Barang bagus banget! Pas sesuai...recomend
really good stuff! fit according.recommend
produk sampai dengan selamat, hanya sedikit kekurangan ada beberapa goresan dikeyboardnya
the product arrived safely, only a few flaws there are a few scratches on the keyboard
paket sudah sampai,sesuai pesanan,,paking kurang rapih..ada ygre5ak dikit,sentuh aga eror dikitb.tapinga apa2.maksih
The package has arrived, according to the order, the packing is not neat... there is a little crack, I touch it a little bit wrong, but what is it, thanks
Cepat dan tepat waktu
fast and on time
barang ok, berfungsi dengan baik, warna sesuai. terima kasih
item ok, works fine, color matches. Thank You
Lgsg dikira suara penyiar radio discord
lgsg is mistaken for the voice of a discord radio announcer
maaf lupa rating min, KWOAKWOAKW
sorry forgot to rate min, kwoakwoakw
Pengiriman cepat dan free gift
fast delivery and free gifts
mouse kanan beda banget sama di kiri lebih bagus yg kiri
the right mouse is very different from the left, the left one is better
Barang tidak sesuai pemesanan. Pesan putih datang hitam. Tidak ada pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
items not as ordered. ordered white came black. no advance notification.
barang rilpic makasih lazada ama kulir ama seler
rilpic item thanks lazada and trowel and seler
Akhir nya smpai juga.. pengemasan lama bnged ..produk ori oxone transfer tgl 8 agust, di kirim tgl 12 Agust .. pengemasan standart ..kardus penyok ..tutup nya jg penyok dikit ..not bad ..mkcih
in the end it arrived... the packaging took a long time... the ori oxone product was transferred on August, sent on August... standard packaging... the cardboard was dented... the lid was also dented a little... not bad... thank you
barang bagus, mudah dipasang, pengiriman cepat
great item, easy to install, fast shipping
Fungsi berjalan semua tp mouse nya lbh berat dibagian belakang daripada tengah jadi kalo diangkat pasti agak aneh rasanya
all functions work, but the mouse is heavier on the back than in the middle, so if you lift it, it definitely feels a bit weird
walaupun premium quality bagus lah gangecewain banget gitu
even though premium quality is good, it's really annoying
barang normal, seller responsif. recommended seller. cuma gojeknya aja kurang ajar.
good stuff, responsive seller. recommended seller. just gojeknya aja impudent.
Mungil bgt terimakasih
very tiny thank you
Pengiriman agak lama
delivery a bit long
Barang sangat bagus & sesuai pesanan.. pengiriman cepat. Packing sangat rapih & aman. Terimakasih
very good item and according to delivery. packing is very neat & safe. Thank You
Beli 2 tp yg 1 lg lecet abis
bought but the one that was scratched up
pake xtra bubble wrap, ekspedisinya grab express....smp d tmp tujuan produk aman, tidak ada yg tergores, tidak ada yg rusak, tidak ada yg pecah...alhamdulillah. seller juga komunikatif,awal mw order xtra bubble nya stock hbs nunggu update stock dulu br order n byr...
using xtra bubble wrap, the expedition is grab express. smp d tmp the product destination is safe, nothing is scratched, nothing is damaged, nothing is broken. alhamdulillah. seller is also communicative, at first I ordered the xtra bubble stock, hbs, wait for the stock update first, order n byr.
plug and play. saya pakai Linux langsung bisa cuman tidak bisa menikmati semua a fitur yang ada. saya coba ke Smartphone bisa digunakan dan dimainkan. Sankyou
plug and play. I can use Linux right away, but I can't enjoy all the features that exist. I tried the smartphone can be used and played. sankyou
Silent clicknya bagus, cuma buat yang ga mau keliatan norak ga usah beli. Nyala lasernya ampe tembus body, kemungkinan karena tipis plastiknya jd kalo lagi nyala gonjreng bener mousenya
the silent click is good, but for those who don't want it to look tacky, you don't have to buy it. the laser flame has penetrated the body, probably because the plastic is thin so when it's on, the mouse really sticks out
produk baik, tapi penangan dr toko ke pihak Lazada sangat lama, order tgl 15 agustus barang nyampe tgl 1 september
the product is good, but the handler from the shop to lazada is very long, the order on August arrived on September
Mesin ok chat admin cepet cuman barang yg d kirim 1 ada retakan udah minta kembali sama admin cmn ga ada waktu jd telat 7 hari . . Klw bisa periksa barang nya sebelum kirim ngirim kembali barang itu ribet . .
the engine is ok, the chat admin is fast, but the item sent has a crack, I've asked the admin to return it, but there's no time so it's late. . If you can check the item before sending it back, it's complicated. .
belum dicoba nyala nggak nya tdi cuma di buka aja tp kll barangnya oxone pasti baguss laah tp saya pesannya OX111PG tp dpetnya ox111 apa sama aja min???
I haven't tried it turning it on or not but just opening it but if the item is oxone it's definitely good but I ordered oxpg but got ox or is it the same, bro?
Barang sesuai yg di pict, berfungsi normal, sampai pun cepat. Recommended banget
the item is in accordance with the picture, works normally, arrived quickly. really recommended
PengirimanNya cepet banget. Packing rapi semuanya aman lancar. Gaada kendala samaX. Makasih admin
very fast delivery. neat packing everything safe smoothly. no problem samax. thanks admin
Barangnya bagus!
good stuff!
Sudahh di cobaa lmyann panass cmn krg panas mnurut aku .. karna dulu pake maspion yg 1100 itu panas poll .. . Tapii nyetrika licin sihh ke baju enggakk nempel nempelll lagi buat nglicin jeans kurang pol ajh .. . Cmn ada kendala minta wrna hitam di kirim ungu . Ada sedikit bocek di foto ada ..
I've tried it, it's hot, but because it's hot, in my opinion... because I used to use the maspion which was hot poll... but ironing is smooth, it doesn't stick to the clothes, it doesn't stick to the jeans, it doesn't stick to the jeans, it doesn't stick to the jeans... cmn there is a problem asking for black to be sent purple. there is a little scratch on the photo there..
Recomended guys sales nya.....
recommended guys sales.
mantap barang nya toko nya ramah semoga sukses
the goods are great, the shop is friendly, good luck
barang bagus sesuai deskripsi. packing bagus, dobel buble wrap. waktu kirim cepat. tksh lazada dan seller
good item according to the description. good packing, double bubble wrap. fast delivery time. thx lazada and seller
Packing rapih & barang sampai tujuan dengan aman. Penjualnya juga good response
Neat packaging & goods arrived at destination safely. the seller also has a good response
barang sudah sampai dengan baik dan aman recommended seller
Item arrived safely and well. Recommended seller
Gercap, barang lgsung kirim setelah 15 menit, respon cepat, pengiriman kilat, tinggal pakai... thank you seller
gercap, direct delivery of goods after minutes, fast response, fast delivery, just use it. thank you seller
Paket saya udah sampe dengan cepat pesan kmarin hari ini udah saya terima, Lumayan bagus tapi ada lecet2 gitu kyk bkas ,mungkin sesuai dngn harga nyh, bagus si berpungsi smua smoga ajh awet ,terimakasih shopee sukses trusss
My package arrived quickly, I ordered yesterday today, I received it, it's pretty good but there are scratches like it's used, maybe it's worth the price, it's good that it works, I hope it lasts, thank you, the shoppee is successful
bagus.. lucu. packing jg rapi
nice.. funny. packing is also neat
gataw mau nulis apa, seller enak diajak chatnya, fast respon dah gitu aja sih
I don't know what to write, the seller is nice to chat with, the response is fast, that's all
Pengiriman lama. Bukan karna ekspedisi, ekspedisi sudah menerima permintaan pick up (resi otomatis terisi). Sellernya saja yg lama, harus permintaan pembatalan dulu baru dikirim. Udah gitu packingnya cuma begitu doang wkwkw. Ga niat kali ya sellernya ini. Btw, olshop lain bubble wrap nya gratis loh.
old delivery. not because of the expedition, the expedition has received a pick-up request (receipt is automatically filled). the seller is the old one, you have to request cancellation first and then send it. already like that the packing is just like that wkwkw. It's not the intention this time, this seller. btw, another olshop bubble wrap is free.
Barang ya sesuai, pengiriman lumayan, tapi di sayangkan banget pengemasan nya jelek bgt, rentan bgt ancur, trus pas datang pengemasan nya rusak parah ๐Ÿ˜Œ , tolong di tingkatkan lagi dengan baik, agar gak was was pas di buka
the goods are appropriate, the delivery is ok, but it's a shame the packaging is really bad, it's very vulnerable to being broken, then when it comes the packaging is badly damaged, please improve it again properly, so you don't get nervous when you open it
Bagus bang kalian harus beli ini sih kagak nyesel
it's good, bro, you have to buy this, don't regret it
berfungsi dengan baik. top
works fine. top
Alhamdulillah Bagus,tapi belum di coba semoga tidak ada kendala
thank God it's good, but haven't tried it yet hopefully there are no problems
Mousepad nya bagus dan harga ok banget. Thx ya
The mousepad is great and the price is really good. thx yes
kereen barang nya, halus dan mulus jadi enteng buat game.
the stuff is cool, it's smooth and smooth so it's easy for games.
Respon cepat, barang sesuai pesanan, recommended seller.
fast response, goods as ordered, recommended seller.
Kenapa barang tak kunjung sampai?padahal pesanan sebelumnya( barng & toko sama hanya 4 hari).ini udah mau 2 Minggu .
why didn't the goods arrive? even though the previous orders (goods and shops were the same only on the same day). It's already Sunday.
ga sia sia nunggu lama bgt , tekonya bagus luci pelanggan aku suka
it's not useless to wait so long, the teapot is good, my customer likes it
barang bagus diterima dgn baik.... pelayanan cepat dan responsif..puas...
good item well received. fast and responsive service..satisfied.
Halo saya agung, terima kasih untuk lazada telah memberikan layanan terbaik selama covid-19 ini, barang sudah saya terima, good condition, good packing, kurir ramah, dan fungsi barang berfungsi normal, Thank you, Sincelery, Agung
hello, i'm agung, thank you to lazada for providing the best service during covid- this, i have received the goods, good condition, good packing, friendly courier, and the function of the goods is functioning normally, thank you, sincelery, agung
Fitur Terbaik:baik semua Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Terimakasih ya kak. Barangnya ok tidak ada cacat dan isinya lengkap. harga boleh ditawar sampai ke level saya mampu. Insyaallah saya manfaatkan dg baik untuk saya mengajar dan ponakan saya belajar. Ini bisa menjadi pengganti laptop yang belum saya punya. Seller ramah. Bintang ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ 1000
the best features: well all worth the price: yes thanks sis. the goods are ok, there are no defects and the contents are complete. Prices are negotiable up to the level I can afford. God willing, I will use it well for me to teach and my nephew to learn. This could be a replacement for a laptop that I don't have yet. friendly seller. star
Barang sesuai pesananan,produk ok
goods as ordered, product ok
keren panjang banget
really cool long
Barang sesuai dengan gambar tapi blm saya coba mudah2an mantap barang nya buat harga seginimah udah mantep dan saya cek semua nya ok amanah penjual nya
the item matches the picture, but I haven't tried it yet, I hope the item is solid for this price, it's solid and I checked everything, it's ok, trust the seller
realvik sama dengan gambar sanget bagus dan nyala sempurna . Semoga masak nasi nya cepat matang ..yey terima kasih toko nya amanh banget .pelanggan setia ku pasti senang
realvik is the same as the picture is very good and the light is perfect . I hope the rice cooks quickly..yey thank you, the store is very safe. My loyal customer will be happy
jangan pernah membeli di toko ini. dia tdk bertanggung jawab. dia yg salah kirim malah dia tdk mau mengantikan
never buy in this shop. he is irresponsible. he sent the wrong one instead he didn't want to replace it
Baguuuuss!!!! Baguuuuss!!!! Baguuuuss!!!! Baguuuuss!!!! Baguuuuss!!!! Soryy gk sesuai gambar, krna dh d bawa org yg mesannn๐Ÿ˜‚
great! great! great! great! great! sorry it doesn't match the picture, because the person who ordered it has already been brought
Ada garansi toko Ada garansi resmi Ada garansi internasional Barangnya original ๐Ÿ‘ Audionya mantap Resolusi kamera bagus Resolusi kamera kurang Baterenya awet Baterenya kurang awet Bisa fast charging Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman ๐Ÿ™ Packaging rapi Respon penjualnya top
there is a shop guarantee there is an official warranty there is an international guarantee the goods are original the audio is great the camera resolution is good the camera resolution is not enough the battery lasts the battery is not durable enough to fast charging the seller is very friendly process the order quickly the packaging is safe the packaging is neat the seller's response is top
Produk baik Pengiriman ok Kualitas ok Mantaaaap deh pokonya
good product, okay delivery, okay quality, great anyway
Produk oke semuanya sudah di coba. Saran aja untuk packing nya jangan transparan dong wkwk
the product is ok, everything has been tried. Just a suggestion for the packaging not to be transparent please
Baru kali ini belanja, pengiriman gak pake bungkus apapun bahkan kantong kresek jg gk ada. Cuma kardus barang + kertas yg di tempel di kardus brg. Kaya gak niat. Utk barang belum di coba.
This is the first time shopping, shipping doesn't use any packaging, not even a plastic bag. only cardboard goods + paper attached to the cardboard brg. like no intention. for items not yet tried.
Paket dibungkus rapih dg bubble wrap. Barang berfungsi dan mulus 95%, walau bekas. Stylus bisa nyala, tapi belum bisa connect. Masih perlu dipeljari. Tks kpd penjual. Semoga barangnya bermanfaat
The package is neatly wrapped with bubble wrap. the item works and is smooth %, even though it's used. stylus can turn on, but can not connect. still needs to be studied. thx to the seller. hopefully the stuff is useful
Bagus ..pengiriman rapi..terima kasih neat..thank you
barang sesuai packing rapih pengiriman cepat
item according to packing neatly fast delivery
produk cukup bagus ,tapi ada bagian yg penyok sedikit.
The product is quite good, but there are a few dented parts.
Recommended, terima kasih!
recommended, thank you!
barang oke sesuai ......kurir lagi lelah taro depan pintu tanpa konfimasi
the goods are okay according to the courier again tired of putting in front of the door without confirmation
Maaf foto dan video tidak sesuai karena beli untuk kado nikahan teman
sorry the photos and videos don't match because I bought it for a friend's wedding gift
Paket kiriman terbungkus rapi dan kondisi barang oke... sudah dicoba dan berjalan normal. Pengiriman siCepat memuaskan.. Cuman seller mengirim esok harinya dari hari transaksi, tapi it's ok...
The package is neatly wrapped and the item is in good condition. I have tried it and it works normally. Satisfying fast delivery... Only the seller sent the next day from the day of the transaction, but it's ok.
Tutup chopper pecah ๐Ÿ˜ฃ sdh was was sblmnya krn pengiriman jauh tapi pengamannya tipis sekali,saya mau ganti rugi
The chopper lid broke, I was worried before because the shipping was far away, but the safety is very thin, I want compensation
kecewa banget barang nyampai ternyata tdk normal,saya foto video setelah itu saya cb buat you tube an baru 15 menitan hp lngsng mati keluar seperti itu.tlng jd penjual yg amanah wl jual hp secound kl tdk normal jgn di jual.wl harga mngkn bagi anda tdk seberapa tp bagi saya sangat berharga.
I'm really disappointed that the item arrived turned out to be abnormal, I took a video after that I tried to make a YouTube video and just asked the cellphone to immediately die like that. Please be a reliable seller if you sell second-hand phones if it's not normal, don't sell it. If the price is not for you, maybe not how much tp for me is very valuable.
Realpict..... Smga awet..... Barangnya bagus.... Ga sempet foto
real pict. hope it lasts. good stuff. didn't have time to take a photo
sampai maluku, dos penyok tapi laptop aman
to my embarrassment, the box is dented but the laptop is safe
Barang sesuai......cma pengiriman....lama banget..kesasar sampai ke jambi....parah
the goods are appropriate. cma delivery. really long.. lost to Jambi. bad
Barang diterima dengan baik,packingnya juga bagus,semoga makin maju dan bisa berlangganan...
the goods are well received, the packaging is also good, hopefully it will progress and be able to subscribe.
Blender sudah saya terima, kondisi lengkap dan berfungsi dengan baik.
I have received the blender, complete condition and working well.
Produknya oke cuma sellernya agak lamban aja sey mudah2a awet yaa
the product is okay, it's just that the seller is a bit slow, so hopefully it will last
barang baru sampai blm dibuka, semoga awet
Brand new, haven't opened yet, hope it lasts
seller ramah.. cepat d proses.. brg sesuai dgn gbr.. bagus.. cuma kendalanya di driver Go send.. thanks sis...
friendly seller.. fast processing.. items according to the picture.. good.. only the problem is the driver go send.. thanks sis.
Paket mendarat aman semua sip. thank you.
package landed safely all sip. thank you.
trimakasih sdh diterima, barang bagus, suara keren, tp sayang, suaranya agak kecil. its Ok..trimakasih, semoga sukses ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Œfungsi kualitas
thank you received, good item, loud sound, but unfortunately, the sound is a bit small. its ok..thanks, good luck with the quality function
Kalau gak niat jualan gak usah jualan Sejak kapan customer yg suruh cek ke kurir Saaaat....pakai YES sampai seminggu dengan kondisi barang kaya rongsokan.
if you don't intend to sell, you don't have to sell.
barangnya kaya udah lama disimpen digudang, dateng juga box udah penyok dan kartu garansi udah kuning kuning, barang masih ok cuman ada plastik di bawah key caps ngelupas
the item looks like it's been stored in the warehouse for a long time, the box also came dented and the warranty card is already yellow and yellow, the item is still ok but there's plastic under the key caps peeling off
Fitur Terbaik:baguss Sepadan dengan Harga:dengan harga sgtu sudah dpt setrikaan .
the best features: good for the price: at that price, it can be ironed .
Beli pertama rusak Beli kedua juga rusak Barang mudah sekali rusak tidak rekomen
the first buy was damaged, the second buy was also damaged, the goods are easily damaged, I don't recommend it
barang oke, pelayanan toko T.O.P. pertama dikirim paket kurang lengkap (pen tidak dikirim). tapi penjual mudah dihubungi dan bertanggung jawab mengirimkan kekurangan.
good stuff, shop service t.o.p. The first package was sent incomplete (pen was not sent). but the seller is easy to contact and responsible for sending deficiencies.
Buat jualan
make sales
rusak kenapa..,
why broken...
Gampang dirakit.ย Hemat listrik โšก.ย Cuma yg agak kecewa ternyata bukan besi pengaman baling2 kipas anginnya. Tapi dari plastik. Sy khawatir lama2 plastiknya getas & hancur/pecah
easy to assemble. saving electricity . only thing that was a bit disappointed was that it wasn't the fan blade safety iron. but from plastic. I'm worried that the old plastic will be brittle & broken/broken
Fitur Terbaik:okee Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai dengan harga
best features: okay worth the price: worth the price
Paking ok. Pengiriman cepat. Barangnya ok,, tp tutupnya rada susah ditutup,, tp nga pa2 mungkin Krn masih baru
gasket ok. fast delivery. the item is ok,, but the lid is rather difficult to close, but it's okay, maybe because it's still new
Sepadan dengan Harga:okee Fitur Terbaik:lumayan Masih berfungsi dnegan Normal Thanks
commensurate with the price: okay the best features: pretty good it still works normally thanks
Lumayan lah agak lama panasnya
it's pretty hot for a while
keyboardnya g menyatu sama cover atau gimana ya cara pasangnya, kayaknya sdh termasuk screen protector, performa lumayan jarang ngelag, layarnya agak redup iya nggak sih?
the keyboard doesn't blend in with the cover or how do you install it, I think it includes a screen protector, the performance rarely lags, the screen is a bit dim, isn't it?
stylusnya pakai baterai AAAA yg gak bisa direcharge. Bikin susah kalo baterainya habis
The stylus uses a battery that can't be recharged. makes it difficult if the battery runs out
Bagus, mungil, tapi kek.nya salah pilih..harusnya yg 1,2 lt, yg ini kecil bgt..huhu
nice, tiny, but kek.nya choose wrong.. should be the one, lt, this one is really small..huhu
Gelas yang kecil retak
small cracked glass
Ada harga ada rupa lah. Gagang, saklar penentu tingkatan panas, dan lampu penanda on semuanya terbuat dari plastik ringan. Tadi waktu muter saklar min/max panas aja sampe plastik penutup lampu nya copot. Tapi bisa dipasang lagi. Semoga tetap berfungsi baik untuk setrika pakaian.
there is a price there is a way. the handle, the heat level switch and the on indicator light are all made of lightweight plastic. earlier when I turned on the min/max switch it just got hot until the plastic lamp cover came off. but can be installed again. hopefully it still works well for ironing clothes.