Pengiriman nya lama
the delivery is long
Males nulis banyak²... Bintang berbicaralah, tu aja...
lazy to write a lot. stars speak, that's it.
toko laknat, udah pengiriman lama, yg dikirim barangnya beda, gw doain lo biar bangkrut skalian,gk sesuai sama gambar, gk amanah sama sekali.. najis gw blanja disini lagi..🤮🤮🤮
the shop is anathema, the delivery took a long time, the goods sent are different, I pray for you to go bankrupt all at once, it doesn't match the picture, it's not trustworthy at all.. I'll be unclean shopping here again..
Barang oke & komplit makasih
item ok and complete thank you
Barang Alhamdulillah aman berfungsi dengan sangat baik,. Hanya sayang pakingnya kurang aman sehingga dus peyok sana sini,. Lain kali paking tolong diperhatikan,. Takutnya barang sampai tujuan tidak selamat,. 👍
alhamdulillah safe item works very well,. it's just a shame the gasket isn't safe so it's dented here and there. Next time, please pay attention to the pack. I'm afraid the goods will not reach their destination safely.
Pengirimannya cepat. Packing aman dan rapih. Kompor juga berfungsi dg baik. Smg awet. Terima kasih.
the delivery is fast. safe and neat packing. the stove also works fine. still durable. Thank You.
terbaik, harga sesuai, kualitas sesuai
the best, the right price, the right quality
cpt bgt nyampe nya.. brg ok untuk anak SD, mudah-mudahhan awet..
how fast it arrived.. brg ok for elementary school children, hopefully it will last..
Kualitas produk sangat baik,pengiriman super cepat kemarin pesan besok nya udh nyampe aja,pas liat brng nya bagus produk original,,,next pasti order lagi,thank you....
product quality is very good, delivery is super fast, yesterday ordered tomorrow, it's already arrived, when I saw the product, it was good, original product, next time I will definitely order again, thank you.
Cukup puas, pengiriman cepat
quite satisfied, fast delivery
Memuaskan, walaupun kardusnya agak penyok
satisfactory, although the box is a bit dented
barang tidak sesuai jelek panci dalamnya beda ga hitam .ga sesuai gambar lah pokoknya
the item doesn't match the bad, the inner pot is different, it's not black, it doesn't match the picture anyway
Enak banget buat nge-game Build quality-nya terbaik Keyboardnya mantap dan enak digunakan Pengiriman sangat cepato
it's really good for gaming, the build quality is the best, the keyboard is solid and easy to use, the delivery is very fast
Seller bertanggung jawab mengenai keluhan cutomer. Good
Seller is responsible for customer complaints. good
Alhamdulilah udah nyampe lama baru sempet kasih riview bagus
Thank God, it took a long time to give me a good review
barang sudah sampaaai, bagus bangeeeet , harga nya juga muraaah tp kualitasnya bagus, packing nya rapuh banget jugaaa
the goods arrived, very good, the price is also cheap but the quality is good, the packaging is very fragile too
bagus bangeettt tapi sayang bgt saya salah pesan keyboard harusnya yg ukuran panjang karna buat kantoran :( barangkali teman2 ada yg mau? saya jual lagi dengan harga lebih murah. Bisa hubungi saya yaaa
it's really good but it's a shame I ordered the wrong keyboard, it should be a long size because it's for an office :( maybe a friend wants one? I'm selling it again at a cheaper price. Can you contact me?
Kecepatan pengiriman lumayan, lebih cepat daripada ekspektasi. Packing biasa aja. Kondisi dan kualitas produk baik.
Decent delivery speed, quicker than expected. normal packing. product condition and quality is good.
Fitur Terbaik:lambat padahal cuma buat buka 1 aplikasi kasir doang... Awal buka paket ga ada plastik wrap, minta nota masih ga direspon sampai saya kasih nilai. Kata penjualnya ini mesti garansi HP baru, tapi minta nota aja susahnya.. Lelet banget responnya.
best feature: slow even though it's only for opening the cashier application. When I first opened the package, there was no plastic wrap, I asked for a note, but I still didn't respond until I gave it a rating. the seller said this must guarantee a new cell phone, but asking for a note is difficult... the response was really slow.
Magic com nya sih bagus ya gaada penyok dan segala macem, cuma pengemasannya bener2 ga aman banget karna cuma pake kardus doang gaada bubble wrapnya lagi lain kali harus dipakein bubble wrap lagi agar lebih aman.
The magic com is really good, no dents or anything like that, it's just that the packaging isn't really safe because it only uses cardboard, no bubble wrap anymore, next time you have to use bubble wrap again to make it safer.
update nomor resi telat...
Late receipt number update.
mendarat dgn selamat.lucu bagus pengiriman cpt kurir nya dah langganan ramah
landed safely. cute, good, fast delivery, the courier is already a friendly subscriber
Kipasnya bagus kok sesuai ,dapet warna ijo mantap lah dingin
the fan is good, how come it fits, getting a green color is great, it's cold
Wort it si buat di beli
it's wort it to buy
agak pada lecet
a bit on the scuff
paking rapi
neat packing
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau Bagus banget Alhamdulillah gak kecewa..dan packingannya bener bener aman..Thank you puas banget belanja disini😘
best features: good worth the price: affordable really good thank God I wasn't disappointed...and the packaging was really safe...thank you I'm really satisfied shopping here
Mantab oke produknya
great okay product
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Pengiriman barang cepat packing rapi dan aman barang sesuai dengan pesanan terimakasih
best features: good value for money: yes, fast delivery, neat and safe packing, goods according to the order, thank you
barang bagus , tapi harga beda di gambar murah bayar nya kok mahal
good stuff, but the price is different in the cheap picture, how come you pay expensive
kecil banget ternyata
it's really small
Udah di buka,udah di tes juga juicer nya Semoga awet…tengkyuu yaa
I've opened it, I've tested the juicer, I hope it lasts... tengkyuu
produk bagus pengiriman lumayan cepat semoga barang sesuai deskripsi dan mantap
good product, delivery is quite fast, the item is as described and good quality
Fitur Terbaik:rice coker Sepadan dengan Harga:harga nya lumayan terjagkau Cepet smpe nya,,barang nya baik,tidak ada lecet,,mudah2 an awet
best features: rice cooker worth the price: the price is quite affordable, arrived quickly,, the goods are good, no scratches,, easy and durable
barang realpick dan sangat bagus
realpick and very good stuff
terima kasih barang udah datang, pakinganya rapi banget mama aku jadi suka...bisa jadi langganan terus yay
thank you, the goods have come, the packaging is really neat, my mom likes it. Can I continue to subscribe, yay
bagus real pict
nice real pict
Barang mulus dan bagus, pengiriman cepat
smooth and good item, fast delivery
Barang sudah sampai, bagus juga tapi sayang ada yang penyok ..
the item has arrived, it's good but unfortunately there is a dent..
Cool, harga bersahabat kualitas bintang lima
cool, friendly prices with five star quality
Mungil sekali ternyataaaaaaa semoga awet lucu sihhh mungkin bubble wrap nya lebih tebel lagi sih biar lebih baik
it's so tiny it turns out I hope it lasts cute maybe the bubble wrap is even thicker so it's better
Really good
Harga:lumayan murah Kualitas:belum dicoba hehe Ketajaman:belum di coba Pengiriman nya cepattt, dibungkus dengan rapi juga, pokoknya sukaa
price: pretty cheap quality: haven't tried it yet hehe sharpness: haven't tried it fast delivery, packaged neatly too, just like it
Rekomen bgt.kmrn ada masalah agan ini fast respon dan mau bantu masalahnya
Really recommend. If you have a problem, this is a fast response and willing to help with the problem
barang y bagus puas banget dh poko y
good stuff, really satisfied with poko y
puas banget mksih resseler...pertahankn kualitas
very satisfied thanks reseller. keep up the quality
Fitur Terbaik:oke Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus Paket sampenya cepet Packing aman banget rapih Harganya murah Kualitasnya bagus Kardusnya gak ad penyok penyok rapih
best features: okay worth the price: good the package arrived quickly the packing is very safe neat the price is cheap the quality is good the box doesn't have any dents it's neat
pengiriman cepat namun salah warna
fast delivery but wrong color
sesuai deskripsi
according to the description
Gud banget lah~
it's so gud~
Harga:standar Kualitas:baik Ukuran:besar Bagus krn udh prn punya ...
price: standard quality: good size: big good because already had .
Barangnya ookkkkkkkkkkkk
stuff too
alhmdulillh barang udah nyampek, saya puas kondisi bagus
alhamdulillah the goods have arrived, I am satisfied good condition
barangnya bagus tpi syang pekingnx gk bagus lain kali diperhatikan y supaya gk lecet barangnx
the item is good but it's a shame the peking isn't good next time pay attention so it doesn't scratch the item
Semoga awet..cuma minus ngecas lama
hopefully it lasts... just minus the long charging
Produk mantab respon cpt
great product fast response
Packing rapi dan Barang dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Yang penting lagi, respon seller cepat 👍
well packed and item works fine. Most importantly, the seller's response is fast
Minuss bacaan fantech nya luntur
minus the fantech reading is faded
Tidak ada microphonennya
there is no microphone
Barang sampai dengan kondisi baik, belum sempet dicoba karna baru di unboxing. Semoga berfungsi dengan baik
item arrived in good condition, haven't tried it yet because it was just unboxed. hope it works fine
peseanan sesuai dan pengiriman cepat. Karena silent click, kalo yang gak biasa agak susah.
correct order and fast delivery. because it's silent click, if it's not normal it's rather difficult.
Sippp .... Aman sampai tujuan n sesuai pesanan. Thx
OK . safely until destination n according to order. thx
Gak nyesal dh belanja disini, respon cepat, packing good banget, puaslah pokoknya, sukses trs ya kak
I don't regret shopping here, the response was fast, the packaging was really good, I'm satisfied anyway, success continues, sis
Makasih Barang Cepat Sampai Sama Kursi Nya MANTAP. Barang Bagus Halus Dan Sesuai Bisa Gerak Cepat Untuk Kerja Sip Deh, Maaf Belum Sempat Foto Produk
Thank you, the item arrived quickly and the chair is solid. good stuff, smooth and appropriate, can move quickly to work, sorry, I haven't had time to take a photo of the product
seller rekomended, barang mulus, dan seller respon cepet saat ada yang gak sesuai langsung diganti
recommended seller, smooth stuff, and seller responds quickly when something doesn't fit, it's immediately replaced
Fitur Terbaik:mungkin Sepadan dengan Harga:mungkin Sudah sampai setrikanya.. modelnya bagus mungil.. belum di cba semoga berfungsi dengan baik.. pengemasanya kurang aman kyaknya ya
the best features: maybe it's worth the price: maybe the iron has arrived.. the model is pretty tiny.. haven't tried it yet, hope it works well.. the packaging isn't safe, I think huh
Fitur Terbaik:Berikan penilaianmu tentang bagian ini Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Bagikan penilaianmu dan bantu Pengguna lain membuat pilihan yang lebih baik!
best features: leave your rating of this section worth the price: yes share your rating and help other users make a better choice!
Sangat bagus sekali suara nya
very good sound
Quality yang sangat memuaskan
very satisfying quality
mohon ma'af baru ngasih ulasan barangnya bagus bgt sesuai dengan yg di gambar makasih lazada
I'm sorry, I just gave a review, the item is really good, it's the same as in the picture, thanks Lazada
sudah sampai dengan cepat, pesan langsung proses langsung kirim, kualitas mouse bagus
it arrived quickly, the order was sent directly, the quality of the mouse is good
bagus bgt mulus..puas pokok nya..
really good smooth..satisfied anyway..
Barang sesuai deskripsi.. meski ada yg patah.. bisa diretur. Seller
items according to the description.. even though some are broken.. can be returned. responsive
Baru di pake 4 hari sudah rusak..
just used the other day already broken..
sesuai pesanan nyaman dipakai dan silent klik
according to the order comfortable to wear and silent click
Mejikom nya ga berfungsi. Saya minta pertanggungjawaban nya. Kalau bisa ditukar. Karna saya rugi
the mejikom doesn't work. I ask for accountability. if it can be exchanged. because I lost
barang udah di terima walaou pun lama.trima kasih lazada barang mulus.cuma ga ada pengaman peking.cuma dus aja.
the goods have been received even though it took a long time. thank you lazada the goods are smooth. it's just that there is no Peking security. it's just a box.
brg berfungsi dgn baik
birds work fine
seller responsif dan amanah. mantaaap
responsive and trustworthy seller. Excellent
Untuk barang sesuai lah dengan harga 🙏 pengiriman cepat juga 🙏 cuman kurirnya aja engak mau ngantar di rumah terpaksa ngambil ke jne 😒
for goods according to the price, the delivery is also fast, it's just that the courier doesn't want to deliver it at home and has to take it to JNE
Barang sesuai harga, hanya pihak expedisinya yang sangat lambat molor bisa sampai 3 harian
the goods are according to the price, only the expedition, which is very slow, can arrive daily
Packingnya parah cmn dilapisin plastik tipis😂, untung barangnya bagus dan aman. Lain kali kasih bublewrap sedikit lah ya.
the packaging is bad, cmn is covered in thin plastic, fortunately the goods are good and safe. Next time, give me a little bubblewrap.
terima kasih respon kakak seler sbg pertanggungjawabanya,untuk kedepan lebih mengutamakan kepuasan konsumen dan pihak kurirnya lebih hati hati.tks
Thank you, sister seller's response as accountability, in the future, prioritizing consumer satisfaction and the courier will be more careful
Fitur Terbaik:ahh bagus bangetttt mana lucu lagi,sesuai banget makasih suka nanget
the best feature: ahh it's really good where it's funny again, it's really appropriate, thanks, I like it
pengiriman lumayan lama
quite long delivery
sip. pop
Barangnya bagus sesuai sama yang ada digambar tapi pengirimannya lama dan tidak dapet kartu provider. terima kasih
the item is good according to what is pictured but the delivery took a long time and did not get a provider card. Thank You
Harga:mantap Kegunaan:semua proses memanggang Kualitas:jos
price: steady usability: all baking processes quality: jos
rekomen banget sih ini, dabest panjangnya pas banget padnya. bawahnya juga buat gak licin.
I really recommend this, dabest the length really fits the pad. the bottom is also not slippery.
Harga Terbaik! Saran : Mohon dipercepat waktu merespon pesanan, agar konsumen tidak bertanya-tanya apakah pesanan akan dikirim atau terdapat kendala.
best price! Suggestion: please speed up the time to respond to orders, so consumers don't wonder whether the order will be sent or if there are any problems.
respon dan pengiriman cepat. produk bagus dan berkualitas. recommended seller
fast response and delivery. good and quality product. recommended seller
Barangnya bagus, penjual juga cekatan pengiriman cepat
the item is good, the seller is also very fast delivery
pengirimannya cepet bgt, semua lengkap dan berfungsi. dr kmrin mau nilai tp koneksi lg jelek.
Very fast delivery, everything is complete and working. yesterday I want to score but the connection is bad.
pas nyampe kerdus penyok2 untuk barang baguss sihhh plastik buble nya cmn dikit takut kenapa napa. oke kokkkk thank u
When it arrived, the box was dented. For good stuff, the bubble plastic is just a little scared, why. okay how come thank u
Kardus nya penyok². Tapi pisau oke. Kalau untuk pemakaian sendiri cocok, tapi tidak cocok untuk kado.
the cardboard is dented. but knife okay. if it is suitable for self-use, but not suitable for gifts.
Agak kurang respon layarnya, tombol power kadang susah buat nyala. tpi gppa Lumayan
the screen response is a bit lacking, the power button is sometimes difficult to turn on. tp gppa not bad
Pengiriman dari Toko cpt,pagi pesan siang dikirim,Barang jg Okey tapii Shopee Expres SAMEDAY ny yg parah bgt, bayar mahal tp pengiriman smp 2 hari itu juga hrs marah2 ke CS Shopee nya dulu.. Shopee Express Sameday tidak Recommed, sdh 2 kali seperti ini..
delivery from the shop was fast, ordered in the morning sent, the goods were okay but the shopee express sameday was really bad, paid a lot but the junior high school delivery that day also had to be angry at the cs shopee first... shopee express sameday is not recommended, it's been like this this time. .
Barang Lumayan, sesuai dgn harga, hny sj pengiriman nya yg lama, pilih sehari eh 2 hari, hadeeeh
the goods are decent, according to the price, only the delivery takes a long time, choose a day or a day, hadeh
barang y bagus dan pengiriman y jg cepet. alhamdulillah g mengecewakan.
good item and fast delivery too. thank god it didn't disappoint.
Jam 10 pagi order, kurir pake grab sameday. Jam 13.30 barang udah sampe rumah. Keren nih lapak... Hari minggu padahal. Barang udh di tes dan di cek, Alhamdulillah berfungsi dgn normal. Thx gan
in the morning order, courier using grab sameday. O'clock . the goods have arrived home. cool stall. sunday though. the item has been tested and checked, thank God it works normally. thx bro