Agak kecewa karna pemanas tidak Normal
a bit disappointed because the heater is not normal
Tampilan:bagus Performa:good Kualitas:mantap Bagus... Udah di pake buat masak nasi, cocok emang buat anak kos, pengen beli rice cooker tapi maless takut rusak lagi.. Ya udah beli ini aja biar lebih hemat duit😁😁
display:good performance:good quality:great good. I've used it to cook rice, it's really suitable for boarding children, I want to buy a rice cooker but I'm afraid it will break again.. So I just bought this to save more money
alhmdulillah barang sudah di terimah🙏🙏🙏terimaksih
alhamdulillah the goods have been received thank you
Harga:terjangkau Pengemasan:bagus Bahan/Material:bagus Wortit lahh dengan harga segitu, bagus juga ko, no cacat pokoknya mantapp 👍
price: affordable packaging: good material/material: good it's worth it at that price, it's good too, no defects anyway great
real peach. barang berfungsi dgn semestinya
real pict. items work properly
sheeeeeeee, mousenya gg beudh, cuman agak hati hati aja pas ngeganti partnya agak flimsy, cloper geming debeslah
she, the mouse isn't good, just be a little careful when changing the part it's a bit flimsy, the cloper is shaking
Alhamdulillah paket sudah sampai, cepat sekali & berfungsi dengan baik terimakasih lazada
alhamdulillah the package has arrived, very fast and works well thank you lazada
Agak kcwa sih pesen yg item datang nya yg putih blakang nya,truss blakang nya itu lecet gitu
I'm a bit disappointed, I ordered a black one, it came with a white back, the rear truss was scratched like that
pengiriman lumayan lama, tp barang ok lah
Delivery took a long time, but item is ok
berfungsi dengan baik, semoga awet, terimakasih
works fine, hope it lasts, thank you
Bgus udh dicoba muter nya...hanya untuk tombol mencopot pengaduk ny agak susah ...
it's good, I tried turning it on. Only the button to remove the stirrer is a bit difficult.
Sampai dengan hitungan jam. Nicenicenice.
up to hours. nicenicenice.
harga oke, baru 2 hari pake ngelag nya luar biasa, jdi hrus instal ulang apss nya, kdng2 keyword touch nya gak fungsi trus tab nya hrus di matiin dlu baru bisa ngetik lagi
the price is okay, just the day I used it the lag was amazing, so I had to reinstall the apss, when the touch keyword doesn't work then the tab has to be turned off before I can type again
Barang sesuai deskripsi, seller juga ramah... Yg top lagi pengiriman cm stgh jam dr pesanan... Thanks seller
item according to description, seller is also friendly. the top one is shipping cm stgh hours from the order. thanks seller
barang ok walaupun ada cacat di sodet kayunya
the item is ok even though there is a defect in the wooden socket
Pengiriman cepat, tp ujung2 bibir ada lecet
Fast delivery, but the edge of the lip has a scratch
Lengkap dan berfungsi Dengan baik
complete and functioning properly
Model tidak sesuai dengan gambar
the model does not match the picture
mantabs Gampang dibersihkan.
mantabs easy to clean.
Suara bass nya muantap
the bass sound is great
blender jus ny bagus
good juice blender
makasih, unit lancar tidak ada kendala. coba camera juga bagus.
thanks, the unit runs smoothly, no problems. try the camera is also good.
Parah keyboardnya enak,semua fitur berjalan dengan baik. Adminnya juga fast respons, rekomended dah beli keyboard di seller ini 👍👍👍👍
the keyboard is bad, all features work well. the admin also responds fast, it is recommended that I have bought a keyboard from this seller
Mantab suaranya dan cepet pengirimannya Nb: agak penyok tapi di bagian dalam bagus
great sound and fast delivery nb: a bit dented but good on the inside
barang sampai dengan baik, kirain lebih lebar tapi sesuai harga
the goods arrived in good condition, thought it would be wider but according to the price
barang berkualitas semoga awet
quality goods hopefully durable
pengiriman sangat super lama naudzubillah, pesan tgl 19 desember dikirim tgl 7 januari sampai tgl 8.. kapooookkkkk
very super long delivery naudzubillah, ordered on December sent on January until January .. give up
produk sesuai deskripsi, seller fast respon walau mlm2, proses barang super cpt, baru di order ud lgsg di kirim, packing rapi, recommended bgt 👍👍
product according to description, seller fast response even though it's late, super fast processing of goods, new orders have been sent, neat packing, highly recommended
Respon klik lumayan baik sama ga delay juga cuman DPI nya masih kurang kerasa, overall sesuai harga
the click response is pretty good and doesn't delay either, but the dpi is still not felt, overall according to the price
Barangnya original 👍. pengiriman pun cepat. mantapp sekali...
the goods are original. delivery was fast. very steady.
Barang bagus, enak ditangan...feel buttonnya nyaman smooth... build quality ok... Respon penjual sangat baik, melayani setiap keluhan karena sempat bermasalah dipengiriman yg tidak dipickup2 oleh jasa pengiriman same day... Terima Kasih
good stuff, feels good in the hand. feel the buttons are comfortable smooth. build quality ok. The seller's response was very good, serving every complaint because there was a problem with a delivery that was not picked up by the same day delivery service. Thank You
Pengiriman cepat, adminnya tepat janji, Bonusnya mantapp... Walaupun gak dpt tampered glass nya, muaskan lah... Anakku suka, dan ortu juga tenang krna anak gak bs akses game/ youtube sesukanya 👍
fast delivery, the admin is right on promise, the bonus is great. even though I can't get the tampered glass, I'm satisfied. my son likes it, and parents are also calm because children can't access games/youtube as they like
pelayanan buruk, barang buruk
bad service, bad stuff
Kondisi bagus bgt cuma kayaknya kaga bisa wifian yah
the condition is really good, it's just that I can't seem to get wifi
oxone emang debesssssss
oxone is debess
Kran air panas tidak bisa keluarkan air
hot water faucet can not remove water
kualitas dan fungsi produk bagus
product quality and function is good
Fitur Terbaik:Sesuai dengan gambar , semua fitu berfungsi dgn baik Sepadan dengan Harga:Terjangkau mantap , pemasangan mudah , pengiriman cepat . bagus dan semoga awet
the best features: according to the picture, all the features work well commensurate with the price: steady affordable, easy installation, fast delivery. nice and hopefully last
Packing pakai bubble,cptt blm di coba semoga berfungsi baik....tks🙏
packing using bubble, arrived quickly. but haven't tried yet, hope it works well. thks
Barang di terima dgn baik packing rapih dan aman cuman kendalanya di kurir yg agak lama
Items received in good condition. Packing is neat and safe. The only problem is the courier, which is a bit long
QC nya jelek bgt. Hidrolik mendem ke bawah. Buat yg punya meja tinggi, kursi ini pendek, cukup sampe meja tinggi 70cm aja.
the qc is really bad. hydraulics pump down. for those who have a high table, this chair is short, just enough for the table to be only cm high.
Tidak komunikatif. Ukuran panci yg dipesan 0,6L yg dimirim 1,8L
not communicative. the size of the pot ordered, l sent, l
Proses pesanan cepat.
fast order process.
barang penyok kok dikirim? kyk barang bekas jadinya. pengemasan asal aja, buble wrap nya cm selembar. paraaah.
Why was the dented item sent? like used goods. Just original packaging, the bubble wrap is cm. critical.
Barang cepat sampai... Tapi sayangnya baru di keluarin dari kardus ternyata pemutar nya sdh patah...
goods arrived quickly. but unfortunately it was just taken out of the box and it turned out that the player was broken.
Jelek bget
so ugly
Alhamdulillah udh nyampe panci nya, terimakasih buat lazada dan abang kurir
alhamdulillah the pot has arrived, thanks to lazada and the courier brother
alhamdulillah.. packet nya cepet banget datang nya .. setrika cepet juga panas nya semoga awet...terimakasih sukses selalu.
alhamdulillah.. the package came really fast.. the iron is fast too hot hopefully it lasts. thank you always success.
wajan nya bagus , sesuai gambar , cantik bangett, pengirimannya cepat, kurir nya ramah. thx lazada
the frying pan is nice, according to the picture, really beautiful, the delivery is fast, the courier is friendly. thx lazada
barang sudah sampai sesuai pesanan..kurir ok...lazada mantap...
the goods arrived according to the order..the courier is ok.lazada is great.
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik.
product quality is very good. original product. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good. the seller's response was very good.
Barang sesuai, Respon penjual cepat makasih banyak sudah membantu..
good item, seller responds quickly, thanks a lot for the help..
bahannya cukup bagus, bahan badannya dari plastik juga
the material is pretty good, the body material is plastic too
Mantap choperny👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 mata hand blenderny tdk setajam yg dikira, untuk giling bumbu hasilny tdk begitu halus
the chopper is great, the eye of the hand blender is not as sharp as you think, for grinding the spices, the results are not so smooth
Alhamdulilah. Paket nya sesuai,Mmh aku suka,Makasih lazada
Alhamdulillah. the package is suitable, my mom likes it, thanks lazada
Fitur Terbaik:bagus, ramah di kantong Dari segi keyboard icon berfungsi semua dengan baik, tapi mouse untuk scroll agak seret alhasil sebelum digunakan benerin dulu
best features: good, pocket-friendly in terms of the keyboard icon, everything works fine, but the mouse for scrolling is a bit dragging, so before using it, fix it first
Nerfungsi dengan baik tanpa kendala, CS ramah dan sangat membantu. Packing rapi dengan bubble warp. Ready for PC again. Stylish dan hand grip nyaman. Fantech good
functions properly without problems, cs is friendly and very helpful. neat packing with bubble warp. ready for pc again. stylish and comfortable hand grip. fantech good
Fitur Terbaik:masak nasi Sepadan dengan Harga:yes Pengiriman cepat, packing aman, ada kukusan di dalam, tks seller👍
best features: cook rice worth the price: yes fast delivery, safe packing, there is a steamer inside, thanks seller
Sy ndak perlu ngulas ya gan....itu bintangnya full sdh gak ada slot lg....PUASSSS 👍👍
I don't need to review, bro. The stars are full, there are no more slots. Satisfied
Sudah 2 x beli hanya tumben agak lambat responnya (Nasinya tahan lama 🍚 Ringan tapi kokoh Nasi matang merata 👍
I haven't bought it, but the response is rather slow (the rice lasts a long time, it's light but sturdy, the rice is cooked evenly
Perfectly fine.
perfectly fine.
😍😍sya suka bangt, barng nya bagus top poko nya
I really like it, the goods are good, the main points
Recomended bangett, respon penjual nya cepet, pngiriman juga, barang sesuai. Pokok nya mantap deehh
really recommended, the seller's response was fast, the delivery was also the right item. the point is solid deehh
Barang nya kayak barang bekas lecet sana sini bekas lem untung cmn bayar 30 ribu dipotong promo
the items are like used goods, scuffed here and there, traces of glue, fortunately, pay a thousand for the promo
Fitur Terbaik:kualitas bagus. pengiriman pakai instan emang top. seneng banget bisa ngeliat mamah nyengir lebar
best features: good quality. Instant delivery is top. I am so happy to see you grinning widely
bahan tebal dan kurir ramah
thick material and friendly courier
Ada garansi toko. Barangnya original 👍. Packaging rapi.
there is a store warranty. the goods are original. neat packaging.
pengiriman cepat,harganya bersahabat dan terjangkau
fast delivery, friendly and affordable prices
berfungsi dgn baik, desain nya enak di tangan
works well, the design feels good in the hand
Kgk ada baut nya
there's no bolt
Pengirimannya cepet, pesen kemarin besoknya nyampe.. Uhuuy belum dibuka karena ga dirumah, tapi paket sampai selamat di terima keluarga rumah
fast delivery, ordered yesterday arrived the next day... uhuuy haven't opened it yet because I'm not at home, but the package arrived safely to the family at home
❤❤❤real pict tq😊
real pic tq
bingung aku kirim foto dan video. padahal aku dah unboxing tapi ok barang nya.
confused I sent photos and videos. even though I have unboxed it but the item is ok.
Sangat bagus produknya, sesuai dengan yg digambar. Datang tepat waktu malah lebih awal. Packaging rapih dan sangat memperhatikan keamanan barang. Terimakasih banyak☺️
very good product, exactly as pictured. came on time even earlier. Neat packaging and very concerned about the safety of goods. Thank you very much
Bagus, responsif, mantab dah
good, responsive, great
Barang udah smpai smua lengkap, dan bsa di gunakan ,cuma packing nya kurang krna nda di kasih bubble untng nda ada yg pecah
the item arrived at high school complete, and can be used, it's just that the packaging is lacking because you weren't given bubble because nothing broke
Baguss bangett, pacarku suka🤗❤️ makasih yaa rexus keren parah, bahannya bagus, suaranya juga enak didengernyaaaaa. Ehehe❤️
it's really good, my boyfriend likes it, thanks, Rexus is really cool, the material is good, the sound is also good to hear. ehehe
bagus. pengiriman cepat,terimakasih
Good. fast delivery, thank you
Bagus bagus buat kado, warna kosong di konfirmasi lewat telpon buat penggantian warnanya tapi sayang packing bublenya tipis ujung atasnya rada penyok
good good for gifts, empty color confirmed by phone for color change but unfortunately the bubble packing is thin the top end is a bit dented
dapat harga flashsale gak sampai 10rb dong. mantap emang shopee. terima kasih banyak kakak. anak saya suka
get the flashsale price, it doesn't even reach rb. really good shop. thank you very much sister. my son likes it
Dispenser ny bocor :( gimana nih saya minta ganti
the dispenser is leaking :( how do I ask for a replacement
Seperti yang kalian bisa lihat, produk tidak dibungkus oleh bubble wrap yang mana akan mengalami kerusakan pada box walaupun ada solatip "fragile". Untuk controllernya berfungsi normal
As you can see, the product is not wrapped in bubble wrap which will damage the box even though there is a "fragile" label. for the controller to function normally
unit rentan patah saat insert simcard, keseluruhan fungsi bagus, seller kurang tanggap merespon
the unit is prone to breaking when inserting a simcard, the overall function is good, the seller is not very responsive
Barang sampai dgn aman,pengiriman jga cepat,makasih lazada
item arrived safely, fast delivery too, thanks lazada
Harga produk sangat baik....barang belum di coba...alhamdulillah kondisi utuh...terimakasih...
the price of the product is very good. the item has not been tried. alhamdulillah in intact condition. thank you.
Produk yg dikirim sesuai pesanan sampainya juga cepet penjual jg baik 👍
The product sent according to the order arrived quickly, the seller is also good
Fitur Terbaik:Ada RGBnya Sepadan dengan Harga:Iyap Audionya udah bagus,intinya nyaman dipakai lah,tapi mohon maaf kemasan headsetmya agak sedikit penyok,dan terbuka bagian bawahnya
the best feature: there is rgb commensurate with the price: the video is good, the point is comfortable to use, but sorry the headset packaging is a little dented, and the bottom is open
barang bagus sesuai di gambar mantul pala gundul macul di gandul pake pacul tumupulll
good stuff, according to the picture, the bald nutmeg bounces on the gandul using a tumupul hoe
Alhamdulillah ,, cepet bgt beli dsini ga diragukan lg , meski packingnya seadanya tp aman semua krn pke shopee express ..
alhamdulillah,, I bought it quickly here, no doubt about it, even though the packaging is sober, everything is safe because I use Shopee Express..
Berfungsi dengan baik, terkesan sangat futuristik. Mantap
works fine, seems very futuristic. Excellent
kirimnya gercep barang new good job
fast delivery of goods, new good job
paket sudah saya terima, Packing gak pakai Bible warp..jancok! untung barang dalam kondisi bagus
I have received the package, the packaging doesn't use bubble wrap... it sucks! luckily the item is in good condition
Posisi tombol On/Off dmn ??
where is the on/off button located?
barang ok ,respon chat cepat..
item ok, fast chat response..
gak muat ukuran lobangnya kurang dlem.
it doesn't fit, the size of the hole is not deep enough.
Nah ini baru bagus.. Sama kaya diprofil..saya senang
now this is good...same as in the profile...I'm happy
BRG nya penyok gtu pdhl bgus
the brg is dented, but it's good
barang berfungsj semua ,walpun kardusnya penyok
everything works, even though the box is dented
Barang sangat bagus dan berfungsi. Pengiriman oleh kurir cepat banget. Kemasan super aman. Respon pelapak cepat. Harga sesuai kualitas. Thanks pelapak & bukalapak.
very good item and working. Very fast delivery by courier. super safe packaging. fast response. price according to quality. thanks Pelapak & Bukalapak.
oven berfungsi dgn baik
the oven works fine