Batre agak boros,
battery a bit wasteful
dalemnya pink juga bukan silver seperti difoto dan ada cacat...kurang puas....
the inside is pink and not silver like the photo and there are defects. I'm not satisfied.
Barang bagus... paketan lengkap dgn splitter, jd bs dipakai ke uniJack (mic+speaker jd 1 jack) ataupun jack audio terpisah. Cm sayangnya status "order diproses" nya cukup lama. Seperti pengalaman bbrp buyyer lainnya yg saya baca di review seller ini.
good stuff. complete package with splitter, so it can be used as a unijack (mic+speaker to jack) or a separate audio jack. cm unfortunately the status &#;order processed &#; its long enough. like the experience of several other buyers that I read in this seller's review.
Alhamdulillah paket dah sampe,pengiriman cepat ,barang bagus pokoknya menyenangkan, Trimakasih buat tokonya Amanah,abang kurirr jg ramah udh langganan
thank God the package has arrived, fast delivery, good stuff, just fun, thanks for the trusted shop, the courier brother is also friendly, I've subscribed
kecewa layar hp nya Heng kedap kedip bergaris2 saya mau dapat garansi nya
I'm disappointed that the cellphone screen keeps flickering with stripes, I want to get the guarantee
hsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjs ndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkzijsbduusjsndjiendindhsjdjndnnxkz
goood la gk penyok
god la not dented
bagus, fitur lumayan lengkap. pengiriman cepat.
nice, pretty complete features. fast delivery.
masih bunyi tektektek kalo abis nengok dr kanan mau ke kiri. kenapa yaaaaaaa?
it still sounds tek tek tek if after visiting from the right you want to go to the left. I wonder why?
Speakernya jelas dan bass nya mantap, tapi gak bisa hidup lampunya waktu pakai hp
the speakers are clear and the bass is solid, but the lights can't turn on when using a cell phone
yang sebelah kiri di charge semaleman tetep ga bisa penuh. stuck di 40% powernya.
the one on the left was charged overnight but it still can't be full. stuck at % powernya.
Aahhh kecewa sambungan jek nya gaada
aah, I'm disappointed that the connection doesn't exist
mantap sdh , cmn aktifkan vibrasi doang yang ribet
it's great, just activate the vibration, which is complicated
tidak ada tengahan mejicom y..biasa y kn komplit. agak kecewa
there is no mid-mejicom, which is normal, but complete. kinda disappointed
bagus, tp agak keset dan kurang smooth.
good, but a bit mat and not smooth.
mantab banget barang nya ga nyesel beli
it's really great, I don't regret buying it
Ok sih,cuma warnanya gak sesuai sama yg dipesan
it's ok, it's just that the color doesn't match what I ordered
Karet luarnya kendor sehingga tekanan keluar dari samping
the outer rubber is loose so the pressure is coming off the sides
Katanya keset taunya ga gigit ke meja Malah ikut mousepadnya ke mouse bukannya nahan di meja
he said the mat didn't bite the table but instead followed the mousepad to the mouse instead of holding it on the table
Ajukan pertanyaan apa pun kepada pedagang dan dia tidak tahu jawabannya
ask the trader any question and he doesn't know the answer
mantap 1 hari langsung nyampe. barang bagus.. tapi untuk pengemasan agar ditingakatkan lagi supaya lebih rapih lagi
great day arrived straight away. good stuff.. but for packaging to be increased again so that it is even tidier
product original, packing bagus, pengiriman cepat, respon penjual baik. recommended seller
Original product, good packing, fast delivery, good response from seller. recommended seller
seller kurang teliti, barang yang dikirim yang sudah dibayar customer tidak lengkap, dan sampai sekarang seperti tidak serius menangani komplain pelanggan, tidak ada penyelesaian.
the seller is not thorough, the goods sent that have been paid for by the customer are incomplete, and until now it seems that they are not serious about handling customer complaints, there is no resolution.
Open Pre-Order pembuatan huruf timbul bahan akrilik, stainless, galvanis & pembuatan neonbox / billboard
open pre-order for making embossed letters made of acrylic, stainless, galvanized materials & making neonbox / billboards
mantap seller ginian
great seller like this
response sgt cepat, pelayanan memuaskan.. kiriman tepat.. barang sesuai.. sgt p
very fast response, satisfying service.. right delivery.. right item.. very p
Pengiriman cepat pesen kemarin besoknya udah datang miminya ramah terbaik pokonyaa
Fast delivery, ordered yesterday, the next day, the best friendly mimi has arrived
Kibot sudah sampai dengan aman, langsung dipake kerja, mantap betul.. selama ini pake kibot membrane, begitu ganti mechanical berasa banget bedanya.. wkwkk Terima kasih..
the keyboard arrived safely, I used it to work right away, it's really good... so far I've been using a membrane keyboard, as soon as I replace the mechanical it feels really different... thank you...
Barang bagus. cepat sampai. recommended!
good stuff. come quickly. recommended!
Mantap. Sudah sampai. Dikasih batre biar bisa lgsg coba remote nya. Top deh!
Excellent. had reached. given a battery so I can try the remote right away. top deh!
Mantaaaaf... Barang sesuai pesanan.,nyampainya cepet banget siiiiiip pokoke
great. goods according to the order, the delivery is really fast, really
Kecewa barang diterima dalam kondisi pecah, packing bubble wrap tipis satu lapis padahal niat mau dijual lagi
disappointed that the item was received in a broken condition, one layer thin packing bubble wrap even though the intention was to be sold again
murah tapi yg pencetan merahnya kaya rusak gitu ga kencang. Apa memang gitu gatau
it's cheap but the one with the red squeeze is like it's broken, so it's not tight. what's wrong with that?
Respon & Pengiriman cepat, smoga barangnya awet
fast response & delivery, hope the goods last
Barang sudah dicoba,dan berfungsi dgn baik semoga saja awet. Cuma kelamaan dikemas di tokonya sampai 2 hari semenjak pemesanan.
The item has been tested, and it works well, hopefully it will last. it just took too long to be packed in the shop until the day since the order.
cepet pengiriman nya saya blm coba tapi sesuai gambar ..makasih ya ka πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
fast delivery, I haven't tried it yet, but it's according to the picture, thank you, sis
Barang penyok dan bahan plastik nya tdk bagus
dented goods and plastic material is not good
Blender harus d teken, klo gk d teken gk nyala, pdhal buat jualan, harusnya d cek dlu...
the blender has to be pressed, if you don't press it it doesn't turn on, even though it's for sale, you have to check it first.
teflon kecil, bahan tmpt pengukus tipis sekali plastiknya, pengiriman terlalu lama malam baru tiba jam 9.30
small teflon, the material for the steamer is very thin plastic, the delivery took too long at night to arrive.
Belum dicoba smeoga lancar..brg mulus
haven't tried it yet, hopefully it's smooth... brg smooth
cepet banget pesan tengah malem,pagi udah sampe! Aman barang sampe tanpa lecet
I ordered really fast at midnight, in the morning where did the item arrive without a scratch
Barang sudah di terima dan di cek terimakasih
item received and checked thank you
tombol2nya empuk.. barang sesuai deskripsi..
the buttons are soft.. the item corresponds to the description..
Sopar sogud sih
Sopar sogud anyway
barang nya bagus bgt pengiriman cepat, terimakasih ya
the item is very good, fast delivery, thank you
Gk tau dh kesalahan ini dari mana.....
I don't know where this error came from.
kualitas barang sangat bagus sesuai gambar dan deskripsi tpi dus nya rusak
The quality of the item is very good according to the picture and description but the box is damaged
packingnya cukup mengkhawatirkan ya ini ..kalo ekspedisinya teledor bisa pecah semua ini mah..masa iya kemasan cuma kardus bawaanya doang ga pake lapisan apaan kek gitu..saya terima paketnya dalam keadaan kardus penyok sobek..untung dalemnya ga ada yg pecah.saran aja sih supaya diperbaiki packingnya biar aman...kurirnya baik.
The packaging is quite worrying, right? If the expedition is careless, all of this can break. But yes, the packaging is just a cardboard box, just don't use any layers like that... I received the package in a torn dented box. it's okay to fix the packaging so it's safe. the courier is good.
Barang nya baguss, gk ada kendala jg, mantap lahh
the goods are good, there are no problems, it's great
Barangnya original πŸ‘.Β  Packaging aman πŸ™.Β  Penjualnya ramah banget.
the goods are original. safe packaging . the seller is very friendly.
Nah.. Puas bangeet...
well.. very satisfied.
Baguusss akuu sukaa.. Semoga aweett. Dan pengiriman nya juga cepet bangeettt
nice, I like it... I hope it lasts. and the delivery is also very fast
Kualitas sangat baik dengan harga segini. Semoga lekas sembuh pandemi ini agar pengiriman seperti dlu kembalii.πŸ‘πŸ‘
very good quality at this price. I hope this pandemic will get better soon so that shipping will return to the way it was before.
Ada yg penyok. Sayangs sekaliii. Tp untungnya yg dikasih hadiah baik jadi tdk marah.
there is a dent. what a shame. but luckily the one who was given a good gift didn't get angry.
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik.1 hari sampai.
product quality is very good. original product. delivery speed is very good. day arrived.
Panci nya lucu, bagus, pas untuk travelling , packingnya aman, kirimnya cepat..terima kasih yaaa..
the pot is cute, nice, perfect for traveling, the packing is safe, the delivery is fast..thank you..
Barag sesui pesanan, Pack Rapi, barag bagus, cepat sampe
goods according to the order, pack but, good goods, arrived quickly
minta wrn kuning dikirim orange..
Ordered yellow, sent orange..
Ketajaman:Tajam Harga:Promo Kualitas:Ok Hanya kotak sedikit penyok karena proses pengiriman...
sharpness: sharp price: quality promo: ok only the box is a little dented due to the shipping process.
di bagian pegangan asahan dan pegangan pisau nya ada yg lecet lecet. gk mulus.
on the sharpener handle and knife handle there are scuffs. not smooth.
Kecewaaaaa, barangnya rijekkkk yg di kirim.tokonya tidak amanah.harganya mahal, tapi barang rijek di kirim.ngomongnya doang udh di teliti dr awal, tapi kenyataan nya bedaaa.udh di tunggu lamaaa,tp TDK sesuai harapan...SE x ini aja sy udh kapok belanja di sini.untung saya bukan orang ribettt, kalau orang ribet udh tak balikin tuh barang... mending milih duwety drpd milih barang penyokkk/rijekkkk.
Disappointed, Rijek goods were sent. The shop is not trustworthy. The price is expensive, but Rijek goods are sent. By the way, I have examined it from the start, but the reality is different. I have been waiting a long time, but it's not as expected. I give up shopping here. Fortunately, I'm not a complicated person, if people are complicated, I don't return the goods. it's better to choose duwety than choose dented / ripped items.
Dipakai 9hari yang kiri suaranya rusak mati
used the day the left the sound was broken to death
Sepadan dengan Harga:oke Fitur Terbaik:ok
worth the price:ok best features:ok
Enak dipake buat game fps
great for fps games
Barang sesuai deskripsi, pengiriman cepat, thanks gan
item as described, fast delivery, thank you
bagus barangnya enak ditelinga, ga berat.
it's good, the item is pleasant to the ear, not heavy.
Sampai Sekarang Barang Belum Datang Padahal Dari Kemarin
until now the goods have not come even though from yesterday
Tombol ada yang miring
the button is tilted
Mantap ga bakal nyesel! Pengiriman dan respon adminnya juga mantap, enak banget dipake ngetik apalagi main game. The best memang
great you won't regret it! the shipping and admin response is also great, it's really nice to use when typing, let alone playing games. the best indeed
God..God Alhamdulillah pas dicoba blendernya bgus ga kecewa dah aku sesuai harpan thanks lazada tuk kurir udh biasa krim kermh
god..god alhamdulillah when I tried the blender it was good I wasn't disappointed I was as expected thanks lazada for the courier already used to cream cream
Mantp gan
mantp bro
Da penyok dikit bagian bawah,,,packingnya kurang
there is a slight dent at the bottom, the packaging is lacking
Semua nya bagus. Cuma ekspedisinya aja lama bener..
everything is good. it's just that the expedition just took a long time..
Lumayan cpt respon tp sayang minta warna pink dikasih biru, apa gak baca ya? tp oke lah.. tks
the response was pretty fast but it's a shame I asked for the pink color with water, didn't you read it? but okay.. thx
Hemat listrik ⚑ Udara jadi sejuk Garansi terjamin Penjualnya ramah banget Packaging aman πŸ™ Proses pesanan cepat Respon penjualnya top
save electricity, the air is cool, the guarantee is guaranteed, the seller is very friendly, the packaging is safe, the order process is fast, the seller's response is top
fungsi sesuai harga
function for the price
Mantab...pembelian ke 2
mantab. purchase to
Harga:lebih murah dari toko sebelah Pengemasan:standar,, Bahan/Material:lumayan sih untuk harga segitu Ada sedikit gompal di bagian bawah ,
price: cheaper than the shop next door packaging: standard,, material: not bad at that price there is a little chipped at the bottom
Harga:terjangkau Kualitas:smoga awet Desain:mungil Pesanan udah sampai .. Tpi kok pas di coba masak dgn air full .. Pas air matang nya di masukin ke termos kok isi nya bisa pas πŸ€” kyk 2 ltr gtu kapasitas teko nya 😁
price: affordable quality: hope it lasts design: tiny the order arrived... but how come when you try to cook it with full water... when the boiled water is put in the thermos how come the contents can fit just like the ltr to the capacity of the teapot
Respon cepat. Sukses terus buat olshopnya...
quick response. continued success for the olshop.
trimakasih ya kk, barangnya udah sampai dengan mulus
thank you sis, the goods have arrived smoothly
penjual ramahh...setiap pertanyaan dijawab trs,smpe gk enk sendiri saking banyak yg ditanyain.Cm kipas tipe ini kurang kenceng deh anginnya.Ya sesuailah dgn hrganya.😁 Trimksh sellerπŸ™Sukses Ya
the seller is friendly. every question is answered, trs, even if you don't feel comfortable yourself, so many people ask. cm, this type of fan doesn't have enough wind, so it's according to the price. thank you seller, success
barang bagus.. packing aman. toko low respon..
good packing. low response shop..
Mantep produk, @wahyumorobatiksolo
great product, @wahyumorobatiksolo
barang original plus dapat bonus flipcase. mantap
original item plus get bonus flipcase. Excellent
Ada yg pesok ... Packing kurang aman..
someone tomorrow. packing not safe..
Adminnya fast response jadi gak khawatir kalo ada masalah thanks biarpun ada sedikit kendala tapi overall udah bagus
the admin has a fast response so don't worry if there are problems thanks even though there are a few obstacles but overall it's good
Barang bagus semoga ada sponsor ke channel saya nanti πŸ˜…
Good stuff, I hope there will be sponsors on my channel later
Kualitas oke, nyaman dipake, tombol tombol berfungsi dengan baik. Puas banget πŸ‘πŸ»
good quality, comfortable to wear, buttons work fine. very satisfied
kualitasnya baik, barang ori jg karna produk shoppe mall, tapi sayang banget produknya kotor catatan yah, lampu led nya nyala kalo di pc/laptop aja. kalo nyambung di hp harus pake splitter nya
the quality is good, the original goods are also because of the shopee mall product, but it's a shame the product is dirty note well, the led light only turns on when it's on a pc/laptop. if you connect to the cellphone, you have to use the splitter
Bagus cuman belum dicoba ketahanan panasnya kuat sampe berapa jam
it's good, but haven't tried how long the heat resistance is strong
pengemasannya aman, alhamdulilah bisa dipake, semoga awet, terima kasih seller
the packaging is safe, alhamdulillah it can be used, hopefully it will last, thank you seller
ternyata lebih besar dari perkiraan, ini kalau kotor bersihinnya gimana si?
it turned out to be bigger than expected, how do you clean it if it's dirty?
Nyampenya cepet, pengiriman gosendnya lancar, sehari nyampe
Arrived quickly, Gosend delivery was smooth, arrived one day
saya minta hijau dikirim orange😩😩
I asked for green, they sent orange
Respon penjual tidak baik. chat sy gk prnh di bls smpe sy mohon2 ttp gk di bls pdhl bhs sy jg sopan. pngirimn lama.kcwa blnja di toko iniΒ 
the seller's response was not good. My chat hasn't been answered yet, I'm begging but I'm not being answered, even though I'm also polite. long shipping. kcwa shopping at this shop
Bagus sesuai packing aman di kasih kayu barang aman alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat semoga awet, sudah di coba blender kacang. Recomend. Thx
it's good, according to the packing, it's safe, given the wood, the goods are safe, thank God, it arrived safely, I hope it lasts, I've tried the bean blender. recommend. thx
barang nya mantap pokonya good
the goods are great, the point is good
Respon seller cepat, pesan malam, besok siang sudah sampai. Barang dikirim sesuai pesanan. Terima kasih banyak seller
seller's response was fast, ordered tonight, tomorrow afternoon arrived. goods are sent according to the order. thanks a lot seller
bagus..tokonya GK ngasih tau kalo ada bonus kartu jadi, aku punya dua kartu huhu:(
nice.. the shop doesn't tell me if there is a bonus card so I have two cards huhu :(