Lebih baik nambah ceban beli tipe EX 167 S. Tipe EX 174 S ini, aku gak rekom. Cap baling dipasang pabrik, pakek alat tentu, pas dibuka manual, keras. Tiang alas dan tiang kipas, terhubung baut, tapi salah satu tiang tidak berlubang, bagaimana kedua tiang bisa nyambung kalo bautnya gak tembus.πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
it's better to add to the burden of buying the ex s type. this type of ex s, I don't recommend it. factory-installed propeller cap, using a tool of course, when opened manually, hard. the base pole and the fan pole are connected by bolts, but one of the poles has no holes, how can the two poles be connected if the bolts don't go through.
Barangnya bagus, warna doff dan ada tekstur timbulnya, keren lah
the item is good, the color is doff and there is a raised texture, that's cool
seller fast respon, pengiriman cepat,barang ori, bonusnya bnyak,, makasih ganπŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
seller fast response, fast delivery, original item, lots of bonuses, thanks, bro
Belum 2 hari, sudah rusak aja (tidak nyala lagi)
not yet, it's already broken (it doesn't turn on anymore)
Barang bagus banget!
really good stuff!
Bagus enak dipakai bahan mulus. Namun sayang dirasa kurang tebal
it's nice to wear smooth material. but unfortunately it feels less thick
sumpah bagus banget. Packing rapih.. pngirmn cepat.. respon penjual jga baik ramah bgt.
really good oath. neat packing.. fast delivery.. good response from seller, very friendly.
Mantep, sinyalnya kenceng, batrenya awet, sudah termasuk nomor paketan nya juga. Setting nya juga ga sulit.
great, the signal is fast, the battery lasts a long time, the package number is included as well. the setting is also not difficult.
mantoel cuma sayang pas bagian panci steamnya sedikit penyok bentuknya gak bulat malah agak kotak jdnya
it's just a shame that the mantoel part of the steam pot is a little dented, the shape isn't round, it's a bit square
Mantappppppppppppp top banget
really great
sesuai deskripsi, barang mantap, pengiriman cepat, adminnya juga fast respon πŸ‘πŸ‘
according to the description, great item, fast delivery, admin is also fast response
Pesanan sudah di terima sesuai pesanan barang seperti di iklan .. ...................,., ....... Semoga awet
the order has been received according to the order of goods as in the ad ...,., . hope it lasts
bukan maen mouse original 100%,thanks fantech πŸ™
not playing the original mouse %, thanks fantech
Responnya cepat sekali, bru order langsung di kirim dalam hitungan jam, mantap pokoknya. TRUSTED πŸ‘πŸ‘
the response was very fast, bru orders were sent immediately in a matter of hours, great anyway. trusted
wajan ny kok kecil no 26 kaya no 18 v bagus g lengket makasih
how come the pan is small no rich no v good not sticky thanks
Ada sedikit yang rusak. Mungkin packing nya, atau mungkin pas pengiriman di banting2
some are broken. maybe the packaging, or maybe when the shipment was slammed
dari segala hal nice banget pokoknya
from all things really nice anyway
harga mahal ternyata masih dowoload dan setting sendiri aplikasinya ,kirain udah di setting dari Qasirnya ,tau gitu beli diluar harga jauh lebih murah
the price is expensive, it turns out that it's still downloaded and the application settings themselves, I thought it was already set from the qasir, you know, buying it outside the price is much cheaper
kalau barang dan pelayanannya sih oke. Cuma sayang deskripsinya dengan baterei 2000mah, padahal device aslinya nggak support pakai baterei. Padahal rencana cari yang pakai baterei. Jadi bintang 4 dulu ya gan.
if the goods and services are okay. it's just a shame the description is with batteries, even though the original device doesn't support using batteries. even though the plan is to find one that uses batteries. be a star first, bro.
Barang aman tidak ada cacat fisik, pengiriman cepat. Tapi headset sebelah kiri ada suara kresek2, jadi agak mengganggu
safe goods no physical defects, fast delivery. but the left headset has a crackle sound, so it's a bit annoying
MANTAP pengiriman cepat, barang gak ada yang cacat, bekerja Dengan baik, pokoknya recommended banget lahh hehe Cocok untuk gamer low budget cuman 99k. Jitter klik nya bisa Sampe 12 cps tapi sayang drag click bisa tapi kok Cmn keitung 1-3 cps ya?
great, fast delivery, no items are defective, works well, just really recommended, hehe, suitable for low budget gamers, just k. the click jitter can reach cps but unfortunately it can drag click but how come it only counts - cps huh?
Tampilan:tdk sesuai foto yg d krm merek panda
display: does not match the photo sent by the panda brand
makasih paket dah saya terima bagus cuma gelang karet nya ko ada satu doang ya bisa nya kalau blender ada dua gelang karet nya tapi gak papa bisa gantian pake nya mudah2 an awet
Thank you, I received the package, it's good, but the rubber band, how come there's only one, you can use a blender with two rubber bands, but it's okay, you can use it interchangeably, it's easy and durable
Barang mantap, cuma agak lama di kurir mungkin karena weekend yaa
the item is great, just the courier took a bit long maybe because of the weekend
Barang lebih cepat sampai dari estimasi yg di beritahukan tapi setelah di buka ternyata body cosmosnya rusak (peyot). barang saya retur kembali tgl 5/6/2018 via pos....
the item arrived faster than the estimate that was notified but after opening it turned out that the cosmos body was damaged (cramped). I returned the item back on // via post.
Trnyata mudah pembuatannya hehe
it's actually easy to make hehe
brgnya cpt punya yg seri berbeda ternyata aq beli yg seri ini bs dipake jg ke seri yg lama, Oxone emang bagus sih😍😍
people arrived quickly..I have a different series, it turns out that I bought this series, it can also be used on the old series, oxone is really good
cepet, semoga awet
fast, hope it lasts
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Semoga awet lah... Makasih seler..tetap istiqomah yaa
best feature:good worth the price:worth it hope it lasts. thanks seler..stay istiqomah yaa
barang nya sudah Dateng,tpi pengiriman nya gak sesuai sama estimasi ..
the item has arrived, but the delivery was not as expected..
Puas banget sama pelayanan dan barangnya
very satisfied with the service and the goods
bagus banget..tidak lengket
really good..not sticky
Pertama kali punya TWS. Menurutku suara bagus ga masalah, ga delay, tp masih ga tau kl nelepon micnya bagus atau ga πŸ˜‚ ukuran di telinga ku berasa agak besar wkwk. +sayang aja kmrn dikirim pake an****ja jd sampe rumah lama bgt:”) tp overall puasss
first time having tws. I don't think the sound is good, there's no delay, but I still don't know if the mic is good or not the size in my ear feels a bit big. + it's a shame I sent it with an*ja so it took so long to arrive at home :) but overall I'm satisfied
Karna sameday ekpres jadi hanya packingan wrap tebal...isi aman...semoga sesuai harapan,dan awet....
because the sameday express so only packs a thick wrap. the contents are safe. hopefully as expected, and lasts.
Barangnya sesuai cma saran saya kalau bisa keamanannya lbih di tingkatkan semisal di dalam kasi kain bekas atau apa aja yg bisa nahan dia biar gak penyok kayak di gambar untuk barang ok mantap lah harga terjangkau penyok dikit mungkin waktu pengiriman tertimpa
the item is in accordance with my advice, if possible, the security can be improved, for example, put in used cloth or anything that can hold it so that it doesn't get dented like in the picture for the goods, ok, it's great, the price is affordable, it has a little dent, maybe the delivery time was hit
barang sesuai,aman dan cepat
the right stuff, safe and fast
Disk HD UK fun chick video horn Braun Mdjzgmfzfzgk xmvz kfzjfzlhlv zkgxlhclhxcl
disk hd uk fun chick video horn braun mdjzgmfzfzgk xmvz kfzjfzlhlv zkgxlhclhxcl
good s3ller tapi , bad products.. baru dipakai semenit sdh kebakar motornya
good seller but, bad products.. only used for a minute already the motorbike caught fire
Br d test aja...nyala...nti setelah d test bikin kue...d comment lg ya...
Just test it. Turn on. After the test, make a cake. Please comment again.
cakep nih
this is cute
beli di toko ini sangat memuaskan.!!
buy at this shop very satisfying.!!
Mouse sdh diterima sesuai pesanan sdh dicek oke semua thanx....
the mouse has been received according to the order has been checked okay all thanks.
Harga:Lumayan Bahan/Material:Bagus Kegunaan:membantu Sebenernya dari bahan itu good bgt, gx ada keluhan sama skli, cuman dus nya aja terlalu sempit udh gtu gx di ksoh skat per spatula, jdi kegesek2 jdi ada yg baret/lecet, si cantolan rak nya pdhal jgn di psng drsnanya, jdi ada yg patah, mungkin krna packing nya jga terlalu tipis, buble+plastik doang
price: pretty good material: good usability: actually the material is really good, there are no complaints at all, it's just that the box is too narrow, it doesn't have to be scraped per spatula, so it rubs so there are scratches/scuffs, the hook the shelves don't have to be installed from them, so some are broken, maybe because the packaging isn't too thin, just bubbles + plastic
Ketumbar, ketemu KENT* bubar
coriander, meet kent* disperse
barang sesuai, tapi yg diiklankan tidak ada. panas di rasa kurang di bandingkan merk lain
the goods are appropriate, but what is advertised is not there. less heat than other brands
Fitur Terbaik:elegant bgt warnanya ungu suka bgt modelnya Sepadan dengan Harga:kualitas oke bgt ga di ragukan lg sangat puas blnja dsni terimakasih seller amanah terus yaa
the best features: elegant, purple, color, I really like the model, it's worth the price: the quality is okay, there's no doubt, I'm very satisfied, I bought it here, thank you seller, keep on trusting me
Oke lah , mungkin ada kelalain sedikit ada pengait tutup teko tidak ada tapi tidak masalah
okay, maybe there was a slight oversight, there was no teapot lid hook, but no problem
Pelayanan tko nya kurang....karna brang di cancel..mash smgaja di krim alasan nya sistem otomatis..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚mash ad tko yg bgini di kira yg bli ank kecil
the shop service is lacking. because the goods were canceled.. it's just creamed the reason is an automatic system.. mash there is a shop like this I think the one who bought it is a small child
Penyok dikit, semoga lebih baik lagi kedepannya
a little dented, hopefully it will be better in the future
Pengiriman cepat,kondisi bagus,,Keren dech...thanks seller
fast delivery, good condition, cool, thanks seller
Udah pakai buble wrap tetap pecah mikanya😒
Already using bubble wrap, the mika is still broken
Pesanan sya telah sampai,,, terimakasih shoppee....
my order has arrived, thank you shopee.
Pengiriman cepat banget barang sesuai pesanan aman terima kasih sukaaaaaaaaaaa
very fast delivery goods as ordered safe thank you like
gk berfungsi hot nya
its not working its hot
Sipp paket telah sampai.. Respon penjual sangat tanggap terima kasih barang bagus
sipp the package has arrived... the seller's response is very responsive, thank you, good item
Alhamdulillah paket sampe buat kado, tapi kayaknya fisik gambar nya ga sesuai sama yg di foto deh .... Mudah2an awet yaa
alhamdulillah the package arrived for the gift, but it seems that the physical picture doesn't match the one in the photo. hope it lasts
Mantaaab jiwaaa, beli jam 10 jam set 12 sampeee
great soul, bought hours set arrived
Makasih barang sudah sampai, kondisi bagus packing rapih, agan cepat respon. Rekomended seller
Thank you, the goods have arrived, in good condition, the packing is neat, bro, the response is fast. recommended seller
Syukurlah akhirnya nyampe juga. walaupun ada sedikit hambatan gara2 kurirnya kurang fokus tapi overall mantap dah hp ini
thank goodness it finally arrived. even though there were a few obstacles because the courier was not focused, but overall this cellphone is great
Barang lumayan. Saran aja, untuk waktu pengemasan dan pengiriman agar lebih di percepat. Dan packing nya mungkin harus ditingkatkan. Jangan cuma pakai bubble wrap transparan. Terima kasih
decent stuff. Just a suggestion, for packaging and delivery time to be faster. and the packing should probably be improved. don't just use transparent bubble wrap. Thank You
Pro: - Design 5⭐ - Ringan - No Delay - Slide Lancar Cons (Pendapat Pribadi) - Klik agak keras dibandingkan dengan G Pro Wireless atau Daxa Air I. Perlu penyesuaian. Note: *Case tambahan yg gw dapet jelek banget di bagian klik nya. kayak goyang2 gitu dan ada suara pas di pegang. tp gpp lah bonus wkwkk. Overall OK. Thanks Rexus.
pros: - design - lightweight - no delay - smooth slide cons (personal opinion) - a bit louder click compared to g pro wireless or daxa air i. need adjustment. note: *the additional case that I got was really bad in the click section. it's like rocking and there's a sound when you hold it. tp gpp is a bonus wkwkk. overall okay. thanks rexus.
Udh sering banget belanja di sini dengan barang yg sama tapi baru kali ini agak kecewa krna tempat pisau y udh buluk banget sobek2 keliatan lakban y juga kotor.
I've shopped here a lot with the same items, but this is the first time I'm a bit disappointed because the knife case is really rotten, torn, it looks like duct tape, it's also dirty.
Compatible dengan devices saya.Β USB port berfungsi dengan baik.
compatible with my devices. usb ports work fine.
Sesuai deskripsi.. Pengiriman cepat..
as delivery..
barang belum diterima tapi dilazada tertulis barang sdh diterima, saya tanya ke kantor kurir katanya barang masih di propinsi palangkaraya, perlu waktu 2 hari lagi katanya...semoga benar biar ndak was was,serta kesulitan tracking menggunakan own fleet, syukur n bahagianya barang sampai
I haven't received the goods yet, but it says that the goods have been received, I asked the courier office, they said the goods are still in Palangkaraya Province, it takes another day.
Cepet banget diprosesnya, barangnya memuaskan. Sukses untuk penjual.
very fast processing, the goods are satisfactory. success for the seller.
Sesuai pesanananssnsjsjdjdnsjsjsnnejejejejejsndndndnndjdndndnsnsjsnsnsnsjejjenenendendnejne
to orderanssnsjsjdjdnsjsjsnnejejejejsndndndnndjdndndnsnsjsnsnsnsjejjenenendendnejne
packingnya jelek banget,,,pdhal elektronik tpi ngga dikasi bubblewrap....untungnya mixernya baik2 saja. ditingkatkan pengemasannya donk,,
the packaging is really bad, even though it's electronic but it doesn't have bubblewrap. fortunately the mixer is fine. improve packaging please
Barang bagus,.
good stuff,.
bad build quality. hampir laptop saya rusak gara2 slot usb nyangkut. daya baterainya cukup boros untuk pemakaian 3 minggu sekali harus ganti baterai. beda dengan merek mouse wireless sebelumnya yg saya pakai cuma 1 tahun sekali ganti baterai. sensornya juga masih menggunakan led merah.
bad build quality. my laptop almost broke because the usb slot got stuck. battery power is wasteful enough to use once a week you have to replace the battery. it's different from the previous wireless mouse brands that I only used once a year to change the battery. the sensor also still uses a red led.
barang sudah d terima,,packing rapi sesuai permintaan,jempol lah
the goods have been received, the packing is neat according to the request, thumbs up
Sepadan dengan Harga:iya sesuai dengan harga Fitur Terbaik:lumayan Tampilan oke ,tapi untuk packing terlalu rawan pecah untung barangnya oke ,next pengiriman harus ada bablewarp biar lebih aman,pisau untuk belender kurang tajam
commensurate with the price: yes according to the price the best features: pretty good looking, but for packing it's too prone to breaking fortunately the goods are okay, next delivery there must be bablewarp so it's safer, the knife for blending is not sharp enough
Mntp pak
please sir
Paketan meluncur dng aman.sesuai gambar… dan original.pengiriman cepat sekali lwt gojek.trims…
the package slides safely. according to the picture... and original. very fast delivery via gojek. thanks...
Bagus headphone nya tapi sayang yang seri HQ52 gak ada RGB nya,agak kecewa tapi its ok no problem
the headphones are good but it's a shame the HQ series doesn't have RGB, a bit disappointed but its ok no problem
Silhkan blei untuk nambah port USB
Please buy to add a usb port
Suaranya kurang greget
his voice is less intense
Overall bagus, cuma pengirimannya telat sehari
Overall good, only the delivery was a day late
Bagus pisaunya,tajem bgt,packing jg aman n bagus
nice knife, very sharp, packing is also safe and good
Diterima dengan aman. Ternyata rakitnya ngga terlalu sulit.. Liat di yt katanya kalo pertama rakit bisa sejam lebih.. Dan ini aku rakit ngga sampai setengah jam sudah jadi.. Pengiriman oke.. Packing biasa aja sih, tp overall oke lah.. Bantalnya aja keras rasanya, kurang enak di bantalnya.
received safely. it turns out the rafting wasn't too difficult.. see on yt it says if the first rafting can take over an hour.. and I didn't assemble it in half an hour and it's finished.. the delivery is okay.. the packing is just normal, but overall it's okay.. the pillow feels hard , less comfortable on the pillow.
barang oke. cm pengiriman jadi lama karena ada kesalahan kode area dr jnt
okay stuff. cm delivery took a long time because there was an error in the area code from jnt
Barangnya sudah sampai saya coba gada masalah dan barang juga gada lecet. Cuma sayangnya packingnya tipis. Cuma dikasih 1 lapis buble wrap jdi penyok wadahnya.
the item arrived, I tried it with no problems and the item also didn't scratch. it's just a shame the packaging is thin. just given a layer of bubble wrap so the container is dented.
Bagus penanganan sangat rapi, pokoknya mntap
good, very neat handling, just great
pelayanan sangat cepat. order pagi, sore sampai.
very fast service. order morning, afternoon arrived.
Pengiriman cepat. Tapi barang tidak di periksa kembali. Banyak yg baret
fast delivery. but the goods are not checked again. lots of berets
Barang original, kemasan pengiriman bagus, tidak ada yg rusak, barang lengkap dan pengiriman cepat.
original item, good shipping packaging, nothing damaged, complete item and fast delivery.
Produknya bagus, Kualitas Mousenya kaya Kualitas Mouse 600k++
the product is good, the quality of the mouse is rich in the quality of the k++ mouse
barang sesuai pesanan...very fast response, recommended seller !!
goods as ordered. very fast response, recommended seller !!
Terimakasih,, pengiriman cepat sekali,, kemarin pesan skr sudah sampai
thank you,, very fast delivery,, yesterday order now arrived
Barang sesuai gambar
Is the goods according to picture
Packing aman , pengiriman cepat , blm dicoba blm tau mau masak apa 😁 sesuai sma pesenan puass 😍
safe packing, fast delivery, haven't tried yet, don't know what to cook according to the high school order, satisfied
dipakai bocor
used leak
Makasiiih kakak.... barangnya uda nyampeeee 😍😍😍😍😍😍
thanks brother. the item has arrived
Thanks selleerrrrr Thanks shopee Paket sudah diterima lengkap Cuma packingnya aja yg kurang yaa Transparan sekaliih bestie
thanks seller thanks shopee the package has been received in full, it's just the packaging that isn't very transparent, bestie
ada yg penyok..pntsan murah
there is a dent..pntsan cheap
Brng sesuai pesanan..brng cpt sampaiβ€¦πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
brng according to the order..brng quickly arrived...