Barangnya original 👍. Kemasan disegel. Spesifikasi sesuai . Ada garansi resmi. Kelengkapan sesuai.
the goods are original. sealed packaging. appropriate specifications. there is an official warranty. appropriate equipment.
Lumayan bagus, tapi rekomendasi warna hitam sih, kalo putih gampang kotor...
it's pretty good, but the recommendation is black, if white gets dirty easily.
pengiriman nya sampai dengan selamat dan tidak ada gangguan waktu ditempatkan untuk menaruh headseat sangat pas dan rgb nya pun keren
the delivery arrived safely and there was no problem when it was placed to put the headset it fits perfectly and the rgb is cool too
Barang di terima dengan baik biarpun dus penyok tp alhamdulillah barang ga papa saran sy kalo bisa di tambah buble sedikit biar lebih aman.. Oke dengan harga segitu cukup puas
the item was well received even though the box was dented but thank God the item is okay my suggestion is if you can add a little bubble so it's safer... okay at that price I'm quite satisfied
nyesel bgt kk..... barang yg dikirim rusak... jd ngak bisa saya jual lg.. padahalkan kita sama sama dagang kk☹️ kecewa bgt lh klo kyk ini
I'm so sorry. item sent is damaged. so I can't sell it anymore... even though we are trading together, I'm really disappointed when it looks like this
Mantapp, suaranya enak, keycapnya halus parahh, pengiriman cepet.
great, great sound, super smooth keycaps, fast shipping.
Berfungsi dengan baik Pelayanan cepat dan pengiriman pun sesuai
works fine fast service and delivery is also appropriate
Slow respon barang ancur packing tanpa label fragile pelit buble wrap Tidak ada itikad minta maaf jauh kalau buat ganti prosedurnya dipersulit Barang tidak di asuransikan PARAH !!!
slow response Destroyed goods Packing without labels Fragile stingy bubble wrap There is no intention of apologizing far if changing the procedure is complicated, goods are not heavily insured!
Pokoknya terimakasih buat tuan tokonya... mantap beribu ribu mantap
anyway thank you for the shop owner. steady thousands of steady
Sesuai Gambar, Pengiriman lumayan baik
according to the picture, the delivery is quite good
Parah sih, baru pertama kali punya mouse gaming dan keren kaya gini, makasih Rexus
It's really bad, this is the first time I have a gaming mouse and it's cool like this, thanks Rexus
pelayanannya bagus packingnya bagus kualitas barang juga bagus, cuma sayang ada penyok sedikit dibagian tempat pisaunya
the service is good, the packing is good, the quality of the goods is also good, it's just a shame that there is a slight dent in the place where the knife is placed
Pengemasan baik sudah dilapisi bubblewrap tapi box agak sedikit penyok. Walaupun box penyok, isi di dalamnya tetap aman. Top 👍👍👍👍👍
The packaging is good already covered with bubblewrap but the box is a little dented. even though the box is dented, the contents inside are still safe. top
Mousenya Gege parah anjir nyaman nice rexus
the mouse is really big and comfortable, nice rexus
Kata penjual cocok untuk panci presto Oxone 4 liter tp ternyata kegedean dan lebih berat. Terima kasih.
the seller said it was suitable for a liter oxone pressure cooker but it turned out to be too big and heavier. Thank You.
pesan merk miyako hitam yg datang maspion merah.pesan sabtu pagi pake sameday,agar cepat datangnya selasa sore,udah gitu dikirim tanpa bungkus.kalo gitu mending pake yg gratis ongkir.Terimakasih.Smg kedepannya lebih pelayanannya
ordered the black miyako brand that came with the red maspion. ordered saturday morning using sameday, so it came quickly. ee arrived tuesday afternoon, sent it without packaging. if that's the case, it's better to use the free shipping one.
yang bagian atas agak penyok.
the top one is a bit dented.
sudah diterima krna kado jdi ngga ada foto penerima nya suka packing aman thank you
received because it's a gift so there's no photo of the recipient like safe packing thank you
good stuff, original, what I'm annoyed and furious about is why is it taking so long to pack? The problem is that I want to use it, I DM the shopkeeper who responds to the computer.
barang kurang bagus . barang rusak2 sampai di tempat
not good stuff. damaged goods arrived at the place
Semua aspek sangat baik. Respon penjual cepat, pengiriman sangat cepat, barang lengkap dgn kartu garansinya. Butuh 3x percobaan panggang utk kenal oven ini. Suhu di dlm oven lebih rendah 10°C drpd yg ditunjuk di kenop pengatur suhu. Saran sy, tambahkan 10°C di kenop utk mndptkn suhu yg diinginkan.
all aspects are very good. Fast response from seller, very fast delivery, complete with warranty card. need x trial roast to know this oven. the temperature inside the oven is °c lower than indicated on the temperature control knob. My suggestion is to add °c on the knob to get the desired temperature.
Murah Repson cepat Packing baik Makashi yaaa
Cheap, fast response, good packing, thanks
Harga:Ok Kualitas: Ok Ketajaman:Ok Jumlah pisau sesuai. Karet ujung pisau juga ada. Pengiriman cepat. Ujung kardus ada yg penyok padahal sudah pesan extra bubble wrap
price: ok quality: ok sharpness: ok the number of blades is appropriate. blade tip rubber is also available. fast delivery. the end of the cardboard has a dent even though I ordered extra bubble wrap
enak sih, cuma kepencet sedikit udah ngeklik dan tombol samping pas lagi browsing juga sering kepencet jadinya sering back dan forward page, mungkin karena belum biasa, dan belum tau nyetting tombol samping biar gak back dan forward page browser itu gimana makanya masih kurang nyaman, sejauh ini 3 dulu sih
it's nice, just pressing a little already clicking and the side button when browsing is also often pressed so it often goes back and forward the page, maybe because it's not used to it, and I don't know how to set the side button so that the browser doesn't go back and forward the page, so it's still not comfortable, so far this was first
Cepet bgt langsung sampe dlm bbrp jam
really fast, arrived in a few hours
pesanan cepat sampai dan sesuai dengan gambar
Order arrived quickly and exactly as pictured
Alhamdulilah, mousenya tiba dengan selamat suka sekali dan pengemasannya rapi
Thank God, the mouse arrived safely, I like it very much and the packaging is neat
bgs. blm. di. try
Mantap lah pokoknya!!!! next bakalan belanja sini lagi
it's great anyway! next will shop here again
sesuai pesanan. telah diterima dengan baik. material bagus tidak mudah gosong. terima kasih seller dan blibli
as ordered. has been well received. good material doesn't burn easily. thank you seller and blibli
oke barang nya tapi belum di coba semoga berpungsi dengan baik,untuk pengemasan aman banget
okay the item but haven't tried it yet hopefully it works well, for packaging it's really safe
Barangnya cepet sampai, barangnya aman mulus. Recommended seller
the goods arrived quickly, the goods are safe smooth. recommended seller
Mangstab. top markotop. sip markosip. jos markojos.
manstab. top markotop. sip markosip. jos markojos.
buat q ga recommended karna 2 barang kurang ok pengiriman cepat.....
for q it's not recommended because the goods are not ok fast delivery.
Produk baik bisa digunakan, pengiriman lama. 2 hari setelah pembayaran, biasanya sehari setelah.
good product usable, long delivery. the day after payment, usually the day after.
Siiiip makasih....sesuai pesanan....kardusnya double👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
sip thanks.according to order.double cardboard
Rice cooker nya bagus.sesuai pesanan.pengiriman cepat.makasih seller makasih shopee.........
the rice cooker is good. as ordered. fast delivery. thanks seller thanks shopee.
barang dah sampai. over all. puas bgt. mulai kemasan. barang pun puas. .. cocok.pas di pasang.. 🥰🥰
the goods have arrived. over all. very satisfied. start packing. goods are satisfied. .. it fits. fits in..
Pesanannya sampai dengan selamat. Chekout jumat pas sore sabtu sudah sampai. Cepet banget! Respond adminnya juga baguuus. Ini saya beli tambhn bubble warp + saya videoin unboxingnya :)
the order arrived safely. checkout Friday when Saturday arrived. so fast! the admin's response is also good. I bought this plus bubble warp + I videoed the unboxing :)
seperti biasa pelayanan sangat memuaskan.. sy sudah menjadi langganan d toko ini dan brg ny tidak pernah mengecewakan selalu ToP.. semoga semakin bagus n sukses..
As usual, the service is very satisfying.. I've become a customer at this shop and the goods never disappoint, always top.. I hope it gets better and more successful..
barang bagus banget nih pengiriman barang cepat banget mantap pokoknya kapan kapan order lagiq
this item is really good, the delivery of goods is really fast, the point is, when are you going to order again?
barangnya cepat sampai,original
the goods arrived quickly, original
barang sesuai dengan aplikasi
goods according to the application
.hehe ternyata kecil
.hehe apparently small
tebel bgt packing nya. pengiriman sangat cepattttttt terimakasih yah Kak🙏🥰
the packaging is so thick. very fast delivery thank you sis
mantap gan lanjutkan dengan perbuatannya itu adalah hal yang harus dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan untuk di hubungi kami segera hadir awal tahun ini gak ada kepastiannya datang dari berbagai sumber yang sama seperti yang telah ditetapkan di Jakarta pada tanggal tersebut tidak akan pernah bisa di download disini dengan perbuatannya yang sama juga ya gan lanjutkan membaca ya gan di tunggu kabar selanjutnya akan muncul tampilan seperti ini tidak bisa menjalankan produknya dengan perbuat
great, bro, continue with what you're doing, this is something that must be done in stages and continuously to contact us. the action is the same, bro, continue reading, bro, wait for further news, a display like this will appear, you can't run the product with what you did
mantap, pengirman sangat cepat, paketannya juga cukup aman, kondisi barang baik, lengkap dan sesuai pesanan. (bonus kartu perdana telkomsel)
great, very fast delivery, the package is also quite safe, the condition of the goods is good, complete and according to the order. (telkomsel prime card bonus)
mantap, packing aman, barang bekerja bagus jg
great, safe packing, item works well too
kmrn pesan, hr ini sampai.. barang bagus, tdk ada penyok dus mulus smp rumah.. 👍
ordered yesterday, today arrived... good item, no dents, smooth box until home..
udah jangan ragu official store mesti ori
Don't doubt the official store must be ori
Harga:murah Pengiriman:lama Kualitas:bagus Pengemasan lama.. Untung pas barang ya dteng bagus, puasss. Harga juga paling murahh... Terimakasih ya seller
price: cheap delivery: old quality: good old packaging.. fortunately when the goods arrived, they were good, satisfied. the price is also the cheapest. thank you seller
Kok mixing mentega / telur / everything ga ngembang sempurnah ya.. pdhal kecepatan maximal.. Apa salah pasang atau gmn nih???
how come the mixing of butter / eggs / everything doesn't develop perfectly huh.. even though the speed is maximum.. did I put it wrong or what?
past respon, pengiriman cpt banget barangnya jg ok ...recomanded lah thx toped n seller
fast response, very fast delivery, the goods are also ok. Recommended, thx toped n seller
kenapa rice cooker nya pertama nya aja bagus, pas kesini2 nya ko sering kering lengket, mohon penjelasan nya, terimakasih
why was the rice cooker the first one good, when I came here it was often dry and sticky, please explain, thank you
penjual respon baik, pengiriman rapih dan cepat
Seller responds well, delivery is neat and fast
Puas pokoknya Belanja di toko ini... Hanya pakingnya aja yg harus diperbaiki.jangan dilakban antar produk.kalopun mw dilakban harusnya diplastikin dulu tiap produk baru dilakban trs diplastikin lagi pakein bublewrap
I'm satisfied with shopping at this store. only the packing needs to be repaired. don't tape it between products.
Fitur Terbaik:Packing tebal Pengiriman ok. Barang normal. Respon admin cukup cepat.
best features: thick packing, ok delivery. normal stuff. admin response is quite fast.
Tampilan:bagus Performa:oke Kualitas:lumayan Bagus, buat sehari hari masak mi atau rebus air, next order lagi model yg lainnya, tengkyu selller
display: good performance: ok quality: pretty good, for everyday cooking noodles or boiling water, next order another model, tengkyu seler
Kap Penutupnya pecah
the cover is broken
Terimakasih paket sudah sampai, blm di buka nunggu tukang instalasi badang baru sekalian dipasang
Thank you, the package has arrived, haven't opened it yet, waiting for the new installation contractor to install it
Air tumpah tumpah dari penampung airnya
spilled water spilled from the water reservoir
Alhamdulillah sesuai harapan, smoga tahan lama hehehe...
alhamdulillah as expected, hopefully it will last long hehehe.
mantap seller fast respon, ramah. meski ada kesalahan kecil di buyer, tetep di layani ramah. recommended 2 jempol
great seller, fast response, friendly. even though there was a small mistake at the buyer, it was still served kindly. thumb recommended
Mantap gilssss
steady gils
tajem, sangat berbahaya, hati-hati!!!
tajem, very dangerous, be careful!
Baru aja mau di unboxing, kondisi baterai sudah membengkak. Belum sempat pakai padahal. Jadi fix ini cacat produk / produk gagal. Klaim garansi ke alamat center vancare ditolak katanya uda pindah, padahal sudah sesuai alamat di web dan kartu garansi. Kecewa sih
I just wanted to unbox it, the battery condition is swollen. haven't had time to use it though. so this fix is ​​a defective product / failed product. warranty claim to the address of the vancare center was rejected, he said he had moved, even though the address on the web and warranty card matched. I'm disappointed
ketika pake keycaps aksen oren ada interference, bisa di betulin dengan dibalik keycaps nya, selebih nya udah oke sih
when using keycaps with an orange accent there is interference, you can fix it by turning the keycaps over, the rest is okay
Barang sudah sampai & lengkap,, pengiriman cepet, seller jg gercep Udah dicoba tapi sayang ga ada bunyi nya, tapi is't ok lah ya gak apa-apa 👍
the goods have arrived & are complete,, the delivery is fast, the seller is also fast, I have tried it but it's a shame there's no sound, but it's not ok, it's okay
Harga produk baik...pengemasan cuma di wrap..kotaknya penyok..untung isi dalamnya masih aman...thanks shopee...
the price of the product is good. the packaging is only wrapped... the box is dented... luckily the contents inside are still safe. thanks shopee.
Cs nya fast responds dan setelah dicoba beberapa kali akhirnya bisa tidak bocor lagi dari bawah
the cs responds fast and after trying several times finally it can't leak anymore from the bottom
Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya modern 😍. Harganya terjangkau. Value for money. Material premium. Suaranya jernih. Proses pesanan cepat. Penjualnya ramah banget. Suaranya bersih.
the goods are original. modern design. the price is affordable. value for money. premium materials. the sound is clear. fast order process. the seller is very friendly. the sound is clean.
Sukaaaaa..... dng pisaunya. Semoga tajamnya awet. Terima ksh. Jempol
Like. with the knife. hope it stays sharp. Thank You. thumb
kardus rada rusak tapi gan
the cardboard is a bit damaged but bro
Ada spare partnya. Spt karet itu. Ngak tau untuk taruh dimana. 4ltr tyata kecil ya guys
there are spare parts. like that rubber. I don't know where to put it. ltr small tyata, guys
mantappppppppppppp........kurirr baikkk, barang ok,
great. good courier, item ok,
Barang rapi bagus pengiriman cepat
nice item fast delivery
terbaik langsung di kirim, suka banget toko2 fast respon gini kalau pengiriman instant
the best is sent directly, I really like this fast response shop for instant delivery
Barang sesuai,cepat sampai dan sudah dites panas semoga awet ....mantabs recommend dech
the item is suitable, arrived quickly and has been tested hot, hopefully it will last. Mantabs, recommend it
Fitur Terbaik:anti lengket,kemasan nya unik Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Thx seller pengirimannya cepat...hanya sayang gaada tempat penghangat nasi dan ga ada ukuran literan pas ditempat nasi nya..
best features: non-sticky, unique packaging commensurate with the price: yes, thx seller, fast delivery. It's just a shame there's no rice warmer and there's no literan size to fit the rice..
Diterima dengan aman dan sesuai deskripsi. Barang original berfungsi baik. Pengiriman sangat cepat. Thx u seller
received safely and as described. original item works fine. very fast delivery. thx u seller
Barang bagus.cepet pengiriman.pemakaian hari pertama lancar.pagi ini ada kendala WiFi ga bisa connect.semoga berharap bisa kembali normal.
good item. fast delivery. smooth first day of use. this morning there was a problem with the wifi not being able to connect. hopefully hope it can return to normal.
tatakan bawah pecah
broken bottom
Sudah dicoba tapi belum muncul channel, sptinya karna antena saya belum support,tapi buat wifi dan nonton youtube resolusi HD, mantap
I've tried it but the channel hasn't appeared, apparently because my antenna doesn't support it yet, but for wifi and watching YouTube in HD resolution, great
Kualitasnya baik, enteng tapi ngga mudah berkarat keliatanya, ukuranya sedang cocok but rebus mie instan
the quality is good, it's light but doesn't look rusty easily, the medium size is suitable for boiling instant noodles
Mantap barang bagus bgt pengiriman nya jga cepet banget malem pesen siang langsung sampe..kondisi oke ga ada yg lecet..langaung dicoba buat masak nasi jga oke berfungsi..keren bgt deh pokoknya.. Thanks
great item, really good, the delivery is also really fast, ordered at noon, arrived straight good condition, nothing is scratched..don't try to cook rice, it's okay, it's really cool anyway.. thanks
Sip manteb. Sangat bagus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sip manteb. very good !
Mantap lah Packaging super aman
great, super safe packaging
makasih y sis. brg ok bgt
thanks sis. brg ok bg
maaf baru di ulasan bagus berfungsi tapi kalo di pake di laptop gimana ya caranya ga bisa
sorry, it's new to the good reviews, it works, but if you use it on a laptop, how can you do it?
sukakkk bangrttt.. ampunnn.. langganan di toko inii selalu amanah
I really like it.. My goodness.. Customers at this store are always trustworthy
barang sampai walaupun penyok, tapi salut sama kurir yg rela nganterin walau kehujanan🥺
the item arrived even though it was dented, but salute to the courier who was willing to deliver even though it was raining
pemakaian lebih dari 2 minggu. So far okay. Semoga awet. Belum coba pasang simcard, semoga oke2 aja.
use for more than a week. so far okay. hope it lasts. haven't tried installing the simcard yet, hopefully it's okay.
Fitur Terbaik:wireles berfungsi Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sesuai dengan kualitas Original
best features: wireless works well worth the price: the price matches the original quality
bagusss bgt!! red switch enak bgt suaranyaaa 🥺🥺 oiya pas aku bukaa ini udh ga sealed dusnya mungkin udh dibuka buat test ya?? tp mulus2 aja sih barangnyaa, dan udh kupake lancar jayaaa 😎 poin plus bgt pengirimannya super cepet!! proses packingnya gapake lama. jam 4 order, jam 5 lsg dikirim 😍
great!! the red switch sounds really good, okay, when I open it, the box isn't sealed, maybe it's already been opened for a test, right? But the goods are smooth, and I've used them smoothly, great plus points, the delivery is super fast!! The packing process doesn't take long. hours of order, hours of lsg sent
udah beli ketiga kali ditoko ini.
I have bought third time from this shop.
Tombol on off aga keras
the on off button is a bit hard
kurang ngebas, harga segini dibandingkan ama plextone g30 masih enakan plextone
less bass, the price is like this compared to Plextone g, still prefer Plextone
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan alhamdulilah pesanan sudah sampai ,pengemasan cepat pengiriman cepat packing aman barang mulus berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya ,harga cocok sama kualitas pokonya saya suka terimakasih seller
best features: good worth the price: worth it thank God the order arrived, fast packaging fast delivery safe packing smooth goods work as they should, the price matches the quality of the points I like it thank you seller