Pengiriman Cepat packing aman Kondisi Barang sesuai Iklan Mantap Terimakasih Seller  ok
fast delivery safe packing condition of the goods as advertised great thank you seller OK
Aku kasih bintang 5 karena memang hijau cuma tutup nya gak oda murnya jadi gak biaa di pakek harusbeli mur dulu ke bengkel sama tekonya banyak penyok2 dr dlm bukan penyok di luar
I give a star because it's green, only the lid doesn't have any nuts, so you can't use it, you have to buy the nuts first, go to the repair shop and the teapot has lots of dents from the inside, not dents on the outside
Produk fantech bagus langganan beli fantech joss murah tp kualias ok
good fantech products, subscribe to buy cheap joss fantech but ok quality
Mantap gan,, produk original,, pengiriman cepat,,packing aman, maksih seller, mkasih shopee
great bro,, original product,, fast delivery,,safe packing, thanks seller, thanks shopee
dos nya tdk rapi..pdhal mau buat kado..
the box is not neat...even though I want to make a gift...
semua rexus tinggal kursinya aminnn
All Rexus are left in their seats, Amin
Mantull sih ini, harga segini sudah dapet Maspion Belum dicoba tapi bagus kok semoga awet saja Thankyou seller ❤️
this really helps, at this price, I got a maspion, haven't tried it yet, but it's really good, hopefully it will last, thank you seller
pengiriman nya........
its delivery.
Barang sesuai yang dipesan mantab terimakasih ya gan
the items according to the order are great, thank you, bro
bagus dan ok
nice and ok
Proses cepat dan produk ok
fast process and good product
Bungkus kurang niat, ada bagian setrika seperti tutul yang hilang di body belakang.
the packaging lacks intention, there is a part of the iron like a spot that is missing on the back of the body.
Terima kasih kang barang nya pas banget... Nuhun ya kang...
thank you, the item is perfect. thank you bro.
aduuuhhh gimana sih gan ... barang ok, mesin juga oj, tapi knp dikirim ga dilapisin apa2, pakai plastik atau bubble dong gan ...
oh, how are you, bro? the goods are ok, the engine is ok too, but why are they sent without any coating, use plastic or bubble, bro.
Fitur Terbaik:standar Sepadan dengan Harga:kurang sesuai jangan berharap banyak hrga 800 k kekurangan nya bukan baterai tanam & tidak ada touch screen lock hanya memanfaatkan kunci sandi dan kamera nya standar.. thanks
best features: standard commensurate with the price: not suitable don't expect a lot of price k the drawback is not a built-in battery & no touch screen lock only uses a pass lock and the camera is standard.. thanks
bagus sih, tpi ada penyok ny
it's good, but it has a dent
bagusss bngett
very good
bagus bgt keliatan mewah gitu tapi sayang pas dateng packaging dalemnya uda begitu pdhl mau dibuat kado:,(
it's really nice, it looks luxurious, but it's a shame when it arrived, the packaging inside was already so even though I wanted to make a gift :(
fitur serta harga memuaskan
Satisfying features and price
Maaf kak.. karena ga tau cara pakainya jadi belibet ribet urusan ke belakang.. makasih juga sudah ngladeni q yg ruwet.. semoga smakin sukses..
sorry sis.. because I don't know how to use it so it's complicated to do things backwards.. thanks also for dealing with complicated questions.. I hope you will be more successful..
Bagus cuma kadang suaranya suka ilang2
it's good, but sometimes the sound disappears
Ada garansi resmi. Baterenya awet.
there is an official warranty. the battery lasts.
Pesanan tidak sesuai pesanan warna.
the order does not match the color order.
berfungsi, cuma agak bau mesinnya setelah dinyalain butuh beberapa hari buat ngilanginnya
it works, it just smells a little the engine after turning it on takes a few days to get rid of it
Barang cepat sampai, penjual baik dan ramah lumayan fast respon. Barang sesuai gambar dan lengkap 👍 sudah saya coba di hp dan laptop mantullllllllllll suaranya lampunya jg nyala pas saya colokin ke powerbank. Pokoknya mantulll 😊. Semoga awet aamiin 😁
Items arrived quickly, seller is kind and friendly, quite fast response. I have tried the items according to the picture and are complete on my cellphone and laptop, the sound bounces, the light also turns on when I plug it into the power bank. basically help. hopefully durable aamiin
Pengiriman oke banget sih cepetnya 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 mudah²an produknya bagus dan awet dipakai
the delivery is really good, the speed is hopefully the product is good and durable to use
Barangnya original 👍. Kemasan disegel. Spesifikasi sesuai . Ada garansi resmi. Kelengkapan sesuai. Warna sesuai pesanan. Barangnya mulus.
the goods are original. sealed packaging. appropriate specifications. there is an official warranty. appropriate equipment. custom color. smooth stuff.
Barang sesuai deskripsi. Kondisi produk baik, lengkap dan original. Respon pelapak cepat. Pengiriman cepat.
goods according to the description. Product condition is good, complete and original. fast response. fast delivery.
Barang bagus, walaupun pengiriman dari ekspedisinya sempet ketunda sehari karena kemarin pada banjir.
good stuff, even though the delivery from the expedition was delayed a day because yesterday was flooded.
Maaf lupa belum memberikan konfirmasi, magic com sudah dipakai 2 hari, tidak ada masalah, sampai juga kondisi baik, tidak ada penyok sama sekali terima kasih pak Kurir, terima kasih seller
sorry forgot to give confirmation, magic com has been used for days, no problems, arrived in good condition, no dents at all thank you sir courier, thank you seller
Harga:okelah Kualitas:Lumayan Ukuran: ok Ada 1 barang yg rusak j
price: ok quality: not bad size: ok there are damaged items j
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍.
there is an official warranty. the goods are original.
pengiriman nya cepat banget tp sayang pisaunya ada yg kurang tajam
The delivery was very fast but unfortunately the knife was not sharp enough
suaranya ampuuun pecah bgttt... emg ada harga ada barang sih...
his voice is so broken. Is there a price for goods?
pecking kurang rapih kurang teliti mejikom ga sesuai warna kaya org bekas tuker
Pecking is not neat, not thorough, mejikom doesn't match the color like the former exchanger
Ada harga ada rupa.. Hehe.. Ringkih banget bahannya, nyala lampunya trlalu terang, dan ga ada on off nya. Ada bonus batre.. Ya lumayanlah buat ank SMP mah. Packung aman bngt, Mks ya
there is a price and a way.. hehe.. the material is very fragile, the light is too bright, and there is no on and off. there is a bonus battery... yes, it's not bad for junior high school kids. Very safe packaging, thank you
Cintailah Ploduk Ploduk Indonesia. Bagus
love Indonesian ploduk ploduk. Good
barang nya bagus cuma ada bagian yang melengkung
the item is good but there is a curved part
Cakep banget birunya Packing Dus double juga meskipun masih 1 kota But di Bagian bawah ada baret Gt .its Ok Good .thx
the blue is really pretty, the packing is in a double box, even though it's still a city, but at the bottom there's a gt beret. Its ok, good, thx
Alhmdulilah paket mendarat kurang ok setrikany gak licin. Sesuai harga ya
thank God the package landed safely. but it's not ok, the iron is not smooth. according to price yes
Salah kasih produk, bukan yg a258 malah dikirim b258. Setelah didiskusikan ketemu jalan keluarnya. Untung responnya cepat, Semoga ga kejadian sm orang lain deh ya.
I gave the wrong product, not the one that was sent instead b. after discussion found a way out. Luckily the response was fast, I hope it doesn't happen to other people.
barang sesuai deskripsi sayang pengiriman nya lama
the item corresponds to the description, the delivery took a long time
Pada putaran tinggi (no.3) mengeluarkan bau menyengat. Barang tidak jadi digunakan. Tks
at high revs (no.) emits a pungent odor. goods are not used. thx
Maaf bukan foto yang sebenar nya,maaf juga lama konfirmasi pesanan di terima nya kak,lupa...tapi yang pasti barang sangat memuaskan,gak pernah kecewa selama order di toko ini...sudah kesekian kali nya...
sorry it's not the actual photo, sorry it took so long to confirm the order, sis, forgot.
Barang bagus cuma pengiriman yang telat
good item only late delivery
barangnya bagus gk ada yg rusak pengemasannya sangat rapih pengirimannya pun cpt psn kmarin skarang smpe.pokoknyw jgn ragu belanja di toko markotop deh👍🙏
the goods are good, nothing is damaged, the packaging is very neat, the delivery is also fast, yesterday, yesterday, smpe. anyway, don't hesitate to shop at this shop. top markotop
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan ma... Baru sampe, pengiriman tidak cepat, barang fisik okeh. Untuk fungsi blm di test
best feature:ok worth the price:quite long. just arrived, delivery is not fast, physical goods are okay. for the function has not been tested
Barangnya sudah sampai thank you,, setrikanya cepat panas . semoga awet selalu
the item has arrived thank you, the iron heats up quickly. hopefully last always
pesanan udah nyampek , pesan gk sampek 2jam barangnya udah dtng
the order arrived, the order didn't arrive at the time the item arrived
barang bagus rekomended tp pengiriman lama
good product, recommended but long delivery
Tampilan:keren Performa:bagus Kualitas:bagus Mantappp pisaunya tajam,oxone memang keren....3 jempol buat Oxone,,next beli lg dehh hehhehehhe pertahankan yaa
display:cool performance:good quality:good great knife sharp,oxone is really cool. thumbs up for oxone,, next time I'll buy it again, hehhehheh, keep it up
sayang splitternya rusak, tapi gapapa deh tetep bintang 5 🥰
it's a shame the splitter is broken, but it's okay, it's still a star
Fitur Terbaik:berfungsi dengan baik Sepadan dengan Harga:kurang lebih kemungkinan Saya kira berbeda dengan mouse saya yg dulu, ternyata mirip. Tapi ya gpp ,berfungsi dengan baik juga dan ada garansiny hahahaha. Moga tahan lama aja nih thanks
best features:works well worth the price:more or less likely I thought it was different from my old mouse, it turned out to be similar. but yes it's okay, it works well too and there's a warranty hahahaha. I hope it won't last long, thanks
Fitur Terbaik:barang aman, packing rapi Fast respon, pengiriman cepat, sat set
the best features: safe goods, neat packing, fast response, fast delivery, sat set
Sangat baik, tpi pngiriman nya kurang tpat
very good, but the delivery is not right
Barang bagus...cuman pengirimannya yang agak lama...dari Bekasi ke Tangerang 6 hari...
good stuff. but the delivery is a bit long. from bekasi to tangerang hari.
Mantab tidak ada yang rusak, packing juga bagus👍
great nothing was damaged, packing was also good
Produk sesuai deskripsi
product according to the description
bahahaaa..kecil sekali diluar dugaan sya..barang bagus.packian rapih..kurir ramah..cuma sedikit kecewa degn size nya aja..benee2 kecil
language..very small beyond my expectations..good stuff.packaging neat..friendly courier..just a little disappointed with the size..benee small
saya suka barangnya,tapi agak penyok sedikit..
I like the item, but it's a bit dented.
Fitur Terbaik:tidak sesuai foto Lampunya cuma merah gk ada yg hijaunya
best feature: doesn't match the photo, the light is just red, nothing green
Thanks kaka.. pelayanan top..
thanks service..
datang kabelnya lepas, untung bisa normal setelah disolder ulang
came off the cable, fortunately it can be normal after re-soldering
Saya sangat senang dengan pelayanannya, terimakasih tokopedia
I am very happy with the service, thank you Tokopedia
Barang bagus. Baterai lumayan awet. Semua berfungsi normal, dapet casing pula. Seller ramah, pengiriman ceper banget. Thanks shopee seller n kurir
good stuff. the battery is pretty durable. everything works normally, got the casing anyway. friendly seller, very fast delivery. thanks shopee seller n courier
sry kasih bintang 2 saja
sry just give a star
Baru dicoba 30 menit udah panas mana bau gosong lagi dan masa kamera samsung 8MP lebih bagus dari 13 Mp tapi salain itu semua sesuai spek yang tercantum sasuai sama harga lah ya
I just tried it in a minute, it's hot where it smells burnt again and when is the Samsung MP camera better than MP, but apart from that, everything is according to the specifications listed according to the price, right?
paketnya sudah sampai, yang di pesen jelas Miyako warna ping yg datang Maspion warna hitam,mohon tokonya klu memang kosong bilang dong,jangan asal kirim
the package arrived, what was ordered was clearly pink miyako who came with a black maspion, please tell me if the shop is empty, don't just send it
Penjual responsif, produk original dan bergaransi.
Responsive seller, original product and guaranteed.
keren asli mantap 🔥
original cool steady
Sound bagus, stereo bgt, bass dapet bgt. Mic langsung nyala no ribet mantep udaaa
good sound, great stereo, great bass. the mic immediately turns on, no fuss, it's great
Barangnya bukan merk alcor tp mikado, mau minta pengembaluan barang prrosesnya ribet...kalau alcor saya juga punya...ini saya kasi fotonya ya...bisa di bandingkan
the item is not the Alcor brand but Mikado, I want to ask for a return of the item, the process is complicated. If I have Alcor, I'll give you a photo. Can you compare it?
gak ada pengamanan tambahan nya
there is no additional protection
Bendul sama pegangan pancinya ada sedikit cacat. Nyah cacat dikurir ato emg dari penjual.y dikasih barang yg kaya gitu, tp masa sih.. yg pasti packing kurang oke, kurang aman jadinya. Mudah2an fungsinya tetep oke. Thx seller
the bend with the pot handle has a slight defect. it's defective, it was sent or it's from the seller. I was given something like that, but it's okay... for sure the packaging isn't okay, it's not very safe. hopefully the function remains okay. thx seller
Barang nya oke walaupun kotak nya udah penyok2 dan buble wrap nya tipis
the item is ok even though the box is dented and the bubble wrap is thin
Pengiriman cepat barang berfungsi dengan baik terimakasih
fast delivery item works well thank you
Nasi matang merata 👍. Garansi terjamin. Nasinya tahan lama 🍚. Ringan tapi kokoh. Mutu terjamin SNI. Gampang dibersihkan.
evenly cooked rice. guaranteed warranty. long lasting rice. light but sturdy. quality guaranteed here. easy to clean.
pengiriman cepat harga pas kemasan rapih kurir ramah top lazada puas jaga terus pelayananya
fast delivery, right price, neat packaging, friendly courier, top lazada, satisfied, keep up the service
Produk baik,sesuai pesanan,pengiriman cepat,respon penjual cepat
good product, as described, fast delivery, fast response from seller
Packing nya kurang aman
the packing is not safe
barang sesuai dan selamat sampai tujuan
the goods are suitable and safe to the destination
Fitur Terbaik:RGB Sepadan dengan Harga:Sangat sepadan
best feature:rgb value for money:really worth it
di tes AlhamduLILLAH lgsg bisa semua....
in the test, thank God, everything can.
Harga, Kualitas, Fungsi Produk
price, quality, product function
Paket sudah diterima dengan baik. Pengiriman cepat, dan ternyata bagus bangetttt dengan harga semurah itu!!! Thx oxone & seller.
the package has been well received. fast shipping, and it looks really good for such a cheap price! thx oxone & seller.
paketnya sesuai tokonya amanah mksih lazada,kurir nya dah langganan pengiriman cepat Cman sayang sya psan SMA regulator tpi bda datangnya.. skr lgi tggu psananlgi ke 2xlinyya..
the package is in accordance with the shop, the trust is thanks lazada, the courier has subscribed to fast delivery, unfortunately I'm PSan with the regulator but it's not coming.. now I'm still waiting for the order to xlinyya..
paket nya mendarat sngat mlus.. maksih ybuat mas kurir ninja express...
the package landed very smoothly.. thanks to the ninja express courier mas.
Barang sesuai pesanan, kualitas barang bagus sesuai gambar, semoga awet barangnya..Seller kurang ramah
the goods according to the order, the quality of the goods is good according to the picture, hopefully the goods will last... the seller is not friendly
keyboard sampai dengan aman, dan berfungsi tanpa ada tombol yg error. MANTAP!
Keyboard arrived safely, and works without any error keys. Excellent!
Pengiriman. Pemilihan ekspedisi sangat mengecewakan, saran sih buat advan cari joinan sm ekspedisi lain ajalah yg jauh lebih bisa bersaing. Anteraja lama banget proses sampai ke buyer. Ditungguin lama!
delivery. the selection of expeditions was very disappointing, the suggestion is for advans to find a joint with other expeditions that are much more competitive. anteraja really long process to the buyer. long wait!
pengiriman cepat sampai, tq gan.........
fast delivery, tq bro.
Terimakasih barang sudah sampai sesuai dengan gambar dan diskripsi
Thank you, the item arrived according to the picture and description
Keseluruhan barang oke, cuma tempat lock juicer patah,
the whole item is okay, only the lock juicer is broken,
mantap .. cepet respon.. murah.. beli banyak ongkir murah .. makasih yaaaa....
great .. fast response .. cheap .. buy a lot of cheap postage .. thank you.
ada harga ada rupa.baterai boros banget yak. selebihnya oke. aplikasi bawaan hampir tidak ada jadi cukup banyak sisa penyimpanan.
There's a price, there's a way. The battery is really wasteful. the rest is okay. there are almost no default applications so there is quite a lot of storage left.
pesanan sesuai dengga asli nya,cepet sampe...terimakasih👍👍
order according to the original, arrived quickly. thank you
Kane bt dah elah, buat harga budget minim mantap wireless pula enak. Mantap dah pokonya puas
kane bt already, for a minimal budget price, the wireless is also good. it's great, the point is satisfied
Gak panas jadi gak mateng, gk bisa ke pake lagi 😪
it's not hot so it's not cooked, you can't use it anymore
Mantabs, ok banget
mantabs, really ok