Ceret nya bagus. Tp sayang penyok dikit. Gak sempat foto krena mau dbuat kado.
the kettle is good. but unfortunately a little dented. I didn't have time to take a photo because I wanted to make a gift.
Harga:standar Kualitas:bagusss Ketajaman:belum coba Paket cepat sampai. Baru pesen kemarin lusa sudah datang, walaupun box ada penyoknya tp pisaunya bagus bgtt,sukaaaa thx
price: standard quality: good sharpness: haven't tried the package arrived quickly. I just ordered the day before yesterday and it arrived, even though the box has a dent but the knife is really good, I like it, thx
packing oke, sayang pengiriman ternyata yang biasanya dikirim besok harinya, nyampe jadi lusa nya. but isoke, hope it works well
packing okay, it's a shame the delivery turned out to be what is usually sent the next day, it arrived the day after tomorrow. but isoke, hope it works well
barang sih oke tapi dikirim nya lama pesen dr tgl 13 baru dikirim tgl 18
the item is okay but it took a long time to send the message from the new date it was sent
Harga:biasa Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:bagus Packingnya lamaaaaaaa bgt, kualitas ok. Saran utk seller jangan kelamaan di packing.
price: normal quality: good sharpness: good the packaging took a long time, the quality is ok. Suggestion to seller don't pack too long.
sampai 18/6/18 barang blm sampai di alamat pengiriman .sangat mengecewakan.
until // the goods haven't arrived at the delivery address. very disappointing.
Bagus, empuk dan panjangnya pas ama keyboard yg dirumah. Overall suka banget
good, soft and the length fits the keyboard at home. overall really like it
Barang sampai patah. Barang ringkih tp dalemnya ga dibubble wrap, cuma kotaknya untuk apa😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
things break. Fragile items but inside there is no bubble wrap, only the box is for what
Ok. Barang sdh dicoba. Thanks gan
ok. item has been tried. thanks bro
kardus paketnya sy ambil dalam keadaan penyok, isi box yg dibuka paksa, dan isi yg tidak rapi. mungkin itu dari pihak ekspedisiniya. tapi utk mouseny, ada bagian di sudut mouse yg seperti habis jatuh. membuat warna ny jd loss . sperti barang rusak .
I took the cardboard package in a dented condition, the contents of the box were forced open, and the contents were not neat. maybe it's from the expedition. but for the mouse, there is a part in the corner of the mouse that seems to have fallen off. make the color loss. like damaged goods.
Semoga ajah gak ada yang rusak didalamnya, mau diliat gak bisa, karena mau buat kado.. Pengiriman lumayan cepat, hanya saja kurirnya lambat nganter, seharusnya kemarin nyampe.. Tapi kurirnya bilang, kalau maunya hari ini gimana 🤦🏻‍♀
I hope nothing is broken inside, I can't see it, because I want to make a gift... the delivery is quite fast, it's just that the courier is slow to deliver, it should have arrived yesterday... but the courier said, what if I want it today
Nicee, tpi pengiriman lama
nicee, but long delivery
Packing rusak, Kardus penyok, pas di buka rice cookernya juga penyok☹ sedih banget. Lain kali mohon di perbaiki ya packing nya. Biar g ada yg kaya saya 🙏
the packaging was damaged, the cardboard was dented, when I opened the rice cooker it was really dented too sadly. Next time, please improve the packaging. let no one like me
Seperti Deskripsi, dan sesuai ekspektasi ! tapi pengiriman sangat lambat jadi dikasih 4bintang :)
as described, and as expected! but the delivery is very slow so give a star :)
Desain:minimalis Kualitas:rangka kuat Kenyamanan:kurang tegap, dan headrest kejauhan Harga segini kualitas lumayan kuat, keliatan kokoh walau masih rada goyang senderannya, untuk hedrest ketingian (padahal sudah paling bawah). Sayang ga ada kartu garansi, jadi takut.
design: minimalist quality: strong frame comfort: not sturdy, and the headrest is far away at this price, the quality is quite strong, looks sturdy, although the backrest still shakes a bit, for the high headrest (even though it's already at the bottom). unfortunately there is no warranty card, so I'm afraid.
Fitur Terbaik:sensitifitas dan kualitas barang Sepadan dengan Harga:murah dan bagus
best features: sensitivity and quality of goods commensurate with the price: cheap and good
Thanks gan barang sudah sampai di rumah dan sangat baik
thank you, bro, the goods have arrived at home and are very good
Barang oke tapi dusnya penyok.
the item is ok but the box is dented.
Prodk sesuai deskripsi. Seller responsif. Hanya packing kurang. Sblum d beri bubblewrap ada baiknya d bungkus dlu. Paket yg dtng keliatan gbr dos nya. Ketemu kurir jne yg malas ngetok pintu, mlh d titip tetangga pdhl ada org d rmh. Jd nya tetangga tau kita bèlanja apa. Jd omongan
product according to the description. responsive seller. only less packing. before giving bubblewrap it's better to wrap it first. the package that came looks like a picture of the dos. I met a courier, who was lazy to knock on the door, but was sent by a neighbor even though someone was at home. so the neighbors know what we are shopping for. so talk
Barang yang dikirim kurang memuaskan
the goods sent are unsatisfactory
Respon penjual baik, pengiriman cepat, bertanggung jawab
good seller response, fast delivery, responsible
Respon mantap, Packing mantap, item mantap
great response, great packing, great item
kotak agak penyot dan gratisanya minta ganti mouspad aja tapi tidak di kasih padahal di chat katanya bisa
the box is a bit dented and for free I just ask to replace the mouse pad but it's not given even though in chat it says it can
Barang sesuai dgn pesanan. Terima kasih..
goods according to the order. Thank You..
good seller
good sellers
Fitur Terbaik:Semua Fitur Nya Terbaik Lah Bro Sepadan dengan Harga:Ya Sepadan La Enak Si Buat Negaming
the best features: all the features are the best, bro, worth the price: yes, it's worth it, it's good for negaming
Lumayan, pengiriman lama sekali, barang sesai pesanan sama no minus tapi tidak sesuai ekspetasi.. yahhh cukup lahh 👌
not bad, the delivery took too long, the goods after the order were the same no minus but not according to expectations... well that's enough
Pass udh dinyalain batre masih ada tp tiba2 mati
Pass, already turned on, the battery is still there, but it suddenly turns off
Kameranya butek uyyy
uy stupid camera
gak bisa untuk cabai...
not for chili.
mantap. banyak bonusnya.. bisa order lagi ga?
Excellent. lots of bonuses.. can I order again?
Bagus u/ harga segini, cm emg tipis&ringan
it's good for that price, it's thin and light
Packing aman gan. Sesuai deskripsi. Semoga awet dan garansi tembus..
packing is safe bro. according to the description. hope it lasts and the warranty goes through..
Panciny penyok SM cetnya da yg ngelupas
a pot that is dented with paint that is peeling off
terima kasih oven telah sampai dengan baik dan mulus tanpa cacat respon penjual baik
Thank you, the oven has arrived well and smooth without defects, the seller's response is good
Lama sampai nya🤧
long time to arrive
Bagus kok... cuma kayaknya saya salah pesen wkwkwkw.
really good. I just think I got the message wrong wkwkwk.
kliknya berat, ga silent ya msh ada suara yg lumayan keras, sesuai sama harga laah haha
the click is heavy, it's not silent, it still has a pretty loud sound, it's the same as the price haha
Harga:standard Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:tajam Suka bagus sesuai sama yg digambar. Bagus pisau nyaa suka. Cocok bgt buat kado. Oke thankyu ❤❤
price: standard quality: good sharpness: sharp like good according to what is drawn. nice knife like it. great for gifts. okay thankyou
Pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai deskripsi, dapet bonus stand
fast delivery, item as described, got a bonus stand
barang sesuai deskripsi dan semoga bisa awet. Sekedar masukan aja, packingnya lebih diperhatikan lagi. terimakasih
Item as described and hopefully will last. just input, packing more attention. Thank You
Barang sudah dicoba normal, semoga awet
The item has been tested normally, hopefully it will last
Barang original pengiriman cepat respon penjual ramah semoga awet ya kipas ya
original item fast delivery friendly seller response hope it lasts ya fan
Harga:oke Pengiriman:lumayan cepat Kualitas:baik Rekomendasi buat yg lainnya
price: ok delivery: pretty fast quality: good recommendation for others
bayar tanggal 29 baru kemaren nyampe lama pengirimannya, chat gak pernah di respon ternyata diameter 22cm kecil:v
paid for the new date yesterday, it took a long time for the delivery, the chat was never responded to, it turns out that the diameter is small cm: v
Ada sedikit bagian didekat rgb dari bodynya yang tajam :( mungkin waktu pembuatan badanya kurang diperhatikan, mungkin cuman unit saya :(, tpi semua all good
there are a few parts near the rgb of the body which are sharp :( maybe the time for making the body was not paid attention to, maybe it's just my unit :(, but everything is all good
Tampilan:baik Performa:sanhat baij Kualitas:original
display:good performance:very good quality:original
kenapa body dispensernya juga ikutan panas ya ?
why is the body dispenser also getting hot?
barangnya bagus, sampainya cepat...terimakasih...👍🙏
good item, arrived fast, thank you.
barangnya sangat bagus sngt bermanfaat tokonya amanah jngn ragu belanha d tokoini s
the goods are very good, very useful, the shop is trustworthy, don't hesitate to shop at this shop
Permintaan hitam, di kirim putih
request black, sent white
Tolong ya kk dengan sngat2 , tlong di refund barang yg gak di kirim ini. Ini udah 2 Minggu lebih gak ada respon untuk refund. Tlong di respon!!!! Udah di chat msih gak respon untuk refund. Jangan biarkan pelanggan kecewa dan menyebar ke yang lain nya
Please, kk, very seriously, please refund the item that was not sent. It's been more than a week with no response for a refund. please respond! already in the chat still no response for a refund. don't let disappointed customers and spread to others
barang nyampe dg cep Barang awet untuk pemakaian rumab tangga udah 1th
goods arrive quickly durable goods for household use already th
Performa lancar. Barangnya original 👍.
smooth performance. the goods are original.
alhamdulillah barangnya sampai dgn aman, gaada yg pecah maupun rusak. Tp seller ga amanah, sudh pesan packing kayu sesuai dgn ketentuan berat barang tp hanya di packing dgn bubble wrap.
thank God the goods arrived safely, nothing was broken or damaged. But the seller is not trustworthy, I ordered wood packaging according to the weight of the goods but only packed with bubble wrap.
Suka..dibungkus rapih, barang tidak ada yang cacat, terimakasih banyak kak
like it..wrapped neatly, nothing is defective, thank you very much sis
sampai dengan aman. lengkap. tapi plastik yg ada kata maspionnya tidak bisa di pasang karena untuk ngaitnya terbalik.(pasang terbalik) mungkin dr pbriknya salah cetak. untuk toko klo bisa periksa dulu. terimaksih.smoga kedepannya lebik yaah. terimaksih
arrived safely. complete. but the plastic that says maspion can't be installed because the hook is upside down. (install upside down) maybe the manufacturer made a wrong print. for the shop, if you can check first. thank you. hopefully in the future it will be better. thank you
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesui sama harga kok Fitur Terbaik:lemot tapi namanya aja barang seken Hp mati sendiri lemot banget😭 wajar sih namanya nya aja seken sukses terus kk yg terpenting kk nya amanah 🙏😊
commensurate with the price: according to the price, how come the best features: slow, but the name of the item used to turn off the cell phone itself is very slow, it's normal that the name just keeps on being successful, the most important thing is that you are trustworthy
Sip, desainnya keren
sip, cool design
blm coba buat kado tp suka barangny.
Haven't tried it as a gift yet but love the stuff.
barangnya bagus, cuma tidak ada tombol buat matiin mouseny:v
the item is good, only there is no button to turn off the mouse: v
bagus makasih semua
good thanks all
Toko bintang 5 anteraja bintang 1
Bintang Anteraja Store
Keren sih barangnya, semoga awet ya, next beli yang lain lagi , Thanks!!
the item is really cool, I hope it lasts, next time I'll buy something else, thanks!!
Bagus gak ada lecet, dan pengiriman cepat
great, no scratches, and fast delivery
3 jam doang barang langsung datang ... Luarbiasa
Just watch the goods come straight away. Extraordinary
emang rajanya game... game apa aja dilibas.. batere hemat.. tapi sayang kecerahannya gak bisa diatur lebih gelap lagi..
is the king of games. what games are being bullied.. the battery saves.. but it's a shame the brightness can't be adjusted any darker..
pengirimannya lebih cepat dari yang saya perkirakan.
the delivery was quicker than i expected.
maaf kk krmin blender bnyk bgt, kn yg konfirmasi hny 1, yg 2 blm sy konfirmasi, mlh dikirim lg, gmn sih, klo blm dikonfirmasi nmnya blm deal, jgn dikirim. sy mau dagang blender emangnya. aduh payah ni toko.
I'm sorry sis because there are so many blenders, only those who confirmed, what I haven't confirmed yet, have been sent again, how come, if it hasn't been confirmed the name hasn't been a deal, don't send it. I really want to trade blender. ouch this shop.
Produk bagus cuma kecewa nya nyala sebelah tapi udh konfirmasi ke official service nya,alhasil harus ribet return but its oke yg penting udh mau bertanggung jawab. Masi nunggu produk ny dikirim lagi mudah" an nanti gada kendala apapun.
good product, just disappointed that it turned on next door but confirmed with the official service, as a result, it had to be complicated to return, but its okay, the important thing is that you want to be responsible. Still waiting for the product to be shipped again easily, there won't be any problems later.
Harga:baguss Kualitas:mantaap semoga awet Ketajaman:td dipakai tajam sih semoga aja awet
price: good quality: great, hope it lasts sharpness: not used sharp, I hope it lasts
harga miring + bonus memori sumpah asli murah dibandingkan dgn harga resmi
slanted price + original oath memory bonus is cheap compared to the official price
Kualitas suara mantap, tidak menyesal beli ini
Great sound quality, no regrets buying this
Barang telah sampai dalam keadaan bagus dan packingnya rapi
the item arrived in good condition and well packaged
Pengiriman cepat kemarin pesan, skrng sudah datang, Kualitas bagus sesuai harga, cuma klik tombol forward n back nya terlalu dalam n kyk tertukar gk sesuai di buku petunjuk, tapi mantaap mouse seri terbarunya, sblmnya pke yg Fantech Raigor W4 semoga awet kyk seri sblm nya..
fast delivery ordered yesterday, now it's here, good quality according to price, just click the forward n back button it's too deep and it seems like it's switched not according to the instructions, but it's great for the newest mouse series, before using the fantech raigor w I hope it lasts like the previous series ..
Bagus banget mixernya, dan langsung aku coba buat bolu dong. Semoga awet, makasih seluler........
the mixer is really good, and I immediately tried making sponge cake. hope it lasts, thanks cellular.
keyboard nya bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik,suaranya sih mantab banget.walau case nya biasa aja kualitasnya.dan juga msh agak rattle di spacebar nya cmn bisa di lube sendiri sih.jadi overall dengan harga segini udh bagus dan enak bgt keycaps nya bagus pilihan switch nya jga mantab.
the keyboard is good and works well, the sound is really good. even though the case is just average. the quality is still a bit rattle on the spacebar, but you can lube it yourself. it's not great either.
Barang sesuai tapi lama bgt pengiriman nya... Biasa cm 3hr nyampe ini Ampe 1 mggu baru nyampe...
the item is ok but the delivery took too long. Usually, the day it arrives until the week it arrives.
Bgs barangnya tp Rice cooker posisi bawahnya masuk k dalem mungkin jatoh ato apalah.waktu pengirimannya.. jd posisinya miring.tutupnya jg g mau setelah sy buka posisi bawah rice cookernya. jd normal lg..tolong kurirnya lebih berhati2 lg dlm menjaga barang2 custm.ny..mksh
Good thing, but the bottom position of the rice cooker goes inside, maybe it falls or something. When it's delivered, it's tilted. The lid doesn't want to be locked. But after I opened the bottom position of the rice cooker. so it's normal again...please the courier be more careful in guarding the customer's goods...thx
agak komplek jadi tutupnya miring. tp tak mengurangi fungsi. jadi daku tak retur
a bit complex being the lid tilted. but doesn't reduce function. so I don't return
Mantap udh di coba berfungsi dgn baik dan pengiriman juga cepat pesan hari ini besok sampai 👍
great already tried it works well and delivery is also fast ordered today arrived tomorrow
packaging rapih dan kokoh
neat and sturdy packaging
Pengiriman lumayan cepat. Bagus barangnya sesuai harga dan pictnya. Nnti kapan2 beli lagi lah yahhh hehehehheehe
pretty fast delivery. good item according to the price and the pic. When will I buy it again, hehehehehehe
Mantap, sudah sampai di rumah. Blm coba pakai, kalo oke nanti bintang 5. Udh sola tarawih di bulan 🌙 di rumah 🏡 di kirim belum pernah ada di Indonesia yang telah disatukan yangt isya Dan aku jg udh ngantuk be used to write
Great, I'm home. Haven't tried using it yet, if it's okay, it'll be a star. I've never been able to put together a tarawih prayer on the moon at home in Indonesia to be used to write
Alhamdulillah terimakasih berkualitas dan proses cepat, semoga sukses selalu
alhamdulillah thank you for the quality and fast process, good luck always
sangat mengecewakan barang tidakbseauay yg di inginkan pesen yg motip totol dateng yg polos biasa udah gtu baranngnya penyok penyok sangat mengecewakan
very disappointing, the goods don't match what you want, the order for the dotted pattern comes, the usual plain, that's it, the goods are dented, very disappointing
Bagus, tapi ya saya minta biru di kirim merah 😂
nice, but yes I asked for blue and sent red
langsung dicoba panas ko,,pengemasan cepat ,,barang bagus,,harga murah,,,semoga awet
I tried it right away, it's hot, fast packaging, good stuff, cheap price, hope it lasts
Tajam. Kualitas Produk Bagus. Produk Original.
sharp. good product quality. original product.
Barangnya mantapp & bagus, tp toko salah kirim warna. Yang di order warna hitam tp yg datang merah. Sayang bgt ga bisa ditukar lg diatas 3 hari, tp overall bagus. Terima kasih
the item is great & nice, but the store sent the wrong color. Ordered black but came red. it's a shame it can't be exchanged again on the day, but overall it's good. Thank You
4x pakai langsung aus geriginya. Kurang bagus dan akan coba ke service center krna msh garansi.
x use it to wear out the teeth directly. it's not good and will try to go to the service center because it's still under warranty.
Agak ribet masangnya, tapi kipasnya bagus sejauh ini.
a bit tricky to install, but the fan is good so far.
Maaf ya fotonya lain, barang pesenan orang sudah diambil lupa foto saking senengnya.
sorry, the photo is different, people's orders have been taken, they forgot to take a photo, I'm so happy.
seterika listrik datang mulus ga cacat cuman kok kurang panas ya kalo menurut saya tapi bagus kok saya kira ukurannya gede ternyata kecil tapi ga kecil banget sih bisa di bawa pas bepergian tapi mantap sih menurut aku
the electric iron came smoothly, no defects, it's just how come it's not hot enough, in my opinion, but it's good, I thought the size was big, it turned out to be small, but it's not really small, you can take it when traveling, but it's great, in my opinion
Sampai lebih cepat, sesuai deskripsi
arrived quickly, according to the description
Barangnya sesuai pesanan tapi sayang bagian kanan nya penyok :( mungkin jasa expedisi nya ngebanting/numpukin ma barang laen 😭😭😭
the goods are according to the order but it's a shame the right side is dented :( maybe the expedition service slammed / piled up other goods
Sepadan dengan Harga:tolong untuk yang menjual tablet ini saya punya masalah saya baru pake dua hari kok tablet nya mati di cas juga tidak bisa tidak muncul logo baterai nya iya saya tahu harganya juga murah tapi tidak begini juga masa baru di pake dua hari rusak sekian dan saya minta maaf atas komentar saya yang kurang bagus dan juga tolong bagai mana menyalakan tablet nya
commensurate with the price: please for those who sell this tablet I have a problem I have only used it for two days how come the tablet turns off on charging too can't the battery logo doesn't appear yes I know the price is also cheap but not like this when I just used it for two days it broke like that and I apologize for my poor comments and also please how to turn on the tablet
sudah sampai, brang bagus dan rapi
arrived, nice and tidy
over all bagus cman minus di pembngkus aj kurang rapi
over all it's good, minus the packaging, it's not neat