udah datang cepet sih, tapi kok penyok padahal kardus e gak penyok, laen kali dicek dulu ya kak biar ndak kecewa pelangan e
it came quickly, but how come it's dented even though the box isn't dented, please check it first, sis so that the customer won't be disappointed
Mantap barangnya sudah sampai, sesuai dengan di foto no minus, semoga bisa tahan lama
it's great, the item has arrived, according to the photo no minus, hopefully it can last long
Barang sudah nyampe, pengiriman cpt bgt, pesan sekarang besok datang. Barang lumayan bisa buat main anakku. Tp sayang gk bisa dikasih memori.
item arrived, fast delivery, order now, tomorrow come. pretty good stuff for my son to play. but it's a shame I can't give you a memory.
Barang Sudah sampai, packing Bagus
item arrived, good packing
Hp nya lelet.. Eror... Tiba2 mati sendiri.... Dicas gak hidup hidup ...
his cellphone is slow.. error. suddenly die alone. charging is not alive.
Harga:beli 233k pdhl lg sale 129k di insta****tp kalo dikirim ke kotaku ongkirnya mahal jd jatuhnya sm aja Pengemasan:cm kardus alakadar dan buble wrap biasa Bahan/Material:non stick Untung gada lecet patah atau cacad. Okelah produknya
price: buy k at lg sale k at insta* but if sent to my box the postage is expensive so it just falls off packaging: cm cardboard cardboard and ordinary bubble wrap material/material: non stick fortunately no broken or deformed scratches. ok product
barang ori. kuwalitas oke. gak beli lagi. kalo nggak awet beli lagi 🀣
original goods. okay quality. don't buy anymore. if it doesn't last, buy it again
bagus bangettttt dong dapet flashsale 85ribu.... kebetulan setrika rusak
it's really good to get a thousand flashsales. incidentally the iron is broken
barang datang cepat, desain mewah,ringan ga bikin sakit kuping,keren pokokny. warna juga tcakeeppp. anakk saya suka banget, katany kyk yg d oake gamers gamers hehehhee. suksess terus sellerπŸ‘πŸ‘
the goods came quickly, the design was luxurious, the light didn't hurt my ears, it was really cool. the color is also cute. my son really likes it, he said, like the one from d oake gamers gamers hehehhee. success continues seller
barang sdh di terima tapi telat 2 hari dari waktu standar. barang spt nya tidak di cek benar, ada yg patah dan 1 pisau yg agak bengkok shg ga bs kasih ke orang. thanks.
The item has been received but it's a day late from standard time. Items like this weren't checked properly, some were broken and the knife was a bit bent so I couldn't give it to people. thanks.
Plastik pisau penyok2 ada yg bolong dan robek, bagian depan sepertinya terkena ujung gunting yang keluar2 jd bekas di kayunya kaya habis kena tusuk2, tmpt pisau bagian bwh tumpul sebelah, nyolasi lngsng bareng barang yg lain jd bnyk bekas solasi di pembungkus pisaunya, nyampenya cepat bngt
the plastic knife was dented, there were holes and torn, the front seemed to be hit by the tip of the scissors that came out so the marks on the wood looked like they had been stabbed, the lower part of the knife was blunt on the other side, glued directly together with other items so there were lots of solation marks on the knife wrapping, arrived very quickly
Maaf tak piker rebel teflonnya
Sorry, I don't think the Teflon Rebel
Sip mantap puas sama harganya
sip steady satisfied with the price
Fitur Terbaik:wireless Kualitas ok . Josss
best features: wireless quality is ok . jos
dengan harga flash sale worth banget sih headset ini. recomended buat meeting
With the flash sale price, this headset is really worth it. recommended for meetings
sm brnhnya mulus mungil ya itu lm bngt
sm brnhnya very smooth, tiny, but yes, it's very low
paket sdh smpi dgn selamat tdk ada yg lecet sdh di coba barang nya ber fungsi dgn normal mudah an mudahan awet ya makasih lazada
The package has arrived safely, nothing has been scratched, I have tried it, the item is functioning normally, hopefully it will last, thanks Lazada
pengiriman ok. proses cepat.. saya tes nyala.. tp barang stlh saya mau pasang ada retak panjang di bagian penyangganya. takutnya saya teruskan dan pakai pasti bisa patah. ini pengalaman saya beli produk kipas on line. bingung cara pengembaliannya. dan jg td waktu buka paket tdk saya video. 😭
delivery ok. fast process.. I tested it on.. but after I wanted to install it there was a long crack in the support. I'm afraid I will continue and use it for sure it will break. This is my experience buying fan products online. confused how to return it. and also when I opened the package I didn't video.
barang sesuai deskripsi, harga murah, ramah, packing tebal, mksi
goods according to the description, cheap prices, friendly, thick packing, thank you
Aduh packing nya bener bener gak aman banget, begitu aja tanpa di bungkus apa apa lagi, seenggak nya gak pake Buble wrap pake plastik pelapis lah khawatir kena hujan gtu kan , Alhamdulillah barang nya aman semua, udh di tes juga nyala blender nya, tolong di perbaiki lagi packing nya, terima kasih
oh, the packaging is really not very safe, just like that without anything else to wrap it up, at least I didn't use bubble wrap with a plastic coating, I'm worried about getting rained on like that, thank God all the items are safe, I've tested the blender too, please help fix the packaging again, thank you
mantap, sehari langsung sampai tapi sayang bubble wrapnya kurang tebal. over all puas
great, arrived the day straight but unfortunately the bubble wrap is not thick enough. over all satisfied
Ternyata lengket... baju nempel disetrika. Bila beli pake yg bawahnya dina gride aja kayak philips.. tidak lengket, aweeeet 3 tahun masih OK..... Nyesel beli Miyako... Maaf ya seller... ini kenyataan kok
it seems sticky. ironed clothes. If you buy it, use the bottom one on gride, just like Philips... it's not sticky, lasts for years, it's still ok. regret buying miyako. sorry, seller. this is reality
Barang sudah diterima penjagaan
the item has been received
Cepet juga sampenya, tapu bolong tipis lah kerdusnya karna kargo haha. Thankyou !
it arrived quickly too, but the paper has thin holes because of cargo haha. thank you!
Sukaa bangett sma keyboard nyammogaa awett dehh aku makeknya. Makasihh gan pengemasan jugaa rapiii dan ga ada penyok penyoknya
I really like the keyboard but I hope it lasts long. Thank you, bro, the packaging is also neat and there are no dents
Biar bintang yg bicara...!
let the stars do the talking!
Ada garansi resmi Ada garansi internasional Baterenya awet RAM besar
there is an official guarantee there is an international guarantee the battery lasts big ram
packing kurang baik , mouse sensitif ya kurang , power nya kadang hidup kadang mati. jadi ngeganggu pas maen game online.
the packing is not good, the mouse is not sensitive enough, the power sometimes turns on sometimes turns off. so it's annoying when playing online games.
Nasi matang merata πŸ‘ Nasinya tahan lama 🍚 Gampang dibersihkan Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman πŸ™ Packaging rapi Respon penjualnya top Mutu terjamin SNI Garansi terjamin
the rice is cooked evenly the rice lasts a long time easy to clean the seller is very friendly the order process is fast the packaging is safe the packaging is neat the seller's response is top quality guaranteed sni guaranteed guarantee
Kualitas bagus cuman tutupnya ada lecet Sama pakingan nya sangat tidak bagus
good quality, but the lid has scratches and the clothes are not very good
the quality is bad, once it's slammed, it's broken. other brands with cheaper prices build better!! sucks ah rexus cmn because the service is okay and the delivery is fast I give it a star
barang bagus sesuai deskripsi.terima kasih atas pelayanannya.
good item according to the description. thank you for the service.
pengirimannya sangat cepat , dan kualitasnya bagus
the delivery is very fast, and the quality is good
durabilitynya kurang hehehe
less durability hehehe
Oke barangnya. Pnp
okay stuff. pnp
pancinya tipis bgt gamoang penyok sesuai dwngan harganya
thin fishing rods are easily dented according to the price
pencabut caps nya gada , minus minor bngt dah kwkwkw gpp masih ad tang atau linggis ... tkkss
the caps remover is a mace, very minor minus, kwkwkw it's okay to still have pliers or a crowbar. tkkss
tidak ori Maspion ada merk cina nya dan bahan tipis
no original maspion has a chinese brand and thin material
Terima kasih....😊 Hpnya keren... Datang sesuai order... Banyak bonusnya... Tapi... Kenapa vouchernya axisnya ga bisa di input yah?...
Thank You. cool phone. come according to order. lots of bonuses. But. Why can't I input the Axis voucher?
Pengirimannya cepat. . Alhamdulillah magic com'y berfungsi dg baik. .gak ada lecet. . Respon seller jg OK. . Packing'y juga OK. . Makasih ya sist. .
the delivery is fast. . alhamdulillah magic com'y works well. no blisters. . seller's response is also ok. . packing'y also ok. . thanks sis. .
Barangnya cepat sampai, lebih cepat dari jadwal tapi paking nya kurang rapi jadi kotaknya agak penyok, tapi untung isinya aman-aman aja dan headset nya mantep :D
the item arrived quickly, ahead of schedule but the packaging was not neat so the box was a bit dented, but fortunately the contents were safe and the headset is solid :d
Barang bagus ori miyako, cuma slow respon dri selkernya pengiriman lama, semoga kedepannya tdk terjadi lg.
good stuff ori miyako, only slow response from selker, long delivery, hopefully in the future it won't happen again.
Barang Bagus, respon cepat, pengiriman cepat juga
great item, fast response, fast delivery too
Produk oke, kotak agak rusak. Sayangnya kadang tombol on/off agak membingungkan, analog controller tidak calibrate sempurna, tapi overall bagus
product ok, box a bit damaged. unfortunately sometimes the on/off button is a bit confusing, the analog controller is not perfectly calibrated, but overall it's good
Fitur Terbaik:ada goresan di bagian panci Ada goresan di bagian panci nya
best features: there are scratches on the pan there are scratches on the pan
Lumayanlah dapat barang murah, dari pada beli barang sama dengan harga 2x lipat harganya. Terima kasih semoga tambah sukses dan laris daganganya. Maaf itu kainya udah ikut lower meskipun karet bisa kembali tapi kainnya gak mau kembali/ikut
it's okay to get cheap stuff, instead of buying stuff the same as the price x times the price. thank you I hope you will be more successful and sell your business. sorry, the cloth has gone lower even though the rubber can come back but the cloth doesn't want to come back/come along
Alhamdulillah barang mulus no minus, walaupun lama dari pengemasannya ✨
thank God, the goods are smooth, no minus, even though it took a long time from the packaging
lumayanlah. no kotak aja.
not bad. just no box.
Fitur Terbaik:kurang Anaku seneng banget walaupun ngeleg....kadang2 ngebleng...
the best feature: my son is not very happy even though he's squeamish.
Klau buat mos murah kurang respon sih
if you make a cheap mos it doesn't respond
Tombol CTRL nya ga idup nih :(
the ctrl key doesn't work :(
Barang sesuai deskripsi dan masih segel semuanya, mudah2an awet, tks seller dan shopee
the items match the description and everything is still sealed, hopefully it lasts, thanks seller and shopee
πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Terimakasih barang sudah sampai ,sesuai harga.
Thank you, the goods have arrived, according to the price.
Barang sampai dengan selamat,pengiriman cepat kualitas suara mulus bersih.terima kasih min❀️
item arrived safely, fast delivery, smooth clean sound quality, thank you min
bagus, berfungsi dgn baik .. top deh
good, works fine .. top deh
paket sudah sampai relpic terima kasih
the package has arrived relpic thank you
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sesuai lumayan lah. tapi but nya nge halangin
best feature: good worth the price: the price is pretty decent. but but it's getting in the way
ya lumayan untuk produk lokal.. hanya ada beberapa yg perlu improve untuk OS nya. bisa floating tab lebih oke.. sementara akan dicoba buat kerja.. semoga lancar
yes, it's not bad for local products... there are only a few that need to improve for the os. can floating tabs be better... temporarily I will try to make it work... hopefully it will run smoothly
Kardus sampai dgn penyok di ekspedisi tp barang aman, di bagian stick yg plastik ada baret micro.. Dicoba ke realme 3pro gk nyala.. vibration nyala, build quality premium, tombol alus πŸ‘Œ.. Plug and play
Cardboard arrived with dents on the expedition but the goods are safe, on the plastic stick there is a micro scratch.. Tried realme pro it doesn't work.. vibration on, build quality premium, smooth button.. plug and play
barang nyampe dengan aman gak ada yg patah, Untuk stab goyang bgt tapi bisa di akalin pake Micropore biar kenceng ke Plate dan juga posisi stab beda dengan bawaan Plate Maxfit61 (beda rotate aja) jadi karena keyboard saya pake Plate Foam harus di potong dikit foamnya biar stabnya bisa ngepas, untuk suara lebih enak dibanding plate bawaan 😁
the item arrived safely nothing was broken, for the stab it was really rocking but you could use a micropore to make it tight to the plate and also the stab position was different from the maxfit plate default (only rotates differently) so because my keyboard uses a foam plate I have to cut the foam a little so that the stab can be removed, for a better sound than the default plate
Mantap Gan ,berfungsi semua
great bro, everything works
Pesan Pagi siang sampeπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
ordered in the morning arrived
Lembut bagus dan tebal makasih πŸ™πŸ»
nice soft and thick thanks
Kartu garansi tidak ada, dus penyok, lakban terkelupas dimana2. Diretur malah CS dgn sok tahu mengatakan garansi cukup dgn invoice. Super nyesal membelinya.
there is no warranty card, the box is dented, where is the duct tape peeled off. the director even cs pretending to know said the guarantee was enough with the invoice. super regret buying it.
Lumayan dg hrga sgitu sayng nya setrika nya kecil
pretty good at that price, it's a shame the iron is small
Dus penyok. Tapi barang aman. Pengemasan cepat. Pengiriman k krw cepat cm 1 hari. D cobain nyala. Tp blm d coba di isi dengan daging. Over All bagus bbgt. Terimakasih.Β 
then dent. but stuff is safe. fast setup. delivery k krw fast cm day. d try it on. but haven't tried it filled with meat. over all very good. Thank You.
Lumayan cepet pngirimannya... Belum d coba sih. Semoga awet... Packing nya juga aman d kasih bubble wrap. Thanks seller.
pretty fast delivery. haven't tried it yet. hope it lasts. the packing is also safe with bubble wrap. thanks seller.
sangat puas terima kasih reseller terima kasih juga lazada dan juga Abang kurir yg baik hatiπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™biar bintang yg menjawabnya
very satisfied thank you reseller thank you also lazada and also the kind courier brother let the stars answer it
Mantap barang sampai dengan mulus. Kondisi baik dan kualitas baik. Respon sangat cepat sekali dan ramah sekali.
steady goods until smooth. good condition and good quality. very fast response and very friendly.
Brang okee.. Penjual fast respon.. Pengiriman cepat.. Mantap..
item ok.. seller fast response.. fast delivery.. great..
Barang nya bagus, sayang nya respon penjual lambat,
the item is good, unfortunately the seller's response is slow,
Pesan warna pink kok malah Dateng yg warna biru,bilang dong klu warna pink gak ada,sy udh ada warna biru sy jual,sy mau cari yg warna pink malah di kirim biru LGπŸ™ˆ
I ordered pink, how come it came in blue, I said, if you don't have pink, I already have blue, I'm selling it, I want to look for pink, they sent blue instead
Nggak sesuai pesanan.... Nggak sesuai gambar..... Ini htm semua
not according to order. doesn't match the picture. this is all htm
Dari awal sudah note agar barang di cek kondisi dan kelengkapannya sebelum dikirim, begitu sampai bubble wrap cuma 1 lapis padahal pakai yg order tambahan dan didalam rice cookernya seperti ada baut yg copot, pancinya juga baret Kecewa!!!!
From the start, I made a note so that the items were checked for conditions and completeness before they were sent, so until the bubble wrap was only a layer even though it was using an additional order and inside the rice cooker it looked like there was a loose screw, the pot was also scratched disappointed!
gak muat
doesn't fit
bgus barang nya.. rekom deh tpi untuk kurir nya terlalu lama.
good stuff...recommend it but for the courier it's too long.
ok, mode idle nya kecepetan off nya
ok, the idle mode turns off quickly
maaf baru kasih ulasan..barang nya bagus mulus ga ada cacat... kurir nya ramah makasih buat lazada ga kapok belanja di sini 😊
sorry just gave a review... the item is good, smooth, no defects. The courier is friendly, thanks to Lazada, I can't stop shopping here
proses pengirimannya lama seminggu baru nyampek...paket cm pake bubble wrap doank luarnya g ada packing kayu kyak di ulasan alhamdulillah brgnya baik2 aja..udh di coba berfungsi semua..mudah2an aja awet
the delivery process took a week to arrive. the package only uses bubble wrap on the outside, there's no wooden packing like in people's reviews..but thank God the goods are fine..have tried everything to work...hopefully it will last
berguna dan sesuai dengan deskripsi produk
useful and in accordance with the product description
puas banget sama barangnya. pelayanannya jyga ramah dan cepat. recommended. cuma perhatiin aja kalo PCB nya itu putemu socket jadi bukan universal hotswap. kalo mau pasang switch gateron dll harus di kikir dulu
very satisfied with the item. the service is also friendly and fast. recommended. just pay attention that the pcb is in a socket so it's not a universal hotswap. if you want to install a gateron switch etc., you have to file it first
barangnya lengkap sesuai deskripsi, Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play Ukuran mouse pas ditangan. Best value mouse
the items are complete according to the description, comfortable and practical, just plug and play, the size of the mouse fits in your hand. best value mouse
ada lecet
there are scuffs
Lumayan harga:kualitas, delay dikit bgt sih, overall oke..sayang ga da software kalibrasinya kya punya Logitech
Decent price: quality, a little delay, overall okay... it's a shame there's no calibration software, I have Logitech
barang sesuai deskripsi, walaupun ada ring yang hilang/tidak tersedia, tapi cari di toko baut deket rumah juga banyak. sayangnya tidak ada buku panduan penggunaan kalau terjadi apa-apa, paling tidak buatkan versi websitenya saja. thanks
the items match the description, even though there are missing / unavailable rings, but look for them in a lot of bolt shops near the house. unfortunately there is no manual for use if something goes wrong, at least just make a website version. thanks
Bagus brangnya goddd
good stuff god
Barang bagus,tidak mengecewakan.
great stuff, didn't disappoint.
Fitur Terbaik:penanak nasi, kapasitas besar Sepadan dengan Harga:baik dan sepadan Baik, packing aman, perlenkapan lengkap, harga murce dengan kapasitas sebesar itu, pengiriman cepat
best features: rice cooker, large capacity for the price: good and good value for money, safe packing, complete equipment, cheap price with such a large capacity, fast delivery
good item sesuai pesanan, warna nya lebih ke matcha bukan hijau, item berfungsi baik, tks seller
good item as ordered, the color is more matcha not green, the item works fine, thanks seller
Fitur Terbaik:Bagus banget. first time beli disini. bagus bagus.
best features: really good. first time buying here. good, good.
makasih....moga lebih baik
thanks. hope it's better
Sudah datang dengan selamat tapi ada yang patah sedikit baling"nya tapi gk pph terima kasih
it arrived safely but there was a bit of a broken blade but no PPH, thank you
Mantaplah pokoknya, jdi lebih suka make di waktu gelap, cuman aku nda tau aja gmna instal software nya.. nda ada petunjuk untuk instal softwarenya... Overall mantap
it's great anyway, so I prefer to use it in the dark, but I just don't know how to install the software... there are no instructions for installing the software. great overall
sdh dicoba tdk ada masalah
already tried no problem
walaupun agak sedikit lama,tp barang tidak mengecewakan
Even though it's a bit long, it doesn't disappoint
Ez gaming
ez gaming
bbw buat mouse kurang tebel menurutku, pdhl beli biar mousenya aman πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
bbw makes the mouse less thick in my opinion, even though I bought it so that the mouse is safe
Barang sesuai dgn isinya, packing rapih, keren deh pokoknya :3
the goods match the contents, the packing is neat, the point is cool:
toko tidak amanah barang pecah d kirim ajh
The store is not trustworthy, broken goods are sent