Harga:kompetitif Kualitas:ok Ketajaman:ok Terima kasih krn produk tiba dgn mulus.
price: competitive quality: ok sharpness: ok thank you because the product arrived smoothly.
barang oke, sesuai deskripsi, Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman ๐Ÿ™
item ok, according to the description, fast order process secure packaging
Kualitas prodak sangat baik. Prodak original. Kecepatan pengiriman baik. Harga murah. Respon penjual baik Top deh pokoknya gercep
product quality is very good. original product. good delivery speed. cheap price. the seller's response is good, the point is, it's fast
Lbih kecil dr perkiraan.. tp brang bgus bfngsi dgn normal
smaller than expected... but things can function normally
sayang kak pegangannya pecah ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž
it's a shame the handle broke
Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Fitur Terbaik:baik Maaf baru nilai Barangnya bagus udah langganan pakai merk itu... Awett.. Makasih
worth the price: yes the best features: ok sorry just now the value of the item is good already subscribed to that brand. durable.. thanks
produknya mantap, sampai dengan selamat. gada cacat sama sekali
great product, arrived safely. totally disabled
Mayan pengiriman cepet. Semoga bisa berfungsi dengan baik
great fast delivery. hope it works fine
pisau terlepas dari tempatnya, seller dak mau ganti dan menyelahkan kurir
the knife was detached from its place, the seller didn't want to replace it and blamed the courier
Barang sesuai sama deskripsi nya. Respon pelayanan nya juga cepet. Mantep pokok nya.
the item matches the description. service response is also fast. stick to the tree.
Keren mantab produknya,
cool great product,
komunikasi merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam kehidupan mahluk hidup, salah satunya yaitu manusia. Tanpa komunikasi, dapat dikatakan manusia tidak layak hidup. Karena tidak ada komunikasi baik pada diri sendiri apalagi orang lain. Oleh sebab itu komunikasi begitu penting dan wajib dilakukan.
Communication is an important thing in the life of living things, one of which is human. without communication, it can be said that humans are not worthy of life. because there is no good communication with oneself let alone other people. Therefore communication is so important and must be done.
Agak kasar cetakkan bunga" nya
slightly rough floral print#; his
tempatnya berdebu dan ada tetesan warna di sendok sop serta tempatnya.
the place is dusty and there are drops of color on the soup spoon and the holder.
langsung coba panaskan air hanya dlam waktu singkat langsung mendidih.
immediately try to heat the water only in a short time immediately boils.
kualitas produk baik, bagus dengan harga yang lumayan cakeeeeeppp
good quality, good product at a pretty good price
Mantap.. Makasih bnyak udah sampai saya suka
great .. thank you so much I like it
Product sesuai deskripsi sayang charger sudah tidak kayak Fungsi kurang Dr 1 Bulan.. mhn untuk perbaikan kualitas Dr Advan. Thx
the product is according to the description unfortunately the charger is no longer as functional as less than the moon... mhn for quality improvement dr advan. thx
fast delivery
fast delivery
pengemasannya kurang sip sehingga kardusnya peyok2.padahal mau tak jual lgi
the packaging is not good enough so the box is dented, even though I don't want to sell it anymore
mmmmmmaaaaaannnnnntttttuuuuuullllll udh dicobaaaaaaa.....
please try.
dispenserny kecil,tp lumayanlah bwt di kntin
the dispenser is small, but it's okay for the canteen
barang bagus tidak ada kendala, dan packingan aman, cuma d expedisinya agak lama pengirimanya
the goods are good, there are no problems, and the packaging is safe, it's just that the shipping took a long time on the expedition
mantap, ingin pesan lagi
great, want to order again
Produk cakep kayaknya mau beli lagi untuk di kantor
looks like a cute product I want to buy again for the office
panci bagus lucu
cute nice pot
bentuknya yg kecil.cocoklah utk pemakaian anak dibawah 12 tahun
the shape is small. suitable for the use of children under the year
Produknya sesuai, bagus dan kencang anginnya. Untuk seller, sedikit kurang responsif dan Karena terkendala pada proses kirimnya sehingga hrs pending 1hari, saya blm bisa kasih bintang 5. Semoga kedepan semakin baik ya gan. Maaf bintang 4nya. Dan terima kasih.
the product is suitable, good and strong wind. for the seller, a little less responsive and due to problems with the delivery process so it has to be a pending day, I can't give a star yet. hopefully in the future it will get better, bro. sorry star and thank you.
blendernya retak dikit yg besarnya , gatau dari pengiriman apa dari tokohnya , tp gx pp lh gax terlalu gangu
the blender cracked a little big, I don't know what delivery it was from the character, but it's not pp, it's not too annoying
pengiriman cpt cuma kurang kenceng anginy
Fast delivery but the wind isn't that strong
Lumayan dapet diskon pas electronic sale, pengiriman super cepat!! Belum dicoba krn untuk kado.. Terimakasih...
pretty good discount when electronics sale, super fast delivery!! haven't tried it yet because it's for a gift.. thanks.
Nasi matang merata ๐Ÿ‘.ย Nasinya tahan lama ๐Ÿš.ย Ringan tapi kokoh.ย Gampang dibersihkan.ย Mutu terjamin SNI.ย Garansi terjamin.
evenly cooked rice. long lasting rice. light but sturdy. easy to clean. quality guaranteed here. guaranteed warranty.
Kualitas produk sangat baik Harga produk sangat baik Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik,.. Recomanded
product quality is very good product price is very good delivery speed is very good,.. recommended
berfungsi dengan baik, walaupun salah pasang kabel tapi mantul. berikut fungsi kabel semoga bermanfaat. kabel hitam untuk ke listrik langsung merah untuk speed kencang putih untuk speed sedang biru untuk speed lambat.
works fine, even though the wrong cable is installed but it bounces. The following cable functions may be useful. black wire to direct electricity, red for fast speed, white for medium speed, blue for slow speed.
untuk produknya lumayan bagus, cuman di packaging nya ancur
the product is pretty good, but the packaging is messy
barang bagus cm pas sy yg Terima bocor jd sy balikin lg
good stuff cm when the one I received leaked so I returned it again
Kurirnya jg sangat ramah๐Ÿ™
the courier is also very friendly
Sebernya pancinya bagus, ukurannya jg lumayan besar. Tp sygnya ada yg ngelupas dibagian dalem pancinya....
actually the pot is good, the size is also quite large. but unfortunately there is something peeling in the inside of the pot.
ok banget, ramah cantik juga adminnya. jadi suka deh
it's really ok, the admin is also pretty friendly. so like it
paking oke.sudah dicolok nyala.belum dicobain sih
packing okay. already plugged in. haven't tried it yet
Barang berfungsi dengan baik. Seller pun memprosesnya dengan baik dan cepat.
item works fine. the seller also processed it well and quickly.
barang sesuai orderan,, kondisi ok, cuma gak pakai kemasan apa apa ,dalam soal packing barang itu yang harus di tingkatkan...
the goods according to the order, in ok condition, just don't use any packaging, in terms of packing the goods that must be improved.
Sealnya tidak cocok untuk merk SANEX model MX-T2GN, kurang rapat.
the seal is not suitable for the mx-tgn model sanex brand, not tight enough.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus Bagus
best features:good value for money:good good
Tutup belakang mousenya agak sedikit keras, membuat susah utk membuka dan menutupnya.
the back cover of the mouse is a bit hard, making it difficult to open and close it.
toko amanah megic com nya bagus berpungsi dengan baik wlo ga di bungkus di Peking tp Alhamdulillah barang aman mksh seller mksh lazada mksh Abang kurirnya ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
the amanah magic com shop can function properly even though it's not wrapped in Peking but thank God the goods are safe thanks seller thanks lazada thanks brother courier
barang ok. tp ada kendala di pengiriman. pesan pagu jam 9.00 pakai instan, smp jam 18.00.
ok stuff. but there is a problem with delivery. hourly message. use instant, smp jam..
Sudah diterima dgn baik terima kasih banyak ya, semua nya ok gk da mslh cuman di expedisi nya aja terlalu lama sekali anter๐Ÿ™
well received, thank you very much, everything is ok, no problems, it's just that the expedition took too long to deliver
Barang bagus muantap.. sesuai deskripsi.. harga terjangkau dan sangat ok sekali,, gasskussss mantap. SHIBA INU TO THE MOON!!!๐Ÿ‘
nice good stuff..according to the description..affordable price and very ok at all ,,great gasskus. shiba inu to the moon!
kualitas seller top, gercep tp kualitas brng mengecewakan, layar nya bergaris. kirain stiker bening pelindung layar, pas dibuka, sama aja, ya sdh laah, nnti diklaim grs aja kapan kapan.
top reseller quality, fast but the quality of the goods is disappointing, the screen is striped. I thought the clear sticker for the screen protector, when I opened it, was the same, that's it, I'll claim it for free sometime.
Mouse dan semua tombol berfungsi dgn baik.. Minusโ€™y cuma tombol back n forwardโ€™y kebalik, butuh effort buat resetting :D
the mouse and all the buttons work fine... minus the only back and forward buttons, it takes effort for resetting :d
Barang sesuai dengan yang digambar..sudah dicoba dan panas setrikanya..mudah2an awet dipakainya.
the item is in accordance with the picture..have tried it and the iron is hot..hopefully it will last.
overall good
overall good
bintang 4 aja ya, soalnya pesenny warna merah, tapi yg dikirim warna Ungu... tapi ga apa-apa lah, yg penting bs dipake
Just star, because I ordered red, but purple was sent. but that's okay, the important thing is that it can be used
Alhamdulillah barang sudah sampai dengan selamat, tidak ada yang cacat atau penyok, sesuai etalase dan diskripsi asli merk Maspion SNI, toko amanah seller ramah kurirnya baru.. semoga toko sukses ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely, nothing was deformed or dented, according to the original ethalase and description of the maspion sni brand, the shop is trustworthy, the seller is friendly, the courier is new... good luck with the shop
Pengemasan dan pengiriman terhitung cepaat, cuma alat tempat pisaunya ga rataa, goyang2 gitu. Tapi gapapa, makasiiih
packaging and shipping were counted fast, only the tool where the knife was not flat, shook like that. but it's okay, thanks
barang datang dengan kondisi bagus, item terkirim sesuai order. packing lumayan aman dengan bubble wrap lapis 2. thanks, seller.
the goods came in good condition, the items were sent according to the order. pretty safe packing with layers of bubble wrap. thanks, seller.
Ok berfungsi dgn baik. Kelemahannya, di bowlnya tdk ada takaran cup beras dan air, jd kira2 sendiri takaran airnya.
ok working fine. the weakness is that there is no cup measure for rice and water underneath, so you can calculate the amount of water yourself.
responsif seller & good product
responsive seller & good product
Alucase nya datang dengan baik, sayangnya plate form tidak presisi akhirnya ngga saya pakai.
Alucase came well, unfortunately the plate form wasn't precise so I didn't use it.
hanya untuk rebus, tidak boleh untuk goreng, ntar gosong, pengiriman Ok punya.
only for boiling, not allowed for frying, it will burn later, shipping is ok.
barang tidak sampai ke alamat saya
the goods did not reach my address
bagus banget luas dan tebel ternyata, jahitannya rapih dan kuat, worth it banget buat dipake nugas / main game
it's really nice, it turns out smooth and thick, the seams are neat and strong, it's really worth it for working / playing games
Wis anjog suwun
wis anjog thanks
pemanggang daging mantaaap barang nya baguuuus saya langsung pakai toko nya amanah trimah kasih ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™
the meat grill is great, the goods are good, I immediately used the shop, the trust is thanks
barang diterima dengan baikk. hanya dus nya aja yang sedikit penyokk
item well received. only the box is a little dented
mayan lah buat gantiin corong yg patah๐Ÿ‘ blm dicoba tapi semoga pas ukurannya.
It's okay to replace a broken mouthpiece, haven't tried it yet but hopefully it's the right size.
pengirimamnya agak lama, dan packet dus agak penyok karna delivery.
the delivery is a bit long, and the package box is a bit dented because of the delivery.
Akhirnya Paketnya Sudah Sampai Dngan Selamat Kondisi Barang Bagus Tidak Lecet Pokoknya Tokonya Bagus Makasi Lazada Sukses Terus๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
Finally, the package has arrived safely, the condition of the goods is good, not scratched, anyway, the store is good, thanks, Lazada has been successful
Fitur Terbaik:Barang bagus, sesuai dengan harga dan real pick Terimakasih pesanannya sudah saya terima, semuanya sudah saya cek dan saya sangat kecewa audio speakers nya ngga ada suara/mati sudah saya cek berkali kali saya telusuri tapi emang gada suara
best features: good stuff, according to price and real pick thank you I received the order, I checked everything and I'm very disappointed the audio speakers don't have sound/turn off I checked many times I searched but there's no sound
barang cukup baik, semoga awet
good stuff, hope it lasts
paket selamat mendarat kesini gan:D...
the package landed safely here, bro: d.
Terimakasih tokopediaa
thanks topedia
Mantap 1hari sampai.
great day arrived.
lain kali chat dibales dong min, jgn maen kirim untung Barang perfect. cuman dus doang penyok.
next time chat reply please, min, don't play sending for perfect items. only dus dented.
maaf baru kasih ulasan,mantap deh bagus dan berpungsi pula,teromalasih lazada ,seller &kurir๐Ÿ‘
sorry just gave a review, it's great, it's good and it works too, thank you lazada, seller & courier
Baru pertama kali beli disini, semoga cocok sama produknya, harganya juga sangat terjangkau, semoga produknya memberikan hasil yg diinginkan, terima kasih seller, pengirimannya juga sangat cepat
this is the first time buying here, I hope the product is suitable, the price is also very affordable, I hope the product will give the desired results, thank you seller, the delivery is also very fast
Keyboardnya mantap dan enak digunakan.ย  pengirimannya luamaaaaaa
The keyboard is solid and easy to use. long delivery
barang udah sampe semua berpungsi normal moga awet ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
the goods have arrived, everything works normally, hopefully it will last
panci penyok dikirim jdi g bisa di jual
dented pot was sent so it can't be sold
oke ngab
okay bab
Kesekian kalinya beli pisau set ini untuk kado nikahan orang, nih kalo gw nikah dapet piso sekoper keknya harus siap dari skrang ato stidaknya dapet piso gratis dri Oxone langsung kek gituuu ya allah udh banyak kali iniii gw belii
this is the umpteenth time buying this knife set as a gift for someone's wedding, if I get married I get a suitcase of knives, it should be ready by now or at least I can get a free knife from Oxone right away like that, oh my God, I've bought it a lot this time
awalnya salah kirim produk ๐Ÿ—ฟ untung penjual nya bisa diajak kerjasama buat penukaran produk.. mantap
Initially, the wrong product was sent, fortunately the seller was able to cooperate with us to exchange products... great
Pengiriman sangat cepat,barang bagus.
very fast delivery, good item.
nyeselll bnangett dapet yahh yang penyokk huuu ๐Ÿ˜ก mahal2 gak sesuai banagetttt
I'm so sorry I got the dented one, it's expensive, it doesn't really fit
lumayan dapet kartu Smartfren
it's okay to get a smartfren card
Barang telah sampai Dengan baik Tapi ntuk pengirimannya lambat...
the item arrived in good condition but the delivery is slow.
Udah dicoba,diisi air panas slma 6jam masih tetap panas baget.. good.
already tried, filled with hot water for hours still hot baget.. good.
bagus sih
that's good
sangat meyenang kn. tidak membuat pelangan kecewa pas banget sesuai pesanan brang dtang
really enjoyed kn. doesn't make customers disappointed, it's exactly according to the order of the goods that come
kereeennn.. udh d coba,mudah2an aweeettt..makasih lazada,maksih seller..
cool.. already tried, hope it lasts.. thanks lazada, thanks seller..
Mabtab sudah di coba barang normal dan bisa dipakai foto hanya pemanis sebab habis dicoba langsung tak bungkusi lagi untuk di simpan sambil nunggu part yg lain daang
mabtab has been tried on normal items and can be used for photos only as a sweetener because after trying it it immediately didn't wrap it again to be stored while waiting for the other parts to arrive
gak nyesel beli di toko ini Gaes, mantap. tks
I don't regret buying at this store, guys, great. thx
blnder ya rusak kak mau retur bisa gk
The blnder is broken, sis. Can you return it or not
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk sangat original. Harga produk sangat terjangkau dan sangat original. Respon penjual nya juga sangat baik dan ramah. Pengiriman nya juga baik. Thank you
product quality is very good. very original product. the price of the product is very affordable and very original. the seller's response is also very good and friendly. delivery is also good. thank you
Mousenya enakkkk, sempet bingung kenapa kok macet-macet awalnya, ternyata pelindungnya belum saya buka๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
the mouse is good, I was confused why it was jammed at first, apparently I haven't opened the protector yet
pengiriman lambat ,,barang normal ,tp pengepakan kurang aman ,soalnya tutup bawahnya waktu d buka lepas..
slow delivery ,, normal goods , but the packaging is not safe , the problem is the bottom cover when opened and removed ..
kalau dari kondisi laptop mati, pas dinyalain mousenya ga otomatis nyambung ke dongle receivernya. harus dicabut dulu terus pasang lagi
if the laptop is off, when you turn it on the mouse doesn't automatically connect to the dongle receiver. you have to unplug it and plug it in again
Untuk build quality lumayan bagus dengan harga segini, dan suara yg dihasilkan juga bulet dan bagus. Recommended bgt buat yg mau mic clip on bagus tapi murah. Yang kurang cuma ukuran pouch nya atau tas mic nya ini terlalu kecil, jadi harus digulung kecil banget biar muat. Overall bagus๐Ÿ‘Œ
the build quality is pretty good at this price, and the sound produced is also round and good. really recommended for those who want a good but cheap clip on mic. The only thing lacking is the size of the pouch or mic bag which is too small, so you have to roll it up really small to fit it. good overall