cocok dengan kata kata kardusnya,,,, seperti iklan di TV 😃😃😁😁😁
matches the cardboard words, like a commercial on tv
Terimakasih barang sudah sampai dan sesuai
Thank you, the goods have arrived and are suitable
mantap, sesuai pesanan, syank pakingnya tipis mohon di perbaiki, biar g penyokk sukses blibli
great, according to the order, unfortunately the packaging is thin, please fix it, so that the dent is successful
Nais bgt
so rise
Produk bagus dan original...sudah dipakai buat mie bbrp kali...gampang bersihkannya...seller jg fast respons...roller patah lsg dikirim gantinya keesokan harinya....mantap recommended bgt 👍
good and original product. have used it for noodles a few times. easy to clean. seller also fast response.
barang tidak segel plastik, kalau mau dijual lagi gimana pasti dikira bekas. packing juga kurang aman, dusnya jadi penyok
the item is not plastic sealed, if you want to sell it again how can it be considered used. the packing is also not safe, the box is dented
Harga oke pengiriman oke produk oke seller oke sudah langganan recomended deh terimakasih
okay price, okay delivery, okay product, okay seller, already subscribed, recommended, thank you
Baguss trimsssss seller adek sy suka katanya buat main game
nice, thanks seller, my sister likes it, she says, for playing games
ada harga ada rupa, jangan berharap lebih
there is a price there is a way, don't expect more
nasi nya cepet kering harus segera di cabut colokan y kalau matang tapi lumayan untuk harga segitu 🙏
the rice dries quickly, you have to unplug it immediately if it's cooked, but it's not bad for that price
Produk bagus dan warnanya jg suka ...tapi sedikit kecewa karna pengiriman lama dan udah beberapa kali hubungi pihak jasa kirim baru ada updatenya 😥
good product and I like the color too. But a little disappointed because the delivery took a long time and I've contacted the delivery service several times to get an update
dikasih yang penyok
given a dent
Produknya bagus, RGB berfungsi baik, virtual 7.1 juga berfungsi dengan mendownload aplikasi dari fantechworld. Untuk vocal ok, cuma untuk bass kurang nendang. Treblenya terlalu dominan. Tapi untuk komunikasi dalam game atau video call jd lebih baik. Untuk nonton film atau denger music lumayan setelah diset equalizernya. Saya kasih bintang lima karena pelayanannya yg super OK.
product is good, rgb works fine, virtual . also works by downloading the app from fantechworld. for vocals it's ok, only for the bass it doesn't kick enough. the treble is too dominant. but for in-game communication or video calls it's better. to watch movies or listen to music is not bad after the equalizer is set. I give five stars because the service is super ok.
barangnya bgs sesuai dgn pesanan, no lecet pokoknya puas dech makasih lazada
the goods are good according to the order, no scratches, just satisfied, thanks lazada
Mnta merah dikirim hitam
asked for red sent black
mantab. .full bonus, full senyum...
great. .full bonus, full smile.
Alhamdulillah barang sudah sampai, walau tadi salah peta map akhirnya datang juga, ganti alamat tapi g rubah titik map, jadinya kurir nganter sesuai yg map, bukan alamat yg tertera
thank God the item arrived, even though earlier the map map was wrong it finally came, changed the address but didn't change the point of the map, so the courier delivered according to the map, not the address listed
Mousenya lumayan, berfungsi dengan baik. Fitur auto sleepnya juga berfungsi dengan baik, mouse cuman sleep kalau tidak di pakai (selama pemakaian mouse tidak pernah mati sendiri, kalau ditinggal setelah 5 menitan baru auto sleepnya jalan). mouse cukup ringan dan lumayan fit ditangan saya. Tombol mousenya clicky layaknya mouse mouse di warnet. Tombol tambahanya (di sisi kiri) feelnya lebih ringan Quality checknya tolong ditingkatkan lecet sedikit seperti di gambar cuman tidak terlalu kelihatan. Edit 1: Kalau lampunya hidup tapi mousenya tidak jalan, coba ganti baterainya. Baterai gratisannya cuman tahan 16 hari saja (sekarang ganti batre AB* alkaline), pemakaian lumayan lama dan selalu dimatikan manual saat malam hari, bagi yg main fps atau game yg pakai teknik "flick" mungkin mouse ini kurang cocok.
The mouse is not bad, it works fine. the auto sleep feature also works well, the mouse only sleeps if not in use (as long as you use the mouse it never turns itself off, if you leave it after a minute then the auto sleep starts). The mouse is quite light and quite fit in my hand. the mouse button is clicky like a mouse mouse in an internet cafe. the additional button (on the left side) feels lighter on the quality check please improve the scratches a bit like in the picture but not too visible. edit: if the light is on but the mouse doesn't work, try changing the battery. the free battery only lasts for a day (now replace the ab* alkaline battery), the usage is quite long and it is always turned off manually at night, for those who play fps or games that use the 'flick' technique; maybe this mouse is not suitable.
Paket sudah sampai Pertama kalinya beli barang elektronik, takut jg kalo kenapa2 dijalan, tapi alhamdulillah gak ada reject nya dan berfungsi dgn baik😍
The package has arrived for the first time buying electronic goods, I'm also afraid if it's running, but thank God there's no reject and it works fine
Barang sesuai deskripsi benar benar 1080p tapi sayang proses krimi lumayan lama,mungkin Krn buka toko offline juga
the goods match the description really, but it's a shame the crime process took quite a long time, maybe because they opened an offline shop too
Barang sesuai dengan foto
item according to photo
pakingnya rusak dan terbuka. tp isinya ga ada masarah.
the gasket is broken and exposed. but there is no problem in the contents.
barang nya bagus dan cocok mantap lah
the item is good and fits great
brang sdh diterima kualitas brng bgus sesuai hrga pengiriman lmayan cepat mkasih
brang received, good quality goods according to the price, delivery is quite fast, thank you
Harga:Lumayan Daya listrik:Lumayan Kualitas:bagus banget Mantappppppp.
price: decent power: pretty good quality: really good, great.
Barang berfungsi dengan baik mantap GG geming🔥🔥🔥
the item works fine, steady, geming
Semua berfungsi dengan baik, packaging juga mantap. Semua lengkappppppppp . MANTAAP
everything works fine, packaging is also great. all complete. great
Mau koleksi semua produk Oxone, oh iya aku lagi nungguin promo 11.11 nh😆
want to collect all oxone products, oh yeah, I'm waiting for a promo. nh
Fitur Terbaik:good Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai barang
best features:good value for money:good value for money
terrlofff poko nya meskipun lama prosen nya 🥴🥵maksasih ya kak ... buat yang mau beli jangan lupa beli amanah lohhh penjual nya da barang nyajuga bagus banget. . bakal jadi langganan 🥳🥳🥰
Serlof anyway, even though the process took a long time, thank you sis. for those who want to buy, don't forget to buy, trust the seller, and the goods are really good too. . will subscribe
kenapa blender bumbu yang kecil nya ko plastik bukan kaca ???????
why is the small spice blender plastic instead of glass?
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai harga Produk berfungsi dg baik, cantik warnanya, bodinya kokoh, mga awet. Tpi kecewa bgt dg pengemasan, produk elektronik tpi perlindungannya dr sipenjual sangat minim, cma 1 lapis sangat rawan penyok. Untung barang aman pas nyampe. Saran Perbaiki lgi dah dlm pengemasan.
best features: good for the price: according to the price the product works well, beautiful colors, sturdy body, lasts a long time. but very disappointed with the packaging, electronic products but the protection from the seller is very minimal, only the layers are very prone to dents. fortunately the item is safe when it arrives. Suggestions to fix it already in packaging.
Produk original. Harga produk baik. Kualitas produk baik. Respon penjual baik.
original product. good product price. product quality is good. good seller response.
paket sudah sampai, jumlah pesananpun sesuai, gak bisa upload foto lagi eror. makasih gratis ongkirnya 💕
The package has arrived, the number of orders is correct, the error can't upload photos anymore. thanks free postage
Gagang teflon ada yang pecah selebihnya memuaskan
the teflon handle is broken, the rest is satisfactory
Fitur Terbaik:jaringannya ternyata jelek sekali Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Barangnya bagus tp jaringannya kadang lost
the best feature: the network turned out to be really bad commensurate with the price: worth the good stuff but sometimes the network is lost
recomended seller, seller fast respon, barang sesuai dg deskripsi dan gambar. mantap..... cuma sayang lambat dipengiriman.
recommended seller, seller fast response, item according to description and picture. Excellent. just love the slow delivery.
Barang bagus. Kualitas oke. Tapi paket remuk. Terlalu lenturnpakingnya. Untung barangnya gpp.
good stuff. okay quality. but the package is crushed. the packing is too flexible. luckily it's okay.
milihnya ungu eh yg datang ijo...rada kecewa lah ngapain dibuat pilihan ya uda lah selebihnya HP berfungsi dgn baik.pengiriman aja agak lama.tq lah
I chose purple, the one that came was green. I was disappointed why I made the choice of color.. but yeah, the rest of the cellphone is working fine. The delivery took a while. Tq
Cepat prosesnya, tidak mengecewakan, respon penjual bagus
the process is fast, does not disappoint, the seller's response is good
Barangnya original 👍 Packaging aman , harga bersaing
the goods are original, safe packaging, competitive prices
murah meriah harga segini bisa buat masak nasi
cheap, this price can cook rice
respon cepat, pengiriman cepat dan packing rapih
fast response, fast delivery and good packaging
Pengiriman jelek, packing jg kurang menurut ku. Sisinya penyok. Uda ada tulisan jangan d banting pdhal. Jasa kirim buruk bgt. Ini pake JNE
Bad delivery, packing is also lacking in my opinion. dented side. there is already writing, don't slam it even though. bad delivery service. this uses jne
Alhamdulillah Paket sampe dengan selamat, tpi box luarnya gk di bubble wrap jadi kardus nya eusah tpi untung dalemnya tetep bagus thanks
thank God the package arrived safely, but the outer box was not bubble wrapped so the cardboard was difficult but luckily the inside was still good thanks
Barang okelah tapi kayaknya kamera bagusan redmi 9a padahal kamera lebih gede, terus untuk konektor charger ternyata agak lebih gede dari hp yang dipasaran harusnya mah disamakan aja biar ga repot kalo tiba2 kabel data tidak berfungsi, yang bikin gedek kurir anteraja barang belum diterima main diselesaikan aja statusnya tanpa konfirmasi terlebih dahulu bikin orang darah tinggi
the item is okay but I think the camera is good, the Redmi A even though the camera is bigger, then for the charger connector it turns out to be a bit bigger than the cellphone on the market, I should just equate it so it doesn't bother me when the data cable doesn't work, which makes the courier anteraja smash the item, haven't received it, just solved it status without prior confirmation makes people have high blood pressure
Cepet nyampe, bahan bagus ga tipis, ga gede ga kecil, passss
Arrived quickly, good material, not thin, not big, not small, just right
Cepet sampe, keadaan ok, tapi belom include batre. Agak seret pas click or clock.
Arrived quickly, on condition, but battery not included. a bit drag when click or clock.
Maaf cuman bisa kasi 3 bintang..d promo free kabel, tapi pas d buka tidak ada kabelnya..
sorry I can only give a star... in the free cable promo, but when I open it there is no cable...
barang nya tipis banget ,datang nya lama sekali ,jadi kapok deh mau order lagi apa lagi pake ninja Expres laaaammmma banget
the item is really thin, it's taking so long to arrive, so I'm tired of ordering more, what else is using ninja express, it's taking so long
Aku belum Terima barang nya... Kenapa di sini tertulis barang sudah di Terima...
I haven't received the item yet. Why is it written here that the item has been received?
barang tiba walau agak lambat penjemputan dr ekspedisi
the goods arrived even though it was a bit slow to pick up from the expedition
barang nya bagus sesuai pesanan..panas nya tahan lamaaa....seharian pul......
the goods are good according to the order..the heat lasts a long time.all day long.
packing mantap... cepet.. tapi quality sound kurang.. buat nge-game kurang bgt..
great packing. fast.. but the sound quality is not good enough for playing games..
barang sdh diterima dg baik, packing aman, pengiriman cepat. terima kasih.
Item received in good condition, safe packing, fast delivery. Thank You.
Barang sdh sampe. Tp memory internalnya bukan 64, cuma 10. Keypadnya ada bbrp huruf disebelah kiri tdk berfungsi spt q, a, z, angka 1 dan caps lock
the goods have arrived. but not the internal memory, just . the keypad has several letters on the left that don't work like q, a, z, numbers and caps lock
barang sampe dengan packing pakai dus bikinan bukan bawaan ok lah ttp aman,cuma tidak sesuai judul,ga dapet centong
the goods arrived packaged using dus made not from the factory. but ok, but safe, just doesn't match the title, can't get a snout
Kualitas baang bagus, pengiriman dari toko dikasih ke kurir agak lama (2hari), chat tidak ada yang merespon. Tapi barang bagus dan aman.
the quality of the goods is good, the delivery from the store to the courier took quite a long time (days), no one responds to chat. but good stuff and safe.
mixernya bagus,saya suka tetapi bowlnya menurut saya kurang tebal dan besar,pas saya coba mixernya,bau mesin,ternyata memang karna masih baru ,terima kasih seller,lazada,dan kurir
the mixer is good, I like it but in my opinion the bowl is not thick and big enough, when I tried the mixer, it smells like a machine, apparently it's because it's still new, thank you seller, lazada and courier
mendarat dg baik,, hanya pengirimannya yg lambat.. tengkyu mas kurir langganan
landed well,, only the delivery was slow... thank you mas courier subscription
Pengiriman mengalami keterlambatan melebihi estimasi yg diberikan, kondisi kardus paketnya sedikit penyok namun barang di dalamnya masih aman dan bisa dipakai tanpa ada kendala.
the delivery was delayed beyond the estimate given, the condition of the cardboard package was a little dented but the goods inside were still safe and could be used without any problems.
Air menetes terus dr keran nya. Padahal tidak habis di pakai menuang air.
water keeps dripping from the tap. even though it is not used up in pouring water.
akhirnya sampai . kak punya yang lebih tebal gak saya mau kalo ada
finally arrived. Sis, do you have a thicker one or not, if you have one
Fast response karena hari minggu tetap diproses. Packing safety dan barang berfungsi dgn baik.
fast response because sunday is still being processed. packing safety and goods function properly.
Pengiriman cepat , tapi ko tutup nya agak macet ya di buka, gak langsung ke buka gtu
fast delivery, but how come the lid is a bit jammed, so when you open it, it doesn't open right away
mantul gk ngecewain
mantul don't disappoint
Pancinya luntur lumayan tidak ada cacat
the pot is faded .. but pretty good no defects
Barang bagus, pengiriman sangat cepat. Mantab
great item, very fast delivery. great
Kualitas produk sangat baik dan original, pengemasannya sangat rapi dan aman
The quality of the product is very good and original, the packaging is very neat and safe
Mouse yang dibeli sudah nyampe tujuan.Barang sesuai dengan spesifikasi di Tokopedia.Terima kasih.
The mouse that was purchased has arrived at its destination. The goods are in accordance with the specifications at Tokopedia. Thank you.
the best pkok nya , mksih lazada 🤗
the best pkoknya, thanks lazada
agak kecewa, masa barang baru kondisinya gini gompel, gompel jadi ragu mau pesen barang online lagi nya
I was a bit disappointed, when the new item was in such a bad condition, it was so bad that I was hesitant to order things online again
Barang bagus. Tapi tolong pihak tokped/oxone official jgn kerjasama dg pengiriman Anteraja. Paket saya telat datangnya. Sudah ada di kantor ekspedisi di kota saya tapi barang 2 hari tidak dikirim ke alamat saya, jadi saya harus repot datang ke pihak ekspedisi untuk ambil paket saya. Sangat buruk pelayanan ekspedisinya.
good stuff. but please the tokped/oxone official don't cooperate with anteraja delivery. my package is late. it's already at the expedition office in my city but the goods are not sent to my address, so I have to bother coming to the expedition to pick up my package. very bad expedition service.
ketinggian klo untuk cosmos 323. jadi di bengkokin pake tang. sekarang bs dipake. lumayan buat gonta ganti
height klo for cosmos . so it's bent using pliers. now it can be used. enough for mutual exchange
Produk sangat ringkih,baru 1 minggu pake sekali jatoh layar langsung pecah,,dan saya tidak mendapatkan kartu garansi produk dibox maupun luar box,,, Harga segini kualitas produk jelek,,ditingkatkan lagi produknaya..
the product is very fragile, just used it once for a week, the screen broke immediately, and I didn't get a product warranty card in the box or outside the box, at this price, the quality of the product is bad, the product can be improved again..
Fitur Terbaik:g lengket Sepadan dengan Harga:murah Barang sudah sampai dengan baik terima kasih semoga amanah 👍👍
the best features: g sticky commensurate with the price: cheap, the goods arrived well, thank you, I hope you are trustworthy
dispenser nya bocor bocor bocor bocor bocor jadi gk kepake ...sedih udah nyari uang susah bgt di tanya gk di bls2😈
the dispenser is leaking leaking leaking leaking leaking so it doesn't work. I'm sad I'm looking for money it's so hard to ask or not to answer
bagus sih . cuman kurang panas kalo mnrut saya.
that's good. it's just not hot enough in my opinion.
Packaging rapi. Proses pesanan cepat. Gampang dipakai. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging aman 🙏.
neat packaging. fast order process. easy to use. top seller response. safe packaging .
Nama produknya 8 liter tp aslinya ga sampe 8 liter. Cuman 6 liter. Mau tuker ga bisa. Payah. Mana kutahu ini cuman 6 liter volumenya. Payah payah
the name of the product is liters but the original doesn't reach liters. only liters. want to exchange can not. sucks. How do I know this is only liter volume. painstakingly
tutupny g rapat ,tkut pas buang ikut tumpah air panasnya 😣
The lid isn't tight, I'm afraid when I throw it away the hot water will spill over
Barang cepat dikirim, packaging rapi dan berfungsi dengan baik semoga awet thank you
the goods were sent quickly, the packaging is neat and works well, hopefully it will last, thank you
Seller ramah, dikasih bonus mousepad juga hehehe.. Packing lumayan lahh.. Hanya saja barangnya ada cacat pabrik, 1 switch kakinya kyk patah, setelah dituker sama switch di huruf sebelahnya, baru bisa..
friendly seller, given a bonus mousepad as well hehehe.. the packaging is pretty good.. it's just that the item has a factory defect, the leg switch seems broken, after exchanging it with the switch on the next letter, it can work..
Produk oke lah. Standar. Yang sangat gak oke adalah pelayanannya. Chatnya ramah, tapi prosesnya sangat lama. Beli tanggal 4 pagi, sampai 24 jam belom ada pengiriman. Saya ajukan pembatalan, tapi ditolak. Saya tanya, bilangnya sudah dikirim. Pake bilang overload. Tapi status tidak update. Baru dikirim tanggal 5 sore. Harusnya nyampe lebih awal, malah jadi mundur. Sorry nih 2 bintang karena jawaban yang basi. Really nice ya?
product okay. standard. What's really not okay is the service. the chat is friendly, but the process is very long. bought the morning date, until no delivery yet. I requested cancellation, but it was rejected. I asked, they said it had been sent. using said overload. but the status is not updating. Just sent this afternoon. should have arrived earlier, even so backwards. Sorry, one star for a stale answer. really nice huh?
seller fast respon, barang sesuai deskripsi dan berfungsi dgn baik
Seller fast response, item according to description and working well
Mantapp , Peking nya juga aman, jooss
great, Peking is also safe, jooss
harus beli anjeng gw beli satu dapat 3 anjeng soalnya aku beli 3 anjeng kalian harus beli Jing barangnya bagus banget asu gw gak endors kalo mau edors bisa dm gw Ajeng (aliyu_f.719) gw endors di alam lain asu gak bisa endors di alam bumi gak ada yang follow Ig gw ok by
I have to buy an jeng, I buy 1 get an jeng, the problem is I buy an jeng, you have to buy a jing, the goods are really good, asu, if you want to edora, you can dm me ajeng (aliyu_f.) I can endors in other realms, so I can't endors in the earthly realm, no one follows my ig is ok bye
Barang bagus sesuai deskripsi. Terima kasih tokopedia.
good item according to the description. thanks topedia.
pancinya mantafffff. cuma ada penyok di dua sisi kanan kiri bagian bawah. kayanya sih penyok dr tokonya bukan dr jasa pengirimannya. soalnya kardus pembungkusnya cukup tebal dan aman.
the pan is fine. There are only dents on the two bottom right and left sides. I think the dent is from the shop, not from the delivery service. because the cardboard packaging is quite thick and safe.
seneng bngt wajanya bagus
I'm really happy it's good
Sepadan dengan Harga:murah Fitur Terbaik:bagus Bagus
worth the price:cheap best features:good good
Makasih gan sudah datang,pengiriman sangat cepat dan produk akan saya coba dahulu
Thank you, bro, for coming, very fast delivery and I will try the product first
barang di kirim tidak di bungkus bubble wrap pengemasan kurang rapih
the goods sent are not wrapped in bubble wrap, the packaging is not neat
Asli bangus❤️❤️nyesel beli 1 doang🤣
Original Bangus, just regret buying it
Td malem paketnya dh sampe,,belum sempet dicoba, pengemasannya jg rapi double buble luar dalam,itu ada potongan item kecil gk tau buat apa,,tp patah sih gpp lah kynya gk d pake jg..mudah2n berfungsi dg baik,,nnt mau d coba yaaa👍👍👍👍👍👍
the package arrived at night... haven't tried it yet, the packaging is also neat, double bubbles inside and out, there are small pieces of items I don't know what to do... but it's broken, I don't think I can use it too... it's easy to function properly, I'll want it d try it
Fitur Terbaik:seperti nya baik ya Sepadan dengan Harga:ya sesuai dengan harga nya Pengiriman cepat dan kemasan rapih good seller
the best features: it looks good, it's worth the price: yes, according to the price, fast delivery and neat packaging, good seller
boxnya ancur tapi overall b aja
the box is broken but overall b aja
😍😍👍 bagus barangnya.. syuka..berfungsi baik.. 😍 pengasan 👍
good stuff.. I like well..controlling
Brg ori dan diterima dlm keadaan baik 👍 Syg nya sy baru tau klo produk ini ga ada tempat uap air, jd beleber kmn2
original item and received in good condition, unfortunately I just found out that this product doesn't have a place for moisture, so where do you go?
Alhamdulillah tabnya bagus, produk lokal bukan kaleng2. prosesor kenceng di kelasnya, paket komplit dapet pen (plus batere AAAA dan keyboard yg ada touchpad nya). minus nya memang ga semua aplikasi dioptimalkan untuk tablet, contohnya IG ga optimal di tablet mode (tetep vertical dan ga bisa split screen kaya yg lain)Ada garansi toko. Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Baterenya awet. Performa lancar. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi.
thank God the tab is good, local product not canned. fast processor in its class, complete package with pen (plus a battery and a keyboard with a touchpad). the minus is that not all applications are optimized for tablets, for example ig is not optimal in tablet mode (stays vertical and can't split screen like the others) there is a shop guarantee. there is an official warranty. the goods are original. the battery lasts. smooth performance. fast order process. neat packaging.