Cukup puas dengan barangnya. Belinya cuma 200rban tapi brasa dpat kualitas lebih. Sudah di tes ke beberapa game (Genshin, Resident Evil remakes, Assassins Creed Odessey) smua berjalan dengan lancar tanpa delay. Makasih buat Fantech
quite satisfied with the item. I bought it for only a few bucks but I can get better quality. It has been tested in several games (genshin, resident evil remakes, assassins creed odessey) all run smoothly without delay. thanks fantech
Alhamdulillah produk diterima dan dipakai normal tanpa kendala
thank God the product is received and used normally without problems
Cepet banget nyampenyaa
it's very fast
Kardus sedikit rusak, pengiriman terjeda sehari tapi penjual ngasih informasi tentang pengiriman dengan baik dan sopan nope lah barang juga bagus
the box was a little damaged, the delivery was delayed for a day but the seller gave information about the delivery properly and politely nope, the goods are also good
Pengiriman cepat, tapi ada lecet pada tempat yg harusnya sulit untuk tergores, jadi seperti alat yg pernah dibongkar..
fast delivery, but there are scuffs in places that should be difficult to scratch, so it looks like a tool that has been disassembled..
iklannya bisa dipakai wa call tapi kenyataannya wa call tdk bisa dipakai..saya jd kecewa dan sedih krn saya beli hp ini unk ibu saya supaya bisa tlp²..krn dia tdk bisa pakai hp layarsentuh.
the ad can be used wa call but in reality wa call cannot be used..I am so disappointed and sad because I bought this cell phone for my mother so I can call...because she can't use a touch screen cell phone.
Barang sudah sampai... Padahal kirain akan lama. Sehari doang MaasyaAllah... Alhamdulillah udh dicoba bisa. Semoga tetep awet.. thanks seller & shopee... Recommend seller!!!
the goods have arrived. even though it will take a long time. just one day mashaallah. thank god i tried it. hopefully it will last.. thanks seller & shopee. recommend seller!
sayang banget ga pake Bubble warp, kalo ada yg penyok kan jdi berpengaruh review nya, semoga di tingkatkan lgi pengemasan nya
it's a shame it doesn't use bubble warp, if something is dented it will affect the review, hopefully the packaging will be improved again
Barang sesuai description pengiriman cepat
item according to description fast delivery
Terima kasih.... Pengiriman sangat cepat!
Thank You. very fast delivery!
barang oke, cuma pengiriman lama
item ok, just long delivery
Barang sesuai pesanan, andai dapet softcase buat lindungin body plastik nya yg gampang lecet soalnya produk advan jarang aksesoris nya di pasar
items as ordered, if you get a softcase to protect the plastic body which is easily scratched, the problem is advan products rarely have accessories on the market
ternyata bahannya tipis .ringan.sampe sini penyok..sesuai harga
it turns out the material is thin. light. got here dented.. according to the price
Pengiriman mengecewakan.. Belum diterima status di shoopee sudah diterima.. Kualitas barang okee..
Disappointing delivery... not yet received status at shopee already received... quality of goods okay...
Harga:Murah Kualitas:bagus Ukuran:std Semua bagus tp sayang gagang Teko ga ada Mur nya
price: cheap quality: good size: std all good but it's a shame the teapot handle doesn't have a nut
mantapp seller ny responsif, barang nya cepet dikirim juga, semoga awet
the seller is responsive, the goods are sent quickly, hopefully it will last
d minta ungu, d hntar hijau
d asked for purple, d sent green
Performa:bagus Kualitas:bagus Tampilan:oke
performance:good quality:good display:ok
beli apa kirim apa. brg tidak sesuai gambar. kl gak ada cancel aja mestiny kl pengembalian kan ribet lg
what to buy what to send brg doesn't match the picture. If there's no canceling, it should be more complicated if you return it
Not bad buat packaging dan pengemasannya... Mousenya aman enak kecil warnanya lucu😙 Tapi pengiriman memang sedikit lebih lama mungkin karna pas flash sale juga keknya ya
not bad for packaging and packaging. the mouse is safe, nice, small, the color is cute, but the delivery is a little longer, maybe because during the flash sale, too, it seems
Pengiriman sangat lama sekali.. bales chatnya template.. ga kasih solusi
very long delivery... reply to chat template... no solution
Berfungsi dengan baik. Nelpon siapa aja bisa asal ada pulsa.
works fine. You can call anyone as long as you have credit.
Produk original. Harga produk baik. Respon penjual baik. yang gak bagus cuma 1 pengiriman lambat JNT nya....
original product. good product price. good seller response. the only thing that's not good is the slow delivery, jnt.
Terimakasih, barangnya sesuai dengan pesanan. pokoknya top lah
Thank you, the goods are in accordance with the order. basically it's top
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Semoga awet ini barang nya
the best features: well worth the price: according to hope this item will last
Saran pada saat pemesanan untuk memperhatikan waktu operasional dan waktu kerja Karena proses pengirimannya lambat
advice when ordering to pay attention to operational time and working time because the delivery process is slow
Kurang maksimal tidak berputar
less than the maximum does not rotate
Seller ramah Semoga awet😊 Sempat khawatir sama ekspedisi JNE CARGO Soalnya lama banget sampainya
friendly seller, hope it lasts. I was worried about the jne cargo expedition, because it took so long to arrive
Toko ga modal :)) krdus beli sendiri , bubble wrap jg , admin begooo hahah ga becus
the shop is not capital :)) krdus bought it yourself , bubble wrap too , admin is stupid hahah it's not good
Barang sesuai dengan deskripsi
goods according to the description
Kok pecah gan
how come it broke?
Sesuai pesanan, aman sih gaada penyok2 hehe thkyou seler, blm dicoba semoga bagus😍😍pengiriman aja yang lama😂
as ordered, safe no dents hehe thank you seler, haven't tried it yet hope it's good just long delivery
paking tidak rapi peyok semua mau brodol
packaging is not neat dented all want brodol
Gampang dibersihkan. Nggak cepat berbau. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏.
easy to clean. doesn't smell fast. fast order process. safe packaging .
Barang sampai dengan baik. Untuk ukuran anak kosan cocok sekali karna sangat minimalis. Terima kasih.
goods arrived well. for the size of a boarding house child it is perfect because it is very minimalist. Thank You.
Pengemasan:gak pake buble warp
Packaging: No bubble warp
Puas dah pokoknya, rada kesel ama pihak JNEnya aj yang lumayan lambat prosesnya
I'm satisfied anyway, I'm a bit annoyed with the jnenya, which is quite a slow process
1 hp mikenya gk jadi... yg lain bagusss..
Mike's cellphone doesn't work. others are good..
Baguuujjssssss bgttttgggg cpeettt bangey barangnyaaa topp
it's really good, the stuff is really topp
suka deh dg produk dari Fantech. secara keseluruhan keyboardnya bagus, cocok untuk ngetik dan nge-game. namun sayang setelah 3 hari saya menyadari LED pada numpad 7 nya meredup pada saat setting kecerahan menengah dan maksimal. setelelah melaporkan masalah tesebut, seller memberikan respon yg cepat dan menyarankan agar menghubungi cs fantech. mungkin saya aja yg lagi sial -_- btw cs nya suruh kirim balik keyboardnya biar di cek tapi saya berpikir ini terlalu merepotkan hanya karna 1 lampu LED dan tidak jadi mengirimkannya.
I like products from Fantech. overall the keyboard is good, suitable for typing and gaming. but unfortunately after the day I realized the led on the numpad dims when setting medium and maximum brightness. After reporting the problem, the seller gave a fast response and suggested contacting Fantech CS. maybe I'm just having bad luck -_- btw the cs told me to send back the keyboard so it's checked but I think this is too much trouble just because of the led light and it doesn't send it.
Harga:lumayan Kualitas:baik Ketajaman:cukup baik Barangnya sangat baik, tetapi pengiriman lama, chatnya ramah dan baik
price: decent quality: good sharpness: good enough the goods are very good, but the delivery is long, the chat is friendly and kind
headsetnya bagus dan berfungsi. packingnya cukup lama dan terlihat kurang aman, terbukti dengan rusaknya kardus headset di beberapa area kardus. pengiriman lama, 8 hari. barang recommended, toko kurang. terima kasih
the headset is good and working. the packaging took quite a long time and looked insecure, as evidenced by the damage to the headset box in several areas of the box. long delivery, days. recommended item, less shop. Thank You
barang nya s ok,,cuma pengiriman dari leseler nya lama,,harus sllu saya chat baru d kirim,,tolong d perbaiki ya,,kalo kurir nya sih ,ok ramah,,itupun malam hari d kirim nya
the item is ok,, only the delivery from the reseller takes a long time,, I have to chat all the time and then send it,,please fix it,,if the courier,ok,friendly,,and even then it was sent at night
Cepat low baterai
low battery fast
Mantapp, komplit... Barang packing mulus
great, complete. seamless packing
Ternyata batrenya jaman jadul bukan tanam Semoga awet
It turns out that the battery is old school, not planting, hopefully it will last
baik bagus tapi sayang tidak ada kukusannya
good good but unfortunately there is no steamer
Paket sdh diterima pink 5 hijau 5 Tapi yg diterima pink 4 hijau 6 Penjual cukup responsif krn persediaan pink habis utk diganti warna lain
The package has been received pink green but the seller received pink green is quite responsive because pink supplies have run out to be replaced with other colors
Otg berfungsi dengan baik, mantap pokonya
otg works well, really good
Belum dicoba Semoga saja awet Lumayan dengan harga segitu Mantap Mantap Bun Bun Bun
haven't tried it yet, hopefully it lasts pretty well at that price, it's great, it's great, bun bun bun
Barang bagus sih tapi sedikit mengecewakan tidak tahan lama panasnya sama banyak cacatnya kaya bekas kegores gitu tapi pengiriman cepat respon penjual cukup ramah dan membantu hanya saja barang tidak sesuai ekspektasi 😣😣
the item is good, but a little disappointing, it doesn't last long, it doesn't last long, the heat has a lot of defects, like scratches, but fast delivery, the seller's response is quite friendly and helpful, it's just that the item is not as expected
amanah tapi bahannya agak tipis
reliable but the material is a bit thin
Terimakasih paket sampai dengan aman, packing sangat rapi, respon seller cepat dan ramah, food processor nya belum dicoba untuk buat something, baru dicoba dinyalakan dan it's work! overall puas dan semoga food processor nya awet dan bekerja dgn baik, thanks again seller n toped :)
thank you, the package arrived safely, the packing was very neat, the seller's response was fast and friendly, the food processor hasn't been tried to make something, just tried turning it on and it's working! overall satisfied and hopefully the food processor will last and work well, thanks again seller n toped :)
Fitur Terbaik:Turbo Sepadan dengan Harga:Lumayan
best feature:turbo worth the price:decent
Harga produk sangat baik. Harga produk sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik.
product price is very good. product price is very good. the seller's response was very good.
Pengiriman tidak sesuai dengan estimasi yg di tentukan.....
Delivery does not match the estimate specified.
TKS bro
thx bro
Kondisi barang bagus , tapi kotak pengiriman rusak
Good condition, but the shipping box was damaged
dipakai untuk nelpon sedikit bermasalah (suara gak jelas seperti tidak ada sinyal tapi bukan masalah di sinyal dan ternyata hpnya) untuk yang lainnya oke aja
used for calling a little problematic (sound not clear as if there was no signal but not a problem in the signal and it turned out to be the cellphone) for the others it was okay
Order dengan bayar ongkir 126rb plus asuransi dipikir biar aman, eh dikirim pake gojek. Selain gada konfirmasi, ya ongkir bayar segitu pun jadi milik seller. Ya semoga bisa diperbaiki kedepannya deh.
Order by paying shipping costs rb plus insurance thought to be safe, uh sent using a motorcycle taxi. apart from no confirmation, yes, the postage paid for it also belongs to the seller. Yes, hopefully it can be fixed in the future.
naus barangnya dan gak ada ug penyok kayaknya....
naus the goods and there are no ug dents it seems.
mantap, cepat responnya, bagus....
great, fast response, good.
Pengiriman cpt, sesuai harga, blom dicoba buat game si tp nice
fast delivery, according to price, haven't tried it for games on tp nice
Dapatkan gamis, jilbab, dan koko premium di toko kami Produk dari Ustadz Salim A Fillah. Setiap produknya dibuat secara terbatas alias limited edition lho kak. Untuk bukunya bisa dibeli di Kami tunggu kunjungannya ya kak. Semoga berkah. 🙏🙏
get premium robes, headscarves and koko at our shop products from ustadz salim a fillah. Each product is made in limited aliases, you know, limited edition. The book can be purchased at We are waiting for your visit, sis. hopefully it is blessed.
kualitasnya bagus, d kualitasnya bagus, dan dapat berfungsi dengan baik
the quality is good, the quality is good, and it works well
kirain ada caps tambahan untuk mac. ternyata nggak. but still worth it untuk harga segini buat pemula keyboard mekanik
guess there is extra caps for mac. apparently not. but still worth it for this price for a mechanical keyboard beginner
Panci nya ngelupas, malah ada lobang kecilnya jg.. Mohon di periksa dan di teliti dahulu sblm barang di kirim ke pembeli..
the pot is peeling off, there is even a small hole too.. please check and be careful before sending the item to the buyer..
top bgt,tapi sayang pengiriman lama bgt
super top, but it's a shame the delivery took so long
Lucuuuu bgtttttt sih ini unyu kecil gt. Terus ga buat lengket nasi heheheh
it's really funny, this is a little girl, gt. then don't make the rice sticky heheheh
kerennn si unyill minnn
cool si unyill min
Bagus sih, tapi gak dikasih bonus audio spliter kayak yang lain, jadi audio dan mic nya terpisa jadi keluarin biaya lagi nuat beli audio spliternya
it's good, but you don't get a bonus audio spliter like the others, so the audio and mic are separated, so you're spending more money to buy the audio spliter
Ekpedisi lambat.
slow expedition.
Barang aman sampai ketujuan,kualitasnya juga sesuai dengan harga yang ada.
the goods are safe to their destination, the quality is also in accordance with the existing prices.
Barang sesuai pesanan, mantap. Hanya saja pengiriman sampai ke pelanggan sangat lama dan melebihi batas waktu yg telah ditentukan
goods as ordered, great. it's just that the delivery to the customer is very long and exceeds the specified time limit
Fitur Terbaik:untuk mengosok Maaf g di rumah yg trima anakku cepet bngt semoga awet makasih.
best features: to rub, sorry not at home, my son was received very quickly, hopefully it will last, thanks.
Barang datang sesuai dengan pesanan.
goods come according to the order.
Terima kasih pesenan sudah sampai dan sesuai. Semoga awet saat di gunakan.
Thank you, the order has arrived and is correct. hopefully durable when used.
Penjual nya ontime, justru toped nya kasih notifikasi pembayaran pembeli ke penjualnya yg lamaaaaa
the seller was ontime, in fact the toped gave the buyer payment notification to the old seller
Bagus banget produknya.. pengiriman cepat, packingnya rapi.. mantaaapp.. Lancar selalu usaha nya 🙏
very good product.. fast delivery, neat packing.. great.. always smooth business
Akhirnya sampai juga ya... sorry ya gan klo agak cerewer chat trus Deadline soalnya
finally arrived yes. Sorry, bro, if I'm a bit chatty then the deadline is the problem
HP ses spec dan ok, sayang pengiriman cukup lama 8 hari
hp ses spec and ok, unfortunately the delivery took quite a long day
Beli 2 sekaligus karena penasaran sama produk yang lagi hype ini... Pas sampe keren packagingnya, cek isinya ada bbrp protektirnya yang lepas tapi bisa pasang lagi Untuk harga segini mah bagus banget gosah komplen apalagi dikadoin gratis haha! Saya pake satu set dan satu set lagi buat kado All worth
bought it all at once because I was curious about this hype product. when it arrived the packaging was cool, checked the contents, there were some protectors that had come off but you can put it back on at this price, it's really good to bother complaining, let alone give it away for free haha! I use one set and another set for gifts all worth it
tipis, baru tau sizenya abnormal lebar 21cm.
thin, just found out the size is abnormally wide cm.
Barang cepat sampai - design lumayan mantap - bagian karet bawah cukup mencengkram sehingga tdk licin - cukup menambah performance mouse jadi lebih responsif. - tdk terlalu besar sehingga mudah di bawa kemana Thx pelapak
Items arrived quickly - design is pretty solid - the bottom rubber part grips enough so it's not slippery - it just adds to the performance of the mouse so it's more responsive. - not too big so it's easy to carry anywhere thx palm
Sipppp 👍👍 sesuai yg diinginkan, paket aman, datangnya cepaaatt👍👍
sip according to what you want, safe package, fast arrival
Maaf sya kasih bntag tiga karena bnus nggak d kirim d tanya d chat nggak d balas.
sorry I gave three stars because the bonus was not sent, I asked in chat, I didn't reply.
Kualitas produk baik. Produk original. Harga produk baik. Kecepatan pengiriman baik. Respon penjual baik.
product quality is good. original product. good product price. good delivery speed. good seller response.
Pengiriman cpt. Pengiriman cpt. Pengiriman cpt. Ada yg lecet2 bgian kayu dpn krg mulus. Mhn lebih teliti lg ya
cpt delivery. cpt delivery. cpt delivery. there are some scuffs on the front of the wood because it's smooth. please be more careful
wlnabdkdbfmf f fnfm f fjff br r fnfkfkflfprnjelsps s d. ddnksisosbs sd. djdksosnss okkkekekeke. ndkdobshsnsnbs smlznzmnd dmdkdkndksms. aks dkdkdlslns d d fnfkfkfnbxdjkdnd d d kslsnsnjskaks
wrnabdkdbfmf f fnfm f fjff br r fnfkfkflfprnjelsps s d. ddnksisosbs sd. djdksosnss okekekeke. ndkdobshsnsnbs smlznzmnd dmdkdkndksms. aks dkdkdlslns d d fnfkfkfnbxdjkdnd d d kslsnsnjskaks
Pengiriman cepat, packing rapi. Terimakasih 👍
fast delivery, neat packing. Thank You
sempet takut barang ilang atau rusak di expedisi karena tidak pakai garansi yg 48 rb tp akhirnya selamat juga sampai tujuan ... tak nyangka buble wrapnya sangat2 tebel ... saya rasa recomended banget nih seller ... insya allah kapan2 beli sesuatu lagi dr toko ini ... semoga awet sampai anak cucu ☺☺☺ amin🤲🤲🤲 nggak nyesel beli advand bagus banget serasa pakai tab 5 jtan ... tanks advand 😍😍😍Barangnya original 👍. Baterenya awet. RAM besar. Enak buat gaming. Packaging aman 🙏.
I was afraid that the goods would be lost or damaged on the expedition because they didn't use a thousand thousand guarantees, but in the end they arrived safely at their destination. I didn't expect the bubble wrap to be so thick. I think this seller is highly recommended. God willing, when will I buy something else from this shop. I hope it lasts until my children and grandchildren don't regret buying advand, it's really good, it feels like using Jtan tabs. tanks advance the goods are original . the battery lasts. big ram. good for gaming. safe packaging .
baut kurang 1..bisa dikirim ato gmn ini
the bolts are missing...can you send this or what?
Sesuai deskripsi, simcard sempat tidak bisa. Saya bawa ke ASC bayar 50 ribu untuk servis, pembayaran tidak direimburse
according to the description, the simcard could not work. I took it to ASC to pay thousands for service, payment is not refunded
Fitur Terbaik:menghangatkan Sepadan dengan Harga:worth for the price first time jd anak kos semoga membantu
best features: warm commensurate with the price: worth for the price the first time being a boarding house boy, hope it helps
mantul smoga awettt
mantul may it last
Alhamdulillah sesuai pesanan, tapi dibagian duduknya pisau (kayu) kotor. Tapi it's ok, semoga pisaunya tajam. Gak tau deh ini ori dr Oxone atau bukan 😅
thank God according to the order, but where the knife (wooden) sits is dirty. but it's ok, I hope the knife is sharp. I don't know if this is original from Oxone or not
Barang bagus.. cuman uswr experienxnya agak kurang nyaman di tombol R/L2 mending dualshock PS ori
good stuff.. but the uswr experience is a bit uncomfortable on the r/l button, it's better if the dualshock ps ori
Brang bgus,pcking jelek!pdhl udh co sama bubblewrap tpi gk ada bubble sama sekali Kardus penyok2
good stuff, bad ping! even though it's already co with bubble wrap but there's no bubble at all the box is dented
Sejauh dipakai.semua fungsi normal.getaran ya juga berfungsi.packing kardus,semoga awet.thx
as far as it's used. all functions are normal. vibration also works. cardboard packing, hope it lasts. thx
awalnya dikrm hanya unit saja, setelah komplain baru dikrm dan info bonus bundling harusnya diupdate kalo tumbler dah habis..jadi tidak buat pelanggan kecewa
Initially only units were sent, after complaints were sent and bonus bundling info should be updated if the tumbler runs it doesn't make customers disappointed