Bagus berfungsi dengan baik, harga bersahabat terimakasih sudah amanah
good, works well, friendly price, thank you for the trust
Tidak sesuai gambar, yg digambar hitam lis putih, yg datang malah putih semua, pengirimannya lambat lagi, dosnya hancur. Saya kasi 1 bintang aja y, g puas soalnya
doesn't match the picture, what was drawn in black and white trim, what came instead was all white, the delivery was slow again, the box was broken. I'll just give it a star, I'm not satisfied with it
Masya'alloh barang bagus, original.. Blm d coba tp uda kliatan tajem banget pisaunya, thanks
masya'alloh good stuff, original... haven't tried it yet but the knife looks really sharp, thanks
aigo tdk bisa diredeem. dan nomornya di app WA ada data orang lain.
aigo can't be redeemed. and the number in the wa app has other people's data.
Makasih kak, setrika nya bagus warna pink, semoga awet....
thank you sis, the iron is nice pink color, hope it lasts.
Baru beberapa hari speaker sebelah mati… komplain susah prosedur nya
just a few days the next speaker died... complaining about the difficult procedure
Penjual Buaik, Komunikatif, dan solutif 😀
good seller, communicative, and solutive
Dengan harga yang lumayan murah bisa dapat hp android dengan spek bagus. Secara keseluruhan performa hp nya saya pakai selama sehari semalam baterai lumayan awet dan Alhamdulillah tidak ada kendala. Semoga awet sampai ke depannya. Worth it lah kalo cuma dipakai buat YouTube, wa, dan tiktok
with a fairly cheap price, you can get an Android cellphone with good specs. Overall, the performance of the cellphone I used for a day and a night, the battery was quite durable and thank God there were no problems. hope it lasts in the future. it's worth it if you only use it for YouTube, wa, and tiktok
Sesuka hati penjual ganti warna padahal sudah jelas yang dibeli warna hijau, yang dikirim warna pink. Tolong lain kali hargai pembeli, konfirmasi terlebih dahulu!!
the seller changed the color as he pleased, even though it was clear that the green one was bought, the pink one was sent. please respect the buyer next time, confirm first!!
Kalau bisa kasih bintang 10 gw kasih beneran dah. Kualitas productnya sangat baik, bisa digunakan di Android. Harga emg ga bohong. Tombolnya jg soft tdk keras. Seller sangat baik cepat tanggap. Makasih kakak
If I could give a star, I would really love it. the quality of the product is very good, it can be used on android. prices don't lie. the buttons are also soft not hard. very good seller fast response. thanks brother
Baguss banget,,barang nya oke...kerenn banget deh..gak ada yg cacat..ngirim nya jg cpt ...semoga awet ya kak...tooooppp
it's really good...the item is's really cool..nothing is defective..send it fast too.hope it lasts,
Dear rexus Ini yang ketiga kalinya saya memesan di rexus id. Menurut saya vonix F30 kemasannya kurang bagus,lebih bagus vonix F55. Dari segi kabel headset lebih bagus F30 ketimbang F55 kenapa? Karna jenis kabelnya lebih kuat jika terjadi human eror. Dan untuk suaranya saya lebih memilih vonix F55.
dear rexus this is the third time i ordered at rexus id. in my opinion vonix f packaging is not good, better vonix f. in terms of headset cable it's better f than f why? because this type of cable is stronger in case of human error. and for sound I prefer vonix f.
Alhamdulillah pengiriman cepet bangetttt.... Pagi order, sore nyampe.... Packing rapih, aman pake buble wrap konsumen aku syuka ga ada cacat sedikitpun, barang original next order lagi di toko ini....respon penjual juga baik dan cepet pokoknya.... Bakal jadi langganan dehhhh pokonyaaaaaaaaa mksh
thank god very fast delivery. morning order, afternoon arrived. neat packaging, safe using bubble wrap consumer I like no defects at all, original items next order again at this shop. seller's response is also good and fast anyway. I'm going to be a subscriber anyway thanks
Alhamdulillah barang nya datang sesuai pesanan dan Insya Allah ORI karna Box nya juga resmi dari Advan ada kartu garansi juga pokok nye sesuai deskripsi deh maaf ya ga sempat foto HP nya karna kemarin buat hadiah milad hehe
Thank God, the goods came according to the order and God willing, they are ori, because the box is also official from Advan, there is a guarantee card, the main thing is that it matches the description, sorry I didn't have time to take a photo of the cellphone because yesterday it was a birthday gift hehe
cepet bgt ngirimnya, moga2 awet sampe 3 tahun
Very fast delivery, hope it lasts for years
Respon cepat meskipun masih suasana lebaran
fast response even though it's still Eid
Barang sesuai dengan deskripsi dan berfungsi dengan baik, MANTAP dan terima kasih!
the item corresponds to the description and works well, great and thank you!
harga terjangkau,kualitas bagus, fungsi baik, produk siip
affordable price, good quality, good function, good product
Alhamdulillah sesuai pesanan tapi tombol volume nya nggak berfungsi tapi nggak papa makasih
alhamdulillah according to the order but the volume buttons don't work but that's okay thanks
Fitur Terbaik:retur bos Maaf kak barang nya rusak saya minta kebijakan nya kak, retur bos Terima kasih🙏
best features: return boss sorry sis the item is damaged I ask for the policy sis, return boss thank you
makasih barang sudah sampai puas banget baguss saya suka terimakasih banyak yah sellerr semoga makin sukses usahanya
thank you, the item arrived, I am very satisfied, I like it, thank you very much, seller, I hope you will be more successful in your business
Mungkin karena kelamaan di logistik, jadi tutupnya banyak lecet
maybe because it took too long in the logistics, so the lid got a lot of scratches
tekonya penyok...mungkin karna perjalanan jauh...
the teapot was dented. maybe because of the long trip.
heueh dagoan palingge ek dibajak
heueh dagoan most geek hijacked
kalau memang pilihan antar cepatnya sudah tidak ada di cek listnya harusnya sudah ilang, jangan sampai kita beli dan ceklistnya masih ada, pengirimannya dibesokkan, rugi waktu ongkirnya kan beda
if indeed the fast delivery option is no longer on the check list it should be gone, don't let us buy it and the checklist is still there, the delivery is the next day, it's a loss when the postage is different
Alhamdulillah bagus barang ori terimakasih untuk ordernya next time semoga ya kak, terimakasih
alhamdulillah, the goods are good, ori, thank you for the order next time, I hope so, sis, thank you
bagus dan semua tombol berfungsi dengan baik. warnanya gemes 💜
good and all buttons work fine. gorgeous color
Pesanan sdh diterima tanpa ada yg pecah atau rusak, walau packing kurang bagus (dus penyok), hanya dibungkus plastik tipis. Exhouse blm dipasang, mudah2 berfungsi dg baik
the order has been received without anything broken or damaged, even though the packaging is not good (box dented), only wrapped in thin plastic. exhouse hasn't been installed, it's easy to function properly
Harga: pas diskon jadi mantap banget harganyaa Kualitas:aseeli Ketajaman:mantepp
price: when it's on discount, the price is really good quality: aseeli sharpness: great
Bagus cuman da penyok sedikit kurang rapih packingnya,diusahakan klo pengiriman barang elektronik barangnya dibungkus pake pelindung biar ga penyok ya,thank's lazada...
it's good, but the dent is a little less neat, the packaging is trying, when sending electronic goods, the goods are wrapped in protective clothing so that they don't have dents, thank's Lazada.
Ada garansi toko. Performa lancar. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏.
there is a store warranty. smooth performance. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. safe packaging .
ya boleh lah ya di harga ny yg segini, build quality udh oke, suara ok mic ok cmn ada bbrp kekurangan, kadang2 rgb light ny gk sinkron antara kanan dan kiri, trus suara speaker nya bocor klo gede sedikit, sama gk dpt splitter gtu buat hp, ya wajar lh harga segini, ya ok mntp
yes, it's okay, at this price, the build quality is okay, the sound is ok, the mic is ok, but there are some drawbacks, sometimes the RGB light doesn't sync between the right and left, then the sound of the speaker leaks if it's a little big, the splitter doesn't work either cellphone, yes, the price is reasonable at this price, okay, okay
pancinya bagus tpi kecil dan ada penyok dikit
the pot is nice but small and has a few dents
barangnya bagus sesuai harga, cuma pas pertama kali pakai piringan yang muternya suka berhenti
the goods are good according to the price, it's just that when I first used the disc, the spinning stopped
Sesuai foto, kualitas OK, as bodi agak pendek (motor Cosmos aslinya punya as bodi yg agak panjang) fungsi normal dan lancar, keterangan kabel posisi kecepatan 1 dan 2 tertukar. Bisa dibetulkan sih, tinggal tukar aja. Multimeter sangat membantu tetapkan kabel apa aja.
according to the photo, the quality is ok, the axle body is a bit short (the original Cosmos motorbike had a rather long body axle) the function is normal and smooth, the description of the cable, the position of the speed and the switch. it can be fixed, just replace it. multimeter is very helpful determine any wires.
pengiriman cepat - barang asli
fast delivery - genuine item
micnya gak bisa berjalan dengan lacar gak terdeteksi suaranya jelek
the mic can't run smoothly and the sound isn't detected
barang sudah sampai tapi tapak dudukannya pecah
the item arrived but the seat plate is broken
barang bagus,,,hrga'y jg terjangkau 👍
good stuff, the price is also affordable
Udh bagus sihhh... Tapi sayang barang yang di kirim penyok😭 entah kecerobohan jasa pengirimnya atau kecerobohan yang jualan... Tp ok lah ngga papa
that's good. but it's a shame that the item that was sent was dented either the carelessness of the sender's service or the carelessness of the seller. but it's ok it's okay
pengemasan dan pengiriman cukup lama
packaging and delivery took quite a long time
service mantap. kiriman cepat. produk oke, ada pengamannya. kalo belom "klik" engga akan muter blendernya.
great service. fast delivery. product okay, there is safety. if not &#;click&#; the blender won't work.
Kecewa banget katanya 3liter tau”nya 1liter doang gaada 1 liter sih cmn setengah liter doang hadehhhh capedeh-,-
I'm really disappointed, he said, liter, you know, there's only liter, there's no liter, but only half liter, hadeh capedeh -,-
packing rapi, kondisi barang baru dan tidak ada cacat spt di katalog. Belum dicoba, tapi mudah-mudahan
neat packing, new item condition and no defects as in the catalog. haven't tried it yet, but hopefully
Suka sama barangnya. Warnanya juga bagus. Tadi pas dicoba setrikanya juga berfungsi dengan baik. Ya, mudah mudahan bisa awet aja.
like the stuff. the color is also good. Just tried the iron, it also works fine. yes, hopefully it will last.
Lama terkendala di pengiriman aja smpe 1mingguan 😰
It's been a long time since the delivery was constrained until a week
Packaging rapih, barang mendarat dengan selamat, pengiriman lebih cepat 1 hari dari estimasi(mantap), barang berfungsi dengan baik, overall 💯
neat packaging, item landed safely, delivery faster than estimated (great), item works well, overall
Diterima dg baik sesuai deskripsi...blm dicoba semoga berfungsi dg baik & awet ya
well received according to the description. yet to try hope it works well & lasts
penjepit nya susah di buka
the clamp is hard to open
packingan sangat2 tidak aman, percuma pake buble wrap
the packaging is very unsafe, it's useless to use bubble wrap
barangnya lumayan bgus,sayang ga ada tutupannya.
the item is pretty good, it's a shame it doesn't have a lid.
sesuai dg ekspektasi, mantab, pelayanan cepat !
as expected, great, fast service!
pengiriman cepat sekali..barang dikirim sesuai permintaan dan tidak ada yg lecet
very fast delivery..items were sent as requested and nothing was scratched
josss uwis sampe
jos uwis arrived
kurir ramah, seller fast respon, sesuai deskripsi. mantaaab
Friendly courier, fast response seller, according to the description. great
Sellernya baik banget, packing nya jg double bubble wrap jdi aman. Rekomendasi banget
the seller is very good, the packing is also double bubble wrap so it's safe. really recommendation
Cepat banget sampe nya cm sehari doang... Mudah-mudahan awett ya. Sudah dicoba berfungsi.
it's really fast, it's only a day. hopefully durable yes. tried to work.
Barang bagus banget! Mantapp,,kualitass dasyat,uda di tes panass ky kompor,,harga terjangkau,,Suksess trus Bos qu
really good stuff! great,,great quality,has been tested hot like a stove,,affordable price,,success, boss qu
Untuk harga segini. Worth to buy. Suara lumayan, ga ada kresek2 gitu kaya earphone murah, bass nya standart. Dan nyaman dipake di kuping dan ada garansi gils.
for this price. worth to buy. the sound is decent, there's no crackle like cheap earphones, the bass is standard. and comfortable to use in the ear and there is a gils warranty.
Packaging rapi Respon penjualnya top Packaging aman 🙏 Gampang dibersihkan
Neat packaging, seller's response, top safe packaging, easy to clean
paket sampai lebih cepat dr yg di tentukan dah di coba berfungsi semoga awet yach...
The package arrived faster than specified, I've tried it to work, hopefully it will last.
Keren dah ini udahan, walaupun makan tempat banget masih bisa diakali nanti
cool, this is done, even though it takes up a lot of space, you can still be tricked later
Pengiriman cepet (Grab Same Day), barang bagus & berfungsi normal saat penerimaan. Sayangnya saya order warna blue light blue, koq dikirimnya warna merah hitam (tanpa konfirmasi ke pembeli). Tapi untungnya berfungsi normal.
fast delivery (grab same day), good item & functioning normally upon receipt. unfortunately I ordered blue light blue, why was it sent in red and black (without confirmation from the buyer). but fortunately it works normally.
Produk original bagus harga sesuai kualitas dan ada dompetnya semoga hasil suaranya jernih yah guys...yg jelas mantul alatnya kabel’a lukyan oanjang
good original product, price according to quality and there is a wallet, I hope the sound results are clear, guys. What's clear is the cable's lukyan oanjang
bagus, kualitas sesuai dengan harga, walaupun saya salah milih tapi tetep bagus dan sesuai kegunaan
good, the quality matches the price, even though I chose the wrong one but it's still good and suitable for use
Awal pesenya blue white brown switch tp yg dtg blue white blue switch akhirnya retur, walopun rada lama sampenya dan warna nya ttp salah ktnya mau dikirim blue white brown switch lgi tp malah black white brown switch gpp lah emg incer brown sw nya, pesan bwt seller tolong sblm kirim DICEK LAGI
At first I ordered a blue white brown switch but the one that came with the blue white brown switch finally returned, even though it took a long time to arrive and the color was wrong but I wanted to send the blue white brown switch again but instead the black white brown switch is okay, I really wanted the brown sw, order for the seller please before sending check again
ini pompa ga berisik aman bgt...hrga msh okee tp kritik bwt pengiriman barang cepet ga dibungkus apapun hnya kotak pompa lngsng kirim kasih kardus lg ato bubble kak..krna ga semua paketan bsa jaga keamanan barang...lebih safety yaaa suwun
this pump isn't noisy, it's very safe. the price is still okay, but the criticism is that the delivery of goods is fast, but nothing is wrapped, just the pump box, send it right away.. next send a cardboard box or bubble sis.. because not all packages can keep goods safe. more safety, thank you
mantebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb dapet harga 99perak....................
great price for silver.
Sepadan dengan Harga:iy Fitur Terbaik:Alhamdulillah sdh smpe brngnya ..sdh d coba barang bagus.. kwalitas bagus terimakasih y
worth the price: that's the best feature: alhamdulillah the item has arrived.. already tried the item is good.. good quality thank you y
respon nya baik bgt, barang lecet mgkn ksalahan dr kurir tp aq ajuin pngmbalian d trima, terima kasih buat respon nya ka... 🙏🙏🙏
the response was really good, the item was scratched maybe it was the courier's fault but I asked for a refund received, thank you for the response, sis.
bagus ..barang ok sesuai harapan ..cuma pgiriman nya aja agk lama mgkin krn dri luar daerah
good..item is ok as expected..just the delivery took a little longer maybe because it's from outside the area
Fitur Terbaik:Combo keyboard & mouse Sepadan dengan Harga:Sepadan lah Barang sampai dengan selamat, berfungsi dengan baik
best features: combo keyboard & mouse worth the price: worth the item arrived safely, works fine
Terjadi banyak kekeliruan di barang yg di pesan. Maaf untuk para pembaca, mungkin ini kesalahan penjual yg tak mencoba barang apakah layak pakai atau tidaknya. Sehingga saya kebagian pas di zonk nya, padahal sudah repot dan berharap banyak. Tapi hasil nihil. Terimakasih
There have been many errors in the items ordered. sorry for the readers, maybe this is the fault of the seller who didn't try the item whether it's suitable for use or not. so I got it right in the zoning, even though it was already a hassle and hoped for a lot. but no results. Thank You
Mouse bekerja baik tp terlalu keras button nya, baru dipakai jari sy sudah sakit
the mouse works well but the buttons are too hard, just used my finger it hurts
Alhamdulillah sampai dg selamat, hp nya berfungsi dengan baik, case nya beda dr yang lain
alhamdulillah arrived safely, the cellphone is working fine, the case is different from the others
Barang bagus , sesuai pesanan . Cuman pengemasan barang terbilang lama..
great item, made to order. it's just that packing took a long time..
Pengemasan pecking kurang bagus brangnya sedikit lecet2 cuma itu ajh kekurangannya semoga bukan rijekan dr pabriknya ya ... Cuma puas kok hanya pengemasan kurang rapi dan sedikit lecet2
packaging packaging is not good, the goods are a little scratched, that's all the drawback, hopefully it's not a mockery from the factory. I'm just satisfied, it's just that the packaging is not neat and a little scratched
Sampai... Harga murah, pengiriman cepat, barang aman... Semoga awet👍😁
until. low price, fast delivery, safe goods. hope it lasts
Alhamdulillah bagus barang nya ga ada yang cacat
alhamdulillah, the goods are good, there are no defects
Kemarin sempat ngasih bintang lima, kirain hpnya gabakal apa2. Batrenya trnyata low parah dan gapernah nyala kalau nggak dicas, sdg dicaspun nyala semenit doang. Beli batre pun di toko hp gada yg jual. Dahlah, kapok belanja di sini, ga recomend bgt buat kalian yg mau beli hp seken.
Yesterday I gave five stars, I wonder what's wrong with the cellphone. the battery turns out to be really low and never turns on if it's not being charged, even when it's being charged it only turns on for a minute. Even buying a battery at a cellphone shop doesn't sell it. Nevermind, give up shopping here, I don't really recommend it for those of you who want to buy used cell phones.
Pengiriman nya doang lambat pdhl shopee expres harusnya 4 jam sdh di terima tapi 2hari baru sampe hmm, tapi untuk barang aman bagus original
the delivery is slow even though the shopee express should have been received but the new day arrived hmm, but for safe goods it's good original
Alhamdulilah nyampe, cpt bgt ini cuma 2 hari aja pengirimannya seneng bgt buat tante soalnya
alhamdulillah it arrived, it's really fast, it's just a day's delivery, it's very happy for my auntie
respon seller super, pengiriman super, barang super
super seller response, super delivery, super item
Barang bagus. Tahan panas. Sayang tulisannya ada yg pudar.
good stuff. heat resistant. it's a shame the writing is faded.
Barang cepet sampe cman aga penyok dikit ga patal banget .. mungkin saat pengiriman kebentur
the goods arrived quickly, it's just a little dented, it didn't really crack... maybe it hit during delivery
Barang cepet sampai,bagus..hanya saja masih bingung cara nge pasinya biar nyala.😁
the goods arrived quickly, good ... it's just that I'm still confused about how to make sure it turns on.
kendala di pengiriman , pesan di solo tpi order d kota lain..alhamdulillh sampai sesuai pesanan
problems with delivery, ordered solo but ordered in another city... alhamdulillah arrived as ordered
Barang bagus mulus tidak ada cacat hanya pengiriman kurang cepat sedikit.
Good item, no defects, just a little slow delivery.
sudah sampai dgn selamat,terimaksih smoga awet
arrived safely, thank you
Kecepatan pengiriman kurang baik Respon penjual kurang baik
Delivery speed is not good, seller's response is not good
Mantap, cm colokannya ga ada utk ke handphone (USB C), ga sesuai dgn deskripsi di box produknya
great, there's no plug for the cellphone (usb c), it doesn't match the description on the product box
Fitur Terbaik:Gercep + good mantul bingitz
best features: fast + good bouncy bingitz
Bagus, murah, packing rapi, pengiriman cepat. Makasih
good, cheap, well packed, fast delivery. Thanks
Sudah diterima dgn baik. Kurang hanya d suara yg sangat berisik. Tq
already well received. lacking only there is a very noisy sound. thank you
Rapi banget packaging nya.. ada bubble wrap juga.
the packaging is really neat.. there is bubble wrap too.
Harga:harga murah terjangkau Kegunaan:bisa buat mie.. roti molen dll mantap, siap untuk dipakai Kualitas:barang stainles tebal
price: cheap affordable price usability: can make noodles... molen bread etc. great, ready to use quality: thick stainless steel
bagus barangnya perpungsi dan baik thanks seller,smga sukses slalu............
it's good, the item works and is good, thanks seller, good luck always.
Paket Sudah diterima,... Barang bagus, istri saya suka,...terima kasih
packet has been received,. great item, my wife loves it, thanks
kamera nya buruk sekali
the camera is so bad