barang nya bagus tidak mengecewakan...
the good stuff doesn't disappoint.
real pict....imut unyu unyu cantik bgt cuma kecil bgt jg ......
real pict. cute unyu unyu so pretty just too small.
Mantap bagus barangnya.Mantap bagus barangnya.
great good stuff. great good stuff.
buset baru beli akhir desember, ud eror ga , ga rekomen banget nih brg, jangan d beli , buat yg lagi cari hp. buruk sekali. hp nya hang terus ga bisa d apa apain
Damn, I just bought it at the end of December, there was an error, I don't really recommend this item, don't buy it, for those who are looking for a cell phone. very bad. the cellphone hangs and can't do anything
Respon seller sangat buruk, tdk sesuai omongan dan juga tdk merespon walau pun terlihat online. not recomended.
mobile response is very bad, not according to speech and also does not respond even though it looks online. not recommended.
Barang sampai dengan aman tidak ada kerusakan lampu RGB bekerja dengan baik
item arrived safely no damage rgb light working fine
Pengiriman hampir 1 minggu
almost week delivery
berfungsi dengan baik, kurirnya ramah, sampai tepat waktu
works fine, the courier is friendly, arrived on time
Fitur Terbaik:kualitas sangat terbaik Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sangat spesial Alhamdulillah dapet laptop baru, semoga laptop ini awet membawa berkah kebaikan aamiin allahuma aamiin . Terima kasih seller, kurir, dan shopee
best features: very best quality commensurate with price: very special price thank God I got a new laptop, I hope this laptop lasts a long time and brings good blessings, aamiin allahuma amen. Thank you seller, courier and shopee
Mantab dah gk salah beli rekomendasi 9/10
it's great, I didn't buy the wrong recommendation /
Grip nya nyaman, semua tombol empuk ga berlebihan suaranya, Bagian R1/RB agak panjang dari joystick secara umum cocok buat jari panjang, buat yang pendek perlu penyesuaian lagi but overall sangat baik
the grip is comfortable, all the buttons are soft, the sound isn't excessive, the r/rb section is a bit longer than the joystick, in general it's suitable for long fingers, for short ones, it needs adjustment again, but overall it's very good
pengiriman cepat. pengemasan rapi. timbangan mulus dan berfungsi dengan baik. respon seller cepat
fast delivery. neat packing. scale is smooth and works well. fast seller response
kurir telat
late courier
Cara lampunya hidup gimana?
how do you turn on the light?
Excellent, fast respon n delivery
excellent, fast response n delivery
barang bagus sesuai pesanan, body stainless tampak elegan, terima kasih seller dan makasih juga untuk Abang kurir
good item according to order, stainless body looks elegant, thank you seller and thanks also to the courier brother
Selalu puas belanja d sini semoga mkn makmur amiiin
always satisfied shopping here, hopefully you will be prosperous, amen
Barang berfungsi baik.
item works fine.
build quality nya emang ga terlalu bagus sih ponsel ini emang dari pabrikkannya, tapi seller mantap fast respon, kurirnya juga ramah cepet juga.
The build quality is really not that good, this phone is from the manufacturer, but the seller is great, fast response, the courier is also friendly, fast too.
Saya suka saya suka,,makasih buat kk nya yg baik hati dan sabar,,dah mau nyariin yg bagus &sesuai permintaan saya.. Seharian saya tes semuanya alhamdulillah normal,,tinggal tes kartu sim nya. Gak terlalu penting sih..yg penting semua bagus dan batrenya lumayan awet. Moga berkah dan rejekinya bertmbh
I like it, I like it,, thanks to my brother, who is kind and patient, I want to find a good one & according to my request... I tested everything all day, thank God, it's normal, all I have to do is test the sim card. it doesn't really matter... the important thing is everything is good and the battery lasts pretty long. may the blessings and fortune grow
Alhamdulillah Pesanannya Sudah Sampai yaa bagus bngt sesuai bngt sama pesanannya 🤗 kurir nyaa amanah dan ramah tapi kasian Sampe ujan ujanan 😔
alhamdulillah, the order has arrived, it's really good, according to the order, the courier is trustworthy and friendly, but it's too bad it's raining
seller komunikatif, barang lengkap diterima, tes nyala ok.
communicative seller, received complete item, tested ok.
Barang bagus hanya saja respon penjual & pengiriman sangat lambat
good product but seller response and delivery very slow
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. RAM besar. Baterenya awet. Performa lancar. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi.
there is an official warranty. the goods are original. big ram. the battery lasts. smooth performance. safe packaging . neat packaging.
Kardus sobek, beli abu abu yg dateng putih
torn cardboard, bought gray which came white
Besok lagi kalo emang warna yang dipesan kosong, kabarin dulu lewat chat ya
Tomorrow again, if the color ordered is empty, let me know via chat first
Aman terkendali, TKS
safe under control, thx
Agk kecewa sih pengiriman kurir lama bgt, but hpnya ok
I'm a little disappointed that the courier delivery took so long, but the cellphone is ok
barang smpai dgn slmat... ga ada cacat udh d coba dn brfungsi normal. mudh2n awet
item arrived safely. there are no defects, it has been tested and functions normally. durable
paket sudah di terima pengiriman nya cepet barang nya kumplit namun belum aku coba trim lazada seller dan kurirnya sudah langganan
The package has been received, the delivery is fast, the goods are complete, but I haven't tried it yet, thanks to Lazada seller and the courier has been subscribed
lambat packingnya
slow packing
Wow Respon cepat, packing bubble Rapih, suara gak kalah ama yang lain. Pokoknya Gak nyesel deh👍
wow fast response, neat bubble packing, no less sound than the others. basically do not regret deh
Alhamdulillah barang udh Dateng dengan harga harga segitu puas udh di coba bagus bisa bunyi
Thank God, the item arrived at that price. When I tried it, it sounded good
Mantaaap mendarat dengan mulus... thanks
steady landing smoothly. thanks
Makasih bgt untuk shoppe dan oxone sukses teruss ☺
Thank you so much for shopee and oxone, success continues
barang datang dengan selamat,walaupun dosnya agak rusak dikit.thx seller.thx lazada.
the goods came safely, even though the box was a bit damaged. thx seller. thx lazada.
Barang sampai dengan selamat, kondisi sangat baik dan packing aman, akan tetapi sangat disayangkan proses pengemasan memakan waktu yang cukup lama
the goods arrived safely, the condition is very good and the packaging is safe, however, it is very unfortunate that the packaging process takes quite a long time
sip, barang sesuai dan pengiriman cepat.
sip, the right item and fast delivery.
Pengiriman cepat, tp sayang barang yg dikirm sudah tempel²an ... Kardusnya udh sobek di ujung²nya.. pdhal buat kado
Fast delivery, but it's a shame the item sent has been patched. the cardboard has been torn at the ends... even though it's for a gift
Terimakasih seller🤗 Pengiriman cuepet buangettt
thank you seller for the fast delivery
packing barang aslinya aman cm karena kurir barbar jd penyok kadrusnya
packing the original item is safe cm because the barbaric courier has dented the cadrus
untuk harga segitu dan mousepad XL cukup lumayan, tapi ini ga rekomen karna tipis dan lebar nya sangat minim
for that price and the mousepad xl is pretty good, but I don't recommend it because it's thin and the width is very minimal
Ada cacat sedikit d bagian atasnya Huhuhu Tp yaudah nggak papa
there is a slight flaw on the top huhuhu but it's okay
blendernya bagus tapi stik buat penggiling bumbu basahnya patahh. semoga kedepannya lbh amanah ya ka tapi selebihnya aku suka bgtt si sama blendernya
the blender is good but the stick for grinding the wet spices is broken. I hope in the future it will be more trustworthy, but for the rest I really like the blender
sayang tidak ada tombol on off nya barang ori, ada tombol dpi di tengah dg 3 mode, tombol di sebelah kiri mouse untuk forward n back, dan ada tempat untuk menyimpan dongle di sebelah tempat baterai, ditambah produk cepat sampai, overall nice semoga awet
it's a shame there's no on off button for the original item, there's a dpi button in the middle with mode, a button on the left of the mouse for forward n back, and there's a place to store the dongle next to the battery compartment, plus the product arrives quickly, overall nice, hope it lasts
warna ga sesuai, cuma ada konfirmasi. tapi ya ga sesuai keinginan maunya hitam
The color doesn't match, just confirmation. but yes, it's not as you want it to be black
saya minta tuker,ga bisa di pake tombol nya ga bisa di turunin,dan colokan nya 2 kabelnya 3
I asked for an exchange, I can't use the button, it can't be lowered, and the plug has the cable
Bagus..dicobain bekerja. Tp dicobain tanpa nasi. Pengiriman cepet bgt. Suka deh ah... Produk original.
nice..trying to work. But try it without rice. super fast delivery. like it ah. original product.
Packing rapih dan aman. Sudah di coba lancar...semoga awet. Makasih
neat and safe packing. it has been tried smoothly. hopefully durable. Thanks
Blom dicoba.. 0aketnya super lamaa nyampenya.. Order tgl 31/8 smpeny tgl 6/9 hadehhhhhhh Ampun lama² pengirimanny lamaa nyampr..
haven't tried it yet.. the package took super long to arrive.. order date/arrive date/hadeh oh my gosh it took so long to arrive..
Battery sangat jelek, pada saat awal sangat menghawatirkan tidak ngecas, ternyata charger HP bawaan pabriknya rusak, tidak kuat isi hpnya
the battery is very bad, at first I was really worried that it wouldn't charge, it turned out that the cellphone charger that came with the factory was damaged, it couldn't charge the cellphone
Produk nya bagus, semoga awet aamiin
the product is good, hope it lasts aamiin
Gegara WFH dan mau puasa, terpaksa beli. Tumpur bandar kalo pesen makanan online mulu. Blm dicoba pake. Mudah2an brgnya awet yaaa. Terima kasih. 
because of WFH and want to fast, forced to buy. Overcome the city if you always order food online. haven't tried it yet. hopefully it's durable. Thank You.
Barang diterima dgn keadaan baik karena pake biaya perlindungan tambahan 18k Pas dipake nasi pulen dan ga kering walaupun kelamaan nyolok listriknya Semoga awet ampe 10 taunan lebih soalnya sebelumnya pake merek miyako juga bandel bgt sampe 10 taun lebih
the item was received in good condition because it uses additional protection fees because it fits fluffier rice and doesn't dry even though the electricity stays on for a long time, hopefully it will last for more than a year, because before using the Miyako brand it was also very stubborn for more than a year
Untuk harganya sih ini worth banget, tombol turbonya juga berfungsi dengan baik, biasanya gimmick doang padahal.
for the price, this is really worth it, the turbo button also works fine, usually it's just a gimmick though.
Barangnya cepet banget nyampe, tapi karna ini buat kado, barang dikirim ke alamat temen dan unfortunately tutup pancinya ada yang pecah satu :(
the item arrived really quickly, but because this was for a gift, the item was sent to a friend's address and unfortunately one of the pot lids was broken :(
Barang cepat datang, packaging rapih, sesuai gambar, dicoba langsung panas.
the goods came quickly, the packaging was neat, according to the picture, tried it immediately hot.
Fitur Terbaik:kualitas terbaik d kelasx Sepadan dengan Harga:sangat murah berkualitas Kalau ada 10 bintang saya kasih ke toko ini, sangat responsip super aman super cepat. Pesan langsung d kirim d hari yg sama!! Tetap amanah..
best features: best quality in class x commensurate with price: very cheap quality if there is a star I will give this shop, very responsive super safe super fast. direct order sent on the same day!! keep trusting..
sEbagussssss ituuu dan akuuuuu sukaaaaa murahhh meriaaah
as good as that and I like cheap
barang cacat, presto uap bocor, packing buruk, hanya pake bubble wrap 1 lapis saja, banyak lecet dan penyok. BARANG DIKEMBALIKAN.
defective items, presto steam leaks, bad packaging, only uses a layer of bubble wrap, lots of scratches and dents. returned goods.
Bagus bangat barang,pengiriman cepat.
great item, fast delivery.
Packing nya double bubble ya luar box dalam box.. Aman bangettt. Langsung dipake nyetrika terus dong sm emak .. 😁😁
the packing is double bubble, outside the box in the box... very safe. I immediately used it to iron it, my mother..
Seller sangat kooperatif. Item dalam box lengkap. Warna sesuai pesanan. Sudah dicoba dan berfungsi. Tapi belum dicoba untuk buat jus atau menghaluskan bahan makanan yang lain. Terima kasih. Sukses selalu untuk seller!
seller is very cooperative. item in complete box. custom color. already tried and working. but haven't tried to make juice or puree other food ingredients. Thank You. always success for the seller!
Semoga awet
hope it lasts
barang bagus, seller rekomendasi, bertanggung jawab, walaupun ada kendala dalam pengiriman dan kesalahan barang, tetapi bisa diselesaikan dengan baik, terimakasih
good item, recommended seller, responsible, even though there were problems in shipping and product errors, but it can be resolved properly, thank you
Barang bagus. ORI. Cepet sampai . Cuma waktu sampe box penyok. Tapi semua ok. Thanks seller
good stuff. original. hurry up. only when it arrived the box was dented. but all ok. thanks seller
Keyboardnya keren abisss, masalah di pengiriman aja. Kalo ada masalah sama keyboardnya coba di update firmware nya di website fantech 🔥🔥👍👍
The keyboard is so cool, just had a problem with the delivery. if there is a problem with the keyboard, try updating the firmware on the fantech website
istimewa gan dan sesuai pesanan.
special bro and made to order.
mantep,,,, suka banget sama penjualnya yg super ramah. terimakasih
great, really like the seller who is super friendly. Thank You
Bagus bgtttt.. maaf ga kefotk.. lgsg diambil cust
it's really good.. sorry I didn't take the photo.. it was taken by customer
Datang deh warna yg sesuai orderan .. cuma sepertinya gak ada segel yaa kak mungkin dari pabriknya juga spt itu tapi gpp isinya tetap lengkap kok .. terima kasih seller ..
came the color according to the order... it just doesn't seem like there's a seal, bro, maybe it's like that from the factory too but the contents are still complete... thank you seller...
Packing tidak aman. Barang yang rawan rusak seperti magic tidak diberi bubble wrap.
unsafe packaging. items that are prone to damage such as magic are not given bubble wrap.
Sepadan dengan Harga:mantap jiwa
worth the price: steady soul
Fitur Terbaik:mantap otomatis, jd memudahkan klo lupa atur suhu Sepadan dengan Harga:worth it to buy !!! Sumpah bener2 sehari doang, kmaren pagi pesen jam 6, hari ini Dateng jam 6 sore , pas bgt setrika rusak dan seragam udh kehabisan stok yg udh setrika , untung nya Dateng cepet bgt 😭👍🤗
best features: steady automatic, so it's easy if you forget to set the temperature commensurate with the price: worth it to buy! I swear it's true for only one day, yesterday morning I ordered an hour, today it came in the afternoon, just right the iron was broken and the uniform was out of stock which had been ironed, luckily it came really fast
mantap dpt harga murah tapi pengiriman lama ya gapapa juga
it's great to get cheap prices but long delivery, it's okay too
Ada garansi internasional.
there is an international guarantee.
Barangnya bagusss 👍 pengiriman nya juga cepat sekali sampai gk nyesel deh 👍😁😄 gooodddd joooooobbbbbbbb
the goods are good, the delivery is also very fast, I don't regret it, god job
Trmksh panci mie nya udh dampai barang nya bagus mulus kurir nya jg baik sopan trmksh 👍
Thank you, the noodle pot arrived, the goods are good, smooth, the courier is also good, polite, thank you
Top markotop rekomended seller (packingny sedikit lebih lama sih tapi oke ga masalah) ini barang ke 3 dan 4 yang dibeli dari toko ini.. sukses terus
top markotop recommended seller (packaging takes a little longer but that's ok no problem) this is the item I bought from this shop... keep going
josss bagus gandos loss doolll pokoke....ok punya di kasih info massehh
good jos gandos loss dool principal. ok give me massehh info
brg nya udh nyampe. thz lazada dan ssellerya
the goods have arrived. thz lazada and ssellerya
sesuai pesanan rapih bagus kualitasnya
as ordered, good quality
gg gaming or not boss, I'm satisfied with this item
kenapa saat proses cook kalau di pegang body ny nyetrum ya,,
why during the cooking process when I hold the body it electrocutes huh?
barang sesuai pesanan, di kirim warna merah karena stok Hitam nya habis, tapi oke lah. kualitas barang sesuai harga mungkin nilainya 7,5 dari 10.
the item according to the order, was sent in red because the black stock ran out, but that's okay. the quality of goods according to the price may be worth , from .
Barang sudah diterima dengan baik barang bagus terima kasih terimakasih mantdap respon nya cepat..
item received in good condition good item thank you thank you thank you for the fast response
Harga kompetitif, kualitas ok,fungsi baik, pengiriman cepat
competitive price, ok quality, good function, fast delivery
buat kualitas, bintang buat pengiriman..
for quality, stars for delivery..
oke bgt respon cepat seller ramah packing rapi
okay, fast response, friendly seller, neat packing
Terima kasih gan, laris terusssss
thank you, bro, keep selling
untuk kualitas 7.1 bagus sih sangat direkomendasikan untuk main game FPS yang 3D sound atau nonton film tapi untuk denger lagu memang kurang ya namanya juga gaming headset
for quality . it's really good, it's highly recommended for playing fps games with sound or watching movies, but listening to songs is really lacking, yes, it's also called a gaming headset
bagus, anak suka. kelemahan ada di layar yg kurang respinsif, kayakmya layar TFT.
great, kids like it. the weakness is in the less responsive screen, like the tft screen.
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Thanks ya
product quality is very good. original product. original product. product price is very good. thank you
Videonya gak bisa di upload karna ukuran nya besar. Packing nya cuman bubble wrap aja dikasih tanda fragile, untungnya isinya gak kenapa napa, blendernya bagus, berat karna dari kaca, kecuali yang wet mill sama dry mill nya yang dari plastik.
The video can't be uploaded because the size is too big. The packaging is just bubble wrap, labeled fragile, luckily the contents are okay, the blender is good, heavy because it's made of glass, except for the wet mill and the dry mill which is made of plastic.
bisa dipakai tp baut pegangan panci kurang 1,sdh info blm ada respon
it can be used but the pot handle bolts are lacking, there has been no response to the info
Barangnya udh sampe dan kecewa karna emg saya yg salah pesen kirain beli rice cooker yg besar eh taunya yg kecil bgt..
The item arrived and I was disappointed because I ordered the wrong one, I thought I bought a big rice cooker, but I know it's really small...
respon cepat. produk bagus
quick response. good product
Sukaaaaa 😍😍😍😍 aman nympe sini ga pecah ga rusak 👍👍👍👍 Harapan sih dikirim yg warna merah tapi pas datang yg ijo pun ga kalah cetarrrr. Harga muraaahhh baranggg mewaaahhh Ga nyesel beli 2 sekaligus.
I like it safe, it's not broken, it's not broken, I hope it's sent in red, but when it comes, the green one doesn't shake. cheap prices for luxury goods don't regret buying all at once.
Ok..mantap..real pictaesuai pesanan, sayang kok gk ada handset mye..kemana y
ok..great..real pictae according to the order, it's a shame how come there's no mye handset..where are you going