Tidak mengecewakan, barang sampai tujuan dengan aman hanya saja kemasannya kurang menarik
didn't disappoint, the goods arrived at their destination safely it's just that the packaging was not attractive
ok mantap, bs berguna skali
ok great, bs very useful
mouse nya kadang ke detect kadang kagak di leptop,kecewa lah
the mouse is sometimes detected sometimes not on the laptop, that's disappointing
Untuk sejauh ini cukup baiklah, Cuma pas mau install Ulang Laptopnya, masih sedikit kesulitan cari Driver Laptopnya, Sampai hari ini, 1 Driver belum saya dapatkan untuk System Operasi Windows 10, Driver Sound/Audionya tidak ketemu.
so far it's been pretty good, just when I want to reinstall the laptop, it's still a little difficult to find the laptop driver, to this day, I haven't got the driver for the Windows operating system, the sound/audio driver can't be found.
Mendarat dg aman...packingnya rapi...bpk gojeknya jg pinter bawa paketnya..g ada lecet n g ada penyok...keerreenn pokoknya...seller jg gercep...suka deh...πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
landed safely. packing was neat. Mr. Gojek is also good at bringing the package... there are scratches and no dents. Keerreenn anyway. The seller is also fast. I like it.
bagus pancinya ga ada yang cacat,udah digunain
it's good that the pan isn't defective, it's been used
Smartphone mendarat dengan aman, sesuai deskripsi sangat puas
smartphone landed safely, according to the description very satisfied
bzrzng nyz sesuai pesanan dan proses nya cepat
The product is exactly as ordered and the process is fast
Fitur Terbaik:sesuai pesanan Sepadan dengan Harga:ok brg dtg sesuai dg pesanan. kecil imut, desain nya gk pasaran. bliin bwt emak, alhamdulillah sukak
the best features: according to the order commensurate with the price: ok, the goods come according to the order. cute little, the design is not marketable. Bliin for mom, thank God I like it
Mantap produknya..cuma saya rasa microphone nya kurang bagus...ya tapi cocok lah dengan harganya...terima kasih
the product is great..just I think the microphone is not good.Yes, but it is suitable for the price.Thank you
trnyata kecilll y
tr actually small y
tidak sesuai yg dharapkan .. berharap yg datang merek maspion tp kenyataan merek mikado hanya di label tempelan maspion kecil
not as expected.. hoping that the maspion brand that came but in reality the mikado brand is only on the small maspion patch label
respon seller sgt cepat.. brg jg sesuai pesanan.. kualitas oke lah standar rexus.. tombol2 fungsi semua cm lampu ny ad yg gak beres aja tp no prob.. tq
seller's response was very fast.. brg according to order.. ok quality is standard rexus.. the function buttons are all cm the lights are just something wrong but no prob.. tq
Bagus walaupun layar nya ada lecet trus ga bisa di pencet sama kamera lain nya ga masalah
it's good, even though the screen has scratches, then it can't be pressed with the other camera, it's not a problem
Barangnya bagus cuma Kecil cuma muat 1liter pas GK bisa lebih..
the goods are good, it's just small, it only fits a liter, it can't be more..
chat tidak dibalas padahal mau komplen krn gambar iklan sama produk yg dikirim tidak sesuai.
The chat is not answered even though I want to complain because the advertisement image with the product sent is not appropriate.
Sempat ada problem dan sudah selesai , sedikit saran aja untuk admin komplain biar lebih responsif aja , untuk admin order sudah mantap ....
there was a problem and it's been solved, just a little suggestion for the admin to complain so that it's more responsive, for the admin order it's solid.
bagus banget, sesuai pesanan, plus dapet kartu smartfren gratis jugaaaaa, pengiriman dan pengemasan cepat, kualitas bagus sesuai dengan harga. terimakasihπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
very good, as ordered, plus got a free smartfren card too, fast shipping and packaging, good quality according to the price. Thank You
ok sesuai moga awet makasih lazada sukses selalu buat tokonya pic ok rapi
ok, according to hopefully durable thanks lazada success always make the shop pic ok neat
Brng bgus sesuai gmbar,,nyala dan ga bkl kecewa blnja d toko ini
good stuff according to the picture ... it's on and you won't be disappointed shopping at this store
Pengiriman cepat, tapi kalo barang nya sendiri kurang memuaskan, sesuai harga sih. 1. Tidak ada switch on/off jadi kalo sedang tidak dipakai dan ingin hemat baterai harus dikeluarkan baterainya. 2. Ngga tau apakah spesifik di mouse saya aja tapi klik kiri nya agak berat seperti ada resistance dari plastik nya, terutama bila dibandingkan dengan mouse lainnya. walaupun soal feel bisa tergantung usernya masing masing sih.
fast delivery, but if the goods themselves are not satisfactory, according to the price anyway. . there is no on/off switch so if you are not using it and you want to save battery you have to take out the battery. . I don't know if it's specific to my mouse but the left click is a bit heavy like there's resistance from the plastic, especially when compared to other mice. although the matter of feel can depend on each user.
Aman brg alhamdulillah..bagus ihh suka pkonyaa packaging rapi. Tp kurirnya td kaya yg ga nerima aja pas aku bilang mobilnya tro depan aj mas. Krna masuk gang.. Eh dia smpe menghela nafas dn euuh... Kan ga enak bget d dngernya yaa
it's safe, thank God... it's good, I like it, the packaging is neat. but the courier wasn't like the one who didn't accept it when I said the car was just ahead, bro. because he entered the alley .. uh he even sighed and ugh. it's not really good to hear it
Harga bersahabat udh dpt barang yg bagus ,,setelah dbuka gak ada yg cacat ,barang oke pengemasan jga oke ..lain kali sya order lagi ,dan smoga slalu oke
friendly prices already got good stuff...after opening nothing was defective...good stuff...packaging time I'll order again, and hopefully it's always okay
Barang oke dan ori, sesuai deskripsi, sampai sekarang belum ada masalah. Respon seller cepat, paket dibungkus dengan aman. Terima kasih.
the goods are okay and ori, according to the description, until now there have been no problems. Fast response from seller, package wrapped safely. Thank You.
Ada yg patah πŸ˜₯. Tpi gpp nnti coba di lem pakek lem china aja. 😁
something is broken. but it's okay to try to glue it with Chinese glue later.
packing rapih, barang sesuai dg yg dideskripsi....
well packed, item as described.
Produk sudah dterima, mudah2an awet.
The product has been received, hopefully it will last.
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Barang mulus sesuai pesanan, mantap, cuman pengiriman aja lama tapi barangnya nyampai dengan selamat
best features: good value for money: worth the goods smooth according to the order, great, only the delivery took a long time but the goods arrived safely
cepet sampai. kwalitas ok
hurry up. ok quality
Makasiiiih.. termosnya sy sukaaaaa bgtπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° harga sesua kualitas... Pengeirman cepeeeet bgt...! Free ongkir lagi.... Padahal sy dr Lombok lhooo! Thanks seller
thank you.. I really like the thermos, the price is according to the quality. super fast shipping.! free shipping again. even though I'm from Lombok! thanks seller
Barang bagus dan fast respon tapi sayang bener2x cuman gelasnya aj, tanpa tutup gelas
good stuff and fast response but it's a shame it's really just the glass, without the glass lid
Karena dirumah udah ada rexus T1 yang lebih besar jadi ini buat d kantor aja. Oiya kalau yg ini mah pinggirnya ngga di jait
because at home there is already a bigger rexus t so this is just for the office. Oh yes, this one doesn't have the edges sewn together
Barang bagus, hanya pengirimannya lama
good item, only long delivery
pengiriman cepat cuman pas di proses agak lama, barang mantap kualitas sangat bagus untuk harga di bawah 100k, seller ramah. SANGAT RECOMMENDED LAH POKOKNYA
Fast delivery, but the process is a bit long, the goods are very good quality for the price below K, the seller is friendly. really recommended anyway
Produk ori, sesuai , pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat. Respon penjual baik
original product, fits well, packaging and fast delivery. good seller response
Agak telat karena mungkin seller sedang sibuk
A little late because maybe the seller is busy
Bagus motifnya, nyala. Mungkin yg hrus ditingkatkan packingnya, egk dikasih bublewarp
good motive, flame. maybe the packaging needs to be improved, egk with bubble warp
Pakett dah smpe koq gak ada tatakan putihnya ya?? Biasa adaaa setiap magic com
The package has arrived, why isn't there a white coaster?? normal there any magic com
aku pikir teplon gde tryata kcil tpi lmyan lh
I thought the teplon gde turned out to be small but not bad
Fitur Terbaik:belum dibuka Sepadan dengan Harga:belum dicoba Gak nyangka banget packing annya cuma itu kayak gk aman gitu pdhal co d shopeemall. Gk pake bublewrap. Semoga aj bagus sesuai fungsinyaπŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ‘ŽπŸΌ
best feature: haven't opened yet worth the price: haven't tried it I didn't really expect the packaging it's just that it doesn't seem safe like that even though co at shopeemall. don't use bubblewrap. hopefully it's good for its function
Awal pas terima barang agak bingung yaaaa koyaaa enteng syekali karena bahan nya gini. Terus pas nyoba buat masak karena bahan nya tipis dia mletek gitu πŸ˜‚ ga bisa buat goreng dong hehe Sesuai lah sama harga, buat sekedar ngerebus emi bisalah tapi kalo goreng2 ini tidak bisa gessss
At first, when I received the item, I was a little confused, yes, it's light, because the material is like this. then when I try to cook it because the ingredients are thin, it's soft, so I can't fry it, hehe, it's the same price, for just boiling it, it's okay, but if it's fried, it can't be fast
Untuk barang keseluruhan oke. Cuman sayang untuk pengiriman ga disampein langsung kerumah malah dititipin diorang dan saya yg harus jemput barang. Ya begitulah nasib rumahΒ² terpencil.
for goods overall okay. it's just a shame that the delivery wasn't delivered directly to the house instead it was entrusted by someone and I had to pick up the goods. yes, that's the fate of remote homes.
Hp nya bagus, masih berfungsi normal. Bisa download WhatsA**, dll. Lumayan buat ngasih mba yang kerja di rumah biar bisa WA. Cuma casing belakang nya aja retak sama layar depan nya gores.
the phone is good, still working normally. can download whatsapp **, etc. It's good enough to give Ms. who works at home so I can wa. only the back casing is cracked and the front screen is scratched.
Brang ok cuma bonus kartu perdana ada tulisannya free kuota hingga 2 tahun... katanya ratusan gB taunya kosong ....
brang ok, only the prime card bonus says free quota for up to a year. he said hundreds of gb taunya empty.
produk bagus harga murah pengiriman cepat hanya masukan saja untuk pengemasan tolong di perbaiki kemasan luar tolong di kasih plastik supaya aman kalau kena air. kurir kasian kl hujan udh berusaha nutupin tetep kena air hasilnya kardus rusak. top bang kurir berkali kali minta maaf πŸ‘. tapi ttp produk πŸ‘
good product, cheap price, fast delivery, just put it in for packaging, please fix the outer packaging, please give it plastic so it's safe if it gets in contact with water. Poor courier, if it's raining, I'm trying to cover it but it's still in contact with water, the result is that the cardboard is damaged. top bro, the courier has repeatedly apologized. but still product
barang bagus tanpa cacat. pengemasan rapi .. warna menarik
flawless good stuff. neat packing..attractive color
Cepat.rapih.aman.berpungsi dg baik.sesui diskp.puas well.according to skp.satisfied
mantap banget mejicom nya
the mejicom is really great
Barang bekerja dg baik, pengepakan bagus dg buble, tapi sayang kondosi pecah bagian bawah karena pengiriman mungkin dibanting pihak kurir, untung msh berfungsi baik
the goods work well, the packaging is good with bubbles, but it's a shame the bottom part of the condo broke because the delivery might have been slammed by the courier, fortunately it's still working fine
barang bagus, sayang aja bocah milihnya putih 🀦
good stuff, it's a shame the kid chose white
Mouse nya bagus dan berfungsi dengan sangat baik, packaging juga mantan banget
the mouse is good and works very well, the packaging is also very old
Barang berkualitas dan aman..seuai fungsi dan harga bersahabat..
quality and safe goods ... according to function and friendly prices ...
Box nya rusakparah, pengiriman agak lama dan seller slow response, tapi overall barangnya bagus...
the box is badly damaged, the delivery is a bit long and the seller's response is slow, but overall the item is good.
barang nya bagus pengiriman cepat
the item is good fast delivery
Harga:ok Kualitas:ok Ketajaman:ok Pengemasan rapih Pengiriman sangat cepat sekali Produk bagus sekali Cuma pelayanan agak kurang baik, respon penjual kurang baik. Tapi untuk semua kualitas barang OK
price: ok quality: ok sharpness: ok neat packaging very fast delivery very good product only the service is a bit poor, the seller's response is not good. but for all the quality of goods is ok
belum sampe sebulan huruf P, angka 7,8,9 tdk berfungsi
it hasn't even been a month since the letters p, numbers,, don't work
Bagus banget dan realipct brgnya gak rusak dan kurirnya ramah
it's really good and the realipct is not damaged and the courier is friendly
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik. Mantap 4 Lt
product quality is very good. original product. delivery speed is very good. the seller's response was very good. great lt
tidak ready stock sesuai chat, pesanan dikirim cuma amplop pemintaan proses komplain. ternyata dikirim dari toko lain (dropship dari TOKOSEVENSTORE77) prosesnya lama & ribet krn gk terprediksi dikirimnya. tiba2 sampai saat sy gk dirumah dan pasti dilempar dari luar kedalam pagar sampai lantai. barang sesuai deskripsi tetapi proses diatas gk cuma sy aja yg dikirimin amplop & proses komplain. yg mau beli lebih baik ke toko aslinya aja jgn ke dropshipper. ribettt. unboxing amplop & paket sy ada videokan semua.
not ready stock according to chat, orders are sent only envelopes requesting the complaint process. it turned out that it was sent from another store (dropship from tokosevenstore) the process was long & complicated because the delivery was not predictable. arrived until when I wasn't at home and must have been thrown from outside into the fence to the floor. the items match the description but the process above is not the only one sent by me envelopes & the complaint process. Those who want to buy, it's better to go to the original shop, don't go to the dropshipper. complicated. Unboxing the envelope & package, I have videos of all of them.
alhamdulillah paket udah di terima konsumen saya suka terimakasih lazada dan seler, kalo kurir mah jgn ditanya lagi udah langganan
thank God, the package has been received by the consumer, I like it, thank you, Lazada and seller, if the courier doesn't ask again, I've subscribed
Baguss dan cepat sampai mksh bynk
nice and fast, thanks a lot
Fitur Terbaik:the best pokonya Sepadan dengan Harga:harga murah, kualitas sultan Makasi barang nya cpet sampe Alhamdulillah MasyaAllah kemarin pesenya hari ini langsung nyampe. Free tas nya juga πŸ₯°
the best features: the best, it's worth the price: cheap price, sultan's quality, thanks, the goods arrived quickly, thank God, masyaallah yesterday, I ordered it today, it arrived immediately. free bag too
barang nya kenapa gak sesuai gak mau hidup jga
Why doesn't the item fit, doesn't want to live too
Maaf ..saya kecewa..katanya tablet Advan kenapa d ksh hp Lenovo kecil bgt lg...masa Allah ..mksh..dh semoga rezeki sy nambah..
sorry..i'm disappointed..he said tablet advan why is the lenovo cellphone so small again.oh my god..thanks..dh hope my sustenance will increase..
respon cepat. pengiriman cepat. barang bagus. thx ya..
quick response. fast delivery. good stuff. thx yes..
Barang sudah datang tapi sy blm buka karna masih d luar kota...πŸ™
the goods have arrived but I have not opened them because they are still out of town.
Barang bagus banget! Pengiriman oleh kurir cepat banget Kemasan super aman Harga sesuai kualitas Barang sangat bagus dan berfungsi. Satu Saran lagi utk Seller dan Kurirnya, Jangan ada Biaya Parkir yaa, karena di aplikasi, konsumen bayar cuma utk biaya/ongkos kirimnya. Masalah biaya parkir kalo gak mau kena Ongkos/Biaya Parkir, JANGAN Parkir di area SECURE PARKING. Cari Tempat yg Aman utk BEBAS Biaya Parkir, Boss.. Terima Kasih.. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ†—
really good stuff! delivery by courier very fast super safe packaging prices according to the quality of the goods are very good and functioning. one more suggestion for the seller and the courier, don't charge for parking, because in the application, consumers pay only for the cost/shipping fee. parking fee problem, if you don't want to be charged parking fees, don't park in the secure parking area. find a safe place for free parking fees, boss.. thank you..
silent click ny pas. sesuai. cuma gk ad tombol on off saja.
the silent click is just right. in accordance. there's just no on off button.
proses kirim cepat dan barang bagus sesuai deskripsi dan foto
fast delivery and good item according to the description and photos
Sesuai pesanan. Semoga awet. Terimakasih...
as ordered. hope it lasts. Thank You.
Karena vidionya kelamaan jd sy screenshot aja,semoga awet ya
because the video is too long so I just screenshot it, hopefully it lasts
Barang sampai masih mulus ga cacat. setrika panas. tapi kurang licin dan berat kalo dibandingkan sm model yg sama pny filif 😁 tapi sesuai kok sm harganya. thank you yaaa
the goods are still smooth and not defective. hot iron. but it's less slippery and heavy when compared to the same model with a filif but how come it's worth the price. thank you yes
Mantul.... Barang berfungsi dengan baik
Really good. item works fine
Diterima dgn perfect
perfectly received
realpict sih, tp kok lengket yaaπŸ€” lumayan lah😊
it's a realpict, but how come it's sticky?
Harga:murah Kualitas:Banyak baret Ukuran:Lumayan Dibagian tutupnya banyak baret nya, mengecewakan. Apakah tidak dicek sebelum dikirim?
price: cheap quality: lots of berets size: not bad on the lid there are lots of scratches, disappointing. Wasn't it checked before it was sent?
Alhamdulilah akhirnya yaaa setelah menunggu 3 hari barang diterima juga ...
alhamdulillah finally after waiting for the day the item was received too.
Barang sudah sampai... sangat fast pengiriman .. barang sesuai.. tinggal cobaπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
the goods have arrived. very fast delivery .. the goods fit .. just try
Admin kurang aktif menjawab di chat sih but arrived safelyy thank you ...
admin is not active enough to answer in chat anyway but arrived safely thank you .
maaf bru ksih ulasan sinyal. y jelk barang bagus v mnta warna pink dkasih. y biru... v gpp dh bagus jg ch... mksih buat tokonya semoga tmbh sukses mksih jg buat abang kurir
sorry bru ksih signal review. I don't like good stuff, I want pink color, I give it. y blue. v gpp is good too ch. thank you for the shop, hope it will be successful, thank you for the courier brother
Lumayan head phone nya untuk harga segitu
pretty good head phone for that price
Pengirimanya cepat barang sesuai deskripsi thx
fast delivery item as described thx
Yg skrng ad lecetnya dikit,, packing kurang baik
which is now a little scuffed,, packing is not good
kecewa ga sesuai gambarnya
disappointed not like the picture
Seller sangat responsif. Barang bagus sesuai harga. Cocok buat anak yang belajar menggambar.
seller is very responsive. good stuff for the price. suitable for children who learn to draw.
cuma buat masak , gak bisa ngangetin kayak istri
just for cooking, can't remind my wife
Barang dan kualitas Sesuai harga . Packingnya aja yang kurang rapih , tidak safety untuk brand sekelas rexus .
goods and quality according to price . The packaging is just not neat, it's not safe for a brand like Rexus.
Angin y kurang kenceng dan gak terlalu panas
the wind is not fast enough and not too hot
Kualitas produk kurang baik krn ada pegangan yg longgar, Harga produk baik, Kecepatan pengiriman baik.
product quality is not good because there is a loose handle, product price is good, delivery speed is good.
Sedih bgt pas nrima, paket koyak. Udh ext buble wrap tapi ga ada. Kurang amanah :( Tapi alhamdulillah masih berfungsi dengan baik. Semoga awet. Semoga berkah ya seller, makin baik kedepannya
I was so sad when I received it, the package was torn apart. already extra bubble wrap but nothing. less reliable :( but alhamdulillah it still works well. I hope it lasts. Good luck, seller, it will be even better in the future
Bagus order lagi ya..
very order again ya..
aduhh gimna nihhh kok pecahhh
oh how come it broke
Harga:lumayan Bahan/Material:bagus Desain:pengaman nya kurang teliti tutup sendik retakk
price: decent material/material: good design: the security is not thorough enough to close the cracked joints
Fitur Terbaik:gk ada Sepadan dengan Harga:kgk Pelayanan sangat buruk
best features: nothing worth the price: kgk very poor service
Pengamanan dalam box kurang aman. Sehingga mouse tergoncang di dalam box sampai berbekas.
the security in the box is not safe. so that the mouse shook in the box until it left a trace.
barang bagus, packing rapih bublewarpnya tebel cuman saya pesen sama headset hx8 box nya penyok dikit
good item, packing is neat, the bubble warp is thick, but I ordered the hx headset, the box was a little dented
Barang bagus, pengiriman cepat.
good stuff, fast delivery.
Sangat" kecewa dengan toko ini..saat baru buka, barang yg datang tidak lengkap
very "disappointed with this shop.. when it was just opened, the items that came were incomplete
bagus banget,dh dicoba ternyata bener GK lengket ..prthnkan kualitas y kaj
it's really good, I tried it, it's really not sticky... Please report the quality, kaj