ga bisa nyala..nyesel bgt belinya..
can't turn it on.. I regret buying it..
Beli untuk kado teman, langsung dikirim ke penerimanya. Info dari penerima barangnya ok, berfungsidengan baik
bought as a gift for a friend, sent directly to the recipient. the info from the recipient of the goods is ok, it works fine
untuk harga segitu sih mantep banget mouse nya👌
for that price, the mouse is really good
Ada garis,cuma tab doang trnyta kaga dpt casan
there is a line, only the tab turns out to be unable to charge
Mantap barang sudah datang saura sip
great item has arrived saura sip
Puas banget lah, sukses selalu
very satisfied, success always
Barang sampe dengan selamat lengkap dengan kartu garansinya. Tapi ga ada stempel toko Seller nya juga ramah.. Thankyou seller
Item arrived safely complete with warranty card. but there is no shop stamp, the seller is also friendly... thank you seller
Oke semuanya, makanya di kasih bintang lima..sukses lapaknya boss
okay everything, that's why I gave it five stars... the success of the stall, boss
Baterai kembung tidak bs dipakai..mesti keluar uang lagi untk beli baterai
the bloated battery can't be used...even though it's out of money again to buy a battery
parah kaga bisa ke pakai,wajan nya apa lagi,gagang wat masak panci nya baru di pakai 2 x dh patah🤦‍♀
it's bad you can't use it, what kind of pan is it, the handle for cooking the pot just used it and it's broken
bagus kak barangnya, semoga awet aamiin
it's good sis, hope it lasts aamiin
mantap langsung berfungsi dgn baik
sure it works right away
sesuai deskripsi, produknya rapi, melebihi ekspektasi
according to the description, the product is neat, exceeded expectations
HP Tidak bisa di pakai
hp can not be used
Hp aman, ada bubble pelindung.. cuma Sweater bonus nya untuk anak" 😅
the cellphone is safe, there is a protective bubble.. only the bonus sweater is for the child"
Lumayan cepat sampai ya.. Terimakasih banyak buat kurir
pretty fast arrived.. thank you very much for the courier
Ternyata berat juga tabletnya. Untuk dipakai harus dlm pengawasan ortu. Sempet bingung keyboard gak fungsi ternyata pas narunya gak pas 😃 So ok lah. Hanya di berat barangnya aja kalau bisa dibuat lebih ringan
the tablet is too heavy. to be used must be under parental supervision. I was confused that the keyboard didn't function, it turned out that it didn't fit properly, so it was ok. only on the weight of the goods if it can be made lighter
All out okey, hanya saja kotak penyok, tak apa, ini bukan salah toko, terimakasih seller
all out okay, it's just that the box is dented, it's okay, this is not the shop's fault, thank you seller
untuk ukuran pas, hanya kurang ngraket di meja saya ya pas dipakai masih geser-geser. dan saya dpt barang yg sablon fabtechnya udh mayan pudar.
for the right size, it just doesn't hold well on my desk, so it still slides when used. and I got items with fabtech screen printing that had faded a lot.
barangnya baik, ada noda sedikit di keycaps U, yang paling kurang baik adalah pengiriman nya, beli instant rasa reguler, dan komunikasi nya kurang membantu, misal ga sanggup instant bisa diinfokan ke pembeli jadi ga nunggu.
the item is good, there is a slight stain on the keycaps u, the worst thing is the delivery, buy the regular flavored instant, and the communication is not very helpful, for example it can't be instant, you can inform the buyer so you don't have to wait.
Pengiriman cepat dan produk sangat bagus ... Tapi sepertinya terbentur saat pengiriman jadi ada tombol yang rusak ....
fast delivery and very good product. but it looks like it was hit during shipping so there's a broken button.
Paket di terima dengan sempurna.. sempat delay krna lama di expedisi.. tp admin baik banget mau konfir ke expediai.. terbaik lah pokok nya
the package was received perfectly... had a delay because it took a long time on the expedition... but the admin was very kind to confirm to expediai... the best is the point
Cuma kotak yg penyok.. tp sukur dalemnya masih aman
only the box is dented... but thankfully the inside is still safe
Maaf telat ngabarin...barang baguss sukaa..sdh dpakai..trima kasih
sorry for late notification.good stuff like it..already using it..thank you
Syuka bgt syg waktu pengemasannya agak lama.. dan ekspedisinya lama bangettt bikin bete..
I really like it, the packaging time is a bit long.. and the expedition is really long, it makes me tired..
bagus,barang sesuai,pengiriman cepat.
nice, good item, fast delivery.
Barangnya original 👍. Packaging aman 🙏.
the goods are original. safe packaging .
Coiled cable nya tidak bisa, harus ganti kabel type c biasa
the coiled cable can't, you have to replace the usual type c cable
bagus memuaskan, trimakasih lazada
nice satisfying, thanks lazada
Bergelombang mousepadnya, kotak kayak udah hancur san dibuka sebelumnya , kecepatan pengiriman sangaaaaaaaat lama
the mousepad is wavy, the box looks like it's been crushed and opened before, the delivery speed is very long
di deskripsi nya ada warna abu-abu, jd saya minta warna abu2 tapi dikirim nya ttp warna hijau seperti di gambar. saya chat jg blm dibales. barang nya bagus, berfungsi dgn baik, pengiriman cepet banget jam12 siang pesan jam4an langsung sampai.
in the description there is a gray color, so I asked for gray but it was sent but green as in the picture. I chat also haven't been answered. the item is good, works well, the delivery was really fast, the afternoon I ordered it arrived right away.
Belum buka paket sih meskipun udah terima lama hehe tapi yakin bagus kok
I haven't opened the package yet, even though I received it a long time ago, but I'm sure it's good
Kotak penyok, agak basah, gk tau dri kurir/ penjual, harap lebih rapi
dented box, a bit wet, don't know from the courier/seller, hope it's tidier
Sepadan dengan Harga:gud Gud
worth the price: gud gud
Barang sdh diterima, cukup mulus cuman touchpadnya kadang ga respon dan kadang sangat sensitif (ini yg sedikit agak mengganggu), batere lumayan.. berfungsi dgn baik. Tks
the item has been received, it's quite smooth, but the touchpad sometimes doesn't respond and sometimes it's very sensitive (this is a bit annoying), the battery is ok... it works fine. thx
Barang bagus, namun packing kurang bagus sehingga ada komponen yang pecah. Saran : packing disertai bubble wrap atau cacahan kertas. Terima kasih
good item, but the packaging is not good so there are broken components. Suggestion: packing with bubble wrap or paper shreds. Thank You
Mantap, nyaman di genggam, bisa setting juga macro nya
great, comfortable in the hand, can also set the macro
Barang rusak di jual Kata nya sudah di cek tapi kenyataan nya rusak di komplen tidak ada respon penjual tidak amanah jangan beli di sini Di chat tidak minus tapi barang minus retak dan touchsreen tidak berfungsi
damaged goods are sold, they say they have been checked, but in reality they are damaged in the complaint, there is no response, the seller is not trustworthy, don't buy here, the chat is not a minus, but the minus item is cracked and the touch screen doesn't work
Mouse nya bagus dan sangat responsif
The mouse is great and very responsive
ada penyok nya om, untung gk bocor, msh bisa di pake. kurir nya agak kesel ky nya, krna nelpon lama ga diangkat, mungkin dia udh cape jg krna sdh mlm .. mksh ya...
there is a dent on it uncle, fortunately it doesn't leak, it can still be used. the courier is a bit annoyed, because he hasn't picked up the phone for a long time, maybe he's tired too because it's late... thank you.
Produk baik, kualitas baik, harga baik, pengiriman cepat, cuma kartu garansi ya ngga d isi sama Toko nya klo ada kerusakan ngga bsa kepake dong tpi semoga awet 🙏🙏
good product, good quality, good price, fast delivery, only the warranty card is not filled in at the shop, if there is damage it can't be used, but hopefully it will last
Brng udh ditrima dngn baik, tp syng wrna yg dimnta hitam yg dikirim biru. Untung birunya bgus. Trima ksih
The goods have been received well, but unfortunately the color I requested was black, which was sent blue. fortunately the blue is good. thanks
mantab, kotak aga penyok sih, cuma keliatannya rata" orang beli headphone kotaknya penyok semua wkwkwkkw. nice, harga paling murah dan worth bgt.
great, the box is a bit dented, it just looks flat&#; people buy headphones the boxes are all dented wkwkwkkw. nice, the cheapest price and really worth it.
Earcupnya lembut bando juga lembut dan pas di telinga dan kepala saya, cuman di sayangkan bungkusnya penyok mungkin dari pengiriman ya atau gimana tapi buat saya itu tidak terlalu masalah
the earcups are soft, the headband is also soft and fits my ears and head, it's just a pity that the packaging is dented, maybe it's from shipping or what, but for me it's not too much of a problem
Barang di terima dalam kondisi baik walaupun kardus nya agak sedikit rusak/penyok, sudah di coba dan berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, pengiriman standar.
item received in good condition although the box is slightly dented/damaged, it has been tested and works as it should, standard shipping.
makasih gan.. barang ok banget...
thank you bro.. it's really ok.
Super fast response.. Barang langsung kirim.. Recomended lah
super fast response.. goods sent immediately.. recommended lah
Bagus Font keyboardnya keren, beda dari yang biasanya Pengiriman cepat 😍
nice cool keyboard font, different from the usual fast delivery
Kirain dapat tas nya juga ternyata ngga ya udah lah ngga beruntung aja hihi
I thought I got the bag, but it turns out I didn't, I wasn't lucky, hihi
Kualitas:barang ada yg lecet Harga:standar Ukuran:standar Pengiriman cepet 3 hari sampe, ini beli yg kedua kali tapi ga se aman yg pertama , yg ini ga ada dus tambahan jd ada yg penyok Barang nya ada yg lecet bawahnya ga cuma 1 pdhl buat kado
quality: the item is scratched price: standard size: standard delivery fast the day it arrived, this is the second time buying but it's not as safe as the first one, this one doesn't have an additional box so there's a dent in the item there's a scratch on the bottom not just for a gift
Produk Original, Pengiriman cepat, puas berbelanja disini
original product, fast delivery, satisfied shopping here
sangat rekomendasi, pengiriman cepatttt👍👌
highly recommended, fast delivery
Diterima dengan kondisi baik,,, pengiriman juga cepat. Terima kasih.
received in good condition, fast delivery too. Thank You.
Bagus siiihh, cuman kurang 1 barangnya 😢😢 Berapa kali beli disini selalu memuaskan, kali ini aja yg kurang 😑
it's good, it's just that the number of times I buy it here is always satisfying, this time it's just the one that's lacking
pertama datang doang idup, giliran mau di pake ke 2 x nya mati, ternyata ada pengaman nya.
the first time it came alive, it was my turn to use it when it turned off, it turned out that there was a safety guard.
it's really good, but the delivery is a bit long because the order is on Sunday but the quality is debest
mesti pake alas/mousepad kalo ga kursor kurang responsif, yg lain2 okelah
you have to use a pad/mousepad if the cursor isn't less responsive, the others are okay
kemasan kurang aman,pengaduk ada yg patah,tp gpp
the packaging is not safe, the stirrer is broken, but it's okay
terimakasih barang nya bagus cuman dari dus pekingan nya rusak kalau s Abang kurir nya gak hati2 bahaya sedih,,,makasih bang kurir nya s Abang langganan
Thank you, the item is good, but from the Pekingan box it's damaged. If the courier brother doesn't care, it's dangerous to be sad.
Sesuai ... Sayang belum Ada ear phone nya Terimakasih
something that doesn't have earphones, thank you
mantaaappp Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍.  gak sempet foto,,, barang sudah di pelanggan.....
sure there is an official warranty. the goods are original. I didn't have time to take a photo, the item was already at the customer.
Harga:murah Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:sangat tajam Kualitas barang bagus dan produk original
price: cheap quality: good sharpness: very sharp good quality goods and original products
Mksh barang sdh sampai.semoga bermanfaat.trmksh shopee,seller dan kurir yg senantiasa memberkan pelayanan terbaiknya.
thank you, the goods have arrived. I hope it's useful. Thank you shopee, seller and courier who always provide the best service.
barang cepat datangnya, puas ga nunggu lamaa jadi ga kecewa, makasih yaa..
the goods came quickly, I was satisfied, I didn't wait long, so I wasn't disappointed, thank you..
bagus,, buat mblender jg hasilnya lmbut bgt,, top lh
it's good, for blenders, the results are really soft,, top
Produk sudah pasti original. Sesuai deskripsi, berfungsi dengan baik. Bonusnya mantap. Murah tapi kualitas wort it.
product is definitely original. according to the description, works fine. great bonus. cheap but quality is worth it.
Harga:murah Kualitas:bagus ,bunyinya juga nyaring Ukuran:gede,,sesuai lah Barang bagus,,rekomen dah beli disini ,, Bunyinya juga nyaring
price: cheap quality: good, the sound is also loud size: big,, according to good stuff,, I recommend buying it here,, the sound is also loud
Saran sih beli d mall aja biar bisa d test, barang ini mungkin barang reject, jadi mixer goyang salsa ikut irama puteran adonan😂
I suggest buying it at the mall so you can test it, this item might be a reject item, so the mixer shakes the salsa to the rhythm of the dough turning
Ntaps Slur 👍👍
stop slur
Pesanan sudah sampai kualitas barang sesuai dengan harga terimakasih Shoppe dan seller
the order arrived, the quality of the goods according to the price, thank you shopee and seller
Yg kiri error kak baterai masak langsung tinggal 10% sedangkan yg kanan 100% baru beli saya cas dulu belum d pake loh padahal itu 2 2 nya 😔🤪😭
the one on the left has an error sis, the battery cooks right away, only % while the right one % I just bought it, I didn't use it before charging, even though that's it
Yg sebelah kiri suaranya putus2, kabel nya kl di lipet suka mati yg sebelah kiri suaranya
the sound on the left is broken, the cable when folded tends to die, the sound on the left
Sekelas toko dari shopee packingnya buruk. Apa karena flash sale? Why?
shop class from shopee the packaging is bad. is it because of the flash sale? why?
pengiriman lamaaaaa hampir 2minggu jadi males biasa order di lazada 2 atw 3 sampe tadinya mau buat acara dorprize gagal gara² bareng dateng telattt sampai batas estimasi akhir 😔
The delivery took almost a week so I was lazy to usually order at Lazada or until I wanted to make the Dorprize event fail because together I arrived late to the final estimate deadline
Pengiriman sangat cepat packing sangat rapi puas banget pokoknya barang dtg sesuai dg pesanana
Very fast delivery, very neat packaging, very satisfied, the goods arrived according to the order
belum dicoba tapi sampai dengan keadaan baik kata orang di rumah
haven't tried it yet but arrived in good condition people say at home
Barang sdh diterima, hanya saja besar pancinya lebih kecil uk.18cm, 20cm sama 24cm tidak sesuai deskripsinya yg 22cm, 24cm sama 26cm.
the goods have been received, it's just that the size of the pot is smaller, cm, cm and cm does not match the description, which is cm, cm and cm.
Puas puas puas puas puas puasPuas puas puas puas puas puasPuas puas puas puasPuas puas puas puas puas puas puas puasPuas puas puas puas puas puasPuas puas puas puas puas puas
satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
Mutu terjamin SNI. Garansi terjamin. Ringan tapi kokoh. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat.
quality guaranteed here. guaranteed warranty. light but sturdy. the seller is very friendly. fast order process.
Cocok. Sesuai buat Cosmos 16 saya.
suitable. suitable for my cosmos.
Kualitas produk lumayan, udah dicoba, nggak sakit ditelinga, bassnya juga lumayan. cuma baru sadar ternyata nggak ada Scroll'an buat volumenya
the quality of the product is pretty good, I've tried it, it doesn't hurt my ears, the bass is pretty good too. I just realized that there's no scroll for the volume
Barangnya mulus, sesuai dengan deskripsi. Ukurannya pas dengan Miyako 606A. Terima kasih 👍
the goods are smooth, according to the description. the size fits miyako a. Thank You
Barang bermasalah di pengiriman, namun toko cepat dalam memberi solusi 👍👍
Items had problems with shipping, but the store was quick to provide solutions
katanya dpt headset, ternyata gak ada :'( :'(
he said he got a headset, apparently there isn't :&#;( :&#;(
Ada penyoknya sedikit
there is a little dent
pokonya mantul deh barang sempurna pokonya jangan pernah ragu blanja di sini
the point is, the goods are perfect, the point is, don't ever hesitate to shop here
Agak kecewa sistem tidak merespon. Sudah coba di restat ulang tidak lama eror lagi. Batre juga drop parah baru di pakai cepet bnget habis
a bit disappointed the system is not responding. I've tried restarting, the error doesn't take long. The battery also dropped badly when I used it, it ran out really quickly
panci sudah sampei... trimakasih semuanya 🙏 Guuuuuuuuuuuuut 👍
the pan has arrived. thank you all guts
bagus pakai banget, barang ori, g nyesel deh beli disini
it's really good to use, original stuff, I don't regret buying it here
Salah beli ukuran ternyat lebih kecil dari perkiraan to barangnya bangus pengiriman nya sangat lambat
I bought the wrong size, it turned out to be smaller than expected, the goods are great, the delivery is very slow
barang bagus. terasa awet dan enak dipakai. sedikit agak kecil untuk ukuran tangan saya. dan lift-off point mya jg terlalu tinggi (jd ketika diangkat, cursor masih bergerak ikut mouse)
good stuff. feels durable and comfortable to wear. a bit small for my hand size. and my lift-off point is also too high (so when lifted, the cursor still moves with the mouse)
ntaps lurr, walau agak berat tapi kalo dpi setinggi ini jadi gausah jauh2 gerakin tangan karna beratnya
It's amazing, even though it's a bit heavy, but if the dpi is this high, you don't have to move your hands too much because of the weight
Terima Kasih ka, barang berfungsi dengan baik dan original serta bergaransi resmi oxone 😊
thank you ka, the goods function properly and are original and have an official oxone guarantee
Barang nya bagus sesuai..pengiriman nya cepat..mudah2an bermanfaat..
the item is good..the delivery is fast..hope it's useful..
halo kak knpa barang nya gk nyala yah... sudah believe Mahal" barang gk sesuai
hello, sis, why isn't the item working? already believe it's expensive "goods don't fit
respon okay. pengiriman cepat. barang sesuai deskripsi. berfungsi semua. nyaman dan pas di tangan.ok
response ok. fast delivery. goods according to the description. all works. comfortable and fits in hand
Maaf diksh bintang 3 soalnya pas dibuka bagian bawahnya pecah, packing hy seadanya
sorry for the stars, the problem is that when I opened it the bottom broke, the packing was sober
Lama di pengiriman sadja
long time on delivery
Edit. Alhamdulillah udah sampe, dpet bonus soft case sama kartu samrfren. Tapi ponselnya agak panas ya kalo di pake. Ini apakah baik² aja apa bagaimana?
edit. alhamdulillah, arrived, got a bonus soft case with a samrfren card. but the phone is a bit hot if you use it. is this okay or how?
Fitur Terbaik:baik Semoga awet
best features:good hope it lasts