lumayan bagus sih....tapi kok gax bunyi ya....
it's pretty good, but how come it doesn't sound?
barang ok saya suka trimakasih seler
item ok i like it thank you seller
Respon penjual cepat. Pengiriman cepat. Mouse bekerja dngn baik. The best di kelasnya. Rexus jozz gandoz.
fast seller response. fast delivery. the mouse works fine. the best in its class. rexus jozz gandoz.
Produk jelas original. Pengemasan lumayan cepat. Pengiriman yg tidak begitu cepat mungkin terhambat di ekspedisi
product is clearly original. pretty fast setup. Delivery that is not so fast may be hampered on the expedition
Keyboard Mechanical Paling Pas, Tergolong Murah Tapi Kualitas Joss Keyboard Nya Kokoh, Dan Yang Paling Saya Suka Feel Mengetik Nya Enak Walaupun Sering Typo. Mungkin Butuh Penyesuaian Saja, Karena Biasanya Menggunakan Keyboard Portabel Yang Beda Size Nya.
the mechanical keyboard is the most suitable, relatively cheap but the quality of the joss keyboard is sturdy, and what I like the most is the feeling of good typing even though there are frequent typos. maybe it just needs an adjustment, because usually using a portable keyboard that is a different size.
estimasi pengiriman cpt, barang sdh di terima, tp ada alat yg patah.
estimated fast delivery, the item has been received, but there is a broken tool.
standar saja
just standard
barang bagus sesuai pesanan..berkali kli order di lazada gk prnh kecewa trimakasih lazada..smoga kedepan'y lbih baik lg
good stuff according to the order... many times I order at Lazada I've never been disappointed, thank you Lazada... I hope the future will be better again
pesanan sudah sampai semoga awet
the order has arrived hope it lasts
hp baru dipake 2 hari sudah eror penjual tidak terima retur
The new cellphone was used the other day, the seller's error didn't accept returns
saya kira gede ternyata kecil tpi lucu tq
I thought gedhe turned out to be small but cute tq
Brg dah sampai.. Warna sesuai pesanan sy..tapi bunyi tekonya kalau air mendidih tidak nyaring.. Jadi kalau jauh dikit g kedengeran..
the brg has arrived.. the color is according to my order.. but the sound of the shop when boiling water is not loud.. so if it's a little far away you can't hear it..
Proses pesanan cepat. Respon penjualnya top. Penjualnya ramah banget. Barangnya original 👍.
fast order process. top seller response. the seller is very friendly. the goods are original.
Belum coba produknya, tapi barang diterima dng lengkap
Haven't tried the product yet, but the item is well received
Smxjxjhskdxbke kdkdbebehekdnsjsvdkx yang kskdnhdhdkkdkksn jdhdjdnfvsjkssbdk nxndbdbbdbxhckfndb ndkdnsbdnxjzbxb kfkdbdbdkbdbdbdndndjdbsvsbd ndjdbdbdjskkrhehebbdndmwmwkekbd
smxjxjhskdxbke kdkdbebehekdnsjsvdkx the kskdnhdhdkkdkksn jdhdjdnfvsjkssbdk nxndbdbbdbxhckfndb ndkdnsbdnxjzbxb kfkdbdbdkbdbdbdndndjdbsvsbd ndjdbdbdjskkrhehebbdndmwmwke kbd
feelnya enak banget. murah meriah muntah
it feels really good. cheap vomit
Glass bowl covetnya bagian kupingnya pecah.. haduhh
the glass bowl cover part of the nipple is broken .. wow
Kabel usbnya tidak bisa dipakai
the usb cable cannot be used
saya lihat di kolom ulasan jarang ada yang beli warna putih. nih saya kasih liat gimana wujudnya yg warna putih. kece parahhhhh.
I see in the review column that rarely buys white. Here I love to see how it looks white. really bad.
Oke tapi ada lecet di bagian tutup ky kegores sesuatu. Moga awet aja
okay, but there are scuffs on the lid, I think something was scratched. please last
bagus mejikom'a, sesuai pesanan,udh d coba nyala lampunya, mudah-mudahan awet mejikom'a,,mksh lazada
good mejikom'a, as ordered, already tried to turn on the light, hopefully it will last long mejikom'a,, thanks lazada
Fitur Terbaik:nicee
best feature:nicee
Timbangan tidak akurat
inaccurate scale
Barangnya udah nyampe, pengirimannya cepat cuman yg menjadi barangnya lama di kurir. Ini msih smentara dites ya
the item has arrived, the delivery was fast but the courier took a long time. this is still being tested
bagus mousenya buat main casual lebih cocok sih, belom coba kalo fps pengirimannya juga cepat fast respond langsung di proses👍 cuman agak bingung dpi nya bisa disetting apa gak? di manualnya gaada keterangan.
the mouse is good for casual play, it's more suitable, haven't tried it yet if the fps delivery is also fast, the response is immediately processed, but I'm a bit confused, can the dpi be set or not? there is no description in the manual.
Barang sudah diterima dengan baik. Tks
item has been well received. thx
Fitur Terbaik:fitur Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Overall bagus.. tapi tombol dpi sama lednya kadang ketuker... yg lain aman
best features: features commensurate with price: worth the overall good ... but the dpi button and the LED sometimes knock. others are safe
diharga segini buat game udah cukup worth, buat apa beli harga lebih mahal tapi skill segitu2 aja wqwq. nice ggs
the price for this game is quite worth it, why buy a higher price but the skills are just like that wqwq. nice ggs
Setelah lama mempertimbangakan model rice cooker, akhirnya terpilih rice cooker portable ini, karena mini, gampang di bawa2. Cocok buat makan 1-2 orang. Alat kukus terlalu kecil. Pengiriman kilat, order tgl 5, tgl 7 sudah sampai. Jgn lupa pesan bubble wrap, biar aman selama pengiriman.
after considering the rice cooker model for a long time, finally this portable rice cooker was chosen, because it is mini, easy to carry. suitable for eating - people. steamer is too small. express delivery, order date, date arrived. Don't forget to order bubble wrap, so it's safe during delivery.
sound sometimes cut off
Alhamdulillah barang mendart dengan aman dan terkendali.... Makasih seller,shopee,dan sicepat... Mantap....
alhamdulillah the goods landed safely and under control. thanks seller, shopee, and sicepat. Excellent.
barangnya dah sampai ga ada yg cacat. tp ga nyala mesinnya 😭😭 .kecewa pokonya tokonya ga amanah barang yg rusak kok di jual
the item arrived without any defects. but the engine doesn't start
Pengiriman sangat lambat,,, harusnya pake JNE EXPRES jngn yg reguler
very slow delivery, should use jne express not the regular one
Melebihi ekspektasi saya
exceeded my expectations
Minta baling transparan.. dapat yg ijo kurang perhatian
asked for a transparent propeller.. got the green one that wasn't paying attention
Barangnya cepat pengirimannya, penjual komunikatif bgt, packingnya aman dan rapi. . Trima kasih, smoga jadi langganan
fast delivery, seller is very communicative, packing is safe and neat. . thank you, I hope you become a subscriber
maaf sy kash 4 bintang dulu soalnya mejikomny penyok harsny waktu dipemaketan harus hati2 jgn dibantingdan ternyata ini kosmosny pendek g sama kyk yg biasa sy beli ost okelah brgnya CPT DTG dan bagus kurirny hujan2nan nganterin nya..mksh buat kurirnya
sorry, I gave it a star first, the problem is that the box was dented when it was packaged, you have to be careful not to slam it and it turns out that this cosmos is short, not the same as the one I usually buy.
Paket sudah di terima Pengiriman cepat. Puaslah belanja di sini👍👍
package received fast delivery. satisfied shopping here
Kalau ada bintang 6 kasih bintang 6 uat seller nya,, barangnya aman sentosa sampe dirumah walopun keujanan.. fast respon, pesen jam 5 sore sampe jam setengah 7 pakai instan kurir..thanks seller
if there's a star, give a star to the seller... the goods are safe and sound even though it's raining... fast response, ordered at half past noon using instant courier... thanks seller
produknya sih sudah sesuai dan berfungsi dengan baik tapi service tokonya membuat saya kurang senang. bilangnya barang kosong sehingga diambilkan dari cabang lain (entah ini bener atau cuma alasan) yg jls otomatis dari alasan tersebut makan waktu lebih lama dari standar tokped yang sudah ada. dimana seharusnya ditanggal yang sudah ditentukan produk sudah ditangan saya ini blm saya terima. akalnya buat ngakalin sistem aturan tokped saya akui hebat tapi dampaknya kurang memuaskan kalau buat konsumen meskipun produknya sudah sesuai.
the product is suitable and functions properly but the shop service makes me not happy. they said the item was empty so it was taken from another branch (whether this is true or just an excuse) which automatically works for that reason, taking longer than the existing Tokped standard. where the date should have been determined, the product was in my hands, I haven't received it. I admit it's great to trick the Tokped regulatory system, but the impact is not satisfactory for consumers, even though the product is appropriate.
Barang sampai dengan keadaan penyok kardusnya karena tipis bublewrapnya, padahal saya udah order 2 bublewrap. Untungnya barang masih berfungsi dengan baik.
the item arrived with a dented condition on the cardboard because of the thin bubble wrap, even though I already ordered bubblewrap. fortunately the item is still working fine.
Mantap. Lihat video unboxingnya di yutub ADK Basecamp gessss.
Excellent. see the unboxing video on youtube adk basecamp gees.
barang ok , packing rapi ok.. cuma sayangnya kabel yg di free keyboardnya ga cocok tuk di sambungkan ke Tab😅
the goods are ok, the packing is neat ok.. it's just a pity that the cable on the free keyboard is not suitable for connecting to the tab
alat berfungsi baik. pengiriman juga cepat
tool works fine. delivery is also fast
Maaf ya saya kasih bintang 3 Soalnya barang penyok 🙂 Padahal buat kado
sorry, I gave a star because the item was dented even though it was for a gift
Cuma Dus nya aja udah penyok, overall Okee semua
it's just that the box is dented, overall everything is okay
barang sampai dngan cepat tapi sayang pengilingan kecilnya retak di mohon untuk fakingnya agak di perhatikan biar barang GK pecah....
the goods arrived quickly but it's a shame the small mill cracked, please pay attention to the faking so that the goods don't break.
Setelah 1 hari pemakaian bagus lancar cocok main game mau infoin memakai baterai AAA
after a good day of use, it's smooth enough to play games, I want to inform you that it uses a battery
Nice. Saya salah beli yg kecil bisa ganti dgn yg besar
nice. I bought the wrong small one, I can replace it with a big one
Fitur Terbaik:nyala tp kuning atasnya Sepadan dengan Harga:standar Lama bgt pengiriman nya, barang kardus penyok tp untung ga rusak dalam.nya. isimya lengkap dan alhamdulillah nyala ga rusak. Cuma minus yg atasnya kek kuning gt kek barang lama
best feature: lights up but the yellow top is commensurate with the price: the shipping standard is really old, the cardboard is dented but fortunately it's not damaged inside. the contents are complete and thank God the flame is not damaged. the only minus is that the top is yellow like the old stuff
Produk sesuai deskripsi.. Mksh
product according to the description.. thx
Packing BAGUS pakai wrap namun saya kenapa terkirim warna biru
packing is good using wrap but why did I send it in blue
optical sensornya kurang akurat, dan kadang mouse tiba tiba mati saat penggunaan aktif ngga rekomen kalo dipake buat main game fps
the optical sensor is inaccurate, and sometimes the mouse suddenly turns off during active use, I don't recommend using it to play fps games
Barangnya bagus tapi kekurangannya dimensinya kecil saya kira besar, pengiriman lumayan cepat
the item is good but the drawback is the dimensions are small I thought it was big, the delivery is quite fast
bagus sih , cuma kecewa sama deskripsinya. barang seberet 1kg , ternyata gak sampe 500 gram
it's good, just disappointed with the description. 1 kg of goods, it turns out that it doesn't even reach a gram
Saya coba sperti ada ghost touch tpi KK sya coba nggk apa tapi saya yakin itu layar ada sedikit malah soal nya saya sentuh apa yg ke buka aplikasi lain.. Barang agak GT(ghost touch) yg g5 elite tapi untuk pengiriman barang termasuk baik
I tried it as if there was a ghost touch but kk I tried it's okay but I'm sure it's a little screen instead the problem is I touch what opens another application... the item is a bit gt (ghost touch) which is g elite but for shipping goods it's good
Fitur Terbaik:produk bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:harga terjangkau
best feature:good product worth the price:affordable price
lumayan bagus cuman pengirimn nya lama
pretty good but the delivery took a long time
Hati2.. Hanya 2 hari saja.. tab sdh rusak.. Jgn beli bekas lagi . Pasti nyesal.. Penjual buang badan Jangan beli disini, 2 hari saja rusak.. Jgn beli bekkas...NYESALLLLL Jangan terkecoh dgn harga murah. Bahaya. Ini pengalaman saya Dr Edi ....Bogor
heart.. just for a day.. the tab is broken.. don't buy used again. you will definitely regret it.. sellers throw away their bodies, don't buy here, the day just spoils.. don't buy used goods. Sorry, don't be fooled by the cheap price. danger. This is my experience from Edi, Bogor
Uuh baguuusswww... Warnanya cantiiikkk.... Panasnya cepet... Walaupun nynapenya lumayan lama.. tp puas banget... Harganya jauuuh lebih kurah dibanding brli disini... Sukaaaaaaaaaaaaa
uhh nice. the color is pretty. it heats up fast. even though it took quite a long time to arrive.. but very satisfied. the price is much cheaper than brili here. Like
dipikir tebel eh tauny tipis
I think it's thick but it's thin
Kualitas bagus, harga terjangkau, pengiriman cepat. Tapi kalo pesen ini jgn lupa tambahin bubble wrap nya ya karena hanya dibungkus kardus tanpa plastik, biar amaaan.
good quality, reasonable price, fast delivery. but if you order this, don't forget to add the bubble wrap, because it's only wrapped in cardboard without plastic, so it's safe.
Barangnya kurang ia
less stuff he
Belum di coba, semoga berfungsi normal
Haven't tried it yet, hope it works normally
bahan jelek.. barang ada cacat, penyok di bagian besi nya
bad material.. the item has a defect, a dent on the iron part
gak akurat 90cm. bikin susah ngatur di meja.
cm not accurate. make it difficult to arrange at the table.
mantapp,, proses cepat 1 hri sampai next order lagi
great,, fast processing days until the next order again
Kayunya jelek, bawahnya udah patah beberapa bagian ya emang ga banyak sih tapi keliatan jelek aja udah gitu kayunya bagian depannya item kaya berjamur gituuu
the wood is bad, the bottom has broken a few parts, it's not much, but it just looks bad, that's it, the front part of the item looks like it's moldy
Packaginya bagus, tapi simple. Ya cuma mouse aja isinya. Tidak include baterai (ga masalah sih). Pengaturan DPI nya sedikit membingungkan karena tidak ada indikator DPI naik atau turun. Nyaman di genggam. Bermain FPS lancar. Oh iya, tombol next dan back di samping kiri mouse punya saya kebalik (tombol 1 jadi back dan tombol 2 jadi next) ya gapapa sih untuk main game, tapi untuk browsing sedikit adaptasi lagi.
the packaging is nice, but simple. yes, only the mouse contents. does not include the battery (no problem anyway). the dpi setting is a bit confusing as there is no dpi up or down indicator. comfortable in hand. smooth fps play. oh yeah, the next and back buttons on the left side of the mouse are reversed (the button becomes back and the button becomes next) so it's okay to play games, but for browsing it's a little more adaptation.
pengiriman cepat, barang sudah dicek oke berfungsi baik, rgb nya juga berfungsi baik. harga bersaing. thanks seller
fast delivery, item has been checked okay works fine, the rgb also works fine. competitive price. thanks seller
Barangnya bagus sesuai, Tapi packingnya kurang oke, jdi busa didalem semua ancur. untung ajah barangnya gak masalah. Next time packingnya diperbaiki yah
the goods are good, but the packaging is not good, so the foam inside is all broken. luckily it's not a problem. next time the packing will be improved
Recomended nih toko
recommended this shop
Sellernya ramah,barang nyampe dengan aman tapi dus sedikit penyok,dan spliternya ga berfungsi
the seller is friendly, the goods arrived safely but the box is a little dented, and the spliter doesn't work
paketan udh sampe makasih.. sesuai banget bagus dan real pick
The package has arrived, thanks... it fits really well and is a real pick
Harga:bersahat Kualitas:terjamin Ketajaman: mantap Tapi gelas 1 pecah
price: healthy quality: sharpness guaranteed: great but the glass is broken
sudah sampai keren banget warna nya oke semua
it's really cool, the colors are all okay
Sudah dicoba berfungsi dengan baik cuma panci agak penyok *Dipake baru dua kali masak nasi langsung jeblug mati gk bisa dipake lagi 😥😥
Tried it to function properly, but the pot is a bit dented
Tampilan:ok Performa:bagus Kualitas:bagus Respon penjual cepat, pelayanan cepat Kondisi barang mulus. Mantab dah pokoknya Lebih bagus lagi kalau penjual menyediakan arang juga biar one stop shopping
display: ok performance: good quality: good fast seller response, fast service smooth item condition. it's great, it's even better if the seller provides charcoal too, so it's one stop shopping
Barang bagus packing rapih aman .penjual respon baik rekomend deh
good stuff neat safe packing. seller responds well, I recommend it
Barang sampai dengan aman, kualitas bagus, pengiriman cepet, tapi saya kasih nilai 1 minggu pemakaian
the goods arrived safely, good quality, fast delivery, but I will give the value of the week of use
sesuai deskripsi..memuaskan barang berfungsi dengan baik
according to the description..satisfying the item works well
Brg cpt smpainya, bagus brgnya 😊
brg quickly arrived, good brgnya
Topp. Meski hanya bisa charge satu sisi. :(
topp. even though it can only charge one side. :(
Pengiriman cepat tapi mouse g ada on off jadi suka idup sendiri kalo kepencet jadi bikin boros baterai
fast delivery but the mouse doesn't have an on and off so it tends to turn on by itself if you press it it wastes battery
pesanan sesuai..bagussss bangett. terimakasih seller
according to the's really good. thanks seller
Kualitas barang bagus, cuma kecewa pesan 2 pcs, yang sampe cuma 1,
the quality of the goods is good, just disappointed that I ordered pcs, which arrived only ,
Kondisi barang baru, bagus dan sesuai deskripsi. Pembelian tanpa pencil nya. Pake JNE YES besok nya sampai. Barang belom dicoba lama tapi semoga awet. Respon seller cepat.
Brand new, good condition and according to the description. purchase without the pencil. use jne yes tomorrow it will arrive. Haven't tried the item in a long time but hopefully it will last. fast seller response.
lifechanger honestly
life changer honestly
Barang yang dikirimi bagus namun karet dalem sudah leleh gara2 kena panas aat masak
the item sent is good but the inner rubber has melted because it got hot when cooking
Produk bagus hanya saja ada yang kurang dalam paket penjualan, mohon ya di koreksi lagi barang apa bila ingin di kirimkan ke customer
good product, it's just that something is missing in the sales package, please correct what items if you want to send them to customers
Belum saya pakai, tetapi kualitasnya mantap dan pengiriman cepat
I haven't used it yet, but the quality is great and the delivery is fast
sesuai deskripsi, semua tombol berfungsi. good.
according to the description, all buttons work. good.
barangnya bagus semoga awet penjual cepat responnya
the item is good, hopefully the seller will respond quickly
kecewaaaaa........bngt baru d pake masak sekali lapisan teflonnya langsung hilang
disappointed. I just used it to cook once the Teflon layer disappeared immediately
ok bro. barang sudah diterima dengan baik:D
OK bro. the goods have been well received: d
ke 2x nya beli dsini. tolong d perbnyk stock nya
the x's buy here. please increase the stock
Hp eror udah di pulangin pas datang gak di ganti malah eror lagi kecewa
The error cell phone was returned when it arrived, it was not replaced, but the error was again disappointed