Produk Nya betulan ORI , Peking nya juga rapi dan aman
the product is really original, the peking is also neat and safe
Barangnya original ๐Ÿ‘.ย Kemasan disegel.ย Spesifikasi sesuai .ย Ada garansi resmi.ย Kelengkapan sesuai.ย Warna sesuai pesanan.
the goods are original. sealed packaging. appropriate specifications. there is an official warranty. appropriate equipment. custom color.
Barang sesuai, respon cepat dan pelayanan prima.. mantab..
appropriate items, fast response and excellent service .. great ..
Terimah kasih.... Hpnya masih segel
Thank you. the phone is still sealed
yaampun cepet banget pengirimannya, fast respon, packingnya aman pula. puas pokonya hehe
Yes, the delivery is very fast, the response is fast, the packaging is safe too. I'm satisfied anyway hehe
Barang diterima lengkap,, tapi 1 mouse nya agak peyok bungkusnya. Tengkyu
item received complete, but the mouse packaging is a bit dented. tengku
Satu kata saja.. Mantullll.....
just one word.. mantul.
proses penjual cepat, barang sesuai pesanan,packing rapi,barang berfungsi
fast seller process, goods according to order, neat packing, goods work
Barang original, pengiriman cepat. hanya sayabg ada bagian yang patah. tapi gak pa pa semua bagus
original item, fast delivery. it's just a shame there is a broken part. but it's okay, everything's good
barng oke sesuai depkripsi mantaap
the item is okay according to the description is great
Kk barangnya bagus kk tapi pecah, ย gara gara pengiriman
kk the goods are good kk but broken, because of the delivery
Sangat bagus dan memuaskan
very good and satisfying
Fitur Terbaik:blue switch berfungsi dengan baik, suaranya merdu wkwk Mantappp, terbaek emang fantech
the best features: the blue switch works well, the sound is melodious, it's great, the best is fantech
Ga cacat sedikit pun dan cpt nyampenya
no defects at all and arrived quickly
Lmayan sih , tp sayang ny agak sedikit peyok d body ny ? Entah dri ekspedisi ny apa emng peyok dri sana ny .
it's not bad, but it's a shame it's a bit dented on the body? I don't know whether from the expedition or what the dent was from there.
sesuai pesanan, dapat dengan harga diskon, terima kasih untuk penjual dan Tokopedia..
according to the order, got it at a discounted price, thanks to the seller and tokopedia..
stelah d buka...baskomnya pecah ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ tlong ya,,..pnjual lebih teliti lg dlm pngemasan. agar barng ttp utuh & baik. trma kasih.
after opening, the basin is broken, please... the seller is more careful in packing. so that goods remain intact & good. thanks.
Terimakasih paket sudah diterima berfungsi dengan baik keren aslinya lembut mouse nya
thank you, the package has been received, it works well, the original is cool, the mouse is soft
Pengiriman lama tpi barang ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
long delivery but goods
Sesuai harga, ada harga ada kualitas. Pinggirannya tidak dijahit.
according to the price, there is a price there is quality. the edges are not sewn.
Jelek banget mati nyala dan susah untuk di nyalakan dan juga pencetak mau keluar masuk tidak berfungsi pokookonya jelekk
it's really bad it turns off and it's hard to turn it on and also the printer wants to go in and out and it doesn't work, it's just bad
Barang sesuai deskripsi, Respon penjual cepat, Packingan rapi.
Item as described, fast response from seller, well packed.
barang oke, semoga ga ada masalah :)
good stuff, hopefully no problem :)
di kirain tebal tp tipis barang nya ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
I thought it was thick but the stuff is thin
Sampenya agak lama, tapi okelah
it took a while, but that's ok
baguuusss sihh,tapii usb nyaa maasiihh kerass. jadii aku kasiihh bintaaangg 4. teruuss ga adaa space buat nyimpen usb nyaaaaa.
it's good, but the usb is still hard. so I give a star. then there's no space to save the usb.
Harga:mahal untuk material stainless steel Kualitas:merk ternama dan belum dicoba Ketajaman:belum dicoba 1 pisau kecil tdk mulus ada baret dan noda.. Moga bisa dibersihkan
price: expensive for stainless steel material quality: well-known brand and haven't tried sharpness: haven't tried the small blade that isn't smooth, has scratches and stains... hope it can be cleaned
Kualitas:ad lecet dikit
quality: a little scuffed
barang cepat sampai n kualitasnya OK bgt... mksh2 kaka
item arrived fast and the quality is ok. thanks bro
Fast response, packing cakep, pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai deskripsi. Cuman sayang, di Mac ane ga bisa entah kenapa. Nganggur deh ini game pad.. padahal kualitasnya oke punya.
fast response, good packaging, fast delivery, item as described. it's just a shame, on my mac it doesn't work for some reason. I don't think this is a game pad... even though the quality is okay.
Aduh lama untung barang oke
ouch long luck goods okay
Barang original, pengiriman lama karena anteraja sistem sedang error
original item, long delivery due to anteraja system error
Response cepat. Produk ssi. Thanks
quick responses. ssi product. thanks
Ukuran panci sesuai dg deskripsi. Diameter 18cm. Kedalaman 11cm. Overall panci oke. Ad penyok sedikit sih dibag bawah. Panci agak tipis. Ad harga ad mutu deh ya. Jd ati2 ngerawatnya jgn smpe jatoh2. Pengiriman cpt
The size of the pan corresponds to the description. diameter cm. cm depth. overall pan okay. there is a little dent on the bottom. thin pan. ad price ad quality deh yes. so take care of it, don't let it fall. cpt delivery
pelayanan oke, sampe cepet. tapi gak tau kenapa gak bisa instal mBCA, huhuhu...
good service, arrived fast. but I don't know why I can't install MBCA, huhuhu.
Baru dipakai 3 hari sudah rusak, tidak bisa dipakai. Sudah coba ganti bateraipun tidak bisa. Kecewa banget. Pengalaman terburuk belanja online
I just used it the other day it's broken, I can't use it. I've tried changing the battery to no avail. very disappointed. worst experience online shopping
barang nya udh ktrma , mksih
the goods have been received, thank you
baranya bagus cuman packaging nya terlalu tipis jadinya kardus agak penyok dikit tp barnagnya masih bagus untungnya
the item is good but the packaging is too thin so the box is a bit dented but the item is still good luckily
Barang sesuai dan packingannya bagus. Enak kok belanja di Bestobuy bs COD
good item and good packing. how come shopping at bestobuy bs cod
fast respon, gercep, barang sesuai
fast response, fast, appropriate items
Barang sudah sampai tapi belum terpasang
Item arrived but not yet installed
Alhamdulillah batang sampai dg selamat, blm kucoba smg baik2 saja. Aamiin, thanks seller
thank God the stem arrived safely, I haven't tried it yet it's fine. amen, thanks seller
Yg normal knpa airnya ikut2an anget ya ...
normal, why does the water get hot?
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. pengiriman lamaaaaaa... Respon penjual lamaaa. Semoga kedepan lebih baik lagi... Belum dicoba semoga ga ada masalah dan awet... Terimakasih!!
product quality is very good. original product. product price is very good. old delivery. old seller response. hopefully in the future it will be better. Haven't tried it yet, hope it doesn't have any problems. Thank You!!
barang bagus pengiriman agak lama
good item long delivery
Lama bgt dtg nya pake ekspedisi anter aja smggu pdahal ga jauh..
it took so long to arrive using the Anteraja expedition, even though it wasn't far away..
Tab bagus berfungsi baik, packing jg aman, anak saya senang, semoga awet.
good tab works well, packing is also safe, my child is happy, I hope it lasts.
Saya pesan dg switch biru, tp setelah melakukan pembayaran dikonfirmasi adanya yg merah, yah mau bgmn lagi, terima saja...pengirimannya lama juga, maaf ya saya gak bisa kasih max bintang
I ordered with a blue switch, but after making a payment it was confirmed that there was a red one, so what else can I do, just accept it. The delivery took too long, sorry I can't give max stars
Tq seller barang berfungsi normal good packingnya aja yg kurang
tq seller, the goods are functioning normally, the good packing is the only thing that's lacking
Pada dasarnya selama barang dr pabrik kurang bagus, kita masi bisa cari jalan tengah. Tapi yg membuat pelanggan nyaman dan setia adalah respond dr penjual.
basically as long as the goods from the factory are not good enough, we can still find a middle ground. but what makes customers comfortable and loyal is the response from the seller.
mouse cukup berat dan besar terasa aneh saat pindah dari logitech g102 ke mouse seperti ini. but overall semua lancar tidak ada error
the mouse is quite heavy and large feels weird when moving from logitech g to a mouse like this. but overall everything runs smoothly, no errors
tsbletx sdh sampai tp sy kecewa krn tdk ada casx jg batreix cepat lobet mengaecewakan
The tablet has arrived, but I'm disappointed because there's no charging, and the battery pack quickly sucks, which is disappointing
barang cepat sampai dalam 3 hari
item arrived quickly within the day
bintang berbicara ๐Ÿ‘Œ
talking stars
tombolnya enak, RT dan LT enak untuk di tekan, wireless menggunakan dongle ga ada delay dll, kalo tangan cukup besar seperti saya agak pegel kalo main lama
the buttons are good, rt and lt are nice to press, wireless uses a dongle, there is no delay, etc., if your hands are big enough like mine, it's a bit sore if you play for a long time
Berfungsi normal, tp yo sesuai hrga. Angine luih kenceng karo seri sijine.
works normally, but yo according to the price. the engine is smooth because of the sijine series.
Bagus. Sudah di tes. Tapi belum kepake. Semoga bisa berfungsi dengan baik. Terima kasih.
Good. already tested. but haven't used it yet. hopefully it will work properly. Thank You.
di deskripsi lebar 16, yg dateng lebarnya cuma 13
in the wide description, only the width comes
Berfungsi dengan baik sesuai deskripsi
works fine according to the description
best sellerr
best seller
Alhamdulillah paketnya sudah diterima berfungsi dgn baik puas pelayanan seller fast respon amanah next order
alhamdulillah the package has been received functioning well satisfied seller service fast response trustworthy next order
Pengiriman cepat prosesnya tidak lama
fast delivery the process is not long
barang sesuai deskripsi, pengiriman cepat, hanya beda warna pesan biru tua yang di kirim warna hitam ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
item according to description, fast delivery, only different color message dark blue sent black
Harga:cukup murah Kualitas:ok Ketajaman:dah pasti tajam Alhamdulillah paket sdh diterima. Packaging ok dan rapi. Ga nyesel deh beli jd tambah suka nih di dapur
price: quite cheap quality: ok sharpness: definitely sharp thank God the package has been received. packaging ok and neat. I don't regret buying it so I like it even more in the kitchen
micnya ga berfungsi baik
the mic is not working properly
Barang mendarat mulussss makasih min
item landed smoothly thanks min
Bagus barangnya tidak mengecewakan dan pengiriman standar
good, the goods don't disappoint and standard delivery
kipas berfungsi dengan baik, terimakasih seler,lazada, dan Abang kurirnya
the fan works fine, thank you seller, lazada, and the courier brother
Barang nya cpt datang tpi sayang gag bisa bunyii
the item came quickly but it's a shame it can't sound
Mudah2an sesuai deskripsi, cuma kok paketnya hanya dibungkus plastik wrap aja ya...semoga mulus...
I hope it matches the description, it's just how come the package is just wrapped in plastic wrap.
Tingginya / tebalnya pas, panjangnya pas, lebarnya pas, tapi kurang empuk. Pengiriman cepat
the height / thickness is just right, the length is right, the width is right, but it's not soft enough. fast delivery
Udah di ganti ya bintangnya, so far setelah di kasih batre sih baik2 aja, semoga awet.. tks
I've replaced the star, so far after giving the battery it's fine, I hope it lasts.. thanks
mantapp.... tidak sempat poto, intinya puas dengan barang ini. sayangx pengiriman kurang cepat via JNE
Excellent. did not have time to take photos, the point is satisfied with this item. it's a shame the delivery isn't fast enough via jne
barang kualitasnya bagus sesuai deskripsi.
good quality item according to the description.
Puas dengan produk ini,
satisfied with this product,
ok kok . itu yang bilang tutup nya lepas . kan ada baut nya . smart lah sikit . kalo bautnya hilang baru protes . tinggal belikan baut aja . 2000 aja .
okay. that's what said the lid came off. there's a bolt. a little smart. if the bolt is missing then protest. just buy the screws. Just .
packaging rapi pengiriman cepat dan barang sesuai dengan deskripsi
fast delivery neat packaging and item as described
Bagus Aman pack rapi Suka banget tajem bakal langganan trus dehh
good, safe, neat pack, I really like tajem, I'll subscribe then
Sesuai pict sesuai dengan harga ok
according to pict according to the price ok
Sudah sampai. Barang agak tipis berbunyi nyaring.. lapisan tidak seperti teflon yang licin
had reached. rather thin items make loud noises .. the coating is not like Teflon which is slippery
Maaf bintang 3 ya, soalnya penyok, paket tanpa bubble wrap, seharusnya sekelas official store ini pake bublewrap, bayar jg gak apa kok,. Mau retur lama.
sorry star, the problem is it's dented, the package without bubble wrap, this official store class should use bubblewrap, it's okay to pay too. want to return old.
baru dicoba semoga awet dgn harga yg std
just tried it, hopefully it lasts at the std price
pengiriman cepat dan berfungsi dengan baik .. terimakasih
fast delivery and works well.. thanks
Makasih kak, pesana dah diterima. Mudah2 awet.
Thank you sis, the order has been received. durable.
panci ya pada penyok SMA kecil ya panci ya . ukuran 1 liter beras 20 cm salah order ๐ŸคฆTPI gpp penyok " asal jgn bocor
the pan is dented as small as the pot, yes. the size of a liter of rice cm is wrong for the order but it doesn't have any dents "as long as it doesn't leak
Harga:sesuai Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:bagus Sudah 2x order packaging tdk mengecewakan. Dpt bubble wrap dn dikardus pinggir2nya. Packaging lebih upgrade dr sebelumnua
price: according to quality: good sharpness: good already x order packaging doesn't disappoint. got bubble wrap and cardboard on the side. packaging is more upgraded than before
AS bawah ke panjangan
bottom axle to length
Produk original....seller nya responsive,.konfirmasi dulu krn stok wrna tdk tersedia๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘,.produk berfungsi dgn baik, thanks seller ๐Ÿ™
the product is original. the seller is responsive, please confirm first because the color stock is not available, the product is functioning properly, thanks seller
Mantap barang berfungsi dengan baik sellernya juga ramah, sedikit info aja ini bisa untuk converter headset yg type usb 3.0 buat aktifin converternya masuk ke pengaturan hp kalian trus cari "Koneksi otg" trus aktifin, buat hp yang gada koneksi otgnya mungkin gabisa
great, the item works well, the seller is also friendly, just a little info, this can be used for a USB type headset converter. To activate the converter, enter your cellphone settings and then look for "otg connection". then activate it, for cellphones that don't have an otg connection, maybe it can't
Fitur Terbaik:wirelless Barang sesuai dan pengiriman cepat. Penjual jg fast respon ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
best feature:wireless fit goods and fast delivery. seller also fast response
lama banget pengirimannya
very long delivery
barang bagus banget sayang pengemasan y lama bngt ampe 3 hari br dikirim
the goods are really good, it's a shame the packaging took so long until the day it was sent
Fitur Terbaik:mantappp Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Mantaap
best feature:great value for money:well worth it
barang sesuai pesanan, bagus , berfungsi dgn baik. ternyata baterai nya lepasan. ku kira baterai tanam. semoga awet deh.
items according to the order, can, function properly. Turns out the battery was loose. I think the battery is embedded. hope it lasts.
Official store.. mantap.. barangnya bagus pengepakan aman..
official store..great..good stuff safe packing..
Harga:terjangkau Pengemasan:rapiii... buble wrapnya tebeel... Bahan/Material:alumunium makasiiih seller... pngiriman cet sehari ke garut... the best... ada goresan2 dikiit diluarnya.. tp gakpp karena gak akan pengaruh pada kegunaan presro sendiri,yang penting jangan penyoook... pengemasan savety BGT,... SUKAAA..... makasiiih
price: affordable packaging: neat. the bubble wrap is thick. material / material: aluminum thanks seller. delivery cet a day to garut. the best. there are some scratches on the outside... but that's okay because it won't affect the use of the presro itself, the important thing is don't have any dents. packaging is very savety,. Like. Thanks
Bagus bgt berguna dgn baik amanah bgt tokonya dan warna nya cantik bgt packaging aman pake bubble warp intinya aman bgt dehh ga nyesel beli disini yg mau beli gausah ragu dehh๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
it's good, it's useful, it's good, it's trustworthy, the shop is beautiful and the color is beautiful, the packaging is safe with bubble warp, the point is, it's very safe, I don't regret buying it here, if you want to buy it, don't hesitate.
Harga:mahaaal Kualitas:mahal tapi jelek Mentang mentang beli flashsale di kasih barang Reject. Mending beli yg 20rb an.
price:expensive quality:expensive but ugly just because i bought a flash sale given rejected goods. it's better to buy the thousand.
barang sesuai ekspektasi
item as expected