Hp bagus sudah di pakai, lebih dari cukup untuk hape seharga Rp. 170.000 an.. mantap .
a good cellphone has been used, more than enough for a cellphone for Rp. . an.. great.
Bintang nya saya kurangi pengiriman lama... produk bagus....
I reduced the long delivery as a star. good product.
barang belum nyampe rumah
the goods have not arrived home
Alhamdulillah, barang sudah sampai dan pengiriman cepat
alhamdulillah, the goods have arrived and fast delivery
Batang berfungsi semua sesuai pesanan. Mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnntttttttttaaaaaaappppppsss
rods all function as ordered. steady
pembelian ke 2xnya di sini. mantap cuman apa emang gak ada on offnya min
xnya purchase here. it's great, but is there really no on and off, min
Kaget pas pertama masukin galon ehh selang di dalem lepas otomatis basah semua dong 🙄 sebelum kirim cek dulu lah Untung bisa di benerin ribed kalo di balikin
I was surprised when I first put the gallon in, uhh, the hose inside was released, it automatically got wet, right before sending the check first, fortunately, it can be repaired, it's messy if you return it
Datang langsung di Pakai... 🙏 mαkαcíhhhh..... 😊
come straight to use. mαkαcíh.
udah mh lama ..abang kurir nya gk niat angterin gk sabaran ..barang nya tipis lengket nyesel
it's been a long time..the courier brother didn't intend to deliver it was impatient..the item was thin sticky it's regret
admin ramah dan responsif 👍 hanya saja untuk barang.. bagian tombol O & I nya terkadang Double Click, dan tombol Panah Kirinya kurang responsif jadi harus benar² sedikit keatas posisi nekannya biar dia mau terbaca di Komputer. untuk packagingnya lumayan lah ya, cuman perlu ditingkatkan lagi, karena Box Keyboard saya sedikit rusak akibat tertekan Box Mousenya. tapi barang dalamnya aman kok. Thank You min
the admin is friendly and responsive it's just that for goods... the o & i button sometimes double clicks, and the left arrow button is not responsive so you have to be slightly above the position of the press so that it will be read on the computer. As for the packaging, it's pretty good, but it needs to be improved, because my keyboard box is slightly damaged due to pressure from the mouse box. but it's safe inside. thank you min
Kualitas produk sangat baik untuk harga yang sangat terjangkau. Produknya berfungsi dengan baik. Packaging juga sangat rapi!
very good product quality for a very affordable price. the product works fine. packaging is also very neat!
Diganti dgn EX-174S, tapi sama persis. Barang baguss. Packing rapi.
replaced with ex-s, but exactly the same. good stuff. neat packing.
najajaiajabgsaujananIajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw ajnw. aiaiwj najajaiajabgsaujananIajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw ajnw. aiaiwj najajaiajabgsaujananIajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw ajnw. aiaiwj najajaiajabgsaujananIajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw
najajaiajabgsaujananiajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw ajnw. aiaiwj najajaiajabgsaujananiajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw ajnw. aiaiwj najajaiajabgsaujananiajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw ajnw. aiaiwj najajaiajabgsaujananiajwbsuab shakabaiakabs iahabwjajauwba anwjw
Semoga awet,pengirimannya cepet banget tombol berfungsi semua
hope it lasts, the delivery was really fast, the buttons all work
cepat sampe, berfungsi dengan baik
arrived fast, works fine
Paket sdh sampai.. packing rapi dn aman.. produk sesuai pesanan.. seller responsif dn ramah.. blm d coba krn mau buat doorprize.. semiga awet.. terima ksh
the package has arrived.. neat and safe packing.. product according to order.. responsive and friendly seller.. haven't tried it because I want to make door prizes.. hopefully it will last... thank you
Bagus bangett cepet pula, pesen kmren siang tadi siang sudah sampai
it's really good, it's fast too, yesterday's order this afternoon arrived
biar bintang yg menjawab. thxz
let the stars answer. thx
Kualitas:agak lecet dikit di kayu nya Ketajaman:oke Harga:oke Agak kecewa karena udah d chat jangan dikirim warna pink malah dikasih warna pink.
quality: a little scratched on the wood sharpness: ok price: ok a bit disappointed because already d chat don't send pink instead give pink.
Barang masih disegel dan ada garansinya. Pengirimannya cepat dan aman. Barang berfungsi dengan baik dan lengkap. Mudah digunakan sesuai kebutuhan
Items are still sealed and have warranty. delivery is fast and safe. item is working properly and complete. Easy to use as needed
setelah dipakai beberapa hari, barangnya ok sesuai harganya. meskipun beberapa hal dibawah harapan saya seperti baterai yg lebih cepat habis dibandingkan feature phone lainnya
After using it for a few days, it's ok for the price. although some things are below my expectations such as a battery that runs out faster than other feature phones
Pesanan sesuai deskripsi.Mantul bergfungsi semua. Terimakasih.
order according to the description. mantul works all. Thank You.
Barang datang sesuai pesanan.. maaf barangnya gak ke foto
the goods come according to the order ... sorry the goods are not in the photo
lampu rice cooker hanya menyala saat untuk memasak saja , setelah nasi matang lampunya mati. bisa kasih saran ?
The rice cooker light only turns on when cooking, after the rice is cooked the light turns off. can you give me a suggestion?
Kecewa banget sih. Setrika yg datang gak hidup total,mau ditukar tapi proses nya panjang banget. Akhirya aku buka sendiri dengan panduan dari youtube jadi sekarang bisa hidup😊
really disappointed. the iron that came didn't work completely, I wanted to exchange it but the process was really long. finally I opened it myself with a guide from YouTube so now it can live
Tampilan:ok Performa:ok Kualitas:produk ok sesuai dengan harga no complain tapi ..... Tapi entah knp dalam perjalanan pengiriman dari Jkt ke Bali segel nya ke buka buka, sobek2 pula + kursinya gak di kasi buble wrap yg tebal hanya di plastikin biasa jadinya bahan plastic nilon body kursi banyak yg baret2 agak kecewa sama packing nya... Padahal ini fantech official store loo -__-' udah di pesen buat di pack biar aman tapi??? taulah, kdepannya harus dipack dengan betul di bikin tebal biar yg Belanja kembali gak Worry Untuk kualitas produk no complain untung gk patah + ilang krna packing nya kureng
display: ok performance: ok quality: ok product according to price no complain but . but for some reason during the delivery trip from JKT to Bali the seal was opened and opened, it was also torn + the chair was not covered with thick bubble wrap, only in ordinary plastic, so the plastic nylon material, the body of the chair, many of the berets were a bit disappointed with the packing. even though this is the fantech official store loo -__-' I ordered it to be packaged so it's safe but? You know, in the future it has to be packed properly and made thick so that those who shop again don't worry about the quality of the product, no complain, fortunately it wasn't broken + lost because the packaging was curvy
barangx sesuai pesanan..mantapp👍👍👍👍
goods according to the order..great
Harga:mahal Ukuran:besar Kualitas:kurang Ini barang kualitasnya sangat kurang daging sapi dan ayam tidak empuk dagingnya boro2 sampai tulang sy nyesal sih beli oxone dan saat setelah matang daging dan ayam tercium bau amis. ternyata harga gak sesuai kualitas tolong mas mba klo dagang produk yg bener yg amanah
price: expensive size: large quality: lacking this quality item is very lacking beef and chicken are not tender the meat is boro to the bone I regret buying oxone and when the meat and chicken are cooked they smell fishy. it turns out that the price doesn't match the quality, please, madam, if you trade the right products that are trustworthy
kyutt, terimakasih❣️
kyutt, thank you
Why doesn't the staylus pen come with it. There's no hook
Barang lumayan bagus, dapat di gunakan
pretty good stuff, can be used
Overall designnya bagus, tapi untuk penggunaannya agak susah, terutama untuk koneksi melalui kabelnya, ngga bisa pake mic kalo ngga pake converter lagi
the overall design is good, but it's a bit difficult to use, especially for connections via the cable, you can't use a mic if you don't use a converter anymore
Berfungsi dgn baik, bgus desainnya, harga nya worthy jg sip bgt
works fine, good design, the price is really worth it
Fitur Terbaik:muantab Enakeun..langsung di pake main ngga ada delay pokoknya
the best features: great, delicious... immediately used to play, no delay anyway
Mantab ngabs yang ada dalam hati kita sendiri yang tidak bisa
mantab ngabs that is in our own hearts that can not
sepertinya sih bener anti gores,soalnya saya baret pakek gunting gda bekas.Kemasan rapih banget sp susah buka nya.Kualitas barang mantulll
It looks like it's really scratch-resistant, the problem is I'm wearing a pair of used scissors. The packaging is really neat, it's hard to open it. The quality of the item bounces
Barang belum dibuka, seller ramah, pengiriman cepat, harga ok terima kasihBarang belum dibuka, seller ramah, pengiriman cepat, harga ok terima kasihBarang belum dibuka, seller ramah, pengiriman cepat, harga ok terima kasihBarang belum dibuka, seller ramah, pengiriman cepat, harga ok terima kasih
unopened item, friendly seller, fast delivery, ok price thank you unopened item, friendly seller, fast delivery, ok price thank you unopened item, friendly seller, fast delivery, ok price thank you unopened item, friendly seller, fast delivery, price Ok, thank you
Sudah sampai diuji coba silent click nya okeee Sensornya responsif mantaappp👍🏼
I've tested it, try the silent click, okay, the sensor is responsive
Barangnya sih packingnya yg nggak bagus..alas dalemnya sobek..kesan mewahnya jd berkurang deh..pdhl mau buat kado...
the item is the packaging is not good..the inner lining is torn..the impression of luxury is reduced..even though I want to make a gift.
berfungsi dengan baik, awalnya pesan warna hitam, tapi di chat oleh penjual, yg hitam GK ada stok, jadi aku pilih warna abu2 aja
works fine, originally ordered black, but chatted by the seller, the black one isn't in stock, so I just chose gray
Belum saya tes. Tapi 1 pertanyaan saya itu gmn ya caranya agar blender dan wadahnya tertutup rapat?
I haven't tested yet. but my question is how do you make the blender and the container tightly closed?
kipasnya g berfungsi sama sekali
the fan doesn't work at all
Harga:mantab Pengemasan:kurang rapih dan ada yg pecah sedikit dgagangnya Bahan/Material:sesuai yg dharapkan
price: good packaging: not neat and there is a bit of a broken handle material / material: as expected
bagus, mesinnya juga hidup, semoga awet
good, the engine also lives, hopefully it lasts
brang smpe dgn slamat sesuai pesanan..kondisi bgus bgt trima ksih lazaa
the goods arrived safely according to the order.. in very good condition thank you lazaa
mantep, mulus tanpa cacat
solid, smooth without blemishes
Semoga awet, ya meski memanh ada harga ada rupa ya. Tablet ini lebih cocok buat digunakan untuk anak kalau untuk produktivitas yang cukup berat, responsifitasnya agak kurang.
I hope it lasts, even though there is a price there is a way. This tablet is more suitable for use for children if the productivity is quite heavy, the responsiveness is a bit lacking.
agak tipis ..di poto kaya tebel
a bit thin .. in the photo like thick
pembelian kedua x dan bagus
second purchase x and good
Mantul kali
bounce times
mantullll, sesuai dengan deskripsi, berfungsi dgn baik juga. ga nyesel lah beli
mantul, according to the description, works well too. don't regret buying it
Mantap mousepadnya recommended banget
great mousepad really recommended
Walau pas diterima bubble wrap nya sdah tdk utuh, semoga tdk ada mslah d barangnya..
even though when I received the bubble wrap it wasn't intact, I hope there's no problem with the item..
Produknya sih bagus yaa, tapi ekspedisinya lama sekaliii pesen dari tgl 1 april baru sampe tgl 7 april padahal sama” ke jakpus.
the product is really good, but the expedition took a long time to order from April until April, even though it was the same” to Central Jakarta.
barang y bagus kemasan y rapi
good item, neat packaging
Lumayan small bingit, buat nyimpan obat tablet aja. Terima Kasih
it's quite small, just for storing medicine tablets. Thank You
Kualitas barangnya ok, hanya packing pengiriman ancur.
the quality of the goods is ok, only the shipping packaging is damaged.
Alhamdulilah paketan datang dengan aman packingan oke sukses terus
alhamdulillah, the package arrived safely, the package was okay, continued success
Modemnya oke bekerja dengan normal tapi sayang kartu pengirimannya terpisah. Dan sampai saat ini kartu belum datang juga. Alasan beli router ini karena dapat bundling kartu live.on eh tahunya sampai sekarang ini (9/5/21) belum datang juga katanya seminggu. Tahu gitu beli tenda 4g03 dari pada ini.
the modem is okay working normally but it's a shame the shipping card is separate. and until now the card has not come either. the reason for buying this router is because it can bundling a live.on card, uh, until now (//) it hasn't arrived yet, he said, a week. you know, buy a tent g from this.
Ukuran nya sedikit mungil, keren.
the size is a little petite, cool.
bagus semoga awet sm kakek nenek
good, hope it lasts with grandparents
Nasi matang merata 👍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Ringan tapi kokoh.  Seller fast respon, pengiriman juga cepat 👍
evenly cooked rice. quality guaranteed here. light but sturdy. Seller fast response, delivery also fast
Overall puas... cuma idk kenapa sering disconnect.. jd rada ganggu sih tapi reconnectnya mayan cepet lah ga terlalu lama , tapi pas lagi battle beda cerita sih :V
overall satisfied. I just don't know why I often disconnect... so it's a bit annoying, but reconnecting is fast, it doesn't take too long, but when I'm in battle, it's a different story :v
bagus tapi sayang pala chargernya gaberfungsi :(
good but unfortunately the charger head is not working :(
dapet warna orens, ringan banget panci dn frypan nya mudah"an awet dan gak lengket pas d pakai . buat pengiriman nya cepet bnget, makasih buat seler dan lazada.. mkasih juga buat a kurir, udh langganan nganterin.
got the orange color, the pan is really light and the frypan is easy and durable and doesn't stick when I use it. the delivery is really fast, thanks to seler and lazada.. thanks also to the courier, already subscribed to deliver.
barang sdh diterima tp ada yg bengkok ujungx
the item has been received but there is a bent end
Semoga berkah dan bermanfaat
good luck and useful
8 liter kok kecill ya...barng ny udh d coba g da mslh apa pun
how come it's a liter so small. I've tried it and haven't had any problems
kok bunyi ky gini (ada bukti kicik kicik kuat). ngeri g awet. bingung mau bilang apa & tolong gmn claim nya / garansi klo rusak..
how come it sounds like this (there is evidence of strong geckos). scary g durable. I'm confused what to say & please how to claim / guarantee if it's damaged..
respon cepat, barang cepat sampai. Tapi sayang packing packing kurang baik dan mouse pad tidak di dalam box nya.
fast response, fast delivery. but unfortunately the packing is not good and the mouse pad is not in the box.
Barang Sesuai Gambar dan Dapat Kartu Perdana SF senilai Rp 200.000 Terima kasih banyak dan Sukses selalu Toko'a
the goods match the picture and get an SF starter card worth Rp. thank you very much and success is always the store &#;a
Merk Warna n besarnya tidak sesuai gambar
brand color n size does not match the picture
Sdh ditest. Bagussssss..........................
already tested. Good.
barang penyok, pecahh,,,kurang hati2 dalam pengiriman ini mah,, payah payahhhh
dented, broken, heartless in this delivery, mah,, lousy
barang bagus ok
good stuff ok
produk sngt recomended yg lain sgra beli
Highly recommended product, others should buy it
ok, cuma packing nya aja ancur
ok, it's just that the packaging is ruined
Mantap, hp berfungsi dengan baik
great, the phone works fine
Maaf baru kasih review kak, barang pesanan tidak mengecewakan dan tidak ada yg cacat.. terimakasih banyak kak🙏☺️
sorry just gave you a review sis, the items ordered did not disappoint and nothing was defective... thank you very much sis
baguus, cm sayang di mouse tdk ada tombol on off nya, shingga boros baterai
nice, but it's a shame the mouse doesn't have an on off button, so it wastes battery
berfungsi dengan baik di kipas angin cosmos,,,
works great on cosmos fan,
Pengemasan lama
old packaging
+++ Iya bagus.. Seller Fast respon.. Harga menarik, pas dikantong. Layarnya besar, buat zoom in/out baca dokumen di Tab ini nyaman buat mata. Minus : Beraddd gak cocok dibawa kmn2
+ yes good.. seller fast response.. attractive price, right in the bag. the screen is big, for zooming in/out reading documents in this tab it's comfortable for the eyes. Minuses: it's not suitable to be taken anywhere
Bagus sih cuma kadang" delay dan apalagi laptop kentang nanges. selain delay gpp semua
it's good only sometimes &#; delay and let alone a sweet potato laptop. apart from all GPP delays
teko nya bagus walau bukan warna yg d inginkn.. cuma tekonya blum d coba bunyi atau tdk soalnya pesanan org lain..
the teapot is good even though it's not the color I want... it's just that the teapot hasn't been tried to make a sound or not because someone else's order..
Barang diterima dengan baik. Unyu2 . Dan langsung dipakai :)
item well received. cute . and immediately used :)
Bahan super. Motif mantap. Thanks gan...
super material. steady motive. thanks bro.
Maaf video nya tidak sesuai karena yang terima ibu Semoga awet dan berfungsi dengan baik
sorry the video is not suitable because what you received, I hope it lasts and functions well
Ada sedikit cacat di bagian sampingnya, panasnya berfungsi, kotaknya ada yg koyak, pengiriman sangat cepat pakai ID Express, mohon diperiksa detail barangnya sebelum dikirim agar pembeli tidak kecewa,
there is a slight defect on the side, the heat works, the box is torn, the delivery is very fast using id express, please check the details of the item before sending it so that the buyer is not disappointed,
Kualitas produk sangat baik Harga produk sangat baik Respon penjual sangat baik Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik tp bautnya buat di pegangan tangan enggak ada...
product quality is very good product price is very good seller response is very good delivery speed is very good but there are no bolts for the handrails.
Barangnya original 👍. Gampang dipakai. Bahan kuat & awet. Ada garasi resmi. Hemat listrik ⚡. Desainnya bagus & simpel 😍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top.
the goods are original. easy to use. strong & durable material. there is an official garage. saving electricity . nice & simple design. quality guaranteed here. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. safe packaging. neat packaging. top seller response.
Pengiriman oke. Cuma panas nya gak bertahan lama.
delivery okay. it's just that the heat doesn't last long.
Barangnya original 👍 Spesifikasi sesuai Berfungsi dengan baik Sayangnya baterai boros. Musti charge tiap hari, padahal cuma stand-by.
the item is original, the specifications match, it works properly, unfortunately the battery is wasteful. must be charged every day, even though it's just stand-by.
Berfungsi dengan baik next order lagi jika ada pesanan .. Tks
works well next order again if there is an order .. tks
Pengemasan rapi, tapisayang untuk hp harus dicolok kepowerbank/laptop
neat packaging, but unfortunately for cellphones you have to plug it into a powerbank/laptop
maaf ya kk aku kecewa!!! penyok tempat kukusnya g ada.
sorry kk I'm disappointed! there is no dent where the steamer is.
Barangnya bagus ...tapi kirimnya lama banget ... sampe2 gua harus perpanjang waktu kirim... chat ga dibales... intinya barang bagus tapi sangat tidak komunikatif
the item is good but the delivery took too long. until I have to extend the delivery time. chat not answered. the point is good stuff but very uncommunicative
Barang datang lama, pas dtg penyok
the goods came long ago, when they came dented
Waktu mode gerak ada bunyi2an ... masih blm sempat cari sumber bunyi ... sepertinya dibagian mesinnya atau kabelnya
when there is a sound in motion mode. Still haven't had time to find the source of the sound. I think it's the engine or the cable