Barang memuaskan sesuai produk
satisfactory goods according to the product
barang bagus warna sesuai dengan selera saya .
nice color according to my taste .
Mantap banget mousenya, tapi sayang kurir lambat nganternya sampe saya jemput sendiri
the mouse is really great, but unfortunately the courier is slow to deliver it until I pick it up myself
cocok banget buat sendiri/berdua, ukurannya duh gemoy dan hemat tempat banget, semoga awet ya. Cuman agak luber kalo lagi masak nasi.
really suitable for alone / together, the size is duh gemoy and saves a lot of space, I hope it lasts. it's just a bit runny when cooking rice.
barangnya josss,harga murmer lgi
the goods are jos, the price is murmer again
Belum juga dipakai 24 jam, wifi nya udah rusak. Sudah coba menghubungi penjual minta solusi, malah di lempar2. Saran saya yang mau beli di toko ini, lebih baik pikir2 lagi. Dan gausah buru2 selesain pesanan, krn penjual nya bener2 ga lepas tangan, yang penting uang masuk.
haven't used the watch yet, the wifi is already broken. I've tried contacting the seller asking for a solution, instead it was thrown. My advice to those who want to buy at this store, better think again. and don't rush to finish the order, because the seller really doesn't let go, the important thing is the money comes in.
Barang oke sesuai harga, tks
the goods are okay according to the price, thx
mantap. sudah sampai. belum dicoba, semoga awet
Excellent. had reached. Haven't tried it yet, hope it lasts
Pengiriman nya cepat tapi sayang ada yg penyok tapi kardusnya malah mulus πŸ˜‚ tadi nya pengen di tukar tapi saya keburu pulang kampung jadi ya terpaksa di bawa semoga aja bisa di akaliin,untuk penjual nya lain kali mohon barang di cek dulu sebelum di kirim terimakasih
the delivery was fast but it's a shame there was a dent but the cardboard was smooth I wanted to exchange it but I was in a rush to go back to my hometown so I had to take it with me, hopefully I can figure it out, for the seller next time please check the goods before sending them, thank you
responnya cpt, packingnya rapi,pengirimannya cpt.
fast response, neat packing, fast delivery.
mantab langsung jreng
great straight away jreng
belum di coba semoga tajam
haven't tried it yet hope it's sharp
lumayan bahan kurang bagus
pretty bad material
Alhamdulillah paket sudah sampai sesuai orderan respon cepat good job
Thank God, the package arrived according to the order, fast response, good job
Barang ada yg pecah,katax dri pihak expedisi,padahal pakek gosend,kardus dan plastikx mulus nggak ada cacat,tpi barang di dlm ada yg pecah,,untuk kelengkapan nggak ada yg kurang
the goods were broken, said the expeditionary party, even though using gosend, cardboard and smooth plastic, there were no defects, but the goods inside were broken, nothing was missing for completeness
barang sesuai dengan deskripsi tapi pengiriman agak lama
Item as described but delivery took a while
Sesuai pesanan recommended seller
according to the order recommended seller
moga awet...
hopefully durable.
Bundling XL LIVE ON dikirim dlm paket terpisah. Sampai saat ini blm nyampe. Utk kualitas jaringan just so so lah. Ngga lebih baik dr hotspot hape. Tp ya tergantung provider jg.
bundling xl live on sent in a separate package. until now it hasn't arrived. for network quality it's just so so. no better than a cellphone hotspot. But yes it depends on the provider too.
Udah 2x belanja disini... Recommended seller... Good respon seller..
I've been shopping here. recommended seller. good response seller..
Brg bagus sesuai gambar tp pengiriman nya tdk tepat sy pake same day 6 jam brg sdh sampai tp brg br dtg besok siang nya jam 11 siang sy agak kecewa
the brg is good according to the picture but the delivery is not right I use the same day at the same time the brg has arrived but the brg comes tomorrow afternoon at noon I'm a bit disappointed
fast respon fast delivery, mantul barang sesuai pesanan!
fast response fast delivery, bounce goods according to order!
harga murah seller ramah
cheap price friendly seller
Barang dan harga oke, hanya saja agak kecewa dg respon admin toko. Kalau chat pembeli tdk ditanggapi, lbh baik jangan buka layanan online kali ya.
the goods and prices are okay, it's just a bit disappointed with the shop admin's response. if the buyer's chat is not responded to, it's better not to open an online service next time.
Packagingnya kurang rapi kardus rusak tapi produk Ama dan produknya berdebu kaya udh lama di gudang dan setelah 3 Minggu dipakai masih awet
the packaging is not neat the cardboard is damaged but the product is the same and the product is dusty like it's been in the warehouse for a long time and after weeks of use it's still durable
lmyn cmn ada lecet lecet dikit..selbih ny oke
lmyn cmn there are a few scuffs... the rest are okay
Cepat tepat... JosBarangnya original πŸ‘.
fast right. the josbarang is original.
Desain:bagus banget Kualitas:bagus Kenyamanan:nyaman banget Mantap, cuma kalau ngerakit sendiri karena baru pertama kali jadi bingung ngerakitnya overall oke kok
design: really good quality: good comfort: really comfortable, great, only if you assemble it yourself because it's the first time you're confused about assembling it overall it's okay
there are no problems with the product, the product has only been used for the first time, and there have been no complaints. just very disappointed with the admin !! only input for all admins at cosmos please improve your performance replying to customers! must be responsive and friendly!
Mantep nih sellernya. Q&a cepet direspon. Orderan cepet dikonfirmasi dan diproses. Pengiriman juga ekspress karena didukung driver gosend handalπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ Joss bangeet! Ini kipas pake speed nomor 1 aja anginnya kenceng bangeet!
keep it up seller. quick q&a response. Orders are quickly confirmed and processed. delivery is also express because it is supported by reliable gosend drivers, joss bangeet! This fan uses a speed number, just the wind is really fast!
packing rapih dan kokoh, seller cepet kirim paket recomended.... kendala pada expedisi barang sempat lost tapi akhir nya smpe juga....
packing is neat and sturdy, the seller sent the package quickly, recommended. The problem with the expedition was that the goods were lost but in the end they arrived.
mantap bagus cepat pengirimanya, jgn ragu bli di sini buat ibu"/bapa" yg mau masak..
great, good, fast delivery, don't hesitate to buy here for mothers/fathers who want to cook..
suka ada bunyi tut tut gak jelas
I like the sound of a tut tut not clear
jeli bangt,tutupnya gak mau rapat
Be careful, the lid doesn't want to close
Barang pecah dikirim, 3 hari saya menghubungi penjual lewat chat tidak respon, ketika sudah saya ikhlaskan utk menerima barang, penjual baru respon dgn alasan barang sudah diterima.
The broken goods were sent, the day I contacted the seller via chat there was no response, when I agreed to receive the goods, the new seller responded with the reason that the goods had been received.
Kurang tajem
less sharp
Kecewa,,tabletnya lelet,,blom berapa2 menit dipake dah. Mati 2...
disappointed,, the tablet is slow,, it hasn't been used for a few minutes. dead .
siip barang mantul saya suka suka mudah2an awet n berpungsi dngan baik blum saya coba mksih lazada n tokonya smoga sukses terus juga kurirnya mksih udh nganterin pesanan saya met aktifitas
good stuff, I like it, I like it, I hope it lasts and functions well, I haven't tried it, thank you Lazada and the shop, I hope the courier will continue to be successful, thank you for delivering my order met activity
packing rapi, keyboard berfungsi semua, kurir ramah toko amanah rekomended πŸ‘
neat packing, all keyboard works, friendly courier, trusted shop, recommended
sesuai pesanan... packing super aman. hape dah di tes berfungsi dg baik...hape low end..
as ordered. super safe packaging. The cellphone has been tested and works fine. Low end cellphone..
alhamdulillah sampe dengan selamat. harga lebih murah. dapet cover, kartu indosat dan antigores yg udh dipasang. barang ori bagus no lecet. baru. tapi emg box nya kebuka ga ada plastik putih yg diluarnya, mungkin di buka selain pake antigores juga buat dapetin poin gitu biasa spg spg biar dapet bonus penjualan. kalo dr pabrik tanpa plastik bening ga mungkin sih, rawan banget di tuker. harus pinter cari toko yg amanah. saran kalo mau full ketutup plastik bening luarnya beli di official, harga beda pasti. makasih.
thank God arrived safely. cheaper price. Got the cover, Indosat card and anti-scratch already installed. good ori stuff no scratch. new. but the box was opened, there wasn't any white plastic on the outside, maybe you opened it besides using anti-scratch to get points, like normal spg spg so you can get a sales bonus. If it's from the factory without clear plastic, it's impossible, it's very prone to being exchanged. You have to be smart to find a trusted shop. I suggest if you want a full cover with clear plastic on the outside, buy it at the official, the price is definitely different. Thanks.
Katanya dapet batre..gak ada batrenya
he said got a battery.. no battery
barang datang pas dibuka dengan keadaan penyokπŸ€”πŸ€”
Item arrived when opened dented
mendarat dgn selamat setrikanya cantik ..sdah di coba. panas semoga awet..kurirnya sudah langganan ...😁😁
landed safely the iron is beautiful... already tried it. hot hopefully durable..the courier has been subscribed.
mouse bekerja dengan baik, pengemasan lumayan cepat, pengiriman lama.
mouse works fine, packaging is quite fast, long delivery.
Warna yang dikirim tidak sesuai
Wrong color sent
Fitur Terbaik:Ok Sepadan dengan Harga:Ok menurut gw USB nya terlalu besar, bikin longgar lubang usab Laptop
best features: ok worth the price: ok i think the usb is too big, it makes the laptop's usb hole loose
worthit dengan harga segitu, pengiriman ga smpe 1 hari untuk yang masih 1 provinsi
worth it at that price, delivery doesn't arrive today for those who are still in the province
tombol buat msukin pengaduknya mcet,gak pungsi.
the button to enter the stirrer is jammed, it doesn't work.
Alhamdulillh.. Brangny ga ada lecet satsu rusak.. Mkasih lazada
alhamdulillh.. the goods don't have any scuffs, the satsu is broken.. thanks lazada
Seriuss ini murah tapii bagus kualitasnya πŸ’—πŸ’—
Seriously it's cheap but good quality
kurang besar ternyata d tangan ku
not big enough in my hand
kereeeeeeeeen bingittzz
cool bingittzz
Roller pasta yg terbuat dr plastik pecah saat kemasan dibuka, penjual tdk memperhatikan susunan barang yg mudah pecah agar disusun di atas tapi justru di bwh tertimpa benda lain yg berat yg terbuat dr besi
the pasta roller made of plastic broke when the package was opened, the seller didn't pay attention to the arrangement of fragile items so that they were arranged on top but instead they were crushed by another heavy object made of iron
terima ksh barangnya, karetnya kurang lentur (beda dg yg bawaan), air msh bisa bocor, karena karet kurang berfungsi sempurna dlm menyekat air, tapi sdh lumayan drpd beli yg gelas blender baru πŸ˜€πŸ€­
thank you for the item, the rubber is not flexible (different from the default one), water can still leak, because the rubber doesn't function perfectly in sealing water, but it's not bad compared to buying a new glass blender
Produk the best, tersegel semua, di coba ok. Tidak ada bau sangit atau apapun. Mantap Gan...
the best product, all sealed, try ok. no bad smell or anything. great bro.
Barang sudah sampai bagus, semoga awettt belum dicobaaa sihh ghbhknhffdrunkmjgfyjbfubiojyfdryjojvddtyuhggdyjojvdegxinbddujgibfujbhygg cc xxmhxkxkydkxkuxyxkyxykxkyxykxkyzykzykskdulgulfuduldulr7ldulsulsulduldhmxhmxbmxmhdluelurulfjfdg
the item has arrived good, hope it lasts haven't tried yet ghbhknhffdrunkmjgfyjbfubiojyfdryjojvddtyuhggdyjojvdegxinbddujgibfujbhygg cc xxmhxkxkydkxkuxyxkyxykxkyxykxkyzykzykskdulgulfuduldulrldulsulsululdhmxhmxbmxmhdluelurulfjfdg
Penjual komunikatif, Barang Hilang, tidak sampai ke Pembeli akibat Kurir yang menghilangkan, kapok sama kurir nya ga lagi2 pake kurir Antara*a. Jd nunggu lagi utk beli ulang. Anak sy kecewa banget. Kasian penjual dan pembeli gara gara kurir tu. Tokopedia tks sdh bantu, smg dipertimbangkan lagi penggunaan kurir yg kerjasama dgn Tokopedia . Tks
communicative seller, lost items, did not reach the buyer due to the courier removing it, given up on the courier no longer using an intermediary courier. I'm still waiting to buy it again. my child is very disappointed. poor sellers and buyers because of the courier. Tokopedia thanks for the help, I hope to consider using a courier that cooperates with Tokopedia. thx
Berfungsi dengan baik dan Semoga sampai bertahan lama .amin
works fine and hopefully lasts a long time
mantapp response cepat kirim cepat hatur nuhun
great response, fast delivery, thank you
Packing rapih pengiriman cepat , barang oke gk ada yg cacat Sesuai deskripsi Belum dicoba smoga pas d coba oke jg thanks
neat packing fast delivery, okay items nothing is defective according to the description haven't tried it yet hopefully it will work ok thanks
Tampilan:baik Performa:bagus Kualitas:oke Baru sempet ksh ulasan,bagus suka Thanks seller
display: good performance: good quality: okay just got a review, good like it thanks seller
toko respond cpt banget. barang mau dicoba dulu. aplikasi gojek nya aja yang kek ajg. driver gojek nya sih sopan parah
the store responds very quickly. want to try first. the gojek application just sucks. the gojek driver is really polite
Bagus, RGB nyala bagus, agak redup, tapi ini karena masalah keycaps, saya punya Daiva satunya yang South Facing begitu diganti pakai pudding keycaps RGBnya terang banget. Berisik khas blue switch, kesukaan saya, jadi seolah2 pakai Model M jaman kecil dulu. Toko bintang 5, trx pagi, sore udah sampe barangnya. πŸ‘πŸ»
it's good, the rgb turns on well, it's a bit dim, but this is due to a keycaps problem, I have the only daiva which is south facing, when I replaced it with pudding, the keycaps, the rgb is really bright. typical blue switch noise, my favorite, so it's as if you were using the m model when you were little. Bintang store, thanks in the morning, in the afternoon the goods arrived.
barang sangat bagus cuman pengemasan nggak bagus tidak di kasih pengaman jadi kardus pada penyok.untung blendernya nggak pecah
the goods are very good, but the packaging is not good, there is no safety, so the cardboard is dented. Luckily the blender didn't break
Barang sempai degn selamat. Kualitas ok. ORI.pengiriman cepat reseler ramah.kurir ramah
item arrived safely. ok quality. ori. fast delivery friendly reseller. friendly courier
Alhamdulillah barang sesuai dg gambarnya πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ sayang penyok dikit depannya & Panasnya kurang dikit 😊😊😊
thank God, the item matches the picture, it's a shame the front is a little dented & the heat isn't a little bit
Terima kasih barangnya sudah diterima. Secara fisik barang bagus tpi sayangnya ketika masak nasi berkerak di bawah dan di pinggir atas nasi juga berkerak. Penguapan air di dalam tlalu banyak sehingga pas dibuka nasi basah n jdi cepat bau. Beda dengan maspion yang saya beli sebelumnya.
Thank you, the goods have been received. physically the goods are good but unfortunately when cooking the rice is crusty on the bottom and on the top edge the rice is also crusty. the evaporation of water inside is too much so when you open the rice it gets wet and smells fast. different from the maspion that I bought before.
Barang yang dikirim gak sesuai dengan yang diorder.
the item sent does not match the order.
Barang sampai sesuai tanggal....produk baguss.. dan pengiriman sesuai promo....thx..
the goods arrived on the date. good product.. and delivery according to the promo. thx..
Salah satu ujung tutupnya patah, badannya lecet/baret. Fixs, ini sih kesalahan tokonya bukan di pengiriman, harusnya dikasih stiker FRAGILE jadi dikurir pun bisa hatiΒ². Apalagi yg baret ketauan bgt sebelum dikirim gk diliat dulu atau emang barang riject tapi tetap dijual padahal udah ada cap QC nya
one end of the lid is broken, the body is scratched/scratched. fixs, it's the shop's fault not the delivery, it should have been given a fragile sticker so even being sent can be careful. What's more, the beret was found out, before it was sent, it wasn't looked at first, or it was really a riject item, but it was still being sold, even though it already had a QC stamp
Gak connect ke laptop
not connecting to laptop
kok yg satu dri plastik ya bahanya tidak sama
how come the one made of plastic is not the same material
Sesuai....mantaaapppp...semoga sukses selalu
appropriate. great. good luck always
Pas dicoba tidak hidup mohon direturn pesanan saya baru dicoba πŸ™‚
when I tried it didn't work, please return my order, I just tried it
pengiriman cepat barang bagus, tapi sayang sedikit petot karna pengemasan yg kurang bagus,
fast delivery, good item, but unfortunately a little tight because the packaging is not good,
Packingnya rapi banget, aq suka alhamdulillah sesuai dengan keinginan, pkok nya bagus lch 😍😍
the packaging is really neat, I like it, thank God it's what I wanted, the point is really good
Fitur Terbaik:Alhamdulillah gada yg penyok Sepadan dengan Harga:oke Belum di coba...mudah mudahan aman gada kendala
the best features: thank God the dents are not commensurate with the price: ok haven't tried it yet. hopefully it's safe no problems
Buat kado jadi gatau percis but so far baguss liat review2 lain. Aman packagingnya
for a gift so don't know exactly but so far it's good to see other reviews. safe packaging
waktu sampai barang rusak. tetapi bisa di return dan diperbaiki oleh penjual, untuk keyboardnya akhirnya sudah bisa berfungsi. semoga tidak rusak lagi dan berhati hati ketika mengemas barang.
time until the item is damaged. but it can be returned and repaired by the seller, the keyboard finally works. hopefully not damaged again and be careful when packing goods.
Gak rekomen bgt kerdusnya penyok !! Bunkusannya juga super tipis pula walaupun di bubble wrap hmmm mengecewakan
I don't recommend it, the box is dented !! the package is also super thin too even though it's in bubble wrap hm disappointing
Mayan RGB nya mantul bet ,,btw nama batu remote nya apa yak 😁
Mayan rgb really works, btw, what's the name of the remote rock?
Bagus, tapi bingung ini emang engga ada tombol on off atau gimana? Takutnya boros ke baterai
good, but confused, is there really no on off button or what? afraid wasteful to the battery
Ada yg lepas gagangnya tolong di perhatikan lagi.
there is a loose handle please pay attention again.
Barang sudah di coba & berfungsi dgn baik. Smoga awet!!
Item has been tested and works fine. hope it lasts!!
fast respon,pengiriman cepat dan aman
fast response, fast and safe delivery
besok besok tolong donk jangan di lakban soalny mau buat jual lg ad belas lakbannya, dusnya jadi jelek
tomorrow tomorrow please don't tape it because I want to sell it again there are twelve duct tapes, the box is ugly
mantaap barangnya bagus ya walaupun harusnya dapet stiker fantech tp ini malah gak ada hehe
it's great, the item is good, even though you should get a fantech sticker, but it doesn't even exist hehe
Kualitasnya bagus dan sesuai dengan pesanan.. warnanya bagus.. pengirimannya cepat..
the quality is good and according to the order.. the color is good.. the delivery is fast..
Barangnya bagus, harga murah tapi pengemasan barang kurang baik, semoga kedepannya bisa lebih bagus dan rapih lagi
the goods are good, the price is cheap but the packaging of the goods is not good, hopefully in the future it can be better and neater
good packing oke, overall normal
good packing okay, overall normal
walaupun responnya agak lambat tapi puas sama barangnya
although the response is a bit slow but satisfied with the item
Pengiriman sameday cepat sehari sampai. Cuman warnanya aja ga sesuai sm request. Dichat tp ga dibales2 pdhl lg butuh cepet buat kado. Tp yasudahlah. Thankuu
Fast same day delivery arrived the next day. it's just that the color doesn't match the sm request. Chat but don't reply even though I need to hurry up for a gift. but okay. thankuu
Packing aman πŸ‘Œ barang sampe tanpa cacat. Recommended pokoknya πŸ‘πŸ»
safe packing of goods arrived without defects. basically recommended
Maap ya kasih 2 bintang dulu... Harus retur krn mesin blender nya ga fungsi... Next tlg di double check dulu sebelum pengiriman... Terima kasih
sorry, first star. I have to return it because the blender machine doesn't work. next plz double check before delivery. Thank You
ampuh keren
powerful cool
Sdh diterima dgn sdkt penyok bagian belakang gan tp berfungsi sih.. Lain x di cek lg ya. TQ
I've received it with a slight dent on the back and it's still working... I haven't checked it again. thank you
proses cepat dan barang dlm kondisi bagus walau kotak pesok2
fast processing and items in good condition even though the box was dented
Pesanan sampai dalam pengemasan rapi pengirimannya pun cepat 🀩 Terimakasih seller & kurir πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜
order arrived in good packaging and fast delivery, thank you seller & courier
Ada garansi internasional.Β Barangnya original πŸ‘.Β Baterenya awet.Β Ada garansi resmi.Β Audionya mantap.
there is an international guarantee. the goods are original. the battery lasts. there is an official warranty. the audio is great.