Warna barang tidak sesuai, penjual respon lambat banget, walau barang bagus tapi tidak sesuai warna pesanan makasih
the color of the item doesn't match, the seller's response is very slow, even though the item is good but it doesn't match the color ordered, thanks
paketnya mendarat rapi dan memuaskan, terima kasih Lazada ini kesekian kalinya pesan dan tidak mengecewakan. kurir nya sih om yang ramah ❣️
the package landed neatly and satisfactorily, thank you lazada this is the umpteenth time ordering and it doesn't disappoint. the courier is friendly uncle
Overall produknya bagus, tapi kardusnya agak penyok sama keycapsnya kurang rapih. Trus keyboardnya sempet kayak ngetik sendiri gitu (seperti yg ada di video), alhamdulillahnya pas chat admin, admin langsung gercep ngasih solusi, dan masalah selesai, terima kasih banyak 😊.
overall the product is good, but the cardboard is a bit dented and the keycaps are not neat. then the keyboard was like typing on its own like that (like the one in the video), thank God when I chatted with the admin, the admin was quick to give a solution, and the problem was solved, thank you very much.
Real pict packing rapih pengiriman cepat, memuaskan
real pict packing neat fast delivery, satisfying
bagus teko nya meskipun suaranya kurang nyaring..makasih lazada
the teapot is nice even though the sound isn't loud...thanks lazada
Barang sudah sampai dgn aman dan cepat ... Packing rapih Barang sesuai pesanan... Terima kasih
item arrived safely and quickly. Neat packing of goods according to the order. Thank You
Ternyata datangnya kecil tapi gpp l
it turns out that it came small but it's okay
Barang sampai sesuai jadwal. Dan sudah ditest. Terimakasih
item arrived on schedule. and already tested. Thank You
Barangnya bagus cuman minusnya krna tdk ada batreinya sesuai diiklan.
the item is good but the minus is because there is no battery according to the advertisement.
Fitur Terbaik:kurang baik Hai kak,kok ada goresan ny yah yg warna hitam bantu jawab yah kk
the best feature: not good hi sis, how come there are scratches on the black ones? help answer, bro
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga cocok dengan barang nya Barang bagus sudah sampai dengan selamat walaupun packing annya Adak buruk, dan juga pengirimannya agak lama
commensurate with the price: the price matches the goods, the goods are good, they arrived safely, even though the packaging is a bit bad, and also the delivery is a bit long
Ga lengket lagi
not sticky anymore
Produk sesuai deskripsi, respon cpt, good seller
product according to the description, fast response, good seller
Bgus brngnya... cm pengirimannya aja yg agk sedikit lma... 
good stuff. cm the delivery is a bit long.
Mantap, barang sesuai dan sampai dengan selamat
Great, item fits and arrived safely
Mouse normal gk ad kendala, cmn packing nya cuman di bungkus koran
Normal mouse doesn't have any problems, only the packing is wrapped in newspaper
Mantap ini seller nya.... Ramah. Baik. Pokok nya the besss... Barang yang 1 kardus nya penyok dikit, tapigakapapa lah. Yang penting udah dikasih buble wrap... Thanks ya kak
this is a great seller. friendly. Good. the main thing is the bes. the cardboard box is a little dented, but that's okay. the important thing is already given bubble wrap. thanks sis
barang sampai dengan bagus gan, cuma sayangnya JNE lelet banget, mesen pake paket YES nyampe nya kayak reguler, over all oke gan
the goods arrived in good condition, bro, but unfortunately it was really slow, I ordered using the package, yes, it arrived like regular, over all, it's okay, bro
manteup sekali pasang langsung tokcer, semoga awet
manteup once installed it works, hopefully it lasts
Delivery cepat. Tab saat ini berfungsi baik. Card IM3 sudah expired 30nov21 saat Tab diterima sehingga tidak bisa dipakai.
fast delivery. current tab works fine. the im card has expired nov when the tab is received so it can't be used.
Nasi matang merata 👍. Nasinya tahan lama 🍚.
evenly cooked rice. long lasting rice.
Lumayan cuman mousepad sedikit bengkok sama di ujung ujung warnanya berubah
it's pretty good, but the mousepad is a little crooked and at the ends the color changes
Barang bagus sesuai pesanan.. Muluuuuusssss karena SPEED EDITION
good stuff according to the order...smooth because of the speed edition
Sesuai pesanan, bagus, cepat sampai,terjangkau.. terima kasih..
as ordered, good, arrived quickly, affordable.. thank you..
pengiriman lumayan cepat
pretty fast delivery
Sebenarnya ada harga yang lebih worth untuk ini, tapi ga apa, saya kasih bintang 5 untuk design-nya aja, meski bahannya sangat-sangat plastik. Oh iya catatan mungkin ada beberapa orang yang mikir kenapa ga simetris, sebenarnya perlu sedikit “dipaksa” untuk jadi simetris sampai ada bunyi klek. Walaupun dikasih kertas manual singkat, tapi disana cuman tertera “diputar”, sampai banyak orang pasti mikir kenapa kok mentok dan ga simetris, ternyata itu tuh harus sedikit dipaksa biar “klek” (mengunci). Overall ga ada yang cacat, dan terima kasih pengiriman juga cepat.
actually there is a more worthy price for this, but that's okay, I'll just give a star for the design, even though the material is very, very plastic. oh yeah, note that maybe some people are thinking why it's not symmetrical, actually it needs to be a little "forced" to be symmetrical until there is a clicking sound. even though they were given a brief paper manual, but there it only says "played", so many people must be thinking why it's stuck and not symmetrical, it turns out that you have to force it a little so that it "clunks" (locks). Overall nothing is wrong, and thank you for the fast delivery.
mantap 👍 plat dudukan kurang besar
great plate holder is not big enough
eksos kipas udah dipasang lumayan anginnya mah jadi dingin kamar, Makasih buat bang kulir, Cepet juga sampainya barangnya semoga amanah terus tokonya
The exos fan has been installed, the wind is quite cool, the room is cold, thanks for the trowel, the goods arrived quickly, I hope the shop will continue to be trustworthy
baru dipakai 1 hari langsung tidak bisa konek PC,dan hp edit : respon toko bagus barang berfungsi kembali
I just used it the other day, I can't connect to PC, and cellphone. Edit: Good store response, things are working again
Tampilan:ok Performa:bagus Tapi ukuran 26cm SMA sama panci ku yg di rumah ukuran 24... Maaf gak sempet foto
display: ok performance: good but the size is cm the same size as my pot at home. sorry no photo
Sepadan dengan Harga:murah meriah Fitur Terbaik:mudah"an berguna dgn baik Terimakasih bonusnya,mantulllll👍👍👍
commensurate with the price: cheap, the best features: hopefully it works well, thanks for the bonus, bounce
Kualitas gak main main, bahan bagus, ukuran gokil, warnanya sih cakep banget, tapi karena ukurannya yang gede bikin dia jadi cukup berat, tapi jadi buat si deskmat gak gampang gerak. memuaskan. gokil
the quality is not playing games, the material is good, the size is crazy, the color is really pretty, but because of the big size it makes it quite heavy, but for the deskmat it's not easy to move. satisfying. crazy
katanya lengkap dengan dudukan, e tau2 yg datang mesinnya doang. kecewa dengan toko ini tidak amanah. muda2han jang keulang lagi sama orang lain.
he said it was complete with a stand, and you know the one that came was the engine. disappointed with this store is not trustworthy. hopefully it will happen again with other people.
Kerdusnya robek dn penyok untung barangnya aman Awalnya ngira gk berfungsi krn pas di coba jusnya gk bisa ternyata kudu pake gelas/wadahnya baru bisa nyala itupun gelasnya harus bener² nancep ke dalam Jadi buat yg bilang jusnya gk berfungsi coba ikuti saranku di atas/bisa tanya ke penjual
the box was torn and dented, luckily the item was safe, at first I thought it wouldn't work because when I tried the juice it couldn't turn on... well it turns out I have to use a glass/container and then it can turn on and even then the glass has to really sink in so for those who say the juice doesn't work try to follow my advice above / can ask the seller
Thankyou gan barangnya sudah nyampe di rumah nihh, barangnya bagus bangetttt nih sesuai yg aku inginkan, thanks
thankyou, bro, the goods have arrived at home, the goods are really good, what I want, thanks
Kompor gass 🔥🔥🔥
gas stove
Kualitasnya sesuai lah harganya, habis liat reviewnya di reviewgadget jadi cus beli dan memang oke
the quality is suitable for the price, after seeing the review on reviewgadget, so I bought it and it was okay
barang datang kondisi penyok...untuk seller dan juga jasa pengiriman mohon untuk lebih teliti dalam menangani pesanan costumer
the goods come in dented conditions. for sellers and also delivery services, please be more careful in handling customer orders
Datengnya lama banget.. barang ok lah
it's been a long time coming... it's ok
Pengemasan agak lama sih.. pesanan lengkap ngga ada yang kurang 1 pun.
the packaging took a while... the order was complete, nothing was missing.
Barang dtng mulus tanpa cacat,respon penjual ny jg cepat dan baik..thnks yaaa...
the goods came smoothly without defects, the seller's response was fast and kind..thnks ya.
barang kualitas bagus. Tetapi proses sampai pengiriman kurang cepat
good quality item. but the process until delivery is not fast enough
Baru pertama belanja disini, awalnya sempat was-was, namun ternyata Alhamdulillah sangat memuaskan, hitungan menit order langsung diproses. Packaging bagus otomatis dapet bubble wrap, barang bagus sesuai foto dan deskripsi. Keyboard langsung bisa dipakai tanpa setup. Di kardusnya ada keyboard, manual, kartu garansi dan alat untuk melepas tombol. Buat yang di Surabaya, mending beli disini daripada order ke Jakarta, harganya cuma selisih sedikit kok, bisa gosend langsung sampai langsung pakai. Semoga awet lah ini.
this is the first time shopping here, at first I was worried, but thank God it was very satisfying, in a matter of minutes the order was immediately processed. good packaging automatically got bubble wrap, good stuff according to photos and descriptions. the keyboard can be used directly without setup. in the box there is a keyboard, manual, warranty card and a tool to remove the keys. For those in Surabaya, it's better to buy here than ordering to Jakarta, the price is only a little different, you can send it directly to use it immediately. hope this lasts.
yang datang merek lain kecewa
those who came from other brands were disappointed
thanks gan barang dah sampai :D
thanks, bro, the item has arrived :d
enteng banget mouseny, pake batre AA, bener2 silent click.
The mouse is really light, uses AA batteries, really silent clicks.
Barang bagus, hrga terjangkau, tapi pas di masukin galin agak goyang gtu dispenser nya saking mini nya, but worth it, smoga awet, thank you seller
good item, affordable price, but when you put the gallon in it shakes a bit, the dispenser is so mini, but it's worth it, I hope it lasts, thank you seller
Alhamdulillah tablet normal bagus, harga bersaing, packing aman, pengiriman cepat jazakumullah 😊🙏
alhamdulillah good normal tablets, competitive prices, safe packing, fast delivery jazakumullah
biar pun barang nya kurang memuaskan kondisi touchscren baret parah toko nya amanah kurir nya ramah
even though the item is unsatisfactory, the condition of the touchscreen is badly scratched, the shop is trustworthy, the courier is friendly
barangnya bagus blm di coba semoga awet,
the item is good, haven't tried it yet, hope it lasts
Headset nya bagus untuk di harga segitu, mau aku kasih bintang 5 gk jadi karena pengiriman terlalu lama
the headset is good for that price, I want to give it no stars because the delivery took too long
barang dah dtg tdinya ngmg kosong tp trs ada tp nasinya kok kuning ya kl dah agak lama
the item arrived but it was empty but it was still there but how come the rice is yellow, it's been a while
barang sampai dengan selamat, packing rapi aman dengan bubble wrap, barang sudah di coba sejauh ini bagus berfungsi dengan normal semua, semoga barangnya awet. untuk penjualnya juga cukup cepat responnya dan komunikatif, proses pemesananannya juga cepat. untuk pengirimannya baik sesuai estimasi
the goods arrived safely, the packaging is neat and safe with bubble wrap, the goods have been tried so far, everything is working normally, I hope the goods will last. for the seller, the response is also quite fast and communicative, the ordering process is also fast. delivery is good as estimated
tombolnya ada beberapa yang dipencet itu suka ketanem, ga usah ekpektasi tinggi
there are a few buttons that are pressed like ketanem, don't have high expectations
brg sesuai pesanan.. recommended Seller
goods as ordered..recommended seller
Sesuai dengan harga..respon baik santun..terimakasih mas lur..
in accordance with the price..response well mannered..thank you mas lur..
belum dicoba sih tapi penjual respon cepet bgt, jumat sore pesen langsung dikirim, minggu sore udh nyampe, rekomended seller
haven't tried it yet but the seller's response is really fast, Friday afternoon the order was sent straight away, Sunday afternoon it arrived, recommended seller
pengiriman cepat,barang oke. thank's seller and kurir
fast delivery, item ok. thank's seller and courier
Pisaunya baguss, keren banget, terimakasih banyak seller
the knife is great, very cool, thank you very much seller
Fitur Terbaik:okeh Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan lah buat sehari hari Jelek banget😎.............tapi boong mwehehehe🗿😂.keren banget g nyesel deh beli di toko ini👍🏿🤟
best features: okay worth the price: not bad for everyday it's really ugly.
Dispenser kecil baru sekali ganti galon langsung patah
the small dispenser just changed the gallon once it broke immediately
Bagussss dan mantappss
nice and steady
barangnya bagus, tapi warnanya gk sesuai sama permintaan nya ..
the product is good, but the color is not the same as the request..
bagus tapi peyot dinding nya
nice but dented walls
Produk original. Kualitas produk sangat baik.
original product. product quality is very good.
Produk ori & bagus, harga oke, pelayanan cepat, packing aman, pengiriman super kilat...
original and good product, okay price, fast service, safe packing, super fast delivery.
Minus kabelnya doang sih yang kebanyakan jadi harus make spliter walaupun udah dapet gratis
Minus the cable, which is mostly so I have to use a spliter even though I got it for free
pembelian kedua dari toko ini, beli tahun lalu di toko ijo, cuma naik 5rb doang gokil. suara jernih, kalau mau ngebass harus setting equalizer sendiri.
second purchase from this shop, bought last year at the green shop, it only went up to an insane thousand thousand. clear sound, if you want bass you have to set your own equalizer.
Earphonenya baguss, seneng bgt engga nyangka earphone 100rb bisa kyk gini.. detail main di low frequency, buat denger footstep mantep. Imaging okk udh akurat, lumayan pin point. Terus soundstage-nya engga sempit di harga segini. Tanpa ragu lgsung bikin review di youtube.. well done rexus, semoga dual driver-nya dikembangin lg dan main di range harga yg lebih tinggi.
the earphones are great, I'm so happy I didn't expect the RB earphones to be like this... the details of playing on low frequency, to hear great footstep. okk imaging is accurate, pretty pin point. then the soundstage is not cramped at this price. Without hesitation, I immediately made a review on YouTube... Well done, Rexus, hopefully the dual drivers will be developed again and play at a higher price range.
putaran kipas kurang lancar, agak tersendat
fan rotation is not smooth, a bit choked up
Benar benar puas belanja di toko ini. Penjual ramah. Barang bagus, sesuai dengan ekspektasi. Buat kalian yang mau cari mouse pad, tidak usah ragu belanja di sini.
really satisfied shopping at this store. friendly seller. good item, as expected. for those of you who are looking for a mouse pad, don't hesitate to shop here.
bahan nya bagus ..kualitas bagus bangett..puas
the material is good..the quality is really good..satisfied
Sellernya kalo di chat ga di bales, syukur udah sampai barangnya
the seller doesn't respond to the chat, thank goodness the item has arrived
Murah banget dan mendarat dengan sempurna tanpa cacat walau packing beresiko.. Untung kurirnya ati2 kali ya
very cheap and landed perfectly without defects even though the packaging was at risk... luckily the courier was careful, OK?
Produk original, pengiriman cepat meski sedang PSBB. Terimakasih
original product, fast delivery even though it's PSBB. Thank You
Saya kasih bintang 4 dulu ya. Soalnya blm dicoba. Kalo udh dicoba baru saya ganti. Btw makasih sellernya cepet.. kasian btw kurirnya.. nganternya malem2 :((
I'll give you one star first. because haven't tried it yet. if i try it i will replace it. btw thanks for the fast seller.. poor btw the courier.. delivered late at night :((
barang penyok, fisik barangnya jadi aneh dan rusak beli barang baru tapi seperti barang second. proses pengembaliannya ribet terpaksa sy Terima bareng second dgn harga mahal
the goods are dented, the physical goods are strange and damaged, buy new things, but they are like second-hand goods. the return process is complicated, I have to accept it with second hand at an expensive price
Hpnya lemot dan layar sentuhnya kurang peka
the cellphone is slow and the touch screen is not sensitive
0 dptnya warna ungu 😊😊👌
nice. but got purple
serius ini bikin degdegan karena takut keulang lagi paket gagal kirim, sebenernya barangnya aman dan bagus, cuma kecewa sama kurirnya bisa ampe 6 hari loh, pengen klaim tapi masih di jalan, tapi status ga berubah..
Seriously, this makes me nervous because I'm afraid that the package will fail to be sent again, actually the item is safe and good, I'm just disappointed with the courier, it can take days, I want to claim but it's still on the road, but the status hasn't changed..
Sepadan dengan Harga:yoi👍 entah emang dari script makro nya apa gimana ga tau, tp pas maen AWP miss terus njir🗿 pdhl pas ga make makro nya dapet kill terus🚶🏻‍♂️
commensurate with the price: yoi, I don't know if it's from the macro script, I don't know how, but when I play AWP, I miss it, it's stuck when I don't use the macro, it keeps killing
ternyaata kicik,katanya 3lt tapi kok 2,5lt.
it turned out to be cute, he said lt but how come, lt.
Kalau ada nol bintang. Ku kasih nol bintang. Produk di kirim gak nyala alias sampah. Di chat retur ok sama seller NAMUN pengajuan balik dana Rp 1. Sama seller. Emangnya ini jaman batu 1 rupiah buat apa. Sangat sangat tidak recomend seller. LIHAT POSTINGAN KU DIBUAT MAIN MAIN SAMA SELLER RETUR 1 RUPIAH
if there is zero stars. i give zero stars. the product sent doesn't work, aka trash. in the return chat ok with the seller but the return of funds is Rp. same seller. what is this the stone age of the rupiah for? very very not recommended seller. see my post made to play with seller return rupiah
pengirimanya cepat tapi tekonya ada yang penyok sedikit
Fast delivery but the pot is a little dented
Barang sudah diterima dan sudah di coba aku bakarnya di pan aja karena belum punya oven .
the item has been received and I have tried it, I just burned it in a pan because I don't have an oven yet.
sk banget blnj lazada cpt dtng ny,kmsan nya agk brntkn si mngkn ktndh brg lain,tp gk pp msh bs dibnarin ,mksh lazada,bng kurir trm ksh
I really don't want Lazada to arrive quickly, the message is a bit messy, maybe it's another item, but it's okay, I can still fix it, thank you Lazada, thanks for the courier, thank you
Pengiriman cepat barang ori tapi ko lapunya kdang terang redup sendirii smoga gk ada msalah dehhhh
fast delivery of ori goods but how come the lights sometimes get dim so I hope there's no problem
sis, barang sudah diterima dengan baik dan dalam waktu yang cepat. trims
sis, the goods have been well received and in a fast time. thanks
barang bagus sesuai diskripsi...bonus banyak...cuma pengiriman cukup lama...thank seller....
good item according to the description. lots of bonuses. just long delivery. thank seller.
toppppp bgt pokonyaaa...sampai dgn slmat
really top anyway. arrived safely
Teko udah diterima,dapat warna ungu ternyata cantik banget.. Thanks lazada n' sun elektrik
the teapot has been received, the purple color turned out to be really pretty.. thanks lazada n' sunelectric
Bagus, tapi sayang wa nya cuma bisa buat Chat doang GK bisa buat Vidio call
it's good, but it's a shame that it can only make chats, can't make video calls
Paket sudah diterima sesuai pesanan saya dan sudah bisa digunakan. Barang aman dan utih smpe tujuan dan pengirimannya cepat. Mantaff
The package has been received according to my order and can be used. the goods are safe and white to the destination and the delivery is fast. mantaff
Baguss, desainnya lucu banget, sayangnya telinganya harus dibeli terpisah, terus bubble warpnya kurang tebel jadi kardusnya penyok, untung barang nya masih aman
nice, the design is really cute, unfortunately the ears have to be bought separately, then the bubble warp isn't thick enough so the box is dented, fortunately the item is still safe
Alhamdulillah paket y dtng dgn selamat😇 packing rapi, baguss .
alhamdulillah the package arrived and safely packed neatly, nice.
Libur selernya kelamaan 👎, gw pesen jumaat dikirim senin. Harus nya kalo jualan tidak ada libur dan kerja tiap hari
The taste buds are too late, I ordered Friday and it was sent Monday. If selling, there should be no holidays and work every day
Waw aku terkejut karna bagus bat. Waw aku sangat sangat terkejud
wow I'm surprised because it's good bat. wow I'm very very surprised
tq, mau gonta ganti thema keyboard tetep bagus.
no, if you want to change the keyboard theme, it's still good.