Pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat
fast packaging and delivery
real pick,barang bagus
real pick, good stuff
terimakasih,akhirnya bs ditukar
thanks, finally got it replaced
Krna untuk kebutuhan Darling anak ak sekolah
because for the needs of darling children don't go to school
Pesanan sudah diterima dan sudah dicoba juga semoga barang awet
the order has been received and has been tried too hopefully the goods will last
kompliiit... bekerja dengan baik smua, tp buka cover blakang buat masukin sim card susah bgt, jd takut patah. sound nya lumayan ok lah, kl da yg bilang sound nya jelek kayak nya ekspektasi nya kayak harman kardon ya beda lah ya...
Complete. everything works fine, but opening the back cover to insert the SIM card is really hard, so I'm afraid it will break. the sound is pretty ok, if someone says the sound is bad, I think the expectations are like harman kardon, that's different.
produk sesuai pesanan semoga awet
Products according to the order hopefully durable
pengiriman cepat, Dan berfungsi dengan baik. thank you
fast delivery, and works well. thank you
Fitur Terbaik:otomatis begitu ditekan lgsg muter Barang datang dan kondisi barang baik, sdh dicoba dan berfungsi dg baik. Lumayan ga perlu ngulek lagi, bentuknya mini jd ga makan banyak tempat
the best feature: automatically as soon as it is pressed it turns on the item comes and the condition of the item is good, it has been tried and works well. pretty no need to grind anymore, the shape is mini so it doesn't take up much space
Alhamdulillah paket yg di tunggu sdh datang.. teko bagus, dapat warna ungu.. sudah di coba, bunyi siulnya nyaring bangt. cm sayang tekonya penyok, jd ngk enak di pandang, mngkin dri pengiriman ke tindih", dusnya bkn bawaan dri tekonya,
alhamdulillah, the package that was waiting for has arrived.. nice teapot, got purple color.. tried it, the whistling sound is really loud. it's a shame the teapot is dented, so it's not pleasing to the eye, maybe the delivery is overlapping", the box didn't come from the teapot,
Barangnya original πŸ‘.Β Ada garansi resmi.Β Proses pesanan cepat.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. fast order process.
barang bagus lampu indikator nyala pengemasan juga aman pake buble hrga murah pengiriman juga cepat
good stuff, the indicator lights are on, the packaging is also safe, using bubbles, cheap prices, fast delivery too
Fitur Terbaik:wrna gak jelas Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai hrga nya Untung hidup tapi sesuai dengan harga gambar nya bergoyang2 gak jelas,,untung masi bisa dipakai lh
the best feature: the color is not clear, commensurate with the price: according to the price, fortunately it lives, but according to the price, the picture is not clear, fortunately it can still be used
makasih banyak Lazada πŸ₯°πŸ™ barang sudah sampai tujuan aman dan lancar
Thank you very much, Lazada, the goods have arrived at their destination safely and smoothly
packing kurang aman, tidak ada bubblewarp atau pembungkus plastik, kardus jadi penyok, pesan warna hitam, tapi dikirim putih, padahal di diskusi sudah bilang ready.
the packing was not safe, no bubblewarp or plastic wrap, the cardboard was dented, ordered black, but sent white, even though the discussion said it was ready.
Barang bagus, cuma sayang seribu sayang paking kurang baik sehingga pada penyok
good stuff, it's just a shame it's a thousand, it's a shame the gasket isn't good so it's dented
it's too bad that two stoves are so small, how can you dance two pots?
packing rapi, tinggal tes unit
neat packing, just need to test the unit
Ok lecet dikit, wajar sekond πŸ™‚, di kurir nya aja agak lambat, cari produk murah & amanah, DISINI πŸ‘‰ toko fitriarahmawati πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
ok, it's a little scratched, it's only natural for a second, the courier is a bit slow, looking for cheap & reliable products, here is fitriarahmawati shop
single tablet aja ga ada chargernya okei lah terimakasih
just a single tablet doesn't have a charger, okay, thank you
Akhirnya sampai juga barang saya pdhal kemarin sempet hilang sm gojek nya πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€£
finally my item arrived even though yesterday it was lost with the gojek
Barang bagus, udah bisa jalan. Cool.
good stuff, it's running. cool.
walaupun harganya murah, masih tetep ok build qualitynya (masih kerasa plastik banget sih), semoga awet ga gampang dobel klik
even though the price is cheap, the build quality is still ok (it still feels really plastic), I hope it lasts and doesn't double click easily
great. okay
Kyaaa suka sekaliii, dilihat dari luar sih sepertinya bagus dan bahannya akan awet. Semoga temenku suka dan kepake. Thanks seller
I really like it, from the outside it looks good and the material will last. I hope my friends like and use it. thanks seller
Packing sesuai standart bubblewrap tebel + kerdus, beda dari toko sebelah, barang bekerja dengan normal
packing according to standard bubble wrap tebel + cardboard, different from the next store, goods work normally
Barang Oke lah Bagus..ukuran Standar....
okay stuff is good..standard size.
barang bagus,sesuai deskripsi produk.. seller josss banget responnya, langsung kirim hari itu juga.
good item, according to the product description... the seller was very responsive, sent it right away that day.
Produk original Bagus Pengiriman cepat Recomended Mantulll
original product, good fast delivery, highly recommended
barang seauai pesanan .... tapi sayang Mesin Mati tidak berguna ....
goods to order. but unfortunately the dead machine is useless.
Barang sangat buruk. Tidak sesuai yang di deskripsikan. πŸ‘ŽπŸ» jangan beli
very bad stuff. not as described. do not buy
merah pisan oey...πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
oh so red.
hpnya berpungsi dengan baik,tapi bonusnya gak sasuai deskripsi dan kartu smart pren didaerah saya sinyalnya jelek.tapi gak apa2 yang penting hpnya normal.trima kasih.
the cellphone functions well, but the bonuses don't match the description and the smart pren card in my area has a bad signal. but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that the cellphone is normal.
bagus bisa dipakai semua kartu, namun kecepatan nya masih kurang, dalam menangkap sinyal cukup baik
it's good that all cards can be used, but the speed is still lacking, the signal capture is quite good
pas maaf baru kasih ulasan karna mau coba beberapa kali eh hasil nyy pol lah bagus
I'm sorry I'm just giving a review because I want to try it a few times, but the results are good
Harga:sesuai dgn kualitas Kualitas:bagus banget Ketajaman:pro!!
price: according to quality quality: really good sharpness: pro !!
Pembelian ke 2 disini.. Selalu Bagus Produknya, Terima kasih πŸ™
purchase here.. always good product, thank you
Yang dikirim kan G1 kok kembalian nya gak di masukin ke Paket sekalian kan harganya beda -___
what was sent, why isn't the change included in the package and the price is different -_
Alhamdulillah paket presto baru sampai, pengiriman cepat, kondisi barang mulus, paking rapih, semoga awet karena blm d coba, bisa buat langganan untk jenis brng lainya. Terima kasiiiiiih.
Thank God, the new Presto package arrived, fast delivery, smooth item condition, neat packaging, hope it lasts because I haven't tried it yet, can subscribe to other types of goods. Thank You.
Sudah di mohon2 utk kirim hari itu juga pd hal cmn beda beberapa menit tetap ga mau kirim.
I have been asked to send it the same day, even though it is only a few minutes different, it still doesn't want to be sent.
Terima kasih seller, barangnya bagus....... Recommended bangetttttttt. Tq tq tq....................................................... ................
thank you seller, the goods are good. really recommended. tq tq tq. .
Pengiriman cepat. Barang sesuai dengan harganya deh, cuma kok box nya gak ada sticker segel nya ya... apakah emang begitu kalo beli produk lokal...sayang banget harusnya bisa leih baik. Stylus nya gak sesuai dengan gambar di box stylus nya (di gambarnya ada klip nya). Kamera depan blakangnya gak bagus (sesuai dengan harganya), kalo buat zoom dan wa call gelap. Backdoor nya plastik, buka nya keras susah, dan pinggir2 backdoornya saya trima gak mulus / mungkin bekas dibuka2 saat pengecekan kali ya gak tau juga.
fast delivery. the goods are in accordance with the price, it's just how come the box doesn't have a seal sticker on it. Is that really the case if you buy local products? It's a shame it should be better. the stylus doesn't match the picture on the stylus box (the picture has a clip). the front camera isn't good (according to the price), when it comes to zoom and wa calls it's dark. The backdoor is plastic, it's hard to open, and I don't think the edges of the backdoor are smooth / maybe it was opened when I checked, I don't know either.
Packing kardus nya acakΒ² kan jadi saya masih bintang 4 maap ya
The cardboard packaging is random, so I'm still a star, sorry
Kuwalitasa keren sih, cuma kendala di pengiriman yang lumayan lama, itupun karena flash sale
the quality is cool, the only problem is the delivery which took quite a long time, and even then because of the flash sale
alhamdulillah barang nya su dah nyampe dlm ke adaan aman, cuman kenapa ya suaranya ilang tapi giliran ada suara nya kresek kresek tolong dong ke napa ya?
alhamdulillah, the goods have arrived safely, but why is the sound gone, but in turn there is a crackle, please help, why?
ad grtis voucer g bsa d'gunain
there are free vouchers that can't be used
Packaging bagus sekali, bahan ok untuk material speed design bagus ukuran pas
the packaging is very good, the material is ok for the material speed design, the size is good, the size is right
Performa:mantap Kualitas:good
performance: steady quality: good
Lupa ga share yg dpake. Jd nya salah barang...
don't forget to share what you used. it's wrong stuff.
Tabnya Bagus dari segi Tampilan, kecepatan dan pentingnya semua fungsi berjalan dg lancar.tks seller dan topedπŸ™
the tab is good in terms of appearance, speed and the importance of all functions running smoothly. thanks seller and toped
Sayangnya ngga di double bubble wrap jadi paketnya sobek, ntah karna ekspedisinya atau emang bubble nya yg kurang
unfortunately it wasn't double bubble wrapped so the package was torn, either because of the expedition or the lack of bubbles
Sudah di coba dan menyala.. Cuma belum di coba buat giling daging dan sebagai.nya.. Semoga awet... Cepet juga pengiriman.nya... Oke deh buat seller.nya
it's been tried and turned on.. just haven't tried it for grinding meat and so on.. hope it lasts. fast delivery too. okay for the seller
barangnya bagus tidak ada penyok .. sayang tidak bersiul ..
the item is good no dents .. it's a shame it doesn't whistle ..
Berfungsi dengan baik, cuma minus lecet wajar dan baterai cepat habis. Masih oke sih
works fine, only minus normal scratches and the battery runs out quickly. it's still okay
Ok produk terpercaya. Pengiriman 1hari sih. Pdhl minta hari H sampai. But over all oke
OK reliable product. day delivery. even though I asked for the day of arrival. but over all okay
hari ini baru datang tapi pas dicoba ga panas,ga nyala,ga berfungsi sama sekali,bagaimana ini?
today it just arrived but when I tried it it didn't heat up, it didn't turn on, it didn't work at all, how about this?
uhh mantap parah barang nya ada lampu **** nya
uhh it's really bad that the item has a lamp *
Semoga awet gan su terpasang... recomended saller..
I hope it lasts, bro, if it's installed. recommended seller..
Barang bagus.. Cuma box nya aja jelek banget
good stuff.. it's just that the box is really bad
bintang 1 dulu, ini kenapa backlight keyboardnya gak nyala ya ? pakai batre lagi?
star first, why isn't the keyboard backlight on? use battery again?
Barang sdh di terima dan lengkap mudah mudahan bisa berfungsi dgn baik...terima kasih πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
the item has been received and is complete, hopefully it will function properly. thank you
Sudah bisa konfirmasi, tablet oke, bisa buat muter mulmed. Buat install aplikasi ringan bisa, cuman gak bisa jalan. Sesuai lah dg harganya. Terima kasih.
I can confirm, the tablet is okay, can play Mulmed. to install light applications you can, but can't run. according to the price. Thank You.
Sejauh ini aman terkendali…. Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging rapi Respon penjualnya top
So far it's under control... the seller is very friendly, the order process is fast, the packaging is neat, the seller's response is top
Produknya oke,.. cuman ambigu di sistem pengechasnya. Di manual book dan di test langsung berbeda indikator penanda full batrenya. Jadi bingung full batrenya bagaimana.
the product is okay, but the charging system is ambiguous. in the manual book and in the direct test, the indicator for the full battery is different. so I'm confused about how full the battery is.
barang sudah sampai... warna sesuai keinginan, packing rapih , kurir baik nganter sampe rumah. thanks lazada thanks kurir
the goods have arrived. the color you want, the packing is neat, the courier is good to deliver to the house. thanks lazada thanks courier
Produk sampai lumayan lama tapi sampai dengan keadaan bagus
The product took a long time to arrive but arrived in good condition
Barangnya bagus semoga awet, tetapi aku kasih bintang 3 karena motor tidak bisa menunduk. πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ terpaksa aku pake baut untuk menahan.
the item is good, hopefully it lasts, but I give it a star because the motorbike can't bend down. I had to use bolts to hold.
mkasih lazada barang dah sampai sesuai di gambar kurirnya juga ramah, tapi aq kecewa setelah aq buka barangnya penyok
thank you lazada the item arrived according to the picture the courier was also friendly, but i was disappointed after i opened the item it was dented
puas bgt barang bagus dan original,,,cuma kecewa sama kurir nya masa paket saya d taro d luar geletak begitu aja untung ngk ada yg ambil
Very satisfied with good and original items, just disappointed with the courier when my package was put outside just like that, fortunately no one took it
Terimakasih pesanan telah sampai... Kualitas produk baik.. Harga terjangkau.. Packing bagus.. Kecepatan pengiriman baik..
Thank you, the order has arrived. good product quality..affordable price..good packing..good delivery speed..
Ada keanehan di awal pas order barang ini, katanya gada stok tiba-tiba pesanan dikirim. W kira paket dummy awalnya, galama kemudian tiba-tiba dibilang yang dikirim headset fantech mh90. Dan ya, beneran mh90. Unitnya bagus ko no kendala hanya saja si penjual yang bikin bingung di awal
there was an oddity at the beginning when I ordered this item, he said there was no stock, suddenly the order was sent. w thought the package was dummy at first, galama then suddenly said that the fantech mh headset was sent. and yes, really mh. the unit is good, but there are no problems, it's just that the seller confused me at the start
Warna nya bagus sip untuk ibu saya
nice color sip for my mother
Wahh ini kedua kalinya beli kabel ga berfungsi, dulu padahal aman aman aja. Apa sekarang kualitas lagi jelek? Kabel ga berfungsi. Update review: kabel ini berfungsi, tapi tidak cocok dengan adaptor xiomi 18w fast charging. Setelah ganti adaptor lain bisa ngecas. Tapi ga bisa ngecas di device bawaan adaptor tersebut. Ntah ini ada cacat dengan kabel atau adaptor.
Wow, this is the second time I bought a cable that didn't work, before even though it was safe. is the quality worse now? cable not working. update review: this cable is working, but not compatible with xiaomi w fast charging adapter. after changing another adapter can charge. but can't charge on the device that came with the adapter. I don't know if there is a defect with the cable or adapter.
brilian ramadhila pernah beli di sini
brilliant ramadhila ever bought here
Respon cepat..kualitas bagus..biar bintang yang berbicara
fast response..good quality..let the stars speak
Pisau nya bagus bgt, sayang ga ada tempat kayunya
the knife is really good, it's a shame there's no place for the wood
Pesan 2, blender&chopper 1 juta lebih dan beli bubble wrap 2 cuma setipis itu padahal elektronik?! Dan beda 2 hari beli chopper harga awal 484rb turun jd 384rb dan di toko lain juga harganya 300rban sekian, tidak masuk akal niat irit belanja dalam satu toko malah buntung berkah deh mas/mba
order, blender & chopper million more and buy bubble wrap just that thin even though it's electronic?! and on a different day to buy a chopper, the initial price of Rp. went down to Rp.
sesuai pesanan nasa pro belum dicoba moga lancar dan awet.
As ordered by Nasa Pro, haven't tried it yet, hopefully it's smooth and durable.
klo panas nya baik, tapi sayang mika yg disamping mangap ga bisa rapat mika buntut nya ada yg retak. pengiriman sama kurir nya zosss. tanks TOKO PEDIA
if it's hot it's good, but it's a shame that the mica next to it can't get close to Mika's tail, there's a crack. delivery with the courier zos. tanks pedia store
barang bagus,sesuai dengan deskripsi,suka banget,pengiriman cepat :D
good item, according to the description, like it very much, fast delivery :d
Bagus, Cuma penyok dus nya + ada sedikit goresan KARENA faktor Kurir nya. SARAN lebih tebel lagi packing nya biar nggak rusak ke headset, kalau dusnya GPP :) Bagus!
good, only the box is dented + there are a few scratches due to the courier factor. Suggestions for even thicker packing so that it doesn't damage the headset, if the box is okay :) great!
Barangnya bagus tapi packagingnya tidak rapih sehingga kardus pisaunya rusak
the item is good but the packaging is not neat so the cardboard knife is broken
pengemasan ok, pengiriman cepat, barang mulus
packing ok, fast delivery, good item
Satisfying, warnanya cakep
satisfying, the color is cute
Terima kasih atas pengirimannya, pengiriman sangat cepat, dipacking secara aman,barang recomended
Thank you for the delivery, very fast delivery, safely packed, recommended item
Barang pas sampe dan di cek patah area mesin dan koclak Barang tidak berfungsi sama sekali Kecewa sekali ,mohon untuk tuker atau pengembalian biaya sesuai pembayaran
when the goods arrived and were checked, the broken area of ​​the engine and the koclak, the goods did not work at all, I was very disappointed, please exchange or refund according to payment
bagus sekali, bisi mengirit quota per orang
very good, can save quota per person
pengemasan hanya pake bubble wrap, kurang tebel. tapi barang aman, cuma dus penyok dikit
Packaging only uses bubble wrap, not thick enough. but the goods are safe, only the box is a little dented
Produk bagus, barang sampai kurang lebih 7 hari yang seharusnya bisa 3 hari..
good product, item arrived more or less the day it should be able to day..
lumayan murah berkualitas
pretty cheap quality
produk oke,pas dikantong pokonya okeee buangeeet deh
the product is okay, when it's in the pocket, it's okay to throw it away
Alhamdulillah udah sampee... Lumayan buat anak main game masih bagusss, gak ngecewain pkok nya
thank God it arrived. it's pretty good for kids to play games, it's still good, it doesn't disappoint
Mantap gan... Datang dengan mulus sesuai yg ada di bioπŸ‘
great bro. came smoothly according to what is in the bio
Barang oke packing lumayan. Tapi saya pesen ditulis ucapan untuk kado tidak dibuatkan
the item is ok, the packing is ok. but I ordered written greetings for gifts not made
seller ramah minta rekomen langsung dikasi packing aman mantap
a friendly seller asked for a recommendation immediately given a good safe packing
Packing bener2 ancur pake cuma kardus setrikaan aja gk ada kardus tambahan atau bubble warp sama sekali, mudah2an aja setrikaannya bagus
the packing is really broken using just ironing cardboard no additional cardboard or bubble warp at all, hopefully the ironing is good
Barangnya sesuai sama gambar, Gan Pentingnya foto produk yang sesuai dengan kondisi barang akan terbukti ketika pembeli membuka bungkusan paket dan melihat barang yang ia pesan. Jika barang yang ia terima lebih buruk dibandingkan foto yang ditampilkan di toko online, pembeli akan kecewa.
the item matches the picture, bro, the importance of product photos that match the condition of the item will be proven when the buyer opens the package and sees the item he ordered. if the item he receives is worse than the photo shown in the online store, the buyer will be disappointed.
barang lebih cepat datang masih mulus normal makasih lazada semoga sukses selalu
the goods came faster still normal smooth thanks lazada good luck always
Fitur Terbaik:second like new packing rapih.. semoga awet ... thanks seller...
best feature:second like new neat packing..hope it lasts . thanks seller.
mantep ok cuma beda warna, minta list putih dikasih warna putih, atau memang saya yang salah
it's great, it's just a different color, I asked for a white list, it was given white, or I was wrong