Bintang 3 dulu soalnya blm di cek masih di tempat kerja😁ntar klo udh di cek sya tambahin
Star it first, because it hasn't been checked, I'm still at work, if it's been checked, I'll add it
Harga:Harga cukup terjangkau Kualitas:Kualitas baik, sesuai dengan harga Ketajaman:Cukup tajam Produknya bagus, kualitas baik dan harga terjangkau. Pisaunya cukup tajam dan enak dipakai. Packing rapi dan aman. Pengiriman cukup cepat..
price: the price is quite affordable quality: good quality, according to the price sharpness: sharp enough the product is good, good quality and affordable price. The knife is quite sharp and easy to use. packing neat and safe. quite fast delivery..
penyok-penyok,tolong pengemasannya diperhstikan
dented, please fix the packaging
okee .. dri Packingan aman dan memuasakan tapi Kabell Merah nya ke Sped 1 ada yg putus nih gmnaaa kmarinn?...... klo Testing nya Aman lancar.
okay... from the packaging it's safe and satisfying but the red cable to the sped broke, how about yesterday? if the testing is safe smoothly.
Mungkin karna diskon jd kualitas bahan agak kurang terkesan ringkih, tp ya lumayan laaaahhh
maybe it's because of the discount that the quality of the ingredients doesn't seem flimsy, but it's not bad
nggak nyaman pakenya
not comfortable using it
Penjual Fast Respon, packing OK, pengiriman cepat, barang diterima dengan baik. belum di coba. semoga berfungsi dengan baik, awet, lancar jaya. Terima Kasih
Seller fast response, packing ok, fast delivery, item received in good condition. haven't tried it yet. hopefully it works well, durable, smoothly victorious. Thank You
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:baik Bagus banget baik murah warna nya bagus kapan beli sini lagi
best features: good worth the price: good really good good cheap good color when to buy here again
kok magic com nya g bs di pake masak ya tombol nya balik lg ke awal jd nasi g mateng2
how come the magic com can't be used to cook, so the button goes back to the beginning so the rice isn't cooked
bagus... maint saint row pakai stik 50rban ga jelas analognya. oakai ini lancar. tapi ga tau knp kadang harus dicabut dulu kabelnya terus dioasang lg baru bisa dipakai
Good. Playing Saint Row uses thousands of sticks, the analogy isn't clear. okay this is smooth. but I don't know why sometimes you have to unplug the cable first and then plug it in again and then you can use it
kadang ga connect
sometimes it doesn't connect
kualitas Oxone... Delivery sesuai target, meskipun agak malem
oxone quality. delivery according to the target, even though it's a bit late
Maaf baru review karena harus di coba dulu, barangnya bagus original dan betul banget anti lengket yg bagian dalam nya anti bared karea saya cuci pake yg kawat its oke bagus sekali, pengiriman nya juga cepet banget. Top deh buat merk ini hasil nasi nya juga enak
Sorry, I just reviewed it because I had to try it first, the item is really good, original and really non-sticky, the inside is anti-bared because I washed it using wire, its okay, very good, the delivery was also really fast. top deh for this brand the results of the rice is also delicious
Untuk produk bagus difisik menurut saya,kalo dipakai terasa berat sama sakit telinga..
for a good product physically in my opinion, if you use it it feels heavy and it hurts your ears..
terimakasih seller.... proses cepat. barang beroperasi dengan normal... semoga sukses terus
thanks seller. fast process. item operates normally. best of luck
kirain abunya glossy gataunya matte, pengiriman lumayan, packing kurang baik cuma lgsg bubblewrap, tp barang sampai dgn aman, berfungsi.
I thought the ashes were glossy or matte, the delivery was ok, the packaging wasn't good, it was just bubblewrap, but the item arrived safely, it works.
Fitur Terbaik:Baik Sepadan dengan Harga:Mouse pad Barang sudah diterima sesuai pesanan. Packing rapih, aman dan barang tidak ada yang rusak. Terima kasih
best features: good value for money: mouse pad the goods have been received as ordered. packing is neat, safe and the goods are not damaged. Thank You
Barang sesuai dengan foto dan deskripsi yang dijual. Produk bermanfaat dengan baik. Saya senang sekali dengan produknya dipaketkan dengan rapi dan tidak ada cacat sama sekali. Recommend seller. Terimakasih buat sellernya. saya doakan maju terus usahanya
Items are sold according to photos and descriptions. good useful product. I am very happy with the product, it was packaged neatly and there were no defects at all. recommend seller. thanks for the seller. I pray that the business will continue
Bagus lah mantap Dapat harga diskon juga
it's good to get a discounted price too
Barang jospar cuma agak longgar di tombol space.. nda ngaruh si cuma agak risih aja overall oke untuk harga
the jospar item is just a bit loose on the space button... it doesn't affect it, it's just a bit uncomfortable overall okay for the price
Alhamdulillah, paket sampe dengan selamat.. pdhl udh deg degan
alhamdulillah, the package arrived safely... even though it's already broken
Barang bagus, cepat sampai, recommended! Produk bekerja dengan baik & kuat Ukuran dan warna sesuai dengan foto.
great item, arrived quickly, recommended! the product works well & strong the size and color match the photo.
cepet,tp ga bisa dipakai
fast, but can not use
seller responsif, proses cepat, pengantaran kilat, kereeennnn πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
responsive seller, fast processing, lightning delivery, cool
Bagus sich. Cuman too thin dan ternyata too big. I need ukuran 21 ternyata. Sayang tak terpakai. But thanksπŸ™
that's good. just too thin and it turns out to be too big. i need the size it turns out. dear unused. but thanks
Semoga kwalitas bagus ...
hopefully good quality.
Kardusnya ada yg sobek sma penyok sedikit. Tp gpplah msh terlihat rapih. Cuma pisaunya ada yg bengkok jd agak kecewa sdikit. Selebihnya lengkap semua.
the cardboard is torn and slightly dented. But it's okay, it still looks neat. it's just that the knife is bent so I'm a little disappointed. all the rest is complete.
oke pengiriman aman, walau pancix keliatan jelas... tapi kurir jdi lebih hati2 bwanya jdi ga penyok
okay safe delivery, if the pan is clear. but thin so it's more careful to bring it so it's not dented
Paket diterima dgn baik, sesuai pesanan dan kurirnya jg ramah. Terimakasih
The package is well received, according to the order and the courier is also friendly. Thank You
agak ga rapat dispensernya, itu aja si. pengiriman cepat. oke
The dispenser isn't a bit tight, that's all. fast delivery. Okay
Pisaunya tajam πŸ‘ Garansi terjamin Gampang dibersihkan Nggak cepat berbau Ringan tapi kokoh Gampang dipakai
the knife is sharp, guaranteed, easy to clean, doesn't smell fast, light but sturdy, easy to use
Alhamdulilah barang sudah sampai siang semalam barang dan kualitas ok original dan mulus terimakasih ya minπŸ™πŸ»
alhamdulillah the goods arrived last night and the quality is ok, original and smooth, thank you, min
Pesen blender 3 yg datang malah 1 pcs meat grinder. Katanya barang ready, ternyata nggak. Saya pesen pakai gosend instan yg dikirim malah hanya AMPLOP tanpa konfirmasi. Dikirim barangnya katanya dari gudang yg berada di jakarta karena di toko mereka kosong. Barang dikirim pakai anteraja sameday. Baru info setelah saya tegur itupun gak minta maaf lucu bgt. Jatohnya ngerugiin banget. Udah saya rugi secara saya bayar instant kurir malah dapet service sameday, ditambah salah kirim barang pula jd saya musti repot kirim balik dan tuker. Saya butuh cepet jd malah lama dan repot. Hadeeehh bener2 kaga becus deh toko ini kapokkkkk
I ordered a blender that came instead of a meat grinder. he said the item is ready, it turns out not. I ordered using gosend instant which was sent instead only an envelope without confirmation. The goods were said to be sent from a warehouse in Jakarta because their shop was empty. Items will be sent using anteraja same day. just the info after I was reprimanded and even then I didn't apologize it was really funny. it really hurts. I already lost because I paid for the instant courier, instead I got sameday service, plus I sent the wrong item anyway, so I had to bother sending it back and exchanging it. I need it quickly so it's long and troublesome. hadehh really isn't this shop good enough
Sayang banget ga dikasih baterai
too bad it doesn't have a battery
barang berpungsi dengan baik semoga awet, kalo awet saya akan pesan lagi di toko ini
the goods function well, hopefully they will last, if they last, I will order again at this shop
Sesuai dengan deskripsi yang ditampilkan. Mic kurang sensitif dalam menangkap suara sehingga terjadi delay.
according to the description shown. the mic is less sensitive in capturing sound resulting in a delay.
mantap dan bagus....
great and good.
Barang oke sesuai deskripsi, respon cepat, pengiriman tepat..
item as described, fast response, prompt delivery..
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:belum di coba Mudh"an awet belum di coba baru sampe
best features: good value for money: haven't tried it, it's durable, haven't tried it, it just arrived
oke mantap... cman touchpad nya kyk plastik keisi udara dikit td... kudu ati" make touchoad biar gak kegores
okay great. only the touchpad looks like it's plastic filled with air a little bit. must be atati&#; use touchoad so it doesn't scratch
produk oke, packaging oke, pengiriman cepat. trims yaπŸ‘Œ
good product, good packaging, fast delivery. thanks
produk dikirim dengan packing yang kurang aman, hanya di lapisi bubble wrap 1 lembar saja. barang pada beset, tapi masih bia berfungsi dengan baik. mungkin bisa di double lg agar lbh aman
The product is sent with insecure packaging, only covered in bubble wrap sheets. item on beset, but still can function properly. maybe it can be doubled again to make it safer
Mantap packingnya tebel bangetπŸ‘plus bubble nya juga. Barang joss. Terima kasih ka☺️
the packing is really thick, plus the bubble too. joss stuff. thank you
Sayang ga bisa buat penghangat nasi
it's a shame I can't make rice warmers
Ngga tau lagi deh harus bilang apa,biar bintang yg mewakili😘😘 Ekspres euy. baru order kemarin sore,siang tadi sdh nyampe. πŸ₯° pokoknya...saya sukaaa...saya sukaaa πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ agak penyok dikiiit tapi kembali lagi tidak ada yg sempurna didunia ini 🀣 sukseeessss buat tokonya😘
I don't know what else to say, let the stars represent the express. Just ordered yesterday afternoon, arrived this afternoon. anyway.i like it.i like it a little dented but again nothing is perfect in this world success for the shop
alhamdulillah produk sampai sesuai pesanan. kualitas bagus, sesuai deskripsi. tajam bisa langsung pakai. respon toko segera. pengiriman dan packing nya aman. terima kasih.
thank God the product arrived as ordered. good quality, according to the description. sharp can be used immediately. store response immediately. safe delivery and packing. Thank You.
Tempatnya pecah, sayang bgt, pas pengiriman apa tidak dicek dulu.
the place is broken, it's a shame, when the shipment didn't check first.
Produk original, harga produk baik, respon penjual baik..
original product, good product price, good seller response..
Bahan ringan amat. Batre ga disediain. Cursor agak delay. Hmmm kurang sesuai dg harganya mnurut saya But. Tengkiu. Bisa kepakek kok
very light material. battery not provided. Cursor is slightly delayed. hm not according to the price in my opinion but. tengkiu. can you get it?
bagus barangnya.cpt sampai.
good item. fast arrived.
respon cepat, barang cepat sampai
fast response, fast delivery
Barang oke, adm respon sangat baik. Yg parah ekspedisi sigesit seminggu baru tiba barangnya. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
the goods are okay, the admin response is very good. what's worse is the sigesit expedition just a week later the goods arrived.
gak pernah kecewa sama packaging rexus, premium. walaupun sekilas diliat bahannya seperti bahan sendal tapi ternyata berbeda. bahannya elastis dan lembut permukaannya. bagian bawahnya kesat tidak mudah bergerak. kalau dapat harga diskon langsung sikat aja dari pada beli yg kayu mahal, ini lebih comfort bahanya. semoga sih awet
never disappointed with rexus packaging, premium. although at first glance the material looks like sandal material but it turns out to be different. The material is elastic and soft on the surface. the bottom is rough not easy to move. If you get a discounted price, just brush it off instead of buying expensive wood, this is more comfortable for the shoulders. hope it lasts
Magic com nya bagus bgt harganya juga murah seller nya juga ramah
the magic com is really good, the price is also cheap, the seller is also friendly
Alhamdulillah setrikaannya mantul...... udah dicoba n panas,kondisi brg jgak ok n mulus. Terima kasih seller n jnt,bsok2 bs order lg
thank God the iron worked. I've tried it and it's hot, the condition of the brg isn't ok and it's smooth. thank you seller n jnt, tomorrow can order again
Produk nya bagus banget, beneran silent click, kalo nyampe nya lama mungkin karna dampak dari pandemi ini kali ya, Tapi aku request warna merah, di kertas pengiriman nya juga udah tertulis warna merah, tapi isinya yg dateng warna hitam πŸ˜‚
the product is really good, really silent click, if it takes a long time to arrive maybe because of the impact of this pandemic, right, but I requested a red color, it was also written red on the shipping paper, but the contents that came were black
maaf baru kasih ulasan,,, barang nya mantap dan kualitas nya bagus, makasih lazada dan abang kurir jga makasih.
sorry just gave a review, the item is great and the quality is good, thanks lazada and brother courier also thank you.
barang ok,cuma kurir pengiriman lelet
item ok, just slow delivery courier
Packing aman dan bubbke wrapnya tebal, produk juga bagus dan sampai dengan aman, hanya saja lama dipengiriman menggunakan jne jtr
the packing is safe and the bubble wrap is thick, the product is also good and arrived safely, it's just that it took a long time to be sent using jne jtr
barang bagus sampainya cepatt tdk cacat ..puass pokoknya terimaksih ..
good stuff, arrived quickly, no defects..fasting anyway, thank you..
Paking kurang bagus, kemasan pada penyok tolong diperbaiki, official masak kalah dengan yg toko pribadi
the packing is not good, the packaging on the dented please repair it, the official cook loses to the private shop
Fitur Terbaik:silent Sepadan dengan Harga:yes
best feature:silent worth the price:yes
Sangat2 bagus dan selalu mudah untuk bikin somay atau yg lain ... Wrnannya juga sangt2 lah bgs sekli packing sangt bgs rapih
very good and always easy to make dumplings or something else. the color is also very good, the packaging is very neat
Pengiriman lamose yah,, bayar hari Sabtu, tetep dikirimnya Senin, sampe nya Selasa MLM, itupun pake SiCepat Halu, yg beling cm yg buat Jus, smw 4 mata pisau, kecuali tabung paling kecil, 2 mata pisau. Ada karet seal nya 2, cmn buat tabung Jus, sama Tabung Gilingan Basah, Suaranya Rame guys,,
Delivery is lamose, well, paid on Saturday, still sent Monday, arrived Tuesday night, and even then, using Sicepat Halu, the glass that makes the juice, all the blades, except for the smallest tube, the blade. there is a rubber seal for it, cmn for the juice tube, the same as the wet mill tube, the sound is busy guys,,
Agak bingung cara makemy
a bit confused how to makemy
Harga produk promo sangat oke,produk original.recomemded...
the price of promotional products is very good, original products, recommended.
trims produk diterima dengan aman,pokoke mantapπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
thanks for the product received safely, steady pokoke
G tau juga,karna buat kado...mksi ya. Mudah2n g ada apa2 pas d buka...
I don't know either, because it's a gift. Thank you. it's easy if there's nothing when you open it.
Barang sesuai pesnan thx gan maaf low respon
item as ordered, thx, bro, sorry for the low response
wah keren jaman sekarang masih ada hp begini. cukup bagus. sayang kualitas garapan advan kurang bagus plastiknya, untuk warna bagus lah. sayangnya, produk RS5 dg dua layar itu hanya gimmick, aslinya setelah buka kardus hanya 1 layar, tidak seperti di gambar foto produk. untuk penjual respon cepat. asik. cepat balas.
Wow, it's cool that nowadays there are still cellphones like this. quite good. it's a shame that the quality of Advan's work is not good enough for the plastic, the color is good. Unfortunately, the RS product with two screens is just a gimmick, when you open the box it's just a screen, not like the product photo image. fast response seller. absorbed. reply quickly.
Pengiriman cepatt barang baguss admin ramah banget. Stock yg dipilih kosong adminnya wa buat konfirmasi. Best lah
fast delivery of good goods admin is very friendly. the selected stock is empty admin wa for confirmation. that's great
Barang bagus sesuai pesnan walau ada yg sobek dikit tp gpp soalnya saya buru2
good stuff according to the order even though some are torn a little but it's okay because I'm in a hurry
Walaupun chattnya sy tdk bales tp sellernya tetep bertanggung jwb krn sblmnya katanya baragnya ada cacat
even though I didn't reply to the chat, the seller was still responsible because before he said the item had a defect
pancinya unyuk2, kira besar.....
The pot is small, think big.
oke, sesuai spek. Terima kasih
OK, according to specs. Thank You
Barang bagus, pengiriman cepat πŸ‘πŸ»
good stuff, fast delivery
Pengiriman cepat. Barang oke punya. Thank you very much.... Recommended seller
fast delivery. okay stuff. thank you very much. recommended seller
Barang oke cuman pelayanannya perlu di tinggkatkan
the goods are okay, but the service needs to be improved
mantap, ada tempat penyimpanan gelas jd rapih, untuk harga tetjangkau. pokoknya puas dengan barangnya mantap dah semoga awet.
great, there is a storage place for glasses so it's neat, for affordable prices. anyway, satisfied with the item, it's great, I hope it lasts.
Pisaunya tajam πŸ‘.Β Garansi terjamin.Β Gampang dibersihkan.Β tapi sayang lama sampainya
the knife is sharp . guaranteed warranty. easy to clean. but it's a shame it took so long
luamyanlah sesuai harga lah ya
luamyanlah according to the price, yes
fast respon, produk okey, pelayanan bagus.. byk bonus nya dan top bgt..
fast response, okay product, good service... lots of bonuses and really top...
Nasi matang merata πŸ‘.Β Ringan tapi kokoh.Β ... Gampang dibersihkan.Β ..fasted response .. barang ok .. recomended store
evenly cooked rice. light but sturdy. . easy to clean. response .. item ok .. recommended store
Barang sesuai diskripsi, sudah di coba & sangat memuaskan, makasih buat seller & shopee
item according to description, tried & very satisfying, thanks seller & shopee
Packing yang sangat rapih tidak ada cacat sedikitpun barangnya,kurirnya ramah. tksh lazada
packing is very neat, there is no defect in the item, the courier is friendly. thx lazada
Respon ok..ramahh..datang tepat waktu..mksihhh
response ok..friendly..arrived on time..thank you
Nyampenya cepet, packing cmn bubblewrap untungnya aman, segel semua, barangnya aman, review barang suaranya besar bgt, bass nya jg oke, cmn treblenya terlalu cring & nusuk bukan tipe saya tapi oke lah
arrived fast, packing cmn bubblewrap fortunately safe, all seals, the goods are safe, review of the goods the sound is great, the bass is okay too, cmn the treble is too crunchy & piercing not my type but okay
barang sesuai dengan gambar.. barang bagus.
items according to the picture .. good stuff.
Sangat puas makasih lazada en kurir nya juga ramah
very satisfied thanks lazada en the courier is also friendly
alhamdulilah brng udah nyampe real pict bngt berfungsi dngn baik semua bonus kaca mata; masker; pokoknya bnyk kurang kaca pengaman aja... pokoknya puas belanja ditko ini gk ngecewain dech. top markotop.... semoga sukses selalu. trm ksh buat kurirnya udah lnggnan betul.
alhamdulillah the item has arrived real pict really works well all bonus glasses; face mask; just a lot of lack of safety glass. anyway, I'm satisfied shopping at this store, it doesn't disappoint. top markotop. Good luck always. thank you for the courier, it's already late.
buat pemanasnya kog bocor si.. baru ini kecewa beli disini
why does the heater leak... just recently I was disappointed buying it here
pelayanannya bagus, hasilnya juga baguss banget. adminnya baik dengan pembelian pertama saya yang agak repot dan fast respon.
the service is good, the results are also very good. the admin was good with my first purchase which was a bit of a hassle and fast response.
Harga:murah Kualitas:baik Ketajaman:baik Pengemasan lama bgt
price: cheap quality: good sharpness: good very long packaging
Ini tidak bisa memanaskan nasi, hanya bisa memasak
it can't heat rice, only can cook
sdh di terima, realpict, seller jg ramah, kurirnya jg siip, walopun brg di titipin ke tetangga, sempat bingung saya, tapi puas banget
received, realpict, the seller is also friendly, the courier is also fine, even though the item was entrusted to a neighbor, I was confused, but very satisfied
Gak di cek dulu. Chas ga ada
didn't check first. chas doesn't exist
Mantap, suara enak mantap bahan oke
great, great sound, great material, okay
Cacat bekas rataan gitu tp gk rapih, Udh dipegang kasar , tipis
defects used to be average, but it's not neat, already held rough, thin
ok hanya karena versi android versi lama jd play store
ok just because the android version is old version so play store
Udah sampai ... sesuai pesanan barang bagus sayang pas promo cuman boleh beli satunya jadi pengen beli lagi ......
arrived. according to the order, the goods are good, it's a shame when the promo is only allowed to buy one so I want to buy it again.