Alhamdulillah barang udah nyampe dengan selamat 🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌👍👍👍
alhamdulillah the item arrived safely
Barang sudah diterima,Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi.
Item received, fast order processing. neat packaging.
Masukin program whatsapp auto responder, tidak berfungsi. Harga sesuai kualitas. fotonya agak buram.
enter the whatsapp auto responder program, it doesn't work. price according to quality. the photo is a bit blurry.
Barang sampai dengan kondisi baik cuman boxnya rada penyok2 gitu
Item arrived in good condition but the box is a bit dented
Ada garansi toko. Barangnya original 👍. Baterenya awet. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi.
there is a store warranty. the goods are original. the battery lasts. safe packaging . neat packaging.
panas nya awet 20 jam. bagusssss
it stays hot for hours. Good
Bagus banget.nyampenya cepet lagi...
very good. got it fast again.
Produk bagusss....masih dicoba ini tahan panasnya brp lama, trima kasih ya..sukses terusss....
good product. still trying this, how long does it hold the heat, thank you... it's continued success.
KALO DICOLOPIN nyala dah gitu aja (RGB).
if plugged in, it's just like that (rgb).
Kualitas:B aja Jauhhhh dari ekpektasi, kirain beli merk ini biar bagusan dikit dr punya saya yg lama (ATLAS). Ehhh...setelah pemakaian 2X, hancur sudah ga bisa di pake alias macet dan miring² buat nggiling. Akhirnya hrs manual pake rolling 🤦🏻‍♀️
quality: just far from expectations, I thought I would buy this brand so that it would be a little better than my old one (atlas). uh. after using x, it's destroyed and can't be used, aka it's jammed and tilted for grinding. finally had to manually use rolling
Produk bagus normal semua...tapi sayang gak bisa di pasang antena grid/outdoor.jadi nya harus di naikin ke atas tiang modem nya supaya dapat sinyal.
All normal good products. But it's a shame you can't attach a grid/outdoor antenna. So you have to raise it to the top of the modem pole so you can get a signal.
Terdapat baret2 pada bagian atas.
there is a beret at the top.
Ternyata kompor infra red oxone lbh panas dr punya saya yg untuk moka pot kopi...
it turns out that the infra red oxone stove is hotter than mine for moka pot coffee.
Agaknlama sampainya
it's been a while
Kkkkuuuuuaaaaallliiiittttaaaassss pppprrrrooooodddduuukkkk bbbbbaaaaaiiikkkkk bbbbbaaaaarrrrraaaaannngggg ooooorrrriiiiiggggiiiiinnnaalllll pengiriman cepat packing standar
Good product quality, original item, fast delivery, standard packing
Alatnya berjalan bagus, tapi mungkin karena pakai antena dalam jadi sinyalnya luplep
the device works well, but maybe because it uses an internal antenna, the signal is weak
Yap keyboard on budget yg menarik. Tp sayangnya pas nyampe, colokan usbnya penyok jd gk masuk ke port, harus diketok magic pakai obeng dulu.
yep, an interesting on-budget keyboard. but unfortunately when it arrived, the usb plug was dented so it didn't go into the port, you had to tap it with a screwdriver first.
produk okelah sesuai dengan budget kalo malem terasalah rgbnya mantapp
the product is okay according to the budget, if at night you can feel the RGB is steady
Gampang dirakit. Udara jadi sejuk.  barang OK bgt
easy to assemble. the air is cool. good stuff
Sangat amanah awalnya controller rusak tpi sellernya langsung ngeganti dan walaupun sayanya cerewet banget ttp dilayani dengan baik 👍 Bisa buat jdi langganan di kemudian hari thanks ya kak 👍🏼🥰
very trustworthy, at first the controller was damaged but the seller immediately replaced it and even though I was really fussy but served well, I can make it a subscription in the future, thanks, sis
Produk bgs siih, silent click. Tp yg kurang ternyata tdk ada tombol utk on/off. Jadi kalo baterei gak di cabut hidup terus. Boros baterei
good product, silent click. but what is lacking is that there is no button for on / off. so if you don't remove the battery, it will live on. waste battery
pas dateng barang nya penyok
when it arrived the item was dented
packing rapi, barang sesuai pesanan. cuma pengiriman nya lama sekali karena pakai jn* truk.
neat packing, goods as ordered. it's just that the delivery takes a long time because it uses jn* trucks.
mantab..... brg dtg... blm ada bonus nih pesanan ke 10x
great. brg come. there is no bonus for x's order
Mantap,,, realpick
great, realpick
blender nya rusak gak berfungsi. gimana caranya mau ngembaliin ???
The blender is broken and doesn't work. how do you want to return it?
Mantabb Bngtt
awesome bngtt
Barang berfungsi dengan baik, walau waktu pengiriman 7 hari
the item works fine, even though the delivery time is days
Bagus .. cepat pengiriman pakai instan dan 1 kasawan. cuman pancinya kalau mau dicuci kudu di rendam agak lama dulu, masih menempel bekas nasinya.
good.. fast delivery using instant and kasawan. it's just that if you want to wash the pot, you have to soak it for a while first, the rice still sticks to it.
setelah 3 hari dipakai, 3 menu utama di bawah layar utama (home, back, new window) tidak bisa di touch, harus reset terus....
after a day of use, the main menu under the main screen (home, back, new window) cannot be touched, you have to keep resetting it.
Blom d coba semoga awet yah ken
Blom d try hopefully durable ken
Fitur Terbaik:Respon penjual sangat baik pengiriman dan barangnya keren
the best features: the seller's response was very good, delivery and the goods were cool
Siapa bilang belanja online susah, hanya di Tokopedia aku bisa beli produk ini dengan dapat cashback pula
Who says shopping online is difficult, only at Tokopedia I can buy this product and get cashback too
Buat model masih enak yg rexus gladius mnrt saya. Kl ini ga mirip PS kaya kurang ergonomis buat sya pgna PS4 yg beralih ke PC
for models that are still good, the Rexus Glaius follows me. If it's not like PS, it's not ergonomic enough for me to use PS who switch to PC
segel, kecepatan respon, kecepatan ngirim..pokoknya 5 star deeh
seal, response speed, sending speed..just star deeh
Fitur Terbaik:berfungsi dengan baik Sepadan dengan Harga:berkualitas terbaik Ibu saya suka terimakasih
best feature:works well worth the price:best quality my mom loves it thanks
Pengiriman kurang rapi, namun tidak merusak barang, kualitas barang sangat bagus tidak ada kerusakan dan kegagalan
the delivery was not neat, but did not damage the goods, the quality of the goods was very good, there was no damage or failure
ada sudut yang terbuka menganga seperti itu, kurang puas
there is a gaping open corner like that, unsatisfied
Barangnya bagus sekali..sesuai dengan ekspetasi..
very good expected..
dinamo sdh saya terima gan,kts
I have received the dynamo and, we
Patah rolernya Sepertinya penanganan di ekspedisinya
broken roller looks like the handling on the expedition
Barang sesuai pesanan.... pengiriman cepat sekali.... packing rapiihh... makasih....
goods to order. very fast delivery. neat packing. Thanks.
Barang ok tapi kurang fast response. Keseriusan admin dalam menanggapi keluhan / pertanyaan di chat perlu ditingkatkan.
item ok but less fast response. the seriousness of the admin in responding to complaints / questions in the chat needs to be improved.
Good, pengiriman cepat
good, fast delivery
Kirim pake gosend tapi packaging nya kurang aman jd basah karna hujan
Send using gosend but the packaging is not secure so it gets wet because of the rain
Alhamdulillah..paketnya sdh sampai maaf baru konfir.pengirimn CPT.packing rapih.hrg standar.mutu barangnya g berfungsi.dim card ga kebaca.aplikasi sebagian ga bsa di sentuh/ ga bsa ke buka
alhamdulillah..the package has arrived sorry just delivery.packing neat.hrg standard.the quality of the item doesn't work.dim card can't be read.part of the application can't be touched/can't open
Kereeeen. Warna sesuai pesanan. Semua bekerja dengan baik untuk saat ini. Semoga ngak ada kendala dan awet.
Cool. custom color. all working fine for now. hopefully there are no problems and durable.
Barang ok meskipun kardus pada peyok 👍👍👍
the item is ok even though the cardboard is dented
Barang bagus, berkualitas,, terimakasih
great item, quality, thank you
pengiriman kilat buangettttttt.... mantab
throwaway express delivery. great
barang lengkap.. terimakasi dpt bonus Capitan. ada yg ngelupastiap titik itu penyok😔😔. dan cetakan pastel terlalu mini😭 mangkok bagus tebel jg
complete item.. thank you for the captain's bonus. there is someone who forgets every point it is dented. and the pastel prints are too mini, the bowls are nice, thick too
kayaknya kukusannya ga termasuk ya? saat sy unboxing, hanya ada centong, dan di dalam panci (plastik segel) hanya terdapat gelas ukur, tp kukusannya ga ada
I think the steamer isn't included huh? when I unboxed, there was only a ladle, and in the pot (plastic seal) there was only a measuring cup, but there was no steamer
Produk sesuai deskripsi, packing dan pengiriman baik. Recommended
Product as described, packing and delivery good. recommended
Beli di official emang terjamin kualitasnya.... dapet harga flashsale pulaa.... buat anginnya ternyata lebih kenceng drpd yg pake remot 3in1.. pengiriman cepet bgt tumben, biasanya jne cargo cashless lama sekali... thanks seller buat keramahannya.. bakal langganan teroossss....
buy at the official guaranteed quality. got flashsale price too. for the wind it turns out to be much louder than the one using the remote in... the delivery is really fast, usually it takes a long time for cashless cargo. thanks seller for the hospitality... will subscribe teroos.
berfungsi dgn baik.. hanya saja hrs beli karet nya lagi.. krn ternyata ini belum termasuk karet.. makasih ya
works fine... it's just that I have to buy the rubber again... because apparently this doesn't include rubber... thank you
SUMPAH gak ngerti lagi,,kenapa bisa keyboard sebagus ini bisa harga nya muraah bgt dah....kl kualitasnya kek gini harga 300ribu juga wort it 😍😍🥰🥰
I swear I don't understand anymore, how come a keyboard as good as this can cost so cheap. If the quality is like this, the price for thousands is also worth it
kualitasnya mantap euy,rgb ga ketolong untuk diharga segini, build quality juga ok, tapi agak kecewa karena pesan varian switch red malah datang switch yg biru,oklah lagian aku masih tetep hype udh prelubed juga jadi gpp,next time admin dan team banyak minum air putih biar ga salah fokus, selebihny mntap
the quality is great, rgb doesn't help at this price, the build quality is also ok, but I'm a bit disappointed because I ordered the switch red variant instead a blue switch came, ok anyway I'm still hype already prelubed too so it's okay, next time the admin and the team drink lots of water white so there's no wrong focus, the rest is solid
Pengiriman cepet.. free tas.. dapet stylus juga.. biarpun lebaran ttp layanin pesanan.. recommended dah mantap..
fast delivery.. free bag.. got a stylus too.. even though Idul Fitri still serve orders.. recommended already great..
barang dtg pas buka ga ada colokan sambungan ke listrik jadi kita bikin sendiri
the item came when it was opened there was no plug to connect to the electricity so we made it ourselves
Blom apa2 dah ada yg ngelotek🌚
Blom, is there anyone who is chattering?
sesuai pesanan....semoga awet dan beanfaat ...
according to the order. I hope it lasts and benefits.
Realpick,mksh shoope dan mas kurirnya
realpict, thanks shopee and mas courier
Maaf ya gan bintangnya diturunin karena resleting tasnya rusak satu pas barang datang, padahal sudah tulis di catatan saat order agar barangnya dicek dulu sebelum di kirim. Untuk termosnya ok.
I'm sorry, bro, the star has been lowered because the zipper on the bag was damaged when the item arrived, even though it was written in the notes during the order so that the item is checked before it is sent. for the thermos ok.
fantech emang gak pernah ngecewain tapi pelayanan js comp gak kalah memuaskan juga mantab dah 😂
Fantech has never let me down, but the JS COMP service is just as satisfying and great
Ukuran:pas Harga:terjangkau barang bagus cuman sayang nya ga pake buble warp kemasan barang nya
size: right price: affordable good stuff but it's a shame it doesn't use bubble warp packaging of the stuff
mantap tahan lama panasnya
long lasting hot
mantap.. cuman susah buka slot uktuk kartu perdana dan micro SD nya. saya harus ke tukang servis untuk bukanya
great.. it's just hard to open the slot for the prime card and micro sd. I have to go to the repair shop to open it
barang sesuai dan pengiriman cepat. sayang seller terlalu tertutup kalo mau request tambahan setelah transaksi
right item and fast delivery. it's a shame the seller is too closed if you want additional requests after the transaction
pesen malam jam 9pagi udah sampe jhossss
ordered at night in the morning arrived jhos
Makasih kak barang sudah sampai dng selamat Packing an aman bngt Dan pengiriman cepat ... Kualitas sesuai hrg .... Baterai boros Keyboard setengah layar g bisa jadi harus pakai google suara udah itu ja minus nya ..
thank you sis, the item has arrived safely, the packaging is very safe and the delivery is fast. quality according to price. the battery is wasteful the half screen keyboard can't so you have to use Google Voice already that's a minus ..
Lucu tapi saya kira besar ternyata ke il gpp saya suka
it's funny but I think it's big it turns out to il gpp I like it
it's good ya barangnya lumayan lah tpi yg ga enak pengirimanya emng mntanya salah si pas mau 17 san tpi gpp lah makasih ya
it's good, the goods are not bad, but what's not good is the delivery, I asked the wrong one when I wanted it But it's okay, thank you
Harga:lumayan la.. lumayan apa hayooo Kualitas:ya gitu Ukuran:8l Makasih seller, kurir, shopee Paket udah diteriima pengiriman agak lama Trus pas datang benyokkk masaan prestonyaa huaa😭😭😭 Dahla males🥲
price: not bad... is it ok quality: yes like that size: l thanks seller, courier, shopee the package has been received for a while and the delivery took quite a while and when it arrived it was prestonyaa huaa dahla lazy
mantap, barang sesuai, respon juga lumayan baik. 5 stars buat seller, 1 star buat kurir. Surabaya - Malang pake next day 2 hari an. Padahal pake kurir gratis ongkir aja cuma 1 hari dari domisili yang sama. Untung dapet refund ongkir
great, the goods are appropriate, the response is also pretty good. stars for seller, stars for courier. Surabaya - Malang use the next day. Even though using a courier, it's free shipping, only one day from the same domicile. luckily got a refund
Meja kerja semakin kece
desk is getting cooler
Barangnya bagusss sesuai yang diharapkan, cman packingnya engga di bungkuss lagi. Makasih lazada semoga jadi langganan😍😍🤗 Makasih juga buat abang kurirnya malem" nganterin🤗🤗
the item is good as expected, only the packaging is not wrapped again. thank you lazada, I hope you become a subscriber, thanks also to the courier brother, the late delivery guy
top bgt om barangnya, sesuailah sama harga, sukses terus rexus..
the goods are really top, according to the price, continued success for Rexus..
Awal beli nggak bisa scrolling. Udah komplain, diganti unit baru. Sekarang malah mouse-nya nggak responsif. Ini nggak niat ngasih barang bagus apa gimana? Saya juga capek bolak-balik return mulu.
at first I couldn't scroll. already complained, replaced with a new unit. Now the mouse isn't responsive. Is this not the intention of giving good things? I'm also tired of going back and forth.
Pesan jam 2 pakai sicepat, jam set 8 malem sudah sampai. Cepet bgt. Berfungsi dengan baik.respon di chat juga baik dan cepat. Rekomen banget, bakalan sering sering cek ke sini lalau ada kebutuhan untuk kebutuhan komputerisasi.. Semoga jenis jenis barang yg dijualnya juga di tambahkan ya. Thank you
ordered the clock to use it fast, the set time for the evening has arrived. so fast. works well. response in chat is also good and fast. really recommend, I will often check here if there is a need for computerization... I hope the types of goods they sell will also be added, OK? thank you
Harga:terjangkau Kualitas:baik Ketajaman:mantap beli waktu promo untuk kado nikahan teman alhamdullilah suka sekali dengan kualitas produk dari oxone
price: affordable quality: good sharpness: great buy during promos for friends' wedding gifts thank God I really like the quality of products from oxone
nyesel beli hp ni, suaah bgt nangkap sinyal, dihubungi kadang gak aktif padahal hape dlm keadaan hidup
I regret buying this cell phone, it's really hard to catch a signal, when I call it sometimes it doesn't work even though the cellphone is on
Emang benar sesuai Diskripsi. Untuk kualitas jangan berharap banyak dengan harga 200K kebawah. Semua nya berfungsi baik. Cuma bass nya kurang nendang. Bahan nya juga cukup bagus. Untuk Desain sudah bagus, cuma logo rexus tidak RGB. Untuk Kabelnya berkualitas. Yg jadi kendala, pengiriman nya LAMA. Butuh 4 hari baru sampai. Untuk Bubble pelindung kurang banyak. sehingga kerdus banyak yg peyok. Mohon Diperbanyak untuk Bubble pelindungnya jika pengiriman jauh. Maaf yah hanya Bintang 4.
it's true according to the description. for quality don't expect much at a price k down. everything is working fine. it's just that the bass doesn't kick enough. the material is pretty good too. the design is good, only the rexus logo is not rgb. for quality cables. The problem is, the delivery took a long time. need a new day to arrive. for less protective bubble. so that there are many dented kerdus. Please multiply for the protective bubble if the shipment is far away. sorry, only stars
Sudah dicoba untuk masak nasi, dan dibaca baik2 di buku saku cosmos bahwa rice cooker ini memang tidak di lengkapi oleh kukusan
I have tried to cook rice, and I read well in the Cosmos pocket book that this rice cooker is indeed not equipped with a steamer
bagus bagus bagus bagus...josssss ,cuman pengiriman aja yg overload ...
good good good good. jos, it's just that the shipping is overloaded.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:yoi Overall bagus lah puas Tp untuk safety pengemasannya kurang si untuk alat elektronik gini
best features: good for the price: yoi overall good, I'm satisfied but for safety the packaging is lacking for electronic devices like this
Pengirimanya cpet 👍 harga diskon lagi 👍panasnya juga okee 😍 semoga awettt 🤩 cmn sayg pengemasan y krg rapih dan ada lecet dikit, it's Okey
fast delivery, discounted price, the heat is also okay, I hope it lasts, honey, the packaging is neat and there are a few scratches, it's okay
baru dicoba udh rusak aja tutupnya lepas sendiri taunya dalemnya kyak cuma dilem doang kecewa karna nunggu lama ehhh dicoba rusak bgtu
I just tried it, it's broken, the lid comes off by itself, I know the inside looks like it's just glued, I'm disappointed because I waited a long time, I tried it, it's broken
top markotop,barang sampai dengan aman,top rexus👍
top markotop, items arrived safely, top rexus
Alhamdulillah cepet nyampe, sudah dicoba produknya memuaskan, mesinnya alus ga berisik, mau dipake belajar masak2 semoga awet barangnya.
alhamdulillah it arrived quickly, tried the product satisfactorily, the engine is good and not noisy, I wanted to use it to learn how to cook, hopefully the item will last.
Semoga awet dan lancar dagangan saya
hopefully durable and smooth my trade
Barangnya bagus, berfungsi dengan baik tapi box dan kardus paketnya ketika sampai bentuknya udah terdapat cacat
the item is good, it works well but the box and cardboard package when it arrives are deformed
Fitur Terbaik:belum dicoba Sepadan dengan Harga:yes pengirimannya lumayan cepett, semoga awet terimakasih banyak
the best features: haven't tried it worth the price: yes the delivery is pretty fast, hope it lasts, thank you very much
slow respon
slow response
Sukaaaaaa sekaliiii, makasih ya. barang sampai dengan aman, dan superebb recommended! TOP!
really like it, thank you. the goods arrived safely, and superebb recommended! tops!
Packinynya cuma kardus aslinya sama tambahan Buble warp aja. Itu juga Karena saya nambah Buble warp
the packing is just the original cardboard with extra bubble wrap. that's also because I added bubble warp
Murah cuma sedih ga dapet free ongkir, tp barang original, pengiriman yang rada aga aga
it's cheap, it's just sad that you can't get free shipping, but original goods, shipping is a bit slow
lupa menuliskan warna yang di mau dan seller tidak mengkonfirmasi dan mengirimkan warna hijau
forgot to write down the color he wanted and the seller didn't confirm and sent green
ternyata imeinya hilang/null udh beli 2 kli di sini bukanya di cek sebelum kirim ,malah masa si masa si, pas di kasi tau kalo imeinya null
it turns out that the imei is missing/null, I bought it here, I didn't check it before sending it, but it's okay, when I was told that the imei was null