Alhamdulillah..barangnya sudah ada.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Pengiriman barangnya lama.. Bubblu wrap tebal banget,,packingnya juga rapi..tapi lemot Makasih...
alhamdulillah..the goods are there. the delivery took a long time.. the bubble wrap was really thick... the packing was also neat... but it's slow, thanks.
tidak sesuai dengan yang difoto. ternyata lebih bagus melihat langsung daripada melihat fotonya๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. keren dah, gak rugi beli ni barang๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
does not match what is photographed. it's better to see in person than to see the photo. it's cool, it's not a loss to buy this item
Isi paket sesuai
package contents accordingly
thanks, lumayan besar ini pancinya, pengiriman cepat. sipp
thanks, the pot is quite big, fast delivery. sipp
kecil gk sesui
small does not fit
secara keseluhan barang sesuai dengan ekspetasi dan kulitas barang sangat baik keyboardnya sangat mulus dan enak sekali di ketik, akan tetapi ada hal yg saya kecewa bahwa kabel kryboard yg saya terima itu ada bagian ketik yg robek dan dikit kotor. saya tidak tau ini sakah dr mananya intinya gitu.
as a whole, the item meets expectations and the quality of the item is very good, the keyboard is very smooth and very pleasant to type on, but there is one thing that I was disappointed about, that the kryboard cable that I received had a type part that was torn and a little dirty. I don't know where this is from, the point is like that.
recommended seller, sangat responsif, barang ori ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
recommended seller, very responsive, original goods
pengirimannya sangat cepat, dan packing produk rapih, harganya juga sangat terjangkau, gak sabar mau pake produknya
the delivery is very fast, and the product packaging is neat, the price is also very affordable, can't wait to use the product
top markotop deh poko ny..
top markotop deh poko ny..
Di charger masuknya lama
in the old entry charger
Terimakasih barangnya sesuai, dan saya sangat senang sekali.
Thank you, the goods are suitable, and I am very happy.
Selalu puas๐Ÿ–ค walau kalau beli byk ongkir nya suka nguras ๐Ÿคฃ
always satisfied if if you buy a lot of shipping it likes to drain
Bagus tapi led ganyala:)
nice but the led doesn't work :)
Alhamdulillah sudah sampai, sesuai dengan pesanan, semoga makin lancar usaha nya
thank God it arrived, according to the order, hopefully the business will run smoothly
Udah kesekian kali belanja di lazzada gak pernah ngecewain๐Ÿ˜˜ udah gitu aa nya ramah banget.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I've shopped several times at Lazada and I've never been disappointed, that's how the aa is really friendly.
Datang dalam keadaan bagus, lengkap the best deh pokoknya Fantech.
came in good condition, complete with the best, basically fantech.
anak saya suka
my son likes it
Barang datang cepet bngt pesen malam, siangnya datang dng selamat tanpa cacat tv kok baru sehari nasi malah kekuningan ya... Semoga kedepannya GK DECH n semoga awet
the goods came really quickly, ordered at night, arrived safely in the afternoon without defects, how come the rice only turned yellow one day? hopefully in the future not dech n hopefully durable
MANTUL BANGET GAN TINGKATKAN LAGI... Beri pelayanan terbaik untuk yang lain.
it's really helpful, bro, improve it again. give the best service to others.
bagis bgt, realpict....tank's lazada ' n bgt
very good, realpict. thanks lazada 'n seller. top
Desain solid dan nyaman di tangan
solid design and comfortable in hand
baru sampai setelah nunggu 2 mingguan lebih๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ nyangkut di ekspedisi, kalau pengiriman dari tokonya si cepet, cuma ya itu aja si di ekspedisi nya yang luama pol. Barangnya bagus, langsung tak coba, bisa nyala.
just arrived after waiting for weeks to get more stuck on the expedition, if the delivery from the shop is fast, that's just the one on the expedition who is luama pol. the item is good, don't try it right away, it can turn on.
Mouse rusak ditanya malah sering ga jawab
the mouse is broken when asked instead often don't answer
ini keren banget si sumpah,dapet free covernya lagi
This is really cool, I swear, I got another free cover
Tak nyantol di kuping wkwk
it doesn't stick in my ear wkwk
Alhamdulillah pisau nya udah sampe.. Bagus bangeet aq suka ๐Ÿ˜ pisau nya juga tebel mudah mudahan awet tajem nya โ˜บโ˜บ
alhamdulillah the knife has arrived... it's really good I like the knife it's also thick, hopefully it lasts a long time
cocok untuk miyako kas-1618b, meskipun ukurannya tidak sama persis dgn mesin bawaannya, tinggal pasang dan wush..wush tanpa penyesuaian, semoga bisa awet aja.. pengirimannya super cepat.. good seller..
suitable for miyako kas-b, even though the size is not exactly the same as the default machine, just plug it in and wush..wush without adjustments, hopefully it will last... super fast delivery.. good seller..
Sudah diterina, pengiriman cepat, pesanan sesuai, packing rapi.. trmksh...
received, fast delivery, according to order, neat packing.. thanks.
barang ok.. mulus.. tp krna buat kado jd gak dcoba
ok stuff...smooth...but because it's a gift so I can't try it
fast response..., barang sampai dg selamat, tapi belom dicoba. Semoga berfungsi dg baik ua smua
fast response, item arrived safely, but haven't tried it yet. I hope it works well for all of you
Puas belanja disini, direspon cepat oleh seller
satisfied shopping here, fast response by seller
Barang sesuai ekspektasi. Recommend seller. Cuma ekspedisinya yg lama. Masa hampir sebulan baru nyampe. Sampai bosan nunggunya. Bukan salah seller sih but not j*e anymore...
item as expected. recommend seller. just a long expedition. it took almost a month to arrive. until you get tired of waiting. it's not the seller's fault but not j*e anymore.
barang sudah sampai, sesuai pesanan.. tinggal di coba
the goods have arrived, according to the order.. just try it
barang mantaap reson seller cepat, dan tepat waktuu good seller
great item, seller's response is fast, and on time, good seller
Mesinnya tidak bisa mutar
the engine can not rotate
alhmdulahhh sangat bagus semua nyala mksih lazada
alhmdullah very good everything works thanks lazada
kwalitasx jelek...kalo d masak CPT gosong
bad quality. when cooked quickly burnt
Pengiriman cepat.. packing pakai box tanpa babblewrap.. ada slah satu pisau yg ujungnya bengkok sedikit jadi kesannya tumpul.. semua pisau tajam.. mau order lagi tapi barang masih kosong, semoga secepatnya bisa reastok dengan harga yg sama murahnya. Respon penjual bagus, respon penjual bagus, makasi
fast delivery.. packing using a box without babblewrap.. one knife has a slightly bent tip so it looks dull.. all the knives are sharp.. want to order again but the item is still empty, hopefully it can be restocked as soon as possible at the same cheap price. good seller response, good seller response, thanks
Baru beli 1 bulan dan jarang dipake baru 3x dan mau pakai ke 4x nya mati wkwkwk gimana sih ini ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
I just bought it last month and rarely use it for x and when I want to use it the x it dies wkwkwk what the heck is this
Kotaknya penyok menahan beban Seperti menahan beban hidup ini Tapi produknya selamat Seller nya nice Mudah2n awet Lain kali beli disini lagi lah
the box is dented to hold the weight like holding the burden of life but the product is safe, the seller is nice, hopefully it will last, next time, buy here again
Gk da obat bassnya boy
there's no medicine for the bass, boy
oke bagus, tidak ada yg cacat pancinya, hanya packingnya memang sangat mengkhawatirkan
okay good, nothing is defective in the pan, only the packaging is really worrying
ak lg ngumpulin nie pnti dr yng kecil ampe yng gde ,,alhamdukillah tak prnh kecewa,,,debst pkonya,,,
I'm currently collecting these orphanages from the small ones to the big ones, thank God, I've never been disappointed, the debt is poor,
Pengiriman cepat dan respon seller cepat! Recommend
fast delivery and fast response from seller! recommend
nyampenya cepet, tp satu pisau bengkok ujungnya dan tanpa pelindung. Di chat ga direspon :(
it arrived quickly, but one knife was bent at the tip and without protection. no response on chat :(
Sangat suka, barangnya bgus smua, g ada yg rusak smua busa d gunakan mksh, sangat puas blanja d toko ini.. Makasih lazada.
I really like it, all the goods are good, nothing is damaged, all the foam can be used thanks, very satisfied shopping at this shop.. thanks lazada.
Mantapp bagus bngt mouse macro murah... Recommended
great cheap cheap macro mouse. recommended
barang bagus, tapi pengiriman kurang cepat responya...
good item, but slow delivery.
Pengiriman super cepat, anak sy suka dgn hp baru nya. Mudah mudahan awet
Super fast delivery, my son loves his new cellphone. hopefully durable
Product sampai, product utama baik, tapi keadaan box beaten up, connector switch bonus bent, overall masih bisa ditingkatkan kualitasnya.
the product arrived, the main product was good, but the box was beaten up, the switch connector was a bonus bent, the overall quality could still be improved.
Barang bagus, speed paling rendah pun lumayan kenceng, harga oke, pengiriman cepat, siang check out, sore dikirim, hari ini (besoknya) sampai. Mantap betuulllllll!!!
good stuff, even the lowest speed is pretty fast, okay price, fast delivery, afternoon check out, sent in the afternoon, arrived today (the next day). really good!
bet long
Ternyata kecil.. Over all bagus ... pelayanan sangat memuaskan.. kirim cepat..terimakasih banyak...
it turns out to be small.. over all good. very satisfying delivery..thank you very much.
mouse nya tidak berisik, cm berasa kegedean di tangan saya. overall ok
the mouse is not noisy, cm feels too big in my hand. overall okay
Sesuai deskripsi dan foto. Barang berfungsi dengan baik
according to the description and photos. item works fine
Sepadan dengan Harga:keren MANTEP SESUAI EKSPETASI!!!!!
commensurate with the price: cool steady as expected!
Belanja di sini sangat memuaskan. barangnya bagus di bungkus dengan aman, pengirimannya cepat terimakasih banyak atas kirimannya yang Cepat dan aman. saya akan belanja lagi sini kalau nanti saya membutuhkannya lagi... ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
shopping here is very satisfying. the goods are good, the packaging is safe, the delivery is fast, thank you very much for the fast and safe delivery. I will shop here again when I need it again.
Thanks seller, produk original dan nyaman dipakai. Kualitas produk sangat baik. Tapi sayang packingnya kurangdusnya peyok. Semoga packingnya lebih aman lagi.
thanks seller, the product is original and comfortable to use. product quality is very good. but it's a shame the packaging is dented. I hope the packing is safer.
Mantapppppppppp si ini mahhh gooodd bangettttttttttt makaasihhh
this is really good, Godd, thank you very much
Makasihโ€ฆ barangnya sdh sampai.. Isinya aman, tdk lecet ataupun rusak krn wrapnya banyakโ€ฆ Awalnya agak khawatir takut rusak sampai rumah.. ternyata tdkโ€ฆ Bakal lirik barang lain nih ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
thank you... the items arrived... the contents were safe, not scuffed or damaged because there was a lot of wrapping... at first I was a bit worried that it would get damaged to the house... apparently not... I'll be looking at other things
Alhmdulillah barabg sesuai pesanan,bagus. hanya saja pngemasan plastik buble nya kurang tebal saja,selbihnya bagus๐Ÿ˜ hatur nhun
alhamdulillah the goods according to the order, good. it's just that the bubble plastic packaging isn't thick enough, the rest is good thank you
Kencang sedot nya ........Kencang sedot nya ........Kencang sedot nya ........
suck it tight. suck it tight. suck it tight.
barangnya sesuai. pengirimannya cepat. semoga awet
the item is appropriate. the delivery is fast. hope it lasts
Produk ori , makasi banyak, barang sampai dengan selamat
original product, thanks a lot, item arrived safely
suaranya enak, bassnya enak, kondisi headset aman tetapi box headsetnya sudah rada rusak saja
the sound is good, the bass is good, the condition of the headset is safe but the headset box is a bit damaged
realpict ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป berfungsi dg baik.. packingan agk krg aman, sterofom dlemny ancur..cuman untung'y blender ga pecah.thanks
realpict works fine... the packaging isn't safe, the styrofoam inside is broken... but luckily the blender didn't break. thanks
Barang sudah sampai. Namun kurir tidak ramah
the goods have arrived. but the courier is not friendly
Sim Card Reader, gak berfungsi hiks hiks
sim card reader, not working sob sob
barang bagus dan packing nya sangat bagus terbaik๐Ÿ‘
good stuff and the packing is very good the best
Barang ok gan jangan sampai salah satunya ya Allah aku yang dulu bukanlah yang pertama kali pada volume yang menetes dari pda di dunia ini tidak hanya itu yang paling banyak di gunakan untuk
ok, bro, don't let one of them, oh my God, the first one wasn't the first time that the volume dripped from the PDA in this world, not only was it the most used for
maaf ya bos qu, barang sy cancel knpa sy ulasannya sy terima,,
I'm sorry, boss, I canceled the item, why did I receive the review,,
Cakeupp! Barang sesuai, kotak agak penyok dikit tp kibod aman, stabilizer lubed bawaan bagus bgt tp suaranya kurang konsisten, bisa dimod gampang sih, thanks GGS
cute! the item fits, the box is a little dented but the keyboard is safe, the default lubed stabilizer is really good but the sound is not consistent, it can be modified easily, thanks ggs
maaf gan ga sempet poto, soalnya langsung diambil sama keponakan hehe, minusnya cmn dilayar aja kali ya karna nyentuh layarnya kdg susa
I'm sorry, bro, I didn't have a chance to take a photo, the problem was that it was immediately taken by my nephew, hehe, the minus is that it's just on the screen, because it's hard to touch the screen
God job
god job
Oh iya magic com nya udh di pake tapi baru dua harii mudah mudahan awet yaa terus model nya lucu banget nenek aku aja suka bangett btw magim com nya lupa di foto jadi foto nya ngasall
oh yeah, the magic com has been used, but it's only been two days, hopefully it lasts, and the model is really cute, grandma, I just really like it, btw, the magim com forgot to take a photo, so the photo sucks
Packing bagus, Cepat, seller fast respon, udh pkoknya recomended bngt . thks
good packing, fast, seller fast response, already highly recommended. thx
barang sampe dengan selamat cuman stand headsetnya gk sesuai sama pictnya jauh bnget tpi gpp deh
the item arrived safely, but the headset stand doesn't match the picture, it's really far away, but it's okay
barang cepet, ga rusak. bagus.
fast, undamaged. Good.
worth it
worth it
Mesin berfungsi baik,produk original cuma kurang rapi bautnya saat pengiriman tapi udah oke dibenerin
the machine works fine, the original product is just not neat the bolts during delivery but it's okay to fix it
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:baik maaf tampilan foto dan video tidak sesuai, terima kasih seller, tidak tau barang bagus atau tidak karena untuk door prize
best features: good worth the price: good sorry the display of photos and videos doesn't match, thank you seller, don't know if the item is good or not because it's for a door prize
blom sebulan uda ga berfungsi touch screen nya. apess
It hasn't been a month since the touch screen hasn't worked. sorry
Pesan nan ke 2 barangnya aman ga sempat di foto karna langsung dibawa yang punya . Tks
I ordered the item safely, I couldn't take a photo because the person who owned it brought it straight away. thx
Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya...
Thank you for your cooperation.
klik kanannya susah untuk diklik, perlu tenaga ekstra
the right click is hard to click, it takes extra effort
Semoga bermanfaat
Hope it is useful
Buku manual berisi camry bukan buku manual timbangn oxone id
the manual contains the camry not the oxone id weighing manual
mantapppp nihh bagus, nyampe nya cepet, packingnya aman!!!
it's great, it's good, it arrived quickly, the packaging is safe!
dinamo sih bagus beda di kaki aja terlalu panjang as nya harus di potong dan di modip lagi.. beda sama dengan yg aslinya
the dynamo is good, the difference is that the legs are just too long, the axles have to be cut and modified again... it's different from the original
Barang nya recomended dan packingannya cukup rapi dan aman
the item is recommended and the packaging is quite neat and safe
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:kipas Kecil imut
best feature:good value for money:cute little fan
Alhamdulillah ...mksiih seller..lazada ...๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™cuma unyu banget...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜dikira gedean..๐Ÿ˜Š
alhamdulillah. thanks seller..lazada.. just really cute. thought it was big..
good barang bagus dan cepat
good good stuff and fast
beli 4 dusnya ga mbentuk semua krna cuma diplastikin, thanks
buy the box all in shape because it's only in plastic, thanks
Mantap ssuai pesann Barang dtg mulus.tanpa lecet sedikit pun terimasih seller
great, according to the order, the goods came smoothly. without the slightest scratch, thank you seller
pas 3 jam smp
right at junior high school
sdh di bilangin dan di tulis di catatan ... yg dikirm ngak ada tombol on dan off nya ...
already told and written in notes. The one sent doesn't have an on and off button.
packing rapi dan amaan barang ori makasih
neat packing and aaman ori goods thanks
Alhamdulillah seller fast respon, barang sesuai orderan
alhamdulillah seller fast response, items as ordered
Mesin blendernya pas d coba berbau spt bau kongslet
When I tried the blender, it smelled like a short circuit