CO bubble wrap, tapi gak dikasih bubble nya 😂 Alhasil yaa peyok lah, dandang tipis gak safety, gak fragil pula 🤪
co bubble wrap, but the bubble wasn't given as a result so it was dented, the thin boiler wasn't safe, it wasn't fragile either
Aduhh malu banget
so shame
barang original, dijamin asli, pengiriman cepat, layanan baik, keyboard nyaman dipakai, lancar buat nonton Youtube
original item, guaranteed original, fast delivery, good service, comfortable keyboard, smooth for watching YouTube
Sesuai lah dengan harga. Semoga awet nice buat fantech. Semoga kulitas bisa sejajar dengan merek sebelah dengan harga yang tetap terjangkau.
according to the price. I hope it lasts good for fantech. Hopefully the quality can be on par with the next brand at a price that remains affordable.
cepat, bahan bagus dan rekomended
fast, good material and recommended
layar OK, memori besar, kekuranganya tidak ada compas, gyro, dan tidak ada koneksi Cast ... kalau ada yang tau cara cast ke TV atau proyektor info yaaa....
ok screen, big memory, cons no compass, gyro, and no cast connection. If anyone knows how to cast to a TV or projector, please let me know.
Sip Mantul Karena barang sudah diterima sama ibu saya, jadi gak sempat ambil dokumen, nuhun
sip bouncing because the goods have been received by my mother, so I did not have time to take the document, dear
Pengiriman produk super cepat, cekout sekitar jam 12 lebih dikirim langsung jam 2 lebih. 2hari nyampe. Tapi sayang produk tidak bisa jalan Eeh ternyata mati listrik 🤣 udah panik. Terimakasih shopee
Super fast product delivery, checkout around an hour more was sent directly over an hour. arrived day. but it's a shame the product can't run eeh it turns out the power went out I panicked. thank you
barang nya tidak sesuai yg di inginkan pesan warna merah muda yg Dateng warna biru Dongker GPP lah terima kasih
the item doesn't match what you want, order pink, it comes in jack blue, it's okay, thank you
Pengiriman agak lama, biasanya order ga selama ini. Udah gitu di jnt over load, alhasil ngambil sendri di gudang jnt. Barang udh di coba dan ga ada minus. Barang juga mulus. Makasih ya, semoga awet dan langganan terus
Delivery took a while, usually the order doesn't take this long. That's how it was at jnt overloaded, as a result I took it myself at the jnt warehouse. I have tried the item and there is no minus. things are smooth too. thank you, I hope it lasts and continues to subscribe
saat wajan dipanaskan,keluar bau yg TDK enak seperti bau bahan kimia,ga berani pake saya buang.
when the pan is heated, it emits an unpleasant smell like the smell of chemicals, I don't dare to use it, I throw it away.
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Barang diterima dengan kondisi baik dan aman. Waktu dicoba pun Alhamdulillah baik, terima kasih yaa
best features:good value for money:yes item received in good condition and safe. Even when I tried it, it was fine, thank you
barang bagus, sdh dicoba, dan hidup
good stuff, already tried, and alive
enteng banget udah gtu pada penyok
it's really light, it's like that on a dent
Barang bagus, penjual fast respon tetapi ekspedisi pengiriman lambat.
good item, seller fast response but slow shipping.
Barang OK lah, pas harga flash sale lagi 👍
the item is ok, when the price of the flash sale again
Produknya ori,cuman ada cacat dikit diujung setrika lapisannya mengelupas. Saran aja selanjutnya dicek dulu sblum dikirim. Setrika cepet panas. Terima kasih seller n shopee juga kurir.
the product is ori, only there is a slight defect at the end of the iron, the layer is peeling off. Just a suggestion then check before sending. hot iron. thank you seller n shoppe also courier.
Kirain bisa cook and warm, ternyata cuma bisa cook
I thought it could cook and warm, but it turns out it can only cook
Tutup buat galonnya patah pas dipasang, tp gpp tetep bisa pake tutup bawaan galonnya aja, terbaik ya tetep bisa kirim walau udah sore bgt
the lid for the gallon broke when it was installed, but it's okay you can still use the lid that came with the gallon, it's best that you can still send it even though it's late
sip barang sesuai pesanan thanks bozzz smoga tambah sukses bozzz
take the goods according to the order, thanks, boz, I hope you will be more successful, boz
Pas buat ngecharge, adaptornya panas bgt. Plus suara kadang kresek kresek, keganggu banget.
when charging, the adapter is very hot. plus the sound is sometimes crackle, crackle, really annoying.
semogaaa awet dan garansinyaaaa benerr
Hopefully it lasts and the warranty is correct
Bagus sesuai harga, semoga barangnya awet.
good for the price, hopefully the goods last.
Mudah mudahan si oke ya, buat di kantor juga semoga awet karna yg dr kantor udah ga enak
I hope it's okay, for the office too, I hope it lasts because the ones from the office are not comfortable
Alhamdulillaah yg d tgg2 dah dtg aman dan selamat, paketny pk buble wrap aman bgt,smp repot bukanya, tdk krg st apapun, dah d tes sebentar mesinnya bekerja mudah2an k sananya aman. Trmksh shopee dan kurir🙏👍
alhamdulillah, the one that arrived safely and safely, the package with bubble wrap is very safe, it's a hassle to open it, it's not because of anything, I've tested it for a while, the machine is working, hopefully it's safe. thanks shopee and courier
Nangkep signal bagus..cocok di pake di pelosok desa. sayang fitur Update nya harus manual dan tidak ada fitur pembatasan kecepatan internet. tolong ADVAN bikin Aplikasi buat konek ke CPE star..ribet pake webUI
catching a good signal ... suitable for use in remote villages. unfortunately the update feature has to be manual and there is no internet speed limiting feature. Advan please make an application to connect to CPE's complicated using WebUI
Pengiriman lamaa..
long delivery..
Trima kasih yaa, respon cepat dan barang juga cepat kirimnya.. mudahan baik2 saja ya, karena mau buat hadiah. Trima kasih.
Thank you, fast response and fast delivery of the goods... I hope it's all right, because I want to make a gift. Thanks.
Barang sesuai dengan yg dijual, namun respon penjual lumayan lama dan packing barang tidak dibungkus (langsung kardus oxone nya) tidak ada pembungkus tambahan.
the goods correspond to those sold, but the seller's response took quite a long time and the packaging of the goods was not wrapped (directly the oxone cardboard) there was no additional packaging.
Mantap cepet sampai .. barang bagus .. seller ramah
great fast arrived .. good item .. friendly seller
sesuai gambar..
according to the picture..
Proses kirim cepat dan barang bagus sesuai deskripsi thanks ya gan
fast delivery process and good item according to the description, thank you, bro
produk sesuai harga, mantap
product according to price, great
Harga:cakepp Kegunaan:buat bikin pangsit, mie Kualitas:sayang bonus alat yang buat motong nya patah..😭😭 udah di sambung tapi pegangan gak bisa masuk.
price: delicious use: for making dumplings, noodles quality: unfortunately the bonus tool that makes the cut is broken... it's been connected but the handle can't go through.
Fitur Terbaik:nyaman di pakai bagus
best features: comfortable to wear nice
Alhamdulillah paket sudah sampai. Barang mulus, lecet pemakaian. Tips, kalau sistem error keluar tulisan google tidak menanggapi, coba reset ulang tablet ke setelan pabrik. Insya Allah lancar kembali
Thank God the package has arrived. immaculate, scuffed from use. tips, if the system error says Google is not responding, try resetting the tablet to factory settings. God willing, smoothly back
Anginnya emang beneran kenceng. Mudah2an bisa awet tahan lama.
the wind is really strong. hopefully it can last long.
Pesen sabtu, tapi Pengiriman kehalang sabtu mnggu, jadi baru di kirim senin, tapi selasa sampe , cepet sih .. barang oke udah di coba 2x masak berfungsi, semoga awet ya kedepan nya,oiya fyi harga nya 170rb .. makasih shopee, maspion, dan ekspedisi ..
Ordered Saturday, but delivery to an obstacle Saturday week, so it was only sent Monday, but Tuesday arrived, it's fast.. the item is okay, I've tried it and it doesn't work, I hope it lasts in the future, oh yes fyi the price is rb .. thanks shopee, maspion, and expedition ..
Belum dicoba,mudah2an awet dan tidak ada masalah...packing rapi dan aman.
haven't tried yet, hope it lasts and there are no problems. packing is neat and safe.
Barangnya keren tdk mengecewakan,,kwalitas speed mantap...
the goods are cool, they don't disappoint, the speed quality is steady.
walaupun nunggunya lama....akhirnya datang juga...kurir dah langganan
even though the wait was long. it finally came. the courier has been subscribed
pesan putih, yang datang hitam
ordered white, came black
tombol cooknya agak susah di pencet
the cook button is a bit hard to press
Ada garansi toko Ada garansi resmi Ada garansi internasional Barangnya original 👍 Resolusi kamera kurang Audionya mantap Resolusi kamera bagus Bisa fast charging Penjualnya ramah banget Baterenya awet Proses pesanan cepat Baterenya kurang awet Packaging aman 🙏 Packaging rapi Respon penjualnya top
there is a shop guarantee there is an official guarantee there is an international guarantee the goods are original the resolution of the camera is not good the audio the resolution is good the camera can fast charging the seller is very friendly the battery lasts the order process fast the battery is not durable the packaging is safe the packaging is neat the seller's response is top
kemasan bagus tp stelah dicoba masah nasi kok gosong ya nasinya lengket .terus lampu warm ga nyala.kecewaaaa
The packaging is good but after trying to cook the rice, how come it's burnt, the rice is sticky. Then the warm light doesn't turn on. Disappointed
Puas, Penjual ramah dan barang sampai dengan selamat
satisfied, friendly seller and item arrived safely
warna putih cakep sekaliii
very white color
pesanan sampai tepat waktu, baru pertama pakai produk ini. Enak di wajah, tidak lengket, mudah2an bermanfaat. terimakasih seller.
order arrived on time, first time using this product. nice on the face, not sticky, hopefully useful. thanks seller.
Harga:paling murah dibandingkan toko lainnya Pengemasan:baik, aman, rapi Bahan/Material:alumunium lumayan tebal Seneng banget akhirnya datang ga lama² karna sy sangat membutuhkannya buat masak daging porsi sedikit, brg nya bagus ga mengecewakan...thx seller
price: the cheapest compared to other stores packaging: good, safe, neat ingredients: aluminum is quite thick I'm really happy it finally came not long because I really need it to cook a small portion of meat, the goods are good don't disappoint. thx seller
barang sesuai pesanan yach, thx
goods according to the order yach, thx
blm d coba moga awet.... trima kasih
haven't tried yet hope it lasts. Thank You
Pengiriman cepat. Barang cukup bagus. Ukurannya cukup kecil sih, nggak begitu luas. Harga juga lumayan. Cukup mantap 👍🏻
fast delivery. pretty good stuff. The size is quite small, not that big. price is also ok. pretty steady
Barang lmyn bagus dan diterima aman. tp admin ga responsif & produk knowledgeny kurang
lmyn good stuff and received safely. but the admin is not responsive & the product knowledge is lacking
barang sesuai pesanan, proses nya lama mungkin karena hari libur, sama kurir nya juga lama...
the goods according to the order, the process took a long time maybe because of the holidays, the courier also took a long time.
maaf baru kasih ulasan, pengiriman cepat sekali barang kemarin di pesan tdi siang sudah sampay. Terima kasih barang dalam keadaan mulus, cuma wadah dalam ny ad kuning2 nya dikit dikit.
sorry just gave a review, the delivery was very fast, yesterday's item ordered this afternoon arrived. thank you, the goods are in good condition, only the inner container has a little yellow.
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya worth it Fitur Terbaik:kecil2 tp bs kukus jg
worth the price: yes worth it best features: small but can be steamed too
Terbaik sih pengiriman instant, ga ada 1 jam udah sampai. Harga bersaing sama toko lain.
the best is instant delivery, no hours have arrived. Prices are competitive with other stores.
gk kecewa brng cpt dtng, bgus kok gk penyok aku sukaaa
I'm not disappointed, the item arrived quickly, it's good, how come it's not dented, I like it
barang sangt tidak memuaskan saya kecewa
the goods are not satisfactory, I am disappointed
Kecil mungil
produk sesuai pesanan packing rapi pengiriman cepat
product as ordered neat packing fast delivery
Mantap kak barang nya udh nyampe mudah²an menang sukkkkaaaaaa buangggggetttt
it's great, sis, the item has arrived, I hope you win, like to throw it away
Bagus bagus bagus Original Semoga aweeeeeeeeetttt ꧈👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
good good good original hope it lasts ꧈
Produk ori, Bagus, Real pict
original product, good, real pict
oke unit Gress, utuh no cacat. thanks you good excellent
okay unit gress, intact no defects. thank you good excellent
Tidak dapat bernegosiasi jadi bagi yg ingin tukar (misal tdk sesuai) saya sarankan tidak membeli di shopee dan toko ini
can't negotiate so for those who want to exchange (eg it doesn't suit) I suggest not buying at this shop and shopee
Telah sampai dengan fungsi yang baik sukak banget, mana sellernya baik asik puas lah . Yang jelas pasti oficial aaaaaaaa sukak. Makasih ya kaka seller yang kece. Packingnya safety bener
arrived with a good function, I really like it, where the seller is good, it's cool, I'm satisfied. what is clear is that oficial a sukak. thank you sis a great seller. the packing is really safety
setrika ny pas dtg pecah😭
the iron when it came broke
Bagus alatnya berfungsi dengan baik, packagingnya juga dibungkus bubble wrap. Pengirimannya juga cepat, 3 hari kerja sampai. Mantaab
it's good that the tool works well, the packaging is also wrapped in bubble wrap. Delivery is also fast, working day arrived. mantaab
Kualitas produk lumayan, produk lumayan, harga produk lumayan, kecepatan pengiriman sangat lumayan, respon penjual lumayan, terimakasih, terimakasih........................................
product quality is ok, product is ok, product price is ok, delivery speed is ok, seller response is ok, thank you, thank you.
Ada garansi toko. Barangnya original 👍.
there is a store warranty. the goods are original.
kecewa dapat kamera depan tidak sesuai hanya 2MP, padahal sudah dikasih keterangan saat beli. Pengiriman cepat, packing aman, brg bagus hanya tdk sesuai deskripsi
disappointed to get a front camera that doesn't fit only MP, even though I was given a description when I bought it. fast delivery, safe packing, good brg just doesn't match the description
Alhamndulilah pesanan sdh datang dan tokonya amanah....terima kasih lazada
alhamdulillah the order has come and the shop is trustworthy. thank you lazada
Fitur Terbaik:empuk Sepadan dengan Harga:yes Somehow keyboard ini mengingatkan aku pada keyboard jadulku waktu aku masih SD. Empuk capsnya cuma bahannya gampang rusak aja. I dont like lampu rgbnya, kelihatan rgb yang kualitasnya ga mahal jadi bikin sakit mata. Oh yawarna lampunya cuma 1 yahh.. hmmm
best features: soft worth the price: yes somehow this keyboard reminds me of my old school keyboard when I was in elementary school. the caps are soft, it's just that the material is easily damaged. I don't like the RGB lights, it looks like RGB isn't expensive, so it hurts my eyes. oh yeah the color of the light is just yahh.. hm
Kompornya seperti setrika, ada auto off nya kalau terlalu panas. Bagus, supaya lebih aman. Rasanya kurang kalau hanya punya 1 kompor, seharusnya punya 2 kompor listrik baru pas. Nanti beli lagi di toko ini.
the stove is like an iron, there is an auto off if it gets too hot. good, so it's safer. it's not enough if you only have a stove, you should have a new electric stove just right. will buy again in this shop.
PARAHHHH BANGET2,inimah asli sengaja dikirim barang rijek,bahan tipisss bgt sekali pake langsung gosong,Tokonya ga amanah ngasallll PARAHHH
it's really bad, the original home was deliberately sent by rickshaws, the thin material used to burn it immediately, the shop didn't trust it, it was really bad
barang sesuai deskripsi dan fisik mulus. belum coba aktifkan tablet tapi semoga mantap. tks seller nya baik komunikasi nya
item as described and physically intact. Haven't tried activating the tablet yet but hopefully it's solid. thx seller for good communication
Anti gores ga ada, jam nya ga hidup, headset blotooth ga hidup udab dicas tetap ga hidup. Alhamdulillah tab dan stylus aman
There's no anti-scratch, the clock doesn't work, the Bluetooth headset doesn't work, it's still not working. thank God the tab and stylus are safe
Pengiriman cepat, pengemasan juga aman sampai ketangan konsumen,
fast delivery, packaging is also safe to the hands of consumers,
Pengiriman cepat bnget 1 hari sampai brang juga normal lengkap semus
Very fast delivery, the day until the brang is also completely normal
mis komunikasi , tp okelah
miscommunication, but okay
Untuk harga 2jtan Laptop ini cukup bagus dan menjanjikan. Untuk toko juga bagus, pengiriman cepat, respon juga cepat.
for the price of jtan this laptop is quite good and promising. for the store is also good, fast delivery, response is also fast.
Kualitas produk sangat baik, pokoknya mantap deh. Thank you
the quality of the product is very good, just great. thank you
Gampang dirakit. Penjualnya ramah banget. Packaging rapi. Proses pesanan cepat. Respon penjualnya top.
easy to assemble. the seller is very friendly. neat packaging. fast order process. top seller response.
pesan yg hitam yg datang malah biru :(
ordered the black one that came instead blue :(
keren sesuai gambar ya tp kurang gede yaa
it's cool according to the picture, but it's not big enough
Kali kedua blnja dsini.selalu puas.puas sama pelayanan tokonya, produknya,dan pengiriman nya.rekomended pokoknya.
second time shopping here. always satisfied. satisfied with the shop service, the product, and the delivery. basically recommended.
gak sesuai yg d pesen Miyako yg datang advace
it doesn't match what miyako ordered, who came in advance
Barangnya mendarat dengan sempurna tanpa ada kendala tp blom d coba semoga bisa berfungsi dgn baik...
the item landed perfectly without any problems but haven't tried it yet hopefully it works well.
barangnya pecah
the thing broke
Saya cukup kecewa karena saya order lengkap dengan bungkus kado utk hadiah tapi di cancel dan yang di kirim hanya barang tanpa bungkus kado, padahal untuk hadiah itu.
I was quite disappointed because I ordered complete with gift wrapping for a gift but it was canceled and only items were sent without gift wrapping, even though it was for that gift.
Mantap bgt bosqu..
very good bosqu..
produk sesuai, kualitas bagooos, proses juga cepat seller juga ramah bingit, pokoknya di jamin ngga nyesel, recommended banget
the product is appropriate, the quality is good, the process is also fast, the seller is also friendly, the main thing is guaranteed not to regret, really recommended
Pengiriman dari penjual lama
delivery from old seller
Barang super tipis.. Buat goreng2 lgs item n susah di ilangin... Wajarlah hrg segitu hehhehe.. Tp brg sampe dgn selamat cm penyok dikiiit aja its oke
super thin stuff.. for fried lgs items n it's hard to lose. it's only natural that the price is that much hehhehe.. but the item arrived safely just a little dented its okay
barang sampai dg selamat, sesuai dg orderan, hanya saja pengirimannya yg lama, sudah di coba dan berfungsi dg baik, semoga awet aamiin
the goods arrived safely, according to the order, it's just that the delivery took a long time, it has been tested and works well, hopefully it will last aamiin
pengiriman cepat tp sayang tutup pancinya rusak g bisa dipakek... seharusnya lebih teliti sebelum barang dikirim
Fast delivery but unfortunately the lid of the pot is broken and can't be used. should have been more careful before sending the item