Terima kasih pesanan sdh sampai
Thank you, the order has arrived
Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Kemasan disegel. Kelengkapan sesuai. Warna sesuai pesanan.
the goods are original. there is an official warranty. sealed packaging. appropriate equipment. custom color.
Produk saya sudah pakai sebulan, sengaja belum dinilai langsung untuk check durabilitas mousenya dan bener bener masih bagus RGB light nya masih nyala and working 100% dpi changer nya juga masih berfungsi & ngak ada keluhan sama sekali. Scroll wheel halus banget satisfying as hell. left,right middle click nya semua bagus., recommended banget!
I've been using my product for a month, I deliberately haven't assessed it directly to check the durability of the mouse and it's really still good, the RGB light is still on and working % dpi changer is also still working & no complaints at all. the scroll wheel is really smooth, satisfying as hell. left, right middle clicks are all good., really recommended!
recomended seller fast respond meski ada kekurangan lgsg dikirim kan part kekurangan nya.
recommended seller, fast response, even though there are deficiencies, the defective parts are immediately sent.
Fitur Terbaik:mantap berat Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan murah Barang sudah mendarat dengan selamat pengiriman cepat semoga bisa digunakan karena blm di coba barang ori mantap jiwa jos gandos👍👍👍
best features: steady weight commensurate with the price: pretty cheap the goods have landed safely fast delivery I hope it can be used because I haven't tried the original item great soul jos gandos
barang cepet sampe,barang berfungsi dengan baik,seperti di deskripsi,packingnya juga rapih,mantab lah
the item arrived quickly, the item works fine, as described, the packaging is also neat, great
Berfungsi dengan baik. Produk original. Cm sayang aja pengirimannya cm dibungkus bubble warp
works fine. original product. cm it's a shame just the delivery cm wrapped in bubble warp
kualitas cukup bagus :) harga tergolong cukup di kelasnya. pengiriman juga cepat. untuk pemakaian sampai hari ini lancar saja. dan compatibility dengan game2 yg saya main kan cocok sih. kendalanya yg biasa pegang stik ps vs stik ini pasti beda soalnya penempatan tombol dan simbolnya jga berbeda. kalau d suruh kasih rate 1-100 = 85 :) mungkin segitu review dari saya like kalau anda suka dan dislike kalau anda taak suka
pretty good quality :) the price is quite enough in its class. delivery is also fast. for use until today smoothly. and compatibility with the game that I play is right. the problem is that those who usually hold the PS stick vs this stick are definitely different because the placement of the buttons and symbols are also different. if you are told to rate - = :) maybe that's a review from me like if you like it and dislike if you don't like it
Produk cacat. Gak bs dipakai. Disrh lgs kontak ke CS Rexus tp lm responnya. Lg cb diretur ke rexus. Mdh2an aja bs.
defective product. can't use. told to contact cs rexus directly but no response. lg cb redirected to rexus. please don't.
Barang yg sama,ukuranyg sama,merknya sama tapi harganya beda,tapi di display barangnya beda merk.Jadi sengaja bedakan merk dan foto biar beda harga,pelapak parahhhh.
the same item, the same size, the same brand but the price is different, but on display the goods are of a different brand. So the brand and photos are deliberately different so the price is different, the footprint is terrible
Centong nasinya pecah, padahal centongnya udah di taruh di dalam magic com.. ga mungkin kesalahan ekspedisi sih kalo gini orang magic comnya mulus cuma centongnya aja yg pecah :(
The rice scoop is broken, even though the scoop has already been placed in the magic com.
kalo bintangnya bisa abu2, saya masu kasih abu2 semua. magic com tidak sampai ke rumah tapi saya selesai otomatis sama tokopedia. saya sudah keluar uang, tapi tokopedia dan pihak toko juga tidak tanggung jawab. kurir juga samanya. saya sangat2 kecewa
If the stars can be gray, I'd give all the ashes. magic com didn't reach my house but I finished it automatically with Tokopedia. I already paid out, but Tokopedia and the shop are also not responsible. courier too. I am very disappointed
mantap,,amanah ..tapi harganya tidak sesuai yah kk..heee..pokoknya mantep harus AMANAH yg penting
great,, trustworthy..but the price is not suitable, bro..he..the main thing is good, you have to be trustworthy, which is important
Barang udah sampai pas di coba lampu setrika gak nyala dan setrika gak panas .. mati total. KECEWA !!!!! Not recomended
the item arrived when I tried the iron light it didn't turn on and the iron didn't heat up... totally dead. disappointed ! not recommended
Saran tambah kardus biar gak penyot.
Suggestions for adding cardboard so it doesn't suck.
barangnya penyot....kecewa sekali
the item sucks. very disappointed
warna nya suka 😘
likes the color
cocok untuk menunjang mobilitas sehari2 tanpa takut yidak ada jaringan wifi
suitable for supporting daily mobility without fear of no wifi network
bagus cuman pas di pakai mouse sama keyboard , mousenya jadi aga delay gitu, jadi pelan cursornya.. tpi klo mouse aja biasa
it's good, but when you use the mouse and keyboard, the mouse is a bit delayed, so the cursor is slow... but if you just use the mouse, it's normal
Penggunaan lebih dari 2 jam kuping jadi panas, padahal tetangga udah pada tidur.
Using more than an ear clock gets hot, even though the neighbors are already sleeping.
packing nya hanya dus bawaan dus nya agak penyok untung isinya gpp
the packing is only the box that came with the box, it's a bit dented, luckily the contents are GPP
gegehhh, cman ternyata ukuran mos nya kebesaran sama tangan:(( jd ga pas pas kali sii.. cman semuanya keren dehh, dabesttt
gegeh, only it turns out that the size of the mos is too big for the hand :(( so it doesn't fit right the next time... cman everything is cool, dabest
Hp oke... Cuman layar nya aja yg gores pemakaian...
cellphone okay. only the screen is scratched from use.
coverny ama penutupny trnyata dri plastik smoga awet deh dan anginny pun kurang kenceng 1 sma 3 anginy gaa ada bedany
the cover and the cover turn out to be made of plastic, hopefully it lasts a long time and the wind isn't as strong as the wind doesn't make any difference
Barang selamat sampai tujuan. Gada kekurangan. Makasih kak
goods safely to their destination. lack. thanks sis
Agak kecewa c, yg dateng Mikado, dah gt nutupnya susah
a bit disappointed c, the one who came with mikado, it's hard to close it already
paketannya dh sampai makashh,,,
the package has arrived thanks
sayang packingnya transparan
love the transparent packaging
Bagus nggak rugi beli disini kualitas ok sipp pokoknya
it's good, it's not a loss to buy here, the quality is ok sipp anyway
Alhamdulillah paketnya mendarat dengan selamat, terimakasih untuk tokohnya, barangnya bagus dan tidak ada lecet sama sekali.. Topp bangettt dahhh .
alhamdulillah, the package landed safely, thank you for the character, the item is good and there are no scratches at all.. it's really topp.
Mantap, barangnya bagus, gak ada yg lecet dan penyot, makasih yaaa, semoga berkah dan amanah, sukses terus
great, the goods are good, nothing is scratched and dented, thank you, good luck and trust, continued success
kiriman paket tanpa ad bungkus apapun jadi kardus rusak smua.
package delivery without any packaging so the cardboard is all damaged.
sesuai dan bagus.... rekomend
appropriate and good. recommendation
Sampe dengan selamat,semoga aja awet .. makasih min sukses terus buat usahanya itu
Arrived safely, I hope it will last. Thank you, Min, good luck with your business
Alhamdulillah wifi berfungsi dengan baik. hanya saja belum bisa setting via kabel lan dari komputer, masih harus searching caranya
thank God the wifi works fine. it's just that you haven't been able to set via the lan cable from the computer, you still have to search for the method
Harga mantap. Pengiriman cepat.
steady price. fast delivery.
untuk tokonya bintang 5, untuk barang bintang 2, mousenya sering ngeglitch keatas waktu diangkat
for star shops, for star goods, the mouse often glitches up when lifted
pisau nya bagus, sudah di coba yang paring knife tajam. dus nya penyok agak banyak mungkin faktor pengiriman
the knife is good, I've tried a very sharp knife. the box is a bit dented maybe the shipping factor
Nyampe dihari yg sama
until the same day
cucok meong pokonya, semua normal bagus mulus kurir ramah . thanks fulll pokonya
grandson meow anyway, everything is normal, good, smooth, friendly courier. thanks ful anyway
Saat paket sampai ada kotoran hitam pada bgian mousepad 😞
when the package arrived there was black dirt on the mousepad part
bagus banget,sesuai harga lah
very good, according to the price
Pengiriman cepat sekali 1 hari...dispenser nya sudah di coba panas...mudah2an awet..terima nyesel beli disini.
Very fast delivery today. Tried the dispenser to be hot. Hopefully it will last... thank you... I don't regret buying here.
Behh emang daxa udah kayak merk premium, harga reasonable kualitas diatas 1jt, pengiriman cepat, semoga aja awet dan barangnya tidak bermasalah
Behh, Daxa is already like a premium brand, the price is reasonable, the quality is above jt, the delivery is fast, I hope it lasts and the goods are not problematic
Lihat catatan pembeli, jangan asal kirim barang random. Pesan warna apa datang warna apa ! Kecewa lah
look at the buyer's notes, don't just send random stuff. what color ordered what color came! disappointed
bagus barangnya,kurirnya langganan,thx seller n lazada
the item is good, the courier is subscribed, thx seller n lazada
sudah seminggu, aman
It's been a week, be safe
Tdk bisa dipakai krn tdk sesuai dgn blender national saya
can't use it because it doesn't match my national blender
Barangnya kurang lengkap, tak ada solusi yg diberikan, padahal saya bersedia beli kekurangannya tapi tidak tersedia
the item is incomplete, no solution is given, even though I'm willing to buy the flaw but it's not available
Harga:Murah sekaliiiiii Ukuran:18cm Kualitas:Bagus Sangaaaat mini sekaliiii dan sangaaaaaat muraaaaaaaahhhhhjj cocok laaaah buat ngukus yg porsi dikiiiit.....
price: very cheap size: cm quality: very good very mini and very cheap it is suitable for steaming a small portion.
Respon seller cepat. Recommended seller. Barangnya ternyata imut dan ringan sekali tapi kokoh pas dicoba dinyalain ok tidak ada masalah. Lumayanlah ga makan tempat warnanya juga lucu banget.
fast seller response. recommended seller. the item turned out to be cute and very light but sturdy when I tried turning it on ok no problem. it's pretty good that it doesn't eat space, the color is really cute too.
Barang sampai dengan selamat dan berfungsi baik, tapi kurang komunikasi dari pihak penjual tentang kartu perdana. Padahal saya sempat tanya untuk memastikan. Mungkin lain kali bisa dikomunikasikan lagi dengan baik kepada pembeli selanjutnya.. Terima kasih banyak.. Sukses terus
the goods arrived safely and functioned well, but there was a lack of communication from the seller about the starter card. even though I asked to be sure. maybe next time it can be communicated again properly to the next buyer.. thank you very much.. success continues
Paket mendarat dengan cepat dan selamat yuhuuuu. Sejauh ini lumayan kualitasnya, kualitas soundnya belom bisa kayak merk tetangga tapi emang udah bagus banget buat harga segitu, rada terlalu gede sih bodynya. Enak dipake bantalannya juga gak bikin sakit👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
package landed quickly and safely yuhu. So far, the quality is pretty good, the sound quality can't be compared to neighboring brands, but it's already really good for that price, the body is a bit too big. it's nice to use the pads it doesn't hurt either
Pengiriman cepat, packingnya oke. Barang bagus, ori dan berfungsi baik. Trims, Aneka Baru. Sukses selalu..
fast delivery, packing ok. good stuff, original and working well. thanks, new variety. good luck for the future..
Harga:murah Kualitas:oke Ketajaman:mantab Walaupun po barang sampai dengan selamat . Thankss......
price: cheap quality: okay sharpness: great even though the item arrived safely . thankss.
barang ok. packing hanya dus asli di bubblein, kurang aman ya menurut saya... pengiriman pilih same day rasa next day. krn baru dikirim besoknya bukan di hari yg sama. jd bukan same day namanya....
ok stuff. packing is only the original box in bubblein, it's not safe in my opinion. delivery select same day taste next day. because it was just sent the next day, not on the same day. so it's not the same day.
bintang yang menjawab
answer star
Barang pecah,tidak bisa dipakai
broken, can not be used
barang sampai dengan selamat dan berfungsi dengan baik. semoga awet. tulisan ini di ketik dengan menggunakan Fantech MAXPOWER MK853 Mechanical Keyboard Gaming
item arrived safely and works fine. hope it lasts. This article is typed using the fantech maxpower mk mechanical gaming keyboard
Barang sampai dalam keadaan baik. Pengemasan rapi dan aman. Mic dan RGB berfungsi.
item arrived in good condition. neat and safe packing. mic and rgb work.
Pesanan sudah diterima
order has been received
MANTAP!! Lancar Anginya Sejuk.
Excellent!! the wind is smooth.
barangnya bagus, cuma ketika connect ke steam buat main SW 8 ga bs pdhl gamenya support controller. barangkali ada yg bs bantu settingannya?
the item is good, only when connecting to steam to play sw can't even though the game supports a controller. maybe someone can help with the settings?
Bagus bahannya tebel...tapi akunya salah ukuran kurang gede pokoknya gsgzgzvz
it's good, the material is thick. But I'm afraid the size is wrong, it's not big enough. Top is basically gsgzgzvz
Buat gantungannya parada patah😭
make the parada hanger broken
Barang ori dan sangat cepat pengirimannya, harganya juga murah banget dibanding offline shop
original goods and very fast delivery, the price is also very cheap compared to offline shops
alhamdulilah barangnya sampai dengan selamat, makasih seller sudah amanah barangnya masih disegel isinya komplit
alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely, thank you seller for the trust, the goods are still sealed, the contents are complete
Barang bagus, mantap... pengiriman lumayan cepat...
good stuff, great. pretty fast delivery.
Harga:murah Bahan/Material:bagus Desain:bagus Terimakasih, pengiriman aman menggunakan double bubble warp. Cepat Dan sesuai pesanan.
price: cheap material/material: good design: good thank you, safe shipping using double bubble warp. fast and to order.
Produk sudah diterima dengan baik dan pengemasan lumayan lama tapi akhirnya udah sampai sesuai dengan jadwal harganya murah banget
the product was well received and the packaging took quite a long time but in the end it arrived according to the schedule the price was really cheap
Barang sangat bagus untuk kelas harganya, paket lengkap dengan keyboard dan stylus pen, system bagus dan lancar, recommendedd👍🏼
very good item for its price class, complete package with keyboard and stylus pen, nice and smooth system, recommendedd
Hp sudah sampai, dicek juga sudah. Thanks.
The cellphone has arrived, I checked it too. thanks.
Terimakasih barangnya sudah sampai sesuai pesanan banyak banget bonusnya🙏
Thank you, the goods have arrived according to the order, there are lots of bonuses
mantap toko nyaa, same day on time. packaging aman banget. kalo cari yg affordable cocok sih ini. mic quality nya juga bagus ✨. Best value headset di range harga segini. Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play.
the shop is great, same day on time. very safe packaging. if you are looking for an affordable one, this is suitable. the mic quality is also good. best value headset in this price range. convenient and practical just plug and play.
kualitas barang bagus sangat puas
good quality item very satisfied
magic com bagus cuma di sni Ada yg kurang gk bsa pilih warna Dan motif nya . kalo bisa di tingkatkan lgi agar customer bsa pilih warna atau motif. customer senang jualan nya kan laris
magic com is good, only here there are some who can't choose the color and pattern. if it can be increased again so that customers can choose colors or motifs. the customer is happy that the sale is selling well
kemasan bagus, pengiriman tepat waktu, barang belum dicoba.
good packaging, timely delivery, item not yet tried.
Warna mungkin tidak mencolok, namun selain itu semuanya memuaskan. Kualitas suara bagus dan build quality-nya solid. Walaupun sedikit kaku, headset nyaman untuk digunakan untuk main. Recommended!
the colors may not be flashy, but other than that everything is satisfactory. good sound quality and solid build quality. although a little stiff, the headset is comfortable to use to play. recommended!
lucu , warna ok real picture poko e , terimakasiih yaa
cute, the color is okay, real picture, thank you
Panci sampai dgn selamat,packing cakep...emak bahagia...
the pot arrived safely, the packing is cute. mother is happy.
Kecepatan pengiriman baik Harga produk baik ada goresan dikit di tempat pisaunya tapi overall ga masalah bagus, 😦😀😀😊
good delivery speed good product price there is a little scratch where the knife is but overall it's not a good problem,
maaf baru kasih ulasan.. setrika nya berpungsi dengan baik.. cukup puas
sorry just giving a review... the iron works fine... quite satisfied
Pengirimannn cepeetttt bangettt pengemasannya jugaa cepet bgtttt. Terus sellernya ramahhhhh puolllll. Ini beli buat kirim hadiahhh ehhh dia nawarin buat mau ga dibikinin kartu ucapann tanpa nambah hargaa sepeserpun. Pokoknyaa terbaikkkkk dehhh sukses terusss
very fast delivery and packing is also very fast. keep the seller puol friendly. I bought this to send a gift, but he offered to make a greeting card without adding a penny. anyway, the best is success
Harga:standar Kualitas:bagus Ukuran:sesuai Barang bagus sesuai foto tp pengiriman lumayan lama
price: quality standard: good size: according to the good stuff according to the photo but the delivery is quite long
Akhirnya barang sampai setelah menunggu proses pengiriman lumayan lama
The item finally arrived after a long wait for the delivery process
Produknya lumyan dg harga segtu utk panas gk terlalu panas bgt walaupun sudah tingkat max
the product is decent at that price for heat it's not too hot even though it's at the max level
packing bagus, mungkin kardus kurang tebal jadi pecah 2pcs, tp memang barang mudah pecah
the packing is good, maybe the cardboard is not thick enough so the pcs break, but things break easily
Mantap. Harga murah (diskon dan cashback coin) cepat dikirim dan sesuai deskripsi pesanannya. Seller fast respon pula.
Excellent. cheap prices (discounts and cashback coins) quickly sent and according to the description of the order. seller fast response too.
Sudah langsung dipakai. Materialnya bagus, tapi sayang tidak bisa pilih warna.
used immediately. the material is good, but it's a shame you can't choose the color.
allhamdulillah blender nyampe dengan aman ga ada yg pecah...tapi laen x packingan nya dikasih buble wrap soalnya sama skali ga dikasih buble wrap..udah di coba yg gede allhamdulillah nyalaa..yg kecil belom sempat di coba..
allhamdulillah the blender arrived safely nothing broke. but the other thing is that the packaging was given bubble wrap, the problem is no bubble wrap at all... I've tried the big one, allhamdulillah it's on... the small one hasn't been tried yet..
Sampai nya cepat, barang aman, untuk harga segitu kualitas bagus, coba pake software nya juga bisa
it arrived fast, the goods are safe, for that price the quality is good, you can try using the software too
Respawn cepet ,, untuk barang saya belum tau karenan itu buat kado.. tidak pakai cek lagi saling percaya saja..
fast respawn .. I don't know about items yet because it's for a gift .. don't use check anymore just trust each other ..
Review untuk produknya ada garansi 2 thn, wadahmgelas choper na dari plastik, motor na berat, buat alas gelas na agak susah seh buat nempel tp g masalah. Tks min 😊
the review for the product is that there is a year warranty, the chopper glass container is made of plastic, the motor is heavy, the glass base is a bit difficult to stick but it's no problem. thx min
Barang sudah nyampe kk , barang ok... gak sah takut kk kalo dikirim via ekspedisi...
the goods have arrived kk, the goods are ok. It's not legitimate to be afraid kk if it's sent via expedition.
seller sangat responsive, pengiriman super cepat, produk sesuai dengan deskripsi dan foto, recsel
very responsive seller, super fast shipping, product according to the description and photo, recsel
Produk ori. Seller jg fast response, delivery cepat. Recommended seller 👍
original product. seller also fast response, fast delivery. recommended seller
Sering ga connect. Sering error. Tapi lumayan lah bisa dipake
often doesn't connect. frequent errors. but it's okay to use it
Headset bagus, harga turun pas barang udh nyampe 😓
good headset, price dropped when the item arrived
barang sesuai pesanan, sudah dicoba. dan pengiriman cepat.
item as ordered, already tried. and fast delivery.