makasiii banyaaakkk gan. Barang sudah dterima.
thank you very much item received.
Pengiriman sangat cepat, produk 100% ori. Pokok nya gak nyesel belanja di sini.
Very fast delivery, % original product. The point is not to regret shopping here.
Pokoknya mantap , sukses terus ..
anyway great, success continues..
alhamdullliah sesuai
thank goodness it fits
barang bagus, oke
good stuff, okay
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Fitur Terbaik:ok
worth the price: as per the best features: ok
Pakek nyampeknya luama banget pdhl sesama area surabaya ☹
The package arrived very long even though it's in the same Surabaya area
Fast respond, fast delivery, product bagus murah tp ga murahan.
fast response, fast delivery, good product cheap but not cheap.
langsung dicoba dan jernih siarannya hanya rcti dan indosiar tidak bisa ... mungkin harus di set lagi
I immediately tried it and the broadcast was clear, only RCTI and Indosiar couldn't. may have to be set again
Fitur Terbaik:rasanya enak Sepadan dengan Harga:iya kali kurang tau controllernya licin sama fontnya jelek tapi yang penting fungsinya
best feature: tastes good commensurate with price: yes, I don't know if the controller is smooth and the font is ugly, but the important thing is the function
kren minSound mantap. Earcupnya lembut.
cool min sound. the earcups are soft.
Hanya saja pengiriman sangat lama, dab packing nya buble wearp nya rerlalu sesikit sehingga peket mudah penyok, kerdus pengemasan sangat letoy
it's just that the delivery is very long, and the packaging of the bubble wrap is too small so the package is easily dented, the packaging is very letoy
modelnya bagus, nyaman di gunakan. tapi setingan di aplikasi saat mousenya di matikan akan mereset kembali
the model is good, comfortable to use. but the settings in the application when the mouse is turned off will reset again
lumayan bagus tp kurang di kabelnya aja splitternya gabisa
it's pretty good, but the cable just doesn't work, the splitter doesn't work
keren barangnya bagus
cool good stuff
Barang sesuai pesanan, hanya saja pengiriman agak lama dan packaging kurang aman, sehingga penyot2
the goods according to the order, it's just that the delivery is a bit long and the packaging is not safe, so it sucks
Mutu kurang bagus, sesuai harganya yg murah
the quality is not good, according to the cheap price
packing rapih, barang bagus, recommend
neat packing, good stuff, recommend
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Harga produk sangat baik....
product quality is very good. product price is very good.
Kirain pengiriman bakal lama karena mepet natal dan tahun baru ternyata cepet. Penerimaan sejauh ini oke dan aman sampai. Semoga barang awet.
I thought the delivery would take a long time because Christmas and New Years were tight. reception so far okay and safe arrival. hope things last.
mesennya warna biru kok dtg nya hijau
I ordered blue but got green
desain tempat pisaunya bagus, berat pisau juga bagus. alas potongnya bagus, kokoh. Namun akan lebih baik apabila pisaunya dikirim dalam keadaan tajam dan gagang pisaunya dipilih kayu yg lebih baik.
the design of the knife holder is good, the weight of the knife is also good. the cutting mat is good, sturdy. but it would be better if the knife was sent in a sharp state and the knife handle was chosen with better wood.
3x beli Magicom di toko ini sangat suka, amanah harga murah gak usah ketoko tinggal pesan .👌👌👌👌❤️
x buy magicom at this shop really like it, trust the cheap price you don't have to go to the shop, just order it.
makasih paket sudah sampai, packaging rapi
Thank you, the package has arrived, the packaging is neat
bagus tp batre cepat abis GK bisa di pake lama layar banyak guratan
it's good but the battery runs out quickly can't be used for a long time the screen has lots of scratches
satu barang tdk bisa d gunakan
one item cannot be used
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Pengiriman sangat cepat. Respon penjual baik
product quality is very good. very fast delivery. good seller response
Ada garansi resmi Penjualnya ramah banget Barangnya original. Baterenya awet
There is an official guarantee that the seller is very friendly, the goods are original. the battery lasts
Fitur Terbaik:Keren kayak gg gaming Mousenya bagus dan berfungsi baik. Pemesanan jam 11, jam 12 lebih udab dikirim. Curiga tokonya sampingan ama agen sicepat. Tp sayang min nyampenya 2 hari. Biasa pke jnt cuma sehari. Namanya aja sicepat halu. Saran tambahin jasa pengirimannya min. Sicepat shope expres tuh lelet bgt suer deh
best features:cool like gg gaming mouse its good and works well. ordering hours, more hours have been sent. suspect the shop is on the side of the sicepat agent. tp dear admin arrived today. usually use jnt only a day. the name is just as fast as halu. Suggestions for adding delivery services min. as fast as the shope express, it's really slow
Keren!!! Bungkusannya rapih, mouse nya juga mantap, elegan!!!
Cool! the package is neat, the mouse is also great, elegant!
Pengemasan agak lama dan packaging berantakan akhirnya barang pada pecah...kecewa.
packaging took a while and the packaging was messy, finally the item broke. disappointed.
Sepadan dengan Harga:bagusss Fitur Terbaik:pengiriman lama Walaupun pengiriman lama paket tetep sampai dengan aman good lah
commensurate with the price: good the best features: long delivery even though the long delivery package still arrived safely good lah
packing rapi pengaman tebal. gak khawatir kenapa² di perjalanan pengiriman. barangnya bagus dan keren.Barangnya original 👍. HANYA UNTUK PEMBELI HATI2 SIMCARDNYA BUKAN NANO TAPI MIKRO, KALAU UDAH KETELAN KARTU NANO SULIT MENGELUARKANNYA.
thick safety neat packing. don't worry why on the way of delivery. the goods are good and cool. the goods are original. only for buyers, the simcard is not nano but micro, if you swallow a nano card it's hard to get it out.
trimakasih nyala semuanya
thank you all
packing kurang rapi (tidak ada pengaman sama sekali). mungkin kedepannya packing pake pengaman atau apa, buble contohnya. jadi dengan tanpa adanya pengaman memungkinkan barang rusak/pecah saat expedisi. barang ori.
packaging is not neat (no safety at all). maybe in the future packing will use safety or something, bubbles for example. So in the absence of security, it is possible for goods to be damaged / broken during the expedition. original goods.
sesuai gambar..ok deh pokoke..hnya agak mungil tpi ok...
according to the picture ... ok anyway ... it's a bit small but ok.
Sesuai pesanan. Pengiriman cepat. Respon penjual ramah & cepat. Barang berfungsi dg baik. TrimS
as ordered. fast delivery. Seller response is friendly and fast. item works fine. thanks
tidak sesuai pesenan, yg d kirim beda, hati2 klo beli di sini
does not match the order, what is sent is different, be careful if you buy here
bagus ok mantap pokoknya
good ok great anyway
Pisau yg dikirim ada cacatnya, sy sdh komplain tdk ada tanggapan
the knife that was sent had a defect, I complained there was no response
Bagus sih barang sesuai gan, tapi batrenya kok kayak gitu, tp gapapa its fine makasih gannn
it's good, the item fits, bro, but how come the battery is like that, but it's fine, thanks, bro
Dari dulu beli kursi, headset, mouse, keyboard, webcam semua disini nih cepet terpercaya...
I've always bought chairs, headsets, mice, keyboards, webcams, everything here is fast and reliable.
mic nya kecil harus di dekatkan ke mulut, terlalu ribet.
the mic is small, you have to bring it closer to your mouth, it's too complicated.
Barangnya original 👍.  sesuai pesanan, thx gan sukses selalu
the goods are original. according to the order, thx, bro, success always
Konsep alatnya bagus dan dan sangat berguna. Kekurangan: 1. Customer Servicenya sangat tidak helpful, buku panduan yang disediakan juga tidak jelas. Akan sangat sulit bagi orang awam untuk melakukan instalasi awal. 2. Modemnya sangat susah connect setiap pertama kali diaktifkan. Mudah-mudahan dapat diperbaiki.
the concept of the tool is good and and very useful. lack: . the customer service is not very helpful, the guidebook provided is also not clear. it would be very difficult for a layman to do the initial installation. . the modem is very difficult to connect every time you turn it on for the first time. hopefully it can be fixed.
alhamdllah.. barang oke,berfungsi...makasih semuanya..
alhamdulillah.. the item is okay, it works. thanks everyone..
alhamdulillah pesanan nya sudah sampai,barang nya bagus...cantik. pengemasan nya aman,abg kurir nya ok
alhamdulillah the order has arrived, the goods are good.beautiful. the packaging is safe, the courier brother is ok
mantap pokonyah suka banget ngga nyesel belanja di toko ini
really good, I really don't regret shopping at this store
Produknya bagus, kecil dan tombol2nya juga enak. tp sepertinya rexus ini bikin pc saya BSOD dgn keterangan kernel security failure, udh 3x kena selama nyolok wired mode atau wireless.. Udh di coba 2 hari tanpa konek rexus ini, dan pc saya aman ga ada apa2.. Sangat di sayangkan.. :(
the product is good, small and the buttons are also nice. but it looks like this rexus makes my pc BSOD with the description of kernel security failure, I haven't been able to get it while on wired mode or wireless... I've tried it the other day without connecting to this rexus, and my PC is safe and there's nothing... it's really a shame... :(
Pengiriman cepat. produk bagus
fast delivery. good product
produk ok
ok product
Lapak bagus customer sabar menjawab pertanyaan dari client.. tapi sayangnya kurir JNE sangat lelet.. barang di terima di JNE malang tanggal 29 sampai tanggal 4 belum juga di kirim ke alamat.. alhasil harus ngambil sendiri ke JNE malang dan harus pake go box untuk bawa pulangnya
Good stalls, customers are patient in answering questions from the client.. but unfortunately the courier is very slow.. the goods were received at the Malang route, the date until the date had not been sent to the address.. as a result, you have to pick it up yourself to Malang and have to use a go box to take it home
makasih barangnya sdh sampai dan cepat banget senang bisa belanja disini
Thank you, the goods arrived quickly and I'm very happy to be able to shop here
Mantap pengiriman Sangat Cepat Barang Berfungsi dengan Baik Nga ada Yg Rusak
very fast delivery, the item works fine, nothing is broken
Nasibkuu....huhuhu...jtr nya ini
my fate.huhuhu.jtr this
relpic sesuai d gambar .. panas pol semoga awet deh setrika y .. buat kurir baik udh langganan jg
relpic according to the picture... it's hot, I hope the iron lasts a long time... for good couriers, I've subscribed too
Besinya tipis ternyata
it turns out to be thin
Barangnya bagus amat. Seller responsif. Pengiriman Cepat. Mantap. Thx Seller n Toped
very good stuff. responsive seller. fast delivery. Excellent. thx seller n topped
Pengemasan dan pengirimannya aga lama sih. Emang kalo dari official selalu kaya gitu jadi it's ok. Bubble wrap nya tebel banget. Thanks
packaging and shipping took a long time. If it's official, it's always like that, so it's ok. the bubble wrap is very thick. thanks
Panjang dan murah pasti nya
long and cheap for sure
Cepat respon dan sesuai
quick response and appropriate
Sudah dicoba masak nasi Alhamdulillah panasnya bagus cuma tutup rice cooker nya tidak nge 'klik'
I've tried cooking rice, thank God it's hot, it's good, but the rice cooker lid doesn't click
penjualnya amanah, bergaransi, walaupun untuk beli tepe ini tidak sesuai atau tidak berfungsi dengan semestinya, terima kasih semua.
the seller is trustworthy, guaranteed, even though to buy this tepe it is not suitable or does not work properly, thank you all.
pertama datang blm ada ransel, sdh di kirim kekurangnya, perlu di komplan dlu, saran agar kedepannya lebih teliti dalam kelengkapan barangnya
for the first time, there is no backpack, it has been sent to the shortage, it needs to be complained first, a suggestion so that in the future it will be more thorough in the completeness of the goods
modemnya pas gak besar cm kuota nya koq tidak sesuai 35 gb sy cm dpt 25gb dan msukin sim cardnya susah karena jeglok ke dlm itu aj sih
the modem is just right it's not big cm the quota doesn't match the gb cm cm I got gb and it's difficult to insert the sim card because it just gets stuck in it anyway
gak bisa muter blender nya gimana ini?di kira bisa masak lebih cepat malah gak jadi masak ke buru anak bangun..😔
I can't play the blender, how about this? I think it can cook faster, it doesn't even cook, so the child wakes up in a hurry..
Harga:standar Pengiriman:standar Kualitas:standar buat air panas kurang tahan lama panasnya
price: standard delivery: standard quality: standard for hot water less durable heat
Barang sampe dengan selamat dan cepat cuma 2 hari. Kurirnya super ramah. Barang ori cuma agak kotor dikiiit doang sii. Thanks reseller🤩🤩
Items arrived safely and quickly in just one day. the courier is super friendly. ori items are just a little dirty. thanks reseller
Mantap, kualitas ok lah, cuman pengirimannya agak lama mungkin karena overload
great, the quality is ok, but the delivery is a bit long maybe because of the overload
Hmm penuh dengan drama sekali karna salah kirim barang. Pesen webcam malah dikirim mousepad😌. Tp pihak fantech mau tanggung jawab disameday-in karna emg butuh banget! Thank you🙏🏻 semoga kedepannya diperbaiki lagi yaaa biar pembeli ga kapok beli lagi disini😊
hmm full of drama because the wrong item sent. message webcam instead sent mousepad. but fantech wants to be responsible on the same day because it really needs it! thank you, hopefully in the future it will be repaired again so that buyers don't give up buying here again
mantap... semoga awet...
Excellent. hope it lasts.
cukup bagus kualitasnya, tapi soal baterai tidak rekomendasi
pretty good quality, but about the battery is not a recommendation
terlalu kecil UK ran nya😭
too small size ran
mantaaaappppppp... gannnn....
Excellent. bro.
Recomended untuk beli ditoko ini. Barang bagus. Tp packingnya kurang aman. Tolong ditingkatkan lagi.
recommend to buy in this shop. good stuff. but the packing is not safe. please improve again.
hari pertama masih aman aman aja, masuk hari kedua gamepadnya sering banget disconnect sendiri sampai sekarang. boleh ditukar ga kira kira?
the first day it's still safe, on the second day the gamepad often disconnects itself until now. can it be exchanged or not?
Kemasannya kurang kuat
the packaging is not strong
pengiriman agak lama, packaging oke, diterima dengan selamat thank you seller
long delivery, good packaging, received safely, thank you seller
Kondisi sprt rusak. Tombol berfungsi smua tp lampu optical tdk mau nyala ( sdh ganti baterai 3x tetap sama ) alhasil kursor mouse tdk bsa di gerakan. Apa bisa tuker barang? Atau pengembalian dana? Terima kasih
broken condition. the buttons all work but the optical light won't turn on (the battery has changed and it's still the same) as a result the mouse cursor can't be moved. can you exchange goods? or refund? Thank You
Kualitas barang oke dan packing pengiriman juga oke. Recommended
the quality of the goods is good and the packaging is also good. recommended
Magic com nya penyok, ga tau dari seller nya dikasih penyok atau emang pas pengiriman. Kalo pas pengiriman, udah dikasih bubble padahal
the magic com is dented, I don't know if the seller gave it a dent or if it was delivered. when it comes to delivery, it's already been given bubble even though
barangnya menyenangkan......tingkatkan terus lazada...
the goods are fun. keep improving lazada.
josss gandos penjual fast respon pesenanan dalam 1 jam sampai kebetulan 1 kota recomended lah pokoknya barang ori mantul pokoknya
jos gandos the seller responds quickly to orders within hours until it happens that the city is recommended, the main thing is original goods bounce
Pisaunya cakep. Tapi sayangnya tempat pisau di dalam banyak yang sobek, kardus luarnya juga. Mau dipakai untuk kado jadi agak ga enak
the knife is cute. but unfortunately the knife holder inside was torn a lot, the outer cardboard too. I want to use it for a gift so it's a bit uncomfortable
Produk sangat baik, pengiriman cepat, terima kasih
very good product, fast delivery, thank you
Barang diterima dg baik Dan berfungsi, hanya Dus Aja yg penyok makasih gan
the item is well received and working, only the box is dented, thanks bro
Barang sampai tepat waktu, sdh di cek dan semua berfungsi dengan baik. Terimakasih kak
Item arrived on time, checked and all working fine. thank you sis
Barang bagus sesuai pesanan..pengiriman juga cepat thanks
good item as delivery too thanks
pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai ekspetasi, packing kurang bagus, kardus nya robek
fast delivery, item as expected, packing not good, paper torn
Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman 🙏 Respon penjualnya top Baterenya awet
the seller is very friendly, the order process is fast, the packaging is safe, the seller's response is top, the battery is durable
Ok ... Mudah an coxoj
ok . easy an coxoj
Mantap paking rapi pengiriman cepat tnks bosqu
great packing neatly fast delivery tnks bosqu
kipas baru sampe gk berfungsi mlh bau gosong...keluar api y gmn sih toko y rugi saya
The new fan doesn't work but it smells burnt. It's a fire coming out, what's the shop, it's my loss
bagus tapi aga penyok ga ap " laah
it's good but it's a bit dented, isn't it okay?
Barang mulus aslu mantap jiwa cuman sayangnya bungkusannya penyok
the goods are smooth, original, great soul, but unfortunately the package is dented
Sesuai deskripsi.. Barang sempat salah sistem saat delivery.. Tp sudah clear.. Tq..
according to the description.. the item had a system error during delivery.. but it's clear.. tq..
respon dan pengiriman cepat barang bagus
fast response and good product delivery
Kl boleh milih, lbh enak verai yg g pake sandaran kepala
If you can choose, it's better if you don't use a headrest
Suka ada bau bau hangus/gosong , permukaan licin mudah di bersihkan tetapi agak hati" menaruh gelas, di saran kan taruh 2 gelas penuh air agar tidak terlalu panas
like the smell of scorched / burnt smell, smooth surface easy to clean but a bit careful &#; put a glass, I suggest you put a glass full of water so it doesn't get too hot