Produk bagus, walaupun ada satu karet yg tdk ada..
good product, although there is one missing rubber..
sip brng oke sesuai pesanan paking rapi
sip, brg okay according to the order, pack it neatly
ada yang retak..pas dipake buat masak nasi liwet malah angus bawahnya..
there is a crack..when I use it to cook liwet rice, the bottom is angus..
fast respon, barang bagus, packing rapih
fast response, good item, neat packing
Bagus sekali barang nya
its very good stuff
Harga:terjangkau Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:tajam banget Terima kasih seller laketnya sdh sampai dengan selamat. . Kebetulan ini untuk hafiah temen yg nikahan. . Alhamdulillah dia seneng bgt dikasih ini karna bagus bgt pisau setnya. .
price: affordable quality: good sharpness: very sharp thank you seller the laket has arrived safely. . this coincidence is for hafiah friends who are getting married. . alhamdulillah he is very happy to be given this because the knife set is really good. .
sesuai deskripsi, box sedikit penyok.
As described, box slightly dented.
Tjap Djempol
tjap thumbs up
lumyan bagus walaupun ada yg penyok tks lazada
pretty good even though some are dented thanks lazada
Nyaman dipakai, busa empuk
comfortable to wear, soft foam
Fitur Terbaik:belum di coba Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Packingan bagus, tidak ada yg rusak, sesuai dengan gambar, pengiriman sesuai jadwal
best features: haven't tried it worth the price: yes, good packaging, nothing damaged, according to the picture, delivery on schedule
Proses pesanan cepat dan barangnya ori
Fast order process and original product
Pengiriman cepat agak penyok sedikit tapi Gpp barang bagus sesuai harga.
fast delivery a little dented but gpp good stuff according to the price.
Barang sudah diterima dengan sangat baik. packing juga rapi banget. puas deh
item was very well received. packing is also very neat. satisfied
barang sudah sampai.. diterima dengan selamat sesuai yg d jabarkan.. mantaappp.. reccomended shop.. pelayanan mantan cepat tanggap.. yang baca ulasan ini jangan ragu untuk belanja di shop ini..
the goods have arrived... received safely according to what was described... great... recommended shop... former service was quick to respond... those who read this review don't hesitate to shop at this shop...
Produk sesuai deskripsi, suaranya enak gak pecah bassnya mantap, desain keren minimalis, sangat nyaman digunakan dan bahannya lumayan silod, microphone adjust namum input suara kurang besar. Pengiriman cepat, pelayana ramah namun tidak terlalu fast respon. Oh iya yang mau lihat review nya silahkan cek YT: Chiayo Lee
the product matches the description, the sound is good, the bass is great, the bass is great, the design is cool minimalist, it is very comfortable to use and the material is quite silod, the microphone is adjustable but the sound input is not great. fast delivery, friendly service but not too fast response. oh yeah, those who want to see the review, please check YT: Chiayo Lee
Ciamikkk !!!
Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi toko. Proses pesanan cepat. Performa lancar. Respon penjualnya top.
the goods are original. there is a store warranty. fast order process. smooth performance. top seller response.
barang y bagus dan sesuai pesanan,, top deh buat lazada,sukses trus lazada
the goods are good and according to the order,, the top for lazada, success then lazada
kerdusnya beda dengan gambar
the kerdus is different from the picture
mantab. it works
Nyaman digunakan
comfortable to use
Mouse gaming fantech g13 rhasta 11 optical mouse nya sudah sampai
The fantech g rhasta optical mouse gaming mouse has arrived
puasssss lengkap cepat. mantap
fast complete satisfaction. Excellent
Barang bagus...sesuai gambar
good item. same as picture
Barang diterima dalam kondisi baik,sesuai pesanan,ringan,berfungsi dgn baik. kekurangan: baterai tidak tahan lama,pdhl kondisi standby saja.
item received in good condition, works fine. Disadvantages: The battery doesn't last long, even though it's on standby.
Sudah unboxing belum sempat coba
already unboxed haven't had a chance to try it yet
Bagus aja udah, bingung mau caption apa
That's great, I don't know what to caption
realpic, puas
realpic, satisfied
Ada garansi toko. Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi.
there is a store warranty. the goods are original. there is an official warranty.
bagus ketelnya, mau nyoba buat bikin kopi...
nice kettle, want to try to make coffee.
ga cocok sama kipas sy.
doesn't match my fan.
Barang bagus breh! Ga pake tombol on/off. Cuma, klo ga dipake2, dia mati sendiri. Nyalainnya lagi tinggal klik salah satu tombolnya aja.
good stuff bro! no on/off button. it's just that if you don't use it, it turns itself off. turn it on again, just click one of the buttons.
Baranya cepet sampainya, bubble wrapnya tebel banget....
it arrived quickly, the bubble wrap was very thick.
ok bgitt tq
ok bgitt tq
Kardus luarnya penyok tapi barangnya aman tanpa lecet dan penyok. Jujur gak nyangka kalau termosnya bakalan sebesar ini tapi gpp deh. Untuk ketahanannya belum dicobain.
the outer box was dented but the item was safe without any scratches or dents. to be honest, I didn't expect that the thermos would be this big, but it's okay. for its durability have not been tested.
Sesuai pesanan. Cek fungsi ok. Sayang kirimnya lama.
as ordered. check function ok. love the long delivery.
saya mh kecewa saya pesen nya yg ukuran dua litr eh mlh yg datng ukuran .kecil cuman segelas beras doang .gmn sih .
I want to be disappointed, I ordered the two-liter size, but what came was small, just a glass of rice. How about that.
barang sudah drmh barang ok packing ok pengiriman ok kurir ok penjual ok mksh penjual🥰🥰🥰 mksh lazada🥰🥰🥰
the goods have arrived, the goods are ok, the packing is ok, the delivery is ok, the courier is ok, the seller is ok, thanks to the seller, thanks to lazada
Produk sampai dengan selamat. Namun ukurannya tidak sesuai dengan yang tertera pada deskripsi. Overall baik2
product arrived safely. but the size does not match the one stated in the description. good overall
Barang sudah sampai kak, packing rapi pake bubble wrap + kardus. Proses pengirimannya yg lama, warnanya juga kenapa di random ya kak 😂
the item arrived sis, well packed with bubble wrap + cardboard. the long delivery process, why is the color random, sis
Kualitas produk baik Harga produk baik Puas
good product quality good product price satisfied
Sejauh ini produk nya bagus ya, real pict, fast charger juga. Cuman gak tau ya tahan berapa lama. Sudah di coba buat charge hp tapi beberapa kali hp panas waktu di charge, kira2 kenapa yaa. Pagangan nya skrg sih karna ada kartu garansi nya gak tau deh ntar kepake atau gak. Thx
So far the product is good, real pict, fast charger too. I just don't know how long it will last. I've tried charging the cellphone but several times the cellphone is hot when charging, what do you think? The handle now is because there is a guarantee card, I don't know whether to use it or not. thx
Bagud tapi kurang panas
good but not hot enough
Barang bagus tp agak sedikit keras pembukanya, sisanya top
good stuff but a little hard to open, the rest is top
Ya allah makasih banyak min barang bagus sesuai ori 🥹🥰😍 semoga sehat selalu rezekinya makin lancar thnk u min🥰🤍 the best advan😍
yes, thank you very much, admin, the goods are good according to the original 🥹 I hope you are always healthy, the sustenance is getting smoother, thank you, min, the best advan
barang cepat sampai, tks...................................
item arrived quickly, thx.
Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:belum dicoba. barang utk kado. respon penjual bagus. barang cepat dikirim.
quality: good sharpness: not yet tried. items for gifts. good seller response. goods quickly sent.
pengiriman Cepat nyampek + barang bagus Ada garansi resmi
fast delivery arrived + good goods there is an official warranty
Udah dicoba...tapi spertiy kekecilan buat ok deh buat simapenan aja
I've tried it. But it's too small for my family. It's ok for storage
Dipasang memori card gk bs. Atau aq yg gk fham 😢 smoga awet ajalh
can't the memory card be installed. or I don't understand hopefully it will last
Ga nyangka ternyata barangnya kecil banget
I didn't expect it to be so small
gut lah
gut it
bagus, kecil kecil tapi kuat... semoga bisa awer
nice, small small but strong. hope it lasts
mejikom nya penyok dalannya tlng mbH teliti
the mejikom is dented inside, please be careful
barang cepat sampe,mantul gan
the goods arrived quickly, it works bro
keren juga. memanjang tapi buat saya kurang lebar :3 tapi gpp buat ganti kalau yg utama lgi di cuci, sesuai kok sama harganya
cool too. elongated but not wide enough for me: but it's okay to replace it if the main thing is being washed again, how come it's the same price
Barang bagus aman sedikit ada goresan dari produk tapi okelah gpp dan cepat prosesnya, adminnya juga ramah. Tapi saya kecewa sudah buat note untuk melampirkan bon/invoice toko tidak di gubris oleh penjual membuat kecewa krn penjual mengabaikan nya.. Segini dulu ratenya.. Next perbaiki lagi ya.. Makasihh
good stuff, safe, there are a few scratches from the product, but it's okay, it's okay and the process is fast, the admin is also friendly. but I'm disappointed that I made a note to attach the shop bill/invoice that the seller didn't pay attention to, it's disappointing because the seller ignored it.. this is the rate first.. next time, fix it again.. thanks
Kualitas produk baik Harga produk baik Respon penjual baik,sayang pengiriman agak lama,terima kasih seller
Good product quality, good product price, good seller's response, unfortunately the delivery took a long time, thank you seller
yupzzzz... langsung dipake... 👍
yup. used immediately.
Gercep... responsiff... so farr okke fast charging... semoga awet...
hurry up. responsivef. so far okke fast charging. hope it lasts.
Brang sdah sampe,pngriman cpat smoga awet
The item has arrived, fast delivery, hopefully it will last
Produk sampai dengan selamat. ontime. sudah dicoba. fungsi sanhat baik. mudah mudahan awet. cocok buat anak kos
product arrived safely. on time. already tried. sanhat function is good. hopefully durable. suitable for boarding children
gimana sih ko g nyala kipas nyah udh pesenan org g nyala mhl lgi g amanah pokok nyah saya mau tuker lgi yg baru saya gimana sih
How come the fan doesn't turn on, I've ordered people it doesn't turn on, but I can't trust the main thing, I want to exchange the new one, what do I do?
Barang sesuai deskripsi. Kwalitas oke.
goods according to the description. okay quality.
Respons cepat, packing aman, pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai pesanan
fast response, safe packing, fast delivery, goods as ordered
Barang sesuai foto dan deskripsi Kualitas oke sudah 2x pakai setelah sampai Ukuran pas Harga termasuk murah dapat brg bermerk
Items according to photos and descriptions of good quality
baru beli tgl 3 juli tp cuma pemakaian 3x udh rusak
I just bought it in July but only used it and it's broken
biar bintang yang menilai nyaa
let the stars judge it
Kualitasnya baguss banget nyaman dipake, ada bantalan busanya pokoknya okelah. Tpi maaf ga ada foto dan vidio karna hpku lagi rusak kameranya.. 🙏
the quality is really good, it's comfortable to use, there are foam pads, it's okay. but sorry there are no photos and videos because my cellphone is broken the camera..
sudah sampai dan blm dicoba
just arrived and haven't tried it yet
tidak sesuai gambar nyesel dengan barang
does not match the picture of regret with the goods
Barangnya original 👍. Penjualnya ramah banget. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging rapi.
the goods are original. the seller is very friendly. top seller response. neat packaging.
bagus puas banget,abg kurir y ok
good, very satisfied, brother, courier, ok
Gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud, tapi sayang, dpt usb nya yg gede. Tidak seperti di gambar..
gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud gud, but alas, I got a big usb. not like in the picture..
Proses pengiriman lama, tombol dispenser agak kurang nyaman sih, tapi overall barang berfungsi dengan baik, semoga awet deh, karena yang sebelumnya merk Goto sempat tahan 12 bulan.
the delivery process took a long time, the dispenser button was a bit inconvenient, but overall the item works fine, I hope it will last, because the previous one with the goto brand had lasted a month.
ngga ada cacat sama sekali cuma pesen bubble wrap lagi ko ngga ditambah ya .. tapi untung ngga ada masalah di paketnya alhamdulillah 🥰🥰
There are no defects at all, I just ordered bubble wrap again, how come I didn't add it... but fortunately there were no problems with the package, thank God
bagus pancinya,cm sayang bagian tutup nya ada yang penyok,mungkin kebentur pas di perjalanan soalnya packing nya ga pake kardus cm pake Buble wrap aja, mungkin k depannya agar lebih di perhatikan lagi pengemasan ny..
the pot is good, but it's a shame the lid has a dent, maybe it hit it while on the way, the problem is the packaging doesn't use cardboard, just use bubble wrap, maybe in the future, we'll pay more attention to the packaging..
Mantaaaap FANTECH Terima kasih barang nya, dapet harga 999 perak tapi barang original 100% gokiiiill
great fantech thanks for the item, got the silver price but the original item is % gokill
Packing tidak aman.. Dan kardus nya sampai jebol semoga setrikanya awet
the packing is not safe... and the cardboard is broken, hopefully the iron will last
Penjual ramah, packaging nya bagus, produknya juga ori, dan juga pengiriman cepet 3 hari aja
friendly seller, good packaging, original product, and also fast delivery
barang bagus...pengiriman jg cepat
good item. fast delivery
barangnya yg dikirim tidak sesuai
the item sent is not correct
Barang bagus , cuman dusnya ada yang rusak...............
good stuff, but the box is damaged.
Barang sesuai pesanan, gaada cacat, packing aman, pengiriman cepat 👍🏽👍🏽
item as ordered, no defects, safe packing, fast delivery
Bagus bgt, nyaman ditelinga, ngga bocor, ringan tp mencakup daun telinga
really good, comfortable in the ear, doesn't leak, light but covers the earlobe
Bagus. Empuk dipencet. Tapi kualitas bahannya plastik yg kurang bagus. Semoga awet. Semoga awet. Semoga awet. Semoga awet. Semoga awet
Good. squeezed soft. but the quality of the plastic material is not good. hope it lasts. hope it lasts. hope it lasts. hope it lasts. hope it lasts
Alhamdulillah paket nya dah datang sesuai gambar mudah2an awet dan tidak luntur trima kasih seler nya mudah2an semakin lancar usahanya ..trima kasih pada mas kurirnya
alhamdulillah, the package has arrived according to the picture, hopefully it lasts and doesn't fade, thank you, the taste, hopefully the business will run smoother ... thank you to the courier mas
sim card ekspired dibawain. mana nomer sudah dipasang dan daftarin pas dilihat sudah ekspired , skrg tuh nomer akhirnya ga bs dipake tlp , wa
Bring expired sim card. where the number has been installed and registered when you see it's expired, now the final number can't be used by telephone, wa
🤣Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Kelengkapan sesuai. Warna sesuai pesanan.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. appropriate equipment. custom color.
pancinya pas mirip ori nya
the pan is just like the original
Barang ORI, Seller responsif, Packing baik barangnya sampai dengan aman.
original item, responsive seller, well packed, arrived safely.
Barangnya mulus,bagus cosm qu suka,penjualnya pun ramah,makasih... Sebenarnya barangnya dah sampe 2hr yg kok d aplikasinya tlt ngasih info klo pesanan dah d terima...
the goods are smooth, good cosm I like it, the seller is friendly, thank you. actually the item arrived a day ago. but how come the application says no info if the order has been received.
Brg sdh sampai, bagus banget, warna warni, bahan berkwalitas.. good..
brg has arrived, very good, colorful, quality materials.. good..
Barang Ok cuma expedisi pengiriman nya lama bangat
the item is ok just the shipping expedisi is very long
kaga ada on off nya wahahaha, sama kadang agak nyandet, tapi ya murah, mau apa..
there's no on and off, wahahahaha, sometimes it gets a little stuck, but it's cheap, what do you want?
tombol back tidak berfungsi, penjual kurang responsif ketika di chat tentang masalah yang ada
the back button doesn't work, the seller is not responsive when chatting about the problem
Barang bener bener sesuai sama ekspektasi. Memudahkan untuk gaming mobile. Semoga bahan kabelnya kuat dan tahan lama. Thanks. Ini barang recomended
the item really meets expectations. makes it easy for mobile gaming. Hopefully the cable material is strong and durable. thanks. this item is recommended
Fitur Terbaik:oku Sepadan dengan Harga:oky Barang sdh sampai. Semoga awet dan tahan lama.
best features: oku worth the price: okky item arrived. hopefully durable and long lasting.