Alhamdulillah sampe juga. Sayang ada penyok dikiiiit bgt. Nyaris ga keliatan sih. Tp gpp. Pengiriman pake yg sameday tp baru dikrm keesokan harinya. Namanya bukan sameday. Heeh...Pertama kali beli oxone. Semoga ga kecewa. Thanks seller.
thank God it arrived too. it's a shame there's a little dent. it's almost invisible. tp gpp. Same day delivery but only sent the next day. the name is not sameday. heeh. first time buying oxone. hopefully not disappointed. thanks seller.
masa ngirim barangnya begini, tanpa di bungkus sama sekali
The time to send the item like this, without packaging at all
Kualitas produk sangat baik.
product quality is very good.
sudah di tes nyala, cuma belum dipakai nge jus.
It's been tested on, just haven't used it for juice.
Barang sesuai deskripsi dan original, recommended
Item according to description and original, recommended
Respon penjual sangat jelek. Pelayanan yg SANGAT BURUK, mengecewakan dan merupakan pengalaman PALING tidak menyenangkan selama belanja di shopee. SANGAT TIDAK DIREKOMENDASIKAN belanja di toko ini meski ada iming2 discount
the seller's response is very bad. very bad service, disappointing and the most unpleasant experience while shopping at shopee. I really don't recommend shopping at this store even though there is a discount lure
Fitur Terbaik:panasnya super, baju cepat lurus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan sekali ini produk terbaik
best features: super hot, clothes straighten quickly worth the price: totally worth it this is the best product
Uwu udah dateng juga ges walau lumayan lama karna overhead 12.12 kwkwkw tinggal nunggu keyboardnya ajadeh
uwu already came too, even though it took quite a long time because of the overhead. kwkwkw just waiting for the keyboard ajadeh
Maaf ya kak gak sesuai fotonya.brg lgsg ksh ke yg pesen .katanya brg oke no cacat berfungsi dgn baik.pengiriman juga cepat .thx seller
I'm sorry, sis, it doesn't match the photo.
Maaf saya ganti penilaianya, baru pake 1 hari langsung bootloop, mungkin penjual bisa menanggapi, padahal pelayanan penjual sangat baik, tp sayang produk tidak layak jual
sorry I changed the rating, I just used bootloop immediately, maybe the seller can respond, even though the seller's service is very good, but it's a shame the product isn't worth selling
makasih lazada dan tokonya,barang realpick, cuman bahan yang kecilnya kirain sama² bahan kaca,tau nya yang gede nya doang,makasih jga buat kurirnya
thanks lazada and the shop, realpick stuff, only the material is small i think it's the same as glass material, you know the big one, thanks also for the courier
yg merah nya rusak apa gmna sih
what's wrong with the red one?
Pembelian dengan invoice INV/20180627/XVIII/VI/173629184. Ini barang baru / bekas ya ? Kabel terlihat kotor kuning2 dan hitam2.
purchase with invoice inv//xvi/vi/. is this a new/used item? cable looks dirty yellow and black.
Sudah mendarat dengan selamat! Pengiriman cepat pelayanan oke!!
landed safely! fast delivery great service!!
Harga:baik Produk baik, Packing baik. Pengiriman baik. Semoga awet. Thanks seller
price: good product good, packing good. good delivery. hope it lasts. thanks seller
Pake Gojek Instan tp nyampe nya 3 hari, barang bilang selalu ready tp d suruh ganti yg lain, kita chat tp d kacangin gak d bales2 padahal online.. jd saran saya jangan beli disini, silahkan CEK TOKO SEBELAH... harga dan barang sama2 aja sama toko sebelah tp kita gak d anggep.
use an instant gojek but it arrives today, the item says it's always ready but I'm told to change something else, we chat but the beans don't reply even though it's online... so my advice is don't buy here, please check the next store. the prices and goods are the same as the shop next door but we don't think they are.
barang baguss pengiriman cepat penjual juga ramahh.. mantapp enak dipakaii emput tombolnyaaa mantapp......
good item fast delivery seller is also friendly.. great nice to use soft buttons steady.
anak saya suka, untuk unit lumayan berat, untuk buka aplikasi mulus no kendala, suka muncul peringatan bluetooth telah berhenti itu kenapa ya? trus wifi sering putus koneksi sendiri. thx
my son likes it, the unit is quite heavy, opens the application smoothly, no problems, a warning pops up like Bluetooth has stopped, why is that? then the wifi often disconnects itself. thx
barang sangat gud
very gud stuff
bagus. cuma saran untuk packing switch tambahannya agar lebih baik biar gak rusak gak kayak punya saya. untung masih bisa diganti garansi, kalo enggak?
Good. just a suggestion for packing the additional switches so they're better so they don't get damaged like mine. fortunately it can still be replaced under warranty, if not?
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Packaging aman 🙏.
there is an official warranty. the goods are original. safe packaging .
barang tdk berfungsi dibagian tombol memasaknya, jd harus diganjel ketika memasak
the item doesn't work on the cooking button, so it has to be propped up when cooking
Splitter micnya rusak gabisa ngomong
the mic splitter is broken, can't speak
pengiriman cepat pesen kemarin siang pagi sudah sampe (lokasi malang)
fast delivery ordered yesterday afternoon arrived (poor location)
Barang sudah di terima, pengiriman cepat. Sesuai dg gambar. Mudah2an awet
item received, fast delivery. according to the picture. hopefully durable
Barang nya sangat cepat sampai dan lengkap semua isinya. Tapi sayang. Sepertinya Kurir nya tidak amanah. Kardusnya rusak
The item arrived very quickly and everything is complete. but, honey. it seems the courier is not trustworthy. the cardboard is broken
Black eyes were given green. Before buying, I asked whether they were available or not. If green doesn't want it, is it forcibly sold or what?
Baru beli 1minggu mousenya langsung tidak berfungsi. Yeah is a sale product anyway.
I just bought it last week, the mouse doesn't work right away. yeah is a sale product anyway.
pegangan panci pada tutupnya gax ada gimana ini mor nya gax ada tolong dikirim
the pot handle on the lid isn't there, how about this, the mor isn't there, please send it
packing rapi kurir ramah barang ok 100% mulus tanpa cacat .tanks seller and Lazada its 😘👍☺
packing neat courier friendly goods ok % smooth without defects. thanks seller and lazada. i. like its
diinfo ready qty 24 pcs, tp cuma dikirim 22 pcs, dan pengiriman lama.. sudah order dr tanggal 23 baru dikirim tgl 28
info ready qty pcs, but only sent pcs, and old delivery.. already ordered from new date sent date
Terimakasih banyak, Produk sesuai deskripsi NAMUN harap diperhatikan kembali keselamatan produk saat dikirimkan. Produk saya ada cacat karena pengiriman
thank you very much, the product is according to the description but please pay attention to product safety again when delivered. My product is defective due to shipping
Fitur Terbaik:mulusss Fix Recomended👍
best features: seamless fix recommended
Packing aman rapi Pengiriman cepat Kualitas oke real Pict sesuai harga Nyaman ringan untuk setrika Semoga awet Terimakasih
safe packing neat fast delivery okay quality real pict according to price comfortable lightweight for ironing hope it lasts thank you
Kirain semua nya kaca, trnyata yg besar ajaa... Udh di coba , mungkin batu es nya kurang kecil kali yaaa, trs buat bumbu udh ditambah minyak, tp msh ada bagian yg blm halus, pdhl udh dipotong2 sblm dimaskuin . oke thanks puas bgt
I thought all of them were glass, in fact they were big. I've tried it, maybe the ice cubes aren't small enough, then for the seasoning I've added oil, but there are still parts that aren't smooth, even though they've been cut before cooking. okay, thanks, I'm very satisfied
batrenya habis kayaknya semoga aja hidup
The battery is dead, I hope it's alive
Ukuran:kek nya barang udah lama, di buka ada yang pecahhh tutupnya
size: kek the item is old, opened there is a broken lid
Realll pict Cuma ya pengirimannya lama seminggu
real pict it's just that the delivery took a week
Seller responsive. Barangnya mantep, blok kayunya juga berat dan keras. Kesan ekslusif nya lumayan
responsive seller. the goods are solid, the wooden blocks are also heavy and hard. the impression of exclusivity is not bad
Order warna hitam dikirim putih
Ordered black, sent white
barangnya bagus,tapi packaging nya kurang rapih,tapi tidak masalah karena saya dapat diskon 50%
the goods are good, but the packaging is not neat, but it doesn't matter because I get a % discount
Barang baggus kakkk baranfnyaa ga ada yg cacattt next akan pesan lagi.
good stuff sis the goods are not defective next time will order again.
barangnya bagus, sayang saya salah lihst spec.nya... ternyata kecil bgt yg saya eksekusi
the item is good, unfortunately I saw the wrong specs. it turned out that the one I executed was really small
bagus banget suaranya
really good sound
Barang Bagus sayang pengiriman lama, pesen same day dtangny next day
good item dear long delivery, order same day and next day
Psanan sampai sampai tujuan dgn cepat. Aku chat dulu krn toko nya ada di bandung bs langsung kirim ato engga ternyata seller fast response dan langsung aku buat orderan. Langsung dikirim dlm wkt 1 jam. Thank you
order to reach the destination quickly. I chat first, because the shop is in Bandung, can I send it right away or not, it turns out that the seller is fast responding and I immediately place an order. shipped immediately within hours. thank you
Ok buat kado, sudah diterima
ok for a gift, already received
biasa ajah .. bocor di wadah kecil.. terbuat dari mika yg tipis bahkan terlihat seperti plastik.. sangat tidak bagusssss.. saya berharap anda berhenti menjual barang yg seperti ini
it's normal.. it leaks in a small container.. it's made of mica which is thin and even looks like plastic.. it's not very good.. I hope you stop selling stuff like this
Kulaitas baik pengiriman baik pesen jam 11 jam 7 dah nyampe...
good quality, good delivery, ordered the clock, it arrived.
Harga:mantul Kualitas:oke punya Ketajaman:blm dicoba haha
price: good quality: ok has sharpness: haven't tried yet haha
Nggak tau nanti kedepannya bakal awet atau nggak
I don't know if it will last or not
cukup bintang ajah yg mewakilkan 😀
enough stars to represent
Ukuran:pas Kualitas:lumayan bagus tapi ada penyoknya Harga:sesuai bahan bagus tp sayang ada penyok gatau dri sananya atau pengiriman, soalnya packagingnya cuma bubble wrap 1 lapis
size: just right quality: pretty good but there are dents price: according to the material is good but unfortunately there is a dent or not from there or the delivery, the thing is the packaging is just a layer of bubble wrap
trmksh paket pesanan selamat dan utuh tdk.kurang lengkap dengan hadiahnya. Bubble warp nya tebel sampai tebal. trmksh utk kurirnya , seller dan Toped semoga sukses selalu.
Thank you, the order package is safe and intact, not complete with prizes. the bubble warp is thick to thick. thank you for the courier, seller and toped, good luck always.
Magic com nya bagus dan bekerja dengan normal, terima kasih 🙏
the magic com is good and working normally, thank you
Makasih seller, Semoga jadi pelajaran lagi buat saya untuk pilih kurir, udh 2x Milih Kuriri "AnterAja" Malah gini, yang seharusnya 3-5 hari aja barang diterima, skrng nyampe 10 hari, Gokil AnterAja, Kapok, Thanks Seller
thank you seller, I hope it will be a lesson again for me to choose a courier, I've already chosen the "anteraja" courier instead, what should be - just the day the item was received, now it arrived today, crazy anteraja, give up, thanks seller
sudah terima barang,,,walaupun Peking kurang sempurna ada penyok dalam pengiriman tapi masih bisa diperbaiki realpice dan berfungsi semua aslilohhh
I have received the goods, even though Peking is not perfect there is a dent in the delivery but it can still be repaired in realpice and all functions are original.
foto warna brg yg tiba tdk sesuai dgn produk yg dikirim
The color photo of the brg that arrives doesn't match the product sent
bagus sih..koq keranjangnya penyok sblh sih gak rata ketindih barang berat kali ya wktu pengiriman di kurir..its ok lah gpp .thanks lazada..
it's good.. how come the basket is dented on the other side, it's not evenly overlapped with heavy goods when it's delivered at the courier..its ok, it's okay. thanks lazada..
gak di packing dengan baik, harusnya dipacking yg baik biar safety, ini hanya di pakai kresek
not packed properly, it should be packed properly for safety, this is only used in plastic bags
Cocoklah buat yg low badget tapi mau punya hp android👍 Baterainya juga bukan baterai tanam, jadi kalau ada masalah baterai bisa langsung ganti baterai tanpa harus di bongkar MANTUL LAH👍👍
it's suitable for those who are on a low budget but want to have an Android cellphone, the battery is also not a built-in battery, so if there is a battery problem, you can immediately replace the battery without having to disassemble it.
layar tidak bisa touchscreen di beberapa bagian
the screen can't be touchscreen in some parts
Sampai dengan selamat. Packing mungkin masih kurang baik, saya mau nambah bubble wrap + karton, tpi ongkir nya ikut nambah😥 Mouse aman berfungsi dgn baik, semoga tetap awet.
arrived safely. maybe the packing is still not good, I want to add bubble wrap + carton, but the postage includes adding a safe mouse that functions properly, hopefully it will last.
sempat complaint karena keyboard rusak, sekarang sudah diganti. thanks fast respond to change with new item
had a complaint because the keyboard was broken, now it has been replaced. thanks fast respond to change with new items
Entah karena lagi potongan atau emang segini kualitasnya, suaranya tu kayak medem gitu, mungkin emang pas lah ya sama harganya. Untuk pengemasan dan pengiriman rapi cuman kayaknya jasa kirimnya ga bener sampe ada yang penyok gitu.
I don't know if it's because it's cut or the quality is really like this, the sound seems medem like that, maybe it's just right for the price. for packaging and delivery, it's just that it seems like the delivery service isn't right until there's a dent like that.
suara ingame masih suka bocor, walaupun kecil sih
ingame sound still leaks, even though it's small
bagus zhayanx tekony nggak isa bunyi tp ttp suka ko..makasih lazada
it's good...but zhayanx tekony can't sound but I like it anyway...thanks lazada
Ada kerusakan akibat pengiriman, kayaknya jasa pengiriman tdak memperhatikan atau kurang tau membaca tulisan yg tertempel pada paket. Mohon diperhatikan baik-baik buat jasa atau kurir apabilah ada tanda khusus di paket yg akan dikirim Anda tidak rugi melainkan kami pembeli sangat rugi
there was damage due to the delivery, it seems the delivery service didn't pay attention or didn't know how to read the writing affixed to the package. Please pay close attention to services or couriers. If there is a special sign on the package to be sent, you will not lose, but we buyers will lose a lot
Recommended, sesuai pesanan
recommended, according to order
Alhmdulillahh..... brg nya sdh nyampe sblm msak2...Mksh banyaaakkkk semoga brgnya awetttttttt...Mksh yaaa kakkk...
alhmdulillah. The goods arrived before they were cooked. Thanks a lot, hopefully the goods will last. Thank you sis.
barang okelah sesuai dgn hrga, berfungsi dgn baik, packing oke, pengiriman super cepat thx :)
the item is ok according to the hrga, works well, packing is ok, super fast delivery thx :)
Mantap sesuai pesanan, barang nya oke banget sukaaa
great according to the order, the goods are really good
Fitur Terbaik:iya Sepadan dengan Harga:iya, terjangkau Bagus, tanpa cacat, original, rekomended
best features: yes worth the price: yes, affordable good, flawless, original, recommended
Kecewa bgt, ga tau salah nya di pengiriman atau memang di kirim nya ga bagus.. pas sampe pangait nya patah..
I'm really disappointed, I don't know if there was a mistake in the delivery or if the delivery wasn't good... when it arrived the hook broke..
Ini pas paket dibuka itu udh pada ngelupas, kaya bekas dibanting.....
When the package was opened, it was already peeling off, like it had been slammed.
Alhamdulillah akhirnya datang dengan selamat setrikanya, tidak ada yang cacat atau rusak. setelah dicoba dicolokin setrikanya juga panas. Produk nya ORI dengan adanya kartu garansi, dipilihkan warna yang soft pink, suka sama warnanya. First time beli di toko ini bagus dan amanah, thanks seller 🙏
thank God the iron finally arrived safely, nothing was defective or damaged. after trying to plug it in the iron is also hot. the product is original with a warranty card, choose a soft pink color, like the color. the first time buying at this shop is good and trustworthy, thanks seller
Ni gimana ya? Sy order yg uk 1L, koq yg dtg uk 0.6 L. kecewa
how are you? I ordered the UK L one, how come the UK one came. l. disappointed
kemaren sore datengnya..penyok sdikit.. tatk an atasnya yg kawat perkarat ya.trus di pke manggang Kya molor g2,, piringan di api kecil gk bs muter,,, bs muter klo api besar Al hasil gosong...gk di foto lagi di rendem td bhis di pke.. Koko kuris sih ok...anak Bojonegoro semua baik² n sopan
yesterday afternoon it came... it was a little dented... put the top on the rusty wire. Then when you cook it, it's too late, the dish on a small fire can't turn around, if it's on a big fire, it will burn. Can't take a photo again, soak it but bhis is used... koko kuris is ok. Bojonegoro children are all good and polite
Barang bagus dan sesuai deskripsi, packing terkesan asal (tdk menggunakan kardus utuh, ada dua sisi tdk tertutup kardus (rawan rusak dan hilang sebagian barang) untung tertolong pembelian buble, kedepannya mohon diperbaiki, karena kewajiban penjual juga untuk menjaga barang agar dibantu tdk rusak di perjalanan 🙏
the goods are good and match the description, the packaging seems original (not using a whole cardboard, there are two sides that are not covered by cardboard (prone to damage and loss of some items) fortunately the purchase of bubbles helps, in the future please repair it, because the seller's obligation is also to take care of the goods so that they are not damaged in journey
Mantap dah, pokoknya puas deh, pengiriman cepat dan mantap
great, just satisfied, fast and steady delivery
Sip gak ada kendala.....
sip no problems.
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk baik. Kecepatan pengiriman baik. Respon penjual baik.
product quality is very good. original product. good product price. good delivery speed. good seller response.
Keyboardnya mantap dan enak digunakan Enak banget buat nge-game, pengiriman aman.
the keyboard is great and easy to use, it's really good for gaming, safe delivery.
Produk sesuai, packing aman, kualitas produk bagus, compatible buat Windows dan miui 10 tidak ada masalah, tp sayang tidak compatible untuk Android TV karena menggunakan third party, semoga seri berikut nya langsung plug & play seperti Logitech F310.
the product is appropriate, the packing is safe, the product quality is good, there is no problem compatible for windows and miui, but it's a shame it's not compatible for android tv because it uses a third party, hopefully the next series will directly plug & play like logitech f.
Harga ekonomis, sudah lama cari controller buat main steam game, akhirnya dapat yang murah dan nyaman dipakai
economical price, been looking for a controller for playing steam games for a long time, finally got one that is cheap and comfortable to use
pengiriman cepat, produk kualitasnya bagus bgt. pisaunya tajam, es batu terlumat dengan baik.
fast delivery, very good quality product. the knife is sharp, the ice cubes are well crushed.
Produk sesuai spesifikasi
product according to specifications
Nasi matang merata 👍. Packaging aman 🙏. Proses pesanan cepat. Nasinya tahan lama 🍚.
evenly cooked rice. safe packaging. fast order process. long lasting rice.
Barang sudah tes normal, pantesan lebih murah, gak ada flip case, mesti beli lagi jatuhnya mlah lebih mahal,
the item has been tested normally, no wonder it's cheaper, there's no flip case, you have to buy it again, it's even more expensive,
Paket diterima dgn Aman, pengiriman cepat, termosnya bagus ..
package received safely, fast delivery, good thermos..
Gampang dirakit. Desain elegan. Udara jadi sejuk. Hemat listrik ⚡. Garansi terjamin.
easy to assemble. elegant design. the air is cool. saving electricity . guaranteed warranty.
Pengirimannya lambat, tapi packing baik dan rapi dan lengkap, namun warna tidak sesuai pesanan. Tapi tidak apa2 yang penting berfungsi.. semoga awet
the delivery is slow, but the packing is good and neat and complete, but the color does not match the order. but it doesn't matter what's important is it works... hopefully it lasts
Alhamdulillah setrikaanku baru yipiii, bagus warnanya hitam pekat, semoga makin rajin nyetrika dan bermanfaat Aamiin
alhamdulillah, new iron but, nice black color, hopefully it will be more diligent in ironing and it will be useful, aamiin
Barang bagus tapi lebih baik untuk harga segini dikasihani lah, kasih tombol turn off biar nggak boros baterai. Kalau AI buat ngehemat baterai kayaknya masih kurang. Terimakasih
good stuff but it's better for this price to be pitied, give me a turn off button so it doesn't waste battery. if ai is to save battery it seems it's still lacking. Thank You
Pesenan udh sampe cman blm di test, fast respon, recommended
the order has arrived, it hasn't been tested, fast response, recommended
Mantap.. barang sesuai deskripsi, packing rapi. Recommended seller. Buat Lazada tolong kurirnya ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya, saya dpt email dari Lazada barang dibawa pulang lagi dgn alasan alamat tidak bisa ditemukan. Padahal saya sudah sering belanja online dan kurir yg lain bisa langsung kirim ke rumah saya. Kalau emang bingung cari alamatnya kan bisa tlp, no tlp saya kan tercantum di alamat pengiriman. Alhasil pesanan saya jadi telat sampainya gara2 dikirim ulang.
great.. items according to the description, neat packing. recommended seller. For Lazada, please improve the courier service, I got an email from Lazada to bring the item home again with the reason that the address could not be found. even though I often shop online and other couriers can send it directly to my house. If you are confused about finding the address, you can telephone, my telephone number is listed in the delivery address. As a result, my order arrived late because it was sent back.
produknya ori ya moms hihi adeku suka banget parah timaaci sukses terus! 😉🙌🏻 maaf ni gada video sm foto, soalnya videonya kepanjangan jadi gabisa hyung ☹️
the product is ori, moms, hihi, my sister likes it very badly, the team continues to be successful! sorry there are no videos and photos, the problem is the video is too long so it can't be done hyung
cepat sampai,, bgus buat kado sepupu
arrived quickly,, great for a cousin gift
bahan si bagus ga sesuai 2,3 liter.....kytaan 1,8 liter muat air nya setelah di ukur...kecewa bgt....mau ajukan retur uda lewat masa nya....
the material is good, but it doesn't fit, liter.