling down sharply. Caye let out a panicked yelp, as the material gave in and tore exposing her chest to all present company. Ulva wasn’t done yet, groping Caye’s small breasts whilst her other hand slipped down her spy’s pants.   “I recruited you all because you’re the best. And none of you can afford to be sloppy. That is why…” She breathed into Caye’s ear. “My little one needs to be punished.”   Ulva was touching her! In a way she always dreamed of! Azura, Caye was melting in her grasp. Her knees pressed firmly together, whilst mistress was stroking her pussy, getting her wet in a matter of seconds. Caye let out an incoherent cry, jerking her hips forward to get a better angle, forcing mistress’ fingers deeper inside her. Her alien eyes rolled in the back of her head, she could not control her breathing. The impeding punishment, however severe, was worth those few moments of pure bliss.   “If Caye likes whores so much…” Ulva went on, pausing to conjure another cry from her servant with a brutal slap on the breast. “Then she will be treated like one. She’s on strict house arrest for as long as I see fit. In the meantime any of you can have her however you’d like. I had her drink long-term contraceptive and stamina potions, so you don’t have to show restraint. My only condition is that you do not put her life in danger or do anything to permanently damage her. Rest is fair game.”   Caye squirmed and sobbed, feeling tears creeping into her eyes. Yes, yes, she was almost there, almost… She gasped, as her mistress retreated, depraving her of the touch she yearned for so much. Defeated and broken, she fell to her knees, unable to collect herself and regain her dignity. She wrapped her arms around herself, covering her chest and trembling.   “And remember what we talked about, dear.” She heard Ulva call somewhere from beyond the cloud of desire, shame and pain. “You are not to refuse or fight back. You are theirs for the taking.”   “Y-yes, mistress.” The spy wept, having no courage to raise her head and look at Ulva.   The mistress’ heels clacked on the stone floors, then the heavy wooden doors closed behind her, leaving Caye to her punishment. The agents looked at each other, taking in what just transpired. Ulva’s pet, the cool and professional Dunmer, rumored to have no feelings at all, had a weakness for whores? The perfect, infallible spy royally fucked up and they could literally fuck her until the mistress calls it off. Each of them had a bone to pick with the little slut, and Gods they were going to enjoy putting her down a notch.