Barangnya baguuuss, terima kasih gan
good stuff, thank you bro
Tabletnya bagus, sejauh ini di pakai untuk workflow saya sangat OK, terutama kerja kantoran.. Cuma hampir salah masuk simnya. Tertulis di buku dan Tabelnya Micro SIM ternyata ukuran untuk masuknya Mini SIM.
the tablet is good, so far it's been used for my workflow, it's very ok, especially for office work.. just almost entered the wrong sim. written in the book and the table micro sim turns out to be the size for the inclusion of a mini sim.
barang bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik. plus dapat baterai
good stuff and works fine. plus got battery
Setrika nya langsung rusak ga nyala baru juga di coba
the iron was immediately damaged, it didn't turn on, I also tried it
fisik semuanya bagus,pengiriman juga cepat cuman joystick yang kiri sering gk connect kalau main forza pas mau belok. mungkin efek di teken right left button nya juga kali ya jadi kaya ghosting gitu
everything is physically good, the delivery is also fast, but the joystick on the left often doesn't connect when playing Forza when you want to turn. maybe the effect is when you press the right and left button too, so it's like ghosting
dongle tidak berfungsi
the dongle is not working
Kecewa, pas dateng ada yang patah
disappointed, when it arrived something was broken
tulisan nya Maspion yg di kirim national, tp gpp bagus
it says maspion sent nationally, but it's not good
Mayan sih cuman agak kerasa delay habis pindah dari keyboard k65 mini
maybe it's just that I feel a bit delayed after moving from the mini k keyboard
Wort it banget sesuai banget sama harganya Awalnya itu kaget tau ngeliat pengemasannya takut kalau barang nya rusak dalam perjalanan Ternyata oh ternyata Bagian hand mixernya dilapisi babble warp lagii Wkwk yang awalnya nethingDan semoga bisa awet pemakaian, Kualitas produk baikk Terimakasih Ownerr
wort it really fits the price at first I was surprised to see the packaging I was afraid that the goods would be damaged on the way it turns out oh it turns out that the hand mixer part is coated with babble warp again wkwk at first it was clean and hopefully it can last a long time using it, the quality of the product is good, thank you owner
barang'a kecil ternyata... πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
small stuff it turns out.
admin responsif , barang cukup solid tapi , fungsi tombol mouse 4 & 5 nya kok terbalik dengan mouse saya yg dulu ya
admin is responsive, the stuff is pretty solid but, how come the function of the mouse button & it's the other way around with my old mouse huh
Tampilan:barang bagus Performa:pengiriman lama di expedisi Kualitas:kualitas barang bagus di banding yg lain
display: good stuff performance: old shipping on the expedition quality: the quality of the goods is good compared to the others
Baguuusss bangeettt, proses pengemasannya cepet dan langsung dikirim. Produknya jg sesuai bgt sama yg difoto
very nice, the process of packaging is fast and shipped immediately. the product is also the same as the photo
Barang diterima dalam kondisi utuh dan lengkap. Belum dicoba, semoga berfungsi dengan baik.
Items received in intact and complete condition. haven't tried it yet, hope it works.
Pengiriman cepat, mouse berfungsi baik, silent click nya benaran juga. Tp scroll nya kurang silent. Lalu, agak berat ya minus nya. Jd kurang nyaman pas pemakaian. Sesuai harga πŸ‘
fast delivery, mouse works well, silent click really too. but the scroll is less silent. then, it's a bit heavy, minus it. jd less comfortable when used. according to price
Bagus sih barangnya ,,, cuman 10 hari dong pengiriman nya ....:(:(:(:
the item is good, but it's just the same day as the delivery. :(:(:(:
Barang sudah sampai dengan aman serba fast semua
all items arrived safely and fast
seller annoying
annoying seller
Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Fitur Terbaik:suara lumayan lembut Lagi dapet harga promo, mayanlahh.... Packingnya bagus, dus nya di double. Terima kasih
commensurate with the price: yes the best features: the sound is quite soft again get the promo price, that's great. the packing is good, the box is double. Thank You
Bubble wrap nya tipis bgt, tapi untungnya barang aman πŸ‘.
The bubble wrap is really thin, but luckily the item is safe.
Fitur Terbaik:Sepertinya baik Sepadan dengan Harga:Belum dicoba Semoga ini awet dan tahan lama karena untuk keperluan lain
best features: seems good worth the price: haven't tried it yet hopefully it's durable and long lasting because it's for other purposes
tadinya sempat was was kalau ngga bisa di gunakan, habis malas kalau komplen.taunya . . . . . . bisa DI GUNAKAN, SIP πŸ‘πŸΎ. terima kasih πŸ™πŸ»
Previously, I was worried that I couldn't use it, I was lazy when I complained. . . . . . can be used, sip . Thank You
Saya rekomendasi jan toko ini untuk kalian beli tapi saya tidak rekomendasikan untuk pakai kantor pos karena lama dan chat penjual juga kg di respon
I can recommend this shop for you to buy, but I don't recommend using the post office because it takes a long time and the seller's chat doesn't respond either
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Fitur Terbaik:ya Alhamdulillah produk sesuai pesanan. Pengiriman juga cepat. Cm 1 yang jadi pertanyaan, apakah di tabung blender nya ga ada stiker miyako nya?
worth the price: yes the best features: yes thank God the product is according to the order. delivery is also fast. cm the question is, does the blender jar not have a miyako sticker on it?
puas banget belanja disini... barangnya bagus, sesuai dengan keinginan, packing juga rapih, pengantarannya cepet banget.
very satisfied shopping here. the goods are good, according to the wishes, the packaging is also neat, the delivery is very fast.
Harga fungsi produk kualitas Ok...
price function product quality ok.
Mantap dan recommended. Di harga segitu lumayan memuaskan. Mampir yuk Review lengkapnya di channel yt RAFA TM
great and recommended. at that price it's pretty satisfying. Come on, let's stop by for the full review on the YT Rafa tm channel
wajan nya penyokkkkkkkkkk!!!
the pan is dented!
kurang dari 24 jam paket sampai.
less than an hour package arrived.
Pengemasan sangat baik Respon penjual baik Hanya pengiriman z lama banget Kabelnya z longgar πŸ˜” tpi untuk semuanya bagus
The packaging is very good, the seller's response is good, only the delivery is really long, the cable is loose, but everything is good
ori, lengkap, pengiriman aman
ori, complete, safe delivery
Keyboard bermasalah -,-
Keyboard problem -,-
barang normal suara ada sesuai harga(?). tapi perlu dipertimbangkan buat orang dewasa/ badan besar karena ukuranya cendrung lebih kecil daripada headphone umumnya. terutama mic sangat pendek dan nempel di pipi terasa kurang nyaman.
normal sound goods are available according to the price (?). but it needs to be considered for adults / large bodies because the size tends to be smaller than headphones in general. especially the mic is very short and sticking to the cheek feels uncomfortable.
>> Ukuran 10X20 >> Bahan gambar menggunakan kertas foto Fuji Film + laminasi doff, gampang dibersihkan, bisa dilap basah, awet, kualitas studio punya >> Bahan baku menggunakan Mdf (serat kayu premium Yang dipanaskan dengan ketebalan 6mm) >> Gantungan sudah termasuk >> Happy shopping
>> size x >> image material uses fuji film photo paper + doff lamination, easy to clean, can be wiped wet, durable, has studio quality >> raw material uses mdf (premium heated wood fiber with a thickness of mm) >> hanger included > > happy shopping
Proses pesanan cepat.Β tapi packing nya kurang rapi.
fast order process. but the packing is not neat.
Dikirimnya yang warna pink πŸ˜”
sent the pink one
produk berfungsi dg baik, cuma proses dari penjual lama .
the product works fine, only the process from the old seller.
Moga awet, sayang kemasan pengiriman kurang
I hope it lasts, it's a shame the shipping packaging is lacking
barang telah diterima dgn baik..pengiriman cepat dgn gojek.. seller ramah..barang order lagi
item received in good delivery by gojek..seller friendly..good item..thank order again
Dus penyok saat pengiriman nih tp gpp, dlm nya msh utuh dan bagus gada cacat 1pun. Pengemasan cpt bgt sukak😭 tf hr ini bsk nya dah sampeee. Ini orderan pisau oxone ke2 kuu buat kado hehe
the box was dented during delivery, but it's okay, the inside is still intact and good, no defects. The packaging is really fast, I like tf today, it's already arrived. I ordered an oxone knife for a gift hehe
mantap barangnya gan. bonusnya juga oke. puas
good stuff, bro. bonus is also okay. satisfied
kualitas bagus tapi sayang barang pecah gelas
good quality but unfortunately broken glassware
Luar biasa responnya cepat dan ramah, barang diorder langsung dikirim. Tab 10 inch paling worth it di kelasnya, pen+keyboard+case+tab semua berfungsi dengan sangat baik. Recommended seller & produk. Cintailah produk-produk indonesia.
amazingly fast and friendly response, ordered items sent immediately. the inch tab is the most worth it in its class, pen + keyboard + case + tab all function very well. recommended seller & product. love Indonesian products.
Barangnya bagusss..pecking nya juga rapih...aman semuanya.........ok..semoga awetπŸ‘
the item is good..the packing is also neat.everything is safe.ok..hope it lasts
Bagus lah, sesuai harga, ga terlalu berat, panas nya stabil,
it's good, according to the price, not too heavy, the heat is stable,
Ok punya.. Barang sesuai, kualitas eksekutif
ok have.. appropriate items, executive quality
gear tidak cocok utk Miyako TYPE BL 102 GZ
gear not suitable for miyako bl gz type
Ok.. Seller juga responsif.
ok.. seller is also responsive.
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. Terima kasih Lancar terus Alvino_toserba
product quality is very good. the seller's response was very good. delivery speed is very good. thank you, keep going alvino_toserba
sip barang mulus kurir nya apik,tokonya responsif terimakasih
sip, the goods are smooth, the courier is neat, the store is responsive, thank you
barang sdh sampai tapi kok pengukus nya tidak ada ya.....n
the goods have arrived but how come the steamer isn't there?
Barang sesuai, paking rapih rekomended seller pokoknya buat store ini πŸ‘
the goods are appropriate, the packaging is neat, the seller's recommendation is for this store
Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan dengan harga Terima kasih, paketnya sudah diterima. Packing nya rapi dan gaada yg lecet.. Pengiriman lama banget soalnya kebagian ekspedisi a*teraj*
worth the price: worth the price thank you, the package has been received. the packing is neat and nothing is scratched.. the delivery took so long because it was part of the a * teraj * expedition
dalam nya penyok
inside is dented
barangnya sdh mendarat dg selamat, packing rapi , pengiriman cepat
Item arrived safely, well packed, fast delivery
Barang berkualitas bagus, murah meriah, seller ramah, buat temen temen jangan ragu untuk berbelanja di toko ini yaa πŸ˜‰
good quality goods, cheap, festive, friendly seller, for friends, don't hesitate to shop at this shop
waw,, suka bangett,,,bagusss syekali,,mkasih bang kurir dan lazada
wow,, I really like it, it's really good,, thanks to the courier and Lazada
Bahaya banget pengiriman begini doang ga dipapisin apapun, padahal saya sudah tulis di notes untuk dipacking dengan baik agar kardus tidak rusak atau penyok penyok luarnya karna ini buat kado. Btw thanks gan.
it's really dangerous to send something like this without writing anything, even though I've written it on the notes to pack it properly so the box isn't damaged or the outside is dented because it's for a gift. btw thanks bro.
packing rapi, belum setting semua...tapi sepertinya berfungsi normal. kelengkapan full set, dpt bnyk bonus....terima kasih buat kakak kakak salesnya yang responsif dan geulis.haha
neat packing, not all settings yet. but it seems to work normally. full set complete, got lots of bonuses. thanks for the responsive and cute sales brothers and sisters. haha
Kirim lama. Barang penyok. Itu sepertinya dikirim dlm kondisi rusak. Soalnya kardus ga penyok. Bkn dr proses pengiriman brg rusak. Bad service and shop. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž
old send. dented goods. it looks like it was sent in a damaged condition. because the cardboard is not dented. not from the broken brg delivery process. bad service and shop.
Untuk harga segini ya lumayan lah. Walaupun pas dipake ternyata sempet bocor, jadi coba dibongkar dibenerin sendiri untungnya udah bener udah gak bocor lagi
for this price, it's okay. even though when I used it, it turned out that it had leaked, so I tried to disassemble it and repair it myself, fortunately, it didn't leak anymore
respon cepat, pengiriman oke, tapi gelas chopper pecah, saya tunggu respon penggantian dl ya, kl oke baru saya rubah
fast response, okay delivery, but the chopper glass is broken, I'm waiting for a response for a replacement etc. If it's okay, I'll change it
over all , Puas Banget
over all, very satisfied
packing nya kurang aman, hanya dilapisi plastik biasa
the packing is not safe, just covered with ordinary plastic
tank hp dah sampai
HP tanks have arrived
Fitur Terbaik:kualitas bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:murah banget Barang cepat sampai Blm di coba semoga mantaps. Recomendded seller.. thanks fantech
best features: good quality commensurate with the price: really cheap item arrived fast haven't tried yet hope it's great. recommended seller.. thanks fantech
barang sesuai dengan yg di poto
item according to the photo
Prosesnya cepet ,, kurirnya ramah terima kasih
the process is fast,, the courier is friendly, thank you
produknya mantap sesuai pict, bakal sering langganan nih buat belanja disimi😍😍😍
the product is great according to the pict, I will often subscribe to shopping here
Fitur Terbaik:bagus sekali Sepadan dengan Harga:harga baik sekali Kualitas pro mantap pokoknya cuma kendala kurirnya kurang ramah
best features: very good worth the price: very good price, great pro quality, the only problem is the courier is not friendly
malah dikasi bonus padahal milih yang enggk
even given a bonus even though I chose not
mantap, kurir baik, toko amanah πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
great, good courier, trusted shop
makasih barang nya lumayan bagus untuk harga segitu untuk bintang 4
Thank you, the item is pretty good for that price for a star
Terimakasih barang sudah sampai dengan selamat. barangnya bagus dan sangat memuaskan πŸ‘
thank you item arrived safely. the goods are good and very satisfying
Maaf baru kasih ulasan barang sangat baik langsung dipake bapak saya suka mkasih
Sorry, I just gave you a very good review of the item, I used it right away, my father likes it, thank you
Terima kasih barang sudah sampai, kondisi normal bisa pangsung d pakai buat anak nonton ..
thank you, the item has arrived, in normal condition, it can be directly used for children to watch..
Kualitas:Perfect Desain: Cool bingit Kenyamanan:Mantul sekali. Barang meluncur dgn aman, bagus & awet πŸ™, dari segi pengiriman lumayan cepet jg. Semoga sukses selalu sama usaha nya gan dan tetap jaga amanah jg aamiin πŸ™
quality: perfect design: cool bingit comfort: very bouncy. the goods glide safely, good & durable, in terms of shipping it's pretty fast too. Good luck with your endeavors, bro, and keep your trust amen
Alhamdulillah,, sudah saya cek dengan baik dan ga ada yg cacat 1 pun.. sesuai harapan.. next bakalan order lagi y..πŸ‘πŸ‘ untuk pengiriman nya sangat cepat banget.. pisaunya sangat tajam dan tebel,kmarin penjual di chat ga di bls.. bikin dag dig dug aja.. tak kira barang ga bakalan sampai..
alhamdulillah,, I have checked properly and nothing is flawed.. as expected.. will order again next time.. the delivery is very fast.. the knife is very sharp and thick, yesterday the seller was not answered in chat.. just make it dig dug.. don't think the item won't arrive..
oke barang bagus cuma jarumnya ga jalan tapi ya udah lah
okay, good stuff, it's just that the needle doesn't work, but that's it
Barang bagus, pengiriman cepat banget
great item, very fast delivery
Harga:baik Kualitas:bagus Ketajaman:blom di coba tp sih tajem kyknya Bagusss. Buat hadiah dosen saya hehe.makasih ya seller. Tp ada 1 pisau yg gaada tutupnya..itu sih yg jd kekurangan. Smoga bisa lebih teliti lg ya seller. Klopun gaada brangnya (si penutup) alangkah baiknya d chat pembelinya, biar seller makin berkah usahanya.Maaf ptonya gaada soalnya udh d bungkus
price: good quality: good sharpness: haven't tried it but it looks good sharp. for my lecturer gift hehe.thank you seller. but there's a knife that doesn't have a lid... that's what's lacking. I hope you can be more careful, seller. even if there is no item (the cover) it would be nice to chat the buyer, so that the seller will be more successful in his business.
good.. mesen jam 2 jam 7 udah dtg.. terima kasih
good.. the clock movement has arrived.. thank you
tepat waktu pengirimannya
on time delivery
Terlalu kecil kurang besar
too small not big
pokoknya mantabbbb dech..bagus banget. makasih kak atas kerja samanya...customer saya suka bangettt
anyway mantab dech.. really good. Thank you sis for your work. My customer really likes it
Mantpa mouse nya
stop the mouse
Kecewa si tertarink karena lampu RGB nya tp pas dateng lampu rgx nya gak nyala, Saran saya kalau mau di kirim coba dulu barang nya pastikan dulu barang nya bgs, biar konsumen gak kecewa
I'm disappointed, I'm interested because the RGB lights come but when they arrive, the RGX lights don't turn on, my advice is if you want to send them, try the goods first, make sure the goods are good first, so consumers won't be disappointed
Pegangan pas...harga oke....cuma pengiriman aja yang lama banget
the handle fits. the price is okay. it's just that the delivery is really long
Alhamdulillah cepat sampainya dan barang bagus terimakasih πŸ₯°
Thank God, it arrived quickly and the goods are good, thank you
mantap tp sayang lampunya mati fungsi normal semua .thx
it's great but it's a shame one of the lights is off... but all function normally. Thx
alhamdulilah paketnya memuaskan
alhamdulillah the package is satisfactory
Batre lama terisi,agak ngelag
Long battery charged, a bit laggy
Thanks gan barang sampai dengan selamat, semuanya berfungsi dengan baik semoga awet πŸ™πŸ˜
thanks, bro, the item arrived safely, everything works fine, hopefully it will last
Ada bengkok di bagian plat chrome pingir an nya...
there is a bend in the chrome plate on the edge.
Untuk yg blender cukup memuaskan karetnya bagus
for the blender, it is quite satisfying, the rubber is good
Barang original dan berfungsi normal. Tapi baru kali ini belanja kayak ngobrol sama robot, gak komunikatif, semua chatnya cuma sistem. Dan kurang puasnya, masa sekelas oxone ngirim paket meskipun instant packignnya cuma plastik tipis satu lembar ditambah tulisan video saat unboxing???? First time to gave 3 stars :) pengennya kasih 1 malahan
original item and working normally. but this is the first time shopping is like chatting with a robot, not communicative, all the chat is just a system. and not satisfied, can an oxone class send a package even though the instant packaging is only one sheet of thin plastic plus video writing during unboxing? first time to give stars :) I want to give it instead
Pengiriman lama hampir 2 minggu, blom di coba. Setelah di buka dispensernya retak.
long delivery almost a week, yet to try. after opening the dispenser cracked.
biarkan bintang yg bicara y Juragan....trimakasih
let the stars do the talking, skipper. Thank you
mendarat muluuuz, udh dicoba OK bgtt, thanks lazada thanks seller thanks ninja van id sukses terus
landed smoothly, tried it ok, really, thanks lazada thanks seller thanks ninja van id continued success