Barang bagus banget! Mantap Kemasan super aman Harga sesuai kualitas Respon pelapak cepat
really good stuff! Steady super safe packaging Prices according to the quality of the fast response
Menurut sy barangnya murmer dgn spek yg lumayan baik utk kelas pelajar & kantoran ringan. Pelayanan marketing oke. Saran saya kedepannya tolong website resminya meng-upload driver setiap produk sbg support.
In my opinion, the goods are murmer with pretty good specs for student classes and light offices. marketing service okay. My suggestion in the future is to help the official website upload drivers for each product as support.
Bagus.semoga awet
nice. hope it lasts
Fitur Terbaik:barang datang mulus
best features:items come seamlessly
hp bisa tapi sim expired bundling gak bisa d pake
the cellphone can but the SIM expired bundling can't be used
Maaf gk sempat foto. Barang diterima dalam kondisi baik. Gak ada lecet, penyok, dan bisa digunakan. Sayangnya saya order sabtu malam pesan pengiriman sameday dengan harapan hari minggu bisa ikut pengiriman. Ternyata baru dikirim senin dan gk ada konfirmasi apa". Jadi bintangnya 4 aja ya 🙏🏼
sorry didn't get a photo. Goods received in good condition. no scuffs, dents, and can be used. unfortunately I ordered Saturday night to order sameday delivery in the hope that Sunday would be able to take part in the delivery. it turned out that it was just sent Monday and there was no confirmation whatsoever". So just star it
sempat ada issue tapi seller mengirimkan barang pengganti dengan cepat
there was an issue but the seller sent a replacement item quickly
kereen. nyesel gak dr dulu beli.
cool. I regret not buying it before.
pokoknya jempol 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 semua sukses ya...
anyway, thumbs up, all success.
Cepat nyampe
arrived quickly
lupa ga cekout bubble tp tetap dibubble. thanks 🤗
Forget not checkout bubble but still bubble. thanks
proses toko lama pilih, pengiriman lama
old shop process select, old delivery
Barangnya original 👍. Kemasan disegel. Spesifikasi sesuai . Warna sesuai pesanan. Barangnya mulus. Berfungsi dengan baik. Suara jernih. Kamera tajam. Baterai awet. Penjualnya ramah banget. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top. Kelengkapan sesuai. Packaging aman 🙏. Ada garansi resmi.
the goods are original. sealed packaging. appropriate specifications. custom color. smooth stuff. works fine. clear sound. sharp camera. durable battery. the seller is very friendly. neat packaging. top seller response. appropriate equipment. safe packaging . there is an official warranty.
Ok lah Pengiriman y lambat
ok, slow delivery
Pengiriman sangat cepat, bagus bagus, packing kayu mantab aman sekali, keren barangnya super
very fast delivery, good good, good wooden packaging, very safe, super cool stuff
Fitur Terbaik:ok Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Paket sudah di Terima, sudah di coba panas lumayan buat setrika lumayan cepet halus mudah mudah an awet
best features: ok worth the price: ok the package has been received, already tried it hot it's ok for ironing pretty fast smooth hopefully durable
Harga:untuk ukuran saya mahal Pengiriman:lama, sortir barang aja ampe sehari Kualitas:oke banget Seller Oke, respon cepat,harga untuk saya kemahalan, pemilihan jasa antar tidak beragam n cenderung lama, yaaa untuk pembeli yg berharap kualitas barang n punya sedikit kesabaran toko ini recommended,,,belum dicoba seberapa lama kekuatan panas nya tapi udah-mudahan sesuai deskripsi n tentunya awet
price: expensive for my size delivery: long, just sort the goods for a day quality: very good seller okay, fast response, price is too expensive for me, the selection of delivery services does not vary and tends to take a long time, yes for buyers who expect quality goods and have a little patience This shop is recommended, haven't tried how long the heat power lasts but hopefully it's according to the description and of course it lasts
Packing sangat baik dan aman, barang datang dengan aman, pengiriman cepat
packing is very good and safe, goods come safely, fast delivery
Lambat pengiriman.y
slow delivery y
Cepat sampai, brg sesuai, puas, lgs d pakai, next psean sini lagi klo ada yg mau d bli
arrived quickly, the items are appropriate, satisfied, used immediately, next order here again if someone wants to buy
pengiriman cepat, produk bagus, sayang kurang pas di telapak tangan saya yang besar.
fast delivery, good product, unfortunately it doesn't fit in my big palm.
Bagus bangeeet dah aaah sekarang jd favoriteku
it's really good, now it's your favorite
Maaf bintang 4 yah kak. Karna yg alas kacanya pecah... kmrin udah disruh pengembalian barang. Tapi sy sdah trima kak. Mohon diperhatikan lagi... 🙏🏼
sorry star, sis. because the base glass is broken. Kmrin already asked to return the goods. but I already thank you sis. please pay attention again.
barang sudah diterima, packingvrapi. sudah dicoba. semuanya berfungsi. terimakasih seller & pak kurir
item received, well packed. already tried. everything works. thank you seller & courier sir
Saya mengajukan pengembalian barang..krn barang pecah
I filed a return of goods ... because the goods were broken
good barang berfungsi dengan baik, hanya barang nya ternyata kecil. untuk Travelling oke si
good, the item works fine, only the item turns out to be small. for traveling okay sis
Maaf baru bisa ngasih ulasan kak, wajan tebal bangett saya suka" & tdk ada yg lecet , mudah"an berlenganan ditoko ini
sorry I can only give you a review, sis, I really like the thick frying pan & nothing is scratched, hopefully the sleeves in this shop
Sangaaattt Puass. Biar bintang yang bicara. Sukses Selalu bos.
very satisfied. let the stars do the talking. always success boss
Barang nya mantap cuman lama di pengiriman
the item is good but it took long time for delivery
Produk sampai dengan aman. Packaging rapih sekali. Pengiriman lebih cepat dari estimasi. Ok
product arrived safely. very neat packaging. delivery faster than estimated. ok
adminnya CUANTIKK,fast response,ramah,segera belanja di toko ini
admin is cute, fast response, friendly, shopping soon at this store
Kurir J&T tidak memastikan penerima nya apakah sudah benar, main kasi ke org lain saja.. dan di tracking pun tidak ada nomor tlp kurir yang membawa sehingga barang sempat nyasar, saya yang cari sendiri barang nyasar dimana
the j&t courier didn't make sure the recipient was correct, just played with other people... and even on tracking there was no phone number for the courier who brought it so the item got lost, I searched for the lost item myself
penyok padahal barang keras dan sudah pake double wrap dan kardus
dented even though the item is hard and has used double wrap and cardboard
fast respon...., seller 👍... barang ok
fast response, seller. ok stuff
barang sesuai pesanan, berfungsi dengan, kemasan rapi, semoga awet. terima kasih
items according to order, works properly, neat packaging, hopefully it lasts. Thank You
Kualitas produk sesuai dengan yang tertera digambar. Berfungsi dengan baik dan nyaman. Mantap sekali...
Product quality is as shown in the picture. works well and is comfortable. very good.
maaf kotor, ini pemakaian 1 minggu lebih. Barang baru, original. Bagus banget udah dicoba dirumah buat jus, blender bumbu dapur, nyambel. Puas deh make blender ini.
sorry it's dirty, it's been using for more than a week. brand new, original. it's really good, I've tried it at home for juice, blender for spices, nyabel. I'm satisfied with this blender.
Alhamdulillah barang sampai dengan aman dan cepat sekali, Alhamdulillah mesin juga aman
thank God the goods arrived safely and very quickly, thank God the machine is also safe
barang dah nyampe dah dipakai tp ngga bs bunyi seperti yg diiklankan, kurir ok
the item has arrived and has been used but it can't sound like advertised, the courier is ok
Awalny dapat siku yang cacat tapi mesinnya berfungsi, cuman merasa mengangu karna asliny klhtan bangat... Respon penjual bagus dan kasih retur.. Cuman retur k2 kali atasnya patah sedikit.. tidak begitu mengangu jadi saya ga retur lagi.. cuman lgi sial dpt 2x cacat😂 tpi syukur mesinny berfungsi👍
Initially, I got a disabled elbow but the machine was working, I just felt annoying because the original looked really bad. the seller's response was good and gave a return.. just returned k times the top broke a little.. it's not that annoying so I won't return it anymore.. it's just bad luck that it got defective but thankfully the machine works
kualitas lumayan.sesuai harga
decent quality according to price
Packing bagus, barang bagus, pengiriman lambat (dr ekspedisinya), rekomended seller !!
good packing, good stuff, slow delivery (from the expedition), recommended seller !!
saya mau mengembalikan brg ini ..karna brg nya gak bisa kpake .buat apa beli klo GK kpake ..tlong bntu saya gmn cara nya supaya bisa ngembaliin brg ini🙏😭
I want to return this item...because I can't use the item. Why buy it if I can't use it...please help me, how can I return this item?
saya mau mengajukan paylater kok susah msu foto ktp nya gak bisa
I want to apply for a paylater, how come it's hard to take a photo of the KTP, but I can't
Makasih seller Langganan disini semoga berkah Maaf bukan foto asli
thank you seller, subscribe here, good luck, sorry, not the original photo
recomended seller, barang mulus pengitiman cepat
recommended seller, smooth item, fast delivery
pas dan cepat
fit and fast
waktu pengiriman tidak di packing sama sekali jadi kesusahan membawa karna dus bagian bawah agak menganga dan ada baret lumayan dalem di beberapa bagian, tapi barang berfungsi dengan baik, mohon lebih diperhatikan dan diperbaiki lagi untuk kepuasan costumer terimakasih..
the delivery time was not packed at all so it was difficult to carry because the bottom box was a bit gaping and there were quite a lot of scratches inside in some parts, but the item is working properly, please pay more attention and repair it again for customer satisfaction, thank you..
Pelayanan cepat, memuaskan, recommended 👍
fast, satisfying service, recommended seller. top
Produknya sesuai, packingnya rapi..
the product is right, the packing is neat..
jempol 2 bintang 5 pokoknya
the main star thumb
Barang tiba dengan selamat dan tepat waktu
item arrived safely and on time
Fitur Terbaik:pas Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan
best features:fit for the price:worth it
barang diterima..kondisi bagus ..warna sesuaiWarna sesuai pesanan. Barangnya originallol 👍. Spesifikasi sesuai . Berfungsi dengan baik. Barangnya mulus. Ada garansi resmi.
item received..good condition..color according to the color as ordered. it's original lol. appropriate specifications. works fine. smooth stuff. there is an official warranty.
Bagus ga ada yg lecet udah dicoba berfungsi dengan baik mantap pokoknya makasih shopee makasih kurir yg baik
it's good nothing is scratched I've tried it to work properly great anyway thanks shopee thanks good courier
Produk Cukup bagus, packing Standart, pengiriman and respon seller kurang
the product is quite good, standard packing, delivery and seller's response is lacking
barang mati
dead stuff
Barang bagus dan nyaman, sayangnya pengiroman aja aga lambat
nice and comfortable item, unfortunately the delivery is a bit slow
Sedikit lama,,,
a little longer,
Alhamdulillah barang sudah sampai lengkap dan menyala serta garansi ada cuma kok pengukusnya tdk ada iya ??
alhamdulillah, the goods arrived complete and turned on and the warranty was there, but how come there wasn't a steamer, right??
Produk sangat baik Barang mulus Packing bagus doble buble Pengiriman cepet Recomend bangat pokoknya.. Makasih atas layanannya.
very good product smooth goods good packing double bubble fast delivery really recommend anyway... thanks for the service.
terima kasih barang nya sudah samapai .maap baru kasih ulasan nya.thanks bang David
thank you, the item has arrived. sorry just gave the review. thanks bro david
Sdh dicoba produk dapat berfungsi dg baik, pengiriman jg cepat dan dikemas dg buble wrap ditambah lg dg diskon sehingga harga terjangkau. Pokoknya puas dg Maspion 👍🏻
The product has been tried to function properly, fast delivery and packed with bubble wrap plus another discount so the price is affordable. basically satisfied with maspion
Semua barang yg dipesan aman. Tapi pengirimannya sempet terkendala lama sekali. Untuk nge-track 1 nota aja butuh berhari2. Admin memang responsif tapi tetep aja butuh berhari2 hanya untuk mencari barang saya sdh dikirim atau blm. Toko sebesar ini masa tdk tersistem dgn baik ya.
all items ordered are safe. but the delivery has been delayed for a very long time. just to track notes takes days. admin is responsive but it still takes days just to find if my item has been sent or not. A store this big isn't properly systematized.
Barang Orisinil, jamin dah
original item, guarantee it
Fitur Terbaik:Tambahan Mic, bisa bicara pelan tapi tetap jelas Sepadan dengan Harga:Mantap Headset Legendaris...Mantap
best features:additional mic, can speak slowly but still clearly commensurate with the price:great legendary headset.great
gak ada bonusnya gannnnn.....yg lain ko dapet bonus ea...??? padahal saya beli dua g ada yg dapet bonus
there's no bonus, bro. How come the other one gets a bonus ea.? Even though I bought two, no one got a bonus
kualitas bagus berfungsi dengan baik.dan semoga awet
good quality, works well and hope it lasts
Fast response! Barang sesuai photo. Terima kasih :)
fast response! item according to photo. Thank You :)
Kipas kembali bekerja... sayangnya ternyata sumbu putarnya kurang panjang. mungkin salah pesan speknya...
fan is working again. unfortunately it turns out the axis of rotation is not long enough. maybe the specs are wrong.
Barang bagus banget! Barang sangat bagus dan berfungsi Pengiriman oleh kurir cepat banget Kemasan super aman Respon pelapak cepat Harga sesuai kualitas
really good stuff! the goods are very good and work. The delivery by the courier is very fast. Super safe packaging. Fast response. Price according to quality
Udah keterima dengan aman👏
received safely
Sepadan dengan Harga:tapi gak kaleng2
worth the price: but not canned
Maaf saya baru pertama kali pesan di lajada.. itu mixer stenlis pengocoknya kok ga bisa di pasang kenapa yaa???..dari kemarin saya ingin complainnya.
Sorry, this is the first time I've ordered at Lazada... the Stenlis mixer, the shaker, how come it can't be installed, why?... since yesterday I want to complain.
tebyata besar ukurannya. kirain kecil
it turned out to be large in size. think small
Kualitas produk tidak baik. saya jadi bingung. sudah di service ke service center magic com masih berair. dan buat nasi benyek dn basi. tlg dicek brang yg dijual. kedepankan kwalitas. jadi tdk mengecewakan pelanggan.
product quality is not good. I become confused. It's been serviced at the magic com service center, it's still runny. and make rice mushy and stale. Please check the items being sold. put quality first. so don't disappoint customers.
barang original mantul
original item mantul
barangnya kurang oke, pas di coba error2 gitu, mencet2 sendiri
the item is not okay, when I try that error, I press it myself
kecewa mejikom nya penyok padahal itu pesenan ibu saya 😩😩😩😩
disappointed that the mejikom was dented even though it was my mother's order
bagus , saya beli 2 udah di coba semua
good, I bought it and tried it all
gokil barangnya. enak banget dipake. cuman red light sensornya tembus ke tembok (dari mousenya)
crazy stuff. very delicious to make. only the red light sensor penetrates the wall (from the mouse)
Bagus, tapi belum termasuk ongkir. Baiknya ongkir dimasukkan ke harga barang
good, but not including postage. it's better to include the postage in the price of the item
Barang di terima dengan baik, tapi jujur was2 karna pecking nya gak banget. Gak ada pengaman tambahan, beli buble warp juga gk pantes. Maaf hanya kritik dan saran untuk packing berikutnya untuk lebih di perhatikan lagi.
the item was well received, but to be honest it was because the pecking wasn't really good. there is no additional security, buying bubble warp is also not appropriate. sorry just criticism and suggestions for the next packing for more attention.
pancinya ringan, tapi ada penyok dikit, kalo dari pengemasan cukup baik, walaupun diskon mungkin bisa di cek cek lg sblm kirim, atau bisa diinfokan kondisi nya, terima kasih
the pan is light, but there are a few dents, if the packaging is quite good, even though there is a discount maybe you can check it again before sending it, or you can tell me the condition, thank you
Saya minta mouse pad warna abu abu dikirim yg hitam
I asked for a gray mouse pad to be sent a black one
kurir baik sekali. produk aman langsung dipakai! bisa diangkat kurir
very good courier. safe product to use immediately! courier can pick up
Respon penjual baik,cuma agak lama bales chatnya. Terimakasih.
The seller's response is good, it's just that it takes a long time to reply to the chat. Thank You.
bagus, cocok byat yg punya anak kecil atau yg sendiri dan ingin nasinya sekali makan saja.
good, suitable for those who have small children or those who are alone and want only one meal of rice.
Harga:bersaing Bahan/Material:bagus original Desain:bagus sesuai pict Recomended seller super cepet pesan kmren hr ini nyampe mantap deh ada scar dikit di bagian atas tutup tapi g pengaruh ke fungsi mungkin kegesek gesek dr pabrik thanks ya aman sampai ke customer ku rekomen ini muat nasi sekitar 10ltr kurang lebih
price:competitive material/material:good original design:good according to pict recommended seller super fast message kmren today it arrived great there is a little scar at the top of the lid but it doesn't affect function maybe it can be swiped swiped from the factory thanks yes it's safe to my customer I recommend It fits rice around ltr more or less
bocor euy
it leaks
Produk sampai dgn aman, pengemasan rapi, walau jarak jauh tp pengiriman cpt👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
the product arrived safely, neat packaging, even though it's a long distance but fast delivery
mantap jivva keyboardnya mantap dipakai enak
it's great, the keyboard is solid, it's comfortable to use
palet sudah sampai, blom divoba, bintang 4 dulu ya...
The palette has arrived, haven't tried it yet, let's star first.
Barangny penyok di sisi kanan atas, semoga bisa di pake lama. Barakallah
the item has a dent on the right side, hope it lasts a long time. barakallah
kecewa bgt, klo beli dtoko lgsg jg ga sgitu x harganya buat barang yg kwalitasnya spt itu mah
I'm really disappointed, if I buy it at the shop directly, it's not like that, isn't the price for goods of such quality?
Barangnya bagus bgt... Build quality juga oke untuk harga segini. Keluhan cuma satu sih pengirimannya cukup bikin saya nunggu, padahal satu kota/wilayah
the stuff is great. build quality is also okay for this price. The only complaint is that the delivery is enough to make me wait, even though it's one city/region
Mantap sesuai pesanan ...berfungsi dengan baik....sukses terus ya
steady according to the order. it works well. success continues
Suaranya dan bassnya bagus, RGB normal, noise suara nya sangat bagus, kabel tebal. untuk warna saya pesan putih yang dateng hitam tapi nggk masalah, packingnya juga bagus.
good sound and bass, normal rgb, very good sound noise, thick cable. for the color i ordered white which came black but it's not a problem, the packaging is also good.
Ternyata ukurannya lumayan besar ya. Cuma syg banyak goresan di bagian tutupnya.
turns out it's pretty big. it's just that there are a lot of scratches on the lid.