Salah pesen sebenernya, kirain panci kukus
Wrong message actually, thought the steamer pot
Semoga awet, sampai cepat dengan selamat
Hope it lasts, arrived quickly and safely
wkt diantar pas hujan... air tembus smpai kardus sdikit penyok... tp u produk ssuai
delivery time when it rains. water penetrates until the cardboard is slightly dented. tp u appropriate product
gimana ini kalo pecah 😓😫 buang2 duit aja jd nya kan 😭, bisa retur ga ini ka??????? seddiiiihhhhhhh
what if it's broken and you just waste money on it right, can you return this or not? sad
Fitur Terbaik:okee Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadanan Sudah datang kipasnya, walaupun pengiriman agak lama namanya juga yang free ongkir, kipasnya berfungsi dengan baik anginnya kenceng bangett mantul barasaa semoga awet ya sampe lama
best features: okay worth the price: worth the fan, the fan has arrived, even though the delivery is a bit long, the name is also free shipping, the fan works well, the wind is really strong, it bounces, hopefully it lasts a long time
mantap barang mendarat dengan selamat, tapi sayang kardus nya penyok2, next order lagi dehh
it's great that the item landed safely, but it's a shame the box was dented, next order again
Awalnya sy kesal yg pertama gk hi dup strika nya . minta pengembalhan dana dan sy kirim balik brgnya.. dan sy tunggu brg gantinya .Alhamdulilah brg nya bru nyampe dan sy test hidup thx ya kk atas respon nya sgt memuaskan
At first I was annoyed that the first time the strika didn't live. I asked for a refund and I sent the item back... and I'm waiting for the item to be replaced. Thank God the item arrived and I tested it live, thank you sis for the very satisfying response
Receiver nya kebesaran dri yg Q10 jdi ngeri ngerusak port USB laptop/kompi..
the receiver is bigger than what I was so horrified it broke the laptop/company usb port..
Bagus, clicky nya serasa editor pro.. hahahaha.. Saya beli bukan buat gaming tapi buat desain, nyaman sih dipakainya.. pengirimannya cepat sih..
nice, the clicky feels like a pro editor.. hahahaha.. I bought it not for gaming but for design, it's comfortable to use.. fast delivery anyway..
Mesinnya mati
the engine is off
Fitur Terbaik:berfungsi Sepadan dengan Harga:sebanding dng harga Barang berfungsi cuma dus nya penyok dan sobek jdi seperti bukan barang baru karena kondisi dus rusak dan ga ada plastik putih nya di pengocokanna apa emang modelny seperti itu
best feature: works commensurate with the price: comparable to the price of the item it works only the box is dented and torn so it's like it's not new because the condition of the box is damaged and there's no white plastic in the shaker, what's the model like that
sesuai barang ,
according to goods
Barangnya ORI, saya syuka
original item, i like it
seller merespon dengan cepat. barang sdh dipakai berfungsi dgn baik. cuma sayang, kurirnya ngirim barang dilempar. saran sebaiknya pembeli pesan bubble wrap supaya aman.
seller responds quickly. items are used and work fine. it's just a shame, the courier sent the item thrown. Suggestions for buyers to order bubble wrap to be safe.
tombol kontrol fan masuk ke dalam seperti pada foto, pengiriman sedikit lama
the fan control button is inside as in the photo, shipping took a little long
Penjual ramah. Fast respon. Pengiriman cepet, 2 jam pesanan sudah diterima. Pengemasan rapi. Produk oke.
friendly seller. fast response. fast delivery, order received. neat packing. okay product.
sedikit kecewa sih kaya bekas.kardus dan mixer nya udah berdebu 😭
a little disappointed, it's like used cardboard and the mixer is dusty
Baut di gagang setrika tidak ada
there is no bolt on the handle of the iron
Setrika sesuai deskripsi Barangnya bagus Semoga awet
the iron according to the description of the goods is good, hopefully it will last
Item receive in good condition....
items receive in good condition.
Barangnya belum dico Barangnya belum dicoba. Respon nya baik, Pengiriman cepat.
the item has not been tested the item has not been tried. good response, fast delivery.
Produk Bagus Produk Ori Produk Lengkap Bahan Tabung Kaca Nya Tebal Harga Terjangkau Makasih Seller
good product ori product complete product thick glass tube material affordable price thanks seller
Barangnya bagus cuma agak penyok sedikit
the item is good just a bit dented
Bagus berfungsi dgn baik tp d bawahnya penyot sedikit
good it works fine but underneath it's a little dented
Barang diterima dengan kondisi aman, pengiriman cepat dan respon penjual baik
Item received in safe condition, fast delivery and good response from seller
Barang aman, cepat sampai, puas belanja disini.
goods safe, arrived quickly, satisfied shopping here.
ada cash backnya dan harga nya miring
there is cash back and the price is slanted
Shineyy!! Note : tidak cocok utk pengguna mac karena software dan driver official-nya hanya tersedia utk windows
shinee!! Note: Not suitable for Mac users because the official software and drivers are only available for Windows
good barang sesuai, terima kasih
good item fits, thank you
Brg nya sayankk packing nya kurang baikkk jdii pas dtg duss nya pd ruksak ..lecett dan jeboll
the bird is good. but it's a shame the packing was not good so when it came the box came broken... scratched and broken
Fitur Terbaik:ga terlalu panas Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Setrikanya dtg tepat wktu sesuai dg warna yg diminta tpi utk packing nya krng safety sih bubble wrap nya pelit lgi pdl udh bayar biaya keamanan udh chat seller jga minta tambahan, tpi wktu dikirim cma selembar doang udh gtu kardus kelihatan lagi ada yg pecah pula baranya 🤦 tingkatkan lg kualitas ny
best features: not too hot worth the price: worth the iron, it arrived on time according to the color requested but for the packaging it's not safety, the bubble wrap is stingy again, even though I paid for the security fee already chat the seller also didn't ask for extra, but when sent only one sheet already like that, the cardboard seems to be broken again, just improve the quality again
paket sdh datang barang belum dibuka semoga sesuai
The package has arrived, the item has not been opened, hopefully it is appropriate
Super fast response, super fast delivery, good seller, very recommended!
super fast response, super fast delivery, good seller, highly recommended!
,cbzjyfykdfhzgkghlcfhzgkhichfDg,fh,v fhkdyrFbztuxhkvojogykxhrFncljghkcgjfjcgnxgnx
,cbzjyfykdfhzgkghlcfhzgkhichfdg,fh,v fhkdyrfbztuxhkvojogykxhrfncljghkcgjfjcgnxgnx
Pengiriman menggunakan bubble wrap sehingga barang tidak rusak.
Delivery uses bubble wrap so the goods are not damaged.
thxx so much.... .....
thxx so much. .
pisaunya ada yg bengkok jadi penghancuran ga maksimal .sorry gabisa kasih bintang 5
the knife is bent so the destruction isn't optimal. sorry I can't give a star
kiriman ga sesuai estimasi🙏
the shipment did not match the estimate
bagus,tebal.realpict.makasih kak
nice, thick. realpict. thanks sis
Katanya free aksesoris tapi nyatanya enggak
he said free accessories but in fact not
kelengkapan barang sesuai yaitu Kardus, Sarung-Mouse, Kartu Garansi. Tombol Dpi berfungsi. Tombol click kanan & kiri lembut. Saran: mungkin penjual bisa memberikan tambahan baterai AAA.
the completeness of the goods is appropriate, namely cardboard, mouse-holster, warranty card. dpi button works. soft right & left click button. Suggestion: maybe the seller can provide additional battery a.
Disitu keterangan nya cicilan 3×72.080 tapi ternyata 78.410... hadeh gimana ini spaylater bohongin aja....produk sih ok..pesen pagi malam sudah sampe....
there is a description of installments ×. but it turns out . hadeh how is this spaylater just lie. the product is ok..ordered in the morning and evening arrived.
Barang gak bagus :( Pengiriman lambat, saya mesen 1 hari sampe 4 hari baru sampe 👎
the goods are not good :( slow delivery, I ordered the day it arrived the new day
buble wrap nya tipis bgt gan buat kirim paket berupa tablet spt itu
The bubble wrap is really thin, bro, for sending packages in the form of tablets like that
Tulisan maspion nya hitam bkn putih sih, semoga emang ori, dan semoga awet ya
The writing on the maspion is black, not white, I hope it's original, and I hope it lasts
trm ksh..barang nya cepat..dikirim
thank you..the item is fast..shipped
Barang original. Pengiriman cepat. Namun packing sangat tidak aman. Tidak diberi bubble warp tanpa dus tambahan.
original item. fast delivery. but the packing is very unsafe. not given bubble warp without additional dus.
Barang udah sampe dgn selamat. Buat kualitas standar rexus aja, barang mah pasti ori kalo beli di ggs, semua gamers pasti udh pada tau
item arrived safely. Just for standard Rexus quality, the item is definitely original if you buy it at ggs, all gamers must already know about it
mantap Ada garansi toko. Barangnya original 👍. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏. Respon penjualnya top. Proses pesanan cepat. Penjualnya ramah banget.
sure there is a store guarantee. the goods are original. neat packaging. safe packaging . top seller response. fast order process. the seller is very friendly.
Bagus cuman packing nya aja dus langsung unit kabel data gada plastik plastik nya jangan lupa mampin ke chanel FarhanSastraNegara
it's good, it's just the packing, then the data cable unit, the plastic mace, don't forget to stop by the Farhansastranegara channel
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau Barang sampai dg selamat ttup agak lcet sdikit tp TDK mslh ,,,pengiriman cpt terimakasih☺️
best features: good value for money: affordable, arrived safely, but it's a little scratched, but it's not a problem, fast delivery, thank you
Sesuai pesanan. Belum coba di pake. Tapi isi lengkap. Sayang garansi gak di isi dan gk di cap toko
as ordered. haven't tried using it yet. but complete. it's a shame the warranty isn't filled in and isn't stamped by the store
Pengemasan lama sampai lima hari kerja.. produk belum dicoba makasih seller...
packaging took up to five working days... the product hasn't been tried yet thanks seller.
hp nya eror touchreennya
the cellphone has a touchscreen error
pancinya penyok jadi klo ditutup ngga bisa rapat
The pan is dented so it can't be closed tightly
Makasih banyak yaaaaa!!! Cepet bangettttttt sampenayaaaaaaaa♡♡♡♡♡♡
thank you very much! arrived so fast ♡
Beratnya enak buat main, ukurannya pas ditangan, Joss
the weight is good for playing, the size is just right in the hand, joss
Dapat barang yang bermasalah, batterainya tidak mau ngecas, jadinya tetap sj pakai kabel, kalo dibalikin en kirim lg ongkir kalah di ongkir jadi terhitung beli barang 2. 🙏🙏🙏
I got a problematic item, the battery doesn't want to charge, so I still use the cable, if I return it and send it again, the postage will be lost on the postage, so it's counted as buying goods.
Kualitas:lumayan Tampilan:cantik Performa:bagus
quality:decent display:beautiful performance:good
Sesuai gambar & deskripsi
according to the picture & description
Respon cepet, pengiriman juga cepat, siang pesan sorenya barang datang, terima kasih gan
fast response, fast delivery too, noon ordered in the afternoon the goods came, thank you, bro
siip murah, gratis ongkir pula
Cheap sipp, free shipping anyway
barang istimewa ada notanya semakin lengkapAda garansi toko. Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi.
special items have notes, the more complete there is a shop guarantee. the goods are original. there is an official warranty.
Baru pertama kali beli ditoko ini barangnya bagus tidak mengecewakan... Siippppppp lahhh....
this is the first time buying at this shop, the goods are good, they don't disappoint. take it.
Kegedean pluit presto nya , tidak cocok untuk presto kecil , jadi tidak berfungsi
The presto pluit is too big, not suitable for small presto, so it doesn't work
produk sesuai iklan, pengiriman tepat waktu, makasih
product as advertised, timely delivery, thanks
puas bgt..joss
very satisfied.. joss
Mantabss, packing aman kok, pake bubble warp berapa lapis tuh ada stiker fragile lagi. Fungsi nyala.
mantabss, how come the packing is safe, how many layers of bubble warp do you use, there are more fragile stickers. on function.
Barang cukup bagus walaupun ada sedikit kendala dalam pengiriman barang overall recsell
the goods are quite good even though there are a few obstacles in the delivery of goods overall recsell
Lama.. karena lbur lebaran.. tp alhmdllah barang sampai dengan aman
took a long time.. because of the Eid holiday.. but alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely
Produk nya baik tidak ada yg penyok, safety dgn bubble wrap, reccomended deeh
the product is good, there are no dents, safety with bubble wrap, highly recommended
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Fitur Terbaik:ok Ok
worth the price:ok best features:ok ok
barang sudah saya terima hari ini 22 mei 2021....tapi baterai 87% ngedrop bagaimana cara pengajuan/ klaim garansi
I received the item today, May. But the battery is dropping, how do I submit/claim warranty
bagus sih barangnya tapi tumben order ke 3 datengnya lama sampai 2 hari
the goods are good, but the order is too long to arrive
Fitur Terbaik:kurang, karena ada yang rusak Sepadan
best feature:less, because there is broken worth it
barangnya yg baru tiba saya kirain besar ternyata kcl sekali mhl banget sama golok nya jg kcl gmn nih lzdaa
the item that just arrived, I thought it was big, it turns out it's really small, it's really expensive, the machete is also small, how about this lzdaa
Gak bisa di pakek makasih..
can't use it thanks..
Performa:Bagus Kualitas:apik Bentuk pancinya Bagus. Modelnya juga bagus. Ada Bonus spon busa centong kain Lap
performance: good quality: neat, the shape of the pan is good. the model is also good. there is a bonus sponge sponge ladle cloth
Fitur Terbaik:Futuristik Sepadan dengan Harga:Yes Suara kurang bagus dan kurang jernih
best features:futuristic worth the price:yes the sound isn't good and not clear enough
Ada stiker d bagian dalam dan sulit dibersihkan, kalo masak pakai ini khawatir lemnya mengkontaminasi
there is a sticker on the inside and it is difficult to clean, if you cook using this you are worried that the glue will contaminate it
produk tidak berfungsi, sudah chat admin belum dibalas sampai sekarang
the product doesn't work, chat admin hasn't replied until now
Pengiriman lumayan agak lama sma kardusnya sedikit penyok, tpi untuk barang masih aman, produk ok
the delivery is quite long, the box is a little dented, but the goods are still safe, the product is ok
Sayangnya dus nya penyok2 haha
unfortunately the box was dented haha
alhamdulillah barang udah sampai dan ga ada yg cacat, sayangnya otomatisnya ga jalan soalnya d tokonya myngkin ga d cek dulu sblm d kirim , lain kali d cek dulu sblm d krm. tnk
alhamdulillah, the goods arrived and nothing was defective, unfortunately the automatic didn't work because the shop probably didn't check before sending, next time I'll check first before sending it. mr
Sipp barang sampai cepat dengan selamat
sipp goods arrived quickly safely
Harga:sesuai kulitas barang Pengiriman:cepat Kualitas:original
price: according to the quality of goods delivery: fast quality: original
Lampu backlit nya gak nyala
the backlit light doesn't work
sesuai pesanan tanpa lecetttttt,,,,, 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
made to order without a scratch,
Pengiriman cepat , kwalitas bagus, respon penjual baik, harga termurah jangkau
fast delivery, good quality, good seller response, lowest price reach
Goooooooooooood Bintang tujuhhhhhhh
seven star god
Teko'a ga bunyi klo aer'a udh mendidih
the teapot doesn't sound when the water is already boiling
Sepadan dengan Harga:kurang puas karena barang rusak Fitur Terbaik:standar beli mouse pertma beli 2 trus kmrn tmbh 1, pas unboxing, yg 2 rusak d retur itu pun gk ganti baru tp d benerin doang, yg 1 rusak masih okeh ongkir kirim balik gk d suruh bayar cm pas kirim balikin barang aja, cm yg kedua, smua gk d tanggung ongkir returnya😅 yahh tau gitu d aplikasi barang d hold dulu dari pd komplen by wa. next di kasih info aja alurnya yg tidak merugikan gimana ? sengaja neli d onlineshop kan biar gratis ongkir gegara barang cacat jadi 3x bayar ongkir😅
commensurate with the price: dissatisfied because the item is damaged the best features: standard buy the first mouse and then add it later, when unboxing, the damaged one was returned and I didn't replace it with a new one but I just repaired it, the damaged one is still okay, the shipping fee back isn't told to pay cm Just send the goods back, cm the second one, they won't be responsible for the return postage, well you know, the application of the goods is held first, instead of complaining by wa. Next, just give me information about the flow, which isn't detrimental, how about it? I deliberately looked for d online shop so that the shipping was free because the item was defective so I didn't pay the shipping fee
Barang bagus...tapi sayang pengemasan nya gak bagus....sehingga gelas blnder nya pecah....kecewa aku..
good stuff. but unfortunately the packaging is not good. so the blender glass broke. I'm disappointed..
barang juos. kotak sama seperti barang satunya. rusak.. 🤭 karena cuma pake bubble wrap.
good stuff. the box is the same as the other item. damaged.. because only using bubble wrap.
baru 5 hari udah mati sebelah (kanan)
just the other day it died (right)
sayang nya pilihan menunya nga bisa di pencet
it's a shame the menu options can't be pressed
3157777708 3248 7419 6737jl
ada yang patah, gatau bagian apanya, gosokan panas amanlah gatau ketahanannya kita lihat saja
something is broken, we don't know what part it is, hot rubbing is safe or it doesn't last, we'll just have to see
barang sampai sangat cepat, kualitas top 👍
item arrived very quickly, top quality
cukup memuaskan untuk harga yang murah iniiiii baguuuusssssss ga lemot jugaaa
quite satisfying for this cheap price, it's good, it's not slow either