Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:oke
best feature:okay worth the price:okay
Barang dah sampe tapi belom di coba, pc nya lagi trouble 😭😭 Moga aja awet 😘
the item arrived but haven't tried it yet, the PC is having trouble, hopefully it lasts
Dari penampilan kemasannya kurang menyakinkan sih, tdk seperti brg yg mahal. Krn tws ini tdk murah apabila beli tanpa bundling dgn pembelian Advance tab. Belum coba brgnya, hrsnya kualitasnya sesuai krn ada hrg pasti ada kualitas🙋🏻
From the appearance of the packaging, it's not very convincing, it's not like expensive stuff. because tws is not cheap if you buy it without bundling with the purchase of an advance tab. Haven't tried the goods yet, the quality should be appropriate because there is a price, there must be quality
bagus dan terpercaya
nice and reliable
Bermanfaat thankyou so much sudah di bawa ke UK aman 😇
useful thank you so much for bringing it to uk safely
dusnya penyok, takut barangnya rusak jd dicoba dlu padahal tadinya pengen gak dibuka buat kado tp gak papa ko barangnya tetep aman. warnanya bagus lucu bangattt...
the box was dented, I was afraid the item would be damaged so I tried it first even though I didn't want to open it for a gift but it's okay how come the item is still safe. nice cute color.
Produk ny baik..sayang ny gk da saringn bwt ngukus ny
the product is good... it's a shame there's no filter for steaming
Bujuuuug bunen gede bgt.....MANTAPPPPPPP DAHHHH
bujug bunen is so big, it's great
barang oke. Untuk kualitas sesuai harga. kabel di tempat galonya kurang estetik. terutai gitu. pemakaian 2 hari so far so good. cuma air pertama harus dikuras dulu masih bau plastik Diantar kurir toko. kurir ramah. cuma kurir perlu diajarin google maps. soalnya nyasar sampai harus di jemput
okay stuff. for quality according to price. the cable where the gallows is less aesthetic. like that. daily use so far so good. only the first water has to be drained first it still smells of plastic delivered by the shop courier. friendly courier. only the courier needs to be taught google maps. because it got lost until it had to be picked up
enak semua, evaluasi= tombol macro dikiri terlalu besar dan ringkih
all good, evaluation = the macro button on the left is too big and fragile
Dibuat buka aplikasi selalu restart sendiri. Ga bisa dipakai. Walaupun murah jgn gini juga dong. Yg kondisi gini jgn dijual bang, kasihan kalau yg beli uangnya pas pasan.
made open the application always restart itself. can't use it. even though it's cheap, don't do this either. Don't sell those in this condition, I'm sorry if those who bought the money just barely.
Alhamdulillah barang datang dengan selamat dan sangat memuaskan 😌🌻sukses selalu
alhamdulillah the goods arrived safely and very satisfying success always
mousenya enak digenggam pas dgn ukuran tangan saya, barang kualitas bagus, seller fast respon, pengiriman cepat,
the mouse is comfortable to hold, fits the size of my hand, good quality item, seller fast response, fast delivery,
Brg baru dtg tp ga perpungsi samsek. Karna di sukabumi gada service center. Jd saya service sendiri ngeluarin uang sendiri juga. Tolong di perhatikan kualitas barng nya. Saya jd rugi 2x
new item arrived tp not work samsek. because in Sukabumi there is no service center. so I service myself and spend my own money too. please pay attention to the quality of the goods. I'm at a loss x
lumayan lah bagus cuma bunyi nya kurang kenceng...gpp aku sukaaa....trima kasih lazada...
it's pretty good, it's just that the sound isn't loud enough. I like it. Thank you, Lazada.
Produk aman
safe product
Barang cepat sampai & aman. Terima kasih
item arrived quickly and safely. Thank You
Respon dan pengiriman cepat, packing baik dan produk bagus. Trm ksh
fast response and delivery, good packing and good product. thanks ksh
Produk sangat baik barang bagus
very good product great item
kecewa ternyata lebih komeptible ke mobile, pdhl dah nanya ke adminya bagus buat pc.. sayang banget .. suara pecah kayak di tunnel pas di coba
disappointed that it turned out to be more compatible with mobile, even though I asked the admin, it's good for PCs.. it's a shame.. the sound broke like in a tunnel when I tried it
Sesuai pesanan. Ini pesanan ke3 setahun sekali refresh produknha soale buat masak sendiri
as ordered. This is an order once a year to refresh the product, the problem is to cook it yourself
top markotop, seller fast response, pengirimannya cepet, barangnya oke punya. :-bd
top markotop, seller fast response, fast delivery, good stuff. :-bd
barang sesuai pesanan , tidak ada histori pengiriman, tdk bs chat seller , packing kurang bagus , tp toko ini amanah
items as ordered, no shipping history, unable to chat seller, packing is not good, but this shop is trustworthy
Waktu di buka isinya kotor banget
when opened it was very dirty
Alhamdulillah pesanan dh sampai dan sesuai,,terima kasih Shopee.
alhamdulillah the order has arrived and is correct, thank you shopee.
barang bgus..tppngrimn dr jne ny buseeeettt lama beuuttt... estimasi 8mei...11mei baru nyamoe itu jg udh komplen sana sini..
good stuff..but sent it from jne, it took so long. estimated mei.mei new nyamoe also already complains here and there..
Barangnya sesuai kualitas dan gambar di shopee... pengiriman termasuk cepat, semoga bisa langganan
The goods match the quality and pictures in the shop. shipping is fast, hope it works
Harga:209.000 Pengemasan:pengemasan cuma pakai bubble wrap 2lapis.. Bahan/Material:stainless steel Pancinya tebal dan cukup berat, desain nya cantik.. Ada penyok sedikit kayak kena tusuk.. ntah dari expedisi atau mmg bawaan pabrik yg ada reject sdkit.. tapi tidak berpengaruh ke fungsi. Pengiriman lumayan lama karena pakai JNT eco, So far okay... sudah dicoba dan berfungsi sesuai klaimnya...
price:. packaging: packaging only uses bubble wrap layers.. material/material: stainless steel the pot is thick and quite heavy, the design is beautiful.. there is a slight dent like being stabbed... either from an expedition or it's a factory item that has a reject sdkit... but no affect function. Delivery is quite long because I use JNT Eco, so far okay. Tried and works as claimed.
Adminnya fast respon dan ramah, pakai main claw juga enak shapenya mantap abizzz
the admin is fast responsive and friendly, using the main claw is also delicious, the shape is great, abiz
Produk original. Barangnya di terima dengan selamat dan aman biarpun jauh dr Bandung ke Bekasi. Permintaan warna pun sesuai. Terima kasih penjual, semoga ttp amanah 🙏😊
original product. the goods are received safely and securely even though it is far from Bandung to Bekasi. color requests are also appropriate. Thank you seller, I hope you are still trustworthy
Sutilnya bagus sih tp blm dicoba.. mudah2an awet.. kalo tulisan di gagangnya up to 210 derajat celcius tahan panasnya
the sutil is good, but haven't tried it yet.. hopefully it will last... if the writing on the handle is up to degrees Celsius, it can withstand the heat
Fitur Terbaik:bagus unyu2 Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau Maaf kak baru sempet ngasih nilai..mksh y kak udah mendarat dg slmt semoga kedepanya sukses trs amin.maaf fto tdk sesuai.soalnya udah kburu di anter ke customer
best features: good unyu commensurate with the price: affordable sorry sis just had time to give a rating.. thanks sis for landing safely hopefully in the future success trs amen.
Meski lama sekali balas chatnya, tapi akhirnya sampai tepat waktunya. Terima kasih banyak. Belum dicoba, semoga awet.
even though it took a long time to reply to the chat, but finally it arrived on time. Thank you very much. Haven't tried it yet, hope it lasts.
Barang sesuai, Respon cepat. Tks.
right item, quick response. thx.
barang udah dtg dan toko amanah packing ok.kurir jozz,semoga awet
the goods have arrived and the shop is trustworthy, packing ok. courier jozz, hopefully it will last
lumayan lah...walaupun ngak terlalu responsif. sesuai dengan harga
it's pretty good, even though it's not very responsive. according to price
adm nya baik sabar
the admin is kind patient
cepat sampai, barang sesuai deskripsi namun box basah membuat barang di dalamnya turut basah
arrived quickly, the item corresponds to the description but the wet box makes the items inside also wet
suka banget karna akurat, nimbang berkali kali angka nya konsisten
I really like it because it's accurate, weighing many times the numbers are consistent
Imut banget, emang cuma mau di pake buat manggang clay aja sih, jadi nyari yang kecil kecil begini, sukaaa 😍
really cute, really just want to use it for baking clay anyway, so looking for a small one like this, I like it
mantappppppp cepet banget dateng nya produk nya keren sesuai pict, mudah2an bisa kepake awet bisa kepake lama, ini barang sesuai banget mana pesen kemarin dateng hari ini gilaaaaaaa super keren banget ni barang, makasih seller makasih shopee 💕💕💕💕☺️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 semoga bisa awet barangnya yaaa
it's great, it's really fast, the product is cool, according to the pict, I hope it can be used for a long time, it can be used for a long time, this item is really suitable where I ordered yesterday, it came today, this crazy super cool item, thank you seller, thank you shopee, I hope the goods last
trmksh lazada...brng y udh smpe dr kmrn..cmn bru sempet bngt..paking y rapih .barang okeh...kurir jg ramah...
thanks lazada.brng y it's arrived from yesterday..cmn bruh I had a chance to review satisfied..packing neatly.goods ok.courier friendly too.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Muantep, berfungsi dengan baik, barang sesuai pesanan, semoga tahan penggunaannya.
best feature: good value for money: worth it, works well, item as ordered, hope it will hold up.
Good no lecet tpi kardusnya ada robek dan no penyok bagus lah
good, no scratches but the cardboard is torn and no dents are good
Terimakasih, barang sudah diterima dg kondisi baik.
thank you, the goods have been received in good condition.
Produk sampai dengan selamat tanpa kerusakan. Acungan jempol untuk seller karena sudah packing dengan aman. untuk performa tablet, bagi saya sudah cukup. untuk mengerjakan tugas di Word atau Excel tidak ada masalah. untuk main game sekelas MLBB juga cukup nyaman meskipun grafis low. Kelemahan adalah di bagian speaker yang berada di belakang bawah. Jadi waktu dipakai bersamaan dengan stand case nya jadi berasa mendem suaranya, dan juga sedikit nyempreng. Dan stylusnya agak kurang, karena waktu buat gambar kadang tangan yang menempel di layar jadi ikut terdeteksi. Saran yang mau beli untuk gambar2 mending tambah beli drawing glove.
product arrived safely without damage. Thumbs up to the seller for packing safely. for tablet performance, for me it is enough. to do assignments in word or excel there is no problem. playing mlbb class games is also quite comfortable even though the graphics are low. the weakness is in the speakers which are behind the bottom. so when it's used together with the stand case, the sound feels hot, and it's also a little cringy. and the stylus is a bit lacking, because when taking pictures sometimes a hand stuck to the screen is also detected. Suggestions for those who want to buy for drawings, it's better to buy a drawing glove.
Saat barang diterima joystick-nya langsung nyala pas digeser ke tombol "ON", tapi sayangnya USB Dongle-nya ngga bisa masuk ke USB Port PC. Langsung chat admin dan dibolehkan utk tukar barang. Pelayanannya OK sekali. recommended seller.
when the item was received the joystick immediately turned on when I moved it to the 'on' button, but unfortunately the usb dongle couldn't enter the pc's usb port. directly chat admin and allowed to exchange goods. the service is ok. recommended seller.
mantap.langsung kirim.respon cepat.sughoi
great. sent immediately. fast response. suughoi
Kecewa belanja disini . Barang penyok dimintain tanggung jawab tapi gak di respon Malah oper operan suruh ajuin ke shopee, org shopee bilang suruh ke penjual .
disappointed shopping here. they asked for responsibility for the dented goods but they didn't respond, instead they gave the pass and told them to go to the shopee, the shopee people said to tell the seller.
sampai dengan selamat dan berfungsi dengan baik, terima kasih.
arrived safely and works fine, thank you.
Mantaaap josss markojos barangnya, sempurnaah
great jos markojos goods, perfect
Overall good quality👍👍👍
overall good quality
Paccking Rapi & bagus (Bubble Wrap)
neat and good packing (bubble wrap)
hati - hati, walaupun sudah ditanyakan barang ready. belum tentu barang ada. kalaupun dikirim, ternyata hanya selembar kertas invoice saja hati .... hatiiii jangan sampai anda dikirim sepucuk surat seperti ini
Be careful, even though we have asked for ready items. not necessarily the goods exist. even if it was sent, it turned out to be just a piece of invoice paper. Be careful not to send you a letter like this
Warna tdk sesuai dgn gambar.i
the color does not match the picture i
mntap ssuai psanan brng normal jaya..mksi buat sellernya....
good, according to the order, the normal items are successful... thank you for the seller.
Jangan di ragukan ,barangnya sangat bagus tdk mengecewakan👍👍👍
don't doubt, the goods are very good, they don't disappoint
Yg jelek cuman jasa pengiriman.. SICEPAT no recommended
the only bad thing is the delivery service.. fast no recommended
Mantap, harganya juga terjangaku, terimakasih
great, the price is affordable too, thank you
Produk dalam kondisi baik untungnya...packing nya alakadarnya banget gak aman sama sekali, boro2 dikasih bubble wrap, dibungkus aja gak...aduhh...tolong song seller diperbaiki pelayanannya.
the product is in good condition fortunately. the packaging is really not safe at all, boro was given bubble wrap, just wrapped it not. ouch. please song seller improve his service.
Packing tidak rapi kecewa
packaging is not neat disappointed
Bagus sih Realpic, cuma syang bahannya tipis dpake sekali aja msak telor langsung gosong.
it's really good, realpict, only the thin material is used once, when the egg is cooked it immediately burns.
Alhamdulillah barang dah nyampe. Packing aman, rapi, dan dikasih lapis kardus tambahan. Produknya josss. Pengiriman cepet banget dari pekanbaru sampai grobogan padahal lagi pandemi. Perkiraan 5-9 hari sesuai aplikasi sampai rumah cuma 3 hari. Repon penjual cepet. Mantap.
thank God the goods have arrived. packing is safe, neat, and given an additional layer of cardboard. Josh's product. Very fast delivery from Pekanbaru to Grobogan even though it's a pandemic. estimate - days according to the application to the house only days. fast seller response. Excellent.
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:yoi Haha
best features: okay worth the price: yoi haha
ada kartu garansi nya sih cuma heran kok plastik box nya udh kebuka jd kyk udh di buka dan dimasukin kwitansi kita beli gitu.. kenapa gitu ya.. bagus nya sih masih disegel jgn dibuka kyk kita beli langsung ditoko, kwitansi diluar aja kan bs ditempel diluar plastik.. yauda lah semoga aman aja kedepannya ni tablet
There's a warranty card, I'm just surprised how come the plastic box has already been opened, so it looks like it's been opened and a receipt is put in, so we bought it... why is that? outside of plastic... well, hopefully this tablet will be safe in the future
Barang dikirim dengan amat cepat sekali. Produk udah dicek kondisi baik
the goods were sent very quickly. The product has been checked in good condition
barang bagus puas banget pokoknya good quality , thankss
good stuff, really satisfied, just good quality, thanks
sketsa2 bagus sesuai harga, pengiriman super cepat, Barangnya original 👍
good sketch according to price, super fast delivery, original item
terima kasih,langsung dipakai...bagus dan pengiriman cepat
thank you, used immediately. good and fast delivery
Barang nya baguus ga kecewain dah Respon cepat paket smpe rumah cuman 2hri Wah cepat bangetttt
the goods are good, I'm not disappointed, the response is fast, the package to the house, but today, it's really fast
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai dgn harga Barang nya bagus dan kokoh sangat puas dan respon penjual cepat dan berikan solusi buat saya ketika barang belum nyampe..makasi ya min.. kurir nya baik dan pekerja keras tq dek kurir semangat ya... Ni toko bakal JD rekomendasi buat saya ke teman2
best features: good worth the price: according to the price the item is good and sturdy very satisfied and the seller's response was fast and provided a solution for me when the item didn't arrive... thanks bro... the courier is good and hardworking thank you, the courier is enthusiastic. This shop will be a recommendation for me to friends
pancinya mantulll
the pot bounces
Good Product.. Puas belanja disini.. Recomended
good product.. satisfied shopping here.. recommended
Paket aman ,packing jos . di tes normal berfungsi dengan baik , bonus cover
safe package, packing jos. in the normal test it works fine, bonus cover
Lagi2 karena ambiguitas foto di highlight dengan "paket bundle" yg dibuat toko sehingga membuat customer salah pilih varian dan berujung kecewa, Saya berniat beli paket tab yg sesuai highlight gambar (free stylus & cover tab sesuai gambar) dan tidak tau menahu perihal "varian" karena informasi yg sangat tidak jelas. Seperti yg sudah saya katakan di review saya sebelumnya, jika memang membuat paket bundling, coba buat di fitur produk yg baru, jangan malah di edit di varian, dengan foto yg di highlight adalah yg free something, tapi default pilihan varian bukan sesuai foto yg di-highlight, Seperti yg saya bilang, saya mohon maaf sudah memberi bintang 3 karena saya sangat kecewa sekali dan berharap tidak akan pernah belanja di toko ini lagi.
again because of the ambiguity of the photos highlighted with the &#;bundle package' made by the shop, so that the customer chooses the wrong variant and ends up disappointed. I intend to buy the tab package that matches the highlight image (free stylus & cover tab according to the image) and I don't know anything about the "variant"; because the information is very unclear. as I said in my previous review, if you do make a bundling package, try making it in the new product feature, don't even edit it in the variants, with the highlighted photo is the free something, but the default variant choice doesn't match the photo shown -highlight, as I said, I apologize for giving a star because I am very disappointed and hope to never shop at this store again.
packing parah gx pke ap2.. cumn di lakban aj buat taro alamat rumah 🥴🥴
the packing is bad, don't use anything... just tape it to put the home address
Kualitas Ok.. Harga bersahabat Thx ya
ok quality.. thx friendly price
allāhu lā ilāha illā huw, al-ḥayyul-qayyụm, lā ta`khużuhụ sinatuw wa lā na`ụm, lahụ mā fis-samāwāti wa mā fil-arḍ, man żallażī yasyfa'u 'indahū illā bi`iżnih, ya'lamu mā baina aidīhim wa mā khalfahum, wa lā yuḥīṭụna bisyai`im min 'ilmihī illā bimā syā`, wasi'a kursiyyuhus-samāwāti wal-arḍ, wa lā ya`
allāhu lā ilāha illā huw, al-ḥayyul-qayyụm, lā ta`khużuhụ sinatuw wa lā na`ụm, lahụ mā fis-samāwāti wa mā fil-arḍ, man żallażī yasyfa'u ' indahū illā bi`iżnih, ya'lamu mā baina aidīhim wa mā khalfahum, wa lā yuḥīṭụna bisyai`im min 'ilmihī illā bimā syā`, wasi'a chairyyuhus-samāwāti wal-arḍ, wa lā ya`
dah mendarat dengan slamat gan,packing mayan rapi,tq yaa gan.....klo pesen 3 lagi masih ready ga gan barangnya??
Arrived safely, bro, packing was pretty neat, thank you, bro. If I order again, is the item ready or not, bro?
Alhamdulillah sampe jugaaa semoga sesuai ini buat cs 🥰 next order ❤️
Thank God, I hope it's suitable for the next cs order
bagus sih,. dan saya puas sama barang'a.. tp saya kecewa sama pengiriman'a. super lambat... lain kali jgn pake jne krna itu ekspedisi lalu bikin say kcewa, selalu lambat, dan jg dah 3 x pesanan saya slalu di titip k orang, pdahal saya ada di rumah.
that's good, and I'm satisfied with the item... but I'm disappointed with the delivery. super slow. next time don't use jne because it's an expedition and it makes me disappointed, it's always slow, and also my orders are always left with people, even though I'm at home.
Seperti ini sih, cuman karna pas buka lupa di video jadi terima nasib, tapi berfungsi ko
like this anyway, just because when I opened it I forgot to watch the video so I thank fate, but how come it works
Barang datang sesuai dengan pesanan, pengiriman cepat & baik, pengemasan aman
Items arrived as ordered, fast and good delivery, secure packaging
Barang sudah diterima dan sesuai dengan pesanan. Packing rapih
the goods have been received and according to the order. neat packing
lumayan lah bagus . trimakasih seller
pretty good. thanks seller
Sore,paketan sudah sampai,tapi gak bisa d pasang kartu SIM, jaringan tidak tersedia terus
afternoon, the package has arrived, but the sim card can't be installed, the network is not available all the time
Alhamdulillah di coba nyala, mudahan awet.mantullll
thank God I tried it on, hopefully it lasts
Terimakasih hp sudah sampai, dari packing dan respon nya sangat baik, dan cepat banget sampenya petang pesan besok nya sampai. Semoga tetap menjaga kualitas produk dan pelayanan nya ya. Lancar terus.
Thank you, the cellphone arrived, the packaging and response were very good, and it arrived very quickly in the evening, ordered the next day it arrived. I hope you will continue to maintain the quality of your products and services. keep going smoothly.
Barang cepat sampainya meskipun New Year. Salut. diterima dalam keadaan bagus. packing bagus.
the goods arrived quickly even though it was new year. salute. received in good condition. good packing.
Produk sesuai deskripsi kualitas original tapi sayang proses pengiriman lama.
the product corresponds to the description of original quality but unfortunately the long delivery process.
top markotop poko nya langsng di pke bagus bngt🥰😍😍😍
Top markotop, the main thing is that it's really good to use right away
fast respon, pengiriman jg cepet, barang ori , recomended seller
fast response, fast delivery, original product, recommended seller
Suara siul tekonya pelan banget, hampir ga kedengeran malah padahal udh dicoba sesuai petunjuk
the whistling sound of the teapot is very low, barely audible even though I have tried it according to the instructions
barangnya sudag nyampek padahal baru kemarin pesan, barang sesuai gambar, trimakasih lazada
the item has arrived even though it was just ordered yesterday, the item is according to the picture, thanks lazada
Emang paling debes udh fantech
the most despicable already fantech
barang pecah dus nya juga agak penyok, minta biru dateng nya oren, tapi alhamdulillah.. masih berfungsi dengan baik
the box was broken, the box was also a bit dented, asked for blue to come, orange, but thank God.. it still works fine
Barangnya wokee juga lho. Meski murah tp baguuusss. Pengemasannnya woke. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
the goods are wokee too you know. although cheap but good. wokee packing.
Barang cepat sampai, harga murah kualitas bagus..sukses terus utk pelapak nya.
the goods arrived quickly, the price was cheap, the quality was good.. continued success for the seller.