proses return tidak berjalan lancar
the return process does not run smoothly
Fitur Terbaik:sesuai harga, jangan di bandingin dg harga 200 ke atas, ini sudah sesuai harga Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan harga Salah ngirim, kerumah tetangga dan untung ketemu, soalnya gak jelas tetangga yang mana
best feature: according to the price, don't compare it with the price and above, this is according to the price commensurate with the price: it's worth the price sent wrong, to the neighbor's house and fortunately found it, the problem is it's not clear which neighbor
Harga:murah bgt pkkny plig murah Kualitas:real pict ya bagus bgtt Ketajaman:ok bgt bru pake malah jari qu kena saking tajamnya
price: really cheap, got the cheapest quality: really good real pict, sharpness: ok, how come you use it, my finger is so sharp
Fitur Terbaik:good Sepadan dengan Harga:murah Untuk ke 3 kalinya beli hp advan. Terbaik pokoknya
best features: good worth the price: cheap for the first time to buy an advan cellphone. best anyway
Best banget.. seller responsif pula πŸ€™πŸ»
really good.. seller is also responsive
Maspion EX-2109T Box Fan Kipas Angin - Hitam Produk berbeda dengan gambar di etalase. Yang dikirim warna hijau dan bentuknya jauh berbeda dengan etalase. Tapi untung berfungsi dengan baik.
maspion ex-t box fan fan - black the product is different from the picture in the ethalase. The ones sent are green and the shape is much different from the ethalase. but fortunately it works fine.
Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik Happy shooping
very good delivery speed happy shopping
semua headset ada noda hitam di bagian speaker, sepertinya saat di packing tangannya kotor
all the headsets have black stains on the speakers, it looks like when they were packed their hands were dirty
4hari baru sampai, biasanya pakai shopee express itu trf pagi dan dihari yg sama sampai tapi ini leletttt bgtttt. Tp gpp untung barang bagus. Mudah2an awet
The new day arrived, usually use Shopee Express, transfer in the morning and arrive on the same day, but it's really slow. tp gpp fortunately good stuff. hopefully durable
Fitur Terbaik:Samsung Normal tapi baterai drop, lemot banget
best features: normal samsung but battery drop, really slow
harga produk okee banget. tadi udh coba2, suaranya jadi lebih kenceng, kurang jernih aja. di bbrp tools kadang gabisa
product price is very good. I tried earlier, the sound is louder, not clear enough. in some tools sometimes it doesn't work
belum dicoba sih, secara kualitas produk gak ada masalah, Tolong untuk diperbaiki pelayanan CSnya saja
I haven't tried it yet, there is no problem with the quality of the product, please just fix the CS service
bagus sih.... tapi pengiriman tanpa dilapisi apapun,,, jd nya teko ada yg penyok sedikit..... semoga awet.
that's good. but the delivery was without any coating, so the teapot had a slight dent. hope it lasts.
Brang bgus tnpa cacat....πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
flawless good stuff.
Produkt qualitas bagus. Sesuai discribsi. terima kasih
good quality product. according to the description. Thank You
Terimakasih sudah sampai blender nya semoga awet
thank you for the blender, hopefully it will last
Puas Gan.. Bahan tebal. Thank you.
satisfied gan.. thick material. thank you.
pelayanan sangat memuaskan, komplain ditangani dengan sangat baik dan proses tukar barang jg dilayani dgn sangat baik dan cepat, respon admin jg baik, semoga semakin laris kedepannya
the service is very satisfying, complaints are handled very well and the process of exchanging goods is also served very well and quickly, the admin's response is also good, hopefully it will be more in demand in the future
Panggangan nya ga bisa muter, yg ada gosong mlu jdi nya kl manggang apapun, kwcewa bngt ne
the grill can't turn, the one that's burnt will just burn anything, I'm really disappointed
Produknyaa sudah sampaiji dengannn selamatt. Pengemasan yang mungkin agak lamaaa. Tapi pengirimannn cepatt sekaliii. Seller tanggap dan juga ramahhhh. Harganya jugaaa baikkkkkk. Ok toppp deh. Terimssssss
the product has arrived safely. installation may take a while. but very fast delivery. Seller is responsive and friendly too. the price is also good. ok top deh. thanks
tidak sesuai pesanan kecewaaaaaa barang penyok πŸ‘Ž
not according to order disappointed dented goods
mengecewakn motip x beda... tdk Sesuaiiiii...baru penyok lgitu πŸ˜žπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
disappointed with different motives. it doesn't fit. it's just dented again
top markotop laptop 2 jutaan diluar expecktasi...
top markotop laptop millions beyond expectations.
Puas beli disini πŸ₯° kualitas suaranya juga mantep πŸ‘ kalau gak percaya coba sendiri 😎
I'm satisfied buying here, the sound quality is also great, if you don't believe me, try it yourself
sesuai pesanan. cpt SMP jg walau dr luar kota. thanks seller πŸ₯°
as ordered. fast to junior high school even though from out of town. thanks seller
topπŸ–•, barang normal semua! sesuai pesanan! pokonya muantebbb...
top, all normal stuff! as ordered! basically steady.
Barangnya gaada yg penyok cuma pengirimannya yg lelet pdhal pakek sicepat tp okelah pas waktu ambil paket keorang.nya ,orangnya ramah baik kok
the goods are not dented, only the delivery is slow, even though it's fast, but it's okay when I pick up the package to the person, the people are kind and friendly
kualitas produk baik Produk original Harga produk baik
Good product quality, original product, good product price
Packaging barang rapi, fungsionalitas sesuai dengan deskripsi. Hanya saja pada saat awal unboxing ternyata tidak disediakan baterai untuk mousenya
neat packaging, functionality according to the description. it's just that at the beginning of the unboxing it turned out that there was no battery for the mouse
pengiriman cepat pavking rapi hny saja dusnya sdh jelek sdh peyot2 nmbarang original
fast delivery, neat packing, it's just that the box is already ugly, it's dented, the original item
Rice Cooker dg ukuran yg pas buat anak kost, atau orang yg sedang traveling πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
rice cooker with the right size for boarding children, or people who are traveling
Untuk pengiriman cepet sih menurut ku. Pengemasan nya okey aman. Ternyata yang datang kecil banget ya huhuhuhuhu. Kayanya ga bakal ke pake deh☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹ btw beluk di coba gatau ada masalah atau tidak. Untuk fisik nya sih ga ada masalahπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ yaudahlah ya sudah jadi bubur mau diapain huhu
for fast delivery I think. the packaging is okay safe. it turns out that what came was really small, huhuhuhu. I don't think I'm going to use it, btw, try it, don't know if there's a problem or not. for the physical, there is no problem, okay, what should I do with it, it's already turned into mush
brng sesuai seller rmah,kurir expes good job
goods according to friendly taste, good job express courier
Barang sih oke, tapi untuk packingan kurang deh terlalu pelit di bable wrap untungnya barang ga knpa knpa lapisan tipis ga di kasih tulisan atau lakban FRAGILE jdi rawan karduspun penyok penyok deh untuk dlmnya aman sih mksh ya
the goods are okay, but for the packaging it's not too stingy on the cable wrap, luckily the goods don't matter why the thin layer isn't given writing or fragile duct tape so it's prone to the cardboard being dented, the inside is safe, thank you
diterima dalam keadaan penyok/rusak..lazada berjanji pengembalian barang dan uang, tapi ternyata tidak ditepati. Saya sangat kecewa.
received in a dented/damaged state..lazada promised to return goods and money, but apparently it was not fulfilled. I am very disappointed.
Packing kurang bagus,
packaging is not good,
Barang baguss,,namun pengiriman agak lama...
good item, but the delivery took a long time.
Belum dicoba. Semoga tahan lama.
untried. hope it lasts long.
entah kenapa tiap selesai nimbang,jarumnya gak pernah pas balik ke 0,selalu geser +1kg atau -1kg
For some reason, every time I weigh it, the needle never fits back in, always shifts +kg or -kg
Barang sangat bagus dan berfungsi Respon pelapak cepat Kemasan super aman Harga sesuai kualitas
the goods are very good and function, the response of the seller is fast, the packaging is super safe, the price is according to quality
Respon penjualnya top.Β Packaging aman πŸ™.Β Penjualnya ramah banget.
top seller response. safe packaging . the seller is very friendly.
modem unlock.... puas mantab. klo yg regis gagal mungkin sudah banyak nomor utk 1 NIK. jdi pakai NIK keluarga lain.
modem unlock. satisfied great. If the registration fails, there may already be a lot of numbers for niks. so use another family's nickname.
Barang sdh diterima. Respon cepat, pengiriman cepat dan packaging rapih. Sdh dites berfungsi normal. Semoga awet
item received. fast response, fast delivery and neat packaging. have been tested to function normally. hope it lasts
Seller responsive, packaging aman, hanya saja sepertinya stok lama di gudang jd kerdus udah debuan, pengiriman agak lama, tapi produk oxone kualitasnya tak diragukan lah
the seller is responsive, the packaging is safe, it's just that it seems like the old stock is in the warehouse so it's already dusty, the delivery is a bit long, but the quality of the oxone product is beyond doubt
Ternyata guede bgt. Blm dicoba . Semoga awet yaaa. Buat kasih org hihi.. Thanks cosmos. Perbaiki aja pengemasan nya agak lama .
turned out to be great. yet tried. hope it lasts. for giving people hihi.. thanks cosmos. just fix the packaging it's a bit long.
Alhamdulillah sudah sampai . barang aman, gak ada cacat sama sekali . semoga awet .suka banget realpict. pengiriman dan respon cepat. makasiii
thank God it arrived. safe item, no defects at all. hope it lasts. really like realpict. fast delivery and response. Thanks
pen nya agak lari lari di tablet. tapi kondisi tabletnya mantap
the pen is running a bit on the tablet. but the tablet is in great condition
Lama prosesnya, & barang tidak mulus. Ada bagian yg kurang rapat
the process is long, and the goods are not smooth. there are parts that are less tight
Paket aman sentosaπŸ‘
sentosa safe package
Kwalitas sesuai dengan harga, berfungsi normal, respon cepat, pengiriman cepat
quality according to price, functioning normally, fast response, fast delivery
Ini keyboardnya sudah dipasang ,enggak berfungsi ni.
This keyboard has been installed, it doesn't work.
Mantel lah.
manrap banget belanjand sini ajib...
it's really good to shop here, ajib.
Packing pengiriman barang kurang safety sih. Ga di pakein apa2 cuma langsung kardung barang doang. Ngeri2 sedep takut dalemnya kenapa2. Harga bukan harga murah. Tapi alhamdulillah aman.
packaging for shipping goods is not safe. I don't use anything, it's just a sack of goods. why is it scary to be afraid inside? price is not cheap. but thank God it's safe.
Pengiriman cepat. Barang original dan tajam. Sayangnya dapat warna merah. Kirain bisa dapat yang biru. Hehe.. Anyway, thanks seller. Sukses selalu.
fast delivery. original and sharp. sadly it's red. I think you can get the blue one. hehe.. anyway, thanks seller. good luck for the future.
Akhirnya paket dtg juga,anak sy sudah gak sabar menunggu... barangnya sesuai dengan pesanan..cuman sy melihat diskusi, katanya bonus kartu perdana Smartfren 408GB utk nyatanya kartu Telkomsel,gak ada apa-apanya lagi,serba kosong, headset juga gak ada 🀦🀦kurang amanah, kecewa sih,tp mau apalagi.
finally the package arrived, my child couldn't wait. the goods are in accordance with the order..just saw the discussion, they said the bonus for the smartfren gb prime card for yr..but in fact the Telkomsel card, nothing else, completely empty, the headset also doesn't lack trustworthiness, I'm disappointed, but what else can I do.
Kak..barang saya udah sampe ,terus saya coba masak air ,kok gk bunyi ya ,terus tempat bunyi nya itu malah penyok kepanasan terus meleleh
sis.. my stuff arrived, then I tried to boil the water, how come it didn't sound, then where the sound was, it was dented, the heat continued to melt
Saran buat yang mau beli, mending beli di tempat lain
advice for those who want to buy, it's better to buy elsewhere
Barang tidak dikirim dihari yang sama dengan pemesanan. Produk mantap, satu minusnya saya membeli produk ini karena fitur 2 USB hub yang ada pada keyboardnya, tapi saat digunakan, setelah sekian waktu hardware yang dipasang ke USB hub di keyboard ini seperti tercabut sendiri (mouse saya lagi digunakan mati karena dipasang ke USB hub di keyboard) walaupun solusinya cukup mudah dengan mencabut colok USB keyboard pada PC namun cukup mengganggu
Items are not shipped on the same day as the order. great product, one minus I bought this product because of the usb hub feature on the keyboard, but when used, after some time the hardware that was attached to the usb hub on the keyboard seemed to unplug itself (my mouse was used to die because it was attached to the usb hub on the keyboard ) Although the solution is quite easy by unplugging the USB keyboard on the PC, it's quite annoying
Kondisi aman semua dan lengkapp, bagus bgt buat jadi langganan
everything is safe and complete, it's great to be a subscriber
the best lah pokoknya barangnya juga aman bgt
the best is that the goods are also very safe
Baguuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssss.................... Bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttyyyyyyyyyy,............... Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppo.........
Good. really,. topo.
Murah bgt dari flash sale. Enak dipakenya top lah pokoknya. Sayang ekspedisinya rusuh bgt kali ya sampe hancur kardusnya hehe
Cheaper than flash sale. it's nice to use it on top anyway. it's a shame that the expedition was so messy that the box was destroyed hehe
Barang sudah sampe gan.. Muuantab Joss.. Sukses terus ya gan..
the goods have arrived, bro.. great joss.. keep up the good work bro..
bagus ..
Good ..
Gak worth
not worth
Keyboardnya thocccy dan menyenangkan dipakai, tapi kayaknya harus dimod sedikit supaya maksimal. Cuma ada cacat produksi, keycap J terputar. Udah hubungi CS Rexus dan katanya akan diganti.
The keyboard is thocy and fun to use, but I think it needs to be modified a little to get the maximum. there's only a manufacturing defect, the j keycap is rotated. I have contacted CS Rexus and they said they would be replaced.
Maap ka katanya maspion tpi kok yang datang bukan maspion
I'm sorry you said maspion but how come it's not a maspion that came
Harga:murah Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:oke Barang diterima bagus, lengkap, cuma order warna pink yg dikirimkan warna biru.
price: cheap quality: good sharpness: ok item received is good, complete, only pink order sent blue.
Kemarin beli rexus vr5 di Offline Store BTM Bandung cuma lagi apes didalem kemasan nya ga dapet mousepad makanya mesen yang ini. Mantap mousepad nya ga nyesel beli disini
Yesterday I bought Rexus VR at the Btm Bandung offline store, but it's still bad in the package, I can't get a mousepad, so I ordered this one. the mousepad is great, I don't regret buying it here
Gak nyangka sebagus ini Awalnya ragu beli elektronik online Trnyata tetep aman
I didn't expect it to be this good, at first I was hesitant to buy electronics online, it turned out that it was still safe
brg ok pngiriman cpt
brg ok fast delivery
Bagus bangeett ganyesel beli webcam ini. Worth every pennyπŸ‘β€οΈ
it's really good, ganyesel bought this webcam. worth every penny
Bagus tapi pengiriman lama
good but long delivery
Pesan jam 8 pagi, jam 7 malam sudah sampai. Produk kualitas baik. Pengiriman sgt cepat. Pelayanan baik. Terimakasih seller!πŸ™
order in the morning, at night has arrived. good quality product. very fast delivery. good service. thanks seller!
Sellernya ramah dan responsif, packing juga aman. Di box tulisannya ram 3GB tapi ternyata 4GB, alhamdulillah☺️ tapi androidnya masih Oreo ternyata belum Pie dan belum bisa update ke versi selanjutnya. Oh iya dapet flipcase juga hehehe kirain gak dapet
seller is friendly and responsive, packing is also safe. on the box it says ram gb but it turns out gb, thank God but the android is still oreo it turns out it's not pie yet and can't update to the next version. oh yeah, I got a flipcase too hehehe I thought I didn't get it
Untuk pengemasan masih kurang, punya saya kardus bagian sampingnya penyok sampai sobek, maaf saya kasih bintang 4 dulu πŸ™πŸ»
for packaging it's still lacking, mine is a cardboard box on the side that is dented to the point of tearing, sorry I'll give it a star first
barang sesuai & jooosss
appropriate items & jos
barang bagus, cm 1 saran aja buat seller, utk order menggunakan kurir instan/sameday jgn memberatkan biaya parkir mereka ke buyer. buyer belum tentu ada dirumah kesian kl drivernya nombokin, dan buyer bs masukin biaya parkir di harga barang saja amannya.
good stuff, just a suggestion for the seller, to order using an instant/sameday courier, don't burden their parking fees to the buyer. The buyer doesn't necessarily have to be at home, it's a pity if the driver nombos it, and the buyer can enter the parking fee at the price of the goods, it's safe.
Kualitas:bagus sesuai gambar
Quality: good as pictured
mantap lah pokok nya lampu nya jg bisa ngedip(mati hidup)kek RGB.dgn cara tekan tanda *+fn
it's great, the main thing is that the lights can also blink (turn off) like RGB. By pressing the * + fn sign
bagus, berfungsi dg baik, tp agak berisik, kl malem bs bangunin org tidur
good, works well, but a bit noisy, at night it can wake up sleeping people
Emamg gak ada steamer nya ya??
there's no steam right?
sesuai pesanan, kurirnya ramah dan cepat
according to the order, the courier is friendly and fast
ga ada karet sheel nya.. Jadinya bocor.. Paket aman sih walaupun packing lapis bubble wrap tipis.. Cuma yg bikin kecewa itu blender kecil buat bumbu ga ada sheel nya.. Jd bocor pas diangkat
there's no rubber shell... it leaks... the package is safe even though the packing is a thin layer of bubble wrap... the only thing that disappointed me was the small blender for spices and no shell... it leaked when I picked it up
bagusss barangnyaaa πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» cuma sayang dilempar barangnya sama kurir jdi penyokk πŸ˜”
the item is good, it's just a shame the courier threw the item so it dented
Kekeliruan ukuran pesanan tidak dapat segera ditukarkan, karena kendala SOP. Chat dengan seller tidak mendapat solusi terbaik. Akhirnya produk tak bermanfaat.
a mistake in the size of the order cannot be exchanged immediately, due to soup constraints. Chat with the seller doesn't get the best solution. ultimately useless product.
produk bagus, kardus masih disegel. kondisi nyala.. rthanks yaaaaa
good product, box still sealed. the condition is on.. rthanks yes
Nuhun bosku
noooo my boss
Harga:Murah banget Pengiriman:Cepat kurir pun ramah baik Kualitas:Bagus oxone gituuuu
price: really cheap delivery: fast even the courier is friendly good quality: good oxone like that
Bahan jelek kasar, tipis
rough, thin material
Harga terjangkau, produk bagus. Pengiriman cepat
affordable price, good product. fast delivery
Mayan gede anginnya jga kenceng si cma emg agak berisik gtu cma ok si
maybe the wind is too loud, it's just a bit noisy, that's okay, sis
Berfungsi tapi penyok
works but dented
Barang sudah di terima ya kk. Brng oringal packing aman. Terimaksih
The goods have been received, kk. original bng safe packing. thank you
Seller recommended.....
recommended seller.
Brng mendarat dngn aman tnpa cacat.. Alhmdulillah brng aman dan ckup bgus
the goods landed safely without any defects.. thank God the goods were safe and quite good
Produkk amann sampai tujuan mantap deh barangnya bagussπŸ‘πŸ‘
the product is safe until the destination is steady, the goods are good