produknya penyok jd aku krcewa psnn yg kedua,kl ipertama bgs puas .tp kl ini,....
the product was dented, so I was disappointed with the second psbb, if the first one was satisfied, but this time,
Pengiriman lebih cepat, mantap lah pokonya
Faster delivery, that's great
Paket sudah datang sesuai oderan dengan aman, packing rapih, trimakasih.....
The package has arrived according to the order safely, well packed, thank you.
Overall good enak di tangan materialnya bagus moga awet
overall good feels good in the hand the material is good hope it lasts
Produk ori, sesuai pesanan, pengiriman kilat.. thx kak
original product, as ordered, fast delivery.. thx sis
harga dan kwalitas , pas.
price and quality, just right.
manteb, cuman warna RGB disudut kanan terlihat sedikit pudar
great, but the RGB color in the right corner looks a little faded
makasih gan, barang sampai dengan aman
Thank you, item arrived safely
bagus banget semuga awet,,, pengirimannya cepat banget cuman 3 hari saja
very good, all durable, very fast delivery, only one day
Pengunci nya patah
the lock is broken
Panci nya tipis mna datang nya ad yg kempot kirain asli nya kgak foto pertama ternyata beda
the pan is thin, where does it come from, the one that is clogged, I thought the original wasn't the first photo, it turned out to be different
packaging jadi lebih aman
packaging so much safer
Panggangan terbuat dari metal yang tebal. Sangat rekomended sekali.
the grill is made of thick metal. very highly recommended.
Barang nya memang datang cepat. Tapi barang nya cacat. Kaca pecah.
the item came fast. but the item is defective. broken glass.
bagus banget lah ga nyesel beli disini otw langganan sih
It's really good, I don't regret buying here, Otw, I subscribe
Packingannya bolong tpi yaudh masih aman dalemnya. Diantara 6 cmn 1 yg bolong gini, tolong next lebih diperhatikan thankyou
the packaging is perforated but yes it's still safe in it. Among the cmn that has holes like this, please pay more attention next time, thank you
Bagusss bgt, cuma ekspedisinya shopee express yg kirim barang melewati estimasi waktu pengantaran ckckc
it's really good, only the shopee express expedition sent goods past the estimated delivery time ckckc
Barang sudah sampai, pengiriman cuman 24jam pakai shopee express huhu mantap
the goods arrived, the delivery was only using the shopee express huhu great
barang bagus, cuma dikira warnanya hitam, ternyata warnanya merah"))
good stuff, only thought the color was black, it turned out to be red"))
Saya nggak terima langsung, karena untuk kado. Kata yang nerima sih bagus.
I didn't receive it right away, because it was for a gift. the word that is received is good.
Barang penyok
dented goods
barangnya bagus.. enak pencetannya gak keras packagingnya berasa barang mahal 😄 sukaa
the item is good... it's nice to press, it's not hard, the packaging feels like expensive stuff, I like it
Bagus sih barang nya,dari packing nya oke banget dikasih tempat micnya dan untuk micnya bagus sih walaupun noisenya udh hilang 85%, tapi noise ga kedengaran kok nanti suara kita tertutupi sama noise itu
the item is good, from the packaging it's really good given the place for the mic and for the mic it's good even though the noise has disappeared %, but the noise can't be heard how come our voices will be covered by the noise
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan pisan Alhamdulillah paketnya sudah datang, bagus berfiungsi dengan baik, terima kasih ya
the best features: good worth the price: worth it thank God the package has arrived, it works well, thank you
Barang nya keren N murah
its cool n cheap
Barang sdh diterima tgpacking rapi. Tapi sayang gelas ato cupnya retak ato pecah. Blender akan Saya kembalikan ke Lazada dan minta pengembalian dana. .
item received well packaged. but unfortunately the glass or cup is cracked or broken. I will return the blender to Lazada and ask for a refund. .
Barang sesuai harapan.. hanya saja proses nya lama...
the goods are as expected ... it's just that the process is long.
terima kasih buat kualitas produknya Saya sukapengiriman cepat layanan saraf juga baik pokoknya rekomendasi buat yang lain
thank you for the quality of the product, I like the fast delivery, the nerve service is also good, just a recommendation for others
Coll super
coll super
Langsung dicoba wkwkwkk ...panasnya cepet & kondisi barang ok
try it right away wkwkwk. it heats up fast and the condition of the goods is ok
Ada satu blender yg buat blender daging bagian bawahnya terlepas .. Dibener2in ngak bisa juga
there is one blender that makes the bottom of the meat blender come off... it can't be fixed either
Cepat bgt pengiriman ny.. packing rapi... Puas lah..
very fast delivery.. well packed. satisfied..
packingnya gak pake apa2 sedih sekale. barangnya lgsg ditempel alamat
the packaging doesn't use anything, it's really sad. the item is directly affixed to the address
terima kasih barang sudah sampai, cuma telat nyampe nya, saya pake pengiriman next day
Thank you, the item has arrived, it's just that it arrived late, I use next day delivery
Mantabbbb suara klik nya aaa demen bgtttt. thankyou seller yaaa. Mendarat dengan aman Alhamdulillah pengiriman dan pengemasan cepat.respon seller cepat
the sound of the click is really cool. thankyou seller yes. Arrived safely, thank God, fast delivery and packaging. Fast response from seller
penyok parah
severe dent
Barang lecet,..
terima kasih barang sesuai pesanan
Thank you for the goods as ordered
barang datang dengan selamat, headsetnya juga bagus, suaranya enak juga, tpi klo pake alat bantu untuk ke hp, suaranya jadi kecil
the item arrived safely, the headset is also good, the sound is good too, but if you use a tool to get to the cellphone, the sound becomes small
cepet banget barang datangnya.... pelayanan yg bagus. siiiiip....
the goods come very quickly. great service. OK.
pinset mata buah nanas tdk ada
There are no pineapple eye tweezers
bagus,tpi layarnya lecet
nice, but the screen is scratched
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan Barang sesuai,semoga awet
commensurate with the price: pretty good stuff, hopefully durable
bagus, cuma rada kasar dikit
good, just a little rough
Nyampe dengan aman Barang udah d cek berfungsi dengan baik Thanks
until safely the goods have been checked to function properly thanks
Pengiriman agak lama.. packing nya rusak.. untung dalam nya gpp.. Hampirr kecewa juga, tpi karena barang nyaa dipake gada masalah,, kasih bintang 3 ajaa
the delivery took a while.. the packaging was damaged.. luckily the inside was okay.. almost disappointed too, but because the item was used there was no problem,, just give it a star
saya kira bisa cook n warm ... saya salah beli. 😔
I think it can be cooked and warm. i bought wrong.
sesuai.. cuma gak hafal ukurannya jadi order yang kecil ternyata
it fits.. just don't memorize the size so it turns out to be a small order
Barang sudah sampai, bagus, mulus, tp blm di coba, terimakasih.
the item arrived, looks good, smooth, but not yet tried, thank you.
produk enak di genggaman, sesuai deskripsi klik samar bunyinya. skrol enak. recomended product and seller. trimakasih
the product feels good in the hand, according to the description, the sound clicks faintly. delicious scroll. recommended product and seller. Thanks
Terima kasih atas pengiriman yang cepat dan aman. Best seller untuk toko ini. Sukses selalu.
thank you for the fast and safe delivery. best seller for this shop. good luck for the future.
barang nya udh datang,,,sayang nya peking nya nggak rapi
the goods have arrived, unfortunately the peking is not neat
Alhamdulillah barang sampai berfungsi semua
alhamdulillah until everything works
nais, barang aman. pengiriman gercep jugaa. kelengkapan juga sesuaii. mantepp
nay, item is safe. fast shipping too. fittings are also appropriate. mantepp
barang oke harga juga bersahabat sudah sampai barang nya 👍
the goods are okay, the prices are also friendly, the goods have arrived
Barangnya oke, cuma kotaknya penyok, pengen di pajang di kamar sih tapi barangnya aman kok dan dapet free gelang valorant terimakasih
the item is okay, only the box is dented, I want to display it in the room but the item is safe and you get a free valorant bracelet, thank you
hatiku menjadi berwarna warni seperti warna lampu keyboard yg menyinari gelap malamku alalalala
my heart becomes colorful like the color of the keyboard lights that illuminate my dark night alalalala
barang bagus, cm tutupnya sedikit kurang pas
good stuff, cm lid a little less fitting
Ok..siip.kualitas ok
ok..siip.quality ok
pengiriman cepat, mantul lah
fast delivery, cheers
Harga produk baik. Kecepatan pengiriman kurang baik. Respon penjual baik. Kualitas produk baik.
good product price. Delivery speed is not good. good seller response. product quality is good.
barang ox tapi kk laai kali lebih teliti soal nya panyaringan y gak ada untung bukaa pesenan oraglain.ntr kalau saya beli lgi harus lebih teliti ya kk biar gak kapok
ox goods, but kk, if you're laai, be more careful about the filtering, there's no profit if you open other people's orders. If I buy again, I have to be more careful, OK, so I don't give up
Lucu barangnya hehe next order blender nya klo ada rejeki lebih lagi
the item is funny hehe next order the blender if there is more luck
Barang oke, tapi plastik dalem udah kebuka dan kebukanya itu sobekan sayang ga bikin vid pas unboxing PENGIRIMAN LAMA BANGET RESPON PENJUAL SLOW RESPON BANGET NGECHAT BERKALI KALI SAMSEK GA DI BALES baru engeh ga dapet kukusannya gatau dari sananya apa gmna
the item is ok, but the inner plastic has been opened and the opening was torn, unfortunately it didn't make the vid when unboxing it took so long.
Penyok gaes
dent guys
brang palsu yg dkrim, GK ssesuai gmbar nyesel aq blnja dsni
fake goods sent, don't match the picture I regret buying here
Barang sampai. Pengiriman lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sampai 10 nya mau masuk ke wifi tak bisaaaaaaaaaaaaa
goods arrived. long delivery until the day. the tab wants to enter the wifi can't
Keren pokoknya, pesen malem Pagi sampe, barang ori mantap gan 👍🏻
it's really cool, I ordered it in the evening and arrived, the original stuff is great, bro
Pengiriman baik, kurir baik, penjual sayang yg dikirim ada kekeliruan, tp gk apa2 lah..muga2 penjual lbh teliti
good delivery, good courier, friendly seller. but unfortunately what was sent there was a mistake, but that's okay.. the seller should be more thorough
Pengiriman super cepat sehari smpk makasih dan pengemasan masih segel dr maspion kipas berfungsi dengan baik
Super fast delivery one day junior high school thanks and the packaging is still sealed from the maspion fan functioning properly
Suara ok, agak ringkih aja
the sound is ok, just a little weak
puas gk mengecewakan packing nya rapi
Satisfied and not disappointed, the packing is neat
barang sesuai gambar....and ad bonuss
items according to the picture. and ad bonuses
perfect condition , perfect delivery.. 36 jam sudah sampai surabaya... rekomended seller ..
perfect condition , perfect delivery .. hours have arrived in Surabaya. recommended seller..
Pengiriman cepat barang oke ada bonusnya
fast delivery of goods okay there is a bonus
PO lama2 gak sia2
it's not long ago
Warna nya random mungkin dapet warna biru okeeee semoga awet
the color is random, maybe it will get blue, okay, hopefully it lasts
maaf kak telat kasih ulasan soalnya paketan internetnya hbs, makasih kak barang sesuai dg pesanan berfungsi dg baik toopppp deh
Sorry, sis, I'm late in giving a review, the problem is that the internet package has run out, thank you, sis, the item according to the order works well, toop
Semuanya lengkap Tapi pengemasan nya kurang safety jadi ada yg patah sama penyok
everything is complete but the packaging is not safe so some are broken and dented
pesen warna putih dikirim ijo hadeh, dah lama pulak ngirimnya
Ordered white color sent green hadeh, it's been a long time since the delivery
pengriman lemot banget bmget baru ngalamin x ini
The delivery is really slow, it's really new to experience this x
Pengiriman cepat ,tapi packaging gak pake buble wrap jadi agak penyok sedikit.
Fast delivery, but the packaging doesn't use bubble wrap so it's a little dented.
barang ori, pengiriman nya cepat tp tolong diperbaikin lg respon apabila konsumen bertanya. thx
original goods, the delivery is fast but please improve the response if consumers ask. thx
bagus bagt saya suka min makasih ya cepat sampai
it's good, I like it, admin, thanks, it arrived quickly
bagus sih magic Nye tapi penyok di tepi nya lain x kalau Bawak nya lebih hati²
the magic is good, but there's a dent on the other side, x if you take it more carefully
Packing kurang aman
packing is not safe
Keren 1/2 jam pesen langsung sampai Semoga barang nya awett
cool / hours direct message until hopefully the goods last
paket dah sampai,respon cepat pesan dan kirim paket dihari yg sama cuman lama di expedisinya..paket aman dan gak penyok²...sesuai deskripsi..belum dicoba mudah²an awet dipakainya...tq
the package arrived, fast response to the message and sent the package on the same day, but it took a long time on the expedition..the package is safe and not dented.according to the description..haven't tried it yet,hopefully it lasts long.tq
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:worth it, lebih murah dr toko lain Terimakasih,barang nya sudah di terima dengan aman. Walaupun hrs banyak drama dulu, tp itu pun kesalahan di kurir,sama pemasangan 😅 respon cepat, pelayanan ramah.. poko nya recommended yaaa belanja di sini. Mudah2an awet juga barang nya
best features: good value for money: worth it, cheaper than other stores, thank you, the goods have been received safely. even though there had to be a lot of drama first, but even that was an error in the courier, the same as the installation, the response was fast, the service was friendly... the point is, it's recommended to shop here. hopefully it lasts too
Before dan after, sempet 60% huruf ga aktif dengan kekuatan insting akhirnya saya memberanikan diri bongkar keyboard dan ternyata ada masalah dipusat arus listrik huruf ke huruf yang bikin ga bisa ngetik. Ternyata ada double tip yang belum dibuka makanya gabisa ngetik. BTW makasih responya admin😁
before and after, when % letters were not activated by instinct, I finally ventured to take apart the keyboard and it turned out that there was a problem at the center of the letter-to-letter electric current which prevented me from typing. it turns out there is a double tip that hasn't been opened so I can't type. btw thanks for the response admin
terimakasih pesanan sudah diterima dgn baik, walaupun sempat agak bingung juga krn sempet nga connect...tapi pas ganti baterai baru bisa.
Thank you, the order was well received, even though I was a little confused because I couldn't connect. But when I replaced the battery, I was able to.
Berfungsi dengan baik terimakasih
working fine thank you
Fantech produk lokal kualitasnya ga kalah sm produk luar.
Fantech local products are not inferior in quality to foreign products.
Bln dicoba, semoga awett
Tried for months, hope it lasts
GK bisa di gunakan lcd sparuh GK bisa sentuh
can't use half the lcd can't touch
barang lengkap sesuai pesnan produk berfungsi dengan baik.mudah dipasang.peking ok.sukses buat toko.semoga awet.
complete items as ordered product works well. easy to install. peking ok. success for shop. hope it lasts.
Jelek gk ada carger di chas gk ngisi wedussssd
bad there is no charger in the cas it doesn't charge wedus