barang pecah gx bagus Sy minta ganti yg baru pecah gx karuan
the broken item is not good, I ask to replace the new broken one, it's not good
Seller aktif, Worth it untuk harga segitu, packingnya kurang sih karena emang gue minta kirim instan
active seller, worth it for that price, the packaging is not enough because I really asked for instant delivery
Bahannya dari plat MS, bukan SS (stainless). Permukaan sendok sangat kasar dan rawan jika terkena bibir atau lidah. Gak tau ini asli oxone apa engga, yg pasti kualitas nya mengecewakan
the material is from MS plate, not SS (stainless). The surface of the spoon is very rough and prone to contact with the lips or tongue. I don't know if it's original oxone or not, what's certain is the quality is disappointing
produk ori
original product
Spasi lepas, tapi bisa dipasang lagi
space loose, but can be installed again
barang sesuai ekspetasi dan bekerja dengan baik. tapi untuk jasa pengirimannya parah bgt, kapok pake anteraja next day yg harusnya barang nyampe tgl 8 tapi nyampenya malah tgl 10 malam. untuk pelayanan toko sangat baik dan fast respon dalam membantu saya mencarikan solusi saat menghadapi pengiriman yg bermasalah
item as expected and working well. but for the delivery service it's really bad, give up using anteraja the next day which should arrive on the date but it arrives at night. for the store service is very good and fast response in helping me find a solution when facing a problematic delivery
bagus smoga berfungsi
good hope it works
Gak nyangka ternyata tombol macro mouse ny ada 2 sisi kiri dan kanan Yg mana di sebelah kanan itu sangat mengganggu Sering gk sengaja terpencet
I didn't expect that the macro mouse button has a left and right side which on the right is very annoying, I often accidentally press it
Ternyata mini buangettttt yaaaaa baguss gemes, kalo sama aku cukup buat makan 1-2 kali
it turns out that the mini dumplings are pretty good, for me it's enough for meals
tidak diberi box sesuai yang tertera
not given a box as stated
Barang bagus,respon cepat,barang cepat sampai,recomended
good stuff, fast response, fast delivery, recommended
Langsung dipakai, berfungsi dengan baik dalem kerdusnya juga lengkap setnya, dibungkus dengan baik.
used immediately, works well in the box also complete with cells, well packaged.
barang oke👍cuma pengemasan lama respon cht jg kurang
the goods are okay, just the old packaging, the response from cht is also lacking
Fitur Terbaik:geter2 enakeun Sepadan dengan Harga:murah Gamepad murah tp udh smooth, bisa half throttle tp ga terlalu akurat. Getarannya bikin sensasi gaming lebih seru
best features: good ride, commensurate with the price: cheap, cheap gamepad but smooth, half throttle but not very accurate. the vibrations make the gaming sensation more exciting
Alhamdulillah paketannya sudah sampai,agak lama, meskipun kardus penyok Alhamdulillah,barangnya bagus& mulus,cm agak bingung bahannya kayak merk jawa
alhamdulillah, the package arrived, it took a while, even though the cardboard was dented, thank God, the goods were good & smooth, but the material was a bit confused, like the Javanese brand
barang bagus,.....proses cepat...rekomen...
good stuff, fast processing. recommend.
Barang sesuai dengan deskripsi, kualitas juga lumayan bagus sesuai dengan harganya. Cuma 1 kurangnya mungkin, untuk penggunaan agak lama terasa panas di telinga.
the item corresponds to the description, the quality is also pretty good according to the price. it's just a lack of possibility, for a long time it feels hot in the ear.
Harga nya murah barang bagus g ada yg cacat. Tpi panasnya lama. Mkasih
the price is cheap, the goods are good, there are no defects. it's been hot for a long time. thanks
Barang oke mulus, cuma kardus agak rusak bikin ngeri
the goods are okay, it's just that the cardboard is a bit damaged, it makes me cringe
Baru nyampe rmh...liat paket sdh nyampe...packingnya mantabs...pake bubble warp trus dibungkus lg pake kardus..lsg dibuka...hbs dibuka lsg dicobain utk kedua tungku dinyalakan bersamaan...hasilnya...puas bgt...panasnya cepat hanya dalam hitungan detik...kompor sdh lsg membara merah dan panas bgt.
Just arrived at home. Look at the package, it's arrived. The packing is excellent. Using bubble warp, then wrapping it again using cardboard.. lsg is opened. HBS is opened. burning red and hot.
Ini keren bngt gan
this is really cool, bro
Sebelum dikirim di cek dulu oleh penjual .. cepat di proses nya
before sending it was checked first by the seller.. fast in the process
Nah saya jg ga kenal sih tetangga, krn terakhir saya tinggalin sblm akhirnya saya sewain tetangga2 saya masih pada kosong heheheh
well, I don't know my neighbors either, because the last time I left before I finally rented my neighbors was still empty heheheh
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Sepadan dengan Harga:oke kabelnya sangat panjang
best feature:great value for money:okay the cable is really long
Alhamdulillah berfungsi dengan baik , untuk pengiriman kurir cepat. Untuk pengemasannya sangat lambat. Pesan tgl 12.12 baru nyampe sekarang.
alhamdulillah works well, for fast courier delivery. for installation is very slow. date message. just arrived now.
Barang jelek... Hati hati beli di toko ini
bad stuff. be careful to buy in this shop
Fitur Terbaik:panjang kabelnya Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan
best feature:the cable length is worth the price:worth it
makasih sis ,baarang sudah sampe dengan selamat
thanks sis, item arrived safely
Pancinya dan gorengannya bahan tipis jd ceet gosong???
the pan and the fried ingredients are thin so they burn quickly?
baguss sudah sya coba, mksihh seller & lazada🙏
nice, I've tried it, thanks seller Lazada
Sangat praktis utk menggiling daging . Mudah dicuci. Pokok nya mantap deh Chopper dari Oxone
Very practical for grinding meat. easy to wash. The main thing is that the chopper from Oxone is great
semoga berkah.. sukses terus yaaa untuk semuanya..
good luck.. success continues for all..
bentuk dan fitur okelah.cuma jack headsheet pendek jd ngak bisa pakai bawaan hp merk lain.
the shape and features are okay. it's just a short headset jack so you can't use other brands of cellphones.
suka bgt...barang cepet bgt bgt deh pokoknya
I really like it. The item arrived quickly. I really like it
Bagus Rapi Indah Normal
nice neat beautiful normal
Ada garansi resmi. RAM besar. Barangnya original 👍.  tapi ini belum dicoba, baru unboxing aja
there is an official warranty. big ram. the goods are original. but this has not been tried, just unboxing
Mantap2 pokoknya the best karna ragu barang gk nyampk jd cod makasih buat sellernya yg welcome n ramah mksih buat lazada n kurir yg the best pokoknya aq suka terbaik deh ada bintang 100 aq kasih semua😂👍😘semoga slalu lancar n amanh bat tokonya❤️😍
it's really great, the best because I doubt the item won't arrive, so cod, thanks to the welcome and friendly seller, thanks to Lazada and the courier, which is the best, anyway, I like it the best, there are stars, I'll give it to you all, I hope it's always smooth and safe, the shop
kualitas barang bagus.. sayangnya barang sama sekali tidak di packing.. saya sarankan meskipun pengiriman menggunakan instant kurir tetap barang itu harus di packing guna menjaga keamanan barang.. terima kasih
the quality of the goods is good.. unfortunately the goods are not packed at all.. I suggest that even if the delivery uses an instant courier, the goods must be packed to maintain the security of the goods.. thank you
mav saya kasih bintang 3 soalnya panci penyok bawahnya . lumayan penyoknya . packing kardusnya rusak semua
mav I give a star because the pan is dented at the bottom. pretty dented. The cardboard packaging is all damaged
respon cepat dan barang sesuai dengan deskripsi..
fast response and item as described..
Problem layar sentuhnya ,lambat sekali buka app nya , tidak bisa di main game.
The problem is the touch screen, it's very slow to open the app, can't play games.
Responsif dn pengiriman cepat, siip.,
responsive and fast delivery, siip.,
barang sudah diterima sesuai pesanan..terimakasih
the goods have been received according to the order..thank you
Barang bagus GK kurang satupun seller fast respon bgt karena salah tulis alamat tp alhamdulilah tetep sampe brgnya👌🏻👍👍
Good stuff, none of the seller's lack of fast response, because I wrote the wrong address, but thank God, the item still arrived
Keren banget... Recomended,,murah tapi gak murahan .. Senang belanjadi sini murah meriah
very cool. recommended, cheap but not cheap... it's easy to shop here cheaply
Aku ga tau apakah ini produk sudah lama bgt di gudang atau gimana, sebenernya produknya bagus bgt. Cuman kalau dilihat lebih detail pisaunya kaya ada sedikit baret2 mungkin baret debu dan kaya udh ada sidik jari orang dan kardusnya udh lumayan rusak ya yg ujung2 nya, kalau untuk kado jadi kurang
I don't know whether this product has been in the warehouse for a long time or what, actually the product is really good. it's just that if you look at it in more detail, the knife looks like it's got a little scratch, maybe it's scratched with dust and it's like someone's fingerprints already and the cardboard is already quite damaged, right, the tip, for gifts it's lacking
keren keyboard nya, sayangnya adanya red switch
cool keyboard, unfortunately there is a red switch
gambar tdk sesuai tdk diberitahukan sebelumnya
Incompatible images are not notified in advance
Harga murah dengan kualitas yg bagus banget ini sangat sangat worth it
this cheap price with really good quality is really worth it
Pesanan sudah sampai. Handpone berfungsi
the order has arrived. handphone works
Semua Berfungsi dengan baik , hanya saja Mpad nya karena bekas di gulung jadi sedikit kaku tertekuk keatas untuk dibenarkan ke posisi yang sebagaimana mesti nya , tak terlalu jadi masalah soal nya kalau sering dipakai pasti lama2 tidak kaku lagi
everything works fine, it's just that the mpad because it was rolled up becomes a little stiff, it bends up to be adjusted to the position it should be, it's not too much of a problem because if you use it often, it won't be stiff anymore
kak saya minta untuk pengembalian barang karena tidak sesuai yang saya pesan . saya pesan yang hot and coll yang di kirim cuma yang hot. saya pesan apa dikirimnya apa gimana nih
Sis, I asked for a return of the item because it didn't match what I ordered. I ordered hot and coll, only hot ones were sent. I ordered what was sent how is this?
kursinya bagus, pemasangan mudah dibantu video youtube fantech. the only problem is PENGIRIMAN SUPER LAMA. produk dikirim dr Jakut ke Jaksel makan waktu hampir 5 hari, itupun harus ditanya2in dulu.
the chair is good, the installation is easy with the help of the fantech youtube video. the only problem is super long delivery. Products sent from North Jakarta to South Jakarta took almost a day, and even then they had to be asked first.
Sip deh pokoknya.......
sip deh anyway.
Hpnya sudah sampe cepet banget ya..pasdibuka semua bagus ga ada kurang terimakasih..
the cellphone arrived really fast.. when I opened it, everything was fine, nothing was lacking, thank you..
terlalu ringan tapi beli aja kalo sangat butuh wireless
too light but just buy it if you really need wireless
Mayan di range harganya
Mayan in its price range
Barangnya Sesuai Deskripsi, sudah saya pakai. Sangat pas dengan tangan saya yang jarinya jempol semua... mantaap. sellernya juga fast response dan komunikatif
the item corresponds to the description, I have used it. it fits perfectly with my hand where the fingers are all thumbs. great. the seller also fast response and communicative
Ada satu kekurangan, ya itu mic tidak bis digunakan 🙏🙏🙏🙏
there is one drawback, yes, the mic cannot be used
produk sampai dgn selamat, seharusnya di repack biar lebih rapi.. ada bundling kartu cuma tdk bisa di klaim bonusnya
the product arrived safely, it should have been repacked to make it tidier.. there is a card bundling but the bonuses can't be claimed
barang bagus
good stuff
sebelumnya beli cuma bertahan 1 tahun , semoga kali ini lebih awet.
previously bought only last year, hopefully this time it lasts longer.
Min mau nya hal sepele gini di perhatikan ya, yg satu nya bermasalah takut nya copot pulak
Min, I want to pay attention to trivial things like this, the only problem is that I'm afraid it will be dislodged
Gila packingnya tebel bgt . wkwkw mantap nih. Recomended !!!
Crazy how thick the packing is. wow this is great. recommended!
barang bagus. respons cepat. thanks
good stuff. quick response. thanks
Berfungsi baik, lengkap dengan keyboard & stylus, unit agak berat dengan keyboard terpasang, sayangnya casing jadi 1 dengan keyboard sehingga jika dilepas unit tidak terlindung case.
works fine, complete with keyboard & stylus, the unit is a bit heavy with the keyboard installed, unfortunately the casing comes with the keyboard so that if you remove the unit the case doesn't protect it.
Keren, barang ori bro sist. Keren pokoknya, murah tapi ga murahan. Sayangnya ga bisa req warna sih hehe
cool, original item bro sist. really cool, cheap but not cheap. Unfortunately, I can't req the color hehe
tidak sesuai
it is not in accordance with
bagus banget..udah dicoba pungsi semua alhamdulillah thx 😍😍
it's really good... I've tried everything, thank God, thx
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:baik bagus banget blendernya berfungsi dengan baik terimakasih ya kak
best features: good value for money: good very good the blender works well thank you sis
Barangnya bagus. Tp pengirimannya lama tertahan di pos Akhir Kurir di Jaksel . Bukan salah penjual sih. Bintang 1 untk Jasa pengiriman Tokped.
good stuff. but the delivery was delayed for a long time at the courier's final post in South Jakarta. it's not the seller's fault. star for tokped delivery service.
Bagus sesuai dengan pesanan Terima kasih semoga awet
good according to the order thank you hope it lasts
ini mah bukan ukurn 1.8 trnyata ini mah yg kecil yah bun
it's not the size. it turns out that this is the small one, bro
Bagus, bagus bagus sih. Ya bagus. Baguslah kalo bagus. Tapi saya bukan bagus
good, good good. the good one. it's good if it's good. but I'm no good
kecewa banget. sumpah gak rekomended. saya pesan, 1 minggu baru sampai, begitu sampai barangnya cacat. trus saya retur barang, ribet pula, ongkos retur ke penjual kita yg bayar. pengiriman brg baru juga lama 5 hari baru sampai, jadi total 2 minggu baru dapet barangnya. dan yg paling bikin kesel responnya, jarang banget, saya chat berulang kali cuma 3 kali dibalas, itupun balasan yg ke-3 harus saya maki² dulu. gak recomended lah.
very disappointed. I swear not recommended. I ordered, just arrived Sunday, when it arrived the item was defective. then I return the goods, it's complicated too, the return fee to the seller we pay. New brg shipments also take a long time to arrive, so a total of just a week to get the goods. and what annoys me the most is the response, it's very rare, I chat over and over again only to be replied to, and that's the reply I have to swear at first. it's not recommended.
barang oke, packing rapi, nyampenya pun lbih cepet dri tgl estimasi, soalnya pakai ninjavan...pokoknya TOP lah...
the goods are okay, the packaging is neat, the arrival was even faster than the estimated date, the thing is using a ninjavan, it's just top.
Barangnya bagu recommended terimakasih admin
the item is good recommended thank you admin
terima kasih banyak seller ramah
thank you very much friendly seller
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Harga produk sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik.
product quality is very good. product price is very good. delivery speed is very good.
Tampilan:simple Performa:gooodd Kualitas:goooddd beliin misua yang kerjanya hampir 12 jam dan dia sangat membutuhkan alat tempur biar tetep semangat mencari nafkah bestie... begitulah kira kira. botol merk ini memang cucok meong gak kaleng kaleng
display:simple performance:godd quality:god bought Misua who works almost hours and he really needs combat equipment to keep his enthusiasm for making a living bestie. that's about it. This brand bottle is indeed a grandson, not a can
gamepad nya terbaik, sesuai deskripsi, mantabss deh, all tombol berfungsi
the gamepad is the best, according to the description, great, all buttons work
kecewa, kondisi mencuat seperti pada gambar, terdapat bagian yg pecah di dalam, saya tidak berani coba menghidupkan, takut konslet, yg pasti saya kecewa dengan barang ini, padahal beli di official store lho
disappointed, the condition is sticking out like in the picture, there are broken parts inside, I don't dare to try to turn it on, I'm afraid of a short circuit, for sure I'm disappointed with this item, even though I bought it at the official store, you know
terima kasih ..paket sdh datang..cuma gak BS d cas .. sama lemot .aj..gpp..harga segitu..
thank you..the package has arrived..just can't charge it..slow..aj..gpp..that price..
Ukuran:muat 10kg Kualitas:standar Harga:murah Masak 8kg daging pakai ini empuk nya tidak merata, malah jadi cape 2x masak nya. Mungkin saya yg masih belum ngerti metode yg baik gmn ya..thank you
size: load kg quality: standard price: cheap to cook kg of meat using this it's not evenly soft, it even gets tired when it's not cooked. maybe I still don't understand what a good method is... thank you
Barang Sudah Di Terima, Belum Di Tester. Semoga gk Ada Kendala Atau Kerusakan. Minusnya Garansi Harus Di Aktifin Manual, Kirain Sudah Aktif Sejak Awal Pembelian. Waktu Mau Aktifin Garansi Di Web Nya Udah Login Tapi Saat Ke Menu "Bantuan" Lalu "Warranty" Selalu disuruh Login Lagi, Pada Saat di klik Login Larinya Ke Profil. Entah Beneran Bisa Claim Garansi Atau Enggk Nantinya Ketika Ada Kendala, Di Lihat ajalah wkwk
Item received, not tested yet. hopefully no issues or damage. minus the warranty must be activated manually, I think it has been active since the beginning of the purchase. when I want to activate the warranty on the web, I'm already logged in but when I go to the "help" menu then &#;warranty&#; always told to log in again, when clicked login it runs to the profile. I don't know if I can really claim warranty or not later when there are problems, just have a look
Fungsinya baik Barangnya oke Semuanya aman Sudah di unboxing dengan baik Semoga awet dan benar ga kelupas ya
the function is good, the goods are okay, everything is safe, it's been unboxed properly, hopefully it will last and won't peel off
Pengirimanan cukup lama dan sexy
fast delivery and sexy
2 tombol ga working mana udah yang urgent fn sama enter hadeh kecewa saya, pas udah order yng red switch saya pikir yaudah blue aja gapapa yang penting bisa kepake dan bagus eh malah dikasih barang sampah najis
the button doesn't work, which one is urgent, fn and enter hadeh disappointed me, when I ordered the red switch I thought it was ok, it's okay, the important thing is that it can be used and it's good, but instead I was given unclean trash
Produk kurang bagus, power nya lemah meski udh diganti kapasitor nya, pengiriman jg lama
the product is not good, the power is weak even though the capacitor has been replaced, the delivery is also long
Mantul good
mantul good
Sudah dterima dan dicoba. Berfungsi dgn baik
received and tried. works fine
barangnya kurang bagus lecet parah,, tdk memuaskan dan pesan warna ungu yg dikirim malah merah,,
the item is not good, it is badly scratched ,, unsatisfactory and the purple color message sent instead is red ,,
barangya bagus bekerja normal. kotak barangnya yg bubar remek tenan, bintang 3 dl , overal Ok
good stuff works normally. The box of goods that was broken up was really crushed, the stars were inside, the overall was ok
barang sampai dng selamat,harga murah,tp sayang plastiknya kyknya kurang kuat,tp sesuai la sama harganya😆😆😆
the goods arrived safely, the price is cheap, but it's a shame the plastic doesn't seem strong enough, but it's the same as the price
Mantull, seller fast response
mantull, seller fast response
bagus smoga awet barangnya
it's good hope it lasts
Pengiriman agak lama mungkin krna byk orderan kali yah. Brang belum dibuka sih krna pesanan punya orang.
Delivery is a bit long maybe because there are a lot of orders. The goods haven't been opened yet because someone's order.
Paket rapi,sesuai dekripsi.
well packaged, according to the description.