Kualitas produk baik Original Sesuai variasi Harga oke Pengiriman selalu cepat dan aman Bubble wrap tebal Sudah langganan Terimakasih
Good product quality original according to price variations okay. Delivery is always fast and safe. Thick bubble wrap. Already subscribed. Thank you
Bagus..cuma ngga bisa cas 1
good..just can't charge
hatur nuhun sae pisan Poko namah puas hanteu nyesel mantap .amanah
thank you, sae pisan poko namah satisfied, hanteu, sorry, great, trustworthy
beneran bisa lembut buat blender bumbu,,,ga uzah uleg2 lg
it really can be soft for spice blenders, you don't have to grind anymore
Pengiriman nya josss. Bru brpa menit chekout lagsung di kirim.. Dan baru sejam kitim..dh sampe... Best seller..
joss delivery. only a few minutes of checkout immediately sent.. and only an hour sent..dh arrived. best seller..
ka maaf ko mejikom ny penyok ya??
ka sorry ko mejikom ny dent huh??
barang berfungsi dengan baik, trims extra bundling im3 bisa dpt kuota murah selama 1 thn, free magnetic keyboard buat pengerjaan tugas, speks mantap mumpuni di harga affordable, mudah2an kuat lama dan awet
the item works well, thanks for the extra bundling im able to get a cheap quota for yrs, free magnetic keyboard for doing assignments, great specs, qualified at an affordable price, hopefully it lasts long and lasts
Kualitas bagus, barang dikirim cepat, terima kasih.
good quality, item shipped fast, thank you.
Tampilan:bagus Performa:kuat Kualitas:belum.dipake smg kuat sampe akhir jd anak kostan๐Ÿ™thx seller
appearance: good performance: strong quality: not yet. hope it's strong until the end so the child is kostan thx seller
Sesuai deskripsi...packing sangat rapi seller ramah & profesional
according to the description, the packing is very neat, the seller is friendly and professional
aim epep max saya jadi auto lock gg gimang
my epep max aim becomes auto lock gg gimang
suaranya masih kurang jernih
the sound is still not clear
terima kasih sangat memuaskan sekali
thank you, very satisfying
Termosnya udah diterima dengan sangat baik.. Jasa kirim Shopex sepertinya sedang memperbaiki kinerja pengiriman pesanan karena pengiriman kali ini bener" 1x24 jam.. Semoga bisa mempertahankan itu.. Untuk barang dari Shopee Mall, alhamdulillah selalu menerima produk dengan baik.. Semoga selalu amanah
The thermos has been received very well... Shopex's delivery service seems to be improving the performance of delivery orders because this time the delivery is correct "x hours.. I hope you can maintain that.. for goods from the shopee mall, alhamdulillah, always receive good products.. I hope you are always trustworthy
Rice cookernya sudah dipakai untuk bikin sup ayam. ๐Ÿ˜
The rice cooker has been used to make chicken soup.
Ternyata kecil bgt asli nya, gedean galon nya dripda dispenser nya, jd ngeri ambruk kl d pkein galon
it turns out that the original is really small, the gallon is bigger than the dispenser, so it's scary to collapse when you use a gallon
Produk berfungsi dengan baik, tidak ada cacat, packing rapi
product works fine, no defects, neat packing
Mendarat dng amannn sentosaa.. Tp blm dicoba.. Semoga aman jg... Mkasihhh ka..
landed safely safely... but haven't tried it yet... hope it's safe too. thank you..
udah tuker barang tetep dapet yang bocor
I've exchanged goods, but I still get a leak
Sayang sekali peenyok mungkin di perjalanan tertumpuk
it's a shame the dents probably on the way are stacked
joss.. repeat order nih.. krn yg lama dipakai komputer lain.
joss.. repeat order... because the old one was used by another computer.
sangat kecewa, setrika mati nggak bisa nyala
very disappointed, the dead iron can't turn on
Bintang 3 karena isinya ada yg kurang. Saringan putih yg biasa dipakai penghangat gak ada. Lain kali dicek lagi
star because there is something missing in it. there is no white filter that is usually used as a heater. next time check again
bahannya cukup tebal, panjangnya juga sesuai, kalau keyboard yang tanpa numkey bakal lebih luas lagi untuk pergerakan mousenya
the material is quite thick, the length is also appropriate, if the keyboard is without numkey it will be even wider for mouse movement
tablet yang sangat worth to buy.. apalagi yang kurang? harga 2.7jt dapat ram 8/128 dan layar 10 inch, dapat keyboard juga lagi. merk lain spek segitu pasti 5jt++ dan hanya wifi only, ram 8gb sangat cukup untuk kerja ringan seperti word/excel juga editing ringan apalagi cuma untuk nonton. penempatan kamera depan juga pas untuk kerja apalagi zoom, hanya saja tidak support virtual background zoom, wajar diharga segini, tablet yg support vb zoom minimal 6jt++, mending pakai hp aja atau laptop utk vb zoom.
a tablet that is really worth buying... what else is missing? the price is .jt it gets ram / and inch screens, gets a keyboard too. other brands with such specs are sure to be JT++ and only wifi only, gb ram is very enough for light work like word/excel as well as light editing especially just for watching. The placement of the front camera is also right for work, let alone zooming, it's just that it doesn't support virtual background zoom, at this reasonable price, a tablet that supports vb zoom is at least million ++, it's better to just use a cell phone or laptop for vb zoom.
Harga:standar Pengemasan:aman,mungkin terlalu kencang,pancinya ujung peyok Bahan/Material:stainlees Pengemasan aman,tapi mungkin kekencangan, pancinya ada yg peyok respon penjual ramah,kecepatan pengiriman cepet banget lebih cepat dri estimasi.trimakasih
price: standard packaging: safe, maybe too tight, the pot has a dented edge ingredients: stainless packaging is safe, but maybe it's tight, the pot has a dented, the seller's response is friendly, the delivery speed is really fast, faster than the estimate. thanks
Barang rusak di jual Ga bisa hidup Nda ada guna
damaged goods for sale can't live and have no use
pelayanan cepat dan produk memuaskan. pesan di pagi hari. malam suda smpai. Proses pesanan cepat.ย Packaging rapi.ย Packaging aman ๐Ÿ™.
fast service and satisfying product. message in the morning. the night has arrived. fast order process. neat packaging. safe packaging .
Product original dan kondisi mulus
original product and immaculate condition
panci liwet almuniumnya kukira besar gak taunya kecil itu mah tuk masak beras 1/2liter doang gak bisa muat banyak dan makadih tuk kurirnya
I thought the aluminum liwet pot was big, but I don't know how small it is for cooking rice / liter, it can't fit much and thanks for the courier
no coment. mantapppppppp
no comment. Excellent
Pilihan warnaRice Cookernya paling lengkap di banding toko2 sebelah.. Kupikir bahan panci nasi stainless steelnya tuh tipis dan murah, ternyata nggak, pancinya tebal dan ada indikator isinya mililiter/liter.. Penjualnya sangat2 responsif dan jujur (dikasih nota pembelian) dan kartu garansi resmi..
The choice of colors for the rice cooker is the most complete compared to the shop next door.. I thought the material for the stainless steel rice pot was thin and cheap, but apparently not, the pot is thick and has an indicator for the contents in milliliters/liters.. the seller is very responsive and honest (given a purchase receipt) and an official warranty card ..
Barang cukup bagus,,, Pengiriman lama sekali sampe 2minggu, chat tidak dibalas padahal online,,,,tidak memuaskan respon penjualnya
the goods are quite good, the delivery took a long time until Sunday, the chat was not answered even though it was online, the seller's response was not satisfactory
Bubble nya tipis x. Kotak nya udh mulai penyotnya tp syukurnya isinya aman. Ga ada pecah. Sempat jantungan bakal hancur isinya ternyata msh bagus ga ad yg lecet
the bubble is thin x. The box has started to sink but thankfully the contents are safe. nothing broke. I had a heart attack, the contents were destroyed, it turned out that it was still good, there were no blisters
pilih yang clicky, keyboardnya oke, cuma belum terlalu terbiasa dengan feels clicky aja, biasa pakai linear soalnya, tapi ga jadi masalah. cuma agak kurang di software aja, kalau mode wireless ga kebaca di software, semoga softwarenya diupdate terus
choose the clicky one, the keyboard is okay, but I'm just not too used to the clicky feel, I usually use linear ones, but it's not a problem. it's just a bit lacking in the software, if the wireless mode can't be read in the software, hopefully the software will continue to be updated
Enak di telinga, barang new, packing bagus๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
nice to the ear, new item, good packing
Kualitas produk sangat baik, produk original, harga produk baik, kecepatan pengiriman baik ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
product quality is very good, product is original, product price is good, delivery speed is good
Oh my ou ๐Ÿ‘Œ truly mood being the most beautiful girl Iโ€™ve seen on the planetย 
oh my ou truly mood being the most beautiful girl i've seen on the planet
dah nyampe dan barang bagus ga penyok... blom pake bismillah aja berguna
it arrived and the good stuff is not dented. just don't use bismillah it's useful
barang diterima baik, sesuai dengan pesanan, kemasan juga baik terimakasih
goods received in good condition, according to the order, the packaging is also good, thank you
Terimakasih kak,, Alhamdulillah barangnya sesuai dan bagus jugaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,
thank you sis,, alhamdulillah the goods are suitable and good too,
Bagus bgt sesuai ekspektasi cm tutupnya sedikit penyok krn ga tambah bubble ๐Ÿ˜
it's good as expected cm the lid is a little dented because it doesn't add bubble
Barangnya jelek bgttt udh rusakkk masa d pake sehari langsung mati๐Ÿ˜ค
the item is really bad, it's broken when I use it for a day, it immediately dies
cepat dan di kemas dgn baik
fast and well packaged
barang sesuai pesanan, respon cepat makasih
items as ordered, quick response thanks
Baru pakai tidak sampai 1 bulan rusak.
just used it not until the month it broke.
Mantap bun blendernya, udah dicoba buat blender bumbu sih oke banget. Belom coba pake yg gede tp harusnya oke juga lah ya.. tabungnya plastik ya bun..
the blender is great, I've tried it for a spice blender, it's really good. I haven't tried using the big one but it should be okay... the tube is plastic...
kardus penyok semua
all cardboard dented
trimakasih barangnya sudah sampai...good produck past respon suka deh blanja disini
Thank you, the goods have arrived. Good product, fast response, I like shopping here
Mantap, Ori
great, ori
Keren sih menurut ku dengan harga segitu, thanks
I think it's cool at that price, thanks
Barang sudah sampai dengan Selamat,produk ini bagus banget,suarannya ga berisik,daya sedot air juga kenceng. Maaf ga pake foto video, lagi ribet nih aplikasinya Makasih seller Makasih abang kurir
the item arrived safely, the product is really good, the sound is not noisy, the suction power is also fast. Sorry, I don't use video photos, it's complicated, the application, thanks seller, thanks brother, courier
Mantap, tp sayang pd bagian pinggir ada jahitan yg kendor2 dan rada tajam, jadi saya harus motong & merapihkan sendiri
great, but unfortunately on the edges there are loose and sharp seams, so I have to cut & trim myself
Terimakasih seller. Respon packing luar biasa. Berkah trus tokonya ya
thanks seller. great packing response. good luck with the shop
Panas nya pakai banget keren banget kak hehe makasih kakak baguss banget
it's really hot, it's really cool, sis, hehe, thanks, bro, it's really good
Mantul lah pokoknya mantap betul recomended banget low noise mic nya cakep lah
It bounces anyway, it's really really recommended, the low noise mic is pretty good
Cepet banget sampenya dan selalu bagus beli disini gapernah nyesel! Thank you sis!!
it arrives really fast and it's always good to buy here never regret! thank you sis!!
Cantik pake Banget...๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ
very pretty wear.
magi com baru dipake 3hari udah mati g bisa di pake lagi pa jualan rongsokan pa barang baru
magicom was just used the day it died can't be used anymore pa selling junk pa new goods
Terimakasih sudah dikirim dengan cepat dan dibungkus dengan baik. Sudah diterima dgn lengkap semoga awet.
Thank you for sending quickly and well packaged. received in full hopefully durable.
Alhamdulillah barang sdh sampek bagus tp tutup dandangny ng pas
alhamdulillah the goods arrived good but the lid of the pot didn't fit
Fitur Terbaik:barang oke Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Walau sudah doble wrap... Tetep penyok sedikit.. Alhamdulillah masih oke sesuai fungsi Penyok dri ekspedisinya pengiriman, agak kecewa sih... Kardus nya rusak.
best features: okay stuff commensurate with the price: appropriate even though it's double wrapped. still a little dented... thank God it's still okay according to the dent function of the shipping expedition, I'm a bit disappointed. the cardboard is broken.
Paket sudah diterima dengan aman. Barang realpic seperti iklan. Maaf saya kasih bintang 3, begitu paket dibuka dan mau dicoba ternyata dudukan baterainya solderannya lepas jd blm bisa dicoba normal tidaknya. Tolong lain kali diperhatikan dan cek lg sebelum pengemasan.
the package has been received safely. realpic stuff like ads. sorry I gave a star, as soon as the package was opened and I wanted to try it turned out that the battery holder had come loose, so I couldn't try it normally. Please pay attention next time and check again before packing.
Kualitas produk baik Suara pokoknya mantul bass bangat Hanya tidak nyala lampunya kalau kabel usb ndk di sambungkan
the quality of the product is good, the sound basically bounces off the bass, it's just that the light doesn't turn on if the USB cable isn't connected
Alhamdulilah....... barang udah sampai tapi sayang barangnya kal sudah di pakai nodanya sulit untuk di hilangkan.
Thank God. the item arrived but it's a shame the person when it's used the stain is hard to remove.
Kesel banget, ga ada kukusannya padahal tertera di manualnya ada, buat kado orang. Di chat ga dibalas lagi. Kirain profesional.
really annoyed, there's no steamer even though it's written in the manual, it's for someone's gift. in chat no reply again. think professional.
HP ga di pake apa apa tapi panas banget, terus leleh dalemnya, di buang dehh
I didn't use the cellphone but it was really hot, then melted inside, threw it away
kok gak ada baterai remot nya ya?
how come there's no battery for the remote?
Barang diterima ,ada yg penyok agak dln ,,tidak ada kordinasi yg baik antara penjual sama jasa pengiriman..sedikit kecewa..cukup 1kali ini saja beli barang ditoko ini
the goods are received, some are dented a bit inside,, there is no good coordination between the seller and the delivery service..a little disappointed..just this time just buy the goods in this shop
untuk main game mantap ,,tapi kecewa gak sesuai ,harpan ,baru 1 hari pakai batre nya udh ada masalah ,pas sampai 25 persen ke bawah mati sendiri ,terus jaringan nya ,jelek banget ,padahal kartu nya gak masalah tu aku masukin kartu ke hp Xiaomi aman2 aja ,biarpun 3 G,kecewa banget pkok nya
to play the game is great,, but disappointed it's not appropriate, hope, just the day I used the battery, there was a problem, when it got to the bottom percent it turned off by itself, then the network was really bad, even though the card didn't have a problem, I put the card into the xiaomi cellphone it's safe Aja, even though I'm really disappointed
top bgt pokokx setrikax n barangx ringan pokokx sesuai harapan da suxses trus.. sinyal dsn agak susa jd telat ksi ulasan โญโญโญโญ โญโญhujan trus naa.. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
the top is great, the iron, the goods are light, the staple is as expected, and it's successful, the dsn signal is a bit difficult, so it's late when the review rains, then naa..
barang nya bagus sih, cuma packing nya itu loh, cuma pake plastik bening gtuh aja, seengganya pake yg warna hitam gtuh klo emg gamau pake.kardus
the item is good, it's just the packaging, just use clear plastic, that's all, at least use the black one if you don't want to use cardboard
cepat mantapp tp sedih ga dpet bonus hehe. gapapa
it's fast, great but it's sad I don't get a bonus hehe. it doesn't matter
Barang sesuai pesanan... gercep... Ada minor sedikit bagian belakang pojok keyboard (saya liatin di foto), tidak berpengaruh terhadap fungsi....
goods to order. hurry up. there is a slight minor back corner of the keyboard (I see in the photo), it doesn't affect function.
Kualitas:Sedikit ada yg lecet2 brang ny
quality: there are a few scuffs, bro
gokil packaging nya juga mantep
the packaging is crazy too
Kualitas:bahan tebal Oxone gak perlu di ragukan lagi sih kualitas dari barangnya Alhamdulillah barang sampai dengan selamat dan tanpa ada cacat Pengemasannya juga rapi dan bubble wrap tergolong tebal
quality: thick oxone material, there is no need to doubt the quality of the goods, thank God, the goods arrived safely and without any defects, the packaging was also neat and the bubble wrap was quite thick
sesuai keinginan ,,lagi pgn warna biru yang DTG ternyata biru semoga berfungsi dengan baij
as you wish, again using the blue color that comes out it turns out to be blue, hopefully it works well
baru dipakai dua minggu sudah rusak
It's only been used for two weeks and it's broken
biasanya packingnya tebal jadi aman untuk beli hp 4 unit tpi skrg malah tipis jadi nya dus penyok2.
usually the packaging is thick so it's safe to buy a cell phone unit but now it's even thin so the box is dented.
barang oke, packaging rapi dan aman
good item, neat and safe packaging
Bagus gak ada yang kurang packing juga aman, saya pake instan jadi cepet amanah, terima kasih
it's good, nothing is lacking, the packing is also safe, I use instant, so it's fast, trustworthy, thank you
Barang bagus berfungsi dengan sempurna dan keliahatan kuat materialnya kokoh mantaplah pokoknya,, terimakasih seller
good stuff, works perfectly and looks strong, the material is sturdy, that's all, thank you seller
Baru nyampe barang alahmdulilah aman......cuma agak lama aja... Tp puas lah
just arrived the item thank God it's safe. it's just a little long. but satisfied
Barang bagus packing rapih namun dusnya penyok yaa.. Dan random warna nya saya gak suka
nice item, neat packing, but the box is dented... and I don't like the random color
niatnya mau beli yg 357 tp terlanjur mencet yg 356...bilang ke toko minta di batalin.. di jawab ok.. tp tetep aja dikirim.. well ya nasi jd bubur...
The intention was to buy the one but already pressed the one. Told the shop to cancel it.. The answer was ok.. but it was still sent.. well, the rice became porridge.
lecet lecet , kecewa banget mana saya pesen buat orang lain , udah itu orang nya mnt ganti uang , gmna kok d kasih barang yg rusak , tutup jg gak rapih , tolong y nnt klo pesen lg d cek sblm d krm , krna barang buat d jual lg
blisters, scuffs, really disappointed where I ordered for other people, already that person asked for a refund, how come I gave the damaged item, the lid wasn't neat either, please if I order again, I'll check it before it's sent, because the item is for sale lg
cepat sekali sampai nya butuh waktu 3 hari
so fast it took days
Best value headset, Sound mantap
best value headset, great sound
Pengiriman lambat... Padahal pesen pke grab instan pagi tp ttp aja dikirim sore....sama aja kyk psen grab sameday
slow delivery. even though I ordered instant grab in the morning but it was sent in the afternoon. It's the same as using grab sameday
bagussss t
good t
Oke.. Tapi pengirimannya lama skli
okay.. but the delivery took a long time
kurang puas
less satisfied
mantap barang mantul dan kumplit sama bonusnya terikasih lazada seller nya amanah dan kurir nya the best semua tanks
Great stuff, bounce and complete with bonuses, thank you, Lazada, the seller is trustworthy, and the courier is the best, all tanks
maaf barangnya diterima kok begini
I'm sorry the item is received like this
Pengiriman Agak Tertunda walau akhirnya Bisa terkirim kedepan lebih diperhatikan lagi masalah kiriman
the delivery was a bit delayed although in the end it was able to be sent in the future, pay more attention to the delivery problem