paket udah diterima mantap sesuai pesanan toko amanah
The package has been received steadily according to the order of the trusted shop
sesuai spec.. packaging rapi
according to spec.. neat packaging
barang bagus, masih segel. original store.pengiriman cepat. terimakasih
good stuff, still sealed. original store. fast delivery. Thank You
peceging rapi bangus . hnya lama pngiriman nya . barangnya oke nol cacad..
peceging neat bangus . only the long delivery. the item is ok zero defects..
kok gak rapat ke lehergalon
how come it's not tight to the neck of the gallon
Lama banget g sampe2, pengiriman juga g diupdate
it took so long to arrive, the delivery also hasn't been updated
sip lah buat harga segini
sip is for this price
Sampai dengan sempurnaaaaaaa
up to perfection
barang murah..pengiriman lama
cheap stuff..long delivery
Barangnya sudah saya terima dengan kondisi baik, paking rapi, kurir ramah, terimakasih seler yang amanah, mantab belanja di toko anda, pengiriman juga Ok, Terimakasih lazada
I have received the goods in good condition, neatly packed, friendly courier, thank you reliable seller, great shopping at your store, delivery is also ok, thank you lazada
Kemasan cuma 1 lapis bubble wrap. Pengiriman agak lama, mungkin karena mendekati lebaran. Semoga awet
packaging is just a layer of bubble wrap. Delivery took quite a while, maybe because it was approaching the holidays. hope it lasts
Kurang panas gan
it's not hot enough
barang original berfungsi dengan baik, kualitas baik, pengepakan rapih. tidak ada yang rusak.
original item works fine, good quality, neat packing. nothing was broken.
Packing rapi & aman, rice cookernya tidak bisa menutup dg presisi tepat. Ada celahnya. Dari pabriknya yg QCnya tidak teliti. Sudah ditest barang beroperasi dg baik.
packing is neat & safe, the rice cooker can't close with the right precision. there is a gap. from the factory whose qc is not thorough. already tested the goods operate well.
Produk yang diterima sesuai dengan yang tertera pada deskripsi produk...penjual sangat cepat menjawab pertanyaan saya selama proses transaksi...dan selalu menangggapi dengan baik semua pertanyaan yang saya tanyakan... Terima kasih mas...
the product received is in accordance with what is stated in the product description. the seller was very quick to answer my questions during the transaction process. and always responded well to all the questions I asked. thank you sir.
Penyok di bagian samping, sudah hubungi penjual bilangnya mungkin kesalahan saat pengiriman karna sudah dicek sebelum pengiriman. Lumayanlah mau nyala
dent on the side, already contacted the seller saying it might be a mistake during delivery because it was checked before delivery. it's okay to turn on
Bagus.... saya suke... saya suke... saya suke... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Smoga awet... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Good. i like. i like. i like. . may it last.
walupun penyok kardusnya, Tapi barangnya ok bagus
even though the box is dented, but the item is ok good
Mantap, mski ada kndala di speaker sblh kanan, kresekยฒ, tp beres..trnyata cma kotor d bagian dlm nya.
great, even though there is a problem on the right speaker, crackle, but it's fixed... it's actually just dirty on the inside.
cek out, bayar, konfirmasi pembayaran, langsung di proses, langsung masuk system, 2 hari sampai by anter aja, meskipun sedang penuh2 nya delivery maklum menjelang lebaran. packing nya ok, barang sesuai pilihan dan HP nya juga bagus. Semenjak dapet hadiah Tablet advan 10.1 inch 2015 yang baru aja rusak, awet nya poll. ada kepercayaan sama advan.
check out, pay, confirm payment, process immediately, enter the system immediately, just arrive by delivery day, even though the delivery is full, it's understandable ahead of Eid. the packing is ok, the items according to choice and the cellphone is also good. since I got the Advan tablet as a gift. inch that has just been damaged, the poll will last. there is trust in Advan.
Mksh Gan barang sudah diterima sesuai dengan pesanan packing rapih & cepat sampai Nya ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
Thank you, bro, the goods have been received according to the order, the packaging is neat & fast, it arrived
ketelitian penjual perlu ditingkatkan
the accuracy of the seller needs to be improved
Pengiriman cepat.. barangnya asli, sesuai dengan gambar. Ada garansinya tapi sayang packingnya kurang rapi gak pake plastik anti benturan cuma dibungkus pake plastik biasa. Dan ada lecet bagian samping juga bawah terus langsung di tes oke, panasnya bagus semoga aweet....
fast delivery.. the item is original, according to the picture. there is a guarantee, but it's a shame the packaging isn't neat, it doesn't use anti-collision plastic, it's just wrapped in ordinary plastic. and there are scuffs on the sides as well as the bottom and then it's tested right away, okay, the heat is good, hopefully it lasts.
lumayan, feel bagian spasi agak kurang si
not bad, feel the spacing is a bit lacking
Jgan pernah beli produk di toko ini barang rongsok gk bisa di pke sumpah demi alloh saya gk bohong ...respon pun gk ada tanggung jawab
Never buy products at this shop, junk goods can't be used, I swear to God I don't lie. There's no response.
price: kmm..m
pacing rapi,pengiriman cepat,hanya saja nomor bundling tidak dapat diaktifkan sampai saat saya menulis ulasan ini padahal sudah diisi pulsa.
neat pacing, fast delivery, it's just that the bundling number can't be activated until the time I write this review even though it has been topped up.
Berfungsi dengan baik, pengiriman cepat padahal ke Jawa tengah Loh. Maaf videonya gak ada, karna yang punya gak bersedia memvideokan.
works fine, fast delivery even though it's to Central Java. Sorry, there's no video, because the one who owns it isn't willing to make a video.
Pengeiriman sangat lambat
very slow delivery
Barang nya bagus sesuai pesanan maaf foto nya ga sesuai karena barang nya sudah dikasih ke orang nya
the item is good according to the order, sorry the photo doesn't match because the item has already been given to the person
untuk barangnya oke gak ada kerusakan,aman. tapi untuk proses pengiriman lama dan penjual slow respon.
for the goods okay no damage, safe. but for the long delivery process and the seller is slow to respond.
Yeyyyy barangnyaa udah sampeee dan lumayann cepet juga sampenyaaa thankyouuuuu๐Ÿ˜
yes, the item has arrived and it's pretty fast too, thank you
Pengiriman nya lama bgt
the delivery is very long
Malam pesan ..bsk jam 1030 datang...krn pk instan....admin baik dan ramah dibalas....barang mulus ...hanya kok tutupnya agak ongleng2 dikit gt yah pas ditutup ..yah semoga awet yah.... thx yah
Evening order..the clock arrives.krn pk instan.admin is kind and is replied.goods are smooth.only how come the lid is a little slanted when closed...well hopefully it will last. thx yeah
Tampilan:sangat bagus Performa:sangat bagus Kualitas:sangat bagus Barang mulus sangat bagus
display: very good performance: very good quality: very good smooth very good item
Patah jadi gk bisa ngunci....Tolong dong di cek lg barangnya .. inikan shopeemall. Seharusnya lebih terjamin kualitasnya MENGECEWAKAN
it's broken so it can't be locked. Please check the item again... this is shopeemall. should be more guaranteed the quality is disappointing
Packing dipakaiin bablewarp doble luar dalam tapi sayang bgt bagian blakangnya pecah๐Ÿ˜ญ, tapi untuk setlikanya berfungsi baik panas cepet bgt dan enteng buat setlika
packing using double bubble wrap inside and out but it's a shame the back part is broken, but for the iron it works well it gets hot fast and it's easy to iron
Barang berfunsi dengan baik, tpi sayang body mesin'nya banyak goresan kya barang bekas..
the item works fine, but it's a shame the engine body has a lot of scratches like used goods..
Pengiriman cepet , barang mantep , Bahkan admin nya chat untuk konfirmasi Madep๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
fast delivery, great stuff, even the admin chats to confirm madep
Bagus, kokoh dan pas dipakai untuk sehari hari. Tapi pemasangan nya agak sulit
nice, sturdy and fit for everyday use. but the installation is a bit difficult
Fitur Terbaik:barang berfungsi dengan baik dan tampilan bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai harga Masih baru dan tidak ada cela . Cuma perlu di perbaiki pengemasannya kurang aman untuk elektronik kalau tidak di lapisi bable wrap . Dan ppengiriman juga lama bingit
the best feature: the item works well and looks good worth the price: according to the price it's still new and there are no blemishes . it just needs to be fixed, the packaging is less safe for electronics if it's not covered in cable wrap. and the shipping takes too long
Barang sampai dengan selamat dan sesuai pesanan thnks
item arrived safely and as ordered thnks
Terima kasih brng sdh di Terima super cepat,pesan tengah malam,siang sdh sampe, sdh pake merk ini super awet bangeet dari anak ku SD kelas 1 sampai masuk SMU kelas 1. baru rusak ,berharap ini ganti nya semoga sama awet nya yaa.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Thank you, the item was received super fast, ordered at midnight, arrived in the afternoon, already using this brand, it's super durable, from my child's elementary school to high school. it's just broken, I hope this will replace it, hopefully it will last the same.
Seneng banget beli disini, barangnya bagus sesuai pict, udh dipake, bener2 berfungsi. Sukakk bgt
I'm really happy to buy here, the item is good according to the picture, it's been used, it really works. love it
value to price
value to price
Terima kasih banyak sis barang sudah sampai di rumah, barang bagus sesuai dengan gambar dan diskripsi, pengiriman barang juga cepat
thank you very much, sis, the goods have arrived at the house, the goods are good according to the pictures and descriptions, the delivery of goods is also fast
pengiriman sesuai estimasi. Barang tidak ada yg lecet.Tks
Delivery as estimated. there are no scuffed items. tks
barangnya sdh saya terima tp gagangnya patah, saya minta ditukar dng yg bagus.
I have received the item but the handle is broken, I asked to exchange it with a good one.
langsung dicoba,,, sesuai gambar, tp panasnya gak begitu,, sesuai dg harga lah makasihh ya lazada
I tried it right away, it's according to the picture, but the heat isn't that good... it's according to the price, thanks, lazada
barang ny bagus sesuai deskripsi nya putaran nya kecang tapi tidak bising pisau tajam. Tapi sayang pektnya cuma dikasih bubble crap doang kga dibungkus lagi lagi soalnya inikan lumayan jauh pengiriman nya
the item is good, according to the description, the rotation is fast, but there is no sharp knife noise. but it's a shame that the package was only given bubble crap, not wrapped again, the problem is that the delivery is quite far
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan agak lama sampeny dr kurirny
best features: good value for money: good value for it took a while to arrive from the courier
Harga:worth it Kualitas:ok Ketajaman:gatau Dikirim langsung untuk hadiah jdi gatau tajem apa engga blm d infoin tpi cpt dtng. Pengemasan hanya buble wrap kurang privasi.
price: worth it quality: ok sharpness: not sent directly as a gift so don't know if it's sharp or not, no info yet, but it's fast. packaging only bubble wrap lacks privacy.
bahan bagus diskon gede mantap
good material great big discount
Alhamdulillah pesanan tiba dengan selamat... Hp nya keren sesuai pesanan ... Bonus Bonusnya lengkap tak ada yang kurang.. Semuanya sesuai dengan iklan .... Semoga awet dan tahan lama...terima kasih semoga selalu berkah dan amanah dengan kepercayaan yg semakin berkualitas .... ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿค๐Ÿป๐Ÿค๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
alhamdulillah the order arrived safely. the cellphone is cool according to the order. the bonuses are complete, nothing is missing... everything is according to the ad. I hope it lasts and lasts a long time. Thank you. I hope you are always blessed and trustworthy with increasingly quality trust.
Barang datang dengan aman dan pengiriman sangat cepat, kualitas mouse bagus dan berfungsi normal. Dengan harga segini sudah mendapat mouse dengan kualitas premium, sesuai deskripsi, dan semoga barangnya awet
the goods came safely and the delivery was very fast, the quality of the mouse is good and works normally. at this price, you have got a mouse with premium quality, according to the description, and hopefully the goods will last
Mantaaapppp joosssss.............
great joos.
Coper berfungsi dg baik tidak ada yg cacat , thankyou
the chopper works fine, nothing is defective, thank you
Barangnya berfungsi dengan baik, dan pengirimannya cepet banget pesen kmrin pagi, dan pagi ini udah sampe, rekomen banget deh
the item works fine, and the delivery was really fast, ordered yesterday morning, and this morning it arrived, really recommend
qualitas bagus, switch nya scratchy tapi bisa di lube, stabilizer nya walaupun rattle, bisa di holee mod. software nya agak aneh dan kadangยฒ ngedrop input garaยฒ softwarenya freeze, polling rate sesuai apa yang di katakan, rgb lumayan untuk pricerange ini dan qualitas pcb lumayan, recommend buat orang yang mau main rhythm game kayak osu atau etterna
the quality is good, the switch is scratchy but can be lubricated, the stabilizer is rattle though, it can be modded in holes. the software is a bit strange and sometimes it drops inputs because the software freezes, the polling rate matches what was said, the rgb is decent for this price range and the pcb quality is decent, recommend it for people who want to play rhythm games like osu or etterna
Smua aplikasi gak mau ke buka ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
all applications do not want to open
Barang sdah sampai tapi belom di tes,packing rapih pengiriman yah lumayanlah masih sesuai jadwal nya
the goods have arrived but have not been tested, the packaging is neat, the delivery is okay, it's still on schedule
pesan yg kedua kalinya
second message
Sesuai dengan harga lah, cursor nya sering gerak padahal mouse ngga nempel di mouse pad
according to the price, the cursor often moves even though the mouse doesn't stick to the mouse pad
pengirimannya lama minus itu aj packaging nya bubble wrap tipis harga 19.900 alhmdulillah ga penyok bandung-jakarta dgn packaging seadanya panci jawa ok over all ok bangets guys๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
the delivery takes a long time minus the packaging, the bubble wrap is thin, the price is . alhmdulillah no dent in bandung-jakarta with makeshift packaging for a pot of java ok over all ok really guys
Barang bagus. Cm mungkin belum terbiasa aja dengan posisi tombolnya. Pencetannya nyaman. Recomended lah. Cm saya kmrn ekspedisi yg dipilih sangat lama pengirimannya . Baru kali ini saya gratis ongkir tp barangnya lama sampai
good stuff. cm maybe just not used to the position of the button. comfortable squeeze. it's recommended. cm I yesterday the selected expedition took a very long time to deliver. This is the first time I have free shipping but the goods take a long time to arrive
Gk tau mw bilang apa
I don't know what to say
brag amn tp pegrimn lamaaa bgt
brag men but the delivery is really long
headsetnya ga sesuai ekspektasi euy semoga rexus liat๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ pelayanan admin tokonya ramah gercep gokil๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
the headset doesn't meet expectations, I hope Rexus can see that the shop admin service is crazy friendly
barang datangnya lama,udah datangnya lama bgt eh pas nyampe teplonny pada pengok,blm disitu aja kekecewaanny.kurirnya g jujur mentang saya g da dirumah krn sedang lahiran yg nerima nene2 minta uang pembayaranny lebih dri seharusnya.kurirnya g jujur sangat mengecewakan sekali..kapoookkkk....
the goods took a long time to arrive, it took a long time to come, when it arrived, the phone was delivered to the delivery man, but there was no disappointment. The courier was not honest, because I was not at home because the one who received the nene asked for money to pay more than it should. The courier, to be honest, was very disappointing.. give up .
Kwalitas barang oke , packing oke , Respon penjual kurang baik , ketika barang engga ada tidak konfirmasi sama sekali , padahal saya nunggu dari hari sabtu, transaksi jum,at malam , kalo emang barang engga ada ya bilang , hari senin pas di tanya baru bilang ,,mana harus pengembalian dana lama
the quality of the goods is okay, the packing is okay, the seller's response is not good, when the goods are not there, there is no confirmation at all, even though I am waiting from Saturday, the transaction is Friday, at night, if the goods are not there, I will say, Monday, when I was asked, I said, , where to refund old
tempatnya bagus dan kabel chargernya panjang
the place is good and the charger cable is long
Alhamdulillah barang sampai dgn selamat tanpa lecet sedikitpun...mskipun pngemasan nya hampir seminggu tapi ya gpp yg penting memuaskan... Smoga awet ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely without the slightest scratch. even though the packaging was almost a week but yes, the important thing is that it is satisfying. may it last
Produknya bagus tapi sayang tutupnya penyok sepertinya saat packing terkena benturan yang cukup keras, proses kirimnya juga cepat dari seller ke kurir tapi karena pakai sicepat jadi sampainya 3 hari, respon seller ramah, cepat juga responnya. Semoga produknya awet.
the product is good but it's a shame the lid is dented it seems like when the packing was hit hard enough, the sending process was also fast from the seller to the courier but because it was used fast it arrived the day, the seller's response was friendly, the response was fast too. hopefully the product lasts.
Barang termasuk bagus. Platnya lumayan tebal. Hanya saja bentuk yg ada di gambar tidak sama dengan yg diberikan, walaupun kode produknya sama.
items are good. the plate is quite thick. it's just that the shape in the picture is not the same as the one given, even though the product code is the same.
Mantap, tp ini tipe yg pinggirannya ga dijahit yaa bestie
ex, but this is the type where the edges aren't sewn, right bestie
barang bagus walaupun pake drama paket nyasar....untung ketemu.
good stuff even though it's using a drama package that got lost. Luckily I found it.
Barang sudah sampai, sesuai, bagus siap diapakai untuk kerja
the goods have arrived, fit, good ready to use for work
brgx udh smpe dgn aman ..setrika udh di coba panas n enk di pakai ..kurir ramah n sopan .mksh lazada
brgx arrived safely...the iron has been tried and it's hot and it's nice to use...the courier is friendly and polite...thx lazada
Proses dan pengiriman cepat...
fast processing and shipping.
review pemakaian: kalo utk ngegame kurang nyamann
review of usage: for gaming it's not comfortable
Parah adminnya respon admin lama sekali, ada banyak tidak jawab chatt.pembeli cape tggu update admin. Barang ya biasa sj.
it's bad that the admin response is taking too long, there are lots of chatts that don't answer. Buyers are tired of waiting for admin updates. stuff is normal sj.
Batrai ngedropan, tab lemot.. ya sesuai dengan harga. Respon penjual baik
the battery is dropping, the tab is slow... yes according to the price. good seller response
Barang dtg dengan kondisi kabel hitam spt bukan barang baru
the item comes with a black cable condition like it's not new
Barang sampe dengan cepat, packing rapi, next order lagi di toko ini...๐Ÿ˜
the goods arrived quickly, well packed, next order again at this shop.
sangat baik, pengiriman yang cepat
very good, fast delivery
Paket sampe dg selamat. Semuanya baik. Harganya sangat bersahabat, smg awet. Setelah dipake bbrp kali ternyata ada sedikit kerusakan ditombol z, kalo huruf z sering ketekan sendiri l& akan muncul huruf z yg banyak. Harus dicabut dulu togglenya spy normal. Lumayan annoying sih, bisa diperbaiki ga?
package arrived safely. all good. the price is very friendly, very durable. after using it a few times it turns out that there is a little damage on the z button, if the letter z often presses itself l & a lot of z letters will appear. must be revoked first togglenya spy normal. it's quite annoying, can you fix it?
Ada garansi toko.ย Ada garansi resmi.ย Barangnya original ๐Ÿ‘.ย Penjualnya ramah banget.ย Packaging aman ๐Ÿ™.ย Packaging rapi.ย Respon penjualnya top.
there is a store warranty. there is an official warranty. the goods are original. the seller is very friendly. safe packaging . neat packaging. top seller response.
barang sudah sampai, memuaskan pokok nya, maksh lazada dan kurir
the goods have arrived, satisfying the point, max lazada and the courier
Cepat sampai, seller responsif, packing baik. Pasangnya agak bingung, tapi akhirnya bisaa. Anginnya kenceng dan kokoh banget kipasnya.
Arrived quickly, responsive seller, well packed. it was a bit confusing to install, but finally got it. the wind is strong and the fan is very sturdy.
saya pesenke warna merah muda kenapa datangnya biru,,terus pengukusnya jg nggak adA,,kecewa juga ternyata pancinya tipis
I ordered pink, why did the blue one come, and the steamer wasn't there either, I was also disappointed that the pot was thin
pengiriman cepat, barang original, semuanya komplit, dan desain yang menarik semoga awet. makasih
fast delivery, original goods, everything is complete, and an attractive design, hopefully it will last. Thanks
superioorr thx
superior thx
harganya ok, spek juga ok,
price is ok, specs are also ok,
untuk harga segini kualitasnya bagus banget, cocok buat main game" action atau adventure, feelnya kayak stik ps sih jadi enak buat di pencet karena tombolnya empuk bgt, 5 star for you guys
for this price the quality is really good, suitable for playing games#; action or adventure, it feels like a PS stick, so it's good to press because the buttons are really soft, star for you guys
Tutupnyaa ga bisa nutup dengan sempurna, mau retur tp ngga bisa karna tgl transaksi udah lewat, what a sadest moment when i do shopping online๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’”
the lid can't close perfectly, I want to return but can't because the transaction date has passed, what's the saddest moment when I do shopping online
sesuai pesanan
as ordered
Saya minta ajukan pengembalian aja ya. Padahal shopee mall. Makasih
I'm asking for a refund. even though the shop mall. Thanks
Rexus seri minim yg paling digemari, Pengiriman kategori cepat, Barang kualitas bagus, Harga Relatif
the most popular rexus mini series, fast category delivery, good quality goods, relative prices