Tampilan:lumayan Performa:- Kualitas:mengecewakan Sesuai cuma banyak penyok2 dan tutupnya tdk bisa tertutup rapat. Pengiriman lama
appearance: decent performance: - quality: disappointing according to just a lot of dents and the lid can't be closed tightly. old delivery
Pngiriman laaaaamaaaaaaaaaaa
old delivery
Barangnya bagus tapibsaat dipakai besinya ada aliran listriknya bahaya buat pemakaianya
the item is good but when the iron is used there is an electric current which is dangerous for the user
ukuran pas, untung sebelum beli nanya dl hehe... sellernya komunikatif, dianjurkan memakai go-send biar brg aman sampai tujuan & terbukti brg mulus tanpa cacat. ok bngt lah :)
the size fits, fortunately before buying ask dl hehe. the seller is communicative, it is recommended to use go-send so that the goods are safe until they reach their destination & it is proven that the goods are flawless. that's ok :)
mantaab berfungsi dgn lancaar n mudah2an aweeet
mantaab function smoothly n hopefully durable
Harga:murah Bahan/Material:bagus, kokoh Desain:cantik
price: cheap material/material: good, sturdy design: beautiful
Harga:cukup murah Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:baik Pengiriman standar, kualitas baik, produk original, buat kado nikahan,,thanks seller
price: pretty cheap quality: good sharpness: good standard delivery, good quality, original product, for a wedding gift,, thanks seller
Pesanan nya sudah sampai, mohon maaf saya kasih bintang 3 dulu, jika tidak ada kendala insya Allah saya ubah, nota pembelian sama kartu garansi nya tidak ada, semoga awet aja, HP sesuai, terimakasih
the order has arrived, sorry I gave it a star first, if there are no problems, God willing, I will change it, the purchase receipt and warranty card are not there, I hope it will last, the cellphone is appropriate, thank you
Alhamdulillah barang sudah diterima dengan baik. Kondisi barang juga dan bisa berfungsi
alhamdulillah the goods have been well received. the item is in good condition and works
Oven bagus, pas dateng ternyata besar sekali, pengiriman cepat juga, dapet pas lagi flash sale. Padahal ternyata lebih murah pas 8.8 hahaha
Nice oven, when it came it turned out to be huge, fast delivery too, got it during a flash sale. even though it's actually cheaper. ha ha ha
Barangnya sudah diterima, kondisi bagus. panasnya poll. Gak mengecewakan pokonya.
item received, good condition. polls hot. don't disappoint anyway.
Barang ok cuma di proses nya yg agak lama mungkin banyak pesanan dan harus di tes satu satu...
the goods are ok, it's just that the process takes a while, maybe there are a lot of orders and you have to test them one by one.
Packing rapih, bagusss, sesuai ekspetasi. Cuma belum dicoba aja, fungsi keyboard jya bagus apa engga, semoga aja bagusss...
neat, good packing, as expected. just haven't tried it yet, the keyboard function is good or not, hopefully it's good.
bagus barang nya aman
it's good that it's safe
klo tau kecil barang nya gk mungkin saya beli....gak ada anginnya lgi.....hadeuh
If you know how small the item is, it's impossible for me to buy it. There's no wind anymore. Hadeuh
Produk nya sih OK....cuma proses pengiriman nya yg Gak OK...minta kirim nya same day...malah di antar nya lebih dari 1 hari...kecewa lah sama pelayanan nya
the product is ok. it's just the delivery process that's not ok. asked to send it the same day. instead it was delivered more than a day. I was disappointed with the service
pengiriman cepat, fast response
fast delivery, fast response
saya salah pilih kirain magic com taunya hanya rice cooker aja..wkwkwkw tp gpp ..packingannya aman..pengemasannya jg cepet..gercep...makasih ya seller..
I chose the wrong one, I thought it was magic com, it's just a rice cooker.
good..recoment...murahhhh dan berrrrmanfaat.....aamiin and useful.aamiin
Ada goresan cukup besar di tutup nya, seperti nya dr tokonya, sekeda bertanya apakah semua produk yg ada kondisi nya sama seperti yg saya terima? Bila tidak, kenapa tdk dipilihkan yg tdk ada goresan nya, soal nya goresan nya hampir sepnjang telunjuk saya. ๐Ÿ˜… So far... Trims ya
there is a pretty big scratch on the lid, like from the shop, just asking if all the products are in the same condition as what I received? if not, why not choose the one with no scratches, the problem is that the scratches are almost as long as my index finger. so far. thanks
Barang sudah di terima, tapi belum di cek performa nya seperti apa
The item has been received, but the performance has not been checked yet
barang sesuai mantap cuma pengiriman ajj aga lama mungkin lagii overload juga makasih seller semoga barang nya awet next order kembalii
the goods are in good shape, only the delivery takes a long time, maybe it's overloaded too, thanks seller, I hope the goods last, next order, return
mantap,,,murah fungsional, lebar
steady, cheap functional, wide
sesuai yg ku mau.. makasih lazada
according to what I want.. thanks lazada
Barang sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat kurirnya baik, sayang ga bisa ngangetin nasi , belum di coba moga berkah dan manfaat
items as ordered, fast delivery, good courier, unfortunately I can't remind rice, haven't tried it yet, hopefully it's a blessing and a benefit
Bagus, makasih seller
good, thanks seller
Pesannan nyampe jam 8 Pengiriman sanggat cepat pengemasan rapih kulir Nyh sanggat baik
The order arrived at the time of delivery, very fast. The packaging is neat, the trowels are very good
๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ mahar tunai ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฏ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿต๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฅ›
cash dowry
Packaging kurang aman, ada beberapa bagian di box yg penyot bahkan sampai robek. Mohon packaging nya dipertebal lagi supaya lebih aman. Positif nya : Harga murah + dapat merchandise
the packaging is not safe, there are several parts in the box that are dented and even torn. please make the packaging thicker to make it more secure. the positives: cheap prices + get merchandise
Packing nya kurang rapih.. untung aman ...........
the packing is not neat.. luckily it's safe.
Kualitas:lumayan Pengiriman:lumayan cepat Harga:bagus Bagus, gak ada cacat apapun. Simpan air panas jam 10 pagi jam 3 sore masih hangat
quality: decent delivery: pretty fast price: good good, no defects whatsoever. save hot water in the morning and evening it is still warm
bagus dan murah
good and cheap
bad idea
bad idea
suaranya Bising bangeeet
the sound is very noisy
Terimakasih barang sudah saya terima, semoga bisa awet digunakan.
Thank you, I received the item, I hope it can be used for a long time.
Beli brg mhl2 dpt spt ini,krn ada celah nasinya tdk matang,brg pas dtg kaitan sblh copot stlh di psg di cb msk nasi gk mateng krn ada celah di tutup nya
Buy cheap stuff, get like this, because there's a gap, the rice isn't cooked, the right thing comes, the hook before it's removed after being plugged in, the rice doesn't cook, because there's a gap in the lid
Mntep dah
wait already
Desain:oke Kualitas:lumayan Kenyamanan:oke So far semua oke, tp pegas untuk naik turunnya entah knp kdg macet, petunjuk perakitannya kurang jelas, kudu nyari2 tutorial di youtube dl br paham tp sbnrnya ngerakitnya gampang even buat cewe ngerakit sendiri jg bs
design: ok quality: decent comfort: ok so far everything is ok, but the spring for going up and down somehow gets stuck, the assembly instructions are not clear, you have to look for tutorials on YouTube to understand but actually it's easy to assemble even for girls to assemble it yourself too
Kualitas:kokoh Performa:terbaik Tampilan:builtnya rapih Bagus banget terimakasih
quality: sturdy performance: best display: the build is neat, really good, thank you
Kuakitadndi atas harga
kuakitadndi above the price
Panci nya keras, kalau lembek pasti pancake
the pan is hard, if it's soft it's definitely pancakes
kualitas udah diatas harga, tapi ya jangan berharap perfect, dongle 2,4ghz sering intervensi wifi terutama kalo usb kalian udah 3.0 bakal kerasa sering banget wifi ilang2an waktu lagi buka browser tapi anehnya main game gk ada masalah, saran beli kabel extender yg 2.0 (3.0 transfer bandwithnya terlalu besar jadi berpengaruh juga) buat sambungin ke dongle, semakin jauh dari laptop/pc makin minim intervensi. terus wajib baca manual book biar gk panik kirain eror ternyata bukan terutama waktu lagi wired mode, pasti kaget rgb nya gk bisa nyala h3h3 makanya baca manual book biar paham
the quality is already above the price, but don't expect perfect, dongles, GHz frequently intervenes, especially if your usb is already there. You will often feel that the wifi is lost when you open the browser but strangely playing games there are no problems, I suggest buying an extender cable. (The transfer bandwidth is too large so it also has an effect) To connect to the dongle, the farther from the laptop/pc the less intervention. then you have to read the manual book so you don't panic, I thought the error was not especially when it was wired mode, you'd be surprised the RGB couldn't turn on, so read the manual so you understand
asli bgus...brg ori lengkap pula
original bgus.brg ori complete too
Seller responsif, barang sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat. Hanya saja produk tidak ada tombol switch on/off jadi ribet harus copot baterai biar off
responsive seller, item as described, fast delivery. it's just that the product doesn't have an on/off switch button so it's complicated having to remove the battery so it turns off
hv..bagus.gk.kecewa.semoga.brng udh abis terjua..tpi..gk lengkap..gk.sesuwan dari gmbar.l
hv..good.not.disappointed.hopefully.brng already sold out..tpi..not complete..nothing from picture.l
bagus sesuai order tapi lama dtangnya
good as ordered but long time to come
Ga tau kenapa analog analognya kadang suka gerak ga sesuai arahnya dan kadang suka ilang sinyal bluetoothnya
I don't know why the analog analog sometimes doesn't move according to the direction and sometimes the Bluetooth signal disappears
produk di uji 5 hari engga ada masalah,tapi ada yang rusak yaitu kepala charger nya, jadi pas mati ternyata baterainya habis dan engga bisa cas karena kepala charger saya nerimanya rusak (engga berfungsi), semoga awet luar dalam deh, mantap sellernya mau menanggapi dengan cepat
the product on the test day didn't have a problem, but there was something damaged, namely the charger head, so when it died it turned out that the battery ran out and couldn't charge because the charger head I received was damaged (not working), hopefully it will last long inside and out, great seller willing to respond quickly
Ada penyok sedikit but it is okay lah tidak berpengaruh sama fungsinya ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
there is a slight dent but it is okay it doesn't affect the function
Gampang dirakit.ย Proses pesanan cepat.ย Packaging aman ๐Ÿ™.ย Respon penjualnya top.ย barang sesuai!
easy to assemble. fast order process. safe packaging . top seller response. right stuff!
+- Hpnya udah mau satu minggu di rumah aman2 aja si, bekerja baik sesuai fungsinya, chargerannya juga bagus, dapet case, kartu dll. Tapi packingnya biasa banget cuma di bubble ga terlalu tebel, kardusnya sampe penyok2, saran packingnya lebih di perhatiin karna ini kan ShopeeMall ya๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
+- the cellphone has been at home for a week, it's safe, it works well according to its function, the charger is also good, got a case, card, etc. but the packaging is really normal, only the bubble isn't too thick, the box is dented, the packing advice is to pay more attention because this is shopeemall, right?
Mangtap, mau upload foto tapi tokped nya uplod gabisa high quality photo
great, want to upload photos but the tokped can't upload high quality photos
mantap si buat harga segini
it's great for this price
Produknya bagus, cuma sayang nasi tekturnya aga sedikit kering setelah beberapa jam
the product is good, it's just a shame that the texture of the rice is a bit dry after a few hours
packing superrrr rapi.. mantab
super neat packing.. great
Transfer kmrn siang (04 des) hari ini pagi2 (05 des) barang sudah sampi, sukses selalu yaaa, packing oke banget,
transfer yesterday afternoon (Dec) today morning (December) the goods have arrived, success is always yes, packing is really good,
tks barang sdh diterima sesuai pesanan
Thank you, the goods have been received according to the order
Parah sih ini kece bgt... Recomended seller guys... Jgn ragu... Packing rapi udh gtu pke buble wrap... Barang ori dan sesuai ekspektasi... ๐Ÿ˜
this is so bad. recommended seller guys. don't hesitate. neat packing already like using bubble wrap. original item and as expected.
untuk musik enak tpi untuk PUBG kurang mantab
for good music but for pubg it's not great
cuma pencetannya GK bs langsung buka tutupnya
it's just that the press can't open the lid directly
Barang ok tapi kerdus luarnya penyok" untung di dalemnya masih mulus
the item is ok but the outer box is dented" luckily the inside is still smooth
Sound mantap.ย tapi terlalu besar ukuran nya di kuping
great sound. but too big in size in the ear
barang baguss, sampai dengan selamat. terimakasih
great stuff, arrived safely. Thank You
huruf r gabisa dipencet
the letter r can't be pressed
Sat set bat bet mantap sellernya supercepat
sat set bat bet, the seller is super fast
Gatau siapa yg salah,penyok
I don't know who's wrong, it sucks
wuih hp bagus,fiturnya memuaskan ,yok yg pengen hp murah tapi berkualitas,sukses buat seler,, kurirnya ramah n langganan
wow, the cellphone is good, the features are satisfying, come on, if you want a cheap but quality cellphone, it's a success for your taste buds, the courier is friendly and subscribes
Cept pengirimannya
cept delivery
wow sebagus ini ? Bener bener Mantap .. pancinya cantik bgt..gede lagi ... dpt harga murah di 11.11 cm 115rb utk panci segede ini bwt tokonya terimakasih bnyk ya cepet bgt nyampenya... the best lah pokoke
wow this good? really really great.. the pot is really pretty.. it's big again. get cheap prices at . cm rb for a pot this big for the shop, thank you very much, it arrived really quickly. the best anyway
Sayang pesok kak ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.baru x ini bli barang via shopee dpet yg gak mulus๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜.video unboxing ku ga bs ke upload Krn kelamaaan durasi.
It's a shame it's Pesok Sis. I just bought the item via Shopee and got it which isn't smooth. My unboxing video can't be uploaded because it's too long.
Mantap. Pesanan diproses 1 hari, kemarin order hari ini barang dah terima padahal free ongkir. Dipacking rapih pakai dus Tokopedia trus dibalut bubble wrap. Barang kondisi mulus 100%, segel rapih. Lengkap dengan kartu garansinya dan nomor seri barang sama sesuai dengan yang tertera di kartu garansi dan body barangnya. Recommended seller. Jumbo Stationery josssssss!
Excellent. orders processed the other day, yesterday's order today the item has been received even though it's free shipping. Packed neatly using the Tokopedia box then wrapped in bubble wrap. Good condition %, neat seal. complete with the warranty card and serial number of the same item as stated on the warranty card and the body of the item. recommended seller. jumbo stationery jos!
pengiriman cepat,mantep
fast delivery, great
Magic com sudah diterima dengan baik di hari yang sama. Sudah di test masak nasi dan hasilnya ok... Mantap. Thanks gan
magic com was well received on the same day. I have tested cooking rice and the results are ok. Excellent. thanks bro
Harga:oke Bahan/Material:biasa aja Desain:biasa saja Pembungkusnya ketika dtg kurang rapih, tdk ada bubble wrap hanya plastik biasa saja yg bungkus tempatnya. tempat sendoknya jg kurang kokoh dikirain plastiknya yg kokoh gitu. tp kecepatan pengirimannya oke bgt, harga vs kualitas masih okelah
price: ok material/material: ordinary design: mediocre packaging when it arrives is not neat, no bubble wrap, just ordinary plastic wrapped in place. the place for the spoon is also not sturdy considering it's a sturdy plastic. but the delivery speed is okay, the price vs quality is still okay
Ada sedikit retak di tutup nya. Untung ga kenapa2. Dibubblewrap aja packaging nya.
there is a small crack on the lid. fortunately okay. Just bubblewrap the packaging.
Dr bentuk nya kurang enak di pakai sdikit sulit krn licin tp segala fungsi nya bekerja dgn baik
from its shape it is not comfortable to use it is a little difficult because it is slippery but all its functions work well
wuihhhh rasa nya mengerikan
wow it feels terrible
mantap,walaupun beda warna ya gx papa
great, even though the color is different, it's okay
Bubble wrap nya tebal bgt ,pengiriman aman Barang sesuai ... Semoga rezekinya lancar Terima kasih โ˜บโ˜บ
The bubble wrap is so thick, the safe delivery of the goods is appropriate. good luck, thank you
Siiippp joooosss
sip jos
Modemnya gampang mati sendiri. Tdk disarankan untuk pemakaian jangka panjang
the modem turns itself off easily. not recommended for long term use
Pas dinyalain kaya bau kabel kebakar. Tp lumayan lah dari pada ga ada ๐Ÿ˜‚
when it is turned on it smells like burning wires. but it's better than nothing
barang sudah super cepat..berfungsi dengan baik..
item is super well..
touchacreen tidak berfungsi, tapi saya lupa buat video unboxing, terpaksa ke service center, untung garansi bisa di claim
the touchscreen doesn't work, but I forgot to make an unboxing video, had to go to the service center, fortunately the warranty can be claimed
terimakasih atas kesabaran dan keramahan seller dlm melayani, barang diterima dng baik dan berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. semoga awet ๐Ÿ™
thank you for the patience and friendliness of the seller in serving, the goods are well received and functioning as they should. hope it lasts
maaf telat barang ya sudah mendarat dan berfungsi dengan baik semoga awet trmaksih untuk seler sma kurir
sorry for being late, the item has landed and is working properly, hopefully it will last, thank you for the seller and the courier
kena jebmen, 3G doang ternyata. LOL
got hacked, just not it turns out. lol
barang bagus, gampang dirakit, anginnya kenceng, disetel no. 1 jg udh kenceng.
good stuff, easy to assemble, the wind is strong, set no. it's also cool.
packmg rapi, barang berfungsi dgn baik, pengiriman cepat.. thanks alot
neat packing, item works well, fast delivery.. thanks a lot
great admin, just satisfied shopping at clover gaming!
Bagus, silent click, hari ke 2 pake sempet jatoh jadi ga connect mouse sama usb nya, coba ga dipake dulu 2 hari abis itu bisa lg , cuma lampunya aja jd kedip kedip๐Ÿ˜Š , gak masalah masih nyaman digunakan๐Ÿ‘Œ
good, silent click, the day I used it it fell down so it didn't connect the mouse to the USB, tried not using it the first day after that it worked again, only the light just flickered, no problem it's still comfortable to use
Pengiriman sangat cepat dan respon cepat dan baik! sangat memuaskan
very fast delivery and fast response and good! very satisfactory
Sayang sekali free standnya tidak ada.
it's a shame there's no free stand.
imut juga ternyata hahaha cocok buat anak kosan, semoga awet Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik.
it turns out cute hahaha suitable for boarding children, I hope the quality of the product is very good. original product. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good. the seller's response was very good.
Packingny ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ bgt..pengiriman cpt
packingnya delivery
great bro, the quality is on par with other well-known brands, really Fantech never disappoints anyway
packing barangnya kurang baik dos setrikanya pada peyok2 kiranya kedepan bisa diperbaiki
the packaging of the goods is not good, the ironing on the dents, I hope in the future it can be repaired
Thankyoouu. Barang sampe dengan selamat walaupun ada lecet dikit tapi ga masalah yang penting ketajaman pisaunya ga ada lawan. Barangnya original. Pengemasannya agak lama karena terkendala psbb di wilayah sana. Terima kasih sekali lagi.
thankyoooo. the item arrived safely even though there was a little scuff but it doesn't matter what matters is the sharpness of the knife there is no opponent. the goods are original. The packaging took a while due to PSBB constraints in that area. thanks again.
sudah sampai tapi tombol nya ga berfungsi
arrived but the button is not working