barang tepat waktu datangnya, tapi setelah dicoba listrik ga kuat padahal dayanya sudah 2300 watt..gimana nih...
the goods arrived on time, but after trying the electricity it didn't work even though the power was already in watts.. how about this.
Bagus. Recomend
Good. recommend
Keren abis gokil keyboard ny jg kl di pk ngetik enak
it's cool, the keyboard is crazy, even if you type on it, it's nice
trimss min, barangnya udah sampai dengan rapih...semoga bisa digunakan dengan baik
thanks min, the item has arrived neatly. I hope it can be used properly
Bagus, sesuai expetasi, worth it dengan harga segitu
good, according to expectations, worth it at that price
Kualitas bagus alhamdulillah. Tapi kurang puas soalnya q pesan yg pink tapi yg datang warna biru dan prosesnya sampai sepekan karena katanya overloaded
good quality thanks. but I'm not satisfied because I ordered pink but what came was blue and the process took up to a week because they said it was overloaded
Blender Bagus😁smoga awet👍
good blender, hope it lasts
dandang nya pada penyok bawah nya,soalnya pengemasan nya cuma di bungkus pke plastik gak pake dus,untung pelanggan saya mau ngambil aja
the boiler was dented at the bottom, the thing is the packaging was only wrapped in plastic, not using a box, luckily my customer just wanted to take it
pancinya pas untuk magic com cosmos, tapi minus kukusannya tidak bisa masuk ke panci. tapi gapapa, yg penting bisa masak nasi. terima kasih sellef
the pot is just right for magic com cosmos, but minus the steamer it can't get into the pot. but it's okay, the important thing is you can cook rice. thank you selef
dikasih bonus case jg lumayan
given a bonus case too pretty
Pisaunya bagus dan lengkap, harga bersahabat
the knife is good and complete, the price is friendly
trm ksh
thanks ksh
Bocor.... 🙄🙄
Sepadan dengan Harga:Mayan Fitur Terbaik:cuss Mantap
commensurate with the price:mayan best features:great cuss
Barang sampe dengan selamat sesuai dengan deskripsi. Dapet keyboard + flip case & kartu perdana. Pengiriman juga cepet. Makasiiihh
Item arrived safely according to the description. get keyboard + flip case & prepaid card. delivery is also fast. thanks
Barang sudah sampai dan kualitas sangat baik, pengiriman juga sangat cepat sekali dan barangnya oke
the goods have arrived and the quality is very good, the delivery is also very fast and the goods are okay
Barang nya bagus dan sesuai tpi lampunya gk nyala
the item is good and suitable but the light doesn't work
Barang masih bagus. Penggunaan nya juga masih oke
still good stuff. it's still okay to use
barangnya ori....
original stuff.
Barangnya bagus Tp saya pakek hehhe
the stuff is good but i use it hehehe
barang cepet bngtt nyampenya,packing rapih bngtttt...Mantulll,dah dicobain berfungsi dgn baik,mga awettt,kurir ramahhhh....txz seller &Lazmall...,,,
the item arrived very quickly, the packaging was really neat, it worked, I tried it to work properly, it doesn't last, the courier is friendly. txz seller & lazmall.,
Alhamdulillah...barang bagus,tidak ada cacat sedikit pun...terimaksih...🙏🙏 terimaksih juga buat kurirnya...🙏🙏
alhamdulillah. good stuff, no defects at all. thank you. thanks also for the courier.
mantap, isinya lengkap🥰 terima kasih seller, semoga suksess terus ya untuk tokonya🫶
great, the contents are complete, thank you seller, good luck with the shop🫶
Produk okee, cuman salah warna aja.
the product is ok, just the wrong color.
Lama kirimnya. Barang sesuai dan bagus. Semoga awet.
long time to send. good and good stuff. hope it lasts.
Saat ditanya dikolom chat bilangnya ram 1gb. Setelah barang nyampe (itupun pengiriman lama bgt) ramnya cuma 512mb. Dikomplain bilangnya enteng banget, katanya mungkun ketukar, hadeh... Sampe segitunya bohongin costumer. Dikonfirmasi di kolom chat masalah penyelesaiannya gmn malah gak respon..
when asked in the chat column it says gb ram. after the goods arrived (and even then the delivery took a long time) the ram was only mb. complained he said it was really easy, he said maybe it was exchanged, hadeh. until that much lie to the customer. confirmed in the chat column how to solve the problem instead of not responding..
cakep gak lengket lagi
it's not sticky anymore
saya kirain usbnya kayak driver usb ternyata buat si rgb nya, hihihi tapi sound quality sama mic cakep kok 😁😁😁
I thought the USB was like a USB driver, but it turned out to be for the RGB one, hihihi, but the sound quality and the mic are pretty good
sementara gaada kendala.. semoga awet
while there are no problems... hopefully it will last
Sedikit wrappingnya box penyok untungnya blendernya gk rusak
the wrapping box was a little dented, luckily the blender wasn't damaged
kayanya barang rusak di kirim ya.. Krn penutup galon nya setelah saya lihat di youtub ngk ada karet pengunci pantes ngk bisa naik airnya..
I think the item was damaged when it was sent... because after I saw the gallon cover on YouTube there was no rubber lock so the water couldn't rise...
pas udah sampai barangnya penyok.
when it arrived it was dented.
Harga:oriii...sesuai sama deskripsi..puas bgt belanja di official inii😍😍😍😍😍 terimakasih
Price: Ori. According to the description.. Very satisfied with shopping at this official, thank you
Produk sih memuaskan, cuma mgkn cut off order processing timenya dibikin lebih flexibel, udah gt aja 😊👍
the product is satisfactory, but maybe the cut off order processing time is made more flexible, that's all
toko mah udah bagus dan cepat review headset: untuk pengguna kacamata gabakal nyaman dipake lama. suara bagus, tapi kalo buat pemain game fps kurang cocok karena suara kurang jelas kayak telinga disumpel kapas. mungkin karena bassnya tebel. suara pc kadang bocor ke mic kalo terlalu keras.
The shop is already good and quick to review the headset: for glasses users it won't be comfortable to wear for a long time. the sound is good, but for fps game players it is not suitable because the sound is not clear like cotton plugged ears. maybe because the bass is thick. PC sound sometimes leaks into the mic if it's too loud.
mantap barang sampe rumah aman cuman pengiriman lama, beli jumat malam sampe sini hari kamis
great, the goods arrived safely, but the delivery took a long time, bought Friday night, arrived here on Thursday
Sudah yang ke empat kalinya beli kipas disini, hasilnya puas, namun yang terakhir ini belum saya coba.
this is the fourth time I have bought a fan here, the result is satisfied, but I haven't tried the last one.
ini orderan ke 2 dapet softcase , maaf foto ga sesuai, soalnya gak sempet moto
This is an order to get a softcase, sorry the photo doesn't match, the problem is I don't have a moto
produknya sesuai pengiriman cepat hanya saja pengiriman kurirnya yang lama
the product is according to fast delivery it's just that the courier delivery took a long time
Jangan pakai shopee xpress ke luar jjawa, lama wkwkw. Full review di video. Maaf ya min.
Don't use Shopee Express outside of Java, it's going to take a long time. full review on video. sorry min.
bagos pengiriman cpt . brang ori mudah dipasang. semoga key ku cpt sampe
nice fast delivery . ori easy to install. I hope my key can arrive quickly
HP panas, n carjer juga cepet panas, semoga advan bisa lebih baik lagi q cinta produk Indonesia🇮🇩
the cellphone is hot, and the charger gets hot quickly, I hope Advan can be even better, I love Indonesian products
Kualitas oke...makasih blibli
okay quality. thanks blibli
barang original dan ada garansi. berfungsi dengan baik. seller Ramah dan pengiriman cepat
original item with warranty. works fine. friendly seller and fast delivery
Barang sesuai foto dan pesanan.
items according to photos and orders.
ini entah telinga saya broken atau memang headset yg dikirim ke saya suara nya kurang keluar ya, saya coba di volume 50 suaranya tidak sebesar yang dikatakan youtuber reviewer headset Rexus HX20 ini.
I don't know if my ears are broken or the headset that was sent to me doesn't sound much. I tried the volume, it wasn't as big as what the YouTuber reviewer of the Rexus HX headset said.
produk asli advance, namun sayang produk ini sering lag/berhenti sejenak sebelum ke aplikasi lain, suara yg dihasilkan keras namun cempreng, layar besar
the original product is advanced, but unfortunately this product often lags / pauses before going to other applications, the sound produced is loud but shrill, big screen
maaaf gambar tidak sesuai gambar...karena barang nya ada dirumah...
sorry the picture doesn't match the picture. because the goods are at home.
saya beri nilai hanya karena saya butuh koin shopee 😭 tapi saya review jujur kok ini emang bagus barangnya hahahahaoiya terus juga seller ramah hahahaha apa lagi ya hehehe saya bingung hehehehehehe byebyebyebyebyebye
I give it a rating just because I need a shopee coin but I'm reviewing honestly how come this is really good stuff hahahahaoiya and the seller is friendly hahahaha what else hehehe I'm confused hehehehehehe byebyebyebyebyebye
Pisonya gede banget ternyata
the pizza is really big
Barang bagus .TDK ada cacat.cpt Dateng nya...
good arrival.
it works, tanpa harus donlot donlot. di D-pad nya ada Gap jadi bisa liat sirkuitnya tapi gak pa pa lah.
it works, without having to download the download. there is a gap on the d-pad so you can see the circuit but that's okay.
Barangnya original 👍.
the goods are original.
Saat datang, gelas penggiling daging yg kecil pecah.. Setelah mengajukan komplen barang pengganti dikirim.. Terimakasih atas respon yg cepat
when it arrived, the small glass of the meat grinder was broken.. after submitting a complaint, a replacement item was sent.. thanks for the quick response
Minta 2 warna di kasih cuma 1 warna, padahal disitu bisa pilih 2 warna eh gak taunya random, payah
asked for the color to be given only the color, even though there you can choose a color, uh, don't know it's random, sucks
bagus, responsif, masih ok meski nggak pake mouse pad
good, responsive, still ok even if you don't use the mouse pad
barang mulus lancar jaya, seller ramah, untuk plug n play nya hrs ada notif controller ready dlu baru bisa klo gaada notif itu berati gk ke detect
the item is smooth and running smoothly, the seller is friendly, for plug n play there must be a notification of the controller ready first then if there is no notification it means it is not detected
ngak bs bt ps4
can't bt ps
alhamdulilah paket nya sudah datang brng nya bagus saya suka makasih lazada .makasih juga buat bang kulirr....
alhamdulillah, the package has arrived, the goods are good, I like it, thanks lazada. Thanks also for the kulirr.
biasa aza, terus saya coba setting kok tombol up down left right gak fungsi ya
it's normal, then I try the settings, how come the up down left right button doesn't work?
Best value headset walau splitter harus beli terpisah. Packing cukup aman soalnya box barang ditutupin kardus. Sound mantap. Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play. Respon penjual mantap & ramah. Well-deserved.
best value headset even though the splitter has to be bought separately. packing is quite safe because the box is covered with cardboard. great sound. convenient and practical just plug and play. seller's response is solid & friendly. well-served.
Berfungsi dengan baik, pengiriman cepat, mantap
works fine, fast delivery, great
Fitur Terbaik:memasak dang menghangatkan Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuau Paking aman pake kayu mantap
the best features: cooking and heating are commensurate with the price: according to safe packing using solid wood
Fast Respon. tjakep
fast response. tjakep
Ada satu baut yang slek
there is one screw that is slek
Ayoooo jangan ragu belanja di toko ini, barangnya dijamin ori, packing aman, pengiriman cepat. Mksh yaa 👍
Come on, don't hesitate to shop at this store, the goods are guaranteed ori, packing is safe, shipping is fast. thank you
keren sih, cuman agak kurang di kemasan pas d anter kurir, cuman di lapis kardus doang, kalo untuk barang okelah the best
it's cool, it's just a bit lacking in packaging when the courier delivers, only in layers of cardboard, for goods it's okay the best
Terbaik, Seller Fast response, packing aman dan barang OK
the best, seller fast response, safe packing and good stuff
Pengiriman cepat, chatt ramah harga murah. Blm dites krn unt dijual lg. Makasih seller
fast delivery, friendly chat, cheap price. Haven't tested it for sale yet. thanks seller
Sepadan dengan Harga:sip Fitur Terbaik:ok Alhamdulillah puas , packing nya aman banget, setrikanya cepet juga panasnya modelnya juga bagus respon penjual juga sangat baik recomend pokonya ini toko semoga berkah selalu
worth the price: sip the best features: ok thank God I'm satisfied, the packaging is very safe, the iron is fast and the heat is also good, the seller's response is also very good, I recommend this shop, good luck always
terima kasih pesananya sudah saya terima gan, barang bagus berkualitas dan tidak mengecewakan
thank you for the order, I have received it, bro, good quality goods and did not disappoint
bagus sih tapi pas baru mau dipake tombol R1 nya susah di pencet
it's good but just when I want to use the r button it's hard to press
Harga:murah Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:tajam Rekomendasi untuk kebutuhan rumahtangga, atau kebutuhan pekerjaan
price: cheap quality: good sharpness: sharp recommendations for household needs, or work needs
Puas bnget klo packingnya bener² d perhatikan alhasil barang yg nyampek g ada cacatnya
I'm very satisfied if the packaging is correct and I pay attention to the result that the goods that arrived don't have any defects
Semua lengkap, barang ori, penjuall ramah, packaging amann dan pastinya langsung dikirim hari itu juga sampai tepat waktuu sesuai yang diinginkan...Terimakasih😄
everything is complete, original goods, friendly seller, safe packaging and of course it was sent right away that day until it arrived on time as desired. thank you
Mesin tidak nyala.. Chat gk di respon
the engine doesn't start... the chat doesn't respond
lumayan enak di pake. pesan tanggal 2 Nov, terima tanggal 4 nov..
pretty good to use. Ordered November, received November..
barang sesuai dengan gambar, pengiriman dan pengemasannya jg bagus. tapi sayang nya slow respon. untuk kedepan nya harus lebih cepat respon nya ya... good luck lah...
Item as pictured, delivery and packaging is also good. but unfortunately the slow response. for the future, the response must be faster. good luck lah.
barang sesuai pesanan. pelapak kurang respon saja.
goods to order. the trail is less responsive.
tidak sesuai di gambar jelek sangat kecewa.
does not fit in the ugly picture very disappointed.
mantaabbbb....👍👍👍 respon cepat, order jam 2 barang sampe dgn selamat di klaten jam 3 an. Harga lbh murah dibanding toko yg lain. thanks seller & tokopedia.
ex. fast response, order hours goods arrived safely at klaten jam an. cheaper price than other shop. thanks seller & tokopedia.
Opsi pertama kalau mau kasih kado karna bermanfaat bgt. Admin ramah, pengiriman juga cepat. Tp sayang packing kado ga + bubblewrap hanya pakai kertas kado + plastik wrap. Padahal wkt ditanya katanya kertas kado + bubblewrap
the first option if you want to give a gift because it's really useful. admin is friendly, delivery is also fast. but it's a shame the gift packaging isn't + bubblewrap only using gift paper + plastic wrap. even though when asked he said gift paper + bubblewrap
Pengirimannya lama pesen tgl 4 baru sampe tgl 10
the delivery took a long time to order the new date until the date
Barang bagus, sesuai foto.. anak kok wajib beli 😂
good stuff, according to the photo.. how come children have to buy it
- barang cepat sampai - respon seller sangat cepat, baik dan ramah, dan bertanggung jawab. - packaging sangat rapih barang tersegel dikirim tanpa keanehan pada segel
- the goods arrived quickly - the seller's response was very fast, kind and friendly, and responsible. - packaging is very neat, sealed items are sent without oddities on the seal
Ok sip mantap sesuay oderan amanah 👍 terimakasih shopi
okay, sip, steady according to order, trust, thank you, shopee
PeLayanannya kurang bagus orderan tdk dipacking pdhaL via gojek kL dijaLan hujan entah gmn bLender saya
the service is not good, the order is not packaged, even though via gojek, if it's raining, I don't know what my blender is
Barang yang keterima tidak sesuai gambar sama deskripsi dari pelapak.. Yang keterima tidak bisa bongkar pasang..
the item received does not match the picture with the description from the seller.. what was received cannot be disassembled..
ok sip deh mantap buat ngeliwet dan ngegonjleng kejo
ok sip deh steady for ngeliwet and ngejojleng kejo
Pesanan diterima dgn baik cuma untuk pengirimannya lamaaaa mungkin belinya jg di 1212 kali ya, semoga awet
The order was well received, only for the long delivery, maybe I will buy it again, hopefully it will last
Pertama lihat kabel bingung gak sama dg aslinya, akhirnya lihat yutube dan berhasil gak meleduk......
First, I saw that the cable was confused, it wasn't the same as the original, finally I saw YouTube and it didn't explode.
Produk sesuai deskripsi dan lengkap serta pengiriman cepat cuma sayang kardus nya ad yang sobek
the product is in accordance with the description and is complete and the delivery is fast, it's just a pity that the cardboard is torn
mantapp udh dtg paketnya kemsan msh kondisi segel dan grs resmi
great, the package has arrived, it's still in sealed condition and it's official
GAK PERLU RAGU BUAT BELI woy. enak dipake. smartfrennya gak guna KARENA HARUS ISI PULSA 50K dulu, dan syarat Tektek bengek lainya. SEDANGKAN .... ANTI GORESNYA GA DIKASIH JUGA. HHUHUHU. padahal pas nge chat, katanya anti gores dikasih
no need to hesitate to buy woy. delicious to make. the smartfren is useless because you have to fill in credit first, and other complicated conditions. whereas . Anti-scratch is also not given. hhuhuhu. even though when I chat, he said anti-scratch was given
Mungil, mntap pnasnya.. mkasih setrikanya.. mga mju trus..
tiny, really hot.. still ironing.. don't go ahead..
Barangnya si bagus bngt ok. Cuma lama di jnenya:(( sebel sama jnenya lama
the goods are really good ok. only takes a long time on the jne :(( annoyed with the old jne
barang berfungsi dengan baik, semoga awet. thx
item works fine, hope it lasts. thx
Barang sesuai deskripsi, cuma terkendala d kurir aja. Go send telat, sampe 2 hari barang baru sampai.
Item as described, just a problem with the courier. Gosend is late, until the day the new item arrives.
Saya mau tanya ini punya saya baru dipake 1 kali tp kok skrg gak bisa dipake?
I want to ask, I have just used this one time but how come it can't be used now?
cepat lowbed
fast lowbed